#when I sent this to the person I got boba with I did cover up the spotify song tho lmao😭
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animalsandskyyy · 6 months ago
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receipt junk journal scrapbook page
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fenya-scribbles · 1 month ago
Blind - Part 1
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Part 2
Pairing: Felix x fem!Reader
Other Characters: Jisung, Minho
Summary: You're not having a great night, but revelations are made and actions have consequences.
Genre: fluff?, friends to lovers
Content warnings: alcohol consumption, jealousy
Word Count: 1,273
A/N: This one got away from me, but I kinda still like it. Also Minsung is a thing here, because have you seen the on stage back hugs? I have. I'm still not okay.
You hated parties. Especially when you only knew the person who dragged you there in the first place. And this party in particular turned into more and more of a nightmare by the minute. You were sitting on an uncomfortable plastic chair in the garden of whichever of Felix’s friends hosted the party, and watched Felix talk to an unnervingly pretty girl who made the most obvious heart eyes at him. And you hated everything about this.  
Having a social butterfly as a best friend had always been difficult for your introverted self, but you just couldn’t imagine a life without Felix. He was your bubbly, beautiful, funny ray of sunshine. Your best friend who you trusted with your life. He was also the man you’d been in love with for the past 3 years. And you kept it under wraps as well as you could. Because there wasn’t a chance in hell you would ruin this friendship by confessing to him and finding that he didn’t feel the same.  
But Felix was pretty. He was downright gorgeous. And it went beyond his looks, Felix was pretty on the inside. He was kind, respectful, considerate. He was funny and smart and just wonderful in every conceivable way. When he looked at you with his bright grin, your heart made cartwheels in your chest. When he hugged you, he sent goose bumps all over your body. But he didn’t know. He couldn’t know.  
You took another sip of your mediocre and very alcoholic cocktail and sighed. It was your third glass, and you didn’t know what they put in there, but it sure didn’t work. This was not how you’d imagined the night going. But it wasn’t surprising either. Wherever Felix went, he ended up making new friends and there was always as least one person hitting on him. It was tiring, really, but you couldn’t do anything about it.  
“You look miserable”, a voice said, dragging you from your thoughts. You looked up to find one of Felix’s friends stand in front of you. He looked at you curiously, hair loosely framing his handsome face. “Nah, I’m fine”, you said, trying to get out of the conversation before it had even started. “You’re not though”, he said. “Tell me what’s wrong!” He pouted, giving you his best boba eyes. He was adorable, you had to admit. You sighed.  
“Jisung, right?” He gave you an affirmative hum, as he sat down in the empty chair next to you. “Now, Y/N, what’s wrong? Why are you sad at my party?” He remembered your name. You were always surprised when that happened, but it did drag the smallest smile from your lips. It didn’t last long though, because your eyes wandered back to Felix and the girl. You sighed.  
“I see”, Jisung said, following your line of sight, “you’re crushing on Lixie.” “I’m not!”, you replied too quickly and immediately covered your blushing face with your hands. “You so are”, he said, “and I get it. I’ve been there.” You lowered your hands and stared at him. “What?” He giggled. “Yeah, way back when I first met him. Followed him around like a puppy.” “How did you get over him?” Jisung grinned and pointed towards another guy who was currently opening a beer bottle with a chopstick. “Minho. Showed me was real love is.” “So, I just need to find my Minho?”, you asked. “That depends.” “On?” “Do you want to get over Lixie? Or do you really only want him?” 
Exasperated, you threw your head back and let out a groan. “I see”, Jisung said again, still grinning. You had a feeling he enjoyed this conversation far more than you did. “Why don’t you tell him?”, Jisung asked. “Are you insane?” “Just curious, actually.” You sighed. “He’s my best friend.” Jisung raised his eyebrows. “I know. So?” “So, I don’t want to lose that.” Jisung huffed. “I call bullshit. I’m best friends with Minho. You wouldn’t lose that if you got together.”  
You sighed. “You don’t get it.” “No, I do. You think he doesn’t like you back. Which is ridiculous.” Jisung looked at Felix now, watching him brush something off the pretty girl’s shoulder. “You are insane”, you said, taking another sip of your drink, “And blind.” “Oh, her?”, Jisung said, now actively pointing at the girl who seemingly had Felix wrapped around her finger, going by the way he laughed at her every word. “Nah, he’s just trying to make you jealous. She’s in on it.” 
The grin on Jisung’s face was almost as bright as the one you loved so much on Felix. “What?!” Your eyes wandered from him to Felix and back again. “You’re shitting me.” “No, I’m serious.” “No way! You’ve just had too much to drink.” Jisung huffed. “That’s rich, coming from you.” He gestured at the now empty glass in your hand.  
“What? This stuff does nothing”, you replied with a shrug. He raised an eyebrow. “You sure about that?” “I’m not making up nonsense, now, am I?”, you retorted. Jisung shook his head with a laugh before yelling “Jagi, can you come here for a sec” towards Minho. The older one turned his head, said something to the two guys he’d been talking to and made his way over to you.  
“What’s up?”, he said as he reached you. “She doesn’t believe me that Lix is trying to make her jealous and that Hana is in on it”, Jisung explained. “So, she’s blind?” Jisung let out a short laugh and then boxed his boyfriend in the side. “Be nice, babe.” Minho giggled. “Alright, alright. It’s true”, he said to you, “I heard them plan it out.” “You’re for real?” You stared at him with narrow eyes. “So real”, he replied, and for whatever reason, you believed him.  
You had to blink multiple times to process the information you had just been given. Felix, your best friend, who you’d been in love with for 3 years now, was currently talking and giggling and getting touchy with a pretty girl to make you jealous? How could that be real? It sounded like a wild fantasy to you. A ridiculous dream. Because that would mean that he liked you too. Your heart lurched in your chest at the thought.  
And then, without even noticing it fully, you got up and walked over to him. He beamed when he saw you coming, looking more beautiful than ever and for a moment your knees went weak – thankfully, you didn’t stumble over your own two feet. “You!”, you said when you reached him, finger firmly planted on his chest. “Yes?”, he said, eyebrows raised in anticipation. 
That’s when the alcohol hit. The world started spinning, your legs gave out, your balance was gone in an instant. Suddenly, you were caught mid-fall by two strong and very familiar arms. “Had a bit much to drink, did we?”, Felix said with a smirk. You stared at him, his face so pretty but also slightly blurry. “You!”, you said again, more slurred this time. And you knew there was more you wanted to say, but your brain stopped cooperating. “I think we should call it a night”, Felix giggled.  
The rest of the night was a blur. The alcohol really did a number on you, and at some point you promised yourself to never again drink cocktails with unknown amounts of booze in them. Everything got very hazy and all you were really sure of was that Felix was by your side until your head hit a pillow and your mind drifted into a dreamless sleep. 
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hansoulo · 4 years ago
you’re just a bottomless pit
part one of “Pillar of Salt”
Pairing: Boba Fett/Princess!Reader (she/her pronouns, no Y/N)
Warnings: NSFW - explicit language, allusions to violence, discussions of mild harassment, mentions of being royalty, kissing, choking, light non-descriptive smut, slight elements of dubcon, boba’s a big dick gotta be what you have amirite
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: this is empire strikes back boba when he was just fucking around and finding out so i took a lot of liberties with canon don’t @ me. i offer u this picture as a helpful visual aid. merry christmas xx
àŒ“Â series masterlistÂ àŒ“Â 
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Darth Vader was to be a house guest, and you promptly dunked your head underneath your bathwater.
The perfumed pool burbled for a few seconds while you groaned, listless and in the throes of dramatics, but your attendant only clucked in sympathy. Mila was long accustomed to your disdain for the Imperials who had come to occupy more and more of the palace. So, it seemed, was everyone except the Imperials.
After a long moment you emerged from below the water, droplets of it clinging to your face and trailing into your mouth. “Another Lord?” you asked incredulously, groaning even louder when the servant nodded.
You swam the two short strokes it took to go from one end of the small pool to the other, then floated bare on your back and stared up at the vaulted ceiling. “Is he the one with all the strange
” motioning towards your mouth, you made a vague gesture. “Apparatus?”
“I believe so, your Highness.”
Humming noncommittally, you let your gaze trail off for a moment and stood rightside up again before returning to the bath’s edge. Its intricate tiles were cluttered with bottles, little glass tinctures and oils and soaps that all wrapped themselves around the room in a heady, heavy incense. You inhaled deeply and sighed. Lord Vader with the strange apparatus.
You couldn’t remember a time before your father, the sovereign ruler of Quas Killam, was a puppet for the permanently stationed General and a yes-man for Emperor Palpatine. Then again, you supposed it wasn’t really his fault his planet just happened to be Mid-Rim and full of exactly what the Empire needed. Being a yes-man was probably the only thing keeping his planet intact during the civil war that was supposedly raging right now.
But it was hard to feel sympathy for a man who dressed you up like a paper doll and never let your mother talk.
A soapy sponge was brought up against your back, smelling of lavender. Closing your eyes, you let Mila’s motherly hands scrub at your shoulders and arms until the skin tingled in a pleasant burn.
You picked at the tile grouts with a polished fingernail, head swimming with rows and rows of grey uniforms and white shelled armor. “Wonder why they’re here this time,” you said, speaking softly to no one in particular.
“Princess, if I may...” the older woman began.
“You may.”
“I believe they’re building another weapons factory to supply the Empire, in the north fields. Lord Vader was invited to oversee its induction.”
You kicked your legs lazily in the water, half-asleep and lulled into slowness by the refresher’s warm steam. “And I suppose he’s bringing along an entourage?” you asked, already knowing the answer. They always did, those Imperial sorts. It was just a question of how many and for how long they decided to stay, having taken any real power from your family royalty years ago after they’d discovered the trinium mines your planet was known for.
Your title had rotted of its relevance, made even lesser by the fact that you were the youngest daughter of seven. Your infant brother was being groomed for ventriloquism and you, you were being groomed for obsoletion.
Mila’s hands, roughened by years of laundry and lye soap, rubbed warm oils into your skin. “There was talk of a bounty hunter, your Highness.”
Your eyes shot open.
A bounty hunter?
 ⫞ ——— ——————————————————————————— ⫷
You saw him a few weeks later, in the flurry of transport arrivals and mindless, droning ceremony. It was only a flash of his helmet, but it was enough to keep your imagination spinning for days.
Whispers from entreating servants and talk from stormtroopers that couldn’t keep their mouths shut had informed you of his reputation, his station, and his name. Boba Fett.
A particularly loose-lipped security droid regaled you with rumors of his being hired by Lord Vader, hunting a man named Han out in the Outer Rim. Quas Killam was on their way, apparently, good for information and heavy on the underworld dealings you’d always been shielded from. Truthfully, you didn’t much care. You knew no one got close to the Empire without blood on their hands. Whether they be kings or bounty hunters.
When you actually talked to the man, having been caught trying to eavesdrop on the chamber meeting he happened to be exiting the moment you leaned your ear against the door, any delusions of decorum were shattered the moment he opened his mouth. “Out of the way.”
You bristled, gathering up your skirts in a huff as you stepped away. Rude.
He was taller than you thought he’d be. Taller and broader than he looked before back on the cargo bay, a mere smudge in your peripheral vision. Now that he was alone save for you in the cavernous hallway, his words echoed on the marble tile. So much for espionage.
“My father’s in that meeting,” you replied shortly, putting on airs and doing your best to look like your mother, regal and cold.
Boba only stood there, thumbing the notches of his blaster until he caught the thin sparkle of the diadem crowning your head. A scoff, dismissive. “Then out of the way, princess.”
It wasn’t the title that bothered you. After all, it’s not like he was wrong. It was the way he said it. It was
 it was patronizing! Condescending. Absolute inappropriate to a person of your station.
And, if you were being honest with yourself, more than a little attractive.
You shifted your weight onto one hip, scowling. “Don’t call me that.”
A low chuckle rumbled in his chest, static-y and made even rougher by his helmet. “What? Princess.”
Stars, you heard that word a million times a day for a million different reasons. His saying it shouldn’t have felt so warm in your mouth.
Before you could volley back a reply, something equally biting and smarmy, the double doors he stood in front of began to groan open again.
“Better scram, little one.” Boba jerked his head towards the sound of your father’s advancing footsteps. “Daddy’s coming.”
â«ž ——— ——————————————————————————— â«·
You often dreamed about what it’d be like to leave. Your title. Your station. All the bloody bores that came along with it.
But you had never even been outside the palace grounds. Probably never would, unless your father found someone willing to marry a low-ranking princess and hoisted you over their shoulder, a piece for a game you were never taught and never allowed to play. You’d already resigned yourself to that fact and half-way convinced yourself you were okay with it. But prisons were still prisons. Even if they were made of silk.
On the eve of Lord Vader's departure, everyone in the palace was preoccupied. Your father was most likely schmoozing some Imperial officer. Your mother, in bed with yet another headache. Your governess spent the day preening over your younger brother and your handmaiden was nowhere to be seen. You had a sneaking suspicion she was with one of the guards in a dark hallway.
So you slipped out behind a servant’s entrance and looked for a place to breathe.
Hardly anyone knew about this part of the palace gardens. It was sequestered behind so many winding footpaths and barely-oiled gates that the security droids never bothered patrolling past the main entrance, making it simple to duck underneath the overgrown hedges. The air was quiet; heavy-scented with all the flowers that had been planted and forgotten, left to grow wild across the footpaths and be crushed underneath your feet.
You used to come here quite often, when you were younger and it was easier to slip away. There were long spaces in your memory made of cotton, with hazy sun-soaked afternoons and the fountain that somehow still spouted out streams of cold water from the hands of a statue, some relic of an ancient ruler who had long since died. It was only a small courtyard, made smaller by the thick surrounding hedges and large chunks of cobblestone, but it felt like a whole galaxy to you.
A few minutes passed, then an hour. Two hours. A long, slow, summer stretch of day that just confirmed the fact of your irrelevance. It was filled in only by the mindless reading of your holopad and a few short naps. But better out here alone than stuck back inside, surrounded by those insufferable stormtroopers.
Maybe you spoke too soon, because a few seconds later you were toe-to-toe with Boba Fett, your back pressed to the garden wall. Stars, you didn’t even hear him walk in.
You’d think by now you would have learned to be more careful. Listening and being listened in on.
The helmet tilted up and then down, examining your sour expression. Rolling your eyes, you slumped against the ivy-covered brick, still smarting from your encounter with him a few days prior. “Why are you here?” A haughty, affected wave of your hand. “Were you sent here to fetch me?”
The man straightened out, stepping back from you with a broadening of his already broad shoulders.  Chips in his armor reflected tiny bits of sunlight, little silver speckles on green armor that looked even greener surrounded by wild flora. He hunted people for a living, so the fact that you were made quick work of didn’t really bother you. Still, it was a bit disappointing. Having to go back to the palace was the last thing you wanted.
“The king was concerned for your safety.”
Oh for Maker’s sake. “You mean he was concerned for his reputation.”
“I was told to find you-”
“-and bring me back so I could sit in a parlor and be supervised like a child.”
“Princess,” he sighed.
There was that word again.
A heavy swallow bobbed the lump in your throat, your chest flushed and littering the space between your bodies in a low buzz. You narrowed your eyes, not trusting your own head for something more articulate, and spit the question out. “What?”
He motioned towards the footpath, one hand resting on his belt. “Let’s go.”
You only crossed your arms with a raise of an eyebrow, mind floating an acknowledgement that you were very much acting like a child who needed to be supervised.
“I don’t make a habit of tracking down spoiled royalty.”
No one had ever called you spoiled before.
It was sort of refreshing.
The man cut an imposing figure, you’d give him that. With the helmet and blaster and
 armor and such. You weren’t even entirely sure you remembered to put on real shoes before coming out here, still slippered and in stocking feet. What a pair you must’ve made. Incongruous.
You cocked your head and leant against the wall with the fabric of your dress swishing out around your ankles. Caught by warm, humid winds, its layers separated themselves into thin sails before falling down together again. Rhetorical questions were blooming alongside flowers. “Are spoiled royalty below your paygrade, then?”
A tip of his helmet said yes, yes they are.
You supposed as such, with the sort of reputation he had. Skilled bounty hunter. Feared mercenary. Expensive and coveted.
A lap dog.
Maybe there was more in common between you than you thought.
Another breeze whistled past, but the man in front of you was silent. “Well,” you finally spoke, brushing away the imaginary dirt on your dress. “I don’t make a habit of following around strange men, so we’re in a bit of a bind.”
There was an edge in his voice when you moved to walk away, a gloved grip snaking up and resting a deadweight on the back of your neck. You pushed up against him. Lothcat and mouse. You were both, but he was too. “I’m not telling you again, Princess.”
If he called you that again you were sure something would happen. What that something was you had no idea, but the epithet, mocking as it was, felt too good soaking in your sternum for it not to be a catalyst.
A breathy smirk left your lips when your hips canted downward and the gauzed fabric of your dress caught on his cuisse plate. “If I didn’t know any better,” you whispered, reaching to flatten your palms across his chest, “I’d say you almost enjoyed chasing me.”
The hand on your nape tightened and his leather fingerprints dug unspoken threats into your skin that simmered, burning up and down your spine. You faked a pout. “Shame you already caught me, isn’t it?”
The grip surrounding you loosened just slightly, letting your back slide down the garden wall whose ivy-covered stone dragged at your bodice back. A small voice chirped up in the back of your head, chiding you for dirtying the delicate fabric before you willed it away, done with listening.
Boba almost growled. “Don’t push your luck.”
“My, my,” you clucked, shaking your head. Your fingers trailed towards the edges of his helmet and traced stripes where his brow bone would be. They were gold. For vengeance. “Aren’t we feeling insolent today?”
The man underneath the beskar scoffed, the palm that was at the back of your neck now wrapping itself around your outstretched wrist and pulling your hand away. You let out a quiet whine of protest, both at the loss of contact and just to see what it might do to him to hear it. When he stiffened, leaning away with every muscle seeming to tense and release and tense again, you were unreasonably pleased. There was still red blood underneath all that red paint.
Boba’s voice was clipped when he finally replied; the vowels came through strained and raspy. “I could say the same for you.”
Yes, he probably could, couldn’t he?
Then again, maybe your two wrongs could cancel out into being right and not at all compromising.
It’s not like you really did anything erroneous. Well, besides the running away part. But that was par for the course for you. All that was new was
 him. And his hands. And his being alone with you. Which could possibly be construed as something wrong and compromising but how wrong could it be, really, if neither of you did anything?
Of course, this all hinged on neither of you doing anything. Compromising.
“Take the helmet off and I’ll go with you,” you offered, knowing how juvenile you sounded. You just wanted to see if he’d hear you. If he’d listen.
He did.
Boot spurs clinked as he stalked towards you, closer than he was before. It was invasive; almost chest to chest with no room for breathing as you were pushed up against the wall again, and you were met with the revelation that whatever you were toying with was probably a really, really bad idea.
Static filled your ears from the husk of his vocoder. “You know I can take you back whether you want to or not.” The roof of your mouth went dry and you remembered how Boba’s palm spanned the entire back of your neck, cradled delicately by leather fingers. He could crush your throat in one hand. Squeeze until you went limp. You wouldn’t be able to stop him. “I don’t need your permission.”
Your thumbs reached up to the lock mechanisms on either side of his head anyway. “I know.”
Fire felt good when you were close enough to be warmed by it. Whether or not you’d be burned was left to be seen.
The helmet lifted with a soft click.
Truth be told, you’re surprised he let you do it.
You dangled the helm almost carelessly by your hip, curling your fingers around the lip of it whilst your other hand stayed hovering near his face. He looked a bit older than you imagined, mid-thirties maybe, scarred and stern-looking. Handsome.
You should’ve stopped while you were ahead but all you wanted—stupid, stubborn, and yearning for a plaything—was to feel the black curls cropped close to his ears. Which probably counted as compromising.
Without the modulator Boba’s voice was deeper, the rumbling kind of richness that was used to giving orders and used to having them followed. It bore down on you as a concrete weight. “I’m not a kind man, princess.”
He forgot that you were used to giving orders too.
The coarse material of his collar chafed your palm as you held it, gripping a lifeline, and tilted your mouth up to his ear. The softness of your voice disguised your intention. It sounded innocent when you whispered it. Gentle, even. “I never said I wanted you to be.”
His lips bruised you and tasted like salt.
It was all tongue, teeth, barely cloaked violence, pressed until your throat felt raw and your heartbeat dropped below the ground to join whatever was left of your dignity. When your knees buckled, a gloved hand settled large between your shoulder blades.
You didn’t think your first kiss would be like this.
