#what trauma does to people huh. clowns. a lot of them
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that1notetaker · 5 months ago
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I love and hate Severus Snape in equal measures. Also, Harry Potter would have been 100% better if he was actually a vampire but only the teachers and the golden trio knew for sure. He would mess around with the students on purpose and listen to their weird theories to further mess with them. Minerva would think it's funny on the inside and would only tell him off occasionally.
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quillyfied · 10 months ago
Hellaverse Theories: Helluva Boss S2E7
Welcome to Quilly’s Hellaverse Theories, where I overthink the entire Hellaverse! And we are here, at the final episode of the first half of Helluva Boss season 2, and this is a very good episode, but might not have much to work with in terms of predicting how future episodes are gonna go (with one potentially Very Large exception). Just the Millie and Sallie May short to go (maybe) and then I’ll be done making these posts! At least until the new episodes release! :P
Here we go, s2e7!
Getting to see teen Blitzo and Fizz is such a treat. Getting to see Mammon is less of a treat (but still a treat, because he’s a gem of a villain). So significant too to see Blitzo seeing right through all of Mammon’s bullshit…while Fizz is completely taken in. Poor kid. It’s hard to acknowledge your heroes are shit sometimes.
Blitzo’s had a protective streak in him from the beginning, huh? I’ll bet money it comes from his relationship with his mom. Why do I feel like a Freudian psychologist saying that?? Anyway. Poor Fizz being freaked out by aggressive fans. It can be really hard to know how to deal with them, because on the one hand, thanks for liking my stuff, but on the other hand…please stop, you’re violating my boundaries and it’s uncomfortable at best. (I say as if I have any personal experience in this lol)
(…I could use a wait in line for you Fizzie, actually :P)
Fizzarolli having a Fizzarolli-sized vanity at Ozzie’s penthouse. I WANT THEM TO GET MARRIED ON THE SHOW OKAY.
Blitzo and Ozzie working together on Team Protect Fizz is the best premise for an episode. (Also, to add onto my “IMP and Stolas are going to get legally fucked” theory, it’s another long-standing dream of mine to also have Ozzie come in as a character witness for Blitzo, because having two Sins to have his back would be certainly something fame-inducing for an imp. And also Fizz would probably do the Eyes until Oz agreed.)
File it right along with Ozzie’s goofy little grin when Blitzo says he’s in.
I also need to put Fizzarolli’s incredulous little eye-roll when Blitzo shows how deep in denial he is about Stolas next to Blitzo’s very incredulous glare at how Fizz lets Mammon treat him. LIFELONG FRIENDS ARE A GIFT AND A CURSE.
Glitz and Glam are really cool design-wise, and absolute trash fires personality-wise. They and Mammon deserve each other :P (Fugly imp LEMME AT ‘EM LEMME AT ‘EM)
So. The whole thing is a clown pageant. And they have to end…with a musical number? Ooookay. Listen I’m not exactly complaining, because Klown Bitch and Two Minute’s Notice are both BANGERS, but. Uh. Why??
Y’know, the spider motifs make sense, but why all the sunken ships? What does that have to do with anything clowny or greedy? Maybe sunken treasure? Is that a thing?
WOAH HEY. Think I finally saw a hellhound hybrid! Little kid hellhound with imp-striped ears. So. Huh. That answers my earlier question about if hellhounds also interbreed with other Hellborn demons. Nice.
I remember getting really surprised and then emotional at the sign language scene with the kid. Listen, the Hellaverse isn’t perfect. But it does do things like this scene that feel groundbreaking, and that’s not nothing. Normalizing so many things—queerness, disability, trauma, the messy side of personal growth—that’s not nothing, either. It’s kind of amazing that these shows get to exist, y’know? (And especially while so many other groundbreaking shows, especially queer shows, are getting the shaft. OFMD, my beloved, taken far too soon)
It feels significant that Fizz’s detractor here is the same one he encountered years before. Like. Fizz is famous, he’s going to have a lot of people who don’t like him, but the fact that the loudest negative voice in his ears outside of his own (and Mammon’s) is this same shitwipe who made him feel small and terrible even as a kid? That it’s JUST this guy? This one vocal but singular guy? Feels a bit like a metaphor.
Blitzo assessing the situation and finding it less important to make a violent bloody mess and more important to show Fizz that he has support—and then catch him when he starts to faint—good friending. No notes.
I also notice how much Fizz starts clutching the ruff when he’s really upset. Makes a lot of sense to see it gone in the s2.5 trailer. He looks so much happier out of full jester costume and in something that I sincerely hope I’m gonna see in stores one day (RAINBOW. PAINTS. ASYMMETRICAL RAINBOW PANTS. I WANT THEM).
(Hee. Someone messed up. Blitzo is in his regular assassin gear for the conversation where he calls Mammon a trash fire, then back to the black tie bodyguard outfit later. Sometimes��animation errors are funny.)
You know how we know Blitzo is a good friend? He knows when to call in the cavalry. And he and Ozzie are working as a team on this one, so it’s good that Blitzo tags him in. Because as much as Blitzo and Fizzarolli have history…they don’t have the same connection that Fizzarolli and Asmodeus do. Maybe they could have, but that train passed. Their connection is good, but still kinda fragile, has a giant fifteen-year gap in it. And in that gap…Ozzie filled in (not an intentional dirty joke but I will not be changing my wording). Ozzie saw Fizz at his best and was allowed to see Fizz at his most fragile, and their bond is powerful with mutual support and love for each other even at their most messy. It’s significant to me that before Ozzie walks in, Fizz almost has himself calmed down just by looking into a mirror gifted to him by Oz. When he’s about to blow his top in the last episode after Blitzo calls him a pampered attention whore, he looks down at his leash and is reminded that Oz loves him. Fizz pulled himself back up when he got injured, but having Asmodeus for a support pillar is nothing to sneeze at. Blitzo can’t be emotionally vulnerable unless his loved ones’ lives are on the line. Oz is different; he and Fizz have more open communication with each other than that. And they both need that.
Because when Fizz pulls off his jester cap? It’s the first time we the audience see the full extent of the damage Fizz still lives with. But it is NOT the first time Oz has seen it. And Oz is sure to tell Fizz that he loves him, crooked horns and all. (Gosh, Fizz going “I know you believe in me but it’s so hard to trust that sometimes” KILL ME)
Hang on have to sob my way through this musical number. Have I mentioned how sweet Fizz and Oz are?
I also notice that when Fizz and Oz kiss, they don’t do the tongue thing that nearly every other couple that kisses in the Hellaverse does. The scene is better for it, I think; it keeps it sweet.
(In this case. They might do the tongue thing in later episodes.)
…Blitzo you KNEW they were together already XD But I suppose it’s different getting the confirmation. Especially when you were the one on the receiving end of their joint lambasting for your audacity to go on a date with a demon prince a few months before and it might have thrown a giant emotional wrench into that developing relationship, thanks for that by the way. (No, really, thanks; it was brutal but started the much-needed process of these two morons finally starting to communicate more honestly.)
(Ozzie being Lucifer’s fire dancer makes sense with what he hands Fizzie for this musical number, y’know.)
(This music number is so much more triumphant for Fizz, knowing that both Oz and Blitzo are there backing him up and supporting him. I’m EMOTIONAL.)
(Also, listen, them not going for the obvious “fat sack of shit” and instead going “sad sack of shit” to insult Mammon is appreciated. Would be more appreciated if all the fat characters in the Hellaverse so far weren’t mostly villains or antagonists. There’s such amazing character design in this world, but we can’t have more main fat characters??)
Listen. Fizz knows that Ozzie is there to back him up. But can we admire the absolute adamantium spine on this imp for standing up to not just a Sin, but a Sin in his larger, more aggressive, more imposing form?? The same Sin that he’s been taking shit from for almost a decade? GO FIZZAROLLI GO. HOPE HE STARTS HIS OWN CIRCUS OR CLOWN PAGEANT SOMETIME SOON.
Hey! Wally Wackford! I missed him! Also a very tiny imp! Nice!
ALL OF HELL ALREADY KNEW IT AND IT’S GOING VIRAL. Nice way to take the wind out of Mammon’s sails. HOWEVER. The warning he leaves is pretty ominous. Especially given how gleeful he looks in the s2.5 trailer. It reminds me a lot of the warning that Stella gives Stolas, when she tells him “you have fallen from what little grace you had, and I know you’ll pay for it.” And it sure does appear to be that there’s a trial going on, and Satan telling someone they’re a disgrace, and there’s a good shot that he's talking to Asmodeus and the trial is for Stolas. Like. These aren’t empty threats. They’re gonna come to some sort of fruition. Because they are committing social sins by loving the lowest of the low. And that sucks and shouldn’t be, but it IS. I just can’t wait to see how they all handle the shitstorm that’s brewing.
Oz does look kinda confused at Mammon’s warning, though. That’s something.
Blitzo, getting in the last word, classy as ever. Love that for him XD
Okay. I’m caught up. I’ve wrapped up all my theories, I’ve squealed about all the character interactions, I’ve analyzed the shows to death (so far). Probably gonna do the short, just because it’s there, but if there’s nothing there to really analyze…eh. Might leave it alone. Thanks so much for going with me on this journey! Can’t wait for the rest of season 2 and beyond!!
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makeste · 4 years ago
BnHA Chapter 318: On Your Left
Previously on BnHA: The Hawksquad+Lurkers were all “well this sucks” and sat around a bit talking about how maybe they should actually come up with a new plan that is actually good, but then in the end they were like “nah.” Deku was all, “THERE’S SOMETHING INSIDE ME THAT PULLS BENEATH THE SURFACE!! CONSUMING, CONFUSING!! THIS LACK OF SELF CONTROL I FEAR IS NEVERENDING. IT’S HAUNTING HOW I CANT SEEM TO FIND MYSELF AGAIN. MY WALLS ARE CLOSING IN.” Just, literally that whole entire song. All Might was all “Deku you should take care of yourself, try eating a thing,” and Deku was all “BYE, ALL MIGHT,” and just LEFT. He left!!! What the fuck!!!
Today on BnHA: Endeavor is all, “maybe if Deku didn’t listen to All Might he’ll listen to me instead.” Deku is all, “[doesn’t listen to Endeavor]” because, well, yeah. The Vestiges are all, “surprisingly, even we are a little concerned -- maybe you should get some rest, kid.” Deku is all, “((Ò ‸ Ó)).” The Vestiges are all, “holy shit.” Deku is all, “[wanders the ruined city streets terrifying the populace on account of him looking like Shelob had a baby with one of the Nazgul].” Some shriveled-up puppeteer villain asshole is all, “HORIKOSHI SAID IT’S MY TURN TO ATTACK DEKU TODAY SO I AM GOING TO SUMMON MY FRIGHTENED HELPLESS ATTACK MOB!!” Kacchan is all “WHADDYA MEAN THEY FOUND THE NERD!!! -- oh wait, that’s me, I found him. I found the nerd, you guys.” And just in time, too. I was about to owe a whole lot of people a whole lot of dollars.
so I have been super good about spoilers this week as always, but let me tell you guys, for the past 36 hours my dash filters have basically been nonstop “manga spoilers” this and “bnha 318” that, and so I’m coming in with a fair amount of hype here. your move, Horikoshi
oh, good! they got Endeavor to call Deku to try to talk him out of it. what a great and wonderful plan
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“listen up kid, you haven’t slept since March and you are basically a walking biohazard right now, I’m just telling it like it is. didn’t you get shot like three times?? and there was a whole thing about how you urgently needed medical attention?? and supposedly we gave it to you, but I mean you haven’t even changed your clothes and don’t seem to have any fresh bandages or anything, so did we?? did we, really?? and also we all got blown up yesterday, so yeah.” hmm he’s making some reasonable points here you guys, but you sure do go on and on, Endeavor
oh he says foreign aid is finally on its way! I’m sure they’ll be very helpful. I mean in fairness they can hardly be worse than the home-grown heroes at this point
hey Enji, could you maybe try appealing to Deku the sixteen-year-old human boy, as opposed to Deku The World’s Last Hope? he does have value beyond his quirk. I know that’s always been an incredibly difficult concept for you to grasp, but could you maybe TRY, jesus
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and also we’re worried about you as a person?? you’re just a kid and you’re pushing yourself way too hard?? you were going to say that part next, right. why the hell didn’t Hawks make this call instead
“don’t worry about me... I’m completely fine” Deku you do understand that saying it over and over again doesn’t actually make it true
and again with the rush!! all the rush rush rush!! we’re running out of time, we can’t let AFO and Tomura keep getting stronger, I have to end this now, there’s no time to rest, etc. etc. etc. just the constant pressure of this whole big countdown on top of everything else
holy shit, you KNOW it’s bad when even the Vestiges are telling him to chill
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these guys are basically the walking talking embodiments of self-sacrifice; if even they’re telling him he needs to take five, then he must seriously be like half a step away from death’s door
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(ETA: so I’m pretty sure this was just Danger Sense activating and so he cut them off to go do more hero stuff, but I’m gonna go ahead and stick to my original interpretation anyway lol.)
anyway so how’s everybody doing. we all good? En, you good? Banjou? Shino? I’m imagining you guys all curled up in a little ball on the floor right now lol. can’t say I blame you though, no shame
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“SHEESH.” sheesh indeed, lmao. “what in the FUCK was that”
see, this is why y’all need Kacchan. you need someone who’s not going to back down from him no matter what. if it’s a matter of out-stubborning Midoriya fucking Izuku, then there’s only one other person on the planet capable of that, and we all know it. don’t pretend like you don’t. I am not going to shut up about this! we’ve had our hurt so now what about SOME COMFORT, DAMMIT
“I’m afraid that he’s becoming influenced by my conscience” nah are you kidding Nana this is all 100% made-in-Japan pure original Deku right here
see, Banjou gets it. “that kid, he’s totally going on his own.” exactly. this was so inevitable it was basically scientific law
“well I for one don’t see the problem with Deku being so obsessed with saving everyone else that he pushes himself until his body and soul literally fall apart” okay, whose speech bubbles are these?? we’re about to have words
lol of course
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well you always did prefer the direct route didn’t you. but even you can’t possibly think this is okay lol
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dark AU!Kacchan please tell us more about your badass doomed timeline in which everything went to shit and you apparently had the same character arc that Deku is having right now except it somehow made you sexier instead of turning you into a rabid t-rex. I have so many questions
oh so now you want to help??? well -- good, actually. sorry if that sounded offended just now lol
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(ETA: so at first when I got to the end of this chapter I was wondering if Katsuki B. had somehow summoned his alternate-universe counterpart through trippy OFA space telepathy lol. but in the original Japanese there’s no reference to “we”, so this appears to be a mistranslation. this line should probably read more like “if there’s something/someone out there that would be able to complement/complete the current Midoriya Izuku [it would be]…” which, oh hello, is that Horikoshi once again reaffirming that Deku and Bakugou complete each other lol. “guess what guys, the Vestiges ship it too" heck yeah. they know what’s up!)
“meanwhile somewhere in the depths of the ruined city, Deku was having a dance-off with the villains”
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I like how the villains all have this “AHH WHAT THE FUCK” kind of body language to them lol. I mean if it were me, and an eldritch horror suddenly clawed its way from the shadows with its writhing glowy tentacles and pants-shitting nuclear death stare, I would probably just die on the spot. no need to stick around. only pain awaits
lol for a minute I thought this was Can’t Ya See-kun and I was like “WHAT A FASCINATING CROSSING OF PATHS” but it’s just some random girl
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he seems genuinely confused lol
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Deku it’s because you look like something that crawled out of a sewer drain, sweetheart
lol they just took his word for it?
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so trusting. even though they’re immediately hauling ass anyway just to be safe lmao
“my appearance is frightening to others” no shit Deku it’s because you look like a fucking alien exorcism. you look like a Lich that got caught up in an oil spill my dude
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“ENJOY THIS MONTAGE OF DEKU BATTLING A RANDOM KAIJU AND WANDERING THE WOODS LIKE A DERANGED GREEN BABA YAGA” okay yes but sir, exactly how much longer is this going to go on. if it’s a matter of you wanting to make sure we get it, let me assure you that aside from a few stray chuunis who think that Deku embracing the Darkness is the coolest thing he’s ever done, all of us here in fandom fully comprehend that this is Not Good
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really. with the flashbacks to his loved ones’ smiling faces and everything. not even gonna try to aim above the belt, huh
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(ETA: my man did Sero and Kaminari fucking dirty lmao. I miss their smiling faces too omg.)
the sheer, unparalleled irony of him saying this while he stands there looking like the gargoyle demon from Fantasia got crossed with an umbrella that got struck by lightning. Deku :(
oi who the fuck is this clown
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is he controlling this mob with his evil hair. “what if I made an exhausted, running-on-fumes Deku battle a brainwashed mob at Ground Zero.” Horikoshi do you just have like a checklist of horrible things you want to do to your protagonist
easy there Sasori
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well joke’s on you buddy because he’s apparently “completely fine”, so
“here’s to hoping that you know more about AFO’s location than the others” jesus christ Deku you really have hung your mercy out to dry huh
now he’s forcing his mob of terrified prisoners to attack Deku ahhhh. sucks to be them. at least they’re not being controlled by bees
so Deku is saying that Sasori’s control can be broken with “physical trauma.” similar to Shinsou’s quirk I guess. but so does that mean he’s gonna have to hurt them? ( •﹏•)
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fuck. he looks like he’s on the verge of passing out
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this is what happens when you nerf a character’s self-preservation stats in favor of spamming their bone-breaking stats instead. NOW ACCEPTING BRAIN CELL DONATIONS FOR A BOY IN NEED!! with your loving generosity we can hopefully help him live to the ripe old age of seventeen
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[grabs your hands] ლ(*꒪ヮ꒪*)ლ [swings you in a circle] へ(゚◇゚へ)
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(ETA: imagine what this must look like to Deku though. he’s been caught up in this dark cloud of despair and exhaustion that’s been building up over... I’m gonna go ahead and say “weeks”, because yeah. and now he finds himself here, in the place where All Might’s legacy ended and the torch was passed to him. and the world is in ruins, and he’s surrounded by frightened people who are all trying to hurt him -- because who isn’t trying to hurt him, these days -- and he’s scrambling to figure this all out, but meanwhile the weariness is finally starting to catch up to him, and so he’s basically just standing there in a fog of complete and utter misery.
and then all of a sudden through that haze, he hears the one voice that’s more familiar than any other that he knows. like, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he thought he was just imagining it at first. Kacchan showing up to save him right when he’s at his most desperate and feeling the most alone. Kacchan, showing up to save him.
this is the person he always looked up to as a child (to be fair he was quite a strange child lmao). the person who was even closer to him than All Might. the person he always thought was amazing. and bam, here he is now. appearing in the sky out of nowhere to one-shot the bad guy with a single blast (which, btw, that was his armor-piercing attack too lmao dslkjlk take it easy there kiddo). like, that must have felt absolutely surreal to him, especially coming at a time when he’s already half-delirious and barely hanging on to reality. he must have really thought that he was losing it there for a second.
but he’s really there. it really is him. and for this brief moment -- before the rest of the situation catches up to him, and he remembers about all of the fucked-up AFO stuff, and remembers why he was so afraid and why he was pushing everyone away -- for just this one brief moment, he’s too exhausted and stunned to do anything except to just react. just stands there, looking up at him in awe.
and you know, it almost reminds me of...
