#what kind of show goes on under that big top?
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mon221b · 10 months ago
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I’ve listened to a lot of TMA recently and when this landed in my inbox it hit me that it would be a perfect nightmare domain for nurses — you can treat those wounds using all the best practices, but they will. Never. Heal.
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eowynstwin · 4 months ago
clawing at the door
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ghoap x reader. jealousy. bisexual soap. bisexual ghost. emotionally constipated ghost. manipulative soap. ghost likes em thick. lightly explicit. MDNI. ao3
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When Ghost first sees you and Soap together, his jealousy is hard to parse. He doesn't quite understand what he's feeling.
On the one hand, Occam's Razor. Simple explanations usually prove the truest. Soap is his boy, has been since Las Almas, and you are an interloper in their hard-won dynamic. Ghost does not absorb others into his life lightly, even less so then he allows them to strongarm themselves beneath the mask. He doesn't particularly like people, isn't really fond of their tendency toward abject mortality.
Soap's strong arms are a rare exception. And Ghost has nearly died too many times not to admire a nice round ass when he sees one—the kind that glistens and quivers beneath the weak spray of a communal shower. Some part of him has always kind of supposed the sergeant had been showing off specifically for him, too, when he dropped trousers and moaned like a whore when the hot water started flowing.
The boy certainly dogs his steps like that's the case.
Then, you: showing up on base one day, Soap's hand spread wide and possessive on the small of your back. Jewel-bright eyes following your every move. Blush high and feverish on his boy's cheekbones every time you throw half a smile his way.
So it's envy. So it's a crush, unrequited.
Simple problem, simple solution. Getting over by getting under and all that. There are apps for every heartache, and plenty of hard-bodied gym rats out there tripping over themselves to bottom for a brute like him, who can actually throw them around.
Not two minutes after making his profile (military, six-five, top), likely candidates start filing themselves into his inbox. Some part of his ego is gratified, at least. The influx of taint pics certainly confirms for him that his vanity, in fact, is justified, even if the last thing he wants to see is some random stranger's asshole.
He messages a jacked brunette with brown eyes and dimples, who led instead with a comparatively tame "hey big guy," and lets him pick the bar where they'll meet up.
And it's...fine.
The guy is fine. Equally as attractive in person as on camera, with curly hair and short stubble. He's there before Ghost, and directs an easygoing smile at him when he drops onto a stool at the bar beside him.
He doesn't even question the mask, though his eyes linger on it, half-lidded, the kind of way that suggests he's figuring something out about himself that he hadn't considered before. Not the first time it's happened for Ghost.
The problem with fine is that Ghost can't work up even much of a chub talking to him. The guy has a nasally voice and a friendly attitude that makes Ghost's teeth go numb from the sweetness. When they sequester in the dingy pub bathroom, the guy goes to his knees like an angel, and Ghost's cock actually softens more, thoroughly bored already with the notion of this random guy’s mouth on it.
The problem is, Soap would bust Ghost's balls for this.
Sure, Ghost could get him on his knees. Soap is a good boy, he'll take an order if he's given one. But he's also a fucking brat, and the moment Ghost pulled his cock out Soap would immediately start complaining about it.
Too big, too ugly, not hard enough, and when was the last time Ghost washed that fucking thing? How romantic, LT, making him suck Ghost off in a pub bathroom, hasn't he ever heard of good old-fashioned wooing?
He'd complain, Ghost knows, because he'd want, more than anything, for Ghost to just cut through the bullshit and shove straight down his throat. He'd run his mouth because the only thing he wants Ghost to do is shut him the fuck up, for once, and make him actually work for the praise they both know he's so desperate for.
And Ghost would give it. If Soap earned it. The fight isn't about winning.
This guy isn't putting up a fight. He tries nicely, licks all over the limp-hanging head and pale glans, but Ghost ends up making some excuse—Dad has cancer, Mom died, the usual—and leaving him there still on his knees.
He deletes the apps. He can invest in a fleshlight, and find some porn star another with enough of a resemblance to be functional.
Less of a hassle for everyone involved.
Problem solved.
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And then he encounters you again.
You're walking out of the supermarket one night, with two huge bags over your shoulders, digging through your purse out in front of you. He has to stop you with one hand on your shoulder to keep you from running into him.
The evening is warm; your shirt is a thin camisole with little elastic straps. His palm meets your bare skin, and finds it soft and dewy with a little sweat.
You look up, startled, blinking as if caught in a bright light.
"Oh," you say, "Ghost, hello!"
"Bird," he grunts, wondering why he's surprised that you recognize him.
He pulls his hand away, and still feels the imprint of your body heat in its grooves.
"Sorry, I should have been looking," you say, smiling. It's a friendly expression, open and innocent—a daisy's petals spread on a clear day. "Johnny's making beef wellington tonight when he's off duty, so I went and got everything."
Ghost frowns. What kind of boyfriend lets his girl do so much heavy lifting?
He helps you carry the bags to your car. He's jealous, not an asshole. You thank him with a breezy laugh when he closes the hatchback—
"I'm sure Johnny wouldn't mind if you stopped by for dinner," you say, folding your arms across your ribcage. It presses your tits together as you cup your elbows in your hands, pronouncing the line of your cleavage with an uncomfortable eloquence.
"Busy," Ghost says immediately, staring very hard into your eyes. "Thanks."
You shrug, unperturbed. "Anytime. Good night!"
He stands in the carpark for a full five minutes after you drive away. He thinks he can feel his own heartbeat throbbing through the palm he touched you with.
Well, then.
Bereft of any opportunity to get to know you—as if it would even be appropriate—Ghost stalks social media until he finds you through Soap's Instagram. Your account is private, so he sends a follow request, expectations very low that you'd allow someone with a blank sky for a profile picture and only one post on their feed to follow you, "sghostriley" notwithstanding.
But—you do. And suddenly he has a decade of material to peruse, beginning with your last year of secondary school and leading all the way up to present, the most recent photo one of you and Soap at the top of some mountain, grinning at the camera in your hiking gear.
You don't post very many pictures of yourself, he finds. Instead you document interesting food you eat or make, crafts you're working on, nice scenery you caption with variations of "saw this on my walk today :)". It's all very domestic, sweet in a way without being saccharine.
Soft, really. Totally separated from the hard edges of the world he and Soap routinely throw themselves along.
And yet, honest in a way that makes your version of the world feel more like the real one, and his and Soap’s the nightmare.
Ghost hasn't been with a girl—let alone been interested in one—in years. It isn't that the attraction had ever died, exactly. Rather, it simply became so complex, so twisted in on itself and trapped beneath years of grown-over scar tissue, that he'd made an unconscious decision never to confront it. He ignored Price’s stories about his wife’s antics at home, Gaz’s perennial heartbreak after strings of failed dates—
Soap’s lurid bragging about the women he’s taken home from various pubs.
(Were you one of those pub girls?)
So, here it is now, confronting him instead. Reminding him, in a pretty camisole, just how very much it exists.
In the carpark, there’d been a bead of sweat slipping down your neck as you’d waved him goodbye. He finds himself wondering how long it would’ve taken to slide all the way down to the slope of your breast, if he didn’t catch it with his tongue first.
He continues through your Instagram. The majority of your selfies show up, he guesses, after the beginning of your relationship with Soap.
Earlier pictures of you make your discomfort obvious. You don't like the way you look, and it shows in the tension on your face when confronted with a camera lens. But later on, you gain confidence. Your expressions are softer as you show off a new haircut or glasses.
And when the first picture of you with Soap shows up, it's like seeing someone glowing from the inside.
Your head is tucked into the juncture of his shoulder and neck. The smile on your face is soft, small and lovely in how little you're clearly thinking about it.
You're happy.
It floors him. A happy girl, settled into the embrace of a man who’s made her feel that way.
Piece of work, he is. Could ogle another man's ass without shame, but present him with that man’s girl and suddenly it upends his entire sense of self.
Some old cunt psychiatrist would have a field day analyzing him.
Ghost skips the apps and, following in Soap’s footsteps, heads back to the pubs.
It’s worse.
Not that he doesn’t have options sidling up to him, that is. It seems like all he has to do is sit at the bar and wait, and women circle their way into his orbit, not really talking to him but letting him know, simply by hovering, that they’d love for him to talk to them. Batting their lashes, laughing near him seemingly at nothing.
Up to him to make the first move then. It seems to him like the rules haven't changed over his long absence from the dating pool.
Therein lay the snag—Ghost doesn't know how to talk to women. Not that way, the way one says without saying it that he'd like to take her home and bend her over the back of his couch. Say that to a man at the right bar and that was his evening sorted, but Ghost has a feeling that won't play as well among people with cat-shaped brass knuckles on their keychains.
He's not much of a talker, period. Soap yaps enough to fill in his side of the conversation whenever they're in the field. And you...well, he doesn't know about you. Ghost has the uncomfortable feeling that he'd try for you, and fail miserably.
The bartender slides a drink in front of him, distracting him from his agonizing. When Ghost gives him a questioning look, he nods in the direction of a table behind him.
One of the barflies has made the first move.
She winks at him when he raises the glass at her. She’s pretty—her dark makeup makes her eyes look angular and mysterious, and her red dress is tight, thin, and low-cut. Her exposed chest shimmers, as if she dusted some sort of powder across her collarbones before making her way here.
Sparkly and colorful, like a lure on a line. Ready to hook something and pull it in.
(Your camisole had been threadbare and lined with cheap, fraying lace. A favorite of yours, probably, something you wore when you wanted to be comfortable, and didn’t care who thought what about it.)
Ghost notices other men are eyeing the woman, and a couple of them send nasty glares his way. That is, they do before promptly averting their gazes once they see what he looks like.
He can have this, then, if he wants it. He just has to reach out and take it.
He feels your warmth in the palm of his hand again. The breeze of your laugh brushes his cheek with a soft touch.
He sends the woman one of her own drink, drops forty quid on the bar, and leaves without looking back.
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Another dinner invite comes his way, this time courtesy of Soap himself.
“She told me she met you at the store,” Soap says, one afternoon when they’re in the changing room. “Really nice of you to help her out, LT.”
“You weren’t there to do it,” Ghost grumbles. Soap has been prancing around shirtless for fifteen minutes, faffing about while Ghost waits for him to leave so he can adjust his erection.
“I didn’t tell her to get everything!” the sergeant protests. “She just went and did it herself.” Then Soap’s eyes go all dreamy and stupid. “She’s grand, isn’t she.”
Ghost grumbles again, something noncommittal.
“Anyway, dinner’s at seven, and I’ll send you the address,” says Soap, pulling a thin t-shirt over his head. Ghosts watches him yank the hem down over his pecs, covering the toned plane of his abs.
Soap winks at him. “See you there, Ghost.”
Ghost grunts.
Soap does, in fact, see him there.
He goes out of resignation. Or maybe with some notion that seeing Soap and you together again will finally vanquish whatever sits on his chest so heavily whenever he thinks of the two of you.
Soap’s the one to answer the door. “There he is, the braw wee bastard!”
From the looks of it, it’s your flat. It’s nicely decorated without being too over-designed, something warm and comfortable and welcoming. When Ghost steps inside, he’s hit immediately with the smell of seared pancetta and garlic.
The sergeant leads him through the flat. Ghost has a bottle of wine under one arm, having remembered at the last minute he should probably bring something along. You’re in the kitchen, stirring a pot on the stove.
“Hi, Ghost!” you chirp when you look over your shoulder. “Ooh, good, that’s drinks settled. Hope you like bolognese. It’s all I know how to make.”
“S’fine,” Ghost says, which he would say even if bolognese made him violently ill.
“Ach, you can make more than that,” Soap says, retrieving three long-stemmed glasses from a cabinet. “Pour a nice glass of water.”
You snatch the dish towel hanging from the oven handle and give it a snap in the general direction of Soap’s ass. He laughs and dances out of the way.
“There’s a bottle opener in the island drawer, Ghost,” you say cheerfully. You're pretty tonight, in a loose t-shirt and soft-looking joggers. Casual, like you don't have a guest over at all.
Like it's just a night in with your boyfriend.
Ghost pops the cork as Soap sets the glasses down. After he pours, the sergeant delivers a glass to his girlfriend, and there’s a brief moment of quiet as everyone sips and the sauce on the stove bubbles.
It’s all so nice and normal as to make Ghost’s hackles raise just in anticipation, although he knows there’s no reason for it. Truthfully, he almost hadn’t come. The thought of you and Soap, and Soap and you, in the same room, together, a unit, had made his stomach clench up so tight that he though he might not be able to get any food down.
But some part of him needed to come, and see this. Test out Pavlov’s theory, to see if enough negative reinforcement could break him of this borderline manic fixation. If he could associate Soap and you with romantic nausea, and nothing more, maybe he could finally stop jerking off every night to no satisfaction.
Because he had, in fact, found a porn star who looked like Soap. More tattoos, and a buzz cut rather than a mohawk, but Ghost couldn’t be picky.
The real shock had been to find that this proxy often partnered with a girl who looked enough like you to be uncanny. Too skinny, definitely, but in the one video Ghost had watched of them together, he could have sworn, as the lookalike reamed her from behind—
That it was you looking at him over your shoulder.
Looking at Soap. Or, looking at Ghost, behind him.
At that moment in the playback Ghost had come so hard, cock blazing red and raw in his hand, that the notion had liquified a little. So he couldn’t be sure what the thought had originally meant.
He hadn’t been brave enough to watch another.
“This isn’t bad,” Soap says after tasting the wine. “Nothin’ on a good whisky, mind.”
“Don’t neg your lieutenant, Johnny,” you say. “This is good, Ghost, thank you.”
Hearing Johnny fall from your lips so casually threads something uncomfortable between Ghost’s intestines. Uncomfortable, because he likes it.
Had Soap told you to call him that? Or had you decided on it all on your own? Did Soap think of Ghost whenever you said his name? Did he think of you whenever Ghost did?
“Simon’s fine,” he replies.
It escapes him before he even thinks about it. The same way he’d taken his mask off in Las Almas and looked directly at Soap, wondering in some hidden part of himself if the sergeant was impressed.
“That’s a nice name,” you say, swirling the wine in your glass. You take another sip, closing your eyes to savor it, and then, tilting your head like a little bird in thought, you pour a stream of it from the glass into your pasta sauce.
“Suits him, aye?” Soap says, side-eyeing Ghost with amusement. “Right posh name he’s got for a big scary bugger. Hidden depths, him.”
“Yeah, unlike you,” you snark, stirring.
Soap slaps a big hand over his heart. “Ach, lass, you wound me always.”
“Someone has to keep you humble,” you say, grinning. There’s a charming twinkle in your eyes.
“You gonna let ‘er get away with that, sergeant?”
He surprises himself by saying it. But something in the way you and Soap bicker—absent of the usual sugary drivel, as if the two of you have skipped over the honeymoon phase and stuck the landing right into stable commitment—invites him in.
It's magnetic, almost. It seizes the spinning needle in his brain, draws it to a standstill. Evens out the landscape, so he knows where he can go.
“You’re absolutely right, LT,” says Soap, who smacks his lips, sets his wineglass aside, and bum-rushes you.
You shriek as he captures you in both arms, lifting you off the floor and whirling you around—both the spoon in one hand and the glass in the other fling drops of red and white absolutely everywhere. And then you’re giggling as Soap wedges his face between your neck and shoulder and shakes his head like a dog, probably biting down.
Soap growls; a big smile takes over your face, eyes squeezed shut as you laugh breathlessly. The sergeant’s broad, brown forearms have yours pinned up against your chest, pressing your breasts together.
“Not fair, Ghost!” you exclaim as Soap’s growling noises turn into obnoxiously loud kisses. “No pulling rank in my house!”
“Two against one, hen, you’re outnumbered,” Soap counters. “What should we do with this one, eh, LT?”
“See if I ever cook for you two again, is what!” you protest, still grinning with delight. You kick your legs to no effect.
Soap, also grinning, slots his face back into your neck. You giggle again, complaining that it tickles.
Some incomplete circuit finally connects.
Order given. Girlfriend “punished.”
Soap making you laugh because Ghost told him to.
Not one. Not the other. Both.
“Think we can let ‘er off the hook this time,” he says, feeling dazed.
The pictures on your Instagram, with you and Soap together. The both of you, smiling together, wrapped around each other, standing at the top of a mountain and grinning what the two of you get to share.
Soap's hand spread on your back.
“Aye, sir,” Soap says, setting you down. You’re still laughing a little as you go to check the sauce, and Soap finds a towel to clean up the mess he made. Ghost reels in the meanwhile.
There’s an imprint of Soap’s teeth on your neck.
They wouldn’t be there if Ghost hadn’t sicced Soap on you.
He’s still reeling as you begin plating dinner, and Soap sets out the silverware. When everyone sits down to eat, the sergeant tops up everyone’s drinks.
“I hope you like it,” you say to Ghost, setting his plate in front of him. There's a shyness to you, a verity to your concern for his opinion.
“Oh, he will,” Soap says, grinning.
He trails the tips of his fingers along the back of your arm as he directs that jewel-blue gaze at Ghost. It's sharper than Ghost has ever noticed before—
“The LT has good taste. Don’t you, Ghost?”
And with his other hand, he raises his glass to the knowing smirk on his lips.
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a/n: I can't use arse, I know it would be more accurate but I just can't I'm sorry
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jupiterpilgrim · 2 months ago
Silent Night, Whispered Secrets
Christmas Special 🎄
Yunjin x Male Reader
word count: 4.5K words
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The office is eerily quiet on Christmas Eve, with only the soft hum of your computer and occasional clicking of the keyboard breaking the silence. Most of your coworkers left hours ago to start their holiday celebrations, but you're still here finishing up year-end reports. The only other person crazy enough to still be working is Yunjin, whose office is just down the hall from yours.
You've known Yunjin for the two years you've worked at the company. She started a few months before you and helped show you the ropes when you first joined. You hit it off right away, drawn to her quick wit and infectious laugh. She's the kind of person who can find humor in even the most mundane office situations, making even boring meetings more bearable with her subtle eye rolls and whispered commentary.
Physically, Yunjin is absolutely your type, though you've tried not to think about her that way given your professional relationship. She has a classic beauty about her, with delicate features framed by stylish glasses that give her a sexy librarian vibe. Her lips are full and naturally pouty, the kind that make you wonder what they'd feel like pressed against yours. She typically dresses conservatively for the office in blazers and pencil skirts, but you can tell she has a slim, petite figure with small breasts that suit her frame perfectly.
The sound of heels clicking on the tile floor pulls you from your thoughts. Looking up, you see Yunjin leaning against your doorframe, her jacket discarded and the top button of her white blouse undone.
"Still at it?" she asks with a sympathetic smile. "You know Santa won't come if you're still awake doing spreadsheets."
You can't help but chuckle. "Pretty sure Santa skips over office buildings anyway. What's your excuse for still being here?"
"Same as you probably - trying to get everything wrapped up before the holiday break." She walks into your office and perches on the edge of your desk, something she's done countless times during your friendly chats. "But I'm officially taking a break and you should too. We've been at this for hours."
The familiar scent of her perfume - something light and floral - wafts over as she settles next to you. You realize she's right about needing a break; your eyes are starting to blur from staring at the screen.
"Yeah, you're probably right," you concede, leaning back in your chair. "Most of this can wait until after Christmas anyway."
"Exactly! Speaking of Christmas..." She swivels to face you more directly, crossing her legs. "What are your plans? Big family gathering?"
"Pretty much the usual - heading to my parents' place tomorrow morning. Mom always goes overboard with the decorations and Dad pretends to complain about it while secretly loving every minute." You smile thinking about your family's traditions. "What about you?"
"Similar, minus the over-the-top decorations. Though my mom does make enough food to feed a small army." She pauses, seeming to consider something before asking, "Will your girlfriend be joining you?"
The question catches you off guard. In all your conversations, she's never directly asked about your relationship status before. "No girlfriend to bring along," you answer honestly. "Flying solo this holiday season."
"Really?" Her eyebrows raise slightly above her glasses frames. "I find that hard to believe. A guy like you, single at Christmas?"
There's something different in her tone now, a slight flirtatiousness that makes your pulse quicken. "What do you mean a guy like me?" you ask, playing along.
She adjusts her glasses in that adorable way she does when she's about to say something bold. "Oh, you know... Smart, funny, easy on the eyes." Her lips curve into a playful smile. "The kind of guy who probably has women fighting over who gets to kiss him under the mistletoe."
Your mouth goes dry as you process this shift in dynamic. Is Yunjin actually flirting with you? After two years of carefully maintained friendship?
"Funny, I was just thinking the same about you," you reply, testing the waters. "Surprised you don't have a line of guys waiting to take you home for the holidays."
She laughs softly, uncrossing and recrossing her legs. "Maybe I'm waiting for the right guy to ask." Her eyes meet yours with unmistakable intent now. "Someone who already knows me... understands me..."
The air between you feels charged with possibility. You've imagined moments like this before but always pushed the thoughts away, not wanting to complicate your friendship or work relationship. But now, with her looking at you like that...
"Yunjin..." you start, not quite sure what you're going to say.
She slides off your desk and extends her hand to you. "Come with me. I want to show you something."
You don't hesitate for a second, turning off the computer and getting up from your chair. Your heart pounds as you take her hand, letting her lead you out of your office and down the darkened hallway. Her fingers are soft and warm interlaced with yours. She guides you past the break room and copy area to a section of the building you rarely visit.
"Where are we going?" you ask, though you're happy to follow her anywhere at this point.
"Somewhere private," she answers mysteriously. "Where we can talk without worrying about security cameras."
She leads you into what appears to be a storage room, flicking on a small lamp that casts a warm glow over boxes of office supplies and forgotten furniture. It's cozy in an odd way, like a secret hideaway.
Yunjin turns to face you, still holding your hand. Her cheeks are slightly flushed and you can see her chest rising and falling with quick breaths.
"I need to tell you something," she says. "Something I've wanted to say for a long time but never had the courage."
You squeeze her hand encouragingly, heart racing with anticipation.
"I have feelings for you," she continues. "Real feelings, beyond friendship. I think I have for a while now but I was afraid to admit it, afraid of ruining what we have. But being here tonight, just the two of us... I couldn't keep pretending anymore."
The confession hangs in the air between you for a moment before you respond. "Yunjin, I had no idea you felt that way. I mean, I've definitely thought about you like that but I always told myself it was just a crush, that it would pass..."
"And did it? Pass?" she asks softly.
You shake your head. "No. If anything, it got stronger the more I got to know you. You're amazing, Yunjin. Smart and funny and beautiful... I love how you can make me laugh even on the worst days. How you always remember little details about things I've told you. How passionate you get when talking about things you care about..."
She steps closer, reaching up to touch your face. "We've been through a lot together, haven't we? All those late nights working on projects, lunch breaks spent venting about difficult clients, celebrating each other's wins..."
"Yeah," you agree, letting your free hand rest on her waist. "I guess it's natural that feelings would develop. We just... fit."
"We do," she whispers, then rises on her tiptoes to press her lips to yours.
The kiss is gentle at first, tentative, as if you're both still afraid of crossing this line. But then she sighs against your mouth and something ignites between you. Your arms wrap around her waist as hers circle your neck, pulling each other closer as the kiss deepens.
Her lips are even softer than you imagined, moving against yours with growing passion. You can taste mint on her breath, like she'd been preparing for this possibility. The thought makes you smile against her mouth.
"What?" she asks, pulling back slightly.
"Nothing," you murmur, trailing kisses along her jaw. "Just happy."
She tilts her head to give you better access to her neck, letting out a small moan when you find a sensitive spot. "Mmm... want to know what would make me happy?"
"Tell me," you breathe against her skin.
"Letting me give you your Christmas present." Her hands slide down your chest as she speaks.
You pull back to look at her, seeing desire burning in her eyes behind those sexy glasses. "What kind of present?"
Instead of answering, she starts unbuttoning her blouse, revealing smooth pale skin and a simple white bra underneath. Your breath catches as she reaches behind to unhook it, letting the garment fall away.
You can't take your eyes off Yunjin's exposed chest as she straddles your lap in the dimly lit storage room. Her breasts are small, almost flat against her slim frame, but they're absolutely perfect to you. Each one is barely a handful, topped with delicate pink nipples that have hardened in the cool air. The sight makes your mouth water with desire.
"I know they're not much to look at," she says shyly, noticing your intense gaze. "Most guys prefer bigger..."
You silence her self-consciousness by cupping both small mounds in your hands, feeling their subtle weight. "These are exactly what I want," you tell her firmly. "Perfect little tits that fit my hands just right."
She shivers as you run your thumbs over her nipples, watching them stiffen further under your touch. The rosy buds stand out proudly now, begging to be sucked. You lean forward slowly, maintaining eye contact as you take one peak between your lips.