Hypothetically it would have been clinical, fumbling and awkward in your own inexperience. Out in front of a crowd somewhere after you met the eyes of a stranger at the altar. Or maybe in secret, like it was now, with a tryst of boyhood and a peck on the cheek.
Boba Fett was a stranger, but he wasn’t a boy. And this wasn’t a peck on the cheek.
You didn’t realize he had lifted you up by your hips until you were placed back down again, his having crossed the few steps from the wall to the nearby fountain with arms firmly wrapped around your middle and not so much as a strain of his hips. His strength should have scared you. It did scare you, a little, but the same hands that had gripped the blaster still at his side were deceptively gentle around your waist. You let yourself be brought down by his bended knees.
“Easy there,” Boba said, still crouching on the ground beside you as you slowly lay back on the lip of the waterwork, white noise burbling from the quiet fixtures. The flat, curved slab surrounding the shallow pool was wide enough that you needn’t worry about balancing, speckled gray stone warmed from weather and soon by skin. There was one moment where Boba allowed you to catch your breath and then it was gone, knocked out of your lungs in another assiduous touch.
“Poor thing,” he mocked, sardonic even as he cooed gently into your open mouth. Your back arched in an unwitting presentation and blood pounded a drumbeat in your ears. All you could see was Boba; his face and his shoulders and his arms braced beside your head, leaning over your horizontal form. Like you were prey. Maybe you were. “What would your father say if he saw you like this?”
He wouldn’t be able to say anything. Would stand there, mouth agape and his eyes doing that strange bulging thing it always did when you did anything besides sew embroidery squares. Fainting wasn’t out of the question. It would be ridiculously fun to watch.
You huffed, chasing Boba’s mouth with your own when he shifted above you. The midday sun hung high, edging the bounty hunter’s tanned face in white. You could see your own eyes in the reflection of his pupils, could smell his warm skin. His canines scraped your collarbones. Everything was fast, blurry, and burning.
Stars above.
The whole situation was ridiculous. Twenty minutes ago you’d never been kissed on the mouth and now you were letting a killer-for-hire grope you like you were a back-alley harlot.
It wouldn’t end well. You’d curse after he left and hate yourself for letting him stay, because his staying would be brief and shallow and cruel, but right now, lying on the edge of a fountain with sunshine on your neck and a low voice in your ear, staying was the only thing you wanted him to do.
What an egregious lapse in judgement.
What a beautiful, electrifying lapse in judgement.
“You’re so—” a slurred pitchiness invaded your vocal chords, coating everything in bitter syrup. Your jaw was starting to numb from unforgiving lips. “—so rude,” you choked out, mind struggling to find footing amid its own dizziness. You felt like an overheating droid, full of bad code and faulty wiring that made your words and your actions discordant because even as you insulted the man, your hands were curling around his shoulders to pull him closer. “Always so rude, so
 so mean to me. Makes me want—” you panted, voice breaking off into a whine when a calloused palm slid across the back of your thigh, “...want
His accent curled the consonants into a dance. “Want what, Princess?”
Expectant in their heaviness but teasing a smile in their lined corners, Boba’s eyes were the color of charred umber. Squirming in his arms, you nosed your face into the junction of his collarbones. “Want you,” you finally mumbled, admitting it in one long, pathetic exhale.
His promise had sharp teeth.
“You can have me.”
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ilici · 4 years ago
221141425 3165
Summary: Karl finally hand delivers the bunny tail to Y/N and finds out she works at a Bunny Maid Cafe.
{Numbers mean Bunny Cafe}
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2809
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Karl was now getting off the plane, as he walked to the baggage claim to get his suitcase. Niki and Karl had hid this from Y/N the entire time, making her think he wasn’t coming at all. Once he had his luggage, he was soon looking around for Niki, who instead was picking up Karl instead of picking up Y/N. Seeing her bright pink hair, he walked towards her a bright smile on his face, “Karl!” Niki said once she saw his fluffy brown hair. “Hey!” He said, pulling her into a quick hug, “How was the fly?” She asked, and Karl shrugged, “It would have been better if I wasn’t seated next to an old man who was snoring the entire time.” He said, which made Niki giggle. “I told you I would have gotten you first class, but you denied it.” She said, as the two walked towards her car.
“Yeah yeah.” He mumbled putting his suitcase in the trunk, “I am picking her up from work right? How long is the drive to your house?” He asked, not wanting to be late to pick her up. “Just down the road actually, but Y/N’s work is a ten minute drive. I’ll text her and tell her that I am picking her up instead, but it will actually be you driving my car. She usually is in the back, cleaning, so just wait for her outside.” She said, as she pulled into her driveway. “You weren’t joking when you said it was right down the road.” He mumbled, looking around seeing they lived in a somewhat secluded area. “Yeah, well, I will take your stuff into your room, you should head to her work. I’ll send the directions to you.” She told him, and he got out of the passenger seat, going to the drivers seat. While he was pulling out, his phone dinged indicating that Niki sent him the address for her work.
Pulling it open while watching the road, he saw that he led him to a place called ‘Coney Cafe’. Pushing the directions for it, the monotone robotic voice spoke up, telling him the way. Listening to it, he played some music to fill in the silence when the robot wasn’t speaking. As he was driving, he became more and more nervous, he didn’t know how he’d react or how Y/N would react. His heart was beating through his chest, and he gulped when he saw the little cafe appear in his line of vision. It was small and cute, from what he could see. Getting out, as it was still day light he locked Niki’s car, slowly walking into the cafe. His eye’s nearly bulged out of his skull when he saw three girls in an outfit similar to the ones Y/N was showing him days before. He looked around, seeing only one guy in a outfit that matched a butler, but settled on his head was a pair of bunny ears.
Karl’s first thought was he was at the wrong place, but when he saw a pair of white bunny ears on a similar set of hair, he froze. Y/N slowly walked out, in a white latex outfit, that was identical to Mai’s, and a pair of red knee high socks. He saw her carrying a tray of what seemed to be buns, and she kindly greeted a stranger giving them their desired food. Turning around, Karl locked eyes with E/C eyes, and he felt the breath get knocked out of him. Her eyes were adorned with red eyeshadow that matched her socks, “Karl?” Y/N said shocked, and Karl just let his eyes travel over her slowly, “Hey..” He said, nervously scratching the back of his neck. Sadly, he couldn’t see her smile as it was covered with a mask, that had the cafe’s name on it. “You’re here?!” She said shocked, and he sheepishly nodded his head. “I’m here.” He said, adjusting the mask on his nose, as it kept slipping from him speaking.
“How, what? when?” She asked confused, walking towards him slowly, only then did he realize their height difference. She was about Y/H, and her eye’s seemed much more innocent looking in person. “You work at a maid cafe?” He asked, and Y/N nodded her head, “Niki recommended it, she knew how much I liked wearing stuff like this, and she saw this cafe when she was out getting a tour from Wilbur.” She explained, as she led him to a table to sit him. “Wait here while I finish up.” She said, still trying to wrap her head around the fact that Karl was in the UK sitting, waiting, for her. The only way she recognized him was by the hair, the eyes, and the light blue Sapnap hoodie he wore that stuck out like a thumb. She knew something fishy was going on, because Corpse accidentally said Karl wouldn’t answer her for hours since he was on a plane. Before she could even ask, Corpse laughed and said, ‘Joking’ before hanging up.
She smiled and waved goodbye to her boss, who was always helping around the cafe whenever she was able to. “Bye Notori!” She said, as her boss waved back with a smile that was hidden behind her mask. Sighing, Y/N was mentally groaning because she had to open today, which meant she was awake since 4 this morning. Walking back out from the door that read ‘Staff Only’ she tapped Karl’s shoulder, “Do you want anything before we go? I usually fix myself a cup of Boba.” She said, and Karl just looked at the menu that was on the wall. “Yeah, I want to try the red velvet boba?” He asked, somewhat confused. Y/N smiled, “That’s new actually, it’s milk tea with red food coloring, and boba pearls that taste like red velvet cake.” She explained to him, going behind fixing their drinks. As Y/N made their drinks, Karl couldn't help but look at how amazing her body was, “Like what you see?” He heard a voice behind him, and he turned around coming face to face with the guy he saw earlier. 
“I’m Vincent, but I prefer Vince.” He said, holding out a gloved hand to Karl. Karl hesitantly shook it, “You like her, don’t you?” He asked, and Karl’s face went bright red. He was thankful his mask covered his blush, “What makes you think that?” He asked, and Vince just grinned. “I’m like her older brother, I can tell.” He said, leaning in, “She likes you too. She hasn’t shut up about you since she met you.” He whispers, which made Karl have a boost of confidence. “So, where are you from?” Vince suddenly asked, changing the subject rather quickly, “Uh. Oh, I am from North Carolina.” He said, and Vince nodded, “So what made you work at a place like this?” Karl asked, noting he was the only boy here. “My mother owns the shop, we originally had the shop in Japan, but we moved here for better business, and because my step father lives here.” He explained, and Y/N walked back with two drinks in her hands.
“Hey Vince!” Y/N chirped happily, and Vince just patted Y/N head, ruffling her hair a bit purposely messing up her bunny ears. Y/N’s pout was not visible, as she ordered him to fix her hair and ears. “You’re lucky I have my hands occupied.” She mumbled to him, as Karl watched the two interact like actual siblings. “Oh! Here Karl.” She said, handing him is red drink, he looked at it closely before he noticed how shiny it looked. “Why is it so shiny?” He asked, confused. “I added some edible glitter into yours, special treat since you flew this way to see me.” She shrugged, as the two walked out. “Oh well thanks.” He mumbled, as they got into the car. “My feet hurt.” Y/N instantly whined, taking off her white heels. Karl looked over at her sympathetically, “How long were you walking around in those?” He asked, and Y/N took her mask off revealing her lower half of her face. 
Karl’s eyes immediately went to her lips, and he watched her bite her bottom lip in thought. Her lips looked so soft, that he wanted to just reach out and touch them, but he held himself back. “Well, it is now 3 pm, so maybe 11 hours?” She said, and Karl looked over at her completely shocked. “11 hours?!” He said, bewildered, and Y/N simply nodded. “When we get to the house, you are going to change into comfortable clothes and I am giving you a foot massage.” He ordered, and Y/N looked over at him trying to think of ways to ruin the moment. “Karl.. do you have a foot kink..?” She asked, trying to pretend to be concerned. Karl let out a snort, and a few giggles as he drove shaking his head “No I do not.” He said, and Y/N laughed breaking out of character, “Okay good, that would have been a deal breaker.” She said, and Karl just laughed, as they drove back in peace.
After a short 10 minute silence, Y/N looked over at Karl, who was sipping on his boba. “Has anyone ever told you that your lips perfect for kissing?” She asked out of the blue, making Karl nearly choke. Quickly putting his drink down, he looked over at Y/N as they were now at a red light. “Pardon?” He asked, and Y/N just shrugged, “Nothing nothing.” She said, looking out of her window, and Karl just gaped at her. Hearing a honk, Karl snapped out of his trance and quickly pressed on the gas, turning left. “How long will you be staying?” Y/N asked, and Karl’s brain went numb at the fact that she could act like nothing happened. “Maybe a couple days, weeks.” He said, shrugging and Y/N just nodded. “Did you get the tail?” Karl nodded, “Yeah I did, you can pin it onto your outfits.” He said, “It’s actually under your seat if you want to get it.” He told her, pointing to the floor board.
Y/N reached down and grabbed a bag, pulling it up she looked seeing a ball of fur. Smiling, she grabbed it and took it out, examining it, “It’s so cute.” She said, feeling it, and put it on her lap. “Thank you.” She said, and looked over at Karl, as he drove. “Of course.” He mumbled, and finally pulled into the driveway. Y/N grinned and was about to open her door, before Karl yelled a quick ‘stop!’ which caused her to freeze. Seeing Karl now in front of her door, he opened it, and grabbed her heels and quickly picked her up from the seat. Y/N squealed, wrapping her arms around Karl’s neck so she felt more secure. Shutting her door with his foot, he walked to the porch, and reached forward, opening the door with one of his hands, holding Y/N up by his knee. Walking inside, he asked Y/N to lead him to his room, and finally they made it.
Placing her on her bed, he grinned, “You said your feet ached, so I am letting you take a break from walking.” He said, and Y/N’s heart fluttered at that, “Thank you.” She said, looking away to hide the very obvious blush that was creeping up to her cheeks. “I will be right back, be changed when I get back.” He told her, before he walked out shutting her door behind him. Looking around for Niki, he finally found her in the kitchen, “Where’s the room I will be staying in?” He asked, and Niki led him to a room upstairs, the left of Y/N’s. Walking inside, he noticed it was a neat room, it was a light grey and had its own streaming set up. He figured the room had it, since Wilbur would stay over from time to time. Unpacking, he changed into a pair of sweats, and a Harry Potter sweater. Walking out and back to Y/N’s he knocked, “Come in!” He heard Y/N’s voice.
Walking inside, he was welcomed with the sight of Y/N’s now disheveled hair, bare face, and her in a pajama set. “You look comfortable.” He reasoned, and Y/N just smiled, patting the spot beside of her, “I have Winnie the pooh playing.” She said, and Karl sat beside of her, and pulled her feet onto his lap softly. Y/N relaxed into the pillows behind her, as Karl massaged her feet. “I figured we could have a Disney marathon tonight.” She said, and Karl looked over at her, and grinned. “I’d love that.” He said, before finishing up his massage. After the movie ended, the two were now cuddled close together, “Y/N..” Karl whispered, seeing if she was still awake. Y/N hummed, turning over to face Karl. Now they were face to face, their lips inches away from each other. “I wanted to tell you something.” He said, looking at her features up close.
Y/N nodded her head, motioning for him to continue, both of their hearts beating rather quickly. “I really enjoy talking to you, and I enjoy seeing you every time we FaceTime.” He started, and Y/N smiled, “I really like you, Y/N. I know you don’t like long distance, but I will wait for you if I have to.” He said, and Y/N looked at him, her breath caught in her throat. “I like you too. It’s just I am so scared, I know you wouldn’t cheat or anything, I am afraid the distance will destroy everything. Especially with cover going on, you never know when the next travel ban will be.” She explained, “But I am willing to see if it will work.” She mumbled. Karl smiled, before both of their phones simultaneously dinging. Grabbing their phones, their eyes widened before they both laughed. ‘REPORT UK IS NOW UNDER TRAVEL BAN UNTIL THE BEGINNING OF MAY.’ “Looks like you’re stuck with me bunny girl.” Karl said, looking at her, and Y/N laughed.
“What about Jimmy’s youtube?” Y/N asked worried, and Karl just shook his head, “It’s okay, I will be streaming still, and I can just join Jimmy from FaceTime. I can also join the gaming videos no matter what, I just won’t be in the real life videos.” He said, and Y/N frowned, “Are you sure you are okay with that?” She asked, and he nodded his head, “Things happen in mysterious ways Y/N. I mean look at us, we met through Niki forgetting to mute her mic.” He said, and Y/N laughed at the memory, “Yeah that is true.” She said, and looked away in thought. “I’m getting a call.” Karl said, and answered it putting it on speaker, motioning for Y/N to be quiet. “Hello?” Karl answered, and Sapnap’s voice came from Karl’s phone. “Hey! I just saw that the UK is in a travel ban, which means you are stuck there.” He said, and Karl hummed, “Yeah I am.” He said, and Sapnap chuckled as another voice spoke up.
“If you don’t end up getting with Y/N by the time the travel ban lifts, I will meet you at the airport, and openly punch you.” Dream spoke up, and Karl laughed, “I will allow you to do that.” He said, and Sapnap spoke up, “If you don’t date her, our wedding in minecraft is off and I will marry Quackity only.” He said, and Karl gasped, “Now that’s just too far.” Karl said, and Dream’s muffled laugh came through, “That’s just messed up.” Dream said, and Sapnap just scoffed, “Screw you guys.” He mumbled hanging up. Karl laughed and looked back at Y/N who was just smiling at him. “What?” He asked, seeing Y/N wanted to say something. “Nothing.” She said, teasingly, and Karl groaned, “Not this again, just tell me.”
“Maybe the universe wants this.” She said, motioning to each other, and Karl grinned nodding his head. “Let’s not make the universe mad, we already have a pandemic going on.” He said, and Y/N laughed nodding her head, “Agreed.” She whispered, looking at Karl’s lips. Karl bit his lip, his mind wondering back to how soft her lips look, finally wanting to know the truth. He grabbed her chin and brought her face closer, “Let’s see.” He whispered to himself, as their lips were now inches apart. “See what?” She asked, clueless, and Karl smirked, “How soft they really are.” 
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honey-dewey · 4 years ago
Worthless Comforts
Pairing: Din Djarin/Reader
Word Count: 2,146
Warnings: None
Permanent Taglist: @phoenixhalliwell @star-wars-hell
Reader shows Din the small comforts that make life worthwhile. Like sleeping in a real bed and eating three meals a day. 
Life aboard the Razor Crest was always interesting. Not necessarily bad, but not good either. Interesting. Din had hired you originally as a translator, but that role turned into mechanic and then babysitter as time moved forward. You two were close, close enough for him to share his name with you. He knew your tells and triggers, and you knew most of his. So it was no surprise when you noticed he was stressed before he did.
“You need to relax,” you said offhandedly one day while you two were traveling to Tatooine to hunt a quarry. “How do mandalorians relax?”
“We die.”
You rolled your eyes, flipping another page in your book. “Okay Mr. This is the Way. When did you last eat something?”
Din shrugged. “It was that Bantha meat you gave me.”
“That was yesterday,” you said, sitting up straighter and staring at Din’s helmet. “When are we landing?”
“A few hours.”
You sat back, still eyeing Din’s tightly wound figure. “Okay.”
Tatooine was not your favorite planet. Boba and Fennec made it better, and Cobb was always fun. Peli gave you shit but made you smile, and you did like traveling with the Tuskens. But no amount of decent company changed the dusty atmosphere and the blinding suns. The way the sand dug into your feet and got into every crevasse. By the time you’d reached the old Hutt Palace, you were cursing the sand and the suns and everything in between.
“Finally!” Fennec said, guiding you into the palace. “We expected you last week!”
“Picked up another quarry on the way,” Din explained, nodding to the guards who stood by the doors. “Had the time.”
Fennec rolled her eyes. “Don’t you ever relax?”
“That’s what I said!” You said, nudging Din. He sighed and shrugged you off.
Boba was happy to see you both in one piece, and he was especially eager to see Grogu asleep in the carrier across your front. “Your rooms are open, as always,” he said with a grin when you suppressed a yawn. “Go unwind. The quarry hasn’t moved in three months. You can wait another few days. I know traveling the way you do can be stressful.”
Before Din could open his mouth and ruin it, you spoke. “Thank you so much Boba. We appreciate it.”
As night fell, you ate, drank, and talked. It was fun, and Fennec made for excellent company. When you finally retired, you found Grogu asleep in Din’s room. He must’ve taken the child when you weren’t looking.
“Sneaky bastard,” you said affectionately, shutting yourself in your own room and falling asleep as soon as your head hit the pillows.
You woke to loud thunder and the sound of rainfall. Confused, you rubbed your eyes and got dressed, forgoing your armor and weapons. You barely even put shoes on, sliding into leather flats instead of your supple boots.
Boba was already on the throne when you arrived in the throne room, Fennec on his right. He looked up as you walked in, an easy, relaxed grin on his face. “It seems you and Djarin have found yourselves trapped here,” he said. “Tatooine rarely has rainstorms, but when it does, they are dangerous. You will stay here until the rain passed.”
You noticed the final sentence was a command, and you nodded. “Thank you,” you said. “Din would’ve made me walk in the rain had you not kept us here, I’m sure of it.”
Fennec laughed. “Find him,” she said. “We have water for baths now. He smells like a bantha.”
You laughed. “Thank you again,” you said. “I’ll go find Din and tell him.”
Din’s room was locked, as it usually was at night, but once you knocked, he opened the door within a few minutes. “What?”
“Boba told us to stay until the rain passes,” you said. “King’s orders. Fennec also said there’s water for baths now, and she recommends you take one.”
Din nodded, stretching a tiny bit. You smiled. “Maybe we can take this chance and actually relax,” you said.
“Don’t get your hopes up.”
You rolled your eyes as you and Din walked to the baths. Tatooine was big on communal bath spaces, so bathing was always interesting. But you’d figured it out.
As you walked, you examined Din. He’d done the same as you, forgoing his usual armor in favor of his long sleeved brown undershirt, brown pants with the black patches, and boots. He was still wearing the helmet, but not the head covering that hid his neck. The high collar of his undershirt did conceal most of his skin though. He looked comfortable, especially with Grogu tucked up under his arm.
