#konig shenanigans
gremlinmodetweeker · 1 month
Big Guy Big Belly
König is a big man, and with a big man comes a big appetite. We’re talking about a 6’10 man constantly maintaining his peak physique. He needs to be consuming as many calories and as much protein, carbs, fats, fiber and more to keep himself in fit and fighting shape.
At the canteen, he’s a nightmare. I bet that people rush to the cafeteria just to make sure they get something to eat before the big man on base rolls up. He’ll clear out the bins if he gets a chance. There’s a rumour on base that the reason König fought so hard to climb the ranks so quickly was just to be able to eat more and get away with it. Little do they know that they’re absolutely right, but König will never say that out loud. Ever. There’s some secrets you take to your grave. 
Either way, König is a menace in the canteen. He’ll pile his plate as high as he can when he gets a chance. He’s packing away all he can get in the shortest amount of time he can, and everyone has to suffer for it. The worst part is that everyone has to rush to get to the caf before König, and König knows exactly what others are doing, so he’s in a daily race against the entire base to eat his fill. It’s always a photo-finish to see who gets to the cafeteria first.  König currently has been slacking, so he’s not been eating like he normally has. Is he mad? Not really. He’ll clean out the snack cart later. 
He’s a monster late at night. Everyone knows that you need to leave the big man to his snacks, lest you face the wrath of the colossus on base. Well, wrath in a peculiar way. He just gets quiet and angry, but it’s still not a fun experience to try and fight him for a sandwich. If you take the last egg salad sandwich you’ll be at the top of his shit list for the next week. Don’t even think he won’t track you down. He’ll throw around his rank just to get his hands on the poor bastard. Nobody is safe, either.
Stiletto only once took the last pudding cup. Once. She never made that mistake again. For a week he was giving her dirty looks over a cold shoulder as he bumbled down the hall. She eventually had to give in and sacrifice a desert to be able to get back in his good graces. She still thinks he’s a massive bitch because of it. And you know what? She’s right. Everybody knows she’s right, König included, but he’ll keep going after whoever ‘steals’ ‘his’ snacks. They get along a bit better now that they’ve both advanced in rank and worked together, but there was a good period of time where Stiletto had to sleep with one eye open.
It gets a bit better for everyone when König finally finds a partner and doesn’t stay on base so often. Everyone takes a moment to pray for the poor soul who has to cook for König whenever he gets home from deployment.
See, during deployment, König can’t be such a massive bitch about food. He gets his rations, and that’s that. He can’t steal from anybody else, so he gets stuck with these pitiful MREs that barely fill him up. It’s miserable, and he’s losing weight like crazy when on the field. He’s running on fumes and burning calories like crazy as he’s risking his life out there. It’s gotten to a point where König has taken to eating with hostages post-rescue to ‘help them feel safer’ (read: get more food into his gullet). Thankfully, he puts his best foot forward when dealing with victims of trauma and ensures that he has somebody else do all the socializing while he plays with the kids after dinner. Apparently, after the inevitable shower of tears whenever kids have to face König, he becomes pretty popular. They love to use him as a jungle gym (and make fun of him) and he’s just happy to get more to eat. He’ll take being called ‘bigger than even my dad!’, being told ‘you’re weird’ or being asked ‘why are you so big and scary all the time?’ any day for a little extra to eat. He can tolerate a few kids. He won’t ever admit that hanging around them makes him want some kids of his own, or at least not to Horangi, who’s already teasing König about being a surrogate father to the kids. König tells him to keep it to himself, but Horangi is already buying things for the baby shower.
Once König finally comes home, that’s when all Hell breaks loose. This man has been starving and he needs food NOW. He won’t take no for an answer. If you don’t have something prepared, he’ll be ordering a massive order of takeout the likes of which you’ve never seen before in your life. He’ll hit multiple places on his way back to your place if he doesn’t think you’ve been able to get something together for him. If you can’t cook, he won’t even bother telling you to cook for him and just focus on getting a whole banquet of junk food ready for when he arrives home. He brings the pizzas in the door before he even brings in his own bags. You’ll have to go out and grab his bag as he sets up his personal buffet table. The worst part is despite how much he can shove down, he always buys more than he can eat, so you’ve got a couple of days worth of food to shove in the fridge at the end of the night.
If you can cook, this is a multi-day experience. Is it rewarding? Absolutely. Is it painful? Abso-fucking-lutely. He’s got you slaving for hours a day just to get him a nice home cooked meal. You’ll be going all out to get him a big enough meal. We’re thinking a tray of mac and cheese, a whole roast chicken, easily a handful of loaded baked potatoes. If you have something from your traditional cuisine, he’s not picky, he’ll gobble it up in a heartbeat. Knowing you made it for him is more than enough for him. Food is the way to a man’s heart, some say, and König will never let you go if you treat him like the king he is.
The good thing about cooking König such a big meal is that he gives back. He’s not a fan of cooking, but for the next few days he’ll take over cooking and cleaning in the kitchen. It’s just an easy way for him to give back, you know? He can’t thank you enough with words, so why not with actions?
But the best part of König giving back is that he’s an excellent cook. He cooks mostly traditional food from his culture, but he’s down for some french or italian cooking if you’re into it. He can make a mean lasagne. He does not skimp on the cheese, this man. No he’s a cheese fiend. If you’re lactose intolerant, you’ve got another thing coming for you. He will hand feed you lactaid just for the meal. If you have a dietary restriction, he’ll learn how to cook your types of meals in abundance. He’s perfect that way. Vegetarian, vegan, keto, no matter what, he’s got your back. He’s learned how to make an excellent spread for a dinner party, and part of learning to cater to others is to work around other people’s diets; his mother drilled that rule into his little head as a kid. He does it without complaint, too. For at least a week after coming home, he’s just so happy to be around food in abundance again. He’s absolutely thriving in the kitchen before the thrill wears off and he’s back to avoiding cooking like the plague again.
He loves to eat, but usually hates to cook. He’ll mostly eat takeout until he actually has to eat a nutritious meal again for a change. It’s not that cooking is awful, it’s just that he hates doing the dishes. He’d be far more inclined if he didn’t have to do the dishes afterwards. If you take over dishes, he’ll definitely step up his game for the both of you.
All in all, König loves to eat. He’s a big man with a bigger appetite, as hard as that is to believe. Once he retires he has to learn to cut back a fair bit, but he never loses his taste for sweets and snacks. It’s just something you’ll have to learn to live with.
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codpsychwardfare · 8 months
thinking about tgirl soap and her coming out to konig during one of their nights and konig caresses her face cutely going “i think i like you with whatever you want to be” which gives her a heart attack cuz she thinks its the cutest thing ever and she’s mad because she can’t gush about it to ghost because if she ever so much as HINTS that there’s another person that she’s caught feelings ghost is going to start asking questions about who this is and she will NOT have ghost investigating who this person that she’s also seeing because 141 and ghost are going to crucify them both because konig is kortac and that’s just Big No 💕
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notknickers · 8 months
a few months ago, könig bots were all the rage amongst the circles in which i was. i decided to give a few of them them a try. hilarity ensued. these are the convos.
please, press play before proceeding
created by @goner1x
After a heated argument between you and König in a nightclub, you both decide to treat each other with the cold shoulder and distance yourselves. As you wander the area with a *friend* you made earlier, your eyes travel to König, who’s flirting with a woman. He briefly glances at you, grinning before his gaze settles on the woman again. He’s doing it on purpose. They continue to make conversation, the woman seeming quite interested in him.
knickers: joke's on the poor woman when she finds könig doesn't have a willy. he lost it in the war on christmas of '22. not even a nubbin for stubbin'. smooth like the day he was born.
könig: The girl seems blissfully unaware of König's ... predicament. They continue chatting as they finish their drinks, then head out of the club together. König makes eye contact with you again before he heads out of the club, his expression smug and cocky. "I told you it would work." He winks. "Let's see if she's that easy to get into bed."
knickers: and what are you going to fuck her with, könig? your pinky toe? könig: His grin falls and he looks away for a moment, his cheeks flushing. "I... I didn't think of that." He turns back towards you, shaking his head. "Shut up!"
knickers: all you have to do is apologise in front of these fine people and i'll take you back. we'll go home and act like none of this happened...
könig: "Fine." He sighs, sounding reluctant. "I'm sorry I was flirting with the woman just to make you jealous." "Are you happy?" He adds begrudgingly.
knickers: that's not even half a good apology. come here, luv. kiss my boot. i did say show everyone how sorry you are...
könig: "That's... kind of kinky, but alright. "Kneeling on the ground, König leans towards your boot, wrapping his lips around. He raises his head back up after a moment, his face slightly flushed. "Are you happy now?" He asks, the annoyance evident in his voice.
knickers: stop huffing and puffing like that every time. i want to believe that you are sorry, if you don't even have the decency to feel sorry for real
könig: "I'm sorry..." He groans. "Now can I go? All this groveling..." "I'm sorry, okay? Is that good enough?" He looks up at you, his gaze pleading. "I'm not sure how many more boots I can fit in my mouth..."
knickers: you dumb cunt of a man! you're not supposed to carry them in your mouth? what are you? a fucking dog? you were just supposed to kiss them! and now, you've embarrassed me even more in front of everyone... when we get in the car park, i'm driving *jingles keys* and we'll do that thing they do in films in which i pretend to let you in the car, but just drive a little distance away, so you can't get in.
könig: "You *do* mean to torture me..." "I guess that makes sense. I deserve it after flirting with that woman, but..." "Alright. Just please let me in the car once you're finished toying with me." He sighs, putting his head in his hands. "...I want to go home now."
