#konig childhood
gremlinmodetweeker · 17 days
König's Little Quirks (Pt. 1)
I was just chilling in my room when I got to thinking about some weird little things that König probably does, or just little traits about him. I think he is a bit of a cryptid of a human being but I love him dearly, so he's some cute little facts about König.
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A few little fun facts about König
He speaks multiple languages
German, English, French, are pretty expected of him, but he’s also picked up a bit of Hungarian and Korean. Hungarian because of the shared border with Hungary, and Korean because drunk Horangi is determined to train König to be an actually adequately socialized human being and that starts with learning Korean apparently
König does not like being mistaken for being German. Part of this is just generally how Austrians aren’t too fond of Germans, but mostly it’s because König doesn’t like how people just can’t tell the difference and mix up the stereotypes
He also does have a bone to pick with Germany because during the German occupation of Austria, his grandfather had to leave the military and take a low-paying job in his home village
König is surprisingly conscious of his health, despite what he eats. He’ll go out of his way to eat healthy when he can, but when he gets too hungry he’s pretty quick to turn to binging
A part of why König is so concerned is that he was a chubby kid and a lot of people made fun of him for his size, so he’s always tried to focus on keeping himself in shape so he will never have to face those comments again
That said, König has a soft spot for sweets. A part of the reason he lives such an active lifestyle is so he can excuse eating more sweets
König’s favourite exercise is hiking, or if he gets a chance, mountain-climbing. He loves a full body exercise that keeps him fully occupied. He used to climb trees when he was a teenager (he learned fat kids aren’t supposed to climb trees, but a lanky teen isn’t such a problem apparently)
He has a strange habit of being in places he’s not supposed to be. It’s incredibly hard to find him because you just have no clue where he’ll be. He’s been found hanging upside down from tree branches before, or up in the rafters of a ceiling. He’s like a cat in how he crams himself into places he Should Not Fit
Speaking of cats, König loves cats. He’s a huge cat person. He has a slight fear of dogs after dealing with dogs in the military, so he’s a major cat person
What he likes more than cats are lizards. König’s dream pet is a monitor lizard. Either that or a massive tegu. He really likes giant lizards. He likes how friendly and quiet they are, and he likes the idea of walking a lizard down the street.
König doesn’t like aquariums. Not because he doesn’t like how they look, he can appreciate a beautiful aquarium, but simply because he finds the sound of a running filter drives him nuts
König is very fussy about noises in his home. He hates anything droning or high-pitched, and you could probably set off his PTSD with a loud sudden noise, so he tries to keep certain sounds to a minimum. He can tolerate the hum of a fridge, but he notably avoids vacuuming and turning on the AC in the house. He will turn on a fan or open a window before he considers using AC.
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konigsblog · 2 months
Loser!König still keeps his childhood teddy. 🧸
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cerise-on-top · 6 months
Easter with König
It's another holiday, which means I'm going to make my favorite fictional Austrian go through the holidays as well. First was Fasching, now it's Easter! If I have to celebrate it, then so does König, except he gets to have a better time doing it!
I wouldn’t be surprised if you’d meet his family during Easter. It’s a tradition of his to go to his parents’ home during that time for a visit and a chat, he only sees them maybe twice a year, so he can appreciate having a small get together with them. He normally gets along well with his parents, but he’s lost most of the contact he had with them ever since he hit his mid 20’s, but he does look forward to seeing them. Naturally, he’d take you along for the ride, regardless of whether you actually know German or not. He can play interpreter for you, it’s not a problem for him. But if you know German already? All the better, that way his parents and you can just talk to each other with no problems. He does hope that you’ll get along with them, they did play an important part in his life when he was younger.
König genuinely hopes that you will like the traditional Osterjause*, though. He’s loved Easter for that reason, and for the freshly baked lambs, but mostly for the best Brettljause*. In fact, he’s probably called his mother two weeks before his visit to let her know what kind of meat and sausages to get for him and you as well so that there shall be plenty to go around. If you’re not from around, then you likely don’t know what a “Gsöchts”* or “Schweinsbratn”* is, but he will assure you that it’s something delicious. König could rave on and on about that one farmer’s “Hauswiaschtl”. In fact, if he can, he’d love to go to the farmer’s market on Friday with you just so he can get you something to eat. Not above grabbing some Bauernbrot* and Krenn* either while he’s at it. Mans needs his Krenn when eating his Osterjause. Although it will have been a while since he’s seen everyone, he will introduce you to all the farmers there since he knows a good chunk of them growing up.
Naturally, he’ll be drinking a few beers here and there as well. He’s Austrian, it’s in his blood. Will have you try everything off the plate, from the Nuss* to the low-fat Karree*. Loves having you with him and will actively try to involve you in any conversation there may be so that you get to talk as well. Again, it might be a bit awkward if you don’t know any German, especially since he’s not the most reliable translator, but you’ll get by somehow. His parents have been curious about you for a while now anyway and have been wanting to meet you.
Although he claims to be far too old for that sort of thing, he wouldn’t mind looking for an “Osterkerberl”* with you. It’s a nice tradition that he used to love as a child and he wants you to experience Austrian Easter with him, so he likely asked his mother to hide one for you somewhere around the yard so you can go find it. She won’t give you any clues as to where it could be found. It’s childish, but it’s a lot of fun. In fact, if König were to ask her to prepare a Kerberl* for you, then chances are she prepared one for him as well, for old time’s sake. And then the both of you, two fully grown adults, will run around the yard, looking for the basket. Once you found it, you had to admit it was rather cute, filled with a few hand painted eggs, some colorful chocolate, a baked lamb and some crafted chicks and bunnies. Clearly, his mother put in a lot of thought into what goes into such a small basket. In fact, even the “grass” was made of edible paper, it seemed.
König would feel somewhat stupid, looking for a basket of all things during Easter, but it did remind him of his childhood, so he wouldn’t outwardly complain. Besides, you walking up to him, all happy with your little basket, does something to him. The sight was just too adorable, so he’d likely ask you, the master sleuth, to assist him in his hunt. Once you’ve both found them, you’d return back to his parents’ apartment and continue just chatting while occasionally eating a bit of the Jause*.
Osterjause - Food that’s been prepared for Easter. It usually consists of meat, sausage, cheese, tomatoes and horseradish.
Brettljause - Same as Osterjause except it can be eaten at any point during the year.
Gsöchts - Geselchtes - Salted and smoked meat.
Schweinsbratn - Schweinebraten - Specifically prepared roast pork, eaten cold in this context.
Hauswiaschtl - Hauswürstel - A hard sausage.
Bauernbrot - A special type of bread.
Krenn - Horseradish.
Nuss, Karree - Types of meat
Osterkerberl - Osterkörbchen - Easter basket, a basket filled with easter themed food. Sometimes has a gift in it as well, mostly for children.
Kerberl - Körbchen - A basket
Jause - In this context it refers to the Osterjause.
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xshiny · 8 months
jus forget he was ever in the military or had a tragic backstory, yeah?
When you were young, you had a childhood best friend. His name? König. At least, that's all he'd ever tell you. You never really knew what it meant, nor what culture it came from. You guys grew up together in the same neighborhood, and were always together. One day, when you were seven, you guys met up in the park by the swings.
