#when the FUCK did it get past 10 pm and why am I hungry I ate dinner :
trying to pack up all my everything for while I’m living out of the country for an unknown number of years. in case my parents move and also so even if they don’t they can use this space that was my room. good idea. but anyway I am experience so many emotions
I just did this too when I “moved out” for college and there was that whole “misunderstanding” where my mom like. Semi accidentally kicked me out? that was so weird but anyway I took Literally Everything to my college apartment. Only to move it back in two years later. And anyway I cut down on some shit then but I acquired more shit since (thanks to getting stuff from when my grandparents moved in with my aunt) and anyway now I have to put everything I own into bins and I keep going back and forth between so tempted to toss so much out - I don’t care about this lamp or this clipboard or this cookbook or this stapler I can replace it - and keeping like. My recorder music book from fourth grade. The cup I’ve kept my pencils in since I was. Six? Five? That I decorated with silly foam. An Italian-English dictionary. A Spanish-English dictionary. An English dictionary.
anyway the truth is my mom bought a lot of these plastic bins and I just need to fill them carefully up with stuff and it’s fine if that stuff is nostalgic miscellany or if it’s ultimately useless that’s for me to worry about eventually if I’m ever like. Not bouncing around from place to place renting forever. Or even if I am so long as that bouncing around is back here in the US
also shoot did I put the Italian English dictionary in the goodwill bin I actually really want that. I’ve never learned Italian.
I swear I’m not that attached to stuff and like I don’t collect things (well I do now collect postcards but like. they don’t take up a lot of stuff) but once I have something I fucking keep it. I stuck Harold (the plastic skeleton) and Isolde (the fake spider) in the goodwill bin too
(the goodwill bin I mention is still in my room. I can retrieve these things. I think I’ve sold myself on keeping the dictionary. I might… see if I can bequeath Harry and Isolde to a good home.)
(This would all be much better if I could give my random beloved crap to people personally rather than sending it to a second hand shop. Like when I got rid of most of my YA books I gave them to a 12 year old I knew. And right now I am giving some books to friends at least. But again some of this stuff is like. A broken jewelry box. My kindergarten music class glockenspiel that’s missing the smallest … bar? key? note? noise making metal thingy.)
(Speaking of which can I interest anyone in a copy of Moby-Dick? It turns out I had two. I’m keeping the one I originally read it in, I plan to read that book again multiple times in my life, but I really don’t need two. It doesn’t have a cool cover or anything but it is a nice hardcover book)
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keefwho · 2 years
November 22 - 2022
8:29 AM
I’m eager to find more things to DO that are unique and engaging. Like fanfic reading streams or maybe some kind of event hosting group. Anything that isn’t me doing the same things alone in my room. There isn’t much to do in real life around where I am so I’m stuck with online connections but it should be enough to me. Maybe I could find things kind of naturally if I just put myself out there more like I used to. I used to advertise everything I did somewhere so I could fit into the right spaces but for awhile I’ve been keeping to myself. A good example would be my avatar work. Basically no one knows I even do it aside from friends and some shygal enthusiasts. 
I guess I already have some things to do, like work on my VR world or learn how to play guitar. If I do the VR world right, it should be a very social experience. Maybe I could get more people then I think to want a statue in the world. Maybe it could actually become a place people wanna hang out or put their art. It would be neat to maintain a world like that. 
The guitar thing would probably be a solo activity but very interesting to learn. I’d like to be able to play the songs I like just for fun. 
10:20 AM
Tummy is still fucky and it’s actually a little weird but no cause for alarm yet. My main concern is getting work done because I’d much rather let my body relax and heal. I am still a day ahead so I could do it but then I wouldn’t be a day ahead anymore. I figure I’ll try my best to get things done. It shouldn’t be too bad today. And hopefully I’ll feel better in a bit anyways. 
Unlike in the past, I try to deal with it and get cozy until it’s over instead of worrying about it getting worse and desperately trying to feel better. I accept I kinda feel like shit right now because I know it’ll go away and I’ll feel better eventually. Its a good excuse to shake myself of unneeded obligations and really cozy up. 
12:35 PM
I hate to do it but I’m taking a break today. I just physically need the rest. I don’t know why my tummy is acting like this right now but it’s annoying. Maybe I should start tracking these events so if I end up seeing a specialist, I’ll have something to give them. Might also help for my own knowledge too. 
1:13 PM
This fucking sucks. I cant even consider much happening to even be “abnormal”, Its just making me feel BAD. I want it to stop. Maybe I ate something off??? But what could it have been? Everything I’ve eaten has a very very low chance of being spoiled. Its also been gentle foods. Why the fuck is my body reacting like this? I guess it could be the cheese I ate but I never expect it to get THIS bad. 
11:41 PM
My stomach started feeling better around 5pm. I even felt genuinely hungry which is uncommon. I mean wholesome, tummy rumbling hungry. I ate a can of beanie weenies and some french fries. The beans were weird to me, they were way more bland than I remember which was kind of weirding me out. But is exactly the kind of thing I need to stop. I’ve made the conscious effort to not overthink this. The can was fine, the smell and texture were fine. My taste buds were probably just thrown off by the salty fries, especially considering the first bite didn’t taste weird to me. I guess I’m still overthinking it but the goal is to accept the truth and move on. I don’t want to stress over dumb shit like this. 
12:44 AM
Minor traumatic memory time. I remember age 5 when I was in a North Carolina courthouse while my parents were fighting for custody over me. I remember being largely alone for it, I was sitting outside the room they were doing it in. I remember it was high up and I would look out the window. My memory paints it as much higher than it probably was. I remember it like a skyscraper but realistically it might have been a 3rd or 4th floor. I remember looking at the brick ledge outside the window wishing I could be a bug out there, seemingly unreachable by anything else. Who would bother an insect tucked away in some bricks on the side of a wall so high up?
I remember wanting to be put with my dad which wouldn’t have been a good thing but I didn’t know that because I was a kid. I felt so helpless because I was told by him that all I had to do was go into the room and say I wanted to be with him but I was far too afraid. I know now it probably wouldn’t have done much considering the horrible case my father had, but my child mind made me think I was failing him and myself. I feel such sorrow at this memory and wonder how it might have shaped me as a person. I think when memories have such an important nostalgic feeling, it must mean they played a very big part in my mental development. I figure that the reason they still feel so strongly is because I still feel that way today about a lot of things. I still feel like I fail myself and others because of my fear of doing things that need to be done. I also feel like it won’t matter in the end since everything is outside of my control so why should I try anyways? 
Logically I know what’s in my control and what I should be doing to improve myself so there’s no real problem here. Just me talking to myself really. I just had this memory again and wanted to break it down a little. 
I still wish I could be that bug sometimes. Maybe with a friend there though. A couple little bugs high up someplace where no one will bother them. 
0 notes
tpwkjerii · 3 years
strawberry kisses
you and felix have a longstanding tradition of baking the day after finals. usually, it’s the best method of relaxing after long hours of studying. unfortunately, you find yourself rather tense this time — after all, it’s always fun to spend an entire day in a cramped kitchen with your crush, isn’t it?
pairing: lee felix x reader
warnings: fluff and kissing, mild angst, reader likes strawberries (sorry if you’re allergic skdlsd), ex boyfriend (but supportive bestie) minho, reader has low self confidence :(, like two curse words, kisses!!
genre: friends to lovers au, kinda idiots to lovers, mutual pining
word count: 2.9k+
a/n: short fic for Felix hehe
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Your eyes glazed over as you reviewed the last response of your final exam of the term. After two long hours of plugging equations you hardly understood into your nearly-dead calculator and speed-writing to the point where you’re sure you’ve bruised your dominant hand, you finally finished. At lightning speed, you gathered your exam papers and submitted them at the front with a quick prayer to the universe.
A few other students followed your rushed pace out of the large lecture hall, all of you eager to finally get out of the stuffy room.
As you stepped out of the packed hall and into the cooling outdoors, you checked your phone, which was filled with texts from the one person you were trying desperately to get out of your head (and miserably failing at that).
felix (strawberry head) <3
5:23 PM
did you finish your chem final ???
hyunjin and i just submitted our video for our dance performance
your editing was very good btw :D
5:35 PM
y/nnnnn you’re taking forever :(
we’re waiting at the quad for you !!
5:40 PM
*i am waiting at the quad for you
the others got too hungry and left, but i’m waiting for you!
pls hurry it’s cold :[
You bit back a laugh at his texts, his heartwarming tone filling you with a familiar fuzzy feeling. You pushed the feeling aside as you texted a reply.
5:43 PM
be there in 2 :D
You stifled a smile as you rushed towards the quad. Soon enough, you saw Felix and his bright, red-dyed hair (you first noted that it closely resembled a strawberry). The moment your eyes met his, you felt your heart skip a beat and heat spread across your face. This was the common reaction you’ve had for the past few months whenever you see Felix.
He rushed over to you with a giddy smile and his arms outstretched. Quickly, he barrelled into you and pulled you into a tight embrace.
“You took so long,” he whined, his chest vibrating as he spoke.
“I know, I know. ‘M sorry,” you responded, your voice slightly muffled by his shirt. You took a second to enjoy his hold and the comforting warmth that Felix always provided you whenever he was near. Over the past few years, you’ve grown accustomed to the scent of his sweet floral perfume, the feeling of his tight hugs, and the way he played with your fingers when he was bored.
All the things you were fond of were now extreme nuisances in your life. Not because they were annoying or because you disliked Felix, but rather the complete opposite; you were completely, helplessly, and foolishly in love with him.
“You ready to go?” Felix asked suddenly, breaking you out of your thoughts. He brought his arms down from around you, and you looked down at the ground as you nodded, hoping that he didn’t see the intense blush that was spreading from your face to your neck.
You are so fucked for tomorrow.
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After an entire night of tossing and turning in anxiety, the next day finally arrived. To say you were nervous was a massive understatement.
The minute you woke up, you began to anxiously clean your apartment while your roommate Ryujin laughed at you. As you wiped down every visible crevice, she made sure to pester you about a “missed spot” or tempt you with sweets.
“You’ve never cleaned this much whenever Felix came over before,” she pointed out with a laugh while you wiped down the kitchen counters for the fourth time.
“What do you mean?” you asked, your voice uncharacteristically high-pitched.
Ryujin scoffed. “It is so obvious that you like Felix, there’s no point in lying to me,” she stated bluntly.
Your hand froze mid-wipe on the counter. You looked over at your blue-haired roommate nervously. “Is it really… that obvious?”
“Yes,” she deadpanned.
You winced and dropped your head onto the smooth stone countertop. “Do you think he’s noticed?” you moaned into your arms.
“If he hasn’t, I will personally pay for his glasses prescription.”
You whined again as you lifted your head up to look directly at Ryujin. “If he’s noticed then why hasn’t he said anything?”
She stood up as she answered, “Not sure but you could always ask him today.”
Your mouth dropped in horror at the suggestion. “I can’t tell him how I feel! That would completely ruin our friendship!”
“So you’d rather continue tip-toeing around him and never get a clear answer?” she questioned, her arms crossed.
Ryujin sighed and started to collect her things. “You can do whatever you want,” she started as she placed her papers in her backpack, “but I recommend you tell him soon.” She stood up and headed for the door. Just before opening it and leaving you alone with your thoughts until Felix arrived, she turned around and said, “I won’t be home until late, have fun.” With that, she winked and walked out of your shared apartment.
You scoffed at her suggestive tone and stood upright to check the time.
10:08 AM
You gasped. Felix said he was going to arrive at 10:30, but knowing him he would be at least 15 minutes early, meaning you only had 7 minutes to get yourself together!
You cursed and rushed to your bedroom. Switching out of your wrinkled pajamas, you opted for a random hoodie you grabbed out of your closet and jeans. After you changed, you made a beeline for the bathroom and fixed your appearance. You quickly brushed through your hair and washed your face, hoping you removed all remnants of your restless sleep.
Just as you predicted, you heard four distinctive knocks on your front door right at 10:15.
“Coming!” you exclaimed as you rushed out of your bathroom.
Right before you opened the front door, you placed a hand on your beating heart and mumbled words of encouragement to yourself. Then, after deciding that you were probably taking too long, you pulled the door open.
Immediately, Felix, covered in a large hoodie and arms filled with large bags of baking ingredients, greeted you with a large grin. Like every other time, you felt your heart skip a beat when you made eye contact with him.
“Hi,” you said simply, a smile on your face.
“Hi,” he responded. He looked you up and down, asking, “Are you wearing my hoodie?” 
You paled and looked down at the large pink hoodie, immediately recognizing it as the one that Felix lent you almost one year ago when he dropped you off at the airport since you forgot yours in the car. Once you got back from your trip, you’d forgotten to give it back to him.
“O-oh,” you stuttered, looking down at the oversized sleeves. “I didn’t even realize,” you continued awkwardly. “You can ha -”
“It’s fine,” he cut you off, the smile never leaving his face. He shrugged. “You look better in it anyways.”
Your mouth dropped and you found yourself unable to respond for a few moments. Felix laughed at your dumbfoundedness and gently pushed you aside to walk into the apartment. Once he set the bags down on the kitchen counters, you returned to your senses and closed the door to walk over to him.
“So, what are we making today?” you asked, trying to keep your voice as level as possible. It wasn’t an easy task to do, considering his proximity to you.
You held your breath as he grabbed your hands and looked into your eyes. “What’s your favorite fruit?” he asked excitedly.
“Er, strawberries?” you answered, tilting your head to the side in mild confusion.
At that, Felix let go of your hands and quickly pulled out a carton of fresh strawberries from one of the bags. You gasped in delight at the sight of the bright fruit and immediately thanked him.
“It’s no big deal,” he responded while sliding the fruits into the fridge. “I’m gonna eat most of the tarts and choco strawberries anyways,” he added with a sneaky laugh.
You scoffed. “You always say that but you always end up giving me the most.” You smirked at him while taking out the baking materials.
“I don’t give it to you,” he countered. “You steal them.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” you told him with a sing-song tone. He laughed from your side, and you swore that you heard actual sparkles, as if he were a fairy, when he did.
You cleared your throat, hoping to rid your mind of distracting thoughts that could be potential problems during the next seven hours that Felix would be at your apartment. “So, master chef Felix,” you started, lowering your voice like a TV show announcer. “What are you going to do first?”
“Well, my fair announcer,” he began, holding up the silicon whisk like a microphone. “I think we should start with preparing the shortbread dough, what about you?”
“Ah, you are the chef. Lead the way,” you responded with a wide smile.
You both laughed together and actually began the baking. Like usual, Felix did most of the work while you played music and assisted from the side. You worked together seamlessly, and soon enough the shortbread cookies were done and strawberry jam cooling to the side.
While you taste-tested the jam, Felix began to whisk the melted chocolate, and you took this time to admire him. You stood at his side, allowing you to admire his side profile.
Felix was easily one of the most beautiful individuals you ever laid your eyes on. But his appearance wasn’t the only part you fell for — he was one of the few people whose inside beauty matched their outside beauty.
Felix was kind, funny, optimistic, and just about every positive adjective you could find in a dictionary. After every failed test, he was there with a cup of strawberry ice cream and a shoulder to cry on. When you landed your first job, he was there to celebrate with you even when your own family wasn’t. And when you and Minho mutually broke up, he was there to give you advice as you coped with the end of your first relationship.
How could you not fall for him?
And sometimes you had the feeling that he liked you back. The touches that would linger for just a few seconds too long, the soft smiles that Chan claimed he only ever gave to you, and his late-night texts all spurned a tiny hopeful fire in you that kept your crush alive.
No matter how many times you tried to get over him and convince yourself that your crush didn’t exist, the tiny voice in your head still spoke. “But what if he likes you back?”
Now, as Felix stood by your side with a soft smile on his face while he whisked the chocolate, that voice screamed louder than ever.
And just as you gained a sliver of courage, the same paralyzing thoughts that have held you back for the past few months returned.
Felix was out of your league in every way. He was social and easily commanded the attention of an entire room with so much as two words. His outward beauty matched his insides, and everyone on campus reached a collective agreement that if angels ever existed and walked among us — Lee Felix was certainly one of them.
And those things were only the tip of the iceberg that is Felix. He was talented, sensitive, supportive, passionate, and everything you could ever ask for and then some.
You then thought back to all the people he rejected - kindly, of course - and how you matched up to them. If Felix didn’t choose to go out with all those beautiful and talented people, what on Earth made you think you would choose you?
At this point, Felix picked up on your sudden silence and how your breaths grew heavy and uneven.
“Are you… alright?” he asked carefully, his own chest beating heavily.
You stared at him, panicked that he caught onto your apprehension. “Um…” you started, trailing off as you met his gaze.
Felix let go of the whisk and grabbed your hands. “You can say whatever you need to.”
“I uh,” you started after a few moments, internally battling yourself to gain courage as you realized that it’s now or never. “I kinda like you,” you admitted quietly, looking down at your intertwined hands anxiously. You waited for him to pull his hand away in disgust and start to kindly reject you like he did to all those other people, but it never came. After a few seconds, his hands still the entire time, you looked up at him with glassy eyes in confusion.
“What?” he finally said, his deep voice softer than ever.
You looked back down at your hands shamefully. “Do I really have to repeat it?” you asked weakly. “I like you, Felix. I have for the past few months and it’s been driving me insane because it feels like my heart’s about to stop dead whenever I see you and I can never think straight when you’re with me. Apparently, it’s been pretty obvious and I really tried my best to get over it so it wouldn’t hurt our friendship.
“Trust me, I really wanted to get over it but I couldn’t, and I know you don’t like me back so it’s ok. I can deal with it on my own and you can just leave a -”
“Y/N,” Felix said suddenly, his voice firm. You looked up, tears rolling down your face as you were sure that he was about to reject you.
“Felix please don’t interrupt me. At least let me finish what I have to say,” you pleaded softly, removing your hands from his.
“Y/N,” he repeated, his voice much gentler. He carefully wiped the tears from your face and took your hands into his again. “Can I say something before you finish?” he requested.
You choked back a sob as you nodded, certain that he was just going to let you down kindly.
“I like you too, Y/N,” he said shyly, a blush spreading across his freckled face.
Your entire body froze.
“I was too scared to admit it because I didn’t think you liked me back,” he continued, the words slowly registering in your mind. “To be honest, I thought you still liked Minho.”
You blushed at his words, thinking back to all the times you would pull Minho, your ex-boyfriend, to the side to talk about Felix these past few months. You didn’t realize how it must have looked to Felix or your other friends.
“I was also… afraid of ruining our friendship, so I’ve just kept it to myself the past two years.”
You gaped at him. “Two years?” you sputtered, causing him to laugh at the way your eyes widened comically. “That’s when we first started uni!”
He shrugged. “What can I say? I was instantly attracted to the way you fought Chan on why you should be allowed to keep the minifridge in your dorm,” he joked.
You blushed at the embarrassing memory, although it wasn’t completely regrettable as it was how you met most of your current friends — including Felix.
“I’m surprised,” you voiced simply. “I didn’t think you would ever like me back.” You breathed out, your muscles relaxing instantly.
Felix grinned again and he moved slowly to envelop you in his arms. He rested his hands on the small of your back and his head on the crook of your shoulder.
“Does this mean that I can take you out on a date?” he whispered.
“Will you promise to stop taking unflattering pictures of me and sending them to me in the middle of the night?” you asked, your head resting against his and arms around him.
He sighed. “Fine,” he answered reluctantly with a whine.
“Then sure,” you responded and pulled your head back to meet his eyes. His eyes shined from the sunlight pouring through the windows and his freckles glimmered like stars across a canvas. Felix was truly beautiful inside and out.
“You have some strawberry jam on your lip,” he said after a few silent moments where you both admired each other.
“Really?” you asked. Your hand moved from his back towards your face, but Felix caught your hand in midair and returned it to its original position.
“I’ll get it,” he murmured with a gentle smile before closing the distance between your lips.
You held your breath as he pressed his soft lips against yours. You instantly recognized the strawberry chapstick he uses and the taste of the shortbread cookies. He swiped his tongue against the corner of your lip, and the sudden sensation caused a shiver to run down your spine.
You brought your hand up to his hair and gently tugged at his dyed locks. Felix brought you closer to him and massaged your back as he deepened the kiss.
When you finally pulled away, your face was burning red and you were completely breathless. Felix was smiling giddily, his arms still around yours.
“I think there’s still some jam left,” he told you, not even giving you a second to respond before he pressed his lips against yours once again. This kiss was much more playful than the last as you giggled against each other in the kiss.
“Did you get it all?” you asked him, your voice reduced to a murmur as he continued kissing your lips.
