#what is a biopsy
soggy-weetbix · 2 years
.... that's not how you make a vaccine tho
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ceyhanmedya · 2 years
What is a biopsy? 2023
New Post has been published on https://bankakredin.com/what-is-a-biopsy-2023/
What is a biopsy? 2023
BiopsyBiopsy, which is a diagnostic method, is the process of removing cells, fluid or tissue from the area of ​​​​the body where the disease is suspected, by surgical methods. Biopsy, which is the process of examining a small tissue, cell or fluid sample taken from the patient in the pathology laboratory for the definitive diagnosis of many diseases, especially cancer, can also be performed during surgery in some cases. As a result of the pathological examination, the changes and abnormalities in the patient’s tissue or organ are examined and reported by the pathologists. Thus, the diagnosis required for appropriate treatment becomes clear. Suspicious tissues are examined thanks to the biopsy, which has been applied for centuries, with advanced technology and knowledge, which can get very fast and precise results. With the applied biopsy method, the entire tissue can be removed when necessary. 
What is a biopsy?
Biopsy, which is the process of taking tissue from the area thought to be a disease or mass in the body, can be performed using different needles without the need for open surgery. In the presence of a mass in the suspected organ, the relevant area can be clearly identified by imaging the biopsy method. The procedure, which is mostly done to determine whether the tissue or tumor is benign or malignant, is also done to determine the stage and course of the disease in some infections or inflammatory diseases called inflammatory. With biopsy methods performed using local anesthesia, a small piece is taken by entering the lesion in the suspicious area with a needle and sent to the pathology laboratory to determine the result.
How is a biopsy done?
Biopsy, which has no health hazard when performed by a specialist physician under appropriate conditions, is performed using different equipment and techniques depending on the region where it is performed. Some biopsies are performed with imaging, some are performed during and after surgery, and some are performed under local anesthesia.
How is a lung biopsy done?
In the presence of lung diseases or lung cancer detected after a chest X-ray or tomography, lung biopsy is performed for a quick and definitive diagnosis. Local anesthesia is applied to the area where the mass is detected in the lung, tissue pieces are taken from the relevant area by fine needle aspiration biopsy or thick needle biopsy. The procedure is performed with imaging accompanied by ultrasound or computed tomography. Samples are taken with the help of a thinner needle that is passed through a wide needle that pierces the lung membrane. In this way, air leakage to the pleura is prevented or even if air escapes, it can be evacuated.
How is a liver biopsy done?
It is performed to examine the damage caused by many diseases such as hepatitis, fatty liver, and cirrhosis. It can also be applied to clarify the diagnosis of the existing mass in the liver. Since sedative medication will be administered via the intravenous line before the procedure, the patient should be fasted 5-6 hours before the procedure. A small incision is made in the relevant area of ​​the patient lying on his back and a piece of tissue is taken with the needle biopsy method. The patient remains under observation in the hospital that day and is discharged the next day.
How is a kidney biopsy done?
In the diagnosis of undetected kidney disease, when it is necessary to obtain information about the status of the existing disease, when it is necessary to learn the status of the transplanted kidney, kidney biopsy is a procedure of about half an hour. It is performed under local anesthesia with ultrasound-guided needle biopsy method. Since there is a risk of bleeding after the procedure, the patient is kept under observation for 24 hours. In the meantime, the patient’s condition is checked by making urine and blood counts.
How is a breast biopsy done?
With a breast biopsy performed in as little as 15 minutes, cell, tissue or mass removal can be performed. It is performed using ultrasound MRI or tomography, needle biopsy under local anesthesia, vacuum biopsy or surgical biopsy under general anesthesia. The factor in determining the method is the size of the audience.
How is a thyroid biopsy done?
The procedure, in which there is no possibility of bleeding, is performed under local anesthesia with ultrasound guidance. Before the biopsy procedure is started, the entry and passage route is determined by the radiologist with detailed ultrasound. Cells are taken from the thyroid nodule with the fine needle aspiration technique. If there is more than one nodule, the procedure is done one by one for each nodule. Thus, it is clarified whether the nodule is benign or malignant. After the procedure, the patient can return to his normal life after being kept under observation for about half an hour.
What are the types of biopsy?
