#which I sincerly hope they were
wilbur-of-the-coven · 16 hours
fuck you
To the anti-endo who suicide baited us, sincerely, fuck you, I hope you never find peace in life.
because of your inability to simply co-exist my girlfriend had to be pulled out of front and she coughed hundreds of flowers- she’s *comatose* right now, we had to create a GODDAMN hospital to put her on anesthesia so she’d stop coughing up blood and flowers.
Sincerly fuck you so much. You claim you’re defending trauma victims, but guess what? You just traumatized me but all my headmates!
Because you simply couldn’t co-exist with a non purely traumagenic system you decided to tell them to kill themselves?
That is not fucking okay! Alright? It is never okay to tell anyone to kill themselves! No matter what they’ve done.
which in our case? Was absolutely nothing! We simply made a fucking notes post and you thought it was soooooo hilarious if you asked how many notes it’d take to commit suicide!
No! No! It’s fucking not! You have no goddamn shame in your body! Because guess what?
You just told a minor- 3 minors, 1 young adult, 1 adult, A FOUR YEAR OLD, and an age less being to kill themselves! Oh! And we’re bodily a minor too if we forgot to goddamn mention! So even if we were “faking” you still told a minor to kill themselves!
it’s not funny and will never be funny to suicide bate someone. My girlfriend who was the one fronting btw suffers from such strong delusions oh hanahaki that the headspace made it real there.
if our ONLY TWO adults hadn’t been awake and able to pull her from front- which btw 2 other of our headmates had to help with- did I mention the 4 year old was there too?- then she would’ve started to have a coughing fit in real life.
sincerely, *sincerly*, fuck you, we’re not christian but god has a specially low pit of hell for suicide baiters like you.
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alleyesonrafah · 3 months
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“Dear Sir/Madam,
Hope you and your loved ones are doing well in these tough times! I'm Nermen and could really use your help. Not just for me but my family and lots of people who are suffering like us. A lot has happened - we have lost our homes our homes after being forced to move. Many of us now live crowded together under unsafe conditions.
We used to have houses but after they got bombed up we're currently holed up in tents trying desperately just to survive one day at a time…
Following 4 brutal months of war here in Gaza which has stripped us from essentials- food, water, power...it's hard to survive. Our houses were blown up during the strikes and now a tent is what we call home.
Things ain't looking great - we're struggling big time and it's even more devastating seeing our kids not having food or water, falling sick without medical care, simply because they can't get their hands on basic resources or any kind of support.
In these challenging times, I and my family are helplessly facing extraordinarily difficult circumstances without even being able to meet the most basic needs. It is indeed heart-wrenching to feel such desperation all around us; hence our plea for assistance at present.
Therefore I implore for your assistance – any contributions will be gratefully received towards alleviating at least some aspect of our collective hardship.
A 4 weeks ago I lost my sister Nadreen 30 years old and her three kids ( Anas 12 years old , Ali 10 years old and Ameer 8 years old ) in this cursed war ! Its imaginable …
my innocent sister and her children were sheltering in a rented house in the (safe area) and the house was completely bombed and they were found in pieces, may their souls rest in peace.
help me evacuate my whole family, every contribution counts and makes a big difference, thank you for your support
The money that we get gonna be covering all for evacuation and to help my family to start new life in a safe place ( irs arround 30 members and each one cost him arriund 5k for to get tanseeq with egypt border to be able to pass trough Rafah
Cher Monsieur/Madame,
J'espère que vous et vos proches allez bien en ces temps difficiles ! Je m'appelle Nermen et j'aurais vraiment besoin de votre aide. Pas seulement pour moi, mais aussi pour ma famille et pour beaucoup de personnes qui souffrent comme nous. Beaucoup de choses se sont passées : nous avons perdu nos maisons après avoir été forcés de déménager. Beaucoup d’entre nous vivent désormais entassés dans des conditions dangereuses.
Avant, nous avions des maisons, mais après qu'elles ont été bombardées, nous sommes actuellement enfermés dans des tentes, essayant désespérément de survivre au jour le jour…
Après 4 mois de guerre brutale ici à Gaza qui nous a privé de l'essentiel : nourriture, eau, électricité... il est difficile de survivre. Nos maisons ont explosé pendant les frappes et maintenant une tente est ce que nous appelons notre maison.
Les choses ne s'annoncent pas bien - nous luttons énormément et c'est encore plus dévastateur de voir nos enfants sans nourriture ni eau, tomber malades sans soins médicaux, simplement parce qu'ils ne peuvent pas mettre la main sur les ressources de base ou tout type de soutien. .
En ces temps difficiles, ma famille et moi sommes confrontés, impuissants, à des circonstances extraordinairement difficiles, sans même être en mesure de répondre aux besoins les plus élémentaires. Il est en effet déchirant de ressentir un tel désespoir autour de nous ; d'où notre appel à l'aide à l'heure actuelle.
C’est pourquoi j’implore votre aide – toute contribution sera reçue avec gratitude pour atténuer au moins certains aspects de nos difficultés collectives.
Mise à jour ; Il y a 4 semaines, j'ai perdu ma sœur Nadreen 30ans et ses trois enfants (Anas 12 ans, Ali 10 ans et Ameer 8ans ) dans cette guerre maudite ! C’est imaginable… ma sœur innocente et ses enfants se réfugiaient dans une maison louée dans la (zone sûre) et la maison a été complètement bombardée et ils ont été retrouvés en morceaux, que leurs âmes reposent en paix. aidez-moi à évacuer toute ma famille, chaque contribution compte et fait une grande différence, merci pour votre soutien
L'argent que nous recevrons va couvrir tout pour l'évacuation et pour aider ma famille à commencer une nouvelle vie dans un endroit sûr (il compte environ 30 membres et chacun lui a coûté environ 5 000 $ pour obtenir Tanseeq avec la frontière égyptienne et pouvoir passer par Rafah.
Updates (1)
April 8th, 2024
by Nermen Alnawajha, Organizer
Merci beaucoup pourvotre contribution et générosité, sachez que vous faites une grande différence , svp partagez avec vos amis .
Thank you very much for your contribution and generosity, know that you are making a big difference, please share with your friends.”
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notknickers · 1 year
tma fears and könig
(i have incorporated my headcanons and my interpretations of könig with this: it's not like we are given much canon material to work with, anyway. just warning about it, because if you see me belabour a point with iron confidence, but cannot place where that came from, the answer is simply "from my head".)
@eyerotyourbrain : the intersection between different types of brainrots that affect the tma girlies (gender neutral) and the cod girlies (also gender neutral) with specific regards to jared hopworth and könig may remain a mystery, but the intersection between könig and the fears isn't anymore. not to me, no sir, it never was!
it has been revealed by yours truly under the cut, if you're still interested.
(i sincerly hope you are, because this thing took me three days!!! 😂)
first, however, mandatory self-identification: i am wholly of the stranger, with just a bit of flesh. it would be nice to know who i am dealing with, in turn.
(please, don't be yet another eyevatar 😭)
the buried: könig is no stranger to poverty and crushing debt, or at least, his younger self was acutely aware of this. squalor, negation and absence were young könig's everyday reality for years. the way it has left a mark is how, once he managed to dig himself out of penury, the toll those years took on him still manifests in his preoccupation with keeping afloat, insisting on living way below his means even though he doesn't need to anymore.
the way this fear manifests in könig is twofold: on the one hand, as stressed by his choice for a job, he will do anything for that paychecque, to keep the money flowing; on the other, the spartan lifestyle free of self-indulgence and frivolity, contrasted by a tendency towards hoarding what few possessions he has, until, one day, perhaps his tower of junk will collapse and bury him whole.
if he were an avatar of the buried, his distinctive feature would be the dirt under his chipped, bloody nails that coats his fingers no matter how many times he washed his hands and a sense of unease and preoccupation he exudes, which turns to crushing despair everytime he stands too close to anyone.
the corruption: still due to the aforementioned poverty, filth was another thing that characterised könig's childhood: rotting food, crawlers and vermin attracted by it, dirty clothes, infrequent grooming and those fleeting moments of joy and distraction, playing with worms in the mud, picking snails after the rain or poking nests with a stick...
not an entirely negative thing, as living communally in barracks with many others, breathing the same air, sharing the same space and learning to be self-sufficient and resourceful while making do with what the military allowed is not for the weak of stomach.
the effects are still visible today, in the man könig has become: the loathing towards filth still manifests in a usually impeccable presentation of his person and his military quarters at the base, an exemplar of order, tidiness and cleanliness.
only for könig to fall into utter disrepair the moment in between deployments, when he is in his small, claustrophobic flat, full of hoarded possessions untidily piled in every corner, with countless roaches and other bugs raising generations of egg spawns, a mould-infested shower he rarely uses, as he barely keeps himself clean, and also infesting other fixtures in both loo and kitchen, such as sink and fridge. the squalor from which he fought so hard to escape always claims könig, drags him back in its unsanitary clutches the moment no one is looking.
however, the real mark the corruption left is könig's tendency towards obsession. if the somewhat unhealthy relationship he has with his job were not enough to show this, paying attention to the way he conducts his interpersonal relationships will.
even here, the ways he behaves are very disconnected, going from keeping to himself for fear of ceding to his instincts, to obsessing over a friendship or romantic relationship to the point of stalking - breaking and entering without a sign (unless he wants to leave one) is a joke for someone of his skills.
he is deathly afraid of abandonment, a thing that might come across as surprising, considering how independent and self-reliant könig is. but once he finds the unconditional care and the gentle love he craves, even the threat of that being taken from him affects him deeply and has him behaving irrationally. not overtly violently, as he worships his lovers with all of himself as the loyal puppy he is, but he will beg and cry not to be abandoned, clinging to that person both bodily and metaphorically for all his emotional needs. if that fails, that's when he will start imposing his presence where he is not wanted, until he finds a way to let go and disappear for another long bout of being on his own, lest his worst, most needy traits come out again.
love of any kind has been so scarce in his life, when it takes hold of him, it's like a parasite planting its roots in his flesh and sapping him of all sense as it grows and grows, leaving könig a pliant, clingy, but unpredictable husk.
if he were an avatar of the corruption, his eyes would always be bloodshot and his sclera an unhealthy, yellowish hue.
the dark: brackish water, when unpaid bills led to cut utilities but thirst hit all the same, is nothing könig did not already experience. and survived.
neither is the darkness of the wardrobe könig's parents confined him in as a child when they decided he was being too much, adding hours for every whimper and sob they heard coming from it, then, often, forgetting and just leaving him in there until little könig took it upon himself to risk further punishment by breaking out.
wardrobes, lockers, niches of every kind... places of fear and torture that, with time, turned to comfort and solace. somewhere könig could hide from shouting and bullying, find the peace and quiet he needed. the shroud of darkness as a mother's caress.
now, as a grown man, (besides the occasional pang of horror a flashback brings along, pulling him back in that wardrobe) fear of the dark is the furthest thing from his mind. dark is a friend, a cherished companion.
whoever tries to use it to their advantage against könig should be more afraid for their lives, than the other way around.
if könig were an avatar of the dark he would envelope his chosen victims in sightless, feelings-less darkness out of mercy, hoping for them to tap into their inner strengths and emerge more resilient.
