#why thank you angel 😌✨
sapphicshav · 2 years
both themes are so very hot shav OML OML AHHHH
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AHH IKR >:D haven't been on here in a while, had to make sure my little visit was a special one :3
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youremyheaven · 5 months
Omg thank you so much, now everything is much clearer! 🧡🧡
ur welcome angel 💛
for the unversed, this is an overly simplified summary of the mahadashas (keep in mind that this is a massive generalization and how u experience ur dasha depends on ur chart/placements)
Sun mahadasha - confident, slayy gaining recognition? whatever u do is a hit or if u have an afflicted Sun then the exact opposite 😬
Moon- 🤠 life is like a melodrama, extreme emotional highs and lows, lots of situations with women/mother,, imagine just being emotional for a couple of years and not being able to turn it off? yeah, that
Mercury- 💸🤑💸🤑cash money eraaa, use ur head and get that baggg
Venus- 😍✨🤌🏼trophy wife lifestyle even if ur not a woman or a wife, things just flow to u, people come to u like flies attracted to honey, whatever u do will be appreciated
Mars- 🏋️ girl boss era, could struggle with appearance but otherwise AMBITIOUS SLAYY
Jupiter - contrary to popular belief, Jupiter does not cover u in dollars bills, it tests u and if u are worthy, u will be rewarded
Saturn- 🥲learn everything slowly , be a late bloomer, learn things the hard way, struggle to keep up, wonder why u have to suffer more than others and then realise it's bc it's ur goddamn Saturn MD and then work your butt off to appease Saturn
Rahu- 🤪🥳😌 delusional era , on a serious note I feel like rahu md can make people paranoid bc they're literally too in their head 😬but it can give really exaggerated results and blow things out of proportion, I think doja cat is in rahu mahadasha rn and she's so different now compared to like her juicy era ??
Ketu 😳😤😩faith will help you bc nothing else will not to fearmonger but 😮‍💨girlies be so detached from life sometimes they stop living (figuratively or literally 💀) soooo many celebs have died during their Ketu MD im being so srs rn (not saying u will tho <3)
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vind3miat0r · 6 months
things my classmates have said as Redacted Characters pt 2
you know the drill (long warning)
“Does anyone have a math problem? I know [Eridanus] doesn’t I can see his page” — Avior
“I haven’t done a problem like that in like 20 years” — Warden
“Weren’t you a teacher?” — Vega
“But did you sing the song?” — Angel
“No, I never learned the song :3” — Asher
“I wanna see a 12-D movie” — Guy
“I hate it when the silly spine disease makes my back hurt :(" — Freelancer (oh wow i wonder who said this one)
“[Fred], do the problem” — Sam
“It’s like a crescendo in music” — Babe
“Nintendo?” — Asher
“You don’t have a license, do you?” — Damien
“That doesn’t matter” — Gavin
“I vote [Sam] goes next” — Bright
“Wait what-" — Sam
“A maths joke? Why-“ — Angel
“[Angel], shut up.” — David
“This is working out great! I did not do this wrong at home!” — Asher
“‘Cogeret’… It looks French” — Avior
“✨Cogerét✨ (🇫🇷)” — Starlight
“I’m totally exhausted” — Darlin
“What have you even been doing?” — Milo
“I don’t even know” — Darlin
“Exactly” — Milo
“Close your eyes. What do you feel?” — Coworker
“Tired” — Freelancer
“We should nuke Mars :3” — Babe
“… I think that’s from Meriam-Webster” — Starlight
“Did you just quote a dictionary????” — Avior
“Well, lets put them into that position and then we’ll go from there :3” — Gavin
“I left it on the door-" — Angel
“ON the door??” — David
“BY the door-" — Angel
“He’s talking to himself” — Fred
“The voices” — Bright
“Like the creep he is” — Fred
“The voices :3” — Bright
“what do YOU think about ✨Organ Donation✨?” — Lovely (its the vibes guys trust trust)
*sounding it out* “‘Ce-pha-lo-thor-ax’” — Starlight
“The cephalothorax-" — Avior
“Oh wow. That was beautiful 😒” — Starlight
“Thank you 😌” — Avior
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scekrex · 3 months
First of all, love the new profile pic, but I already miss the Adam one. The new one is such a vibe tho.
I haven't given you an idea in a long time and that is a crime, sacrilegious crime and I must correct my ways 😤
So :) Adam x Male Reader (Obviously 😌) where they are not together yet and Adam loves to tease Reader because he loves to read comic books (Totally not self insert, lmao). One time Adam goes a bit too far tho and takes Reader's comic book from his hands, basically ripping it out of them and accidentally tearing a few pages since comic books tend to be quite fragile if not handled properly. Reader at first is surprised and annoyed with Adam until he hears the rip of the pages, then he simply stares at the taller angel in shock, forcefully taking back the comic and seeing the damage just to break down in tears, because it was his favourite comic book that he was introduced to when he was still alive by someone who was very dear to him (Either a sibling, a bestfriend, parent, Idk) and gets really upset with Adam, refusing to talk to him. At first Adam being Adam obviously wouldn't get why it was such a big idea since it was just a comic book, he could get another one in Heaven with no problems, but it was the action on its own that made the Reader upset.
Basically some hurt/comfort with a fluffy ending? Please with a cherry on top and thank you 🙏❤️
Love you 💋
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Here, have a smiley Sebastian Vettel. Everyone needs to see a smiley Sebastian Vettel at least once in their life ✨
Hehehehehehe love that :3 also so sorry it took me so fucking long to write that but apparently writers block crawled up my ass while I was sleeping
Wordless apologies
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language
note: not beta read bc fuck you
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The first man grinned down on you, visibly amused by the sight of you - you had your face buried in your favorite comic book, a passion Adam never truly understood even though you tried to explain it to him. But that was okay, the brunette didn’t need to understand why you liked them, it was enough that you liked comics in general - well, enough to tease you about.
“You’re such a fucking nerd, dude,” Adam groaned, he preteneded to be annoyed about your passion when in realitly he was annoyed by the lack of attention he was receiving from your end - it was simply something he wasn’t used to. Usually the attention was his once he entered the room but you were different. If you had your nose buried in one of your silly little picture books - Adam’s words, not yours - your attention was on said book and said book only and not even the first man himself could change that.