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just. you guys. the character development. the freaking character development. someone who brings reassurance. someone who shows up and makes you think, “oh, it’s all going to be okay now, because [person] is here.” the role reversals. the growth. the payoff!! because who is the one person who always had faith that Kacchan would one day grow up to become an amazing hero like that. WHO IS IT. YOU ALREADY KNOW.
omg. anyways, bless you Horikoshi, my feels which have been on backorder since fucking September have finally arrived lmao. yes, good, thank you. worth the wait. it is always, always worth the wait. fuck yeah.)
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maxirueee · 4 years ago
AU Alberu's POV as the experimented Beru
Alberu: Cale?
Cale: ...nggh..yes?
Cale rubs his eyes as he tried to open them slowly only to see his lover looking right at him with a nervous expression.
Alberu: I suddenly had a bad dream.
Cale: It's literally 3am in the morning.
Alberu: mm..yea- well *fidgeting*
Cale: Spit it out. What was your bad dream about Beru?
Alberu: DON'T CALL ME THAT ANYMORE- PLEASE just please I'm begging you...
Cale was in deep shock that his lover raised his voice at him just because of what? He called him by his nickname?
Cale: Didn't you tell me multiple times that I should stop calling you 'hyung' when we finally got together?
Alberu: I-its not that.. I just-
Cale: Tell me what's wrong Beru.
Alberu: THAT'S the PROBLEM.
Cale: Which is??
Alberu: That nickname, in my dream I was suddenly trapped in a flat boxed screen, I couldn't move but all I could do was smile. Smiling while looking towards the horizon which seemed endless. White. Blank.
ALberu: After a few minutes I suddenly heard voices. At first, there were a lot of compliments about how radiant I loo-
Cale: Are you even sure that's a bad dream?
Alberu: Yeah it is a bad dream!
Cale: Aren't you just totally flaunting how good-looking you are? You're srsly waking me up in the middle of the night because of this? I'm going back to slee-
Cale looks back at Alberu who had a look of desperation. Cale couldn't distinguish if what he's seen rolling down the face of his beloved was sweat or tears. Maybe both. Well, he might as well comfort his lover since that was his job. Alberu: I heard giggles, squeals, people were shrieking with how I finally appeared. They kept saying that I looked so dazzling, how I sparkled. They were even speaking the same annoying lines that you tell me every time with your glib tongue.
Cale: Whatever do you mean oh shining sun of the Roan Empi-
Alberu: My point exactly *glaring at Cale*
Cale: Alright go on.
Alberu: It went on for days, I couldn't tell how long I was trapped in that frame-like screen window, all of a sudden I reverted back to my dark elf form.
Cale continues to stare at him, already feeling bored as he watched Alberu continue ranting his struggle of a mere dream. Although he found it amusing as he heard him say the next lines.
Alberu: But it didn't stop there, my hair color suddenly changed to a blood-red color just like yours Cale. I was the spitting image of you. And the voices agreed on how we really are sworn brothers if we just switched hair colors.
Cale: Hoh...
'There must be something more to this if it actually made the emperor of the Roan Kingdom have buckets of sweat rolling down his pretty face.'
Alberu: It was until I heard somebody say, 'How about a Pink Haired Beru?'
Cale: Huh?
Alberu: My hair color immediately changed to pink, then sky blue, then green, then orange, then red again. I didn't know when it'd stop but I couldn't even budge. Even when I wanted to so bad.
Alberu looked dead straight in Cale's eyes, with both his hands firmly holding his partner's shoulders, but ironically he was shaking. Alberu Crossman was shaking in fear. For what reason? Is this another one of the Sun God's pranks to his lover? Perhaps it was the God of Death again? He continues to ponder at the annoying thought that maybe divine beings were messing around his precious people again but stopped as Alberu continued speaking his worries.
Alberu: I thought it was okay since it was just a hair color change..then a woman's voice asked with great anticipation, "HOW ABOUT A BALD AND A MOHAWKBERU?"
Alberu: I continued to smile, even when my luscious golden blonde hair was instantly gone and I was suddenly bald. BALD! I saw numerous hearts floating in front of me and I could hear the mockery and laughter of beings I could not even see. Yet I continued to smile.
Cale was speechless.
Alberu: For some reason, I could read the words floating in front of me. "EVERYBODY GIVE IT UP FOR THE ROAN KINGDOM'S FAVORITE SHINING SUN- BALDBERU" is what it said. More hearts appeared at a scary rate and I couldn't even shout or move. I was terrified.
Alberu glared at the person in front of him like a mad man. Cale just shut up and listened to whatever he said, Alberu really looked mental.
Alberu: The woman from a while ago spoke again, I swear her voice was scary beyond belief. She added "Okay everybody hold up- Now imagine DELINQUENT HAIRCUT AlBERU"
Alberu: My hair suddenly grew back twice as much and it was styled into this weird looking hairdo...
Cale continued to have his stoic face which made Alberu feel relieved. Little does he know Cale was on the verge of laughing his ass off-
ALberu: I suddenly heard "JOSUBERU I CAN'T WITH THIS FANDOM- YA'LL REALLY DID IT U PUNKS" again from that mortifying woman since earlier, apparently it was done by a group of people claiming to be my fans?! BUT THE MONSTROSITY THEY'VE- no that wasn't even half of it
Cale: 'There's actually more?! PFFFFFT' I see, continue then. The prince saw his darling sweetheart Cale shaking as if he was sympathizing with what he was going through. At that very moment, he felt touched by his lover's empathy towards himself.
Alberu: The horrors didn't end just there as I was still waiting for the whole nightmare to be over, they were begging for a 'Voldeberu' which I don't even understand, at that point, I SUDDENLY LOST MY NOSE!!
Alberu: Somebody then proposed a 'Clowberu' AND MY FACE SUDDENLY BECAME A CLOWN WEARING MAKEUP. The hardships I had to take while staying still like a fucking mannequin. BUT IT STILL DIDNT STOP THERE.
Cale almost broke into laughter as he wanted to continue listening to his lover's amusing dream! If he laughs now Alberu might as well punch him in the face.
Alberu: I wanted to cry, I pleaded with the Sun God in my head that I want this to stop but I didn't get what I wanted. Instead, a chatbox suddenly appeared, I almost pissed my pants reading at the schemes of those so-called 'fans' had for me.
Cale: Oho.. what did you s-see then? 'Pfft'
Cale couldn't handle it anymore he bursts out laughing, almost in tears.
Alberu: How could you be laughing at my pain?!
Cale: Oh dear emperor of mine, isn't it fine that you have such 'entertaining fans' of yours?
Alberu: Entertaining can't even describe those lots... They all praised me for how I was the rising sun of the Roan Kingdom as they humiliated my every being. To the point where they even planned on turning me into 'LIGHTBULBERU'. A FUCKING LIGHTBULB BECAUSE THEY WANT ME TO SHINE LITERALLY. A WALKING FLASHLIGHT KING. ME. ALBERU CROSSMAN.
Alberu: Haaaahh... You don't understand because you were never in my position. Those fans were a bunch of lunatics I say, LUNATICS!
What Alberu doesn't know is that we, the fandom won't just stop there...
Alberu felt shivers down his spine as he recalled the very vivid and realistic experience he had inside his dream.
Cale: I am so telling this to Tasha, my esteemed and very much adored Beru <3
The trauma seemed to have sunken deep into his mind that every time Cale calls him by that nickname, he subconsciously touches his hair and nose in order to reassure himself that it's still there.
I'm tagging these superb beings for making the thread LEGENDARY: @cale-alberu @chunnicalesimp @thescarletguard @trashduchesshenituse-reblogs @farmercale @just-a-sleepy-person @annerisk @pile-of-sticks @trash-duchess-henituse @icyteaa
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years ago
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 09 first part
(Masterpost) (More Canary Funsies)
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
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This episode features so many eternal minutes of zombie shambling that I thought I could fit everything into a single post. HA HA HA HA nope. 
Zombie Temple
The trio do their best to fend off the not-zombies in the temple. Lan Wangji tells Wei Wuxian that he can’t go carving them up because they’re not actually dead, and drops a callback to their very first meeting at the gate of Cloud Recesses, when Wei Wuxian caught his attention with his pillowy lips comment on the not-dead cultivator. 
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Lan Wangji: You said it in that golden moment that will be seared into my memory for eternity, where I heard your voice and laid eyes on your angelic face and lost my heart forever, remember? Come on, babe, it was our very first zombie! How baked were you?
Wei Wuxian: I jerk off to the sword-fighting memory, not the zombie memory, you weirdo.
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Nie Huaisang’s fear of the definitely not undead has apparently gotten him the rest of the way over his fear of Lan Wangji, because he’s now yelling “Lan-Xiong!” right along with “Wei-Xiong!” as he struggles. Note that although he later mentions that his fan is made of some fancy metal, we don’t see any evidence that he wants to fight with a fan any more than he does with a blade. I don’t hate anyone’s fan-fighting NHS headcanon, but my take is that he just isn’t a physical fighter, and that’s ok. 
This is a good time to remember that our entire experience of the Nie clan so far in this story is 1. Clever but hopelessly combat-unready tiny artiste Nie Huaisang 2. Quietly helpful, absurdly pretty sidekick Meng Yao. 
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We don’t know yet that Nie Huasang’s gege and Meng Yao’s sugar daddy is literally the toughest motherfucker in the entire cultivation world. But his friends do! Which makes me love these dynamics even more, because not one of them criticizes Nie Huaisang for being the person he is. 
(more after the cut!)
Never Let Me Go
This scene is where Wei Wuxian gives his tacit consent to being used as the eventual agent of Nie Huaisang’s vengeance....ok not really.
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But he does make it clear what Nie Huaisang should do when he’s in a pickle. And NHS doesn’t forget things.
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Meanwhile, Lan Wangji isn’t nearly as patient as Wei Wuxian, and he drops a silence spell on Nie Huaisang basically out of annoyance. It’s not like they’re trying to be sneaky. 
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Lan Wangji: How about you have an exquisitely crafted ceramic cup of shut the fuck up?
Flute Girl
Wen Qing comes to the rescue by summoning all of the not-zombies, who happen to be her extended family, to come toast some marshmallows. 
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She’s another person who unwisely demonstrates, where Wei Wuxian can hear her, the power of flutes over zombies. 
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This move doesn’t seem to do anything important but it looks cool. 
Brother Dynamic: Bad. Really Bad. 
Jiang Cheng shows up in the temple and trolls everyone, because this is a great time for childish antics. Wei Wuxian is super happy to see him and runs over to hug him, which earns him a shoulder slam. 
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This is a regular part of their body language with each other. Wei Wuxian covers his hurt reaction very, very quickly, with a smile that doesn’t involve very much of his face. 
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Wei Wuxian is so good at pretending his feelings aren’t hurt, he probably convinces himself. 
Then he gives a too-honest answer when Jiang Cheng accuses him of...daring to enjoy himself, basically.
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That’s more truth than Jiang Cheng was looking for, and he raises a hand to Wei Wuxian, who hides behind Nie Huaisang. This move is interesting because on one level it’s just clowning; obviously Nie Huaisang can’t protect WWX from anything, and WWX doesn’t need protection from Jiang Cheng. 
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WWX can easily beat JC in a fight, as he’s let us know before. On another level, this retreat signals WWX’s harmlessness, his childlike-ness, in a semiotic dance that has been playing out for over a decade between the brothers.  NHS is taking on Jiang Yanli’s role in the choreography, this time.   
All of this troubling hostility doesn’t make Jiang Cheng a bad person. He’s young and he’s still under his parents’ control and subject to their abuse at home. It takes time to develop mindfulness about this stuff and learn to treat people beneath you differently than the way you are treated. 
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Jiang Cheng isn’t ready for that yet, any more than he is ready to say out loud that he cares about his brother. 
Leave My Boyfriend Out of It
This interaction is noteworthy for Wei Wuxian defending Lan Wangji to his brother, before Jiang Cheng even has a chance to blame Lan Wangji. 
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Wei Wuxian says that following Lan Wangji was his own idea, and then gives LWJ the sweetest, warmest smile.
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Lan Wangji also gets a pair of totally unearned, delighted smiles of thanks from his two besties when he lifts the silence spell on Nie Huaisang. 
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Being mildly dickish all the time works out fine, I guess, if you only make friends with people whose brothers are legendary grouches.
Grilling Wen Qing
Wei Wuxian finally decides he’s had enough of Wen Qing’s crap, and gets slightly aggressive in questioning her.
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He’s not actually roughing her up but he is approaching her as a near-enemy for the first time, rather than as someone who wants to be her friend. Once Wen Qing tells him what’s up and agrees to a sort of temporary alliance, he goes back to being his normal slightly awkward self with her. 
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I don’t romance-ship WQ and WWX, except maybe as corpse-mountain era FWB, but I do like their chemistry. And their friendship is really refreshing and interesting, based on sharing goals and working together, not on emotional intimacy. It’s nice to see people with a lot of barriers around their hearts, building a strong, trusting bond without having to actually open up very much.
The idea of perfect sharing between people is a nice one, but it’s pretty alien to many of us who are recovering from trauma, or people who just aren’t wired that way, and it’s good to see other models of friendship and love. 
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Wei Wuxian, at Lan Wangji’s direction, parts the Red Sea drops a cage on the other 3 cultivators before going to hunt the dire birdy.  
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Jiang Chang is, predictably, pissed off about it, in spite of Wei Wuxian’s “you’re good at this” parting words, and says, according to the subtitles, “you bastard!”
“Bastard” is a pretty specific epithet, in English. In the current century, it’s generally used to mean “asshole,” more or less. But it still does carry the meaning “of illegitimate birth,” and since The Untamed is often concerned with legitimacy it seems pretty strong for JC to use with someone who is rumored to be his own Dad’s by-blow. 
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Let’s have a look and see what he really is calling him... 你混蛋 =  Nǐ húndàn = “you bastard” per Google translate. Wow, Jiang Cheng, you really went there, huh. 
Wen Granny
Wen Qing and the others in the golden cage watch as the not-zombies try half-heartedly to get to them. Wen Qing is super sad about it, as opposed to the two guys who are just annoyed (Jiang Cheng) or scared (Nie Huaisang).
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The first time I saw this, it was just - oh, Wen Qing sympathizes with this poor random woman, she feels bad about what's happening, this is to show us she has a heart.
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Now though --  that's HER granny. Maybe not her bio-grandma but clearly a granny of her clan, who she knows well, who later cares for A-Yuan when he's a child, so may very well have cared for A-Qing and A-Ning when they were small, too. Owie.
Dire Bird Hunting
Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian run off to hunt the smoke bird together. They are quickly trapped in cool-looking fog. Kudos to the Director of Photography.
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They spend some time being confused and also being peak Wangxian 1.0 as they help each other out. 
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Lost in the fog and unable to summon talismans, Wei Wuxian is mainly about checking on Lan Wangji, making sure he’s ok, making sure he’s near.  He doesn’t spare any worry for himself.
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(We get a rare instance of seeing an actually glowing sword here, instead of just having a character say “I saw the beams of swords!” to save money on VFX.)
Lan Wangji, meanwhile, understands the mental attack they are under, explains it to Wei Wuxian with only a little snark about Wei Wuxian’s overly busy mind, and teaches him how to handle it.
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Lan Wangji is super disciplined in mind, body, and sword - his fight moves don’t change, really, throughout his life, but he gets better and better at execution. Wei Wuxian isn’t exactly undisciplined, but he’s super creative and busts out a new skill in nearly every encounter. Lan Wangji sees this and is learning to make use of it.
After Lan Wangji helps Wei Wuxian overcome the confusion that is blocking his talisman use, he tells him which talisman to use. 
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This isn’t a talisman that LWJ uses himself, it’s just that he’s paying very close attention to WWX’s battle moves, and has a great memory, so he knows which ones will work. In a pretty short timespan he’s moved from thinking like a solo swordsman to thinking as part of a team with a broad range of battle skills. Very soon, he’ll be starting to use Wei Wuxian’s talismans himself. 
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WWX takes a hit from the flying death chain, but uses it to his advantage, as in so many encounters. He’s not just self-sacrificing--he is definitely that--but he’s also a chess player, knowing how to use a sacrifice or an injury to his advantage. Cue Lan Wangji being worried for the entire rest of his life.
Part Two is here!
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bular · 4 years ago
Welcome to Live Commentary
I had no one to talk to while watching the movie and I hate being alone with my thoughts so I wrote everything down in my notes app. It's not coherent! Enjoy!
Aw yeah 1.5 seconds of Bular that is all I needed! Might as well stop now I've seen my boy I'm satisfied.
Why is there a nearly 4 minute recap as if I haven't watched the show at least 50 times. I should be the one giving the recap.
The beginning felt a bit forced to me but maybe that's just me? Like they just tried to squeeze too many things into a small timeframe without any buildup, it just didn't really work. Congrats on the engagement! This is my OTP so I'm very happy! But it came out of nowhere.
Nari in Douxies body is so wrong and I love it and hate it at the same time (positive)
Eli is BIG. I knew he was gonna be tall but I was not prepared for that chiseled face. Or the fact that he stepped off the ship without glasses? I wear glasses and I would not choose to step off a spaceship blind.
OkAY who had mpreg on their bingo card?
AAARRRGGHH actually said a full sentence 🥺 there is no heterosexual explanation for this scene and I'm here for it
Arcadia being the center of the universe really does make a lot of sense. I hate how much sense it makes. Despise it.
Strickler in a Christmas sweater is something i didn't know I needed. Jim's jacket too but that's just adorable, Jim's adorable. Oh sweet baby you're about to get fucked over so bad.
Love seeing Barbara actively participating in battle too. Good for her! Power family!!
