#why just the bipeds?
oh-meow-swirls · 5 months
i think my favorite instances of pokemon and yo-kai with similar inspirations are the ones where you can barely tell they have the same inspiration. like. jibanyan and espeon are both based on nekomata. frostina/blizzaria and froslass are both yuki-onna. komasan and growlithe are both (at least according to bulbapedia on the latter cuz i really doubt it) komainu. honestly basically the only one i can think of where it's obvious are like. walkappa and lombre skdjfljfssfdsfdkljfds-
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littleragondin · 3 months
Oooooh I forgot how helpless you feel when you get to a new lab and you are unfamiliar with the layout, how things are stored/organized, and the little tricks to use the machines.
I am. So lost. 😭😭
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itsawritblr · 6 months
I say this with no hostility meant whatsoever, but out of true confusion: Why do pokemons help humans?
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Why do creatures with godlike powers allow themselves to be the pets of humans and to be bossed around by them? What do they get out of it?
I've never watched an episode because it's not my thing, but I've seen enough clips and tumblr posts to wonder why the fuck beings with such magical abilities fight each other so humans can win trophies.
"You want me to what? Man, I got no beef with that little yellow guy. You want to be champion of what? To get a trophy? Fuck that noise. You humans go fight each other for damn trophies. Bug me again and I'll char your hairless ass."
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thatdykepunkslut · 2 years
I don't understand why humanoid mechs are so popular. Make that shit a crab or something you dweeb. "Oh wow, it's a normal ass soldier carrying a normal ass looking rifle... but BIGGER" ok loser, come back when you design your mech off of naval artillery and a jumping spider.
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mindmelter · 3 months
Helping Chad
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"Why don't humans walk like this? I should walk like this from now on." Chad said.
"Are you being serious? How do you think people would react to Chad suddenly walking like a... whatever that is." I asked.
The alien still doesn't know how to pilot his new body. I understand him, though. He was an alien spider his whole life, so controlling a biped being must be very hard. But I like the way Chad is right now, it gives me easier access to his hairy armpits and pecs, all I have to do is just sit in front of him and lick them.
Chad had been my gym crush for a while, I couldn't help but watch him as he worked out, mesmerized by his perfectly sculpted physique, all the while making sure he never noticed my lingering gaze.
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Today, the gym was nearly empty, and Chad was the one closing it. I seized the opportunity I'd been waiting for, though in a manner I never could have imagined before. I helped an alien spider—an otherworldly creature with an unsettling intelligence—crawl inside Chad and take control of his hot body.
He dropped to the floor as soon as the spider forced its way inside his mouth, and he started to twitch his head. Unfortunately, things didn't go as smoothly as I had anticipated. When Chad's body—now under the alien's command—attempted to stand, he fell to the floor, landing awkwardly with his stomach pointing up. It seemed like the alien didn't know how to walk.
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I then offered my help to the alien, saying I would teach him how to walk and act like a human, but only if he let me play with Chad's body. With the gym closed, I spent hours trying to teach him how to walk, to the point we were both exhausted, but Chad was more, his muscles were sore and covered in sweat.
Right now I had my face buried in his armpits, smelling and tasting his manly musk, until I heard a strange gurgling noise coming from inside Chad's stomach, I knew well what that meant.
"Let me help you," I said, standing up and sitting on his abs, I unlaced his shorts and pulled them down to the floor, then I started jerking off Chad's huge cock. I never thought I would see Chad's cock, even more jerking him off.
"Keep going, he's getting close." Chad said, his voice devoided of any emotion.
I continued Jerking him off until he was throbbing and about to cum. I then got off of him and just watched as a tentacle shaped like a tube stuck out of Chad's ass and engulfed his hard member until the base.
Anyone else would be screaming in horror at the sight, but not me, seeing an alien feeding on my crush's body just made me hard and leaking. I couldn't hold myself, I kneeled in front of him and inserted my shaft inside Chad's mouth, he accepted it without any protest, I then started to thrust on his face as the alien fed on his cock.
The tentacle then started to pump and stimulate Chad's shaft until he was shooting inside the tube, the tentacle absorbed everything. After Chad was dried, the tentacle disappeared inside his ass. My moans filled the empty gym as I came inside his mouth.
Aliens got to feed, humans got to cum, I thought.
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
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Name: Bulbie
Debut: Pikmin
Pikmin 4 has a doggone good time being as doggy of a game as it can! I'm sure you are well aware by now of the new Funny Weird Dogs!
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And I love these weird dogs! They are wonderful. I'm glad they are so important and beloved. But I would like to focus on a different dog, the very first Pikmin Dog, who we have known about since the very first game! Olimar's dog, Bulbie!
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With this, I have shown you both official images of Bulbie that exist. I wish there were more! Bulbie is a dog even weirder than Oatchi and Moss, a whole different kind of critter that also happens to get called a dog. Isn't that great? These people have the concept of "dog", and so far we've only seen it used to refer to these funny bipeds! Olimar has no problem referring to both Bulbie and Moss as dogs, so I am led to believe that "dog" is more of a category of creature to these people, rather than a distinct species. Like how "mole" is a category of creature to us!
We know a precious little bit of Bulbie Lore. He is lazy, and able to sleep anywhere. He loves carrots. He farts a lot. That's about all we know. Awesome! Sure sounds like a Dog to me! And of course, Olimar loves Bulbie very much. Just like he loves his whole family! He is a Family Guy, complete with Funny Dog!