Needle Biopsy:  It is applied with two different methods. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy, also known as percutaneous biopsy, is performed with the help of a black needle injector. This method, which is the process of taking cells from the targeted tissue, is mostly applied in thyroid nodules and prostate diagnosis. Thick needle biopsy, which is another needle biopsy, is a method in which cylindrical tissue pieces are taken from the targeted mass.
Open Surgical Biopsy:  A part of the mass in the suspected area or all of it, as in lumpectomy, is removed through the incision made under general anesthesia.
Brush Biopsy : It is performed endoscopically and is a method of examining the swab taken by applying a small brush to the tissue.
Chorionic Villus Biopsy:  Chorionic villus biopsy, abbreviated as CVS, is a method applied to pregnant women between 10 and 12 weeks. It is made from the cervix or abdomen to detect genetic and chromosomal abnormalities of the baby in the mother’s womb.
Cone biopsy:  It is the process of removing cone-shaped tissue from the uterine cervix.
Endoscopic Biopsy:  Small pieces of tissue are taken with instruments passed through the endoscope channel. With a lasso-like equipment, the tissue is cut by strangling or cauterizing, that is by burning, and is removed by holding it with another instrument.
Senitel Lymph Node Biopsy:  Blue dye is applied to the patient in order to mark the lymph node where the cancer cells in the tumor are most likely to spread. Lymphatic vessels first carry this dye to the area where the cancer is located, namely the lymph node. With another device, the area with color change is detected and the relevant area is removed.
Biopsy with Shaving Method:  It is the process of removing the area under the lesion on the skin together with the upper part of the skin. With this method, the shaved area is removed parallel to the skin.
Stereotactic Biopsy:  With this method used in the brain and breast, the biopsy area is determined. With the help of tomography, the biopsy area is clearly determined. A biopsy is done with the help of a needle or wire.
Punch Biopsy:  With this method, which is mostly applied to the skin, a piece of tissue is removed with a small cutting tool.
Vacuum Biopsy:  Vacuum-assisted biopsy begins with the insertion of a needle with a sharp edge and a hole into the lesion. While the needle, which is moved back and forth, shaves the tissues, the tissues are pulled by the vacuum inside the needle.
All parts removed from the body by this and other biopsy methods are placed in transparent glass and plastic containers and sent to the pathology laboratory without disturbing the tissue integrity. Biopsies performed during the surgery are examined and reported macroscopically and microscopically by the specialist physician, provided that they are prioritized in the laboratory.
For a long and healthy life, do not forget to have your check-ups at regular intervals.
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kirby-the-gorb · 8 months
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imaginarycircus · 2 months
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Mr. Bertram Wilberforce Wooster sends his fond regards.
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paeinovis · 2 months
it is genuinely crazy how little doctors tell u abt procedures before they do them, it should be explained wtf something is before they do it like ask if the patient actually knows what x procedure entails and what it will be like before subjecting them to it
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marcvscicero · 20 days
my dog has cancer i want to cry until i’m out
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not-poignant · 3 months
Hi Pia! I hope your antibiotics are working and you are in less pain and nothing prevent your from a joy of walking your puppy < 333
Hi anon!
Unfortunately the antibiotics are not working, though I do still have another 5 days left.
But it's looking more and more like I might need a very painful surgery that I would very much like not to have. D: I've hit 'I'm going to walk Toby even if I'm in agony.'
Literally have had broken bones / inflamed teeth nerves that hurt less than this, but oh well, sometimes life shakes out this way! Mostly doing my best, though I did have a bit of a cry this morning as Glen's on holiday for a week and we had all these plans to go on day trips with Toby to really nice places and we haven't been able to do any of it, and Glen's had to look after Toby more on his holiday, and...yeah. I felt really bad.
It's not the last holiday or anything, just one of those 'I ruined it :/ ' moments. Not like I set out to be in pain or need antibiotics, but it still feels that way.
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dimsilver · 11 months
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themanwhowouldbefruit · 6 months
damn im in this gay ass hospital room for emergency open abdominal surgery and i can't even find the see double you soup per natural channel on the television
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pochapal · 6 months
clocks changed and now it's bright out at 7pm
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Who do you think is Ajaks favorite child?
So, Ajak would say that she loves all her children equally. She would never have favourites!
But yes she does and it's Sersi--hear me out!
It's not just the picking her to take over as Prime, because that's obvious. But I'm talking about how I think Sersi is the most human of all the Eternals.
