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responsiveparenting · 3 years ago
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Feeling called out by this post 🫣 Posted @withregram • @somaticexperiencingint Repost from @ellirichter • Hi beautiful! Do you ever hold back from sharing something or asking for help/support bc you didn’t want to ‘burden’ others? Do you frequently feel like ‘too much’? I hear you 💓 It’s a very common conditioned subconscious program and stress response It also reflects codependent tendencies (which 99% of people have, so no shamesies), especially the role of the ‘rescuer’ When we are in that role, we unconsciously place our worth into giving and productivity, and are very good at that, and not so comfortable at asking for help, and receiving These patterns stem from subconscious programs & trauma and can be unlearned 💓 #subconsciousmind #psychk #codependency #addiction #neuroscience #wholebrainteaching #neuroplasticity #rewireyourbrain - #somaticexperiencing #somaticexperiencinginternational #ptsd #trauma #nervoussystem #therapists #traumahealing #mentalhealth #resilience #fight #flight #freeze #research #massage #yoga #exercise #psychology #seresearch #moveyourbody #traumaeducation #somaticexperiencingresearch https://www.instagram.com/p/CfOrUTpLUqW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jaymaqx · 5 years ago
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Words per minute exercise. Set a goal. Don't meet the goal. BEAT the goal! @mr.maqsood #letsgochamp . . #teaching #teachingtips #wholebrainteaching #iloveteaching #buddhateachings #primaryteaching #teachingyoga #teachingideas #teachingenglish #englishlanguageteaching #teachingisfun #teachingmensfashion #teachingkids #teachings #englishteaching #teachingart #joyceteaching #teaching🔥 #teachingquotes #teaching_english #teachingresources #teachwriting https://www.instagram.com/p/B2nXs6lBHD4/?igshid=uj3qdfmrvg5
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neurolinkinstitute · 6 years ago
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Excited to work with an amazing team to bring innovation and design thinking principles to arm our creative economy! #wholebrainteaching #innovation #neurolinkinstitute #artspeaks (at Brooklyn, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/BybPt0UgwMC/?igshid=1lri1md4h3bom
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phungthaihy · 5 years ago
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Unlock Your Motivational Brain To Uplevel Your Productivity | Jim Kwik http://ehelpdesk.tk/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/logo-header.png [ad_1] In this Mindvalley Talks, global... #betterbrainhealth|dwdocumentary #brainfood #brainpower #confidence #emotionalintelligence #energyhealing #energymanagement #growthmindset #growthmindsetforkids #growthmindsetvsfixedmindset #guidedsleepmeditation #healthyhabits #howtofocus #howtofocusonyourself #howtoimprovememory #humanbrain #jimkwik #leadership #learningstrategies #lifecoaching #memory #mindfulness #nashvillehotbrainssandwichtastetest|foodfears #neuro-linguisticprogramming #neuroscience #parenting #personaldevelopment #personalproductivity #publicspeaking #reiki #sleepmeditation #speedreading #stocktrading #teaching #technicalanalysis #wholebrainteaching
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ricchnerd · 6 years ago
Which one are you?. .#wholebrainteaching #wholebrain #bentley #millions #billions #hotel #businessman #interior #onlinebusiness #mindset #class #classy #millionaire #luxury #luxurylifestyle #billionaire #privatejet #entreprenuer #richdadpoordad #789luxu… https://t.co/nGxhZSjI0T pic.twitter.com/UInUbeVZYg
— Chris Cota (@ATLcomputerdude) December 25, 2018
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borneoart · 9 years ago
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Follow INSTAGRAM Kami ya guys @mefcommunity #classy #class #powerteaching #wholebrainteaching #wbt #mef #PastiBISA
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mrsaverysisland-blog-blog · 9 years ago
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My students enjoyed creating their Whole Brain Teaching Rule Booklet!! If you are a Whole Brain Teacher and would like a FREE rule book, just come on over to my TPT Store by searching Kelly Avery and download yours today!! #tracherspayteachers #teachersfollowteachers #wholebrainteaching #wholebrain
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lindeymagee · 9 years ago
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First day of first grade. She was so eager to begin that she didn't even make it out of her PJs until lunch. 😊 #loveforlearning #whathomeschoollookslike #rulenumber4 #wholebrainteaching
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buckle-up-butter-cup · 9 years ago
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Any positive feedback with projectors? We bought chtomebooks last year and could connect with one. Especially if used with WBT materials? #wbt #teachersofinstagram #wholebrainteaching #education technology
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msunderwoodsclass-blog · 9 years ago
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Our Classroom Rules:
1. Respect Yourself, Respect Others, Respect Property
2. Listen when your teacher is talking
3. Raise your hand to speak
4. Follow Directions quickly
5. Make smart choices
Classroom Rule Posters
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madkins2013-blog · 10 years ago
This is a video of a First Grade class participating in Whole Brain Teaching. I found this video through one of my credential courses last week. I find it amazing how this strategy helped the students stay engaged and learn the material through movements. This is a great strategy that would help reach all students and not just ones that learn through the audio of a lecture.
