oh hi there :)
151 posts
💘Requests open always reader content encouraged ☀️ 542 fans I don’t deserve!! Thank you so much for everything, you guys are my world!
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shigarakis-fifth-hand ¡ 4 years ago
Hi, do u have a masterlist?
no... but now that i think about it i probably should. I’ll begin working on it tonight!! have anything you’re looking for specifically?? <33
11 notes ¡ View notes
shigarakis-fifth-hand ¡ 4 years ago
Libra- I like to have build hidden bases inside of mountains hidden away from the rest of the world, only accessible when you know the secret to get in.
rb this with your sign and the type of minecraft base you like to live in (this is for research purposes). i’ll go first- i’m a cancer and i like to live in the ground like a mole
3K notes ¡ View notes
shigarakis-fifth-hand ¡ 4 years ago
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6M notes ¡ View notes
shigarakis-fifth-hand ¡ 4 years ago
The “Better Half” ; A Poly KiriBaku x Reader Fanfic
Enjoy the series | one two three four five
You woke up from your sleep by the light gleaming through the open blinds, surprised to find yourself wrapped in arms. You slowly rolled over to see Kirishima, sleeping soundlessly. 
You smiled softly, happy to see that he had stayed. Was this a little extreme for a guy you had met? Maybe. But again, you couldn’t help your want for someone to be there. And you had never been one to be average anyway.
You slipped out of his grasp and quickly went into the hallway. You needed to be alone for this. You stepped into Izuku’s room and closed the door behind you quickly before you looked around the room.
As if he was still there, you felt the need to be careful with all his belongings. They were still his, even if he wasn’t physically alive. You sat on his desk chair and looked around his desk. Instead of award ribbons, trophies, polaroids and A+ papers like your desk, his was very different.
Pictures of you and him when you were children went around the edge of his desk. When you had gone to the hero museum in 2nd grade, or when you two had taken Christmas photos. It was almost weird, yet it made so much sense.
He had been happiest in childhood, when the thought of being quirkless wasn’t even there. When he was an equal to all the classmates, never bullied, and treated the same. In a way, he might as well have had a quirk back then.
Bakugo treated him like a friend, classmates didn’t pick on him, and the dream of becoming a hero with you and Katsuki was still a realistic dream. Maybe that’s why he had held onto All Might and his hero dream so much.
Because it reminded him of back in the fanboy stage all of us had went through together, when all we could talk about was becoming a hero like All Might, and when Izuku was still part of that discussion.
The reality of his situation was terribly depressing to think about and accept. Maybe that’s why he got so emotional about you going to UA. He wanted to go too, but if he said that out loud, he would just be picked on more.
Yet, now that you thought about it, he had never talked about a future occupation. He always chooses to listen to others, and never say anything about his own. He lived in his own world of make-believe, and talking about anything else would ruin it.
You got out of the chair, a sudden chill down your spine knocking you out of your train of thought. You stood up and began walking to his bed. Looking among his All Might posters, figurines, and movies.
Before you could keep looking, you heard a light knock on the door. You turned around to see Kirishima smiling at you. His hair was messy, yet he looked happy. “Good morning.” He whispered, walking and wrapping his arms around you.
When he separated himself from you, he couldn’t help but look around. “Your brother was… quite the fanboy. I can’t say I’m not either though. I have a feeling I would have liked him.” Kirishima looked around at all the items surrounding you two.
“Ya… He was… He was amazing. He was always putting people first. He was quirkless… but he still wanted to be a hero.” You explained before feeling Kiri hug you from behind. You stayed there for a moment, just enjoying each other's warmth.
“Ichiko! Breakfast!” Mitsuki’s voice echoes through the hallway as you held onto Kiri’s arm, letting him lead you downstairs and to the kitchen. “Oh! I don’t think I’ve met you before. I’m Mitsuki Bakugo.” The blonde lady shook Kiri’s hand as you entered the kitchen.
“Your mom is sleeping in, we had a rough night last night.” She explained, making something in a pan while you two sat at the table. “Anyways… how’s your sleep, hun?” She asked, finally revealing in her pan what looked to be eggs. 
“R-Really good.” You confessed with a blush, remembering how much you liked sleeping with Kirishima. You two were quiet as Mitsuki handed you two filled plates. “Eat up! I heard you’re training with All Might today.” 
You and Kirishima ate in silence as Mitsuki went around the kitchen, mumbling random song lyrics. Finally, Mitsuki excused herself to go wake up your mother, leaving you two alone as Kirishima finished his food. Kirishima got up first, and you followed, going to the doorway. 
“So… wanna hang out again tonight?” He asked as you nodded slowly. “I’d really like that.” You smiled, but before he could say anything else, you ran and hugged him. “Thank you Eijiro. I loved hanging out with you.” You confessed as he couldn’t help but be overwhelmed with happiness, hugging back.
You two separated, allowing Kirishima to jump on his bike and ride off, waving happily as he left. You grinned like an idiot as you walked back into the house. There stood Inko and Mitsuki, suitcases in hand. What the heck was going on?
“Come on sweetie. I found discount tickets to the beach tonight. If you pack, the three of us can be there by tomorrow.” Inko smiled as you shook your head. “Mom… I can’t. I have training with All Might. The Entrance Exam is in a month. I don’t have too much time.”
“I know dear, but… God, you’re right. What was I thinking? Trying to go off like this…” Your mother sadly put down her bags before you picked them back up. “No, you need to go. You need this. I can stay home.” You explained as Inko sent you a questioning glance. 
“Oh Inko, look at the girl! Responsible! Training for UA! Plus, Katsuki and Hisashi are right across the road! It will only be a few days.” Mitsuki tried to convince Inko, who eventually gave in. “I… I guess. Mitsuki, if you don’t mind, I’d like a minute with Ichi.”
Mitsuki grabbed the last of the bags and rushed out the door to the car, obviously happy to be having a getaway. “Oh sweetie, how are you dealing?” Inko asked, pressing her palm against your cheek.
“I’m… I’m dealing okay. I still feel like I’m gonna cry any minute but, at least I can still eat. It’s good to be distracted by Kiri and All Might.” You exclaimed as your mother nodded. “That’s why I’m leaving Honey. When I get back, we’ll spend all the time together until you go back to school.” 
You nodded as your mom kissed your head and walked out, giving you a last smile before leaving. You locked the door behind her, and sighed. You were alone for the first time since Izuku’s death.
What would you do with this time? Sleep.
You would meet up with Kirishima once you felt alive again. So, with all your energy, you began to walk up the stairs. You were okay, until you looked into Izuku’s room. Like being punched in the stomach, you ran to the bathroom and vomited all the food. Ugh… why…
You sighed, brushed your teeth twice, and went back to bed. You weren’t sick obviously… you just couldn’t with food. It was as if the food didn’t want you. You began to stumble back to bed, a feeling of uneasiness in you as you finally managed to get to your bed.
You flopped on the bed like a dead fish, enjoying the warmth of the bed from the boy who had left. You could smell his cologne, and you could stare out the window and imagine him riding back to your house any hour now. You wanted to learn more about the kind, cute not-so-stranger.
Visions flooded your mind as you floated into dreamland. It was Kirishima and you, just skateboarding. Under you was clouds, and above you was a sunset. It was beautiful. You two skated for awhile, until a ramp came before you, sending you two flying into a pile of sand.
When you got back up, you looked around to see you were at the beach again. Smiling, you went to pull Kirishima’s foot out of the sand. But as he came out, you saw it was Katsuki next to you, and not Kirishima. You weren’t startled.
“You okay?” He asked, grinning as he leaned in. You finally kissed him, enjoying the feeling like in the classroom. Of course, the moment you two touched lips, he disappeared from your view. You looked around, only to be startled to see Izuku.
Standing behind you, he seemed to stare at you with a distant look. You got up and ran to him as fast as you could, nearly tripping. You wrapped your arms around him and held him close, scared he’d disappear too. But he didn’t… 
When you separated to look at him, you began to see his skin turn more pale and gray than usual, and his eyes became black. “I’m dead, but I’ve never felt more alive.” He whispered, grinning creepily.
Shivers went down your spine. No. “No, you’re supposed to be alive. You’re supposed to be here with me! You weren’t supposed to die Izuku!” You sobbed into his shoulder before he looked up at you. 
“We will be reunited in the future. I promise.” He moved through the hair out of your face before turning to dust in your arms. You fell to the ground and began sobbing, missing him. You knew this was a dream, but you wanted to hold him so bad.
You woke up in a panic, changing clothes and quickly throwing on a jacket, baseball hat, and shoes. You ran out the door and to the beach. It was stupid, but you felt the need to go there. Falling to your knees, you stared out at the ocean in despair.
You needed to go see him. You needed to… touch him one more time. You wanted to see his fluffy hair or freckles and know it was okay, like you would if he was alive. You got out of the sand and began to walk back to the sidewalk when a red car pulled up.
You began walking faster, noticing how bare the streets were, and how far you were from home without your skateboard. As you began walking faster, it began driving faster. In a rush of the moment, you ran across to the side of the street. 
Looking behind you, the car drove to the side of the street closest to you. Not even bothering to act like you didn’t notice, you began sprinting as fast as you could down the sidewalk, looking for someone around. Sure enough, it sped up.
Finally you were about to run into someone’s backyard when All Might stuck his head out the window. “Hey Sport! Wanna get lunch?” He grinned like an idiot as you sighed in relief. “Sure.” You walked back to the passenger side and hopped in.
“Sorry for scaring you. I saw you walking from the beach and wanted to get some lunch.” All Might explained was he began driving towards the city. “Oh, it’s fine. I just didn’t know the top hero had a car and got freaked out.”
All Might laughed out loud. “Ya, that’s what my friends say. I started driving only recently, but it’s good for conserving my energy. Plus, I know I could get any car, but this one doesn’t cause any attention.” He turned into the city on one of the many more expensive streets and pulled into a street parking spot.
“I guess a G-Wagon would be a little extreme for someone trying to hide their identity. Heyyy… do you know where we’re going?” You asked as he nodded, smiling happily. You two got out of the car and walked on the sidewalk, holding onto his arm.
You hid your face under your cap whenever you passed any younger people, and used All Might as a blocker when you passed a group of teenage girls. “That is one reason why I’m happy to have my hero form and normal form.” He joked, noticing what you were doing quickly.
“Why? Being All Might is like… the biggest deal in the world.” You smiled at him with confusion. “Yes, but I’ve never been able to drive a car before. And I’ve never been able to go grocery shopping. And I don’t have to have bodyguards around my house anymore.” 
You nodded, kind of understanding where he was coming from. Finally, you two arrived at the restaurant. All Might told the hostess about his reservation, and allowed you to follow her inside.
With all the chandeliers, curtains, and men in business suits, you were happy you chose to wear jeans and not sweatpants. You and All Might sat down, and began talking about UA. “You are applying right?” He asked while looking over the menu.
“I… Yes, yes I am. It’s just hard. Izu wanted to go to UA when we were kids. Being a hero was his one dream.” You laughed sadly, trying not to cry in such a nice place. “It’s just… I feel like life is going too fast.” You explained to All Might.
“I met a stranger two days ago and he already spent the night. Izuku died and I’m already talking to friends and my mom is already going on vacation. I just got out of junior high and I’m already talking about UA.” He nodded, understanding before he sighed and grabbed your hand.
“Life goes fast, and it’s hard to keep up, but if life were to stop then what’s the point?” He explained kindly. “Also… your moms on vacation?! And you didn’t tell me?! Who are you staying with?! You’re a minor!!” All Might exclaimed as you giggled lightly at his humorous confusion. 
“My neighbors across the street are always there for me, and I’m good at keeping myself company. I just invite a few friends over and they keep me company.”
“You aren’t thinking of inviting that boy over, right?” All Might grinned, winking cheekily, noticing you blush. “I… He’s just a friend.” You were quick to make up a lame and obviously false excuse. Kirishima wasn’t just a friend. You two had kissed. You had cuddled with him, and confided in him about everything in just two days.
“Anyways. Let’s go back to UA. I know you’re anxious but it’s coming. The Entrance Exam is the only chance you have to show UA how much you deserve to get in. Plus, Yours Truly is becoming a teacher there as well.” He proudly exclaimed as your eyes bugged out. 
“What?! Really?! How?! That’s amazing!” You smiled at him, letting him enjoy his moment.
“Well, I hate to break it to you but in the next few years my hero career will sadly end. That’s why I was looking for a successor like yourself. Plus, the 1# hero should help the youth. Not only you Young Ichiko, but all the future heroes. If I can make one of them a better hero, then I’ve succeeded in life.”
“Plus, think about all the fun I’ll have!!” You slowly smiled warmly at All Might as he continued to talk about how excited he was to be a teacher. Soon you realized that in reality, All Might really wanted to talk about his excitement towards becoming a teacher.
It was almost funny how the 1# hero who had been through the toughest battles, had so much money, and was worshipped among all was excited to teach a bunch of teenagers. It was the definition of wholesome.
Finally, the waiter came back and took your orders. Without you even mentioning it, All Might ordered your food for you and his. “Oh, and do you want anything to drink?” He asked after telling the waitress your order. “Uhh, water?” You asked as he nodded quickly. “She’ll have water.” He confirmed with the waitress as she smiled and walked off.
All Might grinned at you, almost proud of himself as he began rambling about the other teachers Hizashi and Shota. “I’m going to go wash my hands.” He mentioned before getting up and walking off. You returned to your phone, playing a dumb game, only being interrupted when the waitress came back with your meals.
“Is that your dad? He’s just adorable.” She asked, grinning as she put the food on your table. “I-uh, yes.” You lied. Were you and All Might related? No, unfortunately you could only wish. But was he father-like? Of course.
Every moment you spent with him, it only melted your heart and made you see him like a father-figure more and more. A father-figure happened to be something that you had been wanting for years since your own father had left. And here he was, smiling like an idiot at you.
