shargogo · 7 years
ALL IN AU - Kihyun
OKAY SO you know how in the MV it was like kinda post war looking or at least it was implied that it was rather militaristic in the way that the city/town they live in is like really poor but run by a corrupt government or law force? So I played with that idea and had all of the boys as somewhat delinquents/Robin Hood figures of the community and they make a general commotion with the police and everything, giving them a hard time and stuff and just always talking shit about the government that runs the town, which is where YOU come in bc you’re like the daughter of like a super high up government official and you were raised away from the town to be like educated and whatnot but you come back once you’re of age and you absolutely hate the way things are run and you try your best to improve things for the general public but bc you’re young and you’re a female, nobody really cares what you have to say so you have to go off on your own and like sneak food to people or sell your jewelry to give them money and stuff and so one day, you’re taking a stroll of the town (this is like pre MV btw) and you’re buying fruit and stuff and you notice some guys that look like general troublemakers and you’re like “uh I’m gonna just not look at them” but as you turn, someone runs into you and knocks you and all your shit down and you’re like ?????? but he just keeps on running and you’re like “what a jerk ugh” and then you notice a whole bunch of guards running after them and one of them notices you and they’re like ??????youre not supposed to be out here????? And you’re like “uh I’m not?????” But they chase after you and you’re like FUCK so you run too and where you studied, they kept you in tip top physical shape so running from them is a breeze and you get to the end of the main strip of town, and you end up hiding or whatever and they run past you and when you look around you see the fuck ass that ran into you and it’s.....Kihyun but you’re like “you ran into me” and he’s like “don’t be standing in the middle of the road?” And you’re like “I was just buying apples????” And he sees that you have like expensive clothes on and he rolls his eyes and he’s like “what’s wrong, servants all busy?” and he’s just being like really douchey to you and you’re like ??????what did I do????? Bc he’s making a big deal out of you being rich and doing your own shopping And you’re just like, “whatever I’m out of here” and he’s like “good you don’t belong here anyway,” and he leaves first and you’re like pissed bc you don’t want to follow him but you have to bc you don’t know where you are and you kinda lost him but then you find him when you hear like grunting and groans of pain and you follow it to see him leaning against the bridge holding on to his side and you’re like omg wtf and you go up to him and he’s like “god not you again” and you just ignore him and you’re like “what happened?” And he goes “some stupid girl decided to get in my way” and you blink and you’re like he can’t be talking about me but he scoffs and tries to walk away but you see that he’s bleeding so you pull him back and he’s like ????? And you’re like “sit” and he’s like “bite me” and you’re like “I have strong rich people teeth, don’t test me” and he’s leaving again, but stops when you rip your own sleeve off of your shirt and he’s shocked when you also pull like medicinal shit out of your bag and you pull him back down and start working on the cuts he has on his hands and he’s like “is this the part where you tell me you’re not like the rest of those rich, snooty bitches and that you actually care about people like me” and you’re like “no” and he keeps saying shit like that but you don’t say anything until you get to his face and notice like a shallow cut on his neck and you’re like “hold still” but he doesn’t trust you around his neck so suddenly he’s got you pushed against the wall and he’s like “wtf is your deal, are you trying to poison me or something, is that what you do now, you send out a pretty girl so she can act like an angel to us before she rips everything away from us” and you’re shocked bc who tf is this guy and you push him away and you’re like “I’m trying to help you asshole” and he’s like “I never asked for your help????” And you’re like “you didn’t need to?????” And he’s quiet again and you just roll your eyes and you push past him to get some supplies out of your bag and you give some to him with instructions and you’re like “here this will fight any infections and this will help with the soreness have a nice life” and he just like watches you walk away and he leaves to find his friends and one of them is missing (Jooheon) bc “omg are you lost I can help you get home if you want???” And omg you’re the lost person and you’re like super tired at this point so you’re like “yes pls” and he walks you back up to your house which everyone calls The Palace bc y’all are super rich and it’s basically making fun of you but you don’t mind bc Jooheon is very cheerful and nice despite having obvious negative opinions about your family (that are changing toward you hehe) and especially when the guards find him with you and threaten him, you threaten them back bc you’re like “he’s my friend and if I ever see you being mean to him again, I’ll chop your hands off myself” and he’s like “fuck she’s so COOL” and you guys part ways and it’s a while before you’re allowed to go back out to the town bc you got in trouble for the first time, but you do again bc you’re lonely and you find Jooheon tapping rhythmically on a box with a bunch of guys and you’re excited to see him but you don’t know the others and he sees you and he’s like “hey!!!! It’s my hero in the palace what are you doing here???” And the guys look at you like the Palace????? And Jooheon’s like “yeah this is new princess warrior, the one I told you about!!!” And you get really shy but then you see a familiar face that’s looking at you in shock and it’s the ASSHOLE and you find out his name after Wonho forced him to be polite to you and thank you but you’re like yeah whatever so you begin to hang out with them and everything and one night they take you home and Shownu tells you about his sick dad and you’ve kinda seen hyungwon around bc his dad is like a police chief or whatever and you see him at functions and stuff and at one particular one, you hear all the government officials and police officers just saying awful things and hyungwon finds you outside and you’re like “I can’t do this anymore, my dad can’t be in charge anymore” and he’s like “what are you saying” and you’re like “I want to overthrow my dad” and he’s like “seriously????” And you’re like “yes, please help me” and that night hes telling everyone and Kihyun is like “no way she said that” and Hyungwon’s like “yeah dude” and he can’t believe it so he comes to find you and your sitting on a bench next to a man made pond and he stands like a foot away from you and he’s like “did you mean what you said?” And you’re like???? About??? And he’s like “you want to help take down your own dad?” And you’re like “my parents technically gave birth to me but that’s it, I don’t love them and they don’t love me, especially with how they’re running things, I just want everyone to be okay” and he’s like “meet us at Jooheon’s tomorrow” and you nod and watch him walk away and basically you start helping them like gather people and start riots and stuff and the whole time Kihyun is falling for you so so hard and you’re low key like okay this grump isn’t that bad lmao and one night when you two are separated from the group and hiding, he’s like “this is where we first met you know” and you’re like “technically, it was at the fruit cart when you decided to run my ass over” and he’s like “you’re fine though, quit bringing that up” and you’re like “you started it???” And it’s kinda quiet and then he goes “you lied” and you’re like “about????” And he’s like I asked if you were different from them and you are, you’re nothing like them and you’re like “no you asked me if I was going to tell you, and I wasn’t” And then he’s like I also asked if you were an angel and you finish his sentence and you’re like “yeah one that actually ruins your life and takes everything from you” and he’s shaking his head and he’s like I couldn’t have been more wrong and before you can say anything hes kissing you so so so softly like he’s trying not to break you or the the sensitivity he’s created between you two and his kiss is hot against your lips even though it’s practically like kissing a cloud, he’s so soft and your heart is beating fast bc you can feel how much faster his is going and he’s like “my everything belongs to you anyway” and you finally kiss him like you WANT to and your relationship is really open to everyone like everyone knows that Kihyun, the mastermind behind all the riots and uprisings is in love with you but nobody knows who you are bc you still have to stay at The Palace and get inside info for him and Hyungwon’s dad happens to be your guard for the day and he puts two and two together when he sees the X etched on the back of your neck is matching Hyungwon’s a little and when he tells your father, he’s furious and The boys are captured in their sleep like right before the sun rises and they’re brought to The Palace and Kihyun is like “wait...I know this side of The Palace, this is your side, where your room opens up and there’s the pond where he saw you at the beach and first toyed with the idea of being with you and there’s the tree you sat under and skipped rocks at while you were grunting about how frustrating he is when he was sitting across from you in the trees bc he had felt guilty for giving you a hard time but he could find it in him to apologize bc holy fuck you looked absolutely stunning when your were concentrating on not shouting at him and cursing his name and he has an awful feeling in his gut when he’s brought to the bottom of the steps leading to your side of the house and he sees you being dragged out by a few guards and your father, the very man you fought so hard to take down and you’re face is red and bruised and your hair is messed up and your still in a night gown for fucks sake when suddenly there are guards pulling Kihyun to the center and the rest of the boys are being held back and Kihyun tries to get to you, he’s held at gunpoint and the gravel is digging into his knees with a sharp pain but he doesn’t care if it’s ripping into his flesh, he HAS to get to you, but the minute he steps toward you, there are guards FLOCKING him and they’re all beating him within an inch to his life and you’re screaming for it to stop and he’s trying not to make any noises bc he knows how hard it is for you to see him being beaten, he doesn’t want you to know it hurts bc you’re probably in so much more pain and what hurts more than the pain of all the beating, way more than the sound of his leg snapping three different times in three different areas is you crying and you pleading with your father to let him go and to take you instead because he’s never heard you sound so desperate, so weak, and this time instead of loving the fact that he could bring that out of you, he absolutely hates that it’s him making you suffer and you’re finally like “please don’t do this, I would die for him” and that’s when time stops for Kihyun and that’s when he finally has the strength to look up between the legs of his attackers and he hears your father as if he’s the only sound in the world and the words ring loud and clear as if Kihyun had said them himself when your father says “that’s all I wanted to hear” before he blinks at the sound of a gunshot and he can’t even scream, none of them can when your baby blue night gown is suddenly not and your face is stuck in that wistful expression you had when you so foolishly bought your father would let Kihyun go and before you even hit the ground, your father is kicking you down the steps and you’re leaving a trail of blood droplets with every step you fall down and you’re just barely out of Kihyun’s reach and you’re staring at him, unblinking and your eyes have watered from the fall and his voice is absolutely torn, your favorite part about him broken into choked sobs of “b-baby?” And he’s broken into a million pieces and every breath feels like he’s rolling in broken glass but he finally gets to you where you’re lying in a puddle of crimson, his favorite color on you and he can’t even bring tears to fall, he’s so shocked that everything he’s ever wanted was taken away from him in the blink of an eye, as fast as the hummingbirds you used to sketch for him and it hurts more that Shownu is dragging him away from your twisted, bloodied body, trying to escape than the fact that he’s got more injuries than he can count and he can’t get the picture of your body getting smaller and smaller in the distance, nobody even bothering to pick you up off the ground and he wears the title of the boy that fell in love with the girl that’s been made into an example
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shargogo · 7 years
Gamer Minhyuk
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Overwatch > Pussy or Pussy > Overwatch?
