#when there are really truly unlimited options
sevenhundred721 · 8 months
Things that permanently broke my art style:
-Dungeon Meshi
-Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
-school assignment that required me to draw politicians (forced me to figure out how to stylize real people in a way that reads neither as charicature nor cartoon. It was fun, and it made me appreciate bringing a bit more ruggedness to my characters who were previously mostly smooth and young looking as well as getting me excited about curbing same face syndrome)
-comic books in general
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evilminji · 1 year
I Ponder The Humble Blob Ghost!
You think they are what happens when you ALMOST but not quite A Ghost(tm)? Like, you have the ectoplasm and the will to continue... but you didn't really have A Thing in life? No Final Crystalizing Thought that brings focus? Just "ow! Ah! I'm scared. Don't wanna die!" And theeeeen.... *poof!*
Why am I Orb? Am squish? No bones.
Like? Remove any one piece of the Critical Formula and you get Blob instead of Ghost? Different KINDS, mind you, but blobs none the less.
Like Skulker! Not enough Ectoplasm. Ended up Blob. He CLEARLY had the Will, the Obsession, the gory end and unfinished business... buuuut? No green goo to power the creation of a full body. He clearly knows what he's supposed to LOOK like? But it's not something FIXABLE? Even with his now unlimited access to Ectoplasm.
Like in utero damage that permanently stunted his growth. HE is fine. All his facilities are on-line and checking in as they should, for the level of sentience expected of a ghost of his people. He just... smol. Same strength, intelligence, and power as he would have always HAD...
He just got handed a really, REALLY crap "customize your eternal meatsuit" option screen. Like for real guys. Basicly NO options. His salt is eternal and entirely justified. He could have had his tattoos. He paid a LOT of credits for those! Sat for DAYS! Had to track down this One(1) artist on this SHITTY little trading hub, that BARELY QUALIFIED as one, to sit in on uncomfortable overturned crate... IN A GAS MASK because the AIR SUPPORT KEPT KICKING IT... for hoooours!
It was a WORK OF ART. You would have CRIED.
But wait, I hear you say, staring at the Blob ghost chewing on a lamp post. The one that has wii music playing behind the eyes. No thoughts, head jello, one might say. What about THEM?
Good point! Remember that formula?
LOT of Ecto! But THAT... might be either an animal or a fungus. We'd have to check. ANYTHING can and DOES die. If it's alive? It can die and potentially leave a ghost. But! Consider the noble Ghost Rabbit! *holds up squirming rabbit that is ABSOLUTELY trying to both bite me and kick me in the face* A noble and friendly creature!
THIS is what happens when an animal: has sufficient Ectoplasm at the death site, a reason to continue living (fairly common. It's usually their offspring, escape, the instinctual drive to survive itself or other understandable base drives. Like love, loyalty, or hunger.), and that all important High Emotions End.
Miss any of these? You get Blobbertson over there! He's clearly a hungry boy! But! Not very DRIVEN is he? Just floating along, chewing on whatever seems interesting, looking for a snack. He's food motivated. But not MOTIVATED motivated.
Blobbertson over there? A peaceful death. Too much Ectoplasm too leave, too food motivated in life NOT to carry over, but? No DRIVE. To DEFINE and DEMAND the Ectoplasm in his little body become sharp and active. No highly emotional state to stir it into action.
Is Blobbertson INCAPABLE of higher emotions? No. He is every bit as capable as the Ghost Rabbit that has savaged my hands and escaped while you were reading. It was, in fact, NOT as friendly as originally assumed. I may be bleeding. Unimportant. Blobbertson is PERFECTLY capable of getting attached. Being trained.
Whatever level of intelligence Blobbertson had in life, still remains. And WITH that? Comes the ability to improve and grow in death! IF (and this is the big one) he ever finds MOTIVATION to do so.
Because you see, Blobbertson is quite happy. No thoughts, brain jello. Drifting along in a happy green ocean like a jellyfish. Only concerned about his next snack. It's comforting. His food obsession filled, his tiny motivation barely enough to move him place to place.
He would GLADLY sit in one place and eat for the rest of eternity. Head blissfully silent.
And that's OKAY! It truly, honestly, is. Not everyone has to be conquers and kings, crafters and cosmonauts. Sometimes you just want to spend the rest of time playing in the sand. Resting on a sunshine-y hill. Not EVERY soul is a loud one.
This is the INFINITE Realms.
And there are places like Amity Park out there. THICK as cold honey with Ectoplasm in the air, gently infusing all the life that grows there with greater and greater chance of Ghost-hood. Even the peaceful blinking awake after that final rest to look down and... little nubby green paws.
Congratulations on becoming a Blob, grandma! Yes, I imagine you ARE furious it is inordinately difficult to knit like this. No, I don't think complaining to the king will help, MeMa.
That said? I can not tell you if Blob Ghost all belong to the same Family or the same Order, but they are NOT the same species! The WAY in which you fuck up that ever vital Fomula results in WILDLY different Blobs! Was it an animal? A sentient species? A sentient PLANET? A complexe interlocking colony of fungi? What was the EXACT Ectoplasm concentration at the death site? Was that the historical levels or the At Death levels? Was the individual under sedation?
Yes! All of this IS in fact, VERY relevant!
And you think it ends THERE? HA! The SKIES are FILLED with Fighty Mother Fuckers! Ghosts LOVE to fight! It's built into their social dynamics and hierarchy! Good ol brawls to get the Ecto pumping!
......Local Blob Farmer would like to take this moment to say "GET OF HIS GHOST PEONIES, YOU HEATHENS."
No they would NOT like to join your 24/7 thunder dome in the sky, THANKS! Martha here is trying to compose some Atlantian Shell Poetry. Blobby Jr of Blobbington and Blobbington Incorporated is TRYING to study! You've DESTROYED THE COMMUNAL ZEN GARDEN!!
Get! GET!!! *swings broom*
And THEN you look not even a mile east? And it's the floating island of Blobs. They LIKE that rock. It's just an ever shifting, accidentally rolling off the edge, falling slightly, making an offended squeek, and floating back to the top of the pile to repeate the process, MOOSH of thousands of blobs. No one's certain if they used to be seals or some sort of cat.
Apparently THAT island is Warm(tm).
So there they sit. Making contented noises, chirping and shoving for the best spots. They never leave. You can literally just... float up and sit on them. It's amazing. You gotta be careful not to get buried, but it's So Soft and bouncy? And they are ALL making that soft happy Blob vibrate noise. It's like a giant, island sized, warm and almost fuzzy but not, water bed that massages you.
Just DON'T start anything there! Holy SHIT are they territorial. You Will Die. They SWARM.
And THATS not even getting into the Blobs that are? Literally brainless. Some people eat those. Which? I guess? They ARE basicly Ectoplasm jello. But SOME of them are NOT? Like... it's a debate. Hot button issue, ya know?
Some fungus turns into Ecto Jello with negative IQ and delicious insides. Is this food? But OTHER fungus was SENTIENT in life and become a whole RANGE of Fungus ghosts, from Blob right on up to complexe dryad like ghosts! Clearly NOT food unless you are a MONSTER. But THEY argue the FIRST group are ALSO not food?
Plant Ghosts have strong opinions and are willing to Gruesome Violence about it.
Which brings us back to the Humble Blob Ghost! Check before you pet! That might be grandma! Or planning to eat your hand! Just as Mammal tells you little to nothing about what animal you are looking at, so too does Blob and Ghost! Stay safe out there! And if anyone sees a glowing green rabbit? I want my blood back! That's supposed to be in MY body! Rude!
