#which may be hard since it’s two weeks!!!!! agh!!!!!
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disappearingcigarette · 1 year ago
I think I also do things that annoy her and even though she says it’s not something I do it still is like. You’re composing about shit. That you have to PREFACE is not something I’m directly doing. But like I’m around you?? And you’re bringing this up to me??? And we also have had a kind of argument before so I know she is capable of telling me directly if I did something that hurt her but still it’s like. You’re sayin this shit to me and I’m a bit of an idiot but not a complete moron yanno
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walkingstackofbooks · 2 years ago
Just shouting into the void ~
So my job application writing is going great /s ...
Lol I can't even focus on writing down these thoughts I'm already thinking on here what hope do I even have of writing a coherent personal statement?
I'm on #6 since April and they've got progressively harder. Like, I guess that makes sense in terms of motivation and whatnot, and also I am pretty burnt out after spending half-term with family instead of resting (it was nice but god, I should not have gone back into work straight away after) but also I'd started on meds for #1 and they worked GREAT but now it seems that initial burst has worn off and even after increasing they're not as good?
#1 - 12 weeks ago - Solidly worked on it for 2 days and did not procrastinate overly much - barely at all on day 1! It was wild! Magic!
#2 - 7 weeks ago - My expectations were high - and not quite met. More work than expected, there was less that I could copy-and-paste from the last than I thought there'd be. Got really tired in the afternoon and napped, had a sudden revival about 10 at night 😅
#3 - 4 weeks ago - Lots of productivity just... housework-wise. It was great for getting stuff I needed done though! Did bits and starts, didn't really get a good go at anything till Sun eve and even that was hard.
#4 and #5 - 3 weeks ago - Really productive evening at a friend's who offered to body double. Was fairly good the next day after a nap, too; bit of procrastination that weekend, but generally okay.
#6 - now - Did a fairly solid bit for a few hours yesterday, but then solidly procrastinated and lost belief I could do it. Have solidly procrastinated this morning, including some housework productivity, haven't been able to bring myself to even open the word doc.
I just haven't felt like this at all during this round of applications I don't think - back to what I felt during essay-writing and all that other shit that uses this sort of brain power. Most of the others was working to a tighter deadline, but not all of them were next-day affairs, and I was able to hold myself to my own deadline for once - I didn't pull any all-nighters, which is out-of-the-norm for me. This one isn't due until the end of next week (and gosh there's actually a #7 also due in next week which I've just put to one side bc I cannot) but I've got something on next weekend that I want to go to and haven't been able to go to in years but I'm just so aware I could miss it and wouldn't that be easier, Andi?, then you wouldn't have to do this damn application now!
Dammit I just hate my brain and the way it just slides over the paper when trying to get a grip on what I've done so far and doesn't take anything in and just can't be assed with the consequences of not doing it now, even as I get more and more anxious, and the whole spiral that is doing-things-now-but-not-enjoying-them knowing that if I just do the damn thing I can enjoy future things more!
(I think this all comes in the context of I cannot enjoy anything until I get a job bc my life is currently on hold and I just have to go through endless application processes but there's only this short window in May-June for most jobs and fricking hell I don't even WANT any of these jobs I'm just legally required to get it so I can resume my current, enjoyable job in two years time... Which is fun.)
This is just more procrastination.
(I'm also not sure if I'm procrastinating going to the shops or putting it off in the hope I'll do some work but it's a Sunday so they'll close in two hours which is a good thing tbf otherwise I might procrastinate it longer than tea but also AGH I don't have TIME to go to the shops but I can't afford NOT to and I seemingly have time to procrastinate so just go out to the shops already you damned fool.)
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rebelrebelwrites · 2 years ago
Another week, another…
Fic Friday! ❤️ Weekly Fic Recs
Let’s dive in.
This week’s recs are…
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As always, please mind the tags on any recommended story for your own personal preferences.
The Classic You’ve Heard Of But Somehow Haven’t Read Yet: Like Calls Unto Like by Elahrairah_Inle
What you need to know going in:
Oof, this fic. If you haven’t been reading it, where you been, fam? It’s been a while since it’s been updated, but don’t let that deter you — this S1 continuation begins with Gal and Hal in Eregion pre-reveal, then progresses to a full-blown post-S1 epic that is just that: epic. In addition to a spellbinding narrative, steamy AF smut, and captivating characterization, the thing that strikes me most about this fic is the love and care the author clearly takes with the plot. It’s intricately woven, and I am SO excited to see where they take it. This is a fic that’s worth waiting for, however long that may be.
WIP, Explicit
Read the story.
Follow the author on Tumblr and AO3.
The AU You Need to Immerse Yourself In Because, Well, Wow: a dust like thine by @mortaltempless
What you need to know going in:
Agh! Recently completed, and I’m still basking in this fic’s beauty and perfect execution. (Also, be prepared to see mortaltemples on this list a few times; everything I’ve read of theirs has been 🤌.) This fic follows a BatB-style fairytale premise in the First Age, with Galadriel bargaining with Sauron for her brother Finrod’s life: he can have her, instead, as long as he’ll also help her overthrow Thingol in Doriath. The resulting story is thrilling in its pace and intensity — every moment builds and crests so that you’re constantly on the edge of your seat with the dynamic set between these two, which sees a very measured but mercurial Sauron and a very lovably impetuous Galadriel who has zero qualms making herself… we’ll say at home in Sauron’s fortress. I don’t want to say too much more for fear of spoilers, so just go read it/bookmark it. You won’t regret it.
Complete, Explicit
Read the story.
Follow the author here on Tumblr and on AO3.
The Complete But Never Forgotten Masterpiece: the nameless by @bimmyou
What you need to know going in:
35k words, one chapter. Folks, I was intrigued, to say the least, when I stumbled upon this lengthy one-shot — reason being, I’ve become more of a minimalist as a writer/reader in recent years, so that WC made me curious, and I admit, initially a bit hesitant. Let me tell you… every. Single. Word. Was. Incredible. Absolutely not one wasted in this stellar masterpiece; I think I said in my comment something to the effect of Tolkien not being able to do it better, and I meant it. Before I spend too much more time waxing poetic about how absolutely incredible this one-shot is, I’ll give you the long and short of it: it charts Sauron and Galadriel’s story through to the Third Age after they meet on the Sundering Seas, and the care and consideration given to their characters, to the tragedy of them and all of Middle Earth as a result, is nothing short of harrowing, and spectacular.
Complete, Explicit
Read the story.
Follow the author on Tumblr, Twitter, and AO3.
The WIP That Will Wreck You (In the Best Way): dig up the bones (but leave the soul alone) by @wyrd-syster
What you need to know going in:
Listen, it’s so damn hard not to start every summary with an embarrassing noise of both delight and anguish because every story/the talent in this fandom is incredible? I’ll stop wasting words with my nonsense and get on with it: Post-S1, in which Galadriel accepts Sauron’s proposal, and takes up the mantle of his Queen with a ferocity and strength of will you just don’t see in most fics, and it’s glorious. The expansion of orc culture and overall world-building in this is sublime, and even heartbreaking in the unflinching view it takes, always at the pitch perfect moment. The battle for dominance between Gal and Sauron in this, for me, may be my favorite so far I’ve read. It’s breathtaking. And did I mention that the smut and sweeping narrative is also stellar? Well there you go.
WIP, Explicit
Read the story.
Follow the author on Tumblr and AO3.
The Can’t Stop Consuming No Matter What Time It Is Fic: a man is a god in ruins by eye_of_a_cat
What you need to know going in:
This is another case where you can expect to see this author’s works recommended more than once, but I believe it was a man is a god in ruins (and the larger series) that I fell in love with first. As stated, this 5-chapter completed fic is part of a larger series where the author explores different ways for Sauron’s identity to be revealed, and I urge you to read the entire series as well, but this specific story takes the opposite approach: the one time Sauron successfully maintains the guise of Halbrand. I don’t want to give too much away apart from that, so the rest I’ll say is that the sense of foreboding this fic builds is terrific, and masterfully done. Coupled with undeniable romance, scorching smut, and a series of twists and turns that will make your heart palpitate hard, you will be riveted the entire time, and blown away by the end. That I promise.
Complete, Explicit
Read the story.
Follow the author on Twitter and AO3.
Me at all these fics:
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Don't see your story on this list yet? Keyword: yet. Please don't fret! I can only recommend so many each week, but I am always looking for more stuff to read, share, and generally shower with love, so please feel free to reply with your own fics or your personal faves. I have plenty more to recommend... ❤️
Until next week!
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years ago
I just saw requests were opened and I had to come by 🥳 since it is the month of November I would like to ask how are the ozzies handling NNN 👀
A/N: Asdfgh ahhhh well had to get this done before November ends lmao. I thought about this request with my colony the minute it hit my inbox lmao
How the Penguins Handle NNN 
Trigger Warnings: for those that don’t know, NNN is No Nut November, nothing explicit but definitely suggestive in case that makes you uncomfy.
So first things first, I have no idea why but I feel like I ought to say this. But I feel like normally most of the Penguins would fare pretty well. One because they're fueled mostly on loathing and pure spite (which love that for them) and two because they don't have someone to constantly tease them and tip them over the edge and as rough cut as some of these Penguins are they all have their own set of disciplines they stay strong too. 
Basically I have thought about this way too hard and for too long just ignore me.
Also each Pengy has a rating out of 10 for how well they'd do. 
1 being didn't even try, lost back in October and through all of November.
10 being MVP man's has mad discipline but once it hits December 1st pengy will pounce.
Arkhamverse Penguin (7 out of 10): 
This Penguin is fairly preoccupied. Running an underground criminal empire requires a lot of attention. There’s always something going on in Bludhaven. He has to check on imports and exports, keeping track of his henchmen, keeping constant eye out for Batman. 
In fact, you’re so aware of how busy he is, you don’t even find it in you to tease him like you planned. Maybe a lingering touch here and there but nothing to provocative. 
However, it's easy for things to get…frustrating. For him to have a lot of pent up anger and you're the best stress relief before he absolutely explodes. 
"C'mere love, I need you…"
You remind him of the challenge. 
"What? Love, I could care less about some silly challenge. I'm asking you nicely, don't make me get rough with ya.." 
Farrell/Reevesverse Penguin (11 out of 10): 
Now, this Oswald will absolutely rock the shit out of this. 
He sees a challenge and he seeks to overcome it regardless of the stakes. This man has never come up short on any obstacle that’s come his way, what’s a fun little game of who has the weakest resolve? 
He’s also one of the few that would actively be trying to knock you off your game too. He’s a shameless flirt as is, but expect him to notch it up to 100 at this point. 
“Aww, don’t get mad sweetheart…don’t hate the player, hate the game. But you gotta admit the reward will be worth it.” He winked. 
Gotham Penguin (7.5 out of 10): 
I’m not going to lie…I had the hardest time thinking of a rating and scenario for this Oswald, because I feel like…agh
He’ll definitely be a difficult nut to crack (pun…probably intended). I mean he’s known for being the biggest moonlighter of Fish and Maroni, he can be extremely disciplined and determined to see the light at the end of the tunnel to power through the month. 
However, he’s also prone to stress and pressures constantly building up inside of him. He will hold out until about the last week of the month. Something happens, the straw broke the camel’s back and he needs you. 
You are a strong comfort for him, he doesn’t have to be The Penguin, The Mayor, The King of Gotham…none of those things, he can just be Oswald. The way you caress him, hold him, love him…
“I don’t care…the…fun of it is gone...I just really need you, please.”
Yeah, he gets closer than a few of these Oswald’s to winning, but honestly, when he’s got you he’s already won.
BTAS Penguin (10 out of 10):
Ah, the true gentleman. 
This Oswald may struggle a wee bit here and there. Especially with you teasing him, constantly at every turn. Face flushed red, absolutely biting a hole in his lower lip, almost ripping his hair out.
However, mind you this one is a true gentleman first and he can and will continue to show restraint. Any time he wishes to absolutely ravish you, he spoils you instead. He’ll almost make you feel bad for being such a tease, because he flips it and acts so sweet in return.
“Ah, ha, yes I see. As much as the feeling is mutual, there is a greater achievement to be had! But don’t be fooled, dove. I won’t forget your…advances.” 
TNBA Penguin (9.8 out of 10): 
This Penguin isn't much different from BTAS Penguin and Reevesverse Penguin. 
He sees a challenge with you and he accepts it, especially if the reward is you at the end of it. 
Oswald notices you teasing him from time to time. Trying to get him to bend, sometimes he's almost at the breaking point but you pull back. 
He warns you, teasingly so not to keep pushing or he may push back. 
“Thin ice, darling, thin ice…win or lose I always get what I desire.”
Telltale Penguin (7 out of 10): 
This proud prick. 
He’d talk a big game for sure, saying that he’s passed the month before with flying colors. Although, you know why that is…you weren’t there. He was distracted with his plans to take everything away with the Wayne name attached to it…well, not anymore. 
Oz will put up an air-tight resolve for a good few weeks of the month. You haven’t quite laid the flirting down thick, not yet. There’s a method to it. 
A lingering touch on his shoulder, a peck at night on his jaw line around the middle of the month. But then near the end, like the last week; you’ll accidentally forget your change of clothes for after your shower. 
Much like other Penguins, he has his frustrations, but instead of it being outside sources, this is purely pent-up aggravation from not being able to touch you for long periods of time. 
“I gotta say, love. I’m damn near at my breaking point here…not sure if that’s a good or bad thing for you.” Oz growled.
One Bad Day Penguin (10 out of 10): 
Aww, this is cute. He thought.
If you’ve read the comic, you know this man is determined and resilient. But he also knows how to play the game. Whether it’s a turf war or who gives in to their unadulterated desires first…he knows what cards to play and how to play them. 
You best believe he’s an active player too. 
He’ll tease you first, if you don’t. He’s not afraid to make the first move, especially if it means throwing you off. 
Oswald will pull you to his lap. He’ll teasingly squeeze your sides and thighs.
When you look back at him with a certain displeased look. 
He grins and winks. “Don’t look at me like that, you know I play to win, babe.”
The Batman (2004) Penguin (-100 out of 10):
Listen, listen, this little gremlin has little to no self preservation whatsoever. He’s also arguably one of the most unhinged members of my colony.
Ozzy would talk such a big game about being a winner, how he'd sail through this month.
But you literally don't have to do anything and he'd bust.
You don't even have to tease him. You could literally just be wearing shorts one morning or an oversized t-shirt and underwear and he'd pounce. 
He sees what he wants and he gets what he wants.
"What? Ahh come on, who needs to win some stupid challenge? I wanna be with ya!"
Batman Unlimited Penguin (7.5 out of 10): 
The main thing that makes this pengy rank so high is cause of his age. He’s subjectively the oldest out of most of my colony members. (I believe he’s meant to be like late 50’s early 60’s, I could be wrong, but the grey in his hair and wrinkles are telling me otherwise rip)
I genuinely believe you have to initiate most of the intimacy in your relationship. 
Not that Oswald won’t try, but the man literally doesn’t know how to. He’s seen things in film, television, and literature. However he also knows he’s not conventionally as attractive as the leads in those medias, and he’s certain if he attempted anything like he saw, he would find a way to ruin it.
Much like the other pengys, he’s been cruelly shunned by humanity, but he’s lived with it cemented in his brain for longer (considering the age thing, again). To say this man is emotionally stunted would be an understatement. He still isn’t used to you giving him compliments or how you honestly enjoy kissing him. 
However, on the different side of the same coin…do to not being…errm…well practiced. He’s also likely to fall apart soon enough. Giving him enough touches and kisses the man will combust. 
“Hmm…I’ve never felt anything like this in a long time. I don’t think I could ever give it up,” he chuckled breathlessly. “Even just for thirty days.”
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ssamie · 3 years ago
10 things i hate about you
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includes: oikawa tooru x reader, seijoh boys in some parts
— fluff, angst?, this was inspired by that one episode of "our beloved summer" lol, im gonna make u kind of like yeonsu which is the character from the drama and use a few scenes from it as well 🤝
— don't mind the random dates, i just had to put them for a certain part later on in the story. there might be some mistakes here and there, im sorry in advance.
— gender neutral pronouns, 6k+words
hq masterlist.        gen masterlist.         navi.
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iwaizumi sighed for the umpteenth time as oikawa spiked yet another ball to the poor wall, which had to receive all the hits mixed with oikawa’s curses.
"hey" iwaizumi scoffed as he hit the brunette's head with his fist.
"agh" oikawa groaned as he dropped the volleyball he was holding and pushed iwaizumi's hand away.
"the hell's wrong with you?" iwaizumi snarled at him. "youre acting like you've lost your mind just cus you saw y/n again"
oikawa groaned in exasperation and annoyingly waved his hands around. "don't even say that name okay?" he said, making iwaizumi roll his eyes
"stop being immature. you're not in highschool anymore." iwaizumi said as he patted the boy's back
"immature.." oikawa muttered with a huff "y/n always said i was immature. god i don't even wanna think about them" he clicked his tongue
iwaizumi watched silently as his friend continues to mutter under his breath, stomping his feet unreasonably loud as he harshly throws his things into his bag.
"well, they were right." iwaizumi said, making oikawa snap his head towards his best friend with a comical look of betrayal.
"you're a grown man, huffing and sulking like a child because you saw your ex again." iwaizumi spoke with a sharp glare. "y/n's working with your team's sponsor so you either have to deal with it or get lost"
oikawa huffed at his friend's awfully blunt but unfortunately truthful words. "whatever. you're just like them, iwa." he rolled his eyes
"plus, aren't you my best friend?! you're supposed to side with me not y/n!" he said the name with such distaste
though it wasn't too hard for iwaizumi to notice his eyes softening into something more solemn despite his act.
"im not siding with anyone." iwaizumi said. "but seriously, it's been 5 years since you broke up. i know it affected you but you're doing much better now, right?"
"jeez, back in highschool, you two used to be all over each other that it honestly made me sick" iwaizumi chuckled
"you used to ramble to me how much you love them like the maniac you are. so the way you're acting now is a bit..." iwaizumi trailed off
oikawa frowned. "psh, who said i loved them? i don't love them.. i hate y/n.." he said, his voice growing smaller and smaller
"i hate y/n l/n so much" oikawa exclaimed with a puffed chest, but the waver in his voice completely gave him away
"in fact, i'll give you 10 reasons why. right now."
iwaizumi rolled his eyes "i'd rather not hear it" oikawa simply ignored him and closed his eyes, reminiscing on the past years he'd spent with them.