He hummed, kissing you once and twice in between, before responding, “I don’t think so.”
You laughed against his lips. “Well, I guess you better get it all. I can’t have strawberries stuck on my lips all day.”
He laughed with you, and true to his words, he eventually did get all the strawberry jam off (an extra two hours and an uncountable amount of kisses later).
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me4gumi-moved · 4 years
I’m Not Angry Anymore
Rating: General Audiences
Pairing: Yagi Toshinori x Daughter!Reader
Warning(s): Shitty Parenting, Angst, Some Strong Language, (Kinda) Child Abandonment
Song: Interlude: I’m Not Angry Anymore by Paramore
Note: This is a counterpart to @kozumeizuku ‘s Twisted
“(Y/N), I’d like for you to meet Midoriya Izuku.” Your father gestured to a 4 year old with freckles and curly green hair. He looked nervous. You walked up to him with a big toothy grin on your face and held your hand out to him,
“Hi, ‘Zuku! I’m (Y/N)!” Your smile didn’t waver as you saw him creep back a little bit.
Your dad pat your head, “Midoriya here is a little shy. His classmates are not very nice to him because he’s quirkless.” You nodded your head in understanding, releasing a small “oh.”
You took a step back from the boy, “I’m sorry your classmates are meanies, Zuku. I like you, though, so don’t listen to them!”
That’s when it all started, you remember. You started to see your dad less and less after you met Midoriya Izuku. At the time, you didn’t understand why, but as you got older it became clear. The blond adult was spending time with Midoriya, training him and being a father figure to him. He used to do that with you, but you’d been replaced. 12 years later and now the two of you were strangers.
You ran up to your father when he got inside the house, a drawing in your hands. You’d drawn him and you wanted to surprise him with it. “Daddy, look!” You hadn’t even pulled the picture out from behind your back when he stopped you. 
“I’m sorry, baby, but I’m about to head back out. I’ll look at it later, okay?” He ruffled your (h/c) hair and gave you one of his big smiles. You nodded sadly. You’d really wanted to show it to him right then. You whispered a soft “okay” before turning around and going to the kitchen. Normally you weren’t allowed in there and you had to ask your live-in nanny or your father to get you what you wanted but you didn’t feel like asking.
You put your drawing on top of the table used for prepping food and walked up to the fridge. That’s where you saw it -- a crude drawing of your father signed “Izuku”. In a flash of anger you grabbed your own drawing and ripped it up into tiny pieces. “(Y/N), (Y/N)! What wrong, sweetheart?” Your nanny, Saki, walked in on you in the middle of your tantrum. You wailed and held your arms out to her and she scooped you up into her comforting arms. She looked down at your ruined drawing and at the one on the fridge. Oh, she would be having a word with your father when she saw him next.
11 years had passed and you still remembered that moment. If you remembered correctly, that was the last time you’d drawn him something.
“Oh, darling, I’m sure he’s just running a little late.” “He must be stuck in traffic.” “Don’t you worry your sweet little head, he’ll be here.” “You know what your daddy says, don’t you? I am here! And he will be, alright?”
That’d been hours ago. The cooks, the maid, the butler, the nanny -- they’d all assured you that your father would make good on his promise. He’d promised to spend the day with you -- to go see a movie and get lunch. That was at 10:00 AM, it was now 6:00 PM.
You sat at the table in the kitchen, lazily moving the spoon in your chicken noodle soup around. It’d long since gotten cold. “Would you like me to heat it back up for you, little lady?” One of the cooks asked you. Mr. Yuji was nice -- he always slipped you snacks while the others weren’t looking. He’d been here since before you were born. He was wrinkly and his hair had thinned out with age. He was like a grandpa to you. “Or do you want something else?”
You pushed the bowl over to him, “No...‘m not really hungry.” You folded your arms on the table and rested the side of your head on them. Mr. Yuji put a hand to your forehead, checking your temperature.
“Your temperature seems normal. Are you sure you’re not hungry, missy?” He smoothed back your hair. You nodded silently. You were tired, sad, and disappointed. It ruined your appetite. He took the bowl off the table and poured its contents out into the sink, “Alright, well if you get hungry in the middle of the night, let me know. I’ll make you something.”
The swinging door to the kitchen opened but you didn’t bother to look at who it was. You recognized your father’s heavy footsteps, “Hey, baby. What are you...doing?” Before he could finish speaking, you hopped down from the bar stool, walked around him, and left the kitchen. As you walked away, you could hear him ask Mr. Yuji something. “Is she okay?”
You think that was when you’d stopped asking to spend time with your father. 7 years had passed and you could still feel the emotions your 11 year old self had gone through that day.
Your fists were clenched, your face towards the ceiling, and your lips pressed into a thin line. You were fighting back tears. You were tired. You were tired of this. You were tired of broken promises. You were tired of being second best. It was your 16th birthday, and your father missed it because of him. “What’s the matter, sweetie?” Your father had the nerve to ask. You clenched your jaw.
“What’s wrong?” You copied. “What’s wrong?!” You looked at him, the hot tears already running at a steady pace down your cheeks. “What’s wrong is that you missed my fucking birthday! Again! That’s 10 years in a fucking row!” You snarled. You didn’t care if you were acting like a spoiled brat.
He stood there in shock. You wiped your tears on your forearm, “What I want to know is why -- why didn’t you show up like you promised?” You had given up on him. All you wanted was a reason why. You already knew but you wanted him to say it.
“It’s Young Midoriya’s--” You cut him off with a laugh. A completely and utterly, joyless laugh.
“Just as I thought.” You scoffed. You pulled out a chair from the dining room table and plopped down on it. You were exhausted and numb, “Midoriya this, Midoriya that. It’s always about Midoriya.” You wondered if your father even knew what he was doing to you. He probably didn’t, he was so oblivious when it came to his own child.
Your father -- the oh so wonderful All Might -- walked up and took the seat next to you. “That’s not true and you know it, (Y/N).”
“That’s bullshit and you know it.” You turned in your seat to face him. “Tell me, Dad, when was the last time we spent my birthday together?”
“Well, um--” He stuttered.
“Last meal we had together? Last time you showed up to one of my award ceremonies? Last time we spent time together? Last time we had a real conversation?” You asked question after question, knowing he wouldn’t have the answer to any of them.
“(Y/N), that’s not fair--” “I’m not trying to be!”
“When was the last time you told me you loved me?” Your voice cracked. The blond didn’t say a word. You sighed and stood up from your seat, “I’m moving out tomorrow. Don’t try to stop me -- I’ve already made up my mind.”
That was 2 years ago and you hadn’t talked with your father since. 
A knock came at your door. It must’ve been one of your classmates asking for your notes again. You got up from your desk and opened the door without a second thought. “I’m not giving you my...notes. Oh, it’s you.” Standing in front of you was your father’s successor — Midoriya Izuku. You hadn’t seen much of him since your childhood.
He rubbed the back of his neck, “Can...can I come in?” You stepped aside and held the door open for him. He awkwardly stepped past you and stood around the middle of your room. “Your room. It’s nice.” Izuku complimented.
“It’s alright, I guess.” You shrugged. You had a platform bed with lots of pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals on it. A bean bag chair sat next to it. Your walls were white but there were so many posters and pictures on them you could barely see the paint anyways. Fairy lights were strung up around the room and LED clouds were hanging from your ceiling. There was a bookcase filled with, well, books. Next it was your desk — it was normal but there were knick knacks, notebooks, and too many pens spread across it.
“No, no — it’s really cool. It’s a lot more cool than my room.” He assured you. You hummed. You didn’t really need to guess what his dorm room was like.
You put your hand on your hip, “Let me guess, yours is covered top to bottom, wall to wall in my dad’s merchandise. Is that right?” A blush erupted on the younger teens face. You’d hit the nail right on the head. You laughed and clapped his shoulder. “It’s nothing to be ashamed about. You really admire him, don’t you?” You smiled.
He was nervous, you could tell. “Yeah, I guess so.” He looked away from you.
“Alright, have a seat. There’s obviously something you want to talk to me about.” You plopped down on the bean bag chair next to your bed.
Izuku sat down at your desk. “I wanted to talk to you about All Might.” He stated. You hummed and nodded your head — as to be expected.
“I honestly don’t know much about him, Izuku.” You told the truth. “He’s never really been around much for me.” Izuku cringed at your statement.
“That’s what I wanted to talk about with you.” He ruffled his own hair.
“If you’re about to apologize, don’t.”
“What?” Izuku’s green eyes met your (e/c) ones for the first time since he’s been here. “I-I don’t understand. I’m the reason he-“
“I’m going to stop you right there, Izuku.” You shift around in your bean bag. “Everything he did, was in no way your fault. They were his choices to make and he chose you over me, time and time again.” You said bluntly. “But that wasn’t your fault. Sure, for a time I did resent you but as I got older, I came to realize you had no say in how he treated me. You were just a kid and so was I. I know how much you admire him but it’s the truth when I say he’s the one at fault here. You don’t have to apologize for his actions.” You got up and walked up to him. You ruffled his hair, “I never once blamed you, Midoriya Izuku.”
Tears welled up in the curly haired teen’s virus in eyes but he quickly started to rub them away. “Geez, you’ve always been such a crybaby. I thought you would’ve grown out of that already.” You jokingly pushed his head. You’d always thought of him as a younger brother, even when you hated his guts as a child.
“Sorry, I just…” He sniffled. “I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.” You wish you’d known he was carrying all this guilt sooner — you could’ve already relieved him of the burden.
“It’s alright. I understand.”
That was a few months ago. Talking with Izuku like that, it really did help you understand why your relationship with All Might is the way it is.
“Have you talked with your father recently?” Your therapist asked after you finished recounting your childhood with her. She’d needed an updated version now that you were 18.
You shook your head, “No, but he did leave me a voicemail the other day — he asked how I was doing, talked about how he was proud of my grades, told me to make sure I eat and drink enough water.” You appreciated that he was trying, but you weren’t ready to make amends with him.
“Did you call him back?”
“No. I don’t think I’m ready to talk to him just yet. Only recently had I accepted what he’d done.” You explained to her.
She nodded, “That’s alright. It’s all a part of the process. You’ll be ready eventually, and when you do, you’ll be one step closer to leave this all behind you.” You hummed your agreement.
“Have you seen or heard anything from your brother recently?”
“You sound just like the police.” You laughed.
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narrators-journal · 3 years
warning: Light depictions of violence, Aku really admires Atsushi’s tiger (idk if it comes off as super sexual, so idk might be a bit monster-fucker-y) Nothing sexual or vulgar, just him being super into watching Atsushi kill.
edit: Had to fix some glaring formatting issues, also just editted some of the choppier bits of the text :D
Akutagawa had no clue why he was out looking for a pissy tiger gijinka at 10 pm, but he was. He wasn't super thrilled about it, to say the least. However, Dazai had called and explained that Atsushi had apparently had an awful day at work or something and then changed into a weretiger in the evening, and the bandaged ADA agent wasn't sure if that was intentional or because of the full moon, so it was now up to Aku to go find the weretiger and bring him back to his apartment before he could cause any trouble.
Any good mafia member would've told the traitorous sociopath to go fuck himself with a cactus, but some weird urge had led the goth to agree to return Atsushi home for his old mentor. Had him receiving the crybaby's address from his mentor and heading out into the darkness.
It wasn't that he still wanted acknowledgment, he'd gotten his praise and acknowledgment a few weeks before. So while he still highly respected Dazai, he wasn't out clicking his tongue into alleyways and lifting himself onto rooftops at such a late hour for his praise. It definitely wasn't out of concern for Jinko, he could care less if the brainless house cat got hit by a car or stuck up a telephone pole. No, what had Akutagawa out near the hellish docks was a lingering sense of curiosity. He couldn't exactly place what he was curious about that exact moment, but he was intrigued. So, he poked around until he finally spotted a familiar flick of white and black disappearing around the corner in the slums.
When he spotted the first signs of Atsushi, Akutagawa dropped to a crouch and crept forward until he could look around the wall to see a dimly glowing white tiger nosing through a trash bag he seemed interested in. With him distracted, Aku took the chance to move towards him, bringing Rashoumon to life once he was close enough. Either the energy or the light near-instantly drew the predator's eye, but either way, he was now staring into the golden eyes of Atsushi Nakajima, or, more so, his tiger.
In that dangerous, uneasy situation, it finally clicked. He'd wanted to see this. Atsushi's full tiger form. That's why he'd agreed to go hunting for him upon Dazai's request. Not only that but staring into those predatory eyes brought a new sensation through his body. Awe.
        "Jinko," He said, doing his best to sound calm while he internally battled a storm of fear, awe, and honest wonder. "Can you understand me?" He asked it nonchalantly, his grey eyes just staying glued to the tiger's golden gaze as he circled to face the vampire of a man properly. With no answer, obviously, Aku took a deep breath to steel his nerves before trying to reason with the creature again, "Listen, I know we don't get along, you annoy the shit out of me, I'm sure you dislike me just as much. But, Dazai sent me to try and return you home, so can you please cooperate?" He asked, but the answer he got was a pretty huffy tail lash and the creature walking past him and across the street to dig through more trash. And for a moment, Akutagawa was nearly mesmerized, forgetting what he was going to say. The hunter's movements revealed the powerful muscles just beneath its snowy, striped fur, it knocked home just how dangerous this car-sized cat could be. He hasn't attacked me though, the mafioso realized, normally Jinko would maul me on sight, but his tiger isn't. Not even a growl. The realization almost made a sense of honor well up in his chest as he followed the giant cat to the next bag of garbage he seemed intent on investigating.
For a bit, the goth trailed after the large predator, his original task abandoned, mesmerized by the sight of it moving so quietly despite its lethal claws and hulking, muscular form. However, his observations were interrupted when a realization hit him like a brick to the face, Of course! He's hungry! No wonder he's been digging through stray garbage bags and whatnot, he's probably looking for meat! He slapped his hand over his face at how obvious that had been, then, he whistled to the massive feline, coughing a few times before he spoke again,           "Would you like to actually hunt, Jinko?" The snowy ears of the creature perked at the mention of hunting, perhaps he can understand me to some extent, the thought was swiftly shelved for later though, he had mentioned hunting, he had no time to ponder how conscious his nemesis was as a likely impatient and hungry tiger. "If you follow me, I can take you to someone you can hunt," he offered, once again looking into the yellow eyes of the beast, almost able to see him contemplating his offer before he suddenly moved forward.
Akutagawa's first thought was that the car-sized feline was going to eat him instead, but no. In reality, Atsushi simply headbutted him in the chest, sending him sliding on his back across the pavement, coughing and wheezing from the air leaving his weak lungs so suddenly.             "J-Jinko!" he snapped between coughs, glowing red in his annoyance, but instead of being even slightly intimidated or on-edge from the show of hostility, Atsushi just continued to headbutt or nose him, pushing him along the pavement until the choking mafioso finally managed to put his hand on the cat's striped, moon-silver forehead, Holy shit, you're so soft, and shove him back enough to let him get back to his feet. "What are you doing Jinko? Don't nuzzle up to me just because I offered you food, dumbass!" he snarled, keeping his pale hand on the cat's head as he glared at him.
The two stood there for a moment, Akutagawa's glow intensifying when Atsushi pushed against his hand and made him step back to avoid tumbling over again, all the while the choppy-haired vampire was trying to decipher what the weretiger might be doing this for. It's not likely that he wishes to eat me. If he did, he would've pounced as soon as I was on the ground...That also means he's not looking for a fight. Could it be his way of thanking me for offering to take him to hunt? Is he just trying to NUZZLE me?? His cheeks heated like stovetop burners at the thought of the elegant predator showing him, his most hated rival, affection of all things. He could handle the tiger trying to maul him, half expected it honestly, but he didn't know how to feel about Atsushi nuzzling up to him as a thank you or otherwise.
It was only when he gave another attempt at a nudge that Akutagawa got the message at long last.           "Oh! You're wanting me to take you there!" He rolled his dark gray eyes at that and pushed himself away from the weretiger, turning around with a huff and starting to lead the way. This also gave his pale cheeks the time to return to normal in the cool night air, though his heart couldn't seem to stay at a steady, calm pace. It kept jumping and thumping unpredictably with the excitement of maybe seeing Atsushi on a proper hunt.
It was sure to be a fascinating sight, to see the massive feline crouched, creeping up on an unsuspecting victim, to see his muscles bunch with so much power just before lunging at the prey. He was excited at the thought of seeing the weretiger's lethal talons tear into a person, and his jaws crunch down mercilessly on his victim's bones. The sheer power of it. The fact that he had fought someone who could tap into that primal potential. He'd looked into such an animal's eyes, he'd seen the human intelligence mingling seamlessly with the animalistic cunning. Atsushi's razor-sharp fangs had been mere inches from such a vital part of his body, and yet he'd done no malicious harm. No, not a scratch. Aku couldn't place the feeling of awe and nebulous adrenaline-pumping thrill he got from it. From being so close to a beast who could end him without hesitation or issue, and yet he hadn't. All of that strength was so beautifully control-
The goth's thoughts were interrupted by another headbutt, this time to his spine, sending him sprawling onto the pavement with an indignant squawk.           "Jinko! Wha- Are you trying to get me to speed up, or fucking kill me?!" He snapped, scrambling to his feet with a small cough and a tidal wave of humiliation for the noise he'd made on his way down, but his only response was another nudge from the beast, one he swatted away. "Oh no! I am not jogging or running ahead of you! Quit acting like an impatient toddler," he scolded, dusting himself off while the tiger huffed like said impatient toddler.
With his own grumpy huff, he continued, leading Atsushi out of the slums and into the nicer parts of town. It wasn't the rich end of Yokohama, where the homes were capped with long driveways and wrought-iron fences or had names for addresses, but it wasn't the slums. The neighborhood they ended up in, while sparse of people on the sidewalk and road, thrummed with life within the safety of the nightclubs and bars that were scattered about. It was somewhere near the outskirts of town without being too far, around there Akutagawa would find the mafia's casino and the one rival casino whose owner was as equally a customer of the mafia as much as a rival.           "Alright, you stay here for a moment. I've got to go find your food. Don't worry, they aren't good, innocent people, so you shouldn't feel a lick of shame for eating them." He promised Atsushi, now standing a few buildings down in a wide alleyway from the rival casino. "You eat the men in suits to your heart's content, in return, I'll destroy the street security cameras." The creature made a noise he assumed was agreement, so he left him in the alleyway and began prowling the street, taking out cameras as he went until he'd not only left the whole street defenseless but also found the owner of the second gambling hall.
Once he'd located the man and his goons relaxing at an outside table, smoking and drinking their booze in front of the closed shop, he used a ribbon of his coat to slither over and knick the owner with the sharpened cloth, slipping away before he realized it was more than a simple bug bite or accidental scratch. With the fresh blood now on his coat, he slunk back to Atsushi, letting the striped hunter sniff the strip of cloth thoroughly before he hoisted himself onto the roof with Rashoumon.
From his vantage point on the rooftops, the wheezy goth could follow the weretiger as he prowled down the street, following the scent of blood until he too spotted the prey at the cafe table and fell into a hunter's crouch. The goth repressed his coughing and wheezing as much as possible, paused with the cat, his grey eyes fixated on the silent animal as he inched closer to the men.
It amazed Aku that neither the owner nor his goons noticed the rabbit-soft white-and-black fur of the weretiger, part of him wanted them to spot the beast before he pounced, just so he could watch them run and panic and really see Atsushi chase down his prey. Sadly, by the time the small group had finally realized they were being stalked, it was too late. Atsushi was already on them, tearing them apart, his powerful jaws turning their muscles to pulled pork in seconds, his talons tearing into them like a hot knife through butter. They tried to run, but they didn't get far before each one was picked off with one swipe of the dark claws, or powerful jaws of the predator.
Akutagawa watched the scene from the safety of the rooftop, his heart racing with excitement, his breath quickening as he grinned like a lunatic. Not even his subsequent coughing fit could ruin the absolute thrill that zipped through his blood at the sight of such a gorgeous, efficient predator crunching on bones like they were nothing, his white fur now stained a lovely shade of red. It took a moment for him to come back from that high and realize that his lightheadedness and shortness of breath had gone from pure elation to an issue, so he had to swiftly fish his inhaler out of his pocket and pull from it, hoping it was enough to open his airways so he would avoid the hospital. He was not keen on having to explain to a doctor what exactly had gotten him so hyper.
