#which was REALLY funny. love that for him. what a good mc. they get back together but still
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obstinaterixatrix · 1 year ago
A man named Lee Jung-yool appears out of nowhere in Han Gitae's detective agency, and Gitae suddenly finds himself under threats to cooperate with his plans…! What exactly is the massive conspiracy that involves the two of them? And what will become of these two?
this one’s a short 14 chapter m/m I really enjoyed—packs a lot of action and drama in a pretty compressed length, plus the art & atmosphere is really good. (I was a little lost when it came to the political intrigue and police drama, but it wasn’t what I was there for anyway) (also it’s actually read left to right, and I think I kept getting tripped up by that). still, the vibes grabbed me because they’re like
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the vibes are really
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good for folks who want to read somewhat rancid vibes, but not hardcore rancid vibes. it’s dysfunctional!
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zoe-oneesama · 3 months ago
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The Kwamis! Some of these came easier than others, but since Angelic Layer has no magic involved, all the kwamis became human~ They won't be very prevalent, they're mostly here to fill in background character roles - shop clerks, MCs Tournament Directors, fans - so they won't have a whole lot of speaking roles (aside from, you know, the MCs who're there to commentate on the fights lol). But I thought I'd give them all a nice nod in the story somewhere.
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As expected, Tikki and Plagg are the main MCs. Marinette and Adrien's fights will be going on concurrently so Tikki will be commentating Marinette's fights while Plagg commentates on Adrien's. They'll have the most dialogue of the kwamis, so I do want them to have unique ways of discussing what they're seeing.
Pollen will be working directly for the Bourgeois'. As a VIP with a direct relationship with the international director of Angelic Layer, Chloe has her own private practice layer in her home and Pollen is in charge of it's upkeep and maintenance. She matches Armand the Bulter's levels of competence.
Trixx is a Rena Rouge mega fan. They've been following Alya's blog for as long as they can remember and are mega stoked that Alya moved to their city. When Alya starts to doubt herself, it's Trixx's voice that can be heard cheering her on to not give up.
Nooroo and Duusu are servants in the Agreste Estate. Unknown to Adrien, they are fully aware of his sneaking around to play and the two do what they can to make excuses and deflect Nathalie when Adrien isn't where he's supposed to be. They're rooting him on from the shadows!
Wayzz is the adult son of Marianne and Fu. He brings them to Angelic Layer fights against his will because the two really enjoy them. The two seem to be really invested in Ladybug and Chat Noir's career (and the behind the scenes shenanigans that they secretly spy on).
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Longg is Kagami's bodyguard. Like Nooroo and Duusu, they are fully aware of what Kagami is doing behind her mother's back and feigns ignorance when Kagami pulls something..."sneaky" to get to a fight secretly.
Here's where we get into some existing jobs from the show:
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Orikko and Kaalki are the "Layer Hot Girls (and boy)". lol I just thought it was funny that Angelic Layer even has them.
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Mullo is the sales clerk at the Princess Piffle store (the store where you can buy your Angel and all the accessories). All of them lol. Mullo and her many many sisters who look just like her.
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Barkk and Fluff take similar but still different roles (the uniforms are ALMOST the same but there are some tiny differences). So Barkk is the receptionist at the Practice Ring (literally you pay to reserve a mini-layer to practice on) while Fluff is the waitress/cashier at the cafeteria at the Tournament Center.
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(and back to making shit up lol)
Daizzi is a nurse where Rose goes to the hospital and she has segmental localized vitiligo. Rose is particularly close to Daizzi since she helps Rose make her donations to the hospital.
Sass is the backstage directory, aka, the guy who makes things run. He has an earpiece that has the same diamond pattern as his pants on it! The anime does show one person who helps backstage, but I wanted to have a little fun with Sass's look and tie in to him being "in charge" of the kwamis.
Ziggy works at Socqueline's family art supply shop, which is frequented by Angelic Layer players who are on a bit of a budget. They love talking with the customers about their angels, though mostly the design part.
Stompp is Ivan's foster mother and Roarr his foster sister (Stompp's bio-daughter). I actually didn't think of what kind of job this outfit would be good for, but I think she'd make a good security guard - usually working at rock concerts, which she bonds with Ivan over, but she's also been hired for Angelic Layer tournaments. Sometimes sore losers get a little...violent.
Roarr falls in love with Juleka's Angel Purple Tigress immediately thanks to her pre-existing love of tigers in general. She's even bold enough to proclaim her love to Juleka herself!
Xuppu is Ondine's sibling and a fan of King Monkey, though they'll go out of their way to make fun of Kim himself. Secretly, they're very invested in Kim's career and get very upset on his behalf when he loses.
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rcvcgers · 11 days ago
Rotten Apples, pt. 4
masterlist , series masterlist , ao3 link
part one , part two , part three , part five , part six
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pairing: caleb x non!mc reader
synopsis: caleb tries his best to apologize but you don't let him. a trip to linkon is what you need! you run into an old friend.
word count: 9.3k words
warnings: extreme loathing, kinda funny, MELANCHOLIC AND SAD, a good mix of everything! mentions of death! not proofread! READER IS MESSY AF
author's note: hi everyone! thank you so much for all the love on the previous parts! please like & leave comments! i love seeing what you have to say! (part 5 is for my smutty girls though ;) just a heads up!)
content warning: sloppy kiss between caleb & reader...tongues.
a big big big big thank you to leura who helped me out with this part! show them some love over on their blog @militaryapple
my rotten apples <3 : @kebarney , @pinkismyfavcolor , @romils , @erisnxxi , @rik0shii , @reni502 , @spacehopper27 , @llamabois , @likesvader , @pandoras-rabbit , @princessfruit , @lukassafespace , @jexireads , @etsuniiru , @tinnyrabbit , @orianakira , @xiaorixx , @beomluvrr , @sanzy4 , @vickykazuya , @blcknebula , @sleepydang , @flamedancer13 , @gojosbedwarmer , @silmeria-lafleur , @ikiru-wa , @animecrazy76 , @fealy , @jexizia , @i-messed-up-big-time , @motheraiya55 , @vvonunie , @1uv4jiya , @yuuuumii , @okumurarinsbabe , @mcdepressed290 , @luleck , @sanzy4 , @lucifers-silhouette , @crazygirl3001 , @april-likes-smut , @kazbrkker , @l1ttlebabyapple , @writersandroses , @kookie-my-little-sunshine , @curryexpress , @earthykitsunesrain , @raining4food , @chaoticbardlady99 , @young-adult-summer , @bitchyzombienacho , @danicareadssmut , @empressil , @kesiiahthompson
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How does one react to their ex-childhood best friend showing up and ruining a date that’s also not a date that you’re on with your other ex-childhood best friend that you secretly liked then hated then when he showed back up after his supposed death your feelings for him have become so utterly complicated that you can’t comprehend if he actually likes you or not?
No, really, how do you react to that in a completely normal way?
The question kept you up for hours on end, lingering in the depths of your mind as you tried your best to feel like a human being again after your disastrous night with Caleb and Her.
Your dreams were infested with images of her smug smile and the way she showed up unannounced. You know that her motivations aren’t pure. They are full of hate and are malicious.
Do people change? Yes. They do. Sometimes they change for the worse instead of getting better.
The image of her smug expression haunts your mind. She floats into your thoughts. Caleb didn’t even try to hide the fact that they were, allegedly, temporarily living together. Her hunter business brought her to Skyhaven for whatever reason, which he also didn’t give, and it ended with you passed out on the floor of your apartment with an empty wine bottle in hand.
The morning after the date-that’s-also-not-a-date went wrong, you were quite hungover. You sat up from your floor in complete and utter pain, shuddering from the morning light that struck your eyes like daggers. A silent hiss escaped your lips as you army crawled into the kitchen. Trying to pull yourself up to the kitchen sink was a struggle in itself.
Your legs kept giving out on you. You succumbed to the floor plenty of times. Groans and cries filled the quiet apartment, your fingers scraping against the cabinets. After an hour, you finally got a good grip on the edge of the sink, gasping as you pulled up your basically dead body, and flicked on the water. Your dry mouth was met with crisp, ice cold water. Your morning long thirst had been quenched.
You felt unstoppable! That is, until your phone started ringing…from the opposite side of the apartment.
That trek was less strenuous thanks to the oasis that is your kitchen sink. Once your phone was in your hand, you felt the surge of another victory bubble from within your uneasy stomach.
The feeling was quickly shot down when Darryl’s name flashed across your screen.
“Hello?” Your throat is raw from dehydration.
“Where are you?!” Darryl’s voice booms from the other end of the call. You move the phone away from your face and wince. You put the call on speaker and set it on the floor next to you.
“I think I’m going to need to cash in one of my sick days…” You crumble to the floor and ball up into the fetal position.
This is one nasty ass hangover.
“A Colonel is here asking for you.”
Your body shocks to life. The nausea you once felt fades into nothingness. You force your body upright and stare at Darry’s name on the screen.
What the fuck did he just say?
“What the fuck did you do?” Darryl yells at you through the phone.
“I didn’t do anything!” You immediately retort. “I’m going to use a sick day today. I’ll work overtime tomorrow! Okay! Bye!” You hang up the phone and slide it across the floor, landing in the bathroom.
Minutes pass. Silence fills your apartment.
Did…did Caleb come looking for you?
You shake your head at the thought. It could literally be any other colonel! There’s Colonel Heath and don’t forget about that time you helped Colonel Diana on a top secret project! Yeah! Diana was the one who reached out to you!
Not the insanely hot guy from your childhood that you’re supposed to hate but can’t help but salivate over when you think of him in his uniform.
Yeah! No! It totally isn’t Caleb who you ran away from last night!
There’s a knock at your door. You aren’t expecting anyone…who could it be? Your legs still feel like jelly but you push through, wobbling to the door. pressing up against the door with a rough landing, you peer out the peep hole to see a head of black hair in front of it.
The man’s posture straightens and his deep purple eyes seemingly lock onto yours. He’s in that damn Colonel uniform too. You gasp and push away from the door. Stumbling backward, and in a good stroke of luck, you tip onto the couch and yelp, covering your mouth.
Caleb calls out your name, his voice muffled through the door. His knocks are more feverish now. Your body flinches with every knock.
“Hey…I know you’re in there. I’m sorry about last night,” Caleb’s voice doesn’t bring you the solace and comfort it used to. “Can we please talk? I can explain everything.” You don’t respond.
Why should you? He’s the one who put you through so much god damn emotional turmoil. Years of being led on and his innate sense to always go to her has messed with your head. Your last therapist could barely make sense of things when you explained it to her.
“Alright…I get it. You need distance. That’s fine. I’ll be here…you have my number. Oh, and I brought you some food…I think there’s good chance you’re hungover.” Caleb sounds…defeated. It’s a strange thing to have to listen to. Usually he’s this upbeat, happy-go-lucky guy that always knows what to do or say to make things better.
But you…you have officially stumped Caleb.
He has never felt so lost in his life. He knew that he was in this position because he couldn’t have a backbone when it came to her. That’s his fault.
Caleb wishes he could explain to you that he asked her to leave. He even took her to a hotel where she can stay for the rest of the stay. And the cherry on top?
He didn’t pay for it!
His eyes stare at the door’s peephole. He squints, wanting to see any kind of movement within the very minuscule amount of light that seeps through. There’s nothing, though, so he sets the large plastic bag of food down onto the floor. The Colonel hesitates for a split second, swearing that he hears something behind the door.
Again, nothing.
This is a routine that the two of you fell into over the course of a month.
Caleb showed up, unannounced and unwanted of course, and placed a token of his affection by your door. Some days it was greasy food for the hangovers you were bound to have when you went out with friends, other times it was flowers for an achievement you got at work.
Every time he knocked on the door, you hid in your bedroom, tucked away under the covers, silently begging for him to go away.
When he eventually left, after begging for a solid twenty minutes to see you and your beautiful face, you creeped outside the door to see what he left behind.
The days you were feeling low, Caleb left you comfort food and a note that said he’s proud of you for pushing through the day.
The weekends were usually the days he came to bring you flowers. He brought a different kind every day and somehow managed to get them wrong every single time. You didn’t even waste another second looking at them before dumping them down your hallway’s trash chute.
There was a time when Caleb dropped of an expensive bouquet of roses. You caught him right before he snuck into the elevator like the stalker he is. You picked up the bouquet and signaled for him to stay where he was, putting the brightest and most plastic looking smile on your face.
The look on his face was priceless! Caleb inched closer to your apartment, a smile slowly growing on his face. His smile died when you stepped out of the apartment with the bouquet in one hand, scissors in the other. You snipped every single rose, letting them fall to the ground before you slammed the door behind you.
His constant acts of affection were, quite frankly, getting on your nerves. It didn’t help that your neighbors kept banging on your door asking for you to clean up the messes he left behind. Now that was just tedious.
You should have left a note for Caleb to clean up the mess he made.
One day, you were late for a team dinner that Darryl was throwing to celebrate his promotion. How he got promoted, you’d never know. At least he wouldn’t be bothering you anymore. That’s all that matters.
You swung the door open, headphones over your ears, and jumped at the sight of a blue and orange box. It was small in your hands. A small jingling sound came from the inside when you shook it.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw movement. Caleb dipped behind a couple waiting for the elevator. You raised an eyebrow and walked to the elevator, watching as his eyes grew bigger and bigger.
The elevator dinged right when you shoved the box into his chest, crushing the small, glass butterfly he had bought for you.
Caleb’s eyes fixated on the eye bags under your eyes. They were heavily sunken into your skin and were a deep purple color. Even your cheekbones popped out. You slowly blinked at him, your body slightly swaying despite there being no wind inside the hallway. 
To Caleb, you looked like a shell of yourself. A phantom that sucked the soul straight out of your body, leaving behind a semblance of the woman he’s grown so fond of despite you throwing all of his effort back into his face.
“Take the stairs.” You told him before disappearing into the elevator. The doors slowly closed and he watched as you wiped a tear out from under your eye. The sad thing is that he obeyed your order like the lovesick puppy he is, dying to catch a glimpse of you before you disappeared into a taxi.
Are you not taking care of yourself? Have you not been eating the food I’ve gotten you? Do I need to take matters into my own hands? His thoughts began to race as soon as you were out of sight.
Caleb wanted to rip his heart out of his chest and hand it to you if it would mean that you would forgive him for what he’s done. If you wanted him to kill a thousand Wanderers, he would do it. Hell, he even managed to get Darryl fired for you after overhearing you talk about how much you hated him.
Caleb is ready to give you the world. All you have to do is say the word and he’ll spend the rest of his days, all the way until his dying breath, to make it a reality for you.
It’s been a month since the disastrous date night, not that you were counting the days or anything.
You totally still aren’t heartbroken over the fact that they have ruined your self esteem and essentially made you a hermit. Isolation was the only way you were able to feel comfortable in your own skin and yet it was so incredibly lonely to be stuck with your own degrading thoughts with Caleb serving as a constant reminder as to why you’re only good enough to be someone’s second choice.
Never the first.
“You’re coming, right?” Your friend shouts from over the phone. “You better get on the train! You are not missing out on my bachelorette party just because you don’t want to run into him!”
Your laugh is half-genuine as you shove clothes into your suitcase, not even bothering to fold them because you simply do not have the energy to do it.
“I’m leaving in ten minutes for the train right now, I promise.” the suitcase struggles to zip shut but you eventually get it to close after sitting on it. It crashes into the ground and you shriek, stumbling next to to it. You barely manage to catch yourself, your first laugh in a month fleeing your mouth.
The sound shocks you. You go silent, hand covering your glossed lips, and laugh some more.
