#werewolf execution game
honeylemonsunflower · 9 months
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doodle of my very alive boys having lunch together in high school before graduation (denial is still strong after all these years ;-;)
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tabletopresources · 4 months
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Monsters, Horrors & Environments by Alexander Shatohin
Check out Tabletop Gaming Resources for more art, tips, and tools for your game!
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vagueshape · 1 year
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Put La'asa in the barbie filter 😨
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bogleech · 5 months
For me the most disappointing thing about Palworld is the designs being so boring and bland that you'll never have cause to review them. We deserve better from a creature collecting game, especially one making this much money!
Yeah here's the most opinion I can possibly muster on any of them:
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DUMUD: it's a big fat shark-like mudskipper and that's a good concept, it just doesn't really have the charm of any Pokemon it shares anything in common with.
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WUMPO: resembles the fur-wearing "werewolf" pokemon that got cut from the first or second generation, crossed with Tangrowth. One of the more okay designs because those are two good pokemon.
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SIBELYX: this is supposed to be their Gardevoir I guess and I think it's an owl? Or is it a moth? Well it ends up one of the slightly cooler looking ones a little less obviously derivative of specific pokemon. Maybe they were also going for a Dimitrescue knockoff with the hat
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CAWGNITO: an alright one because plague doctors just generally look cool. However the simple formula of plague doctor + actual bird would have been far too obvious and underwhelming as a Pokemon. There's no novelty or twist to this.
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HANGYU: this is the one that's a ghostly noose canonically used to execute people. It's a funny little send-up of the darker pokemon pokedex entries, though the design is uninspired compared to object-based creatures in Pokemon, Digimon or any other monster franchise I can think of.
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LOVANDER: this is one that fucks people, and they possibly borrowed the topography of Salazzle's official model. I want to think they did intend it to be freaky and unwholesome looking with the rubbery goblin hands, but I suspect they intended something actually sexy by furry monsterfucker standards and just weren't good at it. Yes I know that likely does not stop people from being into it anyway.
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TEAFANT: I was going to say this is the only pal that looks better than its closest equivalent Pokemon, because they would be Cufant, and I gave Cufant a pretty negative review back in the day.
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......But actually, now I kind of like Cufant. A lot, come to think of it! Teafant is cute and competent in the most paint-by-numbers possible way. It's what almost anyone would draw in ten seconds if asked to make a cute marketable teacup elephant pokemon. Cufant is an awkward, messy design but it is comparatively cute in a goofy, dorky way that's rare among the Pals, and more importantly, it is unique. I don't think they used AI to generate any Palworld models (the tech isn't there yet) but I can see why people assume they used AI just to get the initial ideas, because it's very easy to find people who have more a more creative eye for character design. I'd say even if not ESPECIALLY people with zero experience in art would have made the Pals look more interesting.
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txttletale · 3 months
Once again Healed is right. Venture is so purely unintuitive and just all around not fun to play with especially since none of the dungeons have any cool or meaningful choices outside of the tomb of annihilation (the only one that gets played on any sort of competitive level who knew?) Like I honestly thought after Ikoria's companion it could not get any worse for creating awful play patterns but I got proven wrong.
so true. someone in my notes brought up day/night which i think is really obnoxious to be sure but, like, the obnoxiousness comes from doing a lot of pointless bookkeeping that doesn't impact the game, it's in the execution rather than the concept -- it's very easy to conceptualize 'if a turn goes by where nobody plays a spell, the werewolf gets bigger' vs. venture the dungeon which is such a variable colleciton of slapdash unrelated bonuses that when you see a venture card on the battlefield all you really know is 'well. thats going to do Some Random Bullshit'
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as is custom, 6 of my spooooookiest and creeeeeepiest tabletop games are 50% off on itchio until midnight on nov 1st! grab yourself one or all of the following!
alone with the killer - solo journaling game about being the final survivor in a slasher film, with three different possible ending tracks (hunted, hunter, and trapped)
alone with the fucked up guy - solo journaling game about being the protagonist of a found media horror series a la marble hornets. comes with a bonus game where you play as the fucked up guy instead
banquo at the feast - mafia/werewolf-like where one person plays a ghost, and everyone else is complicit in their murder and trying not to get executed for it
house - house of leaves/dionaea house inspired haunted house mapmaking game that is also a short horror story
you can check out any time you like - firebrands hack where you play out the lives of the guests, staff, and supernatural anomalies living in a sentient hotel outside of space and time
such a lovely place - dlc pack for you can check out any time you like with more hotel locations to visit and minigames to play
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laxmiree · 13 days
[CN] MLQC Season 2 Chapter 59 Translation [Lucien’s Route (3/3)]
This post contains a VERY HEAVY SPOILER for the chapter that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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Lucien gazes at the shallow bite mark left by my teeth on his hand, a hint of amusement mingled with helplessness in his eyes.
With his other hand, he gently pinches my cheek.
"Is this how Miss Werewolf executes me?"
Translation under the cut!
[Previous Part-> Click Here]
—[Lucien's Route - 10: First Clearing After Rainstorm]—
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As dusk falls, my face grows increasingly pale as Lucien escorts me back to my room.
MC: As the game progresses, I feel like the pressure is getting bigger and bigger, and even my head hurts more.
I can't help but reach out to rub my head, but Lucien gently holds back my wrist. His fingers gently brush against my skin as if offering some kind of comfort.
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Lucien: I have a better way to relieve it. Come with me.
He guides me to lie back on the bed, and I rest my head on Lucien's right leg, feeling his fingertips slowly massaging my temple.
Lucien's fingertips are purposely dipped with water, and their slight coolness gradually soothes my mind.
When I slowly open my eyes, his silhouette is tenderly outlined by twilight, with the light catching on his eyelashes and casting a focused shadow.
The continuous sound of flowing water since entering the mansion seems to fade at this moment, leaving only our breathing amplified in my ears.
