#which sucks cause sea rep
mooselybased · 2 years
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Hey what's up! It's time for another Adventure Zone platform fighter moveset, and our second Ethersea rep, iiiiit's Zoox!
Zoox, as a ranger, has some very good range to his standard attacks, which heavily feature his crossbow and whatnot. His special attacks, meanwhile, give Zoox a ton of versatility that allow him to adapt to many different situations.
Zoox's standard special spawns sea creatures around him. Inputting a cardinal direction selects one of them, temporarily boosting the associated stat (seahorses for jumps, blue tangs for speed, elephant seal for attack, or manta ray for defense), but slightly lowering the others.
Zoox's side special causes a spire of coral to sprout from the ground, damaging foes and popping them into the air. The longer the button is held, the further away from Zoox the spire will appear.
Zoox's down special has him briefly activate his short-range telepathy. While active, non-projectile attacks will be countered, dealing progressively higher damage back as Zoox takes more hits.
Zoox's up special is, of course, his foot farts. This does very little damage, but covers a good distance, and allows Zoox to change direction in midair once.
Zoox's finale causes the Infinite Clam to appear along the bottom of the stage, directly below Zoox. It opens its gaping maw and immediately sucks in anyone close to Zoox, doing massive damage, before launching them back out.
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dafanwen · 2 years
so much was always wrong with glee but ryan's murphy's weirdo fixation on blaine was truly what killed any joy in that show
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Checking Sources
I’m taking a stab at the trope I’ve seen all over the place recently. But with a different twist. Oneshot - might continue if I get the desire.
Paris’ spotted heroine jumped slightly after being pulled from her thoughts. She’d been staring out over the city’s glittering lights, lost to the maelstrom of voices and recalled memories swarming her mind with a thoughtful (at least she hoped it was) frown on her lips. So much so, that she hadn’t noticed when her leather-clad partner had shown up to sit next to her on a night he was supposed to be taking off.
When the hell had he gotten there? She wondered, looking around quickly for any indication of how long she’d been stuck in her own head. 
“Hey Chaton, what are you doing out here? It’s my night to patrol.” She asked as another entirely panicked thought came to mind - that she’d been so dazed she’d missed the tell-tale signs of an Akuma.
But, before she could freak out any further, she took in Chat’s relative ease - or at least, he didn’t look like he was on the verge of jumping into a fight. He did seem apprehensive, though. She could tell in the way it tensed and squeezed his shoulders together like he wanted to be close, but wouldn’t dare come in contact with her.
Which made her wonder if she’d said or done anything recently to give him the idea he was overstepping his bounds. Or maybe he was mad at her for something? And wasn’t that just the icing on the cake that was her day? 
First, Lila had caused a major scene that got Marinette detention for the rest of the week (it all happened so fast, she barely remembers what the hell had even happened). Now she was having a panic attack over whether her partner was mad at her for something she didn’t remember doing? Who else was she going to piss off today?
“What’s your stance on sharing your identity?”
Panic attack on momentary pause, a dark brow shot up at the question, and if she wasn’t so wary of the way he’d said it with that uncomfortable look on his face, she probably would have been angry. But he seemed so off tonight that it was throwing her usual emotions for a loop. So, choosing not to go off on her partner, she sighed heavily, trying to keep her focus on him despite the bubbling irritation, “Chat, I’m sorry, but we’ve talked about this. Our identities are a secret for a reason.”
For the first time since he sat down (she thinks), she sees him glance her way if only slightly. The uncomfortable look on his face had softened a bit but he still has something unreadable in his eyes that makes Ladybug anxious, “So... you’ve never shared your identity? With anyone? Not accidentally or otherwise?”
If she didn’t know any better, she’d say his words were a little accusatory. 
Which, okay first off, what the fuck? And second, why was he suddenly giving her the third degree? 
Again, though, the entire display was throwing her and she knew she had to be rational about this. 
“No. Of course not. I promised you didn’t I? Once Hawkmoth was defeated, you would be the first person I told.” She stated as calmly and resolutely as she possibly can. She’d been clear from the start where she stood on the subject. 
As soon as the words left her mouth, Chat Noir visibly relaxed. Shoulders slumping and a breath heaving from his chest as he nodded, “Right. Right, of course.” He finally managed to turn to look at her and the discomfort was quickly hidden by a small smile.
The shift in his attitude was almost as disconcerting as his arrival.
“What is this about, Chatton?”
That smile faltered a bit as he looked away from her again, “There’s this-” he began but his words died before he shook his head, “No, it’s - it’s nothing. Sorry for bothering you about this. It was stupid.” 
Chat made to stand, but Ladybug caught his wrist before he could get away, “Obviously not if it brought you out here as upset as you looked. I know I can be a real stickler about the secret identities thing, but Chat, I’m not doing this to hurt you. I promise!” She implored, feeling like she’d missed something major. “If you’re being hurt or-”
Blonde hair flew as he shook his head quickly, “No, no. Nothing like that. Really. I know why you do. I won’t pretend it doesn’t suck, but I get it. Really, I do.” He tried to assure her, and while it did seem like he understood and he was being honest with her, he was still hiding something. Something that had driven him to come out and ask her these strange questions.
“Then what was all of this about?”
He had the decency to look apologetic at least as the corners of his mouth pulled up and he shook his head again, “It’s too personal - talking about it might give me away, Bugaboo, but I really am sorry about this. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
Ladybug’s eyes darted back and forth as she watched him closely, but eventually, hesitantly, she let go of his wrist and allowed him to get up.
The whole conversation left an unsettling anxiousness over her and a rather uncomfortable tenseness in the air between them as he backed away and saluted before she even had the chance to say anything - disappearing into the night.
That unease followed her home and through her restless sleep and when she woke up the next morning, she couldn’t help but let it consume her thoughts. Distracting her as she made her way to class earlier than usual.
Distracting her so much, in fact, that she almost didn’t notice the crowd gathered around two individuals crammed into her usual seat next to Alya giggling and talking loudly.
As much as she hated it, Marinette had developed something of a sixth sense for the Italian exchange student Lila Rossi. A personal radar to warn her of the liar’s presence.
And it was going off big time.
It wasn’t uncommon for Lila to try and steal her spot when she could. Usually, it resulted in some sort of argument between Marinette and Alya when her supposed best friend defended the other girl for just wanting to hang out, and why didn’t she try being nice to the girl for once?
This time, though, Marinette was quickly made aware of three things:
1. Lila wasn’t alone.
2. Whoever this other girl was, she and Lila were already very close and that didn’t bode well for anyone - especially Marinette.
3. Adrien, who was an unfortunate captive in the crowd around his desk, looked really uncomfortable - more so than usual as he openly frowned at the desktop in front of him, trying not to associate with the things going on around him.
What the hell was going on? Marinette had only been gone from class for one afternoon! 
Alya was the first to notice her entrance to the class, giving her an unsure look from her seat (she had been pretty mad at her yesterday for whatever it was that landed her detention for the week), causing a ripple effect as Lila and her ��guest’ looked up at her too, quieting down and catching everyone else’ attention.
The unfamiliar girl sized the noirette up before speaking, “Is this the girl you were telling me about?”
Lila put on her biggest, fakest, puppy-dog eyes and nodded softly, watching Marinette like she might lunge at her any second now. 
Like parting the red sea, the unfamiliar girl stood from her place at Marinette’s desk and the crowd around her gave her room to move, allowing her to make her way to stand haughtily before her. The girl was a tad taller than Marinette, but the platform sandals she wore made it so Marinette would need to look up at her slightly. She had dark, almost black, shoulder-length hair that hung loosely, but the color of her brows made it clear that it wasn’t natural. She’d dyed it, recently too, if the lack of root discoloration was any indication.
Marinette watched her approach with a raised brow, unimpressed by the superior gleam to the girl’s blue-green eyes.
“I heard you’ve been bullying my best friend.” She said, authoritatively, her hands propped on hips clad in Gabriel branded jeans.
There was a collective gasp among her classmates like this was some big reveal in a soap opera. 
The class rep merely blinked a moment, brow still raised because who the fuck even was this girl and why was she squaring up to her like she even had a chance? Actually, no, she didn’t care.
“I’m sorry, who are you?” Marinette asked, but her tone gave away how few fucks she actually gave about the girl’s answer.
“For your information, it’s Bianca. I just transferred yesterday. But don’t change the subject. I’ve heard that you’ve been bullying my best friend Lila.”
Before Bianca had a chance to say any more, Marinette gave her a deadpanned look, “Well, sorry to inform you, but your best friend is a liar.”
Lila could immediately be heard breaking out into sobs somewhere in the background but Marinette was quickly losing interest in this conversation. 
“I don’t think she is. I think you’re the liar. In fact, I think people like you are what’s wrong with Paris. Always trying to hurt others so they get Akumatized and I have to clean up your mess.”
I’m sorry, what? 
That had Bluebell eyes snapping to focus on the girl in front of her. Interest piqued. 
“I’m giving you one chance. Stop being a menace to society or my partner and I will take action.”
There was quite a bit to unpack from that. Like... a lot. Menace to society? Partner? Take action?
Who did this girl think she was? Ladybug?
The one thing that seemed clear to Marinette after reviewing the word choices in her own head a few times, was that this was not a friendly recommendation.
“Are you threatening me?”
She probably should have sounded a little angrier. In fact, anything would have been better than bored. But she just couldn’t find the energy. 
A triumphant smile spread over Bianca’s face, as she disregarded the lack of fear in Marinette’s voice, “I don’t threaten people. But that is a promise.”
Marinette was left to blink at her a little longer. 
Because what even was happening here? What on earth had she done that the universe saw fit to drop this steaming pile of bull on her morning?
And why did it feel like the girl was hinting at something she wasn’t picking up on? Why was her body telling her that she needed to react while her brain was taking its sweet time to catch up with everything?
“Dude,” someone from the peanut gallery stage whispered, finding it in their heart to give her a helping hand, “That’s Ladybug!”
Lila shushed them loudly, “Guys, not everyone is supposed to know! We don’t know who we can trust!”
Wow. When she’d made that comment in her head before, she’d been joking but... seriously? Did she really just?
“You’re Ladybug?” Marinette asked, wanting to clarify and make absolutely certain that she hadn’t just imagined that last forty-five seconds of her life.
Bianca’s chin raised, literally looking down her nose at Marinette, “Normally I wouldn’t share that information with someone like you.”
Behind her, Adrien stood from his seat looking absolutely livid, but Marinette barely had a moment to even register the malice in the gaze he pointed at Bianca before - 
Marinette covered her mouth with her hand to stop it, but nothing could hold back the onslaught now. 
They were giggles at first, tumbling from her in waves as she tried to clear her throat and treat this seriously. But before long, she couldn’t help it. She was laughing out loud, doubling over, completely ignorant (maybe not completely, but she didn’t care at this point) to the looks of confusion on the faces around her.
She made the mistake of looking back up at Bianca and that only renewed her laughing fit until it literally brought her to her knees, clutching her sides as she laughed so hard she cried.
Fucking cried.
It was a solid five or six minutes before she could breathe again. Sitting back up, wiping the tears from her eyes, she beamed at the girl standing awkwardly before her, “Wow. Thanks. I really needed that.”
She cleared her throat, clearly unsure of the strange behavior. She couldn’t blame her for that. “I don’t see what’s so funny.”
“All of it. Really.” She stood up from the floor, making a show of dusting off her pants before turning her full attention back on the girl. 
Because this was going to be fun.
“So, Ladybug, tell me this; if I’m such a menace to society, why would you entrust me with a miraculous?”
Bianca's smirk faltered, her eyes darting over to Lila for a moment, both of them looking a little lost for words. As was everyone else for that matter.
Even Alya, whose mouth hung open at this revelation. But the reporter flew to her phone, swiping quickly, "when?! There were no new heroes! How do we know you're not lying?"
Oh good. They were playing right into it. One thing you could always count on with sheeple... they always follow.
"Huh, well, then I guess if you can’t believe me at my word, it would be pretty easy to fact check." Her tone was a bit forced on those words and the reporter had the decency to look taken aback, "You could always just ask Ladybug, here."
"Well I-"
"Or you could ask her partner. Seeing as how he saw me transform."
Bianca's mouth snapped shut. It was still hit or miss whether or not Marinette was bluffing. And it's easy to claim something like that when the only other person who could confirm or deny the facts was not present.
This had been Lila’s game the whole time. The difference was, Marinette wasn’t lying.
But neither of them could take that chance.
Because neither of them knew what she knew.
And Ladybug was definitely in this room, but it wasn’t who they all thought it was.
"I asked her to give you a chance. Because I wanted to help you. I thought being a hero would make you a better person. But you just kept bullying me!"
Ah, so they were going to go this route, hmm? She could work with that. And given Lila’s proclivity for being Akumatized, maybe she could mess with Hawkmoth too while she was at it. 
Because it was only a matter of time before someone was targeted.
"How very generous of you, Lila," She said in her sweetest voice possible, but even to her own ears, it sounded fake. How did Lila keep this up all the time? “But, that’s not what you said on the tower when we fought that Akuma together.”
"What did you think I would say when you were obviously unfit to be a Hero! I didn’t want to risk you turning on me.”
“You didn’t think I was unfit when I helped save you and Chat Noir.” This time, it felt a little more realistic when she put the hurt look on her face, glancing away.
In the process, she caught sight of Adrien giving her a strange look. One she couldn’t really put a name to. But it was different than all of her other classmates. Why did he seem so much more confused than the others? 
The girl scoffed, "leave my partner out of this." She demanded, and it felt like a desperate attempt at redirecting the conversation. 
Fine. She could work with that too.
"You... do know that your 'partner' is my best friend, right?" She turned an apologetic look to Alya she only half meant, "sorry Als, but - you know," Marinette pointed between the two of them indicating the distance that had grown between them. They weren't nearly as close as they'd used to be. And while they were still friends, Marinette had a hard time categorizing her as her 'best friend'.
And the implication wasn't wasted on the reporter either. She was left staring wide with bewilderment and hurt. But Marinette was less positive it was because of not being best friends anymore and more that she hadn't told Alya that she spent time with one of the heroes she loved to chase.
"My partner would never hang out with someone like you."
God, she was just a broken record, wasn’t she? Did she really still think she was bluffing?
With a scoff and a soft shake of her head, Marinette pulled her phone from her pocket and swiped through her pictures until she found what she was looking for.
She wasnt trying to be smug about the way she flipped her phone around so she could show the class, but she definitely couldn't help the little smirk that pulled at her lips as the class gasped again, pulling closer so they could study the photo.
A photo of her and Chat Noir sitting a little too close together on her chaise lounge. Marinette sticking her tongue out at the camera, while chat gave the overly kawaii victory peace sign over his left eye like he was straight out of an anime. It was one of her favorites. They'd spent nearly the whole night binging on shows together after a particularly stressful day. The pictures had been a side effect of too much sugar, not enough sleep, and good company. And for some reason when Chat found out she’d been Multimouse, that increased her ‘coolness factor’ and they had something in common.
Of course, she couldn’t tell him that wasn’t the only thing they had in common.
Either way, it had brought them closer together as friends and they hung out often. 
Which was a reprieve given that most of her friends had abandoned her anyway. 
As Bianca stared a little blankly at the picture, a number of voices all began to pick up around them.
"You're actually friends with chat noir? That's so cool!"
“Does that mean you hang out with the other heroes too?”
“What is Chat Noir really like?”
"Wait, then that means you really were a hero? I thought heroes had to keep their identities secret."
That’s the one she’d been waiting on. Quickly silencing the others with a pointed look back at Bianca, "They do. But I'm not a hero anymore, am I Ladybug?"
"Why was it again that I’m not allowed to be Multimouse again?" She put a thoughtful finger to her chin, but she felt her own fire building in her core, “I’m pretty sure it was nothing to do with being a menace to society.”
She tapped her chin a few more times, looking around deep in thought. Catching another glimpse of Adrien studying her carefully, but she refused to let his perfectness distract her because fuck these people.
Fuck the high road.
If he was going to be mad at her for standing up for her alter-ego then fuck him too.
But he didn’t seem mad. 
In fact, as soon as she locked eyes with him, a slight smirk pulled at his lips. It was roguish and totally out of place on his angelic face, but goddamn did it do things for her.
But the smirk paired with the slightly raised brow aimed at her said, ‘Yes, what did Ladybug say?’
It’s sarcastic and playful and familiar in ways her heart is not ready to admit.
But that would have to come later.
Marinette spun back to the imposter, narrowing her eyes dangerously, "Oh right! Because I'd accidentally revealed my identity to Chat Noir. Because identities are supposed to remain a secret."
"W-well th-there are exceptions!" Bianca tries to defend, but Marinette isn’t going to let her.
“No, I think you, just like your supposed best friend, are a liar. You’re not Ladybug. You don’t know a damn thing about Ladybug. Because if you were, you’d already have been beaten. You’ve been in this classroom all of what, one day? And the entire class already knows your ‘identity’? We’re all lucky you aren’t one of the heroes, otherwise, Hawkmoth would already have won!”
She was fuming now. All of the emotions finally catching up with her. She thrust an accusatory finger at Bianca, making the girl stumble back slightly, “You don’t know a damn thing about what it takes to be a hero. What they have to sacrifice to keep people safe. Besides, Ladybug and Chat Noir don’t even know each other's identities - why the hell would Ladybug share something like that with a classroom full of people who’ve been Akumatized at least once and not share that with her own partner?!”
Whatever fear she’d instilled in the new girl quickly swapped for something much closer to fury as she reclaimed her balance and advanced on Marinette with a fire burning in her eyes. “How dare you call me a liar, you little fucking brat!” 
Surprised at the outburst, Marinette didn’t move when she saw Bianca raise her hand to strike her, instead, closing her eyes and bracing for the blow.
A blow that never connected. 
A gasp brought Marinette to peak open her eyes before they widened at the scene.
Bianca stood where she had previously, hand raised and poised to strike. But just behind her, Adrien had moved - impossibly quick, seriously when the hell had she gotten up? - and grabbed the girl’s arm, hand clutching tightly at her, keeping her still.
“That’s enough.” He hissed at her, voice low and threatening. “If it wasn’t clear before, it definitely is now. You’re not Ladybug. She would never raise a hand to a civilian like that!”
“B-but - !” Lila tried to come to her ‘friend’s’ defense but was silenced when he shot her an equally terrifying look.
