#why are you being a weirdo bennie
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emptyjunior · 9 months ago
Gotta say, Benedict believing he was in a classic period drama plot where he storms in and his woman is kissing another and he's playing the stark Bridgerton man going 'how could you😔' only for both of them to turn around and go "No we both Want you" is Extremely funny.
Benedict to them in a classic soap opera fashion: I see you have betrayed me-
The Guy: what are you doing, come make out
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rigginsstreet · 4 months ago
@runraerun made some wheels for @harringrovekinktober prompts (here in case anyone wants to play around and write something even after october) and my 3 prompts were rimming, ghost hunting, and bennys burgers which made me laugh so i decided to write something aaand here it is happy halloween 🖤
"this is such a bad idea."
"quit your bitching."
billy's hunched over the padlock blocking entry into the now desolate diner, trying to pick his way in with a bobby pin he stole from max's side of the bathroom.
"it's weird, billy!" harrington's whining behind him. "a guy died here, have some fucking respect."
"aha!" billy shouts as he gets the lock open, pulls out the chains holding the door closed and kicks it open before turning around to face steve. "and that's why we're going to see if all the rumors are true. so stop being a pansy ass and come in. wanna see if there's still any brains left over."
the rumors, of course, are that the place has been haunted for the past 40 years ever since the Benny of Benny's Burgers was found by the counter with his head blown off. and billy, being billy, has been itching to get out here ever since steve made the mistake of mentioning this to him as part of the town lore when he was trying to impress the hot new guy a few weeks ago... (it worked, of course, because steve got himself a new semi-boyfriend out of it, it's just that said boyfriend is kind of a psycho maniac, turns out.)
"you're a sick weirdo freak," steve deadpans, slightly disgusted.
billy just grins at him, tongue between his teeth. "that's what makes the sex so good."
billy steps in without further notice, and there's a split second where steve thinks about ditching his ass and just going to tina's party or something. find himself a nice normal somebody to hook up with instead.
he follows billy inside.
the place smells like old grease and mothballs. can't see shit inside until billy clicks on a flashlight and they're treated to a view of fallen bits of ceiling, cobwebs, and old graffiti.
"cute," billy says as he walks up to a wall with a satanic goat head painted on.
"okay! we came, we saw, no ghosts, let's go." steve is not freaked out, he just doesn't want to stay in this place any longer than he has to. he also doesn't want to risk tetanus.
the front door slams shut then, and billy starts cackling like some evil witch when steve jumps from the noise, because it's loud, not because he's scared.
"god, you really are a pussy," billy's still laughing, and steve wants to deck him in the nose.
"ok, you know what? fuck you. i'm leaving."
steve's had enough. he's not putting up with this the rest of the night. he's got better places to be, better company to keep. except.
billy's grabbing him by the waist as he tries to make his exit. pulls him til his back is flush against billy's chest, and billy's got his arms wrapped around him tight, faces pressed cheek to cheek in an oddly intimate pose for someone like billy hargrove who, in steve's short time of knowing him, hasn't really done much of intimate at all.
"hey, hey, i'm sorry, alright? i'll protect you from the big bad monsters..."
steve rolls his eyes because of course billy can't help himself from being a prick about it, but like.
the embrace does feel nice. maybe steve's a sucker. but he's fine with that fact as billy's turning him in his arms and suddenly they're face to face.
"only monster i need protection from is you."
"aw, baby, now how can you say i'm the bad guy when i treat you so good..."
billy takes steve's chin between his thumb and forefinger, guiding their mouths together at a tortuously slow pace that leaves steve's knees feeling like jello when their lips finally touch.
steve kind of forgets where they are after that. for as annoying as billy is, he's frustratingly a really fucking good kisser.
so steve lets himself get lost in it. has his hands fisted in the denim of billy's jacket and walks them back until billy hits the old diner counter with a grunt. makes billy kiss back harder, biting at steve's lips like he's some rabid animal. it's how it always goes with them.
"thought we were s'pposed to be ghost hunting?" steve asks between kisses. not that he really gives a shit. this is much better than disturbing restless spirits.
"got something else for you to hunt."
steve groans at the horrible joke, but then billy's whispering all husky against his mouth "want you to fuck me," and then steve's groaning for a whole different reason.
steve kind of wants to object, because this is not the place he wants to be doing this. but the thing is... billy hasn't actually let steve fuck him yet. all their hook ups have been the other way around and like, that's been all fine and great, but steve's kind of been itching to have his go at billy. and if this is his opportunity being handed to him on a silver platter, then, well...
"god, yes."
he's maybe a little more enthusiastic than necessary when he goes to undo billy's jeans. would be embarrassed about it under other circumstances, but he's a man possessed. maybe it's all the jitters from earlier. fuck if he knows.
but before he can pull billy's jeans down billy's stopping him with a hand to his chest, all calm and slow like the biggest cocktease in the world. for a second steve thinks he's been played, that billy's gonna start laughing in his face and tell him as if. but he doesn't.
"first thing's first, cowboy."
he tugs on steve's shirt, forcing him down to his knees as billy turns around, back to him. ass to him, really, once steve's in the desired position. and it takes steve a second to process it, what billy's wanting. but then billy's bending forward and planting his forearms onto an old vinyl cushion of the counter stools, and he's giving his ass a little wiggle right in steve's face and... yeah, okay. he gets the message. fuck.
he's done this before, just not with billy.
well, not to billy. billy's usually the one doing it to him, and he's fucking good at that, too. so. no pressure or anything.
"c'mon, harrington, i wanna wake the dead."
"ew, don't talk about that right now."
billy laughs while steve shakes off his disgust. refocuses on billy's ass in front of him and how he needs to remove the current barriers between them.
billy's ass is kind of glorious up close. not that steve would tell billy that, like the guy needs an ego boost. but seeing it stripped bare right in front of him he can better admire how taut it is, how golden it is, somehow, just like the rest of billy (an imagine springs to mind of billy sunbathing naked and it's got steve all kinds of things.)
there's a light dusting of hair that steve can see and feel as his hands make slow, methodical work of massaging him, getting him nice and relaxed before steve spreads him open and goes to work.
the tiny gasp billy let's out does wonders for steve's own ego. spurred on by all of billy's pleased noises he really sinks his teeth in - so to speak.
"fuck, harrington," billy breathes. "and everyone says i've got the wicked tongue..." he's cut off by a moan, and steve can't help but smirk to himself.
"they don't call me king for nothing," steve quips before going back in and fucking his tongue into billy's hole, relishing in the whimpers billy's letting out.
if only everyone at school could see big bad billy hargrove now, reduced to a whimpering mess all because of steve harrington. it sends a little jolt straight to his dick, he can't lie.
"wanna fuck you so bad..." steve breathes, brain going foggy as he bites into the meat of billy's ass.
"no one's stopping you." billy's trying to sound like his usually cocksure self, but the effect is hindered somewhat by the desperate rasp of his voice.
steve's all set to get on with it, getting ready to pull himself up to his feet when there's a loud crash coming from the kitchen.
"the hell was that?" he asks.
billy looks up, almost like he, too, was spooked, but of course he won't just say that.
"probably just an animal or something. get back to fucking me."
"i haven't started," steve mutters, back on his feet.
he's halfway to zipping down his fly when there's another crash, except this time it's from a rock, he assumes, hurling right past them til is cracks on the wall behind them.
"that's not a fucking animal, billy!" and, okay, maybe steve's kind of losing himself a little here, but, like, can he be blamed?
even billy's shot up, staring into the kitchen with wide eyes. "it's gotta be the wind or something... it's fine."
billy tries to tug steve closer to him to get on with the show, but it's in that moment a piece of the ceiling comes hailing down next to them, and steve's had enough.
"nope! no way! im out of here!"
even billy seems to have finally gotten his sense and is pulling his pants up, running out of the place right behind steve.
"homophobic ass ghost," he's mumbling to himself as they reach the door, and another rock flies by and cracks the glass.
"don't antagonize it, billy!" steve grabs billys arm and hauls him outside. "sorry mr. benny, sir! won't happen again!"
billy flips the diner the bird as they're running away, and steve will swear on his life he actually heard the bellowing sound of a man's voice yelling at them. nothing distinct, just... unsettling howling of sorts.
steve doesn't want to think about it.
only when the diner is out of view do they finally stop running.
steve's heart feels like it's about to leap out of his chest as he glares at billy. his lungs are gonna explode. "next time you want someone to fuck you, try taking them somewhere normal like a motel 6. asshole."
billy, despite his own look of fear, starts laughing. "you gotta admit this makes for a better story, though."
steve just shakes his head, still trying to catch his breath. "asshole."