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You may already know, or you may have noticed yourself, but Bulbie looks quite like a Bulborb. This is because Olimar named these creatures after Bulbie, due to their resemblance! It is also for this reason that they are members of the Grub-Dog Family. You see? Bulborb is just like a dog! While it is sweet of Olimar to name the species after Bulbie, it must also make his encounters with them even more disturbing. Not only is this a (comparatively) massive, hostile beast that could easily eat him whole, but it looks like his beloved little friend! That's like a nightmare! Especially with other, scarier Bulborb variants! I am happy to know that his Bulborb experiences do not affect his love for Bulbie one bit.
As much as I love and talk about invertebrates and funny fish, dogs have always been among my favorite animals, and always will be! They're an extremely conventional animal to love, and for very good reason. They're wonderful! And on this post about Weird Dogs, I would like to talk about how dogs are, in fact, weird in their own ways.
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They're always sniffing with their wet noses, which they keep wet to smell even better. They love to lick, and lick to show love. And that love is such an important thing! Dogs are creatures of love! It is our love for dogs that shaped them into what they are today! It is what drove us to shape this single subspecies into countless distinct caricatures of its noble ancestors. All still members of the very same species! The amount of dog customization that has occurred is ridiculous. Need a better way to hunt badgers? Make a Long Dog. Yeah sure! Why not!
Obviously, most dachshund owners today aren't interested in hunting badgers. They are interested in having a Pet. And a Pet Dog is such a truly incredible thing! There are not many animals that should be kept in a house around humans, but then there is Dog, literally born to be among humans. Born to be loved, and born to love! If you don't think that's one of the most wonderful things ever then get outta here!
This is an animal that runs around and spins in circles because it sees an ape that it loves so much. An animal that ends up learning snippets of human language, because those are the snippets that make it happy. An animal that gleefully exposes its vulnerable underside, because it trusts a member of a different species to rub it in just the right way that feels so nice.
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Even with the general consensus on dogs being pretty dang favorable, I feel that it's easy to take a lot of their behavior and history for granted, to see them as the "default animal", when they SO aren't. The default animal would be a parasitoid wasp, silly!
If I was not able to convince you that dogs are weird, then just look up canine transmissible venereal tumor, obviously using your own discretion, because there will be graphic photos. If you ask me, this one medical anomaly easily makes dogs a contender for one of the weirdest animals EVER! Bet you didn't know dogs could be contagious!
I like funny dog Bulbie
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kelocitta · 1 year
Hey I was just wanting to ask if you some tips on drawing Slugcat legs. I really want to be able to draw these little cuties and I have everything else done but the legs (specifically poses and action) is really tough for me
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It'll depend heavily on how you actually wanna do their legs, but since your asking me I'll assume you like how i do them- I draw them digitigrade when in motion, which basically means that the weight of the animal is carried on the on the toes (the other is plantigrade, which means the back of the foot makes contact with the ground when moving.) This is important since it changes how the leg tends to be formed and rest, but slugcats have a lot of flexibility here.
The other thing to keep in mind is that slugcats are *sleek* and tend to be smooth no matter what pose they're in, so you can hide the specifics of the legs under this and squash and stretch them as you see fit. Think about how fur or feathers tend to hide exactly how the body looks (and thats why so many animals look weird when wet and all that stuff lays flat) As for how I do it, I try to keep slugcats to a tube or triangle shape with most of the weight/fat being in the hips and tail. In most cases, you can get away with just imaging the leg as a flexible ball, and treat the foot as a point (like your pulling on a water balloon). The further the foot from the body, the more that ball stretches. The specifics of whats going *on* in the ball can be hidden unless its its really stretched out
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Mentally I don't put much thought into it, but if you need more structure think of the bones of the leg as three sections- the foot, fibula/tibia (Lower leg bones) and femur (Upper leg bone/thigh). Digitigrade and plantigrade tend to favor certain positioning, but ultimately the only major focus is on how the foot functions. Digitigrade in particular tends to favor this sort of 'z' formation even when fully stretched (Humans, in contrast, are plantigrade, and our legs can be fully straighten out even if they still fold the same way). So if your going for that you'll always want to keep a bit of a 'z' shape even if your stretching it waaay out. When at rest, I keep the foot of the slugcat flat. But anytime it's in motion or would be active they shift weight to their toes. You could keep them fully plantigrade, but personally I think digitigrade allows for easier shows of motion and more natural looking action shots with the upright posture if you dont want to stretch the leg out fully. Also i just like the look of it more. (If you want to get into biology more, this would normally be hard on the legs weight-wise, but I like to imagine slugcats are mixed tripedal rather than strict bipeds, and make use of their tails as a third grounding point.)
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And heres a very quick run over some of the official cutscenes to show similar:
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I personally just wing it when it comes to the sizes of those sections, but a general rule of thumb is that everything gets shorter as you go down- the upper leg has the longest bones, then the middle leg, then the foot. A lot of that is hidden in the body of the slugcat, but keeping that in mind might help keep the leg length feeling natural. (But the biggest secret is that your drawing a fake, stretchy blobby animal so you can bs a lot and be imperfect and honestly just do whatever in a lot of cases and not end up with something that noticeably wrong. This DOES get a little harder if you draw them more lithe or cat like, just because that exposes the leg more) And lastly, if cutscene art isnt helping and you might benefit from a real life reference- rather than using an actual cat I would actually recommend mustelid like a ferret, otter or stoat. They're plantigrade rather than digitigrade, but their form and posturing is a little bit closer to the slugcat and it might help with visualizing the way the legs can sink into the body. I will give a heads up that these are little predators so general search results do tend to show them hunting small animals like mice, if your sensitive to that stick to domestic ferrets for safer results.