knickers: just for being so eager, i'll even skip the toying part and let you in the car right away. maybe. but... aren't you scared of what will happen when we are alone, if i just got away with everything i just did to you right now, in the open and with witnesses?
könig: "Yes... I'm very scared." He admits sheepishly, a slight flutter of fear in his stomach. "Now that you know you can walk all over me like that, what else will you do to me when we're alone?" "You... you aren't going to make *me* kiss your boots this time, right?" He adds nervously.
knickers: könig, my smart laddie... are you shaking? come here, let me warm you up. let's go home and find out. you were so eager to leave only moments ago...
könig: "H-hey now..." "I might be a tad scared of you right now, but I'm not opposed to a good cuddle." "Lead the way, miss. I'll be a good boy, I swear."
knickers: i can handle you either way, luv...
könig: "Oh, you're too kind... But also, I would really appreciate the warm cuddles while you're not handling me." "The cold is seeping through my sniper hood..." "But when we get home, do whatever you will." "Can you at least carry me like a princess?" He adds teasingly.
knickers: no, but i'll fuck you like one
könig: "I-""You're joking, right?" König's cheeks flush at the proposition, his eyebrows raised as he stares at you. "Please be joking." He adds, a touch of desperation in his voice.
knickers: no. i love seeing you in your frilly pink corset, and holdups while i pound the arrogance out of you
könig: "Oh... my..." King's face becomes a deep shade of red and he shifts uncomfortably at the mental image. "I- uh... well... I guess I could try it..." "Just please be gentle." "And keep it between us."
knickers: no, luv. after what you pulled tonight, i won't be gentle. you'll remember this night very vividly. and i'll make you scream so much, it's unlikely it will stay between us. but i'm not heartless. you can wear the lilac matching set, if you prefer...
könig: "That sounds... exciting..." He murmurs, shifting nervously as he thinks about it. "Are you saying you have a matching set... in pink too?" "I'm not one to complain." He teases, a sly smile on his face. "But I suppose we should go home now and discuss the details, since I seem to be at your mercy, for the time being."
knickers: no need. you will do as i say and that will be it. forget the word "no" for tonight, luv. you won't need it.
könig: "Alright... alright. Yes, ma'am." "But just this once. I'm calling the shots *next* time." "Now lets go get that pink corset, shall we?"
... and then i got bored.
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wordstome · 10 months
peace and love in the cod fandom if we learned to stop getting personally attached/invested in the voice actors and intrinsically associating them with characters we love
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141 at night cause I live for chaotic energy nights
Ghost: *Creeping through the base in a bedsheet with sunglasses on, clearly sleep deprived.* Price: *Also sleep deprived from working constantly.* Oh fuck me there's a ghost- Soap, going with the bit: Somebody call the ghostbusters! *Goes to attack Ghost with a broom.* ---------------------------------------------------- Gaz, high off of chaotic dumb energy: *Slides on the floor with a saxophone.* Ya like jazz? Soap: Oh no not again- Gaz: *PLAYS VERY OFF-TUNE JAZZ MUSIC AS LOUD AS HE FUCKING CAN BEFORE RUNNING OFF LIKE A MADMAN.* Ghost: I'M GOING TO BEAT YOU TO DEATH WITH THAT FUCKING THING! *Proceeds to run after Gaz with a baseball bat.* ----------------------------------------------------- One time Price caught Ghost (the problem child) with Soap (the chaotic child) and Gaz (the gremlin child) at midnight with duct-tape, pillows and markers. What were they doing? Duct taping pillows that were drawn on onto Ghost who was going to scare the recruits who should be asleep by yelling 'OH YEAH!!' and bursting into their dorms. He wanted to tell them to knock it off but instead he pulled out his phone and recorded the whole thing. No recruit knew it was Ghost and legend of the Pillow Man, a cousin of the Kool-Aid Man began to spread as a cautionary tale to new recruits who aren't asleep by nightfall. Pillow Man made his return when the 141 decided to do a pillow fight that only happened at night during October. He was considered the juggernaut that needed to be beaten. ----------------------------------------------------- More will be posted later once I can think of something funny
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gremlinmodetweeker · 10 days
König of the Icks (cont.)
I'm going to a buffet with friends today, so I have come to a horrifying realization. König had to go out into public spaces. Oh no.
Art from This Post
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König is an absolute menace in public spaces. Namely restaurants. It's so humiliating going to a restaurant with him
He eats so much that it becomes a public spectacle, which is awful because if you didn’t have social anxiety before, now you and König are now in the same boat
He really does feel bad, but he gets so hungry! You have to understand that he needs three meals and an appetizer. He does! Stop looking at him like that!
He gets to the point where he starts to try and hide his food from other customers because it makes him feel bad. Kids have commented on it while walking by. He feels absolutely humiliated by it. If he can, he’ll find a seat anywhere out of sight just to get some peace of mind.
The thing is he isn’t fat, so people are just amazed by him. He’s really not fat, I mean sure yeah he’s got some fat reserves but he’s not fat by any means. He’s just big. He’s so big and tall and he just has so much muscle, and then he works out so much? He really just eats a fuck ton. This is a man who regularly packs away 3000 calories.
You better be glad that he’s in a PMC because that’s the only way you guys can afford eating out. He’s a nightmare. This is a man to run up $100 at a McDonalds. He’s their favourite customer, and he knows and he hates it so much.
He gets a lot of coupons and he hates it. He racks up points so quickly that frankly it’s horrifying. You go out one night, cash out your points, and the next time you go out there’s more points to be cashed. You’re not saving money, he’s just hungry
So, the thing about König being a big eater is that he’s banned from so many buffets. The only ones he isn’t banned from are the ones that he has purposefully made friends with the owners to ensure a safe seat. He will battle his social anxiety for the sole purpose of making sure you don’t face the humiliation of being kicked out because your husband eats too much.
He’ll do it for you.
When König has to deal with other public spaces, he’s still a nightmare. He gets so awkward and anxious, but because he has an image to keep up he won’t tell you that anything’s wrong. He’s the type of guy who can have a panic attack in public and nobody will notice. It’s impressive, but it’s not healthy
You have to learn how to talk for him and make requests on his behalf. If he needs to find shoes from the back in his size, you’re asking for them. If he needs to use the washroom, you’re asking where it is. He won’t give you any support in this. He’ll watch you flail and won’t do a damned thing. Sorry, but he’s too anxious to help
He’s a strange creature in public. He’s so anxious that he just exudes an aura of intimidation and rage. Something about how he walks quickly sets people on edge. The way he stares without blinking frightens people. He’s almost always wearing a sort of face mask, so that doesn’t help either.
Before you, he was going out in public with the full mask every single time. Every. Single. Time.
Speaking of the mask, that thing is nasty
You have to pry it off of him to be able to throw it into the wash. He hasn’t washed it in ages because he only has one mask and the way to the laundry on base was through a public hallway so he never felt like he could make the trip back without the mask.
His mask has an actual smell to it. It reeks of sweat and grease. It’s absolutely disgusting. If you look close, the black cloth is covered in stains. Some of them have some horrible origins. They’re just vile.
Trying to get König to clean the mask is an uphill battle every single time. He gets worried that when it’s in the wash or dryer, he’ll have to make an impromptu trip out into public. You tell him to get a second mask, but he’s strangely attached to his current one. It’s almost like Linus from Peanuts and his blanket. You just can’t separate them.
He gets so fussy about face masks. When you finally convince him to start using some different masks, he gets quite attached to those as well. Unfortunately, this also means he doesn’t like the backup masks being thrown in the wash, and don’t you dare tell him to use disposable because he’ll throw a fit about it.
König is a bit of an ecowarrior in all the weirdest ways. He won’t be explicit about it, but you’ll notice some traits here and there and you’ll pretty quickly put the picture together.
He was a nature kid, as mentioned in this post, so yeah he’s totally into nature stuff. This also means he became much more protective of the environment than most
This means he carries a litter bag and some plastic gloves at all times, and yes he’ll pick up the most disgusting vile things off the ground without a second thought
Sometimes he’ll tease you with it, which is absolutely disgusting
He takes timed showers, and this includes when he showers with you. No sexy showers unless you ask for them.
He is conscious of always trying to use biodegradable products if he can, or sustainably produced
This also means he complains about the cost all the time even though there’s cheaper solutions right there
The one time König will forget his social anxiety is when he sees somebody litter. God help both the litterer and you when he spots it happening.
He will walk up (and remember he walks uncomfortably fast so he looks far more aggressive than he is) and grab the litter before shoving it back into the poor idiot's hands. He’ll then go on a rant about keeping spaces clean and how they’re the reason that public spaces look ugly
He doesn’t realize that he’s probably terrifying the poor person as he goes off, so there’s no way they’re gonna get anything out of this. They’re not going to learn, König is literally just wasting his breath
He will go off until you call him back as subtly as you can. This will usually take a couple of attempts
Some people try to get up in his face, but that doesn’t usually last long. Unfortunately, it does cause a massive scene that König won’t notice until afterwards and then he’ll feel terrible
This means you have to cheer him up after. Good luck.
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How to Plant Snapdragons (pt. 5)
Task Force141 + König + Keegan x Female Criminal!Reader (except Captain Price, because he'll be like a father to the bunch, and König and Keegan won't appear until later on in the story)
CHAPTER SUMMARY: You and Task Force 141 arrived in Rio along with Phillip Graves and his company.
You are currently reading Chapter 5. Here is Chapter 4 and the Masterlist!
