#when the music just clicks
beelzzzebub · 8 months
dream job - choir director </3
all this to say that if i could bring the vision behind all that singular joy. i think it would literally make my entire life.
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kimtaegis · 2 months
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LILACS BY THE SEA a music collection curated for @cordiallyfuturedwight Lilacs (Kayla) Playlist • Sea (Seokjin) Playlist song notes
cr. mahoneysuga, rawpixel, bts-trans, Diana Zviedrienė
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sgdlr-asdfghjkl · 7 months
Link Click Musical content part 48
(news first)
Encore Musicals uploaded teaser photos and behind the scenes video with new actors (for all 5 roles)🌟 New cast members are supposed to join by the end of December (link to the video in replies).
I don't think there were any performances held in the past few days. I saw comments asking Encore Musicals to 'release the schedule'. So I'm guessing they are on some sort of break to reorganise.
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Xiaoshi actor has a really nice hair, he won't need a wig for this one
I haven't seen their names announced anywhere yet. But yea, those are photos from the 接着奏乐接着舞Musicals* weibo.
*Fyi, I saw it translated as 'Encore Musicals' so I'll be using this name from now on.
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I don't care much about this announcement (I'd rather they post official lyrics or a stage videos and pics) but that's the news I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Lesgo look at Wang Minhui and the gang, shall we?
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I feel so much better already 😌
⬇Wu Yihan and Shu Rongbo
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Bye bye~
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scarefox · 16 days
idk with all the discourse about who's allowed to sing and who not, I feel like a lot of people forgot why humans sing in the first place, where singing comes from culturally...
Especially the Thai culture and fandom reminded me of that you do not have to be a perfect singer to have fun with each other. Singing is originally a fun or emotional activity to share vibes with your group, village, tell stories. (side note: the pagan folk genre is basically also a good witness of the past in that regard)
The whole Thai actor fan meeting and concert habit seems to be a very Thai culture thing just mixed with pop culture and capitalism.
Observing the Thai folks I see at my local yearly Thai festival, they are very similar. They still party hard even if the singer is not that good. They constantly go to the stage to slip the singers some money or gifts, request them to sing certain songs.
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kaeyapilled · 7 months
extremely silly but the paimon barrier scares me so bad. the weird dark screen paired with the little anime voice. instant unsettled feeling
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spaceratprodigy · 3 months
5 Songs, 3 Outfits
Thanks for the tag @captastra 💖💕
Rules: Post 5 songs associated with your OC, followed by 3 outfits they would wear
[ Note: Flashing Warning since I'm including links to music videos. Click links at your own risk. ]
• Autoclave – The Mountain Goats
And I am this great, unstable mass of blood and foam
And no emotion that's worth having could call my heart its home
• Chop Suey! – System of a Down
Father, into your hands I commend my spirit
Father, into your hands
Why have you forsaken me?
• In Your Eyes – Peter Gabriel
I get so tired of working so hard for our survival
I look to the time with you to keep me awake and alive
• Magnum Bullets – Night Runner
Running in shoes that shine
With blood that isn't mine
A stinging trophy of the battles I've survived
• Starlight Brigade – TWRP
When I look up at the sky, what meets my eyes?
Can I just stand by while the world dies?
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No Pressure Tags: @darkfire1177 @hibernationsuit @bokatan @bleumanouche
open tag to anyone who wants to jump in!
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wavetapper · 7 months
my tumblr fake hipster admission is im not a big noise music guy for the same reason im not super into ambient. i like something resembling a beat tbh
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daddy-ul · 8 days
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It's not that I don't know it, it's my brain that refuse to compute the information
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itspileofgoodthings · 16 days
tags continued from prev post.
#and all of this is true while it is ALSO true that her songs age incredibly well#even debut or random soundtrack songs or endgame#whatever song people try to put on the worst Taylor songs list NEVER QUITE BELONGS#it doesn’t feel right. and to some extent occasionally in mercurial flashes I feel the same about her BEST songwriting list#I can never rank anything of hers ever because she can write better than she has written#if anything finds her own songwriting dead it’s what her future self will be able to achieve#and I think sometimes even the public can SENSE this about her and it’s part of why people are sooooo hard on her in a brutal way#and in a way they never are with other artists. who have reached the limits of their potential#Taylor has not reached the limits —that’s the simple way of saying it#in some way she is still figuring out the artist she is going to be#and I really do think that it is going to be absolutely astonishing#because in some ways (this is going to sound crazy) she is still distracted by her success and her tour#she’s NOT but I mean. the canon hasn’t been fully set free#there are still somehow things holding her back#and we’ve watched her outstrip so much of those early confines that fame and the business of the music industry strapped around her#we’ve seen her say ‘that doesn’t apply to me’#but actually she’s going to and she needs to and I believe she WILL continue to move into rarefied air#my mom helped me give me the final piece of this feeling (and it’s just a deep gut intuition/brain chemical thing for me)#when she said one day almost in mild exasperation: maybe one day Taylor will grow into a Dolly Parton#and something CLICKED#in my brain. and I don’t agree with my mom in terms of her non-interest in Taylor (as much as it has pained me to do so)#I think she’s worth loving and paying attention to now#but that gap that exists between people who love her and people who don’t (full time haters internet trolls do not interact)#I think it’s going to close with time as her work stretches out and out and grows and changes#like I think by the end of her career we are going to have something so astonishing#and to loop it back for a second to a previous thought. I think that’s why sometimes a taylor song can sound disjointed to me. because it#will hit the Depths of the Depth for a second. it will transcend and then it will go back to merely being an excellent pop song#those flashes are everywhere in her work but I think she is going to work and hone them into being conductors of light in a more steady way#the older she gets. does this sound INSANE. idk sometimes I think it does and then sometimes I think it DOESNt. so who knows. but yeah#it’s hard to say because I know it will read as more critical of Taylor than I mean it to be. when really I mean it with so much awe
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kebriones · 4 months
Some art is about just experiencing something you haven't before. Some art just wants you to sit there for 2 or 20 or 35 or 150 minutes and experience what is happening without a meaning or other purpose beyond the experience itself. By the way. And sometimes the outcome is that you learn how to exist in that state of experiencing, because it forced you into it once and it clicked in your brain, and then in your day to day life you might again access that state of just experiencing. Standing and watching the sunset with the sound of traffic all around you and just experiencing that. Not even necessarily enjoying it, not getting anything more out of it than what it is. Idk.
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 3 months
i love metal music so much i love the intensity i love when music is dramatic
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minakoaiinos · 3 months
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pictureswithboxes · 2 years
One thing I love a lot about the aa anime is how they designed the prosecution’s offices. Like. They really sat down and said “these assholes work in a palace”
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vkeistems · 8 months
Thank you, Atsushi Sakurai. For everything.
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parasolids · 25 days
one time at work someone described my music taste as “wrist cutting music”, and i mentioned this on a burner twitter when i was replying to someone’s tweet about being accused of playing “killing yourself music” at a party. anyways someone asked me to link my playlist and i did and like 11 people saved it and i don’t know what to do with that
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mackmp3 · 7 months
my dads old ipod which tragically no longer works has a really clicky button which i have been clicking for the last like. 45 minutes
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