#which is such a fun reversal of his place behind him in the batting order
mollypaup · 6 months
my oofuri experience so far has been "damn abe i can't even think of a homosexual explanation for that, let alone a heterosexual one. you are insane." and then feeling the worms burrow into my frontal cortex about any two given characters on screen at a time.
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chunkypossum · 10 months
The Ultimate Guide to 'The Art of Mastering the Only Way to Lose the Game'
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Azriel X Eris
Summary: Azriel and Eris have an understanding. They allow themselves certain things as long as they both stick to the rules of their little game. But what happens when one of them breaks the rules?
Words: 3516
Full one shot on ao3
“Choke in your sleep tonight, prick.” Azriel shot off, wings flaring slightly. Even though the words were biting, his tone was carefully neutral.
The meeting had devolved quickly into a fit of traded insults after Eris had insinuated that Azriel’s plan to finally put Beron out of his misery, out of everyone's misery, and install Eris as the new High Lord, was complete shit. They were all at their limit for tolerating one another after hours of picking apart the Night Court's latest attempt at fulfilling their end of the bargain they made so many years ago. 
“You can’t seriously think, Beron would fall for something so…stupid do you? I mean, maybe to an Illyrian, stupid plans are equated to a brilliance never before seen. To the rest of us who actually have brains… Well, you can see where the disconnect might be.” Eris began flourishing his hands as he talked, the way he did when he was getting visibly frustrated. The only thing that reigned him in was the slight smirk playing at the corners of Azriel’s mouth, he thought he was about to win. Arrogant bastard. 
“I’d pay to see you bite your tongue and suffocate on it.” Cassian murmured 
Eris, having cooled himself off, dismissed them both with a wave of his hand.. “I've got plenty of bullies at home. You are of no consequence.”
Something like pain flashed in Azriel's eyes but he covered it quick enough that his brothers didn’t notice, only Eris did. 
“Like we don’t all have shitty fathers.” Cassian bellowed. “At least we aren’t all assholes about it.” 
Eris wanted to point out that yes, they were all in fact, very much assholes about it, but he kept his mouth shut. It did absolutely no good to engage with the brute. It was only ever in reverse that Eris could have his fun. 
So, instead he said, “Asshole or not, your Nesta seems to think I make a pretty good dance partner either way. Are you still stepping on toes or did we graduate from kindergarten dance class? I hear even Rhysand’s little spawn is surpassing you and he’s what, 8?” 
Cassian’s wings hardened into stone at his back and his muscles went rigid. Eris could tell by his eye twitching alone that the bat was trying very hard not to rip Eris’ throat out. It wasn’t until Rhys slid into his mind that Cassian finally seemed to relax. Eris could tell by the glassy look in his eyes that the dog’s High Lord was giving him silent orders to let it roll off his shoulders. 
Which is exactly why Eris could not resist his parting shot. As he turned to leave Eris smirked and said, not too quietly under his breath. “Good dog.” 
The tether snapped and Cassian charged at Eris’ retreating frame only for Azriel to move quickly into his path. Azriel’s wings snapped out behind him cutting a barrier between Eris and Cassian. Eris had a hard time not turning around to ogle them. 
“Brother, it’s not worth it.” Azriel soothed, the edges of his voice were sharp enough that no one believed he actually thought that. 
“Oh I very much disagree with you brother. I think all the pain in the world would be worth the satisfaction of ripping that smirk off his arrogant face.” Cassian tried to move past Azriel but his brother stood firmly in place, not allowing him to pass....
Read the rest on Ao3
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zippityzap · 3 years
Sonic Tarot Card Project: explanations for character picks
Recently I completed a summer-long project where I created Sonic themed versions of the tarot major acana. I put a lot of research and thought into what characters to assign to which cards, and I wanted to explain my rationale behind each one! (Everything’s under the read more cut because this is a very long post!)
To start off, let me explain why I did this project in the first place. This summer I watched Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure for the first time, and in Part 3, Stardust Crusaders, the majority of the stand abilities are named after the tarot major arcana. Thanks to cultural osmosis I vaguely knew the meanings of a few of the cards and I realised that one of the characters suited his assigned card pretty well. I was curious if this matched anyone else and so once I finished watching that part, I did research on tarot and found that yeah, a lot of them do match! That got me interested in tarot and since I like combining things I’m interested in, I decided to make Sonic versions of the cards.
I do want to note that while Jojo did inspire this project in a lot of ways, I tried not to let my character picks be influenced by Stardust Crusader characters, although there did end up being some picks that did coincidentally happen to match nicely anyway. Also, I’m not gonna lie, ever since picking these card choices I’ve been highly tempted to draw Sonic as Polnareff.
Anyway, on to my explanations for character choices!
0: The Fool (Charmy Bee)
The Fool represents innocence, spontaneity and recklessness. I believe Charmy’s happy and carefree nature, along with the simple fact that he’s essentially just a little kid who likes to have fun makes him a great fit for this card
1: The Magician (Infinite)
The Magician represents creation and strength, but also manipulation and narcissism, a good match for Infinite and the powers of the phantom ruby. (I was also very pleased to notice that the traditional art for the card has an infinity symbol- everything lined up very well!)
The Rider Waite version of the card also depicts a sword, a wand, a cup and a pentacle; the suits of the minor arcana. I have attempted to depict these with various objects from the Sonic series, namely Infinite’s sword from the IDW Forces prequel comic, the sceptre of darkness from '06, a chaos emerald, and a ring respectively.
2: The High Priestess (Princess Elise)
The High Priestess represents secrets, repression, and the unknown, which I believe fits with Elise’s initial desire to control her emotions and her sadness. (Admittedly this is one of the looser character/card connections for this project, but my two other picks for this card I felt were better suited to different cards)
3: The Empress (Vanilla the Rabbit)
The Empress represents nurturing, fertility and childbirth, all traits that I believe make this card a good pick for a kind, caring mother like Vanilla
4: The Emperor (Dr Eggman)
A card fitting for the leader of the Eggman Empire! The Emperor represents authority, power, and tyranny, all traits Dr Robotnik desires, if not possesses in many continuities.
5: The Hierophant (Espio the Chameleon)
The Hierophant represents wisdom and tradition, and in both upright and reversed forms it has large connections to the concept of social conformity. Perhaps I’m drawing more from the various comic versions of Espio, but he comes across to me as someone who is hyper-aware about how he presents himself.
Fun fact: a hierophant is essentially another word for a religious leader, although I’ve never seen it used outside the context of tarot. I assume the religious connection is the reason why in the OST of the Jojo part 3 anime, Kakyoin’s theme is called Noble Pope.
6: The Lovers (Amy Rose)
The Lovers represents love, communication, and passion; and Amy is certainly a character who wears her heart on her sleeve! She’s a good example of a character who I feel fits a number of different cards, however there are no other characters who suited The Lovers quite as much as her.
7: The Chariot (Sonic the Hedgehog)
The Chariot represents journeys, wanderlust as well as the ambition and willpower to achieve your goals, which I believe is the perfect match for Sonic’s adventurous and heroic spirit. This was one of the first cards I decided on and it’s probably the one I’d defend my interpretation of the most.
If you’re wondering why there’s dark and hero chao in the artwork too, it’s because the original card art depicts the titular chariot being pulled by black and white sphinxes, and this is my way of calling back to that.
8: Strength (Maria Robotnik)
This card pick might seem unusual at first if you take the word ‘strength’ at face value, however considering the original card art depicts a maiden peacefully taming a lion, perhaps the Strength card represents inner strength, courage and determination rather than physical strength. These are traits that I believe Maria possesses.
9: The Hermit (Knuckles the Echidna)
The Hermit signifies awareness and independence but when reversed can mean isolation and resignation, traits that parallel well with Knuckles and his duty to be the protector of the Master Emerald
10: The Wheel of Fortune (Big the Cat)
The Wheel of Fortune represents fate, karma and luck! This is admittedly a bit of a cheeky dig at myself since I’m awful at the Big fishing levels in SA1 and mostly got through them through luck. But that’s not to say the card doesn’t apply to Big himself! His frequent cameos do have a bit of a fate/destiny vibe to them and in IDW Big is lucky enough to manage to avoid the metal virus for quite a long time.
11: Justice (Vector the Crocodile)
The meaning of the Justice cards is… pretty much what it says on the tin: fairness and clarity. Of course the Team Chaotix detective agency represents this as a whole, but that trait especially shines through with Vector himself. He may be a little money oriented, but doing what is morally right always takes priority.
12: The Hanged Man (Shadow the Hedgehog)
The thing about Shadow is that he’s a fairly complex character which means there are a number of cards in the Major Arcana that match him well, but I knew early on when tackling this project that I wanted to assign Shadow to The Hanged Man. This card represents change, release and sacrifice, which all align well with the character arc that Shadow goes through during the course of SA2 and beyond.
13: Death (Tikal the Echidna and Chaos)
Despite the morbid name of the card, (and the admittedly macabre scene I’ve depicted) the Death card is not an inherently negative card to draw. Yes, it can mean endings and grief, but it can also mean letting go and new beginnings. The story that Tikal and Chaos go through in SA1, their anguish and how they later find peace, is something that I think pairs well with this particular card.
Fun fact: this is the only card in this project that has two significant characters on it rather than just one. I felt I needed both of them to be on the card in order to fully represent its meaning
14: Temperance (Blaze the Cat)
The Temperance card signifies balance, harmony and patience, which matches Blaze’s very poised and graceful demeanour. Admittedly I had a little bit of trouble deciding on a card for Blaze since the High Priestess and the Hierophant are also good matches for her.
15: The Devil (Rouge the Bat)
The Devil card represents temptation, seduction, and materialism and well… look, Rouge is one of my favourite Sonic characters, I’d be one of the first people to tell you that there’s a lot more to her than what initially appears, she is so much more complex than just sex appeal and a gemstone obsession. However, I felt there was no other character that matched the traits of this specific card better than Rouge, and so my choice was decided by that.
16: The Tower (E-123 Omega)
The Tower card represents a number of things; disruption, disasters, sudden changes etc, however the trait that made me believe that Omega would be the best selection for the card was violence.
17: The Star (Miles ‘Tails’ Prower)
Tails’ character arcs normally centre around him gaining independence and self-confidence and learning to believe in himself. He is also largely characterised by his unyielding faith and trust in Sonic. These traits are the reason why I believe The Star card represents him well, as it symbolises hope and faith.
18: The Moon (Shade the Echidna)
The Moon card symbolises mysteries and the unknown, and when Shade is first introduced in Chronicles, she and the rest of the Nocturnus Clan are certainly presented as mysterious. The Moon can also represent misconception, which fits well with how Shade was initially unaware of the true nature of Ix’s plans.
19: The Sun (Cream the Rabbit)
The Sun, when drawn in an upright position, has a lot of positive meanings! Freedom, fun, happiness, good luck etc. Cream’s cheerful and optimistic disposition makes her a good match for this card
20: Judgement (E-102 Gamma)
The Judgement card symbolises liberation, awakening, redemption and second chances, all of which I believe represent Gamma and his character arc in SA1 well
21: The World (Metal Sonic)
In the upright position, The World card symbolises triumph, completion, strength and happiness while in reversed position can mean failure, anxiety, lack of self-confidence etc. I had both positioning of the card in mind when connecting it to Metal Sonic; he is devoted to the tasks given to him and is self-assured in his belief that he is the true/superior ‘sonic’ yet he repeatedly finds himself at the hands of failure. But he doesn’t let previous failures hold him back, thus starting the cycle anew. (Another connection to the World card as it also symbolises cycles)
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sgtbradfords · 3 years
I have a Chenford prompt for you.
Lucy gets up the nerve to ask Tim to be her partner. Tim refuses but doesn't give a real reason. Ultimately he has to confess his feelings because he knows he hurt her.
I do apologize for such the long wait, but I hope this does your prompt justice! Enjoy! :)
Lucy Chen needed to find a new partner. Nolan had finally graduated from being a boot to a P2, leaving probation and Sergeant Grey had made the decision to partner John with Jackson in hopes of making the transition smoother. He had also appointed Lucy to work as a one man show. She knew the opportunity to work solo for any officer was always there and would always be there, but she also had her reasons for wanting to have someone sitting in the passenger seat two feet away from her.
Her week of riding solo was exciting but also nerve-wracking, the doubts that maybe she wasn’t ready for this lingered in the back of her mind every morning, as she moved to sit behind the wheel of the shop. The shifts went by smoothly, but she found being by herself to be desolate, having no one to talk to or no one getting upset when she messed with the knobs of the air conditioning.
Soon, the number of shifts and off days had accumulated into over a month and to put it simply, she was miserable being by herself, which she brought up the following week when she met Jackson and Nolan for lunch.
“Why don’t you ask Bradford? He doesn’t have a boot right now.”
Lucy hesitated before speaking, playing with the fork in her hand as she pushed a piece of lettuce around the bowl. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”
“You wouldn’t know unless you ask.” John pointed out as he observed his friend that sat across from him.
“It’s just…” she paused. “I don’t want to work alone. After everything that happened with Caleb and Rosalind and then going undercover a few months back. I really don’t want to work alone.”
Jackson and Nolan shared a look before Jackson took the opportunity to speak. “Lucy, why didn’t you say anything? When we get back, I’ll go talk to Grey and-“
“No! This is something that I need to do.”
Jackson changed the topic, showing his friends the picture Angela sent him earlier that morning of the baby smiling in their sleep as their lunch break ended, the officers returning to their respective shops. All too soon the numbers of the clock on the dash rolled to six o’clock, Lucy parking the shop back in between the white lines in the garage, removing her things before she returned her war bag and long gun. She made her way to the locker room, changing back into her civilian clothing, securing her off-duty weapon into the holster attached to the side of her jeans before grabbing her bag and heading out.
“Hey.” She heard someone greet as she walked across the parking garage, the person joining her by her side putting a smile on her face.
“Hey. I heard you had a fun day.”
The person grumbled, “Never thought I would be running out of a house full of bats before ten.”
“I just hate that I wasn’t there to witness Tim Bradford running away. I bet that had you regretting not taking that Sergeant position.” She teased as they approached her car, Lucy shaking her head at the sight of his truck next to hers.
“You’ll never get your hands on the vest footage Lucy.” He glared before his face softened. “I’ll never regret turning that position down. I kept my word, didn’t I?”
“That you did.” She smiled, readjusting the bag on her shoulder as she stopped at the rear of her car. “I’m actually glad that I caught you, I have a question I need to ask.”
Tim turned, leaning his back against the panel of his truck as he waited.
“I was wondering if we could possibly partner up. With Grey partnering Jackson and Nolan, I discovered that I don’t like working by myself, and I know that probably makes me look weak but I feel like-“
He stared her down as she rambled, her words threatening the sides of his mouth to turn upward as he fought back a smile.
“That doesn’t make you weak Lucy.”
“Maybe not to you but to someone else…” She sighed, turning her head to look away.
“Screw what other people think, they don’t know what we’ve-“ He stopped, shaking his head as he unconsciously took a step forward. “Their opinions shouldn’t matter.”
“But they do.” She told him honestly. “So, think you can handle working with me again?”
Tim took a moment to look her in the eyes before looking away, Lucy watching as something flickered behind his eyes before it disappeared.
“I can’t.”
Lucy took a step forward, her brow furrowed as she gently let go of the bag on her shoulder, the bag hitting the concrete. “Why not?”
“I can’t Lucy.” He said to her sternly.
“You’re not my TO Tim, you can cut the attitude.” She challenged before pushing the question once again. “Why not?”
He took a step forward, his arms crossing over his chest as his demeanor changed. “I may no longer be your training officer, Officer Chen but I am still your superior.” He told her, his tone laced with warning with every word he spoke.
“Respectfully sir, I deserve an answer.”
“One that I don’t have to give you.”
Lucy’s eyes searched his before she took a few steps back, turning around as she crouched down to pick her bag up off the ground. “You know I-“ She started as she turned back around to face him, adjusting the weight of the bag on her shoulder before thinking better of it. “Have a great evening, Officer Bradford.”
Tim watched as she got into her car, slamming the car door shut as she turned over the engine. Lucy sat behind the wheel, taking a deep breath before shifting the car into reverse and then into drive, leaving the parking garage. She couldn’t believe him, she thought to herself as she pulled off the highway and into a parking lot, steering her car towards the drive-thru of a sandwich joint. She ordered, messaging Jackson about the failure that was her evening as she waited for her food.
Twenty minutes later, her emotions had calmed down as she stepped onto the elevator of her apartment building. He was being unreasonable, she had decided as she chased the straw of the drink in her right hand, taking a sip as the bag of food on her right wrist swung freely. The thumb of her left hand scrolling through the social media feed on the phone as the elevator jolted to a stop on her floor. The heavy metal doors opened, allowing her passage as she stepped off the car, pocketing her phone as she pulled the keyring from around her left index finger.
“You’ve got to be shitting me.” She cursed in disbelief as she rounded the corner. “Talk about someone second guessing themselves.”
Tim looked up from where he stood beside her front door with his arms crossed, listening to her mumble, as the sound of heeled boots he knew could only belong to one person walked across the hardwood flooring of the narrow hallway.
“Unless you’re here to give me a damn good reason Bradford, I suggest you leave.” She told him as she stood a distance away from him, sliding her key into the deadbolt.
“I’m sorry Lucy.”
Lucy snorted, rolling her eyes as she removed the key, inserting it into the lock on the handle, turning the key left as the knob turned, opening the door. “If it makes you feel any better, your apology is somewhat accepted. But that still doesn’t give me a reason as to why, you are refusing to work with me.” She told him as she stepped through the threshold, placing her bags onto the kitchen island, pulling out the cardboard container that held her sandwich, the soft click of the door quietly shutting behind her telling her that her company had followed.
Tim walked further into the apartment, only stopping once he was across from her, the quartz countertop keeping the two separated. His mouth opened and closed as the words that were on the tip of his tongue failed to convey.
Lucy proceeded to ignore him as she moved around the kitchen, grabbing a plate out of the cabinet as she placed her sandwich and fries onto the dish, grabbing the handful of condiment packets out of the takeout bag. She grabbed the plate of food, walking past Tim and towards the couch.
“I love you.”
Lucy froze mid-step at the whispered confession, her heart accelerating as she waited with bated breath for him to continue.
“I have fallen in love with you Lucy Chen and I- I can’t be your partner, not in that sense.” He told her, glancing at her over his shoulder as he spoke, their backs still to each other as he turned around. “Out of everything that I have been through, this, loving you, scares the shit out of me.”
“You’re just saying that.” She whispered with glossy eyes, as she placed the plate in her hand down onto the coffee table, refusing to turn her body around.
Tim took a step forward, his hand reaching out to gently grasp the crease of her elbow. “I’m not. I look at you, and you’re home.”
Lucy hesitantly turned, his hand falling away as her gaze found his.
“I’m not just saying it, I mean it Luce. I love you.” He told her, enunciating those three words as he took a small step forward, lowering his forehead to rest against hers. “You have annoyed me more than I ever thought was possible, but I love you and I want to spend every irritating minute with you.”
Lucy could feel his uttered confession against her lips as her nose brushed against his, her hand pressing against his chest as she moved to stand on the tips of her toes. Her lips feathered against his, their breaths mixing as she took the final step. His lips were soft against hers, a hand tentatively wrapping an arm around the small of her back as Lucy’s hand crept away from his chest and towards the back of his neck, fingers carding through the short strands of dirty blonde hair as she attempted to pull him further into her.