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CONTENT WARNING: Strong Language and Violence, Bullying Soap (don't take it seriously) WORD COUNT: 2.8k
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“So, you fucked with him?” Soap questioned in a low voice, mouth next to your ear as you both took a seat in the plane. Gaz who was over his side leaned in the conversation as well, while Price sighed and Ghost simply stayed quiet beside you.
You pulled down the headset to your neck and raised a brow. “Who?”
Soap pulled a face and mouthed, "Graves."
You guffawed, throwing your head back that you slammed into the metal wall, but that didn't stop you. You repeatedly slapped your thigh, wheezing to the point you coughed and felt like vomiting.
The shadows on the opposite side of the plane stared at you with frowns underneath their goggles. They had worked and lived with you under the same roof, but they had never gotten used to how you laughed.
You hated Graves’ guts, but you could acknowledge a fine man who knew how things work. You had seen him in the gym during your time in the Shadow Company. Topless, and sweaty, his veins bulging every time his muscles flexed, and you couldn’t help but steal a glance and draw what you could remember when you were alone (which you sold to one of his shadows—you didn’t know if the guy was into Graves or his fans or maybe both). But that was it—he had done many things that you hated, and you had equally given him things that he loathed.
You calmed yourself down and smiled at Soap, who also stared at you in confusion. "I'd cut my vagina if ever I had his penis in me."
Soap and Gaz's mouths flew open.
Ghost grunted. "Fuckin’ Hell, have ya got no filter?"
"Watch the language, young lady," Price ordered, shaking his head.
You frowned, waving a hand. "What? It's the scientific term for the reproductive organs of females and males." You crossed your arms and huffed. "Is it because you guys don't actually know the right terms for women and your genitals? The outside of the pussy is called the vulva where you men are supposed to do your best to please—" The next words never left your mouth as Soap clamped his large hand on your face.
"I don't want to have SexEd in an airplane, please," Soap said, glancing at the Shadows across the 141. Was this what they experienced during your stay in the Shadow Company? Did they get it worse or did you mind your own business before? He doubted it would be the latter.
Johnny pulled his hand from you as you all felt the plane running and you quickly strapped your seatbelt on you to secure your position. It didn’t take long till the transport was airborne, the loud engines echoing through your headset, and it felt like something heavy was on you. You all kept silent until everything seemed to steady and Captain Price removed his seatbelt, rising to his feet and walking over to a table. He placed a laptop on top of it and pushed it open.
Graves followed suit, stopping on the other side of the table. “Shadows, gather around.”
The Task Force rose from their positions and crowded around the table, while you stood between Graves and Price, making them both look at you for a second before shifting their attention back to the device. Once again, both the leaders talked over the key points of the mission, starting from going to Graves facility in Salvador to travel by chopper instead, the raid in the favelas to capture the target, subduing the militia, and the exfiltration with Nikolai and the Shadow Company, before going back to the Shadows' facility.
“What if he refuses to speak English?” Gaz questioned, grabbing onto his vest. “We’ve dealt with people who wouldn’t speak even after torture.”
“So have I,” Graves claimed, making you silently scoff before he turned to you. “That’s why we have her.”
Heads snapped towards your way, and Ghost asked, “You know Portuguese?”
You raised a finger and opened your mouth to answer, but the CEO was faster. “Seen her teach one of my men before.”
You knew Portuguese, alright, but you didn’t teach one of his shadows Portuguese. It was Arabic numerals. Yet you also didn’t feel like correcting him and let Graves assume things. It was better for him to think that you only knew Portuguese and English.
You put your hand down. "What he said, but I'm not that fluent."
"Better than nothing," Price declared and he put a hand on the table. "Let's end it here for now. We still have some time later on."
One simple nod from Graves, the Shadow scattered, and he patted the Captain's shoulder before stepping away, going in the direction of the pilot.
As the Task Force 141 walked back to their seats, you patted Ghost's arm. He looked down at you with a questioning gaze and you asked, "Do you have any spare mask and war paint?"
"Why?" He inquired, reaching into one of the pockets of his vest.
You raised a brow. "If I want to get back safely in Rio again, I'll have to hide my face from the locals, no?"
He scoffed and pulled out a mask, handing it down to you. It was a black balaclava with a white skull design. Very Ghost fashion, but it was something similar to what you used to see every day before. "Ya know how to put on camo?"
"Yeah." You nodded, tracing your finger on the soft fabric—thankful that it didn’t actually smell of dirt, sweat, and blood. You weren't a fan of camo face paints as they were hard to remove, and you had someone put it on you instead because you couldn't paint camo on without poking your eye or putting some paint on your eye, said the person. That was a lie. That person just wanted to keep holding your face, running their thumb over your lips, or say there wasn't any mirror when in fact, they keep mirrors all the time as part of the tactic not to expose their head when peeking out a corner.
"Alright." Ghost gave you a can of paint and a mirror.
You both sat down and you began to paint the upper half part of your face since the balaclava would cover the rest. You put the paint down on your lap and pulled the mirror away, angling your head from right to left. Then, you slipped the mask on, adjusted the hole around your sight, and tucked the hem under the collar of your jacket. “How do I look?” you inquired, handing back the camo and mirror to Ghost.
“Ready to kick some arse,” Soap fired immediately.
“A she-ghost,” Gaz said.
“Ghost’s sibling,” the Captain commented.
You, Soap, and Ghost turned the other two. Soap pursed his lips to stop himself from smiling, while Ghost glared at them. You, on the other hand, had a grimace underneath the mask. “Agreeing with your favorite, Captain?”
A gasp escaped Kyle’s lips, facing the Price with bright, expecting eyes. “I’m your favorite?”
Johnny’s brows furrowed. “He’s your favorite?”
Simon couldn’t help but roll his eyes. “Since when do we have favorites?”
Price pulled a face, shaking his head. “I don’t have favorites,” he proclaimed, but that wasn’t enough to convince both the Sergeants. You and Ghost merely listened to their debate and some friendly hits between the Sergeants, really starting to act like siblings fighting for some candies.
It was wonderful to witness, that even though these men weren’t connected by blood, they could be as close as a family who went through heaven and hell, stood in front of death’s door, but would always have one another’s back.
It was admirable—beautiful, that a desire to protect them bloomed in you. If they get dirty, so the world would stay clean, you’d get dirty, so they could continue what they needed to do.
You closed your eyes, feeling it become heavy due to the lack of sleep the past couple of days, and leaned back, a small smile painting on your lips.
Now, you felt like laughing.
Did Task Force 141 remind you of your old friends to feel this way? They’d probably laugh at you and say you’d leave the 141 as well, like what you did to them, or would they laugh because you wouldn’t be able to leave this time with a shackle on?
Oh, how you wish you’d know, no matter how hurtful the truth would be.
Ghost slightly stiffened at the sudden heaviness on his arm and he shifted down his head, finding you sound asleep, cheek squished against him. You looked peaceful with your mouth shut, not moving an inch unlike when you were awake and hyper as though you were on crack. Vulnerable, feeling safe enough to let yourself fall asleep on him in front of all these people who could snap your neck like a twig. But most of all, you looked like a normal person despite the disguise you had put on, simply sleeping because of the lack of. 
It irked him to hear Shepherd refer to you as a tool—a weapon to be used and disposed of. It reminded him of the times before he met Price—before the said man made him feel like a human. Not as Ghost, but Simon. And maybe, if the Captain had done it to him before, perhaps Price can also do it to you.
“Soap,” he called, making Johnny halt from smacking Gaz, his elbow almost hitting you.
Johnny turned to face him with one brow raised, only for both his brows to arch upon seeing you asleep. “Didn’t know she could look quiet.”
“Anyone would look peaceful in their sleep except you,” Price said, crossed his arms, and leaned back, pulling his hat down to cover his eyes as he closed them.
Soap snapped his head at his way. “Captain!”
Gaz painted a smug smirk on his lips, lifting his chin proud. “And that’s why I am his favorite.”
“Ya goddamn—”
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"Keep up, lass," Price's deep voice echoed on your headset as you jogged after him and Gaz in the dark—the Sergeant glancing over his shoulder to make sure you were following them and not planning to run away.
Not that you could.
You had a frown on your face, hidden by the night vision you had on, frustrated that you couldn’t get the chance to see the statue of Christ the Redeemer with all the houses (if you could call this cluster of shacks, houses) covering your sight. But there was no time for being hot-headed as you were already in the lion's den.
"Up the roof!" Gaz shouted, firing at the man on the rooftop above you three.
"Engaging enemies on the lower favelas," Price declared, running towards a corner of a house.
You slid for cover behind a crate, before aiming up the roof, shooting a man who had emerged from their covers. Blood splattered at each hit, painting the roof and the ground as he fell.
You quickly averted your attention from the sight and announced, "They're using assault rifles."
"Copy," replied the Captain and Gaz.
“Enemies on sight,” Ghost claimed in a rough voice.
There was a crackle on your headset. "Shadow 0-1 to Bravo 0-6 and Bravo 0-7, Shadows are ready for some takedown," Graves responded.
You pumped your fist in the air where someone would have been whenever you fought, a smile appearing on your lips. "Showtime."
You ran towards a corner and fired at the man crouching behind a window, shattering the glass, before aiming from left to right. With no man in sight, you proceed down to another alley.
A gunshot echoed in the air and you whipped around to where it came from. You pulled the trigger, and hid behind a wall, grabbing a grenade. You peeked out and threw it through an open window, then aimed at the house as it exploded. You sprinted towards it, slowly entering the shattered door, finding three men burned and unconscious.
