#könig x black reader
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merakidoll · 1 year ago
könig has found himself busy for the last few days. when you’re sleeping in the dead of night, his large body would sneak into the bed just to close his eyes for a few minutes and hold you. while sleeping you could feel his cool lips kiss your forehead whispering how good you have been for him. his large shirt clinging to your body while he pushed you into his chest more, savoring this.
yet, when the morning came he was gone. only leaving a single rose, and note with his card for you. you knew he felt bad, terrible, but work needed him and you would never make him feel bad about that. but this night, the hornyness was too much.
your cunt throbbing, ruining every last pair of underwear you put on. you were becoming frustrated from all the laundry and just the need to feel relief. you debated with yourself until you could no longer take it. laying your naked body against the cold sheets and calling him. “hello?” his deep voice answered, stress laced in the husky vocals.
“d-.. daddy ?” you hadn’t meant for your words to come out in a whisper, but you didn’t feel like doing much talking - and luckily könig understood. “you naked doll?” humming into the speaker you began to spread your things, your hands slowing running down your body, tweaking a brown nipple on its way dot that made you gasp. chuckling he leaned back into his own seat starting at the wall practically imagining how you looked for him.
“touch her.” his command was simple, stern. he couldn’t see- but boy could he hear how a single touch had you cumming. tho- knowing you, he knew you wouldn’t allow yourself, spreading the fat lips of your pussy air blowed onto your slimy clit. your finger rubbed against your bud moaning at how sensitive it was.
with so little touch your leges shook, wetness dripping out of your hole and onto the sheets, fingers began to ache as your spread up your pace quicker. könig didn’t talk, he just listened. listened to how you mumbled to yourself how good of a slut you were for him, how you were gonna cum so much for you daddy. and while he listened he got himself ready to leave, getting into the car, starting it, and driving to you so he could be the fixer of this situation. after all he was your daddy right?
and so in dazed with need to cum but holding yourself back. your fingers fucked into your hole, wet sounds echoing out into the room, phone still by your ear but you were so far from listening. könig started from the door way, leaning against it and unbuckling his belt waiting for you to notice him. for you to beg for his help.
but he underestimated you, watching you not stop until your squirted with a whimpery “ohhh y-yessss” that was so slutty it made pre cum ooze out of him. you took heavy breaths, closing your eyes still forgetting about the call, and once your realized - jumped up, eyes grew wide and pussy pulsating right on command at the sight of his sexy smirk.
“hi princess”
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lxvvie · 1 year ago
A relationship with König would consist of the following:
Your first date being the embodiment of 'shit happens'.
Spontaneity driving your later date nights because every time König planned one, shit continued to happen.
König refusing to tell you his middle name (after you found out that he had one) no matter how many times you beg, plead, and give him puppy dog eyes because he's embarrassed by it.
Marveling at how König can be so big and tall and somehow make himself seem so small when he's sitting sometimes. He also doesn't mind some cramped spaces, either.
König resting his head on your lap because it is calming and he tends to suffer from tension headaches. You rubbing his head also helps quite a lot.
König being in a state of constant mortification while you're damn near dying you're wheezing so hard because of his sense of humor.
Piggybacking off the last point, it's endearing because it's either offbeat or poorly timed. It also doesn't help (or rather, it does) that he's a bit of a late bloomer when it comes to getting hip to memes, the latest slang, etc. There was that one time with the eggplant emoji...
Never failing to laugh when he laughs... because of his laugh. König has the gremlin cackle thing going on and it is hilarious.
Testing König's inner koala as he sleeps. Turns out that if you put just about anything near him, he'll automatically hug it close to him. You tried it with a pillow.
Using his height to your advantage. You tend to use him as your personal crowd parter person thingie, especially when you're grocery shopping or just... out in public in general. Or using him when you need to get that one item that's all the way on the top shelf at the very fucking back.
Standing on his feet so you can get some height to try and kiss him. Konig thinks it's cute and funny, so cute and funny in fact that he sometimes will not bend his head down just so he can see you pout and whine about how he's "not being fair".
Giving him a compliment and watching König.exe stop working because of reasons. Reasons that involve feelings.
You having to avoid wearing some of König's shirts also because of reasons.
Watching the shenanigans of Drunk König. The most common theme is Drunk König thinking the closest thing near him is you and so he's practically talking to his Schatz and wondering why you're not answering or something like that.
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backwzzds · 1 year ago
can we talk about how konig would be someone who’s quiet when he gets jealous…then when y’all get home he js absolutely goes HAMMMM….
the way i got so excited to write this…it’s actually way longer than i intended but idgaf! part 2 soon 😏
“papa, i don’t understand what i did wrong,” you’d frown at your man with an annoyed whine. könig, who was a whooping 6’10 would only give you a heavy grunt in response. you’d be on the way back to his car from the mall, dozens of your victoria’s secret and H&M bags held in his visibly large hand. the moment könig reached before you (with help of his tree-like long legs anyway), he opened the door for you, the balaclava on his face making his features ten times harder.
no matter how mad the big bear was at you—or more so, what you happened to get yourself involved in—he’d never disrespect you. anything other than sexually, at least. stepping on the custom made step for your smaller figure, you slide into the huge seat of his completely blacked out bmw suv, allowing him to shut the door behind you. you nearly jump at the visible shake of the car beneath your bottom.
you play with your curls as könig carefully sets your bags on the floor behind your seat. because his was set all the way back to accommodate for his long legs, your seat had the better amount of space for your things. when könig finally got back in the car, he immediately started it, causing the monsterous growl of his deleted muffler to come alive.
and he wouldn’t even break a sweat at you !!! you’re over here going over all your actions for the day, step by step, and all könig could think through his mind was what positions he was gonna force you in when you two got back home.
the sound of könig’s car matched the energy that was coursing through his veins. he know you didn’t do anything wrong; not intentionally at least. but the selfish ass part of him wanted nothing more than for your pretty little ass to sit in the passenger’s seat, overthinking on what the fuck you possibly could have done to rile him up this much.
the ride home is everlastingly silent as the small of your voice breaks the thick tension, “baby,” you don’t know how to further articulate your words. “i know you’re mad at me. i wanna fix it, but i can’t it you won’t talk to me. and you’ve been dead ass silent since we been in the mall.”
könig keeps his cool, though. he knew his silence was practically eating at you alive, shaming you with guilt for something you didn’t even intentionally mean to do. but with the way your pretty body sits in the black skims dress you’re in, accompanied by your black and white dunks—his eyes could practically frame your nipples right through the see through fabric, and he was sure that fucking doorman at victoria’s secret could have as well.
you keep talking. “was it the dude at VS? i swear, i made it very known that you were my man and—“ your words are endless blabber to him as the disgusting and pervasive thoughts cloud könig’s mind.
he looks so sexy in his balaclava, protecting his face from the harsh upcoming winter temperatures. he’s sported in an all black outfit, helplessly matching yours. anyone who saw you two together would automatically know that was your man. i mean duh, he walks around with his hand on your ass protectively 99% of the time.
when you get the sense that the brute isn’t listening to a fucking word you’re saying, you let out a frustrated sigh and turn your body away from him. but the sudden placement of a large hand on your knee takes you by surprise as you eye the man who’s ice blue eyes refuse to falter from the darkening road before you.
the moment könig pulls up in the driveway of your shared home, you can’t help but twiddle with the polish on your acrylics. anxiousness is bouncing off you, and könig could tell. you turn your head and open your mouth to speak, only to be cut off for the first time that night.
