#why is this so accurate how dare you 😭
neowinestainedress ¡ 1 month
w!: femdom, orgasm control/denial, pegging, overstimulation, dom!reader, sub!jisung. no use of y/n, no physical description (no body type, hair, skin color etc)
a/n: if last year someone told me that my first writing post of 2024 would've been a jisung “drabble” i would've laughed at their face but here we are. i'm struggling to write lately so PLEASE please if you liked it let me know and reblog so more people can read it. enjoy!
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Jisung would do anything for you. Or, well, to be more accurate, he would do anything to please you. 
You can’t name what you two share; if you did, you’d probably call it a tangle of messy bedsheets, wet lip kisses, and whispered moans. But there is something holding you two together. 
“Please, please, you can’t,” he stutters through gritted teeth. His head is rolled back, resting against the bedframe, damp hair sticks to his handsome face that’s tinted a bright red, and his hips jerk uncontrollably against your hand. 
“I can’t, what? Jisung,” you reply with a slight stern edge in your voice. Your hand stops at the base of his throbbing dick, leaking a copious amount of pre-cum, rolling down his length until it meets your palm. 
“No-nothing, I’m – I’m sorry, ma’am, I’m sorry,” he mumbles shaking his head. 
“Good,” you smile smugly. “Cause you don’t make the rules here, I do.” 
“Yes, yes, you do,” he hums closing his eyes as he tries to concentrate on his breathing. 
“And I don’t see why I should let you come so soon when you look so pretty for me,” you tease and notice how he almost glares at you before he quickly turns his disappointment into a frown. 
So soon. 
You’ve been edging him for at least 30 minutes; chasing his build-up just to crash it, ruining every chance of an orgasm right in front of his face, the promise of being pegged slipping more and more away. 
It’s not a punishment. You know it, and he knows it, too. He loves this. He loves when you’re all over him, your soft left hand crazing his skin while the right one moves with quick motions on his hard dick. Your lips leaving kisses like brushes of a feather on his sensible neck. The strong tug of your fingers in his black, long hair, making him hiss. 
And you love this, too. Jisung reacts perfectly at each snap of your finger. He’s so delicate as soon as you enter your private bubble and leave the world outside, crumbling at your feet like a sandcastle. His clothes are quickly on the floor as he lets you guide you to the bed where he lets you do anything you please. And all it takes to make him fall apart is you touching him. Your hands on his burning skin set him on fire, and elicit raspy begs for “more” following calls of your name as his pleading eyes look into yours. 
“You’re so pretty, you know?” You will never get tired of reminding him that when his eyes light up at each compliment. “My pretty boy.” 
“Yeah, yours,” he replies, voice slurred. You’re sure by the end of the night it will be completely hoarse. 
He’s doing everything he can to hold the nth orgasm in. He hates to fail, especially with you. He has to keep it together. But you’re not doing anything to help him. 
You lean over, pressing your arms together, pushing your boobs closer, the soft curves bulging out of your skin-tight top. Jisung wants to die. He needs to touch you, but you don’t let him, not now. It’s your turn to have fun, he’s just a toy in your hands right now, he has to watch and take. But he can’t endure it any longer. 
“You’re making a mess, babe,” you pout, looking between his legs. “I can’t let you come or else you’ll make even worse.” 
“No, no, please, I – I won’t, it’s too much,” he cries out. 
“Okay, then,” you say. You watch his eyes light up, a sigh of relief bolt over his face, just for it to drop as soon as your hand leaves his body. His eyes panic, he doesn’t even dare to look down to confirm your hand is not there anymore. You’ve done it again. 
“No, please,” Jisung whines. This time he can’t hide his annoyance. 
“I thought you wanted my dick,” you say, tilting your head to the side. 
“Yes but,” he almost sobs, “that will make me come as soon as… you know…” he whispers, too shy to say it loud, looking away. 
“Mhh, no, I fear I don’t know.” 
“God, why are you like this?” 
“Excuse me?” You scold. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, but… I, I need to come. You’ve edged me for so long, I will… I will come as soon as you enter me if I don’t, and you won’t let me come that easily.” 
This is not a punishment. So, yes, he has a point. You do have a lot of fun doing this, watching him struggle to keep it together as you fuck into him. However, today is not the day. 
Without adding a word, your hand is back around his dick, moving up and down quickly. The sudden movement makes him gasp and he has to contain himself to don’t squeal in exactment. 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” he mumbles before the only things coming out of his mouth are moans. His hips buckle against you, desperately chasing the long awaited high. 
“Come on, let go,” you order, and before his brain can even register the sound, he comes undone in your hands. White cum spurts over your hand, arms and his abs, making a mess like predicted, but you don’t stop, milking him until there’s nothing left behind and he has to beg you to stop. 
“Good boy,” you praise, stopping your movements before leaning close. “Calm down, you did great.” Your words make him smile, but he still leans in for a kiss. “You can touch me,” you mumble in the kiss when you notice his hesitating hands lingering close to your body, and you don’t need to repeat yourself. 
Jisung pulls you closer, kneading the skin of your hips, long fingers pressing into your skin. He’s a bit aggressive sometimes without noticing, his eagerness makes him clumsy, but you don’t care, that’s another thing you like about him. 
“Do you still want me to fuck you?” You ask when you pull away, reaching for the bedside table to grab a napkin and clean yourself. 
“Yes, please, I wanted you all day, you’ve been driving me crazy,” he says, getting ready to lay on his back. 
He didn’t lie, you did tease him all day long. You were quite surprised you made it home and didn’t end up doing it in the car. 
His hungry eyes burn on you as you undress and slip in the strap-on. It makes you feel so powerful as you stare down at his bare figure, laying powerless on the mattress. 
“You’re so hot,” Jisung whispers, face catching fire as soon as you look at him and smile. He’s so shy and embarrassed; your favorite type to mess with. 
When your lube-covered fingers slip into his tight hole, his head rolls back as he traps his lower lip between his teeth to not let out pathetic moans. 
“Is this all you need? My fingers?” 
“You’re good,” he stutters. “You’re too good.” 
You grin. You know you are. 
As you get him ready to take your dick, you let your fingers slide deep inside and curl up just as he likes it, slow and nice, to let him feel everything. 
You get drunk in his low moans, muffled by the arm he put on top of his mouth to don’t sound so desperate, and the way his dick is hardening again, slowly throbbing on his defined abs. 
“You think you’re ready for me?” 
Jisung nods enthusiastically. “Yes, I always am. Please, fuck me,” he begs, hands reaching out to touch you. 
“If you say so,” you smile, pulling your fingers out of him, making him groan in disappointment. 
You pour a generous amount of lube on your strap and push it against his entrance. One hand runs under the back of his thigh to pull him closer as the other grabs the base of the dildo to start pushing into him. 
As you slide inside, your eyes don’t leave his. Your heart races as you watch him fight to keep his eyes open (you want him to look at you when you do this) but he succeed, cause he’s just too good. 
“Touch me,” you order when you bottom in. He’s tired, completely consumed by lust, but he listens without wasting a second. His hands cup your boobs, starting to pleasure you as you slowly move out of him. He knows how much you love his hands, and he does all the tricks he knows you love; playing with your nipples, squeezing them, cupping the soft flesh. “Good boy,” you praise. 
But it’s hard to be so good when you pick up a steady rhythm. 
“You’re big,” he cries out as his head rolls back and his lips part to let out louder moans. 
“But you can take me, can’t you?” You tease, but behind your words hides genuine concern. He has this habit of rushing into things because he’s greedy. 
“Yes, yes, I can do anything for you,” he replies, nodding swiftly. 
“Good,” you hum. When you lean closer to kiss him, his hands wrap around your shoulders to pull you closer. His hips roll against you, messily trying to meet you halfway, and before you realize, his legs wrap around your body. 
“Somebody’s more eager than usual today,” you grin, brushing his wet black hair behind. 
“I’m – I’m sorry, I want you so bad.” 
“I’m right here,” you assure, kissing his cheek. “Do you want it harder?” 
Words struggle to come out and the only thing he can do is nod quickly. You straighten your back and then your hands grab his waist to pull him closer to you. The new position allows you to fuck faster into him, the harsh slam of your hips against his soft legs creating the vulgar sounds of skin loudly resonating in the room. 
“Please, please,” he moans, his voice so deep and hoarse it hits you straight to the core. “Wanna come, please, please, I’ll be good.” 
You quirk a brow. “Will you?�� 
“Yes,” he nods enthusiastically. “I’ll take another one, I’ll take – I’ll take everything you have to give me, but please, let me come,” he begs. His eyes stare into yours, and your heart skips a bit at his clumped wet lashes, tears are pooled at the corner and you know with this orgasm they will flow like rivers on his cheeks. 
“Fine, you can come,” you say. Your hands clench harder around his waist, causing his skin to redden, but he barely feels it, too concentrated on the pleasure your fast thrusts are giving him. You don’t even need to touch his dick before he comes undone for the second time, shaking uncontrollably in your hands as the cum covers his lower abdomen. 
But this time you don’t slow down when he’s done, your movements are steady and leave him breathless. 
“Fuck,” he screams, fingers desperately reaching for you, and one of your hands intertwines with his fingers. But the soft gesture doesn’t match the ruthlessness of your movements. 
“You’re a mess,” you point out, kissing him. The tears are streaming down his face, his lips are plump from the torture he applied with his teeth, his hair is a mess, and his chest is rising fast. 
“But – but you like me,” he struggles to say, “you still like me, right? Please, tell me —fuck— tell me you still like me.” 
You smile, caressing his burning cheek. “Of course, I do. You’re my beautiful mess, right?” 
“Yes, yeah, I’m yours, I’m yours, I’m only —mmph— only yours,” he mutters. 
“Yeah, mine,” you say, cupping his face before pulling him into a deep, long kiss. 
Jisung’s hands run on your back, his short nails scratch your skin but you don’t mind, instead, you start moving even faster, pushing him close to the edge again. 
“Not again,” he cries, pleading eyes looking up at you. 
“You promised,” you remind him. 
He sniffles, trying to clean up the mess on his face with the palm of his hand but only makes it worse. “But – but it’s too much, I can’t last long– longer.” 
“We better make it quick, then.” 
His eyes light up. “Wa-wait, I can – I can come again?” 
You nod. 
“Ca-can you help – help me?” 
“Nope, no hands, babe. Don’t act like it’s hard for you.” 
“But –” 
Your stern gaze stops him in his tracks, and he simply nods. His eyes widen when you start teasing his nipples, and you both know it’s going to be even easier for him to come this time. And as expected in a few seconds he’s making a mess again. His moans are so messy and loud you’re surprised the neighbor didn’t come knock on your door yet. 
“Fuck, fuck, God,” he cries loudly, hiding his face with the pillow that he’s holding so tight his knuckles are going white. “Please, please, I – I, fuck, fuck.” His words are an incoherent mess, and more and more strings of white lay where the others are dried up by now. “Too much, too much, ma’am, can’t, no more.” 
You slow down while your hands caress his waist to soothe him, but his breathing is still frenetic and mumbles are coming out of his mouth. 
“You did great, you did such a good job,” you whisper, moving the corner of the pillow out of his face, forcing him to let go, and caressing his burning face. “Let me kiss you.” 
After the kiss you slip out of him completely and the emptiness makes him whine loudly. Once you’re out of the strap, you reach him with a glass of water and watch as he gulps it quickly. 
“Color?” You ask. You still haven’t come, and you need it. But he has already done so much you don’t want to push him over the edge. 
He slumps back on the bed, and you’re ready to hear a “red” but he surprises you. “Green, but I – I need just a few seconds to calm down. You’re too – too good at this,” he chuckles, blushing bright red. 
You smile, caressing his face. “You can use your fingers if you’re too stimulated.” 
He shakes his head. “No, I – I want you to feel you, please.” 
You chuckle at how he’s already in that mood again, ready to beg and do anything to make you feel good and make you proud of him. 
“Are you ready?” You ask as you straddle his lap. 
Jisung gulps and then nods, letting his hands rest on your hips. “I just – I can’t promise I’ll last long.” 
“It’s alright. Touch yourself, get yourself hard for me.” 
His right hand leaves your side to wrap around his soft dick, and as soon as his fingers come in contact with his skin he jerks up. He’s so fucking sensitive. And he knows he might’ve flown too close to the sun, but he doesn’t want to back down. 
He rarely gets to be inside of you, and he loves it, especially when he’s so stimulated. Will he turn into a mess in two seconds again? Yes. Does he care? No.
“Go slowly,” you say, watching as his big hand slides up and down his length. His long fingers shake every time he comes close to the sensitive tip and a strangled moan gets trapped in his throat. 
“Do – do you like this? Am I being good for you?” He asks with a shaking voice, eyes desperately seeking your validation. 
You nod. “So good. Just a few more, babe.” 
He hums, swallowing again as he tries to fight himself to not get close to another orgasm. But you’re not cruel, you just need him to get hard again. 
“Enough,” you order, making him stop immediately. His hand goes back on your body and his hard dick throbs against his abs. “Are you ready for me?” 
“Yes, I am, please, fuck me,” Jisung begs, grinding his hips against you. 
You snicker, shaking your head. “So greedy. After everything we did, you still want more.” 
“Yes, I need you. And I – I want you to feel good.” 
You need that too. Seeing him fall apart on your strap got you weak in your knees, and now you need to come. You know you won’t last long either when you’ve been on the edge all night. 
When you slide on top of him, his hips buck up, making you choke on a moan. “Jisung,” you scold. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he apologizes. “Please, use me.” 
And you do. You start to move up and down, feeling him fill you up, reaching so deep inside of you.  
“Touch me,” you order. “You know how I like it.” 
Jisung is lost in his haze, the afterglow of before mixing with the lust of this moment is getting completely in his head and this simple task seems impossible, but he always gives you what you want and ask for. 
So, even if not so quickly, his fingers reach your clit. When he starts rubbing it in swift circles, you see stars, and you know it won’t take long to fall apart. 
“You’re so wet, and feel so – so good,” he cries out. The way you squeeze around him is driving him insane, stimulating him like never before. “I need you, can you – can you kiss me? I won’t – I won’t stop I promise.” 
You don’t reply, and simply lean in to give him what he wants. His movements stop for a brief second but restart shortly after. Your moans blend in the kiss as your hand reaches his hair to tug on it, earning a low grunt from him. 
“You like it when I treat you roughly, don’t you?” You pull away just enough to get a glimpse of his face before tugging again, watching as his lips part to set free an even deeper moan. 
“Ye-yes, you can – you can do whatever you want with me,” he mumbles. 
“I know, honey, I know,” you grin before kissing him again. This time it’s rough and desperate, taking his breath away. 
When you pull away to have more room to move on top of him, your hand places on his chest before running up to reach his neck. Your thumb runs over his neck, caressing his adam’s apple as it bobs in his throat. He reached the limit. He’s holding on to make you feel good but you can see he’s pushing himself for you. There’s nothing in his eyes, just lust and need to release. His moans are loud and incoherent, and his hips pathetically try to meet you halfway. And when your hand wraps around his neck, he loses it. 
“Mhh, please, please,” he starts begging, his words sounding even more embarrassing muffled by your hand restricting the flow of air in his lung. The hand that is not working on you clenches hard around your waist, his nails leaving marks on your skin. “Need you, please.” 
“I’m right here.” 
Jisung cries, shaking his head. “Need you to – to come. Please, come with me. I’m – I’m good, right? You – you are close.” 
“You think so?” You tease. 
