#whit salad
morethansalad · 4 months
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WWII Whit Salad / Mock Egg Salad with Potatoes & Vegetables (Vegan-Adaptable)
opt for plant-based milk & cheese
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etwlemons · 6 months
alright here we go finally elaborating on my the man whit no name theory which inspired my last drawing-
so where to start, The man whit no name is referred to by many names but none of those are really his, at least he thinks so, he uses a name one day in one town and the next day has already discarded in favor of another, he doesn't remember if he ever had a name that was truly his or a surname, he doesn't remember if he ever had a mother or father, siblings relatives of any sorts, he only knows he doesn't have them now.
neither does he remember how he ended up in the wild west on his horse hunting bounties making schemes, drifting from settlement to settlement across the country.
only thing he really knows it's that he has been this way for long, way longer then any human being possibly could, he also knows his face has always stayed the same no new wrinkles or gray hair, his hands still looking young as ever despite the years he feels on them, the years he knows they should be showing by now but they stubbornly don't.
but that's the least of the things that trouble The man whit no name, he could chalk it up to impressive genes if he didn't know for a fact and as surely as the sun is in the sky that he can't die.
he can be shot, stabbed, tortured, drowned and hanged he can suffer and writhe in pain but that doesn't kill him, it's like falling asleep almost one moment he has a bullet wound so large in the back of his head that someone could use it a salad bowl, brain and blood oozing out into the open air, and the next everything is going back in it's place his skull recomposing like a puzzled his scalp skin covering it back up shortly after, leaving only a patch of pink soft skin behind that'll disappear too by evening.
and he doesn't know why, doesn't remember why he is this way either, has it always been this way? was he cursed or blessed? he couldn't say and he doubts anyone else could either.
he spends evening by the camp fire thinking about it trying to force his brain to remember what happened before this life, what happened before the first ever memory he can recollect? nobody is born an adult man whit a rope around his neck hanging down from an apple tree somewhere in Illinois, people are born in all sorts of ways but not like this, there must be a why, an explanation to why for decades he's been the shadow of the west able to be shot but not die, able to suffer and bleed and scream in pain but still wake up from it unharmed every time.
he knows there will be no answer even tough a part of him desperately wishes there was a solution to this, the prospect of wandering earth for the rest of time outliving anybody he menages to be more for than just a nameless man is scary and clutches at his guts like poison does, is the same feeling of when somebody tries to poison his drink he can feel the bitterness sting and tear at his throat and guts until he's spitting out blood and his innards, but they always heal always go back in place, leaving him feeling empty and pained.
he thinks about it every evening jabbing at the dying out camp fire whit a stick when his mind comes to the same conclusion, there is no helping him before he retrieves to sleep, a dreamless sleep that he tries to go to for comfort, painfully aware that while stuck between life and death there's none.
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hollers-and-holmes · 1 year
A lesser-known but inexorable law is that if one is boiling eggs to devil, they will not peel a whit, but if one is boiling eggs to chop roughly into a salad, they will peel whole and smooth and flawless and sublime.
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marune2 · 4 months
Devil parent Faust Au
Lucifugus is concerned Abaut the eating habits of he’s baby’s
Morgan is obsessed whit sweets and strawberry’s
And Nacht like salads a lot and don’t eat enough
But Lucifugus make them it from time to time there Favorit food because they cute if they are happy but he take care they eat enough and well
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bkdotblog · 2 years
"RSVPlease," S3 E8
The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 3 Episode 8 Recap
My Title:  “Danna...?"
My rating: 2.6 out of 5 my father's obituaries
Support for Lisa Barlow: Very strong
AHH! We open the scene with Lisa Barlow's terrifying sons. The family is sitting around their black and white kitchen. Lisa, perhaps sensing the presence of Satan, suggests that a better relationship with God might make their lives "a little easier." The older one demurs: There are many ways to be spiritual, mother. You can meditate, for example, or run your own YA hair gel company.
The youngest one vibrates with malevolent intentions. Lisa's husband is also there. He is the largest of the four but offers the bare minimum in terms of presence.
Lisa, Jen, and Whitney hit the slopes. Must we see winter sports in every episode? Jen and Lisa barely make it down the hill on skis. Whitney is deft on a snowboard. They meet up on some bluff overlooking the most gorgeous mountains God has ever made.
"Heather escorted me from her house the other day," Whitney says, due to Whitney's defending Lisa in their ongoing squabble. Emphasis on escort: Whitney says Heather "physically turned me around." A little dramatic, but that's our girl. So why is Heather offering Whit soprano in the Gay chorus?
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Hearing that Whitney came to the defense of her character, Lisa looks like she is going to burst into tears of joy.
All three women share grievances with Heather's behavior as of late. Even Whitney, who doesn't have anything specific to blame Heather for other than not being supportive in her hilling journey. "I just shared with you that I've had all this trauma that I'm working through," Whitney says, "And when I have stirred the pot or been messy, that's how I learned how to behave." The other women are like... OK...
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We transition next to Chez Shah, where it appears Jen's husband or the show's fabulous producers are gonna go ahead and host a barbecue for the househusbands. It's a "no-wife zone!" Shah declares. Thanks for letting me know because I am only interested in wife zones, and am too happy to skip this sequence!!
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Who the SWEET fuck cares?
Who the FUCK is "Ernesto, Danna's husband"????
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OK, let's move on...
