#incel konig
konigsblog · 14 days
loser!Konig needs to suck on a breast while getting a handjob I think. a grown man reduced to a begging mess. Tsk tsk…all that comforts him is a titty in his mouth.
Loser!König has a mommy kink, and that is nothing but the truth. It's that simple - he's just a big, nerdy, and freakish mess waiting to be held and cradled, to be accepted and loved unconditionally, no matter how creepy or pathetic he is.
And you, you accept König, through his perversity and depravity. You allow König to sink into the comfort of your chest while you wrap your arms around him, enveloping him in a hug while he grits his teeth and rants about everything in his life
His large and calloused hands play with and massage your soft, round breasts as a 'coping mechanism', he claims. If König is being honest, he's taking advantage of you and your kindness, how you're always there to hold him. He's looking to be overly touchy with his beloved engel, to admire your breasts and rut against your thigh like a perverted loser. König loves when you run your hands through his ginger locks of hair and play with his thick, veiny cock ‘til it hardens in your sweet, lustful touch.
“Bitte, Häsechen- Mehr...” (Please, bunny- More...) König manages to choke out through his laborious breathing, his thick fingers already tugging at your shirt and pulling your hand to his twitching dick.
Perhaps others would be creeped out, but you? You wouldn't dare think about turning down König, after all, it would worsen his frustration. You allow him to roll his wet tongue over your nipple while you stroke him gently and messily, your thumb playing with his tip and precum, smearing it down his shaft until his length is glistening with his glossy fluids.
Even better if you're lactating - although, he'll get addicted pretty easily. Good luck keeping that pervert away from you, Maus...
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yawnderu · 6 months
misogyny, incel!König, anal sex, pussy slapping, slut shaming. MDNI
Incel!Roommate!König is so nasty and mean :( he knows you're nothing but a slut just like your friends, having to live with hearing you getting fucked by other men. It doesn't matter if it's not often or if it's always with the same guy, you're still giving it up to someone you're not dating and that's enough to make you a whore in his eyes :(
He refuses to fuck your pussy, calling you a filthy girl while his cock is plunging deep into your tight ass. Your cunt is too used up and loose for him, don't dare tell him that's not how anatomy works!! he's a much smarter and stronger man, he obviously knows better than you :((
Incel!Roommate!König has no mercy as he fucks into your ass, pulling out only to slap your cunt until it's raw and sensitive. It's the punishment you get for giving it up to other men :(( if you want to be a whore, he has no problem treating you like one.
Maybe he'll even call his friends from the military and get them to come use you like the filthy little mutt you are, making your body count even higher than it already is and leaving you with a cum-filled, loose cunt <3
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ceilidho · 6 months
(warning: drawn porn ((but the style is cute imo)) from a degenerate porn Reddit I follow)
Soap is soooo #5 :)
unfortunately im a disgusting freak and all of these are my favourite to some degree
BUT......the caveat for all of these (at least for me) is sometimes the author/artist will insinuate that the current love interest is just the latest in a line of previous infatuations and bro. the way i just immediately lose interest. i love a good dubcon/noncon plot but if the dude is just like that with any random person? pass. x-ing out.
i like it when they're otherwise pretty normal and they only started losing their mind over this one person!!!! lmao!!!
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gremlingottoosilly · 4 months
Hi! What do you think about Loser!König and the shy sister of his best (and only) friend.
Honestly, Krueger having a sister feels plainly illegal. No one sure if you're blood related or not, but the man always looks like he is either on the edge of committing stepcest or sororicide. His friends aren't any better - with your brother being a fucking psycho maniac for hire, you know that his friends are just as bad as him. Konig isn't breaking the curve - but he does look...somewhat more awkward. A bit less assholish. Of course, he still acts like a fucking loser and an incel, getting into your shared house just to play some dumb video games and brag about military stories. Drink insane amount of beer and then harrass you into buying a new pack even though you literally have college and if you only had money to move out, you would. But, you're stuck with your asshole of a brother - and his fucking friends. Konig is trying to be considerate, never yelling at you to bring them food or harassing you into cleaning - but he stares. A lot. It makes you legitimately scared for your life sometimes, you can just get up from your room to grab a glass of water at night, and he would...just be there. Standing. Cold blue eyes staring at you through the darkness. Your new sleep paralysis demon just dropped. Konig is a loser who genuinely fell in love with his best friend's sister. Krueger fluctuated between wanting to kill him and giving him your hand in marriage - but it doesn't help that little loser anyway. He is awkwardly trying to show off his wealth, but then it just looks like he is bragging. Getting a new phone and trying to wiggle his way into buying you a new one too - but you just stare at him, shy and scared, not sure how to respond to his advances. You stand in your crappy kitchen, just the two of you, your smaller form trapped in the corner...your eyes are pleading for help as he grabs you awkwardly, hugging you in a manner that makes you whimper...and it's a love ballade for him. Guy is obsessed with you, and there is nothing you can really do about it... He is basically starts his courting process now - and even your brother, who hated every guy you brought before, is on the side of his loser friend.
