#what if we kissed and our hard hats knocked together
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thanks-for-the-crabapples · 4 months ago
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but what if 😳
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 1 year ago
Anyway, I just saw this video of a guy walking in on his roommate taking a bath with a raccoon, and I just had this image in my head.
Steve went over to the Munsons' new house to hang out with Eddie. He knocked at first, but no one answered. He knew Eddie was home. He tried the door, and it was unlocked.
"In here!" Eddie hollered.
He wasn't sure what to expect when he went into the bathroom, but it wasn't Eddie taking a bath with a raccoon.
"Oh, yeah, I rescued a raccoon! Poor little guy got in the flour. Kids, am I right?" Eddie scoffed.
"Okay, but I don't think it was necessary to get into the bath with him," Steve said.
He was relieved to see that Eddie was wearing swim trunks.
"I know it wasn't necessary," Eddie said. "I think he wants you to say hi. Don't worry. I took him to the vet. Clean Bill of Health, and he's had all his shots. Let him sniff your hand."
"Okay. . ."
Steve reached over and let him sniff his hand. He slowly started to pet him, and he smiled when the raccoon leaned into his hand.
"Aww, I think he wants you to be his mommy," Eddie said.
"I'm a man," Steve said.
"A man can be a mom if he wants to. Get with the times! It's 1986, man! Besides, they're all just made-up words. You can call things whatever you want to. For instance, I call spoons forks and forks spoons now. Does it piss Wayne off a little when I ask him for them? Yes. Does he love me a little less for it? Probably. I'm still his nephew, though," Eddie said.
"No, Eddie," he grinned.
"How can someone be this adorable and this annoying at the same time?" Steve asked.
"If I didn't know any better, I think you wanted to be more than just my boyfriend," Eddie said.
"I'm your boyfriend?" Steve asked.
"Yeah, you're my friend, and you're a boy. You're my boyfriend," Eddie said.
"Have you just been calling me that in your head?" Steve asked.
"It sounded good to me," Eddie said.
"Do you call your other guy friends your boyfriend?" He asked.
"No, that would be weird," Eddie scoffed.
"But not weird with me?" Steve asked.
Steve giggled and knelt by the tub. He grabbed the back of Eddie's neck and pulled him in for a gentle kiss. He pulled back and watched Eddie's eyes light up in realization, his cheeks pink.
"Oh, yeah. That makes more sense," Eddie said, and he kissed Steve. "You know, this tub is big enough for the both of us."
Steve was now in the bathtub, stripped down to his boxers as he and Eddie bathed a raccoon.
"By the way, I'm not telling Robin that this is how we got together," Steve said.
"Yes, you are. You're going to tell her every single detail, and you're going to love every moment of it," Eddie cackled. "What shall we name our son, mother?"
"Hmm," Steve said thoughtfully. "Dustin!"
"It shall piss off Dustin the First mightily so! Yes!"
"And let's get him a little hat!"
And when he told Robin the story of Eddie and the raccoon, she laughed so hard she fell off the couch. And she finally did meet raccoon Dustin, she became smitten. . . Mostly to use him whenever human Dustin pissed her off. She would always declare that this was her favorite Dustin.
And so, they lived strangely ever after. . .
THE EN . . . Fuck, Raccoon Dustin ran off with the d. Him and his little bandit hands. 😑
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watarfallar · 6 months ago
Life Series Incorrect Quotes
Martyn: As top in this relationship, I think we should- Ren: I can't believe you're pulling rank on me.
Impulse: Are you sure Skizz's even gay? They barely even looked at me.
Skizz: How do you know how to kiss? Like who teaches you? Impulse: Well it’s actually a class, but unfortunately it’s full right now. Impulse: Would you like me to tutor you? Tango: That was smooth.
Gem, in Impulse’s bed: Morning… how’d ya sleep last night? Impulse, knocking Gem off: WHAT THE HELL?! Gem: Ow— Impulse: What were you doing in my bed? You were supposed to sleep on the air mattress on the floor! Gem: I had a nightmare. Impulse: You had a nightmare? What are you, five years old? Gem: Listen, I needed to feel comfortable and I was getting this perverse power dynamic vibe from me sleeping on the floor and you sleeping up there- Impulse, in a royal accent: Why yes, how high and mighty I am up on my twin XL! Gem: That is not what I meant— Impulse: Silence in the presence of your king, who sleeps a lofty twelve and a half inches above the ground! Gem: Listen, I’m not ashamed. I slept comfortably when I got up on your bed and I’m sure you did too. Impulse: Yeah, okay- Gem: You know what? I wanna know. How’d you sleep last night? Impulse: …That was the best I’ve slept in a while. Gem, gasping: The king slept comfortably with a peasant in his bed! Impulse: I did not consent to this- Gem, dramatically: But my liege, our love is forbidden! Impulse, on the phone: Hi, is this the front desk? Yeah, there’s a bed bug in my room and she’s six-foot-one, he’s got red hair. Gem: Ask them if they have one of those “Do Not Disturb” signs. I’ll put it on the door next time we… do it. Impulse: Okay, I'ma go shower and wash all of the you off of me. Gem: Oh, maybe together we could— Impulse: NO. Gem: Just to save water— Impulse: No! You don’t even pay for the water! Gem: …Good point.
Bdubs: What do you call quantums of electromagnetic radiation that don’t get along? Ren: What did you just say- Bdubs: Foetons! *Laughs* Ren: Wh-what?
Grian, at an awards show: Well, first of all, I’d like to thank Scar, the love of my life, for telling me Mumbo was going to win so don’t bother to prepare a speech.
Cleo: Bdubs, can you help me? All of my clothes keep disappearing for some reason. Bdubs, wearing a hoodie that's 5 times bigger than their size: Spooky.
BigB: What situation is not instantly improved by the addition of fishnets, I ask you. Scott: Being a fish. BigB: Well, shit.
Grian: I am an expert at identifying birds. Bdubs: Okay, what about those ones flying over there? Grian: Yeah, they're all birds.
Ren: I’m gonna die alone. Pearl: Ren, you’re not gonna die alone. Ren: Bdubs, was my safety net, okay? They got married and now I have to get a snake. Scar: Uh-huh. Why is that? Ren: If I’m gonna be an old lonely person, I’m gonna need a thing, you know? A hook. Like that guy in the subway who eats his own face. Ren: So I figured I’ll be “Crazy Man With A Snake”, you know? Crazy snake man. Ren: Then I’ll get more snakes, call them my babies. Kids won’t walk past my place, they will run! RUN AWAY FROM CRAZY SNAKE MAN!
Cleo, holding out a cookie for Lizzie: Look! This ones a heart, that’s how I feel about you! Lizzie: *Ugly crying* Cleo, holding out another cookie for Pearl: This ones like Michigan, that’s how I feel about you! Pearl, throwing their hands in the air: What does that mean?!
Grian: Did you wash the dishes? Mumbo: I thought you wanted to do that... Grian: *chuckles* You were WRONG.
Bdubs: Ren, I beg of you. Please, PLEASE go to the doctor. Ren: Hey, I'm sorry. Is this OUR stab wound?
BigB: Respect my trans homies or I’m gonna identify as a fucking problem.
Impulse: Everybody shut up, I'm thinking. Tango, patting them on the back: Well, don’t think too hard. I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself.
Joel: What's with the new hat? Scott: Oh, this? It's nothing. Scar: It's the loudest nothing I ever saw. Cleo: Scott, you just can't mosey in here with a brand-new hat and act like you're not wearing a brand-new hat. Scott: Look, I'm trying something new, okay? Just take it easy. Etho: He's right, guys. Come on, let's not go down this path. It's ugly... Kinda like that hat– Scott: I got this from a nice store! Joel: What store? The one before you exit the Al Capone Museum? BigB, entering the room: What's up, Scott? Did you just finish Bling Ring-ing Bruno Mars' closet? Scott: I'm being brave, okay? You guys are sheep. You may want to take a long, hard look in the mirror. BigB: Better us than you. You look like a park ranger from a cartoon. Scott: Joel, do you think the hat looks bad? Joel: Oh, uh, me? Um, I... I wouldn't say it was bad. Like, I think it's just different, like something you would wear in Indiana... Jones and the Temple of Bad Hats.
BigB: Well Grian, I have to say, I'm really disappointed. Grian: Well, you didn't HAVE to say it. You could've just thought it.
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instructionsnotincluded · 5 months ago
Kate can you please give us a happy snippet from wild winds after watching that wack ass season ending? 😭😭😭
18+ MDNI | Language, suggestive conversation, references to sex.
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Logan smiled, tilting her head up to request a kiss, Rafe giving her a soft one a moment later, “Enjoying the movie?” 
“No.” Rafe’s straight face and deadpan answer had her giggling, “I’d rather be making out with you. Why aren’t we doing that, again…?” 
“I promised Amy.” Logan looped her arms around his waist, chin resting on his sternum, “but you can kiss me now…” 
Rafe did just that, his nose brushing along hers before he connected their lips again, the movie and all of the people just a few yards behind them fading into the dark evening as she focused on him and only him, feeling the way his palm pressed into her lower back, his other hand lifting to angle her head before resting along the side of her neck, a breathy gasp leaving her mouth when they parted to breathe. 
“Come home with me,” Rafe whispered into her mouth as she pressed closer to him, “empty house all to ourselves…”
“I…” Logan’s eyes fluttered closed again as Rafe kissed her jaw, his hand sliding down her back until it slipped into the back pocket of her shorts, “promised Amy…”
“Shhh,” he sucked a hard kiss to her neck and Logan’s toes curled in her shoes, the nails of her right hand digging into his bicep as he trailed lingering kisses down the column of her throat, “just say yes.”
“Amy’s gonna be leaving anytime now,” Rafe purred into her ear as he pulled her closer, their hips knocking as he palmed her ass, “c’mon baby—come home with me. The movie sucks, we can make a better one…”
Logan giggled, arms sliding to wrap fully around his neck as she kissed him hotly, their teeth knocking into one another, “Rafe Cameron wants to play director?”
“Mhmm,” he pecked her twice playfully and Logan couldn’t help but laugh, “be my star, doll. Show me what you can do…”
“I can do a lot of things,” Logan nipped his bottom lip, tugging it away with her teeth as Rafe groaned lowly, “or have you forgotten our drive the other night…”
“Fuck—never gonna forget that,” Rafe whispered back, “I remember it every morning in the shower.”
Logan grinned and he kissed her hard again, tongue soothing her lip after he bit it, their kiss slowing down before either of them could get too carried away. “I have to at least stay until she leaves,” Logan whispered against his mouth, “but I’ll come home with you tonight…”
“Patience, babe,” Logan ran her hand down his chest and over his stomach, her fingers just barely ghosting across the front of his shorts as he grunted, “I promise you’ll have a good night…”
Rafe all but whined and Logan slipped her fingers up the back of his neck, tapping the bill of his backwards hat before she stroked his neck as he rested his head against her shoulder, hugging her tightly, both of them enjoying the moment together and the comfort they found in the other’s arms. “How are you feeling?”
“Alright,” Rafe muttered into her neck and Logan rubbed his back, “Kelce makes it hard…”
“I’m sorry,” Logan sighed, hating that he had such easy access to the one thing he was trying to stay far away from, “want me to yell at him?”
Rafe snorted, “Yeah—could you? Just come up and tell him to stop asking me if I want to do a line every two minutes? Really confuse him and make him wonder why you’re talking to him.” Logan giggled and he pulled away, connecting their lips in a sweet kiss, “Appreciate the offer though, I’m alright.”
“Anytime. But we should get back,” Logan said as Rafe pressed his forehead to hers, “don’t want the guys to get concerned.”
“Probably think I’m just sneaking blow and not wanting to share,” Rafe exhaled and Logan kissed the corner of his mouth, Rafe moving his head to turn it into a proper kiss, “tell Thomas to keep his hands to himself if he ever wants to live to suck another guy’s dick.”
Logan laughed loudly, Rafe grinning down at her and she swatted his hip when they parted, “I’ll be sure to pass that lovely message along.”
“You’re my girl,” Rafe said, his voice low and Logan’s stomach flipped at the way the words came out of his mouth, his eyes dropping to glance at their feet, “gonna let everyone know that one day.”
“We will,” Logan pressed a tender kiss to his lips, “I just need to figure out how to introduce the idea to JJ…”
“Get him a girl of his own,” Rafe said, “distract him or something…”
“Right, while I’m talking to Kelce and Topper how about you waltz up to Ellie and tell her to make a move on my brother—”
Before she could finish her thought, startled gasps and screams filled the area, the couple turning to look towards the sound, releasing one another. “Oh shit,” Logan reached for Rafe’s elbow as he frowned at the bright orange glow that could be seen coming off the screen, “is that on fire?”
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kaminocasey · 1 month ago
Make Me Wanna Part 2: Would You Go With Me
Summary: You and Benny finally get to do what you should've done years ago.
Pairing: Benny Miller (Triple Frontier) x F!Reader
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI; Smut, Oral (f receiving), unprotected p in v (wrap it up, friends), use of the petname "babygirl". If I missed any, just let me know.
WC: 3.4K
A/N: I have so many other fics I should be working on but this fic has been in my brain nonstop lol.
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(Pic and Gif from Pinterest)
Twelve years earlier…
“I’m not even gonna be gone that long.” Benny stands at the foot of his bed, packing his bag for basic training in the army, as you lay your head next to his bag so you’re looking up at him upside down.
You scowl. “10 weeks is forever, Benny. Especially since we’ve spent every day together since we were like 8 years old.” 
He grins that sweet Benny smile that you love so much and your chest tightens. He has no idea the effect he has on you. Maybe this time will do you some good. Help you move on… 
Though, you truly doubt it. Benny, your absolute best friend in the entire world and your partner in crime since you were eight, is without a doubt your one great love. But to him? You’re only his best friend. Nothing quite like unrequited love, right? 
“I’m keeping this.” You snatch his cap that he’s worn every day since he was 14 years old and cradle it to your chest. 
You look at him and it doesn’t seem right that he’s doing this. But he’s known since the day that Will said he was joining the Army. And you’d never beg him to stay. 
“Fine. But only until I get back.” He grins, booping your nose. “And you better take care of it.” 
You both know you will. 
“I want one of your flannels, too.” You murmur.
He gives you his favorite.
The moment Benny gets you into the house, he’s on you. You’re up against the wall and his hands grip your hips tightly, acting as an anchor. 
“Waited for this so long, not gonna be able to let you go.” He groans in your neck before biting and sucking. 
You can feel his excitement through his form fitting Levi’s and you rock your own hips against it, making him groan roughly. 
With a soft whimper, you knock his hat to the floor and grip his hair. “Good thing I don’t want you to let me go.” 