This has been, the daily ghost!
@hdgnj @stealingyourbones
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The catalysts
Claire and Shapiro play the same role in the Sydcarmy dynamic.
Showing them by contrast who they really wanna be with.
In other words: Trigger them. Be catalysts of change. This can obviously take many forms, but they will all end up having the same final result. Help the characters see what needs to change and then, they will use their own free wills to make those changes or not.
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Whilst for Carmy Claire is the “healer” 👩‍⚕️ (no wonder she’s a Dr.) that is supposed to remind him how to love and be loved, or better yet, how to re-signify trauma so it doesn’t limit him anymore. More about her here 🔗
Shapiro, on the other hand, is the “wild card” 🃏for Syd.
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Let me explain: A wild card “substitutes” any other card in the deck and you can use it (or not) as you please. And if you do choose to use it, gives you an opportunity to change the game, not necessarily winning it, but alter that hand. You have to use it wisely and in some hands is preferably not to use it at all actually, because you may end up wasting chances or getting over confident, etc. The joker is not by any means a guarantee of victory but a resource to be used when we are not dealt a good hand and it entails its risks. It can cause more harm than good. Or not. It’s a wild card. You never know…
The catch is that Shapiro can’t substitute The Bear for obvious reasons, I won’t even go there and Claire can’t fix/heal someone whose trauma is precisely triggered by her.
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Why do you think that Carmy hit rock bottom while dating her and right after their breakup? The guy is raw, his wound is open.
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So, Syd and Carmy, once their respective catalysts have served their catalystic purposes have to do the rest of the hard work. Make a choice, compromise, stick to it and face the consequences of such choice. This requires free will, hence: The “options” so they can exercise it, time and courage. Only in that way the change will come for both of them. It's a classic redemption arc.
What change will come? We don’t know yet. Yes we do ❤️
Bonus track: Luca, the bringer of light, is Carmy’s HEALED version. He was able to resignify his trauma already.
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Luca is another catalyst for Syd that is supposed to shed light on what she truly wants and who she wants it from, the difference between Shapiro's role and Luca's is that Luca is a limited offer whereas Shapiro is offering her FOREVER (or at least unlimited).
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I'd also dare to bet that with Luca there's a potential attraction there and with Shapiro, it's all business. In her case it's split. She can't find all she wants in just one guy. Except...
We all know who combines both for Syd and she's beginning to realize that too.
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Remember to follow my tag #Gingerpovs 💋
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disciplinedselfrya · 16 days
Let's get in shape! 🌟💪🍁
Before I dive into my autumn goals, I want to be real with you, loves.
Over the past month, I haven’t been eating healthy at all, and the only workout I’ve done is my dance classes. As you’d expect, I’ve gained some fat and lost muscle.
So, I’ve decided to start a "getting-fit" journey, beginning this Monday (September 9th). ❤
Before I explain what this journey is all about, let me be clear: I’m not doing this to lose weight, get skinny, or fit into a smaller size. What I truly want is to feel strong and healthy—to be in shape. And yes, reaching my goals means losing some fat, but I’m not going to sacrifice my mental health or harm my body just to drop a size. My body is my home, and it deserves respect.
On this journey, my focus will be on optimizing my nutrition and workout routine because I want this to be a lifestyle change, not just a short-term fix.
In terms of food:
Cut out ultra-processed foods.
Drink only lemonade, water, and tea—no juices (this one’s easy since I don’t like them anyway).
Sweets only on special occasions or when I’m out with friends or family.
Limit refined carbs. Potatoes (not fried) and rice are fine. Since I’m not in charge of cooking, there will be times when I’ll eat pasta or pizza. On those days, I’ll have half the usual portion and get back on track quickly.
Stick to simple, unprocessed dairy like cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, and butter. Milk is okay, but I don’t really like the taste.
Limit nuts.
Fruits, veggies, eggs, meat, and fish are unlimited—I can eat as much as I want.
No calorie counting! It messes with my mindset and makes me anxious.
That’s it. We’re starting on Monday, loves—are you with me?
Now, let’s talk about workouts. Since school is starting, I want to keep my workout schedule simple and easy to stick to because there’s no room for failure this year. I’m not even going to make failure an option.
Here’s the plan:
Monday: Dance class
Tuesday: Full-body dumbbell workout
Wednesday: Dance class
Thursday: Full-body dumbbell workout
Friday: Cardio (whatever feels good—running, dancing, walking)
Saturday: Full-body dumbbell workout
Sunday: Rest day
You might be wondering why I have three full-body sessions per week. When I was creating this plan, I asked ChatGPT for advice based on my goals, and it recommended full-body sessions for both fat loss and strength building—so that’s what I’m going with right now.
Note: Not all my dance classes are intense. I’ve had weeks where we focused on hand movements—so, you can imagine how "sweaty" that was. 😅
If you’re joining me on this journey, feel free to adjust anything that doesn’t work for you! If you prefer Pilates over weights, go for it. If cutting out sweets entirely doesn’t feel right, then don't! The most important part of this journey is not giving up—stick to your plan and prioritize your health over the results.
Keep going! 😎🏆 Rya
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chaysreality222 · 11 months
A Guide On How to Script Your DR!
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table of contents ⬎
1⌇opening message
2⌇what is a script ⋄ what can you script⋄where to scrip
3⌇how to script
hey, it's c! i know this was a long awaited post but, it's here now. in this post, i'll be giving you a guide on how to script your dr. this process can either be enjoyable or stressful because of not knowing where to start, but that's why i'm here! feel free to script your dr as you're reading this! let's dive in!
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what is a script?
A script is a written version of all the details of you within your desired reality, scenarios you want to happen, the relationships you want to have, and the things that you own etc. I will say it once again, you don't need a script! but it is extremely helpful to organize all your thoughts about what you want for your desired reality.
what can you script?
You can script anything to your hearts desires! Don't take too much advantage of that information. I know it isn't any of my business about what you choose to script but don't be scripting anything inhumane. Come on now. Anyway, you can script things like unlimited money, (if you have a harry potter dr) a charm to make your period stop, or one of your pets into your dr. Stuff like that!
where to script?
You can use anything to script your desired reality! You can use a physical journal, the notes app in your phone, a google doc, google slides, canva, notion, etc. Basically, anywhere you can write or type. For those who want to keep your script a secret, I'd recommend a digital script rather than a physical one. You can get a journal app that requires a code to it so that no one gets in.
Then lastly, you can get the lifa app on the app store! It's like a pre-made script and all you have to do is add what you want. I'd definitely recommend it for anyone who has a hard time scripting on their own or just wants to get done with the process of scripting. I think there is a code on the app as well!
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how to script
Finally, the part you guys have been waiting for. Everyone start taking notes. I'm gonna start off with the basics of what you'll need for your script. I took some screenshots from my script that can help you guys out!
Reality or Shifting Information! this will include: your time ratio (1 hr in my CR = 1 week in my DR), the timeline ("I'm shifting to 4th year, 1994), safety (safeword, safe action), scenarios (something as simple as going to get ice cream with your comfort character), and or arrival (describe what happens when you wake up in your dr/your first day in your dr).
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Personal Information! this will include: about me tab (name, age, birthdate, hobbies, hygiene etc.), appearance (how you want to look/claims), wardrobe (what you'll have in your closet), backstory/plot (write about your backstory and how you're apart of the plot/change the plot if you want).