The touches from fingertips were gentle and light as they tested the bounds of this new development, mouths opening under the tongue of the other as the soft kiss soon turned fervent and quickly spiraled out of control.
Lucy moaned into his mouth as the hand around her waist began to drift lower, her fingers curling into the stands of hair at the nape of his neck, her lungs protesting for air as he abandoned her kiss swollen lips.
“Is that a good enough reason?” He exhaled as he looked at the woman standing in his arms, a trance-like look on her face as she pulled back ever so slightly, to catch her breath.
“What?” she asked, shaking her head.
Tim smirked. “You asked for a damn good reason for me being here.”
“You know, I don’t know… Maybe we should discuss this some more.” She smiled as she used the hand on the back of his neck to pull him back towards her.
“That,” He whispered against her lips. “Sound like a good idea.”
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yukiwrites · 4 years
Henry, Sharing Experiences
Thank you so much for the patience and constant support, @xpegasusuniverse! I hope you like it!
Summary: Interestingly enough, there was no known School of Magic at the Altean continent -- apart from a very specific one only known to Plegians. Henry was pleasantly surprised when he found out that there were people who went to a magical school just like him when he overheard them talking in Askr...
Commission info HERE and HERE!
Askr, home to the one and only Summoner who’s rumored to be able to lead the Order of Heroes to victory against any foe. In such a place where many people from differing backgrounds joined hands to work together side by side, a wide variety of groups were formed.
What started as a simple meeting between fellow practitioners of their preferred art of war turned into complex classes with a rich curriculum during the time the Heroes had between battles. One of the most prominent of those were the magic classes: they varied from beginner to intermediate to the Mastery class, which only consisted of the teachers of the previous two courses.
There were mages from all walks of life within this niche, which in turn only enriched the students’ experiences. As a matter of fact, some of them had met one another back in their home world, as it was the case with the four mages who attend to the School of Sorcery in Fhirdiad: Annette, Constance, Lorenz and Mercedes were all attending to the lectures in Askr just as they had done so in Faerghus.
Though, this time, they were all classmates.
“As riveted as I am to be able to attend magical classes with you, Mercedes, the mere thought of not being able to do so back at the School of Sorcery is enough to make me want to reverse the hands of time myself!” Constance shook her shoulders after a sigh, walking close enough to Mercedes to hold her arm.
“Oh, yeah, Mercie mentioned you two just missed each other, right? Wah, I’m so sorry, Constance… But hey, at least now you’re together! And we’re all together!” Annette hyped up beside Mercedes, puffing her cheeks and chest up.
“I suppose, yes,” Constance lifted her chin, “still, to think that we could have been reunited much sooner…”
Mercedes smiled softly, basically sandwiched between her friends. “What matters is that we’re all here now, right? And learning so much, too!”
“Aptly put, Mercedes!” Lorenz intervened from the side as they were all leaving the library that had been hijacked by the mages to be used as a classroom. “To think that all of us attended the Royal School of Sorcery but only ended up as classmates in another world! The goddess truly plays her cards well, do you not think?”
Hearing Lorenz’s words, a white-haired head popped up from behind him, as someone who had also just come out of the library. “Ohhh, so there are magical schools in other worlds, too! I wonder how different they were from the one in Plegia, though.”
“What manner of-” Lorenz jumped out of his skin, almost letting out a disgraceful yelp. “Good lad, I would ask that you do not sneak up on your peers! A word of caution.”
“Oh, whoops, sorry about that. Robin sometimes scolds me about that, too -- guess I’ve been hanging out with Kellam too much, nyaha!”
“Whyever are you speaking to us, good sir? We’ve places to be, so if your business is over…” Constance lifted her chin condescendingly, ready to wrap her arm around Mercedes’ to lead the way back to where they were going.
“No, no, wait! I got curious about this sorcery school in your world. You see,” Henry matched the pace, inserting himself between Constance and Lorenz, “the one back in my world -- heck, back in my country -- taught a veeeery specific kinda magic. Eeevery mage born there only does dark magic!”
“My word, dark magic?!” Lorenz let out an exclamation of surprise. “Back in our world, I’ve known only a few who are capable of wielding such dangerous yet powerful magic…”
“See?” Henry pointed to Lorenz. “I was actually surprised when I got here and found out that there were so few dark mages! I mean, back home they were made in the HEAPS, nyaha!”
Annette’s eyes shone. “How different was your school life, uh-”
“The name’s Henry! I’ve been here for a while so I know allll about you guys!” His smile grew pointedly as a shadow covered his thin eyes. He then giggled, shaking off the cold that had crept in their spines. “But I asked first! How’s the School of Sorcery back in your world?”
“Um, being asked like that at point blank, it’s kinda hard to even remember what to say, you know? Um, umm…” Annette widened her eyes, then scrunched her face in deep thought. “We had… different classes? Ahah, wait, that’s obvious-”
“If you are asking about how the classes were divided, Henry, then the curriculum here in Askr wildly differs from the Royal School of Sorcery in Fhirdiad.” Constance stepped in as Annette mumbled and Mercedes patted her head. “There were classes focused on potion-making, illusory magic, red and white magic, summoning circles-”
“Whoa, whoaaa! Potion? Summoning? Illusory? That’s the same thing back home! How come you’re not a dark mage, then?” Henry tilted his head to the side in wonder.
After all, to him, making potions, illusions and summoning ghastly beings were simply different kinds of hexes. One would collect materials, which could serve as the sacrifice needed for the hex to work depending on the complexity of it; dissect the magical property of each piece of each ingredient (because bat wings were a common material for memory-related hexes, but bat eyes were great for indigestion) and how they interacted with one another so they could be mixed into a magical instrument.
Yet, what Constance meant by those were pouring magical power into concoctions and culinary as a means of enhancing them as well as summoning stronger red magic. The four classmates exchanged curious glances, indeed confused by Henry’s, well, confusion.
If their classes were the same, why, indeed, weren’t they versed in the same kinds of magic?
Noticing the silent conversation going on between them, Henry widened his smile. “Hey, hey, what else? Did you have long-range concentration? Magical energy expansion? I can throw a curse from wayyyyy into Embla from this spot, nyaha!”
All four gasped in unison. “E-Embla?! Surely you jest! No matter how much it borders Askr, it is still another country entirely!” Constance was the one who spoke first, followed by Annette’s vigorous nodding and Mercedes’ sigh of wonder.
“Huhh, so no magical energy expansion? I mean, I heard that a guy managed to curse one of Ylisse’s princes from the Plegian Castle, so doing it from here to Embla is a piece of cake!” He threw his head back in laughter, remembering how excited his teacher was to talk about the ‘glory of the past’ of a guy that died hundreds of years ago. “So how does your magic work, then? Only short range? Ohh, wait, but dark magic in combat is more limited, so maybe I mixed the horses there, nyaha!”
Lorenz awkwardly cleared his throat. “I-indeed, it would be unthinkable to send a highly concentrated mass of magic across countries so easily. I am, however, intrigued by these so-called ‘hexes’ -- as I have only heard worrisome words about them…”
“They’re the most fun things to do! We had a whole term on ‘how to spread a curse from someone’s little finger until their heart without anyone noticing’ and boy was it a BLAST to do all those experiments -- literally! We exploded so many things...” A shade covered Henry’s thin eyes once again as he giggled happily, which made Lorenz gulp instinctively.
“That was rather specific!” Mercedes mentioned. “I don’t recall the Royal School of Sorcery to have anything like that…”
“Perhaps the seminar ‘the art of levitating oneself as a second-nature’ that had been part of the curriculum since the foundation? It IS completely different from the ‘Levitating’ class…” Constance twisted her lips.
Annette, who had her head down the whole time, suddenly jumped from Mercedes’ side to Henry’s. “OH! You know what I just remembered?” 
Henry smiled widely. “Eh? What?” 
“The way you’re talking about these awesome stuff like they’re normal-- we gotta take you to Lysithea! She didn’t go to the same School of Sorcery we did, but she’s AMAZING with magic, like you! I saw her snap a lightning bolt from the other side of the battlefield like it was nothing!” Annette went from admiring to bragging about her classmate, listing the many occasions that Lysithea managed to impress her -- and how she considered the other as a rival of sorts.
“Woow! I don’t really think I’m that amazing with magic, but I can crack a few skulls more than other people, nyahaha…!” He chuckled darkly before taking Annette’s hand. “Let’s go back to the library! She’s that girl with white hair, right? She stayed behind!”
“Ohh, ohh! She did? I gotta try harder to catch up to her, then! C’mon, Mercie, let’s go!” Full on her try-hard mode, Annette’s eyes shone with the prospect of being among two magical prodigies and the amount of knowledge she could acquire from them.
“Heehee, don’t pull, Annie, I’m coming!” Mercedes dangled behind her over-excited best friend. “Constance, sweetie, you too!”
“Very well! Surely my vast knowledge will be needed!”
Lorenz watched the scene unfold with wide eyes, suddenly finding himself alone. “Why- how dare you abandon your peer in such a manner!” He ran after the group with an offended tone.
Little did they know about the barrage of questions Lysithea would ask Henry after hearing about his magical prowess, wondering if they, perhaps, shared a circumstance…
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mc-doppomine · 3 years
Day 20 Bonus: Bad Ass Temple vs Matenrou
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I’m just going in order of the battle dates at this point. And I’m just going to go from the music to the character stuff again because I feel it would just get long again. Look, I wanted to go for Bad Ass Temple. Sometimes you want to hope for an underdog. However when it comes to style...I just couldn’t get into BAT as much. Which is a shame because they have the same foundation of their team as MTR and going in the fight a similar way. But in terms of the individual songs, they’re actually pretty even. I didn’t have many songs that I really liked from either side besides One, Two, Law and Black or White. 
I feel this is also the time that I have to say, with music a lot of the time, I’m basing it only as music. It’s lyrics and the like are secondary and mainly used to like inch any song forward if I was truly stuck. So sound wise, it’s been all over the place. Between having flashbacks to high school with Jyushi and feel like I’m being taken to church by Jakurai...it’s been a time. But of course the ones I like are the ones that are ultimately the ones about more mundane stuff I guess? 
And with the group songs...I had to grow to like Kaigen. It’s just a personal thing with slow build up songs, I don’t usually have patience for them which is why I usually like fast paced songs over ballads (there’s always exceptions). But when you get to it though, it is good. I won’t deny that. (Yosh, Jyushi part and then him going off, is such a fuck yeah moment!) Well, Kirei, Kaigen is more fast paced than Tomoshibi, what gives? There’s always exceptions. One is that Tomoshibi doesn’t have as slow a build and that it caught my heart without me knowing what’s going on. Like a lot of my initially crying over Tomoshibi was over how it SOUNDS, not their lyrics. Also it’s slow but not ballad slow. 
Which then brought us to the actual battle. And they would not make us wait. I was gut punched when they let Jakurai and Hitoya go from right out the gate. Anyone else notice how they mirrored each other’s final line of defeating the other with everything they have? Shivers! I initially wondered why these two were put together to fight but it makes sense after Light & Shadow because they have essentially the same ultimate desire of finding safety and growth with their teams but how they go about it is very different. Neither of them are wrong but it’s a matter of the clash between those difference. 
If I had one thing that threw me so thoroughly in this battle though was Hitoya. Like I bet he was the real threat of BAT and I don’t feel I was wrong. But his angle was way different from what I was expecting. Like it seemed like his perspective changed before the 2nd DRB happened. Which ends up coming up really strange, at least for me, in this battle. Because HE is the one that initiated a fight with MTR by challenging Jakurai and was determined to take him down. Not that he still isn’t but he’s already had his chance of reflecting and changed why he’s fighting Jakurai from wanting to drag him down from his high horse to wanting to do this as a challenge against himself. Which isn’t bad, it just makes for a strange dynamic when it felt like it was set up for settling this grudge and he settled it himself before even getting on stage. 
As for the rest of the battle, I don’t have as many memorable lines as they go so fast in this one. It’s a lot easier to lose them but considering this track was designed like a final boss encounter, I guess that’s to be expected. But overall...I just felt like Kuko and Jyushi were too...not that they didn’t take it serious but too green to this kind of scene? Like it reminds me of Jiro and Saburo in War War War except I think Kuko and Jyushi delivered some great lines such as ‘you’ve been so shaved off by society, there’s nothing left of you.’ But they also didn’t seem to hit with me? Although I guess there is a small bias there as like...I feel weird hearing them say ‘middle-aged men’ when I’m not that much younger than Hifumi or Doppo. And know that it’s really not that old...it reminds me of my younger sister.
Lyric wise, it felt like they were fighting two completely different ways and I don’t know how it worked out honestly for me. Like I’m really glad for the sound because a lot of it...wasn’t nonsensical but just didn’t feel like they were going at the same thing. Like MTR didn’t even seem to really focus on beating down on their opponents whereas BAT did. And it makes for such a weird confrontation. So I basically defaulted to what I usually do with the music and go with how I feel from the music and I felt MTR through it. To me, I felt more passion from their delivery and also I’d be lying if I I was living through Hifumi’s haughty laugh, Kuko’s roll of words and Doppo’s screaming (how does Itou-san do it???). 
So yeah, MTR got me with music. 
I said I did the character thing because it’d be shorter to do the music...I didn’t realize I had to so much to say about the music until I was writing. I’m so sorry that this just ends up being super long as I add the character/story aspects...which honestly I guess would be shorter because in the grand scheme both BAT and MTR just have a lot less to lose of going against other teams. Which could be argued is their charm but I don’t know if that alone could save them from future shenanigans to happen in this DRB. But let’s get to the team stuff
BAT vs DH would have to be the most even chance music wise for both teams because they’re new to this battle season. Although I am absolutely terrified of what kind of sound would come from mixing their sounds together. I’m sure all the talented folks behind the DRB music can do it...I just can’t imagine it. I can’t really think of the conflicts here since for the most part they don’t know each other outside of Kuko and Sasara being in MCD for a time. 
BAT vs BB would be a chance to make the ‘koi yo Bad Ass,’ ‘Ou yo Bus Bros’ from Division Battle Anthem+ come true. I’ve hung onto that direct call out since I’ve heard it. There should be answers to their fall out. Ichiro didn’t forget it and feels like Kuko had to have some kind of revelation with it. This would be the chance to resolve this. Meanwhile I also entertain that this iust good hearted fun of like Ichiro, Kuko, Jyushi and Jiro all being around the same age and just being boys having fun. All the while, Hitoya is groaning as he pulls out another set of adoption papers. 
BAT vs FP...I can’t think of anything really since they haven’t had any real connection outside of Ramuda--and I think it was OUR Ramuda--thinking Kuko was too irrelevant for his plans. What a kick that’d be for Kuko to be like ‘so, I heard you were talking shit!’ 
BAT vs MTC, I also have a problem seeing as much of an issue. Outside of Hitoya trying to not have a whole ass conniption. He needs to bring like most of these bastards to court. And also dadtoya because he would not want to drag Kuko and Jyushi around these guys. I fear of Jyuto eating Jyushi alive. Although there could be a slight chance of anger from Samatoki towards Kuko because he’s one of the few people that know the extent of Kuko’s abrupt departure left with Ichiro and even if he doesn’t forgive Ichiro, I don’t think that erases that nasty taste in his mouth. 
And then to reverse around with MTR vs DH, I still think of it being more light-hearted of Hifumi and Doppo being like an accidental rival manzai to Sasara and Rosho. And just ending up petty over it. Watch Hifumi insult Sasara’s suit, ohmygod Hifumi can you not--And meanwhile I’m pretty sure Rei knows that Chuuoku is trying to use Jakurai’s rap ability and I can’t tell if he’s interested in how it goes or if he’d stop it. Because Rei I feel has less hesitance in doing extremes to eliminate what’s in his way. Be that incapacitating Jakurai’s ability or Jakurai himself or ruining Jakurai in a way that he can’t help...that’s all doesn’t seem outside the realm of possibility for Rei to me. 
MTR vs BB would also be a lighter affair as it just seems like bros just going against each other as I don’t know, I think MTR has a softer spot for BB than all the other teams. And to BB it’s like going against dad because I will die on the dadkurai hill. 
MTR vs MTC is rematch REMATCH. DEATH RESPECT PART II. Let’s get it. But yeah outside of sore feelings from last time, I don’t think it’d be as bad as last time. It’s really a ‘nothing personal but you’re in my way’ sort of thing. There is a meeting for the anti-Honobono club that goes on, maybe? Maybe there could be some bad blood if Samatoki knew about Jakurai thinking of helping Chuuoku with perfecting the thing that, at least for a long time in his head, took Nemu from him. 
But unsurprisingly most that would happen is if they did MTR vs FP. Because on one hand, it’s a REMATCH and one I’d personally love because their rap battle was my favorite. But they have the most story threads. I glossed it in the previous but it’s a chance for collaboration or using the other team if Honobono came up. Such as FP throwing MTR at her to distract her from getting Ramuda. They’re cutthroat enough to do it. Or if they could see past their rivalry and work together to save both of their sides from this mutual threat. I think this would be a time for Ramuda and Jakurai to REALLY go at each other. 
Because despite their disdain of each other, I don’t think they hate each other as they like to proclaim. Chuuoku seems to know this feeling on Jakurai’s end as they dangle Ramuda’s well-being in front of him time and time again. Even if he can’t get along with Ramuda, he sure as fuck doesn’t want him DEAD. And it seems to get forgotten but Ramuda IS Jakurai’s MENTOR, the person that taught him to survive in the new direction of the world. Even if this was orchestrated, that bond still exists. And it’s not one-sided because I can’t imagine Ramuda being pleased with Jakurai willingly going with the bitches that made his life hell. He’d be pissed as to how Jakurai could roll over to them (as he might perceive) and his effort to keep Jakurai from them failing. 
Phew...done...with the thing. But yeah in terms of like story/character....mmm, yeah that would have to go to MTR too. I really don’t feel like it’s BAT fault. I just think they’re at a disadvantage for coming new to a battle season. 
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adrenaline-roulette · 4 years
I say no
Pairing: Josh Washington x Reader Warnings: Language, minor angst Word Count: 3K+ Catch up on Chapter One here!
Chapter Two
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Not a single person bats an eye at the two of you as you stroll out of the school. No students racing to tell a teacher that you were leaving, and no teachers questioning you as to where you were going. It was easy, almost too easy. At your old school, even before the incident occurred, you were watched like a hawk, unable to make any moves out of the ordinary without someone asking what the hell you were doing.   Walking with Josh though, people parted like the red sea as you approached, almost as if no one wanted to be in the same vicinity as him.   You were aware that something with Josh’s family had occurred in recent months, the exact details of what exactly, you were fuzzy on.  Though hearing Josh mention that he had ‘Special Privileges’, only added to your overall curiosity over what you had dubbed the, Washington Mystery.
For a solid ten minutes, Josh kept his arm wrapped around your shoulder, either for your comfort or his, at this point you couldn’t quite tell. All you knew, was that the moment he slipped his arm away, you instantly felt cold. “Ladies first.” He grins, bowing low and gesturing one arm towards the forest green jeep you now stood beside.
You blink in surprise, cocking your head to one side as you take in the dirty car. It had a few scratches along the sides, and the tyres were covered in mud from the recent rain. Aside from that, the car itself was in excellent condition, and almost seemed too nice to be sitting in the student parking lot. “Is this your car, or are we about to become felons?” You smirk, turning your full attention to the man beside you.