His hands move down to grip your thighs and next thing you know, he’s lifting you up, still pinning you to the wall with your legs wrapped around his perfect waist.
“Jesus, Benny.” You laugh breathlessly. “Working out really pays off, doesn’t it?”
He chuckles before kissing you again. “Every day for two years. But it’s not hard to lift you, babygirl.”
You hum softly against his lips and nudge your nose against his. He carries you over to the couch and carefully lays you down under him. His thigh keeps your legs spread for him with your dress falling to your hips. You gasp softly when his knee rubs up against your warmth and he smirks, knowingly. 
“Always dreamt of you making those sounds for me.” His lips find your neck and you can’t help but grip his blond hair, making him groan.
“When you say ‘always’...” You ask, making him look at you.
“Always, darlin’. Since we were at least 16.” His chuckle is low and vibrates against you deliciously. “Been in love with you since we were ten, though.” 
“Shut up, you have not.” You let out a soft giggle as you start to pull his flannel off his body, struggling to get it off.
“Have too.” He leans back to tug it off the rest of the way and then with one hand and a wide grin, tugs his t-shirt off from the back of the neck.
Your lips part as arousal takes over and as if he can read you clear as day, he smirks. 
“I remember the exact moment I knew I was gonna marry you one day.” He murmurs, running his hand up the hem of the dress until it settles around your stomach. His fingers start to tease the band of your lacy pink panties. “You were bossing me around in our backyard. Will went to tattle to our mom about you because I was listening to you and not him. You smiled at me and said he was a big baby.” He starts to slide your panties down, his breath hitching ever so slightly when he sees your warmth on display for him. “I thought to myself ‘This girl is gonna get me in so much trouble.’ and I couldn’t wait.” 
With a soft cry, you sit up to kiss him, wrapping your arms around his neck, clinging to him. He eagerly kisses you back, his tongue dancing along yours in the most perfect way. 
“Benny…” You whimper against his lips.
“It’s okay, babygirl. I got you.” He lays you back down against the couch cushions, the very couch you helped him move into his house. 
“No… Benny…” You pull away to look him in the eyes, smiling sweetly up at him. “I didn’t get to say it back earlier. I love you. I love you more than another person could ever possibly even begin to think of loving another person.”
He lets out a soft growl, crushing his lips to yours again. But only for a moment before making his way down to your jaw and then your chest. His hands gently squeeze your hips in the most reassuring way. A reminder that he has you, that you’re safe with him.
His lips make their way down your entire body. When they reach the bare skin of your stomach, you whimper against him and he groans softly, squeezing you a little tighter.
“I’ve been dying to taste you for so long… is that okay, darlin’?” 
“Please…” You whimper, carding your fingers through his hair like you’ve done so many times before.
He nods, breathlessly, before slinking off the couch a bit and propping you back a bit against the couch cushions so that you have a good view of what he’s about to do to you.
You always thought that if the two of you did this, you’d be more nervous. But you only feel safe and comfortable. The vulnerable feeling never comes. 
He looks up at you for permission and you nod, biting your lip. You can’t help but find it endearing that he cares so much. But with Benny, you’d expect nothing less. He’s only ever been a gentleman. 
He hooks his arms under your thighs, pulling you down a bit before pressing sweet gentle kisses on your inner thighs. You can feel his warmth breath teasing over your warmth and you feel like you might combust if he doesn’t use his tongue soon. 
As if he can read your mind again, he starts licking a stripe up your folds causing your fingers to curl in his hair with a sharp gasp. He looks up at you with a smirk before sucking your clit in between his lips, his tongue darting into your pussy. 
“Fuck… Benny…” You moan, throwing your head back against the cushion as your grip in his hair tightens. He groans against you and you murmur, teasingly. “If you’d done this to me before I left for Rio, I’d have never left.”
He lets out another growl and starts to eat you out like a man starved. Only when he inserts a finger and curling do your hips buck up against his face. He presses his free hand over your stomach to hold you down. 
Benny pulls away to kiss your inner thigh. “You can take another finger, can’t you, babygirl?” You nod eagerly, a soft whine leaving your lips. He hums softly, pressing another finger into you and you eagerly clench around him. 
“God, you’re soaked.” He murmurs, pressing kisses along your inner thighs again. “Dreamt of this pussy for years, sweetheart.”
His lips latch onto your clit again, right as he curls his fingers against that spongy part inside you perfectly, making heat course through your entire body.
“Baby… Please…” You plead. 
“Please what, babygirl?” He coos. “Use your words.” 
You shake your head, not sure if you can. He chuckles softly, reaching up to kiss you, making you taste yourself. 
He murmurs against your lips. “Come on, pretty girl. I know you know ‘em. You used to never shut up.” 
You know he’s teasing but his taunting does something to you and you clench around his fingers. He takes notice right away and starts to speed up.
“Please… I need…” You whine. “To cum…” 
“Good girl.” He whispers. “You just needed my permission, didn’t you?”
You nod, biting your lip, trying to hold back. It’s getting harder and harder unfortunately. 
“God, you should feel the way you’re choking my fingers… bet it’ll be even better when I fill you with my cock…” He murmurs more to himself as he watches wetness slide down his wrist from how soaked you are. 
You nod in agreement regardless.
“Go on, darlin’. Let go.” He murmurs.
Immediately, a white hot feeling takes over as you fly over your edge, moaning desperately for the man you love, on his knees for you, seeing galaxies behind your eyelids in a way you never have before. You’re almost certain you have tears streaming down your face but you can’t be too sure, you can barely feel anything right now. 
Benny’s fingers coax your orgasm out of you expertly and he continues fucking you with his fingers until you stop trembling. 
He pulls his fingers from you and rests his cheek on your thigh, looking up at you as you take deep, even breaths, trying to come down from whatever lies beyond cloud 9. 
You look down at him, carding your fingers in his blond locks as you look into his piercing blue eyes.
“I always knew you’d cum like an angel…” He smirks, leaning even more into your touch. 
“Yeah?” You laugh softly. 
“Oh yeah. Fucking ethereal.” He whispers, kissing your thigh.
“I’ve never heard you use that word before.” You tease.
“I say ‘fuck’ all the time.” He winks. “No, but I heard ‘ethereal’ in a movie and I liked the way it sounded. Thought of you the moment I looked it up.” 
You laugh softly and lean down to kiss him, sliding down into his lap, straddling him. Benny immediately wraps his arms around you, burying his face in your neck, breathing you in. 
“Missed holding you…” He mumbles, grabbing your thighs and pulling you up with him as he starts to walk to his bedroom. 
“Missed it too.” You rub your cheek against his hair as you hold onto him tightly. 
You feel him drop you onto his bed and you look down at the comforter. It’s pink with tiny roses and you look up at him, curiously.
“You’re not seeing someone, are you?” You ask, your stomach dropping.
Benny groans, rolling his eyes. He runs a hand down his face, sitting on the bed with you, one leg up on the bed and the other hanging off. You tilt your head again, waiting for him to explain.
He shakes his head, taking your hand. “I’m not seeing anyone, no. This is a temporary comforter from my ma. I had the flu last month… threw up in my bed… couldn’t fathom sleeping in the same sheets that I’d previously thrown up in. Washed or not… And she let me borrow these.” “You didn’t tell me you had the flu…” You murmur, cupping his face, a small relief washing throughout your body that the sheets aren’t from another woman. 
Well, a woman that’s not his mother.
“You had enough to worry about, I’m sure.” He shrugs, leaning into your touch and holding your hand with his own. “Plus… we hadn’t really spoken for the last few months.” 
He’s right. The two of you had stopped talking when you told him you were thinking of extending your stay in Rio. He had loosely accused you of staying for some guy and not for the kids and you got mad at him. 
You let out a soft sigh. “I’m sorry.”
“No, I’m sorry.” He brushes his lips against your collarbone. “You’ve always supported me in what I did in the Army and I want to always support you in your dreams and ambitions…” 
His sweet words make your chest tighten. 
“I really started to miss you… so… I came home.” You explain. 
“You came home for me?” He raises his eyebrows.
You nod. “Don’t we always come home for each other?”
He pulls away to look you in the eyes, making you tilt your head with curiosity. His fingers reach around to untie the dress around your neck and then immediately slides the dress up over your body. Warmth starts to run through your veins all over again. Benny gently lays you back against his pillows as his eyes trail down your body. 
“I’ll never get over how beautiful you are…” He whispers before kissing you sweetly again. 
You guide his hand up to your breast. He moans softly against the kiss and gropes you firmly. You whimper under him as you run your hand down to his hardened length. 
“Too clothed.” You start to complain before he pulls away to scramble off the bed and you both laugh softly as he tugs his pants and his briefs off before climbing back into the bed, hovering over you. 
You look down at his length and then back up at him with parted lips. It’s not that you haven’t thought of it… you have… but it’s definitely not what you were expecting. You were expecting an average penis… This is… not. 
“I’m scared I’m not gonna last long…” He admits, his pupils blown wide with lust. “The taste of your pussy nearly made me cum in my pants.” 
“Don’t care.” You insist, crushing your lips to his. 
He hums. “You say that…”
You roll your eyes as he pulls away to settle between your legs. All of this waiting that the two of you have done and there’s no nerves. It just feels natural. Easy as breathing. 
“Ready, sweetheart?” He holds himself at your entrance, looking down at you. 
“Yes please.” You smile sweetly up at him and intertwine your fingers with his free hand. 
“Always so polite.” He gives you a teasing squeeze before pushing his tip in slowly. 
The stretch is already more than you’re used to. Especially since it’s been so long since you’ve been intimate with another person. 
“Oh god.” You gasp softly, squeezing his hand tightly. 
“Relax, darlin’.” He whispers. 
You nod, to let him know to keep going. Benny pushes in a little further, this time him being the one to squeeze your hand. 
“Jesus.” He whispers. “Can I just…”
He slowly pushes in all the way, your pussy absolutely sucking him in and wanting to hold him there. He falls forward a bit when he bottoms out, burying his face in your neck as he groans. You let out your own whimper as you clench around him and he shakes his head.
“God, please don’t do that… I’m not… Fuck… I feel like a teenage boy all over again.” He complains and you can’t help but laugh.
“Stop being such a big baby and fuck me.” You whisper in his ear.
Benny lets out a growl and gives you a soft bite, making you gasp. He rests his forehead against yours and looks down between the two of you, watching himself pull out just to roughly push back in making you spread your legs with a loud moan.
“Fuck…” He grits out, continuing to thrust. 
“Yeah?” You whisper, looking up at him.
He nods against you, closing his eyes. “Wanna do this every fucking day… Never wanna let you leave.” 
You run your fingers into his hair and make him look at you. “I love you.” 
He groans softly. “Love hearin’ you say that. Sounds so pretty coming from these lips.”
He kisses you sweetly in a way that is completely contradictory to the way he’s fucking you. His thrusts become deeper and rougher and more desperate and you can already feel yourself becoming just as addicted to him as he is to you. 
“Taking me so well…” He praises you softly in your ear. 
“Feels so good…” You whimper. 
He continues his pace and you start to feel that familiar warmth.
“Oh god, Benny… I’m gonna-” You gasp.
“Yeah, you are.” He smirks down at you.
The next thing you know, that earth shattering feeling returns to your body and another orgasm rips through your entire body as your moans and wet sounds fill the room. Benny’s own orgasm washes over him as he buries his face in your neck, groaning out a wrecked “I love you” while your pussy chokes his cock tightly.
The two of you pant against each other, clearly trying to catch your breath. When you look at each other, you can’t help but laugh softly.
“Fuck…” He lets his head fall to your chest as he makes no move to pull out. 
“Yeah…” You agree, breathlessly.
The two of you lay like that for a little longer as you card your fingers through his hair in a soothing motion and he runs his thumb up and down the side of your neck.
“I love you too, by the way.” You whisper in regards to him saying while he came.
He pulls back to kiss you before pulling out and then falling next to you, pulling you into his arms. “Really love hearing you say that.”
“You remember our first big fight?” You ask softly, tracing lazy patterns on Benny’s chest after a while of laying in bed just enjoying being in each other’s arms. 
He snorts. “‘Course I do. I was stupid and didn’t come home after basic. Went straight into AIT and then didn’t come home for a year…” 
“I was so upset, your mom and my mom both had to calm me down.” You murmur.
“I didn’t know that.” He tilts his head away to look down at you as he squeezes your shoulder in an apologetic way. “Baby, I’m so sorry.”
“You’ve already apologized for that.” You shake your head. 
He hums. “Yeah, but I didn’t take into account how hard it was for you.” 
Benny has always been a sweetheart. When you guys fought on the phone, he’d call you the very next morning and apologize or you’d apologize and you’d spend hours talking. 
Except when he was in the special forces. The talking became less and less and it was hard on you. Your parents had begged you to move on, to find someone nice in grad school and settle down the way they had. 
You didn’t want that, though. You only wanted Benny. 
Six years earlier…
“When will you be home?” You ask Benny, quietly. 
The two of you hadn’t spoken in about six months. Which had become the new norm. You were lucky that you had your friends and grad school to keep you busy. You’d even started seeing someone. 
“Hard to say.” His voice sounds rougher, sadder. 
Not like the Benny you know and love. 
“Take a guess?” You try to tease but it comes out more desperate than anything. 
He sighs your name. “I don’t know… I don’t. We’re in a rough spot right now… I honestly shouldn’t even be on the phone right now…” 
“Then don’t let me keep you.” You murmur. “I’ll see you around.”
You don’t give him a chance to say anything before hanging up and throwing your phone to the end of the bed. It’s becoming harder and harder to keep up with him and you can’t even begin to imagine what he’s experiencing where he is. All that you know is that he has Will with him and they’re probably keeping each other sane. 
“I hated when you joined the special forces…” You murmur softly.
“I know. I hated leaving you like that…” He murmurs back, kissing you on the head. “I wish I could go back in time and stop myself from leaving.” I nod. “I wish I would’ve fought harder to get you to stay.”
“I always wondered why you didn’t.” He starts to play with your hair. 
“The same reason you didn’t fight me on Rio, I imagine.” You murmur, kissing his chest.
“Timing has never been on our side.” He murmurs back. But you know, laying here in this bed with Benny, that time is finally on your side. At least, you hope it is.
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bellarkeselection · 2 years ago
Burning Desire for a Dutton
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Request from Wattpad VOIDRANBOO - Reader is Rip’s best friend and is a secret relationship with Kayce. Beth helps get them together but they are both worried of how Rip will react
Kayce’s horse halted outside the barn with me waiting inside the barn doorway. I was wearing one of his black cowboy hat, a light blue flannel shirt, some ripped blue jeans and some dusty boots. He dismounted his horse coming over to me wrapping his arms around my waist hugging me. “Morning darling, I’ll grab the gear really quick and then we can go.”