She quickly left, leaving you to see All Might standing behind her. “Alright, let’s dig in.” He motioned to the food, pretending like he hadn't heard your conversation. Of course, some things were just better unsaid. You talked about how you and Kiri had been training, and about how you were nervous to prepare for the entrance exam. He calmed your nerves though, and you left feeling better then when you had gone in.
He drove you to your house, and dropped you off, happy to see Kirishima sitting on the step of your front porch, playing a game on his phone. He gave you a nod and let you out, watching you walk towards him. “Hey stranger.” You smiled, watching his reaction as he noticed you were there. “Hey. I told my friends about you so much they didn’t believe me, but then I missed you so I left them. They’re getting kind of boring compared to you.” 
You were shocked by the amount of honesty, but it made you smile at the thought of him bragging about you to his buddies and then missing you. You two walked inside, happy to see it was just a few hours past noon. “Let’s order some food.” He smiled, grabbing his phone and calling a pizza place. 
You two laid on the couch, leaning against each other and watching movies that were so cringe they were funny. Suddenly though, a kiss scene came on the movie. They had been best friends, and now had confessed their feelings for one another. You both knew how each other felt about the other, and couldn’t help but glance at one another. “I… I’ll go get you a drink. What do you want? S-” As you passed Kirishima, he grabbed you by the waist, spun you around, and kissed you.
With his one hand on your waist tightly, and his other cupping your face gently, you felt at ease. After such a good day with All Might, you wanted nothing more than to end the night kissing Kirishima. His hands moved down to your ass before he separated his lips from yours to look at you. “Is this… okay?” He breathed heavily, making sure you were okay with this. You nodded, before pushing him down on the couch and getting on top of him. You pressed your lips to his as you felt him touch you all over. “How… about… we move this upstairs?” He asked, watching as you nodded. You were nervous, but excited. Everything was moving so fast, but you couldn’t help but want it. After so much, you wanted something good. Kirishima had made you feel so much better as you mentally recovered, maybe he could help you physically too.
You two walked upstairs, bumping into the walls and almost making pictures fall as Kirishima pushed you against the wall. Finally, you made it to your room and immediately were thrown onto the bed before Kirishima climbed on top of you. He kissed your neck as you pulled on his black hair, loving the feeling of him being on top of you. You put your arms up, not losing eye contact as he pulled your shirt off and then pinned you under him. He kissed your neck, and then your chest. His hands ran along with your lacy bra and then tugged on your jean shorts. Just as you were about to remove them, your phone began buzzing. You couldn’t help but look over to see it was your mom. Trying not to laugh, you grabbed your phone and held it up to your ear.
“H-Hello mom.” You greeted your mother as Kirishima slowly took off his shirt, continuing to look at you with such lust in his eyes. “Hey sweetie. Just calling to tell you that I’m going to book club tonight and won’t be back tonight. I might sleep over at Jani’s if I stay out too late. Maybe you can have that friend come over again. He seemed nice. Anyways, I’ll let you go.” Inko quickly explained as you felt the sudden need to throw your phone and make out with the guy currently kissing your chest. 
“I will do that, thanks mom.” Just as you were about to hang up, your oblivious mother spoke once more. “Oh, don’t forget about UA tryouts next week! Can’t have you missing those! Love you baby.” And with that, your chatty mother hung up the phone, allowing you to finally put your phone away. “Who was that?” He asked, looking up at you with his adorable red eyes. “My mom. She just reminded me about UA tryouts. We’re going to do amazing.” You smiled, kissing his soft lips and taking your shorts off. Just as you were about to kiss him again, he said something. “Yeah, I’m not going to that.” He quickly commented before trying to take off your bra. You stopped him before he could. “Hey, hey. Wait a minute.”
He looked at you, confused and embarrassed. “I- I’m sorry! I thought you wanted me to… nevermind. I’ll go.” He tried to quickly stand up before you grabbed his hand and pulled him back down into a sitting position. Obliviously, you sat on his lap, ignoring the redness on his cheeks as you did so. “Look at me. You are going to the try outs, you are going to do your best, and you’re going to get into the hero course with me. Do you hear me?” You asked, seeing as he refused to look you in the eye. “Eijiro Kirishima. Do you understand? You… are amazing. So what if your quirk isn’t flashy, it’s still very powerful and I know you’ll make an amazing hero one day.” He finally looked up at you, seeing you were sincere in your words. “Do you really think so Ichiko?” He asked, working his arms around your waist and holding you closer to him. “I know so. You know what?” You smiled warmly and got up, walking to your bathroom. Kirishima couldn’t help but watch you from behind, noticing your beautiful figure. 
Finally, you walked back, wearing a large shirt to cover some of you, and holding a box of red hair dye. “I dyed my hair the day before my first day of high school to boost my confidence and it was the best decision of my life.” You smiled, walking back to him and grabbing his hand. “Come on.” You pulled him into the bathroom, sat him on the edge of your tub, and smiled. “Are you sure about this?” He asked, looking nervous. Yet, at the same time, he would never say no to you. He simply couldn’t, you were too much of a goddess, wearing a see-through shirt, bra, and panties. You looked hot. Especially since he was just about to have sex with you. He couldn’t even imagine why you liked being around him, and now you were willing to give your virginity to him. He was so in love with you already, it was insane. He watched your face, finding it cute when you focused on his hair, giving it your serious stare down.
Finally though, you made him bend his head over in the bathtub and wash it out. He became so frantic, fidgeting with anxiety about how he would look. He had never done anything with his hair, letting it grow long and stay its original color. But now, you were going to change that. Acting like you had done this a thousand times, you washed all the dye out and got some of your hair styling cream, the extreme-hold kind, and sticking his hair up. “I promise, this is what all the guys at my high school did and they looked hot!” You explained to him as he couldn’t help but feel self conscious. You had gone to school with guys hotter than him, so why was he the one you were half-naked in front of? Not to mention how he was still shirtless, with just pants and a towel around his neck. He just felt so self-conscious now, especially with the mirror in front of him showing him all his insecurities. 
After you stuck up his hair and waited for it to stay, you pulled him up and placed him in front of the large mirror. He almost gasped, not recognizing himself. The red matched his blood-red eyes, and the spiked up hair made him look like a new person. “It looks so… good?” He stated, almost confused at his sudden love for his hair. Never would he think that he’d be thinking this. “I know. I mean, you looked good before, but I love it. Here, you just have to use this every morning and you can stick it up. Although, it does look cute down too. You do whatever.” You smiled, tossing him the hair crème. “Come on, let’s go watch tv.” You smiled warmly at him and walked down the stairs, hearing him follow you. Kirishima looked behind himself at your room, blushing at the moment just hours ago.
Yet, at the same time, he had got to kiss you. He had got to see you with less on. Again, it was the same thing as a swimsuit, but Kirishima had got to touch you. Kiss you even. You would have let him take you too, and knowing that you trusted him with your goddess-like body was a blessing itself. He just felt so lucky to be with you. Were you his girlfriend? Were you just a friend with benefits? Kiri reminded himself of how you had lost your brother, and were scared of losing someone else, but you two just clicked. It was meant to be. So in a way, you two didn’t need labels immediately. Kirishima would have you for the rest of his life if he played his cards right and got the soulmate of his dreams.
Taglist !!! :
@drbumpkin @bleachbetch @toobsessedsstuff @turtle-deku @1madxson1 @badb1hh @lilacskyura @thesuitelifeofafangirl @b-kitkat20 @simpinforsukka @potatoquing @tspice283
86 notes ¡ View notes
shigarakis-fifth-hand ¡ 4 years ago
The "Better Half" ; A Poly KiriBaku x Reader Fanfic
Enjoy the series | one two three four five
You walked into the room, flustered from Kirishima, and excited to check out your name that was all over social media. You even had your own Facebook Fan Club Group. Quickly, your mom gave you juice and sat you down, wanting to talk about everything. 
She sat by your side on the 2-person-couch, scrolling through fan art, fan group stuff, video footage, and such. I was already on famous birthdays, and had fan accounts on twitter.
You had gained thousands of people who had found and leaked your social media accounts, and had gotten hundreds of dms from classmates, teammates, and family friends. Everyone wanted a piece of the action.
“My baby!! With popularity like this, UA is bound to hear about you!! Gosh, my baby is going to go off and become the World’s Greatest Superhero!! The next All Might!” Inko excitedly fangirled over you, something rare in fact.
Over the years, with all your academic and physical accomplishments, the three of you had gotten so used to Inko ignoring you to give praise to Izuku, since he got none from others while you were practically worshipped for everything you did.
Yet now, as Izuku stared at you two from the kitchen, he saw how happy Inko truly was about you. How her eyes lit up, and her smile was bright. She was practically glowing. As a mother, this was how you were supposed to act.
But with Izuku, this never happened, no matter the act his mom put on. The highest grade he got was A-‘s, and never got all-A-honor-roll like you. 
He never had won a science fair like you, entered a states-level championship like you, gotten 1st place at a swim meet, or been voted Class President every year in middle school.
Izuku realized now how much his mother truly wanted to celebrate everyone of your milestones. How she wanted to be that mom with the perfect child, and shout it to the world. The only reason she didn’t was because of Izuku’s feelings.
Because Izuku didn’t do anything remotely close to you. Izuku was the reason his mother couldn’t be happy with her perfect daughter. It was because Izuku was so useless that neither of you had ever become close to one another.
When Inko was finally done, she sent you up the stairs to bed, saying to get rest for your big day of training tomorrow. “Hey mom, is-“ Izuku poked his head out to talk, only to get interrupted by Inko.
“One second sweetie. Yuno’s mom Michi is calling me. She’s one of the cool moms!” Inko smiled, quickly bringing the phone to her ear and racing out of the room. Izuku sighed sadly before turning and going upstairs to you. He walked into your room and leaned against the doorway.
“Soooo… What did you do while you were out?” Izuku asked, grinning as you continued to text on your phone. You brought it away from your face, fake-thought, and shook your head. 
“Just rode around for awhile. Why?” You asked, looking up at your brother. Izuku was taken back, surprised by your secrecy. Since birth, you two had told each other almost everything, but now… “Come on, I know something happened.”
Izuku began to walk over and sit on your bed when you looked up at him angrily. “Izuku, nothing happened! Stop being such a creep!” You harshly yelled, very annoyed by him prying. You did not want to talk to Izuku about boys, especially now.
Izuku stopped, shocked and hurt by your angry words. “I… okay then. Hey, I was thinking that maybe after school we could-“ He was interrupted by you looking up from your phone again, very agitated.
“I’m sorry, my schedule is packed tomorrow. I have training with my new coach and then I’m hanging out with a friend. Can it wait?” You asked as he felt his heart shatter, the wind being knocked out of him.
“Y-Yep.” Izuku whispered as he began to walk out. “Wait, Izuku!” You yelled, jumping up and running to him in the doorway. Izuku turned, happy to get your attention. Now would be when you would either apologize or want to reschedule plans for another time.
“Did you get my homework from Math and Science?” You asked, fidgeting with a pen while you stood there. “No, I’m sorry. I was just so shaken. up and I-“ You nudged Izuku angrily.
“Baka!! You were shook up? Gosh Izuku, I ruin my favorite relationship for you and you can’t even help me out?” You slammed the door in front of him and locked it. Izuku could hear you return to your bed, plop down, and eat another Pocky stick.
Snap! Crunch.
Izuku stood there, unable to believe what had just happened. Did you just… No. You were just having a mood swing again. It was no big deal… right?
Izuku stood there, listening to you talk to your friends on the phone. You giggled, laughed, and gossiped like normal. It was as if your twin brother hadn’t even gone to the hospital that day.
Izuku began to walk downstairs, only to hear his mother on the phone as well. Nobody cared, and nobody wanted to talk to him. Izuku began to waddle back to his bedroom and open his phone.
0 new messages. 0 new notifications. Just like usual, of course. Izuku began scrolling through the News, looking at all the articles about his sister, when a different article came up.
Teen suicide rate rises to all time high of 19%
Immediately, Izuku began sobbing as he brought a pillow to his face. Izuku had always had tendencies to not want to live, but had also always been scared of death. He had nothing to protect himself with after all.
He wanted to die, but the very thought of it scared him. About to fall asleep, Izuku heard a ping on his phone. How unusual… Izuku brought it to his face, happy to see it was a text from you. ‘Need 2 talk’.
Seconds later, you walked in silently and laid on the rug at his feet. “The first time… when I was attacked, ya know? I ran into the city and got lost. I was terrified. So, since I like high places, I climbed a rusty iron ladder up over 20 stories to the roof.” 
You explained, closing your eyes and reimagining the breathtaking view. 
“It was the red brick office building, the one with the faded Insurance logo on the front, and the rusty ladder on the right side. Gosh, you should have been there Izu. The wind was in my hair, and I was taller than the birds. I felt so connected to it…”
You trailed off, once again getting lost in your thoughts of the view.
 “An-An-Anyways, back to what I was saying!! After I got attacked, I ran all over. And then I met All Might! H-He talked to me about becoming a hero, and then tonight, he offered to train me!!” You smiled at Izuku as he gave you his best fake-grin.
“I’m going to start training with him everyday until the UA entrance exam, and then I’ll get in!!” You jumped up excitedly as Izuku finally let his smile break apart. “But… what about Mom and I?” He asked you as your grin softened.
“Well, I know I’ll miss you, but I need to learn about going on my own. We’re going to be adults very soon, and I need to separate now. Plus, it’ll only be four years, and I’ll be living at home. We won’t be strangers.” You explained, but he wasn’t convinced.
“So… you really want to go to UA?” He asked, staring you right in the eye, hoping you’d deny. Izuku hoped more than anything that you would say no, and that you wouldn’t leave him. You wouldn’t abandon him, all alone while you pursue your dreams.
“Yes Izuku, I really do. I really think it’ll be good for me. I know you don’t think it’s good but I do.” You began to protest as Izuku stood up. “It might be good for you but what about us? What about you and me?!” Izuku cried out as you turned to him.
“To hell with that! I have dreams Izuku! My dream is to go to UA and become a hero! I was always going to do that with my life!” You fought back, growing defensive. “That was my dream too!” Izuku yelled as you suddenly realized what this was about.
