#whatever their deal is it runs on attention so they dont bother with me lol
littlemisslol-fic · 1 year
Have you seen that weird ass Anti-Varigo post saying they have a 10 year age gap?
The guy who posted it also ships Nimona and Ballister and has donkey porn on their blog
Seen em around, but all of those blogs are the same person, so I just kinda block on sight. Varigo doesn't have the age gap they claim though, I'm sure Kay and Anna just hadn't finished the redesigns before spitballing some fun concept art. There's no way they'd commit to full redesigns as the first thing they'd do for a comic pitch, that'd be ridiculous.
As for the rest if it, uh. Not to yuck another person's yum, but uh. Yikes.
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melancholybliss92 · 10 months
Tips For Success
It's been awhile since I have posted. I know there are some that actually found my blog because I see likes and reblogs. I don't have time to mess around with youtube editing. I been wanting to start a mental health youtube channel but I never got around to do it. I am super busy and I am not even married with NO kids haha.
I just want to say for those who are feeling alone, or they are with toxic people, whoever those toxic people are. Try your best to get all the help you need, and get the FUCK OUT of the situation and away from the toxic people in your life. I learned things the hard way and when I finally got away from all the toxic people in my life, I was already pushing my mid twenties . I am 31 yrs old and I still look super young and I sound young lol. This makes me a target everywhere I go. I developed a thick wall and I don't trust anybody really.
Remember, It is better to be Alone than to be with the wrong, jealous people who only want you close so they can destroy you. Pay attention to how people around you respond when you start to do well for yourself . When you start to do well , are the people around you happy, congratulating you and asking you to go out to eat or do anything because they see you winning? If they see you winning and they continue to make snide, sneaky jealous comments, they question you even further about your life and how you do things, and they don't seem happy for you... They give off weird bipolar vibes and they continue to pry into your business. Its time for you to block, delete, cut off contact, whatever you do, its time to burn bridges. The reason why I used the term "people around you" because there is alot in your social circle right. Friends, family, partner etc.
Let me tell you something. Writing my past and current situation would be like writing a script for a 3 hour movie. I am not going to bother but I have alot of experience dealing with fake, jealous, toxic, stalkerish people. I use to be scared of living alone and being alone. But meeting all this weird trash made me realize, ITS BETTER TO live alone, be alone, the right people will gravitate towards you over time. When you are alone and live alone. No one is jealous of you, no one is poking in your business, making sneaky jealous comments about you and what you are doing with your life. You work, you leave your job, you go find another job, you go back to school, whatever. You come home to peace and quiet and all of your things is there. If you dont have alot of things, trust me , over time you will buy things for your place. It takes time, dont worry about being broke or not having anything yet. The luxury is that no one is plotting against you when you live alone. I dont like living with room mates either because I like to have my own space and walk around naked, eat whenever I want. Like seriously, when you live alone, You run your life, you plan your meals, you learn how to be independent , you do whatever you want and you find yourself. Only then when you see what life is like without toxic people, you will find true happiness. Just be careful and watch your back when you live alone.
From what I have seen, jealous people who are failures are miserable and sneaky stalkers. They can't do anything by themselves and they are fake. It could be alot of reasons on how they are fake. They got a job because they knew someone and they never worked hard for what they want and they never worked hard to go look for a job by themselves. Maybe they dont have their own place they gotta Hoe around and be in fake relationships to move into someone else's house. Maybe they never worked hard a day in their life to get what they want, they always use other people to buy them shit or they was raised to be a loser and wait for family to provide them . They cant fend for themselves. They see you are something they are not so they will focus all their energy on you. I had this happen to me more than once I know what I am talking about.
They play like they are on your side at the beginning. They act super nice to you and understanding. Slowly over time, you will see that They can't mind they business . slowly over time, TRUST ME, you will sit there one day and ask yourself, "what is wrong with me, why is this person saying this and that about me, am I wrong or are they wrong. Am I crazy or its them thats crazy. why did I let them make all this comments about me and I didnt say anything back".
When you reach that stage where you are asking yourself this, you are dealing with a lowlife psychopath lmao. They are reversing their failures onto you. They are Projecting their personality onto you and they will try to disrespect you, then copy your personality and stalk every move you make. The outcome is that they want to start shit with you and fight you to slow you down on your success. Thats why its better to cut off contact and its not worth it.
There is actually a lot of discussion I found on Quora.com that was talking about jealous crazy people. Some girl responded to this person, she said why would you want to fight with someone who can't mind their own business. They have been waiting for the day to drag you down and by arguing and fighting them, you are giving them what they want.
Its almost like a ghost, a leech or a parasite all in one. They want you tied to them so they repeat the cycle of drama, jealous comments, drama and plotting, scheming, more drama. When you cut off all contact, you win the game and break the cycle. when you respond and choose to fight them , you are rebonding trash to yourself like a ghost following you around haunting you repeating the cycle. I had enough of this type of lowlife trash. They will fuck their own selves over anyways, dont bother and learn to be independent.
That's why I only hang with 2-3 people at a time to see who they are . I never involve myself in a large circle of friends and I dont give a fuck about how many friends and family I have left. I mind my business and focus on money, working, and real estate.
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ilajue · 3 years
i think habing an eyepatch would be cool i want to be a purate good eth ing im not a cyclopse because then it would make me blind lol krinios can never be a pirate they just started using hethey pronouns thats oretty cool i know peolem put theor pronouns in theur location on twt but my location has heen eeby deeby so long that ove gotten attached and i dont want to change it plus id knt want peopke to refer to me and also i pick fights with elons wierd nerda on twt enough that ut woukd be easy qmmo for them i dont thibk not having labled pronouns makes me a bad person its just not somthibg i want because im kinda figuring out gender rn yk i feel pressured to di ut because i want to nake trans peopke feel safe but also it doesnt seem like that big of a deal but akso i dobt want peolle to send ne hate because even tho it doenst rky bother me ut is uncomfy to delete death threats from your dms whixg is what i did today but mf also xalled me slurs publically so hes been blicked and reported. peolle rly go so far to defend their investments on twt the crypro community is fucking insane imagine getting so pissed off that some kid is making fun of your waifu muskrat and your favorite cryptocurrency "cummies" that you harrass them for an hour wuth death threats lol no life anywyas one experience i will never forget is one time in 6th grade it was 3am and a car drove past my house playibg loud mucic but it wasnt party kusoc or anything it was eliza hamilton singing burn wtf why where thy ey pumping that i remember being excited at the time becaud ei really liked hamilton but looking bqck that dhitd confusing i like hamolton i thinkbthat thr music is good but lin manuel mirands voice irritates me and also some parts of that play where pretty racist plus the setting of the play was also not gold for poc extras i think i saw a testemony from an extra about it i was gonna read but it was long ajd i got distracted. becaus of that i try not to listen to the musoc on spotify but also at the end of the day im onky one perskn and a spotify stream is like a quarter of a cent and also even if i was listening on youtube im still givong profut to yoytube and whatever fucked up company thats advertizing their child labor made products to me bro if we had no child labor laws today thry would absoltuley never be put in place. i want a motorcycle because i think i would look cool but also i dont want to get hit by a car yk why do peopke want to pee when they gear rubnibg water whats the wvolutionary benfit to that like did monkes see water abd be like yah i want to contaminate thzt so bad. also why isnt there a shit version of that how come we dont have a sound that induces shit like the brown note i liked that epidode of south park it was the first episode i saw and it was funny but i saw it with my dad and he taljied about the revolutionary animation of southpark and how it was super techbologicakky advaced fot thr time and i didnt pay attention vecaue i didnt care but south park is cool i dont trust peolle who say its their favorite show tho vecause thry are probobly very bad at picking up on the sarvasm of it yk the song in southpark movir got nominated for the song version of the oscars and the three dude crators got incredibly high as showed up in dresses they walked so thst harry styles could run the song was avout hating canada it sgould have won also the guy in the pibk dress looks good he kinda popped off look up the pictures anyways damn bro its betime i dont thy ink anyone read this :]
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wkemeup · 5 years
What about the time reader says I love you for the first time and it's not very good timing and they dont see each other for a bit after she says it and she's worried she messed up?
+ anon request of “At what point do they say I love you cause I feel like they’re both already half way in love with each other by the time they leave the airport lol”
Im With You - Masterlist
“Doll, I really gotta go,” Bucky laughed, one foot inside the taxi, the rest of him leaning up and over the door as you kept your hands gripped into the collar of his shirt. He giggled like a kid on a playground as you pressed kisses to his nose, his cheeks, his forehead, his lips. Neither of you minded as the taxi driver impatiently blared down on the horn.
It was hard to let go of him knowing he’d be leaving for two weeks to visit Rebecca at Oxford. He was so proud the day she’d called and told him she’d been accepted to their graduate program, he’d shouted the news to the entire café at near eight in the morning, startling an old man into spilling his tea down his front. Bucky had apologized profusely, bought the man a new drink and scone to make up for the mess, but he was giddy with pride, whistling and grinning to himself, for the entire day.
Six months had passed the graduation and things had been better between Bucky and his sister. They texted once every few weeks, a short exchange here and there, simple questions about Bucky’s job and whether Rebecca had started packing yet. They were mending something that had been severed for years. It would take time. They both knew that.
But this was a good step.
“Sweetheart, stop it! I’m gonna miss my flight,” Bucky warned, trying to pull away again, though he didn’t put much effort into it. He was usually the one fighting for affection, pulling you into his arms on the street and kissing you until strangers turned away awkwardly. He liked the attention and wondered if he should travel more just to see this side of you again.
“Okay, okay,” you conceded, letting go of his shirt and he fell into his seat with a huff. His hair was messy from where your hands had run through it and he had that blissed out kind of look on his face that made your stomach twist to knots. You closed the door behind him and tapped on the roof of the taxi.
Bucky rolled down the window, resting his forearms on the frame as the driver switched on the turn signal. You stepped back to the sidewalk, giving him a short wave.
“I’ll call,” Bucky promised. He looked like a damn dream.
“I know you will,” you replied, arms folded over your chest as you smiled back at him.
The taxi started to pull out into the street and you missed him already. Bucky mouthed a last goodbye, his voice obstructed by the shout of the cabby as he cursed out the driver next to him. You laughed, following the few feet down the sidewalk to be with him just a little longer.
“Just fly safe, alright? Have fun for me,” you laughed, shaking your head at Bucky’s attempts to hold a conversation with you from his window of the taxi.
“Won’t be possible without you!” He was practically screaming. His driver looked about ready to toss him on the street.
“Goodbye, Bucky,” you teased, shaking your head as you started to back away. “Love you.”
Bucky's smile fell away in an instant. Face falling into shock. Eyes wide. “What?”
You raised a brow. You couldn’t hear him. A bike zoomed past you, keeping you from walking out to the curb. “What’s wrong?”
“What did you just say?” he called over the rush of traffic, then turning to the cab driver to get him to pull over but it was too late. The cab disappeared into the flow of cars.
Shaking your head, you pulled out your phone at the soft vibrations in your pocket, Bucky’s face illuminated on the screen, when a sudden heavy force slammed into your side, sending you spiraling to the ground. You fell with a thud against your left hip, turning to find a jogger in expensive running gear sending an apologetic grimace over his shoulder as he pointed at his watch, a signal that he needed to keep his pace and couldn’t bother to stop to help you.
You rolled your eyes, trying to find your footing again when you realized your phone had been thrown from your hands. It was a few feet into the street, but it appeared unharmed. Bucky’s name was still lit up on the screen. The slight wave of relief was short lived until a Tesla drove right over it as you took your first step off the curb, its horn screaming at you.
Your phone was in pieces.
Well, shit.
You thought about running upstairs to grab your computer before realizing Bucky took your laptop to the Apple store a few days ago after it started displaying the blue screen of death. With no access to your phone or social media, you’d just have to hope whatever he was so concerned about wasn’t a huge deal. You’d get your phone sorted out in a few hours.
Hopefully you could track him down before his flight took off.