"Ohhh..." Yunjin moans softly as you begin to suckle her breast. Her fingers thread through your hair, holding you against her chest as you worship her sensitive flesh.
You alternate between gentle suction and firm licks, paying attention to how she responds. When you graze your teeth lightly across her nipple, her whole body trembles and she lets out a gasp. You do it again, a bit firmer this time, and are rewarded with a breathy "Yes..."
Your hands knead her small breasts as you continue lavishing attention on her nipples. Despite their size, or perhaps because of it, they seem incredibly sensitive. Every touch, every lick, every gentle bite makes her squirm and moan in your lap.
You pull back slightly to admire your work - her nipples are now swollen and deep pink from your ministrations. "So responsive," you murmur, blowing cool air across the wet peaks and watching them tighten further. "I love how sensitive these little tits are."
"Only for you," she whimpers as you dive back in, this time taking as much of her small breast into your mouth as possible. There's something incredibly arousing about being able to almost fit the entire mound between your lips.
You suck firmly while massaging her other breast, feeling her nipple press hard against your palm. Her hips begin to rock subtly in your lap as her arousal builds. The movement makes your already hard cock throb with need, but you're determined to thoroughly worship these perfect little tits first.
Moving to her neglected breast, you trace circles around the areola with your tongue before capturing the straining nipple between your teeth. A sharp gasp escapes her lips as you apply just enough pressure to toe the line between pleasure and pain.
"Oh god," she pants, grinding more insistently against you now. "That feels so good... I never knew my breasts could be this sensitive..."
You hum against her flesh, the vibrations making her shudder. Your hands slide around to grip her ass, helping guide her movements as she rocks in your lap. Each roll of her hips makes her small breasts sway slightly, a hypnotic sight that has you alternating between watching and tasting.
"Such perfect little tits," you murmur between licks and kisses. "Love how they bounce... love how responsive they are... love how they fit in my mouth just right..."
Your praise seems to turn her on even more. She arches her back, pressing her chest more firmly against your face as you continue your oral assault on her sensitive peaks. Her breathing becomes more ragged with each passing minute.
You bring your hands back to her breasts, squeezing them together so you can move back and forth between nipples more easily. The sight of her small mounds pressed together, topped with those pretty pink nipples, is incredibly erotic. You lap at both peaks simultaneously, making her cry out.
"Please," she whimpers, though you're not sure what she's begging for. You respond by sucking harder, drawing one taut nipple deep into your mouth while pinching and rolling the other between your fingers.
Her whole body is trembling now as you continue your relentless attention. You can feel how wet she is through her panties as she grinds against your lap, seeking friction. The combination of your mouth on her sensitive breasts and the pressure against her clit seems to be driving her wild.
"I think..." she gasps, clutching your head tighter. "I think I might... from just this..."
The revelation that she might cum just from breast play spurs you on. You double your efforts, sucking and licking and nibbling at her swollen nipples while your hands massage the soft flesh of her small breasts. Her movements become more erratic as she chases her pleasure.
"That's it," you encourage between sucks. "Let go for me... show me how sensitive these perfect little tits are..."
With a sharp cry, she does just that. Her body goes rigid in your lap as waves of pleasure wash over her, triggered by nothing more than your mouth on her breasts. You continue gently sucking and licking through her orgasm, prolonging the sensation until she weakly pushes your head away, too sensitive to take any more.
"I've never..." she pants, looking down at you with wide eyes. "That's never happened before..."
You press soft kisses to her flushed chest, admiring how her nipples are now deep red and slightly swollen from your attention. "Just proves what I said - these are perfect."
With a smile Yunjin slides down your body with a hungry look in her eyes, her delicate fingers work at your belt buckle as she settles between your legs, licking her lips in anticipation.
"Now I want to make you feel as good as you made me feel," she purrs, finally freeing your throbbing cock from its confines. Her eyes widen slightly at the sight. "So big..." she whispers, wrapping her small hand around your shaft.
You groan at the first contact, already rock hard from getting her off with just breast play earlier. She starts with slow, exploratory strokes, learning the feel of you. Her other hand cups your balls gently, rolling them between her fingers as she studies your reactions.
"Tell me if it's good, okay?" she asks softly, her hot breath ghosting over your tip. "I want this to be the best you've ever had."
Before you can respond, she leans forward and drags her tongue from base to tip in one long, slow lick. Your cock twitches in her grip as she swirls her tongue around the head, gathering the bead of precum that's formed there.
"Mmm," she hums, savoring the taste. "Already so excited for me..."
She continues teasing you with her tongue, tracing the prominent veins along your shaft and paying special attention to the sensitive spot just under the head. Her hand keeps up a steady stroking motion, spreading her saliva along your length.
When she finally takes you into her mouth, you have to fight not to thrust up into that wet heat. She starts shallow, just sucking on the tip while her tongue works against the underside. Her eyes flutter closed as she focuses on the task, clearly enjoying herself.
"Fuck, that feels good," you groan as she gradually takes more of you in. Her mouth is so hot and wet, and the suction is perfect. She hums in acknowledgment, the vibrations sending pleasure shooting through your cock.
One hand wraps around what doesn't fit in her mouth yet, working in tandem with her lips and tongue. The other continues massaging your balls, occasionally trailing lower to tease your perineum. The dual stimulation has your toes curling.
She pulls off with a wet pop, strings of saliva connecting her lips to your cock. "I love how hard you are," she says, pumping you with both hands now. "Love feeling you throb in my mouth..."
Before you can respond, she's diving back down, taking you even deeper this time. Her tongue pressed flat against the underside of your shaft as she bobs her head, building a steady rhythm. The wet sounds of her sucking fill the room, obscenely erotic.
You thread your fingers through her hair, not guiding her movements but just wanting to touch her. She moans around your cock in response, the vibrations making you groan. Her pace picks up slightly, switching between deep sucks and focusing on the sensitive head.
"Just like that," you encourage as she finds a particularly good rhythm. "Your mouth feels fucking amazing."
She pulls back again, this time to focus solely on your tip while her hands work your shaft. Her tongue swirls around the head before flicking rapidly against the frenulum, making your hips jerk. "Want to taste every inch of you," she murmurs before taking you deep again.
This time she doesn't stop until you hit the back of her throat. She holds there for a moment, swallowing around you, before pulling back for air. Strings of saliva connect her lips to your cock as she gasps.
"So fucking hot," you groan, watching her catch her breath. Your cock twitches in her grip, achingly hard from her skilled attention.
She smiles up at you before diving back in, this time maintaining eye contact as she works you over. The sight of her pretty lips stretched around your girth while she stares up at you with lust-filled eyes is almost too much.
Her technique varies between long, slow sucks taking you as deep as she can manage, and focusing on the tip with quick flicks of her tongue. She seems to delight in finding what makes you moan loudest, repeating movements that get the biggest reactions.
"Getting close?" she asks during another brief break, her hand never stopping its stroking motion. When you nod, she smiles. "Good. I want to taste your cum... want to swallow every drop..."
The dirty talk combined with her renewed oral assault has you right on the edge. She seems to sense this, doubling her efforts. One hand pumps your shaft while the other gently squeezes your balls. Her mouth focuses on your sensitive head, sucking firmly while her tongue works the underside.
"Fuck, I'm about to cum!" you growl, staring down at Yunjin's face as she works your throbbing cock with her skilled mouth. Her designer glasses are slightly fogged up from her heavy breathing, adding an irresistibly naughty librarian vibe to her cock-hungry expression. Those plump, glistening lips stretch obscenely wide around your thick shaft as she bobs her head with expert precision.
Rather than slow down at your warning, she doubles her efforts - taking you even deeper into her hot, eager mouth. Her full, pouty lips form a perfect seal around your cock as she sucks harder, her tongue dancing and swirling along your sensitive length. Drool runs down your balls as she services you with single-minded determination, the wet sloppy sounds of her enthusiastic sucking filling the room.
You reach down to tangle your fingers in her silky hair, accidentally knocking her glasses slightly askew. She doesn't miss a beat, continuing to worship your cock while reaching up to adjust them with one hand. The intellectual look of her wire-rimmed frames contrasts deliciously with the absolutely filthy things she's doing with that talented mouth.
Her crimson lipstick is completely ruined now, smeared all over your cock in scarlet streaks. The sight of those perfect dick-sucking lips wrapped around you, combined with her sultry gaze behind those sexy glasses, has your balls drawing up tight. She must sense how close you are because she takes you impossibly deeper, until you feel the back of her throat squeezing your sensitive cockhead.
Her nose presses against your pelvis as she deep-throats you with practiced ease, her glasses fogging up even more from her heavy breathing. The rippling sensation of her throat muscles working around your length finally pushes you over the edge.
"Fuuuuck!" you roar as your orgasm hits like a freight train. Your cock pulses violently, shooting thick ropes of hot cum directly down her eager throat. She moans in satisfaction around your spurting length, continuing to suck and swallow rhythmically as you empty yourself into her hungry mouth. Not a single drop escapes those perfect cock-hungry lips.
Even after you're completely drained, she keeps gently nursing on your sensitive head, her tongue lapping up every last trace of cum. Only when you're trembling from overstimulation does she finally release you with an obscene pop. Your cock emerges glistening with her saliva, still twitching occasionally.
She looks up at you with heavy-lidded eyes behind her slightly steamed glasses, licking those full, swollen lips with obvious satisfaction. A thin strand of saliva and cum still connects her mouth to your cock. "Mmm, fucking delicious," she purrs, her voice slightly hoarse from taking you so deep. She gives your softening length one final kiss before sitting back on her heels.
Your legs feel weak as you watch her run her tongue over her lips again, savoring your taste. Her ruined lipstick smeared across her mouth and chin. Combined with her messy hair, fogged glasses, and the hungry look in her eyes, she's the perfect picture of debauchery.
"That was incredible," you manage to say once you catch your breath. She just grins wickedly, clearly proud of her cock-sucking skills. And rightfully so - you've never had your dick sucked with such enthusiasm and expertise before.
"I love the way you taste," she says, running one finger along her bottom lip while pushing her glasses back up her nose. "And the way your big cock feels stretching my mouth open. Makes me so fucking horny." To emphasize her point, she brings both hands up to her small breasts, squeezing them firmly through her top.
The sight of her playing with herself while looking at you with those intelligent eyes behind her frames makes your spent cock twitch with renewed interest. She notices and laughs, her hands still kneading her chest. "Already wanting more? Such a greedy boy." She leans forward to plant soft kisses along your shaft, which is already starting to harden again.
"Can't help it when you've got such perfect dick-sucking lips," you tell her, running your thumb across her plump bottom lip. She captures the digit between her teeth, sucking it into her mouth with a sultry look. The combination of her hot tongue swirling around your thumb and her glasses sliding down her nose again makes your cock throb.
"These lips were made for worshipping cock," she agrees after releasing your thumb with a wet pop. "Especially yours. I love how thick you are - really makes me work for it." She emphasizes her point by wrapping those gorgeous lips around just your sensitive head, sucking gently while maintaining eye contact through her slightly fogged lenses.
You groan at the sight and sensation. "Fuck, you really are insatiable aren't you?" Your hand finds its way back into her hair, careful not to knock her glasses off this time as you guide her movements. She starts taking more of your rapidly hardening length into her mouth again.
She pulls off just long enough to say "When it comes to sucking your cock? Absolutely." Then she's diving back down, taking you to the root in one smooth motion that has you seeing stars. Her throat contracts around you as she swallows, making you gasp.
Your grip in her hair tightens as she starts bobbing her head with renewed vigor. The wet sounds of her enthusiastic cock-sucking fill the room once again. She alternates between taking you deep in her throat and focusing on your sensitive head, her talented tongue doing incredible things that have you moaning.
"Such a good little cocksucker," you praise her, making her moan around your length. Her glasses fog up completely as she works your cock faster. "Love watching those pretty lips stretch around my thick cock. You were born to suck dick, weren't you?"
She responds by taking you even deeper, until her nose is pressed against your pelvis again. The feeling of her throat squeezing around your cock while she looks up at you with those big, eager eyes behind her steamed-up lenses is almost too much to handle.
"That's it, take it all like a good girl," you growl, using your grip on her hair to hold her in place for a moment. She moans and squirms, clearly loving being used like this. When you finally let her pull back for air, she gasps and immediately dives back down for more, quickly adjusting her glasses before wrapping those perfect lips around you again.
Her enthusiasm is infectious. You start thrusting your hips slightly, fucking her willing mouth while she moans encouragement. The sight of your cock disappearing between those perfect cock-sucking lips over and over, combined with her sexy librarian look, has you racing toward another orgasm embarrassingly quickly.
"Gonna cum again," you warn her through gritted teeth. She responds by sucking even harder, her cheeks hollowing as she works to draw out your load. Her tongue does wicked things to your sensitive head while one hand massages your heavy balls.
This time when you explode, she pulls back just enough to catch your cum on her tongue. You watch in awe as rope after rope of hot cum paints those gorgeous lips and fills her eager mouth. Some of it lands on her glasses, making her look even more debauched. She makes a show of swallowing it all down before licking her lips clean with a satisfied smile.
"Mmm, even better the second time," she purrs, giving your sensitive cock one final kiss. Her lips and chin are glazed with a mixture of cum and saliva, her lipstick completely destroyed, and her glasses are splattered with your seed. "Well, what did you think of my blowjob? Think that lived up to being the best you've ever had?"
"Fuck yes. Your lips, your mouth, your tongue, those fucking glasses... You're perfect, Yunjin.”
Still on her knees, she reaches for the open cardboard box nearby. It’s crammed with small packs of wet wipes. She plucks one out, tearing it open with her teeth before pulling a single wipe free. As she starts cleaning her glasses, she laughs softly. “These glasses? Expensive as hell,” she says, wiping the lenses with a casual ease. “But having you cum all over me while wearing them? Fucking worth it.”
Her words make you shudder slightly, your breath catching as you watch her throw away the last used wipe, her face and glasses less messy now. She smirks, using her thumb to rub at the the forgotten bit of smeared lipstick.
When Yunjin finishes, she sighs, looking at you with those big lovely eyes. "Did you like your present?" she asks softly.
You pull her closer, crushing your mouth to hers, tasting yourself on her tongue but too far gone to care. “Best Christmas present ever,” you murmur against her lips, your hands finding her hips, pulling her impossibly closer as she melts into you.
"Merry Christmas then," she says with a playful wink, wiping her mouth delicately.
"To be honest, I've never liked Christmas as much as I do now," you tell her when your lips move away.
She laughs softly, tucking her head against your neck. "Just wait until you see what I have planned for New Year's."
You hold her close, both of you catching your breath as the reality of what just happened settles in. Outside the windows, snow has begun to fall, dusting the city in white. It's still Christmas Eve, you still have family obligations tomorrow, but right now none of that matters. All that matters is this moment, this woman in your arms, and the promise of more to come.
"We should probably head home soon," Yunjin says eventually, though she makes no move to get up. "It is Christmas Eve after all."
You press a kiss to her temple. "Five more minutes," you bargain, and feel her smile against your skin.
"Five more minutes," she agrees.
You sit there together in comfortable silence, watching the snow fall outside while your racing hearts slow to normal. Whatever happens next, you know this Christmas will be one to remember. And as Yunjin snuggles closer in your arms, you can't help but think that sometimes the best presents come when you least expect them.
The office will look different from now on, you think. The familiar halls and rooms now charged with memory - her hand in yours as she led you here, the first press of her lips against yours, the way she looked on her knees between your legs…
Finally, reluctantly, you both begin to dress. You help Yunjin button her blouse, stealing kisses between each button until she laughs and pushes you away playfully. Her hair is slightly messed up from your fingers and her lips are still swollen from their earlier activities.
She's never looked more beautiful.
"Walk me to my car?" she asks, slipping her hand into yours.
"Of course," you reply, squeezing her fingers gently.
As you make your way through the quiet building, you can't help but marvel at how much can change in a single night. Yesterday, Yunjin was just your friend and coworker. Now... now she's something more, something precious and exciting and full of possibility.
In the parking garage, she turns to face you before getting in her car. "Text me when you get home?" she asks, and you nod.
"Definitely." You pull her close for one more kiss, slow and sweet. "Merry Christmas, Yunjin."
She smiles against your lips. "Merry Christmas."
You watch her drive away, snow swirling in the headlights, before heading to your own car. As you drive home through the quiet streets, you can't wipe the smile off your face. This Christmas is already shaping up to be the best one yet.
Your phone buzzes with a text just as you're pulling into your driveway. It's from Yunjin: "Already missing those five more minutes 😘"
You reply quickly:
"We'll have to make up for lost time after the holidays."
Her response comes immediately:
"Can't wait 💕"
As you head inside, you find yourself actually looking forward to returning to work after Christmas. Who knew the office could hold such possibilities? But then again, with Yunjin involved, anything seems possible.
You fall asleep that night with thoughts of soft lips and gentle hands, of whispered confessions and promises of more to come. In your dreams, it's still snowing, and Yunjin is there, smiling at you through the white flakes, reaching for your hand.
Tomorrow will bring family gatherings and holiday traditions, but tonight belongs to the memory of her - the taste of her kisses, the sound of her moans, the feel of her skin under your fingers. It's the best Christmas gift you could have asked for, and it's only the beginning.
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hotvintagepoll · 9 days ago
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Harpo Marx (Night at the Opera, Night in Casablanca, Duck Soup)—While Groucho is better-known, Harpo's physical comedy is SECOND-TO-NONE. The man is a strange mime trapped in the paradigm of early 20th century movies. Every move is a symphony and simultaneously a colony of rats in a human skin suit. LISTEN. You MUST see this man in motion. Every still photo of him looks like a combination of a sad clown and a different, sadder clown, but it's only because he put so much joy in every motion.
Peter Falk (The Great Race, It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World)—JUST A SILLY MAN!! Sabotages four different cars (including his own, oopsie daisy) in the film The Great Race. Not film but TV, however, he is also known as the lovably silly little man Detective Columbo. Nobody knows what he's doing or where he's going at any time (even him).
This is round 5 of the contest. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. If you’re confused on what a scrungle is, or any of the rules of the contest, click here.
[additional submitted propaganda + scrungly videos under the cut]
Harpo Marx:
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He's like if a clown was a hobo was also somehow a classically trained harpist, his face is always in some kind of contorted silly shape, feral curly haired ninnymuggins always doing weird things to people
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Harpo is mute in all of the Marx Bros movies and so his body language and facial expressions are SO over the top but he's also got fewer braincells than a goldfish while often being the emotional heart of the Marx Bros and he's just A Guy!!
Every scene with Harpo Marx is a treat! Just like watching a seagull steal a stranger's hotdog at the beach, it is a joy to watch him frustrate the hell out of all the other films' characters! Harpo Marx is the zenith of unhinged in all of his appearances, making any other funny man a straight man by comparison. (A fantastic feat considering he starred in films with his brothers Grouch and Harpo, who sported a shoe polish mustache and questionable Italian accent, respectively). The scrungliness of the little guys he plays come from his guileless, wide-eyed expression, curly blond wig, and the extreme ability to annoy others, despite never saying a word. Is he malicious? Most definitely, but hard to tell because he has a dopey grin on his face most of the time. Communicating through other sounds like honking horns and whistling, he is a force of chaos in every Marx brothers film! Also an accomplished harp player, the beautiful calm moments where Harpo plays juxtapose the zany, making him all the more scrungly. His visual style of comedy is timeless; Duck Soup had me rolling with laughter as a six year old and is still just as funny today.
In my opinion Harpo is the funniest of the Marx brothers because he is so good at slapstick comedy. Since he never speaks in his film appearances his performances are very physical, which contributes a lot to his scrungliness. He was fully committed to being wacky at all times. All of his hilarity is based on him being weird.
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He's just a weird little guy who causes chaos everywhere he goes, and then sits down and plays a beautiful harp solo! He steals the show from his very chatty brothers without saying a word, and was surprisingly ripped under that old raincoat
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All of the Marx Brothers are Scrungly to a degree, but Harpo is the scrungliest! His outfits are so big he gets lost in them, his pockets are full of everything, and because he never speaks, he always uses physical comedy. Also he's an incredible musician.
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Peter Falk:
He's a man who looks unshaven even when he's shaven. His soul is unshaven. The perpetual squint, the way his eyes don't always go in the same direction due to one being glass, the disheveled hair... I can only hope to look as scrungly as him someday.
Just look at him. Seriously. Just look at him. He's the scrungliest little guy. He out-scrungles them all.
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bratbarzal · 13 days ago
Could you please do ⁵⁾ “i couldn’t think of a better night to show everyone how in love with you i am.” with Nico?
✩‧₊˚ bratbarzal's valentines event!˚₊‧✩
“i couldn’t think of a better night to show everyone how in love with you i am.” this also goes out to the anon who requested this exact line with meier sister reader bc it's where my brain immediately went when I saw this!!!! BROTHER'S BEST FRIEND!NICO NATION WE UP!!! RISE AND SHINE!!!
*this includes sexual references, but no actual smut.
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"Stop watching me like that."
Nico sits at the top of the bed, the bed sheet only just covering his modesty as his legs sprawl out from beneath the covers. He has one arm stretched across the pillow you just vacated, and another scratching slowly at his stomach, where the soft patch of hair on his abdomen disappears under the flimsy strip of cotton.
He looks like sex personified, and he needs to give it a rest.
Laughter rumbles lowly from the depths of his chest, a sly smirk spreading across his lips as his eyes follow you - rushing around the room to retrieve the clothes he had torn from your body maybe an hour ago now. You hop back into your panties, and then your shorts, and it's as you're clipping your bra back on that he asks, "Like what?"
His tone is teasing, familiar, exactly the kind of flirty cadence that had lured you into his bed earlier today, in the first place - passing by a little too close for comfort with a hand on your hip, and lips to your ear, muttering how good your ass looked in your shorts before he planted a quick, light smack to it.
He knows what he's doing.
"Like you could go again," you huff, buttoning at the light, summery shirt you were wearing before as you look up at him.
"Maybe I could," he shrugs, straightening up in a way that makes the sheet slip dangerously low, an action that attracts your gaze like a high powered magnet, stuck on him until you can shake yourself out of it. "Maybe we should."
"No," you rattle your head, trying to claw back any kind of sense or dignity, diverting your attention in search of your sandals. "Not happening. I need to go shower. I smell like a combination of a sex den and you."
"And what's wrong with that?" he chuckles, "You use my stuff in the shower every time you come over, you wear my clothes when you leave, why's today any different?"
"Because we're on vacation with my brother, Nico," you huff, finding where you had kicked them off and they had slid toward his side of the bed. "He catches a whiff of you on me, on today of all days, and he'll throw you overboard the next time we're out on the boat."
"C'mon," he sighs, although that tempting smirk remains, and shuffles his legs over the side of the bed, the sheet slipping, forcing you to spin on your heels to avoid staring down the barrel of what you have no doubt is, once again, a loaded gun.
That man is insatiable.
You hear his laughter from behind you, along with footsteps that fall out of pattern for a brief second, and you're thankful when a large hand places itself on your upper arm to turn you, that he's at least wearing boxers now.
"We can't keep sneaking around forever, it's been long enough, don't you think?"
You feel your eyes flutter shut as he pulls you close, his assertive grip holding you in place with fingers now curved around the back of your waist, and you sigh - a big one, that despite the heaviness of it, does little to quell the anxiety swirling around your chest.
"I thought you wanted to wait until the season was finished," you frown, distinctly remembering how you felt after that conversation back in November - when your situation became a lot less casual, and Nico had officially asked you to be his girlfriend one morning when he had finally run out of other excuses for you not to leave his bed.
"I did," he muses, fingers pressing into your flesh and forcing you forward, until you're flat against him, and once again encompassed by his ever lasting warmth. "But now I'm tired of hiding. Just want to love on you, not just in private or when Timo isn't looking."
His actions mimic his words as his hands start to wander, and his lips press soft, lingering kisses in a trail from your cheek, to your jaw, to your neck.
You melt, as you always do, body feeling like putty that moulds to his touch and sticks to his fingers as he reels you back in.
"We can't hard launch to my brother on Valentines Day, Nico," you mumble, your resolve weakening by the second with every slight ministration, his lips nipping at all the sensitive parts of your neck and his hands seeking out whatever skin he can get to first.
"Why not?" he asks, his voice low just beside your ear - so low that it sends a shiver down your spine, your chest pressing straight to his. "It's technically our anniversary after all."
This whole thing had started last year - in his bye-week - not long after you had moved in with your brother, and had been invited with the two of them and a couple more of their friends for a week-long trip.
What had always been teasing and lingering between you and Nico had swiftly evolved into more - one night of one too many drinks leading you straight to his bed, and one night leading to something frequent and forbidden.
