#what the fuck is my art tag. do i even have an art tag
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Summary: Joe thought she was pretty. Had he just said that, things might have been different for them. Maybe they wouldn't have gone head-to-head at each other for three years like it was a contest.
Pairing: Joseph Liebgott x Reader
Genre: angst splattered with fluff/rivals to lovers
Head-to-head: @derersketnoget @ladystardustfromarss @lanadelray1989 @chanshugsaretherapy @hoddystark
Band Of Brothers: @fernando-jpg @chubbypotatoepie @tvserie-s-world @clumsy-wonderland @lordndsaviorwinters @lanadelray1989 @chanshugsaretherapy @hoddystark
Permanent taglist: @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog @amourtentiaa @comfort-reads
Warnings: language, death, gore, religious themes (blink and you'll miss it)
A/N: woah look at that. We made it to D-Day. I thought I'd leave this on hiatus before reaching this point BUT I DIDN'T. This one's a little longer but I don't care and neither do you. If you'd like to be added to the taglist let me know and enjoy<3
Head-to-head masterlist
Band of Brothers masterlist
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come; thy…
The cuss got lost in the deafening racket of the plane.
I clenched my jaw, blinking away the sting of sweat caused by the stress and the ridiculous amount of gear we were supposed to drop with.
I'm gonna die.
The thought settled in like it had always been there— and maybe it had been. It wasn't a question, not even fear; just a cold, undeniable fact.
My fingers dug into my straps. I tried to picture what it would feel like —why?—, if I would know, if would have time to know. If it would hurt or just… end.
The plane rocked, metal clattering around us. My stomach lurched. A frustrated swear on my far left. A properly muttered prayer in front of me, unlike mine. My knuckles had gone bloodless around the straps, my mind running too fast.
I'm gonna die.
I exhaled slow. Forced my hands to unclench.
Should've taken that second pill.
I checked my gear again. Helmet, straps, chute. Leg bag, M1, grenades. My grandma's cross. Compass, knife, my helmet again. Was the strap too loose?
I'm gonna die.
Lieutenant Compton walked the row, his booming voice barely cutting through the engines' roar. I nodded when he looked at me, mechanical, automatic.
The crammed space smelled like metal, sweat and oil. My skin was too tight, my pulse hammering slow and deep in my throat, my stomach still twisting.
The light overhead burned red.
Almost time.
The plane rocked again. Someone screamed. I would have sworn the plane gained speed.
But the light turned green.
Time to go.
JOE'S P. O. V.
The plane rattled like it was about to fall apart.
My head rested against the vibrating metal wall, eyes half-lidded as I attempted to keep my stomach from doing another somersault. That little pill they gave us—meant to stop... airsickness? Had kicked in hard.
Everything felt just a little too slow; my limbs felt like they were moving through molasses, and the weight of the equipment wasn't helping the bizarre sensation.
My thoughts, out of step with my body, were running at full speed.
Not that they were worth much right now.
Please, God. If you're listening, make it quick.
That was about as much praying as I was willing to do.
The red interior light casted ominous shadows on everyone's faces, turning them into a row of ghosts strapped in with jump gear. The grumble of the engines swallowed almost everything, but ever so often, I caught a cough, the sound of someone sucking in a shaky breath, someone shouting for smokes.
I didn't look at anyone. I didn't want to see fear on their faces. I didn't want to see the absence of it, either.
I focused on my gloved hands, resting on my lap. I flexed my fingers. Loosened, clenched, loosened. Checked my weapon for the tenth time.
It's not going anywhere. Let it be.
Winters did his best to have his last-minute instructions reach us. I barely heard him, so I just nodded along, licking my lips.
The taste of smoke and sweat.
The bite of adrenaline that hadn't hit full force yet.
The cold touch of the hook strapped in the line.
The thought of her.
"The fuck..."
Not on purpose.
It wasn't sentimental, nothing dramatic—just a flash of Y/n's face, half-shadowed, rain dripping off her collar, a cigarette hanging from her lips, curved into an open smile.
"This damn pill."
"WHATCHA SAY?!!" Someone behind me —who was supposed to be behind me?— yelled straight into my ear.
A couple if pats on my shoulder blade.
I shook my head, exhaled through my nose.
I could see flashing lights through the clouds. Lightning, maybe. Something worse, probably. France beneath us.
My fingers curled tighter around the edge of my reserve chute. The air inside the plane shifted, like everyone had started breathing a little shallower. Lieutenant raised a fist. Equipment check.
I swallowed, rolling my shoulders.
"Shit. C'mon."
Please, God. Make it fucking quick.
The light turned green.
The ground came up too fast, the impact rattling through my spine and knocking the air from my lungs. The canopy that had barely stopped my kneecaps from busting against the french soil dragged me half a foot before I managed to fight the buckle free.
The grass was damp, the earthiness of the air mixing with the gunpowder. My palms patted my body from top to bottom, acknowledging what was left of my gear by touch alone.