"okay! gosh, where do i even start.."
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"reason #1 : y/n l/n is selfish."
iwaizumi didn't even bat an eye at this. "yeah, i guess they had their moments" he said with a shrug
"not just moments, iwa!" oikawa exclaimed. "they were like that all the time! jeez at that rate, i think they may have been born with it!"
oikawa chuckles sourly "do you remember that one time in highschool? gosh i can't forget it even if i wanted to"
03-05-XX - 7 Days Before Exams 
 you break away from your conversation with oikawa, looking back to meet eyes with one of your classmates sheepishly smiling at you.
"what?" you responded, sounding a bit indifferent as you could practically hear the favor about to spill from her lips before she could even say it.
"well...you know those notes we needed for the test next week?" she asked as she pointed at the notebook on your desk, which ad the said notes in the open for her to see. "can you lend this to me? please! me and my friends will just take a picture and you can have it back!" she pleaded
you look at her and pick up the notebook, making the girl smile in triumph, holding her hand out expecting to receive it.
though what she didn't expect was for you to rip the page, crumpling it, and tearing it to small and unsalvageable pieces.
"there." you said. "you can take a picture of it if you want. though im sure there's no use for that anymore."
"if you wanna pass the test, then study and do your work like everyone else"
the girl scoffed at you, giving you a dirty glare before stomping away, muttering under her breath loud enough for you to hear, "gosh, i knew they were stuck up but i didn't know they were just a plain bitch. i have no idea why oikawa-kun hangs out with them"
you paid no mind as you gathered the torn up paper and place it in between you notebook pages.
"hmm" oikawa hummed, leaning on his desk as he stares at you with narrowed eyes. "what?" you asked, looking him in the eye as you cross your arms. "spit it out, stop being annoying" you mutter
"why did you do that?" oikawa asked with furrowed brows "she just wanted to see your notes"
"she wouldn't have to see mine if she had written her own, oikawa-san" you replied blandly as you pull out a book to read
oikawa huffs "well... you're right" he shrugged
"but don't go doing that again, kay?" he playfully scolds you, "what would they say when they find out that the oikawa tooru is dating someone that doesn't even share their notes?!" he shrieked in horror
"hm, then i guess you can date someone else that does" you said, briefly glancing at him as you flip a page in your book
immediately, his act fails, and he's linking your arms together and giggling cutely while he whines. "im joking!" he exclaimed. "but then.. if im the one who needs your notes, would you let me borrow them?" he asked
"cus i actually need them" he admitted with a cutesy grin "i didn't take any notes so.."
"no. you won't get any special treatment from me" you immediately turned him down
"geez" oikawa pouts. "you're quite selfish, aren't you?" he sighs
"that's why they never get along with anyone" oikawa tsks as he shakes his head. "i mean, who would want to be friends with someone with an attitude like that?!"
iwaizumi hums, "i mean, you dated them didn't you?"
oikawa paused, fumbling over his words as he tries to stay cool. "well, that's.. different.."
"they never got along with anyone, and they never ate with anyone before we dated and before they met the team, everyone would stray away from them.. " he listed out
"and its all because of one thing!" oikawa exclaimed. "it's the next reason on my list"
iwaizumi sighed in annoyance "are you really gonna list 10 things down? you're such a loser"
"reason #2: they have absolutely no social skills!"
oikawa laughed "gosh, compared to me, our social levels are just in such different heights" he sneered
"uhuh" iwaizumi muttered dryly, he was honestly considering just blocking his friend's voice out
"yeah! remember that one time after we won a match?"
06-14-XX - Match Celebration Night 
 "oikawa-san, i told you" you sighed "you can just celebrate with your team tonight, and i'll treat you to something else tomorrow" you offered
"y/n-chan~~ please just come with me!" oikawa pleaded, he almost considered getting on his knees but he was feeling way too proud after just winning a match to do that
oikawa frowned, feeling a bit hurt that you had no interest in celebrating his win despite knowing how hard he's worked for it. "why won't you come with me, y/n?" he asked with a disheartened tone in his voice
"it's just.." you mumble "it's not like im close with your teammates anyways. if i go with you, i'll be out of place. so just go without me, okay?" you said
you sighed as his frown didn't seem to fade away no matter what convincing you'd do.
"im really proud of you" you said, taking his hands in yours as you graze your thumbs over his slightly calloused skin.
"really? i couldn't tell" oikawa mutters
"i'll make it up to you" you promised. though he seemed a it unconvinced, he nodded anyways.
"okay." he muttered
although iwaizumi had thought of blocking him out, he couldn't help but be intrigued by oikawa’s stories "they were a bit unapproachable at first, i'd agree" iwaizumi nods.
"right?" oikawa scoffs. "and, that not the only thing i hate!"
iwaizumi sighs "oh, who would have thought?"
"reason #3: they try to win at everything. they have a useless competitive spirit." 
 oikawa clicks his tongue. "that trait of theirs was such a drag"
iwaizumi raised a brow at him. "aren't you practically the same?" he asked
oikawa scoffs in disbelief "no way! my competitive spirit comes in handy when im playing a match!" he defended
"but y/n..." he chuckled as he remembered a certain memory "they use it in stupid things."
08-23-XX - Anniversary Date 
"oh, i'll finish that for you if you want" he said, gesturing to your beer as he gulps down his in one go 
 you raise a brow at this "why?" you asked "you think i can't finish it?"
oikawa blinks at you "well.. you've already had a few, so i'll finish it for you incase you might have drank too much"
you pout at him "i can finish it though. i have a pretty good tolerance, you know? plus we're celebrating aren't we? we've been together for 2 years, so i'll drink about 2 more of this"
oikawa groaned "but babe-"
"nope" you cut him off "plus i bet i can drink more than you" you teased him
"this is our anniversary date, not a drinking contest" oikawa chuckled
"it could be if we want" you shrugged
"i really don't want a drinking contest though" oikawa says, biting back a smug grin as he peers at you "you might go crying if you lose" he teases you
you blink at his words and scoff. "we'll see about that" you said
"wait, i was just joking—"
oikawa shakes his head, chuckling lowly as he does so. "maybe that's why people hated them back then as well." he said 
 " 'as well' ? so you hated y/n even back then? is that what you're saying" iwaizumi side eyes him
oikawa scoffs with a smirk "ofcourse!"
"i think you're lying" iwaizumi says.
"im not! iwa-chan, stop making dumb assumptions. i still have more to list down"
"reason #4: they pick fights with everyone!"
"and reason #5: they're stubborn."
oikawa huffed at this, "gosh it's not like they can fight anyways" he said, waving his hands around for emphasis
"they're all talk! always getting hotheaded when they get into the smallest banter with someone"
oikawa scoffs "i mean, can't they see that they could get hurt from that?!" he exclaimed in distress
"then who'll have to take care of them? me!"
iwaizumi stayed quiet, his eyes followed oikawa, who was pacing around while muttering under his breath, way too distracted to follow up his reason with a story to reminisce on.
"just what would i do if they get into something even i couldn't handle? i mean obviously, i'd call you, iwa-chan, to punch whoever they are for me but you'd probably think im messing with you before you'd even believe i actually needed your help—"
iwaizumi cleared his throat, raising a row at oikawa, who was frozen in spot, looking a bit embarrassed.
"i-i mean.. sorry" oikawa sheepishly walked back to his seat beside iwaizumi. "was i rambling?"
it didn't take long for him to get over it though, "anyways, where was i?" he clicked his tongue.
"ah, the next reason"
"reason #6: they're self centered and likes to do anything they want!"
"there's many events to back this up, but this one time.. this one time!" oikawa gritted his teeth, an irked expression etching itself on his face
"gosh, i won't forget it. they were so confusing and inconsiderate." he said "and so unbelievably pushy."
09-12-XX - Break Up Trip
"stand there and smile" you said as you drag him infront of a nice scenery, holding up a camera as you gesture for him to stop frowning
"wait-" oikawa stammered out
"im taking it." you said as you clicked the camera, a subtle flash soon erupting from it. "don't blame me if you don't like it"
"is this really our last trip together?" oikawa asked, hurt and confused as you drag him away once again.
"what are you doing, hurry up we have to take more pictures" you said "then after that, we have to get some food, and take the train back."
oikawa blinked dumbfoundedly. "wait.." he called out, letting you drag him by his arm towards a smoothie stand
"is this really our last trip before you break up with me?" he asked once again
"here, we'll share a straw." you said, completely ignoring him as you placed the smoothie on the table. "we'll drink this, then eat something else. then maybe we can walk around before going to the station." you said with a hum, nodding to yourself as you go over your plans.
"y/n, are you really breaking up with me?" oikawa asked for the nth time that day. he was way too stunned and confused to even think of anything else or process the whole 'trip' you two abruptly went on.
"ah, the sun set way too fast" you pouted. "i guess we have to go to the station now"
oikawa jumped in distraught "then you'll break up with me?!" he exclaimed with dread
"oikawa-san." you stopped to face him, making feel atleast a little bit hopeful that you'd reassure him he's wrong.
"for an athlete, you sure are slow." you deadpanned. "walk faster please."
"so... are you breaking up with me?"
iwaizumi let out a hum of realization "ah, is that why you two suddenly disappeared that time?" he said
"yeah! they showed up unannounced after our argument and took me to a very solemn and infuriating trip, if you can even call it that!" oikawa whined
"but that's not all..you know what else i hate?"
iwaizumi closed his eyes and leaned back. at this point, he had already accepted having to listen to oikawa’s crazy stories. "jeez, how many are left?" he asked
"reason #7: they have no sense of romance."
oikawa's chest heaved as a frown was etched onto his face again. "i wondered how a person could lack so much romance in their life."
"i mean, haven't they atleast watched any dramas or read books other than textbook before?" he whined
"i remember that day exactly... oh how could i forget?"
04-01-XX - Cherry Blossom Festival
"aw, y/n-chan! cmon~" oikawa whined, clinging onto your waist while you simply shelve the books in peace
"it's the last day to see the cherry blossoms! it'll rain tomorrow, you know? and i didn't even come to see them once cus i wanted to only do it with you!" he exclaimed
you look back to see him pouting and batting his eyelashes at you, waiting patiently for your sweet yes.
"im working" he sighed dejectedly as he watched you pick up another stack of books to put in the shelves
"plus why would you wanna go anyways?" you asked "they're just useless flowers with bunched up petals that have no scent"
oikawa mockingly mimicked you "they're just a bunch of flowers with no scent!" he scoffed. "they're pretty flowers that your dear boyfriend wants to see!" he said
you turn to him, smiling as you giving him a light pat on his cheek "we can go next year" you said before walking away
oikawa huffed, watching your retreating figure with a glare. he punched the books in annoyance, but fixed them anyways as he heard you scold him from afar.
"you said that last year.." he muttered
iwaizumi chuckled as oikawa had a nasty expression upon reminiscing on the memory. "you could've asked me to go with you" he said
oikawa turned to him. "yeah, then you would've told me to get lost" he said
oikawa sighed, "how many do i have left?" he asked himself
"reason #8: they always have things to do and they only think about their self ."
10-14-XX - Regional Matches
the boys looked at each other, silently asking why their captain was muttering lowly to himself at the corner, seeming to be in such a bad mood despite having half the stadium cheering his and his team's name.
oikawa clicked his tongue in distaste, his glaring eyes were boring through his phone, straight at your caller id as he waits for you to pick up.
it was sixth call in the last thirty minutes, and you haven't answered even once.
"hey" iwaizumi nudged him. "you look like you're about to kill someone" he said
"hey, we're about to start so keep your head in the game, capt!" matsukawa chimed in as he gave oikawa a hard slap on his back
oikawa winced and put his phone away with a frown. "whatever." he said. "my head is in the game by the way"
"doesn't seem like it" iwaizumi said as he handed the brunette a water bottle. "ah, it's y/n-san isn't it?" hanamaki chimes with a smirk
"are you pissed cus they're not here to cheer you on?" he asked, making oikawa scoff. "ah, so you are" matsukawa chuckled
"dude, there's girls and boys here that are screaming their lungs out for you, don't get too hung up on y/n" matsukawa said
"maybe y/n-san is busy studying or working, as always. i mean they made it a pretty usual thing already. i thought you'd be used to them not attending most of your matches" hanamaki said
iwaizumi hit the both of them "shut up, will you?" he said
oikawa glared at them, throwing his bottle at the two, making them yelp. "don't talk about y/n-chan like that!" he scolded them
"sorry sorry~" the two chimed with a smile
oikawa frowned, "you don't know anything..."
oikawa dragged out a sigh, making iwaizumi eye him curiously. "what is it?" iwaizumi asked.
"if this is hard for you, then you don't really have to talk about it" he said to the brunette. "not like i asked you to, anyway" he added
oikawa meekly shook his head "no, im fine"
"reason #9: another thing i hate.."
oikawa trailed off, he was looking far away. iwaizumi wasn't sure where, to him, his friend just looked like his mind had completely wandered off.
oikawa scoffed to himself, a sad smile ghosting his lips as he muttered the following words,
"..is that only know a side of y/n which nobody else knows, and i can't help but fall in love"
03-06-XX - 6 Days Before Exams
"here." oikawa jumped at the sudden sound of your voice. he blinked dumbfoundedly as you stood before him, holding a piece of paper with tape plastered in almost every inch of it.
"um, what is it?" he asked as he took it from you. suddenly, he chuckled, smirking smugly as he pulled you down to sit with him.
"aw, y/n-chan! don't tell me it's a love letter! —"
you cut him off by snatching it and turning to walk away. "wait wait wait-" oikawa grinned as he pulled you back down to the seat "im just messing with you" he said
you rolled your eyes, smiling as you hit his shoulder. "youre so childish" you laughed
"this is the notes for the test" you said. oikawa looked at you in surprise and confusion "but i thought you got rid of it?"
"well, you said you needed it so.." you trailed off, averting your eyes out of embarrassment
"i tried to tape it back together last night but it might be too crumpled to be read, so i'll help you if you need me to"
you glance at him after not getting a response, fully expecting him to tease you. but instead, you saw him staring at you with a soft look in his eyes. he was smiling brightly, his cheeks blushing in a soft pink color.
"stop smiling like that, you look dumb" you mutter
oikawa grinned even more, watching you with a fond look as you pulled out your books, settling to study with him.
"i knew you couldn't resist me~" he cooed teasingly, inching closer to you to press a kiss on your cheek
you scoffed "no, i was just worried you'd cry if you fail. you're always like that"
oikawa hummed, not minding your harsh words as he pecked your cheek again. "that's the same thing~" he cooed
"don't worry y/n-chan, i know you love me. you don't have to say it"
"you're delusional"
"how mean!"
06-15-XX - The Day After The Match Celebration 
"oh! what's this?"
the boys huddled around a bench, aweing at the cake decorated with their team colors with a message written in the middle
"congratulations, seijoh" kindaichi read. "is it from coach?" he asked
"ooh!! there's drinks too!" matsukawa exclaimed "soda? nice" he said as he popped a can open and immediately drank from it
"senpai, it might be poisoned" kindaichi warned him. "if it is, then just let him be" hanamaki sneered
"what's happening?" oikawa asked as he entered the gym with iwaizumi. "hey, just cus we won doesn't mean you can slack off as much as you want" iwaizumi said as he picked up a ball to throw at hanamaki and matsukawa
"hey, it's not our fault someone left a cake for us! it just means we gotta celebrate more"
"it's probably from shittykawa's fangirls-" iwaizumi paused upon reading the name on the folded note by the cake "ah nevermind, it's from y/n" he said
oikawa perked up from the sound of your name. "y/n?" he asked
"yeah, the note says 'congrats. from, y/n'...yeah, thats all it says" matsukawa chuckled. "y/n-san sure is reserved, aren't they?" he mused
"anyways, tell y/n-san we said thank you" iwaizumi said as he took a slice of cake "tell them to come see us next time, as well"
the boys cheered in agreement, and the thought of his team wanting to hang out you almost made oikawa smile like a lovesick idiot, but obviously he couldn't do that or he'll never hear the end of it.
"hey, start practice without me. i'll come by later" oikawa said before running out the gym
he tried to rack his brain on where he could possibly find you, but it seems he didn't need to think to much as he spotted you seated on a bench under the shade
"y/n-chan!" oikawa called out as he ran towards you. "y/n-" he cut himself off as you wordlessly place a bag in his hands
"a gift?" he mused as he sat next to you, chuckling as he catches you discreetly taking glances to see his reaction to the gift
"oooh~ knee pads! how'd you know i needed them?" oikawa grinned as he pressed a kiss on your temple. "thank you, baby"
you smile shyly at the nickname "your old ones were a bit worn out.." you said. "but, i kind of messed up and somehow got mismatched ones" you said with a frown
oikawa just then took a clearer look at the gift. he hadn't even noticed that it was in black and white because of how happy he was to receive a gift from you.
"i guess i shouldn't have ordered online" you said with a look of distaste.
oikawa laughed, a light blush on his cheeks as he slung his arm around you. "don't worry about it!" he said
"shouldn't i exchange it? tell me honestly, i wouldn't even be offended!" you exclaimed. oikawa simply shook his head and slipped them on before you could take them back
"so, you gave my team a cake, huh?" he teasingly nudged you. "well.." you stammered in embarrassment
"you seemed upset that i didn't celebrate with them.. just take this as me celebrating with your team, kay?" you said
oikawa pouted "just with them?" he whined "what about me?"
you smiled at him before placing your hands over his eyes. "i didn't forget about you, of course" you said
you stare at him, admiring his beautiful features and the smile on his lips. "what? is there something on my face?" oikawa asked with furrowed brows
you lean closer to kiss him, pressing your lips on his as your hand reaches for his. he smiles as you pull away, tightening his hold on your hand.
"congratulations" you mumble "did i make it up to you?"
"mhm" oikawa hummed, his smile growing bigger and bigger by the second
"that's good." you sigh "now get back to the gym and practice. your teammates must've eaten the cake by now, i hope you atleast took a bite" you said
"oh, i didn't get to eat but that's fine" oikawa shrugged
"really? i made that though. too bad"
he froze at the new found information. "huh? you-you made it yourself?" he asked with a lifeless smile
"uh yeah?"
