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do-you-ship-it-polls · 3 months ago
Fandom Classics
Ships that originate from media first created at least 2 decades ago but have stood the test of time and still have a dedicated fanbase. Feel free to vote regardless of which version you know of.
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sorry misclickers for the long poll
poll idea by @ivywing ! Submit your own idea here.
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annoyingcat413 · 3 months ago
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consult-sherlockholmes · 1 year ago
May I know why you are bitter about the Matt Smith to Peter Capaldi regeneration? The only thing I don’t like was that Clara looked like the age of a granddaughter to Capaldi. Capaldi didn’t like it either.
Well...I just preferred Matt Smith as a doctor. He embodied the role better, the doctor seemed more intelligent and looked better and the stories also seemed much better and more coherent during the 11th doctor's run. The show declined in quality in general during the later seasons then, nothing to do with Capaldi. But I still preferred Matt Smith and was bitter about the change, I was more attached to his character.
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vamp1rechem1cal · 1 year ago
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Wholock doodle :3
I didnt watch sherlock yet until i finish the whole ass classic who episodes tho, but it appears in my dream like whaaat?! O_o
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florals-cardigan · 10 months ago
You wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
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souporwholock · 9 months ago
Why are you guys not freaking out about Doctor Who becoming "supernatural!?!?" Why are you being normal about this?? Where is my Doctor Who/Supernatural crossover art?? We're LITERALLY a huge step closer to superwholock. Where are my classic Tumblr nerds? Someone draw me some 15 and Castiel art RIGHT NOW. Slakers!!!!! (Only if you want to)
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snuffycronotrigger · 19 days ago
Soooo fucking tired of seeing ship art on my feed, is the fandom still populated by twelve year olds or what??? It’s embarrassing, cringe, and totally assumes consent from the parties your’e PRESSURING to be together!!!! It’s time to #sinktheship
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queen-isis · 7 months ago
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one-upgirl · 3 months ago
So I was looking on YouTube for some doctor who audiobooks/audiodramas because I like to have them on while I sleep or while I play video games/draw. So I go to search doctor who audio books in the search tab and what do I see come up…. a FUCKING WHOLOCK EDIT. I wasn’t even on tumblr when wholock was a thing and yet it still hit me like a freight train full of bricks. It was one of those edits where the eleventh doctor meets Sherlock or whatever I didn’t watch it, maybe I should have for the bit but I just wanted my audiobooks man. I still can’t believe I naturally came across a wholock post, dear god I’m going to have to tag this post wholock in the year 2024.
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lobotr-on · 1 year ago
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i saw this pic of 10 and went blind for two mins so i had to recreate
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gallifreywhere · 1 year ago
So, um.
Wholock, anyone?
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jo-mother · 8 months ago
Dr Who vs millionaire author and aspiring dictator
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flightred50 · 8 months ago
Been watching Sherlock for the first time recently (no spoilers please!) and I have to say, having heard about the infamous Mind Palace from Dr. Who fans criticising the Capaldi era, I was... I was not expecting it to be This
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bowtiesarecool11 · 1 year ago
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The closest we ever came to Wholock...
Doctor Who - The Snowmen (Series 7)
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afteriwake · 2 months ago
Rainy Day Conversations (A "Love Is The Best Medicine" Story)
So @strangedreamings gave me Doctor who as a fandom to write for my last post of the evening before i hit my post limit, and I decided to add some more to this Rory Williams/Molly Hooper crossover series. Enjoy!
Rainy Day Conversations - Molly and Rory go to a local coffee shop on a rainy day to study for exams, and end up making plans for their summer break after Molly reveals why she and her mother had a rift in the first place.
They huddled together under the umbrella to get to the coffee shop. It was raining cats and dogs and the coffee machine in her flat had broken, so they’d braved the elements under the only umbrella she had to get coffee down the street from her flat. Their textbooks were in their bags so they were safe, but bits and pieces of their clothing had gotten soaked by the time they got inside. If it hadn’t been for finals and studying and a need for coffee, they wouldn’t have bothered.
Rory lowered the umbrella and closed it once they got inside while Molly went to the counter to place their orders. He still had two more years of university left before he got his degree and her degree was going to take two more years because, while it was normally a five year course, Molly was adding an optional intercalated degree, which added another year for her studies. So they’d finish at the same time, which boded well for the both of them.
Once they were settled at a table with their study materials in front of them and hot coffees to warm them, he relaxed. He wasn’t particularly worried about his exams, as he hadn’t let his relationship or his social life interfere with his studies, but he was worried for molly. He mother had reached out to her with the news she had cancer, the same type that had killed her father, and she’d been more introspective ever since she got the news.
He studied her for a moment before she looked up at him, reading specs perched at the end of her nose and her topknot coming undone, strands of hair spilling all over. “What is it?” she asked.
“What do we want to do when uni is over this term?” he asked. They hadn’t made plans yet, and with her mother making contact, there were complications.
“I want to go to Leadworth for a bit. Your mum promised to teach me how to make some of your favorite meals the way she does in exchange for a day of baking cookies,” she said with a smile. Then her smile faltered. “Maybe we could go to Bozeat and see my mum, if she wants.”
“Are you ready for that?” he asked, reaching over for her hand and squeezing it.