“Hey, you’re already a felon. If anything, I should be worried about you corrupting me, not the other way round!” He’s laughing, and you find yourself chuckling along with him too. For the first time, finding humour in the awful events which had lead you here.
“Just don’t follow me to the science labs, and we should be good.” You tease, nudging your shoulder against his playfully. It was odd, you had gone from crying over people bringing up your past only a few minutes ago, and now you were laughing about it. Perhaps it was because somehow, you just knew that Josh understood what you were going through?
The rattling of keys pulls you out of your thoughts, blinking twice you focus back on Josh who was now dangling a set of car keys in front of you. “Don’t stress, it’s my car.” He grins, twirling the keyring around his index finger three times, before clasping his fingers around the keys, and pinning them to his palm.
Reaching out, you grab the door handle and tug it open, climbing up and into the Jeep and settling into the black leather passenger seat. Josh darts around to the opposite side, slamming the door behind him, as he twists the key in the ignition. “Damn, this shit is fancy.” You breathe lowly, running your hand along the dashboard. Josh chuckles beside you, putting the car in reverse, and getting you both out of the parking lot. “What’s so funny?”
He shakes his head, short curls bouncing gently against his forehead. “You!” He grins, locking his green eyes on you for a moment, before returning his attention to the road ahead. “I’d almost think you’ve never seen a Jeep before.”
You roll your eyes, turning to look out of the window, watching the unfamiliar scenery pass you by. “That’s not true. I’ve seen plenty of Jeeps before. I’m just not used to seeing one in student parking is all.” You shrug.
“Nah, that’s fair. The only reason I have it, is so I can drive off road when heading to the family lodge.” Josh flicks on the indicator, and makes a left turn, taking you away from the main road, and into an area you don’t recognise.
“Oh la-di-da, the family lodge eh?” You giggle, rolling your head to the side to look at him now, a bemused expression on his lips too.
“Ha, yeah. Washington Lodge, up on Blackwood Mountain.”
You stare at him blankly, eyes blinking slowly as you wait for an explanation which never comes. You’ve been in town for nearly a month, and this was the first you were hearing about the Washington Lodge and Blackwood Mountain. “Am I supposed to know where that is?” You finally ask, once you realise Josh isn’t going to provide any more information unprompted.
“Sorry, I forget you’re new here. Everyone else knows the area, hell most people have been to the Lodge as it is. Or at least, most of Hannah and Beth’s classmates.” He sighs, a frown creasing his brows tightly, just as his knuckles grip the steering wheel more firmly.
“Hey, sorry I didn’t mean to pry. Uh, where are we go-” You begin, hoping to change the subject before you can say anything else which may upset Josh.
“No, it’s fine. Um, Blackwood Mountain is about two hours from here. My family built a lodge up there a few years ago, and there’s a small cabin too. We used to have end of year parties there, and just parties to celebrate everything we could. One year Sam hosted a Halloween party, now that was fun.”
You watch as Josh’s grip relaxes slightly, though he keeps both hands planted firmly on the wheel, and shows no signs of letting go. “That sounds great!” You offer with likely an over exaggerated smile.
He nods slowly. “Yeah, it was. Not sure when we’ll be able to go back, or if I even want to.”
You want to ask further questions, but bite your tongue from doing so. You had heard enough of the rumours circling school, to know better than press for answers you’re not entirely sure you want. The silence which fills the Jeep is both uncomfortable, yet welcoming at the same time, both you and Josh seemingly lost in your own thoughts for the time being. Leaning forwards, you fiddle with the dials on the stereo, pressing buttons at random until music flows through the speakers. “Let’s see what Mr Josh Washington listens to shall we?” You smirk, turning the dial up, so the volume increases. What plays, leaves you utterly surprised.
“The disappearance of Kate Lane has haunted her home town for over twenty years now. Her family are desperate for answers, and to find out who has their daughter. But so far, police have been unable to find any trace of the missing twenty year old….”
Leaping forwards, you turn the volume dial down, pupils blown wide as you turn to stare at Josh, who has returned to gripping the steering wheel for dear life. “You listen to unsolved cases podcasts?”
Josh’s lips are drawn into a straight, thin line, as his eyes stare unblinking ahead at the road. The dense forest which you had been driving through, was now slowly making way for streetlights, and residential areas. “Yeah, I do.” He mutters quietly, almost more to himself than to you.
“Why though?”
“I have my reasons Y/N.” And with that, it’s clear as day that the conversation is over. You reach forwards and turn the stereo off, finding yourself liking the silence far more than talks of missing women.
Josh gnaws on his lower lip as he drives through town, frowning in deep concentration, almost as if he were trying to convince himself not to do what he was planning. Finally, he pulls off the main road, driving directly into a McDonalds drive thru. “Do you want anything?’
Your eyebrows disappear into your hairline in surprise, blinking rapidly at Josh. This was hardly what you were expecting out of your afternoon, that was for sure. “I, uh – I don’t have any cash on me?” You stammer out quietly.
“I didn’t ask if you had cash. I asked if you wanted anything, silly.” He’s chuckling  now, all signs of anger and frustration he displayed before, melting away like ice over flame.
“Um, sure I guess. Large fries please?”
“Easy done.” He drives further through, stopping to place his order before proceeding to the cashier and collection points. “Here ya go.” He offers, once he’s holding the greasy brown paper bag, the smell of deep-fried everything leaving the air in the car smelling stale.
“Thank you. I owe you one.” You smile, pulling your fries out of the bag, and cradling them in your lap protectively.
“Nah, don’t worry about it. Think of it as bribery, yeah?”
You pause, fry poised halfway to your mouth, and watching Josh from the corner of your eyes. “Bribery for what exactly?”
“There’s something I need you to do for me.” He begins, driving back the way you came. “And you seem like the kind of person who wants justice, and demands to know the truth… Am I right?”
You breathe in deeply, thinking back to the accident you had caused in the science labs. Everyone was so quick to point their fingers at you, shoving all the blame to you, though not once did they ask to hear your side of the story! “You’re right.”
He nods, smiling to himself in an almost wicked manner. “I thought so. Y/N, you and I are going to get along very well I think.”
You munch down on the fry you had held for the past few minutes now, frowning slightly at how cold it had grown out of the bag. “Let’s hope you’re right. I need more than one friend here.”
“And so far, who would you consider to be your one friend?”
You shrug lightly, popping another fry past your lips. “I suppose Sam. At least, I think she’s a friend?”
Josh nods again, pulling off the main road and travelling along a dirt path towards the forest. “Perfect, that’s exactly what we need.”
You frown deeply, eyes locking on the side of Josh’s face now. “What are you talking about? And where are you taking me?”  Panic is beginning to settle in, as you find yourself being driven further and further away from any signs of people.
“Don’t worry! We just need to go somewhere to talk. Somewhere we don’t run the risk of anyone hearing us.”
You roll your eyes, huffing out a deep sigh. “You could’ve told me that. I would’ve invited you over to my place. No one is going to be home for hours.”
“Oh, well yeah… I didn’t know that. Now I look like a creep.” Josh half smirks, though shows no signs of changing his selected course.
There’s nothing left for you to do, but sit back and relax, watching out of the window as you pass by the dense covering of trees. You can’t help but wonder how often Josh comes out here, if this was a familiar area to him. He seemed to know the path you were driving well, though you suppose it could be coincidence.   Finally, Josh pulls the car over in a clearing within the forest. It was a small, intimate area, which would probably make a nice setting for a camping trip with friends, if it weren’t still so close to town. “Here we are…”
You suck in your bottom lip, gnawing on it slightly between your teeth. He had promised he wasn’t going to hurt you, but something about this situation just felt off. Just as Josh exits the Jeep, you do the same, closing the door behind you firmly. The locks click shut, and you move around to the front of the car to meet Josh, who was plucking a fry from the paper bag. “This is what I like to call, my plotting spot.” He begins, gesturing for you to follow him further into the clearing.
“And what exactly do you plot out here?” You follow closely behind him, kicking small stones and twigs out of your path with your toe.
He shrugs, before sitting down heavily on a fallen tree trunk, resting the greasy takeout bag between his feet on the forest floor. “I want to say revenge - But I’m not entirely sure if that’s the right word for it? Maybe it’s justice I’m looking for? Or the truth?”
His words draw you towards him, the edge of pain to his voice sending a pang of sympathy through your heart. “Justice for who?” You ask quietly, stepping closer until you too are sat on the tree trunk.
“My sisters, Hannah and Beth.”                                                                            
This was your chance, to ask the questions which had been burning on your tongue, from your first media lesson when you had heard your classmates mention those names! “What happened to them? Why do you need justice?”
Josh sucks in a deep breath, tilting his head down until his eyes are focused solely on his feet. “During winter break, something happened to them at the lodge. An- and they’ve been missing ever since.”
You know there’s more to this story, there has to be! Why else would Josh be so intent on finding out the truth. There’s something he’s not telling you, that’s for damned sure. “Something, or someone?” You pry, hoping that perhaps this was the lead you needed for him to tell you more.
At this, Josh laughs. It’s not a full laugh, nor one that resounds from deep within. If anything, it’s a hollow sound, though you suppose that it’s better than nothing. “You’re very quick to catch on, aren’t you? Beth would’ve loved you if she had gotten the chance to meet you!”
Turning on the tree trunk, you sit sideways so you can look at Josh fully now. Even if he won’t tear his gaze away from his boots, the least you can do is give him your undivided attention. “The way you talk about her and Hannah - I assume the worst happened?”
Josh nods in affirmation, before turning to meet your gaze, unshed tears swimming in his pale green eyes. “The police searched everywhere. They were at the lodge for weeks, no one could come in or go out. They searched, and searched, and searched… But there was nothing to be found.” He takes a deep breath in, reaching up and scrubbing his fists down his cheeks roughly. “They’re still calling it a disappearance, as if one day my sisters might suddenly just pop up in the middle of, I don’t know, fucking Brooklyn or some shit. But they’re not going to… I know that. Somehow, I know they’re not here anymore. You know? I can just feel it…”
You reach a hand out towards Josh, resting it against his thigh gently, hoping that even just the slightest touch may be enough to remind him you were here. “Do you know who hurt them?”
He turns to face away from you once again, staring dead ahead at a small bird which leapt experimentally from tree branch, to branch. “I have my theories, let’s just leave it at that for now.”
Your tongue darts out to wet your lips, as you turn your gaze to the same bird that Josh had found. “Who was up at the lodge with you?” You whisper, both to not spook Josh nor the bird.
“Me, Hannah, Beth, Sam, Mike, Emily, Jess, Ashley, Matt and Chris.”
Sighing sharply, you try your luck with another question, hoping it won’t be taking things too far. “What happened? As in, what do you know happened. Not what any of them have said… I want your side of the story.”
Josh looks at you again, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “Are you always this inquisitive?”
“Pretty much, yes.”
“I don’t really remember much, which is part of the problem. Chris and I, we – we were passed out in the kitchen when things went down. I vaguely recall Beth trying to shake me awake, but I was too out of it.” Pain flashes through his eyes, and his irises grow dark at the memory of that evening. “All night we had been having a fun time, just being typical stupid kids, enjoying a break from school, and the freedom of having no parents around. I remember Mike being almost overly friendly towards Hannah all evening. And not just in the class president sort of way. He was wrapping his arm around he shoulders when we were sitting around talking. But Hannah, she was playing along, she had her arm around his waist.” He pauses, brows scrunching up in thought as he struggled to recall the events correctly. “It was so weird though, while they kept doing that, Emily was right here, watching all of it go down, but she never said anything! Which is so unlike Em, she’ll cause a scene whenever possible! Instead, she just kept giggling with Jess.”
You pause, taking in his words, until they slowly begin to make sense to you. Were Jess and Emily plotting something against Hannah? Is that what happened here? You know how bitchy girls can be, but what on Earth had they done which had resulted in both Hannah and Beth going missing? “Do you remember anything much after that?” You press on, hoping maybe he did. Though you were sure he had gone through all of this multiple times with the police, you weren’t going to dig up anything new.
Josh shakes his head no, rubbing one hand through his dark curls and tugging at the roots, almost as if he believed if he pulled hard enough, more answers would spring forth. “No, I don’t. All I remember was betting Chris that I could drink more than him…. Next thing I knew, I was being woken up by the police with my parents crying behind them.”
“Fucking hell. Josh, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” You whisper, pushing yourself closer to his side, where you wrap your arms around his shoulders. It’s an entirely one sided hug, but you pray that it helps him, even just a little bit. “What can I do to help? I want to help! I want to find out exactly what happened, and I want to help you get justice for Hannah and Beth.”
Finally, he turns to look down at you, wrapping one arm around your lower back, and pulling you tightly against him. “Thank you. I hoped you would.” He breathes deeply, the warm air tickling the tip of your ear.
“What do you need me to do?”
“You need to find out the truth. You’re already making friends with Sam. I need you to keep going. She knows more than she’s letting on, I just know it. The others won’t tell you anything. But Sam, she’ll spill anything if you’re on her good side, and ask her the right way.”
“Are you sure you want to know the truth Josh?”
“Yes. More than anything.”
Taglist: @viinchester​ @littlegangrel​ If you would like to be added, let me know!
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smolbeandrabbles · 5 years
Don’t Let Me Forget - Director Keller x Reader (Captain Marvel)
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GIF Credit: X
Author’s Note: It’s been a little while since this Director graced my blog. And you all have @mandy23b​ to thank - who gave me the ultimate challenge of writing Keller without Ms.Maliyah... Well! I only ever was gonna go one way 😉 Because it literally the one idea I had for him Also - Me? Still bitter about the ‘R Keller’ thing?! NEVER!!!
Disclaimer: Captain marvel characters / plotlines not mine,and neither was the R Keller decision, so I will reverse it forever! / lyrics not mine
Premise: ‘Hide The J’ is Keller’s top S.H.I.E.L.D agents favourite activity, you’re prepared to make this a little risque... if he’s prepared to play the game.
Words: 3920
Warnings: Swearing / Sexual Pre-Amble / Sexual Connotations  
Today is one of those I wish that I could frame Or keep it on a video, replay it over and over Just replay it over and over Cause right now I'm feelin' like I'm walkin' on a cloud But I know what's up's gotta come down sooner or later Will I come down sooner or later? I don't know what tomorrow's gonna bring But can you promise me one thing? Don't let me forget Your hand in mine The firefly drives The time I feel asleep and you carried me inside Kissed my head and said goodnight When we were sparks Just the start Our naive hearts had never felt that kinda fire That you and I were playin' with So don't let me forget One day the sound of you sayin’ my name Won't make my heart stop in the same way That it used to So remind me how we used to Stay up late, sing those songs That made us feel invincible when we were together I always wanna remember...  I don't know what tomorrow's bringin' All I know is I don't wanna lose this feelin' ---
All of you liked to play a game every so often. It was easy to play. And there were no rules. Save one: Hide the J.
Your boss’s name was Jonathan Richard Keller. And the little plastic letters outside his office displayed as such. J R Keller. Or R Keller. Depending on who was hiding that J today. And he hated it.
But he was too nice to reprimand anyone for it. So the best you got out of him ever was an exasperated “Agh!!! Guys!! Again!!” Before he sighed and began wandering around searching for it. Sometimes it couldn’t be found and he’d go as “R Keller” for weeks until someone finally returned it or he ordered in a new one.  During which time everyone liked to call him Richard - or worse still, nickname him Rich - and drive him insane… Now, it was your turn to do so. Only, there was a small little problem with that. Keller wasn’t just your boss, but your significant other. That wasn’t really a well-known fact, you kept it professional at work, and unprofessional at home. But - if he happened to deem the mission important enough for him to also take part in, there would never be any doubt that you were going to be the one he would ask to accompany him. Some people - like Nick Fury - got wise to this fact. But apart from indicating that he knew about it, Nick never really seemed to show much interest one way or the other. You and Keller were suited to each other and that was fine. So long as it didn’t affect your working relationship, Nick didn’t have any qualms. And most of the time it didn’t - you respected Keller as the authority here... even if sometimes him choosing to lead off with you meant sometimes there would be spontaneous (and sometimes quite steamy) make out sessions that would just “happen”.
 The mission prior was no such exception and he held your hand on your knee as he drove you back home.  “That was some mission... huh?” “Well... nothing if not for a few thrilling scrapes...” “Oh yeah?” He smiled knowingly as he checked his mirrors, “What kinda scrapes would those be?” “Well I feel like getting a little scratched up chasing the target is one thing - scrapes against the back of elevators cuz someone got a little eager-!” “Oh hush!” “Your defense, Mr.Keller?” He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and returned his hand to yours, clearing his throat; “I thought it was a little bit bigger than that - alright? I misjudged the dimensions!” You couldn’t help but laugh; “Well at least it’s the only thing you misjudged-! If you misjudged your aim people could have got seriously hurt!” “Why do you think I wear glasses?!” “Thought that was more to do with flying.” He whistled through his teeth; “Ah-! Now she wounds me!” “Words are a little nicer than the bruise I’m gonna have now-!” “I told you to hush!” You laughed, “That doesn’t sound like an apology, Director!” “Come off it-! Like I didn’t already apologise a thousand times...” He looked across to you - his sorry in his innocent blue eyes as he kissed the back of your hand. You smiled “Well... when we get home. If those are to be your apologies, maybe you ought to do it another thousand times...” He smiled gently against your skin and focused his eyes back on the road “...Gladly, if that is what you wish...”  
** You stared at the piece of paper on your desk You’re Up! You smirked - Oh! You were about to have some fun with this!
Knowing he’d been called out early, you took a leisurely stroll back to his office, you would have nearly all the time in the world to figure out a place to hide it. You wondered why they didn’t just get him a new plaque where this wouldn’t be possible, or why he didn’t order one. Maybe he liked the game? Maybe he just wanted you all as his subordinates to have fun and didn’t want to get in the way of that. Perhaps Keller only acted annoyed with you all when it disappeared. Guessing could well have been as much fun for him as hiding was for you. It took a little longer than usual - the adhesive must have been much better this time round - but eventually you prised the tiny letter off. You held the J in your hand for a moment and smiled gently; now... where to hide it!?
 You figured you could hear Keller’s frustrated yell from more than just a few corridors away and that was signal that the game had begun. As the several emails wishing you good luck that suddenly pinged into your inbox also denoted. You heard nothing more until 10 minutes later your team received a group message from your boss: Very funny. What is this the 5th time this month!? Come on guys. Give it up - who has it? You almost wanted to reply with ‘Not me’ but wondered if Keller would take you seriously, or if he’d figure you were trying to cover your tracks and come straight to you. Mind you even if he did come here it was well hidden. He’d have a job finding it.  
** There was a knock on your door, and Keller didn’t even wait for a response to open it. “Director?” You weren’t sure exactly what he was here for, considering the analysis you were busy working on wasn’t due for another few days - if he wanted it early (which didn’t seem like a Keller thing at all, but wasn’t unheard of) then he wouldn’t get near enough close to what he wanted. He closed the door behind him though, and then you figured you were in trouble. “Y/N.” Definitely in trouble. “...Yes?” You batted your eyelashes at him innocently. “Give it back.” Your eyebrows knitted together confused for just a second - and then you realised he was taking about the J - quite forgotten about from this morning’s little escapade. “...I don’t have it.” “Yes you do.” “No way!” You didn’t think a fellow agent would sell you out, but also wouldn’t put it past any of them. “Yes, way.” He held up at least three sheets of paper, “Rule one, don’t leave an email trail.” “...Are you kidding!?” - you always wished each other good luck, was Keller getting wise to that or did he always know!? “C’mon where is it?” You raised an eyebrow, hoping you might also have reason to throw the rulebook back at him - “I feel like my boss going through my work emails isn’t exactly policy, Sir.” “Really not hard to set up some spyware that the minute I come into work will tell me you received several emails wishing you luck. Also not rocket science to piece that together, is it?” You pouted slightly, crossing your arms “You’ve made this considerably less fun.” “Well you should think of that before defiling my name plaque...” Keller took a step forward, holding his hand out, “give it back.”