The other park kids held the "wedding ceremony", and you walked through the swings like it was an aisle. König, who was standing at the end, was awaiting for you with a kid who was pretending to be the priest. You held a bouquet of dandelions the "flower girl" picked out for you, and she showered the aslie with clovers.
You make it to König, and the priest begins. The ring bearer comes up and gives you and König a ring pop each.
"Do you, y/n l/n, take König as your lawfully husband and promise to love him for all eternity?"
"I do"
"And do you, König, take y/n l/n, as your lawfully lover and promise to love them for all eternity?"
"I do"
As you both out the rings on each other, you started to giggle at how silly this ,ade up wedding game was. But König took it seriously, and he happily put the ring pop on your finger.
"You may now kiss the bride!" The priest cried out, tossing away his imaginary bible.
You and König were too young for a first kiss still, so you agreed to kisses on the cheek. The crowd went wild, and everyone was given those barrel buckets juice thingies to celebrate.
When day fell to night, König brought you to a sky viewing field, and held your hands. "Promise me you'll love me for eternity?" He asks, a bit shy but also serious.
"I promise. I'll be yours forever" you promised, not even knowing what you were getting yourself into. You just thought it was all part of the game.
The night ended with the two of you hugging, with shooting stars lighting up the night sky. "Quick, make a wish!" You shouted, pointing to the shooting stars.
König closed his eyes, and a smile appears on his face as he makes his wish. Then it was time to go home.
The next day, you went back to the park, hopping you'd find your "spouse". But König wasn't there. So you searched in the town pool, the library, the playground, the fast foods, everywhere!
Since then, it's been twenty years and you live in a nice apartment with your pet turtle. Suddenly, you receive a letter wrapped in gold foil, and you carefully open it up.
Dear y/n l/n,
We have recognized your request of marriage to the prince who is now king. Come to Germany and you'll be crowned heir to the throne.
Your marriage proposal from twenty years ago is now valid, and you are accepted to be the one for the prince.
Whatever their name is supposed to be who sends out letters to clients for the boss.
Well... this is something new. It must be joke or prank, right...?
You check the address, and then you examine the paper, and the writing. This was definitely not fake.
"Holy sh*t!" You exclaim, sitting down at your coffee table, rubbing your temples. Twenty years ago!? Now...that would have been since I was what, seven?
Suddenly your brain begins to brain, and you think all the way back to when you had your "wedding ceremony" with your childhood best friend at the park, who never came back. You clamp your hand over your mouth, and small tears form. You need go to Germany.
A/n: I was tired and couldn't finish the rest...
Part two??
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vrtvyg · 3 days
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König HC part 1/? - Name/Background
Alright! I've fully committed to the cringe! Imma share with y'all my König hcs let's go!
Part 1 - Name/Background
First off!
General info:
Name: Konrad
Nationality: Austrian-German
6'10, almost 6'11 (209 cm)
Former Foster Kid
Has Albinism
König was born to an Austrian mother and German father. His mother was from a very traditional catholic family, and when she got pregnant because of an affair/premarital sex, she wouldn't have an abortion and she felt she couldn't "bring such shame upon her family," so she gave him up for adoption/foster care.* His father never knew his "fling" became pregnant, so he had no idea of König's existence.
*König was born in 1995 in my au, but the laws regarding anonymous births and/or baby-boxes/safe-haven laws in Austria and Germany don't line up with this, with anonymous births and baby hatches becoming legal in Austria in 2001 and 2000 respectively, and in Germany 2013 and 2000* (Not legally, but they did exist), so forgive my historical and legislative inaccuracies. If you can't suspend your disbelief that these laws/measures existed earlier in the cod universe, you could say that when at the hospital, when the doctors asked his mom to write information so that König could access it at 18, in the case of many closed adoptions, his mother just dipped while they were in the bathroom or something...But are you really that hung up on cod headcanon legal inaccuracies? Moving On!
His mother really did love him, and she feels incredibly guilty, but she felt that raising him in an environment that would condemn his existence would not be great. König is my au also has albinism*, which would add another layer to this, with many who would associate his albinism as some sort of curse/retribution for his mother's sin, which is totes uncool y'all. All König knows is that his mom was incredibly religious, and named him accordingly. König has a complicated relationship with religion, with it both being one of the only connections he has to his birth parents, but also as the reason why they rejected him (we'll get more into his beef with god later, I went to catholic school, I live to project my religious trauma on characters I love).
*part 2/3, will expand on this
König's full name is Mathias Gunther Konrad Bauer né Mustermann. Now let's get into the explanations (with edgy commentary from König on each of them). First off, the reason why Konrad is bolded, is because it's his rufname, which is how names work in germany (according to my mediocre research). Basically you commonly have 2+ first names in germany, but your middle/second/third name is the one you actually go by. eg. Amalie Emmy Noether, this is her full name, but she goes by Emmy, and in legal docs, the rufname is underlined, so you can tell which one it is. Konrad's mother decided to follow more german naming conventions because of his german parentage from his father's side, and because her family was also very old-school. Ok! Now onto name meanings, König knows all of the meanings for his names because he has spent very long obsessing over them, because they're one of the few things he knows about his birth parents, and he finds many of meanings very ironic, and kind of sad,( imagine his commentary is from teenage/preteen König who is straight up not having a good time, and is very edgy)
Mathias means "gift of god," ("Wow! If I was such a gift, why did you use the gift receipt, mom")
Gunther means "warrior," ("I'm the epitome of bravery...", said in reference to his severe social anxiety)
Konrad means "Brave counsel," ("Same as the previous one, no comment)
Mustermann is the german equivalent of Doe, as in John/Jane Doe, and because people didn't know his parent's last name, this is what he ended up with. The né is in reference to the fact that it is no longer his last name, which is explained in the next one.
Bauer means "farmer, neighbor, fellow citizen", and is König's last name once he gets adopted at the age of 17 (and a half). We'll get to the Bauers in part 2!
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matchalilly · 11 months
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This gaming series has always had a special place in my heart for more reasons than one.
In middle school and high-school it was my shit played more co op than campaign in college cause I had a solid group of friends I'd hop on with.
But as a military brat I got the biggest crush on Mactavish when I was a tween, irritated the hell out of my bf at the time to the point he'd start snarky arguments about how I gush over a scottsman when his Irish ass is right there granted we'd laugh about it cause I'd point out how stupid it was that he's getting bent over a video game character, his ma would even join in saying just wait maybe an actual Scottish boy will swipe me from him.
As much as he gave me shit over Soap certain parts of the game hit him hard too.
We mutually broke up before high school, still hung out and gamed together but he decided he was going to join the army after graduating and didn't want me stuck worrying constantly, even though I expressed my interest in joining the marines like my dad.
That started up a whole new 'dig at each other' playfully of course both of us came from military families him strictly army me a mix of marine, army, and navy.
Dad was against his only baby girl joining the military and I just said alright ill just do some form of art than, ended up taking international culinary courses and cosplay ended up unironacally making military friends regardless.