You didn’t know you could do that anymore! It had been so long since you’ve heard the crackle in your laugh, the way you could sense the joy within the sound even if it came from a clumsy mistake.
“Are you okay?” Your friend’s voice lulls you back into the room. You nod despite her being unable to see it and laugh again, covering your mouth. She laughs. “Alright then, I’ll see you in a few hours!”
Your suitcase suddenly feels light when you pick it up from the ground. Has all of your depression finally left you body? Are you starting to feel whole again after feeling so worthless?
You slide the suitcase across the floor and slip your shoes on with a blossoming smile. Things are finally starting to look up for you! Hell, even your shoes slipped on with ease instead of you struggling to put them on for ten minutes! Maybe you could get a coffee before you hop on the train out of Skyhaven!
The front door is pulled back and you are ready to brace the day with a smile on your face when—!
Caleb. He’s here. At your door. With another bouquet of flowers.
Your smile falls from your face and any oxygen that was once in your lungs has been sucked out by his presence. The only thing you can do is stare up and into his violet eyes. He holds out the bouquet to you, daisies to be exact, and the white petals burn into your soul.
“These are for you,” Caleb takes your hand and you’re unable to stop him. He slips the bouquet into your fingers and you stare at the skin he touches, a burning feeling imprinting into your skin. “I just wanted to come by and—”
“Beg for a second chance? Again? I’m not interested, Caleb,” you push forward, your suitcase sliding right into his calves. He doesn’t flinch. Caleb watches as you wiggle your way out of your apartment, slamming the door shut, and shoving the key into the hole.
“No, that’s not it, actually,” he says with a chuckle. He moves your luggage to his side, watching as your lock up. When you turn around, you snatch the handle back from him, creating distance between you two. “I’m leaving for a week long patrol in the Deepspace Tunnel. I just wanted to see your face before I go.”
“Well,” you huff, shoving the suitcase in front of you, hauling it down the elevator, “you saw it. You can leave now.”
“Can you please just…hey! Talk to me!” Caleb quickly follows after you. He uses your Evol to cement your luggage to the ground. You tug on the handle. When it doesn’t budge, you turn and glare at him.
If only you had an Evol. Maybe then you’d return the favor by striking him with lightning or maybe you’d suck all the air from his lungs and make him gasp for air.
Okay…maybe not. That’s a little violent.
“Let me go, Caleb.”
“All I’m asking for is five minutes of your time…please. I need this,” Caleb steps towards you. He softly grabs your wrist. You don’t immediately pull away, eyes fixated on his. Your bottom lip trembles. Your heart thumps behind your ribs and butterflies erupt in your stomach. The scent of his cologne fills your nose, pulling you out of your trance.
This is not supposed to happen. You’re supposed to be over him, not falling in love all over again!
“You’re pathetic, Caleb.”
Your words are venom. They burn into his skin and for once: Caleb is silent. There is no comeback. There is no funny one liner that he can say to diffuse the situation. There is not a single god damn thing he can do or say to get your malice to disappear.
“This past month has been hard on me. Your constant gifts and notes at my door make me feel nothing but irritation. You’ve ruined so many of my days simply by being here. All I wanted you to do was leave me alone. And you couldn’t even do that.”
Caleb blinks away the stinging feeling in his eyes. His lips part and you can’t help but look away, your eyes turning glossy.
“I need to be alone. That means I don’t want to see you. I don’t want to be reminded of you and I especially don’t want to hear your voice through my door begging for a second chance. I’m done, Caleb.”
“That’s not fair—”
“You know what wasn’t fair? Was having to be your third wheel throughout my entire childhood,” your voice trembles, rising in volume. You smack the area over your heart, tears now rolling down your cheeks. “I have always been your second choice. You know I basked in the days you gave me your attention when she was sick and stayed home from school? It felt so good to be in your light, to be someone who actually meant something to you. And now all I get are the scraps that she didn’t want. Wake up, Caleb! I’m done!”
His Evol releases your luggage and you turn to the elevator. White petals catch your eye and your step hesitates for a brief second, halting you. You stare the bouquet, the yellow bulbs in the center mocking you. Without wasting another second, you storm back over to Caleb, whose shoulders slump and his eyes are on the ground. You smack the bouquet into his chest.
“I don’t even like daisies,” a quiet sob flees your mouth. Caleb’s once bright eyes darken. He stares at you, fists balled at his sides, unable to tear his gaze away from yours. His breath grow heavier the longer you stand there.
He doesn’t say anything. It unsettles you. All he does is walk around you, slamming the stairwell door open, and evaporates into the darkness.
You need to get away from Caleb. From Skyhaven. Suddenly, your friend’s bachelorette party seems like the perfect place to escape for the weekend.
Linkon is brighter than you remember. It’s sunny with a crisp wind that carries your hair in different directions. The city is a lot different too. Restaurants and shops you once knew are now gone, replaced with big chains, but there are a few standout smaller places that catch your eye.
The path from the train station to your parents’ house is the same, much longer than you anticipated, but is the same regardless. On the way home, you decide to stop by your favorite mom-and-pop shop. You were hooked on their candies as a kid.
Their sweet and salty chocolate caramels melted in your mouth. They have the most perfect chocolate truffles that paired so well with their homemade fruit tarts. During the summer, they worked with the ice cream parlor next door and combined their sweet treats for the perfect combination.
As soon as you see the red and white stripes of their shop, your pace quickens, feet traveling even faster. A sweet treat never hurt anybody, right? Besides, you need some chocolate and caramel clusters to fill in the void that Caleb carved into your soul.
The suitcase’s wheels try their best to keep up with you, dragging along the sidewalk with loud scrapes. The shop’s sign grows bigger and bigger with every step you take.
You’re so close to the sweet taste of victory. Your hand reaches for the door, about to snatch the handle and burst inside, when the door swings right into you, the wood hitting the dead center of your forehead.
Your body tips backward, suitcase rolling away and towards the street. The concrete isn’t a nice bed to land on. The back of your head smacks against the concrete and your vision goes black.
Holy shit, you think, did I just go blind?
Commotion stirs from all around you and the culprit drops to your side. His voice is muffled and you can barely make out a word she’s saying. She raises her voice and you wince, the volume causing your instant headache to worsen into a migraine. A man’s voice replaces her panicked muffles.
A hand sneaks under your back, slowly sitting you up from the ground. Sunlight breaks through the darkness, your eyes slowly focusing on the figure in front of you.
His head blocks the sun from your eyes, specks of dust illuminating as they float by, a pair of sharp hazel-green eyes focusing on you from behind glass and thin metal frames. The man moves in slow motion, your lips parting, as he checks out your pupils. His black hair falls over his forehead and he leans in. He smells like fresh laundry and an icy day. The scent is comforting to you.
“Follow my finger,” his voice is unemotional. He holds a single finger up and in front of your face. He moves it from left to right but your eyes don’t move. He says your name and a piece of your dead heart awakens, a flurry of hope and sweetness tingling on your tongue.
“Zayne?” You whisper. Are you seeing things again? Or has another childhood friend suddenly entered your life during a time of need?
“You may have a concussion. Please, allow me to take care of you.”
Take care of you.
You nod, eyes following his finger back and forth. Another digit sprouts up and you immediately say “two” without him needing to ask. The corner of his lips perk up for a split second before falling again.
“Where did you come from?” He asks.
The people around you begin to disperse, moving on with their day. The woman who hit you stays behind, though, nervously chewing on her nails while watching Zayne assess you.
“The train station.”
“Further back.”
His hazel eyes are softer than you remember. The green hues fight with the yellow and brown tones, ending with a delicate balance that you always liked to look at when you were kids. He still wears glasses, no contacts for him, and his shoulders are so broad.
“What’s my name again?”
“Zayne,” you exhale. He nods and rises to his feet. He extends a lightly scarred hand to you, which you take, as he helps you from the ground. Zayne turns to the woman beside you. His fingers curl around your elbow and he pulls you to his side.
“She will be fine. I’ll take her from here. You may leave,” Zayne tells the woman. His voice doesn’t falter. It remains steady and it puts your heart at ease.
“I’m so sorry…” the woman stares at you but you wave her away with a smile.
“It’s okay. It happens to all of us,” you try your best to reassure her even though no, this does not happen to all of us. You just happen to be one unlucky girl.
The woman nods and bows her head in shame, scurrying away. Your eyes follow her but Zayne steps in front of you. You tilt your chin up and cock your head to the side. His features are as sharp as ever. The tip of his nose brings his whole face together, matching the thin metal rims of his glasses.
“I see you’re still clumsy,” Zayne blinks at you. You take a second to process his words.
“I wouldn’t really say that I’m clumsy,” you quip back, “I’m just…very unfortunate with the timing of things.” Zayne’s eyebrow perks up.
It’s silent. The two of you stare at each other as the world passes you by. The difference from your previous experience with another person from your past is that this feels comfortable. You feel safe, that if anything were to happen, Zayne would stick by your side and protect you.
He wouldn’t run away to go find a certain someone and make sure that she’s okay first before chasing you.
“How have you been, Zayne?” You fill in the silence, placing your suitcase in front of your body. He watches, his careful gaze noticing every little detail, before they’re drawn back to you.
“I’ve been well. And you? I heard you are a successful translator for the DAA.” You can’t help but chuckle at his words. His brows knit together and he takes a step towards you. “Did I…say something wrong? Are you not translating?”
“No! No, I am translating, I mean, so yes to that,” you stumble over your words like a girl who has a crush on him. You clear your throat and rub the red mark on your forehead, the dull ache behind your eyes making you want to curl up and disappear since you can’t even form a coherent sentence. “I wouldn’t call myself successful, though. Unless you count success as sitting in a cubicle all day and doing whatever work they give you.”
“You complete projects with no problem. To me, that is the definition of success,” Zayne gently moves your hand off of the suitcase handle, his fingers curling around the small bar. His hand looks comedically large against it.
It has you wondering what his hand looks like compared to his medical tools during surgery.
“Where are you staying?” He asks the question so casually. It’s…comforting.
“At my parents’ house. I’m housesitting for them. Hey, do you remember Isabelle?” You move to Zayne’s side. He nods and hums in response. The two of you start walking in the direction of your house, which isn’t too far away from Downtown Linkon. “Well, it’s her bachelorette party this weekend and she had decided for me to go, so naturally my parents decides it’s a great time to go on a weekend vacation themselves.”
“Ah. I see. They deserve a good break. It’ll be good for you to have some time alone outside of the bachelorette party as well.” Zayne doesn’t look at you while he speaks and yet you feel so seen. You nod and look forward, a smile spreading across your face.
The walk home is beautiful. The trees sway with the wind, pastel petals flying and swirling around the two of you. You reach a hand out and catch one. The delicate pale pink petal rests in your hand. You hold your palm out to Zayne to show him.
“It’s a petal.”
“Yes, yes it is.”
“Observational as always, Zayne.” That earned a quiet chuckle from him. He sped up in front of you, leaving you behind to match his quick pace.
The familiar sight of the front yard comes into view. The bricked walls are still devoured in vines and there’s even a bountiful garden outside with colorful flowers and butterflies that rest on the petals. A warm smile spreads across your face as Zayne holds open the white picket fence for you. He follows behind as you rush up the front steps of the porch. You unlock the door and swing the door open, the familiar scent of your mother’s floral perfume flowing from the house.
This is home. This is a safe space where you know you can escape and not have to worry about the outside world coming to hurt you.
Zayne slides your suitcase inside the home, watching as it disappears down the wooden floors and into the tucked away kitchen. You smile at him, stepping inside and kicking your shoes off. He stays outside, watching as all your walls come down.
“Thank you for walking me home. I’m sure you were busy with…hospital things,” your laugh is breathy. Zayne catches himself smiling at you, forcing the grin away.
“I just got off my mandatory emergency room shift. I have the next day off until they need me back,” he informs you. You nod and lean against the wooden door.
“Oooh, look at you go Zayne. Earning a much deserved break. Please, do tell, how do you intend to spend your day off?” You ask, leaning forward, closing some distance between you two. 
“I would like to spend time with you,” Zayne is as straightforward as ever.
You’d be lying if you said your heart didn’t skip a beat.
There are no butterflies in your stomach, though, like they’d be with him.
“With me?” You repeat. He nods, taking a step closer. You suck in a breath and take in his fresh scent.
It’s clean like a sunny day. You can see you and Zayne holding hands, running through the school halls to catch a glimpse of the school librarian and P.E. teacher sneaking into the teacher’s lounge together.
“I fail to see how this is…interesting,” a young Zayne told you. You shushed him, looking into his sharp, hazel eyes.
“They’re in love! It’s always nice to see people find their person!”
Zayne’s grip on your hand became tighter in that moment.
“I…I would love to go to dinner with you,” you smile at him. He nods. The corners of his lips twitch and he turns to walk away. You grab his wrist and draw him back to you, eyes wide as you look up at him. “What time should I be ready by?”
“Hm…does seven sound good?” He asks. You nod and release his wrist. “I’ll pick you up.”
Zayne hesitantly leaves your close proximity. He steps down the stone pathway, his eyes staring at the flowers, which just so happen to be your favorite, and turns to face you when he reaches the perimeter of the front yard.
“Hey, Zayne?” You call from the door. He moves his hands into his pockets, tilting his head at you. “Can we do something casual tonight?”
Like the godsend he is, Zayne nods then disappears down the street. You close the door, back pressed against the combination of wood and glass, and let out an excited squeal.
Seven o’clock couldn’t come fast enough. For once, you were excited to go out for dinner with a childhood friend. You knew that he wouldn’t bring any unnecessary interruptions nor will it be cut short due to external forces coming to get you. Besides, Dr. Zayne is one mighty fine date.
He also made you his first choice.
You sit in front of the door, foot tapping against the brown wood. Your hair is neatly made, all loose strands tucked behind your ears, a simple make up look painting your face, and a casual, floral dress to match. You even made sure to wear simple jewelry too to complete the outfit.
6:55 P.M.
Where is Zayne? He’s typically early, he always has been.
Maybe you’re too eager for a night of normalcy with an old friend. This whole trip to Linkon begins to seem like a complete and total waste. You’ve lost hours of precious time, that you selfishly planned to rot on the couch and watch your guilty pleasure television show, on finding an outfit for a night out with Zayne. You knew you shouldn’t have set your expectations so high for a bar that Zayne will never be able to reach.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
You lunge to the door, swinging it open. A smile blossoms on your face when you see Zayne standing before you. His hands remain behind his back. He wears black slacks matched with a black button up, his sleeves fastened at his wrists.
“For you…a welcome gift for your short time back in Linkon,” Zayne pulls his arms from behind his back, revealing a bouquet of your favorite flowers matched with delicate baby’s breath. In his other hand is a box from the mom-and-pop shop you never were able to go into. You take them from his hands, your heart swelling with joy.
“Thank you…thank you so much,” you look at the flowers and candy box. A piece of your joy feels sorrowful…bittersweet.
A piece of you wished it was him standing in Zayne’s place. You wished it was back when you were teens when he could have realized that you were in front of him the whole time.
“Um,” you choke on your breath, gesturing behind you, “let me go put these in a vase, then we can go!” You quickly turn on your heel and hurry towards the kitchen, leaving him behind.
“Alright,” his voice is faint as the sound of the door closing echoes throughout the house. You grab a glass vase from one of the cabinets, filling it with water.
You refuse to have this outing be ruined by your…complicated feelings for Caleb. He simply cannot have a chokehold on every aspect of your life. He occupies the hallway outside of your apartment, not the space inside, so the same principle should be applied here, right?
“There is a street fair tonight that I thought looked fun to attend,” Zayne says from behind you. You turn, the water splashing around the inside of the vase.
