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omkarahamyogamandiram · 16 days ago
🌿🧘‍♂️ 500-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh! 🧘‍♀️🌿
Take your yoga practice to the next level with Omkar Aham Yoga Mandiram in Rishikesh, the Yoga Capital of the World! 🌍✨
✔ Master advanced yoga techniques ✔ Gain Yoga Alliance certification 🏅 ✔ Elevate your teaching skills ✔ Build a fulfilling career in yoga
Join us today! 🌿✨
📩 DM us to book your spot!
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puresoulyoga · 3 months ago
Ready to take your yoga practice to the next level? 🌱 Our 500 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh is a deep dive into advanced techniques, philosophy, and teaching mastery. If you’re passionate about becoming a yoga master and changing lives, this is your path. 🌿 Transform yourself and your teaching with us! 💫
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yogatribex · 2 years ago
Namaste 🙏 Come and be a part of our Yoga Teacher Training Program in Rishikesh and experience a life that's totally unlike what you have lived so far. The YTTC Program in Rishikesh will let you go through the practices, principles, and rituals of this ancient science deeply, helping you discover the intense relationship between Body, Mind & Energy.
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peterpanyoga · 4 years ago
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Independent Study for Yoga Teachers
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rudegoods-blog · 5 years ago
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O N E L O V E . 🖤🖤🖤 . Let LOVE lead your actions, not hate. Hate only produces more hate, so does LOVE. I CHOOSE LOVE! What do you choose? . . . . I will not be hosting a class tonight as I’m still feeling a little weak after my water fast yesterday and weeks long detox. Please join another class this week I will be teaching two more: yang type of class on Saturday 10:30-11:45am (London time) Ashtanga Yoga and my new yin slow and relaxing type of class (still thinking about the name) on Sunday evening 5:00-6:15pm (London time) both at beautiful (still virtual only) @pranaspace 🖤🖤🖤. Let’s share LOVE and TOGETHERNESS this weekend. . Photo by @paolakudacki . #yoga #teachingyoga #yogateacher #yogastudent #yogalove #yogalife #yogaeveryday #decolonisingyoga #soas #practice #meditation #mindfulness #mindful #mindfulliving #pranayama #peace #love #universe #onelove #togetherness #blacklivesmatter #embracelove #morelove #georgefloyd #compassion #lovingkindness #morekindness #poweroflove #loveheals #togetherwerise (at Planet Earth) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA-RBhCDOd2/?igshid=1e0s7eotmx582
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theawakenedgaia · 4 years ago
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My journey wih educating children III My disorder helped me in my path. My hyperactiveness gave me high energy with children all the time. My inquisitive, racing mind, helped in understanding multiple concepts at the same time. As a student, I hated school, because I was bullied by teachers and students equally. I hated the education system and always complained about it. My mom always pacified me with a line ' Study hard, work hard, get to the top and change the Game' I didn't have to change who I was in finding my purpose. I did study and work hard in my own ways and now I get to be a part of this Global change that I yearned for. #educatingchildren #educators #childhoodhealing #teachersoftheworld #adhdbaby #hyperactivechildren #trainingyoungminds #workingwithkids #schoolteachers #journeyingwithchildren #teachingyoga #gurulifestyle #studentforlife #teacherbecomesthestudent #gurubecomesdisciple (at Awakening Gaia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNWaCukDrkF/?igshid=5pc7w1y8bi7k
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omkarahamyogamandiram · 2 years ago
Embark on a soul-stirring yogic journey in the yoga capital of the world, Rishikesh. Join Omkar Aham Yoga Mandiram and immerse yourself in ancient wisdom, serene surroundings, and expert guidance. Rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit in this spiritual haven. Contact us at: ✔️WhatsApp/Call: +91-9997744876 ✔️Mail us at: [email protected]
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yogahollis · 4 years ago
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#yogahollis . . A Decade of Teaching! April 1, 2011, on this day, I took a leap of faith, and leapt into the next chapter of my life: becoming a full time Yoga Teacher! Thank you GOD for giving me the strength to declare this! Thanks to the MANY Yogis who have and continue to trust me as your yoga guide! The last 10 years have been incredibly rewarding and awesome! I’m grateful for all the lessons, teachings, blessings, experiences, relationships, friendships, love and support! I am DEEPLY humbled and honored for the privilege of your time, trust, energy and for the opportunity of being your yoga teacher for 10 years! Thank you soo much! The Divine in me, bows to the Divine in You! Namaste. 🤗🙏🏿🧘🏿‍♂️❤️ . . . . . #thankyou #yoga #yogateacher #lifeofayogateacher #yogi #instayoga #nycyoga #yoganyc #instayoga #hathayoga #vinyasayoga #teachingyoga #yogateachers #yogaonline #onlineyoga #teachingyogaonline #maleyogateacher #blackyogis #blackyogi #blackyogateacher #spiritualguidance #spiritualguide https://www.instagram.com/p/CNH7C66jeFK/?igshid=a5ahuh4amsry
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Namaste Yogis
The name Bhujaṅgāsana is derived from the Sanskrit words Bhujanga means "Snake" or "Cobra" and asana means "Meditative Pose". This pose resemblance to a cobra with its hood rose. Symbolically this pose encourages developing your self-awareness.