“She started the breach, she’s trying to mend it before...in case she passes,” she said. “If you’re there with me, I can bear it.”
“What happened, anyway?”
“My father left me the family home and I rented it out,” she said. “She’d moved out months earlier because she said she couldn’t bear the memories, and I was here in London. There’s a lovely family with three young children living there now, but she thinks once I get done with uni I should go back to Bozeat and settle there. But honestly, I love London, and I’m hoping to get accepted to a teaching school here when uni is over.”
“I’m sorry,” he said.
“It’s alright. To be honest, the family has made an offer to buy the house from me so they can expand it and make other changes to it, and I’m tempted to sell it. I just...with Mum reaching out to me, I want to wait. I don’t want her to go back to hating me.”
“Why don’t we go see your mum first, then spend a few weeks in Leadworth with my family, and then go somewhere else?” Rory suggested. “We could go to Hawaii for a vacation.”
“You just want to see me in a skimpy bathing costume,” Molly said, a small smile forming on her face.
“The thought had crossed my mind.” He shifted the hold on her hand and kissed the back of her hand. “I just want you to have a good break. We have two more years of uni ahead of us, and since I fully intend to spend the foreseeable future with you, we should make it a good time where we’re both happy. I’m moving in permanently when the term is over, so we can start with that, but...I want a future with you, Molly. A long one, if I’m lucky.”
“I want a long future with you too, Rory,” she said, squeezing his hand. “A vacation in Hawaii sounds lovely. Maybe a long one.”
“Perfect.” He let go of her hand and smiled at her. “Do you want a scone? We should get back to studying but I’m hungry.”
“A scone would be lovely, than you. And some more coffee?”
“You’ve got it,” Rory said, getting up. He watched her go back to studying and he relaxed. He’d do his best to make her happy as long as she would let him, he vowed to himself. Always.
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moldybonessmell · 1 year ago
Okay, but can we talk about this one Christmas scene in BBC Sherlock S2E2?
Let's take a look at this one dialog that occured when John needs to stay with Sherlock to comfort him after Irene's death and his girlfriend is upset:
"You're a great boyfriend!" "Okay, that's good. I mean, I always thought I was great-" "And Sherlock Holmes is a very lucky man." "Oh, Jeanette please"
John has his priorities and it's very obvious to everyone involved (even tho I do think that staying with your best friend after the death of a person who was important to him is a valid reason to miss a celebration) I suppose it just was the last straw for her
"No, I mean it. It's heartwarming. You'll do anything for him. And he can't even tell your girlfriends apart!"
The fact that John's love is so unconditional he doesn't even care if Sherlock returns it reminds me so much of this one episode of Doctor Who where River Song compared loving Doctor to loving sun: "You don't expect the sun to love you back!" or something like this, I don't remember the quote and it breaks my heart so much.
(Yes I did a wholock reference, what are you gonna do about it?)
And I also see here how much he tries to move on knowing that sun will not love him back but he just can't.
"No, I'll do anything for you, just tell me what it is, I'm not doing, tell me!" "Don't make me compete with Sherlock Holmes!"
This quote is so important because even Jeanette knows and understands the entirety of the situation John's in.
Compete with Sherlock Holmes is something nobody can do (all his enemies get defeated as we know) but not only villians are a threat, even loved ones will always be on a second place for John. The first place is forever taken by this one nerd not knowing the Earth is moving around the Sun (even tho he's the sun himself).
"I'll walk your dog for you. There, I've said it now, I'll even walk your dog." "I don't have a dog!" "No, because that was the last one- Okay."
Even John himself admits his defeat and realises what he got himself into.
(He did marry Mary eventually, and even tho I love her character, I can't help but see her being another one of "escapes" for John.)
Please don't witchhunt me for "hating on straight ships" or whatever, complain at the directors and writers who made John so unbearably closeted any other of his ships just doesn't sail (pun fully intended).
All I see here is a man desperately stuck in his one-sided feelings and fear of being out, he goes through the struggle a lot of queer people experienced in their life.
Yes, it's been done many times before, but I can't help but say that the production crew are cowards for not making John canonically queer when his writing is so authentic it makes me experience almost physical pain.
Coming back to the topic of Mary btw, I think it was fucking lame in the way her destiny turned out to be. She deserved to have a good life with loving husband and a child, but writers put her in the story just to make John not so openly queer coded (bi and pan people exist btw but it's a topic for another conversation unfortunately) and they just killed her off to "sail" the johnlock ship in the end because they are cowards to actually follow through with queerbaiting (that's what the quotes for, because they haven't actually sailed it). I hate, and I mean HATE when a woman is added to a story just for a man's character development and gets killed off and BBC's Sherlock situation is exactly like this. Why even add her to the story if you don't plan on making her stay with John? The last season makes no sense and makes me so angry I often pretend it doesn't exist "BOO TOMATOES TOMATOES-" (it's the reason I don't want any new Sherlock seasons tbh)
Okay, this post is all over the place, at this point I'm more just ranting instead of doing a proper topic analysis but I hope you liked it anyway. Share your opinion if you have any, ig the Sherlock tag is too full at this point I don't really see people taking about stuff while checking the tag (saying this as if the first season didn't come out like 13 years ago)
Have a good day :)
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