#what it meant to me when i chose it. and later it may mean something different. and i'll be able to see how my feelings toward it change
pigeonpeach · 8 months
Yandere Genshin
Prompt: youve caught their eye but… you’re already taken… that won’t be a problem…
Cw: yandere duh, mentions of murder and violence, manipulation, kidnapping, etc. fem reader
Characters: Jean, Diluc,Yelan, Neuvillete
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Jean finds herself more and more infuriated with your commitment everyday. A simple hunter from Springvale is the one that catches your eye? How absurd! She knew she should’ve been more forward with her tatics. Oh this frustration and heartbreak has been tormenting her, impacting her work ethic as she tries to give you space. But its hard because you work for her. A cutesy little maid. You belong to her.. you’re everything she could want in a partner. So delicate, so plump, you’re the perfect bride. There’s no way she’s letting a man who can’t read s kid’s book without struggle surpass her!
So… she staged a little accident lets say.. she happened to cut the patrols in the area, making them closer to the city itself. That way there still was protection for the city… just not for the hunters. For awhile they’d been complaining sbout how the patrols spooked the boar. Even though those patrols were meant to cut down and discourage hilichurl camps. From a political perspective she just gave the hunters what they wanted. To up the anti more she had Kaeya tell him about a legendary boar deep into the wilderness. How the boars get bigger in hilichurl camps because they’ve started to fence them off and fatten them up, if he goes at night when they’re asleep, he could surely nail himself a big boar and pass it as a authentic catch…
The short of it was this. Your almost boyfriend snuck into one of the biggest hilichurl camps without the knights patroling nearby. And Kaeya knowing Jean’s work was negatively impacted by him.. may or may not have done something to alert the hilichurls to the the intruder. Quickly he was overwhelmed and beaten. With no knight in sight he was all alone. His struggle only made the hilichurls more violent. They threw him out, beaten to a pulp. When he saw Kaeya he was relieved thinking he was saved. But Kaeya had orders to finish the job of need be.
His death? A accident. Later hunters found him rotting near the camp, no foul play found. No one knew of his idea or who gave it to him, or who gave that person the idea. In your devastation you ended up right in her arms weeping.
“I am so sorry for your loss. I’ll make sure patrols return to normal and those camps are wiped out soon enough. I won’t let you experience such hardship ever again.” Crying to your boss felt so unprofessional but Jean was just so comforting to you. You had been putting on a brave face until now. You stood as she held you. “Lisa bought me this tea recently. It helps to steady my mind when I’m stressed, would you like me to give you some. I know it won’t remove your pain but it should help you somewhat. Unfortunately I can’t give you time off as two others are currently sick. But once they’re back I’ll give you some vacation okay?” She wiped your tears as you nodded.
“Th-that’s reasonable.. th-thank you.. oh god i must be such a burden. You’re already so stressed i didn’t mean to make it worse for you-“
“That’s not the case at all. I care about you. I want you to be safe and happy as every citizen in Mondstadt should be.” She kissed your forehead as she handed you the cup she prepared. “Here drink some tea. It was originally for me but I figure you need it more. I haven’t dranken from it.”
“Y-you’re sure that’s okay? I don’t mind waiting for another cup.” You asked. Oh how innocent you looked. Jean hated how she had to come to this, asking Lisa for a love spell to be put into the tea. But she couldn’t risk doing this to every suitor who got close to success. She needed to make sure you chose her otherwise she might go further next time.
“Its fine.” She said. You drank it with no further complaints.
Diluc was certain this was some sick prank. You, his beloved little maid, in love with nothing more than a simple merchant? Its not uncommon for the route from dawn winery to be used. But a certain merchant he purchased seeds from seemed to be getting far too close to you. Sure you two weren’t dating, he hadn’t even made the first step. But now he was absolutely was going to take drastic measures.
The first step: Distract you. You found yourself being assigned to chores more indoors an less outdoors. Diluc could sense how you would look out beyond hoping to see him again and he didn’t want that to continue. The second step was to lure said merchant back on a day you weren’t working. His arrival was horrible as the maids had all gone home leaving Diluc and Adelinde to recieve him, on a new moon, there was no moon to illuminate his path home so Diluc offered him to stay the night. He thought of this gratefully, originally the death Diluc planned was a simple killed in his sleep. But when he asked about you… oh it activated something in him. He even brought you a gift… how thoughtful… Diluc struggled to maintain his composure.
The merchant never did make it past the night. Despite his struggles. His body found beneath the bridge near Stone Gate. A investigation launched but ultimately blamed on bandits. With it his gift was smashed. You were devastated yes but your employer seemed to suddenly be more attentive than usual. He offered you meals and tea. Often requesting just to talk to you.
“Its getting late. I really should be going.” You set the tea cup back. “This was nice though. I wouldn’t mind doing this again but… oh.. is it raining?” You look out to see water coating the windows as what sounding like rain came from outside.
“Oh my it appears to be. At this hour you would be most vulnerable if you left now. You have no pets correct?”
“No.. oh dear…” you silently began to worry.
“You could always.. stay over. There is many a guest room and there’s spare pajamas for you. I’m certain it’ll be better than getting sick. Besides there’s bandits on the roads at these hours. You remember what happened to that merchant.” His voice luring you to s false sense of safety.
“Yes… I’ve been quite nervous going home now to be honest. Do you know if they ever found who did it?”
“Still nothing. Guards are posted more though. But it wpuld be easier. You do have a early shift here anyways in the morning so you wouldn’t need to go home right away. If that sounds alright.” He says, you jolted slightly as his hand gently grazed yours as you held your jacket. At that moment thunder clapped, startling you.
“I suppose that makes sene. I’ll take you up on that offer then..” you smiled shyly.
“I’ll lead you to your room then.”
He wasn’t going to let you leave.
(A/n: this is a alternative route to my other work Yelan vs Pantalone, dont consider this cannon to that piece but as its own spinoff)
Everyone has secrets. And Yelan’s is the fact that she stole a bride straight from Pantalone. It was mostly just to spite him, and also because she’s a sucker for a pretty face and couldn’t stand letting that happen. But oh they’re far more irresistible than she could’ve imagined. Now that they’re safely hidden in the jade chamber, working as a intern. She’s been visiting them when she comes to visit Ninguang, lucky her that Ninguang would allow her little damsel to stay in the jade chamber. But while her back was turned to her former life, she set her eyes on the people once known as parents to them. Her little Damsel cannot return to her former identity ever. And thus its better for her to believe that Pantalone went back on his word and killed them.
And that’s exactly what ended up happening. The Fatui’s search was halted and stopped because the Millieth wasn’t going to let the Fatui kill civilians just because they lost a bride. Even though they insisted they didn’t all signs pointed to that. She then forged documents to show to her beloved little damsel that this was the plan from the beginning, that Pantalone would have killed her parents upon acquiring her. Like the others so far, she used this opportunity to soothe them and bring them closer. At least this way they are alive and safe rather than in the hands of their families killer. Only… they are infact in the arms of their families killer. All seemed well until some stupid guard started poking around. He seemed more interested in courting them, believing they myst secretly be from s powerful family outside of Liyue and hiding. It was a rumor she purposely started to cover for their true identity. But now it backfired as this man saw a opportunity to climb up the social ladder. She isn’t quite sure what his exact plan was but her guess was he intended to make her fall for him and then marry him when she returned to her life, this guaranteeing a life of luxury. Unfortunately for him that won’t be the case. But Yelan can’t go killing her own. So she decided to simply use her influence to have him demoted to ground work instead. Convincing Ningguang that if allowed to stay he’ll uncover their scheme. The reason given to him was that apparently he was too loud or social than was acceptable in such environments. Afterwards he died to a hilichurl raid. Whoops.
“You.. you got my stuff?” You were surprised when she came to you with a crate.
“Yes, since legally you’re dead, your parents stuff was sold at auction at request of your family members. I grabbed what I remembered you valued myself.” She said with s smile as you beamed at the sight of your old things.
“It won’t raise suspicions will it?” Yu asked.
“I won’t let it. Don’t worry your pretty little head about the details.” She said patting you.
“I-i don’t know what I could do to repay you. You’ve done so much for me i-i truly have never had someone like you in my life.” You looked at her expecting a sort of humble brush off or something to actually be named.
“A date would be nice. Once everything cools down of course.” Her voice was like a purr, making you flustered.
“O-oh sure.. as long as it won’t cause you any trouble.”
“Perfect.” She said. You didn’t see it but she was considering drugging your tea that sat on the table behind her. A love potion, how typical but how effective. But seeing your blush she could tell you had infact fallen for her already. Which made the potion more of a backup if you ever lost feelings.
Neuvillete is anything but dishonest. But… seeing you cling to the arm of a guard, how happy you two looked.. it left him green with envy and red with wrath. To control himself he decided to simply change the guards routine to be out of your way. But you just went to meet them after work. His favorite little employee falling for the guard rather than him.. he felt deeply insulted.
Time for more drastic measures. He asks a favor from the clueless and happy Sedene (a simple melusine) to sneak into his house. To which she happens to find something. Just as planned he spends his time arranging scenarios to increase suspicion causing the other guards perform a check up right as he is planted with primordial sea water. He is quickly taken away to be questioned. Meanwhile you are distraught. You never thought him capable of such feats. But alas he was hardly the man you thought he was.
“I-I’m so sorry.. i truly didn’t know anything… i- Oh god ll this time..” you were hyperventilating as you were brought into questioning. “I-i.. oh god.. am i in danger? I could’ve ended up just like those missing girls..” Neuvillette’s hands reached out to your space as if to tell you to quiet down.
“I understand this situation is difficult. If necessary I’ll give you a moment to compose yourself. There isn’t any reason I have to suspect you but I still have to take precautions. You agreed to the random house search and no trace of seawater was found. I’m simply asking if he told you of anything suspicious or gave you any implications of his true nature.” He lowered his voice in a more gentle manner than he would in court. You sniffled as you wiped your tears.
“He.. he did keep inviting me to his place. I never went though. I didn’t think we were far along to do such things.. you know like… intimacy..” you nervously muttered. He still heard you, he was pleased to know you two didn’t get too serious.
“Were you two officially a couple?”
“No.. but we were close… i was going to ask him but then this all happened and… you know the story from there.”
“Hmm.. I see. It appears you infact were a target. Is there any reason you can think of?” He says. The sight of you so heartbroken and shaking is strangely attractive to him. So timid, so easily manipulated.
“No.. no not at all.. i don’t understand why?” You seemed more and more frightened. “S-should i not leave the house for a bit. This sounds very scary.. i don’t know if I can continue my routine as normal like this!” You whimpered as your hands seemed to get closer to your body. As if you retreating into she’ll to hide in.
“Fear not, I’ll have the secret patrol watch over. And each guard will undergo inspections from here onward. But i will be seeing you more. I want at least weekly updates to know of any strange activities or unexpected changes. Understand?” He said. You nodded. “With my life, I promise you, you will be safe. And I will let no harm come to you.. ever.”
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taylorsburner · 9 months
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✧Summary✧ An unexpected treehouse date turns into an unexpected meeting with Conrad's younger brother
a/n: first Conrad fic over here! something cute and fluffy so I hope y'all like it🫶🏾
How exactly you ended up in Conrads treehouse, you couldn’t exactly pinpoint. All you knew is that in one of your nightly FaceTime chats over Thanksgiving break, Conrad had managed to somehow persuade you to fly back home with him have a little more time together at his house before you went home and didn’t see each other for a whole month. He even went as far as to come prepared with flight prices, times and anything else that would be needed to convince you. Including the justification of “My brother and dad aren’t going to be there for a few days. Do you want me to be all by myself at home?” with a little pout (a pout that he knew you couldn’t say no to) at the end to sweeten it up.
And to his surprise, and yours to be completely honest, you agreed to this little plan of his. You were going to miss him when you went home after all. Plus, you lived on the east coast too so it wouldn’t be that much out of your way, and even though you missed your family, it’s not like you were in a complete rush to get home. And you hadn’t bought your tickets at that point anyway so this in and of itself forced you to get that done.
Fast forward a couple of weeks and too many exams later and here you were, standing in the hideout Conrad claimed as his growing up.
“What am I in the girlfriends that have been up here roster?” You joke, looking through the bin of action figures in the cubbies against the wall.
“Number one actually.” Conrad honestly replies. He’d brought a girl home before, but never up to the treehouse.
“Really?” You ask turning back in his direction, not fully behind the idea of you being the first girl he chose to bring up here.
“Mhm.” He hums in response, a proud little smile threatening to break through in the process.
“Well I’m honored.” You proudly return, going back to looking at the relics of his childhood. On the outside, you were calm and collected, happily looking around. On the inside though, there were a million butterflies swarming your stomach and a pleasant warmth spreading through your body. Not that it really mattered, but hearing that you were the first girl he’d brought up here made you feel a little special. He showed you in other ways how much you meant to him of course, but being welcomed into a special space of his was just a nice cherry on top.
“This is too cute!” You gush, taking in all of the very Conrad touches around the space.
“My dad built it for my brother and I, but once Jere was no longer interested I made it my own hideout.” Conrad further explains, deciding to take a seat on the floor against the wall, focusing all of his attention on you.
“Well all of this is very you, very Conrad.” You hum with a little smile, deciding to join him on the floor. When you do this, you’re immediately being pulled over to straddle his lap, to which you had no complaints in the slightest.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He quips, quirking his brow up in your direction.
“It’s so neat and tidy in here. Plus, you have those little single player games you love so much for some reason. And there’s enough books for you to stay up here for god knows how long.” You reply, a small smirk forming on your lips.
“You may have a point.” Conrad concedes with a smile, his mind immediately flashing to the many times his mom had to practically bribe him to come down for dinner, even coming up there herself at times.
“I know.” You reply, pridefully beaming down at him.You could feel his arms wrapping your waist, pulling you closer to his chest, prompting you to rest your arms on his shoulders, immediately playing with the soft curls at the nape of his neck out of instinct. A wave of comfortable silence falls over the room, both you and Conrad basking in the simple state of being together. And being closer than before. Even though it was a small thing to see his childhood home and treehouse, the both of you whether it was verbalized it or not, no doubt felt closer. Conrad chose and allowed himself to open up and bringing you deeper into his life, something he did very sparingly.
“Thanks for bringing me along babe.” You whisper, ducking down slightly to plant a small kiss on his cheek.
“There’s no one else I’d rather be here with.” He whispers back, with the utmost sincerity in his tone and eyes. Conrad then proceeds to tenderly bring his lips to yours.The two of you were in absolutely no rush, just wanting to soak up any and every moment you had together. You and Conrad were in a bubble. Better yet, an island all to yourselves. The privacy you two had to seek out for the past three or so months was all yours now, at least for the next three days until you yourself went home for the holidays. And because of that, you and Conrad were going to make the most out of this time together.
All either of you could focus on in this moment was your mouths moving against each other’s. Just about anything could’ve been happening around you both and neither of you would bat an eye in that direction. There was this sort of force that held you both tightly wound in each other without being overpowering. Your fingers were nestled within his hair as his glide back and forth across the expanse of your back.
The kisses from Conrad remained soft and tender, however you could feel a bit more power behind each one. A power to which you gladly reciprocated. He manages to slip his tongue past your parted lips, only intensifying the already heavy atmosphere. Not only had he taken claim of your mouth, you could also feel him quickly growing beneath you (and since you were straddling him, your center was pressed right against him) and you could feel his hands sneak underneath your hoodie and t-shirt to take claim of your warm skin beneath.
When it came to time or how cold it was outside, neither of you were paying attention. At this point, the both of you were turned on and wrapped up in each other to even care for how long you’d been up there. That is, until the youngest of the Fisher boys stated yelling at the bottom of the tree for him.