The snake relies on its surroundings and its vibrations and uses it as a compass to find its direction. It reminds us to move forward, we must work with our environment, listen and watch carefully, and act at just the right moment. The cobra is a stealthy predator which means that focus and agility are its survival qualities. The Bhujangasana is designed to awaken the snake qualities in the yogi. Cleansing the body and mind and giving grace to the yogi’s body and strengthening the upper back are only the beginning of a long list of advantages of the cobra pose.
DM Us For more details...
Website: www.rishikulyogshalarishikesh.com
Instagram: @rishikulyogshalarishikesh
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peterpanyoga · 2 years ago
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Ultimate Guide to Teaching Vinyasa Yoga Classes
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rudegoods-blog · 6 years ago
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1 0 L I F E P R I N C I P L E S B Y W A Y N E D Y E R 1. Have a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing 2. You can’t give away what you don’t have 3. There are no justified resentments 4. Don’t die with your music still in you 5. Embrace silence 6. Give up your personal history 7. You can’t solve the problem with the same mind that created it 8. Treat yourself as if you already were what you would like to become 9. Treasure your divinity. Knowing that you are connected to your source 10. Wisdom is avoiding all thoughts which weaken you ♾ #yoga #teaching #teachingyoga #yogateacher #yogalove #yogalife #yogini #yogaeveryday #yogisofinstagram #practice #mindfulvinyasa #meditation #mindfulness #mindful #mindfulliving #pranayama #peace #love #waynedyer #lifeprinciples #abundance #youareabundant #youarelove #nonattachment #wisdom #connectingtothesource #embracethesilence #presentmoment #believeinmiracles #higherself (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzTZPy7jvdT/?igshid=1rc0d55oiu3bj
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the-slim-yogi · 7 years ago
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What is the best thing we can do for our youth (health wise) cause I’m sure there are lots of bests. . Start them on a holistic and healthy life. . Anxiety there’s a rollerball for sleep and anxiety that both us and our babies can use. But both these kits are on a special right now where you get the on guard line (almost misus like 2 things.) . There’s 2 opinions, 2 different kits one slightly more than the other and with similar products and kits. . When you purchase either one of these through you will get almost the whole “On Guard” line. My personal favorite. . Ps if you look at certain rollers like clary calm with clary sage in it, it has almost but not all the same essential oils as far as the “On Guard” roller. Helps hormones and much more. I am non stop using mine morning and night through cycle. I don’t have issues there but everyone’s hormones can come unbalanced day to day even. . Ok well I can go on for days why I choose dōTERRA but that said if interest just click the link in bio ☝️ or down here👇 Hope everyone has a Happy MDW! #mommyandme #doterralife #doterraessentialoils #thatholisticlife #yoga #teachingyoga #yogateacher #womenhelpingwomen #momshelpingmom #aproductforall #treatyourbabywiththebestholisticoils #namaste 😘
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mulvjoneswrites · 7 years ago
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03/48: Not a bad way at all to kick off teaching for a class that isn't fellow students or friends. Thank you to the amazing @maladhara for letting me teach at this month's Flow and Glow. What a fantastic atmosphere that Ploy has created. If you haven't made it out to Maladhara yet, well, you are missing out my friend. #yogaeverydamnday - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #teachingyoga #myfirstclass #yogainstructor #outdooryogapractice #outdooryoga #doisaket #mosquitobites #maladhara #ployisagodesswhowalksamongus #gypsylife #greenery_scenery #greatoutdoors #bambooarchitecture #ricepaddies #waterbuffalo #wideeyedandwandering #tumbleweedtales
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theawakenedgaia · 4 years ago
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My journey wih educating children II I have always wanted to teach. Because I believe a teacher is the best student as she is always educating herself and learning new skills to be able to help others. So anytime I learnt new things, either through mentorship or through meditation, I made sure to learn it in a way that I can teach. I didn't have to sit and create separately a teaching mechanism, my learning process became the foundation for my teaching methodology. I am a curious learner with ADHD, I learn multiple things at the same time and slowly master them. So though ADHD is an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, I realized that it was the perfect aid to my purpose. Contd... #educatingchildren #educators #childhoodhealing #teachersoftheworld #adhdbaby #hyperactivechildren #trainingyoungminds #workingwithkids #schoolteachers #journeyingwithchildren #teachingyoga #gurulifestyle #studentforlife #teacherbecomesthestudent #gurubecomesdisciple (at Awakening Gaia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNWZbNKjM1a/?igshid=8wi3ylr9ge23
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gardenofyoga · 5 years ago
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@corageroux is our latest guest on #theflowartistspodcast 🌿 Cora hosts her own wonderful podcast - Teaching Yoga and she has a wealth of wisdom and insights to share 🌵 We learn about her early life growing up in a remote village in Canada, how she discovered yoga and why she is so passionate about mentoring yoga teachers today. We all share some real talk about the challenges facing teachers and studios today 🍃 It’s a great conversation and you can listen via our website podcast.flowartists.com (link in bio) or find us on Spotify, iTunes or your favorite podcast app 🌱 . . . . . . #corageroux #teachingyogapodcast #teachingyoga #yogateacherlife #yogalove #yogalife #yogapodcast #businessofyoga #yogaaustralia (at The Flow Artists Podcast) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCAjUmADm_w/?igshid=cmmbos7wbu9e
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yogatribex · 2 years ago
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Elevate Your Yoga Journey with Us! Join the Ultimate 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training at Yoga Tribex. Ignite Your Teaching Passion, Deepen Your Practice, and Embrace Transformation. Enroll Today! 🧘‍♀️🌿
Visit us: https://www.yogatribex.com/
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