#what in hell is bad beel
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o-pandora-o · 7 months ago
May I request headcanons for WHB Satan, Beelzebub, Leviathan, Valefor, Beleth, and Mammon with shy gn s/o please?
Satan, Mammon, Leviathan, Beelzebub, Valefor, Beleth with shy g/n s/o
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Notes: Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you like this, and I do apologize for making this late. I had a lot of ideas so I kinda made it too long LMAO. I'm not sure if I made this correct, but if I didn't, send me another ask. I apologize in advance because I'm not really used to writing Leviathan's up until now. Thank you so much again and keep playing WHB~
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🩸PDA!!! He LOVES showing public display of affection, much to your dismay. He loves to put his arms around you and sometimes he'd suddenly kiss you and make out (he always makes sure no one sees). Sometimes, when he's feeling a bit spicy he'd becomes a bit touchy (with consent of course), which never fails to make you red as a tomato.
"S-satan! N-not in public!" you close your eyes while blushing so madly "Kek. It's alright babe, no one can see" Satan grins as he wrapped his arm around your waist and and kissed you, Sitri and the others not noticing, or do they?
🩸Satan is so straightforward, it always make you flustered; bonus is he does that on occasions that you're with others! "What do you mean you're on a diet because someone said you're fat? C'mere!" Satan whisks you up and puts you down in the nearest chair, his arms still wrapped around your waist. "You're never fat in my eyes, alright? You look good as you'll ever be. Hot stuff." He began to make out with you "Satan!! Mmphhh!!!" "Yea, that's right sweet cheeks"
🩸He always acknowledged your strengths and weaknesses. He's always proud of you, that's why he picked you as his s/o. He would boast you whenever he's with others if given the chance, which always make you blush. "Satan, what made you like y/n hmm? They're your complete opposite, they're shy" Beelzebub asked "Hah what do you mean? They're the best person anyone can ever have! They do their best, they look good, they're nice, and much more. I think being shy is one of their best trait..." Satan looks at you with a smirk in his face, while you were blushing. "See?" He adds. "Satan!!!" he grins when he saw you covering your face. He grabs your wrist and he kissed you to make you shut up, which made you blush even more.
🩸You know those trope where one person is shy enough to tell the waiter they got their order wrong, and their partner bluntly tells the waiter that they got the order wrong? Yeah that's Satan.
Both of you were in Gehenna's bar ordering food. "Uhm... I'll take the 666 Devil burger please..." "And I'll take the House Steak, and a glass of Devil's water (alcohol)" Satan proudly grins as he hold your waist. "Coming right up!" One of the waiter says, you both went to the available sofa seats. Both of you sit at opposite sides of the table, and talk about your day. "The burger here is top tier I'd say, it was a good choice kek" At Satan's remark, the waiter came with all of the ordered food. The server gave your food last however it was not what you ordered. "O-oh... Thank you..." you replied as you stared at the burger. Satan saw your hesitation and immediately looked at the food. "You ordered a burger right? The 666 Devil Burger?" Satan grins as he saw you hesitate. "Y-yes it's okay I can eat this, I wanted to try a different meal...." "But still, it's not your order right?" Satan grins even more as he knows where this was going "B-but I can-" "Heya, waiter! They ordered the 666 Devil's burger not this one" Satan grinned and told the waiter as you blushed, tried to hide in the table as if you made a crime. "Oh! My apologies your majesty Satan! I'll bring them the burger, I apologize for the mistake" "W-wait its-" you were too late to say 'it's alright' as the waiter already took the plate of food and went to the kitchen. "T-thank you" you meekly said, head down facing the table
🩸Satan is observant whenever you're hesitating or feeling insecure. If you somehow came across demons with good body like muscular or sexy bodies, and if you feel down, Satan knows you won't admit it so he oftens pulls you and put an arm on your shoulder or waist and kiss your forehead. "Hey" Satan said as he noticed you looking at the devils with skimpy clothing. You look up at him, pretending to be clueless. "I know what you're thinking, just so you know you're hot in your own way, which I like more than devils with skimpy fit" "...are you sure you're okay with me?" your head lies low. "Hm..." He grins and makes out with you "Of course I am!" He grins proudly as you were looking disheveled from him making out with you.
🩸Always slaps your ass both in private and in public. You were talking with Sitri in the hallway of Satan's Palace, while Satan was walking. He saw a glimpse of your luscious booty jiggling as you talk and make gestures with Sitri, he made a beeline towards you and slapped your ass, loud slap echoing in the Palace corridor. "SATAN!!!" You said as you blushed heavily, Sitri blinking and pretending nothing happened as if he can hear both of your beating heart; one is nervous while the other is excited. Satan ran for it and somehow you ran to him, trying to catch him.
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🪙Unlike Satan, he respects your comfort zone a bit more, so he's a bit neutral on PDA. If you feel that you wanna hold his hand or arm, he'd get closer to you. Most of the time he won't initiate into PDA with you.
The back of your hand comes in contact with Mammon's more frequently than it should while walking in the streets of Tartaros. Mammon looked at you and noticed you were nervous, he decides to hold your hand. His harm brings comfort and warmth to you, as you looked up at him. His lips curled up, smiling warmly at you, and whispered "It's okay, treasure. I'm here, don't worry." Which in turn, made you slightly flustered but comforted.
🪙Mammon is very sharp whether you're feeling uncomfortable or a bit out of your comfort zone.
Bimet was a bit loud, mocking you, and kept asking too many questions, much to your discomfort. "I could not understand what his Majesty Mammon sees in you! You're so...meek!" Bimet scoffs as he eyes you. "Uh... I don't kn-" "Bimet! You're getting a bit rude don't you think? What do you think his majesty will say?" Valefor cuts you. Mammon comes in, scanning the area as he answered Bimet's question "They're humble, they're gentle and soft... I want to protect them and make them mine in which I failed because they got me first. Now if you'll excuse us..." Mammon smiles as he escorted you out.
🪙He doesn't really care what others think especially if it has something to do with your shyness. He'd love you all the way.
🪙You sometimes get too flustered whenever Mammon buys everything you have once just talked about.