And he almost starts sobbing. “Yeah,” he cries in a snarl. “I know I – I make you feel good. I’m good for you, I know I am, please, tell me I’m – I’m your good toy.” 
You’d love to play with him more, but he’s at his breaking point, and even if all of this is playful you can see he’s far too deep in subspace and any degrading word might hit him too close. 
“You are,” you whisper, letting go of his neck to kiss him. “You’re my good boy. And since you’re my good boy —fuck— you will come with me, right?” 
“Yes, yes, I – I will, please, yes, yes,” he replies, reaching for your lips again. 
“Come with me.” 
“Oh, fuck,” he moans. “Thank you, thank you, fuck, thank you so – so much,” he mumbles breathlessly, words mixing with groans and whimpers as both of your orgasm break through. Your movements falter as the pleasure gets to your head and you finally let go of the built-up pressure, but you still ride him until you make sure you’re both done. 
And when you’re sure there’s nothing more to take and give, you collapse on his body. 
“Stay,” Jisung murmurs, wrapping his arms around your back when you try to roll to the side. “Please, stay,” his voice shakes, and a sob rolls from his tongue. 
“Jisung?” You ask worriedly, lifting your head to look at him. 
“I’m fine, I just…” he sniffles, “I… I want to feel you, and…cuddle some more.” 
You smile, letting out a sigh of relief. “Can I at least slip out of you?” 
He nods, and you slowly get off him. “You have cum everywhere, can I clean you up?” 
“No. I mean, yes, but not now, can we… can we just cuddle? I need you.” 
He’s still into his subspace and you won’t pull him out of there. You know he will fall asleep in that mess, but you can take care of that later. 
“Come here, rest your head against my chest,” you say, laying at his side, opening your arms so he can cuddle between them. “Is this alright?” 
“Perfect,” he mutters, nuzzling against your bare chest. “You smell good.” 
“Well, thanks, but I’d say I smell like sex.” 
“Mhh,” he whispers. “Thank you for taking care of me.” 
“It’s nothing, I have fun with you, and I like you.” 
He hums, and then some seconds of silence follow before the loudest thing he can say slips from his lips. “I love you.” 
You still, body stiffening, and look down. “You… what?” 
“I think I love you,” he replies nonchalantly, voice muffled by your chest. 
You can’t find the words to reply and, in your heart, you don’t know. “I don’t… I don’t know how to react. I think you’re confused.” 
You feel him shake his head, and you wonder how conscious he is. 
“I think we should… mhh, maybe talk about this tomorrow,” you say, trying to keep it cool, but you know he can feel your heart beating an abnormal amount inside your rib. 
“Fine,” he whispers, holding you closer. “Just don’t leave.” 
You gulp and look down. And as you watch Jisung’s body relax as he succumbs to sleep; his long lashes sitting on his rosy cheeks, his long hair framing his handsome face, his plump lips slightly parted puffing hair, you think to yourself you’re screwed. 
“Don’t worry, I won’t leave.” 
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Š neowinestaindress; all rights reserved. do NOT repost, modify, or translate any work from this blog on any other platform and claim it as yours. you can find my works on ao3 (neowinestaindress) and wattpad (winestaintedress_; currently inactive).
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cespugliodifiori ¡ 5 months
[Sooo i’ve recently watched Hazbin Hotel and the character Alastor has caught my eye 😭 like i’m so obsessed with him that it isn’t funny anymore- But anyways i’ve thought about some head-cannons for him(they might not be accurate and english isn’t my first language so if you find grammatical errors i sincerely apologize) THE END IS ANGSTY (sorry i just had to, i added a ‘dangerously yours’ reference)]
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How would Alastor express his “love” for you
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• The first time you met him he actually freaked you the fuck out, i mean he had that big smile on his face ALL THE TIME, it was creepy. But after a few days he won you over with his ‘personality’.
• I think that he isn’t the type to have a serious relationship with someone, but he would rather have a ‘soft’ spot for you.
• Sometimes he would open the door for you, if he’s ahead of you, but one time he walked faster than you so he could reach out for the door first and say “Ladies first!”.
• One time, while Niffty was playing with your hair (or horns if your oc has horns) you were doing a crossword. When suddenly Alastor sat down next to you and helped you with some words, since his vocabulary is much more expanded than yours.
• He would definitely keep your tea warm if you’re having a conversation with someone and forget to drink it, while he’s around.
• You always wondered why would he do these little things for you, he still made you somewhat uncomfortable when he’s around but that’s just the aura he gives off, right?.
• One time, while you were sitting in the small bar of the hotel, you were eating cookies and milk for breakfast, when accidentally a cookie fell in the mug and you were about to get a spoon, but Alastor used his magic to pick up the cookie, you were weirded out at first and looked at him suspicious but he only smiled at you, “when did he get here?” you thought while munching on the cookie.
• It actually made him smile more when he saw you laughing at his sassiness or at one of his jokes.
• You found his deer ears to be entertaining, of course you didn’t dare to touch them, but time to time he would make them move (like letting them react to noises yk-) just to see a little smile on your face.
• Sometimes you would listen to him on the radio, it seemed like he always knew when you were listening to him, so he would always be extra sassy.
• He would call you “my dear” “sweetheart” “honey” “little one” “my fawn”
• He would make Jambalaya for you
• One time, Charlie putted on some music to make the hotel less depressing than it already was, a Jazz song came on and you noticed that Alastor looked up from the journal he was reading, it was a song from ‘Frank Sinatra’ named ‘It had to be you’. You were looking at Charlie dancing and laughing with Vaggie they were so cute together!. Suddenly, you felt a poke on your right shoulder and looked but there was nobody there, when you looked back Alastor was in front of you. “Hey” you said smiling kinda freaked out but shrugged it off “Care to dance?” he stretched out his hand, you were a bit unsure since the rumors said that he didn’t like to be touched, but he wouldn’t have offered then, right? “Sure” you spoke while taking his hand, his gloves feeling cold as ever and he took you on the ‘dance floor’. Charlie was surprised but happy that you and Alastor were getting along, she seemed excited!. It was the best dance you’ve ever had.
• When Husk pointed out that you would always get the princess treatment with Alastor, you tried to disapprove “it’s not that, he’s just kind sometimes” “oh really? how can you not see that you’re literally the favorite among all of us!” you shrugged it off, and said “well take example Charlie! He treats her like she’s his child” you said in your defense, and Husk rolled his eyes “it’s not the same.” “where are you trying to get with this talk??” you looked at him while he was cleaning a glass “i just… don’t let your guard down. You already know what he’s capable of” you looked at him with concerned eyes, he was scared that you’ll end up like him “don’t worry i won’t” you reassured him with a smile, and he seemed a bit more relaxed. (of course this happened when Alastor was busy)
• After the conversation with Husk, you kept your distance, you only knew him for two and a half weeks and it seemed like he knew you already for his whole life. A few days have passed and one day you decided to stay in your room all day. You were reading a book, your mind was a mess you weren’t even actually reading. Suddenly a radio static could be heard, your eyes looked up and met his red ones, your heart began to beat faster. You gulped and said, looking away “can you leave, please?” his radio static stopped for a second and he didn’t say anything, his look could tell you already that he wasn’t going to. You got out of your bed and went to open the door “please go…” your voice cracked “what is it? what’s wrong my dear?” his radio voice was somewhat soft but his eyes were cold as ever, you held on the knob tightly than before “you know nothing about me, you’ve known me only for 3 weeks!” before you could add anything else he uttered “3 weeks?” he spoke your name softly and added “i’ve known you all my life” he gestured, his smile getting bigger, while his radio voice began to malfunction, he started to get a bit irritated “all your life?” you said in disbelief, you closed the door and stood in front of him “it’s true!” he stated “when i heard beautiful music, i thought: she likes that” “oh please stop!, don’t think i know that you just want me to sell my soul to you!” he stopped and looked away, the radio static stopping for a second and resuming, it looked like he was thinking of what to say. Your heart sank “…is it true?” he had that stupid smile on his face, he kept his hands behind his back holding his cane tightly. He quickly regained composure, he’s shown you enough of his desperate side and spoke “no, my dear of course not, why would i fool you?” you were about to tell him of the conversation with Husk but you decided that it would worsen things “maybe because you’re the ‘radio demon’?” he laughed, his shoulder moving up and down as he did “oh sweetheart, don’t you get it?” he cupped your cheeks and looked down at you “if i ever wanted to take your soul i would’ve done it already!” he said his pupils becoming radio dials for a quick second, that freaked you out and he just laughed it off “smile my dear! you’re never fully dressed without a smile” he stretched out your lips before pulling away “want some Jambalaya?” he said walking past you, you cracked a smile and looked at him wiping the little tear that was about to fall “of course..” you followed him. Strangely enough you forgot about the conversation with Husk!.
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[This is my first time writing head-cannons so i’m sorry if i’ve made errors! It was hard to make the conversations with Alastor since he has a very formal vocabulary 😭. The last head-cannon was related to ‘dangerously yours’ so it’s kinda weird but i hoped you liked it! Let me know if i should make more head-cannons or do requests! (i just need to learn how to use tumblr lol)]
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j0eyj0rdis0n ¡ 9 months
HEYYYYY i just wanted to say i love ur work <3 and secondly
i wanted to ask if you’ve seen the a24 movie pearl (2022)? cuz like i had a creepypasta request idea based of a pearl scene😭 it’s where toby gives fem-reader like stockholm syndrome and she becomes really clingy to him. And so one day he tells her that he’s gonna be right back and reader starts overthinking and assuming that he’s leaving her forever. AND THENNN she says the infamous pearl lines “NO! WHY ARE YOU LEAVING ME IF I DIDNT DO ANYTHING WRONG! I DONT UNDERSTAND I THOUGHT YOU LIKED ME!!!!”.
then they have a huge fight to which it turns into reader trying to hurt toby and toby just calming her down in anyway tehe :3
Hey love! I unfortunately haven't seen the movie as I'm not really one for movies at all, but I've certainly seen this clip circling on TikTok. It was super intriguing and it made me want to see it but I just haven't had the chance. For not seeing the movie I hope that this is at least somewhat accurate! Thank you for the ask!
Also I have some works ready for Kinktober! I only picked some of the prompts, I’ll start on day 6 so get ready!!
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"Y/N I'll be back s-soon. Ma-asky has been in a s-shit mood 'bout this mission." Toby grumbled as he tied his boots.
"What..?" You looked up at him quickly from the dishes you were washing. "Why are you leaving me...?"
"Y/N, it's j-just for a m-mission." He sighed, realizing that this would be coming the longer he kept you here with him alone. "P-promise it won't be long."
The look of confusion and hurt on your face was evident. He hated it when you got upset like this. How was he supposed to explain any further that it was only a short mission? He felt like he couldn't ever explain anything to you. It was starting to get rather irritating too.
"You don't want to stay with me?" You questioned, your tone slowly growing angry. Your hands letting a plate clatter to the counter.
"Don't st-start with that. I told you! A sh-short mission!" His tone began to match yours, with a rough twang of anger. He tied his boots up with white knuckles before standing up and glaring at you.
"Don't leave me!!" You screamed, not bothering to wipe your wet hands off as you grabbed his wrist. "Why don't you love me?! I haven't done anything wrong!! Why do you keep leaving?!" Your voice grew hoarse as you screamed louder, practically begging for him to stay. "Toby please! Please don't leave!" You tried to pull his hand from the doorknob with tears streaming down your face.
"L-let go Y/N! I have t-to go!" He shouted back, ripping his arm from your grasp and throwing the door open.
"NO! NO! DON'T LEAVE ME!" You cried, watching him walk out in a huff.
You ran after him, kicking up dirt with each long stride. You grabbed onto his shirt, trying to drag him back inside. "Please Toby! Please I need you!"
He shrugged off your advances, continuing down the dirt road. If he wanted you for himself so badly then why was he leaving?! They had more than enough manpower to get missions done without him. You could barely survive without him! How dare he leave you like this! His pace didn't stop you from continuing your chase. Picking up a hatchet leaning against the picket fence you ran with rage in your eyes and anger in your heart.
"You're not leaving!!" You shouted, bringing the hatchet above your head, ready to swing at him.
He turned quickly, dodging your swing and wrestling the hatchet out of your small hands. "What on e-earth do you think y-you're doing?!" He shouted, throwing the hatchet far into the dirt as he got up in your face. "You're going to k-k-kill me for trying ta' leave? What the f-fuck is your problem!?" He took a moment to pause, staring you down with a look that could probably kill. "Get the f-fuck inside. Now."
When you didn't respond to his words, he grabbed your wrist with enough force to shatter it completely, dragging you towards the house. He threw you on the couch, pointing an accusing finger at you as he continued his yelling spree.
"I do all this for y-y-you! Be fuckin' grateful!"
It was only when he saw tears spring to your eyes that he went quiet. Yes he was upset you were making such a big deal out of one short mission, but he wasn't upset enough to make you cry from yelling at you. He let out a defeated sigh, taking a seat next to you on the old couch.
"S-sorry... I shouldn't have y-yelled... You gotta k-know missions aren't optional... I really gotta go Y/N..."
You sat defeated, tears streaming down your face. You hated it when he left, and no amount of reassurance made you feel better. Every time he left, you felt a piece of your heart break.
All you could do was nod, letting him stand without protest. Toby gave you a gentle kiss on the forehead before heading out the door once more.
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mugeesworld ¡ 1 year
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Fatgum with a chubby partner head cannons!
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Hi!!!! Finally had time to write some!! I've been getting back into MHA. I stop watching it when the fandom got weird but started watching again recently. Even tho I remember most of it. I started from the very start lol. So I apologize if this isn't accurate or something.
Female y/n
Not proof read
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Lordddddd. This man. He likes em thick. He likes em plus size. Can't tell me different. You literally can't.
He just loves his chubby s/o. Like LOVES. Like everytime he sees you it's like he is seeing you for the first time. He stares at you with those big eyes so full of love. He just wants to hold you😩
The way he could literally man handle you too. Likeeeeee. If you like being pickup or like size difference. Then this is the guy for ya. Doesn't matter your weight. 150-600? Doesn't matter. No matter your weight! He can literally throw you around like a bean bag.
He is STRONG. BEEFY. So he can take it. PUT IT ON HIM. He loves holding you. Everywhere! Doesn't care where. He loves it. Even in public. He don't care. He loves having you in his arms.
If you're just side kick or partner then you are always taken care of. Every 5 mins he is checking on you. Be careful though with how Honest you are. Cause if you say something as simple as "my feet hurt" you will immediately be placed on his shoulders or be held up just by his arm. Bros hand is so big you could just sit on his hand like it's a chair.
Be prepared for how embarrassing it's gonna be when he throws you over his shoulder cause he doesn't want your feet to hurt💀 he is SO dramatic. Always making excuses to why he should hold you. "Well if you're on my shoulders you can scout ahead to see if theirs any villains." he will make up the most bull shit excuse just to have you closer to him. Cause he loves having you close and feeling your body against him.
He also secretly likes the idea that everyone around y'all knows y'all have something going on. He definitely loves showing you off and flexing his beautiful girl friend. Definitely thinking some dumb crap in his head like. "Yeah that's right! The hero ***** is my girlfriend! How about them apples!" like he is just so proud and so honored to have you as a girlfriend. He can't get over it.
When ever you're talking to fans and he can tell they are being flirty he will just scoop you up and say. "Uh oh! Sorry guys we have to go! New villain just appeared!" and just zoom off😭💀
He knows you are a hero and he knows you can handle yourself but having you as a side kick to some getting used to. Whenever you would get a scrape or the smallest cut he would panic like you are dying. Cause usually he takes his time when fighting to think of a strategy of how to not cause as much damage or how to control his quirk the best but as soon a he sees you get the smallest of cuts....... Oh that villian better pray!