Later, after you’d spent an hour sitting in the lobby of the cell store, waiting for your turn, you started thinking back to your goodbye with Bucky, wondering what had set him off. You’d been teasing him. It was hard to hear over the horns of the traffic and the pedestrians around you, but you were certain he’d known you were joking with him.
He said he’d call.
You told him to be safe. Have fun.
He made his corny jokes.
You said goodbye and then...
“Shit!” you gasped, hands clamping to your mouth as a mother quickly stood from her seat next to you carrying a three-year-old now repeating the curse word on a loop. She glared at you and you couldn’t hold it together enough to offer an apology.
You’d told him you loved him.
You'd known for a while, felt it almost before you’d even boarded the plane back to the city that first weekend, but you were never supposed to tell him like this. You were going to wait a few more months, when it felt like a reasonable time when most normal couples who met in a perfectly average way would have said that sort of thing.
Not as he was driving away to board a flight to London for the next two weeks.
“Oh, God,” you whined, sinking into the chair, remembering the look on his face, how his smile had fallen away, how shocked he’d been. You pinched at the bridge of your nose, your cheeks hot with embarrassment, and you tried to make yourself as small as you could manage.
It didn’t work.
You glanced up to find an employee in a red shirt calling your name. She offered you a sad smile as you hulled yourself to your feet. The look on her face was warning enough.
“It looks like we’re going to need two weeks to get the parts for your phone,” she said.
You nodded. Of course.
“You’re welcome to use one of our other devices in the meantime.” She gestured to a wall of phones, all of which were priced at rentals well over your budget. You didn’t have the spare funds to be wasting on the parts for your phone, let alone another phone entirely.
“N-No, I’ll manage,” you said dejectedly. You’d lived without a cellphone once in your life. You’d been a kid in the age before children had iPads and touchscreens were considered the peak of technology. You could get through this.
Until you realized you didn't know Bucky’s number. Or Steve’s. Or anyone that could possibly get you in contact with him once his plane landed in London. You wondered if he’d still try to call only to be met with your voicemail or if you’d freaked him out enough to keep his distance. You wouldn’t find out, you supposed. He had no way of reaching you until he got back.
It was the day Bucky was supposed to get back.
You had spent the past two weeks in constant anxiety. There had been a few times you thought about tracking down Steve at his place, but you couldn’t remember the address or how to get there. How had you become so reliant on a damn phone?
So, you sat on your couch, staring at the wall. He’d go straight home, you were sure. He'd be exhausted from jetlag and the itinerary of sights Rebecca likely dragged him and his mother on. You’d seen her email detailing the trip before he left. He'd been so excited.
You were about to go downstairs to check your mail again, hoping they’d shipped you your phone by now, when you heard a sudden pounding on the door that forced a skip in your heart.
“Y/n?! Please tell me you’re in there! Jesus— open the door.”
You found yourself paralyzed, terrified to even stand. The pounding continued.
“Come on,” Bucky called and you could the crack in his voice, the panic. “Don’t do this to me. I gotta talk to you. Please be home. Please be home.”
You swallowed nervously, standing on wobbling legs as you made your way to the door. He was still knocking on the other side, calling out to you and you could hear your neighbors shouting at him to quiet down, but he didn’t let up.
The moment you unfastened the deadbolt, he silenced instantly. A squeak in the floor meant he took a step back and you slowly opened the door.
He stood in the frame; dark circles under his eyes and his luggage down at his feet. He was out of breath.
Then, unable to take the tension, you boke spoke at once.
“You didn’t answer my calls.”
“A Tesla ran over my phone.”
Bucky paused, confused. “Wait-- what?”
You took a deep breath, twisting at your hands nervously, avoiding his eyes. “A, um, a Tesla ran over my phone after you left. I’ve been waiting on a replacement but the interim phones were too expensive and you took my computer to the shop earlier this week, so I haven’t been able to get ahold of anyone and I’ve been--”
“Oh, thank God.” Bucky engulfed you into his arms, causing you to stumble back a few paces into your kitchen, but he held you steady. His nose pressed in tight to your neck, arms constricting at your waist. “You weren’t picking up when I called and I thought—I thought you didn’t--”
He didn’t finish the thought.
“You did mean it, right?” he asked slowly, pulling back just enough to see your eyes. He was searching you, scanning you, but you couldn’t speak. “Tell me you did. I’ve been going crazy, doll. I almost got on a flight back about seven different times but my ma kept trying to tell me I was being nuts, but I— I couldn’t stand the idea of you not knowing I love you, too.”
“You what?” The air left your lungs, Bucky’s face still nuzzled in tight to the crook of your neck, his words slightly muffled by the cotton of your sweatshirt.
He pulled back slightly, just enough to see your face. There was a kind of relief in his eyes as a heavy breath left his lungs. He brushed a hair away from your face, thumb tracing delicately over your cheekbone.
“I love you,” he said again, so calmly, so sweetly, it ignited a storm of fireworks and butterflies in your stomach. “Please tell me I wasn’t hearing you wrong because I’ll start feeling really damn stup--”
Lips crashed to his, hands curling tight into the lapel of his jacket, as close as you could manage to get him. He smiled against your lips, the soft vibrations of his laugh warm against you, and you melded to him. It was where you should be.
Only after your lungs were tight without air, you pulled back, pressing a kiss to his cheeks, the corners of his mouth, his nose, his jaw, until he was laughing and smiling wide enough for it to wrinkle by his eyes.
Bucky wrapped his arms around your shoulders, holding you close. “So, does this mean--”
You swatted his arm, kissing him again, before you said what you’d been waiting to since the day you boarded the flight back to NYC, hand in hand, without the weight of your insecurities on your shoulders, a burden he’d helped in lifting.
“I love you, too.”
Ok folks that’s the end of this lovely series! I’ve so appreciated the love and support on my first real attempt at fluff ♥️ I hope this sustains you through the next one shot I plan on posting (hint: it’s titled A Twice Broken Man) and my next major series about undercoverFBIagent!Bucky infiltrating Hydra 👀
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teyvattherapist · 3 years
Hi congrats on 100 followers btw!!
For the Match Up can it be romantic? And male ehe if you dont mind !!
As for my personality, well it's really hard to dedcribe but I tend to become an extrovert whenever im with comfortable people or with mt friends, but when I'm with people I dont know i tend to become an introvert well that depends if this person picks up my interest then I would gladly interact with them, but if they make me uncomfortable I just tend to smooth it out until the interaction is over. I also tend to get flustered easily or just hide it by getting mad at them or hit them playfully for some reason because I dont want to admit it lol ehe (I also have anger issues lol but I can handle it)
My interests are painting, walking outside at night or at dawn (you know those cliche escapes where you walk in town with no noise or at the beach), I also like to stay up late and draw, running away at 3 in the morning (ehe) cuddles ofc!! Hand - holding Gift - giving, playing games (video games esp), coffee and all that
The kind of person that I'm looking for is someone who would be there for me (not always because we know that not everyone has time for u they also r really busy and all that) Like when I need them the most they'll be there quickly, I also would like the kind of person who likes to play along with my jokes, Who understands me but really all in all i just want someone to be there for me when things get tough, also they can be open to me anytime they want but if they dont want to share their thoughts then thats completely okay with me!! I wont bother them or force them to open things to me just because I'm their S/O
Sorry if its too long but I hope this works!!
okay venti who let you into my inbox? no but honestly i'd love to be your friend I relate to a lot of the stuff you put here haha. Especially late night walks. best walks imo. Thank you for the congrats! Onto the match up~
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I’m going to be honest I chose Kaeya because you two would cause so many problems and I live to watch the world(er, Teyvat) burn. Kaeya is charismatic enough for the two of you when it comes to strangers, and he’s almost too smooth when dealing with any ‘‘problems’ you may encounter.
Not to mention he’d live to fluster you, though if you ask him to stop he will(in public at least, good luck getting him to stop behind closed doors). Plus if you smack his chest he’ll just grab your wrist and now you get to feel his glorious chest, congratulations, you’ve played yourself. He’s got a cheeky little smirk the entire time.
Kaeya loves the beach, he conducts quite a bit of his business at night, so what I’m hearing is he brings you to Falcon Coast at 3am to walk along the shoreline? Haha, yeah. If you give him a pretty shell you spot he’ll keep it for pretty much forever. Give him art you’ve stayed up late drawing? He keeps that too, if it's small enough it shall be tucked safely inside of his wallet.
Mondstadt’s Cavalry Captain may have secrets he’d rather keep to himself, for now, he’s a fantastic listener. It is his job, after all. The kind of man to drag you into bed for cuddles so you can talk about whatever may be on your mind. He enjoys touching and being touched, the type ranges, but he’s always genuine and soft late at night as you two discuss your days, or rather you discuss your day and he gives you the usual ‘paperwork, bleh.’
And hey, with no cavalry to currently captain, be rest assured he’ll always be there when you need him. (He’d be there anyways, there are not many promises he keeps, but when it comes to people he cares about..) Give him time and he may admit the truth. For now though, he’d be one to greatly treasure your respect about his past.
“Kaeya, I found a nice one!” Your call cuts through the misty air of the quiet beach, drawing Kaeya’s attention to you. Standing up, you brush the sand off of the milky white and almost pearlescent shell you had found alongside the shoreline. The cavalry captain joins your side and you hold the shell up to him.
Kaeya took it, holding it up in the light of the moonlight to look at it closer. A mischievous glint in his eye, he turned his head to you once more. “It is pretty, but not as pretty as you~” A small huff escaped you, cheeks growing warm as you quickly looked away from the man with a pout. “I guess that makes you my pretty seashell?”
You smack his chest, but before you could pull back and walk away Kaeya gripped your wrist, pressing your hand against his chest. “Feel that?” His heart beat below the surface of his skin, underneath your hand. Kaeya’s expression softened when you looked back at him, your eyes quickly averting his. “My heart beats for you.”
“You’re so cheesy, let’s get back before it gets any later.” Kaeya snorted at your flustered voice, releasing your wrist to instead wrap an arm around your shoulders, dragging you against his side to walk alongside the shore in the direction of your home.
