#wilbur simp
cloverlilly91 · 17 days
First posted fic wooo!
This will be short as I am currently on my way to school!
CloverLilly is proud to present a short fluff fic with Simpbur!
Tw for: nothing
Another day, another 24 hours with your boyfriend. Not that you minded! It was just that he was very clingy, and often drowned you in affection and gifts. Today was no different. You were cooking breakfast in the kitchen when you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist. "Morning," said Wilbur, nuzzling his face into your neck. "Morning my dear," you say affectionately, continuing to cook.
You two stayed like that until you gently shrugged him off so you could plate the food, earning you a whine from Wil. He followed you like a puppy, trying to keep you close. You chuckled, his clinginess never failing to amuse you. "C'mon, eat up," you say, shrugging him off again so you could sit down.
Once the both of you finished eating, you began to get ready for work, but it took you a while since Wilbur couldn't keep his hands off you. "Don't go," he whined. "Stay with me, I need you." "Wil, I have to work, and you have a stream to do," you say, kissing his neck to appease him. He moaned softly, always melting at any affection you give him. "But can't you stay with me for the stream?" he pleaded. "Wil," you said with a light laugh. "I have work." Wilbur whined, making it clear that wasn't what he wanted to hear "C'mon, just the first 10 minutes... I'll make it worth it, I swear," he begged, holding you tightly. You sighed, leaning into him "No, Wilbur, I have to go to work or I'll get in trouble," you explained before pulling away from him, earning you a glare. "I'll see you when I get back, ok?" "Fine," Wilbur grumbled, crossing his arms. You gave him a soft kiss on the cheek before making your way out of the apartment, knowing you'd have to comfort your sweet, clingy boyfriend when you returned.
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linnytheseagull · 4 months
Here's how to spot a Mad Scientist:
Is very smart in a specific field
Probably hasn't slept in the past 4 days
Slowly decends into madness/gets obsessed over something to the point where they destroy their lives over it/makes causing general chaos and destruction into their life goal
Here are other minor signs you might want to look out for (doesn't apply to all Mad Scientist):
Very pathetic. A loser, if you will
Is gay
Wears glasses
Has a best friend who is extremely friendly and also a poet
Graying hair despite their relatively youthful appearance
Can be a little bit silly (as a treat)
Note that not all Mad Scientists are actual scientists. The Mad Scientist can be disguised as something else and may try to trick you; do not be fooled. Look for these traits to identify a real wild Mad Scientist.
Now you are ready to go out into the wild and find your very own Mad Scientists to hyperfixate on for the next month! Hope this helped❤️
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rainystressed247 · 14 days
I wonder how Wilbur feels waking up after being revived
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Once a simp, always a simp.
Note: I am slowly crawling back! Thank you for your patience! :D
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celestedoesarttm · 1 month
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@kairithemang0 i tried to draw him seriously but then i realized i haven’t drawn him enough to get a good grip on his design/his Vibe so um. Here
Such hits as Song To Go Insane To by elliotly, I’m Gonna Win by Rob Cantor, Memories and Dreams bc Steve Gabry, Zombie Girl by The Misfits, and Welcome to the Circus came on while I was drawing and I feel like that’s very important 😭
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poraphia · 1 year
could I request wilbur x actor reader who has to travel alot for work and mainly acts in horror movies and that's like kinda what their known for?
thank you!!
"The Biggest Smile For My Biggest Fan"
wilbur x actress!reader 1741 words • 8.14.23 containing ~ mainly general neutral, minor use of "actress", vividly scawy lookin sfx makeup, long distance :o More wilbur content hereee :)
"He said 'I love you,' even if I'm in scary makeup. Even if I'm countries away from his embrace. He said 'I love you.'"
“Did you remember to set your alarms back on? Since I won’t be able to wake you up in the morning for studio.”
Wilbur nodded. His face was still buried in my neck as my arms wrapped around him.
“Okay, I also premade some meals in the fridge for you to warm up so you don’t have to spend too much money on takeout.”
“Mhmm.” He hummed, nose buried into the scent of my collar.
“Oh, and don’t stay up past 2 AM—”
Wilbur’s soft chuckle vibrated against my skin before he pulled away, both hands on my shoulders. “It’s okay, (y/n).” He smiled. “I’m going to be okay.”
