#sorry this one took so long to come out also cus i got distracted by wanting to draw 1 million other things
fleouriarts · 3 months
got bored living in the middle of nowhere so i made another hivemind animatic. kinda got tired of this one while i was working on it but oh well... hopefully you can all at least enjoy it ^__^
(link to it on youtube as well)
TRANSCRIPT UNDER THE CUT for anyone who needs it:
[groovy intro music]
D: When is McDonald’s gonna do the McGay for, uhh, the LGBTQ+ community month?
R: Wha-
D: They have a gay awareness month, right?
R: Pride month, it’s June-
D: Pride month, yeah, it’s June.
R: Yeah.
D: For pride month, McDonald’s should do a McGay!
R: [laughing] I don’t- I don’t think that’s-
D: And it’s like a cunty little McChicken, or something.
R: Nooooo, don’t say-
D: What?
R: Don’t SAY stuff like that!
D: A McGay, that’d be awesome!
R: A McGay is fine, just, the other part-
D: Think of how many people would order that!
R: I mean, of course-
D: “You guys wanna get some McGays for lunch?”
D: Me and the boys are going down to get McGays, for pride month, because WE ARE ALLIES.
R: I think it’d be good for allies-
D: Yeah.
R: - homosexual people, people of the LGBTQIA+ community-
D: Thank you.
R: - AND homophobes, I think would go get the McGay.
D: Yeah, and they’d like, give it to their friends, like with a Smirnoff Ice.
R: [laughs]
D: “Hey bro, I got you a snack” and they’re like “AUGH he McGay’d me, I gotta eat it now!”
R: “I gotta eat it off my friend’s ass!”
D: “I gotta divorce my wife, I’ve been living a lie!”
R: It’s gotta be a rainbow bun, right?
D: Something, yeah, I was trying to think.
R: Rainbow fries, maybe?
D: Yeah, I don’t know, cus gay people don’t really have a cuisine of their own.
R: Maybe it’s like- ooh! Lady Gaga Oreo McFlurry!
D: Sure.
R: That’s definitely good for the McGay Month.
D: Yeah, that’s alright with me.
R: [laughs] With you?
D: Approved.
R: What does that have to do with- what the hell?
D: I approve it. Any other ideas? … Declined. Don’t like that one.
R: I didn’t say one, so-
D: Yeah, you did. DING!
[groovy outro music]
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poprockpanda · 2 years
So for your Out of the fire and into my hands au I got two major asks!
1. Do you plan to add any other major characters to the story? As main characters or make guest appearance type things.
2. So we know how Tommy meets Wilbur and Ranboo meets Tubbo which leaves how Phil meets Techno dynamic and/or how Phil, Techno and Wilbur meet? Got any rambles for me?
Can’t wait to see what is to come!❤️
sorry that this took so long tumblr decided to delete everything and that destroyed my motivation to anwser it
I know that I won't add any more people to Sb(ee)i so probably no more main characters but there might be some people as guest appearances or recurring characters, depending on how I want to take the story. And I am less confident in how well I can write anyone else since everyone that is already here are the ones I am most familiar with.
I tried to explain it but words are wording rn so basically. Phil is on the meetup trading post. This is after he escaped the avian facility so he has limited flight. He isn't quite used to his limits quite yet so when he tries to jump from roof to roof he falls halfway. Techno happens to be in that alley and he catches Phil as he falls.
Phil is a bit dazed but he introduces himself. Techno quickly introduces himself but tells Phil that he needs to go. Being an avian and being around a resistance leader on the run would make him an even bigger target than before. Phil is a little confused on what he means by resistance leader but he is happy to get back on the roof.
Phil remembers what he was looking for and asks Techno if he knows anywhere to get food at a discount stealing wink wink. Techno tells him about a food stall with an oblivious vender and Phil says goodbye.
A couple of hours later and Phil finally spots the stall Techno was talking about. Wil is also at the stall and trying to swipe food. They spot each other and talk through hand signals for a minute. They decide that Phil is gonna distract the vender and Wil is gonna grab the food and they are gonna split it.
Phil flies around a bit and Wil gets the food. Phil lands on Wil's shoulder and they run into an alley to eat. Techo is walking and happens to see Phil and Wil. Tech assumes that Wil is an avian hunter and he starts sneaking up behind him. Phil spots him and does the swiping over your neck hand thingie. Wil is confused and he looks behind himself.
Wil is obviously freaked the fuck out by the piglin who towers over him and was like two seconds from knocking him out. Phil tells them both to calm down and starts to introduce both of them but he realizes that he never got Wil's name. Wil introduces himself as Techno is still staring him down.
Phil makes Techno take some of the food and he starts up a conversation. They all realize that they are all trying to get off of the trading post. They decide to work together cus three heads are better than one.
They try to steal stuff to get enough money to get off of the trading post and are mostly successful but the space cops eventually catch on. They are running from the cops when suddenly a bee hybrid and an endarian are running next to them. The rest is in the post about how Tubbs and Ranboo meet up.
Thanks for the ask, Beck!
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soobasaur · 3 years
spent all my love on you
lee!felix x gender!neutral reader
warnings: since laser tag is in this fic theres mentions of shooting and guns, which is referring to the game where they shoot other players in order to gain points, nothing violent
a/n: hey look a felix au finally in your pov! i told you i’d do it hehe,, and if you remember when i accidentally posted this then no you don’t (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃ i’ll finish ur requests i swear ಠ_ಠ anyways enjoy!
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« masterlist prev work »
for the longest time, your lifelong friend jisung had been bugging you to go to this arcade with him
you eventually said yes since you physically couldn’t say no to his puppy eyes and he took you there one weekend
he was practically bouncing the entire way, babbling about all the people you’d meet
turns out he came here every weekend to play laser tag with a couple of friends he made here
this was news to you, but you let jisung lead you to a pool table in the back where six boys were..attempting to play pool?
after several games of game pigeon pool you were an expert !! or at least more then what these guys were doing
the one with long hair was holding the billiard the wrong way (╥_╥)
you could hear the cheerful laughs coming from them as jisung tugged you beside him
“guys, this is y/n, the friend i mentioned! y/n these are the dumbasses i started hanging out with-,”
“if anything, you’re the dumbass!” the one holding the billiard upside down reprimanded, dropping the stick and making his way towards you both “i’m hyunjin, nice to meet you!”
“hi hyunjin—,”
“move out of the way! hi i’m jeongin!” a new boy appeared, shoving hyunjin away as he held his hand out
“oh, hello!”
one by one all the boys came up to introduce themseleves to you, well six of them at least, didn’t jisung say there were seven of them?
“where the hell is felix?” jisung asked, looking towards who you now knew as minho “is he doing the thing again?”
minho solemnly nodded before gesturing to the claw machine a couple feet away from them, and there stood a blond haired boy with his back faced to them as he aggressively tried to win what looked like a stuffed animal
jisung shook his head before gesturing for you to follow him
“is this a normal occurrence?” you asked as you both made your way to the boy
“yeah, last month is was the dance revolution game and this week it’s the claw machine-felix!”
said boy let go of the claw to turn and smile widely at the both of them “sungie! do you have a token i can use to try again? pleaseeee?”
jisung rolled his eyes as he tossed the boy a token before pointing to you
“this is y/n, they’re playing with us now.”
“oh,” felix turned his head to you, giving you a once over before winking “nice to meet you,” before rolling the token in “let me make my first impression winning a stuffed toy!”
“you’ve been at this forever, which one do you want?” jisung asked, waking closer to press his head against the glass
felix solemnly pointed to the chick plushie tucked into the corner, and you admit it was cute so you could see why he was trying so hard
“want me to try?” you asked, stepping closer as you looked over the machine
“go for it!” he smiled, moving out of your way to press himself against the glass next to jisung
you clicked start and took a hold of the joystick
you squinted your eyes and found the same plushie a bit closer, hidden behind another one and aimed for that instead
you heard gasps coming from where the two boys were standing as the claw grabbed the two plushies and dropped them into the box
and since you had some extra seconds left you managed to grab one more
“there you go!” you pulled out the plushies and handed felix the chick one and gave jisung the squirrel one, keeping the llama one for yourself
“wow we all match now!” jisung cheered
“thank you!” felix said, his eyes shining with glee as he looked at you, and you were this close to getting all the plushies out so he could always look this happy
“no problem-,”
“HEY LOSERS OUR GAME IS STARTING HURRY UP!” you heard minho interrupt, as he and the other boys disappeared behind some doors
you guys ran behind him, tucking the plushies away for later
there was another group of people with you and since the teams were randomized, your group got split up after getting the gear on
“prepare to lose!” hyunjin teased, sticking his tongue out at you, chan, seungmin, and jeongin (who were on the same team as you)
“shut up!” jeongin glared, holding up his laser gun and pretending to shoot the other
jisung joined in and started to play shoot you, while you feigned getting shot
before you could play shoot him back the lights went off and the gate opened, letting you guys inside as the game was about to start
you and your team each split up, making plans to shoot at least one member
your ignore the way your stomach fluttered at the thought of felix chasing after you but quickly shook those out of the way, you had to stay focused !
once the bell rang you were off, you hid behind the walls as you shot a couple of the other team’s players
you spotted a familiar pair of shoes and quickly went to go shoot jisung, who gave you a pout as you ran off giggling
you watched your score steadily go up as you got more and more people, and the adrenaline was getting to you, you were motivated to win this thing 〴⋋_⋌〵
you had only been shot a couple of times so you weren’t too worried about getting caught,
you were currently hiding in the corner where no one had found you yet as you shot anyone who ran past
you were just about to shoot a player on the opposing team when you felt a prescence behind you
quickly turning around you were met with felix giving you a sly grin as he backed you into the wall
“your cornered now y/n,” he whispered, pulling out the gun as he aimed it at your vest, “game over for you.”
you ignored the fast beating of your heart as he made his way closer, his free hand coming to make trace its way down your jaw
“you look really pretty under these lights,” he muttered, quirking an eyebrow up and he angled his face a bit closer “lucky i get to see you like this.”
you were too nervous to squeak out a thank you as felix closed the gap between the two of you, but just before he could come any closer you heard the familiar beep on your vest
you look down to see you’ve been shot and felix shooting you a sly grin, the little shit
“distracted by my charm?” he teased, his lips right beside your ear, “am i that handsome?”
you rolled your eyes as he backed away
“i’d love to stay but your vest is charging up so i’m gonna blast, bye sweetheart,” he blew you a kiss before running off
you huffed as you waiting for your vest to reset, following after the blonde boy as you did so
no way you were gonna let him get the last shot between the two of you
and maybe you wanted to be that close again to him...
after ducking behind a couple of pillars you finally spotted him crouching behind a wall as he shot one of your teammates
you let yourself grin in victory as you made your way behind him, making sure you weren’t seen, then aiming your gun at the back of his vest
you shot him and watched in glee as his vest gave out a beep and saw him look around for the culprit before spotting you giggling behind him
“you!” he smiled, geting up from his hiding place on the ground and wagging his gun at you
“you didn’t expect to get away with that, did you?” you laughed, backing away as he made his way closer to you and holding out your gun, “i’ll get you again!”
“cool down time is a minute,” he grinned, letting you back yourself up into the wall, “what do you wanna do with that one minute?”
you let your eyes wander off toward his lips,,but you swear it was cus he was talking!
not cus he looked extremely kissable
perhaps you stared too long cus he took notice and cupped your jaw
“mhm, ten seconds is enough,”
“enough for what—?”
you were shut up with his lips capturing yours, leading you for a bit before pulling back
“sorry babe but my time is up,” he winked before shooting you in the vest and running off
took you a few moment to realize what happened before you were chasing after him
when the game ended you and felix were tied to your immense surprise, while jisung was currently boasting about his first place
now that you were out of the dim lit laser tag room you could see felix in better light,
and god damn
you could see the swear glistening on his face from all the running and his unkempt hair from the humid room
you weren’t too sure if this was a one time thing or he actually wanted to try something with you
you were crossing your fingers it was the latter
you got ur answer soon enough when you felt a tap on your shoulder and an awkward felix made his appearance
it was endearing to see his confident side and nervous one all in one day
“do you maybe wanna, grab lunch after tomorrow? just me and you?”
you played along to being oblivious before you replied,
“lee felix...are you asking me out?”
his cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink before nodding at you
you gave him a smile before saying yes, the rest was history
bonus headcanons:
apparently jisung had a bet on which one of his friends you would end up dating, ro your surprised he had guessed it would be felix
ಠ_ಠ sometimes you forgot how well jisung knew you
you also found out he didn’t come every week just for laser tag, he also wanted to get close to a specific boy named changbin ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
which was endless teasing material for you
after the lunch date the next day, you both stopped by the arcade again and this time he managed to win you a little prize
since you both had just met one another a good majority of your dates were just you two chatting as you walked aimlessly, getting to know one another
and after about one month he invited you over to his place to cook dinner for you, which is where you shared your next kiss <3
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thank you for reading ⁂
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Texts from the Lost Tomb part 6.1
🎶 Back on the bullshit I never got off🎶
Is this another unnecessary story arc?? With three sections??
Wushanju Crew Chat
Wang Meng: You know, I’m someone who appreciates consistency in my day. My life is pleasant, very few issues indeed if you ignore the big ones. And yet. Yet here we are. With unresolved messes at the end of a day.
Wang Meng: We need to talk about Huo Daofu and the glittery bead curtain.
Wu Xie: did you turn on that suggested word thingy lol
What glittery bead curtain
Wang Meng: I closed the shop at 6:00pm this evening on the dot. I locked all of the doors in and out of the shop very carefully, especially in light of recent events. The hall leading to the back office was empty. I filed the day’s paperwork, updated and sent emails, and then spent an extra hour organizing receipts and dusting. When I came back out, there were glittery iridescent bead curtains over the front entrance to the shop.
What could this mean?
Wu Xie: uh that you need to spend less time at work?
Wu Xie: I think we can be relatively secure in thinking a glittery bead curtain isn’t a hostile threat
Wang Pangzi: SAYS YOU
Wang Meng: Ugh, forget it. I should have just taken them down, regardless of who they belong to.
Zhang Qiling: They are not mine.
Wang Meng: Do we know anyone who *would* sneak in and put those up? For whatever reason, legal or not? Even as a joke?
Wu Xie: okay let’s think about this; for starters, I didn’t break into my own shop
Wang Meng: You would be in danger of doing some work in the process, that’s true.
Wang Pangzi: LOL
Wu Xie: ANYWAY let’s keep going. For example, Xiao Ge would only break in somewhere for a good reason. Xiao Ge, did you do this?
Zhang Qiling: No.
Wu Xie: okay who’s next
Zhang Qiling: How can we be certain *you* didn’t do it?
Wang Meng: Admittedly that was my guess, too.
Wang Pangzi: WOW I SEE HOW IT IS
Wu Xie: Oh yeah him! Oops I got distracted
Wu Xie: Ugh fuck off
Wang Meng what abt Huo Daofu??
Zhang Qiling: ?
Wu Xie: oh sorry xiaoge I didn’t realize you wouldn’t have spent much time around him last year
He and I go way back
Zhang Qiling: Way back where?
Babysitters Club Chat
Zhang Qiling: ?
Zhang Qiling: I wanted him to feel welcome. I wanted to be sure he understands he has a place here. A specific place.
Zhang Qiling: Rationally, I understand that.
Main Chat
Wang Meng: Huo Daofu is coming for the weekend—didn’t Wu Xie tell you? Wu Xie asked me to check in a week ahead so we could start getting ready for his arrival
Wu Xie: oh yeah I did do that
Wang Meng: Fortunately I know you and so I already went ahead and took care of everything.
Re: the trip
He made a deal with Wu Xie’s doctor that he would do periodic checkups on him here at Wushanju
Bc Wu Xie hates being in the hospital
And frankly the hospital hates him too
Zhang Qiling: Is it safe for him to be here with a criminal loose on the premises?
Wu Xie: Right, back to the curtain! Let’s focus on the curtain, hmm?
Wu Xie: okay but who else would do something so oddly charming yet illegal and—wait.
Snake Eyes Chat
Wu Xie: hey, Glasses hasn’t been in touch lately right?
Li Cu: uh nope
Unless u count the outdated memes
Why, is money or Xie Yuchen missing
Or is this curtain related, I saw Wang Meng’s tweet
Wu Xie: haha no nothing to worry about really
(I mean maybe? but who knows)
Wang Meng is probably just getting a little paranoid in his old age
Li Cu: better than getting reckless and stupid as hell in ur old age
Wu Xie: …hey:(
Unknown Number: Li Cu, we discussed this.
Wu Xie: ????????
Li Cu: *sigh* fine, reckless and stupid as heck
Unknown Number: …close enough.
Wu Xie: EXCUSE who is that
Madame, Sir, Non-Binary Tree Spirit, etc—whomst the fuck
Are you
Li Cu is underage FYI
So Im staying on this chat
Li Cu: okay first of all, it’s not like that
Second of all I’m literally not underage I s2g
u threw the embarrassing surprise bday party, okay so u should remember
And C, that’s my counselor and I invited her. She wanted to meet u and I knew u wouldn’t agree to a visit so I added her to our chat
we have been discussing u
Wu Xie: Oh wow!!!!!!!
What a surprise:)
hi so nice to meet you:)
Main Chat:
Wang Meng: I assume that means something to someone here?
Not my problem? Good.
Wu Xie: wait i give him an allowance
has he been collecting on two allowances??
Zhang Qiling: Three. I knew about both of yours.
Snake Eyes Chat
Wu Xie: so uh may I ask your name?
Unknown Number: you can call me Ms. Lee.
Now, if you’re comfortable talking in this format, why don’t you tell me how things have been going?
Wu Xie: oh everything is normal and fine and safe as usual, why do you ask:)
Li Cu: I heard about ur necklace thing. nice of you to NOT mention it.
another dangerous adventure. again. prick.
Ur lucky your cool boyfriend cares about you so much or you’d have already died like ten years ago
Wu Xie: lol try twenty years ago
Li Cu: That isn’t funny.
Unknown Number: …What?
Wu Xie: shit ur right, okay that was a bit glib, my apologies.
…I use humor as a coping mechanism?
Unknown Number: and Li Cu, how do you feel about that?
Li Cu: he doesn’t even know what that phrase means
He doesn’t cope, like ever
In fact
It’s kind of why we met
Which is a funny story in retrospect tbh
Wu Xie: haha what are you talking about sweetie hahaha need I remind you of certain anecdotes that could idk send me to jail maybe lmao
Unknown Number: …You know, perhaps an in-person meeting might be more effective?
Wu Xie: haha such a nice idea but why
Main Chat
Wu Xie: If I go to jail, I’ll have to create alliances for protection, right, that’s how it works on tv
Who do we know who spends time in jail
Other than Hei Yangjing, he’s only ever there for like 12 hours and i suspect he just gets himself arrested bc he enjoys the breaking out process
Also how’s the curtain case coming along
Zhang Qiling: Has someone threatened you?
Wu Xie: well not yet but soon I’m sure
Snake Eyes Minus Your Fucking Therapist Chat
Li Cu: okay how tf did u pull off spy and undercover shit
u are sus as hell
Wu Xie: damn son is it pick on Wu Xie night
I missed the flyers or I would’ve invited my uncles
Also re: the curtain it’s been mostly solved
Li Cu: I’m not your son, idiot.