A strained gasp left me when I rolled onto my stomach and sat back on my heels. Just a moment, just to check everything was in place.
The knife strapped to my calf, the loose rounds digging into my pockets, my compass, my M1.
No helmet.
A ragged burn where my chinstrap had dug into my skin before the force of the blast blew it off.
I wasn't dead, though. Not yet.
That was the only thing I knew for certain.
My surroundings were pure chaos, partly because of the mayhem of sounds, partly because my sight relied solely in whatever bit of the landscape the anti-aircraft tracers lit up intermittently.
I wasn't dead. I strained my ears, listening for voices, for movement, for anything I could catch nearby despite the drone of planes overhead.
Somewhere ahead of me, something moved. I heard it before I saw it and I prayed for the cover of darkness and my lack of helmet to work in my favor. But the movement was slow. Intentional. Close. A shuffle. Closer.
I squinted my eyes and, rifle raised, I caught a figure. Low in the grass, barely visible. My first instinct was to shoot. I had been trained to shoot, we all had. Shoot first, think second.
Shoot first.
But recognition had bloomed in me before thought, before instinct.
The person slithered fast in my direction, triggering an uneven stammering in my heart. A hand clamped down on my arm, bringing me forward so fast I almost faceplanted into the dirt.
"Jesus Christ, Y/l/n." Joe's voice, rough and sharp. Too close. He was crouched in front of me, knife gripped so tight his knuckles were white, sweat slicking his forehead under his netted helmet. "Flash. Thunder." I could feel his breath against my cheek, his grip still firm on my arm, holding me low. "How 'bout you don't throw out my goddamn name in enemy territory?"
"Fucking flash, asshole." I yanked free but didn't bother on putting distance between us.
"Where's your damn helmet?" There was a certain frustration in his tone, not quite at me, nor at the helmet, but at the situation. They had fucked us over.
"Somewhere over Normandy."
"That's lovely."
"You don't have a gun?"
"What's it look like, smartass?"
His tone was biting, but his eyes, widened and on edge, were scanning our swamped vicinity.
"How long have you been down here?"
"Couple minutes." His response was low and sort of absent. He was focused on something else. "Saw your chute. Thought you'd be someone from my stick."
"Missed the drop zone."
He glanced me over. "You or me?"
"Don't know yet." I took a look around and, thanks to the deathly flashes shot at the C-47s, I got a glimpse of the chaotically scattered canopies still dropping from the planes, too fast, too low, too dispersed. "Maybe everyone."
Just when Joe looked like he was about to reply something, the air split.
We both spun to face the thud of a body hitting the ground beside us, my rifle up in no time, breaths frozen in our throats. The figure writhed, tangled in his chute, gasping something between a groan and a curse.
Joe was quicker than me to recognize him. "Jesus fuckin' Christ, Petty."
Petty twisted onto his back, still winded. "Hell of a way to wake up."
I let my rifle lower, pulse hammering, but still found the nerve to turn to Joe and spit, "What happened to flash, thunder, 'don't throw out names in enemy territory'?"
Joe wiped a hand down his face. "Give me a fucking break, sweetheart."
"You call me sweetheart again, I swear to God—"
"No, I swear to God," Petty interrupted, cutting himself loose from his chute to join us. "if you two don't shut up, the Krauts won't have time to get you before I do." He shot us an exasperated glare, checking his sidearm. "My friggin' luck."
"Don't sound so thrilled there, buddy." Joe bit back.
"Let's just move." Petty loaded the pistol and quirked a brow at me, expectant. "Y/l/n?"
"I'm on it." I pulled my compass from my breast pocket and took advantage of the German artillery barraging our planes. "Alright." Think. You don't need a map. Just think. "We're moving out to those hedgerows." I pointed behind us. "Look out for railroads. They'll make this much easier."
"Who needs a map when you got Y/n Y/l/n, am I right?" Petty slapped Joe's shoulder and eagerly followed my indications.
We needed a damn map.
JOE'S P. O. V.
The first dead soldiers we came across weren't Germans. They weren't Nazis, shot down with an M1, laid on the french grass.
They were ours.
A couple of unlucky men.
No, not men. Kids.
The first one was hanging by his risers on the higher branches, swaying like a butchered pig.
The second one was a few feet lower, limbs tangled like a broken marionette. Their chutes had failed to cut loose. Or maybe they had been shot before they had the chance. Maybe they hit the trees wrong and snapped their necks before they could even fight for air.
It didn't matter. They were dead all the same.
We knew their faces. Not their names—just faces. We had all trained together at some point, ate in the same mess halls, stood in the same formation. I was sure one of them had played poker with us back in Aldbourne.
Y/n forced herself not to avert her eyes.
Petty turned away, finding solace on the dewed grass.
I didn't.
I couldn't.
So I stared, my stomach twisting at the unnaturally shaped silhouettes hanging above us.