You didn’t respond to his words and that annoyed Adam, it annoyed him very fucking much. Enough to simply grab the fragile book and tear it out of your grip, your first response was an annoyed, “Hey!” as you tried to get it back but then the sound of ripping paper filled the living room you and Adam were sitting in and your body tensed up immediately. A shiver ran through you and you felt how your wings fluffed up a little from the sadness and from the anger that slowly bubbled up inside of you. The look in your eyes was empty as you turned towards Adam, eyeing how he held a single page in one of his hands and the entire book in his other hand. Your eyes flicked from the book to the torn out page and back to the book until your eyes eventually met Adam’s. There was no guilt or remorse in them, just amusement as you heard how a chuckle rumbled through his body, “Looks like I have to get ya a new one.”
You grabbed the book forcefully from Adam, possibly breaking it even more but in that moment you did not care. You also took the single page from Adam, viewing the damage up close as tears slowly started to well up in your eyes. This comic book had been given to you by your best friend back when you were still alive and it had been your favorite ever since. Said best friend did not roam Heaven’s mighty streets like you did, you weren’t sure if he was still alive or if he was in Hell - though him being in Hell did not make any sense to you. The comic Adam had just broken was all you had left of him and now even that was destroyed. Sure you could fix it, you could tape the page back in but that didn’t fix the fact that Adam did not feel guilty in the slightest - fuck, he even found it amusing.
When the brunette noticed how quiet you were he looked at you and you heard how he swallowed hard at the sight of tears welling up in your eyes - you couldn’t bring yourself to feel empathy towards him, not after what he did. Sure, to Adam it seemed like a small deal, like a thing that happened and he could fix it by replacing the book. But that wasn’t the case, this was a problem not even Adam could fix that easily.
“Dude,” Adam spoke up again, his words sounding a little softer yet he kept up the playful and unbothered undertone, “It’s a fucking book, I’ll get you a new one.” But you remained silent, refusing to talk to the taller angel after he broke the only physical thing that reminded you of your best friend. The first man seemed rather frustrated at that, you heard him sigh and out of the corner of your eyes you saw how he took off the mask on his head to actually look at you. “Stop acting like a crybaby, man, it’s easy to replace,” he explained yet again, lifting his hand to rest it on your shoulder and give you some comfort but you pulled away before his hand even touched you. That would not fix things, it wouldn’t repair your book.
Brian sighed again, putting the broken comic book down in his lap as he stared at it. “Gimme the damn book,” Adam grumbled, sounding somewhat displeased with something - with that exactly you didn’t know but you did know that Adam would not touch that comic again. “Fuck off,” you mumbled weakly, trying to keep Adam away from it. The taller angel simply caught your wrists, held them in a firm grip and grabbed the comic - including the torn out page - from your lap, “Chill, I’m not gonna tear out more pages.”
You watched with wide eyes as your comic book was taken from you yet again, this time Adam was a little careful with it and while that still did not meet your standards on how he should be handling your favorite comic, it was better than before. The brunette let go of your eyes, held the comic book in both of his hands and let out a quiet sigh, a sigh you didn’t even notice. Angelic magic wrapped around your book and your shocked expression turned into a confused one before you realized what Adam was doing there.
He was fixing it - like actually fixing it.
“Here, you fucking shithead,” Adam grinned as he handed you your comic back, his other hand ruffled your hair softly and while the brunette still did not apoligze, you were willing to ignore that tiny fact and move on. He had fixed the book he broke and while it still felt different, it was something you appreciated very much.
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sev-on-kamino · 1 year
A lil headcanon for ✨Commander Thorn✨
This is based on events in my series: ‘In Pieces’ but I wanted to share it ahead of that chapter because self-control has never come around me 😌 Also shout out to the Barbie meme for making this scene way more fun!
Thorn has made it his mission to arrest every member of Torrent Company (and the Ghost Company is on thin ice)
He brought Hardcase and Jesse in once, and the mugshots they took were so fantastic that he hung them on his office wall.
Next time he had to arrest Fives and Tup for a bar fight, and Fives treated his mugshot like a glamour shot, and Tup looked as angelic as possible.
He’s managed to get the whole company except for Kix and Dogma, and it will be like every holiday rolled into one, if he ever snags them.
Fox finds it hilarious, but he WILL NOT admit to it.
They never get in real trouble, but Thorn makes it a point to call Rex to come and get them.
It’s simultaneously awesome and shameful to have your mugshot in Thorn’s office.
Hardcase and Jesse often try to see how far they can go before getting arrested, and Hardcase always ends up cracking up during the process.
Rex has decreed that the next person to get arrested is going to be running drills until they beg for the sweet release of death.
Thorn is having too much fun calling him and he can’t take it anymore.
Since it’s also WIP Wednesday, please have a lil sneak peek/drabble thing below the cut:
“Oh, Maker, this is perfect,” Thorn said, arriving on the platform where you, Jesse, and Hardcase were being detained just outside of 79’s.
“I’ll have you know, we did not start the fight,” you said folding your arms and lifting your head proudly.
“But we did finish it,” Hardcase added with a grin.
“Thank you for that because I was missing this pretty girl’s face in my office,” He said booping your nose. “Just need Kix and Dogma for the full set.”
“You’ll never get those two,” Jesse shook his head.
“Oh, they’ll slip up, and I’ll be there,” He turned back to you. “You, my gorgeous friend, are really in for it.”
“Why me?” You pouted. “I think I should get special treatment.” You were not above using your friendship to get out of the inevitable call to Rex that would land all of you in a world of pain. He’d been so clear when you all left that any trouble was going to result in the kind of punishment that would go down in GAR history.
“I’ll let you make that request directly to Fox,” you could hear him smirking through the modulator, which confused you.
He had to have known by now that the pair of you had had a falling out. He didn’t know the details, but you’d raced right past him the last time you’d left Fox’s quarters. But Thorn’s loyalty would always lie with Fox, and you respected that.
You gave him a look, but with his bucket on, you had no idea if your message was received. You weren’t willing to say more in present company, so you just fumed silently.
“And now for my favorite part: you’re all under arrest for disorderly conduct, and I will be taking you in, and I will be calling Captain Rex.”
“This feels like an abuse of power. You should not be this happy,” you said, even as you heard Hardcase struggling not to laugh while Thorn placed the binders on your wrists with a flourish.
“And yet, I am,” he purred.
