🦌 ALæcetor 🕷
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💫 Mid-20s || (mostly) Hazbin Hotel sideblog 💫 𝕽𝖆𝖉𝖎𝖔𝖉𝖚𝖘𝖙 🦌🕷🐈‍⬛ 𝕽𝖆𝖉𝖎𝖔𝕳𝖚𝖘𝖐 and 🍒 𝕮𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖓𝖆𝖐𝖊 🐍 ... but I don't mind other ships 😉 Banner: @/vivziepop (in twt)
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alaestor · 14 minutes ago
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I'm just saying
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alaestor · 14 minutes ago
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I used to hear a simple song That was until you came along You took my broken melody And now I hear a symphony
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alaestor · 14 minutes ago
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While I know it's a little late, I needed something to practice watercolor with quickly, and I didn't want to end the little event on a sad note! Kept it vague with the "fin." since this pic could honestly just be normal Alastor haha
So let's give Alastor a happy ending, hm?
The curse is lifted but Alastor still finds it difficult. To go from being on edge from the watchful eyes of anyone who passes him to no one batting an eye is hard to grasp sometimes. Alastor still jots in his notebook the new habits of those he's around, he still checks the time frequently with his trusty pocketwatch, and he still keeps as far away from Vox as he can. However, Alastor sleeps more soundly now.
Everyone was quite aghast when their minds cleared. Charlie tries to constantly make it up to Alastor with gifts and things to do for him, which does the opposite effect due to that being not too dissimilar to what she did when she was obsessed. Vaggie's distrust of Alastor is more prevalent than any sort of affection for him, but she generally tries to keep herself away from Alastor. Her stomach never sits right around him, seeing the subtle frantic gaze of his eyes and knowing it was in part due to her. Due to the traps, the forced dressings. Just the forcefulness of her obsessed half unnerves her as a whole. While she doesn't exactly like Alastor, she also can't stand what she had done to him. She tries to pretend it didn't happen until Alastor confronts her at some point.
Angel Dust tries to stay casual with Alastor but backs off when Alastor clearly needs it. And he pushes others, really just Charlie, to back off when Alastor is looking overwhelmed. Angel is still a bit awkward around Alastor, having the same issue as Vaggie and feeling unwell about drugging him. But unlike Vaggie, Angel is willing to push past it and try to make a new friendship with Alastor if he'd welcome it (or at least acquaintanceship). Husk is definitely left with mixed feelings. He obviously doesn't like Alastor due to the man's treatment of Husk before and after the curse was broken. But he can't help but feel like shit for what he was doing to Alastor when he was obsessed. He tells himself Alastor probably deserved it because of how crappy he treats him and due to how sick in the head Alastor is overall anyway. But it always comes back to the feeling that Husk can't quite absolve his actions. He was the type to despise spiking drinks and to top on it all the other shit Alastor had to deal with? Husk doesn't like it, but he had to admit he was guilty and even sorry for what he did. He doesn't make that known to Alastor though, lest he has more fuel to taunt Husk with. Even if in reality he probably could do with a confidence boost. Husk and Angel also have a better relationship. The thing that made them heated with each other is now the thing they bond over. They each talk out their frustrations of what they did and keep an eye on each other if they see the other falling back to old habits.
Niffty on the surface seemed relatively unaffected. She giggles at what Alastor went through and expressed jealousy about having "all the bad boys" after him. Niffty does dust off Alastor a lot more now. Especially after someone touches him. She also doesn't climb onto Alastor like she used to. She asks him for permission a lot more for cleaning his room, touching him, and so on. Lucifer keeps away even more than Vaggie. He practically lived in his tower. It wasn't until ALASTOR was the one coming to him that Lucifer began actually coming back out. Of course Charlie visited to try and encourage him out, but Lucifer didn't want to even be in the same hallway as Alastor due to the guilt he felt. Due to this, Alastor ended up just coming into Lucifer's room unannounced to escape the others (most notably the too apologetic Charlie). No one would expect him in Lucifer's room, so that's where he went. And since Lucifer HAPPENED to be in his room, Alastor might as well rant about any annoyances he has or vent things out. Needless to say, they actually have quite the companionship now. While they still have gripes with each other, Alastor and Lucifer will willingly stand next to each other. Alastor still is hesitant to go full jabbing mode and does still reel in their fighting quite a bit. A habit that hasn't quite gone away from the curse. Lucifer, on the other hand, while can get into it in the heat of the moment, is a bit hesitant to be harsh with Alastor. Since the curse was lifted, Lucifer went from one of his least favorite hotel residents to the one he probably spends the most time with.