“go inside.” könig’s voice is very low, but you don’t miss the command in it. there’s no emotion behind the dark eyes of his balaclava. usually you could decipher exactly what and how he was feeling, but in the moment—
“kö—“ your boyfriend’s snow blue eyes harden at your talk back. with softer features, you whisper, “will you be inside?”
“soon. need to make a call first,” you watch him pull out a fresh cigar pack. “be ready for me when i get in.” you open your mouth to talk back again, but wire it shut when könig lovingly grabs your face. leaning in so the pink of his lips ghost over your full brown ones, he whispers, “now, mama. i won’t ask again. can you listen to that one thing for me?”
with a small gulp, you give him pretty doe eyes, feeling between your legs tingle at his masculinity radiating onto you. in the most confident voice you could muster up, you nod your pretty head at him. “yes daddy.”
könig gives you a nod of approval and runs his hand along the curve of your ass. “good girl. go on, liebling.”
you exit the huge car, already getting idea of what was to come when könig came back inside. with a heavy heart, you head upstairs to your room and slowly begin undressing, hoping that the slower you went, the more your punishment would be delayed.
your hopes were proven to be false the minute you were completely naked and turned around to see könig leaning against the threshold of the door, silently watching you.
you jump in fear at the sudden sight in front of you, but feel your heart beat calm down when könig strolled over to you. naturally, your head tilted backward as a way to get a full view of his face. his balaclava remained on, so you knew he was still upset about the events from earlier.
könig takes his large hand and rests it on your cheek, giving it a comforting rub. “you know i love you and respect you more than anything on this earth, right?” the brown of your skin instantly heat up at his words as you slowly nod your head at his sudden expression, unsure of where he was going with his words. könig’s lips can’t help but lightly turn upward into a small smile. you had no idea what was gonna come.
“good. because for today, libeling, i’m gonna fuck you like you mean absolutely nothing to me.”
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klipkillakai · 6 months ago
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thinking about dom!reader 🙃 18+ mdni
you softly hum the lyrics to the music playing in your headphones as you walk up the steps to your apartment, as you see your door get closer and closer you feel relaxation settle in your shoulders replacing the heavinesses from the day, you set the groceries you had been holding down and unlock the door.. you take a breath.. home.. your finally home, you throw your keys in the chipped bowl by your door and kick off your boots letting your toes spread out from the restriction of the stiff leather..
still letting the music play in your ears you don’t notice the soft whimpers and low moans coming from your room..
he heard you come in and that sent shivers down his spine, he knows what’ll happen when he finally gets caught and that makes him throb, he’s so pathetic :( visions of you whispering praises in his ear flash through his mind and he flushes.. he’s just counting down the seconds until-
“baby ?” you look at the sight infront of you, your sweet boyfriend, desperately rutting against his hand, mouth slightly agape and a whimpering mess :( aw you almost feel bad for him.. that quickly goes away when you remember you’ve explicitly told him not to do anything while your away.. you softly shake your head knowing you’ll have to punish him..
you crack a small smile “what are you doing sweet boy?” you mumble in your soft endearing voice, intertwined with false sympathy, he whimpers “i couldn’t wait” he whines, his hand still pumping up and down his cock.. “i can see that” you hum and you softly sit on the bed next to him, you raise your hand to softly push away the sweaty hair stuck to his forehead and you press and small kiss in the center..
“ does it feel good?” you ask, your eyes slowly slipping towards his.. “n-not as good as when you do it”… “aw” you say with a smile and you slide your hand down his chest and slowly traveling lower and lower.. until you replace his hand with yours.. “let me do it okay?” you whispers and press a small kiss on his lips..
he nods quickly, his breath picking up, you admire his body.. he’s so cute you think, as much as your mad at him, you live for this..
you slowly start to pump your hand, up and down, up and down, and he melts in your arms, you shift your position, letting his head fall against your chest and your reach over him, you gently squeeze his cock at the base and you look down and watch his expressions.. how pretty you think.. you start to go faster, precum starts to form at the tip and you use that as lube, allowing your hand to glide easier… sensual and languid noises fill the room, his soft moans and heavy breaths and your low coos
“ your doing so good for me baby” you hum and he moans starting to rut his hips upwards into your hand, you loosen your grip to mess with him and he whimpers out a “please” you smile and you just look down at him “you should’ve listened to me.. your always so good for me baby, all you had to do was wait..”
“ i know.. i- i know, i just started to think about you and-”
you start to move your hand again and whisper a “shhh.. i don’t care” you say with a small condescending frown and speed up your pace.. “you better not cum” you say.. feeling his cock throb in your hand.. you start to focus on his tip.. doing fast circular movements around it with your hand and you watch him like a hawk, looking for any indication that’s about to cum so you can stop immediately..
after a few minutes of slowly torturing him he’s a mess, you can barely touch him now without him being nearly sent over the edge, just how you want him.. “i just want to cum.. please let me cum.. please” he pleads and whines.. “have you learned your lesson” you ask “yes! yes i have please, i promise i won’t do it again” you both know that’s a lie.. but you accept it.. “okay sweet boy” and he sighs with relief..
you get up from the bed and you undress infront of him, slowly sliding down your jeans to reveal your pink lacy panties with a small bow in the center, you watch him the whole time you undress, you love watching his expressions, they’re more interesting than any painting in a museum.. you take off your white top revealing the matching bra and you climb back on the bed and on top of him..
you straddle him and his hands immediately land on your waist, you slip your panties to the side and a string of your slick goes with it, you slowly grind against his cock, not yet putting it in, just teasing him for these last few seconds knowing he won’t last very long :( his grip on your waist tightens and his head falls back against your pillows.. you lean forward and kiss a trail down from his jaw to his neck.. “missed you all day” you say sweetly.. and as you place one last kiss on his chest you let him slip inside you and you both moan.. you sit up and begin to ride him, your nails scratching down his chest as you pick up your pace..
“oh my god” you moan, feeling yourself stretch around him, you feel his thumbs caress your tummy and you shiver, aw you both needed each other so bad :(
your thighs burn as you pick yourself up and down, up and down on his cock, but it’s worth it, seeing his face and hearing his moans :( and it feels so so good, it feels like warm honey slowly flowing down over you.. you can barely contain yourself, you as much of a mess as he is..