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Relationships! this will include: s/o, family, friends, and pet. You can basically just list how old they are, who they are to you, where and how you met them, etc.
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Belongings or Assets! this will include: finances, your house and or dorm, vehicles, and miscellaneous items. Basically whatever you want to own, how it looks like, what it can do.
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[OPTIONAL] Places! this will include: any main spots that you'll know you'll be at and you can script that you own the place, eventually WILL own the place, or live there etc.
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Extra! this will include: if you want to separately talk about how you become a vampire, get powers etc, (if you go to school/work in that dr) a schedule tab, calendar (come up with events or holidays you want to celebrate), immunities (whatever you're immune to).
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I truly hoped this helped those who don't know much about scripting! I personally really love this part about shifting and I hope you will too. As always, Happy Shifting!
xoxo, c!
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longeyelashedtragedy · 4 months
I don't quite understand why Man City having 115 charges against them has everyone up in arms other than the fact it's taking far too long to come to some conclusion.
Are they not the best team because they've won the premiership 3 or is it 4 times straight?
How does it make them better or should I say why are other teams not as good/worse.
What is the difference between them and Arsenal in terms of how the team gels and play ball?
I only ask because has Man City bought greatness from somewhere and if so where can you buy it from. Why don't other teams buy greatness too.
I'm not trying to be rude I really don't understand what the charges have to do with how well they play and the teams they beat along the way.
Of course, you are free to ignore this.
The "115 charges" phrase is a stand in for what people see as extreme financial corruption that has yet to go punished or even explored. I understand that "115 charges" might take longer to set a date for, or whatever, than whatever happened with Everton and Forest, but it leaves a bad taste in people's mouths. I think at this point people are less annoyed by the actual amount of charges than what they feel it represents.
The alleged corruption doesn't change their style of play or Pep's abilities, no. I genuinely don't enjoy how they play or their vibes on the pitch. That's a personal preference. I don't see them gelling on the pitch and loving each other the way Arsenal does. That's subjective, sure.
Where I think it does give them an advantage is the more money you have, the more quality players you can acquire. Then the more you keep winning because of the quality of players, the more it will attract the top names or big up-and-coming players (our Joško for example) to join the team. I think there are so many teams that play more engaging football than City--again, subjective. Arsenal had some dreamy and exhilarating games in 2024. So where the money causes the problem is squad depth. We see Arsenal as having a big squad depth issue. It was marginally better than like, two seasons ago or even last season where we had virtually NO defense left so if one of the starting back 4 had to go off we were playing a 16 year old, Cedric, and a prayer back there. But look even at today--it could have gone so much worse than it did. We were without one of our best and most reliable players, Bukayo Saka, and then lost Big Gabi in defense. Gabinelli and Leo were struggling to score, thank god Kai stepped up in the end, but once we lost those key players the bench had very limited options. For reliable backup goal scorers, it's even worse, and I love these guys who got subbed on, truly I mean no disrespect for them, Reiss, Emile, Gabby etc just have not been having the most solid season. It happens. But for City, I feel like they just have a robust bench. They can rotate, make confident subs. That plays such a massive role especially toward the end of the season when players are tired mentally and physically, when players are injured.
And it's really hard to declare that City are the "best" team when Arsenal ended two points behind them. You know? If we'd just won one of our 5 lost games...And aside from our peculiar Villa loss in April, which you know, sometimes there's a bad luck one-off, we showed such a winning and strong mentality by fixing whatever problem was causing our wretched streak at Christmas. Before this season I always doubted our ability to come back from crushing losses, but this year's team has shown differently.
I guess other teams don't have as much money to buy greatness--that's again where the "115 charges" comes in. Also, for Arsenal we seem weirdly bad at selling our players for lots of $$$$. People also believe that a nation rich in oil has "unlimited" money as opposed to a regular old millionaire. Idk how true that is or how true that'll be forever but this idea makes people nervous about competing in the market.
I understand where you're coming from with your questions. I think we'd be bitter enough if City just, kept winning, but the fact that there is enough evidence of extreme financial corruption to have 115 charges--even if it's just alleged, even if it's somehow...not true in the end idk, that makes the "success" tainted for many of us, and is more frustrating, because it feels like other teams don't have the same kind of chances.
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cursedvibes · 8 months
I am honestly just so fascinated with how JJK is going to end because it’s gotten to a point where I truly don’t know. I could see anything at this point.
When it ends I actually hope to just completely reread it. Because I think the weekly (with the occasional break) release format definitely effects how people view and read manga. But I think if read as just one continuous story with none of the breaks, some of its flaws definitely…show. At least that was my experience when I read it! (I started reading when the Gojo vs Sukuna fight was nearing its end).
Reading the whole story or even just volumes or arcs can definitely change the impression of the story a lot. The Culling Game for example really benefits from reading it in one go instead of weekly. Although I have to say that even on rereads or when looking up specific events in a chapter I always get shocked by how aggravatingly long the Gojo vs Sukuna fight is...otherwise I would say jjk generally benefits from being read in one go, especially the fights.
The current events definitely threw my predictions for a loop (mainly because I expected the main villain who so far has pushed the story forward to actively be involved in it), but I think the further we get, the clearer the end becomes, simply because more eventualities can be counted out. I wouldn't say it's clear cut what's gonna happen or that I know exactly how it's gonna end, but I think you can make some educated guesses at this point.
For example, I think there's a good chance Yuuji either survives as the only one of the original four people team or he dies to save Megumi. You could make good arguments for both like Yuuji having to carry on the deaths of all his comerades, but always being denied to sacrifice himself for them like he so desperately wants. He will save people by killing Sukuna, but he won't be able to help the people he cares most about. Maybe you could include a moment of Yuuji being able to give Megumi a proper death. Sukuna is gone, but Megumi has been hurt to much mentally (remember he suffered through five unlimited voids and the brain damage Sukuna suffered is his too) and physically by Sukuna taking over and reshaping his body to survive. But Yuuji is there to see him off and able to give him piece of mind after he was manipulated for so long. Other option would be, Yuuji gets his wish and is able to sacrifice himself to save Megumi, Megumi possibly even taking over his body through soul swap and Yuuji dies together with Sukuna. I don't like it as much because it seems like the "easy way out" and Yuuji wanted to kill himself from the start of the series, so that feels like an unsatisfying message, but you could bring in Yuuji fulfilling Wasuke's words and dying a "proper" death killing Sukuna like he always wanted to and saving a friend through it as well. He will die surrounded by the sorcerers who helped him get this far and that lifts Wasuke's curse on him.
The other thing I'm relatively sure about is that the merger will happen in some way or at the very least Tengen is freed and runs amok. This plot point has been teased so much and it's what everything has been building on that it would feel anti-climactic for it simply never happen and it all ends with Sukuna dying and that's it. Sukuna's death being the end of everything without any other major consequences feels too neat of an end and too underwhelming. I don't think it will happen the way Kenjaku imagined by the Culling Game ending with all players dying and then all of the Japanese population gets merged with Tengen. That would mean the entire protagonist team has to be killed by Sukuna and I just don't see that happen. The ending will be a downer, but I don't think it will be straight up "the villain(s) win". Because otherwise what's the point? What do we learn from that? How would that bring the change in the jujutsu system that gets emphasized so much? So that is unlikely, but I think Sukuna could still set Tengen free, either as herself or by merging her with part of the population that has already been prepared for merging through the barrier that travelled across Japan.