And you come home and he’s sitting real casual in his chair and his hair’s all messy and he’s got his glasses on and he looks like a straight up, textbook nerd and you’re like so you like paw at him and give the top of his head a little kiss and he smiles at it but you decide you want more so you decide to rub his shoulders and your hands go under his sweater and you’re rubbing at his chest from above and he’s like flustered bc omg he was just trying to play???? and now his dick is getting hard??? But he’s at a crucial point in his game so he’s like “babe not now” and you’re like “keep playing, don’t mind me” and he’s like uh okay and he keeps playing...but you side into his lap and you insist he keeps playing and just watching him losing his concentration bc you’re in his lap and you’re lowkey rubbing yourself on him and he’s stuttering out commands in the game bc you’re so distracting.
HE HAS TO PAUSE ANS BE LIKE “bABE” and you’re like “you play your game and I’ll play mine ” and his eyes widen bc you’re DEFINITELY going for his zipper now and wow you’re hands palming him through his boxers and the face you’re making is fucking SIN but he’s Lee Minhyuk, Nothing can throw him off his Overwatch game, not even you whining while you’re grinding on his leg and he stops and is like “bitch I got a fine ass honey that’s gonna get my dick wet WHILE I win the fuck out of my game??” And he just wraps his arms around you to make sure you’re secure while you ride him and he’s like shouting demands and instructions to the other guy bc he can’t moan or tell you how good his dick feels but the “yeah like that” and the “keep going, fuck”s are DEFINITELY for you, and he’s absolutely SPOILED right now
When he wins and you’re still fucking him, in celebration he’ll just shoot up from his chair, rip his headset off and fuck you against his computer desk and the screen is wobbling so horribly, it’s in danger of falling if you didn’t have one hand clutched to the edge and the other wrapped around his neck as he fucks you so so fast because he can finally afford to give his attention to you and his lips never leave your skin to make up for him ignoring you for the game and ugh he just loves lazy game nights
0 notes
shargogo · 7 years
More of Dr. Lee
G: You go home later, with your prescription meds in a paper bag clutched in your hands, feeling just the slightest bit sore but the soreness was DEFINITELY worth it, Dr Lee was like magic tbh and a small part of you wanted to fake sick or just not even take your meds altogether so you had an excuse to see him again. But, that was completely irrational, as was your pathetic hope that something would come out of your little adventure. As luck would have it, you healed perfectly and even though the feeling of Dr Lee between your legs kept you up for the better part of the night, you knew you shouldn’t get your hopes up, that meeting a hot doctor, managing to fuck him AT WORK, as well as obtain and keep a relationship with said doctor, was highly unrealistic. What kept you from eating away your sadness in frozen pizza and discounted ice cream was the fact that someone as hot as Lee Minhyuk was your first, that he had pulled you onto his lap. The thought of it swelled your chest with pride, had your cheeks glowing and your thighs tingling, though you knew you would never hear from him again.
G: When you receive a call about half a week later, from an unknown number. Automatically, you answer with a cheerful, yet cautious voice and you’re greeted with a sigh that you knew all too well, though you really shouldn’t have. Who could blame you though? That sigh had your hands buried between your thighs for the past few nights, if you were being honest. And when your name is called out, the same deep voice that was also somehow light as a feather practically snaking through your phone and wrapping tendrils of want around your chest.
“Dr. Lee?”
“You-you remembered?”
“How could I forget?” You practically moan on accident.
“Careful now, darling, I’m at work and it isn’t very professional for me to be this hard after a phone call.”
You gulp and you know he hears it because you swear you hear him chuckle.
“Anyway, aside from being selfish and indulging my need to hear your sweet little voice, I was also calling as your doctor to check up on you. Have you been taking your meds?”
He clicks his tongue as if he’s unsatisfied. “I’m your doctor, darling, shouldn’t we be a bit more professional? Let’s try again. Have you been taking your meds?”
“Yes, sir.”
You practically hear him purr over the phone. “Oh, maybe we should stick with informal. You sound so pretty calling me that. How are you feeling?”
Fucking horny as hell hearing him groan and purr and make such obscene noises over the phone is what you’d LIKE to say, but you don’t.