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thoschei-rights · 5 years
Even more Who Fic ideas I can’t write bc I’m lazy
Okay maybe not lazy- I don’t think I’m lazy? I just really struggle keeping attention, and after a paragraph I’m bored? I struggle to stick with thing?? Idk? I dunno how to explain- but yeah take my ideas and run with them if you like them?? Heck if you write them, hit me up, and I’ll literally link them in this post <3
Okay so some of these exist already but they’re all mostly text fics? But can we please have more Eleven/Dhawan!Master fics?? I think the fandom has mostly just accepted their original meeting was while he was Eleven because he’s the only New Who Doctor not to have a Master Post-Ten? (Look I bolded post-ten so yall don’t think I’m ignoring Nine and The War Doc??) Can we not have the Master lowkey flirting with Eleven and Eleven being flustered af bc Eleven was a baby :’) Idk? I just- I have no excuses haha
This is an idea Ive had for a while, because I like River and y’know? Space Wives?? Please? :’) But anyway, my biggest love would be Thirteen in the Library episodes? Thirteen lowkey infiltrating the exploration squad or whatever the fudge they were called, she could pass as a normal person albeit a bit eccentric? Because River definitely doesn’t know that face if the Husbands of River Song is anything to go by? Thirteen promising herself she’s not there to get involved or change anything, she’s just there to see River one more time- but then Oop- she get’s involved gg :’) Its up to you how much she changes, if anything gets overwritten? Go crazy yo-
This prompt contains Broadchurch S2 spoilers btw Okay this one is a crossover? Sorry. Normally I’m not a crossover person, I just don’t like them most of the time unless they’re really well written? I read an amazing D:BH x Marvel crossover once?? ANYWAY. I’m going off on one... Broadchurch x Who fics aren’t rare.. but ones including Thirteen are hella rare and it makes me so sad?? But anyway, I finished season 2 the other day and lol at they end, Paul is all like lol bye Joe off to Sheffield you go... and I’m just there fucking screaming? Imagine right? Joe is just chilling in Sheffield being the shitstain that he is? And he sees Thirteen? and he’s like? fuck? what? help? Extra points if she’s being super gay with Yaz or she’s lowkey with the Master :’) but either way Joe is pissing himself bc he’s like holy fuck i’m being haunted or karma or- idk :’) extra extra points if Thirteen spots this random human staring and thinks he’s being homophobic or racist or smth and she lowkey gives him a glare and hESHJBF,DJKBFHDHJKFSDG I’m fine. fuck. i’m honestly fine. Joe deserves jail thanks he made my baby cry :ccc
nOW I have that out of the way- iMAgine lets kill hitler but when River gives him her regenerative shizzle, it heals him yes, but he also regenerates into Twelve? bc by this point the ponds have witnessed Mels > River regeneration so they’re aware of the concept? but now? their young energetic puppy of a doctor is a grumpy scot? and they’re whiplash af? but they aren’t the type to get judgemental? bc he’s still the doctor? I think if the ponds ever had to deal with a regen, they’re definitely in the group that would be accepting and wouldn’t taken ten years to get over it (LOOKING AT YOU CLARA YOU MEANIE???) Rory having a mid-life crisis bc now he has TWO anger scot peoples 
Clara breaking Thirteen out of prison bc we’ve all seen the Jack versions but hi Clara can’t get back to Gallifrey to be put back in her timestream if iTS ALL DESTROYED SO IS SHE IMMORTAL??/ Anyway yeah Clara is like lmao psyche I’m gonna go save the dork from prison bc ur not telling me she doesn’t keep tabs on him? pft. Thirteen is like woah holy shit Clara? and Clara is like woah holy shit yoU REMEMBER ME AND YOU’RE GORGEOUS AND WOAH SHIT NOW IM GAY?? :’) and then Jack bursts in and he’s like oh i was late which one of you are the doctor- :’) 
Asylum of the Daleks except Eleven literally takes Dalek Oswin with him? and news spreads among the universe? the doctor and a dalek> traveling? together? it causes the biggest shOOKETH in the history of shOOKETHs? imagine landing places and peoples reactions to a fuCKING DaleK OH SHIT WE GON DIE but then woah?? a literal sassy female-sounding dalek? hi bye wtf? Yes. We stan Dalek Oswin.
Thasmin bc I need to make sure yall know deSPITE THE USERNAME I DO ACTUALLY DIE FOR THASMIN TOO YKNOW??? anyway, the house-tardis (housis) likes Yaz, bc everyone likes Yaz, have you met her? she’s precious? we love? anyway the housis takes Yaz to the Doctor bc Yaz is lowkey begging bc she needs to save her- she doesn’t know what happens but- she hopes and- anyway the housis takes her to prison and yeet Yaz is a badass and breaks her out? Thirteen is like woAH im gay af when Yaz deadass throws a guard over her shoulder or smth and she’s like I DONT APPROVE OF TH E VIOLEN C E but she’s also gay crisis af :’) we just have lots of prison break alternatives in this church
Can i throw in another broadchurch crossover? I like these... The Master escapes the Kasaavin realm and ends up in Broadchurch? He’s bare confused why everyone looks like the doctor or his/her/their human pets :’) he lowkey does double takes every two seconds. without a tardis he’s forced to live as a human for a bit, while trying to contact the doctor, bc as much as he doesnt wanna admit it, he needs her to give him a lift to his tardis lmao- anyway she eventually turns up and idk , everything falls to shit bc the general public are so confused bc now there’s two beths :’)
the fam end up in petes world after a shitshow in the votex :’) maybe someone crashes into them (lol probably the master being a bish) and yep. thirteen is like o shit nope i cant do this- but the fam wanna explore, so she can’t refuse. and ofc, cliche af but oFC THEY RUN INTO ROSE? WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME? WE NEED BLONDE BABIES TOGETHER THANKS? maybe thirteen is trying to pretend to be normal and human and its a disaster and the fam are confused but play along, maybe they’re dragged into an alien issue and its all running and shit? maybe meta doc is dead? maybe thirteen wants to tell rose who she is so bad but? she cant? things are so different now? she’s changed so much> she’s scared? jkhflkjhg precious- but yeah take it as you wANT YO
the fam meeting missy. you can set missy pre-dhawan, post-dhawan, I’m not bothered? personally I really like post-dhawan but it’s fine. the fam are like oo whose this aND IT DOESNT CONNECT THEY’RE THE MASTER BC MISSY IS A NORMAL NAME SO THEY DONT THINK- but then it comes to light and they’re like HYJKFGUIGFDSLUHGSUHL maybe they’re angry and confrontational, maybe they’re defensive and shook?? i dunno but missy and fam are the dream squad thanks-
same as last time, this has lots of typos and gramatical errors, shit punctuation and half the time i forgot to capatalize... BUT i lowkey have a big ass bandage around a finger on my left hand and its hard to type- (i was a numpty and cut a bit off my finger at work) SO YEAH I HAVE AN EXCUSE- ?? haha jokes im just a mess... but yeah I’ll fix this post up evenbtually... 
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horizonmoonfics · 4 years
Tumblr media
Pairing: Namjoon x Y/n Genre: Flansgt (it wasn’t fluffy enough to be fluff, but it’s not really angst so just. Flangst?) Word count: 2k Warnings: you are very unproductive. Tags: @cypherwritersnet​ 
“Melanie, for the last time, I can’t make it today. It’s my cousin’s birthday. I’ll catch up with you some other time.” “Okay fine, but we’re bringing Ainsley next time, alright? Magic Shop at 7 PM on Tuesday.” Melanie sounds stern, but you know she’s not entirely serious. No one’s gotten Ainsley out of her room since she broke up with Chad. “Alright fine, but if we manage to get Ainsley to see actual sunlight, you’re paying.” “Deal.”
You hang up the call, wondering how you got yourself into this situation. You put on your jacket and head out of the dorm, on the way to your aunt’s house. A few hours of chattering with your relatives and gossiping about your older cousins while the younger ones run around and eat cake will be enough to distract you from the fact that you’ve been behind on your work for three weeks. You head on over to your cousin’s house, parking your car next to the sidewalk. You step out and walk up to the door, and before you can knock, it opens, and your cousin runs out and hugs you. “Y/N I’VE MISSED YOU SO SO MUCH OMG! How have you been? How’s school? Are you seeing anyone? We have so much to catch up on!” your cousin Laurel squeals. “Laurel, calm down. It’s only been a month!” “STILL. Now. How’s school? Are you seeing anyone?” Laurel continues, eyes burning into your skin. This interrogation lasts for another ten minutes before she remembers that you two are standing outside, and then invites you in. A few hours of chattering with your relatives? More like six hours from 1 PM to 7 PM being bored to death while Laurel flirts with her boyfriend.
                                                   ~The Next Day~ It was Tuesday. At 6:59 PM. In the Magic Shop cafe. Waiting for Ainsley. Melanie, Skylar, and you were already there. It was raining, and it was raining pretty hard. The bell at the entrance to the cafe jingled, and you looked up, seeing Ainsley walk through the door. “So we finally got Ainsley out in public? I’m impressed,” you say, with a small chuckle. You are actually impressed, but also dreading having to pay for everyone’s coffee. “Don’t count on it happening again, I’m tired and I have homework.” Ainsley sighs. “Well, we might have to let your grades slip a bit. When was the last time you met someone?” Skylar says, adjusting the sleeves of her blazer. “It hasn’t been that long…” Ainsley drifts off, as you and your friends look at her. None of you believe anything she’s saying. “Okay maybe it’s been a while. So what? I can take time to focus on my studies! That’s not a bad thing to want.” “No it isn’t, however you were miserable after you broke up with that last guy. I can’t remember his name and no don’t you dare say it he is taboo. You spent three months sulking. And now you’re drowning yourself in essays. Take a freaking break girly,” Melanie says in her dramatic it’s-the-end-of-the-world voice, her hands on her hips. “Melanie I am not drowning myself in essays! I only have three due this week-” “And you had seven due in the past two days we are not taking any bullshit about not having much work.” You say, placing your phone down on the table and sighing. “We want you to go out more, to socialize. Maybe meet someone. At least revive your social life a little bit. Seeing someone who you can casually hook up with will be better than hiding in your room and only emerging for classes.” “There is merit to y/n’s words, Ainsley. Meet someone. Get dick. Don’t attach yourself if you don’t want to. Whatever. Just get out of the house.” Melanie said, then added, “but we should get coffee first. I mean, we’re here, aren’t we? It’s a coffee shop.” Everyone laughed, then sent you to grab a few drinks and some cookies. You shook your head, chuckling as you walked to the counter. You thought about Melanie’s words a little bit. Hooking up? It wasn’t really your type of thing to do, but maybe Melanie’s advice could apply to your worries as well. Though, you had enough on your plate already, so maybe not. When you returned to the table, you gave everyone their drinks and they began to talk about what they’d been up to the past week. “Oh also, you know that new club that opened up on First Street? I went there with some classmates the other day. I may have met someone…” Melanie says with a wink. “Who? Who? Why haven’t we met him?” said Skylar, pouting about being left out of the loop. There wasn’t a loop though. “Calm your tits Skylar, I’m about to tell you. His name is Kim Taehyung, he’s chill, and he’s pretty cute. He had three friends with him, I don’t remember their names though. And I’ve only known him three days, he hasn’t met anyone.” Melanie laughs, patting Skylar’s shoulder. “I think we should pay that club a visit. What’s it called again?” you say, genuinely interested. You think you know what place she’s talking about, the House of Cards club. It was kind of like a coffee shop that sold booze, and it was a great place to meet just about anyone. “House of Cards. Do you have any reason in mind to go?” Melanie asks, but all four of you already knew there was one reason to go. “No. No no no. I am not meeting your Kim Taehyung and his friends.” Ainsley says, wincing. “I do not go clubbing.” “It’ll be fun! Let’s go.” Skylar gets up, grabbing Ainsley’s wrist. You all head out the door, about to set foot in what will be the starting point of the most interesting night of your lives. About twenty minutes later, you’ve walked into the House of Cards and not only found Taehyung, but met six of his friends. They all seem nice, but you’re pretty sure you’re not going to talk to all of them today, especially with the way Ainsley is eyeing Seokjin. You sit down next to Namjoon, who seems to be the quietest. He’s wearing black glasses, jeans, and a pink shirt that says “Don’t Waste Your Time.” He doesn’t seem to be the type to waste his time, and you hope that rubs off on you. You need to get a leg up on studying. “Hi, I’m y/n.” You say, reaching to shake his hand. “Hi y/n, I’d introduce myself but you already know my name. How’s life?” He asks, shaking your hand. You smile, and say, “It’s pretty good, other than overwhelming schoolwork, you know?” You mentally slap yourself when you remember that you actually do have overwhelming schoolwork, and that you weren’t just making a joke. “Ah yes. Schoolwork. Honestly I think this is probably the most stressful time of the year, especially with exams coming up.” Namjoon agrees, and you take a mental note to check which exams you have next. “Yeah. Do you have Professor Sejin? I hear he’s going to have a really long essay portion.” You ask, curious to find out how he’s going to cope with exams. You really do need some study tips… “Oh jeez… Yeah, I have him. You?” “Yep. I’m in his second period class.” “Dang. Early. He hasn’t said anything to our class, how did you find out about the essay length?” He pushes up his glasses, all attention focused on you. “Some of my friends had him last year, they say his essay requirements never change. Figures that he’d be a teacher that doesn’t let up, you know?” “Yeah. None of the older ones do.” You both laugh, and Namjoon asks if he can get you a drink. You say yes, and ask for a coffee because you know you’re going to be driving tonight. You two talk for a few hours, only interrupted a few times by Melanie and Taehyung leaving (to do who knows what), Ainsley laughing at Jin’s jokes (and telling you that Jin was off limits… maybe she will be getting over Chad tonight), and by Jimin’s insistence on buying everyone another round of drinks. You and Namjoon both declined, preferring coffee to alcohol. Eventually, you check the time and realize you have a lot of studying to do. “Damn, it’s nearly midnight.” You say, looking at your watch. “Wow. Yeah, it is. Do you want a ride home?” Namjoon asks, getting up with you. “Ah, no thanks, my car’s at Magic Shop. I’m going to walk over there and then drive home.” “Okay. Can I walk with you? My car’s a few blocks away, so I’ll probably be heading in the same direction.” “Sure,” you say, smiling. He’s nice. When you get to his car, you turn to him and see that he’s taking a pen out of his jeans pocket. Upon seeing your look of confusion, he smiles shyly. “I was going to ask for your number,” he says, “but you don’t have to give it to me if you don’t want to.” You smile, and take out your phone. “I think there’s an easier way to do that than writing on my arm.” He laughs, and pulls out his phone. After the exchange, he bids you good night, and you do the same before he drives off, in the direction of campus. You get home about twenty minutes later, and get a text almost immediately after walking through the door.