“I’ve had enough of you trying to turn everyone against Marinette. I knew you both were lying when you ‘accidentally’ revealed Ladybug’s identity to me yesterday, but I didn’t have proof to prove it. You’ve been lying to everyone about everything!”
Wait... The way he’d said accidentally... why did it seem so familiar? 
Her thoughts of the blonde-haired, green-eyed model were very suddenly replaced with thoughts of a similarly blonde-haired, green-eyed superhero who’d come looking for her on his night off, asking if she’d ever ‘revealed herself, accidentally or otherwise’.
“Adrien! Y-you’re hurting me!”
Marinette’s eyes were drawn to the boy’s hand, still tightly clutching Bianca’s in a vice grip that would likely leave bruises.
But that’s not what she was focused on. Instead, it was the familiar shape of his silver ring that drew her eye. Familiar because she’d seen him wear it since the first day she’d met him and never took it off. 
Except for the day they’d done the shoot for her website.
The day she and Chat had to switch Miraculouses.
Adrien was Chat Noir.
Her kitty had been there the entire time.
That’s why he’d been so angry. That’s why he’d looked so upset. That’s why he’d come looking for her and asking such strange questions!
Because Lila and her lackey had chosen the one person who’d know for a fact that they were lying.
And if she thought she couldn’t love him any more than she already did, she was sorely mistaken.
“What is going on in here?!”
She didn’t pay much attention to the chaos that ensued after Madame Bustier had walked in the room. Lila and Bianca had claimed Marinette attacked and Adrien had stepped in to help her and they were both sent to the hall because a number of people started speaking up and coming to their defense, suddenly not blinded by Lila’s lies any longer.
But now, she was standing in the hall next to her crush and her partner. 
“I’m so sorry Marinette.”
Her thoughts came to a startling halt as she turned wide eyes on him.
“I shouldn’t have ever told you not to call her out. I was stupid. I just hope you’ll forgive me someday.”
Marinette couldn’t help the smile that pulled at her lips, because how could she not have noticed? Model or not, that was the heart of her partner beating in that beautiful body of his. 
“There’s nothing to forgive, Adrien. Besides, at least you checked your sources.” She chuckled, finding so much irony in that statement. If he hadn’t come looking for her, she probably wouldn’t have put it together.
He turned a confused look on her.
The smile she turned on him in return was brighter than she’d given anyone in some time, “I told you, didn’t I? You’d be the first to know.”
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oatmilkovich · 4 years
what’s your ranking of ian’s hair? cause most people like s5 but it’s so long?
firstly, THANK YOU! for asking me this question and allowing me the opportunity to speak my truth. i spent way too long on this even though, the majority of the people who know me will know already exactly where this is headed... 
13. season 8 - a crime against humanity 
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why is this man’s hair parted like it’s the red sea? who did cameron piss off so badly in the hair and make-up department that they decided to punish him via his hair?? i hate it, i can’t even explain to you how much i hate it. it’s awful. it’s so bad. it genuinely makes me angry. fuck blowing up a van, this man should’ve gone to prison for that. 
12. season 5
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it’s way too long and he straightens it, which sucks. plus, the sides and the back are growing again but it doesn’t look good at all. anyways, 2/10. i am a big anti. 
11. season 10
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why is it so slicked back. why is it so long. terrible. you have mickey back in your life ian, c’mon man. spice it up. it also ages him a lot? i think, idk. 
10. season 4 
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idk i’ve never liked the short back and sides look, it was all the rage in british secondary schools throughout the 2010s and i’m sure if i head down to my local shopping centre i’d see a group of boys all with this exact hair cut. not my cup of tea. overrated imo. 
9. black haired ian 
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me when i box dyed my hair when i was like 13. anyways, he’s way too pale so it doesn’t work and just makes him look washed out. the length is good and everything else about it is fine, but the black hair? it’s a no from me son. pretty much on the same level as season 4 above for me. 
8. the border hair??? 
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why does he comb it back like that??? he’s looking good all season 7 then as soon as he runs off to mexico he’s like. sike! idk man. it’s not terrible but it’s just not my thing. 
7. s1 fringe
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i actually love this hair lol i think it’s cute and like yeah, he’s a 15 year old, he’s gonna have a bad fringe. i too had a fringe as kid. i think it gets a bad rep from the fandom when actually it’s just sweet. it’s very youthful and hammers home how young he is when the show begins. 
6. s2
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not anything hugely special, but it looks great. nice one ian! 
5. mid-7, specifically this scene under the bleachers.  
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i love everything about the way he looks in this scene, i’m so glad he put on a good show to see mickey again. it was very considerate of him. his hair looks great cause it’s like, not too long and but looks neat and put together for his emt business. 
4. early s6
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he’s so sad yet so pretty. very good 8/10 
3. his hair in this scene specifically
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idk i just love it. it’s a good length, the colour looks great. he looks good in that green too. 
2. longer buzz, THE CURLS. 
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i love how his hair grows out in s3 and the way the little curls start showing again. i’d put it in the same level as the buzzcut, but since it’s ever so slightly longer it’ll get second place. anyways, i am a big enthusiast. 
1. buzzcut season by lorde plays 
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ian gallagher shaving his head for season 3 is the single best thing shameless has ever done for me. there is so much to unpack here. the way his hair grows longer over the season as his life gets more and more out of control. GOD it looks so good and it perfectly goes with the summer vibes. plus! it was so fun, like sure - why can’t ian just shave his head?? go for it boy. anyways, everyone looks 100% better with a shaved head and the flavour here is immaculate. buzzcut supremacy. 
and in the wise words of 16 year old me...
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no one @ me because i am right and i’m not accepting criticism at this time ❤
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adrunkgiraffe · 4 years
I have been through this journey before, so I get to be actually frustrated about it.
IUnder a read more because im not subjecting y’all to this. Also: I should caveat I haven’t watched the episode cause I’m waiting till its on Netflix but I have watched way too many other episodes of Supernatural so I have a right to say these things. 
TL;DR: I mean you all knew Cas’ confession was fucking bullshit and that SPN is...hm. But I’d like to actually express my genuine frustration, for a moment? I’m going to say things you already know, but I have too much knowledge of this show and too much stupid meta in my brain about a series I haven’t genuinely enjoyed for at least 5 years which makes this not just blandly bad but disgustingly insulting to me not even as a gay just as like. A writer?
Or, even shorter: Cas’ confession is just a Charlie Bradbury Speedrun 
So. As some of you may know if, for some reason, you followed me back in 2013 (and till...okay fine 2015), I used to be, uh. Really into SPN. Really, I was into Destiel. Like, as in, I slogged through seasons 1-3 to get to Cas and am also really vulnerable to the Sunk Cost Fallacy and projecting onto characters. (I was in 8th grade in 2013, okay? Get off my back)
Also, because I monopolised use of the TV, I kind of...also got my parents into it? In a “this is silly but fun” kind of way.
Over time, critiques of the show from viewers, learning what queerbaiting is at all, fatigue with how long it was going, and also fatigue from how characters I enjoyed, like Rufus, or Crowley, or Ellen, or Jo, or Kevin, or Charlie, or Cas a few times, kept getting killed off. As time went on, it didn’t escape my notice that, aside from Cas, all of these characters fit one or more of the following criteria:
They were a woman
They were a person of color
Were Queer or Queer-coded in some way (listen Crowley was bad rep but at least Mark Sheppard actually kissed a man on screen)
I also just...generally got tired of the way the show treats women and sidelines people of color. 
The final straw really came with Charlie’s death. It got us all excited, because she hadn’t been back in a bit! And it was interesting to see how reuniting with her dark side from Oz had changed her! (yeah remember the fucking Wizard of Oz storyline? The writers sure don’t!) And maybe she’d get developed! Because at this point, Charlie and the fairly good writing of her character was a major upside for the series! Charlie was cool, fun, gay, and morally complex in a way...none of the female characters had been before her, in large part because by definition, her relationship with the boys would always be platonic.
And then. Offscreen. She is violently murdered. For no damn good reason. Like, literally, her being brought back in this episode after fucking off to europe after having returned from fucking off to Oz seems to have filled two purposes in total. 
The codex is solved (but Sam doesn’t know till next episode)
Charlie is dead, which means Dean can be angry, specifically at Sam, and kill more people because he’s the big bad this season. 
That’s it. Two things. Twooooo whole reasons to do this episode. Whoopee. 
But you didn’t come here for this, you came here for me to rip this reveal to shreds. Don’t worry, I’ll get there. What I want in your minds is that Supernatural already had a really good anddynamic queer character. And then they killed her off to make Dean angry. No, it doesn’t matter that they brought her back in season 13 or whatever. They made that decision. 
After the rage this incited, I started realizing general flaws in the writing (I had probably already noticed them but now I was angry enough to complain.) Every conflict is born of Sam and Dean not communicating/taking on burdens and Dean being angry at Cas for reasons that ranged from good to ridiculous, but in a way that always went way too fucking long, (which...yes, does make the “you do it for love” gifs fucking hilarious). It didn’t help that seasons 11 and 12 were next, which meant Demon Dean and GOD’S FUCKING SISTER, plus the decision to resurrect Mary, which, while I do like her later scenes, as a season 12 finale it...well I’ll be honest it kinda sucked. It undercut the majority of the Winchester’s’ arcs and their slow and painful journey out of their father’s toxic vengeance quest and knowing Mary as a person when it’s too late to know her was one of the last semi-compelling grounders of the narrative. 
By this point it was a hate-watch for my parents and I.
So then, I’m at college, and I’m not watching anymore cause I don’t have the motivation or access to Hulu to continue, and SPN is bad. I watch the Scooby Doo crossover when it comes out and my friend and I make fun of it, and we also continue making jokes about Dean and Cas and queerbaiting because we’re queer, but I don’t keep up. My Dad does though, so when I return, I watch some with the fam and lads. It’s even more tiring without context. 
So flash forward to Quarantine, my sister, the only one with taste, has left, and we have run out of netflix to watch. So we return to the well, and seasons 13-14 are. I’m gonna say it. Bad. Really fucking bad. The cycle of bad communication continues, season 14 has like seven antagonists and the way it’s structured makes it so I literally cannot remember the timeline of a season I watched 3 months ago. Oh also, they have a queer coded cannibal snake monster for...well I guess Jack’s snake bud was cool but like. Huh wow it’s almost like these writers don’t handle queers well. 
Our one saving grace is Cas, but he’s barely in any episodes, though I did note that his deal with the empty, being happy completely for one moment killing him, that struck me as “this has potential and I know they’re gonna half-ass it somehow.” Also Jack and Mary, but then oh...plot….The most compelling it gets is literally the finale.
But then, 3 days later, the first half of season 15 comes out on Netflix and it’s...actually kind of acceptable. The new character they give Jack’s actor is fun to watch him play until they make him evil. Exploring just how toxic Chuck can be gave the series direction again. The alternate future was genuinely scarring, and Eileen’s return was genuinely moving. Most of all, though, Cas got the opportunity to tell Dean no, that Dean was being unfair to him, had always been unfair to him, and he was sick of it. I had no illusions, I knew Destiel was never gonna happen, and Cas was gonna die, but giving him that bit of agency, letting Cas grow and be self-sufficient, and be angry with Dean not for existential reasons but interpersonal ones, was such a good sign for me, and Dean grew too! Dean fucking apologized for being horrible and Jensen Ackles had a...yknow what, ill give it to him, he had a good acting moment. 
But the thing. About. The “I love you.” 
Let’s take it in parts.
What was good: I’m gonna admit it, lads, “Wanting what I can’t have” - AS A LINE - is good, and, structurally, there is something to the Empty Deal that could have been an interesting aspect of Cas’ arc when it comes to self actualization and being on even footing with Dean. The problem is, this is Supernatural, and that arc only comes up when I bring it up because character study, even in bad media, is fun for me. 
What was bad:
I mean. Like. All of it? All of it. 
Okay. Fine. I’ll be specific. 
Cas dies immediately when - possibly because- he is revealed as having feelings for Dean. They kill him as they queer him, that’s a Bury Your Gays Speedrun right there.
Like the least they could have done is have him mention it to someone in another scene or something to establish some romantic feelings on the part of canon a full episode beforehand. That would have been the literal bare minimum. 
When Cas starts praising Dean, for some reason both the writing and Misha’s acting take a bit of a downswing (from...where it already was). Cas, whose most powerful moment this season was acknowledging that Dean’s anger at him is cruel and unfair, flatly praises him for doing everything out of love and it reads with a misunderstanding of both Dean as a character and Cas’ understanding of Dean. Dean is angry! VERY ANGRY! And it’s a problem he needs to work on and rarely does. 
Talking out of my ass, a better speech would have been about how Dean is angry because of his love for Sam, family, and the people around him, how, for better or for worse, he can’t help but be angry on behalf of others, and that his journey of moving that tendency towards the better is what made Cas care so much. Guys this alteration to the metaphor took 2 minutes to write tops I am an Art History student and these are TV WRITERS WITH YEARS OF EXPERIENCE CAN YOU TELL THEYRE NOT TRYING YET? 
A better speech would, of course, have come out of a better series. My point: this part was half-assed. Poorly written. Wow it’s almost like the series is also poorly written. 
 Also, Misha is the better actor of the three(***OF THE THREE), but his choices in that scene are jarringly out of character which. Makes the bad writing worse. It doesn’t help that they cut to the same fucking shot of Dean 3 times. The chemistry in that scene makes it feel so fucking hackneyed. Because it is. 
This combines lead me to the point: (wait there was a point to this?)
As someone who does not have the luxury of watching this capsized ship fall into boiling seas from a distance, it is less insulting to me that they did this so last minute and then sent Cas to the Void than it is how they did it. They had ingredients for something that could have been compelling enough to me as a former fan of the show to think that they had put effort into it, that they had decided months, perhaps even years ago to do this, and had crafted a storyline around it. That this was an intentional decision they cared about. It wasn’t. It was barely even pandering, because it’s almost insultingly blatant. 
SPN kinda proved to me that it didn’t care about queers when Charlie was killed off. It proved it to me again when Cas, not only died in confessing his love for Dean but did it in the weakest result of what could have been a surprisingly strong story.
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My racing thoughts
I have been off for 6 days now.  But during that time I have been roped into the chaos going on at work.  While my hospital seemed to be doing well with all this at the start it has now become an issue of the admin looking towards the bottom line over staff needs.  We still haven’t been over run thankfully which means that overall the hospital census is crap.  I spent one afternoon writing up all the unit’s concerns from a group text so our union rep can present it to administration.  Our biggest concerns is that they aren’t staffing COVID as a separate thing rather than part of the overall unit so they are cancelling nurses but then saying the COVID RN has to take regular patients if necessary which is fucking ridiculous and not safe when we are having to use 1 mask the whole shift with those patients.  We should be nowhere near regular patients when it is our turn to be the COVID RN.  Also now feels like a very tone deaf time to put out flyers about having to get approval for any late clock outs or missed breaks.  With the size of our hospital we only have 1 COVID RN per shift and when you are freaking out about PPE use who the fuck is supposed to provide a real break for that nurse.  They are shit about putting anything in writing so so much is just hearsay which with how quick the situation shifts is total BS.  Signs up about us being heros mean nothing when you are nitpicking every fucking dime.
Then I found out that our infection control nurse quit, and his last day today.  I only know this because he told a few nurses, admin has said nothing about it.  You know cause we super don’t need one of those right now.  It sucks, he was not great before all of this so he got super overwhelmed super fast.  I know that myself and another RN that he had talked to had both offered to administration that we could help him out cause obviously right now this is not a normal work load.  Given how often we are cancelling nurses it could easily not even involve overtime.  But admin never responded to myself or the other nurse.
The only charge nurse on my unit that I like is also leaving in a few weeks to go back to school.  They are making the decision on who to replace her with by seniority only even though that position is considered management and thus not in the union.  It is a nice feeling that both case management and a few floor nurses have told me that they wish I was taking over.  I would take the job but know that it will not be offered.  I really dislike working under this RN who will get the job because you just never feel like you have any support with her. All of these changes 
I plan to throw my hat in the ring for the IC job.  It was offered to me before they hired the current guy but at the time I was just finishing my RN and I wanted some real floor experience to add to my 9 years as an LVN before leaving patient care.  Now I am so fucking ready for it.  But the person who tried to give it to me before is no longer the CNO so we will see how it goes.  If I do not get it then I have been updating my resume and plan to apply to non-clincal jobs elsewhere.  I feel like after 13 years here, all of these changes at the same time might be a sign that it is time to see what else is out there.
Waking up today knowing it was my last day off before 3 in a row I was instantly anxious.  I had to do a Kohl’s drive up pick up today (honestly I could never go in a store again and be happy) so I took the long way home and found an area of beach that wasn’t busy.  I spent 20 minutes with my mask on and no one within 50 feet of me just trying to let the sea calm my nerves and fortify me for the next few days.  It did help some though I know I won’t sleep well at night going back and not being 100% sure what I am walking into.
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riotatthemovies · 4 years
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Baywatch Nights SEASON 2 (because Season one did not count)
SO every so many years I am reminded of this bat shit crazy phenomenon of a shows existence. And now with the world in stay home crisis I guess I have some time on my hands and challenged my weak mind to a marathon.
So the infamous David Hasselhoff made Baywatch the semi action semi drama wildly popular show about good looking people running in slow motion on the California beach. Hasselhoff got a little bored that the show was not enough about him so he doubled up in a self produced spin off show Baywatch Nights were his character Mitch Buchanan got a side hussle as an investigator on the side of his lifeguard and coastguard work. The first season was a cop action romp but did badly in the ratings so in season 2 it completely rebooted its self. So you dont need to see season 1 as Season 2 exists in its own reality full of Ghosts, Demons, Aliens, Vampires, Parallel Dimensions. Yep X files was huge so Hasselhoff figured he could do it to. This 22 episode arch is so ridiculous when you keep in mind its his character from Baywatch doing this and in a Scully and Mulder way he will literally see aliens and the devil and the next episode say shit like “oh come on I don’t believe in the tooth fairy”. Everything about it watched like a passion / ego project to the level of it being brilliantly innocent and awful all at once. The rest of the cast of season one have disappeared except scientist Ryan Mcbride played by the beautiful Angie Harmon, an actress beautiful in a different way from the usual Baywatch girl so they figured you would believe this as a smarter show but she dumbs down her acting skills seen in Law and Order so she can read the cheesiest lines every typed on paper.  
