#white lantern!kyle
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month ago
Tim and Duke being Robin at the same time but Tim is Batman's Robin and Duke is The Outlaws' Robin and Duke getting insecure over how he's a 'poser' Robin because he ran away from Gotham as he hears about Tim's accomplishments for the city on the news and bottling it up until he gets especially upset overthinking maybe Jason would rather have Tim as his Robin than him until on homemade milkshakes night at The Fortress when he overhears Jason telling Kyle about how he hated the Robin mantle after he died but Duke brought the magic back into it in his eyes with his spark and says he's only reason he thinks the Robin legacy is worth keeping and going on and that he's the realest Robin since Dick himself.Cue him getting tumbled out of his seat by a streak of opalescent yellow light in an iron grip hug and the sun pocket in question refusing to let go of him,not that he had any protests,until they wake up together in Jason's bed in the morning and Kyle waking them up with loaded breakfast burritos and rootbeer floats and mocking Jason going soft yet telling Duke he's the best Robin anyone could ever ask for in the same breath as he ruffles his hair and smiles smugly at him like a proud older brother
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tiredofsatansbullshit · 10 months ago
Another chapter of my "The Waynes on Twitter" work on AO3
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43 - *chuckling awkwardly* uh what
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Taglist: @gin2212 @wizardofstories @kassette-tape @she-went-that-way @terrylicious @kazenotsuyo1 @salz-mit-wasser @sk3tchyrac00n @ejlyt @sonotashipper @deniedmysign @emilynight555 @aurorasleepsin @thereallyreallylatebird @peachykeenlemonbean @cosmic-marauder @anxious-chaos-art
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bearforceone3 · 4 months ago
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i have an excuse to post this because kyle’s a white lantern again
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llmsos · 10 months ago
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DC finally remembering that Kyle and Wally are friends
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But also forgetting that Kyle's mom died years ago
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(Holiday Preview Taste of Justice #1)
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jasontoddsgaythoughts · 10 months ago
Batlantern and Jaykyle fans don’t use Guy Gardener and Dick Grayson as a chaotic duo enough, because what do you mean there’s no fic where Batlantern and Batlantern jr vacation at the same alien planet by “coincidence”
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soranatus · 4 months ago
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WHITE LANTERN KYLE In Green Lantern (2023) #17
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glitter-stained · 7 months ago
Jaykyle enemies to lovers misunderstanding AU where they hatefuck once during Countdown to Final Crisis and part ways. Jason becomes Star Sapphire from a different mechanism than usual just because he's so powered by love, and forgets to mention it to just about everyone but Carol. Cue a very confused Kyle being accosted by a bunch of curious/angry bats and/or outlaws who think the reason why Jason's struggling with his power (his magic keeps exploding in his face) is because Kyle broke his heart. (It's not, Jason just needs to learn about self-love). Upon learning that, Kyle goes through three different crises in ten minutes and decides that while he still doesn't like Jason he has to "take responsibility" and "make this right" because he thinks Jason loved him and was being defensive of Kyle's hostility and he used and ditched him, so he decides to help Jason with his powers and resolve the situation. Eventually this is what they needed to give eachother a chance and they fall in love, but god does Jason laughs his ass off when he finally learns about the misunderstanding.
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jasonsthighholsters · 7 months ago
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dc stop being cowards and let them be frenemies again
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nightjarwings · 2 months ago
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can I say something
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months ago
Pervert Jason Todd is fake,as somebody who selfships with him and is extremely autistic about it(read every single issues he's ever been in + watched/played all his adaptions),he's canonically the paragon of this image
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the-antiapocalyptic-man · 3 months ago
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Kyle and Jo
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messenger-of-babel · 5 months ago
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Summary: You wished that Kyle could distinguish between argument and conversation.
Word Count: 1.3K
Notes: Aaaahh I’m new to Kyle Rayner as I’ve just started reading his runs but I really liked him and wanted to give him a spin. He’s probably my second fav lantern (after Hal) and I’ve got some kinks to work out with nailing his personality, but I’ll get it with a bit of practice. I was trying to keep him in line with his dreamer/romantic side ya know? Anyways, first week down already folks!
(Additional side note: posting this early tonight cause of a killer migraine so please be patient with tomorrow's upload. )
Even if you were yelling at him, Kyle thought you were beautiful.
The sun caught your hair in the morning light, and his eyes traced the sleep still in the corner of your eyes. There were lines on your face from the pillow, and your lip was sucked between your teeth.
"Kyle? Are you listening?" you sigh softly, and he responds with a faint smile.
"You're beautiful."
You pinch the bridge of your nose, exhaling. "Great. So, you're not even listening." you sigh. His smile wavers slightly. He knew you wanted to talk about something heavier than he would like for the first thing in the morning, but he couldn't help but try to steer it away from that. After all, you had said that you didn't intend to stay the night last evening, that you came over just to talk, but you ended waking up beside him the next morning. Surely, he could talk you out of this if he swung it correctly. His lips quirk up again, making his eyes light up with a playful warmth.
"I am listening," he defends. "I just can't help if you look beautiful this early in the morning."
"I'm not in the mood for flattery, Rayner." you sigh, hands on your hips. "I'm trying to have a serious conversation right now. You're not taking anything into account, which is the exact reason we keep having this argument." You throw your hands up in the air, clearly frustrated.
