#whatever the fuck the other ship names are
dumbdolphin3 · 7 months
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”Out of these four, who do you ship together?”
Me: yes.
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itscherryterry-again · 8 months
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if your toxic yuri isnt toxicyuri-ing to your tastes, store bought works just fine
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eddiediazismyhusband · 3 months
i need there to be more rat-man bashing fics out there bc im tired of reading post-breakup fics that paint that relationship as some beautiful dreamlike thing that happened to Buck before he got to Eddie, when it’s like A) that’s not what has been shown in the show at all…. B) yall love to write taylor bashing fics (no judgement i love a good taylor/ana bashing fic but lets keep the same energy people)… C) some of yall make it seem like Buck was in some kind of perfect relationship that just ‘wasn’t meant to be’ and im like do yall even ship buddie atp????
like even the handful of fics that are tagged as tomato-bashing, it’s like…. just him being portrayed as how he is in canon??? like where is the energy of like ramping thst shit to the max like we do with every other former LI??? like just because he’s a gay man doesn’t mean he should be immune from criticism or from general fic-writing tropes???
especially w the way some of yall write eddie as this aggressive ball of anger issues as if he hasn’t progressed past that since season 3 meanwhile certain characters are still displaying that cocky, arrogant, dismissive attitude they’ve had since they started (👀👀👀) but yall don’t wanna write that yall write him to be this ultra-caring, soft, knight-in-shining armor type of guy when that’s literally not even canonical to his characterization 😭😭😭
anyway, write more t-bashing fics please bc i need it for the soul
i need 7x4 rewrites where buck gets freaked out bc he was conscious about his desire for eddie and he doesn’t know why t-rex thought it was okay to kiss him
i need 7x5 rewrites where buck comes out to eddie and tells him about that date and eddie is like “fuck him that’s bullshit how dare he”
i need 7x6 or 7x9 rewrites where buck confronts him about constantly belittling things that excite him
i need 7x10 rewrites where buck gets upset and throws him out of that dinner bc of that joke
like give me yall standing up for buck since yall love him so much don’t give me that “it was the happiest relationship he was ever in and he got treated so well” bullshit when taylor kelly of all people was a better romantic partner than Tylenol 😭💀
addendum: upon re-reading the above implies that i do not care about buck— i would like to assure you that i do in fact love buck more than my own life which is why i want better for my boy, but there are people who claim to love buck and will simultaneously deadname him and to those people im like you don’t get buck the way i get buck
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sophaeros · 4 months
if i told you that i had two characters who'd written a song about a secretive doomed relationship together and released a poster for it featuring the two of them holding hands as they drove off a cliff together you'd probably tell me to stop being so on the nose but no. it's real and it's called one way trigger by the strokes
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nightmarearian · 11 days
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finally got this digital and all neat <3
boothill hair-headcanons! I did some (admittedly short) research on indigenous hair traditions & cultures (x).
A bit too tired to paraphrase rn so direct quotes to get the main points: > "believed that a person’s long hair represents a strong cultural identity" > "As part of the practice in self-respect, we are taught to take good care of our hair through proper grooming" > "adorn their hair with fur wraps, woolen wraps, feathers, fluffs, and bead work for war dancing and ceremonies" > "common to see family members and friends brushing and braiding hair for each other. > "we don’t cut our hair unless we have experienced a significant loss, like the death of a close family member, traumatic event or significant life change." > "When we do have to cut our hair, it is never to be thrown away, but rather, burned with sage or sweetgrass in a ceremonial way. When our hair is burned, all of our thoughts, prayers, dreams, aspirations, experiences, and history rise to the Creator to be properly taken care of." > " hair embodying so much of who we are, boundaries are important. Touching someone’s hair without permission is disrespectful in the Native community."