“you feel so good” you whimper and you go as fast you can, the sound of skin slapping against skin fills the room, mixing with the heavy breaths you both let out..
he whimpers, he loves praise.. he loves your praise, he lives for it
“t-thank you my love” he says.. “i’m gonna cum” he whines and you nod, “that’s okay baby, me too” and few more seconds later you both let go, mouths agape and shocked breaths are released, your thighs shake and your ears rings, his cock twitches and his toes curl and you feel the warmth of his cum flow inside you..
you whimper and slowly pull yourself off his cock and collapse on the bed next to him, he leans towards you and you embrace him, softly massaging his scalp and kissing his head, “you did so good for me” you coo.. “so so good, sweet boy” and you continue to flutter small kisses all over his face..
“thank you” he whispers “your so good to me”….
this was a special request, enjoy :)
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cookiepie111 · 1 year ago
krueger: How did you even pull her?
König: she said she let me hit it cause I'm weird and off putting
krueger:.... ohh that's not
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kechiwrites · 1 year ago
gentle touch
könig x massage therapist!reader kinktober countdown day 5 (body worship)
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synopsis: oh, the military boys were your favourite.
wc: 2.8k
cw: massage therapist reader doing bad medical-ish practice, body worship, light sub!konig, mentions of edging, hand jobs, a little oral as a treat, biting, konig being petnamed as he should (honey), size kink, hints at touch starvation, groping, begging, uncut konig, afab!reader, no gendered pronouns or language.
author's note: i know his dick hex code and it's glorious. mdni.
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He’s your last appointment of the day. And what a fucking day it had been, ten hours that should’ve been eight, cinnamon scented candles instead of eucalyptus, a rushed lunch because a client had shown up early, not taking “I’m on break” for an answer.
You knock on the faux bamboo door, waiting for your appointment to allow you entry. When he does, so quietly you almost miss it, you open the door, only for your eyes to land on a broad, strong back, still wrapped in a dark grey long sleeve. He turns slightly, just enough for you to see the thin stubble on his chin, cheek and jaw.
"Hello! I didn't catch you undressing did I?" This time he turns all the way around and you are sure your swallow is audible. Hell, you hope it's audible, you want this dude to know just how impressed you are with what you're seeing.
"No." He shakes his head, rubbing his aquiline nose against the inside of his wrist. It must’ve been broken once before, if the uneven bump on his bridge is anything to go by. Why is that hot? That shouldn’t be hot. You eat up the motion, eyes tracking every twitch or movement of his massive arms.
“Oh…" you're ogling him. You need to stop ogling him. "I actually need you to strip down.” The words burn on your tongue. You must say that a thousand times a work week, but this time, when you say it to him, it sounds…dirty. Like a shitty porn set up. Makes your clean white polo feel vacuum sealed to your skin. He takes a step towards you and you shudder a breath, tensing until you realize he’s getting closer to the lockers to your left.
He’s huge, you think, and when he still doesn’t look up at you, content to let the strands of dark brown hair, nearly black hair, hang in his face, you figure he’s shy too.
“And you can use the towel to maintain modesty, Mr. König.” You get the inflection of his name wrong, you know because you’d googled it prior, held your phone to your ear in the staff washroom and listened to a soft spoken German man lilt it to you. There’s a hard ‘g’ on the end where it shouldn’t be, and you apologize, trying again to master it. “König.”
“Right.” He murmurs, “Just around my waist, yes?”
Or it could go on the floor and I could rub my clit on your abs.
“Yes, sir. Around your waist.”
You exit the room, closing it softly behind you. You figure you’ll use the few minutes you have to get a bottle of water, or a sedative. Something strong enough to bring you back down to your customary professional detachment.
When you return, he’s where you expect him to be. Face down on his stomach, his head in the cushioned hole. “S-sorry.” He speaks, voice muffled by his position. The apology comes immediately upon the sound of the door closing and you worry his large frame has cracked the massage table or something. You peer around him, looking for any chunks of polished wood or loose screws.
When you don’t find anything you realize he’s apologizing for his scars, the pit marks of bullets dug out in haste and healed with spite, lacerations haphazardly stitched, then redone a second time with the careful, practiced hands of a doctor in no rush.
“Oh, please don’t be. We get military boys all the time. Nothing I haven’t seen before.” You murmur, and it’s a lie of course. Not that you’ve seen scars, of course, you’ve seen some really storied skin in your time here, being near a base and all. No, it was the man who was an oddity. Mandy at the front desk told you that he’d had to duck through the front door.
His skin is also ultra pale in a way military men usually aren't. Near transparent, the sprawling blue lines of his veins thread underneath his skin, and you can see yourself getting distracted tracing some of the pathways with your fingers.
He hums, and you hope you’ve put him at ease a little bit. You haven’t even touched him yet and the tension in his back is glaring. Anxious people tended to hold a lot of stress, anxious soldiers? You’re just glad he’d booked a two hour instead of the customary hour and twenty.
The oil is cold straight from the bottle and you warm it between your palms before you make contact. He’s warm to the touch, bridging on hot, and he flinches when your hands meet his skin. “Was that too cold?” He groans, but doesn’t affirm or deny it, so you figure it must just be the contact. Slowly, you begin with his calves, tending to and pushing on knotted muscle and tense areas, working out kink after kink, soothing his compounded aches. The oil smoothes down his leg hair and you must be going insane because even that is hot to you. His thighs are even worse, strong and muscled and dimpled in the sweetest places. He shivers when your palms glide over his inner thighs, and he clenches them together when your fingers brush the hem of the towel shielding his ass from your greedy view. As quickly as it happens, he relaxes, murmuring another apology. You hum your own response, and push your thumb into an adorable cluster of moles you see just under the towel.
By the time you get to his lower back, König is almost purring, his gentle breathing often interrupted by drawn out, guttural moans. Whines and whimpers that make your blood hot. He’s holding the worst of his tension there, and you have to lean almost all your body weight into the motions of the massage. His hips jerk up and then down just as sharply when you crest your palm over her shoulder blades, and you don’t imagine the keening noise he makes as he grips the massage table. You’re used to military clients being a lot more stoic but it seems Mr. König is most assuredly not the sort. You reach his neck, framing his throat with your palms and using your thumbs to rub firm circles into his nape. His breath hitches and you find yourself cooing. “Breathe for me, I got you.” The soldier’s hips snap downward again, this time hard enough to shift the table beneath him. Which is more than enough to make you pause. 
It couldn’t be.
The soft music and sound of the water feature on the wall nearly drown out the curse König whispers, but you catch it, and can’t stop your lips from curling into a pleased little smile. This was just too good. You start to finish up his neck, brushing some of his hair out of the way so you can rub your fingertips into the skin just below his earlobes. You guide him to turn over and when he doesn’t respond, you wonder if he’d fallen asleep.
