#wii hands
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mistyttm · 2 years ago
I will always and forever believe that the Wii player hands are characters
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look at this little guy, so proper and pulled together
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the rebellious one, she always strives to be on top
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they're not well known, but this timid little fella loves goofing around
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and wise old 4, he's been around for ever, he knows a thing or two about life
I sent these to my bestie a lil bit ago, I wanted to share it with everyone. this group should come alive. I wanna give them life
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deimostes · 9 days ago
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week 8: lets take ibuprofen together
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snowdin-stims · 1 month ago
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🎮 | source
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spacerockband · 1 month ago
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would you guys still like me if i posted wii sports resort frisbee dog that looks like i drew it in kidpix solidly 15 years ago Mimimum
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leonscottwolfkennedy · 19 days ago
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He wears this when stepping into the ring. Right before throwing that shit off SOME PICTURES BEFORE INFO.
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Just his faces. YA!
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His hand without his gloves or bandages.
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(name thing made by my homie, homeslice @levsguy THANKS BRAH!!)
Luke Johansson
25 years old
Swedish Luke is 5 '9,  He is very quiet, and cold. He never really enjoys other people unless they gain his trust. As well as he can be pissed off pretty easily. He doesn't have a good temper nor good anxiety. He has a panic disorder aswell. And he is always on edge.
He has a problem with biting himself due to stress, anxiety and other complications and or just a way of not freaking out. As well as making scars on his body. He does take pills to calm himself, too much. 13-3 Win to lose ratio
Light Welterweight Class. SPECIAL MOVE He has an illegal special move which is called the WOLF POUNCE. Just like Aran Ryans headbutts and shoulder jabs, He presses himself up on the ropes, climbing on them. Then just jumping up and head-punching the enemy. If dodged it will make WV fall to the canvas and the timer to his get-up starts. Not dodging with will get an instant knockdown which is harsh but bro puts all his force into that single punch. Intermission During intermissions, usually he just sits there growling. Yet Round 2 and 3, he will be sitting there Wheezing. He has a breathing problem, Not asthma, Just a general problem he won't let anyone know about, not even medical. 
Out of the ring. 
Luke never comes near the locker room to change, Yet he has his own locker. He always disappears after matches, the only times he is in the locker room is if he's already in his boxing attire and or is just waiting his turn. 
His eyes can dilate, almost owl like when he Uses his special move or just panics and or rages. He has a fanged tooth, a tooth which grew out of his gums due to the other tooth not falling out just yet. 
He has bite marks everywhere on his arms. He does lick his wounds sometimes if the medical is taking too long. He has three moles on the same side of his face, Freckles also. He growls, and can mimic an actual wolf growling.
He wears eyeliner!!!
He has 6 infractions, some are wearing makeup Eyeliner, Wearing an undershirt. Wearing more padding underneath his gloves, Having braids that could whip and or injure people.
Luke really enjoys alot of things, His friends mostly. Piston Hondo, Marie. He likes blue raspberry slushies, swedish fika, Blodpudding (Blood pudding a swedish dish.) Coconut oil, Lotion, Music. 
Midsommar, Horror movies, peppermint candies. And cold like ice cold drinks. And eating ice. AND PEACH TEA!!
Super macho man, Aran ryan, Cheaters (Like he isnt one.). Being called pretty, being touched. People touching his things, Muzzles (He had to have one on. Due to his biting.) His father, and younger brothers. 
Paparazzi, the smell of strong perfume. Super macho man. 
He has made alot of enemies in the WVBA due to his fast progression to the world circuit. Before getting overthrown by Aran ryan. (Luke still blames a certain manager.) He has no trust in other people that he has never interacted with. He also dyes his hair black, his original hair color being blonde.
He also has many secrets he wont even let people know about. He can't trust people enough even if they are close to know who HE actually is.
Born in Gothenburg to Jennifer Johansson and Christian Johansson, a former Swedish boxing champion. He was diagnosed with depression early on, he never had energy to do anything other than watch his dad on the tv. Since his dad liked boxing and was a boxer, he also aspired to be one. But his dad always told him that he was too soft for that, too delicate. So he never pursued it, just played play-boxing with his friends. He lived near the cities of Gothenburg, Yet it was always dull to him. He lived in a normal suburban house with his mom, Older brother, And 2 younger brothers. 
And during his childhood as I said he really enjoyed watching boxers on TV. Even though he wasn't allowed to box, His mom always gave him boxing merch. His father lost his champion belt when Luke was 9, and that made his father not want to mention anything about boxing. Not even allowed on tv if he was home.
Getting older, he defied his own father and went out to box. Going to secret classes and training and he always said that he was studying more with friends to become a doctor.
He had to keep up that lie, by saying that he was studying to become a doctor. And his father never knew about who he actually was. 
After 18 years he flew out to America, training even more. Still up-holding the lie. He worked part time jobs to up his money so he could pay rent, and after a few years when he turned 24 he was accepted into the WVBA after the managers scouted out random fighting rings and Luke was there. Seeing the money worth on one of his illegal moves, they took him in. Joining other random Boxers. 
Yet fears of his secrets being discovered puts him on edge in this team.
