#why are you as a man smiling at another man. seems pretty gay to me
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okay but why is Rocket looking at Drax like that. at this point I'm not convinced there's a single heterosexual person on the team
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coryosbaby · 9 months
i need sejanus to cum inside me and coryo to eat it out of me bc he wants to taste sejanus so bad but hes too stubborn to ask to suck him off directly
Content warning . 18+, mdni
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When Sejanus pulls out of your raw fucked cunt, cooing to you about how precious you are, Coryo’s mouth waters at the sight of the fresh puddle of cum pooling out of you. He can’t seem to explain it, really, but he begins to drool at the sight of the white, creamy fluid. He doesn’t say anything at first— can’t say anything. It would ruin him and Sejanus’ arrangement for sure. Besides, he doesn’t think the other male swings that way.
Until he sees the look on the boy’s face.
He looks smug, a small smirk playing on his lips as he bares those puppy dog eyes into Coryo’s own icy blue ones.
The blonde’s face turns a dusty pink, and he shyly averts his eyes. He tries not to stare at the other man’s softening cock hanging heavy between his muscle-ey thighs, tries not to think about how badly he wants it in his mouth. He feels his own wave of insecurity slicing through him. It would take away his pride to be owned by another man.
But Sejanus slowly but surely rests his hand on the other boy’s smaller back, and smiles.
“It’s okay, Coryo,” he assures him, and Coriolanus doesn’t know what he means by that until he elaborates. “Cmon, why don’t you use her tongue on her?”
You look up at him with pleading eyes, still a desperate cockslut waiting for any type of touch to your sweet, aching cunt.
And fuck it. Coryo’s not doing anything remotely gay, right? After all, he’s only eating pussy.
His tongue nips at his bottom lip, and he slowly crawls in between your spread thighs. Seeing you up close, he can take note that your pussy is swollen and wet, and not just from Sejanus’ cum.
Oh, god. Sejanus’ cum. It isn’t even close to emptying out, still a thick, steady stream coming out of your used hole. Coryo can’t take it anymore— his tongue licks a long, lucid stripe up your throbbing pussy. He groans, your taste and Sejanus’ driving him crazy. He begin to lap at you eagerly, like a puppy getting rewarded a tasty treat. He can hear Sejanus chuckle behind him, amused. He’s too busy satisfying his hunger to care about Sejanus’ fingers slowly trailing up his back. They curl around his golden blonde hair, push him harder, deeper. His tongue slips into your hole with ease, and he slurps up Sejanus’ spend with a hunger he didn’t know he had. As Sejanus guides him up and down, he notices that he’s speaking to him, now.
“I bet you’d like more of my cum, wouldn’t you?” He teases, nearly against the shell of the boys ear. “Cmon, Coryo. Admit it. Wouldn’t it feel so good, having me in your mouth?”
And Coriolanus can’t control himself— he whimpers. Fucking whimpers, as he takes your clit in between his teeth, the heady scent of you and Sejanus and everything between making his head feel fuzzy. Sejanus presses a kiss to his shoulder blade, then, and it’s strangely soft. Strangely comforting.
“We could do that, if you want,” the brunette continues, humming. “I could get you down on your knees, all cute and pretty. Could get Y/N to suck your cock, too…”
Coryo shoves a finger inside you, groaning, rubbing his dick up against the sheets. He gasps when he feels a hand slither underneath his body and palm his bulge. He pulls away from you, ignoring your whine of disappointment.
“Sejanus..” he warns, his eyes nervous. He looks down, sees the hand resting on his crotch. He shivers.
The other boy just smiles at him, squeezing the bulge in his hand. Coryo lets out a tiny moan, and desperately humps into it. Cum drips down his chin, lips, neck. Your knee bumps his, and he sees your pleading face. Sejanus’ hand moves up, towards his waistband. He slips it in, feels the engorged skin there. Coryo lets out the most guttural noise.
“Keep licking her,” Sejanus grunts, beginning to stroke him. “Keep licking her, or I’ll stop.”
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laundrybiscuits · 1 year
(Continued from this snippet! Content notes: police interrogation, homophobia)
“You don’t look gay.” The detective gives Steve a very obvious once-over. Steve tries to look gayer as subtly as he can. 
“Sorry,” he says. “Guess I’ll have to let my boyfriend know you don’t think I look gay enough to fuck him.”
The detective’s face twists slightly, like he’s smelled something bad. “No need to be like that. I’m just saying, I bet a good-looking guy like you could get a girlfriend pretty easy.”
“You’re not my type,” says Steve. He smiles with his teeth, even though his heart is going fast and he can feel his palms starting to sweat. 
The detective’s hands tense, and Steve wonders if he’s about to get hit, but they relax again and the detective sits back.
“Just doing my job,” says the detective. “Because, funny enough, we asked around with all your little friends, and it seems like you used to be a bit of a ladies’ man.”
“Things change,” says Steve. 
“In fact…seems like none of your friends ever even saw you talk to Munson before. Moved in different circles and everything. I remember what high school was like.”
The detective leans close. 
“So why would the captain of the swim team, a nice normal boy from a good family with a string of pretty girlfriends, ever—ever—stick his neck out like this for some murdering scum like Munson? That’s what I’m trying to figure out, here.”
“Don’t fucking talk about him like that,” says Steve. His mouth is dry. His pulse is thundering in his ears. “He didn’t kill anyone. He was with me the whole time. He’s—he didn’t kill anyone.”
“Hm,” says the detective. 
It takes a while for them to stop interrogating him. They keep asking him the same questions over and over, trying to trip him up. He asks for water and doesn’t get it. In the back of his mind, a hysterical little voice is shrieking Scoops Ahoy! I work for Scoops Ahoy!, but he manages to keep it locked down. Doesn’t let himself get baited, just keeps repeating that Eddie was with him the whole time and neither of them know anything. 
It takes a while, but it’s over eventually.
When he leaves the station, Eddie’s standing outside with Hopper and Joyce Byers, wearing a shirt and jeans that definitely belonged to Jonathan at some point. Eddie’s got his hands tucked into his armpits, looking antsy and tense, but he’s free and standing on his own two feet. It’s a pretty big upgrade from when Steve last saw him about a week or two ago. 
It’s almost too easy to go straight over to him, wrapping him up in a tight hug like they’ve had their arms around each other a million times. 
“Oof. Easy there, tiger,” laughs Eddie. “I’m, uh, still a little fragile.”
“Sorry,” says Steve, and loosens his hold. He doesn’t let go all the way.
“Come on, boys,” says Joyce. “I’m taking you two home. Steve, Eddie’s been staying with us, but we’re a little short on spare beds and it’s not great for his recovery. We’re moving him to your place until we can figure out something better, okay?” 
Joyce drops them off and helps carry in a few garbage bags full of Eddie’s stuff. There’s not that much.
And then the door closes behind her, and Steve’s alone with Eddie for the first time since—actually, maybe ever. 
“So,” says Eddie. “What…the fuck, Harrington.”
“Is that an actual question?” Steve says. He rolls his shoulders, trying to get some of the stiffness out. “I mean, didn’t Hopper and Mrs. Byers explain everything to you?”
“Kind of? I mean, I still think this is probably the worst idea of all time, but they told me—anyway, what I meant just now was a much more personalized and individual what the fuck. As in, why the fuck would you agree to any of this? You know you’re never gonna get another girl in this town to look at you now.”
“Dumping me already? Ice cold, man.”
Eddie groans and actually throws his hands in the air in frustration. Steve hadn’t known people did that in real life. 
“Jesus christ.” Eddie wheels around and grabs two of the garbage bags. “I can’t do this right now, I need to take a fucking nap. We will be discussing this later.”
“Still don’t know what there is to discuss,” says Steve, but he picks up the last garbage bag and leads the way to the spare room. 
Eddie pitches forwards onto the bed, arms outstretched and face mashed into the pillow. “Fuck yes, I am going to marry this goddamn mattress. Hit the lights when you leave,” he says, slightly muffled. 
For a second, Steve finds himself stepping forward with a hand outstretched to—do something. He’s not sure what. Touch Eddie’s hair, or something dumb like that. His face warms. He’s really glad Eddie isn’t looking at him and doesn’t see how he’s kind of just standing there with a hand out for no reason. 
He turns around, flicking the light switch on his way out, and doesn’t look back.
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lovverletters · 1 year
My Boy
《Yandere!Playboy X Taken! Male Reader》
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Note that this is a reupload from my previous blog @hyerinrose
T/W : yandere behaviour, infidelity, suicidal thoughts, possessive behaviour, internalised homophobia, Obsessive behaviour.
•┈••✦ 🎀✦••┈•💌•┈••✦ 🎀 ✦••┈•
Everything was perfect. (Name) is content with the cards he has been dealt with in his life. He had a loving and supportive family, his academics performance were outstanding and most importantly he is dating the girl of his dream, Maya.
Although they had only been going out for a few months, (Name) could already picture a future with the girl. Call him a hopeless romantic but he can't help it!
"(Nameeeeee) you're spacing out againn. Am I that boring?"
Maya voice snapped him out of his thoughts.The two were currently on a date at an ice cream parlour. (Name) stared at his girlfriend who's sitting across the table, admiring her beauty.
(Name) might be biased but Maya is an absolute beauty in his eyes. Her long dirty blonde hair was tied into a braid and slung against her shoulder, green irises and specks of freckles complimented her already pretty face.
"It's not like that, Aya. You're so beautiful I can't help but be put into a trance" (Name) said with a smile that eventually broke into a grin as Maya grew flustered.
"Oh hush you! S-stop laughing at me (Nameeee)!
"Maya flicked her matcha flavoured treats at him, to which (Name) retaliated by flicking his own (F/Flavour) ice cream.
The display of affection between the two was ignored by many other except for one individual who stared at them with curious eyes. Sapphire eyes trailed over the couple that was absorbed in their own world, foolishly in love.
Xavier first reaction towards the couple was envy. He had been pursuing Maya for months to add to his ever-growing list of girls he had bedded. However he was always met with hard-cold refusal from her.
'She rejected me for this loser of a man? Unbelievable' He sneered in his mind.
He then observed the 'loser' Maya had chose over him. (H/C) flowed gently with the breeze, his (E/C) twinkled with happiness as he goof around with the girl. (Name) smiled brightly that it could put the sun to shame.
As he thought, Plain. Boring. Average.
The man were not even close to Xavier's level, he's practically a dirt in his eyes. Obviously Xavier is better than that loser? He's going to show Maya that he's better than him.
'No matter what, I'm going to take her away from you'
•┈••✦ 🎀✦••┈•💌•┈••✦ 🎀 ✦••┈•
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
The sounds were numbing Xavier's brain the longer the hours dragged on. Half of the students were already asleep 10 minutes into the lesson.
He would've been sleeping too had he not been keeping his eyes trained on his rival who's only two seats away from him. Xavier swore he's only staring because he needs to find a dirt on (Name).
".... Mr (Name), you would be pairing with Mr Xavier for this project" His teacher called out the two boys' names causing both of them to stare at each other incredulously.
"With the pairings have been set, be sure to turn in your work by next week. Class is dismiss" the teacher wave them off and left the classroom.
The two boys had different feelings in being paired with one another. (Name) was devastated, Xavier seems like a dickhead who would force him to do all the work and take all the credits afterward. Alas, he had to push through anyway, the project was 20% of his grades.
Xavier however was elated, warmth spreads throughout his body at the mention of his and (Name)'s name together. Great! Now Xavier can spend a lot of time observing (Name) even closeㅡ
Wait. Why the hell is he acting like this? He's not into (Name).
He's after Maya! Xavier's not.. gay is he? No, he's not.
"Hey" (Name)'s voice jolted the player from his spiralling thoughts. His cheeks heats up and he could feel his heart speeds up.
'I'm just surprised is all. Nothing weird' he reasoned.
"What? Hurry up, I've got no time for nobodies like you" Those words slip out of his tongue easily as if he wasn't panicking with having (Name) this close to him.
The (H/C) male sighed through his nose and held out his phone. Xavier rose his eyebrow at the action.
"I need your numbers for this project. I'll delete it after we're done if it bother you so much" (Name) open his contacts to add Xavier's info.
Surprisingly, Xavier obediently agrees and handed over his phone for (Name) to input his own numbers with no complaint.
"Thanks. I'll contact you about the details later" (Name) then left him all alone in the classroom with conflicted feeling brewing inside of him.
'Damnit.. what is wrong with me?'
•┈••✦ 🎀✦••┈•💌•┈••✦ 🎀 ✦••┈•
A week went by and Xavier had made a ground breaking discovery about himself.
After constant denial of his feelings, he had finally came to the conclusion that the one he was interested in wasn't Maya. No, it was her boyfriend, (Name).
The short time they spent together were the push he needed to realise his infatuation with the male. All those things he described (Name) were the exact opposite of what he truly is.
(Name) was kind to him despite being reluctant to pair up with him early on, his sense of humour was immaculate. Xavier had never laughed so hard in his life before the jokes (Name) would crack while working through their project.
(Name) is perfect. He's everything Xavier had been looking for.
Xavier obsesses over the (H/C) male, stalking him, stealing little trinkets (Name) left by accident. Taking millions of polaroids and sticking them to his walls.
However Xavier was brought back to reality when they submitted the project. (Name) was never his, the time they spent together were that of a friends. Soon his beloved will go back to being around that pest of a girl.
His previous envy were now turned towards Maya. The time (Name) spent with her could've been with him. (Name)'s kisses should've belongs to him, (Name)'s affection and love should've belongs to him. (Name)'s everything should've belong to him!
Xavier decided that he had enough of this and will take things to his own matter. One way or another, (Name) will be his.
•┈••✦ 🎀✦••┈•💌•┈••✦ 🎀 ✦••┈•
(Name) felt tears welling up his eyes as he watches the video on his phone. It was all over the school, his girlfriend Maya had cheated on him with his friend, Xavier.
He closed the video and shut his phone off as he furiously wiped his tears. The students around him gave him a pity look, they wouldn't let this slide. (Name), the most sweetest guy is being hurt by his girlfriend?
They're going to make her life a living hell until she either moves away or take her own life.
Xavier approached (Name) who was sobbing in one of the stalls. The (H/C) took notice of this immediately and scrambled to walk away. He's not ready to face with the man he thought was his friend.