In another snow-white kitchen across town, Meredith is making a "little snack" with her sister, niece, and nephew, who are in town from Chicago. There is nothing more important to Meredith than fahmlae, pronounced with a Chicago accent that twinges on Scottish. Meredith's megatwink son Brooks loomed large on the first two seasons of the show but has since been off in New York. And we mustn't Marks' invisible daughter, who may very well be in the room with us right now.
This is how many of them it takes to cut a single lemon:
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Meredith recalls herself recalling the traumatic events of her past year — her father dying, her nephew's mental health issues — at the Season Two reunion. But how lovely now that the family can gather together happily to cut a single lemon! Lisa Barlow's God is good.
The children are dismissed from the scene as Meredith commands them to take a place of white bean salad to "Unkie" who is upstairs, and she is alone with her sister Myra, pronounced Meera. The two discuss Myra's son, who last year attempted suicide gruesomely. Meredith has a very purely emotional moment in her confessional.
But the conversation quickly turns to Lisa thank GOD. Apparently their husbands convened at their all-male no homo hang and Lisa's husband shared concerns about Meredith's attacks at Lisa. Meredith of course is on the defensive. For a woman who famously refuses to engage, I think Meredith enjoys when she feels forces are conspiring against her. Or maybe not. I actually don't think about Meredith very much at all, if I'm being Frank N. Honest!
Heather Gay is Bottega Veneta boots on the ground at her first choir rehearsal. At the Gay Choir, everybody who is not a woman wearing luxury Italian-made fashions is a Tom of Finland drawing come to life.
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When Good Angie picks up Jen and takes her to rehearse, she gossips about the chatter at a recent spin class: apparently Danna (remember Danna?) said that Jen went off on Bad Angie and was "bullying" her at the choir auditions. If there is one thing that will cause Jen to fly into a rage, it's accusing her of flying of rages.
Danna reveal:
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Jen Shah reaction:
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(As a side note: I love love love this confessional look on Jen as she is pleading her innocence in a federal fraud trial. "Would a guilty woman wear this?")
Heather is wearing a little cropped green vest over body con dress that I think looks great. Bad Angie, Whitney, and Lisa arrive, all separately. Other people are also there. Everybody sits in a great big circle and the hunky choir director makes a speech.
When everyone stands to do vocal warm ups, Heather takes Lisa aside to, it seems, thank her for coming and salvage what is left of their good feelings toward one another. But then in the confessional, Heather says this:
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BK's Take: Heather is quickly losing credibility for me. We mustn't forget: She has admitted to mean-girlhood in the past. And at the risk of applying an overly simplistic and misogynistic behavioral analysis as having "mean girl" energy, Heather is committing the number one act of high school clique leaders since time immemorial: Fault finding with someone's character on the basis of not vibing with them. Despicable!
We reach the cliff before this commercial break when Lisa cuts to the bone of the argument and asks Heather if she likes her. Remember 10 seconds ago, when Heather said she hated her?
She pauses for one hundred years and one full commercial break before she responds:
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Uhh... kinda, mama!
BK's Take, Evergreen: Lisa is right!
They go around in a few more circles before addressing the rumors spewed against Lisa at the Garbage Whore Party a few episodes ago. Whitney is brought into the fray -- a crucial misstep in deescalating any sort of conflict, as Whitney is volatile when she's in the process of hilling. While another voice is added to this din, the rest of the choir continues to rehearse mere feet away.
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At one point Heather just... walks away! And rejoins the chorus. This is how this particular fight ends: With a song. From the varying pious bellies of the Mormon Church's misfits and outcasts:
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(Eagle eyes will notice Lisa Barlow is in her defensive stance)
What is the climate in Salt Lake City? At the beginning of the episode we were on the powder white slopes, and now Jen is meeting Good Angie at a rooftop pool? I hope I don't sound foolish but will anybody explain this to me? Simultaneously, the episode's breakout star DANNA visits Meredith at home, assembling a common formation to this franchise: Doubles screaming matches, where each team is comprised of a housewife and friend-of.
Last ep we had Good Angie and Jen against Bad Angie and kind of Whitney. Now it seems like reigning champs Good Angie and Jen have advanced to their next challenge: Danna and kind of Meredith.
But first, Jen appears in her villainry talking about how the stress of being indicted for fraud has her craving a vacation...
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...and I brace myself for some dumb ass budget locale knowing Jen can't leave the country and doesn't have a ton of money anyway, and then she reveals where she will be taking everybody, and are you ready ladies?, grab a big tote and a single carry-on duffle, because las amigas, we are flying down to San Diego town!
It gets worse, because they're staying in Good Angie's friend's house. "And it's close to the beach!" she says, beaming.
BK's Take, Peeved: We the people have had enough of these AirBnb ass vacations. Please take us somewhere where the ladies don't have to share bathrooms — I am begging! Hotels are FINE! Bravo can figure it out. They do it in Potomac all of the time!
Good Angie (who is becoming Mid Angie... she's been put on watch) and Jen decide to break the news to Meredith by FaceTime, assembling a back drop of inflatable palm trees to trick her into thinking they're somewhere tropical. (Like San Diego.)
"For all she knows, we're in Hawaii right now," Good Angie says of their setup:
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When Meredith reveals who is with her, Jen's face cracks.
Good Angie lists off the ladies who be going to San Diego — basically the main cast plus herself — before Jen cuts in. "I would invite you Danna, except I heard you were talking shit, girl."
Danna respond plainly that she doesn't like how Jen talks to people. Maybe "bullying" is not the right word, but it seems to me like Danna takes issue with the way Jen can shout down people or escalate an argument very quickly. Jen responds by hanging up and then... stomping out of the pool and yelling?