Kim Namjoon: Hey 12:03 You: Hi 12:05 Kim Namjoon: Do u want to study together tmr? 12:05 You: Sure! If it doesn’t bother you, of course. 12:05 Kim Namjoon: Lol 12:05 Kim Namjoon: I wouldn’t mind, + it’s a good chance to get studying in 12:06 You: Alright lol 12:06
You finish making plans, and you sigh happily to yourself. Finally, something to get you to actually do your homework.
                                                     ~The Next Day~ You wake up to the sound of your phone alarm, playing the song “Rain” by BTS. Fitting, considering that it is raining pretty heavily outside. You have three new texts from Namjoon, as well as like fifty from your group chat with Melanie, Skylar, and Ainsley (Skylar was the only one who didn’t hook up with anyone, apparently).
Kim Namjoon: So it’s raining 8:20 Kim Namjoon: maybe we should study at the library instead? 8:20 Kim Namjoon: ur call lol 8:21 You: sure 8:46 You: i dont feel like dealing with soggy notes today lmao 8:46
After a laughing emoji from Namjoon, you get ready to go meet him.
You spot him almost immediately in the library. He’s the one person not wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt, and he waves at you when you walk in.
“Hello stranger,” you say, winking. He smiles, his eyes crinkling behind his glasses as he smiled. “Nice meeting you too, y/n,” Namjoon says, patting the seat next to him, “have a seat.”
You sit down and pull out two of your textbooks and your computer, while Namjoon clears a space on the desk for you.
“So, what exam are you studying for? I’m finishing up with my Civ Pro studying.” “I’m working on my Modern Literature essay prep,” you say, pulling up the essay document on your computer. “Ooh, I could help with that, I took Modern Literature last year.” Namjoon says, adjusting his glasses. “Okay, thank you!” You say, warmly. And so your study session begins.
The next few hours are spent not only studying, but also joking around and giggling. Studying with Namjoon was fun, but also very productive. The most productive you’ve been in months. You schedule more sessions for the next few days, and leave the library feeling very satisfied. You’re definitely cool with having a study partner.
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dilfhakyeon-moved · 6 years
coffee shop au 4 (the one with the different names written on the coffee on different days) with ralbert? :)
disclaimer: don’t give me shit for their names i am TERRIBLE at names
but yea here are the sappho de lesbos stans
Once again, the ‘mystery customer’ was striking.
That sounding pretty ominous, it was nothing that serious. It was just that every week, always on a different day, they’d get that girl coming in. And she’d come at times it was pretty dead, most likely to get the same barista. There she always went, leaning on the counter, giving these soft eyes and these sweet words, and she’d leave with her order. It was never the same order either, she just… drank of everything, apparently. Your fave could never.
Somehow, she was indeed having an effect on that barista she was messing with, but that didn’t make her any less frustrating to deal with. Yeah, the flirting was nice, but if she had a set name it’d just be so much easier, wouldn’t it ? Because giving a different name every week was getting a little old.
Of course, the barista would get quite frustrated after some time, how couldn’t she ? It’d been going on long enough. And the list of names… were similar, for some. Sometimes just complete unrealistic jokes. She could remember them all - Race, Racer, Racetrack, Antonio, Anthony, Tony, even Edmund and Ed,… Pretty Girl, too. Maybe this one was fitting, but Berta absolutely refused to believe any of these other names were that “pretty girl’s” name. For one, some of these weren’t names, and well… the others were masculine, and judging by that last nickname, she wasn’t a guy.
Either way, the redhead had a hard time staying calm as the blonde began babbling, her oddly squeaky voice fitting so well with her messy accent and pronunciation, her tripping over words and her obnoxious giggle sounding somewhat endearing… Okay, maybe she totally wasn’t paying attention to what she was being told and she got too busy getting lost in thought, but who could blame her ?
… Right, herself.
Once she woke from this kind of weird daydreaming phase, she tried to harden her expression a little. “Okay, yeah. And the order ?” She said, maybe a little harshly. But it didn’t bother her customer, whose grin widened despite her cheeks perhaps darkened a tad.
Quad venti blonde breve latte, extra hot, no foam, four pumps vanilla, three pumps cinnamon dolce, two white mocha, stirred, light whip, extra cinnamon topping.
This was ridiculous. Once again, the girl’s order had to be ridiculous. Maybe that was one time too much, and that “one time too much” the barista didn’t bother waiting for the girl to give her a name. No, she was choosing it herself. It was obvious to see on the blonde’s face that she wasn’t exactly expecting that, but did she really have a choice ? No.
“Look at it once you’re outside,” Berta muttered, groaning quietly when the girl smiled again and poked her cheek before making her way out, whistling pretty loud - and getting looks from other customers, although admittedly there really weren’t that many. It still grabbed some of them’s attention, enough for them to notice the  barista quickly yet quietly following after her, letting her coworkers take care of the place if even just for a few minutes.
Keeping sight of the blonde wasn’t the hardest task. She hadn’t gone far, just walked a few metres away and was now reading the name written on her cup with some sort of surprise.
Endearing, the shorter girl would tell you.
Casually enough, she made a few steps until she was close enough to the girl, before pausing and more or less working up the courage to talk. She wasn’t all that good at communication all the time, but she still tried. “So, Foxy,” she called out, causing the other to jump and turn around. Her gaze was always as captivating, perhaps due to how obviously emotional it was - reading her mind was impossible, but her state of mind was all too obvious at all times. What really got Berta though, it surely was how evident the blush on her face was. Striking, such a contrast with her blue eyes and her blond curls, that pink really fit well. Made her look softer, and maybe a little less insufferable.
Her lips moved incoherently for a few seconds before she frowned, and pointed at the cup. “Y'ain’t wrote that, it’s ‘Vixen’ on it,” she protested, getting the other to raise an eyebrow. Maybe it’d been easy to guess making that flirty girl flustered wasn’t hard at all, but it still gave her some satisfaction. Oh, and also it was cute.
“I know what I wrote and I know vixens are foxes.” That sure wasn’t the answer that girl had hoped for. Berta could see her bite down on her lip as she thought of a reply.
“… Yea, but– still. Why’s that anyways, I 'on’t look like a fox !”
“Reminded me of one.”
Could the girl make it any more obvious that she clearly wasn’t used to being teased ? Or, flirted with, depending on how she took it. Either way, just one more endearing, sweet thing about that cute fellow, and it kind of made the former more confident.
This time though, maybe she actually put some thought into what she was about to say. Nothing crazy, but she’d always worked on that “speaking before thinking” basis, pretty much ; having to really work out some sort of appropriate response, or even question for the situation. Because in the end, that barista had ended up following her outside, there must’ve been a reason. Yes, that’d be her question.
“So… What’s ya doin’ here ? Ain’t ya workin’ ?” She uttered, her accent somewhat worsened. Oh, maybe because she was chewing on the… the cup. Was that a stress reliever ? Whatever.
“I wanna get your name.”
“What, I gave–”
“Your real name, so I don’t sob to my friends about a cute girl named Anthony,” Berta insisted, almost mockingly - although that was all light-hearted. The poor girl seemed to whimper after “cute girl”. Haha, she found her cute, she could die happy was what the whimper meant.
“Well… 'f ya want my name, then I bet you should invite me for a sleepover some time !” The blonde tried. It probably came off as silly, even if Berta just thought it adorable.
“A… sleepover ?”
“Yea, like… the best kind'a date.” She continued, managing to sound genuine about it. “It ain’t too fast if I’ been comin’ to your shop for two months. We can totally have a sleepover.”
“But I could be a murderer an’ kill you in your sleep.”
“Bitch, wha’s the issue here ? I’d die a happy death.” She retorted - maybe a little too quickly. A chance she hadn’t pulled out the whole “oh, crush me with your arms” or any sort of stupid stuff she looked like she would totally say. And the redhead clearly wasn’t wrong about that, that kind of answer had definitely come out of that girl’s mouth a few times… Maybe she shouldn’t be thinking about it.
“So, name ?”
She seemed embarrassed to say it. “Anya.”
“That’s a real pretty name.”
“Yea, shut ya’ trap, spare me the compliments.” Anya groaned, her gaze wandering elsewhere. “ ’S just a name.”
“Sure, Anya,” Berta answered with a chuckle, shaking her head. “So you said a sleepover ?”
“Then gi'mme your phone number or something.”
“Ya wrote yours on the cup.”
“… Ah, I did that.”
It was her time to be embarrassed again, it seemed. Had she really forgotten so easily ? That was a shame for sure, but Anya wouldn’t be too bothered by it, she could tell.
“Anyway, I’m… I’m gonna need to go back to work. Maybe come more often. Oh, and you don’t have to run away everytime, you can drink it at the shop,” the shorter girl offered. But she was met with a head shake, and that bright, quite shit-eating grin the blonde always wore. Back to normal, huh ? Couldn’t stay away too long.
“Nah, I’m a busy gal ! Gotta get goin’ as well. I’ll catch ya later.”
“Oh, well…” Was that sadness ? Yes, maybe she’d have liked to talk to her some time, at the shop. But if she was busy, then… “Talk to you soon.”
Anya waved, blew her a kiss and then… ran away. And Berta watched her, frankly smitten. What a goddamn rowdy… cutie.
|Text| to: she alt deleted my ovaries
> hey> pretty girl here
|Text| to: pretty girl
> oh hey.> how do you spell yr name ?
|Text| to: she alt deleted my ovaries
> howevs u want idc> yknow if i didnt have no decency id have said such bs> like huge
|Text| to: pretty girl
> like ?
|Text| to: she alt deleted my ovaries
> crush me w ur arms
|Text| to: pretty girl
> oh my god> shut up> or i will
|Text| to: she alt deleted my ovaries
> pls do> >:3c
|Text| to: pretty girl
> you’re impossible
|Text | to: she alt deleted my ovaries
> ur used to it now suck it up> im even funnier thru text> i send memes> n shit> hey?> also> cats have three lips
|Text| to: pretty girl
> hey you know wht maybe u should sleep !
|Text| to: she alt deleted my ovaries and my heart
> lol maybe!!!!> wish me gn
|Text| to: pretty girl
> goodnight. dont dream of people crushing you
|Text| to: she alt deleted my ovaries and my heart
> hdskjdghsdh> ill update u on that
Tag list:@well-the-kids-do-too@racetrackcook@i-got-personality@imjusttheoutgoingsidekick@thatfancyclam@we-dont-sell-papes@ben-cook-can-cook@not-your-cigar@nverkept@jackhasdreams@racescoronas@suddenly-im-respecsable@purplelittlepup@hopeful-broadwaybaby@broadwayandbookblog@crazymecjc@maiawakening@awwwwwwdang@albertdasillva@daveys-pet-snake@be-more-chill-evan-hansen
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4yutaeil · 7 years
prince johnny & the mermaid
(its u. ur the mermaid) 
ft. some other nct princes & mermen 
basically takes place in the same au as mermaid taeyong which if u havent read is here! 
so ... ur a mermaid princess from a different kingdom 2 taeyong n the rest of the nct mermaid gang.