The bath room was empty when you arrived, and you immediately began to fill two of the dry pools. Each one was small, meant for one person, but all the sunken pools were open to each other. No privacy.
While you filled the tubs, Din found a wooden divider, dragging it over and separating your pools. When you were done, you collected soaps and towels before hopping behind the divider and stripping out of your clothes. You could hear Din doing the same, folding his clothes as he took them off. Finally, you heard the sound of the helmet being removed and set down, and then the ripple of water as Din got into his pool.
You and him soaked, side by side, separated by the divider, for a while. The water was warm, and the smell of rain that filtered through the palace made your eyes heavy. “Din?”
You sighed, leaning back so you could stretch your legs out. “How long do you think this rain will last?”
“Rain storms on Tatooine are aggressive,” Din said from behind the barrier. “But it should only last a few days.”
A crack of thunder sent a small shock through your body, but you calmed quickly, relaxing into the warmth of the water again. “Okay. I can do a few days.”
An hour later, once the water had gone cold and you’d scrubbed all the grit from your body, you got out and toweled off. Din, judging from the sounds, was doing the same. When you two reunited, you both smelled better, and Din seemed a bit more relaxed. Well, relaxed for him. He was still guarded, but it seemed he was finally starting to realize he was safe.
The palace was mostly empty. The rain seemed to deter most potential guests, so the only people around were Fennec, Boba, Din, and you. You and Din swung by the kitchen to grab some food, you carrying the food while Din held Grogu. It wasn’t an easy task, considering just how much Grogu squirmed. By the time you’d carried the food to Din’s room, Grogu had bitten Din twice in a desperate attempt to reach you.
“Alright you little Womp Rat,” you said, setting Grogu in his cradle with his food. “Stop messing with us!”
Grogu pouted, but let you walk away without crying too much. You sat beside Din, looking over your kitchen raid spoils. “Damn,” you said. “We did good.”
Din snorted, and you scrunched your nose at him. “What do you want?”
“This,” Din said, reaching over you to grab a metal container that was warm to the touch. “Please.”
“Go for it,” you said, taking something you didn’t recognize, but it smelled heavenly. “You have permission to eat as much as you want, and please do, because I know you don’t eat enough on the Crest. Turn around though, I want to be able to eat with you.”
Din turned, and you sat with your back pressing to his. He seemingly got the message and removed his helmet, slowly eating whatever he’d taken.
“Y’know,” you said, stabbing another glazed slice of fruit from your dish. “We actually get three nutritious meals a day while we’re here. No ration blocks twice a day.”
Din hummed, and you could feel him chewing when he put his head back and pressed it to yours. “Those ration blocks really are shit,” he decided softly. “But I can’t cook.”
“I can,” you said. “If we store ingredients on the Crest, we should absolutely be able to have meals like this. And I don’t mind cooking,” you added, knowing Din was likely to protest. “How’d you sleep last night?”
“Decent,” Din said. “Feels good to sleep on a mattress.”
You laughed, reaching to grab a container of cake. “Told you!” You said. “You sleep on that damned rubber pad, I can’t believe it.”
“You sleep on the same kind of rubber pad,” Din pointed out. “Yours is just bigger.”
“Yeah,” you said slowly. “The mattress is really nice here. Why don’t we visit more often?”
Din was quiet for a second while he ate another bite of food. “I don’t like Tatooine,” he finally said.
“Preach,” you said, pulling Grogu’s cradle closer and feeding him some of your cake. “Want dessert?”
You and Din shared food back and forth until you were both full, Din finally relenting and admitting he wanted a nap. At which you closed your eyes so he could get up and get into his bed.
You didn’t open your eyes until you heard the curtains around the bed shut, a feature Boba had put onto the bed specifically for Din. When you opened your eyes, you saw the helmet sitting atop Din’s folded shirt. Oh right, he slept shirtless.
Standing and stretching, you quietly kept Grogu occupied until he fell asleep too, and then you decided to find Fennec and maybe practice sparring.
You scooped Grogu up and set him down on the bed, leaving him to crawl his way to Din’s warm side. As the curtains shifted, you got a tiny peek at Din’s sleeping form.
He slept on his side with his arms up, covering his face. His hands were tangled in his hair, and you stared, entranced by the scar pebbled expanse of Din’s chest. It was the most skin you’d ever seen on him, and you almost wanted to touch it.
“Are you getting in too?” Din asked sleepily, and you yelped, jumping away from the bed like it might hurt you. You heard shuffling from inside, and then the curtain rustled. Before Din could push it open, you slapped your hand over your eyes, determined not to look.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m going to go spar with Fennec,” you said, trying to sound firm despite the wobble to your voice. “Goodnight.”
Din chuckled softly, and you heard more rustling before strong and very warm arms wrapped around you. “Please come nap with us,” he said, leaning on you. His hand found your wrist and tried to gently tug your hand off your eyes, but you stubbornly refused.
You whimpered, resolve softening at Din’s half asleep voice and almost unfairly warm body. “Din,” you said. “Your face”.
“My Creed has long since been reforged. You can see my face. Fennec and Bona both have.”
When Din pulled against your hand again, he met no resistance. Your eyes met his first, and you swear your breath stopped altogether. “Din.”
“Yes?” Din said, a lazy smile tugging at his lips. “Can we nap please? I’m tired.”
“Of course you’re tired,” you said, your wits finally returning to you. “You haven’t taken a break in a decade.”
Din led you back to the bed, and you discarded your shoes before crawling under the blankets beside him. Grogu cooed when you joined the cuddle pile, and you snuggled up to him and Din, deciding to close your eyes only for a second.
When you opened them again, it was to a loud crack of thunder. The suns had set already, and in the dark, you could barely make out the outline of Din’s face. His curls were unruly, the mess visible even in the darkness. You sighed, resigning yourself to sleeping beside Din, especially because his arm was tossed over your waist. You were a bit surprised to find that Din was big on cuddles.
It wasn’t long before you were drifting off again, absently watching the rise and fall of Din’s chest while he slept. You wondered faintly if this was the longest he’d slept since he’d last been here. He often napped in three hour increments, just for convenience.
“You awake?”
“Well I am now,” you grumbled, watching Din’s eyelashes flutter as he blinked, his silhouette shifting when he rolled to his side. “Why’re you up?”
Din yawned. “Felt you move,” he said softly. “Woke me up.”
“Ah. Sorry,” you said, settling back down and feeling your eyes droop closed. “I’m exhausted.”
“Same,” Din said, pulling you close. “Thank you.”
You smiled against Din’s chest, curving so you were practically molded to his body. “Any time Din. Any time.”
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fbfh · 4 years ago
here’s to always finding each other
pairing: percy x gn child of calliope reader
wc: 1.6k
warnings: percy kisses reader following a prior agreement that they don’t remember but it’s 100% consentual, you work retail, a hell yeah, memory loss, I think that’s it
summary: You didn’t really expect to have to spend your entire eight hour shift organizing shoe wax any more than you expected your fictional crush from middle school to be real and your boyfriend. Only one of those happened (and the shoe wax was still very disorganized when you left).
song rec: this lofi mix, boba manifesto - chris flemming (mostly as a joke but it slaps)
a/n: i am wOrKiNg oN tHiNgS!!!!!! It’s going well!!! expect some fun surprises soon!!!!!!!!!
Tumblr media
Crouched down on the ground, rearranging an end cap of shoe wax in the men’s department wasn’t really what you thought being a grownup would be like as a kid. You can’t complain too much, the pay is pretty good and working conditions are decent - as much as they can be in retail. You stand up to check your progress (and stretch your legs) and notice that guy is still there. He’s been hovering around the athletic shirts and pants for a while, and he keeps checking his phone and looking around. You’re sure he’s probably just waiting for someone, but you’re considering asking if you can help him find anything. 
He has a vaguely familiar energy, and your stomach drops for a moment, hoping you don’t know him from school or something. God, that would be a nightmare. That’s happened to you once or twice, bumping into someone you went to school with, and it’s always as bad as you expect. 
‘You know what,’ you think, trying to see if you can fit the last few containers of wax on the shelf without making them topple over, ‘he’s probably fine. If he needs help he’ll ask for it.’ 
You go back to scanning and adjusting the prices of the clearance shoe polish - the company had changed their packaging recently, so it’s out with the old and in with the identical - but you still can’t shake the feeling of familiarity. 
He turns around, holding up an orange shirt that says ‘go for it’ in a ridiculous font, and you get a glimpse of his face. 
You crouch back down so he won’t catch you staring, and the realization dawns on you. He looks a lot like Percy Jackson from the books you read in middle school. Or was it high school? Everything between 6th grade and high school graduation is kind of blurry and confusing in your memory. Man, you should really re-read those, you heard there was a TV series in the works and you want to remember all the details for when it comes out. You’re a little surprised at how nervous that revelation makes you, like the feeling when you’re a kid going to a theme park and you can see the roller coasters as you pull into the parking lot. Weird. Anyway, it’s not the first time you’ve seen a customer who looks like a character from something. One time you saw someone who you swore looked just like Pidge from the Voltron reboot that came out a few years ago, and a coworker saw a girl who looked like an anime character she loves
 Raka something? Her name sounded like gravity, but that wasn’t it. You shrug, making a mental note to ask her about it later. 
You stand up once again to take one final look before you move onto the next end cap, and see that the guy is standing next to you. You look up at him, and all those weird feelings of excitement and something close to anticipation amplify, as you get a closer look at him. He really, really looks like Percy Jackson. Like if the Viria art was a real person. 
 hi, can I help you find anything today?” You ask, snapping out of your daze and into your customer service voice. He takes a second before answering, and you’re a little unnerved by the way he’s looking at you; warm and intimately, like he’s known you for years. 
“No,” he replies, a dreamy tone to his voice, “I’ve got everything I need.” You’re pleasantly surprised and a little freaked out that he even has the accent. Seriously, if he’s not already, this guy should really get into cosplay. Also, is he flirting with you? He seems to realize what he just said, and backtracks slightly. 
“Actually, um, I was wondering if you could help me out with something over here,” he says, and you agree, in your signature chipper tone. He guides you to a table covered in various sweatpants behind a mirror. 
He glances around again, and you have to ask. 
“You know, if you’re having trouble finding someone we can-”
“Walkie customer service to have my group meet me at the front desk.” He finishes seamlessly. 
“It’s not my first time at the rodeo,” he chuckles, and you get the feeling there’s more meaning behind what he’s saying, like an inside joke you’re not a part of. 
 yeah.” you say, and he can sense your surprise, “How did you
” you trail off, and he can sense the silent question in your voice. He lets out a breathy chuckle, cheeks flushed pink.
“Like this.” 
He catches your face in his hands, and presses his lips to yours. Your eyes widen in shock, mostly at the fact that you don’t feel threatened by his presence at all. You’re shocked at how comfortable you feel around him, how you feel in your bones that you’ve known him for years when the logical side of your brain is telling you that you first saw him ten minutes ago. He pulls away, searching your eyes for
” you glance away, brow slightly furrowed, then back up at him, “what the fuck?” 
His expression softens, and he says gently, “Give it a minute.” 
You’re about to ask him to give what a minute, when a barrage of memories, feelings, people you don’t think you’ve ever met but seemed to be best friends with knocks you off your feet. You try to take in a breath, but the air in the room seems to have taken a temporary vacation from your lungs. 
You look up at him, eyes flared in understanding and shock. He mutters something in confirmation. Someone yells nearby, and you both look over to an adolescent boy asking his mom why he can’t wear neon basketball shorts to school. Percy looks back over at you.
“Is there somewhere a little more-” the mom starts arguing back and forth with her son at a louder volume, and he continues, “private
 where we could talk?”
“Uh, yeah, I’ll
 I’ll get somewhere.”
A few minutes later, you’re sitting across from each other on two step stools in one of the stock rooms. You’re still surprised at how easily you had lied to your boss that your long distance boyfriend showed up a few weeks early after over a year of not being able to see each other, and you needed a moment to catch up. She had agreed readily, asking that you tell her when you’re ready to get back to your tasks. 
“I’m sorry about that,” he starts, snapping you out of your train of thought, and you look up at him, “I never would have kissed you without asking, but you made me promise last time that the next time you lose your memories I would get them back to you as fast as I can.” 
“Uh, it’s okay, I feel like I remember talking about that.” Your memories are still fuzzy, but coming back sporadically.
“It can take a few days for them to come back fully.” He adds. 
The most surreal part of this is you remember vividly what happened in the books - because you lived through it. You hold back a giddy laugh bubbling up.
” you begin, and he looks at you, his gaze warm, “it’s all real?” you breathe the words, almost afraid of an answer. 
“Yeah,” he chuckles, looking away briefly, overwhelmed that you’re with him once again.
“The short version is, since your godly parent is Calliope, you sometimes get sent to other worlds. You kind of have to hop scotch from one place to another, like getting a goldfish used to a new bowl of water. The mist - or sometimes,” he glances up, pointedly and irritable, “other factors - usually take away a lot of your memories. They say it’s to make the transition easier, but who knows. Anyway, there are these waypoints, kind of like a time loop that you hang out in until you’re either ready to leave or one of us finds you first.”
“So this
” you motion around to the rows of cardboard boxes filled with plastic cups and paper towels. He nods and you let out a laugh of relief that you really won’t have to work here long term. 
“As soon as you’re ready we should probably head out to camp. It’s gonna be a bit of a drive.” 
“Wait, it’s all like
 here? Like in this world?”
“Yeah,” he smiles again, once more sending butterflies through your chest. 
You let out a disbelieving, excited laugh.
“Alright. Yeah, okay. Let’s do it.” 
Before you can get up, he takes your hand in his. He watches his fingers skim back and forth for a minute before looking up at you. 
“You know that I’ll always find you, right?” there’s an overwhelming torrent of emotions he’s somehow managing to convey through his eyes. 
“It doesn’t matter where you go, or how long you’re gone, or if we even remember each other. I will always find you.” His hand comes up to your cheek for the second time today, and your head tilts into his embrace automatically. You somehow trust him more than anyone or anything else right now. You nod gently.
“I do.”
He glances away again, cheeks flushing red, and he sighs, kissing your forehead. 
You get up and head towards the exit together, and he wraps his arm around your shoulder.
“How about we get some bubble tea once we’re in the city?”
“Oh hell yeah!” 
You don’t remember the last time you had bubble tea, but it sounds really, really good right now. 
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hoodedguitarist · 4 years ago
Think you can Hide from Me? Part 3
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Once again, Gif aint mine I just REALLY LOVE IT. It’s one of my favorite scenes of him.
Pairing: Boba Fett x Reader
Summary: You infiltrated, the plan fell into chaos, Boba is mad at you, you’re catching feels, lots of time skips and some ANGST.
Warnings? None... Really not yet at least. Slight DinxReader if you squint. This just got a lot more feelsy and I got a whole lot more invested in this than I expected to. Which honestly seems to happen a lot to me. NO SHAME.
I really want to thank everyone who has liked, favorited, reblogged, and followed! You’re all amazing and make me feel amazing too. It means a lot to me that everyone is enjoying my writing. My inbox is open and I’ll even make a Tag List if anyone is interested!
Part 1: The Infiltrator
Part 2: The Distraction
Part 4: The Reunion
Part 3: The Regret
You should have known that plan was going to go off the rails. What you didn’t know, however, was that Boba was going to end up being a casualty of it all as well, and by complete accident.
Sure, you’d been caught with the others, sure you’d been sentenced to death with the others
 And oh yes Boba was pissed
 Very pissed. You didn’t need to see his face to tell that he was because instead of riding in the barge, he was there to personally bind you and hold you on the way to the Sarlaac pit.
Standing next to Han and Luke was going to make this conversation very awkward, but it needed to be said.
 So you’re mad at me, right?” You said out loud. Both of them glanced over at you, but you felt Boba’s hand tighten around your shoulder and yank you backwards into him. “Ah!”
“Mad is an understatement, sweetheart,” his modulated voice hissed.
“Ok, that’s fair
 I’m sorry I lied to you about the whole work thing. Really, I am.”
 (Y/N)?” Han questioned.
“Stay out of it Han,” you snapped quickly. “You too, Luke. Mind your business, both of you.”
The two backed off and tried their best not to pay attention to whatever you could possibly be talking about with the bounty hunter, someone they considered an enemy.
“Was fucking me a distraction too?” Boba growled. Now the boys were really trying not to pay attention.
“No, actually, that part was real,” you turned your head to look at him over your shoulder. “I was telling the truth when I said I’d wanted to do that ever since I saw you, and still do, if you’ll have me.”
“I think that was your last roll in the sheets, princess. If you manage to make it out of this alive somehow, I’ll know and I’ll find you,” he threatened.
“Hm, sounds fun,” you couldn’t stop yourself from grinning. “If you make it out of this alive, I’ll come back and find you too. Do we have a deal?”
Boba scoffed and you figured he felt pretty confident that this was it and you were going to die some horrible death inside the belly of this beast.
“Deal,” he finally answered. 
Han and Luke both cut their eyes over at you and you shrugged. “I told you two to mind your own business.”
Things had happened so fast. One minute you were about to be shoved into the pit, the next Luke is jumping around doing Jedi stuff and mildly impressing you. You didn’t have time to admire, though, because you were struggling with one of Jabba’s guards while Han and Chewie were getting into it with Boba.
Somehow, you were trying to manage not getting killed but also trying to watch Han’s back because he was still blind, and now Chewie who had been shot
 But also Boba because you really didn’t want him dying on you either. It was a weird situation all around.
You struggled with the guard and managed to land a hit, but then a blaster fired out of nowhere and hit him square in the chest, knocking him backwards and into the pit. You were startled and turned to look where the shot came from, and sure enough you saw Boba’s blaster smoking. Your heart jumped into your throat and he simply nodded to you
 Until he turned his sights on Luke.
You heard Chewie howl something out, heard Han get jumpy.
“Boba Fett?? Where??” He whipped around and smacked the bounty hunter right in his jetpack, which malfunctioned and sent him flying.
“Han what the hell??” You yelled over the chaos.
“I didn’t know he was right there! I can’t see!” He yelled back. You looked over the railing rather desperately, just in time to see the bounty hunter roll into the Sarlaac pit.
 That was a damn shame...
Five years had passed, and the Empire was defeated. Ghosts and whispers still lingered, but the Rebellion no longer needed you. It was now the New Republic and you didn’t really have any interest in politics. You said your goodbyes to your friends, the true heroes, and went back to being on your own.
You weren’t on your own for long, however, seeing as how you got caught up in chaos with another Mandalorian. This one was different, however. He had a kid with him. You didn’t mind babysitting during the really dangerous stuff but at the same time you sort of missed the chaos. After a while, the kid wanted to be everywhere his dad was so you were able to tag along.
Being with them led you back to Tatooine, to a small place known as Mos Pelgo. You wanted to help Din get the kid back with his own kind and when they spoke of another Mandalorian in Mos Pelgo, you couldn’t help it as your heart jumped and your hopes spiked

Especially when a ghost appeared in the doorway wearing Boba Fett’s armor.
You tensed beside Din, and he glanced at you briefly. 
?” You questioned carefully, letting your eyes run down the person in front of you. He was tall, much more thin. There was no way

“ ‘Fraid not, darlin’,” the ghost answered. 
First, you felt the icy cold stab of regret and loss all over again, then you felt the heat of anger bloom in you. Both you and Din were ready to throw down with the Marshal for entirely different reasons.
“Take it off,” Din ordered.
“Or I will,” your voice was a low warning, surprising all parties involved.
“I think I wouldn’t mind that,” the ghost now known as Cobb Vanth smirked at you.
“Yeah you say that now until you’ve got a knife in your back. Where the hell did you get that? And don’t say Jawas. That armor belonged to someone. Someone I knew!” You snapped. 
“I don’t know what to tell you, honey. Anything else would be a lie. I did get it from the Jawas.”
A growl slipped your lips and you took a step forward, but Din grabbed you first. In the end, everything worked out in your favor. Cobb gave up the armor in exchange for help against the Dragon that plagued Mos Pelgo. When the two of you and the child were back safely on the Razor Crest, there were several times when Din would catch you gazing at the old armor, running your fingers across it, leaning your head against the empty helm.
He even thought he saw tears

Finally, one night, he managed to carefully edge the story out of you. It was a little difficult, but you managed well enough.
“It was just supposed to be a fling, you know? No strings attached, just to say I did it. But there was just something about him, something else that drew me to him. I wanted him to live, I tried to protect him but so many things happened that day, and so many things went wrong way too quickly
” Your voice caught in your throat, but you laughed despite yourself. “I ended up catching feelings for this fucking bounty hunter after he supposedly died.”