It was typical for Wilbur and I not to see each other often in person. There were times when I would have to travel abroad for filming and acting. Then there was Will, who would be on the other side of the country performing big gigs for thousands of people live. Ever since we moved in together though, things felt a bit more domesticated. For the rare times we were able to be in the same house together, we would never leave each other's schedule. Whether it would be me being Wilbur’s alarm clock, or Wilbur being my walking grocery shopping list. The moment we gave each other the house keys it was a sacred promise that we would be there for each other no matter what.
“I just— want to make sure, my love.” I mumbled. A soft smile pulled on his lips before he leaned down to give me a passionate kiss. I held onto his jacket collar tightly, using my tippy toes to reach the tall bastard. Strands of his hair tickled my face, but it was an itch I would miss for weeks. We finally pulled away, staring into each other’s eyes.
“Text me when you land, okay?” He requested softly. His eyes gleamed with the blaring airport ceiling lights. I reached up again to kiss every square inch of his face. His hands wrapped around my wrists as I held the sides of his head. Giggles erupted from him. Even with a peck to the nose, dimples, and the small freckle near his eye, I had to force myself to be satisfied so I wouldn’t miss my flight. Once I pulled away, I caressed my thumb against his cheek. His eyes still focused on me.
“I’ll text you, I promise.”
And with that, we waved each other goodbye before enduring the long process of getting my bags checked to a couple of hours’ flight on the plane to Columbia, where our movie was going to be filmed. I didn’t know much about the movie other than I’ll be starring as a character with a mask stalking the main group of protagonists. Either way, I was excited to be a part of a big film in production yet again, and even more excited to see what ideas and talent will be brought to the table.
Once I landed I took a taxi to the hotel I was stationed to be at, and tomorrow will start the production of costume fitting and script reviewing. Wilbur knew most of the script by heart by this point. Some days when he would be at home most of the time, he could hear me practicing the same lines over and over again, to the point that sometimes he would burst into the room, completing the scene.
I would be standing in the living room with my script on my phone. “You’re not supposed to be here!” I rehearsed. I had to make sure the tone of my voice sounded like I wanted to be in authority like I was feared, but with a hint of worriment, as if I was, in reality, terrified of the situation. “With broken masks and guts used to hang our people, you monsters—”
“You monsters have done nothing but tournament us and pushed us back!” Wilbur cried, bursting through the front door. In a burst of shock, I yelped, tripping over a pillow and falling onto the couch. “ Now weep on your fucking knees, because you don’t know what’s next!” Wilbur would place his guitar and bags down before jumping over the couch, pouncing on top of me.
“Ow—! Wilbur—! Stop!” I screamed between giggles. His hands would be all over my body, tickling my sides.
I smiled fondly at the memories but felt that aching in my chest because I missed him so much already. It was the next day now, and I was headed to the location where most of our production planning would be. It was a big warehouse somewhat to the outskirts of the city. I was greeted by the director, who was a big jolly man with thick black glasses and a fuzzy beard framing his face.
“Hello, hello!” He greeted, eagerly shaking my hand. Confused yet amused, I gladly shook his hand back. “You must be, (y/n) right?” He asked.
I chuckled a little. “Uh, yup. That’s me!” I smiled proudly. He clasped his hands together and grinned.
“I’ve been thinking about your audition since it happened, (y/n)! We’re super glad to have you as part of our team.” He beamed. “Now come, come! We’ll be getting measurements and showing you some prototypes of what your costume may look like. By the end of the day, we should have everything ready for you.” The director turned around, walking toward a small room as I trailed behind. Looking around, I saw the set assembled with blocks while there were drawing boards of what the set should look like after editing it all together.
We walked into the dressing room and the director introduced me to these two women who will be taking my measurements and doing my makeup. After introductions, he left to take care of other stations on the set. I stood on a circular platform as one woman took some fabric measuring tape to get my exact sizes.
Together we all made some small talk like how was my flight, how long they’d been working in the industry, and things of that nature. “So, (y/n), do you have a boyfriend?” Leslie, the one doing my makeup, asked. If there wasn’t a pale white layer of foundation on my face, they would’ve been sure to see the blush creeping on my cheeks.