Ajak loves all her kids. They function all together, as a family, even the cantankerous Druig and stubborn Ikaris and prickly Thena. Ajak wouldn't change anything about them.
But Sersi is different. From the moment they first awaken Ajak knows Sersi has insatiable curiosity, and passion, and love for all she does. Ajak sees how much Sersi loves life in all its forms and admires it, maybe even envies how much more freely Sersi can love without the burden of the truth weighing on her.
Ikaris is her secondhand, and he knows all that she does (mostly). He becomes a confidante to her in a way none of her other children are. And yet this ultimately dooms them both to never actually being able to depend on each other in an emotionally healthy way. Both are a pillar of the irrevocable truth and fear how it will crush their family if they move from that.
But that's why I think Thena's role in this is so fascinating (my bias is showing, I'm well aware). Because Thena also knows the truth, on some level, even from the beginning. It can be argued even before then--maybe she always gets Mahd Wy'ry, maybe she always remembers the horrors that they facilitate in their missions.
Ajak knows this. That's why she suggests erasing Thena, because she really does love her, and she knows firsthand the burden of knowledge. Thena already had wisdom, it's the knowledge that really endangered her.
I also think that's why Druig's relationship to Thena is so much deeper than what we got in the movie. He speaks up for her--he speaks up for her against Ajak, and Ikaris, and Arishem himself. He believes that Thena has a right not to want to forget their lives, and he obviously doesn't trust the answers he gets from Ikaris or their Prime.
Ajak is a very complicated character. She's not entirely right, she's not wrong either, and I do believe that she does the best with what she has. And that she loves her children. That, above all else, is what drives this person: love for her children and for people.
And that's Sersi's favourite thing: people. Sersi loves life and the people in it, and everything in between. Sersi is who Ajak could be if she didn't have the burden of their mission on her. And yes, she does impress that onto Sersi and burden her with that. It's hard to reconcile, and confusing, and it creates hardship for Sersi. But Ajak did so knowing Sersi was the right one to take this on.
Because this mother has high hopes for her daughter, and she knows what she can handle because she forged this child's soul from her own.
#Eternals#Ajak#a biopsy if you will just some thoughts of mine#also yes I saw the Barbie movie why do you ask?#mother-daughter relationships are endlessly complex#and I don't want to trivialize anything for anyone by waxing poetic about it from my own perspective#but this is what I think about Ajak and Sersi's relationship#also sorry you probably thought this would be a really fun ask and I've done...this#okay so for those who read the tags#Ikaris is her very good mama's boy who does everything right but then she finds out is wanted in six states for federal crimes#and she goes where did I go wrong???#Thena: where could he have gone right is really the question#Thena is like Ikaris' twin they're so alike#Ajak asks how Thena is and Thena just nods and walks off#she's more of an icy teenager than Sprite is to her#but at least Gilgamesh makes Thena a little sweeter#he's also best boi so...write that down#Gil helps carry in the groceries#Sprite acts like she's too cool for it all but really she still likes cuddles and I will die on that hill#Druig is constantly bitching about 'mother dear'#while Ajak and Makkari have a great relationship!#They're obviously close Makkari is holding her in the wedding scene#Makkari is very close and sweet with Ajak but Makkari is also a wild child#she steals and is rambunctious and likes breaking the rules#Miss Goody Two Shoes is Sersi herself#Phastos too up until...a certain point#And Kingo...Kingo thinks he's her favourite#like truly and genuinely
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theforesteldritch · 1 year
Explaining to doctors and health care workers that if I’m pregnant, it’ll be with Jesus 2.0 or something, now even more impossible! My friend I do not have the internal organs needed for that, I’d be like the Virgin Mary but intersex.
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lengthy-artery · 8 months
god that thing about how one day's recovery at home is worth one week's recovery in hospital is so fucking true
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canichangemyblogname · 4 months
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Didn’t want to start an argument with someone and also they changed their reblog permissions (and I likely know why).
Anyway… this post is kind of a willful misrepresentation of the critique of this practice.
Usually, when the pregnancy test practice is brought up, it’s by women who literally cannot be or get pregnant. They’re not complaining about some “woe is me. I have to pee on a stick. it’s so inconvenient.” They’re trying to point out how doctors generalize based on sex instead of looking at a patient’s available medical records to see that they can’t get pregnant.