Thankfully for the pale mafioso, his inhaler worked. So, after a moment to catch his breath and regain his composure, he brought Rashoumon to life and used it to lower himself down to the pavement again, a safe distance from Atsushi, who was contently tearing the mafia's rivals apart and devouring their flesh. With one final calming breath, he slowly walked over to the beast, not getting a glance as he approached until he was beside the car-sized feline while he chomped at a bone until it splintered.
Once he was sure Atsushi wasn't interested in him, Akutagawa crouched down and gently, tentatively put a hand against his side, feeling the soft, silky, striped fur and perfectly honed muscles just beneath his pale fingertips.          "I can see why Dazai chose you...over me..." he muttered quietly, his eyes glued to the tiger's mouth, admiring his fangs as they worked at the bones and meat of the casino owner, "You are far beyond my power level. So much more controlled, so much stronger, so much more capable than I'll ever be." It hurt to voice these shameful realizations, but for some reason, Aku felt like he wouldn't be judged by the beast, even if it did understand his words, it wouldn't shame him for his admitting to his faults.
So, he just sat beside the tiger, running his hand over the beast's side, shoulder, even along its back, from snout to as far as he could reach behind him. Just taking everything about him in. The car-sized feline didn't seem to care at all, unbothered by the admiring pets, or when Aku grabbed his back paw to flex his toes and unsheath his talons. Some part of the mafioso still reminded him, He could still eat you next, but it did nothing to dissuade the child-like curiosity that fuelled his exploration of every deadly part of the animal, from tracing his muscles, to bringing out his bloodied talons, all while Atsushi ate his fill of his prey until nothing remained save for their shredded clothing.
The pale man simply gathered those up and ran a hand through his chopped up hair,             "I guess I should take you back to your apartment now before dawn comes." he mused, judging that they had about an hour or two before the sun rose and Atsushi likely changed back to his more pathetic, weak form. Aku looked at the weretiger, watching as the beast licked his chops and shook himself off, then turned with a sigh to head to the address Dazai had given him. Atsushi followed without complaint, padding alongside the goth, much more content, it seemed.
Once Atsushi was safely back in his own home, and the clothing was burnt and disposed of, Aku went home to his personal apartment, flopping onto the bed with a half groan, half sigh. Now that he wasn't running on thrills and curiosity, he was exhausted. His only thought before passing out was Never telling anyone of this.
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ushiwakaout · 4 years
I love your ehat the haikyuu boys would say! Could I please please please request that for Akaashi or Sugawara? You write them so well, I'm literally in love!
I’ll be making two separate ones! I keep thinking that i’m done w this series but y’all keep wanting more 😤  (not that i’m complaining or anything because it keeps me busy)
and thank you 😭 i’m trying really hard to depict the characters well but i feel like i’m just repeating every single one.
Let’s do Suga first (Slight age difference, Suga 27/You 24 || ya’ll have been dating for two years)
“Hey bug- it’s time to get up.” (6:00 am)
*If you don’t wake up he will pull the blankets off you... naked or not*
“Rise and shine bug!!!” very chaotic... very mean.
“What do you mean you don’t wanna get up... To bad, breakfast is getting cold.”
“I woke you up early because I wanted a head start on our day off, thats why.”
“Coffee or tea?”
“I love you too bug.” 
*forehead kiss*
*will open every single curtain so sunlight can rain into your place... also does it because he loves seeing your skin glow under the sunlight*
“What do you want to do on our day off?”
*he’s a elementary teacher and you’re a college student*
“I was thinking we could maybe....” 
*pulls you into a kiss mid sentence, wrapping his fingers with yours*
“...spend the day at the park, have a picnic like our first date... What do you think?”
*your putty in his hands when he does this every morning. there isn’t a morning that he doesn’t do it*
“What’s on your mind bug?” (6:30 am)
*flash back to last night when he was giving you aftercare, hovering over you lightly as he strokes your face and he says those exact words*
*you tell him and he his brain STOPS WORKING... he’s like Oh? he’s blushing so hard it so cute*
“YOU’RE SO SWEET” *cups your cheeks and kisses your face all around* “What did I do to deserve you?”
“Come on lets sit down and eat breakfast”
*he honestly has a tendancy of asking random questions like*
“Where do ducks come from?”
“Do you think Hinata is having fun in brazil?”
“You think he packed enough sun screen?”
“Should I ask him?”
“I think I’ll call him.” (7:00 am)
*he legit be on the phone with him for hours on end until your ready*
*he walks around the house, sits on the couch, gets up from the couch, makes the bed, watches you in the shower for a bit before smiling and whistling away to the patio*
“You ready yet?”(9:10 am)
“Let’s go then... What do you wanna get first?”
“I kinda want some boba tea...”
“You think they have any discounts since we’re a couple?”
“What? It’s just an extra bonus with being with you.”
“You cannot tell me that you don’t enjoy couples discounts.”
“I am not an old lady! I just like saving my money.”
“Shush woman, hold my head and order me something you think i might like.”
You: “You always get the same thing Koushi.”
“Exactly.” (10:00 am)
*he def pats your butt every time he makes you order something for him*
*one of his students has def seen him do it in public but they’ve never said anything*
*sometimes a student runs up to him and hugs him. makes you want to have kids*
*he introduces you to his kid and you just look at him with awe*
“What’s on your mind, bug?”
*he 100% did that on purpose, and now you’re blushing madly*
*you hit his arm and quickly walk away from him, he’s jogging to catch up and when he does, he quickly holds you hand again*
“What do you want for lunch?” (12:00 pm)
“I think you know what I want.”
“It’s the only thing I eat, what are you expecting?”
you: “I don’t know how you haven’t burned a hole in your stomach yet.”
“Just because i order my mapo tofu super spicy doesn’t mean... it’s super spicy.”
you: “Kouchi... I can barely eat a bite before crying...”
“It’s not spicy.”
“You’re just a baby.” 
*kissing the back of your hand*
*non stop teasing bc you can’t handle spicy food the way he can*
*you guys stop at a shop because both of you forgot to bring a damn basket for the fucking picnic*
“How did we forget a basket? How many baskets do we have now because we’ve forgotten ours?” (12:30)
“I like this one... Do you like this one? I think it matches my hair.”
“This one matches your eyes.... This one- Nope, were getting this one.”
“Okay! Now, lunch!”
“I’ll go get you your food and you get mine, yeah?”
*he pulls you into a soft kiss and just smiles at you*
*when you come back with his favorite food and a little extra, he get’s excited*
“You brought me sweets?! I brought you some too! Wha’cha get?” (1:30 pm)
*When you pick a spot to sit down, he just wants to kiss you all over. hes the sweetest man you’ll ever meet*
*It’s probably three hours into the picnic and his man FALLS ASLEEP ON YOU. He’s so tired from taking care of young children that just listening to you talk to him so softly and so easily when he was on your lap- it drifted him off to sleep*
you: “Koushi... bub? Wake up... I’m getting hungry again.” (6:30 pm)
*he has the sweetest giggle when he hears your voice*
“Have I told you- HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU?!”
*so much energy when he wakes up- its crazy.*
you: “Kou- you need to be more quiet.”
“No... I LOVE YOU- I LOVE you so so much.”
*starts kissing you everywhere and pins you to the ground*
“I love you so much... and one of these days I am going to make you my wife... and you’ll never know the day.”
*he loves saying stuff like that because it gets in your head all day. little do you know HES LEGIT BEEN CARRYING HIS GRANDMOTHERS OLD RING IN HIS POCKET EVERY DAY FOR THE PAST TWO YEARS BECAUSE HE HASN’T FOUND THE RIGHT MOMENT*
“Come on, let’s go find a restaurant of your choosing.”
*doesn’t let go of your hand until you reach the restaurant table, and then grabs your hand over the table*
“Your hand would look so pretty with a ring on it.” (7:30)
you: “stop joking! you’re awful.”
*he just smiles at you and really just says fuck it*
“Who says i’m joking, bug.”
*under the table he’s taking out the ring from the box and then slowly puts it on your ring finger*
you: “kou-”
“I’ve been holding on to this for about... two years now? What do you say?” 
you: “I still think you joking... You’re not, right?”
*he let out a light laugh and shook his head*
“No i’m not...”
*you quickly nod your head and lean over the table to hug him*
“I promise you give you a happy future...”
tags(s): @foggycashdreampainter
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Tsuki can't get enough of doing liveblogs~! So, what's up on the chopping block in my kitchen today? Why it's of the PreCure Flavor~! On this lovely Easter Sunday, April 17th 2022, Delicious Party finally came out of its hacker-induced hiatus! And because of that, I'd figure I'd do a late night celebration with one of these! What to call my tag though...
"if you receive a little kindness give them a large serving!"
Yeah, that'll work! That sounds like something Yui's grandma would say! Souji Tendo's grandma too! Filter that tag out if you hate my non-existent face!
Spoilers, I guess... with a side of mild catching up, a la mode~!
-So, DePaPre! I'm told that we use this because "DeliPre" is something both very different and very not safe for work. I like this, it sounds like everybody's favorite rehash, Decapre from Street Fighter IV! And to a lesser extent, Depeche Mode.
-My favorite so far? Probably Rosemary, he has that sassy gay uncle energy I aspire to. Yui's a great protagonist though, I love her very much. Kokone too! Spicy lass! And Kome-Kome~! Little fox babby! Idk how I feel about Pamu-Pamu yet though, but once Ran finally enters, I assume she and Mem-Mem will be a funny ramen lady and her dank little dragon dude who will help elevate this cast to new heights.
-Idk if I really like Takumi though. He looks like Sans Undertale, yeah, but like... he's not really interesting me so far.
-Oh Toei Animation... you blockheads~! At least you try.
-The same cannot be said for Crunchyroll, however. What a shit service, and anyone who uses it should run away as soon as they can.
-Oishina Town~! What a very lovely place~! Like Aozora City~! But like... making me real hungry. ...I know I'm going around in circles with Today's Special, but I should probably grab a snack. ...even if it's currently a fair bit past 10 PM... maybe next episode.
-Oh cool, the Heart Cure Watch comes with video chat. ...I mean, it's basically a Fitbit so I assumed it did, but hey, cool!
-Ohhh, that's a lovely bento.
-Kokone-chan spun her salad too hard.
-What a versatile item, that butter roll!
-That's a ham!? That's a big fuck-off hunk of Fred Flinstone meat! ...so uh, would you happen to know where I could buy one of those? For cheap, preferably?
-Awwww, Mari-chan do a jump!
-Speaking of rolls... Kome-Kome seems to take it a bit more literally than most.
-20 rolls!? That's a whole baseball team's worth of sandwich-y goodness!
-Kokone's driver gives me real good vibes :)
-Oh yeah, the theme song! I love the energy behind the strings, and the gentle percussion and horns are real nice!
-Deliciously Partying with PreCures!
-All that food better not go to waste, Kokone-chan!
-Ohhhh, I see now. Very gay of you, Kokone-chan. My point still stands, however.
-When I was a kid, I was a real picky bastard when it came to my food. Kinda comes with the territory of being autistic. Now that I outgrew it, and as an adult who sometimes has to cook for his own family who have actual jobs and social lives, I think I finally understand the depths of my mother's pain when I slave over and nearly burn myself alive and/or decapitate myself while cooking dinner only for it to be left out because somebody didn't feel like eating. I will eat whatever I am served with no complaints for now and forever.
-Deliciousmile is like... the most PreCure catchphrase ever.
-Ahhh, prawns. I'm not really a crustacean kinda guy, so I usually only eat them fried. Seems great though.
-Do you think maybe Kamen Rider Vulcan LLC gained enough revenue as a subsidiary of Hiden Intelligence to elevate Isamu's family into socialite status?
-I'm kidding, of course. Wait a second… last name of Fuwa. Dog-related power source. Blue and white color scheme. Ranged attacks… Holy shit, this is a conspiracy! Sound the alarms! Legendary former A.I.M.S. captain Isamu Fuwa has a niece, and she's attending your middle school right now!
-Oh wait, no. Her family name has different kanji... (芙羽 - "Feather", I believe)
-As opposed to kanji that probably wouldn't be used in a show like this (不破 -"Unbreakable").
-Never mind, false alarm!
-Anyways, let the girl do chores! She wants to help you!
-Monster in the kitchen. What will they cook?
-Hold up, your grandma told you this? Interesting, veeeeeeery interesting.
-Another little bit of Tsuki-Sennin-related Culinary Trivia~! I actually took a few semesters' worth of Culinary Arts in high school. The teacher was a veteran of the restaurant business, and he definitely should've been teaching at an actual culinary college instead of a crappy public school with asbestos in the gym's ceiling and (from what I've heard after I graduated), a lot of violent incidents. Even though I tried my best to behave/get everything done as best I could... I'm still decently sure he didn't like me very much, but that's okay. It's thanks to him that I can never accidentally poison anyone or burn an entire kitchen down.
-I take it back, I love you Pamu-Pamu, the tea kettle pupper fairy.
-She cleaned the entire school without even picking up a single broom.
-Uhhhh... okay, sure, Secretoru. Go kidnap the Recipeppi because you don't know how to eat fried prawn. Bundoru, bundoru!
-It hasn't even been a whole day, how'd it spiral this fast?!
-Oh, hello there Ran. I can't wait to meet you properly.
-Amane Kasai... you seem to be way different from Yuriko Shiratori. You have a very lovely name, though.
-"Ughhh, fine, I'll beat up the monster myself!"
-My man just wants his fried prawns, this is bullshit
-Oh, I am convinced that "Weird Food Girl dating Weird Rich Girl" dating rumors would absolutely replace this monsters stuff in like... five minutes.
-Go take a break, she's shaking you down, school workers.
-If you eat food from the same beach, you'll be friends... what kind wisdom to pass down.
-"Each meal only happens once in your life, so make each one the most important." That's what Souji Tendou's grandmother said.
-...no, I'm not gonna let up with the grandmother quotes, how dare you ask that.
-Oh, same "kitchen". I... I see... well, those guys like prawns, they'd probably say "same beach" too!
-Let's eat together as besties :)
-Yummy yummy prawn :)
-And here comes Gentlu with the blandifying strike!
-"Man, I kick ass at this job! I'll be a shoe-in for promotion for sure!"
-"Oh dammit, this is your school... fuck. Alright Ubau-zo, kick their asses!"
-Monster confirmed.
-Daaaaaaamn, Yui! You got kicks!
-Yesss, Kokone-san! Free them!
-You Cures are real admirable gals, huh?
-Oh thank god, Mari-chan's here!
-Delicious Fieeeeeld~!
-Alright, time to burn some calories!
-Squeeze the fox!
-Wow, these transformations are pretty long, compared to Tropical Rouge's. ...at least, it feels that way.
-I will never get over the name Cure Spicy.
-Man, that's like a nothing attack to a Pretty Cure.
-She spin~!
-Man, guess that poor... salad spinner? He was hungry.
-I wonder, can a Cure feed you with her attacks here?
-Recibepis get!
-Bye Gentlu, you're adorable.
-Who just... leaves plates out like that? No wonder they thought they were haunted.
-Kokone Fuwa. Dog lover.
-"You're part of the clean up now!"
-I assume this is Ran-chan's "CureSta". I wonder if she's also active on ByTube, and saw Ikki and Vice kicking ass? ...to be fair, that'd hardly be the weirdest crossover reason I've thought of.
-Woooow, Yui knows her stuff!
-Ohhhh, Ran-Ran... evil?
-Chururin, the Bundoru Gang's secret mastermind. They're the very devil of the grocery store!
-Soda pop today!
-Oh yeah, this ending theme. It has a sick-ass bass riff, and is very danceable! ...unfortunately, I've been here for like an hour and thirty minutes and don't feel much like dancing tonight. And this is the closest we've seen to Cure Yum-Yum beating shit up. Tearing up the dance floor.
-We're doing an investigation into CureSta next episode~! Will my Yui/Kokone ship evolve into an ever-exciting OT3?
-...I should probably start making food before I do these... well, join me next Sunday! When we have another lovely meal time at a reasonable hour with Kabuto! Vulcan! A girl who I currently assign Cross-Z! And their sassy gay uncle Bravo! In the meantime, I'll be doing more PreCure research so I can truly come into my own as a fan! Please look forward to it.
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 years
Pairings: Past Aizawa/Mandalay
Word Count: 1,921 Words
Summary: Hitoshi and Katsuki's birthday.
Warnings: Period Mention, Menstruation Mention, Food Mention, Nightmare Mention, Death Mention, Cursing, Caps, let me know if I should tag anything else.
Usernames: Existence Is A Prison   Aizawa: feral cat dad, Aoyama: gay salt, Hagakure: ranch flavored jello, Tokoyami: foil-mecha, Shinsou: farmer toshi, Kuroiro: life is a nightmare, Shiozaki: saviour, Tsunotori: schrodinger better run, Honenuki: pure, Monoma: nat20, Yamada: President Megaphone, Bakugou: deku-deck-you
Aizawa, We Agreed No More Cats: Chapter 7
6:25 AM
Existence Is A Prison
pure: It's a birthday! That means birthday breakfasts are in order!
life is a nightmare: Kiyo made everyone yakisoba buns with enoki and I made soup dumplings to celebrate.
farmer toshi: You two are so sweet, thank you.
deku deck-you: Thanks, girls.
pure: No problem!
saviour: I will not be attending class today. I will not be leaving my room today.
feral cat dad: What's wrong?
saviour: Painful period. Dysphoria. Hate living.
feral cat dad: I'm sorry, kid. I'll tell Vlad you're dehydrated and have Nemuri take care of you, she'll know more than me, but I'll bring a hot water bottle, food, and some company for you in the meantime.
saviour: Thank you, Mr. Aizawa.
feral cat dad: I am the father collective here, it's only fair I parent my child.
8:30  AM
Existence Is A Prison
nat20: I'm recording the classes for you so you don't miss anything, Ibara, dear.
saviour: Thank you, Seiko.
nat20: Not a problem, love. I don't want to see you falling behind when you don't deserve to. I mean, it's surely not your fault uterus' exist.
saviour: You're amazing.
nat20: I know.
12:45 PM
Existence Is A Prison
schrodinger better run: I'm bringing over lunch, Ibara.
saviour: You're all too nice to me. I shouldn't even be in bed still.
schrodinger better run: Ibara, honey, we're nice because we care about you. You deserve to rest this off and see when you feel better. There's no rushing yourself. I'm sure that, once you rest up a bit, Recovery Girl can help 'heal' the cramps or at least tone them down a bit.
saviour: Still, thank you. All of you.
2:04 PM
Existence Is A Prison
gay salt: I think this is hilarious, personally.
nat20: What's even happening over in 1-A, you guys have been yelling and all for like ten minutes.
gay salt: birthdayboysinbirthdayhats.jpg
gay salt: Shinsou had to come deliver something to Mr. Aizawa from Mr. Snipe's class and now everyone is questioning Kats and Hito if they're twins and Midoriya's trying to chill everyone out. Really, you should be here, Seiko.
nat20: They are twins. I mean, practically, yes, they are.
ranch flavored jello: I know, it's great. The best part is that everyone is in such a heated debate about it.
feral cat dad: I have no clue what's even happening but I'm not gonna stop this unless Katsuki or Hitoshi says something.
foil-mecha: ourclassrightnow.jpg
schrodinger better run: Todoroki, please. It's not that deep, man.
foil-mecha: I don't think he cares, honestly.
nat20: I heard more screaming. Vlad King is starting to get concerned.
foil-mecha: They said they are twins and Midoriya's trying to ask why Katsuki's mother cheated on his father. This is the funniest thing, honestly.
3:15 PM
Existence Is A Prison
gay salt: Okay, I found the 2006 First Year Sports Festival and I just need you all to see Mr. Aizawa as our age.
gay salt: younglankyaizawamidbattlewithtensei.jpg
foil-mecha: Mr. Aizawa, you were tiny.
feral cat dad: To be fair, I was an idiot kid and didn't eat well until like a week prior to that Sports Festival.
ranch flavored jello: I'll punt kick you, Dad.
feral cat dad: Yeah, yeah, I know. I started eating better after that, I promise.
gay salt: lankyaizawatakingdowntensei.jpg
nat20: Mr. Aizawa was a strong little stringbean.
feral cat dad: If you call me a stringbean again, I'll make you do garbage duty for a month.
nat20: That's normal, Father Collective.
feral cat dad: Curse these children being functional human beings.
President Megaphone: At least we know they clean up after each other and themselves.
President Megaphone: Plus, you were a stringbean, Shouta, so it's a fair statement.
deku deck-you: Wait, I just realized Mr. Aizawa told us he was divorced.
gay salt: Oh yeah, he did and nobody even questioned it!
ranch flavored jello: To be fair, we were busy introducing ourselves.
feral cat dad: Yeah, I was married for a while after high school. Maybe a year, I think.
