#what made me think it would be a good idea to work on an animatic a month before finals
coolbattlegirl · 2 months
Blink, Blink 👀 ✨
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fleouriarts · 12 days
got bored living in the middle of nowhere so i made another hivemind animatic. kinda got tired of this one while i was working on it but oh well... hopefully you can all at least enjoy it ^__^
(link to it on youtube as well)
TRANSCRIPT UNDER THE CUT for anyone who needs it:
[groovy intro music]
D: When is McDonald’s gonna do the McGay for, uhh, the LGBTQ+ community month?
R: Wha-
D: They have a gay awareness month, right?
R: Pride month, it’s June-
D: Pride month, yeah, it’s June.
R: Yeah.
D: For pride month, McDonald’s should do a McGay!
R: [laughing] I don’t- I don’t think that’s-
D: And it’s like a cunty little McChicken, or something.
R: Nooooo, don’t say-
D: What?
R: Don’t SAY stuff like that!
D: A McGay, that’d be awesome!
R: A McGay is fine, just, the other part-
D: Think of how many people would order that!
R: I mean, of course-
D: “You guys wanna get some McGays for lunch?”
D: Me and the boys are going down to get McGays, for pride month, because WE ARE ALLIES.
R: I think it’d be good for allies-
D: Yeah.
R: - homosexual people, people of the LGBTQIA+ community-
D: Thank you.
R: - AND homophobes, I think would go get the McGay.
D: Yeah, and they’d like, give it to their friends, like with a Smirnoff Ice.
R: [laughs]
D: “Hey bro, I got you a snack” and they’re like “AUGH he McGay’d me, I gotta eat it now!”
R: “I gotta eat it off my friend’s ass!”
D: “I gotta divorce my wife, I’ve been living a lie!”
R: It’s gotta be a rainbow bun, right?
D: Something, yeah, I was trying to think.
R: Rainbow fries, maybe?
D: Yeah, I don’t know, cus gay people don’t really have a cuisine of their own.
R: Maybe it’s like- ooh! Lady Gaga Oreo McFlurry!
D: Sure.
R: That’s definitely good for the McGay Month.
D: Yeah, that’s alright with me.
R: [laughs] With you?
D: Approved.
R: What does that have to do with- what the hell?
D: I approve it. Any other ideas? … Declined. Don’t like that one.
R: I didn’t say one, so-
D: Yeah, you did. DING!
[groovy outro music]
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wily-art · 3 months
I haven't finished it yet, but I watched some of it, and skimmed through the rest (I will finish though at some point; when/if I have the time), and what I did see of it the "Undertale Insomnia: Something Isn't Right" Trailer looks amazing! Ur art and the looks of the characters and the Blasters is on point and great as always! And ur animation is looking awesome too! I think ur comic already had some cool gifs/small animations, but if not; it is cool to see animations from u now too!
The Paps's (both older and younger) and his Casters and/or the Blasters are looking great in the trailer u released!
And Asgore (I think) and the fallen human kid(s) look great in some of the animation WIPs and/or whatever too!
I hope someday to see some of the other Undertale cast in animation form, or at least some of the other Insomnia important and/or etc. cast members like Sans (could be both older or younger), Gaster - before or after getting goopifed, lol (though, I think he might be in this animation and/or at least the full? one), Frisk, Chara, more of Blasters and/or Casters, and/or Alphys (I have gained a soft spot for ur Alphys). Maybe Asriel and/or Flowey too?
Not mentioning Asgore or the kids here, because I think u might have some stuff/ideas/etc. with them already. And not mentioning Undyne either, even though it would be awesome to see her too, bc I don't think she has been in the comic too much yet?
Ofc, u don't have to do any of this. I know animations, and animatics even, can take a long time! Just seeing the Undertale Insomnia (one of my favorite UT, and maybe just in general, comics/series's!) cast brought to life even more through animation like this, has got me excited! ^^
Last of all; I just wanted to clarify, the animation release is just the trailer, and not full thing, or...?? I just wanted to confirm.
Heya! First off thanks! That little tidbit is just a teaser more than a full trailer. IT's definitely not the completed thing. I didn't want to give a solid release time due to genuinely not knowing how long this all would take (at this point a little over a year- Good god). But I wanted to share at least a little something since this whole project has been so all consuming- that from the outside world's perspective I've been more or less absent. It's kind of hard to be active with other things when a singular thing both eats a bunch of time but can't be shared since it's not done X'D. It's a lot of behind the scenes work and not much to show for it yet.
Other characters will definitely be getting way more time to shine in the comic moving forward since I finally hit a particular turning point. Also regarding animations I have a lot of ideas for the other characters and the fallen kids that all more or less tie into the same world in a "how did we arrive to this point" kind of scenario. But due to how long all of this takes and I can't promise how many of them I will get to. Or at least how quickly because right now I'm moving at a blistering speed of _not very fast_ ✨ That said this one with Papyrus is absolutely being released (hopefully later this year) because if I have only one of these in the system it's gonna be for this guy XD The other one that I absolutely want to do as another animated update for Insomnia involves Chara and Frisk to answer what exactly happened at the end of the last run before this one. I'm hoping that since I've learned a lot (this is my first animated project) that that one will go a lot smoother. An account of figuring out a lot of things I Was doing that made my life INFINITELY HARDER. Hope that answers things.
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the-burd-lord · 3 months
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Playing around with Alastor’s design a little bit. He would still wear most of the same outfit he wore back then, don't fix what's not broken, but with an added suit jacket that's a bit too big for him. I need to make a bit of to at some point, but after his break up he draws on a pencil mustache to add on to his emphasis of having a new appearance while still staying in his time.
A post depression mustache if you will.
As for some of his creepy aspects I'm cutting out the voodoo elements of his character, and instead using the uncanny and analog horror elements instead (I am a simple creature).
I need to actually remake the color pallets for him and old Vox, but essentially they both start off as black and white or with grey like colors, and gain new ones after they split up. Vox becomes more saturated and Alastor becomes sepiatone, as while it's more colorful it's still is reminiscent of the past.
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Now time for some of the silly rivalry bits:
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I’d image they would have casual debates on the radio and tv that would soon devolve into insults and eventually nothing but 30/50s slang and Creole French that would last for hours.
I need to finish writing this bit, but basically Charlie sees it as a good idea to go on Vox’s talk show to promote the hotel and herself. There’s some lil rivalry moments between Vox and Al, but ultimately Vox doesn’t fully let his grudges get in the way of hosting a good show.
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Even though they mutually broke up they still each regret ending the relationship, and as such covey their loneliness in their respective mediums. Vox making sad, gay movies and being so worn out after that when he watches them he doesn’t even know what he made.
And Alastor having a late night audio story about a turtle and a hare going on adventures. There are times where he’ll just start describing crushing regret and isolation, and he’ll realize that he may have gone a bit far and try to steer it towards more of a happy ending with Vox listening in on all of it.
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Something something relationship meme with a sketch I’ll probably never finish. Also surprising, but also not that surprising, to me that in "Stayed Gone" they didn't go with the obvious joke on what to call his late night talk show.
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The grrls r fighting!! But for real this time.
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Been playing with the idea of Vox turning into pure energy when he's overly stressed, or just becoming a weird robot creature as form he can take as an overlord. It's probably going to result in a lot of sketches where I 𝘵𝘰𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 won't use Videodrome as inspiration (lie).
At some point I need to get a good animation program and just start making a bunch of animatics or animations cause I have so many song inspirations for these two.
Specifically one that I want to make a whole animation for is “(They Long to Be) Close to You.” Basically it’s just going to be them fighting interspersed with moments of them waltzing together. I think you can probably parse out the metaphors and connections I'm going for here.
Also me and a friend were talking about song inspirations and after I continually listened, watched, and worked (at least for me) on Hadestown we just replaced Hades with Vox in some of the songs.