“Yeah that works. I’ll go tell Beth so she doesn’t freak out where we are.” Breaking the hug I headed towards the main house heading up the stairs. Entering the living room seeing her sitting on the couch with a cocktail.
She sat it down tapping her fingers against the glass. “How long are you two going to hide around this place. I mean it took almost two years before I finally got you two to get together.”
“He was married for a year, Beth. Honestly I still feel guilty sometimes that I broke them up.” Shrugging my shoulders I wrapped my arms around myself.
She scoffed sipping from her glass. “Yeah but Monica just couldn’t handle dealing with our family. But you can so that means you are meant to be in this family.”
Moving to sit beside her on the couch I tucked hair behind my ear. “I wish it was that simple, Beth. Even though Kayce and I are sneaking around like this, it doesn’t mean I like it. It’s only a matter of time before Rip finds out about us.”
“Look I’ll handle Rip if you want me to. Now go on and hang with your boyfriend.” She patted her hand on my back where I got to my feet leaving her alone going down to the barn.
Entering the barn I threw my saddle up onto the horse where it makes a noise. Kayce walked into the room with his own horse wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. Spinning around in his arms draping my arms around his neck grinning. “I’m sorry we’re having to hide this. I know that you want me to meet Tate someday. And to take me out on a date in public.”
“Hey, don’t worry Y/n. We can keep this a secret until you’re ready to tell him what is going on.” He declares leaning down kissing me slowly. Gripping his jacket in my fingers I deepened the kiss where my boots slide down when I leaned up on my toes.
Kayce and I had been hiding our relationship from Rip for almost two years. We were out at a bar drinking one night after he had a fight with Monica and it just somehow happened. I never intended to fall for the youngest Dutton but it happened regardless. He moved his right hand to my lower back he pressed me closer while his left hand before he pushed my back against the wooden stall. Running my fingers through his curly locks hearing him moan. “What the hell are you two doing!”
“Rip!” I shrieked gripping Kayce’s shirt turning as white as a ghost whipping my head around in that direction.
He was standing in the center of the doorway arms crossed over his chest slowly stomping up to me and the young Dutton. I gulped taking his hand in mine feeling nervous when he stopped in front of me. “Either you tell me what exactly is going on now or I’ll be kicking Kayce’s ass in a few hours!”
“Rip, before you think this isn’t a serious thing it is. I am not with her just to get back at Monica or something else crappy.” Kayce held up a hand trying to defend himself feeling nervous that he would get in trouble if he got into a fight with him.
Rip and I lived near each other and I was there the day he met John. I’ve been through everything with him and the Dutton’s. I owed them everything that they had given me even when I worked hard for it. He walked towards us pushing me away from him grabbing Kayce by his shirt getting in his face. “What made you think that you could just go and date my best friend. She isn’t a bunkhouse girl you can just knock up like you did that Indian girl.”
“No, no. It’s nothing like that.” Kayce held his hands up in surrender glancing in my direction.
Stepping towards them I didn’t want them to fight over me. “Rip, please let him go. He isn’t an asshole. We we’re just afraid to tell you because you would overreact like you are now. I just need you to trust me. I have never lied to you and I never will.” I begged him with some puppy dog eyes.
“Does anyone else know about this?” He asked shifting his gaze downward to me.
“I got them together, baby.” The three of us turned our heads back in the direction of the doorway. We caught sight of Beth stomping towards us placing her hand on his shoulder. “And do you want to know why. Because I have to listen to Y/n go on and on talking about how much she hated that it was taking forever for Kayce and Monica’s divorce to go through. I couldn’t stand it anymore so I sped up the process and then they just let their desire do the rest.”
“Bethany!” I grumbled running my hands through my hair.
She shrugs her shoulders not moving from her position. “I’m not wrong.”
Rip finally released his grip on Kayce dropping him onto the ground where I moved past him helping him to stand on his feet. He grunted leaning into my chest where he nodded at Rip. “I would never hurt her, Rip. If anything…I think I’m falling in love with her.”
“Awe I love you too, Kayce.” Grinning up at him I leaned up kissing him where it turned into a passionate kiss very quickly. He wrapped his arms around my waist never breaking the kiss even though the other two were standing right in front of us.
Beth nudged her lover. “See I told you. She can’t help her burning desire for a Dutton.”
“I suppose none of us can.” He wrapped his arm around her waist kissing he forehead.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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almost-blondee · 2 years ago
Running in Circles
Sanji x reader
Fluff, kinda slow? kissing, Female!reader
word count: 3.9k
Hi guys! This will be my first ever writing piece i have put on the internet, so please don’t judge to hard. i am up for constructive criticism, but nothing to harsh please 🫣, there is probably spelling errors and grammar mistakes so please ignore them, i tried my best to find all of them! Anyway i hope you enjoy!
The sun is way to bright for your liking, it shines down as if it it has something against your crew. The only thing making it bearable is the cold, refreshing drink you have in your hand. Ah yes, the drink you have in your hand, made by the chef of the straw hats. The lovely gentleman that has stolen your heart.
“Naaaamiii-swaaaaan, Roooobbiiiinn-chwwaaaaan, (yyy/nnnnn)-chwaaaannn”
Well he certainly has good timing. Although you have to pretend that you are annoyed by his antics, you actually quite like them, obviously. Nami and Robin are lying on lawn chairs sun tanning, while you are sitting in the shade reading a book. i don’t understand how they sit there for so long, I would be dead , You think
“I have brought my ladies desserts. Sweet desserts for some sweet ladies.” He says while twirling over to us with hearts in his eyes. He finally makes it over to you and he hands out desserts. When he hands you one your hands slightly touch. It’s honestly embarrassing the effect he has you. You pretend that you didn’t notice your hands touch and gladly accept the dessert. “Thanks so much Sanji!” you say with a shy smile. Nami and Robin also express their gratitude.
“Of course, anything for my lovely ladies”. He says spinning happily. You can practically hear Zoro making fun of him. “Tch” Zoro scoffs. Sanji hears this and starts yelling at him. “WHAT DID YOU SAY MOSS HEAD?!”. This turns into a bigger argument then needed, and it ends with Nami yelling at them to shut up and go somewhere else.
Later that day you, Nami, and Robin were sitting in your room, talking about who knows what. When it just so happened that Sanji came up in conversation.
“Speaking of Sanji, i think our (y/n) has a little crush on the blonde cook” Robin chimes in. “What?!? Where did that come from?” You put your hands up in defence. “Oh come on (y/n), it’s so obvious you have the hots for him, i don’t know what you see in him though, but to each their own” Nami says plainly. “Is it really that obvious?” You asked, pouting. Nami looks at you puzzled and says “Wait you actually like him? I was just teasing you, right Robin?” Robin smiles softly, “Actually i was being serious, but thanks to you Nami, i have confirmed my suspicions.” you sink down into your chair, i can’t believe i fell for that you think to yourself, Robin giggles charmingly and Nami squeals “O-M-G (Y/N), WHY DIDNT YOU TELL US YOU LIKE HIM, WE COULD HELP YOU GET TOGETHER!! maybe he’d stop fawning over us then.” She whispered the last part. “i mean i didn’t tell you because i thought it didn’t really matter. I don’t have a chance with him anyway” you say sadly.
Meanwhile, when you guys are talking in your room. Sanji thought it would be a good idea to bring you guys some tea. He was walking toward the shared room with tea in his hand about to knock on the door. However before he can knock he hears Nami yell
What?! Did he hear that correctly, his precious (y/n) likes someone?!? No, he must have heard wrong. He puts his ear closer to the door to hear the rest of the conversation.
“i mean ididn’t tell you because i thought it didn’t really matter. I don’t have a chance with him anyway.” He hears you say. So it’s confirmed, you have a crush on someone, and he has no idea who it is. He’s about to walk away to go sob by himself, but he then hears Nami ask what you like about him.
Ah! Perfect maybe if you talk about him he could guess who it is.
“Well (y/n), what do you like about him! i mean you have to tell us.” Nami asks me. “Honestly everything, the way he smiles, how he smells, how kind he is to me, just everything is perfect. Don’t even get me started with his looks, he’s beautiful!!” you gush a little more then you wanted. Robin has her signature smile on. “MY GOODNESS, WHAT ARE YOU? SOME ROMANTIC?” Nami squeals. You shyly look away, wanting to bring the attention off of you somehow, but you know very well that’s not happening. “ahhhh, i don’t know, when it comes to him everything just feels right. YOUR THE ONE WHO ASKED ANYWAY!” you say embarrassedly “I get it (y/n)… you’re in looovvveeee~” Nami says in a teasing manner. “Okay Nami, don’t tease her too much. That’s probably why she didn’t tell us” Robin chuckles. Nami stops for second and looks as if shes thinking really intensely about something. “Wait, hold on. Did you say that you don’t have a chance with him?” she blurts out after a couple minutes. “uhh yeah, why?” you question.
“THERS NO WAY IN HELL YOU DON’T HAVE A CHANCE WITH HIM. YOU’RE WAY OUT IF HIS LEAGUE. HE SHOULD BE THANKING YOU IF ANYTHING.” Nami screams at you. “ Jeez calm down Nami, I was just saying that because he’s way more attractive then me and he’s always fawning over other women. I’m not as pretty as those other girls.” you look down at my lap. “Hey, you are prettier than any girl i’ve ever seen okay? don’t undermine yourself like that.” Nami says compassionately. “Thanks Nami, i’m probably going to go sit outside for a bit, cool off y’know.” you say sadly and go to leave the room. As you open the door there is a tray with tea on the ground with a note saying,
      For my lovely ladies
you look back at Robin and Nami in a panic, what if he heard that whole thing!?! He probably won’t talk to me anymore, he probably thinks i’m a big weirdo.
“Do you think he heard any of that?” you ask. Robin answers calmly, “Probably not, and if he did maybe that’d be the start of a new relationship” you thank Robin and Nami and quickly leave for the deck.
While you are leaving Nami and Robin look at each other with concern, both of them wondering if you will be okay.
The next couple days continues like normal, everyone doing their own thing. However you noticed that Sanji looked a little down. Of course you being you, you want to check up on him and see if there’s anything wrong. So you slowly walk up to him while he is leaning on the railing looking at the sea having a cigarette. Everyone has already gone to bed, Sanji usually stays out after everybody to have a smoke. “Hey Sanji, how’s it going?” you quietly say not wanting to startle him. He jumps anyway quickly looking your way. “Oh (y/n)-chan. Um everything is good what about you?” He questions. you try not to let the shock show on your face, but you are surprised by his response. There’s no yelling, wiggling or any fawning at all. Just a blank response. you’re kinda at a loss for words, maybe he really did hear you guys talking. You try to muster up anything at all “Oh, i’m good. I just wanted to know how you were doing, you looked kinda down these past days.” That was the only thing you could think to say. not bad right! “What? i looked down?” you nod your head confirming what he just said. “Well how about next time you mind your own business, who cares if i’m down, not like you care one bit. i’m leaving”
Sanji quickly took one last drag out of his cigarette, he then quietly put it out and walked inside leaving you by yourself to think if you’ve done anything wrong. You stood there for a little looking at beautiful sea, the calm waves almost putting you too sleep, but you know you couldn’t sleep after what just happened. What was his problem? Why is he so mad? Did you do something wrong? Does he hate you? Does h-. Your thoughts get cut off by someone trying to talk to you.
“Oi, what are you doing out here so late?”
You looked behind you to see Zoro coming down from the crows nest, probably just finished training “Zoro, how are you doing?” you ask trying to not show that you’re quite literally on the verge of tears. Zoro doesn’t say anything for a minute, he just stares at you examining your face. Then he finally speaks up to say “ What’s wrong? Are you hurt or something?” you just scoff and look away, “What makes you think that?” you ponder.
“well first off all it looks like your constipated a-.” you cut Zoro off with a small laugh, “Sometimes I wonder why you say the things you do.” You slide down the railing to sit on the ground back to the sea. “Well how else do you want me to explain it, you even have tears in your eyes. I just saw that cook go inside, was he bothering you?” “Why are you being so considerate right now?” You ask a little confused. “Well I might not show it but i do actually care about my family. I’m just letting you know i’m here for you.” Zoro confesses. You and Zoro have always been quite close, you’re not very obnoxious so he doesn’t mind you being around (His words not yours). Sometimes you even train together, although that is very rare. But you’d say that you get along well. “Are you sure you’re up to listen?” You inquire. Zoro just give you a little nod, basically telling you to go ahead. “ well this is a little personal so, don’t make fun of me.” you look away a little embarrassed. “ugh, I don’t care just spit it out already.” Zoro says getting a little impatient.
“Okay well, I really like Sanji and yesterday Robin, Nami and I were talking about it and i think Sanji might of heard us talking about it. Since he left a note with tea by our room, and he looked really down today, so i wanted to check on him so i asked him how he was doing. Then he just snapped on me telling me to mind my own business and he just went inside. So i don’t know what i did wrong. It’s really bugging me.” you finish your huge rant almost in tears. Zoro looks really confused, almost shocked. “Wait hold on, YOU LIKE THE ERO COOK?!?!” He says a little louder then you would want him too. You then quickly put your hand over his mouth shushing him. He slaps your hand down and glares at you. “Sorry that’s just really surprising. Like what do you even see in him. How do you even like him. I’m so confused.” He trails off asking a bunch of questions on how you even like him. “That doesn’t matter right now. Do you think he hates me? I really don’t want him to hate me.” you say as the tears finally roll down your cheeks. Zoro looks panicked for a second then slowly pulls you into a hug not really knowing how to comfort people. You slowly hug him back, crying. “Honestly i have no idea what that shitty-brows thinks, but i don’t think he hates you. Maybe he’s just frustrated with Luffy always eating all the food. Then he took out his anger on you. I don’t know.” You slowly pull away wiping your tears, “Thanks Zoro, maybe you’re right.” “What do you mean, of course i’m right.” he replies with a smirk. You give him a little punch on the shoulder and laugh. “No but seriously thanks, you always know how to make me feel better.” “I would say anytime, but i wouldn’t really mean that.” He still has his stupid smirk on his face. “Yeah okay, whatever Zoro. Goodnight, i’ll see you tomorrow.” You bid him farewell. He says goodnight back and heads to his room to sleep.
While you and Zoro were talking, Sanji was in his room debating with himself if he was to hard on you. I mean it’s not really her fault that she likes someone, i can’t do anything about that. But it’s hurts so much, I like her too much to just give her up like that. But i don’t want to force her to like me. UGGH THIS SUCKS. Sanji paces back and forth, until something catches his eye in through the window.