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kneelingshadowsalome · 6 months
Would you consider young Konig to be an incel like guy or just an awkward young man whose social anxiety makes it difficult for him to talk to women?
It’s awful but young recruit almost went down the full incel pipeline yes :/ He had high hopes of finally finding a girlfriend once he hit the army because soldiers get a lot of women, right? He’s not bad looking, he makes money, he’s ripped as fuck, no one bullies him now. He should either have a lovely cute girl by his side or a flock of ladies wanting to sleep with him by now!
Turns out they all look at him weird or turn their noses up at him once he starts to speak. He can’t even find a one night stand because he’s a bit too eager. Blows up most of his chances for a date because he says something filthy far too soon on those stupid dating apps he hates because they’re clearly rigged for women.
It fuels his grief even more: and like with most people, unprocessed grief turns into rage. Only, König already has loads of that... At some point he doesn’t even know if he wants a girlfriend anymore: he just wants someone to fuck (and hold close for a while before they leave him). He doesn’t believe in his chances which makes him an even lousier bf candidate, which makes women shun him even more, which makes him despise women in general even more.
That's until he meets you.
This time, the game’s changed. It’s a woman who approaches him: a woman who's adorable, sweet, and eager. You turn out to be married, yes, but König won’t say no to his first chance of getting some pussy. He likes it that you know what you want – he doesn’t have to think about whether you’re going to stand him up on a date or if some "Please go to therapy" text means you're trying to flirt with him.
You’re clearly infatuated, just like he is. You look at him with sparkling eyes when he fucks you, you make him a nice meal when he comes home (he calls your house home now, the place where he actually lives is just a flat, storage for him and his stuff), you pet his head after he’s eaten you out. You let him chase you around the house and rip your underwear to pieces, you let him bite you and carry you to bed and send you dick pics, just like a girlfriend would do! You’re only pleased when he sends you naughty texts and pics of his dick, he can tell. He can give you all the things Colonel can not (or will not): all in all, this setting works perfectly fine for him. If only he didn’t get so obsessed…
Because suddenly, you’re not just pussy to him. Suddenly, you’re not just the first girl he got to fuck. As much as he hates the Colonel, young König would swallow sharp shrapnels to get to be with you. He tells everyone at the base that he now has a girlfriend: he even shows them your picture (taken without your consent: you’re giggling and trying to cover yourself with his shirt after another rowdy session). He’s not sure if the uneasy smiles he gets are pity or jealousy (because of course everyone can see his gf is the cutest woman on Earth and also hot as hell).
He wants to call you all the time, hear your soft, shy laugh when he tells you he’s going to bully you when he gets back. Stomach full of those famous butterflies and cock twitching in his camos, he could listen to your laugh forever. If only it wasn’t for that stupid ring on your finger, König would take you to Austria to meet his mother.
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diejager · 4 months
thoughts abt really tradicional konig with a really progressive s/o? like, he wants to be a father, live in a farm with three or more kids, wants to provide for his wife and such and reader that wants to do a revolution, fight against the capitalism and they're both very serious about their ideas and definitely won't change ideas easily
how do you think that dynamic would be?
If it was a usual fic, I’d see König trying to use his words to convince you and his act to show how good and dependable he is once you have a child. He’s not getting any older, but he loves you too much to leave you and he’s willing to wait for you to feel ready. He’s gentle and might sometimes come up as patronising, but he’ll apologise for his tone if he did, working to gain your forgiveness rather than expect it.