One stanza that I need to make an animatic for is in Chant Reprise, specifically 2:33-3:18 with the “I conduct the electric city” line.
This is going to become a bit of promotion for the show cause I love it so much. Probably my favorite musical ever! Also highly recommend listening to this version of "Chant," cause there’s a verse for Persephone and Eurydice that provide some cool reflections that reflect the original “Chant” in their verses.
There’s no direct references to any of the other characters, although you can add your own interpretations.
On that note here’s another song that reflects them. “How Long?” mainly with the “your pity won’t fit in my bed” lines, and when Hades and Persephone are actually singing to each other turning it into being about their relationship instead of the fates of Orpheus and Eurydice.
And a lil teaser for how they make up:
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Will make another post about them. I have so many sketches WWHYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN’T ESCAPE EITHER VERSION!!!!
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b-r-i-n-g-x · 4 months
Hey there! I’m loving your shrek au. That artwork got me thinking of a great idea! What if I did a collaboration with all my followers on a animatic for the I need a hero scene! I would just like to get your permission on this project since you made the he’s a prince and I’m an ogre. Keep up the good work!
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honestly i feel honored that you consider making a big collaboration for my au its just brings tears in my eyes
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veeeffvee · 2 months
Not really a question on anything big, but just wanted to stop by and say hello. How are things? :P
Hello! Things are good! I'm about to graduate from college in two days! :D
And gog I can't believe it. I'll never have to do schoolwork again (hopefully, I mean my parents are pushing me to go to grad school but I REALLY don't wanna). 90% of my life has been schoolwork, and now I never have to do it again. I literally can't wait for all the free time I'll have to do draw and write and do all the stuff that college has hindered me from doing. Like COLOR-TV!
I mean I still have my animatic of course, but my professor said that she'll let me work on it until September, which is DOABLE. I'm almost to the second chorus! And gog I can't wait to show it to you all, I really hope y'all like it because I'm putting SO MUCH EFFORT into this!!!
Oh yeah and lookie! Remember how I said that I submitted my art to be showcased alongside fellow artists at my college? Well here's a picture of that lmao
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My silly cartoony art of Christopher, alongside people's actually good photography and paintings, as well as several complicated research projects ;v;
I'm even in the first few pages too, ughhh lmao
I also made collages of the many many drawings I made for the animatic that I had to put together for the exhibition, and I would show you all them if they weren't unfortunately a spoiler lmao. I want the animatic to be a surprise, at least as well as I can keep this secret!
Hmm, what else... I guess I'm worried about getting a job after college? Because it's gotta be labwork, that was the whole point of getting my bio degree lmao. Hopefully I can score a job working at that national laboratory I visited, because they had positions that seemed interesting. Plus that would be a state job, which is fantastic?? But I'm gonna try not to get my hopes up lmao
Although I'm gonna be honest. If I do get that national lab job, I have no idea what will happen to my activity on this blog. Because I'll have to move there since it's three hours away from where I live, and live on the lab campus. Which wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't a federal facility using a federal network. Apparently they're very strict about what websites you go to. I'm not even allowed to play video games on their network, can you believe that? So what are the chances I can use social media???
So yeah. I want the job, but also I kinda. Don't want the job. Lmao
I care so much about my blog and my online presence man. This stuff keeps me sane, as awful as that is. I need to make things and share them online for people to enjoy, it's just so much more natural to me than working in some sterile lab somewhere. *sigh*
Uhhh have I rambled enough? I think I've rambled enough. If I somehow haven't, feel free to ask any specific questions and I'll be happy to answer them lmao
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xuune · 11 months
dropping this here because I kinda wish I'll snap out anytime soon from listening to the playlist you made for your last art, but here I am, booming 8:00, get me some, wyd, wounds will h.eal, and enclosed in my earphones at midnight. i think your music taste is fire, i'll give you that. mygods (ง •_•)ง
anw, I wanted to ask on how you decide and plan expressions/interactions for the characters when you draw your works? I always find your works to be so expressive. thanks in advance if you ever see this :OOO
p.s. I LOVE YOUR OCs, i think i'm in love with rael i genuinely wish they'll give me a headlock or smthn and i'll be happy p.p.s. i would marry your art if I could (i'm this fkn close 🤏 pls dont sue me)
(sorry for taking so long to reply, you'll know why once you read the rest of this lol)
im so glad that you had those as your faves bc those are some of mine too :D i've been seeing a few ppl rly enjoy 8:00, and if it wasn't for my friend recommending me that song, we wouldnt be here, and those drawings wouldnt have existed either, let alone the animatic i did
thank you for thirsting over my ocs, you don't know how much of a compliment that is whenever i see ppl react that way to them LOL. thats how i know i peaked with their design 😎 stay tuned for some other oc art, cuz im currently working on a piece for my friend's ocs. his ocs exist in the same universe as mine :)
i'll answer your question about planning expressions and interactions below, bc i have a lot to say about that:
when planning for expressions and interactions, i'm usually trying to answer a couple of these things:
what moment do i want to highlight
why is this moment significant
how do these characters feel in the moment, how to they react to each other, what's their motivations
what body language best answers the question above ^
basically, i'm asking myself "what's the scene?" -> "what do the characters feel in that moment?" -> "how do they act this out to convey that?" (that's how i was taught to read scripts for plays. you must understand character motivations before you figure out how to act their feelings out)
it's very important to have a good balance of body language and dialogue to convey the mood if/when appropriate, since sometimes strictly relying on dialogue to sell the moment w/o body lang or vice versa can tank the execution
i assume that you're more interested in how i planned the interactions for them sharing music? lmk if there's like specific ones, bc i can explain more for whatever else it may be
anyways, i start off with scripts of some kind. my scripts can be very barebones that just note a specific scene (i.e. "working at desk, listen to music together before class starts"), or that i build a moment based on a piece of dialogue (i.e. "better not queue anything lame"). here's the notes i made when i made the 8:00 animatic, since thats big on body language
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i wanted to get down my main ideas first, which was figuring out the the lyrics i wanted to use paired with dialogue to match. i dont show my thinking much on some of my notes, but what i was getting at this:
story moment: dk connecting the context of the song to his intimate moment with bkg
key moments: waking up, playing with hands, eye contact w/ bkg
i didn't expand on the ideas for how those moments would look until i actually started thumbnailing for the animatic, which i showed briefly here. here's what i kept in mind for their expressions/interactions:
dk shies away from directly confronting bkg outwardly expressing his feelings for him via the song. he avoids it and changes the topic verbally to make the conversation lighthearted -> "what expresses avoidance?"
bkg is direct about his feelings, his actions and expressions must convey a direct confrontation, an attempt to make dk acknowledge how he feels about him thru the song and potentially get a response from him -> "what expresses straightforwardness?"
here's what i decided would visually answer those questions
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the implications of character's expressions also factors in the circumstances of their situation. without the context, the execution tends to fall flat. if you didn't know that they were listening to a song that's all about romantic pining, then you probably would've been questioning why the fuck are they just staring at each other, or assumed that one is shy of the physical interaction when that's not the point; its the dawned realization and the acknowledgement of the other's feelings.
my other drawings for that thread followed the same kind of planning tbh, lol. all those drawings had the lyrics set the stage for how the characters are feeling, and i'd have to figure out what about their facial expressions and body language best matches the context of the situation. here's this brief example:
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but yeah, that's generally how i plan for expressions/interactions. sometimes i just get a rush of interaction ideas that is centered on one specific question i want to explore, like:
what do their mundane parts of life look like?
how do they physically react to realizing their feelings for the other?
how is someone anxious about the other person's perception of them in the comic i'm drawing?
and then build off from there. hope that helped :D
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ltwharfy · 5 months
"Bob's Burgers" Season 5 Episode Ranking Rewatch (Long Post)
So, I've been rewatching "Bob's Burgers" from the beginning and ranking the episodes using the spreadsheet that @babsvibes created! If you want to know why I'm doing this or how I view the 1-5 rating scale, you can check out my Season 1 post! If you want to check out any of the other seasons, I've been using the "bob's burgers episode ranking rewatch" tag for all of them.