Not really a prediction, but I would also like it if the protagonists (or whoever else) ends up destroying Tengen's barriers. It would mean an increase in curses, but it would also diffuse Japan's monopoly on sorcerers and huge amounts of cursed energy. It would symbolize a complete break from the old system set in place by her and the beginning of something new. Otherwise it would feel too much like the protagonists are just rebuilding status quo and will eventually repeat the mistakes of the past if the wrong people come into power. There would need to be new protections set in place, but that is a good opportunity to whipe the slate clean and start new and hopefully better.
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atla-recluse · 8 months
About That One Moment in "Another Five More Short Graybles":
Content warning: A few references to abuse and abuser-victim dynamics, plus some images/artwork that some may find very disturbing or triggering.
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I truly believe that this moment, and maybe more-so what likely happens after it, are the moment that solidified Lemongrab 1's complete shift into tyranny and unlimited cruelty. When I say that, I'm not just talking about the toy and his anger over it. It's not and was never (just) about the toy (seriously, this dude could and would have snapped over anything).
It's about OG LG's increasingly intense need for control over everyone and everything and his ever-growing layer of extreme rage over...stuff from the past...that is always there. Taking is a bit further, it's actually about how LG viewed himself and his impulsive/compulsive behavior at that point.
So, a lot of people seemed to have thought/still think that LG is lacking in self-awareness, but I think this couldn't be further from the truth. LG is hyper-aware of himself and his actions. He knows there's something "wrong" with him. He (and those around him) just don't know what. So everyone in and out of universe find it easier to just be vague about the problem or not touch it at all.
I'll tell you what I think is wrong with him though: He's can't figure out how best to showcase empathy with others, or even fully decide if he truly wants to at all, so he typically just chooses not to.
(Also, he seems to be naturally more persnickity and "intense/passionate" than others, including LG2 even. At least when it comes to his beliefs and convictions. People irl who are like that can imagine, because of how we sometimes come across to others, even if we're trying to change.)
Wait, what? I'm actually arguing that LG1 is/was capable of empathy, you ask? YES I am. Because he was. The moments were small, but they were there and were very significant to those who care. OG LG had what I'd call "limited" empathy as well as "optional" empathy. He wasn't the best with others' emotions at initial meetings but he could understand concepts like that of insult, bonding (but couldn't do it himself at first) and not wanting to die or get hurt. (I might finish a post that explains some examples in the near future.)
He also chose who it was he would bestow his empathy upon for random and not-as-random reasons. In this sense, he's not that different from many of us. I also feel as though he could have had his sense of empathy increased and smoothed out with proper nurturing. But as we all know, that didn't happen.
Conclusion Expansion (1):
We see throughout his arc, that LG1 increasingly worsened over time. Not solely though. For a blip of a period, he seemed to be improving, happy even. That period was of course when he was still close with LG2. Then, the fight happened.
Slight (Noteworthy) Sidetrack:
It was so violent, even without showing us the gore. I'm actually a little shocked that there are people who think that scene is mainly or even only hilarious. It's terrifying to me whenever I see it, to the point where I often prefer to avoid it. That scene, to me, was yet another example of how much of an abuser LG1 has become, since his physical or emotional abandonment and/or since his creation. Is that obvious yet? LG1 was not just "lol random11!! hahaha craziiii!". He was insanely abusive. He was arguably abused himself, but that doesn't change the fact that he was an abuser, too.
He even showed all the classic signs of an abuser as far back as "You Made Me" but, really, it was truly first shown in "Too Young".
Conclusion Expansion (2):
His brother (Which I think was meant to be seen as being to LG1 whatever you wanted to see him as, homophobes!) along with Lemonhope, got the worst of it and perfectly illustrate two different types of lives and mentalities of many abuse victims.
One becomes, in a way, very self-centered and wants to escape no matter what, but stops thinking about what the rest of his family may be going through, also. The other wants to help others going through the same and won't leave them behind until the they have escaped on some level, even if it kills him (assuming he had the option to leave).
And tell we don't know plenty of irl examples where other families also went through an older sibling or partner taking advantage of and mistreating a younger sibling or partner. (Don't think too hard about the LG's being "brother-lovers", alright? It's all symbolic, anyway.)
Now a big question I and likely others have is this: Is he really "just like that?"
Frankly, I think he partially or fully either inherited it or learned it from his experiences. Or someone else... But I digress.
So yeah, I don't believe LG was just/solely born that way. Something about him changed sometime after he was born, I feel. But again, I can't quite say what because it was left ambiguous.
When he attacked his best friend for the first time and in such a gruesome manner... Well...ask yourself how that scene probably continued for the two of them? We actually saw the least scary part. Here's what I now headcanon as being the "right after":
LG has always had issues with his view of self and it causes him much pain. He doesn't know how to express the problem, so he basically just spazzes out. He seemed to have improved once his brother/partner came along, but in fact, this was only an illusion.
LG never properly healed from his trauma or bad habits, because no one—not himself and certainly not others—worked with him to treat and eventually heal that trauma and reverse those bad habits. (It doesn't mean they didn't want to, though.) It was only a matter of time before he lost it on his brother and people over something petty. Two beings can never be exactly the same anyway, "twin" or not.
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(I'm not sure what the name of the artist who made this is. It's an amazing and very emotional piece, though.)
So with those awful images in mind, I think LG1 after devouring most of his own partner, may have paused for at least a moment, as LG2 managed to crawl away and look at him with such fear and hurt (perhaps looking like a reflection of himself) that LG1—if his self-awareness was on 100 that day—looked back at the mess he'd made of LG2's body and how their relationship would never be the same now, and decided "Haha wow...I AM a monsteerrrr!!!!".
And from there, he decided to just lean into the persona completely. After all, what did he have to lose? What important figure in his life up to this point didn't see him that way, anyway? Now even the partner he once loved and who once loved him, did too. Might as well accept it and just solely act like what everyone already knows him to be. Which to LG means just act like his usual self, btw. Control freaks like him can only relax for so long...
And that, everybody, is why that scene in AFMSG is so significant; and imo, devastating.
It should also be noted that despite what we see LG1 do to LG2, that he doesn't completely devour him (why, we don't know) and that he gave him (likely created for him) a tool that would allow him to still move around and didn't give him a shock collar. So LG2 is still a cut above the others in LG1's mind, it seems, but that doesn't mean that things hadn't reached rock bottom for them. They just had further to go, is all.
LG1 clearly no longer pedestalized LG2 anymore (and vice versa) and on some level likely blames LG2 for how he himself chose to react (pretty on-brand for both of them). Hence why, like some abusers, he seemed to now be withholding affection from LG2, wouldn't hear or accept LG2's own thoughts and opinions, (may have) starved him and why he pushed him down into and kept him in a subordinate position (something we once actually see him physically do to him at the dinner table).
Oh and here. Have another self-aware Lemongrab, far beyond post brother-attack:
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This wild lemon man knew he was the monster/villain of the story at this point. 🍋 🥲
"Looking for something?