With that, looking at canon Boothill... I decided that at first he straight up just. Did not have the time to cut and burn his hair at first, and by the time he did he. Couldn't. (He’s dead anyway. Everything on his is dead anyway, so it doesn’t exactly count right now…) (he should be ashamed. He is. Being so fuckin selfish and one of the last of Aeragan-Epharshel and he making a mess of their culture). (He really should. He should stop being selfish but he can't let go of his memories of them and he's sorry, he's so so sorry, please he knows he's nothing more than a fuckin husk he's sorry he's sorry he's sorry-). (Going off of my other boothill art,) He loosely braids where a few of them would usually be, but comparatively it's too loose and he doesn't have as much feathers or sweetgrass or fur anymore but it's as close as he's ever going to get anymore so it'll do.
If any of this is inaccurate, really sorry and please correct me! :)
Text (Sorta. In order of my thoughts, all that, and then some): Aeragan-Epharshel "Boothill" (tesswehas) > had thick, soft, black hair -> current hair is thinner from lack of care + general consequences of becoming mechanized. -> Marie-Antoinette Syndrome + stress turned the majority of it white. > Tight & neat braids (w/ feathers, sweetgrass, fur) -> Family braids his hair & vice versa (-> Consequently, Boothill can't braid his own hair as well as he could someone else's. The difference in doing it to someone else vs. oneself, and all that) > Around~a bit longer than waist length -> Might've gotten a bit shorter when getting mechanized.
Post killing Oswaldo (a few months) > Cuts it a while after killing Oswaldo (while the power vacuum and all the extra stuff that comes with killing a head of department) -> Especially the braids/where the braids would be & the black parts. -> (his hair's all white now). > Burns it with sweetgrass > Additionally (not on drawing), He's tried to tie it back, sorta; It's a bit too short so he uses hair clips and stuff. It's at like mid-neck length. > His red bandana was his little girl's baby wrap. (yk those non-descript cloth wrapped around a baby).
-> (Eventually*) -> *meaning Argenti & Robin are able to keep Boothill from joining the rest of his family + heal/take care of himself > He lives long enough to grow it out. About shoulder length. > He usually has four braids (A/R/Sv/C), all with a few different ornaments. -> Side note, usually I guess one would get their hair braided with their associated accessories (if that makes sense???) but Boothill wants accessories based on his loved ones, so he has a little something. (Still doesn't have enough feathers, either). (Braid Dictionary): Each person's Ornaments, from Neatest -> Messiest: > Argenti(Tied w/ R): Vines & Roses > Robin(Tied w/ A): Metal/Fake flower ornamets (3); They're based of her halo. > Sunday*: "haloes"/rings > Clara (Tied w/ Sv): (Brass) Bolts & sometimes (uncommonly) fluff/fur, or flowers. > Svarog (Tied w/ C): (Steel/Silver) Bolts & Nuts > Hook: Usually doesn't have accessories, but the messiness & bits of dirt/grime (/aff) is enough of an indicator. Sometimes she can "braid"/tie string or smth. + Possibly aventurine? depends. -> neatness-wise would be around Sunday-Clara's; Accessories would be straight up jewlery, yk?
Bonus: Boothill (Makes the absolute neatest braids). Doesn't actually leave much accessories unless asked (Will be encouraged by A or R) -> would be feathers or sweetgrass; The children get flowers too. -> Bullet shells would be like bolts but he doesn't really want to give bullet shells to anyone. If he really wants to, it usually ends up in Svarog's ornament-strings/fur.
Ext. : > Boothill would give Argenti and/or Robin waterfall braids a good amount of the time. > Rose braid either from or to Argenti, to or from Boothill or Robin. > Boothill & Clara braid Svarog's coat's fur + give him strings of accessories.