Now, on to Season 5:
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Average (Mean) Score: 4.57
Mode (\Most Common) Ranking: 5
Ranking Breakdown: 13 5s 7 4s 1 3
Season as a whole thoughts:
I'm so amused by how similar this season's average score was to Season 4- it's only .02 less than Season 4 (the current leader)! This certainly goes along with one of my main thoughts about "Bob's Burgers", and one the things that lead to me doing this rewatch: that it has been a really consistently good show. This was just another consistently funny season.
In the first couple of seasons, I mentioned my memories of watching the show as it was new and my growth as a fan. Here's my fandom memory tied to Season 5. This was during the time that Loren Bouchard and the case were going around doing Bob's Burgers Live" performances in theaters across the country- and I was lucky enough to see them at the Chicago Theatre on March 20, 2015 (I found an email about it. I don't have the date memorized!) And that might play into the rankings for two episodes in this season and one next season. At that event, they showed a completed clip of the then-unaired "Eat, Spray, Linda", an early animatic clip of "The Hauntening", and did a partial table-read of "Housetrap". So, those three episodes would probably always be 5s in my book just for that special memory. (Although, I also think they are really great episodes!)
Some thoughts on specific episodes (and feel free to ask if you want my thoughts on an episode I didn't comment on):
"Work Hard or Die Trying, Girl": Such a fun episode! So many great songs! But what it really made me appreciate this time was Courtney's character, and the development of her relationship with Gene. It would've been so easy for them to have just made her a one-shot character, or to have kept her as being his annoying ex, like she was in the first half of this story, but the end of this episode really marks the beginning of them being friends- and I like that they went in that direction! I think Gene kind of gets the short end of the stick when it comes to friendship- we rarely see him just hanging out with his friends like Tina and her group or Louise with Rudy and the Pesto Twins. But I think his relationship with Courtney is a sweet one that I have been underrating.
"Tina and the Real Ghost": One of my favorite Halloween episodes- I love that it's so offbeat for a Halloween episode. It's not about costumes or trick or treating or frights-yeah, it's a ghost story but the ghost is a pretty obvious joke and (as Tina points out at the end) it's really a way to tell us about the characters and their wants/needs. The scene in the butterfly garden will always crack me up. And I have a cousin named Jeff, so I love Louise saying it was the dumbest name she could think of for a ghost.
"Friends With Burger-fits": If you ask me what the most important episode for Rudy's character development is, my answer wouldn't be "Carpe Museum" or "Bridge Over Troubled Rudy" or "The Amazing Rudy"- it would be this episode, where we learn that he wants to be the bad boy of public radio like Elvis Mitchell. (I don't know if I am joking or not at this point.)
"Dawn of the Peck": Barely edges out "Turkey in a Can" as my favorite T-Day episode because I love Rudy and Mickey and I love the idea of them having T-Day dinner with the Belchers at the end.
"Midday Run": One of the sleeper hits of this season- I always forget how fun this one is! Just a great, fun school storyline! We learn more about Zeke and get the first reference to his crush on Tina. Rudy plays an interesting role in this episode as Tina's sidekick (and I think it's interesting that in "Fingers-loose", the next episode to focus on Tina as a hall monitor, Rudy doesn't appear to be one any more). Also, how come the fact the Bob's seen Edith naked doesn't come up more often? It just seems like it should.
"Speakeasy Rider": Another sleeper hit! I basically forgot about the existence of this episode, but it is fantastic! A great Tina and Louise in conflict plot! The introduction of Sasha! The One Eyed Snakes are back! Gus has a big role (how frickin' great is Gus?!?! I love him!) So much good stuff!
"Late Afternoon in the Garden of Bob and Louise": This is a mixed review 3. There are some things I really love in this episode. "Happy Place, Crappy Place" is a banger. Bob is so cute in his English lady garden hat, talking to his plants. And the scene where Bob and Louise make up is a classic. But I'm not a huge fan of the standard Logan and Louise dynamic of trading insults and antagonizing each other- and this episode has a LOT of that. So, this episode isn't really my jam. (But I know that a lot of other people love that dynamic and love this episode, and that's awesome! As the spreadsheet says, these are just my Personal Rankings, I don't claim to be putting out objective universal truths here.)
"Can't Buy Me Math": I love the way both storylines end in this one! The bowling alley scene is hilarious, and I love Bob stripping for Linda. One of my favorite aspects of Bob and Linda's relationship is that they are both pretty average looking people (I definitely have a Bob Belcher-esque body myself) but they clearly find each other hot as fuck, and the striptease scene really epitomizes that. One of the best Boblin moments!
"Adventures in Chinchilla-sitting": A great "the kids and their friends have an adventure!" episode, and a I love those. A particular highlight of this one: Gene's jokes at Tammy's expense. "We get it, you have email!" and "You're in 8th grade? I thought you were someone's mom!" I love how all the Belcher kids zing Tammy in their own, unique style. Also, "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII wish my radio worked!"
"Housetrap": One joke I really remember cracking me up when seeing the tableread at "Bob's Burgers Live" was Linda's line about the clocks: "Spooky. They all stopped at 3:13. Oh, wait, they all moved." Not sure why that amuses me so much, but it does!
"Hawk & Chick": I actually posted when I was rewatching this one, but man, this is a fantastic episode! I honestly think it might be a top 10 or 15 episode for me. I knew it was a good, emotional Louise and Bob episode but I forgot how funny it was- Gene in particular has some good lines throughout! And I love Koji! There is just something really sweet and joyful about him; I hope they come up with a reason to bring him back for a third time!
Random Thoughts (stuff that doesn't affect the ratings):
If I thought of any random thoughts while rewatching this season, I don't remember them! So here are some memories of seeing "Bob's Burgers Live" at the Chicago Theatre:
Each of the cast members did a little standup set. I can remember a little bit from all of them except Eugene Mirman, although I do remember that he did some of the same bits from the Netflix special he had at the time ("Vegan on his Way to the Complain Store").
A Dan Mintz joke: "When I was a kid, I would always ask my parents 'who's your favorite kid?' And they would tell me 'we don't have a favorite kid' And that hurt my feelings because I was an only child."
John Roberts sang a song about how people like Linda more than him.
H. Jon Benjamin did a seemingly improvised bit holding a Walgreens bag containing a home drug test for cocaine that you can buy there.
Kristen Schaal did a bit that was, in part, a one woman show about Emily Dickinson. She also joked about attending Northwestern University in Chicago (along the lines of "So if you saw a weird girl mumbling to herself on the L back in 1998, that was me! You missed out on all this!")
There was an audience question part at the end and someone asked the cast if they would help him propose to his girlfriend. Which they not only did, but improvised a little skit about! I cannot remember the whole premise of it, but I do remember a bit where Eugene and Kristen were playing friends of the guy and girl respectively and were making fake small talk with them. Eugene to the guy: "Soooo....sports?" Kristen to the girl: "Soooo...bras?"
Well, thank you for travelling back in time to March 2015 with me! Who knows what I'll talk about in my Season 6 post! (Probably Season 6 of "Bob's Burgers"...)