He puts his hands in front of him, making a soothing motion. "Woah, woah, we haven't been having arguments, we've been having conversations," he corrects sternly. "Those are two very different things, babe. We're okay."
"You always say that," you groan. "What kind of discussion ends with the tears, Kyle? This isn't a conversation if I'm the only one talking. You keep dodging the questions, the situation, and it just gets worse!" you say frustrated, hands coming to cover your face. "I shouldn’t have even stayed the night. I knew I shouldn't have stayed the night." you groan, a well of regret and shame writing around in your stomach as your pinch at the bridge of your nose again.
"Hold on," he interjects. "It's not a mistake. We're a couple, that’s what couples do."
You sigh through the nose at that. "Yeah? If we're a couple, why have I been sleeping at my place for the last week? Why haven't we gone on any dates? Why haven't we been calling? This is more than a rough patch, which you already refuse to acknowledge. We're essentially broken up. It was a long time coming, and if you actually stopped to listen for a moment, you'd realise that too. We need to break up." you say a matter of factly, slightly out of breath from your rant.
You didn’t want to say that. Hell, if you had asked yourself from a year ago if you wanted to break up with Kyle Rayner, the answer would have been an immediate 'Hell no'. You just couldn't do it anymore, the constant speed that your relationship had been progressing. Kyle took you on dates like he wanted to be married to you yesterday, despite only recently hitting your one-year anniversary. Don't get it wrong, you weren't complaining about him being in love with you, especially after the disappointing string of partners before him. He made it seem like you held up the sun and kept the world from collapsing. Like you were some goddess that could solve anything with a simple touch.
But that was exactly the problem.
He treated you like a martyr, like someone who could do no wrong. You were sick of being the princess stuck in the tower. Want to go to Gotham for a show? No, too dangerous, didn't you hear about the crime rate recently? How about going to Metropolis to visit your old college friend? You've got to be joking with him. Do you know how many superpowered maniacs tear through those streets on a daily basis? Coast City? It was essentially the walking dead every now and then and he wasn't going to risk you being there when it happened (plus Hal Jordan). No, you were to stay right here, in Los Angeles.
That kind of care was endearing at first, until you began to feel disconnected. from everything. You weren't some damsel that needed to be protected, god damnit, you were a fully functioning adult, not a child. But no. Kyle Rayner had to be there, had to be your knight in shining armour, had to keep the walls padded. It started to feel like you were dating a parent instead of a partner in the way that you would act and lash out to try and get him to relax his reins a little. He'd always just stand there, taking blow after blow without actually listening to your words. Just throwing back compliments, dodging the conversation skillfully and downplaying the situation. It was like dating a broken record, the same dismissive positivity on loop 24/7.
You were going to snap eventually.
It was wearing you down, the constant affirmations that everything was fine when it was not. Then it had begun the months of him putting you on that pedestal. Like all things it was fine at the start, but soon you became your own worst enemy. Soon you were chasing the perfect version of yourself that only Kyle could see, burning yourself out to be that person until you turned to see the damage you'd done to yourself. When you'd ask him to stop, that you were human like everyone else and had negative emotions, there was a small upset flicker across his face. He just couldn't understand why you'd be sad or angry or frustrated after a long day of work. Don't you love your coworkers? Why are you mad at your cubicle partner? You were the most understanding person on the planet, so surely you understood where they were coming from.
You had decided that you were done with the love bombing. You could see in the way his eyes looked at you, the dreamy expression on his face even in the midst of your fights that he was in love with the idea of you, not actually you.
And you would be lying if you said that it didn't hurt.
While you're standing on the other side of the bedroom, lip worried between your teeth his thoughts are running wild. However, no matter how fast they race, there isn't a pulse of panic that can course through his body. You both had always managed to fix any bumps in your relationship, and Kyle knew you were the best thing that happened to him. He wasn't going to let go anytime soon, and he was convinced that you wouldn't either. When he sees the start of the tears on your waterline though, his heart clenches. His lips tilt into a frown and he comes around to your side to lift your face, but you gently tip your chin out of his grip.
"Babe, why are you crying?" he asks, heart sinking at just the idea of you being sad. Sure, you sometimes cried during your conversations, but he knew that was just your way of expelling energy, of getting the bad emotions out of your system. They were disrupting your perfect relationship, so you were releasing them, he knew that. You just shake your head, choking down a hiccup.
"That's it, Kyle." you whisper. "This is it. You just don't get it." You frustratedly sigh, turning away from him to get your keys and purse thrown on his dresser from last night. "I'm gone. This has to be an official break up, we can't keep doing this." you choke out, voice thick as you throw your coat on, not caring that you look ready for the walk of shame out of his apartment. He tilts his head curiously as you pass him, your throat bobbing as you swallow.
"Goodbye, Kyle Rayner." you say, before you all but sprint for the door.
He sighs, running his hand through his hair. As he hears the front door slam, he exhales, disappointed. He was hoping he could take you out to that brunch place you liked near the park, and then go feed the ducks. It always seemed to make you smile, radiant and full of life. He mulled your words over in his head, a flash of panic shooting through his heart for a second. Were you actually going to leave? No, you wouldn't do that. Not to the perfect arrangement you two had. You were made for each other.
Break up?
Surely you just meant that you were taking a break.
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bearforceone3 · 3 months ago
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white & black lanterns
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moon-ayyye · 2 months ago
What's a ship that you wish to see?
I want black lantern Jason and white lantern Kyle to make out
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(Green Lantern 2023 #17)
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