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Just remember to fatten them up- they're way longer and thinner than slugcats are
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letteredlettered · 4 months
@popqorn asked me what I know about dinosaurs.
Scientists no longer debate that birds evolved from a dinosaur. Almost all of them agree on this; they just debate about which dinosaur. (Most scientists agree that birds only have one common ancestor, so it's not the case that different dinosaurs evolved into birds. It's just one.)
Almost all scientists agree that birds evolved from a therapod. They just debate about which therapod. Therapods stand on two feet, have shortened forearms, and are carnivorous. T. Rex, Deinonychus, and Velociraptor are all therapods. Scientists don't think any of those evolved into birds.
If you don't know Deinonychus--you probably do, actually. The "Velociraptors" in Jurassic Park are actually Deinonychus. Velociraptors were about the size of chickens.
Do not tell children that the Velociraptors in Jurassic Park are not Velociraptors. They will think you don't know your shit and lose all trust in you as a dino expert. And if you convince them they have been fooled for their entire tiny lives, you will break their hearts and their trust in the world. Some people do not think this is a dinosaur fact, but it is perhaps the most important one of all.
Archaeopteryx is important for two reasons: 1) it has sometimes been classified as a bird, sometimes a dinosaur. Now most scientists agree it is a dinosaur. 2) For a while, it was considered the ancestor of all birds, but now many scientists think that Archaeopteryx is only a cousin to the ancestor of birds (sort of like Lucy [the australopithecus afarensis, the fossil that was once the oldest, most complete, biped hominid] is considered the cousin to the "missing link" in human evolution)
A big reason that scientists think birds evolved from dinosaurs is that fossil evidence shows that many dinosaurs had feathers.
Feathers are very similar to scales, and fossil evidence shows scales that are more feather-like and feathers that are more scale-like. Dinosaurs had scales, but birds have them too! Bird legs/feet have scales.
Speaking of bird feet, therapods and birds have similar feet--three toes in front and one big toe in back for balance. If you've seen Jurassic Park, the big "Velociraptor" claw that Dr. Alan Grant draws across the young boy's chest at the very beginning of the movie is the back claw of a Deinonychus.
Birds have hollow bones. Some dinosaurs have hollow bones.
Some birds swallow rocks to help them digest. Fossil evidence suggests some therapods swallowed rocks. These fossils are aptly called gastroliths. Disappointingly, they just look like rocks.
For a long time, scientists had no idea what color dinosaurs were, but in the last decade or so, they have been able to find fossil evidence of pigment. Pigment (such as melanin) is a molecular structure, which is why this took scientists so long to find--you need a pretty powerful microscope to find this data. That said, even when they have found evidence of a certain pigment, it's not clear that they've found all the pigment for a given dinosaur, meaning they still don't know what color the whole dinosaur was. But the first pigment they found evidence for was a reddish brown.
Scientists also don't know what shape dinosaurs were. We know what the skeleton looks like, but some animals can look extremely different than the shape their skeleton suggests. A great example is a whale. A lot of the shape of whales is actually due to their blubber; looking at a whale skeleton, you would probably never guess what some whales look like.
Dinosaurs lived during the Mesozoic Era, which is comprised of three periods: Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous.
There are a lot of different ideas about how and why the dinosaurs disappeared. A famous idea is the asteroid that hit Earth at the end of the Cretaceous Period. Evidence for this impact include a huge crater in the Yucatan Peninsula and a layer in the strata of the Earth. Almost anywhere you dig on Earth, you will come to a very thin layer that contains a bunch of iridium. Iridium, you may have learned from movies, is rare on Earth but common in meteorites. If a huge asteroid containing iridium were to hit Earth, the asteroid would vaporize on contact, and eventually the iridium would settle back onto the ground all around the globe. This layer in the Earth's soil is known as the K-T boundary, aka the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary. The time of this boundary in the Earth's strata marks a huge extinction event.
That's about all I remember about dinosaurs.
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clowncontroldev · 24 days
Field Report: Raptorian - Supplemental
Raptorians Overview
This is a supplemental document from Dr. Doppler's Field Report. Mature researchers only.
What can be said about Raptorians that hasn’t been said in works such as Mimicry and Me: So Your Voice Has Been Stolen?, Out of this World Fashion and the controversial One Flew Over The Raptorian’s Nest? Hailing from Raptoria, they entered the galactic fold a decade after the establishment of NOX and the end of the Military Age, citing “We weren’t sure about all the war, but if you’re going to relax now we’ll talk.”
While some might call the general disposition of raptorians “cocky” and “vain,” they prefer “proud” and “worth it.” Xenosapients that are easily overwhelmed by colors and loud sounds should stay clear of Raptorian territory. If that doesn’t describe you, however, it is highly recommended to visit during any of their festivals and celebrations for a rich sensory experience. As long as it isn’t Ovumtide. 
Homeworld - Raptoria
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Called the gem of the Garuda system, Raptoria is a temperate planet that orbits an A-class star. Dominated by oceans, waterways, and marshes, its extreme habitats are limited to its polar ice caps and deep ocean trenches.
The planet’s rings are important to the raptorian people, not just as an awe-inspiring skymark that makes afternoon walks more pleasant, but religiously too. The predominant religion believes that the rings are remnants of the Egg Mother when she hatched from her own shell. We now know it to be the leftovers of what used to be Raptoria’s only moon. 
Colony - Raptova
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Called the diamond in the rough of the Phoenix system, Raptova by contrast is an arid mono-continental planet that orbits a similar blue main sequence star as Raptoria. It’s shared with the Scorpian people who live in the inland deserts. The settlement was brokered by NOX, to allow separatist Raptorians a safe place to self-govern.