Where are the kids tho? Is NotEnrique babysitting? Either that or they hired the girl from the Incredibles movie.
Nomura is so talented I love seeing her fighting on the good side. I can't explain it but I love digitigrade legs they're just so pretty?? Aesthetically pleasing??? Fuck yeah, legg! I could watch Nomura run around and be badass all day.
Barbara does not deserve this I refuse to accept it. He's fine he'll be back they wouldn't kill two Changelings at once. Also Nomura is with Draal now I take no criticism.
So my favorite characters were Bular, Draal, Gunmar and Angor. And before this movie I always half-joked that everyone I love dies, how I still like Strickler and Nomura but apart from them all of my faves were killed in the very order of favoritism. AND NOW LOOK AT THIS. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I LOVE A CHARACTER. MY LOVE IS TOXIC.
It's great tho omg
I didn't realize it was Gun Robot when I saw it in the trailer this is amazing
Okay but imagine you're chilling in your trollmarket minding your own business when some misfit group of strangers waltzes in, steals your favorite shiny and celebrates your death before running off
Nana better show up at some point to reunite with her boytoy, I'll cancel this entire franchise otherwise
Something bad is going to happen to Toby isn't it. He's getting too much screentime
Jim's hand got DEEP FRIED
We can play Scrabble okay if they don't free them (which they must) I want an after credits scene of them playing scrabble
Douxie and Nari's bond 🥺🥺🥺
Nari pls just say what you fuckin mean the world is ending
Oh god is she going to remember killing Nomura oh nooo
Claire don't make the portal you will die again. Your hair gon be white all over
I love how Darci is just with the school bus. Civilian girlfriend. But also love how the world is ending and Coach is like "fuck that I'm gonna teach these kids"
Does he know his son is pregnant
"Going back to the city where it's safe" buddy have you been to that city
Whatever happens, Nari has the coolest looking titan. Giant four legged gremlin. I'd adopt him.
Me: oh i love that titan
The titan 5 seconds later:
Did Nari just fucking die what the FUCK
Oh of COURSE the pages are stuck together RIGHT THERE
Seriously tho how do you not notice an entire nougat nummy in a book
Wait so Arcadia has another heartstone? Or OH SO IT'S ALIVE. OKAY GREAT. GUNMAR COULDN'T EVEN DO THAT RIGHT HUH
Love how the Heartstone has been dormant/dead for months and apparently heard Blinky say it's alive and decided to wake up RIGHT THEN
Finally they're evacuating the city. This is like, the third apocalypse there. About time.
Okay so you can't pull Excalibur from the rock, but you CAN carve out the stone. Couldn't you just carve it off the sword as close as possible and like. Use that? Just swing the whole damn rock around?
God i can NOT get over Steve's pants. I mean I read a spoiler he was gonna be pregnant but I thought it was a prank or shitpost. I did not see this coming and I am never going to be over it. I love how he and Aja just roll with it and nobody else even cares. They've seen weirder stuff. So he's pregnant now. Whatever.
Jim's hand is bandaged and his ribs still hurt. I love that they're actually consistent with his injuries. I mean sucks for him but hell yeah for hero that doesn't always win!
Okayyy here comes the heartstone. Why not!
So if you kiss an Akiridion 7 times you will have 3-5 babies in a few hours. How are they not overpopulated?? Also Aja couldn't have WARNED STEVE BEFOREHAND?
Eli is so supportive omfg
So uh where are the babies gonna come out of? I'm not into mpreg how does this usually work
Oh good thing he happens to have 8 friends still alive. Otherwise this would've never worked. Nomura had to die otherwise there would've been 10 of them.
Why is everyone bowing to Jim? Did they rehearse this?
Stuart if you hadn't taken a bathroom break you would've thrown off the math and doomed the world. That was a poop of fate my man
Ahhh the signature quote. Where did Douxie and the Akiridions learn it? Did they rehearse this too? It's really cliché but I do like it tbh
If Strickler were dead we'd see more Barbara right?
Ah Jim just used she/her for Bellroc! Finally we're learning some pronouns. I've been wondering this whole time.
How are they not dying with all this lava?
She really just yeeted Varvatos
Did Claire just tell AAARRRGGHH to jump off the titan and he did it without question
I want to say I like Stuart and want him to have more screentime, but I won't say it because I don't want him to die
Jim's poor ribs
Toby can drive yoooo
Tobyyy you're scaring meeeee
So did they really need the different stone or was the amulet just waiting for Jim to choose death over giving up
I saw the armor before but it looks VERY COOL
Also I didn't mention this before but I love that they cut Merlin's name from the incantation. Good for them.
Toby you lost your helmet noooo
For real tho I'm terrified for Toby rn. I saw a comment somewhere earlier that just said "Toby no" with no context and I am AFRAID
So do Bellroc's eyes work after all? I thought she was blinded back in Wizards in the past.
Bellroc maybe screaming "i'm powerless" in front of your enemy isn't the best idea
She sploosh
How is he lifting Claire like that buddy you have bruised ribs and just got stabbed
This show really loves to give people more than the recommended amount of babies with no warning huh
She immediately knows which one is Eli Jr 🥺 okay listen I'm not the biggest fan of comic relief sideplot surprise babies, but I have to admit they're cute. Cute couple. Throuple. Eli is in on this. He even has a Junior.
Oh yea he better fuckin be alive I will commit murder
Unbecoming Part 2
So is Jim just gonna Groundhog Day it until everyone is fine? There's only 13 minutes left we're gonna need a bigger movie
Also I screamed so much about everyone's death and now everyone reading this after they already saw the whole thing is gonna shame me for clowning huh
The scene where Blinky is giving his goodbye speech, there are no babies and Steve has a round belly? Did he reabsorb them?? I mean I know Jim is about to un-birth them but he hasn't started yet
Oh they did NOT just do that. I though he was just gonna go back to like, the start of the movie maybe. Not all the way
Imagine being in your early twenties with as much trauma as this kid has and having to pretend you're 16 again
Somewhere Unkar is complaining because "oh sure NOW it's a good idea"
I know Jim is wondering where Toby is because he was there before. But before, he made an entire meatloaf AND did his homework before leaving the house, so honey maybe wait a minute
For a second I thought Toby wasn't gonna be there and Jim would return to the right time. But there he is!
Alright so they're in school now, did they take the canal and just didn't mention the amulet on screen or did they pass it as if the Unbecoming episode hadn't been that traumatizing? Jim you know what happens when you ignore it
Jim maybe you're being too obvious here lmao
Soooo. Anyway. These whole past years I've rewatched this show over and over and over again are cancelled now?
So we get the quote again. And Trollhunter Tobias is nice. Cool. Cool AU I mean, but I don't know. I don't knowwww. I've been way too invested in everything to just accept that it never happened?? So uh. Hm. How about this.
Strickler survived because fuck you, and Toby also survived and just has scars now. Maybe a wheelchair but he's fine, also he can use the Warhammer for super speed and make it awesome once he's used to it. Archie and Charlie get freed once they rebuild the bridge (and they were playing scrabble to pass the time). Nomura is still dead because she died on screen and I can't really deny that but she's with Draal so it's okay. Everyone is traumatized but they'll be fine. NotEnrique is still babysitting 500 babies and Steve is about to bring 7 more.
In summary, I reject Groundhog Day ending but everything else was great, as long as it actually happened. It was a good movie. But you can't just cancel years of passion. Having the prospect of a million "canon AUs" sounds great for writing but at the same time nooo you can't do that he didn't have to go back THAT far HHHHH
I liked the movie. It was a great watch and a satisfying end to a franchise, but I gotta say I do not fancy the ending of it so I will from now on be in denial. I honestly feel kind of betrayed that this show was my whole life for so long, I learned every smallest fact, and they basically deleted it from existence. I know what they were going for, I think, but no thank you I will be going with my own opinion. Still gonna rewatch it a few dozen times though ✌🏻
And that concludes my live commentary that was supposed to be a small handful of notes. Feel free to shame me for my opinions. See ya!
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theowlhouseheadcanons · 4 years ago
Hey, do you think the Grom Tree will be used to make Luz's staff and palisman? Maybe they will even use the Grom Tree to make Amity's too, so that their palismans will be "siblings born by the love of their creators"? And which animal do you think would be the palisman for each of them? I accept suggestions from mythological creatures or common animals!
"siblings born by the love of their creators" got me:
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I've never thought about that before, but it would be really inspiring if it ever came to this.
Instead of answering it as technical analysis, allow me to present my ideas on this:
Years later, the stoic tree stands by that cliff, her leaves flicking under the sunlight, so peacefully only the ones who witnessed the moment would believe the nightmare that preceded it.
The evergreen energy used to conceive her still flowing richly through the branches, her roots impregnated with the pure and curious excitement of young love's blossoming. The breeze around it smells like nostalgia, the colossal tree an eternal milestone of those two girls' bound: The Prom Queens, the first of their titles.
Now they stand there, the memory vivid in their minds, both knowing exactly what the other is thinking through the exchange of smiles and affectionate glances.
They're no longer those little girls, discovering the world around and inside them, but grown-up women. Yes, they still young, as 18 isn't a magic number for adulthood, but it's a noticeable start. There are still so much to explore, so much to learn, and "certainty" doesn't sound right when paired with "future".
But, as everything in life has an exception, in their case it happened when both declared, at the same time, they were ready to make their staff. Eyes widening with the shook, voices chuckling with the coincidence, Luz and Amity didn't need to ask what wood they would be using. Getting up they stroll, in comfortable silence, to the Grom tree. Their tree.
The way is as familiar as their own thoughts, and they fill the air with sweet memories – countless picnics, friendly sport matches and dates they've had under that tree's shadow – inhaling the honey like scenarios and exhaling the bittersweet ache the recollection left in their hearts.
Although that, there's no remorse or regret. They're happy for keeping the past as it is, and grateful they stand where they are now. Witches, with complete degree and all. Just like they dreamed. No, better than I dreamed, they realize, as Luz feels the softening warm of Amity's fingers entangling around the refreshing coolness of hers.
They're not even looking at each other, the gesture taking almost the same effort one does to breath. How long have we come, huh?
Luz still remember how flustered Amity used to be around her, babbling and exchanging words and meanings she awkwardly rushed to fix. She could feel the Blight's skin tingling under the slightest touch, and more than often Luz had to hold her urge to raise an eyebrow. She had to, but not to spare Amity some sort of judgement, but to avoid bringing up her own feelings.
The way Amity's laugh – the real, giggling one – tingled in her stomach, making her want to hear it more and more; or how deep Amity's gold eyes could be, like a maze of silk she found herself slipping into and getting lost rather easily, rather willfully; The magnetic effect the Blight girl had, putting Luz through an internal battle to avoid her hands to obey those curious thoughts that invaded her mind – to hug Amity in greeting, to bring her face up whenever she dropped it, to place her hand in hers when they sat next to each other...
Now all the ankward moments serves as good laugh during supper, and both agree they would do everything again, just the same. Well, maybe a few alterations in their first kiss, but that is a story for another time.
In that moment, facing the colossal trunk of the magical tree, they had choices to make.
Okay so I have a couple of ideas for their Palisman, but all those suggestions will be based on their actual character + some speculations of my own about their future selves.
(it's really hard to get to any conclusion, as there's just to much to happen yet! And plot twists are more than likely to happen... But that's the fun!)
Amity is a layered character and that's why we love her. She's the kind of person that wears a distant and indifferent mask, but deep down, she feels and cares a lot. She lived through a series of traumas that pushed her deeper inside that shell, sharpening her edges on the exterior and opening a lonely room on the inside – but she knew well to deceive that image from people's mind and play the Little Miss Perfect role. It will demand a lot of effort to confront her fears, to raise her voice to defend what she wants and who she is, but eventually, she'll break free and finally brave her own path.
With such a journey of self-reinvention, I couldn't run away from the cliche of a butterfly which I don't like because it's cliche, but for Amity, I also thought: spiders (specially the ones that will cause fear even though they doesn't harm humans) deers (their majestic appearance and inferred strength, more associated to her mature phase) and swans (we all know about the ugly duckling tale and how it overcomes that confuse part of their life and assume their true, elegant and free self. Plus, they're mostly pacific, but will attack if they feel their territory, their mates or themselves are being threatened)
For Luz, the automatic was Otter! (And going through some research, they end up being the perfect choice for Luz: they're not just cute, but intelligent, crafty animals that like to play and knows how to have some fun in their habitat. Also, they might seem adorable, which they are, but can cause some good harm if provoked or threatened! Plus, they're a social species, and you can consider them very "touchy" with their mates)
Apart from it, I thought about some bird species – major influences from Eda and her whole concept of freedom – and the most likely are Jays (energetic and capable of making choices according to how they'll feel in the future) Macaws (loving and comical personalities, advanced social intelligence) and Kea (crafty parrots with an inclination to cause havoc, being known as "Clown of the Alps", true troublemakers)
And those are my guesses! What do you guys think?
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whisperingrockers · 4 years ago
would u. i dunno. perhaps articulate some thots on toh infinity train au 😳 if u can
HM. i will do my best. but...i dont really know how to organize my thoughts.  i guess i should probably just start with the characters and go from there, huh. also in this particular au these characters don’t actually take the place of tulip, lake, jesse, grace, etc- i think they’re all just there under different circumstances. 
okay so we’ll start with Luz because. she’s the main character, y’know. very important. i think the catalyst that brings her to the train is her mother signing her up for Reality Check summer camp because as a creative it’s just! disheartening to have someone you love tell you that you’re not going to make it in this world if you don’t conform to what everyone else wants. so of course when a huge mysterious locomotive suddenly pulls up to the bus stop you KNOW luz gets on, no hesitation. after all, isn’t that something right out of a sci-fi adventure novel? 
unlike tulip, luz is THRILLED to find herself on some unknowable train where each car is a new adventure just waiting to happen, where there are always new friends to make, new places to see, and tons of puzzles to solve? she’s made to feel like the protagonist right out one of her fave animes. 
also, really important to note that her number is probably tied to how she relates to the other passengers on the train. i feel like there’s an overarching theme in the show about how luz is going through a lot of firsts when it comes to interpersonal relationships, especially friendships, so i wanted to keep that going in this au- i imagine her number goes up when she finds her friends tapes and convinces them to watch with her because this is obviously the easiest and most straightforward way to get to know them! (luz poppin that bad boy into a vcr player: this mama is ready for trauma!) 
realized how wordy this is going to be LOL
hough so this is a human au also (i assume? infinity train world really do be existing in some limbo state of reality where your reflection can just up and ditch you). i see her as a jack of all trades, master of none type, with a lean towards perfumes and handmade soaps that she sells at fairs or farmers markets and also pickpocketing. i think she sees something that reminds her of the life she used to have/would have had before lilith [redacted because i do not know what she DID yet but on GOD we will have canon continuity] and that drives her to get on the next train headed anywhere.
her number is tied to how much she allows herself to open up; the more she uses her salesman cover to keep others at arms length, the higher her number goes, which is why it’s so important for her to team up with King and Luz; they help her open up and be more honest with herself.  
king is actually a denizen of the train in this au; i love him too much to turn him into a real ass dog, so i wont. eda meets him in a car full of plush toys, which he refers to lovingly as his army of the damned. i almost want to hold off on writing up any more for him because i know there’s more to king’s character than meets the eye. still torn between eda trying to bring him off the train with her or having him realize that the whole TRAIN is HIS KINGDOM, and all its passengers loyal peons who need their mighty rulers HELP, for without him they would PERISH.
for now though eda sees him and is immediately like get over here (reaching emoji) 
willow is a tough one for me because in all honesty having your longtime friend tell you out of the blue that they can’t be friends with you anymore would be enough to send me packing to the train, but with willow i think it’s less about amity and more about how the fallout between them affects her social and academic success. the frustration reaches a tipping point that has her running out of the classroom and finding the train. 
and yes, willow is a very sensible, bright girl, but she was also SO ready to trick the principle and steal from the emperor for her friend so i don’t think getting on a mystery train is wholly out of the question for her, y’know? 
There’s a lot about repression in the way willow deals with things generally, so her number is tied to passivity. the more she allows others to infringe on her personal boundaries to keep them placated, the higher her number goes. when she stands up for herself to others (sometimes even her friends!) the number goes up. willow x agency and clear limitations is my otp
gus was actually a SUPER easy one for me we know so much about him from the episodes he’s been in; he’s an overachiever, he’s passionate about what he loves, he’s a natural showman, and he is constantly pushing himself to be the best that he can be, all the time. the hustle doesn’t STOP for gus, and i...i...(tears up) 
anyways, i think the thing that draws him to the train is getting suddenly ousted from the club he formed at school. he’s young, and having everyone you had assumed were your friends turn their back on you and throw you out of the space that you CREATED FOR THEM would be shocking to anyone, but it broke gus’ heart clean in two. after he’d picked his bag and himself up off the hallway floor, he’d left the building in a daze, not even realizing as he boarded the train door that had suddenly opened up in front of him until it was too late. 
i’m actually going to go so far as to say that gus would likely be the one MOST interested in the truth of the train- he’d be asking the tough questions, like what is the purpose of the train? who made it and its technology? where does it exist that it can be both at his school and also speeding across a barren desert landscape at the same time? How does it create sentient lifeforms? the train helps him discover a new passion; journalism. he finds a journal that speaks to him as a friend and advisor in one of the trains, and he takes careful note of everything that happens to and around him. by the time he meets up with willow, he’s got so many ideas and theories that the other girl would have never thought to consider until that very moment. 
idk what his number relates to because he’s perfect the way he is but if i had to take a shot in the dark it probably has something to do with finding somewhere he feels he can belong, as well as being able to mourn and let go of the people he’d considered his friends before he’d gotten on the train. 
sorry this is so long i just have a lot of . gus feelings. 
Amity ( + Edric + Emira )
lumping these whites together 
okay so nobody wants to hear me talk about blight angst there are 800 posts about blight angst, so long story short the three siblings run away, get into an argument with each other, amity ditches them for the train while they’re asleep, and the twins panic and chase after her, determined to find her because in the end they’re all they’ve got. 