"Oh no you don't, (Name). Don't you dare run away from me!" Xavier pinned the boy on the stall. Leaving him no room to escape.
"Whatㅡ what else do you want from me?! You slept with my girlfriendㅡ what more do you want?" (Name) said while struggling under Xavier's surprisingly strong hold.
His breath hitches when the player got close to his face, their nose touching.
"You. I want you. Everything I've done is for you, (Name). I had to get rid of her since she was nothing more than a homewrecker! You belong to me (Name) and I had enough of seeing her taking things from you that were supposed to be mine!" Xavier were manic, his blue eyes were crazed.
"Whaㅡ" (Name) were terrified.
"Hey, (Name). I love you a lot you know? And I'm going to show you it~"
•┈••✦ 🎀✦••┈•💌•┈••✦ 🎀 ✦••┈•
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blushweddinggowns · 9 months
Steddie Drunk Dialing Fluff
Steve Harrington-Munson was probably one of the happiest men to be alive in the modern era. He had the perfect life, against all odds. Because apparently having your late teens and early twenties ruined by demons equated to a fantastic adulthood.
He had it all. A loving family, the best friend/surrogate sister he could ever ask for, and he was married to the love of his life. And okay, yes. That had included some extremely embarrassing revelations and internal meltdowns and... a pretty brutal disownment. But he had figured it all out in the end. And here he was, a decade later with a ring on his finger and a nice hyphenated name. Not to mention how he was basically a trophy husband.
Eddie hadn't wasted a moment of the last decade. A symptom of almost dying it would seem. He went for the GED, gathered the band back up, moved across the country to chase his dreams and play in every shitty dive bar he could until they were discovered. All while dragging Steve along for the ride.
As much as Steve had believed in him, neither of them had been prepared for his music career actually taking off. Especially not to the level it did. It was undeniable that his husband was an A-Lister, despite how universally hated he was by half the country. You don't get many out and proud metal front man who loved parading around his high school sweetheart at every social event he could. But Europe loved him, as did the entirety of gay, rebellious youths world wide.
It was so stupid. There Eddie was, painted as an insane freak who was fake-married. With tabloids running story after story about his secret children, his drug addiction, a wife from another country, anything that they could think of. All while Eddie spent every free moment at Steve's side, always opting for a night in with his baby when given the choice. And when he wasn't doing that, he was busy playing surrogate fun uncle to the kids, who were definitly not kids anymore. But that didn't stop them from all getting together for Dungeons and Dragons once a month, hundreds and hundreds of campaign hours on everyone's belts. And that was his life. Spending time with his family, forcing them on hikes and runs, volunteering, working occasionally to help Robin with her translating work, all while coming home to the sweetest thing that ever existed.
God, did Steve love that man. Reminiscing about the love of his life while he was on tour was not helping his fretful sleep. He just... really had given him everything. He loved him so much in fact that he was only slightly pissed when he was woken up at three a.m. from the phone ringing off the hook.
Steve reached for it blindly, still half-asleep when he mumbled, "Mm-Eds?"
"Steeeeeeeeeevie," Eddie's voice slurred back at him, "Baby booooy. How's my baby boy? I miss my baby boy."
Steve smiled despite himself, yawning into the phone. Eddie was lucky he was so cute, considering how the love of his life who could not remember what time zones were, "He misses you too. And he's a little tired right now babe. What's up?"
"Day drunk," Eddie sighed, "Guys, morning show, mimosas, hotel room to sleep it off. Missing you."
"You won't be missing me for long," Steve softly laughed. Though... hearing his voice was quite the reminder of how cold the bed suddenly felt, "Just... one more week. That's not too long right?"
"Too long!" Eddie groaned, dramatic, "I miss you now. Why can't I see you now? Wait-Can I see you now? Cause planes and trains and-"
"And no," Steve interrupted with a chuckle, "You'd only get me for a few hours before you'd have to leave again."
"Worth it," Eddie mumbled out, his voice a little muffled as he tumbled around in his hotel bed, "Want my baby."
The pathetic tilt to his voice was enough to make Steve's heart clench. God he was too precious. Suddenly a red-eye in the middle of the night for a two hour make-out session didn't sound like such a bad idea. But he could be the strong one for tonight, "You have me sweetheart. Want me to stay on until you fall asleep."
"Yes please," Eddie sighed, "Love your voice. It's so... nice. Like... audible perfume. Like poetry or something."
"Oh baby you are wasted," Steve said as he laid back down, nestling the phone to his ear, "Please tell me you drank some water before laying down?"
"... maybe?"
"I knoooow. Keep nagging me though. I missed that too."
"Is my bitching your bed time story?"
He could hear Eddie nodding, rusting against the fabric, "And it's the best. Keep going?"
Steve rolled his eyes, but he did what he was asked. Saying every silly little grievance he could think of. He whined about how cold it was in bed without him, how Eddie had promised to take out the trash before he left and forgot. Again. How he hated how quiet it was without him, how much he missed hearing his voice trailing in and out of every room.
And Eddie listened, mumbling out a few sleepy m'sorrys and I love yous along the way. Until all Steve could hear was the slow, steady sound of his breathing. But he didn't hang up. Not when that was one of his favorite sounds in the world. And the perfect thing to fall asleep to.
Steve smiled to himself as he closed his eyes, a little amazed that Eddie could still make him feel so loved, from hundreds of miles away.
But one thing was for sure. He still had to be the happiest man on earth.
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elswifee · 1 year
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Pairing: Toxic!ellie x fem!reader
Warnings: drug!use, alcohol!use, toxic!ellie, mean!ellie, dumb!reader, smut, strong language, scissoring, f!ngering (r and ellie )
Summary: you never really new what you were to ellie. I mean she treated you like a girlfriend, but wouldn't at the same time. You got pretty annoyed with that, so you decided to play a dangerous game with her.
You were getting ready to head out to a party at your cousins house. You were applying a coat of lipgloss when ellie walked in. She is wearing a black button up with short sleeves, revealing her many tattoos, and some washed out jeans.
She shamelessly checked you out, the way your black dress hugged your body so perfectly. Ellie then came up behind you, kissing your shoulder.
"Sweetheart, we're gonna be late. Hurry up please," she slaps your ass, hard, making you yelp.
"Ochie, okay I'm ready let's go," you say, rubbing your ass.
On the ride to the party, ellie had her hand on your thigh, tapping her fingers on the steering wheel. "Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight, baby?" She smirks. "Yes, Els. You have, thank you." You smile.
Once you got there, your cousin was the first one at the door. "Ay! Mira no mas, mi prima favorita!" (Oh! look who it is, my favorite cousin!) He greets, pulling you into a hug. "Ellie, how you been, man?" He dabs her up, pulling her into a bro hug.
"Nothing much, how 'bout you?" She shrugs.
A few drinks later, you spot your childhood best friend, lana. She was taller, a few new piercings, was that a new tattoo? She looked good.
You turn to tell ellie, you were gonna be back in a few minutes, but when you did she was with another girl. She was close to her face a cup in her hand, and she seemed to say something funny, causing the girl to laugh.
You roll your eyes, this wasn't new. You had seen ellie with different girls all the time, but you loved her too much to stop seeing her.
You started walking towards lana. She was talking to some friends, but was cut short when she turned to see you. Her eyes widen in surprise. "Oh shit!" She calls you out, "damn baby, look at you," she grabs your hand given you a little twirl.
"How you been, fuck, how long has it been?"
You guys have a conversation, talking about everything you missed. "So what you got a girlfriend or something?" You ask, tilting your head with a smile.
"Uh, I'm actually talking to someone, so I don't know." She laughs. Lana was getting ready to ask you the same thing, but she was cut off by your squealing.
"Lana, dance with me please, I haven't danced in for ever!" You shout, Imitadora by Romeo Santos was playing. God, you used to dance this song with her all the time.
She places a hand on your lower waist, and you place a hand on her shoulder. The free hands grab onto each other. When he starts singing, you guys start moving. You sway your hips, following her lead.
Twirling you around, singing to the lyrics, she leans down to your ear. You were laughing along with her.
Ellie was watching from afar. Jaw clenched, arms crossed over her chest, and her hands in tight fists, making her knuckles white.
Who the fuck is she? What are you laughing about? What's so funny? Why is she dancing with you? Is she gay too?
All these thoughts she had. She watches you walking towards the counter sitting next to the girl, handing you a cup. Your still laughing when you see ellie from the corner of your eye.
Ellie suddenly grabs your jaw, pulling you in, kissing you passionately. Tongue swiping over your lip she had bitten. "Hi, baby, where were you?"
You felt incredibly awkward, looking at lana. She looked caught off guard. Glancing between you and ellie, who was standing behind you, a smirk and a stare that could scare anyone away.
"Uh, ellie meet lana, lana meet ellie- "her girlfriend," ellie finishes for you, a cocky smile on her face as she reaches her vainy hand out. Lana nods, taking a hint, she reaches out, shaking ellies hand.
"Ahh, I used to date her, aswell" lana smiles.
Ellie doesn't drop her act, though inside she boiling. Who the fuck does she think she is?
Your eyes widen, oh shit. You get up grabbing ellies hand, " lana, it was so nice to see you, te veo luego, si?" (I'll see you soon, yes?) You wave at her, dragging ellie upstairs.
Entering your old room, full of posters, led lights, vinyls, and record player. You lock the door, turning around, ellie in your face pushing you back, into the wall.
"Who was she?" Ellie rasps.
"She's an old friend-
"Girlfriend, you mean?" She tilts her head. You gulp. You don't know why, but when ellie would get jealous she tends to look so good.
Ellie glides the back of her cold fingers against your flushed cheeks, tracing your lips. "Don't forget who owns you, sweetheart. Who you belong to," she smiles.
Grasping your cheeks, making your lips pucker. "Who do you belong to, baby?" She questiones, lightly grazing her lips along yours. " You, ellie, I belong to you," you whisper.
Ellie breaths against your lips, making you shudder. you lean into her, but she backs away, making eye contact with you. She let's out a throaty chuckle, seeing how pathetic you look.
"Please, Els, kiss me," you beg.
Ellie lowers her head, as though she was going to kiss you but instead she kisses your neck. Sucking, leaving hickeys on your neck and on your collar bone.
You felt yourself get wet, rubbing your thighs together, looking for any type of friction.
You whimper, as ellie yanks your dress down, revealing your braless chest, "dirty, dirty girl," she smiles. She goes on, spitting on them, before taking a nipple into her mouth, sucking on it.
You let out a heavy sigh, your slick running through your panties and down your thighs.
Ellie pinches your other nipple before giving it the same attention as the other one. Her cold hands roam around your body. She reaches down, cupping your soaked cunt.
"So wet for me already, baby" ellie grunts. She pulls your panties aside, the pad of her thumb pressing against your puffy clit. Her middle finger rubbing your slit up and down.
Without a warning she shoves her finger into your hole, whining at the feeling of your warmth.
You let out a gasp, followed by a moan. Ellie kisses down on your neck, she can feel herself get wet, aswell. Her boxer sticking to her cunt. She curls her finger inside you, making you cry out.
You reach for your breasts, as you playing with your perky nipples, increasing your high.
"Yes, yes, yes, ellie don't stop, please don't stop. Fuck I'm close,"
You let out a moan, ugh was it music to ellies ears. She felt so good, pleasing you. As ellie felt you shaking, she yanked out her finger.
She then drops to her knees, throws you leg over her shoulder. She keeps your panties moved aside before she kitten-licks your throbbing clit. Being on the edge had you whining, looking for a release.
You grab ellie by her head, pushing her deeper into you. She chuckles, running her tongue through your glistening folds. She brings her thumb up, rubbing your clit at an intense pace. Moaning and squirming, trying to get away for this overstimulation.
Ellie just grips your thighs hard, you can fell the bruises starting to form.
Ellie then inserts her middle finger, and her ring finger inside your hole. You let out a cry, ellie fascinated by the way you swallowed her fingers.
"Ellie, shit, shit ,shit, I'm gonna cum. Fuckkk!"
You feel dizzy, exhausted. Your shaking, trying to catch your breath. Your orgasm hit you like a truck. Ellie still sucking on you, cleaning you up with her tounge, helping you ride out your high.
Ellie picks you up, throws you over her shoulder. She slaps your ass, echos forming. She tosses you on the bed, making you bounce.
Ellie starts unbottoning her shirt, followed by her sports bra. As she starts walking towards you, she unbuttons her pants, dragging them down along with her boxers. You can see her shiny slick running down her thighs. Your mouth waters at the sight.
Sliding off the bed, onto your knees, infront of Ellie. You look up to her with doe eyes. You lick your lips before placing your head in between her thighs. Running your tongue flat against her, sucking up her juices.
Ellie let's out a grunt, hands on your head, pushing you towards her clit. You let out small laugh, vibrations running through ellies body, causing her to shiver. You capture her clit between your teeth.
Ellie let's out a moan, gripping onto your hair. Ellie felt so turned on, she was desperate for a release.
You tease her sopping hole with your finger before entering. A heavy sigh leaving her lips. You pump your fingers in and out, while continuing to suck her clit,
"Shit, shit, fuck, just like that. You fucking whore, yeah, don't stop,"
Ellie clenches around your finger a few more times before she starts to tremble. Letting out a load moan, breathless, she pulls you up. Leaning close, she pulls you into a passionate kiss. Tongue sliding against your, teeth clashing, lips over lips. She bites your lip, dragging it out before licking it.
Your head bows to her neck, sucking and leaving your marks all over her.
Pushing you onto the bed, ellie spreads your legs. Placing herself on top of you, a leg over the other. You let out a soft moan.
Ellie starts grinding onto you, back and forward. The sound of skin on skin, heavy breaths and moans.
"She can't fuck you like I can. Do you understand? Huh?" Ellie grunts. "Hey, hey, look at me. No one can fuck you besides me. If I see someone touch you, their dead, you hear me?"
You let out moans, groaning at how sexy she looked on top of you, fucking you and making threats. Ellie starts grinding harder and faster, chasing her orgasm. Your clits rubbing together, arching your back.
Ellie lowers her head sucking your tits. "Fuck, ellie, ima cum, shit, shit, I'm cumming!" A scream leave your mouth, arching your back, your trembling.
Ellie continues to ride you, her strokes getting messy, and sloppy. She let's out a throaty moan, her head thrown back as she tries to control her breathing.