Raptorians are warm-blooded, feathered bipeds. On top of their heads are erectile feathers that act as a way to focus in on sound, like a satellite dish. Their limbs end with black scaly webbed claws, the webbing having receded as they evolved to inland life. In their thick necks is an incredibly developed syrinx that allows unparalleled mimicry. 
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A selection of different raptorian phenotypes.
It’s believed that raptorians originated as coastal predators, before gradually moving inland. They retained the slight webbing between their claws and their waterproof feathers, which doubled as an important way to retain heat during the cold months, which were extreme. 
Ancient Raptoria’s weather wasn’t the only cycle that shaped raptorian evolution. An aspect that’s unique to Raptorians are their estrous cycles. While xenos that go into heat will have these cycles last a week or three, Raptorians let loose for only one night of the year. The short window to breed causes Raptorians to endure a massive influx of hormones. While not as bad as the Kovlins, who go into self-described “sex madness” when in heat, Raptorians are on the lower end of the spectrum of lucidity during their cycle. 
But why go about breeding like this? If we look at the daily life of an ancient raptorian, it becomes clearer. Half of the year an ancient raptorian had to stay clear of cyclones and lightning, and the other half blizzards and hail.  The hostile weather conditions of the past only allowed for a very narrow time of the year in which looking for mates wasn’t a death sentence. For the rest of the year they only had a limited amount of time during the day where they could safely hunt. 
But raptorians weren’t the only ones hunting. Other environmental factors such as ancient predators trying to off any competition in gathering scarce resources could have had an impact on when ancient Raptorians felt it was safe to breed. 
However, none of this explains why multiple partners are encouraged during ovumtide. Were they promiscuous? And why is their fertility rate so low? Were they shooting blanks? The answer to both of those may lie in a retrovirus that seemed to have plagued Raptorians at the time. Whatever mutations it introduced were combated by this new way of breeding and raptorian researchers believe genetic variety was the only thing that could ensure the safety of their species, and mating annually.  
And as one can expect from a species only able to have sex once a year, they party like their lives depend on it. Multiple partners are expected in what most of the galaxy calls “the largest communal orgy in the Milky Way.” The Raptorians named that night Ovumtide, and it remains their most important spiritual and social event. 
Other than the pomp and circumstance, Ovumtide has the usual mating ritual aspects, such as decorating your breeding grounds and flaunting your assets, but also includes something Raptorians hold dear even today; pageantry. 
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A flume dressed for Ovumtide
Pigmentation and feather patterns can be drastically different after centuries of intercontinental movement and different habitats. Raptorians are able to change the color of their feathers either with topical dyes, or a diet focused on certain compounds, such as the carotenoids in their seafood heavy diets. Blue and pink shrimps are popular choices for their wide range of hues, and due to the effort of committing to a diet for an entire year, are considered the classier choice. For the raptorian that wants to impress a mate during Ovumtide, a concentrated effort must be put into eating a singular natural pigment, so that their coat can coordinate with their Ovumtide outfit.
And like last year's fashion, they molt their feathers once Ovumtide ends, to begin styling for next year’s festivities.
Raptorians have two genders, flume and auct, which roughly translates to egg layer and soul giver respectively. However, despite the etymology, sex has been decoupled from gender for most of Raptorian history. Sapients that hail from cultures with a male/female gender binary often make the mistake of assuming aucts are men and flumes are women, mostly due to universal translators giving them masculine and feminine pronouns. Rather, it relates to their relationship with community and society at large.
Put simply: aucts top, and flumes bottom.
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A typical auct.
Raptorian society is heavily influenced by dyads. The shell and the yolk, the feather and the talon, and so on. Balance between flumes and aucts is a crucial aspect to a functioning raptorian community. 
Work is divided by “talon” and “nest” and is defined by what is being manipulated. If a physical object is manipulated then its “talon” work, like moving cargo, crafting incubators, or repairing power lines. If what’s being manipulated isn’t real, like keeping ledgers, coding programs, or reading the voltage outputs on factory machines, then it’s “nest” work. The balance of this work is meticulously maintained, and if there aren’t enough flumes, aucts will change to better help the group in nest work. Likewise, if there aren’t enough aucts, flumes will do more heavy lifting. These expectations aren’t just societal, but biological as well. 
In a form of phenotypic plasticity, a lack of aucts or flumes will cause some from the majority to undergo hormonal changes. Muscle mass is gained when filling the role of an auct, while pattern recognition and eyesight improves for those that become flumes. What triggers these changes isn’t well known, but well documented. In one case study a group of aucts were sent to a research outpost in the polar ammonia lakes.  Due to unforeseen events, the all-auct team was forced to bunker down at the outpost for a year. Half of them lost 40% of muscle mass without a negative impact on their health, and gained improved hand eye coordination. During ovumtide they were accommodating. 
Another instance of this phenomenon occurred in a production town that specialized in leather and steel crafts. The assignment computer glitched out and filled the town with primarily flumes. In a short amount of time nearly half of them traded their stored fat for a high amount of muscle bulk in their arms and chest. Ovumtide wasn’t an issue for the town residents thanks to production tool crafting access. 
Because of this biological phenomenon, Raptoria’s governments and religions believe in what the body says rather than the mind piloting it. This became the cause for the mass exodus to Raptova—the belief that gender shouldn’t exist for the purposes of society, but rather the individual. 
The separatists believed that just because someone was physically an auct didn’t mean they wanted to do manual labor all day, or fill someone during ovumtide. Some were physically flumes, but spiritually aucts, and even without the added muscle mass could help their community like any ‘Talon Man’.
