#why did this turn into a fanfic
sugusearrings · 10 months
( ' glass children. ' )
violet wrists and then her ankles, silent pain. then he slowly saw their nightmares were his dreams. monster, how should I feel? creatures lie here, looking through the windows i will hear their voices. i'm a glass child, i am hannah's regrets.
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— summary: with the star plasma vessel dead, satoru and suguru need you (fem!reader) to lead them to their next path. — genre: angst. heartbreak. — playing: monster by meg & dia — note(s): i'm a sucker for what ifs. i love what ifs. good and bad. i thought about this what if a lot. i wanted to write about this since halloween and didn't have time to post it. i just know suguru and satoru are better than me cause everyone would have gotten this smoke. that's all imma say. anyways, mentions of blood & death. probably some spelling errors here and there. — word count: 866
Those beautiful cerulean blue hues still sparkled as the light down on them.
But the spark of life was gone. They were dull. Lifeless. Emotionless. You never saw them like this before.
You could feel the anxiety swallowing you whole. If someone looked closely, they can see your legs trembling slightly. The two boys in front of you were having a brief conversation but you couldn’t hear it. You couldn’t hear anything over the loud sounds of your heart rate picking up at a rapid pace. You couldn’t even hear the round of applause the strangers that crowded around the white hair teenager who held the lifeless body like he did the first time meeting her.
They were clapping for Satoru. Fucking clapping.
You just stared at the crowd in disbelief. What kind of people would approve of this? What kind of people are happy over this? The death of a young girl.
A young girl you considered your friend.
Monsters...monsters... “Suguru...should we kill these guys? The way I am right now I doubt I’d feel anything.” His voice was hoarse. But what made your heart ache was hearing no emotion in his tone. It matched his stare. Dull. Lifeless. Emotionless. Your eyes went over to Suguru. His back was faced to Satoru but you saw his almond shaped eyes were as wide as they can be but soon he pulled himself back together. He always does. He has too. “No. There’s no point. It’ll be dissolved soon enough.” His voice mimic the tone Satoru set. He began to walk towards the door to get out of there. He was sick of the clapping and the smell of the dried blood that lingeried. He was sick of this. He was sick of this life. He was sick of death. He was sick of curses. “No point, huh? Does there really need to be any point to it?” Satoru asked or stated. You couldn’t really tell. You went to follow behind Suguru like a lost puppy but Satoru called out your name.
"Y-yes...Satoru?" your gentle voice trembled.
"What do you think we should do?" Satoru asked you. His eyes didn’t look at you. They just looked straight ahead into nothing. Suguru's eyes went over to you almost forgetting you were even there. Your eyes was puffy and red from crying. You were the emotional one out of the three. That's why Satoru would tease you about being weak. You were a crybaby. But Suguru didn't see an issue with it, he likes you like this. So did Satoru but he wouldn't openly admit it. You reminded him about those certain emotions he swore he couldn’t feel anymore. "Name...what should we do?" Suguru also asked willing to do anything you said. The self proclaimed brains of this trio couldn’t think straight or logically. So it was up to you.
The boys looked over at you for an answer. An answer you didn't have. This wasn't fair. These higher ups using you children. Not caring if you killed one another or died in front of each other. You loved your best friends. Especially Satoru and Suguru, willing to do anything to protect them. Even Riko. They were the only family you have. But would the higher ups mourn you? Would the higher ups sink into a dark hole of depression? Would the higher ups get revenge on you? Or would they replace you like a piece of livestock. They would probably replace you in a matter of days.
They probably would assign Satoru and Suguru a mission while your ashes are still warm.
Satoru and Suguru.
The thought of leaving them behind made you feel sick at the pit of your stomach. How would Satoru handle it? You knew Suguru would break in a matter of days. He bottles so much inside of him it would just burst out. Would they keep it together if you were to die? Or would they lose it themselves.
You know you would lose it if either of them or both of them were to die. Leaving you all alone. To defend yourself. To love yourself. You couldn’t imagine a world without them. The three of you were glued to each other, couldn’t really function without the other.
You could feel the anger replacing the fear and anxiety. On the inside your morals and humanity was being teared apart, stripped away from you the more you stared at Riko's lifeless body in Satoru's arms covered by a thin white cloth. "Name..." Suguru called out to you once more. There wasn’t much time to make a decision. "Kill them," you finally answered losing all emotions you had that day, "kill them all." That's all Satoru needed to hear. His lips formed a wicked grin as Suguru silently summoned the rainbow dragon. You stood watched the blood being splattered on the walls and floors. The screams made you smile like that day on the beach with your best friends.