“Mr. König?”
He makes a wordless groaning noise low in his throat, laying motionless.
“I need you to turn over, honey.” You don’t even realize you’ve pet-named a grown man you don’t know. Which is just as well, because it seems to be what the soldier needs, and he rises from the table, clutching the towel in a tight fist to maintain his scant modesty.
You turn towards the side table, pouring more oil into your palm. When you return to face him, you witness why exactly he was so reluctant to face the ceiling.
He’s at least half-hard, a very noticeable ridge lifting his towel. You can’t stop staring at it, even though you know König is trying his best to ignore it. You circle around him, and begin at the foot of the table, going through the massage cycle again; feet, calves, thighs, arms. You zone out, following through your motions, listening to the man beneath groan and sigh his contentment. You reach his chest, spreading your hands over his pecs. They’re big, just like the rest of him, you think and it’s hard not to fucking drool on him. He’s firm but soft, still pleasantly warm, despite being exposed to slightly below room temperature air. He shifts again when you hit a stubborn knot right below his collarbone, and you pause to check in.
“Still good?”
His breathing is uneven, shuddering and laboured. His hands clench and relax from white knuckled fists.
“Yes.” he hisses through gritted teeth, and you’re worried he’s undoing every bit of relaxation you’ve tried to bring him. It’s painfully clear where the stress is coming from, hidden underneath a paltry white towel, the enticing elephant in the room. You put your hands back on him.
Still got 45 minutes left, after all.
You try your best not to look smug, and you fail miserably.
Every stroke and rub you perform across his chest makes his cock jerk and twitch under the towel. You can practically see the cloudy drops of precum that’d be beading as his tip. Your thumb nail skates across his pectoral and catches his nipple and the whine he makes is so sweet you just have to do it again. Soon, you’re barely massaging him, groping the poor man under the guise of your job. A weak grunt snaps you out of your reverie, and when you glance down his abdomen at that godforsaken towel, you can’t stop the quiet gasp of shock you release at his erection. “Ah, I’m so sorry. Very sorry” His flush spreads from his cheeks all the way down to his chest, a gorgeous stewed cherry colour that overwhelms the pale skin you’d worked into submission. His eyes are screwed shut when you can bear to drag your eyes from his cock to his face. His soft, pink mouth is pulled down at the corners, and the heavy, dark slashes of his eyebrows are furrowed together, creating a wrinkle between them you want to smooth out with a kiss.
“It happens all the time. Are you alright to continue?” Your voice is deceptively calm, serene and soft, when all you really want to do is snatch the towel off the battering ram he’d smuggled in here. Your blood thrums, and you ache at the sight of it, at the mere thought of the ungodly stretch he’d put you through.
You will yourself to keep your hands where they are, force yourself to look literally anywhere else. The faux waterfall ahead of you, the wireless speaker droning pleasant, melodic mood music, fuck, you even try staring at the dimmed light fixtures hanging from the ceiling. But every cry and whine forces your eyes down, tempts you to catalogue every inch of flushed skin and threaded muscle. You gnaw on your own lip, and find your hands drifting down, back around his abdomen. You’ve worked through the area already, there is no excuse to be down there, to slip your finger tips under the towel, to push your digits into the skin around his pelvis. “Is this okay?” You have the gall to ask, when you push your fingers lower still, and basically sign your own severance package. Oh but it’d be worth it, to get what you want, to make this big strong man sob with pleasure, to have his mouth on your throat while you stroked him to completion. The memory of his cock in your hand will keep you warm in the unemployment line.
König nods, turns his head towards you but doesn’t open his eyes. His hips cant upwards again, and his towel shifts, parting to reveal his angry, desperate hard-on. He raises a hand from the massage table, letting his mammoth paw land on your hip. He squeezes you, and exhales sharply through his nose when his thumb touches your bare skin, skating over your flesh underneath your work shirt. “Say it.” You mutter and his eyes crack open, just wide enough for you to spot the crystalline blue of his irises between his inky black lashes.
And that’s all you need.
He’s uncut, and the veins blanketing the length of his cock are visible under his foreskin. Pretty in a way you aren’t used to, a denser blush than the rest of his body, but still quite pale. It feels like your hand is moving in slow motion towards it, your fingers twitching in anticipation. The heat of his dick warms your skin before you even make contact, and when you do, wrapping your fingers around the root of it, your fingertips can’t touch. You press your lips together and try not to squeal happily, glee crinkling your eyes.
God is real and he’s an uncircumcised cock on a shy giant.
König’s erection is searingly hot. Soft skin and hard core, jerking in your palm, leaking steadily, nudging at your hand, insistent. Your brain is working full steam and connections necessary to utilize common sense are still not being made. Slowly, you tighten your hold on him, the weight of it is so imposing, you wouldn’t be surprised if imprints of the veiny surface were branded onto your hand once you withdrew. If you ever withdrew. You should fucking withdraw.
You do not withdraw. Instead, you slide your hand up slowly, choking up on the head of his cock before dragging your grip back down. You chance a glance up at his face, watching his Adam’s apple bob with each laboured swallow. The poor man’s jaw clenches and relaxes while you slide your palm over his flesh again and again. Somehow, he hardens further and your eyes widen impossibly larger, the pit of your stomach doing somersaults at the idea of where you want that thing to go, what you want it to do. You get fevered flashes of König bending you over the massage table in your mind, hands on your hips, rutting without sense or logic into you, so hard the surface scrapes against the floor, all while he sobs, his overwhelmed, overstimulated tears splashing against your back while he rearranged your insides. The head of his cock is exposed every time you slide your hand down towards his pelvis. By the third peek, you’re dragging the pointed end of your tongue over the tip of his dick, licking against his head, and coating your mouth with the taste of him. He grips at your side harder, his fingers digging into your hip as he chases the warmth of your mouth. He keens loud, almost mewling when you pull off him, using your spit to ease your hand’s path. By this point, your handiwork is audible, noisy and wet, König’s voice filling the small room. You use your free hand to guide his head to your chest, letting him bend toward you, press his nose into your tits while he begs for you to finish him.
“Are you gonna come, Mr. König?” You thread your fingers in his hair, letting your nails scratch against his scalp, drift down to his nape and up to his crown again.
“Yes, please, please. Fuck.” His voice is reedy and thin, and he wraps his arm around your waist, burying his face deeper in your chest. And then his whole body trembles, and his hips roll towards you, and for a fleeting minute you consider edging the poor bastard, sliding your hand completely off his cock and watching it twitch violently, uselessly in the air.
But he begs so sweetly. And his next session was already pre-booked.
The hand you kept on his head leaves his hair, and you rub the head of his cock with your flat open palm, jerking him off with firm, fast strokes. He bites down on the curve of your breast, and you’re grateful he still managed to retain enough brain cells to not break skin.