"Hello delivery for Mx. Y/n. This is from his Majesty Mammon. Please sign here..." A delivery guy came. "Oh thanks" As the delivery guy left, another came... "Delivery for Mx. [First name] [Last name]! Deluxe Delivery of Sushi and Milk tea from Devil Cuisine! His Majesty Mammon didn't know what you want so he got everything from the menu. We'll help you get these inside" "Oh God... Thank you that's a bit too mu-" while the other delivery guy puts the food inside, another delivery came "Good day, you're Y/n right? Delivery sent by his majesty. The latest clothing made from Devil's Diamond Co. has arrived" The delivery guy came with a truck ton of clothing hanged in gold clothes rack with acrylic casing. All you can do was gulp and be shy, all the delivery demons were coming in and out. You can see your neighbors whispering and gossiping about the deliveries. You have your head lowered and muttered a "thank you" As if it wasn't enough, Valefor and Elgios came delivering a message and a gift from Mammon. "Y/n!" Valefor waves. "Delivery from his Majesty! He said he forgot to give it to you this morning...Oh..." They saw the delivery guys going in and out unloading the deliveries to your place. "Busy day huh?" All you can do is be flustered and say "Yea... Thanks"
🪙He thinks you're so cute being shy all the time, he sometimes tease you to make you blush
"Y/n?" "Hm?" "You know you're really cute whenever you're shy, you look soft... Like a bottom... Like a peach...." "Excuse me?! Are you saying I'm a bottom...that I'm similar to an ass cheek?" you protested as you blushed heavily "You're really soft... Like this" he slapped your ass "Mammon!!!"
🪙Speaking of slapping the peach, similar to Satan, Mammon gropes your ass more frequent in private, as it is in public. He likes it more than slapping your ass cheeks, which he only does to tease you.
You were cooking Lunch in Mammon's palace, you thought you were alone as Mammon was away in a meeting. You were chopping some bacon until you felt a large hand in your rear and squeezed it gently, making you squeak. You turned around, pointing the knife (accidentally) to whomever touched you. "Mmmm sweetie, no need to get offensive, you know how I love your peaches" he smiles as if he hasn't done anything wrong. "Y-you!! I thought you were in a meeting with Bimet?" You scrambled as you put down the knife with a hand in your ass. "It was finished early, sorry if I scared you with my touch. I just missed touching your peachy babies." He laughs and smiles while you still blush as his grope still lingers on your ass.
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⚰️Doesn't like PDA. Nope. Don't even TRY to touch him. Because he doesn't like PDA and you're shy whenever there is PDA, you two somehow make a great team.
⚰️However if there's a time you really wanted some time together, he'd let you. You would mostly initiate rather than him.
One cold morning in Hades, you woke up at your room and went to Leviathan's office because you were bored (and lovesick). "Levi, are you busy?" you peeked from the door "Don't call me that. Yes, I'm busy. What do you want?" He glared as he still did some paperworks "Well it's been a while since we had a date...I was wondering if we could have a date...but if you're busy I'll go ask others sorry...." you said as you were flustered "How dare you say that?! I envy people who get to say and do what they want all the time...." He broke his pen and glared at you "Sorry... I'll just go it seems I bothered you..." "Leave and I'll hang." He glared at you "Does that mean you'll go on a date with me?" You were happy "I envy people who are too happy with little things. Change clothes and stop bothering me. Ill meet you in 10 mins." when you left a small smile and blush appeared on his face.
⚰️Doesn't really care if you improve (getting out of your comfort zone) or not. What's important is you do his orders, and maybe bask him with attention.
"You...Why did you talk to Beelzebub more than necessary?" Leviathan glares at you "W-what do you mean? I just did what you said, I gave him Pandora's Box!!! He asked some questions and I answered it...I left quickly as I could! He was asking intimate questions a-and I don't wanna answer something you don't consent me telling..." you kept stammering knowing so well he's jealous but you were also a bit flustered "I'm so jealous you were with him for a long time compared to me...let alone let him to ask you private questions! Hang!" He was glaring at you "NOOOO! I won't be able to choke you anymore if I die" he froze and stared at you "Were you trying to threaten me? How dare you Hang!!" he glared "Kngh!" You were hanged but immediately put down "Hmph. How dare you threaten me..." You saw a glimpse of his sad eyes and decide to hug him, despite it crossing your comfort zone. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to do it okay? And sorry for talking to Beel. You know you're the most beautiful and handsome King that I love" you hug his back "That's right. I am the most beautiful King." He didn't admit it but he was scared of losing you, especially if it was because of him. Good thing you didn't see, but the both of you were blushing.
⚰️He tried to fluster you, but it felt horribly wrong to him.
You were with Foras roaming the Palace garden, until Leviathan came and gave you a rare jewel shaped like a rose. "Levi, this is for me?" you blushed. "Haven't I told you already that Ignorance is a sin? And I told you don't call me that!" he was somehow blushing and Foras looked away almost laughing but soon pretended like nothing happened. "Y-you shouldn't be allowed to be happier than me" Leviathan tried to protest, but you didn't say anything but you were fidgeting. Both of you were a blushing mess that time.
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🕶️A bigger PDA than Satan (surprised? Not really). You think Satan is worse making out with you while with the gang? Get ready for Beelzebub. He will literally go full PDA on you whenever he sees you, which makes you flustered a whole lot.
Amon is guarding you when roaming the streets of Abyssos, looking for a place to eat dinner. Suddenly someone hugs you from behind, their arms enveloping your figure and their chin on top of your head, while you look at Amon, who looked bewildered with a longing look. "Y/n!!! I missed youuu~" their voice all too familiar, and when you face them, it was none other than Beelzebub. "I missed your scent....hmm? Smells like you missed me too!" Beelzebub shamelessly smells you in different places, your neck, armpits, and somewhere down there. "Beel! Don't smell me there! There are people!!" You blushed. True enough to what you said, the people were all looking at the both of you, shocked, while one said "IT'S MAJESTY BEELZEBUB, GET HIM!!!" "Woops, forgot the spell...come lets go!" Beel hugs you from behind and began dashing. When the both of you are in an alleyway, he put a spell on both of you so no one will notice you. "I missed this so much~" he began cuddling you and peppers you with kisses as he sniffs you. "B-beel not too much" you protested against his grasp "Mmm okay!" He stopped peppering you but his arm is still in your waist and his body is too close to you. You blush at the contact. "You're really cute y/n~ I wanna eat you already hmm but maybe after dinner or are you the dinner?~" he leads you to the nearby bar, while shamelessly saying stuff out loud, which made you blush further.