Originally, Conrad would be the only one at home for a few days before the youngest Fisher would arrive, followed by their father. This meant he’d have you all to himself for a few days, the much-needed calm before the storm if you will. And in the long run of his " plan ", he planned on introducing you to his father and brother when you came with him to Cousins over the summer. That is, if you said yes when he asked you (he had a good feeling that you’d say yes though). But seeing as Jeremiah had arrived earlier, that plan was now scrapped.
“Conrad, I know you’re up there.” Jeremiah says pointedly up towards the quiet treehouse.
At this, your boyfriend gives you the smallest shhh between his light pants before bringing his lips back to yours, hoping that the silence would send his brother away.
“Maybe we should go down there. You don’t want to be rude, that is your brother after all.” You quietly reason, catching your breath in the process.
“I just want you all to myself. Plus he wasn’t even supposed to arrive this early!” He pouts, pulling you closer if that was even possible. When he does this though, he slightly moves you against the very noticeable bump in his pants, causing the both of you to let out a sigh of momentary relief. Before you could even respond, Jeremiah is shouting again.
“I will come up there!” Jeremiah “threatens” from below. He would’ve stampeded up there already if he hadn’t seen two suitcases in the house when he went in. The last thing, like the very last thing, he ever wanted was to see was his brother in a compromising position. So he treaded on the side of caution, for his own sake.
When he says this, you give Conrad one look and at last, he’s throwing in the towel.
“No need! We’re coming down.” Conrad grumbles loud enough for Jeremiah to hear, giving your thigh a slight squeeze, signaling for you to stand up first. Moving your hands into his you move to stand up, your legs a little shaky from your “activities” and from being on the floor for that long. Conrad then follows suit, standing tall in front of you. As if there’s a magnet at your waist, his arms snake back around you to hold you again, to which you are more than welcoming. But before Conrad can plant a departing kiss on you, the nuisance below (at least that’s what Conrad would be referring to him as from now on) starts up again.
“Conrad and-“ Jeremiah begins, pausing to think about who and the hell his brother could possibly be up there with. “whoever he’s up there with, kissing in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G.” Jeremiah proudly sings from the ground. ‘How childish could he possibly be’, Conrad thought. While Conrad let out an annoyance filled groan, you had no choice but to let out a giggle at the indirect back and forth between the two brothers. Eventually, the two of you make it back down the tree (Conrad reminding you to be careful just about every five seconds) to find Jeremiah waiting on the ground with a look of complete shock and a touch of confusion.
“Jere, this is my girlfriend Y/n. Y/n, this is my pest of a brother Jeremiah.” Conrad quickly introducing the two of you. You send the blonde a quick wave and smile, completely caught off guard at even meeting him right then and there, let alone right after you just finished making out with his older brother in his childhood tree house.
“Now how in the hell were you able to get a girlfriend? And a pretty one at that?” The blonde asks, a look of patronizing yet slightly genuine confusion on his face.
“Well when you’re not an annoying ass it’s a bit easier.” Conrad condescendingly replies, tightening the arm he had wrapped around your waist. To diffuse some of the tension radiating off of him, you peck his cheek and rest your head on his shoulder.
“Okay fine, don’t tell me.” He replies, rolling his eyes in the process. “Anyways, it’s nice to meet you Y/n. And I’m sorry you got stuck with my brother, hopefully he isn’t boring you too much.” He pokes with a wide smirk.
“It was nice meeting you too. And don’t worry, I’ll make sure to let him know if he ever does.” You reply with a smile, even though you knew that it was practically impossible for Conrad to bore you in the slightest. Jeremiah lets out a small chuckle at your comment before giving his brother a strong pat on the back and making his way back towards the house.
“I swear he didn’t tell me he was coming early. It’s literally impossible for him to be early to anything.” Conrad quickly explains once Jeremiah is out or earshot, worried that you may have felt uneasy about meeting his brother this early on in your relationship.
“I mean, I was going to meet him eventually. Right?” You softly reply.
“Of course.” He quickly replies back.
“Then we’re just a tad bit ahead of schedule.” You ration, pulling away slightly to face him. His cheeks were pink from the cold and he had the biggest and sappiest smile spread across his face. “I would kiss you right now but I can’t feel my lips.” You joke snapping him out of the small daze he was in.
“Well let’s get you inside. Don’t need my girlfriend turning into a popsicle.” He chuckles before picking you up bridal style and running you two back to the house, sending you into a fit of laughter.
request new stuff here♡
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imagines--galore · 6 months
||The Thread of Fate|| Part Fourteen
Summary: Soulmate AU. They say the Thread of Fate connects you to your one true love. It may tangle. It may stretch. But it will never break. Wrapped around your little finger it tightens when it feels your soulmate is close and loosens when they are far. And becomes visible with the colors of your soulmate’s Nation when you finally fall in love with them.
Pairing: Zuko x OroraOC (ATLA)
Rating || Genres || Warnings: T+ Romance. Adventure.
Previous Chapters - Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen
A/N: I LOVED writing this chapter! That's it. That's all I'm gonna say! Enjoy my lovelies!!!! Eeeeeepppppppppp!!!!!!
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"I was saving that peach for this morning."
"Then you should've told me last night. How was I supposed to know it was yours?"
"Because I didn't eat mine last night. You were right there when I put it away."
"For all I know, you didn't want to eat it."
"Who in their right minds wouldn't eat a peach?! Its the best fruit there is!"
"Which is why I ate it!"
And so the argument continued, words flying back and forth across the breakfast table. Iroh sipped his tea contentedly, enjoying the warmth of the beverage. The little argument didn't bother him, really it would bother him if Orora and Zuko weren't arguing first thing in the morning.
Thinking that perhaps he should step in, lest Orora freeze Zuko for the rest of the day, and she would do that, Iroh cleared his throat, catching both their attention. "I believe you owe Orora a peach Zuko." He stated calmly, prompting his pupil to shoot a smug smirk in the scowling Prince's direction.
"She can get one herself." He grumbled, standing up. Orora pursed her lips in annoyance, but chose to remain quiet. She wouldn't be letting it go that easily, but for now, they were already getting late for work.
Best to pick up on it later.
Iroh couldn't help but chuckle at the look of intense concentration on Orora's face. He knew exactly what she was planning, he just hoped her revenge, should she choose to seek it out, which she would, wouldn't make Zuko too annoyed.
Then again, it was rather nice to see Zuko display emotions other then anger, anguish and hopelessness. For too long he had watched his nephew despair over the loss of his home and his honor. But ever since Orora came into their lives, Iroh had seen significant change. One that made him realize that perhaps the boy Zuko had been before he was banished, was still somewhere inside him.
And as they stepped into the teashop to begin work for the day, he caught his nephew shoving a peach into Orora's hand before stalking off to look for his apron. His young pupil stood still for a few moments, eyes darting from the fruit to the door where Zuko had disappeared.
Finally, she rolled her eyes, a gentle smile playing about her lips. Slipping the peach into her pocket, she began her tasks for the day.
Iroh shook his head, smiling to himself. It was obvious how the both of them cared for one another, and yet neither were willing to take the next step. Perhaps because of their views, views that had been thrust upon them by the world.
A Fire Nation Royal, and a Water Tribe Noblewoman.
A love that was never meant to be.
Huffing to himself, Iroh began to go over the many many teas he had stored on the shelf behind the counter.
He had allowed them both the dignity of working everything out themselves, but if they were going to be too stubborn about their nonsensical views, he would have to step in.
They were far better together then they were apart, he had seen and experienced it firsthand.
Perhaps an opportunity would arrive soon, that would help push both teenagers together.
She stared at the peach in her hand.
It was rather strange how something as insignificant as a piece of fruit held so much meaning. And all because Zuko had given it to her.
Granted he had done so because his Uncle had told him he owed her one, but, lately, Orora had begun to realize that even though his Uncle was the one to advise Zuko on something, the act being carried out was something he did out of choice, and not necessity.
She was on her break at the moment, sitting in the back of the tea shop, looking over at the peach as if she were seeing it for the first time. Taking a bite of the fruit, she smiled at the sweet taste that burst across her tongue the moment she split the skin with her teeth.
Staring listlessly at the wall across from her, her mind wandered to the dinner they had a few nights ago. She still couldn't believe her and Zuko had managed to pull it off without any major mishap. They had actually been smiling at one another by the end of the night. And there was also the fact that she heard him laugh for the first time since they had met.
She had come to that realization late at night. It was shocking enough that she had laid there in silent surprise for a good few minutes before it sank in completely. It was sad how Zuko didn't allow himself to be happy. He didn't smile often either.
If eating spicy food and reacting to it got a sincere laugh out of him then she would probably do it again.
Orora shook her head as she took the last bite of her peach. The past couple of days, she had been seriously contemplating on Zuko being her soulmate. Here in Ba Sing Se, so far away from the horrors of war and the danger that had plagued them, she had to admit it was easy to dismiss all that was going on beyond the Walls and build a new life.
Maybe having Zuko as a soulmate wasn't such a bad thing.
He did look out for her, she mused as she stood to wash her hands in the sink. Whenever she would go out in the city he would follow her. At first it had been a little annoying, but seeing him actually be sincere about the task had softened her heart. And though she knew she could take care of herself, should the need arise, it was comforting to know that there was someone watching out for her.
And then there were the little gestures he had been acting on every now and then. She usually slept late, wanting to get a bit of practice in before heading to bed. Besides, as a waterbender, her abilities were much stronger at night under the light of the moon. Sometimes she would practice for so long that she would barely have the strength to stumble to her bed roll, let alone pull the blanket over her. She would wake the next morning with the blanket covering her, and she knew it had been him.
Because her string had tugged a little during the night and despite being asleep she had felt it.
He would always wait by the door before they left to ensure she walked between him and Iroh during their short trek to the tea shop. And when it was time to go home, he would be at the door once more, walking a pace behind her.
Zuko probably thought she didn't notice. But she did.
She noticed everything about him.
How, despite the cold exterior he tried to maintain, he actually had a kind heart. One that had hid from the rest of the world because he had had his face burned for showing that empathy for someone else.
Looking down at her hands, Orora suddenly realized she had actually washed the peach pit. Smiling softly, the girl couldn't help but shake her head as she recalled how Zuko had avoided her eye when handing her the fruit.
And for some unknown reason, one that certainly had nothing to do with sentimentality, she slipped the little peach pit in the pocket of her trouser.
The moment she did, her string flickered with color, and remained a deep red for a good few minutes.
All the while she stared at it, a warmth spreading through her entire body.
And if she blushed when Zuko walked in a few moments later, she simply walked past him, head held high, and eyes aglow with the realization that, perhaps, her feelings for him were beginning to grow stronger.
Warm amber gold eyes followed Orora as she walked back to the front of the shop. Once her break ended, his began, and Zuko was dying to eat something and get off his feet.
Honestly, serving tea all day, taking orders, washing dishes and stocking new product was as taxing as firebending. As someone who hadn't had a job his whole life, it was an eye-opener for him that people did all this and much more, just so they had a hot meal and a roof over their head.
Moving to where their daily lunch was, he picked up his bowl and settled onto his chair as he began to eat.
His eyes flickered to the two bowls that were still full of food, and he frowned. Orora hadn't eaten. She would likely be starving when they got back home. He needed a reminder to tell her off when it came to skipping her lunch. She did that often, he noticed, not eat because she didn't feel like it. If she kept doing that, she was surely going to get sick.
Letting out an annoyed huff he took a big bite of the stew he was eating, chewing almost aggressively. It was a little annoying at times, how much the thought of Orora occupied his mind. It was beginning to get rather tedious, if he were honest with himself, trying not to think of her.
But the surprising revelation about it? Was that he didn't actually mind thinking about her.
It was strange. For so long all that had occupied his mind was capturing the Avatar and getting back home. But now that was something that seemed as impossible to achieve as seeing a live dragon.
But what did seem possible? Was living a quiet life as a refugee. During the 100 year war, no Fire Nation army had been able to penetrate the walls of Ba Sing Se. So there was no chance of the city coming under the Fire Nation's control.
Maybe Uncle was right?
Maybe it was time to stop looking to the past and look towards the future.
A future with his Uncle at his side, someone who genuinely loved him.
And Orora. A future with Orora.
Would it ever happen, he wandered, playing with the last few pieces of meat that were at the very bottom of his bowl. He saw her as a friend now, and he was content with just that.
After all, he sighed in slight defeat, leaving the rest of his stew as he moved to the front of the tea shop again.
Soulmate or no, who could ever accept him?
A scarred, banished prince, with nothing but his title to remind him of who he had been.
Nothing more.
The new boxes of teas had arrived, and Iroh had eagerly opened them up to begin stacking them in the appropriate shelves. Climbing up the ladder, he lowered his hand down where Orora began to hand him the boxes one by one.
It had been a relatively slow day, so most of the chores they would normally do after the shop had closed were nearly completed now. Orora was honestly looking forward to going home early. It had been a busy few days, and she would also be going to Lake Laogai to practice a little of her bending soon.
A little lost in her daydream of practicing in a large body of water, she very nearly missed Zuko approaching the both of them.
"Uncle, we have a problem." His voice sounded urgent, prompting Orora to turn and look at him, while Iroh descended from the ladder.
"One of the customers is on to us." Zuko stated through slightly gritted teeth. Orora looked around the tea shop, and not finding anyone that would look remotely threatening rolled her eyes at Zuko. "You're being paranoid Zuko." She stated in a low voice, before moving to arrange a few more tea boxes in one of the lower shelves. Zuko threw a scowl in her direction before continuing to address his Uncle.
"Don't look now but there is a girl over there at the corner table. She knows we're Fire Nation." Iroh turned around to look at the girl, but was quickly pulled back by Zuko, who growled at him. "Didn't I say don't look?!"
"She's harmless Zuko. She's been coming in for days now. Always orders the Jasmine." Orora stated, not at all bothered by his accusations. Their main concern had been Jet, and he was already dealt with, so no reason to go around stirring up trouble. And she was aware how much Zuko loved to get in trouble for no reason.
Iroh had managed to see the girl, and having seen the girl before as well, he had also noticed how she would often watch his nephew as he worked around the shop. He tried his best not to let his glee show as he spoke. "You're right, Zuko. I've seen that girl in here quite a lot." He nudged his nephew in the stomach playfully. "Seems to me she has quite a little crush on you."
The reactions he had been hoping for were instant. Zuko blinked in astonishment at his suggestion, his brain unable to comprehend that anyone, let alone a pretty girl, would have a crush on him. Orora had dropped the box she had been setting, and turned to stare wide-eyed at her teacher and soulmate.
"What?" They both all but squawked out, prompting Iroh to let out a chuckle.
As if realizing what had just come out of her mouth, Orora quickly turned her attention back to her task, though not before she caught the look of surprise Zuko threw her way. Obviously he had seen her reaction. Though nothing could be said on the matter at present, since the girl came up to the counter. "Thank you for the tea." She said, a smile on her lips as she placed a few coins on the table, which Zuko picked up to put in the money box. "What's your name?" She continued, prompting Iroh to smile slightly.
Turning back around, Zuko spoke. "My name's Lee. We just moved here." He added, gesturing to both his Uncle and Orora, the latter of whom was still rather busy with stacking boxes, however she was more then aware of the conversation happening behind her.
"Hi Lee, my name's Jin." The girl introduced herself. "And......well, I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime." Zuko was stunned, for lack of a better word, staring at Jin as if she had suddenly grown an extra limb or something. Iroh, not wanting such a golden opportunity to go to waste quickly stepped forward.
"He'd love to!" He exclaimed loudly, behind him Orora glanced at Zuko out of the corner of her eyes, trying to see how he had reacted to being asked out by such a pretty girl.
"Great." Jin exclaimed, sounding delighted. "I'll meet you in front of the shop at sundown." And just as suddenly she had appeared, Jin walked away. A large smile on his lips Iroh threw an arm around Zuko's shoulders, who finally broke out of his bewildered state to glare at his Uncle.