“It’s not my fault you’re quirkless Izu.” You murmured as Izuku began crying. “It’s not my fault either! I don’t want this Ichiko! You can’t leave! You’re all I have!” Izuku began sobbing as you became cold. “Then find something else Izuku. We’re not children anymore.”
You stormed out, slamming your bedroom door behind you. Izuku stood there, frozen with emotion. How had a simple talk gone so bad? He just needed you to know how he felt. You just wanted to talk to him about the future.
Most importantly, you twol had argued. You two never argued. It just wasn’t like you to fight, especially in such a screaming sensation like that. 
Izuku’s mind kept replaying the last sentence you had told him before storming out. ‘Then find something else Izuku.’ That had obviously been you telling him to stop being so attached to you.
You had said something about not being children anymore, and now that Izuku thought about it, it all made sense. The way you and Bakugo had become romantic, the way the childhood bullying had intensified, and the way you were slowly drifting away from him.
You were growing up, while Izuku was staying in his childhood. He was still pretending like he could become a hero with his stupid future notebook, and trying to exchange secrets like kids while you went on dates with boys and were training with All Might.
Deku just felt abandoned, sad, and lonely. The people he had put his love in had left him sad and heartbroken. He shut his door and covered himself in blankets, trying to fall asleep when he got visions.
“It was the red brick office building, the one with the faded Insurance logo on the front, and the rusty ladder on the right side.” Izuku got up, frazzled and horrified. Why… Why did he remember those words specifically?
Down the road from the town square, just look for it. Oh god, Izuku had to get out and get some air. He needed to get these horrible thoughts out of his head. He quickly got up, put on his sandals, and ran out. 
“I need to get some air Mom!” He yelled at her, but as he looked back to the living room, he saw her sitting at the table, talking away on the phone. Nobody will even notice… Nobody will ever care if I’m gone.
The night passed when you woke up to your alarm clock, like every other day. This day was different, in fact, today was exciting. Over 1000 notifications shown on your phone, you had your first training session with All Might, and tonight, you would get to see Kirishima. You were ecstatic to say the least.
You put on a new uniform that wasn’t coated in slime, brushed your curls, and did your light makeup of mascara, blush, and tinted chapstick. You quickly ran downstairs, bag in hand, to see your tired brother sitting on the couch. 
You grabbed him and yourself a protein bar and ran out, waving to your mom. On the walk there, Izuku seemed tired and sluggish, as if he hadn’t slept well. You choose not to ask, not wanting him to grow anymore agitated after your fight the night before. 
So you didn’t talk, simply walking the short 3 minute stroll to the gates of your junior high. As soon as you walked through the gates, you were bombarded with your friends, and other classmates crowding around you. In the mix of it, Izuku disappeared from your side.
The topics varied, from your best friends wanting to talk about Bakugou and your safety from the attack, to your admirers wanting to talk about how you defeated a villain, and then of course how it was to meet All Might. Behind a corner, you could see Bakugo glaring at you, watching.
You almost lost your voice throughout the day, talking up a storm with everyone who wanted to talk to you. You were a hero, popular in the media, and someone who radiated girl-power after yelling at Bakugou, the most feared student in the school.
Off in the corner of your eye, you saw Bakugo in the lunch line, ignoring his “friends” and staring off at you once again. Did he feel sorry? Did he miss you? Had he heard about everything? This had been the longest you had gone far without talking.
Lunch time was the first time you got some peace to yourself. You sat at the table with 10 of your good friends, finally able to talk about something good. Bakugo would have been there, but like usual, he was serving detention in the office. 
You began eating your bento when Izuku came around the corner from a hallway. “Hey Ichiko, I’m not feeling well. I think I'm going to go home for the day.” You gave him a confused look as he smiled, as if trying to hide something.
“I’m just so tired, and shook up.” You nodded, understanding as Izuku went to leave, but turned back to you. “Just know that whatever happens isn’t your fault. I love you Ichi.” He waved and left, not giving you time to speak. Weird...
Your friends quickly joined you, and you were finally able to go back to normal conversation about teachers, boys, and of course your friend’s drama with their boyfriends or girlfriends. Life was simple, but unfortunately, lunch ended as soon as it started.
You began walking in the hall with one of your friends, going to class, when she began talking about boys. “Kano and I tried but we just didn’t work out. And then Hikaru, the one I told you about with the longer hair, told me that he has a boyfriend which just makes no sense. Like, he’s gay??”
You laughed at your friend's story as you began walking to class. “What about you? Now that Bakugo is out of the picture, who do you have your eye on?” She asked as you giggled, instantly being reminded of Kiri.
“Well, there’s this-“ Before you could say his name, Bakugo slammed the door from the detention room in front of you. “I fucking knew it! Who is it?! Who the fuck has black hair and it still just soooo attractive?!” He screamed, earning everyone’s attention.
“You like him enough to kiss him on the cheek! Huh?! Who the fuck is it?! I swear I’ll rip them to pieces!” Bakugo screamed as you looked at him, unable to comprehend how he knew about Kiri.
“How do you- You’re such a stalker! Were you following me last night?” You asked as Bakugo’s eyes widened. “Tell me who it is!” He screamed as you shook your head. “No! Stay away from me you creep!” You felt your friend put her arm around you and walk you away from him.
Bakugo sighed angrily, watching you walk away without him. With all the eyes in the hallway on him, he stormed off to his next class. You couldn’t help but feel confused. Was he jealous? Was he hurt? Why did you care so much? You missed him…
You walked through the rest of your classes, all eyes on you after being called out for having a mysterious guy friend. It felt strange and weird, yet at the same time you couldn’t wait to see Kiri tonight.
When you walked into your final class, a sense of emotion walked over you. The last day of junior high before high school… it felt so surreal and fake at the same time. You were excited for the future, but scared.
You gave flowers to your favorite teachers, hugged all your friends and classmates, and took many photos. You were just so excited and sad, it was very bittersweet to leave a place you had gone every day for 3 years.
The worst part was the memories. Here, you have become your own person. You had found your own style, your own clique of friends, and your identity. Here, you had realized that you would become a hero.
Yet again, everyday here had been spent with Katsuki by your side. Six school dances, three school festivals, 4 class field trips, and many times when you would hang out behind the school together.
Finally, the day was over, and you were able to walk out into your first second of Summer. Of course, all the thoughts of relaxation were interrupted by a friendly blonde man by the entrance. 
You were walking out with your friends when one of them looked at something behind you. “Ichi… Do you know that man?” He asked as you turned to see All Might in his weak form, smiling and waving ecstatically. 
You smiled, relieved, and nodded. “Yep, that’s my… uncle. Anyways, I’ll call you guys later. We have training to do.” You explained as a girl to your left smiled. “Ahh yes, you are a hero in the making according to Channel 5 News after all.”
You waved to your group before running over to All Might who leaned against the school gate. “Young Ichiko, you’re looking well after last night.” He grinned warmly as you nodded. “Yea, I’ve had a pretty… eventful day.” You smiled back as you began walking.
He explained to you how he would train you to the max in hopes of making you as powerful as possible for the entrance exam, and would even train you past that until you succeeded him. He also told you about how he was going to be a UA teacher, and would keep a close eye on you always.
You two walked to the quiet beach, and began. He made you move rocks with him standing on it, threw things at you with speed and made you stop them, and of course made you go underwater and control the oxygen to keep you from getting wet.
It was hard, eventful, and left you dramatically breathing, almost gasping for air. And yet, after, you weren’t done. He made you throw rocks into the air and sent them as far as possible. He made you manipulate the ground, and use it to make you faster. 
You also began running miles on the road, All Might flying above you to shout empty commands and uplifting remarks. It was all hard, and you were so tired, but you would do anything to become a hero like him.
Finally, when it was over three hours after school, you fell to your knees, feeling your heartbeat in your eyes and like you were about to throw up. “Well, I guess we can stop here. That was a very good first day, I'm excited to see how you improve tomorrow.”
He grinned, sitting on a rock nearby. All Might stood and helped you back to your feet. “You look just pitiful. Come now, let me buy you some food.” All Might held onto your arm to keep you up as you both began to walk to a nearby café in town.
He bought you a sandwich and a smoothie, tipping the cashier a 20$ bill. Being the 1# hero in the world had its perks financially of course, and All Might was rolling in the dough.
You two walked to a park bench, and sat down happily. You had a lot of fun with All Might, and he enjoyed his time with you. He likes hearing about your life, and your crazy stories. He liked it when you talked about your friends, and your brother.
You were just talking about the one time your friend and you jumped off waterfalls in Hawaii and then had to run from a water snake when you got a text message from Izuku. Your face froze, and your heart rate accelerated.
“Young Ichiko, are you alright?” All Might asked, noticing your happy demeanor turn dark. You stared at your phone as you began shaking. “Oh god, Ichiko?! Are you hurt?” All Might asked as he turned to look at your phone screen. “Oh dear.”
“I’ll miss you.”
“Tell mom I love her.”
Instantly, you quickly went to your tracking app that you had with Izuku and your mom, and looked at Izuku’s location. “He’s… just down the street from the town square. In the Kyoko Insurance Firm?” All Might asked, confused and worried like you. “No… he’s on the building I told him about.”
You jumped up and turned to All Might. “Can you fly?” You asked him as she shook his head. “I used up all my time for the day.” He explained as you began running into town. 
“I just have to run.” You sighed and began running into town, ignoring the burning in your legs and keeping your eyes on your phone. Through the town square, deep into two alleyways, and then down the street. You could already see a small group forming at the base of the building, looking up.
You threw yourself onto the ladder and climbed as fast as possible to the top. It only took a minute before you were staring at your brother who stood on the edge. “You shouldn’t have come here Ichi. I already said goodbye.”
You began to step forward as he turned around to face you. “Izuku, don’t do this. I promise you, you don’t want to kill yourself.” You pleaded as he stared bullets. “My life is useless Ichiko. I’m not athletic. I’m not smart. I’m not powerful.”
You began crying, shaking your head as you heard All Might come up behind you. “Izuku, if you jump off this building I’ll jump too.” You threatened as he shook his head and laughed. “No you won’t. You’re not stupid. Your life is meaningful. You have a bright future Ichiko.” 
The tears kept coming as you shook your head, pleading with him. “Izuku, how can I live the life we dreamed of without you?” You asked as he smiled warmly. “Live life to the fullest, and have no regrets. Live it for the both of us.” Before you could speak, Izuku leaned back off the building.
Like time was slowing down, you ran as fast as you could towards the edge of the building and reached for his hand. The look in his face showed peace as he closed his eyes. You let your arm reach for his, but we’re unable to reach.
As All Might watched this, he felt a rush in his blood as he grew to his hero-form and ran to you. Flying off the building, he was able to use his last ounce of energy to reach his hand around your waist and keep both him and you in the air.
Unfortunately for them both, it gave you a front row seat as you watched her twin brother fall to his death. You cupped your hands around your mouth, your eyes glued to his limp body that laid on the sidewalk.
Screams of horror and worry could be heard below as everyone ran to Izuku. Slowly, All Might lowered you to the sidewalk in the middle of the group. Instantly, you all were recognized. You dropped to your knees, unable to speak or move.
You lightly poked his arm, begging for a response. “I-Izu?” You gasped as blood began to fill uniform shirt. “No! Someone call an ambulance! Somebody, please!” You screamed as loud as you could, fighting against All Might who began to hold you back.
“Young Ichiko, there’s no use.” He whispered as you shook your head, trying your best to fight your way out of his grip. “No! No! He’s not dead! I need to help him, let me go!”
All Might finally twisted you around to face him and spoke to you. “He’s dead Ichiko! He’s dead, and I’m so sorry.” You began crying as you hugged him tightly. “Come now, let’s get you home. You shouldn’t have to see this.” 
All Might began flying you home in his hero form, finally reaching your driveway. You could see that by then, your mother had run out, even leaving the door open on her way to the car.
With the sun setting in the background, All Might sat you on the front porch with him, and let you two sit in silence. Just as All Might was about to say something, dozens of cars pulled up to the street in front, allowing camera men and reporters to spill out.
Obviously, you should have known that the 1# hero and a media sensation in the same place would bring attention. 
“Miss Midoryia, is it true that you witnessed your brother’s suicide?” One asked, not passing the curb to the house but filming you two. “All Might, how do you feel about not being able to save her brother?” Another man asked, trying to get his microphone as close to them as possible.
“I’ll get them out, do not-“ All Might was interrupted by someone rushing through the crowd. “Ichiko?! Ichiko?! Oh my god!” Kirishima pushed through the crowd and ran to you in a hurry. “Are you okay? Why are all these people here? Oh… All Might?”
When he and All Might made eye contact, All Might smiled warmly at you. “I can tell you’re in good hands. I’m going to get these reporters away from here. See you later Young Ichiko.” 
He patted your head and smiled sadly before flying off. Sure enough, more than half the cars followed along. “Shh…Shh.” Kirishima wipes the tears from under your eyes lovingly.
He brought a blanket from your living room and held your hand. “I’m supposing you saw.” You whispered weakly, your voice shaking harshly as Kirishima nodded slowly. “Y-Yea. Oh Ichiko, I’m so sorry.” He wrapped his arms around you as you cuddled on the outdoor porch swing.
“You want to go inside?” Kirishima asked as you shook your head. “I can’t. It reminds me of him too much.” You explained as he sadly held you in his arms. You watched the sun set over the hills, and cuddled deeper into Kirishima.
It was until it grew dark, and you got a call from Mitsuki. Kirishima picked it up and held it to your ear. “Hey Baby. Your mom and I are going to be out for a while, but your mom ordered something pizza for the house for you to eat while we’re gone.”
Mitsuki explained as you nodded. “Okay. W-Wait, can you ask Mom if I can have a friend spend the night?” You asked as Kirishima’s eyes lit up. “She’s not here right now, but I’ll give you permission. It’s not safe for you to be alone right now sweetie.”