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MC: [softly calling out his name] Lucien.
I can't help but call his name. Lucien looks at me and blinks.
MC: I hope we can see each other again tomorrow and walk to the last day together.
Lucien: I hope we can make it through the night safely too.
Lucien bows his head, his lips brushing my forehead in a kiss as fleeting as morning dew.
Lucien: [whispers softly] MC, may you have a sweet dream tonight.
I close my eyes and fall into a brief slumber, waking up just in time for the werewolves' activity period.
I don't know when Lucien left, but I still feel his presence lingering in the air.
I shake my head, dispelling the wild thoughts from my mind. No matter what, the game isn't over yet, and tonight is undoubtedly even more critical.
I quickly meet up with Mousy. To avoid any misunderstandings between us, I specifically explain what happened in the morning.
MC: It has been three whole days. If I don't identify a real werewolf, they might start doubting my identity as the seer…
MC: We will achieve victory soon. Do you believe in me?
I confidently recited the lines I had rehearsed during the day. Mousy seems taken aback by my directness and nods in agreement.
However, I am fully aware that the longer the hunter survives, the less likely the werewolves are to win.
As I think about this, I don't feel any regret, but rather more and more at ease.
Perhaps in the time I can't see, Lucien is also taking steps closer to the ending which belongs only to the two of us.
Braving the deafening rain, we head to Joker's room again. As we open the door, a flash of lightning strikes a giant tree in front of the window, charring it.
I refuse Mousy's help and personally push Joker into the pool.
Watching the deep green color disappear into the water, I feel a sense of relief that I haven't felt in a long time.
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That night, I had a rare good night's sleep. By the time dawn arrived, the rain had already stopped.
It was still some time before my usual wake-up hour, but instead of waiting for Lucien to come find me, I took the initiative to push open the door and go out.
Lucien's door wasn't locked; it opened with a push. He stood by the window, looking at the clear, blue sea.
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Lucien: [gently] You’re here.
After being confined all night, the morning breeze flows lightly into the bedroom, ruffling his hair and revealing his smiling eyes.
Lucien: Did you have a sweet dream last night?
Thinking about the scene where I personally "dealt with" the Joker last night, I smile.
MC: [smiles happily] Mm, I had a very good and happy dream~
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Soon, all the players are gathered in the banquet hall again. The long, once full table is now left with only a few people.
Apart from Lucien and me, there are only four people left.
Zhao Jianqiang, who was already not in a good state, is lying on the table today, tapping his head.
MC: Can you still hold on? Do we need to tell the officials?
Zhao Jianqiang waves his hand, putting on an "I can still manage" expression.
Zhao Jianqiang: ....Boss, don't worry, I can still work overtime when the game is over!
.......In this state, it's better not to work overtime. It would be troublesome if there is a work injury.
Before joining the game, he was busy editing the film "Odyssey." After this ends, I really need to give him a proper vacation.
Simply put, let's "liberate" him tonight.
As I am pondering, Zhao Jianqiang suddenly stands up.
Zhao Jianqiang: Let me speak first... I am actually the grave keeper. Yesterday, the baldhead that MC checked was indeed a werewolf.
I quietly look around, and no one questions Zhao Jianqiang's words. Without a doubt, my identity is ultimately confirmed.
MC: Then I'll also share the results of my check from last night. Luckily, I identified another werewolf.
I stand up under everyone's trusting gazes, my eyes falling on the burly man who has been very low-key these past few days and is now quietly watching me.
MC: It's you, Mr. Gentle Giant.
Another round of execution is over. In the eyes of everyone, the Seer has successfully identified the Werewolf for two consecutive days, and the game is about to end smoothly.
Or rather, no one is willing to think about the authenticity of my identity anymore.
The irreversible ending is always difficult to accept.
As I get up and walk out of the banquet hall, I'm suddenly called out to.
??: MC!
White Angel rushes over to me. It seems like she has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, a shy blush coloring her cheeks.
Angel: The game is almost over, MC. You're in a very dangerous position right now.
Angel: I have a good idea who the next werewolf is. Don't worry, I'll protect you tonight!
...I never expected that the person who gave the wolf faction a bad start would be right before me.
MC: Are you the Guardian?
Angel: Yes! My judgment was right. With you as the Seer, we will definitely win.
Angel: You might not remember, but we've actually met in real life.
MC: Eh…?
She sees the confusion in my eyes and explains to me with a smile.
Angel: I am a nurse and volunteer for the An Kang Charity Project. I am responsible for caring for deteriorating patients.
Angel: When you came to report, I was the one who received you.
Angel: I deliberately 'subverted' my dress style in the game, so it's normal if you didn't recognize me at first.
‘Carnival Night’ has been going on for so many days, I have completely immersed myself in the identity within the game.
Suddenly hearing about real-life matters, I feel a surreal sense of suspension. I ponder for a while and finally nod in realization.
MC: Oh, it's you!
Angel nods, looks towards Lucien not far away, and whispers in my ear.
Angel: Mr. X is Professor Lucien, right?
Seeing me nod, she beams a radiant smile.
Angel: It's really you! I'm thrilled to meet a media person who tirelessly reports on deteriorating diseases and Professor Lucien who has been dedicated to researching deteriorating diseases.
Angel: Participating in the closed beta of 'Carnival Night' turned out to be the luckiest thing for me this year.
Angel: Even after leaving the game, as a regular healthcare worker, I will continue to support you all!
After Angel leaves, I stand there, my heart feeling like it's stuffed with tangled knots of thread, a strange sensation I can't quite describe.
Even though it's just a game, deceiving someone with expectations and trust in me still leaves me feeling a little guilty.
My empty right hand is enveloped by another warm hand. Lucien has walked to my side without me noticing.
MC: You heard everything?
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Lucien: Mm.
Lucien and I interlocked our fingers, palms pressed tightly together, sharing each other's warmth.
Lucien: [chuckles softly] You've done very well.