🕶️ He isn't like Satan or Mammon who observes to see if your uncomfortable, he SMELLS if you're uncomfy.
While having hot sexy time with beel, he smells that you're not feeling it. "Hmmm" he stops sucking your dick/eating your pussy out. "Uhm..." "I smell what you feel. It's okay if you don't want today~" he goes on top of you, and embraces you instead, your head below his chin, facing his sweaty chest. "Sorry..." You meekly said. "Mmm it's okay sweetie. Did you have a bad day? You smell more ... Different today than usual" Beel traces circles on your back while still embracing you. "Um just some stupid co-workers... Sorry I know you really want it... it's okay..." "Hmm no use if you won't enjoy it~ Do you want me to give a small gift to your co workers hmmm?~" Beel smiles while a black aura surrounds him. You cup his cheek despite your hesitance, "No... It's alright, thank you" you slightly smile, and he embraces you. "But I can try to make you feel bett-" "NO!" The night was full of fluffy cuddling and spooning with a mix of Beel trying to turn you on.
🕶️He supports you whenever you're hesitant in getting out your comfort zone. He might be horny and hungry all the time but, he knows when he needs to be serious.
"...should i...no maybe not ill make a mess..." Beelzebub sneaks up on you "Y/n~ what are you doing?" You jumped at his presence. "I...uh.." you scratch the back of your head. "I wanted to bake a cake with devil ingredients but I think I'll make a mess" Beel soften his smile and his hands were in your shoulder "The first step is always the hardest, babe. You can do it, I believe in you~ I can be your taste tester if you want~ no wait, I'll help you! We can put angel organs in it and-" "NO! This is for someone special! No angel remains!!!" You pushed him out of the kitchen "But thank you for your words..." You actually made a cake for his birthday the next day and you were really shy to tell him.
🕶️ He is so happy and proud of you whenever you make the first move or go out of your comfort zone.
"Y/n? Ready for our dateee~" He bursts in your room, a bit shocked. "Oho Y/n? You're not gonna go with your usual hoodie?" He eyes your clothing "No...I wanna try something new" you blush slightly and look down "You look good in that" he nods in approval "Really? You don't think it's not my style or ugly?" "Mmm it compliments your figure... I like it" you blushed on his comment.
🕶️He always ALWAYS teases you and talks dirty, whether in public or private.
As you both walk across a adult toy store, one mannequin on display with obscene undergarments with strap-ons. "Ooooh~ that's their latest model, wanna try it out? I bet it looks good on you while you take me hmmm? All fours in the bed while you whimper and mo-" Beel coos, as he eyes the outfit and your body, fitting it in his imagination. "Shhh not in public!!!" You cover his mouth as you blushed. He smirks under your hand covering his mouth.
🕶️Since you're in Abyssos, it's common to see people with skimpy or too fitted clothing. You never told beel that you were jealous of the body figure of most demons you see, but he can see (and smell).
Both you and Beel passed by a bar with demon men and women with hot, fitted, skimpy clothing. While they greet his Majesty and you, you somehow had a sad look in your eyes. It wasn't your destination so both of you walked by but Beel noticed your insecurity when he saw you looking down at your body and holding your baby fats. "Hmm~ You don't need to be insecure, babe. You have your own assets! See you have this!" He points your chest "And this!" He points your thighs "Also this!" He playfully slaps your ass "And especially this!" He kneels in front of you and pats your genitals and licks his lips. "BEELZEBUB!!! We're in public!!!" you pulled him to stand up while blushing so madly.
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🛡️Neutral on PDA. Doesn't like it if you feel uncomfortable because of him. He values your personal space. However, like Mammon, if he notices that you're a bit uncomfortable, he'd come closer to you.
You were travelling with Valefor and the Tartaros Demons. Somehow a shop caught your eye and stopped your tracks, making the group walk further than you. One female demon (a saleslady) came close to you, offering her products. "Ah no sorry, I just saw something in your display, thank you." You responded hurriedly. "But sir/ma'am, wait I haven't gotten to the good part yet~" her touch sent shivers down your spine. You backed off and politely decline, but the demon continues to touch and flirt with you. Somehow, Valefor noticed you were gone and found you and heard the conversation. "It seems you have good wares, but we have to go, my s/o is a bit tired. Thank you" Valefor skillfully butts in, smiling with golden aura, while holding your hand and back and escorting you away from them. You shyly thanked Valefor while blushing, and catched up with the group before they notice where the both of you gone.
🛡️He mostly initiate things, but ask for your consent first. He will mostly initiate dates in places you're comfortable with.
"Good morning sweetest prince/princess. Would you like to go to on a movie date with me today? I got tickets for Demons: the Last Journey." "How'd you know I wanted to have a movie date?" You shyly said "Hmm I may or may not have seen your phone open looking for tickets while you were asleep" he rubs the back of his neck, not wanting to actually say it.
🛡️Likes it when you're flustered whenever he does something/gets you something you'd like.
You arms and hand rubs your torso as the both of you were walking in the streets of Tartaros while on a date. Surprisingly, it was also the day that Valefor's clothes are more casual than what he usually wears (armor). "Hm..." He noticed you were shivering and he put his jacket into your shoulders. "I'm not too sure if you'd enjoy PDA but... I know that would at least make you warm, prince/princess." He smiles as you were flustered and thanked him.
🛡️He comforts you using physical touch when you feel sad, upset, or anything negative, especially if it's about frustration about your shyness.
He notices that you were feeling extra down when you were staring at the window from your bed.
"Mmm sweetest, everything alright? You can tell me if you want..." He held your hand
"It's alright... I'm fine" you looked at him, and formed a smile with all your might "....My dear prince/princess, I know I'm pushing your buttons here but... I know you aren't... It won't hurt to tell me, I'm always here...but if you don't really wanna tell me then it okay" he kissed the back of your hand "It's just....well it was just work... I wanted to volunteer for a project but... Shyness got ahead of me and...when I got a hold of myself the slots were already filled....I waited for that project to have a need for volunteers but... It's all because of this stupid shyness... I know I'm overreacting a bit... But I really hate it when shyness takes over me...and overthinking... I'm sorry this is so stupid..." you look at the sheets, ashamed to look at him. "Look at me, sweetest. It's alright. Your feelings are valid, you should ask them later if they can possibly squeeze you in or wait if someone backs out okay? I know shyness sometimes becomes a pain for you, there are times when the mind is your greatest enemy..." He hugs you and kisses your forehead. "Sometimes you need to just...do it you know... Don't think of what other people think or say... I know it's hard, especially the first step in doing it" he cuddles you, traces circles in your back "I know you can do it" he kisses the back of your hand once more as you slightly blush. He gave you a confidence plushie with a "you can do it" sign, it was a mini Valefor with a confident expression.