Ext. Not in Drawing: > Between Robin & Argenti, Boothill gets around to taking proper care of his hair again :). > Sunday eventually joined in per Robin's request (as long as Boothill was okay with it, of course), and he found it calming & also just a good way for these two to bond. > Boothill keeps in his braids as long as he can, until it really has to or he meets the others again. > I only draw Robin, Argenti, Clara, & Svarog's braids in the final-post killing Oswaldo, so Sunday's would probably go behind Boothill's ear, next to Robin's. Hook's goes around the side, near Clara's. > Guess it was sorta implied with the neatest to messiest thing, But Argenti & Robin have the most clean braids, Sunday near close - his perfectionism/idealization is getting to him a bit - Clara & Svarog both have some troubles. It's like. Average-good? Not expert but not bad either. Clara's is a bit messy, and Svarog has some trouble with his bigger, mech-hands. Hook has the messiest. For obvious reasons. Little menace <3
> Oh also Don't think I ever specifically mentioned it but implied open/poly relationship between Argenti, Robin, Boothill & Svarog. (Argenti X Boothill X Robin, Svarog X Boothill). Think that's it. 👍
Original paper sketchpage:
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faes-elytra · 1 year
q!Melissa being q!Roier's drag sona and accidentally ends up dating both q!Bagi and q!Cellbit because he thought Bagi was Cellbit's drag sona. (We also have the Cellbit doesn't recognize Roier as Melissa, and Roier not knowing Cellbit doesn't know he's Melissa.)
He originally thought it was Cellbit doing a bit with him during his work hours. Which later ends up on a date with Bagi as Melissa and him not realizing for while they're different people. He has no fucking clue how to tell her the situation he's in and why he can't date her, and just kinda ends up dating both of them for a bit.
I don't know if I want Cellbit and Bagi to have been friends before this started or just started being friends in the middle of this.
So Roier gets put into the position that both of his partners want to introduce him to their new friend. He ends up going with Cellbit and guess who his new friend is, Bagi. Bagi unlike Cellbit instantly recognizes that Roier is Melissa. The introduction is so fucking awkward because Bagi and Roier are trying to fake not knowing each other. Bagi is questioning how good their(Cellbit and Roier's) relationship really is in her head, Roier trying to tell her he is just a pendejo. Roier starting to hint at the truth to Bagi while trying to make sure Cellbit doesn't find out what the hell the two of them are trying communicate to each other. Her slowly piecing it together over the course of the convo. Roier hinting that the two of them look similar, that he has a job he dresses up a lot for. The constant calling of himself of pendejo and little estúpido. Bagi almost reaching the correct answer trying not to laugh every time she thinks of the possibility of what Roier is implying. The one minute of time that Cellbit is not with them to clarify things. Bagi just NOT comprehending that Cellbit has zero clue he's Melissa. Roier saying he thought it was bit for months that he just kept reinforcing it. Bagi going we should tell him, Roier saying that he'd probably need to get into drag piece by piece in front of him to convince him that he's Melissa. Bagi just not believing that, ok we need to tell him. Cellbit comes back before they can plan how to tell him. The silence is deafening. The immense cry/laugh threatening to burst from Roier and Bagi.
C: Why the hell aren't you guys talking?
The side eyes given in the span of a second.
B: You know what Roier's other job is right?
C: of course I do, He's a psychologist.
R: (No soy un psicólogo.)
B: (You told him it was psychology???)
R: (Used to be one, then got, a better job *audible wink*)
B: He's not a psychologist
R: Nononono, si FUE un psicólogo, ahora no soy
C: You lost your job guapito??? :<<<<<
R: Si y No,
C: Que, si y no pendejo???
R: Tenía un nuevo trabajo y fue del otro.
C: Oh, well that's good.
B: You're not gonna ask him what it is?
C: Why should I, I mean as long as he's ok I don't have to know. Unless he wants to tell me then he can. But he doesn't have to.
B: (*outrageous side eye at Roier*)
R: I mean, si quería saber, si puedes gatinho~
C: Only if you want me to~
(This flirting probably goes on longer.)
R: Soy un stripper.
R: Yo voy a un lugar, se llama "Casualonas", y yo baila.
C: But I've never seen you there, you're not in their employees list???
B: He goes by Melissa when he's there.
C: Nononono, no he doesn't, wait WHAT.
(I can't keep writing this post because my nose is bleeding super badly but I hope you understand my vision by this point. The situation is resolved peacefully. True gamer move is Roier still being able to date q!bagi and q!cellbit with bisexual swagger.)