Wu Xie: …oh. Sorry, sorry, you’re right, bad choice of words, haha
Forget i said anything
Delete this chat even
Li Cu: shit I meant
Legally, biologically, I meant—
…I turn into an asshole as a coping mechanism?
Wu Xie: oh that’s all okay! I have to go do something else now let me know if you need anything okay kid thanks!
Li Cu: goddamn it calm down who’s the kid here
lemme organize my thoughts so I can articulate my emotions fuckin healthily or w/e
Ugh maybe for like one afternoon we could go to Ms. Lee together? She knows how to word stuff
Wu Xie: uh…okay.
Li Cu: Anyway you don’t need to worry abt jail
As if you would survive prison for one day you’d piss off half the place in like an hour or less
I gave Ms. Lee the heavily edited version of the desert highway to hell roadtrip and i discussed it more in terms of like “nightmarish but still wouldn’t take any of it back”
Well maybe the sand
that shit was everywhere
Wu Xie: oh kiddo. It’s fine, really…You don’t have to explain yourself to me.
Li Cu: no, no it’s just
I do technically have a dad
who is an asshole. Being a son doesn’t really mean shit to me bc it sucked.
So you need to stop backing down just cuz ur guilty abt stuff. I’m really really glad ur not my dad in a good way. Do u get what I mean there
Where’s the mafia widower I followed into hell, huh
Wu Xie: Ur a good kid, despite my influence. I’m really glad you have someone to talk to after everything I…after everything. Wow this talking through feelings thing is kind of weird but nice ur right
Jfc no wonder it took me and xiaoge so long to—you know what, we won’t get into that
Li Cu: ew tmi
Also re: this week’s recent necklace fuckery
I moved my stuff here, I live here now
So you can’t die anymore
Or else…Idk I don’t have a threat planned
anyways abt the curtain
Wu Xie: oh my god, kid…kid you have no idea
I am in tears.
Li Cu: see this is why I can’t be nice to you I can sense the hallmark channel from here
Ugh don’t be sad in ur room that’s dumb
Go hug Pangzi or something
Maybe delete this chat
Or the curtain thing
Focus on the curtain thing
Just stfu and go away
Wu Xie: <3 screenshotting this <3
Li Cu: I take back everything I said. This is why Xiao Ge sleeps on the roof. I hope the ghosts of the Wangs put up that curtain to strangle you somehow. Go die in a stupid way, it’ll suit you.
Wu Xie: lol don’t worry I’m not gonna embarrass you with it or anything
Main Chat
Wu Xie: omg guys look how cute my kid is *sending screenshot*
Wang Pangzi: I MEAN
Wu Xie: no but read the whole thing:):):)
Zhang Qiling: It is indeed very hard to remain angry with you. And you are welcome to join me on the roof.
Wang Pangzi: UH NOPE
Wu Xie: ok true but babe ur like a sexy cryptid
Wang Meng: so, are we just accepting that there is a glittery curtain of unknown origin, and Huo Daofu is going to have to see it while he’s waiting for you at Wushanju bc you’re going to family therapy?
Wu Xie: right
Wang Meng: I’m going to go dust something.
Unnamed Chat:
Unknown number: so the curtain…
Unknown number 2: yep, not my best work but I kinda panicked last minute u know
Unknown number: what is in the water at Wushanju that makes everyone dumb and attractive
Unknown number 2: relax they’ll figure it out
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wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
I’m writing more hikyuu to prove that you actually should request Haikyuu stuff when requests open and also just to flex. 
Tenou x reader
word count: 1,600 (about)
warnings: none, this is pretty sweet and fluffy. 
Summary: Tendou is uncharitbly called a Stalker when it comes to his crush.  I mean what you spend half your time stareing at one person and suddenly you’re a a stalker? Guess that means you’re a stalker too...
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Tendou knew he was a bit of a creep and that you probably hated him, if you even thought of him at all. But he was okay with it, he had been dealing with people being scared for a while so he shouldn’t care. Even if the person scared of him was drop dead gorgeous. 
You came to watch volleyball practice nearly every day after school. Lots of people did but you were the only one who caught his eye. He made sure his blocks were mega impressive if he knew you were watching, but it wasn’t enough. your attention always seemed to be on someone else. 
Not that he wasn’t used to that either. But it took him a couple of days to figure out why it was bothering him now all of a sudden. 
Tendou seriously considered asking you to transfer out of  Shiratorizawa when he realized he had accidently started crushing on you.  He simply couldn’t have it, it was too distracting. He tried to way the pros and cons but in the end he scrapped the “50 reasons why (y/n) should leave Shiratorizawa.” Essay. Besides if you actually did leave Shiratorizawa, then he wouldn’t be able to see your cute face everyday. 
“you’re staring again,” Reon said, Tendou frowned. 
“I don’t know what you mean, I wasn’t even looking in your direction,” He shot back with a smile. He really was such a creep, always sitting at the right angel so he could look at you, but as long as you didn’t notice him then it he wasn’t hurting anyone. 
“you should just ask her out,” Shirabu said through a mouth full of pork. Tendou went stiff just thinking about it. 
“Nah she’s not my type, wayyy to pretty for my tastes and she’s even nice and smart from what I heard, who’d want to be with a girl like that?” he fake gagged finally tearing his eyes away from where you were sitting with your friends. he picked at the rice on his plate slowly forming a rice snowman. 
“sure, whatever,” Shirabu. the subject changed and Tendou looked up again watching you laugh, you were cute, he wouldn’t mind dating you, it would be nice to see you in his large sweatshirt or cuddle with him while you did homework together. Even just to hold you would be nice, he knew that you would probably flinch from his touch if he tried anything in real life, but his fantasies didn’t have to adhere to the real world. it would be sweet if you weren’t so incredibly out of his league. 
You came to the Shiritorizawa match early, as you always did, you wished the volleyball team wasn’t quite so popular, it might be easier to get a good seat then. Normally you would go up to the stands to watch from a safe distance. 
Today you weren’t so lucky. 
“Hey! you girl,” Coach Washijō snapped at you making you jump. 
“u-uhm Yes sir?” he pointed at a bag at his feet. 
“Fill up these water bottles for the game,” He barked. you squeaked and scampered to do as he asked. 
“Hustle! Show some school spirit!” he shouted as you struggled to fill the bottles as fast as possible 
You had thought about becoming the manager for the team but this interaction made you glad you hadn’t  Washijō was biting at your heals as you dragged the water to the courtside. you were almost in tears as he yelled at you. 
“I-I-I,” you couldn’t even force a simple ‘I’m sorry’ with out tripping over yourself you were so flustered.
“ah thank you for helping (y/n) we’re going to extra luck thanks to you,” you looked up to see who had saved you, and weren’t surprised to see tendou there. Of course he would be the one to save you. you felt your heart melt a little seeing him. 
You never got the chance to see satori up close, you almost forgot how tall he was. and now that he was so close you couldn’t help but flush with embarrassment. Now that the Coaches attention was off of you, you could speak again.
“It’s uh no proplem coach and g-good luck with the game Tendou,” you squeaked before darting off the court and up to the stands. Of course all the good seats were taken so you were relegated to the back of the stands. 
Still, it was a pretty good game, the other team up good fight you won in straight sets. If you were right, Tendou didn’t miss a single block. 
You really only came to the games for the cute red-headed middle blocker. You didn’t speak to Tendou often, it was rare you found an excuse too, but you still had fallen for him hopelessly.
you sighed dreamily to yourself as you walked out with a mass of people. You still couldn’t belive you’d talked to him today. 
Tendou was buzzing with excitement. It had been a really good game and it was all thanks to you. No way he could have done without you sweet words to him before the match. It probably also helped that you had touched his already lucky water bottle. 
He was on cloud nine as he hummed happily walking off the court, his team mates couldn’t help but notice.
You were watching the practice like you always did, save for the fact that you were alone today. Most of the time your friends would join you to giggle about how handsome Ushijima was, but none of them could make it today. 
“Hey you’re (y/n) right?” semi asked, stopping you before you could even enter the gym. 
“uh yeah?” you sounded unsure of yourself, but this was the first time Semi had ever bothered talking to you and you had no idea why. 
“cool, I saw you at the game the other day, you should come to more of our games-”  you were more confused than anything. Was he hitting on you?
“uh okay?” you said awkwardly, not wanting to tell him that you already went to all the games. 
“you know Tendou likes to see you there,” he added raising his eyebrows you felt your face flush with embarrassment. so he wasn’t hitting on you, but playing wingman for tendou
“oh, did Tendou tell you that?”
“nah, but we can all just sort of tell he’s into you,”
“That’s kind of a jump don’t you think? I mean just ‘cus he wanted to see me doesn’t mean he likes me,” you argued nervously messing with your fingers. 
“Trust me, He’s into you, He’s probably pissed I’m even talking to you, He’s just... kinda weird, so ask him out sometime,” Semi encouraged. 
As it happened, Tendou was pissed that Eita was talking to you. How dare he try and steal Tendou’s little good luck charm. Tendou usually stared at you as much as he liked, but he couldn’t stomach watching you blush at whatever semi was saying to you. 
was that why you came to every practice and every game? because you were in love with him? he though about you clinging to Eita the way he wanted to hold you and his heart lurched. he wondered if he could finger tape his heart back together again. Not that he would do anything to break the two of you up, if you were happy then he couldn’t stop that right? and if you were dating Semi then he’d definitely see you more...
He was leaving the gym lost in his own thoughts when he heard his own name called  “Tendou, do you think you could walk with me back to the dorms?” Tendou almost jumped. How the fuck were you so quiet?
“Awe does the is the cute little Junior scared of the dark? You need your big strong Senpai to walk with you?” he teased automatically before mentally kicking himself. he really hated himself. you laughed politely and started walking with him 
“Actually I wanted to talk to you, Semi said you liked me,”
Tendou wanted to through himself into the ocean. or maybe a really big hole in the ground that could swallow him up entirely. anything really to get out of this situation. 
“oh? is that what you two were talking about?”
“yeah he said that I should ask you out,”
“oh,” maybe he’s just kill Semi instead, that would work too. 
“I really like you Tendou, I want to ask you out,” you admitted stopping in the middle of the walkway. he was glad you did because he froze instantly. this had to be a joke right? Semi put you up to this and they were all laughing at him right now. but as he looked around him, he was alone, no one even hiding in the bushes and you didn’t look like you were pulling a prank. you looked almost as nervous as he felt. fuck it. he learned forward kissing you quickly, barely brushing his lips with yours before pulling back, not wanting to press his luck. 
You were left completely breathless, you touched your lips feeling them buzz. Tendou laughed. 
“is that why you come to all the games and practices? you’re stalking me or something?” he cupped your cheek and kissed you again, this time he let the kiss linger long enough for you to kiss him back before he had to pull away, you're soft lips were making his head spin.
“you’re lucky you’re so cute (y/n) otherwise you’d be a total creep.”
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xwing-baby · 4 years
A Day Off (Mandalorian x Reader)
This was inspired by everyone’s favourite @dindjarindiaries ​ and her lovely fic ‘The Challenge’ go read it because it's way better than this bullshit that my brain came up with. You’re an amazing writer Molly, I am sorry for this. I’m not sure why I really wrote this, but I hope you enjoy!
IMAGINE: Din leaves you for the day to go on a hunt. You entertain yourself and end up very drunk by the time he comes to find you. Hilarity ensues. (Drink responsibly kids!)
Word count: 2.4k... this was meant to be short. 
Warnings: Mention of alcohol, violence, and vomit! Please drink responsibly!! Cheeky bit of pining, little bit of flirting, fluff at the end!
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The decision to leave you out of today’s hunt was a mutual one. You were tired and in need of a rest, the quarry was easy and Din was more than capable on his own anyway. So, he left you in a small town a few miles from his destination. In that small town, you found a tired old cantina, filled with enough booze and pleasant conversation to survive the next few hours. 
The hunt was done, the victim handed off successfully to the right person and Din was on his way to find you so you could move on to the next planet. He was tired and bruised from the hunt and wanted to get back to the safety of the Crest sooner rather than later, but knew as soon as he heard your distinctive laugh from outside the cantina that that was not going to be the reality. 
As if you knew he was coming, you stumbled out of the door before he could even open it. Your hair was messed up, strands falling out of the tie and into your face. There was liquid spilled down the front of your shirt and your boots were untied. You looked a mess. For a second he was a little worried, until a goofy smile spread across your face when you recognised him. 
“You came back!” You threw yourself at him, wrapping your arms around the Mandalorian. Shocked, Din stands still. Not really sure what to do with himself. You notice and laugh, stumbling back off him. “You were gone for like a million hours! I missed you” 
“It was ten hours,” Din said with a smile, “But we’re going now,”
“Great, ‘cus I don’t think I can go back in there again,” You ran ahead of Din a few paces and grimaced. “Not a lot of friends were made today! But-but- but! I did a good thing actually!” Din just kept walking, trying not to entertain your rambling. You carried on anyway, you were used to his silence by now. “There was this twi’lek right, looked great but oh my stars! The worst! Turns out he knew you! Everyone knows you, not a surprise there. But he also knew that I was with you and tried to chat shit about you!” You were shouting now, gesturing animatedly and zigzagging across the street. “And he kept going so I just punched him,” You mimicked your actions from early, swinging your arm and using the momentum to turn back around to face the Mandalorian, “Punched him straight in the face! It was awesome!” 
“You didn’t need to do that,” 
“He was an asshole of course I did,” You sighed, “And apparently you know his sister or something? Didn’t realise you were such a Casanova, Tinman!” Again Din didn’t reply. He knew exactly who you were on about and was a little proud that you’d punched the guy. Must have been Xi’an’s brother. “Well, of course you are,” You continued. “You’re so freaking handsome all the time, and nobody can even see your face!” You swung back around to walk forward again, swinging your arms by your sides and giggling as you thought about what the Mandalorian might look like. You hadn’t been in his crew long but had developed feelings for him quite quickly. Not that Din knew this, “You know, I bet you’re really pretty under that helmet,” You tapped the top of his head for emphasis. “I don’t think you understand how pretty you are with it on! Maybe it’s for the best that you keep it on, you’d never be able to get anything done!” 
“Alright, y/n,” 
“You’re going to make some woman very happy one day Mando,” You said with a dreamy look in your eye. 
Din smiled and blushed a little at your words. At the same time you had developed feelings for Din, Din had developed feelings for you. He was very glad to have the helmet to hide how obvious a blush came to his face when you said things like that. He wanted nothing more than to make you happy, if you only knew. 
The pair carried on walking out of the town, and towards the small valley the crest had been hidden in. You carried on rambling away, telling him in immense detail everything that had happened while he was gone. 
“And then I got challenged to a drinking contest with this other dude. I say dude but turns out he was a Wookie. And I won! Everyone says I didn’t but I saw the way he walked out of there, I won so hard! Drunk him under the table,” You spoke quickly and animatedly. Din wasn’t really listening anymore, just enjoying the sound of your voice and watching you as you walked ahead making sure you didn’t fall over. “You should have been there and we could have smashed it!” You laughed, spinning around to face him again now with a puzzled look on your face. “Have you ever been drunk, Mando?” 
“A few times,” He replied, “Watch where you’re going,” 
“I am,” You say, continuing to walk backwards anyway. You thought about something for a second then spoke again, “But what about the Creed? Don’t you have to drink alone? Or,” You stopped again and burst into laughter. Din stopped walking, his patience growing a little thin. “D-do you, Ha!” You could barely get your words out, tears streaming down your face laughing at your own thoughts. “To- to get around the cr-creed… oh my stars!” 
“Y/n I don’t have time for this,” He said sharply.
“You have to use a straw!” You howled with laughter. Din shook his head, he wanted to be annoyed at you but your infectious laugh had caught him. He stifled his own laughter. “I want to see it so bad! Oh my stars!” 
“You’ve had your fun now,” Din tried to sound serious, his voice wavering a bit through the modulator as he tried not to laugh. 
“Yes, yes… oh! I’m sorry,” You tried to take a deep breath to calm yourself down. “Yes, I’m sorry you’re a super serious Mandalorian you wouldn’t use a straw!” You coughed to force yourself to calm down but cackled with laughter again. Din started walking again, leaving you behind a few paces while you calmed yourself down. Eventually, you followed and saw the ship over the crest of the hill. 
“I’ll race you!” You called, already speeding past the Mandalorian down the grassy hill. “Winner gets the refresher first!” 
You ran as fast as you could, and looked back for just a second to see that your companion hadn’t followed you. Before you could even blink you tripped and fell on a rock sticking out of the grass. You fell, flipping over and landing with a thud on your back. You skidded to a halt at the bottom of the hill, conveniently next to your intended destination. This made Din run. 
Once he got to the bottom where you were, his panic quickly vanished as he found you in fits of laughter yet again. 
“Did you see that!” You laughed. “I won!” 
“Are you alright?” 
“My back hurts a little, but I won, loser!” You exclaimed, putting your fingers in a ‘L’ on your forehead. Din rolled his eyes. As if this whole experience couldn’t get more ridiculous. “Not going to help me up?” You pouted and held up your arms like a child. Din uncrossed his arms and held his gloved hand out for you to grab and pulled you up to your feet again. The back of your shirt was ripped and grass stains covered the pale materials along with a few drops of blood. You didn’t seem concerned at all as the alcohol in your system was numbing everything. 
Din opened the Crest and you walked up the ramp to the safety of its interior. 
“Where’s the baby?” You whispered loudly. Ever since you’d joined the crew you’d loved the Child like your own. Another thing Din admired about you. “Baby! We’re back,” 
“Why are you whispering?” 
“Shh!” You shoved your hand over the front of his helmet, “He might be sleeping,” Din pushed your hand off, and you carried on walking into the ship, creeping on your tiptoes. 
“I think you need to go to sleep,” 
“Only if you’ll come with me,” You turned around and looked the Mandalorian up and down, your playful attitude now turning darker. You played with the buttons of your shirt, slowly undoing them. Din was stunned, freezing in his spot. 
“That wouldn’t be appropriate,” Din tried to stay composed, but it was becoming more and more difficult as you took your top off. He knew he couldn’t do anything, you were way too drunk. He wasn’t an idiot. But he was also human. 
“I bet you’re so pretty under there,” You sighed. You moved to be closer to him when a small green creature stood on a box and caught your attention instead. “Hey little guy!” Din took a sigh of relief, the tension you had created dissipated almost instantly as you bent down to pet the little creature. 
While you were distracted he checked over your back, seeing only a few scrapes and deciding it would be fine until the morning when you’d sobered and also weren’t trying to flirt with him anymore. Well, the last part he didn’t mind so much. 
Din went about his usual take-off activities. He could hear you talking to the Child, telling the little thing about your day and listening to it babble back, acting as if you could understand what it was saying. Eventually, you disappeared into the ship. Din hoped that you had gone to sleep. 
You hadn’t. You went to throw up, ultimately finding an empty freight box. The mixture of spinning from alcohol and the bumpy takeoff made for an upsetting mix. The Child grimaced and put its hand up to comfort you. An odd feeling washed over you, like a warm water trickling through you, then you felt better. You could see straight now. The Child seemed happy with whatever it had done and toddled away. 
