#what do you all think?
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 1 year ago
If You Have ADHD Why Are You So Quiet?
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I forget what I’m going to say (even while I’m saying it)
I speak very quickly (I get embarrassed, misheard, and often told to “just slow down”
I forget words, names, and sentence structure
I’m exhausted
I’m concentrating on listening and processing
I don’t want to interrupt (when/how am I meant to join in)
I have thousands of thoughts occupying my brain
I’m concentrating on my body language (whilst tying to read yours)
I struggle to speak about things I have no experience or interest in
I’m afraid of rejection (RSD)
I CAN Network Ltd
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speakingofalice · 19 days ago
**TGR Spoilers**
I saw that there has been some talk that Neil “I’m fine” Josten lay on the court floor after he was attacked not because he was that hurt, but to milk it to the crowd/refs and honestly, and respectfully, I disagree wholeheartedly.
Of course we weren’t there in Neil’s head and we will never know BUT what we can ascertain is that Neil saw Andrew go down. He saw that exy stick coming for Andrew’s head, slide down his helmet and connect solidly to his shoulder and then Andrew went down. We can then assume, that in the course of a second, he could see frantic movement, chaos not associated with exy violence but with true and frightening violence and just as he went to get to Andrew, get to Andrew, what is going on, get to Andrew. He gets absolutely blindsided.
Sure, maybe the first blow he would have been able to recover from but let’s not forget Lane (?) then came for his neck. Jeremy described it as her trying to break his neck and then says something along the lines of Neil not being able to fight her off.
Neil, who was held down by Riko, by Lola, by his Father was not just going to say down knowing his whole life (Andrew, Kevin, his foxes) were fighting for their lives in this organized ambush. He would never have laid down when he could do something. Because that is who Neil Josten is. He is a do-er. He is a problem-solver. He is a fixer (whether those he’s fixing likes it or not). He is loyal. he is traumatized. He is fiercely protective. He is paranoid. He is a fighter. He is a survivor.
There is no way Neil would play up his injury to the crowd because in that moment, who the fck cares about the crowd? Who cares about the court of public opinion? His people were being HURT.
Neil, who would do anything for Andrew wouldn’t stay down.
Neil, who would never knowingly and willingly allow himself to be checked out by Abby wouldn’t stay down.
Neil, whose whole life depends on his ability to play exy, wouldn’t stay down.
Neil, who could hear Kevin struggling, and Matt and Aaron fighting wouldn’t stay down.
Neil, who could sense Andrew’s pure rage, fright, pain, fighting his way to him wouldn’t stay down and knowingly put Andrew through such turmoil when he could do something to fix it (remember, they act like they’re in each other orbit? They know each other. Even with some secrets)
Sure, Neil “I’m fine” Josten has been through worse… but has he? Or did he think after brokering this deal, getting his father killed, was there when Riko died, who did his best to destroy the Ravens, help Jean, help Kevin, maybe he thought that this was the time to play exy. Forget the world and destroy this horrible team on the court.
Neil went down and didn’t get back up until he was helped off. That boy was hurt. Even days later, he struggled to get out of the car in front of strangers and cameras. He couldn’t stop the pain from his face. He may be an open book to Andrew but he is tough, and a btch and rude to outsiders. He is not weak and here, he showed weakness.
Just my two cents <3
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whump-in-the-night · 2 months ago
Out of these two choices, which do you prefer?
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geeky-nightphilosopher · 8 months ago
Okay, but has anybody thought about the civilians that just read or hear about the jobs the teams do?
Like, imagine one day reading or watching the TV and the news reporter is doing a special report on a Church being saved. Or a crooked judge is being arrested. A new reporter lost her job because she went crazy, etc. Etc.
But the news reporters can't tell you how it came to light that these people are crooked. Except- people at the bar lazily look behind their shoulder at Nate whose nursing a drink- and Eliot who is sitting on the chair wrong sipping his jack. And Hardison has his laptop open tapping away, while Parker is being taught by Sophie.
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llamaisllama777 · 8 months ago
So, I've seen a lot of talk about the possibility of Sun maybe adopting Dazzle, and I would love that, but I want to know what does TSAMS fandom think?
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tired-reader-writer · 1 month ago
Word count on the new chapter currently around 1.3k, I haven't written in a few days bc I wasn't feeling all that well, and while mapping out the things I might want to include in chapter 3, I had the thought that I might want to edit and change some parts of the previous chapters (mainly speaking, modifying the familial terms from English to Farsi) because... well Areyan will gain another brother and him calling them both “brother” will get confusing real fast especially when Isfan himself is also calling Shapur “brother” and things like “brother Isfan” and “brother Gieve” do NOT flow well in English and they feel so awkward. Also I can't say I know enough about English familial terms to do like cutesy nickname-like modifications on the familial terms like “uncle” and “brother”. There's “grandmama” but... y'know......
It's not as though I speak Farsi, far from it, I'm mainly relying on Wiktionary AND the r/farsi subreddit. I submitted a question there and everyone was really helpful!
I don't know. It's just something I've been thinking a little about recently. I would like to hear y'all's opinions.