You set it down on the counter, watching as Zayne removes the covering from the bouquet, his grip keeping the flower stems bunched together. He slides them inside of the vase with ease, eyes focused on the delicate petals while your eyes fixate on his. The doctor finally turns his gaze to yours, eyes meeting from a small distance.
“It’s…casual like you asked for.”
“It sounds like a wonderful time,” you respond, waiting for the butterflies to erupt in your stomach.
They don’t.
It is an ideal spring night in Linkon City. 
Vendors line up along the city street with large food trucks parked in a half circle at the end of the street. The view overlooks Linkon’s large river. Boats float by with their red and green lights twinkling, reflecting against the calm water. There are even a few booze cruises that pass by with music playing from speakers and the inhabitants’ laughter floating across the channel.
A healthy distance remains between you and Zayne when you get to the street fair. You remain close enough for others to know that you are there together but just far enough for people to know that you two aren’t together.
Zayne follows you as you rush to one of the vendors’ stalls. Their table is filled with glasswork, much like the butterfly that hangs from your bedroom window in Skyhaven. You gasp, clasping your hands together. Zayne watches you from behind, an amused chuckle leaving his throat, your excitement infectious.
“These are so pretty!” You smile, eyes scanning the different glass trinkets. The business owner smiles at you. A look of recognition flashes across his face, the man now pointing at you.
“I…I remember you!” He exclaims. Both you and Zayne stare at him, your heads tilting to the side. “You were my very first customer! Ten years ago, you bought an orange and blue butterfly from me! If it weren’t for you, I would have packed up shop a long time ago!”
“I still have your butterfly! It’s hanging in my apartment right now! It’s my favorite decoration,” you smile at him, turning to Zayne. He was there when you bought it, you know, having been the one who gifted you the last collar you were missing.
“Wait here! I’ll get you another butterfly for your collection! Wait here!” The owner turns around and begins to dig through his boxes in a fury. You nudge Zayne’s side, catching his attention, and wiggle your eyebrows at him. He shakes his head and looks away, keeping his hands inside his pockets, a habit he picked up since becoming a surgeon.
The owner turns around and holds out an intricate, medium sized glass butterfly. It hangs from a thin metal chain that is decorated with pearls and reflective pieces of white glass. The glass is a shimmering iridescent purple color, matched with lighter blue and pink glass, held together with flawless welded metal. Underneath each of the wings hangs a short metal chain, adorned with the same sparkling pearls and white pieces of glitter glass. Its wings are outstretched and the owner holds it next to a lamp, showcasing the vibrant hues against a white backdrop.
“It’s...gorgeous. You’ve outdone yourself!” You chuckle, impressed with the man’s skill.
“It truly is a work of art,” Zayne adds to your compliment. The owner’s smile grows, showing all of his teeth, overtaking his entire face.
“Let me wrap it up for you!” He boasts and turns away from the two of you.
You watch the owner delicately places the butterfly in parchment paper and bubblewrap, taking extra precautions with the fragile piece. Zayne’s eyes burn into the side of your face, watching as you stare at the man with awe and wonder in your eyes. Once he passes over the piece, you and Zayne say goodbye, making your way deeper into the street fair.
The two of you partake in many activities and games. Zayne wins a mini plushie of a snowman, which you insist that he must have, and you even win a bet in a quick game of darts, popping more balloons than he does.
You sit at a plastic table, placing the black bag with the butterfly inside on the table next to you, as Zayne waits at one of the food trucks. His snowman plushie sits next to your dragonfly plushie, leaning against each other. You look around as people pass you by, engrossed in their own conversations. Your smile from before has yet to disappear.
A band begins to play live music from a stage not so far away. You turn to watch, the sound of the band’s guitar making your body sway along to the beat. The singer’s voice is beautiful too, as she sings a lovely melody about love and how distance will never keep her away from her lover.
A figure sits in the chair across from you. You blink and turn your head, expecting to see Zayne, but are met with Caleb’s hardened gaze, scowl on his face. Your back straightens, goosebumps littering your skin.
“Caleb…what are you doing here?” You look towards Zayne, whose back is facing you, “you need to leave. Now.”
“You didn’t tell me you were going to Linkon.” His voice is snappy. His lilac eyes flit to the plushies that lean against each other. His eyes narrow when he turns his attention back to you. “Are you here with someone?” His voice is low, dangerous. You swallow the spit in your mouth, nervousness flooding your body.
“I am, actually. Now if you could leave—”
“You’re in my seat.” Zayne stands behind you. He holds a bowl of strawberries, covered with a heavy pour of chocolate, and two forks in his hand. The snack is a perfect combination of Zayne’s sweet tooth and your love of fresh fruit.
“I’m fine where I am, thanks,” Caleb snaps at Zayne. His eyes never leave yours, though.
“Suit yourself,” Zayne responds. He sets the bowl down on the table. He pulls the empty chair out from beside you and sits down. Caleb huffs and crosses his arms over his chest.
“What are you doing here with him?” Caleb’s eyes are cold. There is no warmth behind his purple hues. Just a bitterness that you can taste on the tip of your tongue.
“I thought you said you had a Deepspace mission or whatever, why aren’t you there?” You ask. Before Caleb can respond, Zayne speaks.
“Aren’t you supposed to be dead? Was your grave not comfortable enough?” Zayne shoots back, his words just as icy as Caleb’s are venomous.
“Enough,” your hand moves to Zayne’s forearm, fingers wrapping around his wrist. He looks to you, eyebrows raised. What? It’s a fair question. When you shake your head, he nods, relaxing into the plastic chair.
Caleb watches, heart burning with fury as you touch Zayne so casually. He remembered when just a little over a month ago that he was the one you were touching, your fingers unable to break free from his rough skin.
He was the one who you were laughing with, not him. Caleb was the one who you wanted to share a dessert with, not this lame ass doctor who sits beside you.
“You didn’t answer my question,” Caleb’s eyes dart back to yours. You shrug and lean forward, fork in hand as you poke a chocolate covered strawberry, popping it into your mouth. “I deserve an answer.”
“You think you’re entitled to a lot of things,” you turn to Zayne, signaling to him to have a bite. “It doesn’t mean that you’re going to get what you want.” Zayne takes a bite from a strawberry, granted it’s more chocolate than it is fruit, and nods at you.
“It’s delicious,” he murmurs to you. You smile and nod, going in for a second bite.
Caleb uses his Evol to move the bowl away from you. You glare at him, leaning forward. He matches your movement and your faces are inches apart from each other, darkened and angered gazes burning with nothing but passion.
“Stop being difficult,” you snatch the bowl back and pull away from the Colonel. He doesn’t budge, though, and remains where he is.
He watches as you and Zayne share nonchalant glances. Zayne holds the bowl for you two and lets you have first pick of the contents.
It sickens him to watch. Out of all the people in the world, you just had to be with Zayne, his childhood rival despite always acting like a friend towards him.
“Why are you with him?” Caleb pushes his luck by asking again. When you don’t respond, his fists clench. Zayne’s eyes flicker to the Colonel’s hands, up to his glare, before looking back at the strawberries.
“I’m surprised you aren’t here with her.” Zayne’s words freeze your body. You stop chewing, the strawberry becoming sour at the mention of her name. You chew slow, begrudgingly swallowing the bit of fruit.
“Fuck you, Zayne,” Caleb stands from his chair, slamming his hands onto the plastic table. You look up to the dark haired man, watching as he holds his hand out to you. “Come on. We’re leaving.”
“What do you mean no?! He’s clearly using you against me!”
“Caleb. Go home. I’ll dismiss the fact that you followed me here and interrupted Zayne and I’s time together,” you breathe out. Your anger cools, lingering under your skin. The numbness you once felt returns to your body, leaving you feeling more indifferent than depressed or furious.
You feel dead.
Zayne stands, his hand resting on your shoulder. His touch is warm and comforting, something that you’re unable to find within Caleb’s current demeanor. Your eyes dissociate and you stare into nothing, tears stinging your eyes.
“Let’s not cause a scene,” Zayne cooly says, “I’ll make sure that she gets home safe. Let’s not ruin her night.”
“Stay out of this, Zayne,” Caleb snaps at the doctor, “this is none of your business.”
“You made it my business by coming here and demanding answers from her,” he narrows his eyes from behind his glasses. “Why does it matter who she is with? Would it have made a difference if it wasn’t me? I bet you’d still be having a tantrum over it.”
“I’d choose your next words very, very wisely,” Caleb’s fists ball up. You look at his hands, noticing a blur forming around his hand.
“You didn’t care for her when you were younger, so why start now?” Zayne speaks as if he’s not under any pressure. “She has always been your backup.”
“What did you just say?” Caleb pushes the words through gritted teeth. “Since when have you been friends with her? You were always a loner.”
“I’ve always been friends with her,” Zayne relaxes back into the chair next to you, “you were too busy with her to notice.” You look at Zayne, a frown overtaking your face.
The night, which is now ruined, leaves you feeling cold and hopeless. You turn and stare into the distance, watching as happy people pass by, looking at the three of you with weird looks and hushed whispers. You shake your head, tears threatening to fall from your eyes.
You wouldn’t be in this predicament if it weren’t for Caleb. You wouldn’t have been made out to be some kind of social pariah that has to be avoided at all costs if he had just stayed away. Your night with Zayne has become that of a public spectacle, one that you don’t wish to be a part of anymore.
“We’re leaving.” Caleb demands. Zayne moves to defend you but you shake your head and sigh. You pat his hand and wipe a tear away from your face.
“I’m going to go with him. It’s the only way to get him to calm down and I don’t want either of you ending up on the news for murder,” your sad attempt of a joke earns no laughs. Zayne releases a deep, long sigh. He nods and reaches over, grabbing your dragonfly plushie and places it inside the black bag that holds your glass butterfly. You take it from him and weakly smile.
Caleb circles the table and takes your wrist into his large hand. His calloused palm is rough against your gentle skin. He pulls you up from the chair and you move with him, unable to fight against him anymore. You can feel his Evol wrap around your waist, hugging it tightly as he begins to move you away from Zayne.
“Thank you for tonight, Zayne!” Your voice is hoarse. He waves and takes off his glasses pinching the bridge of your nose. You turn your attention back to Caleb, the heat of your anger turning back to a boil when your eyes land on the smug smirk on his face.
It’s not long before you are back home. You watch Caleb’s back, his muscles tense and flexed, as he unlocks the door to your childhood home. He steps to the side, his Evol guiding you inside. You storm down the hallway and into the kitchen. He slams the door shut and follows you, watching as you set down your belongings onto the table.
Caleb feels his body slowly calm down. He knows that you’re safe. You’re here with him, nobody else. Now he can finally explain what you mean to—
You slap him across the face, tears welled in your eyes, silently falling down your cheeks. Caleb doesn’t flinch, turning his face turning back to face you. Your fingerprints appear on his cheek, a light pink color contrasting against his tan skin.
“Do you feel better now?” He asks in a calm voice. You shake your head. He nods. “Go ahead. Get it all out.”
“Fuck you!” You yell at him. “Why the fuck did you have to ruin my night with Zayne?! We were just hanging out!” You smack your balled up fist against his chest. You grab his shirt and shake him back and forth, your anger taking over your body. “I hate you!”
“You don’t mean that,” Caleb shakes his head.
“I do. I fucking mean it with every fiber of my goddamn being,” you spit the words at him and push away, creating distance between you two. Caleb follows close behind, unable to handle being far away from you despite your already close proximity. “You’re always there! You can’t seem to catch the hint that I don’t fucking like you! You are a parasite that I can’t seem to get rid of! I want this nightmare to be over!”
You rush up the stairs, heading to your bedroom. Caleb is close behind, his eyes glued onto your back. You dip to the right and find yourself in your room. Your walls are covered with posters from magazines your mother got you, mixed in with photos of you and your friends from high school. Neither Caleb or her are in any of them.
“Is what he said true?” You turn around, looking up at Caleb. “Am I just your backup plan? Did she reject you so now you’re coming for your consolation prize?”
“No!” Caleb yells the word, barely able to breathe.
“Then why are you here?! Why are you playing with my head?!” You cry out, throat becoming raw from your yells.
“Because it’s always been you!” Caleb shouts. You pause, shrinking into your shoulders. “It’s…it’s always been you. I know that it sounds ridiculous. If I were in your shoes, I wouldn’t want to hear it or believe it either but it’s true. I am in love with you. I always have been. I’ve been in a constant denial about it but I finally realized that it’s you.”
You shake your head at him, bottom lip trembling. What he’s saying can’t be true. It’s all one big mind game that he’s playing with you. You’re his prey, weak and helpless, while he has all of the ammunition to bury you.
“The only reason I ever stuck around her is because it was expected of me. Everyone saw it. Our friends teachers, Zayne…you. You all saw that I was devoted to her so I felt the need to be what you all expected of me. To be her protector, her guardian! Hell, the only person who saw through the rouse was Gran! She always pushed me to go to you but I was a fucking idiot and didn’t listen.” His voice cracks.
Your feet remain cemented into the ground, unable to move. He inches closer to you, his eyes refusing to leave yours.
Your hearts pound inside your chests, beating the same bittersweet beat. He reaches out, his hand cupping your cheek. Caleb wipes away your tears with his thumb, his touch so inexplicably warm against your skin. Chills run down your spine.
“Every room I walked in, I looked for you. I wanted to take you to the homecoming dance but she  made sure that I forgot about it so I came up with some lousy excuse to cover my ass. Every game I didn’t attend was because I didn’t think you needed me. I should have showed up. I was an idiot who didn’t fight for you. I should have chased you down and kept you close to me instead of her. That’s a mistake I plan on repaying to you for the rest of our lives,” his voice lowers to a whisper. “I’d rather you hate me but be in my life than be out of it. I can’t lose you. Never again. I can’t go through that pain.”
“Caleb…” your voice trembles.
“You’re the one I want. You’re the one I love. You’re the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I need you in my life. I can’t live without you,” he admits, unable to stop the words from leaving his mouth.
You reach up and grab his wrist, enamored by his words. You squeeze his arm and he sighs, looking at your touch before his eyes return to yours. He cups your other cheek, holding you in front of him, both of your breathing heavy.
“Fuck it,” Caleb mumbles under his breath.
He leans in, his lips crashing onto yours, capturing them in a slow yet fiery kiss. You gasp but immediately melt into him. You pull away for a brief second, your breath mixing with each others. He opens his mouth to say sorry but you draw him back in, pulling his head back down to meet yours.
The kiss your share is both bittersweet and filled with nothing but longing and desperation. Caleb pushes you backwards, guiding you to a nearby wall, pushing you up against it. Your lips parted, acting as an invitation for Caleb to slip his tongue inside, his tongue toying with yours.
A quiet whimper escapes from your throat, hidden by the sounds of ravenous kisses. The two of you become breathless, lips swollen, chests rising and falling. Caleb pulls away, despite his aching body begging him not to, and rests his forehead against yours.
You stand in his grip, mind dazed, feeling the tip of his nose graze against yours. You open your eyes to meet his. He grazes the pad of his thumb over your bottom lip, wiping away leftover saliva from your kiss.
“I don’t care how long it takes for you to forgive me. I will wait for centuries if it means that I can see the light in your smile, the way your exude warmth to those who need it. I will give up my life as a Colonel if you don’t want to see me at work. I just want to be able to hear your jokes and laughter and be a part of your life because…I love you,” he whispers.
Your breath gets caught in your throat. Caleb stares deep into your eyes, unable to look away or say anything else. You blink, tears falling from your eyes.