And with that, Mitsuki hung up. “D-Do you want to go inside?” Kirishima asked nervously with a blush, noticing you shivering. You nodded, and without even trying, Kirishima picked you up bridal style and brought you inside. 
He sat you on the bar stool, and got you a glass of water from the kitchen. You smiled in a comfortable silence as small tears kept streaming down your face. “D-Do you want a tour?” You tried to smile as Kirishima leaned against the counter. “Of course.”
You got up and grabbed onto his arm as you walked around. “This is the kitchen, and living room. That small room over there is the plant room where all the sunlight is.” You showed him the smaller room with a music speaker and lots of windows.
Upstairs, you began to walk down the hallway. “Here’s my mom’s room, here’s the bathroom, here’s…” You turned to look into the All Might filled, grey room with a welcome sign on the front of the door.
Just thinking of it, you remembered just that morning when you had gone to talk to him. You had told him about your plans for UA, and he had gotten upset. He had been fearful about you two leaving each other. Did that have anything to do with him killing himself?
Seeing you were about to cry, Kirishima put his arm around your waist and pulled you close. You snapped out of it and began walking again. “This is the bathroom. You can shower whenever.” You both blushed as you got to your bedroom.
“Here’s my room.” You began to walk in, causing him to follow you. Your room was a large light painted room with a queen bed next to your huge window with a desk, a full-body mirror, and led lights. You had a big closet, and you had a lot of plants all around.
“Super cute.” Kirishima looked around your room before peering out the window. “There’s… a big tree right there.” He commented as you turned and smiled at him. “Good t know.” He played it off like it was nothing but you knew what he was talking about.
You sat on the bed together, resting your head on his shoulder. “It hurts…” You whispered, feeling the tears building up again. Everything you looked at seemed to remind you of him again and again.
“I know. And it will for a while, but it’s going to be okay. Things have a way of having a good ending, even if it’s bittersweet.” Kirishima tried his best to make you feel better, and in some way, it worked.
You grabbed a blanket and threw it over you two before laying back onto the bed. Kirishima slowly followed, embarrassed yet wanting to lay down with you. You cuddled against him with his back to the window, facing him and cuddling against him. 
You two decided to turn on the tv in your room and give the airless tension with background noise. He wiped your tears, told you funny stories, and made you feel better. He was good at comforting you when you felt at your worst moment.
From the street, Katsuki stared up at the window as he sat on the street curb. He had tried to come by early when the driveway had been filled with reporters, but yet again, the black-haired douche was right there with you.
Now, he had tried to come check on you, cake in hand, when he saw you cuddling with Mr.-I-have-long-black-shiny-hair. Not only that, but in bed. At night. WITHOUT INKO THERE. Katsuki refused to be replaced for his girl by some extra.
Comment if you liked it!!
@drbumpkin @bleachbetch @toobsessedsstuff @turtle-deku @1madxson1 @badb1hh @lilacskyura @thesuitelifeofafangirl
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shigarakis-fifth-hand ¡ 4 years ago
Comment to be added!!!
Reader x Endeavor; Fiery Passion
@communisministicism @daedaep69 @crystal-is-in-the-digiworld @bartallenisbae @bbblackmamba
**done** Shigaraki x Todoroki! Reader; The Mask one two three four five six seven
 @debbiehehe @pnkcts @league-of-bnha @lilcura1209 @x-a-delama-x @bish-ima-clown @axerrri @fearsome-perfect-beauty-eren @kneecapstealingalien @abonshit @maplehuneywrites
Catch Ya Later; Bakugo x Reader one two three
@turkeydinner-jpeg @fourteenow @cookednoodlez @fluffymarshmellowcat @toobsessedsstuff @michikomalandrosworld
The “Better Half”; KiriBaku x Midoryia! Reader one two three four five
@drbumpkin @bleachbetch @toobsessedsstuff @turtle-deku @1madxson1 @badb1hh @lilacskyura @thesuitelifeofafangirl @b-kitkat20 @blazedbakugou @potatoquing @tspice283 @ducking-bullshit @heda-mikaelson
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shigarakis-fifth-hand ¡ 4 years ago
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BAKUGOU KATSUKI is the type to cook your lunch for you without a word from you. He’ll throw it your way when no one is looking— maybe hitting you in the face— and glare at you if you make any attempt to bring it up. He noticed a while ago that you tend to skip lunch, and forego hydration, leading him to throw a water bottle next. Somedays you’ll come to your room to find it clean, Bakugou seated in your chair, feet kicked up on your desk as he grumbles out how annoying it is that you’re late for a study session. A study session you didn’t ask for, but the moment Bakugou found out you were struggling in class he had complained about how he can’t associate with someone failing a class. Though he would never admit it, the fact that you even notice when he’s struggling is astonishing to him, and seeing you try to lessen his struggles is just a reminder of why he loves you.
IZUKU MIDORIYA can’t help but try to help you in every aspect of your life he possibly can, it’s just in his nature. He’ll find himself absent-mindedly cleaning up your room while he’s there, awaiting your arrival. Any promise he makes he always keeps, despite how unrealistic it may seem. You’ll wake up to a cup of tea by your bedside, offering you massages, taking the time to water plants in your room and taking notes in class for you when you’re absent. Izuku adores when you do the same for him, intimate moments when you help wrap and unwrap the bandages on his hands, or cleaning up the training room after a late night of practice. In general, agreeing to train with him a surefire way to his heart. Overall though, there
Keep reading
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shigarakis-fifth-hand ¡ 4 years ago
haha help :)
when you just wrote a bunch about being Dabi’s sister and now people are requesting reader x dabi and you feel weirddddd because you’re still in the todoroki!reader mindset even though it shouldn’t matter because they’re completely different fanfics with completely different storylinessssss ahhhhhh
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shigarakis-fifth-hand ¡ 4 years ago
Jsjsjs okay, poly x reader (Bc I'm a closeted poly irl lmao) How about jirou x reader x momo, but they're all pro-heroes. The reader is like an undercover agent-type hero. (Not like an underground hero, i mean full james bond stuff) But they went to UA with the rest of the class 1a. Maybe they're all at a school reunion & the reader is technically doing cover work in plain sight. An assassin is trying to kill/miam one of the top 10 heroes. Go from there. (Also, thx for telling me abt ur rq💛🥺)
haha heyyyyy. i know it’s been forever but your girl is just getting back into this whole writing thing!! it’s up now!! hope you like it!! keep requesting!! they make my day :))))))
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shigarakis-fifth-hand ¡ 4 years ago
Undercover; Jirou x Poly! Reader x Momo
Jsjsjs okay, poly x reader (Bc I'm a closeted poly irl lmao) How about jirou x reader x momo, but they're all pro-heroes. The reader is like an undercover agent-type hero. (Not like an underground hero, i mean full james bond stuff) But they went to UA with the rest of the class 1a. Maybe they're all at a school reunion & the reader is technically doing cover work in plain sight. An assassin is trying to kill/miam one of the top 10 heroes. Go from there. (Also, thx for telling me abt ur rq💛🥺)
UA’s year of 2048’s 10-year Reunion had people flying in from all over. Iida had to cut his meeting short and fly overseas, Jirou had to miss a concert that she had with her fans, totally forgetting and planning last-minute per usual, and of course, you had forgotten about it until your boss brought something up about it. At first, you had been sad that you would not be able to go and see all of your friends from years ago due to the crazy amount of work that stacked up on your desk, mountain beyond mountains of emails and files, begging you to take their case.
But luckily, going to the Reunion was a case itself, and a very important one. Eraserhead, one of the underground, older heroes, had been beginning to be threatened by an organization of hero-haters on social media. At first, it had all been just petty hate and bickering, until the threats began to pour in from this random account. Police had identified the IP address, only to find nothing beyond that. That’s when Eraserhead began getting “gifts” left outside his door, and notes too. Threatening notes, telling him to enjoy his last days before he was killed by the sender. Your company, the Federal Hero Unit Agency, had begged him not to attend the reunion and stay in his apartment with his husband Present Mic until the situation could be dealt with. But, he had refused to miss a night with his favorite past class. 
That’s when you had been contacted by your Boss personally, and assigned the case of protecting him through out the night, keeping a watch on him while not giving away your identity as an agent and protector. That’s right, you were an FBI agent that dealed with Hero Matters, including but not limited to stalkers, missing heroes, murdered heroes, and keeping track of where, when, and how the heroes were doing mentally. A hero in a bad mental state was a disaster waiting to happen. You had chosen the job, not only because the company was begging you, but you needed to help keep the heroes of the town safe. The heroes would protect the city, and you would protect them. This also gave you reason to keep a close watch on all your past classmates and how they were doing. In a world like your own, you wanted to be the first to know when they got hurt so you could go see them. They didn’t know how but you always knew when and how they were doing.
Checking yourself out in the mirror, you were fairly impressed by the look of the dress you had gotten last minute. A black dress that showed your shoes nicely, fairly simple but also cute. Looked well with your skin tone. “Ready gorgeous?” Your girlfriend Momo walked through the door, glancing you up and down and smiling. You turned to look at her, in her best color of red of course. He wore a low cut dress of course to your dismay that only promised that you two would have fun tonight if she wanted it. “Where’s Jiri?” You asked, surprised when she smiled lightly of getting to see the third to your Three Muscuteers. Your other girlfriend, Jirou, had been on tour of her concert. You would have happily joined her if it hadn’t required taking over a month off of work, which was not allowed. Still, you hadn’t physically seen her in such a long time, and FaceTime had got boring past a week of doing it.
At the same time, you and Momo had more time to yourself, able to fully spend hours and hours making love without Jirou wanting to run off and watch a movie or sing karaoke with her ADHD self. You did miss her though, and would be so happy to see her in just an hour at the school. “I’m so glad your work let you do this. I was not showing up to that party without someone to hold onto, I’m not that independent.” She giggled before turning to look at you both in the mirror. “Aww, we look cute. Hope Jiri didn’t just wear jeans and a shirt like she said she would. I think that was just a joke, but again, would not be surprised.” Momo exclaimed as you two made it to the door of the two bedroom condo on the top floor of the penthouse you rented. The roof allowed you ways to leave your house using your quirk and not be tracked by cameras. The more discreet, the better for your career anyways.
Out the grand doors of the lobby and into the limo Momo had arranged, you two waited eagerly to pull up to the school. UA, the place where everything had changed. You had moved in with Momo as roommates the first year, and from then had began getting romantic. It was only after you lost your virginities that you fully and verbally established a relationship with one another. Momo had promised to keep herself “pure”, but the way you kissed her lips was nothing but like an angel to her, so she couldn’t help herself. For a while, Jirou had only been a close friend for the both of you. Sure, Jirou kissed you but it was only “friendly”. You sent her your nudes, but only to get some feedback on how good you looked. Jirou would try on your clothes and change in your room, but it was only because you were both girls and it was no big deal. Jirou only came along into the relationship after getting drunk at a party and you all learning new ways for three people to touch at once. 
Boy, were you excited to see her. Finally, the limo pulled up to the school, lots of camera flashing following your arrival. Used to it by now, you held your hand up to your face to block the light, pulled your arm over Momo’s shoulders, and pulled her along with you up the stairs and into the building, ignoring all the yelling and questions. Immediately as you entered, a wave of nostalgia entered you as you were remembered of the many days you guys would sit on the couch, eat, and play ping pong, having the news play in the background of heroes and their work or fights. It only fit the aesthetic of what you were all training to be. Some would say you were each other's competition, but you all were friends. There was no doubt about the undying platonic love you all shared. Momo must have felt it too as she squealed and giggled, squeezing your hand and jumping up and down. 
“I have to go to the bathroom. Go ahead of me, alright? I’ll be there in a minute.” You smiled, gave her a wink, and watched her way safely in the room. After having so many villains want you dead, there was no problem being extra careful with the ones you loved, especially after knowing someone dangerous was possibly already in the building. You walked into the ladies room, seeing two girls already there. A woman with a black pixie cut and black dress, sort of similar to your own, stood at the mirror, fixing her makeup. The other had long, bright red hair and dark skin. You nodded to them, smiling as you walked into the stall.
Being as silent as you were trained, you slid out the earpiece and clipped it onto your ear, adjusting the mic to just under your ear, and the sound projector into your ear. You made some noise, then stepped out, nodded to the ladies again, and left. Quickly walking, eager to start your mission, see your girlfriends, and your friends. As you walked into the room, the party seemed to buzz extra loud as everyone saw you. Denki practically tackled you, not changing but from the peach fuzz on his chin and tattoo below his eye. You had seen Denki multiple times in public and when you scheduled to meet up, but this time just seemed special. “My girl! What’s up?! You look- so good!” He exclaimed, his eyes lingering on your figure. “Watch it tiger, this one is taken.” You looked behind him to see Mina, much taller, and with a more alt look to her now. “Yes! You’re dating Momo and Jirou right? They published you in Hero Weekly multiple times. You represent more than you can imagine Y/n!” Deku exclaimed. You smiled and winked at him, seeing that he hadn’t changed but from his hair style, and the fact that Todoroki swung his arm around him. “Good to… see you.” Todoroki mumbled slowly. You knew he meant well, but yet he hadn’t changed as well, personality included. “There she is!!” She turned to see Kirishima and Sero, running up to you full-speed. “Sero! Kiri!” You practically screamed, jumping into the arms of your awaiting guy friends. “God, I’ve missed you!!” You exclaimed, smiling ear to ear. 
“We saw you two days ago, chill dude.” Sero giggled, before separating. “Y/n. Kirishima. Sero. Please refrain from yelling inside.” You all looked behind you to see Aizawa, holding a glass of wine and wearing a suit. He hadn’t aged a day, and yet, the eyebags were just a little deeper. “Sorry Mr. Aizawa.” You grinned, giving him your best apologizing smile. Things haven't changed that much over 10 years. “Although your looks have altered, your personalities haven’t changed. Good.” Your past teacher smiled warmly, for possibly the first time, and walked away. You were about to begin talking to your friends again when you saw Shinso standing behind Aizawa, staring at you with surprise in his eyes. 