“It’s possible those feelings grew from guilt,” Din said calmly. “Thank you for telling me and trusting me with this. I’m sorry this is bringing you so much pain.”
“Oh they most definitely grew from guilt, but then when I saw his armor, hope grew. He had to have come out of it. He’s got to be somewhere, I just don’t know where
 And I don’t know if he’ll kill me on sight, so you might want to get ready for that too.”
“(Y/N) when are we not almost killed on sight?” There was a hint of amusement to his voice, and it made you smile. “I think we can manage,” he assured you.
 Let’s hope
Seeing the armor hit you hard, but being on top of that mountain with Din and Grogu and seeing Slave 1 come out of the atmosphere and into the sky really did a number on you.
“Oh shit
 Oh shit
”  You muttered.
“What? Who is that?” Din looked over at you.
 I don’t know. It used to be Boba’s ship but there’s no damn telling now. I haven’t seen that thing in years. Somebody could have scavenged it or something.”
“Well we need to figure it out, come on,” he waved for you to follow, and you did so, trying your best not to seem too eager.
Unfortunately, that eagerness faded with the blaster fire, and the both of you took cover behind a rock.
“I’ve been tracking you, Mandalorian.”
That voice
 It made your heart thunder in your chest. Masked by a modulator or not, you could tell it was him. You tensed and Din noticed. He looked over at you and you looked at him, eyes wide and lips parted. You gave a quick nod.
“It’s him
 It’s Boba
“So not a Jedi
 Great,” he whispered. The both of you eased out from behind the rock and you got your first good look at him. He was dressed in black robes, the hood thrown over his head, weapons strapped to his back.
“Boba??” You couldn’t stop yourself as you called out to him. He reached up and pushed his hood back, revealing a scarred face. It did nothing to deter you, however. He was older, but you were still just as attracted to him as you had been years ago. He stepped forward and moved closer, his eyes never leaving your face. It made you a little nervous. “If you’re going to kill me then ok, just do it, but I want you to know that I’m sorry first,” you said quickly holding your hands up. “I’m sorry for what happened that day.”
“Surprised to see me alive?” It was a simple question. No dark tone or anger.
“Relieved is more like,” you admitted. “I looked for you, for any sign of you after the war was over, but I never found anything. I knew somehow, though. I knew you’d survived, but I didn’t know if you’d want to kill me or not.”
“You know me well enough, girl. If I’d wanted to kill you, I would have done it right after I crawled out of that pit,” his eyes roved down you and you felt that old familiar rush, that feeling of playing with fire again. “It’s good to see you, princess, and we’ll talk later. For now, we need to talk about my armor that your man made off with.”
@pinkiemme @chadillacboseman​ If you need me I’ll be in the trash compactor thanks.
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laurafett · 4 years ago
Unfamiliar Fruit
Friends to lovers, sex pollen Boba Fett x f reader
Words: 6k
- You and Boba are guests in a palace on a different planet. The King serves you some strange food, with the intention of doing both of you a favour -
No mentions of pronouns, hair or skin color, sexuality. Minors, do NOT interact!!
Warnings: smut, fluff, age gap (reader is 18+), oral (m and f), face fucking, spit, cumplay, fingering, choking, slight innocent kink, slapping, degradation and praise kink, mirror sex
With one hand, he pulled the door close behind him. A sigh escaped him while he looked at the maid in front of him. She was wearing something more casual this time, what showed that she also got caught off guard with the message. She waved her hand to signal him to follow her.
“Again, I'm really sorry. I know that this is probably a very bad time, but we wouldn't call you if it wasn't necessary. Also, no one answered when I knocked at your door, so I figured you were with your partner.” Her steps were big while she walked him to the communication center.
“It's not your fault. No need to apologize.” A hand ran over the bounty hunters face. It was hard for him to keep up with the woman in front of him. His erection was still very present and the pain made his legs ache with every new step.
He hadn't cum yet. When he touched himself and heard your orgasm through the comlink he thought he would, but then you said those words. Said you wanted him to touch you. His hand stopped in the second the last word left your mouth.
At first, he thought he was imagining things but he didn't. He heard your voice so loud and clear, the words repeated themselves in his head over and over again.
Never ever, in his entire time knowing you, would he have thought you liked him in the same way he does. But right now, a little spark of hope made its way into his heart. Sure, you were in ecstasy and still reeling from the affects of the fruit , but he would have been damned if he didn't even try to find out if you really meant what you said. And he did. Thank the Maker.
“How are the symptoms going so far? You don't look too bad but your partner?” Her questions cut through his thoughts. Boba drew his eyebrows together in confusion.
The woman's head turned around to look at him, after he stayed silent. “You know, from the fruits.”
“He knew what they were going to do to us?”
She laughed a little and looked back into the direction she was walking.
“Sure he did. He actually wanted to do you a favor after being away from your 'partner' for so long.”
His eyes widened at her words. This was what this all was about? The King thought you two were in a relationship? “Me and my partner are not together in that way. Why did he assume this?”
Her figure stopped for a second and turned back. The man could see the surprise in her blue eyes. “You two are not- Oh, Maker.” She cut herself off and thought about something. “We... we thought you two were... Oh no. I'm so sorry.”
Sorrowful eyes looked up at him.
“It was just... the way you talked about your partner and the way you two looked at each other... We really thought the two of you are in a relationship, that's why The King decided to get you those fruits.”
Her hands started to shake and he could see that her eyes started to tear up. Today was really not the day he wanted to deal with this.
“It's alright. Forget about it. Just take me to the call with my other partner.”
The maid nodded and started walking again. Both of them stayed silent for the rest of the walk. Boba was confused. Were his feelings for you so obvious that the King really thought you two had a romantic bonding? He told him about you, but he couldn't recall what exactly he said about you. Probably not much, after all of this was business.
When the two arrived at the communication system the woman walked away to give him some privacy. Fennec's face was simmering as a blues light in front of him as he approached the holograph in front of him.
“What's wrong?” His voice was annoyed. He didn't want to be here, he wanted to go back to you and finally do what he was wishing for, for so many nights.
“Hello to you too. I see you don't even wear your armor around here, it seems like you got comfortable.”
Boba rolled his eyes and massaged the bridge of his nose. He wasn't in the mood for this banthashit right now. “Just tell what you need. I don't have much time.”
“Busy, huh? I can see that.” Even though Fennec was just a hologram he saw that her eyes wandered down his body. A smirk played around her lips.
He realized that his whole body was on display for her and stepped closer to her face, covering everything underneath his shoulders.
“Fennec.” He sighed.
A light chuckle fell from her mouth. “Alright, alright. Do you remember the guy you made a contract with two months ago?”
The man brought his hand up over his mouth and thought for a second. His eyes wandered back to Fennec, the look in them telling her he had no idea.
Boba was good in what he did, he has always been. He kept track of the people he talked to, noted all of his partners down, had all the contracts sorted, he knew what he was doing. Just, in this moment he couldn't focus. It was hard for him to stand upright and follow Fennec's words.
“Great.” Her words drowned in sarcasm. “Kero Raff. The Twi'lek from Coruscant. You made a contract with him about the slaves on Tatooine. Some of your men would free them and he would take care of them when they arrive at his base. Remember?” He nodded. “Well, he isn't happy about the money we sent him, he wants more or he's out. He's wants a response, or he will hop of today.”
“How much more?” He leaned his hip against the table behind him. His intention was to finish this as fast as possible, not wanting to waste any more time.
“That's the problem. Wait a second I wrote down some calculations.”
Boba frowned and rubbed his eyes. This couldn't be real.
You were laying on your bed again, sweaty and shivering at the same time. The tears stopped some time ago but you were still not able to control your breathing properly. One of your hands was between your legs, trying to get another orgasm out of you but it just didn't work.
Blood was pumping quickly through your veins, the adrenaline making your body buzz. Every muscle was tense, like you were about to have the worst cramps in your life. The fingers in your wet cunt hurt from moving but you didn't stop, not wanting the pain to become even worse.
Your fingers slipped back inside your dripping hole. You grew even more wet with every passing second, you were sure the sheets under you were already soaked too. With a fast tempo you wanted to force yourself to have another climax, but without Boba talking to you, it felt like it was impossible.
His voice was like a song stuck in your head and you listened to it on repeat. The little pantings during his sentences, sounding like he forgot how to breath normally. Maker, nobody did to you what he did to you with only talking. Beside the fact that you fell for him a long time ago, his words were doing things to you you couldn't describe. There was something so arousing about him you weren't able to point out.
Maybe it was the fact that he told you that he wanted you, for quite some time now. You still debated with yourself if his confession was real or just something you made up in your head. Boba wasn't someone to talk about personal stuff. He rarely did it, even when it came to Fennec or you.
Your eyes squinted shut when you felt just the smallest amount of heat rising in your lower stomach. Trying to focus on the picture of Boba's head between your legs in your mind, you brought your second hand down to your core to start rubbing your clit.
Whispering his name, you did what he told you when you two masturbated on the comlink together. Imagining it was him, his hands inside of you and his dark brown eyes locked with yours. The movements of your hands got sloppier and finally you felt yourself getting close.
You recalled the conversation with him, replayed the way he called you 'Princess' and 'Little one' over and over again until you pushed yourself enough to let go. Silent moans filled the room and your body arched up. You felt yourself clenching around your fingers, while you rode out the light aftershocks.
This orgasm wasn't even close to the first one you had, way too weak and less helpful than the one you had with Boba guiding you through it.
You couldn't tell if the pain got less or if you just got numb after this amount of time. Both hands fell beside your head, not being able to keep them moving without getting a cramp. If Boba wouldn't come back soon, you would have to think about other options to get rid of the pain and to be honest the best idea you had by now was jumping off the damn balcony.
The bounty hunter was furious. They managed to build up a connection to the man and now he had to watch Fennec and Kero arguing. Boba suggested to just give him the money he asked for but his partner tried to talk him out of it. He couldn't tell how long this discussion was already going, but he sure knew that he was beyond pissed and fed up. His body was slightly shaking and he didn't know if it was because of the anger or the pain that still flowed through him.
“Enough!” He screamed at the two holograms in front of him. Both pairs of eyes looked at him, waiting for what he had to say. “I don't have the time nor do I have the nerve to keep listening to you two. Kero, I will give you twice as much credits if  that's what you want.”
The Twi'lek with the light green skin started smirking and nodded. “This sounds like a fair deal.”
“Boba! What the hell?” Fennec protested against the man.
“Great. Fennec, write it down in my books. We will see each other soon.” And with that, he broke the connection and let out a deep sigh. He rubbed his hands over his head before he turned to leave the room.
The maid that led him here was still standing in the long corridor they walked through before. She smiled weakly at him and started walking him back to his chambers. Not a single word was spoken on the way back and this time it was Boba setting the pace, so she had to keep up.
His head was full and empty at the same time. He couldn't keep his thoughts away from you now that you were even closer to him than before. With every step closer to your room, his blood started to pump faster and his cock twitched at just the mere thought of you.
The two arrived back at the corridor where she picked him up some time ago. “Thank you.”
He said silent with his eyes locked to the door of your quarters.
The woman nodded and was about to walk away, when the bounty hunter snatched her arm to stop her. “It doesn't matter what happens or whoever may call tonight. I wish no further distribution.”
She nodded a second time..
“Yes, sir. I won't let it happen.” And with those last words she was gone. Boba's look fell on your door again and he rushed into its direction. He was about to open the entrance when angst made its way into his head.
He was gone for quite some time, what if you were able to get rid of the pain yourself? What if the pain got less and now you saw things in a different light? His hand drew away from the doorknob. You asked him to touch you, but you weren't in the right state of mind. Maybe you thought about it and came to the conclusion that it wasn't right to do this.
“Shit.” Boba whispered to himself. Since when was he thinking about such things? He never doubted himself in anything he did but you made him think of things he didn't even consider before. You made him ask himself about so many of his decisions. He didn't care about anyone's opinion until he met you. One day, you would be the death of him, he saw it as clear as water.
Still drowned in his own thoughts, he didn't realize how the door to your room got opened. You heard him swearing and thought he was about to return to you but after waiting some more moments, you got impatient and wanted to see what was taking him so long.
When you opened the door, his back was turned to you. You heard that he muttered something to himself but you couldn't make out what exactly. So you reached out to him, carefully touching his shoulder.
The man jumped in surprise and turned around, now looking at you. His breathing stopped when he saw that you were only in the green lingerie he caught you in before the dinner. Both of his eyes roamed your body up and down until they found yours again.
“Do you still want to...” You didn't finish the sentence, too afraid that he might have changed his mind.
Boba's eyes wandered back down to your breasts, his cock jumped at the sight in front of him. “Yes, fuck I-” But before he could keep talking, you grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him into your room.
You pressed your lips on his and started kissing him as if it was the last thing you would ever do. His hands found their way to your waist, squeezing it. Your teeth bit his lower lip and tugged slightly while your hands went to his pants. One of them brushed his dick through the thin material and his hips jerked up at the feeling.
Breaking the kiss to get some air, you drew your face a little more away from him, his lips trying to chase yours. You smiled at him, finally able to open his trousers and letting them fall down to his feet. In a matter of seconds, Boba got rid of his shoes and pants just to bring his hands back to you, connecting his lips to yours again. Trying to signal him to pull off his shirt, you tugged at the hem of it and he broke the kiss to throw it off as fast as possible.
His big hands captured your face once more as he started to kiss you again. You let your hands glide over his chest and to the waistband of his, also black, briefs. Feeling his smile against your lips yours let go of his and made their way down his throat. A deep growl escaped him when you licked over his Adam's apple, feeling the vibration on your tongue.
Your mouth went deeper, starting to bite and lick over his collar bones. His eyes were pierced on you, watching every single movement you made. Your tongue moved over his chest, through the small patch of dark hair till down to his navel. Placing a light kiss just underneath it, your eyes went up to meet his while you settled yourself on your knees.
His dark pupils were even wider than normal and you could see the lust burning in them. Not breaking the eye contact, your mouth followed his happy trail, till you reached his briefs. A mischievous smile painted your lips when your fingers hooked around the waistband of his underwear. Not being able to wait any longer you pulled them down and Boba's cock sprung free.
With big eyes, you mustered his twitching member in front of you. He was thick, thicker than anyone else you ever been with. His length was a little bit more than average but you were sure that he knew how to use every single inch of it. The pubic hair around the base was dark and short, like he knew what would happen today and prepared himself for it.
One of your hands reached around his cock and the man grunted. It wasn't the touch that was drawing those sounds out of him, no, it was the sight in front of him. Your hand seemed so small compared to his hard dick. His hips twitched and he accidentally pumped himself in your hand, what made him moan even louder.
Looking back up to him through your lashes, you gave him a few slow pumps before you brought your tongue to the underside of his base and licked one long stripe up till you reached his tip. The man groaned, throwing his head back in pleasure. With some feather light licks, you collected the precum on the head of his cock. Boba's hand flew up, going directly to the back of your head, trying to hold himself steady.
Carefully and not too fast, you brought your lips around his cock, starting to bop your head back and forth. With each move you tried to take him deeper into your mouth. You looked back into the bounty hunter's eyes, seeing him watching you.
“Now look at that. Just when I thought you couldn't look any prettier I get proven wrong.” Your tongue swirled around his dick, making him hiss through his teeth. “Kriff, Princess you look fucking gorgeous with my cock in your mouth.”
You took your hand away from around his base and brought both of them up to his thighs, looking for something to hold. Keeping the eye contact you tried to signal him that it was his turn now. One of his eyebrows rose, not really understanding what you meant.
Nudging your nose up, you told him that he was in charge now. Finally understanding, Boba started to slowly pump himself into your mouth.
“So this is what you want? You want me to take control, little one?” A dark chuckle rumbled through his chest while you nodded eagerly. “”How could I ever say no to you?”
And with that, his pace started to pick up. His hand was clenched into your scalp, bringing your head towards his hips with every thrust. Spit started to drip down your mouth, making its way down your chin and breasts. You relaxed your throat when he continued to go deeper, breathing steadily through your nose.
The now brutal pace made you gag around him and tears started to swell up in the corner of your eyes.
“Look at you. Taking me so well. You are so good for me.” He panted, shoving his dick even deeper into your throat, keeping you there. Your nose was nuzzled in his pubic hair and the tears now started to fall down your face. An animalistic sound escaped him before finally letting go of you.
You pulled his member out of your mouth and started to breath heavy, trying to get air into your lungs.
“Fucking hell, you feel so good. But as much as I would love to cum into your mouth right now, I think we should wait with that so I can help you too.”
Shaking your head, you reached for his dick again and started pumping it. “No. Believe me, you will be able to cum more than just once. You need more than one orgasm to get rid of the pain.”
Boba smirked down to you. “Princess, I'm a bit older than you, this won't work.”
Still touching him, you tried to argue. “But you have the same reaction as I do. Fuck your age, it has nothing to do with the situation we are in right now.” Your tongue licked his dick again, wanting him to change his mind.
When you brought him back into your mouth, he gave up. It didn't take long until he took charge again, pushing his cock faster and faster into you. His hand went down to your throat, wanting to hold you but instead he felt himself.
“Kriff, can you feel that? Fuck, I can feel myself in your throat. You are such a good girl, taking me so well.” You squirmed at the nickname and tried to push your thighs together, but it didn't work at giving you any sense of relief. Taking one of your hands off his leg, you sneaked it between yours and started to rub your clit.
The wetness in your folds was already on your thighs, before you even touched yourself. You were almost dripping and it would be no surprise if you were able to wring out the panties you wore right now.
Boba's eyes fell down to your hand and that was it. He pushed himself so deep into your throat one last time that your whole face was pressed against his abandonment. Grunts and curses rolled over his lips and you could feel his hips twitch. Not a second later, you tasted his salty release on your tongue, stopping your own hand.
After some moments, he came back down from his high, pulling himself out of you. With innocent eyes you looked up at him, opened your mouth and showed him the mess he made.
“Oh, you like that, don't you? You want to swallow it? Wait a second, little one.” His hand grabbed your chin in a hard grip and tilted your face up to him. He brought his mouth above yours, tipped his lips and let a drool of spit drop into yours. You couldn't help yourself but moan at this kind of filthiness. “There you go and now swallow it, every single bit.”
With a theatrical loud sound, you swallowed every drop and opened your mouth once again to show him that everything was gone. He hummed at the sight.
“If I wasn't still hard I'm pretty sure this would've changed that, but I guess you were right when you said one orgasm is not enough.”
You grinned up at him. “Told you so.”
His hand came down to your cheek and stroked it slightly. “That's my pretty girl. And now I should give you something back, after you've been so good for me. Get up and lay down on the bed.”
Without hesitation you got up, went to the bed and laid yourself down. Boba stood in front of you, pushing your legs apart with his hands before he went on to the bed on his knees. He hovered over you for a second, enjoying the view. A smile formed on your lips, which he gladly returned.
“Marker, you are so fucking beautiful.” You were about to giggle but his lips crushed down on yours, shutting you up.
The kiss didn't last long because his lips started to wander down your body. Normally he would have taken his sweet time with you, would tease you but he knew that the symptoms of the fruit were still going through your body, so he decided he would do it another time.
One of his hands sneaked around your back, clasping your bra open. You pulled your arms up to get the straps off. Finally free from it, he tossed it behind him, not carrying where it would land.
“I actually thought you would rip the clothes off of me.” You purred into his ear. He looked at you, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh, don't you worry princess. This will happen sooner or later, I promise. Also, I want you to keep this set as a memory for our first night together.” A soft expression painted your face. “And because you look fucking hot in it.” You started laughing at his words.
“To be honest, I would have loved to tear it down since the first time I saw it on your body, but now I'm glad I didn't do it.”
He gave you one last smile before his head dipped back down, starting to kiss your breasts. You moaned at the feeling of his wet mouth against your hard nipples, but he didn't spend much time there, already on his way down to your core, leaving kisses and marks all over your body.
Now that he was finally where he wanted to be the most and where you also needed him the most, he wasted no more time. Getting on his knees in front of the bed, just like he did earlier, he pulled your panties down.
You hissed when the fresh air hit your wet center.
“Shit.” You heard the man in front of you swearing and you popped yourself up on your elbows to look at him. “You are so fucking wet, princess. I know it's because of the reaction but do we want to try and see if I can get you just as wet when we go back home?”
You could feel yourself clench around nothing by his words.
“Dank, yes, Boba.”
“Oh, I love it when you say my name like this. Let's see how loud I can make you scream my name tonight, alright?” And with that, he brought his mouth to your cunt, starting to eat you out like a man's last meal before death.
Your head flew back and you started twitching at the feeling of his tongue between your folds. Boba brought one of his hands up and sneaked it underneath your thigh, pressing his flat hand against your hip to hold you in place.