Rosie of course feels just awful about what she'd done. Any lunches done, they either go out or Alastor makes the lunch. She fusses over him still, which always leaves Alastor stiffer than comforted. When she does notice him feeling under the weather, Alastor is very quick to brush it off as nothing in such a way that it clearly indicates it's something. Rosie tries to keep to Alastor's comfort but also is definitely one of the few that isn't particularly afraid to push his comfort zone. Both Valentino and Velvette were annoyed. Valentino was upset that Alastor had the power to make even the moth obsessed with him, and he didn't even GET the chance to have even a peck on the lips from the dumb deer. While Valentino isn't nearly as interested in Alastor, he's not blind- Well, he can see well enough that Alastor is appealing visually. So he's not nearly as disgusted as Velvette about having been obsessed with him. Velvette was disgusted about having been obsessed with Alastor because he's a "dusty bitch" as it were. He's old news, obsolete, and she acted like a fool that anyone could've had an inkling of a chance to see. Disgust and embarrassment sum up her feelings, and she makes it known when she sees Alastor.
Vox... doesn't take it all well. He's frustrated and can't help but blame Alastor as if he had control of the curse. He hates him. And he blames him for the stupid feelings that STILL are there. Everything is so scrambled for him. He feels guilty, but at the same time doesn't. He refuses to feel guilt for Alastor. Even when they were "friends", Vox could remember how Alastor still seemed to think he was above him. But then, Vox had absolutely toyed with Alastor who was more or less isolated. He had wanted to do things that, while he's not exactly opposed of others doing them, he himself wasn't exactly interested in doing. Vox decided it's easier to be mad at Alastor than feel remorse and disgust with himself. When they cross paths, he's very cold to Alastor. He wants to relish how he sees Alastor clutch his staff tighter when they have eye contact, or just Vox being in the same room has Alastor moving closer to anybody else. Like he'd rather take his chances with anybody as long as it wasn't Vox. But when he tries to be pleased, something just isn't clicking and instead his head gets fuzzy and he feels like his insides need to come out. So he gives Alastor very little time of day. Maybe a few words or glances, but overall doesn't even give Alastor a cocky smile or sneer. Just an impassive look.
Despite the curse being gone, there are the occasional lapses. Particularly with those Alastor spends the most time with. All the hotel residents try to keep each other in check, Husk and Angel, for example, catching the other if they're falling back to drugging Alastor. Vaggie might see a dress and buy it, planning a way to put it on Alastor before catching herself and burning it. Charlie will hit her head telling herself to stop the obsessive thinking, sometimes to the point of hurting herself because she CAN'T put her friend through that again. On the rare occasion, it won't be caught in time. Angel Dust has successfully drugged Alastor and not long after went to get help in a panic. Alastor frequently gets more paranoid again about the curse not actually being gone and generally more cagey for a few days, especially around the person who did it. The residents try to help the best they can. These lapses aren't frequent enough to be like an everyday problem but will vary from person to person. Generally speaking, these lapses are luckily pretty short and generally don't get as far as a thought or a small subconscious action.
And despite everything, Keekee still doesn't like him. Something Alastor finds quite funny as well as comforting. While he's grateful for the curse to be gone, it still lingers here and there. And it's done damage to Alastor, he knows this in the way he can't relax, the nightmares that plague him. And sometimes he wished the curse wasn't lifted. That his nightmares and behavior were "still justifiable". That they weren't "unreasonable" now. But Keekee is the same. Disliking to kinda tolerating him when he needs the pity, the same as before. Everyone else in the hotel thinks it's odd that Alastor's smile gets wider when Keekee growls at him as he picks her up, or when she hisses and runs off from him. But they don't question it. It's the least they can do.