“I’m feeling a lot better now, actually. I think the meds really helped!”
“Hmm just the meds?”
“I-I’m sorry?”
He whines over the phone and you hear the faint sound of a door closing and the click of a lock.
“Just the meds made you feel better? It wasn’t my other recommendation?”
The other recommendation? Oh he meant-
“Now, now, don’t tell me you’ve forgotten all my medical advice, darling. Ah, I thought you would be one to listen. You listened so well when you came in the office the other day. In more ways than one, might I add.”
Your heartbeat is picking up and even though you know you’re all alone in your apartment, that nobody can see how his words are affecting you, you still blush straight to the roots of your hair.
“I may have forgotten some things,” you faintly hear yourself say.
“Hmm I don’t like the sound of that,” he growls and you whimper, you actually whimper at the sound and it makes his voice sound so much more guttural when he speaks next. “I might just have to make a house call, darling.”
You pale. “Is that necessary?”
“It depends on the situation. Tell me, are you at least keeping warm?”
Warm? It was the middle of summer, which is why you doubted you were sick in the first place since sicknesses normally go around during winter. “I’m not bundled up in a tracksuit and earmuffs all day, if that’s what you’re asking, Doctor.”
“Oh darling, do watch your time with me,” he coos and you shiver. “Tell me then, what are you wearing?”
Was he serious right now? “What am I wearing?”
“Yes, what are you wearing. I need the exact details in order to determine whether this house call during my lunch break is necessary.” As he speaks, his voice is lower, breathier, and you fool yourself into thinking that his hand might be resting on his crotch, slightly palming his cock the way you can so clearly imagine.
“Well, I just woke up-“
“Yes? And?”
“And normally, I just wear a t-shirt and sweats to bed.”
“But this time?”
“This time-“ you take a deep breath and decide to just go for it. “This time all I wore were my panties, Doctor.”
He takes a sharp inhale exactly when you do. “What kind of shirt?”
“No shirt”
“No shirt?” He groans and the sound makes your nipples hard, pushing through the thin cotton of the camisole you had decided to slip on right before he called.
“No shirt, Doctor.”
“My, I’ve got a rather naughty patient, if I do say so myself. Don’t tell me they were thin panties, darling.”
“The thinnest.”
“I don’t know if I should be concerned about you yet, baby,” he huffs out and oh yes, you know for a fact he’s touching himself. You wished you could too. “If last time was anything to go by, I know you look like an absolute dream in lace panties. Even lace can provide some warmth, no?”
“It could if it wasn’t soaking wet,” you say boldly.
G: From there, you hear the sound of unmistakable clutter, the way he pants in the phone is making you nervous and excited all at the same time and you black out enough just to barely hear him call over his shoulder “I’m taking my lunch break, I don’t want any calls” and you gasp, making him turn his attention to you once again.
“Fuck, baby, what are you doing to me? You must be so wet for me right now, god I can’t even imagine how good you must smell, soaking wet just for my cock. It’s just mine, right?”
“J-just yours, Doctor Lee.”
“Fuck, say it again,” he insists, the sound of a car starting in the background. “God knows I’ll probably blow my load all over my pants and in my car, but I can’t help it, your voice is driving me insane, darling.”
“It’s all yours, Dr. Lee. Are you gonna come get it?”
“Nothing could keep me from it, baby. Two minutes, tops, don’t you dare touch yourself until I get there. You said it yourself, it’s all mine.”
You hum your acceptance when you realize he can’t see you nod over the phone and when the line goes dead, the next few minutes waiting are pure agony. You figure he had gotten your address from your files and you know that’s rather unprofessional of him but for fucks sake, he fucked you at work already. You were already too far gone to care. And when the rapid knocks sound at your door, you practically throw yourself at it to pull it open, not even having enough time to greet your doctor before he barges in and picks you up, your legs wrapping around his waist instinctively as you groan at finally feeling him between your legs again. You whine loudly as he kicks the door closed behind him, the movement allowing you the two of you the delicious friction you craved.
“You filthy little liar,” he hisses into your neck as he pushes you against your own front door, hands kneading at your ass cheeks, pulling at them so you’re impossibly close to him. The way he grabs at them, bounces them up and down in his palms so that your clothed pussy rubs so blatantly against his clothed cock makes you squeal. “You’re wearing a shirt.”
“I wasn’t last night,” you pant.
“I guess I’m a little too late then,” he says a bit sadly, running his nose along your jawline and slowing down his actions. Your breathing slows and you look down at him, his dark eyes and his sharp nose, his lips pink and swollen from the amount of biting he must have done on the way to your place.
“I don’t think I’m sick anymore, Minhyuk.”
“As a medical professional, I think the same.”
“Then can I kiss you now?”
“Fuck, nothing would make me happier, pretty baby.”
