#which is probably bad
softenedsunbeams · 2 months
i like making everyone else happy i just wish it went the other way sometimes
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sumechiayuu · 4 months
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Made sprites for Agatha
If that's a very old time name, that's because it's intentional
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wanderingmind867 · 1 month
Ever since i started posting on here a few years ago, i feel like i've posted almost daily. And in some ways, that could be seen as a bad thing. Because it seems that I really don't like to not post or something. It's hard to explain now, especially since i started writing this earlier, only to stop writing it and come back to it now. But i really do need to work on my insecurites that apparently seem to come about when i don't post often. Because i know i shouldn't feel bad when i don't post, but i can't seem to help myself.
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meryl-gear-solid · 2 years
You know what really bothers me?
That I’ve only fully watched the Transformers movies and the Netflix War For Cybertron trilogy.
I keep giving up on the G1 cartoon since it’s very slow, most of my knowledge of Prime comes from Tumblr art and memes, hell, I have t even seen my favorite continuity (Animated) since it was still on in 2008.
All the comics seem so interesting but there are so many and most are out of print and I don’t know in what order to read them in and… ARRRRRGH
kinda crazy that my ADHD is so fucked up that I’m constantly hyperfixated by Transformers but I can’t actually… y’know, WATCH TRANSFORMERS.
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qweenofurheart · 8 months
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the tim drake experience
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poobirdy · 5 months
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a bingqiu witches x xianxia fusion, as prompted by cass and fulfilled as part of an ongoing fundraising event at svsss gotcha 4 gaza!
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anon idk if you can see this but I am in fact still alive, thank you for the message, it means a lot
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weird hearing "were you a Theatre Kid" "were you a Sports Kid" "were you a Choir Kid" "were you a Dance Kid" bc no? i mean i did all of that and more but resented ever minute of it? actively avoided sticking with anything? i was a "In This Family After School Activities Are Mandatory Kid"
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spielzeugkaiser · 1 year
How it started-
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How it's going!! They are a family and I am!!! also draw the hug you want to see in the show but they are forgiven because them meeting in brokilon was still soooo tender my HEART-
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canisalbus · 1 year
Ok ok hear me out: it could end in tragedy,, AND have a happy ending. The attempt(s) on Machete’s life force him to flee, he doesn’t even have the chance to find Vasco. Cue gay longing for at least a few years while Machete despairs over the loss of his love, his life, his status. He and Vasco only reunite (again) in their later years. Their relationship is forever flavored with loss and loneliness, but that only means they savor every moment that much more
I also I would like to see them as old men. Vasco would be so droopy :)
You gave me such old dog brainworms.
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honeyed-disgraceful · 2 years
I have become this song personified
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oifaaa · 2 years
So much respect for which ever mad bastard at dreamworks said fuck it let's actually make a good Puss in Boots movie and not just another pitiful cash grab this kitty deserves better so true
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transgendz · 2 months
In the past threeish days my phone has been stolen, my roommate got a flat in our only form of transportation, and my other roommate got an infection in a minor skin-deep leg injury that is currently serious enough to have him struggling to walk. We may need to take him to the ER soon. Additionally, due to bad timing in needing to submit documents with work, I need to complete a two factor authentication to continue working.
I need to replace my phone before I lose my job. My phone hadn't been paid off, and I am totally at a loss at the ungodly cost of it. I am the main supporter for both of my disabled roommates. I cannot lose this job.
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Please buy my art? @theartistrans Dm me for proof or details, and I'll put details in the tags
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Prompt 163
Danny pinched the bridge of his nose, taking a deep breath, counting to ten and then letting it out. Why was this always his luck? Alright. Okay. Time to move again thanks to Dan pushing his body too far again, and ending up in his core. This was not how he was expecting to spend his days when he ghost-adopted his clone and sort-of son now actual son. Welp, he’ll throw a dart at the map to figure out where he’ll go next. 
Hm. Well, pack up Ellie! They’re moving to a place called Smallville, you always wanted a horse, right?
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so i’m re-reading homestuck. currently i’m near the beginning of act 5. assorted thoughts:
1. rose is so fucking funny. fanfic writers never remember this
2. speaking of rose — her classpect means that in fanart and fanfic, her mysterious seer-iness is highly emphasized. but in acts 1 through 4, the mysterious one is jade. DREAM VISIONS! ENIGMATIC HINTS AT PROPHECY! TIME LOOP BULLSHIT! jade is THE mysterious seer-adjacent character. meanwhile, rose acts like she knows what’s going on but she basically never does. as a result, fanfic especially gives the mysterious-seer attributes to rose and jade is just sort of… there. (i am kinda guilty of this myself.) my new 2024 slogan: let jade be enigmatic as fuck!
3. the first time vriska ever appears — unless you count her username appearing without being directly referenced, which happens pretty early — is at the very very edge of a panel, in which you can see one of her horns. that happens a few times pre-act-five, especially in panels that involve terezi. honestly most terezi conversations pre-act-five get funnier if you imagine vriska looking over her shoulder like ::::/ or like ::::D
4. the fandom image of karkat is highly positive. the idea of his character is kinda locked to karkat as he appears in act 6 (maybe late act 5?), and fan depictions of early karkat (pre-sgrub, or simply early act 5) seem to retrospectively plaster his later characterization onto his earlier self. his general assholery is interpreted as blunted grumpiness that no one really takes seriously. that interpretation more or less makes sense for later versions of his character, but it’s startling how genuinely mean he is in early act 5! he’s such a jerk that in a conversation with early act 5 vriska he comes off looking worse! that’s HARD. and a really interesting facet of his character!
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