In one hit he will just absolutely destroy them. Cause how dare they hurt you. He has his quirk under great control but when you get hurt. If it makes him mad enough. No matter the strength of the villain he will put everything into on big ass punch cause it made him so mad.
And he's such a sweet guy. Very kind and caring. Literally one of the last people to get angry. But when it comes to you? Lord...... It can go 1 to 1000 real quick. Ever since you became his side kick it sorta made him stronger in a way. Having you around lights a fire under him. Everything he do is always too of his game. Cause he not only is trying to protect the city but protect his boo.
After he gets all crazy mad at the villains and takes them out after seeing you get a small cut. Its right back to teddy bear mode. Runs over too you and falls to his knees to inspect you like you're on the brink of death. Or picks you up with his hands and spins you around to make sure you're not hurt.
When I mean the smallest of cut I mean the literal smallest. Like a paper cut. He is PANICKING. Will yell for a doctor. Like he is going crazy like you are giving birth or something. And you're just standing there🧍
The poor guy was STRESSED. He sometimes begs you to go inside him or whatever. (Like with tokoyami) just to keep you safe. Something happening to you is his worst nightmare. So he definitely needs you to calm him down or reassure him you're all good.
After fighting together for a while he calms down. But he always keeps a eye on you. He makes sure y'all never split up. Always back to back fighting. He has to know you are near.
But even though he gets nervous sometimes that you're gonna get seriously hurt. Seeing your soft, chubby face immediately calms him down. I can just imagine him freaking out over something so little and you just grab his hand and lean your face against it. The warmth and softness the he feels from you immediately calms him down.
Will probably melt is you place a little kiss on his palm while doing so. You are his weakness. He just loves you so much. He has a hard time saying no to you. Like I mean a very hard time. Everything is always a immediate yes. But it sorta makes you feel bad like you're using him. So you make sure it's really ok. Cause this guy would literally give you the world if you asked for it.
Like if you were a villain you could most likely manipulate him(not that you should that's terrible) but he is just so in love with you ya know. You have this guy wrapped around your finger it's crazy!
When y'all are at home together or out shopping together he just follows you around like a puppy. Carrying your bags. Holding the door. No matter how much you tell him you can do it or it's fine. He will still do it. Not because he is being forced but because he wants to. He thinks you're a goddess and deserves a red carpet where ever you walk. That's not even a joke.
If you have a tight hero costume. Like a body suit that really shows your curves you will have this man drooling. It just drives him crazy.
Imagine. You order a new hero costume to try out that's more loose cause you have been feeling self conscious lately with how tight the other one is. You and fat gum are about to leave for patrol. After he is ready he comes to check on you and sees your new out fit.
His eye brows scrunch up and you can immediately tell something is bothering him. "I thought I would change my outfit some since my last one was weird looking on me..."
His mouth drops open and his eyebrows raise. "Weird?!? How was it weird?! I thought it looked amazing!.... I mean it looked really good ya know..... Are you sure???" he says a little embarrassed. He never told you his thoughts on your costume before but he thought it was perfect.
"Well It sorta made my stomach look weird and I don't think my body type was really made for something tight like that...." those words were so shocking and something he never once thought off or considered. He was flabbergasted. He does a face like one of the old YouTube clickbait faces. He couldn't believe his ears.
"But your stomach looked fine! It looked perfect! What do you mean it's not made for you?! Something like that is literally meant for you it's- it's so perfect I don't understand! I think it looked great!-" he says not realizing he was yelling. Gets embarrassed immediately. "Look. I think it looked great. But this obviously isn't my decision. So if you want to change it then go for it! It will still look great! But all I'm saying is.... You look good in anything. Including your tight hero costume. Wear what makes you happy. I'm gonna go wait by the door. Meet me there when you're done!!"
He runs away before you can respond. Those words touched your heart. It gave you the boost you needed. You change back to your old costume and meet him at the door. All he did was smile but he was really happy you picked the tight one. Even though he said it was your choice and to do what makes you happy he was praying you would stick with the old one. Cause he really thought it looked perfect on you. Not only because it made you look good. But you would be the same with out it!
If you ever get insecure while out he will offer his jacket. Even though it's ginormous. He tries ok💀. Or let you hide in him.
If something happens during a fight and your outfit rips or something he will give you his jacket right away. Lickity split.
His jacket is huge so it definitely has big pockets. Whatever you need he has. Hair ties, menstrual products, gloves, candy, he probably even carry a back up out fit for you. Or a jacket if you get cold. He is on it. His jacket is basically like a mother's purse.
Imagine him going to a meeting with other pro hero's and he puts a important paper in his jacket. So when they ask him for the paper he's has to dig through all his crap😭. Starts putting stuff on the table. Pulling stuff out like it's a magic trick. A hair brush, sun glasses, charger, etc. While all the hero's just sit there in utter shock.
Now let's get back to you lol. He just loves your plump figure. How soft and warm you are. It drives him crazy. Ik I have said it so much already but he just love holding you. Cuddling is such a big love language for him. On yalls days off it spent cuddling mostly. Or anything involving him touching you. He doesn't want to be away from you any longer then he needs to.
When he is in his regular form he loves having you lay on top of him. He's still very large in his regular form so you can just fully lay on him if you want. But he loves having you straddle him. He just loves sitting on the couch with his feet up and having you straddle his legs and lay on his chest facing him. So he can grab your thighs and pull you closer. Or your butt😋. (Also one of his favorite sex positions^^^)
Another cuddling position I think he would love is laying in between your legs. With his hands sliding under you a bit, going under your back. His head resting on your stomach or chest. While you play with his hair or cup his face.
If yall are watching TV while in the position together he will place small kisses with out even realizing. Just small little pecs every once in a while. And just nuzzle his head on you. He just loves it so much.
Now let's talk different positions😏😏😏
He honestly don't care who is "in control" cause if he is the dom in a situation he doesn't really see it as that. Be just sees it as just making love to his sweet sweet girlfriend.
When he's on top he takes his time. He's is very passionate in every movement. Likes to roll his hips into you instead of slamming. Having you wrap your legs around him while he hovers over you/ lays on you.
He loves having you on top though. It's such a turn on for him. Whether it's cowgirl or reverse cow girl or even if you just straddle him and he slams up inside of you. That's usually how it ends up.
He enjoys seeing you take your time and ride him though. Watching as your body moves and grinds on him. But sometimes it gets to much for him and he just needs you. So he will grab your thighs and start lifting his hips up.
And don't get me started on oral😩 he LOVES and I mean LOVES having you sit on his face. I can't put it into words on how much he loves it. It has to be after he orgasms though cause if it's before he will just ignore it. Cause he ain't pulling away for one minute until he is satisfied.
The feeling of your thighs on his face makes him crazy. Even if you sit all the way down he will pull your thighs down as hard a possible so he can get closer and feel you around him.
I think he would prefer to be inside you but when you do give him blow jobs it makes him so weak. Definitely whimpers. Lots of groaning and praising.
During sex it's endless praise. It's always. "You're doing so good baby" "You feel so good around me." "That's it. Keep going." "Just like that baby.""You taste so good princess."
Another way he love hanging you straddle him is just his thigh. When y'all make out while you're on his lap he loves when you ride his thigh or grind on him. Guiding you with his hands as he grabs your ass and thighs.
Loves taking his time with you. Savoring every ounce of your body. Slowly removing every piece of clothing. Kissing and sucking all over. Leaving trails of hickeys every where. Will get carried away and can spend up to 20 minutes just kissing you all over. It's like a addiction.
Even though he isn't very rough sometimes he just gets in that mood. Like he NEEDS you.
If you ever wear booty shorts or a short skirt or a short sun dress..... It drives him crazy. He just wants to go over to you and start grabbing. The way your soft thighs poke out from underneath. Almost showing your ass. Gets really quite and comes up behind you while you're doing something in the kitchen. Rubs his big hands up and down your body. Only answering your questions with groans. Until his can't take it anymore and he just bends you over the island. Rips your clothes off and just goes ham. (Still makes sure you're ok with it tho. And it very careful.)
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daughterofcain-67 ¡ 7 months
𝑀𝒾𝓈𝓉𝓁𝑒𝓉𝑜𝑒 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒪𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝒜𝒸𝓉𝒾𝓋𝒾𝓉𝒾𝑒𝓈
(Alec McDowell x Female Reader)
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𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎: Thank you so much for your request, Love, and I hope that you enjoy! 💖
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Alec isn’t really into the holiday season but when Max forces him to go to a party, he starts to get curious about certain traditions. Little does he know that you’d be willing to show him.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: This is not accurate to the show, sorry to those who know if Alec has already celebrated Christmas or not. This is in essence Alec’s first real Christmas without having to train or be on any sort of mission.
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It was a cold, honestly ugly day in Seattle. There were piles of muddy snow where people would walk, and people would complain about freezing their asses off. Meanwhile some other people would talk about the upcoming holidays and how they should enjoy the time while it was there. Even when that may have been easier said than done for some people.
Alec never would have thought in a million years that he would be standing right here. He knew of what Christmas was because of how Max had described it to him sometime after Manticore blew up. But he never thought he’d actually get around to celebrating it. Not really.
Most of his Christmas’s growing up on the military base were spent either training or working on some kind of undercover mission. He’s never experienced the whole decorating a Christmas tree thing or making gingerbread houses, or anything like that. And since he escaped, he wasn’t necessarily sure that he really wanted to be a part of the holiday activities. He didn’t really see the point.
At the moment Alec had just arrived to the post office to clock in for the day when Max caught him. He lifted a brow as he looked down at the fellow mutant soldier and smirked.
“Isn’t it a little early for you to be seeking me out?” He asked and Max nudged his arm and rolled his eyes.
“It’s way too early for you to be a smart-ass.” Max said, “Anyway, I only came over because Original Cindy and I are going to have a Christmas party at our place and she thought that it would be a good idea for you to swing by.”
“You mean you aren’t going to your little boyfriend’s place for the night? That’s a first.” Alec smirked.
“Logan is coming by too.”
“Right, and you think I’d actually go to a party like that?”
“Why not? You seem to be the type to go to any other party. And it’s not like there won’t be any girls there for you to flirt with.” Max reminded.
“How dare you?” Alec feigned offense by placing a hand over his heart, “You really think I’d only go to a party for girls?”
“You would if you thought the girls were hot. And I know for a fact Y/N is gonna be there.”
Alec’s brows raised up for a moment, “So?”
“Oh don’t act like I don’t know what I’m talking about. I see the way you look at her and the fact that you have talked to literally all of the girls here except her kind of speaks volumes.”
“No one ever said those statistics always have a positive outcome.” Alec commented. “Besides, I don’t care who’s going. And I just haven’t gotten around to talking to her yet. I’ve been talking to some others first, is that so wrong””
“Uh, little on the defensive aren’t we? Okay well, you’re going whether you like it or not. It’s not like you have any other plans other than hitting the bar or the strip club tomorrow night, right?”
Alec rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a little called out since that would likely be the only plans he would have. “Tomorrow night? Yeah, I guess it won’t kill me to make an appearance.”
“Good. Now I’ll see you around.” Alec watched Max leave.
Honestly, he hated how much Max was starting to be like a sister - in the sense that she was starting to know him a little too well and she’s starting to read him like a book. But he supposed it wasn’t totally a bad thing. She did tend to have his back the more they got to know each other. He was thankful for that kind of sibling bond - even if she was a pain in his ass most of the time.
While Alec was heading to his locker, he caught a glimpse of you taking some packages and put them in the basket of your bicycle.
So what if he hadn’t talked to you yet? He’s seen the way that you were with people. You were so optimistic about so many things even if this world was shit. You have a certain charisma that pulls everyone towards you and they like you almost instantly, whether you care to talk to them or not. You were just approachable, likable.
Not to mention beautiful.
Sure, Alec has talked to several women and yes a lot of them were attractive. But none of them were quite like you. You had the most beautifully colored eyes he had ever seen, and the way your hair frames your face so perfectly. Everything about you was stunning, but he knew that you had to have some kind of boyfriend already.
Just because Alec talked to a lot of women, that didn’t mean he was the kind of guy to go after someone else’s girl.
In the midst of his thoughts, he didn’t realize he had been staring at you. Not until he saw you wave and he blinked before he looked away, slamming the locker door shut and he went to go deliver packages.
You were a little stunned when Alec abruptly slammed his locker door and walked off. That was a little unlike him.
Then again, you weren’t necessarily sure what he was really like at all. You barely knew a thing about him, much to your dismay.
“You good?” Max asked and you glanced over just to see her and Cindy standing together.
“Yeah, just wondering if Alec’s alright. He was staring at me, I don’t think he realized that he was. But when I waved at him, he slammed his locker and went to start his route.” You explained and Max chuckled.
“Oh don’t worry about him. I’m sure he’s fine. He has his random moments, I swear he’s not normally that awkward. Maybe he had something on his mind.”
You shrugged it off, but you still couldn’t help but wonder what he was staring at you like that for. It was a little creepy if he just did it for no reason. But you turned back to your basket to make sure your packages were secured while Max spoke again.
“You’re still coming to the party tomorrow night right?” She asked.
“Yeah! It wouldn’t be a party without you there.” Original Cindy smiled and you grinned. How could you let your two best friends down.
“I didn’t exactly have anything else planned now did I?” You replied, “I wouldn’t miss it.”
“Great! Now don’t forget that it’s at six tomorrow.” Max reminded and you nodded.
“I won’t forget, and I’ll see you there.”
As Max and Original Cindy walked off, you grinned at them. You never thought that you’d have this sort of camaraderie when you started working here at the Jam Pony. Max and Cindy took you. Under their wing practically from the first day you started working here three years ago. You had gotten to the Jam Pony two years before Alec did.
He was certainly an interesting character you had to admit. Attractive, sarcastic as hell, but he never failed to make you smile even if he didn’t intend to. He just had that kind of personality you supposed.
You wondered if he would be at the Christmas party, or if he’d find different ways to spend his time.
Honestly you hoped that he would decide to come to the party. Maybe that would be the chance you would have to actually talk to him and maybe get to know him a little outside of work.
After all, everyone could use a friend.
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You were enjoying yourself at Max and Original Cindy’s party. There was some faint Christmas music in the background but it was mostly overshadowed by people talking amongst themselves and having a fun time.
You couldn’t help but notice how Max seemed to really let down her walls around Logan. He seems really sweet to her and you hoped the best for the two of them.
In a way you envy them. You’ve never found someone that made you feel the way Logan made Max feel. You simply figured that it wasn’t your time yet.
Anyways, you were leaning against the counter top in Max and Cindy’s kitchen while Cindy and Sketchy were talking. You heard about half of what they were saying, yet the other half just went straight though your other ear.
“Hello? Earth to Y/N?” Sketchy waved the palm of his hand in front of your face, causing you to look up at him and then at Original Cindy.
“Girl, whatcha thinkin’ so deeply about?” Cindy asked you and you shrugged.
“Nothing, just watching people enjoy the party.” You insisted.
“Oh come on, now’s not the time for people watching! Here, let me pour you a drink.” Sketchy said and he grabbed one of the solo cups from the counter to make some kind of concoction.
“She’s got it bad for him, doesn’t she?” Cindy asked as she looked at Max and Logan.
“I’d say so. They have their cute moments. Although Max should lighten up a little more and let something come out of whatever it is they’ve got going on.” You let out a sigh.