You stared at him for a minute, unwilling to concede. And then realised you didn’t have to, this could still be a game, after all. You stood, hands down and leant over your desk with a sudden smirk. “Why don’t you come get it?” He regarded you coolly for a moment, folding his own arms, trying to work out if you were serious. Tracing his to your clothes however, he decided you weren’t. “...That seems like it’s against the rules.” He was forgetting this game didn’t have any rules. “...Was that a complaint?” The look on your face was almost innocent. Keller rounded your desk, making you stand straight, “No.” “Good. I should hope not.” “I just think maybe it’s a bad idea.” “What, you think other people will try it??” “Oh, what if they do?” “Well I don’t know, Director, I think I might get a little jealous...!” He delicately placed his forehead to yours, and you had to bite your lip to keep the moan of anticipation from escaping. This was probably very against the rules. And god knows how many policies and codes you were breaking here. But then again, the man about to kiss you was the Director – he could bend those rules as much as he liked. His first kiss was soft, and if he thought that was going to get him anywhere he had another thing coming. You pulled back just a little more for every kiss he gave you. “That’s not going to get you very far, Director, now is it.” “Y/N…” Even his voice was supposed to be gently persuasive. Usually it’d work – but you wanted to see how far you could take this. “mm mm…” You shook your head and took his hands in yours – placing them on the hem of your shirt; “You’re going to have to at least undress me for it…” “At least?” He pulled back from you slightly, and you realised that his face was already flushed. Keller was about to get very flustered indeed – and that’s when you loved him the most. You pulled him closer to you, and you knew he hoped you didn’t notice his little gasp at you taking control for even just a second. “Why don’t you just fuck me for it?” The smirk on your face at the bold confidence of your question then did really fluster him. He released his grip on you and stepped back – bright red. Keller really had no way out of this, but you knew he was wishing you didn’t say that. He took a few deep breaths as he tried to decide what was worth it. Conceding that notion to you, or walking away and getting called Rich for the rest of the week until you actually gave it back. You knew which decision it was by the shaky way he pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. He still wasn’t looking at you, preferring the floor of your office. This was a movement Keller often made – usually when he’s flustered, but also when he’s shaken, scared or angry. Only the context of the situation would let you know which it was… and maybe also the stage of red his face was at. It was pretty clear which one this was (but, maybe he was a little pissed at you two for putting him at your mercy.) But when he took his next deep breath those blue eyes flicked back to you, and now at more of a steel grey it was clear the only way he was giving you what you wanted was if he was in full control. And if that look wasn’t sexy as hell anyway; the little growl in his voice as he pinned you up against the wall was. “Fine. I guess I’ll find it the hard way…”
Pfft. As if he really minded…!
You both panted, making your way slowly down from that extreme high. He pressed his forehead to yours; tie slacked; shirt unbuttoned- glasses curiously still on. In a hurry, Keller? Your jackets were both discarded and half your suit also; no surprise there - he was trying to find a tiny black letter under all your clothes and you had invited him to do so.
Only he’d failed. Not that he cared much right now.
You unwound your legs from his waist and he let you back to the floor gently.  There were still no words; you were both far too breathless for that. He cleared his throat, and began straightening his clothing l - as did you. He got that slightly embarrassed look on his face that always happened when these occurrences transpired in work situations. But you felt they were fairly absentminded, because they would always be replaced with this confident little smirk you loved seeing on his face that he would wear all day.
But as soon as you were both redressed, he pinned you back to the wall with a kiss. “Where... is my letter... if it’s not on you...” You stole another kiss whilst you could and pointed behind you, to your desk. Sitting propped up on your keyboard - black against the white was the two inch ‘J’ from his name plate. Keller’s mouth opened, are you kidding me!?, but he didn’t voice it - although he looked back to you, unimpressed which caused you to grin: “Oops! Guess I forgot it was hiding in plain sight!” He took a step back, gathering it between his fingers, but didn’t relinquish his hold of you.  “You...” he didn’t finish, and the anger on his face was a clear facade “I What??” “You’re lucky I like you...” he claimed your lips again, and that kiss was exquisite. You groaned into it none too softly, and perhaps for the second time that day, were glad the walls of every office in this building were sound proofed.
 *** Months Later… His car was there when you arrived, but Keller himself was nowhere in sight. That was fine with you, he would likely be along shortly. You sat on the sidewalk and tipped your head back to warm yourself with the last few rays of sun for today.
You realised where he’d been when he sidled across the parking lot with a can of soda in his hand. “Bad day?” “Ha!” He sat next to you and popped the can; “You got that right!” “...I’m sorry.” “Not your fault.” He took a sip and held the can out for you, but you politely declined. His face clearly said suit yourself, so he took another. “But if I was there-!” You tried to protest that it hadn’t been your fault – as one of his top agents you should be making sure this kind of thing didn’t happen to your Director. “I’m glad you weren’t...” You leant on his shoulder, rubbing his arm affectionately.  Keller smiled, resting his head on yours “What about your day?” “I’m exhausted...!” “Doing what?” “Running around after you.” Or, the other him. “Ah! Well. See I should be sorry!!” “Don’t be. I’m just glad he didn’t haul me off like you usually do. Or that would have been really awkward.” Keller chuckled, “Sounds like he gave the game away...” “Well, I did find that odd. The alarm bells really went at the right-handed thing though.” “Oh, dear Lord.” He placed his head in his free hand for a moment, voice pitching in embarrassment. “Well, yeah, I knew there was no way in hell you’d suddenly switch your good hand, especially when you also draw left... it looked awkward.” “And no one else noticed!?” You gave a shrug; “If they did I haven’t heard anything.” “Ought to fire them all-!” This time he took a gulp from the can and you raised an eyebrow, “That healthy for you. Director?” “Better than cigarettes.” He shook the now half empty can at you “I thought you had that covered?” He pointed to the car, “No toothpicks or I’d be fine.” “Fine? After your day?” You raised an eyebrow “Well now you mention it, I do have one hell of a headache...” Keller rubbed his wrists, although neither of you were sure if that was because they hurt, or because he was just thinking on it “That’s just embarrassing-! Knocked out and tied up!? Like, how am I supposed to live that down??” “Oh-!” You rummaged in your pocket and held out his pass, “I rescued it.” He took it from you delicately “Ah... thank you... there was a gun with this, did you get the gun?!” “Didn’t bring it in case you go through with that threat of not ever being able to live it down..!” He pushed you, “Not literally!” You didn’t dare laugh; “It’s in my desk draw, don’t worry...” “It’s to be hoped we don’t get called out now!” “Well I wasn’t about to carry an unlicensed firearm around LA after this morning was I!” “It’s licenced-!” “Not to me, Jonathan! To you!!” He attached the pass back to his belt and stretched his arms. You studied his wrists carefully in the two seconds they were on show, glad to see there weren’t any marks “I tell ya...” he sighed, shaking his head “Bound and gagged in your own office... that is not an experience I ever want again.” You folded your arms and smirked “Aw. Damn. And here I thought we were going to be spicing things up in the bedroom.” “What?” He looked to you for a moment uncertainly as it clicked, “What!? Oh god! No! No! No! No! No!” Instantly his face flushed. And you acted disappointed; “Aww... but I thought It’d give you confidence... if you’ve done it once-!” “Y/N...!!” His face was still burning as he buried it in his arms.
He remained like that in silence, flustered and needing to calm down for a number of minutes. So long in fact that you were beginning to wish you didn’t say anything. He didn’t even retaliate to you prizing the drink out of his hands and taking a sip for yourself. “You do realise that you’re R Keller again.” “Yeah I did.” “Certainly wasn’t me this time.” “Oh-! Don’t you say that after what you just implied!!” When he did eventually look up at you there was still a trace of embarrassment painted across his cheeks. As he tried to figure out if the seductive joke was serious. You just sat there, can in hand, the picture of absolute innocence. He raised an eyebrow - “At least buy me dinner first!” You stood, can empty - “Oh no. Dinner’s on you tonight.” You held your hand out. And Keller let you help him up; “oh!” He laughed “Well then it’s on the other me. Ready to go?” “Yes...” He took your hand and kissed the back of it as he walked you to his car, “Just don’t get any funny ideas about any of my ties, alright?!” but he knew by the amused smile on your face that you already were, and he’d just given that thought to you for free.
“Oh! One more thing...”   His sigh was exasperated and he rolled his eyes as you got into the car, which had you grinning- “What else could there possibly be to add...?!” “The other you didn’t know what a black box was.” Keller’s eyes widened as he was forced into a stunned silence - then he leant forward to rest his head on the steering wheel and let out a cry of anguish “My reputation-!” You were all too happy to add fuel to this fire; “Some guy at the Pegasus facility thinks you don’t know what a black box is, let that sink in. When he researched famed Agent Keller and sees Air Force he’s gonn-!” “Stop!! Please! I can only take so much defamation!” He wrung his hands and then took a deep breath, running them over his face. “God help me.” He muttered more to himself, then cleared his throat to signal there would be no more talk of this, before he turned on the ignition. The radio was on soft, but Keller turned up the dial. You were met with the familiar sound of country music. “Still at it with country, I hear.” “Well, you know what they say...” he did all his checks before moving off “You can take the man out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the man - so to speak.” You squinted at him, but your look was playful “You pinning yourself as a Southern Gentleman, Keller?” “You said it not me!” But he was grinning “Alright, my Southern Beau...” you reflected his grin, “take me home.” He turned to you with a wink; “Yes m’am!”
 It was a pretty long drive back home - with Keller between so many offices his places of residence were never particularly central to where he needed to be. The wide scope also meant that a call coming from LA could send him to a neighbouring state, and he’d been to the Utah facility innumerable times for the labs they had down there. Sometimes you wondered how much Keller really knew - maybe a little too much. He had a way of looking when someone would offhandedly mention something - the way he would shift in his seat and fold his arms - that always made you think he was aware of too much. But he was never telling you. The weight of being a Director must have been great - and you knew he had a great many briefings with the President. How was he supposed to tackle the idea of aliens though? Or... did he do that already? You knew one thing - if you questioned him on the World’s deepest darkest secrets, he would never tell.
It wasn’t long before you drifted to sleep, the sound of the radio and the motion of the car was not something you were going to fight. And not even Keller’s soft humming along was going to stop you. Which made him smile - sounded like you needed rest, running around the Pegasus facility couldn’t have been easy, and it was by no means a late start!  Still, he was a little disappointed that he’d missed it; what he wouldn’t give to have reason to go down there himself. He might be able to make one up, he supposed. Fascinated with both space and aircraft, Jonathan knew he’d missed out on a lot by being unconscious on his office floor... His cheeks burned slightly though - As long as I can convince them I really know what a black box is!!
 ** You were still fast asleep when he pulled up in the drive way. He thought perhaps turning off the ignition would stir you, but it didn’t.  Good. He checked he had everything and slid out of his seat, gently closing the car door to make sure he didn’t wake you, before rounding to the passenger side. You groaned gently as he lifted you from your seat, but still didn’t wake, and he carried you and your things back inside - again closing the front door as quietly as possible.
He wasn’t about to wake you for no good reason, so with a soft laugh he carried you upstairs; “Alright darlin’... lets get you to bed...” He removed your shoes and your jacket but left you alone after that before tucking you into bed. Keller watched you for a little while with a smile, as you lost yourself in dreams. He leant forward and kissed your forehead - “Goodnight, Y/N...” He was half way out the door before he heard you call back softly, and he turned with a smile – your eyes were barely open, but they were fixing him with a look of adoration. And he couldn’t help but smile more as that feeling reached his heart. “Sorry, sweetheart?” Keller hadn’t really missed it, he just wanted to hear you say it again. “Goodnight, babe…I love you.” He chuckled gently, turning off the hallway light to let you sleep in peace; “I love you too.” --- @dennismitchell @happyskywhale @wltz-bby #MendoTagSquad.
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ohgoddard · 4 years
Fist of Fire.8.
“Your first tournament is next week.” The entire classroom collectively choked on their drink. “Wait what?!” yelled back Ricardo. The AHA Combat Team had been training for a few months now, and Reverse had been running them hard. And it was beginning to have results. Ricardo could accurately shoot and move like a gunslinger of old. Riley could move faster than ever, with a punch backing up her speed as well. Emily could now move beyond her usual ‘kicking those below me’ style and for some reason had stopped bullying during her usual hours. Jade chalked it up to being too tired to hate. John has been getting better at moving faster and hitting more often, becoming a mosquito almost. Jade came to find out that quiet girl’s name was Grace, who had an quirk to cause fucking paralysis. Jade had to fix her ‘judging the book by their cover’ style fast, as she was certain it would backfire in the future. 
“Yes, a tournament. In order to keep this club running we have to actually fight other schools. I'm not going to sugarcoat it, it's going to be really tough for you guys. While you all have been improving your abilities and skills, these people have been in the Combat Sport for years. And none of you, save for very specific circumstances, have actually fought someone. So we’re going to fix that today.” Reverse walked to the door and opened it. In came the school nurse pushing a trolley of suit bags. Reverse gave the nurse a handshake before turning to the group. 
“These will be your uniforms for the competitions. They were each made to your measurements you all sent me when I had you sign the waivers. Now, unlike other countries,  the US Combat Sports Association does not allow for specific suit modifications to match a quirk power unless it is to allow body quirks. As such, they are just body suits. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t make them look cool.” He picked up one of the suit bags and opened them up. As he was taking out the suit he gave a small chuckle. “You see, even I have to get a suit, as the club sponsors have to fight each other before the competition to get the first pick of opponents.” Reverse unveils the suit, and it is as best as bodysuit can look. They were accented with blue and gold chevrons along the sleeves and legs, with a white body as a whole. The chevrons all connected to a bright red AHA on the chest. “These suits are made to be breathable and shit like that, but it looks cool too. I based it off of my favorite hero’s uniform. Now, you all will still be required to wear underwear and shit but -” The nurse cleared his throat.
“Oh right. You will be putting these on today for practice. We are going to fight each other, to get you used to how other humans think. Do not worry about getting hurt, my good friend here will put you right back together.” The nurse took a step forward and gave a friendly wave. “Hello hello! I recently bought 70 heads of lettuce, so I believe I can help you all get back to health easily enough!” The students did not know what to make of that statement. Reverse started grabbing his suit and gloves and walking out the door. The students took the cue and rushed to the cart to grab their suit and ran to the bathroom to change.
When they met at the gym, it was obvious to find those who were more comfortable with their body and those who were not.  There were the majority of  students who were trying to cover up parts of them because they were shy, and then there was Riley, who was standing there like a greek statue. The nurse was there with a camera and a giant shopping cart of lettuce head. He had also changed clothes, out his white lab coat and dress shirt and pants to what looks like a red Hawaiian shirt and cargo shorts. He had also donned a pair of sunglasses and brought a lawn chair. He seems to be getting ready for a good show, Jade thought.
Soon after Reverse walked in, and aside from Riley was the one who rocked the suit the most. His suit allowed for small cosmetic modifications, so had it all cut up into separate sleeves, leggings, and the initial torso covering. He also had a helmet over his head, which made him look like a huge buff biker. Jade was drawn away from looking at him when she heard something to the right of her. It was the short shy girl named Grace. She was muttering something under her breath, and had a twinkle in her eye. Her gaze was landing right on Reverse. Gross...thought Jade. Reverse flipped the visor and spoke, “I am going to assign you to pairs of two. You are going to fight each other, one at a time. Emily, Jade, you're up first.” 
It was like Reverse had poured a bucket of ice down her back. Wait, us up first? Right off the bat? Emily seemed to have lost any semblance of the shame she was wearing earlier, her arms dropping to her sides.  And while moments ago she was awash with a sheepish energy, what now radiates from her body was something akin to bloodlust. 
“Eh..Reverse?A word?” “No.” Jade would have to talk to him about that later. The two girls walked away from the group and stepped into a painted ring. The ring was fairly large, about the size of a basketball court. Inside the ring lay several crates that in some areas pile up to create cover within the ring. Reverse leaped from where he stood and landed on the tallest of the piles. 
“Alright, so I'm going to lay out the rules. Follow them or risk disqualification. They are as follows: Do not use lethal force.  That's it.” That's it?!?!?! Jade’s minds bellows. She was already uncomfortable in a suit that seemed to form to her body in a way that makes her very exposed, she has to fight her bully who has beaten her for YEARS without any warning...wait a second.
This could prove to be in my favor.
Reverse jumped away from the crate pile and next to the nurse. Jade looks across the ring straight into Emily’s eyes. “I'm not going to hold back. I'm going to get back at you,” Jade says to Emily, putting as much authority into her voice as she can. “I sincerely doubt it.” Emily put her arms above her head and did a lazy stretch, never breaking eye contact with jade.“This is routine for me, and I’ll treat it as such.” Emily’s reply is delivered with as much nonchalance as one could imagine.”Truth be told, I was afraid i’d be fighting anyone else. But when I heard it was you? I knew I could finally have fun again. It's been so long since we’ve had a moment.”
Reverse picks up a previously hidden bell and punches it. As it rings out across the ring and courtyard, he yells.”FIGHT!”
Immediately, Jade loses sight of Emily. It was almost too fast how she moved. Jade walked forward into the piles of crates and was looking around and up, scared. Around her she hears rustling everywhere, and is spinning in circles.”Stop running! Face me!” Jade calls out. She was not used to this, Emily would always do head-on beatings, she never would…
A crash is heard behind Jade and she turns around to see a crate flying at her. Jade leaps to the side and looks up to see Emily. She was floating in the air, standing on several towers of crates. Her hair seems to have grown exponentially somehow, looking like several spider-legs writhing around her head. A leg shoots forward and nearly misses Jade’s head. Emily starts floating forward, her hair moving like an insect crawling along a wall and pulling her with it. Jade scrambles to her feet and starts charging Emily. Emily’s face was a bit surprised at this, although she did not stop her advance. Jade’s arms started to begin their flame, the gasoline dropping to the floor, when she was clotheslined. A line of hair raised up to head level, near invisible, caused Jade to fly onto her back and knock her head. She looked up from the floor, vision hazy, and saw Emily quite literally lording over her. Emily had a look of complete sadism in her eyes, and was seen trying to stifle a laugh with her hand. “Oh Jade, you can’t ever compete with me. That little stunt you pulled earlier was hilariously funny, but not unexpected.” Tendrils of hair shoot down and restrain Jade in place, and Emily spits on her face. “You’ll never be better than me. Let this serve as a reminder to Know.Your.Place!” Her last word was said with malice, as a bundle of hair turned into a large fist and came rushing to her face and -
Jade woke up once again in the nurse’s office. She had an exploding pain in her head. But it was nothing compared to the pain she felt in her soul. She had lost. Not only lost, she lost to her bully yet again. After all those months of working out, those long nights of learning to control her quirk, those special sessions with Reverse… all for nothing. Why did I even think I could compare to her.. She’s always held herself over me. Jade swings her legs off the bed and stands up, stretching. I’ve been trying to make myself bigger than I am..I thought I could take on my father’s killer. I should have known better. I’m just a teenager. It's probably best to just leave it to Reverse.. Jade goes to the curtain surrounding her bed and pulls it back, expecting to see Reverse again.