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An ovumarch. They have went through the muscle loss of an auct turning into a flume.
On the separatist colony world of Raptova, a third unnamed gender arose. It was reserved for the Ovumarch, the leaders and guides of this new world. They act as both auct and flume as a way to say all forms of identity were welcome, as well as a way to see from the perspective of both sides. Physically, their bodies will still undergo the changes that will occur naturally. 
If you have clearance with the above security check, you can learn more about Raptorians in Dr. Doppler’s Field Report.
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random-dragon-exe · 1 year
OK but the fact that witches have fangs but they're not visible because the art style doesn't show it, yet they deliberately chose to give Adrian prominent large fangs is pretty entertaining to me as an art nerd.
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Like animating fangs on characters (from what I've heard) is difficult because they have to be consistent and be kept the same size whenever the character talks.
Yet despite all that, they still chose to give him larger fangs than most witches.
I mean there have been implications that witches have fangs. One example is Gus's bucket list.
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So witches do indeed have fangs but they're not visible to the audience, but they are indeed there. In universe, they have baby fangs that they lose, then later their adult ones grow in. (Kinda cute ngl)
There there's also Katya, who has fangs but they're smaller.
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So I guess that all witches have fangs, but only a select few have more prominent ones than others.
It could be that Katya and Adrian have some beast or biped in their family tree somewhere. So that's why their fangs are more visible.
In Adrian's case, it seems that it's true for him as he also has his tail. Not too sure about Katya though.
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And then there’s the outlier Eberwolf who I'm pretty sure has fangs, yet they're only shown when he enters "power up beast mode". (I might be wrong on some of this I haven't seen Eberwolf scenes in a hot minute)
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Idk, this is just me putting my thoughts into the void. Hope you enjoyed my analysis I guess lol.
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toskarin · 5 months
that being said, do you have any battletech designs you like?
it's kind of hard for me to think of many, because my brain is allergic to this kind of mech and I start tasting a chalky pill dissolving in my mouth whenever I see it
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chicken walkers are the best of the awkward T-shaped biped bunch, but they're still on the line. I understand why they're like that, because of miniatures and all, but still
there were a few unseen designs I appreciated (importantly, ones that weren't just licensed from another franchise), but it feels against the spirit of the question to answer with those, so... hm... answers below the break
as someone who does my own share of mechanical design, I do make it a point to check out the designs even in franchises I'm not a fan of, so I can point to a few favourites
I think I'd answer SDR-5V Spider, Great Turtle, Phoenix Hawk IIC, Morrigan, Kodiak, Lich, and Shadow Hawk IIC? the Trebaruna is also really cute
limiting myself to ones that fall a little closer to the body plan I'm not a fan of, I'd answer... Fafnir, Cicada, Raven, Poseidon, Ymir, and Nightstar
the Atlas' head is iconic and I actually like it a good bit, especially with the edgy livery and all that, but it's a careful balance between whether it has a VOTOMS bodyplan (fine enough) or a stiff T-shaped-tank-on-legs bodyplan (can't stand this)
I guess a lot of this does come down to how you interpret the designs at the end of the day!
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sothasil · 2 years
hello my good friend and keeper of khajiit knowledge. I have an inquiry for you. How do khajiit babies start out? I've heard they all begin as kittens, which does make sense for most of the furstock, ease on the alfiqs, but I'm having trouble like. making logical sense of it (which I know is dumb for tes lore) and I was wondering if you had thoughts on the subject?
My biggest thing is just the sheer differences that would have to happen in the first few weeks/months/years (however long it takes for a furstock to develop in it's entirety) for the variances between just plain skeletal structure. Because if they all start as kittens, so four legged digitigrades, I cannot imagine the shift to two legged plantigrades makes for a pleasant infanthood. It's growing pains turned to full blast! There's gotta be differences in newborns between four legged and two legged and digitigrade vs plantigrade, and maybe they just start kitten sized, but not actually kittens?
sorry if this is a bothersome ask, you just know so much about khajiit/have amazing world building for them and I figured you could solidly set this into my brain besides just handwaving it and going "it's moon magic!" like everyone else has done rjgtkgjf
Hello Chance! I'll be answering this ask publicly just in case other people are interested - if you'd want it not shared, please say so and I'll lock RBs.
The short answer to your question is we don't know. Khajiit children, or depictions thereof, do not exist in TES. So strictly canonically speaking: we have nothing.
The longer answer: I have had the exact same train of thought before and came to similar conclusions. Not only do khajiit of all shapes and sizes have to grow into these shapes and sizes, but any shape of khajiit has to uh, get pushed out of any other shape of khajiit... For my own headcanon I have solved this with two ideas. The following is all headcanon!
The first thing: the furstock of the mother will in major part dictate how many babies they can have in a single litter. In real life biology, humans have it very complicated, because our hips, made for walking upright, work poorly to give birth. Following this, I think the more humanoid a khajiit is, the less babies they can carry at once.
In my own Khajiit OC families, this is why Ma'Jahrann only has a brother and they are both single litters, because their mom is an Ohmes. But the mom herself (Elaahni) is one of half a dozen litter-sisters, her mother being Alfiq-raht.
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The second thing: all khajiit are born as tiny shapeless cat beans. The younger they are, the more khajiit look like each other in terms of furstocks. Some eventually stand upright and others do not. Here is some concept art based on this idea I did for Beyond Skyrim.
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On top of growing into their adult body plan, I made them also grow into their coat, with some more humanoid furstocks staying relatively hairless for a khajiit (see my Ohmes concept art). While this makes for rapid, weird growing, this is arguably the case for many animals including humans, who go from quadrupeds to bipeds pretty fast!