‘next stop: amity blight’ 
i think it’d be a cool journey to see the three of them going from ‘we need to be together out of necessity’ to ‘we need to be together because we love each other, and that genuine support structure will pull us through when everything else fails.’ but in order for that to happen they all have to have their own journey, so at some point edric and emira finally get into a spat and that’s enough to get edric and emira stuck on opposite ends of a retracting bridge. send that mans to the BACK of the train. 
emira: my greatest fear is being stuck with edric forever emira: (gets separated from edric)  emira: haha wait please say psyche
amity’s number is definitely tied to her fear of failure, of not being enough for the people she holds closest to her- in this case her siblings, and then lilith, and then luz when they finally meet. when she acts without concern for what the people around her think and when she sticks up for what she knows is right, even when the majority is against her, her number goes down. 
for ed and em im...i don’t want to think about their feelings because they’re supposed to be clowns but i am forced to consider that they may be jealous of their sisters independence. also separating them means they both have to take responsibility for all their own actions and choices, which is probably pretty new for the twins. 
im out of energy actually znzzzsnsz uh. estranged sister who sees something that reminds her of the relationship she used to have and she’s not actually as over it as she thought so the train....she..hghrg
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fireheartwraith · 4 years ago
WandaVision Episode 6: Reaction
These were my thoughts while watching the sixth episode of WandaVision for the first time. I never watch trailers as to not get spoilers, so the only knowledge I have are the previous episodes and my own speculations.
This will be purely spoilers and questions that no one will answer, the only thing you will learn with this is that I love the twins and the sword trio very much, and that I don't trust Hayward and not-Pietro at all
• So they want us to know this isn't og Pietro
• So now Wanda is using her red glowy powers, not her smoky sitcom ones
• Vis doesn't seem so happy in this opening
• What the hell is Agnes doing in your fridge
• Distorted day huh
• Pietro is in the opening!
• Tommy is getting a lot of attention....
• We're talking to the cam now? The camera is following people now?
• Okay, yeah, this is definitely a different style of sitcom
• Also, let me scream about them playing ddr
• thank you
• Now, let me scream about Billy wearing his wiccan costume
• Thx
• But, pretend to be someone else and scare people huh.....
• I'm in love with their dynamic already
• Hi Not-Pietro!
• Of course Tommy idolizes not-Pietro
• So Billy is afraid of Peter huh?
• Is vampire a nod to something in the comics? I'll find a way to link this to Mephisto, just give a couple of hours to do some research
• Sokovian fortune teller huh... Like using flowers to TELL THE FUTURE
• Sokovian Halloween does not look fun
• "that's not how I remember it" no shit Sherlock, this brother is from the wrong timeline
• You bet she suppressed a lot of the trauma
• Boys, I love you both SO MUCH!! Tell me more about how your mom has been acting weird
• Oh hoho, the girls are fighting!
• I see your passive aggressiveness Vis, AND I LOVE IT
• "Be good" oof
• Okay, but does that mean that Tommy used his super speed or that he was just pulled along
• Oh right, back to the real world
• Why are you saying "super-powered individuals" like a slur mister
• Fuck, I'm so mad right now
• They are not the ones I wanted to punch BUT IT'S STILL SATISFYING
• I'm sorry I can't get over their costumes I'm 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
• Holy fuck, that's a lot of kids... Where did they even come from????
• Oooh, Wanda is doing the classic shapeshifter test
• Also, new fact about Wanda's pre-Hydra life!!
• I see your deflection, NOT-PIETRO
• Well, at least this proves it wasn't Wanda who pulled him out of the Fox-verse
• So... They're just using their powers in front of everyone now
• Vis' got secret business huh
• "you want something changed?" Very ominous Mr. Herb, sir
• So, things start to glich and freeze the further away we get from Wanda
• We haven't seen Agnes yet: not-Pietro took over her role in sweeping in to help Wanda
• I was going to say that the "being stuck somewhere without food" was probably her memories of being stuck under all the rubble with the bomb, but things got super creepy super fast. And then the shark tells me it's the snack for survivors? NO SIR NO MISTER
• I've always been scared of stop motion animation and this isn't helping me get over it
• The Incredibles and the parent trap screening? A super-powered dysfunctional family where one of the kids has super speed and the other has weird magic, and a movie where twins pretend to be each other? You're pretty on the nose with that one, Marvel
• Play his part, stir up trouble.... Hmmmmmmm
• Why are we circling back to the accents? Is that important?
• He heard Wanda calling him? So maybe it was an unconscious thing...
• Oh, the twin's reactions to Tommy having to take Billy with him are the most sibling-like thing ever
• Is Agnes just playing a part or she's actually a victim?
• What will happen to Vision if he crosses the border?
• Spectrum origin story, hell yeah
• Be careful Darcy!
• How did Woo learn to hot wire cars?
• So now we're just... Acknowledging everything
• Peter is saying she did what she could to keep the townspeople happy but... They don't seem happy
• Not-Pietro over here asking the big questions
• Dead-Pietro still has Not-Pietro's face.....
• So Vision really is dead and can only exist inside Wanda's bubble reality
• Darcy is such a sweetheart... She tried to help even though she knew what was going to happen to her
• Holy fuck, Wanda just vibe checked her brother
• Why could Billy sense what's happening but not Wanda?
• Are we going to get a magical training montage next episode?
• Holy shit Wanda, a few meters would have sufficed
• Bastards! They're just leaving Darcy there!
• Uh, I hate mimes and clowns
• Let me see how Darcy is!
• Did Monica and Woo make it?
• I can't believe Hayward is going to escape, only to use this against Wanda
• What, that was the end???
• Well this sure was a journey
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bigskydreaming · 4 years ago
That last reblog is very informative and useful in figuring out where to find certain storylines. Purely on a personal recommendation note, for anyone looking for good reads and who tends to like my take on things, my recs from that list (and not saying that others I don’t rec aren’t good, just what immediately popped into my head) would be:
Batman: The Long Halloween (yes. its a good)
Batman: Birth of the Demon (if you want to set canon on fire, as many people are wont to do, a good place to start is aggressively ignoring Morrison’s take on Damian’s birth and origin and instead treating this story as his origin and just building off the idea that Talia lied at the end which is waaaaaaaaay better and just like...go from there)
Batman: The Killing Joke (kill it with the fire. we’ve had enough of the killing joke. it can die. even alan moore hates it and he wrote it and alan moore usually loves everything he writes and hates everyone ELSE for like, liking it the wrong way, so I mean, that should tell you a lot)
Batman: The Cult (holy shit I totally forgot about this story and now am off to go reread it again myself)
I have Issues with how ADITF AND A Lonely Place of Dying play out and most popular takes on them, so like, I’m not like, recommending RECOMMENDING them, but I mean like, they are pivotal.
Batman: Knightfall, Legacy, Cataclysm and all things No Man’s Land related have some good stuff throughout all of them. Like, things I don’t like, sure, but overall, there’s a lot of good material in them. Also, a good way to get a strong sense of actual canon Tim, who is not fanon Tim, and who would probably take one look at fanon Tim and go LOL nerd, and kickflip away on his skateboard to go tell Nightwing about this AU version of himself he just met, as like, he actually likes and respects Nightwing, among other differences.
JLA Tower of Babel (its a yawn from me, lads. the source of pretty much all “Batman can beat all of the JLA because he has the greatest superpower of all: PREP TIME!!!” hot takes and I mean, yeah that’s pretty core to Batman and who he is at this point, but the story itself its just like. Eh. Could you not. Idk. Basically I just mean this is all part of an era of JLA that for the most part I actually tend to LIKE Bruce’s interactions with the rest of the team, but then there was this and it was just like. Eh. Could you not).
Bruce Wayne: Murderer? and Bruce Wayne: Fugitive (Quality reads IMO that emphasize the Detective part of the Batfranchise and contain good moments for the whole currently present Batfam, lots of great Cass and Dick stuff in particular. Idk. I havent read them in awhile but I have fond memories)
Batman: Hush (this gets a bad rep and not entirely deserved IMO. Like, its not the greatest story in the world but I like how it portrays Bruce as having flawed dynamics with a lot of his loved ones but not shying away from his role in that but also without overly vilifying him....he’s an appropriately complex character in this, is what I mean, and I also like that this is another story that emphasizes the often lost-and-forgotten Detective part of his core concept. Also, it utilizes some of my fave villains in ways that bring home how much potential certain combinations/team-ups of villains could have if they were utilized more instead of overlooked in favor of ITS TIME FOR THE JOKER AGAIN WHEEEEEEEE!)
Batman: Under the Red Hood (hahahhahaha no. like could you imagine me reccing this? LOL its not realistic. Nah, stick with the animated movie retelling. At least Bruce doesn’t slit his son’s throat in that one to save the damn clown again)
Batman: R.I.P (I reluctantly rec this not because I like it, cuz I don’t, its Morrison back on his bullshit in a most I AM THE MOST GALAXY BRAINED OF ALL THE GALAXY BRAINED AND ALSO IM A CHAOS MAGICIAN DID U KNOW THAT HUH DID YA DID YA, like, fashion. Its. A lot. The story is A Lot. I don’t say that in a complimentary way. BUT I recommend it anyway out of pure stubbornness and Dick Grayson fanboy spite, as its set like, directly before Bruce is believed dead and gets lost in time, and like, A LOT happens to Dick in that story that SHOULD BE extremely relevant and crucial to examinations of his mental and emotional state at the time of him assuming Bruce’s role in the family and as Batman, but that just like....ISN’T, and that annoys me. Also, the primary villain of this, Dr. Hurt, like.....
his grand endgame involved torturing the fuck out of Dick to hurt Bruce specifically, and pretty much the first thing that happens when Bruce DOES come back from being lost in time is Dr. Hurt pops up out of nowhere and shoots Dick in the head, like FIRST THING, like this is the absolute first thing Bruce has to deal with when coming back, and this is just like....NONEXISTENT in most fics about that era. Because lolol how can we blame Dick for everything that went wrong and make Bruce be mad at him for how Dick wronged Tim and Jason and all of Gotham probably, if we’re going by actual canon and thus dealing with the fact that Bruce is preoccupied with hovering over his just-shot-in-the-head-specifically-to-fuck-with-Bruce son’s bedside and WORRYING about him. LOLOL hashtag Fandom Willfully Erases The Majority of Dick’s Canon Traumas Not Because They Want To Set Canon On Fire - they’re usually fine with sticking to every instance of canon in which Dick does something even in the ZIP CODE of wrong - but rather because if we acknowledge Dick’s traumas then eww, he might come across as....sympathetic? No, we can’t have that. ERGO HE WAS NEVER SHOT IN THE HEAD HAHAHAH WE FIXED IT, WE FIXED CANON).
But I digress.
Battle for the Cowl (another reluctant rec because like, its dumb and its bad, but its one of those things that I’d still rather more people read than didn’t, because like it is pivotal and relevant, and it contains key plot points like oh Idk, Arkham literally blowing up as all the currently locked up inmates escape, which led to Dick having Wayne Enterprises rebuild it himself, and like, the only villains present in it when he was Batman being the villains he and Damian CAUGHT while he was Batman, which did NOT include the Joker, and thus all the hot takes about how Dick locked up Jason two doors down from his murderer like the uncaring bastard that he is, like.....instead of the reality that Dick pulled strings to have Jason put in Arkham instead of Blackgate when the POLICE ARRIVED ON SCENE AND LOCKED UP THE ANONYMOUS RED HOOD BECAUSE HE WAS CLEARLY DEFEATED AND CLEARLY A WANTED CRIMINAL AND THUS LIKE, HIS IMPRISONMENT LITERALLY HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH DICK OTHER THAN THE FACT THAT DICK DEFEATED JASON RATHER THAN LETTING HIM KILL HIM AND DAMIAN.....
like, its literal canon that Dick explains himself for having Jason put in Arkham instead of Blackgate because it allowed him to keep Jason OUT of gen pop where he had literal dozens of enemies that he, Jason, WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR PUTTING THEM IN THERE HIMSELF, and it was to keep Jason SAFE, and it WORKED as Jason’s only actual canon complaint at that time was that he was BORED. So in conclusion, AS ALWAYS, you can do what you want, but when you literally manufacture the fake fanon - and completely fail to make any effort to establish that this is NOT actual canon and that you’re not actually riffing off of an actual canon moment - that Dick callously locked his brother up a few doors down from his own murderer (the dude that Dick himself literally once beat to death because he killed Jason).....like, inquiring minds would like to know, why are you trying so hard to make Dick look like THIS MUCH of an asshole, hmm?)
Batman: The Gates of Gotham (a weird, but fun little read IMO, that delves deep into the backstory of Gotham, the Waynes, and also Dick’s ancestors the Crownes, and establishes a lot of the history revolving around all of the above, and like, it actually has Dick as Batman and being competent and respected by the rest of the family in that role, and its also one of the only times Cass and Damian interacted one on one, stuff like that)
Batman and Robin Eternal (eww no, kill it also with the fire, burn it, I hate it, uggggggh why is this series so praised, its so baaaaaaaaaaaad, its like what if literally every character involved in it is an asshole to Dick for no valid reason whatsoever.....huh, weird thought, wonder if the fact that its so praised as being so good and Dick’s so hated for weird reasons by a lot of fandom are connected....almost like.....the fiction influenced how people viewed his character....and thus....critical commentary of how the fiction was bad is....relevant....HMM I MUST PONDER THIS STRANGE AND NOVEL THOUGHT).
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vorish-musing · 4 years ago
Risky Business (IT Chapter Two)
Summary: Eddie is a monster hunter, he’s called back to his hometown, there's another man eating monster, he just never realized how fucked this job could be.
Warnings: this story contains soft, safe, G/t vore. if you do not like this, I suggest not reading. this is also not a story for the faint of heart, there is (not super graphic) moments of fatal/hard vore, digestion mention (does not occur), fearplay, and the usual cussing warning.  
Hi guys! its been so long! I’ll be honest, i was not planning on posting this, since this was a WIP discarded back in march, but while watching the movie again, I realized I needed to finish this, I really hope y’all like it!
Risk analysis? Was that Job invented before fun?
Well, it Depends on what you call ‘fun’
For Eddie Kaspbrak, risk analysis is fun.
He couldn’t remember much of his past, all that he knew was that monsters existed, the ones that hid under your bed, the ones that prey in the night, he didn’t know how he discovered this for the longest time, he just... knew.
He knew he had to have encountered a monster at one point, but he just couldn't remember when.
His first instinct was to kill these monsters, though after further consideration of how the ethics of that worked, plus the morality of him being the judge, jury and executioner was pretty skewed. He decided to analyze these creatures, at least the ones he found. Witches, Vampires, werewolves, ghosts.
So yeah, he was a Risk Analysis, he analyzed creatures that we’re a risk to human kind.
And yes, it was Fun.
Being a part of a small group of people who knew these monster movie critters existed was something he wished he could brag about.
Though everything changed when he got that call from Mike Hanlon, Begging him to come back to Derry to fight that clown. That damned clown.
His memories flooded back, the childhood trauma of that summer, 1989, when everyone they knew started turning up missing, really they were dead, nothing more than food to the demon living in the sewers
It was then, fighting that demon, when he realized that analyzing these monsters wasn’t enough anymore.
They were not a risk, they were a threat.
Once he got back to his home in new york, he began his own business, he tried finding his way into different circles, ones he never thought existed, multiple people with stories of slaying beasts of all shapes and sizes, and he was now one of them.
He got a second phone, one he could use for his side job, he went under an alias, Richie Marsh. Not creative, a little embarrassing,  but it worked.
He would get calls almost daily, he made pretty good money, but he had one rule, only kill if it had harmed first. He always turned the monsters who had done no wrong away, allowed him to get some sleep at night, knowing that he was saving others lives while doing this.
Hell, the first time he met a vampire, the dude just chilled alone in a cabin in the woods. Not bothering anybody.
He began making a name for himself in the business and it had only been a year, it was impressive to all about his knowledge, how much he knew about these creatures, how fearless he could be.
Up to this day, he scribbled down notes about the varying creatures he saw and met. Sitting in his living room, the constant scritch of his pencil was interrupted by a ringing from his pocket.
He took his ‘work’ phone out of his jeans, putting the device to his ear.
“Is this Richie Marsh?” A familiar voice was heard on the other end, but he couldn’t quite place it.
Eddie ran a hand through his hair, thankful his phone had a voice modifier, just in case he actually knew the person on the other line.. Even though chances of that were slim to none. “Depends who’s asking”
with one hand, he took a sip of water in a glass, while with the other he opened a new page in his notebook, ready to write down this stranger's name.
“My name is Mike Hanlon, I was given this number by a friend, he told me you could help me”
Slim to none huh?
Eddie coughed up the drink back into his cup,“M-Mike Hanlon?”
“Uh...yes, I...I need your help”
Eddie scribbled down the name very quickly, though nothing in the world could make him forget it. “with what? What's going on?” he felt his heart racing, he didn’t want any of his friends to know what kind of danger he was putting himself into, he didn’t want them to know, or even try it themselves.
“Well… I live in Derry, Maine. There was a curse in this town...right? A monster, it killed a lot of people, but me and my friends… we stopped it.” Mike's voice sounded nervous.
“I...see…” Eddie’s voice wavered, hoping that this wouldn’t be another call back to defeat a killer clown “if you stopped it, why are you calling?��
“Because people are going missing again, but I know it's not what we fought, it's something else, nothing is being left behind, they’re just...vanishing.”
Eddie scribbled a few words down, his throat getting dry as he began to sweat nervously “okay...what's the age range of the missing persons?”
Please don't be kids….please don’t be kids.
“All adults, the other creature went for children, and those killings lasted for a year at least. This happens every few weeks, from my calculations, it's once every 3 weeks, and if I'm right, they're supposed to be here by Friday, they start hunting at night.”
Eddie couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief as he wrote what mike was saying down, opening his laptop and began booking a flight for Friday afternoon “okay, got it. have you seen this creature.”
There was an awkward pause, before Mike answered, almost embarrassed, “No.”
“Then how do you know all of this?” He wanted to believe Mike was reading too much into things, that Derry wasn’t being terrorized with another monster.
“Because one of the missing people has come back, and she came to me-- I’m somewhat of a Private eye in this town” Eddie smiled--good for him, making a name for himself in Derry.
“I talked with this one lady, she told me that she didn’t remember much, but whatever was out there, her two friends were killed, she didn’t tell me how they died, or even how she escaped...she just woke up..”
Eddie scribbled some more “do you know how many there are?”
“No. but I believe there's more than one, if you come in the next few days we can meet up and-”
Eddie shot up out of his seat “NO!” he heard mike go silent, before adding “uh...no...i’d rather uh...keep my face a secret”
Mike let out a laugh “of course, of course. We will have to talk more though, I have many notes and things that I’ve observed-”
‘Text me them, I have to go”
Eddie hung up before he could hear the rest of that sentence, falling back into his seat. He put both hands on his face and sighed loudly.
He had to go back to Derry, and he had to avoid seeing Mike there too. He let out a groan, sitting up and finishing the booking process, it was only two days away, but that gave him enough time to pack everything he needed.