Your first kiss with him isn’t soft and gentle like how you always imagined first kisses to be. It’s hot and wet, tongues instantly molding together as you both taste whatever the other can give, moans and whines slipping between lips only to get lost in the feeling of how utterly perfect his lips feel on yours. And it only picks up when your realize, it isn’t just lust fueling you, it isn’t just lust fueling him, it’s a mutual feeling of contentment, surprise at feeling so comfortable with each other proximity, despite being practically strangers. When you pull away, he’s groaning in displeasure at the distance, pulling your lip between his teeth and letting go just to see it bounce, red and swollen.
All because of him.
“You know, I was really mad when you came into my office,” he confesses.
You frown. “Why?”
“Because I knew you had strep, the minute you spoke, and I knew I had to wait to be able to kiss you.”
You laugh and he laughs with you, both sounds intermingling in the sweetest of melodies you’ve ever heard.
“Was it worth the wait?”
“So worth it. Now show me your room so I can perform a physical on you, starting with your wet panties.”
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shargogo · 7 years
More of TA Kihyun
G: GOD imagine afterward when you’re both in class and he’s at his desk and the prof is lecturing and you’re sitting in like the back in the higher desks and when he happens to look up, you’re crossing your legs and he catches a glimpse of your panties for just a second and when he looks up at you, you’re smirking at him and when he visibly sighs from his desk, you can tell he’s frustrated and so you just keep teasing him akshsksh
G: Stretching your arms up and raising your head so your shirt lifts up a little and he can see the expanse of your neck(which his hands would look amazing wrapped around) and you “accidentally” drop your pen and he laughs a bit bc HOW CLICHE but he chokes on it when you bend over to get it bc YOU DIP SO LOW HE CAN SEE STRAIGHT INTO YOUR SHIRT
G: You get a particularly low score on a quiz and he hands it back to you and is like “you’re not really getting this are you?” And you just shrug and you’re like “I’m joking a study group this weekend” and he almost trips and he hisses “with who??” And you’re like “??????changkyun???? He’s a nerd too” and he’s like “I’m literally right here” and you’re like “it’ll look like I’m using you for a good grade” and he’s like “I’ll just make you work EXTRA hard for your A”
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shargogo · 7 years
TA Kihyun
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Statistics TA Kihyun will be the death of me
So you make an appearance at Kihyun’s office and you ask him, “I think you made an error on my test exam.” And he looks up confused like, “I- what?” You ask him to look over your test and you show him the problem you were marked for. He scrutinizes his brows in confusion because he thinks you are still wrong. He claims, “The reason why I marked you wrong for this was because the standard deviation would have a small number when the scatterplots have a high peak... ” You look at your paper in confusion because you thought you had it right the first time and so you ask him, “Why? I thought the standard deviation would have a large number when there’s a high peak.” He’s growing a bit impatient because you’re not getting the concept right and that you’re getting it reversed. He pulls out a graph and slowly explains you the correct concept, but he notices that you’re far from his desk so he scoots closer to you so you could better see the graph and hopefully understand him. YOU’RE STILL CONFUSED BECAUSE WHAT THE FUCK!!!!FUCK STATS!!!! You sigh because you were hopping to get those 3 points to your exam so you could get at least an A and not a dreadful B+.
You’re half listening to Kihyun’s explanation bc you suddenly realize that Kihyun is kinda hot. There’s just something alluring about his concentrated face behind those circular glasses, and how his long sleeve is rolled up—making his forearm look so visible and manly to you. You’re just wowed at this point bc he looks FUCKING good. You never paid that much attention to him during lecture but now that you’re closer to him— you can’t help but grow the hots for your TA.
“Are you even paying attention?” Kihyun snaps you out of your daze...oops.
You answer, “Uh what?” And he huffs, “I really don’t want to explain this concept over and over again because it’s a straightforward concept.”
You’re just blinking at him, “Maybe there is another way of explaining.”
And he looks at you confused, “What do you mean?” And you just smile at him. Were you going to make the move on your TA? Yeah, fuck it. You glanced at the closed door, and head over to the door to lock it. Kihyun’s minds is just FUCKING CONFUSED BC WHAT IN THE WORLD IS SHE DOING. You bend down right next to him and guide him to face you. He’s just looking down at you like, “Uh....” He kind of feels hot and bothered because there’s just something hot about you bending down for him. You slowly place both of your hands on the side of his thighs, “So you were talking about the highest peak which means there would be a small deviation number, right?” You bat your eyelashes at him and he just nods. You want to tease the FUCK OUT OF HIM so you glide your hands closer to his crotch, “So you’re saying that when all the plots are centered around here-“ you poke at his crotch and you feel how hard his crotch is from just poking him through his pants. Then that means the standard deviation would result to a 0?”
He gulps at you and meekly answers, “Right...go on.” And you widen your eyes at his “go on” bc you know he wants to know more or is anticipating for more.
You just smirk at him and reply, “I think it would be better if we had an actual representation of a ~highest peak~, don’t you think?”