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akilahia · 1 month ago
Fucking thank you everytime someone ignores how Ted’s whole character is about his relationship with women an angel loses its wings. He won’t shut up about girls and thats ok hes a creep hes a weirdo </3
When I got into IHNMAIMS I found his relationship with women to be so interesting. It’s one of his biggest driving factors in regard to his relationship with others. It’s why out of all of the survivors, his dynamic with Ellen is the most significant and highlighted one. Like though he’s a fucked up creepozoid, he is a straight fucked up creepozoid 💗
Idc if people jokingly ship him with the guys or whatever, but when it starts to infringe over people’s genuine interpretation of a pretty complex character, as well as the story itself, that’s when I have to say wait a minute.
Also I lowkey(highkey) think when people start seriously applying these headcanons to the actual story/game/etc it heavily undermines his relationship with Ellen. Obviously Ellen’s characterization and story can be far more divorced from Ted than Ted's characterization and story can be from Ellen. Like Ellen has a lot of stuff that impacts her relationship with every survivor as Well as what AM has done to her and her own individual trauma from her past. Ted’s is naturally going to stand out the most out of the four other guys because his perspective highlights her in every adaptation. Ted’s psychodrama is literally based all around ‘saving’ and ‘loving’ her. Not only that, most of the characters within his psychodrama are literally there with the intention to tempt him from these feelings in various ways.
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(Personal gain isn’t really the right word but idk how else to phrase it.)
1/3 of the characters try to seduce him(counting the witch in seduce even though she was immediately like ‘PRANKED YOU!’ Or whatever). Then like the Devil, Surgat, and the Witch try to get Ted to override this 'love' for some kind of personal gain. Ted has to give up this 'love' for the benefit of Ellen, rather than for himself or others, which is pretty significant. Like he got to where he is today from his relationship with older rich women. His way of life had been centered around becoming what is needed of him as long as it results in personal gain. Like he’s developed a billion complexes over it.
Once again no harm intended towards people just having a fun time, but it’s just so annoying when these jokes end up becoming all people see about his character and the other characters. It’s important to keep jokes and headcanons separate from the actual content of IHNMAIMS(perhaps it is too late for this though 💔). Though the writing for IHNMAIMS is spotty at times I feel that Ted's is pretty heavily leveled and quite complex. If they wanted him to be bisexual or gay they would make that pretty clear. Like his world view stems a lot from misogyny while also being a male victim of grooming. You genuinely can't divorce this guy from his straightness I am so sorry(It is sooooo fucked up that I have to write something arguing that a character is straight, but unfortunately I have to for Ted. That is Sir Straight .)
If people genuinely want to analyze a gay character, one whose sexuality is a central factor in how he was tortured by AM, then pleasseeee look into Benny. I know it may sound kind of hypocritical of me to write all about Ted here then say people should write about Benny, but in this case I am saying straight ted and gay benny, not the other way around. It also so crazy that they erased Benny being gay in like everything after the short story. Like sure the changes are maybe acceptable, but short story Benny is FAR more engaging and impactful.
Sorry for getting off topic and making this so long, anon thank you so much for your ask, it genuinely got me really excited and gave me an excuse to think critically about my favorite game/short story in regards to the public perception of its characters.
Also I really have to highlight that this was definitely all sparked by my awesome moot freakenomenon!!!!!(idk if I should @ or not since we haven't ever chatted) but seriously!!!!! If you want even better IHNMAIMS takes check out his account, he summarizes this all even more concisely than I ever could.
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Random-Ass Benny Miller Relationship HCs
And yes, they all involve him being a hot dumb himbo bc I have brainrot and @sofietargaryen is an enabler.
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- Benny tries to high-five after sex. He want’s another one after you sigh and actually give one to him. This could go on for minutes, he’ll just keep pointing out “cool things” you did that made his highlight reel
- One day he’d randomly put a gold star sticker on your shirt and when you’d ask what it was for he’d say "for sucking my soul out through my cock last night bc damn, that was— HEY DON'T HIT ME WHERE ARE YOU GOING?! PUT YOUR STICKER BACK ON, BABE C’MON!"
- Benny would proudly announce that the reason you were both late was because y'all were boning and Frankie would be like "THIS IS YOUR GOD-DAUGHTER'S BAPTISM WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU"
- (Santi would just be like "no that's a valid excuse boning takes the time it takes")
- Benny would ask for sex coupons (redeem for 10 minutes of letting my hit it from the back, etc) for his birthday and try to redeem them at the most inappropriate times
- "I'm not letting you motorboat me right now" 
"but BABE" 
- He’d want to hang out with you while you pee. Good luck trying to close/lock the door to keep him out bc boy will see this as a lock picking challenge and end up ruining your bobby-pins
-Weirdo would try to lace his toes with yours and get so confused/offended when you kick his foot away.
-He’ll try to sext you while you’re in the same room as him.
-He’ll also sext you when you’re mad but he’ll try and appeal to your kinks to make you forgive him.
- “Can we leave, I’m bored.”
“We are on a commercial air flight.”
“So ‘no’, then?”
- You’ll have to become an award winning actor when you both are at a party and he texts you ‘u up?’ or ‘what r u wearing?’ or ‘damn without me?’ like BOY I SWEAR TO GOD I’M TRYING TO TALK TO MY BOSS
-”Are you mad at me?”
“No, what are you talking about?”
“You’re being quiet—”
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variousqueerthings · 1 month ago
have been enabled by @syrupmap so i will say the headcanons that basically can be summed up as "she did all the opposite things to fraser to compensate":
lots of people find her abrasive and she's not not abrasive, but i think she also doesn't want to be (all the time). there are a couple of clues -- in all the queens horses she's perturbed that she can't simply tell the mounties to be relaxed, because she is... the opposite of relaxing. in that same episode she also expresses her dissatisfaction with not being seen as a woman rather than someone who is simply a cold, angry superior
but also sometimes she's not really saying abrasive things, she's just saying them in a way that seems aggressive because of her tone of voice. she's simply a flat-voiced person
on that note she does (i think) a lot of scripting and panics when things go off-script. the confines of her job and the role fraser occupies within it allows the two of them to act within these scripts (which they both enjoy). when fraser asks her out on a date and in aforementioned scene where she wants to be seen as someone who has a heart, she blusters/says the wrong words/can't make decisions
she's also bad -- in similar-but-opposite-ways -- at boundaries, although she overcompensates by setting them reaaaally far back, vs fraser who doesn't have many at all (and this overlaps heavily with the sexual harassment she's faced and her experiences as a woman also playing into her keeping people at arms' length + her distrust of fraser)
i also think she's overcompensating femininity to make up for the flatness and bluntness of her speech mannerisms, but i will go more into that as i see her more in s3 with her cute new haircut. but yeah, i don't think that presentation is necessarily her so much as it is her trying to find ways to soften herself
she's also hinted at being quite similar to fraser in terms of her mountie-ness. her gender -- similar to his -- kind of is mountie. she's more comfortable in that role, she's just not allowed to be that as often as he is. it's got that autiegender swag to it, is what im saying, where it's like "yeah im a woman, but not like you think and mainly im a Mountie but i keep getting shoved into this Woman role that i just don't seem to be performing adequately/instinctively comfortable with. they're laughing me off the stage (or trying to make me into something im not)" but until fraser comes along and sees all of her, she's kind of trapped into not being allowed all her dimensions (Mountie and woman and weirdo who talks in a flat voice and isn't good at social niceties)
i think at the end it's this seeing that works for me. i read fraser as autistic and understanding how much she keeps inside of her that's judged by others, because he's the same. and i like to read it as why he's so patient with her as well -- there's an element of what ray calls his compulsive need to see the good in everyone, but i think that's ray projecting victoria more than what is actually going on in the back (to be fair, he doesn't get to see that, he only sees her when she's being mean to fraser to begin with and his priority is protect his boy benny)
the main thing is that he actually is quite good at reading people a lot of the time and i like to imagine he sees more of her traits than she realises. not right away, i'd say, but pretty early on
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sammwitch · 1 year ago
Purgatory isssss Vietnam and i will not be convinced otherwise!
in this essay i won't because i'm not american and am not equipped to root through the various generational traumas the vietnam war inflicted on america and how that impacted American Masculinity but like,,,,, it's there! it's super there. idk if this comparison is super obvious if you are american but i'm going to explain myself anyway
(before i start, i will be talking about the idealised and fetishised idea of the vietnam war, not the actual realities of the actual real conflict. this post is about how the spn writers are weirdo american men, not geopolitics)
eye mean,,, obviously the racism that runs through all of spn- there are creatures living alongside us who look like us and talk like us but are actually Dangerous Monsters Who Must Die- but keyed up to 11 because this is a land of monsters/non-humans/them-not-us
and as a part of that, we never see any child monsters in purgatory despite child monsters existing and also dying. because this is the Ideal vietnam which is only a wild battleground and not a place people, families and non-combatants live. only populated by savage non-americans who are hell bent on killing 'Our Boys'
benny fits into this too. being Other but also an ally. not someone whp can be entirely trusted at first and definitely in it for the personal gains that Fighting For the USofA could bring him, but through their shared experiences bonding. y'know, he's one of the good ones! like the (north? i think?) vietnamese allies america had on the ground
even washing all the colour out of the scenes until it's almost black and white??? like the footage that was broadcast to americans of the war?? i'm connecting the dots
purgatory not as something you beat but something you endure and then escape?? literally it is an idealised vietnam war were you don't have to confront that america super didn't win because the victory and horrors came in getting out
the way post-purgatory dean is treated like a Movie Veteran with his new brotherhood forged in blood and his thousand yard stare and his sullen drinking (all portrayed by jensen ackles who mustn't look any worse than slightly dishevelled or muddy in any shot) and that whole 'it was purer there' bullshit that i have definitely seen in other media portraying vietnam vets. they really gave him glam war trauma and it feels uncomfortable. it feels fetishy
not going to go further than "i think american men who didn't go to vietnam for whatever reason (including age! the lack of a big existential war to go fight in has really done a number on the self-perceptions of generations of american men) have a real chip on their shoulder about it and a resulting pretty gross mythification of the vietnam war because of it. maybe it's because they felt isolated from the Manly Men they idolised irl because of that lack of trauma?" when theorising WHY they did this because, again, not american.