Caleb’s words have mended the fractured fragments of your heart. He’s healed the torn open seams of your agony and has made you feel whole again. His admission has you captivated. Your shared kiss left you wanting more despite the warning bells sounding off inside your mind. It makes you want to slide into his arms, to wipe away the salty tears that fall from his violet eyes while also wanting to run away and hide from him so that he’ll never be able to find you ever again.
You’re moved by his love but can’t deny the fact that it has come too late.
There are too many open wounds and scars that time and words of love simply cannot erase or fully mend. It leaves you even more confused than before. Your head hurts. Your body aches. You feel like you’re about to pass out into his arms and fall into a sleep you’ll never wake up from.
“Caleb,” you breathe his name out. He looks at you, hanging onto the way you said his name, the way your hand fits perfectly into his. “You need to leave.”
You tear your hand from his. He stands in front of you, unable to comprehend what you just said. He watches as you back away form him, your hearts shattering by the actions you take.
“Why? Why are you pushing me away?” Caleb pleads. He takes your hands but you rip them away. Your force yourself to look away.
“I…I don’t know how to feel. I’m so utterly confused right now,” your throat feels like barbed wire is being fastened around it, slowly turning tighter and tighter until you are unable to breathe. “You…you need to go. Please. For my sake.” You move behind him, hands attaching to his broad shoulders, forcing him towards the door.
Caleb doesn’t fight against your touch. He moves with your momentum, his mind having gone blank. You guide him down the stairs and to the front door, opening it for him as he steps out. He turns to look down at you, his chest aching at the sight of your trembling body and silent cries.
You begin to close the door but his hand stops it, the glass within the wood rattling.
“Will you…will you please think about what I said?” Caleb whispers, looking down at you. You nod. He removes his hand and watches as you close the door., vanishing into the darkness of the home.
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koolades-world · 8 months ago
Hi, I love your blog! If you want, could you do the seven demon brothers (+Solomon if you feel like) with a super kind, too sweet for their own good MC? Like, if someone came up to them and asked for the clothes off their back, MC would give them away in a heartbeat and the brothers routinely find themselves summoned to help MC solve problems for lower demons and the like? Ever since MC's attendance, the bullying problem in RAD became nonexistent because the last time someone got shoved into a locker, MC summoned Lucifer to help the poor demon out and nobody's since forgotten what the offender's entrails look like (after MC was sent away, of course.)
Sorry if I wrote a bit too much, I'm just excited with the idea lol!
hello! no worries!! of course i can :)
enjoy <3
Very sweet Mc
he's always there to make sure nobody is taking advantage of your kindness
but that doesn't mean he doesn't help you out of course
he's quite happy to be the reason you smile
honestly though, he wouldn't have things any other way
at first, he thinks your kindness is some kind of front
after all, why would you just give away all of your time and resources for people you barely knew
but once he got to know you, he just realized you were just really sweet
because it's you, he helps out every time since he, even though he would never admit it, has a heart of gold
he shocked every time you summon him to help out
because why would you choose him over all of his other brothers?
what use could he be that they couldn't?
but, he grows to really enjoy it after a while and sees why you do what you do
he's got lots of connections, so he can get help to solve problems he can't personally solve
normally, he wouldn't be as helpful as he is, but he always makes exceptions for you
it's made him much more approachable to the public, especially when you're by his side
you've only been a blessing for him and he couldn't be more grateful
of course, anything for you!
as long as he can look cute while doing it, which he always is
he loves your kindness and how you love to help out where ever you can
afterwards, he always makes a post on his devilgram, and he makes sure you're always in it haha
he's equally as kind hearted as you
so, when you summon him to help solve a problem for the betterment of others, he's on board
afterwards, the two of you always celebrate with a meal out
sometimes, it's just the two of you, but sometimes you have others with you, but either way you're both happy
he rolls his eyes and drags his feet every time you call for him
but, he always does exactly what you ask of him and seeks you out afterwards for some praise haha
he might complain, but he's always there within a heart beat
it's funny how that works, isn't it?
he's gladly do anything for you
and he's not afraid to let the brothers know that he's always there and ready to take their place haha
but he does genuinely enjoy helping and spending time with you
he never thought he'd get to form such a close bond with another human again, so he's going to treasure it
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euphoria-looney · 1 month ago
I do am curious on Palmola relationship with Princess! MC? Like she seems to be like an extremely strict mom, and doesn't show affection to MC as much. And is Palmola MC's bio mom? Like she is such asshole to her, but MC is presumably the oldest princess and has the burden to be married off, cuz of alliance and shit.
Also, I wanted this dance to happen between Princess MC and one of her friends, https://youtube.com/shorts/er1AdqCZNHE?si=Fe4D-luRQp59cDYF , just for the funny. Like, the amount of scandal, and someone thinking they connect the dots on why MC ended the engagement.
Palmola's relationship with princess!reader is very toxic and strict. When she found out that she had no talent, no magic, and really struggled with etiquette as well at the beginning, she can't help but hate her on a whole different level
As a young girl, Pamola has been trained in talent, magic, all this stuff just to get engaged to Bruce, and that has been her greatest achievement out of everything she did her whole life, not her talent, not her magic so she wanted a child that she could be proud of because every other kid had a closer connection to Bruce so when her [name] always approached her instead of Bruce, she was mad that the kid that she was stuck with admire her was the most "useless" out of all of them.
Of course, she’s had her moments that she does dote on [name] which is why the relationship is so toxic because [name] can’t help but always come back to her as she is her mom, and even when she abuses her with verbally, she just thinks about the moment whenever they did have a bonding moment and thinks to herself "that’s my mother and I love her and she is everything I wanna be in so much more."
And that is why her expectations of her were so high and once they’re so high, it is like a rock smashed into you when they are crushed, but it’s not even [name]'s fault, but she can’t comprehend that as she has strived to be everything more and it all just a hindrance to her.
She likes Serena because even if she doesn't have etiquette they can talk about similar things they enjoy and she has talent and light magic which are spoilers.
Despite what I wrote [name] is not the oldest princess she’s the youngest princess and it just fits more into Connor and Serena‘s age range (kind of) she doesn’t have to be married for an alliance, but she fell in love with Connor and everybody in the family knew that with how much she showed it and couldn’t hide it.
So whenever they had the opportunity to marry someone in the Kent family presumably Connor because he was older they didn’t wanna hand it over to Serena because they loved her. So, they chose [name] because they knew how much she liked him.
Which obviously did not go her way.
I really like the dancing scene, it will be added. It has to be. It will be like the scandal of the era because [name] was absolutely a down bad dog for Connor and so when she gave up that position so easily, and for money, many people found as suspicious for a good reason.
Now, dancing with this new person, just brings so many alarms and so much gossip to bloom
And like my last ones do tell me if there's mistakes or anything you didn't understand.
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venuslarkspur · 2 months ago
The Devildom’s Very Own Tamaranean Exchange Student <3
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Summary: After escaping your planet after its hostile take over and your imprisonment, you resume life on earth living amongst humans. However you are unknowingly picked for an exchange program to strengthen relationships between different realms, because of your alien physiology; your arrival caused quite a stir.
- Demon Brothers x Fem!Tamaranean!Reader.
Note: Reader is Bi/Pan, Reader is tall as Tamaranean are canonically quite tall (sending love to all the tall folk you’ve reached your content <3 and sorrys to all the short folk but I’m sticking to Tamaranean physiology), Reader is about 5’9-6’0 I HAD TO USE Y/N I HATE MYSELF.
Warning: Mostly fluff but there’s some angst as well, slight NSFW.
- Can I just say first of all it annoys Lucifer especially that you’re not intimidated by him or any demon for that matter, you literally have laser vision, super strength, stamina, speed, agility etc. flight, star bolts..do I need to go on 😭?
- Is the first person to learn about your solar/ultra violet absorption which provides you with your power, your power is still mighty even from the Devildom. Is curious to know how powerful it would be in the celestial realm.
- Very confused on how one of Lilith’s earlier descendants somehow managed to land on Tamaran.
- You’re also really shocked when you realise you have human and angel dna.
- Does secretly enjoy when you retort back at him. Pretends it angers him.
- Thinks you’re a really good influence on Mammon oddly enough, sometimes questions if you’re the one looking after him.
- Has to remind you not to fly everywhere or levitate, you’re in the devildom now Mc.
- Absolutely loves watching you try and tame your glowing, fiery hair.
- Secretly love’s your little fireworks shows from your hands.
- Lectures his brothers when they offer kisses to you to help you “expand your vocabulary” although he will ask for one himself later.
- Tries his best not to bring back any tragic memories of your imprisonment.
- Finds your random love attacks surprising but eventually begins to enjoy them.
- Spawns in and takes one look at you and is stunned 😦
- You always gently remind Mammon that he isn’t rocking your shit any day now. He pretends to get annoyed at you when you remind him this. (It makes him like you more pft)
- Mammon dies down on the threatening when he first meets you and you immediately match his stance and stand up straight. You’re nearly taller than him wtf. He constantly emphasises he’s your first, you not really getting it straight up say “no you aren’t, I had lovers on Tamaran and on Earth.” Literally sends the rest of his brothers into a laughing spiral and you are wondering what’s so funny. It doesn’t matter you’re still HIS alien.
- jokingly asks you if you have 9 stomachs, since your hunger is almost as bad as Beels at this point and you reply with a serious “yes.” Satan explains to him, putting his book down on the table; (after studying your physiology) that Tamaranean’s have 9 stomachs. He jolts backwards slightly which offends you until he finds some odd way to let you know he’s sorry.
- me and my friend were talking about how Mammon is secretly really insecure so I think reader would beat the negative thoughts out of him on the daily, you can tell when he’s jealous or upset.
- Brags about how strong you are even though he was kind of freaked out at first.
- Now as much as I hate this term, you wear the pants in this relationship. Witches have started to leave him alone because they know you will star bolt them if needed, it doesn’t matter to him that you ward off these people though he just wants you tbh.
- Loves how empathetic you are but knows you can go from kind to brutal if you need to.
- Okay when you first met he was not so secretly flustered at your choice of clothes so you gently remind him of his demon forms lack of cloth. Yeah he’s shut up really quick.
- Love’s your fiery hair, especially when he gets to watch you brush it out.
- Acts like your eyes are freakish but he secretly loves your green alien eyes <3
- Anytime he has to come to YOUR rescue he reminds you he’s the “Great Mammon” and that’s “just his job” yeah you’re gonna be chucking him over your shoulder later.
- Love’s your levitating kisses.
- At first thinks your sweet nature is just an act after you try and fight him back after the TSL quiz incident.
- Kind of scared of you after that, even when you try and talk to him, he walks away.
- Slowly warms up to you, quite literally your warm body attracts him.
- If you go to any conventions together and you wear heels he will definitely LOVE that you’re taller than him, he finds it so attractive I’m sorry.
- The definition of girlboss + loser boyfriend <3
- Is so confused on how another one of Lilith’s descendants ended up on Tamaran.
- Asks about customs on Tamaran and would follow it up with “its like the planet from this anime-“
- Finds your food combos mildly disgusting (I mean even for the devildom that’s messed up.) but keeps his mouth shut.
- You made little fireworks out your hands once and that was enough for him to fall for you.
- Wow, I think Satan would be so interested in your Tamaranean physiology, he makes it his mission to learn more about you; it’s nice to have someone be interested in you rather than fear you for a change.
- Probably discovers things about you that you didn’t know.
- If you two start dating Satan definitely wouldn’t care if you were taller than him or not.
- when he finds out you can learn languages through kissing he’d definitely tell you he knows a bit of French or smth if you’re interested. (Even if you’re not dating yet 😭) he’s defo sly like that.
- Would ask if you’ve ever thought of returning to Tamaran and as much as you would like to you know it’s not safe for you, you both bond over feeling out of place.
- Loves your warm nature since it’s such a 180 to his behaviour, you use your warm hands to calm him down.
- If he’s reading and has left a hot drink you tell him to sit back down and let you handle it, you use your laser vision to heat up his drink and he’s just like damn. Yeah he loves your powers.
- You guys talk about exploring the cosmos together, since when you came to earth you didn’t really get the chance to from your speeding space ship.
- Will disassemble anyone at RAD if they make fun of you for whatever reason, you’re the one who’s gotta tell him no <3
- Asmo however loves that you’re taller than him and he openly voices it all the time. He follows all your socials since you’re a model in the human world, he eventually admits you’re almost on par with his beauty.
- Like Satan he’d definitely tell you he knows a bit of Italian or smth just so he can get a kiss from you.
- I tried to avoid this as much as possible but your bedroom life would be crazy. Like he’s the Avatar Of Lust?! You’re an alien with promiscuity literally written into you. I SHOULDN’T HAVE TO CONTINUE 😭
- Would ask if you’re a princess until you seriously tell him your planet already had royalty.
- Immediately sets you up for all the devildom’s social media, you’re so well loved and received in the devildom which is such a contrast to how people first reacted to you on earth.
- Is a bit jealous of your flaming hair but you remind him he’s the fairest in the land.
- Yeah you’re a head turning couple.
- Would say you’d have the cutest kids as a joke but you think he’s serious.
- Needs to see how radiant you look with the sun on you.
- Makes so many jokes about your cloth or lack of cloth, but will stop if it’s making you uncomfortable.
- He loves how eye catching you are, like your vibrant eyes, hair and dress mwah 💋, thinks you have some of the best style ever and always lets you know on your socials.
- Your immediately in Beel’s good books when you help free his twin, you already were with your shared gluttony so he liked you immediately. You really respect Beel as he’s one of the first you’ve met that’s stronger than you.
- Unlike the rest of his brothers he wouldn’t offer you a kiss, (he’s not weird like that) but would ask you about your 9 stomachs and fiery hair.
- Doesn’t mind your manner of dress, even if Asmo points it out and makes some suggestive comments he won’t pay any mind to it.
- Out of pure innocence you feel his muscles out of curiosity.
- He’s not sure why but he loves just touching your fiery hair, you give him permission ofc <3
- Unironically you’re his favourite snack buddy.
- Also wonders if Mammon is the one looking after you or you’re the one looking after Mammon.
- Is also very curious about Tamaran, feels really bad for the rest of the day when you tell him about your planets plague of war and your imprisonment. You let him know it’s okay and you’re fine now <3
- In this scenario Belphegor wouldn’t kill you, since you aren’t human. He does try and manipulate you still but you sense the deceit coming off him. You refuse to help him at first; but in this case scenario you’d still help free him and actually start off on more neutral terms.
- Belphie definitely naps on you more because of your abnormally hot body temperature, idk but he definitely likes that you’re taller than him I think he’s a freak like that even if you’re not together.
- Since you’re freakishly strong you probably just bridal carry him places he needs to be, he thanks you after.
- Could watch you make mini fireworks out your hands for hours, the sound of your sparks is oddly soothing.
- When he asks if you want him to bring you a star you’re really excited at first and he feels bad crushing your spirit, you ask him if he wants a star though. He can’t tell if you’re serious or not.
- Contrary to popular belief I think Belphie actually does like PDA sometimes, he likes holding your hand wherever. It’s warm.
- Could watch you untangle your hair for hours on end and never get bored.
- You probably change his opinion on humans slightly, not only because of your human DNA but because of your own opinions on humanity; yes you were mistreated at first but slowly you met a couple good ones. He believes you, if you were able to overcome your abuse via humanity, so could he. He won’t tell you that though.
- He looks forward to when you’re alone because he knows that’s when you strike with your love attacks.
