#who also does the detecting
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spoopyandtired · 1 year ago
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Some Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney sketches for the gays and the girlies <3
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month ago
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You're just not toxic enough.
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everwalldigan · 4 months ago
The friendliest of reminders that Bruce cried in his room for an hour when Jason was taken away by cps
“Alfred has never known the man to act so helpless… so defeated” if anyone needs me I’ll be crying in the corner
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technically-human · 28 days ago
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The case of the lighthouse leapers
That's right, more Niko angst, but most importantly, more Niko and Charles bonding! This is the beginning of the improvement for their relationship, finally.
This was, of course, a commission for @i-am-as-normal-as-you-are
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thesorrowoflizards · 7 months ago
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↳ You never know when the good you do may come back around.
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halflifebutawesome · 9 months ago
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I am a good person. I am a powerful person, I don't believe in evil. I think that evil is an idea created by others to avoid dealing with their own nature. I understand my own nature, good and evil have nothing to do with it.
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skitkattl · 1 year ago
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you love it when it's about you, don't you?
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+ up close standalone portraits
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spacedace · 2 years ago
Yo here have this dp x dc snippet from ages ago I forgot I wrote until I found it just now lol:
Joker had died just after sunset, when darkness had settled fully on Gotham. Beaten horribly with a blunt, metal object of sickeningly familiar description, then finally killed in the concussive force of an explosion from the various bombs the warehouse had been filled with.
It felt obvious who it had to be.
Except, of course, that Dick was looking at cctv footage and official court documents showing just how fucking impossible it was for Jason to have finally taken the clown out for good.
At the time everything had to have happened his little brother was across the city, in a public place, with official witnesses.
Official, official witnesses. They - one Margaret Tinsel - had signed their name as such, right next to their notary stamp and the date on the marriage license.
Marriage License.
Because Jay had been over at the courthouse next to city hall getting married.
Dick only found out he’d been dating Jasmine Nightingale a couple of weeks ago. He hadn’t even properly met her yet, just saw her from the roof across the street as she and Jay sat on her fire escape sharing a pint of ice cream, laughing and looking stupidly adorable and smitten with each other. And now they’re married.
How in the fuck was he going to explain this? Bruce was already spiraling on the idea that Jay had killed Joker, he’d want specific details on just how tight of an alibi Jason had for the crime. He’d want to see that proof himself.
And then he’d want to talk to Jay. Who hadn’t told any of them what the fuck was going on in his personal life. Who had very purposefully tried to keep Jasmine Nightingale - shit, no she applied for a name change, they both had, they were both Nightingale-Todd now - away from the family and their meddling.
Babs on the other end of the line seemed to share his utter loss over the situation.
“I did some digging.” She said, drawn out enough to let him know that whatever she found - while not bad - sure as shit wasn’t going to make things any easier to explain. “They’ve uh…as best I can tell, they’ve been dating for about three years now.”
Three years.
Jesus Christ. How in the hell is he going to break that news? Did he even break that news? That’s something that Jay should do.
Except Jay just got married less than two hours ago at the same time the Joker was violently - and karmically satisfyingly - murdered and there was absolutely no way that letting Bruce go over there to talk to Jay while all Batman-ed up was going to lead to anything but a fight, which means that he has to break that news or else Jay and his new wife - his wife holy fucking shit - are going to have to deal with a pissed off Batman on their honeymoon and -
“Oh.” Tim said from where he’d come to stand at Dick’s shoulder at some point during his internal freak out. “I guess they decided to do the courthouse thing after all.”
The train wreck of Dick’s thought process, at that point, entirely exploded.
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iwritenarrativesandstuff · 5 months ago
Suddenly remembered something I wanted to say re:Akechi, because I think it's really core to his character (at least the way I interpreted him?) and I feel like it explains a lot of his contradictions. Essentially, he is incapable of seeing himself as just a person - he's either the greatest hero/detective ever, or he's some violent monster, and it's like there's no in-between. It's very in keeping with his obvious superiority-inferiority complex, but it goes deeper than that too; when he's in a role, it seems like his self-perception kind of changes too depending on how he is perceived by others. He really does get a confidence boost from being the Detective Prince. He really does shut down emotionally as the Black Mask.
They're masks that he's made, and it's not that aspects of them aren't based in truth to some extent, but I think it goes to show why he's not actually that fantastic a liar (imo, I found the outright lies pretty obvious), but he is a very good actor. He's either an angel or a demon, and never a person, but there are conditions to that. He is an angel when he is perfect - to society. He is a demon when he is vengeful - again, to society. He is never a person, because he never was seen as one - to society. He was disregarded. To be anything of value or notoriety, whether that's hero or villain, he has to be wildly more or less than who he actually is, and he's been building these masks up for so long that I really think he lost sight of the actual person behind it all. And I don't think he wanted to see that person anyways, because that person "wasn't good enough" and I do think he'd rather be anything other than himself. That trickery, that deflection from the person within, in itself brings him pride and satisfaction. He wants to be loved and needed instead of being cast aside, but I also think that if he can't have that then he'd much rather be hated than never have mattered at all. He weaponizes his own loneliness - if he can't ever be accepted then he'll build his own pedestal apart from everyone else.
It's so fascinating too, because I just wonder how much of this he was consciously aware of pre, during, and post engine room. There's this recurring thing with him where he goes "I can only be myself" etc but I just want to shake him because, well, who is that, Akechi??? Or, who do you think that is? Do you actually have an answer? Is it predicated on your actual feelings or solely on your success at fooling everyone around you? Is there any part of you that you actually like that isn't based on a painstakingly constructed mask? Isn't it all mostly lies to deflect from the truth? Isn't it all founded mostly on truth, nonetheless?