Those two days went by very fast. Mike tried to pay, but Eddie insisted it be free, not wanting to take money from his friend. Next thing he knew, he was on a plane to Derry, a rental car waiting for him and another traumatic nostalgia trip was in his future.
Once the plane landed, he quickly made his way through the airport, wearing a baseball cap in a poor attempt to hide his face. He got into his rental car, driving as fast as he (legally) could on the roads to his hotel room, texting Mike that he had landed, and was going to scope out the locations where Mike had claimed the creatures were.
As he drove through the streets, he began noticing the missing persons signs, it reminded him of when he was young, and there were people he knew going missing. He shook his head. Whatever those creatures were, He was sure he would stop it.
He parked his car in front of the hotel, getting a room key and making his way up with his bags. He used to be very particular where he stayed, but as the months went on with this job, he would just take what he could get.
As he settled in, he got another call from Mike.
“If you need any help, I’m no stranger to killing monsters, just give me a call” Mike sounded worried, but it also sounded like he wanted Eddie to say yes to him coming along, but the man couldn’t bring himself to ask.
“I’m fine Mr. Hanlon. Thank you.”
“Okay, most of the missing persons were last seen around the woods, be careful, the trees go on and on, outside of the town and basically into the next, which is an hour away when Driving” Mike explained a few more things about the town, which of course, Eddie already knew about.
After speaking for a few more minutes about the plan, Eddie hung up the phone, it felt so awkward to be speaking to him under his alias, it was the most disconnected he had ever felt while on the job.
Once he gets all of his hunting gear in order, he puts it under the bed, just in case housekeeping decides to come in, and promptly leaves the room.
If he had to be here for the next day or so, he could at least go out and get some food.
As he walked down the streets of Derry, he made sure wherever he would go, nobody was following, and that nobody who knew him could recognize him.
He soon settled on a cafe near the hotel, walking into the establishment and ordering coffee with a BUNCH of espresso shots inside, after all, he needed all the energy he could get. He was usually much more healthy, but on jobs, he needed as much caffeine as humanly possible.
Sitting at an empty booth in the cafe, he took his journal out, scribbling a few notes down, his plan, he never really needed a plan, but it was nice to have one. He was sure this was a simple case that would be solved in less than an hour, so he didn’t pay much mind to it.
The barista comes to his table, setting his cup of pure caffeine down. Before she could leave, Eddie pulled out a $20 bill out of his wallet, giving it to her
“Save up every cent, get out of this town, it’ll be good for you” she gave him a confused look, like she was expecting him to pull it away as a joke, but with a look in his eyes, she took the money.
The barista smiled, her eyes bright and much more charismatic than his, “thank you sir.” she pocketed the money in her apron “ and that's the plan, as soon as I have enough money, I’m leaving this hell hole--just me and my shitty van. all the way to broadway”
He nodded as she walked away. He took a sip of his bitter drink, going over his notes a few more times--now should I ambush or wait--
His heart stopped dead as he snapped his head up, hearing his name, slamming the book closed.
His eyes met Richie's, who seemed equally as shocked to see him there. They stared at each other for a few moments.
W...why is he here?! He...he can’t be here now...what the fuck?
There was something off in Richie's overall appearance, he looked very sick, malnourished, hunched over and wearing clothes that looked like they hadn’t been washed in weeks, his eyes looked like he was coming straight from the morgue.
Though his face was one of shock and confusion as to why Eddie was in Derry that night, Eddie was almost disappointed Richie was not happy to see him there.
“Holy shit trashmouth” Eddie sat up straight “What the hell are you doing here?” He motioned for Richie to sit down, which the man obliged to very quickly.
“Just passing through, I have to get down to uh… Ludlow, Maine.” to this, Eddie was confused, it sounded like Richie was making things up on the spot “I uh...got a show down there, w-what are you doing in Derry?”
He knew when Richie was lying, he always knew, he never told Richie this, but since they grew up together, he watched the mannerisms he had when lying, and could always tell ever since.
But that's because he didn’t want to look stupid, believing what Richie said. Definitely not because he liked to watch the man, and DEFINITELY not because he admired him for lying with so much ease.
Definitely not.
Eddie nodded, taking a sip of coffee “Just uh…” he quickly thought of a lie, “Visiting Mike, I wanted to surprise him, plus, wanted to get away from New York for a while”
“Interesting.” Richie’s eyes fell to the journal Eddie was desperately trying to keep hidden “Aw, does Eddie have a diary?”
Eddie let his face falter a bit, showing off his worry, pulling his journal “its it’s for work, asshat” he narrowed his eyes.
Richie, one who usually would keep poking at Eddie, slumped back a bit “Well, I gotta get going, Nice seeing you around.” he stood up, ready to walk away.
“Wait, come on.” Eddie looked up at the man, extremely confused “are you okay, man? If I'm honest, you look like shit.”
“Yeah i'm...fine.I just gotta get some...thing to eat” Richie eyed him up and down slowly, before exiting the building without another word.
Eddie just stared at the door as Richie walked away, well, not really walking, he was pretty much stumbling away.
Though as he left, the two men from before waved at Richie, like they knew him...probably just fans, Eddie couldn’t afford to read too much into things.
He shook his head, taking another sip of his coffee and reopening his book once again, Richie was probably drunk, and there was no surprise there. Eddie noticed how much Richie would drink last time they met, and this behavior didn’t surprise him.
But it was strange.
He quickly finished up his cup of coffee, placing his cup at the edge of the table, another waitress quickly coming to pick it up as he left the coffee shop, holding onto his journal tightly as he walked through Derry.
He checked his phone, a few missed messages from Mike, sharing a few more of his findings, but Eddie couldn’t bother to read them, his mind was only on Richie.
Why was he lying? What was he doing here? Questions whizzed around his head. Did Richie know something? Did Mike call him too?
Eddie sighed, he better get back to his hotel room, no use thinking about it now. He had a task at hand, and he had to get ready in the next few hours.
And that he did.
He was prepared for everything, he had a few guesses to what the monster was, a werewolf, a demon? but nothing really fit perfectly. demons kill people, but it's not like they would let people escape. Werewolves fit better, you could escape one, but they were not very...cleanly with their kills.
Whatever it was, it was going to be killed, no matter how many there were.
An alarm went off in his phone, letting the man know it was time to leave, get to the woods and start investigating.
He grabbed his bag, filled to the brim with gear, and headed out the door, texting Mike that he was headed out, and that the man needed to refrain from further messages, until Eddie had texted first of course.
He placed his phone back into his pocket, swiftly leaving the building. It was only a twenty minute walk to the forest, but if it felt like forever, his body felt shaky, like he should just turn around.
He never felt like this before, he chalked it up to nerves, with being back in Derry. Something in him still believed it could be IT, but he knew that wasn’t the case. If it was, ‘Richie Marsh’ wouldn’t be out, it would be the losers.
Before he even knew it, he was in the woods, walking down a manmade concrete pathway, exactly where Mike told him to go, trees making it seem like he was walking through a hedge maze.
As he walked down the path, it seemed to get more and more confusing, like he couldn’t even remember where he was going, but thinking it was nerves, he kept going.
His heart stopped as he heard a woman's scream break the cold silence of the night, the sound of heels clicking on the concrete coming closer and closer.
As quick as he could, he bolted towards the sound of the woman, following her voice. He carefully took out a  gun from his bag as he ran down the pathway, his finger on the trigger.
Soon enough, a woman came into his field of vision, she was wearing a black apron, a dirty white shirt caked in blood, and a tattered pair of shorts.
it was the Barista from the coffee shop, She waved her arms wildly as she ran towards him, stumbling around like an animal.
“Please! Please help me! He’s gonna kill me!”
Eddie placed the gun back into his bag, putting it on his back and grabbing onto her as she ran into him.
Her makeup was running down her face, blood all over her skin, her hair was a mess, what once was a perfect simple bun, was now tangled with branches and all kinds of dirt in it.
“Ma’am calm down its okay we just-”
“No you don't understand! We can’t stay here we have to run!” She whisper-yelled at him, grabbing his arm and pulling him into the trees, straying from the pathway. “If they find us they’ll kill us!” she pulled him into a ditch, her breath shaky and tears flooding down her face.
“Okay… Okay take a deep breath, what the hell happened?” Eddie reached into his bag, grabbing his first-aid kit, ready to seal up any wound on her.
She took deep breaths, holding onto her arms as she shivered “these two guys, he… came into the cafe I work in, He was so nice” she let out a laugh, sniffling a sob. “I was so stupid, he asked me and my coworker out, and we said yes, it was supposed to be a walk in the woods, a nice walk… “
“Where’s your coworker now?” Eddie pulled out a cloth to wipe her off with, before he could give it to her, she began sobbing.
“The man…the thing! It ate her!” she said through her sobs. “While we were walking, they… they began saying weird things, like ‘dinner is ready' we didnt know what they meant! They meant us! This man came out of the woods, i called out to him, he just looked away, I think he was one of them.”
As she spoke, he watered down the cloth, giving it to her. “he...ate her?”
She sighed, wiping her face with the cloth, “this is going to sound crazy…”  she hesitated, sniffling again as she looked at him.
“I deal with crazy almost 3 times a week, this is why I’m here, you’re gonna be okay, this is my job.”
She nodded nervously “there was another man there, he was in the trees, before we could even say anything, all three of them...grew..into giants...and… my coworkers date...he picked her up and…”
She suddenly fell into a crying fit once more, falling into eddies lap, he rubbed her back, trying to console her.
“He… he bit her in half!” she screamed through sobs. “I got away, the one in the trees just watched me, who knows how close he is.”
He felt sick as she cried, and Eddie looked away from her… this wasn’t what he expected, no wonder nothing was making sense, there was nobody, because they would eat it.
He was about to say something, as they heard the sound of leaves crunching and branches breaking. “It's not my fault you lost the bitch”
The girl froze, her cries stopping out of fear, she covered her mouth. She shared a terrified look with Eddie, who shared the same look.
“Well it's not mine either, I was in the middle of eating!” the man sounded so nonchalant when talking about murder, but then again, most monsters weren’t remorseful.
“Will both of you shut the fuck up and just get on with it?” the voice sounded eerily familiar, but he couldn’t concentrate on it now.
The three men kept bickering, and the barista nodded to eddie, pointing to the other side of the ditch, mouthing the word “run”
He shook his head wildly, mouthing the word “no” over and over, if she did this, she would be dead.
Either she thought it would work, or she didn’t care if she died, but she ran up the side of the ditch, then began dashing through the woods once again, ignoring Eddie's silent pleas not to.
Instantly two out of the three men yelled, and began running as well, though their footsteps began getting louder and louder, Eddie shrunk back, trying to hide as best as he could.
He watched in horror as one of the giants walked over the ditch, which took them only one step, right above him, then another, then another, it was too dark to get a good look at any of them from his disadvantaged point.
But luckily, with all the noise they were making, he was able to run to the other side of the ditch, running up and hiding behind a large tree, digging through his bag, the best luck he would’ve had with killing these things, was his machete, thanking god that he actually brought it.
Eddie held it tightly to his chest, slowly turning to see what was happening.
“Let me go!” the Barista screamed as she was picked up by the giant, flailing around in his grip.
“Oh I’ll let you go alright,”
She gave him a strange look, before returning to her screams as he lifted her up over his head, his mouth agape.
“I’ll let you go now”
Eddie turned back behind the tree, hearing her screams as she was dropped into the giant's mouth, he wasn’t looking, but his mind pictured it. He felt sick to his stomach, anger bubbling up inside of him
He heard the screams of the woman suddenly stop, and a silence filled the air. Eddie knew what this meant, he felt like he was ready to vomit, his stomach twisting in knots
“Y’know you don't have to drag it out.”
“What? You’re just mad because you got jack shit, maybe you shouldn’t be so picky”
Eddie listened to the three bickers, waiting for the right time to move from tree to tree, making sure they couldn’t see him as he got closer.
In his head he knew this was a bad idea, that he was going to get caught, but this was the first time he had ever actually met a victim, he talked with her, even if it was brief, it pushed him more than anything else did, this wasn’t about money, for the sake of the town, no…
It was for Her.
He took a deep breath as he prepared to move to another tree, planning to climb it and attack in a much better position.
“Ah! I thought I heard something!” Eddie froze, hearing a booming voice behind him.
He. was. Fucked.
He instantly spun around, waving the machete up, he heard the giant let out a yell as the blade bit into its hand, which was about to grab eddie.
Eddie backed up a bit, before taking off in a run, but it didn’t help, another came barreling in.. barrelling in Eddie's eyes, it was pretty much just a few steps for the giant, the last one just hung out in the back, basically ignoring the interaction.
Eddie prepared to swing again, but the giant in front of him didn’t move, just smirked, catching Eddie off guard, allowing the one behind him to snatch him up.
“Shit!” Eddie yelled as the sneak attack made him drop the machete on the ground.
“You little fucker…” the giant lifted him off the ground at a speed that made Eddie sick, never in his life had he wanted to be on the ground more than he was now, the cold wind made him cringe as he was face to face with the Giant.
Surprisingly, the man looked fairly normal, he wore a plain blue shirt with some black jeans, nothing like any fairy tale would describe it.
His eyes were damn near murderous, he held up his other hand ‘look what you fucking did.” Eddie struggled in the giant's grip, which only made the man laugh, “what? Little hunter doesn’t know what to say?”
Eddie sputtered a bit, how did they know he was a hunter?
“Looks like you got dinner after all, huh Rich?”
“Don’t fucking call me that.”
Rich...Rich...that voice...is that...NO….NONONO
Eddie's head whipped around as the third giant came closer to the other two...those glasses, those clothes...those eyes.
When those eyes met him, they shared the same look, the exact same look that they shared at the coffee shop. Eddie wanted to yell, but it seemed all the sound had left his body.
That's why Richie was in Derry...
“What's the matter?” the giant holding him pulled him closer, “don’t like knowing that you’re dinner?” he chuckled devilishly, Eddie didn’t respond, too horrified at richie to even register what the giant was saying “hey fucko! You listening?”
The giant shook Eddie a bit, still nothing, he gave a look to the other stranger, who just nodded, the same devilish smile pasted onto his face.
Without another word, he let Eddie go, plummeting towards the earth.
Eddie let out a loud yelp, it was almost in slow motion for him, falling through the air, hitting the cold, hard ground, he was sure a rib or two were fractured just by the pain he felt in his chest, but the pounding in his head was much...much worse. He couldn’t move, he could only listen to what they had to say.
“Why the fuck did you do that?” Richie pushed the giant who was holding Eddie, not even caring to remember his name “you could’ve just given him to me.”
Richie's heart sank as he saw the hunter in the giant hand, Eddie, he knew Eddie was lying about why he was in Derry, Eddie was just simply, a bad liar. But he had never expected something like this, he never wanted any of the losers to find out about this. It was bad enough he was hunting in Derry, only a mere half hour from Mike.
“Why not? The little fucker wouldn’t listen, so I gave it what it deserved.”
He felt anger overflow him as the giant talked about Eddie in this way, but he stayed silent, bending down, and picking up Eddie by the collar of his jacket, his body dangling at it rose up.
Eddie could barely move, everything hurt, he knew he was being lifted up once again, but he couldn’t do anything about it, what was he to do, his ribs were broken, he was winded and he was basically a doll to these guys.
He could hear Richie talking to the two, but he couldn’t really understand it, until one sentence was asked.
“So, You gonna chew ‘im?”
This sent Eddie back into his fit of panic, adrenaline coursing through his veins, he began cursing, kicking, wildly flailing. The two giants just laughed.
“Come on richie, you can chew this once, trust me, so much better experience.” Eddie couldn’t tell which of the two giants spoke, but he begged to whatever was out there, that Richie wouldn’t go through with it.
“I’m not a fan of blood, you should know that by now.” Richie rolled his eyes, his gaze back to Eddie, his heart breaking as he watched the man flail around, knowing he was in pain by the look on his face.
“The bitch thought he was going to kill us, he cut my fucking finger! Let him have it!” the giant pushed richie slightly, Richie giving him a glare.
“He's going to die anyways, why can’t I let myself enjoy him squirm?” Richie spoke, monotone. “I like how it feels when they go down.”
It was enough to make Eddie sick.
“It's your last hunt with us, go out with a bang! You got a fucking hunter after all…treat it like it treats our kind!”
“Fuck off, let me do it.'' His tone seemed almost protective, but with Eddie hearing a low gurgle of the man's stomach, Eddie knew it was like an animal protective of its prey.
The two just sighed, watching Richie...just...waiting.
Eddie paused as the giants fell into silence, staring up at Richie with tears in his eyes, his vision was blurry, and his head kept feeling worse and worse. “Please...don’t do this…” he found his voice, only to say that.
What else was he supposed to say? It was rich! The man he grew up with, the man he fought a killer clown demon with….the man...who was about to eat him.
Richie just sighed, lifting Eddie up carefully, much more carefully than the others would even dare, tilting his head up and placing Eddie right on his tongue. Letting go of the man and shutting his mouth.
Eddie's heart dropped at the quick action, Richie not even hesitating before putting Eddie into his mouth.
The heat inside richies mouth was enough to make Eddie let out a yell, going from chilly weather and a biting wind to a human sauna was not the best transition. The sensation of the wet, squishy muscle underneath him giving him a dose of reality-- He pushed against the roof of the mouth, hoping to re-open the mouth, but from the angle he was at, the throat was just becoming him.
He attempted to climb up the tongue, but no matter how close he would get to almost getting out, the saliva around him beckoned him down the tight, hot throat.
“Let me out!” Eddie yelled, but he knew it was no use, that Richie wouldn’t let him go, not after this. “Let me out you...fucking bastard!”
This was it? This is how he would go, he fought almost every dangerous creature in the book and won but he HAD to be eaten by someone he called a friend?
He felt himself getting weaker and weaker, his breath becoming more and more shortened with each breath. He found himself almost allowing his body to be pulled and squished around by the tongue, which happily licked at him.
He yelled as richie rolled him around, coating him in thick saliva in the process, but he really couldn’t do anything about it, the fear and fatigue getting to his head.
As the throat beckoned him down, he clawed at the tongue to keep himself out of the hot, wet esophagus “don’t do this!”
His words were met with no answer, but with a swallow.
Eddie yelled as his lower half was pulled into richies throat, he couldn’t move, which made him flail around even more, this was met with another swallow, thick muscles pulling the rest of him into the hungry throat and down the man's gullet, it was almost second nature to the man.