TLDR later season dean winchester really was the writer's fetish doll to be The Most Masculine American Man and it's weeeeeeiiird!
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companion-showdown-dot-org · 5 months ago
best entrance is doing well for the next tournament (it was winning when i started but not anymore) so i've tried to summarise everyone's that I can. i've attempted to do their first scene on the show. i wasn't able to do everyone, and some of them are probably not quite right as I mostly did it off memory so suggestions welcome
Ian and Barbara - flirting, then talking about their one weirdo student who lives in a junkyard
Susan - being that one weirdo student who lives in a junkyard
Vicki - waiting for rescue
Steven - being the lone captive of a bunch of chumblies is perhaps not great for the mind
Dodo - im just going to have a look in this police box, oh its bigger on the inside, yeah that seems normal
Polly - evil computer's inventor's secretary, invites dodo to a club
Ben - sad and drunk, beats the shit out of someone being threatening to a woman he just met
Zoe - Jamie's babysitter
Brig - why are all these people running around the london underground
Benton - generic unit soldier
Liz - brigadier, aliens aren't real
Mike - generic unit soldier
Jo - unfortunately your new assistant is too endearing for you to hate
Sarah - stealing your aunt's identity is good investigative journalism
Harry - newly regenerated 4's babysitter
Leela - banished for herasy
K9 - just a robot dog
Romana I - one of the most poerful beings in the universe says the doctor needs a friend
Romana II - is regeneration supposed to be difficult
Adric - no adric you can't join our group of rebel outsiders, you're too much of a nerd
Nyssa - your dad's getting married and you're getting your step-mother's job
Tegan - just so excited to start her new job as an air stewardess
Turlough - steal the brigadier's car, crash the brigadier's car
Kamelion - king john
Peri - this holiday is boring, im going on a different one and nobody can stop me
Mel - already travelling with the doctor, also making him exercise
Ace - begging to join in on the adventure
Grace - opera performance interupted by emergency heart surgery
Lee - gang shoot out interuppted by the TARDIS
Charley - crossdressing so she can work aboard a doomed airship
Evelyn - stop disturbing my lecture on my favourite historical figure with that incessant beeping
Alison - fed up bartender in mysterious town
Rose - montage of her normal life
Mickey - i get that your workplace just exploded but i really want to go to the pub
Adam - look at all my weird trinkets
Jack - clearly not from the 1940s, but more importantly, bisexual
Martha - family drama phone call
Donna - just materialises on the tardis
Wilf - no amount of danger could get me to leave london
River - wait she knows the doctor
Amy - praying to santa
Rory - nutty nurse thinks coma patients are faking it
Kate - if i don't let the soldiers storm someones house every once in a while they get sad
Clara - its the one from contemporary earth whos sticking around
Handles - the doctor has a pet cyberhead now
Bill - meet this woman the doctor's taken an interest in
Nardole - river's sidekick
Yaz - resolving parking disputes is so boring
Ryan and Graham - ryan can'r ride a bike, but he is going to learn
Dan - this man gives tours of museums he doesn't work for
Ruby - so ruby, give us your backstory
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dolce-tenebra-toscana · 2 years ago
La Squadra and how they manage to survive the summer because...you guessed it, they are too poor and Diavolo won't give them a break lol 🤣🤣
Risotto ✂️: steal all the fans in the lair
He's the boss so he has all the rights to gather the fans around him. Being so pale also is a curse for him cause he doesn't tan...he becomes la Pimpa's cousin ( la pimpa is a red and white dog from a children's book if you don't know)
No matter how much sunscreen he puts on, the sun will burn him either way...so he prefers to stay inside sorrounded by his lil army of windy electronic slaves.
No one dares to say anything to him, a mad risotto means ouchies for the others.
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Prosciutto 🍖: Circolo Arci lifestyle
This sicilian hottie ( benny stop simping for Gucci's sake!!) Has way too much class to let the summer's heat wave reduce him to an ameba!
So in all his years of experience he found the perfect place to hide during the warmest days: the local Circolo Arci's bar! He will go there around 13 pm and stay till 19:30, where he'll either watch tv or play cards with the senior citizens who also came to seek refuge from the heat wave.
Call him old, but at least he can enjoy the air conditioning system as much as he wants, even if that means loose at Briscola every single time.
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Formaggio 🧀: I'm not an alcoholic, i'm a sommelier
Formaggio, being the king of drinks, will make cold cocktails for everyone...but especially for himself.
Using Little Feet he'll also shrink so he can lay on the ice cubes and enjoy the freshness till he can, even swimming in a cold glass of Gin Lemon!! Illuso one time found him using a lemon slice as a floatie.
After a long, tiring, hot day there's nothing better than the cheese man famous Negroni Sbagliato; but watch out for the ice...he may have layed there commando previously, just ask for the ones in the freezer, just in case..
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Melone 🍈: decency? What's that?
You guessed it, this tuscan weirdo will literally walk around his apartment totally naked with the windows open; he won't absolutely care about the screams of the neighbours or that someone might call the police, IS TOO HOT TO BOTHER!!
If he lived closer to tuscany he would have escaped to Follonica a loooong time ago, but since he has to stay nearby ( and honestly he hates Napoli's beach ) for the missions he just cosplay as Adam inside his own house.
He has to put stickers notes on the fridge to remember to get dressed before gljng out tho, one time he forgot and his neighbour screamed so loud she cracked a window...
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Illuso 🔎: local swimming pool diva
Sun hat? Check! Versace swimsuit? Check! Will to ruin everybody elses fun time? C H E C K~
Illuso is the person you DON'T wanna have to deal with at your local swimming pool area: he is loud, snarky, will make children cry, be a karen to the staff...JUST CAUSE HE IS BORED!!
You'll see him coming looking like an italian Barbie malibu, and once he decides he wants your spot in the pool, he'll make everything in his power to make you leave...
Luckily summer only last 3 months...
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Ghiaccio 🧊: the lucky b*tch
His stand it's his blessing during the summer, White Album automatically regulates his body temperature so he is never too hot or too cold! The lucky b*stard smirks and walk around the lair not breaking a sweat!!
He will wear only a pair of light sweatpants, chug a beer and snicker " Why so bothered? Is not THAT hot ahahahah!!"
Either that or he'll go train early in the morning like gym bro he is, some say he'll even whistle while doing push ups.
Ghiaccio doesn't like summer, but he likes seeing people miserable soooo...it is what it is
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psicadetterra · 2 months ago
what do you like about chloe and bobby as individual characters or as a dynamic? (im extremely predictable lol)
Oooh, this will be fun. I know you wrote "or" but wound up thinking about Bobby, Chloe, and Bobby AND Chloe because I love thinking/talking about the campers (Did you know? Haha.) I apologize for the impending wall of text.
Bobby is such an unusual character. He has a very grotesque appearance, but that is why I like him. If he looked or acted any other way, I would not like him as much.
I like that beneath all of the grime and malice, he has a heart. He treats Chloe, one of the stranger campers, with kindness. I feel like this speaks volumes. He's not even that good to his "friend" Benny (shoving him, hitting him, ditching him.)
He has a shocking amount of depth. His Campster, his reaction to the GPC button, his fuckin' EYES. He's fascinating. He's like a bacteria to me and I want to study him.
He's also just plain funny. I love the moment after Milka scares them and Raz says, "Don’t make me go get my fish friend again." Bobby replies, "Pfff! I ain’t afraid of no Lungfish. Come on and get me, stupid Lungfish. Oooh! Look at me! I can breathe! Big deal! So can I!"
I just love it, "OOoooh look at meeeee! I can breeEEEAAathe! BIG DEAL! So can I!" If I could animate…
Let's talk about Chloe now. 💫
I love how her design works. She claims to be an alien. She LOOKS alien, but when you see every other character, maybe not… I used to find her lack of mouth vexing, but then I realized that this opens up other avenues with drawing her expressively (although I love her default blank stare lol.)