For BSE, instead of doing a model per furstock for children which would be a hefty amount of work, we decided on only three at around the same young age as vanilla kids, to "sum up" all furstocks with three yet less defined body types: a quadruped very catlike one, a digitigrade fully furry one with a long tail, and a plantigrade type with a straighter neck; allowing for variety with limited ressources.
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For my own OCs again - some older drawings I did of Rezad and Rakkan show them as having short legs and a very catlike baby shape, despite both of them being bipeds, Cathay and Cathay-raht respectively. Again, because as babies, their body plan is more muddy.
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Rezad and his dad, both Cathay
This being said - I hope this is inspiring, but again, all headcanon! As with any unexplained lore area, it's your freedom to make your preferred takes out of it :) Cheers!
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theaceofarrows · 2 years
Reasons why I think a TOH Christmas special would have been amazing⬇🎄🦉
The chaos of Luz explaining the holiday and all that it entails
Willow, Gus and Hunter make an elaborate overly complicated plan to capture the mysterious Santa Claus because he "breaks into people's houses while they sleep, Luz! That can't be good!"
Lumity struggling to come up with the perfect gifts for each other, and then on Christmas morning they both say how spending Christmas with each other is already the best gift that they could ask for
All the kids getting together to make/buy Camila a special gift to show how grateful they are for her
Vee baking Christmas cookies non stop, and trying to teach the others how to bake
Decorating the most outlandish Christmas tree in all of Connecticut
Hunter not understanding why everyone keeps calling his "amazing" new sweater ugly
Amity going for the sick goth girl Christmas aesthetic™
Willow growing poinsettias and holly
Camila getting all the kids a personalized stocking
Gus doing all kinds of research on Christmas traditions from all over the world aka Krampus is now on the capture list with Santa Claus
Palisman wearing little Santa and elf hats
Snowman building compaction; some of the snowmen look more like biped demons⛄
Christmas movie marathon. The Nightmare before Christmas is a big hit
Going out to look at Christmas lights
Willow taking all kinds of adorable pictures
Demon Realm worthy renditions of classic Christmas songs; Gus really likes The Alvin And The Chipmunks
A big chaotic trip to the mall for Christmas presents that ends with almost being escorted out by security
Just them all being one big happy found family enjoying something special together
Feel free to add to this!
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notatentaclemonster · 3 months
About me
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I'm Rick 0-989. I am inside the curve but, as you can imagine, the citadel doesn't exactly have the appropriate infraestructure for an aquatic non-biped, so I never went to that place.
I've seen other Ricks making ask blogs and decided,hey, why not? Might be fun. So, ask me whatever you want... And no, before anyone asks, I'm not into japanese schoolgirls, or schoolgirls of any other nationality, for that matter.
[Mun is 22. I do NOT ship rickorty.] More about universe O-989: Earth O-989 is an underwater world. Both mermaids and cecaelias coexist in this environment, and different species populate different depths and areas. Cecaelias are naturally predisposed to curiosity, and will often try to investigate a subject as much as they can once it catches their attention. Due to this, i's uncommon to find cecaelias that aren't adventurous or at the very least studious, though there are exceptions. Being carnivorous partially influences this, as their food source is constantly on the move, though modern technology has made a large portion of them to become more sedentary.
Mermaids are more similar to regular humans in their behavior, being omnivorous made for more varied lifestyles since their origins. Cecaelias and mermaids often coexist peacefully, though there have been instances of discrimination throughout history.
In medieval times, cecaelias were often accused of being witches and cosorting with Leviathans, which led to multiple innocent executions.
In modern times, there isn't as much discrimination, though harmful stereotypes still linger between both major species.
Rick O-989 is a cecaelia scientist that often dreams of learning about what is beyond his underwater world. Being aquatic makes it difficult to leave his planet, which is a major source of distress for him. He compensates by making bipedal robot drones that look just like him except with legs instead of tentacles. He can send these drones to any place in the multiverse while controlling them from the comfort of his home. He is less of an asshole than most other Ricks specifically because he can't leave. He can't just replace his family, there aren't that many universes like his out there, and so he appreciates them more than the average Rick. Morty O-989 ( @eightleggedboy ) is very curious about his gradfather's work, but again, being aquatic has made it so they rarely adventure together. He feels a deep seated jealousy for Mortys that actually get to explore the multiverse.
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spicyclover · 2 years
Ultimatum | Part four
Summary: You give Charles an ultimatum. His apartment or you.  
Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four | Part five
Hope you’ll enjoy this part. Let me know in the comments section! And to support me by tipping me!
Little information, I will, for now, only post on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Thank you, and Enjoy! :)
Lots of love, xxx Spicy Clover
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WARNING: All the information in this text is pure fiction, and the names and addresses are strictly fictive. I’m not a lawyer also, so I’m sorry if the procedure isn’t exact or conventional. Please bear with me.
It was only on the morning of Christmas Eve, the 24th, that you received a notification from your lawyer.
You opened your email, and what you saw left you speechless. 
Y/n Y/L/N
24 Av. de la Costa
Monte-Carlo, Monaco, 98000
December 24th 2022
To the honourable avocat 
Mr.Charles Leclerc applies for full custody of the child he made with Y/n Y/L/N. At the child's birth, he applied for full custody due to the unstable actions of the named companion. He asks for a no permission for the mother to have contact with the child once it is born. This motion is under inspection by Judge Carpinelli. He asks the child's mother to report to the court of Monaco for a session on 24 January. Meanwhile, a request to contact the doctor in charge of the pregnancy and in progress. Mr. Charles Leclerc also requests access to the accused's address to obtain the necessary documents for this procedure. Given the information above, my client is asking the court to order the child to live with him full-time without authorized contact with the mother. He also requests compensation for the emotional damage your client put him through. 