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caelanglang · 1 year
Can I ask you what program do you use for the animatic? And can you recommend any good program for practice? (I never used any of these programs, and they look pretty hard, so I don't want to pay yet for one, but I want to make something :c)
Hello! This might be a bit long but I hope I can help you with this (I'm holding your hand because this is also my first time doing an animatic so I have no idea on what kind of good pipeline there is to follow...) I apologize in advance if this won't be the most helpful answer :,))
okay so for the software. I use the ipad for most of my work nowadays... unfortunately, both apps that I use are paid—RoughAnimator and Procreate. I'll walk you down with how I do it. It is not the most efficient way but here's how it goes for me... :,))
I think the most important thing for planning something like this is having a clear vision of what you want to see. I started this animatic by brainstorming in my storyboards what I want to see in timing with the song and its lyrics. Here's an example of what I previously shared... [disclaimer: I did not follow the template so yeah, feel free to ignore the kanji characters]
you can see the outline I roughly made to tell myself what scene I want to show to what lyrics (I got lazy to write the whole lyrics down lol) and also added some notes like the movement of the character and camera pans etc.
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here are the corresponding drawings to it (sorry if the quality is bad, I just screenshotted this from my gallery ><;;)
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Drawing the Cuts
All of the drawings are done on Procreate. I use this software for most of my drawings now, mostly because I like the texture of the brushes there. At this point, I am not worrying about timing these drawings to the music yet but I am reassured since I already made my guide of that in the storyboards. Procreate also has an animation feature that helped me draw the breathing sequence.
Compiling and Timing the Drawings
Once I've saved my drawings to my photos, I move them to RoughAnimator. Here is where I time the drawings with the song. What I like about RoughAnimator is that it has its own drawing tools (I don't really like the brushes tho... hence, me using Procreate instead), it has a camera tool that allows me to pan across my drawings and also shows the sound wave thingy of the song that helps me with timing. It also allows me to easily adjust the exposure or how long a drawing flashes on the screen at my chosen framerate.
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I would sometimes be unsatisfied with my initial drawings, leading to me going back and forth between Procreate and RoughAnimator to revise stuff. (which in my opinion is not efficient but I can't really think of any other way to do this...)
So yes. That's pretty much how I'm working with it so far. I am currently stuck because both Procreate and RoughAnimator have very limited features when it comes to panning images... I'm still figuring out how to do that but I'm thinking of moving to video editors for these kinds of stuff instead of relying on RoughAnimator...
I hope you aren't discouraged by this,, I know it isn't the best solution... If you are to follow this kind of workflow, I think a good combination of any drawing software (hopefully with an animation feature) and a reliable video editor to time it to the music (I recommend finding ones with camera pan and motion tween features) is sufficient enough for this.
If you're using an ipad like me, iArtbook is a good free alternative to Procreate with a good animation feature. I have yet to check it out properly but Filmora or Capcut might be a good video editor... If you're using a desktop, I think Krita is good for drawing and animating!
I'm so sorry again if this wasn't really helpful. I will definitely share it if I were to find a better workflow for this. If you'd like to have some storyboard templates, here are some I found on the internet!
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I wish you all the best in your plans and practices!
(feel free to ask again if you have any questions, I hope this helps somehow :,))
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yarart4ever · 1 year
yall please be warned of @Tigresslover7 ...
because can we talk about this one yall.
so recently, I made a fanfiction on my ff.net account (idk why it doesn't show on the front feed but if you wanna find it it's here as well as on my account) called Scandalous. a semi-wholesome, semi-steamy TiPo fanfic for me to indulge in. which yk, it's normal. it's okay to self indulge.
but there is a fucking limit.
if yall don't know, Tigresslover is a small creator on tumblr (and apparently now on fanfiction) who's main theme is to... you guessed it... basically be in love with Tigress from kfp.
now on it's own, there's nothing wrong with that, and ofc I wouldn't be talking badly about a small account who just simply liked a fictional character, I'm a small account that fangirls over fictional characters all the time, it's chill, we all do that.
but not at the fucking expanse of other people.
like if you look at this person's account alone, obviously they praise the Tigress art when reblogging it, which is appreciated for other small artists in the kfp fandom.
but there are times where this person would just see a TiPo fanart, take it, crop out Po, leave a caption about how beautiful Tigress is and just post it on their own account. no credit. nothing.
they literally morph other people's art, even little prompts people make (my art and my prompts included) and morph it to fit their own little picture.
I decided not to say anything about it and just move on at first. there were times where Tigresslover would reblog a prompt I make with their own prompt, writing it word for word, and just cropping out Po. basically stealing my prompt.
which, again, I did not say anything about, despite my discomfort of them basically stealing my idea. but I didn't see it as anything worth being upset about as, yk, fair, my own prompts were inspired (keyword: INSPIRED.) by other mainstream sources. so I let it go without causing flames. instead, I settled my discomfort by simply blocking them just so they won't copy my work.
and you won't fucking believe what happened next.
if you think I am bluffing on the copying before hand, I understand that. but please, I beg you to read my work that I linked above, with THIS recent work that came on fanfiction.net not too long ago. in fact posted literal DAYS after I posted my work. just look at them side by side. and see for yourself the true evidence.
oh. my. fucking. god.
when I tell you I am not overexaggerating when they copied my one-shot almost word for word-
literally the only change they caused to this fic is- you guessed it- taking Po out of the picture and inserting THEIR character in it.
I can understand if they were simply inspired by my work, fanfiction is so expansive and limitless, but there are bound to be some similarities within some works, I'm obviously not the first person who thought of this scenario as in fact I took inspiration of the plot in my story from a few saucy animatics I saw on instagram, but there is a HUGE difference between being inspired by something and just blatantly copying and morphing someone else's hardwork to fit a personal view.
so anyways, I flamed them in the reviews, and bc fanfiction.net is lagging with updates and has always done so, I am going to wait until it updates well enough so that I can report them for stealing.
the reason I bring this to yall's attention (if you're still reading which if you are, thank you for sticking around) is bc I know for a fact that I'm not the first and only person they have copied, I believe I even recognised rewritten and stolen work from fellow TiPo prompt accounts, and ofc I have seen them take many iconic TiPo artists in this fandom, crop out a good portion of it just to fixate on Tigress, etc. the only problem is that I'm probably not going to be the last they steal from, which is not good at all.
you may think I'm blowing this out of proportion, but I see great value in literature and art. I love seeing the effort, time and care fanartists and fanfic writers being poured into their works, and when someone takes their work, copies it and morphes it without even bothering to give credit, it's them just showing they're diminishing that time, effort and care. and that's not okay.
do with this information what you will, if you wanna block, report for stealing, or just go about your day as it doesn't affect you, I understand your actions either way. but I am personally going to report them. bc no one deserves to have their work diminished and stolen for someone else's personal views.
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sweetlywingedcreation · 2 months
Hi! 🙂
Ok, now I need to see Benny, or to know more about Benny and the time loop...
OH BOY!! You have no idea what you have just unleashed :}
Okay so Benny is from my original story Time and Again which I have been working on for about a year? Maybe 2? I haven’t made very much progress but I have a vague idea of where it’s going?
TaA is about Prince Benjamin of the White Pine Kingdom who’s on his way to his 8th (iirc) betrothal hearing (man has been rejected once a year for 7 years…). He’s accompanied by his Knight and Guard Sir Aspen of the Glade who at one point was his best friend until they both became to busy with their duties. Aspen came back into his life when they were both 18 and he was stationed as one of the prince’s main guards but their relationship was never as close as it once was.
Now they’re 25 and have no idea how to talk to each other without an underlying sense of awkward professionalism.
On their way to the meeting, they’re attacked by a group of lizard men with smokey eyes who take out a bunch of their men. Aspen is able to take them down but ends up mortally wounded. While comforting Aspen Benny is taken out by one of the lizard men who had one last burst of energy.
As he lay dying he makes a silent wish for a second chance and you’ll never guess what happens next… he wakes up back in bed with a very healthy Aspen greeting him like he had that morning.