Her character even seems to be a play on being "alienated" (That's how I interpret it sometimes.) I can't imagine her peers at school are welcoming of her, whether it be due to her psychic abilities or claims of being an alien. At camp she's just a weirdo among weirdos. (Side note but I wonder how she lives at home and goes to school. "Chloe take your helmet off in the building.")
She's kind of a "loner" but it's by choice. She's well-liked at camp (weirdo among weirdos). She just does her own thing. I like that. She knows who she is and she owns it. It's a little difficult for me to express my thoughts about this aspect of her. I hope I'm making sense.
And she's just plain cute. She and Hello Kitty graduated from the same school of having no mouth and wearing a hairbow (and I drew Sanrio-style Chloe once.) She's so liiiiiittle. I just wanna pick her up and hold her like a stuffed animal lol.
Now let's talk about a bit of Bobby AND Chloe.
I don't ship them as kids, but I do like the idea of them being together as adults. I think Bobby is just feeling infatuation since Chloe is genuinely nice to him. Nothing "genuine" if that makes sense. Chloe does not return the feelings because she's too busy with space stuff (and also she's seven.)
Their friendship is very interesting to me. I don't know how well I can describe it without veering directly into headcanon territory (I have a lot of guidelines for myself on how Bobby should be interacting with Chloe in a given situation lol.)
Chloe wants Bobby to behave and he WANTS to behave better for Chloe, but old habits die hard. Disappointing Chloe must feel like hell for him.
I don't think it's all serious for them all the time. I think they can get into some mischief together (but Chloe won't let him go TOO far.)
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snoozingredpanda · 2 years ago
Benni Winters — Sorries
Warnings: kidnapping, obsession, stalking, mentions of depression/suicide, swearing
• Benni’s hands shake as she holds you down on your bed, one covering your mouth, the other pinning your hands above your head.
• Tears brim in her eyes, your frightened mewls sending daggers through her heart.
• “I’m sorry,” she chokes out, using a bundle of cloth to gag you. She tries not to look you in the eye, focusing on stilling your thrashing limbs.
• You were so scared. This woman who you’d barely known for a few weeks was in your bedroom, attempting to do horrid things to you.
• No, no! Benni didn’t want to hurt you. She just needed to save you from this monstrous world, knowing full-well you’d get hurt.
• “M’sorry,” she sobs out, tying your hands together firmly with some rope. “Don’t wanna hurt you, baby.”
• You try to scream out, but she pushes the cloth further into your mouth. She’s jittery, knowing that your neighbour could easily wake up and hear.
• “C—calm down, please, sweetheart,” she begs, stroking your face, but it just made you more determined to get her off of you. She’s almost thrown off the bed as you buck your hips up, acting as a sort of catapult.
• Luckily for her, she managed to keep upright and hold you down again. She’s pleading for you to be quiet, that she’s not going to do anything to you, but you’re a fighter.
• Tears rolling down her flushed face, she pulls out her last resort: a bottle of chloroform. Your e/c eyes widen as she wets a cloth and covers your nose.
• “Sorry, sorry, I’m so sorry, darling,” she’s whispering in your ear.
• As everything fades to black, the last thing you feel is her soft lips on your temple.
• Benni starts to panic as you go limp in her arms. She’s choking on her breaths, chest heaving as she gently unties the restraints around your wrists, and pulls the gag out of your mouth.
• You look so peaceful, and Benni feels like the devil about to ruin you.
• Slowly, tenderly, she picks you up, cooing in your ear despite you being out cold. She silently takes you downstairs and outside, placing you in the front seat of her car, strapping you in and reclining the seat slightly so your body wouldn’t slump forwards. Afterwards, she ransacks your house for any clothes and other items she could fit into the backseat and trunk.
• She’s shaking the whole time, convinced the police would show up any second. After hearing a car horn in the distance, she gives up with your possessions and returns to the car and drives off.
• She puts a blanket over you, first, however. It was quite cold, after all.
• It was a long drive to your new home. Hours go by, and Benni grows more and more relaxed with each minute.
• Everything was okay. You were okay. She’s got you.
• After only two hours, though, your eyelids flutter open.
• Oh god. Where were you?
• You scream as you see your kidnapper next to you, and she flinches, nearly loosing control of the vehicle. She ushers you to shush, but you’re having none of it. You start to scratch at her and hit her, but she’s focusing on the road.
• “Let me go, freak!” You squeal.
• “Stop that! I’m trying to drive!” She snaps back. “You’ll kill us both if you keep that up!”
• But alas you don’t stop, and she swerves as you slap her face, clawing your nails down her cheek, making her hiss in pain. Thankfully, the road is empty, in the middle of nowhere.
• You growl and try the door, but it’s locked. Getting a little annoyed, Benni pulls over on the side of a long, deserted road, and turns to you.
• “Can you stop that? You nearly made me crash,” she huffs, rubbing her stinging cheek.
• “Let me go,” you hiss through gritted teeth. You’re like a feral cat, and unfortunately Benni’s a dog person.
• Gripping the steering wheel, she contemplates everything. Why are you so difficult? Can’t you see she’s just protecting you.
• “Take me home!” You shout. “You weirdo!” Who was this girl? You’d met her like twice in the bakery you worked at. Why was she kidnapping you?
• “M’sorry,” she mumbles, resting her head on top of the wheel. “Can’t help it. Somethings wrong with me.”
• You take a few deep breaths. “What do you mean?”
• “Can’t live without you,” she sniffs, tears threatening to fall. “I try not to but my body does stuff on it’s own.” She’s trembling, murmuring how sorry she was.
• “N—no one smiles at me like you do,” she continues. “You’re the nicest person I’ve ever met. So pretty and precious. Gotta have you…”
• She tries not to sob, her self-hatred increasing with every second. God, why can’t she just be normal?
• “M’sorry for following you. Taking stuff. Taking you. Should’ve just hung myself to save you.”
• Your breath hitches. “H—hey, don’t… don’t say that
• She shakes her head. “Too much. There’s too much in my head. Gotta get it out.”
• She looks over to you, before glancing at the back, where that rope lay from tying you. “Do you know how to drive?” She asks gently. You nod.
• “I’ll go away now. You drive home.” She grabs the rope and goes to get out but your quick to grab her jacket.
• “No! No! No!” You snatch the rope. “Don’t you dare!”
• She doesn’t understand you. One minute you’re attacking her, the next you’re trying to save her.
• Her bottom lip wobbles. “But it’s too much. I’m making you sad. You can’t be sad. Not good enough.”
• You bite your lip. “What’s your name?”
• “Benni,” she whispers.
• “Where are you taking me, Benni?” Her name made her shiver as it left your lips.
• “Cottage in the woods. Bought it just for you,” she mumbles. “…and me.”
• She refused to look at you, disappointed in herself and her actions. Only when you place a tentative hand on hers did she look over.
• “Let’s go then.”
• She frowns deeply. “What?”
• “Let’s go. I’ve always kinda wanted to retreat from civilisation anyways,” you shrug. She stared at you defensively.
• Benni doesn’t really understand what she’s hearing. You… want to go with her? Are you the crazy one?
• “O—okay,” she nods, starting the car up again. “I love you a lot, Y/n. Just know that.”
• When you don’t reply, staring out of the window, sighs dejectedly.
• “Sorry,” she whispers again. “I promise I’ll change.”
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crazyk-imagine · 2 years ago
A Time for Mourning
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A month after they got married, two weeks after the funeral… A/N: I’ve missed writing for my babies
One Shot Master List
The same thought has been running around in her mind over the last two weeks. 'Should I or Should I not?' 
Benny doesn't know what she's been thinking, not wanting him to worry about it when his fight is in two days... now. 
She gets out of bed, half an hour before her husband. She shivers, not just because of the cold air hitting her warm skin as she wanders to the bathroom but because of what Benny is to her. 
Her husband. 
The smile she got when she thinks about it, quickly falls from her face as she picks up the pace. "This is why you never get out of bed before him. You need your personal heater," she mumbles. 
She does a quick version of her morning routine, not in the mood to get dressed yet. Her hair thrown up in a messy bun, hands barely falling down to meet the countertop when his warm arms wrap around her. "Thank you." 
"For what?" He asks, already confused and it's barely six o'clock. 
"You're warm." Seraphina spins around in his arms, hands touching the back of his neck, scrunching and unschrunching his hair. 
He smirks before bending down, his hands meeting the back of her thighs as he sets her down on the ice-cold countertop. 
She smiles, knowing what he wants to do. She lets him until the back of her thighs touch the devil. She screeches and jumps into his arms, regretting wearing shorts to bed even though it was hot last night. 
He reaches behind him, straightening his arm so they don't fall on the floor. "Woah. Woah. Hey, hey. What happened there?" 