Slowly and nervously, he walked up to you. “Y/n…” He looked down at your body and back up you. You couldn’t help but get creeped out, knowing that you and Shinso had once been together, but Jirou and Momo had come into your life. You knew it wasn’t fair to lie to him, so you had broken up with poor Shinso and gotten together with your now girlfriends Jirou and Momo, ignoring the constant calls and desperate messages for months. “Hey Shin. How’s it going?” You asked, smiling and acting as nothing had happened. You two could still be friends after two years, right? You were both over each other and with someone else.
“Good. I’ve been working under Aizawa for a year now, I’m going to become a teacher like him.” He grinned calmly as you smiled proudly at him. “That’s so good! I… I’m really proud of you. Last time, you told me you wanted nothing to do with heroes. And now you want to teach the next generation. I’m so happy!” You exclaimed. Shinso was about to speak, before you felt someone hug you from behind quickly. “Y/n!!” You turned around to see your beautiful girlfriends looking at you, Jirou wrapped around you and Momo smiling off on the side. “My god! I missed you so much!” Jirou reached up and kissed you slowly before returning to hug you. “I missed you too.” You looked down at her outfit and rolled your eyes. She was just wearing a black ruffled top and jeans, and not the dress Momo had bought her. She still looked great though, so you choose not to complain.
After many hours of talking among your former classmates, exchanging contact, and talking about your job, you constantly kept on edge, keeping your eye on Aizawa as he walked around, saying hello to every single student and other teacher, Mic staying beside his side for the most part, and Shinso staying near him for some of it. Watching Shinso, you saw him and how he avoided all his classmates. He didn’t make eye contact with the classmates, and refused to talk to anyone really. He had not changed personalities anyway over the past ten years, and you almost felt sorry for him. At least he had gotten a new girlfriend. You couldn’t help but wonder how he was doing mentally. He looked absolutely ripped, but his undereye bags were terrible and his hair was just as messy since high school.
Finally, the main part started, and you began to get prepared. Holding hands with Jirou to your left, and Momo to your right, you felt a sense of blending in with the audience. You made sure to observe the people around you, and keep your thoughts to yourself as you evaluated each and every person. Finally, your main subject, Eraserhead, stepped into the main room. You left your girlfriends and stepped next to Eraserhead, smiling. “May I? Looks like you’re lonely.” You smiled, seeing that Mic was currently busy, operating the lights and speakers as he pleased. He refused to let anyone else do it but him. “Don’t play me Y/n. I know your job, and I know why you’re here.” Your older teacher looked away from you, before you nudged him playfully. “So, is that a no? Or an absolutely yes?” You smiled playfully as he looked back at you and grinned. “You haven’t changed a bit. Good.” He offered you his arm and you grabbed it, making your way to the seats offered for you. Your boss has made sure you had a seat right next to Aizawa. 
Over the next half hour, speeches were made, food was served, and laughs were shared. It was a joyful time, but you couldn’t help but look for Aizawa. He was all over the place, as if he was trying to get away from you. Finally, people began dancing. Getting nervous, you quickly got up and walked towards the teacher. 
“May I have this dance?” You grinned cheekily at him as he turned to you, unamused by your humor. “How about you leave me alone? I don’t need my former student protecting me. It’s my job as a hero to protect you.” He explained, but you just shook your head, stepping closer. “No way Sir. It is my job to protect you, and only you quite literally.” You winked at him, joking again. Finally, you turned your head and gave him your puppy-dog eyes. “How about that dance?” He nodded and grabbed your, smiling as you both began to make your way to the dance floor.
He told you about his recent retirement, and how he and Mic had been spending their recent times in their secret vacation home down South in the islands. You then began telling him about how you had gotten into a relationship with two of your fellow students, and he told you how happy he was for you all. “You girls were always close. I’m so happy, you deserve as many lovers as you desire.” He commented, making you suddenly so happy. “Mic dated two people once in elementary school. He was… such the player.” You both laughed, before Aizawa looked down at his phone. “Speak of the devil.” You noticed that Aizawa had gotten a text from Mic. “Excuse me for a minute.” Aizawa went to walk away towards the hallway, before looking back at you, seeing your worry. “I’ll be fine. Mic is waiting for me on the balcony.”
You nodded, going to sit down when you suddenly saw Mic looking around. “Has anyone seen my phone?” He yelled out, walking around. It took you a minute to realize it, but you quickly jumped up and looked at him. “Where’s Aizawa?!” You asked him loudly, causing some people to look at you strangely. “I… I don’t know, wasn’t he just with you?” Mic asked, looking at you strangely with confusion in his expression. “Oh god. Oh god!” You ran to the door that Aizawa had walked out, before pulling and pushing on it. It was stuck. Looking around, and then at the ceiling, you began to see a light green, almost neon, mist coming out of the sprinklers. “Everyone cover your mouths!” You screamed, bringing your shirt up to your mouth as the mist began to get thicker in the air. People began coughing, and everyone began freaking out. “Y/n?! Y/n!” You looked over to see Jirou and Momo running towards you. Jirou began to have trouble breathing, coughing and such since her shirt was very thin and not useful as a mask. 
“Momo, make an explosion and get everyone out. I’ll need all the back up I can get. Also, tell everyone to get low. This gas rises high and won’t settle on the ground.” You commanded your girlfriend, before Jirou turned to you. “What about you?” She asked, fear and panic in her eyes. “I’m going to go save our teacher.” You smiled, kissed her cheek, and ran off. Using your quirk, you were able to walk through the walls and see that the door has been blocked off by dozens of pieces of heavy furniture, too heavy for you. Finally, you were able to breathe. “Aizawa?!” You screamed, following the sound of slight mumbling through the dozens and dozens of hallways. 
Suddenly, you heard laughing, and turned around, knowing that the villain was right around the corner. You recognized that laugh… “Shinny?” You called out, hearing the laughing stop suddenly. He knew you were there. And you knew he was there. And he knew you knew he was there.
“Shinny? What are you doing?” You asked, eyes wide. With the way you were pretending, you made sure to look sad and betrayed. “Oh Y/n… I’m sorry.” He whispered at you. Looking out, you saw that they were on the balcony, Aizawa about to jump five stories off, but he wasn’t his normal self. Shinso had Aizawa under his control. “Shinso, please don’t do this.” You mumbled, walking towards him. You had to use Shinso’s love for you against him, something you thought you’d never do. “Oh Y/n, I have to. I have to make a name for myself as a villain, and taking out a big-time hero like this will jump-start my career.” He tried to explain, but you just shook his head. “Now, it’s time. Aizawa-” You interrupted Shinso, keeping him from instructing Aizawa to jump. “You knew I’d get out of there. You know my quirk Shinso. You knew I’d get out. Why?” You asked as you kept walking towards him. “I… I want you to join me Y/n. There’s a little bit of me that still wants to become a villain, but I want to do it with you. Please. Join me.” He reached his hand out towards you, and you instantly grabbed it. 
Walking towards him, you kissed him, and felt his hands grab onto your body. You could tell he wanted this, and you regretted what you would have to do next. You overpowered him, using every ounce of strength, and pushed him to the ground. “Hitoshi Shinso, you are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Everything you say can and will be used against you in the name of law.” You dragged handcuffs out of your pockets and whipped them around his hands, sitting on top of him as you did so. Before he could speak, you got out a piece of tape and stuck it to his mouth. As Shinso panicked, he lost control, and Aizawa quickly fell back onto the balcony, now fully awake and safe. 
“Y/n… I don’t know what happened, he-” You patted his head, smiling softly at the adult man on the ground who was now shaken up and scared. “It’s fine now Aizawa, he’s not going to hurt a fly again. Right Shinny?” You slapped Shinso against the face very softly and smiled, knowing he was hating every second of this. “T-Thank you. I’m sorry about earlier, you did great, I-” You shushed Aizawa, feeling happy about your mission becoming a success. “Just doing my job. You may even call me your hero.” 
The other students and faculty met up with you, all of them acquiring gas masks made by Momo herself, which she was very proud of. Mic was quick to hug Aizawa, and your girls were quick to hug you. They had been scared, not knowing if you were okay or not while they all struggled to get the door open. Finally, Momo had looked up how to make dynamite, and had blown up the doorway and the surrounding halls. Looking out onto everyone, you began to see everyone’s true nature again. Deku had been crying, Shinso had been keeping Izuku sane, Bakugo had been angry at you for going out on your own, and Kirishima was boasting about how manly you were to anyone who would listen. You only stopped for a second before looking down at the street to see Shinso being taken away in handcuffs. “Well, I’ve got to go. Duty calls.” You smiled at your girls, kissing them and beginning to walk away, hearing hoots, hollers, and farewells at your back.
You didn’t need to say goodbye, because it was not. Aizawa and Mic would send flowers to your office, Denki would want to play video games and catch up as if you were still teenagers, Bakugo and Kirishima would invite the Bakusquad over to grill out, you would see your girlfriends at home that night, Deku and Todoroki would want to have a couples getaway, Mina, Asui and Ochako would want to have a Girls Night out, and Iida… Well you saw Iida on missions a lot anyways, and you two were already heavily close. You were close with the entire class, and you were happy to see that even over 10 years, nothing had really changed about life.
Down at the street, you waved to your fellow cops before getting in the front seat next to your partner, and looking at the back mirror towards Shinso. “So… you’re a cop now?” He asked, watching you nod at his question. “Glad one of us is doing something with their life. Good for you.” He remarked as you looked out the window. In the side mirror, you could see Shinso begin to smile. He really was happy for you, and you knew that when he got out of jail, you’d be there for him to, hopefully to help him find his purpose in life too. Maybe he would find his own version of Momo and Jirou.
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shigarakis-fifth-hand ¡ 4 years ago
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OMG guys i just found out about this G R E A T new youtube channel called Unus Annus it’s pretty small right now and not a lot of ppl know about them but they have BIG DREAMS and i know they could be really great big youtubers someday with millions of subscribers and they really need your support
they only need 1 thousand likes on their most recent video which i know is a lot but i really think they can do it and be amazing and achieve their dreams so please consider liking and subscribing so they can make it big uwu <3333333
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shigarakis-fifth-hand ¡ 4 years ago
Bakugo x Reader; Catch Ya Later
Enjoy the series! <3 one two three
   Bakugo sat upright in the hospital chair, sleeping soundlessly with small, light snores. “Katsuki…” A nurturing voice interrupted his dreams, someone trying to wake him. “Ugh, fuck this kid. Katsuki!” Bakugo’s shoulder was grabbed and shook, waking him suddenly. 
“M-Mom?!” Katsuki looked up to see his parents, a terrible sight to see at 2 am. “What are you doing here?!” He asked loudly, picking himself up and dusting off his knees and hands. “Your teachers called us. Apparently you refused to leave and threatened a nurse.” Mitsuki explained as Bakugo rolled his eyes annoyingly. 
“Listen, Y/n is in surgery because of me. I can’t just… not be here when she gets out. I need her to see that I waited for her, and I need to be there for her. It’s my fault she’s here, it’d be terrible to sleep at the dorms while she’s here, alone and terrified.” Bakugo expressed, feeling guilt weighing down his stomach.
   “She’s not alone Katsuki, plus…” Mitsuki looked around at the nurses walking around the hospital, giving the boy the side-eye. “I’m pretty sure you’ve overused your welcome. You can come back to see your little crush tomorrow.” She smiled at her flustered son. 
“Now, let’s go.” Katsuki stood up and looked over at his two teachers who sat together. Aizawa nodded, giving the okay. Katsuki finally walked out, feeling his heartache with every step. He just wanted to see you again.
   Shoto and Shinso luckily got to stay, sitting across from each other in the uncomfortable hallway chairs. “So you and Bakugo are… fighting tomorrow night if I heard right?” Shinso asked curiously as Shoto nodded. “Uh, yeah. He said that Y/n confessed that she liked him or whatever. I think it’s time someone put him in his place.” He explained as Shinso nodded. “Hmm, I see. Where will you be fighting?” Shinso once again asked as Shoto chuckled.
 “The field outside of the dormitories just past the woods. Why?” Sho asked as the other laughed in return. “I just… I find this love triangle of yours so amusing. I didn’t know things like this happened in real life. No offense to you of course. I just never understood it.” Shinso kept talking as Shoto sat there next to him, unamused. This was no tv-show or story line.
   This was Shoto’s life. Y/n was his world, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. “Well it does. And it is. And I’m going to win.” Shoto leaned against the wall and shut his eyes, liking the silence of the hospital hallways compared to the dorms. There was no yelling, no laughing, and nobody getting up to get water in the middle of the night.
   Just as Sho was about to get relaxed though, Endeavor stormed through the doors. “Shoto! What are you doing here?”  He yelled, his loud voice making everything shake around him. “My friend just got out of surgery. What are you doing here?” He asked his father who glared at him angrily. “I just got a very angry text from your teacher’s phone saying that you weren’t going back to the dormitory. Do you know how important it is to get a good night’s sleep? If I stayed up all night whenever a fellow hero got injured, do you think I’d be the top hero? NO!” Shoto rolled his eyes as his father kept yelling.
 “Shoto, just go. He’s going to wake up everyone if he keeps going on like this. Don’t worry, I’ll tell her you wanted to stay.” Shinso comforted the red-and-white-haired boy. “F-Fine. Tell her I’ll be right back in the morning.” Sho told the boy across from him before walking alongside his dad out the door.
   “Like hell, I will.” Shinso laughing lightly, getting up and going inside of your hospital room. She sat there, mindlessly spacing out at the wall before he came in. “Shinso.” She smiled, fully opening her eyes. “How are you feeling?” He asked, hating the look of all the wires connected to you after your surgery. “I’ve felt better.” You grabbed his hand and smiled warmly at him. 
“Thank you for staying with me. I always get so lonely. Your dads are great, but they have classes tomorrow to teach and I know they need to be at least somewhat awake at their job.