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Glass Joe: They have exchanged a few words, yet nothing really much. WV respects Joe and almost let him win, before he had to go on. Von Kaiser: Friends, they speak alot. Due to WV knowing german, They respect eachother aswell. Sometimes making sarcastic jokes about eachother. Disco Kid: Homies, close enough to have WV crack a smile around him but not close enough to let Disco even nudge him. Respect eachother. King Hippo: Never got along so never spoke to eachother. Piston Hondo: Close friends, almost the only boxer whom didnt say anything just was amazed and respected Lukes boxing techniques (If he ignores the special move) Luke lets Piston touch him, after all he trusts him. But not too much. Piston mostly helps with making Luke stop being in is locked in state for too long. (Its by pouring cold water on him.) Bear Hugger: They have exchanged a few words, nothing really more. Yet Bear hugger always comes in and gives Luke something to eat because he says ''You look very tired.'' Ya Great Tiger: They are okay, Great tiger always scares Luke with his clones. They talk yet not too much. Don Flamenco: Hate, too much perfume too much ego. Too much of everything, Luke wont even talk to him only if hes forced to. Aran Ryan: HATE HATE HATE, 'Bastard cheater..' - Luke. He doesn't like him at all, he freaks him out. His look, his appearance and even his own aura just makes Luke gag in fear. Yet Aran thinks they are almost friends, and Luke always climbs the lockers to make sure Aran doesnt touch him. Soda Popinski: Just both dont like eachother, Luke doesnt trust him and doesnt like his excessive drinking which makes him sticky (His glove got stuck on Soda popinski's chest once when he accidentally bumped into him) Bald Bull: Too much anger, reminds luke of his father, and he just doesnt wanna get his skull cracked if he tries to fight him. Super Macho Man: Luke HATES him out of everyone, He has an Ego and smells like shit, too much tanning oil and too much perfume. Hes just disgusting, he doesnt like how he treats girls. Mr Sandman: Intimidated, will run if seeing him. (Got his shit rocked, he could only land his special move on mr sandman which only stunned him) Doc Louis: Hes alright (They say both at the same time) Little mac: Lots of respect for the kid, doesnt mind him. Carmen: Who? (They both say) Referee: They are alright with eachother, atleast Luke isnt more insane than the others. https://open.spotify.com/track/7HcNDEjIeXPfcIgSNR0ZjK?si=4a5c110d66ae4b94
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HOPE YALL LIKE HIS REDESIGN!! I SPENT HARD MAKING THIS, now... Its time for the ocs again!! When I have my energy DONT WORRY THEY ARE BEING MADE!! Still hope you all enjoy this, I tried making a drawing out of the punch out style :3
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ksksksrahrah · 5 months ago
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specterslefteyebrow · 6 months ago
sailor hondo😜😜😜😜😄😄😄😄
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vampirtulpe · 6 months ago
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I got a bit of a soft spot for Super Punch Out Aran, but he's a very different character from Punch Out Wii Aran... So why not make him his own character, Aran's actually nice and stable twin brother, along with their younger sister, the most protected girl in existence. Arin's a man of few words, usually leaving the talking to his brother and expressing himself differently. Because of that he can struggle establishing boundaries and expressing it when he is uncomfortable with something, but he's a very nice person. He handled Aran throughout their entire childhood, he can handle everyone else just fine
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yamham154 · 5 months ago
guess what. im back on my bullshit! here’s some new punch out art besties
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whatsfourteenupto · 7 months ago
does fourteen play videogames with the noble family
I feel like no one in the house is much more than a casual gamer, but Fourteen will occasionally pick a system out of That Box (you know, the cardboard one nearly every family has stashed in a closet or garage with all those out-of-date electronics) and fix it up. It started one day when he was bored and eyeballing the blender, and Donna found Rose’s old Nintendo DS in a drawer and told them there was a game on it where you could just play with cute dogs, if they could get it working. It keeps their hands busy, and it’s good fun for everyone when random old games get dusted off.
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leonkennedysgf13 · 8 months ago
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my collection is almost complete autism makes you do crazy things
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artzy-lin · 1 month ago
its. technically not today. but technically it is somewhere else.
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front-facing-pokemon · 1 year ago
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game-on-comics · 2 months ago
Uh may i have a question?
If the competitive dancing is a thing in Wuhu-Island.Theres the Wii Miis and Wii U Miis compete against each other OR Wii Miis and Wii U Miis dances together as a pairs
Rie: There's a whole bunch of different types of competitions, but dancing has been there for a while. And different types of dancing too!
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tarte-tropezienne · 2 months ago
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Whenever Glass Joe is depressed or really missing his maman, he snuggles up with his swan plushie (a gift from his maman before she passed away), and Von Kaiser sits up with him to make sure he's OK.
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leonscottwolfkennedy · 1 month ago
ALAN!!! FOR @putrideacide I HOPE I DIDNT FUCK UP ANYHTING. Still.. I am always lurking and stalking... giggles as i crawl into the darkness.
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my hands.s.s.s. my poor hands. ill work on more in the morning, hope yall that i drew fanart for enjoyed all of the drawings!!! aight, see yall later. grows wings and flies away
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