🛡️In rare times when he's feeling romantic, he'd bunny kiss you if no one is looking. Or ask if you want to listen to music with him when both of you are making plushies, he'd lend one of his earphones connected to his phone.
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🚬Neutral on PDA, similar to Mammon and Valefor. He respects your personal space and doesn't like it if you're uncomfortable because of him. Like when you're walking together, he's a bit close but not too much. He won't put his hand in your waist or shoulder unless you want it.
🚬Like a cat, he seems to get along with everybody. He maintains order in Nilfheim, so he is known by everybody. Sometimes whenever you two go out, you get greeted by a lot. Too much greetings, it sometimes makes you overwhelmed.
"Sup, Beleth and Y/n!" A group of demons wave at the both of you "Oh hello" "Hello Beleth oh and hello y/n!!" A duo of Demons come across you "H-hi" "Beleth my man!! Oh hello y/n! Beautiful day isn't it?" A buff demon greets the both of you "Heya" Beleth notices how you were getting tired smiling and greeting demons here and there. "Hahaha. Sorry babe, I didn't expect we'd get greeted by a lot today, you can just cling to me if you're too shy to say hi back, don't worry, they'll understand" He rubs your back. "It's fine, I just got overwhelmed by a lot of greetings here and there, I'm just not used to it, even until now..." You sheepishly said "Hahaha. You'll get used to it, babe. I know it" He kissed your forehead and made you slightly blush.
🚬He teases you and laughs whenever he make you blush. He always likes it whenever you're too shy, he sometimes make you sit on his lap because you're too cute, he like cute things after all.
"Mmmm...new fit for the date?" Beleth eyes you and comments with a proud smirk "Yeah, I tried some new style, I guess you'd be pretty bored of my previous outfits so I tried a new style! I hope it's not too bad..." You explain sheepishly. "You look...soft and cute. Hohohoho just what I like! C'mere, kitten" he grabs your waist and sits you on his lap "Hmm but don't worry okay? Dress for yourself. I won't get tired of your style...because what's important is what's inside...and I'm the only one who gets to see what's underneath..." He whispers huskily on your ear. Which in turn, made you blush so hard you were covering your face. "Hahahaha. Now atta boy/girl" he pats your head.
🚬Similar to Satan or Mammon, he'd sometimes slap or grope your ass. But he'd do it when no one is looking (mostly on public just to tease you, he likes seeing your flustered expression).
You and Beleth discovered some ruins, and began exploring with Bathin and Gusion. Bathin and Gusion were in another room while you and Beleth were in another. Somehow you were looking over some ruin scripture in the walls. Beleth was roaming around, until he saw you looking at some ruin writings, rear exposed. He went over, a bit nonchalant like nothing was up and slapped your ass, enough to make it jiggle. You jumped and yelped, surprised by the sudden peach slap. You were flustered but your reflex was faster and punched Beleth's arm. "Hahahaha It's was worth it!" He said rubbing his arm. "Beleth! What if they see!" you were flustered with your arms crossed, trying to look mad. "Hohoho relax, kitten. I promise no one will see our lil shenanigans." He pats your head as you were still flustered.
🚬He enjoys it if he sees you're with Harumon. Gusion or Bathin sometimes see him with a lovesick expression on his face which irks them.
Beleth sees you scratching Harumon's belly, Harumon purring and you were smiling. He somehow had a longing look, with a lovesick expression on his face. "*Coughs* A bit weird seeing you like this, I'll pretend I didn't see anything" Gusion adjust his glasses. Somehow you notice someone staring at you, which was Beleth. You somehow blushed a bit, but still played with Harumon like nothing happened. Beleth noticed this and smirked.
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should I drink it?
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Am I the only one who loves that he recognized that he is the true beel and not a copy after touching his titty
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jazeswhbhaven · 3 months ago
Can i request hcs for each of the kings (plus any nobles you want) and what they would do if you slip into bed with them because you had a nightmare?
Thank you for waiting, anon! I'm chipping away on these fluff requests and I'm loving every single one. I'd like to think most of our bois are cuddly universally, but let's take a closer look~
Nobles first this time!
Beleth: I wanted to bring him up because he never sleeps due to his insomnia. So, you go to look for him and he's sitting in his bed pretty much reading or relaxing because that's all he can do. Beleth would be worried that you aren't getting enough sleep because humans need sleep, and he'd rub your back, tell you a story, sing to you (he's a good singer), even make you warm milk or tea whatever gets you back to sleep. And you wouldn't have to worry about those nightmares coming back, he's right there sitting next to you and watching just in case.
Amon: His sleep schedule is strange too, but luckily you catch him at the right time where he's in his room and passed out for the time being. When you slip in next to him, he doesn't notice at first which is fine and you make yourself comfortable, at least being near him will help you stay calm to go back to sleep. Suddenly he throws his arms over you and pulls you in like a body pillow, murmuring in his sleep that you're safe. And he means it, it's like the nightmares stay away naturally and you both sleep pretty much for a while, uh oh it might have been an entire 24 hours of sleep.
Gamigin: Okay so, no one else is available to help you with your nightmares and Gamigin is oddly wide awake in the middle of the night for whatever reason. At least he's being quiet, his staff sitting up against the wall of his room as he greets you for coming in. He may not have a healing remedy for nightmares, but Lucifer always loved being cuddled by him when he first got here. So he offers you the same comfort. As you fall asleep you notice that his form has changed, his dragon self curled around you and his scales/fur seemingly soft and comforting to run your fingers over. There's just something so naturally calming about Gamigin when he's like this where you knock out instantly and stay asleep the entire time. He's so happy to help that he stays still the entire time and even dozes off with you.
Kings time!!!