Alastor himself despises the pity he sees in their eyes sometimes. He hates the paranoia he still feels about it, the fear that the curse is gone was actually a dream or something momentary. And the lapses don't help much. But Alastor continues on as best he can, trying to play the confident radio demon he's touted about as for all his years. He relishes the fear in people's eyes but falls back on habits like the aforementioned noting down everyone's habits and schedules in his notebook and keeping up with the time. But he also still flirts like he used to when he thinks it's needed and gets embarrassed when it doesn't work or someone points out he doesn't need to do it. He was so used to working around and using the curse to his advantage that now those tactics are kind of pointless. He still has a difficult time taking a stroll and not feeling eyes on him constantly, and can be on edge for a sudden suitor to pop up. But he does relish the lack of attention and adoration when he can get past that anxiety. Alastor often has to talk himself through walking out of his room, assuring himself he wasn't going to get swarmed by unwanted advances. He still has days of isolation and feeling alone, moments of sudden irritation and times where the idea of doing his radio show sounds more unappealing. He has moments of insomnia or refusing sleep, just to avoid any nightmares. This often leads the other residents sort of lead him to bed or let him sleep in their presence (unintentionally by Alastor most of the time). And sometimes Alastor's feelings are overwhelming that he can feel a bit detached and just sits and tries to feel his surroundings to ground himself. He still suffers from the curse in a sense, but he's also become a lot more open to spending time with others in the hotel than before. Willing to have more bonds. He's more playful than before, but does usually keep his distance still. And while he does have a jolt in his posture if he gets hugged or touched suddenly, the stillness does pass not too long after. Alastor, strangely enough, is a lot more empathetic in a sense. He'll still laugh when he sees someone fall down the stairs, but he will also actually help and make sure they're okay. It's more notably seen with the guilt others have. He confronts each of them about it at one point and comforts them, in his own way. He doesn't sugarcoat things and tends to be a bit harsh, but Alastor certainly has a strange level of compassion (if you can call it that) you wouldn't expect from him. This is a more subtle change to him, but still prevalent nonetheless (and one Charlie is very proud about). He doesn't like it being pointed out though and will go out of his way to be awful if it DOES get pointed out. The fear from others has helped Alastor so much in regaining any confidence he may have lost, and is something he thrives with. He probably tries to use fear more than ever as a tactic to get what he wants, especially when he catches himself falling back to previous tactics of flirting. And when he can and under the right circumstances, Alastor is able to relax his muscles and end the day with a genuine smile on his face.
One thing Alastor feels quite dissatisfied with this story is the loose end. He never was able to find the anonymous caller. While it wasn't perfect, Alastor had very few outlets of actual companionship. He had his shadows (whose own sentience were put into a bit of question), Keekee (on the basis of her disliking him), and a random caller. It was by chance really. The phone in his room rang and he happened to answer. And he very quickly (and embarrassingly) became attached when he realized they weren't affected. At least, he figured, due to not actually properly meeting Alastor. So they kept in contact without giving names to one another. But the caller stopped calling at some point, leading to Alastor to just sit by his phone waiting for hours. Not one of his proudest moments, but it was a moment of weakness. As soon as the curse was lifted, Alastor had made it a personal goal of finding this mysterious phone friend. He was positively elated with the idea of meeting them face to face, as phone calls only filled so much of his need for socializing. Alas, the anonymous caller seemed to have disappeared. Alastor keeps looking, but he's not sure if something happened to them or, on the off chance, he had just imagined all the calls. He still takes the time to sit by the phone though. Just in case.
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alaestor · 1 day ago
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alaestor · 1 day ago
2025- FebruaRD Day 19
They can't stop 💋 smoochin' ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ 💋 xD
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... *traps them in a kissing loop*
Lineart + reference
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PS: This is prolly gonna be my last art for the month... ("prolly" IFF I can't squeeze another one w/n the day xD)
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alaestor · 1 day ago
2025- FebruaRD Day 18
N O M ~ !!! (Part 2~)
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Al... it's alright to likey y'know HAHAHAHA
Lineart + reference
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PS: If you've noticed me giving more spidery features to AD, it's cause I HC him having those if he's going a bit more demonic ;>
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alaestor · 1 day ago
2025- FebruaRD Day 17
Naughty sta– ... I mean, such a gentleman~ ☺️😊
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PS: See alternate version after lineart ;>
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✧˖°. ~ ~ Alternate version ~ ~ ⋆˙⟡
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alaestor · 1 day ago
Pffft– Angel changing the airwaves 🤭🤣🤣🤣
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On the way to the beach!
Charlie decided it would be good for the hotel to go for a walk on the beach, to create bonds and happy memories with each other.