A part of me wants to continue rambling about the plot but the other part of me wants to keep it a secret lmaoooo
Currently the only stuff I have done for it is a sketched out PMV, an unfinished animatic, a confession scene that I will probably rewrite but had to unleash it on the world, a story playlist, and like 1 actual image of Benny
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It’s main inspirations are: Re: Zero and like a handful of Stranger Things Steddie time loop fanfics back when I still liked Stranger Things. Now that I’ve played In Stars and Time there might be some influence from there too (specifically Loop influencing TaA’s Goddess of Life and Death)
I love my fucked up little guy… he goes through so many horrors and he’s burrowed so deep in my brain.
I may write a lil Time Infection AU piece based on that one post about telling someone about the loops and having them be pulled in. I think that would absolutely break Benny’s lil mind.
Like imagine…
You’re shouldering all of this trauma loop after loop, watching the man you love die because you’re too weak to save him. There’s a part of you that’s so pitifully lonely and another part that’s relieved that he’s oblivious to it all. That he won’t have to deal with the pain and suffering you do.
One loop you slip up, you finally break down and come clean. You tell him everything, the death, the loops, how you love him. He loves you too, he always has, he never stopped.
And then he dies. Again. The loop starts over.
You wake up and to your abject horror he doesn’t say his usual starting lines. Instead he looks to you with pain and confusion and TERROR. He remembers. He doesn’t remember all of it but he remembers the past loop. He remembers dying. He remembers you love him.
He remembers…
He’s not supposed to remember.
Yeah… like ughhh it’s such a good concept but it doesn’t work in the story I have written!!!! But I wanna write it ANYWAY!!!!
Also thank you so much for asking about him!! Sorry for going wacky crazy mode lmao, I’m going to go work on his PMV a little more now tee hee!
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twistedroseytoesy · 2 years
Riddle- Queen of Broken Hearts by blackbear
Trey- Candyman by Christina Aguilera
Cater- What else can I do? from Encanto or Happy Face by Jagwar Twin
Ace- Troublemaker by Olly Murs
Deuce- Best of Me by Neffex
Leona- Be prepared from The Lion King
Ruggie- Last Surprise from Persona 5
Jack- Wolf by Siames
Azul- Deal with the Devil by Tia
Jade- Tangled Up by Caro Emerald
Floyd- I can't decide by Scissor Sisters
Kalim- Sunshine, Lollipops, Rainbows by Lesley Gore or Prince Ali from Aladdin
Jamil- Darkside by Neoni or Arabian Nights from Aladdin
Vil- Lucky by Britney Spears
Rook- Le Festin from Ratatouille
Epel- Try Everything from Zootopia
Idia- Blame by BB Cooper
Ortho- Hey Brother by Avicii
Malleus- No Friends by Cadmium
Silver- Once Upon A Dream from Sleeping Beauty
Sebek- Never Smile At A Crocodile From Peter Pan
Lilia- Life Is A Highway from Cars
Not sure if you agree with these because I just thought of which ones matches certain traits the characters have
first off thank you so much for so many ideas! After listening to the songs I’ve got a few things to say about how well it may or may not fit, I’m honestly happy to try any of these. Might take a while, but I’ll defenetly get quite a few of these done!
Riddle- I really do like the lyrics for this one, can envision overblot riddle singing it as he is overcome with the blot. the beat is pretty cool and I can already see some sort of nightmare that he may have, or I could try and write out an animatic base for the song with him. Very good song and I really like it! perfect first suggestion!
Trey- Would need to change a few lyrics here and there, fun jazzy song though! could have it so the MC is trying to ask him out by singing this. or another story with some other singing. Love the energy, just not into the innuendos in the song.
Cater- The song from Encanto is so, so, so good. Love that song and how it shows how crushing expectations can affect one's life. This definitely fits well with Cater's personality, having the mask of always being cheerful and bright, when in reality he's a bit cynical and hard on his true semi-introverted self.
The second song was deep, it has a wonderful beat and rhythm to it. The lyrics work super well to the deeper side that Cater has to his character, how he "puts on a happy face" despite his inner turmoil. could see this as an animatic writing piece, or the MC gets some sort of potion to get a look at the character's inner music. If I had to choose between the two songs, it would be this one first. Then maybe the Encanto song to help him realize he can be more than the face online.
Ace- Really fun song, with a good beat, and very fitting lyrics for the dumbass that is ace. Can definitely see MC singing this to him when he's pranked them. The energy is great! would change some lyrics here and there to fit him better.
Deuce- A very good song for deuce! very inspirational and shows how he wants to become better than he once was. "I've made mistakes but mistakes make you strong" had me really thinking about Deuce, and how he's become strong-willed due to his past. Despite the world against him, he's still here to become his best self. Another animatic-like thing that I could write. him talking with others and growing over the course of the story sharing what he knows with Epel, supporting the MC and the others, leading up to him getting his unique magic and proving he's better than he has ever been.
Leona- This one is pretty obvious, very fitting for Leona to sing Scars song. Very good idea for him to sing it too, using others to do the dirty work so he can be on top. Could have him sing this as he's scheming with the savanaclaw dorm to take out malleus and the other spelldrive leaders in book 2.
Ruggie- right off the bat the song sounds like something from mission impossible. interesting song, but not really feeling the Ruggie vibes for this one. seems too planned, Ruggie does plan but isn't cocky about how smart he is. I can see a few things in the lyrics but not enough to rewrite it. good suggestion but didn't vibe quite right.
Jack- Really nice beat and rhythm. nice vocals, and the lyrics are pretty good, but not quite the Jack I know. This version seems more obsessive, not really fitting for the standoffish wolf. Also, the first result for the song is a really intence and cool video.
Azul- The lyrics are very fitting for Azuls mindset and the way he does things with his contracts. The only downside is that the song is in another language... I can't really work with that as I'm american and only know english. Really cool song! im just incompitent when it comes to other languages 😭.
Jade- somewhat dark jazz kind of song, the lyrics aren't very fitting for Jade, The tangled-up main section of the song doesn't give his kind of vibe. It's a good song, just not quite Jade.
Floyd- Holy heck, this song definitely has Floyd vibes, with unnerving lyrics and crazed talking, with a jazzy upbeat song. But it's so good just on its own, I wouldn't know what to add or write for this! the only way I could possibly try and write this is by making some horrific dream sequence for him doing all kinds of horrific things to other students to get MC all to himself. amazing choice!
Kalim- Another perfect fit!! could absolutely write Kalim singing this as he and MC are dancing, could make it where he has a crush as he's singing this. Fun short and sweet song for the boy of sunshine!
Listened to both versions of the song, super fun and extravagant parade that Kalim 100% would do if he is able to. But it would be a bit too difficult to change up the words to be fitting to the ray of sunshine, super fun song, and happy to have the suggestion!
Jamil- very deep and booming low pop song. the vibe and lyrics are fitting for Jamil's inner turmoil as being under someone he knows he could be above. Being forced to hide his true better self because of his servitude to someone he hates. A very good and fitting song I could absolutely work with. maybe the potion of one's inner song could come for this one.
Another really good suggestion is Jamil introducing the dorm or the MC going over what happened in book 4. A perfect animatic-like sequence I could write out. The original song is fairly short so I would most likely go with the 2019 version of the song. Perfect suggestion!
Vil- Pretty good song for Vil! Shows how he is super popular and has just about everything a celebrity could want, yet he doubts something, he checks Mira so much and despises the results he gets to his question. Could do this song, but its already so perfect theres not much to adjust. and I cant really think up a scenario where this could be sung.
Rook- I love this song, so much, I just can't do much with it since I have no way to adjust a french song. I'm unable to use songs that use another language, but I can definitely see rook humming or singing this to himself as he watches his friends from afar. The lyrics when translated are pretty lonely and also about food cause of course. good suggestion, I just cant write it out.
Epel- I love this song, and the upbeat feeling it has. Not really an epel vibe though, he's very stubborn and brash at times. As good as this song is, it doesn't quite fit epel, or even someone else trying to help Epel. Good song, but not quite right for him though.