"I'm not going."
The deceleration came as no surprise. As soon as Jin had walked out of earshot, Zuko had been quick to turn to his Uncle and state what was on his mind. Orora, not wanting to hear the rest of the conversation, moved to the back of the shop to finish doing whatever cups were left.
She knew Iroh wouldn't let Zuko back out, not when it meant making someone sad, so it was better to not be a part of that conversation.
Besides, she needed a little alone time to figure out why she had reacted the way she did just then a few minutes ago. Bending some clean water she splashed her face with it, allowing the coolness of it to calm and relax her a little. Maybe she should spend the evening on the roof. There was bound to be a moon out, and she just needed to bask in it's silvery glow. That always helped ground her.
But first, something to eat.
She moved to where her bowl of broth was still waiting for her. It was cold now, but she barely noticed as she caught snippets of conversations from beyond the open door.
Finally, Zuko appeared. He began pacing, grumbling under his breath, and she knew Iroh had won. "You know, you should be glad a pretty girl asked you on a date. Most guys aren't so lucky." She stated between a bite of her stew. He glared at her, to which she simply shrugged. "I'm just saying, why not go out and just have fun?" Setting her bowl down, she watched as his gaze flickered from his finger to her own.
The very finger the string that attached them to one another was tied.
She sighed, inhaling through her nose and exhaling through her mouth as she spoke. Zuko, just because we've decided to be friends doesn't mean we've promised anything more." Her voice was soft, and sounded a little detached, even to her own ears. And despite her heart telling her not to, her mind was pushing her to do the right thing.
"Go out with her. And like your Uncle said, be a normal boy for once. You deserve that more then anything. To be treated normally and not as the enemy." A smile pulled at her lips, though it didn't reach her eyes. At least not completely.
Something that Zuko noticed, even as he finally relented. "Alright, I'll go."
Zuko was beginning to feel a little exhausted.
Jin spoke. A lot. And while that wasn't a bad thing, he had never been good for long conversations. He preferred silence and as minimal conversation as possible. Orora had understood that early on, and though she teased him about being broody, she would keep quiet when she knew he needed the silence to just......be.
Her conversations did help him forget his rather morbid thoughts, and whenever he would return to silently contemplating, he found his mind to be much lighter then it had been before.
And all because he spoke to her.
"So tell me, I know Mushi is your Uncle, but what about that girl that works with you?" Jin's question had him blinking out of his stupor and looking at her across the dinner table. "Oh, she's a student of my Uncle's. He helps her with her waterbending, even though he isn't a bender himself." He was quick to add with a shrug.
He watched, confused, as Jin let out a little sigh of relief, her shoulders drooping slightly. "Oh well thats good! From the way she looks at you sometimes, I thought you two were soulmates or something."
Zuko blinked.
"What?" That word was supposed to come out as a demand, but instead it came out hoarse and unbelieving. The girl shrugged. "Well, yeah. I mean I've seen her look at you sometimes, and thats the exact way my mom looks at my dad when he isn't looking." She grinned. "They're soulmates." She added as a away of explanation.
The young prince simply gave a small nod, before returning to his silent contemplation, only half listening to Jin as she continued to talk.
The only good part of her evening had been when she had seen Zuko walk out after Iroh had helped him with his unruly hair. She had to physically hold herself back from laughing out loud, and had only let loose after he had gone, not wanting to hurt his feelings.
"I see you are amused by my nephew's misery Orora." Iroh said, though there was no anger in his words, only slight reprimand. Orora pursed her lips to keep from smiling. "I'm sorry Master. Though I do hope Zuko has a good time. He deserves it." She added.
Iroh reached out to pat her arm in an affectionate manner. "I know you are a little hurt, but you possess a kind heart for saying so Orora." Seeing the slightly crestfallen look on her face, as she allowed her true feelings for the date to show, Iroh continued.
"And who knows, perhaps this date will act as the wake up call my nephew needs to not take you for granted."
She shook her head. "He doesn't do that Master." Moving to the window, she placed one leg over the ledge. "Although, it would be nice if he were to notice me as a girl rather then just his friend." So saying, she pulled herself up on the roof to loose herself to her thoughts.
Well this was a little awkward.
Zuko glanced at Jin, looking more then a little crestfallen about discovering that he lamps weren't lit. And looking at her sad expression, he was reminded of Orora, and how sad she would look whenever he spoke to her about his past. Though since that first night, when he had revealed everything, he did try to cheer her up. Mostly he just said something to annoy her, to distract her from thinking about his past.
Lately though, he had been working on actually making her smile.
"Close your eyes. And don't look." He said. Jin gave him a confused look, but did as he asked. She even covered her eyes to assure him that she wasn't looking.
Zuko walked forward, holding his hands together. He closed his eyes briefly, inhaling as he allowed his inner fire to burn a little brighter. It had been so long since he had firebended. Using his pointer and middle fingers on each hand, he shot small bursts of flame in the directions of the candles to light them. It didn't take long for him to be done, and once finished, he stood straight and looked at Jin, who still stood with her palms over her eyes.
"Okay, now you can look."
Removing her hands, Jin gasped. "Oh, wow." Zuko had to admit, the lights did look rather beautiful as they reflected off the surface of the water of the fountain. Jin looked at Zuko, amazed. She walked up to him, looking at the candles. "What happened? How did they light? What did you do?" There was no accusation in her tone. Only surprise and happiness as her gaze flitted between him and the lights around them. Zuko didn't reply and Jin finally fell silent as well, looking around at the pretty view in awe.
And as he watched the light reflect in the fountain, he couldn't help but think of Orora and how she would probably create ice crystals to hang in midair. He was sure the sight would only become even more wondrous then it already was.
He was brought out of his thoughts when he felt Jin take his hand. Feeling a little lost and confused, since he had no other girl other then Orora actually take his hand voluntarily, he turned so he could look at Jin.
Who was beginning to lean in a little.
Prompting him to quickly hold up a piece of paper between them. His heart thumped wildly in his chest. Surely she hadn't been about to..........
"I've brought you something." Jin looked at him surprised. "It's a coupon for a free cup of tea." He continued, prompting the girl to smile. "Lee, this is so sweet." She said taking the coupon and smiling at him. Zuko shrugged as he took a couple of steps back. "Don't thank me – it was my Uncle's idea. He thinks you're our most valuable customer."
Jin smiled. "Your uncle is a good teacher." The young prince's face softened slightly at the words. "Yeah, Orora can testify to that." He said, his eyes falling to the fountain once more where the water rippled slightly in the breeze. He felt Jin walk up next to him. A hand pressed to the side of his face. "I have something for you too. Now it's your turn to close your eyes."
With no hesitation he did. He felt Jin move even closer to him before a pair of soft lips pressed against his own. The contact was brief and she pulled back almost instantly. And though he did lean back in a little, almost instinctively he pulled back.
He opened his eyes, standing there and looking at her. Imagining someone else.
Someone with darker skin.
Ice blue eyes.
A patch of white in her hair.
And a smile that had begun to effect him more then he ever thought possible.
He turned his back on Jin, beginning to walk away.
"What's wrong?" Jin called out behind him. He could almost hear the disappointment in her voice. "It's complicated." He said, trying to shake away the image of Orora looking at him just as Jin had a few moments ago. "I have to go." He said starting to walk once more.
"Its that girl isn't it?"
He turned around startled, his eyes wide in disbelief as he stared at Jin. She had an almost sad smile on her lips as she looked at him. "You know you look at her the same way she looks at you sometimes. I've seen it." She said sighing in an almost melancholy way. "I would kill to have someone look at me like that. Like I'm their reason for getting up in the morning." She clarified, oversharing as usual, given how that was how she talked. Jin shrugged.
"Maybe it doesn't have to be as complicated like you say it is."
Zuko looked at her one last time, before sprinting back home.
Iroh looked out from the window down in the street, hoping to catch sight of Zuko as he returned. Of course he did not anticipate his nephew taking the back entrance of the apartment building. The door opened and Zuko walked in, silent and contemplative.
Trimming a bonsai tree to appear nonchalant, Iroh barely glanced at his nephew. "How was your night, Prince Zuko?" He asked. Zuko responded by walking to the bedroom and slamming the door shut behind him. Iroh looked after him for a second with a confused expression before he sighed and moved back to his task.
Though he immediately turned back around when he heard the door crack open and Zuko's voice to filter out.
"It was nice." He said, his voice soft and sounded as if he didn't believe the words himself. The door closed again, and Iroh smiled before resuming his task.
He found her lying on the roof. Her arms behind her head, her gaze trained towards the night sky, the light of the moon bright yet soothing. She didn't move her head, though she knew he was there as he mirrored her position.
A peaceful silence enveloped them both.
Where Zuko's mind had been a cacophony of words and voices echoing all around, barely finishing a thought, it was now silent. And where Orora had been overthinking even the most minutest of details, she found perfection in that moment as Zuko lay beside her.
"So, how was your date?" She finally spoke, her voice breaking the stillness of the moment, though not taking away from the tranquility of it.
"It was nice." Zuko repeated the same words he had told his Uncle, eyes tracing the many stars that littered the night sky. "I told her we traveled with a circus at one point. She seemed to believe it."
A soft laugh echoed across the rooftop. A sound that prompted Zuko to smile. He liked hearing her laugh.
"She also asked me to juggle, and I broke a couple of pots."
Another laugh. He was beginning to associate that sound with true happiness.
"Then she took me to see this fountain. You would've liked it. The lights made it look like the water was dancing." He never would've thought he would say words like that. Words of beauty and appreciation he always kept to himself. But here, with her, he had no problem saying them out loud.
Another silence.
This time it was broken by Orora. And the words she spoke next were so soft that Zuko almost missed them.
"Did you kiss?"
He stiffened beside her, and she had her answer. A pang of sadness had her almost wincing as she pursed her lips.
"She did." His voice finally came, soft and sincere. "I didn't."
Normally when the both of them spoke to each other concerning anything, words were their major means of communication. A way to get their point and message across.
But right then, they were barely speaking, and yet the amount of emotion, understanding and comprehension that passed between them was one neither had ever felt before.
Finally, finally, she turned her head, something she had been dying to do since he came up.
Because she wanted to look at his handsome face.
She wasn't at all surprised to see him looking back at her. The wind blew softly, a few strands of her hair escaping her comb and tickling her cheek.
Her heart was beating fast, though her breathing was calm and slow. She had never seen him look so gentle before. So soft.
Zuko allowed his eyes to roam over her face. From her expressive blue eyes, to that soft looking patch of white hair. And while in the past he had to stop himself from touching it, this time he didn't.
His hand lifted to gently brush the tips of his fingers against the strands. They were just as soft as he had imagined.
In his attempt to stroke her hair, his body had shifted even closer, and tilted slightly so that he was lying at his side. Loosing herself to the feeling of his fingers in her hair, Orora couldn't help but lean towards him, her upper body turning to the side as well.
Their gaze never wavered from one another.
He cleared his throat, wanting to give her an answer though unable to find the words. And somehow, she understood.
So she brought her fingers up, gently pressing them against his lips and giving him a smile, showing him that despite him not saying a word, she knew.
A look of gratitude flashed in his amber gaze, as his hand slowly dropped from her hair, to rest his palm against her cheek. The gesture surprised her, prompting her to remove her fingers from his lips. Though they didn't get very far.
Instead she pressed her fingers gently against the scar on his face. She allowed her fingers to trace along the rough skin, a touch so exquisite and tender, that Zuko was sure it was nothing but a dream.
But the reality of it was that Orora was lying next to him. And she was touching his scar. The ugliest part of him. And she was touching it as if it were the most softest of flowers.
"Close your eyes." He said, his voice a perfect replica of his expression.
The girl stopped moving her fingers, though her hand stayed where it was.
She did as he asked.
He moved closer, his eyes closing as well.
She felt his nose brush against her own.
He felt her warm breath caress his mouth.
And in that moment, there was no war.
There was no Fire Nation or Water Tribe.
No Prince or Noblewoman.
It was a moment between a boy and a girl.
A moment under the stars as his lips found hers in a tender embrace.
And the string that connected them together burst in a flash of color.
Blue and Red.
Before it faded once more.
Tag List - @wavesofchaos​ @violet-potter​ @rennysketch​ @emma-andrea1 @lovesammikinzz @fuzzyfestcat @msrawog @notsaelty @lust-for-pan @aces-tattooartist @jinxxangel13 @lotr-got @bitterspoons @realrintaro @gatorgirl151 @inutheangel @heartfully10 @lucaaahhh @juniper-july19 @anuttellaa @gfksz @bussyvussy
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meganslife · 8 months
Pen pals - p. parker
TASM! Peter Parker x Fem! reader
summary: peter parker is your pen pal.
warnings: none so far!!!
hello helloooo!!! i had this idea because i myself have a pen pal, and it’s honestly really fun and reminds me of peter. this will be multiple parts!! anyhoo, happy reading!
Having a pen pal was fun. It gave you something to look forward to whenever you needed to open the mailbox. It was nice, although your lovely pen pal, Peter, was on the other side of the country. You were in Seattle. He was in Queens, New York. It was a nice arrangement that you two had. No phone numbers, just handwritten letters, and cute little pictures.
When you opened your apartment mailbox and saw that you had a letter from Peter, your heart felt warm. It was the warmest you’ve felt in a while.
My apologies for not writing you back sooner. School is kicking my butt recently, and I moved back in with May (hence why a new address is on the envelope). My old roommate went BALLISTIC on me for little things, so I decided I needed to leave. May is a better person to have around, anyway.
The fall semester ended last week, and I wish I could say that I passed my finals. My professors are just mean, I think. I’ve been super stressed out lately, and writing this letter is helping me. You’re my savior. Also, the pictures you sent me of you in Tennessee are amazing. You should be a model! I’m sure you hear that a lot because of how pretty you are;)
I hope it’s not too cold in Seattle. I took some pictures of random things I thought you’d like, maybe that’ll distract you from how cold it is. I know how much you hate the cold. (You chose the wrong place to live!)
Anyhoo, I’m sorry this letter is short. My wrist is cramping up and May needs help with dinner. Write back as soon as you can.
Much love,
Peter ♥
Photo one: Peter in an obnoxiously large New Year’s Eve hat, grinning from ear to ear with his friend(?)
Photo two: A Polaroid of stray cats bonding in what you assume is Peter’s front yard.
Photo three: A Polaroid of Peter that was clearly taken by May. Peter is holding a tray of muffins, and he looks really stupid in his apron.
You get to writing him a letter right away.
Dear Peter,
I love the pictures. I’ll add them to my growing collection on my wall:)
My day has been so shitty. I wish you were here. It gets lonely, sometimes. I have friends, I’ve told you very little about them. They’re great, don’t get me wrong, but living alone is just lonely. Maybe I should get a cat or something. I need something to come home to. (Sorry for making this portion of the letter sad. I just needed someone to talk to.)
The weather in Queens looks nice. You’re awfully lucky, Peter. It’s cold and slushy here. I’m cold to the bone. Like, nothing will warm me up. It’s annoying. I just want it to be summer again. I hate being pale and cold.
I don’t have any pictures as of right now, so I’m sorry about that. I have some drawings I could give you.
My letter is short too, so I guess we’re even. I need to nap the sadness away.
Cold and loving,
Y/N ♥
The next letter you receive from Peter is about a week later.
My dearest Y/N,
I’m so sorry you aren’t feeling well.
I know we said we wouldn’t exchange phone numbers, and I respect that, but I just need to give you mine. I need to. Just in case. I don’t want you to be sad and lonely and have to wait for my letters to come. I like you. I like you A LOT– And I honestly want to meet you in person but that’s a conversation for another day. I’ve been saving up for it. Maybe you should come during the spring? You’d love it here, I know it. Or I could come to you? Whatever, we can talk about it more over the phone.