If it was in a dark fic, König ain’t waiting for shit, he’s the one with power in the relationship. What he says goes. He wouldn’t feel guilty or regret forcing himself on you, taking away your birth control and knock you up, whether you consented or not. He’s a big asshole, something between misogynistic and incel/toxic. He isn’t easy to get along with when he’s so upfront with his thoughts and ideals that he is always pushing them onto you even if you firmly state your own. He thinks it’s stupid that you have such ideals, you’re a woman, you should stay at home, clean the house and care for the children when he’s off to work and have food on the table when he’s home.
Now, it’s up to you to decide who you want more (hopefully it’s not the toxic one… that would be a miserable life :[ ).
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numberonecodwomenfan · 4 months
random konig headcanons because i can and ive seen way too many people writing him as creepy incel pervert loser and i dont ljke it
he got that dawg in him (the dawg is autism)
autism be damned my boy can carve stupid little wooden trinkets
has the dumbest laugh ever. its either high-pitched and giggly literally going “hehehe” or its a loud obnoxious cackle
probably lowkey genderqueer but doesnt know it. like he wouldnt care if someone called him they or she. he will probably never figure it out or acknowledge it, nor would he know what nonbinary even meant if someone brought it up, but its there. hes this pic fr.
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hes a cat person. if hes ever invited to a party and the person has a cat, he WILL find it. he will not leave that cat alone.
while he is an awkward loser he is not a CREEPY awkward loser. does he know how to talk to women (or men)? no. but he wouldnt creep on someone or disrespect them.
he was raised by his mom and grandma as the youngest of three. total grandma’s boy. his grandma was a very short, sassy (lowkey mean) old german lady and she loved him more than anything.
his whole family is crazy short. his mom is 5’1”, his grandma was probably shorter. all the women in his family are shorter than 5’5” and all the men are shorter than 5’9”.
adding onto that, he was comically short as a kid. he was short and chubby (plus autistic and jewish, and super quiet, so he really got the bullying quintuple whammy). his family called him kleiner Prinz (little prince) as a nickname (i imagine that his middle name is könig). but then he hit puberty and all of a sudden his dad’s (deadbeat L) genes smacked him in the face and he had a massive growth spurt so the nickname became more ironic than anything
as mentioned i think hes jewish, specifically ashkenazi, because könig is an ashkenazi last name (and also bc im ashkenazi)
he makes really goofy facial expressions. he’s got that hyper-expressive autism (me too bro me too) and he’s used to wearing a mask where no one can see his face, so when hes not wearing the mask, he forgets that other ppl can see the dumb faces hes making. bro makes the shane dawson confused face
thats all :3
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konigsblog · 7 days
Loser! Perv! König who goes to Japan so he can go to maid cafes and try out those rent a girlfriend things:( He is such a nasty loser who harasses all the cute girls who work there
Pervert!König is a frequent visitor at these maid cafés, and finds himself obsessing over you specifically. :(
That tiny little maid dress you wear does nothing to cover you up properly, with your breasts spilling from the front, and your rear visible from beneath your skirt. With each turn, your skirt flies up, allowing for König to prey on you and admire your tight rear while he palms his achingly hard boner. He fantasizes about the colour of panties you wear, how the texture of them would feel around his meaty, girthy cock. You have to snap him back to reality, before he orders his coffee with a shaking, quavering voice and delirious heart eyes.
He's embarrassingly lovesick, and he can't do anything about it. He falls so easily, finding himself attached to a pretty woman who wants nothing to do with him and her perverse, stalkerish behaviour. He takes note of your name and searches you up online, looking for innocent and pure photos of you on your social media page, to jack off to them for hours until he's drunk off of arousal and excitement.
Those ridiculous ‘rent a girlfriend’ ads were specifically made for perverts like König himself. For some long haired, big nose, and nerdy sicko who jerks off way too much. He pays for women to have sex with him, because he knows that in reality, no woman would ever get close enough to him. He's nothing but a pushy, desperate bastard. Sometimes, König will attempt to sneakily impregnate these women, cursing himself out when he's slapped across the face for being depraved. It's humiliating, but it's his crave for a loving family that takes over his morality.