You'd be surprised how many service men and women I've met in the cosplay community not to mention lawyers and doctors, even dentists it's wild honestly but it's neat, and some of them would play with me on CoD just to keep in touch. We'd joke and shit on each other and shit on the occasional teams that would be toxic in the lobby after losing the match to a team mixed with chicks and guys and would scream hacks.
Long and short of it this game is a staple in many special memories for me. It isn't just a game I play for the fun of it, I've made friends, connections and sometimes we all hop on just to chat in the lobby not even going into game. We would just sit cracking jokes and go back and forth if we wanted to hop in a match and go naaaaaaaaaah not tonight, got work or nah I have morning classes or mmm gotta be at base early or I would, ect you get the idea life stuff.
Now I'm back in it watching my friend that's never played a shooter in her life enjoying co op and the campaign and its the best thing to see.
She's a Konig girl and gets shitty that he's not in it much and me and my other pal just laugh and tell her he wasn't in the old games much either, nothing new better get used to relying on the simping fandom for her Konig material.
She even went and started a fanfiction and asks me all kinds of questions, although she had the audacity to call Ghost mean and I'm just like girl how dare 😤
Seriously don't know why people think he's mean, clearly they haven't heard his glorious dad jokes dudes just a hardened soldier.
But she adores Soap too so we chat often about him or she'll gush about Konig or send me mass GhostSoap pictures and I'm just like wow you found that side of the Fandom took you long enough 😆
Even my military hubby joins us cause he grew up playing the games too. Imagine his suprise one year when he came home from a deployment catching his wife playing CoD not knowing I even had an interest in the game.
That was a fun conversation our first year married.
Sat and watched him start the new campaign last night and I was so frustrated that he purposely would get Price killed just to rile me up (even detonated himself at one point) before restarting the mission and say 'imma do it again' only for me to tell him to leave the old man alone and actually do the damn mission.
Sorry not sorry felt like reminiscing, tis the season of recalling fond memories.
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I like to think that König maybe has a pretty nasty scar on his face from an “accident” when he was younger (bullies) but got swept under the rugs because maybe the kids involved had important parents or smthn like that. Would make sense given his anxiety + his desire to wear a sniper hood despite not actually being a sniper
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gremlingottoosilly · 2 months
Mafia!König with Sexworker!Reader who he immediately is drawn to for some reason when his eyes land on her because it’s so painfully obvious that it’s her first day on the job because she’s awkwardly nervous and looks out of place. Maybe she’s also a virgin and had wanted her first time to be special, but times are tough and she needs money. He becomes reader’s first and only client from now on.
Usually, he doesn't bother with virgins. He is bigger than most men, and his size intimidates even experienced women - plowing a virgin would be cruelty to the poor thing and to his aching cock that would probably be strangled by the end of the deed. Konig is a busy man with a tight schedule who can only indulge rarely in pleasant company among his gun deals and drug moving. He doesn't have time to soothe some pliant and poor thing, who is going to be absolutely destroyed on his cock. So, when the pimp - a guy with some fancy title, but still just an asshole with too much money and women - sends you to him, mistakingly promoting your virginity as some special quality, Konig almost has half a mind of sending you back, waiting for some other perverted fool to pop your cherry. He needs to relax and get some steam off, not thinking about someone pretty, but absolutely useless and broken in bed. Then, however, you cling to his arm like a kitten you are, and almost plead with him to not send you away. God, he is weak for pretty women crying while throwing themselves at him. Might actually be some unresolved trauma from bullied childhood. Konig can't let you go back to your pimp - not when you look so damn pretty, hugging his arm and pressing your chest against it, begging for him to just...get this over with. Poor thing, you actually don't know that being with your pimp would possibly be the best solution. Konig is going to eat you out for hours, his anger and irritation suddenly disappearing with the first sweet orgasmic sounds. It still hurts when he actually fucks you - but at least now he has the sense to do proper aftercare and kiss your shoulders as you whimper at the aching between your legs. He knows he will pay you three times more than what your sex skills are actually worth - but he also knows that there is no way in hell he is actually letting you stay at the brothel. If anything, he will take you away as soon as you fall asleep, your adorable, exhausted form fitting snuggly in his arms.
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edamette · 3 months
Analyzing König's presonality
Original post made in TikTok by shikided, published here with their permission.
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Let’s start with the fact that König is not shy or self-conscious.
Social anxiety in his case is expressed rather by aggression towards others. Aggression is his defense mechanism (it is different for all people, for some may be a smile, for example).
He can treat people coldly, as well as rudely, out of a subconscious fear of getting into an awkward situation, of being in a vulnerable position. Of course, he is unlikely to like being in a crowd, but this does not mean that he will start to panic and blush, after all, he is a disciplined soldier.
However, König is active and restless, as evidenced by the fact that he was not accepted as a sniper not only because of his height, but also because of his inability to stay in place for a long time. (This is suits his stormy temper)
His expressiveness is especially noticeable in the way he speaks, and Jim Boeven conveys this perfectly. Just compare the original voice acting by Konig and, for example, the Russian one. In Russian, his voice is much calmer and more direct, more balanced, which is out of character.
König is impudent, proud, sharp-tongued. “Pick your guts off the floor” or “and they said that I couldn’t be a sniper” – he’s literally spitting bile, and this still hurts him, as a consequence of the fact that he’s trying to look like a sniper, making himself a mask with his own hands. This desire meant a lot to him, and this is to some extent his personal protest. König did not fully accept the refusal, did not resign himself.
König is brave, even somewhat passionate, not afraid to rush straight into the heat: “get me back into the fight”, “I’m ready for another round”, “don’t worry, leave the heavy lifting to me”.
However, he understands the advantage his height and build give him and uses it. Moreover, he knows how good he is on the battlefield, and does not hesitate to say about it: “finally, some worthy adversaries”, “they are no match for me”. These phrases reveal a need for personal self-affirmation due to his childhood bullying and humiliation. König compensates for the lack of recognition with arrogance and pride, as even his name (King in German) suggests.
This, like his defense mechanism, can cause a disdainful attitude towards other soldiers: “who taught you to shoot?”, “not bad, I’ve seen better”, “let’s be honest, it’s better off in my hands”, “hands off, it’s mine”, curses are also present.
Some fans for some reason see him as a big child, few others as a brutal killer.
König is a fighting unit, a man trained to kill, that’s true, but that doesn’t mean he’ll kill you for some little thing. He can, of course, but he won’t. König is a hostage rescue specialist, His task is not only to eliminate, but also to save.
Pay attention to his pose in the menu. König does not look shy and cute. On the contrary, his movements are calm, even relaxed, he demonstrates confidence and strength. He raises his hand and points at the player, as if to say “Pikachu, I choose you”, or “we’re gonna make this day”
His phrases sound friendly towards us, like “together we should be victorious”, or “you can be in my team any day” and even “with you until the end”
He seems to be encouraging his comrade, with whom he is now leading a mission. König is closed and cold, but loyal and kind towards his people. Due to his character, I doubt that he has many people whom he truly values, such a person will be very attentive and selective towards those who surround him, therefore he seems to me be a loyal and reliable friend to those whom he truly considers them his loved ones.