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Poor Jen. Looks like she could use a vacation. Luckily for her, we'll all be together in San Diego soon — friends, lovers, enemies, bloggers, Mid Angie, and Danna...? Thank you for reading! –BK
Gay Imagery
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I really loved this fit on Hedda. If you are someone feeling alienated by Heather's fake ass behavior this season, please get in touch with my support group.
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la-appel-du-vide · 2 months
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05•13•24 - Mother’s Day
Mother's Day was nice and on the quiet side this year. Mom requested that B and I hang up some of her family photos as a service gift to her - so we did. And it was kind of miserable, so I understand now why she wanted us to do it haha.
She mentioned wanting a new front door, so I went with Dad and Whit to pick one out. The door he got is really cute, but the paint job he did on it.... isn't. Oops. That'll have to get fixed. But it's a start!
And finally, me and my sisters took mom out for brunch and permanent jewelry as our gift to her. I was scared because I know she's not much of a jewelry person, but since this is something that we would do together, I hoped she would like it. She went through with it, and seemed to have fun, but hopefully she'll leave it on for at least a bit haha. Me and Whit got gold bracelets, and Aub and Mom got silver anklets. I've wanted a bracelet for a while but wondered if it would drive me crazy. But I was brave and went for it, so we'll see how I feel in a month or so!
On the day of Mother's Day, I brought Mom a drink and then helped Dad make dinner for her. We had brisket, salad, corn on the cob, and potato salad (I wanted to do mashed potatoes and gravy, but I got vetoed by Dad who did the shopping haha). We had dinner with Aub and Ty, and then Whit came over once she was off work for presents and games.
Overall, mostly a success. I wish Isaac could have been there, but it was close to a perfect night for her. We love our Mom, and there's no better lady on the planet.
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reginadeltrash · 7 months
There is a name for that fucking awful sensation that someone is playing a prank on you, just to make you upset when everything seems to be going smoothly?
Like, thanks, while my depression is finally subsiding I really need to be secret Santa for the girl who completely ruined what remained of my self esteem by ignoring me for a year and not inviting me to her birthday party, while the prior year I was the only one there, even fighting whit my stupid green repulsed head, to be able to eat salad, just to came to me after a year to ask if I could share my candies whit her, like nothing had happend!
Like what the hell should I even do?
Not give her a gift? Give her a bad gift purposefully (and trust when I say I could give her the worst gift possible)? Just being normal?
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What To Eat If Suffering From Gestational Diabetes?
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Gestational diabetes is a category of diabetes that seems to be tailor-made for pregnancy. However, it usually develops when you are 24 to 32 weeks pregnant and eventually, disappears after your delivery. But it is also possible to develop gestational diabetes before or after this particular time frame. Anyway, if you have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, note that diabetes during pregnancy is very much manageable — often without medication. For that, some healthy eating habits should be practiced by the mum-to-be. In today’s blog post, the highly experienced ultrasound sonographers of Window to the Womb which is often recognized as one of the best Private 4D Baby Scan clinics in Cardiff are going to reveal what to eat if a woman has been currently suffering from gestational diabetes.
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Here is a list of the best foods a woman should eat if having gestational diabetes –
      Lean proteins:
Did you know that lean proteins help you to feel full and are extremely essential building blocks for your baby’s growth? However, these include – Chicken, eggs, low-fat dairy products, turkey, fish, etc. Note that it is especially much important to eat proteins at breakfast for more stable hunger levels throughout the day. Lean proteins can even help lessen your morning sickness or the strong tendency of nausea and vomiting.
      Fresh veggies:
Veggies provide important vitamins, minerals, and fiber. However, you can consider them to be ‘freebie’ food items as they are very low in carbs as well. These include – Broccoli, cucumber, beans, onions, salad greens, etc. Try having them every day to be healthy and strong during your pregnancy.
      Healthy fats:
Healthy fats that help you feel full are extremely beneficial for both your and your baby’s heart health. Healthy fats include – avocado, nuts, seeds, olive oil, dry fruits, various nut butter, etc. As the name suggests, healthy fats are completely healthy if taken within limits during pregnancy.
      Complex carbohydrates:
If you are pregnant now, you should know that you will need some carbs for your energy, fiber, and certain nutrients also for other developmental reasons. Complex carbohydrates include – brown rice, beans, berries, sweet potatoes, yogurt, whole-whit bread, and many more.
In a nutshell, you can have everything that is not responsible to increase your blood sugar level during pregnancy. For, more information, visit our baby scan clinic in Cardiff today!
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eem-aa · 2 years
so, I will be staying one week in my grandma's town house where there is no scale.
I had been overeating fast food last week because of my period and I increased weight. I'm going to try to move and walk a lot during this week and eating less.
I'll write my progress so I don't loose motivation
CW (24/7/22): 69.9kg
CW (31/7/22): 68.7kg
I eat 809kcal today (aprox). I'm really happy because I didn't actually starve myself as I thought I would.
Indeed, I had dinner outside so I didn't control myself as much as if I had eaten in my house.
Actually I also had lunch outside but I chose fish with veggies instead of potatoes. I have to say I had some fried potatoes whit sauce aswell.