& you’re visiting because the Ruler of Ur Kingdom (ur dad) has 2 go for the annual Mermaid Council Meeting and is like “listen you’re the next in line to rule you have to come.. You need to learn what your responsibilities are gonna be” 
n you dont rlly wanna go but you’re like FINE whatever. 
so you tag along & u dont rlly bother meeting the citizens of the nct kingdom bc you’re gonna be there for like a week tops before u gotta leave again so whats??? the Point. 
u basically plan to spend the week in ur Luxurious Clam Shell sleeping.
but you get bored so u decide to swim off towards the castle bc u overheard someone saying how pretty it is so u wanna see for yourself!!! 
bc ur kingdom is in the middle of the Ocean so you’ve never actually seen a castle. or Humans rlly. 
But you’ve heard about them! 
so you’re swimming 2 the castle when u hear someone singing ... and you’re like okay well im the only mermaid here so!! thats gotta be a HUMAN 
so u poke ur head out of the water but u dont .... see anyone? 
but u recognise the song they’re singing so once they’ve stopped u sing the next part of the song back 2 them ... hiding behind a rock so they dont see u O F C ! 
you’re not about 2 get urself caught pffff ! 
& u see a head poke out of one of the windows and ur like TIME TO GO! 
but not without gettin a glance of tht incredibly ,,, ,handsome face ,,, 
anyways this continues for like ! 3 days. u go to the same spot, hear the same beautiful boy singing & sing back 2 him when he stops . 
n he looks out of the window Every! Time! but you’re 2 quick for him 2 see you lol
but then u go back the 4th day ,,, n u hear music but no??? singing?? 
so u go a little closer n perch yourself on a rock tryin 2 get a closer listen, n u hear the most beautiful melody coming from the same room. 
and before u know it you’re humming along.
its not until a little while later tht u realise the music has stopped and ur just going along on ur own and u look up 2 see The Boy(tm)... 
in a white shirt with his sleeves rolled up n these dorky glasses (Y’all know the look im on abt  ..... That Look).
n you’re like .... GOTTA BLAST!!!!!!!! 🐠💨💨💨
n here’s the thing .... prince johnny cannOT stop thinking about u.... nd it was all a ruse ! 
obviously not in a Bad Way he just wanted 2 find out who was fINISHING HIS SONGS BEFORE HE GOT THE CHANCE 
n he didnt.... think you’d be tht beautiful ..... 
& he spots ur tail as ur escaping and he’s like ... HOLD ON A COTTON PICKIN MINUTE ! 
lucky for him ... it was Cupcake Collection Day(tm) for his good Mermaid Pal Taeyong 
so while taeyong is eating his cupcake .... johnny brings up The Topic 
“so uh,,, taeyong,,,  u know pretty much everyone in ur kingdom right???”
taeyong with a mouth full of cupcake: i guess 
“so uh there’s this.... person .... a merperson, if u will, and u Gotta help me find them” 
taeyong: “whats in it for me???”
johnny: “an extra cupcake” 
“make it 12″ 
“ok deal” 
so johnny tells taeyong abt this mermaid ,,,, a Beautiful mermaid with the most Beautiful voice 
“are u sure ur not talking about taeil?” 
“shut up im sure” 
so taeyong is like kk ill help u lol 
“taeyong u cant help him. they have 2 leave in like 2 days” - doyoung
“bUT HE LOVES THEM!!!!” - yuta 
“he hasn’t even met them!!!” 
“that isnt a thing!” 
yuta pulls out a rose & hands it to taeyong “tell them it’s from johnny” 
“where did you even get that from?” - taeyong
“he just carries them around. it’s better not to ask” - johnny 
MEANWHILE you’re at a Boring Mermaid Council Meeting 
“ok listen ,,, we get that ur helping the humans by sabotaging the sirens but ... its gotta stop they’re goin 2 other kingdoms who have Enough Problems” 
and that subject peaks ur interest.
these ... mermaids are sabotaging sirens?? Lmao serves them RIGHT ! 
so after the meeting ,
like, later at night, u hear this off-key singing and you’re like ok what the F
and ofc u gotta check it out because what MerMoron is disgracing ur Entire people like that.
n there u see Merman Moon Taeil, a couple meters behind sirens, hangin out by boats tryin 2 Do Their Thing.
but they can’t because Merman Moon Taeil is singing ,, horribly out of tune and off-key and it Clicks. 
this is how they’re saving sailors lol. singing loudly and off-key to drown out the sirens song . its pretty smart. 
n this guy looks like he’s havin the Time of his Life, so u swim up behind him n join in. 
u 2 are havin a WHALE of a time , singing out of key n just absolutely ruining the sirens favourite pastime 
but then u spot one wander off n you’re like ..... well that’s not suspicious AT ALL 
so u Follow. and then you see this Lone Guy in a tiny boat and you’re like what kinda DUMBASS 
and u poke ur head up to get a look at the idiot that’s on his own & JUST UR LUCK its Cute Castle Guy. 
literally ur only thought is “is this boy actually 100% For Real what is he Doing” 
and u dont! Have time to start singing off key because he’s pretty much already Hooked on this sirens song so .... 
u straight up tackle the thing away from him. No1 is hurting ur Cute Castle Boy with the nice voice. Not on UR Watch .
n ur fightin with this thing for a Good Couple Minutes until it just hisses @ u and goes back 2 its own gang. 
“YEAH THATS RIGHT U RUN AWAY !!! n dONT COME BACK!!” - you until u realise u should Probably check to make sure the boat hasnt crashed or something.
He’s a bit dazed n confused and has No Idea what the Heck just happened
and johnny is so pretty u just kinda stare for a while until ur like Right i should probably ,,, like ,, make sure he doesnt Die.
so with all ur Mighty Mermaid Power u push his boat back 2 shore 
by which time he’s completely Mostly recovered 2 the point he can recognise u and he’s like 
“ITS U!” 
to which you, once again, gotta blast 🐠💨💨💨
but he , being Cute Clumsy Castle Idiot tries 2 be all dramatic and grabs ur arm , 
proceeding 2  FALL Out of his boat face first into wet sand with the occasional wave just .... rolling over him .
and you’re like .... really ??? Really now. Really .
*ur longest deepest sigh ever* 
“are you ok?” 
he holds 1 hand up and does the a-okay sign.
u cover ur mouth so he doesnt hear u LAUGH
he hears it. looks up. gives u that dUMB EMBARRASSED JOHNNY SMILE. (U know the one). 
 n you BLUSH because he’s so gosh Darn CUTE. even if he is an IDIOT. 
“i just wanted 2 make sure u were okay ...” he says in the Sweetest most Caring voice Ever and it makes ur heart melt BEcause .... .
that stupid dumb embarrassed johnny smile is STILL THERE and you’re trying to Convince yourself he is Not Cute Enough for ur poor heart 2 be Racing like This. 
“whatever ,,,,,,,,, im fine thank you” 
but he spots that nasty scratch on ur cheek courtesy of that stupid poor excuse for a sea witch n he .... puts his hand on ur cheek . 
and ur brain is Screaming at u GOTTA GO MY OWN WAY but u cant ... bring urself... to leave bc he’s LOOKING at u ,,,,  
OH Boy ,,,, 
he’s Really ,, Looking at u with those big concerned eyes and ur Poor Heart literally cannot cope like ... his hand is so ,, ,warm and 
even though all he’s done is move a piece of ur hair  ,,, and tucked it behind ur ear ,, 
you’re already feeling a lil bit better.
so instead ur like “pff whatever its just a Scratch” Because You! are One Tough Cookie 
adn u dont need this Beefy arm Boy lookin @ u like That.
“it looks really painful!! Wait here we have a first aid kit in the lifeguard hut!” 
you go 2 stop him but he’s already up and running so all u can do is like ,, roll ur eyes n Sigh & wait for him to come back
n he does and you’re like “Listen u really don’t need to do this im a mermaid we don’t feel pain.” 
he proceeds 2 dab a cotton pad 2 ur cheek & u hiss at him because 
“ok 1. i should have warned u its going to sting and 2. ur a LIAR one of the kennel dogs got overhyped & scratched doyoung by accident. he cried like a baby” 
you laugh n johnny thinks ,, its the most beautiful sound in the entire world. 
like he’s got 1 hand by ur cheek trying to clean ur battle wound but he’s just sO ,,, entranced by your laugh that he just , forgets what it was he was doing. 
“hey bud are you ok?” 
“YES! Yes , ,i am sorry i was just ,, where was I.” 
he’s LOOKING at u again and like , you’re honestly Just as lost as he is because ,, 
up close u can finally see his eyes and they are just. so pretty are humans Supposed ??? To be This Pretty?
& suddenly u realise Why humans make statues & paintings of Other Humans because like, wow they’re So Beautiful. 
is there a statue of this breathtaking boy sat in front of you out there somewhere? There should be. 
he clears his throat eventually and runs his hand thru his hair n does a little embarrassed laugh , 
“by the way um ,, did you get that rose ? From taeyong?”
and you’re like “uhhh,, the what from who now?” 
n he hits himself mentally bc DUH Doyoung said u were from another kingdom so like , maybe u never met them he doesn’t know so he’s just like “nevermind!!” 
and that’s when it hits u... You don’t even know Cute Castle Boy’s NAME.
BUT youre leaving soon so u figure it doesnt matter anyways :(
so you’re like uhhh i should ,,, go. thank u for ,,, this.
n he’s like !! wait idk ur name!!!!!
so you tell him,, n he repeats it & like
youve had Literal Ocean Royalty sing ur name to get ur attention but.
it doesnt even COMPARE to the way he says it.
and u tell urself that it doesnt matter. u need to Stop bc you are leaving there is Nothing u can do about it
and he’s about to tell you his name but. it’s just Better for u that you Dont know it and he stays as Cute Castle Guy
so before u can even hear him say his own name You Are Outta There bc!
no! attachments!
esp not to humans!
and johnny ,,, 
poor sweet johnny is just.dumbfounded and lost bc?
what. Just happened. 
the next day ,, Johnny plays his piano hoping that you’ll pop up and sing along to his playing, and when he realises that like,, you’re not gonna show up he just . his hands slump against the keys n he’s just ?
what did he do Wrong? 
eventually he has to meet taeyong 2 give him the cupcakes even though taeyong was No Help at All 
and johnny ends up eating most of them himself and taeyong is like ok buddy spill the beans whats wrong 
so johnny tells him abt you ,,, and that he Finally met u and you Saved Him! but u left before he could tell you his name n you didn’t show up to sing today and 
taeyong feels a lil guilty but He knows there’s not much he can do because like , you’re from a different kingdom ? Ur literally the future ruler ,, so he can’t try 2 convince u to stay. 
BUT You’re not actually Leaving until tomorrow so Maybe. he can convince u to see johnny before u go. 
so he’s like “leave it to me!!!” and finishes his cupcake before zooming off to find you.
but he has 2 find doyoung & taeil first because they need to come up with a Plan
& they find u sitting pretty in ur  little Clam Shell just ... looking Very? Confused and
suddenly the big Plan is out of the window because doyoung swims straight up to you, looks you in the eye and says, “our human friend is a Mess.” 
and you’re like ?? Who even Are you but then u recognise taeil behind him who’s waving at you and you’re like oh ok one of his weird friends.
and you’re like “anyways idk who you’re talking about” 
“our FRIEND. u saved him last night ! His name is-”
“DONT SAY IT I dont need 2 know his name!!!” 
and doyoung is getting a liiiiiittle annoyed because like, despite everything johnny is his FRIEND and he wants him 2 be happy!! so he just backs off and taeyong takes his place like ,
“listen. we’ve known him for a while now & he’s never talked about any1 like this before. n we know you’re leaving but he would rlly love to get the chance to talk 2 u.” 
and now you’re more confused than ever!! Because you’re leaving Really Soon and you don’t! need this! 
but he’s so cute ,,, and seeing that dumb smile of his one last time wouldn’t hurt, , right?