“Do it then. Come, honey.” You trill, feeling his tears wet your skin through your shirt. It’s almost instantaneous, so fast it’s kind of impressive. His body goes bowstring-tight, and he squeezes you so hard it almost hurts. Ropes of sticky white seed shoot from his cock, covering your hand and his spasming abdomen. You slide your hand up, milking just the first two inches of him through his orgasm, until he stops your movements himself, covering your hand with his own.
When you finally break contact, you stare at your hand for what feels like ages, thick beads of his cum rolling down your palm, sliding to your wrist. You extricate yourself from his hold, using your clean hand to brush his sweat damp hair from his forehead. You press that kiss you wanted to the space between his brows. Why start restraining yourself now? His body shivers periodically, and you turn to the sink, to wash your hands clean, clenching your own thighs together, his moans and sighs echoing in your mind. You turn to face him, grinning wide and cheery,
“So...I’ll see you next week?”
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hoe, you are getting fired! at least you got a man outta it though.
support city girls who love gummy worms, reblog what you like.
find the rest of the masterlist here.
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littlemochabunni · 1 year ago
Der Riese und sein Häschen.
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The Giant and His Bunny.
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Konig x afab reader 18+ mdni
Content: drabble of just absolute pure filth.
a/n: I plea the fifth to any questions comments and concern I am just as shookth.
Content banner: cafekitsune
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König’s massive size alone is enough to have your toes curling and your thighs trembling. Oh and the way him manhandles you like you’re a little doll in your fucked out state is absolutely lethal.
Pinning you up against the wall with your legs pressed against his chest and his thick cock bottoms you out as if you cunt sucked he up in one go. “Sorry Häschen [Bunny], your little pussy is just so soaked I slipped~.” His animalistic pace says otherwise, and your incoherent cock-drunk and screams of pure pleasure still isn’t enough for him to know just how good you feel on his cock. He needs to hear some praise, something to let him know that he hasn’t completely fucked you out of all of your senses.
“Häschen [Bunny], you like that hm? You need more Liebling?” He gently grabs hold of your jaw and neck to make you focus on him while his pace grows slower and sensual enough to grab your attention. “C-cum! gonna—onna c-cum! Ahh~ ah ah K-König~”
König pulls out and pinches your clit depriving you of that mind shattering orgasm you were oh so close to having. “I ask you a question Häschen [Bunny]. Those ears of your’s stop workin’ hm?” You pant heavily with frustration, your ears twitch up desperately whilst your clit does the same under his fingers, “sorry ‘m sorry König! I need it plea— please König it’s so fucking good! I wan— I need it pleeeease~” you look up at him with tears of desperation form in your eyes as you can’t help but rut your hips in need of his thick cock deep inside you again. Behind his hood he’s smirking at your desperate attempts while gripping his hand tighter on your ass to keep you still, “Be a good girl and keep still. You don’t me me accidentally slipping into your ass, nein[no]?” The thought did excite you, but knowing what happened the last time he “accidentally slipped in” the wrong hole is what made you stop your movements.
König chuckle rumbled deep in his chest as he slides his slick coated cock back inside your swollen cunt. The feeling of your walls welcoming him causes him to moan and the sound of your choked gasps when he bottoms you out turned his moans into a deep growl, bringing the animal inside him back out and the need for your screams and tears.
He pushes you flushed against the wall as he fucks you at a brutal pace, making you claw at his chest, broken screams fall from your lips, and your once denied orgasm is fast approaching. “F-Fuuuck König! It’s too biiiig! Wa-wait wa— oooh fuck I’m gon— Köniiiiig pl-pleeease~ right there right there!” König feels your cunts juices dripping down his thick cock onto the floor, and your pleas are just what he needs to drive his cock deeper in— bullying your poor cervix and hitting all your sweet spots simultaneously. “That’s a good fuckin’ girl. Take it~ Take it my kleine Hasenschlampe [Little bunny slut]” König’s words causes you to tremble violently as your orgasm gushes out, and his pace flusters as his own orgasm is triggered by your pulsating cunt squirting around his cock. “Mmm Liebling [Darling] you have to do that again for me. You’re a good girl, Nein?
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sintiva · 2 years ago
includes: könig, ghosty pooh and price
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content: black fem!reader, penetrative sex, different positions, cream pie, slight power dynamics, hair pulling, nudes!, size differences, minor sub/dom themes, spanking (briefly hinted at), each individual has their own tags!
notes: FINALLY WRITING FOR VIDEO GAME CHARACTERS THAT DAY DREAM ABOUT DAILY😣 i feel like i just worked off a heavy load, please enjoy this though it was very short. i hopw with this i’ll feel more comfortable with writing for them, plus some more in the future! feedback is greatly appreciated 🫶🏽
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KÖNIG > missionary ☺️
| könig loves this position for many reasons, but his biggest reason for pinning your legs up by your chest, folding you in all the right ways, is because he absolutely adores looking at your face during sex. your praise, soft coos and gorgeous expression’s makes his cheeks burn out of embarrassment and how easy you make it to lust for you.
…“a little harder,” you pant and plead with the heavy man on top of you. könig has sharp ears and everything you say is responded to in little to no time. he’s come to learn that when you ask for it harder, you don’t mean fast and hard, but slow, and really sensual.
he realizes that he loves this position so much, because he loves seeing how much of his dick you can take, and he loves insatiable the both of you become.
his hips swing down harder, it’s skin to skin. your pussy takes all of him, but not without a little resistance. not without him knocking the air out of your lungs. your pants grow louder, and your body is getting pounded into the mattress with each of his thrust. you can feel him all in your stomach, placing all his weight into each individual thrusts. he’s itching to hear something though, forgetting that he’s fucking you absolutely senseless.
sometimes he hates that he likes this position so much, because when he ends up fucking you harder, listening to your every command— you lose all ability to respond. he’s fucking you relentlessly. making your body tremble, the words you can manage, rarely make sense; everything’s slurred. “come on, y/n? is’t good?”
“gimme something, please?”
he gives you those sweet, innocent puppy eyes of his. soft, warm kisses to your lips — that he ends up tugging on cause he loves, loves, loves your lips and how they make him feel… during other activities.