President Megaphone: 10 months and 17 days from December 2010 to October 2011. I still think it's funny you didn't even spend one birthday married.
farmer toshi: Dad, what happened!?
feral cat dad: Well, you see, I had pressure put on me to get married to a girl I knew because we both weren't out yet as gay and lesbian, respectively, and we both realized during our marriage that it wasn't working so we went through a mutual divorce and are still friends.
President Megaphone: Yeah, Shouta and Sosaki are friends.
life is a nightmare: Shino Sosaki? Mandalay from the Wild Wild Pussycats?
feral cat dad: The one and only.
life is a nightmare; Wow.
9:52 PM
Existence Is A Prison
schrodinger better run: Dating sucks.
feral cat dad: Why, what's up, Pony?
schrodinger better run: My gf broke up with me because she realized I'm actually in Japan. I mean, I told her a hundred times but she never believed me that I was going international. for high school.
deku deck-you: Eh, the trash got rid of itself from what it sounds like.
schrodinger better run: I mean, I'm kind of happy because she never really liked me for more than just saying she was dating a cute girl but I also feel bad about being happy that we're broken up.
ranch flavored jello: Ice cream and cry?
schrodinger better run: Thank you, Toru, it's much appreciated.
2:26 AM
Existence Is A Prison
farmer toshi: Hey, dad?
feral cat dad: Yes?
farmer toshi: Can I sleep in your room?
feral cat dad: Yeah, sure, come on. Don't let the cats out.
farmer toshi: You're not even gonna ask me why?
feral cat dad: Should it matter?
farmer toshi: Well, I don't think so. I just don't want to have another nightmare but usually the caregivers at the orphanage would ask for a good reason.
feral cat dad: Well, you don't need one with me. Just don't let the cats out is my only request. Ai has figured out how to open the kitchen door and will get lost on UA grounds again.
farmer toshi: Kumo is staring at me while I open the door.
feral cat dad: Yeah, he's like that. Just ignore him, focus more of keeping Ai from making a break for it.
farmer toshi: Alright.
11:04 AM
Existence Is A Prison
feral cat dad: Alright, I was going through you kids' files during my free period and Tsunotori, your birthday is today.
schrodinger better run: Oh, I don't like celebrating my birthday. I haven't celebrated it since I was six.
feral cat dad: Why, what happened?
schrodinger better run: My cousin from my biological family made fun of my feet, we got in a fight, and I couldn't explain to defend myself so I got grounded and wasn't allowed to celebrate my birthday so I just haven't celebrated it since then.
feral cat dad: Is there still a day we can celebrate with you that isn't today?
schrodinger better run: I like celebrating my adoption date as my new birthday. October 7th.
feral cat dad: I'll put a reminder for that.
saviour: Wait, are you putting all of our birthdays as reminders?
feral cat dad: Perhaps.
7:15 AM
Existence Is A Prison
foil-mecha: I'm going to the convenience store before school for breakfast in class because I want sandos and energy drinks. Anyone else want? Say yes.
feral  cat dad: YES.
foil-mecha: Are you okay? You responded in like one second.
feral cat dad: I'm just realizing I like someone and I'm suffering.
gay salt: Please.
nat20: Yes.
farmer toshi: Two redbulls and anything with egg, please.
saviour: Fruit if it's there.
pure: Yes.
schrodinger better run: Yes, I'm so hungry.
life is a nightmare: Ham is preferred, please and thank you.
ranch flavored jello: Yes, food.
deku deck-you: Yes, please.
foil-mecha: Everyone will receive redbulls and sandos.
8:15 AM
Existence Is A Prison
foil-mecha: I got held up, there was a villain attack right outside the store when I got there. I'm with food and drink and on my way back.
feral cat dad: I've already written you a pass, it's taped to the wall just inside the gate, have fun delivering food to Hitoshi.
8:25 AM
Existence Is A Prison
farmer toshi: Tokoyami is a god.
farmer toshi: tworedbullsandthreesandos.jpg
nat20: Wow, he likes you.
foil-mecha: Oh, I got three for everyone. I just grabbed a bunch so everyone can pick.
nat20: Be careful at 1b, Mr. Kan is one of those 'bring something for yourself, share it with everyone' type of teachers.
foil-mecha: And I'll tell him to fuck off because us dorm kids didn't eat breakfast this morning.
deku deck-you: Yeah, our poor stove is dead.
ranch flavored jello: It wasn't my fault! I promise! I was just cooking and it died!
feral cat dad: To be fair, it is old. I think that thing's been there since I was in UA.
8:35 AM
Existence Is A Prison
nat20 has started a video chat
[Tokoyami opening door and Vlad King stops teaching and stares at him]
Kid, you're not my student. Your class is down the hall, are you lost? -Unknown
Hey, Pony, Kiyo. Here, pick three each and a drink or two. -foil-mecha
Young man, you can't just waltz into my classroom and hand unsolicited food to only two students. -Unknown
[Kiyomi and Pony are shown grabbing their sandos and redbulls from the large bag Tokoyami came in with]
You're right, I'm not. Ibara, Kageya, Seiko, come get yours too. I found a cool one I think you'll like, Ibara. -foil-mecha
Oh? What is it? -saviour
Well, I heard you say you like apples and melon. I found you a sando with both. -foil-mecha
I'm in love with you. -saviour
Sure, yeah Get your food, I need to get to 1-A. -foil-mecha
You should be in there now! This isn't your class! -Unknown
Sir? Sir. I really don't care. I have a pass from Mr. Aizawa and I'm literally about to leave. Our oven broke in the dorms so none of us ate breakfast this morning. I went to get us all breakfast and got held up with a villain attack. Kindly, sir, I think even Nezu would be unhappy if even a single one of us hero course students weren't eating breakfast this close to the Sports Festival. So, you feel free to carry on your lesson. Let just the five of your students  eat their breakfast. I promise, it won't disrupt you further than  it has. -foil-mecha
Fine. -Unknown
nat20 has ended the video chat
gay salt: I love Tokoyami. I do.
foil-mecha: My mothers and fathers didn't raise a carpet, I don't exist to be stepped on by authority figures.
nat20: Thanks, Fumi. I'm starving.
foil-mecha: Anything for my friends.
feral cat dad: Bringer of Energy Drink, Keeper of the Sando.
gay salt: We all love you, Fumi.
foil-mecha: What a time to be alive, being adored by my peers and teacher AND getting to tell off an annoying teacher?
feral cat dad: God, yes, sando time. Gimme.
gay salt: aizawaeatingasandolikeaferalcat.jpg
nat20: Thanks, I'm scarred for life having witnessed Feralzawa.
farmer toshi: I love you, Fumi.
foil-mecha: Seems that's everyone's sentiment this morning.
farmer toshi: I'll get a crush, fucker, don't tempt me.
foil-mecha: Alright, alright.
Taglist: @everythingisstardust 
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okaywitheverything · 4 years
Cooking Diaries with Kiba: Kiba x Reader
A/N: i know its been long but I am waiting for requests tbh. So don't shy away babies. Also we hit 250+ on check ups and 50+ on world's worst best men so yayyyy! Thanks for coming to my ted talk lol and go enjoy!
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Based on this tumblr prompt:
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Today had been a long day, and you were to curl into bed and go to sleep at this moment right now. It had been one of those tiring days where you would skip dinner for a moment of shut eye.
With Kakashi as the new Hokage, much work had to be done to get the necessities in order. You and Shikamaru almost spent 14 hours a day at the office to help Kakashi. But you knew that within a week or two things would normalize and set into order.
When you got home it was 10 PM, and even though you had only had a salad for breakfast with 12 granola bars distributed at odd intervals during your day, you were in no mood to eat. Honestly, that sounded like too much effort right now.
But then why did your feet take you to the kitchen? It was probably the copper smell in the air that got you worried. It could also be Akamaru barking with disapproving tones. Yes, you might have learned a thing or two about Akamaru in the past year.
With barely awake eyes and a really dazed mind, you entered the kitchen to find your boyfriend’s back to you, him facing the stove and your adorable little puppy barking continuously beside him. However, as soon as you entered Akamaru turned towards you, now wagging his tail and striding towards you. You smiled down at him, not actually having the energy today to pick him up and play with him like you usually did, hoping he’d understand. He was a smart pup after all.
With barely awake eyes and a really dazed mind, you entered the kitchen to find your boyfriend’s back to you, him facing the stove and your adorable little puppy barking continuously beside him. However, as soon as you entered Akamaru turned towards you, now wagging his tail and striding towards you. You smiled down at him, not actually having the energy today to pick him up and play with him like you usually did, hoping he’d understand. He was a smart pup after all.
You would have greeted Kiba like you usually did but before you could utter a single syllable, Akamaru jumped at you. You let out a short squeal which most definitely caught Kiba’s attention as he turned around looking surprised.
Akamaru however didn’t mean to play as you expected but instead his teeth nibbled on the wrist of your long sleeved top, and then he slightly dragged you to your loving boyfriend.
The thought that Akamaru was playing matchmaker to your already established relationship crossed your mind but that train of thought immediately went out the window when you saw Kiba’s palm sliced in half, the wound almost a centimetre deep.
Your lidded eyes opened and widened as you grabbed his hand and carefully looked at the gash, the amount of blood surprising you. He had, of course, survived worse injuries than this but why in the world was he bleeding so badly, when he was in Konoha instead of the battlefield, having spent the entire day at home with only laundry on his chore list. Also, you were protective of him because it didn’t hurt to care about your boyfriend a little.
“What the fuck, Kiba?’ you exclaimed and grabbed his hand, being as gentle as your anger allowed you to be, taking him the bathroom and nudging him to sit on the marble counter top. You grabbed the first aid kit from the shelves and started working on his hand. Halfway through, when all that was left was to bandage his hand, you had finally gathered your thoughts, pushing your sleep aside, which was easy considering Kiba gave you a rush of adrenaline as soon as you entered home, and looked at him worriedly.
“what happened Kiba? You know how worried I was?” Your disappointed mom look tugged at his heartstrings as smiled sheepishly with his uninjured hand rubbing the back of his head.
“I’m sorry darling, I was just hoping to cook something nice for you, you’ve been working yourself to the limit lately and don’t think I haven’t noticed you skipping meals.” His apologizing tone turned accusatory midway and you gulped.
“You could have ordered takeout baby. I really appreciate the gesture, I really do but don’t you know that the cooking stunts are to be performed in supervision only?” You slightly joked and giggled as he broke out into a toothy grin as well.
You finished bandaging his hand focused on knotting it/taping it at the end as his palm rested in two hands as you inspected it for the last time. Hopefully he didn’t need stitches so that was good.
Out of nowhere his other hand wrapped around your waist and pulled you towards him, your face crashing in his toned chest as you let out a yelp. When you pulled yourself back and looked up at him, his eyes were already focused on you, gazing at you so lovingly that you felt you were in paradise. You just wanted to grab his face and kiss him all over his face, starting at his nose and ending at his-
As if reading your thoughts, his injured hand’s index finger and thumb held your chin so delicately, with a feather like grasp and his pillowy lips crashed onto yours. You devoured each other, his eagerness showing how much he missed you, how aware he became of your absences these days and him not liking it one bit.
Needless to say, you were quite awake now.
You both ran out of breath and pulled away but your gazing constant didn’t end until a few minutes.
When Akamaru’s bark broke you both out of your trance, you intertwined his fingers with yours and pulled him upstairs with you towards the bedroom.
“Shouldn’t you eat something first? I will order some-”
“I’m hungry, but a lot more tired. Cuddle with me?”
“I’m offended you would even ask that.”
You both snuggled under the heavy duvet, with him spooning you from behind, Akamaru coming to lay at your feet.
“What were you cooking anyways? The gash was pretty deep.” You asked with closed eyes.
“I was planning on making pudding, it’s a good snack and a light one-”
“Babe, I’m pretty sure there is absolutely no step that requires a knife though.”
“I think you missed the step of breaking an egg using the ever helpful knife-”
“What the fuck do you mean you were trying to cut open the eggshell?! What even- You know, I can’t- Again what the actual fuck, Kiba?” you stumbled over your words, as you jerked out of his embrace and now faced him, with the most confused expression ever and your eyes as horrified as they can be. Your eyebrows scrunched in disbelief with your mouth so wide open that Kiba would have laughed at your adorableness was he not astonished at the piece of information he received.
“Are you sure (Y/N) bec-”
“Yes, I’m pretty fucking sure Kiba.”
“Well the recipe said to break three eggs and thought a knife would work but the egg rolled away while my hand came in between so….”
“So you chopped your hand off while doing the stupidest thing ever? I think it is the easiest step in any recipe, right after boiling water.”
Kiba lightly chuckled at that and replied, “Well, I’m your idiot anyways honey.”
“That you are. Please be cautious baby. How am I supposed to not worry when you are away on missions if I can’t even trust you in the kitchen?”
“Sorry for worrying you (Y/N).”
You lightly smiled and pecked his cheek, returning to your original position of being the small spoon.
“Hey Kiba?” You mumbled with closed eyes, right on the brink of falling sleep.
“Yes baby?” He asked, nuzzling in your hair, taking in its sweet scent.
“Please watch a fucking tutorial next time.”
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 A/N: So I did get a few requests and I’m so happy that you guys are responding. I will write the requests but I might take some time so bear with me. Also if you wanna be friends dm me cause I don’t bite I promise. If i gather enough active people I might make a group of close knit members where we might share others IDs, a safe place sort of thing but that’s wayy in the future. 
Until then, show this post some love babes.
Meet you soon with another post my cookies.
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Gas station encounter - Part VI
Part V
“What, no? I would never…no” I can see that he doesn’t believe me and sigh. We walk back to the elevator and before the elevator comes up, I face him. I gather a lot of my braveness and ask:
“Why are you bothered by him? He is a nice guy, absolute son-in-law-material” he snorts not very elegant and shoots me a glance.
“Just want to be sure you choose the right one” he shrugs his shoulders and steps into the elevator.
“And you think you know, who the right one is? Great, show me I am waiting for forever to find him” I reply sarcastically and add:
“Oh wait, maybe you should find yourself someone first because you are unsuccessful with it as well” his eyes are full of hurt and I feel bad because of my harsh words.
“You are right, I am not in the position to judge who you are dating” he agrees and now I feel even worse. He walks straight past me when we arrive downstairs and leaves the hospital. It is still snowing and I follow him, finally getting a hold of his arm. He tries to shake my hand off, but it only glides downwards and I take his hand, holding him back and trying to turn him around, so we face each other.
“Wait. Look, I am sorry. I didn’t mean that…I just hate it, when someone wants to tell me what´s good for me. And I am not interested in Phil, absolutely not” I assure him and he sighs, entwining our fingers a bit more.
“It´s okay and you are right. I can´t find someone who stays with me for more than a year, who am I to give you any tips?” his eyes find mine and we look at each other for a few seconds.
“I want your tips and I want your opinion. You are the most important person I have at this point in my life. And honestly, all those models are stupid for leaving you” he grins and pulls me closer.
“I missed you…are you coming home with me?” he asks and I nod. We haven’t had an evening together for ages. Hand in hand we walk back to his car and I am glad that we fixed our argument. At his house, we both change into some comfy clothes and he makes some tea while I tug myself into the blanket on his couch.
“And I?” he asks and I lift the fabric, so he can slide right next to me under the cover. I lean my head against his shoulder and he pulls me close, one arm around my shoulders. We sit there for a long time, not saying anything and I love that it is not awkward.
“All those men are idiots, who are not hitting on you” he mumbles and I lift my head.
“You heard me…they are idiots. You are the best that could happen to any man” he says a bit louder and turns his head to look at me.
“I was honestly jealous today, when he looked at you with those hungry eyes and his hands all over you” I can hear, that he means it and I remember his hurt expression back in the hospital.
“His hands were not all over me, H. We are colleagues” I remind him and he laughs dryly.
“He is hitting on you, don’t you see it?” I shake my head and he cocks an eyebrow at me.
“What has a man to do, so you see that he is hitting on you?” he asks laughing and I bite my lip.
“Probably I wouldn’t notice it until he kisses me…” I shrug my shoulders and feel his soft touch on my cheek. He cups it with his big hand and I look up into his mesmerizing green eyes. I have never seen such beautiful green eyes anywhere else than with him.
“I would have punched him if he did that” I giggle and shake my head lightly.
“You should be happy when I finally find someone”
“Only if he is a good guy. Oh, my mom says hi and she invited us, you and me, over for Christmas if you´d like” he suggests out of the blue and I am a bit startled. I haven’t even met his mom in real life. I only joined a facetime session once.
“Erm…honestly I can´t I would love to but…” I reply and yes, I really would love to. He looks a bit sad but he nods.
“I understand, you have your own routine at Christmas. It´s okay” he smiles and I turn, to face him fully.
“Look, Dr Seymour has a family and Dr Sally worked last year on Christmas so this year it´s my turn. I´m sorry, I am free from the 26th to New Year though” I hope he understands what I want to say but I don’t have to worry. He smiles widely and nods.
“Great then how about coming up to Cheshire later? I mean if you want, it´s some time we both are free” he gets a bit nervous and I giggle, slapping his arm.
“Of course I want that. I will jump right in my car and come to Cheshire” he hugs me and I smile into his neck.
The Christmas days are very quiet in the hospital, we usually allow the kids to go home. Only the very sick patients have to stay and I always hope that no one dies during those days, it would ruin Christmas for the whole family forever, but this year I am not lucky. A little boy dies and I have to be there only half a day before I want to go to Cheshire. Maybe it is not a good time to make a 4-hour drive. I call Harry when I have a bit time but he convinces me to come nevertheless and he promises to be there for me and make everything less bad.
When I finally get there around 10 pm I am fucking tired and annoyed. I stop in the driveway and take a deep breath. Anne's home looks lovely, everything is white and the house is decorated festively. The windows are light up and I can see Gemma and Anne in the kitchen.
I calm down a bit and grab my suitcase. As I put my stuff into my bag and lean into my car I can hear the front door open.
I smile at Harry and walk towards him. He steps outside in simple jeans and a T-Shirt.
“Hello there, ´s nice to see you. Merry Christmas” he says and hugs me tight. I sigh as I feel his warmth radiating against me and rest my head on his shoulder. I notice that his accent got a bit thicker, probably because they all talk like this.
“Hi, Merry Christmas to you, too” I reply and look up into his beautiful eyes.
“Are you okay? Or do I need to cheer you up before we get inside?” he asks a bit worried but I shake my head. Being here and with him already made the pain better.
“It´s okay. I am shy anyway, you know that. Let´s get in before you turn to ice” he laughs and takes my suitcase.
In the living room, I meet his mom. She is smiling so friendly that I don´t feel unwelcome or weird here at all.
“Mom, this is Y/N. This is my mom” he introduces us and Anne takes my extended hand.
“It´s so nice to finally meet you. Please call me Anne and feel completely at home. I can´t wait to show you Harrys baby pictures so you can annoy him with them” we laugh and my heart grows very heavy. I suddenly turn a bit sad, because I don´t have such a great family who is proud of me and supports me. I am all alone.
Gemma hugs me and hands me a glass of wine. We salute each other and Gemma tells Anne the story of how we met.
During dinner I watch them interact and try to get as much information as possible. I can feel the love in this house and I can see how proud Anne is of her kids and how much Harry adores his family. They mock each other but in a loving way and I love seeing it. Being part of it.
We clean everything up and while Harry and Gemma try to figure out, what we are doing now, I stay behind with Anne in her kitchen.
“You are a doctor? He told me about your job and I can´t imagine how hard this job must be” she asks and I nod.
“Yes, I graduated 2 years ago and I love my job and those kids. He probably told you that I try to not bond with other people…which seems odd because it was so easy with H” I laugh and she hands me a glass of wine.
“He is a sweetheart, I would doubt your heart if you could have resisted him in any way. How old are you?”
“I´ll turn 28 next February. You raised him right, you really got two gems there. Oh, by the way, thank you so much for inviting me over, I have a present for you” I remember and she laughs as I get her the present. I bought an expensive and very good bottle of wine and hand her the present.
“Oh honey, that wouldn’t have been necessary. But thank you, come ´ere” she hugs me and I am glad I chose the right gift.
“Mom, Y/N we want to watch a movie, are you coming?” I hear Harry from the living room and Anne and I smile at each other.
“I like you very much, it´s a bit of a disappointment that you are friends. Why can´t he bring someone like you as a partner” she sighs and I giggle a bit.
The siblings are sitting on the couch and Harry pulls me next to him while Anne and Gemma chat a bit and the intro of the film starts.