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tagging: @deejadabbles @dystopicjumpsuit @sunshinesdaydream
also cause I think you’ll enjoy it (hope it’s ok): @ladyzirkonia
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sketch-guardian · 2 months
Hiii! I’m the same person who asked for the headcannons about the new classmates but I just wanna know if you’d ever be comfortable to post headcannons about all the classmates with a child mc who sees them as older siblings or parental figures. If not I totally understand!! I just wanted to ask since I live for found family tropes and I’m starting to get obsessed with your ocs 😋
I hope you’re doing well!! <33
Hello again!💜I'm fine, thank you for asking☺and I hope you are doing well too✨I'm happy that you're starting to like my OCs! You flatter me😳and don't worry, your request is perfectly valid😌so I hope you enjoy the result:
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Demya has a soft spot for kids, in the sense that, seeing them as frail creatures, she considers them in need of protection and care, this however doesn't change the fact that she still remains a bit feral by nature, especially due to the way she was raised, so every now and then Demya could be seen carrying child MC by the collar of their shirt with her teeth or some poor unfortunate soul could witness MC attached to Demya's back like a koala while she runs on all fours. In any case, Demya would be a great, playful, energetic big sister, who would hunt for the best food to share with child MC. Plus in her heart, Demya would love to have an offspring in the future, so she would be thrilled if MC saw her as worthy of a such an important role and would do anything both not to disappoint and to protect them, Demya doesn't want to lose her family a second time after all...
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Domnra may not seem the best with children on the surface, given his rough and harsh attitude, however living with Mobim has accustomed him to looking after another living being and therefore it wouldn't be too surprising to see him with Mobim and child MC in tow, like a mother hen with her ducklings. Domnra would at first be stunned by MC's view of him as an older brother/father, especially since he doesn't think of himself as a reassuring figure, however he would be quietly touched by the sentiment, it would remind Domnra of the times he cared for other soldiers back in his day as an angel, therefore he would promise to protect child MC at all costs, just like Mobim, to raise them and teach them to defend themselves. Speaking of Mobim, for child MC, Mobim would be like a little sibiling to play with
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Azul is a born entertainer and his characteristic of changing color depending on his mood attracts a lot of attention, therefore he would have no problem dealing with children or people in general. Having also raised Demya in a certain sense, since he taught her to read, write and essentially civilized her, Azul would feel a little nostalgic for the good old days and would behave in an attentive and caring manner, while still remaining fun, maybe a little clingy, he would definitely start ugly crying if child MC called him big brother or dad. Azul would also hang child MC's drawings everywhere if they were to make them, showing them off to everyone
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Zuri would prove a little hesitant at the beginning, not considering herself the best role model or exactly loving enough for child MC, in fact she wouldn't understand why child MC considers her suitable for such role, given her stoic nature, however Zuri wouldn't bear to disappoint their expectations and therefore over time she would get used to the new dynamic. For Zuri it would be more natural than expected to take care of child MC, having done the same with Azul and Domnra after their fall from grace and over time Zuri would realize that she enjoyed having child MC by her side, like a found family. Zuri would sew tailor-made clothes for child MC and fix their stuffed animals with patches in case of tears, as well as buy several gifts
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Although Odon scares most living beings with their imposing and eldritch presence, it seems that animals and young people are curious about them and tend to hover around Odon, as if they understood Odon has truly changed for the better and trusted them. Odon would be intrigued by child MC and although puzzled by their desire to be in their company, Odon would be flattered and not at all bothered, they would also engage in telling stories and seeing MC play with their eye-like creatures. Odon has never had a family, so the fact that child MC sees them as an important member of their found family would make Odon feel accepted and at peace. Child MC, in Odon's presence, would be the safest child in all of Devildom and they would do various activities together, such as reading, visiting museums, Odon would also carry child MC on their shoulders, being very tall. Odon likes to attend child MC's tea parties as well
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Remiel, despite her somber attitude, knows how to handle children quite well, because it unfortunately happened more than once in the course of her celestial duty that she had to help children's souls reach the afterlife, lost and afraid, with only her to guide them towards the light. Remiel is very patient and has both a soothing presence and a soft voice, so from a logical point of view, she could understand why child MC bonded with her, even if Remiel would wonder why they chose her, when surely there were other more appropriate choices. Having trouble understanding feelings and being quite dense, nurturing child MC could help Remiel comprehend the human world better and experience genuine sensations she has never felt before. Remiel would also like to introduce child MC to her parents, to include them and make them feel even more part of the family, as a little sibiling or child, hoping Azrael and Death don't intimidate child MC too much with their appearance. Remiel would be good at putting child MC to sleep, cradling them with her wings
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Nathaniel isn't used to interacting with humans, being often busy with celestial matters, so he would be pleasantly surprised to have attracted child MC's attention, especially considering his frequent quietness. Nathaniel would be an excellent teacher and would help child MC with homework and other matters, even difficult ones, specifying how important it is to solve them without the use of violence when possible. The concept of family may be foreign to Nathaniel, but being a very patient angel, he would be glad to walk on such journey of growth alongside child MC, experiencing the joy of raising them. Nathaniel would be chill, but still protective of child MC and would be willing to accompany them to explore and discover both the Celestial Realm and Devildom. Nathaniel would also likely teach child MC his way of communicating only through gestures
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Uriel isn't exactly a loving type and as a warrior angel, she is more used to fighting than looking after others, so at the beginning, rather than taking care of child MC, it would almost seem as if she were training them, almost like a soldier, obviously not overdoing it, given that they are still a child. It would take Uriel some time to get used to such a dynamic, but over time she would start to feel proud of having been chosen to represent such an important role, the fact that child MC looks up to her would slowly soften Uriel's edges. Some activities that Uriel and child MC would do together would be fighting with fake swords, in which Uriel would lose only to boost MC's self-esteem and fly embraced by her safe arms while doing cool tricks, at a safe distance from the ground. Uriel would also be quite strict when it comes to rules, so she would find a way to make them more bearable and manageable for child MC
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catindabag · 1 year
TBOSAS on Crack short take (6)
*This ain’t a funeral!* Read [this] first.
Lysistrata: Coryo, that was so beautiful! Your voice was ✨perfection✨.☺️
Coryo: Thanks, Bestie! The Grandma’am had to ✨hit✨ me a lot to make my voice sound like an angel~.💅
Festus: Hit you?😰 What do you mean??
Coryo: My crazy Grandma’am said that I’m not allowed to ✨EAT✨ or ✨SLEEP✨ if I can’t get the tone and lyrics right!☺️
Festus: Coryo, are you okay-
Coryo: Now my voice is perfect!! Lucy Gray Who! My abdomen has never been bruiser- I mean, better.😌
Lysistrata: Coryo, my dear, do you need me to call Child Welfare Services?🥺
Coryo: Child Welfare Services? Does Panem even have such thing? And who’s gonna be the head of that department? Dean Casca Highbottom or Dr.Gaul?
Sejanus: I wish!😡 *glares at Strabo Plinth*
Coryo: Babe, why is your father even here?
