#whb mammon x reader
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pinkgy · 2 months ago
idk if u take requests but is it possible for u to write whb x reader that often wears revealing clothes? if u dont take requests then u can ignore this 💗 hope u have a good day!!
Hi ! Thank u so much for requesting !!
Sorry if it's too short :( Since it lacks a scenario I don't have much to write about this, so it ended up this way, also I read your other ask where you said something about this post being with a Fem Reader a bit late ... Like 5 minutes ago by the time I'm writing this, but I tried fixing it a little, sorry about that too.
Since you didn't ask for any specific characters for this post I took some creative liberties and did the kings and added 2 little bonuses with two of my fave nobles ;)
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𝗖𝗪: Kinda suggestive (Asmo's fault), tried my best to not make them red flags, bare with me, Fem Reader coded but only in some parts, Kings being kinda possessive, wear whatever you want queen don't let any man disrespect your style.
He won't complain, but you can see in his face that he's not thaaat into your fashion choices.
It's not that you look bad, the opposite, you look too good, way too good actually, but he knows other devils that have two eyes and functioning brains think the same, and that's what infuriates him.
Satan trusts you and knows that your eyes and your heart are placed on him and only him, but still, other devils lusting over you is something that gets on his nerves to the point where he wishes he had thousands of legs to kick all of them.
But since that's impossible and he wouldn't dare to vocally manifest his disagreement, then you'll have to settle for reassuring him constantly that he has nothing to worry about, until your words eventually get to his head and he makes a switch in his mindset.
He'll leave you to do as you please, and in case anyone dares to give you any nasty looks, he has two fists and very strong legs to beat up anyone who dares to disrespect you.
Doesn't give a fuck, it's your body at the end of the day, you are even free to walk around naked if you want to.
He buys you tons clothes, and if you don't like them he'll give you his card so you can buy them yourself, he's your biggest supporter, and he'll even get you your personal seamstress so you can get the best quality and original clothes that suit your style and your likes perfectly.
Mammon doesn't get bothered by others staring at you, they're his too so why should he care? Their greed to have you fuels him, but knowing that he's the one that owns you and that gets to be as greedy as he wants with you gets him going like nothing else.
He might get worried that you may catch a cold by wearing your preferred style during low temperatures, but Tartaros is a country with outstanding technological advances, he'll find a way to make you heated clothes or anything else so you can still wear what makes you comfortable without getting sick.
Or he could just share his natural body heat with you by carrying you everywhere in his arms, you choose ;)
Loves everything about you, EVERYTHING, there's no reason why your clothing decisions should be any of his business, and he probably wouldn't even notice, until he does and just tells you how hot you look.
Beelzebub might not notice what you're wearing, but he does notice others looking at you (sometimes), but he couldn't care less until the looks turn into something else, that's when he bothers, but it's nothing that his flies can't solve.
Since a big part of his fashion choices lean towards the more revealing side, he would let you borrow some of his clothes, but make sure to return them unwashed tho, though Beelzebub insisted that if they didn't fit you you could get them fixed by a seamstress, but they wouldn't fit him anymore so why does he want them back?
Beelzebub thinks it's an amazing deal, you get to have his clothes that fit your style perfectly, and in exchange, he gets to have them back but drenched in your scent, what a great businessman he is.
He also likes to get you both matching clothes, take it as one of his love languages, he might forget about a lot of things, but he'll NEVER forget to get you something cute that he thinks you'll love on one of his trips.
You would have to give him some time.
He tries, he really tries, you would have to explain to him a thousand times that you dress the way you prefer because you want and not because of others until he finally understands that he doesn't have to hang every devil that steals a glance at you.
Eventually Leviathan will begrudgingly understand, if 100 devils stare at you, he won't hang all of them, maybe 20 if he's in a good mood.
He'll also stop telling you to take off your clothes or to cover up, and he'll just give you dirty looks and shut up, be patient okay? Be grateful he's trying.
Eventually (And after reassuring him for god knows how long) Leviathan will realize that at the end of the day, you're his, and no one will take that title away from you, and the ones who should be feeling jealous are them and not him, so he'll just let them envy you both, he's still gonna hang those who's stare lingers at you for too long tho, you don't have a say in that, good luck.
If that's what you like, go on, he pays no mind to such a thing, that's your body and he has no right to complain about it, and even if he did, that's too much of a hassle anyways.
It's not like he goes outside that much to notice others lusting at you, but he knows, it's just that he's too lazy to do something about it, he trusts you tho so he knows that he has nothing to worry about because, in the end, he knows you would rather cuddle for hours with him that pay attention to some lowly devil.
If your normal body temperature tends to lean towards the warmer side Belphegor won't leave you alone, because more skin showing= More skin to lay on to sleep.
He'll have Beleth buy you some clothes that maybe are too revealing to wear outside so you can model them to him in private, Belphegor may get a bit annoyed at first because Beleth seems to know your style too well, but that feeling goes away once he sees you, thank god Beleth knows you so well.
Bonus points if you manage to get your hands on a very bold cosplay of one of his favorite characters of an anime or Hentai and wear it around him, you'll have the king of sloth wrapped around your finder as you step into his room.
Way more into it than what you would expect, it's your body and there's no reason to hide it, God created humans to not be ashamed of themselves, and Lucifer was proud that you were following his word.
Lucifer enjoys staring at you from a considerable distance as others stare at you and your revealed skin, maybe he does that just to feed his pride, poor lowly devils as they look at something they will never get to have, something that only he owns.
Contrary to others, Lucifer will give you his honest opinion if you ask for it, he would enjoy dressing you up in cute clothes, and he'll even get you some himself and feel like the proudest demon in hell when you wear them.
Just because he enjoys the boost of pride that others staring at you gives him doesn't mean he won't get possessive towards you, there's a limit to everything, and there's a difference between just staring and giving lusty looks and touching (or trying to touch) he draws the line there and those devils will face ruthless consequences.
His main worry is that you may catch a cold if you wear such revealing clothes in cold weather, that's the only time when he'll encourage you to cover yourself, and maybe he'll even try to force you to do it if you refuse, but he's worried okay? There's no ill intentions behind that.
You could wear a sack of potatoes and he would still get turned on.
Lust is like fuel to him, so he doesn't mind others staring at you, that would just turn him on more, and to think that they can't have you because all of your lusty self is reserved for him and only him? Damn, he must stop thinking about that or he'll get hard.
If you were thinking that Asmodeus would behave normally around you when you have such "pleasing to the eye" clothing preferences you are terribly wrong, and covering yourself more won't make it any better, the damage was already done once his eyes landed on you
Also, more revealing clothes>more skin showing>less clothing>easier to take off.
We all know that he would rather have you naked, but since you may be against that then this works too.
Foras wouldn't take his eyes off you, ever, but he's a bit too shy to stare at you, so he often turns invisible so he can look at you all he wants without getting embarrassed.
He would LOVE to go shopping with you, if what you want is a partner who gives you a critical opinion about what you try on then Foras isn't for you because he would just tell you how beautiful everything looks on you and say that you look stunning in every singly synonym of that word that exists.
It would take some time until Gamigin is finally used to your clothing preferences, in fact, he won't get fully used to it ever, but seeing you happy with your body makes him happy too, so he doesn't care.
Loves it when you model your outfits to him as he sits on your bed staring at you completely lovestruck, eventually he won't even pay attention to what you're wearing, and his gaze is only focused on you.
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astrobolical · 1 year ago
To make you forget, if only for a while
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How the kings (Satan, Mammon, Leviathan, Beelzebub) alleviate your fears and worries, at least for a little while— as best they can, and in their own unique ways.
I love the utter filth that comes from this game, but sometimes a little fluff is welcome, too. If this does okay, I may see about doing some of the other devils as well.
Also yes, I do fully believe that there’s no way Leviathan doesn’t have a larger source of water in his home— his bathtub just being his favourite— it’s not as though he’s going out to find any.
Oh, and I went with “Bell” as Beelzebub’s nickname, as it’s what Mammon calls him in Chapter 3.
Content Warnings: Mildly Suggestive (Mostly Beelzebub), devil behaviours, brief mentions of alcohol, brief & mild mentions of depression, (lightly described) anxiety
Reader: Gender Neutral
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Your voice had fallen silent, trailing behind the trio in front of you— and Satan cursed himself as he came to realize far too slowly that you’d withdrawn. His steps slowed, turning his head to see just what had garnered your attention… but was left with a foul taste in his mouth as he discerned what exactly it was. Your eyes were gazing down a street visible from where you were, seeing the frantic devils working tirelessly to restore or save their homes and businesses. Fires were being quelled, devils saved from rubble— trying their best to survive. Satan knew, however, that you weren’t simply watching, he could see how your eyes watered, bordering on tears, as you walked helplessly along.
In your racing mind Satan knew that you were blaming yourself entirely, allowing yourself to wallow and drown in the guilt that had begun to eat away. The look in your solemn eyes told him everything— it was a darkness he was all too familiar with, one that gripped him often, one that was difficult to escape from, especially alone. He wanted to stop, to tell you that none of this was your burden to bear, that not a single citizen of Gehenna would ever blame you. You hadn’t asked for any of this, hadn’t wished for an angel and Satan himself to whisk you away into chaos.
Yet all the same he knew those doubts and worries would not be easily assuaged, that your mind would inevitably take his words and discard them as if they were worth nothing. No matter how sincere they may be.
No, Satan knew that words were simply not enough, not for this— not for the gravity of the weight you felt on your shoulders as you looked out into the destruction and havoc. Instead, he decided, quite quickly, on another course of action that always helped him when he needed it the most.
His pace halted entirely, not having to wait long before you bumped carelessly into his back, not realizing he’d come to a full stop in your stupor.
“Satan?” You questioned, breaking free from whatever thoughts had held you. “Did something happen?” You glanced towards Sitri, as if trying to see if he’d heard someone approaching, or trouble nearby, but he shook his head.
“No,” He placed his hand atop your head, smoothing your hair out gently. “Nothing’s changed… I just think we need a break.”
You pouted, studying his eyes and expression. “A break? I’m fine…” You lied through your teeth— he’d already learned your little human quirks, at least partially.
Your protests, however, went unlistened to, and you were given no more time to voice your concerns. Satan pulled you close, holding you around your waist as he had so many times before and started down an unfamiliar alleyway. Not once did he look back to ensure your companions were following, knowing that they, too, completely understood the situation— you however, felt lost.
He led you, primarily, through the alleys and side streets you hadn’t yet seen, keeping away from the carnage you’d been surrounded by. His pace was quick, determined, keeping you against him as he trekked. You couldn’t quite grasp the sudden change of plans and direction, but your trust in Satan allowed you to relax and follow him as best you could (though you were sure without his arm around you, you’d have stumbled multiple times already). You knew that Satan would never harm you, not intentionally.
And, as expected, your intuition was correct and your trust well placed. There was not a single sign of danger where you now found yourself. In fact, it appeared more like a safe haven, mostly left untouched by the chaos that the angels had wreaked upon Gehenna.
It reminded you of the bar that you’d stopped in to rest before, though even more lively. It was larger, decorated with more lavish designs and furniture. Within were dozens of devils, relaxing and laughing with one another— and each and every one rejoiced when their king came through the door. Shouts and hollers, an energetic flurry of motion as they led your ragtag group further into the depths of the building. Not once did Satan release his hold on you.