Something changed in the summer - the two of you meeting up a little more back in Switzerland, when you weren't under your older brother's constant supervision, and you weren't worrying about being caught all the time, and then when you all came back to the states, you found yourself in Nico's bed more often than your own.
“I couldn’t think of a better night to show everyone how in love with you I am.”
Your heart thuds in your chest at the revelation, muttered straight into your ear - it taking you a second to get past the vibration of his words down your whole entire body before you register exactly what he said.
And then you lean back, your faces close as you turn to meet his eye - that captivating glimmer shining straight across dark chocolate irises, the smirk from before melting into something softer, more serious, more real.
"You're in love with me?" You ask, watching the smile slowly grow.
"Obviously," he replies, his thumb swiping gentle strokes into your spine, not giving it a chance to tense up or stiffen at the revelation - still moulded perfectly to his touch. "I don't risk my life at the hands of your brother for just anybody."
You smile too, despite the four-tonne block of anxiety that's launching itself your way at the all the possible ways this could go wrong.
Nico loves you.
And Timo's just gonna have to deal with it.
"I'm in love with you too," you tell him, leaning in immediately to press a kiss to his lips, like sealing the sentiment in place, feeling them curve against your own.
"Good," he mutters against you, kissing and kissing until you're too far gone again to do anything about it. "We should fuck again to celebrate, just in case your brother kills me."
You giggle, still not pulling back, letting his feet shuffle towards the end of the bed and guide you the same way.
You'll shower later. Probably with Nico - and the smell of his shampoo in your hair might give the two of you away, but who cares.
He's in love with you.
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redr0sewrites · 1 month ago
t. todoroki nsfw alphabet
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💄A/n: gnawing at the bars of my enclosure.... happy bday baby <3
💄Cw: smut, dirty talk, hand kink, breeding kink, praise kink, intox kink, switch!touya
💄top dividers/lower dividers
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
kinda lazy, but not in a rude way? moreso he just wants to cuddle and be close to you and maybe smoke a cigarette. he has no interest in cleaning up immediately and often procrastinates such things until much later. doesn't mean he's strictly against aftercare, after a rough or tiring session he'll wipe you down and be sweet, but he would very much prefer to just relax. Touya's also a lot clingier and more open after sex i think, so he's definitely looking for reassurance
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
on himself, i think he'd say his hands or his hair. he likes his hands because he really enjoys how much you like them, they're larger than most peoples and very precise. i also think he has a lot of stims and fidgets that involve his hands, and he flaps them a lot when he's excited or energized. Touya also thinks his hands look very pretty in comparison to yours, especially in size, and likes seeing them splayed over your chest or throat. he likes his hair because its a very prominent tie to his mother, (and the light color gives him lots of freedom to dye it.) when it comes to you, it takes him a while to decide, but i think he's an ass guy. he likes sleeping on it, likes slapping it, loves how it jiggles when you guys have sex
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
if you can cum in him, surprise !! he's now volunteering to be your personal cum dump. likes it in his ass or in his mouth, doesn't matter where, he gets really turned on by the thought of you claiming him. in all honesty its a bit of a breeding kink, but he's the one being bred. also enjoys when you swallow his cum, whether that be through you sucking him off or you licking it off his fingers. the only thing that bothers him a bit though is when it gets in his staples or scars, because it can cause infection and he does not want that.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
wants you to choke him. probably won't mention it until you're pretty far into the relationship, but he's a bit of a masochist and the thought of your pretty little hands around his neck makes him so horny. probably also has some sort of age gap kink (where he's the younger person) and maybe a mommy/daddy one too. overall he just wants to be pampered when he's subbing. his most sercret-y secret is that he hes a big fat intox kink and absolutely wants to fuck while you're high or under the influence. probably also has some sort of aphrodisiac kink too, and if you ever get your hands on some he's practically begging for some consensual dubcon aphrodisiac use or roleplay. idk i just think he'd be super into how mindless and horny it makes you both
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
has had 1-3 sexual partners since his time on the streets and throughout his early twenties, but he's not very experienced. incredibly inexperienced in the relationship aspect of things, so he's a little closed off during sex at first. he won't show much emotion, doesn't really know what he's into in terms of specific kinks, etc. it takes a while to bridge that gap with him, but once you do, the sex is a lot better. he is observant though, and a fast learner, so he picks up on your tells and what you like very quickly.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
i think his stamina is kind of low because of both his body strength and all the stress to his skin, so he prefers positions where he doesn't have to do much, such as when you ride him. in a longterm relationship, he really likes close positions for the intimacy, so he's a big fan of lotus and spooning as well. when he's up for it, he also likes doggy style, but always does it in front of a mirror so he can see your face.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
very serious in the moment. i think he'd be a little bit irritated if someone was trying to make light of the moment too much, especially if it's not a long term relationship and just a hookup. however, with a partner he really trusts, i can see him being much more relaxed and scoffing a bit when you tease him or joke around. it takes him a while to get comfortable though
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
even during his dabi era, his pubes are stark white and its incredibly attractive. he has a bit of a happy trail on his lower stomach and abs, but it's only prominent on his unscarred skin. the hair itself is relatively thick and a bit curly, and he keeps it trimmed but not shaved off entirely. its the perfect friction against your clit or cock when you ride him and nghhh im moaning. also think he'd prefer to have a partner with a bit of body hair, and he'll unironically ask to trim your pubes for you when you're in a relationship. he's a bit freaky about it tbh
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
takes him a while to become comfortable enough to be intimate during sex, he'd have to really like you and trust you (which he probably already does if he's in a relationship with you,) but even then it still takes time. however, once you're in a longterm relationship, he can be very intense and intimate. your so important to him, he thinks you deserve nothing less than perfection during sex and is very ,,, worshipful to you if that makes sense? whether he's domming or subbing he just. cares a lot. ALSO talks a lot during sex so he can be very intimate in speech and babbles a lot about how much he loves you and needs you when he's close to cumming
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
does it sparingly, especially in a relationship. why would he need to masturbate when you're around? when he does jack off though, he usually watches some sort of porn or looks at photos of you. sometimes he'll masturbate where he knows you'll catch him, just for the embarrassment (and either punishment or pampering) that will follow
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
oo theres a lot. hand kink, praise kink, age gap, aphrodisiac/intox, roleplay, pain/masochism, hair pulling, marking, minor mommy/daddy kink (he says it to u), choking, cum/being bred, minor voyeurism, ORAL FIXATION, WAX PLAY !!!
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
enjoys the bed or couch because its most comfortable for his body, but also likes having sex in medium-ish risky places such as alleyways or storage closets and even a public restroom. it honestly depends a lot on what you like as well, and if you have a big preference for a certain location than he's certainly down to try. random but i also think he'd enjoy a hot tub too
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
everything about you. hands, body hair, your ass, the smell of your perfume/cologne... anything. also big on praise, i think that's a quick and easy way to get him flustered. being manhandled as well, i think he'd find it hot if you could just. move him. whether you're physically bigger than him or not, even something as simple as play fighting gets him going. i also think that he's really into sucking your fingers or giving you hickeys, it plays into his oral fixation
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
wouldn't want to engage in anything that could seriously hurt you, especially if you're not into it. while he's a masochist at heart, he's not really sadistic (when it comes to you) and would rather overstimulate you and have you crying from pleasure than pain. this isn't to say he isn't down for bdsm or anything you'd be into, but he would never want to accidentally hurt you. also NOT a fan of noncon, especially considering how his father treated his mother. it just disgusts him. for similar reasons, he's not big on breeding you/cumming inside if you can get pregnant without protection or birth control because he doesn't want any accidental pregnancies or something of the like, and only does so after many, many lengthy conversations about kids and clear consent on your end
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
its incredibly difficult to choose, because as much as he has an oral fixation and LOVES giving, for Touya nothing beats the sight of you on your knees looking up at him through your lashes with your pretty plush lips wrapped around his cock. its sooooooo hot to him. however, he does truly enjoy giving head, and what he lacks in experience he makes up for in enthusiasm. truly depends on which you prefer honestly
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
depends heavily on the mood. while i do think he has a penchant for going slow, both due to his body and wanting to take his time with you, i also i think that he can get very worked up and want nothing more than to just fuck you senseless. overall, i think he prefers slow and sensual (but still kinky) sex, as it allows him to prolongue his stamina, but he can go fast and rough (though he won't last as long.)
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
they're okay, but quickies aren't enough to satiate him. pulling him aside and giving him head before returning to the public is sexy, sure, but now he's all hot n bothered thinking about the inevitable longer session that will occur later. all this to say, he likes quickies, but prefers longer sessions
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
absolutely. loves risks, loves receiving pain, loves trying out any twisted or perverse kink you have on your mind. there are very few things he'll say no to, especially in terms of pleasing you
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Touya doesn't have great stamina, due to both his body/scars and past injuries, but he makes up for it by eating you out/giving you head or making you cum multiple times before he does. he often feels a bit bad about not having great stamina so please reassure him you don't mind :( the best you'll get is three rounds before he straight up collapses, but that's genuinely pushing his limits and usually results in a few busted staples and bleeding. just one round is the only way to guarantee not hurting him, but he always offers oral or fingering you or whatever else you're into if he doesn't think you're satisfied.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
i'd say he's 50/50 on them. Touya didn't really know much about toys in the beginning outside of just a vibrator or dildo, and never used them. he likes them on occasion, and enjoys using them on you, but is a bit more hesitant about using them on himself. this changes after the first time you peg him though, and after that he's more open to exploration
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
looovessss teasing. you can't tell me he doesn't, he just adores seeing you squirm. also loves when you match his energy and fluster him in turn, it's just incredibly attractive to him. during sex itself, he tries his best to tease, but he's too impatient and down bad for you to last long
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Touya is not vocal in the beginning of a relationship but progressively gets more and more comfortable as time progresses. it starts off with just a few grunts and low whines, but over time he's whimpering and moaning unabashedly. he also babbles and talks a lot during sex, especially when he's close to cumming, so you'll hear a lot of pleadjng and rambling when his mind goes all fuzzy with pleasure...
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
cries when he cums, and the first time he does it freaks you out- but soon you get used to it. he WILL whimper and probably lose his mind if you lick up his bloody tears, i think he'd be super into that like the freak he is. he also has a huge oral fixation and loves sucking you off/eating you out, but on the wilder side he really likes sucking on your fingers and giving you hickeys. along w this, he's always chewing or sucking on something outside of a sexual setting as well.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
he's LONG, like i'm talking 9.5 inches at least. he's pretty lanky and built, and that transfers into his dick as well. he's longer than he is thick, with a pretty happy trail and an even prettier set of jacobs ladder piercings. his cock is also very expressive, with a twitchy, pink tip and a thicker base. his piercings are very sensitive as well, and are great stimulation for you.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
it fluctuates a lot. sometimes he's so horny that your both sleeping together every night for two weeks straight, other times he can go like a month without even masturbating. he's always down to accommodate you though, and if you have a lower or higher sex drive than him he's down to help at any time
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
as quickly as possible, the second you both relax he's cuddling up beside yoh and out like a LIGHT. its one of the quickest ways to tire him out and let him get a full nights sleep, and he actually really enjoys finally getting to relax. i also think he's very cuddly and soft when he's fucked out and sleepy, so you get to see a much gentler side of him than usual <333
AUGHHHHH HES SOOOO !!! MY MAN MY MAN MY MANANNNSSNDDBDFBFJFJFNF HED SO FINE. if anyone sees any hcs on here they want me to elaborate on.... PLS LMK BC I SOO WILL
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woso-dreamzzz · 7 months ago
World Cup VI
Hardersson x Daughter!Reader
Natalia Guijarro (OC) x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adeventures Universe
Summary: It's heartbreaking
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It's the worst kind of pain imaginable.
The kind of pain that lodges in a chest, in a throat, in a mind. The kind of pain that radiates throughout a body, weighing on someone, eating away at them until there's nothing left.
Eaten from the inside out.
Until there's nothing left but an empty husk of a person.
To be so close to a dream that will never be reached.
Not now.
Not ever.
It chokes someone from the inside, suffocating them until they can do nothing but accept their fate.
There's not much else to say about it.
The kind of pain that is only really experienced once in a lifetime.
The kind of pain only experienced in extra time of a football match as one last substitute is made.
The board goes up.
"On for number fourteen, number one for Sweden, Harder-Eriksson."
The final of a World Cup.
Sweden, two.
Spain, two.
And the worst person to take penalties against is subbed on.
"No," Talia says as she watches you run on," No, please. Please."
You'd taken a knock in the semifinals against Colombia, a bad one that had you sitting out most of the final.
Selfishly, Talia was glad for it.
The two goals she had scored wouldn't have gone in had you been standing between the sticks.
Had you been on in the beginning, there would have been no extra time.
You are the greatest goalkeeper in the world and you're never out of control in finals.
You thrive under the pressure, under the pressure of the whole world watching your every mood, under the pressure of Magda and Pernille's legacy.
You rise to the occasion every time.
You show why you are so sought after.
Extra time leaks away and the tears already fall as penalties are announced.
Your Sweden team isn't known for their penalty-taking abilities but it hardly matters. All it takes is one penalty to win.
One ball in the back of the net.
You can delay that for as long as you need to.
One goal to win a match.
One goal for a childhood dream to shatter.
One missed save to return to Spain as a World Champion.
But you have never let a penalty passed in your entire career.
Not at Linköping. Not at Arsenal. Not at Barcelona.
Not for Denmark. Not for Sweden.
No penalty has ever escaped you.
The shots are taken in quick succession.
You don't let any pass but neither does Spain's keeper.
The anticipation swells. The tension builds. The camera flashes to fans in the crowd.
To Patri, sitting in the stands with her hands clasped in front of her and a nervous look on her face. Talia has never seen her cousin so shaken before.
She cuts a striking picture against the complete calmness of Magda and Pernille when the camera switches again. They don't look worried in the slightest.
They've always been your biggest supporters, the biggest believers in your ability to do anything you set your mind to. They've seen the talent in you for years.
There is no reason for them to be worried.
Talia takes the ball, the last penalty for Spain.
She steps forward.
You come out of your goal, walking forward towards her until you're face to face.
The conflict is clear on your face.
To anyone else, you look deadly calm. Magda's feature on your face matches your mother's expression in the crowd but Talia can see through it.
The slight furrow of your brow, the downturn of the corner of your mouth. The way that you can't quite meet her eyes.
"I'm sorry," You say as she places the ball on the penalty spot.
"I know," Talia replies.
"I am really sorry, my love. I...I didn't want it to end like this."
"Don't be. Go do what you do best."
Talia's dreams of a World Cup slip through her fingers in an instant. She usually shoots right, in the top corner. This time though, she'll shoot left to the bottom.
Pernille sits up in the stands as you back away from Talia, returning to your line.
The stadium holds its breath.
A home World Cup win would mean the world to Sweden. To defeat the hosts would mean the world to Spain.
But you stand in their way.
A formidable force between the sticks with more experience than most your age and an unshakeable spirit that intimidates by just your mere presence on the pitch.
"She's got this," Magda whispers to her, clasping Pernille's hand tight," Even if it is Talia."
The stadium ripples with anticipation, shouts escaping throats as Talia lets the ball fly...
Your familiar red jersey moves, your black gloves reaching out.
Your body crashes to the ground.
A millisecond too late and the ball would have gone in.
Your fingertips manage to brush it away though, forcing it away from your line.
The knock to Spain's confidence is big.
It can be felt all around the stadium and just a box away, Pernille sees Patri bury her head in her hands.
Sweden's last penalty is taken quickly.
Scored even quicker by your captain.
A title defended on home soil. The triumph of Sweden over Spain.
The crowd is electric and Magda pumps her fist into the air, screaming like she'd just won this herself and Pernille hauls herself out of her seat to head down to the barriers with her wife to greet you.
The crowd is nothing compared to the roaring in Talia's ears as that pain settles into her bones and gnaws away at her muscles.
She falls to the floor, breathing in a ragged breath as a childhood dream slips away from her.
"I'm sorry," She can hear over her sobs," My love, I'm so sorry."
Familiar arms wrap around her. A familiar smell filling her senses and she grabs onto a familiar red jersey, pulling at it and forcing herself even closer.
"Go," She says," And celebrate."
"No," You reply, sitting down next to her and guiding her head to your shoulder where she could cry without cameras watching her," I'm staying right here."
"Your mothers-"
"Can wait," You insist," I want to be here. With you."
You've singlehandedly ruined Natalia's dreams. You had dangled a World Cup in her face and snatched it away again.
It was so close.
She was so close to being the first person to ever score a penalty against you.
Mere inches sat between her and the World Cup.
But you'd ruined it. You anticipated her change. You pushed away her penalty.
Last time, you'd scored Sweden's only goal. This year, you'd saved all of Spain's penalties.
You are Sweden's hero. Sweden's golden girl. Sweden's vice-captain and the greatest goalkeeper they've ever produced.
There is no hope of competing against you.
A World Cup won and a World Cup lost.
Magda and Pernille wait by the barrier. Talia can see them, ready to celebrate with you.
But you don't go anywhere.
You just hold her as she cries.
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weepingchronicles · 3 months ago
Could you do a yandere Caitlyn kiramman from arcane x fem reader?
thank you for your request! sorry if this is ooc, i feel that i am not that good at writing for caitlyn but i tried. </3 also!! no s2 spoilers :)
content warnings: controlling and obsessive behavior, little bit of infantilizing, forced drugging, implied kidnapping.
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❝yandere!caitlyn kiramman x fem!reader❞
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💭 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🧁 Whether you were from Zaun or Piltover treats you with kindness. If you're from Piltover she thinks of you as an equal and might admire you to some degree if you are talented. If you're from the undercity she might have some reservations about you at first but as she gets to know you better she puts those thoughts aside and begins to see you as an equal and friend. For this though let's just assume you both are co-workers!
💭 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🧁 I think Caitlyn is so focused and goal-driven she will have difficulty realizing she likes you more than just a comrade or friend. It will start with longing glances, she spaces out just staring at you without even realizing she is missing orders from her superior. When others ask Cait what she thinks of you, she gets a bit distracted.
💭 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🧁"She's an excellent friend and partner. .! I could not imagine anyone else replacing her. I find her very admirable, her strength and her clever nature. The way she holds her gun, when she forgets a loose button on top of her uniform, the way her eyes widen when she-" and on and on and on. . .
💭 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🧁 It actually takes someone else to point out her obvious crush on you for her to realize. She is completely flabbergasted and in denial at first, "What! No way- what are you talking about? Yes, she is my friend but also my co-worker! That'd be completely unprofessional!"
💭 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🧁 But then she can't stop overanalyzing all her interactions with you. Whenever you enter a room her heart sinks to her stomach. God forbid you actually go beside her, her brain completely malfunctions in a way she has never experienced before. You're just so talented.. and beautiful. No! She just really, really, really admires you. It's not an actual crush..! Right?
💭 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🧁 Caitlyn had never really experienced romantic feelings for someone before, she has been so focused on her goals and proving herself she never had the time to. Of course, there was many people offering their hand for her but it was always met with a firm but polite 'no.'
💭 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🧁 She hated all the male suitors her parents tried to coerce her into meeting at least, to see if it's a match. To please her parents she would but every single one was awful. They saw her only as an object, a pretty thing to marry and show off as a trophy. A tool for power, not in the least caring for her dreams and aspirations.
💭 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🧁 But you, you were so different. You were kind and actually cared for her opinions even if she tended to push the boundaries of her actual duties. You never gave up on her even when it felt like the world did.
💭 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🧁 Welp, she couldn't deny it anymore, she in fact had a big fat crush on you. What to do next? Oh, pretend everything is normal and hopefully it goes away.
💭 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🧁 But it doesn't. In fact it gets even worse the more she tries to conceal it. Stumbling over words like a blabbering fool as you attempt to talk to her, her co-workers laugh at her making her even more flushed!
💭 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🧁 It wasn't until one day her obsession with you truly began. It was one of Jinx's ambushes again and there were explosions, it wasn't good. It was very bad. Most of her peers had died unexpectedly, not even getting a chance to fight back. Caitlyn herself got injured but all she could think about was you.
💭 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🧁 It took about an hour of searching the premises before she finally found you, stuck and unconscious under a pile of rubble. You looked bad, it struck a fear in Caitlyn, seeing you like that, she never wished to feel it again. She carried you herself to get some help despite limping and bleeding from her own wounds.
💭 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🧁 Luckily you got help in immediate time and you came to in a hospital bed, Caitlyn herself passed out in a chair beside you with her head in your lap. You could see the dark bags under her eyes, you figured she must've not been getting enough sleep. Has she been with you the entire time you've been out of commission?
💭 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🧁 During your healing process which would be a long while, Caitlyn took a rare deprive from her work, also recovering her lesser injuries. She spent most of her time beside you, making sure you ate, bringing you things to keep you entertained like books, helping you stand to the bathroom for goodness sake. It still couldn't keep her entirely out of her work though, in fact it made her even more determined to find this 'Jinx' and get justice for you and her friends, of course. She was almost obsessed with the case and capturing Jinx, and it all stemmed from her growing protection over you.
💭 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🧁 Caitlyn struggled to sleep, having nightmares of the explosion and you, your bloody body now mangled and unrealistically morphed into something terrifying. She'd wake up in fright, only to find herself sleeping on your lap with you sleeping sound. She'd brush back your hair, vowing to never let you get hurt like that again.
💭 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🧁 All of this came to a climax when you were finally well enough to be released from the hospital. You were a bit rusty but you were antsy to get back to work, you felt so useless being trapped in a hospital bed.
💭 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🧁 Caitlyn, however, was not ready for you to leave and go back to action. You were still so weak, what if something happens and you aren't able to react quickly enough? What if you die?
💭 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🧁 Cait could not stand for it and so she pleaded for you to reconsider, just a month or a week more! But you were adamant about heading back, no matter what Caitlyn said. So she gave in but she was not going to let you get hurt under her watch.
💭 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🧁 She was like a shadow you could never get rid of. Always hovering around you and staring at you with those crystal blue eyes warily, waiting almost so she can step in and help you. Even if you were put in different groups, she'd stray just so she can make sure you're okay. Need some water? Oh, careful there's a rock there! Are you okay? Be careful. Be careful. Be careful.
💭 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🧁 You could not handle it anymore, it felt not only suffocating but demeaning with the way she treated and looked at you as though you were glass.
💭 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🧁 You snapped, yelling at her to leave you alone and that you're an adult, you are capable of defending yourself. After snapping you felt a bit guilty seeing her face. She looked completely shocked and almost like a kicked over puppy, those big blue eyes looking sad now. Caitlyn could only watch in silence as you walked away from her, trying to calm down. And for once, she did not follow.
💭 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🧁 A couple days passed with no progress on the Jinx case and it seemed that Cait had finally gotten the hint and left you alone. You felt almost bad, when you were near she'd glance at you and quickly look away as if hurt. You didn't want to stop being friends, just that it was getting to a point of controlling behavior.
💭 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🧁 You took it upon yourself to visit the Kiramman household, wanting to apologize and become friends again. You did miss her, you both had especially gotten close after spending so much time healing. Perhaps that is why it hurt so much that she didn't trust you.
💭 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🧁 Caitlyn looked shocked when you showed up on her doorstep but let you in nonetheless, pretending everything was normal. She offered you tea and you agreed.
💭 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🧁 Sitting both down, you finally let it out that you reacted too harshly that day and that you wanted to continue being friends. That you missed her.
💭 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🧁 Taking a deep exhale after saying all of that, you waited for her reaction. Cait was serene and hard to read, not responding right away instead taking her teacup and sipping on her tea.
💭 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🧁 "Please have some of your tea, it is imported from Ionia."
💭 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🧁 You stare at her a bit, is that all she had to say? Not even an acknowledgement or, hell, even a refusal to forgive you? You sigh and drink the tea anyways and she begins to actually speak.
💭 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🧁"You see, over the last couple of days, no, months that I have been by your side whilst you heal has made me have a realization." She glances up at you from her tea.
💭 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🧁 "I love you." All thoughts disappear from your head the moment those words are uttered, so calmly as well. "And when you love something, you protect it. Your outburst at me the other day made me truly realize this, what you're doing to yourself- it's a cry for help. You are not fit to be an enforcer, it is too dangerous and with Jinx still out there.. I am afraid I can't let you leave again." Wait, what?
💭 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🧁 Just as she finishes speaking your vision begins to spin. You start seeing two Caitlyn's instead of one, the teacup in your hands wobbles and breaks in shards on the ground. Caitlyn tuts and stands up, grabbing your shoulders gently and laying you back down onto the couch before you could fall.
💭 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🧁 "There we go. I'm sorry it had to be this way but don't worry, I will find Jinx and make her pay for doing this to you. Just rest, my dear."
💭 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🧁 Even then, Caitlyn stays by your side while gently caressing your cheek. Your vision fades and you fall asleep.