But that is not what she sees. She sees Emily, lying unconscious on a bed with several bandages around her head. Her..bald head. Jade looked at her head and saw burn marks around her scalp, where the bandages cover her up. “What the hell!?” Jade audibly says. “You sleep for so long.” Jade turns around and sees Reverse drinking out of smoothie, sitting on the bed adjacent to Emily’s. “An hour shorter than last time, but still. I want to go home y’know?” 
“What the hell happened?!” Jade was scared, but not as much as she was bewildered. 
Reverse spends the next minute draining his smoothie. After a very satisfied burp, he puts his cup down. “Well, it went something like this..”
As the first fell towards Jade’s face, something happened. The courtyard, the whole city, was filled with bright light never really seen to that extent. The air was filled with heat felt before though, as this was Georgia. Emily, momentarily distracted by the sudden flare of light, soon found herself with something very alarming to take care of. She was struck with a bolt of light, pure white and bright light, to the back of her head. And in that strike, the entirety of her hair was lit on fire. And burning to ashes too. The tendrils of her hair began to fall off akin to leaves in a fire, burning away completely in the wind. Reverse shot from his spot next to the nurse and dashed into the air, catching Emily before she hit the ground. The impact of Reverse catching her, in addition to her flaming head, caused her to go unconscious. However, when Reverse was catching her in the air, he hit a crate on accident which fell right on top of..
“You dropped a crate on my head?!” “I don’t think you’re paying attention to the important part of this story.” Reverse stood up and walked to Jade, putting his hand on her shoulder.
“Jade, you summoned the power of the sun. You used your dad’s quirk.”
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Fanbruary 2019
Weekend 1 - Saturday 02.02.
For @citrus-cactus, based on the Takeru Hat Project.
„Hiya Yamato, it’s me, your most beloved brother!“ Takeru said after Yamato had accepted his call.
Yamato sighed and said “I know, I saw it on the display.”
“Well, aren’t you curious why I called?” Takeru sounded particularly chirpy.
“You will tell me in a second, I guess.” Yamato rolled his eyes.
“True, true. I need your help. I have to move out of my apartment because the owner declared personal needs. Thankfully, I have already found a new place, not too far from yours actually. The only thing I don’t have yet is someone to help me move all my stuff. That’s where you come into play. You still owe me a favour after I helped your band move into a new rehearsal room.”
Yamato only muttered through gritted teeth. His little brother was right but that didn’t mean he would be jumping with joy.
“Was that a yes? I had expected a bit more ecstasy; we’ll be closer again after all.”
“Hrmpf. Whatever. Okay, baby brother, I’ll help you.”
“Wonderful. Taichi has already accepted by the way. Toodles, Yama!”
“Wait, what do you mean?” Yamato asked, but Takeru had already hung up. Yamato eyed his mobile phone with disbelief, shook his head and then put it back on the table. For one reason or another, the first one that came Takeru to mind was not his own brother but his girlfriend’s. And hadn’t he said he didn’t have anyone to help yet? Years ago, he might have found this agitating but by now Taichi was already extended family, both as theoretical brother-in-law for Takeru and a third half for himself - if you counted Sora as Yamato’s second (better) half.
Because of this, Yamato just shrugged. He looked down when his phone buzzed again with a message from Takeru, stating when exactly the move was going to happen. From the table he grabbed a pen and marked the date in his calendar. Then he gathered everything he needed to go grocery shopping.
On Wednesday morning Yamato’s alarm went off earlier than usual. He groaned and buried his head under the pillow, then suddenly jerked up as he remembered that today was the day he would help Takeru move his belongings.
Unfortunately, Yamato slept in a loft bunk. Which he had forgotten in the heat of the moment. “Ouch”, he whimpered and rubbed the hurting spot on the back of his head.
When the pain subsided a little, he rolled around on his back and robbed to the ladder, cautiously taking rung after rung. Before he had coffee he was prone to be a hazard to himself.
After a crucial cup of that life-donating hot beverage and a hearty bowl of rice with tofu he set off to Takeru’s apartment.
“Hey Yamato! Fantastic that you’re here!” his brother called from out of the open window above his head. He just waved as an answer and climbed the stairs after Takeru had buzzed the door open.
Takeru opened the door and drew him into a quick hug. Yamato’s eyes went wide when he saw all the cardboard boxes stacked in the rooms as he looked over Takeru’s shoulder.
“Bro, how much have you assembled? You just lived here for a year.”
Takeru shrugged. “I was surprised myself. But look on the bright side: I have packed up everything already, you just have to carry it down.”
“Yeah, four stories down. And up again to get more.”
“But you have been working out lately, haven’t you? Shouldn’t be a problem. Though you can’t keep up with Taichi.”
Yamato sputtered. “What do you mean? And how come you are so well informed about Taichi’s shape?”
Instead of answering, Takeru pointed to a lonesome picture of Hikari that still hung on the wall.
“I don’t have to understand this?”
“Well, sometimes we do compare your progress with his. And you’re lagging way behind” Takeru said with a smirk.
“Hey!” Yamato shoved him playfully against the wall. “If you’re saying much more I’ll turn on my heel and you can only rely on your oh-so-jacked Taichi.”
“So you’re finally admitting I’m brawnier than you?” someone called from the door and you could already hear the glee in his voice.
The brothers turned to see a widely-grinning Taichi leaning in the doorway.
“How did you get in here?” Yamato asked bewildered.
Taichi held out his flat palm with a key, saying “Hikari’s.”
Yamato just shook his head. “Back to the main topic: let’s get those boxes out of here. By the way, how do we get all those boxes away?”
“I came with a van” Taichi answered.
“Oh, okay. Well, let’s go!” Yamato said because he didn’t like just standing around doing nothing. He grabbed one of the boxes that was surprisingly light even though it looked to be filled to the brim. He risked a glance into it and stopped in his tracks, causing Taichi to ram his box into Yamato’s back.
“Sorry, man, but you seemed so eager to go and now you don’t want to walk out?” Taichi asked with a chuckle.
Just acknowledging his apology with a nod, Yamato turned around. “Takeru?” he asked, his voice trailing out. “How many hats do you have? These are - thirty?”
Takeru laughed. “Yeah, there are twenty-eight in there. But this is only one box. There are two more with the same number.”
“There are what?” Yamato and Taichi repeated in unison.
Taichi quickly calculated. “You have eighty-four hats?”
Takeru nodded unfazed. For him, this didn’t sound out of the extraordinary. “Yeah, for every occasion one. You want to see them?”
“Sure” Taichi said just when Yamato rejected “But not here.” The other two regarded him with a quizzical look. “I mean, let’s pack up everything here and then have a bit of fun in your new apartment.”
Takeru shot him the finger guns. “You’re right. That’s why you’re the more sensible from the two of us.” He snatched another cardboard box and nodded towards the door.
Before they all left, Yamato asked “You have the keys?”
Takeru nodded and so they proceeded down the stairs.
When all boxes were packed up in the van, Taichi, Takeru and Yamato got into it and Taichi drove them to the new apartment. It was situated in a quieter area than Takeru had lived before and, indeed, Yamato’s place was only a few blocks away.
Repeating the procedure from earlier, though in reversed order, they filled the new apartment with all cardboard boxes (Yamato had counted - there were twenty in total) and Takeru’s furniture.
After they were done, the doorbell rang and a few minutes later Hikari had climbed the stairs, balancing a tray with a tall food cover on it that augured a very promising cake.
Takeru welcomed her with a kiss, Taichi lifted her off her feet and Yamato hugged her quickly.
“I see you brought cake” Taichi exclaimed cheerfully and wanted to lift the cover off but Hikari batted his hand away.
“Later, after our work here is done.”
“What do you mean? You want to clear all those boxes today?” Yamato looked around incredulously, imagining the bulk of things they’d have to put into place. 
“Sure. That’s why I brought help.” She went back to the apartment door and called down the staircase. Only a couple of seconds later it sounded like a stampede of wild animals running up the stairs. Hikari stepped beside to let the rest of the DigiDestined pour into the apartment. Taichi, Takeru and Yamato were a little taken aback but had hardly time to catch their breath, mostly because Mimi was at the forefront and ran up to them to draw them into a strong hug you would have never anticipated from such a petite person. Now that she lived in Kyoto she didn’t meet them as regularly as she used to.
“Oh boys, I’m so glad to see you again!” she squealed and pecked their cheeks.
“Yeah, good to see you, too. Though I didn’t expect you to be helping in a move” Takeru said a bit carelessly.
Mimi gave him her most disappointed pout. “How long do we know each other now? Of course you need someone for impeccable decorating! As your girlfriend is apparently much wiser than you she immediately thought of me and she has never been more right before! Though if you don’t mind I will wait in the kitchen until the hard work is done here. I would just get in the way but with the rest of the gang you have more than enough hands to get through everything quickly.” She smiled sweetly and danced out of the living room, a trace of flowery perfume trailing behind her.
Takeru and Yamato looked at each other, inhaling sharply but smiling after they had held their breath while the hurricane that was Mimi Tachikawa had raged. They nodded at the same time, Yamato saying “alright”, and then he picked up the coffee table Sora had made out of old books and willow twigs and gifted to Takeru on his last birthday.
Hikari had been right. With the many helping hands the whole undertaking was done in the rest of the afternoon and so the move had cost Takeru just one day. Now there were only the three boxes with hats left.
“So, Takeru, now I’m really curious. Show us your hat collection” Yamato said as he took a bite from Hikari’s strawberry cheesecake.
“Alright, y’all ready for a smoking hat fashion show?” Takeru replied and winked, hoping that people got the pun.
Taichi and Yamato exchanged an amused glance while Jou looked utterly confused and Hikari buried her face in her hand, sighing loudly.
Mimi, in her best cheerleading manner, started clapping her hands rhythmically and chanted “Takeru! Takeru!”
Takeru bowed. “At least one is as excited as I am. Okay, here we go. Our first model looks simple at first glance in its reserved off-white without any accessories. But by putting it on with the shield backwards and combined with a charming smile this cap becomes a cheeky and necessary addition to every young gentleman’s wardrobe.”
Taichi laughed boisterously when Takeru put it on and paraded before them.
Sora had gotten up and rummaged through one of the boxes. “Takeru” she called, holding up another hat “what about this one?”
She tossed it to him and he caught it with ease, changing this one with the white hat in one smooth motion. “This one is a bolder statement. Not everyone can pull off a watermelon print - but with the brown background colour it’s still a go-to choice for a relaxed stroll through the city.”
“Are you still sure you want to write novels? Because I’m pretty sure you would find work at basically every fashion magazine. You have the right flowery vocabulary for it” Mimi said in earnest and nodded to emphasize her words.
Takeru bowed before her. “Thank you for your advice. I might even consider it.” He winked, then trolled the next hat from the box. “This is a classier hat, based on the famous bowler hats from English gentlemen, but with a wider brim and nicely contrasted with a black velvet band. The two metal stars give it a juvenile air.”
“Okay, but how do you justify this monstrosity?” Yamato had joined Sora to poke around the hat boxes. He stared at his find in disbelief.
“How dare you call this a monstrosity? I worked thirty hours at this!” Sora exclaimed feignedly snubbed.
Yamato turned to his girlfriend with wide eyes. “Oh, uh, sorry. I didn’t know you had made this. But how? Why?”
Takeru came over and snatched it from Yamato’s hand. With a spaced-out smile he felt the soft fabric that resembled a particularly otherworldly galaxy. It was adorned with a lace band and a bronze-coloured brooch but the most outstanding feature of it was its shape. It was that of a wizard’s hat. “Yeah, that was one of your masterpieces, Sora.” Then he looked at Yamato, gaze gone clear again. “This was the cherry on top of my trip to the theatre. I played Dumbledore in the performance of ‘Harry Potter’ that our Fantasy course put on last semester.” He coughed, made a dramatic pause and then yelled, throwing his hands into the air and pretending to swish a cloak behind him, “Harry, did you put your name in the Goblet of-“
“-Fire?” the DigiDestined shouted back in unison. There was a second of silence and then everybody erupted into vigorous laughter.
Mimi was wheezing. After she had caught a bit of air again she gasped “They we’re so right with casting you as Dumbledore. You really have a flamboyant air to you.” She wiped tears out of her eyes.
“Absolutely. Maybe you should become a playwright instead of a novel writer”, Yamato suggested.
“Or be a part-time actor while still writing your novels. You’d be great” Sora confirmed.
Takeru bowed before them all, pretending to blush deeply. “Your praise flatters me, but my desired career cannot be changed.”
Hikari walked up to him and pecked him on the cheek. “Don’t worry, I would never try to change your mind.”
“Uh, of course, my angel of a sister has to save the day” Taichi remarked mockingly, but his smile actually expressed that he was still proud of her. He looked around. The bubbly excitement from only a few moments ago had died down, instead they were content to be quietly in the company of their friends. Only Meiko was missing, she was out of the country for a semester. That made his heart a little melancholic but otherwise it couldn’t get much better than it was now.
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slayxwolf · 7 years
Stiles Stilinski Imagine- Save Me Dumbass
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Request: Oh my word I love your writing! Could I request a Stiles imagine where the reader and him go on like a cute date but then the reader gets kidnapped and is just really sarcastic with her captures and Stiles and Scott try and save the reader in the most unconventional and hilarious ways possible. P.S. I love your writing.
Word Count: 2,662
You ran out to Stiles’ jeep on your driveway. “Hey beautiful” he beamed as you opened the door and sat down. “Hey handsome” you returned, clipping in your seatbelt. “So what did you chose for date night?” you asked, as he took the jeep off park. “A drive in movie” he smiled. “Good choice” you nod, as he began to drive. When you arrived it was an abnormally busy day there, I guess it was because tickets were half price due to it closing down within the next few months. “What film is showing?” you asked, staring at all the people walking around with popcorn, drinks and snacks. “It’s Taken 2″ Stiles answered, after the lady passed you your tickets. You picked a space and reversed into it. You then both climbed out with all your stuff and set up in the back of the jeep. Stiles had packed blankets, pillows, food and even fairy lights to hang up. “You’re cute” you whispered. “I know” he winked playfully. You rolled your eyes and he kissed your forehead. You watched the film curled into your boyfriend’s chest, that was until you decided to need the bathroom. “I’ll walk you up there” Stiles offered. “It’s fine, plus when we get back people would have taken all of your cute stuff” you said climbing out. “I don't care about my fairy lights, I care about you” he pouted. “Well I do, and I promise I’ll be back in five minutes tops” you sounded adamant. “Okay, well be safe” Stiles said hesitantly, not being able to hide his concern. “I will” you smiled sweetly, kissing him and walking off.
You hadn't even walked four steps when your phone started to blow up with notifications. ‘You okay?’, ‘No guys are looking at you are they?’ ‘Tell them I have a bat and a werewolf best friend’ ‘Y/n you better reply I'm panicking’ . You stood still and turned around. “Stiles you can literally still see me” you shouted. “Just making sure” he called back. You shook your head and laughed, before continuing to the toilet. You and Stiles text back and forth the whole way there, because he wanted to make sure you were completely safe. ‘I'm going into the bathroom now, I’ll text you the second I’m out’. ‘Okay baby’. The toilets were packed when you got in there, but once you came out of the stall they were completely empty. You washed your hands and dried them on your clothes, to get out of there as quick as you could. You couldn't deny that something didn't quite feel right. You got outside and reached for your phone in your back pocket. You started to text your boyfriend, when you felt like someone was watching you. ‘I'm on my way bac-’ you started to type, before you felt someone grab your shoulder firmly. You instantly turned around to see a hooded and masked figure, you also noticed that there was no longer people walking around, as it was now the climax of the film. “But it’s date night” you whined to yourself, being no stranger to the bad in Beacon Hills. You weren't exactly terrified, as you’d come face to face with tons of supernatural creatures by now, and a kidnapper was hardly the scariest. Stiles must have seen that you had been ‘typing’ on the chat for a while, so he called you out of concern, which the capturer’s attention was automatically drawn to, giving you enough time to elbow him In the dick and run.
You ran to the closest staff car park, which was a lot darker and quieter because no one was around. You ducked behind a car, realising that there was more than one kidnapper looking for you. You turned your phone onto silent and dimmed the brightness, before calling Stiles. “Are you okay, where are you?” he immediately answered. “There are about three masked people looking for me- and I’m in the staff car park” you whispered into your phone. “Okay I’m coming, don't panic and just stay on the phone to me okay” you could hear his own panic in his voice, yet he tried to remain calm to not worry you. “Okay” you breathed. You looked under the car to see if you could see their feet, as they looked for you, and whatever Stiles was saying became blurred as you couldn’t see any of them. You stood up slowly and turned around, ready to make another run for it. “Oh shit- you scared me” you couldn't help but add the sarcastic comment at the end, as you came face to face with them all. They covered your mouth with tape and shoved an empty pillow case over your head, before shoving you in the trunk of a car. Just great.
They must have sedated you or something, because the next thing you knew, you were waking up in the middle of an empty warehouse. You opened your eyes, seeing you were tied to a chair by your wrists. Shortly after that, you let out a small splutter. “What’s so funny?” one of them wearing a blue mask spoke, feeling mocked to say the least. “It’s just very cliché” you criticised, with a smirk. “Someone has balls” the one that grabbed you said, wearing a grey mask. “Clearly bigger than yours” you commented with a fake pout, referring to how he groaned like a little bitch earlier. “I like her” the third spoke, who you now knew was female under the green mask. “Why don't you take your masks off then, and we can become better acquainted” you smiled falsely. “No can do I’m afraid, boss’ orders” the second male spoke. “And what would your boss want with me?” you asked, furrowing your brows. “You know if I was in your position, I’d be a lot nicer and do a lot of begging and less of the sarcastic comments” the first taunted. You stuck your finger up at him, with the little mobility you had and mouthed the words ‘Fuck You’, before looking back to the others for answers. He stormed out like a child, slamming the warehouse door shut as the others laughed. “All we know is that we have to keep you here, until someone of more value comes along” the girl shrugged. Their boss clearly knows about your supernatural friends, and rather your capturers know a lot more than they’re making out, or their boss has genuinely sent them in blind to see what Scott and the pack are really capable of. “So I’m the bait?” you quickly asked, not wanting to give too much away. “I guess you could say that” the male spoke. 
The next few hours were torture, simply because you were that fucking bored. They didn't ask questions, no interrogation, hell you were even waiting for a physical altercation to have something to do. The only fun you had came from bullying the man in the blue mask, who had stormed off a total of ten times because you were so mean to him. The worst part was that you couldn't even try to save yourself with the training Allison had given you, because literally all they did was sit and watch your every move all day. You could blink and one of them would jump up, gun at the ready. Luckily the first guy didn't have a gun like the other two, because you certainly wouldn't have left unharmed otherwise.