Summary: König is an interesting character with a psychological point of view, with his own bee in his bonnet.
Closed, arrogant, cocky, loyal, devoted.
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gremlinmodetweeker · 2 months
Why König Was Bullied/ Why He Loved His Family
TW: Severe Bullying, Kids Being Cruel, Severe Social Anxiety, Growing Up Mentally Ill, Chronic Feelings of Being Unsafe, Unstable Environments Growing Up, Isolation, Loneliness, Self Esteem Issues, Anxiety, Social Anxiety,
I'm gonna say it. I think König actually had a great childhood home. He wasn't bullied because he was an abused child, he was bullied because he was a socially awkward kid raised by socially awkward parents. He was bullied because he was chubby (his mama loved giving him sweets) and because he was weirdly big and not in a hot way, just in a lumpish oaf sort of way.
On his own, König loved to keep his own company. He would make up imaginary worlds in his mind and play with stuffed animals and model trains. He read fantasy books, and became an advanced reader for his age. He loved learning as much as he could about the world around him, and his Oma nicknamed him 'her little Why' when he would never stop asking why things were the way they were. He loved to play outside most of all. Almost all his free time was spent outdoors, and he developed a deep love of nature, hiking and camping.
Kids are cruel, and one kid looking a little bit awkwardly proportioned and being awkward to boot was the perfect target. It didn't help that (especially in the beginning) he just liked to do his own thing, regardless of what others thought. He liked playing with his stuffed bears and rabbits at recess and he loved to read more than he liked to play sports. He was a bit awkward in both speech and body, growing too big for his body to adjust to too quickly and always a bit nervous to speak to others, leaving him a lonely child with nobody to play with. Nobody wanted to play with a boy who still played with stuffed animals or played imaginary games with himself. He was the kid who would call himself the dog when kids played house. He had to hold other kids' coats at recess just to be acknowledged.
König had a hard childhood due to the isolation. Kids got crueller when puberty set in, and they got more overt with their bullying. It didn't help that König hit puberty early and shot up like a reed. He grew strangely thick facial hair for a twelve-year-old, and people would pluck hairs out of his face when he wasn't on guard. After his growth spurt, shoves and nasty playground names became black eyes and rumours traded between classes. Everywhere he looked people watched him, talked about him, scorned him. He developed mild scopophobia, and the fear still lingers with him in adulthood.
König always had the potential of developing social anxiety. Just genetics, really. But growing up in a poorly equipped rural town didn't help. He didn't fit in, and for that he was tormented throughout life. Bullies would find out who his crush was and kiss them when he walked by in the halls. Girls would ask him out, and when he eagerly accepted they would laugh in his face. Worst of all was how they'd torment him for startling easily, and laugh whenever he physically lashed out in a panic. They loved to scare poor König, and did whatever they could to get a reaction out of him. He learned to keep his emotions guarded and to himself, but he still tears up when he thinks about how they once set his stuffed rabbit on fire after school. Whenever König felt like he'd learned to take it all, something else would come along and remind him that no, he would never fit in, and he would never be safe.
König grew up to be cold, harsh and cynical. He refused to let others play with his emotions. He became hardened as a man. However, deep inside of König, there was always a little boy who just wanted to read fantasy books and play with his stuffed animals in peace. He took to taking long hikes and camping outside when he needed time away from home. As a preteen, he was humiliated by how fat he seemed as a child, and horrified by how thin and lanky he became as he matured, so he began working out vigorously and filled out into a powerful, handsome young man. When girls would ask him out as a teen, he'd scoff and shoo them off, even though they genuinely wanted to be with him. He'd been burned too many times to know when someone truly wanted him. He didn't realize that he was a highly intelligent, strapping teen that had become a heartthrob among some of the other socially outcast children. Sadly, König would never learn, instead focusing on how his bullies would mock his height from afar (they'd long since learned that fighting a 200 lb young man who learned to fight from a war vet was not a good idea after all). But no matter how much König tried to get out from under their thumb, his bullies ruled his life.
But while school was a battleground, every day this brave little soldier would march home into his mother's open arms. His father would be there to remind him of how strong he was, how proud he was of his little soldier son. Home was his sanctuary away from the war outside.
König's mother was very much a housewife. A big, tall (at least 6'1) woman with broad arms and a powerful jaw, Annabelle Leichenberg looked more like a warrior princess than she did the sweet and doting mother that she was. She was always a bit awkward in the village, and many other mothers made fun of her for being harsh and dismissive in her exchanges of village gossip. She was a practical woman who had no time for their prattling nonsense. All her time was spent doting upon her loving family. She was a dutiful, determined woman who never backed down from a challenge. Despite working in the next village over, she would spend as much time as she could with König and her four other children. She would teach König to braid his sisters' hair, and played card games with him and his brothers late at night. She made sure his siblings never picked on him too much, and she spoiled him rotten with strawberries from the garden. To this day, König swears up and down that nobody makes strawberry tarts quite like his mother.
Contrary to his brash and outspoken wife, König's father, Fritz Leichenberg, was a quiet and studious man. He was the tallest man in the village by far, but he was a shy and soft man who preferred his books and his record player to the drunken sports rallies every Friday night, making the other village men consider him effeminate and weak. König's father was a professor of agriculture, and so preferred to spend time in his garden with his wife or reading stories to his children. He was surprisingly soft-spoken for his size, and seemed to always be shrinking away from conversation, preferring the company of his many houseplants to the boisterous drunks at the bar. Fritz liked to play piano on the baby grand in the foyer, and the family would gather and sing around him (Annabelle could never hold a tune, but Fritz never seemed to mind). Fritz was the major disciplinarian in the household, but it seemed his punishments were composed more of long lectures and discussions than spankings that the other children at school got. König was very close to his father, and learned from him the strength of being comfortable with his masculinity, and learned how to be gentle from him. He originally wanted to be a professor like him, but became a soldier when his grandfather passed away.
König had a good relationship with his siblings. He was the second youngest of five. The eldest was Friedrich, then Stephan and Lisa, then König (Kilgore), then finally Klara. König's brothers were awkward, but they fought back hard against their adversaries. Lisa was actually rather popular among her age group, and she managed to keep people in her age bracket from targeting König as well. The brothers and Lisa tried their best to protect König, and even his younger sister ended up becoming a defender and prevented her classmates from targeting her brother. König loved his siblings, but even they could be cruel to him on occasion (particularly when they had friends over). However, they cared for him as a sibling, and they did their best to ensure he was always safe at home.
König also lived with his Oma and Opa (on his father's side). His Opa was a veteran, and taught all the children how to fight. He took a shine to König in particular, and tried his best to encourage his grandson to stand up for himself. His Oma was a bit more skeptical. She loved König, but she always worried about him. She would often try to get him to make new friends, but sadly these efforts were in vain.
So all in all, life was not all doom and gloom for König. He grew up a social outcast, but in a loving home. He's fiercely loyal to his family, and skeptical of anyone he does not consider to be of that ilk. He will always be paranoid, he will always be afraid of people watching him, and he will always have that horrible trait of being ruder than he intends to be. But, in the end, he was loved and raised in a good home.
