#what-if scenario
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 10 months ago
For context:
A few days ago, @meagancandraw (Night-Waker) and I did a lil' "what-if" scenario in a private server of what would happen if Moon punched Sun after a hallucination-driven breakdown and then ran off and was visited by someone who gave him the clarity he needed.
The following is what transpired:
NIGHT: He's starting to hallucinate, goes to hit one, and it ends up being Sun.
Sun: Moon-! Moon: DON'T TOUCH ME! (THWACK)
And that's when he snaps out of it-
ME: The sound echoes, bouncing off the walls and ringing in Moon's audio receptors. There's a frightening sting that spreads across the back of his hand. The swirling black and red of his vision vanishes practically in an instant as he stares mortified at Sun, who cups his cheek with an equally mortified look. What did he…? No…no no no what had he done-- ?: M-Moon…?!
NIGHT: Moon can only look at Sun, at the hand holding his cheek. It looks dented, and there's specks of dark blue visible between his fingers. Moon slowly looks down at his own hand, and sees where small streaks of paint have been violently scrapped off, exposing the grey underneath. He feels sick. Moon: I- ?: Sun! Lunar runs into the room (Oh God how long had he been standing there how much had he seen), asking Sun if he's okay. The sound is muffled to Moon, however, as he continues to stare at his hand. There's more talking - or is it yelling? - but he can't tell from who. All he hears is static. Horror blooms in his chest and spreads through his circuits
ME: Earth suddenly rushes in as well, looking between the two. She asks what happened but doesn't get an answer from either, so she asks Lunar, who fills her in. Her eyes widen and she looks to Moon- God that look…The way she looked at him--horrified, scared, angry--he couldn't bear it.
Before anyone can think to stop him, he turns and activates a random portal, and flees into it.
NIGHT: Moon [begins] spiraling and thinking his whole family must hate him. They should. Not only did he fail to protect Solar, now he's hurt Sun in front of them. He's a horrible brother. They don't deserve as terrible as him. Is hurting his family all he's good for?
ME: (imagine while in Beta 10 he starts hallucinating.)
"What, gonna start drowning in your own pity party again?"
He sees hallucinations of his family, one by one. Starting with Earth. Then Lunar. Then even Eclipse. Then Sun.
Then Old Moon.
All of them berating and sharp, pushing the dagger in deeper. "You promised you would be better." "Why weren't you honest with how you felt?" "You're a monster." "You're pathetic."
"You did the one thing I told you not to do." In the midst of the anguish as the people he loves drive home every wound, he hears a voice he doesn't expect and looks-
to see Solar.
Still a hallucination, but…he is different. He's not shouting at Moon for his failures, he's not calling him horrible things.
NIGHT: "Solar" asking Moon what he's doing here instead of being with his family Moon (crying): I don't deserve to be with them
ME: Solar: What makes you think that?
NIGHT: Moon: Because all I'm good for is hurting them! I hit Sun! I let you die! I can't protect anyone! I'm just as bad as the old me! ME: Solar: Moon. If that's all you ever see in yourself, then that is all you will ever be.
NIGHT: Moon: It's all I am! The old me killed himself because he thought that I would be better, but he was wrong! ME: Solar: Was he? NIGHT: Moon: Yes! Name one good thing I've done that didn't end up backfiring or making things worse for everyone!
ME: Solar: hm. Well…from what I heard about the guy, he didn't have a shred of empathy. So you got him beat on that front. NIGHT: Moon: Yeah… a lot of good that's done for me
ME: Solar: Yeah it has. 'Cept I don't think you actually see what good it's done. NIGHT: Moon: Like what? ME: Solar: well your brother, for one. Would you say you've grown closer since you re-awoke? NIGHT: Moon: I… guess? But I still hit him, and I promised myself that this version of me would never do that
ME: Solar: and you think he's upset with you?
NIGHT: Moon: Of course he is! Why wouldn't he be?!