His tongue flipped over your clit, making you whimper. Your hands grabbed the sheets underneath you, trying to hold on to something.
Suddenly you felt a sharp slap against your heat and you looked down. The man's face was inches away from your heat, dark, devouring eyes looking at you.
“Look at me, while I make you feel good. I want to see your face.”
Not brave enough to look away again, you kept the eye contact while he brought his face back to you. His tongue circled at your entrance, while his nose nudged against your clit. He moaned into you and the feeling rumbled through your whole body.
The bounty hunter raised his other hand, carefully thrusting one of his fingers inside of you. It felt like all the air got pushed out of your lungs. And before you were even able to get used to this feeling, he added a second finger.
The fast pace he started off with was enough to make you go crazy. It was hard to hold eye contact but you forced yourself to keep going. His two fingers crossed inside of you, stretching you out, while his tongue kept flipping over your sensitive bundle of nerves. He curled his fingers, making you arch your back and moan out his name.
You felt the heat rising in your lower stomach and your legs began to shake. “Fuck, Boba. I- I'm gonna cum.”
Without taking his mouth away from you, he started talking. “Go ahead. Cum all over my face, little one.” He curled his fingers one last time, sucked your clit between his lips and you were done.
Your legs pressed together around his head, keeping him in place. Your eyes fell shut, while a high pitched moan left your lips. Both of your hands still clenched at the bed sheets, ripped them out from their place under the mattress. Shaking and twitching, you pushed Boba's head away from you. Feeling nothing but the hot pleasure filling your body, you tried to calm down your breathing .
After some moments, you finally came back down from your high. You looked down at Boba who still sat on the floor by the bed. With one finger, you signaled him to come to you and so he did.
His body was over yours again, kissing you like there was no tomorrow. You tasted yourself on his tongue and moaned at the sensation. He rubbed his hard cock against your inner thigh.
“Kriff, I want to fuck you so bad, can I-” He wasn't even able to finish his sentence, because you already turned the both of you over so you were on top. Your hands were on his chest, steadying yourself while you grind your wet heat over his dick.
He brought his hands up to your waist, helping you move. When you were sure he was wet enough you rose up a little bit, grabbed his cock and lined him up at your entrance. Slowly you started to lower yourself down on him. Maker, he was so fucking thick.
Boba's dick stretched you like no one else had before. It was almost painful, but the pain was way too good to feel bad. When he was finally seated inside of you, you both took a moment to adjust yourselves to the new feeling.
“You are so fucking tight, Princess. I probably won't last long with this pretty, little cunt around me.” He breathed out underneath you while he squeezed your waist. You were still sensitive from your previous orgasms so you didn't mind. The most important thing was, that you were finally able to feel him.
You brought your hands back to his chest, holding yourself up and started to move. With the first few thrusts, you could already feel how his tip hit just the right spot in you, so you started to move faster.
Boba's hands helped you to keep the pace and from actually falling over. It felt so good that you were almost sure that you couldn't feel the pain anymore. You moaned and whimpered on top of him, looking directly to the part where both of you met, being sure that you never seen something so fucking hot.
The man grunted and had to hold himself back from thrusting into you from beneath. He saw that you were out of breath, at the end with your power. But Dank, if you weren't a sight to behold. Your tits bouncing with each thrust, your eyes closed in pleasure and your mouth open, making the prettiest sounds he has ever heard.
“Shit. You look so good right now, fucking perfect. If you could see yourself right now, Princess.” His eyes fell onto something behind your body and he finally knew how to finish all this in the right way.
“Stop. Hey, hold on for a second.” You stopped in your tracks looking down at him. He smiled in your confused face.
“Is everything alright? Did I hurt you?”, the panic in your voice set a warm feeling in his chest.
“Don't worry. Everything is fine, just move with me.”
You were about to ask what he was talking about but his broad chest was already pressed against yours, while he scooted over to the edge of the bed. A wicked smile danced around his lips, while you were still just confused.  
“Get up and turn around.” You had no idea what his plan was, until you turned around and saw what was in front of you. The fucking mirror. Boba's hand pulled you back down to him and with his other hand he pushed his cock back inside of you.
This was something new. You have never seen yourself during sex, but something in you got excited at the thought. The man pushed your legs apart again and laid them over his own, so everything was on full display.
You saw your cunt, wet and swollen, stuffed with the cock of the man you were in love with. He smiled at the sight of your face, curious about what is happening in front of it right now.
His hips made an experimental thrust while to try to catch your reaction. Another thrust and he wasn't able to hold back anymore. He pumped himself in and out of you, watched your whole body reacting to his actions. It turned him on even more.
Your eyes wide in pleasure, your mouth open, your body bouncing with his and your hands on your thighs. Fucking perfect. Not being able to help yourself, you let your head fall back on to his shoulder. But that wasn't the plan. One of Boba's big hands grabbed you by your throat and pulled your head back up.
“No. Don't look away, or I won't let you cum. Look at yourself getting fucked. Look at how fucking perfect you are for me.” The hand around your throat tightened and you clenched around his dick at the feeling.
“Oh, you like that too?” He added a little more pressure, making you slightly light headed. “This is the best fucking cunt I've ever fucked. You want me to keep doing that? Hm? You want me to keep fucking you even when we get back home?”
An obscene moan left your mouth at his words. Kriff, if it was for you, he could fuck you for the rest of your life. You were sure that no one would ever be able to give you the feeling Boba gave you in this moment. You never wanted to miss out on that again.
His other hand went to your cunt and landed a sharp slap on it. A scream coming from your mouth, so loud that you were sure everyone in this palace heard you. The familiar feeling built itself up again, already bringing you to the edge with how sensitive you were.  
“I asked you a question, little one.” His grip around your throat let loose a little bit so you were able to speak.
“Yes, fuck yes. Boba, you can fuck me whenever you want to, please. I'm yours, only yours.”
His hand returned to your cunt and started rubbing your clit. “That's exactly right and now cum for me. I can feel that you are close. Cum all over my cock.”
And with that, he pushed you over the edge again. Your legs twitched on top of his, making it very hard for him to keep pushing into you. White noise filled your ears again, almost making you deaf. Boba let go of your throat, letting your head fall back on his shoulders while you screamed his name on the top of your lungs.
The aftershocks were so strong in your body that you almost missed his question.
“Where do you want me to cum, little one?” His movements got sloppier with every thrust, just waiting for you to tell him where he can finish.
“Inside.” Your voice was so weak and silent that you were sure he didn't hear you, so you brought your last strength together and raised your head again to look into his eyes through the mirror. “I want you to come inside me, Boba. I'm safe.”
And that was all he needed to hear. You could feel how his release pumped into you, his cock twitching while he finished. His hands on your waist squeezed you so hard, you were sure he would leave bruises there. Your name fell from his lips, with many other swears.
Coming down from his high, his sweaty forehead fell to your shoulder and you could feel his hot breath on your back.
After a while of just sitting and trying to catch your breaths, he brought his head up again and put his chin on to your shoulder. “Fuck.”
“Yes, exactly.” You laughed breathless and he joined you. Carefully you tried to stand up and whine when his cock slipped out of you. To both of your lucks, he was already soft. As soon as you stood you felt his cum running down your thighs. He smirked at the sight.
“That’s actually kinda hot.”
“Ah, fuck off.” You said, pushing his shoulder and made your way to the bathroom on shaky legs. With a washcloth, you cleaned up the mess between your legs, doing your best not to touch any of the highly sensitive parts. Washing your face too, you looked at yourself in the mirror and all the marks Boba left on your body. You knew that he would be proud of them.
Stepping out of the refresher, you saw that no one was in the room. You looked to the balcony but the door was closed too. A bad feeling slowly started to overcome you. So, this was what this all was about? Not even his clothes were still here. Maker, you were so stupid. How could you think that the King of the Underworld would have interest in having a real bonding with someone?
You wanted to scream and cry, but before you were able to do so, the door to your room got opened and  Boba stepped back inside. Fully dressed and in his hands a white bed sheet.
“I just thought it would be better to get some new sheets instead of sleeping in the dirty ones.” He went to the bed and threw the old sheets on to the floor, putting the new one on the bed. His eyes fell on your, still naked, figure standing in the middle of the room watching him. “Are you alright? Do you still feel some pain?”
“Are you gonna stay the night?”, you asked. The man let go of the sheets and went over to you, carefully taking your face in his hands.
“If you want me to.” He pressed a light kiss to your nose. “And if you want to, we can spend every night together from now on.”
You looked at him with a soft smile.
“That would be great.” He slightly pulled your head into his direction and kissed you deeply.
“Now, I think we should go to bed. We have to go back home tomorrow, without getting poisoned by the King again.”
“Poisoned by the King?” A confused look washed over your face while you made your way to the bed. You slid underneath the sheets right next to Boba after he got rid of his clothes again. He opened his arms for you and you went over to him, laying your head on his chest. His arm tugged you closer to him.
“Yes. It seems like the King thought we were in a romantic relationship, so he wanted to do us a little favor by giving us an aphrodisiac, so we could have fun.” He explained. And finally you were able to catch up.
“Ahh. Okay, that makes sense.” Some of the events of this current day went through your head and now you really got what it was about with all the expensive underwear, beautiful dresses and looks from the other guests at dinner. There was just one thing you didn't understand.
“Wait. Why did he think we were a couple? I've been here for only one day and the first time they saw us together was at dinner? That doesn't add up.” A sigh left Boba's mouth.
“The maid told me that they assumed that by the way I talked about you.” Your head shot up and you looked down at him with raised eyebrows and a wicked smile.
“What? Really? What did you tell them about me?” His dark eyes studied your face, while his hand went up to stroke your cheek.
“To be honest, I don't even remember. But I know for sure that they caught up on my love for you way sooner than you did, Cyare.” You leaned down to kiss him.
“You didn't catch up on my love either. Even though it was pretty obvious for a certain amount of time now.” With a hand to the back of your head, he held your face close to his and pressed his forehead against yours.
“Just good to know that we both had the same feelings for each other for such a long time and both of us weren't able to realize it.”
“Fennec will never let go of this. She will say 'I told you so' for the rest of our lives.” You chuckled against his face.
“Oh, she sure will. We will never hear the end of it.” Boba said with a smile across his lips. “But we should sleep now. I don't want to leave too late tomorrow.”
You brought your head down to his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat.
The man kissed the top of your head before he whispered:”Good night, Princess.”
“Good night, Boba.” You said, snuggling closer to him.
This trip was totally worth it.
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 4 years ago
Star Wars - Boba Fett x Reader: Eyes of Starlight
   Author’s Note:  Wow, am I late to the Boba party, or what?  Back when Mandalorian S2 was brand new, tumblr blew up with Boba Fett, and I was so down for that, except the majority of the fics I came across were smut, so I didn’t get the Boba content I was looking for.  Alas, I finally decided to write my own smut-free Boba moment.
In this, Boba is younger in this than in the Mandalorian.
Warnings: Action, a fight scene, nothing graphic in my opinion.  Reader does encounter intruders, so if that is a trigger then be cautious.
   The evening was anything but quiet, yet it was the lack of silence that made it so peaceful.  Bugs and frogs chirped a sweet song of the warm spring that had arrived.  You stood barefoot on the balcony off your room, hands resting on the railing as you enjoyed the time alone.  The moon was only a sliver, but the lack of blue light made it easier to see the sky of stars.  One in particular was twinkling many colors like a cut gemstone reflecting light.
   A pair of eyes that held a similar gleam flashed in your mind.
   You shook your head.  The one who those eyes belonged to was the last person you wanted to be reminded of.  He could be so smug at times.  Annoying.  Sometimes even condescending.  Most of the time he was gruff, but every now and then he’d wear a smirk that got under your skin even when you couldn’t see it behind helmet of his.
   He was Boba Fett, the greatest bounty hunter there was, and he was hired to protect you; a fact that he would not let you soon forget.
   You thought back to one of your earliest exchanges with him months before, when you nearly collided with him in the hall and he regarded you with a raised brow as you waited for him to step aside as most of your guards usually did.  He hadn’t moved.
   “You know, around here it’s polite to let the princess pass.”
   “Princess _________,” he sighed.  “ I’m being paid a handsome credit to protect you, not coddle you while you play palace.  Besides,” he paused, shooting you that look as you stepped to the side to let him pass, “I’m not from around here.”
   His words were absolutely infuriating.
   Sure, you realized from the very beginning that this Boba Fett was not impressed by titles, and perhaps you’d been asking for it by trying to pull rank.  It was just a test, a nudge to get a feel for this renowned bounty hunter.
   That glint in his eyes flashed across your vision again.  Even though you were in the farthest corner of the estate, it felt as if he were right there with his gaze boring into yours.  It made you feel hot despite the cool breeze that ruffled your nightgown, whether the heat was from frustration or perhaps underlying feelings you’d been denying, you weren’t sure.
   A single slide of a foot on the stone balcony a few feet away caught your attention.  You whipped your head around to get a look at what it may have been only to see a figure dressed in dark clothes with their face covered, and they stood as if they had just crawled onto the surface of the balcony, their gloved hands still grasping the railing.  You let out a scream and made a dash for your bedroom, but the intruder had reached an arm out to grab and pull you away from the door leading inside.
   You recognized the insignia on his glove.  He was part of the group Boba had been hired to protect you from.  They had launched an attempt to raid the palace and steal priceless artifacts belonging to your people to sell illegally, and they had succeeded in taking a few.  For safety, you and a few other artifacts were moved to an estate of the royal family, and Boba was assigned to protect you.
    Just as the intruder tried to put his gloved hand over your mouth to prevent a second scream, Boba burst into your palace quarters.  He immediately shot at the assailant while you sank to the stone floor, frozen in place while he faced his opponents.
   More of the intruders were climbing over the railing after scaling the estate wall.  Boba fought off several of them, but they kept coming.  At one point, he had knocked most of them down, save for one he was engaged in hand-to-hand combat with and another that sought to sneak up on him from behind.
   Sure.  He could be smug, annoying, and even act condescending.  His smirk got under your skin even when you couldn’t quite see it through his helmet.  He was Boba Fett, the greatest bounty hunter there was, and he was hired to protect you; and not a day went by that he didn’t remind you of that fact with his actions or words.
   You could not have predicted the fear that clawed at your chest at the sight of some low-life attacking him from behind while he was preoccupied by another.
   It was like your body unfroze and reacted on instinct.  Your hand snatched up a nearby blaster pistol and aimed it at the figure.  In a matter of seconds, the intruder was lying on the stone floor while Boba’s visor turned toward you.
   Your chest rose and fell with each breath as you stared wide-eyed at the floor.  You barely registered his footsteps as he crossed over to where you sat.  It was only when you felt the blaster lifted from your hands ever-so-gently that you snapped out of your stunned state.  It had surprised you, how slow and careful his movements were when grasping your shaking hand in his gloved one and helping you stand.  Considering how he carried on and bantered with you, you half-expected him to yank you to your feet in a quick, unceremonious way and tell you to pull yourself together.
   “Pull yourself together.”  Though he didn’t yank you to your feet, he spoke firmly through the visor.  “It’s over.”
   Well, alright then.  Perhaps you did know Boba fairly well by now.
   Firing back a retort would be useless at the moment.  Besides, you were too shaken up to try.  Instead, you focused on taking deep breaths until your heartbeat slowed to a steady pace.  After a few minutes passed in silence, you spoke.
   “I can’t believe they found us.  We took so many precautions...coming here without any guards even, to not draw attention...”
   “That’s why your parliament hired me. These scum pose a serious threat.”  He spoke over his shoulder as he walked through the sea of unconscious invaders.
   “I’m...I’m going inside.”
   He gave no reply and only knelt down to search one of them.  You released a sigh and walked indoors, sliding the door to the balcony shut behind you.  No tears fell.  No sobs escaped your lips.  You stared at the roomy bed in front of you that had been made by handmaids, not even feeling like collapsing into it.  You were still on edge and unsure of how to shake it off.
   Part of you wanted to head down the hall to the library and sit quietly with a warm cup of (favorite hot drink), but what felt like an invisible steel cable kept you from wandering.  You didn’t like the thought of being too far away from Boba.  Just in case.
   So you settled for pacing around the room idly, your mind running through the event over again.  You wished you had gotten a few punches in or managed to kick the trespasser where the suns don’t shine.  You’d been caught off-guard and didn’t react the way you thought you should’ve.  Even so, it was something you could learn from.
   The door slid open, and Boba stepped inside, removing his helmet and setting it down on a side table.  You were relieved that he didn’t appear injured.  “I’ve contacted authorities.  This group will be handled from here.”
   “Do you know who sent them?”
   He gazed at you for a few seconds, and at first you didn’t think he would answer.  “I have yet to figure that out.”
   He was still staring at you, and your instincts kicked in when he took a few steps toward you.  The dim yellow light of the lamps that lit your room glowed on his face and reflected in his eyes as he neared you.  Your heart thrummed so quickly, and your body may still have been feeling the effects of the event that had transpired only minutes before.  You flinched when Boba raised a gloved hand.  It wasn’t a fast or sudden movement, but when he saw your reaction, he paused nonetheless.
   Still spooked, you sharpened your tone in irritation.  “What are you looking at?”  That’s when the emotion finally crept in your voice.  Your vision blurred with the forming of tears as your face twisted in a look of frustration as you returned his gaze with a new fire.
   He didn’t look the slightest bit phased, but you noticed his expression lost some of its intensity.  Boba reached up again to take your chin between his thumb and forefinger, carefully angling your face toward the mirror on the wall to your left.  You saw the eyes that haunted you each day and the man they belonged to staring at your reflection.  Then, your gaze traveled to his gloved hand and up to your own eyes which gleamed in the lamplight.  Finally, they rested on a splotch of blood on your cheek.
   Your hand immediately reached toward it, but Boba caught your wrist with his other hand.  His gentle touch kept surprising you.  It was very different from what you’d expected.
   “Do you have supplies for this?” he asked.
   You simply gave a nod and extricated yourself from his light hold to retrieve the first aid you kept tucked under the bed.  His eyes never left you, and you caught his gaze as you walked back over with the small box.  Boba had removed his gloves by the time you found a disinfecting swab.  He took your chin between his thumb and forefinger so delicately before taking the swab and dabbing your cheek.  The sting was mild, but just enough to make you wince.
   “Hold still,” he told you.
   “You know, I am capable of doing this myself.  This isn’t exactly in the job description of you protecting me and the artifacts.”
   Boba didn’t respond, only leaned in to inspect the minor wound.  You didn’t want to allow yourself to enjoy the moment, but there was no stopping the way he flooded your senses and filled you with a sense of calm.  His masculine scent put you at ease, and the way he treated you so carefully as if you were made of glass evoked a quiet sigh from your lips.
   When he was done, there was only a trace of the scratch that needed a few days to heal.
   “There,” he stated, retracting his hands.  You immediately missed the warmth.  Even so, you maintained your composure as he leaned in once more.  “Is there anything else I can help you with, Princess?”
   “Really?”  That smirk touched the corner of his lips as he took on an almost intrigued expression.  “No complaint?  Not even a comment?”
   “Well-” you began, and he chuckled.
   “Ah, there it is.”
   “Now you won’t get to hear it.”
   “Fine by me.”
   You sighed.  “I was just going to say you should let me tend to your wounds.  There’s no way you walked away completely unscathed.”
   He paced over to where his helmet still sat on a table and knocked at it with his knuckle a few times.  “It’s called beskar.”
   “Alright then,” you tsked as you began to put the first aid supplies away.  “Your loss.  Let me know if you do need anything after all.”
   His brows perked again.  “There might be one thing.”
   You paused before tucking the first aid box under your bed.  “What’s that?”
   “I do feel a little sting,” Boba said.  “Right here.”  He gestured to his lip.  You rolled your eyes, but humored him by bringing the box back over and leaning in to get a better look.  There were a few scars, but definitely nothing fresh.
   “A sting?” you repeated, taking another step.  “I don’t see anything.”
   “Maybe you should look closer.”  His eyes gazed deeply into yours, and you found it nearly impossible to look away.  So you didn’t.
   Not until your lips were on his.  Then, you let your eyes flutter shut.
   The kiss was, like his manner toward you before, gentle.  Only after you relaxed into it did he kiss you back more firmly, his arm wrapping around you to pull you closer to his armored torso.  When he did pull away, you nearly chased his lips with your own before you remembered yourself.
   You had been the one to close the distance and kiss him.
   You kissed Boba Fett.  He had kissed you back.
   Your handmaids and some security arrived on the scene, and Boba left you in their care without a word.  Sure, he was annoying and smug sometimes.  This man had been a mystery to you for the months that you’d spent under his protection.  At first he had regarded you with similar annoyance, but perhaps things had changed.  Perhaps you had started to grow on each other through the banter.