She drops on top of you, drawing circles on your rib and waist. Your bodies are sweaty and wet, but you don't care. You play with ellies hair until you hear soft snores.
"Dammit ellie, why did you make me fall in love with you." You whisper to yourself, groaning and rolling your eyes.
"I love you too, sweetheart"
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riordanness · 8 months
enchanté — [n.sheff]
Tumblr media
wordcount: 1.2K
warnings: none
requested: no
tags: @honey-ambrosia my wife <33 (send her love or else)
a/n: idk?? i just had a random idea while watching this movie for the first time so enjoy i guess. nic is defo ooc, doesn’t do drugs in this fic either, and i know basically none of the movie plot yet. feel free to request nic sheff fics tho! <3
“Nice to meet you.” I smile; and shake my new roommate's hand. He seems nice enough, with pretty green eyes and curly brown hair.
He smiles back, then heads into our dorm room. I turn back to my conversation with the other girls in our hallway. Turns out there wasn’t an even number of girls or boys this year, so I got shoved into a dorm room with a guy. Not that that’s the worst thing that could’ve happened to me; he’s kinda cute.
One of the other new girls, I think she said her name was Alexa, nudges me. “Damn, I wish I was the not-so-unlucky girl stuck with a boy. He is hot.”
I shrug. “He’s not bad. He’s probably got a girlfriend though. Or he’s gay.” I nudge her back. “Doesn’t matter that much; he’s probably the kind of guy who spends all his time not in his dorm room. More time alone for me.”
I say goodbye and turn towards my bedroom door. I stop just before it, though, when I hear voices.
“Yeah, she seems nice, she’s just in the hall,” I hear my roommate say. I’m not entirely sure who he’s talking to, but then another person speaks, a much older man, and I remember his father is here.
“I feel for you though…” His father laughs, and I hear the sound of cds clacking together, and I realise that they’re my cds.
I internally cringe. Why did I decide to set up my cds? My roommate definitely thinks I’m a total loser freak now. I visualise my collection. Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, Chase Atlantic, Melanie Martinez, Joshua Bassett, and the Chainsmokers. Pretty much screams ‘basic white girl’ doesn’t it?
I knock on the doorframe, stepping into view. “Hey,” I say, waving a little at his father. “Nice to meet you.”
My roommate’s father hastily shoves my cds back onto my desk. “You too. I’m Nic’s father.” He stands and offers me his hand. I shake it, offering a smile.
“Well…” Nic’s father pats his pockets. “I’d best be going.” He gives his son a hug, who stands and grips his father tightly.
I feel awkward, like I’m interrupting something.
“Everything,” Nic whispers.
Though I have no idea what that means, I think it’s adorable.
His father leaves, and the two of us stand for a moment. Then I drop my bag on the floor next to my bed and flop myself onto it.
“What’s your name?” Nic asks quietly. “I’m Nic.”
I prop myself up on one elbow. “I know. I’m y/n.”
He nods. “Cool.”
There’s silence for a couple more seconds, more than feels comfortable.
I blow out my breath. “My friend thinks you’re cute.”
He laughs in surprise. “Is that a pick-up line?”
“No.” I glance at him. “She literally does think that.”
“Okay.” Another pause. “My dad thinks your music taste sucks.”
I glance over at my cd collection, which is now in an unorganised pile on my desk, compliments to Nic’s father. “Mm.”
“It’s not bad, though,” he offers. “I love Chase Atlantic.”
I raise an eyebrow, and meet his eyes. “Oh yeah?”
“Mhmmm. Vibes, Into It, Friends, Meddle About, CALL ME BACK, Church, some of my favourite songs ever.”
I make an impressed face. “Okay, okay. I’ll accept that.”
“The other stuff though?” He makes a face. “Taylor Swift? Really?”
I sit up. “Yes. Taylor Swift really.” I grab my notebook out of my bag and relax onto my pillows. “Now shh while I write this idea down.”
He suddenly looks interested. “You write?”
“No, no,” he tries to backtrack. “I mean, I write too. That’s why I’m here. To study writing.”
I look at him over the top of my notebook. “You? A writer?” i don’t mean to sound incredulous, but I probably do.
He nods sincerely. “I love to write. What kind of things do you write?”
“Umm…” I stare up at the ceiling. “All kinds. Poetry, fiction, lyrics, fanfiction, essays, critiques, anything really. I just love anything to do with words and writing.” I swing my legs over the side of my bed, facing him. “What about you?”
“Me too. Anything.”
I nod. “Can I read something of yours sometime?”
He shoots me a crooked smile. “Only if I can read yours.”
We shake hands, and I’d be lying if I said my heart didn’t flutter a little.
It’s been six weeks of sharing a dorm with Nic Sheff, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love every second.
Turns out, he’s amazing. At like, everything. His writing is incredible, at least the little I’ve seen so far. He can skateboard like nobody’s business. He can sing, speak French, and apparently, braid hair. (I know from experience, trust me on this).
“Hey, tresses,” Nic says, throwing his backpack on the floor, and himself on my bed.
I was at my desk, trying to study. “Hey,” I reply absentmindedly.
“You got class this afternoon?” he asks.
“Same one as me?”
“Y/n…” he whines, picking up my Spider-Man squishmallow and throwing it at me. “Pay attention to me.”
I glance up. “What?”
“Do you have the poetry class in twenty minutes? The one we both take?” He asks the question slowly.
I read my timetable quickly. “Yeah. Yeah, I do.”
“Okay. Let’s go then, it’s a bit of a walk and we do not want to be late.”
I shut my laptop. “Fine. Let’s go then.”
He jokingly offers me his arm, and instead of taking it like a lady, I hit him. “Ow, y/n!” he complains.
I giggle. “Come on, Nic. We don’t wanna be late.” I mimic his earlier words.
He rolls his eyes. “You’re awful, tresses.”
“You love me.”
He doesn’t reply to that.
“Alright, Mr Steff, would you like to read your poem aloud now?” Mr Day asks the boy.
Nic glances nervously at me, for some reason, then stands as he nods at our teacher. “Yes, sir.”
He unfolds a crumpled piece of paper, clears his throat, and licks his lips in the cute way he always does when he’s worried or nervous.
“Mon amour,
Oh, how I adore you.
The way you make me feel, my love,
it’s like I’d give anything for one of your smiles.
The fact that I can’t say ‘je vous aime’,
well, ça me tue à l’intérieur.
j’ai été enchanté de te rencontrer,
mon amour.
je pense que tu es á ma place.
Mon amour,
Oh, how I adore you.
Je vous aime.”
A brief silence follows Nic’s poem, then a round of applause, louder than any I’d heard here before.
He looks at me, and for a split second I don’t know why. Then it clicks.
“Me?” I ask weakly. “You wrote that… for me?”
He smiles shyly. “I love you.”
The whole class cheers, and we get another round of applause.
My mouth is open, and my heart is racing, but I know I want to say it too. But for some reason, when I open my mouth, the words won’t come out. So I do the only other thing I can think of.
I stand up, grab Nic by the collar, and pull him into a kiss.
The cheering gets a whole lot louder after that.
“My love,
Oh, how I adore you.
The way you make me feel, my love,
it’s like I’d give anything for one of your smiles.
The fact that I can’t say ‘I love you’,
Well, it kills me inside.
I was enchanted to meet you,
my love.
I think you belong with me.
My love,
Oh, how I adore you.
I love you.”
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faghubby · 10 months
Bridemaid to slut
Read part 1 first. After agreeing to take my sisters place as a bridesmaid at my scousins wedding. I let Patty transform me into a passable woman. But at the wedding my old nemesis Craig not only saw through my disguise he showed me my true place was on my knees sucking cock.
I laid in my bed, my body was sore, my legs hurt from wearing high heels. My throat was raw as I thought of sucking Craig cock. My ass hurt I reached back and touched my hole my fingers slipped in easily to my stretched ass. Despite all of this my dick was hard and throbbing. I got up and showered. I loved the sensation of my smooth legs as I ran my hands over them. I thought about Craig kissing me. What was wrong with me. I wasn't gay. But I couldn't get Craig out of my head. I sat naked on my bed my head wrapped in a towel. I searched my phone for information about dominant men. Reading articles trying to understand how I could want Craig so much. I didn't masterbate but teased myself so I stayed hard. There where links that lead to porn, gay porn. I found myself wanting to be a twink. Wanting Craig to take me. I stroked myself with two fingers. I tried to prolong the sensation stopping and starting. Before I could finish there was a knock on my bedroom door.
"Paul, are you up?" My mother called out I quickly wrapped a robe around myself. As my mom came in.
"How are you feeling?" She asked touching my forehead as she did when I was a child.
"Better thanks" I said.
"Well you missed a lovely wedding" she started. "And Patty seemed happy yesterday, she spent alot of time with your old friend Craig?" She smiled. As i tried to hid from blushing. Mom started to pick up my room as she talked.
"Mom, I will take care of that" I to.d her afraid she might find the satin dress on the floor of the closet.
"Okay, okay. I know your a grown man don't want your mom cramping your style" she said. Leaving me alone. I had lost my erection with mom in the room. I wished I had a pair of clean panties to wear. I snuck into Patty's room and found a sexy green thong. I slid them on and snuck back to finish getting dressed. When I came downstairs. My mother loomed at me strange then shook it off. I figured she had noticed my arch eyebrows.
"What?" I asked
"Nothing just forget how much you and Patty look alike" she said cupping my face. Did she know? What would she do? But she just went back to whatever she had been doing.
The next few days I spent alot of time wondering about what had happened, what I wanted to happen again. I found myself shaving off the stubble on my body that started to appear. I also found myself checking out my friends. Wondering how big their cocks where. Was I gay? Then Patty came home. I picked her up at the airport.
"So Craig called me" she smiled as she hugged me.
"Really, why?" I said nervously.
"OH we both know why" she laughed.
"It was just an innocent misunderstanding" I stuttered.
"You just happened to slip into bed and fall on his cock" Patty laughed. Obviously Craig had told her everything. She asked a hundred questions. I found myself telling her everything hoping it would help me understand it as well.
"You're wearing my panties right now?" She smiled. I just nodded.
"Craig wants your number, so he can see you again" Patty told me. "Do you want to see him again?"
"I don't know" I mumbled
"Did you like his big cock?" Patty asked. I smiled not wanting to admit it but unable to hide it either. She called Craig.
"OH yes, she has it bad" Patty said into the phone. "I get her all pretty for you" "well we can talk about that at another time" she hung up. I had only heard one side but I was rock hard as I drove.
Patty gave me directions and we pulled into a diner. We sat at a table and before we could even order I saw Craig walk in. My mouth went dry and panic set in. He came over and sat next to me. As he slid in he grabbed my hand and placed it on his crotch. With a look I knew not to move it.
I looked around in panic wondering if anyone else had noticed to see Patty trying not to laugh. Craig and Patty talked ignoring me. Even though I was practically sitting on Craig's lap. Craig turned and whispered in my ear.
"You need it don't you?" I swallowed hard and couldn't look at him. Patty grabbed my car keys off the table.
"So you will make sure she gets home?" Patty said to Craig.
"Of course" he told her as I watched Patty leave.
"You are going to get up and walked to my car." Craig said paying for the coffee as I did. I stood at the passenger door waiting for him. He walked out and opened my door for me. Then got in himself. Before he started the car he grabbed my hair and pulled me to his crotch. People where walking past the car. And people in the diner could see. As he grabbed my ass.
"We are not moving till you take it out and suck on it" he told me. I fumbled with his jeans and pulled out his cock as he started the car. I slipped it in my mouth.
"You been practicing?" He laughed. As he drove. He pulled into some kind of state park. And parked. He had me get out of the car. There where several other cars in the parking lot. When Craig had me get out. He walked me behind the car. He unbuttoned my shorts. He smiled when he saw the flash of pink panties I had on.
"Take off your shorts and bend over the car" he told me.
"Please not here" I begged. He grabbed my balls
"Take off all your clothes and bend over the fucking trunk" he told me. Shaking I took off my shirt and shorts. He flipped me around and bent me over the trunk and bulled my panties down. He had lube in his pocket he squeezed into my ass. I felt his hard cock press against my hole. As it popped in I wanted to cry out but didn't. He fucked me hard and fast. Right there. I didn't even care if anyone saw as he worked his cock in and out I needed this. It had not been just a thing that happened I needed him. I needed to be taken.
Craig would slap my ass or grab my chest as he fucked me. I wanted him to do it all the more he took the more I wanted him too. He pulled out and came all over my ass. I pulled my panties up.
"Get in the car" Craig said as he threw my clothes in the trunk. I hurried and tried to hide as he drove back to the highway. It had all left me drained and I fell asleep as Craig drove. I woke to Craig Carrington me into a house.
"Shh don't worry, you can suck my cock again" he told me. Laying me down on the couch. He stood over me. I understood and pulled his cock back out. As I started to suck his cock. Someone walked in the room. I went to stop bit Craig held me in place.
"Hey bro, you remember that slut Patty." Craig said.
"Yeah" the other man said excited
"This is her little brother" he laughed.
"Really?" The other voice was close now.
"Suck my friends cock" Craig said pulling my hair. I looked over and saw another cock as it was forced in my mouth.
"Yeah bitch suck my cock" he said and grabbed my hair forcing it down my throat. I felt like I would die. He only lasted a few minutes before he filled my mouth with cum. Gagging and spitting as he pulled out. Before I even recovered He pulled my hair making me stand. Craig came up behind me. He showed me a metal hook looking thing. Then pushed it into my ass. He pulled it up I had to stand on my tiptoes. He released it and bound my hands behind my back and attached the rope it to the hook.
"You like being used, being my play thing" Craig said. "Just like your sister" he laughed he smacked my ass. Making the hook jump in my ass.
"You made me hard again slut!" He pushed me back to my knees.
"Hold this Brian" he said and I felt my arms pulled up forcing the hook tight into my ass.
"I bet this bitch would suck off the whole team" Brian said.
"Would you cunt, would you suck off the whole baseball team. Let them use you?" Craig said.
"He may need his sister to help" Brian said. I just kept sucking Craig. The more they talked the more I wanted to. I needed his cock.
"Now swallow" Craig said pulling out alittle. So I could catch it all in my mouth. I swallowed as fast and hard as I could.