My phone number:
Call me;)
Love always,
Peter ♥
You immediately spring up to your feet and grab your phone. Your hands were shaking as you dialed the number and called it, praying he wouldn’t think it was a spam call.
“Pete?” You ask, voice higher than you meant it to be.
Boyish laughter erupts on the other end of the line, and you already know that it’s Peter. Of course, his laugh would sound so sweet.
“Hi, lovie.”
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Choice, Choices, Choices Pt. 2
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TW: Swearing, canon typical violence
Pairing: Reader x Graves Summary: Well your week off wasn't very productive, hopefully a really stressful, fate-of-the-world-is-in-your-hands mission will help clear your brain. As usual, I didn't beta read, so lmk if there are an errors :) Also sorry for the reupload, I accidentally deleted it whilst trying to edit something lmaooo.
When Price said a lot, he meant a lot. 
In the time you had been gone, a new terrorist threat had popped up, a man named Hassan who somehow had gotten ahold of American missiles. You didn’t even have time to unpack before Price was shipping you off to Mexico to help Soap and Ghost infiltrate a cartel to find the location of said missing missiles. It seems the talk with Graves will have to wait.
You get no rest on the flight to Mexico. Instead you spend the entire time focusing on your and Grave’s relationship. Maybe it’s the threat of imminent annihilation, or maybe it’s the fact that you are going to be seeing him soon, but whatever it is, you were thinking more clearly than you have all week. 
Graves was a man of authority, and you had recognized it from the moment you had met him. He took what he wanted, when he wanted, and made sure everyone knew he was the top dog. In your relationship he always had the last say, always chose the restaurant, always chose the movie. And for the most part, you didn’t mind, enjoying the feeling of not having to be in control for once when all you did all day long was make choices that could mean life or death. 
He had this belief that he could do no wrong, and was smug and uptight and sometimes even cruel about it. 
And yet there was something…alluring about him. Some magnetic charm that drew you in every time you wanted to take a step back. He didn’t even have to try, hell, he had stopped putting effort into the relationship years ago, and yet you still found him almost irresistible. 
You weren’t stupid, you knew what there were issues in the way your relationship worked, but you loved him, and he…loved you too. It wasn’t until Ghost stepped fully into the picture that you realized that may-
“Y/N!” You flinch, your eyes coming up to meet your pilots as his voice snaps you out of your musings.  
“You okay in there? I’ve been yelling at you for at least a minute.” He says over the headset, “Anyways we’re about to land, so get ready.” You nod, shouldering your pack and making sure your vest is strapped correctly. 
5 minutes later, the helo begins its choppy descent. The second it touches down you are ushered off, ducking under the blades in an odd crab run as you make your way to where Soap, Ghost, and 2 strangers stand to the side. The pilot takes off before you've even cleared the LZ. 
“Good ta’ see yer no’ dead lassie.” Soap grin, clasping your shoulder, “Ah trust Price has briefed ye?” 
“Aye.” You nod, “Though he didn’t mention these two. Who are they?”
“These are th’ Los Vaqueros.” Soap says giddy, “Means th’ cowboys” 
“My name is Alejandro.” The taller one on the left tells you.
“Mine’s Rodolfo, tho y’ can call me Rudy.” The one on the right says moments later.
“Nice to meet you.” You incline your head, avoiding Ghost’s searching gaze, “I take it you’re the ones leading us through this, uh…whatever we’re about to do?” 
“Aye.” Alejandro turns and begins walking, everyone else falling in line behind him, “Soap here is infiltrating Las Almas, we are looking for El Sin Nombre. We believe he knows the location of the missiles Hassan has stolen.” 
You climb into the back of a truck, consciously avoiding sitting next to Ghost. The drive is tense, the silence only occasionally broken by questions from Alejandro and Soap. The truck comes to a stop, and you all pile out, getting Soap outfitted for his ‘Day in the life of a cartel member’ extravaganza. 
“Y/n!” You spin around, seeing Graves walking towards you, “How was your week off?” 
“It was good. Did a lot of…thinking.” 
“Wonderful.” He says, his eyes already looking past you. He presses a quick kiss to your cheek and moves past, going to speak with his Shadows. You sigh internally, moving over to Soap and Ghost. 
“How wis yer week off?” Soap asks as a Shadow helps fit his comms. He’s grinning, his blue eyes almost glowing in the dark, but you can see the faint lines of fear in his expression.
“It was since. Did a lot of thinking, I guess.” Ghost shifts, a subtle movement you notice out of the corner of your eye. Your face flushes, and you’re grateful it’s dark out so he can’t see. 
“Let's roll!” Alejandro calls. Soap nods, and you follow him and Ghost back to the truck. This drive is tense for a whole other reason, everyone thinking about all the ways this could go wrong. 
You get to the compound, and take your spot on a ridge with Ghost. No words are exchanged, but you know him well enough by now to tell he is worried about you. If Soap’s life, and the lives of millions of Americans, weren’t at risk, you would be grateful for this mission delaying the inevitable conversation you have to have. 
You both get into position, sniper rifles trained on the building. You wince as Soap is manhandled, a deep pit of fear in your stomach once he disappears from your view.
 Now all that's left is to sit and wait. 
He emerges victorious, much to yours and Ghost’s relief. He brings with him El Sin Nombre, who apparently is actually a woman, and an old friend of Alejandros. You could see yourself liking her, if she hadn’t sold missiles to terrorists.
She is feisty, smart, and cunning. She keeps her mouth shut, refusing to volunteer the location of the 2nd missile, instead goading Alejandro into a frenzy. You watch, eyes narrowed in distaste, as Graves tries to make a deal with her. Not for the first time, you judge his ability to make decisions. 
But she does give you all the missile location. In what feels like a matter of moments, you find yourself on a boat, heading through stormy waves towards an oil rig off the Gulf of Mexico. Grave’s Shadows launch an attack, only for Ghost to find that the missile not only has entered pre-launch phase, but wasn’t even on the oil rig to begin with. Instead, you find it on the deck of a ship, primed and ready to fire. You, Graves, Soap, and Ghost file onto the cargo ship, where you find that there is no way to disarm the missile. 
Your heart sinks, until Shepard has the great idea to turn the missile on the oil rig. Alejadro and the Shadow Company clear out, and Soap hacks in and resets the missile's trajectory. The burning ball of flame is a beautiful sight to see, in your opinion. 
“Gold Eagle Actual, Shadow-1. Good hit. Good hit. Missile and rig destroyed.” Graves crows,  a grin lighting up his face. He grasps Soaps shoulder, and you watch him mouth a quiet Good work, his voice too quiet to hear over the noise of the shadows and everyone celebrating.
Without thinking, you press a kiss to Ghost’s masked cheek, the euphoria of victory clouding your senses. Soap steps in to give Ghost a moment to recover, and gives you a side hug, slapping you on the back a little too hard for your liking. You don’t notice Graves eyes on you, narrowing with your every action. 
The ride back is still tense, the tension between you and Ghost so thick you can almost taste it. Luckily Soap either can’t sense it, or just is just ignoring it, the Scotsman happily chattering away as the sinking feeling in your heart grows and grows. 
The crisis is over, and once you get back you won’t be able to put off your conversation with Graves any longer. 
It’s still raining when you get back to the Los Vaquero’s base. The truck comes to a stop outside the gates, and you slide out of the truck after Ghost, confused and a bit wary. 
“What’s this?” You hear Alejadro’s voice from the other side of the truck. 
“This is the immediate future.” You stop short, Grave’s voice making your blood run cold, “Step away from the gate.” No. There is no way. 
“You’re outta line Graves.” You blink, hard, realizing you had zoned out for a moment. You force your feet to move again, rounding the truck, stiffening as a barrel is pressed into your spine.
“Hey!” Grave’s voice echoes in your ears, “Let her go. She’s with us.” You inhale sharply, looking up at him in shock. Soap looks at you in betrayal, taking half a step towards you before the Shadows are on him as well. 
“Don't do that. Don't... do that. No one needs to get hurt here.” Graves says, eyes narrowed. 
“Are you threatening us?” You can hear the betrayal in his voice as well, though he does his best to hide it. You want to look at him, try and communicate that you have no part in this, but your mind is still reeling, and you’re unable to draw your wide eyes away from Grave’s face. 
“Soldier, I don't make threats. I make guarantees. So, let's not do this.” The animosity in Graves' voice surprises you. 
“I’m calling Shepard.” Soap turns, hand reaching for his radio. 
“General Shepard sends his regards.” Graves' grin is predatory, and you have no doubt he’s enjoying this, “He told me you wouldn’t take this well.” 
“He knows about this?” Ghost’s eyes are dark, his body tense and ready to spring. 
“He's put me in command of this operation from here on out. So, y'all need to stand down. It's time to let the pros finish this.” You watch Graves still, eyes trained on his face, your brain numb with shock. Shock and…disgust. 
“And why the hell are we talking like this is some kind of a negotiation?” Graves continues, “It's not. I've got my orders and now you have yours.” 
“And who the fuck do you think you are, cabron? My men are inside!” 
“I'm afraid not.” Graves pauses, meeting your eyes with a disgusting grin, “Your men have been... detained.”
“Cabron!” For the first time, you manage to tear your eyes away from Graves, your gaze falling on Alejandro as he launches himself towards your boyfriend only to be beaten down and restrained by his Shadows. 
“Graves, what th’ fuck?” Your eyes dart to Soap as he lunges at the Shadow next to him, holding him hostage. You let out a small cry as Graves and his men open fire. You duck behind the truck, watching as Ghost elbows the Shadow behind him before stabbing another one in the neck, quickly ripping the blade back out and hurling it at another Shadow before disappearing into the dark. 
“Get your fucking hands off me!” Your hands fly up to cover your mouth as you watch Graves slam the butt of his gun into Alejandro’s head, dropping him. You stare at Graves in shock, unable to move as your mind tries to process what's happening. 
Soap yells in pain, snapping you from your reverie as you spin to look at him. He’s on the ground, the Shadow he had taken laying dead on top of him. 
“Go, Johnny! Get out of there!” Ghost yells from somewhere behind you “Soap, Go!” You watch as Soap heaves himself up and throws himself over the barrier, disappearing from your view. You slide down the truck, sinking to the ground as your legs give out, your entire body shaking. 
Graves' actions start to sink in, and gods does his betrayal hurt. It’s like nothing you’ve ever felt before, worse than the time you broke your arm, worse than the time you got shot in the thigh, worse than any wound you had ever received. It’s like a physical pain, your heart feeling as though it’s been ripped from your chest. Tears well in your eyes, your fingers digging into your palms in an effort to stop your tears. 
You don’t know how long you sit in the rain, but it’s enough time for you to be completely soaked head to toe. You are surrounded by blood and bodies, and your mind reels as you survey the scene. Alejandro is gone, you’re not sure when he was taken away. Soaps rifle is still laying in the street, a very damming pool of blood underneath and around it. With the amount of blood he lost, you're surprised he's not dead. Oh gods he better not be dead.
“Y/n?” Graves' voice breaks the fog in your brain, “Darling? Are you alright? I know this was...a bit of a surprise…but I’m sure you understand.” 
To be continued.
Notes: Sorry for how long this took!!! But it's here now! Hopefully Pt. 3 won't take me another thousand years. Anyways I hope you enjoy, and sorry if this is not the direction you wanted it to go :/ Tags: @redhoodxsupergirl @infpt-zylith @scarletdfox
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tuiccim · 1 year
Though I Have Never Read It (Part 7)
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Word Count: 2985
Warnings: Angst, Family dynamics/drama, Discussion of controlling/abusive relationship.
A/N: Special thanks to my hype princess & beta reader @whisperlullaby.
Though I Have Never Read It Masterlist
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Sitting in your car at the compound, you lean your head back against the seat and close your eyes. You take a few deep breaths and give yourself a mental pep talk before finally getting out. The butterflies in your stomach seem to increase with each step you take closer to Bucky's door. You were scared of what this conversation may bring. Would Bucky be angry? He hadn’t seemed so earlier. Would he think it meant something more than it did? 
You lift your hand to knock and stop short. Closing your eyes, you bite your lip and consider running. You could pack your things and be gone in a blink. You’d done it before. But before, there wasn’t Eva and no matter what happened, you couldn’t leave her. Besides, dealing with Bucky was nothing like what had driven you to Estonia. Your real fear here was your own feelings. So, before you could let that cowardice take hold, you allowed your hand to fall and rapped on his door. It opened more quickly than you expected and you took a step back. 
“Hi,” Bucky says, his face full of expectation and… fear? He looked like that lost, scared shell of a person that he had been when you first met him and it made you want to comfort him more than anything. 
“Hi. Is now good?” You ask softly. 
“Yes. Where, uh-” Bucky makes a vague gesture.
“Here is fine. Unless you’d rather go somewhere else,” you try to give him some room. 
“Are you sure you’d be comfortable in my room with me?” He can’t seem to quite meet your eye. 
“Are you comfortable with me being in your room?” you ask instead. 
“Uh, sure, sure. Come in,” he steps back to allow you entry. 
“Thanks,” you look around as you walk in and see mostly stark furniture with only a few personal touches. The one thing that is nearly full is his bookshelf. You let your eyes browse over the titles momentarily. A corner of your mouth quirks as you realize there was a little bit of geek in the quiet supersoldier but you smooth your expression when you turn back to him. He gestures towards the two chairs that flank the bookshelf and you take one. 
“How is Eva? …and Mark?” Bucky asks. 
“They’re great. She was happy to see her dad,” you chose your words with care to reinforce your earlier assertions of Eva’s paternity.
“Good, that’s good. How, uh, how are you?” Bucky fidgets with his hands. 
“I’m okay. I can see you’re as nervous about this conversation as I am,” you try to lighten the mood. 
Bucky cracks a small smile but still hasn’t looked you in the eye yet, “Yeah?”
“Bucky…” you wait for him to look up and when he finally does, you ask shakily, “Are you angry with me?”
“What?!” Bucky’s eyes widen in surprise. 
“You won’t even look at me.”
“No! No, I’m not angry with you. How could I be? You’re the one who should be angry with me. After what I did. I terrified you,” Bucky’s voice nearly breaks. 
“No, I mean, I was scared at first but you didn’t terrify me,” you assert. “Do you remember all of it? What do you remember?”
“I… God! I’m not even sure what I remember. I… did… did I-” Bucky groans in frustration and puts his head in his hands. 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” you reassure him. When he looks at you a few moments later there is a tinge of red around his eyes that tears at your heart. “Why don’t I tell you what I remember? And then we can work out the details.”
“Please,” Bucky whispers. 
“I was living in a cabin in the middle of nowhere. No electricity, rainwater plumbing that was frozen half the time, a tiny kitchen, a bed, and an armchair to read in. It was 4 miles to the nearest neighbor and several more to the nearest town. One evening I was bringing in firewood. There was a snow storm coming in and I wanted to be sure there was enough in the house for the next day. I had just taken off my jacket and was about to relock the door when it flew open and you came through it. I was scared for a minute. I thought you were there to kill me but when I asked you, you simply said shelter. You were even less talkative then,“ you give him a smile to reassure him as his face still betrayed some torment. “What you did manage to tell me was that you were running away from something, too. So, I decided that being scared wasn’t going to change anything. I fed you some soup and whiskey to warm you up, convinced you to get out of the wet clothes you were in since you were shivering, and managed to get you to lay in the bed to rest. You looked so lost at times. While we ate, you were able to remember the name James so that’s what I called you. I settled into my chair to read and you asked me to read to you. I had been reading The-”
“Princess Bride,” Bucky interrupts. 
“Yeah,” you smile at him, “you remember that?”
“I, I overheard you reading it to Eva last night. It’s what triggered the memories. I think,” Bucky says. 