Her head snaps in his direction, tightening her thighs that are around his waist, making herself look taller. "You," she points at him. "Put your obviously cold wife on that demonic countertop and you- why are you laughing?" 
He shakes his head. "Demonic countertop?" 
"It's cold and I refuse to sit on anything else that's cold right now." 
"Then maybe as your husband, I should take you to bed where I can warm you up." 
She narrows her eyes at his cheeky remark. "Did coach Will tell you it was okay to have coitus with your wife?" 
"I should ban you from the TV." 
Her mouth falls open, "why?" 
"You've been bingeing The Big Bang Theory a little too much." 
"But it's good. I see you in Howard." It takes all but a second for her to catch her breath after being tossed onto the bed. 
He hovers over her, leaning down. "You think I'm a weirdo scientist who's lucky enough to have gotten himself a girlfriend who later became his wife?" 
"Weirdo, yes. Scientist, no. Lucky, fuck yeah. And I'm referring to when his voice gets all high and squeaky when he and Bernadette are having another baby. I can see you doing that." 
His eyebrows pop up. "Really?" He's quiet for a second, slightly scaring her. 
"You wanna try and see if my voice does get all high and squeaky?" 
"Oh my god," she smacks his shoulder. "You horny bastard." 
He leans in, pecking her lips. "But I'm your horny bastard." 
"Ben, no." 
"Ben, yes." 
"You have a match in two days. Will has told you multiple times," her voice begins to waver as he kisses along the side of her neck. "That you can't do anything out of the ordinary before your matches." 
"Then it's a good thing this wouldn't be out of the ordinary." 
She chuckles when he pulls away and slowly pulls down his boxers. "Ben, no." 
"Ben, yes."
After taking a... steamy shower, they go to the kitchen so Seraphina can make Benny his pre workout shake. 
While she pours it into his cup, she says, "I’m gonna do it." 
“Do what?” He asks, sitting at the dining room table while tying his shoe. 
“I’m gonna go see Molly and Tess.” 
He finishes and glances over at her. “Alone?” 
She sighs, “this is just something I need to do. I just- I need to talk to Molly. I haven't seen either of them since the funeral and- I just- I really need to talk to her.” 
He pushes himself out of the chair, standing behind her, pulling her into his embrace. “You don’t have too though.” 
She smiles, intertwining their hands, and places a kiss on top of his. “Thank you. I know I don’t, but I really feel like I do.” 
He nods, “okay.” 
“Okay?" She turns around, staring at him with an unsure expression, almost like she doesn't believe him. "Just like that?" 
His lips curve into a smile. “We both know there’s not much I can do to help change your mind.” 
“And this, this is why I married you.” She pecks his lips. "Now go outside before Will honks his horn and says you're late." 
That very honk that is rooted into the back of their minds, echoes throughout the neighborhood. 
"Too late." 
"Bye, Ben." 
"See you later?" 
She nods. "You bet. Now go get some training done. I don't want you to have another split eyebrow after this match." 
"I kick their asses, Stunner."
-   She leaves a half an hour later, purse hanging off her arm (after running back into the house to grab it) she's still not used to having a purse but she's slowly adapting to it since it was a surprise late engagement/ wedding gift from Frankie, Maria, and of course, little Isabela. 
Which may or may not have annoyed Santiago because he wanted to be the one to get his sister something as nice as that which may have started a war between the two men while they were out shopping. 
That was not a fun phone call Will had to make to her that afternoon. 
The older Miller on the other hand was smart and got the two a few things they could use in the kitchen, not very many items but he knew they'd go a long way. And that left little Santiago to figure something out. 
Eventually he decided on getting them a few things to keep in the car in case something ever happens, and they need to leave. 
With everything that happened before and after Tom passed, he felt it was necessary to take any precaution necessary.  
- She gets into the car and heads over to the Davis household, not using her GPS because she knows where to go (and that breaks her heart). 
Seraphina turns off the car, staying seated as she glances around the neighborhood. She can’t remember why she came here to see Molly. There wasn't much of a reason for her to come over and yet here she is. 
She takes a deep breath and exits her car, locking it while she walks up the pathway towards the house. 
She stands at the front door, not moving to knock on the door or ring the doorbell. 
"Mom?" Tess calls out. 
"Yes, sweetheart?" Molly replies, closing the photo album as fast as she can before turning around to look over the couch. 
"I think there's someone at the door." 
"Can you see who it is?" 
"No." The teen girl doesn't look away from the door. "I'm scared to." She has an idea as to what happened to her dad, and she's scared someone from his past is going to come after them. 
"I'm sure it's no one." Molly pushes herself off the couch. She stands on the opposite side of the door, looking through the glass on the sides of the door. "It's Ser." She can see the way her daughter loosens up and it hurts her, but she puts on a tough face. "You can go to your room and-" 
Tess runs to the door, opening it with a little too much force before throwing herself into the older woman's arms and starts weeping. 
Seraphina pulls her arms up so she can wrap her arms around the young girl's shoulders, resting her chin on top of her head. "Hey, Tessie girl." 
Molly quickly wipes her under eyes not wanting either of them to see her tears. 
"Let's go inside, okay?" 
Tess moves along with the blonde inside the house, letting Molly close the door behind them. 
She pulls back, holding the girls face in her hands as she brushes away her tears, giving her a small smile. "You're okay. I got you, sweetheart. Your mom and I are here for you," she whispers. 
Tess nods, pulling away from her and wipes her cheeks before walking down the hallway towards the bathroom. 
"She's been doing that since the funeral, I'm sorry." 
"Don't apologize, Mol." Seraphina turns around to look at the woman. She pulls her in for a hug, knowing she needs it more than she realizes. 
The brunette pulls away, sniffling, "sorry." 
"Don't be. It's a terrible time for you two and you two deserve to take the time and grieve." 
They sit on the couch, Tom's ex-wife setting a glass of iced tea in front of Seraphina on the coffee table. 
"How are you doing?" 
"As okay as I can be. I'm still trying to gather up the courage to pack up some of his things that are in the garage." 
"You don't need to do that now." 
"Yeah, but if I don't do it now, it'll never get done." Molly sniffles, wiping her nose with a tissue, keeping the box within reach on the coffee table. She lets out a sad chuckle, looking at her hand before glancing over at Seraphina. “He loved you; you know.” 
The blonde doesn’t say anything, she doesn’t know what to say after hearing that. “I know-" She sighs. "I know you two never saw eye to eye, on a lot of things." 
That earns a chuckle from the blonde woman across from her. 
"But he really did care about you, you know. That's why he would always disagree with you. He wanted you to- to- uh- to strive.” 
She wipes the corner of her eye. ��Shouldn’t I be the one to comfort you?” 
The brunette smiles, “that’s only for people who are scared to cry and talk about their loved ones. Me? I’m not scared. I just- I never know if I can find the right words.” 
“You’ve never seemed to be the kind of person to back down with your tail tucked between your legs.” 
“Now there’s a phrase I haven’t heard in a while,” Molly sighs. “It was one of his favorites.” 
Seraphina tilts her head. “Really?” 
“Oh, yeah.” 
The two spend the rest of the day talking and reminiscing about Tom and all the crazy things he did before and after Tess was born. 
Before it got too late, Tess came out and listened to the two, enjoying the atmosphere in the living room, feeling happier than she had the last few days. 
Seraphina pulls out her phone, seeing the text from her husband. "Oh, sh-" She glances over at Tess. "Shoot. Ben's texting me." 
"He's whining, isn't he?" The brunette asks as she takes a sip of her beverage. 
"How'd you know?" The blonde chuckles. "I better get home before he blows up my phone more and whines to Will." 
"Okay." Molly walks her to the door. "Thank you." 
"Don't thank me, Mol." 
"I do though. I know how hard this was for you to do." 
She doesn't respond. 
"Come by again sometime, we should have dinner soon." 
"You got it. Bye, Mol. Bye Tess!" 
The Davis' girls wave her off, waiting until she's out of their neighborhood before closing their door.
-   "You're back," Benny hugs her. 
"Thank God. He wouldn't shut up." 
"Thank you for watching him," she thanks her brother-in-law. 
"I'm not a dog." 
"No, you're not, Ben." 
"I'm going into the living room." 
"How was it?" Will asks her. 
"It was- uh- it was okay. Lot of tears but I think it was good for them. Or I hope it was." 
He nods. "That's good." 
"Oh boy," she looks at her phone. "It's late. You gotta go and get ready for your date." 
"I regret telling Benny anything." 
"Don't be like that, Will." 
"I'll see you two later." 
"Bye!" They shout. "Be safe," the blonde adds. 
"What's for dinner?" 
"My foot up your ass, Miller." 