   “Yeah, except let’s be honest. Aizawa is never fully awake.” Shinso joked, making you giggle. “Anyways, thank you.” You pulled his hand down, making him lean into you. You gave him a kiss on the cheek and ruffled his purple, fuzzy hair. “I know. I tried to make the other guys stay too, but neither wanted to stay the whole night as I did.. You know how insensitive teenage boys can be.” Shinso lied, trying his best not to smile. 
Little did any of them know that Shinso had sent all of the adults messages saying to come to get their child, hoping it would help his plan even more. He was going to make Y/n fall in love with him if it was the last thing he did, and not those two idiots that were going to physically fight over her.
   “Every boy except you Shinso. Thank you.” You mumbled, before closing your eyes, your hand tightly intertwined with his as you fell asleep. “I love you,” Shinso whispered as softly as he could, running his hand down your beautiful face. “So… much.” 
   The next morning, you recovered smoothly from your surgery and were allowed to heal at the dorms until further notice. Shinso and his fathers were more than happy to help you move some of your stuff there, and you were excited to be out of the hospital. Shinso sat at your side the entire time, only leaving to go to a few of his more important classes, and get you your homework that Aizawa left aside for his son to take to you. 
You appreciated it but noticed how neither Sho nor Bakugo came to see you, no matter even though you texted them that day. Maybe they were just busy, yes. That had to be it.
    Unknowing to you, the two boys you were thinking about were preparing themselves to fight. Just downstairs, Bakugo worked out in the gym, collecting sweat and lifting weights and warming up his muscles to the max.
   Todoroki sat in his room, finishing up the homework while he had the chance. He had been ignoring his phone all day, getting prepared for that night. He stretched out his muscles, warmed up with push-ups, and now was cleaning his room. He knew that the fight would get violent and that it was probably both would be leaving with injuries, especially since neither was the type to quit. Sho knew he had to win, not just the fight, but the ability to confess his love to you without Bakugo trying to mess everything up.
 That way, Shoto would be the only guy who had a crush on you, and he would be able to fully get into a relationship. At least… that’s what he thought.
   Shinso sat on the floor of his room, laying on the fuzzy carpet as he texted you. All he had to do was give the boys enough time to stir up trouble, and then he would bring you out to see the disaster. You’d get mad at both, end up running back to your room, and you’d be all Shinso’s. He planned what he would say, and how he would confess. Surprisingly, he wasn’t nervous like usual. He was excited.
   A few hours passed, the sun began to set, and it was time. Todoroki showed up early, leaning against the wall as he waited for his opponent to show. Bakugo, on the other hand, showed up late. He had a bad idea about this. At first, Shoto wasn’t even sure Katsuki was coming until he saw the spiky blonde hair approach him under the street lights.
   “Now, let’s handle the basics. Nothing too powerful or noisy, since we aren’t even supp-“ Todoroki was interrupted by Bakugo laughing. “You scared Half-and-Half? Or just stalling for time? You know… we could skip all the basics and you can just back out now.” Katsuki grunted as Todoroki shook hs head. “Fine, you say when and we start.” Bakugo chuckled, very aware now about how serious Shoto was. “Fine then. I say now.” And their long fight began.
   Shinso got up out of his room and walked down the long hallways connecting the 1-A and 2-A dorm rooms. Finally, he arrived at your door. A cute little whiteboard on the door that said ‘Hiii! Please knock!’ Now, the fight would be happening blocks down the road where it wouldn’t be so loud, so Shinso needed a good excuse to get you there.
   You opened the door to see your best friend standing there, smiling sleeping. “Hey Shin, what’s up?” You questioned him as he shook his head, wiping away a fake tear. “I just had a bad dream and need to take a walk. Want to join me?” He invited, extending his hand. Not wanting to leave your friend in a state of crisis, and also wanting to break some rules, you nodded. “Let me grab my shoes.” 
   Down the block, Katsuki and Shoto thrashed around, using their quirks to bruise, blister, break, and burn each other. It was nothing but painful for the both of them. Katsuki could feel his insides shaking due to the cold, and Todoroki winced at an explosion he took to the face, causing a very mild burn on his cheek. “Why are you doing this? You don’t have the connection I have with her!” Todoroki yelled at him from across the field. 
“Yes I do. I love her. I hurt her, and now I need to fight to get her back. It’s necessary.” Katsuki explained, heavily breathing and panting, about to pass out. “No you don't. Be her friend, be her best friend even. I don’t care. Just stay away from her romantically. I like her too much to let her go.” Todoroki tried to reason before a random explosion shot near his head. 
   “Shut up!! Shut!! Up!! I’m obsessed with her. The moment she walked in, my life changed. She finds the good in me. She makes me happy. I’m in college now, and I have yet to feel anything for anyone besides her. No celebrity crushes. No girlfriends. She proved to me that I can feel emotions. I’m never going to lose her to anyone.” Bakugo confessed, leaving Todoroki speechless. 
“Well then, I guess we will have to play the long game.” Bakugo prepared, watching the flames emerge from Shoto’s backside. He knew now that Todoroki was dead serious, but good thing that he was too. 
   Shinso and you made your way down the sidewalk slowly, just talking. You told him about how recovery was going, and even made sure to tell him how lonely you were. “Todoroki and Bakugo haven’t even talked to me since I began staying in the dormitories. It is nice though, everyone else has dropped by gifts and stuff in the mornings before school.” You smiled softly at the ground, reminded of all the flowers, gift cards, and food left at your doorstep.
 “They have been acting weird lately since the hospital. I guess you’ll have to talk to them, I’m not that close to them. Too annoying for my taste personally.” Shinso confessed as you giggled, thinking he was joking.
 “They can be a little much, but Shoto is always dying to help me with my homework, and take me shopping. Bakugo, on the other hand…” Shinso looked over to see your eyes sparkling as you smiled like an idiot, and clenched his fist.
   “He has anger issues, and can act like a jerk sometimes. Everyone has their own issues, some more than less. But he means well, and he tries. I think that’s all that matters really.” You thought out loud before you felt a hand on your shoulder. “What about me? What would you say I am?” He asked, turning you towards him as you noticed how close he was suddenly. “You’re nice, and friendly. I don’t know, you’re one of the bros. You were so welcoming into your home, and you’ve really treated me like a sister. You’re like a brother to me. Actually, I’d say you were my best friend.” You grinned at him as he smiled back. You were so naïve and innocent.
   “Best friend? Well…” Before Shinso could say anything, you heard a large explosion in the background. Turning, you saw familiar explosions and ice everywhere. Before you knew it, your legs picked up and you were sprinting towards the crash. “Hey, Y/n wait!” Shinso yelled, running after you, but unable to keep up. You ran blocks, full-on sprinting, until you turned to see a horrid image. Todoroki holding Bakugo’s body, Bakugo knocked out cold. “Oh my god! Shinso! Shinso!” You screamed at the top of your lungs before running to him. “We… We were training, and we went too hard. I hit him at a bad angel and he hit his head.” Sho explained as you examined Katsuki. 
Sure enough, a small stream of blood came from his arm, and another deep gash was on his leg. “Go get Aizawa.” You murmured, beginning to get your phone out of your back pocket. You looked up to see Shoto, still frozen as he stared at Katsuki’s body. “Go!” You screamed, now angry at Shoto.
   Finally, Shinso caught up with you, and froze as he saw Katsuki on the ground. “Help me!” You screamed before turning back to Katsuki. You ripped off a piece of your shirt and brought it to his arm. You made Shinso hold down the small strip of cloth while you dialed the paramedics. After calling, you began to shake the blonde. “Katsuki? Are you okay?” You tried shaking him, or smacking his face slightly, but he had no response. 
“Katsuki… please… please…” You began crying, not even noticing as Aizawa appeared next to you. “Y/n, get away from the body.” He instructed, beginning to pull you away before you pushed his arm away. “No! Please!” You kept staring at Bakugou as Shinso and then Sho had to pull you away from the body. “Please don’t take me away from him! Please!” You began sobbing, before you turned and hugged Shoto, desperate for some attention.
 “Please. Please.” You continued to cry, shutting your eyes tight as the sound of an ambulance filled your ears, but you didn’t care. Bakugo was hurt.
Taglist:  @turkeydinner-jpeg @fourteenow @cookednoodlez @fluffymarshmellowcat @toobsessedsstuff @michikomalandrosworld
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shigarakis-fifth-hand ¡ 5 years ago
Shigaraki & Dabi Headcanons
Anonymous said:
What if shiggy or dabi have a sort of spoiled princess type s/o? 💖💖
warning: daddy kink, other kinks, Shigaraki being vulnerable
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He loves it
Hands down, it’s the best to have a cute girl that he has full control over
You love to act like he doesn’t, but just admit it
You’re his little pet
Yes, he teases you and “bullies” you a little
But he loves it when you whine and he gets to do something about it
One word. Punishment.
You’re his princess, and he loves giving you pet names
“Baby Girl”
You’re his favorite person, and he loves treating you like a kid
You’re pouty and always stubborn, but lucky for you he knows what to do
Pin you up against the wall, put your hands above your head, and whisper softly
He can see the chills run down your spine, and the goosebumps you get when you feel his hot breath on your tender neck
Teasing you is a daily hobby of his, and you’re obsessed
Whether you end up storming out or not, you always end up coming back for more
You like being spoiled, and happen to be very kinky when it comes to pain
Everything combines together to make the perfect relationship for you two
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The moment he met you, he became obsessed with you beyond anyone’s imagination
You’re a goddess, gorgeous and absolutely flawless in every way
He feels the desperate need to worship you’re every move, and wait on you hand-and-foot
The League didn’t know what hit them the night he brought you home, and everyone’s life changed forever
Around everyone else, Shigaraki was mostly silent, shooing everyone away and glaring bullets into your soul
Around you, and only when you’re alone, he kisses your every inch
He praises everything about you, runs his hands through your hair, massages your feet, and feels special just to be in the same room as you
He would never let it show in public, but the entire League can hear the way he talks to you
Calling you the sweetest and most purest of names
Anything you wouldn’t expect, he does with you
He may be obsessed with you, but you have to admit...
You feel the same way about him.
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shigarakis-fifth-hand ¡ 5 years ago
The "Better Half" ; A Poly KiriBaku x Reader Fanfic
Enjoy the series | one   two   three four five
Bakugo stood against the wall, smoking a cigarette and staring at the sky. Surrounding him, chatty nobodies smoked as well, talking among each other. Usually, Ichiko would be leaning up against the wall with him, playfully ridiculing him for smoking while taking puffs every now and then.
Slowly, while the guys around them talked up a storm, Bakugo would bring his cigarette to her lips, and watch her take a puff, never letting his eyes leave her face. She’d stare right back, never breaking eye contact. She was so beautiful.
But now, she was gone, and he was stuck with five of his worshippers who he had never learned the names of, and would never bother with. They were ordinary assholes who he kept around to not feel lonely.
“What about you Bakugo? Which one do you have your eyes on?” The brown-haired one asked as they all turned to face him. Bakugo gave him a look of confusion and anger mixed together. “You know… girls? With that bitch gone, you can have full access to-“
Bakugo grabbed him by the collar and shoved him against the wall forcefully. All of them froze,, staying quiet as Bakugo looked him up and down. “You dare call her that one more time and I’ll smack your skull into this wall. I’ll fucking kill you! Got it?!”
The extra in front of him nodded quickly as Bakugo let go of his shirt, letting him fall to the ground. “Y’all are boring. I’m out.” He sternly announced, picking up his backpack and walking away, down a path and towards the woods that led to his house. 
He wanted to call Ichiko, missing her voice when she wasn’t yelling at him. He wondered where she was after storming out. Her mother would never just let her come home early, and with Deku coming back to school, it was implied she was alone. Katsuki didn’t like the thought of her being alone in the city.
He picked up his phone and called her, the only contact with a photo in his entire phone. It was a photo of you, all tan and pretty with ocean curls and flowers in your hair. Four months ago, the Midoriya and Bakugou families went on a beach trip together.
It had been the best time of your life, spending every waking moment with each other. While Izuku and your parents went to the aquarium and pool and such, you stayed with the Bakugous. 
You got up late, had breakfast with Katsuki, went tanning, bike-riding, swimming, more tanning, hung out on a playground, and then skateboarded around. To end the day, you two would sit on the roof of the hall beach house and watch the sunset.
Katsuki smiled warmly at the memory he missed so much, loving every second of him not having to share you with anyone else. There was no Deku to ruin anything, like he had. “Dammit!” Katsuki exploded, punching the wall as hard as he could.
Deku had ruined everything… Deku had destroyed the only thing Katsuki had ever cared about. Just two days ago, he was going to make love to you, and confirm the feelings you two had for each other after so many years. But no, Deku ruined that.
Then that night, Bakugo let his extras mess around with the wimp while he talked to you all night long, laughing and joking comfortably as if nothing had changed, and then yet again, Deku ran to his sister like a child and ruined everything.
Bakugou wanted revenge… He wanted to rip Deku from his skull and make him pay. He wanted to smack the stupid smile off his dumb face, and tell him how useless he was. No, he wanted to scream. He wanted to scream at him until his lungs burned like hell, and Deku ran out of tears. 
Katsuki continued calling, one after another, growing extremely worried. It was no secret he was protective of Ichiko. She was his best friend, his only friend, and his soulmate. Even when they were younger, he would get angry.
Angry when she climbed a tree too high, or when she got in a fight with boys. Once she went missing, and him being the little 5-year-old he was, searched for her all night with his dad. In fact. Izuku cried the entire time, per usual. Even back then, he had been useless.
Katsuki dropped the board he had in his hands, and began riding along the hiking trail in the forest towards his house. Thinking back, maybe he had been friends with Izuku. Maybe he had liked playing action figures with both the twins, or obsessing about heroes with the brother while Ichiko rolled her eyes.
Just maybe…
He rode around for a while, just thinking. He thought about Ichiko’s dad and what he would do. He thought about UA and if he would make it. Of course he would, right? It was possible. What about Ichiko? There was no way he could leave her. There was also no way she wouldn’t get in.
He’d follow her anywhere. They were soulmates after all, meant for each other, and nothing less of perfection. Deku just needed to accept that he wasn’t the most important guy in her life now, never had been, and never would be.