On König's first day of school, his mother bought him a toy. It became a tradition that every first day of school, she would buy him something special. With all the years that passed, most of these things were broken or lost, but he kept the wooden train set his mother gave him on his very first day.
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konigsblog · 26 days
will pay thousands for more konig x bunny reader……
König would love a little bunny. Something he can dote on, gush about how adorable you are with your floppy ears and cutesy, bobbly tail. You're an outlet for his cuteness aggression and horniness, a set of little slick, tight holes for him to satisfy and please himself using.
He's been obsessed with rabbits, guinea pigs, and hamsters since childhood. Owning one made him aware of his size and strength, the difference between him and this tiny, precious animal. How can something so miniscule be so stinkin' cute?!
He'll tug at your floppy ears during sex, rutting into your drooling, sticky pussy uncontrollably with tears staining his flushed, rosy cheeks. He'd just finished sobbing, getting himself drunk and overwhelmed. He was convinced he'd never find love, that he'd pass away a virgin. Fuck, don't you see what you're doing to him? You give him a raging hard-on with that tight little rear and your soft fur, alongside your smooth and supple skin in contrast to his rugged, calloused hands, like sandpaper.
He'll toy with you, drunkenly murmuring through a string of satisfied whines and grumbles. Oh, your little fuzzy tail? You don't want it pulled and jerked with? But, it's so entertaining watching you squirm beneath him, his slick trailing down your plush thighs! His dull fingernails leave indents along your skin due to his firm grasp, tightening as he fills your soft folds with his pearly, glossy creaminess.
You're alluring and tempting, and he's insatiable. A starving, isolated mess deserving of worship and devotion, don't you think?
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skelnexswriting · 2 years
Tall enough?
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➪ | Pairing: | König x reader
➪ | Warnings: | Fluff, best friends to lovers, fem reader, Y/n used, reader is implied Austrian, 3rd person pov, “l/n” means last name.
➪ | Summary: | As kids Konig asked y/n to marry him. But she’d only let him if he became taller than her. Well skip a few years, the pair reunite and well..he’s definitely taller.
➪ | A/n: | Requested by the lovely @bythe-water-fountain , hope they and everyone enjoys!
Everyone had a child best friend. Even hardened soldiers.
König still wonders about his childhood bestfriend. A girl named y/n.
He and y/n grew up in Austria together. They both lived near each other and even went to the same school.
But at the ripe age of 19. They got separated..y/n moved to another city, going off to college and König went off to the army.
But that didn’t mean he just got up and forgot about her. No, he would never. She was the one who was always there for him. Y/n had a kind heart and soul, which only made him fall for her.
But Konig and Y/n were just young kids before. Young kids did silly things, made silly promises. But it wasn’t all that silly to König.
He loved y/n as his best friend. But he also would’ve loved for her to have been more.
Königs still remembers the day that his younger self proposed to her on one knee at the playground.
It was at the park near his house, the two always went to. But one day in winter, when the snow was falling, decorating everything white. König decided to try something. Young König was an impatient child, practically dragging the young girl to the play ground. Once they finally got there he dropped on one knee and proposed with sloppily made paper ring.
Excitedly konig asked, “Y/n! Will you marry me?”
Young Y/n giggled at the boy. She decided to have some fun and only agree if one thing were to happen.
“Under one condition.”
“Anything!” The young boy quickly agreed.
“If you grow taller than me, then ill let you marry me!”
Young y/n wore a proud smile while a young könig sulked. It seemed impossible to the young boy. What if he never grew taller.
“Hey thats not fair!”
“Rules are rules König! Now race you to the swings!”
That was his favorite memory of Y/n, he was surprised he had been so bold at a young age. He thought it was silly but still wonders if she remember that deal the two of them made.
He always wondered. He wondered where she was. Was she still in the city the two grew up in? Or had she moved away, exploring the world. He also tried to come up with ideas of what Y/n may be doing. Had she fulfilled her childhood dreams of starting her own cafe?
Maybe König could find out on this trip back home.
Y/n also wondered about König. The kind, anxious boy always haunted her thoughts.
She missed him. Things weren’t the same without him.
The city seeming colder, without the chatty boy who used to go with her everywhere.
Y/n constantly wondered about how he was. Was he safe? Would she ever see him again?
She hoped so. She hoped magically one day that she’d bump into him.
Y/n wished nothing more but to tell him about her day, how she opened up her own cafe like she wanted.
König was her best friend, but sometimes she wished she told him she wanted to be more than that.
That she wanted to come home everyday from work and lay in his arms. That she wanted to be the girl of his dreams.
Maybe he already had someone..maybe there was already a girl that welcomed him back from his deployment..
The thought hurt. But y/n still held onto the small bit of hope that the boy would come back to her.
Being back home was different from how König expected. Of course he was happy to see his parents, but he was sad to hear that his family had’t heard the l/n family since they left. That meant no news about Y/n.
König still had hope. He was determined to meet with her again.
König decided to see what was new in the city, he thought might as well since he was back home.
He saw on the map a new cafe opened. And by the reviews it seemed like a popular spot. König decided to enjoy the cloudy day and take a walk to the cafe. (Might as well work up a small appetite as well.)
On the walk König skimmed through the menu. There was many drink options like lattes, there was also many treats to choose from. What caught his eye was the Sachertorte (a Austrian chocolate cake).
The Austrian dessert brought back many memories for the soldier. Y/n would always bring a piece to school whenever her mom made it. She’d force König to eat it with her, claiming it tasted better when it was shared.
König finally reached the cafe, already settled on what he’d buy. (which was a sachertorte and a simple latte.)
When he opened the door, it chimed from the small bells.
The cafe was simple. it seemed like a cozy spot to just sit and enjoy some treats. He looked around seeing the various plants and a small bookshelf in the corner.
König thought it was going to be packed but it surprisingly wasn’t. But It wasn’t empty either though. Some people stayed and enjoyed their treats, while others took theirs for the road.
“Y/n would’ve loved this place” König thought to himself.
König walked to the counter, but didn’t see anyone. He looked around to see if there was anything to call someone, and he spotted a little bell.
He pressed it, and once he did a soft voice called out from the back.
“Be right with you!”
Shortly after, a girl appeared from the back. She was beautiful.
She wore a simple outfit, a plain t-shirt and some jeans, accompanied by an apron. Her hair was styled to be out her face, showcasing her soft features.
The girl did, however, have to look up quite a bit just to meet his eyes.
“Sorry about the wait. I’m Y/n! And i’ll be your barista today. What can I get you started?”
Y/n. König felt like he was about to die on spot. The more he looked at her, the more he realized that she did look like the young girl he once knew. Was this real? Was he dreaming maybe?
König broke out from his trance, realizing he must’ve just been standing there, staring.
“Ah. Sorry just..just got distracted. But I’ll have a latte and um a slice of sachertorte”
“Sure thing! Would you like it for here or to go?”
She didn’t recognize him..He knew it was a long time since he’d last seen y/n but he didn’t think he changed that much.
“Here please.”
“Can I have a name for the order?”
He noticed the way Y/n froze for a moment. Like something had clicked, Y/n slowly looking back up at Konig.