in his spare time, he would totally hang out with the sandman and the beast that killed robert montauk.
the desolation: under the detached, composed, even careful exterior to the point of avoidance, something burns, powerful enough to scorch the earth all around and ensure nothing ever grows again.
for könig, this rage and resentment found the constricting touch of discipline in the army, at first, and in the years that bring calm in hindsight.
yet, subdued at great cost though it may be, that voracious flame still hungers and finds release on the battlefield, where, as far as könig is concerned, anything is allowed.
he knows the fire is as dangerous to his targets as it is to him and he is not afraid. one day, that terrible heat will turn inwards and engulf him whole in self-immolation and he won't return.
if könig were an avatar of the desolation, he would be driven less by spite, than need. but he would make for quite the herald of self/destruction for self/destruction's sake all the same.
the end: it's not that hard to believe that könig, still in his prime, is actually rather surprised to still be alive. between parental abuse and bullying that earned him the kinds of beltings and beatings he thought would kill him as he endured and all the hell he has been through as a soldier, not to mention the kind of health issues that come with his size), he hasn't known a moment in which he hasn't felt like he was on borrowed time.
like the clock meant to measure his life broke and when he didn't simply ceased, a rather different one with impossible hours took over and when its invisible hands join on the designated sign one last time, he will be no more.
if he were an avatar of the end, that pocket watch would be his artefact and he would use it to those who call to him, knowingly or not. in the meantime, he will have to settle with sending as many lives to crush through the end line with more mundane means, but with the same zeal as the most devoted acolyte.
may every life he takes fuel his own, instead of consuming him more.
the eye: quiet and unseen. that is what avoiding to make himself a target has always entailed. failure still marrs his face and body in hideous, disfiguring scars. making noise, being noticed at the wrong moment - which, it seems, for young könig the moment was never right - has never paid.
but to avoid something, one has to know it well and that is what könig perfected: knowing, learning, observing, hiding.
just because he doesn't always hold the gaze of his interlocutors, or his eyes wander while he speaks or listens, it does not mean he isn't paying attention to every word, every detail. and when you turn away, you will find his eyes boring holes through you, going through every piece and scrap of information he has at disposal to assemble and make sense.
and with his education being spotty, as his formative years were spent surviving, observing as learning has been an invaluable tool. a testament to it, his being a highly valued asset.
if he were an avatar of the eye, the fear that unkind eyes might once more lay on him would be driven to full-on paranoia of being watched and known and bared open and he would do anything to prevent that. he would probably be a very violent avatar who would soon leave the eye for something that better suits his need for protection, as his mind just couldn't take it.
the flesh: what hasn't this man's flesh known? perhaps gentleness, something he could use more of, something he certainly longs for.
it has known brutality, of which it still bears the marks.
it has known change, as the beastly god in man form könig is now was once rather different. a memory of a softer, scrawnier, gentler past self he keeps locked, clinging to it as he rejects and hides from it.
it has known the harrowing of being remade anew, whilst still being trapped in its confining form, the form of what he was and, in part, will always be.
if to tom haan meat is me, to könig, meat is weapon and barrier, honed and perfected to its use and through its use.
if könig were an avatar of the flesh, he would be too busy having nasty, disgusting, bloody sex with jared hopworth in my fics, for him to have time for anything else. sorry not sorry.
the hunt: for someone who spent years of his life being prey, only two choices were available: surrender to death, or upgrade to hunter. könig is still alive, so you know what choice he made.
studying his targets, learning their habits, navigating their environment, calculating escape routes to bar or exploit, forcing to a corner... that's a huge part of his job.
and the killing, of course.
the beast in him is there, pulling, tearing, stirring, wanting out. and it does come out. merciless, ravenous, bloodthirsty. once it smells blood, that part of hunting that is all about patience, strategy and calculation is eclipsed and the berserker beast takes over, dipping claws in eyesockets, tearing limbs from cores, digging in viscera and delighting in the screams.
feeding. filling. quenching.
until next time.
if könig were an avatar of the hunt... who's to say he isn't already? one thing is certain, however: he will never be prey again.
(although, care to sink your teeth in monster!könig? brave - or lustful - enough to let him do the same with you...?)
the lonely: isolation to the point of alienation.
from being denied counting on anyone but himself, to dedicating his existence towards never needing anyone and engaging fully with his killing business, the only place that exists for him in civil society is the one he carves with bloody claws... and, by now, the interest wanes more than it waxes.
he has been forsaken too many times. betrayed by those supposed to love him and barely given a chance to love the company of any, after that.
a little, unchoked spark for connection still exists there, but it's only a matter of time until it won't anymore. still, how nice it would be if it manifested... perhaps, in the solitude of his mind, he even dreams about it and the many forms it could take. perhaps he is not so far gone. yet.
would it even be possible, now, when avoidance and compartmentalising are all he has known?
if könig were an avatar of the lonely, i don' tknow that he would much care for peter lukas and his ilk...
the slaughter: how do you feel about those scenes of extreme, brutal, senseless violence set to brautiful, haunting and entirely out-of-place music? because i think that's what könig sees and hears when all that makes him human, all that makes him who he is has shrunk so far, deep inside that all is left is an amorphous amalgam of pure... what can you even call that?
the broken child is gone, so is the reserved, quiet man. no trace of the disciplined and strategically adept colonel.
yet, something that holds all three in spirit and shows all through könig's untamed and implacable, instinctual frenzy. second nature.
and it's music and movement and dancing to that gory tune that drowns out all but the screams and tender flesh turning to wet pulp, and he knows the everchanging steps by heart.
if könig were an avatar of the slaughter, he would long to hear the piper one last time, only to be denied.
the spiral: könig has stopped being afraid of losing his mind because he knows he went mad long ago. whatever emerged is what is left. what will always be.
one thing he does not fear and trusts unconditionally are his thoughts and his senses, however. himself. that self he has earned at such high cost. whatever his self might be. what is a self, after all, if not a reflection on the mirror of circumstances?
no matter. whoever he is, he knows he can confide in. at least, on the well-navigated path of war-making. as for less certain terrrains...
but that is enough.
if könig were of the spiral, i don't think he would be aware of his... d̸̡̯̼̗̦͓̹̝̖̫͛̍̽̀͌̇͘͘͝ì̶̛͖̞̯̠̟̥͉̺̈̑̾̒͂͝ͅs̵̨͓̲̮̳̖̣͈͑̾t̷͙͈͍͌̅̾͛̔̌̚̕͝͝ŏ̷̱͔̱̱̜̗͒ͅŕ̷̟̬͊̒͂̇͐͒́t̶̨͎͊͋̄͛̈̀̚͠͝i̷̛̠̗̯̾̽̅̾̽̕͘̚͝o̷͎̞͉̺̝̍͐̐̊͘n̷̢̩͉̥͕͓͈͈̳̽̀̐͜
the stranger: who's to say who lies under that mask? he must be human, of that you are sure. what else, otherwise? yet, how many have had the chance to make sure?
how many masks would they have to lift, before finding something at least resembling the expected? and would that be him? the real him? are you sure?
inhuman proportions. inhuman temperament. always hiding in plain sight.
at least from a distance, as, sometimes by choice, sometimes by necessity, unknown is all he really will ever be to most.
if something took his place, could you really tell? would you even care?
one thing is sure: he could teach you the insides, if you were willing to learn. but would you like that?
if könig were of the stranger, the entity known as Ⴆɾҽҽƙσɳ αɳԃ ԋσρҽ would instead be known as ɮʀɛɛӄօռ ǟռɖ ɦօքɛ ǟռɖ ӄöռɨɢ. nothing would be different, otherwise.
(would love to see the ragtag team of institute assistants and avatars of the slaughter try stopping another unknowing. we would all be nameless dolls. no doubt about that.)
the vast: if there is someone aware of his insignificance, that is könig. when you scream loud and often enough, but no one comes, it is easy to get the message and surrender to how obvious it is that you don't count. something he seems to have accepted. a pawn in a bigger game that he is willing to be part of, as long as he is rewarded for it.
if war doesn't kill him, the uncaring universe will and he has made peace with that fact a long time ago.
until then, he'd rather avoid open, unending spaces that leave him vulnerable in conflict. cramped, tight quarters are always preferable.
if he were an avatar of the vast, he wouldn't be able to stand simon and his carefree, playful attitude. give könig a couple of centuries and he might reconsider.
alternatively, he would be the titan in fallen titan.
the web: hm, the mother... könig sure loves whimpering for his mummy with tears streaming down his cheeks and desperation in his eyes, if you catch him at the right moment.
(at least, when i'm writing him, he does... >.>)
otherwise, growing up the way he did, könig probably developed a natural aversion towards scheming, even when lies to protect himself were his only, often unsuccsessful, option.
being averse to schemes is not the same as being incapable of recognising them. but, at some point, anything can look like one and isolation becomes the only defence.
unless the scheme is grand enough that playing his role in it will benefit him more than it doesn't. for the right pay and a chance to walk away when he wants, there isn't much the man won't do.
if könig were chosen by the web... he would finish what was started and bash annabelle's skull in once and for all.
the extinction: what horrific creatures humans could one day become has always been under the surface and könig knew it in the past, as much as he sees it now, in what he does, how he does it and how other mirror his actions without regrets.
technology only makes it easier, but it's a tool in greedy hands. whatever animates those hands has always been there.
and the military has taken ample advantage of it: advances in media technology, for better means of propaganda, advances in weaponry, from the atomic bomb to drones, to make killing many as easy as pressing a button: no boots on ground needed.
this man clad in kevlar like second skin knows it well: he is part of it and has no strong feelings either way and no intention of quitting.
distopia is now, luv, and it makes. him. hard!
factions rising, factions falling. faces changing, but their spirit always the same and könig will be alongside them, exacting his pound... or his euro, his dollar, his ruble, his yen, his bitcoin, his ethereum...
he is prepared. he will survive and he will thrive and then he'll cease and nothing will matter anymore.
fatten his bank account, pump him full of secret military drugs and point him in the right direction. that's all he knows. that's all he asks.
if könig were an agent of the extinction, he would enjoy bringing about annihilation quite a lot.
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canariie · 2 years
in law out(ing)
Rating: T
Synopsis: But what puzzled Toushiro more (and it was really too early for this), was that he was holding two fishing poles and wearing rubber boots.
“Why are you here?” Toushiro whispered venomously.
“Get ready! We’re going to the living world to fish!” Shinji responded cheekily, thrusting a pole and pair of boots in Toushiro’s unexpecting hands, as if that were answer enough.
“And why are we doing this?” he asked dubiously, inspecting the tools in his hands.
“Because we got to go when the fish are ‘bout to wake up!” Shinji rolled his eyes as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “We’re going to bond today! I got a whole list of activities for us to do.”
Toushiro muttered, “Is this your idea of bonding?”
Toushiro and Shinji have a day off to bond together (at Momo’s behest).
Word Count: 4290 words
Setting:  established relationship, many decades after the last Bleach chapter  
Prompt: @hitsuhina-week‘s Hitsuhina 2022 Gift Exchange
Authour’s Note: I’m so sorry that this is late! This is for @pinkhairedlily who requested Toushiro asking Shinji for Momo’s hand in marriage!