I managed to swallow all of his seed.
"Such a good bitch" Craig said he helped me back to my feet. He put a collar around my neck with a leash and led me back to his car.i was still only wearing the pink panties now stained with wet spots that had dried. There was also dry cum on my face and chest.
"Come on I take you home to your mommy and daddy" Craig told me. I started to cry.
"What cunt doesn't want to go home?" He asked.
"Please not like this" he begged.
"Well I guess if you swore to be my little slut I guess I could let you get cleaned up" Craig told me. I shook my head in agreement
"Yes, please anything" I begged. He led me back inside. And let me shower he didn't untie me. Instead he washed me.
"Brian loves when girls lick his ass. You should thank him before I take you home." He told me as he dressed me in a skirt and belly shirt. My arms still tied. As Craig led me back out.
"Brian, would you like me to lick your ass?" I asked shyly.
"OH darling that's nice of you to ask maybe next time" he said Craig led me to the car.
"I am empressed you did wonderful" he leaned in and kissed me. Then drove me home. Being in the short skirt and shirt was maybe slightly better then just panties but I didn't say a word.
"You're going to answer everytime I call you. No matter what time. You will be ready to make me happy" Craig told me.
"You want this, you always have" Craig told me. He reached over and rubbed my penis between his fingers.
"I may help you with this, but that will be between us. Understand?" He said cupping my balls as he drove.
"yes" i said scared but also excited. He continued to tease my penis as he drove but stopped if I became to excited. When we got close to my house he called Patty.
"Paulie needs a ride, and prehaps some clean clothes" he said as they arranged where to meet.
Patty laughed out loud when she saw me. Craig untied me. And I changed into the clothes Patty bought me in the back of the car. I noticed she had bought me a thong instead of boy underwear. Patty and Craig talked before Patty got back in the car. And drove me home.
"Brian too?" She laughed.
"Patty, did you. I mean he likes. Does things" I stumbled thru the words.
"Yes, he helped me to be a slut, to learn my place." Patty told me. "He doesn't make you things, he helps you know what you want him to do to you" Patty continued she was obviously aroused at what she said.
"I don't think I am gay. I like woman." I stated.
"I think he showed you that you want to be a slut, to men or woman" Patty told me.
"He will continue to push to see how far you will go" Patty warned me.
"How far did he push you?" I asked not sure I wanted to know but felt I had to. Patty paused.
"I let 6 men have me" Patty said a bit ashamed.
"Like a gang bang?" I asked yes. "Craig was my first and two months later 6 boys took turns" Patty explained.
"Now he took your virgin ass, maybe he is reliving it" Patty smiled. As we pulled in the driveway.
"You can stop it if you want, he won't hurt you. He wants you to submit. He wants you to want it" Patty explained.
"I think I want it" I told her.
"I know, or you wouldn't of let it go as far" Patty smiled. She went in the house to her room. I went to talk to her but heard her masterbating thru the door. I went and texted Craig.
"Can I masterbate" I texted.
"No, slut it is good you asked. But no not until I say" he responded.
"Get dressed up like my slut, and send me pics" he told me. I asked Patty for help later that night. She helped me get dressed this time making me look like a slut. The skirt was so short you could see my panties.
"You are excited?" Patty asked confused.
"Yes" I said embarrassed.
"I just didn't realize you where ......small" she giggled.
She took pics. Even making me raise my skirt and show my panties.
"Slut did you like being bound" he asked
"Yes" I responded
"And sucking cock, swallowing cum"
"And your ass?"
"Yes I loved your big cock in my ass" I told him.
"ask Patty to come over and let me have her, if she does I will show you your true desires" I showed this text to Patty. She called him and even though it was after midnight she left and drove to hos house. A half hour away.
I fell asleep, in the morning I found a pic of Patty sucking Craig's cock. It was afternoon when Craig and Patty came walking in the house together. I was home alone. Craig walked straight up to me he wasted no time in removing my clothes. I was a bit self conscious being naked in front of Patty. She just laughed and went to her room. He deached out and rubbed my balls. I stepped closer to him.
"Don't cum" he whispered. I tried to think of anything else.
"Please" I wimpered
"No control" Maybe I should teach you control. He led me to my parents room. He removed his belt and took me over his knee.
"Bad girls get spanked. Are you a bad girl?" He asked
"No" I said afraid. Smack
"Don't lie, you are a dirty slut. You sucked Brian's cock" he said
"Yes" I whimpered. Smack
"Sluts are bad girls" he said
"Yes I am a bad girl" smack. Tears rolled down my face
"You are going to do whatever I want" smack
"Yes I will be a good girl for you" I cried
"I know you will, beg me to fuck you right here on your parents bed"
"Please, sir fuck me. Fuck me on my mommy's bed" I sniffled.
"Go find some of your mothers things, things she wears for your father would he be proud his son is becoming a bitch. " He let up and I found my mother's lingerie drawer. On top was a red lingerie set I couldn't imagine mom wearing it. It was a low cut bra, a thong, and a sheer robe. I put it on and went to show Craig.
He pulled me on the bed and had me on all fours.
"Bet your daddy had had your Mommy like this. He forced his lubed cock into my ass. "Now I am your Daddy" he told me. I couldn't take it and came all over my parents bed. I went to collapse but Craig held me and continued to fuck me like a madman. Craig came deep in my ass. As soon as he pulled out he left.
I laid on the bed until Patty came in "get up, you need to clean this up before mom gets home" she told me. Panicked I jumped up cum leaking from my ass down my leg. I ran around stripping my parents bed. I started the washer.
"Cute outfit you have to hand wash it tiny" Patty told me. I took it and washed it Patty just laughing as I ran around naked. Patty had remaid the bed. Only then did I realize I was naked and covered in cum in front of my sister.
"OH don't worry it's like we are sisters now" she laughed and left me to take a shower.
Craig continued to occupy my thoughts, he would text me at anytime having me rush to meet him. Even if it was just to tease me or expose me in some humiliating way. It had been several weeks when he told me to pack for a weekend away. Patty helped making sure I only packed lady things. She had assembled quite a slutty wardrobe for me. Including several pairs of high heels, my own makeup case, and tons of lingerie.
Craig picked me up, I was dressed in a micro skirt and a sports bra with 3 inch heels as he walked me to his car. We drove to a house about an hour away. He led me straight to the basement. Where he bound me to hooks in the ceiling.
"How much do you want this?" Craig asked. My dick straining to be contained in my tiny thong.
"It's all I think about" I said shaking not knowing what was coming. He pushed a dick shaped gag into my mouth. Then showed me a big butt plug. Which after a lot of lube and patience he managed to get into my ass. It hurt tears ran down my face. He then teased my nipples placing clamps on them. Before blindfolded me and left me alone. It seemed like hours. Before I heard someone coming. The plug was removed and replaced by a cock. The toy had so stretched my ass I couldn't even feel it. I felt his hot cum on my ass then he left. Over the next few hours this was repeated a dozen times. I heard nothing but grunts and moaned. I knew it was different men from their height and size. I had to pee so bad. When I was finally released. I looked up to see Craig I rushed to a bathroom at the top of the stairs. He waited outside the door. And removed my gag.
"The whole team has fucked you, now slut you're mine"
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Rating Taylor Swift songs based on how they would be perceived by medieval peasants*: Debut
*context: I'm imagining showing medieval peasants how awesome the future is by playing them the greatest music of our day and age (Taylor obviously). I am also trying to have them not go insane nor have me be accused of witchcraft.
Tim McGraw: Jeans? Chevy truck? Radio? Georgia??? There hasn't even been a king named George let alone a state or country.... but that moon really DOES shine like a light on the lake and provide light to dance to all night. The vibes of the song are still there. 5/10
Picture to Burn: redneck? pickup truck? The relationship status is VERY confusing here because she is telling his friends he's gay (jolly) and then striking a match with someone (in a romantic sense?) and then admits to adultery ("goin' out with all of your best friends"). Fairly unsettling. 3/10
Teardrops on my Guitar: what's a guitar and why are you crying on it? Also a car? You have his picture and yet he's in love with another girl??? This is scandalous and tragic. 7/10 for relatability.
A Place In This World: a girl traveling down a road not knowing where she is headed? She must be a traveling performer! Maybe a jester! Good for her! How freeing life must be without a master. Although who knows what a radio or blue jeans are? 9/10
Cold as You: She was in love with an an artist (he painted his walls gray) and he rejected her? I wonder if it was social class differences or something else? This song hits hard regardless of the age. 10/10
The Outside: So has she been shunned or does she simply not have a master? Is this the traveling performer from a couple songs ago? Tbh it all makes sense but its pretty unrelatable. 4/10
Tied Together With a Smile: the waters high and you're jumping into it and letting go😳 and no one knows 💀 I knew serfdom was bad but wow it's BAD bad. That's depressing but relatable 8/10
Stay Beautiful: jungle and radio? Weird start but Cory seems highly sought after. I wonder who will pay the highest dowry for marriage? He seems like a wonderful muse. 7/10
Should've Said No: So I don't know the situation... your class will greatly affect this... but you know women may legally divorce their husbands for adultery, right? I do reccomend it. 3/10 because the vibes are NOT like the normal medieval music
Mary's Song: Brava!!! An arranged marriage that's also a love match? Unheard of! After the marriage, the property is even inherited!!! What a lovely start for family life. There was one confusing word? Truck? Idk the romance was so perfect I didn't even notice it. 10/10!!!!
Our Song: Half those words don't exist and the ones that do don't really make sense. Good job respecting the sanctity of God. The Church ™️ would approve. Still it's a 2/10
I'm Only Me When I'm With You: What does crazy mean? What do you mean you're flying? We're missing context but this could be a lower class marriage? :/ 6/10
Invisible: There's a fire inside him? She is invisible spying on him? This SCREAMS of witchcraft. Please do not play this song for a medieval peasant. You will be collateral damage in the trial and will likely also be burned at the stake. 1/10
A Perfectly Good Heart: First loves! What a luxury! You know very few people marry for love as relationships are to further the agenda of God🙏 apologies for the betrayal but hopefully your parents can pay the dowry for a better man. 5/10 just because this song isn't pleasing to the ears of the time
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fartlovingblkguy69 · 9 months
The Little Men’s Toilet Slave Part 1
(Fictional Gay Fart and Scat Story)
I was drunk and walking through an alley of empty warehouses in Atlanta coming back from the bar one night at night when I passed a building that seemed to have much coming from inside and I heard this strange noise! It sounded like a cross between a grunt and a howl! I went inside to be nosy and to help if need be. Lo and behold it looked like an orgy, but not just any orgy. This was an orgy of about 30 little men. And they were filming! The tallest man, who was standing in the middle of the room was 4’9 with black hair and green eyes and he seemed to be directing all of the scenes. I realized they were about to make a killing as this was a growing category of porn and many of them were unbelievable hot! I felt myself getting a boner, one of the hardest I’d ever gotten, my full 8 inches rising. I fiddled with my jeans and started to jerk my hard rod when the taller man turned and noticed me. “What the fuck? Who let you in here? Stop fucking and grab him and bring him over here ” he yelled. A bunch of them ran over and took me out at the knees before carrying me over the heads and throwing me down at his feet. “What the hell did you think you were doing? Were you spying on us? Maybe trying to scope out competition for another group? And why were you jerking off? You like what you see or something? Maybe you’re one of those weirdos that fetishize little people or something.” “No, I was just passing by when I heard you guys and thought someone might be in trouble so I came to help! I’m gay and you guys are hot! It has nothing to do with you being small, I swear!” “I’m not sure I believe you! And after what you’ve seen we can’t let you leave! You might have a recording or call the cops or something.” “Hey Kyle! Let’s stomp on him! We could crush up his bones and bury him or something! There’s a landfill nearby!” one of the ones currently standing above me chimed in. He was about 3’9, blond, with a hairy chest, rock hard abs, a thick happy trail, and a 5 inch long, 2 inch thick half hard dick. He was super hot, but He’d been glaring at me this whole time with hard icy blue eyes like he wanted to kill me. It was very intimidating. “Hmm maybe. That would certainly be a fun idea. I think I have a better one tho!” the director Kyle said as his stomach gurgled loudly and he winced. He rubbed his stomach and loudly proclaimed “you guys have all been complaining about not being taken seriously by society and also about the lack of bathrooms in this place and I think we might have just found a small, well pretty big solution to both!” Now for context I’m a 6’3 pretty muscularly built white guy, albeit with a bit of a belly. I have long curly brown hair that comes halfway down my back. I cannot believe what I’m hearing. Just what the hell is this guy suggesting anyway? I was about to find out! “Take him to the bathroom and tie him down with his head over that broken toilet! He’s gonna be the replacement!” Kyle said smiling while rubbing his very hairy muscular, but not ripped stomach. I’ll use him first and show you all how it’s done! You better get ready toilet! I got a big load coming your way! We’ve been here for hours and I’ve been munching on pizza and nachos and chugging coffee and protein shakes and I’m lactose intolerant! It’s gonna be a wet ride!” I was dragged to the broken toilet which was dirty and clogged already and watched as they wiped the toilet seat off and cleaned it before flushing the toilet to make the water rise and then plunging my head down yelling “Drink, drink, drink!” trying to make me drink this murky water with a huge turd at the bottom. I refused to open my mouth preferring to drown to death but alas they would pull me up every time I started to black out! This went on for a good 25 minutes before Kyle came in pushing people out of his way, saying, “It’s time! I gotta let this nasty shit rip! My stomach is killing me! I can’t hold it anymore and the filming space is basically uninhabitable from my noxious farts! You boys don’t want me to hold this a second longer, trust me!”