“I thought someone was there last night.”
“I’m sorry. I just heard you and stopped to listen for a minute.”
“It’s fine, Bucky. Anyway, I read to you for a while until I thought you had fallen asleep. When I tried to settle down in the armchair to sleep, you were trying to get out of the bed, grunting no at me. You had so many bruises and scars. I insisted you needed the bed more than I did. I touched your shoulder to stop you from getting out and you gasped. I thought I had hurt you but then you just looked at me and said please. So, I ran my hands through your hair and you calmed down. I sat on the side of the bed and kept doing it until I thought you fell asleep again but the moment I pulled my hand away, you were awake again. You asked me to stay, so I just got in the bed with you and kept running my hand through your hair until we were both asleep. The next morning, um…” you falter, unsure how to explain the next part. Embarrassment and fear wrapping together to still your tongue. 
“I hurt you,” Bucky says grimly. 
“No,” you stare at him, unsure if he meant because of the blood or something else. “No, you didn’t hurt me, James, Bucky,” you shake your head at your own confusion. 
“Don’t. Don’t spare me. Tell me the truth. I remember. I remember forcing myself on you,” Bucky stands up to pace, clearly torturing himself. 
“Bucky,” you start but he cuts you off. 
“Tell me the truth. Please,” he says while pacing, staring at the floor. 
You get up and stand in his path. Grabbing handfuls of his shirt, you force him to look at you, “You didn’t force me,” you say vehemently. Leaving any of your own feelings in the dust, you barrel forward with only the thought of giving him the reassurance and comfort he desperately needed. “You didn’t force anything. I woke up and you were rubbing against me. Pure instinct, you were still asleep. As soon as you woke, you stopped and stared at me with the most terrified expression. I pulled you closer. I pressed myself against you. And then you kissed me and it was intense and I wanted it. You whispered please and I knew what you wanted. I knew what you were asking for,” you pull him closer to you as you speak, ensuring he is hanging on your every word, “I pushed my pants down and you helped me get them lower. You didn’t. You didn’t force me. You didn’t force anything. You were soft and slow and gentle with me. I wanted that. I wanted you.”
“But… the blood?” Bucky asks incredulously. “Were you a virgin?”
“Ye-yeah. It was my first time but that doesn’t change how I feel about it. I wanted you,” you say sincerely. You stared up at him as you emphasized the words of reassurance. Your heart was beating wildly and with your hands curled in his shirt, you could feel his was too. Your faces were so close and you felt a yearning that frightened you.
“But I took that from you,” Bucky looks at you sadly. 
You scoff, you can’t help yourself. Letting go of him, you walk back to the chair and sit, relieved he had given you the perfect out to separate yourself from him physically. Sighing deeply, you shake your head, “No, Buck. The 1940s called, they want their misogyny back. If anything, I gave it. It wasn’t anything special and, truthfully, I was glad to be rid of it. It doesn’t matter. You didn’t hurt me. Understand?”
“Yeah,” Bucky sits looking calmer, “What happened after that?”
“I was going to start breakfast when you heard something. You told me to get in the bathroom and stay there. You said, um, you said thank you. It was quiet for a few minutes and then it sounded like a tornado came through. Smashing and glass shattering and then smoke. The cabin was set on fire and you were gone.”
“They found me. I…” Bucky looks away as if things are falling into place in his mind, “I was commanded to destroy the cabin. I told them no one was there, that I’d gotten lost in the storm. It was the only way I could keep you safe. I had to make them think no one was there. I tried to make sure you could get out, that the fire stayed far enough away to let you get out of the kitchen window.”
“That’s exactly how I got out,” you say. 
“I’m sorry,” Bucky says.
“For making sure I could escape?” You raise an eyebrow playfully. 
“For ruining your life there.”
“You didn’t ruin anything. It wasn’t much of a life. It forced me to come back here. To face up to my problems. It wasn’t easy but I’m glad. If you hadn’t, I wouldn’t have been here to see Eva born or have that time with her mom. I’m grateful for that night. I don’t have any regrets about it,” you smile while trying to gauge his feelings. 
“Why were you in Estonia?” Bucky asks the question you weren’t sure you wanted to answer. 
“It’s a long story.”
“I’ve got all night, doll.”
“I’m not kidding. It’s complicated,” You demure, unsure you wanted to share that much. Then again, maybe you should. Maybe there should be one person here who knows the whole story and it seemed right that it would be Bucky. After all, he was a part of it. 
“It’s up to you. I’d like to know but only if you want to tell it,” Bucky tilts his head as he looks at you. 
“Settle in,” you laugh lightly as you reposition yourself in the chair. “My dad was a businessman. He owned a mid-size company that was contracted by Stark Industries. My,” you sigh deeply before continuing flatly, “mother had some connections and helped him get in with Obadiah Stane. He was the CFO of Stark.”
“I've heard of him,” Bucky nods.
“She kept close tabs on business dealings and even closer tabs on me. She insisted I become a woman of high society. She wanted me to be a social climber, like her. It wasn’t me but I went along with it to make her happy. My father died suddenly when I was in college, the company was thrown into chaos and my mother begged Stane for his help. He agreed but insisted on controlling interest in the company. It was around this time that they started an affair, I think. Suddenly, Stane and his son, Zeke, were coming around often. Zeke was a few years older than me and he paid a lot of attention to me. At first, I was flattered. My mother started throwing us together as much as she could but then he started getting possessive. He acted like I was a belonging rather than a person. He started policing my clothes, my phone, my friends, everything. He was not happy that I was getting a degree in mechanical engineering. He said it was a man’s field but he knew it was one of my dad’s last wishes that I finish college. He was downright pissed, as was my mother, when I told them I’d been accepted into the Master’s program. That’s when Zeke finally threw in my mother’s face that he was done waiting for his part of the bargain. Apparently, she had struck a deal with Obadiah for me to marry Zeke in exchange for some other business dealings. I never really understood all of it but he lost his shit and started insisting that he was done waiting, the deal was for me to finish my degree and then he’d own me. That’s the word he used, 'own'.”
“Your mother sold you?” Bucky asks in shock, realizing now why you had given her such a cold reception on the phone call he had overheard. 
Your eyebrows lift in realization of the accuracy of the wording, “Yeah. She sold me. Zeke, he, uh, knew I was a virgin and he wanted me. He wanted to have that. He wanted complete ownership over me. I was terrified of him. I hated who I was with him. I was weak and scared. I cowered under him. He had nearly complete control of me. They started planning the wedding. It had to be a grand event. A status symbol. God, I hated it. I hated everything. I hated myself. I hated who I had become. It was my best friend that came up with the plan to get me out. She had watched my light go out and she couldn’t stand it. She convinced me to escape and with the help of a few other friends, I did. I left to go to a dentist appointment with a small purse and the clothes on my back. Thirty-six hours later, I was in a tiny cabin in the middle of nowhere. I was free. And I was so happy… for a while.” You look away reliving the joy and sadness of that time for a moment.
“A while?” Bucky prompts. 
“The loneliness started to get to me. I wanted a life. A real one. I was trapped the same in that cabin as I had been under my mother’s thumb. Living in constant fear of being found. Then you showed up. You were my catalyst. You forced me to go back and face it all. I met Tony and Pepper and Happy. We found out the Stane’s were doing a lot more shady dealing than anyone ever imagined. When I confronted Zeke, he went insane. He, uh, he tried to kill me. Zeke had built himself a suit similar to Tony’s. Luckily, Happy was there and managed to keep Zeke at bay until Tony showed up.”
“Tell me he’s dead,” Bucky growls.
“He’s… incapacitated. That’s what drove me to Estonia,” you pause for a moment, realizing you had to ask Bucky, “Did you tell anyone that we were in Estonia?”
“I told Steve and Sam about meeting you,” Bucky looks at you with furrowed brows. 
“But did you tell them it was in Estonia?” You question. 
“No. Why?”
“I need you to keep that part just between us. If anyone, like my mother, ever found out I was there, they’d know exactly who helped me. It could jeopardize their livelihood, their business, their life. Please-”
“I give you my word, doll. It stays between us,” Bucky promises. 
“Thank you. Anyway, I came back here. Tony got me back in the Master’s program, gave me a job, and… you’re all caught up now,” you let out a little laugh. 
Bucky studies you for a moment before asking, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“At first, I was waiting to see if you remembered me. I knew you’d been through the brain blender a few times so I was gonna let you take the lead. Then, I don’t know, I didn’t want to bring you any pain. I thought maybe you wouldn’t want to go back there. When I thought about telling you, it was for it to be easier on me and I didn’t want to be selfish in that way. I thought maybe it was better to protect you,” you explain. 
“You don’t need to protect me, doll. That was the best night I had had in those years. Thank you for that,” Bucky smiles and you can see the emotions in his eyes.
“You’re welcome. Well, um, it’s getting late,” you say lamely. A tension had formed in the air and it was unnerving you. You found yourself wanting to fling yourself into Bucky’s arms, wanting to find that release he had once provided. You stand swiftly, reminding yourself that one night didn’t mean anything. At least, not romantically. It was just two people seeking comfort in each other. Survivors finding solace together and you couldn’t get wrapped up in it. Because, the truth was, you wanted to fall for the man in front of you and you didn’t trust yourself to. “Good night, Bucky,” you say as you cross to the door. 
“Uh, night, doll. Sleep well,” Bucky says quickly. 
“You, too,” you say as you exit. You flee to your room, knowing that sleep wouldn’t come any time soon. 
Part 8
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Updates and taglist: My taglist is currently full. Please follow my sideblog @tuiccimfanfiction and turn on notifications for updates. All series and new stories will be reblogged to it. You will only receive notifications when an update or new story is out! Nothing else will be blogged to the page. I can’t thank you enough for your support!
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novamariestark · 10 months
Slip of the Tongue - Alden Parker
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Summary: You accidentally call Alden his pet name in front of the team
Warnings: None, except maybe, use of a pet name
Word count: 1681
Fandom: NCIS
Pairing: Alden Parker x reader
[A/N] I've been working on this for weeks and it didn't really end up as well as I pictured it in my head but I am happy that my lazyass brain let me write something.
You hadn’t meant to say it. It was an accident. Just a slip of the tongue. You knew for sure that Nick was never going to let you live this down.
You and Alden have been together for about six months and for the sake of your professional relationship, you kept it secret. At least you did. It didn’t take an investigator to figure it out.
You all hadn’t long come back from a crime scene and whilst you were there, you spotted someone suspicious. His body language set him apart from all the other onlookers. That’s when Gibbs’ voice popped into your mind.
Rule 35: Always watch the watchers.
You were the team’s profiler and one of the best. Many agents came by and asked for your thoughts on possible motives or to observe an interrogation. Your journey into psychology and profiling began when you were just 15 years old. When you met Ducky. At that time, he was in the middle of his pursuit of his master’s degree in psychology. The world of the human mind had held a certain mystique that had captivated you from the start, just as much as Ducky's stories did.
When Ducky decided to retire as ME, he personally chose you and Jimmy as his successors. You initially apprehensive about taking that role given the size of the shoes you had to fill but Ducky believed that you were both more than capable to do the job. As it turned out, he was right. As usual.
When you got back to your desk, you immediately started to investigate the onlooker you had seen. You started to run him through facial recognition hoping to find something. Whilst you were waiting for a hit, you looked through the crime scene photos, looking for something you may have missed when you took the photo.
A little over an hour later, your computer beeped, and like meerkats, the team all looked up from their tasks.
“Ooh, sounds like [Y/N] has something,”
You shook your head, you hadn’t found anything, just the name of the onlooker, “No, it’s just an e-mail, ignore it,”
The team exchanged glances but didn’t push any further. You turned your attention to your “e-mail” and began scouring databases, cross-referencing information, and followed his digital trails, determined to find out if he had anything to do with it.
Soon you find out that he’s got a lengthy list of offences, violent ones, “McGee?” you spoke up, shifting in your seat to look at him.
“Yeah?” he asked looking away from his screen giving you his full attention.
“Have you looked into the wife yet?” you asked, leaning back in your chair.
McGee couldn't help but chuckle. "Don't tell me you're following Tony's logic," he teased, referring to their former colleague's penchant for the saying, "It's always the spouse."
You joined in the laughter, shaking your head. "No, just wondering. I mean, I could if you're busy,"
McGee scrunched his eyebrows at you, “Okay, what are you working on over there?” he asked getting increasingly curious.
You glanced around the room and noticed that the entire team had turned their attention to you. You sighed and then looked back at Tim. "Rule 35," you said simply.
“Really? Someone set off your spidey sense?” he asked, you nodded in response.
“Care to share?” Alden asked, “What’s rule 35?”
You chewed your lip, would he be annoyed you kept this to yourself? You opened your mouth to answer but McGee beat you to it.
“Uh, Gibbs’ rule 35. Always watch the watchers,” he explained.
“I uh, saw a man in the crowd of onlookers. His body language was different than everyone else,” you explained further, “It was just a hunch, if it led anywhere, I would tell you guys,”
“And did it?” Alden asked, standing up from his desk and walking over to yours. You looked up at him. Sometimes you wondered how you managed to concentrate at all with how damn sexy he was. All. The. Time. But you did.
“Um, the guy I saw has a restraining order against him by a Naomi Fisher,” you shrugged, “I know that’s the first name of the victim’s wife and…” you stopped when you saw a look on his face, one you couldn’t decipher. Not that you’d tell Nick that, “I’m sorry, I just thought that it was suspicious, I should have told you,” you looked down at your hands on the desk, at the keyboard, anywhere away from his eyes. Beside you, you could hear the clacking of McGee’s keyboard.
“Naomi Wilkes’ maiden name is Fisher,” he spoke up with a laugh.
“Oh, come on,” Torres groaned playfully from the other side of you, “How am I supposed to kiss ass if you’re always using your superpowers?”
Alden smiled at you, “Good job,” he said before turning to walk away.
“Thanks, daddy,” you said, immediately clasping your hands over your mouth. Alden stops dead in his tracks.
The office fell into a stunned silence, and the team's jaws dropped making it clear that they had caught your slip up. Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment as you realized what you had just said. Oh shit. Why did you say that? Because he praised you? Was that your weakness?
What the hell, of course it is. You were surprised you lasted this long.
You quickly looked at Alden, "I'm sorry, Alden,"
He gave you a subtle, reassuring smile, “It’s alright, [Y/N]”
Jess exchanged a knowing glance with Tim, who wore a subtle grin and Nick was trying and failing to suppress his laugh.
“Okay, stay focused still got a case to solve. Everyone back to what they were doing,” Alden said returning to his desk, “[Y/N], create a profile on your onlooker,” he said with a smile.
You smiled back, “Sure,”
You delved into both his and Naomi’s background, their relationship going as far back as pre teen years. They dated, he got multiple arrests and she filed a restraining order against him 5 years ago after he almost killed her little brother. He is currently out on parole. You found the number of his officer and rang them up. After the call you find that he’s missed his appointment with his parole officer and can’t be found. You decided to call metro and ask if they could place some officers outside Naomi Wilkes house just in case he returned.
“Okay, I’m done,” you said standing up, you faintly hear Nick mumble ‘this’ll be good,’ he enjoyed watching you analyse things, as did everyone else. Especially Alden, he found it completely sexy.
“His name is Jon Milton. He was recently released from prison on parole however his parole officer doesn’t know where he is. Anyway, he has an obsessive fixation on Naomi. He is unable to accept the end of their relationship. This is a possible motive for the murder of Craig Wilkes, likely an attempt to regain control over her and may even be punishment for her moving on. He’s narcissistic, he believes he is entitled to her affection, her love, her loyalty. He sees her choices as a direct threat to his self-esteem and he reacts with anger and violence to reassert his dominance. He has a violent history which indicates that he has often resorted to aggression as a means of gaining control. He’s delusional. He’s convinced himself that killing Naomi’s husband was the only way to regain her affections. He also exhibits psychopathic traits. He’s lacking empathy or remorse for his actions. His return to the crime scene to watch Naomi grieve her husband's death demonstrates sadistic tendencies. He derives pleasure from her pain and relishes in his own cruel actions,” you finished your presentation of your findings and looked to everyone.