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fnvbennygecko · 6 months ago
should i write benny and clover having a conversation abt them being like what do i do about the brotherhood of steel.... yes man's telling me to go kill them.... and they're both drinking i think and benny's like well what options do you have... and also like i trust yes man. just. in general like if he's telling you to go do something like that it's probably the best option. anyways they start getting upset and being like surely i can do something else surely i dont have to kill them and eventually they start crying and it's like o_o... bc clover's never cried in front of benny before and this is after the sierra madre too like they didnt even really cry then either. so benny is like wtf.... do i do.... and this is actually probably when clover finally opens up about what happened at the sierra madre and why it affected them so much and what they have to do with the brotherhood. also i dont think benny rlly gives a shit abt them being born into the brotherhood he doesnt have that much of an opinion on them besides the fact that he thinks they're fucking weirdos and jackasses and shouldnt be hoarding technology bc why??? they wanna do the same dumb as fuck shit as before the bombs fell? stupid.
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b4rredteeth · 3 months ago
Benny shrugged, native to this place, he’d never had a run-in, he figured he was pretty lucky. He was going to die some other way most likely. He chuckled, though it almost sounded like a scoff. “Anger is a pretty tiring emotion,” he said. He’d lived with it for years, found that disappointment suited him much better. “Yeah, usually,” he agreed. Though Mei hadn’t backed away from his many stories, Mei had been one of the few even asking. Most people in Anchorage seemed to think they already knew him, because of stories they’d heard. 
He made a face. Emotional issues sounded like parents trying to shove the responsibility of raising their kid onto someone else. He didn’t know what was better: being ignored by those who were supposed to raise you, or being sent to an ‘expert’. Even if his youth had sucked, he wouldn’t trade places with Bryn. “Hmm, sounds like you were just a kid.” He shook his head at the tease, enjoying it. “Yeah, can’t have that. Best to spread it out.” 
At first he found the whole alien thing exhausting, but now he thought it was kind of funny. The way that Bryn leaned into it, either coming up with new things - because Benny couldn’t imagine any of that was real - or simply sharing more and more of the obscure information he already had. “Ait yeah, why not? Earth as the Australia of the galaxy. Though I do like the dinosaur idea better.” 
Benny wouldn’t say he necessarily enjoyed the conversation, but he certainly found talking nonsense a very good pastime. Albeit not as great as going to a club, dancing, and see who he could take home with him. But Bryn was alright, a bit of a weirdo, but there was nothing wrong with weirdos. At least he didn’t seem to tap in much to the local gossip, meaning that Benny didn’t have to jump through hoops to be considered someone to talk to. He was just a drug dealer, just someone who started shit. 
“Nah, I’m leaving the space exploration to other people, pretty sure I’d get motion sickness.” 
He grinned. “Yeah, same here. Ain’t much of a desk person. But it would’ve suited you, can’t fight the image of you in a dark room with the light from a computer on your face while you search for evidence of aliens on earth on the internet,” he offered, all joke. He was far more attracted to the idea of Bryn being a dancer. He grinned at the question. “Sleeping around and making sure I look good so people would like to sleep around with me,” he joked.
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“Hahh.” He managed, in quite the monotone. Of course, it wasn't the worst idea. Bryn knew there would be a lot of fun in it for him. But it wasn't likely he would end up getting many listeners. But perhaps that was his lifelong self-doubt in his ability to be liked by more people than himself. He wasn't even feeling anything from Benny here. As amused as this conversation seemed to be making them, he could already hear the voice telling him it was only fleeting. Listening to Benny, he gave small nods, blinking as he glanced away to think about what the other had said. Offering a little grin to this in response after a moment. Before speaking, “Ah. Well, you might run into a wolf, even a bear, out here? So don't hold your breath?” He offered with a small tilt of his head and a brief frowny face.
Sitting up a bit, he curled over his journal, hiding what he had on the pages he was currently on absently. He offered a shrug, “Depends, most people want validation when they give something attention. Still, others want to be angry. But, if you find your niche, bask.” Nodding, he suddenly wondered if fighting a wolf would even be that hard, actually. Maybe not, if he had an excellent stick, he could get it away from himself. Thinking about fighting a wolf, he still listened as Benny spoke on, nodding in agreement. Bryn brought the tip of his tongue to his upper lip before saying, “Exactly. Heavy baggage usually sends people to the door, right? So, therapy, getting a psych evaluation. Those expensive options are great plans, if you have the cash.” He looked to Benny as the other spoke of never having gone, themselves.
With the question of why he went, Bryn sat back again, thinking about it. Many of his childhood memories, or more even, were vague to describe at best. Though he didn't feel it too personal, as he hadn't had to go in quite some time now, “Uhm, well, I guess I had a lot of emotional issues or something?” Making a slight face, he toyed with the journal pages for a moment, “My productivity certainly increased not long after those started, though. Much to my …parents, agreement.” He explained further, with a small laugh at the end. As the conversation moved on he lifted his head slightly, eyes narrowing as he thought while watching the other as they spoke, “Can't have you overwhelmed with sooo much information, it would be counterproductive to the whole experience. Buut. Little bitty factoids every now and again could become very enticing. Who knows. I could have you champing at the bit for more any time you see me if I get you too invested.” He teased a bit.
As Benny asks about aliens being on Earth, he considers how to word this for the other. Then he leaned in once more, locking his gaze onto the other, “Because, they say, the aliens-…extraterrestrials, of earth, are beings that were once humans. Or, maybe, even, they are the dinosaurs that are supposedly extinct.” He opened his mouth a bit, in mock shock. Letting out a small gasp as he did this. Then he turned his head, looking up, before pointing, “Or even, that this planet is the Australia of the universe. And species from outer space would imprison their worst here?” Bryn tilted his head a bit, dropping his gaze to look back at Benny, not expressing any emotion, just watching the other for their reaction. Though he had imagined the other thought these notions were, perhaps, insane, and the person telling Benny of them was also insane. Bryn was fine with that. He liked being a little 'mad'. Being normal was boring to him.
At the comment of his being a 'smart cookie' he stared absently for a moment before closing his eyes, remembering when he was four years old, one of his caretakers standing over him. An insidious smile painted over their lips as they moved to kneel down beside, a hand grabbing him by the jaw, forcing him to look at them. Bryn opened his eyes, looking toward Benny, “Yes. Probably a walnut cookie, or almond, yum.” Laughing a bit he tapped the clicky pencil to his journal, grinning at Benny's words, “Well, if you do see them, check for puncture wounds tomorrow, they usually like to take those that see them.” Bryn warned, almost more seriously than he was meaning to. But this was all just, silly, right? So why be so serious. As Benny continued, he nodded, this was the case, he was sure, initially at least. But was it the case now? Bryn couldn't say, “Well, I don't think either of us wealthy enough to do it ourselves? So the knowledge, once sought out, is going to have to wait.”
“But, we might not be.” He glances to one side, his eyes locking onto the trees farther off, knowing he doesn't see anything there. But the woods were always dark and scary anywhere, especially in the night. Something was out there, always, somewhere, watching you. Looking at Benny, he continued to listen, still very amused with this conversation. So far, he found this talk with Benny to be the most insightful and open-minded. Which he really enjoyed, as most started to brush him off at the mention of aliens, or something like that. Something they could not believe, just immediately put up a wall. Though Benny didn't believe, necessarily, he still had encouraged his nonsense, to a degree. What could be more friendship behavior than this? Not having to believe in everything, but still having a decent conversation despite it. Yes, Bryn was considering that he actually rather liked Benny, tremendously so, at this moment. He knew he would need more interaction to determine if it was safe to start treating it as real.
Bryn cleared his throat as he let Benny finish talking a bit, giving a nod, agreeing still. Humans were monsters, there was no skirting around this. They could and did do the most horrific things to one another. But, he did really like humans, because while so many could be monsters. Others were pure and good. And even more, just trying to survive on this ball, with the best means they are given. Delving from good to bad, depending. He made a face at the other's assumption he was a desk worker, “Ew, I would have gone quite mad by this point in my life, if I had.” Now, was being honest about his work, not …entirely. Bryn noticed the other look him over and did not react to it. He just waited for the other to tell him their job, “Ah. Handyman, nice. I dabbled a bit in that stuff, back where I lived several years ago. A bit of a side job, you know. I guess more interested in combination with a hobby I have. What about you? What's a hobby you have?”
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intothemultifandom · 3 years ago
– 𝐓𝐈𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐒 || 𝐛𝐞𝐧 + 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜!𝐤𝐥𝐚𝐮𝐬
SUMMARY: The thing about Klaus Hargeeves and the titles he had was that, for all the bad and bloodied ones he’d accumulated over his weirdly-long-but-should-have-been-shorter lifetime– nothing hurt more than becoming a stranger. PAIRINGS: Klaus x Reader (Platonic), Sparrow!Reader x Sparrow!Ben (Romance), Past!Reader x Umbrella!Ben (Romance), Klaus x Reader x Ben TAGS/WARNINGS: angst ; romance
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Klaus Hargeeves had accumulated more than his fair share of titles over the course of his weirdly-long-but-should-have-been-shorter lifetime.