   You hadn’t anticipated this.  You hadn’t thought that you’d care for the bounty hunter so much.  It was only after the kiss that you were finally able to accept your feelings.  They went beyond professional, even beyond mere attraction.  Did you dare to venture into the territory of love?  You weren’t quite sure about that yet.  All you knew was those eyes, his voice, and now his kiss, would haunt your dreams.
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headfulloffantasies · 4 years ago
Legacy Returning
Din Djarin is not fit to be the Mand’alor. He runs from the responsibility and more specifically from Bo-Katan.
Legacy Returning
Din received a hail while he was flying between planets on the Outer Rim. He opened the hail without thinking, expecting Karga or Cara with a new bounty.
Bo Katan’s face flickered through the hologram. Din dove for the disengage button.
“Din Djarin.”
Too late.
Din slumped in his seat. He had come to hate that stupid headband so much. “I’m not fighting you for the Darksaber,” he cut right to the chase.
Bo Katan pressed her lips together in a frown. “If you will not face me in combat then you must return to Mandalore and begin reparations.”
Din had never stepped foot on Mandalore. It was hard to return to a place you’d never been.
“No thank you,” he said. He reached out to end the call.
“Consider your fellow vod,” Bo Katan said.
Vod. Brothers. Din had no brothers. His covert had been destroyed. He had broken his Creed. He had no one but the foundling he’d given away.
“Mandalore needs its leader,” Bo Katan pleaded.
“That’s not me,” Din said. “If you want the Darksaber, I’m throwing it in the nearest supernova.”
He hung up.
Din arrived on Tatooine at Peli’s shop. She came out of her office wiping her hands on a rag. “Where’s the little womp rat?” She asked in place of a greeting.
Din swallowed hard. “He’s with his kind,” he said.
Peli’s face fell. “Well, next time you have him, bring him this way. I like the little guy.”
Din smiled under his helmet.
“I need some help,” he admitted.
Peli came over and banged a fist on the side of his new ship. “Doesn’t look too bad. Better than your old rust heap.”
“Not with the ship,” Din said. “I need someplace to hide.”
Peli turned on him with a finger pointed in his face. “I know you’re a good person under that bucket, Mando, but if you bring trouble to Mos Eisley I won’t forgive you.”
“Noted,” Din nodded.
Peli dropped the offending finger. “So, what kind of trouble are you in now?”
Din sighed loud enough that it crackled through his helmet. “I accidentally became ruler of Mandalore.”
Peli blinked. She burst out laughing. “You? You can barely take care of the kid!”
Din bristled at that. He’d done excellent with Grogu. He’d found the Jedi for him, hadn’t he?
“Do you know of anywhere I can lay low?” He asked.
Peli shrugged. “People come to Tatooine to disappear all the time. You might want to ask the new crime lord at the Hutt Palace if you’re looking for work.”
Din startled. “There’s a new crime lord?”
Peli waved her hands. “Regimes fall every day. Do I look like a newswave?”
Din thanked her and decided he’d make his way to the Hutt Palace. Work was good. It would keep him occupied until he could figure out his next move.
At the Palace a pretty girl led Din down the stone steps to the throne room. Din’s footsteps echoed in the quiet halls.
They rounded the corner. A throne sat on a raised platform. Din let out a soft curse. “Boba Fett?”
The green helmeted Mandalorian leaped off his throne. “Mando! I thought you’d been killed by that kriffing Mandalorian princess.”
“Not yet,” Din extended his hand. They clasped vambraces. Fennec appeared from behind the throne, carrying a bottle of blue spotchka.
“Nice to see you again,” she smirked.
“What can I do for you, my friend?” Boba asked.
“A job, if you have any,” Din answered. “A hiding place, if not.”
Boba exchanged a glance with Fennec. “You’re running from Bo Katan?”
Din sighed. The sound came from the depths of his very core. “She’s decided if she can’t beat me, she’ll join me.”
“Which means what?” Boba asked.
“She’s trying to put me on the throne of Mandalore,” Din explained.
There was a beat of silence. Boba Fett burst into laughter. The sound bounced off the stone walls. Fennec tried her best, but her smile broke into giggles. Fett bent over and braced himself on his knees while he caught his breath.
“That girl has no taste,” Boba Fett said.
Din wasn’t sure if he should be offended.
Boba sent Din on a task to collect a wayward dealer who’d skimmed some money off the top of Boba’s operation.
“She’s way out in the Dune Sea,” Boba said. “That should be far enough away from Bo Katan.”
Din borrowed Peli’s speeder and set out. As he rode into the sweltering heat of the desert Din reflected on his friends’ reactions to his supposed rulership. No one thought he could do it. Kriff, even Din didn’t think he should be the Mand’alor, but some support would be nice. He definitely could not accept the throne, though. He was dar’manda; he’d lost his Way. He couldn’t lead Mandalore. Especially when he’d come to understand that most Mandalorians did not in fact follow the Way. He should just accept Bo Katan’s challenge and let her have the stupid Darksaber. Kriff, what a stupid system to have a laser sword determine the right to rule. What if it got stolen?
Din arrived at the coordinates Boba Fett had given him. Amid the towering rocks jutting out of the sand Din found a cave. It seemed like the place a normal species would take cover from the suns.
Din stepped into the shade. His visor adjusted to the dimness. A blanket, a dead firepit and a mess of used ration wrappers strewed on the ground. And- was that? Yep. That was a bomb.
Din came to with his ears ringing. He blinked through his visor. Twin suns pierced his vison. He took a breath.
Dank Farrik, that hurt. He ground his teeth against the wave of pain. When it faded enough to manage, Din took stock. It didn’t feel like any shrapnel had pierced his skin. At most, his head hurt. And his ribs under the chest plate.
Gingerly, Din sat up. Smoke billowed out of the cave. The blast had obviously thrown him backwards into the sand. It would take days to clean all the grit from his armour.
A shadow fell over him. Din looked up, a hand on his blaster.
“Dank Farrik,” he hissed. Blue Mandalorian armour filled his vision.
Bo Katan lifted her helmet. Behind her, Kaska Reeves held the collar of Din’s bounty.
Din wobbled to his feet. “What are you doing here?”
Bo Katan had the audacity to look shocked. “I’m here to speak to you. You are the Mand’alor.”
“No.” Din unclipped the Darksaber from his belt. Bo Katana stiffened. Din drew back his arm and pitched the Darksaber as far as he could. He nearly toppled over. The Darksaber winked in the light of the twin suns and vanished into the desert.
Bo Katan made a sound like a choked loth cat. Din did not care. He stomped over to Kaska Reeves and snatched his bounty from her.
“Wait,” she said. “She has to stand trial for trying to assassinate the Mand’alor.”
“No,” Din repeated. He tossed his bounty over his speeder and took off. Bo Katan yelled after him. Probably something about disrespecting his cultural heritage. Din still didn’t care.
Boba Fett took one look at Din at decided he needed a drink. Din agreed, but he’d prefer to drink alone. Besides, any planet with Bo Katan on it was not a planet he could stay on.
Din stayed one step ahead of Bo Katan for longer than he actually expected. Say you want about the princess, but she was competent and crafty. She managed to lure him to a backwater swamp with a fake bounty puck.
“I don’t want it,” Din said. Bo Katan held out the Darksaber to him imploringly. She must have spent hours cleaning the sand from its mechanisms.
Din sighed. “Do you want to arm wrestle for it? Would that work?”
Bo Katan’s eyebrows creased. “The Darksaber must be won in combat.”
Din sagged. He was so very tired of people telling him things he didn’t understand.
“I don’t know anything about it,” Din explained. “I don’t know how it works.”
He meant it as an excuse to pass the light sword along to her, but Bo Katan took it as an invitation to recite the Darksaber’s history.
It was
 a lot.
Din latched onto one very important detail. “So, it hasn’t always been a symbol of the Mand’alor.”
Bo Katan faltered. “Well, no, but-.”
“And it was stolen from the Jedi,” Din said.
“Yes. But it was Mandalorian first,” Bo Katan emphasised. “The Jedi had no right-.”
“So, it actually belongs to the Jedi,” Din finished his train of thought.
He swiped the Darksaber from Bo Katan’s lax grip. He whipped around and ran up the ramp of his ship.
Bo Katan yelled after him, “Where are you going?”
“I’m giving it back to the Jedi,” Din shouted back. Glowing satisfaction filled his chest at the strangled noise Bo Katan made.
The best part was that he had an actual excuse to go see Grogu. Usually, he showed up to the Jedi academy with a half baked defense about protecting the children or something. Luke humored him, for which Din was eternally grateful. It wouldn’t do to have to kneecap his son’s teacher.
Din knew Luke was dramatic. The man wore a cape. Din did not wear a cape; it was a cloak and it was different. Capes were for dramatic entrances. This time though, Din thought Luke had taken the cake. Upon being presented with the Darksaber, Luke had vaulted into a tree and refused to come down.
“It belongs to the Jedi!” Din shouted up at Luke. He could just see his pale blond hair through the thick foliage.
“I want nothing to do with that thing!” Luke shot back.
Fine. Din could play dirty then. “Isn’t your sister Force sensitive? Does she need a laser sword?”
“Do not give the Death Saber to my sister!” Luke hissed.
Din did not move from his position of holding the Darksaber up towards Luke. He realised he looked much like Bo Katan had when she offered Din the sword. Kriff, why was she only person in the galaxy who wanted it but wouldn’t take it?
“Do any of your other students need a weapon?” Din suggested. He perked up. “What about Grogu? How long until he gets a sword? I can hold onto it for him until he’s ready.”
Luke sobbed.
Rude. Din thought it was a great idea. “It’ll be like a family heirloom.”
“I will murder you in your sleep,” Luke mumbled in the tree. “I will smother you with your pillow.”
Good luck with that. Din wore the helmet to sleep while he visited the academy. He’d had a close call with curious children the first time he’d come to see Grogu. Force users had no regard for locks that couldn’t stop them.
Anyways, Luke could not stay in that tree forever. Luke seemed to realise this too. He finally dropped back to ground level with surprising grace. He had a leaf stuck in his hair. It made him look much younger.
“That thing,” Luke jabbed a finger at the Darksaber. “Has been used to destroy the Jedi. It has no place here.”
Din looked down at the blade. “I don’t understand,” he admitted. “It’s just a thing. An object. But everyone acts like it has a will and a destiny. It’s a tool. Tools don’t care what you use them for; they don’t know the difference between good and evil.”
Din had Luke’s full attention. It was a bit daunting. Din swallowed. “Instead of giving more power to the stories of evil deeds, why don’t you use it for good? Reclaim its legacy.”
Luke squinted at him. “You’re a very clever man, Din Djarin. And a very tricky one.”
At least someone thought so.
“Does that mean you’ll take it?” Din extended the Darksaber again.
Luke hesitated. “I think,” Luke said slowly. “That you should be the one to reclaim the Darksaber’s legacy. The Force is working very strongly around you, Din Djarin.”
Din sagged. “I don’t want to be the Mand’alor.”
“Then don’t,” Luke said.
Din’s gaze snapped up to the Jedi.
Luke shrugged. “Part of the Darksaber’s dark legacy is the bloody war for the throne of Mandalore. If you hold the Darksaber but refuse to claim Mandalore then the Mandalorians will have to come up another system to choose their leader.”
Din narrowed his eyes. Luke had a devious mind. It might just work.
“You want me to spend the rest of my life defending the Darksaber from would be assassins and someday die a natural death without ever being defeated?”
Luke shrugged. “Something like that.” He grinned. “You’re doing great so far.”
Din resolutely did not mention he’d been blown up earlier that month.
Din clipped the Darksaber to his belt. “Fine. But if anybody calls me a Jedi, I’m bringing the sword right back here and burying it forever.”
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masterjedilenawrites · 4 years ago
The Helmeted Hunter: Chapter 28
Boba Fett x Reader
Chapter Warnings: N/A
AO3 Link (In case you like it better over there, it’s okay, no judgement)
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Chapter 28: The Last Plan
"One more," he'd whispered in your ear, late on your last night with him. You'd been curled up at his side, as you always did before drifting off to sleep, though he'd never be there when you woke. You'd groaned but kept your eyes shut.
"Last one, I promise," he whispered. "A final back-up, if everything else fails and we're desperate. It'd be risky, and messy, but it'd be a last resort. Our last hope."
You'd only hummed in response as Boba had explained his idea, on the verge of a sleep you'd never thought would come in all your nervousness. But you remembered it clearly now, repeating his words in your mind a few times as you were led down a never-ending corridor by Commander Krennic.
There were other options, plans you'd worked hard on, accounting for all the variables you could think of. Plans to get messages to Boba, plans for him to pick you up, plans to hide safely for a time.... You'd covered so many variables, even a few crazy ones that did not seem likely. But none of them fit a scenario where you'd find your mother.
Except for the last plan.
There was a song that, if you could somehow manage to get ahold of your music player and play it for Boba in the Slave I, would signal him to send out a message. It'd be unencrypted, easy to stumble upon, sent to someone like Hondo who would also not be able to keep his mouth shut. He'd pretend to have found the other buyer and that the price had risen even more than 5 million. And he'd give the coordinates of your location with the Empire, pinging back to him from the tracker in your arm.
Any decent bounty hunter, pirate, or entrepreneur would be monitoring intergalactic chatter... and they would all immediately come after you. They wouldn't be able to resist such a payload, Boba had insisted, even if it meant crossing the Empire. Krennic and his soldiers would be overwhelmed by the onslaught and unable to pick a single person to blame in the aftermath. He could come for you without secrecy, amongst all the other hunters. It'd be chaotic, but he was certain he could take you before anyone else could.
The only problem would be stopping them all from continuing to hunt you. But that's why it was a last-ditch-effort, Boba had said just as you finally succumbed to sleep; it would be a risk reserved only for the most desperate of situations.
Krennic turned a corner, you and your mother following just behind. This may not have been what Boba had in mind as a desperate situation, but you were definitely on the verge of panic. Your mom being here changed everything. What would happen when Krennic realized you knew nothing of your father's whereabouts? You had to make sure she got out safely, too.
The Commander led you into a large room with monitors and a mess of equipment in the corners. Science-y looking people milled about, halting their work as soon as Krennic entered with you in tow. You looked a few in the eyes, trying to tell if they were truly loyal to the Empire, or prisoners like your mom.
"What a day, friends," he said as he swept across the room dramatically. The stormtroopers that had been flanking him stopped in the middle of the room, and you and your mom followed suit. "Your colleagues on the other side of the ravine made some wonderful progress today with their lasers, and now you all will soon be able to resume your work with the teleportation device."
He spun to face you and your mom, clasping his hands in front of him with a smirk. "That is, if you all cooperate."
There was murmuring, and your mom shifted nervously beside you, but you were much too occupied with trying to find a way to kick off your own plans. Thankfully, you didn't have to search long. Krennic pulled your music player from his pocket, shaking it in the air a few times to draw attention to it.
"Our analysts here have ways to dissect this device," he said in just a slightly lower voice, indicating his words were more for the two of you now. "But I thought I'd give you a chance to save us all the trouble. This was left by your husband for the bounty hunter you'd hired. It's a way to find him, isn't it?"
Your mom squinted and Krennic took a few steps closer. "What is that? Your old music player?" She looked at you, truly perplexed. You gave her a small nod, needing her to fill up a bit more of Krennic's time while you came up with an idea.
"I... I don't know why he'd have that. I mean, I knew he grabbed some old things in the attic before leaving, but I thought he was being sentimental. I didn't think something like that would matter to him... Maybe it was just a way to let her know her dad looking for her? Like a little clue?"
As predicted, your mom had rambled just long enough, and now you knew how you could spin this in your favor. You cleared your throat, trying to act sheepish and not like you were up to something.
"Actually, I think you're right, sir." You could feel numerous pairs of eyes staring at you. "Now that I know what's really been going on, it makes sense. The thing isn't broken, it just plays the music somewhere else. Where he is. It wasn't a clue for me to find him; it was his way of trying to find me."
You took a hesitant step forward, reaching out for the device. Krennic considered you for a moment before handing it over. It took all your self-control not to let your hands shake from this small victory.
"Once you hit play, it should activate a signal, like a homing beacon." You scrolled around the list of songs, making a show of picking one at random, while really settling on the one that would initiate your plan.
Krennic was now squinting his eyes, and you feared he might be getting suspicious. You gulped and tried to make yourself seem smaller. You were just a little nobody who didn't ask to be caught up in any of this and was now trying to stay on the good side of your captors. It wasn't far from the truth.
"Or at least, I think that's what he'd do with it."
"Yes," you were surprised to hear your mom say. Her voice was small, too, and you knew she was playing along. "I... remember there were similar ideas for secret communication with the scientists he worked with. Yes... that would make sense...."
Whatever doubts Krennic may have had seemed to disappear. He straightened up and snatched the device back from you.
"Good, good. I knew you had some usefulness yet, girl." He inspected the little screen that showed your chosen song playing. You wished you could know for sure Boba had heard it.
"So since it is on and playing, your husband will be learning that his daughter ended up with us here now, on Eadu?"
Your mom nodded, and you bobbed your head along, too.
"Well, signals can be traced both ways. Even if he's not brave enough to finally come out of hiding and surrender with the rest of his family, we can find him."
He tossed the device to the nearest person in a white coat, giving them a nod as their order to start examining it. You knew Boba would have turned off the transmitter by now, especially upon hearing that song, but you were still nervous. What if there was a tiny detail that gave you away?
"Take them out," Krennic waved a dismissive hand at the stormtroopers. But then held up a finger. "Actually, put the girl in one of the lower level rooms."
Your mom started to protest as the stormtroopers grabbed each of your arms and began to pull you in opposite directions.
"Orson, please. I haven't seen her in months...."
"Your family has caused enough headaches to last me a lifetime. I won't have you conspiring and making even more trouble. You'll stay isolated in your rooms until we finally get our hands on your husband and the codes. Then we'll discuss how to best bring you all to justice."
Krennic was already walking away by the time he finished, his lisp coming through on the last word. You tried to give your mom a reassuring look to calm her worries, but it was too subtle. She disappeared the way you'd came while you were moved through a different door, looking as old and distraught as you'd ever seen her.
That wouldn't be the last time you'd see her, you told yourself. The plan you'd just put in motion was crazy, but it was for her. And your dad. And every other loved one who might still be out there. Everything they had done for you, to save you, you resolved to pay back.
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mickeymouse-moshpit · 4 years ago
street lights, people
A/N: WOO I got it done on time! I’m so excited to share the second installment in my biker!Fennec x pediatrician!reader story. I appreciate how kind everyone has been and I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Thanks again to maybege for letting me tell my story in this universe. I promise that we’ll get more into Fennec’s past and why she does what she does, it just isn’t time yet. 
Rating: T
Warnings: References to child abuse with NO descriptions except that the child was admitted and seen by the trauma surgery service, I don’t think there’s anything else except for some tooth rotting fluff/flirting/smooching. 
Word count: 2.5k
Chapter Two: January 11th
“Would you just text her already? You have her number; I don’t see what the holdup is.” Boba tossed the socket wrench back into the open drawer and closed it. He wiped at the grease on his hands with a blue paper towel. “Besides, you need to take her to a BACA meeting anyway. She hasn’t partnered with us officially and needs to know more if this judge is sticking around.”
“You don’t mean—” Fennec looked up from the email she was writing.
“Yes, that’s exactly what I mean. Get your ass up, get your phone, and tell her she should come tonight.”
“But she’s probably going to be too tired.”
“Just. Ask. Her.” He picked her phone up from where she had left it when she set up her work area for the day and held it in front of her face to unlock it. “Or do I need to call her office and pretend to be you?”
She snatched the phone away from him and opened up the conversation with you.  
Got home safe, thank you
Good. Sweet dreams, Doc -fs
Those two messages had haunted her since she sent hers. She wondered if she should have said less, or said hi in the meantime? Either way, she typed out the message.
What are you doing tonight? -fs
She set the phone down, went back to her work.
You picked at the sad chicken in your bowl. You really needed to do a better job of anticipating what you would want to eat through the week when you cooked on Sundays. Rolling your eyes at it, you scraped it into the trash can. You were washing the dish and its lid when you felt your phone vibrate for what seemed like the 80th time that day. Sighing, you dried it off and put it in your lunchbox and sat back down at the communal table in the breakroom. It was empty for now, the students and residents off getting work done in the hopes of not staying past sign out. You pulled your phone out and opened up the message without looking at the sender.