“I believe he did it,” you added, nodding your head to his picture on the screen, “I also believe he will continue to harm those near her. I called Metro and asked them to have officers posted outside her house,”
As the team mobilized to verify your hunch about the onlooker being the murderer, your investigation took a turn. McGee began combing through stolen car reports, cross-referencing them with camera footage from the victim's neighborhood. Soon, on one of the cameras, he spotted the stolen car, parked on the same street as the victim's residence.
Meanwhile, Kasie, the team's forensic expert, was hard at work analyzing evidence from the crime scene. She finally came across all the prints you pulled from the porch banister. Kasie ran it through the database. It matched the onlooker's known prints. This was another piece of the puzzle falling into place.
As you all pieced together these findings, your phone rang. Your BOLO alert had come back. The onlooker had just been spotted a few streets away from his ex's house. You thanked the man and immediately called the officers that were sat outside her house to warn them and let them know they were on their way.
“He’s just been spotted a few streets away from the Wilkes’ house,”
“Alright let’s move,” Alden said as he started gearing up.
Later that night, after you all got back after arresting Milton, you were all back in the bullpen. McGee was getting ready to leave. So were Jess and Nick, but they all noticed that you and Alden weren’t moving.
“So, uh,” Torres spoke up, “Was he playing with his plants or…”
“Don’t even finish that sentence,” you laughed at him.
“Yeah, please don’t,” McGee begged.
“Okay, okay,” he said walking away, towards the elevator, “Don’t stay up too late!” he called over before the doors shut.
“I’m sorry,” you sighed, you knew he wanted to keep it a secret. Well not so much a secret, just he preferred to keep your professional relationship and your personal relationship separate.
“Don’t worry about it,” Alden reassured you again, “At least you don’t have to come up with all these different lies anymore. When Torres asks you to hang out you can just say you’d rather hang out with me,”
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aonungyoufuck · 2 years
Runaway {Part 10}
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Runaway Masterlist
Synopsis: there's talk of mating soon. And a surprise visitor comes to Awa'atlu
please excuse the delay and anything else im currently fighting god because im fighting off being sick aaaaa
You two have had enough. And it was obvious in the ways your touches would linger. It was obvious in the way your eyes found each other all the time. Oftentimes craving each other just a little more. 
Ao’nung let you know it had been exactly three years now. Now both Eighteen it was a little bit more awkward to spend so much time together lingering. Wanting and yet not having a name for it. 
And yet the gentleness of the relationship is something you had always wanted for. To be treated as if you were fragile in the courting phase. Well it could only leave things to the imagination for the latter. 
You had wanted this but you also wanted more. You wanted to be mates. Officially, And you knew that telling Ao’nung he would agree too. But you had always wanted to follow the right traditions too. 
There was no way that you could mate before Eywa here. For there was no spirit tree or Tree of souls. 
None here that was at all relating to either of your families. Ancestors and so on and so forth. 
“What are you thinking about Tiyawn” 
“Oh of things i really shouldn’t” 
Truth be told you hadn’t meant to think. Ao’nung was growing…weak. He was pale, much more than you knew him too. His face sunken in. Not to mention that his skin… it was cracked. It was dry to the touch. It often pained you to have to treat him. Something was terribly wrong and yet he himself didn’t know what it was. 
But you still loved him. Loved to live this domestic bliss. 
“My dearest. What is it?” 
“I guess im thinking of..well Becoming mates”
“You know i'm more than ready to accept you whenever you are?” 
You smiled, kissing his cheek as you continued to prepare the meat you had managed to kill earlier. 
“Well yes. But I'm talking about the lack of a place to make Tsaheylu.” 
“Oh right.” 
“Listen, I'm more than ready to be your mate. I’ve been more than willing for a long time as im sure you been aware too. But..”
“I know. And you are perfect as you are so skilled”
You laugh a little pushing him out of your space. “Be real Ao’nung” 
“ I am. I told you plenty of times and it leaves me breathless everytime i hear you near me. More than anything. My love of a thousands and one of the sky. Everytime i look at you, Its like im living again. And i dont ask for much, But i do ask that you become mine. Forever and always. Until we die” 
His words. God you never understood how he could always enchant you 
“You are a fool as you are handsome. Do you know that?” 
“Oh yes i know that. But you were the one who ran away for not having me? So who is the fool?”
“Oh whatever” 
Silence fell over you. 
“Please.Do you take me. To be by your side forever and always?”
“You know i would…but how? How can it? How can we?” You asked. Pleaded for any reason. It was quiet. 
“Well as i recall in your old home. There was a tree”
You Gasped. Surely that thought never hit you. And truth be told it was kind of an outlandish idea. It was a little … out of the blue. 
“ that is true we could do that. But the flight is far and theres the possibility we could get caught” 
The flight there required you to fly over Awa’atlu. Surely by now people are wondering when you yourself are coming back. So they’d be more keen on keeping an eye out for an ikran. 
“I mean yes. But i rather have you sooner than later. “
“You were always something with words huh?”
“Tis why you chose me? Right my mate?”
Just as you had thought. Your parents had grown worried. For you were gone far longer than you had planned to. And sure you may have taken longer. But as parents they were growing overly worried. 
While they would fly in the day and search where they could. Tonowari would look in the sea. But they have grown hopeless. You hadn’t returned. And there really was no way of them knowing where Ao’nung was. 
Endlessly Ronal kept asking praying over and over again. She had never lost anyone in her life but her spirit sister. Now she lost her son. 
No one could really say. But Neteyam could. 
He would be the one to take out. To go find you something to tell him you two were okay. 
Today was not successful. And guilt was eating him up inside. Eclipse had set not long ago. And he could have sworn he saw your Ikran. But nothing. No clue no nothing. 
He had to confess to someone that Ao’nung had left with you. For his clan thought him dead. And it was eating at him with how he felt so guilty. 
“Lo’ak says you are going to get worry marks if you keep looking that way” 
Since Ronal agree to allow the courtship between Tsireya and Lo’ak she has become the sister he was suddenly missing. Always kind always there to listen to his thoughts. 
She often also told him how worried she was. Her brother was gone. Her mother was mourning and she was left to take care of Ateyo whilst her family broke apart. 
“I worry to much you know this of me” 
“Yes but i also have grown to be so worried” 
Neteyam nodded. Looking out into the sea. “May i tell you something?”
“And that is?” 
“I know that Your brother left with my sister” 
Tsireya was dead quiet. Neteyam is afraid to look at her. But she could only let out a small chuckle. 
“Oh i know. I think most everyone knows that”
“But how?” 
“Its kind of obvious.” 
Now Neteyam felt like he could breath. Finally it felt like he was allowed to even think. It felt liberating as much as it was a burden. “I dont understand. Y/n said she would be back within a year” 
“I suppose its out of plan. But imagine you fall in love and then you happen to live with them for some time. That level of privacy and love and devotion is something unbeatable. Like a home away from home where you two can be free from responsibilities” 
Neteyam could only nod. He hadn’t fully thought about it that way. He could only hope that you were happy. That whatever it was you two were doing. Wherever you may be. You would be happy. 
“You better get home then.” 
“ Oh I know. But i think id like some time away from my family for just a little bit” 
And he let her. He was glad Lo’ak had chosen right. Because he was glad to have someone to relate too. 
By morning things were the same. Everything went on the same and Neteyam had grown tired of it. 
However, today was different. A crowd had Gathered and he had been hopeful it was you and Ao’nung coming back. 
“Ma Jake!” his mother burst through the pod where they all had heard the commotion from. 
“We heard the commotion. What’s happening, what's going on?” 
“Dont know. Tsahik asks for us at her Marui. Says its urgent. I dont know what for. Come on . Come all of you” 
The family lined up. Hurrying for they feared making Ronal wait any longer. 
Without even making a noise they pushed past the veil into the pod. 
There. In front of them Was Mo’at. 
“Maite  so good to see all of you”
Taglist: @simp-erformarvelwomen / @luvlykrispy / @yeosxxx / @fanboyluvr / @littlethingsinlife / @eirianna / @elegantkidfansoul / @tsukibaby1 / @adaiasafira / @1-800-not-simping / @reggiesslut / @cmfouatslota77 / @slutforsmut4ever / @zatarias-pandora / @valovesyou / @tachiara / @ghost-lantern / @victorianhorrors / @irlydontknoanymore / @hellok1ttycake / @sweetheartlizzie07 / @audigay / @kiyolover / @bogwaterswamp / @guska0
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valxrsp · 4 months
um um um, a seroroki text thread even tho the fandom for this ship is dead, I'm still not over it!! Hanta Sero and Shoto Todoroki are literally boyfriends okay😓
Hanta is the blue text and Shoto is the white text!! ->
hey sho
can I ask you something
Hello Hanta
What did you need to ask?
Is something wrong?
no no everything's okay
I was just curious on something
did you like
have a crush on midoriya
like before we started dating
No? I don't think I wanted to crush midoriya if that's what you're asking.
I may have been annoyed when he tried to make me use my fire but I never wanted to crush him.
That was a long time ago, why do you ask?
no sho that's not what I meant :')
I mean like
did you have feelings for midoriya before we got together
like romantic feelings
Well, he was the first person to really be friends with me, and he brought out the good in me.
For that, I admired him
So yes, I guess if that's what that means,
I had a crush on Midoriya.
But why do you ask?
like I said I was just curious lol
Well speaking of Midoriya, did you want to come study with us later?
We might get soba, too.
you were gonna go with just midoriya before you asked me?
What do you mean?
sorry forget I said anything
Are you okay?
You're mood doesn't feel the same as it usually is.
I'm okay
you can go on with midoriya
have fun! <3
I don't want to go if you're not going.
Is this because of the crush question?
Hanta, is it?
yes I guess
idk I just
was feeling insecure
Insecure about what?
that yk
that you still have feelings for midoriya
I mean he's the best why wouldn't you still have feelings for him lol
Hanta, you have nothing to be insecure about, okay?
I love you.
I want you, I chose to be with you, I asked you to be my boyfriend because you're the one I love.
I don't have any romantic feelings for midoriya.
if I did, I would've asked him out instead.
I love you too :'))
you're the best boyfriend in the world
thankyou for the reassurance :) <3
You're so odd sometimes.
I never understand why you get insecure.
you're anything but plain.
I can talk for hours just about how pretty you are, and it's not just looks. You have an amazing personality that I adore.
Also, I wouldn't say I'm the prettiest at ua.
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Do you have any Ida Brady headcanons for pre-integrated AU? 👀
Oooh yes I do, thanks for asking!
It has occurred to me how we’ve met her when she’s legit at her lowest and coldest. So while she might be impressive AF right now, she’s not exactly the warm hearted sister Johnny could tell you of, the insane dark-horse risk taker Egan will bet on any day, the tireless and compassionate advocate of her girls, or the incredibly conflicted woman Rosie Rosenthal has the audacity to make laugh before Victory rolls round.
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Ok, full disclosure, there’s plenty about this AU I’ve not even bothered figuring out as it would drive me mad and stifle the creativity, so plenty of the aspects and rules of integration, etc, have been left nebulous even in my own brain.
The short of this concept, however, is that the Bloody 100th became the first (and likely only? maybe another by the end of the war) bomber group to intergrate. It added to their reputation as a crazy and undisciplined force, an experiment of sorts. Full of mad hatters and women who deserved to get shot out of the sky for attempting to engage in something as masculine aerial combat -it made the men both defensive of their group’s capabilities and that of their female fellows. Sink or swim together, and by god, they flew instead.
This also meant Ida Brady became the highest ranking woman of her sex in the air force at the time, although she was predictably never given close to a full squadron as was her “due” as a Lt. Colonel.
It was a bit of a surprise then when she pushed for full integration of the group, that she should not be over women only, and not all women should answer strictly to her. This was adopted by the time of Harding’s command and the girls’ broader deployment.
Old habits die hard however, and “Ida’s Banshees” were still toasted at the Silver Wings club, although technically many fellas were counted amongst them by then.
How’d she get into aviation? well my dears -it starts with a stock market crash
The Brady family did alright for much of the 1930’s, jobs in rural New York were hard to come by yet the soil was good for food and the community close, the desperate poverty of the big cities wasn’t as starkly obvious or quick to ruin out there. But just because the country takes a turn up doesn’t always mean a single family will, too. There’s always unforeseen twists and turns.
Her two brothers could add to the family with what work they could get, or apprentice as Johnny did. But Ida? Those should have been her courting years, according to mama. Mrs. Brady was a good woman, a product of her times and upbringing and an immigrant child herself. It wasn’t cruel to the Irish, it was custom, to send a child away to better serve their futures.
And so 1937 found Ida seated on a train headed down to an Aunt’s house in Miami, Florida, to help with Uncle’s Travel Agency and earn a wage and hopefully meet some young fellas
There may have been young fellas in Miami but Ida didn’t have an eye for them, she wanted money and security and and to be back with her tight knit family in New York.
Uncle’s little venture was a sprawling enterprise growing free and wild since the mid 20’s in Florida’s sticky air. Sure it was a travel agency but it also coordinated areal mail runs that also accommodated a growing number of passengers, and on the side was Uncle’s true passion: the aviation school of Embry and Riddle.
Named after himself (Riddle) and his business partner Embry, her uncle had been battling the government’s pesky fingers in his training programs since the 20’s and by the late 30’s —when Ida arrived— he had reopened three different times.
Such tenacity and unreserved frustration shown by someone she so admired in regards to authoritarian overreach cemented in Ida’s mind a very clear impression that the persecution she later faced was not due fully to her sex. Instead she chose to consider it persecution of the old American trait of not giving a damn about the pesky ball and chain of higher power. Yes she appreciated her rules in the army, but in civilian enterprises? She has definite opinions about leaving well enough alone
Becoming a pilot for Ida was something that happened out of necessity and opportunity than an immediate passion. If anything it terrified her a bit, but then again, so had canoeing down the rapids in Maine with Johnny. And Ida never backed down from what scared her, only what she felt was wrong. And as far as she could see, God hadn’t said nothin’ against either man or woman flying around. So, having decided to become a pilot and help her uncle in his dreams, she became an excellent one
By 1940 Uncle Riddle had yoked with the U.S. Army Air Corps Training Program, his private school had produced 250 students and certified them as pilots the previous year and he was much in demand.
Ida Brady had been one of his chief instructors and wasn’t that a trip?
When war broke out she was recruited by and immediately joined the WASPS, training women students to transport bombers this time.
You think being a dmv test trainer is scary? Try strapping wings to those kids. It’s hell to be excellent at a thing and sit on your hands while someone nearly kills you both with their inexperience. Yet that was her day job for almost a year, and she had a temperament oddly suited to it, calm, decently patient and lethally critical when needed, she was respected and her students became not only respected but fully equipped to keep themselves and their cargo safe by the end.
When the Air Force pitched its experimental Integrated Squadron, Ida already knew the majority of the girls joining would prove to have been her students.
I am not sure she jumped at a combat position immediately, between her traditional upbringing, crucial training role and suspicion of the army screwing over the whole endeavor, I think she would be wary.
There’s speculations about who talked her into it, some say her brother had reported the dreadful discipline and treatment of the 100th’s nearly disbanded female force to her, and driven by stubborn pride in her protégés, Ida Brady had shown up and demanded they at least be nixed with dignity.