I didn't move because I slept nothing the night before so I spend half of the evening sleeping (maybe that's why I didn't feel hunger)
Tomorrow is going to be difficult because my family is making a barbacue and Thay won't accept a "no". At least I told them I'm not a fan of meat so hopefully they'll be more kind.
cal: 1224 ☠️☠️☠️
I don't have anything to say
cal: 773cal
changing lifestyle:)
Honestly Idk how I'm consuming this little amount of calories bc I'm eating 4 times a day (smth I wasn't used to before, I used to have 2 meals and somehow I ended up eating more calories at the end of the day) but all healthy snacks and food.
breakfast: 1/2 peach + black coffee
lunch: gazpacho + tomato salad with boiled potatoes + a piece of potatoe omelette + watermelon slice
snack: green tea (no sugar) + 1 peach
dinner: gazpacho (less than in lunch) + the rest of the tomato salad + bread with sardines + watermelon slice
I also see myself a little bit less bloated and I feel better with my body.
(for breakfast I had black coffee with sweetener and 1 pear)
I'll weight myself with that in my stomach so as it isn't that much I think I won't be very bloated
Im going to continue with this lifestyle and I'm going to try to do some exercise (idk how but I will)
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wuestenigel · 6 years
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Salad With White Bean, tomato, asparagus and cucumber Close-Up
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theladyofdeath · 2 years
Isn’t She Lovely {1}
Summary: Cassian, a single father, tries online dating for a one night stand and gets more than he bargains for. Nesta, a former professional ballet dancer, opens her own studio in her new hometown of Velaris and finds that she knows one of her students’ fathers from a night of utter regret.
Warnings: Mature content throughout. Language, sex, drinking, etc. NSFW.
A collab with @snelbz
A/N: Since Shelb became a mama and I started my teaching job, we hadn’t been able to write much. Now, we’re feeling good with where we are at and were able to pick up writing again not long ago - which we had missed soooo much. This is our first series since our little hiatus. I hope you all enjoy! We would love to know what you think. Chapters will be posted every Sunday and Wednesday. This is only a 10 part mini series!
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Nesta felt ridiculous, but if nothing else she needed to get laid.
To say it had been a while was an understatement and she hadn’t had the time or energy since moving to Velaris to go out and find someone the old fashioned way. It used to be easier, she swore, in high school and college to come across a cute guy and hit it off. Now, as she neared her late twenties, dating became more and more difficult.
When Feyre had suggested a dating app, Nesta thought it had been an absurd suggestion. She hadn’t let her little sister know that she downloaded said app as soon as she got back to her little house on the outskirts of town. Now, two days later, she had been matched up with and was on her way to meet a man for dinner. He was an incredibly attractive mechanic whose hobbies included restoring old cars and playing the guitar. He was twenty-eight and had abs for days, judging by his profile pictures. He seemed nice enough in the few messages they had exchanged.
For safety, though, Nesta pulled out her phone and texted her other sister, Elain.
Going on a blind date. If I go missing, we were last seen at Monelli’s.
As she parked her car in the lot behind the restaurant, Nesta’s phone vibrated.
Feyre will be pleased.
With a roll of her eyes, she was hopping out of her car and walking to the front set of doors. Monelli’s was known for their incredible Italian food and gorgeous building - a historic two story place that had been refurbished to its former glory.
It was bustling with people but for a Friday night, Nesta was not surprised. It did make it more difficult to find her date, though. She hoped she hadn’t been catfished.
That would be mortifying.
After a deep breath, Nesta entered through the front doors and walked up to the hostess.
“Good evening,” she smiled. “How many?”
Nesta hesitated. “Actually, I’m waiting for someone. Has a tall man with long, brown hair and hazel eyes come in?”
The hostess nodded over toward the bar. “He’s waiting there. I told him it’ll be about fifteen minutes for a table to open up.”
After waiting for a server carrying a tray laden down with plates piled high in delicious pastas and breads and salads, Nesta crossed the threshold into the bar. She paused, glancing down at herself. She felt absolutely ridiculous, like everyone was staring at her, which she hated unless she was on stage, lost in the music. When she danced, she couldn’t care less who watched as the rhythm flowed through her, as the beat of the song matched the beat of her heart. But right now, as she was about to go on her first normal date since she’d broken up with her piece of shit ex?
Yeah, the eyes she could feel lingering on her as she stepped into the crowded bar made her self-conscious. She never would have worn the red dress on any other occasion, never wore anything as tight or with a slit up so high on her thigh that she had to be careful how quickly she walked, lest she become a different kind of dancer entirely.
Looking around the room, ignoring the few sets of eyes she felt settle on her, she finally spotted him.
He had his back to her as he reached for his glass of whiskey, neat.
He wore fitted navy slacks with a white button down, the sleeves rolled up to reveal dark ink displayed across his forearms. That long, thick hair of his was tied at the nape of his neck.
After a moment of watching, observing, she was sitting on the stool beside him. “Cassian?”
His eyes snapped to hers, then down her body before he met her gaze once more. Nesta held her chin up high, pretending that the inside of her body wasn’t going absolutely insane.
He was far more attractive in person, and his pictures were gorgeous, so that was certainly saying something.
“Nesta,” he said, his voice low.
He held out his hand.
Nesta took it.
He brought it to his lips, his eyes remaining locked on hers.
“Nice to meet you,” he said, and before she could reply, he asked, “Drink?”
“Please,” she said, as he waved the bartender over. Nesta ordered a safe glass of white wine.
“You look gorgeous,” he said, and Nesta cleared her throat.