There you were talking with Zoro, You looked quite upset. Is she upset because of what i said to her, no that can’t be. Sanji thinks to himself. Then all of the sudden Zoro pulls you into a hug, whilst you slowly hug back, Sanji is trying to maintain his composure. Sanji had enough and quickly closed his curtains and went to sit on his bed. He begins to beat himself up over what he’s been doing over the past few days. He knows he’s been ignoring you, and he feels terrible but thats what he thinks is best to do. But seeing you with Zoro just makes him feel even worse then he already did. What if Zoro was the one you liked. It would all make sense, you were always with him. But that should be him with you, it should be him comforting you when you feel down, it should be him who holds you like that, not some stupid swordsman. Sanji tries to fall asleep and not think about it. However his brain had other plans.
That night Sanji didn’t get one wink of sleep.
Over the next few days, you and Sanji’s situation didn’t get any better. You were ignoring him and he was ignoring you, and to be honest the rest of the crew was getting sick of it, excluding Luffy. Nami thought that it was about time she smack some sense into that damn cooks head, so she took it upon herself to go teach him a lesson. “Sanji.” Nami said sternly while walking into the kitchen. It was now just Sanji and Nami standing in the kitchen. “YEEES NAAMMMIII-SWAAAN” Sanji screamed out in response. Nami was not having it. “Drop the act Sanji, i know your ignoring (y/n) for a reason, what is it? did you hear us talking?” Sanji’s smile slowly faded and he looked away, “How’d you know i heard”. Sanji quietly asked looking at the floor. “Well first of all you left tea by our door with a note, usually you just knock and walk in “Nami explained.” Also you have been ignoring (y/n) for a whole week, so that’s evidence enough.” “yeah you’re right i heard what she said.”
Sanji confessed, looking disappointed. Nami looked confused, “so why are you sulking right now you should be jumping for joy” she muttered out. “Why the hell would i be jumping for joy, (y/n) likes someone. To rephrase that, the girl i love likes another man” Sanji sighs while putting his head in his hands. Now Nami looked even more confused. “What are you talking about “another man”. you idiot clearly you didn’t hear all of our conversation”. Nami rolls her eyes at Sanji. “what do you mean, she said she liked him, and started describing him. Shes clearly in love with…him…” Sanji pouts. “ Sanji…. Do i really have to spell it out for you, YOU ARE THE “OTHER MAN”, SHE LIKES YOU. Y-O-U, you, she has for a while.
“Huh?!” Sanji gets up, eyes wide. “Wait (y/n)-chan likes me?!” Sanji whips his head around to look at Nami. Nami just shakes her head. “Yeah and all those things she said about this “guy” were about you. So if you thought she was in love with this mysterious man. She must really love you a lot”. “WHAAAT?!?” Sanji shrieked. Nami then punched him on the head “Shut up, you’re being too loud.” Sanji winced in pain, but he didn’t care right now, The love of his life likes him back! “Wait so all those things she said were about me?” Sanji questioned. “ Yes you dumbass, that’s all i’m saying, goodbye.” Nami left the room in a hurry not wanting to hear his whining anymore.
As Nami strutted out of the room, Sanji was left by himself trying to figure out his jumbled thoughts
“(y/n)-chan likes me… oh am i an idiot, i can’t believe i thought she liked that stupid swordsman” Sanji muttered to nobody in particular. “i have to make this right with her, i’ve been nothing but rude, i can’t believe i hurt a precious lady’s feelings.” That’s it, tomorrow i’ll set things straight with her!! Sanji thought to himself. He then hightailed it to his room ready for the events to take place, he dreamed of what he would say and how you would react, he was like a teenage girl getting ready for their first date. Though i guess it was partially true.
Seagulls cawing woke Sanji up like usual, he always gets up first to make breakfast for everyone. He honestly enjoys having people that he can cook for everyday. By now Sanji is in the kitchen already started breakfast when everyone started flooding into the kitchen waiting to eat, especially Luffy. Sanji noticed you had walked in the kitchen a while ago, he’s trying his hardest not to drop everything and run over to you begging for forgiveness. As Sanji day dreamed while he cooked, surprisingly never once making a mistake, he finally finished breakfast serving it to the whole crew. Making sure to give you a little extra. The atmosphere was a little awkward at first but with the help of Usopp and Luffy arguing over whose food was whose, it quickly returned to normal.
Sanji had quickly took notice of how you clung to Zoro the entire time you were in the kitchen, which he didn’t particularly like but it was technically his fault for making you upset so he let it slide this time, next time he probably won’t be so nice.
After everyone was done eating Sanji had to stay to clean up the dishes, usually you would help him with them but recently you haven’t been; which is understandable. When Sanji was done with the dishes he moseyed his way on down to the deck, where he would find you sitting with a book in your hand reading in the shade. As he approached you, you looked up at him in confusion, wondering why he was coming over to you. He now stood in front of you with a soft look on his face that you couldn’t help but stare at. He was more nervous than anything though.
“Would it be alright with you if we went somewhere private to talk?” Sanji politely asked.
“oh um, yeah sure” you replied baffled by what he just said, he had ignored you for a whole week and is now asking to talk privately?!? What is happening. “i was thinking we could go to the kitchen?” Sanji suggests. “sure, lead the way.” you say.
As you are walking to the kitchen with Sanji you look back to find Zoro smirking in your direction, you glare at him and he gives you a thumbs up. You turn back trying not to let him see you embarrassed. Entering the kitchen Sanji stands by the stove and you sit by the table, this may seem like awkward positioning, and trust me, it is. It also wasn’t helping that Sanji was keeping quiet, after like 5 minutes you finally said something to clear up the awkward silence.
“I’m really sorry for ignoring you, Sanji. I just thought that maybe you would need your own space since you didn’t seem like you wanted to talk to me anymore. I was worried that i was suffocating you so i thought you might be better by yourself. Then you started ignoring me and it confirmed my thoughts, so i just ended up leaving you alone.” you spit out hoping he would understand.
“Wow, calm down (y/n). I’m the one who should be apologizing. I’m the one who ignored you in the first place because i was mad that you liked someone else and i couldn’t stand the thought of you being with someone other than me. So i decided to ignore you”. Sanji started to walk over to you and sat down in the chair beside you. I’m sorry, for what i said to you, i want you to be in my business, i want to have you by my side all the time. Nami told me how dumb i was being for not realizing sooner that you liked me. But how could i think that someone as beautiful and kind as you would like me?” As Sanji was finishing up his little confession, you were slowly moving closer to one another. You let out a little chuckle “ how could you have thought i liked someone else, i thought it was obvious i was in love with you” you said through your smile. Sanji was about to pass out with what you just said, You, Love, Him. He was over the moon!
“YOU LOVE ME!! OH MY I COULDNT BE MORE HAPPY!!!” Sanji shouted almost jumping in his seat, with hearts in his eyes. Sanji was so relieved to hear you say that, now knowing he doesn’t have to worry about any competition. “of course i love you doofus i’ve been in love with you for like 3 years.” you confess. Sanji goes quiet. It scares you, did you say something wrong, does he not feel the same? It’s actually quite the opposite, he feels so much the same way that he froze in his seat. Now coming back to reality he stares at your blushing face as his progressively turns more red as well.
He then slowly takes his cigarette out of his mouth and looks into your eyes, he is getting closer by the second. As his lips near yours, he stops. “Can i please kiss you princess?” He asked in the most charming voice you’ve ever heard, how could you say no? “of course, my prince.” The confirmation is all he needed, before long his lips were on yours. It felt like a dream come true, his lips were soft, they tasted like sweets with a hint of tobacco. You passionately kissed him back, now having a full on make out session. His tongue licked your lips wanting in, and you gladly obliged, opening your mouth a tad for his tongue to find its way in. His hand, that was once placed so delicately on your cheek has now found it’s way behind your head pushing your lips onto his. Unfortunately for the both of you, you needed air. Pulling back from the heated kiss, you both slowly opened your eyes to stare at each other.
“That was one hell of a kiss” Sanji blurts out licking his lips. “Sanji!” you huff and hit him on the shoulder, he laughs and holds your hand. He pulls you into a nice warm hug. “You know, i have loved you for along time too” he says relating to what you said earlier. “i wish you would have told me that sooner” you say. Sanji laughs and hugs you tighter. “I love you.” “i love you too” you reply.
Both of you sat in each others arms for a majority of the day, the crew now annoyed with how much PDA they are going to have to witness from now on. Mostly Zoro.
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allzelemonz · 2 years ago
Lost: Charles Smith X Male Reader
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Pronouns: None Mentioned, implied masculinity through homosexuality Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: G/Fluff Warnings: Getting lost together, unestablished relationship, admission of feelings, Taima being a wingman/horse/whatever, soft Charles, kissing, fluff Summary: When away scouting, you and Charles find yourselves lost and need to make camp.
Annesburg isn’t exactly your favorite place, especially not the woods. Most of it is full of murderous hillbillies or wolves. Everywhere seems to have wolves around here. There weren’t this many wolves out West, there couldn’t have been. The only reassurance is that you’re with Charles. If anyone can handle themselves out in the middle of nowhere, it’s Charles. Still, being so far away is unsettling when the sun sets and you swear you’ve seen that lake before.
“You do know where we are?” You ask, bringing your horse alongside Taima. “Don’t you?”
“You doubting me?”
You shake your head. “No, no, of course not.” For a moment you stay silent and look around at the darkening sky and the surrounding trees. “It’s getting a little dark.”
He hums.
You lick your lips as your eyes catch movement in the trees. It’s probably nothing. Charles knows what he’s doing, he always does. But then you see that lake again.
“Charles… are we lost?”
He doesn’t say anything for a moment, then he stops Taima with a sigh. “Maybe.”
Your heart picks up with a bit of fear as you stop alongside him. This is not an area you want to be lost in. “You could've told me.”
Charles doesn’t speak and you can’t see him very well in the low light.
“Let’s find a spot to camp then.” You say, urging your horse along the path. “We can figure it out when it’s daylight again.”
“Alright.” Charles says quietly.
You follow the path until you find a decent patch of woods, turning into them until there’s a bit of a clearing. The spot is deep enough that you shouldn’t be seen from the path and open enough for a fire and a couple of bedrolls. Charles has most of it set up himself while you get the saddles off the horses so they can have a bit of a break. Taima knocks your hat off of your head in the process, your hands occupied by her saddle. You set it down with yours and before you can retrieve your hat, Charles holds it out to you.
“Thanks.” You give him a nod and a smile as you take it from him.
He puts his hands on his hips as you place your hat back on your head. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”
You adjust your hat, getting back to the way you like it. “It’s fine, Charles. It happens.”
“Not so much to me.”
“We’re all new to this country.” You shrug. “And I won’t tell anyone our best tracker got lost in the woods.”
He chuckles lightly. “Thanks.”
You give him a smile as you pass him to sit by the fire. He stays by the horses for a while, giving Taima attention. You open up a can to have dinner and have it finished by the time he sits down.
“You want one?” You ask, holding up a can.
He holds his hand out for it. “Thanks.”
You sit in silence as he eats. That’s one good thing about Charles, he doesn’t need the constant chatter most of the gang does. It’s a nice change of pace from listening to Bill’s endless stories or his and Javier’s bickering.
“Can I ask you something?” Charles says, his tone not quite placeable.
He sets the can down, his eyes focused on the fire rather than you as he speaks. “Arthur told me some things about you.”
You raise an eyebrow. “What does Arthur know about me?”
“He said you… like men.”
Your muscles tense unconsciously. Charles doesn’t threaten you and you doubt he cares about something so stupid, but it’s a reflex. Most of the gang knows anyway, it makes sense Charles would find out at some point.
“Is that a problem, Charles?”
“No.” He says plainly.
Your heart still races from nerves. It’s hard not to with this subject and the way you happen to feel about Charles. He’s never shown any interest that you’ve seen, but Charles can be hard to read and you haven’t known him for very long. You know next to nothing about him. Just that he’s quiet, nice, and handsome, which is plenty to spark your interest. You know he’s a good hunter and tracker, a decent shot, and very hard working, which was more than enough to hook you.
After a long moment of silence that left alone with your thoughts, Charles looks at you instead of the fire. “Do you like me?”
You have to look away from him for a moment, sure there’s something in your expression that will give everything away. Your eyes alone have to be enough to tell him your answer without a word given that you spend more time than anyone should admiring him.
“Charles…” You clear your throat in an attempt to get words to come out. “Why, uh, why do you ask?”
“Because I like you.”
His honesty is something to admire, but in this moment it’s making it hard to breathe. All you can manage is “Oh…”
You can see him smile out of the corner of your eye, his face somehow even more good looking when illuminated by the fire light. Still, you can’t make yourself look at him. He remedies this, his hand lightly cupping your cheek and turning you to face him. You find that he’s much closer than he was before and it makes you even more incapable of speech.
His eyes flick over your face. “You can stop me if you want.”
For a moment he waits, giving you the opportunity to push him away or lean back or speak, but you don’t. The heat of his hand on your face is more than enough to keep you right where you are. When you do nothing to stop him, he leans him and presses his lips to yours. He’s cautious, kissing light and slow before he pulls away and rests his forehead against yours.
You breathe deeply, though it has a bit of a shake from your still racing heart. “I, uh, I do like you.”
He smiles. “I’d hope so.”
You press another kiss to his lips and he pulls you closer so he can wrap his other arm around you. “Did you get lost on purpose?”
He hums, shaking his head slightly. “I wish.”
“So we just ended up out here alone and kissing by chance?”
His thumb runs across your bottom lip as he looks at you for a moment. “I like to think I did more than luck with the kissing part.”
“Taima helped you.” You smile, draping your arms around his neck. “Gave you a chance to be sweet.”
His hand moves to rest on your waist. “She got an oatcake.”
You smile as he kisses you again. Slowly, you move back to lay on your bedroll together. Charles spends a few minutes mumbling things between kisses, not giving a chance to respond when he says you’re handsome or sweet. He holds you loosely as you both drift off to sleep under the stars. Every once and a while some odd noise will wake him up for a moment, long enough for him to pull you a little closer and kiss your head before he closes his eyes again.
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spicyjams · 11 months ago
Sonetto approaches the door leading to Vertin’s office and knocks on the solid wood, the sound resonating through the silence. Waiting for a moment, she shifts her weight from one foot to the other, before crossing her legs. After no reply comes, Sonetto opens the door and walks through, “Timekeeper, are you there-”
-and plants a hard kiss on Vertin’s forehead as they cross paths at the threshold. Vertin’s hat falls off her head but she instinctively catches it before it flutters to the floor.
“Hm? Sonetto?”
Her mouth slightly agape in surprise, Vertin brings up a hand to her forehead to touch the warm spot that Sonetto’s lips had met, a trace of their comforting presence lingering.
“Oh no! Timekeeper, I’m so sorry, it’s my fault…!” 
Her face flushes instantly. Sonetto quickly backs up into the hall and almost loses her balance, when Vertin catches her wrist to steady her. Vertin closes her eyes and shakes her head.