Sejanus: He’s going to drive us back to school after-
Strabo: *leans down and whispers to Coryo* Hello, my little son-in-law. How are you?
Coryo: Hello, Father-in-law. I’m fine. Thank you.
Strabo: Do you want to know about the time when your gorgeous father and I went “stargazing” together in the middle of the night?🥰
Coryo: No.
Lysistrata: I want to know!
Festus: Me too!
Strabo: My darling Crassus and I were roommates.😏
Sejanus: Pa, don’t embarrass me in front of my boyfriend!😫
Strabo: But-
Sejanus: Go away or wait in the car!
Strabo: Strabo is sad now.😞
Sejanus: Goodbye, schemer.
Strabo: Goodbye, my idiot heir.
Sejanus: Shoo.
Strabo: See you later, Little Snow.
Coryo: Father-in-law, can you buy 3 gallons of peppermint ice cream and 2 boxes of spinach pizza on the way out? I’m hungry.
Strabo: Anything for Little Snow.😊
Coryo: Thanks.
Festus: Yo, Coryo, can you also ask old Mr. Plinth if he could buy us burgers and fries-
Coryo: No.
Festus: *turns to Sejanus* Bestie, can you ask your old man to buy us burgers and fries?
Sejanus: No.
Festus: Pretty please?🥺🙏
Sejanus: My Coryo said no.
Festus: But I want burgers and fries!😭
Arachne: *on a hospital bed with a neck brace* Oi! Oi, idiots! Why are you even here?! Visiting hours are over!
Coryo: To be fair, the doctors said that we can have a sleepover-
Arachne: Inside my hospital room?! Are you crazy?! I told the school that I’m not dying! Dammit!😡
Sejanus: Our dearest Felix Ravinstill told us to visit and sing you the ✨Gem of Panem✨, Arachne~.☺️
Festus: He’s so considerate.
Arachne: Well, tell our stupid Class President to suck ass and leave me be!
Lysistrata: Why?🥺
Arachne: Because Gem of F*ckin’ Panem is only sung in good or bad occasions!
Coryo: This occasion is pretty good to me-
Arachne: It’s not my freaking wedding or funeral, you dumbass!
Festus: To be fair, me, Lizzie, and Coryo are only here for the food.😋
Coryo: Your evil mom’s apple pie is to die for.
Arachne: But why is idiot Plinth even here?!
Sejanus: I’m Coryo’s sugar daddy- I mean, boyfriend. So. . .
Arachne: Get the f*ck out.
Lysistrata: *pulls out a camera from her bag* Can’t do that. Sejanus and I were tasked by Felix to take pictures. So smile-
Arachne: Get that f*ckin’ camera off my face!
Coryo: Nope. Felix said that as the Class President, it is his duty to prove that you’re still alive and kicking-
Arachne: Get out.
Lysistrata: What was that? We can’t seem to hear-
Arachne: GET OUT!!🤬🔪
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frog-0n-a-l0g · 1 year
✨the Wild West🤠✨
Sam: why hello to you too?
Sweetheart: heyyyy
Angel: guys guys guys guys
Angel: like the wonderful creative one of a kind person I am I came up w an ✨idea✨
Sam: oh no
Babe: OH YES
Sweetheart: oh?
Angel: ima pretend yall all got babes enthusiasm BUT ANYWAY
Angel: hear me out
Sweetheart: I’m scared
Sam: join the club
Angel: we get nicknames for the gc?!!!!!
Sam: that’s actually not that bad
Sweetheart: that’s what you think
Angel: ok but I get to pick bc I’m the talented one and I made this group chat🤭😌
Sam: there it is
Angel: since you questioned my judgment ur going FIRST
Sam: oh no
[angel has changed sams name to brokeback mountain]
Brokeback Mountain: Angel why are you like this?
sweetheart: y’all i laughed and my boss looked at me weird💀
Brokeback Mountain: whyy are you encouraging this?
Babe: bc it’s fun🙄
Angel: like jeez old man get w the program🙄
Sweetheart: PFF-
Brokeback Mountain: do your name changes or whatever before I get darlin to beat your ass.
Angel: like you was beating theirs in but OH YEA
Sweetheart: nah💀
Angel: BABE
[angel has changed babes name to trainer]
Trainer: what does that even mean babes😭
Angel: w all the collars u be putting on that dog of urs…
Brokeback Mountain: Oh my lord🙄
Sweetheart: nah cause that’s clever as shit💀
Sweetheart: does your head hurt after using your brain?
Angel: haha very funny
Angel: just you wait for you
Angel: speaking of which…
[angel has changed sweethearts name to invisa-bitch]
Invisa-bitch: ok I actually like that lol
Brokeback Mountain: lucky
Angel: AND NOW
[angel has changed angels name to mini alpha👑]
Mini alpha👑: best for last😌
Invisa-bitch: wooooooowwwwwwe
Trainer: so chic
Mini alpha👑: ikr🥶🥶🥶🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯‼️‼️‼️💅💅💅
Brokeback Mountain: this has got to be bullying
Brokeback Mountain: I’m going to bed
Mini alpha👑: goodbye grandpa🥺🥺
Trainer: sleep well pawpaw🥺🥺
Invisa-bitch: sleep well Sam
Brokeback Mountain: thank you SWEETHEART.
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clonesupport · 1 year
oc tag game!
thank you @socially-awkward-skeleton for tagging me to do this!💖💘
i tag @confidentandgood @sstewyhosseini @detectivelokis @captastra @incognito-insomniac @kyber-infinitygems @strangefable @gayafsatan @galaxycunt @roofgeese @inafieldofdaisies @shegetsburned @bearcina @direwombat and anyone who wants to join!