“ok fine tell him. i’ll be sittin on the rock by his window tomorrow at dawn, before i leave.” 
the 3 boys high five n taeyong secretly wonders if he’ll get more cupcakes for this.
The Next Morning at like ? 6am. you’re nervous as Hell. 
you really shouldn’t be doing this because its just going to make things worse for you And for him. 
but you’ll probably never see him again ? So, just 2 yknow, say it was nice to meet him and goodbye, u show up.
Also maybe get a cupcake ? because taeyong literally would not shut up about them and now you really want to try one. 
you show up. and johnny is already there , holding a rose 
(a nice one. not a fake one like the ones yuta carries around)
and he looks Super nervous and you’re also Really nervous but. 
you swim up to him anyway and poke his arm. 
which makes him jump 
and that embarrassed smile comes out again and you can literally feel your heart melting because god he is Adorable. 
and you’re starting to think this was a Really Bad Idea. 
but he looks at you and he hands you the rose, and you’re about to speak when he stops you, 
“I just. Wanted to say thank you for saving me. And the guys told me you’re leaving and that really sucks but I’m really happy you decided to see me again.”
and you just. for once in your life you’re speechless and you just stare at the rose he gave you and. eventually you just manage to stutter out a “you’re welcome” and 
you two are just staring at each other for what feels like Hours. and you’re pretty sure you could do it for a lot longer because he’s just so nice to look at. 
but before you know it, doyoung & taeil are behind you, and they’re like, “you gotta go, your dad is waiting for you.” 
and it feels like your heart is breaking because ! you dont wanna go! you wanna stay and you want to get to know Cute Castle Boy.
but you have a kingdom to rule over in the future. 
so you try not to look too sad as u look at johnny and give him a smile, 
and he cups ur cheek the same way he did the night before ,and he’s pulling you closer and before you know it his lips are on your cheek
and you’re Blushing like Crazy! !!!! because oh my god he just kissed you. 
he finally moves his hand from your cheek 2 your hands,
“my name is Johnny, by the way” 
you cant really do or say anything because you gotta leave Now. 
so you look back one last time before joining the boys and give him a little wave, and he waves back before watching you swim away. 
So, here’s the thing.
When you were a baby, a tiny little adventurous mermaid swimming along dolphins three times your size, 
you had accidentally gotten a little carried away and wandered outside of your kingdom barriers, 
lost and confused, you found a light which you followed into a cave, 
and there you met ur friendly neighbourhood sea witch. 
she hadn’t really been banished from your kingdom, mostly because she knew she wasn’t welcome so she just kept to herself. 
but she thought, hey! if i help the ruler’s kid get back to the kingdom, maybe they’ll realise im Not So Bad and accept me. 
so she takes you in, makes sure you’re safe, and helps you find your way back .
UR FATHER, however, freaks the hell out and starts going off about how,
“This wicked sea witch tried to KIDNAP my child! How dare you! You are Banished” 
so , the sea witch does what literally Every Other Disney Villain would do. 
she puts a curse on you before the king tosses her out on her ass.
This curse,  however. 
when you fall in love, you’ll turn into a human so you can’t Be with them. (because yknow everyone thought you’d fall in love with some Beautiful Mermaid Royalty) 
so while you’re swimming home,
taeil, doyoung and taeyong volunteering to be your escorts, making sure u get home safe and sound.
(you didnt really need them but those boys are Stubborn and also wanted 2 see what your kingdom looks like) 
but because they’re there you don’t really need to stay with ur dad; you’re old enough & ugly enough 2 take care of yourself and show your friends your favourite parts of the journey back
but suddenly you’re finding it really hard to breathe and swimming is Really difficult
and something is Horribly, horribly wrong. 
so you grab whatever you can which happens to be doyoung’s tail 
and he turns around like what the Hell. 
Oh, shit. 
he’s yelling for the other boys 2 help you and ur dad is too far ahead to hear whatever is going on.
so the boys take it upon themselves 2 save U. 
and they’re swimming back to the beach as fast as they can and they get to shore and luckily! 
Johnny is sitting there, looking out at the ocean wondering if he’ll ever see you again. 
and doyoung is just Yelling at him
so johnny has no idea what the Heck is going on but he runs to get towels, helps the boys wrap you up and take you to the lifeguard hut 
where johnny puts u on the sofa and he’s like , desperately trying 2 get u to wake up. doing cpr and whatever else he can .
like he has no idea whats going on but you’re here and you’re not breathing and he’s panicking because like, he can’t lose you??? He can’t. He Wont. 
and its been what seems like fOREVER but you’re finally! coughing up water and you can breathe again and you’re feeling Very lightheaded and dizzy but all you can really think about is. 
that Johnny’s face is hovering over yours and he looks like he’s about to throw up but then he sees your eyes open and he has Never 
felt this much relief in his Life! 
and before you can even Process what the hell is going on, he’s leaning in closer and you’re kind of trying to figure out what’s going on but! 
he already has his arms wrapped around you so tight, never ever wanting to let go because 
he could live with himself knowing you were out there, alive with the slightest chance of coming back to visit him 
but he would never be able to bear it if you were gone forever .
so he just keeps you in his arms for a Very Long time, whispering in ur ear how scared he was, that he thought he’d lost you. 
the other boys have left u alone, yuta and doyoung arguing outside
“i TOLD U love at first sight was real!”
“shut up yuta they almost DIED” 
“he saved them! he saved them with true loves first kiss” 
“he literally gave them cpr” 
but ignoring those 2 bickering.
u and Johnny are just. holding each other and. you can’t explain it but it feels Right that you’re with him
and he is just so happy that you’re alive and okay. 
and everything just feels like it’s falling into place. 
and before anything else happens you’re just . kissing him .
and he’s kissing you back.
and it all just feels so Perfect. 
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youseriousjayse · 7 years
Oh shit. I wanna fuck my boss. This is...not good.
I stg I barely caught myself from just walking over and kissing them while they were saying something ridiculous after the shop was closed. Oh fuck oh fuck. THis is bad. They’re married and have kids and they seem like a good person but sometimes…I definitely think they’ve flirted w me before. And I seem to be a favourite for no apparent reason. They talk about their spouse and their personal life all the time to me (esp their spouse), but I’ve only ever heard them mention their spouse like twice to other workers. And they compare me to their spouse all the time. Always saying I sound just like them or I do this or that just like them. ANd I would definitely go for it if it was an option which prob makes me a horrible person, but that’s okay I already knew that. 
Idk how they manage to be both “ur really hot” and “ur the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.” It’s maddening. And they’re so fucking funny and that’s my weakness and they’re always trying to make me laugh. idek how old they are. in their twenties im 96% certain. Im horrid at guessing age. there’s def at the v least 5 yrs b/t us. but idrk. I don’t even hypothetically want anything serious. I literally just wanna be able to fuck them and feel mushy about them on the side and end it when I leave next july. Obv this isn’t ever going to happen but thinking about it hypotheticlly helps me short my shit out. idk. idk. i really like thm and they seem to like me. And the thing is it’s not even just about wanting to fuck them. I care about their kids and that means a lot bc i fucking hate kids and one of theirs is an attention whore and i rlly hate that type of kid. but i like them bc they are my boss’s kids and my boss loves them. And I love hearing more about them (even tho it’s always p sad shit about them acting up in school and always being upset bc my boss is never home)
Just…..wow. if anyone needed more proof im fucked up. have at it.
Seriously tho on the seeming interested in me and showing favouritism front, they are…so protective of me. Like they are Never like this with the other employees, and it’s definitely not like I can’t defend myself. The most marked example would be the guy who runs the bodega across the street.
He came in one day, screaming about how my manager had accused his son of stealing. So they were like, I’m not sure what you’re talking about but I’m sorry if there was some sort of miscommunication. And he just kept screaming at them and calling them a little bitch and a f*ggot repeatedly, and threatening to bash their fucking head in. And they were just taking it all very calmly and professionally and saying ‘I don’t recall this happening, I’m sorry if you heard differently’ even though he was physically pushing them and still threatening them and calling them all sorts of things. Then he finally left, but not twenty minutes later he came back, just as angry, shouting the same stuff and hurling around slurs and threats and pushing my manager around. Again, they kept very calm and responded reasonably and evenly the same stuff they had before.
Again he eventually left. But then he decided he had apparently still not had enough so he came back a third time. Just as angry as before, just as hostile and antagonising. The assistant manager on duty had come up front the last time to see what was happening, but had not intervened. However this time she tried to help, also calmly saying the same things as the manager. She had been working the day before and seen the guy’s kid come in and nothing like that had happened, so he started calling her a lying fucking bitch and saying he was gonna kill both of them, and kept more and more violently shoving my manager, which they continued to just calmly take.
Eventually the guy was just was repeatedly calling them a f*ggot again and again and again. And I, also calmly, asked if he could just please stop saying that word and he fucking rounded on me and started really laying in calling me a little bitch and all sorts of things, which I didn’t react to at all, because I have an excellent poker face. But I have Never seen my manager angry at all. Not even a little bit. But they were fucking furious, and they shoved him roughly back to the door (mind you he’s a big fuckin guy) And got right up in his face and fucking snarled Get The FUCK Out Of My Store (I did Not know actual snarling words was a thing, I thought it was just smth writers said to make the angry words more emphatic, but it is a Thing™) and shoved him straight through the door. And then they just took a deep breath and turned back around calmly as ever and was like ‘sorry about that’ to the other customers and started rearranging the counter like usual.
And that whole situation has come up twice since then when we were talking (it was months ago), and both times they were like yeah it was whatever, but when he started yelling at You I fucking snapped. And I’m like. Yeahhh how do I take this. Because I am not defenseless and I don’t look like it and I’m not tiny or fragile looking, we have several other employees more likely to feel the impulse to protect but,,,they never do? It never even seems to occur to them?
Just the other day I had a lady come in who was clearly spoiling for a fight. Rude and aggressive as fuck, but I treated her calmly and professionally bc that’s what I do, but she just kept saying dumb shit, so I kept responding, not in any offensive or upset way, just repeating the facts in a calm manner. She really started yelling and was like 'I don’t like ur fuckin attitude you keep talking back you’re getting all smart with me.’ And I (again. Very calmly.) Explained that I was simply answering the questions she asked. And she was like Where’s your fuckin manager bc you’re being rude as fuck you just keep talking back.
So my manager was at the register next to(?) mine(the counter is like an L shape and has registersat either side of the corner). And they turned around and said 'I don’t hear anything unprofessional or rude’ but she kept yelling over them and talking about how rude I was, so they kept saying I wasn’t doing anything wrong, so they were like 'Okay you can go now. Please leave the store’ and gave her the corporate number when she asked for it angrily, saying she was gonna complain about us (like so??? Fine. Here’s my name and the store # idgaf).
After she left and we took care of the couple of customers left they turned to me and were like 'wow she was really spoiling for a fight.’ And I was 'yeah I mean I saw it when she came in and was super aggressive right off the bat. She was so angry for no reason. Like…chill lol’ and they gave me a sort of look and were like 'I don’t know how you deal with that (((which, mind you, every employee, and Definitely them, deals w shit like that without going off))) I feel like it bothers me a lot more when they get like that to you, than it actually bothers you’. I just shrugged, but again……they dont,,,,do that for other employees. They always stick their neck out for me or get angry (I mean as close as they get to angry, excepting the thing w the bodega owner) on my behalf. It’s…what am I supposed to make of that?
Literally if they’re around and a customer tells me to lighten up or smile or smth (bc my face is just really unexpressive unless I put a lot of effort in) they’ll just smoothly come over and be like 'I’ve got the smile for ya’ or if someone is being aggressive or harrasing about it, they won’t even pretend to be cheerful and nice, they’ll just be like 'My employees don’t get paid to smile.’ Which,,,I’m not the only one who never smiles. Actually it’s just my manager and one of the assistant managers that always smile. The rest of us are p brusque and more obviously dead inside and dislike interacting with people. But again, they’ve never done that or said anything for another employee (that I know of, obv I’m not always around, but I’m around enough to feel like I practically live there).