—[Lucien's Route - 11: First Clearing After Rainstorm]—
I bite my lip, suppress the emotions in my heart, and smile at Lucien.
MC: Looks like my role as a producer has contributed a bit to the care of deteriorating patients~
Lucien nods, his seriousness clearly visible in his eyes.
Lucien: Not just a bit, but a lot.
Lucien: After all, scientific research isn't purely about rational study; it's intertwined with human emotions and interests.
Lucien: Just like in 'Carnival Night,' those who grasp logic and truth may not necessarily surpass those who manipulate hearts and exchange interests.
I nod slightly, feeling a bit guilty, and listen as Lucien continues speaking.
Lucien: The media can both widely disseminate the latest scientific research results and play a role in monitoring and holding scientific research accountable.
He pauses briefly, then adds softly.
Lucien: —This helps prevent issues like academic misconduct and unethical research practices during the scientific research process.
His gaze seems to drift away from "Odyssey" and look into the distance.
Such an expression makes me inevitably think of the night he took me to the abandoned research institute. I can't help but ask.
MC: Are you... thinking about Mr. Xu?
Lucien, however, shakes his head. When he looks at me again, his eyes remain calm and serene as usual.
Lucien: In the path of scientific research, there have been many such things in the past. And in the future, there will be many more.
Seeing my puzzled expression, Lucien smiles.
Lucien: For example, research on deterioration worldwide has stalled at this stage.
Lucien: Many research institutions have adjusted their research directions and terminated research projects as a result-
Lucien: -And for those projects that still exist, obtaining funding has also become more challenging.
Lucien casually picks up a glass of juice from the tray carried by a passing butler and hands it to me.
Lucien: Given this background, those who continue striving for deterioration research are making efforts to revitalize this research direction.
Lucien: For them, more than studying deterioration itself, what's crucial is making 'innovative discoveries', securing funding, and sustaining the research institute.
The deliberately emphasized tone makes me vaguely understand the implied meaning of Lucien's words.
MC: You mean... some of them have started to take desperate risks?
Lucien nods, his expression still indifferent, revealing no specific opinion or feelings toward these people.
Lucien: Among the organizations researching the deterioration disease that approached me for cooperation, quite a few are involved in such activities.
MC: [worriedly]…What about you? Is there similar pressure at Ultima Bioscience Research Institute?
Lucien: I'm fortunate that there haven't been any so far. Therefore, I can focus more on my research.
Instinctively, I tighten the grip on his hand, and I see Lucien give me a gentle and reassuring smile.
Lucien: [chuckles] It's getting late. Don't forget we're still in the "Carnival Night". Do you want to see other places?
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That night, Mousy and I pushed Zhao Jianqiang into the pool.
Since I have already decided to stay with Lucien until the end, I no longer consider the strategy or the winning and losing of the werewolf faction.
After saying goodbye to the seemingly downcast Mousy, I return to my room with a relaxed mindset and quickly tally the votes.
Mousy and I have 2 votes together, while Lucien and the White Angel have 2.5 votes together. It seems that tomorrow will be our last day as werewolves.
I lie on the bed, turn over, and a strong sense of unreality rises in my heart.
Carnival Night has been going on for several days now, and apart from being startled by Brother Genius on the first night, it seems like everything has been thrilling but safe…
But I have actually always been very concerned about what Brother Genius said about the "game rule loophole" on the night he committed suicide.
Why was he able to go out at that time, and how did he kill himself?
Thinking about this, I remain puzzled, feeling as if a little claw is scratching at my heart, making it uncomfortable to lie down or sit.
Finally, I steel myself and stand up from the bed.
Since the werewolves are going to lose tomorrow anyway, why not take advantage of this long night and go out to investigate?
I look at the clock on the wall. Although the time for werewolf and seer activities has passed, dawn is at five o'clock, and there are still a few hours to go.
So, I get up and walk to the door. After silently giving myself three seconds to hesitate, I decisively open the door and walk out.
Sure enough, I am not punished or sent back to my room for coming out during off-activity hours.
The large mansion is already empty, with most of the room name plates having the players' names crossed out.
I walk alone through the secluded corridor surrounded by pool water, searching for anything unusual.
My body trembles when I reach the atrium, and I stand frozen in shock.
The light in Brother Genius's room, which should have been offline a few days ago, is on.
My heart tightens uncontrollably as I hold my breath and walk to the door. Before I can push it, the door opens from the inside.
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Lucien: Good evening, MC.
Lucien smiles while holding the door, and the indoor light dyes a warm hue on his hair. He steps aside and invites me in.
Lucien: Please come in.
I walk in as if on a sleepwalk and sit down. After glancing around the room, my eyes fall on Lucien, and I can't help but stare at him.
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MC: Why are you sleeping here... Isn't your room on the other side?
Lucien: I couldn't sleep, so I often wander around at this time. Did I scare you?
MC: Not really, it's just…
I ponder my words for a while, feeling a headache coming on and a bit of irritation growing in my heart.
Having reached this point, I no longer care about our identity as werewolf and hunter or about the mansion owner's personal tasks.
So, I look at Lucien and decide to stop hiding anything, pouring all the questions in my heart in one breath.
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MC: Alright, I actually want to know, when did you start coming out at night?
Lucien: [frankly and without hesitation] Since the night of the third day.
I look at his calm expression, feeling only more puzzled.
MC: But why risk breaking the rules to do this? Is it because you discovered something?
Meeting my questioning gaze, Lucien smiles slightly.
Lucien: Because at that time, I realized the same thing you are realizing now: there is something suspicious about Brother Genius's death.
Lucien: The game is based on rules: werewolves kill humans, humans vote players out, and the only two execution methods in the game are pushing them into the water.
Lucien: Out of so many humans being killed, only Brother Genius's death was different.
With a graceful gesture, he motions for me to look towards the bedroom door.
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Lucien: There are some bloodstains on the outside of the door frame that haven't been thoroughly cleaned. He walked out of the room and died at the door.