“I-I do actually. He’s a musician and streamer.” I stuttered. Leslie looked over to Hazel, who was the lady taking my measurements.
“That sounds exciting! A musician and actress together!” She gleamed. “That’s a whole movie in itself, isn’t it?”
“We’re working on a horror movie, Leslie, not a romantic comedy.” Hazel clarified, jotting down the last of my measurements. I chuckled at her little clarification before my phone buzzed on the vanity table. I looked over to Hazel and as if she read my mind, she nodded her head towards it so that I may have permission to answer.
I trotted over toward my phone, realizing it was Wilbur who was calling me. Immediately, I swiped to answer.
“Hey, honey,” I smiled. “What’re you doing calling me at this hour?” I asked.
“(y/n)! I missed you—! And so does chat. Chat also misses you.” He quickly clarified. “If you couldn’t tell, I’m streaming. Can I see you? It feels like I haven’t seen you in ages.”
“You saw me yesterday, Will!” I exclaimed, sitting in the vanity chair.
“Hm,” he hummed. “Not important. Let me see you.” I rolled my eyes before looking at myself in the mirror, eyes widening from how unrecognizable I looked. My face was pure white and half of it was decorated with large, bloodied teeth. Contacts were put in to give me tiny pupils with slight red veins to make it look like my eyes were wide and strained. I had under-eye scars that looked like stitches. Leslie came up to me, holding a detailed red mask of what looked like the devil with the most twisted smile and haunting horns.
“Don’t forget this!” Leslie chimed. I smiled taking it in my grasp. I turned back to Wilbur, who already had his video call on with a silly angle of the camera too close to his face.
“Alright, Will, prepare yourself. Don’t show this to chat because this is a huge spoiler, I’m pretty sure.” I warned. I turned on my camera but made sure it was pointing in my lap. Looking up in the mirror I hovered the mask over my face and then pointed the camera toward the mirror. I watched Wilbur back away from his camera to get a better angle. With one eyebrow raised and a head tilt, he smiled.
“Well, that’s a cool fuckin’ mask but I’m trying to see my (y/n)!” He commented. Slowly, I moved the mask away and his jaw dropped to the floor before a huge smile grew across his face.
“(y/n)! Oh my god, you look so fucking cool! Is that going to be the look for the movie?!” He asked, almost bouncing up and down in his seat like a little boy. I softly giggled, amused by his eagerness.
“Mhmm,” I hummed. “Do you like it?”
“Dude I fucking love it. You look amazing.” He said, cheek resting in his palm. “I wish I could show chat this. You look so fuckin’ cool.” I tried smiling at him, but it only made the teeth look scarier, causing me to laugh. Wilbur noticed my struggle and giggled at my antics.
“Ah, shit, I can’t even give my loving boyfriend a cute little smile!” I exclaimed.
“I love that giant, toothy, monstrous smile anyway, darling! Don’t worry. You’re my cute lil’ demon.” He assured. I sarcastically groaned at the cheesy nickname. He paused, looking at me in admiration before sitting back up. “Alright, well, chat keeps calling me a simp, so I have to go.”
“You are the biggest simp.” I commented.
“Oh, shut up,” he said, squinting at me. “Call me when you get back to your hotel, okay? I love youuuu—”
“I love you tooooooo—” We both dragged the end of our sentence until Wilbur hung up. I leaned back into my chair, an enamored sigh escaping my lips.
Even if he isn’t next to me as I go through the biggest stages of my career, he still finds a way to encourage this heart of mine to pursue my dreams.
a / n ~ sorry this took so long! Mental health hasn't been serving me the best. Reblogs and likes are super appreciated !! Thank you so much for the support <3 Requests open too!
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soot-slvt · 8 months
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maarriiii · 2 years
Simp (Part 1) | Wilbur Soot
A/N: I hate this title. also, oh my god it’s my first ever series!!! A personal thank you to @one-reverie for easing my thoughts about making a series for the first time. Anyways, enjoy this short first chapter.
Summary: An internet interaction with a streamer leads you to a new friend.