“Oh, yes. We definitely should use an example of a highest peak.” He boldly says while unzipping his pants and pulling out his dick for you to admire and gape at because DAMN THAT’S A HIGH PEAK ALRIGHT WINK EHHEHEHEH
“Can I?” You ask him. He smiles at you, “Go ahead. I want you to understand the real meaning of the highest peak and why it’s—“ You cut off his sentence by grabbing a hold of his dick in your hands, while squeezing and pumping up his hard on. Kihyun releases a low moan at the contact, and holds a reach of your hair because he knows you have a perfect handwriting from grading your assignments and papers, but damn were your hands also good at feeling him. You lower your head closer between his legs and directly look up at him, and you sink your mouth into his flesh. He shakily breathes in response because not only were you talented with your hands but also with your mouth. You glide your tongue down his shaft and slowly lick around it. Kihyun is just stuck in the moment of pleasure and notices that you’re neglected from the fun time too so he pulls you up onto his desk and holds the side of you face, “I don’t think I’m going to last long with your talented mouth of yours so let me return the favor.” He huskily whispers, but being the one in control you don’t want him to take over. You then suggest, “I don’t have a condom nor am I on the pill so we’ll have to resort to something else.” Kihyun has an offended look on his face, “You don’t think I carry a condom with me?” And you simply laugh at him, “You’re a nerd so I didn’t think you would be getting pussy”
He doesn’t think your joke was funny so he pulls out a condom from his drawer and then shows it to you, “Do you want to be fucked or not?” And you want to tease him more bc damn he looks hot when he’s mad lmfao. You answer, “Make me beg for it.” That’s when a switch pulls off on Kihyun and he’s about to lose his self control, “Oh, I’ll make you beg for it, but you’ll have to keep it down because the professor’s office is two doors down.” His hand slides up your thighs and he feels how soaked your panties are soaked. He rubs you through your panties and you release a soft moan because uGHHH YOU JUST WANT HIM INSIDE OF YOU ALREADY. He continues to rub circles around your clitoris and you’re clawing his back, “K-Kihyun...don’t tease me.” He just grins at you, “This is just the beginning, sweetheart.” You mentally groaned because you’re not going to last like this. He tantalizingly removes your panties and spreads open your legs. He then lowers himself down to the desk and darts his tongue into your heat. You’re a moaning mess at this point because his tongue....does wonders that you’ve never felt, but you also think his dick can do bigger wonders too. You rasp out, “I. Need. You. Now.” Kihyun halts himself and you hear a muffled, “You what?” And you know he’s waiting for you to fucking beg so you impatiently growled, “Kihyun, I need you to fuck me so hard.”
Kihyun lightly chuckles, “Good girl.” He stands up from his position, and opens the condom. He rolls the condom onto his shaft and he then aligns his flesh and slowly inserts his tip inside of you and you moan in approval and nudge him to go deeper. He obeys your order and fills you up to your brink and you encouragingly whisper into his ear, “Move.” And he thrusts at a rhythm that has you holding back you from producing loud sounds so you cover your mouth with one hand to keep down the noises. Kihyun’s thrusts rapidly fastens and you feel your toes curling and your breath hitching because you feel your walls tightening around his dick. Kihyun senses that you’re close so his hips snaps upwards and he hits the right spot that leaves you mesmerized. You both let out a grunt and climax simultaneously. Kihyun is breathing hard onto your neck and cools down from the post-sex high. You remove the condom from his shaft, tie up the condom, and discard it in his waste bin. His normal breathing returns and he smiles, “So did you learn something new today?” You cutely nodded, “Yes, I did. All thanks to you.” You shyly look around the room and ask, “So about that wrong question...Is there any possible way you can bring my test score to an A?” Kihyun just laughs at you, “No. You were wrong in the first place.”
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shargogo · 7 years
Dr. Lee
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Prologue: The nurses led you to a room where you'd be waiting for your doctor. You've had an throat irritation for the past few days due to the flu that's been going around. Taking over the counter medicine didn't improve your sore throat and your mom has been nagging you over the phone to go see a doctor because she's worried your throat would be serious. Here you are now, waiting for your doctor, to whom you've never met before.
You heard gentle knocking coming from behind the closed door, and you dropped your phone into your bag. What you didn't expect was to find a young, yet extremely handsome man in front of you. His round rimmed glasses were hanging on the bridge of his nose, and he noticed that you were bothered by how low his glasses were hanging from his nose so he pushed his glasses up. He smiled  at you and greeted himself as the one and only, Doctor Lee. And wow, his smile emitted like the sun- or maybe even brighter than the sun. You were stunned by how young of a doctor he was. You assumed he was in his mid twenties.
"According to what my nurses have noted, you have a sore throat?"
"Yes, I've had for the past few days now"
"And you've been using over the counter medicine?"
"When was you last period cycle?" He asked.