“I hope she was nice to you” he whispers and I look at him. The resemblance between him and Anne is enormous and I nod.
“I like her, now I know why you are who you are” he laughs a bit and kisses my forehead as I relax into his side.
I must have fallen asleep during the film because I wake up to quiet voices. I feel Harry's arm hugging me tight and I think I am lying half on top of his chest.
“Maybe we should wake her so she can go to bed, she is exhausted” Gemma suggests and Anne agrees.
“No, it doesn’t bother me that she sleeps. As long as we are awake she can stay right there” Harry replies and I sigh lifting my head.
“I´m awake but bed sounds good,” I say and rub my eyes. Harry pushes some of my hair out of my face and smiles at me.
“I´ll show you, come on” I wave goodnight to the ladies and stumble behind Harry.
“This is my room and yours is right next to it” he gestures as we are upstairs. He shows me the bathrooms and then leads me back to my room.
“I am so glad that you came, you can´t imagine,” he says as I sit on the bed.
“Me too. Tomorrow you could show me around town” I suggest and he agrees happily. I yawn and grab my sleeping clothes.
“Goodnight, Y/N. You can come over anytime, okay? See you tomorrow morning bright and smiley” I laugh and throw my arms around his neck.
“See you tomorrow” I reply and kiss his cheek, before he leaves me alone.
The next morning when I get downstairs Harry is already awake and sitting in the kitchen with a cup of coffee and his phone.
“Good morning, love. Slept well?” he asks and I sit down next to him.
“Yes, can I get one cup of this too?” I ask and point to his coffee.
“Sure, mugs are up there and the coffee machine is easy to handle, I show you” he hands me a mug and shows me how to handle the machine. When we sit back at the table I feel him staring at me.
“What? You have seen me in the morning with no make-up” I say and touch my hair a bit irritated. Maybe I look weird. He chuckles and takes my hand. Usually, his fingers are full of rings but this morning they are clean and empty.
“I did. And I can´t get enough of it, you are so pretty” he bites his lip as if didn’t plan on saying that.
“Thank you, H” I squeeze his hand lightly and chuckle a bit.
“Mom said we behave like a couple and she is right…in some way. Guess you are the closest I have to a soulmate” we smile and I shake my head.
“Don’t worry, it´s the same with you for me. What about breakfast? Shall we make some for everybody?” I suggest and he nods.
“Absolutely. What about your delicious pancakes and will try myself on some beans and toast, traditional English?” he asks and I get up, pulling my hand out of his.
“Sounds delicious but you don’t try. You just do, because you are a great cook. That’s why you always cook when we have a sleepover” he laughs and gets the ingredients out of the cupboard.
I mix everything and watch him fiddling with the can opener for the beans. When the first pancakes are cooking I take the can opener from him and help him, he frowns.
“I feel stupid” he laughs and I wink at him.
“Well Mr Superstar, if you can´t even open a can…I´m joking, I´m joking” I giggle and try to scoot away from his hands but he pokes my sides and tickles me.
“You are mean” he scowls and I can´t stop laughing, patting my hand behind me on the kitchen to find the flour. I stick my whole hand in it and he raises an eyebrow because he can´t see what´s happening behind my back.
“What are you doing with your-“ he gets cut off when I smear my flour-covered hand right across his face. The expression of shock on his face makes me laugh even more and before I catch my breath he rubs his face against mine and shares the flour with me. I dug away and see him cleaning his face in the sink while I flip the pancake.
“I hate you,” he says and I chuckle.
“No, you love me” I reply and his green eyes shoot over to my face. “I- I mean- like a friend. Best friend” he nods very slowly and I am glad to hear someone coming down the stairs.
“Good morning early birds,” Anne says and smiles at us. She walks over to Harry, who is still looking at me with an expression, I can´t really read and hugs him.
“Morning, my favourite son” she smiles and kisses his cheek.
“Morning mum” he replies and turns his gaze to his mum.
“Morning Anne. I hope you like pancakes” she smiles and nods, while she makes herself some coffee.
We have a kind of quiet breakfast until the others wake up and join and I get a lot of compliments for my pancakes. Harry and I don´t really talk much but I hope everything´s fine between us. I mean, why shouldn’t it be?
Hello guys, here it is, a new chapter of my latest work. While I have to wait for my COVID-19 test results I have a lot of free time and being home again after 2 weeks of holidays is so boring. Hopefully I am back at work at monday. 
Stay safe everybody. 
Love, Julia xx
Taglist: @wotamelonsugar @lanallaa @highladyofelfhame-remastered @lucky-worm @theresthingsthatwellneverknow @nibabyy @magnificentbonkfarmlover
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dazed--xx · 4 years
Request: Can you do a one shot were you fight and he says something that really hurt you bc you were insecure about that and then you act kinda distant and idk can it fluff and angst pretty please 🥺 I love your blog 💜(tae)
Summary:  “Maybe I wanted to have some time to myself for a change? Did you ever think about that? Maybe I didn’t want some clingy leach attached to my hip at every second of the fucking day... I finally wanted to be able to fucking breathe. Like damn I can see why your parents didn’t want you... you're fucking useless....” The foul insults like venom. Useless... He thinks you're useless...
Member: Taehyung x Idol!reader
Word Count: 2,276
Genre: Angst, light smut, light fluff
A/N: Shout out to the reader who requested my first Tae one shot, hope you enjoy. I got some big things planned to come out so i hope yall follow make sure you check out my masterlist for other stories 
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(Not my gif)
“Y/N!!” Tae shouts from the living room finally acknowledging my presence for the first time today. Waking me from a dead sleep, that falling feeling startling. “Y/N!!!” His voice booming. Sluggishly, WHAT TIME IS IT?? 1:54 am the alarm clock reads I scream into the pillow and make my wake to the living room. The bright light blinding, Tae on the couch with Jungkook. “Yes?” the annoyance in my tone evident. “We’re hungry can you make us something please?” THE FUCKING NERVE!!!! I roll my eyes “Did you speak to me for the last 16 hours?” confusion creeping onto his face at my passive aggressive attitude. Jungkook’s face contorts obviously uncomfortable. “I was just asking you to make us food, no need to be a bitch about it ill just order out” He snaps back “and by the way if you have something to fucking say then say it I don’t appreciate the off handed comments especially when you could have come to me as well and speak to me..” his eyes roll, Jungkook eyeing the door “WELL!.... this has been......fun. I'm gonna head out. Sorry Y/N didn’t mean to upset you” I smile at his friendliness. “Goodnight Jungkookie, I'll see you next time okay I'm sorry to make you feel uncomfortable.” I escort him out the door.  
Tae’s eyes fuming as I turn around. “Look what you fucking did! You made him leave all because of you’re stupid fucking attitude!” He shouts, throwing his controller on the ground smashing it. “You couldn’t just say you didn’t fucking feel like it instead of pushing my friend out the fucking door” fear creeping up in my body. Me and Tae have fought before but he’s never raised his voice like this. He’s never been THIS angry before. “Tae, I’m sorry but I was sleeping and-” “DOES IT LOOK LIKE I GIVE A FUCK ABOUT WHAT YOU WERE DOING?” his terrifying voice booming. Tears sting my eyes all my anger from the day boiling over as the confession spews out of my mouth “NO YOU DON’T BECAUSE YOU NEVER FUCKING CARE ABOUT WHAT THE FUCK I DO TODAY WAS A CLEAR INDICATION OF THAT NO? YOU HAVE A FUCKING DAY OFF AND YOU LITERALLY SPEND IT IGNORING ME AND PLAYING YOUR STUPID ASS GAME. I ASK YOU TO TAKE A WALK WITH ME AND YOURE TOO TIRED. I ASK YOU TO TAKE A NAP WITH ME YOU WANT TO BE UP. SO, WHAT THE FUCK IS IT HUH? SO, WHEN I FINALLY, FINALLY FALL ASLEEP YOU WANT TO FUCKING WAKE ME UP TO ASK ME TO COOK FOR YOU AND JUNGKOOK?????????”  
“Maybe I wanted to have some time to myself for a change? Did you ever think about that? Maybe I didn’t want some clingy leach attached to my hip at every second of the fucking day... I finally wanted to be able to fucking breathe. Like damn I can see why your parents didn’t want you... you're fucking useless....” The foul insults like venom. Useless... He thinks you're useless...
“Y/N! YOU RUINED IT! IT WAS MY FAVORITE AND YOU BROKE IT!!” My older sister shouts, as her hand harshly cracks along my cheek. Tears stream down my face, “I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to...” I whimper. The mirror on the ground shattered like my heart, my sisters rough hand shoves me to my knees. Glass stabbing at my skin like a thousand knives, her hand in my hair. “CLEAN IT NOW!!!” Her shouting alerts my mother. “Y/S/N? What's going on?” My mother's soft voice asks as she comes into the room. “Tsk....Y/N what did you do now?” Annoyance in her tone, her eyes rolling. “She broke my mirror. She broke my favorite mirror....she's so useless mom why is she here she needs to go.” My sister whined.  
“Let her go, Y/N pick this up and come to my room...” the tone dark. Fear taking a hold of my chest. Whilst cleaning the mirror my sisters torture did not end glass penetrated my hand every time, she shoved me over as I held each shard with care. Dread fills me as the mirror is completely clean. Slowly, I trek to my mother's room my 12-year-old frame trembling as I stand in front of my mother's door heart beating threatening to burst out of my chest.  
“Y/N LETS GO NOW” my mother shouts from the other side of the door. The beating didn’t last too long the pain only temporary; the lecture lasted a lifetime the pain forever. “Why do you have to be so damn useless huh? It's like you enjoy ruining our lives, you never seem to do anything right and I'm so god damn tired of fucking covering for you. SO, you need to go, I don’t care where it is you go but it's not here. I want you out by tomorrow and don’t take none of that expensive shit that’s mine”. I was out within the hour, terrified of what may come if I lasted until tomorrow. Rushing out of the door at 3 am with all of my essential belongings in hand, with no destination in sight.  
Months go by living all around Seoul at parks, bus stations, motels when I get really lucky. Singing in the street to come up with a few dollars to eat. Some days I didn’t make enough and I would slip items in my clothes, becoming quite the “artist”.  One day, I’m singing in front of a small store front 2 gentlemen dressed lavishly listening intently phone recording as my verse comes to an end. Their eyes burning holes into me as a blush creeps up onto my face. The crowd disperses at the top of my hat a business card BIG HIT ENTERTAINMENT. Confusion strikes me turning the card over. A small hand written note and address on the back ‘TOMORROW 2 PM’. My heart races WHAT????
“Y/N-AH STOP BEING SO DAMN USELESS AND PLEASE HIT THE BEAT ON THE RIGHT COUNT!” My groups dance lead, Hye-un shouts. Fury in her eyes, “Seriously we probably would have debuted by now if you could do something right like you can't sing, you can't dance...what can you do huh?? Stand there? Remember you’re only here because Namjoon oppa felt bad for you.” her words cut like knives. “Namjoon oppa thinks I'm good..” I mutter weakly, under my breathe as tears slide down my face. Every girl laughs, “No, honestly no one does like come on, you can't see it, He felt bad for you idiot. You were homeless and needed a place to go.” Jisoo snaps. Her words breaking my heart, grabbing my bag and dashing toward the door. They won't get to see me cry...not like that... not for them.  
Running down the hallway, hunting for the farthest studio away from them to release my demons. THUD! “Oof DUDE WATCH WHERE YO-” The loud voice cut off “LOOK IM NOT IN THE FUCKING MOOD MOVE” I shout as I stand up to run past the stranger. “Damn... Okay... rude... are you okay though you look like you’re crying” He says as I wipe my eyes getting a clear view of the man that I've collided with. A blush instantly creeping on my face as the familiar face becomes recognizable and my head shoots down, Taehyung oppa. All the anger in me fades quickly as the god like man shifted. My voice is shaky, “IM SO SORRY, I wasn’t paying attention. I'm just having a rough morning. I should get going, I'm so sorry... I..Um...S-Sorry” He chuckles “Ha, you said that already...3 times in fact” a small giggle escapes my lips.
“So, I know you don’t know me or anything but I’m a great listener. Maybe you can tell me what's going on, it might help” He says sincerely. Hesitant, I look down “um....-” “Look, don’t worry if you don’t want to physically tell me give me your number you can text it to me then that way you and I don’t have to be face to face and it can help you to get more out that sound good?” I nod as he pulls out his phone and asks for mine. His number in my phone as Tae<3. A smile creeps up onto my face as he pulls me into a hug. My body melts into his like I've known him for years. “Okay so I'll talk to you later” A smile on his face as he walks off.  
Blushing, as realization dawns on me as I pull my phone out to text him.  
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From there I told Tae everything, my fears, my past, insecurities. Useless....that's all I’ve ever been. My sobs no longer able to be held back as they barrel their way through my chest. “F-fin-ne then Tae you won't have to worry about me being in your way anymore” I whisper as I turn around and walk into the bedroom Tae and I share. Locking the door behind me I curl up in bed and let the tears take over me. Mama never loved you, the girls never wanted you to debut with them, they made you go solo because of how useless the group thought you were, You're so fucking useless to Tae. I ruin fucking everything I'm sorry Tae. The tears putting you to sleep eventually.  
FUCK!! FUCK!! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!! FUCK! YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST DO???????!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK?!!! The regret fills my mind as the bedroom door locks in my face. Her sobs filling the apartment, my heart cracking at the sound. Sitting outside of the door listening to the love of my life cry herself to sleep in our bedroom, alone, because of me. Baby I'm so sorry...you know I never would mean anything like that, but the words never come out.  
Nothing can physically come out as my heart pounds in my throat terrified of what tomorrow could bring. Would she leave? NO! Tae don’t think like that Y/N loves you and she’ll know you could never mean that...right? Tears streaming down my face at the thought. You fucked up...you fucking hurt her in one of the worst fucking ways possible. There's no way she's going to forgive you. Trudging back to the couch as I let the tears consume me.  
The sun beaming in my eyes, burning, as I blink myself awake. Eyes sore, Tae’s words resting at the front of my mind. Making my way to the restroom, the second the door is open Tae is in front of me on his knees. “Baby, I’m an asshole okay but I love you and-and I'm sorry” He pleads as he wraps his arms around my waist head resting against my stomach. Disgust filling me, “Move, I have to use the restroom” Tae’s saddened figure retreats back to the living room defeated. Tears stream down my face as the hot water from the shower soaks me. My pain evident, Tae shuffling outside of the bathroom door every few minutes whispering to himself before disappearing back into the living room.  
Placing one of my tank tops and sweat pants on, I make my way out of the bathroom. Tae rushing behind me as I walk back into the bed room. The saddened puppy looks still on his face. His regret in his eyes, his face is puffy and red proof he’s been crying over his words. The sight weakening my angry state as he reaches for my face and looks into my eyes caressing my cheek. His gaze drifting to my lips, slowly leaning forward he brushes his lips against mine looking for some form of consent. My eyes close as he presses forward and kisses me with so much emotion, his tongue delving in to my mouth and tasting me. A slight moan released from his lips as he presses me against the bedroom door slamming it shut. He lifts my right leg over his waist pulling me closer, as lips slide down to my neck. The way his tongue attacks my neck, drawing a puddle in my panties, his member grinding against me hard as a rock. The need for more grows inside me as Tae pulls his lips off of my body as he whispers in my ear his voice shaky and terrified “I-I’m so s-sorry, I love you and you’re not useless. I didn’t mean it. I could never mean it, you’re perfect I swear. And I'm such an ass for saying something like that there’s no excuse for what I said but please, okay, I'm BEGGING you don’t leave me.”  
A tear slides down my face as he shakes, crying into my ear wrapping his arms around my waist. Tae’s sadness washing away any animosity toward him at his words. “Baby... you hurt me but I'd never leave you. You're all I have and I'm never giving you up” I hug him back. His smile against my neck. “I don’t deserve you.....I'm sorry” I nod and run my hands through his hair. “SO! Were you just being a tease or are you gonna finish what you started?” I ask seductively as I put Tae’s hand in my pants, a smirk creeps onto his face.  
“Oh, Kitten, I have so many plans for us today”  
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minhothebighoe · 5 years
2:03 pm I Love You
Requested: yes: “Hey babes, hope your doing swell❤ What about Felix ( stray kids ) with a self conscious s/o? Like, she just doesn't thing she's good enough for him + so he hard core comforts her. Cuddles her until she gives up type thing. Possibly smut but if you don't write smut for him just fluff is fine.”
Word Count: 3.1 k
Summary: Your relationship with Felix was great at first, but when you two got caught in public it changed your life for the worst.
Warnings: mentions of feeling depressed, mentions of sex, small amounts of smut (just don’t blink), a mention of degradation kink (AGAIN DONT BLINK). And a cute/ sexy Felix
**also I haven’t proofread yet so hope it’s not too bad lololol, also maybe pt. 2 ???***
“Babe please tell me what’s wrong”
Felix sighed deeply, before laying a hand on my bare shoulder, gripping tightly at the exposed skin that poked out of my sweater. He looked and concentrated on me with worry and sadness that was clearly displaying on his soft features; his eyes showing nothing but pure and utter remorse. I turned away and stared at the floor silently with pure guilt and anxiety that was building and starting to weigh heavily on my chest. I hated myself for the fact that I was the one causing him to feel this way.
Things have been shitty for a while now, and I’m not talking about Felix or anything about him. Felix is literally the light of my life, and it’s not an understatement when I say I would literally take a bullet for the boy or give up my life to save his. Everything that is wrong is because of me, myself, and I.
Things were more than amazing in the beginning when no one knew of us together. When Felix could visit or hang out we would mostly just Sneak around and hide the fact we were an item. It was definitely hard most times,especially for him; he wanted nothing more than to show me off to the world, but at the same time it was oh so exciting. Even though Felix wanted to come out to the world as more than close friends he also loved concealing our relationship. He being the dirty Aussie boy he is admittedly ached to fuck me in public anywhere that he could get his hands on me, and shit, it was our dirty little secret.
However, things mostly took a toll for the worst when dispatch caught us together, and stays all over found out about the relationship.
It was late at night, Felix and I were at a park close to my home, and me being the dumb ass I am, was not thinking coherently. All I was thinking of was the lovely night me and my beautiful boyfriend were having, and the fact that he was physically there with me. At no time did it occur to me to think that other people would be up at the god awful hour.
In the moment, Felix was chasing me on the open grass field, and we were both happy and content. We didn’t need much more than each other to have a good time or have fun.
“You’ll never catch me!” I laughed, running faster away from my playful boyfriend who was right on my tail. I however, knew for fucking sure he was definitely gonna get me, I just wanted to tease the poor lad and get him all worked up.
Not even 10 seconds later he caught a hold of my hand and before I knew it, we both came to a dead halt. I turned around to face him and capture him at the moment, it almost felt like one of those cheesy kdrama moments where everything is in slow motion. His beautiful dark eyes stared lovingly and deep into my own. His chest was heaving up and down and all I could hear was the sound of his heavy breaths parting from those big beautiful pouty lips. He leaned his forehead onto mine before speaking with that sinful voice of his,
“God you have no idea what the fuck you do to me.”
That beautiful playful smile was now a wicked and sexy smirk, and god did I love it.
He pulled me closer to where my chest was touching his long lean frame; I felt his hands slowly travel and make their way down to my hips, it was almost teasingly unhurried. I felt a soft squeeze on the flesh, and a painful chill make its way up throughout my body. I thought I forgot how to breathe at that very moment.
Meanwhile felix’s eyes had never left mine, causing a certain feeling make its way through out my core deep within. I was aching for him to touch me, and I could tell he couldn’t wait any longer as well.
God you have no idea what you do to me, Felix.
He continued to smirk at me before impulsively bringing his lips down to my neck with such vigor and pure lust. I brought my hands instantly from his chest and placed them at the back of his head running them through and tugging on his sexy red locks. I gasped for air as I felt his teeth nip slightly at my flesh, hitting that sweet spot just right below my earlobe. He slowly proceeded to run his tongue over the bite mark before sucking ever so mercilessly. I could feel the heat rapidly making a pool in my underwear, and I didn’t know how much longer I could wait for him to touch me.
“F-Felix please.” I pleaded.
He detached his lips from my neck, and I could instantly feel a cool breeze attack the spot where his mouth once was.
He stared devilishly at me, his pupils getting blacker, before speaking
“Awe is my baby girl getting impatient…. don’t worry darling I’ll fuck you right.” I gulped; He leaned in again, and I could feel his hot breath hit the inside of my ear causing goosebumps to arise and my complexion go pale.
“I just wanna play with you first.”