Pairing(s): CC!TommyInnit x actor!reader, CC!TommyInnit x gender neutral!reader (platonic)
Warning(s): None.
Italics: tweets or text messages
my masterlist :))
Your phone had been blowing up with notifications lately and the reason for it was quite unusualper se. It all started when a famous streamer, TommyInnit, mentioned you in one of his streams, how he thought your latest action movie was fucking awesome—his words, not yours—and how you were also awesome and gorgeous. His fans had been tagging you in various posts of clips from that moment in his stream on Instagram and Twitter. You thought it was sweet and was flattered by all the positive things they had say about you. You never replied or respond to any of it but you were very much aware. Until one day when you did.
It was in the middle of a two week break from filming. You were on YouTube trying to find something to watch while eating lunch when you came across one of his vlogs. The title ‘I Spent The Week Ruining Amsterdam’ intrigued you, therefore you clicked it. Just from the first few minutes you were already smiling, laughing and gasping at their antics. It made you want to rang a few of your friends, book a flight, and go on a boat ride in the Amsterdam canals. Needless to say, it was an entertaining 17 minutes and 22 seconds of your life.
The idea of you tweeting the video came not long after the video ended. You were washing the dishes when it just popped in your mind, a lightbulb turning on after being tinkered for awhile. You didn’t see the harm in it. A simple shoutout to this funny chaotic young man wouldn’t hurt. Hell, both of your fans would probably be ecstatic by it. With a made up mind, you hurriedly dry your plate and hands, went back to the living room where your phone resides and opened Twitter.
next holiday plans: travel to Amsterdam, rent a boat and travel the canal with some of my closest friends. thanks for the idea and the laughs @tommyinnit
It was only a few minutes later after you tweeted that when you got a text from your publicist. She revealed that you’re already trending for the tweet that you sent and went on to continue about how this would be good for your social and internet image. Although, it’s her job to think like that—and you were very grateful to have someone like Anne be your publicist—you really weren’t all that interested in it and instead asked if the person you tagged had reply to you.
He did. See for yourself.
And of course you did. You opened Twitter, checked your notifications—which was a lot—and there it was. You tapped the screen and it direct you to his tweet that of course made you laugh.
always a pleasure to help someone in need. i’m here if you need me *wink*
You typed back a reply, something simple but you hoped it was funny. It took you a few try to get the right response—being witty and funny doesn’t come easy for you.
I’ll keep that in mind. Also, you know I’m way older than you right?
Later that day, Tommy received multiple texts from his friend, his big brother you could say. Each text was either all capital letters or followed with extreme usage of exclamation mark. Tommy, with his scheming self, decided to gloat about his interaction with you and how you followed him on Twitter now.
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frog-lover69 · 2 months
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doodle comic, spencer loves music and always wanted to start a band buttttt... yeah, its probably just dreaming
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anngelcake · 1 year
I present to you this sketch of wilb
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kairithemang0 · 2 months
Why am I always into the guys who would kill me?
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I feel like I just need better taste in men
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cloverlilly91 · 16 days
Here's part two! Honestly kinda excited to write this haha
Trigger warnings for: Dacryphilia (aroused by tears/sobs), slight obsessive behavior
Contents: User is gender neutral, dating Simpbur, and has just come home from a horrible day at work. THERE WILL BE SMUT IN THIS.
Anyways enjoy!
Wiping tears from your eyes, you pull out your keys and put them into the lock, twisting them and letting yourself into the apartment you shared with your boyfriend. "I'm home," you call out, trying to keep your voice steady and failing, your voice cracking at the end of the last word. In the other room, Wilbur noticed the crack in your voice, quickly standing up and making his way to you. "Are you alright?" he asked, furrowing his brow as he looked at you from the doorway, noticing how your eyes were slightly red. "Who hurt you," he hissed, trying to stay calm as he walked over to you and pulled you close. You buried your head in his chest, blinking back fresh tears.