"We need to grab their gear." Y/n noted, not quite contemplating the bodies as much as assessing the easiest way to reach them.
I forced myself to blink. "Yeah."
"Who's climbing?" Petty's inquiry was hushed, as if he didn't want to disturb the hanging men.
Y/n moved first, brushing past me to get to the base of the twisted trunk. She tested her footing, sizing up the climb, then glanced over her shoulder.
I didn't even let her ask. I just knelt, clasping my hands together. Her mud-covered boot setting into my grip served as a prompt for me to boost her up, which I did. She caught the lowest branch and pulled herself higher.
The tree groaned softly under her weight. She climbed fast, steady, the rope of her dog tags catching the faintest rays of dawn slipping through the dark clouds with every shift of her body.
I wasn't able to discern her expression while her knife forced the risers to give with a few purposeful slices.
One body dropped.
It hit the ground heavy, wrong, all limp limbs and dead weight. Something inside me flinched like I had been yanked backward by the spine.
She climbed higher, a poorly contained gasp pushing out her throat when her grip slipped.
"Shit—" Petty hissed, both of us taking an instinctive step closer to the base of the tree as if to catch her.
She dismissed us with a vague wave of her hand and, with a stretched arm, she slashed the second soldier's tangled straps.
And another body dropped, this time closer, harder. The sound wasn't as loud as a gunshot, but it might as well have been. A dull, sick thud.
God, they didn't train us for this.
Y/n didn't dwell on it; she just started climbing down like she hadn't just sent a couple of american paratroopers crashing lifelessly to the ground.
I stepped forward, bracing her by the waist to help her down.
She immediately bristled. "I don't need fucking help—"
My fingers clenched against her uniform, too tight —tighter than I meant— and hauled her down. "I'm not in the mood, so shut the fuck up."
"Joe, c'mon." Petty halfheartedly chastised me, like he knew this moment would inevitably come and he really didn't want to be caught in the middle of it.
"No, don't start with me" I snapped, throwing him a look over my shoulder. "when she's the one bitching and moaning."
My attention immediately returned to Y/n, who had gone uncharacteristically still, her eyes trained on my form.
Not because I hadn't let go of her yet.
Because my hands were shaking.
Just a tremor against her ribs, a flex of my fingers like I was willing them to stay steady. But she noticed.
I let go of her uniform like it had burned me. Petty, who had given up quickly on trying to keep peace, was now kneeling by the fallen soldiers, rummaging through their gear. My hands were still trembling. I rubbed them together once, twice, like it might shake the feeling out.
"Okay." Y/n's tone shifted. It was subtle, almost imperceptible. Not soft. But not the usual edge either. A tilt of her head. "Okay..." A frown. "Alright."
Not worried, not exactly. Maybe careful, but not by much.
She reached out, gloved fingers brushing the fabric of my sleeve briefly before fisting it with a quiet, determined yank.
My first instinct was to jerk away, so I did; I pulled my arm free in one clean motion.
"We gotta move." Petty's voice broke the silence, attracting our glances to him. He wasn't looking at us. His eyes were scanning the trees, the low grass, the quiet farmhouse at his six.
Y/n didn't budge. "Give me a second."
Petty groaned, did a half turn and commented something I barely caught above the scattered gunfire about having to land with us out of everyone. But he indulged her nonetheless.
She yanked my sleeve again, more forceful this time. The sound of it scraping against my arm was unrealistically loud —at least to my ears.
Her pitch was calculated, nonchalant enough to almost pass as casual. "You good?"
It threw me off. If she had picked up on it, she didn't bring it up. Maybe later on, in the middle of a pointless argument, she would.
My reply was clipped and fast. "Fuck that."
It's wasn't the word that got me; it was the way she said it, and the faint glimpse of genuine care in her pupils, visible only when the occasional flak fire going up into the late night turned early morning illuminated her features.
Get a grip.
"I'm good. C'mon."
My voice didn't exactly sound convinced, but at the very least it sounded resolved and stubborn, and that would have to cut it.
Y/n stared at me for a beat. Her eyes narrowed, and for a moment I thought she might press again.
She didn't. Instead, she just tilted her chin up once as if to say 'fine'.
She moved past me and reached the corpses in a couple of strides, catching the helmet Petty threw her way.
Get a fucking grip.
#joseph liebgott fanfiction#joseph liebgott x reader#joseph liebgott#joseph liebgott headcanons#joseph liebgott x you#joe liebgott headcanons#joe liebgott fanfic#joe liebgott x reader#joe liebgott fanfiction#joe liebgott#joe liebgott x you#joe liebgott angst#band of brothers fanfic#band of brothers#band of brothers fandom#band of brothers fanfiction#band of brothers fic#bob fanfiction#hbo war fic#hbo war#cleveland petty#buck compton#richard winters#head to head#bob boys headcanons#Joseph Liebgott angst#day of days#d day
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The House On The Quarter: Tim Gutterson x Reader
Tagging: @kmc1989 @fallmoreinloveeveryday @elenavampire21 @floralfloyd @lamaudite
Companion piece to:
Lucky - Tim's assignment doesn't go to plan.