You slightly grew embarrassed from the question. Although you're aware that doctors generally ask you questions like this, Doctor Lee was completely different.
"Uhh...I skipped last month so..."
"Are you on birth control?"
Minhyuk raised a brow at you, "Are you sexually active?"
Your cheeks heated up because you were still a virgin, and your period cycles were sometimes irregular due to stress from work and school.
"I'm not sexually active." You said with a straight face. He doubtfully stared at you for a minute, "listen, I'm going to need you to be honest with me so can you truthfully answer me?"
You sighed because this was such a personal topic, and you came here to get your sore throat tested not be interrogated about your nonexistent sex life.
"I haven't had my first kiss nor have I had a boyfriend so I'm still a virgin."
A surprised look washed over Minhyuk's face, which was off setting for his professionalism.
"Oh...well I'm sorry for asking, I just assumed since you're very pretty and it's very surprising that you had never dated anyone."
You blushed at his compliment because he thought you were very pretty. He changed the topic and went back to his professional tone, "let's start our check up then?"
Doctor Lee brought his stethoscope to his ears and asked if you could lift up your hoodie so he could hear your heart beat. You complied to his order, but had noticed that you weren't wearing a bra underneath your hoodie since you didn't bother putting on a bra this morning since the hoodie was already thick enough to hide your boobs. Before you could even get flustered, Doctor Lee had already placed the cold metal directly onto your nipple- which you felt your nipple hardened. You let out a small yelp to which Doctor Lee gave you a concerned look. He was tuning the frequency of the bell piece, but his finger had accidentally grazed the tip of your nipples and you could've swore that you saw him smirk for a split second. He removed the chest piece from your erected nipple, and lowered the headset down to his neck.
"Your heart rate seems to be beating abnormally fast." He said with a lowered voice, "but your heart is very healthy." He smiled at you.
"I'm going to listen to your lungs, to make sure your lungs are okay."
He then proceeded to slide his stethoscope under your shirt and placed the chest piece behind your back. He asked you to breathe in and out while he listened to your lungs exertions. You tried to remain as calm as you can since Dr. Lee was basically feeling your body. Once he finished listening to your lungs, he assured you that your lungs were in good shape.
"I'm going to swab the back of your throat so you might gag, but it will be very quick." He said while pulling out a tongue depressor from a jar on the counter.
"Say Aah~" he encouraged you to open your mouth wide open.
You followed his order and stuck your tongue out for him to place the tongue depressor on.
"This will be very quick, okay?" He held out a long cotton swab and briefly stuck it down your throat and made sure to swipe some of the bacteria in your throat. He quickly pulled out the stick from your throat and placed it into a sealed bag.
"I'll go run a test with your sample and I'll let you know whether you'll have strep throat or not. So wait here please."
While you were waiting in the room, Dr. Lee was drifting off in the lab while waiting for the results. He was distracted by how you didn't gag from the swab test and wondered whether you would gag with his dick shoved down your throat. He was smirking to himself because he also thought about how your nipple felt hard from one small touch. As the results came in, he pushed his dirty thoughts and frowned at the results since it came out as positive.
He walked back to the room you were in and knocked the door again.
He stepped into the room and gave you a small smile.
"Bad news, the results came out as positive and you have strep throat, but no worries, I'll prescribe you some antibiotics and you should be better within a week." He said in his professional voice.
He gives you a rundown on the instructions of antibiotics and that you may need plenty of rest. You nodded to every single word he said, but you wanted to stay longer and talk to him. “Is there anything else you can advice me to quicken my recovery?”
He gives you a long look and you could see a mischievous glint in his eye. The corner of his lips pulls to a smirk as he leans close to your ear, “Sex is also a great activity to strengthen your immune system.” Your eyes widened at his unexpected tip and you gave him a questioning look, “H-how?” Doctor Lee was still smirking at you as he couldn’t get enough at how cute you are. “Well it increases your heart rate, while also working out certain muscles a part of your body.” He breathlessly said while scanning your face. You still didn’t believe him because there was no way sex could be a factor to strengthen one’s immune system. You scoffed, “Impossible. I don’t buy it.” He raised a brow at you, licking his lips in tantalizing way that had made you buck your knees just slightly. “Want me to prove it?”