And just. Bloody hell, they will talk about aggressive customers and tell me the customer got in their face and will be like 'seriously, like this’ and move their face so we’re barely not touching. Like. ???!?!?!????? And they get real close to me and brush by me a lot. Mind you, they do not do this to other employees (esp the face thing), but they’ll like lean over my shoulder to look at my paperwork or make fun of me (not like in a mean way just something stupid) or they’ll come over to put their numbers in (bc we need higher clearance on the computers for like,,,almost everything it’s so stupid) and they’ll like get right up next to me or squeeze in front of me. Which again, they do not do to others, and no other employee does that to me or anyone else.
If this was a book ppl would be pissed about the slow burn like Okay Why Aren’t Things Happening Already??! But unfortunately real life and an actual human being is more complicated than that. And I don’t know what to do with it.
~update: they just turned thirty. Fuck. I’m just barely twenty.
Edit: New jeans. very nice new jeans. dammit please stop rearranging the shelves in front of me while i’m trying to work, your ass is distracting. And a new tight tight jacket too and they wear it with the sleeves pushed up right below the elbow and that’s just. Always hot. The fucking jeans together with that stupid cursed jacket makes it incredibly difficult to look away. They’re just hhhhhhhhh I can’t. This is. So much.
YEAH I could prolly go on about them forever, but I know this is super obnoxiously long. I don’t know who I’m apologising to tho bc literally nobody reads this. Which is prolly why I overshare but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Hii love!! How are you?? Hope you had a great time at yesterday's dinner. Yes, i still have a month of exams. And a lot of essays and assigments that i dont want to do. But hopefully i'll be free soon. Nop. I didnt see that. Which one was it? Crying in the club? I remember seeing that song in the track list at the beginning of the tour. But i havent seen anything else. (1)
Hi, love!! Finally I get to answer you. I’ll try to make it “short”, jajja, but I talk too much, so, no promises here, jajjaja.Yeah, we had a good time. We bought some pizzas 🍕 (lol, Honey 🍯 senses when I’m writing you, and he comes to lay on my 😌). I told them if they wanted to watch Dunkirk, they told me they rather no, jajajaj. But, well 🤷🏻‍♀️, their lost. A day more, is a day less. Soon you’ll be free, and will forget about the stress.Oh, I think it’s that song, yes. I didn’t knew he was covering it on his tour. He also sang a Sting one, too. 😩😩 I didn’t know it, what a fake fan 😅.
Yes. I think i started wearing them when i was 7. I’ve been wearing glasses for more than half of my life now. They are part of me and people dont recognise me without them. Kind of sad if you ask me. But it is what it is. Is the surgery that expensive? I havent even looked that up bcs getting surgery it’s just a dream at this moment, i dont need reality to discourage me (2)
Well, if it’s of some relief, I’ve wearing them for almost three years, only, and even my family see something weird in my face when I don’t have them on, so 🤷🏻‍♀️. Well, when my mom look it up, it was around 3000€. But I think my friend told me last year that it was around 1800€, I think. So, yes, it’s very expensive, but all the people I know who have had it are very happy with it.
Yes. I know. I get that it’s easier to give them the ipad and all of that, but i dont think that’s really good for them mainly bcs they dont get the attention they need. But well, parenting is something very personal, and technology also has its perks. Maybe nowadays kids learn in a different way, but it’s still learning. I guess it’s the same as when Game Boy and so came out. That was supposed to “pervert” us all, but i think we ended up being just fine. Mostly. (3)
Oh, yeah, well used, technology is the best. But sometimes parents just give their children their phones so they don’t bother them, and that’s not good for kids. Like when they’re waiting at the doctor. I actually hear a psychologist saying that that teaches kids that to be relaxed they need a phone. And it’s a way to conditioning them. Like when a dog does something well and you give it a treat. And then the dog does that thing, so you have to give it another treat. But, yes, like you said, parenting is something very personal, and I think it parents reflects what they had/hadn’t from their parents on their kids.
Ohh! I havent thought about that. Yes yes. I hope they are not recognisable then. Do you know if there'a any project for Nialls show? Like the rainbow flag they did for Fire Away in Amsterdam (was it Amsterdam?). I havent heard about one. JAJAJAJAJA. Of course buying a bigger house is the easy option. Of course😂. I’d take a pic of the door, but then i dont know how i would send it?? An anti or a het? Please no. Never. I have eyes and i know how to use them. And so does she (4)
Oh, I haven’t looked for projects yet. I always remember to look it up when I’m driving, bc is when I’m hearing Niall’s album, lol, but then I get home or work and I forget 🙄. I’ll look it up, and let you know. I’ve thought on bringing those big balloons that have a cord at one end? (I’ll try to find a pic, so you see them) and throw them to the crowd at some point and people can play hitting them, you know (we did that at my sister wedding and we had a lot of fun, I think here it would be funnier). But I’ll see. I’m very shy, so, even if I bring them, I’ll probably keep them in my bag, lmao.I think you can submit pics on anon. Just log off, search my blog, and submit it. You have to put an email, that can be anó[email protected], jajja.
Your dad also knows their names? My parents barely know that One Direction exist. They only remember it as the opposite to good music. “This is music, not like that direction you like"😤😒 Jajajajajaja. Dont be so hard on you all. I’m sure there will be a lot of people of your age. You are not old!! (Yes, they are young babies. But mostly, they are lucky babies. Only 16 and already living their best life). (5)
Well, it would be too hard for my family to not know them, lol. All the people that has any contact with me, knows that I like them, lmao. My dad doesn’t like English music in general, so he isn’t a big fan (of me, listening their music 24/7, oops). Well, I’ll let you know after the concert, jajajajaj, of how much old people I see. The good thing is that it’s a small crowd, so less people judging 😅. And yes, they’re very lucky!! but if they can, good for them. I got to see Andy&Lucas when I was 16, 🤣🤣🤣🤣, almost the same, jajaja.
Only two weeks!! It’s around the corner!!! 😱😱😱😱😱 Yes. I should have bought a ticket for myself. But i’m not that sad. I’ll go another time. And also, the timing of the concert id disastrous because i start exams that week and going there + the show would mean 2 days less to study. And less time to study = more stress and crying. I’ve resigned myself to the idea. Next time. (6)
Yeah, I always look for the good point on everything too,jajaja. Also, that you have to see them next time they come, is the perfect excuse for them to come back again,jajajajaj. But you’re right. And it’s not just those two days you wouldn’t study. It’s the week before and after, thinking about the concert and getting distracted. Thinks come the way they do for a reason. So just think that studios are first. 🤷🏻‍♀️.
He tried to catch a duck? 😂😂😂 Nooo. Videos for cats? What are those? I know about cats’ videos (i love them. They are so cute), but not about videos for cats. What do they show? Oh, dont worry!! Notifications dont bother me. They dont make any sound. They are just there. And i only get one, no matter how many posts you reblog. (7)
Yes!! Cats are so funny. I laugh so much with them. If you search on YouTube “videos para Gatos” you’ll a lot, jajajaja. They’re just a cartoon mouse running and hiding, and cats try to catch it. Boring for humans, funny for cats.Ah, that’s good then,jajaja, because I was afraid you’d get 1837453 notfs, jajajaja.
Aaaargh. I’m trying to think something because I dont want to give you my name. It’s nothing personal. I swear. I’m just a very private person. That’s why i dont have SM and that stuff. But also, i cant think of a nickname bcs i dont have many, and i think my sister follows your blog and if she sees it there, that would be strange😂🤷. I dont knooow. I know names are not a big deal, but. I’m just shy. I’ll think about something and then i’ll tell, if you dont mind. (8)
WHAT??? Your sister follows me?? Oh my god!! This is so weird!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣I hope she isn’t reading this then, so you don’t get discovered. Now more than ever I have to try to put everything under the cut,jajajajja. Don’t worry about the name, that’s why I didn’t want to ask you. I was thinking something like flower anon (I don’t know why I call you flower i my head,jajja), or something like that. Or just smiley anon. I didn’t mean your actual name, of course. I’m very shy like that too (I know, hard to believe), and  I always talk on anon to people. Don’t worry. Ah!! And don’t worry about thinking a name at all. If you’re comfortable with the notifications, keep with it. I just thought that if you were searching in my blog that tag anon, it would be easier for you to have your own tag, with your own things,jejejeje. But whatever you think is better, seriously.
8 months? So young!! She just discovered her hands?😂 Glasses are the first target, but i bet she’s going to go after your hair next. All did was laugh? I would have cried for sure. Omg you are brave! I love kids, but i wouldnt have known what to do. “Well, if you could tell me what is a girl/boy toy” 📢 📢📢📢 Say it louder Soraya!! I love saying remarks like that. Some people get so angry and i’m like ???? Chill and think about what i just said pls, it’s all true.(9)
Aaaawwwww, I was with her today too, she’s so cuteeeee. And yes, she goes for my hair too, but that’s my fault, really, because I tickle her with it, so she just plays with it. And I was with my cousin yesterday too!!! You’d have to see him. He has a “problem” in his brain, so he doesn’t develop normally. Doctors even thought he had autism (I don’t know the correct way to say it in English, bc I think they use a different verb, but you get it) for some time, because he behaved like that. Anyway, he has photographic memory, and also when he learns something, he doesn’t forget (he’s just 4). Well, yesterday, he just taught me in English the weeks days, months of the year, numbers till 20 and the weather. All of that singing it and pointing to his black board (the tv) like he was a teacher. He’s just amazing. He has learn how to read some words all on his own… and he can recognize written words since he was 2. He learn my car plaque before than me… I love him so much. ☺️. (Did I have a point with this story???? I just love to talk about him, sorry, jajaja)Hey, look, I do t usually say good things about me, but I’ll say one. I think I’m good on how I treat people at work. Like I know how to read them, and if I can joke with them or not. And I talk a lot with people, even if I don’t know them,jajaja. Well, when someone says something like that (a toy for a girl; can you make a candy cake, but it’s for a boy so nothing pink, please…) soy la persona más seca que te puedas imaginar 😒 (I don’t know how to say that in English). Like, no, lol, what will it do to him to it something pink? It’s just mean it taste like strawberry 🙄🙄🙄. I can’t I can’t.
Today i did a survey for a friend who is studying to be a teacher, and it was… wrong The aim of the survey was good, but the ways… the first question was “¿Q opinas al respecto de que existan orientaciones sexuales distintas a la heterosexual?” & also “¿como d normal t resulta q un niño juegue con muñecas?”. That’s wrongly put. Like, u are not asking what people thinks about sexuality. U are assuming that hetero is cool, and then u are asking about the nonhetero ones. And that annoyed me. 10
Yeah, that way of asking is wrong. Even more because is a written question, so you can’t catalogue the way the person asked is answering. But I sometimes ask question the wrong way so people shows they true colors, y'know? Like I ask in a way that it looks like I’m thinking the wrong way (gay things are wrong) and when they answer as if I were right… bye. But, again, that can be done in s face to face conversations. That survey was wrong yes, because they didn’t ask how you see that a boy play with a gun (which is worst that playing with a doll or a kitchenette…). But also, who wrote that survey? Your friend? Did you tell them what you thought about the way it was written? Did they listen to you??
Well, I reached the end!! Jajajja, I had to put my iPad to charge. Why do I talk so much??? We have this joke at the shop, with a woman (she’s also my sister neighbor), and she talks a lot A LOT!! So much, that my sister sometimes has to close the shop and walk with her to their flats… jajajaa. Well, I always say: ja! yo la doy conversación. Cuando se cansa de hablar, la saco otro tema!! That’s how much I talk,🤣🤣🤣🤣. I think is because I spend so much time alone at home, without opening my mouth (only to talk to my cats), that when I start talking with someone, I don’t know how to stop,jajajja. But I’ll stop… NOW! Bye!! 😚😚
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sey2017-blog · 7 years
// August 29 2017
To describe the past week and a half? I would say... bipolar. 