Stars - Tim's not like the other guys.
The Good Book - Tim makes you a promise you don't think he can keep.
Sharpnel - You make sure Tim has a piece of you when he's airlifted to Germany for surgery.
Germany - Tim meets you during a three hour layover in Germany.

Tim begs Art to let him to attend the law enforcement conference in Louisiana. It’s been three months since he last saw you and he’s desperate at this point because the phone calls, the texts they just don’t cut it. Things have gotten harder since he got you suspended, you’re doing all the grunt work these days, trying to pay your penance and he’s stuck working all the shit shifts because that’s what the newbie does down here in Kentucky.
“Do you want another Raylan on your hands?” He petitions Art in his office. “Because that rule breaking, it’s down to the fact he didn’t attend any conferences, he never learned all the new policing they’re talking about or how to play nice with others. You wouldn’t even have to pay for my hotel, I’ve got a friend down there I can stay with.”
It’s two weeks later he turns up on your doorstep, his dufflebag slung over his shoulder, the sounds of the French Quarter in his ears. The way your face lights up when you see him, there’s nothing in this world quite like it.
Things get a little wild after that. Scattered clothes and knocked over lamps, you don’t even make it to the bed, he fucks you right there in the living room hallway, his jeans by his ankles as he takes you on the sideboard.
“How long have I got you for?” You ask him in the aftermath as you lay entwined together on the rug, his flannel shirt draped over you, your fingertips ghosting over the scars that are seared into chest from the shrapnel he took overseas.
“All night and the next couple of days if you’ll have me.” He tells you, his eyes closing as he buries his face in your hair. There is nothing that relaxes him more than having you tucked in against him and he feels himself start to drift as he holds you closer.
“Oh Tim, I’ll have you every which way I can.” You whisper and he can feel your smile against his skin as your lips chase along the curve of his jaw.
It’s later that evening when he’s helping you wash up the dinner plates that he brings up the house, the little white one on the Quarter you’d had your eye on back before he joined the Marshals. He’d blown past it on the way into town, heart sinking when he saw the ‘For Sale’ sign had been taken down.
“I saw that the house has gone.” He says as he dries his hands on blue and white chequered tea towel. Your hair falls over your face, hiding it from his view as your shoulders stiffen just for a second.
“Yea it sold last month.” You say finally as you pick up the set of plates and slot them back into the cupboard. “It was a silly idea anyway, I don’t know what I was thinking.”
He does, you thought that you’d found a place for the two of you, somewhere you could build a life together. He’d fucked that up when they’d assigned him to Kentucky and that dream you’d had of that house and a dog, well…
He’d gone and damn destroyed it.
“They’ll be other houses.” You say but he can hear the sadness in your voice because that house, it was the one, he feels it in his bones.
You spend two blissful days together attending the conference. His mornings are filled with sunshine and laugher, his evenings making love to the sound of jazz emitting from the trumpet player outside. It’s everything that’s been missing from his life and everything he has to give up again by the time Thursday rolls around.
“I don’t want to go.” He tells you that morning, his thumb ghosting over the curve of your cheek as he lays beside you in tangled up sheets. “I don’t want to leave you again.”
Everytime the two of you part, it’s like something inside him breaks. His heart, his soul, he doesn’t know what, all he knows is it gets harder and he’s not sure how much more he can take. He’s not sure how much you can take either.
“You’re not leaving me.” You remind him, your fingertips ghosting along the light dusting of stubble on his cheek. “You’re just saying goodbye until the next time.”
It’s on his way out of town he drives past that house again, there’s a moving truck outside, another couple carrying boxes, a golden retriever bouncing around their feet. His eyes start to sting, his chest aching because this is the future he snatched away from you when he joined the Marshals.
The one you should have had with him.
Love Tim? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee

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vector portrait for digital imaging class of RGB!! hey go read The Property of Hate if you haven’t already btw it’s an amazing comic by @modmad that i’ve been hotglued to since my junior year of high school.