Well, you found me; Fat Lemongrab." - Original Lemongrab
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useless-donut · 1 year
oh my god i played through both endings of astarions companion quest and spoilers below - it's really just an extremely long ramble
btw i just mean the finale of his quest, not the ending after the whole game
i rly like to play like im rping my tavs personality so that'll influence the end i go with on other playthroughs but woof
i love that larian gave us the one consequence that might make the power of ascension not worth it... fundamentally changing how astarion relates to and treats us. i REALLY thought id be chill with this option bc i love a power hungry man & my tav would die for him, but it hit SO much harder than i thought it would. maybe also because it was 2 am. but like im obsessed with the difference because of course it changes him—the man emotionally devastated by seeing his past victims deciding to condemn them all, and 6,000 other souls, for the allure of power and safety? and then reaching that unlimited power?
on one hand, seeing him lose that mix wariness & fondness & softness & bravado was GUTTING but also its very sweet that despite basically ascending to vampire godhood, he so badly wants to keep you around. even if, at the moment, he is still wrapping his head around his power and doesn't really see you as an equal lover anymore, vs. an item arguably at the top of things he wants
the lines where he stays hes toootally joking about calling you a pet and that you'll be too obedient for him to need to compel you, and his desire to keep you as a thrall & not give you agency... those are the lines that really killed me and sold the idea that our relationship was fundamentally altered. the "i love you... is what you want to hear, isnt it?" is also brutal, but astarions almost verbatim said that before lmao so i dont mind it as much, hes just silly
the break up options were really satisfying tho ngl and i love that theres two routes where you apologize for even bringing it up and you stay together, when in the past he'd act shocked if you ever chose to be with him
this ending also REALLY made me want to write a self insert (tav insert) fix it fic where you dump him for being a condescending asshole and after a long period of time and yk pining and mourning on your part, astarions going to finally decide maybe he does want a lover with agency and have like this nice slow burn of his personality resurfacing through all that power
like the vampire ascendant astarion rly felt like it was just like 900 tons of power smooshed into an astarion skin suit, and i love the idea that he would find his way back to himself eventually (but maybe after losing you... so sad... maybe he will come back and do the worst approximation of begging youve ever seen...)
anyway for the other ending, i mean. if youve gotten there you know what i mean. its lovely and bittersweet bc consequences and i think larian went a little too hard on selling us that this was the "good" outcome. however. i dont actually care because i played through it after the former version and WOW it was like the most relieving thing ever? to see him acting like himself again, and also very sweet to see how he relates to us afterwards. really up in my feels about how much he trusts us and also relied on us in that moment to remind him of his priorities. as he both he and us were perfectly aware he is exactly the type of personality to be absolutely corrupted by absolute power lmao (which is cute of him)
i thought it was also very interesting that in that moment you persuade him, he approves—like even in the heat of the moment, he didnt truly want to forget everything he cared about outside of safety and power. i didnt get an approval notif for him when i helped him go through with it, but it could just be bugged lol. anyway i rly love that that moment shows so clearly how ascending is a decision driven by fear and hunger for power, not by considering what he wants out of life
anyway my unfiltered thoughts:
we know a great deal about astarions wants and fears and desires from his story
- he desires freedom more than anything
- but that's not ALL he desires. it's freedom in abstract, but also freedom to be himself and to have a sense of who he even is in the first place. he know he deeply mourns losing touch with who he was when he was alive
- he fears being controlled by others, but has also never shown desire to control others in return
- he wants real intimacy & partnership and was afraid he couldn't figure out how to do it, how to relate to any of it without being coerced
because of all this, i do think the ascended vampire is more tragic for him. as an individual, he is happier, but as astarion, the person we've been getting to know—his new life doesn't meet his needs any better than the non-ascended version does. he'll talk about being free, but all he wants to do is... subjugate the world? control everyone and everything around him? like since when?
what really stood out to me is this man who LOVED the sun, missed it in the underdark, was amazed by seeing baldurs gate in light, he wants to cover everything in darkness. for his thralls he supposedly cares for (after sacrificing 7,000 of them for this power)
imo he gained a lack of fear and he gained safety, but the other things he wanted he didnt rly get, which i have more thoughts on than i really want to write here
umascended, he is still free, maybe less safe but that safety is in his control now, at least. and he probably could still swing a castle and an eternal lover if he wanted (did he even become a full vampire? i feel like he must have somewhere along the way) ngl.
anyway to sum it up, i love him so much both directions and will follow him around forever like a puppy regardless of what path he takes
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pagesandpothos · 3 days
A Betrayal of Storms by Ben Alderson
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Official Blurb:
With the political intrigue and high heat of A Court of Thorns and Roses and From Blood and Ash, A Betrayal of Storms is perfect for readers who enjoy stories full of magic, romance, and adventure… but with added spice. Half-fey Robin Vale has grown up amongst humans, but that doesn’t save him from being captured for coin by fey hunters. When he’s rescued by a fey princess, he’s taken to Wychwood, the fey realm – where everyone is focused on preparing for war against the humans who hate, hunt, and kill them for coin. Robin doesn’t understand how he fits into the fey’s plans… until he’s revealed to be the lost heir to the Icethorn Court. Aided by the unclaimed, destructive power of the Winter Court, which had been thought destroyed with Robin’s mother’s death, the fey ready their numbers for complete domination of the human realm. But by claiming the throne with the help of his devastatingly handsome personal guard, Erix, Robin’s very presence opposes the long-planned invasion. Along with his allies – including Althea, a stern princess hellbent on stopping the human hunters from killing her kin – Robin is thrust into a world of betrayal, murder, and lies. He must survive long enough to have the choice: listen to fate and claim his family’s power, or let it wreak havoc on a realm that turned its back on him for becoming who he was truly meant to be.
My Thoughts:
A Betrayal of Storms was originally independently published and available through Kindle Unlimited. It, and all later books in the series, were bought by Angry Robot and are now being re-released. I did not read the series when it was originally posted, so I can't give details on any major changes but I did enjoy the book and I think fans of spicy male/male romance books will like it!
The book starts with Robin, our main character who is half-Fey, being kidnapped from his bed in the middle of the night. He quickly learns that his abduction is by an anti-Fey hate group. These first few chapters were surprisingly dark due to this horrifying political climate. Robin is soon saved and taken to Wychwood where the Fey (and other magical beings) live. He learns some life-changing information about his heritage and meets Erix, who will be his new personal guard.
Erix and Robin are immediately drawn to each other and have some fun banter. Erix is mysterious but incredibly protective of Robin - and not just because it's his job. Robin leans on Erix as one of his only trusted allies in a world he doesn't fully understand yet. The two are charming and I thought their dynamic was sweet and steamy.
While their relationship is playing out, there is a big political plot that Erix, Robin, and their friends must navigate. As with the politics in the human world, the politics of the Fae are also pretty dire. The two worlds are at a very dangerous crossroads. Robin is key to either preventing war or watching both of his people descend into bloodshed.
The romance between Robin/Erix is in its early stages in this book, as is the political story. Progress is made on both fronts but it's clear this is just the start of a much bigger story. The ending left me really interested in where the story could be heading in the future. I'm glad that the second book in the series releases so soon!
A Betrayal of Storms is a fast-paced political story woven into a very fun and spicy romance. The story follows some similar beats to other fantasy romances but it's told in a way that I found to be unputdownable. It's perfect for fans of "romantasy" who wish there were more queer options in the genre!
My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Tropes/Tags:  romance, romantasy, Achillean, forced proximity, spicy, slight love triangle
Spice Level: 🌶️🌶️🌶️/5. There are multiple sex scenes that are “Open Door” and explicit.
Content Warnings: Kidnapping, murder/death, political violence
If you liked this I think you will like A Betrayal of Storms: Fans of spicy male/male romance and fans of Ben Alderson's independently published books should love this! I also think anyone who has wanted to see more gay romantasy will be happy to find this.