Lucien: So I infer that he was not killed by the werewolves, and the werewolves' target on the first night should have been Joker.
MC: ...How do you even know this?
Lucien: [chuckles] It's just a guess based on intuition and understanding.
Lucien's eyes curve into a smile. Though he frames it as a guess, his words carry an undeniable insight.
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Lucien: I guess there is a cute classmate in the werewolf faction.
Lucien: [the glee in his tone! he doesn’t even hide his happily wagging ‘fox tail’] This classmate has a low tolerance for Joker, yet still wants to play with me, the hunter, for a while longer.
His hushed voice mingles with the secretive sounds of flowing water, cloaking his words in suspense.
Lucien: After all, for the werewolves, it's far too dangerous and unbelievable for a hunter to survive until now.
Lucien: What do you think, Miss Werewolf?
The facade I've been barely maintaining in front of everyone finally crumbles entirely at this moment.
I look at Lucien, feeling more relieved than frustrated.
This is wonderful, I can finally be completely open and honest with him.
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MC: You figured it out long ago, didn't you?
MC: From the first day... no, from the moment Mr. Hunter first saw me, you knew, didn't you?
Lucien leans in close, his fingertips gliding across my face, from the wisps of hair on my forehead to the corners of my eyes and lips, which are taut from tension…
Lucien: So cute.
MC: What?
His non-sequitur leaves me flustered, and I instinctively lean in closer, trying to hear him clearly.
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Lucien: Your small gestures as you lie, your feigned innocence when defending yourself, and your little wickedness in weaving traps for victory... They are all very cute.
MC: …..
I am rendered speechless, unable to argue, yet finding the sly Lucien before me utterly infuriating.
I reach out and grasp his hand as it caresses my cheek, stare at him for a moment, and then decisively bite him.
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MC: Mr. Hunter's guess is correct. But it's too late. We're about to win.
—[Lucien's Route - 12: The wind is calm, and the waves are still]—
Lucien gazes at the shallow bite mark on his hand left by my teeth, a hint of amusement mingled with helplessness in his eyes. With his other hand, he gently pinches my cheek.
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Lucien: [chuckles helplessly] Is this how Miss Werewolf executes me?
I spread my hands out, letting him pinch my cheeks, and I can only speak unclearly.
MC: I wish I could, but unfortunately, it's not the time for the werewolves to act yet. You've just narrowly escaped death!
Lucien releases my cheek and gazes at my impassioned demeanor, his eyes crinkling into soft crescents.
Lucien: Well then, I must thank you, Miss Werewolf.
MC: Then can I accept a thank-you gift from you?
Lucien tilts his head slightly, his eyes openly revealing a look full of indulgence.
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Lucien: [with that very indulgent tone of his] Of course, you can. What do you want?
MC: We previously agreed to explore the waterway structure inside the mansion together, but various delays have prevented us from doing so.
MC: Regarding this, I want to complete it and solve this mystery before the game ends.
Gazing at Lucien with anticipation, I catch a smile on his lips.
Lucien: Alright. Tonight, I can satisfy all your wishes.
Lucien: Let's go, we have many places to go.
We walk hand in hand through the mansion, quickly finding what we are searching for since most of the rooms are empty.
All water pathways on the blueprint that we draw connect to form a magic formation and the center of the formation ultimately converges in the master room deep within the mansion.
Exchanging glances, Lucien and I enter the master room once more.
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Under the moonlight, the originally clear water takes on a dreamlike pink hue, with soft waves rippling gently.
However, I can not forget that this vivid pink is formed by the bright red blood from those executed, gradually flowing throughout the mansion and gathering here.
A faintly visible magic circle lies deep within the water as if awaiting its final “sacrifice”.
All the clues from the game so far finally connect in my mind, forming a vague conclusion.
Perhaps this so-called island banquet was nothing but a long-planned sacrificial ceremony from the very beginning.
Even though I don't know what the final result of this magic circle will be, I no longer care.
Lucien and I lock eyes, and he gives me a sly wink.
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Lucien: It turns out that the lady of this mansion before me is actually so dangerous.
Since Lucien has already guessed my identity as a werewolf, it's no surprise that my identity as the mansion owner is also revealed. I pout.
MC: Yeah, although I just found out about all these things too. But now, I no longer care about these settings.
Pulling Lucien along, I get into the dreamlike pink pool and smile at him.
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MC: I just want to bring this Carnival Night to an end that belongs to us.
We hold hands tightly, wading through the water just like last time. However, this time, I am the one leading us to our destination.
The pressure in the water gradually increases, my breathing becomes rapid, and the curiosity and desire to explore in my heart compel me to speak.
MC: Lucien, can you tell me why you have been helping the werewolves?
Lucien: I'm not deliberately helping the werewolves.
Lucien's deep gaze falls on me, his low voice echoing in this seemingly infinite space.
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Lucien: I'm simply doing what I want to do and witnessing the result I want to see.
MC: ‘’Result”?
The rippling water casts dappled light on Lucien's face, which holds a faint smile.
Lucien: Whenever I see you in action, I want to know what you will plan, what kind of decisions you will make, and what kind of statements you will say…
Lucien: [gently] I want to explore every side of you and witness where you'll ultimately arrive.
His gaze on me is burning and clear, as if tangible.
Lucien: And the result is... you, finally arriving before me.
[:”””” he must feels so happy that regardless of everything, out of so many possibilities, she just wants to run to his side🥺]
My heart skips a few beats, and my voice drops to a whisper.
MC: B-but I'm doing something "bad" though…
Lucien: But this isn't reality, is it?
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Lucien: It's precisely because tonight is a “carnival" night that I get to see another possibility of you and cherish this possibility.
He says, tapping the tip of my nose.
Lucien: Besides, I haven't missed any of those guilty expressions you make after being "bad" each time.
We have reached the center of the pool, at the top of the magic circle, and I open my arms to hug Lucien.