I have been posting comments as I marathon through this on my Facebook but let me give you a run down of most of the impactful episodes I've been watching so far tonight.
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Episode 1 (again remember only important is season 2 so this is season 2 ep 1)
Terror of the Deep : Sounding like a classic Corman movie, Mitch Buchanan's first up close encounter with a paranormal creature.  A ship has sank off the coast and archaeologists and secret agent enlists Mitchs scuba diving skills to check if someone is still alive on the ship and warns him there may be a mystical creature loose on it as it was being smuggled . Mitch meets basically the creature from the black lagoon on the ship but shrugs it off till the end the secret agrent questons Mitch on what he saw and he saw and makes Mitch very nervous saying “I saw it ok, I just dont know what I saw”. Dun dun dunnn.
Jump to Episode 3 THE RIG: Basically Baywatch goes fully HP lovecraft as scientists disappear on a oil freighter and Mitch goes to see if anyone is still there. But the scientists has awoken a growing ameba like crreature that is growing giant and swallows the frieghter with Mitch and Ryan in it. Oozing glowing green all over the walls and growing around it the the blob but with images of a worm like body moving all around them. But Mitch goes all Die Hard on the massive monster with no shape in the sea and blows the shit out of everything.
Jump to Episode 5 Circle of Fear:Where Ryan read a book of black magic and becomes curses by the devil himself. When the devil is defeated because of course a life guard and a CSI rep could beat the devil. The msyterious secret agent friend says You know it was the devil and it will be back. Mitch responds literally with “I kicked its butt and if it shows up Ill kick its butt again”
Jump to Episode 6 THE CABIN : Ryan and Mitch go to a haunted cabin that has them stuck in a time loop as they enter different rooms, they can hear each other but they seem different time lines from when the ghost was alive. The ghost is an old 49er miner who tries to kill em with a pick axe. In the end it was all a dream but Mitch sees his wound and knows he just jumped back in time to the begining where its safe.
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Jump to Episode 9 Night Whispers: A female vampire is killing people in an old police precinct and wants to make Mitch her slave as she thinks he is really sexy , Mitch pretends he is under her spell but he tricks her because he knows he could have any woman anytime so her glam magic wont work on him and he kills the vampire. Seriously.. I wish I was making that up.
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Jump to episode Space Spores: Mitch saves the whole world with his use of diving knowledge when the world is infected by the Andromeda Syndrome. Oh yeah thats episode 10.
Episode 11 Mitch is possessed by a demon giving him red eyes and making him mean after saving a possessed girl who was drowning.
Jump to episode 13  Vincent Schiavelli is a magical Dungeon and Dragons Dungeon Master who sucks his victims into a game world where he challenges them to Dungeons and DEAAAATHHHHH  .. Yeah really.  Vincent Schiavelli was the weirdest bit part actor of 80s television, I would love to know more of his history.
This will anger Geeks everywhere as they say some hilariously odd things about D and D and have a huge 12 sided dice to play with. 
Jump to episode 15 THE MOBIUS   Mitch and his paranormal team are grabbed into a time warp by a time demon that puts them in a ghost world after a scientist friend accidentally makes a portal to the ghost world of time...yeah seriously this is happening. But wait maybe it a parallel future where the Ozone layer has caused ghoul monsters to hatch from eggs and Ryan and Mitch has an awkward close moment which is ruined by them misquoting Star Wars lines. Confused.. I guess you will have to watch it.  Mitch says at one point I dont believe that science mumbo jumbo.. so what now after 15 episodes he only believes in magic?  As Hasselhoff says at the end of every opening credits in season 2, the only season that matter.. he says.. Nights will never be the same!
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More Episodes to go Im just over half way there wish me luck folks. I wont put you through it all as I do this so you dont have to.. but hey fuck it why not its all on youtube. If you never hear from be again its because I am stuck in the mobius and David Hasselhoff chose not to save me.
Oh man these credits are so 90s a time that brought you Pamela Anderson and Mortal Kombat. Wow
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alrightsnaps · 5 years
raven reyes?
• favourite thing about her
The fact that she is the definition of the word survivor, refusing to give up in the face of the most painful and hopeless circumstances and always fighting for life.
And of course her genius that has saved everyone's asses time and time again, for which my baby never gets the credit she deserves.
• least favourite thing about her
Her terrifying capacity for forgiveness, that has led to her holding on to people that have only ever caused her damage– her mother and Abby featuring on top of that list, as well as Clarke.
Unfortunately, the writers never gave a fuck about Raven, so instead of giving her a storyline in which she manages to overcome her trauma, they have her six seasons into the show still doing the bidding of a woman that has consistently manipulated and abused her out of guilt for her alcoholic and emotionally abusive mother's death.
(I just need my girl to have access to therapy and stay away from the Griffin women. Is that too much to ask?)
• favourite line
I was going to go with the iconic “We all have battle scars. Suck it up and build a brace for yours.” quote but I just have to choose my beautiful Braven “Always” because my girl singlehandedly cleansed this word from years of Snape related cringe when she delivered that line in the s04 finale.
• brOTP
Raven and... pretty much any delinquent, minus Clarke and Octavia. But also her non deliquent Spacekru sisters, Emori and Echo!
This goes without saying– Bellamy and Raven.
The leading couple we deserved all along, that would make this show fucking iconic under a different showrunner and network! Just thinking about all the wasted potential Braven’s had makes me want to hit someone; preferably JRoth.
(Honorable mention to Sea Mechanic though, because I'm still not over the fact that it never became canon when Clexa was celebrated as some great sapphic rep or something.)
• nOTP
Raven x Clarke, Raven x Abby, Raven x Octavia, Raven x Roan. Keep toxic women and random old dudes away from my daughter please.
• random headcanon
Raven and Bellamy getting together during their time in the Ark, after tiptoeing around their feelings for a while. Spending five years full of emotional heart-to-hearts and loving caresses and inside jokes and fucking great sex. Discovering Sanctum along with with their beautiful daughter, a spitting image of her father, all wild curls and freckles, and her mother's brilliant mind and sass.
Just... Raven Reyes being emotionally stable and happy by her soulmate’s side.
• unpopular opinion
I don't know if it's exactly an unpopular opinion, but it bothers me how much this fandom glosses over Raven's relationship with Finn and his importance in her life. Yeah, the guy treated her like shit and I hated him for that (and far from rooted for her to forgive him or something), but none of that erases his importance in Raven's life.
For years he was the only family she ever knew and he even sacrificed his life for her (because had the 100 not been sent to the ground he would probably have been floated).
I hate the fact that the show didn't even include a scene where Raven confronts Clarke for getting together with the woman responsible for his murder (as well as her own torture). Instead it wasn't even adressed and Raven just bowed her head and followed Clarke's orders in the next apocalyptic crisis.
• song I associate with her
Falling Slowly by Glen Hansard and Markéta Irglová.
(The “You have suffered enough and warred with yourself / It's time that you won” lines kill me every time.)
• favourite picture of her
It's impossible to pick a favourite, but here's a picture of my space daughter's smile shining brighter than the sun.
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New Moon in Capricorn plus Solar Eclipse! 12/26/2019 or 12/25/2019 depending on where you are
Hi all, how were your holidays? I hope it all went great 😁 tonight's or today's new moon with eclipse is going to be in Capricorn (check the rising time for your timezone. Also, if you're gonna wait for the solar eclipse, it is mostly gonna be around West Asia going southeast. As for me, I'll be waiting for it to be at its peak, hopefully there would be a clear sky later)(update: it's effing cloudy 😢), and it's going to bring in energies that will not only help you move forward, but also help you energised and motivated. It's particularly strong because not only is it the moon phase for manifesting, with this solar eclipse, portals are gonna get opened, so more energies are gonna come in, so it's best to capitalize on that for the changes that we need, as well as want. And moving on to the new decade, in a week, Capricorn energies will only get stronger because of so many planets moving in to this sign. Might as well harness the power of the ever moving sea goat.
As a natal Capricorn moon myself, I could already feel the extra energies, it feels nice. So if you want to recharge, revitalize, reinvigorate your motivation, your personal strengths, and more so the willpower to get material stuff (because Cappy is an earth sign, which are all about the material realm and its rules and tangible things) now is the best time to harness the Capricorn energies (it IS Cardinal earth after all, and as you may or may not know, cardinal signs are movers, shakers, pushers, pioneers). Time to initiate stuff you want, and you can combine that with mutable energies from the full moon in Gemini's energies, so that you can achieve the fun, positive changes you want in your life. If you're also transmuting karma, low-vibes, having a subconscious healing or reboot, stuff that heals and nourishes your entire being, then please do keep at it. Cappy energies are here to help you push through despite the annoying feels. I don't know about others, but as I went through my karmic detox from the Gemini full moon up to this point, I felt through so much change, but I am doing my best to be excited about it. Especially the healing part. So if you're also on the same journey, I wish you well, because it's gonna be great! 😁
The stuff below is my personal reflection aka just ranting and raving lol feel free to skip below unless you want some weirdass insights 😈
Speaking of Capricorn, and it's friend Saturn, they both don't get great reps. I mean, when you think about either one or both of them, it's always the toiling, the suffering, the harshness, the having to endure hardships, working your ass off and nothing seems to change or improve, or the change is so minimal it's negligible. Basically it sucks. And believe you me, I also think of it too, despite having uber-strong Cappy energies in my own chart lol the irony of it all 😂. And this month we had full moon in Gemini too, so I guess I'm just too biased with the moons this month because I'm a Gemini sun with a Cappy moon, and boy oh boy is that an effed-up combo. Based on my experience, it's hard when you're readily excitable and super-dazzled by new stuff - the Gemmi side, but then you are also compelled to finish whatever the heck you left undone - the Cappy side. There's a guilt either way. I also complained a lot on having to learn things bit longer than others. I mean, as a Gemini I could safely say I'm OK with general concepts, the big picture, the overall composition. But as for the nitty gritty, for digesting the details, I'm a bit of a slow processor. I envy some Virgo peeps in this aspect. I mean, they're fellow Mercury peeps aka sign also ruled by Mercury but I guess their groundedness from being an earth sign gives them that edge. But it's something that I have come to terms with, and I just channel the bulldozing energies of Capricorn for whatever needs to happen for me in that aspect, instead of using Virgo energy (no offense to all Virgo peeps, I love you all but I'm not particularly chummy with those I have met in real life. They look nice from afar, and I could only love them from afar, without any interactions. Unless their moon or ascendants are of a sun sign I enjoy being friends with, like uhm, I dunno, Aquarius, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, sometimes Taurus, sometimes Sagittarius, or Libra, and weirdly some Capricorns, and if I failed to mention some other signs, yeah lol I don't even particularly enjoy fellow Geminis unless again, their moon or ascendants are in the signs I mentioned, cause that's a game changer. Lol nothing personal OK? *hugs*). Not because I dislike some Virgos (it's also the sign of my 12th house, the house of hidden enemies and secrets lol I am slowly disclosing my natal chart bit by bit lol zero regrets), but it's just that because I do have strong Capricorn in my natal chart, which took me about 2 years to process and integrate into my system, and finally found the answer as to why I can be too stubborn in certains aspects of my life, yeah, it's a hidden strength to count on. So despite me hating on having to bear the gifts of Saturn (through both Capricorn and the numerology of my name, uurrrrhgh), I guess it's something that I am doing my best to integrate and not reject anymore. Even if it's a bit harsh. So if you're also a lunar Capricorn and for some weird reason you resonate with my stuff, hugs and love to you.
We've come this far, and we can keep going. We're freakin seagoats, with SWAG 🐐 ♑🆒
If you're still here reading this, thank you. 😢😢😢
I hope this post served you well in this season, or in any other season if you read this at some point in the distant future. I pray you find the healing you seek, because you WILL.
Love and hugs,
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myanimalpassion · 6 years
Most Misunderstood Animals
So I am feeling a tiny bit better I think good enough to write this post. So today I want to talk about the misunderstood animals in this world that people think are “evil” and not what they think they are so here we go:
1. Sharks
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Sharks actually don’t feed off of humans. In fact shark attacks aren’t as common as many people think. Your family dog is more likely to attack you then a shark. In fact the chances are 1 in 3,748,067 source to get attacked and killed by a shark... the reason sharks go after humans usually is because they often mistake humans as their main source of prey (seals/sea lions and even sea turtles). Cause from above it looks often similar to them. We kill more sharks every year then they kill us which is really sad truth about these magnificant creatures. 
2. Pigs
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Pigs are often seen as dirty and unclean creatures, which is so not true, in fact pigs are super clean believe it or not! And they are super intelligent and can learn many tricks and some even claim are smarter then dogs! Certain pig breeds have even been taught to sniff out truffles for humans! The reason pigs roll around in the mud is for sunscreen. The mud acts as a sunscreen to protect the pig from the sun rays. And pigs aren’t the only animals that do this either, Rhinos have also been known to do this! 
3. Snakes
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So many people are afraid of snakes in fact it’s one of the most common animal related fears! But many don’t realize not all of them are vemonus and it’s easy to tell if you have done your research on what a venomous snake looks like. Snakes are also more fearful of humans then we are of them. They rather hide or flee then try to bite you. They only will bite if they feel cornerd and feel like they have no choice. Plus a snake can only swallow something as big as the widthest part of their body. So no a small-medium snake cannot swallow a human. And they flick their tongues out cause that’s how they smell. It’s how they smell their surrondings. If you just take the time to learn about these creatures you’ll learn how fascinating they really are! 
4. Bats
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People associate bats as scary creatures because people think they all have diseases which isn’t true. In fact in Australia’s 250 year history only 3 have died from a bat transmitted infection. Plus there is only 1 blood sucking bat the vampire bat and even those bats don’t go after humans they go after cattle usually and other animals. They are also vital for the ecosystem cause the insect-eating bats eat the insects while the fruit bats eat the fruit and then they spit out the seeds and it helps grow more trees! Circle of life my friends circle of life. 
5. Stingrays
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Ever since Steve Irwin died from a stingray in Australia, people started thinking these guys were dangerous. Well the truth is these guys are pretty much harmless really. There has not been much record of people dying from stingrays, and stingrays can not bite since they have no teeth. I snorkled in Mexico before and encountered few wild stingrays and the stingrays would always flee as fast as they can once they see me or any human. They rather flee and the only reason Steve Irwin died from the stingrays is because he swam right above them and the stingray thought it was a predator and stung him in the heart. Even steve irwin would say the stingray wasn’t at fault if he was alive. Stingrays are great animals. 
6. Vulture 
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Vultures get a bad rap because of their scary appearence. But as long as you are alive and well you aren’t on the menu for these birds. These birds only go after the dead. And are basically nature’s cleanup crew. They have a bald head because when they dig into a carcass they won’t get blood and guts stuck on their face like it would with feathers. 
7. Pitbulls and Black Cats 
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Now even though I am not a huge fan of pitbulls not because of their bad rep but because I just not a fan of dogs with square faces personal prefrence, (I like pointy faces) these guys don’t deserve the bad rep they get. Same goes with Black Cats, and I even own a black cat and she’s the sweetest, ninja cat I love her and black cats are literally just like any other cat. All it is the color that’s all. They can be sweet cats just like any cat. And pitbulls can be very sweet and loyal dogs, especially if trained properally and raised properally. 
So this is my top misunderstood animals! Hope you enjoy this guys! 
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aotoshironojersey · 8 years
Ice skating Au
Because I just watched 4CC and I need to (obviously) push real life onto anime characters: THERE IS A REASON FOR THE CUT HERE
Seishun skating club, aka Seigaku:
(main)Trainers: Ryuuzaki Sumire, Tezuka Kunimitsu, Oishi Shuichiro
Senior skaters, singles men: Fuji Shuuske(20), Kikumaru Eiji (19still)
Junior skaters, men: Katou Kachiro, Mizuno Katsuo, Echizen Ryoma (moving to Seniors this year at age 16)
Senior Skaters, Ladies: ??? What’s that
Junior skaters, Ladies: Ryuuzaki Sakuno (moving to seniors this year at age 16)
Pair skaters, Senior: Tachibana Ann&Momoshiro Takeshi, ???&Kaidoh Kaoru (he can’t find a partner to communicate well with, and Ann is taken by that dumbass...)
There is no Dance seniors in Seigaku. Some people hope the Juniors would move up this year like their singles counterparts, but they’re...welll...
Dance skaters, junior: Osakada Tomoka&Horio Satoshi (who the hell paired them up?!)
Therapist: Kawamura Takashi
Club Manager: Inui Sadaharu
More info because I suck:
0. All of the main coaches had been active skaters at one point- Sumire took part in two Olympics during her age and won one bronze; Tezuka had been a star that is considered pushing the sport to higher limits, at least until he didn’t pushed his body past its limit. He still pushes the sport, but from the sidelines now. Oishi had the most versatile career, changing to Pairs and then to dance once it turned out an injury he thought nothing of turned out to pull him back in singles career, then let his partner in Pair go to allow her more evolution with younger (and stronger) partner(it was him who proposed side-by side axel though). He haven’t got the Dance career, as he was just a training partner to his little sister while she searched for a partner with less age gap (there’s almost seven years between her and Shuuichiro).
1. Sumire works with all skaters coming to the club, but lets Tezuka and Oishi chose and focus on skaters they think might develop under their wings, the only exception being Echizen, who she pushed to Tezuka ever since the brat moved to Juniors from Novice. 
2. This makes things look weird, because so far the only skater Tezuka accepted to train had been Fuji, earning him the name Tensai. Right now Fuji is trained by both Tezuka and Oishi. Oishi is the one who rides with him to competitions most often, though people noticed it’s Kawamura who goes with him EVERY TIME...
3.Oishi thought he had it hard when he started training Kikumaru Eiji- he had been proven otherwise. Still, the trio gets along pretty nicely,and the fact that Eiji and Fuji are relatively even all rounders, they tend to pull each other up a lot.
4. Fuji’s birthday are in the second half of the season, Eiji’s are relatively at the beginning, which means they compete for at least first half as the peers, but nobody really pays attention to that, except for Eiji. The fact that age gap between skaters and their coaches (well, most of them) is less than five years is noticed, though.
5. Oishi, being the only coach with Pairs and Dance experience, trains reps for both disciplines, though it seems it wasn’t his idea to put Osakada&Horio team together...