“‘s goo’” you mumble, your finger nails dig into the skin of his back, and you squeezing him in all the right places. könig grows so overwhelmed during missionary with you, he gets so loud and whiny. your pussy is the perfect fit, every ridge gets a feel, he scratches that itch so sweetly — he’s in so deep and won’t pull out. is the absolute king of ‘i tried to, really, i did, i just couldn’t you felt too good.” let’s not talk about how embarrassed he gets either, and how much he loves letting every single drop of cum empty out of his balls right into your pussy. do
and his eyes.!.!..!.!.!. puppy eyes all through missionary omg 🥺 <<< looks at you like that when you beg for his strokes to be not so deep
GHOST > doggy/backshots, asphyxiation, little bit of brat taming
| myself, personally, thinks that simon’s favorite position doggy. there’s something enticing about seeing how your ass and thighs ripple from each thrust, and hearing the sound of skin clapping together. and he definitely likes ass, no questions asked. him and his buddy price who i will get to next☺️
…simon has some obsession with being in control of many things. he needs answers, solutions and plans that keeps him in charge. but all that kinda goes away during sex. sex with you ends up being different. first your snobby, giving him attitude, then you’re begging for his attention, and then somehow you end up crying because he tends to get really aggressive and dominant when it comes to sex.
so it’s taken quite a while to find out how the both of you could find some common ground during the deed; which just so happened to be learned when you both tried doggy.
it keeps him grounded, the feeling of his fingers digging into your hips, being able to pull your hair, and all the ways he can finesse your body and make you feel just how pent up being GHOST gets him. hanging with dudes all day, and getting soft core nudes/videos from his s/o doesn’t make his days any easier. which explains why he comes through the door fuming, a bulge you can clearly see through his work pants and an irreversible silence.
he’s all big, strong, hot, an overwhelming and brute full man. he rarely gives you time to think, he’s pulling you onto his lap, tossing whatever spoon of food you have into the sink, parting your legs and stuffing two fingers into your mouth. then he’s filling you up with them. he’s stirring your insides with his fingers, just enough to get you wet and prepped, because every time you have sex with ghost, it feels like he’s reaching your throat. it feels like he’s stretching you out for the first time, “s-simon.”
AND HE’S LITERALLY CHOKING YOU. thick fingers pressing into the sides of your throat, tears streaking your eyes, yet, you’re getting wetter on his fingers. he love’s that look in your eye when you start to get a little dizzy. eyes rolling into the back of your head, and you’re so close to cumming on his fingers. don’t ask me why, and if i get into it i will lose my mind.
and little you just loves to tease. you like to cry and act all innocent when he’s getting ready to put it in. he lines up his tip, and he’s literally throbbing, his dick feels like it’s ready to burst. just thinking of putting it in makes him squeeze your ass a couple of times, but then you’re always moving around or shying away from it. he’ll spank you a couple times, “stop acting like a fucking brat, or i’ll fuck you like one.”
“mhmm,” one wiggle of your hips, “do it then.”
a mission he never takes lightly. your face is stuck in your pillow, moaning and whining as he fucks you like a slut. one foot up on the bed, your ass all up in his hands, your back hurts from how deep your arch is, but you find it physically impossible to deny how good it feels. on top of that it doesn’t take long for him to cum — in this position, but it takes him a while to get burnt out. which causes long nights of sex, and love making, and it leaves you bruised and fussy for the next couple of days until your begging for more, which is a common reoccurrence.
CPT. PRICE > reverse cowgirl, daddy kink 🪖
| now listen… price loves when his partner is in control of sex, not because he’s submissive, but he likes when you control your pleasure, and he’s a man who loves to please. just lay him down, hop on top and you won’t here the end of it, and he likes it in reverse cause he gets to play with your ass while you ride him.
“who’s daddy’s good girl?”
you sniffle, ruby red lip stick smeared all over your cheeks — puffy sore eyes from so many tears that bled black from your mascara.
“good girl, keep riding daddy’s dick just like that.”
he plops his hand down right on your ass, with one hand gently positioned behind his head as he falls in love with the view of your ass completely swallowing up his dick with each bounce of your hips. pussy managing to accommodate his girth, how’d he get so fucking lucky.
price is one helluva man, and he truly adores making you overstimulate yourself til you’re twitching on his cock, sensitive and bruised all over. every inch of you, from the fluff of your hips, to the dips in your back. when he’s doing anything, really, he likes to keep his hands on his pretty baby at all times, and he stands by that. it’s full on princess treatment with him.
but back to this position, price will gently tell you how he wants it, he’s a totally different man when he’s talking to you, but is nurturing about it. “let me help you, princess, gimme your hands.”
you pull your hands from his thighs and extend them backwards, and he will literally pull them back. hips pistoning up into you, carving his shape into you till you feel numb. it’s tiring, but he’s a soldier who’s done work far more excruciating. the moment he has your hands threaded among his own, your ass his big meaty thighs, that he definitely loves to see you sitting on, connect over and over. the sound of wet smacking, ‘plat plat’ ringing through out the room.
heeeee adores it! and will never not have sex without letting his favorite girl sit on her throne and take a sweet ride.
tagging: @p-powerr @blkcupid @takemichiluvr @lovelyyceleste @nneedynymph @privateparty3 @lemmetreatya @mochadollz @h3llokttybrat
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thiccevangeline · 1 year ago
♡Summary:König was just a regular nobody to you until he started sitting next to you in science class♡
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Uhmm,warnings are: blowjob,Virgin König x experienced reader,groping yk normal sht
Reader is plus size and black that eh neva goin an change 🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹trini to do bone
♡ Nerd König who sits next to you in science class.