"i gotta go i love you thanks for your gift you're so cute for making that cake yourself see you later mwuah mwuah love you bye!"
it was amazing how much he could say in one breath, but you blink in confusion as he ran towards the gym, shouting at his teammates to 'leave him a slice or else he'll leave team and cry'.
oikawa didn't get to eat the cake that day.
08-23-XX - Anniversary Date
"stop swaying" you whine as you struggle to keep him standing on his feet. his arm was slung over your shoulder while the rest of his body weight is dragging you down, making you stumble around
"y/n-chan!! i love you~" oikawa drunkenly giggled as he leaned forward, puckering his lips for a kiss
this however, didn't go as planned, seeing as you two fell on the ground with a thud. thankfully the impact wasn't too bad
"geez" you sighed as oikawa continues to nuzzle into you as if you two weren't laying on the street like a couple of maniacs
you look down at him, smiling as you catch sight of his flushed face. "i love you too" you whispered
"you love me?!" oikawa excitedly exclaimed "wah! i only hear that from you like thrice every two months" he babbled through a series of hiccups
you roll your eyes at him, a smile of amusement grazing your lips as you caress his cheeks.
"you know what else?" you cooed, gently combing his hair out of his eyes
"hm?" he hummed groggily
"i totally won that drinking contest" you giggled as he whined "i let you win!" he says
"mhm, sure you did" you played along. you pulled him up to his feet, having to carry him on your back while he drunkenly rambles away
"let's go home, tooru. i'll take care of you"
oikawa sighs as he caught sight of you standing infront a group of guys, a different team who had just played and lost against them.
"what are they doing now?" oikawa shakes his head as he quickly runs towards you, trying to pull you away before anything gets worse
"what's happening here?" he cooed in a 'friendly' tone, despite sending a glare at the boys before you
"ah so it's true, they really are dating you" one of the boys said, gesturing to oikawa. "hey oikawa-san, tell your s/o to behave. they're crazy" the boys snickered
oikawa glared at them, staring them down as he tries to bite back the curses itching to leave his mouth.
"who do you think you are?!" you snarl at them, much to their surprise "don't go around badmouthing oikawa and his team if you can't even win a match against them"
oikawa blinked dumbfoundedly, we're you really fighting because of him and his teammates? he felt a bit touched but still concerned, given that its only the two of you against a whole team of guys.
"learn to match your confidence with the skills you have. and given the results of the match just now, you don't have much skill in you anyway" you sneered
oikawa bites back a laugh at the sight of their dumbfounded and offended expression.
"okay, let's go y/n" he whispers to you with a chuckle. you glance at him and nod, taking his outstretched hand.
"don't talk like that about tooru again" you said to them "if you do, i'll have have to show you how crazy i get"
as you two walk away, oikawa looks back to send them a cheeky grin, matching it with a peace sign. "you heard them! it was a good game, see you around~" he cooed tauntingly
when you two get far enough, oikawa lightly punches your shoulder. "don't do that again, okay?" he says
you huff "i couldn't help it" you said. oikawa smiles as he ruffles your hair "but thank you anyway. you got in a fight cus of us, or me" he cooed
"i'll always defend you, tooru"
04-01-XX - Cherry Blossom Festival
oikawa had a grim look on his face as he watched you approach him. he'd been sitting outside a convenience store near your house for atleast an hour now, waiting for you to get home.
"how long have you been sitting there?" you asked with an amused smile as you simply stares back at you
"why are you smiling?" he sulked "was working and missing a cherry blossom date with your boyfriend that fun?"
you chuckle at the adorable pout he had, glaring at you as he crossed his arms to emphasize that he was upset.
"why are you so upset about missing one cherry blossom festival, hm?" you mused
oikawa scoffed "it's not just one.." he muttered. "were you really counting? you're so petty" you laughed
"did you just call me petty?" he scowled at you, sulking even more.
you smile fondly at him, fiddling with the hidden petals in your pocket before throwing them up in the air, letting them fall upon the two of you.
"we saw the cherry blossoms" you said
oikawa couldn't respond. he was too busy staring up at you with sparkling eyes. you looked so beautiful like that, having the pink petals fall all around you. it was magical, or atleast to him.
"next time we can see them fall from the trees, but you'll have to make do with that for now" you said
oikawa chuckled breathlessly "i think i prefer seeing them like this"
10-14-XX - Regional Matches
you pant heavily as you make a sharp turn along the halls, almost tumbling as you try to arrive before the match ends
"agh, why is this stadium so huge? where are they playing?" you groan, pulling out your phone and getting even more frustrated as you see the number of calls and texts your boyfriend had left you in the past hour
you abruptly stop as you catch sight of their white and teal uniforms on the court. you quickly rush inside, panting and trying to catch your breath after all the running.
just then coach nobuteru called you over, urging you to sit by him. "y/n-san did you just arrive?" he asked
"yes sir, im sorry" you bowed to him "i clocked out of work as soon as i can but i think i was still late anyways"
"it's fine, don't worry about it. it's only the first game" he chuckled as he patted your shoulder reassuringly. "oikawa-san had been in a bad mood since the start, so im gonna need you to cheer for him. we're gonna need him to focus if we wanna win" he said
you smile sheepishly as your eyes fall on him, he had such a deep scowl on his face. he looks so on edge as the rest of the team eyes him nervously.
"um.. how do i.." you mutter. coach nobuteru laughed "just scream, cheer, call out to him. any thing, really" he said
you nod, clearing your throat. "tooru!" you shouted, your face heating up in embarrassment as his head whipped towards your direction, followed by his teammates who simultaneously sighed in relief.
"this is so embarrassing" you mutter as you try to hide behind coach nobuteru, only for him to laugh and wave his hand to the boys, urging them to get back to the game.
oikawa locked eyes with you for a moment longer, failing to bite back a smile as you mouth a 'good luck' to him with a bright grin.
after the match, oikawa rushed to you, smiling brightly as you wipe away his sweat, mindlessly rambling about the game and even nagging him about the times he missed a hit.
"you came" he said with a happy hum "y/n-chan, im starting to think you enjoy playing hard to get" he teased
"hey!" you hit his chest "don't tease me! i messed up cus your schedule doesn't match with mine"
he chuckled "mhm" he pressed a kiss to your cheek. "stop that, you're all sweaty" you say as you push him away, trying to keep a straight face but oikawa could clearly see the corners of your lips twitching into a smile.
"thanks to you, we won!" oikawa cheered. "i didn't even play" you said in confusion. "you're my lucky charm! you didn't need to play, you just had to be here with me" he said
"so always be by my side, okay?" he nudged you
"of course, tooru"
09-12-XX - Break Up Trip
the spontaneous trip had come to its end as you both reach the station, and oikawa was still hung up and on edge about the possible break up conspiracy he had somehow thought of. “y/n-chan, is this really how we end?” he asked 
“hm, i shouldve taken more photos” you said, ignoring him once again as you looked through the photos youve taken throughout the day. “hey, stop ignoring me” oikawa whined 
you sighed, finally acknowledging his whining with an unamused look on your face. “oikawa tooru, are you an idiot or what?” you said. 
oikawa looked at you in surprise “...is..is that a yes? are you actually leaving me?” he asked warily 
you rolled your eyes, flicking him in the forehead as he winced. “you idiot.” you hit him lightly “why would we break up?” you asked, frowning at the thought
oikawa gulped, ”well, its just... this trip felt really ‘heavy’, if that makes sense.” he said. “it feels ‘heavy’ to be with me?” you asked with a frown. of course, he was quick to reassure you. 
“no thats not it! its just, we argued pretty badly before this so i thought you were just letting me enjoy before leaving for good” he explained. “ never know exactly what goes on in your head so it made me assume the worst.”
“so are we okay?” he asked
“you idiot” you huff as you take his face in your hands. “of course we’re okay.” 
“why would we break up, tooru? thats not gonna happen.” you said. you smiled at him, gently caressing his cheeks as he leans on your hands with a sigh of content.
“if it gets to that point, all you have to do is come to me. dont let me go. after all, i already told you right?” you said to him. 
“i’ll always be by your side, tooru.”
"reason #10: they throw me away so easily, while it's so hard for me to even let go."
iwaizumi gulped at the sudden confession. he didn't know what to say or do, understandably so.
oikawa looked down at the ring on his finger, a heavy feeling filling his chest as he fiddles with the silver band.
"i hate y/n l/n so much."
iwaizumi sighs, seeing oikawa’s eyes filled with such sadness despite his straight face.
"that's enough. go home" iwaizumi said as he grabbed oikawa's bag and threw it at him. "stop thinking about them. just go home and get some sleep"
oikawa sighed with a nod. "okay" he said with a meek wave of goodbye
"hey" iwaizumi called out just before he could leave the gym. "need me to drive you?" he asked, only for oikawa to refuse
"no, i'll walk" he said. "see you, iwa-chan"
oikawa left with his head hung low and his lips quivering. "oikawa tooru, you're such an idiot" he whispered to himself
he sighed again, dragging his fingers through his hair in distress as he tries to clear his head.
he decided to stop by a vending machine, getting himself a cold drink and gulping it at once. he mindlessly threw the can away and looked up at the sky. it had turned dark already, and the sky was littered with stars.
he couldn't help but feel grim as he came to a realization. he scoffed at himself, a bittersweet smile grazing his lips as he whispered to the night sky,
"i love y/n l/n so much"
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twdmusicboxmystery · 2 years ago
Social Media Tidbits, September 2022
Hey Gals! Just a couple of small things I forgot to post yesterday. First off, AMC is comparing Heath to Davon and pointing out the PPP card. So, nothing we didn't know, but it's nice to have official confirmation.
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I also took these from the La Dona episode. Eric finds this photo album and looks through it. It's hard to say who these pictures are of. The top left one looks like Alma with the little girl. So, it seems she might have had a daughter. Which just makes her all the more like Leah, since the daughter isn't there anymore. But with others, it's hard to tell.
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In the second pic, there's an older girl, approaching teenage-hood. I don't know if that's supposed to be the same little girl, a few years older, or not. Or maybe they're all of Alma. Although, you would think pictures from her childhood would have been in black and white. I was also thinking that maybe--just maybe?--the girl could be Dalia. They really don't give us much to go on either way. Thoughts?
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I have a few others I’ve taken screenshots of in pst weeks but just haven’t had the time to look into. Did I ever post this?
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Just kind of interesting that they seem to be trying to establish a timeline.
Below are some random ones from Emily and Norman. They may be nothing at all, but they caught my attention. If anyone else wants to look into them, feel free. I’ll try for later today, but no promises.
The comparison of Heath and Davon makes me think that they can't rely on the general audience to connect the two, they're having to spell it out and point out the PPP card. Unfortunately I think it's more about the general audience doesn't care that much about Heath and have not given much thought to the ppp card or what it could mean.
The photo albums really does leave a question of who is that little girl to Alma? A daughter, a niece or even a grandchild. If Dalia was Alma's grandchild that would explain how she knew about her grandmother and if it had been years, decades even that they had not seen each other that would explain some. But no way of really knowing.
I think that the clarification of the timeline and tying Fear in is a not so very subtle hint that everything is leading to the CRM. Why even mention that particular storyline if not to point the seeds that there is a connection.
The tweets (I'm assuming that's what they are) from Emily and Norman are interesting. My mouth dropped with the dark and white horse. 
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I mean seriously, it just screams the opening credits with what I believe is Rick on the dark horse and Beth in silhouette on the white one. 
Love that Emily included the return star and now there is a okay symbol, I wonder what's okay? I'll be honest I had to go Google what the Red Hands Files were. 
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Lard Forkboy, I'm assuming you're questioning what appears to be child endangered type of art.
Yes. The red and pink caught my attention. This is actually a song. I’ll put the lyrics below. There are several possible TWD references in it, such as eating oneself alive, guts, a black pied piper. Even a part that talks about “we peed,” lol. Made me think of Daryl taking a piss in Still.
But it also may not mean anything at all. I often wonder if sometimes the actors come across music with some vague images in them that reminds them of TWD, and so they post them, but they really don’t mean anything beyond that.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Forkboy by Lard:
A fork is a cold shiny tool To pierce, tear and ingest Whoever has the fork in hand Controls the meal of its choice We're told the first few punctures They're for our own good Better chewed up in pieces Than blown up in the ovenAgh, Agh, AghForkboy Flies by night on stolen fuel To Santa Rosa, CA Opens a fake employment office Want a job, go get me drugs People desperate for work Return to quite a surprise Busted for intent to sell Cops pay him a bounty Forkboy skips townAgh, Agh, AghWe came We peed We conquered You bleedThe choice Forkboy Or finger foodUgly joy What does it replace Why wait When you can eat yourself alive todayJunk bondage takeover glutton Ready to bore in Unfold his rotary blades inside Pull the guts out and resell them Buys out his next target With the last one's pension funds Thousands more thrown out of work So Leona won't have to settle for a mintForkboy Picked by the FBI To be the black pied piper After Dr. King died Watches soap operas on TV While 6 billion disappears from HUD Who are you working for What did you hope to gain Why do you hate your past So much you destroy the ones you love
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Isn't that a young Queen Elizabeth on a motorcycle? Thought that was kind of fitting right now with what's going on. 
Ah. You’re probably right. I was thinking it looked very WWII, and might be a reference to the War/Revolution theme. But I’m probably over-thinking it. I do that sometimes. ;D
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Emily wants to be a bird. Maybe a green parrot? Or a blue Heron . I saw somewhere that she's in Nashville and will be performing locally here, I think this weekend. So this could be about breaking chords from her past because this is where her ex (as far as I know) still lives.
Great thoughts! Love them! 
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bakugohoex · 4 years ago
loveee your work can i get 8 nsfw with my dirty boy shigaraki ?? 🤤
“keep moaning, go on”
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pairing: tomura shigaraki x female reader
cw: MINORS DNI nsfw (nipple play, spitting, bath sex, riding, quirk play (shigaraki threatens reader with his quirk implied consensual), creampie, thigh riding, jaw grabbing, choking, corruption kink, praise kink, degradation), language, some fluff maybe idk 
word count: ​2000+
a/n: ria finally posting after two weeks and it’s about shigraki of all people, its a shock i know, and thank you so much my lovely this is probably like two months late but i hope you like it
summary: in which after a loss to all might, all shigaraki needs is a relaxing bath with you which ends up turning into a lot more
1k event masterlist
↞ back to my hero academia masterlist
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Shigaraki was pissed, more than pissed he was frustrated and the whole league understood. After another failure, another downfall at the hands of All Might, Shigaraki was seeing red, and you instantly knew what was to occur when you heard the loud banging against your apartment door. You had seen the news, the mighty All Might having defeated Shigaraki once again and you instantly knew where his anger would lead you.
You stood firm closing the screen as you slowly opened the door, Shigaraki stood at the door, the hood against his head as he finally met your eyes. “You saw?” You nodded as he moved closer, pushing the door open as he stepped inside, you felt him move inside, move closer as you stared at the boy. An innocence and vulnerability after he lost, you moved closer as he closed the door, your hands wrapping around his waist as you brought your head to his chest.
“You’ll win next time.” It was a whisper; he wouldn’t have heard it but with the silence of the night sky and the way you held back onto him. His hands moving to your sides, cautious of his quirk not activating as you looked to the side. He put his head against your shoulder, as your hand moved to his locks of thick blue hair. “I promise…”
He didn’t answer, remaining attached to you, until you both finally looked at each other. Your hand skimming through his hair, your eyes remaining attached to him. “I want you now.” His words were firm as he grabbed your sleeve taking you along to the bathroom, you didn’t understand until you finally saw him unzip his hoodie, feeling the way two of his fingers moved to slip your own shirt off.
“Let me…” It was quiet as you took his shirt off, leaving a kiss on his neck and shoulder as you moved to his jeans, undoing his belt as his fingers skimmed against your bra. “I want you…too.”
Your relationship with Shigaraki had always been filled with small words but with the retaining of small touches to show your adoration to the man. He seemed quiet, fidgeting as your fingers skimmed onto his shoulders down to his chest. The way he had let the bath run, his fingers moving to check the water as you took the rest of your clothes off.
The splash of the water as you turned to see Shigaraki sitting in the hot steam, his arms resting on the side of the white bath. The way his head leaned back, and his hair had become drenched by the water, you looked at his form, his closed eyes and harsh breaths. “Get in.”
He stared at you, his eyes lazily gazing against your body as his fingers moved beckoning closer, “I’m not repeating myself Y/n, get in now.”
You didn’t question instead hastily moving towards him as you dipped your feet into the hot water. His fingers gripping onto your waist as he pulled you onto his body, pulled you till your hips rested against his own. His growing cock already pushing against your ass as you felt his head nuzzle into your shoulder, finger flicking to your tit. The water and soap hid your body’s as he let you rest against him, “why do you let me do this?”
“I don’t know…” You trailed off in a moan as his grip on your nipple became harsher.
His chapped lips brushed against your shoulder as you felt his cock grow behind your back, “you should be with a hero.” His voice was soft, eyes staring blankly at your skin as he traced his finger against your waist.
“Wh…why would you say that?” He heard the shakiness in your tone, the way you turned to meet his eyes, water splashing to the sides as your eyes became watered. “If I wanted a hero I would have gotten with one, you think I…I let anybody do this with me.”
Shigaraki loved you, even with his selfish immature personality, he loved you and he acknowledged how you deserved better. He hated how he admitted it, but he knew that one day you’d leave him, one day you’d find a hero and start a family and live in a picket fenced house…without him. He watched you turn to face him, your chest pressed against his own as you stared up at him. Hands moving to cup his face, you noticed the scratches against his neck. The way skin had been picked off as you softly brushed passed it looking right up at him.
He didn’t dare look at you, his eyes gazing outside the window again, the way the blacks and blues of the sky enraptured his eyeline. “One last time…”
It was all he said, you didn’t understand the implications of his words, disregarding it as him never wanting to be defeated by All Might ever again. He finally met your eyes, leaning down to kiss you as his hands caressed your back through the water.
It was sloppy, full of a need and a want to feel more of you, his cock grinding against your clit as you moaned into his mouth. “Let me have you tonight.” His words were firm as every word led to another kiss, he always had a fear of hurting you and especially through sex the way he made sure to never fully touch you, you’d never get all of him, you always knew that. But the way he still brought comfort but the risk of your death at his hands, how could he not feel powerful.