You pushed yourself off the floor, and went in search of a new shirt. The cold chill of space had begun to seep into the ship's cracks making you shiver. You stumbled into Din’s quarters, you shouldn’t have  been in there but it was the first place you thought to look for a new shirt. And you found one. His cot was messy, clothes thrown around the small room. You couldn’t help but think about him then, getting out of that armour… 
It was too much. You shook your head. Even your drunk brain knew it was wrong to think about him like that. He didn’t like you, like that, there was no need to encourage the idea. Instead, you pulled the closest piece of clothing on. It was a little too big, but it smelt like him which made you smile. 
You decided to go to the cockpit to bother the Mandalorian again. It was lonely being drunk on your own. You climbed up to the cockpit and stood in the door silently. Din was talking quietly to the Child, trying to pull it away from the many shiny switches on the control panel. You grinned, seeing him with the child made your heart soar. He was so sweet to the creature, for a moment you could forget what a formidable character the Mandalorian really was. He acted like the creature’s dad and it was entirely believable. Quietly, you settled into the seat to his right, looking out as the stars streamed past in hyperdrive. Din had noticed, though didn’t say anything. It was silent for a moment or two, bar the Child’s playful squeals as it played with a silver ball. Din figured you had fallen asleep, glad that you weren’t trying to flirt with him anymore. 
“When are you going to let me fly?” You ask suddenly. Din turns to you, but doesn’t say anything. This was almost a daily discussion. It was always no. “I know you said no the last time but I really think you’re underestimating me. I land badly one time and you never trust me to fly your ship!” 
“You crashed,” Mando said plainly.
“One time!” You exclaimed. “I’ll have you know it was very harsh conditions, and desert planets are very deceptive! Give me a nice- a nice planet,” You slurred as your eyes become heavier, “and I promise I will land the crest beautifully,”
“No way,” 
“Spoil sport,” You grumble. The Child hopped up into your lap, and presented the silver ball it had in its mouth, which made you giggle. You settled further into the seat, throwing your legs over the armrest, kicking them against the leather. The Child sat in your lap and showed you its new trick of making the item float. 
Mindlessly you began to sing, quietly, and play with the Child. The melody made Din’s ears prick, you were singing in Mando’a, a song that he hadn’t heard since he was a child. Your voice made him shiver, memories flooding back of the few happy moments of his life when this song was sung last. 
You sang it to the end, with very few mistakes, making Din wonder how long you’d known it. You must have known it for a while, but you’d never understood him when he spoke the language before. 
“Where did you learn that?” He finally caved and asked, wanting nothing more than for you to sing it again.
“I learnt it for you,” You said with a yawn, your eyes closing. You started singing again, the words now fading into mumbles and eventually you fell asleep. He turned in his chair to look at you as you were quiet once more. You’d curled yourself up in the chair, head tilted back resting on the wall. The Child sat in your chest, playing with the ends of your hair. The child looked at Din and smiled, then back at you. It's a little green hand patting your leg and it cooed.
“I know, kid.”
A/N: That ended a lot softer than I planned but hey ho. Remember drink responsibly, don’t challenge a wookie to a drinking challenge, you will lose. They’re massive. Goodnight!
Tagging: @captain-skytrash​ @dindjarindiaries​ @dartheldur​ @inked-poet​ @tortles
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boldlyanxious · 4 years
Remember when 9
RW masterlist
Nightwing landed first and looked around but it was Batgirl that saw the piece of torn cloth. She unwrapped it and read out the license plate for Oracle to locate. Batman and Red Robin checked out the buildings. When they confirmed that it looked like electrical weapons they had Oracle send the batmobile with medical supplies and arc flash gear to inhibit conductive properties. Oracle contacted the police about the power outage and their suspicions of the Electrocutioner being responsible as she also guided the team to follow the vehicle.
Oracle had the location of the vehicle very easily so they moved with caution when they arrived, only Red Robin and Batman had electricity repelling suits. There were 2 lookouts so they knew it was the right place. Hood managed to have perfect timing in managing to knock out one immediately after they gave the all clear. The other turned at the noise and Red Robin took him down. The knob was turned slowly and the door pushed gently but it creaked even when moving slow. They paused and waited but moved forward when they realized that they couldn't be heard over the voices. They heard Rouge Gorge first. She was talking freely with one of the henchmen.
"They captured me but I got away. Batman definitely knows I'm not with him."
"What were you doing out then if not reporting to him."
"I just needed to be out so I could think. I was worried that Hawkmoth could find me from the video."
"What video? Wait, Hawkmoth I've never heard of a Hawkmoth."
"He burned it all but I don't remember why."
"You don't remember?"
"A man held me back. I think he was a friend I can't remember. He wouldn't let me save them."
"You need more."
"No. Please no."
There were shuffling sounds and then another man spoke. "There you are. Spin like a ballerina."
"It's too fast." She complained. The shuffling stopped abruptly and the original man kept asking questions.
"Why do you think this Hawkmoth will find you."
"There is a video online."
"Do you think he is coming here? Is he trying to find you." Instead of a response she started singing in French.
"La mer
Qu'on voit danser le long des golfes clairs
A des reflets d'argent
La mer
Des reflets changeants
Sous la pluie"
This worked as a perfect distraction for the bat family to make their move. They had silently been trying to decide but when she started singing Nightwing cued them to move.
Rouge Gorge stumbled as the man behind her supporting most of her weight turned to fight. She wobbled several steps before managing to support her weight and get to the wall. Holding steady on the wall confirmed for her that it was not the room that was spinning but that it was all in her head. She stumbled into Batgirl but managed to pull herself up. She pointed to the 2 rooms to tell what she knew.
"The children and their mother are being guarded. There were 3 others in there."
"With guns?"
"Big ones. The man is in that room. I don't know anything about it though."
Batgirl nodded and then turned to the room with the children. The men were already on their way out to join the fight. Nightwing went over to join Batgirl in freeing the children and Red Robin went for the other room. Rouge Gorge screamed as the blue electricity hit him as the door opened. The electricity covered him but didn't seem to injure him.
After she screamed all the rest of the henchmen came running. The man in the SWAT police uniform came out of the room with the man and hit Red Robin so he and the Electrocutioner could make their escape out the front door. From the side hallway came another man in a strange suit that Rouge Gorge hadn't seen before. She heard someone call out that there was a fire but she was already being dragged out by the man in Swat gear.
Upon seeing the man starting the fire the Bat family began evacuating instead of fighting off the henchmen. The man turned out to be Falcone and he was unconscious and tied to a chair. While there was still a shot at the backdoor Batman and Hood carried him out. Nightwing got the window open and climbed out. Batgirl handed him the children and then helped the mother climb out before she followed. Red Robin recovered himself from the hit and began chasing the two men out the front as they tried to escape.
"Just let them go." Nightwing called out to Red Robin.
"What about Rouge Gorge?" he said back.
"Let it go. She was helping them." Batman said.
"I think she was helping us," Batgirl said. "She told me what she knew about the kids. But she was acting weird."
"Better if we get her than them." Nightwing said as he flung a bola cord that caught her by the ankles. "With their doubt and her knowledge of us it's a risk not worth taking."
Rouge Gorge found herself being pulled along. Her legs weren't even cooperating enough to keep up let alone fighting to get away. The house was now covered in flames and the man who started the fire had almost caught up with them. She was too afraid to fight against them too much and risk them killing her. 
She looked back and saw the bat team regrouping. She had hoped that they could be working together on this. But they appeared to be satisfied now that the children were safe. That had been her hope when she turned on her radio so they could hear what was happening but she had expected it would help her too. This was all above her level of expertise. Her feet were barely hitting the ground as she was being pulled. She suspected that if she survived her shoulder would end up being very sore from how her arm was being pulled.
When a bola cord flew and tied her legs together she fell over finally stopping her from being pulled along. The sudden change caused her to be dropped to the ground. The man went to lift her but he pulled back when a batarang flew at him. The other man turned and threw out more blue lightning but it missed Nightwing. While he was distracted Rouge Gorge was lifted again.
Another cord was launched at her from something like a grappling gun. This time instead of releasing to tie her it wrapped around her middle but stayed connected so she could be pulled back. Rather than using her in a game of tug of war the swat man gave up and ran on to join the other two. He wasn't even in the vehicle before it peeled out and drove away.
"Should we follow?" Hood asked, "We could catch up to them."
"Not tonight," Batman said.
(as always sorry if it doesn't work. I'm really bad at this)
@silverwhiteraven | @ira-sairain | @iloveitwhen | @wannajointhecrabcult | @toodaloo-kangaroo | @ertyzeta | @no-username2544 | @mystery-5-5 | @laurcad123 | @jiso-lee | @razzledazzle247 | @kaithehero | @diamondjewel123 | @comet-kun |@theymakeupfairies | @roselynfey | @moongoddesskiana | @cresentmo0n | @2confused-2doanything | @officiallydarkgeek | @vixen-uchiha | @athena452 | @nach0ava | @ladybug-182 | @ladylb | @redscarlet95 | @bigpicklebananatree | @swiftie-miraculer13 | @kokotaru | @damnaged-princess
**I have most of the next part written and I hate everything about it so I had to post to force myself into fixing it. Hopefully I'll do that soon.
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lokidrabbles · 4 years
Perfect Fit (Loki x Reader)
Peter Parker tells reader about what Loki thinks of them.
A/N: Another oneshot, this time featuring Spiderman as the medium for Reader and Loki. Also, my headcanon remains that Loki refers to Peter as Spider Boy. As always, Gender Neutral Reader!
Warnings: None! Fluff n’ such!
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Your eyes peered up from your paperwork to catch sight of the fidgeting teen sitting in front of your desk. You empathized with him. It was always some sort of hell fire when Tony or any of the Avengers reprimanded one of the outlier members for failing to complete a mission in time, or failing to follow a inward duty to protect others. Although the consequences of the damage the young Spiderman had left behind were very minimal (extensive property damage, but no one seriously hurt), Tony still upheld his duty as Peter’s pseudo guardian, and laid it hard on him.
As part of the process, you were in charge of filling all the damage reports and costs left behind by the throws of battle, and Tony ordered Peter to witness the extent of his mistake through financial eyes. Or maybe through boring clerical work. Whatever the matter, Peter looked absolutely nervous, probably dreading to hear just how much his antics caused the city (or Tony).
“You know I’m not actually going to tell you how much cash Tony is going to have to fork out, right?” You asked him, causing him to jump slightly.
“What, really? I mean, are you sure? ‘Cus I’m sure Mr. Stark wanted me to, uh, witness the depth of my carelessness.” He stuttered in response.
“I mean yes, you definitely want to be more cautious. But this, in comparison to Tony’s own damage cost analysis, is almost nothing. I’m sure this is just his weird way of wanting to make sure you’re keeping the citizens and yourself safe out there. Also I feel if I tell you, you’re going to be harder on yourself than you need to be.”
Peter let out a nervous chuckle. “Yeah, I guess you’re right about that. I really am sorry about what happened, I did try to be as careful as I could.”
“I’m sure you did kid. The important thing is that building was insured, and that no one was seriously hurt. You good?”
“Yes, yes!” He responded hastily, and you almost felt the weight being lifted from his shoulders. “I’m just glad you’re just as nice as Mr. Loki mentioned you to be.”
You shot a quizzical look at Peter. “Uh, Mr. Loki?”
“Well, yeah? Mr. Thor’s brother? I’ve seen you both together a lot here at the facility.”
Of course you knew who he was talking about, but the fact that Loki made his chipper self into this conversation was odd at best. From your documentation, you found out Loki had been assigned to this small escapade in the outskirts of the city. It actually made you content to see Tony’s mistrust in him begin to dwindle, allowing him to participate in the Avenger’s daily heroism. You could almost see his sour face once he found out this precise squad would be lead by Tony himself. But it made sense.
“What’s Mr. Loki doing gossiping about me to you?” You asked teasingly.
“Nothing bad! I can swear by that!” Peter said, putting his hands up in defense. “I think he just wanted me to feel better.”
“That’s a good one kid.” You chuckled. “It’s a miracle on it’s own to have Loki talk one word to anyone. You have no idea how long it took me to have him say a simple hello to me.”
“Really?” Peter asked, slowly pulling his hands down. “I know Mr. Loki is always very reserved, and he was a little scary at first. But he’s actually kind of, really nice too.”
“You must have a very skewed definition of nice.” You said sarcastically. You jested however. You had experienced Loki’s ‘niceness’ firsthand, in his own bizarre way. Loki’s form of nice didn’t really fall under your typical definition of it. Nice was, for example, telling someone thank you, bringing thoughtful gifts, buying someone lunch. Loki’s nice more so included telling you that you were being stupid and foolish for failing to believe in yourself, and that you should be ashamed of yourself, blah blah blah. He got the right intention, but his delivery was horrible. You cringed at the thought of poor little Peter having to go through that.
“I mean, maybe? He was very helpful during the mission, and his strategy at the whole thing. I was like, wow! He moved so fast in between everything, I had such a hard time keeping up. Though, maybe that’s why I got so distracted in the first place.” He sighed, still blatantly defeated for his error.
“Don’t be so hard on yourself though. For what it is, I think you’re a pretty talented kid too.” You said with a toothy smile. “Loki’s just a big show off though.”
He laughed in a much more relaxed manner. “Thanks, that means a lot. But I must have really taken it hard when Mr. Stark raised his voice at me. Mr. Loki approached me and told me I’d be sent over to your department and how you’d be very welcoming, nice and easygoing.”
You were slightly irritated at how Loki found it so easy to tell Peter all these likeable things about you, yet still failed to do so with you in person. Yet, you knew his reason’s to do so with Peter. Again, Loki wasn’t the most approachable man in the universe, but that didn’t mean he was completely heartless. His words with Peter, while few, were carefully chose to make the young teen feel less anxious. You mentally reminded yourself to give a him a big smooch the next time you saw him.
“I’m actually really happy to hear that.” You said, leaning against the back of your chair. “It looks like he found someone who he’s comfortable with, so that gives me some peace at mind.”
Peter became obviously confused at your comment. “I’m not sure I get that.”
“You said it best at first. He’s a scary fella. But it seems you got to him somehow. So trust me, from now on you got another set of eyes keeping watch of you, making sure you’re safe out there.”
“Actually, I think that make’s me a little more nervous.” He said sheepishly.
“Oh well yeah, be very wary of the God of Mischief.” You said ominously, followed by a snort and giggle.
“Oh, wait. Are you and Mr. Loki dating?”
Your giggles soon stopped, as your mouth remained agape in shock. Again, this was not where you expected a conversation about Loki to go to. You now felt like the nervous teenager in the room instead. Through its entirety, both you and Loki did well at keeping the relationship under wraps, understanding the impending chaos that would ensue if anyone (Tony and Thor) would find out. Well, maybe Loki could care less, but you still had a job and income to maintain. While inner work relationships were not uncommon here, there might be some adherence to having a relationship with someone who used to be on the blacklist.
“No.” You said lowly. Even you wouldn’t have believed that no.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to insinuate anything like that. It’s just, Mr. Loki seemed to have talked fondly of you, and I do see you both together quite a bit. Also you both look really good together, but like not to mean you are dating or anything!”
“Okay Peter! I think we’re done here. I’ll take care of the rest, tell Tony you learned your lesson and all BS, and you can be on your merry little way, yes?” You said, rummaging through you documents, and handing Peter a crumpled up slip with your signature on it.
Peter took the slip slowly, unsure of what he hand uncovered with his innocent introspection. “Are you okay?”
“I’m super.” You feigned through a false smile. “Thanks for dropping by, but I got some more work to do.”
The young teen, still bewildered by your sudden agitation, took it for nothing and soon tip toed out of your small office. You let out a heavy breath and slumped in your chair. It seemed you were in the clear for now, and you figured Peter would be a smart kid and avoid spreading unnecessary rumors. Also for the sole fact that his life would be at risk if Loki were to ever find out he’d tattle at Tony. Still, your mind raced back to the encounter Peter had told you about, and how Loki made a worthwhile impression on the young teen. It warmed your heart knowing someone else seemed to have approved of your gloomy partner.
Towards the end of your shift, you were visited by said partner in efforts to soon spend a relaxing evening at your home. Loki casually seated himself on the seat in front of your desk, arms crossed over his chest.
“I hear the Spider boy paid you a little visit?” He asked playfully.
“He did in fact. He’s a sweet kid.” You responded, eye still glued on your computer screen. “A little naive, but sweet.”
“Stark was relentless on him today. Dare I say, I felt sorry for the lad. He looked like a scared puppy.”
You hummed in a chipper manner. “Yeah, he told me all about it. He also told me how Mr.Loki made him feel a whole lot better today.”
You heard Loki grunt, a way for him to avoid talking about it. You figured it was still awkward for him to hear about his ‘good deeds’ with the type of shit he’s gone through.
“He was very impressed by your skills set. You may have a little fan boy in the making.” You grinned, finally closing your laptop. “I think we should adopt him as our child.”
“You’re hysterical.” He responded flatly.
“I’m mad at you though.” You said as you began to gather your belongings.
Loki raised an eyebrow at you. “Pray tell why?”
“How come you tell Peter all of these nice things about me, yet you always avoid doing so to my face?”
Loki remained quiet, draw back by the nature of your question. You meant to approach the subject in a playful manner, still understanding how Loki had his own special way of showing affection. Yet, you saw how Loki rested his chin at the top of his knuckles, analyzing and concocting an appropriate answer. He looked adorable.
“I suppose I really haven’t done so.” He said admittedly. “What would you like to hear?”
You felt your face heat up. “It doesn’t really work if I tell you what I want to hear. Also, that’s embarrassing.”
“Ah. Of course.”
“Peter told me all the good things though.” You began. “It does make me happy that you think that way about me, instead of an absolute bother.”
He rolled his eyes. “I do hate your incessant ability to self-deprecate. However, everything else the Spider boy mentioned is absolutely true.”
“How lovely to hear.”
Loki stood up and began assisting you with your bags and belongings. You smiled with a strong sense of satisfaction, promptly turning off the lights in your office.
“I also forgot to mention to him that you’re amazing, and incredible.” He whispered behind you. “That I love your smile, and I love how your hand fits so well into mine. That I always look forward to seeing your bright eyes every single day, that I-”
You felt your lips begin to twist in both joy and uneasiness. You jabbed Loki slightly at his side, urging to promptly stop before you explore. “Cut it out. I can’t tolerate this level of cheesiness.”
He smirked mischievously at you. “Then I will have to draw out my admiration for you with the Spider boy if you aren’t able to tolerate it. I’m sure he would be more than happy to hear about it.”
“You better fucking not.”
Later in the evening, a young Peter Parker, overseeing the block from the top of a building, took note of Mr. Loki firmly leaving the facility with you, hands hidden, side by side. Upon further inspection, Peter deducted it would be best to keep quiet about this encounter, sensing how distressed you had been about it earlier today. He felt correct about his assumption however; both you and Loki looked good together.