“You have nothing to apologize for.”
Sonetto lowers her head and covers her face in shame, her ears hot and voice trembling.
“I-I arrived 5 minutes and 23 seconds too early for our briefing, I should have known that you would not be quite ready, I s-should have waited longer…!” Her muffled voice comes through her shaking hands, the heat from her tense cheeks searing her palms. She should not have been so impatient to see Timekeeper, she should not have-
“Sonetto, it’s fine. I don’t mind.” Vertin’s voice speaks reassuringly. And why did she sound so amused? Sonetto dares to peek through her gloved fingers to examine her expression. During her panic, Vertin had shifted to lean against the doorframe, her arms crossed and the trace of a smile on her features.
“Timekeeper? What do you mean? That was totally inappropriate of me…”
Vertin’s face shifts to one of displeasure as she straightens back up and gives her a look. She lifts her hand and points to her forehead, her lips in a tight line.
“Actually, I believe you’re right. I need you to check it for me.”
Suddenly alert, Sonetto forgets her embarrassment and steps forward to meet Vertin, her sharp eyes quickly checking her smooth skin for any marks she may have left. After a moment, Sonetto sighs and brings her hand to her chest.
“No, it does not seem to have left a mark. I am relieved…”
Vertin is unconvinced. She tilts her head to the side in displeasure, and her grip on her hat tightens.
“Are you sure? You stepped out of line. Look again.”
Sonetto lowers her head once more in disgrace, her hands frantically coming together in front of her. She meets Vertin’s serious gaze and steps closer to her.
“Timekeeper, please forgive me, there does not seem to be any residual-”
Sonetto freezes in place as she feels wetness on her cheek.
“I’ll be taking that as repayment.”
Vertin winks at her and smiles as she steps aside, elevating her arm towards her office, signaling for Sonetto to come in. The sun’s morning rays envelope them both.
“Let’s get to work, shall we? I was looking forward to seeing you.”
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cupidsdescendant · 2 years ago
oh my god I'm so embarrassed but do you think you could give us some headcanons for a friends-to-lovers kinda thing with Scout? maybe some nsfw ones as well??🥺 a shy reader maybe? afab?? totally cool if this is too specific or if you'd just rather not 👉👈
hey anon! Sure I'd love to. I've been working on a longer fic so I haven't been online much but thank you for the ask!
Friends 2 Lovers: Scout X Y/N! (BONUS NSFW)
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-Both of you have been close friends for years, you could tell by all the childhood photos each others mom's forced you to take
-Photos of you and him at his birthday, your birthday, at the zoo, roller skating, etc. They all hung up on a corkboard that had all his cherished memories on display. -Scout had always felt neutral with you because you were his closest friend. Except for a few awkward moments that you both repressed. -Moments like Y/N laying on his chest, her hand accidentally moving close to his thigh or them accidentally touching hands, both tried to forget them but when they were alone, it was always in their mind. -Scout would occasionally flirt with Y/N "as a joke". He also loves "practicing" cheese one-liners on you. -"Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only 10 I see!" he says clicking his tongue and shooting finger guns at you. "God you're such a dork." Y/N says, rolling her eyes. -"Okay, okay how bout' this one-...Baby, if you were words on a page, you’d be fine print~!" Scout says with a huge grin. -"Yeah maybe," Y/N said, she put her hand on her face and looked longingly at him. "You play baseball, yeah? Cus you're a real knock outta the park." -Scout's face became lightly flushed with pink, "haha. Y-you're kidding, right?" "Of course. Why would I be serious?" She got up and stretched her arms "Besides if I was going to flirt with you I'd be less cheesy." -"...How so...?" He asked. -Y/N looked over to him and grabbed his hat from his head, firmly placing it on hers. "Maybe something a little like this." -She put her arms around his shoulders and pushed him to her "How bout we go to my room and you give me a home run?" She said with a toothy grin. Scout's face was doused in red and a loud roar of laughter followed "God that was so bad!!!" Y/N said holding her face "Oh my god, sorry. I'll think of something better." She walked away leaving Scout an embarrassed mess -Even though it was a "Joke" he couldn't stop thinking about the interaction. He buried years of crushing so deeply that once Y/N said that, they all rose from the grave. He couldn't stop thinking about her in more ways than "Just friends." -Of course, Y/N felt this way the entire time but she tried to pay no mind to it. Her heart was always heavy when she was next to him because there was this want to just tell him how she felt...but she couldn't -Weeks go past after the interaction and both of them decided to work the courage to ask each other. Scout with a letter in hand and Y/N was a planned speech they both asked each other to meet at the top of the hill where a huge tree stood. -"No I-" They said together "Wait-No You can go-" Their words were identical, pointing at each other "STOP!!! YOU GO FIRST- OH MY-" Both of them grunted in annoyance and Y/N signaled to zip Scout's mouth. -"J-Jeremy." She said anxiously, staring at his eyes made her anxiety worsen. "Uh...so like. We've been friends for a while and. I- Uhm..." Y/N shut her eyes tightly and poured the truth out. "Jeremy, I've always liked you and it was hard to say because...I didn't want to ruin our friendship if...i-if it didn't w-ork.." -Scout dropped his letter and gently held her hands. "No, no. I...I felt the same way too, Y/N. You're right- that's the reason why I kept it in for so long." -"So what now?" She said looking at him. -A sensual kiss fell onto Y/N's lips, Scout's gently touching hers and she felt herself met a little. He pushed up against her and she held tightly onto his shirt as they both lowered down. -A whole make-out sesh happened on that damn hill lmao. NSFW WARNING AHEAD!
-Tries hard in bed to please you, but has no experience. -Jacks off A LOT, though. This man shoots semen like 24/7. -Whenever he watches porn he tried to take notes to make sure he does the same to you lol -Average erection, around 5-6. -He asks his mom what to do once you both have sex and she hands him a pack of condoms
-Takes him bout a minute to put one on, he's super embarrassed by it. "I hope I can try and give you a good time..." "Any moment with you is great, Jam Jam." (yes that's his nickname) -Fear not! He gets the hang of it and progressively gets better. -Is willing to do any kinks you enjoy <3. Some of his is degradation, praise, very light BDSM, and overstimulation
-He's a little dirty too~ (he doesn't tell you) but even though you guys are dating he imagines you aren't, and it's just his hot best friend giving blow jobs for free or "practice" -He lets you overstimulate him, practically have him shaking by the end of every session -His favorite thing to do with you is eat you out and let your cum drip out. Sucking it and licking your clit afterward
-He always spoons you after and hugs you but for some reason, he gets super hungry and energetic so he'll usually bring back a snack and talk your head off until you're asleep!! Ighty anon! Thanks for the request!! I'll be uploading more in the future <3
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ikatako38 · 1 year ago
Squidmas Special ‘23
Rating: G, Word Count: 4,863
This special was originally posted on AO3 in two parts between Chapter #22 - 1 and Chapter #22 - 2. It takes place 8 years after the end of TPWCH. Ryland, Three, and Captain are all the same person! I also made this relationship chart to help since there’s so many characters being introduced so quickly. And yeah, Koi’s birthday is on Squidmas, so they’re celebrating both events together. The story starts below the cut!
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“You’re sure it’ll be okay? It’s just… there’s gonna be so many people…”
“Yes, Capa. It’s gonna be okay. We have to let Tsuku spread her wings. She has to be able to take risks in order to live her life. We took plenty of them.”
“I know, I know…”
“And, hey. If anything goes wrong, we’ll both be there to protect her.”
The Inkling took their husband’s hands playfully. “I think that would just be you.”
“You’re telling me the Captain of the New Squidbeak Splatoon wouldn’t be able to hold off a couple of fourteen-year-olds? Because I know they could.” Eight bopped the white puff on the end of Captain’s Squidmas hat.
“I get nervous around little kids! I don’t know what to do or say! You know this.”
“Is that what it is? You’re nervous the kids won’t like you?”
“I mean…” Captain shrugged. They hadn’t been consciously thinking about that, but now that Eight mentioned it, maybe that was part of their hesitation.
“It’s all right to feel nervous… but kids always love you! Remember that one at Tako Bell who—”
“Yeah, yeah I know. I’m probably worrying for no reason.”
“Such is life.”
“And… what about the other parents? They’re probably all cishet Inklings, and we’re so much younger than everyone else…”
“If anything goes wrong, we can leave, okay? Or you can leave and I can stay… or whatever works in the moment.”
Captain nodded, and after a moment he raised his head to kiss Eight. “Okay, now where’s Tsuku?”
Captain made their way to their daughter’s bedroom door. “Hey Tsuku, it’s about time to go!”
“Ah, sorry, sorry… just five more minutes!”
“Okay koko, just come out to the living room when you’re ready!”
Returning to the living room, Captain saw Eight waiting, now with his shoes on.
“Tsuku’s still going to be about ten minutes,” Captain explained.
Eight checked his phone. “We’re going to be late…”
“That’s okay.”
“Yeah. Yeah it is.”
Captain ended up opening one of the dumb word games on their phone, and Eight did his best to help, until Tsuku appeared in the hallway. She was wearing a cute little red dress with white flats. Captain bent down closer to her and gushed, “Myushi-myushi ba~!
“Oh my cod, Fufu.”
Captain kissed the top of Tsuku’s head. “C’mon, let’s go!”
It was only a short train ride, and then they were standing at the front door of Koi’s family’s house.
“Um… do we knock…?” Eight murmured.
They looked at each other, and Captain shrugged. Then they both jumped back when Tsuku stepped up between them and gave the door a confident rap. Koi opened the door a few seconds later, and her orange pigtails flopped over Tsuku’s shoulders as they hugged tightly. Captain and Eight threw each other an awkward glance as they waited in the blocked doorway, and the two young Cephalings didn’t separate until another voice from inside the house called out, “Tsuku! You made it!”
The Inkling who had just started going by KJ ran up to them and hugged Tsuku too, although—both Captain
and Eight noticed—this one was much shorter.
Meanwhile, Koi stood on her toes and said, “Hello, Mr…. um… and… uh… sorry, are you… Tsuku’s parents?”
“Yep,” Eight said. “You can just call us us Eight and Captain… or Tsuku’s dad and parent, if that’s easier. The last names are sort of complicated.”
“Oh, okay! Welcome to our home… sorry again.”
“It’s totally okay! No harm done.”
As they entered, following behind the girls and KJ, Captain made a whining sound and whispered to Eight, “That was so awkward…”
Eight gave him a quick kiss on the forehead. “I know it’s hard. You’re doing great.” Eight also slipped his hand into Captain’s for support.
A few seconds later, they arrived in the kitchen, where René was at the dining table trying to explain the rules of chess to Cody, seemingly rather unsuccessfully. Beyond that was the living room, where eight adults sat on several sofas and armchairs arranged in a U-shape around a low coffee table, conversing in groups of two or three. A Squidmas tree in the corner glistened with ornaments and tinsel.
When René and Cody saw them, they both got up and raced toward them. Cody got there first and gave Tsuku a quick hug before rattling off a long stream of almost unintelligible words while bouncing on his heels excitedly. Then René hugged her too, but, unless Captain was mistaken, it seemed a bit more awkward than the others had been.
“Hi boys, nice to meet you. I’m Eight, Tsuku’s dad.” Eight shook each of their hands.
Captain just kind of smiled at them.
Thankfully, Cody interrupted: “René was just showing me this game called chest!”
“Chess,” René corrected.
“And there’s all these little figurine things that are so cool, my favorite is the little horse!”
“And to win the game you have to trap the other player’s king, and it's called a checkmake!”
“C’mon, René can show us how to play, he’s so good at explaining things!”
Tsuku, Koi, and KJ looked at each other, shrugged, and then started to gather around the table.
Eight squeezed Captain’s hand. “Ready?”
“As I’ll ever be…”
They hadn’t stepped two paces into the living room when a woman with long orange tentacles jumped up from a sofa to face them. “Oh, welcome! You must be Tsuku’s parents, then? Eight and Captain, right? Here, take our seats!” She started tugging at the arm of the man next to her until he stood.
“Oh, no, it’s okay!” Eight tried.
“No, I insist. Have a seat.”
So Captain and Eight scooted in next to a pale woman with frizzy purple tentacles, just like her son.
“You must be Cody’s mother?” Eight said.
“Yep. Alicia. Nice to meet you.”
“Likewise,” said Eight.
“And you’re Tsuku’s parents?”
“Right. We—”
“Oh, of course!” Koi’s mother interrupted, now sitting on the floor with her legs folded. Her voice was so strong that the other conversations quickly fizzled out. “Everyone, these are Tsuku’s parents, Eight and Captain. Eight and Captain, you’ve just met Alicia.” She pointed to a Black family with green tentacles sitting together on the sofa against the left wall. The husband and wife seemed to be the oldest out of everyone there, while the third person was the youngest. “These are Atlas and Jeane, René’s parents. And Atlas’s son Alex, just next to them.” Now she gestured toward the couch on the right, where another couple sat, this one with magenta tentacles. “And KJ’s parents, Vanessa and Robert. Have I missed anyone? Oh, of course! I’m Koi’s mother, Amanda, and this is my husband Glen.”
“Nice to meet you all,” Eight said.
“Nice to meet you,” Captain managed to squeak out, adding a little wave.
“You know, you both look so young for your age,” Amanda continued. “I’m so jealous!”
“Actually, I’m only 26…” Captain explained.
“Oh!” Captain could see the gears turning in Amanda’s head, trying to do the math.
“Um… we adopted her when she was six. I was only eighteen, so it was a hard decision, but she didn’t have a home, and we were the only ones who could take her in. I’ve always been… something between a sibling and a parent to her.”
“I see. Well, from what I hear from Koi, you’re doing a great job.”
Captain thought of several things to say, but he couldn’t get his mouth to form the words.
“Oh… have I said something?”
“Sorry, sorry! That just… means a lot, is all. Thank you.”
Amanda directed her next question at Eight, which Captain was grateful for. “So how long have you two been together?”
Eight looked at Captain with such a reminiscent, loving expression that it nearly made Captain blush in front of everyone. “We met each other eight years ago in July, and we started dating in November. We got married three years later, and we just had our fifth anniversary in August.”
Captain was frozen the whole time, staring down at a certain spot on the carpet. But when Eight shifted and leaned into him slightly, it broke the trance, and Captain looked up at him. They shared a smile.
“Remember our fifth anniversary, hun?” said Vanessa. “That feels so long ago.”
“Well, we are getting dangerously close to our twentieth, aren’t we?” Robert said back with a chuckle.
“At least you’re not staring down your fiftieth birthday,” Atlas remarked, with such an even tone Captain wouldn’t have known what to make of it if the smile hadn’t given it away.
“Fifty? No~!” Glen said with incredulity.
“Only two months left. I might as well start digging my grave now.”