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a/n: guys.. i may have went a bit overboard with writing this but it was more fun that i had thought! i hope i did yan caitlyn justice! <3 also this is kind of foreshadowing a little bit of s2 cait?? but in a alternative universe. also see how caitlyn's suitors just thought of her as an object and now she is doing the same thing to reader unintentionally.. parallels!!
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spidermans-l-o-v-e-r · 3 months ago
Pairing: Jack Reacher x Reader
Word count: 5k
Notes: So… this is my first Reacher fic, I literally could not have done this without @silas-aeiou like bruh I would have done SO BADLY
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“You do somethin’ different with your hair?” 
You look up from your desk, blinking slowly at the literal Hulk Jr. in front of you. Reacher goes to sit across from you; he makes the comfy chair look like it was made for a doll. 
“U-uh… yeah. Yeah I just- I’m trying a different mousse” 
“It works for you! Makes your curls really bouncy” 
You can’t help the light blush on your cheeks as you beam and turn away from your computer “That’s what I thought!!” 
Reacher had made it a sort of habit to come drop in on you, ever since Finlay had sent him down to get a copy of a report from you because he just needed five freaking minutes to himself. 
He replayed that moment in his head often because how could he not? You were standing precariously on a spinning chair-
Which, rule #1: Don’t. 
Trying to reach for some box on the top shelf, you had gloves on your bare feet which he could only assume were to keep your tights clean… at least you’d had the sense to take off your heels. You were leaning to the left when suddenly, you know like those kinds of chairs do, the wheels slipped out from under you. 
You screamed and braced yourself to end up on one of your tables, but it didn’t happen. You sure did crash into something hard, though. It smells good, too. Your eyes slowly open, and you’re met face to face with the prettiest blue eyes you’ve ever seen. 
His arm stays securely around you as he reaches up for the box you need and sets it down on the clean table. 
“Need anything else?” 
“U-uh no… no I’m- I’m good.” 
“Where are your shoes?” He hooks his arm under your legs and you yelp and wrap your arms around his neck. 
He tips you downward a little to point out your weirdly gloved feet.
“My office…” 
He carries you back to your office and sets you on your desk. Your shoes are off to the side and he grabs them for you. 
“Names Reacher, Detective Finlay sent me for the report on the John Doe that was brought in?” He kneels and takes off the gloves then places your shoes on your feet. He holds his hand out and helps you off the desk. He doesn’t let go until you do, and you’re finally able to really get a look at him. 
First of all, he’s freaking huge, you stagger back a little and he towers over you even in your heels. He folds his hands in front of him respectfully and you shrink down a little. He doesn’t… seem like he’s going to try anything, but you’re more than sure he could crush you with those very…very large biceps. They make shirts in that size??? 
He clears his throat and you blush, because hell yeah you’re staring and step a bit closer to him to grab the folder off your desk. 
“Uh…y-yeah I have that report. It’s- it’s not finished though I’m by myself and-“
“Can I help at all?” 
That was the day he became an assistant ME for an afternoon. You were so nervous around him. He watched your hands shaking while you filled out the report, and while he tried not to seem so… big, it didn’t really work. It took a good 45 minutes for you to finally calm down and start talking to him. 
Every time he was at the station he’d come down to your little area, sometimes he’d stay there for a bit and talk to you. You’d eventually started opening up to him the 5th time he’d come down, he put his hands on your hips and lifted you to reach a new box of gloves your colleague purposely put on the top shelf just to mess with you and you went on a mini rant.
“He’s always doing that!! I mean- I’m not that short!! Oh, so he’s five fuckin’ nine big whoop! How about I show him I’m closer to his junk!” You stomp your foot and he nods, watching you throw your tantrum. Because you were that short, especially to him. He finds himself watching the way you…bounce with every angry pace across your office. 
“You want me to take care of it for you?” He doesn’t like to get involved but for you? He’d consider it. 
You sighed and smiled a bit at him as you stopped pacing “No… I got it. But thanks for listening” You pat his hand and for the first time in a long time, he felt his heart skip a beat. 
After that? Jonathan, your coworker, made sure to always keep things on the perfect shelf for you. 
“So uh- are you busy today?” You get up from your desk, put away a couple of files, and walk around the front, hopping up on it. You cross one leg over the other and smooth out the front of your shirt. His eyes stay on your thighs for a minute before they travel lazily back up to your face. Your cheeks are pink as he shrugs. 
He was, but he could blow off Finlay and Roscoe for a few hours, they probably wouldn’t care anyway. 
“Okay well uh-“ you smooth your shirt out again a nervous habit apparently that he thinks is cute. “Would you like to go out with me? Maybe we could go to lunch or dinner or something?” 
“What kind of car do you have?” 
You tilt your head quizzically and he has to keep from reaching out to stroke your plush thigh. 
“A Volks- Ohhh…” 
“Mhm, what time do you get off?” He smirks and you shrug, looking up at the clock.
“Well, now. It’s my early day, maybe I can give you my address? And you can pick me up in an hour or so?” 
He stands up out of the chair and takes a step toward you. You’d open your legs but you’re not sure they could stretch enough for him, instead, he comes closer, getting in your personal space, you can feel the heat radiating off his body, his cologne filling the small space. 
“I know where you live”
“Of course you do” You scold him playfully and he hooks his finger under your chin, titling your head up to look at him.
“I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t. Two o’clock sound good to you?”
“Mhm! Sounds perfect” Your eyes flit to his lips and right back to his eyes and he chuckles, letting you go and turning to leave. 
“See you soon”  
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What the hell do you wear on a date?? 
What the hell do you wear on a casual, out-of-nowhere, I didn’t think I’d get this far, date with a man like Reacher?
It’s getting closer to two as you tug at the roots of your hair, you hiss at yourself and re-fluff your hair, because if there’s one thing you got right, it’s your hair. 
You’ve thrown at least half your closet out and the other half is coming next. You dig through the pile next to you and come up with a pair of denim short shorts.
It’ll do. 
You yank them on and fish for a nice-looking top, maybe something cute?? You’ve known Reacher for months now and you know he’s not gonna be doing any dressing up. So you just decide on a Rolling Stones t-shirt that you’d cropped a while ago. It’s a bit tattered and old but damn does it make your shorts look even cuter. 
You root around in the bottom of your closet for your cowboy boots, your dad had given them to you for Christmas years ago and they were still the best pair of shoes you owned. They withstood anything you threw at them, you dust them off and slip those on before going to the mirror.
You shoot off a picture to Neagley and wait for her to respond as you look around for a bag to use. You’re knee-deep in the mess when your phone goes off, after a hearty laugh at your cowgirl aesthetic, she tells you how cute you look. You send her back the sweetest video of you flipping her off! 
You’re busy grumbling and shoving stuff into your green bag, the one with all the pockets and patches on it when your doorbell rings. 
You snatch your phone from your bed, two o’clock exactly.
Of course, he’s on time. 
You throw the rest of your crap in and push yourself up off the floor.
Reacher stands outside your door, one hand in his pocket, the other holding a bunch of wildflowers he’d grabbed on the way over, roots and all. He picks at a few of the roots as he hears a weird crashing noise from inside before the door suddenly swings open. 
You brush the hair out of your face and lean awkwardly against the doorframe. 
“Hey… did you- did you just fall down the stairs?” He looks over your head into your house and you pull the door shut just a little 
“….Just the last couple ones. Anyway are those for me!??” You take them from him and even if they’re a bit ridiculous you can feel your heart soaring because he’d decided to do it in the first place.
“Uh- yeah, you know, mom always said never to show up at a lady's house empty handed” 
“She’d be really proud of you” You positively beam as you step aside. “Here, come in!! I’ll put these in water and then we can go!” 
He follows you inside and shuts the door as you bounce off to the kitchen, he shamelessly watches your hips swaying in those tiny shorts. He’d never actually seen you in civilian clothing…it looks good on you. 
You grab an odd-shaped bowl you’d lost the lid to a long time ago and fill it with water from the fridge.
“These are really pretty… I like lavender!” You carefully place the roots in the bowl to keep them alive for now and turn to him. 
“So I was thinking maybe we could-“ You’re interrupted by your phone ringing, you look at it curiously before sighing.
“It’s my mom, just give me a second” 
“Take your time” 
As much as he wants, to he doesn’t eavesdrop. Instead, he just looks around your house… it’s nice, very colorful, and very put together. He likes the little tea and coffee bar you have set up, he wanders into the living room and looks over all the pictures you have around your house. 
Apparently, you were an only child unless you hate your siblings that much, he’s just pulling some book off your shelf with a blue alien on the cover when you come back in.
“So hey- what are you doing??” your heart stops in your chest and he pushes the spine back into place. 
“Nothing. What’s up?” 
You take a second to freaking breathe before crossing your arms over your chest. 
“So, I guess my mom’s school is having a bake sale? And she wanted my help and-“
“What are we making?” 
You blush and shake your head, your curls bouncing “No I couldn’t ask that of you” you laugh a little “We can just go to dinner later if you’d like” 
“I’d like to help you. I’d like to spend time with you no matter what we’re doing” 
“Really? Even if it’s making peach pies? That’s what she asked for”
“Especially if we’re making peach pies” 
You hand Reacher a notepad and a pen and start going through your cabinets and making a list of everything you’ll need to get from the store, which he’s already made sure you knew he was taking you there too, and get ready to go. You grab your bag from the chair and reach out, he hands you the notepad and you stuff it in your bag before reaching out again. He hands you the pen and you roll your eyes, putting that in your bag too before reaching out one more time.
He looks around himself, there’s nothing else you could want?? Unless you want like… a glass of water or something… 
You sigh and take his hand, pulling him from your kitchen and out front to his car. 
“His” car could fit your car at least 650 times inside it, he walks ahead of you, opening the door for you and you blink. 
“You could fit the entirety of the Miami Dolphins in here”
“I feel like that’s not true” 
You hoist yourself up into the cab and he stands behind you, making sure you don’t fall back out, as soon as you’re situated he comes around and gets in himself. He really fits the car, he fills the seat out so nicely, that you look away when he looks over at you with a smirk. 
“Buckled in?” He asks as he turns it on and you nod 
“All set” 
He backs out of the driveway and you’re off,  you feel weirdly small in the seat, your feet just barely rest on the ground when you sit back fully, you’re looking out the window when you feel his heavy hand rest on your thigh, you look over and his palm is facing upward, he doesn’t look at you but you smile anyway and take his hand, wrapping your fingers around his. 
He doesn’t let go of your hand until you pull away from him to grab a cart to push around, you hand him the list and he goes through it with you, it’s so oddly domestic in the way you’re shopping together, he reaches things on the high shelves for you, his body pressed into yours each time, even with the tiny shorts on you’re starting to feel hot. 
Every item he puts in the cart gets a stupid pun out of you, and after you wheeze out the last sugar joke he can’t help but crack a smile, you squeal and beat on his arm.
“I knew I could make you laugh!!”
“I wouldn’t call that a laugh”
You shake his arm and he snickers because he’s moving for you. You skip ahead of him, pretty damn proud of yourself and he watches you, there’s a weird ache in his chest every time he looks at you, especially while you’re dramatically spinning around in the aisles and being an all-around idiot as you sing and dance along to the music playing in the store. 
As you stand in line for the checkout you go over the list, making sure you’ve got everything.
“Crap we forgot vanilla… how could we forget vanilla??? Hey Reacher, do you mind-“
“Aisle three right? I’ll be right back” He’s already jogging off as you scoot ahead in line, you start putting things on the belt and greet the cashier before standing and waiting for your things to be rung up. You tap the little ledge waiting patiently as “Mike” rings up your groceries.
“So you gonna be doing some baking?” He asks as he puts the flour in a bag for you and you nod
“Oh yeah, for my mom's bake sale” 
“Oh that’s cool, so you’re from around here? I see you shop here often” 
“Uh…yeah I guess” You chuckle awkwardly as you pull out your card waiting for your total, he seems to be taking his sweet time ringing you up.
“I’m just getting settled in myself, had this job for about a month... I’m not really sure of any good places to eat, maybe I could pick you up sometime? We could go out somewhere?” 
“Her date nights are taken” 
Reacher puts the comically tiny bottle of vanilla down on the belt and you look up at him, he places his hand on your lower back and takes your card from you, patting your butt to move you along
“Let’s hurry up and get out of here, I’m not having my mother-in-law kill me because I’m late with some pies.” 
Mike looks like he’s just shit his pants as he scans the vanilla, suddenly he can’t get you out of the store fast enough. Reacher holds your hand at the same time he pushes the cart out to the car, he helps you in again and puts the groceries in the backseat before getting in the car.
“Mother-in-law?” You take his hand before he even offers it and he scoffs, but you can see the light blush on his cheeks.
“I’m not lettin’ some punk creep hit on you” 
“Oh is there like, a particular reason?” You draw shapes on the smooth skin of his hand and he shrugs 
“What’s that mean? You’re the one that asked me out.” 
Your mouth drops and he snickers, taking your hand and kissing the back of it. 
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You grow pouty as you walk into your house, he carries the bags in and sets them on the counter. He crosses his arms and leans back as you begin to unpack the bags, his eyes narrow and you turn to him.
“How are you making peach pies, without peaches?” 
He pushes himself up off the counter and comes up behind you, your breath hitches as he reaches in the bags and finishes unpacking for you. 
“You done pouting?” 
“If I say no?” You crane your neck to look up at him and he leans down, kissing your forehead 
“I have ways of putting a smile back on your face”
You look down slowly, your eyes widening and his chest rumbles as he chuckles. He pulls you back into him, rubbing your sides and you squirm a little.
“So, peaches?” 
His chest is hard against your back, you put your hands over his as he wraps them around your waist. 
“I have a tree, in back?” He doesn’t let you go so you shuffle to turn you both around and look out of your kitchen window, a large peach tree sits in the back corner of your yard, there’s a swing attached to it and a blanket on the ground beneath that
“You want help picking?” He bends down to rest his chin on your shoulder, his lips brushing your ear as he asks in hushed tones. Your face heats up and you turn your head, staring into those gorgeous blue eyes. 
“That would be nice… thank you” 
Instead of being a normal person, and reaching for the peaches, Reacher puts you on his shoulders, his hands firmly holding you in place as you toss peaches down into a basket, cheering each time you make it in, while he laughs every time you miss. 
“Hey…” He taps your thigh and you look down at him for a moment, pushing his short hair back and messing it up a little. 
“What’s up?” You go to toss a few more peaches in, frowning when you miss the last one.
“What was your first impression of me?” 
“What?” You laugh a little, giving his hair a small tug in the right direction and he brings you closer to the tree
“What was your first impression??” 
“What was yours” you counter 
“I thought you were pretty, still do.” 
“Oh… well- that just kinda makes mine seem stupid” 
“I highly doubt that” He chuckles “C’mon…tell me” 
“I for sure thought you were going to throw me through the wall” 
“I’m sorry what?” You feel him chuckle and you smack the top of his head 
“Don’t laugh at me!! You’re like… the size of a small bus or something!” 
“A small bus??” 
“Are you gonna tell me I’m wrong?!” 
“Jesus I wasn’t gonna hurt you! I’m not that intimidating!” 
“I know that now!! Now you’re just a teddy bear… with really big arms” 
“I’m not-“
“You’re just the biggest sweetie” You purr “Always a gentleman, you bring me snacks!” 
“You do like your snacks” He walks you over to another branch and you smile. 
“You even make sure I’m staying hydrated, you just- you come to see me so often” 
“I like bein’ around you what can I say”
“You do? really?” 
“Thought I made that real clear when I let that asshole know who you belonged to” 
Your eyes widen as you keep quiet, he snickers and brings you over to the last branch where you distractedly pick a couple. 
You’re turning one in your hand, looking it over when he rolls his eyes 
“You gonna toss it in or not?” 
“How could you even ask me that?” You put it down in front of his face and turn it for him “Look at how soft and luscious this looks! Look at the color!”
He’s slowly stroking your thighs as he listens to you explain why it’s the perfect peach, he can feel the vibrations of you talking and the way you wiggle in excitement, completely secure, knowing he won’t drop you. You take a big bite of it and moan softly, your eyes roll back and you nod appreciatively.
“Oh yeah, oh this is good, mhm. You want some? Have you ever had peaches?” 
Reacher carefully moves one of your legs off his shoulders, taking you down carefully so your legs wrap around his waist.
“Not really no” 
He leans in, capturing your lips in a blazing kiss. It's passionate and hungry, filled with all the pent-up desire he's been apparently holding back. Your hands tremble as they clasp around his neck, his tongue dips into your mouth, tasting the sweet peach on your lips. 
Oh, okay, yeah it did taste good. 
“W-what… what was that for?” You mumble dizzily as he pulls away and he looks at you, his eyes staring at your lips again.
“You asked if I wanted some” 
You nod dumbly and cup his face, bringing him back to you, your fingers thread through the dirty blonde hair and you tug lightly. He groans against your lips, kissing you deeper. 
“Harder” He growls into your mouth, nipping at your bottom lip and you gasp, pulling at his hair harder and he grins, hoisting you up higher in one arm before squatting down and grabbing the basket of peaches.
“Don’t we have work to do?” 
“After that? Are you kidding me??” 
He carries you back into your house and sets you down on the counter before going to your large sink and dumping them all in to wash like he hadn’t been just about to toss you onto the ground outside and take you right there like some kind of wild animal. 
“Doesn’t your mom need this by like… a time that you didn’t tell me”
You giggle and cross your leg over the other, leaning back on your palms, you’re purposely displaying your body for him and he knows it. He turns to you, his hands on his hips
“Are you propositioning me?” 
“I am, yes” 
“Oh okay I was just making sure” 
He wastes no time in yanking his shirt over his head, he’s in front of you in two large steps and you scramble back a little on the counter, he grins darkly as he grabs your thighs, pulling you back to the edge of the counter. 
“Now you want to run? Oh Princess, no. You want it, don't you? You want me to take you hard and fast, to make you mine."
You nod quickly, your cheeks on fire as he lifts your hips and yanks your shorts down in one easy swoop. He stares at the silky red panties for a moment and you blush. 
“I-I wanted to kinda hype myself up you know?” 
“I think it was a good decision” he can see the small wet patch on the front of them, and he smirks at how wet you are 
"Fuck, you're dripping for me already, aren't you? Such a needy little thing."
He rubs your slick folds teasingly, avoiding your aching clit and you whine, spreading your legs for him more. He pulls you down to him, kissing your neck as he fumbles with his jeans, pushing them around his hips. He grinds against you, his clothed cock creating delicious friction against your clit and your back arches with the counter. 
You both moan as he grinds against you, dry humping you into the counter, you claw at his shoulders, your body trembling beneath his. 
“That’s my good girl, you want my cock? Hm? You wanna beg me for it, little thing?” 
Your head falls back against the counter as you grind against each other, his large cock throbs between your legs and you reach down as far as you can, tugging at his boxers.
“Please, Reacher? Please please-“ You gasp, your voice stuttering as he ruts harder against you “F-fuck me” 
“I won’t be gentle” He kisses the shell of your ear, turning you over and putting you against the counter. 
“I don’t want you to be” 
He notches the swollen head of his dick at your entrance, teasing you with the tip of his cock 
"So fucking tight and wet for me. You were made for my cock, weren't you?"
He sinks inside you, working you slowly for a minute, with shallow thrusts to get you used to his size. It doesn’t surprise you in the least that he’s that big you’re surprised you’re not splitting at the seams. Your eyes roll back as he thrusts in and out, in and out. Eventually, that slow pace starts to speed up, you mewl into the cool countertop beneath you and he grins wickedly. 
“All you had to do was ask” 
One hand grips your hip hard enough to bruise while the other tangles in your hair, yanking your head back as he rails you from behind. 
"Take it, baby. Take every fucking inch like the desperate little slut you are."
You cry out his name, gripping the other edge of the counter helplessly, every hard thrust sends you flying forward as he rearranges your guts in the middle of the kitchen. He pulls you up to his chest, crossing both arms over your chest and using you like a toy. 
"You like this, don't you?" he growls in your ear. "Being bent over and fucked like a cheap whore in your own kitchen. I bet you've fantasized about it, haven't you? Imagined me taking you hard and fast, giving you what you really need."
Months of pent-up sexual tension, lingering touches, and stares, all come together as he takes it out on you. His hips snap roughly against yours, the lewd sounds echoing around the kitchen. 
His hand reaches down between your legs, working your clit in time with his thick cock and you’re nearly gone. You hold onto his arm as you feel his balls slapping against your soaked cunt with each thrust, they’re so large and heavy, the sensations driving you crazy. 
Your pussy flutters around his cock, squeezing him like a vice. He groans, holding back his own release, as you pant out how close you are.
“Fuck Reacher, I-I’m gonna cum, oh god”
He smiles, squeezing you closer to him "Gonna fill this tight little cunt with my cum. Breed you like the needy slut you are."
With a final, brutal thrust, he buries himself to the hilt, letting out a guttural moan as he explodes inside you, setting off a sort of chain reaction as you scream his name, cumming with him. Thick ropes of his seed paint your walls white, marking you as his as he fucks you through your high. 
His hips slow down, moving you up and down his cock before he pulls out. You collapse against the counter, your mouth dropping as you hear his cum plopping on the floor beneath you, dripping from your abused cunt. 
He sets you down on your feet, holding onto you tightly as he slowly goes down to the floor and lets you fall into his arms, your legs too jello-y to keep you standing. 
He cradles you close to his chest, panting harshly as he leans against the cabinets. 
“So… that was great” 
You nod fast, snuggling into his chest “Really great. Do you want to move in?” 
You knew his situation, everyone knew his situation, you knew he would still be himself and he knew you’d still be you.
And you wanted him to move in with you. 
“Yeah okay.”
It takes a half hour for either of you to want to move, Reacher eventually slouched down so far he’s laying flat on his back with you on his chest. He draws little shapes on your bare skin as you lie on the floor together.
“Have you mopped recently?” 
You swat at his chest and he snickers 
“I’ll have you know I just did yesterday!” 
“You missed a spot” he points to the puddle on the floor and you slap his chest again.
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You smile as you take the money from the little girl and hand it to Reacher, he stuffs it in the cash box in his lap and you hand her a peach pie. 
“Have a nice day!” You wave as she runs off. Your mother comes over, looking over the table, most of your pies were sold out by now and she wanted you to make a second batch.
“Things are going well! We might just be able to afford that new playground by the end of the month. Hopefully, you’re feeling better honey, are you sure you should be working after you fell down the stairs?” 
Your cheeks flush deeply and Reacher snorts, That was the only excuse you could think of when you showed up limping to the bake sale and Reacher decided to just carry you the rest of the way to the table. 
“I’m sure! I’m perfectly fine, Reacher is taking care of me” 
“That’s for damn sure” He mumbles under his breath as he takes a sip from his water bottle. You elbow him in the side and he snickers
“Thanks for taking care of my little girl Mr. Reacher” Your mother smiles and you shrink down in your seat as he grabs one of the peach pies, eating nearly half of it in one bite.
“Oh, believe me, ma’am, the pleasure is all mine.” 
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gremlinmodetweeker · 4 months ago
In the cat AU would either guy feel bad if they give reader a particularly bad scratch or bite. I imagine after reader pulling cat!König away from food he gets a good scratch on their face. LOVE YOUR WRITING and have an amazing day !!!
Oh my goodness you are far too sweet! I genuinely cannot express how thankful I am for these lovely comments!
But yes, how would the kitters feel after scratching Owner? Well, the simple answer is: bad. But how bad? That varies.
Horangi is a bit of an ass. He's got a massive ego and in turn justifies all his bad acts. He's not a thief, he's a collector! He isn't loud and obnoxious, he's got a bombastic personality! And if he's trying to bat at you and get your attention but accidentally catches your skin instead of your sleeve? Well then that's just your fault. You should've been staying still instead of pacing nervously in your room. He tried to show you he cared, but you went ahead and made it worse!
Most of the time, Horangi is the one to use claws anyways. He loves to hide around corners and under furniture to attack your feet. He's a brutal beast. But, if he does dig in too far, he'll go off about how you shouldn't be such vulnerable prey. He's trying to make you a better solider! You should be prepared for attack at all times!
After König sits on him for a minute he does relent. He finally admits it was a mistake and yes, of course he feels bad. Why wouldn't he feel bad for hurting you? You're his owner, after all! He loves you!
After an hour (of König forcing him to fess up), he'll pad over and try to play with you. He'll bring over a toy for fetch or some sort of toy to play. If he really got you bad, he'll brush his head against your side and let you scratch his head. Horangi doesn't often like to be pet, but he'll tolerate it to make it up to you.
König is a bit different. König is prone to accidentally scratching, but not because he tries to attack you or swat at you like Horangi. In truth, König is actually a very cuddly sweet cat. He's a bit grungy, but he's a very loving cat. The problem with König is that he's anxious all the time.