I finally finished my first week of work. I met some really good people. David, the 29 year old artist/white guy, Jinny 22, Henny 23, Stella 23, JiHun 23, Jung Hyun 25 were all my mains this week. I had dinner with a girl named JunMin, which was fun and sometimes I walk to work with Mina when I run into her. People in Korea are really kind in terms of helping you out. Stella treats me like her own sister already and I’ve known her a week and a half. If I spill something on my shirt or have wrinkles on my shirt she would help me straighten it out, she introduced me to people that would be good to network with, put in a good word for me at work so I can work in my desired section, and gave me a lot of advice for work- opportunities that I need to take and how to do better than the other interns that are going to come. I JUST met her and she was bending her back doing things I wouldn’t even have thought to do for my acquaintances. She even showed me the best bathroom in the building to poop (without me even asking). She... is the definition of the real MVP. She also called me randomly and we chatted this weekend til 2AM. Jung Hyun Oppa also lent me his portable charger when I was going to fix my phone, tried to trouble shoot my phone, walks me to the station, gives me directions everywhere, etc. I slept over at Jinny’s house and she let me sleep in her bed alone, shower, and even made me breakfast after knowing me for a week. People are just really kind and feel like family fast in Korea as opposed to America where people need some time to become close. 
They are leaving this week and it will just be me and JiHun left for the interns....  I met SO many people! Last thursday I went to an event where all the interns of all offices gathered and talked to the ambassador. More people than I’d meet in a year in Eugene! I also saw this really handsome man that I saw last month but it turns out he works at the US embassy too. I realized I definitely like the dark hair dark eyes tan skin look. It makes me feel good that I met all these nice people and am excited for the interns that will be coming into our office. I also realized that I had been only hanging with people my own age for a long time, andd now that Im with a lot more people in their 20s, age is more negligible than  at other ages. Like how I can have good convos with the guy that’s 29 even though he’s 8 years older, as opposed to if I was 11 and he was 19. I’m going to take it as a true sign of being an adult. 
Working at an embassy is interesting. There is a lot of exclusivity. I can go into areas other people can’t because I have a badge, and I get to escort guests because they can’t go anywhere without an escort. But also, there are a lot of places I don’t have access too, like the Base. The base is where the american diplomats and their families live. I got to go to a party in the base two nights ago and it was interesting because when I mentioned going in the base, my fam/friends were shook and excited because not just anyone is allowed to go. I don’t know how I feel about this exclusivity thing. People are definitely NOT treated as equals, and I think that kind of bugs me. Also, it bothers me that kids of diplomats can just get jobs and get paid for it in the embassy just because they are the kids of the diplomats, while we are out here working for free. Jinny was complaining to me about having to go to work (she lives 10mins away and has a shuttle that takes her which would make it 4 minutes) and she gets paid and does less work, and I just told her to stop complaining. Also her sister was telling me how she works in the embassy and just naps and nobody notices (and she gets paid for it). Jinny joked about her and i skipping work the next day and the other interns said if Sey does that she will get fired!!! and Jinny said oh... I can’t get fired... cuz the Americans view me as their own kid messing up.... because they are also diplomats like my dad. I understand people come from different backgrounds,  but that just didn’t sit quite well with me and just bugs me. It doesn’t make sense that something that’s supposed to be so professional like diplomacy can be run that unfairly (from my point of view). I’m realizing that maybe it isn’t what I thought it was.
When I went to the intern lunch, I saw grad students that were 23, who had passed the FSO exam and would be going to DC in the fall to start their careers as diplomats. At that young age! I was so impressed. Also, listening to the ambassador’s story of travels, diplomacy, and experiencing different cultures, I realized what an important and meaningful job being a diplomat was and it made me more interested in becoming one. Being around people who have accomplished a lot and are going places makes me set my sights even higher and be excited for my career. 
I’ve also been very discouraged as well. My family got annoyed with me and thought I was being rude cuz i was cranky when I napped and didnt eat dinner, and they were passive aggressive with me for a couple days. They aren’t that interested in what I have to say about work, and always seem to be stuck in their own bubbles, which is fine. One night I didnt want to go home because I was annoyed at my fam and I just sat on the swings outside my apartment and had my alone time. I feel like I have to watch my actions at home and at work and can never truly be myself or have alone time. I havent had time to watch TV or my hobbies and even writing this is such a treat for me. I’ve teared up multiple times because I’m so drained from dealing with family, not having enough alone time, being so tired, and I have to take care of myself. It was fine doing it in eugene but here it’s discouraging because they wanted me to stay in this city instead of moving so they could take care of me and they havent been doing that that well. Sometimes they try. yesterday i treated myself at Daiso, an asian dollar tree and I bought stuff that I like and a cute bulletin board to remind me of people who I can be myself around. I put up messages from nomuna, jessy and brenda from nomuna’s birthday gift last year. It was a friendly reminder. 
My family is going on a vacation without me because i cant get the days off. They didnt even talk to me about it they just said... “can u get 11th off?” and i said hesitantly “uhhh....” and then the other aunt said “whatever she cant it’s whatever” so i think im going to be home alone. I got mad at mom last week cuz she wrote me 10 pages on how I should act around my family. She said dont just do ur dishes, do EVERYONE’s dishes. Dont be picky with food, say this to gma, act like this to this aunt, like that to this aunt, blablabla. I got mad at her because I already feel so uncomfortable living with family here because... they seem to care less about my work or day than even my friends back home. It’s just so weird that they are family but are less family than my friends and that’s just so uncomfortable to me and awkward. I was very open at first sharing my day but i can tell they don’t listen attentively and brush things i say off. they DO have their way of showing love, such as calling me when it’s raining LOL (which is useless like wtf r u gonna do by calling). I just miss being myself, and I miss being heard. 
I went to a party on Sunday and it was SUCH a blast!!! Koreans know how to have a good time. We played TONS of games and I won at most of them. :) I also realized how quiet I was compared to other people and thought to myself, “ i am so awkward in group settings”. 
Last friday, I went to Han river with the childhood friend. it was an AMAZING time. We sat on the grass and ate pizza and joked around and took pictures of the city and walked across the bridge of life / suicide bridge and read the quotes. He is probably the only one I truly 100% feel myself around in Korea, and I really like hanging out with him. 
There are also so many couples here. Couples kissing, couples hugging, couples in couple shirts, couple shoes, couple pants, couple hairstyles.... Too many couples. It makes me feel single and I aint even single. I miss bryan a lot too. I just miss having someone there to experience everything with me and knowing all my problems and asking how my day was in person. After being here, I am even more appreciative that I have someone who I can really truly be myself without having to filter myself. It makes me miss home, but in all honesty, I just miss the people.  
Also, I get fat shamed a lot here. By my gma, by a kid in an elevator, basically by random people like aunts too. And i hear a lot of other crap too sometimes, about my personality, about my habits, but fat shaming is the most prominent. The fact that i can hear that stuff and not give a flying f/laugh about it really has shown me i don’t care about what people say and am really confident in who I am, which I think is something good I realized. I truly believe that if you want to go far, you should not be able to let people’s opinions or judgments deter your belief in who you are.
It took a while to write this. But the point is, I miss my friends, but I’m making new ones, staying busy, having fun, trying to treat myself and love myself once in a while, and even if I can’t be myself most of the time, I really am trying to find some alternatives. These past weeks have been so eventful, so busy, and I am so blessed to meet so many good people and to be learning so much. <3 
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deeeeetz · 8 years
The one thing I regret about school or studying in general (long post, like hella long man)
I think there are many regrets when it comes down to how you have spent your early years in life whether it be socializing, having fun or just studying. I’ve seen a lot posts and people saying that they regretted not having more fun in school or not paying attention in class, or anything similar to that. I wanna add something to that. I also wanna post a solution to that as well. Now you’ll have to excuse my english and grammar (pls no hate).
One thing i realized, now that I’m in my second year of college, is that i regret not pushing my parents to put me through private classes/tuition classes. I noticed early on during the one or two years that my parents put me through private lessons that I did REALLY well in school. Like, i was put in private classes for flute lessons, and it made me get the first chair (which is like the top seat in band class) during my 5th grade. Or in 6th grade, when my parents put me in a tuition class for math and i really excelled in Algebra 1 during that year. But being the whiny and lazy shit that I am, i didn’t want to continue those classes. Partially because i realized that we were financially struggling and also because i was just plain lazy (i admit i was a piece of shit). Now i realize that most parents (of asian decent especially) push their kids to do hundreds of these private lessons and classes to make their kids be the very best with no regards of their mental stress level or what their kids might be feeling. And my parents probably didn’t want to put that amount stress on, so they never pushed for me to go through this. 
But you know what, I really wish they did. Now im not putting all the blame on my parents and i really do appreciate that they didnt bombard me with school and studying all the time. But this really caused me to take on harder classes (while failing them lol) at school to show that I am smart and that I need to raise their expectations of me, When my parents just told me to do whatever the hell i want (not really socially but in terms of studying), and when they said they have no expectations of me, it felt like it implied that they thought i was just plain stupid and i wasn’t worth their time.
I wanted to decrease their financial burden and i tried studying for myself, but obviously i wasnt doing it right, so i didnt really do well in my classes. Even now im struggling because I dont know how to properly study in the way thats right for me.
Now for my solution:
I know my future kids wont have the same learning style that i did, where tuition/private classes helped me learn. But i can try putting them through them to test out if they are able to get help from them. I’ll try putting my expectations on them. I wanna try pushing them, but with caution. I know that if my kid is excelling in their classes because of the private lesson, then I’ll ask them whether they think its helpful to them and whether they want to continue doing them. If they dont like them, even after seeing the positive results, then ill make a deal (a contract you could say). They’ll have to give up a little bit (i dont know how long those classes would take) of their time and do these private lessons for me, because regardless of what they think is “fun” for them, i want them to grow up with the right habits and understanding. In return, i wont yell or scold at them constantly outside of this allotted time to constantly keep studying. They can play whatever games or go outside do whatever they want (Keeping in mind they have homework to finish, tho). I wont deprive them of having fun and socializing. I know its needed. Afterwards, when its time to go into college, they are free to do whatever they want. I will never bother them about their studies or anything because i trust that they will have the correct habits to study on their own.
On the other hand, if my kids dont find good results coming from their private lessons, then there are three cases at play here: 1) the private classes is not very good or isnt compatible with my child’s learning style 2) my kids arent putting enough effort 3) they really just arent getting no matter how hard they try. Now with #1, i can easily find other methods or classes to put them, if they want to. With #2, I have to somehow make them understand the importance of putting in this effort now, i wont pressure them to do this if they really dont care or dont want to do it. In the case of #3, I’ll just work with whatever passion, or thing they really want or are good at (like art or something). 
I know for sure with the “contract” thing is to make sure that I keep my promise, and i won’t abuse my “right” or whatever as a parent to bully my kids into doing what i want them to do. I want to treat them with respect and make sure they understand that everyone in the house is responsible for their actions. If i make a mistake as a parent, they can put a “check” on saying, “hey mom, i dont think what you did the other day was right, i was feeling like so and so, and i think its better if we could do it like this from now on, is that ok?” and i’ll gladly take in that thought and work with it along with them. I dont want them to bottle up any stress or whatever “injustice” they think is going on. And supposing they think whatever i’m doing wrong is not actually “wrong” per say (idk how to explain this, like they think making them clean up as a chore is wrong, when really its teaching them to be good people around the house kind of example), ill have to explain to them why doing these things are good for them.
I know i kinda went off track here but i want to explain how i wanted my family to run when i was growing up. I grew up thinking sometimes why in the world do i have to do this around the house or make sure that im studying for the classes without help from others and shit like without any sort of explanation. I assumed things on my own and it resulted to me regretting all sorts of things.
I dont want that for my kids.
I hope they understand this.
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