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astragatwo · 1 year
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This is the delusion I'm going to choose to live in for the foreseeable future, I think. (Bonus doodle under the cut)
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atorchzagreusandtris · 4 months
I love you destiny shippers
I love you sandstorm shippers
I love you citrus shippers
I love you Morro is aroace hcs
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franklyimissparis · 5 months
Hi sorry if this is a little bit creepy but I noticed your tags on your post about Alex and drugs about your dad being in the music industry and I have so many questions (Totally feel free to ignore this though lol) But uh is he famous? 👀 And it sounds like he knows Alex in some sense? Also if he does know Alex, my Milex heart is very curious if he’s heard anything about them. it must be so cool to hear stuff behind the scenes like that
okay so i’ve gotten variations of this question to some degree before but i ignored them ngl 😭 but anyway i probably won’t talk abt this again unless it’s particularly relevant (or funny tbh) so here we go lads.
my dad isn’t like PROPER famous but he’s well-respected within the industry. i’m a little hesitant to give more detail than that given that this is a music-related blog and some of you may have heard of him and could potentially work it out if given more clues (though i’m sure most of you probably wouldn’t bc again it’s not like he’s a household name or anything mad, thank god tbh 💀) also a little reluctant to discuss too much about things bc though i love my dad, he’s kind of a prick and we have a bit of a difficult relationship. music is quite literally the only thing i have in common w him so the idea of anything i post here (especially my Gay Antics) somehow getting back to him actually makes me feel ill lol.
anyway to answer your questions about alex, i would say “know” is a strong word but yeah they’ve bumped into each other quite a bit over the past like 20 years AM has been on the scene. my dad is also good friends w a few people who have worked closely with him. but i wouldn’t really say they have a direct connection or anything and i deffo wouldn’t want to make it out to be something it isn’t lmao. personally i’ve never met alex or had any special perks or anything at any AM gig (though tbh if my dad would actually ever agree to go w me i probably could have gotten backstage so that’s unfortunate). i did technically have the opportunity to meet him and some others one time in like 2018-2019ish but i got violently fucking ill and couldn’t go 😭😭 little bit glad in hindsight though bc i will say that once the hero illusion breaks it’s significantly less fun to be an unhinged fan of someone.
re: milex, i’ve never straightforwardly asked my dad about it bc i don’t want to hear his thoughts tbh lmao. i know he’s heard rumours abt miles’ sexuality because he brought that up out of nowhere once but to my knowledge it was more along the lines of vague gossip (tho i can speculate of course). he hasn’t mentioned anything to me abt alex’s either way but i’ve also never asked.
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thawthebeez · 5 months
saw someone on hq tiktok finally (FINALLY) agree that hinata and kageyama should be on separate teams post time skip and that it isn't actually as devastating some 'shobio fans' think it is AND THERE ARE STILL PEOPLE IN THE COMMENTS GETTING IT WRONG. "i'm sad that they're on separate teams" if you wanted to tell me that you only see hinata and kageyama as ""Shobio"" as opposed to individuals who happen to have some queer undertones you could have just said that y'know..
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pegging-satan · 2 years
If you’d told me that I’d be shipping a bunch of classic lit authors with each other say like, a year ago, I would’ve laughed in your face
#thank you Bungou stray dogs#normally I don’t ship real people but like this is just characters named after authors and also they’re dead so#it’s so funny hearing things out of context though like imagine being completely clueless abt this piece of media#and someone says ‘so then Nathaniel Hawthorne partnered up with fyodor Dostoyevsky and Nikolai Gogol because he was in love with#Margaret Mitchell and also at some point John Steinbeck was partners with hp lovecraft and they were in love n shit and then#f scott Fitzgerald shows up and he gathers up all the Americans because he wants to take over the Japan lit scene for his wife for whatever#reason I forgot his motives because i was too focused on everything else but the plot but anyways so then there’s this little partnership#going on between Edgar Allan Poe and his Japanese counterpart Ranpo edogawa and they’re like rivals but also quite fond of each other and#they’re very wholesome and it’s all fun and games#and then there’s the main ship of the series that’s Osamu Dazai and Chuuya Nakahara and they’re like so in love and they hate each other but#they’re also in love and then the same dynamic is shared by their mentees akutagawa and atsushi nakajima and then at some point we get clues#that the same dynamic was shared between their bosses as well and mori ougai and fukuzawa yukichi are also in love because we said so I mean#basically any ship here can and will be canon no matter what and anyways so then they all meet and then fuck shit up <3#is fanfiction abt your favourite authors put in situations <3#.txt#bsd#bungou stray dogs
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twpsyn-who · 2 years
I keep on seeing these edits of Steve Harrington with that song, idk it's name but is like 'I just meet my dad in 1985' or smth like that and now I lowkey want a fic where this dude's kid somehow time travels and actually meets his dad in 1985. At this point I don't even care about the ship, I just want some random kid to show up one day, look at Steve and be like 'Fuck. Dad???'