Other Notes: Ben Alderson has posted some great Robin/Erix art on his Instagram. You can see a few here, here, here, and here.
Links: Storygraph | GoodReads | BenAlderson.com
A Betrayal of Storms will be released on October 22, 2024, and is available for pre-order!
I received an advanced copy of this book for free thanks to NetGalley and Angry Robot. The above are my honest feelings about the book provided.
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justajsworkshop · 13 days
Idk how to phrase this but- I lack faith in myself. It's like I'm always doing something wrong, everytime I notice my desire not being here or if a negative thought pops up. I feel like I am truly getting in my own way. I understand the law to the point I can explain it to a beginner but when it comes to applying it as part of my own practice, I can never seem to trust myself.
Each time I decide to go all in and change my state of being, I am in constant doubt that I'm not doing it right. There is this sinking feeling that I have not successfully changed self. I end up being hyperaware of what I'm feeling. I read other experiences and they talk about this deep knowing that comes when you change your state of being but I don't feel that and I keep checking the outer world (despite knowing that it is a reflection of my past state)
I have been studying Neville and Edward Art for a while now (like 4 years) and I've tried to fulfill the inner man and everything but you might have guessed-nothing changed. I know this is because I didn't change SELF successfully (I don't doubt the law at all). But after such a long time, I'm kinda tired and I just want to escape.
Sorry for this, but I feel incredibly tired now.
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hey, anon. ok, so i have a lot to say on this. you’re welcome to choose an emoji if you wanna keep the convo going. i get the concept of “there’s no one to change but self,” and this is true… to a degree. and to be totally honest with you, i had a very similar experience with edward’s teachings. LOVED his content but struggled in the actual application of it. so, if you haven’t checked out tom’s stuff yet, i highly recommend it. it bridged that gap for me.
here’s my initial thoughts on everything you said:
you’re struggling to change because you think you need to need to change. reality creation, manifesting, shifting, whatever you want to call it isn’t about changing anything; it’s all about choosing. we manifest based on who and what we’re conscious of being, and from everything you’ve said above, you are conscious of being a person who struggles, who doesn’t feel change, who doesn’t get what they want, and who knows the law well but struggles to apply it.
each and every moment is the opportunity for redemption of the self: i.e., to CHOOSE who you want to be. and that’s really what we’re doing with affirming; it’s a proclamation of “i am that i am.”
the limited linear mind is always going to want proof and evidence. that’s ok. you just have to also hold the awareness that you are greater than what you see with your physical senses, as edward talks about in his amazing lecture on organ perception.
the definition of illusion, if you look it up, isn’t about reality vs. unreality. it’s about the fact that things aren’t what they seem. right now, you’re not seeing a full picture of yourself. and you—the greater you, your I AM awareness—already IS perfect, total, unconditional, and absolute fulfillment. there is nothing to change. there is nothing to fix. there’s only the decision to make that you are already that which you desire to be.
tom often quotes a line from the chosen where jesus, your I AM awareness, says, “i don’t need you to feel anything to do great things.” you’re judging your experience as nonfulfillment because you feel crappy inside yourself. but the emotions you feel aren’t who you are. i get wanting the feeling of peace. i really do. but recognize you are not your thoughts, your feelings, or any physical sensations happening within your body.
you are god; the absolute one changeless reality. but that unlimited being has to be filtered through limitation to experience itself (like edward’s talk on god becoming man so man could become god). right now, you’re god filtered through the limited perception of “i am not.”
this experience you’re having, as rotten as it is, is just one option within the infinite ways you can experience yourself. my recommendation would be to drop all judgments of yourself. and when you noticing yourself judging yourself for judging yourself, drop them again. deny the non reality of your nonfulfillment and CHOOSE to be that which you desire to be here and now. even if you feel like shit, choose it anyway. even if you doubt, choose it anyway. if you struggle to believe it’s possible for you, choose it anyway.
doubts are doubts, but i am. feelings are feelings, but i am. appearances are appearances, but i am. your faith may not be perfect, but you are. your belief may not be perfect, but you are. your application and technique may not be perfect, but you are.
if there’s anything to start affirming, i really recommend “i am that i am, and i am perfect.”
because it’s true. you are. remember yourself as you desire to be. judge not by appearances or the seemingly “unchanging past.” judge righteously; judge yourself as you desire to be: perfect, unconditional, and total fulfillment.
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izicodes · 1 year
hii <3 im new to coding and am choosing a career path for me. i want to start building sites i guess but i have a few questions that i cant even find on google! when we build sites for ourselves, is it able to hold unlimited data like photos, videos, etc?
also, for the ppl who make tumblr blogs, do you actually code every single thing in the html bc omg!! that is a lot. thank u sm! im a compsci baby
Hiya! 💗 That’s great you want to start building websites, it’s really fun! I can totally help with answering your questions!
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Now, in terms of holding “unlimited data” such as media like photos, video, files etc, files depends on several factors. Key thing: A hosting provider is just a site that lets you add your website live online for you - they host you site on the web (that’s how I learnt it). Good examples are GitHub pages, Neocites, Vercel etc.
Hosting Services
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The hosting service you choose plays a crucial role in determining the storage capacity of your website. Shared hosting plans often have limitations on disk space and bandwidth, which means there will be a cap on the amount of data you can store for instance Neocities let’s you store up to 1GB of data on their free plan, anything above that and the site won’t work as they don’t have the storage space for you. However, some hosting providers offer larger storage options or even specialized plans for websites with high data requirements - you’ll just have to pay for extra space.
Storage Upgrades
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Like I mentioned briefly above, some hosting providers allow you to upgrade your storage capacity as your website grows. This can involve increasing the storage allocation or transitioning to a higher-tier hosting plan that offers more resources. Be sure to check with your hosting provider for available options and any associated costs. This more geared towards much bigger projects than small personal projects you’re building.
There’s more such as using CDNs (Content Delivery Networks) to create more space in your primary hosting provider but I’m not too familiar to talk about it.
It's worth noting that while these options can provide ample storage, truly "unlimited" data storage doesn't exist in practical terms. Facebook, Instagram, Amazon all have a limit somewhere and they would either pay for more space or figure out a way to storage their large data for less space.
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Coding everything for Tumblr blogs
I think like the most of us on here, we’re too lazy to code everything and would actually install a theme someone else has made. But for the theme creators, they would code everything in HTML, CSS, JavaScript (if necessary) to build the blog because it is a website and the foundation of web development is those basic 3 (if anything, just HTML to be honest).
A lot of copying and pasting and editing the code, but essentially yeah it’s HTML code with CSS styling and JavaScript functionality to make the blog work. They might add frameworks such as Bootstrap and libraries like jQuery if they wanted! I’m not an expert on Tumblr theme building but I have built websites for work and personal projects and that’s how it is in the basics! 😊
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Hope this helps! There’s more to it but this is as far as I know~! 💗
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ginnyw-potter · 2 years
Hello! I understand if you don't want to answer this question. But do you think ginny had sex with dean and when did ginny and garry start doing it?