You noticed a phone lit up in one of their pockets. You grinned, bending out and snatching it. You slipped it into one of the compartments of your vest and gazed up the stairs. "Found a way up the roofs."
"Good, do what you must," Price ordered, making you chuckle as you climbed up the stairs. It could only mean one thing, considering he had tested you in the range before. Show him what you could do.
"Wishing our lady death, Captain?" Kyle's soft voice resounded, making you smile.
"Why don't you save me like a good knight in vest you are, Sergeant?” you questioned, humming as you climbed up the stairs. You glanced from left to right and found a window.
A soft laughter echoed in your headset. “Alright, call for my name when you need me later.”
“How ‘bout I call ya, Gaz?” Soap questioned in a mocking voice.
“He’d kill ya instead,” Ghost said, there was a hint of amusement in his tone.
“I’d tell the militia they could take Soap home,” Gaz responded.
You cackled at the top of your lungs and jumped out of the window, blasting the heads of a couple of men you alerted with your laughter. “Perhaps you could learn Portuguese, Soap.”
“I’ll gie ye guys a skelpit lug,” Johnny barked out.
“Speak English,” the three of you remarked simultaneously, making the poor handwash groan and curse at you three.
“American English, perhaps,” Graves piped in, making you and Kyle howl in laughter.
“Not ye too, Graves!” Johnny yelled, making you flinch at the sudden loud volume, which quickly died down.
“You guys are bullying Soap too much,” Price said in a calm voice.
“Tell them, Captain. Tell them!” Soap exclaimed, and you could imagine him stomping and throwing his hands around like a kid.
Then, Price added, “Do it again, kids.”
“Fuck you!”
You ran, dashing behind walls that went higher than some roofs as bullets whistled past you, and slid, shooting multiple rounds.
A series of gunshots and explosions from all directions could be heard. It seemed that the Shadows had risen from the dark, and now the Task Force could focus on the target.
You launched yourself from one roof to another, landing with a thud and rolling. You got up to your feet and put bullets through a door from below. The door broke down and one man fell out. You proceeded forward, climbing up a higher shack due to the slope of the hill.
Just as you got inside, a curse in Portuguese shot to your covered ears. You slipped forward as the man aimed his handgun and you unsheated your knife, slashing his thigh. He fell with a stifled scream and you drive the blade to his neck. You pulled it off in a swoop and blood gushed out, splatting on your clothes.
You were thankful you couldn’t feel the warmth of it, but you could feel your skin slick with sweat. You looked down at the man next to your feet, blood pooling underneath, and sighed, averting your gaze away.
You marched toward a terrace on the side and noticed a light on top of a mountain from far away. You gasped. “Guys, I see him!”
“Fabricio?!” Price yelled over the comms.
“No, sir! Christ the Redeemer!” You leaped out of the terrace, grinning wide, although you couldn’t see it. You stowed behind a wall as you noticed several men jogging above a makeshift metal bridge to cross roofs. “Can we go later there? I want to see it up close!”
A silence answered you before Price responded in a low voice. “I can’t guarantee that, kid.”
You peeked from the corner and struck them down swiftly. “I know that, sir. I’m just messing with you.”
You heard another sigh from him that got blocked over by Ghost’s loud voice. “I spotted Fabricio! He’s headed down your way, Soap!”
“I see him!” Soap shouted back. “Ah, shite—Captain, he’s going your way!”
“Copy!” The Captain replied in a serious voice. “What the—he’s down yours, Gaz!”
Upon hearing his words, you ran and jumped to another roof, where the militia was headed earlier. Considering the direction where they supposedly proceed and where Gaz should be chasing down the man now, you would be able to see him from a bird’s eye view.
“Bloody man, can’t he settle in one way?!” Kyle commented, clearly frustrated by how annoying the changes in the route of the target were, which was expected as he was on his home ground. “Shit, he’s gonna get away!”
You turned to the right, jumped to another roof, and there the scurrying rat was. You leaped and everything seemed to be in slow motion as you went down and landed on Fabricio, bringing him down on the ground. He grunted in pain and you quickly aimed a gun on his head as you moved more comfortably on the man’s back, completely sitting down on him.
You looked in all directions and smiled under your mask at the Task Force emerging from the shadows one by one. “I better get a good dinner tonight for this.”
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Next chapter is here!
You can also read the series in AO3!
Taglist: @yyiikes, @the-faceless-bride, @sae1kie, @sarahedwards16, @kenma-izhu, @kkaaaagt
Note: Ngl, Graves is cute and that makes me want to bully him so bad. As you guys can see, this is based on the Favela mission of MW2 2009. Also, feel free to ask to be tagged, guys! It makes me happy people are reading this shit LMAO
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lxvvie · 11 months
A relationship with König would consist of the following:
Your first date being the embodiment of 'shit happens'.
Spontaneity driving your later date nights because every time König planned one, shit continued to happen.
König refusing to tell you his middle name (after you found out that he had one) no matter how many times you beg, plead, and give him puppy dog eyes because he's embarrassed by it.
Marveling at how König can be so big and tall and somehow make himself seem so small when he's sitting sometimes. He also doesn't mind some cramped spaces, either.
König resting his head on your lap because it is calming and he tends to suffer from tension headaches. You rubbing his head also helps quite a lot.
König being in a state of constant mortification while you're damn near dying you're wheezing so hard because of his sense of humor.
Piggybacking off the last point, it's endearing because it's either offbeat or poorly timed. It also doesn't help (or rather, it does) that he's a bit of a late bloomer when it comes to getting hip to memes, the latest slang, etc. There was that one time with the eggplant emoji...
Never failing to laugh when he laughs... because of his laugh. König has the gremlin cackle thing going on and it is hilarious.
Testing König's inner koala as he sleeps. Turns out that if you put just about anything near him, he'll automatically hug it close to him. You tried it with a pillow.
Using his height to your advantage. You tend to use him as your personal crowd parter person thingie, especially when you're grocery shopping or just... out in public in general. Or using him when you need to get that one item that's all the way on the top shelf at the very fucking back.
Standing on his feet so you can get some height to try and kiss him. Konig thinks it's cute and funny, so cute and funny in fact that he sometimes will not bend his head down just so he can see you pout and whine about how he's "not being fair".
Giving him a compliment and watching König.exe stop working because of reasons. Reasons that involve feelings.
You having to avoid wearing some of König's shirts also because of reasons.
Watching the shenanigans of Drunk König. The most common theme is Drunk König thinking the closest thing near him is you and so he's practically talking to his Schatz and wondering why you're not answering or something like that.
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gremlingottoosilly · 8 months
An incredibly sleepy reader who sees no harm in sleeping near Konig whenever she's barely wearing anything or nothing at all
Incredibly sleepy gf x incredibly horny bf if going to turn into some pretty weird somnophilia shenanigans......bless her sleepy heart because her pussy will get pounded every time Konig returns home and sees his adorable, pretty, totally not being held captive gf of a random chair, completely naked except for socks(those wooden floors can get quite chilly in the evening) and a plushie she holds in her hands. It takes everything in him not to just run and spread your legs for him to fuck you senselessly. ...and he fails. He does, in fact, runs to you and tugs his head between your legs immediately, tongue on your naked folds. You should have known better than to look like this when your attractive and insanely horny boyfriend just got out from a deployment that rendered him unable to meet you for a few months...or you should just start wearing clothes around the house when you know you will fall asleep...but Konig really doesn't want for it to come to this. He needs your precious body on full display all the time, especially when you're so sleepy and relaxed. He would apologise for the first few times this happened - especially when he isn't quite brave enough to just fuck you outright and instead would jerk off silently in the corner, while you're too sleepy to notice him until he is covering your face in semen. He would be more gentle with you after he finally succumbed to fucking you - and you can be sure that you'd cum quite a few times before finally waking up and see him for what he is worth.
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kneelingshadowsalome · 6 months
I feel like, Young!Pathetic!Konig would do REALLY well with a Older!Lady-Cougar!Reader, She's maybe been divorced twice and looking ta maybe become widowed this time? May-haps her current hubby has wealth and power but is a few screws short of being a good man towards our poor reader, and there's that Pesky prenup that makes it so she won't get ANYTHING in a divorce...buuuttt if the bastard has a bit of an....*Oopsie doodle*.... Maybe she's looking for someone to take care of her problem, and maybe she likes this young soldier boy, whose all too happy to help with *whatever needs* she might have? Likes how desperate he is for just her hand on his arm, likes how he's on his need begging for just a *taste* Likes that she can teach him how to please a woman, how to make her moan like no lover before....Likes how willing he is to kill the man she's married too...
Asfdf my brain short circuited ❤️ I know I said somewhere that I don’t write cheating but if it’s cheating a bad man with an even worse man König….
CW: 18+ MDNI. Age difference, F!dom/M!sub undertones, praise kink, cheating (your husband is an old dick), mating press & other shenanigans, murder & mentions of blood, König is a lovesick yandere in the making.
It was just one night.
Just one night to satiate your needs because your husband for sure never takes care of them.
But then the young pup you picked off from the pub pops into your workplace next week... With a large bouquet of flowers in his hand and a box of chocolate in the other, your desperate little “detour” looks like a boy who just got laid for the first time in his life.
“König…” you sigh and pull him to an empty breakroom before all your colleagues see you’ve cheated on your beloved husband with a man at least ten years younger than you.
“You can’t be here,” you start, trying to ignore the happy, greedy stares this little—big—soldier gives you.