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And that’s Fem!Tamaranean reader <3
Side characters are in the works now <3
@waterwyne @planetlotus @girlmachia @fiersworld
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miyaz6ki · 4 months ago
hello reshi good weather today innit
first of all iwant to say that i LOVE YOUR WORKS i gobbled them all up its not funny 😂😂😂😂😂hheneelelpp…… the brainrot is real and its eating AWAY!!!!!!!!!
seconf of all i keep going back to your kinich breeding kink fic. which made me wonder liek what do u think about dad kinich ,??:?\ mmmaybbeee…. mayhaps…
FEEL FREE TO IGNORE THIS no pressure ^_^
also can i be 🦢 anon i think ill probably return
hallo 🦢 nonnie!!!1!1!1 and ty, I'm happy lots of ppl read n enjoy my stuff, feel free to send more ideas >_0
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he'd honestly frfr be a super good dad. like as someone who's learned that life is precious, and he's happy to have made some with you.
but if you take it in the single parent kinich aspect instead—he's just such a good dad, and often leaves hi child with mualani IF he still decides on doing saurian hunter stuff. but for sure I feel he'd leave the night warden war stuff behind
he honestly felt...somewhat scared. he fact he might have been about to lose his chance to hold his little girl again :(
oh but real talk he'd let his kid get their own saurian. I feel like he'd get them a saurian that is anything but whatever ajaw is.
he loves to throw them up in the air like genuinely he loves it so much.
same with swinging them, probably makes a playground set for them from scratch because his kid asked
he watches cartoons w your guys' children and acts like it doesn't really hurt him when something crazy happens to the mc
like ex. trolls when poppy lost her color. he was just as heartbroken as your daughter.
lowkey gains a dad bod if you think about it >_0
he always does the "ask your mom/other das" when it comes to serious stuff or things he doesn't wanna answer
example: kid asks about where babies come from..? go ask your mother sweetheart.
he brings the kid on his adventures sometimes—sometimes—only because it's his gift to them. but he knows if it were any other occasion then the kid's birthday you would kill him 💞
whenever you both do corny couple stuff the kid is always gonna go "ewwww!!" and run away while laughing.
"well would you rather me and your daddy fight all the time?" you joke as you finish braiding the little splitting image of you both's hair. "nooo! never! but you guys are cheesy!"
ajaw will be teaching the kid swear words and then blame it on kinich
like randomly while you and kinich are discussing things about I don't know getting a yumkasaurus for your little girl—you hear the same little one shout the word 'fuck.'
"where on earth did you hear that word from young lady!" "from daddy." "KINIIIICH!!"
and ajaw giggles behind the curtain watching everything unfold and he's rubbing his hands together like "muehehhehe... ur done kinich!!!..." even when u meant ur scolding light hearted after finding out about uncle ajaw. and will scold ajaw later.
thanks for coming to my ted talk
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sulumuns-dootah · 5 months ago
Hello again! I hope you are well! If you don’t mind I would like to request some headcanons please! Could I get the Gehenna and Avisos demons with an MC who laughs at the dumbest shit? (Basically they’re that one bitch who will laugh at a video of a bowl falling down the stairs— definitely not based on me at all) If Gehenna and Avisos are too much just Gehenna is fine. Thank you so much! ❤️
WHB demons s/ an MC who laughs at the dumbest stuff
⟡ Masterlist ⟡ 
A/N: Hi! Hope you're doing well too ^^ Also I literally do the same thing so this was really fun to write :D
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Depending on his moood he'll either laugh with you or kick you
You will most likely have to explain what exactly is funny about the thing you're laughing at
But still, if he doesn't get it, he'll laugh anyway
Poor confused baby
Doesn't get it, but for him it's better to have you laugh than have you cry
Sitri's the type to just smile politely and and wait for you to stop so you two can get back to what you were doing before that
"Huh? Okay..?"
Amy's the type to get angry that he doesn't get it
And once you explain why it's funny, he'll just hate it cuz it's so dumb
Still, there could be worse things you could be laughing at like Sitri's jokes
"Oh? Ahaha...!"
Leraye does this too
He'll probably be the one pointing the funny thing to you
A real mutually beneficial relationship
Another confused baby
But, instead of a polite smile like Sitri, Paimon grins
If it's something happening irl, they'll record/take pictue of it so other demons online can have a good laugh too
Loves the sound of your voice
Also, Jiyu's gonna laugh too and it's a compeltely different laugh from Belial
Belial will even bring up the thing you laughed at when he wants to hear your laugh again
"I'm afraid you'll have to provide me with an explanation, Y/N."
Won't get it even if you spend too long to explain it
But at least now he knows what type of humor you like
Too bad since he doesn't get it, there's no way for him to use it to his advantage
Just as always, his expression is hard to read
But there is an underlying smirk
Zagan is kinda hard to come up with something for him
I geniunely don't think he'd even acknowledge the situation
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If you thought you're easy to make laugh, I present you the king of Abyssos
This man chuckles to himself for no reason
So if you actually have a reason to laugh, he's laughing along with you
Another demon, who doesn't really get it
But hey, at least you're a nice ray of sunshine to breakup all that paperwork
You light up the room, y'know?
Just like Amy will get angry he doesn't get it
Might even escalate to threatening you with his gun
Protip: "You're too young to understand" is the worst thing to say in this situation and will definitelly result in death
Yeah, Nabe is another one who just politely smiles
His type of humor are elaborate anecdotes from books
To be fair, Naberius doesn't really even get memes so good luck joking with him in general
He's most likely asleep, but if you wake him up with your laugh, he'll laugh along too
This simple humor is right up his alley
It doesn't require much brainwork which is kinda cool too
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seijorhi · 3 months ago
(long post ahead)
I'M GNAWING AT THE BARS FOR THIS FIC RHI. There's so many components I love especially with the hyper-aware and insecure MC towards the system and that being her blindspot three alphas' infatuation with her. Even if she is a beta, it's pretty clear that she's entangled in the system even if she doesn't want to. That's one part I always like about outsider MC tropes since they aren't always spared from these hiearchies, which is why I deeply adore the portrayal of a beta MC amongst a sea of omega MCs (no offense to the writers tho!)
I feel like the fic was also a good combination of standout parts from Powder Keg and Means to an End with the Ame/Aya similarity and the climax ending at the hospital. I wonder what other readers' interpretation of Aya would be like especially since Ame got negative reception at her naivety and her blind desire to be with the boy/s. I think they're both buffers in the sense that if they were gone, a lot of the tension would be removed as the boys would have taken a more straightforward and drastic approach.
To me, I feel like Aya's character was very interesting especially since her outright flaws in the fic could be attributed to her omega nature. It's understandable that she would have a tunnel vision to getting a pack. It's also pretty clear in the fic that Aya was willing to walk away as long as MC communicated it to her, which makes MC's discomfort and eventual assault by Ushijima all the more painful. I've made this review solely centered on the girls since they're very complex leading ladies, but the alphas oh my god...
We've already seen a team up with Ushijima and Tendou before, but Semi is such a good addition to the mix. He reminds me of a mixture between Matsukawa and Kuroo through his vibes, and he was really intimidating/pushy at simultaneously luring and taunting MC in their solo convo. Aside from that, Ushijima's scenes were an unexpected part of the fic since he always seeemed composed and cold until he isn't. I just want to look into his head during the match since he was staring at MC so intensely. Also, Tendou's part was interesting since he was just playing Aya at the tips of his fingertips. It's a nice change for him to just manipulate another person so easily for the sake of his goals.
If you don't mind this very long post, I have a few questions to ask since I love the fic and I want a new trend of beta readers to come out in the a/b/o fics 🙏
- What was the three's first impression of the MC when they actually met face-to-face during the game?
- What were Tendou and Aya talking about in their solo conversation?
- What's their endgame? Would they be willing to expand their pack so that other alphas, omegas, and betas can have a taste of MC?
- The three wanted to keep Aya as a back-up, but would there be a line she could never cross or she'd get removed from the arrangement entirely?
- Maybe it's just my ass being delusional since Aya and MC have a close relationship, but did Aya ever think of pursuing things with her romantically even with her status?
ty my love!!
it's funny you bring up ame, because after the backlash with her character in means to an end i tried to make ayako at least slightly more sympathetic?? she's not perfect by any means, but at the end of the day she's just a girl who loves her best friend. she's balancing her biological needs – a veritable ticking clock – against the risk of losing the only person she cares about, and it goes catastrophically wrong
okay onto the questions;
i think ushijima's reaction speaks for itself. if there was any doubt she was it, it pretty much evaporated right then and there.
for semi, it's her first time meeting him, sure, but with the most free time on his hands, he's pretty well acquainted with their little beta.
with tendou, what she attributes to friendly enthusiasm is...well, barely repressed horniness. he wants to bend her over so bad
2. it's mostly smalltalk and funny stores, tendou prying into her life with the reader between anecdotes of his own and aya giggling along. his attention wanes pretty quick without the reader
3. their pack is perfect as is. three alphas and their beta mate. at one point they were willing to potentially include aya in that, but considering ushijima completely lost it over the omega scenting her and semi's own simmering jealousy (which i think comes as a surprise to him as well), those plans were quickly abandoned. they're too possessive to share, even on a limited basis.
4. i think even if they'd gone ahead with the plan, the end result would've been the same, just a slower process. the limits to the levels of contact they'd accept growing smaller and more restrictive day by day.
5. the first draft was very, very gay. like almost overtly. jennifer's body levels of 'gay for your best friend'. i ended up dialling it down to make it more open to interpretation, but i think that ultimately, no matter how you read it, if aya could deal with her heats entirely on her own, she'd be more than happy to live out her days just the two of them.
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vandme12 · 17 days ago
This has been rotting in my head for so long, how would the KC cast react to a powerful figure Mc? Ronin added mc because he just thought they were a writer needing inspiration, but what if they were actually a big influential figure in politics, media etc? Maybe they’ve hired Misaki before to get rid of someone? Maybe V knows them from charity meetings? How would it all unfold?
I really loved writing this! Whoever asked, Please ask me more head canons! The concept, would be they're a powerful "person" who usually gets people to kill off "bad" people! This is my longest head canon!
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Ronin Beaufort!
At first, you were just a fun little distraction. Some writer looking for inspiration in the darkest parts of the world? Yeah, yeah, he’s heard that one before. But you were flirty, sharp, and a little too comfortable around him, which made you interesting.
So, he let you stick around. Took you to some bloody, brutal places, spun his words like knives, toyed with you just to see if you’d flinch.
But you didn’t.
You kept up. You even pushed back.
And damn it, he loved that.
You made things fun.
So fun, in fact, that he didn’t question it. Didn’t stop to wonder how you were able to navigate his world so easily, how you had this natural charisma that could turn heads, how your words carried weight in a way that felt… important.
He didn’t put the pieces together—until he saw your face on the news.
He’s at some dive bar, half-watching the TV, when he sees it. Some big political scandal. Some business shake-up. And right there, center screen, is you.
Your name. Your title. Your power.
His brain short-circuits.
He just stares for a good five seconds, drink frozen halfway to his lips.
Immediate, sharp, loud laughter.
“Oh, what the FUCK?! You gotta be kiddin’ me.”
He’s laughing so hard he slaps the bar. The bartender jumps. Other people in the bar look at him like he’s crazy.
Because of course. Of course, the one person he’s been dragging into the worst places, letting into his world, kissing, touching, —
Is actually one of the most powerful people in the world.
The moment he gets his laughter under control, he’s grinning. Big. Sharp. Wild.
“Well, well, well. Ain’t this a fuckin’ surprise.”
The next time he sees you? Oh, he is not letting you live this down.
He’s leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed, smirking like the devil himself.
“Sooo, babe. Anythin’ you wanna tell me? Y’know, like—what the fuck?”
If you try to act casual about it? He grabs your chin, tilts your head up, and just grins.
“Nah, nah, don’t gimme that. You mean to tell me I’ve been callin’ you ‘sweetheart’ and sneakin’ you into crime scenes, when I should’ve been callin’ you Boss?”
If you flirt back? Oh, he eats that shit up.
“Ohoho, you’re playin’ dangerous now, darlin’. You know what happens to people who turn me on and surprise me? Bad, bad things.”
He’s so into this.
Like, obnoxiously into it.
He starts calling you titles sarcastically.
“Ahh, my beloved CEO, let me open the door for ya.”
“Oh no, did my precious politician have a rough day? C’mere, lemme make it all better.”
“D’you think world leaders would shit themselves if they knew you were makin’ out with a serial killer? ‘Cause that’s funny as hell.”
But beneath the teasing? Oh, he’s obsessed.
He already thought you were a perfect match for him, but now?
Now, you’re not just smart. Not just dangerous in your own way.
You’re untouchable.
Bottom line? He is so in love with you it’s disgusting.
You’re powerful, you’re dangerous, and you’re his.
And that? That’s all he ever needed to know..
“So, what’s the play here, sweetheart? You gonna bring me down? Put me in the headlines? C’mon, gimme a scandal—make it a good one.”
If you tell him you have no intention of exposing him, that you’re here for your own reasons, he’s intrigued.
“Ahhh, so you’re just a little freak, huh? Love that for you.”
“So, tell me, baby—how’s it feel, bein’ the most dangerous person in the room for once?”
And when you smirk and say, “I’m always the most dangerous person in the room,”—Oh.
Oh, he loves you. Because it’s true, isn’t it? Ronin might be a killer, but you—you have real power. The kind of power that doesn’t need a knife to cut people down. AND that? That’s hot as hell.
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At first, Misaki thought you were just some random writer that Ronin picked up for fun. Maybe you were looking for inspiration in the darkest corners of the world, and hey, Misaki could respect that.
Until, one day, they’re watching TV in their bunker, shoveling cup noodles into their mouth, and—
Your face is on the news.
Immediate choking.
They nearly drop the noodles.
They stare.
Blink once. Twice.
Wait. What the fuck.
They scramble for the remote, turn the volume up, and suddenly, their world is spinning.
Because there you are, center screen, name plastered in bold letters. Some scandal, some massive political shift, some media shake-up—and at the heart of it all? You.
The person they’ve been flirting with. The person they’ve been spending nights with in calls.
They’re gripping their head, pacing their bunker, absolutely spiraling.
“You mean—you mean to tell me I’ve been flirting with someone who can LITERALLY change the world?! Oh my god—oh my god, I’m so broke, I can’t handle this—"
The next time they see you? They’re standing there, arms crossed, clearly trying to look intimidating but failing miserably because their face is still stuck in pure existential crisis mode.
“Sooo. You got anythin’ you wanna tell me, boss?”
If you just smirk and go, “Oh? You didn’t know?”
They groan loudly.
"OF COURSE I DIDN’T KNOW, YOU JERK! Oh my god, I was out here thinking you were some struggling writer, and now you’re telling me you could probably buy my entire life with a single check?!"
Cue another breakdown.
And if you’ve hired them before? Oh. Oh, that’s interesting.
“Hold on—wait, wait, wait. You’re telling me I’ve been talking to one of my clients this whole time?!”
They go through a full existential crisis.
But once the initial shock wears off? They’re intrigued.
“Okay, okay, but real talk—why the hell are you hanging out with us? You could be anywhere, doing anything, running the world, and yet, you’re here. Why?”
If you flirt with them? They malfunction.
“H-Hey, don’t distract me! This is serious! You—wait, what do you mean I look cute when I’m panicking?! That’s—STOP.”
But deep down? They FEEL KYAH!
If you say something like “Because I like you”
But deep down? They’re kicking their feet.Because holy shit.
Someone that important thinks they’re important.
It’s the worst and best thing to ever happen to them.
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At first, Angel just thought you were another charismatic, ambitious person—someone drawn into her orbit the way most people were. She didn’t question it too much. You were charming, clever, and played along with her public persona so well it was almost addictive.