♡Nerd König who can't help but sneakily steal peeks at your cleavage even though he feels bad for doing so
♡Nerd König who gets nervous when you look at him thinking you caught him staring, when in reality you just wanted to ask him if he understood what the teacher said about some guy named Newton
♡Nerd König who nods in agreement dragging his book closer to yours ready to explain
♡Nerd König who doesn't realize you're not paying attention, too busy reciting the 2nd law of gravity to you while you stare at his big ,veiny hands ,one gripping the pen making it look comically small and the other flat on the table holding the book open,you wandered what else he could do with them............. maybe they could satisfyingly grope at your large plush titts,probably they could plant a heavy smack to your big, soft,thick, brown ass ,or painfully but pleasurably stretch your tight lil cunt open on his thick calloused digits,even flick the sensitive little nub or perhaps wrap around the whole expanse of your delicate neck giving a soft but sturn grip.......you bite you lips at the thought, rubbing you stocking clad knees together, soaking through your underwear and probably the ridiculously small piece of fabric you claimed to be a skirt which bearly covers your ass
♡Nerd König who realizes you were squirming uncomforta- bly asking if you were okay, the bell rang just as you nodded in response grabbing his hand; you both pick up your belongings and leave, you take note of how hot ,heavy and calloused his hand is
♡Nerd König who clumsily follows behind your smaller form,(now...you are not short by any means but this man's size is just ridiculous, inhumane if you will) having no clue of where you're taking him, he still just follows, you finally reach your dorm fumbling with the key to unlock the door revealing your unbelievably PINK room , he looked at what he could see,plushies,posters,furniture etc all PINK, you push him towards your bed and he off balances and falls flat on his ass on your soft mattress, he tries not to move around to much not wanting to mess up the perfectly fixed duvet
♡Nerd König who's eyes widen when he realizes that you were stripping ,you stood before him in your pink hello kitty print underwear set and knee high stockings that you bundled up at your ankles, you slowly gave him a 360 of your body turning again so your back was to him ,giving him a goooood view of that perfect ,plush , tatted ass that was greedily swallowing up that thong strap
♡Nerd König who's dick immediately started to harden at the sight,with a smirk on your face you backed up lowering your ass to sit on his wide spread lap purposely smushing his erection against your ass and his leg earning a surprisingly high pitched moan from him,you didn't expect it simply because of his share size but you liked it ,you found it cute, you then grabbed his hands placing them on your titts keeping your hand on his in order to guide him on how exactly to caress them,you groan at the feeling of his calloused palms pawing at your stiff ,clothed nipples,you also began slowly grinding your ass onto his lap, the feeling of his warm breath against your neck
♡Nerd König who starts rutting his hips into yours moaning and the grip he has on your titts tighten, panting harder and letting out a string of muffled moans,wanting to hear him better you crane your neck to face him removing his face mask,as he was about to protest you smash your slightly bruised glossed lips into his all the while still grinding on him , with the way his teeth clash with yours and he clumsy tries to suck your tounge;you could tell that it was his first kiss,a virgin, you thought
♡Nerd König who pants heavily after you break the kiss,still I disbelief that a girl as pretty as you kissed him,a girl as beautiful as you was on his lap grinding on him,he honestly could not believe it he honestly thought he was dreaming, what brought him back from day dreaming though is when he felt your hands paw at his zipper struggling a bit because of the length of your nails,you ask him " is this your first time big boy?" He responds with a bearly audible " ja", you nod knowingly pulling down his boxers to reveal his thick massive cock, you licked your lips at the sight of thick beads of precum dribbling out of his hole, you fisted him slowly with one hand staring at the foreskin rolling over the tip and with the other you fumbled his big heavy balls, at this point all the poor man could do was moan ,whimper and gently paw at you hands in attempt to stop you from jerking him off,all you did was coo at him ,telling him it was alright and that you were going to make him feel good,you brought your lips to his red swollen tip and gave it a few kisses and some kitten licks before you took him in you mouth hollowing your cheeks,gagging on half then stroking the rest with your hand
♡Nerd König who moans out begging you to stop because he said it feels weird "Oh mein Gott, bitte, bitte, ich ... ich fühle mich komisch, ohh" ( Oh my god, please, please, I... I feel weird, ohh) he writhes and whimpers begging you to stop while you mercilessly deep throat him ,he's so deep in your throat that your nose is smashed against his bushy pubes,you finally let up when you feel him grab onto your head and press down emptying his ridiculously huge load down you tight throat and you choke on it ,you remove your head to sit up and catch your breath, still coughing you look up at him who lays motionlessly on your bed breathing heavily muttering something incoherent between breath "danke, danke, danke," He then sits up "Ah Scheiße, geht es dir gut, Liebling?"( Oh shit,are you okay darling?),you stare at him a bit confused but with a smile,and he waves his hand in apology before saying "are you okay ?" He then looks at you as a way of asking if you understood what he said and you nodded in reply "are you okay? And he nodded as well, he helps you of the floor and you stand in front of him,he giggles at the fact that you're the same height as him even though he's sitting, you're quick to kiss him and he kisses you back, he breaks the kiss and removes his shirt; using it to wipe up the excess cum off your chin and chest,you smile at him and push your weight on him so he falls back on the bed,you both lay there,enjoying each other's silence ,soon enough you drift off
AN:soooooo it's my first time,don't come for meeeee😭😭😭but if you want to cum for me you can😏😏jk jk jk well,I hope yall enjoy 😉 😘 💖 and if any fellow authors read this gimme some feedback plsss it would be greatly appreciated 😊 ☺️ 😄 😘
@chrollohearttags @sincerlycas hey babes I'm new,but saw yall followed, yall are great writers btwwww💋💋💋love from Trinidad 🇹🇹 ❤️
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thatanonymouschocolate · 1 year ago
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König with plus sized S/Os
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merakidoll · 1 year ago
billionaire men who after a long, stressful day in their beautiful office find themselves gathered at the same high end strip club with beautiful women of all ethnicities, and bodies that left their eyes lingering for too long. they would flash their big bucks, and shiny watches, with their handcrafted suits that fit their fit bodies snug. they would have a nice dark drink that goes along with their personality of “mean and grumpy”
they would leave everyone in the room thinking of how absolutely dominating they are. how they would fuck whoever - deep into the mattress showing the sub who’s the actual boss. but what’s so interesting about these men is that their far from .. “being the boss”. their eager. eager to please, to follow orders, to be a good little boys.
“mmm t-that’s right princy” leaning their head back against the back of the couch, you straddle him. suffocating every breathing point he had with your pussy and ass. you shook, giving him the dance he begged for while also pleasing yourself. his tongue licked and poked all over your pussy wanting to taste a reward that he had been thinking about in all of his stressful, time consuming meetings.
just as he felt that the peak of the delicious cream was near. you got up giggleing at the whine and pouty lips he showcased while heaving in air to his burning lungs. “n-no ! get back he-“ he stopped as soon as your gave him that eye. the warning that if he continued to disobey your authority, he was in for a long edge filled night.
you walked over to his naked, beautiful, body throwing your legs over his muscular thighs and large cock that was always standing proudly. you could only think of what people would say to this image. the playboy billionaire finding himself immersed with the local stripper that almost every night, begs to stuff her cunt with his heir.
“open” he did exactly that, opening the pretty mouth with the million dollar teeth. sliding down onto his cock, you let a large droplet of your saliva fall into his mouth. you held in every whine and moan you wanted to release enjoying how even with a scrunched face, and eyes rolling to the back of his head. he kept his mouth open. letting the chocked moans escape echoing out in the led lit vip room.
“thata boy” you rewarded, closing his mouth and kissing his perfect lips rocking your body at a slow pace so he could feel just exactly how he makes you feel. how wet, and needy he gets your cunt. “f-faster — p-please” instead of being rude and correcting him, you began to bounce. the wet noises of his cock fucking into you deep. along with your combination of moans and dirty talk, telling him how only you could see him this way. how he was only every this slutty for you.
that he was the only one that could get you to cum so much in so little time - which was true. the poor man pleaded on the verge of cumming, and salty tears rolling down his model like cheeks, to suck the pretty brown nipples that were hard from the crisp air. and once again you listened, letting his pink lips wrap around you and suck as if milk was gonna come- that led you both to a loud, long orgasm. and an hour of comforting the big, bad boss.