"No one, I'm fine, Wil..." you murmur, trying not to cry. "Bullshit," Wilbur hissed, tightening his grip on you. His cock twitched in his pants at the sight of your tears, but he knew now wasn't the time. He began stroking your hair with one hand, the other rubbing your back. "What happened, my sweet melody? Who made you cry?" He asked. You shake your head. "Nothing... Just... I messed something up and the customer yelled at me... and my boss took the customer's side..." you explain, choking back a sob. Wilbur's anger flared up, but he didn't let it show. Instead, he picked you up and carried you to the bedroom, placing you on the bed before beginning to shower you with affection. You can't help but smile softly, not knowing how badly your boyfriend wanted to take you right there. "Your boss is a dickhead, and that customer shouldn't have yelled at you," Wilbur said. "It's ok now, alright? You're with me, I won't let anyone hurt you," he continued, his kisses trailing down to your neck.
You can't help but let out a soft whimper, which was exactly what Wilbur wanted. He continued to kiss your neck, his hands roaming and exploring your body. They stopped at your thighs, squeezing the soft skin. "Let me make you feel good," he whispered, unbuttoning his shirt slowly. "Wait, Wilbur what are you-" "Shhhhhh," Wilbur cuts you off, putting a finger to your lips. He began to take off your shirt, kissing your lips while he did so "Just trust me," he said, kissing your chest as he reached for your pants. Your breath caught in your throat as he pressed his hand against your sex, making you squirm. He undid your belt and pulled off your remaining clothes, biting his lip as he looked at you. "Fuck, so pretty..." He muttered, taking off his clothes, his cock throbbing and aching for release.
Putting his hands on your hips, Wilbur teased your entrance with the tip of his length, smirking at how you whined and bucked your hips. Slowly, he pushed himself into you, both of you gasping at the pleasure. Wilbur rolled his hips, pulling out and pushing back in gently, not wanting to hurt you. "Fuck, Wilbur," you whined, clenching around him already. "Shhh, don't say anything dear. Just let me make you feel better," He whispered, dipping his head to place kisses along your chest. You moan softly, wrapping your arms and legs around him, pulling him deeper into you. Wilbur continued softly fucking into you, making you forget about your horrible day. You leaned up, nibbling at his neck as a way to say thank you. Wilbur moaned, picking up the pace of his thrusts. You cry out as he hits a spot that made your head reel, and Wilbur began to aim at that spot with each thrust, chasing that sweet release. "Please.." He whined. "Let me cum inside you baby, let me claim you, let me make you feel good," he pleaded. You gave a nod, and he promptly filled you with his seed. You arched your back as you, too, reached your peak, clenching tightly around him as you came undone. Wilbur loomed over you, panting and catching his breath. You leaned up, capturing his lips in a kiss. He kissed you back, slowly pulling out of you. Wilbur lay next to you, covering the both of you with a blanket as he wrapped his arms around you. "Rest, my dear; you deserve it after the day you've had," he murmured, kissing your forehead. You nod, too tired to speak as you rest your head on his chest, closing your eyes. You felt a hand on your head, gently stroking your hair as if urging you to sleep. With a smile on your lips and your lover next to you, you slowly drifted off to sleep in the comfort of Wilbur's arms.
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zorishy · 6 months
Revivebur/Rowan Redesign
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Alright, here he is, go feral
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rainystressed247 · 11 months
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Alternatively known as ‘when you accidentally worship your enemy’
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dreamlnder · 1 year
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plz dont ask. this just came to me last night :,)
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maarriiii · 2 years
Simp (Part 2) | Wilbur Soot
A/N: Oh wow, thank you so much for all the love for the first chapter!!! It means a lot. Also, i have another fic called Happy (Sad) New Year if you’re interested in seeing. And another thing is that I might update this series weekly.
Summary: You might have a crush on Tommy’s cute tall friend with the glasses.
Pairing(s): CC!Wilbur Soot x gender neutral!reader, CC!Wilbur Soot x actor!reader.
Warning(s): None.
italics: streams
my masterlist :))
After your Twitter interaction with TommyInnit, The same thing happened again, funnily enough, was with a friend of Tommy’s and fellow streamer. You recognized him from the first vlog you’ve watched of Tommy’s, the cute tall one with the glasses. Wilbur Soot was his name or at least that was what people called him. Again, your fans tagged you in various posts, moments caught from his stream. In one of those clips, he jokingly banged his fist on his desk.