“Oh, thank you,” she replied, and a moment passed before she even thought to tell him that he looked nice, too. Deciding that the moment had passed and it was too late to tell him as much, Nesta said, “I’m glad we got to meet on such short notice. I hated to rush our meeting but this next week was going to be a little hectic for me.”
Cassian shrugged a single shoulder as a glass of wine was set in front of Nesta. “I don’t mind. Tonight worked well.”
He was right, it was like they were meant to meet. She’d been planning to have dinner with her sisters, but both of them had made last minute plans that morning, Elain with Nuala and Cerridwen, Feyre with her fiancé. Which left Nesta with nothing to do on a Friday night.
Until she got a message from the gorgeous man she’d matched with on that ridiculous dating app the evening before.
He’d sent a cliché opening message. She’d harmlessly flirted for a minute, and when he’d asked if she had anything special planned for tonight, she asked him to dinner.
He hadn’t responded for an hour or so, but it was the middle of the day on a Friday. Most people were at their jobs, Nesta reminded herself. But when he did, he’d accepted her offer, asking her to meet him at Velaris’ most popular restaurant.
“Nazari, table for two?”
Cassian looked over his shoulder at the hostess and stood. “Looks like our table is ready.”
Nesta nodded and stood, taking the hand that was offered to her. His skin was rough but his grip was gentle. She couldn’t help but imagine for a split second what those hands would feel like on the rest of her body.
They followed the hostess to their table and Cassian pulled out her chair like the perfect gentleman. Once she was seated, he sat opposite of her and thanked the hostess for their menus before she scurried off.
After a sip of whiskey, he opened up his menu and began looking through it. Nesta did the same, although she already knew what she wanted. The shrimp scampi was to die for.
“Been here before?” Cassian asked, eyes still on the menu.
Nesta nodded. “A couple of times. You?”
“Long time ago,” he replied.
The conversation fell away so Nesta pretended to search her menu anyway.
Five minutes later, the server appeared and Nesta ordered her pasta. Cassian ordered a rare steak with a side of penne topped with Monelli’s famous, special sauce. “You like meat?” Nesta asked.
Cassian raised a brow, as if the question itself was one of the strangest he had ever heard. “I do. So do you, it seems.”
“Not so much,” Nesta said, scrunching her nose. “Especially rare? It’s practically raw.”
“Shrimp is meat,” Cassian replied, one hand gripping his glass of whiskey.
“Not really,” Nesta said. “Shrimp is protein, but it’s far different from beef. Or chicken, for that matter.”
“So you don’t eat meat?” Cassian pushed. Then grumbled, “And judge those who do, it seems.”
“I’m not judging,” Nesta snapped, then calmed herself before continuing, “And no, I eat shellfish occasionally, and chicken, but that’s it.”
“Animal rights type of thing?” Cassian asked, sipping from his glass.
Nesta watched him for a moment then shook her head. “No, not really. I just think someone ripping into a rare steak is a bit barbaric, that’s all.” He raised his eyebrows, so she explained. “I just came off of a very strict diet that I’ve been on for a while. I’m still working normal things back into my everyday routine. So, like I said, chick and shellfish, and greens mostly.”
Cassian watched her for a moment with a stupid, subtle grin on his full lips. “You eat healthy. I like that.”
Nesta arched a brow and chose to sip from her wine glass instead of making a retort.
“I can tell,” he continued, and his eyes grazed her form-fitting dress. Nesta’s jaw locked and she swore that her cheeks reddened.
“I take care of my body,” Nesta said, at last. “You seem to do the same, even with your poor intake of raw meat.”
When he spoke next, his voice was so low that if Nesta hadn’t been following the way his lips slowly moved she would have been certain that she imagined it. “It’s crucial to stay in shape. Never know when all the clothes will be coming off.”
She lifted a brow.
He grinned as he drained his glass of whiskey.
The server brought a basket of bread but neither of them touched it.
“So, you’re a mechanic?” Nesta asked a moment later. “Run my own shop,” Cassian said, as he motioned for another glass of whiskey. “And what do you do? Your profile didn’t say.”
“I’m a dancer,” Nesta said.
Something flashed in Cassian’s eyes but it disappeared as soon as it had come. “Yeah?”
Nesta nodded, and before she could stop herself, she said, “I tour with a ballet company.”
It was a lie, of course, but it hadn’t been a lie for long.
Cassian nodded but said nothing more as a newly filled glass of whiskey appeared.
Their food came a minute later and the conversation between them had died for the majority of it.
“I can barely enjoy my steak with you sneering at it like that,” he said, using his fork to mix the bowl of greens next to his plate. “I can feel it getting colder with each second that passes.”
She had just taken a bite, her mouth full of pasta and shrimp, so she rolled her eyes, continuing to chew until she could respond. His eyes lit up at the expression on her face, and she didn’t have a chance to reply before he said, “Though I’d bet that stare could heat a few things up, too.”
Nesta had just stabbed at her food when she asked, “You’re a shameless flirt, aren’t you?”
Cassian shrugged a shoulder as he covered the remainder of his steak with his greens and took a big bite. “I say what I think.”
“No, you dance around what you’re thinking,” Nesta said, deciding she was full and needing a to go box. “You think you’re clever with all these little innuendos you keep feeding me.”
“You don’t like my innuendos?” Cassian asked, brow raised, consuming his plate with a speed that would make others think he hadn’t eaten in days.
“I suppose I’m a little more blunt than most,” Nesta said, dabbing at her mouth before folding her napkin in her lap.
“I’m not sure you want me to be blunt about what’s on my mind,” Cassian said.