What are you doing tonight? -fs
It took you by surprise to be sure. You felt badly about not replying to her since Friday, but if you were honest with yourself, you knew that you hadn’t been ignoring her intentionally. The days had been long as you transitioned to your week covering this service and you barely had time to feed and bathe yourself.
Same thing I always do, try and take over the world.
And by take over the world I mean go to bed
Do you have time to come to a BACA meeting? It starts at 5:30 -fs
You considered for a moment. You had a few more patients to round on, but otherwise your job was done for the day. You looked at the time, 12:30. You could make it.
I can make that happen. Where do you meet?
The reply was almost immediate.
Boba’s Garage. There’s a makeshift conference room. -fs
Sounds good. I’ll see you there.
You walked back into the kitchen area and started a fresh pot of coffee. You wondered what they could possibly want with you; you weren’t a biker. Sure, you were stern when you were advocating for your kids, but you weren’t even close to being on their level. Well, you thought to yourself, at least you can see her in her element this time, learn what they did in more detail.
You hurried up the expanse of concrete to the open garage, trying not to fall but also trying not to be late. A last-minute admission had turned your plenty-of-time-to-maybe-shower-and-then-get-there afternoon into a oh-no-I’m-going-to-be-late-and-they’re-going-to-be-mad evening. You saw the open door, heard voices coming from it and hurried to it. You took a deep breath and tried to slink in unnoticed. But of course, it was a conference room. There were people seated all around it, all talking amongst themselves still. Whew.
You saw an empty chair along the wall and sat down, trying to blend in with the wall as best you could. The scrubs you wore were wrinkled and your baby hairs were sticking straight up from the day you had had. You tried to smooth them down as best you could, swearing you would have a wash day tomorrow when you had the afternoon to work from home on things for CPS. You had no idea why Fennec wanted you here, but you hoped your appearance wouldn’t take away from whatever it was.
You sat in silence as you heard her call the meeting to order. Silence fell. She controlled the room. You crossed your legs as you listened to her.
You listened to them discuss financial matters, an upcoming meeting with another chapter. Then the attention turned to the reason the club existed: the kids.
“As you all know, we’ve heard some rumors about certain kids around town. Today I got confirmation that one of them was hospitalized this afternoon.” Fennec went on to describe what the story was without naming names and your eyes went wide as you realized she was talking about the toddler you had admitted this afternoon for the trauma service. How did she know? Your team was diligent about patient privacy and none of them would ever violate that, so how did she know? “
I worked with Peli all afternoon coming up with a plan and we decided that BACA needed to get involved once this little one gets out of the hospital.”
Peli? Social work? You started putting the pieces together. That was how she knew. You listened as they discussed plans for various outcomes: if they went home, if they went to temporary placement, if there would be a hearing before they were discharged. You listened, still not sure what you were doing here but appreciating that you got to hear what they were discussing, got to know what you offered when you gave the contact card disguised as a business card for a medical supply company.
They wrapped up their discussions, started gathering their things and dispersing. You would go to Fennec, but you had no desire to interrupt her in her space. So, you sat and waited as the room started emptying and engines started kicking to life outside.  As the last person left, you stood up carefully.
“You came.”
“Of course I came, I said I would. Sorry I was late.”
“What are you talking about? You weren’t late. And I figured you would be cutting it close when Peli told me you were the one admitting the little one. I know these things take time.” You walked closer to her, perching on the conference room table to her right.
“Uh, thanks. Do you mind if I ask how you know Peli?” She had worked with you since you had started your contract.
“I don’t mind. I’m a social worker there too, I just usually work on the adult side of things. I only started getting introduced to the peds side when I got this gig.” You nodded as she spoke.
“Thank you for inviting me. I appreciate everything you all do, and I can’t tell you what it means to me that I got to learn a little more about what’s behind those cards behind the desk at the office.”
“It was Boba’s idea.” She readjusted the already perfectly stacked papers in front of her. “He threatened to call your office and pretend to be me if I didn’t invite you myself.”
You huffed out a laugh as you bumped your knee against hers.
“Then I’m grateful to the both of you. Thank him for me, would you? I—” Your eyes went wide as your stomach growled and interrupted your thought.”
“Damn, Doc don’t they teach you all to take care of yourselves? Did you eat today?”
“You know, they claim to, but it’s more ‘here’s how you can be more efficient about selfcare so that you can work more and not actually do anything about your quality of life’ and less ‘we genuinely care about you not passing out in a patient’s room or dropping dead of exhaustion.’ I hated what I brought today and had coffee and swore I was going to go to the cafĂ© to get a snack but that didn’t happen, got too busy.”
She grabbed your hand and gave it a tug to get you to stand up.
“Come on, I’m buying you dinner from this little diner we all go to. You can thank Boba yourself and I can make sure you get a decent meal.”
You nodded, gave her hand a squeeze in thanks.
“Do you want me to drive?”
“Nah, it’s only a couple blocks away and besides, you’re not fit to drive right now.”
You rolled your eyes at that.
“I’m fine, I promise.”
“I know you think you are but come with me anyway.”
You nodded and she led you out of the conference room and then the garage out into the cold night air.
“I need to get my coat since we’re walking.” She just nodded and kept your hand in hers until you reached your car. You unlocked in, pulled the door open and grabbed the same wool coat you had been wearing when she rescued you, pulled it on. As you locked up and turned back to her, she took your hand again.
You walked in silence, which gave you plenty of time to sneak glances at her face, illuminated in the orange streetlights as you walked. The glow and the crunch of salt under your feet was hypnotic. As you got to the diner, light snow started again, making you grateful you were at your destination. She opened the door for you and dropped your hand again so you could pull the coat off and hang it up by the door.
“Hey, Fennec! You guys sit wherever you like,” the waitress called from behind the counter. “I’ll be over in just a sec.”
“Come on, you can thank him then we’ll sit as far away from him as we can.” She laughed. You thought you were going to swoon from her laugh.
“Sounds good, lead the way.”
“Boba, this is her.”
You held out your hand and introduced yourself.
“Ah, the famous Doc. We’ve all heard so much about you from Shand here.” He chuckled and gave Fennec a knowing grin as she groaned quietly.
“All good things, I hope? I just wanted to thank you for having Fennec invite me to the meeting tonight.”
“It’s no problem. And if that judge is going to keep handling abuse cases, we’re going to need you to know what we do, how we operate. I heard from a buddy from the last district they worked that they want all depositions given on the stand in front of them.”
You groaned internally at that. Your scheduling was going to get a lot more complicated.
“Thanks again,” you said as Fennec led you, true to her word, to a booth as far away from Boba and his line of sight as she could get you the two of you. You slid into the seat and she sat down across from you. You folded your hands on the table, then in your lap. “So, um, hi. I just want to say I’m really sorry for not replying the last few days. It’s been hectic and I haven’t had a lot of time to do anything for pleasure or leisure.”
“It’s okay. You’re a busy person, your job demands a lot of you and contrary to what a lot of people think, I know you’re not some all-powerful hero. You’re a person, doing what you need to do.”
You could have kissed her.
“You have no idea what it means to hear you say that. But enough about work and my inability to take care of myself some days. How have you been?”
You used the last bit of ketchup on your last fry as you listened to her tell you her story, about where she grew up, where she went to school, how she landed in this town and met Boba. How the two of them started the MC and that it had started as the two of them plus Din and Paz who you had yet to meet. When you were finished, you kept listening, you could listen to her all night. But it wasn’t long before you had to stifle a yawn.
“Come on, you need to go to sleep.” She slid the bill over to her, pulling out her wallet and wrapping a few bills up in it before you could get a word in of protest. “Boba will make sure no one takes it, let’s get out of here.” She stood and held out a hand to you, which you took. The two of you made your way over to where your coat hung and walked out as you shimmied into it. You tucked your hands into your pockets and squeezed the pocket warmers before you let her take your hand again, threading her fingers through yours.
The two of you walked in comfortable silence. The snow was still coming down, just flurries now, but with the promise of more to come. When you could see your car again, you both slowed your steps, neither of you quite ready to say goodnight, but you knew you had to, or you would be just that much more tired tomorrow, more on edge. She squeezed your hand once, twice as you got to it, now dusted with the white powder. You turned to face her.
“Thank you, for dinner, for talking, for inviting me, for everything.”
“No problem, Doc, really.”
You glanced back and forth between her eyes and her lips. You took a half-step toward her, tilted your head just to the right.
She brought her other hand up, cupped your cheek before brushing your hair out of your face. Her smirk made a brief appearance before she pressed her lips to yours. You kissed her back, letting yourself get lost as she brought her arms around your waist under your coat. Yours wrapped around her shoulders in response. She deepened the kiss, slipping her tongue along your lips briefly before you let your own brush against it. She tightened her grip on you, one hand sliding down into the back pocket of your scrubs.
When the two of you came up for air, you rested your forehead against hers, letting your breathing stay in sync. She made a small noise of displeasure as she leaned back, untangling from you and your coat.
“Fuck, I don’t want you to leave. But you need to. Go get some sleep, Doc. Let me know when you get home.”
“Fine, but I want you to do the same or I might just have to worry about you.”
“I can do that. Night,” she whispered in your ear before kissing your cheek and stepping back to let you drive away in the orange glow.
Tags: @maybege @phoenixhalliwell 
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jbbuckybarnes · 4 years ago
Watch your 6 & 9
Pairing: Din Djarin x Reader Desc: You just had to get Gideon’s postion, whatever it took! Warnings: alternative chapter 15, helmetless Din, canon typical violence, hurt reader, slightly ooc Din, not proofread
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„We‘re in.“ You whispered into your com-link as Mayfeld and Din walked left and right from you through the refinery. „Let‘s find that terminal and get out of here.“ Din murmured and Mayfeld nodded his head to an entrance. „There, I see it.“ He made a beeline towards it before stopping and turning around. „I can‘t.“ “What do you mean?“ Din asked confused. „That man was my superior. I‘m dead if I do this.“ He looked between you both. „Then I‘ll go.“ Din grumbled. „You can‘t, it needs to scan your face.“ Mayfeld explained in a hushed tone. „Give that thing to me.“ You held out your hand. „But-“ You held the hand out even more prominently. „Fine.“ He grumbled. You weren‘t a trained fighter. Just the only other person in the team that wasn‘t a registered criminal to the ISB. But you felt motherly towards the child and wanted it back just as bad as Din.
You grabbed the stick and went into the room, saluting the superior and walking towards the terminal. The men watched your braid fall free from the helmet and your face being scanned. Right when you got what you need that superior came towards you. „What‘s your position, Trooper?“ He asked with his weird creepy face. „Captain. Usually piloting in the Red Squadron, but recently got sent here.“ You lied, nothing evident on your face. „What‘s your TK number?“ He smirked. „TK-307.“ You made one up, hoping this wasn‘t too weird. „The lower 300‘s died in an attack 4 years ago. You‘re a bad liar.“ He chuckled. „Must‘ve been reissued, got this number 3 years ago.“ You held up your lie. „Heeey, there you are, Captain. We were wondering where you went for so long.“ Mayfeld came towards you with Din right behind. „And you are?“ „TK-111. Currently working with this one.“ He grabbed your shoulder. „You are the troopers that brought in the last load? Let‘s have a drink.“ He nodded towards the table he sat on before. While you all followed him you pressed the datastick into Din‘s hand. „Served on Burnin Konn.“ „Oh? That was a day full of hard but necessary decisions for me.“ „Not a very pleasant day for anyone, don‘t you think?“ Hess chuckled, „And they are still eating themselves alive. The rhydonium you delivered will make that look pale in comparison.“ He filled a couple glasses, „To the Empire.“ Before he can cheer you hear a blastershot and look at Mayfeld who had agony written all over his face.
Within seconds a gun fight broke out. „Stay behind me.“ You heard Din over the noise. „Shut up and give me a gun.“ You grumbled back and took one from his hands before landing a shot and jumping over the table to kick a trooper to the ground and shooting the next best person. „NO!“ You vaguely heard yelled behind you before feeling something tearing your skin open near your hip. Looking down all you saw was a shot going through a trooper helmet and then everything went blurry. „Mayfeld...hold them off
“ You heard through cotton as you felt your body dragged aside. Something was injected into your neck, burning like hell just before making you eyesight come back. „Din.“ You whimpered and your hand wandered into the pool of blood near your hip. „Stay awake for me, cyare. C‘mon.“ He looked down on you in the helmet, looking like he was frantically searching for something. „I can‘t see shit!“ He growled and you thought you started hallucinating when you saw him put off his helmet without second thought. He ripped off cloth from his undershirt and pushed it onto the wound. „Can‘t lose you too, cyare.“ He frowned looking at his hands slowly colored in red. „Here!“ Mayfeld kicked a roll of cable towards you. Din bunched a lot of cloth around your wound and fixed it against the wound with the cable. „Din.“ You whimpered again and he looked up. „Cyare.“ He leaned up towards you, „Stay awake, for me, for the kid, please.“ „I‘m sorry.“ Your hand reached up to cup his face while tears filled your eyes. „WE GOTTA GO!“ Mayfeld screamed and you got picked up. How you got to the ship was only covered in a haze, but you saw Mayfeld shooting the rhydonium and the base exploding. „Boba, med kit!“ „Under the seat.“
You woke up with your entire body hurting, but you felt that you were back on Nevarro. You knew the dry warmth of this planet all too well. With a gasp your eyes opened and you heard fast footsteps. „Sssh, you‘re okay.“ Ungloved hands landed on your cheeks. „Din?“ You frowned up at the beskar helmet facing you. „I‘m here.“ His thumbs went over your chin. „Did you- Did you break the creed now?“ He felt your chin wobble. „You woke up after a fatal shot to ask me THAT?“ He chuckled. „You shouldn‘t have taken it off.“ „Then you would‘ve died and I would‘ve given up.“ „Did you?“ „You tell me if the blue Mandalorian lady and Boba Fett did.“ You shook your head and reached up towards his helmet. „I‘d like to keep it to a minimum though.“ You stopped your hands. „Oh, yeah, of course. Sorry.“ Blood pumped to your cheeks. He grabbed your hands gently, „You did amazing with the 3 guys you took out. But you should improve on watching your 3 and 9.“ You both chuckled and he put your hands on his cold helmet. „Wonder how you do that with your tin can on.“ You chuckled. The shot he gave you must‘ve been bacta since your wound barely hurt from the action of laughing. „I have good ears.“ He sounded amused and pressed your hands fully against the sides of his helmet. A hiss sound came towards you and your eyes widened, „It‘s okay. I want to, cyare.“ „What...does that mean? Cyare?“ He had to grin at how you pronounced it. „It‘s kinda like darling, beloved or sweetheart.“ The helmet came off and you saw him smile for the first time. „You‘re- Wow.“ You whispered, blinking confused and overwhelmed. „What?“ He grinned a tiny bit awkward. „Who decided that you should hide all that handsome beneath beskar?“ You smirked and heard his unfiltered laugh. „You need to rest one day and then we‘ll get the kid back, okay? Rest.“ He smiled and went through your hair. „Can you stay here?“ You gave him perfect doe eyes. „Yeah.“ He whispered, his eyes wandering over your face, „Need to watch your 3 and 9.“ „Oh, shut up.“ You giggled and pulled him closer to lay down next to you. „Never.“
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goodtimingz · 5 years ago
dreaming you would come true
intro. pt1. pt2. pt3. pt4. pt5.
AN: i’m writing these everynight instead of writing my essay. plz feel free to send in your relationship goal prompts c: i’ll write them in this universe or i can do it for another idol!
tags: studentlife, jae day6, fluff, college!au
: the one where you meet jae in your second year of college and it’s basically love at first sight. just little excerpts of what i think a relationship w jae would be like c:
1.7k words
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Hi, hello. Every time I say hi to you it makes my heart flutter.
It was Saturday night and finals were over. 
On any other day you'd be celebrating, out with the group for drinks like everyone else was. But tonight you just weren't feeling it. Maybe it was the chicken you'd ate at dinner, the fact that you hadn't slept enough or the fact that finals being over meant you had no more reason to meet Jae. 
You missed his laugh already, and the way his elbows hit yours when you wrote notes beside eachother. The bee line for the boba shop that shut at 11pm on Fridays, and waking him up after watching him fall asleep from a 20minute online lecture. You missed him and you felt under the weather.
Wonpil had been hesitant to leave you, your close friend and classmate. You both lived in the same dormitory building and had met on the first day of class. "Y/N are you sure you don't wanna join us?" he had asked pouting, hand already on the door handle. You had to reassure him that you were fine and come up with some lie about needing to call your mom. This was a time to celebrate and everyone deserved a break, including Wonpil who had worked his ass off and probably got all A's. 
Your mind wondered to Jae, picturing him out at a bar with his mates. He probably forgot about you right? Maybe he'd been hanging out with you for the past 2 weeks because you helped him study better... (not sure about that since you'd always bother him with deep questions related to your psych class just to hear his voice abit more.)
Stuck in your thoughts, the knock on your door almost sent your soul out of your body. Ever since you were woken up by the staff during a false fire alarm the knocks had always made your heart race. You hauled the heavy ass door open with a sigh, expecting your drunk best friend or another random drunkard knocking on everyone's doors.
Instead you came face to face with Jae. Well, more like chest to face since he was ridiculously tall.
"Ayee Y/N, you didn't think I'd skip a day without you right?" His playful voice and the sweet words were like music to your ears .
Without a second thought you smiled at him and every worry went away, replaced with burning red cheeks. "What brings you here?" You questioned bashfully, opening the door wider for him to get out of the hallway.
"I was thinking you'd be boring and stay in tonight, so I asked your friend Wonpil what room you were in. You know he's in my Music class right?" You roll your eyes and nod at him as he places a plastic bag on your desk.
You couldn't lie, you were beyond surprised and happy he'd come. But it was more surprising to watch as Jae pulled out three bottles of soju and searched your shelf for cups.
"How about we cheers? You've been working your ass off and I need to drink to forget how bad the last exam went. Leshgoo!"
Your eyes widen before you realised you were laughing. "Jae do you honestly think we can finish 3 bottles? I heard from your friend Younghyun that you're a light weight as heck!" Coincidentally (or not), the day after you met Jae, Younghyun had sat beside you in one of your stats classes. 
Since then you had been sent a handful of snapchat's of Jae sleeping in awkward positions, so you assumed Younghyun had heard about you through Jae.
Jae looked at you sideways, fiddling with the lid of Soju. "Ehh Younghyun's a machine that's why. Anyone is a lightweight beside him." He was already pouring you both a drink and before you knew it 3 bottles were gone. You were a light weight too, so that was definitely not a good decision.
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Jae looked so cute. You're not sure how you got here, sitting on the floor of your bedroom cross legged, facing the cutest guy, but boy were you glad to be.
"Y/N, you always look so pretty, I wonder if I can see you when you don't look panda-ish." Jae mumbled, his eyes smiling sleepily. He was a sleepy drunk, or maybe that's just the 8hrs he slept for the past week. He sure loved the panda idea, and had even drew a panda on your notebook during one of your study sessions.  
You laughed at his sweet expression, pushing him softly on his shoulder. "Try again in a month, but I might blind you with my beauty. You should know I'm just like the 9-tailed fox when I’m not sleep deprived."
Yeah, you were drunk, in fact you both were. You tried your best to send him a sexy wink but you ended up laughing at yourself because no matter how drunk you were, you were still shy. 
"Does that mean you'll eat my heart? I did not sign up for this!"Jae's cute eyes turned to slits with a suspicious scowl. (You took a mental picture of it, saving later for a rainy day.)
"Only if you let me..." You sent him a suggestive look and laughed as he covered his chest. Anyone looking in would probably think you two were insane. You weren't sure what time it was, and if it hadn't been you're own room you probably wouldn't remember where you were either. There were boxes of chinese food you’d ordered and random things everywhere around the two of you. 
"I don't think the 9-tailed fox asked her victims for permission Y/n..." He had a point. "Okay then, mind if I just-" you reached out to his chest, pretending to cut a slit with your nails and reach in to grab his heart while he giggled the whole time.
"WOW, with that precise cut you should've been a surgeon!" Jae teased, his cheeks were so flushed and you took both of his hands in your own.
"You should know that is what I always dreamed to do, but here we are, 2 years into a psychology major. Thank me later when you have identity issues next, I'll be your certified therapist friend." You found the most dramatically serious voice you could while thoroughly drunk, and sent another wink Jae's way before lazily reaching for his hair. 
He dodged your hands feigning offence. "OUCH, you friend-zoned me? Well, I guess you won't be able to dye my hair pink anymore, that's saved for my girlfriends." 
"GirlfriendS??? As in plural? Wow Jae I should be the one surprised, I didn't know you were a player... But I guess it makes sense since you're so cute."