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tillman · 4 years
@animate-mush hi :-) rey told me to do this please blame them hi aslo im not reblogging the post cus it got rlly long and that was scary sorry hi. the post is here..........
anyways uhmm rey told me stuff and i was like oh i know tristan and isolde and i think its an interesting thing to look into cus i genuinely dont know, like every single other thing about tristan and isolde i see online, where the idea that tehy didnt love each other before the potion comes from... its in most texts (the exceptions off the top of my head being the Povest and Sir Tristrem which is a fucking joke so well). 
the texts pretty explicitly dont just Not Condemn the pair but herald them as martyrs in a lot of cases which is really interesting but not waht i was just trying to simply say god i am so sorry every time i talk about tristan and isolde i go mad but i dont think in any sense of the word tristan and isolde could be considered “dubcon”. magic is a catalyst not the reason theyre in love. (also little sidenote but mark isnt a bad person. i think in a lot of lights he is there to be pitied more than hated. this is contestable with him killing tristan in a lot of cases and also his treatment of isolde but its more from the angle of him being betrayed by the man he considered his son and his wife. the two people closest to him. its why hes so received time and time again when they prove their innocence but whatever (could also in this talk about isolde getting out of punishment from god with a sex joke but i shant)) 
another thing is tristan never falls in love with isolde of the white hands. this is lamentable in the text as isolde and kahedin constantly both harrass tristan over this loveless marriage but he simply can not bring himself to care about another besides His Isolde (even in the common branch when the potion wears off, he still would any day choose isolde the blond over white hands... hell every time the potion wears off their devotion to each toher is still as strong.)
anyways that is my argument. here r some quotes i have on hand cus WAA they make me so soft i looove tristan and isolde. they love each other very much...
from le morte before tristan even wins isolde for mark malory says this:
And when she had searched him she found in the bottom of his wound that therein was poison, and so she healed him within a while; and therefore Tramtrist cast great love to La Beale Isoud, for she was at that time the fairest maid and lady of the world. And there Tramtrist learned her to harp, and she began to have a great fantasy unto him.
travola has some really good lines with the pair such as:
lsotta gave Tristano back his sword, and he thanked her very courteously for the service she had done him. They took leave of each other with many sighs, for they loved each other with a loyal love.
When she saw what a handsome, gifted young knight he was, and when she thought how she had treated and cured him and saved his life, she almost thought of him as her own knight.
which r just so cute.... anwyays before i get distracted i shall stop but ya they very much love each other explicitly before the potion in almost every text. the potion exists as a way to get the two together, but it doesnt Force them together against eithers wills. it forces them to disobey loyalty because the argument within tristan and isolde tales as a whole is, I think, how important love truly is (debatable from text to text but i mean look at gottfried). 
its not “dubcon” but since their love is so true, its seen as the right thing for them to do and pursue. Neither of them have it coming because neither are doing anything even slightly wrong. Tristan and Isolde is the ultimate love story because it defys any notion of courtly love and instead shows true love between two lovers who love each other despite magic and other outside influences (see in tristrant when the potion wears off).
anwaysy uhh i hope that was coherent at all. uhmm hope ur having a fun night? hi :-) i do rlly like ur other points that was a really good read i just simply like tristan and isolde. there is i think something to be said about hte argument of love within suffering in tristan and isolde texts tho, specifically gottfried and his use of the grotto as a metaphor. they had their perfect love yet still choose to go back to the court with mark. i.. honestly still am wrapping my head around that one and a reading of it but i just think that was neat. uhmmm yea.... sorry this got really long OIEHRWT$ hi. 
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dessarious · 5 years
Broken Harmony Pt5
Master List 1   Master List 2    Prologue   Beginning   Previous   Next
He slowly leads her to where his father is sitting. He feels nervous for some reason and can’t help but wonder if they're feeding off each others emotions. There’s no reason for him to be nervous. His father will love his Angel, and if he doesn't, that's his problem. Bruce looks up as they get closer and he feels Marinette hesitate and take a deep breath. It was definitely her nerves he was feeling.
“Father I’d like you to meet Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Marinette this is my father, Bruce Wayne.” He waited a moment for recognition to appear but just like with him she seemed to have no clue who his father was.
“Mr. Wayne it’s very nice to meet you. I’m sorry for any anxiety or trouble I’ve caused. If Damian hadn’t been so busy helping me I’m sure he would have gotten back to you sooner. I hope you’ll forgive me for being such a distraction.” Damian caught the shocked look on his father’s face before he hid it. He was certain his own expression wasn’t much better.
“I assure you there is nothing to forgive and please call me Bruce.” Her smile was blinding. Even with the bruises cuts she managed to light up the room. He had no idea how that was even possible. “Do you mind if I ask what happened?” Her face fell immediately and Damian felt an overwhelming need to strangle his father.
“It’s okay Angel. You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to.” Her eyes were on the floor as she shifted from foot to foot. 
“You can show him the video. It’s probably easier than explaining.” Her voice was small and the song in his head took on an anxious melody.
“Are you sure? It’s really not necessary.” She somehow manages to draw in on herself and look even smaller.
“Yes. It’s out there for anyone to look at and with the police getting involved I doubt it’ll be long until he sees it anyway.”  He hesitated a moment longer, wanting to argue further, but she was right. It was only a matter of time at this point.
With a sigh he pulled out his phone and cued up the video before handing it to his father. Bruce looked concerned at the mention of police but didn’t show any visible reaction to the video. Damian noticed that his entire body seemed more tense though and knew he was pissed. The longer the silence lasted the smaller Marinette seemed to become. Bruce looked at Damian.
“This won’t be happening again.” Marinette flinched and Bruce softened his tone. “I’m so sorry you had to go through something like this. If there’s anything you need please don’t hesitate to ask.”
Marinette finally peeked up at him and started to choke up at the concern she saw. “Thank you sir. That means a lot.” The surprise, relief, and gratefulness that flooded her song worried Damian. Did she have no one in her life she could count on?
“We should probably get you home, I’m sure your parents are worried about you.”
Marinette paled slightly and a look of concern came over her face. “I forgot to call them. They probably think I’m still at school.” Well that explained why they hadn’t come rushing to the hospital. Damian had hadn’t even thought to wonder about that until now.
“That just means less time worrying for them then.” Marinette gave his father a small smile for his words.
“I suppose that’s true. I should probably call them before we get there so my father doesn’t pull me into a bear hug the second he sees me.” Yeah that wouldn’t be pleasant in her current condition. She pulled out her phone to make the call but froze as soon as she unlocked it. Her song turned chaotic and her breathing turned shallow. As her eyes glazed over he realized she was having an anxiety attack.
Damian grabbed her phone and saw a screen full of messages from what he assumed were from her classmates. Messages calling her a bully or saying she got what she deserved. One actually gave detailed advice on how she should kill herself. It took all his self control at that moment to not go back to her school to set it and everyone in it on fire. 
Bruce saw the look on his son's face and took the phone from him, scowling at the screen when he saw it. “Damian.” He slowly turned to look at his father. “I’ll deal with this and call her parents. She needs you now and she needs you calm.” He looked at his Angel and realized she hadn’t moved and was close to hyperventilating. His father was right, he needed to calm down. She needed a rock not an inferno.
He took a few deep breaths to try and dampen his rage and tried to get his song in check. Now that he could hear both of them it was actually easier and he knew exactly what she was hearing and could try to modify accordingly. Maybe that was how she’s been able to mask some of her emotions earlier?
 “Angel?” Nothing. Her eyes held a glazed look and her song felt muted almost. It made him think of a fog rolling in. He put his hands lightly on her shoulders and stooped down to put his face directly in her line of sight. “Marinette? I need you to breathe with me. Can you do that?” She gave a jerky nod and he began taking deep breaths putting as much comfort into his song as he could. She slowly fell into the same rhythm and her song became clearer.
“I’m sorry.” Guilt flooded her song and Damian could only look at her in confusion. “I’ve been telling you all day to try and keep your negative emotions to a minimum and then I go and do this. I should be better than this.”
“You have nothing to apologize for. After the day you’ve had, let alone whatever’s been happening to change your song, you have every right to feel the way you do. The fact that there’s someone out there taking advantage of that doesn’t change it.” 
“Can I hug you?” The words were so soft Damian almost couldn’t make them out. Her song was tinged with hope and apprehension. Eyes tearing up and a tremor in her smile told him how much she needed the contact. 
“Of course.” He opened his arms and she practically fell into him. Her arms went around him and she buried her face in his chest. Damian wasn’t used to hugs in general but he was also afraid of hurting her so he had a long internal debate over what to do with his hands. He finally settled on placing them gently on her waist hoping he didn’t hit a bruise.He wasn’t sure how long they stood there, but by the time she pulled back the front of his shirt was damp.
“We should go. Your Father’s waiting for us.” Both her voice and song sounded a bit stronger. His own melody hummed in contentment that’d he’d actually been able to comfort her. Damian knew how to hurt people. He’d been trained to do so practically since birth. So the fact that his soulmate actually took solace in his presence was a miracle. It made him feel human.
“I suppose we should. He’s probably called your parents by now. And you’re not getting that phone back by the way. He’ll probably want to take it to the police as more evidence and given the little I saw you really need a new number anyway.”
Marinette cocked her head at him giving a look he couldn’t decipher and her song held a bit of wariness again. He frowned in confusion for a moment before putting it together. He did it again. He was taking control of things without asking. Well, more he was assuming his father would but still. How was he supposed to not fix things? People didn’t come to him to just talk and be heard. If someone came to him with a problem he just dealt with it. He didn’t know how to just be there and listen.
Something of his thoughts must have come through in his song for her because her expression softened. “There are numbers in that phone that I’ll need, and some pictures.” She didn’t say anything about changing the number and that worried him but he didn’t want to say anything until he could get his thoughts in order and come up with arguments to convince her rather than just tell her she needed a new number. Actually caring how someone thought about him was going to be exhausting. 
Damian stepped back before holding out his arm. “Shall we then?” She gave him another one of those bright smiles, a real smile, before linking her arm through his. Once they made it outside he felt her take a deep breath and looked down in time to see her wince at the pain it caused. He opened his mouth to speak but she beat him to it.
“I’m okay, really, and I don’t need pain meds.” He closed his mouth and sighed heavily causing her song to lighten considerably. It took him a minute to figure out that she was basically laughing at him internally. “I appreciate that you’re trying.” The words were soft and he almost didn’t catch them.
“I meant what I said. I know your life is your own and I don’t want to take that from you. I just…” He didn’t know how to explain. He wasn’t even sure he understood it himself. 
“You’re used to being in control and having the power to fix things. You also don’t agree with how I tried to handle things, even though you don’t know the full story behind it, which just makes you want to get more involved because you assume you’re right and I’m wrong.”
He blinked down at her, frozen in shock. She got all that from his song? He opened his mouth to deny the last part but closed it abruptly when he realized she was right. He was dead certain he knew how to deal with the situation. The fact that he’d only seen what happened this morning when it had obviously been going on for months never crossed his mind. He knew what was right, end of story. 
But staring at her now, hearing the steadiness of her song, he had to wonder if it was. He had to wonder if there was something he was missing. He just assumed that she needed to be saved and maybe she did but from what exactly? As his thoughts descended father into confusion his Angel laid a hand lightly on his cheek.
“I appreciate your concern, more than you know. But remember that things aren’t always exactly how they appear. I…” She paused and he felt wariness once again. He felt a tightness in his chest and wished he didn’t cause such a reaction. “I would like to have your help but I can’t risk you trying to take control of the situation. There are so many things you don’t understand yet. Those things can hurt you.”
Her expression was so earnest and her song held a certainty he’d rarely felt. He wasn’t sure how to feel about the fact that she was so worried about him. After everything that had happened, it was his safety she was concerned about.  It honestly made him feel like she could see a target on his back that he wasn’t aware of.
“Will you help me understand?” He didn’t know where the words came from and her shock was nothing compared to his that they came out of his mouth. But her smile and the euphoria he felt at the joy radiating out of her song was well worth it.
“Yes, if you’ll let me.”
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bandblogging · 5 years
Photograph (Luke Hemmings Imagine)
Pairing: Luke Hemmings x Reader
Words: 1.2k
Requested: yes, anon asked: pls hit me with some soft romantic luke, like dancing in the kitchen in the middle of the night to a cliche love song and he attempts to dip you and kind of fails and just giggles all cute about it cus he’s such a cute mess but he’s ur cute mess
Summary: After having to wait into the middle of the night for Luke to come back home from tour you two turn to dancing in the kitchen (basically the request above)
A/N: This is what me, quarter of a bottle of wine and home alone 2 came up with. Enjoy, I hope it's what anon hoped for.
Whenever Luke was about to come home for a break you couldn't contain your excitement. For a few days in advance you would start missing him even more, just wanting to be back in his arms.
"Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes"
You original idea was to pick Luke up from the airport but because he would come home quite late and you didn't like driving alone in the dark, you decided for him to come home and meet you there.
His flight had gotten delayed a while and you watched the clock move forward. When it struck his old arrival time you felt a small sting in your heart, you'd have to wait for another two to three hours or more for him to finally be home again.
With ever minute that passed you felt like the clock took longer and longer. The TV was only showing stupid shows and you had flicked through all channels at least twice, the book next to you was untouched. You were bored and anxiously waiting for Luke to text you that they had finally landed. The music playing though the stereo system that your phone was connected to was the only thing distracting you slightly.
When he finally texted you it actually woke you up, somehow while waiting you must have fallen asleep. You rubbed your eyes a little before staring at the clock again, it had jumped a few hours and it was way past midnight. With the drive back home Luke should arrive around half 3. Only twenty minutes until you would be in his arms again.
"We keep this love in a photograph. We make these memories for ourselves"
The clear case on your phone was a little worn down already but you could still clearly see the picture of you and Luke, kissing and deeply in love, through it. You had put it behind the case when he left, being reminded of how much you loved but also missed him whenever you took your phone out of your pocket.
Just like you did now, staring at the picture for a moment and thinking about Luke before stuffing it back into your pocket.
"Holdin' me closer. Till our eyes meet. You won't ever be alone. Wait for me to come home."
Pacing in the hallway across from the front door gave you the right view onto the driveway. It took another fifteen minutes before a light came around the corner of the street and a car pulled into the driveway. You had been waiting for him to come home for what felt like forever and you simply couldn't hold back. The door flew out of your hands once you had opened it and you took the few steps down to the driveway in a second.
There he was, getting out of the cab, hair messy after the long travel, faint circles under his eyes. He turned towards you once he had grabbed his bags. The cab had started to drive off, dropping his stuff as soon as he saw you. "Y/N", Luke practically yelled before starting to walk towards you. "Oh Luke", you ran into his open arms and pressed your head against his chest. "I missed you so much", he replied and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer against him. "I missed you too Luke", you looked up at him and pressed your lips against his. "I love you Y/N", his words sounded muffled against your lips. The kiss didn't seem to end and you absolutely didn't want it too. You had missed each other so much that neither one wanted to be the first one to let go.
"Our hearts were never broken. And time's forever frozen still."
You stayed like that for a while, hugging as tightly as you could, scared that when you let go he leave again.
Luke had started to shiver before you finally let go and went inside. The music was still playing when you got inside, filling your home with some noise while you and Luke cuddled in silence. There was too much to say between you two and it would have to wait until the morning. Luke's arms were tightly wrapped around you and even though the couch was small you felt comfortable.
"Inside these pages you just hold me. And I won't ever let you go."
"Maybe we should get to bed, it's really late", you didn't want to ruin the moment but sleeping on the cramped couch would only lead to backpain. "Yeah, sounds right", Luke slowly let go of you and stood up from the couch. "More space to cuddle there", you grinned and stood up yourself. You glanced at the clock and saw it striking ten past three in the morning.
The song that was playing changed right when you entered the kitchen. You placed the used dishes from your dinner into the sink when you felt arms wrap around you again. "Can't wait until we're upstairs Luke?", you smiled at him and swayed a little in his arms. "No I just missed you way too much", he whispered into your ear. "I missed you too", you turned around in his arms and placed another kiss on his lips. He swayed you side to side in the beat of the song, still holding onto you tightly. "Y/N I don't even wanna go to bed tonight, I just want to hold you", he locked eyes with you and did just that.
"Next to your heartbeat. Where I should be."
Ten minutes later you found yourselves still in the kitchen, arm in arm. Ed Sheeran was playing in the background when Luke spun you around, starting to dance to the music. Neither of you knew how to really dance but it was fun and you didn't care. The only thing that mattered was that you had him back. He spun you around the kitchen, dancing back and forth. You hit the kitchen island a few times with your hip but laughed it off and shoved Luke against it too.
He spun you trough the kitchen a few more times before dipping you down. Your socks slipped on the tiles and you went down a lot quicker than Luke had anticipated, sending you down to the ground. Luke barely caught himself and rested himself on his elbows, right above you. You couldn't help but laugh out loud at his surprised expression. "I'm sorry Y/N", he apologized but couldn't hold back a giggle. "It's fine you dork", you laughed and pulled him down to kiss him.
"I love you Luke, this isn't the first time I've fallen for you", you grinned at him.
"When I'm away. I will remember how you kissed me"
You wish somebody could have taken a picture of you two, laying on the kitchen floor and staring into each other's eyes. It would have made a perfect replacement for the one under your phone case. These memories were what you held onto whenever he had to leave again.
"Hearing you whisper through the phone. Wait for me to come home"
Because of these moments you were sure he would always come back home to you.
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onepdumpsterfire · 4 years
Summary: Usopp moves to the city after a year since his mom died in a way to feel closer to her. There he looks for a roommate and finds none other than Zoro himself. what fate has in store for them is left for a later date lol
Usopp . Zoro
It’s been almost a year since my mom died. She’s been sick for a long time, so I knew this was coming for some time now.
Even so, knowing didn’t stop it from hurting just as much.
Since her funeral, all I’ve done is coop myself up in our house. I’d probably turn into a hermit if it weren’t for my neighbor, Kaya. She came around whenever she had the chance.
That was nice of her considering what she has been going through…
But the more she worried about me, the guiltier I felt.
I know that she can't help but take care of people. Hell, It's why she’s been studying pharmaceutics, but I also know she can do so much more with her life. She could be some big-city doctor or researching to cure cancer!
Wouldn’t that be so much cooler than being stuck in a no-name city, too small to even afford more than the one clinic it has?
In any event, that’s only one of the reasons why I’ve decided to move away for a while. I think some time out of this house would do me some good.
The city that I’m moving to isn’t all that big and a bit further than I’d like it to be, but that’s the point of moving, right?
One way or another, I chose this city because my mom fell in love with it. She used to tell me about how, when she was young, she used to travel all over! She’d seen it all. Every tourist attraction and big-name city, but there was something about this city that just took her breath away. She told me that this place managed to calm her need to be constantly moving. This is also where she got pregnant with me then later she moved back to where she was raised and had me.
As much as she loved it there, she wanted me to go out on my own and find a place that would ‘sate my most wild urges and fuel my deepest desires,’ as cheese-ly as she put it.
At first, I thought she was joking.
I thought that she only liked that place because it’s where she met dad… It’s also why I hated this city.
My father was a coward that ran away as soon as my mom got sick. Though, she never blamed him for it. I never got to as her why, though. Years later, I did ask her if I was right. That she only romanticized this place because she fell in love there. However, she told me that he was only part of the reason why she loved this city so much, and that if I didn’t believe her then I should go find the depth of this city for myself.
I debated with myself for the longest time. Whether this was the right choice, or if I was ready to set foot in the place I used to loath so much. But being here now, I feel so much smaller than I thought I was. I’m nowhere near the heart of the city, but the sheer enormity for this place makes it feel like it’s trying to swallow me whole.