MC: [smiles softly] Alright, you've seen everything about me and guessed it all. This werewolf is cornered now.
MC: But before I'm out, I have one greedy wish.
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MC: Mr. Hunter, may I "choose" you tonight?
Lucien's heartbeat remains steady as he gently strokes my head, as if what I said were merely an invitation to a date.
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Lucien: [with that indulgent and gentle tone again 🤧] Is this what you wish?
MC: Mm. Ever since I gained the role of a werewolf, I've often found it troublesome. There were many times when I didn't want to continue.
MC: However, just imagining moments like this, when only you and me left, makes me want to linger in this game a bit longer…
Lucien lowers his head and looks into my eyes, his gaze containing a hundred kinds of unspoken tenderness.
Lucien: From the very first second I saw you on this island—
Lucien: I had already accepted this choice.
Lucien hugs me back, letting me lead him as we sink into the water together.
The pink pool water blooms with large swaths of gorgeous crimson. At the moment he is eliminated, a chill also spreads across my waist.
Blood continues to flow from the bullet hole, and my vision quickly fades into darkness.
[Literal chills as I translated this part ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ. I personally like how the whole chapter echoes their relationship progression throughout the main story. Even if they're clearly on opposite sides, they always find a path where they can walk side by side—'enemies' that just want to 'play' with each other as long as possible and protect each other, with Lucien speaking out for MC during the day and MC kill everyone else but Lucien during the night🤧. Lucien's "Queen-maker" aspect is also reflected in this chapter. He guides her but doesn't dictate because he always respects her choice, no matter what it will be. In addition to that, he looks forward to every possibility she can become through her choices and cherishes them. In the end, he lets her be the one leading him to whatever end she chooses for both of them, even if it's to kill each other and die together for love༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ ]
Lucien and I are transported back to the assembly hall. As soon as we open our eyes, we see the eliminated players noisily gathered together.
Brother Genius: See, there's definitely a loophole in this game! The wolves can even kill two people in one night! My attempt the other night was a breakthrough!
Uncle: A temporary setback does not define a hero. Next time, I won't be eliminated so easily.
The sound of various discussions about the game fills the air. I quickly pull Lucien to a corner.
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Lucien: Is your head feeling better? Do you want to rest after the summit ends?
MC: I'm okay, I'm okay. It's strange, but as soon as the 'Carnival Night' ended, I felt much better!
MC: Hehe, just now, I was eager to end this game quickly, but now I feel a bit of regret.
MC: What about you? Did you enjoy "Carnival Night"?
Lucien gently tucks away a stray strand of hair from my face, a faint smile playing on his lips.
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Lucien: I really like it, our own special ending.
MC: Hmph, I also like to watch Professor Lucien fool and confuse everyone!
MC: At that time, I could only hold back from showing any expression; otherwise, I would have given myself away.
Lucien chuckles softly twice, his expression revealing a hint of contemplation.
Lucien: However… there are still some loopholes in the game's rules and punishment system. I believe the Infinite staff overseeing it in the background already know this.
MC: That's right... I was scared several times when I was the werewolf! Once by Brother Genius, and once when I saw you in his room…
I am thinking about the feedback to give to Infinite when Lucien suddenly opens a private message, seemingly communicating with someone.
MC: Is there any work that needs to be handled?
Lucien nods and closes the private message.
Lucien: It was the research team that had visited many times, pressuring Pete to meet with me no matter what.
MC: So persistent... How does Professor Lucien plan to handle it?
Lucien: This time, they have come up with some rather interesting hypotheses. I think we can give them a chance.
I can't help but pout and reluctantly hold onto Lucien's sleeve.
MC: Well, I also need to be busy with wrapping up the summit…
MC: When we're done, let's play more "Carnival Night" rounds together!
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Hearing this, Lucien can't help but chuckle softly. He leans over and whispers tenderly in my ear.
Lucien: [chuckles, then whispers] Okay. Next time, it's your turn to explore my secrets.
After bidding a brief farewell to Lucien, I headed to find Zhao Jianqiang so we could proceed to the summit venue together. However, I discovered that he was already offline.
Without giving it much thought, I click on the teleport button for the venue, and the scene before my eyes gradually darkens.
Okay, so some context for the next part: What happens afterward is that the Loveland City Digital Technology Summit comes to a successful close. When MC wakes up, she finds Zhao Jianqiang becoming unresponsive after playing "Carnival Night." Zhao Jianqiang is taken to the hospital. The cause of Zhao Jianqiang's condition is unknown, and his vital signs are normal. But it's notable that he briefly had high brainwaves during the game.
—[Chapter 60-11]—
Inside the Ultima Bioscience Research Center, sunlight streams through the windows into the office, the warm light floating in the air and illuminating the entire room.
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Lucien gently removes the game headset and rubs his temples, trying to relieve the fatigue caused by being immersed in "Odyssey" for a long time.
He takes a report from the tidy desk and grabs a pen, recording on it.
Sunlight spills over Lucien's shoulder, casting dappled light and shadows, gently enveloping his figure as he occasionally pauses to think.
In the report, he records every sensation he experienced during the "Carnival Night" game in detail.
This includes headaches, accelerated heartbeat, shortness of breath, and even slight tremors in his fingertips.
After finishing the recording, he pulled out a stack of white paper from the side of the table and neatly arranged it on the desk.
Without exception, these sheets of paper are filled with his sensory data at different points in time during playing "Odyssey". The densely packed handwriting appears particularly rigorous.
Lucien gazes at the detailed notes, his eyebrows slightly furrowed. After thinking for a moment, he takes out his phone and makes a call.
Lucien: Hello, Dr. Chen, this is Lucien.
Lucien: A patient named Zhao Jianqiang was admitted today, and I hope you can provide a copy of his examination report.
The tip of Lucien's pen glided across the paper, pausing at a piece of data.
Lucien: His situation is rather unique and may provide some insights for our research.