“Then allow me to be blunt,” Nesta said, and fiddled with the stem of her nearly-emptied wine glass. “This isn’t going great. We have absolutely nothing in common and trying to have a steady conversation with you is like pulling teeth.”
Cassian lifted an amused brow. “But you’re attracted to me.”
Nesta didn’t deny it right away. “I shouldn’t be surprised that you think every woman is attracted to you.”
“Every woman may not be, but you are,” Cassian said, setting down his fork. “I’ve been with enough women to recognize the looks you keep giving me.”
Been with enough women. Charming, Nesta thought, but she couldn’t admit that he was right. She had come on the date knowing full well that there was a good chance this would be a dud. It wouldn’t be a complete waste of time, though, if she got something out of it.
It had been so long since she had taken control of a man for the sake of pleasure.
“Maybe so,” Nesta agreed, lifting her chin. “I won’t deny that you’re attractive, even though your communication skills could use a tremendous amount of work.”
Although meant as a jab, Cassian’s head fell back as he laughed. When he met her eyes again, the gleam in them had Nesta’s toes curling. “Lucky for you I know of something we can do that requires no conversation at all…and I’m far better at it than I am trying to string together some words to impress a haughty dancer that I thought was hot on some outdated hookup app.”
Nesta should feel offended, should slap him across the face for being rude as shit, but her heart had begun to race. Is this what got her going after almost a year of no sex? Some conceited asshole that thought he was all that and then some? Some hot conceited asshole, she corrected herself. Yeah, he was full of it, but Nesta had no doubt that he was a god in bed. And if he wasn’t? At least Nesta got a break from trying to get herself off and let somebody else at it for a night.
“So what is it you propose?” Nesta asked, running her fingers through her long, loose curls.
Cassian tracked the movement.
For a moment, Nesta thought he would push everything off the table between them and ravage her right there on the tabletop.
For a moment, Nesta wanted him to.
“I live two blocks down,” he said, his tone sending shivers down her spine. “One night, no strings attached. You look like you need to be taken care of.”
She was quiet still, eyes on him, assessing him and whether he meant what he said. She never wanted to see him again, his conceited, cocky demeanor had cemented that, but his body…
She could see the strong bands of muscle on his forearms beneath his rolled-up shirt sleeve. Knew every other part of him would be just as solid, just as muscled, and it had been a hell of a long time since she ogled someone as much as she had when she saw his dating profile.
Hell, she was so sex starved she’d even gotten off to his pictures the night before when she found him, before he’d matched with her. But she would never tell him that.
“You can leave as soon as we’re done or stay as long as you like,” he said, voice dropping low as he leaned closer to the table. “I’ve got my place to myself, a king-sized bed, and about a thousand things I want to do to you.”
Nesta sucked in her bottom lip, then drained what was left of her wine glass before saying, “Call for the check.”
With a grin, he did so. The server brought the bill and after one quick glance at it, Cassian dropped a stack of bills into the portfolio and rose to his feet. He held out his hand.
“I can pay for my own meal,” Nesta said, taking his hand and standing.
“Good date or not, I pay,” Cassian murmured in her ear, and began leading her toward the exit.
That stupid little grin remained.
It made Nesta’s knees weak.
The air had grown cool as the sun had fully faded and the moon was in its rightful place for the night. Having only lived two blocks away, Nesta had assumed he had walked, but he led her to a black truck and unlocked it, pulling open the passenger side door. He helped Nesta up inside the cab before rounding the truck and getting behind the wheel.
It was surprisingly clean, not a speck of dust to be found. It looked fairly new and smelled like leather.
They kept quiet as he pulled out of the lot and headed west, away from town. Two and a half blocks later, he pulled into the parking garage for a large brick building and stopped in a spot near a door.
Without a word being spoken, the two of them entered through that door and up a set of rickety, metal steps before going through a second door and into the halls of his apartment building.
With every step, Nesta’s heart beat a little bit faster.
A throbbing had formed between her thighs.
Cassian stopped at the elevator and pressed the call button. They waited in silence until the elevator dinged and the doors opened. Nesta entered first. Cassian followed.
He pressed the button for the sixth floor and the doors shut them inside. Once they were alone in that small, compact room, Nesta turned to look at him, to say something, anything to break the silence, but Cassian was already taking a step toward her as they began moving.
He took her slim waist into his hands and pulled her toward him.
Nesta gasped, her arm instantly finding their way around the back of his neck, the other grabbing his shirt. He took his time leaning into her, but when her fingers brushed his warm skin just above his shirt collar, he snapped.
His mouth found hers, hungrily, and Nesta quickly responded.
He tasted like whiskey - not Nesta’s first choice of drink but it certainly suited him. When his tongue brushed along hers, Nesta’s body made full contact with his, and then her skirt was being drawn up and Cassian was lifting her off the ground. Her legs wrapped around his waist and the elevator stopped, the double doors opening, once again.
Their lips never broke as Cassian carried her into the hall. He’d only taken a few steps before he stopped, fiddled with his key, and pushed open a door. Once they were inside and the front door shut, Nesta finally broke away from Cassian’s lips and, breathing heavily, asked, “Bathroom?”
Cassian blinked, his eyes glazed over from lust. It took him a moment to realize what she was asking. “Oh, uh, yeah. Down the hall, on the left.” A beat passed before he set her down and Nesta scurried down the hallway.