Sure, back home we had a lot of open fields and the horizon was always noticeable, but here the buildings towered over everything. It felt like a tsunami that threatened impact but never collided. The horizon was replaced by millions of stars that fell from the sky and sat just out of reach so that if you got too close thy’d turn into someone else’s day. Someone’s life.
There are so many people here that It almost made it feel lonely. Being surrounded by so many lives yet being so far from them. A mirage in a desert, one could call it. It promises life, but the closer you get the more you realize you could never get close enough.
I guess I was too much of a coward to be as alone as I felt when I first stepped foot here, though, I’ll keep telling myself it’s because the apartments here are too pricey and I only managed to land a job as a gas station attendant. Nevertheless now I’m sitting on the first floor of a fully furnished two-bedroom apartment checking a roommate wanted ad I posted earlier this week.
So far there have been only two people who wanted to move around this area, but one ghosted me after a few messages and the other ended up creeping me out so much that I had to report his account! I just hope the last person that answered my ad isn’t as much of a weirdo as the previous two.
Tumblr media
They seem to be a bit curt, but I shouldn’t get too picky. Rent for next month is gonna be due soon, and there is barely anyone who wants to live near this area as is!
I’m sure that they’re nicer in person! I shouldn’t worry. It’s just two days.
Two days.
-2 days later. Thursday 2:30 pm -
When I arrive at the coffee shop, I walk straight to the back of the line. It isn’t that long and I’ve got here thirty minutes early, so I should have time for a drink before they get here.
Should I get something for them too? No, that’d be weird, and it would probably get cold by the time they get here.
The person in front of the line leaves and we all step forward.
Someone arrives and lines up behind me.
I didn’t ask for their name! I don’t even know if they’re a boy or a girl!
The next person leaves and we take another step forward.
Is it too late to ask? Would it be weird if I did?
Another step forward
What if they’re a girl? Would they feel uncomfortable living with a guy?
I did put on the ad I was a dude though…
“-cuse me, sir?”
“Huh?” The barista’s voice brings me back to earth. “Oh, sorry!”
“It’s okay!” her chipper voice rung out, “could you repeat your order? I didn’t quite catch it.”
“O-oh, sorry. Sorry. I didn’t mean to talk out loud. I was lost in thought, I guess... haha ...” I looked up to their hanging menu, more so to look away from her than to figure out what I wanted.
After putting in my order I take a seat at the very back.
Ten minutes later my drink was ready and my anxiety was rising again.
What if they don’t come?
Five minutes later and I sent them a message to let them know I’m here.
Tumblr media
Maybe I could’ve phrased it better?
That sounded weird…?
God, is that a typo?
five minutes later
They haven’t answered, but that’s okay! It’s only been five minutes. Can’t expect them to be by their phone 24/7 right?
I’ll play some games on my phone to distract myself. Yeah, that’ll be fine. It’s fine.
I take a big gulp from my drink
I downloaded that new game. My hopes aren’t high for it, though. I found it via a random Facebook ad. Hopefully, it’s not one of those scams that say 90% of people can’t pass level five, but it’s only ‘cus no one lasts long enough to get to level five.
Hmmm… it seems plays well. A bit of a lag but the graphics are awesome! The old-style, pixelated art and bright, neon, solid colors give it a very retro vibe. The ads between levels kind of ruin the experience, though.
Guess they gotta make money somehow, right?
I wonder if they’ll go away if I turn off my data and Wi-Fi.
I shouldn’t just in case the person I’m meeting tries to reach me.
Could be fine for a round or two, though, I’d anxiously suffer through all of it.
I shouldn’t just in-
A sudden scraping sound from the chair opposite of me jolts me from my hypnotic state. “Hey,” a green-haired man in front of me mutteres before taking the seat he pulled out.
Taking in his form as he makes himself comfortable, my mind begins to race. Green dyed hair with roots of black hair showing. Fitted, sleeveless Nike shirt and black basketball shorts paired with a white pair of sneakers.
Oh, god. What’s with the green hair? He looks super buffed. Am I about to be mugged? No, that’s stupid. He wouldn’t have sat- in a cafe, really?
I quickly glance down at my phone for the time.
Exactly 3. Is he super punctual? More than likely a fluke, but impressive nonetheless. What if he’s a perfectionist?
My thoughts continue to swarm around my head, buzzing in an insatiable mob until a humming silence washes over me. Like one of those box televisions from back in the day. Not broadcasting anything in particular, stuck on a blue screen, droning on in silence.
The sudden stillness in my thoughts came so abruptly that it almost gave me whiplash. That aside, I need to focus now and answer him.
“Hey, sorry I didn’t ask for your name-” I left my statement open so that he could fill in the blank“-Zoro”
“R-right, Zoro. My name’s Usopp,” I waved my hands like the gesticulation would somehow help my words form into a coherent sentence, “but you probably already knew that from my ad... Hah..” I gave a quick huff before pushing through my awkward inexperience with ‘interviews’. “I was thinking we could talk and get to know each other before I take you to see the apartment.”
“That’s fine by me,” Zoro relaxed further in his seat. “What do you wanna know?”
Right at home, ain’t he.
~Do you smoke? “No”
~Are you a messy person? “I don't have a lot of things other than clothes.”
Doesn't quite answer the question but ill take it.
~Do you have friends over often? “No”
~What do you do for a living? “I’m a bouncer at a bar near here.”
Explains the muscle.
~Can you pay rent on time? “Yes, actually I brought the first month’s with me. Your ad said that split cost between the both of us plus the utilities would be $487 right?” Zoro dug around his pocket before pulling out a folded wad of cash and handing it to me.
“U-uh yeah,” tentatively I reach over to take the money. “Yeah...” I doubt I can find someone else by the end of the month. Zoro’s my safest bet at getting a roommate before next rent's due. He doesn’t seem so bad, I’m sure we’ll get along just fine.
...I guess this means there’s only one more question to ask.
“Do you wanna see the apartment?”
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Shattered Reflections {21}
[Helsa RP- Fanfic]
Fandom: Frozen
Genre: Post-Frozen/ Canon Divergence
- Hurt/Comfort, Drama, Romance
Pairing(s): Hans/Elsa, Kristoff/Anna
Previous Chapter: 20. Boys’ Night A/N:
More Helsa heavy chapters to come
21. Nonchalant
The girls' night concluded after plenty more sisterly bonding after their tea party. The parlor which had been in a state of disarray, because of the construction of the pillow fort, was reverted back to its original state. It was put together rather quickly thanks to the help of Kristoff who had returned before bedtime like promised. Elsa was in charge of the last chore, returning the borrowed pillows and blankets, they'd offered to help her with that task, but assured them it was best if she did it herself since she knew exactly where to return the items. Elsa said she'd head to bed after finishing her errand so they all wished each other good night and were off in opposite directions. 
 Elsa had returned the other items rather quickly and now she hesitantly stood outside Hans' door firmly hugging the pillow across her chest. Maybe it had been a bad idea to take his pillow in the first place. She was starting to hope that room would be vacant once again, though she knew that would likely not be the case this time. Something about having her hair down made her extra anxious (even though Anna said it made her seem more relaxed), Kristoff had seen it of course, but that didn't bother her, he was already like a brother. She knew she couldn't stall forever; she had left a note after all. She held her breath as she opened the door. 
 When she entered she saw the next best thing she could hope for, which was Hans already laying down in bed asleep, in a rather strange position but in bed nonetheless. The breath finally escaped her lungs in relief, one less thing to worry about she thought. Now all she had to drop off the pillow by the bedside.
Hans was not a heavy sleeper. He had twelve brothers, he couldn't afford to be. But he was also a man of deception, so he remained still, and measured his breathing as she neared, listening. Footsteps too light to be a guard, so it had to be Elsa, only confirmed by the slight chill in the room. He opened an eye carefully, under his arm, with just enough gap to see her by. 
 "I never thought I'd live to see your hair down." He murmured, before he could stop himself. Maybe he'd had more than he thought, but surely it would have worn off by then. Sleep dulling his senses, perhaps? "I suppose now I can die happy." he added, entirely as a joke. He'd already alerted her that he was awake, may as well toss subtlety out the window and make it humor instead. He was good at that. Somehow referencing his depression and making a joke all at once seemed to be sort of a trend for him.
His voice resonating in the silence had completely startled her. She let out a yelp and before her mind could fully process his words, her body practically moved on it's own, tossing the pillow at his face out of pure reflex. 
 Elsa let out a nervous laugh. 
 "Oh, you're awake," her voice higher pitched than usual. "I'm so sorry!" she panically stated, realizing the pillow left her grasp. Good thing she'd thrown the pillow at him instead of ice, though it was possible the pillow was at the very least slightly frosted over.
Hans laughed at the pillow throw, downright giggly at the sudden pillow fight.
  "Well I can't say I didn't deserve that." He admitted through his fit of laughter. Maybe it was the drinking, or the evening before, but he found it easy to laugh that night. "No need to apologize, I startled you, and I should've known better. Perhaps I should be grateful you didn't hit me with a snowball." He proposed sweetly. He nonchalantly shifted down to reclaim the pillow (which had bounced off of him and flopped off the bed) and got back up to put it behind his head, though cringed a little. His wound was still a little sore. 
 "Today was a lovely day on my part, I hope yours was as well." He hummed, laying back again as nonchalant as ever. If not moreso. He had never been one to sit or lay while others stood, but her being there so frequently and him being so injured so often (and the drinking didn't help here), he didn't seem to mind it this time. Or maybe it was just to illustrate to her that she wasn't a bother to him.
Elsa's face was florid from the embarrassment of being caught by surprise, and with her mind finally settling and registering what Hans had murmured surely didn't help diminish the bloom of her cheeks. She definitely took notice that Hans seemed a bit more laid-back than usual (both figuratively and literally), but it was more than his posture that cued her in, the subtle difference of his laughter had also caught her attention. 
 "Yeah, so-," she caught herself from apologizing again. "I don't know if I can say the same about my day as a whole, being busy and all, but my evening was indeed a lovely one, spending some much needed time with Anna," she affirmed with a smile. She hadn't noticed but she was fidgeting with her hair. Holding and sliding a long lock of her hair in between the first three fingers of her alternating hands in a repetitive motion. Elsa normally didn't wear her hair down so it made sense that she'd subconsciously want to touch it in one of her anxious mannerisms. "I just came by to return your pillow like promised."
"Promised?" He hummed, seeming somewhat bewildered. "Ah, was that that scratching?" He reached behind his head and looked for whatever he had felt, before uncovering the paper. "I admit, I was tired and didn't think to care what I landed on. Rest assured, the pillow wasn't particularly missed." He assured, with an amused look. He almost seemed like a different person when he was smiling, to when he was sad. But he could change between the two so very quickly. 
 "I meant what I said, you know. Your hair is beautiful when it's down. It always is, but especially when it's down." He occupied himself reading the note, then idly folding it. He seemed to be doing it to some purpose, but not really for something grand. Just a thing to play with. He didn't know why he was telling her that, but it seemed so simple now. So easy. He would undoubtedly hate himself for saying it later, but why not take the chance while he didn't feel bad about it? 
 "The Captain of the Guard and I were drinking, don't pay me too much mind, I'm sure I'll make even more a fool of myself. But I suppose that's my official title these days." He hummed. He finished toying with the note over the course of a few moments, and presented her with the result: A little paper frog. Not perfectly folded, a bit wrinkled from being slept on and from his own failed folds (as he only half-remembered how it was supposed to be done), but it still had a little bit of spring in its feet, and could sort of haphazardly hop when pressed down to the table (even if it might typically fall on its back). Simple and silly.
"I-Uh...Thank you," she acknowledged rather shyly, the crimson continued to suffuse her cheeks at his repeated words of praise. So he'd been out drinking, that would explain a lot, inebriation (as well as drowsiness) were surely the reasoning behind his more mellow mood. Having a more airy Hans was far better than a somber one, even if it caused some awkwardness. She definitely wouldn't be able to easily ignore him even if it was just tipsy babbling. Elsa smiled at the paper frog, it was a cute little craft. She tried pressing down on it herself. 
 "It must have been nice to finally spend some time outside, instead of being confined to this room," she said. A slight shiver crossed her body as memory of her own confinement momentarily re-emerged, she quickly shook her head and got rid of it. "Hopefully your wounds didn't give you too much trouble today." Elsa showed concern about him like always, he had regained a lot of his mobility, but he wasn't completely out of the woods just yet he still had a bit of healing to do. "It sounds like you're already getting along quite well with the Captain, that's good to hear," she commented. Hans and the Captain would have together for a while with the training regimen, it was good that they were already becoming chummy enough to warrant going out for drinks.
"My wound hurt a little, but only because I did something stupid, as men are wont to do. I took it easy after that, rest assured. Training the men got more physical than I had intended, I think I'll try to stick to paperwork for a few more weeks, much as it pains me." He hummed. "I got to see Sitron at the stables, after drinks. I ran into Kristoff and Olaf, and Sven, and we had a fine time." He had to pause to remember the reindeer's name. "Sitron seems cared for, but he needs more riding time. If it's alright with you, I may take more time out with him." And there was the crux of it, 'if it's alright with you'. It wasn't bars or locks keeping him where he was, but her wants.
"Oh?" Hans' forthcoming was surprising, yes, but him willing to refrain from being stubborn and allowing himself to heal, was even more so. Maybe he finally discerned that if he was to remain patient for a little while longer, he'd be able to heal up much faster and no longer have to be shut up in his chamber for most the day. Elsa smiled at the fact that he was going to try to take it easy, for the time being, well at least as easy as Hans would allow himself to be. "Of course, I don't see why not. I'm sure Sitron misses you and he could really use the exercise," Elsa affirmed giving him a warm smile. Hans knew how to best care for him and she surely wasn't going to keep a man from his horse.
Hans smiled a bit at that. "He did. We were both excited to see each-other. I'm afraid I distracted all of us from our outing to go see my horse, and groom him. Sitron has always been a friend to me, and I do look out for my friends and allies." He hummed. "And, whatever we are." He glanced at her, a curious look in his eyes. "I still find it difficult to discern, to be honest. I don't think of you as an enemy. I never have. But I'm not sure you would appreciate me calling you a friend, either. Especially not while Anna still hates me -as she rightfully ought to, I suppose-. If anything, hers is the most sensible reaction I've seen from me. The guards murmured a bit, but I won them over quickly. Captain Johannes told me some still have doubts and that they haven't forgotten, I'll believe it when I see it." He felt it easier to talk to her that evening. It didn't feel like it was because of the alcohol, but maybe it was. It just felt like... he wanted to talk about it. It didn't feel like a bunch of secrets, it felt like things she must have already surmised. Like friends discussing a nuisance of one's day, not dissecting his character.
Elsa glimpsed back at him. She let a titter escape as she combed her hair atop her head with one of her fingers. "Yeah, it really is hard to know where exactly we stand, given the odd circumstances." Elsa concurred. "You know, I was also wondering about that myself, being able to consider you a friend, I mean. I wasn't sure if I could call you that, and not because of Anna or that I don't want us to be friends, I was just uncertain," Elsa expressed and paused biting her bottom lip a bit. "Because to tell you the truth, I don't have many friends, and I don't know if I can count Anna since she's my sister, so as you can imagine I'm not very good when it comes to that sort of thing," Elsa explained. "The Ice Queen, still having trouble warming up, big surprise. Thirteen years of isolation surely didn't help in that regard,"she huffed. "Though Anna seemed to have gotten the hang of it unlike me, but then again she's always been amiable, social and striving to connect with people," she recognized. She paused once again getting lost down memory lane. 
 "It's silly but, I didn't have a companion like Sitron or Sven, instead for the longest time, since I couldn't interact with Anna, I had a Sir Jorgenbjorgen, he was a little stuffed puffin doll I would talk to," she reminisced. "Had I known sooner that I had the ability to bring my creations to life, I might have tried to make myself a friend," Elsa considered, lost deeper in her thoughts. There was one last pause before she noticed. "Oh, sorry, I'm getting carried away." Elsa realized she had gotten a bit too caught up in the friend talk, maybe she was being too chatty herself, but since they were already opening up to each other, might as well just say what was on her mind, just because it felt right to do so. "Anyway, I don't know what else we could deem ourselves if not friends." She didn't address how others might feel about Hans, because it was pretty obvious how she felt herself, if she was considering him her friend.
Hans looked up at her, with perhaps a bit of hope in his eyes. "Do get carried away more, it's easier to converse when both sides are chatty." He pointed out with a little smile. "Friends, then?" He asked, almost wary. She may have been isolated for years, but Hans was familiar with backstabbing and attempts to be perfect. Elsa may have been slow-melting ice, but Hans was more of a doe, listening for trouble and leaping away at the first movement, even if it was from a future friend. "I like that your puffin was a sir. That's cute." He hummed. "I had my journals, why wouldn't you have a doll? I had to be wary of echoes, you had to be wary of living things. I can't imagine being afraid to touch life. I suppose we were both prisoners in our bedrooms in different ways. You to hide from yourself, and protect others; me to hide from others and protect myself. At least I could wander out, most times." He seemed less than comfortable thinking about it, not quite frowning, but not looking happy. "I'm glad you can still love your castle and kingdom. I can't." He would visit home if someone was dying; but he had no further desire to. He doubted they kept his things in his room. He was only a prince in name so he could visit the dying, because they knew his father wouldn't live long. "Ah, there I go, turning grim after we were having such a lovely day before. I didn't mean to bring us down." His tone was lighter and apologetic, to make up for his gloominess. Even though it may not have been him starting the gloom, he blamed himself and his mercurial moods.
"Yes, Friends," Elsa replied with smiling eyes. It felt good to finally have a bit more clarity on the relationship between them. "I'm sure it was my doing this time, I have a knack of turning things sour without wanting to," She assured, remembering how well the conversation with Anna went before the fun finally started. "Let's see if I can just as easily divert it back to being lovely again," Elsa affirmed, taking a moment to ponder. "Oh, I know! Aren't you the least bit curious as to know what the pressing matter that required me to borrow your pillow?" She asked. It was going to be a bit embarrassing to admit, but it got the conversation to revert back into something more pleasant. It didn't really matter.
Hans looked up at her curiously, and grinned playfully. "Missed me that much?" He proposed, with mock flattery and a playful smile. She looked ready to go to bed, with her hair down. He had to be careful not to think too much about that all at once. "Alright, I'll bite, why borrow my pillow?" He had guesses (after all, how many reasons could there be?) but he participated for the sake of the conversation. The longer it lasted, the more time he spent in her presence, and could admire her beauty while he thought she wouldn't notice.
She giggled a bit. Even though Hans himself was joking it technically wasn't far from the truth, she had indeed wished to see him, though she wouldn't actually admit it and she hadn't playfully denied it either. "Well, how else would we construct Arendelle's most extravagant pillow fort? " Elsa laughed followed by a sigh. "Childish I know, and most unbecoming of a Queen, but I must admit it was rather fun, doing things with Anna we never got the chance to do growing up."