“Yeah well I give it another hundred years before those two become official.” You heard a different voice chime in. When you looked over, you and Original Cindy saw that Alec made an appearance after all.
“About time you showed up.” Cindy said with a smirk, putting a hand on her hip, “What took you so long?”
“Better late than never, right? Besides, I had to make a pit-stop.” Alec said as he held up a couple of six packs.
“Ah great! We’ve got some extras.” Sketchy said when he came back with your drink and he handed it to you, then he took the six packs from Alec to put them somewhere with the other drinks.
“I didn’t think you would show up.” You said with a chuckle and Alec looked down at you since he was significantly taller than you were.
“I mean I thought about it. But you know Max. She can be awfully…”
“Persuasive?” You completed and Alec chuckled before he nodded.
“So, where’s your boyfriend? Didn’t he come to this thing?” He asked you, and you were confused.
“Was I supposed to have a boyfriend to come to this thing?” You asked with a chuckle, then you realized he looked confused for a moment, “Who told you I had a boyfriend?”
“No one, just an assumption.” Alec said with a shrug then he looked over at Sketchy, “Here, let me help you with those so you don’t spill anything.”
About an hour went by and it was starting to get a little late. Some people left a little early because they had earlier shifts, but the ones who had later shifts or had days off tomorrow stayed behind. Alec happened to be the ones that stayed behind.
Although something caught his eye.
There was a green plant with red ribbon pinned on the doorway separating the kitchen and the living room of this place. Anytime two people lingered beneath it and they were either caught or they noticed it for themselves, they would kiss.
This happened a couple of times and it was starting to puzzle him, did people kiss under the mistletoe on purpose?
“You’re doing that thing again.” Alec heard your voice.
When he looked at you, you were holding two styrofoam cups full of cider and you offered him one.
“What thing?” He asked you before thanking you for the cider. It felt warm in his hands and he took a sip of it.
“That staring thing. I wouldn’t make it too much of a habit. Some people might get creeped out by that.” He heard you chuckle and he figured you meant about the previous day.
“Sorry about that. I guess I should break that habit.” He chuckled and you smiled at him.
“No worries. Just wondering if you’re alright.”
That was… oddly sweet of you. Then again, he knew that it was in your nature from what he had observed about you, “I’m alright. Just a little confused by the amount of make outs that have taken place under that doorway.”
He watched you glanced over to the corridor and he heard you chuckle before you looked up at him, “Do you not know what happens under the mistletoe around this time of year?”
Alec shook his head and he saw a look on your face, maybe shock? “I’ve been told I live under a rock.” He explained.
“Ah… well typically when a couple stands beneath mistletoe, they kiss. It’s one of those Christmas tradition things.” You replied and Alec lifted a brow a little.
“How did you not know that?” Alec heard the curiosity in your voice and he let out a nervous laugh before he rubbed the back of his neck, covering up the barcode.
How was he supposed to say that where he came from, he was a soldier and Christmas traditions were the last thing the soldiers of Manticore were concerned with, “Where I come from, we didn’t really celebrate Christmas or indulge into those traditions. So I’m a little bit of a late bloomer with knowing what some of the traditions are.”
You gazed up at him as he talked to you. This was probably the longest conversation you’ve ever had with Alec, and you honestly hoped that it wouldn’t end anytime soon.
“I see.. well there’s nothing wrong with that. I mean I know of some traditions but I don’t really indulge in them either. I’ve actually never made a gingerbread house, but that’s a big thing that some people do around Christmas time.” You confessed.
“I’ve heard of gingerbread houses. Sounds like it could be… interesting I guess? Unfortunately I’m not much of a baker, not exactly an architect either.” Alecs laughter made your heart swell but you grinned at his response.
“Guys! Come on, you’re gonna miss watching the Grinch with us!” Sketchy called to you and Alec.
“Well, you heard him, Alec! Let’s go.” You smiled and you took his free hand before the two of you ended up sitting together on the floor to watch the movie together. It was the version of the Grinch with Jim Carrey and it happened to be one of your favorite Christmas movies.
“Have you ever seen this before?” You asked Alec and he shook his head before you grinned. You supposed he would have quite a few firsts the more he hung out with Max’s group.
You continued to watch the movie yet you couldn’t help but to wonder what else Alec had missed out on if he’s never heard of the mistletoe thing, never made a gingerbread house, or even seen the grinch. Then you wondered what exactly he had done.
Meanwhile Alec watched the movie for the first time and he could see why you liked it. It was actually pretty funny. Although it was kinda pathetic that an entire town bullied a kid into self isolation. What a shitty thing to do.
When he glanced down at you, he noticed that you seemed to be off in your own little world while you enjoyed the movie. He noticed that this is probably the happiest he’s seen you, surrounded by Christmas related activities and parties. Even at work you seemed to smile more.
Honestly, seeing you like this was uplifting in a way. It gave him a break from the shitty job he had or the memories of those past Christmases with missions he had to deal with. He wouldn’t mind if you taught him some traditions or even did some of those traditions with him.
He wondered what experiences you’ve had with the holiday growing up, it kind of made him wonder what he and so many other transgenics like him missed out on because of their upbringing.
On the flipped side, Max had been in the very same shoes that he was in, and now here she was hosting Christmas parties and having fun. He was excited to be out of that military base so he could experience all of these things too, really experience them without worrying about blowing some kind of cover he was under.
While he turned his attention back to the movie on the screen, he placed his arm around your shoulder, deciding to make a move now that he knew you didn’t have a boyfriend - a fact that still shocked him - and he could feel you relax beneath his touch. He grinned to himself the moment he felt your head on his shoulder.
Unfortunately, every year you felt like when you watch the Grinch, or any Christmas movie for that matter, the film got shorter and shorter. It felt like only thirty minutes had gone by and it was over. When the movie ended, some people said their goodbyes and decided to call it a night.
You decided to stay behind with Sketchy, Logan and Alec to help clean up the place so it wasn’t too much of a disaster to deal with the following morning.
You were in the kitchen washing some of the dishes so Max or Original Cindy wouldn’t worry about them, and while you were doing that Alec happened to come in with a trash bag full of cups and cans and other trash guests left behind.
“Can I ask you something?” You finally spoke.
“Yeah, shoot.”
“How come you’ve never talked to me before tonight?” You asked curiously. That question had been in your mind for a while, even before that night had even started, and you couldn’t help but wonder about it.
“Honestly, I dunno. You seem friendly and I know I’ve had different opportunities to talk. But I guess at work all we really get is a quick ‘hello’ before we go on our routes. Never had the time to have more of a conversation than just that.” He said.
And you supposed that could be a fair argument. It was rare that the two of you have had the same shifts. And when you saw each other any other time, it was like he said: if you two were to actually talk, you didn’t really get a word in before it was time to go on the routes. Normal was a little relentless with how he runs things at work.
“Yeah, I guess with Normal being up everyone’s ass it kind of makes it hard to have longer talks.” You said, but it still felt like he was holding the truth back - whatever his truth was. You wouldn’t push him though. Honestly you weren’t sure if you wanted to know what his truth was.
“Now it’s my turn to ask you a question.” You heard Alec say as you finished up with the dishes.
“How come you didn’t have anyone to bring you to this thing?” He asked, causing you to lift a brow.
“Anyone meaning a boyfriend sort of anyone?” You laughed and he shrugged as he tied a knot in the trash bag so it could be taken out.
“Well, it could be any mixture of things I suppose. Maybe it could be because I haven’t really been talking to guys at work and caught their interest yet. Maybe it’s because a the one person I would have an interest in hasn’t asked me out yet. Maybe it’s just because I don’t quite get out much and my life is mostly between work and home.” You shrugged.
“A mixture of those, huh?” Alec chuckled.
“And since you brought that up, how come you didn’t have a girlfriend to come along with you? I mean you’re bound to be someone’s type.” You said with a teasing tone and a smirk, causing Alec to chuckle a little.
“Well, maybe I have the same predicament.” Alec said.
“Yeah right! That’s so not what I’ve heard. You have no problems talking to other girls, and how come you didn’t have a little arm candy?” You dried off your hands with one of the kitchen towels.
“Honestly? Felt like coming by myself tonight. Yeah I talk to different people but obviously that’s empty flirting and I can do that anywhere I want to. Just didn’t feel like it this time around I guess.” He replied and went to the sink, washing his hands to get whatever gunk was on the trash bag off his hands.
You hummed a little at the explanation, leaning your back against a random wall before you handed him the towel to dry off his hands and he thanked you for it.
“I’m glad you came, even if Max may have had to persuade you to come.” You admitted and he looked at you once more.
“It was actually pretty fun. I didn’t think she knew how to throw a party that was fun like this.” He commented and you rolled your eyes.
“You’d be surprised,” You grinned, “You two really are like siblings, huh?” Then he laughed.
“Sort of.” He said but then he noticed something about where you were standing.
“Well, we’ve established that couples kiss under a mistletoe, but you didn’t explain when a one person is beneath.” Alec commented and he watched you look up above you just to see the plant above your head. Then he saw the way your cheeks seemed to flush in color.
“Well… you’re a smart guy. I’m sure you can figure it out without needing someone to explain it.” He heard you say and he smiled a little before he tossed the hand towel onto the counter next to the dishes before he carefully walked towards you.
“Well, I can’t keep a damsel like you waiting alone, now can I?” He said as he carefully placed a hand on you hip. You could tell that he was being cautious and trying to give you the opportunity to push him away if this wasn’t what you wanted.
A sweet gesture, really, but how dumb could he be to think you didn’t want this? And how dumb could you be to push him away?
“I suppose it wouldn’t be that heroic of you to keep one waiting beneath mistletoe.” You chuckled and one of your hands found a spot on his shoulder.
Then, he carefully leaned down and placed a soft and quick kiss on the corner of your mouth, as if he were trying to be a tease about it. You weren’t surprised that he would be a bit of a tease.
When you moved your hand from his shoulder to the back of his neck, however, he looked down at you for a moment before he smirked slightly. Then he leaned down and kissed your lips and lingered this time.
You knew that this wasn’t anticipated, and honestly you didn’t think you would be standing beneath mistletoe and kissing a man you had barely spoken to, but Alec took your breath away with his kiss. This kiss was different than you had expected from him; surprisingly sweet and gentle and he handled you with care.
His lips were a little chapped but they were warm and soft nonetheless. It took you by surprise when you felt his other hand cup your face but the moment that he did it felt like it was just the two of you. You had honestly forgotten that you weren’t even in your own home.
Then, the kiss ended too soon for your liking but you knew you couldn’t stay there forever, even though you would have loved to stay like that with Alec.
“Wow…”You whispered breathlessly and Alec grinned, noticing your cheeks were redder than before.
“It’s about damned time you two did something!” Original Cindy’s voice broke through the atmosphere between you and Alec.
You and Alec both glanced over and noticed that you had a little audience, consisting of Cindy, Max, Alex and Sketchy.
“How long were you guys standing there watching?” You asked with a chuckle.
“Long enough to know that if something doesn’t happen between you two after tonight, I’ll be sorely disappointed.” Cindy said.
“Same here. Alec, you had better take care of my girl, Y/N, otherwise I’ll be kicking your ass straight to the moon.” Max said with a playful smirk as she crossed her arms over her chest.
“Wait, you two have been waiting for something like this to happen?” You laughed.
“Waiting? More like manifesting. Max has told me about you two and what she’s hoped to happen.” Logan said with a little chuckle as he adjusted his glasses.
“Awe, so you do think of me outside of work.” Alec teased and Max rolled her eyes and shook her head, smirking.
“Yeah, whatever. Now would you guys get out of here? Cindy and I will finish up with the cleaning.” Max said.
“Personally, I’m wiped. I’ll see y’all around. Thanks for the party, guys. That was great.” Sketchy said with a smile and he held up a peace sign before he walked out of the door.
“I’ll stay and help you finish up.” Logan insisted, but that wasn’t too much of a surprise there.
Then Alec looked down at you for a moment, “You want me to walk you home?”
You smiled up at him, “I’d like that. Maybe on the way we can talk about more of those traditions. I’ll even look into getting some gingerbread houses or something.”
“Sounds like a plan, Sweetheart.” Alec said and he held your hand before the two of you walked out of the apartment.
Never in a million years did Alec think he would be in a place where he would be kissing a girl under mistletoe, or even talk about something like building gingerbread houses. But he knew that this year would be different and he couldn’t be more excited to what this season held for him now that you were there.
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Hello everyone! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! This will be the first of hopefully a plethora of holiday themed one shots and I ok forward to sharing them with you! Wishing you all the best~
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@roseblue373 @deans-spinster-witch
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celaenaeiln ¡ 10 months
(Cracks fingers)
Okay now it’s time for a relatively big question. Between these two, who would say defined Dick’s true persona the best?
Marv Wolfman (New Teen Titans) or Chuck Dixon (Robin Year One, Nightwing solo book)?
noooooooo how can you be so cruel as to ask me 😭😭😭😭 I love them both so muchhh
Okay you might hate me for this but I'm the type of person who accepts everything written about a character unless that comic has glaring inconsistencies that completely contradict what other writers have written.
So for me these two are some of the absolute best writers and you're making me choose! 😭
Robin Year One is one of my all time favorite comics but at the same time Marv Wolfman wrote Silver Age: Teen Titans and I loved that comic.
However I'm more interested in Chuck Dixon's work because he retained Dick's psychotic quality that he was known for from his robin days. He writes Dick as a happy, intelligent child with extraordinary abilities and accomplishing daring feats. He writes Dick with all the daring and brilliance that the world's greatest acrobat and genius prodigy of Batman should have.
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Dixon's portrayal of Bruce and robin Dick is heartwarming is the most accurate representation of their relationship.
Furthermore he gives Alfred's perspective on how Dick made Bruce's life so much better. Some which I talked about in my previous post.
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The little things he does like juggling with batarangs
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Being popular in school
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Being an ace basketball player
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Being so overly competent that he can kock out people and guns three at a time with pool balls-
All of this is the essence of Dick Grayson. While Marv Wolfman does a good job, he doesn't quite emulate who Dick Grayson is a person, more specifically robin.
I like Chuck Dixon's Nightwing better.
Chuck Dixon's Nightwing run IS the BEST Nightwing run ever written. For one, he makes Dick come alive as a person.
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"I've only been here two minutes. And already I want to shower with clorox and sandpaper."
He's the one responsible for bringing back Dick's jokes and laughter in Nightwing that Dick's robin is iconic for.
He's made Dick the caring, lovable person that Dick was as robin but with the maturity of an adult.
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He saves a woman, protects her from being raped, gives her his money and ticket, and sends her on her way to a safer place with no questions asked, just kindness in his soul.
He writes Dick to be the brilliant detective and extraordinary fighter he is.
Best of all, his craziness!!
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Chuck Dixon's Dick Grayson is funny, brilliant, wild, and loving. That's why I like him so much and this is who I believe Dick Grayson is.
But Marv Wolfman did a fantastic job writing Dick's maturity and his relationships with other people. He focuses on Dick's detective side and how Dick interacts and engages with other titans.
While not as funny, his Dick is also extremely intelligent and loving. He created Dick to love with his full heart and upright morals.
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He invests in people, he's loyal, loving, and faithful. It's just another part of him.
So I can't say one person wrote him better than the other. Wolfman and Dixon combined create the whole picture of Dick Grayson. But I can say I prefer Dixon as a personal choice because I just happen to like those particular traits of Dick's he emphasized more even though all of them are equally important and make Dick who he is.