I stared at Felix as my mouth went dry and my mind buzzed. His words alone were enough to get me off, and all I wanted was for him to rip my skirt off and fuck me right then and there.
But Then…..that’s when I heard it.
I snapped out of the trance like state, and forcefully pulled myself away from Felix’s body. I automatically knew exactly what that sound was and it was almost an instant shock of anxiety that rolled throughout my body. I looked over to Felix and I could tell he felt the exact same way.
“C’mon babe we have to go.” Even though he was trying to rush me, he said it as calminglyas possible.
** click **
As we moved quicker away, the more rapid the noise was becoming. Felix and I moved speedily, giving even Usain Bolt a run for his money, trying to get away from the situation. However, we both knew it was too late and the damage was most likely done. We were already caught and red handed at that.
“People are going to find out” I thought, anxiety filled my entire being with the thought. What will they think? This wasn’t no ordinary fan base I was going up against, these are kpop stans the most frightening yet loyal fans to ever exist. They were going to completely and utterly judge me.
and that they did.
It had only been 1 month since the pictures had come out of Felix and I embracing each other at the park, and let’s just say the backlash was worse than what I was expecting. Each day was more shoddy than the last, it seemed as each hour passed the more shit I was getting and the more comments filled my Social media telling me I wasn’t good enough, or that I was too ugly, too fat, and so on. At first it didn’t really bother me, I had hoped changing my profiles to private would help, and get people to calm down about the situation, and it did for a while. However me being me, I couldn’t help myself to search and see what the fans were saying,and as much as I wanted to ignore it, I couldn’t fucking do it.
“Ugly bitch, Felix deserves so much better.”
“Where the hell did he find her? Probably some whore.”
“Fat ugly bitch should lose some weight, she’s going to crush our poor Felix.”
“They’ll never last SHE'S just another slut I mean look how short her skirt is in that picture, such a sleeze”
Okay then.
A couple more months had passed and I thought it would die down but for some reason it never did and as the number of comments and articles grew, I felt my deepest insecurities grow as well, drowning out any ounce of confidence I once had.
The fat comments were an especially hard pill to swallow as I had always been insecure about my weight. Even though deep down I knew I wasn’t “fat” I still had trouble looking at a mirror and being happy with the way I looked. And having a boyfriend who is an international heart throb did not make things easier to say the least.
“Why aren’t you eating babe?”
“You‘ve lost some weight love since the last time I saw you, I’m a little concerned”
“Babe please eat something, are you okay?”
Felix had seemed to have asked these questions quite a few times in the past months, and I would always reply with the same short answers along with a fake smile.
“Lixie I’m fine, I promise.”
“I’m just not hungry.”
“Ohh I just ate I’m okay.”
It wasn’t just the fat comments not causing me to eat, it was everything that was sending me into a spiral of self hatred and let’s just say: my very own demise. I had lost all appetite because all I could think of were those millions of fans telling me how ugly and disgusting I was, and, oh yeah, that I should do Felix a favor and just kill myself. And the most annoying thing was, I had no idea why it was even getting to me so much. It just hurt knowing that practically a whole fan base hated you because you loved someone so unconditionally, and you couldn’t do a thing about it or change their mind.
And I started to believe every damn word that was thrown at me.
I was too scared to even leave my home knowing that people knew who I was and how I looked. I didn’t want to risk it. I was scared, point, blank, and period. Sadly, I didn’t have anyone to confide in. I had always been mostly independent and an introvert so friends were very few and far inbetween;I didn’t want to worry my poor parents, as they would be devastated and heartbroken to know their little girl was feeling this broken. And, I couldn’t tell my boyfriend because he was busy most of the time getting ready for a fucking world tour to notice, and there was no way in hell I was going to distract him from that, so me being very discouraged to bring this up to anyone, kept to myself and thought being alone was the best option.
At least that’s what I thought I could do.
I guess I was naive thinking I could hide and push away my own feelings, but every negative thought, moment of regret, and all my insecurities were starting to show and make their way from the dark abyss and pile to the surface. I wanted anything but to worry Felix with my issues, however everything was becoming way too hard to mentally bare and I was reaching above my boiling point.
“Y/N, please for fucks sake talk to me, don’t you understand I’m here for you? Don’t you understand I can tell when something is wrong?”
Felix, who was sitting next to me, quickly got down on his knees in front of me. He placed a hand lovingly on my cheek, softly rubbing soothing circles with the pad of his thumb on the skin, causing me to feel somewhat calm.
I didn’t want to tell him how I was feeling partially because I didn’t know how to explain it. There’s just so much going on inside my head that it feels as if I’m at war with my own consciousness.
“I-I’m fine baby I p-promise I ju-“ tears were threatening to spill and I couldn’t even look him in the eyes.
“Bull fucking shit (y/n). You for the past 8 months have been anything but yourself, you’ve lost so much fuckin weight to the point where you’re skin and bones, you’re not eating, and I- I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, and it fucking hurts to see you like this and I-“ tears streamed down Felix’s face, and he cupped my chin and forced me to look into him.
Everything was accumulating and it was starting to reach a point where hiding these demons was not in the question anymore. Seeing Felix in this much pain because of me, tipped me beyond off the scale and I felt almost angry that all this bullshit had happened. Am I weak for wanting to tell him?
Would he be able to handle it?
As I was building the courage to speak, I turned my head away again hearing my phone vibrate. I could see the notifications building up from Twitter on the screen from the previous hour; Felix noticed too and instantly shot out his hand to grab my device.
“Felix baby no do-.”
I tried to grab the annoying hardware before Felix could see anything, it it was too late. His eyes widened.
“Kill yourself you stupid bitch,
you’re so unworthy of a man like Felix like actual filth lmao,
You’re an ugly fat whore who will never amount to anything ,
Watch out Felix, she’s only with you for your money”
As Felix read the words aloud it felt as if thousands of knives were being stabbed into my body over and over again, but all I could do was stare at the floor in front of me, and not dare to look at Felix. I didn’t want him to know things were this bad, I tried to shield him from the pain I was feeling because he didn’t deserve to be included in the affliction. My heart hurt but I wasn’t going to let him be included in that agony.
I loved him too much.
“Baby….” I could feel his eyes bore into my figure and at that moment I couldn’t hold it in anymore. Everything that had pent up over the past months finally spilled out into the open atmosphere, and holy shit I was a sopping mess to say the very least. I huddled over as the sobs poured out of my mouth, they were mixed with so much vexation, sorrow, and panic as I didn’t know how to feel. Felix quickly sat next to me and put an arm over my physique, pulling me in closer to his broad frame. My head lay atop his lap while I cried as much as I could. He peacefully stroked my hair with his fingers, and every once in a while layed some soft kisses atop my head.
I leaned my head to fit in the crook of his neck,taking in the scent of his cologne. He held onto me tight, as if he was never going to let me go again.
“Baby, all this time…. why didn’t you tell me?” His voice was almost quivering but I knew he wasn’t going to cry.
“I- I didn’t want to worry you, you had so much to do for the tour and I thought it was dumb an-“ he stopped me.
“(Y/N) it’s not dumb that people are harassing you and making you feel this way. Listen, I love my fans each and every single one of them. However, you have to realize that in every good person there are another 5 evil ones who don’t respect mine or your feelings for one another, and those people are not true fans.”
He brought my face to look at his.
“Listen darling, I love you and if some people can’t respect that then, that’s their problem. Our love is stronger than this and I know we will overcome this hurdle. That’s all it is, these comments don’t matter they’re just people who have no respect or no life to worry about and all they want to do is take that anger and hurt into other people. But holy shit, I just thank god nobody hurt you or physically or came after you….I don’t know what I would do.” Felix kissed my nose and stroked the top of my hand with his very own sending small impulses of electricity up my body. The heat of his body comforted me and I had never felt more love for him than in that very moment. For once I could finally breathe again and smile.
Felix brought a hand to cup my cheek, the palm of his hand felt so reassuring as he brought his soft lips down to mine gently and with such passion. He kissed me as if we had all the time in the world yet it also felt as if it was our last moment together. The world could’ve ended right then and there and I would’ve felt content being in his arms.
I guess I learned it’s not good to hold things in, and now I know if I’m ever feeling sad or hurt that there are people who love me and are willing to listen. And as much as I wanted them to be, my problems were not small especially if they had me feeling the way I did. I don’t have to be alone even in my darkest thoughts or weakest moments.
All I know is Felix lifted a weight off my chest that was too heavy for me to even nudge. And for him I am more than thankful.
“Also those comments are bullshit because if anything darling you’re to good for me princess .”
I smirked at him.
“Oh really now.”
“Yeah but let’s get one thing straight.” I eyed him as he bit his lip, he coyly took the soft skin in between his teeth as his eyes went dark.
“ the only person who can call you a filthy whore is me. Got it?”
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wakandascrystal · 5 years
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T'Challa x Black Reader
Summary: T'Challa has been neglecting you for the longest time. You find out why?
A/N - Hi 🌸. Did you miss me?  Cause I missed you. Anyway. Work,school and my personal life have made it their personal mission to stress me out so I don’t enjoy my one true love …BlackPanther FanFiction. But my cousin lent me her laptop and I was able to put this fic together before she needed it back. sorry for any mistakes Enjoy
“Did you see how Yolanda was looking at Tepho…they are definitely seeing each other." 
You waited for a response from T'Challa. 
Nothing, but never the less you carried on.
"I’m glad they spoke with each other about their feelings. Love is so exciting don’t you think?”
He said nothing. 
He probably wanted to be alone and you were there, gossiping away about the servants who everyone knew where hooking up.
You sat up from the leather seats in his office to give him space. Even the stretching of the leather against your body made you cringe. You didn’t want to disturb him. He looked like he needed silence. His eyes were focused on the notes he was writing. The pen gliding on the page. You quickly said farewell and left him alone. He didn’t respond.
As soon as you left, closing the door behind you. Your heart sunk. You didn’t know why he was giving you the cold shoulder. Ever since you came back from the women’s conference in Brazil. He has been less talkative and less himself. N'Jadaka noticed as well. 
He thought he had food poisoning cause there is was no way he could be genuinely mad at you. You didn’t do anything. You know you didn’t. But you were too afraid to ask. So you just carried on being a good wife. 
It was 6:30 PM and everyone was waiting on the king so they could start eating dinner. The Queen, N'Jadaka, his wife Aaliyah,  Okoye ,W'Kabi and Bucky. Shuri was too busy in her lab to come join.
“Man I’m hungry are you going to call his ass down here or what?“
You really didn’t want to. You felt like a nursence to him all ready. You didn’t want to face him. Well not alone anyway.
“…Maybe we can start …without him.“  Aaliyah rolled her eyes.
“Sweetheart. We can’t eat without him if he is in the palace. He is the king. He needs to start the meal.“ She had pleading eyes since you had kept her up to date with what was happening in your relationship with Thcalla and she with hers with N'Jadaka.
“Okay I will request his presence.“ The lack of excitement in your voice didn’t sit well with the Queen.
“Stay put my dear I will go speak with my son.“ It felt like a wave of relief washed over you. You couldn’t believe how happy you were to be saved from talking to your own husband. You hated the feeling but you were glad to see Romanda’s white crystal train from her dress follow her out the door. 
“So how long is he going to act like a child.“  Aaliyah whispered into your ear.
“His behavior worries me more then anything. I’m trying to not take it personally.“
“Your husband has not touch, kissed, fucked or barely spoken to you in 2 weeks and your choosing to not take it personally.“
You repeat her whole question in your mind, breaking it up in halves so you could understand her sarcasm.
“Yes…Yes i am…. shhh.. there he is…“ You shushed her like a schoolgirl when they entered. T’challa looked tired and used. The difference between the Queen and her son was clear. Her head was up when she walked unlike Tchalla, his head was low and he seemed uncertain with him movements. You hated how he carried himself. One of the reason you fall for him was his confidence, you had to speak to him. For once since coming back you had to talk about his behavior.
After a long and an uneventful meal everyone left for their rooms. Aaliyah and N'Jadaka left hand in hand, Queen Romanda , Okoye, Bucky and W'Kabi left the reigning King and Queen in the Royal dining hall. The silence was unbearable and you think you only felt it. 
“Tchalla“ you called out to him and he didn’t respond.
“I’m leaving in 3 days“ He said it in a low voice you barely heard him.
“3 days. Where are you going?“ 
“…Nigeria. For a short while. It will be a days trip.“ He said nothing more. He pushed himself out of the golden table and walked away. Normally he would pull your chair out for you and walk with your to your room but not anymore. The 8 guards who surrounded the hall stood still, backs up against wall as you stared at nothing wondering where your marriage went wrong. 1 hour past and you were still in the same position, that was more than enough time for you to collect yourself. 
You started your nightly routine. A hot shower, hair care, skin care, a glass of water, 2 chapters of your favorite book then some needed sleep. It went smoothly since T'challa wasn’t there. To your knowledge he was in his office doing lord knows what. You wanted to be asleep before he come back so you would face him. later you learnt you had rushed yourself over nothing. He didn’t come back until later into the night. Your eyes had been sealed shut around 10 and he joined you at 2 o'clock in the morning. To make matters worse he woke up and left before you woke up so you didn’t even get to see him.
A week later you and Aaliyah had to meet up with the Women’s league of Wakanda, just North of the capital. You said nothing to her the whole trip there. You couldn’t even enjoy the beautiful mountainous landscape and waterfalls that laid under the aircraft. You were to busy trying to figure out what is making T'challa neglect you.
Somehow you make it through the event, you remember nothing and no one. Aaliyah does you the biggest favor and doesn’t speak about it. Not even once. you wished you could reward her for that.
When the the aircraft lands back home at the palace. No one is waiting for you Just N'Jadaka waiting to walk his lovely wife back inside. Tears threatening to fall. You could feel them. They pulled your energy down and as well as your soul. You wounded the halls of the palace not sure where to go. Your biggest fear at that moment was not death or anything else but it was running into your husband. You hated how he made you feel. overnight he went from being the most loving and accommodating husband to an unfriendly man. The worst part is you didn’t know why. You wish he would tell you because you would fix it.
You would. You would do anything to go back to how things were.
You run into Queen Ramonda in the east wing halls. She had 2 workers behind her. They seemed to be moving furniture.
“Oh Y/N the person i wanted to see. Please meet me in the garden ,I will join you shortly.“ You gave her a weak smile and started making your way to the Queens garden. When you get there you meet another 2 female workers preparing tea and scones. they left when you arrive. The enclosed garden is filled with roses and sunflowers. Your favorite, lilies and other wildflowers as well. You feel the Queen’s hand on you shoulder moments later.
“You seem deep in thought my dear.” You offer her that weak smile again. “It’s been a long week” You confess. “Have some tea.” She poured you a cup and you both took sips at the same time.
“You should talk to him.“ You almost spat your tea out. Romanda was the last person you wanted to know you and Tchalla were going through something.
“How did you know?“ She took another sip
“I think you forget I was married to an Udaku Man-“ She smirks “-and i’m not an idiot. Something is going on and you need to fix it before it becomes serious.”
“Iv tried so many times he just shuts me out. You know he barely comes home at night. He stays in that study of his all the time. I believe he stays there to avoid me.“ You couldn’t look at her. She was so beautiful and graceful that you felt so foolish sharing your problems.
“I really love your son..but I dont think he loves me anymore. I’m afraid to say“ You felt her hand on your knee. You could see she really cared about you and your worries. She was your mother. She cared like one and loved like one.
“My son is a lot of things Y/N but he is not an stupid…..I’m sure he wouldn’t do anything that would jeopardize your relationship. I will never forget how he cried when he first saw you in your wedding dress. Hmm?“ She pulled a small cloth out and wiped your tears. “…I know for a fact that golden dress wasn’t the reason he got emotional.“ 
“Go talk to him. Go now my child.“ She helped you up and walked you to the entrance of his office from her garden. You felt empowered, she made you feel like that.
You walked in alone without knocking. Tchalla was on the brown leather couch on the other side of the office. His back faced you as you marched to him. He looked busy and you didn’t. For once you didn’t mind disrupting his focus on something. You didn’t feel guilty or out of line, you were ready to giving him the reality of your relationship. 
“T'challa Udaku !“ He didn’t stop paging through the loose papers on his wooden table.
“Udaku!” you raised your voice this time but getting nothing from the King.
“I didn’t take your last name just so you would ignore me like this.“ 
“Is there something you need from me Y/N, I am busy at the moment.“
The rage was red and hot. It bubbled from the bottom of stomach upwards. You felt hot and angry. You were ready to fight him but you knew you wouldn’t win. He was the black panther. He could hear you heart rate beat faster as you clenched and unclenched you fists. In a quicky movement you pulled all the papers he was working with and the scattered them in one movement away from him on to the floor. He was shocked. This was not your typical behaviour. You were calm and polite never savage and rude but he was making you like this. What exactly did he expect.
He wanted to see what you were going to do next, you didn’t want him to move away from you like he was starting to do so you straddled him. Throwing you thigh over his lap. 
“Why have you been ignoring me?!“ You looked into his eyes. He tried to push you off . You didn’t want to fail this time. So many times you tried to talk to him and get to the bottom of this mess and you failed but right was not going to be a repeat of that.
“Y/N get off me.“ He warned 
“Im sorry but I have to reject that request.“
“It was not a requested more a command.“ His voice was deep and he sounded annoyed.
“The only way. I’m going to getting off your lap is if Okoye,your personal guard takes me off you, which is impossible because she is arranging everything for you visit to Nigeria…or just throw me off yourself.“ He licked his lips as he tolerated your mischief.
“I guess you leave me no choice.“ His hands snake to your waist and you felt him began to lift you. You didn’t want to move. you wanted to stay on him. You started to panic, fearing going back to what ever your marriage was at this point. 
In a bold move you planted your lips on his. The cherry gloss you had acted as lubricant so you could make the kiss deeper. You were certain he was going to reject you. You didn’t know how you would have dealt with that type of rejection from your own husband. You had dug your own grave but somehow, some way he didn’t push you away but pulled you closer.
It was as if he missed your touch. Like he wanted the moment to last. This confused you. The need he was showing confused you. The way his large hands held on to your hips and back confused you. why would he act like you don’t exist if his body still wanted you, if it still responded to you. The sounds of sucking and lips smacking made you feel good. The sound of progress… that until he pulled you abruptly away. Eyes dark with his graze. He looked angry
“Get off me.“ That was his 100% dont messy with right voice. You knew it. very well. He had used it with Erik a while back when he tried to steal the country and with some of the Avengers.
“I’m tired of your shit. It’s been a mouth and we haven’t had a simple conversation. Your acting like a baby …your scaring me…your embarrassing me. Every single person in this palace thinks i’ve done something to anger you, when i’ve done nothing. Your punishing me for nothing! I have DONE NOTHING!“ 
You got of his lap before you started yelling. You dont ever remember raising your voice this much at Tchalla before. Never. 
He just sat there and took it. Waiting for you to finish.
“Nothing? You did nothing?“ He asked you in a low voice, laced with sarcasm.
You didn’t answer. Just staring at him.
“….What was his name?“ 
“Who?“ you answered impolitely
“Y/N ….I was minding my own business, getting some important things done-“ You cut him off “Is our….dying relationship not important?“
“That is not what I meant.“
“Then what did you mean …my King?“
“..Maybe if you let me finish you would know?”
You stepped closer to him when he stood up. You needed to show him you weren’t afraid.  Even though he towered of you. You needed to face him head on. 
“I asked you a question. What was his name?“ 
“I’m going to the king to be more specific?“ You crossed your arms 
“…The man you fucked in Brazil“
You step back from, your face fall as your brain tried to understand what he just said.
“What the fuck are you saying. I was alone. The whole trip. Why the hell would I sleep with someone else? “
“Then explain this?“ he held up his writs to his Kimoyo beads. The screen lit up and he proceeded to show you a video. 
You could see the door of the hotel room being open. Who ever took this video must have snuck past the 3 guards that were supposed to be on duty that night. 
Fear struck in to your heart when you finally realized what Tchala had seen.You looked up at his face, he was starting at the screen. You wanted to stop the video and explain. You wanted the room to cave in and take you away from this. You didn’t mean for this to get to him. You bit your lip and carried on watching.
The person who was filming, opened the your bedroom door slowly. At that moment your moans could be heard. They where high pitched and needy. They were weak but clearly audible. All the frame shot was your brown leg on one of the big white pillows and the messy bedding and then it come to its ending. Your heart stopped. You deemed yourself lucky that that was all that could be seen. You wanted to run away from him and not have to deal with his eyes.