Hans smiled a little, especially in his eyes, where crow's feet would form well before any other wrinkles made themselves prominent with age. "Now if we can't spend our adulthood being childish, whatever did we grow up for?" He joked easily. "We're both rather giggly tonight. I quite like it. And I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one with a penchant for childish behavior. Olaf got me to smile earlier with bad puns, and the time at the pub-- well I think the Captain thinks of me as the obnoxious young recruit more than a trainer to his troops, but he reminds me of the Captain of my ship, in spite of being much younger. I wouldn't have it any other way." He hummed. He sounded as if the day had overall been quite positive, even if -for a time- he had been quite melancholy. It seemed that was his natural state of being, and happy any time someone got him out of it.
"It is rather nice," Elsa agreed as a grin crossed her face. The two of them sharing a moment in good spirits was very pleasant. "I may not be able to indulge in acting childish often, but I won't deny it's enjoyable to do so," she laughed a bit more, the laughter sure seemed to be contagious tonight."I'm glad you were able to have a nice night out."
"Hmm, why not? Perhaps you simply need to take more time to be a child." He suggested, gesturing to the little paper frog he had made. "I learned to make those in Japan, then promptly forgot. With a little struggling I can get them almost like they're supposed to look. And that's one of the easy ones. Some people can make flapping birds,dogs, cats, all out of folded paper. It's a mystery to me, I guess I just don't have the mind for it. But I like the little hopping frog fold. Simple and cute."
Elsa smiled at the frog, poking it once again. "I don't think it would make the right impression if I was regarded as 'Elsa the Childish Ice Queen of Arendelle'," she jokingly remarked with a snort. "Actually, I've already planned to make more time, I promised Anna to try doing more fun things we didn't get to do together."
"Hmm, I try on titles and attitudes like most try shoes. Something different for any occasion, no need to let one define you. Why bother? Of course, I'm hardly the picture of mental health." He remained casual, leaning back, though he propped himself up a little more to converse with her. Maybe he just preferred there to be a power imbalance. It made him less of a threat. Especially with his sword still on the bureau. "My moods change faster than the tides, as does my personality and my behavior, if I could do anything else as fast, I'd be a much more productive human being. But it means I have the freedom to be a different person to everyone I meet, if I choose to be. I'd say it doesn't change who I am at heart, but I'm not convinced there's a layer deeper than that. I'm still a mirror, I am whatever others want or need me to be, and that's why I get all the titles. My favorite so far was Admiral, but my second-favorite is Fool. I suppose it's the only one I gave myself." He mused. He didn't really have a singular purpose to mention it, he just found it intriguing. "At any rate, you can have more time to be a child, and not be defined as childish. Even kings and queens must laugh."
Elsa didn't care too much what people thought of her, but then again she was a Queen and a big sister, two titles she felt didn't allow freedom to be carefree, responsibility seemed to have been engraved as a part of her personality from a young age. She might have seemed serious and resolute in remaining regal, but she didn't really mind being like that, actually she preferred it, it was essentially how she was in character, she could never be abundantly energetic like Anna that was way too draining. 
 "Adaptability isn't necessarily a bad attribute, sounds exhilarating having that freedom explore the infinite possibilities, instead of being set in stone." There was a part of Elsa wished she wasn't bound by the expectations (that she'd mostly placed on her own shoulders) and she could have the freedom to be that flexible. "I guess you're right, even I deserve some fun," she answered. 
 Elsa then pursed her lips and pondered. 
 "Do you think I'm too serious? I know I can be a bit of a stickler," she wondered. All this talk made it sound like she was normally no fun at all, and maybe that was true, she was rather duty driven. Perhaps what she was really trying to ask was what was his impression of her.
Hans considered her question a bit. "Seriousness is a necessary evil, especially as a royal. You need to be able to be serious when the time calls for it. But we can't stop enjoying life, else there's no reason to have it. I adventure and enjoy wordplay, that's how I enjoy life. You're dutiful, but I think you're serious for work, and very human otherwise. You laugh and smile and tease. Some military men seem like they hold onto their frowns and barked orders like a man holds to a life raft. Those types of men tend not to like me, because I refuse to take them seriously." Hans smiled to himself, ever the young rogue. "People like that tend to demand respect they haven't earned with me, or expect me to follow them because I'm young. Ah, but alas, I suppose I am a follower again. My highest rank now is 'Queen's Fool'." He smiled a little to himself just the same. As far as it was from 'prince', he still had an inordinate fondness for the title. At least in part because nobody really hired fools anymore. "Very human, hm?" she repeated in a murmur. She smiled, that really was a compliment to her, since she often tended to forget that. "That's quite the title, the highest ranking Fool in the land, a very rare achievement indeed, I can see why you are quite fond of it," Elsa playfully teased.
Hans laughed a little, smiling at her. "Well I can't think of a better kingdom to be a fool in. Careful, I might start asking for pay. Though, if I keep playing cards with the men I'm training, I might need one anyway." He laughed. "I wonder how the history books will write about me. 'The fool who trained the Queen's Guards, a failed treasoner and prince of a foreign land', I like the reverse-ordering. I'm sure they'll gloss over the admiralty, history books always seem to miss the important bits." He chuckled and shook his head. "Of course it's only by the treason I'd have made it in, anyway." He shrugged. "Glad it didn't work out, though. In spite of all my pains and injuries, I am glad life has brought me to where I am. I just wish it had taken a somewhat different path to get here."
Elsa smiled and laughed along with him, up until the treason talk. "I'm glad you're here too," she reassured softly. "It might not have been the preferable path, but life might not have granted the same possibilities any other way."
  "There're so many good things that might not have happened had we not gone down the paths we’d chosen."
"Just so." Hans hummed. She brought him a sense of peace, even though he felt somewhat trapped there in his room. Even healed, he tended not to explore the small space. 
 "Not the preferable path, indeed. If I'd have known about your powers, maybe we could have been friends. I certainly would have been a lot more careful." He thought about it a moment, then waved the thought off. "Best not to think about 'what ifs', they only lead to sadness, I find."
He seemed to be right, the unattainable 'what ifs' did indeed only tended to bring sorrow of how things might have been. She was melancholy for a moment as she let out a sigh. Then a strange concept crossed her mind.
  "That seems to be true, but what if," Elsa giggled a little at the way she started that statement. "Instead of thinking of the impossible 'what ifs' of the past, we think of the potential 'what ifs' of the present and the future." She suggested. "I think those are far less gloomy since they are still probable prospects." 
 "Like what if I did officially grant you the title of fool?" That part was of course just another joke, but certainly not out of the realm of possibility.
Hans chuckled. "Embarrassing, truly, yet charming. I imagine my family would never understand that I'd sooner be a fool in Arendelle than a prince in the Isles." He admitted idly. "Well then, what if my work here somehow encouraged the Isles to give back my titles? Then I would be a fool admiral and a fool prince. What a combination. One confusing hierarchy of titles. My mother would hate it, therefore I'm for it." He chuckled dryly.
Elsa wasn't sure if she should ask the next question, but the 'what if' of returning titles made her curious. After a brief hesitation she decided to ask. 
 "What if you were given the opportunity to sail again, would you?" She wondered, wringing her hands. Her crimson nails contrasting her porcelain skin. It was a bittersweet question even for a hypothetical, since she wouldn't want him to leave, yet she knew how much he loved the sea and adventure and was rather curious to find out if he would. She'd asked him a similar question before about why he'd returned to Arendelle instead of sailing away. She wondered if his answer would differ, given other circumstances, such as regaining his admiralty.
He thought about it a bit. "Of course, I do love adventure; but I must return to a friendly port now and then to rest and restock and call home. I would sooner that be here than the Isles, if Arendelle would have me. I daresay the Isles has no need for me now, if I'm no longer an Admiral, and not counted in the line of succession. I have nowhere I must be but where Her Majesty assigns me." He gestured to Elsa, not toward home. His mother was Queen Consort and had no true say in the running of the government.
His answer had put her mind at ease. Elsa smiled a bit. "But of course, if you are indeed considering yourself my fool it's only logical that Arendelle would be your home," she affirmed. It felt a little strange to call him her fool in the possessive especially out loud, but she was in fact the Queen and he was her fool. It did embarrass her a little to have said after the fact, even if it was only meant to be playful banter.
Hans smiled a little at the thought. He was welcomed there, even if it was only as a jester in her court. "I could always be considered the Guard Trainer or whatever official title that would be. In the Isles, we had the Swordmaster, who taught us boys to swing a sword, but that was a bit of a different job." He admitted, considering the thought.
Oh, right his real official title, she had practically forgotten about that and it made her fluster a bit more. 
 "Yes, definitely," she nodded."I'm not quite sure of the official name yet either, but we'll figure it out soon enough." She assured him. 
 "Hmm, what about Combat Consultant? It has a nice ring to it, but I don't know. Do you have any other ideas?" Elsa suggested and asked him for his input. "Oh, and before I forget since we're on the topic of training. Kristoff might be the one watching over us while you're training me." She informed him.
"Oh that does have a nice ring. 'Consultant' sounds a bit like desk work, though. There must be a term for the one who trains the guards, that isn't 'captain'. I'd hate to dethrone the captain we have, after all." He chuckled at the thought. He would absolutely tease the Captain about it if it happened, but he thought it might make a bit of a sore spot. "Ah, we'll figure it out." He shrugged. 
 "That's fine with me, Kristoff is a nice young man, dutiful and level-headed. Hell, he can join, if he likes. Give you someone to vent to when you both get tired of hearing me quote 'A Treatise on The Swordsmen of the Southern Isles' at you. It's not a common book, probably doesn't exist outside of the Isles. If it does exist in your library I'll be surprised, but feel free to read it in advance, if you do have it. It's a written explanation of the 'implied sword-culture' of the Isles, and goes into detail about why we give up swords, what it means, all sorts of minutia you might not care about. And some things that might actually help swordplay, occasionally." He chuckled a little. It was clearly a favorite read of his. One of those books, not read for entertainment, but guidance; as a man reads a bible.
"Yeah, we'll figure it out later,"she concurred. Elsa really didn't want to step on anyone's toes, by making Hans the new captain, so she hoped to come up with a suitable solution without having to resort to that. "Oh dear, are you going to make me regret acquiescing before we even begin?" She giggled. "I'll be sure to check the library, I doubt we have a copy, but you never know."
He chuckled a little and shrugged. "I have a fondness for my country's 'sword culture'. It's one of the few parts of it I like. But that's mostly fluff. Cultural details that won't necessarily apply to you, though you may gain an appreciation for how and when I carry mine. It's perhaps the political equivalent of a lady's fan-language, or perhaps that's an odd English trend. I never bothered to learn whether ladies truly bother with communicating with coquettish fanning. It seems a bit silly to me. I'd say I'm more straightforward than that, but you and I both know that's a lie." He laughed dryly. He was a man who chose his words carefully, most times. Still, he seemed to be learning how to be more casual with her-- for good or ill.
"I would actually like to try to understand that fondness, as well as the significance behind the swords, it honestly sounds like an interesting topic, besides I don't mind a history lesson," Elsa smilingly nodded. It was true, Hans seemed to take his sword culture seriously, and if it was something important to him she wanted to learn more about it to know why, believing that it might give her a better idea of who Hans was at heart. "As for fan-language I wouldn't know too much of that myself either, I never learned any of that, there was really no use for it, considering," Elsa did a quick demonstration of her magic, in the palm of her hand."Nor was I ever interested in that sort of thing, so it was for the best. I also think it's rather silly, though I'm fairly certain Anna knows how to do it, she's always liked things like that, and think I've seen her play around with a fan. Seems unnecessary complicated to me, just like a certain person I know," Elsa giggled, she was kidding of course, playing along with what he'd said before.
"All too complicated." He agreed with a smile. "If you can get a copy of the book out here, it's a thin one, if dense. If not, I'll likely cover most of it while I teach you, anyway. Just as soon as I can do that without injuring myself." He touched his old stab wound. It hardly needed bandages, but it was still scabbed and occasionally spotted blood. It would heal soon.
"I'll see if I can get my hands on one, though it might be better to just wait and hear it from you, your way with words is certainly a lot more vibrant than reading them from a book, that's for sure" she acknowledged. "Yes, please do heal up first, we wouldn't want to keep you trapped in here, because of yet another injury two is more than enough."
Hans chuckled a little. "Much as I've managed to enjoy my confinement, it will be nice to get out of this damned bed, at least." He admitted. "I don't mind being in a cell or a room, it's not being able to move around that bothers me. You never know how much you gesture when you talk until it hurts to move." It was strange, he still felt their relationship was nebulous. Friends, yes, and friendly. But... more, perhaps? Was it possible that they could be? Or was he just fond of her, and it was all one-sided? He could never admit it to ask, surely. "I'm at least dimly aware that Anna doesn't trust me, and I don't blame her in the slightest. Am I permitted to move about the castle, though? I'll accept any restrictions, or a no, but I am curious. I never bother to check outside my door for guards, I just assume they're posted." Because at heart, he thought of himself still as a treasoner. It had been as deeply ingrained into him as the scars across his back.
"Oh, there aren't any guards," she stated, shaking her head. "You're free to leave your room if you desire, though Anna probably wouldn't be too thrilled if she caught you roaming around. Hmm. I think this whole corridor is probably safe though, I'm sure she doesn't come this way at all, just to avoid bumping into you. There are some places that are likely to always be unoccupied because they mostly go unused, like the music room and ballroom for example. I think the only area of the castle that I would really consider off limits is the upstairs level, where our bedrooms are, I think Anna would be rather upset if she saw you around there, she'd likely see it as an invasion of her personal space. As for the other parts of the castle, are pretty much open to you, if you wish to visit, all I say is go at your own risk and can only suggest that you proceed with caution."
Hans nodded thoughtfully. "I'm uncertain how to feel about that." He admitted. "Ah, but I got stabbed defending the kingdom. The Captain tells me I should give myself some credit for that. Though I am about as eager to run into Anna as she is to run into me. I'm quite good at not being found when I don't want to be. She won't hear from me if I can help it, let alone see me." He had quite enough interaction with Anna for one lifetime. No man scared him, but he would sooner fight pirates than deal with Anna calling him useless again.
 "It didn't make sense to keep guards posted when you are no longer my prisoner," she expressed.
 Hans considered that thought. "I suppose not." He said, but didn't seem to quite believe the idea. "I suppose it would look bad if the man training your guards needed a guard presence, himself. So... if I'm to live in Arendelle, if I'm truly to be a citizen here, should I save for a home here? I imagine I probably won't be asked to stay here when Anna is so upset with me. And I don't exactly have family money anymore in the Isles. But I don't mind the idea of having a humble home here. As long as the people of Arendelle don't feel like lynching me in the night, anyway. Thankfully I seem to be winning people over easily enough." Though he wasn't sure if that was truly a good thing.
Elsa didn't know how to answer that, she hadn't really thought of him leaving the castle. She opened her mouth to speak but remained silent for a little while longer. 
 "I-Uh, I...I really don't mind having you stay here in the castle myself,"she began in a soft-spoken tone. "but I know that's not really fair to Anna. She really only seemed alright with letting you stay while you heal." She admitted with a sigh. "You could probably stay at the barracks for a time," she suggested. "And if you wished to build yourself a home in town in the future you're welcome to do so."
"Hmm, building a home." Hans mused, seeming new to the idea. "I wouldn't have the faintest idea how, what an intriguing thought." He remarked, sounding more excited by the prospect than anything. "I may have to get a uniform if I'm to work with the guard staff. Wouldn't be my first, though the least likely, I'd wager. Perhaps when I'm fully ready to train them? I always was in favor of living alongside the men I work with." He didn't mind that any. But perhaps most importantly, she wanted him there near her. That was a sweet idea. "I might have to save a long while. Perhaps I'll find a place near the fjords someday. Near the ships and the sea. Near the castle." For her, not for anything else. The only reason he had to put his feet on dry land anymore was to visit her, really. He could have left, could have returned to sea life. But then what? Just be a midshipman? A sailor with no rank or renown? He could have, perhaps, joined Arendelle's navy, but why, if not to stay at her heels? "I suppose I have more options than I've had in a while. I'll have to think about life and consider them."
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The Tale of Astoria Kenobi [Chapter 1] [Obitine and Anidala featured] [Dad!Obi-Wan/Daughter!OC]
I hope you guys like it!
I'll put the same disclaimer I did last time; I am not an expert at all things Star Wars. I'm sorry if I make any mistakes but I'm still learning. Just bear with me. I did so some research to make sure I had the basic timeline right before I got too far into this story though.
Alrighty! This Right Here is the prologue to this story for those who haven’t read it yet. 
Now for the taglist: @elite-guard-hardygal​, @forcearama​ (who created the Scandalore/Secret Marriage AU I’m using), @sunshineisdelightful​, @fwtcanimelover​, and @babycollectiondragon135! Thank you all for being so amazing and supportive! :)
One more thing; Would y'all be mad if I started writing in 1st person from Astoria's point of view? I just realized that doing 3rd person will get a bit difficult.
Also, um...does anyone have scene suggestions for the ten-year gap between this and Attack of the Clones? Cus, looking at the timeline of everything, that's how long it takes to get from this point we're at currently (not long after Phantom Menace) to Attack of the Clones.
Anyway, I'm gonna let you guys read the story now and hope you all enjoy!
God Bless and Good Day!
~The Lupine Sojourner
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“Can you believe it?” Satine murmurs, settling her few bags down in the room she’d been loaned. It was rather small and spartan, but Satine had known far harsher living environments and couldn’t complain.
Obi-Wan smiles. “Indeed. The Counsel are rarely so conceding.”
“They even allowed me all day tomorrow to make absolutely certain Astoria will adjust well to life here.”
“Yes, though they more than likely expect the generosity returned, should we have need of it.” Obi-Wan points out sagely. 
Satine nods. “Oh, I’m well aware. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. Perhaps, dear, you could request to be given assignments to Mandalore? Since you're the most...experienced in Mandalorian affairs?” 
Obi-Wan smirks, rising to her challenge.“Darling, is this your way of saying you want me home more often?”
“’More often’ implies you’re at home sometimes.” Satine snips, crossing her arms and looking away petulantly, though she wasn’t truly angry with him. The mood shifts regardless and Obi-Wan gently spins her to look at him.
“Satine...you know I would never stay away intentionally.”
“I know, Obi-Wan, but..." Now that Satine had said those words aloud, she realized she did mean them, angry or not, "surely you could manage a few visits? Astoria gets to see you so rarely...she misses you.”
“I miss her more.” Obi-Wan replies softly, easing Satine’s hair from her face. “And you, as well. I meant to leave, you know. But…” The unspoken words ring in the air as if they’d been verbalized.
Obi-Wan would never abandon Anakin, and Satine would never ask him to.
“I know, Obi-Wan.” Satine rubs his arm comfortingly. “I know.”
The pair are content to simply hold each other then, the door shut against any surprise visitors.
Astoria was nervous, fiddling with the sleeves of her Jedi robes.
She liked her new clothes, plain though they were. They were fairly soft and comfortable, if a little thick for the warmth in the Temple.
The reason she was nervous was that she was waiting outside a chamber Uncle Obi told her his superiors were in.
When she asked what ‘superiors’ were, Obi-Wan had explained that they were the ones that told him where to go and what to do.
And Astoria was going to meet them!
“Don’t worry.” Came a voice behind her, and Astoria turns to see a young boy, not much older than her, standing there smiling. “The Counsel don’t do much. They just ask a lot of questions and sit there.”