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p1nkm1lkslug · 3 months
"𝐆𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐧... " 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐬 𖹭
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(𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚊 𝚡 𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕𝚢 𝚏𝚎𝚖 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚜 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚎'𝚜 𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚊 𝚐𝚊𝚢)
𖦹you and Nina were probably friends as kids she was the shy awkward cringe kid that liked mlp and you enjoyed everything pink, Barbie and pastel
𖦹I feel like as you two got older she slowly got into horror movies and that basically started her downfall onto true crime (talking bout the makeup and mukbang ones) and overall just sorta went from fangirling over boys her age to fangirling over boys her age who had cut a smile into there face
𖦹 you were Nina's only friend tbh even when she did get slightly popular to fit in she usually ended up ranting about them being annoying at your house while y'all were painting each other's nails while listening to millionaires
𖦹 you thought her crush on a killer was weird but you didn't really mind considering how much Nina ment to you and it wasn't like you could leave her unless you wanted to have a fight with her (trust me you DO NOT WANNA UPSET HER)
𖦹I feel like her mental health and over all just low self-esteem was also what slowly broke her down over the years besides Jeff she only seemed to think off you(she won't admit but sometimes she would imagine a life with you and wonders how soft your lips are)
𖦹 when your family moved away she was devastated along with the constant bullying and slef loathing she just lost it and before you knew it you saw your besties face on the news with the corpses of her mom dad and little brother
𖦹 I don't really think Nina would ever go looking for you so let's say you to become a killer no one would ever assume you were a murderer because of your sweet girly appearance all but the faceless tall man in your dreams THAT'S right kiddo your getting adopted (run as fast as you can)
𖦹 upon arriving in the mansion you probably smelled Nina before you saw her since you haven't met someone who uses that much hello kitty grape body spray in a hot minute and then your ment with a screech and a tackle to the floor as your friend squeezes the living juice out of you (don the fooled Nina is jacked)
𖦹 I feel like she would fill you in on everything that happened on how she broke down, got rejected by Jeff etc etc..
𖦹 but who needs them anyway?! "I'm not arguing with a man that's why y'all g spot is in your ass"- Nina the killer
𖦹 you two practically are just living your dream life having sleepovers (don't mind her she's just sniffing your hair) painting each other nails, watching Barbie movies 𖦹definitely starts to see just how much happier she is now compared to her and Jeff and soon enough starts viewing you in a.. Not so best friend way
𖦹 goes to Jane and basically has her gay ass confession and Jane just tells her to try asking you out
𖦹 I feel as though she is kinda rejection sensitive so she would try figuring out if you were also were into girls
𖦹 after her countless attempts at flirting you remained oblivious (she called your pretty then ran away) you probably found out and things went one way or another
𖦹 option a: you say yes and now y'all are dating expect multiple make out sessions nothing would really change but she gets to rub it in Jeff's face that she's got a really pretty partner/gf and that he still smells like dick cheese (I'm a Jeff hater can you tell?)
𖦹 option b: you reject and she's okay with it I wanna assume that if y'all are still close she wouldn't be willing to loose you and would just wanna be with you regardless of what your relationship status was so yes she will respect your boundaries but don't come to her if you got a crush she's gonna be... Upset
𖦹 option c: you say no and she respects you (and by respect I mean she's going to drug you and proceed to brutally beaten you and crack every bone in your body I don't think she could kill you but just don't be surprised to wake up in her room chained to her bed post.. She didn't want to hurt you she loves you but she just can't let you get away so easily for hurting her)
Also this post is for non men loving men so if your not that scram
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imsparky2002 · 1 year
Talking with Thomas - Reverser Part 2
The boyfriends walked into Astruc’s office, looking very unamused. The creator just smiled at them, unaware of their frustration with him. “Ah, Nash and Mork.” he greeted, “Excited for the new episode?” The boys just rolled their eyes.
“Wow, Nath. You were right. He is terrible with names.” Marc said. “Yeah, unless they’re the main characters.” Nathaniel added. Thomas decided to try and put some smiles on their faces. “So, pretty good script, huh?” he prodded. “Actually, sir,” Marc replied. “There were uh... some things we wanted to talk about. Some problems.”
“A lot of problems, actually.” Nathaniel said, looking straight at Thomas. Marc didn’t even let him argue before beginning his critiques. “First of all, why does it feel like you just copied Nath’s akuma plot for me, just tweaking a few things to make it fit better?“ Marc asked. “W-well...” Thomas replied, nervously taking a sip from his mug. “W-well, it's to show how similar you two are. How you're the perfect fit for eachother!” Thomas answered, his voice shaking with uncertainty. 
“Oh, but not perfect enough for us to get together? Despite the extreme amounts of gay subtext in the episode?” Nath countered, his eyebrow raised in doubt. Thomas gulped. “Ah, w-well, you know how certain... people can be about things like that.” he tried to explain. “Who gives a fuck about that?! I just want our characters to date like we do in real life!” Marc shouted, already tired of the man’s bullshit. “Are you honestly so scared of countries like China and Russia.” Nathaniel asked, looking disgusted.
Thomas just huffed and crossed his arms in response. “Well, sorry that that wasn’t enough for you kids. It was the best we could do for this episode! We really put everything we could into making this script a classic for every aspect.” Thomas complained. “Really?” Nathaniel exclaimed. “Because you sure didn’t seem to put much effort into Marc’s akuma!”
“Yes! I’m a writer!” Marc agreed. “That's the whole idea of my character! Nath got a form that reflected his artistic skills, why didn't I get the same thing?“ Thomas scoffed again. “Well, a writing akuma seemed too obvious, too boring. But we compromised with the paper airplanes!” Marc could only stare at the man like he had grown a second head.
“Too boring?! TOO BORING?! How is someone with the ability to alter reality with merely a pen, boring?! The possibilites are endless!” he shouted, as Nathaniel calmed him down with a pat on his shoulder. “But that's the least of our concerns.” Nathaniel reminded. “Next, let's talk about how my character's been assasinated before it even got a chance to shine.“ At this statement, Thomas looked confused. “Oh please, what are you talking about, Nagatha?”
“It. is. Nathaniel. And what the hell was that fountain scene? Why did I assume it was Ladybug? Why did I get angry at Marc when he clearly didn’t know that was the assumption made? And SERIOUSLY, ripping his journal? Since when was I such a dick?!“ he growled.
“Well, your crush for Ladybug clouded your mind, and the pain of thinking you were the butt of another cruel joke caused you to act irrationally.” Thomas explained, unaware why the boy was getting upset for no reason in his eyes. “Well you sure didn't have me explain why! All I said was that I "jumped the gun". JUMPED THE GUN! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!” Nathaniel yelled, his eyes wide with confused anger. “I straight up berated the boy, destroyed his property, and stormed off. I didn't even do anything to Marinette, the one who ACTUALLY messed up!”
“Well…Marinette was only trying to help! And she had to be Ladybug, so there wasn’t really time for you to have confronted her!” Thomas reminded. “Was she helping me when she read my journal without permission?” Marc replied, feeling like he could deck the man at any point. “Oh, come on, Morty! She’s your friend and she thought it was great, so what does it matter? Why wouldn’t you want to share it anyway?” Thomas said, even chuckling at the idea that this was worth getting mad about. Marc and Nathaniel were so stunned they didn’t even bother correcting the man about getting the writer’s name wrong.
“I... did he just say that he doesn't understand why I wouldn't want to share my private journal?” Marc said, barely able to comprehend what he had just heard. “Nath, tell me I'm not hallucinating.” Nath shook his head and felt another wave of disgust through his body. “Nope, I heard it too. WOW, DUDE! You need to learn about people’s boundaries!” Thomas was about to reply, but Marc cut him off.
“It's ok, Nathaniel. Because ‘it's Marinette’ who can do whatever she wants because ‘she has good intentions.’”, he said with a mocking tone, using air quotes. “I bet if I was a girl, Marinette was a boy, and you were still a dude, this episode wouldn't get green lit. But it's fine for girls and other queer boys to berate me and meddle with me, according to this straight guy.”
“Let’s not blow things out of proportion now! So things get a little heated and Marinette makes a mistake! The important thing is that it’s fine in the end, you two make up and become partners!“ Thomas replied, trying to sweep this whole mess under the rug. Nathaniel was quick to catch him on his BS. “No we don't! Marinet-, oh sorry, "Ladybug" forced us to reconcile. And I never actually apologized.” Nathaniel said. “And even worse, I accepted it!” Marc hissed. “I was smiling! WHY?!”
“Because everyone loves when a misunderstanding is resolved!“ Thomas admitted. “Remember the umbrella scene? Tumblr's gonna love you guys. MarcNath will be a great fanship!“
“Oh, don’t start with that crap!” Nathaniel snarled. “This is not how you lay the foundation for a healthy relationship! This entire episode is toxic as hell!”
“Marinette herself has asked if we can change the script.” Marc noted. “She's already getting a lot of backlash, and she doesn't want to get more. And this'll probably be our only episode where we matter. This is not how I want me and my boyfriend to be represented.” Thomas just rolled his eyes. “That’s show business, boys! Sometimes you gotta do the uncomfortable stuff for the end results!” Nathaniel could feel the urge to throw up from that statement. 
“I may be Jewish, but Jesus Christ! Do you know how creepy you sound right now? You know what? We'll do the episode, but don't expect us to agree to be relevant ever again.” he stated. “Yeah, I'd rather be a background fan favorite than a supporting cast member in this dumpster fire.” Marc agreed. Thomas looked disappointed by this. Not because he CARED about them, but because he wouldn’t make as much money if they didn’t become superheroes. “But what about our plan to give everyone Miraculouses?” he asked. “When the time comes, just throw us in with some other classmates. We're not having our own episodes for you to ruin.” Nathaniel replied, with him and Marc getting up and walking to the door.
Thomas frowned and humphed at them, like an angry child. “Fine by me!” he scoffed. “We were already planning on lumping together Evan and Serena getting their miraculouses, we can just throw you two in as well!”
“IVAN AND SABRINA!” the boyfriends said in unison, before shutting the door. “Man, what a jackass.” Marc said, as Nathaniel nodded in agreement. “I don’t even know why we still do this show.” he admitted. “I mean, it's not like we have a choice. You know what usually happens when characters leave the program they were created for?” Marc reminded. “They rarely get hired for anything else.” Nathaniel sighed in annoyance. “Oh yeah...”
“I'm more concerned about everyone seeing me as a soft uwu boy.” Marc worried. “I know I'm pretty anxious, but I can be confident sometimes!” Nathaniel nodded and snuggled him. “I know, babe. Lord knows what assumptions people are gonna make about me after this airs. I guess we just have to hope for the best, Marcy. I love you so much.” Nathaniel said, nuzzling his face in Marc’s neck, causing the writer to giggle.
“I love you too, Nathie. Wanna go make out in front of Thomas?” Marc asked, with a sly grin on his face. Nathaniel nodded eagerly.
“You read my mind!”
So after awhile, here it is! The next in the “Talking with Thomas” series. I couldn’t have gotten this done without the help of Weeby, who assisted with the dialogue. I’ll be answering an ask for them soon, a fanon Talking with Thomas, which serves as what may have happened in canon if their OC was written into the show. I’m still in the process of editing it, but it’ll be out soon, hopefully. Make sure to reblog, reply, post and ask, and tell me in detail what you thought of this, and your issues with the episode. In my opinion, Canon NathMarc is trash, while Fanon NathMarc is superior. @artzychic27 @msweebyness 
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vera-king-hrfl · 3 days
I'll prove it, @crowwolf 😁
Heat of the Night part 5
CW: hugging, hand-holding, kissing, and a single self-applied instance of the F word.
Cal arrives at the bluff a few minutes early this time, but Ryldinn is already there waiting, sitting in the grass with his knees up, looking out to sea from behind his big dark sunglasses, not seeming to notice the arrival. Cal approaches from behind, quietly, a cheeky impulse causing him to wonder if he could sneak up on the little man. 
"Not on your best day, beautiful." Ryldinn turns, grinning, and Cal huffs good-naturedly.
"You knew it was me?"
The drow stands and comes to Cal, holding out his hand. "Mm. I can hear you from much further than that. And I can smell you. Can’t see very well in this light, but yes, I knew." Cal takes the offered hand and looks the man over for a minute. Little cut-off shorts, colorful sleeveless cropped shirt, sandals. He can't help but linger on the marvelous legs and the enticing peek of hard stomach, suddenly feeling a bit too warm in his own baggy shorts and plain grey t-shirt. 
"Gods, you’re sexy... I mean... sorry, I... um. Yeah." Cal stammers, trying to quit staring with limited success. 
Ryldinn’s giggle sends a delightful tingle through the tiefling. "That’s alright; I like when you look at me that way. I don’t dress like this for everyone, you know. Would you like to walk for a bit?"
"I'd love to. I can't stay as long as I would like tonight; the shop needs me tomorrow, but I wanted to see you."
The elf doesn't release his hand, but starts walking with him holding it, and Cal marvels again at the beauty and apparent sweetness of the petite man, the slender fingers in his as they wander along the bluff. Ryldinn is silent for a while, seeming comfortable just being with Cal, and his obvious pleasure in Cal’s company makes him a little braver. "Do you mind if I ask you some things about yourself? I was curious..."
"Of course not. You can ask me whatever you want."
"Um, I guess I didn't want to pry... You said you can't see very well. Is that just in the sun?"
Ryldinn nods. "Where I'm from there is no sun. No moon or stars. I saw them for the first time when I... arrived here."
Cal hears the brief hesitation, but continues anyway, wanting to know this man more intimately. "So you are from the Underdark?" Another nod. "How long have you been here?"
"Almost twenty years now, but my daylight vision never improved much."
Cal stops him, surprised. "Oh... well, that's..." He chuckles. "I'm sorry, I know you're an elf, but that just took me by surprise. I'm twenty three years old. I guess you're a bit older than me."
Ryldinn laughs softly. "A bit, yes. Does that bother you? Because I don't mind."
Cal considers, starting to walk again, wanting to be honest. "Hm. I suppose it doesn't, actually. I mean, does that matter if we like each other?"
"I don't think so. You don't seem to be bothered what I am; why should your age concern me?"
"What you are? What do you mean?"
Ryldinn takes a moment this time, thinking. "Well, I suppose my being a fag is alright with you, considering what we're doing. It's a little nerve-wracking being someone's first foray into something like this, but you don't strike me as that kind of guy."
"What kind of guy?"
"Sometimes there are guys who come around the club, not actually gay, but wanting to experiment with more effeminate men. Or they come with their friends as a dare or a bet or something. It's irritating, but we can usually spot them pretty quickly. I also meant because I'm drow though. There's almost as much stigma around that."
Cal grins. "Oh, trust me; there’s plenty around tieflings as well. I'm used to being judged for what I look like. Not everyone has horns and a tail."
"Well, I'm glad you do. I like them." He looks up at Cal. "Your eyes are incredible as well. Beautiful."