Meanwhile, Scott and Stiles were having a lot more of a ‘productive’ day than yourself. I say ‘productive’ as they weren't really getting anywhere, but the pair of them were really trying. Bless them. They didn't want to involve the rest of the pack or Stiles’ dad yet, until they at least knew more information. Which of course they didn't have, because the people that took you were clearly a new threat to the pack- and partially because they were acting like nervous wrecks. Stiles had stripped his murder board and replaced it with your case. In other words, all he had done was place a picture of you and him together, with a string attaching it to a terrible drawing of three stick people. Scott on the other hand, was sitting on the bed searching the bestiary for answers. Which of course, would have been no help what so ever. “There’s nothing about a kidnapping creature that hunts in threes” Scott finally concluded, shutting it. “So maybe they’re not even supernatural?” Stiles suggested. They looked at each other intensely for a second, before both brushing it off and saying “Nahh” in unison. In the pair of their minds, anything surrounding the crime in Beacon Hills was supernatural based. “I could try and track her by scent” Scott suddenly remembered he was a werewolf. “You don't have to” Stiles suddenly remembered. He grabbed his phone off his desk and waved it at Scott. “You're going to call her?” Scott asked, confused. “No, I'm going to track her phone” he corrected, as if Scott should have known. “You have a tracking device on her phone Stiles?” he asked, judging his best friend’s overprotective and concerning behaviour. “I have a tracking device in all of your phones- Scott we all agreed to it months ago” Stiles stated. “Oh yeah” he nod his head, recalling the pack meeting on it. “To the jeep” Stiles shouted, very hyperactively. “Never say that again” Scott commented, trailing behind him.
“My boyfriend will find me” you said smugly, fishing for conversations to cure your boredom more than anything. “Good luck with that” one of them retort. “He will” you couldn't help but have the last word. “Do you still have that tape?” the first capturer spoke again. “And he’s going to destroy you” you carried on. “Your boyfriend wont do shit” he said, getting into your face. “Well I certainly will” you bit back. He hovered confused above you for a second, that was before you forcefully kicked him in the balls, causing him to drop to the ground in pain this time. You smirked and raised your eyebrows, and the other two couldn't help but laugh. He then stood up angrily (Still holding his balls) and grabbed the gun out of the girl’s hand. “No don't” the other male shouted, stepping in front of you. “If you kill her now, without getting whoever the fuck we’re supposed to be luring here, we won’t get paid” he spoke in a low voice, which you managed to just about hear. “Yeah you cant kill me, I'm the bait” you smiled both sarcastically and smugly. He reluctantly gave the gun back while simultaneously giving you a death stare. ‘You’re screwed’ you mouthed, so only he could see, realising that they didn't know anything about your supernatural friends. He clenched his fists and breathed, you were relying on Scott and Stiles because you knew that motherfucker wouldn't hesitate to kill you if they didn't show.
“The signal ends here” Scott pointed out, staring at the locater on Stiles’ phone. He then pulled up into the empty car park and the two of them hopped out, slamming the doors shut. The sound of that echoed into the windows of the warehouse, alerting them of the arrival. “We’ve got company” the girl said, as her and the second capturer made their way to glance out the window. You squinted your eyes shut for a moment, out of their stupidity. When you opened your eyes the first capturer was standing there with a cocky expression, he mouthed the words ‘show time’ to you, before joining the others to look out the window. He grabbed the girl’s gun once again. Meanwhile Scott and Stiles stood by the jeep oblivious, they picked up your smashed phone from the floor. “Maybe she’s in there” Scott suggested, as they looked at the large warehouse. “Nahh” they both said in unison once again. “That's what they want us to think” Stiles said wisely, as they both went to get back into the jeep. All of a sudden, one gun shot was let off. “Stiles!” you screamed, not being able to see what was happening. You then began to pull against your restraints desperately. “Shit” Stiles said in shock, as Scott pulled out the bullet from his own arm. He turned to look up at the window, his eyes glowing bright red. “What The Fuck” the second capturer said in disbelief. “GET THE FUCKING DOOR” the first kidnapper shouted, while continuing to shoot at the pair of them from the window. The other two then ran and stood facing the door, the girl stood defenceless behind the second guy. The first capturer quickly joined them, after Scott had managed to make it to the building effortlessly. You had managed to cut one of your restraints, and were now tugging at the much tighter second one, when the door burst open. 
You couldn't look, all you heard was the sound of gunshots, growling, and bodies flying around the room. You then turned to see Scott standing, looking down at the three of them on the floor. You breathed in relief, and then your eyes widened when you couldn't see your stupid, wreckless, irrational, smart, loving boyfriend. That was until he stumbled into the room a few seconds later, completely out of breath, “Sorry, he got up all of those stairs a lot quicker than me” he spoke slowly between breaths. You looked at him and shook your head, “Save me dumbass” you interrupted. He then came over and untied your other restraint, before helping you up. “You found me” you then smiled at him sweetly. “Because I love you” he replied, cupping your cheeks and pulling you into a passionate kiss. “I helped” Scott interrupted, also puckering his lips playfully. You and Stiles pulled away and smiled at each other adoringly. “And come here you” you turned around and pulled Scott into a hug. That's when you saw the first capturer half standing up, attempting to raise his gun to shoot Scott. Stiles must have clocked on because before you knew it, Stiles had made his way over to him. “Where are you going?” he asked, punching him in the face, knocking him back over. Which low-key turned you on, because who doesn't fancy badass Stiles? “Who sent you?” Scott asked, as you also made your way over to him. He simply let out a laugh through his bloody mouth, and spat on the ground to show his lack of respect. “Asshole!” you muttered, punching him in the mouth, knocking him out cold. Which low-key turned Stiles on, because who doesn't fancy badass Y/n?
The three of you climbed into the jeep. “Thanks dad” Stiles said out of his window. “I’ll take them in for questioning, I’ll help you guys write up your police statements later, with alterations I assume” The Sherriff nodded, relating to the supernatural parts the three of you will need to edit out. “Thanks” the three of you said in unison, as Stiles started the jeep. “So is that all they said, their boss is after one of us?” Scott asked, as you began to drive away. “Yeah, that’s all” you said in agreement, after telling them both all that had happened. “Looks like we’ll need to do some research, and call for a pack meeting” Scott suggested. “Tomorrow then” Stiles said. “Why not tonight?” Scott asked. “Because me and my girlfriend here, have a date night we need to compensate for” Stiles grinned, causing you to smile. “Oh I see-” Scott laughed. It had been one of the weirdest days of your life, and one you were surely never going to forget, you were glad to have such great friends and a perfect boyfriend to stay with you. No matter how completely and utterly stupid they can be, you wouldn't change them for the world.
Sorry if the request didn't turn out as funny as you would have wanted, but I sort of ran away with the plot x
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The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side: Chapter 3
Mu Chen's Sunshine Palace, located in the north of Cloud Gate, is one of the places with the most abundant spirit energy in the five peaks. At the top of flattened Sunshine peak is the bright red Sunshine Palace. From a distance  it looks misty, grand, magnificent, with jade railings all around.
After landing, a strong smell of fragrant incense medicine makes every inch of the skin feel comfortable. In the main hall where Mu Chen lives there is a large golden bamboo. The bamboo was swaying in the wind, and the mottled sunlight fell on the ground through the bamboo leaves, and turning the ground golden. Countless priceless treasures that are hard to find in the outside world are as common as weeds sticking to the sole of your foot here.
On the left is a spirit spring, the water weaving around the immortal palace, and a waterfall plunging down. On the right are several hundred miles of medical gardens, while at the back of the mountain the cry of a crane can be heard.
It is said that Sunshine Palace is the richest place in Cloud Gate, only the people who have seen it can understand.
Mu Chen put down Gu Yunjue, saying: "Here is our place, you can live wherever you want to."
The Sunshine Palace has been decorated very simply, in accordance with Mu Chen's personality. Now that there is a five-year-old child who needs to restore his health, Mu Chen wondered whether he ought to build a house and have some fun.
Gu Yunjue looked at around him, eyes flashing with nostalgia, here is the most comfortable place that he has ever lived in.
Surveying the place, Gu Yunjue's eyes fall on a white stone table in the bamboo grove. The table holds a pot of wine, two glasses, and an unfinished game of chess. Thinking of someone who Mu Chen treats this way... Gu Yunjue narrowed his eyes, stretched out his hand to hold Mu Chen's thigh, and smiled exceptionally sweetly, "This disciple wants to live with the master."
Mu Chen frowned, looked down at the child holding on to his thigh tightly, worriedly asked him: "You ... still wet the bed? "
The corners of Gu Yunjue's mouth twitched, both hands trembled, bed wetting ... The little master is so cute.
Mu Chen looked down at him, the look is especially serious. He really wants to know if the child still wets the bed, if so then they cannot sleep together. Feeling the disciple holding on to his thigh trembling guiltily, Mu Chen frowns and concludes that, sure enough the child is still in the bed wetting age so it's better for them to sleep separately.
Two thirteen-year-old children saw that Mu Chen was back and jumped in front of him, saying in chorus: "Palace Lord."
The two are twins, very handsome and dressed in identical white robes. One has a grim look, behind him is a sword, and he stands upright, looking sharp and spirited. The other one is holding a strange long black flute and is wearing a bone pendant. He is smiling, his face has a lively look, and he looks a bit naughty.
Mu Chen introduced them: "The unsmiling one is Jing Ting, the smiling one is Jing Ming."
The child is still holding on to his thighs shyly so Mu Chen had to push him forward to introduce him. "This is my personal succeeding disciple, from now on take good care of him."
"These disciples understand." Although the two claim to be his disciples, in fact they don't have a mentor-disciple relationship. They are not human. Mu Chen picked up two doglike monsters in a secret place. Out of habit, he had cured their injury ten years ago. Ever since then they had stayed here.
Mu Chen commanded: "Jing Ming, clean up the attic next door to my room for the boy to live in."
Jing Ming was stunned for a moment then nodded: "Yes, this disciple will arrange it immediately."
Looking at the two mirror-like twins running, Gu Yunjue narrowed his eyes. He had not expected that these two tough little things had been following the master so early.
Mu Chen touched Gu Yunjue's head, interrupting his thoughts, and said: "Go and wash yourself first, take off your clothes, and never wear black clothes in the future.
The thought of Gu Yunjue growing up then wearing black, with a peerless handsome face, killing without batting an eye, puts Mu Chen in a bad mood. In this life, the well-behaved little disciple will never become that way.
Mu Chen wanted to leave but his thigh was held. Gu Yunjue tackled his master, making the attendants gasp. They looked at Gu Yunjue with admiration. The last time someone touched the Palace Lord's sleeve, he directly kicked that person away. Yet this boy dares to grab Mu Chen's thigh...
A hero! He is so brave!
Mu Chen did not hit the boy, he just tried to pull away but he was held tightly. Gu Yunjue made a pitiful face at him, sticking like glue to his leg. "Shizun, don't go!"
The fact that the other's body is somehow attracting his spiritual power is something he hasn't figured out yet. If they were to take a bath together he can investigate.
Mu Chen thought he was frightened. Helpless, he held Gu Yunjue while the attendants bring hot water, intending to wash the child himself. Several attendants look at Gu Yunjue with worshipful eyes because the Lord has unexpectedly gave in. It seems he is not an ordinary pet and they must serve the young lord with great care.
Only Jing Ting looks at Gu Yunjue eyes and thinks it's unnatural.
Mu Chen took out a bottle of medicine and put a drop in the bath water which turned green, churning with spiritual power. He picked up Gu Yunjue, who was looking at the door, and wanted to throw him into the bath.
"Shizun!" said Gu Yunzhu clinging to Mu Chen's arm. "I can go in by myself."
Mu Chen put Gu Yun down. That little disciple is really sensible, wants to do things on his own, a really good, self-reliant child.
Seeing that Mu Chen has no intention of changing his clothes, Gu Yunjue temporarily closed off his mind, he always remembers that he is a child, born in that kind of environment, if he did not act then he would have been killed long ago, so he can act the role of a five-year-old child vividly.
He was not sentimental, and took off his coat and climbed into the barrel. However, now the body is too short, the movement of the climb is a bit ugly.
The short limbs are struggling to climb the barrel, like a little mouse but in Mu Chen's eyes it's not ugly.
The face finally having a hint of a smile, Mu Chen reached out to hold the child's butt, tore off the robes and even the pants, throwing Gu Yunjue in the water with a big splash.
Gu Yunjue helplessly spit out a mouthful of water, Shizun is so... direct!
When Gu Yunjue's flesh was exposed, in that moment Mu Chen was stunned. On the child's thin back were innumerable scars... not only the back but also the chest and limbs have numerous scars, including a bit wound which, by the look of the teeth, was made by a woman.
The most serious is a chest wound. It's new and not yet completely cured. It seems like the chest was stabbed by a hairpin and, if the puncture had been any deeper, would have reached the heart and killed Gu Yunjue!
Mu Chen's face was instantly cold, his voice angry: "Who wants to kill you?"
The child grew up to be a twisted killer, the childhood experiences and relationships surely were partly to blame! Just a five year old boy, who laid such a ruthless hand on him?
The medicine in the water is funneling spirit power into his body. It's slightly painful. He rested on the barrel and reached out a hand to touch Mu Chen's face, smiling, and said: "My mother thought that giving birth to me was a disgrace."
Gu Yunjue sees Mu Chen's expression become colder, does not hold back his fingers from stroking that face. He knew how beautiful that laughing face is but, unfortunately, it's really rare to see.
Gu Yunjue has a soul magic power. He is at the stage when he can clearly see the color of the spirit of people. Good people's spirits are white, black is evil, while red is for killers. He has seen that many people's souls are a mixed color. Only Mu Chen, even when he has killed, is pure white.
Part of him wants to wipe him black, contaminate him with his own darkness but at the same time he wants to silently protect his purity.
Looking at the cold man in front of him who was angry for him... Gu Yunjue excitedly licked his lips, eyes narrowed, this feeling is a good memory.
Mu Chen discontentedly swatted away Gu Yunjue's hands, coldly glaring at the spoiled little bastard who even dared to touch his face. Does he understand what it is to honor the teacher and respect his teachings?
Seeing the little disciple is behaving, Mu Chen tied up his messy hair then stirred the water up to produce more bubbles, saying: "Soak for another half hour, I will be going out."
"Where is Shifu going?"
Mu Chen's personality is such that when he thinks of doing something, he does it immediately. Gu Yunjue is not sure what is happening now.
"I'm going to the main peak." As he answered Mu Chen was talking to the door. He orders Jing Ting: "In a moment, go and have a look at him."
He feared that his young disciple might fall into the water and drown to death in the water.
Jing Ting hurried to comply. "This disciple will remember."
"After he changes his clothes, introduce him to the palace servants to make sure they serve him well and don't bully him."
Seeing Gu Yunjue's injury, Mu Chen is distressed at imagining what the child had suffered. Thinking of Gu Yunjue's abusive childhood, Mu Chen's face becomes even colder. He will not let his disciple suffer any injustice again, he will have only the best things...parents...huh.
After Mu Chen left, Gu Yunjue's lips turn up, his smiling face is bloodthirsty and crazy. It's really good that he returned to this place to love together with his teacher. Back then, no one thought that Gu Yunjue had used the magic of the final layer to reverse time, they thought they had killed him but they did not know they just sent him back in time hundreds of years ago. (TN: Yes, it said hundreds of years.)
What are the hypocrites doing at this time?
Are they pursuing the righteous path to cultivation?
Are they murdering and stealing treasures?
Are they standing aloof, pretending to be superior and benevolent?
Or are they painstakingly pondering how they could win the favor of his master, and pursue a pill cultivator with both great talents and outstanding good looks as their dao-companion?
Gu Yunjue looked at his hand and smiled. A red flame in the fingertips gently beat, dancing like a succubus, full of temptation and deadly hidden dangers.
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fishdavidson · 7 years
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Dream Journal 2017-08-10: A Shotgun Full Of Dream Ideas
My subconscious decided to take the scattershot approach to dreams last night. It shot off a bunch of stuff in wildly different directions, and some of them managed to germinate into cool ideas worthy of future exploration. Here’s what I remember, arranged in order of increasing quality:
I traveled from point A to B in a car, but every few minutes I would stop the vehicle and change to a different one. Apparently I worked for a car rental place and this was standard procedure?
Speaking of going on a trip, I went to the airport because I was going to take a vacation. In the dream, though, I had a bunch of ethnically diverse children that were also going to travel with me. So I walked up to the ticketing agent with two babies under each arm and said “I WILL TRAVEL WITH MY ETHNICALLY DIVERSE BABIES.” The ticket agent was impressed with my strong fatherly skills and multicultural family, and gave me a reduced price ticket. YUSSS.
While I wasn’t looking, my front yard expanded to become about 10 acres in size. This poses a problem for me, because I use a push mower to keep my lawn in check and I don’t have time to attend to the extra yard work my enlarged lawn will required. But the one thing I hate more than doing yard work is paying someone to do yard work for me. However, my yard was now large enough that a fixed-price lawn care contract felt like I was coming out ahead. The value was there, so I took out my wallet and threw money until all the grass was the proper size. When the lawn crew was out of earshot, I said to myself something along the lines of “Jokes on you! The yard will get bigger the longer don’t look! NOW YOU HAVE TO DEAL WITH THIS FOOLISHNESS!” The amount of relief felt by someone else dealing with this stuff was definitely worth more than I was paying them.
Deep in a forest, something that could only be described as a “reverse Tarzan” love story was taking place. A man of science (we’ll assume he was a botanist) went into the forest to learn about nature. But along the way he met a woman who was raised by the trees and creatures of the forest. The woman could harness the energy of the forest to make herself invisible as long as she was within the confines of her home forest. Not camouflaged, but straight-up invisible whenever she wanted to. When the man was doing science on a particularly fascinating tree where no other person had been before, the forest lady tried to provoke him and scare him off with her invisibility. BUT SOON IT TURNS INTO A SEMI-PLATONIC FLIRTATION and the man comes back to visit his forest friend and they hang out and climb trees and hold hands. I would totally watch an animated Disney movie of this.
You know what isn’t really explored a lot in movies with giant monsters rampaging through a city? Municipal planning and disaster response. Okay, so it might sound boring, but it was pretty cool when I dreamed about a turn-based strategy game called Kaiju Defense Force. In the game, you play a city administrator in charge of minimizing the loss of life when large monsters suddenly show up and rampage through the city. There are three primary resources you’re constantly juggling in the version I played: military strength, buildings, and citizenry. The military sets up defensive perimeters and can direct the monster’s path to an extent with their attacks, some monsters get stronger when faced with military action. Intact buildings shelter people, but destroyed buildings can make terrain impassible for the monster or create a toxic smoke cloud that may or may not be harmful to the citizens and monsters (and you don’t know which until people start dying). The citizenry pay the taxes that finance the monster defenses, but they can’t defend themselves and have a bad habit of running straight toward danger. Each encounter takes place in a zoomed out view of a small section of the city (about 15x15 city blocks) and the player wins if the monster is repelled or loses if the certain percentage of stuff is lost. The good news is that this was a surprisingly fun game, but the bad news is that no one should ever live in a city that gets attacked by skyscraper-sized monsters multiple times a month.
An unusual bar opened up in town. I can’t remember the name of the place, but it was owned by a reanimated skeleton named Cal and an obese fairy named Gadfly. Cal is a big band/swing music enthusiast who enjoys dancing with anyone who’s not afraid to dance with an undead skeleton (don’t worry, he’s been dead so long that he doesn’t smell!). Gadfly, on the other hand, is a surly bartender who looks like Hoggle from the Labyrinth with a set of insect wings on his back. He’s barely as tall as someone’s arm, but he makes a pretty good cocktail (unless he doesn’t like you, which is the most likely possibility). Gadfly keeps a baseball bat behind the counter that’s bigger than he is, but he knows how to use it and is more than capable of beating the crap out of anyone who tries something stupid. These two just got their business license and they’re looking forward to serving drinks to human customers in a neighborhood like yours!