Astoria feels a little better, returning the boy’s smile as she extends a hand in greeting. “Thanks. My name’s Astoria Kryze.” She introduces.
The boy shakes her hand. “Anakin Skywalker.” Astoria decided she liked this boy, though he was older than her.
From around the corner came Obi-Wan, having finished whatever had called him away. He smiles in greeting at the two. “I see you two have met. Good.”
Astoria grins. “Yeah!”
Obi-Wan crouches before his daughter, absently straightening her robes. He felt a mixture of pride and sadness that his child was already wearing the Jedi robes, hardly remembering that she was older than most Younglings when they were brought to the Temple. “Now, Astoria, just be polite and everything will go smoothly, alright? No need to be nervous.”
Astoria feels her stomach swirl a little as her nerves started to come back, but felt them leave again when her uncle squeezed her hand and stood up, smiling at her.
Without another word, Obi-Wan hit the button to tell the Counsel they were waiting, and soon enough a deep voice inside told them to enter.
“Should I be concerned our daughter has such a penchant for fighting?” Satine asks coyly.
The settling of Astoria in the Temple was going rather smoothly. Astoria took to life in the Temple like a duck to water, though Satine suspected her departure for Mandalore the next morning would spell trouble.
Obi-Wan chuckles, distracting Satine from her thoughts. “Darling, she is Mandalorian.”
“Half Mandalorian.” Satine corrects, playfully smacking her husband’s shoulder.
“True, true.” Obi-Wan side-hugged his wife, watching with a large smile on his face, though the smile faltered when he saw that she seemed genuinely a little concerned. “It’s alright, Satine.” He assures her, “She’s just begun her training. She won’t have these violent tendencies for long.”
Directly down the hall from them, Astoria was playing with Anakin. Their playing had quickly dissolved into wrestling and Astoria tended to use more aggressive strategies, Satine noticed.
The thing stalling the adults from intervening was the laughter ringing in the hall.
Anakin had not had it easy in life and Obi-Wan was rather hesitant to stop his Padawan’s fun.
Obi-Wan recalled the meeting with the Counsel not two hours ago. Astoria had charmed the Jedi almost immediately and performed remarkably well on the small tests Mace Windu gave her.
Obi-Wan had even had the fortune of putting the braid in Astoria’s hair himself, missing Fisto’s smirk entirely as he worked.
No one else had said a word when Mace Windu asked who would braid the new Younglings hair, so Obi-Wan came forward, motioning his daughter to him and beginning the braid, instructing her to remain still.
“I am almost sad, seeing the braid in Astoria’s hair.” Satine muses, sighing. She had smiled and encouraged Astoria when the girl proudly displayed it for her mother, but Satine’s heart clenched knowing what that braid meant.
“And yet it means hope.” Obi-Wan reassured Satine, rubbing his wife’s shoulder comfortingly, “She won’t be far out of either of our reach here, darling.”
Satine nods. “Of that, I am certain. But...I won’t get to see her grow up.”
A teasing smirk reaches Obi-Wan’s face and he chuckles. “Now you know what I went through.”
Satine whirls to glare at him, drawing away from her husband's side. “Oh, really, Ben! The nerve!” He knew then that, though her tone and body language conveyed annoyance and perhaps a bit of anger, she was teasing on the inside. She only called him Ben when she was teasing him.
“I have plenty of nerve, my dear.” He counters, daring her to continue their game as he grabs her hips to draw her back in.
Instead of replying, she kisses him boldly on the lips. It’s only through the Force that Obi-Wan had enough warning to withdraw reluctantly from Satine and call for Anakin before Plo Koon rounded the corner.
As a result, the approaching Jedi saw nothing but the children halting their wrestling match and the adults taking the children’s hands. If it weren’t wearing the rebreather, everyone would see his smile as he watches Astoria take her mother's hand.
So this was the new Youngling. He’d been en route to Coruscant when she’d been given her braid, watching her through a hologram as Obi-Wan volunteered to braid the girl’s hair. It was one thing seeing her in a hologram, it was quite another thing seeing her physically.
“Pardon the intrusion.” Plo Koon calls. “I was on my way to the library.” Astoria loved libraries and runs over, still riding the adrenaline of nearly winning her match against Anakin.
“Library?” She asks eagerly, bouncing in front of the Kel-Dorian, who takes her youthful giddiness in stride. “Can I come with you?”
“Yes, little one.” Astoria squeals in delight and before Satine can scold her, Plo Koon takes her hand and guides the excited child down the hall.
Anakin goes to catch up to his new friend, not for the destination, but because he liked her company already and didn’t want to say goodbye yet.
Obi-Wan and Satine follow in the rear, their hearts singing with joy that already their child was making friends.
Jocasta Nu was pleasantly surprised when Astoria walked up to her, now calm after a few words from Satine about behaving herself, and asked to see some maps of the galaxy.
“Well, dear, we have many maps. Are you looking for anything special?” Jocasta was slightly confused as there were no adults with the child, though she could hear people within the library. Luckily, Satine then came around a bend, spotted her wayward daughter, and approached the librarian apologetically.
“There you are, Astoria.” She takes her daughter’s hand. “Apologies, madam. She’s still young.”
“No need, Duchess.” Jocasta assures Satine patiently. “It’s not every day a Youngling comes in and asks to see maps.”
Satine smiles. “Yes, she is rather curious to see the galaxy. She’s never left Mandalore before.”
Jocasta offers her hand to Astoria and, after once more telling Astoria to behave herself, Satine allowed the kind librarian to lead her daughter away, staying where she was.
Satine was trying to ease Astoria into not needing to be around Satine as much as she could.  After seeing Astoria engrossed in picking out a map, Satine slipped out of the library to pack her things. Come tomorrow morning, Satine would no longer be allowed in the Temple.
Plo Koon, for his part, was watching Astoria with piqued curiosity. There was something about that girl...but he couldn’t quite place what it was.
He supposed he had plenty of time to figure it out and began the task that had led him to the library in the first place.
Obi-Wan helped Jocasta educate Astoria on the various planets the girl asked about and spent a pleasant half an hour this way before Anakin, bored of watching them, wandered off.
Obi-Wan then had to excuse himself. He had to be Anakin’s Master, not Astoria’s father, though he yearned to stay where he was.
Anakin was looking at records of various lightsabers. He still called them ‘laser swords’ and Obi-Wan had yet to fully iron out that habit.
The group spent a pleasant afternoon in the library while Satine, heart growing a little heavier with every item packed, was alone in her room.
She knew full well now that Astoria would be very happy here, would grow into a Jedi that would make her and Obi-Wan prouder than they already were, if that were possible.
And yet Satine would miss her daughter terribly. She knew there would be visits and calls as often as could be helped, but it wasn’t the same as having Astoria in the palace with her.
It never would be.
Obi-Wan found her nearly packed after escorting the Younglings to the evening meal. He’d slipped out with two portions, one for him and one for his wife.
He knew this was hard on her and regretted that he had to put his duties before his family. “Take a break.” He calls as he enters. “I brought food.” Satine turns and walks over, heart lightening a little at seeing him.
“Thank you, Master Jedi.” She says, glance teasing as she took her plate.
They sat on her bed and all was quiet for a few minutes. “Satine, I wish I could say it gets easier, missing her day in and day out, but I’d be lying.” He murmurs, knowing full well the source of the weight on her shoulders.
“How do you cope?” She asks miserably.
“You learn to treasure the moments you see them, hologram or in person, and memorize the little things, the tidbits that make the person who they are.” Obi-Wan says softly, wrapping an arm around Satine as she leans her head on his shoulder. “You memorize their voice and let the memories surface when you feel the loneliest.”
“Seems a rather dull way of life.”
“We’ve known worse.”
“That we have, darling.” Satine finds a small strength in that revelation. Yes, she had survived worse than separation from her daughter. "It’ll be a hard conversation, explaining all this to her.” Satine sighs, leaning on her husband for support in more ways than one, her head against his shoulder.
Obi-Wan nods, leaning his head against Satine's. “Yes. Do you want me there?”
Satine nods her head. “That might be wise. You are her father and a Jedi. You can explain the things I can not.” Her tone was sad, resigned. The matter of leaving Astoria and having to explain to her why Satine was leaving still weighed incredibly heavy on his mind.
“Satine, it’ll be alright. You’ll see.”
Astoria washes down her food with a few gulps of water, grimacing a little.
The food was satisfying to be sure, but it really didn’t taste like much.
Anakin told her he wasn’t overly fond of it, either, but it was better than what he had on Tattoine.
That prompted an eager discussion between the children about where they each were from.
That is, until Obi-Wan appeared and informed them it was time for evening meditation and bedtime. Anakin groans and heads off with the other Younglings they’d been eating with, but Obi-Wan grabs Astoria’s shoulder and silently leads her to Satine’s room. He’d talk to her about meditation later.
Astoria was wondering where her mom had gone, about to ask where she was when Obi-Wan came to guide her to Satine’s room after her bland meal.
It doesn't take long to get to the room.
“Hi mommy!” Astoria cheers, missing the sadness in Satine’s eyes as she hugs her mother.
“Hello, dear. Did you enjoy dinner?” Satine asks, settling Astoria beside her.
“No. It didn’t taste like the food back home.” Astoria replies, wrinkling her nose.
“Well, you have to get used to it.” Satine says gently.
Astoria wasn’t paying much attention; she was more concerned with why her mom’s bags were packed. “Are we going home already?” She asks. “We just got here!”
“Darling…” Satine winces, drawing Astoria into her lap. “You have to stay here. I have to go back to Mandalore.”
Astoria’s eyes go wide, head tilted in confusion. “But...but Momma, I thought…”
“You remember your mother telling you about my job?” Obi-Wan chimes in, feeling his heart ache at the troubled look on his daughter’s face and the sadness in his wife’s eyes.
“Yeah, but...Uncle Obi...that’s your job.” Astoria points out, not understanding why she was staying when her mother was returning to Mandalore.
“And you will be helping me.” He says.
Astoria frowns. “Really?”
“Yes, in a way. You will stay here, learning what the Masters teach you, and in time you will help me with my job.”
“But why can’t Mommy stay, too?” Astoria asks, lip trembling a little as the weight of what was happening was beginning to occur to her.
“Because, sweetheart, I don’t work here.” Satine explains simply. “It was through the kindness of the Counsel that I was allowed to come with you in the first place. But they can’t let me stay. This place...is special.”
“I’ll miss you.” Astoria whimpers, going to hug her mother tightly. “I don’t want you to go!”
“Oh, Astoria, I’ll miss you greatly, as well. But don’t lose heart; you can call me sometimes when you’re allowed. And maybe you can even visit me once in a while.”
“Really?” Astoria asks, hardly daring to believe it.
“Yes, Astoria. Now...I have a lesson for you before bedtime, alright?” Obi-Wan interjects, reluctantly cutting the moment short. Satine was well aware she was on limited time with Astoria, but smiles at her daughter encouragingly.
Astoria slowly gets off the bed. She then turns back around. “Are you leaving now?”
“No. I’m leaving first thing tomorrow.” That comforts Astoria and she hugs her mom again, kissing her cheek before leaving with Obi-Wan. The two are quiet as they walk toward her new bedroom.
It wasn’t far from Anakin’s, which would make it easier for Obi-Wan to check up on her when he could.
“What’s the lesson?” Astoria asks once they’re in her room.
“Sit.” Obi-Wan says simply and crosses his legs. Astoria grunts and struggles to get her legs crossed. Obi-Wan chuckles and leans over, helping her get into position.
“This hurts, Uncle Obi.” She grumbles.
“You’ll get used to it. Now, I want you to take deep breaths and close your eyes. Think of something that makes you feel at ease.”
Astoria tilts her head. “What does that mean?”
Obi-Wan reaches out with the Force, sensing her connection easily. It was turbulent and unruly, like most Younglings. She’d have much work to do calming this flurry of thoughts and emotions.
He helps her begin that process slowly, easing his way through the storm to the center. There, he calms the pulsing ball of energy he finds, very very slowly. If he dimmed the ball too much, he’d risk harming Astoria.
“Like this, young one." Obi-Wan says, eyes still closed. Astoria sighs contentedly, sudden exhaustion causing her to yawn.
“...I think I like this, Uncle Obi.”
“Good, remember how this feels, and try to quiet your mind even further.” Obi-Wan instructs, withdrawing his presence in his daughter’s mind.
“I don’t know how.” Astoria replies, coming back to her senses a bit and feeling embarrassed she didn’t know.
“It’s alright. Just breathe and relax. Don’t let your mind wander. Imagine putting it to bed.”
“...” There are several moments of quiet before Astoria groans, and Obi-Wan feels the progress he’d made vanish as she comes out of her attempted meditation. “It’s not working.”
“Patience.” He replies softly, his mind calming as he talks. “It doesn’t come without practice. Try again.”
Astoria does, with the same result, but Obi-Wan had felt a subtle change. It was clear she was trying, but she was still overthinking things.
He smiles at her and decides that was enough practice for tonight. “Alright, Astoria. Let’s go to bed.”
“But I didn’t do what you wanted.” Astoria protests as he helps her stand.
“That’s alright. You just started learning. No one learns meditation right away. I struggled with it, too, but with time and patience, I was able to master it. One day, you will master it, as well.” Astoria nods, going to brush her teeth.
“Can I say goodbye to Momma tomorrow?” She asks once she’s getting under the thin cover on her bed.
“Yes. I’ll wake you so you can say goodbye, but then it’ll be breakfast time and we’ll have to go eat.” Obi-wan explains.
Astoria nods, yawning. “Thanks, Uncle Obi.” She murmurs sleepily. Obi-Wan has to fight the urge to kiss her forehead. He knew better than to confuse the girl by being overly affectionate just yet.
“Goodnight, Astoria.” He whispers from the doorway, closing the door quietly and leaving.
“It was quite the honor, having you as our guest, Duchess.” Kit Fisto says genuinely, walking beside Satine on her way to her ship.
“And I am most grateful for the opportunity.” She replies, just as genuinely. “I don’t think I would have left Astoria here if I couldn’t see for myself what the Temple was like. When Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon were my protectors, Obi-Wan would describe his training as intense and the conditions in the Temple as spartan at best.”
“Perhaps he was exaggerating, or perhaps he assumed you were used to a life of luxury and thought the Temple would not suit you.”
“Perhaps.” Satine concedes, unsure herself what he had meant, but content with either explanation.
“If I may be frank, Duchess, I suggested your visit to let you see Obi-Wan again. I understand you two are...close.”
Satine’s heart skipped, but she remained calm outwardly. “Yes. A year on the run together tends to make people close.” She muses.
“I’m certain.” Is Fisto’s careful reply. He knew for a fact she was hiding just how close She and Obi-Wan were, but he was not willing to upset her by revealing he knew of their relationship. “If it helps at all, I will do my part to look after Astoria. I may not control which Master will one day train her, but I assure you whoever it is will take very good care of your daughter.”
“Thank you, Master Fisto.” Satine replies. She quite liked Kit Fisto. He was more approachable than other Jedi, more...relaxed and almost carefree.
By now, they were near her ship, and the pair turn when they hear running footsteps behind them.
“Astoria, wait!” That was Obi-Wan's voice, sounding far away, and soon enough, Astoria came into view, stumbling haphazardly around a corner and barreling toward her mother, eyes wide and desperate.
“Mom, don’t leave yet!” She cries, pumping her legs as fast as she could and it’s only through Kit Fisto kneeling and sticking an arm out that Astoria was prevented from knocking her mother clean over.
“You must learn restraint, young one. You would have hurt your mother running into her like that.” He cautions, letting Astoria go so she could jump into her mother’s waiting arms.
“Sorry, Master!” She squeaks with the good grace to look sheepish now that she had accomplished her goal.
She’d made it before her mother left. That was all that mattered to the girl. 
Obi-Wan walks over, panting. “She just took off after I woke her up. She was so worried she'd miss you leaving.” He explains with no small amount of exasperation. Satine smiles.
“Thank you for escorting her, Master Kenobi.” She replies, refusing to acknowledge Fisto’s smile that seemed too knowing.
“Of course, Duchess.” The two then remember that they weren’t alone and walk to the ship, a respectful distance between them, Fisto trailing a bit behind, highly amused that they thought they were successfully hiding their feelings for each other.
Astoria didn’t move her head from her mother’s shoulder till they were at the landing ramp. It was so hard for Astoria to understand why she had to stay, but she had to say goodbye to her mother now. “I’ll miss you, momma.” She whimpers, sniffling and slowly leaving her mother’s arms when Satine hugs her again, kissing her daughter’s cheeks and forehead.
“Darling, you’ll see me again before you know it.” She insists, smiling sweetly at Astoria and gently lifting her chin so the child was looking at her. “Be strong, dear, and learn everything you can, alright?”
“Alright.” Astoria replies thickly.
Reluctantly, Obi-Wan calls her from his position a few feet away. “Astoria, come on. Your mother has to leave.” Astoria runs to her ‘uncle’, a few tears running down her cheeks. Out of sympathy, Obi-Wan crouches and lets Astoria hug him briefly as he waves to Satine subtly.
The ship then closes with Satine on board and Astoria sobs as Obi-Wan stands, unable to carry her and continue the comforting hug with Fisto nearby.
“Astoria, remember what your mother said. You have to be strong. No more tears.” Obi-Wan felt so proud when Astoria obeyed, wiping her eyes and squaring her shoulders.
“...Can I get some food?” She asks meekly. “I’m hungry.”
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cottontail20 · 5 years
In Happy Times, Our Love Does Grow, Chapter 27: A Kiss Before Christmas
Summary: Viv learns that her Daddy has not kissed Wanda yet, and decides to help.
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20601530/chapters/51967873
After a quick stop by Wanda's apartment to let her change into some fresh clothes, they headed to the Mall. In an almost-Christmas miracle, it actually didn't take them too long to get a parking space, but inside, the Mall was absolutely packed with sale-goers on the hunt for bargains.
Wanda and Vision each held one f Vivian's hands as they slowly made their way through the crowds. Wanda, remembering what happened the last time the Mall had been busy, kept a very tight grip. Perhaps slightly too tight..
"Wanda.." Viv whined slightly, "You're squishing my hand.."
"Oh.." Wanda loosened her grip a little. " 's just so many people around, I didn't want you to get lost again.."
"I'm not gonna get lost" Viv huffed. She hadn't even really been 'lost' last time, anyway.
"Vivian" Vision lightly admonished her, "Wanda is only worried because she cares about you." He found himself touched by Wanda's concern for his daughter, and suddenly, he very much wanted to kiss her.. But a crowded Mall caught in the madness of Black Friday sales did not seem like a suitably romantic location for a first kiss, so he simply kissed her cheek, smiling when Wanda blushed.
"Oh.." Viv, suitably chastened by her Father's words, blushed as well. "Sorry, Wanda."
"It is okay, Fata dulce" Wanda smiled softly, bending to kiss the top of Viv's head. "I am sorry if I hurt your hand." --
Before leaving for the Mall, Vision had showed Wanda Viv's letter to Santa Claus. Wanda, with inside knowledge gained from working in the Mall, had let him know where he could obtain most of the items the little girl wished for, for the best prices, also accounting for Black Friday deals. Now, Wanda just had to keep Vivian occupied while Vision shopped, and thankfully, they had a perfect plan.