Friend-zoned? Who was talking about friend-zoning here? You weren't. Jae loosely put his hands up in defence, "Your homeboy is loyal to the day he dies!"
You move his hands out of the way shuffling so your knees were touching. You already knew he was loyal, he had a niche personality that could vibe with others but you never seen him disrespect a women.
"And why would I friend zone you? You're so cute, Have you seen this?" Cheek pinch. "And this?" Nose boop. "And these!" Your fingers brushed his lips, unknowingly a pout had formed on your face. "It's not fair that you always look cute. Save some for the rest of us Jae."
Jae felt his heart beating faster as you moved closer to him. The way you touched him with that smile and then the pout, it was enough to sober him up. He reached out to hold your face with both of his hands, watching as your hands dropped to your sides and your expression grew bashful.
"I think you're one to talk Y/N" He spoke so softly, noticing just how close you were. You looked so adorable, he could swear your lips called his name.
Who was he to deny it?
He leaned forward, gently kissing your lips. They were soft and tasted like peach soju. He could only think of you, if after this you never talked to him, slapped him or acted like it never happened he would accept it. But he liked you, and he couldn't stand denying it anymore.
To his surprise you kissed back softly, tentatively as if you were afraid.
When you pulled away his eyes searched yours, afraid he would find regret. "Will you remember this in the morning?" He asked you nervously.
"Jae, I'm pretty sober right now, and I like you." Your words were so sure and the shy smile you sent his way sent a wave of relief over him. Thank gosh.
"10 points! that's exactly what I wanted to hear because I like you too Y/N." Okay, his pulse had definitely increased to double speed and his hands were sweaty. Even though he knew your feelings now, it still felt so nerve-wrecking to confess. He tried hard to keep eye contact because some dating advice website said it was important, but it was hard.
You let out a breathy laugh before it turned into a genuine one. Was that so hard? Hell yes it was, your heart was beating out of your damn chest. Anyone with ears could surely hear it, which meant Jae could surely too.
"So... we good?" You managed to find words but it felt like trying to speak another language. Suddenly the room looked a mess and you got to your feet, starting to clean. "Of course we're good Y/N, we always are." Jae spoke comfortingly, a bashful smile resting on his lips as he followed your acts. Perfect. You nodded with a grin, taking the bottles from his hands to throw away.
When you turned back to face him, he looked so shy smiling at the ground. He was so Jae, so cute, so your type. You could not resist resting your hands on his neck and pulling him down for another kiss, this time you were sure to let him know you liked him. 
When your lips touched everything except Jae left your thoughts. The way his lips moved against yours felt so right. When you two separated his hands rested on your waist and you never wanted them to leave. Up close Jae was so beautiful you couldn't help but smile.
"So... can I dye your hair now?" 
Jae laughed at your asking eyes, nodding as he pulled into a tight hug. With your cheek resting on his chest and his chin on your head, a buzz of excitement rushed through you. The future suddenly looked less black and white, and more blue? Yes, rather than pink you think Jae would suit blue.
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keen2meecha · 5 years ago
a creature of despair
There was a ghost haunting the streets of New Demington and everyone knew it.
Not a literal ghost. That would be much more convenient - and much less stressful. Ghosts could be caught, exorcised, shot with rock salt and sent back to wherever they belonged.
This ghost, though.
This ghost had yet to be seen, although the trail of bodies they left in their wake was unmistakable. Some with premortem wounds, some without - but all of them with their throats slashed from behind, and a length of purple ribbon left behind to cover the wound. It was a very specific calling card, but investigators had yet to determine the significance. And this had been going on for months.
Even Amadeus Black was pricklier than usual lately, and that was quite the feat. He was prickly on the best of days, but it took a lot to push him further.
And yet, despite the tension in the air and the worry on TV, Falks’ freshmen class remained as bright and oblivious as ever.
“We should go shopping!” Briony El-Hashem declared.
At the opposite end of the table, Kyran Cinege snorted as he speared his broccoli. Sure, he’d known since he stepped foot in this place that his classmates were idiots, but it was nice to have tangible proof. He looked up to catch Vera’s eye. She was an ice-cold bitch, but they had a certain understanding. She was a lot more tolerable than the others, for one thing. And she didn’t try to be his ‘friend’ - in fact, she seemed to migrate to his side most days specifically because he had no interest in friends.
She also didn’t talk, which meant she didn’t ask questions.
“What about you, dude?” Ibrahim asked eagerly, leaning closer to Kyran - and then immediately leaning back away at the sharp glare he got. “You in?”
“Of course I’m not fucking in!” Kyran snapped. “You’ve either got a goddamned death wish or your idiots - or, more likely, both.”
“Don’t be like that,” Dimas said, rolling his eyes.
“I’ll be however I fucking please. Unlike you imbeciles, I’m not taking my chances when there’s a damn Villain roaming the streets.”
“We don’t know they’re a Villain!” Larue protested immediately. “They could just be a serial killer!”
“Oh, right, yeah, that’s so much better - congrats, Strawberry! You’ve changed my mind!”
“It’ll be fun,” Rocco interrupted, and Kyran choked back a swear. “C’mon, please? We’ll make it worth your while!”
There was only one person who could possibly make it worth his while. He had red-hair and stupid pretty eyes and was currently pouting up at Kyran, said pretty eyes pleading with him. Don’t fall for it, don’t fall for it, don’t fucking-
“Fine, whatever.” He grunted, tearing his eyes away from Rocco. “If it makes you assholes leave me alone for once.”
“You know we won’t! Hey, Vera, what about you?”
“No,” She said flatly, not even looking up from her book.
“Aw, come on, not you too! Please?”
Unfortunately, Vera didn’t have the same weakness that Kyran had. She gave Rocco a flat look, then returned to her book once more. Rocco wrinkled his nose at her, then returned to the others to help the planning of the apparent shopping trip.
Kyran scowled and flicked her book as he said, “Oy, Princess, if I’ve gotta suffer through this bullshit so do you.”
She gave him a flat look, then stood up, shouldered her backpack, and started to walk away. Kyran reached out and grabbed her wrist before she could get far.
“Let go of me,” She snapped, yanking her wrist out of his grip as whirled on him. He was out of his seat and standing across from her in a second, shoulders squared and hands raised. He had seen what she could do with her Gift. She wasn’t going to get the drop on him.
“Guys,” Elora protested uneasily from the table. 
“Shut up, Pinkie,” Kyran told her, not looking away from Vera. “You too, Glasses.”
Zahir snapped his mouth shut.
“I said. I’m not. Going.” Vera gritted out. Despite the tension in her jaw, her hands were loose by her sides.
“And I said you are,” Kyran countered, not letting his guard down that easily. “Because there’s a killer roaming the streets, and we’re pretty much the only ones who can keep these idiots alive if they really insist on leaving campus.”
There was a full tense minute as she stared him down. He was starting to wonder if she would just forgo the Gift and punch him in the nose-
And then she huffed, nodded, and left without another word.
“Was that a yes?” Ibrahim asked into the shocked silence.
“We’re going shopping this weekend,” Kyran announced suddenly.
Across from him, the devil herself blinked and adjusted her glasses.
“We were discussing your childhood?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ve got daddy issues, blah blah blah,” Kyran waved a dismissive hand. “Been there, done that, old news.”
“Alright.” Tuliana gave an infuriating smile. “Who all is we?”
“The whole class.”
“Including you?”
“Don’t make me get the swear jar out again, Kyran.”
“Why did you agree to go? I was under the impression that you hated everyone.”
“Dunno.” He flopped back in the cushy armchair and glared out the window.
“These sessions won’t do you any good if you stonewall me.”
He huffed and drew a frowny face on the icy window with his finger, then said, “I
 thought I saw her. Yesterday. Up on those mountains or whatever.”
“It’s not
 unheard of for people to think they’ve seen loved ones that they’ve lost.”
“So I’m not going crazy?”
“No, we’ve been over this.”
“Even though it’s been, like, a year?”
“There’s no timeline for grief. It happens differently for everyone.” When he didn’t say anything else, she jotted something down on her notebook and said, “Is that why you agreed to go? Because you think you’ll see her again?”
“No, that’d be stupid.”
“I wouldn’t say that.”
He scowled and shot her a glare. The worst part was that her serene expression didn’t even waver. In the almost two months he’d been attending Falks, he’d managed to get under every adults’ skin except for two: the headmaster and Tuliana Nagi. The former simply because he hadn’t had enough opportunities, the latter because he was sure there were more annoying things in Hell than him.
So far, at least.
” He returned to the window. “Maybe because it’s what she would have done.”
“Gone shopping?”
“Protected them.”
There was a long beat of silence, then she sighed and rubbed at her eye. She did that sometimes. Their sessions were always at the end of the day, and he was pretty sure she had chronic dry-eye. Her eye drops were in her drawer, but she never used them while they were meeting. Probably because it was impolite or some shit.
“Kyran, it’s not your job to save everyone.”
“It will be soon.”
“Yes, after you’ve been trained.” She dropped her hand and leaned forward. He shifted uncomfortably, but couldn’t seem to break eye contact. “Kyran, you couldn’t have saved her.”
“If I hadn’t left her with him-”
“You didn’t leave him.” They had been through this so many times that she felt comfortable interrupting him, which was infuriating. “You got separated while the museum was collapsing.”
“What difference does it make?”
“You know that it makes all the difference.”
He snarled at her, but had nothing to say to that. She was - probably, unfortunately - right. But if he had just had the instinct to dive back, not forward, if they had lingered just a second longer, or sped up just a little-
“That kind of thinking won’t bring her back, Kyran.”
That was the whole problem, wasn’t it? 
Nothing was going to bring back the one friend he’d ever had.
The mall was way too big, and way too loud. The moment they stepped inside, he regretted agreeing to come along. 
It didn’t help that Vera was practically radiating smugness at his discomfort, even as she too winced at the light and the noise and the smell. The rest of their classmates barely seemed to notice the terrible everything of the hellhole posing as a mall. They laughed and shouted and went through store after store after store. Why did a mall even need five separate shoe stores? Wasn’t one enough?
“Capitalism,” Jerilyn whispered gravely to him when he voiced his complaint.
“Fuck that,” He replied, turning away.
“Dude, where are you going?” Ibrahim shouted.
“Anywhere that isn’t here!”
He made it all the way to the boba stand before he realized that he was being followed.
“Fuck off, Princess.”
“You dragged me on this trip,” She replied evenly. “Actions have consequences.”
It was the closest to sarcasm he’d ever heard her get, so he begrudgingly didn’t protest further. The ghost everyone was afraid of preferred secluded areas, after all. They wouldn’t strike in the middle of a brightly lit, crowded as hell building.
“Hi!” The Chinese girl behind the counter chirped at their approach. “What can I get you?”
“What’s good?” Kyran asked, scanning the menu and trying hard not to scowl. His classmates deserved his ire - retail workers didn’t.
“Depends on what you like - the lavender is pretty interesting.”
“Sure, that.”
“Great! And you, ma’am?”
“Er, same thing.”
The girl didn’t notice the hesitance as she put their orders into the computer, but Kyran glanced back as he passed her the money. He’d had his suspicions, of course, but every time she opened her mouth he grew more certain that the weirdo had never had a real childhood.
Maybe they could start a club.
“Here’s your change!” The girl said, dragging him out of his thoughts.
He turned and accepted the coins - and found his gaze drawn to her pin-laden denim jacket. More specifically, the white pin with the thick purple line in the middle.
“Nice pin,” He said, jutting his chin out towards it.
“Huh?” She glanced down, then beamed up at him with excitement. “Thanks!”
“I’ve got a friend who had something similar,” He added, his throat tightening as the words clawed their way out. 
“Oh, nice. I can give you the website that I got it from, if you want to buy them a present!”
“Uh, no, thanks. She hasn’t got much use for gifts anymore.”
The girl snorted, and then the man who was also working at the booth called, “Jing, come help me!” and she hurried away.
Kyran heaved a sigh, then turned to see Vera staring at him.
“What the fuck is your problem?”
“Nothing.” Unruffled as ever - she was almost as obnoxious as Tuliana. “I thought you didn’t have friends.”
“I don’t,” He snapped, already regretting the moment of weakness. At least Vera wasn’t the gossiping type. “Not anymore. What do you care?”
“I don’t.”
She said that, but she also kept stealing glances at him for the rest of their little shopping trip. By the time they left, just before the mall closed as the sun was setting below the horizon, he was ready to commit arson just for some kind of release.
The city buildings cast long shadows in the fading sunlight, and his classmates at least had the common sense to lower their voices as they walked. They were still in a populated part of the city, but they were fast-approaching that time where it was too late for the day crowd to still be heading home, but too early for the night crowd to start leaving home.
“Oh, hey, come on!” Briony said suddenly, her voice leaping half an octave in her excitement. “It’s a shortcut - it’ll get us to the nearest stop just in time for the next bus!”
“Wait, I’m not sure-” Zahir tried to protest, but she was already taking off down the darkened alleyway.
Kyran swore and took off after her, and the others followed close behind. 
Luckily she hadn’t gotten far - barely halfway down the alleyway before she stopped, apparently waiting for them to catch up.
“Do you want to fucking die?” He snapped, grabbing her shoulder and yanking her around to face him. “We need to stick together, or-”
“Well, well, well. Who is it that’s flown into my web this time?”
Or that.
Kyran shoved Briony behind him and pivoted, searching for the source of the crooning voice. It didn’t sound like it belonged to anyone much older or bigger than them, but it had just enough of an edge to make the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.
“Oh, could it be?” The voice continued, dancing with delight. “A little herd of Falkers, out and about in the city? All alone, and so late at night - I thought you were supposed to be smart!”
“Who says we’re alone?” Kyran snarled, putting a hand out to keep his classmates from doing anything stupid. 
There was the sound of sharp metal scraping against stone undercutting a breathy, unsettlingly girlish giggle, and a figure stepped into what little light was left. 
They weren’t what Kyran was expecting. Short, shorter than him, wearing jeans and sneakers and a faded purple hoodie that was missing the sleeves, leaving the person’s brown arms bare. They could almost be mistaken for a normal teenager wandering the streets - albeit a fucking jacked one - if not for the machete in their outstretched hand, resting against the wall of the building. That explained the scraping noise, at least.
“We don’t want any trouble,” Zahir called, earning a hissed shut up from Kyran.
“You don’t?” The person asked, almost sounding disappointed. “But don’t you know? That’s all you Falkers are. Little troubles, that grow up to be big strong Heroic troubles.”
“Back the fuck off now,” Kyran snarled when they took a step forward, raising his free hand in preparation. An explosion in such a tight space wasn’t ideal, but if push came to shove it would be worth it. “And no one will get hurt.”
The person paused and tilted their head. He could see the faintest flash of clever dark eyes studying him. There was something about this person, something hauntingly familiar... 
“Why don’t we make a deal?” They crooned, pushing their hood back. 
They were wearing a paneled black mask over the entirety of the bottom half of their face, but that still left the top half of their face exposed. Golden brown eyes with heavy bags under them, freckles, their dark brown curls shaved in an undercut. A scar through their thick eyebrow. Kyran narrowed his eyes. It was right there, staring him in the face, why couldn’t he figure it out-
“You give me your jacket, and I’ll let you go.”
“My jacket?” He glanced down at the leather jacket he was wrapped up in, worn to comfortable softness and right on the edge of being too small. “No fucking way.”
“Kyran,” Ibrahim whispered urgently.
“I said no,” He snapped, lifting his hand a little higher and curling his finger into the beginnings of a flick. If they made even the slightest of moves, kaboom. “I’m not giving some whacko my jacket.”
“Oh, but it’s not your jacket, now is it?” They said softly, taking another step forward. They were within arm’s reach. He needed to use his Gift, or throw a punch, or run, or something - but he was paralyzed, mesmerized by those far-too-knowing eyes. “You stole it from your friend, didn’t you? That night in the hospital? You chased her out, blamed her for your own damn issues, and then stole the jacket she left behind?”
“How do you know that?” He whispered.
“Oh, I know all about you, Kruze Cinege.”
She - because the only person who would ever call him that was a ‘she’ - smiled and pulled the mask down around her neck. Her nose was broad and freckled, her chin rounded and soft, her lips stretched in a smile he’d seen a hundred times before - but this one was mangled and bitter and empty, a fucked up facsimile of the original.
She’d gotten a haircut, gathered a few more scars, lost the spark that used to make her shine so bright - but she still managed to be unmistakable. 
No wonder they called her a ghost.
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deprough · 4 years ago
Mandalorian ep 15
Non-spoilers first: I really liked this episode, and not just because of the thing that this episode willl become known for. Yes, the acting in that scene was awesome, but anything that makes me like Migs Mayfield more is a nice treat indeed. I do wonder if he’s getting set on a longer redemption arc by Disney; it’ll be interesting to see if that’s what happens. 
Ack, this portion may be short, because I just realized that I was already getting into spoilers in what was my second paragraph. So instead, I’ll just say, I thought this episode went all the way back to putting Mando front and center in his own story. While last episode still spent a little time showing off Boba Fett and Fennic Shan, I feel like last episode had to have Mando fail, so he was knocked out for a bit. In a book, you can gloss over that; in a TV show, you still need to fill the unconscious time with something. So we got the Boba kicking ass we’ve been promised since the Empire Strikes Back, and proof of why Toro needed Mando’s help with Fennic.
This episode, Mando was making the decisions, some of them personally difficult, and was driving the action forward. Everyone else here was support cast again, save for Migs in a brief scene (if you’ve seen it, you know the one) that showed a lot more of his personality.
Okay, enough of constrained words. Everything after the cut is riddled with spoilers.
FIrst in the spoilers section, I’ll talk about the title, THE BELIEVER because I honestly love this because I can’t figure out who the title refers to. Is it Migs and how once he was an imperial, and likely proud of that? Is it Valin Hess, who truly believes that people will come to realize the rightness of Imperial Order? Or is it Din Djarin, who loves his child more than his Creed, his belief? Like I’m guessing it’s supposed to be Hess, but I’m not sure. 
So I honestly love shows that create good redemption arcs, and this episode did it well. I compare this to Kylo Ren/Ben Solo’s arc, and this is 100% better. My friend and I discussed Ren’s redemption and why I found it flat, and she suggested it was because he dies so quickly. He doesn’t have to live with the consequences of flipping sides, or of killing his own father. He just gets to kiss Rey, and then he dies a hero saving the universe.
Compare to Migs, who served time for one of his crimes, only to not only help Din on the path to getting Grogu back, but to not be a total shit about it. He helped with the expectation that there really wasn’t anything in it for him. I think that when he saw Din take off his helmet and let his face be scanned, he understood that the little green guy is That Important to Din. Rather than be pissed about getting caught by Din, he rises above that to actualy help someone with their kid.
I think that’s one of two things here (technically three, but I’m not counting “the writers wrote that he did for the story”), First, Migs is either a parrot, someone who soaks up and adapts to the group he’s in (while retraining the core character trait of snarky). Or Migs really changed while serving hard labor. I’m sure he realized that had he been convicted of accessory to the murder of an Imperial officer, he’d be dead right now. He’s been in the bureaucracy on both sides now, and I’m sure he’s seen a difference. 
I want to talk about the scene where Migs shoots Hess, but first, I have to tell another story. Many years ago, my husband, a friend, and I were playing in a Star Wars RPG. I was the ST, and my husband and our friend were playing bounty hunters. We were several sessions in, they’d gotten their footing and a small ship, and then they accepted a job from a Hutt, something they’d avoided until that point. Our friend was playing the “I’m in this for the money” to the hilt, but my husband’s character was a little more “Bounty Hunter with a heart of gold”. He had no issue bringing in criminals, but the job from the Hutt was to be a ferry service for young women being tricked into slavery. The Hutt had sent along an envoy, a Twi’lek male who carried the money and recruited the women.
My husband’s character tolerated it as long as he could, but eventually, the envoy said something gross, and the character snapped. He stood up and shot him in the back of the head. Our friend shouted my husband’s name out of character and was like, “No, you don’t!” After reminding her that she wasn’t physically there to stop him, we played on, with them dealing with covering up the murder.
Fast-forward to last night’s episode. When Migs shot Hess, I literally screamed, “Mayfield!” in a shocked ,horrified voice at my TV. My husband started to laugh and he paused the show. “Hey, remember that one time, that my character did that?” We had a good laugh about our friend’s reaction which was so much like my own to Migs, and continued the show.
Migs shooting Hess is so good. I loved that it showed so much of Mig’s background, of his anger with an uncaring Empire that treated their own people as disposible, and innocent inhabitants as beneath concern. So I actually look forward to what they plan to do with Migs in the future. Disney has a lot of projects planned. It could be fun if he shows up in some of them.
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