eren, choso, könig, john price, leon kenndy + anyone who you invasion
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astoldbyahse · 1 year ago
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Seriously NEW to these two and I’m pissed cause my sister has played COD MW and not mentioned a damn word to me about them! And she knows my type. Height, accent…these two are definitely my weakness. Ghost -cause I love a British accent and König- cause German is my second beginning language.🇬🇧🇦🇹
Gotta shout @kechiwrites @cookiepie111 for the blurbs, prompts, stories, etc with Blavk female leads with Ghost and König, cause ya girl be needin it🔥😛
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backwzzds · 1 year ago
ೃ⁀➷ domesticity, könig
könig got off to watching you be a mother.
könig hated to admit it. the way he inevitably got turned on whenever he came home from long missions. the way whenever he’d walk through the front door of your home, muddy and dirty boots immediately being taken off by the welcome mat so he didn’t stain the innocence of your home with his trauma and duties from work—the bludge in his pants grew at the sight of how you lived such a domestic life.
he was sure his view was a sight that nearly every man wished for at some point in their life. he felt blessed. blessed that no one else at his base had the privilege to come home to this. with you holding a chubby baby full of fiery strawberry blonde curls—undoubtedly belonging to him—on your wide hips, so full from giving birth no more than two years ago.
your daughter was a bit on the paler side despite having beautiful brown skin, and you always wondered if your genes even fucking tried to show out for you when creating her. she looked and acted so much like her father, the only way to probe that she was yours were your shared lips and her having your hair texture. everything else belonged to könig.
“papa wird bald zu hause sein, kleine liebe,” you reassure your daughter of her father’s return home soon as she began to grow cranky, a daily sign of her missing him. you had just finished breastfeeding her, and that was evident in the way the majority of your tits stuck out like a sore thumb from one of your man’s thin wife beater shirts. hey, you were home alone with nothing but pretty trees and bush surrounding you.
könig couldn’t help but smile at the back of your head as you hummed her a little song as you stirred your pot of food. the way your braids were tied down in a bright pink bonnet, the way the fat of your grown woman body hung out of your booty shorts that did nothing to hide the swallow of your ass, and how your white painted toes filled themselves in your fur slippers. the primal hormones in him filled with testosterone practically rushed to the blood of his dick as he watched you dance around the kitchen with your pretty baby.
this how you got pregnant in the first place.
every day he was grateful he decided to snatch you up and take you back to his home country with him. the way you adapted to his culture the way he did yours—you made sure to teach your baby her two native languages, english and german.
no one knew where you were, and könig liked it that way. you three could play house in peace for the next few months, at least until his next deployment. it was the safest option for you. to take you both out the states where his personal life could possibly be exploited.
no one knew where in austria exactly könig was from, making it harder for anyone to possibly track down his pretty little family. you were able to work in peace without having to worry about someone finding about your husband’s real job and eventually figuring out where your daughter went to daycare. it was peaceful for you in austria. as far as the neighbors knew, your husband was in the military occasionally on long deployment missions.
not exactly a lie.
he was never 100% at ease leaving his two girls anywhere, but he knew that if you were at least living in a place that he knew like the back of his fucking hand, his anxiety would calm down just a bit while on missions.
you fall completely deaf to the sound around you as your daughter babbles in your ear while you cooked. the delicious aroma of your wonderful food fills your husband’s nostrils as he finally decides its time for him to finally come out the shadows.
your baby continued to babble things in german-english as you began to plate food only for yourself like you’d done for the past six months, completely unbeknownst to the masculine presence behind you.
“my pretty wife always manages to make such delicious meals,” the hoarse voice manages to startle you to the point where you drop your pot spoon on the floor. “been starved for a plate, lover.”
your daughter turns her head before you do, and immediately fights to be put down from your arms. at the sight of her father, she gives a bright two-toothed grin and opens her arms. “daddy daddy!”
könig wastes no time in ripping off his mask and plastering a big kiss on his baby’s cheeks. “meine hübsche prinzessin,” he greets, engulfing “been a good girl for mommy, yeah?” the ice blue eyes question as they falter over to you. you’re still standing in shock that könig chuckles at the innocence on your face. the same one he’s been in love with for years now.
he didn’t blame you though, you didn’t expect him back for at least another two months.
könig wastes no time in walking over to you, and of course the first place his hands touch are your wide hips. his pink lips smash onto your brown ones and he wastes no time in engulfing all of you into him.
he doesn’t miss the way that small tears fill his shirt. he knows you’ve been alone in a secluded area, in an almost foreign place where you hardly knew anyone. he knew how lonely you must of felt having to do all this by yourself. he was here for you now.
god, he missed you. his good, pretty little wife.
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klipkillakai · 10 months ago
a little peak into connie and readers life ( ☆ )
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cookiepie111 · 1 year ago
König and his weak af pull out game. No minors
This is for milf darling. König x black reader This was supposed to be a small piece, I enjoyed writing this too much. Aftermath here
But königs pull out game is weak af, tells you not to worry when you express your concern about not wanting any.... 'surprises', but that's exactly what he wants with you.
He says he can just pull out, but it was over the moment he was inside you. not on purpose. He just hasn't been with anyone for a year before he came home and met you.
So lost in the softness of your walls, the sight of where the two of join, wet sounds filling the room, the experience he's been deprived of for so long it overwhelms him. So close, wanting to sink deeper into you, and he does, shaking above you, releasing all of him out with it, in a long groan. He hopes you didn't notice but you do, of course you do it's hard not to notice when he stays there for so long, no sign of his thick cum stopping, filling you up. You cringe at the feeling, warm and so much of it too, dripping onto the bed now.
Cue, the two of you say quietly in his car on the way to the pharmacy to get the pill. He doesn't think he's seen you angry, at least not at him. You tell him shut up faster than whatever shity joke he has to lighten the mood comes out.
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kechiwrites · 11 months ago
anymore konig whimpering in the works? 👀 asking for a friend.
hope your friend enjoys. könig x reader, mdni
König's back is so sensitive. It's adorable. Lately, brushing your lips over the white flesh and puckered pink scars is almost second nature. Nipping at his shoulder then blowing cool air over the damp skin, however, is new. But it has the intended effect. A low...almost whine? Maybe whimper is a better word for the noise that builds in his throat while you tease him.
And it's so easy to tease him.
"König." You murmur, rubbing your forehead into the skin between his shoulder blades, following the spread of his blush over his nape with your eyes before it escapes into the dark strands of his hair. The action is tender, soft soft soft. But with your chest plastered to his back and both hands wrapped firmly around his cock, there's no way to suppress the greedy buck of his hips. The way he chases pleasure in your hands all fast, needy, vulnerable. He dwarfs you, even as you both kneel in front of the standing mirror in your house, big back and broad shoulders obscuring your hungry eyes from view, as he humps at your hand frantically, watching his own body flush a deep scarlet, staring at the length of his dick disappear and reappear from the slick grasp of your palms. He grips the sides of the standing mirror so hard you worry the glass and metal won't survive, worried his fervor will warp the frame, shatter the reflection. But König holds it together, controls himself, controls his strength, and continues to fuck your fist.
Because he needs you.
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