“I can explain..“
“Go ahead.“
“”Tchalla I was lonely…I was there for 3 weeks..without you. I missed you so much. This is so embarrassing…….I wanted you to be there with me. You know this…. It was one time Tchalla. “
“Do you hear yourself Y/N? You cheated on me and you - “
“Wait….cheated. Tchalla Im so confused. You have been treating me like this all this time cause you think I cheated on you.“
“Then what is this-“
“OMG T'CHALLA I WAS TOUCHING MYSELF …AND THAT IS A SHADOW FROM THE BIG PILLOW NOT A PERSON…OR A MAN!!….DID YOU THINK I WAS WITH SOMEONE ELSE???“ your eyes were about to pop out because of this man. He really was pushing it
“what was i -“ Tchalla tries to defend himself.
“No! You Don’t get to speak. This whole time your been keeping me out and shouting me out cause of this. Tchalla Im lucky this didn’t get in the hands of someone who would have uploaded it. I’m the Queen for Gods sake…. that would have destroyed me.“
You were so relieved to finally know why he was actually mad at you but you were also mad at him. Why didn’t he just ask you the day you got home?
“Calm yourself My Queen“ He went to pour himself a glass of whisky ..leaving your side. He had a smile on his face. You missed it. T'challa was happy to know you actually weren’t unfaithful. You missed him calling you his Queen but you couldn’t show him that, you were angry at your King.
“So…“ He took a small sip “….You were touching yourself.” He was back to his cocky self…you were not ready for that right now. 
“I’m leaving …have a safe trip to Nigeria.“ You turned to leave him but he reached for your waist just in time.
“Don’t you think we need to talk…about the video.“ He was teasing you.
“No i’m not going to talk….“ You teased back. You weren’t sure if everything was back to normal or not .You were really hoping he wasnt mad anymore. He had no reason to be.
You gave him a small kiss to get his attention. “Did you really think I was with someone else?” he didn’t say anything just giving you disappointed look.
“You owe me a vacation for this.“
“I’m really sorry my Queen..We can go wherever you want.“
“Okay.“ You wanted to ask him what would make him think you would step out. More questions piled on in your mind and he could see you were over thinking. Tchalla felt bad, he really did. He was just very bad at showing his true emotions … if they made him feel vulnerable. 
“Who took that video. I’m so mad. That was an invasion of my privacy”
“Don’t worry. She was reprimanded for her actions…and the guard who were supposed to keep you safe.“
“You didn’t kill them did you?“ 
“I should of. That could have been a crazy person who wanted to hurt you…when you were busy…pleasing yourself.“
“Fuck it Tchalla, Im out.“ You had never seen him smile so much. You loved it. 
“I’ll see you at dinner.“ You gave him another kiss on his lips before leaving him. when the doors to his study closed shut, you sent him a message on your Kimoyo beads.
“Don’t ever scare me like that“
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xietyflix · 5 years
Warm Tats| 01
⇢ Pairing: Jimin x Reader
⇢Genre: Werewolf Au, tattooist Jimin
“I never felt like this before.” “Is that a good or a bad thing?” “Good because it makes me want to fuck you senseless.” “Oh.”
⇢ warnings: mentions of blood and future smut.
⇢ omg!! I didn’t think people would like it!
Warm tat ⇢ I’m going to create the links when I have time💀 also someone explain wtf is a tag list😭😭
@bluemooncnblue & @hoodmeup will make a better tag list later💀
Warm Tats CH: 00 01 02
It’s been a week, a week since your visit and a week of what Jin said.
“Your like Rose and I! You should be happy Jimin, and that face your giving me is not excitement. It’s giving me… it's more a ‘I'll kill you’ type of face.” Jin said as Jimin set down his sandwich wrapper.
“Cause I’m going to kill you if you don’t shut up.” Jimin said getting up.
“Okay okay calm down, I won’t say a damn word.” Jin spoke holding his hands up in surrender.
Bullshit Jin didn’t keep his word now Jimin had to deal with Jungkook and Taehyung’s endless teasing.
The bell rang signaling that Jimin was going to have his first customer of the day. He dropped his sketchbook on his table before walking out front.
“What can I hel- Jackson?” Jimin froze when he saw Jackson standing there.
“I came back because of the pictures.” Jackson says gesturing the tattoo Jimin gave him last week.
“Oh right, follow me,” Jimin says leading Jackson towards the photo room.
“Did you treat it like I told you.” Jimin says as Jackson takes off his shirt to reveal his back tattoo.
“Why do you always question me?” Jackson said turning around.
“Cause your dumb and dumb people do dumb things.” Jimin says setting up the camera.
“Just take your damn photos.” Jackson huffed causing Jimin to laugh.
After the 30 minutes of taking pictures with Jackson Jimin expected you to be the next one for you photos but it was his next client for ink.
Jimin was gonna admit he was kinda disappointed, he missed your scent roaming around in his shop.
Yet he was left disappointed. Jimin just finished with another client which he was alone for the next hour, he spent that time sketching new ideas.
He felt his phone vibrating in his pocket indicating he has a call coming through. Not caring who it was he answered.
“Hello.” Jimin answered.
“Hey Jimin it’s Jin.”
“What’s up?” Jimin spoke putting down his pencil as he sits back in his chair.
“Not much what you think about we all go out to a diner for dinner, I don’t feel like cooking.” Jin spoke.
“I honestly don’t care.” Jimin spoke as he began spinning in his chair.
“SEE I TOLD YOU HE DIDN'T CARE!” Jimin winced as he heard Kook in the background.
“Jin let me see the phone.” Tae spoke and suddenly there was shuffling and growling that caused Jimin to roll his eyes in annoyance.
“Jimin how’s the shop?” Tae spoke as Jin cursed at him in the back.
“It’s good Tae, What do you want?” Jimin spoke and he heard the bell from the front jingle.
“Coming!” Jimin says getting up and walking to the front.
“I wanted to know if you seen ______ yet?” Tae teases.
“If I see her or no-“ Jimin stopped in the middle of his sentence once the smell of honey and lavender reached his nose.
“Jimin are you there?” Tae says and Jimin just ends the call before walking out to see you.
“Hey Jimin, am I interrupting something?” You spoke and Jimin cleared his throat.
“N-No you didn’t. How are you?” Jimin says as you put your hat on his table.
“I’m doing good, and you?” You spoke looking down at your feet. Only if you could feel what your doing to him, they way you act so innocent in front of him.
“Likewise.” Jimin spoke gesturing towards the back you followed close behind.
“What have you been doing for the past week, if you don’t mind me asking.” Jimin says as you walk into his photo room.
“Oh umm, I was just working and hanging out with friends. What about you?” You answered putting your bag down.
“Just working on some sketches. That’s pretty much it.” Jimin says turning on the lights.
“You can take off your shirt and stand against the wall.” Jimin ordered and You obeyed.
“So your an alpha?” You winced a little bit as you asked which caused Jimin to laugh.
“Last I checked I was an alpha, and still am one. Why?” Jimin says turning in the camera.
“What are the perks about being an alpha?” You said twiddling with your hands.
“That’s an interesting question.” Jimin says trying to make eye contact with you but you seem to avoid it.
“Perks about being an alpha is we don’t take shit from no one and… literally that’s it.” Jimin says walking up to you.
“That’s it?” You spoke as Jimin fixed your pose. His warm hands brushed across you cold skin causing you to shiver. Which didn’t go unnoticed by Jimin.
“Yeah pretty much.” Jimin says backing away making you miss his body heat.
“Stay like that for a bit.” He spoke causing you to nod.
“Don’t you switch during full moon.” You asked curiously.
“Switch?” Jimin chuckled.
“You know what I mean Jimin.” You whined which caused Jimin to tilt his head.
“I literally don’t know what type of switch you are talking about.” Jimin lies as he snap a few photos.
“Oh come on! You know When you… when you... I don’t know the word!” You whined causing Jimin to laugh more.
“Your too cute, the word you are looking for is shift or transform there’s so many words out there ______.” Jimin says and you could feel warmth travel to your cheeks.
“Does it hurt?” You asked and he paused for a moment.
“No not if your in control, Not everyone gets to change.” Jimin says switching the light.
“Why?” You asked watching him carefully.
“Your curious aren’t you?” Jimin smirked.
“Sorry.” You said standing out of your position.
“Don’t be sorry, least your asking me instead of google or Wikipedia.” Jimin says causing you to laugh.
“But Yeah, most don’t change because they have someone to keep them grounded..” Jimin began.
“If you have someone to ground you, no need to worry about the full moon, if your not grounded a few full moons from now your gonna be stuck like that.” Jimin says putting the camera down.
“Did your pack found their one to keep them grounded?” You asked putting your shirt on.
“Everyone found someone, Jin , Hoseok , Tae and Jungkook found someone I’m just the last one.” Jimin says turning around to face you.
Before you could reply a loud voice echoed through the shop.
“JIMIN!” A voice echoed causing Jimin to sigh in frustration.
“It smells like heaven in here.” Another spoke and it cause your heart to quicken.
“You don’t have anything to worry about. It’s just Jungkook and Taehyung.” Jimin grumbled before walking out mumbling a ‘hold on’ before he left.
Once he left you heard a bunch of curse words leaving Jimin's mouth causing You to smile.
Your eyes scanned the room before landing on a sketchbook. You walked towards it flipping the pages looking at his art until you see his recent drawing.
You took a sticky note and began to right your digits and a little message on it before sticking it on the sketchbook.
You grabbed your bag and headed towards the front.
“We could eat dinner once I’m finished,” Jimin says blocking the path. You see a head poked around Jimin smirking.
“You're done if she’s leaving.” One says and Jimin turns around.
“_____ your leaving?” Jimin says trying to hide the disappointment in his voice.
“Yeah sorry I have work, and my best guess your friends are hungry.” You said.
“I’m Jungkook and he’s Taehyung, and can I just say you smell wonderful.” Jungkook introduce which ended with a slap on the back of the head by Jimin.
“Thank you? Nice to meet you guys, Jimin I’ll see you around Yeah?” You said grabbing your hat off the counter.
“W-Well can I have your number,” Jimin spoke causing you to raise a brow.
“So I can send you the pictures.” Jimin quickly rushed causing the two wolves behind him to laugh.
“You already have it.” You spoke walking towards the door.
“I do?” Jimin says confused.
“Yeah, it’s in your sketchbook, see you later.” You spoke before leaving Jimin confused.
Jimin walked towards the back with two wolves hot on his trail. He spots his sketchbook and began flipping through to find a note on his recent drawing.
Thank you for the tattoo!
one of these days you should draw me :)
Finish this convo another day??
____ cell
“So are you gonna just stand there and not text her?” Jungkook says crossing his arms.
“Beat it Kook.”
unknown |9:40 pm
hey it’s Jimin
You smiled at the message and began to type your reply.
You |9:41 pm
it seems like you got my message.
Jimin |9:41 pm
yeah and I’m taking you up
on that drawing offer.
You looked at the message with a big smile and looked at the time to see that your shift is over in 5 minutes.
You |9:43 pm
Are you really?
Jimin doesn’t seem to answer the message right away which cause you to put your phone in your pocket and you to clean before you clock out.
“Kim I’m leaving!” You shouted waiting for a response.
“Goodnight ____!” She says and you left and you felt a sudden buzz in your jeans.
Jimin | 10:59 pm
Ofc! if that means I get to see
Your beautiful face again I’m down.
Hanging around you is better than hanging with my pack
You | 10:02 pm
Don’t lie
Jimin | 10:03 pm
Who said that was a lie?
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b-rainlet · 5 years
Totally Crazy AU Idea feat. Time Travel Shenanigans
TUA AU where they prevent the apocalypse by tinkering around in the past and then come back to the Future
BUT of course it’s not that easy because they come back to the Future….changed
Last time Five time travelled and ended up in his 13 year old body with a 58 year old consciousness
This time around it’s worse
Everyone - except Diego - has just gone completely wild. Different ages everywhere.
And not only are they stuck being a younger/older version of themselves, their minds actually adapted to that change
Highlights include (going from oldest to youngest):
A 70? 80? Old Five, who spends most of his time sitting in a chair by the window and sleeping
The only person who could potentially know how to fix this mess fucking. sleeping. the whole day
Diego tries to talk to him in the rare moments when Five’s awake but there’s nothing even remotely useful coming out of his mouth
“Five, I need you to help me change you back to your old bodies.” - “Is there going to be cake? I like cake. My wife used to back a delicious cherry pie...I wonder where she is…..” - “Five you’ve never been married.” - “You remind me of my youngest son….He is an architect. He never visits, that ungrateful idiot. But you’ll visit me, right?” - “....Sure I’ll visit you.”
It’s a fucking nightmare and that’s not even counting the awful times Diego had to give Five a bath
(He tried to ignore that but at some point the smell just got bad. Diego hopes that as soon as Five changes back he’s gonna be on his knees, praising Diego’s kindness)
(He also hopes they never ever talk about this)
Sometimes Five will get up and walk around the house looking for Delores and Diego actually found him napping on the floor in the attic
Most of the time he sleeps though and Diego is quite grateful for that because he’s actually the least of his problems
There’s also 17 year old Vanya being in her rebellious phase, going out to party and cracking the music just that teeny bit higher when Diego tells her it’s too loud
“Is that a hickey?! Who did this?” - “I dunno.” - “You don’t remember???” - “There were multiple people.” - “Multiple People?!”
The cliche “You’re not my real Dad!” but it’s mostly “As your big brother…” - “You’re not my brother! We’re just adopted siblings!”
Vanya - as the only one old enough to have any kind of responsibility in this situation - just not giving a fuck about the age problem
“We need to come up with a plan!” - “I don’t give a fu-” - “Language! Think of the fucking children!”
Also emo Vanya and Diego tries to explain how all of this happened and that he believes that maybe the commission knows how to help
“Wait I destroyed the world?”  “...Yes.” - “Good.”
He doesn’t elaborate how she destroyed the world though but with the current rage she’s constantly carrying around with her…..she really doesn’t need to use her powers
Also: Diego still having to do his whole vigilante gig and Vanya not really feeling the whole Babysitting thing
“That’s your baby brother!” - “I didn’t choose to have one though.” “I fucking didn’t choose this either Vanya, are you fucking kidding me-”
Catch Vanya coming down to - slightly burned - breakfast in black eyeliner and leather pants, wearing Reggie’s monocle even though she can’t see shit with it
“Aren’t you supposed to practise the violin?” - “Aren’t you supposed to grow up and get an actual job?”
Diego doing some good old depression drinking when it’s all getting too much and Vanya just swooping in to drink with him
“This is all getting wayyy over my head, I have no idea what to do.” - “Uh-huh.” - “That’s why you need to help a bit more…-wait, are you drinking Vodka? You’re underage!” - “Don’t derail the conversation now, big bro. We were just making progress!”
There’s at least one instance where Diego says. “Young Lady!” in a really stern voice and then immediately has Reginald’s face flashing in front of his eyes and a impromptu crisis about becoming like him
13 year old Luther who is obsessed with becoming a vet and starts a secret animal shelter in the house that’s not at all secret
“Luther, why’s your jacket moving?” - “I...don’t know?”
“Luther, did your backpack just bark?” - “Nooooo, I-uh, I sneezed.”
(He’s a really bad liar)
Diego frequently stumbles over animals just, fucking, laying in the middle of the hallway
He once nearly stepped on a tortoise
He did step on a caterpillar
Luther’s still looking for it
One time, Luther managed to smuggle a pinguin into the academy
A real life pinguin
Out of the zoo
(Diego is convinced Vanya helped Luther just to fuck with him)
He’s also obsessed with space and convinced that he’s gonna develop the ability to fly next to his super strength
They’ve been in the ER for several hours because Klaus convinced Luther that maybe he could trigger his ‘second super power’ by jumping of the shed
(It didn’t work)
“Who on earth would jump down the shed without at least something soft to land on? Have you ever heard of safety regulations?” - “I had a parachute in case things went wrong!” - “You had an umbrella. It had holes.”
Luther slips up once and calls Diego ‘Dad’ and then panics so hard he forgets to breathe
He nearly faints and Vanya laughing at the whole situation really doesn’t make things better
“You do realize that I am not your Father, right? I’m your big brother.” - “Yeah, of course, sure, youß My Dad? Ridiculous, I’m gonna head to my room now, bye Dad-Diego! Diego! Not Dad!”
At least Luther is kinda a normal kid, not at all like Klaus
10 year old Klaus who still can see ghosts and is fucking terrified of them
They’re everywhere
And Diego honestly has no idea what to do with him or how to help
Klaus is afraid that the ghosts will hurt him when he doesn’t watch them constantly, so he tries not to sleep
By 6 pm, Klaus has already downed three coffees and several cheap energy drinks
Diego tried to limit his supply by taking away his stash under the bed but that only made Klaus more creative with his hiding spots
They’re behind the bookshelf in the living room, in the dusty cookie jar in the kitchen, under a loose floor panel under the table, under Diego’s bed, hidden in the ventilation system…..
Soon as Diego finds one spot, Klaus has another one at the ready
“Maybe they won’t spook you anymore if you just..stand up to them.” - “How?” - “Just, you know, scream at them. Go all out, scream ‘Go away’ at the top of your lungs, show them you’re the one in charge.”
But Klaus is too shy for that
He has braces and due to that, he has a slight lisp
He doesn’t really like talking
He does like making trouble with his brother though when the ghosts aren’t as close
They once stuck a magnet to Klaus braces and then couldn’t get it off again
Diego’s second visit in the ER
Klaus managed to somehow rip out part of it and the wires got stuck in his cheek and slashed it open
Third Visit
There was also that brief stint where Vanya pierced Klaus’ ear. Herself. Because Diego really is the only responsible person around here
Fourth Visit
‘That’s a lot of work!’ you say? Apparently the universe thinks it’s not enough because there are still the two youngest left! Please someone save Diego from this suffering, he never wanted to be a single Dad
There is sweet and cute 5 year old Allison…..
…..who is a brat when she doesn’t get her way
“I want ice cream.” - “All shops are closed now, you should’ve said something sooner.” - “I want ice cream!” - “Well you’re not getting any. And that’s ‘please’ and ‘I would like some ice cream’ not ‘I want ice cream’.” - “I. Want. ICE CREAM.”
Cue a screaming fit, complete with throwing herself down and banging her little fists against the floor
And occasionally looking up to see whether Diego is still watching all the hard work Allison is putting into this. He gets why she’s an actress now
(He may have ended up buying her some goddamn ice cream at the overpriced petrol station one town over. She nibbled at it and the gave it back to him because she ‘wasn’t hungry’)
Diego’s gonna fucking lose it if he has to do this any longer
But she can also be really sweet, playing calmy with her dolls or drawing him pictures
“Look!” - “Oh wow! You drew a….an elephant! Beautiful!” - “That’s not an elephant silly, that’s you!” - “Oh. Of course. How could I not see that?”
He may have cried a little when she gave him a picture of their family, sorted from oldest to youngest, all of them holding hands
”Why am I wearing a cape?” - “Because you’re our hero.”
It’s a good thing that Allison never uses her powers in arguments - the only thing Diego is glad Reginald drilled into her at a young age already - but that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t use it at all
She uses it, alright
“Allison, for the love of god, stop constantly changing your hair colour. I like your hair just as it is.”
“Allison! Stop making the cat fly! And Luther, stop letting stray cats inside the house!”
“Allison! Stop turning your Oatmeal into chocolate! No, you can’t turn Klaus’ Oatmeal into chocolate either! Don’t turn anyone’s Oatmeal into chocolate!”
“Allison, stop turning yourself invisible when you’re playing tag. You know it freaks Luther out and you don’t wanna make him cry again, do you?”
But the greatest challenge of them all may be Ben
(It’s definitely Ben)
See, taking care of a Baby is already hard enough when it’s just a Baby, but a Baby with literal tentacles coming out of their body?
Ben is a quiet kid, let him sleep and - much like Five - he’ll spend his days like that
When he’s awake, play a bit with him, talk to him not at all in baby voices, Diego would never do that, no matter what Vanya claims to have seen
Try not to worry too much about the Tentacles that are constantly out (Is that normal? Were they constantly out the first time Ben had been a Baby? Should Diego like, try to stuff them back in? Would that be a good idea? Probably not)
Ben has killed people with them for fuck’s sake, but they mostly seem interested in wrapping themselves around Diego’s hand and holding on while Ben sucks on his pacifier
(The wiggly boys are kinda cute, in a weird, disturbing way)
Well, as long as they don’t-
“Luther! Get the cat before the tentacles get her! And stop letting stray cats in!”