Idia- Really cool base-heavy song with electronic undertones that are very fitting to Idia. The lyrics are fairly fitting for him too, I just don't want to get stuff wrong about his backstory, but I'm trying to wait for the Ignihyde story to come out for us English players. Very good suggestion and song, I just don't know Idia well enough to do it justice.
Ortho- interesting choice but the country song doesn't seem very Ortho-like. The family vibes are good but It just doesn't fit him. sorry.
Malleus- First off and foremost is the title and giving it to malleus is a bit mean, if not fitting. The lyrics are very fitting to our lonely dragon boy... It hurts to say that this song is really him, just the pop rhythm doesn't really fit, but that's okay. Just wow.
Silver- Another character singing their inspirations song. Silver singing this would be very sweet as he probably is with his woodland friends. Maybe the Mc interrupts him similar to how the prince did with Arora all that time ago.
Sebek- HILARIOUS song, could be the first year's smack talking a bit about sebek. really good song, not very fitting of sebek himself but funny making fun of his croc like tendencies and attributes.
Lilia- Loving the meme song being one of Lilias. It's a good rock song that Lilia would love. Very fitting for Lilia's worldwide traveling and the adventures he's been on. The lyrics are fitting for his way of life and how he's happy to go have fun and make friends, helping others and his family. Perfect song for him to sing when he's practicing on his bass.
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beltransadie · 2 months
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Finally woke up and decided to work on animatic. Obligatory announcement post + essay commentary of this one below. Major book spoilers are abound.
Watch it here
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Proceed with your own discretion. But don't blame me if your reading experience is ruined because you decided oh this sounds interesting I'm going to read it even though you haven't finished the book.
Watching the video won't spoil you. No worries ^^ No guarantees either :P
Don't worry about it. Don't think about things too deeply.
Some things about Hate Me
Okay, I've really really wanted to talk about this even when I was in the middle of working on it because hoooo. Not only is this (I think) one of the more densely packed animatics that came out of my mind lately, it's also one that has a really good chunk of WIP lore in it because this is a year old.
And it's not even the whole thing :3
Anyways why this song? What is "Hate Me" anyways?
First listen, thinking about the lyrics, it's a song about liberation. Basically liberating yourself from a toxic relationship, finally saying good riddance to the one that basically ruined your life. It's also kind of why the song sounds so peppy.
Like the best animatics I've had, I got this idea while stuck in one of my long hour commutes. And basically it stems off of this one youtube short about the song's creation and it's a vid of someone getting their tattoo removed.
But my idea at the time was oh this would make a really fun animatic of MR turning evil under the influence of the Long Hatred Flower. And I think the flower's name and effect also has a hand in the creation of the idea.
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And initially, I just went off of vibes and just made concept gifs on CSP because that's the only thing I can do at the moment.
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Most of which got in, but some didn't. And at the time I was just fresh off of being mentally rewired after seeing Lonely Man's Lazarus' The Mind Electric animation so my mind then was like oh transitions which is suuuuper evident in the final product.
Pretty rich coming from someone who rarely even makes animations but yeah.
Like how the flower distorts MR's perspective. The song's message also becomes distorted. Instead of liberation, MR slowly becomes trapped deeper and deeper into the headspace that the flower cultivates. And my intention was to convey that as a good thing and something to be hyped about.
TXJ's rise to power is supposed to be rejoiced about here. Honestly don't know why people are crying in the comments section lmao.
People in the know would be hit hard. People not in the know are supposed to just go "oh cool symbolism". And speaking of...
Let's talk about the symbolism!
The flower
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It's one of the mainstay and most obvious symbols littered up to the 2nd chorus. In hindsight maybe the animatic itself does have explicit major spoilers at the start ;P considering this is the first thing we see until it fades into MR's chest. It's also one of the things I heavily emphasized...
...anyways I'm just gonna pray people would be confused at most. 😄👍
We follow it from being a bud, to slowly and literally swallowing MR whole as a progress of MR's descent into evil and it literally culminates to MR burning Rufeng sect and CWN facing him off.
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The flower itself is modeled after a lotus flower. Quite obvious as the name is a direct reference to the eight sufferings in Buddhism. (2ha actually has major Buddhism inspiration but that's for some out of pocket essay I made for my friends).
Narratively, it's described to be "那花朵含苞待放,还未打开,黑色的瓣叶,边沿闪动银光。" (A flower bud, still yet to bloom, its black petals and leaves fringed with a flickering silver light.) which isn't a lot, but other things also add to my headcanon that it's a black lotus, one of which is simply the term itself.
The first time I've encountered the term was in Scum Villain's Self-Saving, wherein it's used to describe Luo Binghe after the timeskip where Shen Yuan perceived him to have turned evil. While there's only a few discussions about what the term itself means, personally I agree with the interpretation of the white lotus being corrupted thus making it black.
Which is really really apt for MR's story. For 15 years of his life, he's stuck to the values of being kind and forgiving others, but it's only when he succumbs to the flower that he lets the intrusive thoughts win.
It also serves as a counterpart to CWN's association with the red lotus.
Chinese Chess Pieces
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Zhenlong is one of the main ways that MR used in his rise to power. So naturally it would make sense to include it.
Contrary to what Westerners would think, the pieces themselves are Chinese chess pieces which are round pebbles that are colored black and white. It's main goal is capturing territory, and there can be a lot of board combinations which makes it a complex game to play.
In a way, MR slowly deciphering the technique is a sort of balancing mind game he and CWN played. (Although CWN has no idea about it). MR acknowledges that CWN is powerful enough to stop him in his journey to grow stronger, thus he has to make sure to go around CWN in order to win, slowly turning the tides to his favor.
It's kind of being pieced together as I typed this, but in a way the scene I attached above shows the start of the game. With MR has set the stage and is starting to gather his territories. It's not necessarily wrong for a scene, because black typically goes first in this game.
Puppet Mo Ran
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It's such a small thing, but it's an intentional inclusion. For those who are up to date with my animatics, Puppet!MR is a direct reference to Please Don't Leave Me! Something I'm very happy to include because this means I'm so far into the 2ha animatic brainrot that I can start making references to my own work.
Specifically for the sequence before Puppet!MR appears, it's a reference to chapter 140. Where a flashback from CWN's previous life is introduced. Without going into details, it's one of the scenes wherein MR who's already deep into learning Zhenlong and into the clutches of the flowers temporarily gets out of the curse just because CWN got injured.
Something that shouldn't be shown for someone deep into the curse.
MR turning into a puppet, is partially me headcanoning that he might get an inclination that something's off with how he's acting towards CWN, and so tries to break away. What follows is his descent deeper into the flowers.
Burning Memories
Another sequence (not really a symbolism, but more of a reference) that I want to call to attention is the sequence before the first chorus which basically shows the flower's bloom and MR's good memories fading away.
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Yes. It's Duanxun.
IT'S NOT COZ I'M BIASED TO THEM THOUGH!!! It's literally because of this small passage in chapter 278 and it's basically the moment before MR falls unconscious after taking the flower.
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One of the flower's effects is the loss of good memories. And to a 15 year old MR, the people closely attached to the memories he holds dear are Duan Yihan, Xun Fengruo, and Chu Wanning.
While they don't appear in the same order, I specifically chose to use a burning paper effect to show memories fading away. Partially because MR is closely attached to fire. Not only will he burn Rufeng sect to the ground, but it's also because he burned down Xiangtan manor—a place that's closely related to the two people he could call family.
The scenes I referenced in the burning clips are also in the book, namely near the end of chapter 258 and somewhere in the middle of chapter 259.
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The only scene that doesn't burn away is CWN's. Partially because there's not enough space in the song, and mainly because I wanted to transition to the triggering event for MR which is Shi Mei's death.
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About the Work Process
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I did mention it was a year old before. But it was mostly because I was going off on vibes when I started. Aside from what I've done with the concept animations (which isn't a lot), what I managed to create at the very beginning when I decided to finally sit down and work on this, is a prologue that finally sets the scene as well as the first verse.