ME: Solar: well, you kinda just ran before you could see what he'd say.
NIGHT: Moon: … Moon: That's because I'm a coward
ME: Solar: hm…didn't they say he was a coward, too?
NIGHT: Moon: Who?
ME: Solar: the old you. He ran from his problems too, didn't he?
NIGHT: Moon: That's part of why he made me. He had a lot of problems and regrets he couldn't face… If you're here to tell me that I'm doing the same thing right now, trust me, I'm well aware. I guess it's just another thing I have in common with the old me
ME: Solar: I don't think I'm here to tell you what you've already heard.
NIGHT: Moon: Then what are you here for?
ME: Solar: well? You don't want to be like him, right? And if he ran from his problems, what do you think you should do?
NIGHT: Moon: Yeah, I know… I just… (Sighs) I dunno… what if what happened is just the start? What if Sun and the others are wrong about me, and I just keep getting worse?
ME: Solar: everyone has highs and lows, Moon. And the lows can really suck sometimes. That's just how life is. But that's what family is for, yeah? To help pick you back up when you're down?
NIGHT: Moon: …You're right. Heh, even when you're dead you're right … (Tears up) God, I miss you
ME: Solar: (smiles) failing and making mistakes doesn't make you a bad person, Moon. It's how you respond that determines how things go.
NIGHT: Moon: I should probably get out of here, huh?
ME: Solar: they're probably out lookin' for ya right now
NIGHT: Moon: Yeah. I should- Sun: (From the entrance) Moon…? Are you here? Moon: Sun? (Looks over at Solar to see that he's vanished)
ME: Sun: (approaches, finds him staring at the mirror) …figured you'd come here
NIGHT: Moon: Actually, I set the portal to random … …Are you okay?
ME: Sun: (thinks for a moment). Not happy about being punched again, but…I'm fine. And…m-more worried about you, honestly.
NIGHT: Moon: I'm… better than I was earlier… Sun, I am so so sorry for hitting you. I don't think there are any words that can begin to tell you how sorry I am
ME: Sun: I know you're sorry. I do. But…Moon, this-- (sighs) This can't keep happening.
NIGHT: Moon: I know...
ME: Sun: Do you?
NIGHT: Moon: … Moon: The old me gave up his life so I could be the better version of him. I already told you what he told me: To protect our family no matter what. That's been my entire purpose since the moment I woke up, but lately it feels like no matter what I do, it's not enough. That I'm not enough. I keep thinking that if I was smarter like him, then Solar would still be alive, or if I did start killing anyone who was a threat - sure, it wouldn't be right, but you'd all at least be safe
…I'm terrified of becoming like the old Moon, Sun. That's the last thing I want, but KC's already dead, and if I can't keep our family safe, then that officially means the old Moon died for nothing! I know that's not an excuse, but I- I can't lose anyone else, Sun!
ME: Sun: we don't want to lose YOU, Moon! Why should protecting our family be only your responsibility?! Family protects each other, it's not supposed to be one person's burden! … The old Moon, he…I get he did what he did to keep me and everyone safe, but…it still hurt people. It still hurt me.
NIGHT: Moon: I know, and I'm sorry. … You're the most important person in my life, Sun. I love Lunar and Earth, but you're the one who keeps me going. It's your light and your strength that inspires me, and I want to protect that at all costs. I want to make sure nothing ever happens to you or the others, even if it means taking on that burden all by myself. I know it's not fair to you, or Lunar and Earth, but I… I don't think I know how to do it any other way. …But I'd like to learn
ME: Sun: (listens in silence, then after a moment he sighs) Moon. I know you mean well. But—I am not a child. I am not some delicate thing that needs protecting. I can handle myself. Earth can handle herself, we know that. Lunar…more or less. (sighs) But the fact is, our lives are not perfect. Things will happen whether we want them to or not. That’s just how life is. And if you’re so busy going around trying to protect US…then who is going to protect you?