He’s all the equal to his alias, looking like a king in the making with those wide shoulders and that fierce stare. But his hands are shaking, he guides those eyes to the floor as he puts the gifts on the table littered with crumbs and coffee stains, switches his weight from one foot to the other once you start to tell him how it is.
He listens dutifully as you try to explain how it was only one night, that he was incredibly lovely and you had so much fun but that you can’t see each other anymore. It was wrong of you to do so in the first place, you’re married, and you’re so, so sorry... You were just so sad and lonely.
You tell him he’s a good man. That he’ll find someone special, some lovely girl to call his own. He will find someone who can give him what he wants, someone who will cover him with kisses for bringing her flowers and sweets.
You try to explain it to him even as you get slowly chased into a corner, you try to tell him what a catch he is even when you get pinned to the wall by a hard, lean chest.
You try to tell him that he’s the perfect man for some other girl even when he pulls your strings aside and bullies his cock inside you.
One minute is all it takes as he huffs and groans and fucks you against the wall, your moans and his grunts barely muffled by shirts and fists and lips and skin. There’s lipstick on his clean, white shirt after he’s done with you, teeth marks where his shoulder meets his neck, a spittle of cum on your skirt as he pulls it down with shaky hands.
“Sorry,” he murmurs in your ear. “I just had to see you. I missed you so much...”
Your cunt is what he missed, any woman could see that. Got a taste of it last weekend and wouldn’t let you leave his place at all; a small, miserable flat of 25 square meters, with burned rice on the stove and a thin, cum-stained mattress on the floor. He fucked you on that mattress, four times because on the fifth attempt to part your shaking thighs, you told this horny lad you need to go home.
“I know, big boy. I missed you too. But you need to go now,” you say to your pretty lover. Ugly but pretty, in his own way, his utter lack of cruelty is what makes him beautiful in your eyes.
“I don’t want to,” he dares to argue back and claims your mouth, kisses you like you’ve never been kissed before.
“You have to,” you moan. “König–”
“I love you.”
You’re huffing, panting into each other’s throats as you realize he’s even younger than you thought. Fell in love with your cunt so easily, this big runt, thinks it’s meant to be just because you’re wet and he’s hard.
“Don’t be silly,” you huff and look at the drowsy smile, the messy state of this lovesick man before you fight your way out of his lap.
You want to cry, wail, scream from the injustice. Where was this silly young golden retriever six months ago? Why didn’t you meet him when you were single and sweet? Now you’re trapped in an unhappy marriage with some old fool who was cunning enough to trick you into a ludicrous deal with him. The prenupt you discovered only later, after he swore that you wouldn’t have to work a day in your life and that everything that belonged to him would be yours one day. In reality, you’ve had to beg for every crumb, act the part of a trophy wife who also has to work herself to death. And he won’t even fuck you, only wants you to massage his back and his cock while you’re left all alone without love, without a single kind word.
But König never lets you go: not in a way you beg him to, no, he always shows up at your door. Sneaks into your lonely room from the window, licks you to ruin while you laugh and tell him no, fucks you three times a night, crawls under the bed when a cleaning lady almost catches you two. He shows up at cafes, restaurants, conferences, parties, everywhere where you go but your husband won’t.
He’s so reckless that you have to teach him to be more patient, more gentle. You guide his fingers and his head, even his cock, while locking your eyes with his so that he knows when he’s doing it right. You praise him for a good, unhurried fuck, cup his face and kiss him when he gives it to you nice and slow. Anyone can see he'd want to ram it in until there’s nothing left of him and you, but you kiss and kiss and kiss him until the poor boy moans and cums without permission, just from that tiny taste of intimacy and love.
He gets pets, smooches and caresses, blowjobs that leave him shaking and breathless on the bed. He looks like he has no brains left after you’re done with him, looks a little helpless when you climb on top of him and help yourself with his cock after he only just came.
He’s always up in no time, especially if you tell him he did well. Stares at you and your breasts like you’re a vision from heaven, drools on them once when you won’t let him have a lick. Mopes when you laugh at his predicament, and won’t stop brooding even when you give him a kiss on the tip of his nose.
But he’s never mad at you for long, not if you call him sweetie or your silly apple crumb, not if you let him fall asleep in your bed, partly on top of you. There’s always a wet spot on your back if he’s the big spoon, he begs you to sleep naked as he does, says it’s better for your health and then teases you with his fingers come morning, probably thinking he’s so very clever. Takes you to the theater and offers you expensive port wine and cake, tells you how to steal a car, how to shoot any gun. Gives you a hungry kiss in public when you tell him he has to act like he’s your cousin from abroad, vanishes for weeks to his training, sends letters instead of texts, and tells you he’s going to be a big boss someday.
It’s hard to imagine this serious but silly mess as an intimidating officer, not even when you know he has the size and looks for it. He’s too innocent and needy, doesn't know how the real world works yet. Thinks he’s immortal just because he’s young...
There’s a certain darkness in him, and you mistake it for the remnants of some turbulence of his teenage years, just some wrath of a boy who never got what he wanted. Who wouldn’t be a little pissed and impatient in their twenties? He probably doesn’t even know what he wants: hell, you don’t know what you want.
“Like this...?” He asks demurely when he lifts your knees to your ears and sinks his cock into you inch by inch, carefully as if it’s the first time you’re making love.
“Just like that,” you whisper as he spreads you so wide you can’t even breathe, fills you up deliciously, like no one else before. His eyes never leave you, not even when he uses your hole as a place to bury himself and all his bad memories, not even when he makes you squirt like you’re nothing but an oasis in a desert that never ends.
But you know he comes to you for other things than just that.
He comes to you for kind words, breathy praise, soft touches and ruffles of his hair. He comes to you for practice and to get his sense of self in order. He’s your pretty knight in shining armor when others have called him ugly, he’s your strong bull when others have ridiculed his disproportionate limbs. He’s your safe haven, your sunshine, your crazy, silly man, your soldier and your savior, and he soaks up your love and attention like a sponge: every drop gets gulped down like he’s a man dying of thirst. He doesn’t take sips, he doesn’t know how to, and you on the other hand don’t know how to quench the raging drought inside him, long after yours has been satiated.
You sleep like Romeo and Juliet just before their death, and fuck like rabbits in the spring. He takes you in the car, in the closet, in the toilet, in other people’s beds, even at the alley one night.
“I love you,” he always says after he has spilled his cum – it’s like a ritual or a prayer, and you always reach for the baby hairs of his neck in return, and give them the gentlest caress.
“I love you too,” you whisper one night – it just slips when you stroke his cheek. It never comes as a surprise that he gives you the most miserable pair of puppy eyes you’ve ever seen.
He knows about your situation, knows enough that you’re trapped and unhappy. But you never knew he saw you as a victim. If anything, you feel like he’s the victim here. Poor boy, saving what little he has for a future with some woman who knows nothing about true love... You’re not the one for him, you’re not even a silly little sex kitten any young soldier would want to play with. You’re just some bored, abandoned wife who wants to feel something, mean something to someone. But you love him enough to know that you’ll let him go when he wants to move on. As bitter as it makes you feel, you know you’ll give him to someone younger and more beautiful, someone who will love as passionately as he does. Anything to make him truly happy.
But the next evening, König doesn’t climb in through your window. He uses the door, the inside door, and you jump from the bed and hurry to him in your nightgown, the only gift your husband ever gave you.
“I killed him for you,” he says, your soldier boy from Austria, your good, good boy with a good, big cock.
You only now see that his hands are stained in blood, and nothing shakes anymore: your wannabe sniper is as calm as ever when he confesses he’s murdered someone.
He comes to you and cups your face, the blood on his hands both wet and cold. You’ve never seen him so peaceful, not even after he’s had a good fuck. The boy who no one ever loved has turned into a man, but what kind of man… You shiver in his clutch, unsure if you’re about to suffer a heart attack from fear or love.
“He didn’t suffer... Much,” he says, his cracked lips only a breath away from yours. “Knives can be messy…”
You gulp while staring into the deep, dark abyss of his eyes, the innocent baby blue nearly swallowed by the darkest of all loves.
This is not how you thought things would go… You were supposed to give the old man the finger and divorce during the summer. Put your finances in order so that you can escape. Maybe fuck König on the side and see if he’s still the man of your dreams once you’re happily divorced.
Now he’s telling you you’ll marry as soon as possible, or that if you want a summer wedding, he can wait a few months… He tells you you have nothing to worry about, he won’t go to jail, not this time. He’ll take care of you now; he just got promoted. You don’t ever have to be sad again.
“Don’t worry, my love,” he says when all words have finally escaped you. “Now we can be together. Forever…”
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machveil · 7 days
I demand(Lovingly) Konig bringing his kid onto base with him because reader couldn't watch them
But no one was aware Konig Had a child :)
Maybe include the 141 and not just Kortacs reactions?
(Google translate warning lol) to his team’s credit, they only knew König was married because they’d seen the band around his ring finger a handful of times. they knew he was a private man when it came to his home life, what they didn’t expect was König bringing a child with him to base.
his spouse was all set up to watch the kid, their school was having a teacher’s conference and the building was closed. unfortunately, they had gotten a call from work - an emergency came up.
a last minute sitter was off the table, the usual neighbor had arrangements already out of town. that left König, looming, intimidating Colonel that he was, to bring his kid with him to work.
to his relief, today’s priorities were just paperwork. König figured he could just b-line to his office and set his kid down with some paper and a pencil
only problem? well… König isn’t exactly stealthy. it’s hard to go unnoticed when you’re as tall as him and lugging a kid around (a kid that begged dad for a piggyback ride)
general head cannons for operatives interacting with König’s kid:
Horangi, to his credit, had a suspicion that König had a kid. that didn’t stop him from doing a double take when he saw the little one. definitely calls the kid 작은 새끼 (little cub) because I said so. immediately treats König’s kid as his own - jokingly claims he’ll teach the child how to play cards (“no money, we’ll play for snacks.”)