(hint hint, check the last 2 seconds of the youtube video)
For a reason that can be summed up as "I don't want to spoil people too hard", I've decided to split it into two animatics. The second of which I'll post at a later date. Only you, dear reader, and my close fandom friends get to know this knowledge and this preview.
As for the rest of the animatic, I was stumped. I knew I had to include some scenes from the concept animations, and also some scenes, but to connect them...? I was lost.
Some parts solidified as time passed namely the memories burning away sequence and the last chorus. But how to execute the 1st chorus and the 2nd chorus? It took me a year to finally come around to forming it.
Mostly because of an 11 hour bus ride I took for vacation. (Man I really do take long commutes).
After that it was smooth sailing. I prioritized getting a rough draft down before cleaning it up and piecing things together and it went well.
It's really just getting over perfectionism and just getting things done. I'll prolly edit this when the prologue is out.
I think that's most of what I wanted to say. Thanks for getting this far and checking out my stuff, as well as the constant support!
See ya :3
Ok last: Bonus unintentional easter eggs
Because I draw too much 2ha, it's inevitable for some frames to be similar.
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(Counting this one because of this unfinished frame i didn't commit to)
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I draw too many CWN sideviews, but I distinctly remember referencing this while drawing the one on the left.
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Overall, Hate Me is a very insightful animatic to work with. I ended up making frequent observations and ponderings while working on this too. A good example would be the Long Hatred Flower is a black lotus, and (the most out of pocket 2ha analysis) CWN and Buddha parallelism to name a few.
It could be better of course. Especially the razing of Rufeng sect sequence could've been executed better if I did it with after effects. And I've grown pretty particular with how I rewatch this.
Would this be the last? No, of course not.
It's an animatic that's part of my exploration into Mo Ran's character. Which is, in turn, part of an informal series diving into the theme. Heirloom is part of the series, there's another one that might be too 🗿 for yt and I've never bothered expanding on too.
I might end up posting some Duanxun animatics though (part of the Duanxun agenda more people need to acknowledge Xun Fengruo), or some non 2ha WIPs if I bother finishing them. Imagine 2ha AU animatic 😔 but that's for the very vague future.
Stay tuned for part 2 😘
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doodle17 · 1 year
Dion song associations - lightning round!
"Line Without a Hook" By Ricky Montgomery; water themings and longing vibes made me just kinda latch this song onto Dion for no real reason. it vibes.
"The Kids Aren't Alright" by Fallout Boy; this one vibes so hard actually. I don't have an infodump as to why it's connected I just think the refrain fits Dion pretty well.
"Semi-Automatic" by 21 Pilots. "The family will be better off when YOU'RE out!" Dion you mean little bitch. You mean little asshole I am going to crumple you like a piece of paper. Oughhhh
"Dazed & Confused" by Ruel is such a HUGE Dion/Gisu song to me. Just. Dion grappling with his bigotry and what Gisu's actually like,,, the BRIDGE oh my godddddd this is. You get the vibes right
"Painkiller" by Ruel. idk man something about the vibes. The slow dance feeling of this song. The "Heartbreaks, headaches / the doctor says I'm diagnosed with / shit days, mistakes / but I'll be fine." Do you get my vision do you feel the vibes.
"Wrecking Ball" by Mother Mother. Just. Dion making these awful little mistakes that hurt his loved ones because she's an emotionally repressed teenager with Issues. Feeling remorse over how she's not as good an older sibling as she wants to be. hhhhhhh
"Trampoline" by The Front Bottoms. Dion & Frazie reconnecting after the events of the games vibes, after the psychophobia and secrets and adolescent stresses pushed them apart.
"I Like Me Better" by Lauv. Kind of a joke one but like. Dion/Gisu Dion/Gisu Dion/Gisu Dion/Gisu Dion/Gisu. I am a sappy little romantic at heart and I very much love the idea of these two being able to be happy together.
"Turn Off the Lights" by Panic! At the Disco. This is mostly a vibes one but also "Our consciences are always heavier than our egos / I set my expectations high / so nothing ever comes out right" and "So I'm taking every chance I got / like the man I know I'm not" and "I need a little sympathy / disarm my insecurities" LIKE DO YOU SEE IT. DO YOU SEE MY VISION
"Forest" by 21 Pilots. Something about these lyrics just,,,, I might have to do a full infodump on the vibes I get and the animatic I imagine but stuff like "I don't want to be heard / I want to be listened to" and "I took some food for thought / it might be poisoned / the stomach in my brain / throws up onto the page" and like. The whole bridge but especially "Something happened to my imagination / this situation's becoming dire / my treehouse is on fire / and for some reason I smell gas on my hands" and Dion growing up too fast because of her parentification. I just. I just. oughhh
"Be Nice to Me" by The Front Bottoms. This is also a "Raz is babey and tired after the games" song to me but like. It also vibes to Dion so so well, like just "There are certain things you ask of me / and there are certain things I'll lack / the beginning we were winning / now I'm just making up facts" and "I try to write you poems, but the words they don't make sense / The hand tries to grip the pencil, but the fingers are too tense / I try to show emotion, but my eyes won't seem to wet / I'd love to tell you stories, but I can't remember how they went" and then just. "I think you're changing / Don't worry you don't gotta stay the same" and Dion slowly coming around to everything that's happened, to Raz' embracing of his powers. I just. Yeah this is a huge song for the Aquatos in general but Dion brainrot go brrrr
"Glowing Eyes" by 21 Pilots; this is a vibes one but like. Dion having to work through their issues.
"Trapped in the Thought of Free" by Faith Marie. No I have no idea how to explain it but it vibes I swear. Dion would listen to this unironically and also it vibes with his character trust me
"prom queen" by beach bunny. You can't tell me this song doesn't vibe with Dion Aquato I will not hear it. I'm too busy having fun with the knowledge that this song vibes with Dion Aquato and he would unironically listen to this.
"Way Less Sad" by AJR. Yeah it's really easy to make AJR songs vibe but like. This one definitely vibes with Dion. She's getting better but it's slow. It's not an easy process.
"Prom Dress" by Mxmtoon. Do you see my vision. Do you see it. "I keep collections / of masks upon my wall / to keep myself from / revealing it all / upsetting others is the last thing I would do / I keep to myself though I want to break through" and "I'm sitting here / crying in my prom dress / I'd be the prom queen / if crying was a contest / makeup is running down / feelings are all around / how did I get here / I need to know" DO YOU SEE MY VISION. DO YOU SEE THE VIBES
"Demons & Angels" by Marina. Another vibes one but trust me it fits I swear. "Try to change / but I can't get a grip / wondering if I was born like this" and just. the entire fucking song are you getting these vibes
"World's Smallest Violin" by AJR. I think about that ending bit so much. I think about it and my Dion brain ideas so much. And like. Yeah Dion's got issues but so does the whole family!! So Dion feeling like his issues are small and unimportant in comparison to everyone else's but still needing to vent. mm
"MANiCURE" by Lady Gaga. Again this is both vibes and "Dion would listen to this and enjoy it. Dion would sing this to themself under their breath while working" and I am RIGHT.
"Sorry About Your Parents" by Icon For Hire. This is another vibes one, mostly the whole vibe of "yeah shit sucks but you can't just lay around crying about it because that's no way to live" and how that fits Dion in my mind. Also the song is a bop.
"Pieces" by Icon for Hire because yes. This fits Dion so so well oh my godddddd like just. "You can fight just like you've been taught / it won't undo the life you've got / Cause the pieces won't pick up themselves you know" and "You're not running just enough of a wreck / to hold the hurt heart everybody expects" and I'm going to explode this is such a Dion song to me AUGH
"Venom" by Icon for Hire. Yes I know I just put down three Icon songs in a row I'm going in the order of my playlist. Anyway. "Misery, Misery is the venom in my brain" and "Don't meet their eyes, it's hypnotic / make you forget that it's toxic / caught up in all the chaotic / sold you a lie and you bought it" and "I can't tell if it's real though / Don't know if it's lethal / did we drink the poison / or just a placebo?" and "Don't look down / you won't get far / you're only as strong as you think you are" and this is a Dion song. Yes I know I didn't explain it well but you gotta trust me on this.