I kind of stepped back from the prompt a little bit but I do sincerly hope you enjoy it! I will admit, I am nervous because this is my first time writing Shinji and thinking of him (which is a lot harder than I thought), but it was a fun process.
Also shout out to Fuji Kaze’s Shinunoga E-Wa for being the unexpected mood setter!
“Hitsugaya-taicho, I have a favour to ask…” Momo drawled out, as she snuggled into her boyfriend’s side. It was a cold winter night and the two were sitting in bed, reading their respective books. Momo had introduced Toushiro to the concept of reading before bed and he had to admit that he had been enjoying the latest titles she bought for him in the real world. Before they went to sleep, she would eagerly ask him what he thought until he would have to gently remind her to go to sleep if it were too late.
But tonight, it seemed like she had other things on her mind. Ah the captain’s title... Hinamori must really want something.
“What is it?”
“I know there is a captain’s day off at the end of the week…” she said softly as she traced patterns on his collarbone. “I think it’d be nice if you would spend it with Hirako-taicho.”
“But Hitsugaya-kun,” Well there goes the title—it was nice while it lasted.
“I already have plans,” he defended, continuing to read his book.
“What plans?”
“To…read,” he said, turning a page for emphasis.
Momo arched her eyebrow. “Rangiku-san told me that you were excited for the day off so you could catch up on archiving old reports…”
“Those are valid plans for a day off.”
The book was gently taken from his hands, and he looked up to see Momo leaning over him as she held his face in her hands. “Toushiro,” she whispered with such intensity that it made his mind stutter, especially as she leant over, her long hair cascading around him like a curtain.
“I know you two have not always seen eye to eye...” He scoffed, but Momo continued undeterred. “However, I think if you spent a little time with each other outside of work, you could get to know each other better.”
She moved closer until Toushiro could see sparks flicker in her brown eyes, and feel warmth shoot down his core.
“You are my most important person and it would mean the world to me if you got along better with my captain.”
Toushiro raised a skeptical eyebrow.
Momo rolled her eyes. “The last one didn’t count.”
He said nothing, but Momo knew he was thinking it deeply over. She kissed his cheek. “Please?”
Toushiro knew that Momo knew exactly what she was doing. But even he had to admit that her words stirred something inside him. Toushiro sighed in defeat.
Momo smiled, knowing she had gotten him to cave in. She dipped down and kissed him deeply, melting into him and making him see warm sparks behind his eyes.
“Most important person, huh?” he breathed when they separated.  
She rolled her eyes playfully. “Yes, what of it?”
Momo yelped as Toushiro pulled her waist down, until she was cradled by him in his lap.
He bent down, his eyes deepening to a dark emerald. “You have always been my most important person—even before I knew it.”
Momo blushed, a silly smile on her face as she tucked her face into his neck.
He sighed in faux lament, “But—know that you owe me.”
She smiled with a knowing glint in her eyes, pulling his face down towards hers. “I’m sure I can think of a way to make it up.”
Toushiro grumbled as a loud knocking persisted at his door. It was his day off and he had been hoping to sleep in. He glared out his window, where it was still completely pitch black outside—but that did not deter the loud noise.
“What is it?” Toushiro growled as he stumbled out of bed and pulled the door roughly aside.
He had to blink twice to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.
The fifth captain, Shinji Hirako, stood in front of him with a maddingly toothy grin. But what puzzled Toushiro more (and it was really too early for this), was that he was holding two fishing poles and wearing rubber boots.
“Why are you here?” Toushiro whispered venomously.
“Get ready! We’re going to the living world to fish!” Shinji responded cheekily, thrusting a pole and pair of boots in Toushiro’s unexpecting hands, as if that were answer enough.
“And why are we doing this?” he asked dubiously, inspecting the tools in his hands.
“Because we got to go when the fish are ‘bout to wake up!” Shinji rolled his eyes as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “We’re going to bond today! I got a whole list of activities for us to do.”
Toushiro muttered, “Is this an idea your idea of bonding?”
“This is mandatory for all officers in the Fifth Division. But I’d never wake my darling lieutenant this early—I’d give her another hour at least.”
Toushiro scowled deeply. “Don’t call her darling,” he said darkly—before slamming the door shut.
Toushiro had never seen the water so early in the morning. It was twilight, the sky blurring into a gentle blue. There was a sense that the sun was edging onto the horizon, but it still felt far and distant.
After they had stopped for coffee (which the older captain had the decency to pay for since Toushiro was still in a foul mood from being groused so early in the morning without warning), even he had to begrudgingly admit, that it was quite serene.
He did not expect the fifth division captain to have an itinerary for the day. Toushiro’s plans for the day was to just hop over to the Fifth, ask the captain to accompany him for tea (in front of Momo so she could see that yes, he was making an attempt at interaction) and finish that up in an hour and a half max—so he could go and work on archiving old reports the rest of the day.
Because to be frank, Toushiro would have rather spent the day off with Momo. They hadn’t had time alone to go out for a long time and that for him was a much more desirable way to spend his time off.
Instead, he was sitting in a fold out chair, clutching a fishing pole on a wooden dock at five in the morning as Shinji explained the wisdom of fishing.
“The key is to be patient. They’ll come to you but ya got to wait—otherwise you’ll miss your chance,” the blond captain explained as he raised his pole and swung, the line flying through air before making a gentle plop in the water.
Toushiro restrained himself from rolling his eyes but followed similarly.  
“When ya reel the rod, keep the line taut. If you do it too quickly, the fish can break away and ya lose the line,” Shinji demonstrated by pulling taut the line of the string. The older captain was lounging in his chair, sleeves rolled up to the elbow and leg crossed over knee, the perfect pose of relaxation.
“If we rush,” Shinji continued, “we get ahead of ourselves—which only hurts in the long run.”
Toushiro found himself drifting back to the war in the sky as he stared at the ripples in the water. It had been years, but time only eased the pain—it did not erase it. Though they were high up in the clouds, fighting an invisible battle, at that moment it was a grounding in reality.
He had been younger, rash and naïve. He thought he could kill Soul Society’s traitorous felon.
He was gravely mistaken.
Toushiro despised Aizen with every aching bone in his body. But he loathed himself more for being goaded into swinging the first blade. Feeling rage boil into him, all he could see was red as he rushed at Aizen first.
“When did you get so wise?” Toushiro asked sarcastically. He pulled at the rod—nothing yet.
Shinji laughed shortly. “Years of exile—gives ya time to think.” He took a sip of coffee. “We tried many things, wore many hats—all to survive. And one of them was fishing.”
Shinji leaned over and stage whispered, “We weren’t exactly earning money in conventional ways,” he tightened the lock of the pole shrugging his shoulders in an exaggerated fashion, “so we learned new skills.”
“Unfortunately, Hiyori can’t sit still for a minute—so she was banned from all fishing trips,” Shinji explained with faux diplomacy.
With his brief interactions with the short woman, Toushiro was not surprised.
And back in the battle, she had paid for her rashness. Though they didn’t know each other, the enemy of an enemy was an ally—and in that moment he could feel blood run cold seeing her severed half fall through the sky. In the end, it was all a cruel reminder and prelude to his own downfall.
Shinji watched the tent captain, whose eyes were distant and out on the horizon. He had a feeling of what was going through the young man’s head. It reminded the older captain of a time, very soon after the first war had finished, that those eyes held a similar pain.
Shinji stifled a yawn as he headed back to the Fifth Division headquarters. It was late into the night and he had just returned from the World of Living. Kyoraku-soutaicho insisted on a channel of constant communication with the Vizards that were still in the living world, so he sent Shinji on diplomatic visits. But the blond captain knew that behind smiles and pleasant reason, it was just to keep aware of possible treachery. Though many of them were working for the Thirteen Division Guards, there was always some underlying suspicion.
Well—it didn’t bother him too much. It was an excuse to go to the Living World during working hours.
He opened the door and immediately wished he had arrived later.
The white-haired captain didn’t notice Shinij. He was standing behind Momo’s desk, who was fast asleep, a brush in her hands and head resting on paperwork. Shinji watched as the young boy placed a blanket over her shoulders, barely touching her, before shifting the candle flame away from her.
The lone light of the room casted dark shadows over Toushiro’s face, obscuring his eyes from Shinji.  
He looked up, and at the sight of the Fifth captain his teal eyes went wide, like a deer in headlights.
“Can I help you?” Shinji asked to cut the tension in the room.
And just like the flicker of the shadow, the tenth captain narrowed his eyes, the shock completely gone. “Are you working her late?”
Shinji wanted to roll his eyes but held back, knowing that probably wouldn’t bode well with the other captain. “No. I told her those could be finished tomorrow.”
Toushiro nodded, still holding his glare at Shinji. A moment of silence. “I dropped off the reports for you to sign,” he said shortly, which made Shinji think if it was deliberate the young captain came late, since those weren’t due for a couple days. Toushiro made his way towards the exit, arms tucked into his sleeves, leaving no more room for conversation.
“Aren’t ya going to Matsumoto’s party?” Shinji asked. The tenth division lieutenant had invited people to go out to drink to celebrate the news of Renjii and Rukia’s engagement.
The white-haired boy stopped. “No.” Toushiro looked over his shoulder. “It’d be better if I didn’t go.”
Shinji waited until he left before he made his way over to his vice-captain, gently shaking her awake.
“Hmm, Taicho?” she mumbled, sleep still evident in her voice. “What are you doing here?”
“I could ask ya the same thing,” he responded, pulling the brush out of her hand. “C’mon—let’s take you home.”
Momo made no protest as she stood up, her short hair sticking out in various directions that reminded Shinji of a dry paint brush.
“Someone from tenth division dropped the reports over—you won’t have to go tomorrow morning to pick them up.”
“Oh okay…” Momo looked down, pursing her lips in confusion. “Taicho, did you put this over me?” She asked as she shifted the blanket, looking at it forlornly.
He looked at her, contemplating how much to say. “No, I didn’t.”
“…okay,” she said, sounding more awake but further away than before.
Seeing how her shoulders deflated, he gently led her up out of her seat. “How about we stop by to say hi at Matsumoto’s—and if ya don’t want to stick around, I’ll walk you back,” Shinji remarked as he blew out the candle.
For Shinji, who was returning to an old post after many years, he knew it wasn’t his place to be involved. He was just relearning the ropes with a new lieutenant following behind his back. Besides getting over the urge to resist looking over his shoulder, he and Momo were still learning to be in each other’s presence.
There were bumps in the road, of course. (He still never could forget the dubious look she gave him when he suggested to cut her hair—the first time that she had shown such strong disbelief outside of her usual polite diplomacy.) The beginning was just making sure not to step too far out of line with each other. But the line gradually faded, and they fell into a routine together. Now, he considered himself lucky to have a competent soldier like her working beside him.
A slight tug at the pole broke Shinji from his revere, pulling him forward at the edge of his chair.
“Look, look!”
Toushiro could only watch as Shinji steadily reeled in the line, the fish thrashing about and sending waves through the water. It slipped out of the water just as the sun broke the horizon, the scales of the fish glistening in a yellow glow.
“See—what’d I tell ya?” He grinning holding up the fish before depositing it in his bucket.
Toushiro looked to his own pole and pulled on it, but only string came with the bait missing from the hook.