Before the first Apocalypse, he’d been Klaus: Number Four. The Séance. Family fuck-up and resident weirdo.
When he’d ended up smack-dab in the middle of the Vietnam war, the list only grew from there: Private Hargreeves. Soldier. Murderer.
The titles were no less bloody than his first few, and maybe if he’d saved Dave the additions might’ve been an easier pill to swallow.
But Klaus lost Dave anyway and though he wasn’t into the swallowing business nowadays (of pills, that is), the dog tags he wore beneath his torn shirt were a bitter reminder that death and misery would follow him always.
Even after leaving The Umbrella Academy. 
When he and his family failed to save the world the first time (which, according to a very snappish Five, was not technically the first time; very tensed up man-child, mind you)–Klaus, as always, did what he did best.
He accepted the cards he’d been dealt with, and he settled.
And for the most part, things were okay. Delightful, even.
Amongst his Cult, he’d been a Messiah. God. 
As if God wasn’t already fucked up for putting him through all the shit he’d been through, Klaus accepted the monicker with a grain of salt and revelled in the false sense of security it gave him.
So long as he was God, nothing would touch him or his people. 
Because, for all that Klaus was unlucky, for all that he was unfortunate when it came to too-bloody-titles and titles that were false in every way, somehow he’d ended up in 1960 with not only Ben, but with you, too. 
From 1960 to 1962, the years you shared together–you, consoling him first after an argument with Ben before astral projecting yourself between worlds to coax your boyfriend back; Ben, always disagreeing with anything to do with Destiny’s Children until you’d concede sweetly in turn; and him, teasing Ben mercilessly for making him a third-wheel but purposely making him more tangible so his love-struck brother could rest his head above your heart–reminded Klaus of the only good titles he had alongside his name. 
To the world (old and new), Klaus Hargreeves was known as many things.  Weird things. Bloody things. But to Ben, his Benirrino, Klaus was his brother. 
He could be overwhelming to a fault, he knew, but Ben–angry, bitter and emo Benny boy– loved him all the same. And Klaus would’ve died a happy bastard knowing he had at least one sibling with him 60 years in the past. 
With you, [N/N], Klaus didn’t quite know why you’d stuck with him after Ben had died in the original timeline. Until the epiphany came to him between nights you sought each other to grieve and days you went looking for a new high that he’d never had a best-friend before.
He might’ve been responsible for half the stress you were constantly under, but you had accepted him anyways and always in the ways that mattered and for that, Klaus would make do with a sappy Ben if it meant having you there with him, too.  
After two glorious years of just being Ben’s playful brother and [Y/N]’s chaotic best-friend, Klaus thought he could well and truly live if he only ever had to answer to these two titles.
And then, Five re-appeared.
The rest of his family, too. 
And suddenly, the world was back on a timer. 
Klaus had to be Number Four again. Had to be The Séance, the Soldier.
If they wanted an edge over the Temps Time Commission, he had to bring out the whole shabam and play into everything Daddy-dearest ever wanted of him in order to do anything and return to a timeline where he was all these shitty titles (some shameful, some not) and then some.  
And while he could’ve done it, could’ve accepted the bitter reality-check like the good little Solider that he was–it became a little harder for Klaus to just settle with the cards he’d been dealt with when Ben dies saving Viktor. 
It becomes even worse when, just as the two of you are almost out, almost back-in-your-original timeline, you decide to shield Allison during a barrage of gunfire. 
Klaus had seen you first amidst the chaos–eyes wide, hands trembling–and had cheered in a moment of drunken stupor before Five called your name.  Had called for you as though he couldn’t see you even though you were standing right there...
He barely manages to process what’s happened and the fact he’s lost his brother and best-friend all in one sweep (He sees Dave in the distance, and blood roars in his ears) before Viktor’s at his side, gently holding onto his hand with the echo of grief in his eyes as Five opens the briefcase. 
The last image he sees of 1962 is the small, sad, smile of your apparition as he falls forward in time and into a world that spits at everything he ever was. 
Because there, in 2019, is Ben. 
Alive. Breathing. Whole. 
“Dad, who are these assholes?” his brother’s voice echoes through the long room, Klaus’ stomach lurching as Ben considers them without a hint of recognition. 
His heart swells and the breaks again because with that question, his brother dies again.
“Come on Ben, play nice...” To the collective surprise and horror mounting amongst his family, your gentle voice cuts through the air as you step out from behind his brother to place a hand on his shoulder. 
Flushed and lively despite being dead only a few moments prior–he’s not the only one disoriented seeing you in front of them. 
“But he does have a point,” you continue onward, uncaring of the sharp breath Allison takes (your blood is still splattered on her face) or the way Diego’s eyes dart between you and Ben; side by side, even in another life.
“Who are you and why are you here?” 
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wonderneverlandsystem · 2 years ago
TW/CW// Brief mentions of Homophobia, Transphobia, and Islamophobia, Mentions of Abuse, Racism, and general fandom idiocy
If you replace a poc with someone else, lets say another minority, and it is obvious that they r a minority, like they r wearing pride flag stuff, they're wearing a hijab, etc. and something vague that someone says about that person, like. idk. about them not being the kinda person you should hang around with. and you would call that person homophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic, etc. for saying that about the person? It isn't bigotry. If the statement could be applied to anyone. Then it isn't bigotry.
Yes this is about Billy Hargrove. Also YOU GUYS HAVE NO CLUE WHAT CONTEXT MEANS AND IT SHOWS. Max literally yelled at Lucas IN FRONT OF BILLY. HE WAS LIKE 20 FEET AWAY WATCHING AND LISTENING TO THE FIGHT. She yelled at him that he makes her feel like shit/that he treats her like shit. And whether u wanna admit it or not, Billy does care about Max. And even if he didn't, he is forced to take care of her. He has to be the parent. SO WHY THE HELL. After hearing that this random boy he's never met, treats his little sister who he cares about and is forced to be responsible for, like shit. Would he NOT tell her that there are some people you shouldn't be around. And that that boy is one of them. And in the Byer house where he sees her with Lucas again, AFTER HE WAS JUST ABUSED BECAUSE SHE RAN AWAY, of fucking course he's gonna target Lucas and not one of the other boys. He hasn't seen them with Max, he has no reason to thing of them as being bad influences or harmful.
And fuck no it doesn't excuse his actions or make them okay. He still attacked a 13/14 (don't remember their exact age) yr old. But nothing about his words or actions are explicitly, outwardly, whatever word u wanna use, racist. And even if he is racist (which by the way, every yt person, especially/specifically in America has institutionalized racism at the very least which takes a long time, and lots of education to break down, which isn't gonna fucking happen when u live in an abusive household where you have other things you have to focus on so you and ur kid sister don't fucking die, especially in the 80's), Max never fucking says anything about it. Even if what he said or did was racist, Max never said or did anything. Obviously I could understand her not saying anything to Billy because she might think he'd get angry. But she never goes to Lucas trying to comfort him, apologize for Billy's behavior, anything.
While I'm on the topic I might as well bring up the fact that NO ONE IN THE SHOW. EVER FUCKING TREATS LUCAS WITH RESPECT OR UNDERSTANDING IN RELATION TO HIS STRUGGLES WITH BEING A BLACK TEENAGER IN THE 80'S. In season 1, he gets SO MUCH shit from the fandom for not trusting Jane/El. A random girl who showed up out of no where, who, through no fault of her own, brings a bunch of dangerous ppl coming after the group. And basically no one gives Mike any shit for doing the same thing to Max in season 2. In season 4 when he is trying to fit in, to not be seen as a weirdo, outcast, freak, etc. So fucking many people treated him like he's an asshole for that. He is a black 15 yr old boy in the fucking 80's. In a town that is predominantly white. Where all of his friends are white. Most of the people at his school, are white. Of fucking course he's gonna do whatever he can to "fit in" and stay with the popular crowd. Not doing that would put even more of a target on his back. I'm so happy they put in that brief moment at Benny's where the only other black person on the team and at the house comes over to tell him it will be okay after the police show up. That he's not gonna be in trouble. Despite a good portion of the fandom being really diverse, be it queer, poc, etc. so many of y'all put the cishet yt characters on a pedestal and either ignore or straight up shit on the few queer characters & poc characters.
That's the end of my fucking rant for now. I'm tired. Thanks for coming to my TEDTalk. night guys.