It warmed your heart to see how joyous his people were just to see him. Though, it alarmed you quite readily when their joy, energy, and questions were also turned towards you. They offered everyone drinks, began to loudly tell you all manner of stories from their lives here in Hell. It as a flurry of motion, of attention and an infectiously rambunctious attitude— a wonderful and welcome feeling, compared to the ghastly reminders just outside.
Satan and Sitri — and even Ppyong— joined in on the revelry, encouraging the energies around them and rallying the morale. Unlike the last visit to a bar that you’d had, this time it was simply for fun and leisure. Satan kept you steady on his lap throughout the whole affair, hand idly massaging your sides or your thigh. You could feel his gaze on you every now and then, though each time you glanced back you were met with a shockingly gentle smile, and encouragement to pay more attention to his people.
He kept any grabby hands at bay, and a few were sent flying with a well-placed kick upon their weaker frames— though this did little to quell them, if anything it had only added to their adoration. Though you noted that with each attempt to get just a little too close to you, his hold would grow a little tighter, he’d pull you more fully into his lap and against him with a snarl.
You hadn’t laughed as much as you did then in what felt like your entire life— hadn’t met so many new faces, or heard such crazy tales, each one more absurd than the last. You leaned back into Satan, nestling yourself close to his warmth and comfort. When he turned to glance your way you stole a kiss from his parted lips— choosing to ignore the whoops and calls of the others in the room— and caught him off guard.
His eyes were wide as you leaned towards his ear. “Thank you,” You murmured, so quiet you were sure that only he (and perhaps Sitri) could hear. “For bringing me here, Satan.” You knew how much he cared for the denizens of Gehenna, how much he treasured and valued each and every one of them. And you’d realized that’s exactly why he’d brought you to such a place, at such a dire time.
In your moment of heartbreak and darkness, he’d brought you to them. To a place you were sure he’d probably often escaped to himself when his mind spiraled and he couldn’t quell it alone. He was showing you that these devils could be your safe space as well, your light out of the darkness that plagued your heart.
His people were his respite, and now they were yours as well.
This king of Hell had done so much for you, in such a short time… saved you more times than you cared to count— so you allowed yourself to enjoy his, and his people’s, company well into the night. Until the drinks finally slowed, and he’d ushered you to a place to rest on the upper floor. It was then that he returned the kiss you’d stolen earlier, with fervour, as if imploring you to realize that you were never alone in this.
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He was alarmed— his gut telling him something was amiss, even if he wasn’t quite sure what it may be. Mammon knew only that it had to do with that faraway look within your eyes, almost as if you were looking through the brilliant gold around you rather than at it— it was not admiration, not his coveted greed, it was nothing. Mammon couldn’t understand why you weren’t pleased with your surroundings, or what all you may be thinking… just that he didn’t like it.
He wanted you to look around and desire it, to want the world despite knowing that it was already yours, as he was. He loved to see your eyes alight with a fiery passion, your heart just as full… but somehow you had fallen far, right under his nose. A human folly, he was certain, and not one he had ever encountered. Yet this? This he did not want, he did not covet this new experience, this new emotion. He wanted to be rid of it.
Mammon lifted you with ease, and without warning, breaking your senseless focus immediately, drawing you towards him effortlessly. You clung to him in surprise, steadying yourself though you knew that to Mammon you weighed nothing— he’d proven that already. You wound your arms around his neck, legs finding purchase on his hips, exclaiming his name in your surprise. His strength always amazed you— then again, he was simply amazing overall.
His silence continued as he pressed a warm kiss against your forehead, holding you close with one arm, while pulling your head closer with the other before it settled on your cheek. Your face flushed pink, dumbfounded at the gentle touches he’d graced you with.
His deep voice rumbled as he spoke, and pressed against him as you were you couldn’t help but shiver at the feeling of the vibrations. “What is bothering you, MC?” He questioned, eyes that looked like molten gold peering into yours with concern.
You stared back, silent, unsure how to answer— or if you even should. You worried your lower lip with your teeth as you pondered, not missing the way his eyes flicked downwards at the motion, how he held you a little more tightly. “Nothing,” you finally relented, though accompanied by a forced smile that didn’t quite meet your eyes. “I’m alright.”
Mammon did not know doubt, or lies— you knew that your words alone would calm him, come as a reassurance that there was nothing to worry over. And you told yourself that you would do better to keep your worries hidden. A white lie, you decided, was the better way to go.
Even if the weight of all the events thus far was pressing down around you, exerting more pressure with each new battle you found yourself surrounded by.
Yet, despite your reassurance, Mammon’s brows furrowed, and he shook his head. “…While I do not know—or even understand— doubt, MC, I know that there is something wrong. I just know.”
He looked pained as his eyes bore into yours, unyielding as he studied your expressions. His grip became a little tighter as he sighed. “Can you not trust me?”
The question made your breath hitch, and you shook your head rapidly. “I trust you!” You reassured, your heart wrenching at his assumption. Of course you trusted Mammon— with everything in you, you did. You just didn’t want to burden him with your worries, your fears, and your guilt. You’d buried it so deeply within you throughout your journey that you’d thought that maybe you’d somehow escaped it… but it had consumed you the moment you’d finally attempted to rest, comforted by the massive devil’s presence. “I do. It’s just… it’s nothing, really. I’m just worrying over everything that’s happening here in Hell— if Satan hadn't saved me…”
His eyes widened, and his forehead bunted against your own. “Never think that way, MC. Nothing here is your fault— and there is no devil in Hell that thinks that it is.”
“Everyone is ecstatic that you’re here— even more than when they see me!” He continued, placing slow, soft kisses on your face between each breath.
You knew he was right, deep down. That if it hadn’t been you, another descendent of Solomon could have just as easily ignited it all. It wasn’t your burden to bear, just as much as it wasn’t Mammon’s. Whatever happened to God — the event that had earned the angel’s ire— was still a mystery.
You sighed, your eyes glossy as you looked up at him once more. “I know, I know. I’m sorry.”
“No need for apologies.” He straightened again, adjusting his grip on your bottom. “Just tell me when these thoughts plague you, and I will reassure you of every worry— I am yours, after all. You have me at your side to deal with whatever you feel you can’t. You are the only being to ever have this, the only one I’ll ever give it to.”
He grinned, sharp canines glinting in the light that shone into the room from the elegant (yet gaudy) golden windows, and you couldn’t help but smile— genuinely, this time. “Thanks, Mammon. I’ll keep that in mind.” It was strange, you thought, that he could so easily clear your mind with his promises alone… but when you looked at him, it also wasn’t hard to see why. He was powerful, confident— and he so proudly declared himself yours it was difficult to not believe him, to rely on him. “Aren’t you getting tired of holding me up, though?”
Your attempt to change the subject earned you a hearty laugh, that shook you in his arms. “Never!” As if taking your words as a challenge he tossed you upwards before catching you just as effortlessly, before securing you once again against him. “And if you don’t believe me, I’ll parade you around Tartaros to prove it.”
“Please, don’t!” You laughed, though you could see that he was absolutely considering his own words. “Mammon!”
“It would do you well to go out— and you can still rest as long as you’re in my arms.” You hit his chest, grumbling about how impossible he was— but there was little you could do to stop him from walking out the door, with you still held close. Though, despite your protests, you really didn’t mind— Mammon was right, seeing the devils of Tartaros going about their daily lives, seeing their smiling faces as they saw their king, and you… it really would do you good.
And, though you didn’t give him the pleasure of telling him, being held by Mammon was the safest place you felt you could be. Untouchable, secure, and comforted by his warmth.
Even if it was still a bit embarrassing.
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Your mind was elsewhere, lost deep within unwanted thoughts that forced their way through despite any efforts to hinder them. Leviathan, in a way, couldn’t fault you for it— you were only human, and your entire world had been upturned and threatened. But Leviathan himself was at your side, seated just an arms length away— could you not even consider him a worthy distraction? Surely his presence alone should earn your gaze, at least? Yet your eyes were staring at the floor, your brows furrowed.
It irked him, stirring feelings in his heart that made his eyes narrow and fists clench— especially when he wondered just what it was you would finally use to alleviate whatever thoughts you were unable to escape. Whoever, or whatever, it may have been, even if imaginary, made envy seep through him.
Had he not proven he would go to great lengths for you already, without question? He’d even gone outside of the sanctity of his home for you, protected you from angels at the cost of his own wellbeing.
He sucked in a breath, steadying himself from whatever spiral he himself had nearly fallen into— now was not the time, not when he could simply take your attention for himself and eliminate the threats from the equation altogether. Motioning with lithe fingers, ropes quickly fell from the inky darkness of the ceiling above, entangling you despite your surprised protest. At least you’d called his name in your alarm.
The ropes dragged you closer to him— surprisingly gentle— and you wondered what his plan was, recalling just how pleasurable it could be to be bound before this devil king. Yet only your jaw was slowly traced by a singular long finger, no further touches gracing your skin. Instead his pale eyes met yours, contemplative. He did not seem exceptionally angry or upset, in fact he appeared oddly calm for having called on his favoured ability.
And then he stood, sighing, leaving you where you were. “Come, then.” He spoke, a chill running through your spine— from suspense or anticipation, you weren’t sure. Yet despite ordering you to follow, he hadn’t intended to give you a choice to begin with, the strong ropes moving you for him, just behind (but so, so careful not to damage your frail, human skin).
He spoke nothing of where he was taking you, barely acknowledging that you were with him at all. At times his intense gaze met yours, as if checking on your wellbeing — though you surmised it was to ensure your attention was on him, as he wanted.
Any complaints you had, though, died on your tongue the moment he opened large double doors with a wave of his hand, and you were greeted with a marvelous sight that you couldn’t quite comprehend.
Within it was not quite the same castle-like structures you’d come to know, it was somehow more cavernous while still retaining its elegance. In the center was a pool, of sorts, though if you were to describe it properly it was more akin to a man-made (devil-made?) lake within the confines of Leviathan’s estate. The water’s surface was reflecting all across the walls and every item it could reach, creating a beautiful, moving pattern that was hard to tear your eyes away from.
You wondered if you should really feel as surprised as you do, that he had such a place tucked away, being as fond of water as Leviathan was.
“Very few have been here, Child of Solomon. I don’t allow it.” He spoke bluntly, those agile fingers motioning for your freedom (and oh, you knew what else those hands could do). “But,” He continued, turning to face you. “It appears you need something to distract you. Come.”
His hand extended towards you, waiting impatiently for you to take it, and despite your surprise and tentativeness you did just that. He led you towards the waters, still fully clothed and unperturbed. “Wait— shouldn’t I get a bathing suit, or something?”
He stopped, a quizzical look upon his beautiful features. “If you must worry about your clothes, just remove them.” As if assuming you would do just that he released your hand as quickly as he’d taken it, stepping into the water without waiting any longer for you to decide.
It wasn’t hard to see he belonged there, his pale skin practically glowing in an ethereal light. Soon enough he vanished into the depths, only to resurface a ways away, floating lazily despite the weight of his clothing.
Hastily you joined him, donning only your undergarments (not quite as confident within such deep waters while being weighed down). Yet when his hands were on you you knew that even if you even began to sink towards the bottom, he’d keep you afloat with ease. “You’re only the second outside of myself I’ve allowed in here.”
“…Why?” You murmured, enjoying the feel of the small, cool waves on your skin.
“Because it’s mine.” A simple answer, blunt as always. “But … so are you. So I don’t mind you being here, as long as your attention is on me, MC.”