NIGHT: Moon: (Ponders the question in silence) I've… never really considered that, to be honest. I didn't care what happened to me as long as you guys were okay. I can… see why that's a problem, now that I say it out loud… (Sighs) I really screwed up…
ME: Sun: yeah. You did. (he steps and engulfs Moon into a tight hug) but who hasn’t screwed up? I’ve made mistakes. Lunar, too. I’m sure even Earth has. But at the end of the day…we’re still a family, aren’t we? (he squeezes him) You’re a real idiot sometimes, Moon. But you’re still my brother, and you always will be.
NIGHT: Moon: (He hugs him back with his first genuine smile in a long time) Heh, thanks, Sun. I love you, brother
Unbeknownst to any of them, "Solar" is watching them as they leave the bunker. He smiles at the group before fading away…
--The end--
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yohohonabottle · 3 months ago
A "what-if" idea
So, in my convo with @meepinmeat-- I proposed the scenario where some timeline mix-up happens, and Celestino and Aelius meet regular Pirin + his Valen & Sinbad...But mistake them for the ones from their own universe for a short second/or are just messing with Pirin for some reason, and trying to rizz them up.
Except Pirin doesn't approve of having his partners casually stolen from him, and goes ferally territorial. (Night Nymphs are extremely territorial over their partner to begin with.. and males specifically are five times more so.) Just ''monkey-brain'' pure instinctual ire moment where he snaps at the two. Thankfully Cel and Ael would catch on that these Valen and Sinbad aren't their bfs, from the duo's reactions to their (unwanted) advances...
But what if for some reason, somehow, they don't catch on so quickly? What if it came to blows? ...Well it would be very ugly, very fast. It's basically what if Wriothesley fought Neuvillette, and we all know the Hydro reincarnated god-like dragon would win, Wrio's ice powers be damned. Man would get obliterated.
And that's what would happen to Pirin-- Yes, he'll give the scrap his 10000% all, no holding back at all. Curses, fire magic, clawing and slashing, biting and a barrage of attacks on the ground + aerial attacks/maneuvers with lightning-swift, agile movements without set patterns to them...Maybe ditch his mortal physical body and ''level out the playing-field'' by fighting in his true form. But let's be real, what's he --some fancy, fiery wyvern bat spirit, going to do to a Hypogean and a Celestial? Land a lot of good blows, cause damage for sure... But also get absolutely pummeled by just one of them alone. His regeneration won't be able to heal fast enough.
(Not to mention his curses - See his retribution methods post- mean nothing to those two/will get tanked like it's nothing.)
Aelius and his fire ability (on top of all the other abilities this Hypogean/incubus) has will cause ridiculous damage. And the incubus powers will likely drive the bat into madness. Then there's Celestino backing up with his own set of skills --divinity aside but hugely into account-- landing even more brutal damage.
Admittedly, due to not being a mortal, Pirin would tank a considerable amount of that damage.... But he's still cooked. And if we really want shit to hit the fan and get the Meta-premise involved? Well, Pirin is the Moon of his Esperia and is an 'actor' with tiny overlap with Player status abilities, so he can also borrow Rila (the Sun)'s powers --use all of this stacked together on top of his abilities without calling upon this ''Avatar state''..... But so can Celestino and Aelius.
They too, are Moons to their Sun, have the same 'cheat state'. Unless the Sun decides not to give power boost which I don't see happening.
Once again, Pirin is likely to be heavily outclassed by them separately but even more so when in a death-brawl against both at once. And then we add in the fact Pirin literally has endless reincarnation... Well then it's just the equivalent of reloading a saved file in Skyrim where you're fighting a Sabertooth cat. (Source, me. I was into a fight with that damn tiger, blocking its attacks and accidentally hit save. And so I kept getting thrown into that loop.)