Then, one day, she sees you on the news. Not in the background. Not as a guest. You are the news.
Maybe you’re a political powerhouse, a media mogul, an elite CEO—whatever it is, you’re big.
Cue an instant mental shutdown. She’s staring at the screen, eyes wide, mouth slightly open, and for once in her life, completely speechless.
“… Wait, wait, wait. What?!”
First, she replays every conversation the two of you have ever had, wondering how she missed the signs.
Second, she assumes you just didn’t tell her because… well, why would you? She wouldn’t have believed it anyway.
Third? Immediate concern.
Because she knows powerful people. She’s been around them.
And most of them are monsters.
But you? You’ve always been kind to her. Sweet. Playful. The same way she is with you.
…So why does this still feel like a dream?
When you finally come home, Angel is sitting on the couch, arms crossed, a frown on her lips—but her eyes are soft.
"Sooo…" she tilts her head. "Is this the part where you tell me I’ve been secretly dating royalty, or—?"
You try to explain, but she just leans closer.
"And when, exactly, were you gonna tell me that you're kind of a big deal?"
Pout. Full pout.
But she’s not actually mad. Just incredibly intrigued.
The more she learns about your influence, the more protective she gets.
She knows the price of power. She knows the pressure. The weight. The expectations.
And she knows what it’s like to need approval.
She’s quiet for a moment before reaching for your hand.
“Are you happy?” Her voice is gentle.
You nod, but she studies your face carefully, trying to find the cracks.
“You promise?”
If you squeeze her hand, reassure her? She melts.
She wants to believe you. So badly.
Angel is soft with you in ways she isn’t with the world.
She may be a perfectionist. She may be needy for attention. But with you?
She doesn’t have to perform.
She can just… be.
And that’s a rare, precious thing.
And she will make fun of you for the way you talk in "serious mode."
"Ooooh, look at you~ all professional and intimidating~"
But deep down? She’s proud.
She just expresses it through teasing.
She knows power changes people.
And she worries about that. About what it might do to you.
But she also loves you too much to let it push her away.
“No matter how big or important you are…” she murmurs, curling up against you. “You’re still mine.”
And honestly? There’s no one else in the world she’d rather love.
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The moment, you open your video feed to see him for the first time he knows who you are.
V already knows who you are.
He’s rich. Powerful. Connected. No one reaches his radar without him knowing everything about them.
So when your face appears on his screen, he isn’t surprised.
What surprises him is the fact that you recognize him, too.
You tilt your head, lips curling into an amused smirk.
“Mr Valentin Viljoen, right? We’ve met before.”
His eyes narrow slightly. “Yes. And you are—”
“I'm your kind!” you interrupt smoothly, leaning back in your chair. “Without ever spilling a drop of blood.”
That makes him pause.
His posture tenses. Just for a second.
Because… that’s not wrong.
He’s seen your name in places that matter—a ghost behind the curtains of power.
You don’t get blood on your hands.
You hire people to do it for you.
At first, he’s wary.
You are the kind of person he hunts. The kind who orchestrates death while keeping their hands clean.
The kind that believes their cause justifies the means.
And yet…
You don’t silence everyone. You don’t kill for profit or ego.
You kill corrupt politician. The ones who slip through the cracks of the system. Like him.
He watches you closely after that.
“You play God,” he says one night, his voice measured. “Deciding who lives and who dies.”
You meet his gaze, unshaken.
“So do you.”
The two of you challenge each other constantly.
You push him to see the necessity of what you do.
He pushes you to consider the weight of it.
“Your assassins are no different than the people I kill,” he says coldly. “They’re just a tool you use to maintain control.”
You hum thoughtfully. “And you’re just a weapon that wields itself.”
A game of chess with no clear winner.
But there’s one thing he can’t ignore.
You don’t kill the innocent.
Your network, your power—it’s built on a foundation of purpose.
And whether he likes it or not…
You’re not the villain he expected.
He watches you more than he should.
He listens to how smoothly you speak, how effortlessly you manipulate a conversation without a single lie.
He hates how drawn he is to it.
“You play dangerous games,” he mutters one night.
You smirk. “So do you.”
And he hates that you’re right.
He’s used to keeping his distance.
But you make that impossible.
The sharp way you tease him, the way you dance on the edge of his moral code.
It gets under his skin.
“What the hell are you?” you ask one night, head tilted. “A hero? A killer?”
His lips press into a thin line.
“What are you?” he counters.
It happens slowly.
At first, he tells himself he’s just keeping an eye on you.
But then it becomes habit.
Seeking your voice, waiting for your messages, analyzing your movements.
He finds himself protecting you before he even realizes why.
Because the moment someone tries to take you down?
He’s already one step ahead.
“You should leave,” he mutters after taking care of a hitman sent after you. “Disappear.”
You laugh softly. “And let them win?”
His jaw clenches.
He should walk away from you.
But he won’t.
Because for all his righteousness…
He can’t let you go.
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abyssalwavezz · 23 days ago
ok since caleb is back i NEEDDDD to see him and zayne interact and they have like a rivalry since they’re all childhood friends in case infold doesn’t give it to me idk how it would work tho but i trust you
Fire and Ice
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Author's note: I really almost went a very dark romance direction with this, but it would've needed to be multiple parts and Caleb would've been like a villain, so I did my best to condense it into a single chapter uwu plus, this is my first LADS fic, so I am really getting a feel for the characterization and what kind of storylines I want to write after so long of not writing fics.
Contains: College AU! Zayne x MC/YN x Caleb love triangle (except MC doesn't really like Caleb back) where Zayne ultimately wins over MC teehee, shameless cameos of the other boys because I can, and several time skips because yeah <3
Warnings: cursing I guess? and Caleb being kind of a creep lol but we all know he is one canonically anyway, and also this wasn't proofread because who has time for that
Word Count: 3,743
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Class started at 9:00 today just like it did every other day. Today though, you were late. And of course, it was an exam day.
You jumped out of bed as soon as you realized it was 8:41. Could you get ready and make it across campus in 20 minutes?
Only one way to find out.
Had you looked at your phone, you would've realized that a certain someone had been trying to message you. But he was unable to since your phone was on DND. You were too busy throwing on clothes and making yourself look presentable to think about anything else, anyway.
Once you had an outfit on and had somewhat cleaned yourself up, you glanced at the clock on the wall.
On a good day, it took about 10 minutes to walk to this class. Today, you would have to run there in 7. If only you hadn't skipped running the mile for gym...
You grabbed your bag, keys, and phone (that you still hadn't looked at) before running out the door.
However, something very sturdy and tall stopped you halfway down the hallway.
"Oof," you grunted as you came into contact with this tall, sturdy thing.
Turns out, it was a person. The person who had been trying to text you all morning.
"Caleb! What the hell?"
You looked up at him in frustration.
"I'm trying to get to class! The one you should be in too? We have an exam!"
Caleb, who still hadn't actually spoken, only laughed as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. He clicked a few things on the screen before turning it towards you.
It showed an email from your professor to your class, letting you all know that he was sick and that both class and the exam was cancelled.
It took you a few seconds to decide if you were happy or upset about the situation. Ultimately, you decided you were happy.
"If your phone hadn't been on 'Ignore Caleb Mode,' this could've been avoided," he chuckled out, putting his own phone back in his pocket.
You finally got yours out and noticed that you had, in fact, missed three texts and four calls from Caleb.
The most recent one though, wasn't from Caleb. It was from Zayne. Just reading his name on your phone made your heart skip a beat.
"You wanna go get breakfast or something?" Caleb asked, snapping you away from your Zayne-themed thoughts.
Your eyes met his excited ones, but it only took him a second to realize what your answer would be.
"Come onnnn," he groaned, tilting his head back dramatically. "Your next class isn't until 12 and mine is at 12:30. You got some big plans or something?"
You hesitated. You weren't sure how much you should tell Caleb. He could be a bit funny about things sometimes.
"I...I told Zayne I would meet him for coffee after our class. Which has now been cancelled, so he texted me asking if I wanted to meet him earlier instead."
Caleb grew silent, whatever was left of his initial hopeful expression now nonexistent.
"Oh...I see. Forgot he was in our class too."
"Caleb, come on. How about I have dinner with you to make up for it? Whatever happened with you two anyway? We all used to be great friends."
He scoffed, shoving his hands in his pockets and kicking at the floor halfheartedly.
"Don't worry about it. Go have fun, I won't get in the way."
With that, Caleb walked away.
You sighed as you swirled the last bit of your now cold coffee around the bottom of the mug.
"And so then he just walked away," you said quietly, still not sure what you did to deserve that from Caleb.
You looked up at the dark-haired man in front of you.
Zayne hadn't said much yet, he was just listening to you go on and on. But this really wasn't out of the ordinary for you two.
"Never mind that! Tell me about your day so far Zayne. I have really been yapping since we sat down."
Zayne lifted the corner of his mouth in a small smile, breathing slightly through his nose before raising his mug to his lips for a drink, and then setting it back down.
"I wouldn't call it yapping. I enjoy listening to you speak, and it sounds like you had an eventful day right from the start."
Your face burned slightly from Zayne's words, and you prayed he didn't notice.
"But my day before now really only consisted of some early morning studying, if you really wanted to know."
You chuckled a bit and raised your eyebrow playfully at Zayne.
"Future Dr. Zayne needs to study? We should all feel a little better about ourselves then!"
Zayne shook his head at your comment, in the way he always does when he thinks something is funny but doesn't want to show it and give you the satisfaction.
"Everyone would benefit from studying. Some of us...more than others," he said so only you could hear, glancing at the farthest corner of the cafe.
You followed his gaze and saw what he was looking at.
At the table in the corner was the well-known quiet kid, Xavier. His head was down on the top of the table in its usual position, and even from where you were sitting you could hear his signature snores.
What was really funny though, was not Xavier, but something else.
There were three people sitting across from him at another table with their phones out, taking pictures of him sleeping. Their stifled laughs and giggles were infectious, and you realized it was the class clown group of Sylus and his two sidekicks, Luke and Kieran. They truly were always getting into trouble or causing it.
You snorted and quickly covered your mouth and nose with both hands, hoping no one heard it. But of course Zayne did, and even he had to laugh quietly.
After the moment passed and it got quiet again, you decided to ask Zayne the real question that had been on your mind. The same one you asked Caleb a couple of hours ago.
"So... what did happen between you two? There must have been something."
Zayne stared into his dry coffee mug, pushing his glasses up slightly with the tip of his index finger.
"I'm not sure what you're referring to, (Y/N)."
"You know what I'm talking about. Caleb? The three of us used to have so much fun together as kids. Then when we started college together, everything got so tense a few weeks into the first semester."
"There are some things that you don't know, and it would be better if it remained that way. At least...for now."
You knew not to push Zayne. And you did trust him, so you decided to leave it alone for the moment.
Hopefully you would get to the bottom of it, sooner or later.
The two of you had stayed at the cafe much longer than you meant to. So you decided to go through the to-go lunch line before Zayne walked you to your next class.
You wondered if Zayne knew how you felt at times like these. Of course he was smart, but was he able to tell how you truly felt about him? What would he think? What would he say, if he knew? There's no way he would feel the same, so would he at least still want to be your friend?
Once Zayne had gotten his food as well, he turned towards you but stopped before he moved any closer.
"(Y/N), don't move."
You clicked your tongue in fake annoyance and put your hands on your hips, putting all your weight onto one side as you glared at Zayne.
"Why? Is there a big spider on me or something?"
You immediately froze, your bag of food falling to the ground with a slight plop noise. Then you screamed and flailed your hands around, trying to brush off whatever spawn of Satan was on you.
In the commotion, you lost your balance, and fell backwards, colliding with another person. Whoever it was broke your fall, at least.
"Ouch, my hand!" the person whined underneath you.
As quickly as you could, you got up onto your feet and saw a big brown spider on the floor, scurrying away from the scene.
Huh, so Zayne really was telling the truth.
Snapping back to reality, you bent down with your hand outstretched to help the purple haired boy up.
"I am so sorry. It's Rafayel, right? Is your hand okay?"
Rafayel groaned and rubbed his right hand with his left before making eye contact with you.
"No thanks to you. I need my hands for painting, you know."
Rafayel bent over to pick up his bookbag that had fallen down, and then shot you another look.
"But I suppose that spider was a fearsome creature. You're forgiven."
Before you could apologize again, he turned on his heel and marched away.
Blinking rapidly, you stood up straight and scanned the cafeteria. As you made eye contact with people, they looked away away in a hurry. All except Zayne, who stood holding your forgotten bag of food.
"Shut up, Zayne."
"But I didn't say anything."
Classes were now over for the day, and you thought it was strange that you hadn't seen Caleb anymore. Usually, he was waiting outside your classrooms whenever he could, almost like he had your schedule memorized and watched you from a distance somehow. To be honest, you wouldn't put it past him. He had always been super protective of you, which you appreciated. But sometimes, it could be a bit much. Especially as you have gotten older, and are starting to feel differently and do more things on your own.
Did Caleb...like you? Is that why he has been like that? Or was he just being the best friend he could be for you?
Nah, no way he liked you. You guys were just really good friends, and had been for years. That was enough for you.
Zayne, on the other hand, often had your emotions and thoughts in a knot. You couldn't put your finger on when exactly, but you had fallen for him as more than just a friend, and you thought about him often.
Would his lips be as cold as his hands usually were?
You shook your head, trying to shake the thought itself from your brain. No sense in getting too deep. Zayne was here for school and to become a doctor. And he could have anyone he wanted, so why on Earth would that person be you?
You decided to take a walk before it got too dark. After all, it would be nice to be by yourself for a bit since the day had been so chaotic so far.
Glancing out the window of your room, you tried to plan the route you would walk. But when you did, you noticed someone duck behind the bushes nearby.
What the hell?
Now curious about who was watching you in your own room, you decided to go around the back of your dorm building to try and catch whoever it was.
Once you were outside, you crouched a bit and tried to come around the corner of the building as quietly as possible. You took each step with a sense of purpose, willing the person to still be there. The bushes were now only a few steps away.
In a flash, you lunged, separating the bushes with your hands to find out who the creep was. But there was no one there.
Defeated, you plopped down onto the grass, trying to decide if you even wanted to go for a walk anymore.
"Whatcha doing down there on the ground?" a familiar voice behind you asked.
You stood up excitedly and clasped your hands together.
Caleb bent down to your eye-level and smiled, his usual sparkle back in his gaze.
"Were you lookin' for something?"
You shook your head, looking back over at the disheveled bush.
"No, it was really weird. I thought someone was watching me from the bushes right there. It's right underneath my window. I was gonna punch them in the mouth!"
Caleb coughed.
"Yeah, that is really weird. Anyway, wanna grab dinner soon? You offered, after all."
"Oh, sure! It's gonna get dark soon anyway, so no time for a walk after all."
You walked with Caleb to the cafeteria in silence. Usually the two of you would be talking about random things, whether that be you trying to decide on a major or Caleb's newest model airplane he built. But today, it was nothing. And you didn't really like that.
"Caleb, do you care about me?"
Your sudden question startled him, the silence around you quickly dissipating. But he didn't miss a beat.
"Well, of course I do. It's about time you noticed! But why are you asking?"
"Because I feel like you're hiding something from me. And so is Zayne, and it really bothers me. Today was especially bothersome."
Caleb sighed, opening the door to the cafeteria for you.
"You really wanna know?"
"Yes! I miss the two of you getting along. We had some great times."
Caleb grabbed two empty lunch trays and handed you one. You mumbled a quick thanks as you watched his conflicted facial expression manifest.