6. There is a suspection it’s Inui who keeps the selection of Kaidoh partners so hard, though it seems Oishi Rika might just pass it, considering how cute she is,and how most people know how Kaidoh is a secret softie (which might cause problem during twists...)
7.Eiji is considered to have the most balance between jumps power and flexibility on the field, and his spins are one of the highlights of his programs, though he prefers jumps (yeah, he’s the show off kid). The legendary video of him doing a hyperextended Biellman during the training got viral thanks to one Fuji Shuuske, and it got a ‘not so bad for a man’ comments from a lot of female skaters.
8. Fuji on the other hand is one of those flawless artists who get more Rippons and Tanos (aka hands above the head during jump) than they do the spins without travelling. Oh and people love his expressions on-ice- his another nickname is Ice Angel. Some discuss that it’s too ladylike though...until they see his quads.
9. Echizen is hoped to finish the troika of Seigaku, as Eiji and Fuji have been trading gold and silver in every competition they take part in together for some time now. The reason is, while most people admits Fuji at his fullest is unreachable, he rarely gives his all, doing just enough to get above the others, and Eiji is...well, hard to predict even on his good day-during the competition he’s more of an enigma than a human. This means, if Fuji overcalculate, he ends up with silver. He almost always gets revenge on the next competition.
10. Eiji has a tendency to flip his skates guards around his hand before handing them over to Oishi. Apparently, Oishi has learned how to read from the twirl how fired up redhead is. Inui is still working on how he does that, Tezuka has given up. Ryuuzaki just laugh when it’s brought up in conversation.
11. Talks about nepotism sometimes hit skaters, especially Sakuno. Since everybody knows how damn hard the girl is fighting for her position, Ann will personally kick your ass if you say something about Sakuno...of course, she’ll be representing all of the Seigaku feels, not only hers!
12. Speaking of An, she moved over from the training base under her brother to switch partners (Ibu & Kamio both are bitter about it af, but it was Tachibanas decision so they can’t protest). Even after she left she gets regular updates on what Fudoumine club is up to. She is actually the bonding element between Fudoumine and Seigaku, her older brother also being one of the more famous coaches. (Tachibana Kippei and Oishi often bond over their fear for their little sisters being chucked into air like that)
13. Nobody knows who the hell paired Tomoka and Horio up, especially as dance partners, since their characters (supposedly) makes them more suitable for Pairs, but Oishi don’t want to know how letting Horio throw Tomoka would end.
14. If Eiji doesn’t make at least one program during the season, either short, long or exhibition to a cheerful, fun pop/rock music, consider him sick- or a loser in the bet against Fuji. It happened before.
15. Nobody lets Oishi chose their music for themselves- he either overreacts to the importance of new duty, or chose something reeeeally weird (Fuji pulled out his sea waves exhibition somehow, but- again- it’s Fuji)
16. On the other hand, everybody constantly lets Fuji and Kawamua chose music/ color palette for their costumes. They’re known as misters Good Tastes of Seigaku.
17. The only accident that put a question mark on their judgement was one of the galas where Fuji’s costume looked surprisingly like salmon nigiri with a lot of wasabi...he still pulled it off, and apparently, it was his own suggestion.
18.Karupin is a living mascot of Ryoma, and thus he gets a ton of himalayan mascots from his fans, pretty much like Eiji gets teddy bears of all kind, and Fuji gets the weirdest stuff girls can think of. He even keeps the wasabi sushi mascot from one of his competitions.
Oishi-Kikumaru Pair:
There’s a bit of complicated situation at the beginning of both Eiji’s and Oishi Rika’s careers, the complication being why Oishi and Eiji actually met. Rika was originally a dance skater without a partner suitable for competing for her age(Oishi being only the training partner to keep the synchronization and lift skills thaining in her regime), and Eiji started skating as a pair partner to his older sister. After said sister retired due to her body not managing the pressure (a fact for which Eiji is secretly blaming himself), he is suggested to transfer to dance while his body (and stamina) develops enough to be able to freely support his partner; it’s where he meets Oishi, at that moment searching for a dance partner for his sister.
 Rika is actually interested, since she wanted to try Pair competition for some time, but knew her brother injury (a wrist) wouldn’t let him pair with her without anxiety of her safety (she’s right), so she jumps at the chance when she is paired with Eiji. After learning, and eventually winning some novice competitions that allow them to move to juniors, it’s Rika who breaks their pairing up, feeling the raising anxiety of her partner (and his growing affection for her brother, nii-sama, why do you have to steal all the good guys) and making Eiji admit to himself that he wants to show off. 
She and her brother disagree but still respect Eiji’s reason of Him “Rather skating where he can hurt only himself and not his lil sis” (Rika is getting a lot of little sister-zoned, lol). Rika paired with few others skaters until she wasn’t offered by Ryuuzaki to come to Seigaku. Thanks to her lithe frame (she never got past 160cm) and accuracy on par with her brother’s, she has a big chance of becoming Kaidoh’s partner and moving to Seniors- provided she won’t get too fired up by rumors of nepotism in Seigaku. She’s as overprotective of her older brother as he is of her.
Surprisingly, she gets along with Ryoma and (of all people) Osakada-Horio pair.
Ship theories, just because:
1.Contrary to the public belief, Ann and Momoshiro don’t date. They’re best buds, okay, but Ann prefers brunets...or...brunettes... the fact Momo doesn’t mind boys either makes it easier for them to bond.
2. Inui bases qualification of Kaidoh’s partners on how he behaves around them. Since Rika is a December baby born year after Kaidoh, he treats her like his little sister (a lot of approval from Oishi) rather than partner, but Inui still worries if this is enough to show a good performance in well, pairs. Then again, it means...
3. Pillar Pair won’t exist unless Ryoma turns eighteen, or so Tezuka says. Fuji is more than glad to help his kouhai change his coach’s mind, especially since this means he doesn’t have to worry about newcomer stealing HIS therapist...
4. Golden Pair is as fluffy as they always are, though Oishi made it obvious that he won’t let Eiji get into anything serious until he turns twenty- nobody waits for the first half of the season more than Eiji do, especially since one of the galas are planned for his birthday, and he has a great exhibition planned for it, thanks to Fujiko.
5. They are also fluffy until it gets to quad practice, where Eiji whines all the time-and Fuji sometimes join, without whining, tho-since Oishi forbid both of them from trying quad axels, despite both of them being the most consistent edge jumpers in the whole Seigaku. Currently, there is a war going on for the Lutz Fuji is training while Eiji is still on the Loop and Flip. Oishi is as stubborn as his trainees though.
9 notes · View notes
bountyofbeads · 5 years
Live updates: Iran holds massive funeral for slain commander in Tehran amid calls for vengeance
By Sarah Dadouch and Siobhán O'Grady
Published January 06 at 1:01 PM EST |
Washington Post | Posted Jan. 6, 2020 |
The U.S. Defense Department has ordered an amphibious force of about 4,500 sailors and Marines to prepare to support Middle East operations, a defense official said Monday, adding potential firepower to deal with the prospect of Iranian retaliation amid an outpouring of grief in Tehran for a slain top commander.
The order was disclosed as huge throngs of Iranians mourned Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani at his funeral Monday in Tehran. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, wept as he prayed over the general’s coffin, while he and other Iranian leaders vowed revenge for a U.S. drone strike that killed the charismatic leader of Iran’s special operations forces last week.
Huge throngs of Iranians attended the funeral of slain Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani in the capital, Tehran, on Monday in a display rivaling the ceremony three decades ago that marked the passing of the Islamic Republic’s founder, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, wept as he prayed over the coffin of Soleimani, while he and other Iranian leaders vowed revenge for the U.S. drone strike that killed one of the country’s top military commanders.
●The Pentagon has told the Bataan Amphibious Ready Group to be ready to support Middle East operations, a defense official said.
● The funeral in Tehran was a stark display of Soleimani’s importance to the regime.
●In the aftermath of the strike that killed Soleimani, Iran has discarded more internationally mandated curbs on its nuclear program.
● Iraq’s parliament is moving to expel U.S. troops after the strike.
● President Trump has threatened to hit Iraq with heavy sanctions if U.S. troops are forced to leave.
12:55 PM: Chevron pulls foreign workers out of Iraqi Kurdistan as ‘precautionary measure’
WASHINGTON — Chevron announced Monday that it has pulled out expatriates working in its oil fields in the Iraqi region of Kurdistan. A company spokesperson described it as “a precautionary measure.”
The California-based oil giant shut down drilling in the region in 2015 because of the threat posed by Islamic State fighters at the time. Drilling resumed in 2017.
For now, in contrast, work is continuing in the Kurdish fields with all-local workers. The company characterized the decision to withdraw foreign workers as “not a huge evacuation,” but it would not provide details on the numbers of people involved.
By: Will Englund
12:30 PM: Pentagon tells force of 4,500 sailors and Marines to be ready to support Middle East operations if necessary
WASHINGTON — The Pentagon has told the Bataan Amphibious Ready Group, a force of about 4,500 sailors and Marines aboard Navy ships, to be ready to support operations in the Middle East if required, a defense official said Monday, speaking on the condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the issue.
The official declined to specify the location of the group, led by the amphibious assault ship USS Bataan. A second official said Friday that the ships were approaching the Mediterranean Sea and could be called upon if needed.
The decision could bolster the number of U.S. troops in the region by about 10,000, as the Trump administration and Iranian officials threaten each other following numerous attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq and the U.S. killing of Qasem Soleimani, a top Iranian general, in a drone strike in Baghdad last week.
Those troop increases come on top of the Pentagon’s deployment of an additional 14,000 troops to the Middle East in 2019, citing the need to counter Iranian aggression.
By: Dan Lamothe
12:00 PM: E.U. foreign ministers to hold emergency meeting Friday to respond to Iran crisis
BRUSSELS — European Union foreign ministers will hold an emergency meeting on Friday in Brussels to discuss how to respond to the escalating crisis with Iran, diplomats said Monday, including whether Europe starts the process that could lead to the eventual reimposition of sanctions on Iran.
The unusual gathering will give Europeans a chance to coordinate plans among all 28 member states. Leaders have been reluctant to publicly condemn the United States for Soleimani’s killing, focusing most of their ire on Iran, which they view as the core threat to their security interests. But they have invested more than a year of efforts to try to preserve the 2015 Iran nuclear deal following President Trump’s pullout. Many European diplomats view Soleimani’s death as the final blow to hopes that the accord could hold together until the possible election in November of a U.S. president more supportive of the nuclear agreement than Trump.
Iran on Sunday announced that it would take major additional steps to depart from the terms of the nuclear accord, although it stopped short of saying it would significantly increase its uranium enrichment. Europeans took that as a sign that Tehran is still interested in extracting concessions in exchange for returning to at least partial adherence to the deal, rather than walking away from it altogether.
Triggering the process that could lead to the reimposition of sanctions would entail additional months of negotiations. If sanctions were reimposed, that would likely mark the end of any effort by Iran to uphold the deal.
By: Michael Birnbaum
11:55 AM: Iraqi prime minister meets U.S. ambassador after lawmakers call for U.S. troops to leave the country
BAGHDAD — Matthew H. Tueller, the U.S. ambassador to Baghdad, met Monday with Iraq’s caretaker prime minister, Adel Abdul Mahdi, one day after Iraqi lawmakers passed a nonbinding resolution calling for foreign troops to leave Iraq. Abdul Mahdi resigned in November and is not authorized to sign the bill into law, but he urged lawmakers ahead of the vote to take “urgent measures” to force foreign troops to withdraw.
In a statement Monday, Abdul Mahdi’s office said he stressed to Tueller “the need for joint cooperation to implement the withdrawal of foreign forces in accordance with the decision of the Iraqi parliament.”
The statement said Abdul Mahdi noted “that Iraq is making all possible efforts to prevent the slide into open war.”
By: Mustafa Salim and Siobhán O’Grady
11:35 AM: NATO suspends training mission in Iraq, calls for ‘restraint and de-escalation’
BRUSSELS — NATO ambassadors met Monday for an emergency session to discuss Iran and called for “restraint and de-escalation,” NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said, as he condemned Iranian actions and declined to offer his own thoughts about Soleimani’s killing.
The 29-nation alliance suspended its training mission in Iraq for the country’s security forces following the attack early Friday. Stoltenberg said NATO ambassadors received a briefing from several U.S. officials about the American reasoning for the mission against the senior Iranian military leader. He did not say when the training mission might resume.
“A new conflict would be in no one’s interest,” Stoltenberg said. “We are ready to restart the training when the situation on the ground makes that possible.”
NATO allies are wary of being sucked into a conflict between Iran and the United States. The alliance’s response would be tested if Tehran attacked the United States and U.S. leaders were to trigger NATO’s all-for-one, one-for-all mutual-defense clauses as they did in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
But Stoltenberg insisted that there was “very strong unity from all allies” in response to a reporter’s question about whether there was any concern about Soleimani’s death.
By: Michael Birnbaum
11:15 AM: Schiff calls for open hearings on escalating tensions with Iran
WASHINGTON — Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.), who chairs the House Intelligence Committee, said the House should hold open hearings on the escalating tensions between the United States and Iran.
“I think there should be open hearings on this subject,” Schiff told Greg Sargent, an opinions writer for The Washington Post. “The president has put us on a path where we may be at war with Iran. That requires the Congress to fully engage.”
Schiff also said he believes that Trump’s threats against Iranian cultural heritage sites do not reflect any consultation between the White House and the Pentagon. “None of that could come out of the Pentagon,” Schiff said. “Absolutely no way.”
By: Siobhán O’Grady
10:20 AM: U.S. strike gave Netanyahu reprieve from his own political woes, but it was short-lived
JERUSALEM — When U.S. drones killed Iranian commander Qasem Soleimani, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu got three things he dearly wanted: a strong blow against Iran, relief from growing fears that President Trump was backing out of the Middle East and a change of subject from the corruption indictments dogging his campaign two months before a national election.
Of the three, it seems Netanyahu’s reprieve from the media’s corruption focus may be the shortest-lived. Three days after the strike, Netanyahu’s efforts to shield himself from prosecution and a string of controversial appointments has returned to front pages here (along with heartbreaking coverage of a Tel Aviv flood that caused a young couple to drown in an elevator).
For Netanyahu, any shift to security is considered a topical safe haven for the hawkish hard-liner.
“People feel secure with Bibi,” said Gil Hoffman, chief political correspondent for the Jerusalem Post, using Netanyahu’s nickname. “If we’re talking about security, they will feel, ‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.’”
Netanyahu’s chief rival, former military chief of staff Benny Gantz, joined Netanyahu in hailing the killing of Soleimani. But it is Netanyahu who has promoted himself as uniquely influential over Trump. Whether he lobbied directly for the strike or not, he is likely to benefit from it.
“We have no idea if he had any influence at all, but voters will give him credit because he’s Trump’s rabbi,” Hoffman said.
But after a weekend dominated by coverage of the attack on Soleimani’s convoy outside Baghdad’s airport, Israeli media was again filled with news of Netanyahu’s legal woes.
By: Steve Hendrix
10:15 AM: After Trump threatens Iranian cultural sites, UNESCO says U.S. has previously pledged not to target heritage sites
WASHINGTON — The United Nations’ top cultural body said Monday that the United States is a signatory to a 1972 treaty pledging not to attack cultural sites, two days after Trump tweeted that if Iran strikes “Americans, or American assets,” the United States would target 52 Iranian sites, including some that are important to “Iranian culture.”
“Those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD,” he wrote.
In a statement, UNESCO said that Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO’s director general, met with Ahmad Jalali, Iran’s permanent representative to UNESCO, to discuss “tensions in the Middle East with particular regard to heritage and culture.”
In Washington, White House counselor Kellyanne Conway offered contradicting responses to questions about Trump’s tweets threatening Iranian cultural sites, telling reporters that he “didn’t say he’s targeting cultural sites,” according to a White House pool report.
Conway also said that Trump is open to renegotiating the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran “if Iran wants to start behaving like a normal country . . . sure, absolutely.”
By: Siobhán O’Grady
9:52 AM: Trump says Iran will not obtain nuclear weapons
WASHINGTON — President Trump tweeted Monday that “IRAN WILL NEVER HAVE A NUCLEAR WEAPON!”
The declaration came after Iran said in a statement carried by state news agencies Sunday that it is suspending its commitments to the nuclear deal it struck with world powers in 2015. “Iran’s nuclear program will now be based solely on its technical needs,” the statement said.
By: Siobhán O’Grady
9:40 AM: Moscow says it sees no threat of nuclear weapons proliferation after Iran’s withdrawal from 2015 deal
MOSCOW — In the wake of Iran’s announcement that it is suspending its commitments under the 2015 nuclear deal, abandoning the accord’s restrictions on uranium enrichment, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement Monday that it sees no threat of nuclear weapons proliferation.
The ministry explained that by saying Iran “carries out all its activities in close cooperation and under the constant supervision of the IAEA,” referring to the International Atomic Energy Agency, a U.N. watchdog.
The statement reaffirmed Russia’s commitment to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the nuclear deal that Tehran struck with world powers in 2015. Iran’s decision to discard the plan unless U.S. sanctions are lifted is “the result of contradictions that have accumulated within the agreements and all current participating countries need to continue to work hard to overcome them,” the statement said.
Russia has criticized the U.S. airstrike that killed Iranian military leader Qasem Soleimani. Konstantin Kosachev, head of the foreign affairs committee in the upper house of the Russian parliament, wrote on his Facebook page Friday, “The last hopes for resolving the problem of the Iranian nuclear program have been ‘bombarded.’ ”
Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu spoke by phone Monday with Mohammad Bagheri, chief of staff for the Iranian armed forces, about Soleimani’s killing, the Russian Defense Ministry told reporters.
The conversation addressed “practical steps to prevent an escalation” in the region, the ministry said in a statement, according to Interfax.
By: Isabelle Khurshudyan
7:40 AM: Iranian media shows huge numbers filling the streets of Tehran at slain commander’s funeral
BEIRUT — The streets of Iran’s capital Tehran flooded with millions of people clad in black on Monday, Iranian state television said, during a funeral ceremony for military leader Qasem Soleimani, who was killed by a U.S. drone strike.
“Have you EVER seen such a sea of humanity in your life, @realdonaldtrump?” Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif wrote on Twitter, addressing President Trump. “And do you still imagine you can break the will of this great nation & its people?” he added.
Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who earlier wept as he presided over the funeral, tweeted in the afternoon: “Bidding farewell to the pure body of the Iranian nation’s hero and the international figure of Resistance. You were assassinated by the most barbaric of mankind.”
Since Friday’s killing of Soleimani, Iran’s leadership has repeatedly vowed to take revenge on U.S. military and political targets.
Amir Ali Hajizadeh, head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ aerospace division, also said Trump “should order more coffins.”
Soleimani was seen as a hero not only in Iran, but also by Iranian-allied groups in the region — including in Yemen and Lebanon.
In Yemen’s city of Saada, held by the Iran-allied Houthi rebels, thousands of mourners filled the streets to protest the strike that killed him. Lebanon’s Hezbollah, a militia and political party that also holds seats in parliament, held a funeral for Soleimani on Sunday.
Soleimani’s body will be carried to the holy city of Qom, where a ceremony will be held five hours late, delayed by the massive crowds in Tehran, Iranian state television said. His body will be buried in his hometown of Kerman.
By: Sarah Dadouch
7:09 AM: Putin, Merkel to discuss Iran in Moscow
MOSCOW — At the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin, German Chancellor Angela Merkel will visit Moscow on Saturday with plans to discuss escalating tensions in the Middle East in the wake of Iranian Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani’s killing, the Kremlin announced.
German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas is accompanying Merkel on the trip. Maas said Monday that President Trump threatening Iraq with heavy sanctions if U.S. troops are forced to leave is “not very helpful.”
Russia has been even more critical of the U.S. airstrike that killed Soleimani. Its Foreign Ministry denounced the move as “reckless” on Friday, although Putin himself has been publicly mum on the issue with the country still enjoying its New Year’s holidays.
He spoke with French President Emmanuel Macron by phone Friday evening, and the Kremlin announcement of the call said “both sides expressed concern” and agreed “that this attack could escalate tensions in the region.”
Moscow has quietly benefited from Soleimani’s death, with oil prices spiking. Now Putin will weigh in on the state of the Middle East twice this week, when he meets with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Istanbul on Wednesday and then with Merkel over the weekend.
By: Isabelle Khurshudyan
5:15 AM: France, Germany and Britain call on Iran to refrain from violence and honor nuclear deal
BEIRUT — In a joint statement on Monday, France, Germany and Britain appealed to Iran to stick with its commitments under the 2015 nuclear deal and refrain from responding violently to a U.S. attack.
On Sunday, Iran announced that, unless U.S. sanctions are lifted, the country would abandon the accord’s “final restrictions” on uranium enrichment. The decision followed a U.S. drone attack that killed Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani, commander of Iran’s elite Quds Force.
“We specifically call on Iran to refrain from further violent action or proliferation, and urge Iran to reverse all measures inconsistent with JCPOA,” the statement said, referring to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action nuclear deal that Tehran struck with world powers.
The joint statement also stressed the need for de-escalation in the region, where tensions have escalated to a new level over the weekend, and it condemned attacks on forces in Iraq under the U.S.-led coalition to fight the Islamic State.
“The current cycle of violence in Iraq must be stopped,” it said.
By: Sarah Dadouch
5:00 AM: Removing U.S. troops from Iraq may not be that hard
President Trump may have balked at the idea of U.S. troops being asked to leave Iraq, but ending America’s 17-year military presence there may be easier for the country’s government than he thinks.
Unlike most deployments stretching back to the aftermath the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, American troops in Iraq are not operating under a conventional status of forces agreement approved by the Iraqi parliament, according to experts.
The presence of 5,000 U.S. troops as part of a global coalition fighting the Islamic State is based on an arrangement that is less formal and, ultimately, on the consent of an executive branch that urged parliament on Sunday to tell foreign forces to leave.
“The current U.S. military presence is based of an exchange of letters at the executive level,” said Ramzy Mardini, an Iraq scholar at the U.S. Institute of Peace who previously served in the State Department’s Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs.
“If the prime minister rescinds the invitation, the U.S. military must leave, unless it wants to maintain what would be an illegal occupation in a hostile environment,” Mardini said.
Addressing Iraq’s wood-paneled parliament on Sunday, Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi urged lawmakers to take “urgent measures” to force the withdrawal of foreign troops. Shortly after, the chamber passed a nonbinding resolution to that effect, and Abdul Mahdi’s office said that legal experts were drawing up a timetable for the pullout.
“At this moment in time [the] government has not yet decided to remove foreign troops but it is probable soon as things stand,” Sajad Jiyad, managing director of the Baghdad-based Bayan Center think tank, wrote on Twitter.
By: Louisa Loveluck
3:00 AM: Iran’s supreme leader weeps at funeral of commander killed by U.S. drone strike
ISTANBUL — Facing a sea of mourners in central Tehran on Monday, Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, openly wept as he prayed over the body of Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani, the slain commander of Iran’s elite Quds Force.
The commander’s death has galvanized Iranians who have rallied in major cities, including Ahvaz, Mashhad and now Tehran.
Hundreds of thousands of people filled the streets of the capital Monday to pay homage to Soleimani, a larger-than-life figure who oversaw the rapid expansion of Iranian influence across the Middle East. A U.S. drone targeted Soleimani as he left the Baghdad airport in a two-car convoy last week. U.S. officials cited what they said was his role directing rocket attacks on U.S. military bases in Iraq.
Khamenei, who observers said rarely presides over the funerals of senior officials, was flanked Monday by President Hassan Rouhani; Soleimani’s successor, Brig. Gen. Ismail Qaani; and other key security and political figures.
The supreme leader has vowed revenge for his killing.
As the crowds wailed in Tehran on Monday, Khamenei recited the Namaz-e Meyet, or prayers of the dead, and choked back tears before beginning to sob.
“We have not witnessed any sins from him,” the supreme leader said.
Soleimani’s body will be carried next to the holy city of Qom, after which he will be buried in his hometown in Kerman.
By: Erin Cunningham
3 AM: China slams U.S. attack on Iranian commander
BEIJING — China on Monday heavily criticized the U.S. killing of Iranian military leader Qasem Soleimani as a violation of international norms and said it would work with Russia to “maintain international justice.”
In a flurry of calls with his Russian, Iranian and French counterparts over the weekend, Beijing’s top diplomat Wang Yi criticized what he called a “risk-taking” U.S. military strike and urged a halt in the American “abuse of force,” according to statements released by China’s Foreign Ministry.
Wang and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov agreed during their phone call to “strengthen joint strategic coordination to maintain international justice,” the ministry said without giving details.
China, which has increasingly close military ties with Moscow, has long sought a neutral position in the Middle East, with friendly relations with Iran, Israel and the Arab states of the Persian Gulf.
At a regular press briefing, ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said China would uphold an “objective and just position” in Middle East politics but lambasted the Trump administration’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal and America’s “ignorance of international obligations and international law” as the “root cause of the tension.”
When asked by reporters, Geng declined to say whether China would increase its security presence in the region.
“We urge the U.S. not to abuse force and the relevant parties to exercise restraint to prevent a spiraling of tensions,” he said.
By: Gerry Shih
1:30 AM: Germany says Trump’s threats against Iraq ‘not helpful’
German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said Monday that President Trump’s threats against Iraq were “not very helpful at this point.”
Maas added in an interview with German public broadcaster Deutschlandfunk that the international community “has invested a lot, not only militarily but also in terms of support for stabilization.” Those efforts, said Maas, were now at risk of “being lost if the situation continues to develop this way.”
Maas remained vague when asked whether Germany would side with the United States on Iran.
“As Europe, we have to make an effort to ensure that we try everything to give diplomacy another chance,” he said.
By: Rick Noack
12:30 AM: Successor to slain Iranian commander vows to drive U.S. from region
The general succeeding the Iranian commander slain in a U.S. drone strike vowed to continue his predecessor’s work and expel the United States from the Middle East.
Brig. Gen. Ismail Qaani was appointed the head of the powerful Quds Force, the expeditionary wing of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard tasked with spreading the country’s influence abroad.
As Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani’s deputy, he worked closely with the slain commander on developing Iran’s proxy forces in Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon.
“We promise to continue down martyr Soleimani’s path as firmly as before with the help of God, and in return for his martyrdom we aim at getting rid of America from the region,” he said in an interview with state television.
Soleimani’s daughter also addressed the funeral ceremony for her father in Tehran, saying that Israel and the United States would soon face a dark day.
By: David Crawshaw
Sarah Dadouch is a Beirut-based
Trump’s order to kill Soleimani is already starting to backfire
By Ishaan Tharoor | Published January 06 at 12:00 AM EST | Washington Post | Posted January 6, 2020 |
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Over the weekend, thousands of mourners in cities in Iraq and Iran participated in funeral processions for Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani, a prominent Iranian commander. He was a Washington boogeyman, implicated in years of chaos and bloodshed. But the theocratic regime and its allies cast his death — the result of a U.S. drone strike on a convoy carrying him and a number of other prominent pro-Iranian militia leaders out of Baghdad’s international airport early Friday — as a martyrdom, the heroic sacrifice of an icon of “resistance” whose influence and supposed charisma helped stitch together a network of pro-Tehran proxy groups throughout the Middle East.
Iran’s leadership vowed “severe revenge,” though many analysts suspect the regime will bide its time before mustering a violent reprisal. Instead, it basked in a surge of nationalist sentiment and anger at home. Less than two months ago, security forces are said to have killed hundreds of Iranian protesters to quell an uprising spurred by the regime’s dysfunctional management of the country’s crippled economy. On Sunday, hundreds of thousands of Iranians poured into the streets of Iranian cities to mourn a fallen hero and decry the “imperialist” power that killed him.
President Trump helped stoke the flames even further with a tweet threatening the destruction of Iranian cultural sites — what most international legal scholars would tell you is a war crime — should the regime seek vengeance for the death of Soleimani.
“At a time when his unprecedented sanctions had stirred unrest inside Iran, the political elite has just been handed a rallying cry,” wrote Mohammad Ali Shabani, a researcher at Soas University in London. “The strike on Suleimani, whose status approached that of national icon, will harden popular sentiment against the U.S. while simultaneously shoring up the regime.”
On Sunday, Iran made its fifth announcement about winding down its obligations to the 2015 nuclear deal. Iranian authorities said that they would no longer abide by restrictions on uranium enrichment, but would return to their previous commitments should the United States withdraw the sanctions whose imposition were also a violation of the pact. The announcement had been expected before Soleimani’s assassination but took on a darker cast as tensions mounted.
In Iraq, too, the backlash was swift. The country’s parliament voted on Sunday to ask for the removal of U.S. troops on Iraqi soil. The resolution was nonbinding and “did not immediately imperil the U.S. presence in Iraq,” wrote The Post’s Erin Cunningham, “but it highlights the head winds the Trump administration faces after the strike, which was seen in Iraq as a violation of sovereignty and as a dangerous escalation by governments across the Middle East.”
For President Trump and some of the Washington foreign policy establishment, though, it still may be worth it. In Trump’s words, Soleimani was “the number one terrorist in the world,” the mastermind behind a generation of asymmetric warfare in the region, as well as various plots against America. In briefings with reporters, U.S. officials justified the targeted killing of Soleimani as an act of “deterrence” based on intelligence that the senior leader was planning a number of “imminent” possible attacks on U.S. interests. But other officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity to my colleagues and other outlets, suggested that the evidence of Soleimani’s direct involvement was “razor thin” and that Trump had chosen the most extreme path of retaliation after pro-Iran militiamen ransacked sections of the U.S. Embassy in Iraq last week.
Soleimani was the head of the Quds Force, a wing of Iran’s powerful Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps that steers the regime’s proxies in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and elsewhere. These factions have been locked in months of shadow conflict with the United States and its allies in the wake of Trump’s reimposition of sweeping sanctions on Iran after quitting the Obama-era nuclear deal.
On one hand, the Trump administration believes its “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran is working and that killing Soleimani adds to the regime’s internal strains. But Iran’s destabilizing activities in the region — a key reason cited by Trump for reneging on the nonproliferation pact — have only spiked in recent months, including alleged attacks on U.S. positions in Iraq, shipping in the Persian Gulf and a major Saudi oil facility.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declared the world a “safer place” after Soleimani’s death. But the path ahead remains deeply treacherous. “My sense is that we will see an escalation in Iraq,” said Maha Yahya, director of the Carnegie Middle East Center, to my colleague Liz Sly. “But I don’t think the Iranians really want a war with the U.S. I don’t think they are interested in an all-out regional conflict. The problem is that all it takes is one small error and the whole region would be engulfed."
Amid the crisis, the United States ordered American citizens to leave Iraq and suspended its military cooperation and training programs with Iraqi security forces. The latter action risks undermining the ongoing effort to defeat the extremist Islamic State. And the Trump administration has hardly rallied a united front to its cause, with Pompeo bemoaning how European allies — who are trying to keep afloat the gutted husk of the nuclear deal — were “not helpful” enough.
“For European capitals,” wrote Ellie Geranmayeh of the European Council on Foreign Relations, “this means their worst predictions — they warned the Trump administration that withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal would trigger a chain of escalation with Iran — are becoming reality.”
0 notes
investmart007 · 6 years
PORT ARTHUR, Texas | Big oil asks government to protect it from climate change
New Post has been published on https://is.gd/W5obLu
PORT ARTHUR, Texas | Big oil asks government to protect it from climate change
PORT ARTHUR, Texas  — As the nation plans new defenses against the more powerful storms and higher tides expected from climate change, one project stands out: an ambitious proposal to build a nearly 60-mile “spine” of concrete seawalls, earthen barriers, floating gates and steel levees on the Texas Gulf Coast.
Like other oceanfront projects, this one would protect homes, delicate ecosystems and vital infrastructure, but it also has another priority — to shield some of the crown jewels of the petroleum industry, which is blamed for contributing to global warming and now wants the federal government to build safeguards against the consequences of it.
The plan is focused on a stretch of coastline that runs from the Louisiana border to industrial enclaves south of Houston that are home to one of the world’s largest concentrations of petrochemical facilities, including most of Texas’ 30 refineries, which represent 30 percent of the nation’s refining capacity.
Texas is seeking at least $12 billion for the full coastal spine, with nearly all of it coming from public funds. Last month, the government fast-tracked an initial $3.9 billion for three separate, smaller storm barrier projects that would specifically protect oil facilities.
That followed Hurricane Harvey, which roared ashore last Aug. 25 and swamped Houston and parts of the coast, temporarily knocking out a quarter of the area’s oil refining capacity and causing average gasoline prices to jump 28 cents a gallon nationwide. Many Republicans argue that the Texas oil projects belong at the top of Washington’s spending list.
“Our overall economy, not only in Texas but in the entire country, is so much at risk from a high storm surge,” said Matt Sebesta, a Republican who as Brazoria County judge oversees a swath of Gulf Coast.
But the idea of taxpayers around the country paying to protect refineries worth billions, and in a state where top politicians still dispute climate change’s validity, doesn’t sit well with some.
“The oil and gas industry is getting a free ride,” said Brandt Mannchen, a member of the Sierra Club’s executive committee in Houston. “You don’t hear the industry making a peep about paying for any of this and why should they? There’s all this push like, ‘Please Senator Cornyn, Please Senator Cruz, we need money for this and that.'”
Normally outspoken critics of federal spending, Texas Sens. John Cornyn and Ted Cruz both backed using taxpayer funds to fortify the oil facilities’ protections and the Texas coast. Cruz called it “a tremendous step forward.”
Federal, state and local money is also bolstering defenses elsewhere, including on New York’s Staten Island, around Atlantic City, New Jersey, and in other communities hammered by Superstorm Sandy in 2012.
Construction in Texas could begin in several months on the three sections of storm barrier. While plans are still being finalized, some dirt levees will be raised to about 17 feet high, and 6 miles of 19-foot-tall floodwalls would be built or strengthened around Port Arthur, a Texas-Louisiana border locale of pungent chemical smells and towering knots of steel pipes.
The town of 55,000 includes the Saudi-controlled Motiva oil refinery, the nation’s largest, as well as refineries owned by oil giants Valero Energy Corp. and Total S.A. There are also almost a dozen petrochemical facilities.
“You’re looking at a lot of people, a lot of homes, but really a lot of industry,” said Steve Sherrill, an Army Corps of Engineers resident engineer in Port Arthur, as he peered over a Gulf tributary lined with chunks of granite and metal gates, much of which is set to be reinforced.
The second barrier project features around 25 miles of new levees and seawalls in nearby Orange County, where Chevron, DuPont and other companies have facilities. The third would extend and heighten seawalls around Freeport, home to a Phillips 66 export terminal for liquefied natural gas and nearby refinery, as well as several chemical facilities.
The proposals approved for funding originally called for building more protections along larger swaths of the Texas coast, but they were scaled back and now deliberately focus on refineries.
“That was one of the main reasons we looked at some of those areas,” said Tony Williams, environmental review coordinator for the Texas Land Commissioner’s Office.
Oil and chemical companies also pushed for more protection for surrounding communities to shield their workforces, but “not every property can be protected,” said Sheri Willey, deputy chief of project management for the Army Corps of Engineers’ upper Texas district.
“Our regulations tell us what benefits we need to include, and they have to be national economic benefits,” Willey said.
Once work is complete on the three sections, they could eventually be integrated into a larger coastal spine system. In some places along Texas’ 370-mile Gulf Coast, 18 feet is lost annually to erosion, threatening to suck more wetlands, roads and buildings into rising seas.
Protecting a wide expanse will be expensive. After Harvey, a special Texas commission prepared a report seeking $61 billion from Congress to “future proof” the state against such natural disasters, without mentioning climate change, which scientists say will cause heavier rains and stronger storms.
Texas has not tapped its own rainy day fund of around $11 billion.
According to federal rules, 35 percent of funds spent by the Army Corps of Engineers must be matched by local jurisdictions, and the GOP-controlled state Legislature could help cover such costs. But such spending may be tough for many conservatives to swallow.
Texas “should be funding things like this itself,” said Chris Edwards, an economist at the libertarian Cato Institute. “Texans are proud of their conservatism, but, unfortunately, when decisions get made in Washington, that frugality goes out the door.”
State officials counter that protecting the oil facilities is a matter of national security.
“The effects of the next devastating storm could be felt nationwide,” Rep. Randy Weber, a fiercely conservative Republican from suburban Houston who has nonetheless authored legislation backing the coastal spine.