Lucien: In times of necessity, I will not rule out requisitioning him as an experimental subject.
[Next Chapter-> (not yet released)]
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metalomagnetic · 7 months
Voldemort meets Sirius.
He knows this one will be different as soon as he steps foot in the messy house.
The wards that guard it are borderline dark magic, barely legal. They are well executed, as well. An auspicious beginning, Voldemort thinks, as he patiently dismantles them.
The Black scion isn’t home; Evan dutifully let Voldemort know he’s drunk in some Knockturn pub.
“He often comes to drink in Knockturn, but always alone. Never with his Gryffindor friends. He’s a mean drunk, too, my lord. Perhaps if you wish to have a semblance of a rational conversation- as much as it is possible with any Black- you shouldn’t approach him when he’s wasted.”
The walls are …colourful. The paint was once white, but the young Black heir hung posters of muggle singers everywhere. Perhaps actors, too, Voldemort isn’t familiar with what passes for famous these days in the muggle world.
He only recognises Elvis, mounted over the fireplace.
They all look the same- tall, dark haired, dressed in leather.
Pictures of his friends are up there as well. He recognises Potter in many of them- hard not to, with that trademark Potter hair. The girl draped on his arm, red head, must be his mudblood. Voldemort forgot her name. Something flowery, but it escapes him.
Bella and Evan, occasionally Rabastan often complain about Black’s entourage, but they only name Potter.
“Stupid Potter, his mudblood and the werewolf! He left us for those little worms!”
He thinks the werewolf must be the thin one, an air of misery draped over him in every picture. Greyback complained about him, too. Remus, that’s the one, it comes to Voldemort. Remus Lupin, werewolf.
“With a name like that, I had to bite him,” Greyback smirked, in one of his rare funny moods. “He was destined to be mine, but Black stole him.”
The other boy that appears in almost all the pictures, Voldemort doesn’t even try to place.
He got a report on all of them, marked as Dumbledore’s puppets, but he only remembered the important names on that list.
The girl, he knows. Only one picture with her. Marlene McKinnon. A fighter- a good fighter. She killed three Death Eaters. A Healer, too. Voldemort always looks after powerful witches. They are sorely misrepresented in this war. It upsets Bella, who is trying to recruit more girls, with little success.
She’s in Black’s lap, head thrown back, while Black sucks a bruise on her throat. Voldemort tilts his head, wastes a second more than it is needed on the picture. He’d never seen a picture this vulgar, especially put on display on a wall. The girl is engaged, isn’t she? With one of the Prewett brothers.
He scans the walls for them, but he can’t find them anywhere.
He finds muggle telephone numbers scribbled in lipstick on the walls, instead.
The most amusing- a picture ripped from a newspaper, showing the Dark Mark floating over a house. It has many sharp objects stuck in it-
Darts. Yes, that’s the name of the game.
He smiles. Black has good aim- one of the darts is stuck in the eye of the snake.
Under the bed, beneath a loose floorboard, he finds a box kept safe by no less than five curses. He opens it to find a picture of Orion Black. It is clipped from a newspaper article, cut carefully and precisely around the edges. And a letter. It’s clearly the second page of one- the first is missing.
‘-no need to play dumb, it doesn’t suit you. You know fully well it is not cursing the half-blood that bothers me, but your lack of decorum. You are a civilised young man, you represent our family, and you should act accordingly. I warned you I do not enjoy having to correspond with either McGonagall or Dumbledore, yet you’re forcing me to do so when you blatantly misbehave. Am I to presume you do not care about my displeasure, and this is why you disobey me? Or should I conclude you would like to please your father, yet you lack the self-control to do it? I struggle to pick which option is worse. This is the seventh time in a month I receive letters about your detentions. Do stop assaulting your schoolmates, or if you must, show some cunning and do not get caught. Or else we will have to have a serious conversation when you come home for Yule. I assure you, it is not a conversation you will enjoy.
Furthermore, I hear you intend to take a mudblood to one of those holiday celebrations Slughorn likes to host. Surely, I heard wrong. You would be wise to invite Helena Edgecombe to this function. Her father mentioned just the other day that she finds your company delightful.
Flitwick was accommodating enough to send me your Charms paper, along with your grade. He mentioned it was the best paper he graded in all his years of teaching, and, after reading it, I must agree it was quite extraordinary. I am half tempted to send it to my old mentor back at the Institute. Very well done, Sirius. You certainly can make me proud when it doesn’t inconvenience you.
If only you would show proof of your upbringing in your social life, as well, I would be most content.
With love,
Your father.’
The letter has blotch marks on it, as if someone cried over it. The word ‘father’, especially, is almost erased, and Voldemort imagines Black often moved his finger over it.
Bella mentioned Sirius Black was ‘unnaturally close’ to Orion, and that his father’s death broke him. She credits this event with the boy running away from Grimmauld.
Voldemort carefully arranges these apparently precious possessions back into the box, seals it under the floorboard with the same curses he found on it.
The house is messy, unorganised, clothes thrown around, bottles of alcohol everywhere, full to the brim ashtrays lying around in odd places, and burn marks on the rug.
Yet his collection of muggle records is organised in alphabetical order, neatly. And there, hidden behind the impressive collection, Voldemort finds eight tomes filled with dark magic. All illegal.
His bathroom cabinets are just as messy, and clearly his female guests left behind bottles of lipstick, or similar products. They also left behind some lingerie. A pair of pink knickers is half hidden into a tiny gap underneath the bathtub. He wonders if they belong to the same women who left her bra between the couch cushions in the living room.
Voldemort finds a secret compartment, coming out from the side of the bathroom cabinet. Hang-over potions, peppers up. Polyjuice.
Hidden further still, he finds three lethal poisons.
If he didn’t know better, Voldemort might think two different men share the house; a careless, Bohemian womaniser, a blood traitor surrounded by mudbloods and half-bloods and other blood traitors, with muggle musicians on the wall.