“That was suppose to be me, chat! I like them first! It’s not fair. Tommy keeps rubbing it on my face.”
There was another one where he talked about when he first liked you.
“I found this soundtrack, right, chat. And it was from this movie. I searched it up, watched it and just immediately it became one of my favourite films. They played one of the characters in it and I found out they wrote a song from the soundtrack that coincidentally is my favourite.”
The thing that got you though was when he complimented your singing and writing in the song that you wrote. You remembered being scared shitless for that particular role for two reasons. One, you never sang in front of that many people before and it made you nervous. Two, although you loved writing songs—you have a journal filled with unfinished songs—you didn’t think you had the ability to write one that was vital to your character’s arc.
“They have a very good voice in my opinion, no, a great voice actually. And that specific song was quite relatable for me—I’m pouring my heart out here, chat, and here you are calling me a simp. Fine, go ahead, call me a simp. I don’t care. Maybe I am a simp. What about it, chat?”
You thought it was really sweet how he thinks of you and you couldn’t help the slight fluttering in your heart and the butterflies in your stomach when his fans tell him that he has a crush. Also his cute smile didn’t help at all with the sensation growing inside you. Honestly, you could just watch a video of him smiling over and over again.
For days, you keep thinking about him which was frustrating and exciting in some way. You felt like a teenager again, crushing on a boy that smiled at you in passing. You haven’t told anyone about it, knowing that everyone was going to tease you if they knew and would try to convince you to reach out to him. You wanted to, badly even, but life in the spotlight has its ups and downs. You don’t want the paparazzi to be crowding and violating this man’s private life just for the sole reason of trying to find out who you might be dating next.
You were scrolling down YouTube again, filling the time as you sat down in the hair and makeup trailer, when you came across a band. From experience, artists you found on YouTube most of the time was your cup of tea so you clicked on the video titled ‘Taunt’ by Lovejoy. The already enjoyable song got more enjoyable when you saw the familiar face that had been invading your mind. You eyes grew wide, your head no longer bopping, and finally that feeling in your heart returned.
“Don’t smile too much. I’m doing your powder.” One of the makeup artist spoke, moving a brush across your cheeks.
“Oh shit, sorry Sloane.” Yet, you smiled again as the video plays out.
Sloane smirked, looking at your phone screen. “Know one of ‘em? Is that why you’re smiling all of the sudden?”
“I know that tone.” You glared at the older woman beside you. “And yes, I do know one of them if you must know.”
“Which one?”
“The one with the glasses and the hat. The tall one.”
Sloane leaned closer. “He’s cute.”
“You think so?”
“Yeah, I can see why you’re into him.”
“I did not say that I like him.”
“You didn’t have to.” Sloane pointed the brush she was holding at your face. “Your smile already did.”
When you realized Wilbur Soot have a band, the obvious choice was to go on a rabbit hole of listening to their entire discography. It took a few listens but their songs grew on you and eventually made their way into your various playlists—some grew annoyed listening to you repeating their songs. Now that you found a perfect opportunity to try and talk to Wilbur, the only thing that’s left was the execution. You didn’t want to make it too obvious that you’re trying to reach this guy. You could only imagine the article they would write about and you didn’t need to be ask about “a mystery guy” when doing press junkets later on.
“What are you scared of? You’re just posting about this band that you like. You’ve done it a million times.” You said, trying to calm yourself.
With one last inhale and exhale, you began typing. Your heart beating vigorously with each letter that you pressed. It was incredibly ridiculous how nervous you were. You kind of wished someone was there to give you some emotional support but alas you were alone in your trailer.
“Okay, that’s good enough, I think. Not too long, not too short. All that’s left to do is post it.”
Your thumb hovered over the button, still contemplating whether or not this was the right choice. Maybe you should’ve chosen the lowkey route. Just slide into his DM’s like many of your friends did. What if he doesn’t see it? What if he doesn’t interact with it the way his friend Tommy did? What if he turns out to be an absolute dick? The possibilities were endless.
When the waiting and the doing absolutely nothing began eating you out, you decided it’s now or never.
“Fuck it.” You closed your eyes, pressed the button and the deed was done.
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kyulvjy · 1 year
My honest reaction
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