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therapy-ghost ¡ 1 year
I had to ask my dad cause I keep forgetting it.😭😭 He said it was Asperger’s but a news article said it’s an offensive term so I don’t know what it’s called and neither does he. (I finished asking but I googled what the new term was, and it’s Asd I think. Google didn’t explain it well😫)
But the request is Reader is dating Freddy Freeman, but like is low-key obsessed with his alter ego, Captain Everything. It’s all they talk about when Freddy mentions heroes. So with the help of Billy, he has Reader meet his alter ego. (Reader doesn’t know they the same person, if it’s not clear) Just a lot of fluff cause I love Freddy so muchhhjjjjjh
Hello again! I was wondering when you were going to be back and what type of writing you wanted and this is not what i was expecting(in the best way possible)!!! Warnings; meantion Autism(Im sorry if ive depicted it wrong in anywayT-T), swearing, im hoping no OOC, longer then usual one shot... and tell me if theres anymore warnings to add!.
GN!Reader x Freddy Freeman
From a young age; your parents, teachers and class mates saw you as strange; always bringing up that one topic that yuo would always bring up whenever you could, and sometimes it was fun, but eventually those peole started to not want to talk to you.
When you reached middle school; You had found yourself a community online that would rant about the very topic you had grown fixed on, Superheroes, thats all they would talk about.
It was your save place where you can place yourself in your own world and rant forever on who's a better hero; Superman or Batman? Obviously Batman!
but in the end you still found yourself lonely in the sea of online friends, cause well... they were online, and sometimes you would be stuck in the real world where you couldnt talk to them.
But that was untill you meet Freddy Freeman; a crutch wielding superhero maniac who instandly caught your attention(And maybe even your heart) in sciences.
And Freddy was not gonna lie when saying that you did the same.
The two of you started to hang out; most of the time with the company of Billy who always felt like he was third wheeling even if he was in a whole other building.
Eventually you two had asked each other out on the very same date and proceeded to believe you had a psychic connection; Match made in heaven to be more accurate.
And right now; after 3 months of you to being officially a thing, were laying on the floor of him and Billy's shared room ranting about hero's, like you always did.
"-Come on! he's dark, mysterious, most likely rich, and has a most of gotham and maybe even the whole world fearing him; you cant say that superman in better then Batman when every villain and civilian knows what his weakness is but doesnt even know where the heck batman is majority of the time" You argued with Freddy, who laughed at your statement and nodded a bit.
"Ok you have a point; but Superman in the man of steel, and whats batman? A depressed man in an emo cosplay that scares people by being a furry-" Freddy's statement made you gasp and hit him on the arm.
"How Dare You!" You playfully yelled; Freddy laughed at this.
"Fine; next is... Shazam or Captain Everypower?" Freddy asked, sounding a bit more excited aout this one then the others.
"Oh come on, am I a fucking joke to you; Captain Everypower all the way!" You cheered abit, sitting up, which Freddy followed along with doing.
"A-And why is that?" He asked in a nervous manner, which you didnt notice, all you did was stand up and get really excited.
"He's funny, he's powerful, he's decent on the officiency level, he's quick with his job, he puts people before himself; and like, you Shazam does the same thing but whats sets them apart is that Captain Everypower is just so much better looking" you made a fainting motion at the end of your rant.
Freddy's excitment in your statement went unnoticed by you once again as he nervously figgeted in place.
"-And it would be so cool to meet him! I bet it feel like a dream to be around him! And to touch his skin; Ive always wondered what bullet proff skin feels like!" You fanned over captain everything "Wouldnt it?" You sat back up and got really close to Freddy, who was panicking on what to say.
"O-Oh you, he's a r-really cool guy; met him a few times, great guy-"
"Does This Mean You Know Him!" You squealed in excitement.
"Y-Yeah, we're practically best friends" Freddy lied, bullets of sweat rolled down his face as he tried to to stumble over his words to much.
"Why didnt you tell me?" You asked Freddy.
"Because h-he wanted it to be a secret; and I was like why, and he was like cause its for your safety" Freedy shakely explained.
"But Why now?" You kepted asking questions to get the answers you needed.
"um....Be-because... He has agreed t-to meet...you" He lied through his teeth, only digging his own grave of regrets more.
You froze, shocked as to what he was say but to stunned to see through his semi-lies.
Um.. are you-"
"Oh My Gosh! Freddy! Thank You! You Are So Cool!" You cheered, jumping at him to get a big hug.
"n-no problem"
"When do I get to meet him? where? what time?" you asked frantically.
"Uhhh... tomorrow, after school, the convenience store down the street; O-of course if h-he's free that is" Freddy shakely answered; making you stand back up and cheer in glee.
"Oh I cant wait: I need to head home but I will see you tomorrow!" And with that you rushed out of the house.
"Wow, that was something" Billy walked over and leaned on the door frame, watching as Freddy panicked.
"What the fuck have I gotten myself into.... Can you help me?"
"Nope" Billy said
The next day you basically floated down the hall you were so happy; and it was very clear to both Billy and Freddy as to how excited you were.
"How did you get me in this plan again?" Billy asked.
"Cause you care for me and I care for the fact that Captain Everypower has a super fan that is hot" Freddy whisper yelled to Billy, who sighed.
"Fine: so the plan is that distract superfan while you get out of school and ready for the little rendez-vous?" Billy asked, making Freddy nodded as the bell rang for the last class of the day.
They nodded to each other and walked off.
The bell hadnt even rang and you were running out of class, to excited to meet Captain Everypower.
You rushed down the hall and to the front door, but before you could get off school grounds, Billy Baston appeared infront of you.
"Hey... um...." Billy hadnt though of a distraction.
"Oh Hi Billy" You Happily said"Whats up?"
"Um...whats got you so smiley?" He asked as he watched behind you as Freddy walked off school grounds as quickly as possible.
"Im going off to meet Captain Everypower" You said with pride, making Billy fake a surprised expression.
“Wow, thats really cool-“ Billy nodded.
“Yeah! well, i have to get going! Bye!” you cheered as you almost bolted off.
“W-wait! Um, Freddy wanted me to tell you that he is unable to make it to the meet up you are having” Billy covered up, panicking a bit more at you excitement.
“Oh, why?”
‘Shit!’ Billy mentally cursed.
“Well, um, he’s-“
“He’s helping me with a projected in art” Darla came butting in the save the day, leaving Billy in relief.
“Oh well, tell him ill see him later; Bye you too” You then ran off; leaving Billy to really let out a sigh of relief and walk home with Darla.
You waited patiently by the convenience store, waiting the arrival of Captain Everypower in his bright blue super-suit and curly hair that reminded you of Freddy’s in a way.
You were almost jumping down the street at how exhilarated you are for this encounter with the hero and types of questions you would attack the hero with; where did he get his powers? What’s the suit made of? What’s it like to fly? What its-
Your thoughts were interrupted by wind crashing down behind you, you turned yourself to see a very frantic looking Captain everypower.
He looked around a few times before spotting you, then straight into himself out.
“Evening citizen” He said, putting his hands on his hips as he broaden his shoulders.
You were gonna faint at how cool this was.
“I heard from my very good friend, Freddy Freeman, that you, my friend, are a fan of me” He confidently walked over, but not with out stumbling a bit; which concerned you.
“Are you ok? You look tired; Do you need to site down?” You frantically asked.
"O-oh yeah, just was off saving the day and s-stuff before coming here" He waved you off, but his responce excited you.
"What type of 'saving the day'?" You asked, almost jumping at him in curiousity of the question.
"Well, some man tried to steal a womans bag and i stopped it, sent him to jail" He proundly said, making you fan over his actions.
"You are so cool!" You yelled out.
These conversations went on for the next 20 minutes; talking about cool superhero stuff and the best ways to take out villains.
But sadly he had to go, and so did you.
So he bid his good bye and flew off, leaving you as a stuttering mess of excitment and the fact that you believed that it was all a dream.
You made your way to Victor and Rosa's place in a dreamed dazed at meeting captain everything, skipping and humming to yourself with a big smile playing on your lips.
You knocked on the door and Victor answered.
"Hi, Freddy's just up stairs if you need him" He stepped out of the way as you nodded, making you way up the stairs of the home and into Billy and Freddy's shared room.
Freddy was laying on his bed, looking tired as he mumbeled to himself about something when you walked in.
YOu threw yourself down beside him, which obviously made him jump.
You hugged his waist tightly; "Thank you thank you thank you so much" You said, kissing his cheek as he becomes very embarrsed.
"N-no problem... I bet he enjoyed his time with you very much" Freddy said, pulling you close as Darla and Billy watched from the door way.
Thank you so much for the request and your patience, I really hope you all enjoyed it.
If their is any request you want the fit onto my request list then pleasse dont fear to send it in.
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suckerfordylansstuff ¡ 9 months
New Journey (S.H) Chapter 6 Season 1
! This is a backstory. There are more chapters to the actual fic. Check my masterlist !
Pairing: (eventual) Steve Harrington x henderson!reader
Summary: The beggining of the story. How did Y/n Henderson get herself into this mess? How did she deal with the loss of a dear friend and how will she survive the bullies and monsters?
Warnings: swearing, blood, Steve being an asshole
Notes: So... this is awkward. There is no excuse for my absence, but here I am with all the parts of season 1 complete! So in the next couple of days, I will be dropping the two final chapters as well and then start working on season 4 (fr pls believe me, I will finish this I swear 😭). So, I hope you enjoy and stay safe out there!💕
P.S. If you want to be untagged after all this time I completely understand, so just inform me!
Gif not mine
Chapter 5 << Masterlist >> Chapter 7
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“I tried getting in touch with you.” your brother tried to explain himself.
“I left the walkie at home.” you told him sternly.
“Why did you leave it at home?” he protested back as if he wasn’t the one in the wrong right now.
“Because I didn’t want to make myself a target when I potentially came across a deadly monster, Dustin!” your voice was beginning to get higher, but not enough for your mother to hear.
You and your brother were arguing about everything that had occurred yesterday. After you had woken up you knocked on Dustin’s door to tell him about your last night’s discoveries, you noticed how stiffly he was sitting on his bed as he watched you tell him all about it. At first, you thought he was simply terrified of the things you told him, but the single drop of sweat on his forehead gave away the fact he was hiding something.
He gave in after only one question. He told you about their trip to the woods, the fight, and Eleven’s disappearance. You couldn’t even put into words how angry you were at all three of them.
“I’m sorry, okay? We thought we’d find something…” his eyes were staring at the floor, not daring to look up at you. He had never seen you so disappointed in him. He hated it when you fought.
“Yes, Dustin, you could have found something. Something so horrid that left Nancy in full shock yesterday. Something that is going after the people in this town. That is why I went into the woods and specifically told you not to follow. Can you not understand the kind of situation that we are under? And not to mention, Eleven is now gone. She is alone in that forest just because you can’t follow one rule!” you despised yourself whenever you yelled at Dustin. He was your little brother; it was your job to keep him safe. But he was still your brother and a lot of times he would get on your nerves. However, seeing his sunken face made your heart ache, so you decided to resolve this with a softer approach.
“So now what? You guys are not even talking?” you sat beside him on his bed. He shuffled, turning his body a bit towards you before speaking.
“Mike and Lucas are still mad at one another. I tried to talk some sense into them, but failed… Y/n, I-I truly am sorry. I know we shouldn’t have attempted to try anything, but constantly sitting still, worrying about Will and you out there… We felt like we had to do something.” he was playing with his hands, so you put your own on top to comfort him. You had just now realized how red his face had gotten. He was trying to keep his tears from falling.
“I know this is hard for you... But putting yourselves in danger is not going to help anyone right now, all right?” you patted his back as he nodded his head listening to your words “Now, I have a job for you.” his eyes lit up “You’re going to splash some water on your face and then bike to Mike’s, make him and Lucas talk and get back together. I can’t continue this monster hunting without the three of you and your crazy, but surprisingly accurate theories.”
He did as he was told. After five minutes you had said goodbye to your mother and were ready to head in your separate directions.
“So, you’re going back out there?” he asked shyly, his bike on his side.
“Yep, and because now I understand I will never be able to contain you all… Here.” you handed him an army knife  “Use it only when you need to. Don’t go showing it off.” you hoped he would at least listen to you about this.
“I promise I will.” he smiled up at you as he took it and placed it in his bag “Be careful out there.”
“I always am, buddy.” you ruffled his hat-covered head and waited for Jonathan to arrive. Hardly five minutes had passed when you saw the familiar vehicle heading towards you. You noticed Nancy was already in the passenger’s seat, which confused you since your house is closer to Jonathan’s than the Wheeler’s, but you didn’t think much of it.
You got in the back and greeted them both. You could tell by the bags under their eyes that they didn’t have a good night’s sleep yesterday and you understood why. All you could think about was the terrified look on Nancy’s face, her screams calling for one of you to find her.
“You guys okay?”
“More than okay. We have a plan.” Nancy announced, not an inch of fear in her voice. It surprised you to see her so determined, but you were glad you were going back into action. This thing had to be dealt with fast.
As Jonathan drove to the store, Nancy explained what your next plan involves.
“So, you think it can detect blood? What, like a shark?” your brows furrowed as you listened to her.
“Think about it. Before Barbara disappeared, she had cut herself with a bear bottle, you fell off your bike and scratched your knee the night it approached you, and yesterday the deer was bleeding as well.” she had turned her whole body from the front of the car to look at you while she spoke.
“So even a single drop of blood…” you thought out loud.
“Can attract it, yeah.” Nancy finished your sentence with a quick nod.
“If we are right about this then we can-” Jonathan started speaking before it finally clicked inside your head why you were heading to the hunting store.
“We can lure it to us.” your eyes lit up.
“And into a trap.” Nancy nodded, glad to see you agreed with them.
You all were strolling around the store, picking up everything that looked useful or harmful enough for a monster. Your eyes fell upon the bear traps, and you signaled for Nancy and Jonathan to take a look, agreeing in silence that it was one of your best shots at getting this thing. After your shopping you placed everything on top of the counter, staring at the cashier as if this number of weapons and supplies was normal.
“And I’ll have four boxes of the .38s.” Jonathan spoke, and you watched as the man grabbed those for you.
“What you kids doin’ with all this?” his expression was full of confusion.
You turned to look at Nancy next to you and Jonathan on the other end, contemplating whether to lie or not, when Nancy beat you both to it as she responded with a shrug “Monster hunting.”.
You held your breath, hoping not to be asked any more questions, but relaxed when the man behind the counter simply scoffed and rang you up with the total.
You carried the bag of supplies outside of the store, Nancy and Jonathan following behind you as you waited for the latter to open up the trunk so you could place it inside. As he took out his keys, a question popped into his mind “Monster hunting?” he asked Nancy.
“You know, last week… We were shopping for a new top I thought Steve might like.” she pointed between the two of you “It took us and Barb all weekend. It seemed like life or death, you know? And… And now-“
“Now you’re shopping for bear traps with the freak and the pathetic weirdo of Hawkins High.” you joked and placed the bag into the trunk before turning to look at your friends.
“Yeah.” Nancy smiled, picking up on your humorous comment.
“What’s the weirdest part? Us or the bear trap?” Jonathan asked teasingly after he had closed the trunk.
“You. It’s definitely you.” you chuckled at her, all of yesterday’s arguments forgotten when suddenly a car honked, pulling all of your attention towards it.
“Hey, Nance! Can’t wait to see your movie.” a guy from school, Reed, said with a laugh as he drove off.