When I was young, I had a very nervous cat. I feel bad because I didn't help that cat in any way (I'd always try to play with her and she did not like that) but she was also just naturally an anxious cat. She had a very interesting thing where she never fully sheathed her claws. She was always on edge, so wherever she went you'd hear a little tap tap tap tap tap when she walked on the linoleum floors. She was only ever silent on carpet.
König is much the same. He's always anxious as a cat, so he's always got his claws out a bit. It's so natural for him that he just... forgets. He forgets that he hasn't actually fully retracted his claws. So sometimes he'll playfully bat at you and accidentally leave a scratch or two. Sometimes, he might just be desperate to run away from a bath and accidentally digs in deep into your arm, or you're trying to drag him away from the food and he gets a good scratch in.
He's immediately distraught. He is bending over backwards to try and cuddle you to say sorry after. He genuinely adores you and he can't believe he accidentally hurt his precious owner. He'll often try to lick the wounds and will purposefully force himself to fully retract his claws so he can 'hug' your hands and nuzzle against you. He really goes over the top with apologies.
So, Horangi is a dick, but that's kind of expected of him. König is a big softie that feels terrible, that's also expected. What's not expected is that they actually try to make it up to you. They're both very loving cats, albeit in their own ways.
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revelboo · 3 months ago
I would sell my soul for a Thundercracker update. I love that hopeless romantic so much ♥️♥️♥️
He wants to be in love so bad and can’t understand that it doesn’t work that way. 18+ content
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Better Open The Door Pt 10
IDW Thundercracker x Reader
• Servos rubbing against his canopy, he keeps thinking about what he’d done. That he’d stopped you from touching him even though he wanted to feel those fingers cradling him, stroking over his spark. Wanted to trust himself to you and had stopped you instead. You’d reached for him and he could have let you. Without a spark of your own, nothing could come of it. No bond. He could have had that euphoric connection with no strings attached. So why had he stopped you from touching him and creating a connection? Because he wants everything, wants you to want him. Walking back to his quarters, he passes Star. Sees the fresh scruffs and welds and knows he was fighting again. And that he won’t appreciate him asking about it as he strides past from Soundwave’s quarters. With his human in hand. Like they’re no longer a secret to be guarded and something about the look on both of their faces makes him draw his wings closer to his body.
• I want you. Those words keep floating up from the depths of your mind, snagging at you and making you aware of him in ways you’re not comfortable with. Because as much as you want to dismiss his romance attempts, that had felt different. Like he’d bared his soul to you, showing you his spark and you want to ask questions, but also don’t want to pry. But you keeping thinking of that warm, living light. That unconscious urge you’d had to reach for it. To feel it. Him. Pretty sure you’ve been stuck with him too long, sliding into Stockholm’s. Starting to grow attached to your captor. To look forward to spending time with him. To listening to his voice as he talks his way through movies. The gentle slide of his servos against your spine when you’re half asleep.
• Your head comes up when he lets himself into his quarters, brow furrowing until he realizes he still has his wings tucked close. “Everything okay?” You ask, sitting up some as he goes and fidgets with the rigged datapad he has tied into his communication screen for watching movies with you. Wondering about Star and his human, that brokenness he’d seen on their faces when he was sure they’d been close before. What had happened? You stand up when he approaches, arms lifting some so he can pick you up and sprawl on his back on the berth, settling you on his chassis as the movie starts. His pick this time.
• Servos lingering against your spine as you sit on him, you can’t figure out why he’s so distracted when he usually is focused on you completely. “My brother has a human,” he says and you inhale. Because there are other humans here? “I think they’re fighting.” Not a big surprise there if his brother had just kidnapped someone like he’d taken you. “Mates squabble, though.” What?
• “Um. You said mates?” Head lifting to see you staring at him, he smiles weakly. Hadn’t meant to say that, talking to himself as much as to you, but it’s out there now so he just nods. And you shift on top of him. “How?” How? Oh. Fingers reaching to rub along your jaw as Romancing the Stone begins playing on the screen, he’d picked an action romance, hoping to compromise. And as you push at his servos, he mass shifts under you. Hears your sharp gasp as you splay your palms on him, eyes squeezing shut. You’re straddling him now as he vents raggedly and cups your cheek.
• “Sorry about that. Should have warned you,” he says. Falling without falling, when you open your eyes, he’s closer to your size as you sit on him, warm servos stroking your cheek. Brain struggling with him shrinking and his revelation that his brother has a human mate. One of his hands shifts to rest on your hip possessively. Making you realize that when you’d been needling him about how his kind reproduced, he’d shown you his spark. But hadn’t explained anything really. “You can touch me if you want,” he adds, deep voice hesitant as he lifts his hands away from you. As if to say he’ll be good and keep his hands to himself. Tempting you.
• Your bottom lip is between your teeth as you stare down at him and he’s sure you’re about to bolt. That he shouldn’t have pushed so soon for more. That now he’s spooked you, but Starscream has him unsettled. Then you hesitantly reach those soft hands up, your hips sliding against him as you lean forward to cautiously touch his jaw. His own servos curling into fists to keep from touching you in return. Especially as you shift against him and his spike responds where it’s trapped and hidden. Because showing you that probably would send you running. “How does that work? Between one of you and a human?” Fingertips skimming his cheek, leaning so you’re laying on him and he can feel the beat of your heart, every intake scenting of you. Realizes this was such a bad idea as on the screen, the main characters and argue, working at cross purposes. Because now it’s all he can think of. Claiming you.
• Had his optics ever been so bright before? His lips parting and you see a slip of his glossa and denta, watch his throat work. Realize he’s making a low, rumbling noise under you that sounds almost like purring as you sit up and that noise becomes a growl of protest. He’s handsome, you think. Wholly alien, but still familiar to you. “We fit,” he says hands lifting to rest on your hips, servos rubbing circles on your skin through your clothes. And his meaning sinks in. Fit as in sex? Know you should put a stop to this, get off of him and pretend this never happened. Definitely not lay your hands on top of his or shift against him again deliberately just to watch him shiver, optics shuttering. Because it’s too surreal to have this kind of power over him, the way his optics always follow you, his devouring, hungry stare sparking a whole new feeling in you. Because he wants love, but sex and love aren’t the same thing. You can have one without the other.
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mommypieck · 1 year ago
𑄽୧ crying with eren 𔓘 ᰍ
kinktober day 9: oh so messy!!!
✯⁠ eren jeager x reader
✯⁠ warnings: crying, rough oral (male receiving), ball sucking, choking, oral (female receiving), rough doggy, p in v, cream pie (maybe a bit of baby trapping)
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You and your boyfriend have been dating for a while now. He's beautiful, smart and perfect in your eyes. Also, the sex life is amazing, he always makes you cum without any problem, and sometimes he even manages to scream out loud from all of the pleasure.
Eren sees you the same, a sweet little thing, who is always so eager for his cock. He loves to see your eyes light up every time you see his cock, it makes him wanna ruin you completely.
"Yeah, baby, take it in your mouth." he breathes out, guiding your head down on his cock. Your lips wrap around his tip, sucking on it lightly while you look up at him with the most innocent face. His eyebrows furrow, he doesn't understand how you can look at him like that while you have his cock in your mouth
"Be careful, sweetheart," he warns you as he thrusts his cock deeper into your mouth. You choke a bit around him, your eyes filling with tears. He stops, you look even more beautiful with tears in your eyes. Your throat hurts from how big he is, but Eren continues thrusting his cock deeper and deeper into your mouth.
"You can take it," he grunts, completely letting go. He hammers his cock inside your mouth, making you choke with every thrust. You feel like you can't breathe, tears and saliva running down your face. The expensive mascara you're wearing is smudged all over your face, and your boobs are soaked with all kinds of liquid.
"Lick my balls, love," he says, showing his balls right into your face. They bump into your nose, almost making you fall back, but you try your best to suck them how he wants to.
A pair of arms lifts you up and before you know it, you're thrown on the bed. Eren crawls on top of you, kissing you hungrily. He doesn't waste any time exploring your body before he's settled in between your legs. He licks your pussy a few times before muttering, "You're already so fucking wet, I don't even have to prepare your fucking pussy."
He positions his cock to your opening before thrusting in, knocking the wind out of your lungs. He doesn't give you any time to get used to his size, he has one goal, and it's to make you even messier.
"You love how I fuck you?" he asks with a grin, thrusting as hard as he can. He hits your cervix with every thrust, and it hurts, but it hurts too good for him to stop. He pulls away almost completely before slamming in again, this time you choke a sob. Tears start spilling out of your eyes once again, much to Eren's adoration.
You've never been this beautiful in his eyes. He loves to see your face filled with tears and the choked screams you make. Your whole neighborhood can probably hear how much you plead for him to stop and go harder at the same time. He thinks he finally broke you, finally made you into his doll.
Eren presses your body right into the mattress, preparing for what's about to come.
"I'm gonna fill you up. Are you gonna cum with me?"
You nod your head, hiding your face in the pillows. Your legs trash under Eren's weight as you try to get away from him. He's so mean, but you want him, but at the same time, you can't handle his thrusts.
His thrusts soon become frantic and without any pattern, and you know that he's close. His fingers find your clit, and he fingers it as fast as he can to get you to your orgasm.
"Here it goes, baby," he says, burying his cock as deep inside of you as he can, shooting all of his cum inside of you. You feel yourself being stuffed full, cumming with him. Your shake and trash, both of you riding out your orgasms.
"It was nice," you say quietly, lying down next to Eren.
"I wasn't too rough, was I?" he asks, and you shake your head. He has too rough, but something inside of you liked it.
"You were not, and maybe we can try it sometimes again."
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taglist: @mcharris747 @huuuuut30 @krispsprite @bejewelledd @cawwn @veryninjanacho @jamayah @dngerwayz @nwptune @universlypiratecolor @ffakegucci @iheartpieck @d1lf-luvr @th3girln3xtdoor @nobody289x @iheartpieck @gia999 @kawasgirl @st4rrlighttt @candyeyeroll @7haze @banchangsbbbg @nigthmar3moon @softlilpeachxx @d1gitalbathh @jaenniii
@satorustar @balenciagarette
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mingtinysworld · 5 months ago
Extra Credit
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Pairing: tutor!wooyoung x fem!reader
Genre: smut
Word count: 1.1k
Summary: you can’t help but admire how attractive your tutor is, and you finally decide to do something about it
Warnings: mdni, handjob, oral (m receiving), pet names (pretty boy, love, baby)
A/n: this is a request from my friend, so she takes the credit for the idea. I’m so obsessed with the idea of stuttery and shy Wooyoung hehehe. I hope you enjoy!! Please reblog if you liked it, love youuu - jules
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“Ok and then the exponent goes here, and since it’s 3, that means it’s cubed.” Wooyoung explains with a passionate voice, his interest in math clearly obvious.
You don’t listen to a single word though. You can’t. He looks so pretty sitting there, big sparkly eyes that are covered by his black frame glasses. His hair is fluffy and covers his forehead, making you want to run your hands through it.
You feel yourself so mesmerized that you don’t even hear Wooyoung calling your name.
“Y/n, hellooo earth to Y/n.” He says with a slight chuckle.
You snap out of your daze and give him a sheepish look. “Oh sorry, I just got distracted there for a second.”
“All good!” He replies, sounding so chipper. He continues with his rambling about equations and who the hell knows what else. All you care about is Wooyoung.
You’ve been having tutoring sessions with him for the last 3 weeks, and you’ve totally become enamored by him. He’s just so so sweet.
But so oblivious.
You’ve tried every method of getting him to even look at you suggestively, but he simply averts his eyes and continues with his lesson. It’s got you so frustrated and you can’t even explain the reason as to why without sounding like you’ve lost your mind.
Today, you unbuttoned your shirt. A lot of buttons. So much so that the top of your black bra shows under your white top. Once again, Wooyoung has not spared you a glance.
You take a look at the clock and see you only have five more minutes of the session left. In that moment, you make a decision. You’re not leaving Wooyoung’s place without getting some kind of result.
“Ok! That was it for this lesson, and I will let you know when we can…” His words trail off as he realized just how close you are to him. You’ve scooted your chair right next to him, making your shoulders touch. His breath hitches at the way you make direct eye contact, and you can’t help but feel proud of this tiny achievement.
“What’s wrong?” You ask, tilting your head and innocently batting your eyelashes.
His cheeks light up in embarrassment and he looks straight in front of him, avoiding your eyes again.
“Wooyoung, look at me.” You let your voice carry a demanding tone, which makes him obey immediately.
“Oh look at you, you’re so cute when you’re embarrassed.” You take a hand to his cheek and just hold him there. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for you to realize how much I want you.”
His eyes widen at your admission and he opens his mouth as if to speak but no words come out.
“That’s alright, you don’t have to say anything. I’ll take care of you.” You lean into him and put your lips against his.
He responds immediately.
It’s as if he’s been touch starved his whole life with the way he clings onto you. You kiss him gently at first, not wanting him to get intimidated. However, it seems like he wants way more.
“What do you want pretty boy?”
“I-I’m not sure, I haven’t um really done anything like this before.” He looks at you nervously, anticipating your reaction. Then it hits you. Wooyoung’s a virgin. That explains everything, from him being nervous to him going wild at the slightest touch.
“Aw baby, that’s ok. I can make you feel really good, I promise.” You stand him up from his chair and make him sit down right on top of the study table. “All you have to do is just sit there and feel good.” He nods timidly while biting his lip.
You slowly unbuckle and unzip his pants, letting the material pool around his ankles. Immediately his hard bulge catches your attention. Wooyoung looks so flustered, and looks anywhere but at you.
“Youngie you’re so excited for me, I’m so flattered.” You settle a hand on him and he whimpers from the contact.
“Has anyone ever touched you here baby?” You ask sweetly.
“N-no never,” Wooyoung already sounds ruined and it makes your ego inflate. You now take off his boxers and his hard dick slaps against his shirt. Your hand wraps around his length and Wooyoung bucks into you, chasing more stimulation.
You slowly stroke his length which makes his breath stutter. There was so much precum gathered at his tip that it makes your grip slippery.
“Oh you’re just so needy aren’t you?” You pump his length faster now that he’s actively letting out desperate whines.
“Oh my god o-oh my god,” he repeats while throwing his back. “I think I’m gonna cum.”
“Already?” You question in a teasing manner. He just whines in response.
“Good boy, you can cum for me,” you give permission. As soon as you do, he cums with a strained groan and it splatters all over his clean t-shirt.
“You did so well love,” you praise with a warm smile. “So proud of you.”
“I want more.” Wooyoung says in a demanding tone.
“Oh? Getting brave now huh.” You say with a smirk, as you lean over to give him a quick peck on his flushed cheek. “As you wish.”
You slide down to your knees, taking in his length hardening once more. You smoothly take him into your mouth, making him squeak out in surprise. Wooyoung instinctively grabs onto your hair, making you choke out a moan. His entire dick fills your mouth, cutting off all oxygen.
As you come off to take a breath, you watch as his facial expression twists into pleasure. You think you could watch Wooyoung’s face all day and not get tired of it. But you go back on him, going even deeper than before.
“Oh fuck Y/n,” Wooyoung swears. He feels like he’s about to explode again, too quick for his liking. But you double your efforts, bobbing your head at a brisk pace, offering no breaks. He bucks his hips into your mouth, and you fight the urge to gag. You keep going until he finally tips over the edge.
His legs shake with the effort and the tears in his eyes make him look so pretty. You swallow down his cum and you stand up to take a good look at him. “How was that pretty boy?”
Wooyoung wraps his arms around you, pulling you in tight. He hides his face in your neck, making his words muffled.
“Thank you Y/n,” he says gratefully.
You can’t help but coo at his sweetness, so pleasantly surprised with the turn of events. “You’re so welcome love. Would you like to relax now?”
He nods yes into your skin and you chuckle at him. “Ok baby, let’s cuddle on the couch.” You help him put his clothes back on, and lead him to the couch. You put on a cozy show and settle down to lay together.
He smiles shyly at you as he snuggles into you. “That was worth extra credit by the way.” He says with a cute blush on his cheeks.
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goldfades · 14 days ago
never gets old ─── luka dončić⁷⁷
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free palestine carrd 🇵🇸 decolonize palestine site 🇵🇸 how you can help palestine | FREE PALESTINE!
⟢ ┈ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 | 1.3k
⟢ ┈ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 | how valentine's always goes for you and the mister, because it never gets old and you don't need big gifts to show your love.
⟢ ┈ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | fluffy as hell, literally that's it
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The apartment smells like pancakes.
It’s the first thing you register when you blink awake, eyes still hazy with sleep, the soft weight of Luka’s arm slung lazily around your waist. The second thing you register is the sound—low music playing from the speakers, something easy and old-school, mixed in with the occasional clatter of dishes from the kitchen. And then there’s the warmth, the way Luka’s body practically molds to yours, his breath steady and slow against your shoulder.
Valentine’s Day.
You smile before you even fully open your eyes because you already know exactly how today will go. Because it always goes the same way.
No grand surprises, no over-the-top displays, just the two of you in this home you built together, moving through the day like second nature. Luka, who wakes up before you on mornings like this just to make breakfast (even though he’s an objectively terrible cook, but it’s the effort that counts). You, who will pretend not to notice the flour dusted on his sweatpants when he inevitably burns the first batch and has to start over. The way he’ll kiss your forehead when you shuffle into the kitchen, rubbing the sleep from your eyes, and act like he’s been cooking for years—like there isn’t a half-disguised takeout bag sitting in the trash from his backup plan.
The best part? It never gets old.
The first time Luka tried to do Valentine’s Day the way he thought he was supposed to—the big, flashy, dramatic way—it had been a disaster.
Not because he didn’t try. If anything, he tried too hard.
It was back in the early days of your relationship, when the world had just started paying attention to him, and by extension, to you. Luka was still getting used to the constant eyes, the cameras flashing whenever you so much as held hands in public. Back then, he was convinced that he needed to prove something—not just as a boyfriend, but as Luka Dončić, rising NBA superstar, man of grand gestures. So he did what anyone with too much money and too much influence at their disposal would do: he went all out.
A private rooftop dinner at one of the most expensive restaurants in Dallas, complete with a string quartet playing love songs in the background. A designer dress he had custom-ordered weeks in advance, along with the matching jewelry set that made you blink at the price tag in disbelief. Rose petals scattered everywhere—on the table, on the floor, even in the damn elevator up to the rooftop. And, of course, the final touch: a professional photographer hired to capture every single moment of the night, so perfectly curated that it barely felt real.
It should have been a dream. It should have been perfect.
It wasn’t.
Luka was nervous the entire night, checking in with the waitstaff every few minutes, his knee bouncing under the table. You spent half the dinner making small talk with the photographer, who was taking pictures of you at every possible angle, until eventually, you both looked at each other and realized—this wasn’t you. This wasn’t your relationship.
By the time dessert came, you could tell Luka was exhausted. He was trying so hard to impress you, but the thing was… he never needed to.
So you leaned across the table, rested your hand over his, and with the same quiet certainty that had always been there between you, you told him, This isn’t us.
And that was it. That was the moment things shifted.
Instead of finishing the dessert, you both left the restaurant, ditching the whole thing in favor of picking up burgers and fries from the nearest drive-thru. Luka had laughed—one of those real, unguarded laughs, the kind that made his whole face light up—and you knew then that this was what Valentine’s Day should be. Just the two of you, doing something easy, something simple, something that felt like home.
So that’s what you did every year after that.
No more extravagant plans. No more performances for the cameras. Just warmth and routine, the kind of love that settled into your bones and stayed there. A day that belonged to you, and only you.
Which is why, now, as you roll over in bed and hear Luka humming softly in the kitchen, the smell of slightly burnt pancakes filling the apartment, you can’t help but smile.
Because this?
This is perfect.
The pancakes are slightly overcooked.
Not burnt, exactly, but just enough that the edges are crispier than they should be, a little too golden-brown. Luka doesn’t seem to notice—or maybe he’s just pretending not to—because he’s already drenching his stack in syrup, more than any normal person should ever use. You watch as he drowns the plate, then tilts his head at you like he’s waiting for judgment.
“You gonna say something?” he asks, chewing as he gestures at you with his fork.
You pick up your own, cutting into the pancake and taking a bite, chewing slowly just to mess with him. It’s not bad. A little dry, but nothing a good amount of butter and syrup can’t fix.
“I mean,” you hum, swallowing, “it’s not exactly a five-star meal, but I will say it’s an improvement from last year.”
Luka scoffs, shaking his head. “Nah, last year’s were better.”
“Luka, you set the fire alarm off last year.”
“I was testing it.”
You roll your eyes, but your laugh slips out before you can stop it. This is how it always is—easy, warm, the kind of comfort that settles into your bones. The TV plays softly in the background, some random show neither of you are paying attention to, and the morning light spills through the windows, painting the apartment in soft gold.
And then you see it.
A small, perfectly wrapped box sitting on the table next to Luka’s plate.
You narrow your eyes. “Luka.”
He doesn’t look up, just keeps eating like he doesn’t hear you.
“Luka,” you say again, this time more pointed. “What is that?”
Finally, he leans back in his chair, wiping his mouth with a napkin, and gives you that look. The one that’s all boyish charm, like he knows exactly what he’s doing. “A gift.”
You sigh, but you’re smiling. “We said no big gifts.”
“I didn’t say it was big,” he says, shoving another bite into his mouth.
“You do this every year—”
“And you love it every year.”
You can’t even argue with that, so you just shake your head as you reach for the box, fingers tracing the smooth edges before carefully peeling back the paper. Inside, nestled in soft velvet, is a delicate gold bracelet—thin and dainty, the kind of piece that looks effortless but still means something. It’s simple, but there’s something intricate about the way the links are woven together, like they’re unbreakable. Like they’re made to last.
You blink, touched in a way you don’t quite have words for. “Luka.”
“You were talking about it the other week,” he says, watching your reaction carefully. “Figured I’d beat you to it.”
You remember, vaguely, mentioning something similar offhandedly—something about how you liked the way it looked, how it wasn’t too flashy but still had weight to it. You hadn’t even realized he’d been listening that closely.
You swallow past the warmth climbing up your throat. “You didn’t have to.”
“Yeah,” Luka grins, leaning forward on his elbows, eyes crinkling at the corners, “but I like spoiling you.”
You shake your head, fighting a smile as you slip the bracelet onto your wrist. “You’re impossible.”
“And you’re stuck with me.”
He’s not wrong.
So instead of arguing, you reach across the table and take his hand, fingers slotting easily between his. “Good thing I don’t mind.”
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help-itrappedmyself · 1 year ago
Summoning Game Show 2
“Okay! You guys are from an Earth right?”
The bat brothers glance at each other before they all start nodding.
“Cool cool. If you need to stretch or warm up, I suggest doing that during the following explanation” Danny watches as Nightwing does start doing light stretches. Not too much, but Dick knows he’s still pretty loose from the fight before falling through the portal, so he’s just making sure he’s still warm. “So, human version of the obstacle course is timed, you have to finish 7 obstacles in under 10 minutes. You can get creative with the obstacles, have fun with it. The only rules are no flying, no intangibility, and no breaking anything! I will be doing some announcing to the best of my ability so don’t let me distract you. There will be no one else in the room with you, so if you’re confused by an obstacle or get hurt and need to stop or something just shout for us. When you’re ready the obstacle course is through the Door with the big number 1 on it. Your time starts when the door opens, so be ready.”
Danny takes a moment, tapping his finger to his chin. “That’s about everything I think. Any questions?” He smiles brightly at Nightwing.
“Uh, no thank you.” Nightwing stops stretches and starts heading for the door.
“Give us a moment and we’ll let you know when you can start!” Danny shouts after him., then turns to the rest of them. “Since you’re not participating in this round, you all come up and sit on the stage.” Three chairs almost instantly appear behind Danny and once the boys are all on the stage a large screen appears along the entire front edge of the platform. The screen is blank at the moment. “Is everybody ready?” Danny looks behind him to get nods from the boys sitting in their chairs, then turns to the ghosts to make sure everything was running smoothly, then to Nightwing who nods at Danny. A timer appears in the upper left corner of the screen, and on top of the door in front of Nightwing. “Okay Nightwing, you can go when you’re ready.”
Nightwing opens the door, quickly walking through and surveying the scene, the course is walled so he can only see what’s in front of him which looks like a military wall, It has a sign the says “Obstacle 1’ on it, and has a rope climb which he climbs to the top of quickly. 
“Making quick work of The Wall, and moving on to Parkour, the test of speed and balance.” Danny comments.