Katsuki arrived home to see his parents surrounding the tv, which was not normal, but again, not totally weird. He hooked his board onto the back of his bag and began climbing the steps, listening to the noises around him. 
“Oh Inko, they’re showing her again! Oh gosh, she’s so coordinated!” His mother exclaimed happily, her eyes glued to the screen. Ugh… the news? “Oh goodness, I just know she was happy to meet All Might!” Mitsuki talked into her phone, apparently talking to Inko. But why?
“Dear, she’s probably terrified. Not to add to the fact that she left school early for an unknown reason.” Katsuki’s father, who sat by her side, explained to his excited wife. Out of curiosity and frustration, Katsuki walked into the living room.
He gasped a little bit, earning the sudden attention of his parents who finally realized he was home. There, on the screen, on the NEWS,  footage of Ichiko played.
It showed her coming out of the tunnel that led to the town square from our school, and being attacked by a sludge-like creature.
It wrapped around her as she became pale, unable to move or use your quirk to fight back. It strangled her, wrapping around her from all angles. As she closed her eyes, All Might appeared before her, and hit it off, letting her limp body fall to the ground.
It scurried off into the darkness of the tunnel again, and allowed All Might and others to surround her. Then the footage cut, leaving Katsuki staring at the news reporter. 
“Witnesses say that the victim was alright, but in a state of shock as she fled the scene. All Might commented that he believes she will be alright, and is just shook up. Other sources say that she looked traumatized. More on this attack tonight at 10.”
Bakugo stood up and angrily shook the tv. “No! No! No! Where did she go after? Is she hurt? What if something happens to her?” He yelled, before turning back to his parents. 
“What are you doing out of school Katsuki? Classes don’t end for another hour.” Mitsuki asked, giving her son the side eye of disapproval. “I… It doesn’t matter, okay? Shit happened at school and I couldn’t deal with it okay?! But that’s not important! We have to find Ichi!”
Mitsuki giggled at her son before turning to her husband. “Ichiko can handle herself, Izuku will go looking for her. You on the other hand…” She bopped her son on the head, watching his spiky hair turn to a frizzy fuzz.
Katsuki angrily stomped up the stairs, like a child his mother would say, and laid on his bed. He stared at the ceiling intensely, lost in thought. Why wasn’t anyone worried about Ichiko’s whereabouts? 
She was a young, pretty girl in a huge city without anyone. Not to mention probably traumatized. Katsuki rolled over, staring at the photo he had next to his bed of them two. 
Over the years, Katsuki changed his room theme multiple times, switching furniture and wall colors like it was nobody’s business. Yet, no matter the aesthetic or mood of the room, a picture of Ichiko and him next to his bed stayed consistent.
Currently, it was a picture of their first day of high school. Bakugo had been a nervous wreck, but hadn’t told anyone to not seem vulnerable. Of course, he had told Ichiko though. She comforted him that morning, and held his hand secretly the entire subway ride there.
The picture was in front of Midoriya household, the two of them smiling. Katsuki smiled back, loving the way she held onto his arm tightly. Something she had made a habit of since the day she met when she had pulled him around the amusement park, never letting go.
Bakugo wished that she hadn’t let go… ever.
He rolled back over and closed his eyes, thinking of good things in his life. He tried to imagine a world where Ichiko and he became heroes at UA together, then moved in together and got married. At UA, they would sneak into each other’s rooms and skip classes to make out.
They would sit next to each other in class, exchange notes, and would be THE couple in the school. She’d be his, and everyone would know it. Nobody would touch her, and she wouldn’t leave him. There would be no reason to… ever. And to this thought, Bakugo fell asleep soundlessly.
About an hour passed until Bakugou rose, the light from the sunset peaking through his windows. He opened the curtains and sighed, remembering everything from the past day. He remade his bed and began to sit down on the small couch in his room when he heard his mother scream his name.
He dropped his video game controller in a rush and ran to the stairs to see his mother running around. “Keys!! I need my keys!! Oh honey, get my wallet just in case. And my mask, in case there’s sick people. Dang, we should have gotten flowers, right?”
He watched as his mom ran around the house, gathering her things in a spasm as his father ran behind her, trying to help. “What’s going on?” Bakugo asked in his low tone, trying to hide the worry and concern in his voice. “Izuku and Ichiko are at the hospital! I must drive Inko there now!”
Bakugo’s eyes lit up in horror as he ran down to face his mother. “The hell! This is why I said we should have worried about her?! Is she hurt? I’m coming with you!” He screamed loudly as she returned with the same tone.
“Nonsense! Inko is emotionally unstable and so are you! You will do nothing but cause trouble! Surely there’s footage of it on somewhere, now move! I must hurry!” Mitsuki grabbed her purse, kissed her husband, and ran out.
“It’s for the best buddy. Let’s watch the news, there must be something about it on there.” Bakugo’s father calmly walked to the tv and turned it on. Surely enough, there it was. In fact, it was everywhere. You had apparently gone viral.
Bakugo watched the security footage, frozen as if he were a statue. It showed Izuku leaning against the tunnel, about to use his phone when he turned and heard something in the tunnel. He began walking towards it when Ichiko arrived.
With his back to her, she couldn’t see him as she looked around. In the corner of the tunnel, you could see the sludge slithering around Izuku, and covering his mouth.
Ichiko called him, and then the sludge appeared in front of her, holding Izuku. The crowd around them backed away, terrified, as Ichiko fell back in shock. She stared at her brother who was suffocating, and then the large mass of adults that stared, doing nothing.
She stood back up, and raised her hand to the villain. It began wiggling in pain, moving uneasily, until it finally dropped Izuku all together and sludged away. Ichiko ran to her brother and dropped to her knees as the crowd surrounded her. 
She shook him a few times as she cried, before being hugged by a hero everyone knew as Mt. Lady. Suddenly reporters got in her face, almost yelling at her as her tears just kept coming. Katsuki’s blood began to boil.
Finally, Deku was put into an ambulance with Mt. Lady, while All Might flew her out of view while talking to her. The footage then ended as it zoomed out to show three reporters shown at a desk in front. 
“Hey Patricia, isn’t that the schoolgirl from earlier that got attacked by the sludge monster and saved by All Might?” The dark-skinned news anchor in the middle asked the woman on her left. 
“Yes it is. Sources are saying that the victim of this attack is her twin brother who is currently in medical care, but the sludge monster thought it was her and its motive was revenge this time.” The blonde explained to the camera as Bakugo felt his face growing red.
“That fucker! This is all his fault! It’s all his fault! It’s all his fault!” He threw the pillow across the room angrily, trying not to set anything on fire as he threw his tantrum. “I’m going to the hospital! I need to talk to her!” Bakugo put on his shoes before his dad grabbed his shoulder.
“You heard your mother! You leave this place and you’re grounded for the next five months!” He explained as Katsuki lightly pushed him back. “You’re insane! The next five months will mean nothing if she’s not okay!”
Katsuki began yelling, and then something that had never happened before happened. His father began yelling as well. “Her brother is in urgent care! What makes you think that she is capable of talking to a hot-head like you?!”
Katsuki stopped, staring at his father. “She doesn’t want to see you at a time like this! You’re loud and angry and you don’t know how to help people emotionally! What are you going to do when she needs a shoulder to cry on?! Yell at her?!”
As tears began to build up in Katsuki’s eyes, he grabbed the nearest jacket on the coat rack and ran out, forgetting one of his shoes. He didn’t care. His dad was right, and at the same time, so wrong.
Sure, to everyone else, Katsuki was the biggest jerk. But with you, he was different, and only they knew that. He had helped her through her dad leaving, fought off bullies when they were younger, and had let you cry when their cat died. Nobody else knew that, but it was the truth.
Bakugo didn’t care, he just ran. He passed the skate park where you had taught him how to skate, noticing a few people but not paying attention. He passed the abandoned house where they explored each Halloween, and had even broken your arm when falling through the floor.
Finally, he arrived at the beach, not sure how he got there. It was at least a mile and a half away, not to add it was dark and too quiet. But Bakugo didn’t care, at least he was alone. He let the tears fall, accepting them as he watched the ocean.
Unpredictable and dangerous… like himself? It was obvious Katsuki didn’t deserve you, but at the same time, no one did. At least Bakugo knew you wanted him back, and he could give you the life you wanted. He knew what you liked, and what you didn’t. 
Heck, he knew you better than you did.
He sat on the rock, watching the water flow under him, as he thought of you, and all the things you both had done together. There were all the beach visits, the field trips, the play dates, the school dances, and everything in between.
Before Bakugo could turn back, voices in the back took him out of his train of thought. He turned to see a biker and a skateboarder. The same people at the skate park actually.
He thought nothing out of it, until he heard your voice. “Watch out!!” You yelled as you held onto a jump rope that was tied to his dirt bike. He rode around a large street corner, swinging you around. You giggled cutely, enjoying every second of it. 
“Faster!! Faster!!” You yelled as he laughed at your excitement, continuing to accelerate. Bakugo couldn’t believe his eyes. Your brother was in the hospital, you had broken things off with him, and you were hanging out with some douche?
Who was the black-haired kid who pulled you anyways? Was it someone from school? Why didn’t he recognize them? It was nobody on your swim team, and nobody on your volleyball team… Who was he? That should have been Bakugo…
Angrily, Bakugo was about to yell out, before you pulled around a corner and left his view of sight. Bakugo got up, shook the sand off himself, and sighed frustratingly. He would find out who that was if it killed him.
Kirishima and you rode around the city streets, surely making more noise then you were supposed to. But of course, you couldn’t help but laugh hysterically when he turned corners. And your laugh was so cute, he couldn’t help but join.
After all the drama of the day, you needed this. You needed to be able to let go and have fun, especially with a nice stranger who had no idea about any of the incidents of the day. Finally, he stopped in front of an apartment complex.
“Come on, I have something to show you.” He whispered, chaining his bike to the nearby lamppost. You picked up your bike and began to follow him up the sidewalk and to the back of the tall building. 
For a second, you felt awkward, like he was going to try something absurd or sexual. That was, until he showed you a ladder going all the way up. “Lady’s first.” He smiled, grabbing your hand and helping you up like a gentleman.
You couldn’t help but blush. How dumb to think that such a sweetheart could act so wrong. Kiri was a good person, one of the few in the world in fact. He climbed after you, making sure to assure you whenever your balance got wobbly.
“Don’t worry! I climb up here all the time! It’s actually really stable.” He explained, blushing as he accidentally looked up your uniform skirt. It had been purely accidental, but it surely made him feel okay with falling off the ladder to his death. Hot damn.
Finally, you made it to the roof and laid down, not letting go of Kiri’s hand once he joined you. “Trust me. I go up here every weekend to see the stars. Up there, it’s the north star. And over there is the bull.” 
He pointed to the sky, but you couldn’t help but stare at him. “Tell me about yourself Kiri.” You whispered, laying down. He turned to you, blushing as he slowly laid down with you. “I… Well, I go to Mustafa Private Middle School. I’m good with grades, but they could be better.”
You nodded, watching his face as he continued. “I’m average. My friends are average. My family is pretty average, except for the fact that they’re lesbians and I’m an only child. My quirk isn’t that flashy. I’m just… not special.” 
You frowned a little, before noticing hair in front of Kirishima’s face. Using your soft, delicate fingers, you moved the hair out of his face and tucked it behind his ears. “I think you're special. Plus, being basic isn’t the worst.”
Kirishima’s face began to resemble a tomato as he turned to you, desperate to change the subject. “What do you mean by that?” He asked as you sighed, staring at the sky.
“I… Have you seen the news recently?” You asked as he gave you a confused glance. “Not really, I-“ Kirishima’s eyes widened as he looked at you again. Curly green hair to match your beautiful green eyes. The schoolgirl outfit, and of course, the scars on your knees.
“You’re the girl!! The one who… dang you’ve had a busy day.” Kirishima smiled, beginning to laugh lightly. You looked at him, somewhat shocked by his reaction. “Seriously?” You asked, smiling back at him.
“Yea. I’m not going to treat you differently because of it. I’m sure you’ll get a lot of that at home and school. With me, you’re still Ichiko.” He grinned, showing his fanged shark teeth smile.
You grinned, laying down again as you continued to stare at the stars. “So what about you? Tell me about your life, besides today’s news drama and all that.” Kirishima laid next to you, this time closer. You liked it…
“Well, this week itself has been weird. My childhood best friend told me he loved me, and I said I loved him back.” You explained, not noticing Kirishima’s eyes widen in worry. Did you have a boyfriend? Did you really love him? Did he not have a chance?
“I do love him, but at the same time, something happened. Anyways, we were going to… do something, and my brother came to get me and interrupted us. He didn’t see anything though.”
Kirishima sighed, thankful for your brother interrupting. It obviously was that something was.
“Anyways, my friend got upset and made his friends send my brother all these terrible things about killing himself. This morning, they texted him to meet and they beat him up behind the school. I found out, and lashed out on my friend. I promised to never speak to him again, and I ran out.”
Kirishima nodded as you both now sat up, staring at each other. “So that’s why you were there when that thing attacked you. You had walked out of class.” Kirishima finished your story as you nodded, impressed by him.
“Yeah, pretty much. Then I ran off, chilled on a rooftop for sometime, and then my brother called me to meet up. You know what happened next. That was pretty much the last two days for me.” 
Kirishima nodded, understanding before you turned to him to see him smiling. “What are you looking at?” You asked, smirking as he playfully rolled his eyes. “Oh nothing. I’m just glad you and your brother are both safe.”
You began smiling at his genuine statement, suddenly overwhelmingly happy because of him. “You’re too sweet.” You smiled, before suddenly feeling the urge to lean in. Sure, you had just met him, but the atmosphere felt so right.
You both leaned it, wanting it so much, as your lips finally collided. It was just for a short second, but it felt so right. You were about to deepen it when a clock went off on the apartment under you.