“I’m...all yours.” You were breathless as his mouth moved to your neck, the way your hands moved to the back of his neck, playing with his hair as he kissed and moaned at the way you rutted your clit through the water right onto his sensitive cock. It was something you knew he loved, ever since your first encounter the way the blushed tip pressed against your clit as you continued moving back and forth. “Ma…master…”
The way you easily submitted to him, calling him a name he loved to hear to fuel his ego. How could he ever resist such a pretty thing like you. His mouth moved to your chest as you straddled his lap, clit brushing against his thigh as he could feel the mix of water and slick skim past his thigh. “Wan..want you in me?” You arched your back at his mouth sucking at your tits, the water helping him as his saliva mixed with the droplets across you.
You were beautiful, he knew that he knew others knew that to be fucking you, fucking the number two hero like this. It was disgusting, but he had made you his pet, his little toy and you’d be stuffed full of him and still put on the persona to others that you were their hero, that you were bound to them. Loyal to them.
“My slut…” He watched you move yourself on top of him, the way his tip brushed against your cunt before you pushed yourself down onto him, a loud groan as he bit at your nipple. “Dumb little hero taking me…so well…”
He couldn’t help but groan and moan at your movements, the way you looked as you took him all, the water splashing around you both. Soap clinging onto you both as your damp hair stuck to the back of your neck, “I’m doi…doing well?”
You craved his praise, craved the response he’d give you. The way he looked up at you doing all the hard work, feeling suffocated by your cunt at every movement. He admired the way your head would go back; the way your chest bounced every time you went back and forth with him. But most of all he loved the way your eyes were closed as you took him in, the way your hands rested on his chest, and the way your tongue lolled out as every thrust.
“You’re doing well…could be better.” Shigaraki moved his hand to your neck, the way you instantly looked down at him, you watched as he gently rested each finger onto your neck until he had one left. “Do better or…”
It wasn’t a threat, he’d never kill you, you meant too much to him. But the way you seemed to get more and more wetter as you easily fucked him, you had enjoyed it. He knew how much you loved being tainted, loved having a villain as yours to fuck. It wasn’t like you didn’t have feelings for him, but the unlikely hood of a future was evident, so you’d make this the best sex yet.
You continued to move back and forth on him, each time slamming your hips down before you rested at his base. Feeling the way your legs rested on his side, the way you rolled your hips as he moaned your name softly, “my good hero…”
Your own moans filled the bathroom, his grip tightening against your neck as his mouth moved to your boobs. The way his tongue circled your tits before biting at the sides of the flesh. Your moans felt intoxicating as you moaned his name, moaned “master” for him.
“Keep moaning, go on.” He loved hearing it, loved it so much that he would die a happy man if your moans were the last thing he heard. “Agh fuck Y/n.”
You knew his own high was coming as you felt a coil in your stomach, “c…cum…”
“No. You cum when…when I tell you too?” Shigaraki wanted to be in control, you may have made him become weak under your body and mouth, but he was the one in control. “Fu…fuck.”
“Pl…please Tomura…”
The way his hand moved away from your neck as to your jaw, making sure to keep one finger off of it, he made you stare at him. Made your cheeks squish as his grip tightened against your mouth, “whining now…that’s not very hero like.”
“I…I…” You could barely speak as he thrusted up into you, his tip hitting the back of your cervix as you knew you couldn’t last any longer.
“Stupid bitch…cum for me.” His words led to an instant release, the way your cunt pushed out the white gush right onto his cock. He used your cum to keep thrusting up into you, mouth moving to your own as his fingers stayed firm on your jaw. “What would those pro hero friends of yours say?”
You could barely answer, barely say anything as he got his own high, thrusting into you. “Fuck…” You felt his cum fill you up, his cock making both your cums mix together as the kiss was filled with spit and saliva as his tongue pressed against your own.
The bath had gone cold, barely any water left inside at all the movement. And the water left had been filled with your cum and slick, it was disgusting as Shigaraki stayed inside of you. “They’d never look at me again.”
You answered his question, his fingers against your sweaty skin, the way you rested against his stomach. Shigaraki didn’t know how to reply, instead pulling the plug of the bath and putting the shower on, it was quiet as he helped you get clean. The way he let you clean him of any dirt, clean his hair and touch him in places he’d never expected any beautiful woman to touch him in.
Both ending up in your bed, Shigaraki knew the real reason why he had said one last time. He knew as he got out of your bed after hours of you talking and then falling asleep. He knew it all as he got his clothes, leaving you in your fancy hero apartment. That the next time you both would see one another would not be for sex or a relationship. It would be on opposite sides where you’d fight alongside All Might, fight him because this was the last time he’d ever taint you again.
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river-bottom-nightmare · 4 years ago
Hey I love your...everything about dick Grayson. I have a terrible memory but I remember someone saying they think dick Grayson has ADHD and I think it was you? If it was can you talk about it a little more? Like, give some examples of traits? I love that headcanon but as someone not that knowledgeable of this stuff I wanted to get someone else's pov on the topic
agh thank you!! and yea, that was me, in this post. that was just me rambling a bit and me jotting stuff down, but i did say if you wanted more i’d be happy to give more. and so, in headcanon format, here is more.
One of Dick Grayson’s defining traits is that he could not sit still. Everybody had noticed it, everybody had commented on it, and everyone pretended to find it annoying while also knowing that his constant fidgeting, bouncing, leaping, talking, and laughing was a comfort. The buzz of energy surrounding him was a constant, and prompted many many people to offhandedly remark to Bruce, “He’s probably got ADHD.” Green Arrow, when Robin was talking Flash’s ear off when he first met the Justice League. A socialite in a dress with a borderline-obscene neckline when Dick came up to him for the eighth time that night, drawing his attention to something new. Even Harley Quinn, as he jumped around her in circles after they’d tied her up to a pole in a warehouse while Bruce copied the data, although she said it with a fond little grin and a bit more, well, educated style.
And if he was being honest? Bruce agreed with all of them. Just, in a different way. 
Dick’s hyperfixiations were a sight to behold. He’d find something interesting to label as his New favourite thing ever, Bruce!!, absorb everything there was to know about the topic, then move on to something new in a month. Which had always been the problem. Bruce couldn’t begin to count the nights he had to coerce Dick into coming downstairs, leaving his rare igneous rock collection or his college-level textbook about nerve paralysis or his new batch of poisonous flowers, and eating something, or going to bed. There was a reason Dick was underweight for most of his life, and still was as an adult.
It was in his “all or nothing” attitude, the way he threw his entire self into the job, or whatever needed to be done. But if he decided something wasn’t worth it, or that he was done, he dropped it entirely, with no lost love. His impulse control was bad, but that was something Bruce could help him with, train him to keep a level head or make the right choice. Though, making choices was another thing to tackle altogether. Choice paralysis was the best way to describe it. If Dick didn’t absolutely make up his mind about something, then he was split, caught between two different choices, and he couldn’t say no to either. 
Jason may have rage coursing through his blood, but his anger was solid, dependable, reliable. Dick’s mood swings, however, were monsters that Bruce had been trying to understand since Dick was a child, his kindness and understanding changing to harsh words and accusatory looks so fast it gave Bruce whiplash. Jason seemed to be one of the few who could wade his way through them, never trying to change him or stop him, just trying to understand him.
Tim’s internal clock may be blown and shot to hell, but it was out of willpower, determination. He had work to do, and he would power through his tiredness until it was done. (And then he’d grab an oversized superboy t-shirt and crash for a couple days on end.) Dick, on the other hand, could not sleep. Lying in a bed made him restless, but sitting in the kitchen hunched over a mug of chamomile tea made gave him a headache. Dick had once told him, in the hours where it was too early to be morning but too late to be night, that he just wanted his brain to stop for once, to just shut off. Bruce didn’t have an answer. Tim, apparently, had an answer, because he would sit up with Dick in that kitchen, turning the lights down low, and talking with him about this cool new spot he found for his photography, or some changes he’s thinking of making to his suit. Tim’s quiet rambling seemed to ease the headache, at least.
Cass and Dick may not have many things in common, at first glance. They never bonded the way they did to other members of the family, the way Cass and Steph learned to laugh together or the way Dick and Jason finally reached an understanding, and were able to just spend time together. Bruce actually thought Cass would get along with Damian, given their shared assassin history. But Damian just looked at him strange, and said “I’m not the one who was raised as a human weapon.” And that...that was true. Cass may have been isolated and alone, and Dick might have been raised with love and affection, but Bruce couldn’t deny that the two of them had been raised, as Damian put it, human weapons. And despite Dick’s ease and grace and innate flexibility, Bruce knew that Dick itched at his skin, sometimes felt uncomfortable and not in control in his own body. But then he saw Dick with Cass one day, stretching and going over some basic yoga poses, the silence between them thick with something heavy and grateful. Bruce memorized the content and peaceful look on his children’s faces, then left as quietly as he’d entered. 
Bruce was no stranger to Stephanie’s self esteem issues, overhearing her in front of the mirror many a time, clothed in the Robin costume and telling herself, in between gritted teeth, “I deserve to be here. I’m good enough. I’ve got this.” As for Dick, his self esteem issues were a tad different. His constant need to make people like him, his jokes and quips that were aimed to make people think he was funny, think he was worth it, his absolute terror of rejection, the way he broke off relationships and had trouble maintaining the ones he did have under the philosophy of leaving before they rejected him for real. A whisper in the back of Bruce’s mind whispered Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria, though neither of them were fond of labels. But it wasn’t hard to miss the easy stream of compliments flowing back and forth between Dick and Steph, usually good natured teasing, but no less sincere. It helped them more than they realized.
People may say Damian was violent, rude, and prone to outbursts. And this was true, for the most part. Bruce knew Damian was still getting a handle on his emotions, but he also knew the kid actually meditated in his free time, and most of his actions were well planned and thought out. Dick, on the other hand, had outbursts frequently. He’d just gotten much better at controlling them, or maybe just blowing up at Bruce and hiding them from the rest of the family. And his emotions were a hurricane, a whirlwind of raw power. Regulating him had long since gone out the window. Luckily, Damian seemed think the opposite (or maybe Bruce had given up too early). Dick never actually seemed to enjoy meditating with Damian, but controlling their tempers was something the two of them were working on together, one backing the other up or slow them down, and vice versa. 
Every time someone came up to him, telling him Dick was just so cheerful and hyper and constantly in motion, Bruce was brought back to the first week in the manor, Alfred raising his eyebrow at Bruce after Dick’s latest antics had landed him in his room, refusing to open the door for anyone. Bruce knew Alfred was running through a mental checklist in his head, same as him. Alfred had told him, “This is going to be quite a bit of trouble, Master Bruce.” Bruce had shown his weary agreement. Then Alfred had nodded resolutely, and said “I suppose we shall just love him right, then.”
Bruce knew without a doubt that Alfred had succeeded in that particular promise. But Bruce was still asking himself whether or not he had. 
ADHD is,,,,,,,hard to write. tag list: @comicsandhoney @dangerduckjpeg @yesboopityboop @birdy-bat-writes @astroherogirl @anothertimdrakestan @thebatsandbirdsofgotham @subtleappreciation
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fluffy-lee-boa · 4 years ago
Teaching Me How To Move On
(A SamBucky tickle fic :3)
@tickleebug requested some Sam and Bucky, so I went a little wild with it and made a short story to show how Bucky is adapting to his new life, and his new partner. Spoilers for Endgame/TFATWS btw!
“Buhucky! Cut it out!” Steve snorted, swatting at the younger’s arm as he lightly dug into his sides.
Before he’d taken the serum, it had been a well-known fact that Steve Rogers was probably one of the most ticklish guys in Brooklyn. Sure, he hated to admit it in public, and Bucky respected that, but when he and Bucky were hanging out at home? All bets were off.
So James Buchanan Barnes took every opportunity like this to tease the other about his sensitivity, sitting beside him and carefully scratching at all the spots he knew would make the other squeal. He never took it overboard, considering Steve’s fragile state, but he did tire the other out enough that he would be sure the smaller wouldn’t get revenge.
“Come on Stevie, there’s no way you’re gonna make the army if you can’t handle a little tickling,” he smirked at the other.
Steve gave an snort, slapping a hand to his face before shaking his head rapidly, “This is just tohorture!!”
“Mhm. And?” Bucky snickered as he trailed his hands up to Steve’s stomach, relishing in the deeper laughter that it gave him.
This certain brand of “torture” continued for a few minutes, interspersed with cruel teases and barely-masked flirting that the ever-oblivious Rogers seemed to let fly over his head. Though it was easy to tell Steve wasn’t trying very hard to escape the other’s grasp, especially considering how lightly Buck was holding him down in fear of injury. He could stop any time he wanted, really.
Bucky finally let up once the wheezing started, almost immediately leaving the room only to reappear with a cup of water. He couldn’t help the smug grin on his face as the other struggled to hide his deep blush. The moment was perfect.
Too perfect.
He would wait another day to tell him about his draft card. He didn’t want to ruin what they had just yet.
Years had gone by since that day- decades, even. He had gone for most of that time without Steve, without those affectionate touches and softness, and without love. He’d gone for even longer now that Steve was....
No, he didn’t like to think about the past few months. About how the very man he’d grown up with, who’d told him he’d be with him to the end of the line, got off early. -He couldn’t be angry with him, though. It was his life, after all. His choice. Steve would probably be better off with Peggy, anyways.
But that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt like hell, and that he was absolutely starved for affection with no one in the world to fix it for him.
Well... almost no one.
Admittedly, he’d grown closer to Sam in the time since the new Cap was gifted the shield. Despite his reservations, and the rocky start to their partnership, they’d come to an understanding. Especially after all they’d been through in their mission to stop Karli, and then Walker thereafter.
And there was the boat, of course. Bucky hadn’t even known Sam had a boat before this week- never even been near one besides during war times. Yet he found himself spending hours and even days of his time on helping him fix it. Then the days after that teaching the new Captain to toss the shield.
Was this what having a friend was like?
He couldn’t tell. I mean, after Steve, nothing was going to feel just right. ...Or so he thought.
See, even if Bucky had tried to deny it, Sam felt safe. He felt like Steve did. They shared that same big heart Bucky had always admired, and honestly, the shield couldn’t have found a better wielder. But on the other hand, Sam was also more honest, and more direct. That was something he needed after all those years of manipulation and self-pity. Not exactly tough love, but the truth. A kinder, softer truth.
“Hey! Buck!” Sam had called from the other side of the open field, between a few lone trees that were wrapped in foam.
Bucky looked up, torn from his deep thoughts about friendship and Captains and shields. He didn’t give away any of it through his glance, much better at hiding behind an emotionless mask these days.
“Are you gonna throw it back or what? -The shield, I mean.” the figure laughed.
James rolled his eyes and walked over, trying to play it off, “Your stance is off. You’re gonna get someone killed if you don’t have enough balance.”
“Balance my ass,” Sam scoffed jokingly as he took the shield back from the other, looking him over suspiciously, “...You’re just deflecting again. You’ve been spacing out like crazy today... did something happen?”
Ah, there was that signature therapist-like concern that Wilson managed to worm into every conversation. It made Bucky’s heart beat faster and his stomach flip and he hated it. No one had been this worried about him since he came back from the icy abyss of HYDRA’s control. No one else had checked up on him so consistently for no other gain than his continued wellbeing.
“I’m fine.” He shot back despite himself, half of a glare on his face as he turned away to go back to his spot.
Sam rolled his eyes at the other’s dramatics, at this point being readily used to the cold demeanor Bucky used to push aside his own feelings. But he wasn’t ready to let it slide this time around. So he stepped towards him after setting aside the vibranium shield, reaching out to stop him from walking away again.
Quite a few things happened after that, one after the other.
For one, Sam had underestimated how quickly Bucky could power-walk away from him, and ended up grazing his side with a small grabbing motion rather than taking him by the wrist.
From there, Bucky had faltered in his pace with a quick giggle, before looking back at the other with a somewhat horrified expression. Oh no.
It was painfully obvious to Sam now, by Buck’s initial reaction and the way he seemed just about ready to jump out of his skin.
“There is no way in hell....”
“Sam, you don’t want to do this-”
“You’re ticklish?!”
Bucky cringed, almost immediately blushing just as Steve had whenever he’d done the same to him back in Brooklyn. Karma may have been delayed for almost a century, but it sure did come back to bite him. Figures as much, right?
Bucky had started walking backwards away from the now-very-menacing falcon, though with the woods around them, his ankle caught on a rock and sent him flying back onto his butt. Figures even more.
Before he could up and scramble away, probably going to rush to Sarah and beg for protection, Sam had pounced. The super soldier found himself being straddled, which didn’t help his confusing feelings from before at all. He hands ended up under Sam’s knees, and even if he knew he could probably escape, he was concerned he’d end up hurting the other if he lost control of his own strength.
“Sam! Get off!” He said in a shockingly squeaky shout, obviously flustered.
“Nu-uh. I need to see this for myself.” Sam snickered, making the other look away as his blush deepened.
“You su-AHAHUCK-“
Before Bucky could articulate what would have totally been a coherent and witty response, Sam had taken the initiative and dug straight into the dip of his sides. There was an explosion of sunny and bubbly laughter that didn’t suit the awkward Soldier at all, making Sam beam down at the other.
Bucky internally cursed as he looked up and caught glimpse of the smile. He was too perfect- it was unfair!
Sam chuckled as he lightened up, tracing circles around his hips and making Bucky jerk back and forth with a few left over giggles, “Wowwww... It’s worse than I thought.”
“Shut the hell uhuhup...” Bucky muttered in embarrassment, making Wilson roll his eyes.
Sam knew he could definitely find a worse spot, and ignoring Bucky’s continued insults and thinly-veiled threats, he scanned the other’s upper body as thought to himself.
His metal arm probably couldn’t feel anything, right? But what about the spot just where the two met...?
Bucky noticed where his partner’s gaze had fallen, suddenly looking alarmed as he turned to begging, “Hey, wait, hold on, that’s a bad idea, Wilson. -Agh- Please? Is that what you want? Fine! I’m saying please-“
Sam just shook his head with that stupid, handsome smirk on his face, “Saying please isn’t gonna save you this time around. Tell me what’s wrong.... and I won’t absolutely wreck you. And trust me, I have an older sister. I know exactly how to do it.”