“Well…we can’t be prodigies at everything,” Shinji said flippantly.
Toushiro didn’t know what sort of itinerary the Fifth Captain had for the day. The white-haired man was dragged to random locations around Karakura Town: the barber shop (“this is where I learned to cut hair!” Shinji pointed out while he sat for a quick trim), the hardware store (“Kensei needed a new grate for his BBQ” the blond man defended at Toushiro’s raised eyebrow), a bookstore (Toushiro looked away in embarrassment as Shinji picked up Yadamoru-taicho’s magazine subscription) and the post office (“Need to check my PO box if anything’s come in,” he claimed, peering in the box and pulling out a wad of bills). Shinji seemed to have a secret agenda because he kept on picking things up at small shops along the way. But if Toushiro hadn’t known better—it was as if the man were doing his errands for the day and just having him tag along.
The bell chimed as they entered an unassuming record store. There were rows of wooden boxes, teeming with layers of records. Faded posters were pasted on every inch of the wall to the point that one couldn’t recognize the original wall colour. An old man smiled warmly at them from behind the counter as Shinji greeted him like he were family.
“This is one of the greatest secrets in this town—the man, Jiro-san, knows every single thing about every record in this store,” Shinji said with distinct glee in his voice before starting to peruse the albums. “I try to bring Momo here every other month—to get new music for the office.”
Toushiro felt his interest pique. For the most part, he had remained silent for the day as Hirako had talked enough about random facts and snippets of his human life to fill the gap. Besides offering a few signs of acknowledgment, Toushiro was happy to have Hirako lead the conversation, so he didn’t have to.
But hearing Momo’s name reminded him that this man had a close relationship with her—and it started at the time that his own relationship with her was strained.
He remembered those initial childish feelings of jealousy, seeming to try to find fault in everything of the new captain. From his asymmetrical haircut to his unsettling smile and tongue piercing, Toushiro didn’t understand how such a sleazy looking character could lead a division, let alone bring Momo out from her lowest point. He knew that it wasn’t smooth in the beginning. But Toushiro watched from a distance as Momo seemed to brighten more and more until she was back to her cheerful self—now with the addition of brazenly admonishing her captain. He was in awe of how quickly she became confident but more so, how comfortable she was with this foreign character.
“How often did you come?” Toushiro asked, trying to not to show too much interest.
Shinji continued on as held an album up, inspecting its tracklist. “Well, Momo wasn’t initially a fan of listening to music in the office. But once I got her started on some Ella Fitzgerald, she started to dig it more. Now she sometimes comes on her own to get records. She’ll surprise me with her own choices—I tell ya’ she’s got an ear for talent. I even got her to agree to go to a jazz festival with the rest of us this summer.”
Toushiro had his back turned, looking down at the labels but not quite seeing their names.
“How did you get her to open up?”
Shinji raised an eyebrow, looking behind him to see the white-haired man staring intently at the music. If he hadn’t seen the rigidity of his back, it may have seemed normal.
Shinji sighed.
“I was just there,” he simply said. “I didn’t leave.”
He watched as the younger man tense up further, before briskly putting down the album and walking out of the store. “I’ll be outside,” Shinji heard called out before the ring of the bell chimed in the silence that ensued at the sudden departure.
Shinji wasn’t surprised, and looking back maybe he could have chosen his words better. But he knew this was something long brewing and coming. He pulled out his phone, typing out a quick text message, as he called out to the store owner. “Jiro-san, I’ll be taking these! You keep me informed of any new vinyl shipments when you get some! My daughter will pick them up.”
Shinji found him outside, sitting on the bench in the park, with his hands tucked deep into his jacket. The only signs of life were the soft white puffs of air that he breathed out from above his scarf. Shinji walked over, the grocery bags swinging against his knee and it was only when he was in front of the man that Toushiro seemed to come out of a daze. Toushiro wordlessly accepted the coffee Shinji offered before his turquoise eyes brightened in recognition at the packet in the older man’s other hand.
“Those are the ones that Matsumoto likes…”
Shinji sat down and opened the orange packet. “Yeah, these cookies are really addicting. I introduced them to Momo last time we visited the World of the Living and we haven’t stopped eating them. She must’ve given them to Matsumoto.” He gestured the open packet to the young man, who took the cookie quietly.
They drank their coffee in silence. The golden string lights around them began to flicker as the sky turned to dusk, and like clockwork, it lightly began to snow. Families emerged around the winter street food vendors, talking animatedly as young children ran around, leaving prints in the snow build up.
Shinji could tell Toushiro wanted to say something because his eyes would flit over to him and he’d open his mouth before closing it. But Shinji paid no mind and continued to drink his coffee. He was in no rush at all, he was just waiting for what he knew the young man would say.
“I was jealous of you,” Toushiro finally confessed in a low voice, “of how you were able to make her smile again. You picked her up—when I was the one that hurt her the most.”
Shinji knew there was hurt on both sides. It didn’t take a genius to know that while his lieutenant was adjusting to being back to work, there was still something missing. He could see it in her eyes every time she looked outside at the snow. When there were joint meetings, he would catch her looking towards the tenth company, her sad eyes following the young captain around.
“It wasn’t only me,” Shinji replied. “Matsumoto was always there. Kira & Renji too.” He paused and looked at him straight in the eyes. “But she really wasn’t her full self until you two reconciled.”
“Forget your self-pity parade—it’ll do ya no good,” Shinji said, not unkindly. “I’ve been there—it damn hurts, I know. But ya hurt the people you care about more with your absence than with your actions.”
Toushiro stared at Shinji as he took a long sip of coffee. “Get up and move on from your past mistakes; that’s what it means to be a man.” He found himself remembering the way he held Hiyori’s body in his hands, feeling like his world was on a precipice. Never had he ever felt in that moment, the strongest desire to reverse everything, to reverse time itself, before they had changed, before he had ruined their lives forever. It was only when she had hit him with his slipper at his bowed head, that he could see the stupidity in his own wallowing—something he had seen in the young captain too.
“But ya have to promise me one thing—you won’t leave her again,” Shinji spoke with such solemnity that Toushiro’s emerald eyes hardened in determination.
“I won’t.”
The blond man shrugged his shoulder. “Then ya don’t need to apologize to me for nothing.”
Toushiro regarded the man for a long time, before nodding in acceptance.
“Thank you Hirako…for everything.” He had said it so quietly that Shinji thought he almost imagined it.
He smiled in smug satisfaction. “I now give you permission to marry my daughter.”
The young captain scowled, his face turning dark like a thunder cloud. “She is not your daughter.”
“Regardless, you still have my permission,” Shinji waved away.
The two captains turned to see the fifth division lieutenant running towards them through the crowd, her long hair flowing behind her. Shinji held back a smirk as he watched the young captain stare at the girl in her human clothes, a warm red coat on top of a white dress.
“Hitsugaya-taicho…? What are you doing here?” Momo asked, a furrow in her eyebrows as she looked in confusion between her boyfriend and captain. “I thought I was just meeting Hirako-taicho? You sent a text saying to dress up?”
Shinji applauded himself inwardly for the look on the young captain’s face was priceless.
Before he could say anything else, Shinji gently led his vice-captain away. “Momo, you finished all the reports right?”
“Yes, I made sure to do so, but Taicho why did you call me here?” She looked back at the 10th captain, biting her lip in concern. “Is everything alright with Hitsugaya-kun?”
He could feel the smile slide onto his face at the expression of worry on her face. “Nothing wrong at all—just some good man to man bonding.”
Momo raised an eyebrow dubiously at her captain to which he replied. “I played nice—don’t worry.” He ruffled her hair affectionately. “Go spend the rest of the evening with him. I’ll see you in office on Monday.”
She looked up, her brown eyes in question as she smoothed out her hair. “But what about working tomorrow?”
Shinji threw his thumb back and rolled his eyes in faux exasperation. “You’ve worked enough to take some time off. He’ll sulk if I don’t let you off.”
Momo broke out into a huge grin, her brown eyes twinkling like the glowing lights. “Really?” She paused, as if reconsidering. “But what about the other reports?”
“I’ll go and finish them—you’ve worked enough.”
“Thank you Taicho!” Momo beamed which made him ruffle her hair again as she protested. “You’ve picked a good one—he cares for you.” At this, Momo blushed until her face turned as red as her coat. “Thank you Taicho for agreeing to spend time with him,” she said earnestly. “It really means a lot to me.”
He shrugged his shoulders in defeat. “Ya owe me—I get to choose the music for the next two weeks!”
Momo flashed a brilliant smile. “You got a deal!”
Toushiro smiled as his girlfriend rushed back to him with a bounce in her steps. “I just got a text from Matsumoto saying she booked us a place for tonight? Did Hirako have anything to do about it?” He asked as he tightened the scarf around her neck that had come loose in her run.
“Hirako-taicho,” Momo corrected. “But yes, he said I can have the weekend off so we can spend time together in the human world! Isn’t that wonderful?”
Toushiro took her hand, interlacing his fingers with hers. “Come on—let’s get out of here. There’s a bookstore I want to show you,” he said smiling as her eyes widened in glee, before jumping into a long set of questions on how his day was. And as he answered them, he thought that maybe it wasn’t that bad a day after all.
Authour’s Note: So, when I first received the prompt I had to think about it a lot because to be frank, I don’t think Toushiro would ever actually ask Shinji for Momo’s hand in marriage. I think Shinji would just appoint himself to give it hahaha (I also believe that it is referenced that Shinji refers to Momo as his daughter in the novel We do KNOT always love you. I’ll try to find the link soon and update it here)
I’m nervous with this one but I hope people at least enjoyed seeing how the two closest men to Momo see each other (and in a way respect each other) when it comes to her well-being. I definitely enjoyed writing Shinji! It gave me a reason to be antagonistic towards Toushiro in a playful manner but give advice in a straight forward, not unkind way. But I definitely think I still need to practice writing him. I also really enjoyed writing all his errands haha
Hope you enjoyed it!
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meltthefrozenheart · 2 years
Frozen 2 Theory: What If the director willingly left seeds for a possible 3rd installmeant?
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Totally personal, but the more I analyze it, the more I notice some sort of pattern around Frozen 2: the movie is very careful at showing in its opening WHAT idea Anna and Elsa had of themselves before the Accident (which, following Jennifer Lee prespective, happened that same night), and how that tragic event and the Separation distorted the Sisters view in opposite ways, which reconnects perfectly with the events of the first Frozen.
The insteresting thing is the focus given by Anna and Elsa on the characters of the story:
Anna says "Who cares about danger, when there is love.", and focuses on making the Prince and the Princess kiss each other in an exxagerated way;
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Elsa instead says "They wake the Fairy Queen, who breaks the spell and saves everyone!", and her focus is on the good Fairy Queen defeating the evil Snow Goblin;
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Both narrations obviously work in their own regards, but also compliment each other: even if for Elsa "kissing won't save the Forest", this doesn't stop Anna from closing the story with an "And they all get married!", and having her older sister laughing without contradicting her. This is clearly a way to show the Sisters simpler and happier times, when fantasy and games were their only issue.
But what makes me more curious is how Frozen 2 than brings Anna and Elsa both to a very specific ending: Queen Anna is engaged to Kristoff, but their "big moment" still needs to happen, while Elsa has just begun as the Fifth Spirit, without facing an actual threat yet, just destroying Prince Hans ice-memory.
