#Your honor I love him
taylrartz · 2 days
Currently playing Path of Radiance for the first time and I must say 19 chapters in its among the best stories I have ever experienced🥹💓 so here’s some Tellius sketches<3
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bayleavesfromthevine · 21 hours
soshiro's list of priorities: 1. swords 2. making sure that absolutely no one steals his place at mina's side 3. two swords
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ohohorla · 2 months
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incorrecthatchetfield · 8 months
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valiantvillain · 10 months
You can't convince me Gale wasn't totally advertising himself as marriage material throughout the entirety of his romance. He's got a tower. It's got a great kitchen and a wine cellar. He can cook. He'll formally introduce you to Tara over a nice dinner. His mother will love you. And after so many years of the bar being in the pits of hell for irl men I fell for that shit hook, line, and sinker. Feel his shirt that smells like a library. It's husband material.
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osakarts · 5 months
rafayel: me? blushing? never.
also rafayel whenever MC gets a little to close:
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kitorasohma · 5 months
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Honestly, way for Rosie to fly to the top of my favorite characters. I love her banter and friendship with Alastor so unbelievably much!
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lifemod17 · 22 days
Someone from the crowd yelled "go Andrew!" during Cherry Wine at his last show in Forest Hills, NY and Andrew got flustered 🥹💛
Source: Instagram.com
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percyluvr · 4 months
percy jackson x child of hypnos!reader summary: you and percy enjoy the soothing qualities of your cabin wc: 268
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"Hey sleepy," Percy says as he opens the door to your cabin, immediately welcomed by the soft classical music playing in the background. 
"Hey baby, what's up?" 
"Just wanted to say hey, and maybe take a nap with you," he says, eliciting a small chuckle from you. At this, his eyes widen in mock surprise.
"Don't laugh, I'm serious. You know your cabin is the most relaxing in the entire camp!"
"Alright, you big baby. C'mere and cuddle up with me," you softly say.
He walks over and launches himself onto you, his strong arms wrapping around your smaller frame, completely engulfing you. The smell of him was invigorating. you'd always liked the slight hint of sea that you smelled whenever he was near, and now the scent was overwhelming. Typically, your cabin smelled like the soothing smells of lavender and jasmine, but now it smelled like seawater, and was somehow even more soothing to you. 
“Feels so good being near you. Y’know you're so soothing, baby, don't know how you do it. I mean, I know you're a child of Hypnos and all but I don't think it's just that. You're just so relaxing to be around even without you using any of your... y'know, relaxing powers," he whispers into your neck.
"I just love you so much," he says in between soft kisses to your neck.
"I love you more honey, but now let's go to sleep," you murmur, eyes drooping.
You closed your eyes and channeled the relaxation through your body, making sure that this nap would only bring good dreams to your sweet boyfriend.
a/n: clearly i have no idea how powers would work for a child of hypnos but i was just a lil inspired and wanted to write smth rq
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caemidraws · 5 months
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aws-art · 9 months
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britishneonjello · 2 months
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how I feel getting a flashlight save vs how the killer sees me doing it :*)
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poetryvampire · 2 months
Gale giving tav a house tour and they get to his bedroom.
Gale: Now this is where the✨️ magic happens✨️. Not the actual magic that would be saved for my study. Or at times the yard if extra room is needed. Better safe than sorry, as they say. Learned that the hard way on more than one occasion. However if we're speaking in terms of the romantic arts then this is also where the ✨️ magic happens✨️
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sassypossumm · 2 months
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This man eating you out... [Minors DNI]
that's it your honor, I just wrote it... I'm not responsible, I swear..
seriously tho...did I just write a poem about Miguel eating you out...
Miguel staring up at you with that depraved feral gleam in his eyes. His tongue sliding teasingly. agonizingly. slowly along either side of your clit.
His rough hands keeping your thighs spread obscenely wide, brushing his thumbs soothingly into your soft trembling skin.
Your whimpers and sobs being answered by the lewd sound of his tongue auctioning around your clit as he finally releases your thigh to pet thr entrance of your neglected wet pussy.
Miguels guttural groan when your thigh squeezes against his head. His hips grinding desperately into the mattress seeking some form of relief...
Your entire body jerking when you reach climax, his name a depraved thing on your lips. Miguel tugging you closer to his face, ignoring your whines.
"Again, baby, please." He whispers huskily, fingers digging into your plush inner thighs. His lips and jaw covered in your viscous arousal. His tongue slowly sliding along his bottom lip collecting the tangy evidence, his eyes shining with pride.
You bite your lip and flop back, moaning as his tongue begins its dance anew.
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jaybirdzi · 4 months
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12:39 am
warnings - smut, p in v, not-so-gn (usage of 'good girl'), slight degradation, slight dumbification, unprotected sex (wrap it up yall)
minors dni !!!
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dbdbbe all i can think abt is jason absolutely going at it after a long day of patrol. he is tired, but soo pent up, and there you are, looking all pretty in just his shirt and panties. it was almost like you were begging to be taken.
your back was arched into the mattress, his hand holding down your shoulders against the bed. muffled moans and whimpers escaped your parted lips, eyes teary from his cock slamming into your walls. “what a good fuckin’ girl. takin’ my cock so well aren't you baby?” he drawls, groaning at your walls tightening with every word. your hips squirm against his ministrations, his hand slaps against your ass, causing a squeak to escape your lips
“‘m talking to you baby, you're a good girl aren't you?”
you could only nod, not trusting your fucked out brain to work enough to form coherent words.
"use your words like a big girl." he slaps your ass again, a yelp escaping your throat. you grip at the sheets, only able to think about his thick shaft stretching out your walls so deliciously.
"y-yes 'm a good g-girl" you stammer out between moans and whimpers as his thrusts seemed relentless.
"you gonna cum all over this cock aren't you baby." his hand travels from your hip, to your puffy needy clit. his calloused fingers tapping agains the swollen bud. loud moans resonated in the room, moans turning into full on sobs as you nodded, eyes closing shut.
"cum for me baby" he whispered, leaning his body over yours as you came over his cock. he didn't stop, now focusing on his orgasm.
you were a whimpering and drooling mess, body jerking with each thrust. he grunts and lets out a low moan, finally reaching his climax, your walls tightening around him, his cum coating your walls.
he pulls out your panting body, he takes shallow breaths, reaching for a napkin and wiping his dripping cum from your folds. you whined, still sensitive.
"sorry baby. i'll buy you the pill tomorrow" his voice came out low and rumbly. you just nod as he helps you sit back up. he sets you on his lap as he kisses around your face. "you really did so good for me." he kisses your forehead. "now lets get you cleaned up baby."
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i need him to be real SO BADLYYY!!!
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lokimobius · 1 month
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someone get this man some pie asap
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