Bucky went quite besides his quick breathes and squirmy giggles, looking off to the side as he tried to consider his options despite the continued teasing of his sides and hips. But no- he couldn’t say what was really on his mind. Stubborn is as stubborn does.
“Do your worst.”
There was only a moment of reprieve as Wilson took in the other’s bratty reply, before he wiggled his fingers into that horrible dip between Buck’s metal arm and his ribs, right in the hollow. His other hand went to the rest of his rib cage just as quickly, alternating between both sides and dipping in between the spaces for added torture.
Bucky was pretty much lost in a handful of seconds.
He cackled, kicking his legs and pulling at his arms with only a shred of resistance from the last part of him that was conscious, which was still bent on making sure he didn’t hurt Sam.
But, that part of him could only hold out for so long, and when Sam found an extra sensitive spot between his ribs, Bucky ended up arching so suddenly that Sam was sent a good five feet away by his super strength.
There was a long pause as the air around them stilled once more, Sam laying feet away and laughing hysterically at his friend’s reaction while Bucky himself calmed himself down to a frenzy of frantic giggling.
After he was able to regain control of himself, he sat up to look over at Sam, his arms wrapped around his own torso protectively so the falcon could no longer access his weak spot. His voice was hoarse as he asked sheepishly, “...Are you ok?”
Sam’s own laughter died down, and he waved his hand dismissively, “Fine, fine. I shoulda expected it. You’re a hyper-ticklish super soldier. I’m just lucky you didn’t break my arm.“
Bucky didn’t find much humor in that joke, but he got up and made his way over to the other anyway. He held out his hand to help him stand beside him, and Wilson smiled softly at the other’s still reddened face, “Maybe we should do that more often. You’re cute when you’re blushing like that.”
And he walked away.
Bucky, for better or worse, didn’t have the same luxury that his old partner did of obliviousness to such direct declarations of affection, so he simply stood in shock as he was left in the small field of grass.
...Maybe, just maybe, his new life wasn’t as empty and lonely as he’d previously thought. Maybe Sam... could be what he really needed, as a partner, and as a friend.
Or.... maybe something more.
Lots of maybes today. But then again, when is anything ever certain?
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thiswasinevitableid · 4 years ago
62. you set off the fire alarm and I have a test tomorrow, and I might strangle you
Sternclay, sfw, please!
Why do fire alarms only go off in March? The one time Stern set one off (he fell asleep studying and the dinner he was reheating started smoking) it was in that endless stretch of time where the snow is no longer festive but will keep falling for at least two more months.
More importantly, who is responsible for interrupting his carefully planned out six hours of sleep before his midterm at eight this morning?
He stands in the freezing cold with the building’s other three occupants; the single man who looks like he stars in lumberjack porn and the girlfriends who live on the ground floor.
“Sorry” The other man mumbles, “I was making doughnuts and the oil I was using got too hot without me noticing.”
Stern runs a hand through his hair and keeps his voice low, “Why were you cooking with hot oil at three in the morning?”
“When I can’t sleep, I bake.”
“Can I suggest a less flammable hobby in the future?”
“Hey man, it was an accident. And it’s not my fault they stuck the fire alarm too high up for me to get to it before it called the fire department.”
“Too high? You’re taller than I am and I can reach mine.”
“My ceilings are higher and it was tucked between the cabinets and the roof.”
“Oh yeah, ours is in a super-weird place too.” Aubrey, one of the ground-floor neighbors, pats the offenders arm, “it’s okay Barclay, it’s just a little smoke.”
“That may be the case for you three, but I have an exam that’s worth thirty percent of my grade in six hours and I need my goddamn sleep.”
“Yeesh, man, chill out. They’re already waving us back in.” Aubrey points to the door of the three story house.
“I timed everything to optimize my sleep schedule so it actually is a big deal.”
Barclay glowers at him, “Look, I said sorry. But maybe get used to the fact the world doesn’t run on your schedule, mr. control freak, and fucking get over it.”
Stern keeps a smile flat as he bites out, “go to hell” and heads upstairs to salvage what’s left of his schedule.
The crash from downstairs comes at nine p.m; he has a huge day at his internship tomorrow, but Stern doesn’t hear any sounds after it, and he is not about to let a neighbor die on his watch.
“Barclay? Are you okay?” He puts his ear to the door, the heater drowning out all ambient noise.
“Nope, not really, agh, fuck, the doors locked, lemme try to stand-”
“Stay put.” He runs upstairs, grabs his wallet, and uses his debit card to trick the lock, “Shit, what happened?”
Barclay is clutching his forehead, blood between his fingers, and his ankle is swelling. “I got really dizzy, caught my foot on the couch and then my forehead on the table on the way down. Ow, fuck, it better not be broken” he growls as Stern kneels to look at his foot, “I’ve got a shift in six hours.”
“I can’t tell. You should get to a hospital; if it’s injured and you try to work on it, you might have an even worse fall.”
“Fuck, I’m not even sure I can afford the ambulance, let alone the fucking E.R.”
He knows Dani and Aubrey are out, “Any family in town, or a boyfriend?”
“No, if there I woulda called them.” He snaps, then tries for a slow inhale, “sorry, it just, it hurts-”
“I can take you in my car, that’ll be one less worry.” Stern helps Barclay up, gets him to his sedan, then tells him to hold tight while he gets something for his head. He ends up grabbing the first clean fabris he finds, which is how Barclay ends up in the E.R while holding a “Roswell, NM” tank-top to his forehead.
“Sorry to ruin your, uh, souvenir?” He mumbles as they wait for the doctor.
“It’s for a good cause. Besides, I know how to get bloodstains out of fabric.”
“That...that makes you sound like a serial killer.”
“If I were a serial killer I would wear things that could stain.” Stern winces, “sorry, I read too many true crime books.”
“I just don’t have the stomach for them. I like fictional mysteries but real ones?” he shivers, “makes me think an axe murderer is gonna break into my place. I mean, you did it with a credit card.”
“If you’d had the chain thrown it might have been another story. “
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Barclay shifts in the plastic seat, “you, uh, you don’t have to hang around. Know you got a rigid schedule.”
Joseph runs a hand through his hair, “I’m sorry for being so annoyed last week when you set off the alarm. I’m not always great at handling changes.”
“To be fair, doughnuts probably weren’t the best stress baking choice.”
“Did they turn out?”
“Nah. I’ll have to try ‘em another time. Did, uh, did your test go okay?”
“Yes. I, um, I got a perfect score.”
Barclay laughs, the sound like warm honey, and Stern blushes at looking so deeply nerdy in front of someone with a smile like that.
“Mr. Cobb? We’re ready to see you.”
The bearded man gives an slightly awkward wave as he follows the nurse through the double doors. Stern returns the gesture, pulls up the chess app on his phone, and settles in to wait until his neighbor is done.
Barclay comes out his nap the scrchh of a brush on tile. His first thought is that he’s so late for work he’s unavoidably fucked. His second one is who the fuck is in his bathroom?
His ankle twinges, jogging his memory; he got back from the hospital at 11:30, no stitches needed on his head but bedrest required for his ankle. He’d been contemplating how to convince his manager to let him shift from the warehouse to somewhere he could sit. Joseph raised an eyebrow and asked for his phone while telling him to go get into bed. All Barclay overheard was a polite, steely voice mentioning the labor laws in Dane County and how it’d be a shame if someone were to arrange an OSHA spot check. The last thing he recalls before falling asleep was Joseph telling him he had the next day off.
That doesn’t explain the cleaning sounds, though.
“Oh, you’re up.” Joseph pokes his head in from the hall. His hair is coming loose from his usual slicked-down style and he’s in a V-neck and sweatpants instead of the suit Barclay sees him in most days, “I hope I didn’t wake you; since you gave me the spare key I thought I’d check on you when I got back from my internship and leave you some take-out from the Thai place around the corner--you said the green curry was your favorite--but then I thought I should wait until you got up to see if you needed anything, so I, um, I cleaned your tub while I waited for you to wake up.”
Barclay isn’t sure what part of that is the most baffling. Or the most touching.
“Why the tub?” He eases his legs over so he’s sitting on the edge of the bed.
“It’s satisfying. And I, um, I clean when I’m stressed.” He wipes his hands on the rag in his front pocket, “I was worried about you, and my internship was murder today. They’re mounting a case against one of the biggest employers in the state and everyone’s on edge.”
“Heh, kinda makes me glad I work at WalMart.” Barclay takes the crutch Joseph offers him and hobbles into the kitchen, “oh, uh, if you want to try some cake, there’s leftover cinnamon spice cake in the fridge.”
“I think I will, thank you.” He bends into the fridge and wow has his ass always been that nice, “can I grab you a drink from in here?”
“One of those pre-bottled Kahlua things in the door; have ‘em for a friend but one sounds good right now.” He watches Joseph open it for him, setting it down before he pulls out Barclay’s chair for him. Normally, the kind of fussing and light ordering around Joseph has directed at him makes him bristle. This last day, it just made him feel safe and cared about.
He could get used to this.
“Good lord, we’ve even got a flood warning.” Joseph sets down his phone as rain attempts to pummel the house to dust, “Some days I wish we lived closer to one of the lakes but this is not one of them. Should we check to see if Dani and Aubrey need any emergency supplies for if we have to shelter here? I always keep more than I need.”
“Nah, Dani’s got a strong self-sufficiency streak; got her a bucket emergency kit for Christmas last year.” Barclay pops the cork on the Pinot Grigio they got for dinner, “and I don’t think they forgot your semi-drunk promise that if they ever had to run from a flood they had full permission to break open your front door to be safe on the third floor.”
“I meant it, drunk or no.” Joseph takes down the plates and portions out the carbonara; he’s been trying to cook when he has time, both because he likes it and because it gives him and Barclay something to talk about. Not that they need the help.
Things changed after the trip to the E.R; Barclay would bring Joseph fresh cookies or pie. Joseph would offer Barclay rides when their schedules overlapped. Barclay introduced him to his favorite trivia night spot. Joseph took some of his cookies to a worker-owned bakery where a former co-student worked, which led to Barclay getting a new job.
Now they see each other almost every day, whether that’s watching movies on Barclay’s cramped couch or joining Dani and Aubrey for board game night.
He’s pleased with how the pasta turned out, even more so with the fact that when their legs bump together beneath the table, Barclay doesn’t pull away.
They’re on the couch, chatting about the recurring themes in ghost movies, when the storm starts in earnest. The sky is so dark it may as well be nine at night, the lighting and thunder performing a cacophonous two-man show across it. The closer the thunder gets, the more Barclay tenses.
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah” a thunderclap makes him jump, “I know it’s silly but I fucking hate thunderstorms, I have since I was a kid.” He chuckles, “my mom would always end up making a pillow fort for me to hide in.”
“We could do that now.” He offers, tapping his foot against Barclay’s own.
“Know this might be hard to believe, but I wasn’t always six-two.” The other man teases.
“Don’t count me out just yet. Wait here.”
It takes some precarity and most of his thumb-tacks, but soon he’s waving Barclay to come join him.
“Holy shit” Barclay laughs as he sees the bed and part of the floor in Joseph’s tiny bedroom are curtained in blankets, “do you ever half-ass stuff?”
“No one can ever prove I haven’t.”
“Uh huh.” Barclay climbs into the fort, “that’s Joseph speak for ‘no.’”
Joseph plugs in his UFO lights and follows him in, “I’ve failed plenty of times.”
“Not on this. Man, this is gr-” A thunderclap makes him jump, nearly knocking one blanket down, “uh, maybe if I…” He lays on the bed, Joseph deciding it’s the least awkward option to join him in that position.
“You really didn’t have to do this.” The green of the lights add a charming tint to Barclay’s eyes.
“I wanted to.”
His friend looks away, keeps his gaze on his feet as he murmurs, “How come you’re always so nice to me?”
“Because we’re friends.”
“It’s, uh, it’s not because you want something from me?”
“Of course not. Barclay,” he touches the cooks arm, “anything you’re thinking is a favor with an ulterior motive....well, it isn’t. It’s something I did to look out for you.”
“What if I, uh, I didn’t think it was favor hunting and was, uh, a different word that started with “F’?”
This time, when the thunder sounds, Barclay nestles closer to him.
“Oh, Barclay” he drapes a protective arm over his waists, “I didn’t mean it to be. At least, most of the time. There were, um, sometimes when I was more flirtatious than I’d have been if it were anybody else.”
“Do you...want to flirt more?” Barclay mumbles into his shoulder.
Joseph tips Barclay’s chin with his hand, brings their lips together as lightning flashes through the window. When he pulls back, Barclay’s eyes are wide. He kisses him once more just to see if he can make them entirely pupil, then whispers, “I hope we can do more than just flirt.”
“Joseph” strong arms slip below and across him, “fuck, babe, if it’s not flooded tomorrow, promise you’ll let me take you out tomorrow?”
“I’d like nothing better, big guy. In the meantime..” he rolls so Barclay is atop him, “I have some thoughts on how to keep your mind off the storm.”
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lorelexi · 4 years ago
hi !! I fucking adore your writing style and your work!! hope you're having a great week, and that you're drinking plenty of water and stretching regularly!
can I request tamaki, shinsou, hawks and bakugo (and if you can,, sneak in a lil Todoroki or Deku or Kiri or Mirio 👉👈 completely up to you though !! Don't want to overwhelm you !!) having a massive crush on a fem s/o who is popular with guys and especially girls because she sings and plays guitar and has short hair ?? Think Sailor Uranus in terms of looks— but she is completely oblivious about her appeal
bonus if she is a flirt w/o realizing it, she's just trying to be nice and concerned why you're so red, are you sick, here let me check your temperature 🖤
A/N: vibes!!! I f with this idea, thank you so much for requesting!! I’m really glad that you like my writing style! I’ll do my best to drink all my water and stretch I promise!
I decided to go with some headcanons for this idea since it would allow me to write a bit more!
I’m also not writing for any of the pro heroes atm but fret not, I threw in a few other boys to compensate. I hope you enjoy, my love!
• this dude,,, was really not expecting to fall for you
• but here he is anyways whoops
• he doesn’t actually even realize how popular you are at first 
• not until one day when he’s walking around the campus after school and sees a big group of girls and he’s like,, the fuck???
• then he thinks he hears your name and he’s even more “????”
• won’t admit that he was being nosy but he totally was when he conveniently started walking in that direction even though that wasn't where he was originally planning to go but whatever
• so he sees you in the middle of the crowd holding a guitar and he’s like :0
• you start to sing and this dude thinks he might combust i swear his ears are so red and he zooms out of there before you can notice him and bring it up
• fr tho he did NOT realize how popular you were
• first with all the girls and then after that he started to become more aware of all the boys you were attracting like hello??
• he gets kind of sick of it eventually, esp when you're hanging out with him and people keep interrupting to talk to you
• in this case, he will simply have to ask you out 
• it's the only way😘
•my dudeeeee
• he knows that you’re wanted
• it makes him want you more 😈
• fr tho he sees why everyone likes you and he’s not shy about talking about it
• 100% does it on purpose and will be like “heyyyyy y/n, you should play a song for us.”
• you’re still oblivious though, so you’re like okay!!🤩
•*a crowd immediately flocks toward you*
• you guys both out here flirting with each other all day long
• you may not realize what you yourself are doing or even processing exactly what shinsou mans by the words coming out of his mouth
• but shinsou does
• needless to say, after some time shinsou kind of breaks and confesses and youre like ??
• “y/n I’ve been shamelessly flirting with you for months now”
• “ I thought you were just being nice?”
• he really can’t even be upset about it
• especially not after you tell him you like him back
• boy is screaming inside
• he's definitely one of the boys who gets all curious and tries to see you but then gets pushed out of the way by some other guys >:(
• excuse me!!! There is a baby here !!watch where u are going!!😠
• you end up seeing him in the crowd all squished and looking uncomfortable so you get up from your seat, your guitar slung around to the side and reach out to him
• there is not one person in that 20 ft radius who wasn't jealous of tamaki in that moment
• he legit gets SO red
•  you're worried it was from being in the crowd and you start to dote over him which makes him even MORE red and well
• you may have to be the one to confess this time around bc it’ll probs be a long time before tamaki can muster up the courage to do it himself
• you confess honestly thinking you’re gonna rejected (which like even if you did,, girl you have so many people lined up who would be 110% willing to take you out) but then tamaki says he feels the same🥺
• you're like “you do??”
• as if this boy doesn't get flustered at even just the sight of you fhfdhfj
• the power you hold
• he nods a lil, playing with his fingers and you just smile real big and ask if you can give him a hug and just-
• agh my heart can’t handle the cuteness!
• the most flustered of them all! 🥰
• we all know this boy has his heart focused on becoming a hero but he just can't help falling for you!!
• you’re just so kind and likeable, and so so so pretty and he just loves your short hair so much fhfabfdhjh
• will physically and mentally malfunction around you
• he knows how popular you are and how much attention you attract from everyone so he always is making sure that he’s never making you uncomfortable or being too overbearing when he wants to hang out with you
• you appreciate it a lot but since you don’t realize that he has a big fat crush on you’re always really lively and willing to hang out with him and it flusters him so much
• you two are probably hanging out one day and you play him a song on your guitar while you rest your head on his shoulder and he’s melting,,, his face is so red
• you look up and ask if he’s okay and he does that lil thing where he waves his hands around and over his head trying to assure you that he’s fine without giving himself away
• your obliviousness to his feelings are a blessing and a curse
• poor boy😪
• it’s ok tho bc when yall finally sort that out you're the cutest couple and deku definitely gets a rush of pride knowing he’s dating a goddess who everyone adores😌
• this boy!!
• he thinks it’s so cool how much everyone likes you and he loves to hear you sing and play guitar🥺
• literally has zero shame he will compliment you all the time
• even though he has a big crush on you but he doesn’t do it in a way that is overly flirtatious or in a way that would make you uncomfortable!
• making someone uncomfortable just isn’t manly, yknow!?