Sincerely  Lawyer Felipe Rossi.  
“What the fuck?” You gasp, trying to understand what's in front of you. 
You read the email several times before you understand what it means. He wants to take away your parental rights. “How can he do that?” The little device that control your level of stress starts going on. 
“Honey, what’s going on?” Question your mother worried about your sudden change of mood and the biping starting.
You don’t have the strength to speak and give her your laptop. She takes several minutes to process what she’s reading. “How could he do that?”
“He’s asking for full custody.” She mumbles under her breath. 
“He can’t do that.” Your voice breaks, trying to make sense of this whole situation. 
You didn’t think it would go that far. You suddenly feel betrayed and out of control. All your choices come back to you and all the conversations you’ve had with him, too.
“Well, apparently, he can.” Your mother adds given her husband the computer for him to read. “Since you refuse to let him be the father.”
“I do not deny that he is the father; I just don’t want to be around him right now.”
“Will you let him be around when the baby is born?” Ask your mother. 
“I... I don’t know. He hurts me, mom.” You burst into tears. 
“I know. But he’s powerful, and he has a lot of contacts.”
“Oh, my god...” This situation is going out of control, and your breathing quickens. This whole thing is starting to become a nightmare, and you didn’t think he was capable of that much cruelty.
A panic attack invades you, and you start to hyperventilate, unable to calm down. You begin to get dizzy, and your parents try to help you, at least they can, but impossible. How can he do that to you? After all, he did. He’s the one who slept with that girl. He’s the one who didn’t listen to you. He’s the one who didn’t want your comfort. He’s... he’s... horrible.
You start walking like a lion in a cage, your breathing gets overwhelmed, and you faint. The bipping going crazy. 
Charles can’t believe what he just did. All his dark thoughts and those around him encourage him to take up this voice. He knows it’s wrong, and he’s the wrong one. Why is he doing this? He doesn’t even know himself. Everyone’s rocking in his head, and he can’t back down.
The letter was sent, and his lawyer was notified. A sense of shame takes hold, and he can’t even look at himself in the mirror in his lawyer’s waiting room.
You wake up an hour later and calm down. Your thoughts gather, and you manage to sort without being overwhelmed. You gradually regain control of yourself. You feel your little girl agitating in your belly and caressing it distractedly. Feeling her close to you reassures you.
You find yourself alone in your room looking out the window at the seagulls flying. The sound of the ocean soothes you and you feel your tension return. The little bip machine the doctor gave you on your last visit to control your stress is slowing down again. The bip stops and you go downstair. 
You decided to call him on your mother's cellphone.
“Hello?” You hear his voice for the first time in weeks, and tear fills your eyes. “Hello? Who’s this?”
“Y/n? It’s you?”
“Charlie, why do you do this to us?”
“Mon Dieu, babe, where are you? Are you okay?”
“Why do you keep doing this to us?” You cry on the phone, unable to breathe correctly and you device going on again. 
“Amour, where are you? Are you alone? What’s that bip? Are you in danger?” He asks panicking a little. 
“You hurt me, and I have to pay the consequence. You can’t do that to me.”
“Y/n, you took my child with you.”
“She’s still in me, you idiot. Of course, she has to go where I go.” You snap, getting frustrated by him. 
“Hey, you’re the one who disappeared, not me. I did not leave in the middle of the night without any warning or information.” He yells through the phone, frustrated to not have you with him. 
“You’re the one who jeopardizes our relationship, sleeping with other girls, humiliating me in front of everybody and screaming at me in the middle of the fucking street. And I’m the one who’s making mistakes here? You’re insane.” You scream back, your mother forcing you to seat down. 
“Fuck, you don’t realize how worried I am when I discover you were gone, and none of your friends didn’t know where you were either. You just disappear, and then you text my assistant a week before Christmas and not even me.” 
“Do you think it’s easy for me to deal with all of this alone?”
“Hey! You’re the one who left.”
“Because I’m mad at you. Not because I stop loving you.” You says calming down again. 
“I love you. I love everything about you, Charles. But you keep hurting me and making mistakes that force me to band my moral to go around it. What happened with that girl? Was she worth jeopardizing our relationship? I’m so mad and in pain. You put me there, and now you don’t want me to be around my child, the one I’m carrying. The one you didn’t want at the beginning of all this. You can’t do this to me. Not after everything you did.”
“I don’t want to talk anymore. I'll see you on the 24th.” You hang up the phone tossing it across the room. You apologize to your mother realizing you just destroy her phone, but she just shush you out of the room to your bedroom to get some rest. Real rest. 
You cried for hours this afternoon, trying to figure everything out. After the tears came depression, and then, and only after that, came the anger. You were mad. No, furious. You know all this didn’t come from him but from his mom. You know she will do anything to protect her son and take responsibility for his actions. 
You spend your entire Christmas Day in bed, unable to move or speak. You didn’t want to eat but forced yourself for your baby girl. Every time you rub your belly, you miss the touch of Charles on it. You miss him more than anything, but you wanted to prove to him and yourself that you didn’t need him. 
You made an effort to eat with your family the night of Christmas. Everyone tried to cheer you up, but something was broken in you. You really lost him, and you really lost Charles. All this drama put so much pressure on you that the same night, you start bleeding. 