Both Sisters have found their own place in the world, but there are also sides of their story which relate to them, but it's NOT ONLY about them:
If Anna thinks about Hans as a Villain, she also views Elsa as a Hero, her hero, as she has always done since the first movie, when she had so much hope in her "Sure you can. I know you can.";
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If Elsa views Kristoff as Anna true Love Interest, it's because he proved time and time again that he's a true Prince for her amazing and brave little sister , who she always trusted to be Arendelle true leader in her place "Your life awaits. Go enjoy the Sun and open up the gates.";
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I'm sincerly convinced this new situation perfectly suits both Kristoff and Hans because we've seen Anna and Elsa already going through a lot of things about themselves.
I've always loved idea to see our Snow Sister being the one taking charge in relation and thinking about others issues, diving into Kristoff's childood, his original family and how he met Sven, and how the Trolls help him regarding his trauma, as well as finally getting a clearer idea of Hans , seeing a little more about him and Sitron, and seeing finally the Southern Isles, a kingdom we only know for having thirteen heirs to the throne:
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If Anna was the one that gave great importance to both of them in Frozen, now, thanks to Elsa in Frozen 2, we have now the key to truely know the past:
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With the Sisters have both their lives consolidated, then I think it becomes quite clear they can't be the source of trouble to actually subvert the expectations of the story a third time, or, to be more specific: in order to involve Anna & Elsa directly and don't lose the focus on them, the issues must come from something that's fits their new status quo, but still has a deep and personal connection to them, both emotionally and narratively.
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furiousgoldfish · 1 year
Hi - isolated anon again.
What you said about cults really surprised me, but I realized that it did apply to some degree. I've always felt a lot of relatability to cult survivors, even though I never considered myself to be one and I never understood why.
I spent a while on the internet last night and learned about something called narcassitic family dysfuntion, which is when the family dysfuntion works like a cult around the narcassitic person, typically the parent.
Like it's not a cult in the traditional sense, but the same effects of a cult happen - the isolation, manipulation, self worth issues, the world revolving around the narcassit who can do no wrong, etc.
^ here's an article I found that summarizes pretty much what all the others did really well. I'd never heard of this type of abuse before and I was really surprising.
You are right that Im an adult, 19, and for as long as I can remember my mom always says something like "oh it's not safe out there" when I ask to go somewhere by myself, or "I would feel more comfortable if I knew where you were going/ if you didn't go" and Im not allowed to go out at night, as, being female, Im apparently going to get kidnapped/assaulted. (Even though we live somewhere really safe) (and, honestly, getting kidnapped seems like a relief). Because all the isolation was framed for my safety, I never questioned it until I got older and I really started to feel the pull of wanting to Leave. My mom still uses that same excuse. That it's for safety that she needs to know where I am all the time and I have to text her any time I go somewhere to let her know I made it/when Im going home.
I tried to talk to my therapist about the isolation and how much it bothered me, but they just told me to push harder against my mom and like. That's not how this works. I cannot win one of these arguments. Like I never have. ever. It's so hard to describe just how all consuming this is. My mom always pulls out the guilt treatment when I want to go out and I feel like Rapunzel. I know it's not normal and I hate it. But it feels like the most mild thing that's going on at home. And to be clear, I can go outside onto the property, in the backyard, whenever, but that's kind of it. Also I didn't realize that being able to go anywhere whenever is a human right. That's.... Ah.
I apologize for this word vomit, I guess I'm just trying to process this in your ask box.
I guess I was also wondering if soon, if it's okay, you'd be willing to make a post about enmeshed families? I would find that really helpful.
Also - was it you who made the post about how to identify if you're being held captive by your parents, or was that someone else, I can't remember.
Thank you for answering my ask. It was really helpful. I do really sincerly hope you have a good day, but thank you for being willing to talk with us about abuse today. I always really appreciate your thoughts.
"and, honestly, getting kidnapped seems like a relief" THAT is relatable but also a red flag, so many kids feel this, being kidnapped would be something that is provable and generally accepted as a 'very bad thing to happen to you', and it would be a huge relief just to be able to point out the cause of your suffering, opposed to the abuse you're going thru right now, that feels invisible, unprovable.
Abusive parents love acting like letting their children out of the house is 'unsafe', but what it does is simply keep children imprisoned (or even adults, in your case). The way we keep protected in this world is not by staying in forever, because that's not a decent human life, and it's inhumane. We deal with this by teaching the kids how to recognize, identify and deal with the danger. Being female in public is not a problem if you are surrounded with a community of your own, if you have a network of people that you can, at anytime, ask for help, who can get you out of sticky situations, who can watch out for your back.
Generally what most people do is just make sure that their kids can recognize and sus out dangerous people, there are guidelines and rules set in place; you don't go alone in an alley with a person you don't know, if someone gives you a bad vibe, you go and hang around your friends where you are safe, you go home before it's late and people get drunk/violent, if necessary and if you visit very unsafe places, you could even be taught to use a weapon or self-defence, in order to keep safe.
And these rules are usually only necessary at night, at locations where predators are more likely to be, at bars, places people generally get drunk or try to get you drunk. You are hardly in danger going to the convenience store, to the bank, to the beach, to a tourist attraction, to any public place in general. You are unlikely to be kidnapped unless someone would have a great financial incentive to kidnap you at this point (if your parents were so rich they could give out a ransom), and if you're taught to recognize the signs of human trafficking and just be reasonably and rightfully wary of strangers and not give them your information or details, you'd generally be safe.
I've never been in anywhere close as much danger in public as I was at home. People are seen in public and they cannot do the illegal and criminal shit they can do behind closed doors, in their own houses. People in public have to watch out, they can't abuse you as easily, and often even won't recognize you as a target unless you seem inebriated and oblivious.
I can relate a little to the 'outside is dangerous' because one of my family members kept saying that to try and stop me from doing activities outside, but this family member had the least amount of influence, and it didn't stop me. I understand when a family member who has the most amount of influence does this to you, it's a completely different story, and you're effectively trapped. But what they're doing is lying to you. You're not being kept inside in order to be safe. You're not being taught how to spot and avoid danger, and that in itself, is more dangerous. It is, in fact, exactly like Rapunzel, and you're I think, the third person I know of, who recognized themselves in that situation.
I'd love to write more about enmeshed families, but the thing is, this is not an experience I had, and I cannot possibly understand or describe how it feels. I think Jenette McCurdy, in her book 'I'm glad my mom died', describes this way better than I possibly could, so i recommend that you read the book (contact me privately if you want me to send the book to you).
And I agree with you about your therapist not understanding the situation - going against the abuser, without the means to protect yourself, will inevitably end in them realizing they're losing control over you, and they will do something insane, drastic and extremely painful to put you back in order, but you already know that, because it's likely you've already been traumatized in this way and know what to expect. Your therapist doesn't seem to understand how dangerous it is to push against the abusers without any safety (ability to get away from them before they can retaliate).
I did make that post about recognizing if you're held captive, yeah! I'm glad it was helpful. And of course I'm here to talk about abuse. If something written here can help one person clear their mind and recognize their situation, that is huge for me.
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fukuokanodivision · 7 months
OverDrive Drama Track 1 - Lightning Never Strikes The Same Place Twice
Pt. 2 -Seishin Residence- [Eko, Mai and Yuno all headed into Eko’s house and were standing in the hallway. Before they could move, they saw a blur run straight into Eko and gave him a hug.] Kairi: Onii-chan, you’re back! It’s great to see you too, Mai-san, Yuno-kun! [The small girl waved, beaming as Mai and Yuno smiled. She had similar jet black hair to her brother, but sparkly brown eyes instead. Unlike Eko, Kairi had a bouncy personality.] Kairi: Sooo~ How was the concert, Onii-chan? Eko: A ton of people showed up, so I’d say amazing. We’ve got something to talk about so… [Kairi nodded, walking away giggling. As she left, The 3 made their way to Eko’s room, sitting on his bed as they waited for the news from him, eagerly.] Mai: So, what’s the thing you needed to tell us about again? Yuno: I’m interested as well, what’s going on, Eko? Eko: -Sigh- Right… [Slowly, Eko brought out the letter from his pocket. Crinkling the sides, he turned it over, revealing the Party of Words seal gleaming at them.] Mai & Yuno: C-Chuohku…? [All 3 of them were silent. Nobody moved or said anything. Instead, they all kept their eyes on Chuohku’s logo, still gleaming eviliy at them.] Eko: I reacted the same way. I don’t know what those ‘lovely’ ladies want, but I don’t think it’ll be pretty. So, why not open it together? Mai: I a-agree [As Mai tore off the sticker and tape, Eko ripped the paper open as Yuno grabbed the letter, holding it close.] Yuno: Eko, Mai-san. You might want to see this… Mai: Yuno-chin? Eko: I think he’s right. Look… [Dear OverDrive, You have been chosen among many Fukuoka teams to participate in the Division Rap Battle. Along with this letter is a preliminary bracket, which you will have to pass to proceed to the final tournament. We hope you’ll represent Fukuoka with pride and put on a good show for us here in Chuohku. I cannot wait to meet you all again very soon. Sincerly, Prime Minister Totohen Otome of The Party of Words.] Mai: S-so, We might join the DRB..? Yuno & Eko: Sounds about right Eko: -Sigh of relief- Well, If we’re gonna make it there, we can’t just sit here and do nothing about it! Anyone up for practice at say…1PM tomorrow? Mai: I’m in, I don’t have much else to do. Yuno: I’ll have to check, but I’ll try to be there once I find out. Eko: That’s what I like to hear! Let’s get this thing rolling, I’m just excited thinking about it… Mai: Settle down Eko, We’ll show those ladies what true power is. Yuno: Mai-san’s right. If there’s anyone out there who knows what power is, It’ll be us, together… To be continued… Extras: Kairi Seishin - Eko’s younger sister.
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opinated-user · 2 years
"Her father is a Dusknoir", a sincerly interesting detail that could give us a better idea of Marah's other relationships, as well as better diversifying the cast with another new character... and I can't help but feel like we'll either have to wait far too long for or never get anything beyond that single mention.
That detective lady hasn't been remotely important ever again since her only appearance as I'm typing this, so maybe I'm asking for the sun and the moon.
if LO only wants her pokemon slice of life comic being about the domestic life that her self insert has with her imaginery pokemon then that should be totally within her right to do... but then again, i don't understand why does she feel the need to write all this facts that she'll never integrate on the story and will never have any weight on it either. speaking of questionable things to add into a slice of life comic or things LO will never bother to develop, i heard some time ago that the reason why Marah had to move to CLO's house was because she was being sexually harassed by CMO's father and went to the wiki (that has been deleted from the main blog) hoping that i was wrong but...