“Oh my cod, dad…” the son, Alex, groaned.
“Oh, like you’ve never been dramatic about your age. I’m 14, I’m basically an adult,” Atlas mocked, using a deeper voice.
Alex rolled his eyes and went back to scrolling on his phone, but just after the conversation picked up again and everyone else had turned their attention elsewhere, Captain noticed that Altas nudged his son, and they both shared a smirk that somehow seemed to convey a strikingly strong bond of love between them.
Captain snapped to attention when they heard their name; it was coming from Amanda again: “Thank you again for coming, Captain, Eight. I’m sure Koi will love having Tsuku here. And it’s so nice to finally meet you both! And the same to you too, of course, Atlas and Jeane.”
A knock came from the front door. Captain whipped their head around toward it and made a confused face. They were sure that their family had arrived last, and everyone who they had expected to to come was already there. So who could this be at the door? Perhaps a pizza delivery or something?
They all already knew that the kids would beat any adult to the door, so they just waited, and Captain watched the archway to the kitchen anxiously, until finally someone stepped through—
“Lyle? What…” Captain couldn’t stop the exclamation before it was already out of their mouth.
“Heya, Captain. And everyone,” Lyle said with a smug grin. Eli stepped into view a moment later, holding his husband’s hand, and with his other hand he towed little Tempest behind him.
“Hi Amanda, thank you for having us!” Eli said.
“Also, um… Tempest’s bio moms wanted to come too at the last second, I hope it’s all right that we brought them along.”
And now the Meer-Hannon family stepped forward to reveal Agents Four and Neo Three—but they really should be calling them Aubrey and Yuki in a context like this. Each one was holding an infant with yellow ink.
Amanda jumped up from her seat again to greet them. “Oh, of course! Thank you so much for coming, I’m sure Betta will be delighted to see Tempest. She’s outside with Ava and Kate.”
“Do you wanna go outside?” Eli asked Tempest.
Tempest looked toward the sliding-glass door but shrunk back away from it, into Eli’s body. “You don’t have to,” he soothed. “You can stay in here if you want.”
Then Koi’s younger sister Betta poked her head in from outside. “Tempest?”
“Betta!” And any apprehension disappeared.
Captain jumped when Alicia called out from right next to him, “Kate? Is everyone doing okay out there?”
Now the older Larsen’s face appeared in the door. “Yep, all good, mom! Betta bit Aaron’s finger, but he’ll survive!”
“Aaron, are you sure you’re okay?” Alicia called back.
“Yes, Ms. Caruso, I’m fine!” a slightly strained voice called back.
“Betta!” Amanda called over them, jumping up yet again and heading for the door. “We do not bite our guests!”
“You want me, you get the whole package,” Kate joked.
“I wouldn’t trade it for the world,” Aaron said, coming just far enough into view that Captain could see him staring into her eyes. The scene was sickly sweet. Cod, had Captain and Eight been like that when they were younger?
Yes. Yes, they had been.
Then Captain’s thoughts were interrupted by a desperate cry of “FUFU!”
“Koko… woi’e bare?” Captain responded instinctively. Then they froze. Terrified, they shot a quick glance back at the other parents. None of them seemed to be staring at him—at least not directly—which he took as a good sign.
“What is it, Tsuku?” Captain said, hoping it would encourage her to respond in Inkling.
It worked, but it wouldn’t have mattered anyway since Tsuku got close and whispered, “I forgot the gift for the Secret Snowsquid!”
The gift… had they left it at home? Wait. Captain felt his pocket and, sure enough, he felt a small box covered in wrapping paper. “Oh, I have it here! I grabbed it just in case.”
Captain held it it to her, and the distress was replaced by a huge grin of relief as she took it. “You had it the whole time? Why didn’t you tell me!”
Captain lifted their hands in a shrugging pose. “I forgot.”
They both giggled. “Thank you, Fufu!”
“Of course, Koko. Are you having a good time?”
“Yeah! I just beat everyone in Super Splat Squids!”
“I’m glad all the years of indoctrinating you into video games paid off.”
“Okay, I’m gonna go back now. Thank you!” She gave them a quick hug.
“Of course.”
And now everyone was staring at them.
“Aww, you have such a cute relationship with her!” Vanessa said.
“Oh. It’s uh… nothing special,” Three murmured.
Now Amanda returned from outside.
“I’m so sorry about that again, Alicia.”
“Oh, I’m sure Aaron will be fine. As long as Betta doesn’t have rabies!”
Everyone laughed except for Amanda, who gave a tight-lipped smile. Then she seemed to notice Lyle, Eli, Aubrey, Yuki, and the twins. “Oh! Please, come sit! Oh… oh dear, we really should have planned for this better… you know what, I’ll go get the lawn chairs!”
“No no, don’t bother! We’ll manage. I think Mako wants down, anyway,” Aubrey assured her.
Amanda looked frantically around her before finally managing to calm herself down. “Very well, then. And you must be…?”
“Aubrey. And this is my girlfriend Yuki.”
Yuki braced Seki against her chest with one arm and raised the other hand in greeting.
“Good to meet you! Good to meet you…” Amanda seemed on the verge of a panic attack.
Four and Yuki took up spots on the floor and let Mako and Seki start toddling around them. Meanwhile, Eli sat on the arm of the sofa right next to Captain, and Lyle gave everyone an almost defiant look before plopping down right on Eli’s lap.
“Wow Eli, thanks for the up-close view of your ass,” Captain murmured.
“No, thank you! That’s the first time you’ve ever complimented my ass before.”
Captain gave a clearly forced smile.
They got along fine with Eli nowadays, but they couldn’t completely ignore the small part of them that got nervous every time they were around Eli, or even Lyle. It just dug up too many old memories.
The group got to asking about the twins, and how one of the hardest times was right after they start walking because you have to chase them around everywhere, and Jeane said something about how lucky Aubrey and Yuki were to be young and agile. Aubrey seemed to relax more after that.
“You seem awfully quiet. Yuki, isn’t it?” Atlas said eventually, holding eye contact with the Octoling.
Noticing his stare, Yuki signed I’m deaf with one hand, sort of dismissively.
Aubrey nudged her and explained, “Yuki is deaf.”
“Oh, my sister is deaf, so I know some of the local sign! Um…” Robert then signed something Captain didn’t recognize, probably in Inkopolis Signed Vernacular.
“Um…” Aubrey began, also clearly not recognizing it.
Japen. Japen! Japenese Sign Language! Yuki signed to her fervently.
“Oh, we use… uh… Japenese Sign Language, since Yuki is originally from Japen. It’s… an obscure local dialect.”
Yuki signed something else Captain didn’t recognize, looking a bit less confident with the hand movements, and Yuki and Robert conversed for a few minutes.
About two hours had passed since the Meer-Hannons and Kekoa-Johnsons’ arrival when the doorbell rang again, and this time it really was just pizza. Everyone gathered around the kitchen counter, where Amanda was frantically trying to set out plates and plasticware. “Okay everyone, if you want a drink, write your name on your cup with this Sharkie, and be sure to put it back when—” But the rest of Amanda’s words were drowned out by the commotion.
Captain hung back a ways away from they’d had the the first chance crowd, figuring they’d let everything die down before going to get their food. Eight waited with them, and a moment later his hand slipped into their hand. “Doing okay?” he whispered.
“Yeah. I think so. I wasn’t expecting to see Lyle and all of them.”
“Yeah, that was a bit of a surprise! Is it okay that they’re here?”
“Of course! Of course it’s okay that they’re here. It’s nice to see everyone.”
Eight met Captain’s eyes, and he didn’t look away until he seemed satisfied with Captain’s reassurance. “You can always step away if you need to, I’ll cover for you.”
They shared a smile. “Pizza?”
Everyone huddled in the kitchen, making use of any chair, barstool, or—in Mako, Seki, and Eli’s case—lap that they could find, while Captain and Eight leaned against the kitchen counter, putting as much distance between themselves and the commotion as they could. Captain nodded in Eli and Lyle’s direction and scoffed. “How are they so confident? Lyle didn’t figure out he’s gay until like five years after I did. And Eli took even longer!”
“Yeah, but it went over a lot better for them. They don’t have the same trauma. And besides, it’s Lyle and Eli. Did you really expect anything different?”
Eight reached an arm around them and gently pulled them in closer.
“Merry Squidmas, Capa.”
After a glance to make sure no one was watching them, Eight gave Captain a quick kiss.
“Merry Squidmas, Eight.”
That was followed by Koi opening some presents from her family and sharing some hugs with her parents.
Finally, Amanda announced that it was time for the gift exchange. They all gathered in the living room again, with Tsuku, Koi, Betta, René, Cody, Ava, Kate, and Aaron sitting in a circle on the floor near the tree. Each held a gift wrapped in colorful paper, ranging in size from the wallet-sized rectangle Tsuku was holding to a box as tall as Betta. Captain found themself staring at each of the wrapped gifts, as if staring hard enough would allow them to bore through the wrappings and see their contents.
Who had drawn Tsuku’s name weeks ago? What would they have gotten her? What if something went wrong?
Captain somehow missed Amanda’s explanation of how the gift exchange would work and the first few gifts being given. He didn’t even notice what the gifts were, only that Betta was shouting in joy, and everyone was laughing, and everything had suddenly become very, very loud.
Captain made eye contact with Eight, who was already giving him a concerned look. Eight nodded, and Captain got up, trying not to seem too hurried as they made for the bathroom. They sunk to the floor and put their head between their knees, left by themself with their thoughts, and took several deep breaths to try to calm down.
Fourteen years ago
Ryland stared listlessly at nothing in particular as the students around him filtered into the classroom and found their seats. He didn’t even notice when someone sat just to his right.
“Hi, Ryland!”
Ryland snapped out of his daze. “Oh, Ophie. Hi.”
Ryland's and Ophelia’s fathers knew each other from work, and Ryland was pretty sure his father was trying to set him up with her, but she had always been nice to him.
She leaned toward him conspiratorially. “Who did you get for your Secret Snowsquid?”
“We’re not supposed to tell,” Ryland said.
Ophie giggled. “That’s the right answer!”
Ophie seemed to be waiting for a certain response, but Ryland had no idea what it could be, or what she had meant from her last exclamation. He just kind of smiled awkwardly at her.
Luckily, a few seconds later, the teacher saved him from having to respond. “Good morning, class. Does everyone have their gift?”
“Yes, Mrs. Ippy,” chorused about a quarter of the students. Most of the others did have gifts; they just weren’t paying attention. “We’re going to be gathering by grade, so everyone find the others in your grade and sit in a circle. First graders, up here by me…”
Ryland automatically tuned out the extraneous information, but by the time he tuned back in, it was too late, and everyone had already started moving. Ryland just followed Ophie back to the corner of the classroom near the door, where they sat on the carpet. About thirty of them gathered around in a circle, out of whom Ryland recognized Billy and his clan—Lyle,
Eli, Clyde, and Blitz. Ryland and Billy made eye contact, and the smirk on Billy’s face turned Ryland’s stomach.
Instead, he scanned the rest of the circle, trying to remember which one Cairo was—that was the name he had drawn a week ago.
“Okay everyone, put your gifts in the middle of the circle. The Class Leader will go first, and then go around the circle one at a time,” Mrs. Ippy called from somewhere far away.
Billy was up in an instant and making his way toward the growing pile of presents.
“Hey! It’s not your turn!” shouted one of the girls—Emily, he thought.
“Hmm, I’m sure the Class Leader doesn’t mind, right?” he glared at Blitz, who quickly shook his head. So Billy sauntered up to the pile and dug around for a while before finally pulling out a package. He tore it open and revealed a box of chocolates. Ryland thought he heard Ophie gasp next to him, but she didn’t say anything.
They continued around the circle, and eventually Ophie tore open her gift to reveal a pack of orange gummy candies. She frowned, probably because she didn’t like orange flavor. She looked at Ryland, and he just shrugged. “I’ll swap with you if I get something you like.”
“Oh. So… you didn’t get me?”
“No, I got Cairo. I don’t know who got you.”
Then Billy’s perpetually whiny voice interrupted them. “C’mon Ryland, that’s enough chit-chat! You’re holding up everyone else.”
Something felt wrong as Ryland got up and walked to the center of the circle. He squirmed as he felt everyone’s eyes on him. The whole room seemed more quiet than it should have been. It felt like it took an eternity to dig through the pile of presents in search of one with his own name.
And there it was: a small box about the size of a pack of playing cards. And for a minute he thought that might be what they were. He went back to his seat and sat down with it, hoping that that would reduce the number or eyes on him, but it was no use. Everyone was staring at him, as if expecting something to happen. Finally, Ryland realized he couldn’t stall any longer, and he slowly began to tear open the package.
But it wasn’t a pack of cards at all.
It was a pack of cigarettes.
It only took Ryland a few seconds before he understood what they meant. He started to shake, staring uncontrollably at the pack of cigarettes in his hand until it fell to the floor with a crash, spilling some of its contents.
Ryland could feel Billy’s triumphant glare on him, and he didn’t dare look up.
“Ryland! Are those cigarettes? Hand them over!” Mrs. Ippy was glaring down at him with her hand outstretched. Ryland shoved the cigarettes back in then grabbed the box and tentatively raised it toward her until she snatched it away. “And what were you doing with these?”
“They’re not mine! Obviously someone gave it to me as their Secret Snowsquid gift. I don’t want them!”
Mrs. Ippy just kept glaring down at him with a suspicious look on her face. Desperate, Ryland looked around and saw Billy staring directly at him with a malicious grin. And he gave Ryland a small nod, as if saying Go on. But Ryland didn’t know what that was supposed to mean, and even if he had there was no way he was letting Billy get away with this.
“Like I said, the person who brought them in the classroom was whoever got me for Secret Snowsquid! It was B—”
“Fine, then I’ll go check the lists,” Mrs. Ippy said, spinning on her heel and always making it halfway back across the classroom before Ryland could finish. Ryland looked to Ophie for comfort, but she looked just as nervous as he was.
A moment later, Mrs. Ippy was back, this time holding a clipboard. All she said was, “Ophie, I’ll be accompanying you to the principal’s office. You’re being expelled.”
Ryland was barely able to put any words together as he stared at Ophie. “No! No, it was… wait… Ophie? It wasn’t you, right?”
But Ophie was already standing. “It’s okay Ryland, don’t fight it or we’ll just both end up expelled.”
“Wait… Ophie…”
“I’m sorry, Ryland. I hope I see you again.”
But he never did.
Captain groaned and slowly pulled his hand back from his head as the memory finished playing.
Of course, that night he had remembered Ophie’s gasp and had realized that the chocolates had been for him, which of course meant that Billy had swapped out the gifts—perhaps just the tags. But Ophie had already been expelled, and who would have believed him, anyway? Ophie had been right. Mrs. Ippy had already been suspicious enough of Ryland, and Billy hadn’t left any traceable evidence. Ryland probably would have been expelled, too, if he had tried anything.