Worst part is... Pirin knows this, to it's fullest extent. Knows what he's up against and how stupidly, laughably puny he is compared to Cel and Aelius. He knows that he'll guaranteed die in beyond hellish agony over and over, getting razed to the ground pretty much effortlessly with his own attacks/retaliation strikes realistically meaning ZERO. ....But he'll still do it anyways. Just to at least put up a damn real good fight to protect his partners.
The only way out is for either one or both parties to disengage.
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mae-i-scribble · 9 months ago
“Seth, you’d better start explaining right now or else.” Lucy snaps, fisting her brother’s suit collar in one hand. Chise walks towards them, hands up appeasingly as she says, “Lucy, it’s okay-” Lucy glares at her friend, keeping her brother tight in her grip. “And you, what is this about being sold? Don’t tell me that my brother-” “Lucy, it’s not like that,” Seth says hurriedly. “I can’t say my hands are completely clean but any sales I make-” “So you did sell her,” she growls, jabbing an accusing finger in her brother’s chest. “Which means you’re not better than that thing back there. Some low-life, no good, rotten piece of-” “Lucy!” Chise’s sharp cry surprises her enough to let go of her brother, blinking as her friend gently places a hand on her arm. “Lucy it really wasn’t like that. I wanted to be auctioned.” “You…” Lucy doesn’t have anything to say to that, she’s too flabbergasted to snap a retort. Or: A day out leads to Lucy learning the unsavory truth behind how Chise knows her brother. She takes it about as well as expected.
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noctusfury · 10 months ago
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A View to a Skrill by Noctus Fury
What would happen if the Berserkers caught themselves a Skrill to use in their raids? Ultimate mayhem will ensue!! 😈
Vorg: Chief, we finally captured a Skrill — as you have ordered!
Dagur: [Grins maniacally] AAHHHAHAHAHAHOHOHOHOHOHO!!!! EXCELLENT!!! Come, my brothers! Let us sail forth on our invincible armadas and destroy Berk once and for all! Ehehehehehe!!! Using our beloved Skrilly, we shall dominate both the seas and the skies! And Berk — and Brother Hiccup's and that Night Fury's heads — will forever be MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE!!! AAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHOHOHOHOHOHOHOOHOHOHOHOOH!!!!
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For the background, I used a shot from ROB's episode "Twinsanity". Then I erased Dagur from existence and replaced it with the Skrill, while keeping the Berserker Guards. (How devious of me! Mwahahaha!!) 😈
I then added the skrill banners from the RTTE Season 5's episode "Something Rotten on Berserker Island" for some nice interior touches.
All-in-all, I'm quite proud of what I did on this! 😌 Great job, me! 😎👍🏻
The edit for Heather with this background is here.
The edit for Osvald's Funeral with this background is here.
The edit for Osvald the Agreeable with his background is here.
The edit for Dagur and Berserkers with this background is here.
Thank you very much for your support and for checking this out! Please like and reblog this to continue supporting me! My next edit will be for Heather this time in an epic AU what-if!
Long Live the Night!
— Noctus Fury
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username-redacted205 · 3 months ago
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“Last Orders” by Usern4me_R3dacted205
"Thieram couldn’t remember the last time he’d thought working at The Last Drop was anything more than a thankless job. At least until tonight."
Following a brutal showdown leaving The Last Drop in tatters, the lowly barkeep Thieram finds himself serving one last round to a certain blue-haired trickster who seems a little less like her usual self than usual...
OR: A what-if scenario exploring what happened to good ol' Chuck after that epic fight at the end of S1 E9.
READ HERE: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60722068
Behold my first one-shot! 🥳🎉🥳🎉
This is something I've been working on and off for a while and I definitely didn't mean for this to be finished after Season 2 dropped, especially so close to Act III. Procrastination's a bitch, y'know? Luckily though it doesn't seem as if anything from Acts I and II technically overrides what I've written here so this is still totally plausible in my mind (I swear!). Anyhoo, I hope this helps lift the post-finale blues a little. Enjoy!