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konigsblog · 13 days
Disgusting creep incel chubby retired konig and his favorite streamer? She doesn’t even make inappropriate content — probably just a normal vlogger or maybe a cosplayer? But he’d do anything to have her <3
ohhh creepy, incel-könig moderating your servers and perving over you. ;( 🖥️
TW/CW: pervert!könig, loser!könig, creep!könig, incel!könig, age difference/gap, perverted tendencies. MDNI 18+
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There's nothing remotely sexual about the content you create. The majority of it is simply just shooting games, which leaves you with a more predominantly male audience. König is one of your fans, a noticeable supporter and commenter. You notice his familiar username every single time you stream, mainly because of the ridiculously large sums of money he donates to you, along with a cheesy pick-up line that leaves you giggling.
If only you knew what he was doing to the sight of your bright, smiley face. Too bad for you, you're under the impression that he's a twenty-something year old, not a retired and creepy colonel in his forties.
König doesn't have anything better to do, so instead, he pushes his attention towards you, jacking off to your streams while sending you increasingly more perverse messages with more and more money. When you vlog yourself out in public, König takes in all the details, attempting to find your location to send you flowers to your hotel room. It's stalkerish, but you're completely oblivious and unaware of who is the cause for all this. You rant to your favourite moderator, König, and call him with tears running down your cheeks after another creepy, overwhelming letter.
The sight feeds into König's dacryphilia kink and fantasy. You don't question how his microphone is turned off for the majority of the call, too distracted by your rant to notice the sound of heavy and fast breathing or the delirious expression on his aged face when he accidentally turns it back on. Tears blur your vision and you're left sniffling quietly, his perverted tendencies going unnoticed.
He'd do anything to have you, and he means it.. Of course, he's grateful to be your favourite moderator on your streams and Discord, but he craves more. He wonders what will happen if he asks for nudes as compensation, instead of paying him for his work. To see those precious, soft titties and that glistening cunt, preferably bouncing on an eight inch dildo, thick and girthy, his name flowing from your lips.
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konigsblog · 1 month
bathing with kidnapper-könig.🩸
tw/cw; rape, non-consensual touching, kidnapping. MDNI 18+
it shouldn't be surprising that könig is overly touchy with you.
he uses a washcloth or a loofa when washing the rest of your body, but when it comes to your sweet pussy, he uses bare hands to clean you. he's obsessed with the mortified, disgusted expression plastered on your face, knowing that you're too terrified to speak up as he begins to sink a single digit into your swollen, slick cunt.
he'll bite your neck, leaving hickeys along your skin while he whispers disturbing words to you, praising you for your silence despite the tears running down your poor, tear-stained face.
you hate könig for a plethora of reasons, but you hate how well he fucks your weak and tense body, how he satisfies the craving burning inside of you and pleasures the warm heat between your thighs despite your cries and signs of discomfort.
könig knows better. he knows exactly what you want, deep down.
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konigsblog · 4 months
I think könig is the type to like control vibrators. He would be so down to taunt you increasing intensity of it not caring where you are..
pairing this with pet play... :3 he loves the control aspect when owning his little, filthy mutt. 🐺
you're locked away in the dog cage, only wearing a thin pair of panties, the thin lace material does absolutely nothing to conceal and cover your puffy pussy. your slicken thighs clench and tighten, attempting to squirm and wriggle away, a futile attempt at fleeing. your chest rising and falling as he increases the sensitivity level, your hips jerking and your back arched, thighs covered in your sweet pleasure. ;3
his eyes are locked onto your pretty, soft tits, your hardened nubs perky and sensitive, goosebumps spreading across your chest. sweat rolls down your body as you shiver and tremble, getting chills as he watches you from above, shaking with a vibrator stuffed into your soiled panties.
your wrists are chained to the metal bars in the cage, with handcuffs locking you up and keeping you from discarding the vibrator pressed against your sensitive, wet clit. he chuckles from above, looking at your sweat covered body shaking, with arousal dripping from your overstimulated, sensitive cunt, near tears as he mocks your howls and barks... :(
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konigsblog · 6 months
i hate sub könig... rough könig is where it's at! 🩸
to be choked out ‘til you're gasping for air would be a dream, right? his pace doesn't falter, rutting into your swollen, bloody pussy ruthlessly and mercilessly while you cry and shake from the pain :( his slaps are agonizingly, leaving you breathless and panting, before he knocks the air from your lungs and pounds into you!