But maybe that would have been for the best.
Captain pushed themself back up into an upright position and took a deep breath.
Tsuku’s gift exchange wouldn’t be like Ryland’s. She was surrounded by good friends and responsible adults. Tsuku may have a secret just like Ryland had, but maybe Captain could muster the optimism to believe that, unlike Ryland, Tsuku would be accepted.
Captain’s hand rested on the door handle. Yes. Everything would be okay. They truly believed it.
And they pushed the door open. A few strides, and they were back in the living room. It was still chaos, but the smiles on everyone’s faces reassured them. Especially Eight’s.
They sat down next to their husband, and Tsuku ran up to them almost immediately. “Look, Fufu! Look what Koi got me!”
Tsuku was bouncing around with such excited energy that Captain couldn’t discern the object in her hands until they reached out and held the corner to steady it. It was a sketchbook, and on the cover… a silhouette of an octopus.
“Oh… that’s great, Tsuku…” Captain tried to muster enthusiasm in their response, but they just couldn’t stop staring at the octopus emblazoned on the front.
“What is it?” Tsuku finally asked.
“Tsuku… does Koi know you’re an Octoling?”
Tsuku looked at him curiously, almost confused. “Yeah, of course! All of them do. They’ve known for a while.”
Captain looked around the room at everyone, beginning to question his original impressions of each of them. “And their parents…?”
Tsuku nodded. “As far as I can tell. It’s not really a big deal.”
Captain suddenly pulled in Tsuku for a tight hug, and they were holding back tears. “I’m so glad you found them. I’m… so happy for you, Koko.”
Tsuku started pulling back after a moment, and Captain realized that they might have hugged her for too long. But she still had a big smile on her face. “I love you, Fufu. Merry Squidmas!”
“I love you too. Merry Squidmas.”
They shared one more smile.
“Now go have fun with your friends!”
Captain watched them all for a few minutes, seeing René blush as Tsuku asked whether he liked the Tableturf cards she had gotten him, seeing KJ make a remark that they all laughed at, seeing Cody wow them by doing tricks with his new yo-yo, and seeing Tsuku wrap Koi up in another hug.
“You did this, you know,” Eight said, leaning into Captain. “I mean, Tsuku deserves some credit, and I guess I was there, too. But you made all this possible.”
Eight was right, wasn’t he? Nothing could ever be perfect and easy, but Tsuku was never going to have to endure the hardships that they had.
They had broken the cycle.
“Yeah. I did it.”
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ladykailitha · 2 years ago
Star Child Part 14
Just two more chapters to go and this story will be done. And I want to apologize for not updating the previous chapters with links to the most recent one lately. Sorry about that. I’ll try to be better. It just gets more and more tedious the longer the fic gets.
I know I have have mentioned real people in this fic before, but I decided that for the radio show, I wasn’t going to use the real show and hosts, but it stands as an homage to the best radio show in the morning. ;)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13
“Holy shit!” Gareth cursed as they were informed Steve had arrived. “He really does buy tickets to all our shows. I thought he might have exaggerated a bit, but nope!”
Jeff shook his head. “Your boyfriend is certainly dedicated, Eddie.”
Eddie blushed. “I wonder what he’s going to be dressed like. Steve Harrington, pop star or something more like what you would expect to see at metal concert.”
“Well,” Brian said, “I think you’re about to find out.”
Sure enough there was a knock at the door and Eddie called for them to come in.
Steve walked in with a cocky grin and a swagger in his step. All four members catcalled and whistled at him. He did a slow turn so that they could get the full affect.
Eddie was up off the couch and invading Steve’s space. “You look good enough to eat, sweetheart.”
Steve laughed. “This is what I wear to every concert. Well something like this with a hat pulled down over a pair of sunglasses.”
Before Eddie could response, Jeff was suddenly at Steve’s side. “Is that a tattoo?”
Eddie tilted his head and pulled at the side of Steve’s shirt a little. And sure enough there was their logo, the CC surrounded by lightning, right on his ribs.
“Holy fuck, baby,” Eddie said. “That’s hot. You got any other tattoos?”
Steve just grinned and wagged his eyebrows.
“Did you strike out again?” Gareth hollered. “Dude! Will the two of you just fuck already? The sexual tension between the two of you? It’s killing the rest of us.”
“Look,” Steve growled defensively, “if Creel had come after me after the concert like we thought he would, sex would have happened when we got to the hotel room.”
Eddie tilted his head again. “Actually, darlin’, I think that’s exactly what he was doing. Cockblocking us because he couldn’t stand the thought of you touching me.”
Steve pulled Eddie closer by his belt loops. “I felt the same when he went to kiss you, you know.”
“There’s a difference between stopping two people from having sex who actually care about each other,” Eddie said, “and stopping a very non-consensual kiss, sweetheart. One is predatory and gross and the other was a very welcome rescue.”
Steve smiled. “Yeah, okay.” He kissed Eddie and everyone cheered. “I’ve got go to my seat. Good luck out there. Knock ‘em dead.”
Eddie nodded and watched as Steve walked away.
“Fuck,” Brian said once he was gone. “Can you believe it’s only been a couple of weeks since Indy?”
“Less than that,” Gareth corrected. “It’s only been a week. And in that week, we have befriended the King of Pop, Eddie started dating him; met, pissed off, and arrested the biggest kingpin in Texas.”
Eddie blushed. He would have said he fell hard, fast. But that wasn’t true, was it? He always had a crush on Steve. And now they were together.
He cleared his throat. “All boys, let’s go out there and make some noise!”
They all cheered.
The concert was amazing and Eddie couldn’t resist kissing Steve from the stage. He knelt down and Steve half lifted himself on the stage to meet him in the middle. The crowd erupted in a roar of approval. The two of them laughed before Eddie continued the concert.
After the concert they stumbled into Steve’s hotel room, kissing and pulling at each others.
“Babe,” Eddie whined. “Please...”
Steve let out a long moan of pleasure. They were finally doing this. Eddie’s shirt came off first and then Steve’s. Their clothes were a bit unpractical when it came to swift removal, but off they came.
The tumbled into the bed again, this time with purpose and completely nude.
Hands and mouths roamed as they sought to fuse themselves together. Two massive orgasms later, they laid down side by side, panting.
Eddie propped himself on his elbow and looked down at Steve. “You know, I was trying to get into my bed that first night at Hopper’s bar, but took too much liquid courage.”
Steve smiled at him. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” Eddie murmured. “I thought that’s what I wanted. That I wanted a one-night stand with the King of Pop, but then I got to know you and I realized that I’m glad it happened this way.”
Steve reached up to stroke his cheek. “Me too, sunshine. I’ve been in love with you for so long that I would have taken that one-night stand, if that meant that’s all I would get of you. But now I get you all the time and god if that isn’t a dream come true.”
Eddie kissed him again and they fell asleep, wrapped in each other’s arms.
Steve’s alarm went off and Eddie groaned.
“No, no, no...” Eddie grumbled, pulling Steve close. “I don’t want you to go.”
Steve kissed him gently. “I’ll be back with breakfast and we’ll have all morning to cuddle before I head back to LA.”
Eddie lifted his head. “You promise?”
Steve kissed him deeper. “I promise.”
Eddie reluctantly let him go and drifted back to sleep. Steve smiled fondly at down at his boyfriend before getting up to shower.
Steve kissed Eddie’s temple before slipping out his hotel room. Lucas stayed behind and Max went with him.
They piled into a waiting Uber and drove out to the radio station. They got him all mic’ed up.
“Welcome back to Demons in the Morning with Jamie, Phil, and Rita,” Jamie said cheerfully. “We have with us a surprise guest today. Steve Harrington, King of Pop, this isn’t your usual genre. What made you decide to talk on our little show?”
Steve laughed. “I actually prefer the music you guys play on your station then the stuff I do, if I’m honest.”
“I could have told them that,” Phil groused. “Hell, anyone who watched that Love Loud concert could tell you at least have a passing familiarity with The Struts.”
Steve laughed again. “That was so much fun to arrange and preform, you have no idea.”
“So tell us about your favorites and influences,” Rita said.
Steve talked about Imagine Dragons, and Linkin Park and other bands that shaped his music. His real music, not the shit he had been putting out since he was seventeen.
“When you came out yesterday,” Phil said, “you said some pretty messed up crap about your record label and your parents, can you talk more about that?”
Steve gulped but nodded. “Yeah, we like to think that Hollywood and the music industry as progressive, but its really, really not. A lot of LGBTQ+ artists are still being harassed by not only the masses but managers, agents, record labels all trying to keep things as heterosexual as possible.”
“That must have been hard,” Rita said. “Did you know about the video your publicist put out?”
Steve hummed. “Yeah, I’m the one that told her to. I wanted people to get a taste of the nightmare I had been living my whole life.”
“So why now?” Phil asked.
“Because it’s not talked about enough,” Steve said. “We go through these rashes of exposing the seedy underbelly of things. Pageant shows, MeToo, Brittany Spears. Which that was almost me, by the way.”
“You were almost locked into a conservatorship?” Rita asked.
Steve nodded. “Yeah, I mean after they tried conversion therapy.”  
“They did what?!” Jamie yelled. “I thought that was illegal.”
Steve pursed his lips. “Not everywhere, unfortunately. But it’s where I met my best friend and current manager, so I guess it turned out okay.”
“And so you’re trying to bring light on a dark subject of what exactly?” Phil asked.
“Blackmailing artists so they don’t come out as anything other than straight,” Steve said somberly. “In my youth I was promiscuous, bedding anyone and everyone who said yes. And while my parents fought to keep me under their thumb, the label was smarter. They paid to have all the men I’d slept with go away and then held that over my head.”
“Which if it had come out years ago would have ruined your career,” Rita said, “because you had built your brand on the boy next door.”
“Exactly,” Steve replied.
“So what changed?” Jamie asked. “Why decide to come out as bisexual with a slutty past now?”
“Because I’m older,” Steve said. “If it goes to hell and I don’t make another album for the rest of my life. I can live quite comfortably off what I have done. I want to be myself for once in my life and the only people I want to have a say in that process is the people closest to me.”
“And does that include Corroded Coffin frontman, Eddie Munson?” Phil asked. “We seen the pictures of you last night at the concert, hell we saw the absolute chemistry between you at Love Loud.”
Steve laughed. “Yeah. He’s a part of it. And if you’ve seen the video, you know we could have gotten together sooner. But yeah, of course. He’s very important to the process of being who I want to be.”
“So I know you can’t talk about the litigation ongoing with your label but what are your plans for the future?” Jamie asked.
Steve huffed out a laugh. “Even before this blew up, I was shopping around other labels. I want to do alt rock. And my current label tended toward pop. So yeah.”
“So will we being hearing more of you on this station?” Rita asked.
“That’s the hope, yeah,” Steve said.
They started talking about the upcoming album and his process. Then it was time for Steve go. He signed off and they went to commercial.
“Thank you for having me,” Steve said as he put away the sound gear.
“No, thank you for choosing us to talk about your coming out,” Rita said.
“I was in town,” Steve said with a giggle. “And I figured this was best place for it. As far as inclusivity was concerned.”
“Hell yeah,” Jamie growled. “Next time you’re in town, bring that boyfriend of yours. He keeps turning us down.”
Steve laughed. “He isn’t a morning person. But I’ll see what I can do.”
Part 15  Part 16
Tag List:
@bejeweledbaby @eboyawstenn @moonshadows-13 @ohlook-afrog @goodolefashionedloverboi @linkydinky06 @livelaughlexa @spectrum-spectre @cutepumpkin4 @whatthemeepever @gleek4twd @anything-thats-rock-and-roll @novelnovella @celtrose-ish @artiststarme @plasticcrotches  @failedstarsandgoldenclouds @anaibis @nelotegreitic @steddieassheg0es @abstractnaturaldisaster @scheodingers-muppet @tiny-enthusiast @yes-im-your-mom @thegingerrapunzel @milf-harrington @avacrebs @gregre369 @raisedbylibrarians @reverseteehee @lillys-weird-world @deadlydodos @runyousillydetective @justrandomfandomstm @piebook67 @clumsywriter @donttouchmycarrots @fiore-della-valle @idkareallyreallygoodname  @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @imfinereallyy @ravenpainter @ellietheasexylibrarian @maya-custodios-dionach @child-of-cthulhu @estrellami-1 @lillithhellfire @nerdsconquerall @space-invading-pigeon @localgaydisaster @bookbinderbitch
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write-n-die · 3 months ago
zelli - love burns
lil angst bc I saw a video of zelli speaking Swiss German and needed to write it. (518 words) (translations listed at the end)
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I open the door and drop my keys in the bowl by the door. I look up and see the entire place is a mess. the pillows on the couch are thrown all across the room, the coffee table is flipped and everything on it is strewn across the floor.
I hear distant sobs from our shared bedroom. I drop everything I have and run to the door. I swing the door open and see Zelli sitting on the floor under the window, crying so hard it looks like he can't breathe.
our room is a mess too, with picture frames on the floor, papers whisked off of my desk, and laundry baskets knocked over. he looks at me, almost looks through me. he stands silently, hesitantly taking a step towards me.
I rush towards him, wrapping my arms around him. he holds me like he's afraid I'll vanish. he pushed his face into the space between my neck and shoulder, breathing me in like he'll never get the chance to again.
his fist ball up around my shirt, and he shakes as he cries into my shoulder. I can hear his shakey breathing as he tries to speak, but fails to get the words out.
"Ich dachte, ich hätte dich für immer verloren" he chokes out with a trembling voice. It takes me a moment to translate what he said. We both usually speak English with each other. I have to translate in my head before responding.
"was hat dich glauben lassen, dass du mich verloren hast?" I ask, letting go of the hug and leaning back to look at his face. his eyes are red and puffy, tear streaks stain his cheeks, and the crying twists his features into a deep, heavy, frown.
I gently wipe his cheek with my thumb, cradling his face in my hand. he puts his hand over mine, leaning into it and gently kissing my palm. he stares at me with tears in his eyes.
"Das Haus war leer und es war Blut im Badezimmer und auf deinem Schreibtisch." he says softly, melting into my hand. he holds onto my waist, anchoring me to the earth, to him. "there was so much and I could not find you." he says.
I had a heavy nosebleed this morning but thought I had cleaned it up. I had to rush out the door early because of a meeting and hadn't even thought about it.
"mir geht es gut, es war nur eine Nasenblutung." i tell him, trying to comfort him in the language he grew up speaking. "Mir geht es gut, mein Geliebter, ich verspreche, mir ist nichts Schlimmes passiert."