And the Black heir, interested in dark magic, poisons, sleeping with his father’s picture under his bed.
This will be easy, he thinks, as he sits in an appalling armchair that doesn’t fit with the rest of the furniture.
Charmed into the armrest, there’s a letter, covered in plastic for preservation. “You fucking dog, how dare you steal my armchair! Give it back, or I swear I’ll spend the rest of my life writing horrible articles about you!”
It amuses Voldemort, as it probably amuses Black, hence why he decided to place it on the armrest, permanently.
When the young man stumbles his way into the house, he contains his surprise to find Voldemort there remarkably fast.
People have been telling Voldemort Black takes after Walburga; he might, it’s too soon to tell, but his first impression is that Sirius favours his father.
Voldemort is yet to meet an unattractive Black- and he’s met them all- but the boy is something else, even for the Blacks.
His tall, broad body is on display in the muggle attire he wears, hair falling around his shoulders with a casual elegance; he is both handsome, with strong, sharp bones and beautiful, with soft lips and long, thick eyelashes, made even darker by the paleness of his eyes.
It has been so long since he felt attraction; it travels up his spine as he takes in the boy.
Who very quickly decides he will die a hero; Voldemort can see that decision forming in his eyes. Not with Legilimency. It’s just made obvious by the way his impressive shoulders straighten with pride, his jaw sets in determination, anger replacing the fear in his eyes.
And there was fear- Voldemort is intimately familiar with fear of death, can easily recognise it when it shines in front of him.
Yet he spent his life fleeing from it.
Sirius Black walks towards it, bold.
It takes only a minute of conversation to charm him; easy, indeed. Sirius’ interest is picked instantly; pride flickers in his eyes that someone like Voldemort would bother coming to kill him; even more pride when Voldemort explains he’s there to recruit him.
He is a Black, down to his last bone. He calls Voldemort a mudblood; he declares himself the purest being in existence. He speaks of his mother; the boy in the pictures is not there, the owner of muggle records, the blood traitor- no; only the Black heir speaks to Voldemort that night.
Powerful, too, like any Black. A diamond in the rough, his magic true and strong and raw as he unleashes it. Dark curses fall with a practiced ease from his wand. Fiendfyre engulfs the room in seconds.
What a treasure. As unhinged and powerful as Bella, this one.
And there it is, his pure blood spilling over the floor, staining the carpet. Voldemort has the impulse to taste it; a momentary madness, but the boy enchants him so.
His clothes are ripped and burned in places, and Voldemort can glimpse tattoos on pale skin. Voldemort wants his mark on that skin; he wants to hold the boy’s strong forearm and brand him as his own. Claim him for himself.
Sirius Black fights readily, bravely. With his wand and with his words.
But Voldemort can smell the mountain of insecurity hidden under the fury, like the boy hides his poisons under harmless perfumes.
Some men- most men- cower when confronted with violence, bend and break under pain, especially pain caused by Voldemort’s wand.
Not this one, Voldemort understands. No, violence will only be met with violence, here.
Voldemort will need a different approach.
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kitkatkey · 29 days
HarryKim AU fic recs? I gotcha. Heed each fic tags and double check for smut if you'd rather avoid that.
1) "in the car outside" by paisleycowboys, gym teacher Harry/rcm Kim au fic. They're neighbors, Kim's new in town, and Harry can't help but observe Kim observe him who's observing Kim. They don't get along at first but when feelings catch!!! Oh boy. Oh brother. They're so good for each other.
2) "at this point it was years before..." by RaccoonScientist, originally written in Mandarin translated into English, BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN AND SO MUCH FUN!! Harry and Kim met as children, grow up together as best friends, alternate universe where they do not become cops. I read and reread this fic bc I couldn't get it outta my head.
3) "Static over voice" by sosioban, SO SO SO SO FUCKING GOOD I REREAD THIS RECENTLY (March '24) OOOOOO FUCK!! Harry and Kim meet by chance online playing video game. It is silly. There is pining. They do figure it out.
4) "Du bois coffee" by harvestar, modern au where they work at Harry's coffee shop. Of course they fall in love. Of course they inevitably kiss. Cute fluff. Cuno is mentioned, wish there was more of him in this one.
5) "My Dear Elf with the Clipboard" by Sosioban, more fluff!! Set modern day during Christmas. Kim is a pining mess. He wants Hot Santa so badly it's stupid. Hot Santa is ofc Harry.
6) "Your Turn with the Frog" by sosioban, OH GOD ANOYHER ONE BY SOSIOBAN??? YES!!! love this, read it in one day instead of doing schoolwork. Rushed all that work. Don't regret it. So silly and filled to the brim with smut. Alice, Soona, and Ruby are Kim's friends, Kim is gay, Harry is trans, they're fuck buddies who are both teachers, what can wrong? Kim definitely won't catch feelings. Definitely... WILL BE REREADING THIS ONE
7) "All In Due Time" fic series by Oxycontin. Love love love- so sad sad sad. Kim ages in reverse. His days are numbered. He slowly relearns how to live and how to love and what comes next for everyone else has already happened for him. As time goes on he forgets things. He grows younger. Aging in reverse like Merlin. Some good ol Pale fuckery ya know? I love this series. Extremely well written. Tears my heart up. Read it. I promise it does not disappoint with the angst.
8) "Pale Moon" by greatdistractions, is a werewolf Harry fic set post game. Harry doesn't remember being a werewolf, Kim goes to find him when he doesn't go to work and doesn't answer any calls, and finds a wolf in his apartment instead. They go back to Martinaise. Some cute shit happens. Quick, simple, cute read.