“What the hell was that?” Jonathan asked what all of you were wondering.
“I don’t know.” Nancy said, staring at the direction of the car when suddenly she turned and took a couple steps forward.
“What? What?” Jonathan asked Nancy first and then you, trying to realize what was happening, but your eyes were focused on Nancy, as Reed’s words replayed on your mind.
‘Your movie he said. Why would Nancy have a movie?’ you thought. ‘What if...’
The moment you saw Nancy heading towards the direction of the movie theater, you knew you had the same thought as her. You followed without thinking, ignoring Jonathan’s questions. When your eyes finally landed on the movie theater your run halted for a second as you stared up at the big red words ‘ALL THE RIGHT MOVES STARRING NANCY THE SLUT WHEELER”.
Your head turned to your friend who was now running before she stopped right in front of the billboard. But before you could go to her and comfort her, something else caught your eye and filled you with anger. With just a few steps towards the new sight, something made Nancy turn her head to search for you. Your eyes met and she knew what you had seen as you both bolted towards the alley, where Steve, Tommy H., Carol, and Nicole were screwing around with the red spray can. They were laughing at something Tommy was writing before they noticed you and Nancy heading over to them.
“Aw, look at that! The princess and the bitch.” Carol said with a smug look on her face, that you wanted to smack out of her before resisting your urges.
“Uh-oh! She looks upset!” Tommy joked as you all watched Nancy, who was a few meters ahead of you, come to a stop before Steve and slapped him across the face. You came to a stop a couple of meters behind Nancy, giving her the space she needed, but being ready for anything she asked.
“What’s wrong with you?” she asked him.
“What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you? I was worried about you. I can’t believe that I was actually worried about you.” he scoffed.
“What are you talking about?” she sounded confused over his words.
“I wouldn’t lie if I were you. You don’t want to be known as the lying slut now, do you?” Carol said and you’ve had enough.
“Watch it, Carol.” you stepped towards her, trying to seem intimidating, but she just glared at you, before something behind you caught her attention.
“Speak of the devil.” Tommy jumped off the steps he was on, landing right in front of you, and took a drag from his cigarette “Hi.” he smirked at Jonathan who had now come to a stop just behind you. He sent you a questioning look and you shook your head not knowing what the dick squad was implying.
But Nancy, after just a glance towards Jonathan, realized what this was all about “You came by last night?”
“Ding! Ding! Ding! Does she get a prize?” Carol said and the rest of her group smirked with her.
Even if you didn’t agree with anything they said or suggested, curiosity filled you as you looked at Jonathan this time for answers. Had he spent the night at Nancy’s? Is that the reason she was already in the car earlier this morning?
“Look, I don’t know what you think you saw, but it wasn’t like that.”
“What, you just let him into your room to… study?” it was clear Steve wasn’t buying anything Nancy was telling him.
“Or for another pervy photo session?” Tommy laughed and fists started forming in your hands.
“We were just-“ Nancy didn’t know how to finish her sentence and you understood why. What was she supposed to say? The truth? They’d think you’re even more nuts than they already did, and any other lie would be just that for Steve, a lie.
“You were just what? Finish that sentence.” he took a step forward, speaking even slower “Finish the sentence.” you watched Nancy not even able to look up at him and all you wanted to do was take her away from all of them. And that is what you started to do when Steve shook his head and told her to go to hell.
You touched her arm and softly pulled her away from the group in front of you, not wanting another scene to happen “Nancy, come on.” she responded to your touch and stepped along with you.
“Let’s just leave.” Jonathan spoke softly to the two of you, but Jonathan’s voice seemed to trigger something within Steve as he began speaking again.
“You know what, Byers? I’m actually kind of impressed. I always took you for a queer…” Steve pushed Jonathan’s back, but you took Nancy’s hand and continued walking, Jonathan following and trying to ignore what Steve was saying “… But I guess you’re just a-” you hear Steve push your friend again “-little screw up like your father. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, that house is full of screw-ups.” you stopped hearing Jonathan’s footsteps and you turned to look at him frozen in his spot, Steve having a knowing look on his face, happy to hit the nerve he was searching for “You know, I guess I shouldn’t really be surprised. A bunch of screw-ups in your family”.
Nancy left your side and went next to Jonathan, trying to calm him down. On the other hand, you stepped over at Steve “Steve, stop it.” he only spared you a glance before he continued on with his rant.
“I mean, your mom… I’m not even surprised what happened to your brother.” only yesterday he was trying to apologize to you for the things his friends were saying. Now he was the one with the big mouth. People don’t change, especially assholes like Steve Harrington.
“Shut the fuck up, Steve!” you yelled at him but he ignored you as he pushed past you and walked behind Jonathan. You moved to step forward, ready to prevent the inevitable, but Carol came in front of you, stopping you in your tracks with a grin.
“Jonathan, leave it!” you heard Nancy yell. Your nerves were getting worse when you tried to step around Carol, but she blocked you again with a chuckle.
“I’m sorry I have to be the one to tell you, but the Byers-” you watch over Carol’s shoulder as Steve pushes him again across the back “-their family, it’s a disgrace-” and again “-to the entire-” this time it wasn’t a push that interrupted Steve’s words, but the punch Jonathan threw against his face, finally fed up with his words.
You gasped at the force and watched Steve take in what happened before he launched himself forward, grabbing Jonathan by his middle, throwing him on top of a car, and pushing him to the ground. Their fight continues as they roll in the dirt, kicks, and punches going in from every direction.
The sight pulls everyone’s attention, so you take your chance and step away from Carol. You all screamed at them to stop, only Tommy’s voice telling Steve to continue and kick your friend’s ass. The two boys get off the ground and Jonathan manages to land another hard punch in Steve’s face, almost making him fall to the ground again. You’re near Nancy again when you see Tommy walk over to them, ready to cover Steve, but Harrington just pushes his friend away, telling him to leave them.
Jonathan takes a deep breath and throws another punch, but Steve successfully ducks it and immediately throws one at Jonathan, getting him. Your friend though is quick to return it, blood appearing on Steve’s face. Worry fills your body seeing the sight of Jonathan’s bloody hand as he throws Steve another one.
“Jonathan, stop! Stop! You’re going to hurt him!” Nancy’s please echo through the alleyway, her desperation making you call out for them to stop as well.
But your yelling is pointless when you see Steve falling to the ground once more and Jonathan getting on top of him, throwing one punch after the other. It is then that you hear sirens in the distance. Someone must have called the cops on you. You share a look with Nancy and you move forward. Just then Tommy notices the sirens as well and informs his friends that the cops are coming.
“Jonathan! Come on! We need to leave!” you yell, but nothing seems to shake Jonathan out of this trance he’s in. Steve’s face is covered in blood from the punches, and you start pitying him.
Just then the cops stop their car before the scene and get out. You and Nancy don’t dare to step in to stop the fight, seeing as Jonathan shows no mercy, but Tommy doesn’t seem to care as he tries to tear him off Steve’s body “Hey, he’s had enough, man! I said he’s had enough!” but Jonathan just shrugs him off and continues.
One of the officers steps into the fight to stop it, but Jonathan accidentally elbows him on the nose. The cop falls back and cries out in pain. Finally, the other one is able to hold Jonathan down and stop him from hurting Steve more.
Tommy quickly grabs Steve off the ground, and they run off, escaping from the officer who started chasing them with ease. You, on the other hand, were glued to your spot as you watched the cop yank Jonathan on top of the car and cuff his hands behind his back.
They took you to the police station, not letting you and Nancy go until a guardian came to discuss everything with the officers, but you both agreed that getting your parents here was not an option, so you just settled on your chair, waiting to see what they would do about Jonathan. Not only was he involved in a fight, but he had also assaulted an officer, accident or not, so he was in much bigger trouble than you and Nancy.
It wasn’t until an hour later that Joyce and Hopper stepped into the station to see you three sitting behind one of the desks upfront.
“Jonathan? Jesus, what- what happened?” Joyce looked at all three of you with a concerned then angry glare. Your head fell, knowing there was no escaping her rage.
Jonathan just reassures her he’s fine, holding up the towel with ice cubes Nancy had gotten him, now fully wet.
“Why is he wearing handcuffs?” Joyce points to them and one of the officers from before, Callahan, steps forward.
“Well, your boy assaulted a police officer. That’s why.”
“Take them off.” the woman demanded, but Callahan immediately argued telling her he could not do that “Take them off!” Joyce repeats herself, and Hopper steps up.
“You heard her. Take ‘em off.” his voice is much calmer, but the officers don’t follow his order.
“Chief, I get everyone’s emotional here, but there’s something you need to see.” Powell, the other officer, tells him and guides him out of the station.
The three of you turn to look at Joyce, who just shakes her head.
“What happened?”
None of you said a thing for a moment, but her intense stare made you crack “We got in a fight. I mean, Jonathan got in a fight, we just stayed behind.” Jonathan turns his head and looks at you with a glared look “I’m sorry, I can’t hide anything from your mom.”
“Oh, Jonathan what were you thinking?” she came over and stood next to him to inspect his injuries. Jonathan was shrugging her off, saying he was just fine when Hopper arrived, this time holding up the box from Jonathan’s car. The one filled with the supplies they needed for the plan.
You grimaced as he threw it in front of you on the desk, the angry look on his face even more prominent now.
“What is this?” Joyce was the first one to speak, and she started going through the box, perplexed at what she saw in there.
“Why don’t you ask your son? We found it in his car.” Hopper was staring Jonathan down.
“Why are you going through my car?” Jonathan protested.
“Is that really the question you should be asking right now?” you and Nancy backed away a little when you saw Hopper leaning on the desk, his face ending right in front of Jonathan’s “I wanna see you in my office.” the chief started to walk away.
“You won’t believe me.” Jonathan called out, which made Hopper stop and lean before him once again.
“Why don’t you give me a try?” his voice intimidated you more than it should and you almost flinched when he looked at you and Nancy next “You’re coming too.” you nodded, and you all made your way upstairs and into Hopper’s office. He told you to sit down on the couch and removed Jonathan’s cuffs.
“Okay, now, talk.” these were his only words. He just stared at the three of you along with Joyce, waiting for someone to start explaining. You were sitting in the middle of the couch, turning to look at both Nancy and Jonathan, deciding what exactly you were supposed to tell them. Finally, Jonathan took the initiative and started explaining to them everything.
At some point, you ended up sending Callahan to retrieve your bag from Jonathan’s car. You opened it and gave Joyce the photo Jonathan had taken, which proved that the monster was real. Joyce looked at it for a second and passed it on to Hopper.
“You say blood draws this thing?”
“We don’t know.” Jonathan said.
“We’re not sure. It’s…” you followed.
“Just a theory.” and Nancy finished your thought.
“And what were you planning on doing, huh? Trap it and then kill it?” it felt like you were being scolded by Mom and Dad, which made all of you hold your heads down, unsure about your previous plans and hopes.
Joyce told Jonathan to follow her out of the office for a talk, which resulted in you and Nancy sharing a space with a frustrated Jim Hopper. You had never seen the chief of the police so shaken up about anything, then again Hawkins never required him to do anything else than just sit on his chair and drunkenly deal with civilians’ stupid problems. Now he had to figure out a way to save all of them from this thing before everyone disappeared from this town.
“Anything else you know about this?” he held up the picture and you turned to look at Nancy. She just shrugged believing you guys had nothing else to offer him not knowing that you had more information. That you’ve been withholding your knowledge about three other kids who were very much involved and probably knew more about all this than all of you.
You took a deep breath ready to tell the chief that you had let three kids get into this dangerous situation when someone’s yelling from downstairs interrupted you. You watched Hopper curse under his breath and exit the office to deal with the yelling, leaving you and Nancy alone, sitting next to each other. She was fidgeting her fingers and you were chewing your lip waiting to see what would happen next.
“What do you think is going to happen?” she asked you.
You turned to look at her, her frowning face making you mirror her, and she followed your gaze as you looked at the box on top of Hopper’s desk “I don’t know… but I’m afraid we went shopping for nothing.”
She cursed, shutting her eyes and falling back on the couch when Hopper opened the door harshly, instructing you to follow him.
On your way to Nancy’s house, Hopper explained that the woman who was yelling was a kid’s mother who had come into the station to complain about two other of his classmates and a girl with no hair. You immediately knew that he was talking about Eleven and the kids, but you kept your mouth closed as he explained to Nancy and you that your brothers were in this as well and, potentially, in danger. The last part was news to you, and you listened to him carefully explaining who he believes the girl is and what the government wants to do with her.
You knew Eleven was important but hearing all the things Hopper and Joyce had discovered sent shivers down your spine. How could someone be so cruel to a child?
Getting to the Wheeler’s residence you watched from the backseat of Hopper’s car all the agents who were outside talking on the radios and inspecting the area. It was maddening and you prayed to anyone out there to not let the same happen to your mother. You didn’t know what you would tell her if she questioned you.
“Look, we need to find them before they do. Do you have any idea where he might have gone?” Hopper pulled your attention back to the matter at hand when he asked Nancy about her brother’s whereabouts.
But your friend just shook her head “No, I don’t.”
“I need you to think.” Hopper insisted.
“I don’t know. We haven’t talked a lot. I mean, lately…” Nancy sighed as her words came to an end.
It was then that Hopper turned his attention to you. You were sure he sensed that you wanted to talk.
“Is there any place that your- your parents-” Joyce never got to finish her question when Hopper signaled with his hand for her to stop, his eyes never leaving yours.
“Y/n, do you know where your brother is?”
“I don’t… But I can ask.”
You got out of the car, opened Hopper’s trunk, and pulled out of your bag the walkie-talkie Dustin had given you. You went back into your seat, opened the radio, and started speaking.
“Dustin? Dustin, are you there?” you waited for a moment, but no one replied “Dustin, this is a code red. Are you there?” still your brother didn’t reply, and you were getting more anxious by the second “Dustin! Please, answer me. Do you copy?”
When nobody replied, Hopper took the radio out of your hands and started speaking “Listen, kid, this is the chief. If you’re there, pick up. We know you’re in trouble and we know about the girl. We can protect you, we can help you, but you gotta pick up. Are you there? Do you copy? Over.” but silence was all that followed as he handed it back to you “Anybody got any other ideas?”
However, as he finished his sentence, a voice filled the car through the walkie-talkie in your hands, but not the voice you were calling out for “Yes, I copy. It’s Mike. We’re here. We’re all here.”
Hopper dropped the four of you at the Byers house and you waited quietly for him to return back with the kids from the junkyard. The moment you heard an engine approaching, you stood up from your seat and ran out with the others. Hopper stopped in front of the house and you, and Nancy ran to greet your brothers, but while Nancy hugged him and told him how worried she was, you had a different approach.
“Why didn’t you immediately answer my calls? I said it was code red.” you pushed his hat down on his face and his hands went up to fix it.
“We thought it was a trap, like Lando Calrissian.” he explained, and you put your hands on your hips, looking both at him and Lucas.
“And what? You think I would sell you out like that? After everything that has happened?” you could see that he wasn’t happy he ignored you, you could also see where he was coming from. The military was chasing them, and they just wanted to make sure their friend would be safe. So, to ease the tension you put one of your arms around Dustin’s shoulders and the other around Lucas’, bringing them by your sides “Don’t be stupid, and never ignore me again. Come on.”
You made your way back into the house and settled near the kitchen table. Then Mike started explaining to the rest of you what they knew as he started drawing something on a piece of paper. When he finished, he held it and you could see that he had drawn a line across the white paper, a stick figure on top of it, and a dot below it. Firstly, he pointed to the figure.