and you're crying -- he's so, so big and it's burns, the stretch and impact of his tip against your cervix. it's all too much, and you're so tired and numb and limp that you have no choice but to take it and cry weakly, begging for more because you're a greedy slut who doesn't know their limits :(
“dirty slut,” he hisses, eyes crinkled behind the mask, “look at you--crying for more, while you can barely take what you're given. dirty thing, hase. don't you understand what you're doing to me?”
he only fucks you harder, meaner, and rougher. slamming into your hole with a painful pace, legs thrown over his broad shoulders as he rearranges your insides and completely destroys your slick and sore, drooling cunny. watching as you cry and sob and shake, pleading for more, being greedy and cumming all around his thick, girthy dick with blood and cum smeared on your thighs. :3
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konigsblog · 3 months
stepbrother-könig is an incel, a loser, and sits playing games on his computer 24/7 while on leave. might as well come over to comfort him with a blowjob after seeing your new instagram post with your boyfriend.
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konigsblog · 2 months
id so hide my panties from virgin!konig if he was mean when i asked for aftercare.
how is virgin!könig supposed to understand the purpose of aftercare if it's not featured in pornography? he expects something in return for his kindness and generosity.
when you asked könig for aftercare, he looked at you, dumbfounded and utterly confused at what you'd just asked from him. könig thought laying down and rolling over to fall asleep afterwards was alright, but now he was being asked to tend to your needs?
he doesn't believe that sex hurts, he doesn't even believe in the female orgasm, that you're just being overly dramatic and sensitive. what do you need aftercare for? can't you just suck it up and go to sleep? if anything, könig believes he deserves aftercare, since in his eyes, he's the only one who has an orgasm. you just sit there and look pretty for him, while he does all the work.
you're pretty pissed off that he refused to care for you after brutalising your cunt, so as payback, you hid all of your panties and refused to initiate sex with him if that was how he was going to act. if he wouldn't bother tending to your needs, then you wouldn't bother having sex with him at all. but after finally losing his virginity and feeling a pussy for the first time, he's hooked, totally addicted.
he'll guilt trip you, forcing himself to sob to pull at your heart strings. only when he frustratedly promises to give you aftercare do you allow him to have sex with you...
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gremlingottoosilly · 3 months
Girlfailure!Reader X Loser!König
Konig being your online friend, some guy you found on a Reddit forum - mostly because he promptly called you a fucking loser for not liking his favorite videogame character, and then proceeded to buy you an entire library's worth of videogames once he checked that you were a woman. Also, it's because he needed you to understand the glory of his favorite piece of media, and you're a girl. That's it. The guy is weird and cringe and you're calling him a fucking incel but, then again, you forgot the last time you went out for something other than your shitty job and some groceries, and you don't have a single friend to invite to your tiny studio apartment covered in old energy drink cans and takeout boxes(not like you have much money for takeout, but cooking is even worse). The guy is weird and cringe and he has a huge gun collection that you, despite everything, like to ask about - he is making videos for you, dangerous promises that are probably enough to get him to the police, but it's not like you even think about selling him off to the cops. You don't care that he is probably an international terrorist or some other form of war criminal, because he somehow always finds a way to send you cute gifts, fulfill your wishlist and then even send you money - once you spilled some stuff about your manager and he half-jokingly asked you to send him nudes in exchange for enough money to quit your job. You did. He sends you enough to make you seriously reconsider your life choices. Konig is weird and a fuckin incel, but he seems content with just sending you gifts and receiving some spicy photos - and you like the attention, you like his deep voice trembling in that boyish way when you get to the video chat. You never had a guy liking you so much - and it's intoxicating. So, when he finally appears on your doorstep, you're inviting him.
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gremlingottoosilly · 3 months
Someone, take Lego away from Konig (yandere!loser!Konig x fem!Reader)
Konig is keeping you in his basement. Turns out, this is still not the worst part. His interest are. Tags ans Warnings: Dub-con, obsessive behaviour, possessive behavior, yandere loser Konig, size difference, kidnapping, weird fluff.
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König can play women’s bodies like fine musical instruments.
After he spent 10 minutes vigorously rubbing your outer labia, you concluded that he was thrown out of musical school on day one.