Danny and the boys watch him climb on the screen in front of them, the camera panning to give a view of what he sees as he makes it to the top of the wall. “Obstacle 2’ is a nice speed jump course, mostly angled platforms and ledges and Nightwing jumps from one to the other easily, heading downhill. All lower body so far, but he’s approaching ‘Obstacle 3’, - “The Bars, to test upper body and grip strength!” - is what appears to be monkey bars, but the fifteen bars are all at different lengths from each other. Instead of a ladder, there’s a trampoline to help him reach the first bar, but Nightwing has to do a quick double take when he sees what's below the monkey bars.
“What is that?” Nightwing asks, and it echoes strangely to the audience in the other room. 
Danny doesn’t really know why he stopped. “Safety feature! Didn’t want you falling onto concrete or something, it’s just a pool.”
The pool is a green that is very familiar to the brothers and that they have been seeing a lot of since coming through the portal. 
“Is your safety feature actually safe for humans?” Red asks at the same time Nightwing goes: “Are you telling me that is your version of water?”
Nightwing, despite his slight reluctance, has started on the monkey bars, doing a great job making his way across.
“It’s kind of radioactive to humans actually, but this part of the Infinite Realms doesn’t have any actual water.” Danny almost wants to laugh at the look on the boy's faces when he says ‘radioactive’. “It is a safety feature, so it won’t kill anyone, but depending on how much exposure there is there might be some side effects.”
“Gee, that’s just great.” Hood mutters.
Nightwing reaches the last ring of the monkey bars, which leads to a small trapeze bar which he takes with glee, swinging right over to ‘Obstacle 4’, a large net wall, and transferring on. Instead of taking the time to climb over the net, he just wiggles through one of the holes to the other side.
“Hey, nice one, that saved you some time!” Danny exclaimed.
Nightwing reaches ‘Obstacle 5’, what looks like a ropes course mixed in with a laser grid. There are small floating platforms in various locations, interspersed with ropes in every possible direction, some just dangling, some with clear climbing knots that can help reach the platforms, and some that are just in the way blocking the clearest jumps and paths across. There’s five minutes left on his clock.
“The floating grid!” Danny announces. “Main test for agility and problem solving!”
When Nightwing reaches the last floating platform he’s able to step right onto solid ground again, there’s a wall in front of him, the only way through looking to be a hole at ground level. “Obstacle 6, the crawl! We looked into a mud crawl, but nobody wanted to bring in mud for it, so it’s just a regular crawl.” Danny shrugs lightly. “I hope you’re not claustrophobic!” Nightwing lowers himself and starts to crawl into the hole. It’s longer than he thought, and once he’s inside his body is blocking all light into it, he can’t see where it ends. It is a good thing he’s not claustrophobic, Dick thinks to himself as he reaches a slant, starting to crawl up now. At least in this direction he can see light again.
As he crawls out of the tunnel he sees that he has two minutes left to do the last obstacle, and he gets back up to his feet and stops.
“Obstacle 7, the jump pit!” Danny claps lightly. “This is my favorite.” 
Nightwing is standing on a very high ledge and there’s a pit beneath him. The pit is filled with what he assumes are foam shapes, like the pits you land in when attempting new tricks in a trampoline park or gymnastics center. Nightwing takes another second to look down at the pit, he is so high up. “It’s soft down there right? I’m supposed to jump in there?” His voice is quiet, as normal as heights have gotten for him the idea of falling so far is making him freeze a bit.
“Yes, it’s a soft landing. The pit is a safe depth and filled with cushioning, you just have to jump in and get to the platform at the end.” Danny explains.
Nightwing knows crawling through the foam shapes is difficult and time consuming and he glances back at the clock to see 1:39 and jumps before he can think about it any more. 
He does land safely, hearing Danny’s whoop come from the speaker as he falls. He is running out of time as he reaches the end of the pit, but he manages to crawl out onto the platform and the clock stops as he takes a break to lay there.
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vidavalor · 2 years ago
The *Original* Original Sin Theory or... why Aziraphale's "I forgive you"s really mean "forgive me" and just why he wants Crowley's absolution...
Will this break your heart in a good way and make the end of S2 hurt less? more? both? idk let's find out...
I want to talk about what the Before the Beginning scene does to the Eden scene and what all that suggests about Aziraphale and Crowley's relationship... because it might be enough to upend what we think this relationship is quite a bit, at least from Aziraphale's POV, if it goes in the direction that I think they are hinting at in S3, which I'm basing off of where they took it in S2 in these scenes.
This also contains an analysis of That Scene from 2.06 that ties into lots of other scenes and some other meta related to the show and it's a bit long-- like, the mother of all metas-- but there are pretty gifs and I brought snacks? Just letting you know it's a long post but tuck in with some tea if you're in the mood and thanks for reading. :)
Under the big cutty thing...
Before we get started, a couple of quick warnings: I curse a bit in here. It's in the show itself but just letting you know it's here a bit, too. I also mention *very* briefly suicide ideation in the characters and also very briefly (one sentence) Satan's mind-control of Crowley in S1 in a way that might be sensitive for a sexual assault survivor. There is general mention of religious trauma and abusive relationships (not Crowley & Aziraphale's relationship) all over this. If you are okay with the show, you should be more than fine reading this but just wanted to let you know up front. If you're okay with that, read on...
So, the Before the Beginning scene contains a twist, in that we learn that pre-Fall Crowley is naive to Heaven while Aziraphale is the one who is wary of it. This is especially interesting because, best we can tell, no angel has Fallen yet. There aren't *explicit* consequences for asking questions yet, as Crowley doesn't think it could get him into trouble to do so... but *Aziraphale* does. Heaven in S1 and S2 is shown to be basically a fascist state full of bullies jockeying for power where the ones on top dole out all sorts of abuses to maintain a sense of order among the rank and file. We see the emotional and even physical abuse they dole out to Aziraphale and how little they tolerate any sort of dissent, even from an archangel, based on what they ultimately do when Gabriel doesn't want to do arma-bloody-geddon anymore. Heaven is basically The Kremlin. Toe out of line and they'll toss you off a high-rise while telling everyone how sad it is that you recently had a spell of depression and heart troubles as a way of scaring everyone else into submission, right? What's surprising to us is that Aziraphale knows this *absolutely* Before the Beginning and he's terrified on Crowley's behalf, since this place functions as a kind of mafia state.
This implies something really kind of dark which is that Aziraphale knows enough to know how to toe a party line and keep quiet about any doubts he has. He knows how to survive in a way that then-innocent Crowley did not. He tries to tell Crowley that questioning things is going to get him angel-killed but Crowley has a faith in God that's different than Aziraphale's was even before the Earth was fully created. Crowley believed in Her more than Aziraphale does. He doesn't think anything will happen to him. Aziraphale knows what will and this implies knowledge of the abuse of the system and it completely changes our perspective of Aziraphale throughout the rest of the series. We often think of him as either willfully naive or just desperately optimistic regarding Heaven's goodness but, in reality, he's neither of those things. He's something else, entirely. His actions are not expressing naivete or desperate optimism or anything else.
They are expressions of guilt.
And the Eden scene tells us why he has that guilt.
The Eden scene introduces us to Crowley and Aziraphale and the series itself and it has Crowley posit the central question of the show regarding the nature of angels and demons:
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Objectively, when you watch this scene, you think this is about the tempting of Eve and the flaming sword. It is... but it's also not *just* about that. Because Crowley and Aziraphale are watching Adam & Eve venture off beyond the Garden of Eden in this scene. They're still within view so the flaming sword situation happened a matter of minutes earlier. Yet, when Crowley posits that central question of which one of them actually did the good thing and which did the bad thing, Aziraphale reveals that it wouldn't be funny at all if what Crowley is saying (that Aziraphale actually did the bad thing) is true. He's distressed about it and so Crowley, somewhat dryly, reassures him that he's an angel so he couldn't have done the wrong thing. (Crowley, of course, being a literal former angel punished for doing the wrong thing lol and that being the joke but also in there is also the layer of Crowley genuinely liking Aziraphale and trying to tell him that it's all okay and meaning it.) Aziraphale is relieved and this is the key bit here-- he says oh good "because it's been bothering me."
The tone of this is that this central question of whether or not he did wrong or right by Crowley and whether or not Crowley was wrong or right in his actions *has been bothering* Aziraphale and he phrases it in a way that implies he's been losing angelic sleep (so to speak) about it for a little while now. If this was *just about Adam and Eve* then Aziraphale's reaction here makes absolutely no sense because the camera also then cuts in their conversation to in front of Crowley and Aziraphale *to show us Adam and Eve still visible in the near-distance* fighting off the lion with the flaming sword. They literally *just left* so how could Aziraphale be all in knots for awhile now over whether or not he made the wrong call? He's not. You can argue that his decision here in Eden to help Adam and Eve by giving them his flaming sword-- by standing up and doing something in the face of God to help out other beings he secretly thinks might have been treated unfairly-- *is a direct response to what he failed to do back in Before the Beginning*...
... which was to stand up for Crowley.
Meaning: Aziraphale doesn't need to see Heaven's files to find out what happened to Crowley when Crowley fell because he was there. S3 is going to be about preventing the Second Coming and so plot allusions to the crucification (which had its own Crowley & Aziraphale scene in S1) will likely abound. Aziraphale was there when Lucifer and The Gang were tossed out of Heaven. To be fair to Aziraphale, there is basically nothing he could have done to prevent this and the best possible situation is that he didn't even have the chance to. The worst possible situation is that he's literally Judas and sold Crowley out, out of fear of being tossed out of Heaven himself. I tend to think it's more that he just didn't stand up and say anything in support of Crowley to prevent himself from being seen as on the side of the eventual demons. Still, just as Crowley thinks the punishment for Adam and Eve was harsh, Aziraphale thought that asking questions and being curious wasn't enough to send Lucifer and everyone around him to Hell to be damned for all of eternity but it caused an obvious existential crisis in him that he still struggles to totally resolve.
If he disagreed with the decision to cast out the suggestion box-happy angels, he was as "bad" as they were. If he agreed with the decision, he was condemning them and that didn't seem angelic, either. How to be a good angel, which is the only thing he had ever tried to be or knew how to be? He did what he thought must be right-- to follow what the other, more powerful angels said the word of God was-- and if it was Her will, then it must be what was right, even if it was *extremely difficult* to see how this lovebug here was really an evil, demonic creature of Hell...
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Not to mention that Aziraphale was in love with WhateverHeWasCalledPre-Crawly!Crowley. (We will just call him "Crowley" for this whole meta, because that is the name he chose for himself.) And maybe Angel!Crowley went after the more glamorous, daring guys. Heaven honestly seems like both a fascist state and high school at once (is there really a difference? lol). Crowley describes how he wound up falling in S1 as that he "hung out with the wrong crowd" and Aziraphale in Before the Beginning honestly seems like he's been flying around watching Crowley make stars for ages, trying to work up the nerve to or find an opportunity to introduce himself to the beautiful hot cool arty science-y guy who barely looks at him when his other option for a view are nebulas... or Benedict Cumberbatch's Lucifer/Satan, whose "stroke of demonic genius, dahling" bit in S1 and dark assault on his fave Crowley while Crowley was driving had a real "Angel!Crowley went for the bad boy who were so bad pre-Fall that they wound up fucking Satan afterwards and friend-zoned angels like Aziraphale" vibes. Alternatively, maybe he didn't totally? Before the Beginning seems to be the first time they met and maybe after that, Crowley and Aziraphale became close. It's just that Crowley canonically also wound up sitting at the cool kids' table because they were the only ones questioning things and he wound up damned for eternity for it and Aziraphale?
Aziraphale blames himself for it.
He has blamed himself for Crowley's Fall for six thousand years.
When they speak in Eden, Aziraphale is being confronted for the first time with what has come of his nebula-joyous, freshly baked blueberry muffin of an angel. He calls himself "Crawly" now-- or that's the name he's been given-- because who he was is dead. His eyes are yellow. He's now a snake. He's maybe a bit sarcastic, a bit dry, and a lot more guarded and aloof but Aziraphale sees flickers of Angel!Crowley in there. He's *kind* to Aziraphale. He's still inquisitive, in spite of it being what damned him to Hell. Aziraphale, God help him, is still wildly into him and, ugh, maybe even *more* so, in spite of everything.
And 'everything', for Aziraphale, includes Crowley being a demon being Aziraphale's fault.
They don't talk about it. Ever.
They don't talk about it because Aziraphale thinks that Crowley doesn't remember. Crowley's memory loss of a lot of his time pre-Fall is canon in S2-- something we, the audience, will need to understand the whole picture when/if we end up getting this revelation in S3 of Crowley's Fall and that Aziraphale feels he's at least partially responsible. What's even harder for Aziraphale is that because Crowley doesn't remember his time as an angel, he doesn't remember their full history together. He doesn't remember how they met and protecting Aziraphale from the first celestial shower and all the times they chatted after that and if they were in love back then, Crowley doesn't remember it. Eden then becomes, to Crowley, the first time they meet... but then look at how while Aziraphale seems to think that Crowley doesn't know him while Aziraphale knows Crowley-- the moment that he pauses so Crowley can introduce himself-- *Crowley* seems a little bemused. Why?
Because what Aziraphale has failed to consider is that the one memory that the demons are allowed to keep, most likely, is their Fall, which means that if Aziraphale was there when Crowley fell, Crowley actually *does* remember him. At minimum, he remembers Aziraphale being there and looking stricken by what was happening so even if he can't remember more than that, he knows he's safe with Aziraphale and that Aziraphale cared about him, which would explain why he risked going to talk to with him on the wall in Eden. He knows they were friends and that Aziraphale is good and he can trust him. It's also theoretically possible that if Crowley remembers his Fall and if Aziraphale was there, it's a trigger to him being able to remember all of his and Aziraphale's time before Crowley fell. Aziraphale might not know this and because these two idiots do not know how to talk-- and especially don't talk about this-- Crowley hasn't told him. In part because Crowley can't go back and he doesn't want them to dwell on Angel!Crowley when Crowley is who he is and if that's a demon, it's a demon, and the whole system can go fuck itself anyway, as far as Crowley's concerned.
Aziraphale, though, is still back on "it's my fault". He thinks he literally took goodness from the world; that he participated in the murder of his friend and the love of his life. He has never. In six. thousand. years. lol. told Crowley that he feels like this because he still thinks that Crowley doesn't remember Aziraphale betraying him and he is terrified that if he told Crowley he did-- if he told him that he was responsible, in part, for his Fall-- that Crowley would hate him and Crowley is Aziraphale's only friend in the universe and Aziraphale is madly in love with him. He couldn't bear the loss of him. He can handle their occasional spats and disagreements, knowing that Crowley always comes back, but this? If Crowley knew that his Fall was Aziraphale's fault? Aziraphale thinks Crowley wouldn't come back from that and he'd never see him again.
In reality? Crowley either already knows this and has the whole time or suspects it or if he found it out, would forgive Aziraphale for it. If he knows, he already has. His counter-argument is, like, what were you supposed to do to save me, exactly, angel? You alone versus all the hierarchy of Heaven and God Herself? I'm *glad* you didn't do something stupid and get yourself tossed into a pit of boiling sulphur. You don't deserve that.
Thing is, though, because they've never had this conversation because they DO NOT TALK lol, Aziraphale thinks he *does* deserve that. But look at what's happened since he made the decision not to save Crowley from falling...
Nothing has happened to Aziraphale. He didn't fall for it himself. He didn't fall for betraying the angel he loved and he wonders every. single. day. why he didn't and the only thing he can come up with is that he must have done the right thing. *It must be* that Crowley did the bad thing and Aziraphale did the good one because Crowley was damned to Hell for all of eternity and Aziraphale is still an angel of Heaven, six thousand years later. It's not for Aziraphale to question God. Her will is ineffable. It's ineffable because he cannot begin to understand how any of this can possibly be just and that just keeps happening over and over and over and over throughout the years to come in every situation he and Crowley find themselves in, from Job to The Flood to Wee Morag and Elspeth to Arma-bloody-geddon, right?
Aziraphale begins to lose count of how many times he's gone up against God at this point. Gives away his flaming sword to Adam and Eve. Saves as many as he could during The Flood-- *with* Crowley. (You know they did.) Lies to Gabriel's face in the eyes of God to save Job and Sitis' children... and learning that Falling was political, really, in the process. Nothing happened to Aziraphale for Job's kids. He suffered no consequence for lying to Heaven and God because Crowley was willing to lie for him-- to protect him from Falling, where Aziraphale couldn't protect Crowley himself ages before-- and nothing happened. Falling, suddenly, didn't seem totally God-ordained it it could be tossed aside by something as simple as having a demon just choose not to toss you to Satan. Crowley didn't take him to Hell because he didn't feel like Aziraphale belonged there. It wound up all entirely within Crowley's control, which then made Aziraphale begin to question if God was even really behind the Fall of Lucifer and the Gang or if it wasn't just the thugs in charge of Heaven who decided to toss them out... thoughts he was terrified to think and didn't dare voice aloud, at least not then.
In another era, Aziraphale and Crowley stood there together to witness the torture and murder of Jesus Christ in the name of God, in a parallel to the Fall. What happened to Jesus? He was betrayed by his closest friend, then tortured and murdered by those in the government who thought he posed a threat to social order. Heaven as Pontius Pilate. Aziraphale as a kind of Judas, in Aziraphale's mind, anyway.
Jesus as Crowley.
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Time goes on and he and The Demon Crowley form friendship in their own right, regardless of what Crowley might remember from before his Fall. They form their Arrangement off of that and Aziraphale learns even more that, often, no one is really paying attention to what they do. That no one seems to notice if Crowley performs an angelic miracle or if Aziraphale performs what has become termed a 'demonic miracle'... because, really, *they're the same*, though that's not something Aziraphale can fully admit. He cannot allow himself to believe that demons *are angels* because if there's nothing different between demons and angels than Aziraphale doesn't know anything at all.
Anything at all... He doesn't know what being an angel *is* and it's what he supposedly is so it means he doesn't know who or what he is, really.
He doesn't know what God wants or if he truly believes in Her.
He doesn't know what the purpose of all of this is-- why Crowley had to suffer, why demons in general have to, why the *humans* do. Why it all has to be destroyed eventually. To what end?
Aziraphale has the same questions Crowley does and sometimes, late at night, often a little drunk, he'll dare to ask them with Crowley, and every morning that he still wakes up and sobers up and finds himself still an angel when Crowley Fell for so much less than Aziraphale has ever thought or done, he wonders just *why?*
Why is he still an angel when he, really, is no different from Crowley? Why Crowley is damned? Punished for all of eternity for curiosity and innovation and imagination, while Aziraphale is still an angel, doomed to only have until the clock runs out on Armageddon before losing him for the rest of fucking *eternity* but, until then, stuck suffering watching him suffer while remaining an angel? Is being an angel at this point, really, his punishment for failing the apparently foul fiend he adores?
Does Aziraphale ever have any answers to these questions? Good God, no lol. He's six thousand years into this and he's in the same spot as Amnesiac!ArchangelFuckingGabriel in 2.01:
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...would be okay if you could just be one near particular person?
Of course Aziraphale knows what this feels like. Of course. We know he does. And that's why he hasn't been able to make a real move in six thousand years-- because it's his fault, as far as he's concerned.
Crowley's damnation is his fault. Crowley cannot really love him, or couldn't if he knew. Not because he's a demon, though Aziraphale might have thought that at one point but he definitely was cured of it by events in 1941. The more time that goes by, the more Aziraphale knows that Crowley loves him-- that he's *in* love with him-- and the worse it all gets for Aziraphale because every day that he hasn't told Crowley that he didn't prevent him from Falling is another day within the last *six thousand years* of them falling in love and the betrayal seems to get worse and worse to Aziraphale. The time to have this conversation was on the wall in Eden and it still hasn't happened. Still, over time, he starts to realize that Crowley, if ever knew, would forgive him.
Because his Crowley has the kindest of hearts. He really does, and that wasn't taken from him when he Fell and Aziraphale finds every opportunity he can to delight in seeing that and making Crowley reveal it.
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It goes against everything Aziraphale is supposed to believe.
Demons are not supposed to be good-- if they were, they wouldn't have Fallen. Yet, Aziraphale knows Crowley is. He never has truly believed that Crowley isn't-- even when he could have, at least at the start. He worried, maybe, that he had helped create a monster out of the most lovely being he'd ever known but Crowley just kept proving him wrong about that, time and time again. *Crowley* doesn't believe it about himself, really, because that's his own trauma from his Fall but Aziraphale believes it about him and that's often good enough for Crowley.
But, really, this is why they still haven't gotten together in six thousand years. This is why Aziraphale seems like he can never get beyond "I'm an angel and you're a demon", no matter what Crowley does or how he proves that there are shades of gray and also, that the entire system is bullshit. It is not that Aziraphale doesn't *know* that it's bullshit-- it's that if he admits that it is, if he stops believing in Heaven (even if he doesn't stop believing in God), then he's left with nothing but the crushing weight of guilt that he has for all the pain that Crowley has been through.
If he tells himself that Crowley Fell *for a reason* and that he (Aziraphale) was *right* to not interfere, to not try to thwart God, even if it would have likely failed, just on principle, to stand up for his friend... then Aziraphale doesn't have to deal with the fact that he made what he really considers to be a colossal mistake and that it has caused the continued pain and torture and eternal damnation of the being he considers his soulmate...
...which is why everytime that pain comes to the surface in something Crowley says or does, Aziraphale *cannot handle it at all whatsoever* and reverts to You'reADemonI'mAnAngel!Mode.
Example: Crowley's religious trauma on display in their bandstand argument:
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Crowley owns this, even if he's still traumatized by it. He's saying it sarcastically, making a joke on a song Aziraphale probably barely knows, if he knows at all ("Unforgettable"-- Nat King Cole). Aziraphale *aches* at Crowley saying this-- because it reminds him that it's partially his own fault. And he can't. Do. Anything. About. It.
He's an all-powerful *angel* here but he can't change this for Crowley. He can't stop his suffering some six thousand years after his Fall. He's looking at sexy goth Crowley here and he's thinking about curly-haired, beaming, ball of light! Crowley and that they are *the same person* and Aziraphale *does* know that. He knows it and he loves him passionately and desperately and he is one of the most powerful beings ever in existence and he's standing there looking at the man-shaped-being he adores talking about how he still aches from the betrayal of his fellow angels and his mother God and *there is no way for Aziraphale to fix it* when he can mend broken bones and heal the sick and let their be light! all over the place. He can do proper magic and still, he cannot take away Crowley's pain.
This is Aziraphale's Hell. He didn't Fall but he's been in Hell anyway.
So when Crowley's religious trauma and pain comes out, usually in an argument like in the bandstand scene, Aziraphale does the only thing he thinks he *can* do, right? He's an angel. Still. Somehow. He's an angel and there must be some reason for that and an angel is not a demon-- an angel is a purer being, a healer-- and so he says "I forgive you". He doesn't mean it to be patronizing, even if it is. ("I am a *great deal* holier than thou," as he told Crowley at one point and that was the point, right?) He is trying to say "I am still of Heaven and if it's absolution you need, I can give it to you."
He is trying to say: You are not unforgivable to me.
The real lyric of the song Crowley parodies in the bandstand is what Aziraphale means, whether he knows that song or not...
Unforgettable/That's what you are...
*Crowley*, though, doesn't know about Aziraphale's inner turmoil because *heavy sigh* FFS TALK, YOU IDIOTS *breathes* lol, so *he* hears:
I still think I am better than you and you are Fallen, so you're not worthy of me. I can't love you, not the way you want. I love all beings because I'm an angel and I you know I'm in love with you but I can't *allow* myself to be because it goes against the nature of an angel and I've only done eleven thousand things that should have made me Fall over the years but letting myself be in love with you is the rubicon I won't cross, apparently...
Crowley knows by the time they're having the bandstand argument enough about Aziraphale's general religious trauma (not necessarily about how it pertains to Crowley's Fall but about it in general) to know that he spits out hateful garbage when he feels cornered and how to just call it bullshit and move on. ("I don't even like you."/"You doooo.") But he understandably walks away when Aziraphale pushes him away past a point he can handle-- and Aziraphale knows how to do that. He does it *intentionally.* The "I forgive you" is sadness because it's all he has to offer Crowley but he also knows it'll piss Crowley off enough to end the argument, so he says it intentionally to get Crowley to go away. In this scene (which parallels the end of S2 quite a bit, as many have noticed), Aziraphale is trying to deal with it all on his own, right?
He knows where the antichrist is. He's just not telling Crowley yet. He's trying to deal with it to keep him safe. He's doing it because he thinks he should-- that maybe, when it's something of this level of importance, that his job should be as an angel first, above his side with Crowley. (It's also worth mentioning here that Aziraphale is straight up terrified of Falling, not even just for being damned to Hell but because then, if he's no longer in Heaven, he has exactly zero power to even *try* to protect Crowley.) At the end of S2? With The Metatron?