“Okay, so, in this example, we’re the acrobat” then his market moved to the dot “Will and Barbara, and that monster, they’re this flea. And this is the Upside Down, where Will is hiding. Mr. Clarke said the only way to get there is through a rip of time and space.”
“A gate. That we tracked to Hawkins Lab.” Lucas told them before your brother chimed in.
“With our compasses.” you all looked at him confused “Okay, so the gate has a really strong electromagnetic field, and that can change the directions of a compass needle.”
“Is this gate underground?” Hopper spoke, but the kids just looked at each other, unable to answer as they didn’t know. But not Eleven.
“Yes.” her voice was small, but certain enough for Hopper.
“Near a large water tank?” the chief asked again and Eleven nodded slowly.
“H-How do you know all that?” your brother stuttered.
Mike thought for a moment before answering a question that was originally meant for Hopper “He’s seen it.” Hopper didn’t say anything, but it was clear that what Mike had said was true.
“Is there any way that you could… that you could reach Will? That you could talk to him in this-” Joyce tried to remember what the kids had called it.
“The Upside Down.” Eleven answered her.
“Down, yeah.” Joyce nodded her words barely a whisper. She let out a sigh watching Eleven nod at her request.
“And my friend Barbara? Can you find her, too?” Nancy asked, hope in her eyes.
You all stood around Eleven while she focused on her powers, trying to find Will or Barbara. Mike had placed the radio in front of her, static filling the room, and there were also photos of them so it was easier for her to focus. Watching the lights flicker, you thought that you were heading in the right direction, but as Eleven opened her eyes and you saw her sad expression you knew that her attempt was unsuccessful. Her eyes started tearing up and you got up from your chair, and gently put your hands on her shoulders.
“Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.”
You guided her to the bathroom but when you started closing the door for her, you were surprised to hear her call out for you. You understood that she didn’t want to be alone right now, so you simply smiled and nodded your head, following her inside. You opened the faucet and wet your hands before you crouched down in front of her and gently started wiping away the dirt from her face, when tears fell down her cheeks you immediately wiped them away too.
“Hey, it’s okay. You’re okay.” you reassured her.
“I’m sorry.” she said quietly, and you swore you could feel your heart breaking.
“Don’t be sorry, El… We’ll find them one way or another. You did great out there, all right?” you smiled up at her, your hands still cupping her face only falling from her when something caught her eyes, and turned to face the bath in the room.
“Are you okay?” you asked her.
But Eleven didn’t say a word, just grabbed your hand and exited the room, stopping before you entered the kitchen area where everyone was discussing Eleven’s powers.
“The bath.” Eleven said and you all turned to look at her.
“What?” Joyce asked her.
“I can find them. In the bath.”
So, the planning started. First and foremost, you had to figure out how to create a sensory deprivation tank, and that was where Mr. Clarke came in. Dustin called him and started asking him about it, masking it as pure interest. When the call ended you all sat around Dustin and discussed the details the tank required. Which resulted in you breaking and entering Hawkins Middle School.
If you want to be tagged just ask!
Taglist:   @bookscoffeandotherstuff @i-am-the-coffee-queen @bi-andready-tocry​ @enchantedcruelsummer​ @daddystevee​ @elite4cekalyma @hayadora​ @hannarudick​ @thecaptainsgingersnap​ @lookalivesunshine-x​ @sarasmismyonlydefence​ @astream-ofconsciousness​ @the-haikyuu-hoe ​​ @mileven-reddie @mochminnie​​ @synonymforlame @teamkiall ​​ @samanthadegaro​​ @the-passionate-freak​​ @thesailbells​​ @i-mmunity​​ @marvelouspottering @mrs-diggory @mydarlingharry @beepbeephargrove @mikariell95 @sweetdreamsshifter @paninipress @anolddayslover @10minutesofscreentime @bookfrog242 @onecrazydirectioner @harrycanyonmoonn @grippleback-galaxy @doctorsgirl262 @mayonesavegana @inkpot-winters @le-who-zer-her @mysticgardenpolice @untitledarea
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kidflashimpulse ¡ 12 days
(You can take a gamble at who this rambler is🤭)
Owen in Bart's timeline?? How is that even possible?? Did it have to do with Bart's unstatiable energy??
I have so many questions like what the holy hell
And JAY oh my GOD don't even get me started on that how DARE you annihalate my heart like that😭😭 The guilt and the depression and anxiety and paranoia and the FAMILY THERAPY?!?!? Our guy needs so much comfort (same with Bart holy hell, why did Ed leave Bart needs him!! (Y'know, emotionally and very obviously mentioned by Bart himself physically LMAO))
I feel so bad for Jay and Bart, I can only imagine the guilt on both sides (Jay when Bart was lost, Bart now that he's back) and the way it impacted everything around them as well
I really hope things will work out again between them and Owen better not screw things up
honestly idk wats going on there half the time either besides ?????!!!!!!!!!! i think it summarises it pretty accurately
jk but omg welcome back bestie 😘
yeah it warrants those “jay and bart need a hug” type tags and tbh we also need “they need to hug eachother” whilst we r at it 😭
the bart call out 😭 i’m in tears
ed out there doing life saving work but fr he’s gotta get his priorities straight, or maybe that’s where the problem lies 😂
bart’s insatiable energy is symbolic !! i WISH i could comic logic it into an actually physical explanation for owens return but no the science in that fic is somewhat in line with what we know from the series BUT i love how u pointed it out! because it was fully intended to be symbolic, like some kind of cosmic connection that he has, as tbh bart’s background kind of gives him that almost deity like quality low-key yes no idk that makes him going through it like that signal like an omen that shit is about to go down lol
omg say it! say it @ owen lol u GET it! i mean it’s hard out there so u know him being a disaster (too) is understandable but this is bart we r talking about so
thank u so much for sharing thoughts with us as always 🙏❤️ so incredibly interesting to read !! and thank u for reading <33
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bi-bats ¡ 1 year
OMG, I'm SO looking forward to your food, can't believe you are really doing EVERY SINGLE DAY OMG you madman, ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!! I'm just doing 2 days like a grandma 🤣🤣🤣🤣! But at least wanted to bring some offerings for the banquet since everyone is bringing so much food , I'm excited 🥹💖
Anyway! Ok word: breathing
WHY WOULD I DO EVERY SINGLE DAY??? Madman is so accurate I am so unwell about them 😭😭😭 but people keep telling me they're looking forward to it, so that's probably why I'm doing it 😂😂😂
THANK YOU FOR COMING TO THE BANQUET WE APPRECIATE YOU!!!! I'm JUST as excited to see whatever you're cooking up, too!!!! And honestly don't feel bad about only doing two days, I am NEVER DOING THIS AGAIN!!! (<- lying, probably, because I've spent the last 3 months telling myself i don't have to write something for every day and yet... here we are.)
Okay, prompt time! I think I haven't shared any from my saturday piece either, which is just... they're so into each other. They want to kiss so bad, honestly, it's distracting.
He tried not to imagine it, the warm feeling of Jason’s skin against his own, the way it would make heat light up in his chest.
Jason raised an eyebrow expectantly at him, like a challenge, like a dare, and Tim’s eyes dropped to his lips for what felt like the millionth time.
What had they been talking about again? Oh, right.
“You still could’ve caught up,” Tim repeated, and his voice sounded wrong again. There was a flicker of something like disappointment in Jason’s eyes for the briefest moment, before it disappeared. 
Tim cleared his throat, a little smirk crawling back onto his lips. “Besides, I thought you’d have their heads in a bag within 10 minutes.” 
Jason scoffed, shattering the tension in the air between them, and Tim suddenly noticed how abnormal his own breathing was. “That was one time, you know. A guy does something one time, and no one ever lets him forget about it!”
Thank you for the ask!!!!! 💕💖💚
(Send me an ask with a word and I'll post a snippet from one of my jaytimweek fics with it)
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nysus-temple ¡ 1 year
We need to talk about the downgrade of Apollo in Lore Olympus because Rachel did him so dirty, like his character has been mistreated do much 😭
Don't take this personal, anon, you've done nothing wrong ! i'll just use this ask as a way to, somehow, dumps my violent thoughts about this... Thingy.
Rant below.
What Lore Olympus did to Apollo isn't even a downgrade, it's plain disrespectful, an insult to an important figure and symbol. Not only him, but also the rest of the gods that appear in that nonsense that dares to call itself a """comic""", which is also an insult to writers and artists. Lore Olympus did a culture wrong, did a comic wrong in general, but it did to Apollo has no words to describe it. If every time someone talks about Apollo, they need to EXPLAIN why he's not the LO one, we have a problem. When we are talking about Apollo, we're talking about APOLLO and that's it. Why the fuck do we need to specify? Because of this piece of shit that had the audacity to even come out in physical format. As someone who has been writing since she was a child, who also studies literature and took courses regarding how to write a fucking decent story, i don't even know where to begin with this horrible piece of... """Media""" that Webtoon keeps promoting as if it wasn't something that wasn't of a big deal. My ass.
Gotta love seeing a bunch of teens who educated themselves with Tiktok reading that AND not only throwing bullshit at Apollo, a figure who i love with my entire being and who has brought me comfort in numerous ways, but also thinking that rape victims just "get over it" after meeting a handsome man or whatever. As if Hades wasn't fucking awful in that comic. That's not how it works. Don't write about dangerous topics if you know shit about them.
Gotta love how i always associated Persephone with dark-pink, due to the pomegranate seeds being of that color, BUT NOW i can't see her with anything with that color anymore because of the ugly ass """character""" LO made. What even is WRONG with the teens reading it that they go and change wiki articles to make the myths accurate to this bullshit that has the balls to call itself a comic ????
I won't even go "sure, you like it, fine" NO. NO I CANNOT. WHAT DO YOU EVEN SEE THAT IS APPEALING? I've seen people who knew nothing about Greek Folklore say it was boring as hell. Some kind of Twilight 2.0 but even worse. For fuck's sake, i'm the first person who likes characters that in real life wouldn't be nice to be with, because NONE OF THEM ARE HUMAN, all of those are monsters or invented creatures. What do those teens even SEE in LO when the designs are all fucking awful.
And after what they did to ALL of the gods, SPECIALLY to Apollo, if they have the fucking audacity to touch Dionysus too, i truly apologize for the person i will become.
If they fucking dare to mistreat Dionysus just like the damn Hades Game did and make him a pice of scum just like that one, i do apologize for the things i'm capable of doing.
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jsx-mbti ¡ 6 months
Animal Crossing House Plans
ENTP: alright guys, we need to have a plan so that I can get the stuff for y'all to shape up your houses. Tell me what each of your 6 rooms will be themed on, let's start with INTP
INTP: Gaming room, Bedroom, Bathroom, Music room, Tattoo + Weed shop, Sex Dungeon
ENTP: 💀 how am I not surprised...
ENFJ: it's a kid's game
INTP: AND? most of the fanbase are adults. Also it's a LIFE SIMULATION, I want it to SIMULATE MY LIFE as accurately as possible 💀
ENFP: SHIT why didn't I think of adding a sex dungeon
INTP: your theatre room is practically empty you could just change that one 💀
ENFP: nuuuu 😭 I'm too much of a theatre hoe 😔
ENTP: which brings me to, ENFP, house plan?
ENFP: right, well, theatre room duh, sewing/modeling room-
INTP: fuck dammit ESFP corrupted you 💀
ENFP: oh SHUSH I was already into sewing I just sucked at it till ESFP taught me
ENTP: *self-conscious because he sucks at sewing even more than ENFP* ANYWAY, continue ENFP.
ENFP: Gaming/weed room, bedroom, bathroom, and interior/exterior designer office
INTP: I forgot you have an actual career 💀
ENFP: I smell self-projection 🥰
ENFP: you barely finished your tattooing degree or whatever tf that's called
ENTP: ahem anyway, INFJ?
INFJ: ok so I want a teaching room, where I teach people to write 😊, I also want an art room, a lounge room, a bedroom, a bathroom, and a witchcraft room
ENFP: who're you doing witchcraft on? 💀
INFJ: ._. Mind your business.
INTP: Jesus Christ you look terrifying 💀
ENTJ: don't even point it out you dumbass!
ENTJ: why tf are you so loud?
ENTJ: um.... Aaaaanyway... I want a sci-fi room, chillin room, a bedroom, a bathroom, our daughter's room, and the moon.
INTP: the fucking MOON 💀
INTP: 💀💀💀 just get on a rocket and go
INTP: so what's stopping you? 💀
INTP: ok then why not get a degree 💀
ENTP: DON'T-FUCKING-RUSH-ME! *slams notebook*
ENTJ: *wide eyed* holy shit my bad
ENTP: *sighs* it's cool, I'm calm, I swear,
INTP: and unmedicated 💀
ENTP: ._. ENFJ WHAT'S YOUR PLAN? Before I murder someone...
ENFJ: after the way y'all been fighting I don't care anymore. Just do whatever.
ENTP: don't fucking start now... What. Is. Your. Plan.
ENFJ: none.
ENFP: he wants a kitchen, a gym, a chillin room, a bedroom, a bathroom, and his daughter's room (kinda like ENTJ) 😊
ENFP: welllllcuuuum 😊
ENFJ: dang you remembered what I wanted? 🥺 that's so sweet
ENFP: I know you like the palm of my hand O_O
INTP: ok you look creepy now 💀
ENFP: O_O maybe because I am
INTP: ...ok?
ENFP: O_O I know everything about all of you.
ENFJ: ah so I'm not really special then 😒
ENFP: honey that is NOT what I meant *sigh* 😒
ENFJ: no no hey I get it *leaves*
INTP: that's just what it's like being part of ENFJ's life 💀, you never know what you did wrong
ENTP: speaking from experience? 💀
INTP: you can't point at me you're on the same boat 💀
ENTP: yeah but for some reason he let me get away with a lot of shit
INTP: you know what, I genuinely wonder why because he's harsh as fuck to me 😑
ENFP: does he not love me? 🥺
INTP: hey no, he adores you, we're just kinda joking around
ENFP: 🥺 because if he doesn't love me 🔪🤪
INTP: wtf
ENTP: everyone to the bunker 😭
ENTJ: it's not a big deal *snatches the knife from ENFP* he's weak anyways.
ENTJ: against me you are. Anyway, y'all should clean up your REAL LIFE HOUSE, and take a break from the "life simulation"
INTP: but we LIVE in a simulation 🤔 you've said so yourself before
ENTJ: ._. You know EXACTLY what I meant, now CHOP CHOP CLEAN. *pushes everyone out*
ENTP: you rush me one more time and I'll be the one to 🔪
ENTJ: I'm not scared or your dumbass, the minute you try you'll trip and fall.
ENTP: 😭 how dare you mock me
INTP: 💀💀💀 he called out your clumsy ass
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madame-fear ¡ 4 months
I find it amusing that the fight (amongst fans) between Aemond and Luke, is like the dog/cat debate and which one is “superior”
Like dog owners are all: this is my purebred poodle whose sire was the 3rd in line to the British throne. His name is Charles Van Davenport the VI and he costs more than your annual salary. Cats are evil personified, they are the absolute worst, a plague on the world!
Aemond fans: Aemond is amazing and perfect. He’s the greatest fighter to ever exist, a true Targaryen and he has the biggest dragon in the world. He can do no wrong ever, I don’t care that he slaughtered an entire house bc of a tantrum, he’s perfect and if you dare say otherwise I will kill you. Lucerys is the devil incarnate and if you like him you are a monster!