That’s where your mind was. The day on the beach with Riko and Satoru laughing at the sea cucumber while you, Suguru, and Misato were on the beach towels just watching them with smile of your faces.
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Being silly.
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SIKE! THIS WAS AN AD FOR MY NEW FIC THE WHOLE TIME. Boy I had you fooled. Anywho, here’s the summary along with the tags.
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: SMG3 & SMG4 (SuperMarioGlitchy4)
Characters: SMG4 (SuperMarioGlitchy4), SMG3 (SuperMarioGlitchy4), Mr. Puzzles (SuperMarioGlitchy4), Bob Bobowski (SMG4), Fishy Boopkins (SMG4), Meggy Spletzer (SuperMarioGlitchy4), Tari (SuperMarioGlitchy4), Luigi (Nintendo)
Additional Tags: Little Mr. Puzzles is very important to me, Cannon typical shenanigans, SMG34 if you squint, Relationships aren't the focus tho, Takes place in the middle of the Puzzlevision movie, Little Puzzles is like 11 to me and will be written as such, May have projected my adhd onto him a tad, No beta we die like Axol did, Angst, Relatively new to the fandom, Anon is on because I'm a nervous person, The SMGs and Mini Puzzles are the main focus
SMG4 and 3 escape one channel, just to be hit completely off track and fall into a seemingly endless void.
After meeting the floor, they find themselves in a room with a shadow like memory of a child, who is ecstatic to have finally made some friends.
If you’ve been wanting to see more Mini Puzzles centered fics like me, then consider reading.
And as much as I like thinking of interactions between Mini Puzzles and Mr. Puzzles, they won’t be seeing each other in the fic for a while 😔
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daftmooncretin · 1 year
will never be over izzy’s interactions with stede so far this season compared to ed. izzy is a man that expects aggression, understands it. he constantly accepts abuse from ed because ed’s aggression is the only piece of him izzy has ever been allowed to receive. so naturally when ed’s death is revealed he expects aggression from stede. he expects stede to react like ed. but stede says absolutely nothing, and then he helps them escape.
this whole time on board the revenge since the finale izzy has been unknowingly mirroring stede. he risks his neck for his crew, he tries to “talk things out” he cries. i think the moment stede walks away from him in silence izzy truly realises that the mercy and compassion he once saw as weakness and naivety in stede are the exact same traits that gave izzy the strength to stand up to blackbeard. Izzy realises that Stede is strong. They’ve killed Ed but he is still saving them because he understands what they went through and why they had to do it. When Izzy hisses through the bars stede says nothing. Because Stede is good and stede is strong and stede is not ed. Izzy finally understands. He respects stede. stede is good and izzy is good. Izzy understands so Izzy tries to make amends. He tries to thank Stede. Stede still doesn’t say a word. because izzy might know stede now but stede doesn’t know izzy.
and stede hates his fucking guts.
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bibuckagenda · 5 months
Now I’m laying in bed thinking about Buck feeling a bit lonely because Eddie has family visiting and Buck doesn’t want to just sit alone at his place so he goes out to a bar, just to be around people even if he doesn’t talk to anyone, and he gets a bit tipsy and is pining in peace when a woman sits next to him. She looks a little put out and Buck feels that with his chest so he asks what has her upset. She looks at him like she’s trying to gauge if he about to hit on her but he probably looks miserable enough that she figures that’s not why he’s asking.
So she tells him about all this family drama she’s dealing with and Buck sympathizes and then she asks about what has him down so he tells her all about his best friend who he’s in love with etc etc. conveniently not exchanging any names.
They part several hours later and Buck feels—better. Not good but better. He goes home and wakes up to a text from Eddie saying that abuela is very upset that Buck has yet to stop by to see her. So Buck packs up his stuff and heads to eddies place.
There are far more people there than he expected but he’s quickly pulled into a hug and ushered towards the kitchen. He’s complimenting how good it smells when he turns the corner and makes direct eye contact with the woman from the bar. They get introduced.
It’s Sophia. Eddies sister Sophia. Who Buck waxed poetry about Eddie to. Who told him some very personal things about herself and the Diaz family last night.
He’s put where abuela wants him so now he’s helping prep the food while trying not to let on how much he’s panicking. Eventually he’s able to exit the kitchen and is suddenly grabbed and dragged into the bathroom, Sophia shutting the door as she hisses at Buck.
They start to quietly argue insisting that the other has to keep what they learned quiet. The sentence “no one can know what happened last night” is said right when the door opens and they are caught standing very close together. In a bathroom. With each other.