big thank you to mod for giving their permission/blessing to wrestle with this horrible tv bastard in adobe illustrator for the express purpose of shilling him and this comic to my unsuspecting class <3
(edit: god okay pls click for fullscreen. hogy shit)
#tpoh#the property of hate#rgb#modmad#there’s a lot more i was planning to do w this but bleeeegggggjhhhh#i don’t own a laptop so i have to do all my hw for this class in the library + i live off-campus + i had office hours that day#7 hours in the library fighting with adobe illustrator on 5 hours of sleep and no food in my body said No You’re Done Now Actually#i have another project coming up that uses this one in it so i’m gonna get to make a diptych of this motherfucker next >:3#tpoh’s been eating my brain again as of late holy hell the hyperfixation clobbered me#what the fuck is my art tag. do i even have an art tag#my art#nox art#there. perfectly serviceable >:p#btw the working file name for this was actually horribletvbastard.ai so . now you know that i guess#yes the halo effect is intentional. no i don’t no how to use adobe illustrate. further questions may be taken outside#anyway THANKS MOD I LOVE YOUR BOY AND YOUR COMIC AND YOUR ART <33333
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a redraw of the first drawing i posted here to celebrate the fact that ive been in tumblr for more than a whole year posting my shit and havent deleted my blog in panic yippee \:D/ (mushy rant in tags)
#i realised too late that it has been more than a fuking year (august 9)#and for context: ive had 3 different intagram art accounts and i deleted all 3 of them a few months before creating them. anxiety amiright#here it has been so different bc people are so nice??? it has been a pretty plesant experience here w all of u really#im so glad to have found myself in such a wonderful part of the fandom and amazing mutuals that i never talk to bc im shit w texting#the atention has been overwhelming ngl. i have over 2000 followers which. holy fuck???#it doesnt feel like a real number and for my own sake im nnot gonna treat it as one#like i apreciate the support and ppl liking what i do but im not here to make number go big yk? im here to connect w other humans#and yall have been amazing humans ^^ thank u for all the wonderful tags and comments and the support overall#it has been so cool sharing my art and finding other artist whom i respect oh so very much. some of them even follow me back wtf#i hope to continue being here for as long as i can and keep growing as an artist and sharing that process with other without fear#also my amy redesign actually goes so hard idk why i forgot about it nxnfbcncb#sth#sonic fanart#sonic#amy rose#nov.aart#nov.junk
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and i got eyes on the back of my head, i got eyes everywhere so i know where you go
#yrdnzz art#blue lock#blue lock fanart#isagi yoichi#isagi#bllk#artists on tumblr#hey#been a minute.... sorry fazgang#I FEEL LIKE IM ALWAYS APOLOGIZING IN THE TAGS my fault#ill do better mb yall i just graduated this month and ive been just chilling doing fuck all bc ive been artblocked AYE EFF#big thank u to jamie for talking me thru this piece even tho its sooo simple#just having someone to talk to about how i feel abt my art was very helpful bc i was definitely stuck on how to start drawing again#what graduating with a bs in comp sci does to a mf i guess#anyways hope yall like this one LOVE U ALL MWAH
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#cw gore#jrwi fanart#THE SQUIRMING IMAGE#jrwi suckening#jrwi suckening spoilers#ACTULY FINISHED THIS A WHILE AGO. kept going back n forth between trying to work on it more or call it done#in the end i chose DONE!! i worked on this for a full day n a half. NO idea what possesed me but it is NOT happenin again anytime soon#i shall do better NEXT TIME!! in the meantime tho OH MY GOOOOOD WHO WANTS TO SCREAM ABT THE SUCKENING WITH ME#THE FUCKINNN THE FUCKIN THING WITH VEX N VIV BEING THE SHADOW LEADERS OF THE FANGS/DEMONS#OH MMYY GOOOODDD THATS THEIR LIL MEAT GENERATOR... THTS SO FUCKED UP AND COOL UUUGHHH I LOVE THEM...#THEIR FLAVORE IS SO WONDERFUL. I LOOOVE HOW SILLY THEY ARE. MAKING PUNS WHILE PULLIN A SCREAMING VICTIM APART#vex n his lil fashiony art workshop and viv n her sterile n clean doctors office#i bet she doesnt even HAVE a medical liscense. it would be funny if vex did tho. could u imagine#they main MEDIC in tf2 together. viv is the battlemedic while vex only pocket medics for her. COULD U IMAGINE#guh i could go on abt these two forever n ever n ever i LOVE THEMM i gotta draw em more....#OH ALSO before i run outa room. i should say. i took inspiration from a tf2 animation called POOTIS ENGAGED#the animator. Ceno0. uses black bars in the action sequences in SUCH A COOL WAYYY everytime i watch that video i feel inspired#oneday ill make more complex fight scenes... one day....#in the meantime UGHHH I LOVE THE SUCKENING SO MUUUCH CAN I JUST FUCKIN SAAAYY THAT I THINK EMIZEL IS A SMART COOKIE!!#THESE PPL FUCKING FEAR HIM NOW!!! 'SHAMIA SHAMI' IS NOW THEIR MORTAL ENEMY!! POWERFUL ILLUSIONIST. CANT DIE.#THAT PART AT THE END THERE WHERE HE FUCKIN. KILLS HIMSELF INFRONTA THEM. THATS SO AWESOME. THATS SO METAL. AND THEN HE COMES BACK!!#I WATCHED EP 7 ASWELL BUT I WONT SPOIL IT HERE. BUT OMYGOD. EMIZEL IS SO COOL AND CAPABLE N SMART N FUNNY N UGHHHHHH I LOVE HIMMMMM#OKAY THATS MY RAMBLE FOR THE DAY THANKYOU FOR READING. I READ ALL TAGS SO YOU SHOULD RAMBLE TOO. IF YOU WANT. IF YOU CAN.