Cat owners: Dogs are pretty cool but I like cats. This is my cat, he’s orange, I scooped him out of a dumpster a few years ago, his name is Mr Fish McKibbles and I love him
Lucerys fans: Aemonds cool but I like Lucerys. He’s a little shit, a hopeless loser, a little trash prince, but I love him. Anyone: “He cut someone’s eye out and smirked about it later!!” Fans: yeah he’s a dick lol
This is how it seems to me anyways lol 🤭🤣
(I’m just teasing, nobody get offended! I like both characters myself and I’ve seen crazy from both sides, tis a joke, an accurate one)
The Aemond & Luke dog/cat debate about which one is better not only happens with both of them— but rather, with all characters, Black & Green Team. Like it’s either black or white; no grey, no in between!
I like both of them and I like characters from both teams too, but some fans are WAYYYY too extreme in my opinion 😭 Like chill you’re arguing over a character from the sad dragon incest show, no need to get so petty??? WHY NOT LIKE BOTH OF THEM FOR THEIR RIGHTS & WRONGS, THEIR COMPLEXITIES????
Anyways, this made me laugh so badly because of how real this is AHSJJSJD ILY NONNIE FOR THIS😭💗
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crowning-art ¡ 1 year
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He really was just a poor little dude
“His Highness said to himself, ‘It’s okay, I had expected it, no one would stay after I’ve become like this. I can go on on my own. I understand now, I’ve always been alone!!! I DON’T NEED ANYONE!!!’
He's my poor little scrunkly boi, my little meow meow 🥺
I couldn't stop laughing at this, lmaooo just the image in my head is so funnyyy
But I didn’t immediately die, and when he started to act up, my three friends all started screaming from his face. As if they’d done something to him, he started yelling from an agonizing headache, and I was also screaming. The five of us were all screaming wildly, yelling in madness, like we had all gone crazy.
Guoshi replied, “It’s them. So, I suppose you are also the disciple of my three friends.
There was something so terrifying about this passage:
“Finding ways to communicate with the friends who had become mountain spirits took me a long time, but after I succeeded, I learned many things. Turns out, the previous dynasty of heavenly officials didn’t fade away naturally. Instead, they were killed slowly, one by one, by him.
He…slaughtered the entire Heavenly Court, leaving no one behind!
As for the corpses and ashes of the heavenly officials of the previous dynasty, they’re all mixed into the foundation of this Heavenly Capital, trampled and stepped on by him each and every day. Right now, perhaps there’s also someone beneath your feet.
Especially when u compare it to the image of pristine white, gold, jade and the grand majesty of the whole realm and suddenly....it's not marble or jade you're staring at but rather the bones of the murdered and the blood seeping out of every crevice....how macabre...
I know it's just a translation thing, but the way the goushi's response was translated just feels so accurate, like yes, this is probably EXACTLY what he said lol I love it
Xie Lian suddenly recalled the strange attitude Guoshi had when he saw Shi Qingxuan. “Master!Lord Wind Master…the skilled fortune-telling master who told Shi Qingxuan’s fortune back then, the one who told his family not to host feasts, was that you?”
“Duh,” Guoshi said.
Ummm....yaaa...about that....😅
“Since the existence of Wuyong could no longer be hidden, anyone who saw the Crown Prince of Xianle and the Crown Prince of Wuyong would think the two were very alike, so it was the perfect solution in leading it all back to you.
I...uhhhh...(thinking back to my theory that Xie Lian was an incarnation of Wuyong prince...)
Guoshi was doubtful. “Then…could it be…a trait from birth? Well…I never noticed. Hm…alright, this part of you certainly isn’t like him…”
And this part too!!
Guoshi leaned over to argue. "You cunning young man, don't think I can't tell. Aren't you exactly using the fact that His Highness isn't too learned in this aspect? Why don't you tell me right now, to my face, how spiritual power is lent? How many ways can it be lent, and how do you lend it?
What did you tell His Highness?
GUZIII!!!! AWWW I MISSED HIM!!!! lmaooo Qi Rong was such a mood, writing 'I was here' on all the walls and proceeding to get scolded by everyone and then having to clean everything up in a sulky manner lol
Oh my God, all the Goushi confronting Xie Lian about Hua Cheng were GOLDEN LMAOO
Guoshi was puzzled. "Your Highness, how can you say something like that? Your calligraphy was taught by world-class masters, how can you not tell the difference between beautiful and hideous? That writing is totally the worst of the three realms, not even the best teachers could salvage it. What exactly do you like about it? Did your taste fall apart?"
Gosh this part is so interesting to me
Suddenly, he remembered a long time ago, he asked Hua Cheng what Jun Wu was like. At the time, Hua Cheng's response was, Jun Wu must really hate him.
Like even back in the beginning, Jun Wu did treat him well and with kindness, but I guess it kinda makes sense cuz u wouldn't do what Jun Wu ever did to someone you love...
The absolute chaos in Pei Ming's palace was so funny thoooo, everyone just attacking everyone and Pei Ming is just FED UP lol literal party in his house
Xie Lian felt endless sympathy. In some sense, this was probably considered the misfortune of over-popularity.
Oh shoot....with Pei Ming going down to break the array...I think things are gonna start going down hill now officially
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antiloreolympus ¡ 2 years
10 Anti LO Asks
(Note: All of these asks are before episode 206 (Season 2 finale) so some may be dated.) 1. The wild part to me about the "Persephone got approved Underworld citizenship" is it took what, a week at most? Even if you want to use IRL Royal examples, someone like Megan Markle would (if she had kept up the process) still need two YEARS to get approved of it at minimum which includes a lot of paperwork and staying in the country for prolonged time, but Persephone gets it in a few days with no process? Is there really nothing Persephone doesn't get handed to her on a silver platter?
2. "How to be a woke misogynistic :Add white before woman" I think this anon was tryna call antis misogynistic?? Which like. Some of the "criticism" ive seen is just people using lo as an excuse to be misogynistic against rs but most of it is genuine idk what they're going on abt 😭
3. ya know for claiming to be a "loving and supportive fandom with no drama" lo fans are by far the most cruel set of bullies i've ever seen, and I've been in a LOT of intense fandoms. and I can't even handwave these fans as just dumb kids, many of them are adult women who made a mid webcomic their entire world and would rather get a power high off the harassment and bullying of others who dare no obsess over what they do while still thinking they're "feminists". it's so weird 💀
4. Lol I love that the person typed that 'regular' people just drop it and move on when they dislike something. Apparently you're no longer a regular person for disliking and discussing a piece of media 😔
Anyway, LO can bite it. It's misogynistic and an insult to Greek culture among many other glaring flaws. The giant red flag of an age gap and power dynamic between them is one hell of a thing to defend y'all, and it's also a hell of a thing to praise 1 character for cheating but cheer on another character for doing the exact same thing 🙃🙃🙃
Also it's incredibly funny to me how LO stans are so so aggressive and condescending to us about disliking it when we're just minding our own business?? We ain't talking to you nor do we go out of our way to mess with your tags (tumblr is tumblr, y'know) unlike a few of y'all that I've seen specifically use the anti tag to start shit like a bunch of brats. We'll continue minding our own business talking about LO with both non-fans and fans who actually want to have a discussion instead of mindlessly praising it, and y'all should mind your own business. 
5. This comic loves to claim it’s pro sexuality, pro kink, and pro female empowerment AND anti purity culture yet loves nothing more than framing sex outsides of Hades as bad, loves to push Purity culture to make Persephone look like the best woman ever, loves tearing other women down for not being the “right” type of woman, and consistently shames others’ consenting sex lives as gross and weird despite the whole comic being an obvious stretched out mess of Rachel’s office setting DDLG kink. Like??
6. I mean I get why LO Hera doesnt murder babies and all but it is an issue RS rides off "I'm not trying to be accurate!" when she makes Hades the "perfect" guy and Hera and Persephone the most desirable/amazing with zero flaws but then turns around and goes "oh well I'm being accurate!" to make Zeus be super mega awful and just make up stuff to pin on Apollo, Leto, and Thetis like?? you can't have it both ways?? Like she obvs picks and chooses who gets to be whitewashed and who doesnt.
7. Go figure LO fans to make Netflix all but closing down their entire animation department and laying off hundreds of people to STILL make it all about LO. I have countless friends who lost their jobs all en-masse with no warning and a neutered severance plan (NF purposely made it be four WEEKS instead of four MONTHS), the majority of them and their productions by BIPOC and/or LGBTQ+ creators and they're only worried over well-off and employed Rachel? Fuck off. I'm so upset over this.
8. Completely and utterly disappointed at LO being nominated for an Eisner again. I think Webtoon has the power to just nominate it every year and ignore all of their other series.
9. Listen we all know every award is just marketing and we know damn well Webtoons just pumps the with money to nominate LO but we know damn well they're giving way more money to pump up their brand now because the Batman comic is so lazily made yet was ALSO nominated for best webcomic and they're like "one of our BIGGEST HITS big ethel energy is being printed!" despite it being one of their most hated series that is lampooned for bad art and writing. anyway they need to be taxed more.
10. HXP is such boring, basic mythology shipping. Get back to me when they give Isis x Osiris and Dionysus x Ariadne the respect they deserve.
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acefaun ¡ 1 year
Hello, I hope you're doing well!
*drapes a blanket over my head and proceeds to whine and mumble into it* I'll be getting my blood tested this Tuesday (like- needle thing-) and I'm SO SO TERRIFIED. I'm so scared of needles, I'm already panicking. Can I have some Scorpio comforting his girlfriend about it??😭
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Scorpio~ Needles
Synopsis: Seeking safety and comfort in Scorpio’s room, you do your utmost to avoid a blood test at the doctors office. Fortunately for you, Scorpio’s always going to be there to protect you from scary needles. 
✨Masterlist✨ Female goldfish!
A/n: HERE WE ARE! Short and sweet! I was always told in college “Early is on time, on time is late, and late is when you’ve dug your grave.” So… you can see why I panicked to have found this request in my inbox a week after it was put in there. College conditioned me to have anxiety over small things. Meanwhile my mindset used to be “Better late than never!” Those are quite the contradictions in my head. SO THIS FIC IS BETTER LATE THAN NEVER and can always be used for next time!
–Word Count: 1,352–
It was quiet in Scorpio’s room. Quiet, warm, comfortable, everything you wanted, and you didn't want to let it change. You refused. 
It was quite within the realm of possibility for someone to drag you out of your own room. However, in Scorpio’s room you were confident that no one would dare disturb you. Who would dare threaten you with scary medical equipment and needles with the even scarier Scorpio barring the way!
So you stayed huddled in the middle of Scorpio’s bed, determined not to leave your safe place. The blanket over your head would surely protect you if all else failed. Well, it was more for comfort than protection… But… Well… Whatever!
You whined and mumbled into your blanket, lamenting the horrible fate that you were destined to meet. You were so deeply focused on just how unfair your whole situation was that you didn't even notice the door open followed by quiet footsteps. 
This was why a startled yelp left your lips when the blanket was yanked from your head. 
Your wide eyes landed on Scorpio who was observing you with scrunched eyebrows. “What are you doing?” He glanced around cautiously for a minute. “Is someone after you?”
“Uh… Well… No, not yet,” you timidly answered. However, your words only seemed to distress him, so you quickly explained, “It’s…more of a medical emergency…”
“You're sick?”
“You’re dying?!”
“Wha- No!” Grabbing his wrists, you startled him by pulling him under the blanket with you. Tugging the blankets over both of your heads, you stared at him as if you were in your own little world. 
Unfortunately, it was a world that Scorpio only partially understood through your contact together. But he still couldn't tell if he was feeling more fear or clinginess to him—it might have been an accurate mix of both with how tightly your hand was wrapped around his wrist. 
Hesitantly, he asked again, “What's going on?”
“I have to go to the doctor,” you mumbled, tearing your gaze away from him to glare at the bed beneath you. “I…” You faltered, your fingers almost digging into his skin. Your distress was exceedingly loud in his head, but he waited for you to continue speaking before jumping to conclusions. “I don't want to go. They're doing a blood test. They’re going to stab me with needles! S- Scorpio, I’m too scared to go there!” 
Yeah, he could tell how terrified you were without needing you to say a single word. But getting to the root of the problem, he finally grumbled, “Then don’t go. Stay here. I can take care of you.”
“But you don’t understand,” you added, clearly worried about something else that he, again, wasn’t aware of. “The other gods know. They know. Huedhaut was asking me about it earlier. It was like he could see right through me. I thought for sure he’d come and drag me away to my room.” Despite your fear, you looked over to Scorpio with as good a smile as you could muster. “But he couldn’t steal me away if I came here. You won’t let anyone take me away and force me to go to a doctor.” 
You were certain that Scorpio was going to be your protector. This was essentially your way of using him as a shield. After all, you knew very well that the other gods wouldn’t dare pick a fight with him. 
But… did you maybe not consider that Scorpio was just as worried about you—your health included. His eyebrows furrowed. He needed more information before coming to a decision. Huedhaut was the smartest man in the Heavens and Scorpio would have to think twice before arguing as far as where your health was involved. “Hey…” He started hesitantly. “What do they need to stab you with needles for? Are they… giving you medicine or something?”
You hummed quietly in frustration. “Blood test.” 
He paused. “Is there something in your blood?” 
You remained silent for a moment, glaring down at his hand that you’d taken captive in your own. All you could utter was one word: “Blood.” 
He still couldn’t figure out what the problem was. Well, Scorpio knew that Dui was afraid of blood, but that was just because the red liquid tended to draw out Shadow Dui. Were you similarly scared of blood? Scorpio sighed. “I just… need to know more so I can help. I don’t know all these weird ass human things. Like… why do they need your blood in the first place? You’re not sick, right?”
Your shoulders shrugged, and he rubbed his forehead in stress. He needed more than that, but at least you finally spoke up, “It’s just a test to see… everything in my blood. Um… Hue already explained everything I already knew about a blood test, but he didn’t help! I don’t like needles! They’re going to stab me and poke and prod until they find my veins.”
That… That was what Scorpio wanted to know. At the mere mention of the stabbing needles, he felt your hands begin to tremble. So it all came down to a phobia of yours. It was something new that he didn’t know before. But it was something he was sure he could help with. 
But, no. He wasn’t going to keep you in his room until it all blew over. If this was a matter of health and Huedhaut thought it was important, then Scorpio wasn’t going to brush it off. “I’ll go with you,” he offered—though, it wasn’t really an offer as much as it was something he was asserting. 
Still, you couldn’t, for the life of you, understand why he was suddenly saying that. “I- Uh- I’m okay. I’m staying here.” You pat the bed, assuring yourself that you weren’t leaving Scorpio’s room this week. 
“This is to make sure you’re okay,” he said, offering his arms out in a rare hug, though you didn’t accept his offer at first. This evidently appeared to be some kind of betrayal. But betrayal or not, Scorpio was the only one there to offer you comfort in a time of distress. After all, he was the only one under the safety of your blanket with you, giving you a supportive smile. “I’ll be with you. I won’t let anyone stab you and I won’t let anyone poke and prod. They’re gonna get your blood with no problem or they’re gonna have a problem with the vice minister of the Department of Punishments.” 
You both locked gazes, and he knew that you were searching for if he was being sincere or not. But how could he be anything other than sincere with you? With Scorpio appearing as protective as usual for you, you lunged forward into his ready arms. “I’ll only go…” You started hesitantly, gripping him tightly, “Only if you’re with me. Only… Only if you can keep me safe from the needles…”
“I’ll always be with you,” Scorpio promised. “I’ll always protect you from needles.”
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