• you definitely turn all of his compliments around on him
• not in a mean way! Just like in a  “no you❤“ kind of way
• bc you also like Kiri and you don’t really see how someone as great as him can just compliment you so easily so you always make sure to return the favor because you’re nice like that😌
• jokes on kiri though because while he sounds endearing when he compliments you, you unknowingly just sound so flirty and this boy has to try so hard to suppress the blush that’s rising up the back of his neck
• omg omg one day you offer to teach him a few guitar chords and it’s so cute!!!
• “ah no hehe, it’s like this Kiri!” you say as you move his fingers to strum the right guitar strings
• Kirishima rubs the back of his neck with his hand “ah I just can’t seem to get it right, you’re just way too good at this!”
• 10/10 very sweet
• mayhaps you confess with a song 👉👈
• and while it’s so cheesy I think that Kirishima would actually really like that hehe
• you end up dating and everyone is very jealous of kiri but yall are too cute so really how mad can they be
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rigelmejo · 4 years ago
march - just some thoughts
i have read more this month than any other month? and its not slowing down its only 3/12 so i have 2/3 of a month to go and i’ve read 26 chapters. even if these chapters are ‘short’ at 10 pages, if i wanna count by ‘20 page’ chunks i’ve still read 13 chunks so far. and i’ve still got more time in the month left. most other months i’ve managed to read ‘a lot’ i read 10-20 chapters. so i’m doing really good.
grammar is a weird thing? in reading i feel like its quite easy now to understand. when listening or watching - same. and yet if asked ‘why do i say/type X’ or ‘why is it written/spoken like X’ i have absolutely no explanation in my head. i could not explain the grammar if prompted. this puts me in a weird place and i feel like i SHOULD go over a grammar guide again just so i can WORD what i’m intuitively understanding.
this is a bit bizarre to me because within the first 6 months of study i DID read through an entire grammar guide just to get an idea of what i was about to look at, and it hardly made sense once actually reading/watching/listening. i understood the guide fine, but actually Seeing chinese i was still confused. i would reference AllSetLearning’s Chinese Wiki on some basic points, then after 6 months i just stopped. now its been what 1.5 years and - reading is so easy, listening is so easy, grammar wise. none of the grammar confuses me. but i no longer ‘explicitly’ have any idea what the fuck the grammar is. i used to. i studied it explicitly before trying to read/listen. and yet now that i can read/listen, i have no idea how to explain the grammar. i can listen to a podcast and i don’t think about what the grammar is i just get it. i read and just know what i’m looking at. its like english - i cannot fucking explain it. Which makes speaking/writing a bit hard. Because when i try to check if i’m right i have no fucking clue HOW anymore - i just say/write what comes to mind and HOPE it makes sense. i have no way to conciously check for errors except ‘does this feel right’? And that’s not good enough for me lol. So I definitely do need to eventually read a grammar guide for explicit explanations again.
Technically I think “English and Chinese Grammar Side By Side” grammar book would be an excellent one to use. Because i read the first 50 pages of it and it compared it to english (so it explained english too), and it was very easy to understand and started basic then got more involved. 
I’m probably gonna use my very old Chinese Grammar Self Taught by Thimm book instead. Just because I really like that book. Then I guess use another after (probably Basic Chinese Sentence Patterns since its modern and perfect for ‘catch your own mistakes’ study and much shorter than Eng+Chinese Grammar side by side). 
Anyway I’m in a very weird place right now lol. I know i’m understanding grammar that is stuff I never even studied initially in the grammar guide, but unable to explain what it is, and a lot of stuff i did explicitly study in a grammar guide i completely forgot the explanation for. My reading and listening is GREAT, because all my effort only has to go into learning new words lately! its relaxing! Its the only part i need to do! But my writing/speaking i am very concerned about because being able to check myself for mistakes is something i’d like the ability to do.
how grammar is presented really makes a difference in how well i get it. there is some serious benefit to ‘show simple first then build up what you know’ that text books tend to prefer. versus like grammar reference books that may start with some in depth stuff.
i tried to read a japanese grammar guide the other day and 1 it was great but 2 it covered some ADVANCED stuff i never learned in genki 1+2, and so it was Explicit grammar description of stuff i had literally years ago been immersing in japanese and Still not conciously known about. So i felt. Overwhelmed lol. I felt so confused. I feel like I might switch to Tae Kim’s grammar guide primarily just because its structured with basics covered first. and i feel like until the basics are again glued into my brain, seeing even more advanced stuff just confused me so much i had no idea how to remember it. which is funny because? my usual strategy with grammar guides is to just read it and let what sticks stick and what is confusing be moved on from, in the hope i will later see it again and understand it better. so like based on what i usually do i should’ve just been able to read through it (and i’m gonna try anyway lol). but truly japanese grammar just... my mind does not like wrapping around it and remembering it. (chinese grammar is so much easier for me... so much easier....;-; )
i have been tempted to just Restart Nukemarine’s LLJ (Lets Learn Japanese) memrise decks, because I KNOW they worked for me last time really really well. And they include Tae Kim grammar lessons. And I know if i did it then maybe i’d get back to where i was years ago pretty fast.
I tried Earthlingo app. Its a cool idea, I don’t think its worth it though unless you planned to get Rosetta Stone (since Earthlingo is FREE). Earthlingo features 1000 words per language, taught to you by exploring video game worlds as an alien. Its a cool concept, but since all words seem to be nouns then you aren’t even learning the most common verbs/adjectives. And 1000 words is not a lot. And you could learn 1000 quite fast if using srs flashcards like Memrise or Anki (think weeks if you push yourself, and a month or two months if going at a regular pace). Earthlingo you have to slowly explore the worlds so that eats time, you have to choose to test yourself (so you don’t review nearly as often as flashcard apps), and one test includes walking around the world clicking the object which you’re given the word for (takes time to find the right object). All this means a word that might take maybe 15 minutes to study over a few weeks, might instead take much longer to study and learn. I don’t use duolingo because it generally covers so few words (usually 2000-4000 i think which is good for a beginner resource but you have to do the WHOLE course to get to all those words and i take so long on duolingo that could take YEARS for me versus a month on a flashcard app or clozemaster). Duolingo I also don’t use because it very slowly paces learning material (it takes me months/years to get through 1000 words on duolingo - just personally i go so slow on it, i think faster people would find a use for it). Likewise Lingodeer takes me AGES to get through (and i think covers 2000 words nowadays? I’m shocked Duolingo has more words for the japanese course tbh). However, Lingodeer is by far the best ‘app’ for Japanese grammar lessons in app practice form. Even if basically all the apps feel pretty slow to me in how fast they give you new info. Earthlingo is cool that its free, and for learners 12 and under i think it would be super useful as a way to engage them and keep them studying (since what child likes flashcards? whereas as a child i would’ve loved this). But as an adult Earthlingo is sooooo slow on how fast you can learn words, and it does not even offer very many words (1000 is a nice bare minimum but without verbs/adjectives it can only be a supplementary learning tool for beginners at best).
Link about Lingodeer having 2000 words in a course. (Since its SO hard to lookup how much vocabulary lingodeer includes :c )
Nukemarine’s LLJ memrise decks (which I’m considering going through again but ToT agh flashcardssssss.... they sure do work though agh)
http://www.chinese-grammar.com/beginner/ - this is the site I read a chinese grammar guide on at like Month 3. I am rereading it now maybe it will help me remember wtf grammar explicitly is. ToT (A tip, read Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced sections). Last time I visited the site you just clicked a section, then saw each fully explained grammar point and clicked ‘next’ it was nice. Now its laid out a little less ideal for me, but its still got all the same nice info! (Also honestly if you are a beginner I really DO like this grammar guide... it introduces basic info first, gradually gets more complex, and i could follow its logic knowing like 200 hanzi and 100 words ToT. its very easy to understand even if it takes a while to apply that info).
im probably gonna read hanshe more today. i’m at the point where either i know enough vocab, or the writers style has just ‘clicked’ idk. but now i just am not getting bogged down by unknown words and am just. speeding through enjoying the plot. Also rip me this novel has 155 chapters and im only on chapter 30.
watching japanese lets plays is really fun! i feel like im 3 years old cause i just see nouns i can learn pretty easy in context cause i know the game well, and hear some vaguely familiar verbs, but its fun! also it helps i know kingdom hearts 2 like by heart so. a lot of it makes me instantly cheerful and nostalgic. roxas’s voice is so cute in the japanese version.
oh i almost forgot: I found a book recently for chinese that for it’s like 10 page grammar guide summary at the beginning ALONE i think is more than worth the 4 dollars it costs to get. It has a ton of compound words and its a reference book in mandarin and cantonese (it has pronunciation for both, all characters are in traditional). I got it initally because it as a bunch of compound words and I’d like to get better at knowing a lot of common ones. But the intro to the book has a page explaining sentence structures in chinese, then examples. Its so straightforward and to the point. I love it. The book is “Understanding Chinese: A Guide to the Usage of Chinese Characters” by Rita Mei-Wah Choy. (There is also a companion book for individual hanzi, which is nice but this book specifically I’m finding more useful).
what i really like about Listening-Reading method, and reading, as study activities: no matter how I do them it is only improvement. I have a tendency to ‘redo’ material i don’t feel i fully mastered, or refuse to move on. So when i have duolingo, flashcards (sometimes i can move on if i ignore reviews/make myself do new stuff), books, grammar guides, self guided classes - i have a tendency to redo the material. over and over. and not progress and challenge myself. whereas with reading - every time i look up a word its useful because its new or something i clearly Need to review (not something i’ve actually learned and can move past reviewing). so whether i reread material or read new stuff, as long as i run into things i find somewhat challenging (feel the desire to word look up), i know i am running into new material i can learn. Same with listening-reading method: whether i finish a book or just skip to random books, any new chapter i do will give me new words to learn/remember (until i’ve reached a point of perfect listening comprehension which is a WAYS away). There’s no way for me to mess it up. I can give up a book im bored with, i don’t have to stick to one resource to the end. 
someone tell me why professionally made chinese audio books almost NEVER line up to the chapters???? whyyyyy ;-;
Even More Notes lol:
So I read so much in Pleco, which auto pronounces, I have COMPLETELY forgot. 得 地 - for these two, when they’re attached after a description like 淡淡 慢慢 高兴 etc, when are they pronounced di versus de???? i’m pretty sure  得 is pronounced de when its an adjective like ‘-ly’. but for  地, i don’t remember if when part of a describer if its pronounced di or de????
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mythrilhusk · 4 years ago
Korosensei Never Dies - Chapter 5
Words: 1689 Ao3 Version Chapter 4 (Last)
Chapter 6 (Next)
AN: This is NOT RPF, this story is based solely on the characters of Dream SMP, not the people playing them.
It's a hobby some would call obsessive or even creepy. Wilbur Soot doesn't care what anyone thinks, it's his world and everyone else is just living in it. His pencil scrawls on the page, scratching black onto white.
--Tommy needs encouragement. He's latched onto Philza as a fath- role model worryingly fast. Have I not been enough for him? He told me he wants to kill Technoblade, but I could see the lie in his eyes. He's too kind, and now he's being torn in two directions. Should I ease the strain? Or should I see how long it takes for him to break?--
Wilbur doesn't care what others think of him. His sly gaze flickers from person to person, lingering on the bright ray of sunshine that is Tommy. 
--Tubbo worries me. He's been mostly silent ever since Technoblade showed up. Is he planning something?-- 
--Eret wants to kill Technoblade purely for the money. I saw the way their eyes lit up at the bounty. Which brings to mind another question. Why hasn't anyone outside of this class actually tried to kill Technoblade?--
--Ranboo never lets go of that notebook. I could swear it had a different cover. He's creepy. Avoid him.--
--Quackity has an intense grudge against Technoblade. But he's always with his gang, so I haven't been able to talk to him.--
--Hannah Rose started sparring with Foolish and Charlie last week. She's good. Too good. I don't trust her.--
--I can't get a read on Sapnap. He's always with Quackity, so I never have a chance to have a nice little chat, a good old tete-a-tete.--
--Connor wants to kill Technoblade. Boring.--
--Charlie hasn't shown any bent towards one side or another. He goes around with his saccharine "humour" and fails all his quizzes like he doesn't want Philza to train us. Maybe I should get him expelled.--
--Foolish says strange things. I don't like him.--
Wilbur pauses when he's finished silently dissing all his fellow students. The teachers are next. 
--Ponk just sort of showed up one day and then stayed as the math teacher. His quizzes are so goddamn annoying. He hasn't shown any signs of wanting to kill Technoblade, though.--
--Punz was here for like a day, and then was sent to the hospital as the result of Techno's completely just and righteous defense of Philza. Unknown if he will find the guts to return or not.--
--Philza. Ah, Philza. Mere words can not convey the sheer respect I have for that man's dedication to chaos. Why, just the other day, I saw him feeding birds as they perched on him. He then used them for target practice. Magnificent. If we all endeavor to succeed in our classes, he will teach us how to kill his friend.--
--Technoblade is an enigma. Seriously. Does this mutant man ever sleep? By all accounts, he should be a terrible teacher, yet somehow he finds the time and tenacious willpower to teach all the subjects in a concise and understandable way. Not to mention his casual sprinkling of anarchy propaganda. I wish to know his secrets. I will drag them out of him if need be.--
"Whatcha writing?" Tommy inquires. 
"Nothing!" Grinning innocently, Wilbur snaps his notebook closed. 
"Is it about me? Are you writing how good I am at luv?" 
"No, Tommy." Wilbur ruffles his friend's fluffy hair, ignoring Tommy's complaints. "I'm writing a diary. You can't read it." 
"Fuck off, I'll write my own diary!" 
Wilbur smiles and sits back, listening to Tommy rant. It would be interesting, wouldn't it, to see how he deals with the conundrum of looking up to Philza while being pressured to kill Technoblade. Wilbur can't wait to see him break. 
Badboyhalo paces in the Duckling's treehouse, wincing with every step. Antfrost binds George's wounds. "This has gone too far, Bad!" George complains. 
"Shut up! I know we can think of something!" 
"Our reputation is on the line! If anybody looks even slightly deeper into our pasts, we're all screwed." 
"Shut up!" Bad screeches. "We are Professional Assassins, that's all we ever have been, and nobody is going to question it unless you two screw up again!" 
Antfrost glowers, tightening a bandage on George's arm. "You screwed up, too." 
"How was I supposed to know?? He's a highschool student, a teenager, he shouldn't be good at fighting!!" 
"He's better than us. You think Dream taught him?" George tries to scratch at his bandages, but Antfrost smacks his hand away. 
"I don't know, you muffinheads, but we need to figure something out. Maybe take some martial arts classes." 
"You want us to go back to school??" 
"No! Yes?? Maybe? I don't know." Bad replies miserably. "We've gotta get outta here before Quackity and his gang show up." 
"Too fucking late." Quackity snarls behind Bad, dropping through the window. "Why the fuck didn't your motherfucking special weapons do a single goddamned thing??" 
"Language," Bad mutters half-heartedly. 
"Why the fuck are you buffoons planning to take classes for fighting?? You said you were professionals!!" 
"That is true, we are professionals. But we may have been a teensy bit misleading about our line of work." 
Quackity's scowl darkens and he draws his revolver. "I want blood, Bad. I want your blood so motherfucking badly right now. Fucking tell me the truth." 
Bad raises his hands, heart in his throat. "Wait, wait! I- we're not actually assassins, okay? We're just, uhh, our business is in, uhh-" 
Quackity cocks the gun. His eyes show no hint of mercy. 
"Wait-wait-wait-" Bad cries, trembling. "We're just con-men! It's our business! We go around, telling people we can take care of whatever their problem is, then we take the money and dip! Haha!" 
"We bit off a bit more than we could chew when President Skeppy paid us to help you kill Technoblade." George sighs. "Go ahead and shoot Bad, he's our leader. It was all his idea." 
"N-no!!" Bad screeches, glaring at George. "Don't shoot!! Please!" 
"Fuck you." Quackity flicks open the casing and empties the bullets onto the table. "Fuck you and your motherfucking lies. You don't even have a supplier, do you?" 
"No, we stole the prototype weapons from HBomb's lab!" 
"I'll forgive you on one condition." Quackity gives them a small, hard smile. "Break into the lab and get us actual weapons that'll actually fucking work on Techno. Nothing explosive, just knives and guns."  
"Deal." Antfrost says. "Do we still get a cut?" 
"Ten percent, but that's only if you don't fuck up again." 
"Ten??" Bad cries, forgetting his former fear. "That's only one billion!!" 
"That's about a billion times more than you fucking deserve, so don't test me, assholes."
Bad clenches his fists. Quackity is just a kid. He's just one kid. Bad, Antfrost, and George could easily win. 
But that's what they thought about Ranboo. Bad huffs. "Deal." 
Creeping around in the forest is not exactly what Awesamdude expected his career to lead to. But here he is, laying down a perimeter, alone. 
Not quite alone, however. The two kids stalking him could do with some more practice staying silent. He's already learned their names from their hissing whispers. 
"Niki, Jack, you shouldn't be here." He straightens after planting another post in the ground. 
A girl with violently pink hair drops down from a tree. A boy with clashing heterochromatic sunglasses hops up from behind a stump, brushing the leaves off himself. "How'd you know we were there?" Jack whines. 
"You were hardly quiet." 
"What're you doing?" Niki crosses her arms, scowling. 
"Do you want to die?" Sam asks darkly. He's bluffing, of course. He wouldn't kill innocents. 
"Can you kill people?" Jack asks, excited. 
"I could, if I wanted to." 
"Can you kill Technoblade??" 
"Why isn't anyone else trying?" 
"His location was a secret." Sam sighs. "It's not anymore, but I'm going to ensure nobody else interferes." 
"How are kids expected to kill an immortal??" Niki cries. "Why is the bounty so high?? Why is he teaching school instead of rotting in a prison??" 
"Curious, aren't you." Sam scratches his head. "Well, I suppose I can answer the first two. You're not expected to kill him, you're being used to keep him in line. And the bounty is so high because he wanted it that high." 
Niki glares at Sam. Jack's expression is unreadable behind his sunglasses. "Why-"
"Shoo." Sam waves a hand at them. "Go home before I lose my patience." 
The two converse for a moment in hushed whispers. Then, simultaneously, they cry, "Teach us to kill Technoblade!" 
Sam represses a smile. "No." 
"Why not??" 
"Because I have a job to do, and that involves not interfering." 
"Is President Skeppy stalling??" Niki snaps.