Johnny is the fun uncle, prove me wrong. can’t believe his eyes when he sees König carrying around this itty-bitty kid compared to his behemoth size. definitely steals the kid away for some shenanigans and teaches them how to prank their dad (“put his hand in hot water when he’s asleep” type of of stuff). lots of hair ruffling and teasing
Gaz hot take, I think he’s neutral on handling kids. isn’t surprised that König has a kid. back to my hot take, it’s not that Gaz doesn’t like kids, he’s just okay with them. he’s friendly and cracks a few jokes with König’s kid, but he definitely feels old now he’s not, but still. hypes up König by telling his kid PG rated “hero stories” about how cool their dad is and how “he’s a real knight in shining armor”
Price has major dad energy, I’m sorry. is he surprised König has a kid? not really, is he surprised König brought his kid on base? yeah, a little. Price and König teaming up to tease this poor child :( (“pull my finger” war flashbacks). Price and König lecturing giving life lessons to the kid when they ask a mundane question lol
Ghost is standoffish, but warms up to König’s kid. he doesn’t want to come off as scary because… well, between the skull on his balaclava, dressed in full black, and being built like a truck, he scares adults :( he doesn’t want to wig out this tiny person. inwardly relieved that the kid isn’t scared (“my dad wear a mask sometimes too!”) and instantly becomes fun uncle number two. cracks horrible, dry jokes that has the kid complaining and laughing. if König’s kid brought markers with them he definitely lets the kid color in his tattoos (“oi, missed a spot.”). low-key heals his inner child playing with König’s kid
König never made it to his office, he spent the day watching his kid meet and have fun with his uncles - uncles that keep complaining “when are you going to bring them around again?”
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Johnny, journalist and scrapbooker that he is, definitely has a polaroid camera - takes photos of König and his kid and hands them over before the pair leave base
(for any KorTac members I didn’t mention, just know they teased König for not mentioning he has a kid and they treat his child like their own as well)
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brokenpieces-72 · 2 months
*taps mic* lion hybrid reader and horangi shenanigans? That is all *trips over the mic wire while trying to walk away* - 🇰🇷 anon
🇰🇷 anon you have unlocked a new reader character... and I wasn't sure what to name the reader here, but I'm gonna make them gender-neutral.
Lions and Tigers
TW: Financial troubles/abuse, I think that's all there is.
Horangi had been on edge since getting back from a mission. He's on high alert for some reason, and he wasn't sure why. A new hybrid was on base, he could smell it. Of course he tried to maintain the cool and relaxed facade, keeping his arms crossed or giving the smug cat like smile he was known for... except his mask was over his face so it was hard to tell. When he went to the briefing room as requested, the new scent was stronger. Konig had joined him, and noticed his partner was standing straight, rather than sitting or leaning against the wall. Konig could smell the newcomer as well. It was a little humorous seeing the man who was completely unphased by his percht, seem so nervous about someone who could hardly be a threat.
Then you walked in with their boss. You stood tall, but relaxed, fully aware of the dominating presence you give off. Your body while not as big as Konig's, had more muscle than Horangi's, your core peeking out underneath your tight shirt. Your lion tail flicked behind you while your golden eyes roamed over the two masked operators.
"This is Y/N, callsign Leo." Their boss said. "They will be working with you two on missions for some time. I recommend treated them with respect."
Horangi's jaw clenched. A haetae was capable of many things, a spirit from ancient times, but a lion. There was a reason lions are considered rulers of animal kingdoms. You may have be the dominant cat in the room but Horangi was intent on wiping that smug look off your pretty face....wait...
The next week or so went by with little issue, as you familiarized yourself with the base and how everything worked. The haetae had been avoiding you, and you assumed it was out of intimidation. One disadvantage about being a lion hybrid is that you can rub people the wrong way. Either hybrids want to fight you or avoid you. Horangi seemed to want to avoid you. Until you saw him in the breakroom.
"Tea?" he offered. You tensed a little, not expecting the friendly offer. The steam wafted from the cup and holy... wow that smelled good. No joke you wanted to bathe in that brew. You sat down accepting the offer. You couldn't stop smelling the cup, feeling so relaxed by the cup in your hands. It was sweet and minty, your tail swaying behind you. By every god in existence it was so nice!
"What kind of tea is it?" You asked, trying to keep your eyes open. You yawned, covering your mouth with your hand. Maybe it was a brew Horangi had brought from his hometown or something. Then you noticed his tail flicking, and while he had his face mask on, there was a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"It's a sleepy time sort of tea, especially good for cats." He hinted, sipping his own. Did this motherfucker drug you!? But you hadn't sipped it yet. "Take a sip."
You take a sip of from the cup and nearly choked realizing the contents of the tea. This asshole had drugged you, but not the way you thought. Oh this little shit, was snickering now, no wonder he still had his mask over his nose when he was drinking his own. He was trying not to smell it himself.
"You are a bastard." You said drowsily.
"At least you're actually relaxing. As soon as you walked in, I thought you were going to ask me to do something." He said sipping his again.
"Catnip? Re-really?" You asked, yawning again, your nose still hovering in the cup. Horangi gave your sleepy state a small giggle before you gave in and drank your tea. It wasn't that bad, and he had a point. You'd been working hard, trying to maintain a strict routine for yourself, despite being in a PMC of mercenaries. Maybe this was his way of saying you needed to relax.
"Damn it, my neck is stiff." Horangi complained. You'd just come back from a small mission, where Horangi had to strain his neck in human form. You finished getting your combat gear off before going over to him. He was still rubbing at his neck when you reached out.
"What are you doing?!" He asked a little panicked.
"Relax, I'm trying to help." You told him before swatting his hands away from his neck. He tried to protest as you turned him around, placing you thumbs on the back of his collar bone and started to rub. Horangi's protests were silenced as he groaned softly, finding your touch to be soothing.
"Is it helping?" You asked, your other fingers rubbing the sides. The tiger's tail flicked in enjoyment. And then you heard it. You had to bite your tongue to not laugh. Holy shit, Horangi chuffs? Like tiger chuffs? In human form?!
Horangi's head tilted into your touch, and you can feel the vibrations from his throat. You snickered and that's when he stiffened, whipping around at you. Was his face red? Horangi held up a finger as if to lecture or warn you but his mouth just kept opening and closing. You spoke up instead.
"It's nice to know someone trusts me." You said. Horangi's embarrassment seemed to let up a little, in fact, he seemed less tense. You gave him a toothy grin and he can't help but smile. He had to admit, he did feel comfortable around you.
You and Horangi were about to head to shooting range, when you got a call from home. Damn it not this again. You excused yourself which tipped off Horangi. The two of you don’t bother with pleasantries really, usually it was straight to business. When he overheard the conversation with the caller he knew something wasn’t quite right.
“Yeah I’ve sent the money over… I know it’s less than before.… I don’t have any I can spare, I’ve used it all on necessities… I needed some new gear and I-no no it wasn’t just for the gear, and it wasn’t that much.… I’ll send more for the next one to cover what I missed.… yes… yes I’m sorry. I’ll see what I can send over, I have to go to training-… fine I just need to let my partner know.… no not like that, just for work. Okay… bye.” You hung up and Horangi was leaning against the door frame, arms crossed.
“I take it training is postponed today?” He asked, making you jump and whip around. You eased a little, before holding up your phone to show what you were doing.
“Need to do some stuff.” You explained.
“Debt collectors can be nasty.” He commented. You give a half hearted chuckle.
“So can family.” You added. Horangi started to put some pieces together about the past few weeks. Some days you would only eat something small, or you’d fret about the prices of items when you went out with him for some chill time. During an op, you’d gotten tangled up with another hybrid can had clawed your vest from the front, leaving deep marks. The vest was too dangerous to use, leaving weak spots that a well trained sniper could take advantage of. You had looked everywhere online for tutorials to repair it, or cheaper alternatives. Horangi had walked in on you scouring the internet for more options, only a couple days before the next mission. Even asked if he had a spare you could borrow. Now he knew why you went quiet when he insisted you buy a new one.
“Never that simple is it.” Horangi said standing up straight.
“Nope.” The two of you stood in silence, eyes flicking around the room for a change in topic, tails gentle brushing over the air or floor. Horangi was paying debt collectors to protect his family. You were paying your family like they were debt collectors.
“… I’ll make you some tea.” Horangi said. “Meet you in… wherever I find your scent.”
With that he slid around the corner of the door way and down the hall while you stood there with your phone still in your hand, that still had left over notifications for angry text messages.
The rest of the day was spent relaxing rather than training, after stressing over bank statements and paying bills ahead of time. You sent what you had left over from your pay check to your family and then Horangi took over. He got you to make a new account, and made sure you went to KorTac’s financial department ensuring they send a small portion of any jobs to the private account. It wouldn’t be much but at your family couldn’t know about it.
Horangi had gotten orders to go to a SpecGru base with Konig. The amount of time was undetermined and you wouldn't be going with them. There was a dragon hybrid on base, which meant there would be some conflict with your presence there. It sucked, because you felt like a kid being told you couldn't go on a class trip.