Instead she found herself training both men and women to stay the fuck in the air…the whole point of their particular branch
They didn’t get nixed. And Ida was suddenly a squadron commander without an actual squadron
By England I imagine she is still fighting for inclusions in the crews, there’s lots of finicky dealings regarding who gets sent up. She is technically Cleven and Egan’s superior but even she has the sense to know that blending in is her best bet, so she does her utmost and is respected accordingly. An odd third wheel that somehow adds a subtle but significant amount of gravitas and dignity to the whole gang, a rules and regulations gal but on because her own conduct is examined under a microscope by those higher ups who’d like the can they whole production
Under Harding’s command, as the crews become scarce, there is no discrimination left.
Those Who Can, fly.
Ida Brady goes out each time, if her girls are out so is she, even if the integration she fought for is entirely complete.
When she’s downed two days after the disastrous Munster mission that claimed her brother and Egan, it’s just in time, she’s needed on the ground by her girls who’d been lost earlier
Going ahead and tagging in case anyone is interested in this wack list of headcanons ha
MOTA taglist, I only have one so ignore if this is not the universe you signed up for:
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shelltasticday · 2 years
Hi there! This idea had me lying awake at 2 am, so I've decided to share it with you and see if you can write something cute and wholesome with it; if you don't mind, could you write something for all four lovely turtle bois with an S/O who, in response to the turtle saying "I love you", says, "... I love you more." I dunno, but I kinda wanna know how the turtles might respond to that, hehe. Love your work, btw! Keep it up! claps in appreciation
Hello there, thank you for the request! Also thank you for the compliment (´ ∀ ` *) I'm glad you enjoy what I do. Hope you don't mind the format I chose lol
The guys' response to "I love you more"
▉ ▉ Raphael ▉ ▉ ● It was a quiet night, you and Raph were cuddling in his room, just enjoying the silence and time together. He puts you on top of his plastron, since that way you have more room
● He was ready to fall asleep, thinking that you were already in dreamland due to your slow and soft breathing
● "I love you, (y/n)" he says, kissing your forehead and shifting slowly to get more comfy. "…I love you more"
● Your voice but a whisper, it takes him a bit to register that you spoke and then a bit more to process the words
● Raph's response is hugging you tighter, closer to him, if possible. He knows he's not too great with words, so he wishes to convey how much you mean to him through the contact
● The squeeze got a giggle out of you, knowing very well what it meant. "Goodnight" you murmured, nuzzling to finally drift off. "Night"
▲▲ Leonardo ▲▲ ● Leo and you are watching some movies, in onesies and with soft blankets on top, overall feeling very cozy and calm. He shifted closer, surrounding you with one arm to guide your head to his shoulder. Resting his cheek against the top of your head, he casually says it. "I love you"
● "I love you more" was your immediate response, and he chuckled. "That's very sweet dear, but I think it's obvious that I love you more, since I'm a turtle"
● "What does that have to do with anything?" you shifted to look up at him, seeing his grin widen, like he had expected this to happen and was ready… oh no…
● "Because I'm turtley in love with you!". Leo proudly delivered the punchline to his joke, God, that may be the worst pun you've ever heard
● You just kissed his cheek and immediately slammed a cushion on his face, focusing back on the movie as he whinned about you not appreciating his "comedy" enough or something like that
▌▌Donatello ▌▌ ● Both of you are in his lab, he's working on some blueprints and concepts for new tech while you do your own thing. Reading a book, playing some games. However, the calm atmosphere shifted when you began hearing mumbling, and paper being ripped and crumpled into a ball that you raised your eyes just in time to see fall right into the trash
● You rose from your seat, walking up to peek at the table from over his shoulder. Donnie was obviously struggling with one of his sketches, as he tapped the pencil repeatedly on the paper
● "And if you move this, to there?" you suggested, pointing at the parts you talked about. Not that you were an expert, but being around Donnie exposed you to his designs enough to make a good guess
● "(y/n), you're a genius! I love you!" he said, taking your face into his hands to land a quick kiss on your cheek. "I love you more" you giggled. "That doesn't sound correct, because I love you more, but I'd have to do the calculations later"
● "Well, according to MY calculations, I love you more", you pushed his shoulder playfully. He laughed as he went back to his prints. "I will give the victory to you this once, but next time I'll even have graphs to prove my point". "Donnie, no". "Donnie, yes!"
⬤⬤ Mikey ⬤⬤ ● Mikey and you sat back to back, he was doing some collages and you did your own projects. A pretty chill day, being honest
● It didn't surprise you when his voice perked up above the music you had playing in the background, to casually say "I love you!" in the cheerful tone he usually has. "I love you too, in fact, I love you more!" you replied, leaning a bit more into his shell, giving him a playful shove
● Mikey turned around enough to now be side by side, hugging you tightly like that, pressing his cheek to yours. You returned the hug as much as you could, laying your hands atop the arm surrounding your front
● "Nuh-uh, I love you moooore!" he said. You giggled. "Nope! I love you more". "No, I love you more, (y/n)" "No, I love you more" "No, I love you more". You and Mikey were the couple of "Noo, you hang uuup~", and it showed, it extended to this kind of "banter" too
● However, this one ended soon enough after you heard the collective groaning from his brothers. You both just laughed one more time before resuming your activities, though, you kept the cheesy lovey-dovey grins, just to bother the others~
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lightwise · 7 months
TBB S3E7 Reactions
Alright, in lieu of an analysis this week, you guys get some extra long reactions from me. Spoilers for Extraction under the cut!
- Of course the operative is still alive after being completely buried by rocks
- You okay there Rexy boy?
- Aww, Crosshair helping him up
- “There’s always another way” feels like foreshadowing
- CX does sound awfully like Tech when he’s grunting. Either that or DBB has only one way of making groaning noises 😂
- The rim lighting in this episode is such a pain for making screenshots but so satisfying for watching
- The modified clone theme when Wolffe lands 😭
- Wolffe was really getting 3PO flashbacks there with that disgusted sigh
- Isn’t Hilo a canon commando?? Or is he from legends?
- I will never get over how realistic light looks in this show
- There’s no way that CX just caught himself with his hands
- “We’re waiting on you” they’re not leaving Crosshair behind this time 🥹
- Lol Batcher. Licking cute clones faces. Always the priority
- How is this CX such a good shot??
- Oh Wolffe definitely has a constant headache. Idk how he’s actually put up with being in the Empire this long.
- This purple atmosphere is so pretty
- “I’m much worse” — SCREAMING. And the little tilt with his helmet to make his point clear? This man can have me however he wants. Anytime, anywhere. Call me, baby (I hope someone laughed at that lol)
- So Hunter does hear the ships. I wonder if his senses are more tuned for mechanical vibrations and animal life than people
- Lol Howzer is this really the time for a heart to heart?
- “Loyalty meant something to me” 🫡
- Lol that TK Trooper sounded like a mid-Atlantic 50s movie star
- How is the operative this nimble? Seems suspicious
- Smoke bombs are CF99s signature
- Interesting that for once the stun bolts are being used ON the Batch instead of by them.
- Wrecker and Batcher are a great team
- Hunter just dropping that TK and then Crosshair taking out their ship. Phew
- Also not suspicious at all that they’ve neutralized all the TKs and left the clone troopers for later.
- How did Crosshair sense the operative coming up behind them?
- RIP Nemec 😓
- “Too bad” 😩😩😩
- Oh Cross, you know you’re not the best at hand to hand combat. This is a very bad idea
- That waterfall is pretty though
- Dear lord why did they have to make these scenes so dark
- Oh fuck. I can’t even tell who threw who off the cliff
- The whole squad going after Crosshair even though he told them to get to the extraction point 😭
- CX obviously knows Crosshair and has beef with him. Again, for the millionth time—WHAT THE HELL DID HEMLOCK DO TO ALL OF THEM
- “You had your chance to be one of us. You chose the wrong side”. Really can’t wait for this to be explained.
- Crosshair’s reflexes are so fast for being all gangly limbs
- Okay I seriously almost had a heart attack here (this is a rewatch so my reactions aren’t immediate but holy cow I almost couldn’t believe what I was seeing watching Crosshair almost drown. Don’t you dare do it Jen!)
- It is v suspicious how fixated on Crosshair CX is even after he’s neutralized him
- Thank GOD for Howzer
- Okay, I can breathe a little again
- That’s…an awfully long fall for someone to survive
- The TBB team took the water scenes from The Crossing in season 2 and said, yeah, how about we just make that a million times better 🤯
- “That’s not Echo”. No, no it is not
- Good to know that Rex is still considered dead by the Empire (although that honestly seems strange that CX in season 2 knew who he was). That’s heartbreaking that Wolffe thought he was dead this whole time though
- Wow. The respect these two men have for each other
- “Oh I did. Lost a lot of good men that day” *cries in TCW season 7*
- Idk how Rex keeps going honestly
- His voice may be gentle but his face means BUSINESS
- Rex 🤝 Omega - believing the power of friendship can save anyone and anything they come across
- Fuck your orders Wolffe
- “I’ll make sure you’re given a fair trial” you really have no idea who you work for Wolffe do you
- Hunter being willing to stand down when Rex asks him to
- “I know you. As your brother, I’m asking you to do the right thing” the brotherly reunions this season are just paralleling all over the place
- Gregor the handsome fellow that you are. I swear his pauldrons get bigger every time we see him
- “Let my people go” the Exodus vibes are strong here too
- Guess we’re gonna be finding out what makes this CX so special. Still can’t believe he survived.
- Rex just lost almost all of his men again 😣😭
- The sheer respect and care that Hunter and Rex have for each other. The hand on the shoulder. The losses that tie them together. The worry and earnestness in Hunter’s face and tone when he tells Rex he can’t win. He doesn’t emote this much to people he doesn’t consider family.
- The ways Hunter still is hesitant to do anything but run and hide, and Rex still can’t give up. Not quite yet.
- How Hunter won’t be able to either until they know what is really going on with Omega.
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nhescio · 5 months
Do you think he was ever in love with Bedelia like he was in love with Will? I ask this because Bedelia says they were both the "brides of Hannibal". But Hannibal never courted her like he did with Will, Bedelia came into Hannibal's life much before Will but he never pursued her like he did with Will. Mads said he wanted a future with Will unlike with other people he hooked up with Alana, Bedelia or Anthony. He took her to Italy as a consolation prize when Will betrayed him. Even in Italy H was pining about Will all the time and telling Bedelia how much he loves Will. I know he slept with Bedelia but he probably slept with Anthony too and he slept with Alana, Hannibal is a hedonistic guy who sleeps around. For him sleeping with someone doesn't mean he is in love with them. But when Will confronts Bedelia, she pretends as if Hannibal held them in the same regard which is obviously not true. Hannibal would choose Will over her in a heart beat and even she knows it but yet she acts as if Hannibal sees them both equally. I don't understand why? 😭 Why do you think?why make herself seem like a competition when she is not?
Wow. Okay. First of all, thanks for your ask! I'm surprised you chose to send it to me, but I'm glad that you did :D
For your question, if I could only choose "yes" or "no", I lean a towards a "no", but of course, how I feel is a lot more nuanced than that. So, fair warning, this answer might be a bit long.
Personally, I read NBC's Hannibal as a completely different person than book Hannibal. (Not really that hot a take.) So since we're talking about the show, I just want to clarify that I don't see Hannibal as a psychopath/sociopath (aka still a person, but a person that happens to mentally compute the world differently). The writers and actors have mentioned again and again that their Hannibal was meant to be larger than life. He isn't someone that has the same morals as an average human because he isn't really human at all. His mindset is so divorced from that of society's that it is completely impossible for us to understand how he thinks and acts.
Because of this, I think technically, yes, Hannibal did love Bedelia. Was he "in love" with Bedelia though? No. And especially not "in love" like he was in love with Will.
I think Bedelia may have believed Hannibal letting her "see behind the veil" mind meant that she was an important person to Hannibal. Isn't that obvious to her? He even took her on his escape to Europe in place of Will! I think Hannibal really did care about Bedelia, but nowhere near the level he cared about Will.
We have to realize that everything we see on screen has to be taken with a grain of salt. There are often things hidden in the subtext- especially in a show like this. Unfortunately, that means we can never be sure of the motives of our favorite characters, but I don't see that as a negative. (This is what lets the community have their widely different "favorite headcanons" and write our delicious metas.)
I'm not going to say that this is exactly what happened or these are Bedelia's exact feelings, but I think ultimately, she overstated her relationship with Hannibal because she was looking to provoke Will. I can't be sure that Bedelia believed Hannibal loved her more than he really did (not that she fully reciprocated that love), but she definitely saw her status as something elevated. When she told Will that they were both Hannibal's brides, she was right in the fact that they both allowed to know the truth of Hannibal's motives. But, while she was given a peak in his doors (most likely because she was his pet therapist), Will was welcomed with open arms. Both she and Hannibal knew that Bedelia was in no way equal to Will, even if she pretends to be later on in her sessions with Will.
I don't completely understand why Bedelia chose this route, but maybe there were hours of Hannibal whining about Will that she had to endure that we don't know about. Bedelia is likely just using her experience with Hannibal to gloat, since she was smart enough to distance herself to not get hurt. She would be elevating herself into a position of mental superiority to Will since he came out completely changed and scarred. She was just interesting enough that Hannibal wouldn't kill her and smart enough that he wouldn't physically hurt her since she isn't completely under his thumb. (Also, by that point, Will was probably the only person she could discuss these things openly with since Hannibal was incarcerated, but I digress.) What she didn't realize though, is that Will was just as dangerous to her safety, if not more, than Hannibal. I've seen an amazing analysis on here comparing Bedelia to Gideon since both had taken roles that they didn't have the right to- Bedelia as Will and Gideon as the Ripper. This is why their "punishments" parallel each other, with both being forced to consciously consume what they know is their own human flesh.
TLDR: No, Hannibal was not in love with Bedelia like he was in love with Will. Yes, Hannibal did hold some level of love for Bedelia, just like he did for Alana (and to a lesser extent, Jack). Bedelia, probably too used to being able to squirm out of tight situations, chose to provoke Will by gloating about her clean escape instead of prioritizing her own safety. What she didn't realize was that any affection Hannibal holds towards her is nothing in comparison to his willingness to fulfil Will's whims. (Which is why they chopped off her leg to eat.) Basically, all the stars aligned (negatively in this case) and Bedelia made every wrong choice at the finish line which led to her fate at the end of the series.
Did this response completely derail from your question? Maybe, so I'm sorry about that. Anyway, if you made it this far, thanks for reading!
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clatoera · 1 year
What are your thoughts about the epilogue? Specifically this sentence :
It took five, ten, fifteen years for me to agree. But Peeta wanted them so badly.
How do you interpret it?
Disclaimer : this question is for textual analysis, it's not meant to incite fandom war. please DNI if you don't like this topic.
Thank you so much.
I personally have always been a huge fan of the epilogue. Back when I was little (I say little, I was 11 when it came out) and read it I was like omg yay babies, but as I’ve grown and reflected on it I genuinely have come to love it for the depth of what it represents. 
Katniss makes it clear in The Hunger Games that the reason she does not want children is because it is not safe. It is not because Katniss inherently dislikes children or doesn’t want them because she’s tired of raising kids, it’s because the world is literally unsafe. She can’t guarantee them a roof over their heads, or food to keep them alive, and especially she cannot protect them from the games.  Katniss actually demonstrates a lot of maternal instinct towards her sister and Rue, so I would venture to say she has the instinct if she chose to pursue it. If i’m not mistaken I also think there's a piece of CF where Katniss considers what a good father Peeta would make. Katniss is afraid of having children because of the world she lives in.