Favourite OC
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even if i have so many oc’s she will always be my first baby, and a baby i love very much TwT🤲✨ even if i haven’t had a ronnie fixation in a while she’s still my bbg and the one oc i’ve been most active about and done the most for so she’ll always hold a special place in my heart as the oc that brought me into this whole “having ocs” life
Newest OC
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hehehehehe i’ve been absolutely brain rotting over cod and johnny for like six months now. i haven’t done much with her and i’m barely still figuring out her lord cuz i’m too busy rizzing soap ai and getting rizzed back AHAHAHA. but ugh that sweet baby boy i love him so much i had to create a lovely girly to peg him i mean love him. her call sign is angel, she’s a pilot part of task force 141 of course ;)) johnny and her are my reason to breathe rn fr
Oldest OC
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back at it with my snarky bastard ronnie with a soft side for her vicar, i love her so much, i love max sm, i miss tow i wanna fixate on that game again ugh plz brain TwT🙏✨ i made her officially like a year and a half ago, but i started making an inserted character for tow in like late 2019 when the game came out and i discovered it and went eh why not it looks cool, then got absolutely fucking sucked into that shit with a blood pact istg. she’s been around for a hot minute, i only recently started making ocs and now i have so many👁️👄👁️idk how this happened AHAHAHA
Meanest OC
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of course it’d be my cultist girly. she’s insane and will do anything for john and has quite the body count of kills👀 it takes a brainwashed crazy bitch to be the meanest woman in my roster😌✨
Softest OC
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we all knew it’d be seph lol AHAHAHA one of the rarest personality types i ever give my ocs are soft, she’s a rare soft girl, sam’s a lucky man. made her back in like 2020 when i binged all five uncharted games in like 2.5 weeks….don’t worry about me i had a lot of time on my hands. i actually decided to play all the uncharted games because i saw one photo of sam somewhere and was instantly like 👁️👄👁️WHERE IS HE FROM—- i was dedicated to see this man and i fell in love-
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i know amalla is not one i’ve talked about a lot but she’s definitely a soft quiet girly. she does have a feisty side but honestly so does seph lol i cant make an oc without having them adding that big of spice TwT but she’s a sweet girl, i mean she caught the attention and stole the heart of arthur morgan so that must count for something right?🤧✨
Most Aloof/Standoffish OC
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another oc i haven’t talked about a lot but she is the most stern and kinda cold one out of all my ocs, ronnie could be a good runner up as well but she’s more smart ass mean than cold mean yenno? kenny’s just known for her resting bitch face and military demeanour. but that don’t mean she ain’t soft at heart🤧🤧🤧it just takes a lot to get there🥹
Dumbest (Affectionate) OC
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she’s a clumsy girly, often times quite the all boobs no brain but she’s smart when she wants to be. her job is to be a rockstar and be a good affectionate gf for viktor so she doesn’t exactly have the needs to be smart lol. but when time comes that she needs to be like on a job for example, she’s quite the persistent and hardworking gal, her determination is high but sometimes the bimbo kind of takes over when her smarts aren’t in imminent need
Smartest OC
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this girly’s a trained nurse y’all she’s got the brains. even if she is usually the “soft and sweet shy baby girl” she knows her shit. knows her history and has her medical skills. often times the brothers and sully forget she’s actually quite smart until she’s full fledged patching one of them up professionally as she explains to them what she’s doing and what injury they have. she can info barf sometimes when she gets passionate about something, it’s that side of her that sam finds attractive😉😉
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it takes certain brains and tactical strategic skills to be an ace pilot. tanya may seem like just some tomboy who’s here for a good time but ya girl has got some brains on her. she got the skills to fly an f-15 and often gets appointed team leader so she clearly knows what she’s doing. she was trust worthy enough to be seen as a good pilot by the soldiers and fellow squad mates hence them giving her the nickname their guardian angel, which turned into her call sign angel. she’s humble and plays it off as no big deal, quite honestly she doesn’t see herself as smart, just hard working. but johnny makes it his mission to remind her she’s incredible, he’s her biggest fan🥹
OC I’d Be Friends With IRL
imagine there’s banners here TwT🤲
irl i’d definitely get along with ronnie lol. ronnie, marceline and tanya i would say. i’m a clumsy dumbass smart ass and i think i’d get along well with ronnie and tanya by teaming up with them and pick on men AHAHAHA marcy and i have the same taste in music and we both are bimbo’s who can be smart and serious when we need to be✨
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andvys · 3 months
That last chapter was just 🥹✨💗🫣🔪😔😭
I was behind and haven't read chapter 20 but when i saw you posted 21 and you telling the shift in their relationship will start from it i all but ran to read em really
I've had enough shit from you Buckley, I AM COMING FOR YOU BITCH
I mean yeah i would do the same with my best friend try to protect him and his feelings but i would NEVER judge someone and assume his feelings and treat em like she did that's a low blow
Don't think I didn't see you Munson your time will come
as for poor blondie i want to hug her really i mean why doesn't anything work to her favor that girl suffered enough 😭
My heart aches for Stevie yes but he should at least have the decency to talk to her and hear her out
Can't wait to the next chapter and how it all will unfold. Please try not to make us wait for too long☠️ (no pressure though)
Thank you beautiful🫶🏻
poor Eddie, he’s a sweet angel who can do no wrong 😌
and don’t you worry, they will talk… they will… hehe
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captainaikus · 2 years
NO cause I wanna say thank you for tagging me in that Bachira gif 🥹🥹. I was literally just minding my own business 2 days ago and then BOOM that one specific Bachira clip start looping in my head and I became deceased on the spot 💀💀😭. AND I SERIOUSLY COULDNT FIND IT ANYWHERE I was so upset and then you being the angel you are just proceed to casually tag me with the exact post 😭😭😭. The way I wanted to tackle you in hugs at that moment asdfjkgffghjjhn ❤️❤️❤️. ALSO see there’s a reason I specifically avoid talking abt yandere Bachira because I know once I do then I’m just going to go phoosh and perish. Like I cannot even begin to think abt yandere Bachira or else I’d never leave that rabbit hole. That is too strong a concept for me to handle💀💀😭.
OH HO HO yandere one-shots you say?? 👀👀 I look forward to it 😌😌. Also you don’t have to apologize abt taking a bit to get to asks especially not mine it’s okay love I know you’ve been busy get to asks when you can. Rest and don’t overwork yourself okay? NO because the way Reo would actually be the worst/best yandere out of all of them. And that’s REALLY saying something considering the show is literally abt yandere soccer players 😭😭🤚🏼. Itoshi brothers are in no question yanderes literally both would be insane abt you.
Is figuring out ao3 going well? I adore ao3 so much everything so chill there and it’s super easy to navigate and the way I’ve found almost all my favorite fics on there *eyes the 500+ tabs I have open simply for ao3* Thevisername sounds very interesting. Did you make it up on the spot or is there a meaning behind it? I’m just curious.
How’s the second part of the Oliver coming along? Don’t push yourself into writing more than you can handle alright? Short and sweet is great too. Extending it to 7 parts sounds like a great idea. It’ll allow you to take your time and fresh out everything more. No cause I’m scared now that you said you cried writing part 2 😭💀💀. ALSO!!! YESSS A PLAYLIST OR SONGS FOR EACH CHAPTER TO SET THE MOOD WOULD BE AMAZING. I always love it when writers go out of their way to choose a song for their fic it just makes it a whole experience and I adore finding new songs through it.