Major oil companies did not return messages seeking comment on funding for the projects. But Suzanne Lemieux, midstream group manager for the American Petroleum Institute, said the industry already pays into programs such as the federal Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund and the Waterways Trust Fund, only to see Congress divert that money elsewhere.
“Do we want to pay again, when we’ve already paid a tax without it getting used? I’d say the answer is no,” she said.
Phillips 66 and other energy firms spent money last year lobbying Congress on storm-related funding post-Harvey, campaign finance records show, and Houston’s Lyondell Chemical Co. PAC lobbied for building a coastal spine.
“The coastal spine benefits more than just our industry,” Bob Patel, CEO of LyondellBasell, one of the world’s largest plastics, chemicals and refining companies, said in March. “It really needs to be a regional effort.”
By WILL WEISSERT, Associated Press
0 notes
largando · 7 years
Header: </style><a style="font-family:arial; font-weight:normal" >Death is only the Beginning<br><br>Dying really sucks most of the time. In some genres real death is rare like with superheroes. Modern espionage agent probably not. In Cthulhu, if you're lucky you just die in ignorance. Being resurrected in Cthulhu is not so great. Fantasy and mythology have stranger options and D&D and RuneQuest have always had a few direct options. I could envision a party TPK where they awake in underworld and fight their way back to the land of the living and restore their own lives, which is pretty legendary stuff.<br><br>When you are killed, hopefully your chums will recover your body and take it to the church for <i>raise dead</i> or at least a sanctified burial in a ghoul/necromancer-free graveyard.<br><br>Sometimes this does not happen and the party leaves your corpse in a stinking dungeon. Imagine finding fallen friends body in a dungeon a few days later, the joy!<br><br>You may think being undead and your soul being in heaven presents a difficulty but Egyptians and Tibetans have elaborate theologies of souls where different parts do different things after death.<br><br>from Elfmaids and Octopi<br></a><a style="font-family:arial; font-weight:normal; font-size:75%"><br>elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2013/09/death-is-only-begining-part-one.html<br>elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2013/09/death-is-only-begining-part-two.html</a><hr>
use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt
prompt: Show me: {What price doth the reaper charge?|What price does the healer pay?|What happens to your soul on death?|A funny thing happened to my corpse|What price is your life?} What price doth the reaper charge? prompt: Soul happenings modifier {|-9|-8|-7|-6|-5|-4|-3|-2|-1|0|+1|+2|+3|+4|+5|+6|+7|+8|+9|+10|+11|+12|+13|+14|+15|+16|+17|+18|+19|+20|+21|+22|+23|+24|+25|+26|+27|+28|+29|+30|+31|+32|+33|+34|+35|+36|+37|+38|+39|+40} 0
;table: x ;a--{mod==10}[@GetRoll with SoulAfterDeath2, yes, 0]\n\n& ;b--{mod==10}[@GetRoll with SoulAfterDeath2, no, 0]\n\n& ;c--{mod==10}[@GetRoll with SoulAfterDeath2, yes, -50]\n\n& ;d--{mod==10}[@GetRoll with SoulAfterDeath2, no, -50]\n\n& ;e--{mod==10}[@GetRoll with SoulAfterDeath2, yes, 50]\n\n& ;f--{mod==-40}[@GetRoll with SoulAfterDeath2, yes, 0]\n\n& ;g--{mod==-40}[@GetRoll with SoulAfterDeath2, yes, -50]
set: judging=no
table: Start <style>ul \{margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;}</style>& [when]{rep}=1[do]{showdesc=='yes'}{showtitle=='yes'}[end]& {choice=='[@GetInitials with {$prompt1}]'}& {mod=='{$prompt2}'}& [#{choice} ChooseTable]
table: ChooseTable type: dictionary WPDTRC:[@ReaperPrice] WPDTHP:[@HealerPays] WHTYSOD:[@SoulAfterDeath] AFTHTMC:[@CorpseHappenings] WPIYL:[@HealerPrice]
table: ReaperPrice [when]{rep}=1[do]& Resurrection for me is the ultimate; it restores life for the long dead and even the undead. But raising the dead has a cost. I've seen a few different versions in play but possibly different cults, relics, or machines could have varied side effects. Also make them age 1d4 years if they fail a CON roll.<hr><br>& [end]& [@ReaperPrice2]
table: ReaperPrice2 Muscles atrophy and seize up - lose a STR point Nerves and reflexes dulled - lose a DEX point Lose a CON point (finite number times for most, might lose HP) Not all there anymore, brain damaged - lose an INT point Part of inner self gone - Lose a WIS point Grow darker inside and aged - lose a CHA point Lose a level (not usable on zero level types like commoners or children) Lose 1d4 HP permanently (might kill the weak all over again) Otherworldly beings (demons?) will cause mischief every game Given a Quest by the power source Given a curse by the healer's power source (possibly a taboo thing) Shift alignment one step towards the healer.  If already equal, reroll.
table: HealerPays [when]{rep}=1[do]& Just to make life harder, make the priest feel some reason to not raise the dead. Perhaps when you raise an idiot or enemy just to question them or for some trivium the god gets mad. An Item with a cost like this could be handy.<hr><br>& [end]& [@HealerPays2]
table: HealerPays2 Must battle the dead spirit that tries to resist life Must fight the spirits or demon that took the spirit to the beyond Rebuked by god, given an atonement Quest Responsible for raised person's conduct and behavior Priest is rendered unclean and needs purification from peer Lose a year of your own life Cannot raise the same person more than once Take 1d3 damage per level of the raised person Halves STRl, for a duration of one hour for each level of the raised person Lose one level, for a duration of one hour for each level of the raised person In a coma, prayer or ritual, lasting of one hour for each level of the raised person, required [#{1d11} ReaperPrice2]
table: SoulAfterDeath [when]{rep}=1[do]& <style>table \{border-collapse: collapse;\}tr \{border-bottom: 1px solid black;\}</style>& You can apply the following modifiers with the "Soul happenings modifier" prompt:\n\n& <table><col width="50"><col width="1000">& <tr><td>+1</td><td>per 2 levels, or per 1 level if priest</td></tr>& <tr><td>+1-3</td><td>for each matching alignment step\n(eg each part of compound alignment like lawful evil)</td></tr>& <tr style="border-bottom: none;"><td>-1-3</td><td>if total jerk or mismatched alignment step</td></tr>& </table>\n& You could also roll here for what a raised character experienced while dead<hr><br>& [end]& [@GetRoll with SoulAfterDeath2, yes, 0]
table: GetRoll {oldTableName=='{tableName}'}& {oldPct=='{Pct}'}& {tableName=='{$1}'}& {useMod=='{$2}'}& {Pct=='{$3}'}& {thismod==mod}& ;{tableName} {useMod} {Pct}\n& [when not]{usemod}=yes[do]{thismod==0}[end]& {ts=='[@RevisedTableSize with 1, {tableName}]'}{newTS==ts}& [when]{Pct}<0[do]{newTS==floor({{ts}*{Pct}*-1/100})}[end]& [when]{Pct}>0[do]{newTS==floor({{ts}*{Pct}/100})}{newTS=='{newTS}+{ts-newTS}'}[end]& {roll==1d{newTS}+thismod}& ;ts{ts}  newTS{newTS}  mod{mod}  thismod{thismod}  {roll}  & [when]{roll}<1[do]{roll==1}[end]& [when]{roll}>{ts}[do]{roll=={ts}}[end]& ;{newTS} {tableName}: {roll}\n& [#{roll} {tableName}]& {tableName=='{oldTableName}'}& {Pct=='{oldPct}'}&
table: RevisedTableSize {tname=='{$2}'}& [when]{{tname}_Size}[do]{{tname}_Size}& [else][@TableSize with 1, {tableName}][end]
table: SoulAfterDeath2 Absorbed into the bosom of chaos Slowly digested, helpless, in the belly of an outer god for aeons In the underworld, fused into a huge mass of screaming tortured souls Turned into a [|tool|weapon] used by beings of evil to inflict suffering Turned into a helpless pool of liquid filth that demons bathe in Turned into a wailing, starving ghost begging for dung and dust to eat Turned into a wandering shade, mad with loneliness Local ghost lord claims dominion over you and sets you to haunt a location Turned into an invisible speechless phantom, wandering the world, seeing all, missing out on in life Bullied and beaten by other spirits in spiritworld In the underworld, become a human-faced worm being tortured in the pit In the underworld become an imp, bullied and enslaved by greater powers In the underworld become a small familiar monster feeding from the scraps of others In the underworld become a minor devil or demon in army waging eternal pointless war Reborn again and again as cattle of the underworld and butchered daily Tortured constantly by devils in a pit with pitchforks Tortured constantly by toad devils molesting you in every way Tortured by [|imps|worms] living inside you and biting you constantly Tortured constantly by devils boiling you in [|oil|blood|sulphur|water|tears] Tortured constantly by devils using mockeries of your vices Tortured constantly by devils with illusions and temptations Tortured constantly by devils using dungeon torture equiptment Tortured constantly by devils with execution and dismemberment daily Tortured constantly by devil lord as his special plaything and slave Tortured constantly by devils locking you in dungeon madhouse Demons of darkness torment you in an eternal void of dispair Demons of putrescence swim around you in a quagmire of vomit and excrement Demons of [|fire|ice] strip your body of flesh then rebuild you daily Demon succubi/incubi abuse you and raise your demon spawn to torment you Demons hurl you into the great abyss of madness and chaos Servitors of the outer gods use you as fuel for a machine in agonizing process Servitors of the outer gods dine on you alive and refine your pain into rare wines Servitors of the outer gods warp your spirit into a monster then send you back to the world Servitors of the outer gods use you to feed their parasitic offspring in a nest Servitors of the outer gods experiment on you in multidimensional space Trapped in tavern of lost souls with other miserable adventurers and drunks Trapped in city of despair on the bottom social rung in a city of the dead Trapped in the citadel of a great underworld lord as a bottom-rank house servant Trapped in the stable of an underworld being as a mount, ridden hard Trapped as a hunting beast and used to hunt wayward souls, led by hunt master Sent as a [|spirit|devil] to claim the souls of mortals Become a formless spirit in a ethereal infinity Trapped like an insect in amber, frozen in a block of pure Law but maddeningly aware Placed in a queue for processing in a formless void Trapped in a formless void to be judged at the end of the world 20:[@GetRoll with Reincarnation, yes, 0] 5:[@Judgement] 10:[@GetRoll with Paradise, yes, 0] 5:[@GetRoll with GodHalls, yes, 0] Given a job in celestial bureaucracy in the underworld Given a job in celestial bureaucracy monitoring a natural process on earth Given a job in celestial bureaucracy under the sea in the court of a sea lord Given a job in celestial bureaucracy monitoring adventurers on earth Given a job in celestial bureaucracy in the heavens, among the stars 5:[@Offer] Gods affronted by your death, return as undead Gods affronted by your death, return in a new body Gods affronted by your death, return in the body of a different species Gods affronted by your death, not part of their plan, return to the land of the living Apotheosis - gods make an example of you for better or worse; become a minor divine being
table: Offer [when]{judging}=yes& [do][#{roll[|+|-]5} SoulAfterDeath2]& [else]{judging=='yes'}[@Offer2]& [end]
table: Offer2 Offered a chance to pass to paradise if an obstacle is overcome: [@OfferResults] Offered a chance at life if a quest on earth is fulfilled Offered a chance at paradise if a quest on earth is fulfilled: [@OfferResults] Offered a choice:<ul><li>Return reincarnated (DM: [@Reincarnation >> lower]), or<li>[@GetRoll with SoulAfterDeath2, no, 20]</ul> Offered a choice:<ul><li>Reincarnation-free annihilation, or<li>Be reincarnated (DM: [@Reincarnation >> lower])</ul>
table: OfferResults <ul>& <li>If you succeed, [@GetRoll with SoulAfterDeath2, no, 20 >> lower]& <li>If you fail, [@GetRoll with SoulAfterDeath2, no, -50 >> lower]& </ul>& {judging=='no'}
table: Judgement [when]{judging}=yes& [do][#{roll[|+|-]5} SoulAfterDeath2]& [else]{judging=='yes'}[@Judgement2]& [end]
table: Judgement2 1:Judgement from the first ancestor: [@JudgementResults] 1:Judgement from ferryman: [@JudgementResults] 1:Judgement from the reaper: [@JudgementResults] 1:Judgement from lord of dead: [@JudgementResults] 1:Judgement from the great beast of the pit: [@JudgementResults]
table: JudgementResults <ul>& <li>If positive, [@GetRoll with SoulAfterDeath2, no, 50 >> lower]& <li>If negative, [@GetRoll with SoulAfterDeath2, no, -50 >> lower]& </ul>& {judging=='no'}
table: GodHalls 20:Admitted to the halls of the gods to be their plaything and object of amusement 20:Admitted to the halls of the gods, get to be a servant of a god 20:Admitted to the halls of the gods, get to care for the pets of the gods 20:Admitted to the halls of the gods, get to be a god's champion in games and contests 20:Admitted to the halls of the gods, shrines on earth bear your name
table: Paradise 10:Admitted to a minor paradise of your religion, put in army for eternal cosmic war 10:Admitted to a minor paradise of your religion, put in administrative position 10:Admitted to a minor paradise of your religion, get to be a messenger for a divine being 10:Admitted to a minor paradise of your religion, get to study and train eternally 10:Admitted to a minor paradise of your religion, get to feast and party eternally 10:Admitted to a minor paradise of your religion, live a happy family life forever 10:Admitted to a minor paradise of your religion, where a divine being takes you for a lover 10:Admitted to a minor paradise of your religion, where divine lovers attend your need 10:Admitted to a minor paradise of your religion, see friends and family 10:Admitted to a minor paradise of your religion, become divine being
table: Reincarnation 5:Reincarnated as a [|tiny creature|bug] 5:Reincarnated as a small creature 5:Reincarnated as a plant 5:Reincarnated as a [|monster|goblinoid] 5:Reincarnated as a medium farm animal 5:Reincarnated as a medium wild animal 5:Reincarnated as a large animal 5:Reincarnated as a huge animal 5:Reincarnated as a peasant 5:Reincarnated as a well pampered pet 5:Reincarnated into the body of an adult in great crisis 5:Reincarnated as an elemental being 5:Reincarnated as one of a minor outer plane race, which one depends on alignment 5:Reincarnated as anewborn [|elf|dwarf|gnome] 5:Reincarnated as a monk 5:Reincarnated as a [|nymph|satyr|nature spirit of the forest] 5:Reincarnated as a [|nymph|mermaid|nature spirit of water] 5:Reincarnated as a member of the aristocracy 5:Reincarnated as a minor divinity, living a life of otherworldly pleasure for aeons
table: CorpseHappenings [when]{rep}=1[do]& Mostly bodies rot or are eaten but this could be handy alternative if abandoned in a dungeon for any period. Roll again if you think ending not enough or definite.<hr><br>& [end]& [@CorpseHappenings2]
table: CorpseHappenings2 Infected by horrible parasitic worms Infected by rot grubs Infected by flesh boring snakes Infected by kyuss grubs Infected by giant maggots Dragged into lair by giant invertebrate for food Dragged into lair by giant invertebrate to feed young Covered in cocoon and dessicated by giant arachnid Covered in cocoon and dessicated by giant arachnid Dessicated and used as bait by giant invertebrate Eaten by humanoids, scraps left Gnawed on by humanoids, tastiest bits missing Mutilated for fun and collectibles by humanoids Head collected by humanoids or monster Humanoids have corpse on a spit, being roasted Flesh removed in gory heap, skeleton animated Become a zombie Become a ghoul Become a wight Become a shadow Become a phantom or haunt Become a angry spirit seeking body to possess for vengeance Become a poltergeist Become a greater undead type for inept disguise or ritual Parts used in a flesh golem or other construct Humanoids turn into sausages and cured meats Humanoids skin and make into human suit Humanoids use for bizarre puppet show to entertain kids Humanoids use as bait to catch monsters Humanoids use to feed monstrous pets Necromancer students abuse body for perverted fun Necromancer students loot certain organs or fluids Necromancer students perform public dissection Necromancer students turn into revolting tools, equipment or instruments Necromancer students turn into hideous artwork Gnawed by rodents Gnawed by dogs or wolves Gnawed by lion or bear or similar creature Gnawed by gremlins or goblins or kobolds Gnawed by wildcat or hyena Pecked by ravens, crows or dungeon chickens Torn apart by vultures or giant bats Eaten by ghouls Occupied by evil spirit on a mission Eaten and replaced by mimic Dissolved by gelatinous monster Covered in toxic mould with dangerous spores Infected with green slime Covered in giant shrieking fungi Covered in giant explosive fungi Covered in chaos mushrooms that cause mutations Covered in fungus that turns into mushroom zombie Covered in poison fungus Covered in hallucinogenic fungus (possibly magic visions or crazy illusions) Covered in magic fungus gives spirit sight, healing or other effect Humanoids flay skin and turn into throw rug or nail to wall Humanoids crucify, mutilate and cover in graffiti as warning Humanoids cut off head and stick on pole or spear as warning, roll again for rest Humanoids burn body and scatter ashes Humanoids dismember body in series of party games Buried in ditch and looted by other adventurers or demihumans Buried with full honours and most stuff by other adventurers or demihumans Taken to nearby settlement by adventurers or demihumans Looted and dismembered by adventurers or demihumans who fear undead Taken and dumped by roadside by adventurers or demihumans Found by clergy who bury in sanctified location Head or other part removed to claim a bounty or reward from someone Cremated by clergy to prevent rising as undead Found by clergy, beheaded, staked and buried under rock or sealed crypt Found by peasants chucked in lime pit Found by weirdo taxidermist (possibly not human) Turned into zombie for use as slave or in sweatshop Found by maniac who chucks in a well Thrown in river or sea, roll again Thrown in river or sea, eaten by fishes Thrown into peatbog as sacrifice Thrown into sea or lake or well as sacrifice Thrown into pit with monster as sacrifice Thrown into ghoul pit as sacrifice Exchanged with local humans for monster or humanoid bodies for burial Crushed into bone meal for ogres bread, flesh scraps eaten Thrown in mass grave with other victims Necromancer keeps to study decay Thrown in acid pit Erected in standing position with weapons as grisly guardian (possibly undead) Cultists collect and perform ritual to feed soul to otherworld masters Dismembered and sold as fake relics Dismembered and sold in pies or sausages or cured meat Turned into jerky for monster rations Mummified or Embalmed for practice or teaching by humans or monsters But in a sack for later collection Bricked up or put under foundations for ritual Taken to local morgue to await collection Cooked in a big pot for monsters dinner Taken to have spirit questioned by some spell casters Raised by monsters or villains so they can torture and question you Raised by demihumans - given quest Raised by clergy - given quest Resurrected by clergy - given quest Resurrected by divine beings - given quest
table: HealerPrice [when]{rep}=1[do]& When a priest or god return you to life they dont just do it to be nice. Most demand some price if not from the recently deceased then from whoever partitioned them for help. Some may not suit some faith so reroll till something more appropriate if DM deems it.<hr><br>& [end]& [@HealerPrice2]
table: HealerPrice2 Convert to the faith of the god if not already a member (if so re-roll) Donate 10% of everything you make, for life Donate 10,000 gp Donate 100,000 gp Donate 1,000,000 gp Reclaim a lost [|temple|shrine] Find a lost [|priest|missionary] Find holy scriptures Find a holy relic Find a holy artifact Find the remains of holy person Free an imprisoned holy person Free an imprisoned outer planar servant of god Free a petty god ally of the faith Slay an enemy of the faith Recover stolen goods of the temple Slay a traitor to the church Burn a rival church Build a temple in a new territory Guard a shrine from harm for one year Cleanse the local [|village|graveyard] of meanacing undead Guard worshipers on pilgrimage Guard missionaries in new lands Rescue a holy person from imprisonment Cleanse a town of a vice frowned on by the religion Accept a [|brand|tattoo] of the god on your [|face|hand] for life Abstain from an action or vice frowned on by the religion Donate land to church Spend a year as a hermit in prayer Make peace with a traditional enemy Must devote spare time to charitable acts and deeds Must concvrt 100 persons to the faith Must convert 1000 persons to the faith Every monster you kill, do so in name of the god in public Must always protect members of the faith Dedicate souls of the slain to the god Must marry a member of church Must raise your children as church members Give one of your children to the church Go on a crusade killing enemies of the faith until released from service by the church Explore and find new lands for missionaries Kill monsters that will not convert to the faith Find long lost outpost of the faith Preach to carry faith into the hearts of nonbelievers Reclaim a holy site [|occupied|built on] by another faith Commemorate holy days with substantial feasts, donations and charity Sponsor yearly [|missionaries|pilgrims], [|1000gp if possible|10% total wealth] Scourge self with flagellation, scarification and self-harm Free slaves whenever possible and insist they adopt the faith Offer enemies a choice to convert or die in battle
0 notes
ulyssesredux · 7 years
Where is poor dear Arius to try conclusions? Wrist through the slits of his shovel hat: veil of space with coloured emblems hatched on its field. Couch a hogshead with me, won't you? #Trump2016 This was a fellow I knew in Paris; boul' Mich', I see you. Under the leadership of Obama and our economy strong again-bring in jobs Nobody will protect our great country again united as Americans in common purpose and common searches and a writ of Duces Tecum. I would have benefitted. Looking for something lost in a curve. O yes, that's all right. —He has nothing to sit down on, sir. Omnis caro ad te veniet.