The header image is taken from the 1954 Godzilla film, and this particular image was grabbed from a review of the Criterion Collection’s rerelease of the film. You can read the review here:
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toonsforkicks22 · 8 years
TAWOG-The Guy’s Feels
He knew the moment he pulled out his tape measure, she was already questioning their rekindled friendship. It wasn’t that Josh was psychotic or anything, just a believer in conspiracy theories and other strange stuff. Anais’ brothers were possibly the strangest things outside books and media.  
Still, his rambling about some frog named Kratok ruling in the near future seemed to not enlighten Anais in any way at all. Just a few seconds ago they were by each other’s side, grinning with giddiness. It was a feeling that Josh never felt around most people (especially around her brothers). And he just had to screw it up and make her think he was some kind of secret society freak.
Yes, he enjoyed looking up possible secrets of the universe. Yes, he loved to switch the letters of product names and determine some kind of secret code. He especially enthralled in the literature of an amazing world where anything was possible. Something he imagined on a daily basis because things around him were typically boring…
Except Anais. She was the most interesting moment to happen to him. He became her weirdest, unless her brothers were already taking that first place spot.
Once Josh explained plans to make a pod her size, he watched as the younger kid grew dejected. It was almost as if he crushed her hope in some way, and it wasn’t until Gumball started rubbing it in her face did it dawn on Josh. She figured something was wrong with him, and he couldn’t blame her.
After some bitter rebuttal at Gumball to shut it, Anais simply said to Josh she would seem him later and began to walk away. Not wanting to lose her again just after fixing their friendship, he immediately asked if she wanted to hang out after school for ice cream. He mentally cheered despite she had given him a less than pleasant okay.
School was done, and, as he had hoped, Anais met him at the front doors just as everyone was pouring out. Her brothers were nowhere to be seen, thank goodness. Josh was relieved he could hang out in peace with Anais, without either of those two spying for any “illegal activity” on his part.
That might as well been what Anais was expecting, because the latter hardly said a word as she walked beside Josh. Her pink ears drooped back like dead grass, not in the usually perked up position he remembered from the first time they met. Her expression was unreadable, as if she desired to be anywhere than where she was headed. And who she was headed with. Her eyes focused forward, not even taking a moment to glance at her side nor bat him a lash.
Yup, he was pretty sure she was regretting this…
When they entered the parlor, Josh held the door open for her. She gave him an appreciative smile, but it didn’t last, her expression resorting back to dismay. His heart could not have descended anymore, but he still pulled a seat for her first anyway. After they ordered, not even the music blaring from the intercom could break the silence between them.
Josh twiddled his fingers, his eyes shifting from the table they sat at to Anais, whose eyes never left the sight of her own curled fist. She didn’t dare look at him, her lip biting over her bottom one, as if she was trying to think of an excuse not to be here.
Suddenly, he started to realize just how hard it must have been for her in this situation: wondering if the whole friendship thing was a lie or loneliness didn’t seem so bad after all. Good grief, how the roles have reversed...
“So, um, Anais,” he began carefully, although the latter still didn’t look up at him, “do you come to this place often?”
“Pretty much,” the pink rabbit muttered despondently. “It’s where I usually go if I’m having a hard time making friends. Or basically did make friends, but they turn out to be something else. So I wallow in grief and self-hatred here until I’m absorbed in a new belief that opportunity could come again.”
Josh wasn’t sure if that was a verbal jab at him, or Anais being honest about herself. Well, considering her brothers had tried to catch him “in the act”, that should have been the first red flag. Something told him he probably wasn’t the first person she approached in hopes of making a friend.
“Speaking of new belief,” she spoke with sarcastic nonchalance, “is a possibly photoshopped frog just one of the ‘rulers’ you worship, or is there a high chance you’re probably worshipping big, overrated gems too?”
Okay, now he was pretty sure that was a jab at him…
As his eyes locked on Anais, he could sense hinted callous. Although he only knew her for a few days, he never believed she would be that type of person. Yet with brothers like hers, who could blame her for the attitude shift?
The conspiracy theorist sighed. “Look, Anais, I’m pretty sure I must be freaking you out...”
“You think?” she demanded, her voice raising just above a pitch. “When Gumball and Darwin tried to convince me something was wrong with you, I defended you every single time. I thought I was the problem in this entire situation! And just when we made up, you turn out to be a member of some bogus society!”
“That’s what I told my mom!” Josh admitted, throwing his hands up. “How do you think I felt when she told me about this group that praises Kratok?”
Anais folded her arms, giving him a rather questionable look. “Oh, come on, I’m pretty sure you were taught since birth about this stuff.”
Josh gave her an unamused expression. “Did your parents ever teach you how to be a genius?”
“Of course not!” she retorted. “I was born great! I became a genius!”
There was a pause. Suddenly, her ears lowered and her cheeks began to heat up as she regarded him curiously.
“Wait...you think I’m a genius?” she asked in a meek tone.
“Isn’t obvious?” Josh answered politely.
Already Anais’ cheeks were growing hotter, so hot they could melt all the ice cream in the parlor. Which was better said than done as an old man behind their table was about to taste his sundae. It was already sinking into creamy soup in his bowl. The individual gazed down at it with both disgust and disappointment, wondering how that even happened.
“Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?” he asked himself, pulling the collar of his shirt as sweat began to pour down the side of his head.
Neither Anais nor Josh heard him, the former unable to control the grin that grew across her face. Josh offered one in return, blushing mildly with embarrassment.
“Um, no one’s really said that me before...” she confessed, trying to suppress a girlish giggle. “Well, unless you count being called that out of malevolence or inevitable jealousy because it’s true.”
“Well, you are the smartest girl in school,” Josh expressed sincerely. “I mean, you’re not even 12 and already ahead of your brothers.”
She clasped a hand over her mouth, trying not to erupt with even more giggles. Compliments came rarely to her, unless they were brought with a massive dose of sarcasm (usually from Gumball). She nearly forgot that just hours ago she found out Josh was part of some abnormal-thinking group. Before she found out about that, the first time they met, she did find him incredibly nice. And so sweet given he didn’t run away from her in terror like everyone else did.
However, her smile disappeared, and fear overcame her.
“Wait...” she began nervously. “You’re not just feeding me compliments to persuade me to be part of your Kratok-loving belief society, are you?”
Internally hurt, Josh brushed it aside. “Of course not,” he insisted. “I meant what I said.”
Anais felt regretful for even asking that. She leaned against her seat, rubbing her fingers together. “Right, I’m sorry...But earlier at the playground, when you were measuring my size for a pod-”
“Force of a habit,” Josh admitted. “My mom does it so much that somehow I just end up doing the same too.”
She gazed at him hopefully. “So...you’re not crazy.”
“Crazy for you,” he told her teasingly. “Is that going to be a problem?”
This time Anais couldn’t stop giggling, and her cheeks were more red than the cherries of patrons’ already melting sundaes. Neither of the kids noticed, simply absorbed in each other’s company.
Josh grinned, having always enjoyed this side of Anais. When she was calm, sincere, and courteous, it was why he really did cherish their friendship. When she took after her brothers, usually he would just have to grin and bear it. But right now she was the same girl who approached him at the playground. That same fun, silly, cool girl.
After fixing her giggles, Anais regarded him with a pleasant gaze. “So...you’re part of some society that worships an amphibian, but you’re-”
“Not crazy like my mom and her followers,” Josh said. “This is just a family thing and, well, I love my family. Sometimes the things they do just rub on me so much that I end up doing the same.”
“Well, that’s actually comforting to hear,” Anais admitted. “I’m really sorry for my attitude earlier. I really do think you’re a good friend, even though you are a little weird.”
Josh’s cheeks reddened as much as hers, and in the background Larry was screaming as tubs of ice cream began to melt, overflowing the counters in flavored waterfalls.
“Why is it so hot in here?” he screamed before dashing to grab a mop.
“Well, I really, really think you’re a good friend,” Josh told Anais, having not heard the commotion in the background at all. “Even though you have some weird siblings.”
“I get that a lot,” she chuckled, fiddling with one of her drooped ears.
“And for the record,” he added with a tender smile, “even it wasn’t for Kratok and all that stuff, I would still build you a pod. Just to keep you safe in case the world gets attacked by some void or whatever.”
“Aww!” Anais cooed, clutching her chest. “That’s the sweetest, most absurd thing anyone’s ever said to me!”
The heat was unbearable for the parlor. People were slipping on melted ice cream, and Larry was trying to conceal the fire that conveniently erupted from the selection bar.
“How does this even happen?” he cried, watching as ice cream literally caught on fire.
Once again, neither of the kids noticed. Anais was too lost in Josh’s eyes to even hear the screams of angry and disgusted people over a day of ice cream ruined. She rested her elbows on the table, hands supporting her head in such a manner, it was as if she was admiring a work of art.
“So, since we’re really, really friends again...” she began, lowering her eyelids, “tell me, what are your thoughts on marriage?”
“Oh, well, I think it’s a nice thing,” Josh responded casually.
However, his eyebrows immediately rose after slowly processing her question.
“Wait, WHAT?” he exclaimed.
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shargogo · 7 years
TA Kihyun
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Statistics TA Kihyun will be the death of me
So you make an appearance at Kihyun’s office and you ask him, “I think you made an error on my test exam.” And he looks up confused like, “I- what?” You ask him to look over your test and you show him the problem you were marked for. He scrutinizes his brows in confusion because he thinks you are still wrong. He claims, “The reason why I marked you wrong for this was because the standard deviation would have a small number when the scatterplots have a high peak... ” You look at your paper in confusion because you thought you had it right the first time and so you ask him, “Why? I thought the standard deviation would have a large number when there’s a high peak.” He’s growing a bit impatient because you’re not getting the concept right and that you’re getting it reversed. He pulls out a graph and slowly explains you the correct concept, but he notices that you’re far from his desk so he scoots closer to you so you could better see the graph and hopefully understand him. YOU’RE STILL CONFUSED BECAUSE WHAT THE FUCK!!!!FUCK STATS!!!! You sigh because you were hopping to get those 3 points to your exam so you could get at least an A and not a dreadful B+.
You’re half listening to Kihyun’s explanation bc you suddenly realize that Kihyun is kinda hot. There’s just something alluring about his concentrated face behind those circular glasses, and how his long sleeve is rolled up—making his forearm look so visible and manly to you. You’re just wowed at this point bc he looks FUCKING good. You never paid that much attention to him during lecture but now that you’re closer to him— you can’t help but grow the hots for your TA.
“Are you even paying attention?” Kihyun snaps you out of your daze...oops.
You answer, “Uh what?” And he huffs, “I really don’t want to explain this concept over and over again because it’s a straightforward concept.”
You’re just blinking at him, “Maybe there is another way of explaining.”
And he looks at you confused, “What do you mean?” And you just smile at him. Were you going to make the move on your TA? Yeah, fuck it. You glanced at the closed door, and head over to the door to lock it. Kihyun’s minds is just FUCKING CONFUSED BC WHAT IN THE WORLD IS SHE DOING. You bend down right next to him and guide him to face you. He’s just looking down at you like, “Uh....” He kind of feels hot and bothered because there’s just something hot about you bending down for him. You slowly place both of your hands on the side of his thighs, “So you were talking about the highest peak which means there would be a small deviation number, right?” You bat your eyelashes at him and he just nods. You want to tease the FUCK OUT OF HIM so you glide your hands closer to his crotch, “So you’re saying that when all the plots are centered around here-“ you poke at his crotch and you feel how hard his crotch is from just poking him through his pants. Then that means the standard deviation would result to a 0?”
He gulps at you and meekly answers, “Right...go on.” And you widen your eyes at his “go on” bc you know he wants to know more or is anticipating for more.
You just smirk at him and reply, “I think it would be better if we had an actual representation of a ~highest peak~, don’t you think?”
“Oh, yes. We definitely should use an example of a highest peak.” He boldly says while unzipping his pants and pulling out his dick for you to admire and gape at because DAMN THAT’S A HIGH PEAK ALRIGHT WINK EHHEHEHEH
“Can I?” You ask him. He smiles at you, “Go ahead. I want you to understand the real meaning of the highest peak and why it’s—“ You cut off his sentence by grabbing a hold of his dick in your hands, while squeezing and pumping up his hard on. Kihyun releases a low moan at the contact, and holds a reach of your hair because he knows you have a perfect handwriting from grading your assignments and papers, but damn were your hands also good at feeling him. You lower your head closer between his legs and directly look up at him, and you sink your mouth into his flesh. He shakily breathes in response because not only were you talented with your hands but also with your mouth. You glide your tongue down his shaft and slowly lick around it. Kihyun is just stuck in the moment of pleasure and notices that you’re neglected from the fun time too so he pulls you up onto his desk and holds the side of you face, “I don’t think I’m going to last long with your talented mouth of yours so let me return the favor.” He huskily whispers, but being the one in control you don’t want him to take over. You then suggest, “I don’t have a condom nor am I on the pill so we’ll have to resort to something else.” Kihyun has an offended look on his face, “You don’t think I carry a condom with me?” And you simply laugh at him, “You’re a nerd so I didn’t think you would be getting pussy”
He doesn’t think your joke was funny so he pulls out a condom from his drawer and then shows it to you, “Do you want to be fucked or not?” And you want to tease him more bc damn he looks hot when he’s mad lmfao. You answer, “Make me beg for it.” That’s when a switch pulls off on Kihyun and he’s about to lose his self control, “Oh, I’ll make you beg for it, but you’ll have to keep it down because the professor’s office is two doors down.” His hand slides up your thighs and he feels how soaked your panties are soaked. He rubs you through your panties and you release a soft moan because uGHHH YOU JUST WANT HIM INSIDE OF YOU ALREADY. He continues to rub circles around your clitoris and you’re clawing his back, “K-Kihyun...don’t tease me.” He just grins at you, “This is just the beginning, sweetheart.” You mentally groaned because you’re not going to last like this. He tantalizingly removes your panties and spreads open your legs. He then lowers himself down to the desk and darts his tongue into your heat. You’re a moaning mess at this point because his tongue....does wonders that you’ve never felt, but you also think his dick can do bigger wonders too. You rasp out, “I. Need. You. Now.” Kihyun halts himself and you hear a muffled, “You what?” And you know he’s waiting for you to fucking beg so you impatiently growled, “Kihyun, I need you to fuck me so hard.”
Kihyun lightly chuckles, “Good girl.” He stands up from his position, and opens the condom. He rolls the condom onto his shaft and he then aligns his flesh and slowly inserts his tip inside of you and you moan in approval and nudge him to go deeper. He obeys your order and fills you up to your brink and you encouragingly whisper into his ear, “Move.” And he thrusts at a rhythm that has you holding back you from producing loud sounds so you cover your mouth with one hand to keep down the noises. Kihyun’s thrusts rapidly fastens and you feel your toes curling and your breath hitching because you feel your walls tightening around his dick. Kihyun senses that you’re close so his hips snaps upwards and he hits the right spot that leaves you mesmerized. You both let out a grunt and climax simultaneously. Kihyun is breathing hard onto your neck and cools down from the post-sex high. You remove the condom from his shaft, tie up the condom, and discard it in his waste bin. His normal breathing returns and he smiles, “So did you learn something new today?” You cutely nodded, “Yes, I did. All thanks to you.” You shyly look around the room and ask, “So about that wrong question...Is there any possible way you can bring my test score to an A?” Kihyun just laughs at you, “No. You were wrong in the first place.”
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anavoliselenu · 7 years
Hiched chapter 11
Jeez . . . maybe I should have. If I was going to endure an awkward morning after, I might as well have enjoyed a fun night beforehand.
Wait, hell no. Don’t even entertain the thought of fucking Justin. That way lies madness. Even though he clearly wants me and part of me wants him back, because his damn sexy face and voice and body and wicked words always hit me right in the . . .
Cheeks burning, I hurry to my office. I e-mail Dad the draft of our proposal, pour myself a giant cup of coffee, and check my backlog of messages. The tedious task works almost as well as a cold shower.
Half an hour later, I get a reply from Dad.
Proposal looks great. Let’s discuss? I’ll order in pastramis from Sal’s.
I smile to myself. Dad knows that place is my favorite deli. And evidently, he also knows that I haven’t eaten since before our flight. I close my laptop and walk to his office.
As I open his door, Dad beams at me from behind his desk. “Your work is top-notch as always. When did you even find the time to write this?”
“Justin and I worked together last night.” As much of a nuisance as Justin made himself, he deserves due credit.
Dad’s expression morphs from pride into pity. “Last night? Oh, sweetie—”
“It’s fine,” I say, interrupting him. I don’t want to hear two different men protest about my wedding night in less than twenty-four hours. And even though my sex life is nonexistent, discussing it with my own father would still be just way too gross. “So, what were your thoughts on the proposal?”
Dad sighs, but takes the hint. “It looks better than anything I’ve come up with. I guess I made the right decision, putting you kids on the case.”
Something in his tone makes me narrow my eyes. “I sense a ‘but’ coming.”
“I’m not sure where we’re going to get the money for all this training.”
“What do you mean? I double-checked our budget. Unless . . .” I trail off, worrying my lip. “Did something happen while I was gone?”
He nods grimly. “Red Dog Optics pulled out. Halfway through a project. They’re paying us for the deliverables we finished, plus our early termination fee, but everything we had in progress . . . labor down the drain. And of course, we can’t count on that future income anymore.”
I pinch the bridge of my nose hard, trying to ward off an impending stress headache. That’s one of our biggest clients—well, it was, anyway. Son of a bitch. I’m out of the office for less than two full workdays, and look what I miss.
Thank God I didn’t let Justin persuade me to catch a later flight.
“Why the hell would they do that?” I ask. “We’ve lost clients before . . .” By which I mean, we’ve been steadily bleeding them for years now. “But never so suddenly. Why not ride out our current contract and then just avoid signing another one?”
Dad shakes his head. “No idea. Our work on that project seemed up to our usual standard, as far as I could tell. The only explanation I can think of is that something spooked them.”
“What, they thought we’d collapse before we could even finish their project?” I lick my raw lip nervously.
Tate & Cane certainly isn’t doing great, and I knew our reputation would take a hit after the board started meeting with buyers and word got around . . . but our situation isn’t nearly bad enough to make Red Dog react like this.
I take a deep breath, forcing myself to calm down. I’m being paranoid. Some dumbass probably just made a careless comment to his golf buddy, it got misinterpreted, and the rumor mill spun out of control. If anything suspicious happens again, then maybe we should investigate. But for now, we don’t have the time or resources to spend on a wild goose chase.
“Then we’ll just have to find a consultant who’s willing to handle our training for cheap,” I say with a lot more confidence than I feel. Hopefully we won’t get what we pay for. “And we can concentrate on winning back some old clients before we try to court new ones.”
“Sounds like a plan, sweetie. I’m behind you kids all the way.” Dad leans forward on his desk. “I’m counting on you to get creative and save this thing we’ve built together . . . not just for the sake of your futures, but for your children too.”