"We just had a fight, okay? That's all. Sometimes that happens and people aren't friends anymore."
You weren't satisfied. You knew there was more to it after the way he reacted earlier when you told him you were meeting Zayne for coffee.
"You're still leaving something out."
"What, you wanna know what we fought about?"
"Yes! Maybe I can help."
Caleb shook his head, reaching for a serving spoon to get some rice.
"Hmm, I don't think so, (Y/N). Not this time. This isn't like when we argued over the last Popsicle in Grandma's freezer."
"Oh, come on. I'm not a little girl anymore. You don't have to hide things from me."
He gripped the next serving spoon tightly, causing the food on it to wobble slightly.
"I know you aren't a little girl anymore, and that's part of the problem. You don't need me as much anymore."
"Caleb," you groaned, "You know I still want you around, no matter what. I love you, you know?"
Caleb's head seemed to be on a swivel, as fast as he turned towards you.
"You do?"
"Well yeah! You're my best friend."
Caleb's face fell slowly, starting with his eyebrows and ending with his lips.
"Yeah, best friends love each other, I guess..."
You followed him out of line to the closest table where he flopped onto one of the seats.
"I don't understand, Caleb. You don't want me to love you?"
"He does, but not in the way you are referring to, (Y/N)," a male voice said from behind where you were sitting. A voice you knew very well.
"Zayne?" you gasped. "How did you know I was here?"
You turned away from Caleb to look at him fully. He wasn't wearing his glasses, and the expression on his face was completely unreadable.
"This is usually the time you eat dinner, and I was hoping I would find you here. I did some thinking after our conversation earlier and wanted to talk to you."
A sudden loud noise caused you to jump. Looking towards the sound, you saw Caleb's tight fist against the table, surrounded by stray grains of rice.
"You've got a lot of nerve comin' up to our table right now, Zayne."
"I suppose I have just as much nerve as someone who enjoys stalking women due to their own insecurities."
Caleb stood up from the table, attracting the eyes of other students sitting down for dinner.
"Um, guys. Maybe we should all go talk outside?"
You felt something cold against your hand, and then another on your cheek.
They were snowflakes from Zayne's Evol, melting against the heat of your flushed skin.
You quickly glanced at Zayne, who was completely focused on Caleb. He hadn't even realized that he was causing them to appear in his emotional state.
A few of them stuck to your eyelashes, but you quickly blinked them away, risking a look at Caleb.
He was just as focused on Zayne, his jaw set in place and his hands now gripping the edge of the table with white knuckles.
"I think that's a great idea," Caleb spat, still not breaking eye contact with Zayne.
Without another word, he stomped towards the door, bumping Zayne's shoulder on the way by.
Though you hadn't moved, you felt out of breath as you finally met Zayne's eyes.
He was stoic, the anger he felt inside radiating off of him like a heatwave.
"Sorry about the snow," he said quietly.
You shook your head.
"What is going on? This is the first time the two of you have interacted in a long time, and it's already going to shit."
"He wants you all to himself, (Y/N). And that is just something I cannot abide."
"He what? Zayne, what-."
Before you could finish, he left to walk outside as well, taking the remaining snowflakes with him.
You ignored the onlookers and the mess left on your table before following after them.
Once you had them in your sights, you realized Caleb was getting in Zayne's face, challenging him to make a move.
Your walk turned into a run so you could catch up to them in the clearing that they were in behind the cafeteria. It seemed that they were in the middle of a new argument.
"...doesn't know what she wants. How would you know, nerd?"
"You aren't right for her, and you act strangely when it comes to her. What would any sane person think?"
Caleb was getting loud, but Zayne was speaking in his usual measured tone.
"What is going on?"
The boys froze, seeing that you had followed them outside. Caleb started to back away, and Zayne cleared his throat, moving to push up his glasses before realizing they weren't there.
"Explain yourselves. Now."
They didn't start talking right away. Instead, they took a step farther away from each other and stood silently.
"I mean it. You two are acting so damn weird. I don't deserve this."
Zayne sighed.
"She's right, Caleb."
Caleb crossed his arms.
"Yeah, I know."
Zayne started speaking first.
"When we first came here, Caleb and I had a conversation. About you."
You didn't say anything, in fear of causing them to change their minds about telling you.
"(Y/N), I was going to let you know that...that I felt a different way about you now than you might've expected. And I told Zayne about it, thinking he would support me."
"Except I found out about the...peculiar ways he chooses to look out for you and protect you. And I let him know that I strongly disapprove of his intentions."
Caleb glared at Zayne once more, and you shushed him when you saw that he was opening his mouth to fuss at Zayne.
"You follow me around to classes and stuff right? I figured. And I'm now guessing that was you in the bushes earlier?"
Zayne raised an eyebrow.
"I don't need you to watch over me like a hawk, Caleb. I am a grown up, a grown woman. And I can take care of myself."
His head lowered slightly, a hand meeting his neck to rub it awkwardly.
"I know it comes from an honest place in your heart, but I need you to stop. And..."
You hesitantly reached out to touch his arm.
"I'm sorry, but you're like my brother. I love you...in that way. Do you still want to be around me?"
Caleb sighed, laying a hand over top of yours.
"You can't get rid of me that easily. I will always be around. In whatever way you want, pipsqueak." Caleb flashed you a sad smile.
You let out a nervous chuckle, glad to see that he took it at least somewhat well. Never in your life would you have expected Caleb to have a crush on you. But you knew you didn't want to lose him, no matter what.
"Zayne..." Caleb said, turning away from you and letting his hand fall away, "I'm sorry, man."
"It's alright. I look forward to moving past this with you."
Caleb nodded without speaking, and then he walked away. You decided you wouldn't call out for him since he seemed like he needed some time alone.
That just left you with Zayne and the awkward space between you.
"Zayne..." you began.
"Can I ask you something now?"
A glimmer of hope could be felt, deep within the pit of your stomach. You couldn't stop thinking about something Zayne had said a few moments ago, and though this might not be the best time, you figured it was as good a time as any. If Caleb could do it, so could you.
"Anything. And for what it's worth, I am sorry too. Our behavior was inexcusable."
"What exactly did you mean earlier? When you said he wanted me all to himself? I thought you were upset with him because he chose to look out for me in unique ways."
The edges of Zayne's ears turned red, and he placed a hand against his chin, refusing to look directly at you.
"Were you...jealous, too?"
Zayne remained still and quiet, not sure what to say next.
"Because I really like you. I have for a long time. And no, I know what you're thinking...I am not just saying that because of what happened tonight. Actually it kind of inspired me to tell you."
Something suddenly caused your eye to water. You rubbed it hurriedly, then pulled your hand away to see a trail of moisture run down your thumb. But not long passed before you figured out what it was, a white speck falling in front of your field of vision giving it away as it landed on your outstretched hand.
"I wouldn't call it jealousy but..."
You shivered slightly as the snowflakes turned into a small flurry.
"I knew he wasn't right for you. And...one can have hopes."
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cochineal-leviat · 18 days ago
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Valentine Special 2025 ships
Heyo, it's already midnight where I am, so Valentine's Day has passed, but I still wanted to celebrate it. Valentine's Day is weird for me because I am Aro&Ace, so I never really get to appreciate it. Every year, it just comes and passes, and I feel nothing, even though I do like the aesthetic.
But this week, I had the brilliant idea that even though I can't celebrate it conventionally, I can still do something for all the pairings and ships I have come to love over the years. So, I drew eleven ships that had helped me during my most challenging moments, from when I was a child to the present. They are ordered in no particular order but rather what I got on paper in my sketchbook.
Idk. Maybe this way me my fellow Aromantics shippers can still enjoy the holiday.
Which ship do you like best? I would love to know~ (even if it is simply from the technical perspective)
From the first panel to the last, we have:
Page 1
Kirfluff (is extra special to me as a fic I wrote for the pairing, including many other franchise characters, which led me to keep writing for fun and posting it online. Without I would not have the boost of confidence that I do now about my writing)
Metadede (Who doesn't love a good ship with a warrior's bond? They're hilarious)
Isafrin (my most recent ship. They make me soft and cry at the same time. Like this pairing adds a lot ISAT's story and manages to also be very entertaining and heartfelt)
Sonadow (I got into the ship before I was even into Sonic. There was even a long-ass fic I found back when I still read on Fanfiction.net that I reread every year because I found it so funny. I definitely enjoy the modern Sonadow writing more than a decade ago)
Snufmin (perfect balance between yearning and the needing space and the freedom to adventure. I want to read more of this ship)
Page 2
Ravioli(nk) (The name alone already makes it worth it. I also have an unholy amount of fics saved from this ship. They are the literal roommates meme)
Vidow (a classic. I enjoyed this one even before I got into Zelda. Like I was reading Four Swords without having any clue what the lore was or what the fuck was going on.)
Reguri (This was named Namelessshipping and Orginalshipping back in the day. Too tired to do research rn. But I think the difference lies in the manga and game versions. I prefer the game versions, personally)
Purpleshipping {Kieran x mc) (A little backstory: this is just the mc from Scarlet and Violet that I made an NB version for, which became their own person after writing a fic. Here, they are exchanging an Applin with Kieran. For those who know the custom, you know, you know. A friend of mine named this ship)
Shadowpeach (the most divorced couple I have ever come across. I remember back when this was considered a crack ship. Ah, good times. The character depictions were very different back then, too. I depicted them in their friend's era, but still. Btw Macaque is laughing at Sun Wukong's antics but I think it accidentally looks like he is laughing at Sun Wukong rather than with him. Oh well, it wouldn't be too out of character for seasons 1-3 Mac)
Marink (not a ship I read about a lot, but it hurt me so much when I played Link's Awakening for the first time. Everytime I think of Marin I feel sad)
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gouraminnow · 2 months ago
Shanks anon here and it’s so okay I always love reading your analysis/ the reasoning behind shanks’ character in your yandere fics! It makes your fics feel so real like the characters feel so.. in character when they typically feel ooc in yandere fics.
your response made me wonder- what would shanks or benn (or both ;)- okay I need to stop) be like with an emperor darling? Or an admiral darling since admirals are placed on the same power scale as emperors? I feel like this would require them to actually really have to strategize to get their darling since it’s not as easy as just flexing their position as an emperors crew and just snatching their darling up.
Thank you!! Honestly being OOC is something I worry about. I know it's not the biggest deal ever, it's fanfic and we're already warping things, but I very much obsess over whether or not things feel "right" enough to me, haha. Like yeah yandere versions of characters differ but there are still core aspects of a character that make them who they are.
Rambling under the cut, much lighter on Benn tbh... hint of suggestiveness at the absolute very end like literally the last sentence
Anyway if Mc is another Emperor, then Shanks is gonna try and pester them into an alliance, first of all. He's friendly and laying on the charm, but also a bit more serious than he would be with a civillian or less powerful/experienced pirate. You're someone who could actually potentially cause problems for him if he pushes too hard. A lot more passive, but pays special attention to your movements. If he runs into any of your subordinate crews or other members, he's friendly with them too- willing to assist them in battle if they bite off more than they can chew. Sends them back to you with gifts- both for them, and something meant to be delivered directly to you.
And he "runs into" you too, of course! Very frequently, actually. Throws a party, does his best to draw you and your crew in. All the better to give gifts directly, isn't it? Some quality alcohol is his go-to, but he likes you. Does his best to dig for any interests you may have, learn/estimate your clothing sizes... whether or not Benn is into you as well, Shanks tries to get him to dig a little as well. He'll grunt, maybe even roll his eyes, but approaches you all the same. Probably has more luck anyway, since according to that SBS he scores more ladies than Shanks lmao.
If it's Benn who's interested and not Shanks, then... I think it'd be funny if things don't change all that much, actually. Teases Benn for aiming high, but ultimately decides to try and be a good wingman for his first mate. It's the least he can do, after all! And if he does succeed in getting with you, the resulting alliance will be good for everyone, he reasons. Benn has a headache.
Benn would also send gifts, I think, but they're smaller. More personal and often functional. A small bottle of your favorite spirits, a leather-bound journal, a small piece of subtle but pretty jewelry. A replacement for a scabbard strap that snapped during a skirmish, an extra button when one popped off of your coat... was he even there for that? How did he notice..?
And Benn is no stranger to drinking and partying, of course, but he makes more relaxing company than Shanks. Won't pester you or drag you into things the same way Shanks will, happy to find somewhere a little quieter and just enjoy a shared drink and a moment of quiet.
All in all, kidnapping is far less likely to be on the table. You're on equal footing, and neither man wants the massive clash between Yonkos or the deaths that would result from it that could come from this. They both ultimately want you to like them, after all, and captivity wouldn't break the Will of someone like you even if they did manage it.
An Admiral Mc, on the other hand... oof.
This has a bigger chance of blowing up but Shanks is high-maintenance and loves to court danger. Takes care of troublemakers for you, which pisses you off because you do not need him for that, goddamnit. He likes to antagonize you, knowing you can't just start something without the input of the other Admirals. You're on par with him, but ultimately still a tool for the WG... if you fail, they're more likely to write you off as a failure than a loyal crew would. Would try to get you to defect. Aokiji did it after all, so it's not impossible. But if you're determined to remain a Marine, well... if he can beat you, kidnapping IS on the table here as an alliance is impossible. Uses the danger your subordinates are in against you. The gap between you and them is just too big, are you really willing to risk all of them..? It's worse for an Admiral, tbh. If they can't get you to leave the Marines and join them, and they succeed in taking you for themselves, they're more willing to break you than a fellow Yonko. Can see it becoming something akin to a brat-taming scenario, tbh.
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reigning-orion · 5 months ago
I'm literally obsessed with the visual novel keyframes right now. It's so good!! The writing is amazing and the characters are even better. The fact that it takes place throughout 2 years of college and not just a week is so refreshing!
I can't stop thinking about the boyssss
Theories and things I've noticed:
None of the boys seem to like being the center of attention. Jamie is forcefully thrown into it by his little "groupies" and absolutely hates it. The man hid in a bunch of flowers to get away. He just wants to be left alone!
Percy will do his little flirty/jokey thing and have an audience for the bit but that's about it. When it comes to talking about himself or getting told he's doing a good thing/(mc trying to break down his walls) he hates it. Mc tells him it's sweet he shares his food so Jamie will eat something he likes, Percy brushes it off. Mc thinks it's cute that Percy wants to reward Elio for doing a good thing he literally tries to stomp on ur toes! Dude loves to joke around with u but hates to get deep and actually acknowledge the good things he does. Percy is very comfortable talking about Elio and tends to push the conversation on to him so he doesn't have to talk about himself. When ur on the green getting plants in the study event there's an option to ask Percy if he's done anything he likes with Elio. He tries to dodge the question by saying no but then Elio mentions a comic convention they went to. AGAIN this man tried to brush it off saying it wasn't a big deal. But Elio comes in clutch like the best boy he is and starts to talk more about it. And wat does Percy do? He defects like he does everything and makes a joke and the convo is kinnda over. He also pushes aside the things he wants in favor of what his friends want. Which is sweet but TELL ME WAT U LIKE SIR.
Elio does a LOT of good deeds but doesn't like everyone to make a big fuss about it. He just wants to return the wallet peace! (Which I totally get. If someone tried to sing me a song because I returned the wallet I might just drop it back on the floor.) Elio is a middle child of a huge family. Middle children tend to not get alot of attention from parents compared to the youngest and oldest. I love and want to know more! GIVE US DEEP CONVERSATIONS WITH ELIO AND LET HIM SHOW US THE STARS
Jamie is so funny I love all his puns.
Elio is so cute and way to biteable.
How I think the boys will react when they notice they have feelings for mc.