"Allies or Enemies" by The Crane Wives. This is a Dion & Raz reconciliation song and I will not hear otherwise. "The words I speak are wildfire and weeds / they spread like some awful damn disease / I swear I didn't mean what I said / I swear I didn't mean it" and the way that Dion's so mean to Raz, the flicker of regret on his face after telling Raz the family would be better off without him, augh augh augh. And then "Remember when I could tell you not to smile when you were mad? / And you would always crack / and we'd both be laughing in the end" THEY USED TO BE SO CLOSE BUT "And now you're not so quick to forget" THEY'RE NOT ANYMORE. And then just,,, "I'll admit I've had my doubts / But I want to be let in, not out" and the refrain as Dion and Raz being able to reconcile and try again, ough ough aughhhhh
"Disco in the Panic Room" by Bug Hunter. Definitely a Dion song. Like. Look at this kid. Look at this kid with his struggles and anxieties and tell me that this song doesn't fit him. "If I look cool I'm fooling you / at any point you can assume / my mind's computing every path that screws up what I wanna do" and "I made a promise / now I feel nauseous... I'm honestly exhausted" and "The things that I can't shoulder well / I pass onto my older self / and hope I learn to cope so I don't end up broke or overwhelmed" and I just. this whole song is a bop and it fits Dion so well
"Problems" by Mother Mother. Dion would listen to this. Dion would vibe to this and this song lowkey vibes to him and yeah,,,
"It's Alright" by Mother Mother. DION WOULD VIBE TO THIS SONG AND I AM RIGHT. He would hear this and it would hit his chest and he'd listen to it unironically I am correct. "Oh hey / I had a night I had a day / I did one million stupid things / I said one billion foolish things / I'm not okay" like. That's a Dion line right there.
That's not every song on my playlist bc some are more AU-related or harder to explain, but it's most of them I think.
Omw to youtube music
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quartings · 1 year
College Adventures Special Episode VIII: Interview with Lauren Faust!
I promised I'd get to meet a big name in animation, and here she is! This semester I managed to get into a class taught by THE Lauren Faust, creator of MLP: FiM and DC Superhero Girls!
Sadly, I'm not a die-hard fan of any of her series, but I tried my best to get and compile information that fans would be interested in!
Back when she was working on MLP, Lauren was grateful that her fellow TV coworkers gave her freedom to tell the story she wanted to tell instead of letting to toy marketers bully her. (According to my friend, the show sold out a lot more once Lauren left, though)
A change from executives she wound up listening to: Originally Pinkie was a pegasus and Rainbowdash wan't, because Lauren thought wings would make Pinkie's hyperactivity stand out even more. Their species eventually got swapped in the final cut of course.
Lauren really wanted DC Superhero Girls and Wander over Yonder to be 22min shows, but executives forced her to make them 11min. Shame, because I do think being 22min would have been better for both.
A big reason of why Lauren always wants to make "Girl shows starring girl characters made by girl staff" is because executives often tell her that animation is for boys only and to make her shows more "boy-oriented" (Seriously, with people still like that in this day and age, it's really a lose-lose scenario)
I also got to see the pilot animatic for her rejected Netflix series Toil and Trouble! I don't think I'm allowed to say too much about it, so I'll provide a non-spoiler review!
The pilot was really fun and the animation+writing much more mature than Lauren's previous shows. It did a good job at making the characters really likeable, too! Toil is a great protag and her voice actress did an amazing job! My only issues are- the first 5 minutes are VERY exposition-heavy about the rules of magic, ghosts, and familiars. The third act goes by a bit too fast, too- Toil literally says the moral of the story in way too much detail, then solves the problem pretty easily soon after. I wish the pilot was split into two episodes, so both these issues could be automatically solved- it would also give the show's many side characters room to breathe, too!
Despite Toil and Trouble being cancelled, Lauren is pushing on ahead and continuing to work on more unannounced projects!
Her favorite series that she's worked on is Foster's Home, because she feels that she and her husband Craig both contributed equally to it! She also really liked the relative freedom she had in directing action on DC Superhero Girls.
I was surprised to hear she didn't have that great a time working on MLP because of the creative restrictions from higher-ups. But she's still really happy and grateful the show got such a dedicated fanbase!
While she's fine with fandoms, she dislikes the idea of pandering to them with fanservice or validating headcanons. She said if there was any of that in her shows, someone else on the creative team did it, not her.
Her storyboarders on MLP originally didn't take their job seriously because they were making a "little kids show", so Lauren had to whip them into shape and make them try harder.
Re. Foster's Home: The "Frankie is an imaginary friend" theory is false. None of that was ever the intention from the writers.
For DC Hero Girls: Originally, Cheetah's dad was supposed to have hunting trophies in his room. But because British censorship laws mean you can't show trophy hunting in cartoons (even as a bad thing the bad guys do), they had to negotiate it down to make sure none of the trophies were of endangered animals in the final product.
But yeah, those are the highlights from my time with Lauren Faust! Hope you all liked it- and if you do want to hear more about Toil and Trouble, let me know! I'll see what I can do! But that's not all- I've actually been scheduled to meet up with another very famous animation showrunner in the coming weeks, so expect another big interview post very soon!
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linootte · 2 years
I just found your art through your CR animatic and absolutely fell in love with your style,, what/who are some of your biggest artistic inspirations?
Hi! I received this ask ages ago, idk if you're even still here or alive anon, but I'm going to respond to it!
I don't have a very fixed style, so i guess this is a hard question for me to answer, but here are a few artsists that are always in the back of my mind!
First, Stupidoomdoodles. She did a lot of cool DBZ Vegebul comics a few years ago. Her style was quite "simple", but i've yet to find an artist whose expressions made me laugh more that hers. Sadly she has deleted most of her art/blogs so you can only find her art reposted. Whenever you see me drawing big round stupid eyes... that's her legacy.
In the same ballpark, @kebabcito recently is killing me with their expressive and sketchy comics, with top-notch character designs. And that texture mmmmh... I REALLY have an itch to do more comics (the problem being: having time and ideas).
Animation-wise, I obviously am influenced a lot by Ghibli (who isn't), but people like Felix Colgrave (bc I love how disturbing yet coherent and colorful his world is) or Louis Zong (bc this man's content is so funny and i love how much he blends techniques, music, animation, everything together...I WISH I KNEW HOW TO DO THAT DAMN) are also big inspirations.
@ameliecausse is a very dear friend of mine (coucou si tu lis ça :D ). She influenced a lot the way i think about backgrounds, and her digital paintings were so good they pushed me to do more lineless art, and to incorporate already existing textures into some of my drawings. Also I stole a bunch of photoshop brushes from her shhh.
I need to mention FMA: not only is it my favorite manga, i use to copy pages from it, a lot. I think it KIND OFs hows in the way i draw heads??... idk. (i know i never draw anything FMA-related, but you don't "need" to do fanart for a piece of media that is already perfect imo. At least for me, fanart is always born of a mix of excitement and frustration). Recently I've learned to love very colorful art more than ever, like Moebius, or Dominique Ramsey's art. Anyone who draw weird creatures/animals already has my love, but her!!! Wow... What can I say. Just go see her stuff please.
Speaking of colorful art, my lastest illustration shows i think how much @cy-lindric's work had an impact on me. There are hundreds of other artists I would to love to talk about, but this post is already too long. So here is a recent art mindblow of mine to finish this post:
Thank you for that very interesting question!
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