Clicking the door shut behind her, Nesta quickly smoothed out her hair and touched up her makeup, knowing full well they were about to be a disaster, but appearances were very important to her. After popping a mint, she unlocked the door behind her and began to walk down the hall.
A cracked door caught her eye and, although she knew she shouldn’t, she gently pushed the door open.
Pink. It was an explosion of pink and sparkles and…dinosaurs. The last items didn’t quite fit with the rest of the decor, but there was even a stuffed, pink dinosaur placed lovingly atop the pillows of the twin sized bed.
Realizing asking about the room would only make their hookup a fuck-ton more complicated, Nesta pulled the door shut again and headed for the entry where she’d left him.
Setting her purse on the counter, she found him standing in the middle of the living room, gazing out the window, a glass of something Nesta would have bet her life on was whiskey dangling from his fingers.
Nesta walked up behind him and said, “Quite a view you have.”
“It’s why I got the place,” he muttered, and slowly turned to face her. His eyes flashed when they connected with hers, but her eyes soon trailed down to his shirt, where he had undone half the buttons, revealing his strong, inked chest.
“Can I get you a drink?” he asked, voice low as Nesta closed the distance between them and placed her palm gingerly against his chest. His heart was beating wildly.
She shook her head and pulled her hair back, off of her shoulders. She slid the strap of her dress down and then the other. Cassian watched silently, intently as he raised his glass to his lips and took a drink.
She liked the way he was watching her, thrived on the fire, the lust, the need in his eyes.
Especially when she slipped her dress down further, revealing her breasts to him.
She could still feel his lips on hers, the taste of the whiskey still dancing around the edge of her senses. His eyes, which she’d noticed after far too much time looking at his pictures were usually a sparkling hazel, were nearly wholly black, and his tongue darted out to wet his bottom lip.
Slowly, teasingly, he reached up and brushed a callused finger over her nipple. The throb in her core pulsed and she sucked in a breath through her teeth as his finger circled one nipple and then the other.
He was teasing her, playing with her, and usually, Nesta was on board with the game. But tonight, she wasn’t in the mood.
Before he could react, before he could grab her and take control, her fingers knitted into his hair, just beneath that nub of a ponytail, and she crashed her lips against his once more.
Her dress was off and tossed aside like an old, filthy rag in a matter of seconds before Cassian carried her through his apartment and to his bed where he laid her down.
At the foot of his bed, Cassian stripped down and climbed on top of her, careful not to crush her with his weight before fucking her senseless well into the night.
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oldtimesart · 3 years
I like memes....I like MEMES TOO DAM MUCH SO HAVE WIP OF THEM whit cookies >:3 XD
The salad meme comes from @wafflebot-hangar
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hexandbalances · 3 years
Lughnasadh 2021
I find myself interested in celebrating Lughnasadh this year for the first time. I currently don’t subscribe to the metaphysics of Wicca nor necessarily follow the Wheel of the Year (though I observe solstices, equinoxes, and Samhain will always have a dear spot in my heart). But I have slowly developed an appreciation for the early harvest through folk horror: the God in the Corn (to whit we should mention that in British English, “corn” refers to any type of grain but especially wheat), the weaving of wheat, and the making of corn dollies. 
My Samhain-planted garlic had an accidental companion crop of wheat from the seeding straw I laid down. I decided to set it aside and have picked up wheat weaving as part of my practice. If I end up with a harvest next year I may sell the extras.
Pull-apart bread made with garlic and herbs from the garden
A salad of late summer greens, peach, feta, prosciutto, and blueberries.
Oxtail braised and slow cooked in a cauldron dutch oven with red wine and herbs, topped with an apple relish and served over polenta. The meat is so tender just looking at it sternly will make it slip of the bone - set the bones aside for making broth or sauces.
Blackberry and blueberry cobbler - a peak summer crop from my coven mate’s garden. I am hoping in the coming years that the thicket of wild blackberry slowly taking over my garden will produce enough for a dish.
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academiagaymess · 3 years
French kiss
A/N: So here we go again 3rd fic of my French!reader. This one is more on Agatha P.O.V Idk feels easier like that 🤷🏻‍♂️ these two idiots finally confess their feelings. Enjoy internet!
TW: Agatha is a tease // mention of smut // french swearing // alcool.
Summary: Agatha wants to spend time whit her favorite french but she also wants the scarlet witch powers ... Why the life of a powerful evil witch is so complicated ?! 80's setting
Agatha paces nervously in her basement.
" What did I need to do? "
Her interlocutor, a demon bunny, just keeps eating salad.
" You are not helping Señor Scratchy! Wanda and Vision have kids now ... Created ones! Childs always come whit an emotional whirlwind I can mess up whit Wanda in so many ways! But there is also y/n she is just so vulnerable and perfect, yesterday we dance together " she sighs dreamily the bunny only growls " so let's just suppose I ask her to hang out today ... It's will be our third date right? And people's kiss on their third date didn't they ?"
Wanda and Vision twins started to cry, the red head was more carefree whit her magic and it's was easier for the brunette to set up her plan. She has work to do but before she can put a show for her lovely neighbor. She cast an awesomely hot sport set and go outside.
Y/n was listening to the radio on her porch, she quickly notices Agatha who faking stretched looking the young gal in the eyes. The french notice and blush furiously dropping her mug.
" Merde ! "
Well, that wasn't a nice language for someone cute like you think the witch. But her little plan work and you storm back inside your house looking like a flustered mess. Agatha gonna love this episode. Her WandaVision plan work perfectly well she even has an idea for your date. But before she needs to kill a dog, for the WandaVision plan of course! She's not a monster. But something went slightly wrong when y/n, coming back from groceries, notice her practice fake crying she rush over.