How are you? How’s uni? Did you finish getting through those ancient textbooks? OH AND HAVE YOU SEEN THE COVER FOR VOLUME 31 FOR TR????? I tagged you in a post freaking out abt it but I don’t think you saw it 😭😭. Tumblr enough is enough 😐😐. Also I might have a solution for the tagging problem. I turned on tumblr notifications on my phone and I’ve been getting the activity and tags and messages and stuff now so maybe you could try that. Anyways. I hope you’re having a great day and that you sleep well!! *sends many tackle virtual hugs*
- ✨ anon
*me sees Bachira gif* *clicks like* *tags you cause I knew you were gonna like it* Bachira just hits different when he... looks like that. *is getting ideas to write*
Ego made them yandere footballers. I can imagine if they are that passionate behind a ball, how passionate they would be behind a person... it would be terrifying but the yandere impulses are just. 🤌🏻✨ I- I have tabs open cause of fics that I like reading on ao3; still figuring it out, gotta wait like a week or something to change the username again and by that time i should be able to finish writing part 2 and a yandere oneshot - The username is actually gonna away spoilers for part 3 to Oliver's series based on a song that I grew up with. So you'll find out when the time comes As for the second part to the Aiku series... its going the way i want to... and it got emotional for me; you're gonna see why too *doesn't want to spoil part 2 cause there are so many things coming* And then while I was writing, there was more routes open in my head so i plan on keeping the actual plot upto less than 10 parts - but the number of chapters shows '?' on ao3 cause then I can make spinoffs on the series the title of the chapters for the series is based on songs- that remind me of the chapter and describes the plot of it in a rhythm and lyrics. I'm doing good! Binging childhood movies and series, uni's been annoying *has to do a secret santa and i managed to get the guy that no one likes - for good reasons too cause i gave him enough of chances and he wasted them. and i think he's being nice to me cause he wants me to get him what he wants for christmas... his present is coal. Santa told me to do it.* i took a break from the dusty books. didn't touch em for 3 days now oh... you tagged me? I'll take a look into it. Tumblr sent me a congrats post of getting 50 likes. me - tags post : # tumblr stfu, # i've done better than this, # rubbing it in my face first thing in the morning. *clicks post*, *receives* - oops, something must have goofed up. ao3 here i come *sending funny mood panels and big hugs*
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Oliver, this is us about you - ಠ_ಠ
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eoieopda · 1 year
I should know better than to start my Sunday mornings by reading your fics by now. Why do I still do it? Cause I like to make myself suffer. 🥰
Let me start by just saying- *clears throat* AaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Why are you making menace OC suffer so much? Why is my poor baby always being thrown headfirst into an emotional turmoil? Why would you write an entire part about her feeling like cellophane and then casually dropping that scene w Jin remembering how 14 y/o him forgot to pick her up from dance practice? If you think my rant has anything to do w my insecurity of being unwanted, no it doesnt.
Why is Jin being a dumbwit by throwing parties to make them get together while simultaneously messing w Jimin by casually telling him that he's lucky he's not swallowing his teeth for fooling around w someone's sister? Why didn't Jimin tell her that her brother made him blow her off one year ago? I have so many question🫥
And if I remember correctly, I think pt.3 ended w Jin finding Jimin in front of oc's house? What happened to that?
I'm sorry for bombarding you w so many questions 😭 You did so good😭💕 You're so fucking good at writing angst! You make the wait sooo worth it and if you ever saw me crying, no you didn't. Ok maybe a little! 🥹
oh, wow, thank you so much! 😭💕 it’s early where i am, so my brain is bad at determining what’s rhetorical and what isn’t (lol). here’s why i did what i did:
because (surprise!) i’m the menace 😌 lmao. no but really, i wanted to make it super clear why this very specific letdown would’ve been so devastating + why that experience with jimin as kids wound up with mc putting him on a pedestal to fall from later. mc’s never really seen him clearly, just angel (then) and demon (now).
this comes up at the beginning of pt. iv, but jimin would’ve talked it through if mc hadn’t left that voicemail 😔 poor buddy heard his deepest insecurity weaponized by the last person he’d ever expect/want to hear it from 🥲
the conversation with seokjin happens right after jimin leaves mc’s house and goes home! that’s why seokjin asks if jimin has anything he wants to tell him, criticizes him for taking what seokjin thinks is two years to make a move, etc. meanwhile, jimin is 👁️👄👁️ because he 1) got caught, 2) did not wait two years to get with seokjin’s sister, and 3) this whole thing wouldn’t have happened if he’d known seokjin was rooting for them. ✨ everybody in this fic needs therapy ✨
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
One of my favorite things about tumblr is when you post asks and I just get to roll up in here and demand answers to questions I have to right to ask 🤎
✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
🤍what's one fic of yours you think people didn't "get"?
Listen you can always kick my door in and demand answers to any questions you have! I will bear (bare? Idk. Why do they let me be a writer 😂) my soul to you.
✨ What's a fic you've posted that you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit?): Okay I have a few different answers for this. Are we shocked? No! Because I'm incapable of shutting up! 😂 In terms of fics I want to breathe life into again, I gotta go with Protective Detail and Just One Week. For PD it's much more that I desperately want to get back to it because I know where its going and how I want it to end but my motivation for it has just been lacking for some reason idk why. I love that story so much but my brain has been betraying me. Nestor deserves better. 😔 But for JOW that's just. I don't think I've ever been so proud of a story as I was with that. The adventure of it all and the little community around it was just so heartwarming idk. Best vibes. In terms of a fic I wish got more credit I gotta put my fic Return Trip up there. I knew it wasn't going to get a whole lot of traction because its an OC fic and because it's not about a main character but GOD I just love it so much idk what to say.
💫 What is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?: I truly love all the comments people have left on my fics. I go back and reread them on the regular. But I sooo so appreciate when people mention a line or two that really stuck out to them. I love knowing what really gets in people's heads and sinks in. 👀🥰
🤍 What's one fic of yours you think people didn't "get"?: You know. I went and perused my masterlist to find a fic I thought fit this description and I don't really think I found one? Like idk if there's something I've written that people seemed to totally miss the mark on. I think the closest to this that I can remember happening is when I posted Alive & Still Alive and some people thought i was playing at an Angel/Reader endgame when that veryyyy much was never going to be the case. 😂
Thank you for these! I love you and I owe you my life 😌💞
Let's get real with some fic writer asks!