The women who bring this up are making a similar argument to the “what anatomy do you have checklist” post. The checklist lists sexual anatomy that someone might need care for or that the doctors will need to consider in the patient’s care.
I also see women complain about this when they come in for something unrelated to pregnancy and the doctors write it off as likely pregnancy (similar to how they will write off any and every symptom as pms). My mother’s best friend went in for raging migraines and nausea. Despite being post menopausal, they told her she might be pregnant. They asked her to pee on a stick. She has an aneurysm. 
When my mother’s gallbladder exploded, the doctor wanted her to first take a pregnancy test to make sure she wasn’t in labor (huh??). Labor and a gallbladder bursting have two VERY different sets of symptoms. My mother was upset by this because 1.) she doesn’t have a uterus, 2.) she is post menopausal, 3.) pregnancy and labor do not exhibit the same symptoms as a gallbladder rupturing (she’s been in labor; this was not it), 4.) she knew something was WRONG. But they would NOT proceed until she had taken a test. It caused critical delays in her care.
The pee on a stick practice is often a part of medical misogyny and medical transphobia. Just because a practice might be a precaution, especially given that many women do not know they’re pregnant in the earliest stages of pregnancy, doesn’t mean it doesn’t also reinforce biases.
When women critique this practice, it’s not because they feel disgruntled or put-out that they have to take regular pregnancy tests while on meds that cause birth defects. It’s because a doctor saw an F next to their name and assumed, and this caused delays in their care or resulted in a lack of care for what truly ailed them.
I have a transfemme friend with an F next to her name. She cannot get pregnant. She does not have a uterus. Doctors ask her to take tests just to “make sure” all the time. This is medical transphobia.
My cousin is transmasc. He has an M next to his name. He has a uterus and can get pregnant. Last year, he was prescribed Accutane, but he was not prescribed the two forms of birth control that he needs to be on. Luckily, he is always vigilant about his medical care and looked into the drug. He called the doctor back to tell them, “I should be on birth control with this drug.” This is medical transphobia. (I’m pretty sure you also have to take regular pregnancy tests while on those meds.)
“There’s medical misogyny and transphobia that ACTUALLY kills people” really downplays the way this practice delays or denies care to people who cannot get pregnant, but who doctors “expect” can, and actively harms people who can get pregnant, but who doctors “expect” cannot.
Also HATE HATE HATE this whole “it’s drilled into our heads not to just believe patients.” You don’t think that might be a problem? Or a source of a lot of problems? There’s a difference between making sure you run the appropriate tests to cover your bases so you can ensure you give someone the proper care that considers all factors and “don’t believe people.”
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coquelicoq · 1 year
just got a biopsy to see if my [checks notes] 15-week period is because of cancer. however then my friends drove me to get chocolate and the new martha wells novel so, you know, there are pros and cons here.
#the epic highs and lows of having a uterus#highs: people buy you chocolate!!#lows: all the other stuff :(#anyway i am. a lil stressed out lol#also pretty lightheaded! i'm not really even sure why because ok so yeah i was already anemic from the 15 weeks of bleeding#plus i was anemic before that also#plus there was a lot of blood during the biopsy. but i feel like that blood was just the stuff in my uterus that'd be coming out anyway#as opposed to new blood from within my veins or something#and i'm still sick lolllll#so it's a fun time. BUT! martha wells novel! and i lent all systems red to a friend who will hopefully become obsessed with murderbot#and talk to me about it constantly! (<-my endgame at all times)#it's so funny every time i've been to the doctor they're like 'date of your last period?' and i'm like april 9th. and it is ongoing.#and then we just 😬 at each other#anyway cross your fingers for me. apparently if the biopsy comes back negative they don't have other ideas for what could be going on#not sure how to feel about that. obviously i don't want to have cancer but it's very stressful not knowing what is going on#do i just bleed forever indefinitely??? i'll be real with you lads that doesn't seem great :/#she was like next step would be to put in a hormonal iud and i was like that is absolutely not an option that i will consider#i would sooner get a hysterectomy#so idk maybe i will get a hysterectomy! biopsy results in a week. okay. ending the tags now#if anybody wants me to trigger tag for cancer mentions let me know and i can definitely do that going forward <3
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dontmeanyoudontmissit · 7 months
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