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toastthewolfie · 6 months ago
tw: death. Not canon, just a what-if :)
under the cut
haha what if selena got shot and slowly bled out in someone’s arms while her k9 is whining with placing its head on her chest.
warm before it’s dark.
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rennerator · 8 months ago
Oh My, what happened here? Is Cas gone? Is this a "what-if" Dean had a different "ending" but with Cas still gone??? T.T I LOOOOOOOOOOVE your ART SO SOOO F* MUUUUUCH!!!! S2 I LOOOOOOOOVE the way you draw them!!! SOO GORGEOUS, SOOO HANDSOME, SOOO BEAUTIFUL!!! But at the same time SOOO SOOOOOFT too!!! AWWWWWWWW Oh Dean! T.T But, I am SURE you will find a way to find Cas and save him too!!! PLEASE!!!! PLEASE, let these two BE TOGETHER!!!! They DESERVE HAPPINESS!!! They DESERVE LOVE!!!! I LOVE THIS SO SOO VERY MUCH!!!! MAGNIFICENT!!!!! MARVELOUS!!! Thank YOU!!! THANK YOU SO SOO MUCH for this!!! You are AWESOME!!! :) <3
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know that you made such a difference and all you leave behind will live to the end
the cycle of suffering goes on, but the memories of you stay strong (x)
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zuzu-draws · 2 months ago
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[The Strongest "Hear Me Out"]
+ bonus Yuuji POV:
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Apparently this boy ain't traumatized enough!!!🗣️🗣️
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eydilily · 4 months ago
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red flags!
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crazyprompts4asoiafdune · 6 months ago
Journalism in the Imperium AU
An AU where newspapers and journalists EXIST in the Imperium. Let's have an expose of what goes on in Harkonnen territory; a tell-all re Anirul/Shaddam; a day in the life of the Atreides family on Caladan and the latest gossip on Irulan and her sisters. And yes, an interview with Gaius Helen Mohaim! All in the Daily Imperial Chronicle.
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pigdemonart · 5 months ago
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Unexpected and unrequested Bowuigi be upon ye
They still tickle me from time to time. And I found these now years old sketches I never cleaned up, and decided to share cuz WHY NOT!
Its a good time thank everyone who supports my silly ideas LOL 🙇 ♥️ genuinely love you all sm
Patreon | Ko-Fi
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thatrandomblogsays · 7 months ago
Low key want Aegon and larys and Helaena and Alicent to all run away to Essos purely so this can happen
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shizuart · 7 months ago
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professorcalculusstanaccount · 11 months ago
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I remember discussing Tintin casting choices with a friend from Germany and remarked how it was odd he often has an English accent in adaptations rather than a Belgian one, and my friend just replied "that's because Tintin gives incredibly strong English boy energy (derogatory)"
Here in the UK there's a lot of weird classism tied into accents. Today accent diversity and representation in broadcasting is actively pursued but in Tintin's time there certainly was a preferred accent to have.
imagine this exchange happens between pages 28-29 in The Crab with the Golden Claws
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noctusfury · 5 months ago
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Death of a Chief by Noctus Fury
Hello, everyone. Welcome to another edit of mine. This is part of my edit series: here, here, here, and here. I wanted do more, but this time, I decided to go with something perhaps a little more somber in nature.
This time, I snipped a copy of what is supposed to be Osvald's helmet and shield. Perhaps I made it a little too big compared to the Berserk guards, but I wanted to make sure it was easily seeable.
The scenario for this edit is what if Osvald's death was actually made known — for real — to the Berserkers much earlier, such as before the Riders of Berk episode "Twinsanity", giving Dagur the legitimate opportunity to become the High Chieftain of the Berserker Tribe.
Hope you guys enjoy this! Hope you have a good Monday!
Long Live the Night!
— Noctus Fury
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must-be-mr-boggins · 1 year ago
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Taking a 5-second break from the Bagginshield angst to bring you this meme I created after an all-nighter, enjoy.
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