Sorry for the slow reply on this and most is under a read more because I had a lot to say
I don't think Dean and Ginny had sex tbh and there's several reasons for this. First of all Ginny was only fourteen when they first started dating (start of summer) and she would not immediately be ready for that and by Christmas their relationship is pretty rocky and her interest has wavered so I don't think she'd ever want to take it that far, even if he would have wanted to and Ginny is not one to be talked into anything she doesn't want to do. She also breaks up with him and gets over it fairly quickly so
We also have to consider that Ginny is never truly over Harry and the reason why she starts dating other guys is because Hermione advised her to do so, so she could stop being a bumbling mess around Harry and try to get over him. So while I think she did genuinely like Dean, I don't think she ever had strong feelings for him and not even remotely close to what she felt for Harry and while Ginny tries, she never really gives up hope for Harry to like her back,
Now third reason is I think in Hogwarts, while it is easy to sneak away for a snog, I think finding a place to have sex without being caught is much much harder. The only good places are the Room of Requirement and like the Prefects bathroom. Ginny nor Dean are a Prefect so that's not an option (also I am side-eyeing Professors who very clearly intentionally pick Prefects bc they'd make cute couples and then give them unlimited access to a private bathroom. uuuhmm) and Room of Requirement? I don't think they would have bothered tbh but this is a point I am coming back to with Harry, hang on tight.
So Dean and Ginny having sex? Nah, I sincerely doubt it.
NOW Harry and Ginny. I have already written too much but there is more.
Harry and Ginny spontaneously kiss so clearly in a bodily way they feel quite comfortable with each other from the start. You can also see that in the way that Ginny likes to sit against his legs etc, they kiss each other goodnight... They just like to touch one another.
Ginny has pined after him for so long so I think mentally she'd be ready for sex a lot quicker than with someone else. She was also almost a year older than when she started dating Dean. I actually hc that for a lot of things Ginny took the lead and Harry, very happily, followed along.
Because Harry, well Harry is the guy who doesn't initiate hugs. When Cho kisses him the first time, part of him wants to run away and never talk about. That Harry who is both reserved about touch and a little shy about it, kissed Ginny spontaneously in a room full of people and then instead of freaking out he just invites her for a 'walk' where they may get around to talking about Quidditch?? Like this boy had plans okay. Suddenly all those things are easy, because it's her and he doesn't mind holding hands and she sits in his lap and they kiss and he genuinely wants that. So I think Harry too would be ready for that pretty early on. The only thing holding him back is his concern for making Ginny uncomfortable or hurting her.
That being said, they only dated for a month when they got together. And again as said before, sneaking somewhere for more than a snog is hard (Pun intended)! They did not have many moments together because she had to study, he had detention... So the time they have together is limited and time where they are completely alone is just ... so limited that I think in a month's time you wouldn't get around to more than snogging and some intensive touching (ahum Harry at Bill's wedding where Ginny winks at him for the comment about her cleavage because she wants to tease him and he thinks back to moments on the Hogwarts grounds. Yeah some things happened, but it wasn't sex)
So, the question, when did they start having sex? I think in the early summer after the war. I think they got back together pretty soon after because they just need the comfort and they really missed each other. You see it when they go get Harry from the Dursleys and they wait outside for other people to come back and even broken up they hold hands. They ache for each other okay. And after the war there is grief etc and they would find comfort in each other's arms and then one thing just leads to another because the snogging just gets intenser and intenser every time until they hit that point of having sex quite naturally. Of course they'd both be nervous but they also really trust each other and now that there is nothing holding them back to really freely be with each other I think they get to enjoy it more. It's not rushed or forced through circumstances, they just want to be together
Again, this is my opinion and you are absolutely free to disagree
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boyswanna-be-her · 2 years
If anyone else is finding themselves hungry as hell, cash poor, with no time/ability to cook for themselves, I have found some basic acceptable American fast food that is cheap!
Dominoes will sell you a large pizza for $6.99 right now if you order online and pick it up yourself. It’s honestly a HUGE amount of food. (Pretty sure you can also get like gross wings or a gross salad if you want it for the same price but cmon don’t get those from Dominoes). They also have reasonably priced 2 liters of soda (tho the water is overpriced), if you, like me, love torturing your body with diet soda and tempting the kidneystone gods with your hubris.
A Wendy’s junior bacon cheeseburger is a whole lotta fat and protein for $3.69. Even with my sensory issues lately this has been a good option. Don’t waste any money on drinks here, they are insane.
Panera is running a thing right now where you can subscribe to their unlimited drinks “sip club” and it’s free through the end of the year. It’s normally $11.99/month but I tried it out and you put a payment method on file but they charge you $0 presently (and you can cancel it). VERY wonderful if you walk/drive by a Panera every day. Every two hours you can get a free coffee, hot tea, iced tea, soda, or SPARKLING WATER (that they have sparkling water on tap is truly a revelation for me, they have no idea how much seltzer i can consume if given the chance). Of course the catch is that you have to be ok with getting a drink AND NOTHING ELSE sometimes or you’ll just get sucked in.
They also have more bev options included than most places do entirely, with several flavored iced teas and a whole menu of, inexplicably, caffeinated lemonade. Their bagels are also pretty cheap (99¢ or $1.69 depending on flavor), esp if you don’t buy the individual-serving cream cheeses which are both wasteful and cost as much as or more than the bagel to begin with. Oh and they’ll sell you a turkey sandwich for $5 which is sometimes a relief from the junkier stuff. (their kids menu is cheap and just order ahead and skip your shame)
Taco Bell still sells protein-dense sides like pintos and cheese & bean burritos that are affordable ($1.99 & $1.69, respectively). They’re not much to look at but you really can’t go wrong with refried beans, cheese, and sauce.
I burned myself out on value menu chicken nuggets and cheap double hamburgers at McDonalds but they’re always an option. They have a good value menu and usually are running a promotion with $1 drinks.
Idk if anyone else is in my weird food situation rn, but I drive or walk past these places almost every day that I’m working—sometimes several locations—and having some reliable options is helping me not skip meals out of frustration. I’m honestly over feeling any sort of guilt that I eat like a picky child. I promise I also eat plenty of nutritious food (not gonna lie, I eat a lot of dinner with my parents at home, but they’re great cooks, they make healthy stuff, and they send me off with leftovers). But when it comes to packing myself a lunch, my ISSUES have been getting in the way.
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voskhozhdeniye · 10 months
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This is what vote blue no matter who gets you. The Democrats have chained themselves to a sinking ship with no life boats. When your entire platform is, well at least it's not the other guy,........
My tags on the pinned post are from a post I wrote then deleted.
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Look at how he frames it. Young voters and their disapproval of a genocide, not the Democrats doubling down and refusing to call for a ceasefire is what is going push America over the cliff.
I guess we have reached the stage of late capitalism where we simply acknowledge that this country's dominance is maintained by being as ultra violent as possible. Get in line and accept it, you're either with us or against us.
So back to the impending election, Biden's entire platform is, I'm a better choice than Trump. This is where the vote blue no matter who really fucks you. Trump is the boundary line. As long as Biden doesn't cross those lines, he can always say he's better than Trump. But as we are witnessing, he and company will get as close as they possibly can with out crossing. That way they'll always be the better choice. Not by much, but enough to say they are.
The further the Republicans go right, the further the Democrats can push right along with them, they just can't overtake them.
And that is the situation we are in. Yelling at voters for the failures of their government. Who are you voting for, Genocide Joe or Trump? Third party? Don't throw your vote away!
I said it in 2020, and I will say it again. The ONLY reason liberal whites flock to Joe Biden as their savior is because Trump made them feel like niggers in America. Four years of Trump gave you a taste of what the rest of us have been dealing with, regardless of which party is in control, and y'all said by whatever means we will get Trump out of here. We will vote blue no matter who.
That 2020 post, I wrote it after someone responded to another post of mine. They said they knew Biden had been racist in the past, but we needed to look past that for the health of the country.