“Prove it?” You blinked your eyes at him. He giggled at your cuteness, “You’re so innocent.” He seated himself on the medical exam table and invitedly patted his lap, “Come here, sweet cheeks. Let me show you.” It was out of the ordinary to have sex, or rather your first time with a doctor who’ve you just met, but he was trustworthy. You could assure that Doctor Lee would keep you in his care so you stepped towards him and made your way onto the table, and sat right next to him. He disapprovingly shook his head and motioned you to come sit right on his lap, you slowly climbed over him and partially sat on his right thigh without looking at him. “Make yourself comfortable, sweetie.” You adjusted yourself comfortably on Doctor Lee’s lap, as your bottom sat in between his lap, and you felt something poking you. He pulled your face closer to his, and made you look into his alluring gaze, “Do you trust me?” He intensely looked into your eyes, but you were so distracted by how inviting his plumped and pink his lips were. You mumbled a yes and leaned in to kiss him because fuck he was so irresistible, but he pushed your mouth with his large hand, “Nu-uh, sweetie. Strep throat is contagious through direct mouth contact.” You frowned at his statement because you just had wanted to kiss him. He noticed your sad expression and kissed the crook of your neck, while his hands tugged your hoodie. You put your hands above your head as Minhyuk pulled the hoodie off from your frame. He discarded the hoodie down to the floor, and took in the glory of how erect your nipples were from earlier. He hissed, “God damn, you’re fucking beautiful.” He pulled you closer while he slithered his rough hands down the small of your back. As you scooted closer to him, your hips had slightly rolled around his tent, and you let out a content sigh at the small touch. You experimentally rolled your hips again down on the hardness and roughness of his pants. Doctor Lee groaned at the sensation of your hips grinding on his hard on. He was never the type to dry hump, but fuck, you sure had a way with your hips. After a minute of humping his crotch, you curiously removed your tights and your underwear because maybe the sensation would feel even better if you had no pants on. You set yourself on top of Doctor Lee’s lap and rubbed your core onto his boner once more, and you let out a small moan because the friction felt so good when nude. Doctor Lee was growing even more frustrated because he still had on clothes and he wanted to join you in as well. He unbuckled his belt and freed his member out for you to take in. You gaped at his length and how tall it stood. A smug look appeared on Doctor Lee’s face, “Like what you see?” You unconsciously licked your lips at the sight and you hesitantly asked, “Can I?” His eyes shined at your offer, “I’s all for you.” You took a hold of his dick into your hand, and slowly pumped it. Doctor Lee inhaled a sharp intake of air at the feel. You experimentally played with his member, flicking the top of his tip with your thumb, and running your small fingers down his length. Doctor Lee grew impatient and bucked his hips closer to you, “Put your mouth on it.” He commanded you, and you didn’t think he would ask so you complied. You wrapped his member around your mouth and slowly took in the taste of his precum dripping down on the tip of your tongue. You sucked in your cheeks around his dick, and slowly guided his member down the back of your throat. “Fuck” he groaned, “Your throat sure knows how to take in my dick, huh?” You hummed as a repsonse, and he moaned at the tingling of his dick. You bobbed your head trying to bring some movement, to which Doctor Lee moaned at your ministrations. Realizing, that you haven’t had any treatment, he pulled his member out of you to which you frown at the loss of contact, “You need to be helped, remember?” He huskily said while placing you down the table, he opened your legs apart and propped himself above you. His mouth wrapped a hold of your left nipple, his tongue swirled at the bulb, he would lightly bite your nipple. You released a whimper at how your nipples were being sucked by Doctor Lee. As he continued to suck your other nipple, he slowly inserted a finger to your entrance and felt how soaked your cunt was. He expertedly fingered you, and you were a moaning mess at how long and right his fingers fit inside of you. He took the inititiave to insert another finger inside of you, one rubbing your clit, while the other plunging inside and out. “Doctor Lee-“ you pleaded for him. His face was brought close to yours as he voiced out, “call me Minhyuk. Doctor Lee isn’t available right now.” You were struck confused, nonetheless you whispered his name “Minhyuk, please.” He smiled at you, and pulled his fingers out of you, “What was that?” He cocked his head to the side innocently. You huffed an impatient breath and clawed his back, “Get in me now, Minhyuk.” You angrily said in a rushed tone. He laughed at your impatience and pushed himself up from the medical exam table, and opened one of the drawers from the counter. He pulled out a piece of foil, which you recognized as a condom. He teared the foil and rolled the condom onto his length. He made his way in between your legs, “This is going to hurt, okay?” He warned you, but you didn’t care because you trusted Minhyuk. He aligned himself along your opening, and slowly poked his tip inside of you, and you winced at the pain. He kissed your cheek, to ease away the pain. After adjusting to his size, you signaled him to go deeper, and he did. He deepened his length down into you. However, he stood frozen inside of you and hit his shoulder, “Move dammit-“ He sharply thrusted inside of you before you could even finish your sentence, and this was the moment you’ve been waiting for. His thrusted felt so good, and you couldn’t control your moans and sighing his name from escaping your lips. His deep groans and the sound of slapping skin was all too much, and you felt an unfamiliar feeling inside of you. You assumed you were about to climax, and as you were about to tell Minhyuk that you were close, he quickened his bucking hips as he was close too. The both of you simultaneously released inside of each other, and moaned together. Minhyuk observed your flushed cheeks and your heavy breathing, he took in the sight at how sweaty you were and how your face glowed. “You should feel better in three days now.” He winked at you.
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shargogo · 7 years
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