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yellowcabdriver · 3 years ago
benny miller nsfw headcanons
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pairing: benny miller x f!reader
wordcount: 2.2k
warnings: 18+ (minors, don’t interact!), oral (m and f receiving), explicit and implied sexual situations, quite fluffy bc why not
a/n: Benny deserves more love ❤️‍🩹 nsfw alphabet template courtesy of @fairy-tail-babes ❣️
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
If he doesn’t fall asleep (lol), Benny is amazing at aftercare. You’re hungry? He will bring you food to bed. You want to shower? He will help you wash up. You want to sleep? Babygirl, he will SING you to sleep. Benny is super affectionate, so trust me, he will smother you with kisses while doing all of these things.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Even before the military and getting into professional fighting, Benny trained almost religiously (thanks to Will) and was very into sports so he is pretty proud of his body. His favourite part of his is his upper body, he has nice toned abs and broad muscular back. He looooves to have your hands roam around his body (even though he is quite ticklish 🤫)
When it comes to you, he loves your smile. Benny doesn’t have specific physical preferences in women, he genuinely loves them all. But a beautiful smile is something he will always notice. He also finds dimples sexy and adorable (I see him being one of these people who poke people’s dimples for no reason 🤨).
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Benny cums a lot, like honestly, where does it all come from???? His favourite place to come is on your tits and he will then proceed to lick them clean (he is NASTY). After you cum on his cock or his fingers, he will go down on you and thoroughly clean you up with his tongue. You are definitely his favourite taste ;)
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Benny loves to have you sit on his face. Not too much of a dirty secret but he is a little embarrassed to admit that he will literally cum untouched when he has you grinding onto his face like there’s no tomorrow. This lil weirdo also would like to see you wear costumes. If you surprise him even with something as basic as a cheap maid costume, prepare for a fun night.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Before getting more experienced with sex, Benny ran on pure enthusiasm. He’s here to make sure both him and his partner have fun, what else could you ask for? Though his enthusiasm was more than enough, he learned to listen and observe. If you two are dating, rest assured, Benny is learning his ways around your body because he likes (loves) you a lot and he wants nothing but to satisfy his woman.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Benny low-key prefers positions where he can see your face. He’s a bit basic but he genuinely likes missionary because it’s close, it’s intimate, he can observe all the little facial expressions you are making and he can grab, squeeze and grip any part of your body. When in missionary, he presses his forehead against yours and drinks up your moans while sharing his, mumbling sweet little compliments “god, you feel so fucking good, baby, you’re so good for me.” He will sometimes hook your leg on his shoulder and kiss (bite 👀) your calf and ankle. Another favourite is when you both are sitting down facing each other because when things get super intense, he can bury his face into the crook of your neck, hug you so tight his fingers leave bruises and keep you close to him as he thrusts up into you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Just like in his everyday life, Benny can be super goofy in bed and likes to joke to lighten the mood (he has made a knock-knock joke before shoving his cock in you on several separate occasions, god have mercy on him.) He’s definitely not one of the people who take sex way too seriously. But don’t get me wrong, he can tap into the part of his personality that will get things pretty serious and, boy, that’s a beast you don’t want to wake.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Depends on his mood. Mostly, Benny just trims the hair down there and that’s about it. With you (and women in general) he doesn’t care about hair and doesn’t really understand why some women are insecure about something like that because trust me, honey, hair or no hair he will eat you like a buffet.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
With any partner, Benny gives his 150% during the process. But, babygirl, if Benny is dating you it’s a next level (aespa stans make some noise). He ADORES you, he is infatuated with you, my man is in love. He admires your movements, the sounds you make and your touches drive him insane. Eye contact is important to him because it indicates connection. When you two are about to get to climax, he likes to take your face into his large hands and just look at you with such an adoration and love and cover your face in sloppy kisses because he just can’t hold it together (he is an affectionate baby boy 🥰)
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Masturbation is absolutely normal to Benny, he is not ashamed to admit that he does it regularly and enjoys it. His imagination runs wild so he definitely pictures you when he jacks off. If you ever walk in on him masturbating, chances are you’re going to hear him moan your name.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
If you’re kinky, then you’re in luck because Benny is very open-minded and I would even say enthusiastic about trying something new in bed. Don’t tell him I told you this but having you dominate him is a big kink of his. Take control, call him a pretty boy, kiss him all over his stupid handsome face and Benny will be worshipping the ground that you walk on.
The moment Benny discovered overstimulation… oof, get your pussy ready. He is going to fuck you stupid and then eat you out and then fuck you stupid again with no time for recovery. Overstimulation is a perfect way to let out steam for someone as impatient and needy as him.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Just initiate it and Benny is ready to have sex in the middle of the park. Other than literally anywhere, Benny likes bathtub sex (it used to be shower sex but it is off the table now after that one time you both slipped and fell, Benny limped for two weeks). He also likes occasional car sex in his jeep; there is enough space for both of you on the driver seat to get some good-good.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Benny is horny on main™. But only for you ;) So anything you do will rail him up. Physical affection and words of affirmation are Benny’s primary love languages, so trust me when I say this man will literally drop to his knees and do as you please if you tell him all the right words and touch him in the right places.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Benny isn’t into any sort of r*pe play; consent is very important for him, so even pretending that he’s doing something this awful to you is a huge no for him. He doesn’t really like degradation play, he prefers praising, but will surely try his best if that’s what you like.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Sit on his face. Don’t hover, don’t hesitate, babygirl, you can suffocate him with your thighs and he will die a lucky man. Benny loves eating you out, he is eager to do so. Every time you two have sex, he is face first, no hesitation. Usually gets you to cum with his mouth only but sometimes adds fingers curling them to hit the right spot. He is so into the process, his moans are so sensual and needy against your wet leaking cunt, they send vibrations all over your body.
He obviously loves receiving oral and tbh will not complain about anything you do to his cock. Slow or quick, feeling the warmth of your mouth drives him insane. Will never say no to a good ole sloppy toppy.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Even though he doesn’t look like it (let’s be real, my man looks like your typical fraternity fuckboy), Benny listens to you and your needs. If you are in the mood for a certain pace, he will adjust, no problem. But just know, Benny is crazy about you and it takes an ungodly amount of self-control not to pound you into mattress and fuck you stupid every time.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
BENNY LOVES QUICKIES. Did you expect anything else? His perfect quickie is to go down on you and make you cum as fast as he can. He props you against the wall, hooks your leg over his shoulder (or just spreads your legs apart) and dives in with his tongue. He will literally kill someone if you ask him when you give him a quick handjob and then lick your hand afterwards. If a quickie is in a public or semi-public place, prepare to do something to shush this man because he is LOUD.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Benny kinda digs the semi-public sex and the risk of getting caught spurs him on. He is a freaky lil shit who will get under the table while you’re on a zoom call or something and will eat you out like there’s no tomorrow. Fucked you countless times in Frankie’s and Tom’s bathrooms when they invite you two over (Tom threatens to blacklist your horny asses from ever getting invited to barbecue at his place.)
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Even on a bad day, Benny can go for two rounds. That man is HORNY horny for you. He lasts a considerable amount of time before he gets tired but he always makes sure to fuck you good, no matter the time.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Benny doesn’t own any toys but he is very open to buying and using them in bed, both on him and on you. He strikes me as a person who sees a vibrator (an expensive one) when shopping online and makes an impulsive purchase. But don’t worry, it is going to be a long-term investment for which both of you will be thankful ;)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Benny is a tease but he does it for good fun, not to aggravate you and bring you to the edge because, let’s be frank, this man is more impatient than you and when he is horny for you (which is 25/8), he is not gonna play hard to get. His teasing manifests mainly in soft playful touches and lighthearted comments just to hear your beautiful laughter.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Benny is a vocal type, 100%. He talks, he groans, he moans, he whispers, and honestly??? When your pussy is THAT good, why wouldn’t he let you (and your neighbours) know??? He isn’t ashamed of making sounds and being unapologetically loud.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Who would’ve known but Benny is a biter! He will gently bite your inner thighs when he eats you out. He bites your lips when he kisses you. When his orgasm is getting intense, he subconsciously buries his face into your neck and bites it. When you confront him about bite marks all over your body after, he will be like 😶 no, that wasn’t me. Even if your ass has a bite mark that perfectly matches his teeth (pls this dumbass will gaslight you about his bites).
Another fun fact: he’s a perfect switch. He can and, most importantly, enjoys being both dom and sub.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
7.5 inches, quite girthy and, despite common allegations, cut. Definitely knows how to utilise it well and make his partner feel good ;)
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
As if I didn’t mention it like 350 times here, Benny is horny. And his sex drive is insane. He is enthusiastic about sex, especially sex with you. If he could, he would have sex with you every day and every night (sometimes you have a fucking weekend – that entails exactly what it promises, you two just fuck the entire weekend 🙃)
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Benny falls asleep enviably quickly but he’s a light sleeper. He loves to crush you with his whole body and either cuddle you or just lie on top of you all through the night. Is it super hot outside? Well, too bad, Benny is going to cuddle you and there is nothing that can stop him. He also wakes up unconsciously in the middle of the night, every time without fail, plants a kiss on any part of your body he can access at the moment and falls back to sleep. And he doesn’t remember that in the morning (i think we already established that he has one brain cell and it’s not even functioning properly, what a dumbass in love.)
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