Your heart felt warm as you realized how much you meant to him— that he would break his own comforts for your own, in a way. Even if it was borne from wanting your attention only on him and nothing else. “Sorry, Leviathan,” You murmured, pressing a kiss to his cheek, which met with a strong hand pulling you closer to him. “For being so distracted before. Thank you for showing me this.”
He hummed in response, more taken with your body in his arms than with your gratitude— though you could very easily see he enjoyed it.
He’d succeeded in claiming your attention, keeping it upon himself with ease now that you were reminded that not everything in your situation was a bad thing. That you had devils like Leviathan at your side, and that they would do anything to assist you. Leviathan, who so rarely let others in but who opened himself to you without thought or hesitance.
Even if Leviathan’s needy hands barely gave you a moment’s rest, itching for your touch at every turn. You’d give him everything he wanted— how could you deny him, after all?
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The room felt as though it was nearly split down the center as Beelzebub glanced around— on one side was the chatter and planning, a tense atmosphere of grumbling devils attempting to decide what to do… on the other, was you. Around you was quiet, abnormally so— the devils had let you be, he supposed it was to give you time to breathe and catch up with everything that had transpired.
Yet to Beelzebub, you simply looked pitiful, too sad for his liking. Your eyes were staring blankly out the window, sitting idly and unmoving on the sill. Yet you weren’t really looking at anything, your eyes barely moving even when there was an outburst on the other side of the room, or a bird flew by your window.
Clearly, despite what the others may think, you didn’t need time to yourself to breathe. In fact, it seemed as though leaving you to your own devices was only making things worse in that little human mind of yours. And, being who he is, Beelzebub was more than willing to bend the rules and expectations just to make you smile again.
He could sense Bael’s cautious yet curious gaze on his back— unwilling to believe that his king would simply sit idly. And he wasn’t wrong, really. Yet Beelzebub didn’t do anything immediately, instead standing and making his way over towards you rather languidly, lazily as though he just wanted to banter with you—despite being told to leave you be.
You didn’t react to his approach, or even seem to hear his intentionally loud footsteps, utterly lost in whatever thoughts were plaguing you. If this were another time, or he were any other devil, it may have been concerning how unaware you were of your surroundings in an unfamiliar environment— even if it was safe.
However, he was not another devil, and was still Beelzebub. He looked at this, instead, like an opportunity he simply couldn’t let go of and let pass by. In one swift motion you were hoisted upwards, a garbled noise of surprise escaping you as you were thrown over a strong shoulder. His hand kept you steady, lying comfortably on your lower back (if a little lower than necessary). Instinctively you reached out to grip anything you could to ground yourself, hands clinging to whatever you could reach on him. You knew that no matter how irresponsible Beelzebub may be, he would never drop you, but it was still difficult to settle when you’re quite literally thrown like a sack of potatoes.
“Let’s go out and play, MC.” His voice was a purr, adjusting you quickly before the others could react and taking off out the door with a surprising burst of speed— you hadn’t even known he could move that quickly!
There was chaos behind you near immediately, and you could see the others— particularly Bael— preparing to stop their quick-footed king from escaping, especially with you in tow. However, as much as the efforts were doubled by your presence, they were also incredibly hindered, not wanting to harm you in any way while attempting to stop the ever-troublesome man.
“Bell!” You protested, though he could hear your insincerity within your voice, a bubble of laughter escaping you at the audacity of the unanticipated situation you’d found yourself in. “Where are we even going?!”
The gloom that had surrounded you already began to crumble, and he laughed as he replied. “Somewhere fun!” He didn’t elaborate, however, as he dealt with the devils in his way, deftly outmaneuvering them.
Looking back once more, you couldn’t help but pity Bael, seeing now what it was he dealt with, but at the same time you were thankful for Beelzebub and his free spirited nature. You’d forgotten that, though the situation was incredibly serious, you were still allowed to have fun.
Almost as quickly as it had begun, the chaos came to a close, Beelzebub successful in his escape, and you now safely hugged within his arms after he’d set your feet back down securely to the ground. His grin was positively infectious as you took a step back from him, and you had to stifle your laughter. “There!” He exclaimed, fixing your hair idly as he spoke. “Now, let’s find someplace fun to waste some time in. Let’s let loose, MC.”
Grasping your hand he pulled you along through the streets, searching out a familiar haunt that would be filling in with devils soon. He didn’t pay mind to the confused looks he got along the way, loudly talking with you all the while. He didn’t let you rest until you’d arrived at wherever it was that he’d thought of.
The rooms were dimly lit, but there was a well-stocked bar at the far end of the largest one, the music blaring from speakers already despite guests just beginning to filter in. It wasn’t terribly large, more quaint than you’d expected for Beelzebub, but it was clear he was a common sight there, as no one batted an eye in his direction as he led you further in.
You clung to him as the crowd steadily grew, unwilling to be parted from your guide— and it wasn’t as though you disliked touching Beelzebub, either. There were certainly no complaints from him, either, as his hands groped and prodded your body in return. It wasn’t long before he led you to the dance floor, where his hands explored more boldly, front pressed against your back as you swayed to the music.
You knew it didn’t matter if you were any good at dancing, Beelzebub simply wanted you to lose yourself to the music, and more importantly with him.
It wasn’t difficult to persuade you, letting his body guide your movements, losing yourself to his touch and the vibrations in your body from the sounds around you and the mesmerizing lights.
You could hear his praises when his hot breath ghosted by the shell of your ear, sharp teeth toying with the cartilage. His lips finding your neck, his hands dipping lower— it was so easy to lose yourself with Beelzebub, that your worries melted away. Not even the inevitable repercussions that were to come from your escape could bother you.
You were thankful for how carefree the king who held you was, that he’d decided to encourage it within you, too.
Though you weren’t sure how long you were among those on the dance floor before Beelzebub inevitably led you towards the dark bathroom, your bodies barely parted for a moment. You locked the door behind the two of you, opting to lose yourself to him in another way, even if someone heard you.
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luxthestrange · 4 months ago
WHB Incorrect quotes#67 Gotta teach em young
Mam*talking to Baby Luke* it's always better to have two incomes
Mam: so make sure your partner has two jobs
Baby!Luke*is being spoon-fed by him and his head tilts*???
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Part 3 of:
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sweetkiitsunez · 1 year ago
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❞ 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐲 - short
❞ warning: dead dove eats. nsfw content (18+) + f!sub (afab!reader) + Dom!Mammon + oral sex + Mammon eating you out + squirts + clit sucking + praises + noncon (Mammon couldn't stop being greedy lol) + fingering + anal fingering(?) + readers used you(rs)/they/them pronouns
a/n: i avoid using butt hole because it sounds too hilarious to me 😅,,
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You remember taking a nap until Mammon rips your pants and panties. Of course, he is the King of Greed and King of Tartaros and you are his master, well... more like his playtoy. He loves you. He loves the sound of your cries and moans while he is eating you out. He thinks that you are delicious and wants you all for himself. His tongue and mouth sucking and licking your clit and folds.
"Aah...! Mmm...! M-Mammon...! WAH!" You let out a cries as you tried to push him away, but he is ten times bigger than you.
You beg time for god knows how many times to stop, but his ears are fallen deafen. You're so delicious... he wants more. His finger has dig inside your folds as he wiggles them. You let out a loud cries as you squeeze your eyes tightly, shaking your head. He is so big! You knew his hands were big, but not that big to fingering you!
"S-Stop! A-ah!! P-please...!" You moan as you pleaded him to stop. You felt his lips kisses your clit causes you to shiver.
"It's okay, master... you're doing good..." he murmurs as his golden eyes gaze at you then held your both of thighs over his shoulders. Making it impossible to kick or escape from him. He kept pressuring your clit by sucking and pulling. Dragging his fingers in and out of your hole causes you to shiver and rolls your eyes back of your skull.
You're a crying mess. All you could do was pull his hair or his horn. He kept spreading your legs wider as he is lapping your pussy and the juice. Your legs are wet... you feel disgusted, but... also good.
"M-Mammon...! Aah! Ah! Nngh!" You moan as you couldn't speak. He removed his finger from your hole as he grope your butt. You couldn't do anything as you just laid there being pressured by him. Mammon loves you. He loves his master very much. The way you slept in that position where you show your ass made him go hard. You're so adorable! He must eat you~!
"N-no! No more!" You cried as you couldn't take it anymore. You feel more pressured and tired already, but Mammon isn't giving you up. He pulls away from you thinking that it was over, unfortunately... he flips you over as you laid on your stomach as your ass is in the air. He held your thighs and spread your legs to show your pussy.
"W-Wait! You tricked me!" You cried as you turns your head to look at him with teary eyes. All he could do was smile as he assured you with praises.
"Master, I want to taste you, so badly... Don't held back your moans. I want to hear more." He said, pulling your butt close to his face. His large fingers rubbing your pussy as it already so puff! His lips licking your ass. You let out a loud moans as you are pulling the sheets.
"N-no! No! P-please! Aah! Nngh!!" You let out a loud pleading cries muffles on the pillow. He is keeping up with the pace as he continues to rubs your pussy even faster as his kisses your hole. You felt your body gave up on you. It feels good, but also wrong, too. Mammon is assaulting your pussy and ass. There's no point to yell or screaming for help. No one can hear you, but only Mammon who is assaulting you in your sleep, but was rudely awoken.
You couldn't hold it anymore. You could feel your legs trembling and your body is feeling heavy. You could feel Mammon's thick fingers sanking down into your butt lock. While his other fingers is rubbing your pussy in circles. Your fingers grips the white bed sheets until it becomes wrinkles. You buried your face on the fluffy pillows to muffles your moans, but Mammon knows your g-spot.
"Mmgh! Mm!! Aah...! Ngh!! Aah! Ah!" You moans as you are trembling. Mammon is making you feel good as he continues to mess with your pussy and hole puffy. "N-no m-more! Aah!"
You buried your face on the pillow as tears stains the pillow sheets as you felt something watery dripping your thighs and onto your thighs.
You squirt. You felt embarrassed as you came so early and not reaching your orgasm. Mammon doesn't care as he admires the work. You're in daze as you let out a shiver moans coming from your lips as you continue to squirt. You could feel your ears turning red as you squirted on the bed.
"Good work, master..." Mammon pulls away from you as he kisses your earlobes.
"...but I'm not done with you, yet." Your eyes suddenly widen when he says that. Until you felt his large hands spreading your butt cheeks.
"Well, let's see what happens tonight."
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o-pandora-o · 8 months ago
May I request headcanons for WHB Satan, Beelzebub, Leviathan, Valefor, Beleth, and Mammon with shy gn s/o please?
Satan, Mammon, Leviathan, Beelzebub, Valefor, Beleth with shy g/n s/o
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Notes: Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you like this, and I do apologize for making this late. I had a lot of ideas so I kinda made it too long LMAO. I'm not sure if I made this correct, but if I didn't, send me another ask. I apologize in advance because I'm not really used to writing Leviathan's up until now. Thank you so much again and keep playing WHB~
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🩸PDA!!! He LOVES showing public display of affection, much to your dismay. He loves to put his arms around you and sometimes he'd suddenly kiss you and make out (he always makes sure no one sees). Sometimes, when he's feeling a bit spicy he'd becomes a bit touchy (with consent of course), which never fails to make you red as a tomato.
"S-satan! N-not in public!" you close your eyes while blushing so madly "Kek. It's alright babe, no one can see" Satan grins as he wrapped his arm around your waist and and kissed you, Sitri and the others not noticing, or do they?