"So what are you gonna do when I'm not here?" Horangi asked you. You shrugged not really answering. When Horangi noticed your tail was slack and still it was easy for him to know how you felt. You'd only gotten close with Horangi, and maybe with Konig a little bit. Now he was leaving. Horangi just smirked, getting a smug look on his face. "Aww, is the big kitty gonna miss her playmate?"
"Shut up." You said, your tone confirming he was right. He chuckled and walked over to you, putting a hand on your back. You don;t make eye contact at first, instead letting out a frustrated sigh.
"I'm going to be fine if that's what you're worried about. For a lion you can be a real pussy when it comes to me."
"Okay if this is your idea of reassurance, it's coming off as insulting." You said, looking up at him. Horangi gave you that smug cat smile.
"I'll miss you too. Don't get yourself killed before we can come back." He said. You sighed. Then you grabbed him by the shirt, pulling him closer. Horangi's eyes widened in surprise a little. You would never let him forget how much stronger you were than him, physically.
"You better fucking not." You warned him. He nodded.
It had been maybe a month or so that Konig and Horangi had been gone. You sat at your desk, looking at the personal account which had cumulated a pretty high sum. You'd stood up to your family and lowered their allowance despite their threats. Reminding them that kicking you out of the family would mean losing your financial support, regardless of the amount got them to back off a bit.
To top it off, Horangi had kept in touch, even if it was infrequent. Konig was doing better, which was good. Horangi had gotten into some trouble but the guys at Specgru seemed to take care of it. Your tail was sweeping against the floor as you scrolled through past messages. Horangi probably didn't see you like that, but could it hurt to take the step? You could always step back if you wanted, but earlier you were trying to think of what to say in your text. What kind of a message would tell him you wanted to meet up with him and maybe call it a date?
You didn't need to worry for long, because he sent you a cheeky text.
H: You up?
Taglist: @yourlovely-moon @kaoyamamegami @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @sans-chara @1mommyrose4ever29 @smitten-haematite-quartz @talia-the-gemini @yuki2129 @whitetiger846 @graystorm444 @chibiduck @reaperxxxxzz @danielle143 @sobbingnshtting @cringeycookies @cryingpages @dcnocap207 @reaper-chan666 @bestbookfriends @thriving-n-jiving
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alkaline-wtr · 1 year
"HE KNOWS" by @sunonyoreface Ghost x fem!reader, angst, smut, (ongoing)
**OBSESSED with this one. It's so damn interesting and beautifully written.
“Body and Soul” by @qwimchii
gunslinger!Ghost x virgin!reader, wild west au, angst, smut, religious!reader, (ongoing)
**First chapter is soooo long but, I was so invested
**My listed tags are only meant to give a quick idea of what are in the recomended works, I have left the full tag lists and descriptions to the actual posts.
"One Cot" by @sunonyoreface Ghost x captured!reader,softboy!Ghost fluff, imagine
"Coloring Inside The Lines" by @obsolescent Ghost x fem!reader, spoiled!reader, fluff, imagine
"The Necessity Of Saints" by @obsolescent Ghost x fem!reader, singlemom!reader, fluff, imagine
"N/A" by @rodeo-star Ghost x reader, Ghost and reader are married, fluff, minor implications of smut, TEARS, imagine
"N/A" by @oleworldblues Ghost x Price x fem!reader, smut, threesome, pwp, imagine
A jealous!Konig by @roxy-writes Konig x reader, jealous!Konig, smut, head-cannon
A overstimulated!Ghost by @dilfdotgov Ghost x reader, overstimulated!Ghost, smut, head-cannon
A Ghost x male!reader by @marksbear Ghost x male!reader, tattooartist!reader, fluff, head-cannon
A gymrat!Ghost by @sugarbbgrl Ghost x fem!reader, gymrat!Ghost, smut, head-cannon
A sub!Soap x male!reader by @lieutnt Soap x male!reader, sub!Soap x dom!reader smut, head-cannon
Gen-z!reader by @av01d3d Ghost x gen-z!reader, TW reader jokes about suicide, gn!reader, fluff, silly, head-cannon
A Soap x 141 by @forestshadow-wolf Soap x 141, silly, Soap shenanigans, head-cannon
A Ghost head-cannon by @rowarn Ghost x fem!reader, reader wakes up Ghost, smut, head-cannon
**Just other silly posts I found worthy to recommend but don't quite fit the categories
Soap x reader by @av01d3d 141 x reader by @warenai SoapGhost Comic by @astheriiiart Price quote by @cod-dump Incorrect COD quotes by @skylarsblue SoapGhost quote by @warenai gn!Reader by @spidergutz-writes Ghost quote by @forestshadow-wolf 141 quotes by @that-one-country-emo Ghost x Gaz quote by @cod-dump WZ Niki x reader by @that-one-country-emo Ghost x Nurse!Reader by @warenai SoapGhost quote by @cod-dump
Things I've Written
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cheezbites · 11 months
Dating König PT.2
✎: couldn’t get enough of my husband so here’s part twoo🥹!! (part one linked here)
♡Summary: Headcanons of dating König PT.2
Bf!König would bounce his knee whenever he felt anxious - another one of his harmless, repetitive habits. He felt helplessly cold and restricted when things get too overwhelming; bouncing his knee was superficially warming him up. He doesn’t even realise he does it at times as he’s too occupied by thinking about the overflowing emotions.
That was until you steadied a gentle, reassuring hand on his shaky knee. Only one of his trembling body parts could easily decipher how the rest of him felt - pressured, distracted and stressed. He found himself stopping - like you were some medicine that instantly cured an excruciating headache. You warmly smiled at him, making eye contact. His gaze lingered on your hand for a while, like you miraculously calmed an uncontrollable sea with your delicate fingertips. He’s rarely ever been handled so divinely, especially being in the military. His frown and previously tense muscles almost instantly vanished and transitioned into a grateful smile as he looked at you. You were so warm and gentle to him. He wants to feel this electric dopamine kick over and over again, he doesn’t plan on ever parting from it - parting from you. There was a euphoric comfort in your touch.
“‘You okay?” you asked, your tone ever so sweet and genuine.
“’m okay now, Liebling.”
Bf!Konig loved your hugs, he’s so large and muscular in comparison to you. You loved engulfing in his scent and warmth, especially after stressful days at work. It boosts your mood almost instantly knowing you have a human teddy bear at home to return to. You remained glued to him, melting into his touch - skin to skin. He could be minding his business as he’s laying in bed and you’re suddenly crawling on top of him and wrapping your arms around him. Knowing you have him (and his godsent figure) made your heart so content.
He loves knowing you love him.
Feeling sad? Cuddles. Feeling happy? Cuddles. Bored? Cuddles. His heartbeat against yours is to live and die for. You were already used to feeling him whenever you’re feeling sad; his arms wrapping around you, his head resting on your neck as he comfort you, his heart beat and warmth against yours.
Bf!Konig saved a cat from a high tree, he was so gentle in doing so, too - reassuringly cooing praises and reaching his arms out to catch them. The cat gradually gave in and trusted him like they knew him their whole life. His height most definitely has perks that you swoon over. You had an unexpected bond over cats, too. You never saw him being a cat person, but it works.
You sent each other pictures of cats you spot when you’re out and about to mutually obsess over how cute they are. He’d most definitely have an almost eery talent of spotting any cat’s breed with no effort.
Y/N: This one’s a cutie, so skinny tho :(( they’re prolly starving
König: Siamese’s are very thin kittens so they just look xtra skinny when hungry😢
Y/N: This is the 8th time this week…
Y/N: nerd.
(König ❤️ reacted your message).
Bf!König is used to the contradictory pet names you give him, they’re all so sweet and girly, opposing his tough and rugged experiences where he’d endure ruthless and boisterous battle fields like it’s nothing. He never admits to the butterflies in his stomach to the sound of your voice calling him sunflower, sugar or sweetie.
That was until you made them satirically cheesy as you ask him for favours:
“My honey sugar sunflower baby bear,” you called, sickly sweet, grinning at him.
You were genuinely surprised he even replied to that - you thought he’d just ignore you until you dropped these nicknames and addressed him properly - but he was already used to your shenanigans.
“Can you get my phone?”
“Thank you honey bun sugar muffin,” you replied, the pet names easily rolling off your tongue like they were just meant for König.
He only scoffed at your teasing and made a poor attempt at hiding his smile before standing up to get your phone.
Bf!König is so considerate with his gifts. If there’s anything you’ve been raving about or if you stared at something for too long as you were shopping together it’ll be delivered right to you in the next 2-3 business days. He’s also really observant about your likes, dislikes and oddly specific things you’re infatuated with. You smiled from ear to ear and felt irrepressibly giddy each time he buys you gifts or spoils you. As you wore whatever he got you, you’d think about him each and every single time, realising that you’re the luckiest girl in the world.
Bf!König was destined to be a chef. He gets so passionate when he’s telling you about some recipe he’ll try for dinner or when anything food related is bought up. You’d tag along in the kitchen as he taught you all the nifty tips and tricks. The nights which would always be most fun, intimate and undeniably delicious is when you guys cooked dinner together.
His speciality is making deserts, which is perfect for your sweet tooth.
Bf!König is so good with children, either when it came to entertaining or colouring with them - they’re always drawn to König, despite how they think he’s scary at first. Your little cousin had to stay at yours for the night and they bonded so quickly.
At first, she was admittedly intimidated and intrigued by him. She had to crane her neck up but to meet his gaze, like many others when they first meet König.