Jamie might not notice at first. He's never really been interested in relationships until mc. So he might have a hard time knowing the difference between platonic feelings and romantic. But when he does figure out it's romantic he'll try and give subtle hints that he's interested to see if u are as well.
Elio will be similar in the way of not knowing between platonic and romantic right away. He's probably going to be like, "mc is such a good friend, I just want to be around them all the time and maybe kiss a little bit. ...wait wat?" We know from the blank house asks that elio has never been in a relationship and doesn't know that anyone has ever liked him in a romantic way. I think this will make him a little worried that mc doesn't like him back. Now if mc doesn't identify as a woman Elio is going to be super confused. Blank house has said that mc is going to be elios gay awakening. He saw himself as straight before mc but 100% was an ally( u cannot make me believe different.) I think he's ganna struggle with that a bit and his friends will 100% know he likes mc before he does. When elio figures himself out and is comfortable its ganna be complete puppy love and adorable. But again he will be in denial for a bit.
Now Percy. He is going to do whatever he can to make himself believe he doesn't like mc romantically. Or at least do his best to hide them. This man is already trying not to tell mc anything about himself. Mc is going to break down his wall no matter how long it takes. I don't think Percy lovers will go down without a fight. I suspect he might be a little put off by relationships. We know from the game that his parents are divorced. He mentions in the rainy day event the paints he has r from his stepdad. He may have been around alot of fighting and toxic relationships at home. This is probably why he spent so much time at elios house. He might not think he can have a healthy relationship or just doesn't know how. Maybe if things r going really well with mc it scares him because "all romantic relationships end badly, maybe we should have just stayed friends, I think I'm in love with them and that's terrifying I dunno how to handle this." He might have a breakdown and break up with them. He's had a romantic relationship in the past and we don't know how that one went but I'm guessing it was similar or maybe the partner did something bad and that put him off. I dunno. This is all just assuming he's the one that gets the confirmed break up. We've all collectively agreed it's not Elio. It could be Jamie but I just don't see it because in an ask it sounded like u had the option to get back together. The only way I can see Jamie breaking up with mc (assuming their relationship is going well) is him going back to Sweden. Maybe Percy was expecting his and mcs romantic relationship to stay casual but when it started to get serious he started to over think everything and broke it off.. maybe I dunno. In his profile it says he has a rosey outlook on life which makes me think maybe the break up isn't his? I need to know! This Kickstarter needs to get fully funded!! 🥹
It would be hilarious if the break up was just Percy calling mc and being like, "hey don't take this the wrong way but T Swifty just dropped a new album so I'm ganna need u to break up with me for at least 60 minutes so I can experience her music to the fullest." Then u hear a knock on ur door exactly 70 minutes later and he's got food for both of u and he does a little bit about u taking him back. And how could u break up with him over T Swifty that's so crazy.
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accio-victuuri · 4 months ago
it’s been a while since i’ve shared my recent reads! so here’s what i have picked up in the past months. felt inspired cause i’m really enjoying the story i’m reading now, w/c i initially picked up as a manhwa but i’m impatient so i switched to the novel. it’s called the hunter is gonna lay low or the hunter wants to live quietly. it’s such a gem! cause it starts of pretty simple and funny then the author manages to put in the plot and well, it’s plotting. lol.
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if you like systems/dungeons, cast of characters, time travel, mystery and the most delicious slow burn then this is for you. i hope this gets animated at some point cause it’s so good! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 this is the only novel on the list so it’s pretty special that the story led me to WANT to read the source.
i’m literally listing what i’ve read so yeah. and pretty much a v short reaction to it cause there is a lot (53). it’s a mix of ongoing and completed works at the time of writing and when i read it so i’ll mark that too.
1. Sweetie, Sweetie, Sweetie - this title is so misleading cause you would think it’s a modern story full of sweetness when it’s not. this deals with kingdoms/royalty, superpowers — and isekai.
2. How my Daddies Became mates (completed) - first foray into mangas because i most prefer manhwa/manhuas — i know, sacrilege. but yeah, it’s a cute story of two dad telling their kid how they met and fell in love. It’s so wholesome! a short read when you feel tired of all the toxic bl stories. 😂😂😂
3. Unintentional Love Story (completed) - pick this up! it’s so good! slice of life kind of vibe and falling in love in a small town.
4. Someone like You (completed) - this was something i started before and went back in now that it’s completed.
5. Isekai no Sata Wa shachiku shidai - i don’t really go for Mangas but this one pulled me in! I love myself some isekai plot. it’s just sad that no one has updated the translation for so long so that may put some people off in picking this up.
6. Bend over Backwards (completed) - corporate slave x international model. if you like this kind of dynamic then go ahead. Only 40 chapters plus a bunch of side stories so this kind of thing is a good choice.
7. Dinner with a Vampire - pretty obvs with the title.
8. Mister Wonderful teases me
9. Romance but not Romantic - omegaverse! the kind where the omega needs the alpha but initially hated him.
10. Be, Be. - omegaverse with modern royalty!
11. Smoky Nectar 1 - a short read that continues to a part 2 and it’s good ✌🏼
12. Smoky Nectar 2
13. Reincarnated to Devil King Evelogia’s World - this is so uniquely unhinged that it became. endearing. No. I swear. I haven’t read anything like it. I love it tho. Maybe some people will find it over the top but it’s now one of my personal faves.
there’s an animated version of it if you wanna start with that just to see how cute they are lol.
14. Bullying the Dog - an MC who didn’t get much love then he meets the ML who shows him what it’s like. it’s so somft.
15. Bittersweet Martini (completed) - i’m gonna cheat here and copy/paste the first comment on this story cause i think it perfectly describes the story: “If you're looking for a casual pleasure read with a green flag story with heavy flirting, which leads to a lot of blushing but also deals with a more serious topic towards the middle, without leaning too much into the drama, then look no further.”
16. Over the Paradise - guideverse with zombies!
17. Hero vs Villain - what happens when the supposed hero and villain become friends and fall in love? this was so nice!
18. Night of London - vampire and werewolf pairing! come on! Let’s gooooo! 🙌🏼
19. Kill my love - omegaverse and assassins!
20. Turning - Another work that i would most likely pick up the novel version cause it’s that good! Regression theme! ❣️plus the setting is they are in a kingdom where people have powers.
21. The Moon is coming to me - I have already talked bout this before and it’s one of my absolute faves! I didn’t know the Manhua was released! So i was so happy to enjoy it in that form. The translation for this is very close to the end so pick it up!
22. Cozy Obsession - transmigration where the MC knows how the story goes so he is trying his best to change the ending.
23. Summertime (completed) - one of my favorites! love it when friends become lovers and some may say the ML here is manipulative but i wanna say in a good way. lol. anyway, it’s classic, atleast from the MC’s side that you’ve known this person some time and that summertime everything has changed.
24. My way with you (completed) - gonna cheat again with this one by pasting here what someone commented: “LISTEN UP GUYS this one has everything: healthy happy relationship, supportive friends, trauma and healing, mysterious past connections, beautiful men, hot af smut, 100% consent, cutest lovey dovey couple, NO drama, NO “misunderstandings”, NO second ml, NO annoying interfering side characters. You will cry, but because it’s just so good.” 💯
25. Netkama Punch - i haven’t finished and progressed much as i would like tho i know a lot of people have this as their favorite! I will get back to it! The premise of hidden identity and online gaming is one of my fave so i will surely pick this up again.
26. Through the Years - i haven’t finished this yet but it’s a lot of people’s fave
27. Fools (completed) - disillusioned guy meets excitable puppy 🤍
28. Moonquake (completed) - a very unique concept. people on earth have powers and then some of them decided to rebel and live in the Moon. Our MC is one of the best ones on earth and is supposed to bring down the leader of the rebellion. but you all know what happens, they fall in love! AHHHHH! and i have to say the art in this too is exceptional.
29. Men’s wear store and the Royal Princess (completed) - this may be weird for some or slow / not enough action lol. i enjoyed it tho! the MC cross dresses and finds someone who loves and accepts him!
30. Ex Hot Neighbor (completed) - a story that centers around a misunderstanding! MC thinks he can’t date the neighbor cause he’s his friend’s ex. but nope!
31. Forest Sea (completed) - A good and solid fantasy story. Please give it a try! The whole birds vs snakes thing was kinda weird at first but the author made it work.
32. When you were asleep - this hasn’t been updated in a while and it’s so sad because the art is topnotch! the plot is good too, especially the dreamscapes but there’s still a lot to discover cause we wanna know what happened in the past. Why is MC even having these dreams and all that.
33. Beum & Go’s Unholy…. - still ongoing and read few chapters
34. Spring, the color of love (completed) - what a wonderful story. Oftentimes, as a reader, you have that sense of boundary with the narrator. But this one — you can feel and understand what the MC is thinking and going through. even tho i haven’t experienced what he did, i can totally get it. this is one of those tropes where they fall in love during their school years and some misunderstanding happens, they meet again years later and try again. something i would love to re-read even if there are parts of it that hurt. and it’s just proof that if something is meant to be, it will come back to you.
35. Keep Holding On (completed) - a short and sweet read with friends to lovers trope!
36. Wolf in the House (completed) - i am so late with this cause i feel like every list has this story as one of the best. I have to agree! it’s so good! tho i have to say i’m more attached to the second pairing. this one is a perfect mix of fantasy, action, comedy and romance. A solid recommendation!
37. Touch within the Abyss (completed) - AAAAAHHHHHH! a hitman x blind cinnamon roll! read it now! please! it’s so sweet! their love and care for each other is so pure 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
38. 99% in love season 1 (completed) - from bestfriends to lovers in the cutest way! they start fake dating and it leads to more obvs.
39. 99% in love season 2 - their college life and this one has smut scenes!
40. Alpha Trauma ( novel ongoing ) - if you know Omega Complex then you might be aware that this is a sequel of sorts but follows the second lead’s love story if you may. Everyone loves Dohyun so i’m one of those happy readers who is happy that he gets his own story, tho the POV in this is not his but his Omega. If you like ABO and campus setting then this may be for you.
41. Soul Sealer’s school life - The MC is the soul sealer who has to do good deeds to prolong his life, then he meets the ML who has a strong spirit in him. It’s a perfect blend of fantasy, comedy and not so much romance as of the moment. The art is 💯 and i really like to see where this goes!
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42. Guidance with Benefits - still ongoing and read few chapters
43. Chiguha Kuna Kisu (completed) - if you like a short read that will make you have overall good vibes then this is it. school setting, two cute boys, a fortunate miscommunication and starting a relationship. it’s so good and made me want to look for more mangas! 🤍
44. Spicy Milk Candy - yandere but in a good way. that’s all i’m gonna say.
45. Ruby Red wo Kamikudaku (completed) - i’m just gonna add the summary below but it’s truly a unique read!
Akane is an Omega who can see people's pheromones as multicolored "crystals”. During his school days, when he was lonely because of his peculiar constitution, he meets Makise, a school nurse teacher. 5 years later, they are miraculously reunited, but Makise has a secret
46. Yume Nara Doko Made Yurusaremasuka (completed) - corporate slave x young policeman. 6 chapters of sweetness!
47. Sparkling Baby (completed) - this is supposedly a sequel for the second lead, but i haven’t read the first story. I just love how the MC/ML first met and then made a mark on each other as strangers — but it wasn’t there time yet. and so they meet again later and navigate their lives together. What attracted me to this story is how the MC changed because of love. For years, he had this sense of what he think is love and looking back, maybe it didn’t work out because love isn’t supposed to be like that. What he found with the ML is real and why it feels different.
48. Ashita kimi no mono ni shite (completed) - this so wholesome! school setting and friends to lovers. quiet boy x cool guy
49. Koibitu Keiyaku chu ni suki (completed) - friends to lovers! fake dating. and well, look at them. so precious together:
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50. Camboy Bunny (completed) - i think the title says it all. A delicious read!
51. Beyond the Memories - AAAAAHHHHHHH! the story in itself should be sweet and fluffy but the author manages to squeeze in the undercurrent of there is something wrong. as a reader, there is something big that we don’t know and once it comes out — all of it will be shattered. it looks like there is some sort of regression and MC doesn’t know this but the ML does. The question here is when his memories will come back and will he forgive the ML. We are not in that part yet with what’s available right now so i’m excited!
52. Private Call (completed) - another omegaverse.
53. Senza Replica - guide/esper. very few chapters out and something i will go back to.
I read everything except the novel at BATO. 🫶🏼 covering my may-october 2024 reads.
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envy-of-the-apple · 6 months ago
I'm 99% sure it was called "Forever Yours" and it was a yandere oneshot series basically of a ton of popular anime boys from the time. The ones I remember were the Tokyo Ghoul dude, there were some Death Note guy chapters, there was the ML from Kamisama kiss, OH and the white haired guy from Psycho-Pass. There were like 50 chapters. It had probably a million likes or something it was INSANELY popular.
Ryntymy also had some other ongoing fics (and a ryntymny/reader crack fic, god, love them for that), but god it's soooo hard to remember.
i DID find a post about one of the fics i knew of that was actually REALLY GOOD that you would have LOVED (it was very similar to saltburn although it's quotev so this yandere was ofc pretty tame):
as for what's still up... hm. i do remember parallel ink, and also psychadelic peanut (they had this really trippy izaya fic):
AH parallel ink wrote kingdom of possession, which i DO remember:
and there was this one series that was ACTUALLY quizzes, which was neat:
this one was a pretty fun sort of mystery style thing:
and this one was like. formative for my longing for pathetic masochistic men. i wasn't super into it back then but THE SEEDS WERE PLANTED:
SEESAW????? I lovedddd that fic so so much ahhhh it was amazing!!! the fic put me in so much denial cuz i was like 'its him! wait no its not him? wait it IS him? no wait-' very very entertaining
speaking of murder mystery yandere fics...there was this one where the reader was isekaid onto a train and quickly pieces together that all of the passengers resemble ppl from this book they read years ago...except they cant remember the ending aka they dont know who the murderer is. pretty sure the author deleted it but it was good!
its so funny you mention psychedelic peanut cuz i remember they got canceled???? actually...pretty sure parallel ink did too...as well the rest of their clique....and thats why i zipped outta the quotev yandere community!
actually that one aot isekai i was talking about was hosted on quotev! pretty much the height of literature, there's no competition. if i dont find it im just tempted to just rewrite it.
Curse of a Broken Promise is still up there and i think it still holds up! its a yandere kaneki ken fic and the writing is so....whimsical? idk how to explain it but it whenever i read it i always felt so sad. good read!
Imperishable affection (yandere!mafioso x reader) is ALSO written by the same author. basically yandere mafia boss guy threatens you into loving him or else your family dies yada yada so ofc the mc does. for a quotev yandere fic its pretty dark actually.
You Need Me (Yandere Manipulator x reader) THIS was the fic that brought me into the yandere thing. and the author used to update EVERY day so this whole this was an event. and the TWIST i remember being 14 and gasping like 'omg he did EVERYTHING???' very very good
If you want a izayax reader fic whos author WASNT wierd might i suggest Twisted Obsession. Beautiful writing. Its better than most ao3 writing actually and wayyy above mine. I love the way this author characterizes Izaya in this and the backstory for why hes so strange is pretty believable. like i fully believe it should be canon.
Savior Complex is an aot isekai where the mc gets whisked into a yandere sim where Petra is the love interest and the rest of the aot cast is obsessed with her. but we can all guess what happens. pretty good tho!!!
BUT EVERYONE GO READ PRETTY its a gojo x LATINA READER AHHHHHH YESSSS. i just LOVE LOVE LOVE the way this author writes. its so poetic and there's so much left up for interpretation.
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