People are staring at them. Buck panics. Eddie is staring at them. Buck feels like he’s going to vibrate out of his skin.
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inonibird · 9 months
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“They wanted your shrine, Qymaen.”
Chapter 6 of Part Five - Martyr of the Sahuldeem series is up!
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alatabouleau · 6 months
Yesterday night I dreamed that I watched a very different version of the Star Trek reboot of 2009. Well, actually it was the sequel, I guess, but anyway: In this timeline, the death of George Kirk somehow led to James Tiberius Kirk now being Jane Tiberia Kirk who was played by Jodie Whittaker, actress of the 13th doctor. And she kinda was the 13th doctor, characterwise...?
So in this universe, Kirk grew up on another planet for a while on which the Enterprise and her crew take shore leave in the beginning of the movie. Spock is still together with Uhura at this point, however, you realise that Kirk is unhappy with it. ( I remember thinking something like "Oh, of course, now that Kirk is a woman, K/S becomes canon!" )What the folks on the Enterprise didn't realise, however, is two Aliens having infiltrated the ship who want to destroy the planet below to take revenge on Kirk for something she did in the last movie.
Forgotten some plot here, but somehow, Bones and Scotty figure out the Aliens's plan and do some sci-fi-mumbo-jumbo to let the bomb explode on space, however, they don't get it high enough before the timer ends and somehow, Uhura dies during the explosion, or she sacrifies herself for the people on the planet, I don't remember. This leads to Spock absolutely loosing his sh*t and Kirk runs after him, but Spock tells her off because she could never understand his pain, for she never let herself be bound to anyone. After that, Jane lets him go and goes to her quarters where she looks at a picture that shows her, but younger, in a romantic embrace with another woman, in the background the scenery of the planet below. Kirk sheds a tear while looking at it.
Anway, Spock starts to wreak havoc on the planet but hasn't hit anyone yet. (?) Jane beams down the moment he draws his phaser and throws herself in front of a child to save it from the shot. This leads to Spock getting sort of "anti-blood-lust" so that he becomes normal again and he takes the injured Kirk to sickbay where Bones heals her. Spock and Kirk confess their feelings for each other and Kirk is like " what, but I thought you went crazy because of Nyota" and Spock is like "Not out of love but out of guilt, for my Katra had long since belonged to another one" and they kiss. I think. I remember my last line of thoughts before waking up were something like "Yeah, this feels like a movie from the early 2010s...."
Anyway, after this I do not feel that giving up fanfictions for lent had the desired effect...
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trashcatsnark · 26 days
when the blorbo cultists don't adhere to the order I made up in my head for when they're supposed to kidnap me
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emeraldotter · 1 year
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dropping more furry TMA on your doorstep like an unduly proud house cat
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alttheloco · 9 months
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Fool’s Gold book cover!! :D
Read the fic by @tigers1o1 here! I very much recommend it, super good read.
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pastafossa · 1 year
I had a hilarious TRT-related hiccup earlier today when I was seeing a museum with a friend who was in the area.
So we met up, and she and her partner hop into my car. Naturally, I have some music playing softly in the background, specifically the official TRT playlist cause I wasn't thinking and had Matt and Jane on the brain. And after a few songs, as we're driving to the museum and chatting, she, in clearly somewhat puzzled tone, is like, 'what is this you're listening to?' because there's a really random assortment of styles on there thanks to recs from me, all ya'll, my sis, and spotify itself.
And my brain... stalls.
Because these people in the car are Friends but not Fanfic Friends and neither of them even know what fanfiction is. And any explanation will potentially launch a cascading wave of further fanfic explanations until I'm eventually discussing Star Trek slash back in Ye Olden Fandom Times (TM) or knowing me going further back to Dante's Divine Comedy in the 1300s, which was not a powerpoint presentation we had time for. Yet, 'yes this is a 9 hour playlist put together by me and a bunch of readers of my stuff, and by stuff I mean a really long free story I've written based on a tv show simply because I am obsessed, no I do not know all of them personally but we all talk regularly and they bring me songs for the fic sometimes like cats laying birds at the feet of their humans only instead of feeling shock and horror I am delighted and have collected them for the past 3 years and that is why my playlist is gloriously broad in style and scope' is also likely to launch us into explanations we do not have time for. Lying never occurs to me.
"Um. Uh. This is... It's... some... friends who read some of my online work and made a playlist about it."
Her, in the tone that says she knows I'm full of shit and keeping an entire novel series of information to myself: "Oh. That sounds nice."