Satan: Nightmares? Silly. There's no need to have nightmares when he's around. But he also understands because he'd never tell you, but he has them too. Various nightmares that he could never explain as they may overwhelm you. But as you sleep in his arms he promises to never let you experience what he has. You just need to sleep and be by his side right now. His hair is also very calming and fluffy, like a warm cat <3
Mammon: Assuming you weren't in bed with him already, he sits up in his bed and allows you to sleep in his lap (to avoid rolling over and accidentally crushing you) because he also gets restless. He massages your body gently, providing whatever comfort you need to ease your mind and go back to sleep. Even if it means he has to sacrifice his own sleep.
Beelzebub: What's funny is that he was the one who slipped in your bed, because he could sense it somehow that you were having a restless night. You're so surprised, it makes him laugh and pulls you close, telling you to go back to sleep and he'll keep you safe. His musk smells of lavender and chamomile, which instantly brings you back to a calm state. He did once joke with you that he could enter dreams if he wanted and you're wondering if that's true because he was in your dream the second time around. Maybe it's just coincidence.
Leviathan: Tapping on Leviathan's coffin is a certain death wish, but you can't help it if you're having nightmares. He's annoyed naturally because you woke him up and over something...wait...nightmares? If anyone understands having them, it's Levi. His irritation leaves and he pulls you into his coffin without a second thought and tells you to go back to sleep and everything will be fine. He links his legs with yours and holds hands allowing your head to rest on his bare chest as the both of you sleep this way. You can agree this was possibly the best you've ever slept in a while.
Lucifer: Nightmares are a natural thing that humans experience, there's really no "cure" for it other than therapy and other things to help one soothe. There's something special he can do though, which he used to do time to time as angel in Heaven. As you sleep, he presses his finger tips against your forehead and small beam of light transfers to you. Your sleep is so light and airy, like you're floating in a valley of a cloudless sky and shallow waters. He holds you in his arms the entire night, and it's so blissful you almost don't want to wake up. He doesn't do this often though because sometimes that's exactly what ends up happening. But at least you don't have nightmares anymore.
Belphegor: At first, he didn't wake up at all to you slipping in bed next to him. His soft snores are cute, and that drool on his pillow is so typical. But it's not like he doesn't know you're there, he's just not acknowledging it. Belphie flops his limbs lazily onto you, and mumbles for you to come closer cause he's "cold". You are now trapped in his embrace and he's like a damn brick the way he doesn't move. But his little snores are like tiny vibrations, lulling you back to sleep and there's a bonus, Beleth finally being able to sleep comes in with you too and crawls in bed. Now you're sandwiched.
Asmodeus: What's funny(or not), is that he was in your nightmare. The details of that nightmare? Who cares, you're confronting him about it. He expected you, and says that maybe you shouldn't ignore his texts and he wouldn't have to bother you in your sleep. But he forgives you, and welcomes to cuddle you...well...after you have some make-up sex so he can apologize for the nightmare. Although he isn't the one for aftercare, you're knocked out after the sex anyway, and you look so cute sleeping, thankfully you don't wake up when he's rubbing one out by watching you sleep.
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d34dlysinner · 1 year ago
Oh no, no anon!! Uhm anyways, so, it’s demons with huge dicks and huge dicks mean obligatory mating press.
So I wanna request that for the kings (and Sitri and Zagan if you’re fine with adding more) and their reaction when they feel the tip of their dick meeting Fem!MC’s cervix. Please and thank you for your work in our newborn fandom ❤️
(Thanks for the ask XDD) MINORS DNI Tags: Fem!MC, little choking, size kink mention. Satan fully pushed himself in when he felt it. He thought about what he was pressing against for a second. Your expression and whiny moan confirmed his thoughts as he smirked down at you. He placed his hands on your hips and held them firm as he started with some experimental thrusts. His dick meets your cervix with every thrust. "Seems like I really filled you up.", he says as he becomes more aggressive with his thrusts. His nails started to dig into your skin as he chuckled with every whiny moan you made. Beelzebub pushed your knees into your chest as he slowly pushed himself into you. He honestly didn't care much about hitting your cervix. He knew he wasn't small and he was proud of it. The only reason why he reacted to hitting your cervix was because of the soft whimper you let out when he pulled away. "Oh? Seems like you want more. Don't worry, very soon you'll feel full." Leviathan pressed into you and gasped at the tightness around him. It took him a second to realize that he was hitting your cervix. He started thrusting as he soon focussed on hitting your cervix. He looked at you as he saw you enjoying the stimulation. That's when he suddenly became jealous. "You better choke me now before I'll stop. I want to feel too.", he says as he slows down. He felt your hands tremble on his neck as you softly squeeze. He slowed down yet again as he forced your hands to press harder. "Don't you dare squeeze softer". Mammon slowly entered you as he and you both started to struggle with fitting his size into you. He took his time entering you to not hurt you. He towered over you and focussed on your reaction. He soon realized that he was hitting your cervix. He wasn't surprised about brushing against your cervix. He was big after all even for demon standards. He looked down at you and saw you shivering, sweating, moaning, and tearing up at him thrusting into you. He knew that he didn't necessarily have a size kink, but he had to admit that he loved seeing your smaller frame struggle and shiver. "You look so tiny right now..." Sitri very eager to thrust into you as he somewhat quickly pushed into you. He then hit your cervix and heard your heart speed up the moment he did. "Oh? Seems like I hit something sensitive.", he said with a very happy look on his face. He thrusts into you again and gets the same reaction. To say that he was delighted would be an understatement. He was thrilled as he started to repeat his thrusts and aimed for your cervix again and again. "Your heart sounds so pretty right now... It's fast, but calming in a way..." Zagan slowly pushed into you. He was focused on the feeling until he heard you moan loudly as he brushed against your cervix. He kind of stopped moving at that moment as his blush intensified. You kind of had to command him to continue as he hesitantly started thrusting into you again. He only groaned as if he was trying to communicate again with you. His lips started to travel along your skin as you felt him place little kisses on your neck. It almost seemed as if he was trying to hide his blush when he buried his face into your neck. He seemed very tame and cute for a big man like him. You adored it.
