#update: I checked and I did in fact leave the Italian dictionary out for further consideration
trying to pack up all my everything for while I’m living out of the country for an unknown number of years. in case my parents move and also so even if they don’t they can use this space that was my room. good idea. but anyway I am experience so many emotions
I just did this too when I “moved out” for college and there was that whole “misunderstanding” where my mom like. Semi accidentally kicked me out? that was so weird but anyway I took Literally Everything to my college apartment. Only to move it back in two years later. And anyway I cut down on some shit then but I acquired more shit since (thanks to getting stuff from when my grandparents moved in with my aunt) and anyway now I have to put everything I own into bins and I keep going back and forth between so tempted to toss so much out - I don’t care about this lamp or this clipboard or this cookbook or this stapler I can replace it - and keeping like. My recorder music book from fourth grade. The cup I’ve kept my pencils in since I was. Six? Five? That I decorated with silly foam. An Italian-English dictionary. A Spanish-English dictionary. An English dictionary.
anyway the truth is my mom bought a lot of these plastic bins and I just need to fill them carefully up with stuff and it’s fine if that stuff is nostalgic miscellany or if it’s ultimately useless that’s for me to worry about eventually if I’m ever like. Not bouncing around from place to place renting forever. Or even if I am so long as that bouncing around is back here in the US
also shoot did I put the Italian English dictionary in the goodwill bin I actually really want that. I’ve never learned Italian.
I swear I’m not that attached to stuff and like I don’t collect things (well I do now collect postcards but like. they don’t take up a lot of stuff) but once I have something I fucking keep it. I stuck Harold (the plastic skeleton) and Isolde (the fake spider) in the goodwill bin too
(the goodwill bin I mention is still in my room. I can retrieve these things. I think I’ve sold myself on keeping the dictionary. I might… see if I can bequeath Harry and Isolde to a good home.)
(This would all be much better if I could give my random beloved crap to people personally rather than sending it to a second hand shop. Like when I got rid of most of my YA books I gave them to a 12 year old I knew. And right now I am giving some books to friends at least. But again some of this stuff is like. A broken jewelry box. My kindergarten music class glockenspiel that’s missing the smallest … bar? key? note? noise making metal thingy.)
(Speaking of which can I interest anyone in a copy of Moby-Dick? It turns out I had two. I’m keeping the one I originally read it in, I plan to read that book again multiple times in my life, but I really don’t need two. It doesn’t have a cool cover or anything but it is a nice hardcover book)
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