He leans into me, resting his head on my shoulder, nearly collapsing into me. I lead him to the bed, laying down next to him. he wraps his arms around me, with his ear pressed to my chest, listening to my heartbeat.
We stay like this until he falls asleep in my arms, holding me tightly, even in his sleep. I nod off, we can worry about putting the house back together tomorrow.
"I thought I had lost you forever" "What made you think that you lost me?" "The house was empty and there was blood in the bathroom and on your desk" "I'm fine, it was just a nosebleed" "I'm fine, my beloved, I promise, nothing bad has happened to me."
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blueicequeen19 · 2 years ago
Lay A Claim
Warnings: unprotected public sex, jealousy, FWB
I stiffen when an arm drapes over my shoulder and I inhale an incredibly familiar and intoxicating scent mixed with his warm cologne. The guy I’m talking to narrows his eyes at JJ and I fight back a grimace. What the hell was he doing?
“Sorry man, we’re fucking so beat it.” JJ cocks his head to the side in challenge and my eyes bug out.
“What the fuck!?” I hiss, pushing at his side but he doesn’t release me or look away from the other guy.
“She didn’t say she was spoken for.” He finally says, jaw clenched and not backing down. This was going to get so much worse. JJ was nice until he wasn’t.
“I don’t care. I don’t share. Find someone else.” JJ is tense as he tightens his arm around my shoulders and pulls me into his side. I dig my nails into his ribs but he doesn’t even budge.
“Knock it off, you caveman. We aren’t exclusive.” I growl softly but he only smirks. Clearly he was in the mood for a fight because if he didn’t get it from my date then he’d get it from me.
“I don’t think she wants you, dude.” My date says confidently. God, he was making this worse. JJ chuckles but not because anything is funny.
“The claw marks on my back say otherwise, dude.” JJ bites out.
“Goddamnit, JJ.” I shove at him, embarrassed now that this is happening.
“There’s also a hickie on her neck that she’s covered with makeup. That’s also from me.” A smug grin stretches across his perfect face as he stares back at my date. My date turns with a shake of his head and walks away without another word.
“You son of a bitch.” I try to squirm out of his hold but he doesn’t release me, only tightening his arms and pulling me into his chest. God he smells good.
“I lied. I don’t want to see other people. You’re only going to see me and fuck me.” The wind rushes from my lungs as I stare back up at him. I don’t get to argue before he’s crashing his lips to mine in a toe curling kiss. I can’t stop the moan that comes out. He’s cupping my face and our bodies are pressed so tightly together I can feel his heart racing. My knees almost buckle when his tongue slips into my mouth.
“Guys! Get a room!” Someone yells just as I start to sink further into him. I quickly withdraw as my brain curses at my needy pussy. I shove him in the chest with a snarl and stomp off towards the exit. I manage to dodge other lingering bodies and slip out the side exit and race towards my car, my heart in my throat.
Why did he do that? He didn’t want me like that. We agreed on that from the beginning. This was strictly sex. No strings. No emotions. Just two people scratching an itch.
It takes me all of two seconds to realize he’s got me blocked in with his truck and I grind my teeth, debating slashing his tires.
My arm is caught from behind and I sigh, knowing I’m caught. But I’m a fighter.
I turn and my hand is caught mid swing before he backs me against the side of his truck and out of plain sight.
His hat is flipped backwards, blonde strands hanging in his piercing eyes as he glares at me with raw need. Like he needed a fix and I was it. My wrist burns from the heat of his hold on me. My breasts are smashed against his chest and I can feel that massive hard on he’s got. I couldn’t catch my breath.
“Don’t leave mad.” JJ rasps, licking his lips.
“You embarrassed me.” I hiss and he nibbles his bottom lip, barely able to hold himself back.
“I can fuck you against his car. I know which one is his. Which would you rather?” JJ murmurs, letting his eyes roam down my body. My short shorts hug my ass so well they’re practically painted on and my crop top shows off my summer tan with a tiny bit of under boob. It was the perfect ‘fuck me’ outfit.
“He already fucked me in it.” I lie, wanting to piss him off even more.
“He must not have done a good job. You’re still able to walk just fine.” I roll my eyes, the sexual tension so thick between us you could cut it with a knife. I jump when his hands comes up to rest just below my ribs, goosebumps scattering across my skin. His hands were so warm. His touch made me dumb.
“Did you make him wear a condom? You know no one else gets to feel your pussy bare but me.” JJ growls, ducking his head into my neck and placing a wet kiss. I shudder.
“Why do you think I’m not wearing any panties?” I whisper into his ear. I feel him tense and his fingers dig into my waist. I bite back a smile.
“That better not be true.” JJ snarls, jerking my head to the side and silencing me with a hard kiss. My hands find the button of his jeans before I can stop myself.
“Find out for yourself.” I purr, licking his bottom lip as I lower his zipper. His hands slide up under my top to find me braless, pasties on my nipples.
“Goddamn girl.” JJ rasps, squeezing my breasts hard as I slip my hand inside his boxers and stroke him between kisses.
“You better fucking have panties on.” JJ nips my bottom lip before pushing me away and spinning me around. His hands slide down and undo my shorts, eagerly shoving his fingers inside. I bite back a grin when his chest rumbles angrily at finding me bare. The inside of my shorts are soaked as he cups my pussy, spreading me with his fingers as he palms my breast. I love when he’s angry.
I groan loudly when two thick fingers work their way inside me, already having me close to the edge. His hand leaves my breast to cover my mouth, his breathing heavy in my ear as he finger fucks me. I feel lightheaded and high on lust. I needed to cum so bad.
“Come on. Let me have it.” JJ rasps into my ear, kicking my legs wider apart and adding a third finger. My eyes roll back as my body quivers with my release.
“That’s it. Good girl. Just like that. Just — like — that.” I sink further against his chest, my head falling back against his shoulder as he brings me through my high. I’d made a mess and my fire was far from put out despite how breathless I am.
I moan his name as he withdraws his fingers and slips my shorts down just above my knees, holding my legs together.
“I’m not done with you yet.” A slap lands hard across my ass cheek before he pulls my hips back, running his thick cock through my slit.
“Fuck, you’re so wet.” JJ’s voice is low and sexy, fueling me further.
“Please.” I whimper, rocking back against him as he teases me.
“Please what?”
“P-please don’t stop. Put it in.” I rasp. I feel him at my entrance then he’s forcing himself in regardless how wet I already am. We both groan, our bodies tense as we engulf each other.
“JJ, oh fuck, JJ.” I cry as he starts to fuck me hard, pulling me back into every thrust.
“Shhhhh. You trying to get us caught?” JJ whispers, his hand going back over my mouth. I moan incoherently behind his hand as the wave comes crashing down again, forcing me to see stars.
“That’s my girl.” His words having me clenching harder as another orgasm creeps up. The slapping sound of our skin growing more and more erratic as he pounds into me. I felt like I could scream and cry at the same time
“You know no one will ever satisfy you like I do.” His hood tightens and I knew he’s about to cum. The thought has me teetering on the ledge again. I loved the thought of him marking me as his. Even if I didn’t want to be.
One hand flies back and my nails bite into his thigh as I start to lift up on my toes.
“I meant what I said. I don’t share. I won’t.” He angles his hips, hitting upwards and that’s all it takes. The domino effect takes hold as we both cum, breathing and moaning hard as our bodies tremble. I feel a gush of warmth between my thighs as he paints my insides white and it drips back out, marking me as his.
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bellarkeselection · 2 years ago
I've Been More Than A Friend
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Request from @bvbwestfall Reader is Spencer's childhood friend and hears that Spencer has been home for a few days so she goes over to the dutton ranch and slaps him and they fight but confess feelings for each other (I actually love this request for him ❤️)
“Spencer, you may want to go outside you’ve got that little L/n girl riding up on a horse all in a huff.” He heard his mother reply from the kitchen so he went to see what was going on. Racing up towards their house I quickly dismounted my horse kicking up dust as I stomped up the wooden stairs seeing the face of my childhood best friend open the front door. “Hey Y/n, what’s going on?” He asked so causally like he couldn’t see I was mad at him. He had gone off to Africa after his time in the war and then I hear from Jack that he’s back and not from him directly. Raising my right hand up I slapped him hard across the face where his brown hat fell off his head holding his burning cheek when his eyes focused on mine filled with anger. “You are an asshole for not telling you were back for weeks. And I had to hear it from Jack. I mean seriously Spencer does me being your best friend mean nothing!”
He reached down snagging his cowboy hat up from the floor of the porch. Putting it back on his head before he finally made eye contact with me. Spencer and I have grown up by the others side for our entire lives. He knows more about me then my other friends do. Except for one tiny thing my huge crush on the oldest Dutton. “Y/n, what are you - you - I’m not the same as you remember me. War changed me. Plus someone attacked my family-“ I cut him off giving him a shove backwards on the porch almost making him fall onto his back. “I know about the attack. I was here for it and you know what I was thinking. God I wish that Spencer was here because we could have gone after the cowards together. I promised - we promised that we would always be there for one another and what happened you left. You left and broke my heart!”
“Your heart, what are you talking about darling. Hold up are you telling me that you’ve had a crush on me this whole time and never told me?” Spencer asked where I throw my hands up shouting in his face with some tears falling. “Yes. God for a cowboy you sure are clueless. I mean how have you not seen me here-“ I get cut off mid sentence when he snacks his arms securely around my waist tugging me against his chest. He crashes his lips onto mine passionately causing me to grip his jacket in my hands kissing back until we were both panting for air. “I’ve been more than a friend to you for awhile now. I just thought you wanted someone else. Someone better than me, Y/n. But I love you. I’ll always love you with my heart.”
“There’s no one else like you, Spencer. I don’t want anyone else to have my heart but you. We know almost every secret of the other so that isn’t something to ignore. I love you too cowboy.” I declare wrapping my arms around his neck leaning up on my toes before he crashes his lips onto mine he wrapped his arms around my waist. Never breaking the kiss I wrapped my arms around his waist holding me close to his chest. Spencer moved pressing my back against one of the stone walls when my fingers knotted themselves into his hair knocking his hat off his head. “You better be planning on marrying that girl before you sleep with her on our front porch Spencer.” We broke the kiss with our hair all tousled staring at his mother standing in the doorway scolding us before he sat me on my feet grabbing his hat placing it on my head seeing me blushing.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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iguessweallcrazyithinktho · 2 years ago
SUMMARY: you and kylian are in a PR relationship to boost your career, but there was one small problem.. you both hated each other! Or did you....
Part one🔥
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WARNING: kinda steamy
PAIRING: kylian mbappe x f reader
AUTHOR NOTE: third part probably won't come next week. I gotta lot to do then but I'll try to write
Masterlist coming soon after more fics released
If you want to be tagged I'll try tagging you in the next
Don't repost my work or I'll hunt you down
Like, reblogs, feedback welcomed always
After your event with Kylian you were finally able to get a week long break from seeing his face While he went back to playing on the field and training. You were happy you didn’t have to be around him 24/7, but a little bitty part of you missed him. Just a small part.
While you and him were apart you got a couple things done. Did some photo shoots and gave a few interviews. Kylian didn’t cloud your mind which was nice. Soon your week break from each other ended and you had to go back to being around him. Ugh.
Kylian was coming over to discuss Some things with you for your next pr stunt. You cleaned your place and got dressed in a nice skirt and black blouse. Not for him of course.. but for yourself.
After a 30 minute wait of sitting on your couch, there was a knock on your door. You got up ignoring your heart skipping a beat in your chest.
Opening the door you were meet with Kylian on the other side.
“Hi.” You squeaked out. God he looked so fucking amazing right in front of you. He had on a simple pair of jeans, a tee shirt and a hat. It was so casual yet you fucking loved.
“Let’s get this over with. The faster we do, the faster I can get out of your hair. Kylian brushed past you into your house. You shut the door.
When you reached the living room kylian was sitting on your couch, arm propped up on the back of the couch as he looked at you with a smirk.
You sat down beside him giving him a confused look. “nothing. Ok, now for our next stunt we have to go out and act like we’re shopping and getting dinner together.” Kylian said as he looked at you.
“ok.. so we’ll do that. I don’t get why you had to come over to tell me that.”
“I came over because our management said we needed to kiss more. It creates buzz and it makes people believe it’s realistic. I wanted to make sure you were ok with that not over text but in person.”
Once again butterflies erupted in your stomach.
You swallowed hard trying to play off the fluttering in your stomach. “well that’s very nice of you.”
You sighed. “im ok with it.” You said softly.
“great!” kylian moved so that his arms were now on his lap and not on the back of the couch. “just one small problem.. you suck at kissing.”
“What?! I do not!”
You looked at kylian dumbfounded. No way did he just say you sucked at kissing.
“you do amour. You’re so awkward.” Kylian pressed his lips together and shook his head. You scuffed.
“I was under pressure. For your information I can fucking kiss kylian.”
“Then show me.”
His comment caught you off guard. “what?”
“Show me and I’ll be the judge Amore.”
You sat frozen. Kylian wanted you to kiss him right now. Your heart in your chest pounded against your rib.
“fine” you forced out softly. Ignoring your pounding chest you inched closer to kylian. His eyes stalked you. It was like he was doing it in a seductive way.
You flickered your gaze from kylian lips and eyes. You never realized how soft his lips and inviting his lips looked. God you wanted to kiss them a million times.. fuck no you don’t .
Before you could chicken out you captured kylian lips with your. The kiss started off slow. Your lips moved with his in a soft slow motion. It almost felt like teasing.
It started to pick up. Kylian hand found your cheek, he pulled you further into his lips. You can tell he didn’t want you to pull away.
His tongue soon slipped into your mouth, colliding with yours. The feeling of his warm tongue against yours made you clench your legs.
Kylian hand was no longer on your face. Somewhere in the middle of your make out session it found the part between your chin and neck.
Despite how much you wanted to keep kissing him you had to pull away for air.
Kylian watched as you caught your breath. A little smirk played on his as he watched.
“So.” You looked at him. “am I a bad kisser?”
Kylian shook his head. “no. I’ve underestimated you.”
“Mhm yeah.” You laughed and stood up. “ok! Time for you to leave. I’m tired and we got a big day tomorrow so get out.”
You pointed to the door. Kylian looked at you with a slight disappointment on his face almost making you regret telling him to leave.
He got up and walked. You followed behind until he was out of the door and standing on your porch.
“so I’ll see you tomorrow around 3:30 right?” he asked you. a simple nodded from you was all kylian needed from you. “Alright then. See you tomorrow amore.”
Kylian walked to his car. You waited until he was in it before you shut the door.
A loud groan fell from your lips before you muttered a bunch of curse words to yourself. You were in too deep and you knew it. You were starting to like kylian and you fucking hated it so much.
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@jokertbh @heli991113 @lovefks @nightlockcornucopia @mywhimsyjournal
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