" Agnes! Are you ok? "
Gosh ... Wasn't you adorable?
" Y/n " she sobs " It's Sparky ... "
" Oh no the twin's dog! " you cover your mouth whit your hands.
Agatha's heart sinks. For you, it's was perfectly normal that the boys are already 10 and knowing their dog name. Sometimes the older woman forgets you were also trapped in the Hex ... She promises herself that when she's have stolen Wanda's powers she will save you.
" Can I do something? "
The brunette blink, she was still silent too long and you were truly worried.
" Oh no, it's all my fault ... gonna wait for Wanda and ... Explain the situation. "
" Ok " you played with the end of your selves and mumble something in french.
" What? "
" I ... I said that it was a beautiful evening and maybe we could have a pique nique to light up your mood. "
Oh that cute accent, Agatha would never grow tired of listening to you. She can't wait to hear that lovely accent in a more intimate context.
" That a wonderful idea! Thank you so much sugar. "
You ask if you can kiss her on the cheek (conscentment is sexy peoples). She laughs and nods, you boldly peek on her cheek and run away to the groceries you had let felt on the floor seeing Agnes in pain. Like by magic your bags were even better than when you get out of the grocery store. So you pick it up and go home.
Agatha has the time to make the boys cry, plant the seed inside Wanda's mind that she can bring back people to life, and find that idiotic fake Pietro. Now she was planning her date she made appear some white french wine and set up her garden. You arrived a later wearing an awesome outfit. The witch was wearing a white blouse whit a black jacket and black pants. You sat delicately at her side and she poor you some wine. The two of you enjoyed the evening when Agatha look you in the eyes and say
" I really want to kiss you. "
During a second her eyes glow purple but you were too busy choking on your wine to notice.
" You what? "
" I " she repeats slowly " find you beautiful and can't stop thinking about your pretty lips that I really want to kiss. "
She ghost stroke your bottom lip whit her thumb and you shyly nodded. So she kisses you, soft but feisty. The witch bites your bottom lip causing you to moan. It was her new favorites sound. She takes advantage of your parted mouth to make her tongue explore you. Her slightly rugged hands cup your cheek, your skin was so soft, Agatha gonna need more of you soon. Unfortunately, you push away after a couple of minutes to catch some air.
" Wow, c'était ... C'était merveilleux ! "
Agatha laughed and caress your cheek again.
" Yes, it was. "
Your third date was a success.
It's 3 am, I'm gonna sleep 😴 love you y'all
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ratty9boy · 3 years
A ford crown Victoria 1955 is parked outside a Mcdonald’s, the sun is barely set, and the sidewalks are pretty much empty except for the few people walking to work, and the man seated in the ford who’s smoking.
Hans looks around waiting for Aldo to come out of the McDonalds whit what they call breakfast but any other sane person would call planned suicide.
who did ever heard of eating greasy hamburgers that don’t even manage to taste like real meat and artificially flavored milkshakes for the indisputably most important meal of the day, moreover at Hans’s age, he was going to have a heart attack before even reaching 50 whits this pace.
But it was quicker than trying to make some decent breakfast in the shitty motels, the USA government was so kind to pay for them and easier than trying to do that in a car, where they often were forced to sleep during their trips around the states.
One of those nights when they were crammed inside the ford, was last night, and Hans’s back was still sore from it, he stuck the cigarette between his lips and stretched, groaning softly at how his sore back protested at the sudden movement.
He took the last drag of what remained of his cigarettes before tossing it outside the car window in time to see Aldo exit the Mcdonald holding two bags and two milkshakes precariously in his arms.
Hans opened the door of the car on his side as Aldo approached and let the two bags fall on his lap before handing him over his milkshake.
Hans groaned as he looked at the grease-stained brown bags laying on his lap, that was going to stain.
“...what now?
Aldo asked as he took a sip of his milkshake and walked to the other side of the car and got in.
“You just ruined my pants…”
The other man laughed as he grabbed his bag from Hans’s lap.
“Don’t be dramatic, those were ugly anyway”
“No, they weren’t you just have an absurdly bad sense of fashion-”
Hans was interrupted by Aldo
“ah-ah...watch it Landa...stuff yer mouth whit the burger or I’m leaving you in this hole”
Hans grumbled as he did what Aldo recommended him to do, chewing silently on the tasteless meat and soggy salad, ignoring the smug smirk Aldo was giving him.
“Ever been to Baltimora?” Aldo asked him, while he to chewed on his burger
“Mh...guess ya might like it ‘s full of Maryland snobs”
“But I’m not from Maryland-”
“I am aware...but ya are a snob”
Hans rolled his eyes before taking another bite of the burger
“I don’t know why I’m still bothering to try and lead a conversation with you”
Aldo shrugged as he finished his meal, cleaning his hands with a paper towel before getting out a road map and starting to study it.
“Cause’ we are stuck together...and if ya don’t want us both going crazy….we gotta keep talking”
Hans didn’t reply, didn’t feel like bothering himself to do that as he too finished breakfast.
“So...if I’m right it should take us 40...50 minutes to arrive...our dear employers booked us a room so we have time to take a shower before going to meet our new friend” Aldo voiced his thoughts while laying the map on his tights.
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misforgotten2 · 3 years
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To be clear, as a westerner I can state emphatically that I don’t give one whit how colorful my salad is.
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