🩸Satan is so straightforward, it always make you flustered; bonus is he does that on occasions that you're with others! "What do you mean you're on a diet because someone said you're fat? C'mere!" Satan whisks you up and puts you down in the nearest chair, his arms still wrapped around your waist. "You're never fat in my eyes, alright? You look good as you'll ever be. Hot stuff." He began to make out with you "Satan!! Mmphhh!!!" "Yea, that's right sweet cheeks"
🩸He always acknowledged your strengths and weaknesses. He's always proud of you, that's why he picked you as his s/o. He would boast you whenever he's with others if given the chance, which always make you blush. "Satan, what made you like y/n hmm? They're your complete opposite, they're shy" Beelzebub asked "Hah what do you mean? They're the best person anyone can ever have! They do their best, they look good, they're nice, and much more. I think being shy is one of their best trait..." Satan looks at you with a smirk in his face, while you were blushing. "See?" He adds. "Satan!!!" he grins when he saw you covering your face. He grabs your wrist and he kissed you to make you shut up, which made you blush even more.
🩸You know those trope where one person is shy enough to tell the waiter they got their order wrong, and their partner bluntly tells the waiter that they got the order wrong? Yeah that's Satan.
Both of you were in Gehenna's bar ordering food. "Uhm... I'll take the 666 Devil burger please..." "And I'll take the House Steak, and a glass of Devil's water (alcohol)" Satan proudly grins as he hold your waist. "Coming right up!" One of the waiter says, you both went to the available sofa seats. Both of you sit at opposite sides of the table, and talk about your day. "The burger here is top tier I'd say, it was a good choice kek" At Satan's remark, the waiter came with all of the ordered food. The server gave your food last however it was not what you ordered. "O-oh... Thank you..." you replied as you stared at the burger. Satan saw your hesitation and immediately looked at the food. "You ordered a burger right? The 666 Devil Burger?" Satan grins as he saw you hesitate. "Y-yes it's okay I can eat this, I wanted to try a different meal...." "But still, it's not your order right?" Satan grins even more as he knows where this was going "B-but I can-" "Heya, waiter! They ordered the 666 Devil's burger not this one" Satan grinned and told the waiter as you blushed, tried to hide in the table as if you made a crime. "Oh! My apologies your majesty Satan! I'll bring them the burger, I apologize for the mistake" "W-wait its-" you were too late to say 'it's alright' as the waiter already took the plate of food and went to the kitchen. "T-thank you" you meekly said, head down facing the table
🩸Satan is observant whenever you're hesitating or feeling insecure. If you somehow came across demons with good body like muscular or sexy bodies, and if you feel down, Satan knows you won't admit it so he oftens pulls you and put an arm on your shoulder or waist and kiss your forehead. "Hey" Satan said as he noticed you looking at the devils with skimpy clothing. You look up at him, pretending to be clueless. "I know what you're thinking, just so you know you're hot in your own way, which I like more than devils with skimpy fit" "...are you sure you're okay with me?" your head lies low. "Hm..." He grins and makes out with you "Of course I am!" He grins proudly as you were looking disheveled from him making out with you.
🩸Always slaps your ass both in private and in public. You were talking with Sitri in the hallway of Satan's Palace, while Satan was walking. He saw a glimpse of your luscious booty jiggling as you talk and make gestures with Sitri, he made a beeline towards you and slapped your ass, loud slap echoing in the Palace corridor. "SATAN!!!" You said as you blushed heavily, Sitri blinking and pretending nothing happened as if he can hear both of your beating heart; one is nervous while the other is excited. Satan ran for it and somehow you ran to him, trying to catch him.
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🪙Unlike Satan, he respects your comfort zone a bit more, so he's a bit neutral on PDA. If you feel that you wanna hold his hand or arm, he'd get closer to you. Most of the time he won't initiate into PDA with you.
The back of your hand comes in contact with Mammon's more frequently than it should while walking in the streets of Tartaros. Mammon looked at you and noticed you were nervous, he decides to hold your hand. His harm brings comfort and warmth to you, as you looked up at him. His lips curled up, smiling warmly at you, and whispered "It's okay, treasure. I'm here, don't worry." Which in turn, made you slightly flustered but comforted.
🪙Mammon is very sharp whether you're feeling uncomfortable or a bit out of your comfort zone.
Bimet was a bit loud, mocking you, and kept asking too many questions, much to your discomfort. "I could not understand what his Majesty Mammon sees in you! You're so...meek!" Bimet scoffs as he eyes you. "Uh... I don't kn-" "Bimet! You're getting a bit rude don't you think? What do you think his majesty will say?" Valefor cuts you. Mammon comes in, scanning the area as he answered Bimet's question "They're humble, they're gentle and soft... I want to protect them and make them mine in which I failed because they got me first. Now if you'll excuse us..." Mammon smiles as he escorted you out.
🪙He doesn't really care what others think especially if it has something to do with your shyness. He'd love you all the way.
🪙You sometimes get too flustered whenever Mammon buys everything you have once just talked about.
"Hello delivery for Mx. Y/n. This is from his Majesty Mammon. Please sign here..." A delivery guy came. "Oh thanks" As the delivery guy left, another came... "Delivery for Mx. [First name] [Last name]! Deluxe Delivery of Sushi and Milk tea from Devil Cuisine! His Majesty Mammon didn't know what you want so he got everything from the menu. We'll help you get these inside" "Oh God... Thank you that's a bit too mu-" while the other delivery guy puts the food inside, another delivery came "Good day, you're Y/n right? Delivery sent by his majesty. The latest clothing made from Devil's Diamond Co. has arrived" The delivery guy came with a truck ton of clothing hanged in gold clothes rack with acrylic casing. All you can do was gulp and be shy, all the delivery demons were coming in and out. You can see your neighbors whispering and gossiping about the deliveries. You have your head lowered and muttered a "thank you" As if it wasn't enough, Valefor and Elgios came delivering a message and a gift from Mammon. "Y/n!" Valefor waves. "Delivery from his Majesty! He said he forgot to give it to you this morning...Oh..." They saw the delivery guys going in and out unloading the deliveries to your place. "Busy day huh?" All you can do is be flustered and say "Yea... Thanks"
🪙He thinks you're so cute being shy all the time, he sometimes tease you to make you blush
"Y/n?" "Hm?" "You know you're really cute whenever you're shy, you look soft... Like a bottom... Like a peach...." "Excuse me?! Are you saying I'm a bottom...that I'm similar to an ass cheek?" you protested as you blushed heavily "You're really soft... Like this" he slapped your ass "Mammon!!!"
🪙Speaking of slapping the peach, similar to Satan, Mammon gropes your ass more frequent in private, as it is in public. He likes it more than slapping your ass cheeks, which he only does to tease you.
You were cooking Lunch in Mammon's palace, you thought you were alone as Mammon was away in a meeting. You were chopping some bacon until you felt a large hand in your rear and squeezed it gently, making you squeak. You turned around, pointing the knife (accidentally) to whomever touched you. "Mmmm sweetie, no need to get offensive, you know how I love your peaches" he smiles as if he hasn't done anything wrong. "Y-you!! I thought you were in a meeting with Bimet?" You scrambled as you put down the knife with a hand in your ass. "It was finished early, sorry if I scared you with my touch. I just missed touching your peachy babies." He laughs and smiles while you still blush as his grope still lingers on your ass.
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⚰️Doesn't like PDA. Nope. Don't even TRY to touch him. Because he doesn't like PDA and you're shy whenever there is PDA, you two somehow make a great team.
⚰️However if there's a time you really wanted some time together, he'd let you. You would mostly initiate rather than him.
One cold morning in Hades, you woke up at your room and went to Leviathan's office because you were bored (and lovesick). "Levi, are you busy?" you peeked from the door "Don't call me that. Yes, I'm busy. What do you want?" He glared as he still did some paperworks "Well it's been a while since we had a date...I was wondering if we could have a date...but if you're busy I'll go ask others sorry...." you said as you were flustered "How dare you say that?! I envy people who get to say and do what they want all the time...." He broke his pen and glared at you "Sorry... I'll just go it seems I bothered you..." "Leave and I'll hang." He glared at you "Does that mean you'll go on a date with me?" You were happy "I envy people who are too happy with little things. Change clothes and stop bothering me. Ill meet you in 10 mins." when you left a small smile and blush appeared on his face.
⚰️Doesn't really care if you improve (getting out of your comfort zone) or not. What's important is you do his orders, and maybe bask him with attention.
"You...Why did you talk to Beelzebub more than necessary?" Leviathan glares at you "W-what do you mean? I just did what you said, I gave him Pandora's Box!!! He asked some questions and I answered it...I left quickly as I could! He was asking intimate questions a-and I don't wanna answer something you don't consent me telling..." you kept stammering knowing so well he's jealous but you were also a bit flustered "I'm so jealous you were with him for a long time compared to me...let alone let him to ask you private questions! Hang!" He was glaring at you "NOOOO! I won't be able to choke you anymore if I die" he froze and stared at you "Were you trying to threaten me? How dare you Hang!!" he glared "Kngh!" You were hanged but immediately put down "Hmph. How dare you threaten me..." You saw a glimpse of his sad eyes and decide to hug him, despite it crossing your comfort zone. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to do it okay? And sorry for talking to Beel. You know you're the most beautiful and handsome King that I love" you hug his back "That's right. I am the most beautiful King." He didn't admit it but he was scared of losing you, especially if it was because of him. Good thing you didn't see, but the both of you were blushing.
⚰️He tried to fluster you, but it felt horribly wrong to him.
You were with Foras roaming the Palace garden, until Leviathan came and gave you a rare jewel shaped like a rose. "Levi, this is for me?" you blushed. "Haven't I told you already that Ignorance is a sin? And I told you don't call me that!" he was somehow blushing and Foras looked away almost laughing but soon pretended like nothing happened. "Y-you shouldn't be allowed to be happier than me" Leviathan tried to protest, but you didn't say anything but you were fidgeting. Both of you were a blushing mess that time.
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🕶️A bigger PDA than Satan (surprised? Not really). You think Satan is worse making out with you while with the gang? Get ready for Beelzebub. He will literally go full PDA on you whenever he sees you, which makes you flustered a whole lot.
Amon is guarding you when roaming the streets of Abyssos, looking for a place to eat dinner. Suddenly someone hugs you from behind, their arms enveloping your figure and their chin on top of your head, while you look at Amon, who looked bewildered with a longing look. "Y/n!!! I missed youuu~" their voice all too familiar, and when you face them, it was none other than Beelzebub. "I missed your scent....hmm? Smells like you missed me too!" Beelzebub shamelessly smells you in different places, your neck, armpits, and somewhere down there. "Beel! Don't smell me there! There are people!!" You blushed. True enough to what you said, the people were all looking at the both of you, shocked, while one said "IT'S MAJESTY BEELZEBUB, GET HIM!!!" "Woops, forgot the spell...come lets go!" Beel hugs you from behind and began dashing. When the both of you are in an alleyway, he put a spell on both of you so no one will notice you. "I missed this so much~" he began cuddling you and peppers you with kisses as he sniffs you. "B-beel not too much" you protested against his grasp "Mmm okay!" He stopped peppering you but his arm is still in your waist and his body is too close to you. You blush at the contact. "You're really cute y/n~ I wanna eat you already hmm but maybe after dinner or are you the dinner?~" he leads you to the nearby bar, while shamelessly saying stuff out loud, which made you blush further.
🕶️ He isn't like Satan or Mammon who observes to see if your uncomfortable, he SMELLS if you're uncomfy.