Aziraphale does the same thing as with the antichrist for a time in S1, really.
The beginning of S2 shows us that Aziraphale has known that Heaven is North Korea since Before the Beginning so now marry that with its last scenes and see the arc that connects them-- Aziraphale does what he does out of guilt over what happened to Crowley to *protect* Crowley. He didn't want to do any of it without Crowley and when The Metatron finally offers that carrot, Aziraphale is suspicious as all hell (pardon the pun) and here we have this moment where part of him *wants* this to all be real, right?
Times change and sometimes, your parents who traumatized the living fuck out of you and didn't approve of your boyfriend, grow the hell up a bit and try to repent and mend fences. Maybe the trust is broken but maybe it can be healed and *as an angel*, Aziraphale is a being of goodness and hope and optimism. He's pure of heart, as Crowley put it to Nina. He *wants* that to be the case... but he also knows it likely is not.
Still... they can't run. There's nowhere that Heaven won't find them. It's no life for them-- no life for Crowley, in Aziraphale's mind, no matter how many times Crowley tries to get him to run away with him. "We can go off together!" begs Crowley, over and over, and Aziraphale's only really ever found that Crowley will only slither off if he's ticked off enough and only "I forgive you" ever really does that enough to work lol. He *means* I love you endlessly but you know this is impossible, you bloody maddening, gorgeous serpent! Will you stop reminding me of what we could have when it can never happen?! but that's not exactly how Crowley's taking it.
In the end, to Aziraphale, Aziraphale is an angel and Crowley is a demon and they are doomed to spend eternity apart and Aziraphale thinks he has no one to blame, really, but himself. If he had somehow saved Crowley six thousand years ago-- or had somehow been brave enough to stand up for him and Fallen alongside him-- they could have been together forever.
But he wasn't then and now The Metatron is here and it's time for Aziraphale to go back to Heaven and he knows, as he sits there drinking coffee with the being whose posse sent Crowley in a free fall into a pit of boiling sulphur, that Crowley will never, ever, ever, EVER go back to Heaven.
But he also knows that Heaven is here to collect Aziraphale and they are making it clear that there is no escape. There's nowhere to run. Everyday, it's been getting closer for six thousand years and going faster than a roller coaster for the last handful but a love like Beez and Gabe's will surely never come his and Crowley's way now.
It was always going to end like this. Nothing lasts forever. He told Crowley that, Before the Beginning. Six thousand years. That was all the time they had before the end of Earth, the place they'd come to call home. They found a way to borrow a few more years at the end of it since S1 and he got to dance with Crowley, their fingers brushing, and that is going to have to be enough because they're out of time.
The Metatron never needed say it directly but it was evident: they wanted Aziraphale to go to Heaven and they would say or do anything to get him up there and Aziraphale may have bought it for a moment but he's definitely figured out by the end of S2 that they need him up there not to become the Supreme Archangel but because his time as an angel is now over. The threat to Crowley is unspoken but omnipresent.
The Metatron makes it sound like he doesn't care if Crowley comes back up to Heaven with Aziraphale or not and he really doesn't and why would that be? Why would he be eager to have the two most troublesome beings in all of Heaven and Hell teaming up and getting in the way of his Second Coming plans, which he absolutely *knows* they won't support? Because they won't have jobs waiting for them up there. Crowley will not be restored to full angelic status.
They're going to kill them. Aziraphale knows it. He's known what Heaven is since Before the Beginning, even if he's been in denial about it for almost as long to try to assuage his own guilt over participating in it.
And it's a lot easier a goal for Heaven to accomplish if they separate them and just Aziraphale goes up to Heaven. If Aziraphale goes alone-- if he keeps Crowley from following-- then Crowley is not a threat to them if Aziraphale is gone.
They aren't as powerful apart.
Aziraphale knows that if Crowley comes to Heaven with him that they will kill him and Aziraphale thinks okay, this is it... this is my moment of redemption.
Six thousand years since Crowley Fell and I can finally make up for not saving him by saving him now.
I can go with The Metatron and let Heaven kill me and know that they will not threaten Crowley if they do because what they are threatened by is both of us together. One of us, alone, is less of a threat and the only problem here is that if I go... Crowley will follow me.
If I just go without telling him what The Metatron said and I don't come back right away, he'll go to Heaven, worried that something happened to me, and they'll kill him when he comes looking for me. He'll find out they've Book of Life'd me and do something stupid and my sacrifice to keep him safe will all be for nothing.
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So what's our tortured angel to do?
Bandstand 2.0, right?
He's got to piss Crowley off enough that Crowley won't follow him.
He's got to piss Crowley off so much that Crowley *will never come back* and the worst part is that Aziraphale knows *exactly* how to do it.
He makes his own plans and if things get drastic enough, he'll blow up that damn halo, metaphorically-speaking this time. To save Crowley, he will break Crowley.
It's darkly romantic, really. He'll sacrifice himself for Crowley but to be sure that Crowley will be safe and not follow, he'll have to break his heart a bit first-- to further their misunderstandings in a season based on "I don't think your exactly is my exactly exactly"-level miscommunications.
So Aziraphale accepts The Metatron's offer and lets The Metatron think he completely believes that the offer is legit and maybe a part of him is still hoping that it is but he knows it's really not and that this is a suicide run. This is Aziraphale's Holy Water arc...
...and speaking of Holy Water... that arc from the perspective of this being Aziraphale's mentality... Crowley, tortured by Hell for what he did while with Aziraphale in 1827, then refusing to talk about it, showing up with a cane, sullen and depressed, asking Aziraphale for the one thing that would kill him and Aziraphale's unwillingness to understand that it wasn't completely suicide ideation on Crowley's part but as a way to *protect Aziraphale* and keep him safe. Crowley wanted what could kill a demon not to kill himself but to kill one that might come after Aziraphale. All Aziraphale could see, though, was Crowley's physical and emotional pain, that he could barely keep hidden in that era, and how Aziraphale couldn't make it better. All he could see was how he failed him and led him to this suffering. All he could see in a note begging for "holy water" was Crowley wanting a suicide pill, wanting to destroy himself, unable to take any more, in so much pain that he'd leave Aziraphale forever to make it stop. Aziraphale is blinded entirely by guilt and fails to see what Crowley is really saying, which was, ironically, the last time Crowley began to try to tell Aziraphale how he felt, which was:
I've been thinking-- what if it all goes wrong? (What if I lose you? I'm terrified of losing you. I love you. I wake up from nightmares of you being destroyed by the demons who just spent a couple of decades after 1827 not that long ago torturing me. I didn't know for sure if you were still alive during any of it.) We have a lot in common, you and me. (We're a team. A... group of the two of us.) What if it all goes pear-shaped? I need you to get me the magical demon-killing stuff so I have a weapon against *my own fellow fallen angels* that I can use in case they come after us. I would kill another demon and send every legion of Hell after me to protect you.
Aziraphale: I like pears.
(My God, they are so stupid. Please. I can't take any more lol.)
So, yeah... it's Aziraphale's turn for the holy water suicide run here only with an actual suicide run...
It takes the books in The Blitz for Aziraphale to really understand what Crowley was asking for and what he meant by asking for holy water and by 1967, he gives Crowley the holy water, in the one moment when *they actually talk*, as much as they can, about how much they love one another, that exists prior to the end of its parallel-- the end of S2.
So, yeah, Aziraphale "goes to tell his friend the good news" with a look on his face like he's marching to his death *because he is* and he knows it. His last moments with Crowley, in some of his last moments in existence, he already knows will be spent upsetting the man-shaped being he loves. He's got it all planned out. Not exactly the picnic of his dreams but it'll redeem him and save Crowley and that's all that matters to Aziraphale in this moment.
He will sound naive to the threat of Heaven and because Crowley doesn't remember pre-Fall, he won't remember how Aziraphale warned him against taking on the brass in Heaven so Crowley won't be suspicious, he'll be *frustrated*, like he was in the bandstand. He'll get angry. Aziraphale's goal is to get him to storm out-- but it has to be a really, really, bad relationship-ending storming out.
He can't come back after he drives The Bentley around the block like he did back in 2.01 and say "okay, fine, I'll help you" and Aziraphale knows that if he plays this right, he can make it so Crowley won't because helping Gabriel was one thing but asking Crowley to become an angel with him and pretending like they can go fix the broken system of Heaven is going to be Crowley's bridge too far. It's *the only thing* that Aziraphale believes is Crowley's bridge too far where Aziraphale is concerned and isn't that heartbreaking as hell? That Crowley loves him this much? And they never got to be together the way they wanted? That they were just beginning to get close to trying to figure that out?
That, hours ago, Aziraphale was asking him to dance and trying to ignore the signs of trouble around the corner, desperately wanting more time with him? That they are semi-immortal beings that always somehow seem to be out of time?
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Truer words have never been spoken, Crowley. Little did you know, poor demon...
So Aziraphale goes into the bookshop and Crowley looks all worked up and wants to say something and some part of Aziraphale begins to hear warning alarms going off in his head because Crowley *never* looks like this-- is never this flustered, never this uncomfortable, never this nervous, never in a rush to say something-- and Aziraphale thinks no, can't be, we don't talk about this... even if, ironically, all of S2 shows that Aziraphale has been trying *for just that*. It was just a few hours ago that he was trying to Jane Austen a ball for them to use as a pretense to discuss their feelings because, in the height of ironies here, right?
Aziraphale was ready.
They'd had some time without Heaven and Hell breathing so much down their necks, even if the threat still loomed, and spent every day together and it was perfect and it was lovely and he knew Crowley would forgive him and Aziraphale was almost there, right, he was *almost* ready to tell him. He was almost ready to tell him he loved him and that it was him, all those millennia ago, who could have done something and didn't and he's so, so, so sorry and can Crowley ever forgive him? Is there any way that Crowley could ever forgive him after what he didn't say and didn't do when he should have? For all the times since that he's said things in anger when, really, he was madly in love and just full of his own issues to sort out? (Damn, Aziraphale, we're beginning to see your affinity for Austen heroes here...)
But he's out of time so there will be none of that now. Now is his karmic payback. Six thousand beautiful years with the being he loves and feels he doesn't deserve have led to Aziraphale's redemption being that he can sacrifice himself to save him. He can leave the world they love with Crowley and Crowley's *goodness* in it, as it should be. So when Crowley says he needs to say something, Aziraphale cannot-- CANNOT-- let him speak because he cannot bear it.
He suddenly fears that of course-- OF COURSE-- the one moment in all of these trillions of moments they've lived through where Crowley is about to directly say he loves him for the first time is the also the same fucking moment when Aziraphale has to destroy their relationship to save Crowley's life and Aziraphale will be dead after this and he cannot bear hearing what his life could have been. He can't hear Crowley say this right now or else he worries he might lose his nerve. He *wants* to hear it but if Crowley speaks first, Aziraphale might cave, he might be weak again like he was when Crowley Fell, he might fail him again, and he can't. Not after all this time. Not when he loves Crowley so much.
"What's that lovely human expression?! 'Hold that thought!'" he blurts out, in a callback to, of course, the moment Crowley saved him in 1941-- to that night where Aziraphale really realized for the first time that Crowley wasn't just capable of good or capable of being friendly towards him but that Crowley *loved* him and that he loved the Demon Crowley, whether or not he should. ("But somewhere in my wicked, miserable past," sings Frances McDormand as the Voice of God, from her apparent favorite film lol, "I must have done something good.")
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Ah, yes. Played for suckers. Here is where it's important to note that in 1941, Aziraphale had no idea that Rose was really Greta and that he, in fact, was the one being played for a sucker. By the end of S2, though, it could be argued that he very much knows that The Metatron is Fraulein Greta Klauschmidt-- someone who presented herself as Captain Rose Montgomery, an agent of anti-fascist good, who approached Aziraphale in his bookshop and told him that he could be an agent of change, too. He could help save the world and stop the global rising tide of fascism represented by the Third Reich. He could even do so using his books. They plotted a sting together, in which he'd bring his books to a church and seem to give them to Nazis to give to the Fuhrer, only for agents to surround them and arrest the Nazis. Aziraphale, desperate to *do* good and to *be* good, falls for this-- he fails to see that Rose is really Greta, a Nazi agent who fools him into working for the enemy and getting him to help destroy the world in the process. Pretty obvious to see here that Greta is The Metatron in S2... but it's likely that Aziraphale knows it and is playing along because it's his turn to save Crowley, unlike what happened in 1941, when Crowley saves him and his books.
Crowley, in the bookshop back at the end of S2 in our present time, stops speaking at the "hold that thought", looking like he's about to be ill, and has to also be thinking of 1941 and the church now that Aziraphale has referenced it. Maybe, in some way, it's an unconscious effort on Aziraphale's part to convey to Crowley that this is a charade-- that he doesn't mean this, that it's an act-- but he really doesn't want Crowley to figure that out. It would defeat his goal. But he also doesn't want to hurt him because he loves him but this is the only way that Aziraphale can see to save him. So he starts gushing about his coffee with The Metatron, right? We all remember this pain lol.
Maybe I've misjudged him. (Aziraphale, we suspect you know that he tossed Crowley into hellfire and stole Gabriel's memories so honestly, the worst part of all of this is that you're so traumatized that Crowley is *buying* what you're saying here...) And guess what?! He wants me to be the new Supreme Archangel! And he said you can come! And you can be an angel again! It will be so fun! We can have a slumber party, Crowley, after days of doing good, and braid each other's hair!
Crowley is like jfc fml are you even serious right now? Which, of course, is what Aziraphale *was going for.* It's the "I don't even like you" and the "we're hereditary enemies" and the "I'm an angel, you're a demon" way of trying to intentionally push Crowley away but the new version of it because none of that flies with S2 Crowley-- most of it barely flew with him in S1-- because Crowley *knows.*
He knows that Aziraphale loves him. And he knows that Aziraphale knows him, which is to say he knows how to hurt him, and that's what this is but also Crowley just sees it as how much Heaven has hurt them both. How much they've hurt Aziraphale. Because just as Aziraphale looks at Crowley in the throes of his religious trauma-- "Unforgivable. It's what I am", etc.-- and wants to help and save and protect him, Crowley feels the same way in return when Aziraphale is like this. Frustrated, sure, but in just as much pain at how much pain Aziraphale is in and feels powerless to stop it but will do whatever he can to try to, yeah?
For Aziraphale, this is all going fairly well (it's miserable but in terms of goal, it's working) through "tell me you said no" but the problem is that Crowley is still pleading. He's still trying to work through it because they're an *us* now and also ironically of course this is when Crowley's been trying to do better with storming out lol so he's trying to couple-solve this. He's not just *leaving* like how Aziraphale had hoped. He had been trying to sell to Crowley that he could pick Heaven over Crowley and Crowley is just kinda... not believing it so much at first and, instead, is trying to approach it like a problem for the two of them to solve together, instead of as a decision that Aziraphale has made for his life that he's stating that Crowley can take or leave.
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Which calls back to this scene in 2.01 at the start of this arc, when Crowley calls their life *his* life and Aziraphale counters with that he thought *they* had carved out a life for themselves *together* and Crowley answers: "so did I!" Because they haven't had a discussion about what they are, exactly, at that point, Crowley still cautiously calls *their* life *his* life, retaining a sense of autonomy, as if he's only making decisions for himself when, in reality, they are a couple who are trying to make a life together and have been doing so consciously since S1. Crowley calls that life "precious" and "peaceful" to Aziraphale-- beautiful, lovely things that they both treasure and want and find with one another-- but also "fragile". The threats to them still loom large in the background and they are still so afraid to go much further in their relationship because, in part, of those threats and how terrified they are of losing one another... which just makes the end of S2 even more brutal, really.
(*mantras* cottage in the south downs cottage in the south downs...)
So back in That Scene later in S2, Aziraphale is then just kind of stuck trying to figure out how to get Crowley to be so angry with him that he storms out and never comes back in the face of Crowley trying to very much not do that and then Crowley starts saying that he needs to say what he was going to say or he never will and Aziraphale *knows*, ok? He knows what Crowley needs to say. He just literally cannot believe this is going to happen right now. He honestly can't believe it's happening at all but right now?!
He knows before Crowley begins speaking. He probably knew when he told him to "hold that thought" a few moments before but he *really* knows now. Crowley has no idea that Aziraphale has planned for this to be the last time they ever see one another and to go sacrifice himself to Heaven for whatever they want to do with him to keep them away from Crowley. Crowley looks like he's about to pass out from nerves and can barely speak and just...
...six. thousand. years...
...I know we have all looked at the heartbreak of this scene from Crowley's POV here every which way to Sunday, okay, but just imagine you are Aziraphale, who has loved this being since before the literal beginning of time, and you blame yourself for his pain and suffering, and he's standing here, braver than you've ever been with him, looking into your eyes and telling you that he knows that you love him and that he loves you and he knows you both have known this for basically the entirety of your existence together and he can't pretend anymore. He doesn't want to pretend anymore. He knows things have changed over the last few years between you and he wants more of that. He wants to be with you.
The two of you are not even human, just human-adjacent beings who have gone native from the stars and clouds here, who live and love like humans, who know that maybe the angels and demons have it backwards and God's great creatures are the humans-- that it should be the good in them that you should be trying to emulate-- and Crowley had never been more beautifully, impossibly human than while he's standing there looking ready to pass out while asking you if, after six millennia, it might be alright for him to not hide how much he loves you.
How many times has Aziraphale imagined this by this point? A million? How many different ways? There's at least half of them when he imagines that he's the one who gets up the courage first but there are so. many. Crowley. fantasies. Ones in every time period. But always *a fantasy*, at least up until maybe very recently. Why?
Not even just Heaven and Hell and the threat of being caught but the fact that Aziraphale believes that Crowley doesn't know Aziraphale didn't save him during The Fall and how could he ever really love him if he knew? How could Aziraphale ever go to him like this and give Crowley everything he knows Crowley has desired for so long without telling him the truth about Aziraphale's role in Crowley's Fall-- but then, Aziraphale assumes, he'd lose Crowley forever? So this has always been a pipe dream for Aziraphale-- fantasies from a world where they ever stood a chance of being together-- never really something that could be reality and here it is, starting, happening *now*...
...after six. thousand. years. of living with this guilt and in the last moments in which he will ever see Crowley before he heads to his likely death, with no time to tell him the truth and beg for his forgiveness, no time to ever know what their lives might be like if they could be together.
As Crowley, unbeknownst to Aziraphale, mused dramatically, if not inaccurately, earlier in the season... it's always too late.
It's punishment, in Aziraphale's mind. That's what Crowley's proposal, his confession, is now. It's his Fall, whether he falls or not when he leaves the bookshop for Heaven. It's karmic retribution-- it's God, finally saying something, and what she's saying is:
Look at what you've done, Aziraphale...
Look at how he loves you.
He was never unforgivable.
You are.
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Aziraphale might be erased from existence once he gets to Heaven and he knows that's a possibility but he basically is dying here. Crowley is killing him. Crowley has pointed that silver bullet gun straight at his head and fired but he's missed and the bullet isn't in Aziraphale's teeth, it's gone through him.
Crowley, here, tears in his eyes, asking for whatever time they have. An eternity? Impossible, unlikely. Angel and demon. One day, the war will begin again-- another war to end all wars, like all the ones they've fell more and more in love during throughout history-- but it might be the one where Heaven or Hell wins and they're doomed to spend eternity apart. Crowley has said before he thinks the real war is humanity versus Heaven and Hell and that sounds like he thinks there's a chance they could survive it but who knows? They don't know. They're immortal beings who live like humans and that's, of late, included a sense of mortality. They don't know how much time they have left and Crowley is asking for all of it. He is asking for whatever time they have left to be spent together, openly loving one another, and what he doesn't know is what Aziraphale knows:
That they're already out of time.
Crowley is proposing marriage unaware that Aziraphale is dying. It's always too late, Crowley had stated earlier but had hope that maybe it wasn't but it is. And Aziraphale?
Gah. Aziraphale...
He's never loved him more. He's never wanted him more. He wants to tell him that he wants that, too, that they can have it, that Crowley can have anything he wants, but it's not true. It's not true because they could run out the back door of the bookshop now and hop in the Bentley and end-of-Grease it up to Alpha Centauri and Heaven will still find them. Heaven and Hell will still be after them. Running away solves nothing and Crowley always, ultimately, anyway, comes back and this time-- this time-- for Crowley's own good, to save his life, Aziraphale needs him to leave the bookshop and never come back.
And the moment that Crowley confesses that he loves him and that he knows Aziraphale loves him in return and that they've both known this, forever, and asks him if he can be allowed to just love him, Aziraphale loves him so much in return that he'll break his heart to save him from dying.
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Dying is... not on, as High!Crowley put it in 1827 lol, but suicide-ish attempts are, if it's Aziraphale's turn this time.
So he twists the knife. He hides the goats as pigeons and he looks at Crowley and does a bit of this:
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...only with the exact opposite intent. In the Job minisode, Crowley cannot speak aloud his true intentions. (Something he can finally do in the S2 finale, when he declares his love for Aziraphale.) He cannot tell Aziraphale outrightly that he had zero desire whatosever to kill Job's kids and animals and doesn't plan on actually doing it and, in fact, is actively engaged in a bit of bait-and-switch to make it look like he's doing what he's supposed to be doing as mandated by Heaven! this time as well as Hell (a nice little extra bit of paralleling to the end of S2 and Aziraphale, there.) He wants Aziraphale to believe him enough to allow him to pull it off because saving the kids and the pets (and protecting Aziraphale from any harm that might come to him if he gets in the way of what Crowley's been asked to do) matters more to Crowley than Aziraphale believing him...
...and believing him here means believing *in* him. Believing that they are on the same side and it's their own side and they're in it together. Crowley has to lie to him here *and it works for a moment*. It's really important to note that *it works*. Aziraphale believes that Crowley can do this and that he wants to-- that he not only can but he *longs* (lol) to "kill the blameless kids of Job"-- but it's all in Crowley's wording. He isn't *actually* lying. He *does* long to kill the blameless kids of Job like how he killed the blameless goats of Job-- because he "killed the blameless goats of Job" by turning them into pigeons. So he's really saying to Aziraphale that he longs to *fake the deaths* of the blameless kids of Job and plans to in the same way that he did the goats. In that moment, though? It didn't matter if Crowley was lying or telling the truth. There was only one goal--
--to get Aziraphale to walk away.
To get Aziraphale to leave, for his own safety, and let Crowley handle this. Better that he misunderstand Crowley and be disappointed in him and think him a lost cause than to get himself into trouble. Crowley out here loving Aziraphale that much in the days of Bildad the Shuite. (This poor mfer. Six. Thousand. Years lol.)
So what caused Crowley's plan to save Aziraphale in the Job era to not work?
One of the pigeons bleated, right?
Aziraphale heard it and realized that Crowley hadn't been lying so much as he had been trying to protect Aziraphale from his plan of subterfuge against the Almighty and Satan. The difference is that there are no bleating pigeons in the S2 finale... there's just *a whole certain famous other kind of damn bird instead* and its *absence* from the scene is the big emotional gut punch moment. And we all know it but I'll gif it anyway since this is already a depressing meta (cottage in the south downs cottage in the south downs...)...
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...and that *is* the point. Because unlike back in the Bildad the Shuite days, there is no bleating pigeon (at least, not yet) to make Crowley realize that all is not what it seems and that Aziraphale is trying to lie to him and get him to leave to protect him from Heaven.
As Aziraphale is like mortally wounded here by Crowley's confession of love and is so not going to recover from this, he's now got to not only get Crowley to leave feeling like Aziraphale rejected being their own team for Heaven, he has to now do it with all of it out in the open-- with Crowley having openly confessed love for him, with him having asked for them to be together. He's not just going to have to frustrate Crowley more than he ever has before and get him to leave more angry than he was before, he has to, instead, smash into little tiny bits the very beautiful, very passionate, beating heart of the being he has loved since he met him *making the stars* in the bloody sky here...
The only way to get Crowley to go now is to make Crowley think he's rejecting the idea of loving him. Aziraphale honestly can't even sell the idea that he *doesn't* love Crowley because Crowley won't believe it-- he knows Aziraphale does and he's said as much in his whole marriage proposal here. So it has to be that Crowley thinks Aziraphale chose Heaven over loving him. Chose being an angel. That he really meant all of those 'hereditary enemies' and 'you're a demon' moments and to sell that, he sells it.
(You're a dark horse, Mr. Fell, Nina said of him in 2.01... the same turn of phrase Crowley uses when surprised by the secret skills and narrative power of Jane Austen later on in the pub.)
Aziraphale does love himself a bit of theatre. A bit of a disappearing act. The West End, The West End...
...our Nefertiti-fooling fellow...
He sells it with:
Well, of course you said no, *you're* the bad guys...