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ur-dad-satan · 11 days ago
WHB and OM character "comparison"
This means fuck all. I like all of these characters, I'm just making some silly little laughs. I also don't know the personalities of most of the WHB kings, so this is based on pure vibes. <3
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These two would NOT associate. WHB Luci would think he's too good to talk to OM Luci and OM Luci would feel like WHB Luci is too pretentious. However, if you give them alcohol, they'll trauma bond and become best friends <3
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OM Mammon would be SO fucking jealous of WHB Mammon for so many reasons. WHB Mammon literally has gold dripping from his feet and has so much money he doesn't know that gold is expensive, meanwhile OM Mam has as much debt and WHB Mam has money. OM Mam would have a fucking stroke in Tartos also.
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OM Levi would be so intimidated by this man it's ridiculous, and WHB Levi would probably be intimidated by OM Levi too, but in a much less obvious way. If they actually got to know each other, I feel like they'd bond over their introverted ways because come on; BOTH of these mother fuckers have agoraphobia, not just WHB Levi. I also like that their horns are pretty similar.
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These two would HATE each other. They would definitely respect each other, but they would NOT like each other. I don't know why, but that's just my feeling. They'd have like a deep conversation or something and it would be a genuinely decent time, but if either of them are asked if they actually like each other, both OM Satan and WHB Satan would say "no" all chill and matter-of-factly.
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I don't really know how WHB Asmo feels about himself, but OM Asmo would be in (metaphorical) heaven. What do you mean there's another version of him?! Sure, they don't look alike, but I feel like they'd both be extremely intrigued as to what they could get into... Or they'd geek out over fashion and hot celebrities.
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I think OM Beel would want to be friends with WHB Beel, but be a little nervous to ask to be friends with him. WHB Beel would just walk up to him and be like "We're friends now. Do you want to hang out?" and they'd hang out! Eventually WHB Beel would leave but they'd stay pen pals. OM Beel would also even go out of his way to visit WHB Beel wherever he is.
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OM Belphie and WHB Belphie would have a mutual respect for each other and would bond over small things they really care about. I feel like OM Belphie would also think WHB Belphie's piercings are cool and think of getting one to bother OM Lucifer. I think WHB Belphie would be interested in OM Beel and Belphie's whole twin thing too.
I only know like half these MFs so leave me be if I'm completely off the mark with their personalities
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sweetkiitsunez · 11 months ago
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❞ 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐬 - synopsis: being gangbang by Beelzebub and his clone inspired by Attack the king card
❞ warning: nsfw content (18+) + f!sub (afab!reader) + Dom!Beelzebub + Gangbang + Clone sex + rough sex + double penetration + dubcon(?) + overestimated + public sex + creampies + bites/hickes all over your body + bulge
a/n: I apologize if it so bad!! I was in the rush, but thanks to the person i've talked with share the ideas :3🫶
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"Your moans are my favourite sound."
“I could make you feel better.”
“Who would have thought that this is something that you’re into?”
"Can you feel how my body is reacting to you?"
You don't know how long that they had been destroying your holes. There's two Beelzebub penetrating your pussy and hole in a fast pace and your hand rubbing the other Beelzebub's dick. You look like a mess. You are filled with sweats and cums and juice. Your clothes were taken off, but your panties were torn apart due to Beelzebub being impatient, stripping your clothes.
"Aaah, ngh, you're so tight...!" Beelzebub in front of you thrusting your insides.
"Aah! Nngh! Mm!! Aah!! Aaah!" You moan feeling hot already. You could see Beelzebub's dick bulging your tummy. It's so big... you already feel so full. Your eyelids were getting heavier, but you couldn't afford to fell asleep yet.
Hearing the loud wet slaps noises in the busy clubs. Everyone is getting high, drunk, having sex in front of everyone. You felt the third Beelzebub grabs your face as he pulls in for a tongue kiss. You continue to rub your hand on his dick, pressuring him.
Beelzebub from behind you playing with your nipples as he continues to pound you from behind. He growls in your ears while pounding your hole. "Fuck, you're taking me really well, heh." You couldn't respond as the third Beelzebub is kissing you. His fingers is digging into your flustered cheeks. You let out a loud groan as your eyes rolls back of your skull.
“Oh, I love that sound you make.” Beelzebub in front you, laughs while he held your thighs tighter while thrusting ferociously in your pussy. You felt crowded as Beelzebub's clone is eating you alive. You're so cute and sexy in front of them. Completely covered in their sweats and semen. You felt Beelzebub from behind push your abdomen while Beelzebub is in front of you thrust his penis inside you. You let out a squeal and a loud cries while he laughs at you from behind.
“I never imagined you to be so sensitive, but I love it.” He whispered from behind. His dick is still inside your hole. You felt like they're gonna stretch you. It's hurt, but it's feels so good! You never want them to stop.
"Aah!! Ah! Mm!!" You already came... how many times? You don't remember. You felt so full. Your jaw was so sore after sucking third Beelzebub's large dick when he slaps it in front of your face. He just wants some fun. Your mouth was so warm...
They prefer hearing your moans and cries while they're fucking you. They indeed take turns in different positions to fuck your pussy and hole and doing a blowjob or handjob. You switched positions as Beelzebub third is taking over your pussy as he laid on the floor and the second Beelzebub took over your behind and the first Beelzebub grabbing your hair as he thrust his large dick into your mouth. You don't even know which is the real Beel or could tell which positions that they had took.
"I will give that mouth something to do." Beelzebub in front of you groans as he bit his bottom lips. Your throat is so warm... too bad that he has to destroy you.
They're all look the same to you. The third Beelzebub grabbing your hips as he slams your body deep as the tip of his dick kissing your cervix. Your eyes widen as your mouth vibrant while Beelzebub's dick is still in your throat as he let out a sultry groan.
"Oh, you like that?" Beelzebub underneath you, chuckles as he continues to grind you.
"Oh I can do this all night long." Beelzebub from behind as he pounds deep into your hole as he slaps your ass.
Of course the night doesn't end. You continue to gag and cry as they kept fucking you in a new position. Your body aches as you are covered in head to toe with bites marks. You don't even know who, beside Beelzebub.
"Who knew that you're hiding such a dirty mind."
"Our bodies fit so well together."
You were about to reach your climax. Hands are all over you. Beelzebub's hands is much larger than you as they grope your body. You don't enough energy to move or foucs anymore. How much energy does he have...?
"I-I'm coming! Fuck! You're so tight!"
"Aah! Shit! You're taking us really good!"
All of the Beelzebubs are reaching their climax and you too. They even gone a faster pace, literally destroying you and tearing you apart. Your jaw is so sore as Beelzebub wouldn't let you breathe for a second!