Unfortunately, the Radio Demon was controlling the radio, deciding what would play, only playing songs from the 1920s that he liked. But Angel found a way to disturb the deer moving your ears as if they were antennas, giving interference and changing the music.
Niffty was in charge of carrying the picnic basket, while Lucifer took the beach items such as floaties, umbrellas, etc.
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alaestor · 2 days ago
Either 🦋 or 🕷️, por favor :D
Read the other parts of the Valastor fic so far and it’s coming along really well! 👏👏👏
[make me write!]
i will give u both bc im having a great time hehe :3 also tysm!! im on my valastor brainrot rn fr lol
fics under the cut for nsfw <3
Valentino's hands are surprisingly gentle as he caresses Alastor's body. Fingers gently carding through his fur, oddly soothing open-handed strokes over his back and sides. It's almost relaxing, in a way. Alastor closes his eyes and just lets himself feel for a moment, finding he rather enjoys being petted like this.
"That's it, pretty buck. Just relax for me. Feels nice, doesn't it? I told you I'd take care of you."
Valentino's tone is as gentle as his hands are, and Alastor does find himself relaxing into the touches. Perhaps this won't be so daunting after all.
Valentino's lips meet Alastor's neck, and there's a sudden flash of slight panic at the feeling of being crowded. He wants to run — he's going to run — the instinct something primal in him that's hard to ignore. As if sensing his sudden discomfort, Valentino's lower set of hands move to Alastor's hips, holding him in place in a way that's somewhat grounding. His other two hands continue those soothing caresses, and he presses a soft kiss to Alastor's neck, slowly trailing them over his shoulder. As he starts to calm down again, Alastor realizes Valentino is following the pattern of spots along his shoulder, kissing each one as he goes.
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Angel is never going to get enough of the feeling of getting to hold Alastor like this. Of getting to kiss him, touch him, hear every soft gasp and pleased sigh. Of seeing those lovely red eyes looking at him with a mixture of desire and the love strong enough to cause it.
Even now, with Alastor in his lap, quite firmly pressed against him, kissing him like it's what they were both made for... Well, Angel just feels lucky.
His hands slide further beneath Alastor's dress, gently caressing over Alastor's thigh. "Mind if I get this off ya, doll? Wanna give ya the attention you deserve."
Alastor nods, shifting so it's easier to pull the dress off. Though the moment it's gone, he rather firmly plants himself back down in Angel's lap, as if he, too, can't quite get enough of Angel touching him. Which is a really good thing, because the second he's got Alastor naked in front of him, all Angel wants to do is touch.
There are a lot of things Angel hates about having spawned in Hell as a spider, but it's times like these where he's glad for it. The extra set of hands means he never has to pick a place to touch, and Alastor just eats up the affection anyways. Like now, as Angel's lower set of hands are back to stroking over Alastor's hips and thighs, and his upper hands alternate carding through the tuft of fur on Alastor's chest and reaching behind to caress his upper back.
The face Alastor's making is pure bliss: eyes closed, ears dropped low and off to the side, his ever-present smile soft and genuine. Angel can even feel Alastor's tail thumping against his leg, wagging happily at all the affection.
"Enjoyin' yourself?" Angel asks, smiling himself at the rather endearing picture Alastor makes in this state.
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alaestor · 2 days ago
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Angel and his Alastor youtooz plush. 🩷
Bonus Alastor and his Angel Dust youtooz plush. (Warning: don't touch it.)
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alaestor · 2 days ago
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The boys!
Slowly getting better at drawing Angel. I still don’t know how to draw hands (as you can probably tell). But, we’re making progress! This is also the first time I’ve actually drawn Alastor in his suit with his smile.
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alaestor · 4 days ago
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Bad Days
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alaestor · 4 days ago
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Hello there, gentle readers! And welcome to Chapter 3 of Radio Nights In White Satin. This is a lore-friendly iteration of the events in series with more Radiodust flavor added into the mix. I think that’s pretty obvious. Instead on focusing more on Lucifer’s visit, this chapter is gonna focus more on Angel's point of view. So please, enjoy the story.
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alaestor · 5 days ago
hey sooo this might be a long shot, but if you like my art you can find me on insta and bluesky too! I post a bit more regularly there and I'm planning to do some process/timelapse stuff too 😊
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alaestor · 5 days ago
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they like their cereal WET
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alaestor · 5 days ago
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alaestor · 5 days ago
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