It drives me insane. And I think this is a big reason why he breaks so hard in the engine room, because so much of his mask requires his "audience" to perform in a particular way. And here he is, and the Thieves have beaten him, so there goes the first mask, because he's no longer "perfect". He swings wildly into the ugliest sides of him, but this mask is broken too, amidst him vehemently and desperately denying that he has any other emotions than hatred and rage, or any other needs or desires than vengeance. And after that, it's just him. And they should reject him, right? That's what happens. He's not useful, he's not needed or perfect, his hands are stained with blood. But the Thieves, again, don't play the role he expects them to. They, despite everything, relate to him - because he is in fact very similar in a lot of ways and they acknowledge him as a person - not a hero, or idol, or villain, or tool, or unwanted child - but as a damaged teen like the rest of them. And he does not know what to do with that. His identity is intrinsically dependent on getting the right reactions from other people as a form of ingratiating himself - if he does not get that reciprocal reaction he's looking for, his act falters, and, I really do believe that so does his self-perception. That's why you see different aspects of him seep out when he's spending time with Joker, because Joker does not react the way he expects, and Akechi both does and does not like this, because it leaves him feeling both intrigued and vulnerable.
I do think this particular aspect of his character is something a lot of the Thieves don't fully grasp - certainly, I think Joker "I need the mask" Persona 5 understands to a degree, but the sheer degree of reliance and the level of pride attached to it is something that confuses him a little, I think, especially in Mementos Mission. I think the thief that comes closest is actually Morgana, who has a similar superiority-inferiority complex and a desperate need to be seen as competent and useful lest he be discarded. (This is a big part of why the rather lackluster writing with Morgana's arc frustrates me so much because I really do feel it was meant to be contrasted with Akechi's, but I digress.) Morgana is the one to make that emotional appeal to Akechi, which makes a degree of sense - Morgana struggled all along with finding a place in the world. His form leads others to underestimate him; he visually doesn't fit in. He's acting out the role of a chivalrous and cool phantom thief but is more pragmatic with how he views relationships, at least at first. He wants a place to belong where he is appreciated more than anything but his pride won't let him spit it out. Accepting that he belongs and that he is loved even if he really did have nothing of value to provide is a big part of the resolution of his arc. He tries to offer that learned lesson to Akechi in turn ("Follow your true feelings. Even if you think people hate you, or don't want you around-"), but Akechi just wasn't in the right space to listen. There's also an important distinction between the two - Morgana envies humans and looks up to them. Akechi envies humans and looks down on them. Morgana is perfectly happy once he is assured a place amongst the group, but Akechi see-saws wildly between wanting to belong and wanting to be a step above the rest and separating himself further. So while Morgana actually really did cut to the core of the issue, his appeal would never have worked at this point because a) Akechi's pride is dependent on him maintaining his solo act, and b) he just got outed as not actually hating Joker in front of seven other people including Joker himself lmao.
So, uh, sorry, Morgana. Points for trying.
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clownakai · 1 month ago
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I love them your honor. You wouldn't get it your honor
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technically-human · 6 months ago
Can you draw something with Doom Patrol!Edwin and Netflix!Edwin?
Maybe something about Dp!Edwin talking about his feelings for Charles with N!Edwin?
It's just something I've been thinking of, make it a little angsty?<3
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Glad you asked
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deconstructthesoup · 5 months ago
Reasons why Crowcat is so compelling to me as a ship:
1: The inherent comedy of the two nonhuman characters who were down bad for Edwin deciding to be down bad for each other instead
2: The hurt/comfort that it could produce
3: Black cat and crow, do I need to go on
4: The knowledge that a relationship between the two pettiest creatures in the animal kingdom can only result in them having peak Divorced energy at all times
5: They have the potential to be deeply deranged in ways that we can't comprehend
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many-gay-magpies · 8 months ago
i have seen lots and lots of posts about what people want out of payneland in season 2 and that is all good. so there's no use restating any of that because i agree with quite a bit of it and theres like a dozen or more posts about it. but here's something i want out of season 2:
to see crystal dealing with the remains of her life before she lost her memories. specifically, i want to see how she handles the relationships with her friends from before... do they become deeper now that she's had time to learn and grow? or does she, in trying to repair her old relationships, realize that all her friendships were just as shallow and empty as she was before losing her memories? does she make new human friends over the course of whatever season 2's plot will be? have her old friends even cared that she was gone? did she leave behind other ghost friends, like emma?
there is SO MUCH POTENTIAL for crystal's story now that she has her memories back and is back in london and i want to see it ALL.
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junopede · 2 years ago
And it looks like The Butcher is going to take the championship belt with his big win against Detective Noel- AND WHATS THIS!? IT’S OSCAR WITH A BEDPAN!!!!
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shittalkerxox · 6 months ago
i got bored and began writing an essay on charles, and now i have over 1300 words doing a deep dive of how charles is stuck in limbo
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arthur-lesters-spinal-cord · 2 months ago
The existence of the Noelverse suggests that there is an alternate universe where Charlie died in the war instead of Noel and that there is an actual Noel who is still alive in one of those universes. Maybe he even goes by Charlie Dowd.
This also works in wider malevolent multiverse stuff but this was the context i first thought of it in.
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