Come with me... I'll run, it you can be *my second-in-command*...
We can be together. *Angels*. Doing *good*...
...oh, Crowley... nothing lasts forever...
For his final act, The Marvelous Mr. Fell will saw his ineffable husband's heart in half by spewing a litany of everything he can think of to say that will piss him off enough to make him leave the bookshop broken-hearted enough to never come back.
Only someone put a miracle blocker on here because, try as he might and good heavens (pardon the pun), Aziraphale is *trying* here...
...this turnip is not turning into a damn inkwell.
Crowley finally starts to go-- it's looking promising. Finally, Aziraphale thinks, this misery might end. Six thousand years of wanting to speak of all of this between them and hoping for some happiness when-- if-- it could maybe someday arrive, if it even could-- and it's the worst moment of Aziraphale's existence and he knows it is the same for Crowley.
Crowley stops and the "do you hear that?" And no, Aziraphale doesn't hear anything, he just has never been more upset and Crowley needs to just go because Aziraphale can't handle another moment of this, how could it possibly get worse?
Nightingales. Of course.
A call back to S1's "no more world-class composers/little restaurants where they know you/gravalax and dill sauce/old bookshops" but this time, it's "no nightingales". There's Armageddon coming that neither of them know about in this moment. It's still a 'someday, they'll try again' concept to them in this scene, not an extremely immediate threat, as Aziraphale doesn't learn about The Second Coming until after this. So the end of the world that Crowley references here is the end of *their* world and that means no nightingales. No romance. No *them*, together. Worth remembering that Crowley thought, up until maybe what? Five minutes ago? That they were headed to breakfast at the Ritz together. They should have been sitting there together *in this moment*, is what he's saying. Miracling the pianist to play "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square" and gazing at one another over teapots and mimosas and croissants.
That's gone, since you chose Heaven instead, is what Crowley states and Aziraphale knows it because, God help him (no, literally, GOD HELP HIM! WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GO OFF TO THIS SEASON, FRANCES?!), it's what he's *trying* to make happen.
You idiot, says the once-Bildad the Shuite, who thought he was taking his beloved to the ox rib special this morning and not getting dumped for an old floating head and the cinematic world's most contentious to-go cup of coffee, we could have been... us.
Not really a part of the theory here, just the observation that Crowley's confession/proposal begins with him unable to say "a couple", in case this all goes pear-shaped and he needs to have never said something that romantic, so he says instead "a team", "a group-- of the two of us". He says it without saying it. But, by the end? He just says "us." He *present*-tenses it. He's like forget everything else, angel, we could have just kept on being us because we both know what we are. We don't need to find the right turn of phrase or even the most specific human word for it. We are just *us* and we could have kept on with that but you chose the mentality of your abusive family and asked me to be what I'm not and I still love you because I *know* you but I can't be with you like that and *you* know that.
And he kisses him. Because Franny McD says you ain't suffered enough yet, Aziraphale lol. Should I just gif it while we're miserable? If you've read this far, a month has passed and hopefully, you've taken breaks and I do apologize but I'm gonna gif it because yeah. Here we go, folks...
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God, make it stop, pleads Aziraphale to literal God and here comes Crowley with the S1 wall slam parallel, all dammit, angel, I know you've wanted us to snog for centuries and this is our last chance.
I know people have opinions about this kiss and I know we're all posting them here, obviously myself included, but while I've seen a lot of like... 'Crowley knows it's the only time they ever will be able to because Aziraphale is leaving him for Heaven' and 'Crowley wants to remind Aziraphale what he's giving up and could have had' and 'Crowley tries the kiss to see if it'll change Aziraphale's mind' takes-- and I agree with all of those things and think they're all right-- I've not seen a lot of 'Crowley kisses Aziraphale *for Aziraphale*' and I think that's a big part of it, too.
Crowley really isn't stupid. Not when it comes to Aziraphale wanting him. It would be honestly hard to spend a zillion lifetimes on Earth and not get it after like...
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And Crowley understands Aziraphale's particular brand of religious trauma more than most, since he has a variant version of it himself. He understands that where his whole thing is that he's very much *not* an angel anymore, that Aziraphale's identity is wrapped up in being one and the conflicts he has with Heaven and while Crowley is not yet quite hearing what Nina said-- that she just got out of an abusive relationship and that she's not yet ready to be with Maggie and needs time-- and marrying that to Aziraphale and Heaven (especially because Aziraphale is showing exactly zero signs of trying to get out of his relationship with Heaven lol), Crowley wants Aziraphale to have had what he (Aziraphale) wanted, even if it was for only a moment. He can't go with him. This is the *one* scenario where Crowley cannot follow where Aziraphale goes, where he can't come to him and rescue him, because Aziraphale has said he doesn't want him to. Aziraphale wants to go and do this and the only way he'll take Crowley is if Crowley wants to become an angel again, which Crowley will not do.
And damned if there isn't a part of Aziraphale that thinks that if The Metatron can really be trusted, wouldn't that be something? That if he gets up there to Heaven and he really is made Supreme Archangel and if Crowley changes his mind, if he comes back, like he always does... if he storms out and leaves but then misses him too much and takes the elevator up... then maybe Aziraphale could make him an angel again and while Crowley hears in Aziraphale offering that you aren't good enough as a demon-- you're not good, period and even if he doesn't totally believe that Aziraphale really thinks that but knows Aziraphale has enough religious conflict that it's a problem for their relationship, what Aziraphale *really* means is... I could fix it.
I could go back and un-Fall you. I could take away your pain. I could stop your suffering. I'd have the *power* to do it when I don't right now and it kills me, every day. I could right the wrong I did, the sin I committed-- the real Original Sin-- six thousand years ago when I betrayed you, when Heaven betrayed you.
I could do right by you, the way She never did.
I am going to Heaven to either have the power to do that or to be obliterated into non-existence and I don't totally know which, though surviving is not looking promising, but all I know is that it's too dangerous for you to follow me right now until I do know so I'd rather hurt you than see you dead.
You want to be with me and I am afraid it will lead to your destruction so I need to say anything to put the breaks on your attempt and make you back off. To a lesser extent, I've done it before. Can do again.
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Only this time, no hope of the possible, future picnic, I'm afraid...
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It really is the worst possible Aziraphale nightmare here like... everything he's ever wanted. Six millennia of wanting to pull Crowley close and he has to reject him or Crowley could die. Fanfic season here said Coffee Shop AU and also a reverse-Fuck or Die for the ages. People complaining that it's awkward? YES. It's supposed to be. Crowley has no idea that Aziraphale is facing a round of sudden death here and was just hoping for his one fabulous kiss and vavoom. Even if it didn't change anything-- he wanted *Aziraphale* to feel that. To know how much he's wanted this for so long and to have it, even if they can't again. The intent is terribly romantic, as is Aziraphale flailing in the middle of it and giving in because he is made of strong, halo-exploding stuff here but he's wanted this forever. He goes up on his toes, he leans in, his hands flail around and he touches Crowley's back. He *shouldn't* do any of this if he's trying to meet his goal of getting Crowley to leave because it gave Crowley hope. It might have even been what motivated Crowley to stay outside and not go right away, or at least a part of it. But Aziraphale had to because he loves him and he couldn't help it.
Then, *sob*, The Michael Sheen eviscerating all of us here...
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For anyone who might still be saying that is an "I didn't want his kiss" face... hard, HARD, VERY HARD disagree. That is "I didn't want *this* kiss, like this, right now." That is a man-shaped being who was just kissed by the love of his life for what may have been the first time but, at minimum, is for what he believes will be the *last* time. (I'm still out here holding out some hope for Blitz, Part 3-- a nice first kiss after they kill some Zombie Nazis with Chekhov's derringer in the bookshop but I digress...somehow, even if this entire long meta is one long digression, I digress lol...)
It's the face of a man gutted by the fact that this, in his wildest dreams, was not supposed to happen like this and he's been alive for damn ever at this point so he's had *all* the wildest dreams. And a lot of them, let's be real, have centered around Crowley doing just this. Exactly this. Crowley ain't wrong with the 'grabbing him by the collar and kissing him senseless in the middle of the bookshop' thing. He's wanted to do it for centuries. And the middle of the bookshop bit? That's important, too. This is their home. It's *their* home, even if Crowley is technically homeless. It's safe for him in here and Aziraphale has made it so. It's where they've spent thousands of hours together, happy and safe in each other's company, and here they are, bouille-bouile-bouile-baby-ing finally and it's a complete and utter, unmitigated trash truck dumpster fire.
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Honestly, this was a better kiss than in S2 lol. S1 laying down though how long they've been dreaming about it (and having Crowley start listing animals that are in Aziraphale's nonsense magic spell, like he flashes back to 1941 when thinking about the end of the world and kissing Aziraphale in the bookshop... so you can see why I'm moderately hopeful that maybe they did kiss then, once, before then trying to never again until Crowley kisses Aziraphale in 2.06.)
I'm going to bring this back around now to the comparison I made above with Crowley and Jesus and talk about how 2.06's end scenes are also like the last temptation of Christ. Good Omens makes it pretty clear that Aziraphale is the tempter, really, of the two of them, in their relationship. Crowley can't say no to him and Aziraphale has learned it and loves to puppy eyes Crowley into anything he wants.
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Crowley knows it and is fine with it. He's smitten and happy to be wrapped around Aziraphale's finger. Crowley has tempted Aziraphale and we see that in S2 with the ox rib. He is, himself, just by existing, tempting to Aziraphale. But in terms of temptation carrying with it a bit of manipulation and *that* kind of tempting being what's demonic in nature? Then Aziraphale is, and always has been, the demon of the two of them. This is true into the end of S2, as while there is almost nothing that Crowley would deny Aziraphale, there is really only one thing and that's to change who he is for him. To become an angel again, to work for Heaven again, after what they've done to him and Aziraphale. So the end of S2 is then Aziraphale's temptation-- it's a test, of sorts, for Crowley, even if Aziraphale doesn't intend for it to be. Crowley resists the temptation. Even for Aziraphale, he won't follow the path of darkness for himself and become something he's not. Crowley-Jesus. (Aziraphale-Satan S3 incoming lol.)
And if you've been reading all of this right then you know what happens next and what it means from the POV of this guilt-ridden Aziraphale...
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I honestly don't think Aziraphale is really that angry *with Crowley* at this point-- I think he's just angry. He's reached his limit and then some. He has a lot of simmering, under the surface rage on a good day that only bubbles over when he's stressed by a situation he can't control and here is the ultimate one, really. He's a little mad at Crowley because they've waited countless years for that and in an argument, while ironically probably kind of perfect for them, is not really how *either* of them wanted it to be... but, mostly, Aziraphale is just angry that he can't have any of those moments at all. That they're out of time. That they had all this time and they never really could be safely together and that he's been haunted for six thousand years of the image of his fluffy cloud of redheaded sunshine, bloodied and stricken, and then tossed to Hell while Aziraphale was powerless to stop it. He's never seen those eyes since and he loves the snake ones. He loves all of Crowley with all he has but he's never been allowed to *have* him and never felt safe enough to try and now it's all over. And he still has to make Crowley fucking leave this bookshop for his plan of self-sacrifice to fucking work here so...
...I forgive you. It's the worst thing he can think of. The thing Crowley always hates. The thing that he knows makes Crowley feel lesser and demonic, even if Aziraphale has always, always meant it as an I love you. He even spits it out to Crowley with an almost self-deprecating, referential tone to it-- like "here we go again-- you say you love me and I say 'I forgive you' because I can't say anything else, can I?" The anger is laced underneath it and all the pain but he's intentionally referencing how this this the thing he says whenever Crowley says they can be their own side. He's trying to claim that nothing has changed in all of these years, when they both know that everything has changed since S1 and the bandstand. That's what makes it hurt both of them even more. Aziraphale chooses to say "I forgive you" because he knows that Crowley has never heard it for how Aziraphale means it and Aziraphale is a little bitter about it and lets it show in the moment, since Aziraphale's I forgive you always really means...
I can't stand to see you in pain and if there's any power in me as an angel to stop it, then I will do that so I forgive you and may that make it easier, may that make it all okay, even though I know it won't.
And just before saying I forgive you, Aziraphale's mouth works and he almost-- almost-- says I love you instead... what Crowley would really give anything to hear.
You can see the 'l' forming there, the beginning of "love", what he *really* wanted to say... what Crowley himself didn't even actually explicitly say. Crowley said it without saying it. He called them a couple without saying that word, asked for eternity without fully asking for it, said he loved him by acknowledging that they had both been pretending, but Crowley was terrified and so he said the things in a way that made it obvious what he was saying and asking for but, so unused to not speaking in code are they, that Crowley didn't say he loved Aziraphale, not directly. He did say it. He just didn't say it in those words.
And for a second, Aziraphale almost does.
He can't stand that he's breaking Crowley's heart. He can't stand that Crowley has kissed him and Aziraphale only briefly kissed him back, only barely touched him, when he really wanted to go at him like an ox rib and never let him go, and he starts to say the truth because no part of him really *wants* to be lying like this to Crowley. But he stops. And not even just because he needs Crowley to leave the shop to save his life but because, in the last four minutes, Crowley has confessed love and proposed and they've kissed and Aziraphale, pretty sure he actually died somewhere in the middle there and he's now stuck somewhere in one of Dante's worst circles of Hell lol, just cannot *also* have this be the moment where he says "I love you" to Crowley.
It's not even false hope that maybe they'll somehow have more time. With Heaven breathing down his neck in the form of The Metatron, Aziraphale has no real hope of that. He just always dreamed of telling him and not like this. He doesn't want Crowley to hear it like this, either, not as a part of a rejection. The anger, instead, surfaces, because why can't he and Crowley just *have* this?! How the hell did Gabriel and Beezlebub get to fuck off to Alpha Centauri after dating for ten minutes when he and Crowley have spent bloody eons in queer pining hell over here? What did they ever do that was so wrong to deserve this? Why was Crowley asking questions so terrible? Why have they had to spend thousands of years pretending not to love each other as if love-- the epitome of the angelic-- was unholy? Why, Aziraphale is wondering, now that they are out of time, did he ever spend so many years terrified when, in the end, it all ended tragically anyway?
How many of those years could Aziraphale have spent loving Crowley the way they ought to have been able to have and denied themselves of for so long?
And then Crowley finally does it. Tells him "don't bother" about the forgiveness-- about the love, as Aziraphale has always meant it-- and he leaves. It worked. The anger and pain and saying "I forgive you" after that kiss... it worked. And Crowley leaves and Aziraphale, alone, is a complete mess of broken and furious and broken some more.
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Crowley, as we know, doesn't get to see this moment. Muriel does! Great for fic! Hilarious by show standards that the new angel who is literally being ordered to take over Aziraphale's home against his will is who witnesses the aftermath of the intimate moment our angel has been craving, oh, just since before the dawn of humanity over here.
He touches his lips, his hand trembles... have you all noticed that Aziraphale is literally fucking *tasting and eating* what of himself Crowley left in his mouth here? He's pulling every bit of Crowley to his tongue from his teeth and *swallowing*, like he knows it's all of him he'll ever again be able to consume, like he's committing how he tastes to memory for the last like, who knows, ten? fifteen? twenty minutes? of his own existence that he knows he probably has left...
Jesus fucking Christ, Michael Sheen...
This is all without yet mentioning the single most under-analyzed line in S2 that calls into question a ton of stuff, which is this beauty from Shax, right off the top of 2.01:
"Beezlebub's put some of the lesser demons on half-rations."
What does this have to do with Aziraphale consuming Crowley's kiss like it's the most scrumptious thing he's ever tasted (because it is) and being furious that it'll be their last?
Because that Shax line casually confirms that demons eat. Do they eat human food or some sort of demon food or both? Who knows, really, but they're *supposed* to eat. Ok, but is it just a demon thing? No, because it ties to Crowley's comments in S1 about how he complained that the food wasn't really that good lately when hanging out with Lucifer and The Gang, which then implies that, at least back then, *angels* ate, too. Eating was a normal thing. Over time, though, we know that the higher angels have come to see eating as human and pedestrian and not something befitting of an angel. Some demons eat-- even Crowley eats, if less than and differently than Aziraphale-- but the angels think it's beneath them and if we have confirmation via Shax in S2 that they are supposed to be eating and basically only don't die because they're immortal beings and not human, even if they have human corporations, then the show is saying that all of these angels are fucking starving themselves.
They're doing what they're told and denying their own nature and their own needs in the process.
S2 also shows that with the ox rib, right?
Aziraphale went *at* that thing. He'd never eaten at all in a couple thousand years after being told it was un-angelic and so when he tasted food for the first time, he went so overboard that he's been Mr. Prim and Proper with his napkins and table etiquette ever since out of embarrassment over Crowley watching him food orgasm once-- and that's the metaphor there, as we've all figured out. Our show that has a sex worker named Mrs. Sandwich is all about its ongoing food-as-sex metaphor. S2 even opens with the hilarious turnabout from S1 as a "thank you for my pornography", "why do you consume *that*?" Gabriel shows up at the bookshop-- naked-- and has a food orgasm trying hot chocolate for the first time.
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Gabe, babe, Aziraphale does not need the play-by-play here....
Mah point is... mah point is that Tumblr is maxing me at 30 images per post and so you'll just have to picture Crowley slurring "dolphins" while I get to my actual point here...
Mah point is while this is a whole separate analysis almost and one that many of you have already done in different ways re: food & sex on the show, my point here is that starving yourself of food in Good Omens is analogous to being touch-starved or love-deprived and before someone yells at me about how angelic beings don't necessarily need sex or are by nature not into sex unless they make an Effort, I agree with you and Neil Gaiman. I'm just also saying the show is suggesting that they all have human corporations and that many of those human corporations are not sex-averse so for those of them that are not, they're literally out here touch-starved and/or sex-starved here in different ways. But, you say, maybe Crowley is hungry (goodness knows, Crowley *is hungry* lol) but Aziraphale eats all the time!
Yeah. Aziraphale eats *food*, all the time. But he isn't touched all the time. He doesn't have sex all the time. He isn't kissed all the time. The 2.06 scene shows him *physically* making that metaphor of food and sex real for us-- we watch him *consume* what remains of Crowley's kiss--showing that he's desperate for it and deprived of it. He's starved for it, to a point of trembling hands and rolling every bit of Crowley's lingering taste around his mouth like he's taking on every last bite of the best crepe he could ever imagine in all his days...
...and then being, understandably, full of rage that this is the only time he's going to ever have Crowley-- and all he's ever going to have of him, when Crowley just offered all of himself-- forever.
And then The Metatron comes back and is Aziraphale ready to go to his death now? And, Friends, Aziraphale...
...is absolutely not.
He's turned away from the door, barely containing tears. When the door opened and he turned, he half-hoped it'd be Crowley but it was grr That Bastard instead. He looks out the window and Crowley is still out there...
...he left but he didn't really *leave*... and it somehow then still isn't over and will someone please just take Aziraphale out back and angel-shoot him? He can't take any more of this.
What about the shop? he asks, in a moment of desperation and terror over what's to come and some blind, stupid hope that he can somehow get out of all of this with him and Crowley still alive and The Metatron, who anticipated this, tells him Muriel lives here now. Aziraphale looks around the home he's made for him and Crowley for the last 223 years and his favorite books and possessions. Crowley's hat from 1941 is on the hat stand, the horse statue is where Crowley put his glasses back when he trusted him, back when he let Aziraphale see his pretty yellow eyes whenever Aziraphale wanted in recent years... before he just put his glasses back on now and closed himself off again.
Aziraphale is never going to see those eyes he loves again. He didn't even get to kiss Crowley without the sunglasses on before it was all over.
Even Gabriel had something to take up to Heaven with him to remind him of the demon he loved but Aziraphale goes to Heaven and to his death empty-handed because he pushed Crowley away to save him from all of this and, in the final push, he looks at Crowley standing there by The Bentley, all that secretly optimistic, beautiful, romantic hope about him still in him from the angel Aziraphale first met, all the awareness there of Aziraphale-- the only being who really knows him-- and so he's still waiting, still hoping. It goes back a few hours to the ball.
I'll be back. I won't leave you on your own.
But it's Aziraphale's call now and he gets into the elevator. The Metatron wins because Aziraphale's love for Crowley wins. He'll die before he lets anything happen to him, even if he wants to run to that car and to him but where would they run *to*? There's no place to go. Crowley has always been wrong about that. They can't go off together. There's no place safe from Heaven for them.
So Aziraphale gets into the elevator at The Dirty Donkey, leaving Crowley alone in the street once again, just with less hope this time than in 1967.
So Aziraphale leaves the bookshop this time, instead of going into it like he did in S1, when he left Crowley in the street, standing beside The Bentley, while clutching a different book this time-- Agnes Nutter's prophecies in his hand versus The Book of Life and its threatened erasure hanging over Aziraphale like the specter that it is. What was predicted about the future versus erasure from the past and all time. Nothing to see here, Crowley! Everything is as it's seems.
Everything is tickety-boo!
Yes, which is also what Aziraphale-as-Crowley said... when he was kidnapped by Heaven and Hell in S1, remember? When he was taken from Earth to be sentenced to death... along *with* Crowley.
This time, Aziraphale is shutting Crowley out again. Telling him 'mind how you go' again, this time a bit more, uh, emphatically lol. And on their heels, again, the end of the world. Arma-bloody-geddon 2.0: The Second Coming.
Aziraphale heard The Metatron saying that was the plan-- as, of course, our villain walked away and meant for it not to be totally heard, further implying that they have no plans to really make Aziraphale the Supreme Archangel and that this is all a remix of Fraulein Greta Klauschmidt. That then makes this all somehow *even worse*... because now Aziraphale gets in the elevator to ride up to his death to save Crowley but now he knows that it was all for nothing.
War is coming. The planet they love will be destroyed. Crowley, if he knows him well enough, will likely die trying to save it. When he does, he'll still be damned to Hell for all of eternity while Aziraphale thinks he likely won't exist at all once he makes it upstairs and Michael finally gets to Book of Life him. Let the other angels think he's been played for a sucker. Better they think him a fool than that they come for Crowley.
He doesn't want to Fall and doesn't wish for it. If they take his memories as punishment, and they almost certainly will, he won't remember any of the moments he spent with Crowley and even if they could have eternity together in Hell if the world is destroyed, he wouldn't wish Crowley the pain of being around him when he didn't remember anything.
Aziraphale only finding out about The Second Coming in the moment before he gets on the elevator-- *after* everything happens with Crowley-- is a million times worse because now Aziraphale is riding to his death knowing that everything they've done in six thousand years doesn't matter and that the events of S1 didn't matter because all it did was delay the inevitable end of the world and everything Aziraphale loves is about to be destroyed.
That, apparently, was God's ineffable, Great Plan.
All of that is what is on Aziraphale's face on the ride up to Heaven in the final splitscreen.
In that splitscreen, Crowley, for what it's worth, is visually echoing the driving back from Tadfield bit that leads to the "tickety-boo" moment of Aziraphale lying to him by omission. He looks close to a parallel to the S1 moment where he suddenly yelled:
They're what water slides off of. In this context? They were also the thing itching at the back of Crowley's mind-- the not quite right thing, the puzzle he couldn't quite figure out, the question he coudln't yet quite answer... until he could. That's positive, actually. It means there might be something for him to realize, even if that realization might come too late in the short term. (They will solve everything and be fine, memory-intact, immortal beings in love who go off together by the end of it. This is all just until then.)
Ducks are also, sort of, the be all and end all of Good Omens. Crowley knows how to take care of them, after all, when others do not. You feed them frozen peas-- they are good for them and they love them, too. (Don't feed him coffee, you Metatron idiot! He only ever drank one mug of it in S1 and it led to the *points above* see: tickety-boo Aziraphale lying to Crowley paralleling sequence of scenes.) [The "do you have one, single, better idea?" scene is Aziraphale drinking coffee, for reference.]
So, yeah, by comparison here... Aziraphale, you are a duck lol. You have been fed bread by idiots for far too long when, really, you need to be eating frozen peas. Crowley knows this and he knows how to take care of you. With any luck, he's about to have his duck-moment-paralleling epiphany any moment now, though I fear you're already going to be memory-wiped and fallen to Hell when he does. That's okay, though, because this is the main scene that still needs a go-around in paralleling and we know Crowley knows where the dungeons are down there from unfortunate, personal experience.
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Cottage in the south downs, cottage in the south downs, cottage in the south downs, cottage....
Notes: Hi! If you have made it all the way here, thank you for reading. I hope it was worth the read for you. You all write such great stuff that I felt inspired to put my lit and film studies and psych background to use and jump in a bit. Thanks for indulging me. I also wish to note that there is a gif above that is by @fuckyeahgoodomens but for some reason, the credit was not working properly so I just wanted to make sure you knew who was providing us the visual joy.
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