"Ooh, look Vivian" Vision pointed as they approached the 'Santa's Grotto' display that was erected in the mall every year, with a long line of children waiting to have their picture taken with St. Nick. "Santa is here!"
"Yay!" Viv grinned.
"You know" said Wanda, crouching to Viv's eye level, "I think your Daddy might have a bit of boring grown-up shopping to do. Maybe I can wait here in line with you to get your photo taken, while he gets everything done."
"Is that okay, Daddy?" Viv looked up at her Father hopefully. "Can I wait and get a picture with Santa, Daddy?"
"I don't see why not" Vision crouched to kiss his daughter's cheek. "Be a good girl for Wanda until I get back."
"I will."
"Thank you for this" Vision stood, flashing Wanda a grateful smile, and kissed her cheek again. He was increasingly tempted to go for her lips instead, but the time still didn't feel quite right.
"Cu placere.. You're welcome." Even though he had kissed her cheek quite a few times now, Wanda still blushed. "Go do your boring stuff. Miss Vivian and I will be fine here." --
The line was long, but moved quite quickly, and more of the Christmas display became visible as they shuffled along. While Wanda still found the constantly looping Christmas Carols somewhat irksome, she discovered that they did not bother her as much when Vivian's sweet little voice was singing along.
"Look!" Viv pointed. "There's mistletoe over there. Don't you gotta kiss someone if you stand under it with them?"
"Well," said Wanda, "Nobody should ever have to kiss anyone if they don't want to. But if the people standing under the mistletoe like each other, they'll usually kiss."
"So you and my Daddy would kiss?"
"Uh.." Wanda paused awkwardly. "Maybe."
"Why only maybe? Don't you like Daddy?"
"I like your Daddy very much, but we haven't kissed yet."
"Why not?" Viv's little brow furrowed. "You're his girlfriend. Hope is Uncle Scott's girlfriend, and they kiss lots.. Don't you want to kiss Daddy?"
" I do, but we.. We're just waiting for the right time, Fata dulce." Wanda blushed. "A first kiss is supposed to be special.."
"Oh.." Viv grew thoughtful.
"Ooh, look. You're next in line to see Santa!"
"Yes.. yay.." Wanda was very grateful for the distraction. When Viv's turn came, she happily rushed over to sit on Santa's knee.
Vision returned just as Wanda was collecting the photo, shopping bags in hand. Viv took the picture from Wanda, happily presenting it to her Father.
"Look, Daddy!"
"That's a very nice picture, Vivian" Vision smiled. "Did you have a good time?"
"Uh-huh" Viv nodded.
"How did your 'boring grown up shopping' go?" Wanda smirked.
"All done" Vision winked at her.
Wanda's heart fluttered. And if he kept making her blush like this, she thought, her cheeks might turn permanently red.
Viv glanced between them both, then looked back at the mistletoe display. Her young mind was beginning to form an idea. --
When dropping Wanda home sometime later, Viv put her plan into action.
"Wanda" She said, "You should come over for movie night Tomorrow."
"Should I now?" Wanda chuckled.
"You'd be very welcome" Vision added. "If you're not busy, of course.."
"I'm not" Wanda kissed his cheek as she got out of the car. "I'd love to come watch a movie with you two. Just text me what time to come over."
"I will" Vision smiled. "See you Tomorrow night, then?"
"Tomorrow night" Wanda nodded.
She waved until the car was out of sight, and soon after they turned the corner, Vision's phone buzzed and he smiled. He didn't look at it, but he knew it was Wanda texting to let him know she was inside safely.
Then he spotted Viv grinning in the back seat, a cheeky sort of grin. Knowing his daughter- Sweet, but mischievous- he instantly became suspicious.
"You seem very happy, Vivian.."
"Of course I'm happy, Daddy" She immediately tried to change her grin from cheeky to innocent. "It's Christmas soon!"
"Ah" Vision smirked. "Christmas, of course.."
With Vision's attention back on the road, the mischief returned to Viv's smile. Auntie Nat was babysitting her Tomorrow afternoon. She would help. --
Of course, Vision's suspicions hadn't actually faded. But, his daughter was only five. Clever for her age, but still only five. How much mischief could she really get into?
Vision failed to account for the 'Nat factor' in his calculations, but even if he had, the last thing he had expected when he returned home from working a children's party the next afternoon was to find sprigs of mistletoe hanging from every single doorway in the house, and various other strategic positions on the ceiling.
"What.. What is going on here?"
"It's mistletoe, Daddy" Viv grinned innocently.
"Wha.." He frowned, turning his attention to Nat. "You helped her do this?"
"Kid has me wrapped around her little finger" Nat shrugged.
"But.. Why mistletoe?"
"It's to help you and Wanda kiss" Viv bounced excitedly.
"Vivian" Vision sighed, "This is very sweet of you, but I really don't think trapping Wanda into a kiss is a good idea."
"I don't think that's what Viv's trying to do.." Nat pointed out. "It's just that.. You and Wanda both seem nervous about this, and maybe you need a little.."
"Mistletoe" Viv smiled.
"I was going to say 'push'" said Natasha, "But.. yeah, I guess."
Vision thought for a moment. A very long moment. Because he did want to kiss Wanda, and he got the feeling that she might have wanted to kiss him too, But.. maybe not like this.
"Natasha, can you stay with Viv a little longer?" He asked. "I'll need a shower, and then I think there's something I have to do.." --
Vision showered, scouring off his work make up. Washed and brushed his hair. Wore one of his nicer shirts, and his best pants. Brushed his hair again.
Then, leaving Viv in Natasha's safe, if slightly scheming hands, he hopped in the car and drove to Wanda's apartment.
By now it was early evening, the sun beginning to set. Wanda had just been getting ready to leave when she heard a knock on the door. For a moment she considered ignoring the knock, then sighed, moving to answer it.
"Whatever this is better be quick, because I have pla.." She trailed off, surprised to see Vision standing at her door looking rather nervous, but handsome as always. "Vizh.. I, uh.. Thought I was driving myself.."
"I know.. and you still can" Vision twiddled his thumbs a bit. "Just, uh.. Vivian has filled the house with mistletoe. You see, I think she wants me to kiss someone.."
"Oh.." Wanda blushed.
"And I would very much like to kiss that someone too. But.."
"I share a lot with my daughter. Almost everything" said Vision. "She is and always will be my number one priority. She has to be."
"Of course" Wanda nodded.
"Even so, I think there should be some things in life.. Some moments.. that I am allowed to keep just for me. I feel like a first kiss is one of those moments.." He took a step closer to Wanda, "Don't you agree?"
"Da.." Wanda's breath caught in her throat. "I mean.. yes."
"I hoped you might.." Vision paused again, growing nervous, almost shy. His hands reached up to gently cup her face. "Can I.. Can I kiss you, Wanda?"
It was the easiest question she had ever answered.
So he kissed her.
It was nothing like any of the other kisses Wanda had recently experienced. No chapped lips or hot, sour breath. No tasting of alcohol or cigarettes. No tongues shoved down her throat, sloppy and slobbery and far too eager to get to what came after.
Vision's lips were so wonderfully soft as they brushed against hers. He tasted of something sweet and pleasant, with the slightest hint of burnt toast.. So uniquely, wonderfully Vision.. And she knew he did not want anything more from her. Nothing more than this, this single, perfect kiss.
And when they broke apart, what felt like an eternity later, but was probably about forty seconds, Vision's hand was still on her cheek, and he was looking at her like she was something special, something precious, and Wanda's heart felt so full it almost hurt.
"W-Was that okay?" He softly asked.
"Yes" Wanda nodded, and then she kissed him again.
She never wanted to stop.
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ursoself-satisfying · 6 years
My Sweet Lord (ch1)
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dude is that fucking brenda song?? lol i forgot he was in social network w her what a world huh??? 
Chapter One - Genesis 3:23 
Priest!Joe Mazzello x F!Reader, SFW, 2.5k words 
My Sweet Lord masterlist 
A/N: ugh this is super short but its rly just kind of an intro,,,, I’m testing the  waters here,,,, idk why this was so hard for me to write like its not as good as I want it to be but I’m ok w it rn,,, I might come back n rewrite it real soon n go in n change that so be warned lol but i’m rly excited for where this is going to go cus I do have a lot planned its just getting jumbled in translation lol but enjoy!!
special thanks given in this post!! you can find whole accompanying laylists there as well not just single associated songs!!!  
Warning(s): none rn,, unless a priest being kinda into u or u being into a priest is bad cus thats gonna be this whole fucking series m8 so if u dont enjoy defiling holy ground n religious imagery i suggest u move on sorry!!! 
The church was filled to the brim with life, with colors and sounds. There were your newest acquaintances, knitting in the corner. They were the main source of the commotion, all shrill laughs, and clacking needles. On the pews further ahead were some children, and a man attempting to corral them but failing in the end. The squeals of the kids echoed through the crowds and came to where you stood at the entrance. When you took in the scene, you were surprised the doors could even close given how the entire town had flocked to its sonorous halls this cold Sunday morning. Inside it was somehow still just as bright like the blinding clouds had followed your shadow.
Though you’d admittedly been to few churches in your lifetime, this one you were sure was exceptionally stunning. How such a grand masterpiece ended up out in these boonies was beyond you. You had felt a bit silly at first, attending mass at all but then you saw the steeple and then there you were, standing in awe of how the building seemed to soar above you. The view of it as you had driven up the small hill was impossible to replicate, how the belltower rose over the rolling grass like the sun that unknowingly led you the dawn of your new life. In your juvenile appreciation of its architecture, you lost yourself in the way the worn stone of the support beams still held the tall ceilings up like pillars of salt to the heavens.
Pillars of salt, you thought, was a fitting image for your situation. Surely you must have blended right into the columns, tributes to every other woman who approached religion and turned their heads back. You were ripped from your runaway thoughts, though, by the bustle of bodies behind you and the urging but ultimately gentle hand that came to squeeze your upper arm. Beatrice stopped at your side and looked up at you with shining, young eyes that got lost in the folds of her lids when she smiled.
There was somehow a familiar and comforting aura about her and when she touched you a blanket of trust always came with the contact. With the top of her auburn beehive just reaching your eyes, her bent body led you to the very front pew and gestured for you to take a seat on the sandalwood. You did as told with a thin smile, still distracted by the arched ceiling of the chapel around you.
As you waited in the congregation for the priest to begin his sermon, your mind wandered to the morning, how the belltower rose, tall and white, over the rolling green hills like the first sun dawning on a new world. Impossible to replicate. It was an unknowing sign of things to come. The church wasn’t something you expected to ever return to much less for it to become something you looked forward to, something that would end up being such a large part of your life. That was all yet, to come through, for, at this moment, your thoughts weren’t busied by the future but rather by the thought of the blinding white exterior of this place of worship, how bright it had been in those early hours.
The organ began and its resonance nearly shook you from your seat, but it certainly caught your attention as intended. The people rose in unison, you doing your best to follow, unfamiliar with the practices seeing as your last time in mass would have been before you were able to remember anything about it. The songs, though, were vaguely familiar, maybe reminiscent of something you’d heard on the radio, seeing as this town picked up almost purely religious stations.
You moved your mouth along to the words, not knowing exactly what they were but doing your best to look like you were competent. The song ended and you sat, grateful it was over, huffing a bit when your body hit the wood. The father beside you gave you an awkward smile when you attempted to cover your relief with a cough and a straightening of your back.
Then when you looked up from your awkward encounter-
Were you very religious? Not particularly, but when in Rome, do as the Romans, right? So when in church, pray. Maybe there had been a little prayer going on in your heart since you entered the building, hell, since you entered the town, a prayer for good things to come, and God must have heard those unintentional prayers because behold before you was what must have been an angel.
He walked slowly to the podium, robes dragging behind him and a glow seeming to emanate from the crown of his head. He seemed like the only living proof of a God that you could find in the whole of the chapel. His hair was wispy, auburn, and looked so soft, reminding you of clouds, and maybe cotton candy if cotton candy were brandy flavored. Bronze, you thought would be the right shade.
The stained glass behind him spread like wings, angels on either side surely singing of his beauty and softness. The haze of his arrival washed over you and you were enraptured. You never thought someone could so quickly feel this way. The romcoms were nice, but they were unrealistic, and most definitely did not happen to you of all people. Completely prepared to shove down these feeling, deep down underneath the mattress of your soul and leave them there to rot, you allowed yourself to enjoy the sermon, or at the very least, enjoy the priest.
God, your gaze hadn’t dropped past his eyebrows before you completely fell. His eyes were soft, pleading, forgiving, but young and curious as well. His nose? You adored immediately. He had, in the kindest way, what you would have referred to as an ‘old man’ nose, a little long, strong, gave him an impeccable silhouette that shown like a holy imagine again the early morning backlight, sun streaming from the tall windows behind him. His chin was soft and cleanshaven, his lips, soft and puffy and lush and looking simply perfect to kiss.
Kiss? You shook your head briefly, half attempting to banish these thoughts you knew you shouldn’t be thinking, but having been so completely lost in his image that you had missed the beginning of his sermon. The congregation spoke back at him at certain times, words you vaguely remembered from childhood. The echoes of “and also with you” kept you anchored to reality as you struggled not to get lost in the languid movements he made as he moved about behind the podium. He spoke animatedly about- Well, you weren’t exactly paying attention, but you did notice how he spoke with his hands, waving them about when he said something about the glory and grace that has been granted so many. His hands were long and thin and surely would be long and thin enough to fit perfectly between your-
The organ boomed through the hall and shook you from your daydream, again, and you, again, tried to lipsync your way through the unfamiliar hymn and failing, again. You had stood for the song, and the stretch was welcome after clenching your thighs so obviously together for so long, but when you sat back down, the cool of the wood and the wetness of your panties made you visibly shudder. Dear, sweet, Beatrice placed a feeble hand on your arm as a sign of concern, along with her shakily drawn on eyebrows being raised. Gripping her wrinkled hand carefully, you smiled, tight-lipped, as a reply of ‘I’m fine’.
You again turned from your elderly friend to the man at the front of the room, the one who demanded your attention with his repetition and his- He smiled, all teeth, cheeks puffing up. A sharp intake of breath was all you could muster before he began to pray. The rest of those looking on seemed to know what to do and you did your best to imitate, but as he pushed his hair back, your lips fell apart and you crossed your legs in desperation, his clergy status seeming to only turn you on more. Fuck, you chastised your own attraction to the taboo. As clandestine as it may have been, though, God, did it turn you on.
“Lord have mercy,” he said, voice effortlessly both round and light.
“Lord have mercy,” you pleaded breathlessly.
“Christ have mercy.” His eyes rose to meet yours for the first time and you choked.
“Christ have mercy” came out like a whine under your breath, unheard under the rest of the mass, but you knew he saw your chest rise and fall heavily as you seemingly tried to breathe in his prayer and send it back to him.
“Lord have mercy.” His own voice wavered when he saw you, red in the face and out of breath. His gaze didn’t move from you as you mouthed the words back at him.
“Lord have mercy.”
Unbeknownst to you, this was not, in fact, the first time he’d laid eyes on you. He had been watching you, side-eyed, the whole service. If his peripheral served him right, you had been the one with your eyes glued to him since he’d first emerged from his chambers. He saw you stand out in the mass, the last of the congregation to sit down after prayers or songs. He was unable to tell whether this was due to you being distracted or inexperienced, or both, but it caught his attention without catching yours, darting his own away just in time as to not catch your gaze. It seemed to work so long as he kept his focus on the other side of the chapel, though the magnetism of your attentive gaze was hard to resist. The man didn’t let himself give in, not until he somehow heard your barely audible repetitions after those of the congregation. Then you saw one another, caught in the undeniable stare of interest. Suddenly, his lungs felt like iron on his chest and he struggled to finish praying.
Again, you were pulled down by the older woman next to you, unaware everyone had been seated and for a moment it was just you and him, standing and caught in this sudden whirlwind of unknown attraction. The world seemed to dissolve around you, focus seeming to blur and leave you with tunnel vision on the holy man. His sermon paused for a moment as he stared at you and smiled softly. You could feel his eyes fall down your body, but then his voice picked up again, being carried over your head in smooth, calming waves and you were lost, again, in his presence that loomed over the crowd like the hanging branches of a willow on a sticky summer day. For the remainder of his sermon, you focused less on his words and more on the mystery that might be hiding beneath those layers and layers of robes that dragged behind him.
If you asked Joe why you caught his attention, he would tell you that you were the first young and clearly not familial woman he had seen in town since his arrival. This was true, that in a town occupied only by elderly folks and new families, you were the first young face he had seen in a long time. Of course, it didn’t help that he found you incredibly attractive and that, as a newly appointed man of the cloth, he had been experiencing somehow more temptations than ever before.
Every verse he read was budding with new meaning and potential, every lust soaked gaze sent your direction waning to go through with it. There was, of course, a pang in his heart every time the thought of you passed through his head. The allure of a woman who was neither the age of his grandmother nor heavily with child was far more than it should it have been. Father Joe knew it was wrong, that he must keep his mind as clean as his body, his thoughts as clean as his actions. “Good thoughts, good words, good deeds,” he said aloud to the congregation, using his slip as some kind of holy motivation.
Another song followed, then a prayer and every time he stood the priest had to force his eyes forward, away from the direction you were sitting. His thoughts went back to the way your skirt slid up your thigh when you sat down and how you must have known how much skin you were showing but when his eyes met yours with one final, united “Amen”, he knew you were too distracted to have noticed.
You watched the priest with unintentional intensity, looking as though you were spaced out, lost in thought and caught on his words, but the reality was that you were simply entranced. All the time you’d spent in this town so far and you had yet to see anyone as young and painfully unavailable as him. Though in the back of your mind you wondered how fidelious some of these new husbands were, you had settled with remaining single, that is, until now. What was more delicious than a man who was not only gorgeous, mature, and clearly into you already, but also one so out of reach, so taboo and clandestine. The beating of your heart when he would slip up and land his eyes on your form a little too long thrummed against the bars of your ribcage like Morse code, an aching organ begging to be hurt.
The service had ended and Beatrice had eagerly joined her group of cawing old ladies, but not before kindly introducing you to the sweet-faced Father that had spoken today. “Darling, this is Father Mazzello, he’s new to the Ridge.” Her smile was sickly sweet and you couldn’t help but smile back, keeping your eyes from the man approaching you.
He’d traded the excess robes for a simple black ensemble already and when he approached you and, God, he looked even better now. His hand was extended to you firmly, holding back any eagerness behind a front of eminence and dignity. Beatrice spoke again as you finally lifted your longing gaze from his nimble, capable, horribly inspiring hands, up his arms, across his shoulders, and finally to his green eyes. They were so much prettier up close. “Father Mazzello,” your friend spoke warmly, “this is [Y/N]. The dear has been staying with me and I’ve finally convinced her to get a bit of God in her.” She laughed and you took the man’s extended hand, holding it motionless.
“I would love a bit of God in me,” you laughed quietly, hopefully only loud enough for him to hear.
Joe swallowed dryly at your low comment and the softness of your hand, “It’s nice to meet you, [Y/N],” he smiled crookedly, “and you can call me Joe.”
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