I wrote a long essay like this one in responce, but the only thing I truly wanted to write was "got you bitch!"
You were willing to look past Biden's racism, sexism, Harris' transphobia, and a slew of other troubling things to save your ass from Trump. The things they hated about Trump they just glossed over in Biden and Harris, for the good of the country. In the year 2020, they asked us to ignore the racism of a presidential candidate, for the good of the country. LMFAO
I know who follows this blog, so most of you already know what I'm talking about, but I need everyone to take a step back and look.
The lesser of two evils is giving unlimited funding, ammo and no red lines to a state that is committing genocide.
That's the "safe" option to vote for.
You know in Loony Tunes when someone runs off a cliff and keeps running because they don't realize they aren't on solid ground anymore?
This is already too long, but I've been wanting to talk about this and just haven't. Living in Trump country, means I interact with his fans on a daily basis. A lot of my coworkers are either outwardly or quietly supporters. Every time Trump supporters get mentioned on here it's always to highlight how stupid they are. Yes there are some glaring holes in their logic, but there is a method to the madness. They're also all very nice white people who would never consider themselves racist.
Many of them rightly realize this country's government is working against them. They may not know what the term class conscience means, but they have an understanding through life experience. Many vote for Trump because they see him as a wrench in the system. A revolt against the liberalism of Obama, Pelosi and Clinton, and the system that rewards people like them. It makes sense. The problem is that Trump is a fascist, and sells snake oil to desperate people. That's how fascists market themselves to voters. The person with the plan, and a cure for all their problems.
Voters will vote for anyone in order to have a better life. Even a racist, sexist, genocidal maniac. Wait a minute, are we still talking about conservatives and Trump?
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james-smith07 · 20 days
Free vs. Paid VPNs: Which Option Offers Better Security for Anonymous Surfing?
In today’s digital world, where our online privacy is constantly under threat, the need for a VPN (Virtual Private Network) has never been greater. Whether you’re trying to protect your personal data from hackers, avoid targeted ads, or simply browse the internet anonymously, a VPN is your best friend. But with so many options available, you might be wondering: should you opt for a free VPN or invest in a paid one? After all, both claim to keep you secure and anonymous. Let’s explore the key differences between free and paid VPNs and find out which option offers better security for anonymous surfing.
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1. Understanding What a VPN Does
Before diving into the comparison between free and paid VPNs, it’s essential to understand what a VPN actually does. A VPN encrypts your internet connection, making it nearly impossible for anyone to track your online activities. It’s like putting your internet data in a sealed envelope before sending it out, ensuring that no one but the intended recipient can read it. Whether you’re using a free or paid VPN, this basic level of protection is the same.
2. The Appeal of Free VPNs
Who doesn’t love the word “free”? The idea of getting something for nothing is always appealing, and VPNs are no exception. Free VPNs offer a tempting solution for those who want to protect their online privacy without spending a dime. They’re easy to download, require minimal setup, and can provide instant access to geo-restricted content. But is the allure of a free VPN too good to be true?
3. Are Free VPNs Really Free?
Here’s the catch: free VPNs aren’t truly free. While you might not be paying with money, you could be paying with your data. Many free VPN providers make money by collecting and selling your browsing data to third parties. It’s like walking into a store, grabbing something off the shelf, and leaving without paying—only to find out later that the store has sold your personal information to advertisers.
4. Security Concerns with Free VPNs
When it comes to security, free VPNs often fall short. They might offer basic encryption, but they usually lack the advanced security features that paid VPNs provide. This means your data could still be vulnerable to hackers or government surveillance. Using a free VPN is like locking your front door but leaving the windows wide open—it’s better than nothing, but it’s far from secure.
5. Data Logging and Privacy Issues
One of the main reasons people use VPNs is to keep their online activities private. However, many free VPNs log your data, defeating the purpose of using a VPN in the first place. These logs can include your browsing history, IP address, and even your personal information. It’s like hiring a bodyguard who secretly takes notes on everything you do—hardly the privacy protection you’re looking for.
6. Speed and Bandwidth Limitations
Free VPNs often come with speed and bandwidth limitations, which can be frustrating if you’re trying to stream videos or download large files. Paid VPNs, on the other hand, typically offer faster speeds and unlimited bandwidth. Using a free VPN is like driving on a congested highway during rush hour, while a paid VPN gives you access to the fast lane.
7. The Advantages of Paid VPNs
While free VPNs have their drawbacks, paid VPNs offer a more comprehensive and reliable solution. When you pay for a VPN service, you’re investing in your online security and privacy. Paid VPNs typically offer stronger encryption, a wider range of servers, and better customer support. It’s like paying for a premium service that ensures your online experience is smooth, secure, and worry-free.
8. Enhanced Security Features in Paid VPNs
Paid VPNs come with advanced security features that free VPNs simply can’t match. These include things like a kill switch, which automatically disconnects your internet if the VPN connection drops, and DNS leak protection, which ensures your data isn’t exposed even if there’s a technical issue. It’s like having a home security system that not only locks the doors but also monitors every entrance and exit.
9. No-Logs Policies: Why They Matter
A no-logs policy is a commitment from a VPN provider that they won’t store any information about your online activities. This is crucial for maintaining your privacy, and it’s a feature that many paid VPNs offer. When you use a VPN with a strict no-logs policy, you can browse the internet knowing that your data isn’t being stored or sold to third parties. It’s like using a shredder to destroy any record of your online activities.
10. Customer Support and Reliability
Another advantage of paid VPNs is the level of customer support they provide. If you run into any issues, you can usually count on 24/7 support from a knowledgeable team. Free VPNs often lack this level of service, leaving you to troubleshoot problems on your own. With a paid VPN, it’s like having a dedicated team of experts ready to help you out whenever you need it.
11. The Importance of Choosing the Right VPN
Not all VPNs are created equal, and it’s important to choose one that meets your specific needs. Whether you’re looking for the fastest speeds, the most secure connection, or the best customer support, there’s a VPN out there for you. Take the time to research different options and read reviews from other users. Remember, a VPN is an investment in your online security, so choose wisely.
12. Cost vs. Value: Is a Paid VPN Worth It?
While free VPNs might save you money upfront, they often come with hidden costs, such as compromised security and privacy. Paid VPNs offer better protection and more features, making them a worthwhile investment. It’s like buying insurance—you’re paying for peace of mind, knowing that your online activities are secure.
13. Common Misconceptions About VPNs
There are several misconceptions about VPNs that might deter people from using them. Some believe that VPNs are only for tech-savvy individuals, while others think they’re illegal. In reality, VPNs are legal in most countries and are designed for anyone who wants to protect their online privacy. They’re easy to use and accessible to everyone, regardless of technical skill.
14. Making the Right Choice for Your Needs
When deciding between a free and paid VPN, consider what’s most important to you—whether it’s speed, security, or ease of use. If you’re serious about protecting your online privacy, a paid VPN is the better option. It offers more features, better security, and greater peace of mind. However, if you’re on a tight budget or only need a VPN for occasional use, a free VPN might be sufficient.
15. Conclusion: Free vs. Paid VPNs—Which Is Better?
In the debate between free and paid VPNs, the answer ultimately comes down to your needs and priorities. If you’re looking for basic protection and don’t mind some limitations, a free VPN might work for you. But if you want the best security, privacy, and performance, investing in a paid VPN is the way to go. In the end, your online privacy is worth the investment. After all, in today’s digital age, you can never be too careful.
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