"I can't answer that." Sam raises his crossbow upon hearing cautious footsteps sneaking past in the shadows of the trees. Niki and Jack both leap back into cover, but Sam ignores them. "Show yourself, or I put an arrow through your ribs." 
"Please don't." Another teen steps out, raising his hands. The hidden weapons on his person wouldn't be obvious to someone less experienced, but are painfully visible to Sam. 
"What are you doing out here?" 
"I don't know?" The teen replies plaintively. "I was just taking a walk." 
"Hm." Sam lowers the crossbow slightly. He activates the sensors in his false eye with a blink, scanning the teen. The scan glitches and sends a flash of pain through his skull. "Agh!" 
"Are you okay, sir?" The teen steps forward. Warning bells chime in the back of Sam's mind, danger, danger, but Sam ignores them. This is just a kid. He's harmless. 
"I'm fine. You should go home." 
"Oh." The boy lowers his hands and opens the book he was holding. For a moment, Sam's eye glitches again, and the boy's form distorts; scales crawl across the boy's arms, twelve wings fold like fractals- Sam winces at the twinge of pain and the hallucinations fade. "I have a home, now." The boy mutters, and then wanders off. 
Sam sighs and continues his job of setting up a fence around the school building for class 3-E. Niki and Jack have scampered off already. He's alone again.
Chapter 6 (Next)
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its-nyakemi-nya · 5 years ago
Twisted Wonderland Another One Shot #8: Malleus Draconia x Haru Amano (ft. Lilia Vanrouge, Silver, Sebek Zigvolt, Grim, Shoichi Kazama aka Dwight Kensington & Bella)
Second Canon x OC nya!
pumpkiethepie: Mmh if you're okay with it if it's not too many characters, can I request Reader, Haru, Dwight, Bella and the Diasomnia dorm going to Disneyland? I feel like it would be very fun :') (I let you choose if you want to write some ships or pairing ;3)
Won and requested by @pumpkiethepie nya!
Disclaimer: I do not own Twisted Wonderland nya. I only own the plot of this one shot and my OCs Haru, Shoichi and Bella nya.
P.S: I would like to apologise if the canon characters are OOC nya. I would also like to apologise for my errors in my grammar nya. Enjoy nya!
“Wah! I can’t believe that we’re actually outside the school!” Shoichi screamed out of delight.
“And here I am feeling that Night Raven College is the only place around here,” Bella added, sitting on Shoichi’s shoulder.
“Wah! I’m going to ride every rides here and fill my stomach!” Grim squealed out of delight.
“All you ever think about is food, Grim,” Bella said.
“And all you think about is Shoichi, Bella,” Grim retorted. Sparks fly between the two.
“Be grateful that Lord Malleus invited you here,” Sebek said, “And don’t disgrace yourselves in front of him.”
“Sure, sure,” Shoichi responded, stifling his laughter.
“Yeah. Thanks again for inviting us here, Tsuno- ah I mean Senior Malleus,” Haru thanked Malleus.
“That’s Lord Malleus, human!” Sebek scolded Haru.
“It’s quite alright, Sebek,” Malleus said, “You may still call me Tsunotaro if you wish, child of man.”
“It’s just a force of habit. Though that’s the nickname we gave you, I would like to address you properly by your real name,” Haru shrugged her shoulders, “I still couldn’t believe that you’re Malleus Draconia, the dorm leader of Diasomnia. You’re not quite scary as the people say.”
“Thank you,” Malleus said, “Hopefully, this doesn’t change our relationship with one another, child of man.”
Haru sighed, “Of course, it won’t. Whether you’re Malleus Draconia or Tsunotaro or whatever, you’re still my friend. Nothing can change that fact.”
“I-I see,” Malleus stuttered a bit.
“Unless you lie in a personal level or betray me, you and I are going to have problems,” Haru added.
Malleus found Haru interesting that’s for sure.
“By the way, what’s the occasion though? Why invite us, Senior Malleus?” Haru asked.
“It’s my way to thank you,” Malleus responded, “ I still haven’t given you my thanks after all.”
Truth be told, this was just a date in disguise planned by Lilia and Malleus himself. Malleus, not wanting to make it seem weird, invited Shoichi, Grim and Bella. Though, it is true that he also wants to thank them for saving him.
“You better,” Grim said which earned him a boink on the head courtesy of Haru.
“It’s fine really,” Haru said, insisting that it’s all good, “This has become sort of my duty and responsibility after all. Plus, i can’t bare to see anyone in that state.”
“You’re so kind, child of man,” Malleus said, smiling at Haru.
Haru sighed, “Please call me Haru. It’s weird being called a child of man.”
“Very well then, child o-I mean Haru,” Malleus said, flashing a smile to Haru.
“By the way, before we get going, Grim, Bella, I’m sure that you wouldn’t be able to enjoy the rides here in Disneyland. To ensure that you do so, we prepared a potion for you to be able to become a human for a day,” Lilia said, giving the Grim and Shoichi a bottle.
“Sweet!” Grim jumped off of Haru’s shoulders and immediately drank the concoction. Shoichi helped Bella to drink the whole bottle.
Soon enough, Bella grew  and became as tall as Ortho, her wings disappeared. Grim transformed into a human. At least he has some clothes on.
“What’s the special occasion?” Haru asked, “This is too much. You guys are too generous.
Lilia simply chuckled and said, “This is just Malleus’s wish.”
“Thank you, Senior Malleus,” Haru thanked Malleus once more.
Lilia clapped his hands to get their attention,” Enough standing around here and let’s got have some fun, shall we?”
“One question: How the heck can you sleep in a freaking roller coaster?!” Shoichi asked, yelling right in front of Silver’s face.
“You’re too loud,” Silver said, covering his ears.
“You’re weak, Grim,’ Bella snickered, “You can’t even handle roller coasters, scaredy cat.”
“Shut up!” Grim yelled.
“Weak indeed,” Sebek agreed, “Unlike you, Lord Malleus isn’t afraid riding it. He’s fearless! He can ride any roller coasters in the world and not scream. Isn’t that right, Lord Malleus?”
“Even Haru won’t bat an eye with these rides,” Shoichi said, “Right, Haru?”
No responses.
Sebek and Shoichi blinked once...
“Where’s Lord Malleus/Where the heck is Haru?!” Sebek and Shoichi screamed simultaneously, making other people look at them weirdly and confused.
“Sebek, let’s search for him right away,” Silver said.
“I’m on it, Senior Silver!” Sebek responded.
“I’ll go look for Haru,” Shoichi said, making Bella groan out of frustration.
“Of course you would do that,” Bella muttered.
“There’s no need to search for them,” Lilia said, effectively stopping the group in their tracks, “This is all just part of Malleus’s plan to bond with the Prefect.”
“Say what?!”
“Yes, Haru?”
“Why did we separate from the group?” Haru asked, confused by his actions.
Malleus blushed a bit and answered, “I wanted to spend more time with you alone.”
“Don’t we have all the late night talks in the NRC?” Haru pointed out, “This is becoming sort of like a date.”
Haru just deducted that this whole hangout was a fake and that Malleus wanted to go out with her. Haru simply sighed and said, “You know, you could have just asked me out directly. I would have accepted it anyways.”
“Really?” Malleus asked, his eyes sparkled.
“Personally, I’d accept anyone’s invitation to a date if they genuinely wanted to know me more, That’s the purpose of a date after all,” Haru said, “Plus this gives me a chance to know a person better.”
“I see,” Malleus said as he offered his hand to Haru, “Shall we?”
Haru accepted his hand, “Sure.”
“Where the heck did Shoichi go?!” Bella screamed this time around.
“Agh! Why must Lord Malleus escape from us?!” Sebek yelled.
“Don’t they know how hard it is to find them?!” Bella started to rant.
“Agreed! I mean for me, Lord Malleus’s safety comes first! I must be by his side!” 
“Same here! I need to be with Shoichi at all times!”
“Hey, fairy! Do you want to team up and search for them?” Sebek suggested.
“The name is Bella,” Bella said, “But sure! Let’s team up and search for them! Let’s help each other!”
With that, Bella and Sebek left the group all fired up in finding the people they cared about.
Lilia sighed, “Oh dear. This isn’t going to end well.”
Grim sighed, “Here I thought I’d be able to have some fun.”
“Let’s follow them and make sure that they don’t cause anymore trouble,” Silver suggested.
“Agreed,” Lilia said.
“Darn them,” Grim muttered under his breathe.
“Let’s get a picture with the person portraying the Witch of Thorns,” Haru said, “It will be fun.”
“Sure,” Malleus said, “I’m afraid you’ll be the one who’ll handle taking the pictures. I might mess it up.”
“Whatever makes you feel comfortable then sure,” Haru said, pulling Malleus closer and urging him to bend down, “Say “cheese”.”
“Let me squeeze in!” Shoichi suddenly appeared by Haru’s side while she took a picture.
“Knowing you, you’ll find us easily,” Haru sighed.
“I’m Haru’s best friend! I must stay by her side at all times!” Shoichi declared.
“Oh my.”
The rest of the day, Shoichi followed Haru and Malleus around...erm...ruining moments...being a third wheel.
“Isn’t this fun?” Shoichi asked.
“Yeah...,” Haru and Malleus responded awkwardly.
“I’m so annoyed!” Bella groaned out of frustration.
“I hear you,” Sebek sighed.
“I don’t get what Shoichi sees in Haru!”
“Same here. I don’t get what draws Lord Malleus to the human as well.”
“She’s got all the attention!”
“You’re telling me,”Sebek sighed, “Lord Malleus thinks of that human day and night.”
“Shoichi too!” Bella said.
“You two got along swimmingly,” Lilia said, smiling at them.
“More like we feel each other’s pain,” Bella clarified.
“Isn’t that Malleus, Haru and Shoichi over there?” Grim interjected, pointing to the direction of the trio.
The two immediately ran towards where Grim was pointing.
“Lord Malleus/Shoichi!” Sebek and Bella screamed, bumping and crashing on someone.
Of course the two landed on top of that person.
“Darn you guys! You let them escape!” It turned out to be Shoichi, his eyes swirling.
“Where’s Lord Malleus and that human?”
“I’m so sorry about Sho’s behavior earlier. I don’t know why he keeps doing that,” Haru apologised, looking outside of the car they’re in, riding a Ferris wheel just the two of them.
“It’s quite alright,” Malleus said, smiling at Haru while holding her hand.
“At least we’re alone now together. We can talk freely now,” Haru said.
“Talking to you sounds lovely.”
The two spent the few minutes they have in the Ferris wheel telling one another about themselves.
“I had a great time, Senior Malleus.”
“Me too.”
It’s been a few weeks or so since the erm...outing. Haru just closed the door while holding a card.
“Ooh! Who’s it from?” Shoichi asked.
“None of your concern,” Haru said as she heads back to her room, locking the door to keep Shoichi away.
She opened the card.
“Let’s go out together. Just the two of us this time.- M.D”
“Hopefully, Sho doesn’t find out about this.”
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baekhyuq · 6 years ago
“Déjà vu.” | Baekhyun (m) Teacher!AU |Chapter 6 (FINALE)
Title: Dèjá Vu.
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst (maybe)
Warnings: Smut/Language
Word count: 2.3k
Summary: Your new obsession as of late has been masturbating sessions when your favorite cam boy is live-streaming . But too bad some nights you’ve got too much homework due from your Psychology teacher to watch your oh so hot cam boy.
deja vu masterlist
<<prev — end ]
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Your classes become busy and you’re thrown into a pile of work. Work. Work. And more work. Baekhyun sighs on the couch as you type up an essay due at midnight.
“Shouldn’t you be grading papers?” You pinch his side playfully. He yelps and whines like a baby.
“I’m surprisingly not busy. I don’t know if i’ve finished my work load or the month is just going by in slow-mo.” Baekhyun chuckles rubbing your thigh. “I hope it is....Because I don’t want you to leave my class.” He pouts, his pink bottom lip on display.
Can he stop being cute.
You turn to him and see his pouty face, you grin grabbing his chin before bringing his face towards yours. You give him a peck, before going back in and lingering. Baekhyun leans closer and you pull back with a giggle.
Baekhyun growls and smacks your thigh lightly. “Maybe I should fail you for teasing me all the time.”
You punch his arm out of the sheer thought of having to retake his class and sitting through hours of material. Your blood began to boil at the mention of the already very difficult class.
“I don’t think you’d be alive to teach that class if you did.” You slid your hand up his arm and rested it on his shoulder, giving it a very hard squeeze. He looked at your hand before looking back at you, swallowing thickly.
“Am I clear?”
“Y-yes ma’am.”
“That’s more like it.” You pinched his chin.
Baekhyun’s job got busier. Teaching at a college was surprisingly busy around the summer time. You rarely got to see him during the week, your promise to watch movies on Thursday’s being thrown out the window because Baekhyun would be out of town or too busy with classes.
You on the other hand were not so busy. Classes had ended for you, you’re second semester now over, Baekhyun’s class now over. You luckily passed.
Your spare time was spent waiting for Baekhyun to text you and keeping up with your small plant sanctuary. And of course working, you would think about what coffee Baekhyun was drinking if it wasn’t the store you worked at. He tried to check up on you once in a while, and sometimes even swing by the store to give you food and kisses, which you gladly accepted.
But being without Baekhyun for a month put a toll on your heart. You felt lonely without your favorite person by your side. You wanted to feel his presence, you both would FaceTime each other when Baekhyun was away. You could see how tired Baekhyun would be and would tell him to go to sleep. You both would sleep on the phone until morning.
You started going out more, well if going to Chanyeol’s club every Friday night counted. You basically tried to busy yourself while you had time off. Going out once in a while cleared your mind.
Your body swayed to the music, Chanyeol’s hand in yours as you both yelled with the music. Being best friends with the owner of a club gave you a say in what songs to play.
The lights flickered off the walls and the alcohol in your system made you blur the different colored lights into one. Your drunken buddy also prove to everyone in the club he was piss drunk as well. By falling over a stool and spilling his drink.
You helped the laughing giant up and luckily the mess was cleaned up before anyone else could slip. Chanyeol’s laughter was suddenly contagious and you ended up laughing at his drunk clumsy self.
You both ordered a round of shots.
“Yeol!” You slapped his arm as he took the shot from you.
“I think you’ve had enough, Y/n.” He slurred, his speech now gibberish.
You shook your head, you weren’t as drunk as him. Chanyeol kissed your cheek in an apology and you fake vomited.
Ten minutes and a couple more shots later you’re both back on the dance floor, a girl dancing between you both rather erotically.
You choose this moment to facetime Baekhyun. You smile evilly.
Baekhyun picks up after two rings.
“Hey-woah.” Baekhyun’s cut off by you showing the girl dancing on you. You laugh at his widened eyes and opened mouth.
“Baekhyun here’s your replacement.” You joke to him, bringing the phone up to your face.
Baekhyun laughs, “Y/n are you drunk?”
“Are you drunk?” You say back to him, your eyes squinting at the screen.
“No honey i’m completely sober.” His laugh makes another appearance and you laugh too. What’s funny?
“No i’m sober, you....you’re drunk!” Your mouth stumbles over the words. Baekhyun’s leaning his head on his hand, a small smile on his face.
“Oh yeah?”
“Ok, if you’re sober when’s your birthday?”
“May 6, 1992.” You shout.
“That’s my birthday....”
“Mine too!” You drop your phone by accident and you drop to your knees to see why Baekhyun is suddenly on the ground.
“Baekhyun why did you fall??”
Baekhyun laughs loudly, his laugh turns into a wheeze. His face reappears on the screen and you pick up the phone staring at his laughing figure.
“Why are you laughing Baekku?” You pout sadly.
“Oh Y/n, you’re so adorable.” He wipes a tear from his eyes, “Sweetie wheres Chanyeol, let me speak to him.”
You turn your head to the silver headed giant, you tap his shoulder and he turns to you confused.
“Oh Y/n!”
You push the phone into his face and Baekhyun sees his friend’s surprised expression.
“Baekku wants to talk.” You say cutely, Chanyeol coos at you before answering the phone.
“Hello Baekku.” Chanyeol slurs.
Baekhyun face palms, of course he’s drunk too. “Ok Chanyeol, listen to me.”
“Baekhyun why aren’t you here?” Chanyeol barks at the phone. “We’re having so much fun!”
“Chanyeol!” Baekhyun shouts, “I need you to take Y/n home, she’s too drunk. I don’t want anything to happen to her. Do you understand?”
Chanyeol stares at the phone for a second his slow brain turning the stuck gears. “Take Y/n home now? Ok got it!” His friend gives him a thumbs up and Baekhyun sighs.
“Ok thank you make sure she’s safe.”
“Agh! You’re so heavy now Y/n what do you eat nowadays?” Chanyeol complains as he carries you to your apartment door.
You pat his butt, your figure thrown over his shoulder. “I eat the same amount you do,” You hiccup “shut up!”
Chanyeol opens your door with a struggle but places you down in your bed successfully.
“Ok, Baekhyun we made it!”
“You didn’t have to have me on the phone for the whole trip there...” Baekhyun sighs, his eyes tired.
Chanyeol yawns, “My head hurts, Baekku.” He whines cutely.
You agree with a groan, wrapping yourself in your blanket.
Baekhyun gags at Chanyeol’s cute act but nonetheless helps. “Go into Y/n’s bathroom, there are pain pills on top of the cabinet.”
Chanyeol stands to travel to the bathroom and comes back with pills and a glass of water. He offers you some kindly, which you take.
“Y/n~” Baekhyun calls, You respond with a giggle before crawling over to your forgotten phone on your bed.
“Tell Chanyeol to sleep on the couch give him a pillow and a blanket. I don’t trust him getting back to his house this late.” He instructs you, you salute.
Chanyeol’s wrapped in a blanket and his head is laying on your rilakkuma pillow. He looks like a baby.
“Mission is a success.” You say into the phone.
“You didn’t have to wrestle me on to the couch. I would have went willingly.” Chanyeol says from under the cover.
Baekhyun laughs, “You forced him under the cover?”
“Yes. He’s ready for bed now.”
“Okay, Y/n.”
“It’s time for you to go to bed too.” Baekhyun says softly, his eyes peering down onto the screen.
“Okay...” You pout, “I miss you. Goodnight.”
“I miss you too. Goodnight, my baby.”