Just imagine the comedy. But also the drama if it's either Nancy's kid or if Eddie's their other father- cuz I think by 1985 Nancy and Steve broke up already??? And she's dating Jonathan??? Gold. And they didn't even got to interact with Eddie yet so everyone is gonna be like 'Eddie??? The Munson kid???'
#even funnier if the kid is going around the town with the Party and at some point sees Eddie and comments like 'Damm. Father's hair has#always been that long???' and everyone is loosing their shit#i just need this little kid to mind blow everyone#bonus points if the kid knows a little bit about the Upside Down. not enough to like change some events/prevent most of the shit from#happening. just enough to make comments about it#like the whole mall things happens and they are like 'Huh. So that's what father (Eddie)/mom meant when she said dad got a bad experience#with the Russians'#or they just found Eddie and the kid is all like 'Ahhh. Now I see why you guys wouldn't tell me how you meet'. Stuff like that#also the kid calling everyone either aunt or uncle and Steve's heart is literally melting because that means everyone stays in his life for#good and that right therr is really his family#EVEN FUNNIER IF THE KID IS NOT AN ONLY CHILD and they are all like 'oh yeah I have five other siblings'#I think that's when Steve actually starts crying because it sounds too good to be true#stranger things#stranger things steve#steddie#stranger things steddie#or stancy I guess??? however you wanna play it man#i'm a multishiper first and whatever society expects of me later#is it the ship name stancy tho???? idk#even fucking funnier if the kid's other parent is straight up Jonathan#the kid is either having Will's personality or Erica's i don't get criticisms.#keep in mind that I didn't/don't watch stranger things so idk what's going on most of the time
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hemwickwitches · 1 month
i'm gonna be so honest the way some people portray the f*nris and and(rs dynamic makes me uncomfortable
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thegroundhogdidit · 2 months
i'm a big supporter of ship and let ship but some of y'all ship things that are so extraordinarily out of character that it makes me gag
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oh-meow-swirls · 5 months
haven't watched shadowside or played 4 but ngl it feels kinda pointless for summer and tate to be nate and katie's kids when nate can't even see yo-kai anymore in it and seemingly never brings that fact up-
#puppy rambles#yo-kai watch#yw4#<- kind of#also nate and katie literally have no romantic chemistry in canon i know it was always endgame but like#why did they never actually give them anything. the crush always seems to be one-sided-#i honestly can't see them as anything more than friends and that's not just cuz of me liking other ships for them#they just. don't have any actual chemistry. nate has a crush on katie and that's literally it#there's never anything that implies katie has a crush on nate. even in the games. it's so weird#i'm sure i'd enjoy shadowside and 4 if i watched/played them but like. there's just so much weird stuff in the future era#like. whatever the fuck is going on in y-school heroes. i don't even try to figure out what that's about anymore#all i know is that future human jibanyan (jiba jinpei or something???) is apparently amy's grandson#which is neat i guess#idk i mean. there's a reason i just see the games as a trilogy#i just think it'd be more interesting if even if you do have nate not have a watch/be friends with jibbers and whisper as an adult#for him to at least bring it up??? at somepoint???#because otherwise it just feels completely useless to have summer and tate be nate's kids-#side note but i honestly don't blame people for not using the english names for shadowside characters tate is a terrible name#do you think his full name's tathan-#like. i feel like there's probably a better english name they could've used to continue the naming scheme-#but nope. tate. what kind of name is that#shadowside is so baffling to me-
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burningfaith · 1 year
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omg yes, please delegalise zh*ngch* in eu
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