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okay unironically I love so much that porter is like this world SUCKS its BAD here and it HURTS you why do you care abt it!!! and literally every single bad kid is like ngl we just hate ur ass it does not matter what ur philosophy is
#dimension 20#fantasy high junior year#not art#fhjy spoilers#its!!! gods I will Be My Ass in the tags rn. but thats so like. deliciously setting typical#like porter's desire is to transcend and his contempt for the world he's in feels. idk Real#like he plays the game bc he wants to win and be done with it. how do I word this#yknow. being a god would like. be his win state. when he gets that happening thats it his story is done he checks out#meanwhile the bad kids do actually just like playing the game lmao. like they love adventuring!#theyre so solidly Of This World. they carry the values that can only be born of it and they like having mastery over it#its a meta angle that I think is very fun specifically for d20 being in such a unique position in the zeitgeist when it first started#the rat grinders are from DnD Writ Large. porter wants to escape. but this is the bad kids' home its Their Actual Play Show#which makes it so fucking excellent to me that porter's question is somewhat of merit! its their show and it tries very hard to punish them#and they just straight up dont listen to him here lmao bc they hate him but! since the moment the academic track ended its been clear#that they save the world bc they Like Playing. With Each Others#thats what riz thinks the core of adventuring is! thats why fig stayed! and I also think thats why this hovers over elmville now and#a dead god is coming back in the school gym. porter is a shit evangelist but even if hes a good one I dont think it wouldve worked like he#wants it to. the only way he couldve escaped is if he'd not involved elmville at all. thats where the bad kids met dude#its a shitty place that fucks with them but they all come back here bc they wanna play with each others#and in that regard I think thats what the stress tokens ultimately means. Is This Game Still Fun To Play. ITS A RAGEQUIT LIMIT#Im literally running from one end to another of this conspiracy board Ive pulled out of nowhere#Ill draw after this I just wanna get this out. gods this episode has done nothing but furthering my delusion of grandeur actually#Im the hottest smartest manthing on earth Im king fucking midas over here. anyways uh! great ep!
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i cannot express enough how much i absolutely HATE him
#don't get into my fucking personal space you floating cube thingy go away fuck leave me alone#literally everytime i just wanna see what he has for sale i get fucking jumpscared#STOP APPROACHING ME YOU ARE SCARING THE SHIT OUT OF ME#also his dialogue are like 1000x more annoying and demanding than ordis why everyone only hate on ordis you have better cephalons to hate#uugggggghhhhhhhhhh if it's not for fast affinity farm i will never step in sanctuary onslaught#i don't want to hear his voice#warframe#warframe excalibur#warframe cephalon simaris#(idk i don't even wanna see how people tag him this is the last time i draw him i never wanna have anything to do with him)#my art
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redraw of an old piece i did back in sept 2023, shown below the cut. i apparently forgot to upload it to tumblr when i drew it then.. gg.
ignore the mistake on phillip's pant legs ok. just ignore

#do you know how many times this post failed to fucking post#how many times i had to rewrite the tags#lord have merthy#art#art tag 4 chez only#rope 1948#brandon shaw#phillip morgan#digital#digital art#procreate#alfred hitchcock#classic films#classic movies#old hollywood#artists on tumblr#artist#artist on tumblr#artists of tumblr#artblr#i dont even know what to tag my posts with
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(wips) who here likes serijose or joserei!!! *exactly three ppl in the crowd cheer*
#this is what a lack of new mp100 content is doing to me... im i feel like im digging into crumbs#YES i know joseph and reigen have never even spoken to each other but just think of the compatibility between them!!!#they both uhh smoke?? or at least reigen used to... anyway theyre both bad at their jobs and have similar smuggish personalities...#yea thats all i got sorry#i like to think they met when reigen was still working at the water cooler company... in fact maybe they where coworkers even... huh huh#actually that reijose belongs with a compilation im making where reigen flirts with like every man in mp100...#you could call it a hoe down throw down if you will#now what the hell do i tag these ships as#mp100#mob psycho 100#my art#mp100 joseph#serizawa katsuya#reigen arataka#serijose#???#joseseri#????????#reijose#joserei#fuck i dont know!!!!#wips#cw smoking