Nailed it.
You're all my friends now, it's official.
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itsamenickname · 2 years
Cue another Bowuigi fanfic idea from me where King Boo kidnaps everyone (Mario, Peach, the Toads, and even E. Gadd) except for Luigi and Bowser and the two lovebirds go on an haunted adventure together.
But the fun part is that there are two ways I can see this prompt go:
Luigi and Bowser were planning to use this vacation (or something along those lines) as a way to put Mario and co. in a good mood before they reveal that they're dating.
It's more of a slowburn where Bowser and Luigi don't really get along at first (It was Peach's idea to invite Bowser because she wanted to make peace between the two kingdoms.), but when Luigi and Bowser get into an argument that leads Bowser to storm off and eventually gets himself captured by a mini boss (not King Boo), Luigi (the kind-hearted and sweet boy that he is) rescues Bowser and the big bad Koopa King starts to realize, "Hey, maybe this Green Mario is not as incompetent as I originally thought," and starts respecting Luigi more. (Which eventually turns into love as the ghosts start to get tougher.)
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innytoes · 1 month
Chapters: 26/35 Fandom: Julie and The Phantoms (TV 2020) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ray Molina & Reggie Peters, Alex Mercer & Luke Patterson & Reggie Peters & Bobby Shaw | Trevor Wilson, Alex Mercer/Willie (Julie and The Phantoms), Ray Molina & Willie, Aunt Victoria & Willie (Julie and The Phantoms), pre Reggie Peters/Bobby Shaw, Alex Mercer&Reggie Peters, Julie Molina/Luke Patterson Characters: Reggie Peters (Julie and The Phantoms), Ray Molina, Julie Molina, Carlos Molina, Luke Patterson, Alex Mercer, Bobby Shaw | Trevor Wilson, Willie (Julie and The Phantoms), Aunt Victoria (Julie and The Phantoms), Emily Patterson (Julie and The Phantoms), Flynn Taylor Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Foster Family, Foster Care, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, mentions of abuse, Bobby Shaw is Not Trevor Wilson, Best Dad Ray Molina, Willie Uses He/Him and They/Them Pronouns (Julie and The Phantoms), Reggie Peters Has Bad Parents (Julie and The Phantoms), Angst and Hurt/Comfort, make Reggie a Molina, Found Family, Caleb Covington Being a Bastard, thrift store shopping montages, emergency sleepovers, Slow Burn Summary:
When Reggie's father finally snapped and crossed the line and put him in the hospital, he wishes he could say he was surprised. He's sent to live with a foster family, the Molinas. The worst part about it all? It already feels safer after one day than his old home had in years.
Willie hasn't had the best track record when it came to foster families after both his parents died. After running away from his last group home, their case is reassigned, and they end up with the Molinas. Maybe this time is the charm?
Rose and Ray had always talked about fostering. But right after they got their license, Rose got sick and passed away. Now, a year later, with his kids fully on board, Ray decides to open up their home again for their first placement.
Happy Thursday! Chapter 26 is up! In which Luke puts his foot in his mouth (several times), Willie does not get to be in charge, Julie has the voice of an angel, Reggie gets a job, and Bobby is Going Through It.
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blueskyheadleft010 · 6 months
If I was the guardian of all the miraculous, firstly I wouldn’t be giving out magical jewelry to kids.
Secondly, if I was forced to do so or had little other choice, I would 100% make sure they return the miraculous to me (probably by putting some kind of magical tracker on them or something) and that they wouldn’t tell anyone their secret identities unless approved through me.
You laugh, but kids are untrustworthy little monsters in disguise.
Yes, I do love kids, but you do not under any circumstances give them more power than they can handle. You are just asking for chaos.
No, I would not need to use my magic powers to force them into compliance. I would just tell them that if they blabbed to anyone the ‘curse’ would kick in and they’d explode into confetti.
Haters gonna hate, but you trying herding children and see if you manage to survive a single day. Sometimes you’ve gotta be the mom of the team.