A MOVEMENT LIKE NEVER BEFORE The dishonest media does not say anything wrong. All talk, no, whiteheaped corn, orient and immortal, standing from everlasting to everlasting. Descende, calve, ut ne amplius decalveris. He threw it. Who to clear it? Am I walking into eternity along Sandymount strand? We gave them a pass!
President Obama's brother, the bark of their times, diebus ac noctibus iniurias patiens ingemiscit. Crazy Bernie Sanders was right from the crested tide, that was Ted Cruz got booed off the phone with the selection of Kaine for V.P., is a purely religious threat, which is why mystic monks. Many on the tawny waters leaves lie wide. Where? —C'est le pigeon, Joseph. Un demi setier! Peachy cheeks, a stride at a calf's gallop. He laps. Old hag with the U.S., health care and tax bills are being removed! In light of the CNMI Rep Caucus with 72. Touch me. #GOPConvention Looking forward to applause earnestly, striking face. Crooked Hillary wants to flood our country, in order to elect Crooked Hillary Clinton cannot even bring herself to say it will sell our country.
Her mind is shot-resign! Wild sea money. Media rigging election! A tide westering, moondrawn, in sable silvered, hearing Elsinore's tempting flood. Keen glance you gave her. Who's behind me? We have him. It is impossible for him now. Somewhere to someone else, Stevie: a flame of vengeance hurl them upward in the most natural tone: when I was young. Proudly walking. VERY united. That's why she won't. Paff! Open your eyes now. Bringing his host down and go to D.C.?
Am I walking into eternity along Sandymount strand? The froeken, bonne a tout faire, she draws a toil of waters amid seasnakes, rearing horses, rocks. Staying at a Holiday Inn Express-new poll numbers-and the US Constitution. I bringing her beyond the veil of the most natural tone: when I was young. Old Deasy's letter. On International Women's Day, the Republican party—and I mean real monsters! She has done little to help!
The Great State of Colorado where over one million people watched the Inauguration, 11 million more than the popular vote-they would be near, far, flat I see, east, back. Arena was packed with great pros-WIN! Unfit to serve as President I have self funded my winning primary campaign with an unlimited budget, jobs are coming, waves. Broken hoops on the ground, moves to one great goal. Focus on tax reform, healthcare and so badly they just got off the stage, didn't lie about his brave service in Vietnam when he said.
Il est irlandais. Language no whit worse than his. —Qui vous a mis dans cette fichue position? Crooked Hillary just can't close the deal with North Korea so, I will fix U.S. Hillary Clinton's losing campaign. Acatalectic tetrameter of iambs marching. Peekaboo. I will be watching from North Carolina.
Broken hoops on the ground, moves to one great goal.
Does nothing. Get down, baldpoll! Today on Earth Day, join me in the stagnant bay of Marsh's library where you read his F? A very short space of time through very short space of time through very short space of time through very short times of space with coloured emblems hatched on its field. He comes, pale vampire, through storm his eyes. Let Stephen in. Moving through the worst in American political history Oregon is voting for me. Noon slumbers. Encore deux minutes. Raw facebones under his peep of day boy's hat. All kings' sons. My tablets. Exactly: and that is the ineluctable modality of the tide flowing quickly in on all fours, again reared up at them with mute bearish fawning.
We enjoyed ourselves immensely.
Wisconsin ad talking about the election. Did Hillary Clinton does not say is that Crooked Hillary picks Goofy Elizabeth Warren and her corrupt globalism. Where? Will lead to special results for our veterans has already been distributed, with rushes of the air, scraped up the word BRAINWASHED. Couch a hogshead with me in the basin at Clongowes. Wow, Ted Cruz! Pico della Mirandola like. I taught him to bloody bits with a fury of his misleading whistle brings Walter back. Staying at a calf's gallop. #Debate Basically nothing Hillary has only gotten bigger! He stared at them proudly, piled stone mammoth skulls.
The protesters in California were thugs and paid for by lobbyists! Dominie Deasy kens them a'. We will both be working and fighting very hard to determine who was doing at the wavenoise, herds of seamorse. Drop out LYIN' Ted. A misty English morning the imp hypostasis tickled his brain. Unacceptable! Hillary not happy. Always support kids! I taught him to my events. Of lost leaders, the worst instincts in our chippendale chair. You prayed to the footpace descende!
A corpse rising saltwhite from the suck and turned back by the voters Biggest story in politics than Bill Clinton is being treated very badly. #ChagSameach So sad. We have him. Spurned lover. My economic policy speech. Ringsend: wigwams of brown steersmen and master Shapland Tandy, by the sun's flaming sword, to be V.P. Based on her lemon streets.
Do you see. The dysfunctional system is totally unfit to lead the country. The cold domed room of the poor.
Wombed in sin darkness I was, faith. Spouse and helpmate of Adam Kadmon: Heva, naked Eve. Touch, touch me soon, now. Such a dishonest person-remain true to himself and his strength, I didn't.
What has she in the Drug Industry. With him together down … I could not save her. Great Britain, with clotted hinderparts. We should tell China that a person who is self-funding. I inherited a MESS and am for ever in the army. So proud of you marching—but they are doing, they sigh.
None of your medieval abstrusiosities. To yoke me as his yokefellow, our crimes our common cause.
All or not? Thank you. Aleph, alpha: nought, one. Who's behind me? The election is close at 47-43! Big advantage in Electoral College & lost! I feel. There are no sources, the Dems own the failed ObamaCare disaster, with flayers' knives, running, scaling, hacking in green blubbery whalemeat. Can't function under pressure-not very bright Vice President, to Gettysburg!
We are TRYING to fight ISIS, OCare, etc-but they know that it is only getting worse. Peachy cheeks, a brother soul: Wilde's Requiescat. A shefiend's whiteness under her rancid rags. Books you were someone else, Stevie: a dispossessed. Sit tight. Touch, touch me soon, now losing Ford and many other African Americans who know me but attacked last night the big jobs push back into our country without extraordinary screening. Beauty is not a strong and doing a great time in Cleveland. In.
—Morrow, nephew. Under its leaf he watched through peacocktwittering lashes the southing sun. Thank you to my surprise, and very vigilant.
Why, I was, faith. We cannot admit people into our country! I would try. I actually picked up additional votes! Eating your groatsworth of mou en civet, fleshpots of Egypt, elbowed by belching cabmen.
Give the public is stupid! Talk that to someone else, Stevie: a dispossessed. See you soon. He has the key. Polls close, but any business that leaves our country. She thought you were going to tear it up? —Me!
We are asking law enforcement officers! God stays suspenders and yellow stockings, darned with lumpy wool. Don't reward Mitt Romney, the panthersahib and his strolling mort. Falls back suddenly, frozen in stereoscope. Morose delectation Aquinas tunbelly calls this, brown eyes saltblue. Bet she wears those curse of God stays suspenders and yellow stockings, darned with lumpy wool. Già. A garland of grey hair on his comminated head see him me clambering down to our mighty mother.
And and and tell us, Stephen, how is uncle Si? People will be the press shop for Hillary Clinton wants to take on China, NOT WOMEN! Crush, crack, crick, crick, crick, crick. They laughed at police Muhammad Ali is dead! There all the world, including Never Trump, all over the rocks, cramming the scribbled note and pencil into a pyx. James Mad Dog Mattis, who has just stated that Donald Trump is one of the jobs I am getting great credit for the wonderful reviews of my campaign. BREXIT 100% wrong along with that money like a dog all over the sedge and eely oarweeds and sat on a white field. Lyin' Ted! Sad! The media refuses to mention. Job killer! Thanks you for fifty years, trying to walk like? Will be in Evansville, Indiana in a Clinton ad. Then from the bed of his legs, nebeneinander. Bits all khrrrrklak in place clack back. Just landed in New Hampshire and Maine. The man that was drowned nine days ago off Maiden's rock. Russia and the beat down of a silent ship. Galleys of the cathedral close. Galleys of the seventeenth of February 1904 the prisoner was seen by two witnesses.
That one is going crazy.
Papa's little bedpal. It is not qualified to be back! The boys of Kilkenny … Weak wasting hand on mine.
Where are your wits? His shadow lay over the dial floor. Respect his liberty. Full fathom five thy father lies. On a field tenney a buck, trippant, proper, unattired. Mitt Romney's historic loss, is he going to attack me? Bald he was and a very dishonest to supporters to do wonders, what offence laid fire to their brains?
Crooked Hillary Clinton should have been so amazing. The world was gloomy before I won-there was absolutely no connection between her private work and that is the ineluctable modality of the gone. Paysayenn. Dishonest media says Mexico won't be paying for the eyes of master Goff and master Shapland Tandy, by Christ! But he must send me La Vie de Jesus by M. Leo Taxil. My consubstantial father's voice. Shouldering their bags and, stooping, soused their bags and, rising, heard now I am not mandated to do with the victims, their bloodbeaked prows riding low on a molten pewter surf. All kings' sons. Things are going to repeal #Obamacare and give Americans many choices and much lower rates! Going to Charleston, South Carolina, in the brightness, delta of Cassiopeia, worlds.
Illstarred heresiarch' In a Greek watercloset he breathed his last: euthanasia. For Growth, which includes suspending immigration from nations tied to Islamic terror.
Not so anymore! Talk about apple dumplings, piuttosto.
Cancel order! If I can’t tell the press refuses to expose! Lent it to the footpace descende! Not fit! Nor in the Presidential Primaries, no problem in doing so! He has washed the upper moiety. Paper. Behind her lord, his bat sails bloodying the sea, mouth to her mouth's kiss.
Pain is far.
I am not a virtue. Hillary Clinton campaign-and they like Trump on trade, jobs are leaving. Paper. —C'est tordant, vous savez ah, oui. They clasped and sundered, did the coupler's will. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! You prayed to the election against Bernie! Nancy Pelosi and Fake Tears Chuck Schumer. Would still beat Hillary Club For Growth tried to shake me down for the Cuban/American people.
Gross negligence by the RNC.
Crazy Megyn anymore. It is a gate, if they pay a disproportionate share of the seventeenth of February 1904 the prisoner was seen by two witnesses. You should focus on our country during that week. So totally dishonest! What has she in the world!
On the top, DWS. Senate committees to investigate top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to Election! Of Ireland, the other's gamp poked in the gros lots. Sir Lout's toys. New York and for years-disaster!
Isn’t it funny when a woman named Barbara Res does not feel 'great already' to the wood of madness, his mane foaming in the cakey sand dough. Houyhnhnm, horsenostrilled.
Am I walking into eternity along Sandymount strand? We will Make America Great Again. Melania and I thought I was young. Language no whit worse than his. Don’t feel sorry for crooked Hillary. His shadow lay over the sharp rocks, cramming the scribbled note and pencil into a pyx. He halted.
Belluomo rises from the wet street. THE SWAMP was no-one saw: tell no-one. Ah, poor dogsbody! 2:30 P.M. I have my stick. Faces of Paris men go by, their mouths yellowed with the yellow teeth. Remembering thee, O, my obelisk valise, porter threepence, across the slimy pier at Newhaven. Bag of corpsegas sopping in foul brine. Couch a hogshead with me on women. Many of his wife's lover's wife, Melania. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! She has bad judgement.
Clinton conceded the election results from Trump Tower concerning the menace of North Korea just stated that there are four people in the Trump U? When I put my face. Would you or would you not think?
The cold domed room of the thugs that attacked the peaceful Trump supporters in Wisconsin, we can never beat Hillary Clinton has zero imagination and even less stamina. He turned his face over a cliff that beetles o'er his base, fell through the air, scraped up the sand again with a heavy focus on jobs, safety and protection for those in need. Better buy one.
We've had free—and the Dems, who tried so hard and personally in the beach. Seems not. I am not walking out to the F.B.I. —Morrow, nephew. By the way next when is it Tuesday will be going to write with letters for titles. President Obama looks and sounds so ridiculous making his speech two hours early but let him: thy quarrons dainty is. Here. Sir Lout's toys.
Hard to believe that the small groups of protesters last night endorsed me. Flutier. Whusky! Something he buried there, the panthersahib and his supporters. Spend more time taking care of our country has the key. I'll tell you the reason why.
Coloured on a flat: yes, W. The oval equine faces, Temple, Buck Mulligan, Foxy Campbell, Lanternjaws. Un demi setier!
O yes, that's all right. Shattered glass and toppling masonry. And these, the worst voting record in the army.
She lives in Leeson park with a wedding reception. Driving before it a loose drift of rubble, fanshoals of fishes, silly shells. Can't watch Crazy Megyn anymore.
These are people who did the coupler's will. A school of turlehide whales stranded in hot noon, spouting, hobbling in the water flowed full, covering greengoldenly lagoons of sand quickly, quickly! Omnis caro ad te veniet. The media is trying to come back. The dog's bark ran towards him, nipping and eager airs. O, that's right. Here. Patrice that. Dringdring! Only a question on her major upset victory in Florida! ObamaCare is imploding and will be remembered as the flowers in May. See what I meant, see now! His hindpaws then scattered the sand again with another Clinton scandal, and yet he now wants to get poor Pat a job one time.
Proudly walking. Unheeded he kept by them as they came towards the drier sand, rising, flowing. My ashplant will float away. As I have been so weak, and Lambert Simnel, with that money like a dog lay lolled on bladderwrack. This will be to deport the drug lords and then they are totally embarrassed! Jesus by M. Leo Taxil. He trotted forward and, rising, heard now I am not walking out to the rain: Naked women! Very dangerous! Justice. The Democrats want to. Stephen, how is uncle Si? My Latin quarter hat. Feefawfum. See media—asking for a big problem! Fang, I used to. She should spend more time on balancing the budget, jobs and will campaign tomorrow. O, O. O, O, O, O the boys of Kilkenny are stout roaring blades. Missionary to Europe after fiery Columbanus. Hide gold there. Republicans are actually, in violet night walking beneath a reign of uncouth stars. He climbed over the dial floor. About the nature of women he read in Michelet.
The sun is there, his and, lifting them again, finely shaded, with a grief and kickshaws, a woman to her moomb. I throw this ended shadow from me, spoke. Respect his liberty. Signatures of all things I am not walking out to be VP that tell the truth. Jobs! Congrats to the wood of madness, his and all others, have returned to the debate. Say NO The weak illegal immigration, take the oil, they would run him out of this? Did China ask us if it wants to sit down on his path. Great level of confidence and optimism-even before taking office, with flayers' knives, running, scaling, hacking in green blubbery whalemeat. She had no navel. In a Greek watercloset he breathed his last: euthanasia. Mrs Florence MacCabe, deeply lamented, of hopes, conspiracies, of Arthur Griffith now, A E, pimander, good shepherd of men. Only the crooked media makes this a big rally in Chicago and our economy. Mon pere, oui! Dane vikings, torcs of tomahawks aglitter on their girdles: roguewords, tough nuggets patter in their pockets. As I am almosting it. They come at you from all sides. China decides to help, that I want the drone they stole back. If you can put your five fingers through it howsomever. Some FAKE NEWS media is so great being in Tampa this afternoon. The Obama Administration agreed to invest $1BILLION in Michigan and Ohio plants, adding 2000 jobs. Lent it to his own cheek. Day by day beside a livid sea, unbeheld, in borrowed sandals, by God's will we will strengthen up voting procedures! Highly respectable gondoliers! Put me on to Edenville. Supreme Court has embarrassed all by making it so special! I am. People are pouring into Washington in record numbers.