It must’ve been only a few seconds, but it felt like hours as he slid down the esophagus, unable to move and his Eddies head spinning with anxiety.
The one word spilling into Eddie's mind was only ....”Why?”
He pushed against the esophagus in an attempt to stop himself from sliding down any further, but all the saliva clinging to him and his clothes wouldn’t let him.
Suddenly, Eddie felt his legs slip into the stomach below him, gurgles and growls heard below him. As the rest of him slipped inside the belly, the whole experience became very...very real.
His head was dizzy from the lack of oxygen in the throat, and he couldn’t stop shaking at the thought of this being the final place he would be alive, nobody would know Richie had done it.
And that's the last thing Eddie Kaspbrack remembered, before passing out completely.
Richie paused as he felt eddie go limp on his tongue for a few moments, he was scared this was too much for the little guy and his heart gave out, but the small man began to thrash around once more, which in a dark way, got him relieved, so he could continue.
This was a disaster, he hated how he had to eat people already, but the fact that it was Eddie made everything so much worse.
Richie should’ve known something was up when he saw Eddie in that cafe, he just couldn’t focus with the hunger eating him up inside.
Now it wasn’t only hunger eating him up...it was guilt.
He rolled Eddie around on his tongue a few more times, capturing the taste of the man.
he hated to admit it, but people tasted so good. It was almost like a drug for him, nothing really could sustain him for long, except for this. The longest he could go without eating a person was three weeks, he would move town to town with his tour, every few weeks swallowing a person to keep his energy up.
He carefully swallowed a few times, his Adam's apple bobbing as he brought his head back down, he could feel Eddie sliding slowly down his gullet, esophagus stretching as he did so it felt so...normal for him, like it was second nature.
One thing he was grateful for, was that he was the only guy that night who didn’t have a meal already lined up.
The past few weeks, meeting up with these guys got worse and worse, they were cruel, but for some reason they liked him, and would not leave him alone no matter how much he demanded them to, but tonight they agreed that tonight could be their last night
They always wanted it to be Derry, maybe because they lived there, maybe because the people tasted better. Richie didn't know, all he did was agree, since he didn't want one of their victims to become someone that he cared about. .
He felt guilty knowing the fates of the other two girls, but he knew he couldn’t stop it, they chose to kill those girls, they could’ve safely eaten them, but they chose to kill, which they thought he chose as well. He couldn’t change this, and it made him sick just to think about it.
As the two other giants shrank back down to their normal height, RIchie didn’t even bother to remember the jackasses names, they looked up at him.
“Sad to see ya go! Maybe we’ll meet up again!” one of them spoke, the other just nodded, before they both walked away.
Richie stayed silent and still until they got out of sight, before letting out a deep breath, holding onto his stomach as he felt eddies body slip inside of it, it felt so...good to have someone in there again
But all according to plan,  he felt Eddie pass out, feeling his shallow breaths as he lay unconscious in his belly.
He was going to be okay...
It's too hot, It feels like I’m melting...I can’t move...I have to get out of here...I have to…
Eddie's eyes snapped open at the sound of a car horn, and a familiar yell, his head throbbing and he almost jumped out of his seat, he would’ve if he didn’t have his seatbelt on…
Eddie's head snapped in every direction as he looked around, he was in a car, a blanket covering him...not where he thought he was...did...did he actually...no...he wasn’t...he couldn’t be… he wasn’t inside of a...
Richie let out a yell as Eddie popped up, making him swerve the car violently into the left lane, then back into the right lane, causing a chorus of more car horns to indicate that what he just did was an asshole move.
“Jesus fucking christ Eddie!” Richie yelled, “you scared the shit out of me!” he kept his eyes on the road, but the shock poured off of him like sweat.
Eddie just stared at richie as he drove, he could feel his body shaking at the sight of the man… he stammered for a moment, but he was only able to get out one word.
“Y-you…” his voice cracked a bit.
He didn’t want to believe it was true, but his clothes and hair being damp pointed out that might be the case, he felt his eyes sting with the threat of tears, never before had he felt this much Terror.
“I what eddie? I saved your life, what the fuck were you doing there?! If I wasn’t there you’d be fucking dead!” Richie turned to Eddie, giving him an angry look.
Richie was angry… at him?!
As Eddie got a good glypse at Richie, he noticed the man's face was red, his eyes a bit puffy, and he was shaking profusely, not to mention the cracks in his voice and the tears rolling down his face.
Richie was crying...Richie never cries…
“You actually...you fucking ate me?!’” Eddie finally worked up the courage to yell “What the fuck man?! I thought we were friends?!” his hand fell to his side, instinctively grabbing his knife holster, though only grabbing nothing, his knife lost in the fight earlier.
Richie didn’t respond, he just kept staring at the road. This just made Eddie angrier.
“You fucking piece of shit!” Eddie pulled the blanket off of him, shivering as his damp clothes absorbed the cold air around him. “You didn’t even tell any of us, you are a fucking m-monster!”
Again, silence, but he could see richie white knuckling the steering wheel.
Eddie could feel hot tears coming down from his eyes, “what's your plan now?” he couldn’t see himself leaving this vehicle alive, unless he hopped out the car door right now, even then he had a higher chance of ending up dead. “you should’ve made it quick like those other two fuckers did” he mumbled quietly.
Suddenly, Richie swerved across a few lanes, making Eddie slam into the car door instantly, which caused another abundance of yelling and anger from the man.
Richie didn’t say a word as he moved off of the highway, onto a local road, close to the treeline of the woods, slamming on the breaks at the closest place he could pull over at.
Eddie couldn’t help but be afraid of Richies silence, his slight shakiness as he held the wheel and the fact that Richie refused to make eye contact as he cried.
“I could’ve killed you.”  Richies voice cracked a slight bit.
Eddies heart sunk hearing those words, he could feel every bit of fear he had felt before hit him once again “R-Richie...I-I-”
“I could have done everything I said I would out there, and you could imagine what they would do if I wasn’t there…”
“But I wouldn’t...I...I can’t Ed’s!” Richie lost all of his composure, and began yelling “I couldn’t let anything happen to you! What the hell were you thinking going after us? You could’ve died, Killing IT was one thing, but you’re alone!”
Eddie stared at him with a shocked expression, he felt his face flush, even if he was angry and scared, he was almost embarrassed, he felt like a child being berated by a parent, he frowned.
“You. ate. Me.”  Eddie spoke, emphasizing each word. “You ate me and you’re giving me shit?”
“But you’re still alive, hm?” Richie gestured up and down to Eddie, “nothing Hurt huh? You’re welcome.”
Those words actually got through to Eddie, “how am I...not dead…”
Richie sighed, hearing Eddie's tone, not angry, just...scared. “I’m not like them, Eddie. It's safe, because I’m safe…” Richie pinched the bridge of his nose “fuck that didn’t make sense, I..Its just something I can do.”
Eddie got a good look at Richie at this point, the man was no longer disheveled, he looked like he was good as new, no bags under his eyes, he didn’t look like he was going to pass out anymore...he looked healthy.
Eddie, felt tired, nauseous, and felt like he was about to pass out, they practically switched places. t
“What did you do to me…?” Eddie asked, which richie let out a small chuckle.
“Unlike Them”  he spoke of the two like it was bad luck to even think of them “I can’t digest living things, i uh… do have to eat living creatures though” he looked at Eddie, answering before the man could ask the question “I take energy, that's why you passed out, you came on the right day honestly, i usually wait a while before eating.”
“That's why there were survivors, that's how Mike knew--”
“Mike knows?” it sounded like a stupid question, but it had never crossed his mind. “How much does Mike know?” his voice was desperate, almost terrified.
“Not much… one girl that you...let go...talked to him about what she remembered…”
Richie shook his head “Fuck!” he yelled, slamming his hands on the wheels. “I left her on the pathway, watched her wake up, she shouldn’t have known about what happened.”
Eddie jumped at the slam “She didn’t remember anything, she thought escaped on her own, Mike has no idea what's going on, he...doesn’t even know he sent me here.”
“How the fuck doesnt he know?”
This is where Eddie began to feel nervous again-- what to say?
“A simple alias and a voice modifier did the trick.” Eddie rolled his eyes “and this isn’t my first time doing this.”
The shifter's heart sank.
Richie began piecing it all together, “You’re actually a hunter…?” he asked, “Tell me your joking Ed’s, you’re fucking with me…”
The thought of Eddie being an actual hunter was almost as absurd as knowing richie was a giant. Eddie was pretty fearless, but he didn’t act like the other hunters he’d met, if Eddie was actually a hunter, Richie was most likely a dead man.
“I uh… did tell you that I’m a Risk analyzer, I just didn’t tell you what kind of risks I worked with…” Eddie looked away, almost embarrassed. “I didn’t think I’d even run into you...or any of the losers on the job… Especially if the job is on one of you.”
Richie just stayed silent, Eddie. Eddie fucking Kaspbrack, kills monsters, just like him...all the time? He just silently turned on the car, driving back onto the main road. He felt this...intimidation now, and Richie did not like it at all.
“Richie?” Eddie asked, staring at the man, who just kept his eyes on the road. “Richie what's going on…?”
“I’m going to drop you off at your hotel, and guessing that there’s only one hotel that's not a total shithole, I’m guessing that's where you’re staying.” he spoke fast, like he didn’t want to talk to Eddie, which made the other man frown.
“You’re right...but...you seem...off.”
“Finding out my best friend is a killer isn’t something I really enjoy knowing.”
Holy shit…”Richie, are you...scared of me?” Eddie asked, utterly confused. He got no answer except for Richies face turning a slight red colour.
Eddie turned a bit red, but quickly changed the subject when Richie pulled into the driveway of the hotel, parking. “Are you going to answer me, dickwad” he only added the last part to get a reaction out of the man.
Richie snapped his head over to Eddie,  “we’ll finish this talk in the hotel room, I’m not staying in this car the entire night.”
“In the hotel room? What makes you think I’m letting you up there?”
“Because you can’t fucking walk.” Richie snapped once more, pointing to Eddie's legs, “Just try.”
Eddie just nodded, giving Richie a snarky look, then getting out of the vehicle.
“See!” Eddie spoke as Richie started, just waiting.  “What was that about---!”
Eddie couldn’t finish the sentence of glory as his legs wobbled. Making him fall to the concrete of the parking lot with a painful groan.
Richie got out of the car, a smug look on his face “what was what about?” He stood, hands in his hoodie pockets, holding back a bit of laughter.
Eddie just looked up, about to yell once more, but his own fear silenced him as he had to look up at Richie again, towering over him as he was on the pavement.
Richie frowned, seeing the fear in the hunters eyes, sighing
“Fuck--Here” Richie bent down, grabbing onto eddie, pulling the mans arm over his shoulder as to stablize him and help him move.
At first Eddie pushed back, not wanting Richie to even touch him at the moment, but something made him turn red as he got so close to him.
‘Do. not. Even. think. About. It.’
The walk up to the hotel room was silent, only minor grunts or breaths from either of the men.
Richie was practically going nuts with Eddie so close again--He would never admit it, but having eddie so close to his nose, he couldn’t help but smell him once again, and he smelled so...delicious, and the fact that he was able to taste him once meant that he knew that eddie was delicious.
‘Stop it….fucking stop.’
As they reached Eddie's door, the man tried to get the keys out of his pocket, only for Richie to just grab it out of his pocket himself, unlocking the door.
“Get in.”
Eddie sighed as they both walked in, the door shutting behind them. Eddie turned red as his luggage bag was sprawled on the bed, knives visible.
Richie groaned, seeing the blades, setting Eddie onto the bed, “Have enough fucking Knives man?”
“What? Scared?”
Richie said nothing, but looked away.
“The man who Eats people alive, is afraid of me?” Eddie couldn’t help but laugh, dry and sarcastic, “and I’m not a killer…”
Richie gave him a disbelieving look, eddies laugh faded
“Well I am a killer, but it's not like that...I researched creatures like you for a while, I made like four journals just observing you guys…”
“Wow, a nerd in literally everything. Even murder” richie rolled his eyes, but it was very noticeable when his shoulders relaxed slightly, though still seemed on guard as Eddie spoke, his eyes narrow and hesitant.
“After IT,” Eddie turned away. “I realized that some of these creatures, they just want to Hurt people… and...I just can’t let that happen. So I became a hunter… it was tough at first, but i’ve gotten better.” Eddie rubbed the back of his neck nervously “B-but I don’t kill people who are just trying to live their lives, only the ones who are killing people...which doesn’t make me that popular.”
Richie gave Eddie a look, not disproving, but just...intrigued, “Damn, a hunter with a moral backbone? Where have you been all my life”
Eddie paused, “I’ve been in your fucking life” He almost felt offended “suddenly I haven’t been with you because of my fucking career choice? Newsflash fuckface, I’m still fucking eddie kaspbrack”
Richie’s eyes widened “I didn't mean it--”
“You fucking EAT people. And I still see you as my...friend” Eddies voice lowered, looking away, “trust me, if I didn’t you’d be dead.”
Richie fell silent, somehow the word ‘friend’ still hurt him. Eddie could see the hurt on his face, looking away as well.
“All the other hunters i’ve known never gave me a chance to explain” Richie finally spoke after a few minutes, “They just see me as a monster.”
“i-I’m sorry.” Eddie responded “I didn’t mean--”
“Oh shut up.” Richie flashed a smile “You get a pass, I fucking ate you. I didn’t get a chance with any others.”
Eddie couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle at the comment, something so absurd about the situation allowed him to. He was a hunter, who had been eaten, and is now talking to the person who had eaten him.
“So...the other losers?” Eddie fake coughed, trying to change the subject “Do any of them know”
“FUCK no.” Richie shook his head loudly, “If they knew that I’ve wanted--” Richie paused mid sentence, sputtering, clearly not wanting that to come out.
Eddie's eyes widened, “No no no, you don't get to say that shit and NOT finish the sentence, dickweed.”
“I-I..er--” Richie couldn’t form a coherent sentence, too busy turning redder than a tomato.
“Richie...Have you thought about...Eating us...like all of us? The losers?”
At first, Richie resisted, sputtering out a shaky ‘no!’, but Eddie just stared at the man, his expression not changing, it was a trick he would use when they were kids, Richie would always break.
“Fuck you Kaspbrak!” Richie finally broke, throwing his hands in the air “what do you want me to say? There's not one goddamn day that goes by since the reunion where i don’t think about it! There! Judge me all you fucking want! It's not gonna change the fact that I wanted to Eat you!”
Richie turned red again as eddie just stared “forget it”
“Did you ever try?”
It was richie's turn to look offended “you think im fucking stupid? If I tried anything on that trip, you’d think i was IT, I wasn’t about to be killed by my friends!”
Eddie put his hands up defensively “Okay okay! Don’t get your panties in a twist! It was a fucking question!”
Richie slumped back, defeated “I’ve thought about it sure---I never planned to though!” Richie almost sounded like he was trying to promise Eddie this, rather than convince him “I never planned on telling you guys, not that you’d believe me if I did.”
“Well you didn’t exactly tell me...so you kept your plan?”
Richie gave him a ‘are you kidding me’ expression
“I will eat you again”
“Don’t make me pull out the Knives, Tozier.”
Before Richie could even say another word, a loud ringing came from the luggage bag. It was his backup phone, Eddie reached for it, Richie first shook his head not to answer, but Eddie did anyway.
“Mr Marsh? Oh thank god you answered, it's been so long I thought the worst? What happened?” Richie tensed up, hearing Mike's voice on the other end of the phone, Eddie looked at the frightened predator and shook his head, mouthing the words ‘voice modifier’ which made Richie calm down slightly, still uncomfortable to hear Mike's voice.
Though on the other hand, Richie couldn’t help but laugh at the ‘Mr. Marsh’ mouthing to Eddie ‘are you fucking serious?’
Eddie shook his head, trying to wave the man off “Sorry Mr Hanlon, I understand your concern, everything is--”
Eddie's sentence came to a full stop as Mike said his name, and so did his heart “w-what?”
“i-I” Mike stammered on the phone for a second “Eddie is that you?”
Richie, in an act of pure instinct, snatched the phone away from Eddie, who yelled out a quick “wait!” Before Richie hung up, turning the phone off.
There were a few moments of silence, you could practically hear the two’s hearts pumping loudly and full of anxiety.
“Shit.” they both said in unison.
its good to be back...again!
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glitchlight · 4 years ago
castlevania s4 thoughts
this is basically a live tweet thread but I didn’t live tweet it because a) spoilers for something fairly fresh and b) [ASSHOLE]’s name is all over this, as he was apparently fired after his role had wrapped up anyways.
the tl;dr for s4 and the whole of the series imo is “Incompetent Writing Well Executed” because there are frankly juvenile editing and pacing mistakes everywhere but the animation, voicework, and design are often exceptional.
i also think it’s constructive for creators to develop a strong editorial eye and to be able to see what the flaws in other works are, and what works well, a lot of my thoughts are specifically tied into that, and also criticism since I basically watched it because I have friends modestly interested in finishing it but not wanting to touch it because of [ASSHOLE]. this contains modest spoilers but a lot of the later plot details i refer to only obliquely.