The growth to the epilogue is none to be ashamed of. I think it’s actually a natural progression sometimes, as you get older, too. For example when I was Katniss’ age, I certainly was adamant that I didn’t want children. And now, I’m twenty five, and while I'm not itching to be a mother, I am far less opposed to the idea of it. I am by no means saying that people should be told they’ll change their minds or be ignored when they insist they don’t want kids, but again, Katniss was more afraid than she was against it. The world was not safe for her children. The world was not safe for the children in twelve NOR the children of Victors. I think Katniss, after 5,10, 15 years saying yeah. I think I could have a kid. Is a HUGE testament to the world she lived in after the war.  She felt safe enough, finally, after all that time to make the step forward and have children. 
The fact that 15 years later Katniss felt secure enough to have children means the world changed in the way she wanted it to. Everything she did, everything she gave, everything she sacrificed, was finally worth it 15 years when the world she came to live in was one where she could have kids.  This is a sign of a safe world. Of a world where there are no more games. A world where she doesn’t have to be the mockingjay anymore. A world where she can be mom/mama/mommy, instead. This is the world she fought for, where Peeta Mellark’s kids could be safe. 
I also think it’s imperative to say I do not think “it took 5, 10, 15 years for me to agree. But Peeta wanted them so badly” is ANY indicator that he manipulated her or anything of the sort. We know Peeta is the master of the scene, he could manipulate the audience of the capitol, but he never once manipulates Katniss. I don’t think that changes post war. Do I think it’s a conversation that could have come up naturally after..all that time together? Yes. Of course. But a conversation is not manipulation, in fact it’s healthy to check in with your partner where you stand on these sort of things. It could be as simple as a quick off handed comment after seeing kids leave the bakery. Conversing about your future is not inherently manipulation. It’s normal and really should happen in any long term healthy relationship.  In that same vein, I don’t think saying “Peeta wanted them so badly” is saying he’s begging for them. If someone wants kids…you can tell. In the way they smile at babies at restaurants. The way they wave back at them when they pass them on the street. The way they smile and shake their heads when they do something that a parent may find embarrassing but you’re trying to make it clear that they’re kids and you know that and its okay. It is obvious, when someone with a big heart, who wears it on his sleeve, wants children. I don’t think Katniss needed Peeta to say “i want them” for fifteen years. She knew. She saw him interact with them at the bakery. She saw the way he talked about Finnick and Annie’s son. Katniss knew because she loved Peeta, not because Peeta was harassing her about it. Baby fever is absolutely written on some people’s faces, and seeing how Peeta holds his son in the epilogue in the film, there is no doubt that Katniss knew, from loving him for 15 years, that he wanted them. 
 I also think, for Katniss, this was something she could control in her life. Her life in Twelve was really not her own. The lives of ANYONE in Panem were not their own. I have a long long essay here about the illusion of reproductive choice in Panem, so I won’t repeat myself too much. But I think exercising her control over not having children is a way for her to take control of her life and say “I won’t give them my children to slaughter. I won’t give them my children to starve.”
I also think Katniss’ age shouldn’t be overlooked. She turns 18 at the end of Mockingjay. Eighteen years old. That is SO incredibly young. Do I think people in Panem tended to have children starting around 18/19? Yes. But that wasn’t going to be Katniss, who is in mourning. And then okay five years later…23. So young, thats the age you graduate college. 10 years later? 28. Okay understandable, normal. 15 years? 33 years old. When I was younger I thought omg that is SO late in life to have kids that is SO old. No. That’s..a very normal, very healthy, very adult age to have kids. If I had them i’d be 32/33. Thirty Three is such a normal age to have kids, she’s still young, but she’s an adult. With life experience. And years to process her trauma. I think fifteen years makes SENSE when you are eighteen. Live. Figure out what your life is like in this new world, this world without games, or mentoring, or peacekeepers and district lines. She learned had time to grow, she had time to adjust to life. Fifteen years..it makes sense that after that time she’d be like you know what? I have proof the world is safe. I have faith. I feel comfortable and confident and ready to take this next step. 
This part I am treading lightly because I don’t want to get controversial. However, I think a lot of the rejection of the epilogue and the idea that Katniss would choose to be a mother comes from the idea that motherhood and things that may be considered ‘traditionally feminine’ are a weakness, and I think there's some deep societal misogyny at play. The beauty in life  as a woman is having the choice. THAT is feminism. The choice to have kids or not. The choice when to have them. Accepting and loving and embracing your fellow woman whether she has chosen to make a career as a homemaker or as a politician. That is what it’s all about. Having the choice and supporting each other. Having Children does not make you weak. It does not mean you settled into the patriarchy. You can be the mockingjay. You can be a mother. You can be a doctor. You can be a chef. You can be a teacher. You can be a nurse. You can be a writer. These things are not separate. You can make the choice to do these things, and that's what is so important that Katniss CHOOSES this life. She Chooses to have children.  We are not shaming women for that choice, just like we don't shame them if they choose NOT to have children.
She chooses to become a mother in a far more authentic, genuine way than katniss chose to be the mockingjay.
Leading a rebellion. Being the mockingjay. That was not really her choice. She didn’t really have the choice to not be the mockingjay, did she? There wasn’t really an option.
But Katniss CHOSE to have children. She CHOSE to become a mother fifteen years later after the war that stole the person she loved most.. By her own accord. Katniss finally got to choose and direct her own life's path. And Katniss chose to have babies with Peeta Mellark and more power to her for it. 
 Katniss led a revolution and it can all be traced down to the love she had for her little sister, who she raised. I don’t think having children is particularly out of character for a woman who changed the world out of love for a young girl.
For Katniss to go from the mockingjay to mom is probably the most peaceful and well deserved transition of her life.
And most importantly of all, it was clearly her choice.
thank you!
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oscpaistry · 2 years
new positions with kylian? Like trying something new? (Smut imagine)
Yall are obsessed with my Kylian writing at this point🤭💗
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Kylian, Achraf, Neymar, Marquinhos, Ramos, Verratti and you were all at dinner celebrating their win against Toulouse. You were sitting next to your handsome boyfriend, Kylian. He was talking to his friends while putting a hand on your knee. Your mind was racing off at the thought of what he would do to you after dinner. But something switched in your brain. You wanted to try something new. Yes, sex with him was amazing but you wanted to try a new position.
"Chérie, tu vas bien ? Vous êtes zoné. Qu'est-ce qui préoccupe votre esprit?" he asked you while he leaned his head into your neck. (Honey, are you okay? You are zoned. What's on your mind?)
"Je veux essayer quelque chose de nouveau Kylian." You said in a hurry. Anxious at his response. (I want to try something new Kylian.)
He leans back and he had a confused look on his face.
"Que veux-tu dire par là mon amour ? Vous n'aimez pas la nourriture ici?" He said while sipping on his drink. (What do you mean by that my love? Don't like the food here?)
"J'aime la nourriture ici! Je veux dire, je veux essayer quelque chose de nouveau au lit. Ce soir en fait." you said while smiling at him. (I love the food here! I mean, I want to try something new in bed. Tonight actually.)
He looked surprised. But then a smiled appeared on his face. He started to talk to the others once again and putting a hand on your bare thigh.
You wore a beautiful silky red dress. Kylian liked the colour red on you. And you knew he would be turned on when you wore red.
After a few minutes you noticed that Kylian got more touchy and sweet-talking you. When he did this, it meant he wanted you. Only you. Just you.
He looked at me and mouthed "mon amour pouvons-nous s'il vous plaît allez vous m'excitez." (My love can we please go you are turning me on.)
You leaned into him and whispered "Chérie, tu peux attendre. Eh bien, restez ici environ 10 minutes de plus et ensuite nous pourrons rentrer à la maison!" into his ear. He groaned quietly. (Honey, you can wait. Well, stay here about 10 more minutes and then we can go home!)
-not even 5minutes later-
"Bébé, si nous devons rester ici une minute de plus, ils verront mon renflement." He said with a hard looking face. (Baby, if we have to stay here a minute longer, they'll see my bulge.)
You and Kylian get up from the table and say your goodbyes.
"Cette fille va passer le meilleur moment de sa vie ce soir!" You hear Neymar shout from behind. (This girl is going to have the best time of her life tonight!)
Then you hear Romas moan in a funny way. "Oh oui Kylian plus vite ! Plus rapide! ah Kylian!!" Everybody laughs with him and Kylian turns around and flips everybody off. (Oh yes Kylian faster! Faster! oh Kylian!!)
While in the car Kylian put a hand on your thigh. You already had a position in mind. Kylian would like it. You already know it.
Finally we arrived home. Both of you couldnt wait so you two already had a little make out session in the car.
You were on Kylian his lap kissing him. Your tongues finding the perfect rithem. Both of you were letting out a few moans and groans.
"Lets get inside love. I cant wait what your new position idea is." He said while being out of breath.
You open the car door and get off his lap. He also gets out and shuts the door.
"Oh Kylian you'll love it. I just know it." You said while winking at him and going inside.
He closes the door and both of you take off your shoes. Moments later you feel Kylian's hands on your hips.
He picks you up and goes to your room. He puts you on the bed.
"Alors mon amour, quelle est ton idée?" He asked while bitting his botton lip. (So love, what is your idea?)
"je veux que tu me doigtes..." You replied. Before you knew it Kylian pulled off your panties. (I want you to finger me...)
"Mais devant le miroir, Kylian." He stops and smiles at you. (But infront of the mirror, Kylian.)
"Mh tu aimerais ça hein ? Ma petite salope aime voir mes doigts en elle." He gritted through his teeth. He picked you up and sat you infront of the mirror. (Mh you would love that huh? My little slut like to see my fingers into her.)
He sat behind you and snaked his fingers down your body, down to your slick core. His lips on your neck. Sucking on your neck leaving little marks. You moan and he spreads your wetness over your core. But avoiding your clit.
"S'il vous plaît Kylian." You whined and jutting your hips. You throw your head back. (Please Kylian.)
He grabbed your face and said "Regarde mes doigts de salope. Quoi s'il vous plait?" Then he stuck two fingers into you and you moan his name. Your head rested on his shoulder. (Look at my fingers you slut. Please what?)
As his fingers were pumping in and out of you. "Oui, allez, tu peux prendre ça. Je sais que tu peux ma petite pute." He whispered into your ear. (Yes, come on, you can take that. I know you can my little whore.)
"S'il te plait Kylian, plus vite" you moaned and looked into the mirror. Meeting his eyes. He listened to your ask and he went faster. (Please Kylian, faster)
You felt that familiar knot in your stomach. You started to clench around his fingers. Letting him know that you were close. As he got the hint, his other hand went down to your clit. Rubbing soft circles, still pumping in and out of you.
You threw your head back, eyes fluttering, your walls clenching around his fingers and moaning his name like a prayer.
"Allez, mon amour. Laisser aller. Tu peux jouir partout sur mes doigts." He said while rubbing faster on your clit and slowly pumping in and out of you. (Come on, love. Let it go. You can cum all over my fingers.)
Just at that, you let go. As your climax washes over you, you relax on Kylian's chest.
"Tu vas bien, mon amour ?" He asked while picking you up and laying you on the bed. He went to get a towel and went to clean you up. (Are you okay, love?)
He went to lay next to you and kissed you all over your face. He praised you until you fell asleep.
Im back!! Sorry for not posting! Exams are coming up.
Tiktok: @.vandijks
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canirove · 2 years
Erling Haaland Imagine | two
Author’s note: The person who requested this imagine on Wattpad wanted something where Erling was jealous of Mbappé, everything else was up to me. Thank you for reading, and hope you like it!  💜 Little summary: the reader also is a football player, and they are constantly doing photoshoots with Mbappé due to both of them working with Nike, making Haaland jealous.
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"They are here!"
"The photos from my latest Nike campaign! Come, let's check them together."
"Ok" Erling sighs, letting himself fall next to me.
"If you keep doing that, we'll be needing a new sofa rather sooner than later" I chuckle.
"Yeah" he mutters.
"Let's see if they chose the photos I liked. There was one with a blue tracksuit that looked magazine worth it" I say, opening the email I was sent. "This is so exciting!"
I keep scrolling through the photos, commenting on them, Erling only answering with monosyllables.
"Thank you for the support, darling" I say, rolling my eyes.
"You're welcome."
"You're welcome" I snort. "This is huge, Erling. I'm part of the biggest campaign of the season next to some of the best athletes out there, and the only thing I've gotten from you is a bunch of yeahs."
"I'm really proud of you."
"I'm really proud of you" I repeat, trying to sound as lifeless as he has. "You know, maybe when they say that you are a robot, they are right. You just showed no emotions."
"Sorry. But I am really proud of you, I truly am" he says with a shy smile.
"Then why doesn't it feel like it? It's like we were talking about what you wanted for dinner instead of a career goal for me."
"I'm sorry" he repeats. "It's just that..."
"Just what?" I say, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Why him?"
"Why do you always have to take photos with him? Don't they have other players?"
"Erling... Are you jealous of Mbappé?" I laugh.
"No! I mean... I just don't understand why it always has to be him. Why not... Mount? Or someone from Real Madrid or Barça? Isn't Lewandowski with Nike too? You could do the campaigns with him."
"And you would get jealous of his abs."
"Are you sure?" I tease him.
"Pretty sure. Haven't you seen mine?"
"Oh, I have. I definitely have" I smile. "But why are you jealous of Kylian, then?"
"I don't know... But they are constantly comparing us, seeing who scores more goals, who wins more trophies, talking about who is gonna be the next football star... And seeing you with him all the time, having fun on those shoots and at the events..."
"Are you afraid I may leave you for him?"
"What? No. He isn't your type."
"My type is stupid big blonde guys, you are right" I laugh.
"Meh meh meh" he says, sticking out his tongue.
"If it isn't that, then what is it?"
"I don't know."
"You are being so helpful here..."
"I'm sorry. But it's like... Like he is always there, on everything I do related to football and my career, you know? And you are this thing that is only mine, like something that is just for me..."  he sighs, sinking a bit more on the sofa. "God, that sounded so possessive, like I own you or something... But that isn't what I meant. You know it, right?"
"I do" I say, taking his hand on mine.
"This relationship, us..." he says, looking at our hands. "It is something between you and I. Something no one else is part of. But when you are on those shoots and events with him, it feels like he is also being part of it like happens with everything else. It's like I can't have anything of my own anymore without him also being part of it. Like he is here, in our house. In my home. Because..."
"Because?" I ask, squeezing his hand and encouraging to keep talking.
"Because you are my home" he says, finally looking me in the eyes. "You are the person I can always go to if I've had a bad day, if something has gone wrong. You make me feel safe, cared for, calm. As if nothing bad can happen as long as we are together. And I don't need Kylian fucking Mbappé also being part of that."
"Aww, Erling" I say, hugging him. "I'm sorry you've felt like that."
"And I'm sorry for being such a jerk and not telling you sooner."
"There is one way to fix this, tho."
"You singing for Adidas?" he chuckles.
"No" I say, rolling my eyes and moving to look at him. "We can end our deal."
"Our deal?"
"Yes, the one we agreed on when we started dating. The one about not doing campaigns or photoshoots of any kind together, to not mix our careers with our personal lives. If we ignore that, they will definitely put us together on the next shoot. Besides him, you are their other star, but you also happen to be my boyfriend, and couples doing things together always sells."
"Are you sure? What if it makes things worse?"
"This, your jealousy and insecurities every time I'm next to Kylian, is what is making things worse."
"And I don't like feeling like that. Or the things I've thought."
"Good. Then let's call our agents and tell them our deal is over. But first, let's go sofa shopping."
"What?" Erling says, laughing for the first time since he sat next to me.
"You keep sinking lower and lower on this one, and I fear that instead of breaking it, what you will break is your back. It is too small for you, we need a bigger one. And besides, when we cuddle while watching tv, I'm always thinking I may end on the floor if I move a little."
"I would never let you fall" he says, hugging me again. "Just how you aren't letting me fall right now."
"We have each other's backs."
"We do" he smiles.
"I love you, Erling."
"I love you too."
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