He flicks your clit occasionally, clearly not considering it something worthy of attention and, obviously, not something that actually brings you pleasure – he fidgets with it mechanically, like it’s a part of his riffle, and you almost want to say that his dismissive approach is kind of hot. He edges you perfectly, always giving away just enough pleasure that it feels nice, but not nearly enough that it brings you to orgasm – and he does so with zero idea of what he is doing, which makes you…almost proud. Of him. Of your angry crazy incel loser kidnapper who thought that bringing you lego flowers would make you suck his cock.
Well, it kinda did. Not the flowers, the whole…kidnapping thing. He did use it to get into your pants – and you aren’t even allowed to wear those now. Only his shirts, maybe a hoodie on a cold day, and a pair of lacy panties that he slips on you every morning he is at home.
You have a system – and König does his best to maintain it. You are getting fed at the same time, to make sure that your pretty little self is not malnourished, you are getting roughly clean clothes — most of it belongs to him, of course, like it’s not embarrassing to wear, and sometimes he even asks how your day was. Sometimes you look him deep in the eyes and say that you didn’t move from your usual spot the whole day because, well, you are kidnapped. Sometimes you are trying to be funny and make some silly jokes — and then he either gets too comfortable laughing and then trying to get his hand all the way down the depths of your inner thighs, or he gets angry.
König knows that a petty flower like you doesn’t want to be in captivity for so long, but there really isn’t much both of you can do about it.
He brings you different lego sets from time to time, trying to find out what you like the most. He doesn’t quite understand that, working in a Lego shop, you were utterly sick of most of the boxes lying around. He tried to gauge the reaction out of you, but you’re either ignoring him, crying or begging him to let you go…and he can’t exactly have that. He, kinda, can, of course, but it would mean sliding off your brain so you would never tell anyone about your experiences, or getting into a showdown with the police – and knowing that he hopped you through the border illegally to be his captive wife, wouldn’t really give him any brownie points. He is fucked, utterly and completely, if you’re ever going to be free without falling madly in love with him…
Which is why König is trying to make you love him. Thoroughly, utterly, and spending copious amounts of time with his tongue buried between your folds in the meantime.
Like now.
— You like it, ja? When I move like this…
He was spending too much time caressing and fondling your thighs – but you must admit that having his lips travel across your skin and sending goosebumps right into your core wasn’t so bad…he touched you a bit awkwardly, just a tad bit shy – like he wasn’t so sure how to approach a soft, female body instead of a cold rifle he was probably used to…he knows that he can’t just treat you like another one of his guns but, by god, if he doesn’t adore the way you look at him. All scared and nervous as he pushes his lips upwards, as he covers your soft skin with bite marks – you were so sure that he will be too nervous to even touch you, but you know better now…this guy doesn’t care that he is your captor. He only wants you to accept him, and if giving you gifts didn’t work out…
You needed to be a bit more diligent about the whole accepting his kindness thing. Maybe he would have been satisfied with a handjob – but now he wants to put his hands on you and do his job.
— Too…too much, Ko…
— Call me “sir”.
There is steel in his voice, and you stiff slightly. This is new – he was never like this before, even though you kinda got that he was in some sort of military. He was way too bulky and had too much money to be a regular gun nerd, so you settled for some special forces or elite war crime unit…then again, you weren’t in Germany anymore. Guy would have to get another citizenship to get into a more serious “I fucking hate my fellow man” forces.
He flicks his tongue over your clit and you remember what you’re here for. To get fucked. Because you are fucked. Not right now in physical sense, but you will be in a few minutes, and you’ve been mentally fucked for a few another hours and-
— Sir, ple…too much, re…really…
König fuckijng adores you.
He loves your trembling voice, your trembling hands, your trembling everything. The way you squint your eyes as he finds all of your special spots – it took him some time but ladies are just like riffles – come undone if you press on a few parts. You look perfect under him, and he couldn’t have you any other way even if he wanted to…god, you’re too fucking perfect for your own good. So, so pretty, it’s insane how he didn’t fuck you the first night you’ve been in his basement. Perhaps, he was trying to be a gentleman – fuck this, now. If he knew how sweet you would sound, he’d abandon any rotten chivalry on day one.
König didn’t have a lot of experience – a few sex workers here and there, some in the more exotic destinations while the others were, embarrassingly enough, from his hometown. It was a sense of domesticity, that he isn’t a fucking loser who can’t get a lady in his bed without wavering either his gun or hit wallet – but he has you now, and you don’t really care about his money or his guns…unless he counts your obvious activity. Which he doesn’t. Good golly, you’re too fucking pretty to count that.