“It is Midnight! It is Midnight!” A small china cat with a clock on its stomach rang through your ears from under you. “I better get back home. I have school tomorrow.” You explained, sad to separate your lips from his.
“How disappointing.” He murmured, smiling ear to ear with a blush on his cheeks. You two made your way down the iron ladder and back to the bike and skateboard. What you noticed was that you were holding onto his arm the entire way, like you would with Katsuki. 
You helped him put on his helmet, which was weirdly romantic by itself, and began riding back. Without the rope, you rode next to him the entire time, doing tricks and skating close to him just to giggle. When you finally made it to your house, you were kind of sad.
“Hey Kiri. I have a question.” You asked, picking up your board and walking over to him. “Yes?” He responded, twisting his head in a cute, curious way. “Where are you going to high school?” You asked as he began to blush big-time.
“Well, right now I don’t know and I’m trying to figure it out because I don’t know what I want to do with my life but I also know what my dream is but I don’t know if my dream is possible and-“ You put your finger to his lips as he stopped suddenly.
“If your dream is to go to UA, which I can tell by that little sticker on the back of your bike, you should learn to just say it. Plus, I’m going to try and go to UA as well. We should help each other. I think it’ll be a perfect way to… get close.”
You both blushed at that last part as he began looking at the ground. “I’d… I’d love that. If I’m going to start being not average, I need not average friends! And you’re… definitely not average by all means.” He smiled at you as you grinned innocently.
“Well then, you’ll be needing this.” You took out a pen from your backpack and wrote your number on his hand in pen. “I’ll text you… we should meet up tomorrow and chill, maybe even work out our quirks.” You suggested as he gave the thumbs up.
“I… I look forward to that!!” He exclaimed as you couldn’t help but giggle, blushing a lot from how flirty you both were being. “Well… see you then.” Without thinking, you bent down and pecked him on the cheek before turning away quickly and running inside.
Kirishima stayed there, placing his hand on his cheek as his mind became invaded with images of you. So cute, and yet you were into him? No, he couldn’t assume, but it was safe to make it possible. 
Finally, he began to peddle off, not noticing the green-haired boy staring in the window.
Just half an hour ago, Izuku had been staring out the window intensely, waiting for his sister.. He had just been at the hospital, and as much as his mother tried to help, he wanted to see you. He wanted to see that you were safe, and he wanted you to see that he was safe. 
He could only hope that you hadn’t blamed yourself, and weren’t feeling guilty. Surely you were sulking, feeling shame and pity, thinking it was your fault that he had been attacked. But that simply wasn’t true, and he needed you to know that.
He kept watching, until he heard the doorbell. Was that you? He hadn’t seen you come from the driveway. He made his way down the hall, freezing when he heard Katsuki’s voice. What was he doing here!?
“Oh, Katsuki dear. It’s late, is everything okay?” Inko asked innocently, unaware of a single ounce of the daily drama between her children and the boy standing before her. “Oh, yeah. I was just wondering if Ichiko made her way home yet. I wanted to talk to her.” 
Izuku made a fist, his blood rising to his face as he became furious. Why did he want to speak to you this late? And how did he know you weren’t home? Was everything alright? Oh god, maybe you had hurt herself terribly.
“No, she’s doing her own thing right now. You’ll see her tomorrow, right?” Inko asked as Bakugo became angry. Izuku watched him, hidden behind the corner. Why was Katsuki so angry? He knew you liked doing her own thing at night.
The conversation between them ended, and Izuku continued back to window-watching. It wasn’t as if he had anything better to do then wait for his one and only friend to come home. As time passed, he began to get worried. It turned midnight before he saw any movement down our street.
There skated Ichiko… and a biking figure. With black hair, a black shirt, and baggy blue jeans, it was someone Izuku didn’t recognize at all, not to mention it was too dark to see his face. 
They talked for a bit, both blushing tremendously as you stood there at the edge of the driveway, lit up by the porch light.
Out of curiosity, he cracked the window to listen in. “Plus, I’m going to try and go to UA as well. We should help each other. I think it’ll be a perfect way to… get close.” You both looked at the ground, embarrassed. “I’d… I’d love that.” He responded, a voice filled with light and happiness.
Izuku backed up, unable to comprehend what he was hearing. UA was one of the biggest high schools in the world that trained the youth as future hero students. Hero students… with amazing quirks. Something Izuku didn’t have.
He knew you had an amazing quirk, it was one of your best features. You were practically worshipped for it wherever you went. The ability to turn any item into melted droplets of it and then move it around before turning it into his original state.
Yet, were you UA quality? UA was for the powerful, confident people with the potential to save the world. Fuck, you were perfect for UA. But would you really leave Izuku for UA?
Heck… you left him after he was attacked by a villain for some boy that wasn’t even Bakugo. Izuku wasn’t mad, but he couldn’t help but overthink drastically. Were you growing away from him? Maybe you blamed him for everything. He did too.
The last straw was then when you leaned in and kissed the boy’s cheek. You both blushed, and it was obvious you shared common interests in each other, even from an outsider. You quickly ran inside, very flustered as he held his cheek in awe. 
Upset, Izuku began to get up and fix his wrinkled shirt and shorts. Yet, as he went to close the blinds and hide any evidence that he had been watching, he saw movement in the corner of his eye. 
From the other side of the street and a few houses down, Bakugo stared at the boy on the bike, a bouquet of flowers in his hand. Slowly, the flowers began to burn until they turned to dust. That look, Izuku thought. That look of hatred…
@drbumpkin @bleachbetch @toobsessedsstuff @turtle-deku @1madxson1 @badb1hh
105 notes ¡ View notes
shigarakis-fifth-hand ¡ 5 years ago
HOLY SHIT OH MY GOD DUDE the mask fanfic?? was one of the reasons i started writing because i literally fell in love with it,, like!!! i read the first chapter and then lost the fic, and literally seARCHED FOR IT BECAUSE ITS WONDERFUL I LITERALLY LOVE YOU DFNS,
omfg i’m about to start crying ik everyone says this but this right here just made me so happy omg 😭😭😭 tysm i’m literally crying TEARS
2 notes ¡ View notes
shigarakis-fifth-hand ¡ 5 years ago
Shigaraki x Todoroki! Reader; The Mask
Enjoy the series! Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3 Ch. 4 Ch. 5 Ch. 6 Ch.7
~finale~ please comment and tell me if you liked it!! i put a lot of hours work into this series!!
Down into darkness, it swallowed you up away from the blinding spotlights and windy scenery. You fell back into the bar, and into the very needy hands of your family. “You idiot.” Twice said before patting you on the head. “I was wrong about the situation but… I have a strange feeling everything is going to be alright. We just need to stay strong and… eventually the world will turn out right.” You smiled, reassuring two of your friends who sat there, still shaking. “I… I thought you were going to get taken back. I thought I would never see you again.” Toga admitted, her eyes red and her body shaking from emotion. “I’m not going anywhere Toga. Ever again.” You promised her, looking deep into her eyes, hoping and praying she’d believe you. 
“Shiro…” You looked up to see your brother, standing there, looking as if he’d seen a ghost. “You fucking idiot!” He screamed at the top of his lungs, rushing towards you. You thought he was going to hit you for a second, before he engulfed you in his arms and began sobbing. “Don’t you… ever… do that again.” He cried, holding you as tight as possible. You stayed there for a few minutes, just letting him keep you close until his emotions were sober again. When he separated from you, you saw the eyes of your brother looking back at you, and once again thought about how nothing had changed. He was still your protector, and you were still his kid sister trying to live up to him. The thought of it made you smile.
“Ahh, Shiro. Glad to see you’re back.” Kurogiri appeared in the doorway, seeming to carry a sort-of box with him. “Where is he? Where’s Tomura?” You asked, walking closer to the mist-like man in a hurry. “Well, he had me immediately teleport him to the base once he read your note. When he got here, he saw the news story and began thrashing around. He ended up smashing a vase accidentally, and cutting himself up badly.” Kurogiri explained, and as you got closer, you saw that the box in his hands was a first-aid kit. “... Oh my god.” You immediately began rushing upstairs to Shigaraki’s room, leaving the rest of the group behind. You stormed upstairs and into his room, not giving a care in the world anymore. There, in the bed, was Shigaraki, with his hands and right leg bandaged up tightly. 
“Shiro.” He stared at you for a minute, as if he didn’t truly believe you were standing before him. “You came back?” He murmured as you walked towards him and sat on the bed. “Y-Yes, of course I did. Oh god Tomura, I’m so sorry, I-” You were caught off guard as Shigaraki grabbed your shirt and pulled you closer. “I’m sorry?! How are you going to put everything at risk and then just say I’m sorry?! Who do you think you are? You not only put yourself at risk, but the entire League! If they could somehow trace you back to here, we all would be dead or in prison! Do you have a death threat?!” He screamed, scaring you as he kept four fingers on your shirt collar and pulled you closer. “It was my brother, I couldn’t just stay there.” You tried to explain yourself while also being in shock. Tomura had never yelled at you like this, nor had he ever been physical with you before.
“I- Well, I’m sorry you had to rush for your brother.I’m sorry I can’t say I have family. I’m sorry I don’t know what it’s like to risk death for someone besides you. I’m sorry to say you’re all I have!! I’m sorry-!” Shigaraki stopped yelling as you grabbed his hand and slowly moved it from your shirt collar to around your neck, leaving his thumb up. “I’m sorry Shigaraki, but I’d do the same for you. I’d die for you too.” You confessed, your voice raspy from crying as well as the build-up of emotion. “Y-You would? You…” Shigaraki looked at his hand and immediately took them away from you. “God, I’m sorry Shiro. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” He grabbed you and wrapped his hands around you, pulling you close to him. “It’s alright, we both made mistakes tonight.” You forgave him, smiling as you felt how tight he was holding you. “Never again… Never again…” Shigaraki whispered, beginning to rock back and forth. “So… Kurogiri just said you got cut with some glass. What’s with the leg?” You asked as Shigaraki blushed, very embarrassed. “I may have kicked a wall… but that’s a secret I’ll never tell.” He grinned, kissing you lightly.
Hours later, you found yourself on the top of the building, looking out onto the city lights. Under you was Shigaraki, and then under him was a thick blanket and pillow set. As you laid on his chest, enjoying the shining view, you wondered about everything that had happened to you. With a love for violence, you thought you would never be able to find love. With a dad like Endeavor, you thought you’d never be happy. With a future like UA, you thought you’d never get to be what you’d want. Now, practically everything seemed possible right now. For the first time, you actually felt like you had your whole life ahead of you. For the first time, you felt as if you had a life worth living.
“I love you. You know that, right?” Shigaraki whispered, looking up at your pretty face. “I know. I love you too.” You smiled, leaning down and pecking his lips. “Why me? Why not someone hot or a hero?” He asked, making you giggle. “I don’t know. I guess hot heroes don’t have the personality you have.” You bent down and pecked his lips again, feeling his mouth move into a grin. The witty banter of you two was immaculate, and made you want the moment to last forever. “What about soulmates? Do you believe in them?” You asked, watching him look up into your eyes. “Yes and no. I think they exist because there is no way that you would like me if the universe didn’t already plan for it to happen. No because… there is no way I would have a soulmate who can be so… stupid at times.” You hit him playfully, but couldn’t help smiling as he began laughing.
“Hey guys, get down here!!” Toga appeared in the doorway, wearing her robe and hair in a messy bun. “Look what’s on tv!!” She yelled, before racing back down the steps. You and Shigaraki looked at each other before hopping up and running down into the main living room. You ran right up to the tv, everyone else falling behind you. There, on the tv, was Aizawa. “With the recent events that have taken place over the past week and a half, plus the added information given to us by Miss Shiro Todoroki, we have officially began the investigation into Enji Todoroki, or as some of you may know him as, Endeavor. We will be investigating his children, the accusations of his abuse towards his children and ex-wife, and his mental state as a hero. Right now, Enji Todoroki is being taken into custody until we can get this sorted out. If you know anything, you may call the Anonymous number below.”
Your jaw dropped, and you felt many eyes on you from behind. “Shiro? Thoughts?” Touya asked you from behind, watching as you began smiling. “This… this is…” Tears began slowly falling down your face. Man, Eraserhead meant business when he said he wanted you to come back out of hiding. “Is everything going to be okay?” Shigaraki asked, coming to stand next to you. “Are you kidding?!” You turned to him, smiling ear-to-ear. “Everything is going to be fine.” You got on your tip-toes and kissed him, wrapping your arms around your neck. And you meant it, everything was going to be just perfect.
@debbiehehe @pnkcts @league-of-bnha @lilcura1209 @x-a-delama-x @bish-ima-clown @axerrri @fearsome-perfect-beauty-eren @kneecapstealingalien @abonshit @maplehuneywrites
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shigarakis-fifth-hand ¡ 5 years ago
thank you for the tag <333
favorite colors: blue and green
last song I listened to: rue by girl in red
fav musician: the neighborhood
last movie watched: legally blonde
last tv show watched: criminal minds
fav. character: saiki k
sweet, spicy, or savory: sweet
sparkle water, tea, or coffee??: tea
pets: a dog and a cat
@kirikiribaku @myherowritings @drbumpkin @vixen-scribbles
I was tagged by @foxgloveinspace! Thanks, sunshine <3
Rules: Tag 8 People you’d like to get to know better.
Favorite Color(s): Blue and gray
Last Song Listened To: Like I Do by Slaves
Favorite Musician: singular? blackbear. Band? Probably State Champs
Last Film I Watched: Uhhhhhh. Probably the last Harry Potter movie, bc I just forced my gf to marathon them all.
Last TV Show You Watched: Riverdale bc my gf is obsessed. 
Favorite Character: This is so general omg. Probably Bakugou or Kirishima
Sweet, Spicy, Or Savory: Savory.
Sparkling Water, Tea, Or Coffee: Coffee
Pets: I don’t personally have any but my mom has two cats, Luci (Lucifer) and Fergie.
@screw-yaa @sangeki-x @bakkugouu @boikugou @procrastination-lady @rangerskirt  and anyone else who wants to!
45 notes ¡ View notes