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soranatus · 2 years ago
So this morning I was browsing the web, y’know? Out of curiosity, I was looking to see if there were any volumes or omnibuses of Captain Atom (1987) to buy, (I like physical copies). I stumble upon this website that claims to have it all (plus the annuals) in three volumes, with pictures taken:
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And I’m really curious now, so I go to look at the rest of this website and apparently it’s two guys named Jim and Joel who are into bookbinding and buy individual issues of comics and bind them in these book covers that they make and ink to sell, from their private collection.
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I’ve only been getting into comics the past few years and I generally know where to buy physical (and non-physical) books if I want to buy them, but I’ve never heard of these guys before and only stumbled on their website by chance. It seems legitimate and earnest, and I’m tempted to buy some of these books, which are a little pricey, but if what the website is saying is true, then the price stamp is understandable.
Here’s their website:
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lily4731 · 1 month ago
Did Jem had to cut his hair as a Silent Brother?
Did he do it himself? Do they even have mirror in the Silent City? Did he go to like a hair salon?!
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gxthicbat · 2 months ago
I wanted to show off Violet and Rositas personality here hehe
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I will draw more of them in the future dw ✨️💕
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folkdances · 6 months ago
i think it's interesting that men are against feminism, and have been for so long. it's the kind of thing that's so engrained into men as a social class that it seems impossible to a majority of them that women could exist at an equal level as them; and i think a lot of it is an inferiority complex dressed up in layers of bravado and "masculinity". in a world in which women become independent and equal to men, to many men, they appear to no longer serve a purpose. if she is able to financially sustain herself, can make meaningful connections outside of the domains of sex and romance, can find fulfilment outside of the home, and does not fear men, then what is the purpose of man? think about it: so many men in your own life do not display any personality beyond a caricature of a masculine role. if that caricature is stripped away, then they will have to face the fact that they have based their entire existence on a miserably narrow worldview that ultimately means nothing. strip away the male social class, and what becomes of its former subscribers?
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 1 year ago
Hi everyone,
I found this post on Reddit today, telling a story about a mother “grieving for her son because of his autism diagnosis. This made me uncomfortable to read.
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Sorry if the screenshots look weird to look at. This parent sounds like they learned about autism from Autism Speaks or something
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kdramaxoxo · 1 year ago
'Queen of Divorce' ep 1-5 - Thoughts
Ok I just need to take a minute to talk about Queen of Divorce. First off, I love a noona romance with two leads in their 40's, so that's GOLD. It's a second chance romance which is so rare in k-dramas and I'm here for that!
The setup is that the FL is a badass who runs a company that helps victims (pretty much all ladies) with divorce. She went to prison because she was framed by her d*ck ex husband and learns to fight and be well, like super-hero-awesome. Her company has a fun team who run missions to try and win fights against jerks! HERE FOR THAT.
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I'm on episode 5 and I can't QUITE put my finger on why I'm a little bored but I think it's two problems.
#1: The Villain Plot is just okay. The "villain" is the FL's ex husband who has remarried and won't give the current wife a favorable divorce. (like I said he's a d*ck). He's trying to build a lawyer city (I'm sorry this makes no sense and who cares) and his mom is your standard Big Bad Chairperson. He does really bad things and the FL lead is there at every turn to fight him but it's so uncreative! She doesn't even get to use her amazing fighting skills or anything! There's no humor in the story so it feels a bit too serious. Mostly he just does cruel things to foil their plans and emotionally abuse the FL, and they figure out how to fight back. It feels like it's dragging and I don't even care about this dude and HATE anytime the mom is on screen. I
#2: The show needs humor. Ok, this is Kang Ki Young's first ever romantic lead role and they are wasting his potential in my opinion. The show is FINE. Really it's not bad. BUT KKY is a master of comedic timing, usually has a LOT of charisma, and always is the most interesting side character of every drama he's in and they made him kinda bland? This show should 100% be a law COMEDY with romance, and instead it's a law show with some romance. A total missed opportunity to have funny and snarky moments with the main ship and the villains when they confront one another! Think of what could have been with some light moments built in throughout! I think his popularity in Extraordinary Attorney Woo is what gave him this role as a lawyer, but they really needed to take hints from the tone of that drama when making this one.
So, if you like more seriously and traditional chairperson plots and strong FLs, you'll probably like this show. I mean I personally DO like this drama overall. If you love Kang Ki Young and wanna see him kiss obviously watch this show lol.
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trashisstillhere · 4 months ago
If New Ninja ever had a VA (Voice acter), who do you think would best Voice him? :] (take your time ofc!!)
Ooooh man. I’ve been doing my best to think hard for this question and I still can’t come up with a good answer! Thinking about a voice actor for your own oc is hard.
However, I can’t help but kinda think and imagine that New Ninja could have a voice like Ham from ‘we lost our human’ who is voiced by Ayo Edebiri or maybe something like….hm, I still have absolutely no clue. I guess just a voice that sounds like a young kid or something even though they’re not THAT young.
I wasn’t gonna answer the question at first until I could think of an actual perfect answer but then this ask would probably be not touched for like a VERY long time.
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i-gotyou-dontworry · 1 year ago
I forgot to put this @artsimpourtzi
The horniest tumblr moment award:
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fandomsarefamily1966 · 6 months ago
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young-royals-confessions · 10 months ago
who is the cook of the two??
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