While having hot sexy time with beel, he smells that you're not feeling it. "Hmmm" he stops sucking your dick/eating your pussy out. "Uhm..." "I smell what you feel. It's okay if you don't want today~" he goes on top of you, and embraces you instead, your head below his chin, facing his sweaty chest. "Sorry..." You meekly said. "Mmm it's okay sweetie. Did you have a bad day? You smell more ... Different today than usual" Beel traces circles on your back while still embracing you. "Um just some stupid co-workers... Sorry I know you really want it... it's okay..." "Hmm no use if you won't enjoy it~ Do you want me to give a small gift to your co workers hmmm?~" Beel smiles while a black aura surrounds him. You cup his cheek despite your hesitance, "No... It's alright, thank you" you slightly smile, and he embraces you. "But I can try to make you feel bett-" "NO!" The night was full of fluffy cuddling and spooning with a mix of Beel trying to turn you on.
🕶️He supports you whenever you're hesitant in getting out your comfort zone. He might be horny and hungry all the time but, he knows when he needs to be serious.
"...should i...no maybe not ill make a mess..." Beelzebub sneaks up on you "Y/n~ what are you doing?" You jumped at his presence. "I...uh.." you scratch the back of your head. "I wanted to bake a cake with devil ingredients but I think I'll make a mess" Beel soften his smile and his hands were in your shoulder "The first step is always the hardest, babe. You can do it, I believe in you~ I can be your taste tester if you want~ no wait, I'll help you! We can put angel organs in it and-" "NO! This is for someone special! No angel remains!!!" You pushed him out of the kitchen "But thank you for your words..." You actually made a cake for his birthday the next day and you were really shy to tell him.
🕶️ He is so happy and proud of you whenever you make the first move or go out of your comfort zone.
"Y/n? Ready for our dateee~" He bursts in your room, a bit shocked. "Oho Y/n? You're not gonna go with your usual hoodie?" He eyes your clothing "No...I wanna try something new" you blush slightly and look down "You look good in that" he nods in approval "Really? You don't think it's not my style or ugly?" "Mmm it compliments your figure... I like it" you blushed on his comment.
🕶️He always ALWAYS teases you and talks dirty, whether in public or private.
As you both walk across a adult toy store, one mannequin on display with obscene undergarments with strap-ons. "Ooooh~ that's their latest model, wanna try it out? I bet it looks good on you while you take me hmmm? All fours in the bed while you whimper and mo-" Beel coos, as he eyes the outfit and your body, fitting it in his imagination. "Shhh not in public!!!" You cover his mouth as you blushed. He smirks under your hand covering his mouth.
🕶️Since you're in Abyssos, it's common to see people with skimpy or too fitted clothing. You never told beel that you were jealous of the body figure of most demons you see, but he can see (and smell).
Both you and Beel passed by a bar with demon men and women with hot, fitted, skimpy clothing. While they greet his Majesty and you, you somehow had a sad look in your eyes. It wasn't your destination so both of you walked by but Beel noticed your insecurity when he saw you looking down at your body and holding your baby fats. "Hmm~ You don't need to be insecure, babe. You have your own assets! See you have this!" He points your chest "And this!" He points your thighs "Also this!" He playfully slaps your ass "And especially this!" He kneels in front of you and pats your genitals and licks his lips. "BEELZEBUB!!! We're in public!!!" you pulled him to stand up while blushing so madly.
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🛡️Neutral on PDA. Doesn't like it if you feel uncomfortable because of him. He values your personal space. However, like Mammon, if he notices that you're a bit uncomfortable, he'd come closer to you.
You were travelling with Valefor and the Tartaros Demons. Somehow a shop caught your eye and stopped your tracks, making the group walk further than you. One female demon (a saleslady) came close to you, offering her products. "Ah no sorry, I just saw something in your display, thank you." You responded hurriedly. "But sir/ma'am, wait I haven't gotten to the good part yet~" her touch sent shivers down your spine. You backed off and politely decline, but the demon continues to touch and flirt with you. Somehow, Valefor noticed you were gone and found you and heard the conversation. "It seems you have good wares, but we have to go, my s/o is a bit tired. Thank you" Valefor skillfully butts in, smiling with golden aura, while holding your hand and back and escorting you away from them. You shyly thanked Valefor while blushing, and catched up with the group before they notice where the both of you gone.
🛡️He mostly initiate things, but ask for your consent first. He will mostly initiate dates in places you're comfortable with.
"Good morning sweetest prince/princess. Would you like to go to on a movie date with me today? I got tickets for Demons: the Last Journey." "How'd you know I wanted to have a movie date?" You shyly said "Hmm I may or may not have seen your phone open looking for tickets while you were asleep" he rubs the back of his neck, not wanting to actually say it.
🛡️Likes it when you're flustered whenever he does something/gets you something you'd like.
You arms and hand rubs your torso as the both of you were walking in the streets of Tartaros while on a date. Surprisingly, it was also the day that Valefor's clothes are more casual than what he usually wears (armor). "Hm..." He noticed you were shivering and he put his jacket into your shoulders. "I'm not too sure if you'd enjoy PDA but... I know that would at least make you warm, prince/princess." He smiles as you were flustered and thanked him.
🛡️He comforts you using physical touch when you feel sad, upset, or anything negative, especially if it's about frustration about your shyness.
He notices that you were feeling extra down when you were staring at the window from your bed.
"Mmm sweetest, everything alright? You can tell me if you want..." He held your hand
"It's alright... I'm fine" you looked at him, and formed a smile with all your might "....My dear prince/princess, I know I'm pushing your buttons here but... I know you aren't... It won't hurt to tell me, I'm always here...but if you don't really wanna tell me then it okay" he kissed the back of your hand "It's just....well it was just work... I wanted to volunteer for a project but... Shyness got ahead of me and...when I got a hold of myself the slots were already filled....I waited for that project to have a need for volunteers but... It's all because of this stupid shyness... I know I'm overreacting a bit... But I really hate it when shyness takes over me...and overthinking... I'm sorry this is so stupid..." you look at the sheets, ashamed to look at him. "Look at me, sweetest. It's alright. Your feelings are valid, you should ask them later if they can possibly squeeze you in or wait if someone backs out okay? I know shyness sometimes becomes a pain for you, there are times when the mind is your greatest enemy..." He hugs you and kisses your forehead. "Sometimes you need to just...do it you know... Don't think of what other people think or say... I know it's hard, especially the first step in doing it" he cuddles you, traces circles in your back "I know you can do it" he kisses the back of your hand once more as you slightly blush. He gave you a confidence plushie with a "you can do it" sign, it was a mini Valefor with a confident expression.
🛡️In rare times when he's feeling romantic, he'd bunny kiss you if no one is looking. Or ask if you want to listen to music with him when both of you are making plushies, he'd lend one of his earphones connected to his phone.
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🚬Neutral on PDA, similar to Mammon and Valefor. He respects your personal space and doesn't like it if you're uncomfortable because of him. Like when you're walking together, he's a bit close but not too much. He won't put his hand in your waist or shoulder unless you want it.
🚬Like a cat, he seems to get along with everybody. He maintains order in Nilfheim, so he is known by everybody. Sometimes whenever you two go out, you get greeted by a lot. Too much greetings, it sometimes makes you overwhelmed.
"Sup, Beleth and Y/n!" A group of demons wave at the both of you "Oh hello" "Hello Beleth oh and hello y/n!!" A duo of Demons come across you "H-hi" "Beleth my man!! Oh hello y/n! Beautiful day isn't it?" A buff demon greets the both of you "Heya" Beleth notices how you were getting tired smiling and greeting demons here and there. "Hahaha. Sorry babe, I didn't expect we'd get greeted by a lot today, you can just cling to me if you're too shy to say hi back, don't worry, they'll understand" He rubs your back. "It's fine, I just got overwhelmed by a lot of greetings here and there, I'm just not used to it, even until now..." You sheepishly said "Hahaha. You'll get used to it, babe. I know it" He kissed your forehead and made you slightly blush.
🚬He teases you and laughs whenever he make you blush. He always likes it whenever you're too shy, he sometimes make you sit on his lap because you're too cute, he like cute things after all.
"Mmmm...new fit for the date?" Beleth eyes you and comments with a proud smirk "Yeah, I tried some new style, I guess you'd be pretty bored of my previous outfits so I tried a new style! I hope it's not too bad..." You explain sheepishly. "You look...soft and cute. Hohohoho just what I like! C'mere, kitten" he grabs your waist and sits you on his lap "Hmm but don't worry okay? Dress for yourself. I won't get tired of your style...because what's important is what's inside...and I'm the only one who gets to see what's underneath..." He whispers huskily on your ear. Which in turn, made you blush so hard you were covering your face. "Hahahaha. Now atta boy/girl" he pats your head.
🚬Similar to Satan or Mammon, he'd sometimes slap or grope your ass. But he'd do it when no one is looking (mostly on public just to tease you, he likes seeing your flustered expression).
You and Beleth discovered some ruins, and began exploring with Bathin and Gusion. Bathin and Gusion were in another room while you and Beleth were in another. Somehow you were looking over some ruin scripture in the walls. Beleth was roaming around, until he saw you looking at some ruin writings, rear exposed. He went over, a bit nonchalant like nothing was up and slapped your ass, enough to make it jiggle. You jumped and yelped, surprised by the sudden peach slap. You were flustered but your reflex was faster and punched Beleth's arm. "Hahahaha It's was worth it!" He said rubbing his arm. "Beleth! What if they see!" you were flustered with your arms crossed, trying to look mad. "Hohoho relax, kitten. I promise no one will see our lil shenanigans." He pats your head as you were still flustered.
🚬He enjoys it if he sees you're with Harumon. Gusion or Bathin sometimes see him with a lovesick expression on his face which irks them.
Beleth sees you scratching Harumon's belly, Harumon purring and you were smiling. He somehow had a longing look, with a lovesick expression on his face. "*Coughs* A bit weird seeing you like this, I'll pretend I didn't see anything" Gusion adjust his glasses. Somehow you notice someone staring at you, which was Beleth. You somehow blushed a bit, but still played with Harumon like nothing happened. Beleth noticed this and smirked.
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dollwrites · 8 months ago
Good morning to you too!!! Omg yes I couldn’t decide but I would love to see #1 with Mammon. It’d be so weird to not request him as I named -mammon anon 🤣
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 ∣ smut ( minors dni ), fem!reader, rough backshots, spit as lube, anal play ( a finger ), spanking, suggested breeding kink, suggested anal sex, light praise, all characters featured are aged 18+
𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∣ please reblog && leave feedback. not proofread so there’s probably mistakes. thanks for reading < 3
𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗯𝗹𝘂𝗿𝗯𝘀 ∣ prompt # one // mirror sex
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you were watching him through the mirror, not yourself. you couldn’t help it, when the devil king mounted you from behind. you had to see him— to watch how his massive pectorals rose and fell with heavy snorting through his nose, how his dark brows furrowed from behind slick tendrils that hangs in his face.
though, it definitely wasn’t easy to keep your concentration on the man fucking you. the mirror quakes, along with most everything else within the room, causing the visage of your lover to blur when his herculean hips buck home, and it takes all of your power to stay firmly planted on the bed, lest you be thrown into the floor ( it wouldn’t have been the first time, but Mammon was also not above following you down there, and sticking his foot in the back of your head to hold you in place while he finished ).