"Mmh! Mmn! Mmm!" Gagging into Beelzebub's dick as he thrust his hips in your mouth. Your body is trembling badly, but it feels so good!
Beelzebub took his dick out of your throat as he releases his semen onto your face as the white milky liquid spills into your mouth as you stick your tongue out to taste his cum.
Your body shivers as you feel your tummy is filled with others Beelzebub's semen. You couldn't help as you let out a shiver orgasm. You all came at the same time. You feel messy as you are covered head to toe with Beelzebub's liquidity semen. You fell on top of Beelzebub that was underneath you as his hands spreads your ass cheeks to show off "their" meals.
Liquids semen are dripping from your thighs on the dirty floor. You couldn't move anymore as you laid on top of him, tired and exhausted and filled.
“You’re a lot more flexible than I thought.”
"One more round? Don't fall asleep with us~"
Your eyelids feels heavy as you laid on top of his chest, panting heavily.
" One more round? "
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synne-ful · 7 months ago
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Here is the first of my raffle prizes for the spicy raffle I held on my Twitter :*(〃∇〃人)*: Here is the link to the full version if you want to see his full body and what is hidden underneath the flower (`∀´)✨️
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r0-boat · 10 months ago
could i request satan beelzebub amon and gamigin(+ anyone you want ofc) comforting/reacting to when gn mc is on their period? i feel like gamigin might freak out if he can recognize the smell of blood bc its just "blood??human??blood on human??where??heal??but they look fine??heal??" before asking his brothers what the fuck is going on 😭 i dont think he's interacted with a human before so i doubt he's heard of one especially since devils cant have kids with other devils so i doubt they have them.
Ayye what a perfect time to write this because I'm on my period.
Satan Beelzebub Amon +Gamigin with s/o on their period.
Sfw cutting for length
Stressed out with you, You're in pain and he doesn't like seeing you in pain. How dare your human body cause you pain and make you bleed?! He will rip out your uterus if it doesn't kill you(He does not understand human anatomy) instead to take out his anger he just rips up more stuffed animals.
Thinks The concept of you bleeding out of your uterus is cool but would never tell you. Is the one chasing away all the demons because you want to be left alone.
"babe at the store What size coochie you wear."
Gladly will carry you around all day. Knows all your favorite snacks, So he'll barge into your room and just dump them all on you.
Shows up, gives you more things to eat, and then leaves. Only to show up again later, give you pillows and blankets, and then leave again.
You're unsure if it's some kind of demon instinct because it doesn't matter how many blankets you have. He'll just show up with more until you effectively have a nest of pillows and blankets, and he'll still keep coming back.
You mean an excuse for you to cuddle him all day and lay in bed with him? Sign him the fuck up. Well happily lay with you in the joint nest of pillows and blankets that Beel has gotten for you.
Probably will be constantly kicked out because you need privacy as you go through pain but somehow he always comes back in.
"please don't kick me out again I can be useful; I just want to cuddle 🥺👉👈"
*fearful Dragon noises* smell blood but where is it?! Had a human anatomy lesson from Lucifer. He stays by your side because even though it is normal for you to bleed once no month he kind of feels very uncomfortable knowing that you are bleeding and he isn't doing something about it.
He'll make sure you're fully comfortable, he want massage your aching muscles and make sure you have everything you need.
"Lucifer said if I want to stop the bleeding I have to get you pregnant after your cycle :)"
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dollwrites · 1 year ago
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 ∣ smut ( minors dni ), fem!devil!reader, body writing, mentions of mindbreak, suggestions of exhibition, all characters featured are aged 18+
𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∣ please reblog && leave feedback. not proofread so there’s probably mistakes. thanks for reading < 3
𝗱𝗼𝗹𝗹’𝘀 𝗯𝗮𝗱𝗮𝘀𝘀 𝗯𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝗯𝗹𝘂𝗿𝗯𝘀 ∣ poll winner [ beelzebub + body writing ]
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“All done, baby, wanna see?”
you weren’t so sure that you did, but you nod in a daze, and a chuckling Beelzebub tightens his grip on the nape of your neck, dragging you to stand in front of the mirror.
though your eyelids are heavy and your eyes are blurry from faded tears of ecstasy, you can make out the black ink chicken-scratched across your stomach. the biggest words you could read was bold and still dripping raven paint, taking up the majority of your lower abdomen.
you would’ve blushed, had all of the decency and shame not been fucked out of you only moments before, and instead, you mouth the words, liking the idea of saying it out loud. “I—I’m…”
“My little whore,” Beel nodded, as if confirming that you’d read the print, and he was smirking wolfishly, before trailing his fingers to another word he’d written upon your bare flesh. “Cumdump.” he smears the ink a bit as he moves on to the next saying, “to use and abuse.” he chuckles, watching your eyeline jump to every new word he points to, “Are you reading along, sweetling?” but when you nod, he knows it’s a lie. his lips purse. “If you had a single thought behind those eyes, I might believe you. But you don’t. You’re all used up, and that’s why I’m going to show you off around the kingdom.” both of his hands reach around you from behind, fingers gripping your thighs to spread them apart. “So everyone can see what a ooey, gooey, braindead mess I’ve made you.”
his amusement is evident when, as he forces your thighs to part, a drool of his cum leaks out of your abused, overly sensitive cunt. scrawled across your thighs, messily and almost completely diluted with your and his juices combined, was another large saying.
you moan as you drip his release all over the floor, but your belly is just a little bulging; you’re so full of his cum that you don’t miss the excretions.
“You’re going to… show me off…?” you asked, your voice thick.
Beel beams, and nods, fastening a collar tight around your neck. it was only when your heavy-lidded eyes flit up to it that you noticed the word HOLE written across your face, your swollen lips acting as the O. “Mhm, gonna walk you down the street on all fours, just like a conquered animal. You’re going to leak my cum the whole way, your sore cunt trembling and on display so everyone can see how you gape when I’ve hollowed you out. And you’re just going to love, love, love all the attention, won’t you, baby?” as he asks, he grins, beaming with mischief, and grabs hold on your horn with one hand, squeezing tight to hear you mewl and watch your knees buckle under your weight. “Good, good girl.”