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i finished it, was kicked out of the game, and then spent the next 10 minutes drawing this. i will now go take a shower, most likely cry, and then go through the emotional turmoil of convincing myself to reset so i can do a geno run. i hate it here :D
#undertale yellow#uty#my art#<- ifg#spoilers under these tags beware. although it is mostly just me being very very sad#that entire thing was heart wrenching. anyways#CEROBAS FIGHT??? HELLO???#i had to exit out of it the first time (i got to the last phase) to get better items but i came back and won pretty quickly#but THE CUTSCENES?!?!?#JFC NO WONDER THIS WOMANS SO MESSED UP. HER HUSBAND PRACTICALLY DIED IN HER ARMS AND THE LAST THING HE LEFT HER WITH- HIS DYING WISH- COULD#ONLY BE FULFILLED BY PUTTING THEIR ONLY CHILD IN DEATHS WAY. AND THEN WHEN SHE TOOK THAT RISK THE WORST THING HAPPENED AND SHE NOW HAS TO#LIVE WITH THE GUILT OF BEING THE ONE TO. MOST LIKELY. KILL HER ONE AND ONLY DAUGHTER#ALL THE WHILE SHE WAS PUSHING AWAY HER CHILDHOOD BEST FRIEND AND CONVINCING HERSELF THAT SHE WAS IN THE RIGHT TO SACRIFICE CLOVER WHO HAD#BEEN ONLY KIND MERCIFUL AND JUST THIS WHOLE TIME. EVEN TO THOSE WHO WERE TRYING TO KILL THEM. FUCK.#AAND WHEN CLOVER HUGGED HER I DOUBLED OVER IRL BC *THATS EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED TO DO IN THAT MOMENT* I HATE IT (read: love it) HERE#n dont even get me STARTED on after that. when clover started moving on their own and the gd white screen came up and we got flashbacks of#everyone's words. thats when the tears rlly started coming bc it clicked for me. 'oh. this is it. isn't it?' and IT WAS#WHEN THEY GAVE THEIR FUCKIGN HAT AND GUN AWAY TO MARTLET AND STARLO WELL THATS WHEN I REALLY STARTED CRYING#AAND THE GROUP HUGG#I WAS SOBBING WHENEVER I HAD TO WATCH THEM CRAWL UP AGAINST THE WALL AND DIE AND HAVE FLOWEYS WORDS PLAY OVERHEAD#AND THE FUCKOGN#THE F U C K I N G#AFTEWRCREDITS SCENE WHERE WE GOT THE 'You heard someone calling for help. You answered.' I GOT CHILLS SO BAD#to think that all the other souls have stories just as expansive and emotional as clover n frisks. how fucked up is that. in a good way tho#and finally the last scene where we got all 4 of our main friends sending us off in waterfall and we see clovers items end up in the dump#just waiting to be found by bratty and catty. fucken hell man this was a masterpiece#anyways time to reset and obliterate everyone and never emotionally recover from that ever!! really is feeling like 2016-17 again w the way#this game has me sobbing my eyes out and feeling the guilt of knowing that i dont HAVE to kill them all but im too curious not to#oh well. at least i have the balls to do it this time around instead of letting a youtuber do it for me ig
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#ELIIIIIIII YOU CANT SAY THAT ELIIIIIIIIIIII#audiof from not even emily latest video go watch literally its so fuckingfunny#dont even ask me how eli fits in hance' 5'2 dad's clothes pls ok#my art#digital art#oc art#anthro art#not even gonna lie i thfought i wasnt gonan finish this but we pulled thru#if quality gets murdered i will cry#swhy are all my favorite drawings baby sugar and eliyah interacting#i like themb#i was gonna add fucking comical cartoon slipping noises when her antler popped off but imovie literalsly. it didnt work it wpuldnt let me#vid too biggy#also noahs ark esque announcement for ppl thta read my evil ramble tags i miiight nuke sanguinary univers bc i love my ocs too much to like#like i dont wanna marry my first idea and i love them too much to box them into a project I PERSONALLY FEEL LIKE I FUMBLED LIKE#OK LITERALLY NO INSULT WHATSOEVER TO ANYONE WHO MIGHT LIKE IT BUT IT WAS my firsy ever comic and i feeeeel like i can do betteeerrr a#meowweooww#like if it was small things i wanted to change i could juts panel edit but its like. major things like when i started chapter 1 i had#LITERALLY NO PLAN JUST MY nerdy vampire obsession. which is still present. giggle h#breaking news boygirl learns that they arent rlly proudof the writing in comic thye started when they were a teenager#ALSO I LITERALLY HAVE LORE THAT IVE. BEEN MAKING THAT CONTRADICTS THINGS (? PROBABLY) SO ok trust me ok just trust m#also yes this is what i’ve been working on except that animatsuon i mentioned with eli crying because priorities or someth#not except wtf i mean insyead or some other shit#also i just looked at this wall of text on mobile and like ew shut up little gay
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Day 29: meet cute
The moment before disaster.