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this is incredibly disgusting and sick on two fronts. 1. why is MO illustrating a comic whose story includes her own father sexually harassing a pokemon? why is LO asking her to illustrate a comic where it was decided that her father's representation harasses a pokemon so much that there's no other option than to have that pokemon leave the house, pressumably because the pokemon felt threatened? you could have written a thousand other better options to justify Marah leaving. examples: she was being too annoying and CMO's parents were too old to deal with that. they heard that CLO was a good pokemon trainer (as an ex-enforcer she was) so they assumed she'd take good care of her. Marah always liked CMO more than her folks anyway and she missed her too much. the health of any of her parents was delicate and they couldn't afford taking care of a pokemon, or maybe Marah offered herself to go away just so it was mouth less to feed, showing off her kind nature (since she has "too much love to give", right? unless that only applies to make her own harassing tendencies quirky and adorable instead of gross and harmful). CMO's parents moved to a smaller place and it was decided Marah would be happier on a bigger place with CMO. the stars decided that Marah had to go and she likes astrology so she went. that last one would have actually been fun at least. you could have literally gone with anything. instead LO decided to make CMO's father into a harasser and MO is okay illustrating that. 2. that's a real person, unless told otherwise. CLO is meant to represent the real LO and some events are heavily inspired by her own real life (according to her at least). likewise CMO is pressumably the representation of the real MO. it's anyone's guess how much of the comic is meant to be taken as a version of reality or is pure fiction, outside of the more obvious. the fact that LO wrote that on the wiki and didn't specified anywhere that it's just the fictional father they decided to wrote, and not a real representation of the real father of MO, concerns me greatly because either there's some kind of truth there (in which case why they're both deciding to bring it up like this)... or there isn't at all but LO just felt too lazy to clarify so she doesn't mind slandering someone that might as well have done nothing wrong at all. she's representing her own father-in-law as someone that would sexually harass a sentient being into leaving the house where she has lived all her life and apparently didn't thought important to make any distinction between fiction or reality.
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kintsugi-mood · 1 year
Healed, Prospering and Growing
I  created Jelli-vibes (now Kintsugi-mood) in my mid 20s, so I don’t write much on this blog. I often reblogged what I wanted my world to be. Because I was in a situation which I knew no longer served me so I held on to my identity through this blog: the life I will one day attain and be proud of:
And I finally have it at 30.
It’s still growing, and it’s fragile but it’s warm. It’s warm, cosy and safe. Like the smell of freshly baked croissants in the morning with Arabica ground coffee bubbling in the cafetiere. Snuggles on the sofa, laughs with friends and a good book. It’s all mine, I achieved this dream of freedom and turned it into my reality.
I am writing this on a day where both my identities, wounded and healed battled in a living situation full of hate,evil and abuse manifested in one person who lost control of the abuse she had over me and my partner - now I am free a year later.
I am free.
I am free, to succeed because I am safe and blessed.
I finally exist as myself at 30 and no one, absolutely no one is going to take that away from me. My independece and my choices got me here and I am proud of myself for the first time in a long time.
Because I no longer crave external validation like I did in my childhood and well into my 20s.
My 20s were a blur of bad choices, good choices, determination, abuse, love, naivety, self hate, discovering self love, excessive excuses for poor behaviour, discovery of self, healing from childhood trauma, recovering from depression, recovering from grievance, discovering myself and the world repeatedly, recovering from narc abuse (ongoing), setting boundaries and finally accepting myself in my late 20s:
A Christian Tech black woman who loves anime, manga, literature, travelling, art and cafes. I live by my set of values and morals and if it clashes with other people’s - so be it. I don’t care, I live my life with intention not desperation.
Not anymore.
And if I am perceived as boring - so be it. I prefer to be boring if it means being me. I no longer wish to make others accept me for who I am, change who I am so they accept me and  neither will I proclaim this discovery as a means to force acceptance from others - because I accept myself.
My whole self, and I will continue this path with God’s guiding light.
I hope when I re read this, I will be settled down with children and married within a home I have purchased. But remember Esi - life is a marathon, not a sprint. I can finally live.
So let me live presently. :)
- Sincerly, a recovered, healing Me from April 2023.
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carrotpiss · 3 years
hate usin youtube on my phone as i am subjected to those google ads with the hmltd song in constantly and i want to die
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captaincryolicious · 3 years
Under the Moonlight
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➳ Kazuha x gn!reader
➳ Drabble ; 0.8k
➳ Fluff ; No warnings
There's a very romantic and poetic way of saying I love you in Japanese and not only do I find it beautiful, I also think it fits Kazuha really well? [O5.O9.2O21]
Zep's Note ; This is barely worth posting haha. I'm still not entirely in the right mindset to write but I really wanted to do at least something so I wrote some self-indulging fluff because I love Kazuha <3
content under the cut | masterlist
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Every moment spent with Kaedehara Kazuha felt almost surreal, as if you were caught up in a dream so blissful that you found yourself hesitating to believe your very own reality. How often did the land of fairy tales and the real world collide? Hardly ever, but this rare phenomenom seemed to spring alive when you were with him.
Kazuha was dreamlike; his touch delicate and tender as he basked you in safety, his words featherlight and full of beauty, and even his presence was as fickle as these nightly illusions, suddenly and at random whisked away by the wind like cherry blossom fluttering up to the twilight sky.
Yet, that moonlit night brought you together, a blissful reunion that was both a great gift and a reckless risk, but two souls yearned for each other's presence and all that potentially was a threat was rendered insignificant.
In the back of your mind, you sincerly hoped for the shadows of the towering maple trees to shelter the two of you well enough so that the doushin that patrolled Ritou would not discover the presence of a wanted wanderer. But your mind was dazed by warmth, having your beloved ronin by your side after a long time of separation without any reassurance.
The way his fingertips trailed over your skin so gently and delicately stilled the anxiety that came with this secretive rendezvous. His touch was as loving as always, tender as if you were a dream that would dissolve were he too careless.
"Not even the cruelest decrees can stop me from seeing you," Kazuha spoke softly, bringing his fingers to brush through your hair affectionately.
You leaned into his touch, relishing what you thought to never experience again. Your lips pulled into a pout, though it was mostly to stop the smile that threatened to cross your face.
"You've grown reckless," you remarked, tone scolding and yet you were delighted to have him next to you again, reunited by a secret meeting under the starry night sky.
It truly was like a fairytale, a dream that you feared would slip through your fingers before you could properly grasp it.
Kazuha replied with merely a laugh, laced with joy and a hint of mischief. He too was fully aware of the potential dangers of this rash decision, yet the separation was too much to bear any longer for the wanderer. Was a life of freedom graced with the illusion of safety really a blessing when it came hand in hand with a painfully empty space next to his lonely figure?
The right decision wasn't always the safest path to walk on, and coming to see you was the only right thing to do.
You shook your head, melting into his warm embrace comfortably. It was so dangerous yet so safe, nerve-wracking yet pacifying. Celestia, you loved having the arms of your lover around you again even with all the risks that came with this meeting. It could be torn apart at any moment, which made it all the more meaningful to have him so near you.
Your reckless, run-away ronin. You loved him so dearly, felt your heart swell because he was willing to risk his own freedom, his own safety, just to see you again.
"Hey, Y/N," his voice rang through nature's symphonies gently, and the samurai pressed a tender kiss to your temple as you looked up at him. He smiled in a way that tugged on your heartstrings, held you a little closer, and said,
"The moon is beautiful tonight, isn't it?"
But he wasn't looking at the radiant moon when he spoke those words. No, his ruby eyes were solely on you, his quiet gaze filled with love.
It was surreal, how every faint rustle of the autumn foliage that blanketed the soil could be the arrival of a Shogunate soldier about to rip your beloved samurai away once and for ever, yet here you were, lost in his gaze.
You took his hand, the few bandages that he had wrapped around his skin slightly rough against your hand, but it felt so familiar and you gave him your most heartfelt smile.
Archons, you loved him dearly and failed to find words to tell him that, so you leaned in and buried yourself in his arms, wishing to never ever let him go again.
"It really is," you quietly told him, nuzzling your face in the crook of his neck snuggly.
But what you found most beautiful was how the moonlight brought forward the sudden appearande of your beloved.
The crickets sang a song for you, a harmony so peaceful yet fragile, and the faint glow of countless fireflies that danced around you kissed Kazuha's skin and set his ruby eyes to shimmer. You were one with him, one with the nature that surrounded you, one with the moment, and nothing could break that.
In the pale light of the moon, Kaedehara Kazuha truly was dreamlike, and you never wanted to wake up.
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nhyckdcxx · 3 years
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Characters: Vernon! x reader!neighbor
Genre: smut/fluff
Words: 2.008k
warning:unprotectedsex, blowjob, kitchensex, fingering,kinky,foreplay,riding,intimate
Summary: Vernon is your neighbor since you move into your new unit. You can always see him but never talked to him. An incident led you to ask for his help and casually having a thing that is not expected.
A/N: another memberxreader prompt piece I made. Inspired by the Attaca teaser photos I crazily thinksss. I cant sleep. Well, anyways hope u enjoy this one! ;))
It was weekend. You are already finishing all of your house chores and started to prepare for your dinner.
You went to check what it was, only to find out that your heater is broken.
"Oh.shit.. why is it now??ugh!." You groaned in frustration.
You immediately called the maintenance of your building but unfortunately, there is no maintenances at the moment that could assist you.
"The hell with this. What should i do?."
You called some of your friends, some of them didn't pick up. Well, its a weekend.. maybe that's why..
You suddenly remembered your neighbor. Youve been staying in that apartment for 6mos already, and yet you didnt have a chance to talk to him or greet him.
Should you ask him for help? Nah. Youre shy..
But then, the weather is really chilly. And without the heater, you might die in coldness.
"Nah, I have my last option, my mom."
You called and unfortunately, She's not at home. She went out of town with her bingo friends. You sighed.
You only have your neighbor as your last option. You mustered all your courage to ring his doorbell. You bought your dinner hoping that he wil let you in and eat him, with him..
You ringed the bell 2 times.. bit nervous..
He opened the door. He is in his pajamas. His top was unbuttoned. (same.as.the.picture.above.i forgot.the.exactwords.)
You were speechless. He was looking at you expressionless.
"uhm.. Hi. Im from unit 201, hehe." A bit nervous.
"uhm.. can I uhm.. have dinner here? Uh.."
"sure. Come in.." He said without hesitations. He acts like he knows what exactly you mean..
You both went inside his unit. His unit was fucking clean. It turned you on. He smells exactly the same as his room. So manly.. you suddenly became horny.
You immediately went to his kitchen. You heard him chuckled. Fuck?
"uhm. I brought some kimchi soup. You know.. h..hehe would you like some?." You genuinely offered it.
"Yes." You talk to each other like you already know each other.
"i..im y/n.. i forgot to introduce myself." You chuckled.
"Im Vernon." He answered.
"Hi Vernon! How long are you here in this apartment?." You asked trying to make the conversation longer.
"quite some time."
"Do you have a job? I mean.. i dont usually see you. H..hehe.."
"ohh I see.. h..hehe." Youre out of questions now. How can you keep the conversation going?
"i like the soup." Vernon said.
"ohh.. ahaha.. Thank you. I just made this because its really cold outside. Im so glad you liked it.." You said. You now feel that the atmosphere is a bit light.
You finished eating and you fixed the table already. You are at the kitchen sink when you felt a presence. It was Vernon.
He suddenly came to you. "Uhm... I wanted to wash the plates.. can I wash---.."
Vernon suddenly kissed you. You can feel him pressing unto you..