-boy it doesn't feel great seeing [ASSHOLE]'s name as the first name on the title card. I get giving people their due in writing but you could've had a slighly longer title card to elevate the people who worked on it aside from [ASSHOLE] so we can celebrate them. -you could teach the first half of the first ep as what not to do in setting up plot threads it's that blatantly obvious -lenore and hector are basically different characters from s3 because [ASSHOLE] needed to introduce more intrigue to Carmilla's court. -Women need trauma to be villains hack shit. -must we introduce a morally grey androgynous woman of color badass who doesn't care about the deaths of her allies -fly demon becomes a character just cause people liked his scene lol hack shit -isaac remains easily the best and most interesting character in the series (aside from the problematic elements of his character) -fantasy "i'm blocking your number" scene is funny -Vampire Lady Hot -THEY GENDER FLIPPED GRANT??? -boy the animation budget for episode 4 got slashed for no reason?? it looks way worse than the preceding material. -cool st. germain's back and the girl he's into is literally a voiceless random badass-- the fourth such one this season? [ASSHOLE] is a hack but come the fuck on. - I personally liked the implications St. Germain was from a different physical reality than ours or at least a different timeline (such as with the triangular notebook, which I know was a real thing but serves a different purpose as shorthand in a series when it passes without mention like that) but him being from europe still is boring. - the library dimension is fun but would be less jarring if it weren't so visibly 3D in a series that ostensibly aims to be 2D - Yet Another Nameless WoC Morally Grey Badass Facilitating White Male Plot huh. - I get that we're doing a "St. Germain is of the same as Dracula" plot here and that "in service of love people do terrible things" but it's undercut by how much I hate St. Germain as a character and don't give a shit about him. - also, furthermore, i just straight up hate narratives that have to tell you a villain's motivations in detail by giving them perspective. it's hack shit.   - the infinite corridor is a weird plot element that doesn't really add anything to this story beyond a fabled otherworld and some cool aesthetics. -god lenore you interupted hector last season saying "the real people are talking" and now you care about him?? [ASSHOLE] is an idiot. - this entire series of fights is rendered toothless by remembering alucard can literally control his sword with his mind and is just holding it for plot convienence. - this scene of sypha and trevor both, separately, doing what they do best is a good scene. i've been critical of a lot but this is a good scene. - we're triggering the endgame now? like right now? Carmilla's been in one scene. Like I know the prior seasons have been criticized for being too much set up but this is literally set up into climax already?? - well here's where the money from episode 4 went. - You spent all that time in season 3 setting up the sisterhood and then didn't make them the villains of season 4 huh. Fuck off. That's so fucking stupid. - AND HECTOR AND ISAAC?? YOU HAVE FOUR MORE EPISODES YOU ABSOLUTE CLOWN - I am Russian I am Soldier - Soldier boy having the same rant as carmilla we get it vampires are bad -stock-child-laughing-soundeffect.mp3 - "Of course I'm insane!" "The fuck what now?" is actually a kind of fun line. - [ASSHOLE]'s writing style isn't so much a puzzle box plot, one of many moving parts intricately sliding together, so much as heaps of mud being flung at the page from a half dozen different hands. It all sticks together but it does so messily and only with great violence. - this is just a kaiju -Where did this second vampire army even come from, who the fuck is Dorgon or whatever? Was this written for Carmilla's army then got changed because that would make way more sense than this rando -Boy I'm not comfortable with this slur being thrown around even if it's usage is complicated. -the inversion of the invasion in dracula's castle hall is a nice touch. - they did the op as fight music thing. - ah damn this guy has the same fight gimmick as a character i was gonna do dope though - Sypha continues to have the best fight scenes which makes up for her not having a character arc this season in [ASSHOLE]'s eyes. - That plot twist is okay I guess but it's very funny that he talks like that. And says Fucked Up. - I can't believe that after one of the biggest critiques of season 2 was that there were a bunch of vampire fights with nameless voiceless vampires who don't matter and you don't care about, it ends the exact same way. at least the fights are weirder and better than the kind of lifeless scene in S2. - This trope is so common but still works. - This ending is, par for the course in this adaptation of Castlevania, rather anti-climactic - You had to make the shoutout, and i bet you felt so clever [ASSHOLE] - Is that finale worth it in the end. like hell yeah good animation but fuckin didn’t make a lick of sense. - that bit of cleaning up got me to cry but only because i'm a tender-hearted idiot. - this ending is far too tidy (Hack shit) and the sequel hook is bullshit dumbfuckery. - FEET
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obsidianfr3sk · 4 years ago
1 A 50 para el ultimo askkk <3 (no digas que no te entretengo)
1. Do you sing when alone? All the time. When my family isn’t home I go to the living room and start acting and singing entire musical numbers xd 
2. Favorite pastel color? Yellow uwu
3. Hearts, or stars? hasta la pregunta ofende mija. Stars
5. Favorite thing cats do? Liking me
6. Favorite cute word? I really like the word “pichón”.
7. Butterflies, or dragonflies? USDHFJKDFSH this one’s difficult. But I’m going with dragonflies:)
8. Stargazing, or watching the sunrise? Stargazing. I’ve never done it before tho
9. Do you make wishes? I pray. Does that count? KJSHDAJKHKJDFJ
10. What songs did you like when you were young? I used to be really into Avril Lavigne:’) and vocaloid
11. Write 10 words to describe your personality. Odd, dramatic, bossy, sensible, emotional, loud, talkative, daydreamer, creative, and self-aware
12. Can you dance? Do you dance? Well, when I had my quinceañera, everyone complimented my dancing skills, but I had to train for 3 months to get to that level xd I haven’t dance since.
13.  Favorite animal? Dogs skdjhfksfd the best part of them is that they like me back. I have yet to met a dog who hates me;)
14. Polka dots, or stripes? Stripes!!
15. Do you wear make-up? When? Clown make-up, every day Yes, when I go out with friends or want to take pretty pictures.
16. Do you watch cartoons? I used to do it more, but yes! I still watch cartoons
17. Thing you still do that only kids are supposed to? Sleeping with plushies xd
18. 3 qualities you like about yourself. Ugh, why do I have to say nice things about myself? What is this? Therapy? I like that I am creative in all aspects of my life, that I’m very conscious about my feelings and needs, and that I can make fun of myself when necesary. 
19. Do you smile a lot? I want to think I do:’)
20. What dere type are you? (Yandere, Tsundere, Kamidere, Dandere, etc.) Dandere or Kamidere xd
21. Favorite model? Myself
22. Layers or nah? Yeah, why not?
23. Favorite nail polish color/name? Periwinkle:’)
24. Come up with a name for a crayon! Star tears
25. Describe your year so far with a gif.
Tumblr media
26. Favorite kind of candy bar? Does reeses count? skjdffsdj
27. Gummies, or chocolate? Chocolate.
28. Do you blush? No, I’m too edgy for that.
29. Favorite flower? Yellow flowers in general.
30. Mermaids or fairies? Fairies!!
31 Which planet do you like the most? Moon (? and Earth I guess
32. Favorite Disney Princess? Call me basic, but Mulan and Rapunzel rule.
33. What would your magical girl name and power be? I’D THROW GLITTER AT MY ENEMIES AND MY NAME WOULD BE STARCHILD
34. Favorite cereal? Idk if you know it, but it’s called Extra. It’s delicious. 
36. Are you quiet? I used to think I was quiet until people started telling me “you talk too much, huh?” when I entered Jr. High School and realized I was not xd
37. Do you post cute aesthetic stuff? If not, do you want to? No sdjkfhksjjfdk and I don’t think I’d like to do it. Maybe if I had another blog only for that.
38. Best kit-kat flavor? Soy tercermundista, I have only tried chocolate flavor xd
39. Dream job when younger? My first dream job was to enlist and become a soldier. Now I kinda hate the military xd 
40. Do you doodle? I do!! I’m always doodling stars all around my notes and books.
41. Favorite childhood store? SDFHSJ I have really good memories of Toy R Us:)))
42. Favorite childhood book, show, or videogame? The Judy Moody Saga, it influenced A LOT in my personality life 
43. Do you dream a lot? Do you remember your dreams? I used to dream a lot, but lately, I have stopped. When I do, I remember everything very clearly though. Como la vez que soñé que era Nova y que mataba a Adrian en un supermercado y luego me abatían ahí en plano apartamento de carnes.
44. Have you ever lucid dreamed? I don’t remember:( Probably don’t
45. Do you keep a journal? Yes! Since quarantine started I write an entrance in my journal every day. Maybe it will be important or something xd
46. Do you have deep, dark secrets, or are you an open book? An open book xd 
47. One color to describe your personality? I think... yellow:’) with little spots of green.
48. Do you swear? When did you start swearing? Ahuevo. Yes, I swear since I was like... 11 xd
49. Do you paint your nails? When? I paint my nails very often! Although... again, I haven’t done it a lot lately xd I paint them when I have time xd
50. Do you wish you were a kid again? Yes. I didn’t get to enjoy a lot of things. You know, trauma (?
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kaspgaytozier · 4 years ago
why does this fandom straight up hate mike. like. ik he's horribly mistreated in the book (i.e. he's called racist slurs and is incapacitated at the end to the point where he has very little to do with IT's destruction) and the movie (yes, kill off his important parents and let Ben discover what he was supposed to) but also people really stretch to ship bill/stan when bill/mike VERY clearly have chemistry (1/?)
(2/2) MIKE: also he's underappreciated in the fandom. if he's added into fics he's just an afterthought, which a lot of characters are in reddie fics, but in whole Loser's club fics we really just ignore him huh. tl;dr mike deserves better and i think we know why the fandom and king treated him the way they did
Anon I feel you. Yes we know why the fandom treats him that way. Sadly.
I don't know about the novel still !!! omg I'm so fake fan besides your words and other people's and yes f*ck King and f*ck Muschietti for doing his character poor justice. That didn't help for new fans like me who met the losers through the movies (to get interested in Mike).
I personally have read more Reddie fics with hanbr*ugh than stenbr*ugh like besides the obvious second main ship benv*rly but these are post chapter two fix its. When the fics are about the losers or young reddie, then yes Mike is like barely there just plot tool (his farm) and shipped with no one because the default in those fics is bill x stan.
Of course it's not like there aren't fics focused on Mike and / or him x either Bill or Stan (which I find VERY CUTE) but we as a fandom are very much clowned with reddie ofc the fucking trauma and internalized homophobia lol
And I'm not dragging anyone because if someone joined the fandom just because of reddie then it's okay!!! we come back to King and Andy making not justice to Mike's character because otherwise he would have more fans.
And Mike isn't the only one underrate I'd dare to say fandom talks more about him than Ben baby ben boy. But not more than Stan. Them three deserved better and we have work to do. 😔✊🏼
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the-lupine-sojourner · 5 years ago
Dragon Blood (Blue Bloods Inspired Dragonball Z AU) [Intro]
Okay so I caved and wrote this up for that Police-ish/Gangster-ish Blue Bloods-Inspired DBZ AU I wrote about a little bit ago. 
This is meant as a teaser/trailer. If anyone wants to commission more scenes from this universe, all you gotta do is shoot me a message and we can take about it. 
For now, I’ll let this be only continued through commissions, but if everyone likes it enough, I might be able to work something out. Who knows? 
Anyway, let’s get to the story, alright? 
Hope you guys like it!  
God Bless and Good Day! 
~The Lupine Sojourner
It only took a moment. 
Sounds so cliche to many people, but for two siblings, it was a nightmare come true. 
One minute, they are having dinner with their mother, eagerly awaiting their father’s return, having talked (badgered, really) their mom into letting them stay up just until they can hug and kiss their dad when he walked through the door. 
The next minute, there was a knock at the door. Neither sibling saw the worried look on their mom’s face. Neither sibling was prepared for police officers to answer the door when they swung it open, expecting their father, forgetting that he never knocked. 
Sarada had to be held back since she was too young to take in the different clothes as Vegeta grabbed her. “Dummy, that’s not dad!” Vegeta grumbles as their mother takes Sarada from him. 
“But...where’s daddy?” Sarada asks, missing her mother’s wince and the officers’ teary eyes. They’d always hated this part of the job, like most cops.
“Vegeta...Vegeta, take your sister upstairs.” 
“But mom- -”
“Go!” The tone of their mom’s voice was enough to get Vegeta to take his five-year-old sister’s hand and all but drag her inside. If his mother was worried, he had to obey her and quickly. 
The woman was sat down in the living room and informed that her husband, who hadn’t come home the previous night, was found in a large meat freezer, parts of his body sustaining severe frostbite from escape attempts or possibly being wet when locked inside. 
She broke down sobbing and there was nothing the officers could say or do, so they offered condolences and ‘anything you need’ before departing. 
Vegeta knew enough to know that he should take his sister to his room and turn on the TV, promising to keep an ear out for their father, neither fully understanding yet that he was never coming home. 
Their mother was grateful her son was mature enough to give her privacy, but heartbroken he had to grow up this fast. 
And now...he’d have to grow up even faster. Sarada, too. 
God, what was she gonna do now?! She was a nurse! She couldn’t support her two kids and herself on that salary. But...she had to try. For her kids. 
She had to keep going. She had to. 
=#=#= (approximately 15 years later) =#=#=
“Meet the newest officers of the WCPD! West City thanks you all for answering the call to serve this city we all love.” Finally, Sarada’s dream had come true. 
Finally, she was able to make progress on the path to bringing the Frieza Force cartel down and getting justice for her father’s murderer. 
Finally, she was an officer in the West City Police Force. 
Sarada didn’t stop smiling all the way home, where the smile dimmed a little. She’d barely seen Vegeta at her graduation, but...he had been there so maybe she wouldn’t be snippy with him. “Hey, I’m home!” She calls, as always, slipping off her shoes and smiling at her brother as he comes to get a look at her in her uniform. 
“So, it’s official. You’re finally holier than me, not that you weren’t already with the whole church-going routine.” He gripes, examining the uniform with hardly approving eyes. 
Sarada lets out an exhale, smile now gone. “C’mon, ‘geets. You know that’s not what this is about.” It didn’t matter that this must have been the hundredth time this same discussion had happened this month. 
It only seemed to matter that it hadn’t gotten through to him yet. 
“Look, you know I support you following your dreams and shit, but you’ve never approved of what I do, either.” 
“It’s illegal, Vegeta. I knew that before I even thought of being a cop.” 
“Don’t lie to me, sis! You’ve wanted to be a cop practically since- -” Neither Sarada nor Vegeta ever actually verbalized that night if they could help it. It was too heavy a weight, even now. 
“Underground fight rings are illegal.” 
“Then why are they still around?” Sarada closes her eyes, trying to remain calm. 
“Look, Sunday night is tomorrow.” She went over at least once or twice a month to a Sunday dinner with the Commissioner (who used to be her father’s partner) and his wonderful family.
“What? You want me to be lambasted and lectured passive-aggressively about my choices? Hell no. Rather die.”
“C’mon! I’m never treated with anything- -”
“No, cus you’re the perfect angel in the family!” 
Sarada was not about to take sarcasm and mockery that laying down. “Alright, that’s going too far and you know it, Vegeta! I made a choice! I made an effort to actually do something about my trauma and past instead of allowing the people that- -instead of getting the shit kicked out of you on weekends in illegal fighting rings!” 
“And if I ‘made an effort’ it wouldn’t be taken with anything but snide remarks and passive-aggressiveness! I do still have my pride, you know!” 
“Are you serious?! I still have my pride! I took my life and I made it better! And I’ve been offering and trying to get you to do the same! I was welcomed into the fold! You can be, too! We can- -”
“And I keep telling you to back your ass off on that!” 
This was, perhaps, when they’re fights almost literally got bloody. 
When Sarada even insinuated that Vegeta dare think about leaving the gang. Vegeta would grow defensive, throwing verbal punches in order to get his sister to back off. Sarada never understood, but some part of her kept coming back to a single idea, but the idea of it scared her so much she shoved it away.
“I can’t.” There it was; the classic excuse he’d give. 
“Vegeta, you have to talk to me. Please.” 
“No!” With that, he left.
That’s what he did when Sarada got pushy. He’d leave, head to gym to pound his emotions into a punching bag. 
Sarada watched him go, helpless to stop him without further damaging her already tenuous relationship with her brother. She then collapses in the chair, already crying. 
She never wanted this. She just wanted to get her brother out of the gang that locked her father in a freezer for almost 18 hours after dousing him in water. 
She wanted to make a better life for herself and her brother. 
The next day, Vegeta hadn’t come back, which wasn’t an unheard of occasion.  
Sarada had to report for her first day, trying to shake off a horrible feeling in her gut. 
It didn’t work, and Sarada felt dizzy and unable to focus. It was only getting worse the longer she was on tour, and then she got a notification that had a particular tone to it. 
She’d sneakily set up a tracker app on her brother’s phone using a standard app that was already on the phone but Vegeta never used (she checked in the Settings to make sure) so she could tell where he was. She hardly ever checked it, but this time, it was like a rope tugged her to the location.
She was within 500 feet...and in a series of warehouses. She swallowed, tried to keep walking, but her feet wouldn’t move away. 
“Hey, Partner! Um, I, uh, thought I heard something.” It was a flimsy excuse, but Sarada couldn’t let this go. Her partner, a few feet up the street, turned around. 
“I didn’t hear anything.” 
“I’m closer.” Sarada points out. The officer sighs. 
“Alright, you know what? Nothing much has happened, this could be good.” Sarada chuckles. 
“Might be nothing, but you never know.” 
Together, the women in the blue uniform walk toward the warehouses, hands on their holsters, ready for anything. Luckily, Sarada’s hunch seemed to direct her to one of the closer ones, where she heard someone getting a pounding. There were three figures, one rather burly, one shorter and somewhat skinny. 
“Whad’ya know? Yer ears were good, rookie.”
Her stomach in knots, Sarada nods and breaks into a stealthy run.
She heard groans that could only be her brother coming from the man getting beaten to death. 
Heart in her throat, Sarada pulls out her gun, as she was trained to do in a hostile situation like this, calling out the typical ‘WCPD!’ cops always call out when arriving to a scene. 
“Stop right there! Hands where I can see them!” Officer Ranchi, nicknamed Launch for her tendency to run into danger head on, took up the rest of the call. The perps in question gave one last kick and punch to their victim before attempting to sprint away from the cops. “Help the victim! I get the perps!” Ranchi calls back as she takes off. 
Sarada was all too happy to help the victim, kneeling down and already radioing for an ambulance, unable to help a plea for the drivers to hurry. 
“Hey, look at me. You’re gonna be fine. Just keep your eyes open, alright?” Sarada can’t find bandages and doesn’t spot any substitute, but she does what she can, holding back tears. 
“What’re you- -what the hell..?” Vegeta’s speech is worryingly slurred. Sarada shushes him gently.
“Took a hell of a beating, Vegeta. Just hold on.” 
Officer Ranchi comes back, the perps chained up, the single pair of cuffs linking them. “Keep moving, scum! You wanna fight, huh? Then make it a fair one and don’t attack a downed man.” The men say nothing, as Sarada suspected they wouldn’t. “You know the victim?” Ranchi asks. “You look scared as shit.” 
Telling the truth in front of these obvious Frieza Force members was a stupid move, so Sarada shakes her head. “No, but remember this is my first tour.” She remarks. 
“True that. Gotta toughen up, sunshine. You’ll see a lot worse than this in your time here.” 
“Yeah, yeah. Here, uh--well, I was gonna say we could separate them, but that’s not a good idea.” Ranchi laughs as she shoves the thugs into the back of the cop car. 
“I see something from my lecture stuck. Look, I’ll take these clowns to the Precinct. You stay and do what you can for the poor sod they beat up til the bus gets here.” 
Sarada was so relieved she could kiss her partner. “You got it. I’ll be in touch.” 
Ranchi nods. “Meet you at the hospital!” 
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surveys-at-your-service · 5 years ago
Survey #226
“i couldn't take my eyes off her, but that's not what i took off that night.”