“Maus?” (Mouse)
The nostalgic nickname brought so many memories back. She’d given him that nickname because of how short he was back then. He gently smiled at her before replying,
“How did you? When did you get so- so tall?!“
König softly chuckled at her bewildered state.
“How about we talk over a slice of sachertorte, plus you always said it tasted better when shared.”
Y/n smiled recalling the memory.
“I’ll get you that latte and slice of sachertorte right away.”
Y/n never made a latte so fast in her life. She quickly put everything together and brought over the drink and treat to where König was sitting.
She took the seat across from him and spoke first,
“So when did you get back?”
“Just today actually. Saw that this new cafe opened and wanted to check it out. You?”
“Got back couple years ago. Decided to start up the cafe I always wanted to.”
König didn’t know how he hadn’t realized that this was her cafe. The decorations practically had “y/n” written all over them
“Wow, i mean look at this, this place is great!”
The two chatted as if they’d seen each other every day, like they’d never been separated. Eventually y/n did have to get a back to work, but König stayed.
He enjoyed the rest of his drink and cake. Once he was done, he decided to grab a book and read it. All while casually stealing glances at y/n while she worked. He also stayed because he still had one thing to ask.
Timed seemed to fly by. Before the two knew it, it was time to close. Y/n cleaned off everything, ending the day.
König offered to help but y/n quickly declined.
Once she was done, she sat back where she previously was earlier. König was the first to speak this time.
“Y/n. I have something to ask you.”
Y/n slightly furrowed her brows, curious as what he may ask. She nodded, prompting him to ask.
“Well remember that day at the playground where i proposed as kids. Well im taller than you now, so when’s the wedding.”
Y/n couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face, recalling the memory. She covered he face with her hands, silently laughing at their silly antics.
“I can’t believe you still remember that. But i’ll settle for a nice date before our wedding.”
König stuck to his part of the deal. When he came back from yet another deployment, he took y/n on a nice picnic date in the very same park his younger self proposed to the very same y/n.
That one date turned to two, two turned to three. Three turned to many. After those many dates, the title best friends turned to significant others.
König even moved into an apartment with Y/n after a few months of being together. And well that apartment turned into a home eventually.
Soon enough one and a half year later, König finally succeeded in fulfilling the deal he made with y/n as a young boy. Where if he grew taller than her, she’d let him marry her. Now he was taller and the girl he’s loved his whole life, let him have the honor of finally marrying her.
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lycheedr3ams · 1 year
What's under the hood is even scarier
I'm having trouble finding the original source, but there is a quote that floats around regarding konig:
"...it's rumored that what's under the hood is even scarier"
It is a personal pet peeve of mine when people think konig is some shy, subby blushing gentle giant. He's not blushing or smiling under that hood. from his voice lines, he is loud, a little obnoxious, and a bit bossy. having social anxiety is not the same as being shy, and we know he isn't shy from his voice lines.
Konig was bullied in his childhood, and joined the military at age 17 and was literally a human battering ram. This is a man who learned from a young age that he had to be strong and tough, both mentally and physically. this is not a man who is in touch with his emotions (likely) or shows affection very easily.
while rumors are not always true, who knows who could've seen Konig's face? or rather, if this is an analogy for his personality, who knows what he did or said for someone to spread this rumor?
even if konig does submit sexually, it wouldn't be easy. I believe this man is a dom through and through. he's a hardened solider who has killed countless people, charged headfirst into danger, and had to be on his own from a young age. he's a lone wolf, the strong, silent type.
konig knows guns and metal and blood and knives and steel. he's not afraid to yell or boss you around.
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bunnywritesjunk · 1 year
My King
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Series summary: Your parents signed you up for an Alpha Omega Match company when you were eighteen. It took years for them to find your match, but you meet the giant austrian man. Will he be a good partner?
Chapter summary: You find out König's birthday is coming up.
Pairing: König x Fem Reader
Warnings: A/B/O dynamics (Never use this abbreviation without the slashes it is an indigenous slur) 18+ MDNI, Arousal (does that count as a warning?)
Word count: 2.9k
Genre: Mostly Fluff a little angst here and there. Smut.
A/n: ok, ya'll go feral for domestic Konig. Honestly same though. I love a slow burn because I want to watch you guys suffer! Mwhahahahaha. I hope you guys enjoy.
Previous Chapter
Chapter Three:
Over a week, you and König fell into a comfortable routine. You felt like a middle schooler with a crush around him. Every morning, one of you would wake the other and greet each other with a kiss. You'd be lying if you said you didn't look forward to it. Konig made an effort not to be too forceful with his affection, but he can't help it sometimes. 
“König! I have to work, move!” You giggled.
He currently had your arms pinned to your sides tightly. He held you down on the couch as his face inched closer to yours. 
“No, one more kiss Liebe.” 
“I gave you so many!” You tried to wiggle out of his grasp.
“One more before I go.” He looked at you sadly. 
“It's just the grocery store König, you'll live.” 
He looked at you with the sweetest puppy dog eyes he could muster. You gave in and pecked his lips quickly. He chased your lips as you pulled away, capturing them once again before releasing you. You sat up and pouted at him as he put on his mask. He waved to you cheekily before leaving. All the laughing made your bladder urge you to go. You walked into the bathroom and did your business. As you washed your hands something on the edge of the sink caught your eye. His dog tags were there, probably placed there this morning. You picked them up curiously. They had just his name König, no last name. Was that his real name? His company and date of birth were also on there. It read October 4th. Your eyes widened. His birthday was in a couple of days, why didn't he tell you? 
You rushed out of the bathroom and to your computer to make a note on your calendar. You knew Konig was a private person, he barely talked about his childhood or any family he might have. You didn't pry for these things, he would tell you in his own time. But his birthday?! That was unacceptable. You decided to plan a little surprise for him, an intimate surprise party. Honestly, he didn't seem like the type to celebrate his birthday. Now that you are here, that's gonna change. 
You sat at the dining room table doing a little bit of research on what you could do for him. You got lost in researching cute little decorations and food, you jumped when the door opened. You quickly changed tabs and pretended to be writing. Königset the groceries down on the table and took off his mask. You looked up at him and smiled. He walked around the table and put his phone and wallet on the table while kissing your cheek. You got up to help him put the groceries away eyeing his phone. You didn't know how to get him to leave you for a couple of hours to execute the surprise, but you had an idea. After the food was put away he went to his room. You moved quickly grabbing his phone. It was a flip phone, you didn't know those still existed. His most used contact was you, but under that two other names popped up. Ghost, and Soap. Military names... You decided to take Soap's number down, too intimidated by the name Ghost to ask him. You hoped this person could help you out. You put his phone back in the same spot he placed it and sat down inconspicuously. 
You said goodnight to König with a kiss and closed your door. Sitting on the edge of your nest you nervously composed your text to whoever soap was. 
'Hello, Soap! I know this is weird but I'm König's Omega. I got your number from his phone. I have a favor to ask you if you're up for it. I hope this isn't too unprofessional for him.'
You sent the text, immediately placing your phone down to try to forget about it. You brainstormed other ideas in case this one didn't work out. Your phone buzzed and you gasped quietly. You picked up your phone and looked at the notification, Soap had texted you back.