He started to undress your top, and his hand caressing your breast. You liked it. You only know his name, and yet here you are, kissing him. Letting him strip you and cup your breast.
"uhm.. wait-- uhh Ver..non.. ahhhhhh---" You cant think straight anymore.. Youre immersed in this feeling already. The feeling of being fucked by a handsome and mysterious neighbor.
You like a man who knows how to take charge. You also like being nude in front of a man with half of his clothes on. A good beginning is important.
He suddenly carried you in a bride style..
"I just wanna fuck you so bad.. Im sorry it got me turned on." sincerly apologizing to you. but, you dont find it wierd. You find hot. It made you more horny.
Then he got naked. His penis was huge. He didn't seem to be in any hurry. You love being french kissed in the nude. This is like one of your fantasies. Vernon decided you'd love it even more while being finger fucked.
He started to move lower unto your inbetween legs. His tongue and fingers were in perfect sync.
"aahhhh--uhhhnggg.." You kept on moaning that made him turned on more.
As you became increasingly wet, his attention shifted to your fully erect nipples. You liked the sensation of his tongue expertly probing and flicking your pleasure cherries.
You're proud of your breasts, and appreciated his serious attempt to lick and suck the pink off your nipples.
"uhhhhhhhngg.. s..shit.. how can you be this good Vernon.. uhhhh.."
He didnt answer.
He backed away and re-situated his body between your legs. His cock was standing straight up. He lifted your left foot and he placed your toes to his face. He began licking each one like a special morsel, and then repeated the procedure with your right foot. This was fun.
Vernon is such an expert. You werent expecting that a mysterious boy can be this good in fucking.
You wanted to be fucked. He spread your legs and ate you out. You always liked being licked. He tongued you like a snake, slowly edging near and around the clitoris but never quite making contact. You moaned longingly as he brought me to the brink of release with pleasure surges that kept increasing in intensity.
"ahhhhhhh..uhhhhh..nggg.." You heard him moan and it made you hornier.
You begged.
Vernon inserted his finger into your pussy and then withdrew it, wet and glistening with your physical excitement.
He anointed your clitoris and licked it that made you arched your back in pleasure..
Vernon re-inserted his finger all the way in, and slowly withdrew it. This time he drew a moist trace of pussy juice from the top of the pubis and up the abdomen.
You sat up on your elbows to watch. This was a show you didn't want to miss.
He reintroduced his finger and slowly withdrew from the nectar well. Brushing past my clitoris, he again traced a liquid glory trail further up your abdomen, and into the navel.
"ahhhh..fuck..your pussy's so wet..y/n.." Vernon said while playing your juices.
He had found your secret fetish, your only secret shame, and you were in heaven.
You watched his fingernail lewdly wiggle it's way back and forth across the belly knot, producing a gloriously painful pleasure.
You're lipbiting. You raised your tummy for more exquisite love punishment. You relished the idea of having a stranger make your navel so sweetly sore and red, and Vernon's finger didn't disappoint.
"You have such a sexy belly button.." he purred.
You blushed. You really like it when someone notices it.
"You like it when I say belly button, don't you?"
You nodded.
"Tell me how much you like my finger in your belly button." Vernon said.
"I..i like it..."
"No-- say it..."
"I like your finger...in my.. b..belly button.." You murmured.
"Say it again louder like you mean it!! Where do you like my finger?"
You hesitated before obeying his command. You managed to raise your voice, this is the first time that you heard his real deep voice. but couldn't find the wherewithal to look him in the eye.
"I..in my belly button."
"That's right!" he sneered. "In your belly button!" He said.
As his finger continued to probe, You felt yourself literally dripping on the sheet below. Of all your past partners, no man had loved your tummy quite like Vernon.
When his nail finally found the core of the birth scar, it made you cum.
"ahhhhhhhhnggg..s..shit..ahhhh.. s..shit Ver..non..im cumming.. ahhhh.."
Your body quivered all the way down to your toes. You felt like a naked little girl who had touched herself impurely for the first time, and then realized her mother was watching.
The delicious mixture of pleasure and shame overwhelmed your senses.
Before your pleasure ebbed, his mouth was back and slobbering on your breasts. He was so excited, and you are so ready.
You spread your legs wide open in anticipation of being penetrated. His penis was not only long, but had plenty of girth. You beckoned him while fingering your clitoris.
"Such a slutty angel.. i love it.." He murmured.
"Please fuck me now Vernon.. Use me any way you like.. I want it so fucking bad.. I want your dick inside me.." pleading like a slut.
Instead, he placed your hand around his shaft, guiding it slowly up and down. Without any coaxing you placed your mouth on the head of his penis and ran your tongue lovingly around the well-defined ridge. The circumference seemed to go on forever. You paid special attention to the underside where the seminal vesicle attached.
You licked the penis slit, and tasted a tiny dew drop of his excitement. You licked it again, and waited. Another clear droplet of lubricant emerged which you smeared all over the head with your finger. It felt so slippery, sensuous and sexy.
"ahhhhhhh..shit..aaaaaahhnggg.." Vernon moaned.
You spread your legs. He carefully inserted the head of his penis into your pussy, which caused you to spread even wider. That amazing ridge and penis head worked it's way back and forth in an agonizingly slow tease.
Your fully stretched crack barely swallowed the tip of his amazing cock which he tantalizingly popped in and out of your vulva repeatedly. If you had not been so lubricated, it might have split you in two.
With slow measured thrusts he achieved full penetration. He was as hard as a rock, and stayed hard as a rock for what seemed an eternity. If you both had stood up, he could have anchored you onto that sweet appendage without your feet ever touching the ground. Oh your going to be so sore for the next week, and it was going to be so worth it.
Without missing a beat you both rolled over which left you on top to ride him rodeo-style. Vernon remained still while you did all the work. He placed his hands at your sides.
"ahhhh..ahhhhh..shit..ahhhhh.auhhhh.." You both moaned in pleasure.
"That's right.." He purred sweetly.
"Give me a show while I fuck you. Keep me nice and hard like a good belly dancer." He said.
He placed his thumbs on your nipples. "Your titties are so big, so pink, and so hard. A naughty little girl like you loves a good fucking, don't you? You're as randy as a dirty little whore. You want every bit of pleasure you can grab. You want to be fucked like a dirty, filthy little whore, don't you?"
That sounded sexy to you. Its true you wanted to fucked like a slutty whore.
"Yes...oh God..uhhhhh..yes!"
You worked your vagina up and down every inch of his amazing human club. Your insides were turning to jelly. You never had felt so possessed in your life. A lightning bolt of pleasure surged through you, and repeated four or five times in rapid succession. You began to shake. Each surge brought on a new level of rapture. You could hardly catch your breath as he thoroughly stoked the needs of your sexual furnace. You fell back in surrender as he finished me off.
Both satisfied.
He slowly pulled out, still hard, and christened your belly button with his remaining seed. The sight re-ignited your arousal.
He slowly daubed his middle finger in the ejaculate pool, and coated your nipples with semen. He then lapped up semen with his index finger, and without warning, stuck it in your rectum.
Before you could fully react, the tip of his tongue lapped the tip of your clitoris like a parched dog. Your entire body clenched as you cried out in blissful agony,
"Oh.. ahhh..shit..that is so fucking nasty!"
You squirted in his face; once.. twice... three times.
He closed his eyes, and didn't move a muscle.
"I wish, you wouldnt hate me for this.." Vernon said.. You shushed him. You cant blame him thou.. You liked it too. Its just that the Vernon that you are expecting is a shy and nerdy one. It turns out, its the different one.
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Well, it looks like Sakura and Galeem are getting along, but who's winning between Dharkon and Elise?
Previously!: The Corrins were partying up a storm in the Smash Mansion when their siblings from Hoshido and Nohr teamed up to "rescue" them! Stopped by Donkey Kong, the youngest of the siblings snuk away only to encounter Galeem and Dharkon. Meanawhile, realizing that Sakura and Elise are missing, the Corrins sober up and team up with their siblings to find their precious beans!
*The Corrins and their siblings are tearing apart the mansion looking for Sakura and Elise*
Corrine, yanking open Rathlos' mouth: ELISE?! SAKURA?! ARE YOU IN THERE?!
Corrin: Sis, I don't think that Rathlos ate them.
*Rathlos knocks Corrine away and into a wall and flys away*
Corrin: Uggh, this is getting us nowhere.
Xander: Alright, let's think about this logically.
Ryoma: My thoughts exactly Prince Xander. Where would two desperate children go looking for their sibling?
Hinoka: Uhh... they'd look in their rooms?
Corrine, rapidly sitting up from the rubble: GENIUS! We need to search the dorms!
Corrin: Oh dear... I sincerly hope she didn't find Bayonetta's.
Takumi: What's so bad about this bitch?
Corrin: Uhh... She and camilla have... similar bedroom tastes.
Camilla: Oooh!
Corrin: Alright! We're going to need to split up for this, there's too many dorms to explore them all as a group. So, let's-
Corrine, grabbing him by the ear: One moment, we have something to discuss.
*Corrine drags Corrin away*
*Corrine releases him and slams him against a wall*
Corrine: This is our chance! To sew some trust!
Corrin: ...Explain.
Corrine: If we're careful about how we split them up, we might be able to get them to start trusting each other, and blamo! No War!
Corrin: ...It's risky. We'd have to be extremely careful about who we put with who.
Corrine: Heh, leave that to me.
*She releases Corrin and waltzes back to the group.*
Corrine: Alrighty! Here's the scoop. Ryoma? You're gonna work with Camilla and search the Third Floor Dorms.
Ryoma, glancing at Camilla: I... see.
Camilla: Aww, it's okay! *brandishes axe* We'll have so much fun, Prince of Hoshido.
Corrin, face palming: We're doomed.
Corrine: Xander, you'll go with Hinoka. You've got second floor dorms.
Xander: Well... I shall endeavor my hardest!
Hinoka, under her breath: Just gotta wait till his back is turned near an open window...
Xander: We can hear you.
Corrine, nonplussed: And that leaves Leo and Takumi with the First Floor dorms.
Corrin: *slamming his head against a wall*
Corrine: And me and Corrin will take the basement dorms. And remember, we're doing this for Elise and Sakura. They need us to work together. Can you all do that?
*Reluctant nods all around*
Corrine: Great. Now, let's get going!
*The garden is all but destroyed. Dharkon is literally tied into knots and Elise is stamping on his eye*
Galeem: Are you two done playing? Sakura and I have made it through three Parcheesi games.
Sakura: You are a gifted player Galeem-sama.
Galeem: Aw, you're too kind.
Elise: Wait- Corrin! Crap, we completely forgot, we're here to rescue them!
Dharkon: Wait- rescue? You dumb kid, they weren't kidnapped! they ran away to here.
Elise, stomping on Dharkon's eye again: Shut up! They wouldn't abandon us like that!
Sakura: W- wh- why would they l-leave us?
Galeem: Probably because they didn't want to decide which set of siblings they wanted to murder.
Elise: But- but they love us!
Galeem: That's why they're here. They're delaying the inevitable. They don't want to lose any of you, and so they ran away.
*The girls are silent for a moment, looking frightened and guilty*
Dharkon: Aw... come one. Don't look like that. *Sakura starts to sniffle and Elise follows suit* Hey, l- look. Untie me and we'll take you to someone who's certain to know where they are!