The tiefling blushes, smiling shyly. "That’s good." He can't think of anything else to say for a few minutes, so they turn to watch the setting sun, Cal daring to slip an arm around Ryldinn’s back, trying not to be too obvious in his desire to touch the man. But Ryldinn accepts the little embrace and leans against him a bit, so Cal just closes his eyes, letting everything but the feel of the sweet firm body dissolve for the moment. 
After the last blaze of farewell, Ryldinn removes his glasses and slips them through a belt loop on his shorts as they start walking again. Cal pushes his own glasses higher up his nose and eventually drums up the courage to ask more questions. 
"So what do you do for fun?"
"Oh, not much. I go to the club sometimes, to listen to the music. I like to read, put puzzles together." 
"Do you play any sports or anything like that? Forgive me, but I couldn't help but notice that you're in incredible shape." 
"Oh, that. I also like to dance and I do yoga sometimes. Not religiously; honestly most of this is genetic."
Cal chuckles. "Lucky. I'm always fighting with some extra weight I don't need. But I think that's genetic too."
"You mean this?" Ryldinn reaches out, boldly, and runs his hand across Cal's soft belly, and for once, the tiefling resists the urge to suck it in. "I wouldn't worry about it, Cal. Unless it really bothers you, I... I like the way you're built. It's part of the reason you caught my eye in the club that night. You were just sitting there alone looking like you wanted to fold in on yourself... you were so adorable I couldn't help but be drawn to you. Most guys are much more assertive, making what they want very clear. It's nice to have a conversation, and feel like we have a connection."
Cal stops walking again and turns, pulling Ryldinn in for a hug, which is accepted without hesitation, and speaks into his hair. "Well, if you're happy with how I look, I guess that's good. And... well, yeah. A connection is what I want. I'm not really interested in casual hookups or anything like that. I want a friend first." He pulls back again and looks down at the pretty man. "I mean, one of the guys said that almost everyone there has tried to get with you. I suppose I'm really flattered that you gave me a shot."
Ryldinn nods and leans his head on Cal's broad chest. "Yes, that happens, but it's alright, I'm good at soft rejection. Now what about you? What do you do in your spare time?"
Cal strokes the silky hair, enjoying the closeness. "Oh, well, I play rugby on weekends, and I like to draw. I'm not very good at it, but it's fun. Kinda relaxing."
"I am certain you are better than you think. You seem a bit self-critical, if that's not going too far. What sorts of things do you draw?"
"No, you're probably right. My sister says I lack self-confidence. But anyway, hm. I draw people, mostly. I've been trying to get better at anatomy. It's a challenge to get the muscles to flow correctly in different body positions, and the way the light hits..." Cal blushes, remembering how Lia had teased him about his latest artistic inspiration, then takes the drow’s hand again and starts leading them back toward the city. 
"I would love to see your art, when you are comfortable showing it to me, or come to one of your games." 
Cal chuckles. "I don't know if you'll like it. It's just a bunch of sweaty men wrestling over a ball and talking nonsense." Plus, imagining Ryldinn in the stands while he tries to concentrate on a play... 'But sure, I'll let you know when we play again. We have night games too, if that's more comfortable for you."
"Ugh, sweaty men. That sounds awful." Cal hears the smirk in Ryldinn’s voice and looks down to see that the drow is wearing a cheeky grin. Cal chuckles and squeezes the little dark hand, which presses back warmly. He smiles back for a moment, then sighs.
"I guess I should get going. Work in the morning. But this was really nice. I... I really like spending time with you, Ryldinn." Cal turns to face the drow, stepping a little closer, trying to work up the courage. 
Ryldinn is smiling up at him, the moon reflecting in his beautiful eyes. "I like it too, Cal. You're different than... I've never met anyone like you before. You will call me soon?"
"Of course I will. And I've never met anyone like you either." He searches Ryldinn’s face, but the dark elf gives little away. "Ryldinn..." He hesitates, then takes his glasses off and swallows. "May I kiss you goodnight?"
The red eyes widen a little, but the answer is almost immediate. "Yes. Please."
Cal breathes a soft sigh of relief and gently pulls the petite man closer. He seems as hesitant as Cal, if that were possible, but slides a soft hand up the tiefling’s arm to his shoulder while Cal places his own broad palm on the taut waist. He brushes Ryldinn’s hair back with his other hand and slips his fingers into the silky strands, tilting his head back, stretching the moment. The arresting liquid gaze, the moist, slightly parted lips. Careful. Don't fuck this up. 
The sound Ryldinn makes when Cal's full lips touch his is magical. A tiny little inhale followed by an even softer noise, almost a whimper, and Cal can't help but tighten his grip minutely. Their mouths meet, press, slide together, and Ryldinn puts his other arm around Cal's neck and pulls himself up into the sweet little embrace. Cal wants desperately to deepen the kiss, to pull Ryldinn hard against him, lift him, cup his enticing, perfect ass. Not yet. Control yourself. So he contents himself with letting his hand move between the hem of Ryldinn’s shirt and the waistband of his shorts, splaying his fingers along the silken valley of the dark elf's spine. 
Ryldinn shivers at the feel of the big warm hand caressing the bare skin of his lower back. He’d expected something rougher, more demanding. A tighter embrace, maybe groping. At the very least he expected tongue. But Cal doesn’t do that, nor does he invite it. He keeps his lips parted just enough to make the kiss comfortably intimate, without any expectations, and by the time he eases away and touches his forehead carefully to Ryldinn’s, it's the drow who's left trembling and wanting more. But he accepts the young tiefling’s lead, and just smiles into the hug that follows. Cal's strong warm body feels wonderful against him, and though he pulls away again too soon for Ryldinn’s liking, the drow feels very satisfied with how the night had gone. Then the handsome young man ups the ante.
"Thank you, Ryldinn. That was... I don’t even know. You're amazing. I can hardly wait to see you again." He's smiling, showing his white fangs, and it's all the striken elf can do not to pull him down again, to taste those sharp teeth, to climb Cal like a tree and offer himself right then and there. The tiefling gives him one more little peck, on the corner of his mouth, and Ryldinn bites his lip for a second before answering. 
"I feel the same. Soon, alright?" Cal nods, grinning, making Ryldinn do the same. "Alright. Goodnight, Cal."
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romanarose · 10 months
For The Longest Time: Because of You
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William Miller x Fem!OC (Lorelei Giang)
Masterlist : Triple Frontier Masterlist :Playlist
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Summary: Lorelei calls her dad.
Warnings: Abandoment issues, daddy issues, a little bit of ptsd from physically abuse (v minor), Lorelei being very angry and trying to push Will away, shitty behavior, brief addict shaming. ER visit. mentions of Benny's episode and Will's dads death
a/n: takes place in two parts, after Mr. Miller's funeral and then the day after ben's hospitalization. They ALMOST talk about their feelings. Almost.
It had been a few days since Will’s dad’s funeral, and he seemed to be doing well enough. Ben had been taking it much worse, as to be expected, so did Jenna so that’s where Will’s attention was. He had told her he didn’t really care that he died, although Lorelei wasn’t sure that was true. Thing was, Ben wasn’t out to his family yet outside of a few cousins, was the thing. Will was pretty sure everyone guessed as much, but their family didn’t talk like that. Now, Will didn’t have to worry about Paul clocking Ben in the face for bringing home a man one thanksgiving. And Will did hope Ben would bring someone other than Alice. Ben had two committed relationships in his life, Cameron and Alice, and Alice had stuck around much longer than Will wanted. The rest had been a slew of one night stands of men and women he met in his MMA fights and Miami nightclubs. 
However, the whole ordeal of the funeral had left Lorelei’s thoughts reeling. Of course she cared about Benny and Will, she loved them dearly. Mrs. Miller was very kind and the death had left her shocked. Lorelei had them over twice at her and Will’s home for dinner, trying to alleviate some of the worry. Jenna was stressed, trying to sell the farm, but it wasn’t making much progress. Will didn’t want her to sell it, but he didn’t want to run it either, leaving them in a stand-still. 
Ben wanted it gone. There had been a time he thought he’d take it over, once… Ben was good at farm work, he was strong, enduring, hard working. But that was when him and Cameron had dreams together, dreams of a Brokeback Mountain lifestyle, away from the public view, dreams of a life where they just pretended they were partners running a farm and never had to worry about the outside. That was very going to happen, so Ben wanted every memory of his dad and Cameron erased.
Lorelei had worked another long day, 6 AM to 6 PM and Will had asked her, begged her really, to stop working over time at least. He understood her need to stay independent but god, at what cost? She refused, saying she’d put her foot down when she no longer could take it, but at a little over 4 months, she could still take it. Lorelei was concerned that while Will seemed all in with their child, she still worried she’d be left in the dust when he got bored, so she was saving up as much as she could while she still had free rent.
Since she wouldn’t stop working long days, she did, however, allow Will to take care of her after a shift. Her feet were beginning to swell up, so she acquiesced to Will rubbing her feet with magnesium lotion while they watched a movie. Today, she was showing him  “Some Like It Hot” starring Tony Curtis and Marilyn Monroe.
“He reminds me of Ben” Will commented about Tony Curtis’s character who, while in drag, immediately made a group of friends with the women.
Lorelei chuckled. “Yeah, this would be a very Ben thing to do. He ever do drag?”
Will stopped massaging her feet, turning to Lorelei with a perfectly straight face. “Why, because he’s gay you think he does drag?”
“NO! Nonononono!” Lorelei was quick to defend, panicking slightly as she sat up. “No it’s just he’s very outgoing and-”
A bright laugh filled the room, Will waving her off and going back to work and giggling a bit. “I’m just messing with yuh, Lore.”
Lorelei kicked him, but smiled as she laid down again. “Can’t do me like that!  I thought you were about to cancel and call Jana over to beat my ass for being homophobic or something.”
“I wouldn’t wish Jana or Santi’s fury on my worst enemy.”
They watched the movie in a comfortable silence for a while, full of the chicken parm Lorelei made and sleepy, both their eyes were drooping by the time Lorelei spoke again.
“Do you know how to track people down.”
Will, who had sunk down on the couch much like Lorelei had, her legs propped up on him, peaked an eye to her. “Well… yeah, that was kinda part of our job.”
She started slowly. “Can you find people that maybe… no ones heard from in a few years?”
“Possibly… We were able to find Laci’s ex who trafficked her.”
“Did Santi kill him.”
“So yes.”
“Who are you looking for, Lore?”
She turned to him, the credits from their movie beginning to roll. “My dad.”
Will propped himself up on his elbow. “Like… your dad dad?”
“No, like my step-dad who called me last week to remind me that he’s disappointed in me and doesn’t want anything to do with this baby and how my sister would never do anything like this, even though I was the one that helped her get on birth control.”
“Jesus. Yeah, we can find him. Ben’s really good at that kind of thing, knows someone in every city. What’s bringing this about?”
She sighed, ready for bed. “The funeral. I just, I dunno. I don’t want my dad to die without meeting his grandchild…”
“Do you… think he wants to?”
She glared at him. “What, because he didn’t want me that means he doesn’t want them either?”
“No! Jesus, Lore, I didn’t say he didn’t-”
It was her turn to laugh. “I’m just fucking with you, relax.”
Will’s panic dissolved into a warm smile. “C’mon. Let’s get you to bed. You can give me what you got and we’ll track him down.”
“Thanks, William.”
He pulled her up, sleepy and pliant and dragged her stumbling form to her bedroom.
The day after Ben’s hospitalization, Will came home to see Lorelei cleaned up the entire apartment, exactly how Will liked it.
When he entered the kitchen to see her making lunch, Will simply drew her into his arms, her belly preventing him from fully embracing as tight as he wanted to, but she loved being helped by him like this. He felt safe to her. 
She was about to talk to him, to ask how Ben was to talk about what Will said, that his type was pretty, short brunettes…
“William-” Her phone rang. Her heart hurt when he pulled away, nd she was going to decline it when she saw the number. Unfamiliar number, but… “it’s a Philly area code…” She continued watching it ring.
Will knew what this might mean. “Is it your dad?”
She answered. “Hello.”
It was.
Will watched and Lorelei’s face lit up, a smile brightening his shitty day. He guided her over to the couch to talk, then took over lunch for her. She deserved this. Excitedly, she told him about the pregnancy.
“We’re naming her Chloe Sen. Yeah, that’s what I thought, William picked the first name. I think so too! Yeah, he treats me really well.”
This was good news. Lorelei’s mom and step-dad had almost no involvement in her life, and even less since the pregnancy. Despite her mom also having gotten pregnant outside of marriage, she seemed to regard Lorelei as a failure. Her mom had gotten married before her birth, so technically she was born in wedlock, which Lorelei refused to do. Will not proposing to her made him the bad guy in her family's eyes. The apparent excitement from her dad was good news.
Then it tumbled.
“Oh. Yeah. Yeah I get it. Sure, I can do that. Um, you’ll call later, right? Yeah, okay. Yeah, it was nice talking to you too… um, bye…” All her excitement deflated.
Will turned to see her on the couch, lip quivering and chest heaving as she furiously pulled up cashapp and typed in Kyle Giang. $500
“It’s fine, he’ll pay me back” He never paid her back for the other several thousand she’d sent him over the years. “He just needs to get his car back, it was repossessed and-”
“I’m sorry.” He tried to say, he wanted to tell her she deserved better than a step dad who thought she was a failure when she was an ER nurse, and a damn good one. She deserved better than a dad who ran out on her and asks for money. He wanted to reassure her that he’d never to that to Chloe, that Chloe would never have to feel the way she did… But Lorelei had already switched, and it felt like all the progress they had made together went out the window.
“Oh fuck off, I don’t need your pity.” Hobbling and stumbling, Lorelei wobbled off the couch and towards the door.
“C’mon, don’t do this, talk to me-”
She attempted to shove her feet into her flats, but they had gotten so swollen they weren’t fitting. Usually, before a shift or going anywhere, Will helped her put on her shoes and tie them up since her belly had gotten so big. Chloe was gonna be a big baby, the doctor said. Got that Miller blood. It made Lorelei feel like a princess, Will treating her as worthy of the title he only spoke to her in their most tender, most quiet of moments… the way he looked up at her as he knelt on the ground, blue eyes so bright on his face… she loved him so much. But moments like these, moments where she’s reminded of how badly her father hurt her and how if she could trust her own dad then who the hell was she supposed to trust… 
“GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!” She screamed, hating the way she sounded like her mom. “FUCK!” Lorelei refused to go outside shoeless, so she shoved her feet into Will’s slides. They were obscenely large on her as she waddled out the door, looking fucking stupid as she felt.