(Colour test under cut:)
#my art#badsansuary#utmv#sans au#killer sans#sans x self insert#canon x self insert#killer x self insert#self insert#is this what they call a coffee shop au?#i am not too happy with how i executed it but the result is alright if i ignore that#“And you just gave him your number like that...”#“I panicked!? I wasn't thinking! Ghaaa... I spilled hot coffee everywhere!#The last thing I really focused on were the implications! How do you think I should have been reacting in a situation like that?!#I just fell while trying not to hit any cats or customers. Also trying to process that he was just... laughing!? Not what he asked...#Maaaaan... I'm so fucked."#“It's a wonder how you get by every day...”#does anyone even read these tags?#if yes then my deepest apologies for the sheer amount of bullshit and cringe#but also like#no. i like doing this
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"Do you know where we are going next?" I asked ART.
Y'know what, I think maybe I don't need any more Murderbot books. I think maybe ending things here is fucking perfect and as much as I love Wells's writing I'm genuinely not sure it can get better for me.
Like, so much of the books are about MB learning how to be a person, about becoming okay with being a complete individual with everything it entails. The first thing it does once it's actually allowed to decide on its own is it runs away from it all (admittedly to go on a mission to confirm some things about its past, because it genuinely just wants to be *good*). It shoves all its emotions away as much as it's able to. Then shit happens, and it makes its first friends, makes decisions based on these friendships, goes through a lot of emotionally intense situations...
And we get to this point here. MB having zero doubts about going with ART says a lot about its relationship with ART, but it also says a lot about its relationship with its humans - it knows that wherever it goes, when it comes back, the humans will still be there. Its humans actively acknowledge its struggles with being a now-free SecUnit and MB is willing to entertain the discussions to an extent and share information about its deeply personal experiences. Hell, System Collapse ends with MB admitting it might be somewhat broken, but that's okay as long as it can keep doing its job, and agreeing to basically do counselling - this is the guy what would rewatch its favourite TV show again and again in order to avoid acknowledging it even had Emotions a couple books back.
Reading this, I know that MB will be okay. It has hopes and goals and genuinely believes in itself and it has an amazing support system that its willing to lean on for the first time in its life. I'm convinced it'll go on to do great things with ART. And that's really the only thing I need to know.
#Murderbot#murderbot diaries#tmbd#system collapse#Herr's personal tag#Also like. System collapse dives deep into MB's feelings about its life as secunit prior to the events of all systems red#I find this conversation from when they were discussing what would happen if the BE folks got to the colonists first /very/ telling#MB going on about how life as a corporate slave is absolute fucking hell#ART drone saying that they can't just kill people because the alternative is worse than death#ART: would it have been kinder to kill you before you'd disabled your governor module?#MB with zero fucking hesitation: /yes/#(followed by my favourite ART line ever. “You know I am not kind.”)#Like. MB would not have always admitted that it had hated its life as a secunit this openly#Saying it was shit is one thing saying I would rather be dead than think of me or anyone else going through this again is a very different#And here it has zero issues stating that. At least when talking to ART#And then later on it goes on to offer its actual memories for a publicly screened documentary#Because it knows it's the only way to make people see. The only way to save then from the same (ish) fate#And it's willing to do whatever it takes to save these people it's never even met before from what it views as fate worse than death#Including opening up and acknowledging its past experiences and past/current feelings#And I'm just like. Man I couldn't be more proud of you if I tried.#You go MB. Holy fuck I wish I could do what you've done. You might just be the person to defeat this evil capitalism my dude
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Day 38
a welldeserved nap after a long night of extensive trickortreating and general mischief! but im sure if any of them were awake, the first thing theyd tell you would be: HAPPY HALLOWEEN !!!
#dirk actually didnt dress up. roxy of course anticipated this and so prepared the Orange Cat Ears of Boring#also roxy did jakes nails! theyre matching pink :>#i worry it is unclear that jane was dressed as a detective hehe#jake english#dirk strider#jane crocker#roxy lalonde#calliope#jesus what ships do i even tag this this could be fucking ANYTHING#never drawn in this style but Expect More i love it#i mean the intentional ones were:#dirkjake#callieroxy#cotton candy#calliejane#calliejanerox#??? do they even have a name???#homestuck#day 38#my art
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prowl has 0 idea what goes on in protoform development these days
(V.S. = vector sigma)
#my art#transformers animated#tfa#optimus prime tfa#ratchet tfa#prowl tfa#sorry to any1 in the tags seeing this entirely out of context#divorce baby au#technically orbabies but there are no orbs or little guys here#i think a lot about how there could be different views on younger bots born from vs instead of the allspark...even outside of this au#like do older war and pre war bots see them as lesser. or no more than just drones. do the post war bots themselves feel lesser for not#being from the allspark? is there any like way to tell if someone is from the allspark or from vector sigma? its fun for me#i like this kind of thing i have going b/c its like#making normal irl adolescent development happen to alien robots who have no idea what the fuck is going on#sort of. the orb stage is more akin to a fetus than a baby its not a 1:1 but like#the idea of not being born 100% fully functional and mature and complete and being dependent on someone else is so bonkers for them#thats why they put ninjas in charge of all the infants
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