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o-pandora-o · 5 months ago
WHB 1st Anniversary
A bit late on posting but I took some pics on the fan event online! Thank you so much for making this opportunity possible!
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olibabart · 1 year ago
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what have i done
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iceingms · 1 year ago
Ohw, Beel. 🥺 Always so romantic.
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⛧✃✃✃⛧✁✁✁⛧✃✃✃⛧✁✁✁⛧ I don't wear makeup, but if I try, Satan tells the truth. HAHAHAHAHA. Sorry, today I'm thinking about not finishing chapter five in one sitting.
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teyvatairconditioningco · 2 months ago
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Belphie not even getting close to the glass is sending me
Also Asmo's glass is pregnant now
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jazeswhbhaven · 1 month ago
Strange Thoughts About the Kings: Beelzebub w/ tendencies of a common house fly
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So this was on my mind today for a small drabble about Beel behaving like a common housefly.
First of all, there's tons of different fly species and yet when I mostly seeing like yah know the "lord of the flies" or something revolving around that demon wise, it's just a regular ol' fly.
When it comes to eating, Beel doesn't necessarily need to decompose his food before eating it because he has a mouth and teeth. But I do often can see him vomiting his stomach acid for other purposes or if he's in the mood for a liquid meal.
His acid doesn't hurt MC/You because he can control it. Otherwise uh your skin would melt pretty much down to the fat/bone in an instant and since you aren't a devil there's really no way of fixing that.
Another thing that would probably be amusing, is him constantly cleaning himself. I once watched a fly clean itself for about a minute before it flew off because I got too close.
For Beel, he may not seem like it but he's a very clean devil. He's constantly cleaning himself and not the area around him because it's him that needs to be clean. Plus, he can taste things with his hands and feet at will so those particular areas need to be clean. Because flies like UV lights and things, Beel easily has strobe lights and other fancy things in the various clubs he visits. However if you were to try and zap him with a fly zapper, he's smart enough to avoid those than a common fly.
Also in Beel's canon behaviors, such as liking sweat and eating/drinking in his Attacker card before fucking...are fly traits! Flies tend to land on humans because they like the sweat and when you exhale that good old carbon dioxide. Also flies tend to eat before mating.
I know I yapped your brain off about fly facts, but I just like thinking about those silly little things flies do other than carry diseases and germs in my household....and since I live in a rural-type area let's not talk about those horseflies....
which i found out if they have enough time to land on you, they literally cut a X shaped hole in your skin and lap up your blood.
before I go...I think Beel would be upset if you crushed one of his flies but then forget about it and move on.
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d34dlysinner · 5 months ago
This is just a funny thought I had, but have ya ever done that school prank where ya jab two fingers into someone's waist/sides from behind?my school called it Taser
Some of the whb guys (Marbas) just have their waists out and vulnerable. Imagine just jabbing their waists and trying to run away afterwards, some of them probably laugh while others squeak. I just remembered being the target of this often cause I didn't really react lol.
okay this is a funny thought will mention some of the boys in here (the kings and right hands and some extra boys)
Satan felt two little fingers jab into his waist and turned around thinking that someone was challenging him in a disrespectful way. It was only till he saw that it was you that he calmed down and sighed. He gave you a warm smile and asked what your goals were by poking him like that. He didn't mind the reason eventually mostly because it was you. He did the same later during the day when you were off guard. Laughing when you were shocked. Sitri jumped a little before putting his teacup down. "MC... I'm happy you'd think it's funny to partake in these activities, but maybe you've interacted with Leraye too much?", is all he would say before giving you a small smile. "Though I wouldn't mind you touching me again." Mammon didn't even feel you jab into his waist. He only noticed that you were there, because he heard someone wincing in pain. Concerned he asked you what happened only to laugh at how you injured yourself. "If you want attention you can always demand my time.", he says before carrying you around Tartaros yet again. Bimet flinched a little but looked back at you with the most sarcastic face he could pull off. "If you have time poking people you should have time managing your bank account.", he says as he believes that you can always better spend your time earning money. He will sigh and pat your head after he noticed that your mood was low after he gave you a lecture. Valefor would smile and pat your head before asking your plans for the day. Maybe you'd want to spend it with him since you're here already? Leviathan he flinched and gave you a nasty look. "Why did you do that?", he would ask as he becomes sceptical to your reasoning for poking him. "You shouldn't do that when I'm working at least." He says before he walks off. At least he wouldn't hang you for something like that. Glasyalabolas ignored you. He just walked off and later, he would return to you to do the same to you... when you're taking a nap. Foras turned around and gave you a smile saying he didn't mind the poke. Later during the entire day you would feel random pokes of him. And you know it's him because it's always when you're alone and you feel someone poking you but you see no one. "There's no fun in it if you can see me."
Beelzebub instantly returned the gesture and made it a habit. Have fun with him poking you every time he visits you. Bael was too busy to care at the moment. Later on, when he's taking a break, will he ask you why you would poke him. Amon woke up from his usual nap and dragged you into his arms. He would poke you once before napping with you in his arms. Stolas yelped and turned around with a light blush on his face. He was about to point his gun and hurl insults your way until he realized that it was you. "Don't ever do that again.", is all he said before giving you a light huff and walking away. Lucifer stared at you with a blank expression as you stood there expecting a bit more from him. You didn't get a reaction out of him but definitely got one from the snake on his jacket. "Sorry", you whisper to the snake as you awkwardly excused yourself. Marbas noticed you poking him but didn't say anything apart from "I'm busy right now." Plus he is tied up. he wouldn't be able to do a lot to you to begin with. Gamigin jumped and his chimes were making a lot of noise. "MC! You scared me for a second...", he said before giving you a smile. He gave you a poke afterward. Morax would see you approach him. He would question what you were doing. He saw some hesitation in your actions and asked what was troubling you. When you explained that you wanted to poke him he understood your hesitation. "A little poke wouldn't hurt me if you're worrying about that.", he said as he gave you a little smile. Belphegor continued sleeping. You knew you wouldn't get a reaction out of him unless you do it constantly for a few minutes. He would warn you once. If you do it again he would send you back to Gehenna. Beleth would smile and most likely would flirt with you. Just for entertainment but if the flirting leads to something else (something more steamy) then he wouldn't mind it. Andrealphus gave you a smile before holding your hands. "Instead of poking me you could hold my hand like this. That way I can also know that it's you."
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