Will followed her outside. “Lorelei, please just talk to-”
“FUCK YOU!” She shouted, hobbling away, to where she wasn’t sure.
“C’mon! Don’t do this! I want to help-”
Lorelei whipped around, nearly tripping on the shoes. “I don’t need help! You do! You and your germophbia, your obsessive compulsive disorder, YOU NEED HELP! Your alcoholic suicidal brother does, your multiple addict friends do, so go fucking deal with them because they are clearly more important than our family!”
There was a flash of anger in his eyes. “What the fuck did you just say?” He spoke softly, like a calm before the storm and Lorelei braced herself for a screaming match, braced herself to take him on the same way she took on Tyler… But the storm never came. 
“Please don’t talk about my family like that.”
Lorelei’s defenses could not be laid down. 
“Are you going to address the OCD or are you going to keep ignoring it?”
He rolled his eyes a bit. “I dont have obsessive-”
“OH-ho-ho-ho my GOD Will! Yes you do! Jesus christ! You couldn’t even help your own fucking brother as he was dying!”
Will spoke evenly, refusing to match her tone. “He wasn’t dying, he only took melatonin-”
“YOU DIDN’T KNOW THAT! Fuck! I can’t do this, I can’t do any of this. I’m moving out!” The shocked hurt crossed Will’s face, looking so heart broken at her rejection and threat to take herself and their daughter away. “I don’t fucking need you for anything so I’ll just go back to Philly” She turned on a heel to walk across the lawn, but got tripped on on the oversized shoes.  “so you can pretend this never happ-” Lorelei was spinning, falling over onto her ass on the grass. She started crying before she could stop herself. And she would have stopped herself. She never cried in front of anyone, nonetheless a man.
“LORELEI!” Will shouted, running to her. If she was in a better state of mind, she would have noticed the worry in his voice, the panic, but instead she just heard the noise. She just heard him shouting her name and worried she had gotten what she wants, that she pushed him too far and now he was mad at her.
When Will reached her, Lorelei looked up at him and it was so small a less observant man would miss it… a small flinch. He eyes wide and wet and she flinched. “Hey now,” Will spoke calmly, carefully crouching down slowly to not startle her. “I ain’t gonna hurt you.”
“I know.” She sniffled, expression calming as she realized this was Will. Just Will. Will would never hurt her, no matter how much she pushed him.
“You fell, anything hurt? Your ankle?”
She shook her head, tears quickly drying.
“Okay, I’m gonna pick you up and we’re going to the ER.”
“I’m fine.” She insisted, voice quiet. “I’m 5’3, it’s not a far fall.”
Will chuckled softly. “I know, but let’s just go, for me okay? So I don’t obsessed over it? Since you’re so worried about my OCD.”
“Okay.” She consented, and Will scooped her up bridal style and began carrying her to their car, her arms around his neck. “So you admit you have OCD.”
He smiled. “Well, I can’t exactly diagnose myself but… if you want me to get seen, okay.”
“Thank you.”
“Anything for you, princess.”
She was completely fine. The ER doctor knew Lorelei of course and checked her out thoroughly, assuring her that both her and the baby appeared well and healthy, but to come in if there’s any pain or bleeding. Will picked up some Whataburger for their lunch since the food they were making had gone cold. Still very worried, Will held her arm as they walked into the house, taking her to her room to nap.
“Can you stay with me?” She asked, oh so quiet, so quiet he thought he didn’t hear right… but he did, and he said yes, of course, anything for you.
That’s how they ended up like this, cuddled up in bed together. Lorelei was on her back, Will resting his head on her chest and an arm wrapped around the belly protectively. It didn’t feel wrong or sexual, the idea his head was on her boobs. It just felt right. Will was just there for her and Chloe. 
“I’m really sorry, Will.”
“Don’t apologize.”
“No, William, let me apoligize. That was really shitty. I shouldn’t have said any of that, I didn’t mean it. Well, outside the OCD. You gotta take care of that.”
“I will” He assured.
“I mean about the others. I’m sorry I called Ben a suicidal alcohalic.”
He shrugged. “He is.”
“Still, I shouldn’t have said it. And I’m really sorry I called Jana, Frankie and Laci addicts. I’m a nurse, I can’t being saying shit like that. I’m not trying to shame addicts. I love those three.”
“I know. I won’t tell anyone.”
“Thank you… I know I’m not… I’m not always easy to get along with… I shouldn’t have yelled at you, that was wrong.”
“You’re trying.” Will kissed her swollen belly. He looked sad, worried like his mind was reeling. “You had a bad day, and we both had a long night. You didn’t sleep at all. It’s okay.”
“Thank you.” She whispered. Lorelei wondered how she could possibly have raised her voice at someone so gentle, so loving, so adoring…
Will subconscious squeeze the arm he had wrapped around her belly. “Did you mean the other part though?”
Lorelei wasn’t sure what he meant. “Hm?”
He climbed off her, propping himself up on one arm while she looked at him. “About moving out.. About leaving… because if you want to go to Philadelphia, you can but… I want to come… I don’t want to be away from you and Chloe, baby.”
His eyes looked large and wet, like he might start crying at any moment. She forgot about the threat. It was empty. There was nothing in Philadelphia for her anymore, certainly not her dad.
“Oh honey…” Lorelei brought him to lay down on the pillow with her, their faces a breath apart. “I didn’t mean it, I’m sorry, I won’t threaten to walk away again. No matter what, I’ll never keep you from our daughter…”
His voice was sleepy, a little grovely, almost like a morning bedroom voice despite it being 1 PM. “I don’t wanna be away from you either, Lore.”
She wanted to trust him. She did… she wanted to lean over right there and kiss him, to make him her and suck his perfect fucking cock and have him bend her over and- she wanted to be with him… but there was the inkling, that fear, that nagging voice in the back of her head that he was just like everyone else, and if she got to close, Will could rip the rug out from under her, tagging away him, her new friends, and leaving her and Chloe alone, like Lorelei and her mom were.
“I don’t wanna be without you either, Will.”
They laid there together, slowly drifting off.
“Can you get me one of those giant pregnancy pillows?”
She felt the bed shake with his laughter.
“Anything for you, princess.”
She's trying. She really is she's just scared.
The entire inspo for this series was Piece by Piece by Kelly Clarkson, which she considers a sequel to her amazing song Because of You. please check them both out to get what Lorelei is going through and Feeling, trying to push will away despite how tenderly he loves her.
@pimosworld @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @whatthefishh @missdictatorme @milkymoon2483 @poeedameronn@itspdameronthings @miraclesabound @babymills16 @rayslittlekitten
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dangraccoon · 1 year
Sweet Like Candy
Wrecker x GN!Reader
Summary: Wrecker is absolutely enamored with you as the attendant of the Mantell Mix he and Omega frequent. The only problem is that the two of you don’t speak the same language.
Warnings: none! Just some fluffy Wrecker!
Author’s Note: listen I have a lot of trouble seeing Wrecker as anything but friend-shaped but here ya Wrecker lovers go 🤟💛
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It was well established among the squad that Wrecker had a sweet tooth. Any kind of sugary snack, dessert, sweet treat - he was all over it. None of his brothers really cared for things like that, and when Omega came into the picture with a taste for sugar to rival his own, that’s when the traditional post-mission Mantell Mix trip began. 
Like clockwork a pair of regular customers would show up at your Mantell Mix stand. You had a lot of trouble figuring out just how they knew each other; at first you’d assumed they were father and child, but watching them together, you’d almost think the relationship was more fraternal than anything. 
The duo would always get the original mix, but the little one liked to go over all of the options available to her. While she pondered the choices, the large man she came with would try to talk to you. Try being the operative word; most of his attempts didn’t make much sense to you, and you were fairly certain he was speaking another language altogether. 
You usually just smiled through it until the girl ultimately decided to stick with the original mix. Serving them their Mantell Mix and sending the bill to Cid Scaleback, you waved as they walked away, the girl chattering happily and the man turning to look back over his hulking shoulder.
Wrecker was pretty sure the pretty Mantell Mix merchant was mute or maybe deaf. They never said anything, just smiled at him. Not that he wasn’t happy with just that, he was overjoyed every time they smiled at him. 
Now, Tech definitely does not like Mantell Mix. He appreciates the tradition Wrecker and Omega have established, but wasn’t sure why Wrecker always looked a little more flushed when they returned. 
He wasn’t sure why, at least until Wrecker begged him to come along after their latest mission. As they approached the stand, you quirked an eyebrow up, inspecting the newcomer. 
Tech could see why Wrecker was always a little different, emotionally, at least, after they visited the stand, but he still wasn’t sure why Wrecker had pleaded for his presence. 
“Wrecker, why am I here?” Tech asked quietly, pulling Wrecker aside while Omega looked over the different variations. 
“Look at ‘em, Tech! I need you to help me talk to them,” he begged. 
“Can’t you just talk with them? Or if you really cannot, have Omega speak to them.”
Wrecker groaned. “I think they’re deaf and I suck at sign language but you’re really good at it!”
Tech sighed, but returned to you, and you smiled sweetly. 
“What is it you’d like to say, Wrecker?”
“Ner gai cuyir Wrecker. Ni mirdir gar cuyir mesh'la bal Ni copad at kar'taylir gar gai,” he said, almost reverently, never breaking eye contact with you. 
You smiled warmly at Wrecker, but Tech’s brow furrowed, turning to look at his brother like he’d sprouted an extra head. 
“Tech!” Wrecker whined. “Rejorhaa'ir val!”
Tech sighed again, far too tired for all of this. 
He cleared his throat. 
“I apologize for my brother,” he started. “In his emotional state triggered by your presence and appearance, he seems to have slipped into our other native language, Mando’a, instead of speaking to you in Galactic Basic. However, I will translate as he has asked me to, just not from Basic to sign language, as he previously believed you to be deaf.”
Wrecker sputtered and looked wide eyed between you and Tech, his face turning a bright red. 
“What he just said to you was ‘my name is Wrecker. I think you are beautiful and I want to know your name.’ When I did not begin to translate, he told me ‘Tech, tell them.’”
You felt a little blush spread across your face. You tell him your name, and the kid laughs. 
“I could’ve told you that, Wrecker! They have a name badge!”
“It’s nice to officially meet you, Wrecker,” you say, the grin spread wide across your face as you hold your hand out. 
Tech pulls at Wrecker’s shoulder to whisper into his ear something in that other language, Mando’a that you can’t quite make out. 
Wrecker takes your hand, and instead of the handshake you were expecting he presses an extremely delicate kiss on your knuckles. 
“It’s good to meet you, too,” he whispers, finally in Basic. 
Tech takes Omega back to Cid’s and Wrecker stays the rest of your shift with you, a soft smile and dreamy look in his eyes, as his gaze never leaves yours.
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Thanks for reading! - Dang
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Care to Dance?
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The Ink black pen scribbled viciously against the paper as Chuuya tried to finish the reports of his and Dazai's last mission. Why was he doing the reports that he and that bandage wasting bastard were meant to work together on you may ask? Well the only reason he ever does anything for Dazai of course! ...he lost a bet. But that damned bet was rigged from the start and the worst part is that Chuuya knew it. Despite always knowing Dazai's true intentions he never fails to run into the brunette's twisted schemes head on. Chuuya should really just accept the karma of the situation and finish this last report. 
" Chuuya~!"
At the sound of that disgusting ear rape excuse of a voice Chuuya couldn't help but grip the pen tighter and cringe.
" That damned mackerel," The ginger gritted his teeth in utter annoyance.
" As I can see, you're happier than ever to see me. Though you see me almost everyday it never ceases to amaze me how your eyes glisten with passion whenever I come into your field of vision." Dazai seethed as if he were a spilled barrel and toxic acid was spilling from that shit talking hole he calls a mouth.
" Annoying prick!" Chuuya screamed as he launched the pen he was gripping across the room as if it were a bullet.
Dazai easily dodged the pen causing it to pierce the wall behind him.
" Ah, ah, ah, Chibi~! That's not how you greet your partner after he walked all the way across the hall just to deliver a special message." That waste of space sang in a cheery voice. 
" Just get to the fuckin' point, I don't got all day." The shorter male huffed.
" As you wish, we have another mission." Dazai hummed emotionlessly.
" Haah!?!?" Chuuya slammed his fist on the table.
" Well come on then, slug. 'We don't got all day'." Dazai mimicked.
Chuuya wanted to punch this boy through three walls and he very well could. But the boss's orders are absolute.  
︻デ═一 ......✿ڿڰۣ—...... 一═デ︻
During the car ride Dazai and Chuuya poked and swatted and bickered with one another. Chuuya was normally angry with the social outcast but today he was especially furious. The bet consisted of how many people they could get to buy them drinks. Chuuya was openly gay after finding his true sexuality during his first encounter with intercourse. Let's just say that Dazai pawned him into agreeing to sleeping together on the condition that he let Chuuya top first. So obviously Chuuya was hitting on guys. Some rejected him but most didn't. Dazai on the other hand surprised Chuuya in how easily he could switch the roles and get women to buy him drinks. Chuuya was soon losing by a landslide and was about to give up when a young man came and sat next to him at the bar. The young gentleman had golden waves of above shoulder length hair and emerald eyes that shone brighter than emeralds themselves. His lightly sun kissed skin all but glowed under the dim light of the bar. Chuuya remembers the moment vividly. 
" You look pretty young." The boy that seemed to light up the bar hummed.
" Speak for yourself." Chuuya looked him up and down, seeing that he couldn't be any older than himself.
" Ooh, you got me there." He laughed. Man, his laugh was heavenly. " So then tell me, stranger. How old are you? Surely not old enough to be sitting in this bar right now."
" You caught me I guess." Chuuya smiled as if he couldn't help it. " likely around your age."
" Around my age?" The boy grinned.
" I'm a man of secrets, what can I say?" Chuuya shrugged.
The boy covered his mouth with his hand as he laughed into his palm. " You're quite the comedian."
" Really?" The orange haired males eyes glistened.