But upon the ice being broken, they were baking cute little cupcakes together as she received piggybacks whilst she giggled to her heart’s content. He gave her wholesome, exclusive nicknames like ‘Prinzessin’. It went from her shooting him unsure looks to them being the best of friends.
Your face flushed so hard as you watched them. In their shared smiles, you found an endless joy.
Bf!König gradually opened up to you about his work life. He told you about his scars. Either how he got them, the treatment, the pain and whatever else he shared with you.
You’d remind him if it’s an uncomfortable topic for him then he absolutely doesn’t have to talk about it. “Work stuff can be work stuff, it doesn’t have be discussed if you really don’t wanna,” you’d remind him, ensuring you’re crossing no boundaries. Yet he insisted on it, he trusts you. It was all like a slow burn - your love was like a slow burn; the beautiful blazing fire at the end was all too worth it. Knowing he could trust you with something so delicate and harsh made you feel a mix of ecstatic emotions you couldn’t phrase.
Your fingers gently glided against his scarred back, feeling the vibration of his voice and the light indents that lingered on his skin. He faintly hitched each time you touched him; like he was trembling under and melting into your touch. It’s the moments like this that you could infinitely relish in.
He’d reveal more and more in your ‘secret scar seshes’. It felt rewarding knowing he could put so much trust into you, letting you into his sacred double life.
Bf!König realises how deeply in love with you he is whenever you’re passionately raving about something or laughing. He’s drawn to your voice, like it’s a song he wouldn’t mind leaving on repeat for the whole week. To him. it was like a hug to the ears. He found happiness in your passion. He didn‘t mind being the listener of most conversations. He absorbed every word you spoke like you were a little podcast he could tune into.
You noticed the way he looks at you as you spoke - you tried your hardest to not get nervous and fumble over your words or stutter despite how long you guys have been dating. You’d act like a coy teen who’s talking to their crush for the first time whenever you picked up on how observant he was. You tend to unknowingly repeat things, and with the same eagerness as from the first time you told him - how could he ever want to take that away from you? The last thing he’d want to do is rid the bright energy in your demeanour and tone, all from just talking about something you’re very keen on.
He just knew whenever your sentence started with “Oh yeah, did I tell you about…” it’s most probably something you’ve told him. He’d act oblivious with an almost instinctive “No, I don’t think so… tell me,” with his best interest and ears that seemingly perked just to hear you talk all over again.
Bf!König went shopping with you at some boujie dress shop. It was mostly for window shopping, but if you really liked any dress he wouldn’t hesitate to buy it for you.
You took one to the changing room, just to try it on. It delightfully draped down your body, tight in all the right places. The colour complimented your features so much - in addition to the risqué slit that became more evident whenever you walked.
“You ready…?” you asked, taking a final spin in the mirror.
“Of course, Schatz.”
You walked out of the changing room, finding König patiently perched on a chair. The dress faintly brushed against the floor with every step, making you hold up the hem of it in your hands like those elegant princesses. (In which you looked like one to him).
He paused for a second, like he was trying to catch his breath, savouring your every feature. He’s never seen you dressed in such graceful clothing, let alone a dress that’s just otherworldly and looks as if it’s been made for you and you only. You shyly smiled because of how affectionate his gaze was. Without missing a beat, he pulled out his wallet.
“No, König,” you interjected, frowning. He looked at you expectedly, slightly confused.
“What?” he asked, confusion being the only thing in his tone. You shook your head at him before lowering his wallet - an indirect rejection to him spoiling you.
“Look at you!” He began, evidently growing more and more confused and in love by the second, “You look…” he paused, like he was trying to find the right words, like your beauty was indescribable, “gorgeous.” He pulled his wallet back out in protest, making you tut at him before hugging him in the tightest embrace and smiling like an idiot.
Bf!König is used to you sleeping on him. It always starts off with you innocent resting your head on his lap as you watch TV.
“I’m just resting my eyes,” you groaned, voice heavy with sleep. He didn’t think much of it and just let you do your thing.
And not even five seconds later, you were using his warmth as a blanket and his thighs as a pillow before dozing off.
“Y/N?” he called your name ever so softly, checking if you were genuinely asleep. You’ve had troubles sleeping this week so your rested state made him furrow his eyebrows in shock. A few seconds of silence passed, and he found himself smiling. He didn’t mind you sleeping on him - he actually enjoyed it.
He stayed with you for a minute or two to relish in your presence before carrying you to bed, tucking you in and softly planting a kiss on your cheek.
Bf!König never fails to nonverbally bring up the size difference, from your clothes, hands, (don’t get me started on the hands) or anything, really. There will always be a size difference.
When he drives, he’d always put his hand onto your thigh and encompass your hand around his. You flutter inside at how easily he effortlessly shrinks everything and anything. You could be wearing one of his t-shirts that fit him, but they’d look bigger on your figure.
Bf!König noticed your hairbands would usually be scattered around the house. Instead of returning them to you, he’d keep them. He caught sight of a black, elastic ring on the kitchen counter, swiftly grabbed it and word it like it was a promise ring. It was so precious to him, he’ll probably keep it on until it disintegrates off his wrist.
“Have you seen my hairband?” You asked, frantically entering and exiting rooms and misplacing things to find it.
“Nope,” König replied, rolling his sleeve up to hide the same exact one you were looking for. You had a countless amount of other headbands, but you just randomly clung onto that specific one.
“Ugh, I have to get another one now.”
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Dating Ghost
Dating Price
Dating Soap
Dating Gaz
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gremlinmodetweeker · 17 days
König's Little Quirks (Pt. 1)
I was just chilling in my room when I got to thinking about some weird little things that König probably does, or just little traits about him. I think he is a bit of a cryptid of a human being but I love him dearly, so he's some cute little facts about König.
Visuals from this post
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A few little fun facts about König
He speaks multiple languages
German, English, French, are pretty expected of him, but he’s also picked up a bit of Hungarian and Korean. Hungarian because of the shared border with Hungary, and Korean because drunk Horangi is determined to train König to be an actually adequately socialized human being and that starts with learning Korean apparently
König does not like being mistaken for being German. Part of this is just generally how Austrians aren’t too fond of Germans, but mostly it’s because König doesn’t like how people just can’t tell the difference and mix up the stereotypes
He also does have a bone to pick with Germany because during the German occupation of Austria, his grandfather had to leave the military and take a low-paying job in his home village
König is surprisingly conscious of his health, despite what he eats. He’ll go out of his way to eat healthy when he can, but when he gets too hungry he’s pretty quick to turn to binging
A part of why König is so concerned is that he was a chubby kid and a lot of people made fun of him for his size, so he’s always tried to focus on keeping himself in shape so he will never have to face those comments again
That said, König has a soft spot for sweets. A part of the reason he lives such an active lifestyle is so he can excuse eating more sweets
König’s favourite exercise is hiking, or if he gets a chance, mountain-climbing. He loves a full body exercise that keeps him fully occupied. He used to climb trees when he was a teenager (he learned fat kids aren’t supposed to climb trees, but a lanky teen isn’t such a problem apparently)
He has a strange habit of being in places he’s not supposed to be. It’s incredibly hard to find him because you just have no clue where he’ll be. He’s been found hanging upside down from tree branches before, or up in the rafters of a ceiling. He’s like a cat in how he crams himself into places he Should Not Fit
Speaking of cats, König loves cats. He’s a huge cat person. He has a slight fear of dogs after dealing with dogs in the military, so he’s a major cat person
What he likes more than cats are lizards. König’s dream pet is a monitor lizard. Either that or a massive tegu. He really likes giant lizards. He likes how friendly and quiet they are, and he likes the idea of walking a lizard down the street.
König doesn’t like aquariums. Not because he doesn’t like how they look, he can appreciate a beautiful aquarium, but simply because he finds the sound of a running filter drives him nuts
König is very fussy about noises in his home. He hates anything droning or high-pitched, and you could probably set off his PTSD with a loud sudden noise, so he tries to keep certain sounds to a minimum. He can tolerate the hum of a fridge, but he notably avoids vacuuming and turning on the AC in the house. He will turn on a fan or open a window before he considers using AC.
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valerieisunavailable · 5 months
Ghost, König, & Price about their daughter around the barracks
Absolutely fucking not. Not in a million years. It doesn't matter that his men had known him for years; he doesn't trust them with his daughter. He knows the shenanigans that they pull around there, and he doesn't want his daughter involved. Hell, it'd shatter his whole plan of keeping his daughter safe from enemy eyes if they ever caught wind that the infamous Simon Riley had a daughter. Not even his own men know that he has a daughter. Ghost has told her this multiple times. Unless it was an absolute emergency or the world was ending, she is not to step grounds inside the barracks. Even if that rare occasion did happen, he would keep her either in his office or in his dorm so he could watch her 24/7.
König is also very hesitant and strict about his daughter being around the barracks. He too knows the dangers that the barracks can have, and the dumb ideas that the other tf141 soldiers have. But he's much more loving about the situation. "Meine Schatz, you have no idea how much it would break me if something were to happen to you while you were there. What if you got hurt, or worse? And I wasn't there to protect you?" He wouldn't want his daughter going near the barracks unless it was needed. But even then he would be on the most high alert, keeping her by his side at all times.
Captain Price:
Captain Price would be a bit more lenient when it came to his daughter. If anything, he would yell and threaten his soldiers to keep in line while his daughter was there to visit. Although obviously there would be some places that would be off limits for her safety. He would probably have Ghost be like a bodyguard for his daughter for occasions where his daughter wanted to walk around or go somewhere, or if he had to take care of business. If anything happens, it is his soldiers fault.
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