“Harder,” you pant, the sound barely audible over his bestial snarling, “harder!” with anyone else, it would’ve been a demand barked to startle them into submission— but with King Mammon, it was a plea. a whimper. a desperate yip for him to truly wreck you.
his honeyed gaze was focused downward instead of into the glass to meet your own. you knew that he couldn’t help it; entranced by the ripples your ass makes when he slaps it. he does so again for good measure, and your back arches tight, pushing his favorite section of your body back into him. hunkering closer to the bed, your breasts rubbing against the mattress, you wince from the sting. “Your Majesty…”
“Begging for me to beat your pussy up again?” there’s a thick layer of arrogance in his voice as he uses both hands to grope your ass cheeks, massaging the sting away, and spreading them. his parted lips quirk into a smirk when you clench hard, and your tight ring puckers for him, just like you know he likes. “Hmph. Spoiled little breeding bitch.” but he doesn’t complain. instead, he obliges— using the grip on your ass to anchor you, his rutting turning brutal enough for you to claw at the black satin sheets under your sweaty body. your eyes, as much as you try to keep them on the heaving, rocking figure, flutter closed under the rush of pleasure.
“Yes, yes, yes!!” you yelp in tandem with every thrust; your insides churning as he spears into them. your elastic walls thrummed in a frenzy, milking his thick cock.
“Hell, you’re tight…” Mammon grunts in appreciation, and you can feel a dribble of fluid sliding between your spread cheeks. you knew it must be spit— without looking, you can imagine the familiar sight. Mammon’s long, thick tongue hanging out, saliva dripping from it in translucent globs down on to the hole he’s dying to get inside of. “Look at me, breeder.” you open your eyes, feeling the rough pad of his calloused thumb sweeping over your asshole, smearing the spit around it, and you realize he’s also raised his gaze from your perfect ass, and his golden eyes are glaring at you from the reflection. locked in such a disjointed stare, your lips part to speak, but he beats you to it. “Is this pussy mine?” he asks, and you almost wonder if he’s joking. balls deep in your hole, stretching it out, his pounding making you see double, and he’s asking if it’s his?
“Mhm!” you answer, one hand pushing itself down the length of your belly. your svelte fingertips find your swollen clit and rub it furiously. “‘S yours!”
“And this tight ass?” he asks again. this time, his thumb pushes on your pucker, worming its way inside the spasming canal. luckily, it was slick and gave way for the large digit. you mewl in response to another hole being violated, smiling breathlessly as he uses it as a hook. the rest of his powerful hand spread against your lower back. “Do I own it?”
“Yes, yes, Your Majesty! You own my ass!” as you cry this out, you attempt to look over your left shoulder to look into his eyes and show him how earnest you are, but he doesn’t allow that.
Mammon grins, his fangs dragging across his lower lip as he does so, and his free hand palms the back of your head, and forces it straight again, a growl rumbling deep in his throat. “That’s a good girl. Are you ready to watch me fuck it?”
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r0-boat · 10 months ago
In your inbox for the first time~ Mammon liking small things including humans is fueling my size difference kink with him, and though I am a Beel stan, Mammon caught my eye first so- Realistically I'd be in Tartaros relaxing and enjoying booty rubs from him. Also would require Valefor to be a stand-in while Mammon is busy. lol I've seen some folks talk about his and Lucifer's dick size and I'm like nah we're going to have to work around that if it doesn't fit. Fingers, toys, and mouths exist. I do love me an eater after all. -end of my brain rot
Aaa I could just tell you about my thoughts but that won't be as fun as writing a short drabble about it
So here you go
I'll make it fit
Mammon x reader drabble
Cw: size kink, belly bulge
Even with Your hole dripping with golden lube and your own cum, You were still worried at his size. His thick cock rubs against your entrance running against your ass, getting his fill, His big hand squeezing your cute little ass cheeks before he starts to tease his tit against your tight little hole.
"Ahh! Mammon! It's not going to fit! You're too big."You whimper, already feeling the tip of his cock begin to push you open.
Mammon smirks, already feeling the tight squeeze. He groans, "I'll make it fit; I always do. Besides, I love how tight Master squeezes around me."He smacks your ass. Hands grab at your hips as he begins to work his way in more. Halfway in, and you're already so full. But that's not enough for Mammon. He wants all of him inside you. He wants to fill you to the brim; He wants to feel the tip of his cock against the deepest parts of you. Even with your delicious tight squeeze, He rolls his hips, humping against you, reaching deeper and deeper with each shallow thrust.
"is so good for me, master. Taking me so well." Mammon purrs. You gasp, your back arching when you finally feel Mammon bury himself fully inside you, his heavy balls smack against you.
"See? I always fit." his tongue rolls over the shell as his hand reaches downward to feel the bulge of his dick poking out from your belly.
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leviathanxprincess · 4 months ago
Hii idk if ur requests are open (if not ignore!!) but maybe first date ideas? (Specifically with Mammon and Beelzebub if that’s ok!!) thank youuu :) <3
Don't worry they're open !!!! And I got you! <3 this is a cute little request I like it <3 Notes: Gender neutral reader!, typical hints at things getting spicier after the date
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Your First Date with Mammon and Beelzebub !
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King of dates !
He can take you anywhere and everywhere that you desire, and he will!
For a first date though he's keeping it simple. Well, simple for Mammon.
And simple for Mammon means the fanciest restaurant in Hell that one can come by.
Think the most delicious meal you could possibly have and he WILL get it for you.
It's a first date, sure, but he's gonna spoil you a little bit already.
Beautiful bouquet, maybe some piece of jewelry or accessory that he knows you're likely to wear. He more than knows your style by this point.
Will take you on a walk through his favorite places in Tartaros afterwards, desires to show you the place where you're obviously gonna be spending the most time in now that you're together.
You will be getting the full "I am dating the King of Tartaros" treatment even though it's the first date.
He just really likes to see you happy. And the cost quite literally means nothing to him because he has everything. So if he can bring a smile to your face he'll glad dish out whatever amount he feels he needs to.
And well, if he gets a little something extra out of it too after your date, then he's not exactly complaining. <3
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See Bel could either take you on a really sweet first date or an absolute insane one.
Likelihood is it's gonna be a mixture of both!!
He wants you to have fun, and even with a date he's not exactly the best at sitting still so you're likely to do more than one activity.
First off! Probably one of his favorite clubs! Of course if it's a bit too much for you you guys can skip it, you can go dancing just about anywhere after all! But he does want to dance with you!
And he if gets a little touchy in the club (or wherever you decide to go) then it's so fine. He can't help but love having his hands on you at all times.
Next stop, one of his favorite places to get a meal! And by meal I mean a feast. It's a feast. He'll tell you fun little stories about his adventures as you two eat, and even share ideas of places he's gone that he wants to take you! Which is plenty.
Honestly if you didn't have such an important job currently as Solomon's Descendant he would be dragging you around everywhere. Which is exactly what he plans to do any date opportunity you guys get from now on.
Probably leaves the tab for Bael to deal with (rip him). And immediately whisks you off to whatever sort of theme park they have in Hell.
Takes you on any ride he can possibly get you on. If you say no to anything adrenaline inducing it's fine, but if you decide to go he gets excited hoping that you'll hold onto him tightly.
If you don't he's slightly pouty, but he's still happy you're having fun!!!
Will win a couple of prizes for you, naturally. He's gotta show off a little bit!
Will round off the date by taking you back to Gehenna, will give you a kiss and leave if you desire, however, if you wanna have a little bit more fun, he can stick around for a bit long as well.
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sparkbeast20 · 1 year ago
Private Treasure
Valefor was getting worried for his king.
For the past year, Mammon has been traveling all across hell. Collecting all sort of treasures. And returning to his private treasure room.
It was been a year since you went missing.
All of hell went to a frenzy. Leviathan stayed in his palace as he sent his best men to look for you.
Satan went on a long search party with his nobles. Same goes to Beelzebub and his nobles.
You might think, aren't the kings worried about the angel attacks?
For some reason, there were barely any attacks from the three Seraphim. And only the lower class of angels were attacking each region, which even some of the most common citizens can handle them.
Valefor would be happy about this change, but at what cause. The war was close to being over, and yet. You were gone.
As he was in deep thought, the sound of the large door of the palace open, alerting Valefor. He stood up and head to the palace door. when he got there.
He stopped when he saw his Majesty Mammon enter the palace with a small treasure in his hand.
He didn't notice Valefor, and kept on walking to his private treasure room.
Valefor, quietly followed behind him.
Once Mammon reach the door to the Treasure Room. Valefor quietly hid to the corner and peeked. He notice that the Ai pad was broke, and from was he saw it seem to be smashed... And he knew who did it.
Mammon calmly pushed the large doors open and went inside the room.
Valefor followed behind, making sure there is distant between him and Mammon.
Valefor entered the room and saw all of the treasure that his Majesty has been collecting for the past year. And all seem to remind him of you.
"Was his Majesty collecting this to remind himself of you... MC?"
He thought, but was pulled out of it when he hear Mammon's voice from a far.
He start walking again, going deeper into the room, and saw in the farthest side of the room was a shrine, lit with two large torches on either side.
As he got closer, he saw Mammon kneeling and bowing.
Valefor stopped dead on his track when he saw what was his Majesty was bowing to...
It was you, laying a bed as if it was your death bed-
"I was in Paradise Lost today..." Valefor got startled by Mammon's voice. "And... I saw this and it reminded me of you... I hope you like it, MC" He brought out the treasure and place it next to your bed.
Valefor could believe what he's seeing.
You were missing for a year, and yet. His Majesty had you all this time.
"I wish that you could wake up, and greet me with that adorable smile of yours again, my master..." Mammon stare lovely at your sleeping face with a small smile.
But it slowly drops and he hung his head, in shame...
He stayed silence for who knows how long.
Then he spoke again.
"If I knew that this was the price for choosing me as the "Final Temptation"..." He pause for a moment.
"I would have never asked you to pick me..." A single tear slip from the corner of his eye as he continue. "I know now that... the treasure I needed was you... So please" He stood and walked up to your bed and pulled you into his arms, embracing you tight. "Wake up... Please."
Note: I wanted to make a fic about MC picking one of the devils as the Final temptation but there was a price.
And this was a loving attack at a friend ^3^
Cause their fav is Mammon.
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pinkgy · 5 months ago
hii! if you’re taking requests may i request the kings reaction (+ bael & bimet if its okay) reaction to mc in her sleep pulling them into her grasp and face planting them in her boobs (i think it would be funny like they were just checking on mc and get pulled in😭)
Hi ! Thank you so much for requesting !!
Ahh I love this scenario! And the character choice is 🤌🤌🤌
I had no idea if this request was meant to be smut, fluff, angst, or crack, so I mixed all of them, I hope it's okay, and soooo sorry for the delay :(
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CW: Reader has boobs but I tried my best to not specify the size, Belphegor's is a bit shorter because let's be real he would fall asleep the moment he touches a bed, Bael's is also shorter because my draft of him got deleted 4 times, somnophilia and by defect Dubcon in Beelzebub's, Satan's got emotional somehow, the only one who actually got a bit smutty was Beel's, the rest (some of them) are just suggestive, kinda OOC Leviathan (?) it's hard to write fluff for someone as dense as him.
Satan loved sleeping with you. Both hands weren't enough to count the reasons why. The main one had to be that when he was lying in your arms (or you were lying on his, depending on his mood), he felt like nothing could go wrong. He felt all his worries disappear, and just that small moment between him and you was simply perfect.
One day, while walking out of a meeting, he felt as if he hadn't seen you for a while, so he made his way to your room. Once there, he found you peacefully sleeping—how cute!