He flicks his tongue over your clit and dips lower, deeper, sucking the sweet nectar straight from the source. You’re embarrassingly wet even as you try to push his head away – he would handcuff you, but he likes your little resistance attempts too much. He moans every time you tug on his hair and, with time, you should finally understand that everything you do only makes him want you more. Maybe, you do – but you keep doing this because you’re such a good girl who wants nothing more but to please her dearest…not exactly husband, but he can work on this. He has friends in places. Same ones who used to get him out of detentions when his quiet kid violent tendencies weren’t quite quiet enough.
He is moaning as he eats you out – the sound reverberates from your walls and makes you clench around his tongue, your brain already getting fried from pleasure. You never wanted to get off from your captor’s tongue buried so deep between your legs, but you surely enjoy it now…
You try to pry his head from you when he gets a bit too eager, when it feels like his nose is smashing your clit and you can only moan some mindless bullshit.
— You want to talk about lego instead?
He presses his head on your thighs, his cheek angled against the soft skin. He has a bit of a stubble that burns the soft skin, but the look in his eyes is far too eager. He is not bullshitting – and this is the most terrifying he is ever been. You try to imagine another three-hour lecture Star Wars and the history of lego sets combined with his awkward attempts to fuck you in between turning his affection spam from one thing to the other. The picture is vivid in your mind. You can almost hear it.
You consider your options. It is a hard decision for you.
— You know, they weren’t able to sell the sets to girls up until…
You grab a fistful of his hair and push his face all the way down your dripping pussy.
It looks like the only sure way of making your captor shut up is literally forcing him to fuck you…there were many such cases – you embarrassingly easily fall to his charms, even though he has the aura and charisma of a serial killer who got a freshly baked orphan for his lunch and then tried to talk you into destroying a small country’s economy.
König eats you out with the vigor of a starving man, and there isn’t a place he would love to be more than here and now, listening to your heavenly moans. This is the best motivational song he heard so far – and as he pushes his big, flat tongue deeper into the gummy walls of your clenching pussy, he thinks about recording your sounds and then listening to them in the gym. Could probably break the poor lifting pole with the strength of his fists.
He brought you to an orgasm – not easily, he had to lick the reaction out of you, your heat coming down to both of you like a wave. You feel tired immediately, knowing just how much energy you just wasted listening to his blabber between your legs – but you honestly can’t be arsed to react right now.
König lifts his body up so he can kiss you – you taste yourself on him and, admittedly, it’s a lovely way to make him shut up. You still tremble as you get down from your high, your legs finally giving up, even though you were already laying on that shabby mattress. You shift slightly so he won’t crush you under the weight of his body. A Lego piece pocks at your side, making you wince.
You hate this fucking place.
— What’s wrong, Liebling?
He nuzzles your neck like a needy dog, pressing light kisses all over your skin. He is marking it, too – you can’t keep comparing him to a dog, but this is exactly what he is. Simply a war hound that you have to tame in order to get a somewhat normal life while still belonging in his basement. You thought you knew how to play this game – then he pushed you on your tummy and fucked you because, apparently, you were too good at playing him. Even now, he acts more like a lover – if only you could see past his homicidal tendencies…
But you can’t.
But he doesn’t care anyway.
— I…
You bite your lips, trying to come up with a lie that wouldn’t make him fuck you. König thought you looked beautiful like this, all holed up in your thoughts. So, so pretty, he couldn’t help himself – he needed you, as much as he kinda hated playing the psychological game and trying to understand what you’re thinking. Ladies are too mysterious for him, after all.
— I want to sleep in a normal bed.
Well, he…didn’t expect this.
He was ready to combat your desire to run away or to be let go willingly. He was ready to put you on your knees and make you beg for him to not let you go - after all, you did belong to him in all of his right. He didn’t…didn’t expect you to want something so simple. Something that he can do. God, you’d look fucking divine on his bed instead of the tiny basement he put you in. He can already imagine you on your tummy, face buried in his pillows as he pounds into your soft ass and explains every superhero poster he has in his room. He will show you all of his figures and knives and guns, and you’ll finally see just how amazing he is and how interesting his hobbies are – and you’re bound to finally love him the way he deserves.