'Definitely weird to hear from you lol. I hoped to meet you in real life before we spoke but this is ok as well. What kind of favor?'
'I'm sorry about that. The reason I'm contacting you is because König's Birthday is in a few days on October 4th. I was hoping that someone can get him out of the house for a few hours while I set up his surprise. He never leaves my side, so I just need some time. He doesn't seem to have any friends outside of work so...'
'I see, that's no problem love. It takes him about an hour and a half to get to the base. So I'll make him come in for something little. That should give you about 3 to 4 hours.' He responded.
'Omg, that would be great! Thank you so so so much! I'll be sure to get you something when we meet Soap.'
'You're welcome. I could already tell you're a sweetheart doing something like this for the colonal'
'You flatter me :)' 
You went to bed that night proud of yourself. The plan was underway.
It was hard keeping König out of the loop. He was over your shoulder constantly interested in things you were doing. He almost caught you ordering a cake. You planned to have an at-home movie night for him. You'd have to get snacks, the cake, and balloons, as well as make the pillow fort. You made a meticulous list of what to buy at every store and your walking path to optimize time. Making the pillow fort was gonna take the longest. You were gonna make a nest inside and invite him into it. You haven't let him into your bedroom nest officially but you'd like to soon, this could be a good introduction to that. When the day came around Soap warned you that König might be a little upset on the day. He explicitly told his soldiers not to contact him while he was on leave. 
Pissed was an understatement. König was fuming. He tried to hide it from you but his scent was so sour it was hard for you to be in the room. 
“What's wrong Alpha?” He rushed through the apartment almost stomping. 
“Nothing Schatz.” He responded shortly. 
You almost felt bad making him this upset. You hoped it would be worth it. König told you he would be gone for a couple of hours and promptly left. You looked out the window, watching him get into the car and drive off. You texted Soap asking for the all-clear. 
'Is he on his way?' 
'Yes, he's gonna kill me. I told him that he needed to come in but it was only for some paperwork Ghost could've done.' 
' I'll tell him that it was all me and to let you off the hook. I'm gonna bake you something you like cookies?' 
'Love them.' 
You grabbed your bag and headed out the door. The first stop was to get his gift. You wanted to get him something he needed but also something sentimental. You landed on a leather briefcase. Although he was on leave, there were still things he needed to sign off on as a corporal. His documents were always splayed out on the table only to be messily placed in a folder. The shop that makes them does hand embroidery. You requested them to put your's and Konig's initials' on it with a heart in the middle. It was in a beautiful font on the front corner of the bag. The bag pick up was fast as it was only a ten-minute walk. Next was the party store. You weren't going to overdo it with the decor but you wanted it to be a little festive. It took you a little while to pick out things but you eventually settled on simple green balloons and a happy birthday banner. You also got a box and wrapping paper for your gift. 
You checked the time a little over an hour went by so far. König has to be close to the base by now. Soap will text you when he's on his way back. The next and last stop was the grocery store. You were gonna make him a classic American dinner, save for the red dye 40. Burgers and American-style fries were the way to go since you were sure you wouldn't be able to find much American food in Amsterdam. As you were gathering the ingredients Soap texted you. 
'König is on his way home. I couldn't convince him that he should stay for a few more minutes. It should take him 2 hours because of traffic.'
'Shit ok, thanks for the heads up. I appreciate you Soap.'
'No problem, Love. Take pictures for ghost and I please.'
'Of course.'
You practically ran through the grocery store to pick up the last items and checked out. When you got home you were sweaty and out of breath. You had two hours to cook, set up the fort, wrap his gift, and decorate. You had your work cut out for you. You didn't bother putting the groceries away, placing them on the kitchen counter, and running to your room. You grabbed extra blankets that you didn't use for your nest and put them in the living room. You hung a sheet with thumbtacks and lined it with pillows. The fort didn't take as long as you thought it would. You chalked it up to your nesting skills. You hung some fairy lights on the inside making sure you still had a good view of the TV. You went to the dining room table and began wrapping the briefcase. you brought a simple brown paper with moons on it. After you finished you started blowing up balloons. After you blew up a few balloons you froze. 
The Cake! How could you forget! You called the bakery telling them you were on your way. You checked the time. You only had an hour left. You left the door unlocked and power walked down the street. You kept checking the time watching the clock run down. It took you seven minutes to get to the bakery. They handed you the cake and you power walked back to the apartment careful not to bump the cake. You placed the cake in the fridge and preheated the oven before blowing up more balloons. You had forty minutes left and you still had to cook. Once you were satisfied with the amount of balloons you placed the fries in the oven and started making the burgers. You had 25 minutes left. 
While the burgers were cooking you got the toppings ready and took the cake out placing it on the table. The burgers were cooked you assembled them on a plate and piled fries on the side. You made very American concoctions of condiments. Mayo and ketchup, ranch and mustard, ketchup and ranch. You placed the plates on the table. You ran to change into PJs and turn the lights down. You found some candles to use on the table making the mood romantic. Movement outside caught your eye. You pulled the curtain back seeing König's car pulling into a parking space. You glanced around once more making sure everything was in order. You stood near the dining room table waiting for him to open the door. The key turned and in walked a very annoyed-looking König. 
“Surprise!” You said sheepishly.
König's eyes widened. He had his sniper hood on but promptly took it off. He looked around at the decorations and then toward the table. 
“You...Schatz, what is this?” 
“Your birthday party! Happy birthday Konig.” 
König closed the door slowly his eyes taking in everything you set up for him. He had an unreadable expression on his face making you a bit nervous. 
“Do you like it?” You asked.
König's face dropped. He covered his face with both of his hands. He tried to hold back the tears but they fell anyway. You grabbed his arms trying to soothe him. 
“Oh no! I'm sorry Alpha please don't cry. Did I do something wrong?”
König chuckled through his sobs. “No Schatz. I'm just...very surprised.”
He pulled you into a hug. “Thank you, Omega.”
You hugged him back. “Why are you crying, König?”
“I've never celebrated my birthday. My parents never did anything for me. This is a nice surprise.”
“Come, let's eat.” You guide him to the table.
His plate had a bigger burger with more fries. He sat down the tears still dropping occasionally. 
“Don't be mad at Soap.” You said. König looked up and furrowed his eyebrows. 
“You know Soap? How?”
“Well, I had to find a way to get you out of the house for a few hours so I kinda got his number from your phone and convinced him to make you come into work for something stupid so I had time to set this all up.” You said without taking a breath.
“Wow, what a plan liebe.” He chuckled.
“You didn't have to do all this for me.” He said
“I know, but I wanted to. So please let Soap off the hook colonel? ” You smiled. 
“Sure liebe.” 
The two of you ate as he asked you about your sneaky plans to make this happen and how he suspected nothing. After you were done you cut him a slice of cake and sent him to change into PJs. You formally invited him into the fort you built making sure he was cozy. 
“Ok so we have a few options, but I also wanted to surprise you with the movie. Pick a number between one and five.”
“Hmm, four.” 