You decided not to take any chance and went to the hospital. Right away, they took charge of you. You waited hours for the doctors to give you news, but nothing. You weren’t surprised because you were the 25th and everybody was celebrating with their family, but all this wait made you worried even more. 
Charles was with his family having dinner when his phone rang. 
“Charles, Charles Leclerc?” Ask your mother.
“Y/M/N, Y/n mother. Y/n is in the hospital.” She says straight to the point.
“She’s in the hospital. She was losing blood, and we went directly to check it out. I’m not supposed to be calling you right now, and she didn’t want to worry you. But you’re the father and she loves, misses you very much.” She explains herself off tone. 
“Where are you?” 
“I’m not sure, she wants to see you, Charles.”
“I’m her boyfriend and the father. I'm coming. Tell me which hospital!” He orders directly, not missing this opportunity. 
“Centre hospitalier de la Côte Basque.” She hangs up the phone after whispering the information.
“She’s in France. All this time, she was this close,” he thinks, hanging up the phone. He rushes inside and excuses himself to everyone before taking his coat and leaving promptly. 
Charles didn’t waste any minute, and he drove for hours. He arrives at at 4 am the morning at the destination, and he barely parks his car and rushes inside. Almost screaming at the receptionist to find out where you are. 
You are in your room, sleeping with your mother stocking your head gently. After crying, you finally fell asleep. Breathing finally normally, you weren’t dreaming, and it was better this way. 
Charles sprint through the corridor before finding your room. He takes the time to catch his breath before passing a hand in his hair. He opened the door carefully. Your father gets up from his chair and grabs him by the collar the minute he walks in. 
“You have some nerve coming here after what you did to her, you piece of shit.” 
“I... I’m sorry.” 
“Y/F/N, let him go.” Speaking up, your mother, getting up and taking her husband's arm. 
Your father took several minutes before releasing his grip and walking away. 
“She’s sleeping right now. They sedated her.” 
“Is she okay? And the baby?” 
“Like you care about her,” pester your father, sitting back in his chair.
“I do...”
“Oh really, when?”
“I know. I didn’t want this to happen, so I messed up. But I love her. I really do.” 
You start to wake up. Wriggles in the hospital bed. You sight, trying to vanish the vapour of the drug. 
You slowly opened your eyelids, trying to get used to daylight. Still unaware of the atmosphere in the room, you moan, trying to change position. Your catheter hurts, and you blow a good blow before opening your eyes.
You search for your mother, but your eyes fall on Charles, who approaches you.
“Oui, mon amour.” He says, taking place next to you.
To be continued... 
Tag list: 
@mloyer @heavengirls111 @janeholt3 @ggaslyp1 @tall-tanned-tattoo @queenanababy @91vhs @dreamerrosie @pleasedontfollowimlost @kuskumu @lissimountf1 @sbgal​
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the-catmans-offical-2 · 3 months
Chimera Ed au thoughts:
- Ed's disguise (to not be seen as a chimera) might be comprised of the left over pieces of 48/the slicer brothers ; Because I think they would weigh on Ed's conscious like Nina and so he uses the remains of their armor to carry around like reminders (like his pocket watch!)
- Ed's automail arm is too big for him due to Winry only understanding how to make the design for humans and hasn't advanced to animals (I think Pinako did Den's automail, and she knows how important Ed's automail is to Winry due to it being her first design and all. Plus Ed would probably want some semblance of normalcy.)
- Ed isn't agressive in his chimera state, more skittish and protective of himself in a sense. He is reduced to a prey animal mindset, this can't be forgotten. So he sees humans as threats, front facing eyes and all are common traits of predatory animals, and is commonly skittish of them. Ed is also more dull in terms of emotion unless you count high feeling emotions (fear is a common one but overstimulation, sadness, and happiness are all there too.) Dull in the sense of he experiences less complex emotions, this is part of the reason why he won't be allowed to be shipped with other characters. In other words, his aggression is more fear than sass.
- Like Nina was thought to be, Ed is in constant pain; His bones aren't right and they feel wrong in his body, as does his organs, tongue, and certain nerves. So his senses in terms of touch is heightened and diluted in certain areas. His hips, left collarbone, left shoulder bone, and right femur are all fucked up due to having the ports still attached to his body during the transmutation. He walks funny, and speaking of walking he both can walk like a quadped and a biped; Both cause him some level of pain though, especially walking like a biped.
- While Ed has the appearance of an armadillo, he still has humanic or ape like attributes in term of bone structure and whatnot; I don't know how to better explain currently.
- Ed's eyes are still faintly golden, but they still have white cataracts like Nina's eyes. So his sight isn't that good; But his taste, smell, and somewhat hearing are what he has to go off of for the most part.
- Since Havoc is the one to find him, Ed sticks close to Havoc (As well as Al of course but Al causes him to get confused sometimes, he can't sense him that well if that makes sense.) but that being said, Havoc's cigarette smell makes him feel sick.
- Al, although he knows it's wrong, treats Ed more like a cat at first. Because he's a little kid, what do you expect the 13 or so year old to do?
- Greed, much like FMA 03 Greed, hears about Ed and tries to find him to have him join him; Not only to get him out of sight of the homunculi looking for him, but also to just have another team Greed (Devil's Nest) member.
- Ed has speech issues, and therefore typically is silent not only out of pride but also because he thinks he can be badass by just being quiet during fights. He learns certain, one handed signs; Mostly cussing, I wonder who taught him that.
That's it, that's all I got so far.
I'm working on Ed's ref sheet currently, I don't know when it'll be done but hopefully soon. As well as the comic.
I will be writing it out on AO3, I know I will, and once I do I'll be posting that here too.
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Soon, I promise.
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