BUT, what if you weren't sleeping? What if you passed out? Maybe an angel attacked you and set up your body so it would seem like you were just asleep, or what if Gabriel kidnapped you and set up a lookalike of you or a doll that looks like you to confuse those who walked into your room.
Overthinking took over Satan so he rushed to your bed to check on you, and once he got in your bed and got close to you he suddenly felt your arms wrapping around his neck and pushing his face.
He just remained there, dumbfounded, still processing what just happened, sure he knew you were quite naughty, but so naughty to a point where your sleeping self yearned for him? That was a surprise, a very satisfactory surprise.
Satan lay down with you and hugged you tightly without caring much if he woke you up or not if you had put him in such a suggestive situation it was because you wanted “Something more” But once he felt both your bodies cuddling, your soft hands tangled in his hair, your arms hugging his face endearingly and the comfortable warmth surrounding his face coming from your soft chest, Satan wanted to stay here forever, fuck the angels and fuck the war, this was all he needed in his life.
He felt Gabriel’s brand on your chest pressing against his forehead, it was mocking him, reminding him that he could take you away from him at any moment if that were to happen, Satan had no idea how could he move on, that’s why he treasured moments like this so much, he’s confident about his power and his abilities at protecting you, but one part of him was genuinely scared about the future.
He just wishes time froze and this moment could last forever.
Satan arranged a super urgent meeting between the two kings that he described as a “Life or death type of urgency”, but that was the secondary reason he went to Gehenna that day, the main one was to visit you, and since the king of that land refused to let anyone kidnap you, Mammon had to settle for sporadic visits until he had a defined plan to steal you away from Satan.
Once his meeting was over, he went straight to your room, at first he knocked, but once he received no response he just entered, once inside he saw your little body wrapped in the sheets, he began to walk slowly trying to make as little noise as possible so as not to wake you up, and as soon as he was close to you he brought his face closer to yours to observe you more closely, Mammon thought you couldn't look any cuter until he saw you right now.
He may have let his guard down a little too much, because suddenly one of your hands grabbed his horn and the other grabbed his head, and somehow, you planted his head between your breasts.
He stands proud as an ass guy, but who is he to complain, and if it’s your will to keep him in your arms while you sleep, or more specifically, in your chest, then he must obey his master, so as carefully as possible, he places his heavy body beside yours and places his hands directly on his target, your ass.
He would’ve loved to have let his hands explore your body more, in fact, if he wanted to, he would have done it, but Mammon does not dare to break into his master’s dream, your life in hell is stressful enough, that you deserve to rest, and he’s honored that you’re allowing him to be with you at this time, and as long as he’s here with you, no angel would success in trying to attack you.
Mammon hopes that neither of you wakes up to Satan shouting and attempting to murder him when he sees the scene of both of you sleeping together, however, any punch or kick that he may receive will be worth it as long as he continues to enjoy this moment between the two of you.
He's not a huge fan of sleeping with you, or anyone, but as long as you weren't sharing a bed with somebody else, it was fine for him.
It was a peaceful noon at Hades, way too peaceful, unusually peaceful if he had to admit, something must be wrong, where are you by the way? Where were his nobles?
Casually, Leviathan happened to pass in front of your room, that moment, he stood there and he felt uneasy, it was too much of a coincidence that neither you nor his nobles were around, he opened your door with a bang and entered your room, he started looking desperately, he searched in every corner, opened every cabinet and even checked if Foras turned invisible and hid somewhere.
Then he noticed your sleeping self that by miracle didn’t wake up by the bang of your door and the amount of noise he made while rummaging around your room, that’s when he remembered, he hadn’t checked your bed to see if there was anyone’s unpleasant presence.
That's when it happened, when Leviathan got close to you to lift the bedsheets off your body, in an instant and taking him off guard, you grabbed his head with your arms and planted his face in your chest.
In the beginning Leviathan got mad, how you dare treat him with such rudeness, what’s wrong with you? But then he smelled you, no disgusting smell of any other nasty devil was on you aside from his, he sighed in relief, well, now that his job is done he must go, he had lots of things to do anyways and cuddle time with you wasn’t one of them.
Without caring much if you woke up or not he tried to pull away from you, tried, for a human you had a pretty strong grip he thought, and it didn’t help that your sleeping self gently kissed the top of his head as you snuggled up in his hair, that little act caused things in him, maybe Leviathan was completely unaccustomed to receiving this kind of gestures, so he felt quite weird, and if he was honest, maybe even a little bit good.
Hesitantly, Leviathan got comfortable in your bed and awkwardly held your body between his arms, if he stayed with you right now none of his nobles would dare to enter your room, yeah, that was the reason why he was in your room right now, with both your bodies curled in the bed, his face buried in the pillowy surface of your chest and your hearts beating in unison.
How long has it been since he’s been so at ease in his life? Probably never, and for the first time in god knows how many years, he fell asleep out of the comfort of his coffin, but in a newfound comfort, you.
Beelzebub has been away for some weeks now, and the first thing he wanted to do was to spend time with you, in fact, he only returned because of that, but to his surprise, when he broke into your room in Gehenna from the window, you were passed out in your bed, how cute.
He not so carefully sat at the side of the bed you were facing and stared at you for minutes, you really looked cute when you were asleep, he swears he just wanted to get a little sniff of your natural scent, but with a tight grip around his neck that for a second caught him off-guard you pulled him to the bed with you, or more specifically, to his favorite place on hell right after between your legs, your chest.
Could he easily get away from your embrace? Yes. Was he going to try? Nah.
Beelzebub would die a happy man suffocated in your chest, and also, this was a great way to get away from Bael, he wasn’t going to enter your room without your permission, right? And also, a little nap with you doesn’t sound bad, who knows what can happen once you wake up, or when you're still in your sleep.
And that's how he ended up getting comfortable beside you, with his head still face planted between your boobs, his legs tangled with yours and a firm thigh pressing against your crotch.
Bold of you to assume Beelzebub isn’t going to try to get his hands on you, in those weeks without you he couldn’t get you out of his head, so as soon as he gets settled in your bed, he takes a deep sniff of your delicious skin and slips his hands under your shorts and places them on your butt gripping it roughly and almost waking you up, almost.
Because once he saw that you were still asleep, he left his hands to wander under your shorts, and before you could do something about it you woke up to Beelzebub with two fingers buried deep inside you and your whole chest covered in hickeys and bite marks, and most importantly, Beel’s mouth vigorously sucking on your sore nipples.
A long night awaits you because he’s not getting out of your bed until he gets a taste of you, or until Satan realizes that he broke in.
He would rather die than admit it, but Lucifer had a habit of watching you sleep. He would wait for you to fall asleep every night to sneak into your room just to observe you, sometimes he would bring a chair closer to your bed to be more comfortable, and other times he would cover you more with the sheets when he noticed you’re cold, or he would carefully remove some strands of hair from your face, and in some occasions when you’re in a particularly deep sleep, he would sit on the side of your bed to feel you closer to him, situation in which he was in right now.
You were like a beautiful artwork to him, he could gaze at your human self for hours in pure admiration, it didn’t matter if you were in Paradise Lost or in another kingdom of hell, when he had time, he would indulge in this embarrassing habit of him.
You were in such a deep sleep that he felt that if tried to give you a small kiss you wouldn’t wake up at all, but the moment his face approached yours, an unexpected strength that for a second he doubted was yours grabbed his head tightly and smashed it against your warm chest.
Never in his millions of years of age had he been so caught off guard as he is now.
What was he even supposed to do now? Were you asleep? Did you discover him? Lucifer was blank, after a few seconds he realized that your impulsive action was possibly due to an instinct, surely even in your dreams you can recognize him and that’s why you brought him closer to you, which in short means that you want him close to you.
Once his thoughts were organized, careful not to hurt you with his pointed horn, Lucifer lay down on your bed as close to you as possible, in this position he could feel your heart beating more closely, and the fluffy surface of your chest cushioned his face in a comfortable position.
He had to restrain himself from biting your chest or trying to put his hands on your private areas, eventually when he managed to fall asleep he put those thoughts aside, he preferred to be with you in a more personal moment right now, when you both woke up he would have plenty of time to enjoy you in every possible way.
Extra: Gamigin found you two when he was looking for Lucifer, he took a photo for future blackmail material.
Well, since he's already here, he might as well just sleep with you, what a hassle would it be to go back to his room.
He loves it when things go in his favor, he came to do his great deed of the day by checking on you since it had been a while since he saw you for the last time, and whoops, he's now sleeping with you, what a casualty.
To his surprise, your sleeping self took the initiative and pulled him to the bed first, to the bed, and to somewhere else too, most specifically the best pillow he could ever wish for, your chest.
Belphegor said to himself that he must have been an amazing devil in his past life, because of how wonderful what was happening to him today.
He hates wasting time, so as soon as you planted his face in your boobs, he snuggled there and got comfortable in your bed hugging your body tightly against his.
He would have loved to savor this moment, but his sleepiness won the battle against his horniness, and he passed out, good luck trying to get out of his embrace.
He swears he was just trying to cover your sleeping self with a blanket, you pulling him to the bed with you was most definitely not on his plans, not that he complained.
He tried to softly push himself away from you, not because he didn’t like the current scenario of you tightly hugging him, but because Bael thought that even tho you were the one that put him in this situation, you were asleep and weren’t conscious of your actions.
It was a fool's intent, because the moment Bael tried to take your arms and softly put them away from him, you hugged him from the back of his head and squished his face between your beasts.
He was fucked
He was so fucked
Bael had two options, push himself away from you and wake you up, or stay with you in your embrace, in the soft pillowy surface of your chest, surrounded by the aroma of your delicious smell, with your soft arms wrapped around him.
He concluded that he deserved a little rest, and what better chance than this one, cuddled up with you, snuggled up in your chest, what a great life he has, he just wishes that Beelzebub doesn't find him anytime soon.
It was an easy task, you had a headache so Mammon insisted that you should take a nap, he was just supposed to check on you by orders of his king, the current situation he was in was far from the original plan, and turned his quick task into the worst internal debate he’s ever had.
Bimet couldn't even remember how he ended up with his face buried in your chest, for a second he even doubted if you were human because of how fast everything happened.
Should he separate himself from you? You are his king’s property so he would probably feel jealous about this, wait, didn’t Mammon also own him? Then there shouldn’t be a problem, right?
You felt extremely warm, but it was a comforting warmth and not a fever type of warmth, maybe this wasn’t so bad, and either way, you were the one who faceplanted his face between your boobs, so in case anyone complained he had an excuse, Bimet could say that you suddenly developed super strength one day and he couldn't escape from your grip, yeah, that was an amazing excuse, what a genius he is.
Now that his mental debate is over, he could enjoy this little (And convenient) moment with you, so he got comfortable and held your body in his arms.
Just thinking about how the amount of money other devis and even the kings would pay just to be in his place got Bimet all excited, but to their disappointment, he had you now, or you had him.
Bimet underestimated how comfortable he was because in a matter of minutes, he had fallen completely asleep in your arms.
Extra: Mammon did notice Bimet’s absence, and when he went to your room to check if he was here he saw both of you sleeping in each other's arms, Mammon just smiled and took a photo of you.