I give him a confused look. “Children? That’s a pretty long ways off, Dad.” Reproducing isn’t on my radar at all. I haven’t wanted babies since I learned they weren’t really brought by storks.
Dad gives my confused look right back. “Not that far off . . . ?”
My phone chimes. I pull it out and see a text.
Justin: You hear about Red Dog?
“Sorry, Dad.” I sigh, not very sorry at all to get off the topic of children. Thanks for the conversational escape hatch, Justin. “I should probably go meet with Justin to get started on this. Can you tell the delivery guy to take my pastrami to my office when he gets here?”
Dad nods good-bye and I hustle to Justin’s office, far away from any ten-pound hints about starting a family. That last part of our chat was surreal. I’m sure Dad has a whole fairy-tale ending envisioned for Justin and me, but seriously? I’m not even close to the motherly type.
Okay, back into work mode. We have to figure out how to start implementing our business plan on the cheap and recovering at least a few old clients. Justin can definitely help on both of those fronts. Persuasion is his specialty . . . sweet-talking, haggling deals, calling in favors. And if there’s a woman in any position of influence, he can turn on the playboy charm and use his handsome face to help sway her. Like he did with Estelle Osbourne at Clair de Lune.
I set my jaw as I walk a little faster. Remembering that dinner still pisses me off way more than it should. It’s not like Justin is really my husband. Hell, I never wanted him to be “mine” at all, in any sense of the word.
At least, I didn’t want that a month ago. Maybe even two weeks ago. But now, maybe . . . I think I might. God, I don’t even know. My feelings have gotten so complicated lately. I think of Justin’s mischievous smile, his low, smooth voice saying my name . . .
Then I push those thoughts right out of my head. We are professionals. I’m a professional. Our job is to get our company through this quagmire. That one single problem is what we’ll eat, sleep, and breathe until we convince the board to reverse their decision about selling Tate & Cane. We have no room for emotions or desires.
Maybe Justin is right about me being an ice queen sometimes. But right now, with over six thousand futures hanging in the balance, that’s so much safer than being human. I just need to maintain my focus and composure, and pray that we’ll get through this.
Chapter Five
When Sterling texted me asking how the wedding night went, rather than answer, I asked him to meet me for lunch.
My best friend has a way with the fairer sex, and I’m hopeful he has some advice for me about how to proceed after my less-than-stellar wedding night. It wasn’t that I expected Selena to drop to her knees and service me, or spread her legs in our marital bed, but a good-night kiss would have been nice. Sheesh.
“That bad, eh?” Sterling asks when I slide into the chair across from him.
“The wedding night? A fucking disaster.”
He doesn’t have to reply because his eyes say it all. In those honey-colored depths fringed in dark lashes that women go nuts over—the lucky bastard—is a mixture of pity and curiosity. But he says, “Tell your good mate all about it,” leaning back in his seat with his fingers laced behind his head.
Thankfully I’m saved from his Dr. Phil-style self-help entertainment with the approach of our waitress.
“What can I get you gentlemen?” she asks.
When I asked Sterling to lunch, he agreed on the condition that we go to his favorite British-style pub. Despite having English blood pumping through my veins, I despise the food. Sterling was born and raised in the countryside outside of London. He still has a taste for it—reminds him of his youth, I guess.
He places an order for the ploughman’s lunch, and I choose the least noxious thing I can find on the menu—fish and chips. Tea is the one thing we can agree on.
When the waitress saunters away, he’s back to smirking at me expectantly. “So, do tell. How’s the wifey?”
If he bats those fucking eyelashes at me one more time, like we’re having girl talk, I’m going to slug the son of a bitch.
“At least let me get my tea before you badger me,” I mutter.
The waitress delivers a little porcelain kettle with piping-hot brew. It reminds me of the one I have at home. I think of Selena and something inside me pinches. She tapped away on her keyboard until late last night; whether she was determined to get her thoughts on paper or to keep her distance from me, I wasn’t sure.
“I’m not trying to badger you,” Sterling says with a sigh. “Just wondering what’s the problem. I take it the wedding night wasn’t all you dreamed it might be?”
“You could say that.” I take a sip of my tea and find it’s the perfect temperature.
“Is she still as icy as ever, or is she warming to you?”
“We spent all night going over a new business plan,” I say.
“Christ on a cracker. The woman is a ballbuster.”
“Tell me about it.”
It’s true that Selena is relentless in her pursuit of perfection. She’s smart and determined, and she never wavers in confidence. It’s sexy as hell. Frustrating. But admirable.
Nothing fazes the woman. She’s smart as a whip, and doesn’t take shit from anyone. I’ve never once seen her back down from a challenge. What I have seen is her effortlessly dominating executive meetings filled with industry veterans—men old enough to be her grandfather, who were in business suits before she was out of diapers. And she doesn’t even notice or care how beautiful she is . . .
I realize Sterling is still watching me and snap out of my thoughts. They were getting too gooey for my own good, anyway.
“She sure as hell doesn’t act like anybody’s wife,” I mutter.
He shrugs. “So she isn’t a romantic.”
Actually, according to her friend Camryn, she is. But I don’t tell that to Sterling at the risk of sounding like a total cliché.
“She fell asleep at her desk sometime after midnight.”
“You don’t become that successful at the age of twenty-six by taking your eye off the ball.”
“I guess.”
“So I can assume that baby-making isn’t going well?” He chuckles.
“Not exactly.”
“What are you going to do? A woman’s never refused you before, and now your own wife won’t fuck you.” He makes a disappointed noise in his throat.
When I merely flip him off, he excuses himself for a visit to the restroom. When Sterling is gone, I pull out my phone and check my messages.
There are three e-mails from Fred, all of them about the dire situation of the company, and another from Preston informing me that the board is having an “exploratory meeting” with a rival firm next week.
I close out my in-box. Since Sterling still isn’t back, I pull up the business news app on my phone to scroll through the headlines, hoping to take my mind off all the bed news at work.
“Can Manhattan’s New “Power Couple” Turn a Marketing Dinosaur Around Before It’s Too Late?”
I begin reading the top article, only to discover that it’s about Selena and me. Financial advisors are speculating about the future of the company and predict a plummet in our stock price as leadership changes are shaken out.
Well, fuck that. I won’t watch our company go down in flames. But the truth is, we’re not even close to being out of the woods yet. And all this bad press is bound to hobble us even more.
Frustrated, I slam my phone down on the table just as Sterling approaches.
“What now?” he asks, sliding into his seat and laying his napkin across his lap.
It feels like my work life and personal life are both imploding. I’m not used to failing so miserably. Feeling so helpless.
Then I realize something—the solution to both my problems is winning over Selena. We have to work together to save this shipwreck, and I’m tired of her rejections, her pessimistic idea that we can never work. Fuck that.
“I know what I need to do,” I blurt.
“And what’s that?”
“I need to seduce my wife. I need to show her how good we can be together.”
Sterling nods. “So, what are you going to do? Plan some big elaborate date to woo her?”
I think it over, then shake my head. “No. Selena’s much too skittish. It’ll take more finesse than that.”
• • •
When Selena arrives home from the gym at seven, I’m ready. I turned down the lighting in the penthouse and put on some smooth jazz to play softly in the background.
She sets her gym bag on the floor, giving me a skeptical look. “What’s going on?”
She’s probably reading the mood as a romantic one, and I’m not sure if that’s good or bad. My goal is just to get her to relax tonight.
Trying to act natural, I reply, “I got some dinner for us and thought we could take the night off from spreadsheets and numbers.”
She shrugs. “Sure. Let me grab a quick shower, then I’ll be right out.”
I expected more of a fight. Maybe the gods are looking down on me tonight with pity.
Toeing off her hot pink tennis shoes, Selena heads toward the bathroom. When I hear the spray of the shower, I head into the kitchen to finalize everything.
The food arrives by the time I hear the shower shut off. I arrange the contents of the takeout containers on a couple of small plates, to keep with the tapas theme.
There’s goat cheese with roasted figs, seared scallops, and a potato-and-gruyere gratin. It smells great. I pour two glasses of cabernet sauvignon and carry everything to the coffee table in the living room.
I hear Selena’s footsteps on the wood floor and look up. Fresh out of the shower, she’s dressed in a pair of black leggings that hug every last curve of her shapely legs and round ass, along with a gray sweatshirt that’s cut to hang off one bare shoulder, exposing her lightly freckled skin. She looks dewy and flushed from the shower, and I want to touch her to see if she feels as warm and soft as she looks.
“Wow. What’s all this?” she asks, sitting down beside me on the couch.
“Just a casual dinner. I thought we deserved some relaxation, considering the pressure we’re under at work.”
She accepts the glass of wine I hand her, and takes a sip. “How thoughtful.”
The sweet scent of her honeysuckle-and-vanilla body wash hits me square in the face, making me want to lean in and taste her skin, her lips, her breasts.
I need to get it together. My plan is to win her over, to woo her, not to push myself on her with unwanted advances.
She may have a tough exterior, but I’m starting to learn that she’s actually a little timid when it comes to getting physical with me. Which is not at all what I’m used to. Most other women would love a ride on Justin Tate.
Selena helps herself to a portion of each dish—cutting off a little bite of sea scallop, letting out a little murmur of pleasure as she chews, blowing on a steaming forkful of potato gratin before closing her lips around it.
“So good,” she says with a moan. “How did you know I love tapas?”
I shrug. “I may have pumped Camryn for information.”
Her eyes flick over to mine as she takes another sip of wine. “Why would you do that?”
Returning her gaze, I decide to make myself vulnerable. “Because I like you, Selena. I want this to work.”
And I don’t just mean that in the sense of taking back our company and making a fuck-ton of money. I genuinely think that if she is willing to try, we can have a shot at being a real, happy couple. But I don’t clarify all that extra stuff. Selena appreciates honesty, but there’s such a thing as baring too much too soon. Or possibly at all.
I already know we’re compatible when it comes to the major stuff—politics, religion, and work ethic—but I’m starting to think that together in the bedroom, we’d be explosive. She tries to deny it, but the way her body responds to me is ridiculous. Not to mention the desperate way I crave her luscious ass and her perky tits, even her smart mouth is ridiculous. I’m normally a hit-it-and-quit-it type of guy. Once I’ve had a taste, I’m done and on to the next course. But something tells me that with Selena, once wouldn’t be nearly enough.
First, though, I need to know how she’s feeling about all of this. With the threat of Brad’s blackmail looming over us, demanding all our attention, I’ve barely gotten a chance to talk to her about the wedding, the contract, and especially the baby-making that needs to happen. We need to discuss this elephant in the room like mature, responsible adults.
“So, how do you feel about kids?” I ask.
Her eyebrows shoot up. “Kids?”
I nod slowly, now confused as well as nervous. Why is she so shocked?
“I, um . . . well, I guess I haven’t really thought about them,” she stammers.
My stomach grows uneasy. How in the fuck has she not thought about it? This is Selena, the woman who weighs every decision with a list of pros and cons. Her childhood letters to Santa were probably formatted in official memo style with bulleted requests.
“Why? You’re not thinking about . . .” She’s so flustered that she leaves the rest of her sentence unfinished.
Of fucking course I’m thinking about it. We have a contractual obligation to fulfill. Period.
Then realization slams into me all at once.
Holy. Fuck.
“On the day of our wedding, did you read the contract or did you just sign it?” I ask, trying to keep my tone neutral.
She shrugs, curling her legs under her on the couch. “Signed it. I already knew what it said. Dad and Prescott must have explained everything a hundred times at all those meetings we had.”
I never expected Selena of all people to sign a contract without reading it. I’m so stunned that I just stay quiet as the minutes tick past and we continue sipping our wine.
I try to calm down and think through this. But I’m stumped. The contract is finalized now—we’re legally bound. We’ve been legally bound for almost a week at this point. And now that I’ve been quiet about it for so long . . . how do I tell her without making it seem like I was lying all along?
Plus, I’m ninety-nine percent sure she’ll rip up the contract and storm off, and the deal will fall apart. I can’t let that happen. No inheritance means no second chance from the board. Which, in turn, means that everyone at Tate & Cane—innocent people like Rosita, who depend on the jobs we provide—will be royally fucked.
I can’t let anything happen to jeopardize this deal. I can’t afford to take even the smallest risk. I’ll just have to win Selena over with my charm and let it all happen naturally. Well, as natural as impregnating your fake wife can be.
Besides, even if I told her about the heir clause and she miraculously didn’t go nuclear, that would just put pressure on her to get pregnant for our company’s sake. Having a kid wouldn’t be a free choice. It’s better if I pitch her the idea on its own merits.
I’m up to the task, right? I’ve already done something similar; she used to hate my guts, and it took me less than a month to woo her into marrying me. Changing her mind about kids will be a lot tougher, but I just have to take things up another notch. Really put my back into it. Be my most charming, appealing self. If anyone can make a woman fall in love, deep enough to start a family . . .
But Selena isn’t just any woman. I suppress a despairing groan. Fuck me sideways . . . I’ve got my work cut out for me.
What in the hell do I do now?
“So, what else is on the agenda, Mr. Tate?”
Selena smiles warmly at me like she has no idea about the inner war I’m waging. I’ve refilled her wineglass twice, and something tells me she’s feeling tipsy and carefree.
That makes one of us.
I stack the empty plates, carry them into the kitchen, and pile them in the sink. Then I just stand there, my hands gripping the edge of the countertop. I need a minute. I feel like the apartment is closing in on me.
Before I make any big decisions about how to approach this problem, I need to think carefully. But with my head spinning and Selena waiting expectantly in the other room, I can’t do that here. I have to take things one step at a time.
So the question is: what the hell do I do right now?
“Justin? Are you coming back?” she calls.
I take a deep breath and return to her side. Realizing I can’t let this unpleasant surprise distract me from my plan, I decide to push forward. Tonight was supposed to be about getting her to relax, unwind, and trust me. There’s no point in ruining the whole evening by thoughtlessly blurting out everything. I’ll figure out a graceful way to tell her later.
“You’ve been so wound up from work. We both have,” I say as I sit back down.
She nods, agreeing.
“Tonight I was hoping we could set all that aside and chill together.”
She smiles at me. “Very good idea. I don’t chill nearly enough.”
Part of me is almost shocked that she’s going along with this so easily. The rest of me is still busy reeling from the realization that she has no idea I’m supposed to get her pregnant within the next three months. Actually, it’s more like two months now.
Selena sets her wineglass on the table and rolls her shoulders, sighing softly.
“What’s wrong?” I ask.
“Just a little tight, is all.”
I inhale through my nose. I have to shove the pregnancy stuff to the back corner of my brain. We’re a long way off from Selena letting me pump her full of my semen anyhow, so why am I stressing about it now? The first step is showing her how compatible we can be.
And that starts now.
I smile at her. “Sit tight. I’ll be right back.”
I grab a bottle of massage oil from the hall closet and return to the living room. The soft jazz music seems to float in the air, creating a pleasant buzz in the atmosphere.
Selena’s eyes widen when I rejoin her on the couch, but she doesn’t question me.
“I’ll give you a massage,” I suggest. “Take off your sweatshirt.”
Selena flinches, chewing on her lip while she watches me. “But I’m not wearing anything underneath.”
That’s the idea. “I promise not to look.”
She hesitates for another second, then turns her back to me and pulls her shirt over her head, dropping it to the floor. The creamy canvas in front of me is one to be admired. The twin dimples in her lower back near the band of her leggings would make lesser men weep.
I warm a few drops of oil between my palms and rest my hands on her stiff shoulders.
“Relax. Okay?”
She gives me a swift nod.
I work my fingers into the knots I can feel under her skin, and when I press my thumbs in next to her spine, she moans.
“Dear God, that feels good.”
“Been a while?” I ask, just a hint of mischief in my voice.
“Since I had a massage? Yeah.”
I meant to ask if it had been a while since she enjoyed a man’s touch, but at the last second, I decide not to clarify my question. The last thing I want to hear about is my wife’s past conquests. No fucking thank you.
I continue caressing her tense muscles and feel her slowly begin to relax. Knowing her breasts are bare and just out of my reach is practically a cardinal sin. Trying to figure out a way to entice Selena for more, I say, “If you turn around, I can reach the front of your shoulders better.”
Total lie. I’m hoping she can’t read my mind.
When she hesitates for a few seconds, I lean in and kiss the back of her neck. “You’re my wife, sweetheart. It’s no big deal.”
Those words hang between us, blossoming into something more than I think either of us ever dreamed.
She swallows, then slowly begins to turn toward me.
Catching her lower lip between her teeth, her eyes glossy with desire, Selena faces me on the couch.
Without saying a word, I drizzle a few more drops of oil into my palms before rubbing them together. I massage the front of her shoulders, her upper arms, and fight off the erection pressing against my zipper.
Selena’s breathing has changed—the entire mood surrounding us has changed. My gaze dips down briefly, and I watch as her nipples harden into little pebbled knots.
Unable to resist the temptation she’s placed before me, I cup the weight of her breasts in my palms and rub my thumbs across her nipples.
Selena draws a shuddering breath, her lips parting in surprise.
My fingers, slick from the fragrant oil, glide easily over her skin as I rub her nipples in small, circular movements.
A tiny groan—just barely audible—slips past her lips, and I dive in for a kiss, knowing she’s silently aching for more. My tongue pushes past her lips and she kisses me back, hard and passionate. I’ve got her right where I want her. Wet. And ready for me.
As we kiss, I move my body over hers until she’s lying on the couch and I’m balanced over her. Her thighs part, inviting me even closer, and I nestle in until my steely shaft finds her warm center. Selena gasps, breaking apart from the kiss. The contact is deliciously frustrating—so close and yet so far, separated only by a few layers of clothes. But if I have my way, they’ll be gone soon enough. My mouth moves to her neck as I continue circling my hips, bumping against her clit with each movement.
“Is this okay?” I murmur and wait in agony as she pauses, her eyes searching mine.
“Don’t stop,” she breathes, her hips lifting to find that friction once again.
I lean down and take one ripe nipple in my mouth, rolling my tongue over it and sucking on the firm tip.
Selena cries out in pleasure. “Justin . . .”
My name on her lips, in that sweet, gravelly voice laden with desire, snaps the last thread of my restraint. I kneel and grab the sides of her yoga pants, peeling them and her panties down her legs until she’s bare to me.
Christ. My cock surges, leaking pre-cum in my boxers. Selena’s body is perfection. Soft milky curves, full breasts, and a bare pussy with a pink clit peeking at me from between her juicy lips. I want to wrap my lips around it and suck until she screams. I won’t—not yet, anyway, but I can’t help reaching down to touch her. Running a fingertip down the length of her cleft, I stroke the soft, swollen bud lightly. Selena lets out a tiny, pleading whimper.
I’m trying to go slow, I swear I am, but with Selena naked and writhing on the couch, looking up at me with those huge blue eyes of hers, it’s nearly impossible. Fighting with myself to slow down and remember my manners, I stroke her clit with one careful fingertip, while my other hand caresses her breasts, thumbing her nipples.
Is there a polite way to say, Ride my face until you come all over my tongue?
“Everything okay, princess?” I ask instead, my voice husky with desire.
“It feels so good.”
She watches my hand as I continue my slow, torturous movements, lightly rubbing her clit, wanting to draw out her pleasure. I can feel how wet she is for me, and use the moisture to sweep across her swollen bud, back and forth, back and forth.
A whimper of frustration rises up her throat, and I know I have her right where I want her. There’s no way she’s walking away from this—from us—until I’ve given her what she needs.
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