" Man you're adorable. Do you not get compliments like that often?" 
No, no Chuuya didn't. And that one compliment left Chuuya smitten.
" No, I don't." Chuuya muttered honestly.
" My name is Aurél, and who might you be Mr. Mysterious?" Aurel's smile glowed brighter than the brightest of stars.
" Chuuya, my name is Chuuya." Chuuya was lost in a trance as he stared into those beautiful eyes.
" Chuuya you say? Quite a unique name! But it suits you. It reflects how unique of a person you are." Aurel's gaze was soothing...gentle even.
" How can you tell?" Chuuya's eyes twinkled.
" I can always tell. Just as I can tell that, who I hope is your friend, is giving us a death stare." Despite Aurel's declaration his gaze remained soft.
Chuuya was pulled out of his trance with a raise of his own brow as he turned to see Dazai glaring at them. Aurel specifically. 
" Dazai?" Chuuya was puzzled.
" I need to see you in the bathroom for a moment?" Dazai's undertone screamed malice and anger.
" Yeah, yeah, in a moment jackass." Chuuya growled.
" I wasn't asking." If Dazai's glare was already cold then now it turned to dry ice.
Chuuya's eye widened as he got up without another word and walked to the bathroom.
After waiting a while the push door opened revealing the tacky bastard.
" So what'd you want, Dazai?" Chuuya asked.
" Nothing really." Dazai's eyes held something deep within but Chuuya couldn't put a finger on it.
" Huh?" After a moment of silence Chuuya 'tsked'  and walked out of the bathroom. 
When Chuuya made it back to the bar counter Aurel was gone.
" Damn it." Chuuya hissed as he looked around the bar but still the boy was nowhere to be seen.
With a sigh Chuuya walked out to the alley for a smoke. With the faint yellow burn of his lighter he could see something sticking out of the dumpster. Assuming that it was a trash bag he walked over and slightly opened the lid to push in the bag but...it wasn't a bag.
Rage coursed through Chuuya's veins as he screeched louder than a banshee.
" You'll have to walk the rest of the way from here in order to ambush them." Chuuya heard the chauffeur say as the vehicle came to a stop.
Without a word Dazai opened the door and got out as Chuuya said a small 'thank you'.
No matter how Chuuya tried to ignore the feeling of raw anger it still wouldn't go away. By now Chuuya should know that he can never keep the people he cares about. And he didn't even know Aurel long enough to care about him anyway. But what if he did get to know Aurel? What could have happened between them. Would they be great friends or something more? Chuuya has always been hung on the idea of what could have been and right now was no different.
" Walk faster! Man you really are a slug!" Dazai whined as he bounced along up ahead.
Chuuya just kept quiet and walked a little faster. maybe he could take out all his anger on the organization that they had to wipe out.
︻デ═一 ......✿ڿڰۣ—...... 一═デ︻
Soon the two mafiosos arrived at a clearing in the woods. A small shed sat in the center of the clearing. That very shed was assumed to be the entrance to the secret base. One way in, one way out. Insufficient really. 
" I'll go first." Chuuya said as he floated a foot off the ground and walked on the air as he made his way to the shed. 
There didn't seem to be any traps set so Chuuya raised his hand as if to signal to dazai that it was all good. Once successfully inside the base two guards ambushed them in the narrow hallway.
" Only two? You guys must be low on staff." Dazai laughed.
" Only kids? The port mafia must be desperate for guys." One of the guards sneered.
" Yes! We hire kids! Do you want us to put up flyers?" Chuuya yelled as he used the back wall to propel himself at the guard who insulted them, punching his square in the jaw. 
Chuuya then spun around and roundhouse kicked the other guard. Chuuya moved so fast that the guards couldn't even process their thoughts fast enough to shoot him.
" Let's go!" Chuuya yelled after Dazai as he ran down another corridor.
Dazai watched as Chuuya made these guys drop like flies. He always thought Chuuya was beautiful. Sure Dazai called women beautiful all the time but Chuuya's beauty was far different. Never has dazai ever seen a woman as ethereal as Chuuya. This small boy with the ugly hat held beauty that not even the gods possessed. Dazai thought that Chuuya's imperfections were exactly what made him so perfect. He was so perfectly human. It doesn't matter what all the truth and facts tell Dazai, Chuuya is human. More human than himself. And Dazai is human after all, but Chuuya was far more human than any human in this world. His loyalty and emotions held no bounds. His intention was always written on his sleeve.
Dazai always loved to sit back as Chuuya released all hell on those that stood in his way. The red of his ability reflecting the anger and ambition within him. Not to mention his Chuuya's eyes...Dazai didn't have things like 'favorites'...that was before Chuuya. The day Dazai and Chuuya met. Oh, Dazai won't forget the way those icy blue eyes glared down at him. Ever since that day Dazai's favorite color was blue. Blue was the color of the sky, the color of sorrow, the color of sapphires... and the color of Chuuya's eyes.
" Done day dreaming, Mackerel?" Chuuya yelled.
Dazai was ripped from his thoughts by that disgustingly mesmerizing voice. 
As the two made eye contact it was like lava and the ocean came together. As if a demon and an angel connected for the first time. Like fire grazing the petals of a bluebell flower. Then it was as if a bomb went off. No literally.
The explosion killed all of the remaining men and the blast caused Chuuya fly into a wall. As the smoke from the blast began to clear two large doors opened and out of the smoke stepped a tall man that glowed dark green.
" Did you think our agency would go down so easily?" The man asked.
" I did, actually." Chuuya was down on one knee as his face seemed to cloud over. Chuuya's grin was plain sadistic. " But I was hoping that wouldn't be the case!" With that Chuuya lunged forward ready to punch the man in the gut but his fist was stopped.
" Wha-"
Chuuya groaned as he was visibly hit with some sort of invisible force that seemed to taze him.
Dazai didn't even think. He knew where this was going. The man was going to do the same thing that all measly wanna be gangsters do. Hurt Chuuya and threaten Dazai for information. Dazai wipped out his hidden pistol and shot the man three times in the head. He then ran and caught Chuuya in his arms.
" As much as I love to watch you suffer I don't like seeing you get hurt for nothing." Dazai whispered.
" Bastard..." Chuuya muttered in a small daze.
" Come on, Chuuya~. Our job isn't done." Dazai sang.
The two made their way down the next hallway to see a shrilling sight. The hall led to what seemed to be a conference room but in that room was a meeting. What's so scary about that? It was how they seemed unfazed. And the fact that three men hung on the wall as if they were decoration. The members in the meeting turned to see Chuuya and Dazai. 
" Kill them." Said who Dazai assumed to be the head of the meeting. 
Immediately bullets and chairs were flying. Not to mention that the knife that Chuuya rarely used was making heads role. These guys came off as all that but really, they suck. They were also a horrible shot. Dazai dodged their bullets with ease and soon all the men were dead. Now all the duo needed was the info they had on other organizations. 
Chuuya followed behind Dazai as he made his way around the underground hideout. Soon they came upon a small room. In the room was a radio and some equipment. Dazai let out a hum as he picked up the radio. He had an idea.
" Follow me, tiny." Dazai said.
" Who're you calling tiny damn it! I'm still growing!" Chuuya protested. Even so he followed right behind.
Dazai kicked the door to the conference room back open and pushed what remained of the table out of the way.
" The hell are you up to, Vagabond?" Chuuya asked.
Ignoring him Dazai continued with his work. Setting up the radio he soon reached a convienent station and grinned to himself. Soon the radio started to hum with life and a song began,
♫'To cut down on my silhouette, My favorite foods are smoke and hearts, My leftovers fret, forget stiletto self-vendettas, While my cracking backbone lacks but backs up my false starts,'♫
" Care to dance?" Dazai turned around to face Chuuya.
" What the fuck are you going on about, Dazai?" Chuuya's facial expression contradicted his words as a light pink dusted his cheeks.
Dazai just grabbed Chuuya's hands. With one of Chuuya's hands on Dazai's shoulder and the other with his fingers laced with Dazai's they came together in a waltz. The two boys danced over dead bodies and pools of blood. The smell of gunpowder and fresh blood bitterly filled their senses to a point where they could almost taste it. Soon that smell turned into malodorous flesh. Even so the partners continued to dance. A sickeningly sweet dance of the dead. Or dancing among the dead to keep it in better terms. 
" You seem a little more fed up with me than usual." Dazai spoke with interest.
" You're the smartest and stupidest person I know." Chuuya sighed.
" I'll take that as a compliment." Dazai muttered.
" A compliment..." Chuuya remembered. " Why'd you have to kill him. Why did you have to kill Aurel?" 
" What makes you think that I killed him?" Dazai frowned. He wasn't fooling around, it was a real question.
" I know that it's something a sick bastard like you would pull. But why to him?" Chuuya looked almost as if he would burst into tears.
" I predicted that he would take you away from me. I watched as he made you smile and laugh in ways that I never could. And he did it all in the first few moments of meeting you too. And for you to mourn his death as if you've known him for years? I couldn't stand it. I still can't stand it. I knew that you would get to know him. The two of you would have become good friends and I wouldn't doubt for a second that you two would become more. I saw a connection with the two of you and I could only dream to be in his place. Now he's dead and I'm dancing with you." Dazai's eyes weren't empty. A hint of jealousy could be seen within the embers. 
" Well you didn't have to kill him." Chuuya glared.
" Who's to say that you two wouldn't find each other again?" Dazai said.
" What are you trying to say?" Chuuya's glare could make any grown adult wince.
" I hate you, Chuuya. My anger angled towards you is endless. I can't stand you giving your attention to anybody that isn't me. Whenever you smile at someone or let them touch you it makes me feel a strange adrenaline that comes with the urge to kill them. The urge to leave you with no choice other than to be mine." Dazai was dead serious.
" Dazai...insane piece of shit. Such a sick bastard." Chuuya's eyes widened as if they weren't dancing like a newly wed couple over dead corpses.
" Sick? Yes, that's another way I feel about you. I get this sick feeling whenever I touch you. It makes me want to see you laying beneath me begging. Or in my arms crying. I want to be there to witness all the human emotions you have to offer. I want to hear how raw your voice sounds after you've screamed my name far too many times to count. I want your body in my hands and your lips on mine. But then I also want to watch you fail again and again all because I know that you'll keep going just because you don't know when to stop." Dazai babbled on and on about some insane shit but all Chuuya was hearing was,
" I love you so much, it's unhealthy." 
" You love me?" Dazai blinked as if none of this was real.
" Do you love me?" Chuuya asked.
" No, you're a man. This strange feeling is nothing but pure hate. Though this is the most emotion I've ever felt..." Dazai's eyes sparkled as he had the urge to bite those light pink lips.
" Then I hate you too, Osamu." Chuuya glared. But this glare held pure desire.
A desire that matched Dazai's. A sick twisted desire that had them clawing at each other's clothes. A desire that had bitter metallic tasting blood running down Chuuya's bottom lip. Blood red was always a beautiful color on Chuuya. Instantly one hand was tangled painfully in the orange locks, the other gripped Chuuya's ass. Dazai left a trail of bright red marks down Chuuya's neck. All Chuuya could do was cling to the brunette and writhe under the sucking pressure over his pulse point. 
" Want me inside you?" Dazai asked out of breath.
" More than you know." The ginger was already out of breath. 
That was all Dazai needed before he began jerking Chuuya off. The rough feeling of Dazai's hands as he thumbed Chuuya's slit had the ginger's eye rolling back in pleasure. The brunette leaned down and took Chuuya's cock into his throat as if it were his last meal.
" Dazai!" Chuuya gasped.
When Chuuya was close he pulled his mouth off of him and started to pump his dick at a fast pace. Multiple strings of a soft white substance started to paint Dazai's palm and Chuuya squirmed and gripped Dazai's wrist as he was milked of his cum.
" This is our lube so relax, Chuuya." Dazai's fingers prodded at Chuuya's entrance and he felt a shiver down his spine.
Dazai started with two fingers to speed the process but soon four fingers were inside of the petite mafia. 
" Hurry the fuck up, bastard." Chuuya sighed as the fingers that massaged his prostate were pulled out of him soon replaced with Dazai's dick.
Chuuya hissed at the pleasurable pain as the thick cock intruded his tight walls. After a moment Dazai started off slow and gradually began to speed his pace. It didn't take long for the sound of skin meeting skin and the sound of groans and the occasional moan to fill the room. The tight squeeze of Chuuya around Dazai was one of the many feelings that drove him crazy. He wanted everything the ginger had to give. He wanted to own every part of his body. He wanted to do everything in his power to make him his. Dazai's thrusts quickened in pace as Chuuya's nails raked down his back. Nobody but himself and Chuuya would see those marks. As for Chuuya...Dazai wanted everyone to see who owned the little dog. Chuuya was his and he would dispose of whoever said otherwise.
" You asshole! I need you to-ngghh~!" Chuuya moaned out as his prostate was hit head on.
" Need what, Chuuya~?" Dazai grinned.
" Do that again!" Chuuya cut his own words off with a gasp of ecstasy before he continued. " But do it faster. I want you to bend me 'til I break."
" As you wish," Almost taking it litteraly, Dazai threw both of Chuuya's legs over his shoulders and leaned forward creating the perfect angle to hammer into Chuuya's sweet spot.
" Holy fuck!" Chuuya screamed out as his grip on Dazai tightened along with his insides.
Dazai groaned at that and went faster, chasing after his release. Chuuya was clearly almost there with how he tensed and moaned. Just a few more perfectly angled thrusts. One, two, Chuuya had his nails dug into Dazai's shoulder as he threw his head back and mumbled shit that even Dazai couldn't make out. Then,
" Osamu, I-!" A broken and unrestrained moan ripped from Chuuya's throat.
" The sound of your voice makes me get a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. You disgust me." Dazai insulted the chibi though he knew exactly what Chuuya was trying to say and he was right behind him.
Then Chuuya was pulling Dazai into a sloppy and violent kiss as ropes of hot sperm painted their chests. Dazai on the other hand released inside of the small ginger. 
Dazai started to leave more marks on Chuuya during the after glow and beamed at him,
" I hate you so much that it's unnecessary." Dazai kissed the bloody bite mark he left on Chuuya's shoulder.
" I hate you to an extent that I won't kill you all because I want to watch you suffer." Chuuya smiled.
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