You stare at him, blankly. He kinda loves when you look like that – sometimes he imagines you being a mindless little bimbo who can’t think of anything besides his dick, and it helps him get off when you’re too sleepy to play along with him. He tried to bring you more sets, something childish, something meant for girls – but you tossed away the rose bouquet and you didn’t even spare a second glance at some fandom set that he thought you’d like. God, you’re difficult. Women are difficult. Why can’t you be as straight as a riffle?
— Normal bed, Katzen? You don’t like it here?
He puts a hand on your shoulder, his fingers too big to rest on your body carefully – he easily reaches for your neck and he knows that you’d go out like a light with the smallest squeeze. You’re adorable and soft like this, and he can’t wait to finally try choking with you.
König imagines your pretty, soft body all helpless under him – maybe you’d claw at his hands and beg him to stop, maybe you’d enjoy it, drenching the small mattress with your juices. Maybe you’d push your hips towards his, desperately searching for release. You can be a nasty, dirty girl, he knows this all too well – mostly because he did go through your phone and searched for your browser history. Who knew that a simple lego store cashier could have so many kidnapping and overpowering fantasies. Who knew that you could be so wet just because some military-obsessed loser wanted to shove his cock into you and wasn’t nice enough to ask first.
— I…I don’t like the basement.
Smart girl. You know how to be sot and obedient when you have to. Too bad, this behavior also made you all the more desirable for König – compared to the rowdy recruits and dumb enemies, your quiet voice is everything he needs to not go crazy. His hand plays with your neck, squeezing it slightly, playfully. He can feel your pulse quickening every time he does this and he is sure that if he’d drop his hand between your legs again, your pulsating pussy would be wet enough to indicate a second orgasm.
He goes too far again.
— You don’t like the basement? Why?
You stare at him, blankly. He seriously thought there is nothing wrong with the basement – it’s small, yes, but probably just about the size of a studio apartment you were able to afford while working in Berlin, of all places. You have a mattress, a loving boyfriend, you have all the food and snacks you want, your pussy is filled with cum and your mind should be filled with endless love and adoration for the coolest guy in the world who just so happens to be in love with you, so…
He looks at your face again. Ja, you don’t like the basement. You’re a surface girl after all.
— You really want me to answer that? It’s the basement.
He snorts, still dragging the conversation.
— I spend most of my childhood in the basement. It was nice.
— I could tell.
— What?
— Nothing. Let me out, please.
He sighs with deeply settled tiredness. He thought you’d be nicer about it, too – but he knows what ladies want, he is a ladies' man at heart. He doesn’t have one, of course, not unless this charcoal-black shrapnel-filled thing deep in his chest could be considered one, but he tried his best to be good for you. You deserve something nice, something good. He wants to kiss you all over and he will do it on his own bed, while trying to talk you into watching some old nerdy TV show with him. Maybe you’d agree to play with some Lego after this and it could be considered a really nice and thorough foreplay.
— I can’t.
— Let me sleep on a normal bed, then.
Well, this, he can do.
Carefully unlocking your shackles and immediately catching your legs so you won’t kick him in an attempt to escape, König picks you up like a kitten. It’s scary, almost, how easy it is for him to just manhandle you into the position he wants. He is a big boy, admittingly, so it really doesn’t matter how big or how small you are. He can abuse you easily, and this is why you’re trying to keep him gentle. Using all of your womanly charms even if this guy would get off just from you calling his name.
He covers your eyes so you won’t see anything – not like you’re interested in the amount of weirdly specific movie posters on the walls or an alarming amount of firearms. He knows he is not the most charming person out there with the most interesting hobbies, but you will learn to appreciate all of his anime figures, or else you’re going to suffer the fate of a recruit who dares to ask his late thirties colonel of who the fuck Ayanami Rei is. Rumors are held that this guy was never seen in the army again.
He only puts the hand away from your face when you are sitting on the soft bed. You stare at the navy sheets – fucking obviously – and, surprisingly, a bed frame. Then your gaze travels a bit further, to the walls and…
Oh fuck.
You almost want to cry from how much of a loser your kidnapper is. He is a threatening mercenary, a fucking colonel in military uniform who holds you at gunpoint occasionally. You stare at the anime posters. You contemplate your options.
— Can I go back to the basement?
If god is real, he is a fucking anime girl from the poster in your kidnapper’s bedroom.
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