Galeem: Who- oh. Him.
Elise, still sniffling: Y- you mean it?
Dharkon: Yeah! I- I even apologize for what I said earlier.
Elise: Well... okay. *She unties Dharkon*
Sakura: Who are we going to see, Galeem-sama?
Galeem: Uggh... a certain skeleton who can't stop making puns.
*At the front gate, DK has left to join the party and his post is now being manned by Chunky Kong. Chunky is minding his own business when a certain someone comes up to their door*
Chunky: Hey, no ticket no entrance.
Azura: Please, I need to get in there! I need to warn my siblings!
Chunky: Dire warnings are only accepted between 9 AM to 9 PM.
Azura: Please! They need to know what's coming!
???: So, my little pawns think they can just run off, and then the rest of them think they can follow? Well soon they shall learn the cost of defying our will.
*he steps into the light*
Garon: The cost of defying the Will of Garon, and-
*The lights come up revealing Iago, Validar, Gharnef and Nemesis*
Garon: The will of the Dark Dragon League!
Validar: you're still salty about Ganondorf not inviting you into the League of Villains?
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miiinthe · 2 years
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Hi there, people of tumblr!
I'm happy to finally (at least for me) start my tumblr life (again)! I actually created my first tumblr account like a year ago and, after that, became totally obsessed with it. Which I still am, kinda.
But after some time I decided to close my account and take some complete online free time.
A good decision, I can now say.
But anyways, after I started to go online more again, I also wanted to restart my tumblr. But this time, with some really creative ideas and an actual plan for my blog.
There were a lot of ideas circling around in my head and I needed a lot of time to decide about what I'd like to post. Long story short, in the end I made a decision.
And now, I'm starting a K-Pop Blog.
The idea has been on my mind vor a very long period of time now, actually since the beginning of my experience with K-Pop.
I kind of always wanted to give recommendations, create playlists or some graphics and just discuss with people about my favorite songs or groups.
So that's exactly what I'm going to do now!
I have a lot of plans, some of them might never come to light, others might do it right now. Who knows?
I really hope that the things on my blog will give you happiness or even some motivation.
Let's walk on this new way together!
yours, sincerly
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ficstoreadagain · 4 years
Are you gonna kiss me or not? // Izuku Midoriya x Reader
Pt. 1??? 
Not to be yee yee, but “Are you gonna kiss me or not?” feels like such a Deku song so I had to write this. BUT I got a got a little carried away before even making to the second verse, so I might write a part two if anyone wants it haha.
Basically: General Studies! Reader and Midoriya being equally as awkward but still falling in love regardless bc im soft 
TW: Fluff??? 
We were sittin' up there on your momma's roof 
Talkin' 'bout everything under the moon
With the smell of honeysuckle and your perfume
All I could think about was my next move
Dating at UA was difficult, especially considering it was getting progressively harder to get permission to leave the school. Maybe that's how you ended up on the roof of Class 1-A's dorm. Even if the dorms weren't near as tall as the main building, the veiw was still amazing-especially with the breeze lifting the scent of cherry blossoms up to you. From there you could even see your own General Studies dorm across the way, but that was the last thing on your mind. 
Even amidst the awkardness of what was now your third date with the hero course student, it was so easy to listen to him. 
"And then he asked if I was All Might's secret love child," Midoriya chuckled, scratching the back of his neck with a bashful grin, "But Todoroki's a good friend." 
"Well, are you? All Might’s secret love child that is?" You playfully pressed with a raised eyebrow, giggling to yourself as that spurred a stuttering ramble promising how All Might wasn't his father, and that their quirks were just similar, "I'm kidding, Midoriya."
"R-right, of course." He calmed himself down before glancing down at his hands, "You can call me, Izuku- if you want to, that it, you don't have to-"
"Izuku." You tested the name on you tongue-even though you had already known his name, instantly cutting him off as he perked up at his name. With a bright smile that turned his cheeks red, you added on, "As long as you call me (Y/N)."
Just as easily, the conversation flowed.
"Yeah... I didn't even make it to the second round of the sports festival." You admitted bashfully, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, "I gave up after I nearly fell into that canyon- guess we all have our strengths. Afterwards, of course all the general studies kids were rooting for Shinsou, but I remember being super impressed that you beat him!" 
Turned into:
"His name is Kota, he's a little rough around the edges but he's a good kid," Izuku smiled thoughtfully looking up at the few visible stars, "He sends me a letter every now and then-even though he still claims to hate heroes." 
Which led to:
"My parents think I'm wasting my quirk, but I'm just not cut from that cloth, I guess. They were so psyched when they heard I got into UA, even if it was just the general studies course, that it was obvious I wouldn't go anywhere else- I think they're still hoping I'll change my mind." You shrugged, picking at the hem of your shirt. Midoriya was listening intently. At some point his hand had wound up in yours (the two of you were just getting to a point of being intelligible again), and Izuku squeezed yours gently. 
"Well, I-I'm glad your here." He told you quietly, but sincerly as he held your hand in his like it was something precious, his eyes on your intertwined fingers. Both of your cheeks flushed red when your eyes met his as he lifted his emerald stare. Just as quickly you both looked away.
Oh, but you were so shy, so was I
Maybe that's why it was so hard to believe
Your flustered silence apparently conveyed something different to the equally awkward boy as he quickly stammered out, "N-not that it, uh, matters what I think- or your parents, really- NOT THAT IT'S ANY OF MY BUSINESS-"
His rambling continued, his nerves almost endearing as you turned back to his monolouoge, smiling as he continued with a softned voice, "as long as you know what you want to do, and it makes you happy, that's all that truly matters... Sorry for rambling."
With both your cheeks pink and holding each others gaze, you realized that this was an important moment, and you could see the gears turning in Midoriya's head. Every second was closer and closer to the losing the opportunity. 
When you smiled and said to me "Are you gonna kiss me or not?
Despite the blush, you weren't going to let this moment go to waste. 
"Izuku, are you gonna kiss me or not?" You asked point blank, eyes flickering between his and his lips. 
Are we gonna do this or what? I think you know I like you a lot But you're 'bout to miss your shot Are you gonna kiss me or not?"
"Wh-what?!" His face turned scarlet, which almost faltered your confidence. "I think you know I like you a lot," You voice was only slightly above a whisper, almost lost to the wind as you warned him, "But you’re about to miss your shot."
For a second, you couldn’t decide if he was going to kiss you or bolt, so you just finished quietly, "So, are you gonna kiss me or not?" 
Finally, he nodded as if cementing his intent. Even with one hand still holding yours, his other tentatively cupping your cheek as he leaned in. As with everything he did with you, Izuku was exceedingly gentle when he pressed his lips to yours. Both of your eyes fluttered closed, which worked out since the two of you were the color of a tomato. 
It was a soft, innocent kiss- experimental, unsure, and little bit awkward at first, a beginning. Izuku cut it off quickly, forcing himself to back away, "Was that ok, (Y/N-?" 
It was the best dang kiss that I ever had Except for that long one after that Before he even finished the question, you grabbed his face in yours and pulled him back- this kiss was longer, a bit more confident. Though inexperienced, Midoriya was a fast learner and quickly took charge-his lips setting a slowly increasing pace. At first, he held his hands up, not quite sure what to do with them, but as you instinctively leaned even closer to him, one hand landed on your waist and the other on your knee with his thumb rubbing gentle circles. Meanwhile, your hands moved from his cheeks to explore wild green curls. It was one of those kisses that seemed to stop time, too who knew how long the two of you sat there, lips moving together and instinctively pulling each other closer until you were basically in his lap. No matter the measure of time, it was you that broke it off the second time for oxygen- Izuku, who seemed to have stamina for days, didn’t even seem winded as you rested you forehead against his, catching your breath.
"(Y/N), that was- wow." He breathed softly, holding you steady as you finally peeked your eyes open. The teenage romance induced haze you were in made you feel light and giggly- but that was gone almost instantaneously. 
“Izuku, you’re… glowing.” You informed him nervously, eyes wide as you took him in. And he was- energy seemed to crackle around him, red streaks shooting across any exposed skin, and a general green aura casting a faint glow around the two of you. He hadn’t seemed to notice until you voiced your concern.
“Glowing? Wh- AHH! Oh-“ He gasped, eyes growing to the size of dinner plates before taking a deep breath. As soon as it had come, the aura faded away.  Chuckling awkwardly, Midoriya reached up to scratch the back of his head, “S-sorry about that, I guess I got a little excited.”
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mischiefserpentes · 3 years
I'm trying. Like truly and sincerly doing my best to figure out how you "work" (for lack of a better term?)
I will assume you are self diagnosed as you stated you are underage. Did you have a Kin phase as well?
You say you have fictives nine times your age? How does that work?
You also state that your fictives have a daughter? (I'm assuming Adopted as even though only one posted their pronouns the other didn't mention being oposit gender. Also with your body being a minor the underage baby thing is confusing.)
My appologies if this comes off as rude or ignorant. It's not my intention, as I simply wish to understand how this work's.
The only interaction I've had with people who have Alters were self diagnosed and it was on a Ego's Discord server. There were like 40 people all under the age of 17 who all claimed DiD and had like 5+ personalities that they seemed to "Roleplay" with. A lot of them I guess got bored and quit doing it. When I would ask about their Alter/Fictive they wouldn't answer me or told me they were done using it... Like? I'm so confused?!?!
You are not rude at all! I understand the confusion very much
So, yes, I did have a kin phase at a point but it was more for the sake of being a coping mechanism than anything else, and I have always known better than to not seperate kin and systems, as they are two completely different things and should be treated accordingly
I am self diagnosed, but am in an unsafe environment for getting an official diagnosis just yet, sadly. (my parent is the type who believes that DID and alters are demonic in nature, and when they have fronted near her before, she has treated them as such) When I leave this environment that is one of the first things I will be working on, because I realize just how bad rolling with a self diagnosis can turn out to be, as it can cause stigma to be perpetuated, as well as the idea that self diagnosis can be the be all end all (which it absolutely is not, the ideas you may have do not outweight that of the opinion of a trained professional) and there is.. Already a LOT of that in this community as is
My fictives ages are simply the ages they figured they would be based on the time period their canon takes place, therefore those are the ages they identify as a personal comfort rather than just using the body's age, and while they identify with those ages they are VERY very mindful that the body is not that age, and in a technical way neither are they
If you had a question about their birthdays, they use the dates of the original airings of the source videos they come from
(Wilford Warfstache = November 9th, Darkiplier/the concept of Darkiplier = June 19th)
Gwenivere is one of our littles, most of our trauma happened to us from a very very very young age, and Wilford and Donovan have taken her in
I do not "role play" with my alters, in fact thats just... A really not okay thing to do to say the least
I have met people who have done that before, and it just.. It leaves a very sour taste in ones mouth
The pain and trauma that has been experienced to result in their forming is no joke, and I never would perpetuate the stigma that would cause what other systems, as well as myself go through every day having to deal with this, to be even worse
I hope this helped clear some things up! If you have any more questions feel free to ask
Another thing about Gwenivere: Her "Birthdate" Is the day we found her.
Her physicality is that of a four month old within the inner world, so we assumed that's what age she would "technically" be.
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