There are only two rules concerning Ben and his...Bentacles:
Don’t scare or startle him
Diego found this out the hard way when he played peek-a-boo with Ben and was rewarded by having ink splashed into his face
Smelly Ink
Glowing Smelly Ink
Green Glowing Smelly Ink
(He spent two hours in the bathroom. In the meantime, Klaus nearly set the Kitchen on Fire and Vanya sneaked out despite being grounded to dramatically drive away with her girlfriend of the week)
So, don’t startle Ben if you don’t wanna be covered in gross stuff, noted
All is well
Then, Ben gets a cold
Which means he is more whiny than usual and barely sleeps, keeping Diego up all night
But cool, Diego could live with that
If it wouldn’t mean that Ben sneezes
A lot
And the Bentacles sneeze too
The walls of Ben’s room are soaking in ink, it’s dripping from the fucking ceiling and Diego can’t even leave because he’s afraid Ben’s gonna think he left him at the worst time of his life, but he also can’t take Ben into another room because he’d only ruin that one too…..
And Diego spending so much time with Baby Ben is making Allison jealous and Vanya hates being forced to stay around and watch over her little siblings because Diego has his hands full with the Bentacles and it only makes both of them more moody and snappy towards each other…….
It’s a long week for everyone involved
Rule Number Two, maybe the most important one:
Never. Ever. Take his Blankie
And he means never
(Thank fuck that he had pushed Allison out of the way, he still has a massive bruise on his shoulder from being thrown against the cupboard)
Basically, give me this family drama movie about Diego somehow becoming a single Dad to super children
With guest appearances such as:
Eudora, who is actually never physically there
But Diego phones her all the time because he’s freaking out
She categorically refuses to go play happy family with him, there’s no way she’s gonna get involved with that….mess
“Dora, could you come over to-” - “No.”
“Patch, there’s an emergency I need to-” - “No.”
“Could you maybe watch over Ben? Just for an hour?” - “I don’t know how to handle kids. I’m an only child.” - “I met your two brothers??”
Diego phones her and gets send to voice message and it’s just Eudora saying “Whatever it is Diego, the answer is no.”
Diego also keeps calling her to ask her really ridiculous questions about children
“Hypothetically….a kid wouldn’t actually die from swallowing a bunch of buttons, right?” - “A bunch? How does that kinda accident happen?” - “....Maybe it wasn’t an accident…..”
“Do you think it’s okay to curse in front of Babies? They don’t actually understand you, right?” - “Diego, I swear to God, it’s three am. I will kick your ass.”
Grace, who is somehow conveniently malfunctioning right when Diego would need her the most and who just….forgot how to take care of children
And how to not endanger them
Diego catched her giving Klaus tips on how to properly light things up (“Because you wanna make a big fire, honey, don’t you?”)
She basically does what the kids ask her to without any kind of regulation
They had cake for breakfast, lunch and dinner for one week straight before Diego forbid her to cook and took over that task himself
(Now, stuff may be slightly burned but at least healthy)
She helped Luther when he hid from Diego because he refused to take a bath, lying to Diego’s face - to his face - that she had no idea where Luther could be
She actually disfigures her arm so the Bentacles can play with it (!)
She gave Allison scissors because she wanted to cut her hair (!!!)
And she uses swear words in the weirdest situations because someone - Diego suspects Luther or Klaus but it’s actually Vanya - keeps teaching them to her
“Mom, have you seen Allison?” - “I have no idea where that hoe is, Asshole.”
“Diego, sweetheart, would you hand me the fucking bowl?” - “The what?”
She also does breakdance with Klaus to pretty inappropriate music
“My neck, my back, lick my-” - “JOY TO THE WORLD, THE LORD HAS COME”
She also keeps malfunctioning further because she doesn’t seem to get the concept of liquids being bad for robots
(She plays tea party with Allison a lot. Pogo has to try and fix her after every time)
Speaking of Pogo
He’s not around a lot because he spends all his time going through Reginald’s documents to either find a way to fix Grace or find some clues about Time Travel Shenanigans
(Klaus also cries every time he sees her and Allison refuses to talk to him, so it’s better if he’s not around that much)
He spends a lot of time with Vanya though under the guise of helping him with his research
(She really just likes jamming out in the same room as him because he doesn’t mind how loud her music is and he doesn’t annoy her as much as the others)
When the appropriate amount of time has passed for all the weirdest scenarios to play out and them to grow closer as a family in-between visits to the ER and mental breakdowns on Diego’s part and just general chaos all around, with some super elements thrown in
Diego has a lead about how all of this is actually the commissions fault
(Because of course it is)
So I am begging you to imagine Diego, storming into the commission headquarters, in full on Vigilante Mode, with the appropriate amount of Leather on his body and a broody look on his face
Basically ready to kick some ass
With Baby Ben strapped to his chest, in one of those Baby Carriers
Babbling and giggling, clutching his Blankie while Diego takes out all his knives
And he fights the bad guys in badass showdowns but still manages to cover Ben’s ears when they throw insults at him because “There’s a kid present! Show some class!” - “Sorry.”
Also one of them (maybe the big bad?) dares to take away Ben’s Blankie (because of course) and Ben handing his ass to him without as much as blinking
Proud big bro baby talking Ben like “Who’s my little Tentacle Boy? You are! I’m so proud of my murderous baby bro, yes I am!”
While all of that goes down, the others are told to wait in the car
Well, Vanya, Luther and Allison are supposed to wait in the car
Klaus got the huge responsibility of staying home and watching over Five because he’s in no state to be near any dangerous situations, not with his lack of sleep and his jumpiness
(Vanya, Luther and Allison were also supposed to stay at home, but both Luther and Allison refused to let Diego go alone - full on flinging themselves around his legs - and Vanya was already sitting in the car when the other three got there, not even saying anything)
But Diego is stubborn so he doesn’t let them go in with him (he has this whole speech about how Ben needs to be there because it’s the only place where Diego can properly protect him... but Diego is just really soft for Ben and doesn’t want to possibly lose sight of him)
Ben may possibly be Diego’s fave but don’t tell the others
Anyway, Vanya, Luther and Allison don’t make it more than three minutes before leaving the car
If asked, accusations would go wild, everyone blaming someone else, but fact is, Luther got out of the car first
(He saw a kitty)
Allison then got out of the car because Luthe got out and what he can do, she can do double
Vanya is the teenager stereotype who doesn’t even notice that they go because she’s listening to music on her walkman like an emo and trying to scope out the place as best as she can from her position
And then turns back to the others after a while
“Do you think everything’s alright back t-SHIT!”
So, they end up going to a whole other section of the evil headquarters and kick ass there
First Luther and Allison kick ass together, deciding to go find Diego if they’re already out of the car anyway
Followed by Vanya, who still believes she’s powerless and takes out guards sneaky style, hitting them over the head with a desk lamp or whatever else she can find
Luther and Allison are cornered by the bad guys and they don’t care whether they hurt children or not and it seems like L and A have lost
The guards are closing in and Luther positions himself in front of his sister to at least try and protect her while Allison hides behind him and both of them are crying…..
They close their eyes…..
And then there’s a loud clash and screaming and the sound of bodies hitting the floor and when they look up again there’s Vanya standing in the middle of the room, eyes white, guards laying dead to her feet
She doesn’t stay WV though, she comes back to herself to rush over to her siblings and check whether they are okay
Cue a short cuddle pile
“You have powers! Awesome!” - “Yeah, I….I guess so.”
Somehow, they reunite with Diego and manage to threaten the Handler enough she rights time, making them grown ups again and promising Five and Klaus are adults again too and that Grace should be functioning now
(Let’s just pretend she can do that and we can trust her for the sake of this AU. The important part is the whole de-aging anyway)
So, they come back home, slightly bruised but mostly okay and Vanya and Diego definitely have a heart to heart in the car about her powers while Allison, Luther and Ben are asleep in the backseat (a leftover gift from being children in stress situations)
“Thanks Diego. For all that you did.” - “I was a terrible surrogate Dad though.” - “You were a thousand times better than our real Father.”
Bonus: They come back home and just find Klaus and Five sleeping on the floor, looking like they’ve been through the apocalypse all over
Because watching over Five was supposed to be easy and even boring
But with Five sleeping - as usual - and Grace shutdown for the night already (and Pogo locked in his studies to figure out a solution) there’s nothing standing between Klaus and the ghosts
So Klaus mixes himself a drink containing three different Energy Drinks and a bunch of sugar
And sets it on the table to down it as soon as he’s peed
He comes back, prepared to drink that stuff and not think to hard about the taste
But the Glass is empty
And Five’s gone
Five + accidentally drinking something strong enough to kill someone? A disaster
He’s on the loose
And he somehow thinks someone has abducted Delores?
Klaus has to spend the rest of his night chasing Five, who keeps glitching around the house like a maniac, yelling and rambling and…..fighting the air? With a sword?
Where the F did he get a sword???
And it’s impossible to get Five to sit down - or at least get off the table
He’s so high on sugar he is vibrating
(Klaus is fearing for his life)
And then there’s also the fucking ghosts, who keep lurking in the shadows and reaching out for him, moaning and cursing his name…..
But Klaus doesn’t have time for this right now and he is fed up of having his life controlled by a bunch of dead people
He wants to be able to sleep again
He wants his life again
So he thinks of Diego, of his advice, and he takes a deep breath and just screams at them
And it actually works
The ghosts recoil, shocked when Klaus doesn’t cower before them like usual
And they disappear
Just….disappear in a dust of smoke
And then he’s an adult again
And Five - who took the time to strip to his boxers and use lipstick like war paint - is too
Klaus rides out Five’s sugar high as best as he can, sighing in relief when he finally falls asleep, crashing down on top of him and taking a nap with him right there, on the living room floor
Where the others find them
That’s all I got tbh, but it’s already a lot askjkaj
Bls Hollywood, make it happen
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burnt-tomato · 4 years
The Red String of Fate
The Red String of Fate links two soulmates together signifying that they are made for each other. This certain string can appear when you are born or when you and your soulmate finally meet. Though this string can be broken, whether because of arguments, long distance, any of the two meeting someone else they like, taking the two too long to meet, or when intentionally cut. If the string was accidentally cut, it would come back. But the string can be fixed if and only if one of the soulmates has enough energy or power to revive it.
warning: curse words, boy x boy
pairing: IwaOi ( Iwaizumi x Oikawa )
anime: Haikyuu!!
this is my first fanfic so I apologize for any grammar errors. it may also seem rushed and might not be pleasant to read and I also apologize for that. even if english is my second language, my vocab isn't as good as other writers
- - s n a p - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !!
That sound. The sound that sounds so painful yet so relieving. The sound that I can't decide whether if I like it or not. The sound that just might decide things for me. The sound that would me you feel ill and 'empty'. I t h u r t s b a d l y .
Bzzzt! Bzzzt! Bzzzt!
Crap. What time is it?
"Hajime! Are you awake yet? Get ready for school already. At this rate you'll be late for the first period. Tooru's waiting for you outside."
Oh. Shit. I overslept again. And how the fuck is that Shittykawa waiting for me? Most of the time he's the one who's late. Too late for that then.
I quickly got dressed and went downstairs. I didn't even bother eating breakfast. I dashed out of the door just to be greeted by Oikawa.
"Why isn't this a surprise, Iwa-chan! For the first time I'm the one waiting for you."
"Haha very funny Crappykawa"
"Can't you call me anything else other than Crappykawa?"
"So which do you prefer? Shittykawa or Trashykawa?"
"E-eh?? I'd go for Crappykawa then!" Oikawa pouted afterwards.
We both rushed to school and barely made it just in time. Teacher got mad at us though for arriving last minute.
Oikawa Tooru. He's been my best friend for as long as I can remember, although to this day I'm still wondering why I even agreed to being with him. It was more like a forced friendship because we were the only kids in the neighborhood of the same age. He's also the reason I got into volleyball. Well, sort of. He kinda forced me into learning how to play just so someone can spike his tosses. Actually, eversince he came, something's been going on with my life differently.
10 years ago, there was this family that has just moved in into our neighborhood. I was 7 or 8 at the time. Mom called me to come downstairs to greet the new people. When we opened the door, it revealed a tall woman with shoulder length brown hair with dark brown eyes. Beside her was a kid a few centimeters taller than me with brown hair and an ahoge, and seemed to he right at my age. After our greetings, mom invited them inside and in just a few seconds, this random kid was in my room.
"Uh... Tooru, do you want to do or play anything?"
He didn't answer, but he did go out and returned with a volleyball in his hands. He tugged my shoulder sleeve and took me outside. And then I just found myself playing with a kid I just met, although I didn't know how, but he did teach me.
When the sun came down, they said that they were going home.
"Bye Iwa-chan! See you tomorrow"
"Bye Tooru."
Just as he said, the next day we found ourselves playing with each other again. This has been going on for awhile now.
On a normal day, I woke up with a red string tied unto my pinky.
"W-why i-is there a r-red string tied unto m-me??" In panic, I fell down my bed. I debated in my head on whether mom should know about this or not, and came to the conclusion that I would tell her if she noticed. While eating breakfast, even if I tried giving her hints and putting my hand in the most open and obvious spot, she didn't seem to notice at all. Was this just my imagination? Maybe it doesn't actually exist.
I tried my best to just ignore it and just enjoy the rest of the day (Even if having this stupid red string tied unto me. And the fact that it's even going through the walls! Holy crap that's frikin weird.)
I stepped outside to play with Tooru again. Maybe if mom couldn't see it, maybe he can't too. Or should I confirm it with him and ask? Is this string even real? Is it even solid? Why does it look like it's just floating through air? Why is it-
"Iwa-chan! Do you want to play again?"
Why. Why is the damn string attached to him, to the same finger as mine. Why is it connecting the two of us. Should I just ignore it?
"Yeah sure"
I guess I decided to ignore it.
Ever since this string appeared, we seemed closer than usual. There are even times that I forgot it existed. Every time I woke up, it would just be there. It looks like it doesn't have a specific or permanent length, in fact whenever me and Tooru separate, it just extends.
So I decided that I'd cut it. I mean.. what's the harm?
- - s n i p - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! !
"*cough* *c-cough*...!!! I-I c-can't b-breathe...!! M-mom! H-help m-me..!!"
Bzzzt Bzzzt Bzzzt!!!
H-huh? Why am I on the floor? Did I fall asleep here? I don't remember much from last night... What happened??
I took a glance at my hand. Oh. It's gone.
Honestly though. I don't know if I feel relieved or... something else. My chest feels heavy, actually. Maybe if I go out and play with Tooru I'd feel better-
"Sorry. Tooru's not feeling well today. Just this morning when he woke up, he was sobbing and refused to tell me the reason. I'm sorry Hajime-kun. Maybe tomorrow."
What. Why? Does this have something to do with the string? Ah, don't be stupid Hajime, he probably felt ill. That's all.
I hope so.
When that string appeared, it reminded me of my friendship with Tooru. When we finally started playing as actual friends, that string appeared. It almost felt like a reminder or sign of our connection. Geez Hajime, when did you become so cheesy. Haha yeah I know. And when I cut that string, it felt like I cut my ties with him or in other words, broke away.
That's probably just my imagination though. I really have to stop overthinking things. Despite my arrogance and cold attitude, I do sometimes think about this thoroughly, even if it sounds cheesy and cliche.
"Hey Iwa-chan. Sorry I haven't gotten to play with you for a week. I know it was sudden, but I actually got a high fever, although before that I didn't even feel ill. But I'm okay now! We can finally play agai-! ... Iwa-chan?"
Oh. I didn't even notice that he was talking to me, or even that he was ok now. Eversince he got sick, I've been spacing out more frequently and felt really lonely.
"Ah. Sorry 'bout that Tooru. I'm fine. Are you sure you're not ill anymore? If not, sure let's play some volleyball."
We did. When he got better, even I felt better.
And just when I thought things were finally going to go smoothly...
Ah. It appeared again. The stupid red string. And without a doubt it's tied unto Tooru too. Sigh. What am I gonna do about this...
"Toor- I mean Oikawa. Can you set to me some of your tosses? I want to practice spiking."
From the benches, I could hear Matsukawa and Hanamaki snickering about how I almost called Shittykawa by his first name.
Up to this day this string is still tied unto our hands, mine and Oikawa's. Up until now, I've been constantly cutting that string, but it's not like I cut it because we had arguments or misunderstandings, it's just really... uncomfortable. And the fact that only we can see it, or perhaps, only I can. Oikawa's been spending more time in my house nowadays. We've been getting closer during these years of growing up together. Still, I wonder what this string means. Every time I cut it, after me and Oikawa hangout again, it just comes back. Freaky honestly.
"Alright everyone!! Practice is over! Go home already, it's getting late. Don't forget that next week we have a practice match, ok?"
We all separate ways, and me and Oikawa walk home together.
"Goodnight Iwa-chan. See you tomorrow."
"Yeah. See you too."
. . .
Huhhhhhhhhhh. Oikawa just texted me.
"Hey Iwa-chan, some fangirl asked me to go out with her. You think I should??" Sent 8:52 PM
Huh...? Why did he ask me? And why do I feel like I got rejected...? Seriously, whenever he gets requests or confessions he always asks me first. It's not like I control him.. But honestly a part of me wants him to not go..
I wonder why...
"Idk. Do u even like her?" Sent 8:54 PM
"Mmm. Not rlly...." Sent 8:54 PM
"Then don't. Bye." Sent 8:55 PM
"Eh? Are you mad? Iwa-chan???" Sent 8:55 PM
I ignored him. He should just do what he wants.
Fuckkk. Why alarm clock's been ringing for 20 minutes already. It's past 7 AM already. First period starts at 7. Why am I still here..? Is it because I didn't want to see Oikawa hangout with that girl? Haha don't be silly Hajime. I just didn't feel like going.
Hmmm..? It's 5PM already? Fuck how long have I been here? Was I just staring into nothing. I'm hungry. I went down and ate. Then went back to my room.
I stopped. The scissors. The scissors I use to cut the string.. should I?
I grabbed the scissors then-
"IWA-CHAN!!! WHY didn't you go to school today??? Are you ill? I brought you your homewo-"
I stopped. When did he get here? Did my mom literally just let him in without letting me know? Well, this is just fucking awkward. I'm standing, a bit bent down, holding a pair of scissors against this red string that I don't know if he could see. Up 'till now, I don't know if he could see the string, nd I've been carelessly cutting it.
He dropped everything.
"I-iwa-c-chan... w-why...?? So you've b-been cutting t-he string? It was y-you?..."
Oikawa started sobbing and dropped to the floor. I dropped the scissors, causing a loud thud on the floor, and rushed to him.
"What do you mean? You could see it this entire time? Why didn't you tell me?
"Why have you been CUTTING IT?"
Fuck. I've never heard Oikawa raise his voice. Ever. His voice overlapped his sobs.
"Do y-you not want to be with me? I rejected the girl b-because..."
His voice softened. It got softer right after he shouted.
"W-what? What do you mean? Of course I-I d-do.."
I looked away, hiding my embarrassment.
"Then why have you been cutting it?"
I didn't even notice that we've been on the floor this entire time. His face I held on my chest, my shirt's wet from his tears. After his question, I was dead silent. It's true. Why did I cut the string?
"Iwa-chan, do you not even know what the string means?"
Oikawa muttered softly, his voice being overlapped by the broken sobs echoing in the room.
"Ah... No."
Right after I answered, Oikawa's hands gripped the back part of my shirt tighter. His sobbing got quieter, his face still buried on my chest.
"Iwa... It meant that we were soulmates. The red string signifies that we were meant to stay together, to be there for each other. Eversince I moved into this neighborhood, I had a strong feeling when I first saw you. And I was right. The string appeared after we settled with eachother."
"I... I didn't know that..... Tooru im-!"
"I like you Hajime... I always have... but honestly I never thought about how I could tell you... I was scared that you'd reject me and find it weird that a guy likes a guy..."
He looked down, gripping tighter unto my back.
How could I have been so stupid. I've been cutting that string without a reason, and worst, I never even told him. If I had told him sooner, maybe I could've at least prevented hurting him...
"Hajime...I like you... I love you..."
"Tooru I-"
He gripped my shirt tighther, burying his face deeper unto my chest. He breathed softly, and I could hear his heart beats thumping fast.
Oikawa jolted as i wrapped one arm around him and pulled his body closer to mine.
I'm sure he got my answer.
"EH?? Are you serious, Iwaizumi-san???!!!"
"Why tho"
I held Shittykawa's hand tighter.
"Haha... yeah. We are."
Im sososososo sorry this looks sooo bad. I tried to make it as good as I can and literally failed lmao. If you have request, u can ask away <3333
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