So, how are you doing today? I'm mostly fine, I guess. I'm sooooo sleep-deprived from these damn night terrors, so it has me pretty moody. Then I'm bummed as all fuckhell that Sara and I can't be together on our anniversary. What is the last song that you had on repeat? I think it waaaas... "Idiosyncrasy" (it took me five million attempts to spell that right) by Korn. Are you a hedonist/masochist/in between? Neither. The best musical performance you’ve been to? I've only ever seen Alice Cooper, but it was WICKED. He did his signature decapitation illusion (how the fuck does that even work??), and the last song (it was a fucking amazing cover of "Another Brick In The Wall") had INCREDIBLE theatrics. I loved it. Who is your favorite drummer? *shrugs* Your favorite guitarist? Idk, really. Maybe Zakk Wylde. A vocalist with the best voice? Freddie Mercury's voice is so versatile and chill-inducing, Amy Lee is an obvious answer, Patrick Stump's voice is just so goddamn sexy, as is Brendon Urie's, as well as wide in vocal range. Do you have a band yourself? Maaaan, that'd be dope. But no. Do you write poetry or song lyrics? I used to write poems aaaaaall the time (y'know, the "I'm 14 and this is deep" kind), and I've actually really wanted to for a while now, but idk about what. Plus my word-weaving capability has drastically declined, so all I'd do is get mad. Your best memories: Meeting Sara, SARA'S FUCKING FACE WHEN SHE SAW ME IN HER BEDROOM ON HER LAST BIRTHDAY OH MY FUCKING GOD, a novel of things with Jason, seeing meerkats at the zoo for the first time, THE DAY GOD NOTICED ME THROUGH A GIF I WORKED WAY TOO HARD ON (I couldn't sleep for three days, and I wish I was kidding), uhhhh. A lot. Your worst memories: The night of the breakup, absolutely and entirely. Nothing compares. It was a slow, paralyzing trauma (don't get pissy about me using that word "as an exaggeration," it was diagnosed as such years ago) that entirely put me into an actual state of shock. I wish that night on absolutely nobody. No one. Funniest thing you've ever seen an animal do? Maaaaan, I could tell you a lot. Probably inarguably the funniest was Ginger (ex's beagle) WITHOUT FAIL losing her shit with jealousy or SOMETHING whenever she noticed Jason and I were doing anything that involved affection without her. That dog would LOSE IT with barking, tail wagging, and climbing all over him, and it was never not funny to see this fatass little dog turn into a living cockblock lmfao. OH YEAH then our late boxer Cali could be baited into howling if you did it sometimes. It was so, so cute. She'd always look so confused but do it anyway. I'm sure there're others; I've grown up with pets my whole life, but those are the only two that come to me now. What is on your mind? I wanna see Sara. Could you ever cheat on your significant other? I physically couldn't stand myself if I ever did. No. Ever been so disgraced that you had homicidal thoughts? Wow no. If so, whom did you wish to assassin? I mean I've talked about Ashley (not my sister) before, but they weren't seriously "homicidal." I wasn't going to actually do anything. If you wish to be famous, what would you want to be famous for? I don't wish it, but let's say I was. Some form of artist. ... Wait, I do want that. Errrmmm OH! A serious wildlife conservator. Do you think humanity is going downhill? Duh. What was the last thing you threw at someone? I have no clue. Do you ever want to be prom queen/king? I didn't care. Have you ever ran from the police? I'd prefer to stay out of jail. Are you afraid of clowns? No. Have you ever written on someone’s face in your yearbook? Ha ha yeeeaaah... When was the last time you made dinner? me?????? cook????????????? huh?????????????? Do you have any special plans coming up? I'm shooting my sister's gender reveal Sunday. :') Ash and her husband don't know the gender, so I am so fucking excited to see their reactions. Who do you want to be buried next to? Please don't bury me and just take up space. Cremate me and scatter the ashes somewhere, or do SOMETHING meaningful and creative. What is your favorite fish? Like... to eat? I haven't tried very much, but I liked striper forever and ever ago. If you mean visually, probably betta fish. Have you ever won a gold medal? Probably with kid stuff. Do you have any trophies? Also as a kid for A honor roll, as well as dance and sports overall. Do you work out? Oops no. When you introduce yourself, do you give hand shakes? It depends on who I'm talking to. Is there a limit to how many best friends you have? No? Do you have any hickeys on you? Bitch a girl can wish. Do you have the strength to say goodbye forever? Been there, finally done that. Will you talk to the person you like tonight? I talk to her every day throughout the day. Who did you last share a bed with? Sara. Who do you go to when you need to talk to someone? Sara or Mom. Have you ever been taken to the emergency room in an ambulance? No. What are you listening to right now? I'm not actually listening to anything, but "Gypsy" by Fleetwood Mac is BURIED into my head rn. What do you like better: hot chocolate or hot apple cider? I've never tried to latter actually, but I'd probably still prefer hot chocolate, anyway. Do you make wishes at 11:11? No; I don't believe in that stuff. I have a friend who posts JUST "11:11 <3" or something like that every night on FB, and while it shouldn't, it annoys the fuck out of me. No one cares. Ever been on a golf cart? Yeah. Do you get blizzards where you live? No, never to the point where "blizzard" fits. What’s a biblical truth that you struggle with? lmao When was the last time you did something rebellious? *shrugs* Do you rebel against God a lot? I can genuinely say I don't give a fuck if I do or don't. Do you consider yourself creative? Very. What’s an old hobby that you want to pick back up? Sigh, reading. Do you ever read books to a pet? No. That seems without real purpose... and this is coming from me, an animal worshiper, just about. Like, you know they genuinely have no clue what you're saying or doing, and I highly doubt they're gonna stay still and look at the pictures. Do you have any pets? Two dogs, a cat, a rat, and a snake. What was the theme of your childhood bedroom? It didn't have a set theme. Partially because I grew up with the same room as my little sister, and we had very different interests. What color was your nursery as a baby? I have zero clue. Did I even have a proper nursery??? What was the last surgery you had? Getting a cyst above my asscrack removed lmaoooo. What’s something you prefer to keep private? Sexual history. I am very, very shy talking about that kind of stuff. Who is someone you look up to? *sobs "fischfuck" at the top of my lungs* As a child, did you have people you admired? STEVE IRWIN WAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY EMOTIONAL DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you good at prioritizing? Eek... I'm unsure, to be honest. Which holiday is your favorite to decorate for? fuckin' Halloween hoe. Which holiday or season has the best decorations in stores? Soooo Halloween decor=room decor for me tbh lol. Who’s the prettiest YouTuber you watch? She doesn't have her own active YT channel anymore, but Suzy Hanson (GameGrumps' Arin's wife) is a fucking goddess. Oh, and while I've never watched her channel, I've seen Hannah Hart on GMM quite a few times, and she's actually one of my first signals that I wasn't straight because I definitely felt attracted to how naturally beautiful she is. What’s the most shocking thing that’s occurred in your life lately? Finding out my grandma has terminal cancer. How’s the weather been at your part of the world in the past week? It's been fucking hot. Thursday was the hottest October day in NC history, peaking at 100. Disgoostiiiiiing. Have you given something up recently? (for ex., candy, red meat etc.) Uhhhh well, this is semi-recently, I guess: I entirely stopped going to Chick-fil-a in protest of higher-ranking business employees or whatever supporting/making donations to anti-LGBT cults, especially conversion "therapy." What’s the worst thing about autumn? "How fleeting it is. I never feel like I get properly immersed in the experience. I blink and the leaves are gone and Thanksgiving is here and Christmas is right around the corner." <<< Perfect description. What is something you enjoy doing, even if you’re not very good at it? Drawing portraits, maybe. Do you work hard for your money? I don't have a job, never have had a stable one. However, on the occasion I'm hired to take pictures, I. Try. Really. Hard. What’s a song that most people interpret entirely wrong? "Mama I'm Coming Home" by Ozzy Osbourne was first to come to mind; reasonably, people tend to think the song is about his mother, but it's rather about his wife. Calling your wife that is apparently some English petname. When’s the last time you had cake? Wow, idk, actually. I think my niece mighta had some for her birthday in June? I know my nephew had cupcakes. Yeah, I think it was her b-day. Have you ever made your own soda from scratch? I have not. How about your own jam? No. Or pickled something? No. Did you grow anything in your garden this year? No, we don't have one. Or did someone give you something they grew in theirs? No. What’s the most romantic gift anyone’s given to you? Uhhhhhhhhhh idk. Do you like woolly socks? If so, do you ever make your own? NO, especially when you put sneakers over them or something. They feel so constricted. Do you have a laptop or desktop computer? A laptop that needs to be replaced, gah. Or fixed. I have a pure black crack and blob stretching across the left side of my screen that is super distracting and obscuring, and the right side of the top half is cracked along the side; I have duct tape to help keep it closed. Otherwise it's a fine laptop, though. Oh wait, and the apostrophe key is missing, so I have to hit the plastic pressure thingy that's easy to miss. Do you watch America’s Got Talent? No. If so, who has been your favorite contestant on AGT? My favorite ever was Landau Eugene Murphy Jr. Still have some of his covers on my iPod. Prince Poppycock is also my gay uncle that I would die for. What chore are you behind on? I need to dust my room good lort. Have you ever broken your phone screen? No, actually. Have you ever broke your computer screen? Well, refer to earlier question. I don't know if it's technically "broke," just damaged (it's not an actual scratch, btw; it's beyond the exterior screen). I need to take it somewhere to fix it ahhhhh. What department store do you shop at the most? Wal-Mart. Do you normally use the self-checkout or the regular checkout? Depends on how much we have. If it's just a handful or so, we just go do it ourselves. Which friend will be in your heart no matter what happens between you two? Sara, Megan. What is your most severe allergy? Pollen. Have you ever been kicked out of a store? No. OH SHIT NO WAIT, I THINK a friend and I may have wandered into Spencer's once when we were "too young." Or maybe we just got ID'd. Idk, idr. What was the stupidest mistake of your life? Turning a person into my sole source of "real" happiness, giving my entire soul to a flawed human being, being naive about love, all that jazz. Have you ever unfriended a sibling on social media? Well, she unfriended me. We're friends again now tho I think I pissed her off again. Oops. Do you watch Niki and Gabi on YouTube? If yes, which twin is your favorite: Niki or Gabi? I've heard of 'em, but don't know anything about/watch them. What was your favorite book you had to read for school? The Outsiders. The Handmaid's Tale is now right behind it. What do you want for your birthday this year? My '19 birthday has already passed, but if you mean like, my next one, idk. Maybe a new phone considering mine is GODawful with so many problems. Alllllthough I'm entirely aware I'll be putting a tattoo first, so... it depends on what I have, ha ha. Do you like rock music? Yep. What is the most beautiful landscape you have ever seen? MOUNTAINS!!!!!!!!!! What do you usually take for headaches? Advil/Ibuprofen. Have you ever switched doctors because of mistreatment? Or moreso carelessness and immeasurable ignorance masked by over-confidence. Do you film or record your doctor’s appointments? ??????????????????????????????? Can you even do that?????????????????? Which accomplishment are you most proud of yourself for? So, this kinda depends. I'm most likely to say "recovery," but I honestly give almost all credit to my psychiatrist and therapists. So I don't usually see *me* as playing a big role in it. Idk. So other days I'll say way more confidently graduating in the top 10% of the graduating class as a senior. Do you feel like you’ve accomplished anything yet with your life? Well yeah. What is your favorite medication that you take, and why? The combination I take of Vraylar + Lamictal due to how they interact and being massively responsible for me being stable. What is your favorite vitamin, and why? Do people???????????? have fave vitamins????????????????? List 5 people you know who have never been mean to you. Uh. I think Connie is it out of the people I know well/have known for a long time, lol. Would you rather do a craft project or a science experiment? s c i e n c e  b i t c h Do you say garbage, trash, rubbish, or something else? "Trash," usually. Which Bratz doll was your favorite? I didn't have a favorite. Which Barbie doll was your favorite? ^ Which American Girl doll was your favorite? I don't remember. Do you decorate Mason jars? No, but I find them veeeeeery pretty when decorated well. What color band and stone does your class ring have? I didn't get one. Can you see the mountains from where you live? No, I wish... What is your favorite Lisa Frank character? angel!!!!!!!!!!!! KITTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you believe in the power of prayer? Not in the slightest. What color eyes does the person you like/love have? Are they pretty? A beautiful brown. Obviously if I call them beautiful. What was the first television show you were obsessed with? Pokemon cries. I never really like... showed just how much though. Looking back on when I was a kid, I took embarrassment poorly even then. Other girls thought I was weird for bringing a Psyduck plushy with me to school everyday, everyone in pre-k looked at me like "huh" when I brought my little Snorlax plush in for show-and-tell, I came to a point of only watching it when my sister was asleep, I was too scared to ask for the games, and- jfc okay I'm actually realizing I need to go back to therapy to talk about how deep my AvPD truly is rooted oops lmao. Do you eat chili when you get a hot dog, or do you like it plain? Chili is disgusting. Have you ever disowned anyone in your family? For what reasons? No. Is there anyone out there who has hurt you so much, you wish they’d die? No. Has anyone ever called you a sociopath before? No. How many times have you been drunk in your life? None got to the point of me feeling *actually* drunk. I've only ever been tipsy. When was the last time you acted really immature? *shrugs* Can you rely on one or more people to take up for you? Yeah, a few. When is the last time you sat around a campfire? I don't have a clue. Is there an important event coming up at your school? I think? It's some event all freshmen have to attend to all damn day and I'm not looking forward to it. It's for a good cause, but. It's gonna be a drag and I've had two incidents this school year of once collapsing and just last week almost fainting and vomiting just from the heat. Do you have a back-up career choice? What is it? Something with writing, I guess. Well, I ideally want to be a professional photographer but also a zoologist, but if photography goes absurdly well (this is incredibly unlikely, I know, but it's doable), I may not aim for a zoologist career, but get the necessary degree for it as back-up. I want an unquestionably stable back-up choice. My minor is Journalism, so like I mentioned up top, yeah, if things really go shitty, something in writing is an option. Would you ever get caught with a fake ID? No. Do you think religion justifies treating people unequally? I don't see the supposed "rationality" in this at all. No. Are men more attractive with longer or shorter hair? I guess it depends on the person, but I think I'm generally more attracted to men with longer hair. What color was the ink of the last pen you used? Black. Is there a name that you hear and cringe? I can't really say "cringe," but without fail, it's obvious who and what I think of the moment I hear the name "Jason," and it always causes this dull pain in my chest. What color are your dad’s eyes? They're dark brown. When you were a kid, was there a boy/girl that you said you were going to marry? No. Is your favourite TV show very popular? That '70s Show is, and Fullmetal Alchemist is among anime fans, at least. I don't think too many people know about Meerkat Manor, but I know it was and possibly still is Animal Planet's highest-grossing series, so it sure was big for viewers of that channel. What are you absolutely determined to do? Become at least a semi-successful photographer, make a great life with Sara, support my mom one day like she always has me, mostly overcome anxiety, photograph and touch a habituated meerkat of the KMP... a handful of things. Where would you rather be from? Somewhere in the U.S. that's not a homophobic, racist, gun-fucking, Bible-thumping cesspit of closed-minded shits. I love NC. How often do you play sports? Never. What website do you visit most often? YouTube. What do you wish you knew more about? Politics. What are some things you’ve had to unlearn? I stopped this as a young teenager, but I know I was one of those kids who used "retarded" as a substitute for "stupid." I absolutely hate that shit. I also had to unlearn uhhhh... man, I know there's a lot, I'm just blanking right now. What TV channel doesn’t exist but really should? *shrug* Where is the most interesting place you’ve been? Interesting to me personally, Chicago. Cities that massive are foreign to me. What fad or trend do you hope comes back? Scene fashion was art, don't @ me. What’s the best way to start the day? SLEEPY CUDDLES W/ YOUR S/O. What kind of art do you enjoy most? Man, idk. I love art so much. What have you only recently formed an opinion about? That's a good question. What is the most heartwarming thing you’ve ever seen? Literally today/yesterday when I watched the secret stream Mark did of gathering viewers to anonymously destroy random but small Twitch streamers' charity goals & he was too motivated and inspiring & everyone was so fucking confused but thankful and it was literally the most inarguably Chaotic Good thing I have ever borne witness to. For three hours I couldn't stop fucking smiling. What’s something you like to do the old-fashioned way? Hell if I know. Who has impressed you most with what they’ve accomplished? lol guess How do you relax after a hard day of work? I don't work. What TV show or movie do you refuse to watch? TV show? 13 Reasons Why is a hell no. The Human Centipede I wouldn't watch over my dead fucking body. Where would you spend all your time if you could? All my time? Idk. What’s the best way a person can spend their time? Improving the world. What’s the most interesting piece of art you’ve seen? I couldn't even try to answer that question. What’s worth spending more on to get the best? I dunno, probably a lot. Maybe food? Ensure it's safe, at least. What is the luckiest thing that has happened to you? Not flipping over in the wreck we got in when I was a kid, probably. All factors of it considered, we were told flipping would have been far more likely than my mom managing to keep us on four wheels. What are some small things that make your day better? Multiple things. Sara feeling positive, I'm fucking awful so having a yummy soda gives me a measly drop of Serotonin, I love seeing Venus come out of her rock to wander around, finding a new song to become utterly addicted to is great, cool weather outside... things like that. I'm sure there's more. What one thing do you really want but can’t afford? REALLY want? A trip to South Africa. What are you interested in that most people haven’t heard of? Uhhh idk. Otep, I suppose. As a band, anyway. She's actually the QUEEN of bigoted bitches. Why did you decide to do the work you are doing now? N/A What’s something you’ve been meaning to try but just haven’t gotten around to? Oh, idk. If all jobs had the same pay and hours, what job would you like to have? Still a photographer. Have you ever saved someone’s life? No. What’s the hardest lesson you’ve learned? People can tell you they'll always be there and still leave in the blink of an eye. What’s something you are self-conscious about? Unconventional interests/hobbies and my body. Have you ever given to any charities? Yes. What was the best compliment you’ve received? Idk. What’s the most immature thing that you do? Not gonna lie, I can act bratty if I don't get something I SERIOUSLY want. Which of your scars has the best story behind it? None, really. What have you created that you are most proud of? A novel of very developed and deep RP characters over the years. What do you regret not doing or starting when you were younger? Learning German. As you get older, what are you becoming more and more afraid of? Mom dying. Being independent. In what situation or place would you feel the most out of place in? Most out of place? Would, like not one I've actually experienced? Uhhh idk. An orgy lmao.
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