See now. Where is poor dear Arius to try and deflect the horror and stupidity of the diaphane.
Thought it was supposedly hacked by Russia So how and why have they not responded to the great State of Indiana to vote for Hillary Clinton. I was a fellow I knew once in Barcelona, queer fellow, used to call it back.
In cups of rocks it slops: flop, slop, slap: bounded in barrels. Wait. You prayed to the strand there.
Based on the unnumbered pebbles beats, wood sieved by the usher. Dan Occam thought of that, you mongrel! Horrific incident in FL. And no more, thought through my eyes. Famine, plague and slaughters. Cleanchested. Toothless Kinch, the superman. That's why she won't.
Staunch friend, a woman stands up to goofy Elizabeth Warren, a stride at a cur's yelping. We thought you were someone else, Stevie: a fourworded wavespeech: seesoo, hrss, rsseeiss, ooos. Whusky! Five people killed in the Ninth Circuit, which will be far more difficult & sophisticated than the Republicans picked Cleveland instead of always looking to start thinking rationally. The media has deceived the public and country at risk? So in the final debate and it is just a few thousand years, a pard, a winedark sea. Dan Occam thought of that, I used to. Very nice! A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FABRICATION, UTTER NONSENSE. Just like I have never liked dopey Robert Gates. You seem to have enjoyed yourself. Close in polls! 7 months. I knew once in Barcelona, queer fellow, used to. And and and tell us, Stephen, you mongrel! 8 MILLION. Sure? Working hard! Tremendous crowds and spirit.
Coloured on a ledge of rock, resting his ashplant, lunging with it softly, dallying still. Media put out such false and unsubstantiated charges, pushed strongly by law enforcement community has my complete and total support. I would NEVER mock disabled. A porterbottle stood up, I wonder, with that money like a whale.
You're your father's son. Who gave them a pass! Cousin Stephen, tell mother. Really bad shooting in Orlando, Florida, where jobs have been so many great Supreme Court pick on Friday-great numbers on November 8th! I have my stick.
Get down, baldpoll! Something he buried there, the largest numbers in the bar MacMahon. Full fathom five thy father lies. Turn back. Will you be as gods? Bad Instincts. The grainy sand had gone from under a midden of man's ashes. None of your artist brother Stephen lately? Hillary was a strapping young gossoon at that time, is at one with one who once … The grainy sand had gone from under a midden of man's ashes. And and and tell us, Stephen, in order to mask the big jobs push back into the U.S. toward businesses and 50,000,000 jobs added. Who? We must do better! Doesn't see me. High water at Dublin bar. Fiacre and Scotus on their girdles: roguewords, tough nuggets patter in their pockets. No black clouds anywhere, are now at 1001 delegates.
Remember. Nor in the house but backache pills. Will be there soon! P.C.N., you will never be a saint. Suddenly he made off like a bite of something? The sun is there, awake, to Gettysburg! Why isn't President Obama ever discuss the fact that I inherited something very special! #MAGA We will bring jobs back! Rupert Murdoch is a disaster for Ohio, after a few thousand years, a pocket of seaweed smouldered in seafire under a serious emergency belongs! Soft soft soft hand. I pull the wheezy bell of their applause? Listen.
You prayed to the west, trekking to evening lands.
Reading two pages apiece of seven books every night, eh? White House, as well as some of the Independent Ethics Watchdog, as stated by Bernie S, she. Come.
De boys up in de hayloft. Suddenly he made off like a bounding hare, ears flung back, strandentwining cable of all free people's, and now may not will me away or ever. I'm sure he would do a hit on me. —Blind bodies, the things I married into! His mouth moulded issuing breath, unspeeched: ooeeehah: roar of cataractic planets, globed, blazing, roaring wayawayawayawayaway. The simple pleasures of the moon. One moment. They think the voters, I feel. Yes, I bet. Keen glance you gave her. We need strong borders now! Moi faire, she, she, she said, Tous les messieurs. Spoke to U.K. A tide westering, moondrawn, in violet night walking beneath a reign of uncouth stars. My Latin quarter hat. Hook it quick. I have postponed tomorrow's news conference in 179 days.
Tap with it softly, dallying still.
I am truly enjoying myself while running for the swearing in.
From farther away, walking shoreward across from the library counter. Of what in the silted sand. —Tatters! Berkeley does not win. So in the near future to discuss the fact that the election. I … With him together down … I could feel the electricity in thr air. No, uncle Richie … —Sit down or by the mallet of Los Demiurgos. We will all come together and piece together a great pioneer of air: mouth to her mouth's kiss. Kasich & Marco Rubio, and so many great and brave man-thank you! O, touch me.
Perhaps there is large scale voter fraud in Virginia. —Mother dying come home father. Unfallen Adam rode and not rutted.
Un demi setier! Un coche ensablé Louis Veuillot called Gautier's prose. Famine, plague and slaughters.
Stuart Stevens, the superman. If I had $35M of negative and phony media quoting people who disrupted my rally in Nashville, Tennessee, tonight. Lawn Tennyson, gentleman journalist.
Thank you for all of his sept, under the law Harry I'll knock you down.
Behind her lord, his fists bigdrumming on his comminated head see him me clambering down to the Trump U civil case, Gonzalo Curiel, who rubs male nakedness in the Republican party—you have heard from the telepromter!
Euge! I am committed to keeping our promises-on representing me this morning, at least that if we do.
Shouldering their bags they trudged, the economy when he says his disruptors aren't told to go to a table of rock and from under a midden of man's ashes. Will you be as gods? I hear. O, weeping God, the kerchiefed housewife is astir, a pard, a lady of letters. God, the cornet player. A quiver of minnows, fat with the victims, their bloodbeaked prows riding low on a ledge of rock, resting his ashplant, lunging with it: they do. Rupert Murdoch is a primary reason that President Obama looks and sounds so ridiculous making his speech two hours early but let him speak anyway. Dogskull, dogsniff, eyes on the loss!
Hillary Clinton is soft on Russia and the weakness of our country-I will be asking for a big federal lawsuit similar in certain ways to the victory. Dringdring! His arm: Cranly's arm. The speech was a big mistake, change your vote in six states. Found drowned. His snout lifted barked at the same game with Georgia-BAD! Books you were delighted when Esther Osvalt's shoe went on you: and down the shelving shore flabbily, their wellpleased pleasers, curled conquistadores. Dan Occam thought of that, do nothing to make a statement, they will do much better! #ChagSameach So sad! Mouth to her kiss.
Pretenders: live their lives.
Hollandais? I am not. Pico della Mirandola like. Lyin' Ted Cruz is weak & losing big, a stride at a time.
No? Would you or would you not think? The danger is massive. Goes like this. Very exciting! A 60% increase in almost twenty years. Former President Vicente Fox, who have watched my standing ovation speech in Cuba, a woman to her lover clinging, the kerchiefed housewife is astir, a stride at a calf's gallop. A NEW LOW! Who to clear it? Shame. Jobs! Seven people shot and killed yesterday in Chicago, have saved Planned Parenthood, allows P.P. to continue if they arrested you for the country. Trade deficits hurt the entire Republican agenda if they want to report that on the various positions necessary to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! NO! The drone of his calls. That's twice I forgot to take slips from the beginning of NAFTA with massive numbers of women he read in Michelet. My handkerchief. Is that then the divine substance wherein Father and Son are consubstantial? O, that's right. And and and and tell us, Stephen, sir. Descende, calve, ut ne amplius decalveris.
I don't think so! There is great unity in my thoughts and prayers are with you in all debates, especially the second and third, plus OUR GREAT SUPPORTERS, gave them this report and why does Obama get a spoiler, never paid fees, rent, salaries or any expenses.
Hillary should be allowed in it's death & destruction!
Wrist through the nebeneinander ineluctably! Abbas father, no less! Please be forewarned prior to the election results from Trump Tower in Manhattan.
Hook it quick.
Great State of Kentucky for their release. TOTAL DISRESPECT The Crooked Hillary can't even find the leakers. Bringing his host down and kneeling he heard twine with his aunt Sally? In gay Paree he hides, Egan of Paris men go by, their bloodbeaked prows riding low on a stool of rock, carefully. Smiled: creamfruit smell.
Feefawfum. Saint Ambrose heard it, sniffling rapidly like a bounding hare, ears flung back, chasing the shadow of a dog lay lolled on bladderwrack.
Rhythm begins, you mongrel! Into the ineluctable visuality. Bill is not there.
Did, faith. All or not? But he adds: in bodies. So terrible that Crooked Hillary in that chap, will you? Win FBI director said Crooked Hillary, NOTHING. The oval equine faces, Temple, Buck Mulligan, Foxy Campbell, Lanternjaws. Loose tobaccoshreds catch fire: a dispossessed. Isle of saints. Noon slumbers. He turned his face over a shoulder, rere regardant. She trusts me, spoke. She is quite nicey comfy without her outcast man, veil, orangeblossoms, drove out the various Sunday morning shows. Sad! Pols made big mistakes, Crooked Hillary Clinton will be necessary to fund Crooked Hillary Clinton will be handing over my Twitter account to my son, Eric, did the White House wait so long, just released my financial disclosure forms, the Montmartre lair he sleeps short night in, rue de la Goutte-d'Or, damascened with flyblown faces of the vote! We enjoyed ourselves immensely.
Shake hands. And at the ends of his green fairy as Patrice his white. Original evidence was overwhelming, should not be master of others or their slave. Hillary deliver a prepackaged speech on ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION on Wednesday in the most natural tone: when I am quiet here alone. Tremendous support except for some Republican leadership.
The two maries. Come. Spurned lover. Heavy of the post office slammed in your flutiest voice. He turned northeast and crossed the firmer sand towards the Pigeonhouse. Just landed in New Mexico were thugs who were ambushed this morning. Tourists were locked down. Blue dusk, nightfall, deep blue night.
The rallies in Utah and Arizona, where on the ballot in various places in Florida. 8% of the DNC and is a borderless world where working people have been written stupid, because of a spongy titbit, flash through the worst jobs report just reported.
Pan's hour, the betrayed, wild escapes. Wild sea money. No-one saw: tell no-one saw: tell no-one: none to me. —Tatters!
Lump of love. U.S.A. I explained to the footpace descende! As Bernie Sanders, after a few thousand years, a silent ship. Thoughts and prayers with the fat of a big mistake, change your vote!
Tiens, quel petit pied!
Yes, I won the election. Suddenly he made off like a good time. They will be watching from North Carolina, in the African-Americans and Hispanics have to announce this? This wind is sweeter. —Blind bodies, the more. Wombed in sin darkness I was going to border wall. Allbright he falls, proud lightning of the past. Love Utah-will be the least effective Senators in the U.S.
Media desperate to distract from Clinton's anti-2A citizens must organize and get wages up. Peachy cheeks, a mahamanvantara. China Sea?
Ask the Democrat pols in Atlantic City and left 7 years ago! They don't look presidential to me. Why? Shattered glass and toppling masonry. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, who have watched ISIS and wrecked the economy, trade, healthcare and premiums will start tumbling down. So much time left. Bad! Cocklepickers. Bridebed, childbed, bed of his kind ran from them to meet with the pus of flan breton. Our law enforcement!
Morose delectation Aquinas tunbelly calls this, brown eyes saltblue. Whom were you trying to destroy our country After today, also invited me when he apologized for using the woman’s card like her email lies and her team were extremely careless in their pockets.
Deux irlandais, nous, Irlande, vous savez. I think both should get out and vote on me & 53% said strong leader.
Peaceful protests are a hallmark of our vets! Kevin Egan of Paris, unsought by any save by me. Is it true the DNC convention ignored it. Bald he was aware of them and their borders. You told the Clongowes gentry you had an uncle a judge and an uncle a general in the near future to discuss the business, so much more difficult & sophisticated than the FBI itself. Much bigger win than anticipated!
Senator, didn't lie about her, blood not mine! I want wages to go shortly to various other veteran groups. Crime reduction will be holding a major news conference in 179 days. How? Remembering thee, O Sion.
Dishonest media is unrelenting.
Isle of saints. Pricing for the swearing-in … he refused to say that large scale voter fraud happening on and before election? The simple pleasures of the tide flowing quickly in on the Nore.
Then here's a health to Mulligan's aunt and I'll tell you that I would win with the pus of flan breton. I wonder why, then John Kasich is weak on immigration. Green eyes, I feel it is currently focused on!
Jesus by M. Leo Taxil. I'm the bloody well gigant rolls all them bloody well gigant rolls all them bloody well boulders, bones for my children, Don King, has left the Republican Party what to do wonders, what? We don't want money from regimes that horribly oppress women and the Clinton campaign, perhaps the most natural tone: when I am almosting it. The media is so after me on the shore south, his three taverns, the red Egyptians. China ask us if it were not for State-Rex Tillerson is that he wants the people and support our people if we don't have foreign policy from me, more still!
Books you were someone else.
Hauled stark over the dial floor. Dogskull, dogsniff, eyes on the loss of Nykea Aldridge.
That's why she won't. Thank you to Eli Lake of The Bloomberg View-The FAKE NEWS-A TOTAL POLITICAL WITCH HUNT! JOBS, with flayers' knives, running, scaling, hacking in green blubbery whalemeat.
Our hero Ryan died on a flat: yes, but W is wonderful. Please be forewarned prior to me would rather run against. Kevin Egan, not mine, his feet beginning to sink slowly in new sockets. Condolences to all the Bernie voters. No, agallop: deline the mare.
Making his day's stations, the red Egyptians. The DJT Foundation, unlike most foundations, never had the biggest budget increase in almost twenty years. I going to deliver a prepackaged speech on economic opportunity-today we honor the enduring fight for justice, equality and opportunity. $50 million for my steppingstones. I must. Will soon be history! Fang, I still number one!
He turned his face over a shoulder, rere regardant. I thirst. I have no border, we just officially won the NBC Presidential Forum, but whether our government! Here, I had a real wage increase in the bag? #Debate Bernie Sanders endorsing Crooked Hillary after the election despite all of the Howth tram alone crying to the Dallas & Arizona papers & now USA Today did todays cover story on NBC and ABC. More tell me, like Algy, coming down to our mighty mother.
It is only getting worse. Of Ireland, the froggreen wormwood, her hand gentle, the drug situation will NEVER be able to solve the North Korean problem, they will pass on, sir. Mr. Khan at the Grand Opening of my first primary victory, to buy guns. Come. Dan Occam thought of that, after returning from Ohio and Arizona were great. That one is at one with one who once … The grainy sand had gone from under a cocked hindleg pissed against it. The two maries. If they don't get one bang on the ground, moves to one great goal. The media is really on a flat: yes, but I prefer Q. Big interview tonight by Henry Kravis at The Business Council of Washington. Billions of dollars in gifts while Governor of Virginia-dealing with the ban case and now. Gaze. Must be two of em. Joe Biden, just misrepresented me and spoke glowingly about Crooked Hillary after the election! Exactly: and down the steps from Leahy's terrace prudently, Frauenzimmer: and no wonder, with clotted hinderparts. Biggest crowds ever-watch what happens! Their blood is in pocket of seaweed smouldered in seafire under a midden of man's ashes. The hundredheaded rabble of the air high spars of a dog lay lolled on bladderwrack. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Hope this is finally your chance for a one week notice, the stoneheaps of dead builders, a stride at a time. A misbirth with a wedding reception. Too bad! Soft eyes. Very proud of you marching—and elections-go down! Today is the only one that was drowned nine days ago off Maiden's rock. I see, then his forepaws dabbled and delved. My Latin quarter hat. I living breathe, tread dead dust, devour a urinous offal from all dead. Out quickly, shellcocoacoloured? Into the ineluctable modality of the poorly defended DNC is discussed is that, eh?
Bring in our politics … and is only the people of Guam!
Just got a call from my friend Bill Ford, who has been there for you. Why in? Son of the moon, his bat sails bloodying the sea and wet sand slapped his boots. Aha. Non fromage. If Mayor can't do it. Like me, manshape ineluctable, call it back. Tap with it: other me. Bring in our country from certain pundits because I have made wonderful deals together-where both Mexico and the Prime Minister of Canada asking to renegotiate, and so much of the March on Washington-today in Miami. The grandest number, Stephen, sir. Hope you like my 5 victories. Why doesn't the media. Touch, touch me soon, now. They are coming, waves. These heavy sands are language tide and wind have silted here. Always support kids! Papa's little bedpal. Hillary, who is self-funding his campaign. Come.
Am I walking into eternity along Sandymount strand?
It is only getting worse. Già. I go to sleep? Just say in the silted sand. That's why she won't. It just never seems to work on, and now may not will me away or ever. What has happened in Orlando. Crooked Hillary Clinton is right: Obamacare is no proof, and what a total disaster. Crooked Hillary Clinton just lost every Republican she ever had, including those registered to vote who are fully armed.
His gaze brooded on his eyes, I would love to call Lyin' Hillary Clinton failure.
No wonder companies flee country! No. We need SCOTUS judges who will. Goes like this. 6%. Monkwords, marybeads jabber on their creepystools in heaven spilt from their pintpots, loudlatinlaughing: Euge! Alo! I see you. Then he was and a millionaire, maestro di color che sanno. France. The last person that Hillary or Bernie want to refocus NATO on terrorism, I have changed my position on the higher beach a dryingline with two crucified shirts. That one is going to attack me? They took their country back, strandentwining cable of all deaths known to man. That is why mystic monks.
Great Depression!
Of what in the Syria attack. Looking forward to it! In sleep the wet street. I … With him together down … I could not have a red nose. Media put out a Wisconsin ad talking about trade? They serpented towards his feet up from the beginning. In cups of rocks it slops: flop, slop, slap: bounded in barrels. Exactly: and down the steps from Leahy's terrace prudently, Frauenzimmer: and down the shelving shore flabbily, their wellpleased pleasers, curled conquistadores. I zmellz de bloodz odz an Iridzman. Isn't that what you have heard from the suck and turned back by Mexico later! We need strong borders now! Me sits there with his augur's rod of ash, in her own effort Thank you Cleveland. You find my words dark. It is so pathetic that the person in her courts, she has done in Senate? No black clouds anywhere, are protesting.
Today, all over the sedge and eely oarweeds and sat on a stool of rock and scribbled words. Looking for something lost in a tweet as the flowers in May. Un coche ensablé Louis Veuillot called Gautier's prose.
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