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da-shrimping-station · 10 months ago
Mammon x gn!Reader
393 words
[ smut, bottom reader, size difference, not proofread ]
A/N: y'all i dont write smut, im not confident in my writing skills but something possessed me while i was stuck in traffic omw to work soooo 🥲 honestly idk so im just yeeting this out there
[ minors go back to the kiddie pool ]
Mammon's got you pinned to the bed with one hand, naked and ass up for him to appreciate. He isn't even putting any pressure on your back, just resting his hand lightly between your shoulder blades. But his hands are huge and it covers most of your upper back.
You want to move, you really do but the constant and gentle pressure from his hand stand out even as he pushes inside.
His other hand holds your hips as he fucks you slow and shallow. He isn't even putting half of his length in but you're already breathless with each thrust.
What a tease, you thought! You've had all of him inside before and he's definitely gone rougher on you a few times. You can take him! You want every single inch inside of you to fuck you silly but no! His hand was keeping you in place, making sure you only get what he's currently giving.
You whine and squirm, aching to push your hips back as he thrusts forward.
"What's wrong, master? Is this not to your liking?"
Mammon's hand moved from your hips to your ass, giving it a firm squeeze. You moaned and squirmed even more. He spreads your asscheeks and admires the view.
"More? But you already look quite full."
You can hear the smirk in his voice. You can easily shake his hand off. He'll definitely let you, despite his teasing and him towering over you. You are his master after all and his touch was nothing more than a gentle weight.
For some reason, you stayed as you are, only turning your head to look him in the eye.
"Fuck me," you huffed, hands gripping the luxurious sheets you laid on. "Properly!"
Mammon grinned, eyes shining as he tastes your greed on his tongue. He pressed you down into the mattress and leans over you, completely covering your body underneath him. He groaned at how your walls squeezed around him so insistently. Your whimpering was music to his ears and the smell of sex was thick and heavy in the air. His master knew just how to rile him up.
The mattress dipped as a big hand settled near your head. You choked on a scream when Mammon bucks his hips into you, pushing his entire length inside.
"Your wish is my command."
────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────
i would like to perish now 🦐
in all honesty tho i feel embarrassed about this 😭 make me draw naked people sure but writing??? smut of all things too
uuuhhhh i hope you liked it ig 😭
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luxthestrange · 1 year ago
WHB Incorrect quotes#25 But heart is full-
Paimon:Friiiiiendss!~Assss?~Or Tiiits?~
Mammon*Not so subtle...looking at your ass* Ass
Satan *Squeezing your tits* Tits!
Ace!Mc*Looks proudly at own statement* FRIENDS!
Demons*Looking at your happy face at your own statement*...
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In Earth currently
Minhyeok*Sneezing in his room as he is folding your laundry*???
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mc-cos-charm · 1 year ago
Mc , skipping through voiceline of other characters : 😐
Satan , Beelzebub, mammon and leviathan, on the side with a frown:
Mc , stopped skipping voicelines just to hear zagan : so adorable ~~~
Zagan : ........ *Blushes*
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o-pandora-o · 1 year ago
Hello, Pandora! I saw that your askbox is open for WHB (hopefully still is, and if not, please ignore this 🙇)
I just thought of this one: what if MC is kidnapped during a battle? I know the angels would kill them on the spot, but for the sake of the plot... 😂 How would the 4 kings react/feel and go about saving MC?
I don't know what would be better - headcanons, drabble, whatever strikes your fancy and inspiration if you feel like doing this ☺️
Thank you and have a great day/night!
Kings React to MC being Kidnapped
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Warnings: Profanity/curse words, used gender-neutral pronouns. I didn't write Lucifer because I don't want him to be OOC. I used MC instead of 2nd person POV since I know some people don't wanna see MC and reader/you/your name(y/n) in a similar manner.
a/n: Thank you for this request anon! Sorry if it kinda took some time 😔. Nonetheless, hope you enjoy this! I hope I answered your request correctly 🥺 if not, please do say so. Thank you so much again! For those asking, requests/asks are open!
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🩸Everything happened too fast, he was busy battling Cherubs, he didn't notice the Angel slipped by him and got MC. All he heard was Sitri and Ppyong screaming "SOLOMON!!!" "MCCCC".
🩸Next thing Sitri and Ppyong heard was crunching sounds from His Majesty Satan.
🩸Satan emitted a red smoke, the next thing happened all the Cherubs and Angels were lifeless on the cold floor.
🩸Satan was so mad, but he was very focused. He followed the angel so fast he managed to catch up. The angel and MC were almost at the border of Gehenna until Satan stopped them.
"What do you have there huh? Stealing what's mine?" Satan said with a bloody grin on his face.
🩸The angel held the MC hostage. "Get back or they die" oh boy was it a bad thing to do.
🩸MC was so pissed and tried to headbutt the angel, but it was to no avail. But MC's wrath is filling up Satan though.
" 'Get back or they die' ? What if you go first, huh? " Satan was speedy enough and punched the angel so hard that they fainted. Satan went near MC to check possible injuries.
"That's fucking right. You get what you deserve for taking hostage what's mine." The angel woke up and tried to self destruct but Satan threw the angel far enough.
🩸Satan looked at MC and kissed them. "What was that for?" MC asked. "My reward for saving you" Satan replied with a grin.
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🪙MC was roaming around Tartaros when angels invaded the country. There were around 3-4 groups of 77 angels with some cherubs and Michael blasting building per building.
🪙MC was with Bimet but the angels were too many. Bimet told MC to run but an angel caught you and flew away.
"You think you can run away? You filthy human!" the angel said as it clutched to MC's arms and torso.
🪙As the angel talked, they didn't notice the giant gold hand in front of them. The giant hand manage to catch both angel and MC.
"This is what happen when I don't keep my treasure for myself. Someone steals them away..." MC heard this voice and immediately recognized that it was Mammon's.
🪙The angel tried his best to cut down the golden hand but it was useless. The golden hand opened, the angel and MC immediately saw Mammon.
🪙The angel saw Mammon and tried to self-destruct. Mammon was quick enough to get MC, and turned around while kind of hugging them protectively. "I should have kept a close eye on my treasure or else they'll steal you again" Mammon said as he was still hugging MC.
🪙MC could feel Mammon's strong hands on their rear though. All's well that ends well ig?
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🕶️It all started when Beel kidnapped MC leaving an angry Satan screaming "BELLLLLL BRING THEM BACKKKK"
🕶️When Beel and MC are midway to Avisos, some angels came up and so Beel had no choice but to put them down to kill angels at the speed of light.
🕶️There were too many, and apparently one speedy angel got MC, earning a scream from them.
🕶️You think the angels were fast? Think again.
🕶️Beel was actually running so fast he was actually looking at the angel with closed eyes and a grin!
"I see you have my food there! Thank you very much for holding them!" Beel said, still eyes closed and grinning like a madman
"Oh! And thank you for being my dinner for today!" Beel said, as he beheaded the angel and caught MC on his arms.
🕶️MC didn't notice Beel actually looted the angel.
🕶️Well, if MC and Beel went to dinner with food he cooked himself after that battle... *Coughs* MC please find a new dish to eat.
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⚰️Angels have invaded Hades yet again, this time with several groups with Seraphs involved.
⚰️MC was eating in the palace with Leviathan. Foras reported angels invasion and it seemed that the angel groups targeted the Palace. Foras and the others will be engaging in battle.
⚰️Few moments had passed and several explosions in the palace had happened. The last straw was the main hall had a hole and one of the speedy cherubs almost grabbed MC but stopped by Leviathan.
⚰️Leviathan now engages in battle, angels of many ranks keep swarming the main hall, targeting MC.
"How did these fools get inside?" Leviathan glares, as he battles the angels.
"Apologies, your Majesty. Some of the angels were long ranged explosive shooters..." Foras said as he hurried inside and battled off some angels.
⚰️Leviathan pushed MC into the coffin but Seraph's power kept MC from teleporting to a safe place. Making Leviathan glare even more.
"Can't teleport little Mx. Prey now can't you?" One of the seraph exclaimed. "Thank you for making this easy for us!" A cherub added.
⚰️Leviathan was really mad, however, he didn't notice another seraph approached and grabbed MC. The Seraph's ability is pure invisibility. When he saw it, he was too late.
"Oopsies! Looks like I got the Prey Gabriel marked! Thanks for the me-" the seraph exclaimed but it was cut when Leviathan uttered a "Haaaah? Who said that you could talk to me like that!".
⚰️The seraph's neck was strangled by tentacles, and each of the tentacles were killing angels one by one. Levi got MC back after the bloodbath.
"All of you! Useless! Hang for an hour!" Leviathan uttered to all of his attendants.
⚰️Levi also hanged himself despite MC saying they're alright. But they also think Levi likes to be hanged anyways.
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r0-boat · 11 months ago
Mammon wedding headcannons
Inspired by the poll that we had yesterday.
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After you told some of the devils what a human wedding is like, He wanted to hold a mock wedding just to see what a human wedding was like. Of course, he would be the groom, and you would be the bride. He doesn't care if you want to wear a dress or not. You're in a wedding dress. He wants to see you in white.
Mammon adores The idea of human weddings. The idea of being tied down to you forever being yours as well as you being his for all eternity.
Of course this human style wedding would be void of all the angel and church memorabilia, but keeping just enough to have it traditional. And if it is his wedding it's going to be a grand celebration. Giving you a taste of what it would be like if you did marry him. And of course every devil in all the seven kingdoms will be invited with glittering golden fused cards commemorating your wedding. The seven hells are in an uproar because Mammon failed to mention that it is a fake wedding. A mess you had to clean up of course.
The venue took place in a very popular party spot Tartaros for the rich and the wealthy with fountains of golden water and buffet tables with the fanciest and finest of fine dining Hell has to offer. Being crushed under the weight of expectation You feel like you don't belong and something as wealthy and as extravagant as this. You can't even imagine how much this costs, in fact just thinking about it makes your brain short circuit and your eyes water with tears at your empty wallet.
Mammon, Oh Mammon, showing off his wealth in a tux that made your mouth water. Your eyes were on him. How could it not be? Black, white, and gold, his hair slicked back, he looked handsome. Only for your attention to be stolen by a specific demon duct taped to a chair, foaming at the mouth and barking like a rabbit chihuahua.
Decked in Mammon's glittering gold and jewels with white lace, You can't help but feel the piercing gaze of Bimet who had been staring at both you and Mams this entire time with a... weird expression on his face. who also chose to be the ring bearer.
His golden eyes staring into you as Lucifer (He doesn't care either way to be honest) starts speaking. His eyes light up his smirk widens when the king of pride says "You may now kiss the bride" before your lips can touch someone slams through the double doors LEVIATHAN. USING HIS COFFIN THE TENTACLES CUT THROUGH THE DUCT TAPE HOLDING SATAN IN A MATCHUP YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN IN YOUR LIFE.
Leviathan and Satan team up to fight a cackling Mammon, which is something you haven't seen coming. While Satan and Mammon are duking it out, Levi, fully dropping the hating you act, grabs your shoulders and starts shaking you, his face red as a tomato and clutching his teeth so hard as he hisses out, "We are having a Fake wedding too, and it's going to be grand if not grander- blah blah blah blah!"
You stopped listening, honestly. You started tuning out the entire wedding as soon as You snuck a glimpse at how much the wedding outfit you're wearing currently cost in the changing room.
You didn't even know what happened because apparently according to Lucifer which recounted the entire story with pictures to you after you woke up from passing out.
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kpop-otome-yandere-here · 1 year ago
Mc: Hey, dumb slut, get over here.
Mammon, sighing: Okay-
Asmo: I'm coming!
Mammon, confused: I thought... I was dumb slut...
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