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jaymaqx · 5 years ago
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Trivia is so much fun. Making another one. 😉 . . . @mr.maqsood . . . #culturallyresponsiveteaching #teaching #teachingtips #wholebrainteaching #iloveteaching #buddhateachings #primaryteaching #teachingyoga #teachingideas #teachingenglish #englishlanguageteaching #teachingisfun #teachingmensfashion #teachingkids #teachings #englishteaching #teachingart #joyceteaching #teaching🔥 #teachingquotes #teaching_english #teachingresources https://www.instagram.com/p/B2nQ4Q8BkKG/?igshid=1n9h9vd5ouqct
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jdeviv · 10 years ago
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Back to school! All set? You bet! (Kinda) #firstgrade #teachersofinstagram #wholebrainteaching
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borneoart · 9 years ago
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@mefcommunity #classy #class #powerteaching #wholebrainteaching #wbt #mef #PastiBISA
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loveandlearner-blog · 11 years ago
First Post
Monday night, in a moment of desperation, perhaps the kind that only a first year teacher can feel (and probably a second and third year as well), I set on a quest to find the miracle solution to the rowdy, disengaged, and completely unconvinced Primary 4, 5, and Secondary 7 year students that walk into the international plus school in Medan, Indonesia that I teach at.
What I thought would be a voyage of weeks and weeks on end turned into a mighty conquering, especially since having internet that works is a blessing in itself. Can you guess what the Philosopher’s stone I stumbled upon that had the ability to turn student behavior into efficiency and learning greater than gold? I couldn’t have. This said philosopher’s stone is called Wholebrainteaching, and I believe is changing the way I teach and I’ve barely even started!!!
I suppose before I discuss the impact that Wholebrainteaching has had on this very FIRST day of implementation, I should explain the type of educational environment that I am in, as well as my own personal background. Being an American (North Carolina, to be exact) teaching English, Drama (got thrown into that one) and IPC (International Primary Curriculum) has been a challenge when teaching in an entirely different culture and even different “traditional” style of teaching. Did I mention that I am a FIRST YEAR TEACHER??? A first year teacher fresh out of college, eager to please, and yet aware of my very own naivety.
 As much as I learned from my professors, they did not and could not have prepared me to teach in a place where the first thing students do when you enter the classroom is parrot “Good Morning Miss Ward”, which to me feels like tiny little robots greeting me, eerily reminiscent of “You got Mail!” There are two main distinct types of teaching here that seemed to be divided into eastern versus western (much like everything else here, bread versus rice anyone?) I am not in either corner of this boxing match, because at the very least I am not entirely sure where the ring is. I see merits of both eastern and western: high expectations, hard work, respect, honesty, and diligence that comes with eastern ideals and the outspokenness, creativity, individuality and cooperation of western ideals. It seems that my destiny as teacher, if I am meant to aware of it, is to bridge these two worlds…..I AM CLUELESS.
Repeat….I AM CLUELESS (shhh….Please don’t let my students know. My principal already does.)
Now back to that Philosopher’s Stone!!!!
Today I implemented WBTing (Wholebrainteaching) aspects into my Primary 5, Primary 4, and Secondary 7 classes as follows:
Primary 5 English and IPC
Class. Yes.
Student versus Teacher
5 rules with gestures
Primary 4 Drama
Secondary 7 English
Class. Yes.
Student Versus Teacher (and level one)
5 rules with gestures
Teach. Ok. 
It seemed that these techniques have really prompted students who have difficulty participating and paying attention in class to really be focused and engaged. On top of all of this one of the other teachers really appreciated the 5 rules! 
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jehnsaywhat · 11 years ago
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Because being embarrassing and ridiculous to 8th graders is my life's work #backtoschool #wholebrainteaching #imawesome
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