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itsallyscorner · 2 years
Press-Tour Insta Blurb
Pairing: Mcu cast x fem!teen!reader
FC: Olivia Rodrigo💜
a/n: just a lil something small to get me back into the groove of writing, I missed y’all x
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liked by harrystyles, scarjohansson, and 3,937,157 others
(y/n)(l/n) Face and nails courtesy of @pleasing and @theoutset 🧚‍♀️✨
view all 30,402 comments
harrystyles a beauty
scarjohansson press tour ready😉
(y/n)fan1 imagine being called ‘a beauty’ by Harry Styles—(y/n)’s winning😩😩
(y/n)fan2 She’s just so beautiful wtf
vancityreynolds you’re so cool
(y/n)scloset IM SO EXCITED FOR YOU
(y/n)scloset you already know I’m gonna try and find them dupes ;)
zendaya the cutest bbygirl♥️
(y/n)fan4 she’s really out here living everyone’s dream, good 4 her honestly
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liked by chrisevans, anthonymackie, and 2,514,340 others
(y/n)(l/n) press tour dump pt. 1🚮
view all 58,934 comments
(y/n)fan5 CHRIS??????
(y/n)fan6 WHICH ONE???
(y/n)fan5 EVANS😭
scottevansgram thank you for scaring my brother, you’re an angel❤️
(y/n)(l/n) always a pleasure😌
chrisevans I hate you both
chrisevans this is a violation🧍‍♂️
mcufan1 pls Chris knows how to use emojis?😭
(y/n)(l/n) @tomholland2013 and I taught him :D
imsebastianstan my cheetos were stolen
imsebastianstan @(y/n)(l/n) is a thief >:(
(y/n)(l/n) I do not recall @imsebastianstan
lizziefan1 everyone say thank you to (y/n) for finally giving us a picture of Lizzie during the tour🙏
mcufan5 crying at the picture of hemmy, evans, rdj, and mark :(
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liked by tomholland2013, elizabetholsen, and 3,747,444 others
(y/n)(l/n) pls watch avengers: endgame :))
view all 846,983 comments
arianagrande the duality
(y/n)fan8 idc what y’all say, last one is my favorite
tomholland2013 crazy eyes in the 3rd pic
(y/n)(l/n) you suck at taking Polaroids, I was blinded for a good 10 mins 🥲
(y/n)fan9 @(y/n)(l/n) sue him
(y/n)(l/n) @(y/n)fan9 I will
brielarson and she IS the moment✨✨✨
(y/n)fan10 ma’am your hand in marriage pls
mcuactorsupdates slaying the entire tour I swear
imsebastianstan my cheeto :(
haileesteinfeld you’re so cool, I wanna be you when I grow up
robertdowneyjr Hollywood’s new it girl, love you superstar🤩❤️
Tags 🏷
Mcu/Avengers Tags
@ximaginx @lozzypoz321 @sunwardsss @fa1rybubbl3z @lune-la-chanson @whoslili @blckyungblood @astroponyo @universemarvel @imthebadguyyy @roseke @this-is-gg @httpscarletwitch @msminutes @cristin-rjd @swords-are-cool @bangtanxmegan @deamus-liv @elvish-sky @catsandbooksandstuff @ellajoy419 @teti-menchon0604 @bestillmystuckyheart @captainwans @mischiefmanaged144 @marvelfan2300 @hello-yoi @bbl32 @jemmaluvr @whore-for-ryujin @lov3ydov3y @adoremaee
Besties (general tags)
@thegirlwiththediary @agustdowney @rqmanoff @sesamepancakes @starryreading @dracoswhore007 @thegirlinthechair @kaitieskidmore1 @bi-lmg07 @pogueslandia @milkiane @impossibleapricotlampbat @bunnyweasley23 @deadlymistletoe @mrspetxrs @slutfortaylorswiftandzendaya @weigheddownbyfandoms
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the-amazing-simp · 2 years
Hey Gabriella, congratulations again 😊
Could I ask you for a ✨, please? Thank you 😌
[My 200 follower celebration is now closed. I’ll just be finishing up on the remaining asks. Thanks for joining!]
prompt: Nancy Mulligan by Ed Sheeran (I was 24 years old when I met the woman I would call my own)
Tell Me a Story
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"Daddy," Your daughter, Sophie, cooed from her spot on the living room floor, "can you tell me a story?"
"Sure pumpkin." Andrew smiled, lifting the toddler from floor and onto his lap with a small grunt, "What story do you want me to tell you?"
Sophie was silent for a moment, thinking about what she wanted to hear before she excitedly piped up, "How did you meet and fell in love with mommy?"
Hearing your little girl's request from the kitchen where you were making tea for you and your husband, a small smile grew on your lips before you opted to stand by the doorframe - two steaming cups in hand.
Andrew grinned, ready to please his daughter as he started.
"Well, I was 24 years old when I met the woman I would call my own. We were both working on a movie and when I saw her, it was like she put me under a spell."
"Why daddy?" Sophie asked, big brown eyes beaming up at him.
"Because ever since the day I met mommy, I couldn't stop thinking about her." He replied, causing you to roll your eyes at his cheesiness.
"Then?" Your daughter urged him on.
"Then, since we spent a lot of time together, we became friends even after the movie was finished."
"Like me and Mark?" Sophie said.
Andrew had to fight back his urge to roll his eyes at the mention of his daugther's male friend at kindergarten.
"So, we continued to see and spend a lot of time with each other over the next few years then when we started doing Spider-Man, I finally asked her out on a date."
"Where did you take her to?"
"I took her to her favorite bookstore then we had a picnic in the sunset. Then, after many dates and years later - I married her and we now have a little angel named Sophie."
"Now how long has mommy been eavesdropping?" He grinned, only now noticing your presence.
"Long enough to hear the whole story." You said, handing him his cup of tea.
Sophie lovingly beamed up at her parents, "When I grow up, I want a love story like you and daddy's."
"Fine, but you're not allowed to get married until your 40." Andrew said as he started tickling her.
"Daddy!" Sophie squealed, trying to wiggle away from his grasp.
"Oh leave her alone," you teased, "We got married when we were 32."