After the busiest month in the summer Baekhyun’s work load died down, you got to see him more and more till he had full days off and you were able to watch movies on Thursday again. You both became closer, really close, close enough to convince one another to move in with each other.
So you moved in with Baekhyun.
Living with Baekhyun has been, interesting. You found out more about him and his little knacks. You found out he has a Rilakkuma toothbrush, and you gushed over it for about three hours. You found out that his corgi pup actually can get along with cats. Which is a plus for your cat. You both think the move was worth it and you both feel like you know one another on a deeper level.
You love Baekhyun.
You can’t keep holding onto his secret anymore. You feel like you might accidentally slip up and mention it somehow and you don’t want him finding out in some weird way. But you don’t want to embarrass him either.
It’s been a while since Baekhyun has did a live, he hasn’t in about 6 months. His fans comment about his disappearance and think he just quit all together. Until one lonely night while Baekhyun’s out of town on a rare business trip, you get a notification.
B-Bear is now live. You audibly gasp, almost choking on your Cola.
“He’s what now?” You whisper yell. You click on the notification and it sends you straight to the website. You can see his hand in front of the camera before he adjusts the phone to be propped on something. You can see his body is covered in a glistening sheen. Your mouth waters, he’s wearing a black robe and it’s opened showing everything. His dick is definitely hard, his hand is moving up and down slowly over his length.
You can only see from his lips down but you imagine his eyes are closed.
“It’s been a while, huh?” Baekhyun says with a smile. You laugh at his casual tone, as if he’s talking to a friend.
“I actually have a lot going on in my life.” He breathes out, a sense of heaviness in his voice.
“My jobs been very busy, and my girlfriend just moved in with me.” He smiles at the end of his sentence, his head rolling to the side.
You smile hard.
“She’s been so great, helping me in anyway she possibly can. Giving me advice and encouraging me through everything. I just-“ He pauses before inhaling deeply. “I just like her so much. She makes me feel...whole.”
The chat on the live is blowing up with hearts and messages asking who his girlfriend is or asking where he’s been. You lay on your stomach as he continues to speak.
“Being in love has changed my outlook on the world and all it has to offer. My girlfriend....Y/n, she is what I see in this world. Her well being, her needs, her love. My sunshine on a rainy day,” He trails off, his hand moving so fast he grunts. “She’s so perfect, so gentle and kind, and so soft. I love her.”
Baekhyun’s breathes start to become heavier and you think it’s the right time to confess to him.
Despite him scrambling to find his phone when you ring him up, he answers your call fast. You giggle on the other side of the line, nervously playing with your blanket.
“I love you too.” You say.
Baekhyun’s head turns back to the camera and you believe he’s looking at the chat.
“I’m watching, I am CupidBaby.”
“D-did you hear all of that?” He stutters profoundly, his jaw is hanging open now, he can’t move.
“Yes....I-I’ve been watching you for almost a year now. Before we even met.” You confess, even though he can’t see you, your cheeks are red and you’re scared of his response.
“I-Why didn’t you tell me? Why’d you keep it from me?” The end of Baekhyun’s lips turn up you watch as he takes a pillow and covers himself. “Gah! This is so embarrassing Y/n.”
You grin at his cute reaction, you can see he’s flustered even through the screen. “I’m sorry Baekhyun, I was too embarrassed to tell you. When I found out it was you we were at the museum. In the bathroom, I heard you.”
Baekhyun jumps up from his seat, pointing at the camera. “Yah! I knew I heard your voice.” Baekhyun ends the live quickly and he calls you to FaceTime.
You answer and smile at his blushing face. “I really can’t believe you, Y/n.” He says embarrassed.
“Hey...It’s not the worst thing you could be found out for.” You try to make him feel less embarrassed about the situation. You feel guilty but you can hear the playfulness in his tone.
There’s a long pause as you two just stare at each other, longingly.
“I meant it.” He states.
You furrow your brows, “What?”
“What I said, I meant it.”
“What did you say?”
“I love you.”
Your heart does a 360 spin, you swear in this moment Baekhyun is the most precious being on the planet. Nothing else matters but him right now, and all he has to offer.
“I meant it too, I love you Baekhyun. With all my heart.”
Baekhyun’s smile lights up the screen, his cheeks round and his eyes sparkling.
“Wow, i’m not even horny anymore. I was thinking about you earlier and I couldn’t resist coming back to do live again...But being caught like that really through me off.” He laughs loudly.
You giggle at his statement. Even in this moment he’s joking. “I miss you. I miss your jokes and your hugs.” You confess.
Baekhyun smiles again, teeth showing, he kisses the phone. “There, that should hold you off until tomorrow.”
You pretend to catch the kiss and place it on your lips. “I’ll savor it until you get here.” You smile at the man of your dreams.
“You better.” He chuckles, his eyes wandering around your face. “It’s late, sweetie. You should go to bed.”
“I don’t want to...but since you’re asking nicely. I guess I will give in.” You tease, “Goodnight, I love you.”
“I love you too, always. Goodnight.” Baekhyun replies a soft smile on his face before the screen goes black.
You smile to yourself, holding your phone to your chest.
Moments like these you cherish. Moments where you feel like you’ve known Baekhyun from a previous life. Like you’ve never been separated from one another. As if your love had been living before you found each other.
It almost gives you Déjà vu.
taglist: @deliciouslydisturbed365 @92byunie @thenamethatisgiven @lavellanfriendliness @amandoaexo
(Thank you so much for keeping up and reading this series, it’s come to a bittersweet ending, I am sad to see it go. But this was my very first series that has been completed so it will hold a special place in my heart. I thank everyone so much for supporting me with this story.)
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nacrepearl · 5 years ago
I Spilled All Over Velvet
Rating: T
CW for: Choking, stabbing, descriptions of blood. It’s whump!
Tensions are high following the upturn of what gemkind has known for thousands of years, and some gems have it out for the "new Pink Diamond." Pearl acts as watch until everything settles, and sometimes it comes with ugly confrontations.
In the coming months after the upheavals of White Diamond’s reign and the establishment of a new order, the citizens of Beach City--both human and gem--set out to provide a comforting new home to their forthcoming neighbors. Progress had been steady, and with the completion of the new beach house, Bismuth’s involvement in the project had vastly improved the efficiency and speed at which the newfound ‘Little Homeworld’ was constructed.
Of course, the new town would house most of the uncorrupted gems that chose to stay on the planet, and it even found itself home to a few gems previously in Pink Diamond’s court that wished to be a part of her legacy--living through Steven himself though, as they still didn’t grasp the concept of humans and hybrids quite yet. They’d get there.
A few rogue gems had one gem on edge, however--their presence and behavior too close to those she saw in spies and traitors to their cause back during the war. One gem, a pesky Iolite who didn’t want to make ‘peace talk’ one on one, Steven, don’t you see her body language, the way she’s looking at you? The malice in the indigo gem’s eyes was clear, and she wouldn’t let any more strangers come within a fifty meter radius of the house any longer.
As such, Pearl put it upon herself to stand watch while Steven slept for the following weeks as tensions settled down, just in case. It had proven to be futile as of late; no one had really come to their end of the peninsula with all the construction and disorder going on.
Pearl made her way up to Steven’s new loft room, walled off from the rest of the house to grant him more privacy. He hadn’t gotten the chance to put up most of his things yet, but somehow the room felt comforting and familiar already. His cookie cat clock read 11:54 PM.
The alabaster gem walked over to the bed in the middle of the room and found it to be empty. Just as she was about to go looking for the teenager, he appeared at the top of the staircase, ready for sleep. He looked up from fastening his buttons and immediately noticed Pearl by his bed, and gave her a smile before he spoke.
“Pearl! Are you here to tuck me in?” he asked.
“Oh!” Pearl had a slight cyan on her cheeks, having been caught; “I just wanted to see if you were already in bed, which I now see you were not.”
Steven reaches the other side of his bed and climbs in, sitting up against the headboard. “I know, I’m sorry! I was helping Amethyst out with something in Little Homeworld.”
“It’s almost midnight, Steven, you need a consistent sleep schedule! Especially with everything that’s going on right now.”
“It just went a little overtime, that’s all,” he said, sensing Pearl’s typical worry for his basic needs, “So how about that tucking in?”
Pearl calmed a bit--after all, he was getting older, and she didn’t need to harp on him for his bedtime as much anymore. She smiled and reached for his blanket.
“Just for you tonight. Lay down and get comfortable, mister!”
“Aye-aye sir!”
After Steven was fully nestled into his bed, he quickly drifted to sleep. Pearl smiled down at him, and she bent and laid a kiss on his forehead before she headed down to assume her position outside for the night.
Pearl was met with the chilled night air as she stepped outside. As she approached one of the outlying rocks, soon to be her perch for the time being, she summoned her spear and did a quick run-down of the area. Relieved that there was nothing amiss, she sat on the flat edge of the rock and watched the tide, humming to herself.
Minutes passed into an hour, and Pearl was so caught up in her impromptu-meditation session that she failed to hear a rustle in the sand behind her, and before she had time to react properly, she felt her wrist be yanked sideways. As she was lifted from her spot, her spear dropped and dematerialized.
She came face to face with the angry gaze of a quartz. “Where is Pink Diamond?”
Through her shock, Pearl gave the gem a quick run down: White’s insignia, rectangular gemstone on her chest, all black save for her grey suit and white hair. An onyx. Of course, Pearl was no stranger to fighting quartzes during the war. Despite her momentary panic, she attempted to calm herself down and get out of the situation unharmed.
“Pink Diamond isn’t around anymore. Unless you mean Steven, in which case, he is also unavailable at this moment--”
The gem yanked Pearl closer. “Why?”
“Well,” Pearl began, deciding to fib so as to not disclose any more information than she already had, “he is currently off planet. He wanted to go alone, and I don’t know where he went off to if you were planning on following him. Not that I would let you, anyhow.”
“Let me? Last time I checked that wasn’t up to the pearl to decide. I have some things I want to clear up with her and her ‘new empire’ business.”
“Well, I’m sure whatever needs to be said can be relayed through me.” Pearl growled at the gem and tugged her wrist, a signal to be let go. The onyx gripped tighter and grinned.
“Seems like a fair trade,” Onyx said as she acted faster than Pearl could think, throwing her forcefully into the rock behind her.
Pearl groaned as her back hit the solid stone, landing on her feet but staggering before regaining her footing. She summoned another spear. The onyx had summoned her weapon as well, a set of throwing knives. Immediately, the dark gem raised her arm, throwing knife after knife towards Pearl’s direction--one would surely land a hit.
Pearl took notice fast, and dodged through the storm of blades coming at her. They came in different directions from each other, making it difficult to escape in one definite direction. She blocked some with her spear, and the rest bounced off the rock.
Pearl noticed one knife just in time, and reared left to avoid it--causing the next to graze her side, and she let out a strained cry, bringing her hand to the swipe to find it come back with a small line of teal.
The onyx ceased her knife tirade, giving Pearl a moment to reground herself and thrust her spear outward towards the gem. She narrowly hit the gem straight on, the spear grazing her arm, punctuated by a low growl.
Onyx moved quick, giving Pearl less reaction time than she expected. More knives were summoned, and at close range, she thrust them out like daggers. Pearl moved to block the attack with her spear and tried to grant herself some space--she needed to keep up. Now was not the time to be out of practice.
Noticing an opening, Onyx suddenly thrust her arm out below the spear, and hit her target dead on.
Hearing the scream, the dark gem widened her grin and yanked her arm back, only to grab Pearl’s spear during her distracted state and discard it on the beach. She then grabbed hold of both of Pearl’s wrists before the smaller gem could stumble forward, bringing her close.
Pearl was breathing harder than normal to will some of the pain from the wound away. She looked into the other gem’s gaze and found nothing but pure joy, and she knew that she wouldn’t get out of the situation easily.
She barely registered the feeling of being dropped, followed by her hair being grabbed, and she started to settle into the panic. Everything else was a blur until she felt the air rushing around her, her head being slammed against the stone and then a distinct crack as she screamed, and then white hot pain as she nearly passed out, falling to the ground.
The torment didn’t stop this time, and she was swiftly lifted with two hands pressing hard against her neck. Trying to call for help now would be useless--Amethyst was off in Little Homeworld, Garnet was off searching for any gems they may have missed in their initial healing session, and she didn’t even know where Bismuth, Lapis, or Peridot would be at this hour--not to mention the excruciating constriction against her throat that was tightening every second, close to severing the connection between her gem and the rest of her body.
Dissipating was near impossible now--she could only hope that someone would come by and aid her. She tried to call out anyway, unable to do much but let out a strained cry and grasp at the arms around her neck as she glitched in the onyx’s grip.
“I knew this would be fun… forget going after Pink. Her pearl will be just as fitting for revenge!” The dark gem then threw Pearl across the beach, causing her to slam into the cliffside and immediately fall to the ground, groaning.
Footsteps approached her. “Tell Pink that she can find me on Homeworld when she’s done with her excursions around the galaxy,” she said, punctuated with a final stomp of a boot against Pearl’s gem, making the pale gem choke out a cry, “And let this be a message--the Diamond hierarchy reigns over all.”
Pearl laid on the ground for a while after the gem left, unable to move beyond tensing herself against each glitch that came, the wound on her abdomen dampening against her shirt. When will the others get back…?
Another glitch came, making her tense against the soft ground. “Ghhah!”
As the night wore on, the spot in her vision overcame her, and she allowed herself to succumb to unconsciousness as she felt another glitch consume her.
Steven was always a light sleeper--ever since Lion had rudely woken him multiple times (though for a good cause, he supposed), he decided it was good for his own safety if he were to train himself to wake at the sense that something was wrong. It was fine for a while, but now that everything was peaceful for the most part, he was getting tired of the routine of waking every time he heard Cat Steven running around and mewling for food in the middle of the night.
Tonight though, he would be very glad he had the ability. He drifted into a deep sleep after Pearl tucked him in for the night, and it felt as though just a minute later he was woken up by yelling outside his window. Steven opened his eyes slowly. Who could be on the beach at this hour...?
He spent a while debating on checking out the scene or not--after all, it could just be loud tourists having a late night stroll--but he felt he should be sure, especially with the risk of hostile gems wanting to ‘talk’ to him again. That Iolite really was up to no good…
Steven finalized his decision to check out the noise and yawned, stretching. Lifting his covers, Steven got himself to his balcony and looked down--only to see a figure lying on the sand. In his sleepy state, he couldn’t make out who it was. Grumbling as this meant he had to investigate further, he slipped on his shoes and made his way down to the beach, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes in the process.
As Steven approached, he noticed something… odd. The form was trembling lightly, punctuated by bouts of glitches. Just then it hit him, and he noticed the familiar teal jacket with the signature star insignia. Snapping out of his haze, his eyes widened as dread settled into his stomach and he realized who it was.
“Pearl!” Steven cried, as he ran the last bit of distance before coming upon her shaking form. Hesitant to touch her in this state, he licked a hand in preparation for what he knew he’d be greeted with. “Pearl, are you with me?”
He lifted her with his free hand to cradle her gently, and to see the extent of the damage. Gently turning her head towards him, he gasped when he saw the state of her gem--a large crack going through the middle, smaller cracks ebbing from the main one. Her face was littered with scratches, and as he moved along, he noticed her shirt was dark and damp with something foreign.
Somehow he knew exactly the connotations of such a sight, and immediately Steven prepared to heal whatever wound she was plagued with. He moved her jacket out of the way, not fully prepared to see just how bad it actually was. With extreme care, he touched his hand to the wound, and it healed quick.
Unfortunately for Pearl, however, the feeling of the wound closing so quick woke her up, and as she came to, she was hit with a fresh wave of pain coming from her gem as she tensed in Steven’s hold. One hand moved to grip Steven’s shirt as she groaned and glitched again.
“Pearl? A-are you awake?” Steven said, taking her hand off his garment and gripping it in his own hand, “I need you to tell me if there are any more wounds so I can heal them.”
Pearl opened her eyes to half-mast slowly, being met with the boy’s soft gaze. “S-Steven, I…”
“Don’t push yourself, please, Pearl, I just need you to tell me what else needs healing.”
She mumbled something. At Steven’s confused look, she pointed weakly to her gem.
“Is that it? No more wounds anywhere else?”
She nodded. “Just the cra--ah!” She said, bracing herself as another glitch washed over her. She gripped Steven’s hand with more force than he’d expected and shut her eyes tightly. The glitch lasted longer than the others, more intensity seeming to build and Pearl let out a strangled gasp as it passed.
Alarmed, Steven doubled his hold on her. “Pearl, stay with me, I need you to stay awake for me!”
“Okay! I need my hand to heal it, I’m going to let go now.” At this, she nodded tensely, and let her hand leave his grip in favor of clutching her jacket as the final wave of the glitch passed. Steven pulled his hand to his mouth to lick it again, and immediately pressed it to Pearl’s gem.
She was tense as the magic worked, and Steven could feel the pain wash out of her muscles as the cracks disappeared and she closed her eyes, letting herself fall asleep.
Once the gem was smooth, Steven looked it over for any missed spots, but found nothing. Pearl was resting, limp, in his hold. Choosing not to disturb her, he scooped her up to transfer her inside the house and onto the couch for the night.
The next morning, Steven was woken by the feeling of something sitting on the edge of his bed. Opening his eyes, he was met with Pearl’s face looking down at him and smiling. The boy sat up, rubbing his eyes.
“G’morning, Pearl.”
“Morning, Steven. Did you rest well?”
Steven rolled his eyes, but smiled. “Yeah! Did… were you comfortable last night, on the couch? I didn’t want to disturb you after you fell asleep…”
“Yes. I actually wanted to say thank you, for last night… I thought I’d be out there alone until the morning.”
“I’m glad I woke up and found you when I did… I don't want to think about the what-ifs, though. I’m just glad you’re safe.”
With this, Steven found himself engulfed in a hug. “I am too. I’m sorry you had to see it, though.”
“Nothing I’m not used to by now.”
The two stayed in the embrace for a bit longer, until Steven was broken from it by the promise of a pancake breakfast, made special by Pearl with his help. Soon after they finished the last batch, Amethyst warped in just on time to eat the leftover mess (and definitely at last half of the pancakes). Garnet joined them not long after with a small nod to the other three at the table, allowing the four of them to sit and relax for the rest of the day, stress-free.
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