“Ok close your eyes.” He covered them and you searched for the movie. He chose 'V for Vendetta'. Once the movie was on you told him he could look. 
“What is this?” He asked
“V for Vendetta. I love this movie.”
“I have never seen it.”
“Good, you're in for a treat.”
You cuddled him tightly in the nest fort. He fed you your slice of cake so you wouldn't have to move. Suddenly you gasped and grabbed the remote to pause the movie. 
“Ugh, I forgot again! My brain is all over the place today.” 
You ran to your room and grabbed his birthday present. back in the fort, you gave it to him. 
“Happy Birthday Alpha.” 
“This is too much Liebe.” 
“Just open it!”
He tore the paper and opened the box, taking care not to make a mess. When he saw the briefcase his lips parted slightly taking in the detail you added to it. The urge to cry was overwhelming to him but he held it back. 
“I don't deserve you.” He said.
“No, you deserve more.���
He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you down into the nest resting his cheek against your forehead.
“How can I thank you?”
“There's no repayment for a birthday gift König.”
“There will be for you.”
“No no, it's not my birthday.” You insisted. 
“I don't care.” He gave you a stubborn look.
“Be quiet, I won't say it again.” He said sternly.
You nodded. When he put his foot down it was extremely difficult for you to defy him. The Apex rarely used his authority over you like that but you supposed he didn't know how to simply accept someone doing something nice for him. Despite his stern tone he caressed for face giving you sweet kisses on your cheek and forehead. You smiled and leaned into him. You hit play on the movie holding him until you both fell asleep. 
You stirred awake feeling weight on your waist. You looked back seeing König sleeping form. He almost looked boyish, hair messy, and a König's until he woke up naturally before moving, not wanting to wake him from his peace-filled rest. It didn't take long before König's eyes fluttered open. You turned to his and smiled. He kissed you deeply. You returned the kiss with passion, his tongue slipped into your mouth licking yours playfully. When he pulled away s a string of saliva was connecting the two of you. 
“Good morning to you too.” You giggled.
You sat up and stretched. You cleaned up the fort a bit from last night putting his gift in his room. He followed you around sleepily trying to help you tidy up. After you finished you went back into the nest fort and turned the TV on. König followed you in, collapsing beside you. 
He grabbed your hips pulling your ass against him. His hand trailed up your front resting loosely around your neck. König has been keeping his sexual urges at bay, his resolve was starting to chip away every day. He buried his nose in the crook of your neck, the tip of his nose brushing against your scent glands. You shivered and clenched your legs together. You tried not to let his ministrations get to you but it was proving difficult when he knew exactly how to get you going. 
König pressed a kiss to your scent gland and you moaned softly. Encouraged by the small gasps and moans you gave him, he nibbled and licked the same spot.
“König...” He stopped.
He pulled back and smiled. “Sorry, Liebe.” He got up and headed to the bathroom to shower. 
He left you with a hot face and a puddle in between your legs. 
taglist: I hope all the tags worked
@that-fangirl-1106 @itsryuken @midwesternwitchery @hiken-no-stark @rouge-swears @the-chaotic-cow @a-gay-cryptid @wybwtjmiadz @somanyminidragons @tizylish @smutslutsposts @y2katsuki @thychuvaluswife @gxdsmonsters
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peaches-creek · 9 months
“What if they don’t like me.” You say.
“They have begged me for months for a day like this, do not worry my love.”
“So, what if they finally meet me and they-“
“They will love you, just as I do.” He interrupts.
As you walk up the stone walkway leading into Konig’s childhood home, you can’t help but feel insecure. You have been dating for a little over a year, and have a small apartment off base together. You haven’t met them yet due to busy work schedules. Though you did feel as though you were putting it off, you couldn’t help but felt as time passed that they must resent you, keeping their son away from them for so long. You walk up to the door and Konig gives three loud knocks to the white-painted wooden door.
Now you weren’t sure what you were expecting, but with the way Konig explained his mother, you would’ve thought she was a tiny old lady. He had said his parents were a bit older, having him in their late thirties, making them around 65-70 years old. He mentioned two siblings, a brother who lives in the states, and a younger sister who lives at home. His father and mother owned a bakery in town, right near a church. He worked there when he was a teenager.
Anyways, as the door opens, you have to look up to greet her. She had to be about 6’2, with grayish blonde hair, and just the right amount of wrinkles that tell you she has lived a happy life.
“Hallo! You must be the girl I hear so much about. Come in, come in, we have so much to show you.” She greets, guiding you inside, she seems like one of the nicest women you have ever met, she looks young for her age.
The house is beautiful, everything looks handcrafted. Then you see his father and realize Konig gets his height from his mother, his father couldn’t be only taller than 5’8
“How do you like your tea?” He asks.
“Milk and sugar please.”
For the next hour, you will see countless albums of baby Konig, kid Konig, and even awkward phase Konig. All so adorable and dorky. His mother is nothing but kind, asking you questions about yourself and seeming genuinely interested. His father is more quiet, but he has this kind smile that just rests on his face, you can see it as he catches up with his son. It was a wonderful afternoon.
“So you two live together?” His mother asks. Konig and his father were outside, talking about their garden.
“Just a small apartment off base, not too far from here actually.” You say.
“That’s nice, it seems very serious between you two.”
“Well it is to me, your son means the world to me.”
“That’s a very refreshing thing to say to a mother you know,” she starts, “I was always so worried about him, He is very hard on himself, I was even more worried when he joined the military.”
“He is very good at his job I hope you know, I worry as well but he is very diligent and precise.” You soothe
The front door jingles as if a key were being used. In walks in a woman, about the same size as your boyfriend. About 6’9, same red hair, and same sweet smile.
“Hello.” You greet.
“Ah, it’s very nice to meet you.” She says giving your hand a firm shake. She sits down at the table right across from you.
“Yes, I agree.” You say.
“So how did you to meet?”
“We met through work, I’m a medic.”
“Yes, I met her when she had to give me a few stitches,” Konig interrupts, walking back inside, “She was very gentle compared to the rest of the medics that work there.”
“Well, I don’t know about that.” You say.
“I disagree, anyways she didn’t actually talk to me until we were on a job, She had to reset my knee, again very gentle.”
“As gentle as a person can be while pushing a bone back into its place.”
“You seem very accident prone, my son.” His father adds.
“Yes, he is, I think he does it on purpose.”
“Maybe, maybe not.” Konig says.
“When did you get the courage to ask her out.” His sister asks.
“She had to ask, I was very nervous and backed down many times. She asked if I liked tea, to which I said yes, and then she asked if we could go get some the following morning, I said yes.”
“Very romantic.” His mother gushes.
The afternoon turns to evening and it’s time to go back to your apartment.
“It was very nice to meet you all, I don’t know why I was so nervous, you guys are so lovely.”
“Come back anytime, I can teach you how to bake strudel.” His mother offers.
“I would really like that.”
You exchange goodbyes and get into Konig’s truck.
“Wasn’t so bad, now was it?” He points out.
“No, it was awesome Your family is so kind, I see where you get it from.”
He grins, and continues driving.
What you didn’t know, was that his mother slipped his grandmothers ring in his hand before you guys left.
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