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year
why heinkel hates reinhard but still replaces reinhard with schult: speculation + analysis
i may have written too many words of anime fanfic about them but im gonna talk about this completely unprompted anyway. 👍 i was in an essay writing mood again.
so. basically. we all know heinkel hates reinhard’s guts and is overall an abusive father. but heinkel STILL replaces reinhard with schult. why would he do that if he hates reinhard so much, given how similar schult is both visually and personality-wise to reinhard? and when you pair it with the fact that heinkel USED to love reinhard, it gets more complicated. of course theres the fact that theresias death and wilhelm deciding to blame reinhard for it caused this landslide effect when it comes to heinkel and reinhard’s relationship, but we ALSO know heinkel actually defended reinhard at first. heinkel DEFENDED reinhard from wilhelm when wilhelm blamed reinhard for theresia’s death. but of course, we all know how well heinkel and reinhard’s relationship turns out later. but why? we know the core trauma that triggered it all (theresia’s death and wilhelm’s response to it) but it still doesn’t entirely explain everything until you look deeper.
i think the answer is actually that heinkel separates reinhard into two parts—reinhard the person, and reinhard the sword saint.
reinhard the sword saint becoming the sword saint helped caused theresia’s death. reinhard the sword saint killed theresia. reinhard the sword saint publicly defeated heinkel in a duel (we dont know the specific circumstances of this duel but we do know that public perception of heinkel was ALREADY bad even before the present day and losing a duel to your five year old son does not help matters). reinhard the sword saint saves the day, is regaled as a hero with the van Astrea name, while all these rumors going around about heinkel crushes him on top of the fact that his only support system (his wife) is gone with no cure for her condition in sight. along with the fact that his son Seemingly killed his mother. and this is AFTER the fact that heinkel begs theresia to go on the white whale mission in his stead. meaning that heinkel ALSO helped theresia to her death. and then reinhard the sword saint swoops in to be the kingdom’s beloved hero while failing to fix Any of these issues. reinhard the sword saint is a monster to heinkel, especially when you remember that reinhard kills theresia Again in front of heinkel at the end of arc 5.
reinhard the person, however, is different. reinhard the person is the son that heinkel knew—the son he loved dearly. thats why schult as a replacement is the perfect choice. schult’s a young kid with a resemblance to a younger reinhard and a similar timid personality. on top of that, schult is normal. schult doesnt have any world-ending, mind-bending superpowers that affect Everything about him. schult is everything that heinkel missed about reinhard Without any of the baggage. Without anything that makes reinhard difficult to love now. heinkel even says it himself:
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kids should stick to being kids, instead of going off and becoming a hero that betrays you. because i think that heinkel thinks that being the sword saint warped reinhard. why wouldnt it, when the whole situation where reinhard Gained the sword saint dp is theresia’s death? the innocent little kid that he had as a son is gone in his eyes. and it’s just a monster that’s left. he Misses reinhard the person—reinhard, his son—but he loathes reinhard the sword saint, who seemingly destroyed everything they had. and i think this especially shows when you remember that heinkel 99% of the time says the sword saint instead of reinhard’s name.
this division that heinkel likely has about Past Reinhard and Present Reinhard also has to be what caused heinkel to go from a very loving father to a very abusive one. why is it now easy for him to be so cruel to someone he doted on whenever he could? it’s because to him, that person became a Monster. reinhard betrayed him, from his point of view, over and over again. theresia’s first death. the duel he and reinhard had. and then theresia’s second death. theres a chance even, that heinkel’s anger towards present reinhard may also partially be because present reinhard stole past reinhard from him. to heinkel, the only thing of reinhard left is the sword saint.
and schult being heinkel’s replacement for reinhard does show that heinkel misses reinhard. you wouldnt need a Replacement for someone unless theres a void that needs to be filled. and heinkel’s choice of replacement specifically says a lot about him and his relationship with reinhard.
wilhelm’s choice of replacement also says a lot about him. but that’s for another essay akdndndn
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inonibird · 1 year
Ok, so because I have written a good deal of the Sahuldeem series directly on my phone, this has resulted in a lot of strange autocorrects (unsurprising, given all the Kaleesh words and funky Star Wars names), but none are as funny as two incidents: one butchering a character’s name in a hilarious way, the other inadvertently creating a horrifying crackship.
One: that one time when “T’chooka D’oon” became “T’chocolate Doom”.
and Two, this exchange from the original script of the final confrontation between Qymaen and San Hill in Part Four:
QYMAEN Regret? 
With a swift motion and in a flurry of durasheet paperwork, Qymaen propels himself forward across the desk and snatches the front of the Muun’s tunic. Qymaen levers himself into a standing position, hauling San Hill up with him so he is face-to-face in his grasp. Hill is rightly petrified.
QYMAEN The only regret I have is selling my soul to spineless scum like you.
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sameschmidtdiffname · 6 months
"Oh, I'm gonna update my masterlist real quick. This won't take long :)"
It's been three hours. My eyes hurt. I don't remember English. I still have shit to edit, but fuck it. I'm done for tonight. Enjoy the new details, pookies. It cost me my fucking soul.
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