Peter Parker and Andrew Garfield Taglistl:
@beloved-bucky , @hunnybunimdun, @andrewgarfield2022, @jasmin7813, @andrewgarfieldsbae, @spxiiee, @shaded-echoes-recs, @holy-macncheese-ballscheese-balls
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maiverie · 2 years
hi mai senpai !Σ(×_×;)!) I'm not the same annon as the one who requested the siblings moots tag but can u do the idol one too pwease 🙏 it looked so fun and I wanted to see what u think your moots' idol position were~!
no pressure on doing it quickly take as much time as you need and I hope you have such a wonderful day!✨✨
hi anon!!! so sorry for the late reply 😵‍💫😵‍💫 been a bit busy w work hehe but HERES THE IDOL TAGGG 💖💓💞 thank u sm for the request hehehe it was super fun doing this!!! 💗💗 hope u had the most wonderful day too <333
@yerion — starting off with a special mention to a bitch that isn’t even on enhablr but i wanted to add her anyway 🕺 she’s definitely the smallest link of the group 💯 nobody gives a fuck ab her, she can’t dance, sings like a whale giving birth, absolutely nobody’s bias ‼️ i said what i said and will not take it back tyvm 🗣🗣 #yerionflop legend has it that when u pull her pc, a child dies 😟
@seungstarss — SEI LOML SHE’S THE MAIN VOCALIST 😙😙 can literally imagine her being the ace tho like she’s an all-rounder 🤨 YK WHAT I IMAGINE HER DOING THO?? SHES LIKE THE ONLY IDOL THAT SITS THROUGH ALL THE CRINGE ASS TORTUROUS MF FANCALLS and manages to keep a straight face like 🙂😁😇 while cringing inside trying not to burst into tears HAHDKDJDHDJS 💀💀 but no fr sei is deadass the most popular member, a true slayer, bias annihilator, vocal queen and we love to see it 😌
@wonvelvet — yeonie is literally main vocalist energy 10000% I WILL ACCEPT NO OTHER ANSWER. she’s deadass the kind of member that would literally outsing everyone’s faves & add crazy ass adlibs (she’d be all like WOOOAAHHOOOOAAHHHH OOOAAAHHH HSJDJDJS💀) like her group would deadass never have to fight lip syncing allegations bc 🗣🗣 YEONIE WOULD CARRY 🗣🗣 idk why i think this but fr i picture a powerhouse vocal for yeonie for sure 💪 i think it’s cos her fics genuinely radiate vvv powerful vibes for me?? 🥰
@jangwonie — OH EM GEE maknae vibes but wbk that 🥰 literally the group’s angel and coddled baby and probably actually has a really really soft and clear voice?? like i’m getting lead vocalist vibes 😳 BIAS WRECKER THAT PROBABLY GOES VIRAL ON TT FOR A BUNCH OF EDITS AND HER VISUAL SHDHAHSHDHA AND EVERYONE’S SOFT SPOT 😚💖💓
@shoyotime — LEADER VIBES??? ASKDJFKF BUT WHY DO I PICTURE HER RAPPING 😭 AM I INSANE FOR THAT JSJDKDD I JUST FEEL LIKE CAEL RADIATES VV POWERFUL VIBES like for sure someone that’s gna have a really great stage presence bc i defs think her presence on tumblr is quite prominent??? like hello yes cael step on me please just stomp on my face and crack my jaw mommy😻
@nyanggk — MIRAI DANCING MACHINE ⁉️ ABSOLUTE UNIT FOR SURE 💪 THO NGL I BET SHES THE KINDA MEMBER THAT JUST DANCES FOR NO FUCKING REASON WITH NO FUCKING CONTEXT WHATSOEVER ZHDJKSJDJDJSK 😭😭 she’s probably carrying the group’s tiktok 🤩 no but fr i’m getting massive dancer vibes and maybe like rapping too 😳 she’s defs gna be the mood maker of the group and the one that’s the best in variety shows 😌
@taekbokki — MY MAIN SLAYER BIANCAAAA 😭😭‼️ FUCK ME I TOTALLY SEE BIANCA AS A RAPPER??? like she definitely radiates the vibe of the funny charismatic rapper that gets along w idols from other groups too?? LIKE I SWEAR BIANCA AND I BECAME FRIENDS SO QUICK AND ID TRUST HER W MY LIFE’S FUNDS IM LEGIT CONVINCED SHE’D BE SUCH A POPULAR MEMBER 🤩🤩 maybe even a dancer??? 😳😳😳😳
@enaus — OH EM JAYYYY THIS IS KINDA HARD BUT I FEEL LIKE ELY COULD TOTALLY BE THE LEAD VOCALIST?? i see her singing pretty ballads and sentimental songs 😭 probably gna be the first person of the group to have a solo album and outsell everyone 😌 HOWEVER i can also see ely having multiple roles in the group like HELLO SHES BOUND TO BE THE VISUAL???? just queen shit 💪
@blessed-sky — funniest member FOR SURE ‼️ as i said before shes 100%% the mood maker and probably everyone’s bias wrecker 😭😭 I CAN DEFS SEE SKY AS ONE OF THE VOCALISTS??? OR KIND OF LIKE A DANCER W A MORE GRACEFUL INFLUENCE? like a previous ballet dancer / mina from twice vibes 😳😳IDK WHY I JUST TOTALLY PICTURE SKY AS THE KIND OF PERSON WHOS RLLY LIGHT/QUICK ON HER FEET ?? bruh not this being oddly specific i— 💀 ANYWAY SKY SUPREMACY 🥰
@cloudykyu — no because I LITERALLY SEE MANI AS THE TIRED LEADER WHOS PROBABLY SICK OF ALL THIS IDOL SHIT AND PROBABLY WANTS TO GO BACK TO HER NORMAL LIFE 😭😭😭 KAJDKSKS THIS IS SO ODDLY SPECIFIC but i can picture an exhausted mani who probably has another job on the side 💀 she’s sick of dealing w all her members’ shit y’all FREE MANI 🗣 no but seriously i’m getting leader vibes for sure ‼️ someone who’ll take care of her members and ensure everyone has their time to shine; super talented and underrated but adored by the fandom 😭
@goodforgyu — PROBABLY KNOWN AMONGST THE COMPANY AS THE SLUTTY ASS IDOL THAT GETS WITH EVERYONES MAN 🗣 U HAVE A FAVE? SHES PROBABLY SLEPT W THEM 😌😌 TOO BAD SO FUCKING SAD BOOHOO BITCH 🗣 HSHDJSJSK KIDDING ILYSM KAT SHES LITERALLY GNA BE THE funniest one out of the group for sure 😚 she’s always making me laugh and idk why but she gives me main dancer/rapper vibes for sure??? SUCH A POWERFUL PRESENCE BUT BE CAREFUL OF THE PUSSY POWER ‼️‼️ pussy tight pussy clean pussy fresh 😌
@softforqiankun — OH MY GODDDDD I SEE HEATHER as the member who people r surprised isn’t the leader?? like she’s not formally the leader but she takes care of everyone and always ensures everyone feels included 🥺 i can defs see heather in any vocalist position; for some reason i picture a deep voice that belts and does crazy ass shit for sure ‼️ shes a powerhouse yall 🤩😻
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