And these last two are set post-game and serve more as continuations than AUs but they're still So Fuckin Good:
9) "birds of a feather flock together" fic series by Thegrimreaperisanerd. OH OH OHOHOHIHHHHHH!!!! I love this series, the second fic is currently in progress and is getting so so so so good!! Taking place post canon, the first fic (Imprinting) is a casefic with Harry and Jean and Harry is so desperate for his new bestie (Kim) he buys a pink phone second hand and does some very illegal very questionable things. DUCKLINGS THAT DROWN is the sequel exploring more of their (Harry and Kim) relationship and their relationships with the 41st. The author is incredibly sweet, highly recommend yall to read and leave em a kudos/comment trust me they'll notice.
10) "Birdcage-verse" fic series by Sarielle, phenomenal writing, excellent execution of a case fic- ADOPTED CUNO ALERT!!! SEAMLESS ORIGINAL CHARACTERS!!! There is so much world building that has gone into this series. I cannot recommend this series in particular enough. Really it has it all.
Wow, genuinely thank you anon, I wasn't expecting such a detailed response! I've read some of these already (incredible tho so i should reread) but I will absolutely check out the others!
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btschooseafic · 2 years
BTS-Hybrid au on Tumblr
organizing! I will try and tag all of the hybrid fics I reblog, but I wanted to specially note the fics I might want to re-read, or ongoing fics I want to keep track of
edited 02/11/2023
Fix You by casuallyimagining
hybrid!yoongi x reader
reader takes in a stray cat who turns out to be yoongi. also available on ao3!
sequel, Home by casuallyimagining
hybrid!yoongi x human!reader, hybrid!namjoon x hybrid!hoseok, hybrid!jin x hybrid!jungkook
yoongi continues to heal from his past and develop his relationship with you, when he runs into his old pack. also available on ao3!
Somewhere I Can Breathe by myplaceforstories
hybrid!reader x taehyung, ot7 friendship
you go to the country, hoping it will be easier than living as a stray hybrid in the city.
The Little Fox by purpleyoonn
hybrid!reader x ot7, ot7 x ot7, a/b/o dynamics, trauma recovery, lowkey soulmate au
you run away from the bidding house where you were abused, and are taken in by a pack. also available on ao3!
Escape by amazedforjjk
hybrid!reader x hybrid!bts
you and seven other predator hybrid escape the truck that was taking you to your execution
Calico by mygsii
jimin x reader, jungkook x reader
after an incident, you end up taking in cat hybrid jimin. only problem is, you don’t know how to take care of him.
The Treasure Box by worldofblade
hybrid!jimin x human! reader, lowkey soulmate au, co-workers au
when you see everyone treating your new coworker jimin badly just because he’s a raven hybrid, you decide to befriend him
Mother Nature by alternateafterthought
tiger hybrid! hoseok x lioness hybrid! reader, heat, smut, college au
you ask your friend hoseok to help you out during your heat
Inheritance by jincherie
hybrid!yoongi x reader
your grandmother passes away and leaves everything to you, including her cat hybrid. also available on ao3!
Hybrid Games by moviefreaklover
ot7 x reader
you, a famous game designer, adopt seven hybrids
Choco Bun by nunchiimagines
ot7 x reader, kind of coworkers/office romance au, kind of cafe au
you are a rabbit hybrid who opens up a cafe under BTS Corp. no one expects the seven CEO dragon hybrids to take an interest in you
Outro: Love Is Not Over by kiirokero
hybrid!hoseok x human! reader, single parent au, teacher au
you are the single parent of a golden retriever hybrid, yunho. hoseok is his teacher.
Dance To This by hollyhomburg
ot7 x reader, polyam, first part finished, second part ongoing
you are blind and adopt jin to help assist you.
Sugary Sweet by hollyhomburg
hybrid!reader x hybrid!taehyung x hybrid!yoongi x human!namjoon
namjoon is a writer and moves out into the country cause of anxiety
Shelter of Hope by daydream-hobii
ot7 x reader
you and your husband namjoon run a hybrid shelter
A Place Called Home by agustdakasuga
ot7 x reader
you are a vet who tries your best to save hybrids. this extends to your personal life, and the many hybrids you’ve brought home with you
To Build A Home by euphoricfilter
ot7 x reader, 9 tailed fox reader, smut/implied smut
you and jin need to find an owner or a pack before the government takes you.
The Sanctuary series by writersrealmbts [7 parts completed]
Part 1, Safe with Me, seokjin x reader
Also on ao3!
Pack Trials series by writersrealmbts
werewolf au, hybrid au, choose your own adventure (choose which member), other groups available
also on ao3!
Enchanted To Meet You by ditttiii
hybrid!ot7 x human!reader, soulmate au, idolverse
BTS has supposedly gone on hiatus. Secretly, they are shapeshifters searching for their soulmate--you. also available on ao3!
Eunoia by wishesunderthestars
hybrid!ot7 x human!reader, ot7 x ot7
you are a world famous director who suddenly keeps running into hybrids in need.
Abundance by angelicyoongie
hybrid!ot7 x human!reader, ot7 x ot7
you adopt three different packs of hybrids... who don’t get along. also available on ao3!
Peculiar Pack by daydreamindollie
hybrid!bts x human!reader
you are a hybrid psychologist who finds a hybrid stealing from your garden one night, and decides to take in him and his pack
Sly like a... by youarejesting
hybrid!ot7 x reader
you take in seven hybrid as part of a government experiment. also available on ao3!
Gossamer by aroseforyoongi
hybrid!taehyung x human!reader, dark themes, smut, human experimentation
you are a scientist. your job is to take care of the new hybrid in your lab.
Wabi-sabi by flurrys-creativity
human!taehyung x hybrid!reader
taehyung adopts a blind hybrid.
Sehnsucht by 20moonchild21
hybrid!bts x human! oc
Hope is a newly appointed lawyer who takes in an injured hybrid she finds on the streets.
Stubborn Hugs by eternal-mikrokosmos
hybrid!namjoon x reader, ot7 x ot7, ot7 x reader, smut, mystery
you bring home a koala and bunny hybrid. unfortunately, you and the koala hybrid have some history together. also available on ao3!
Perihelion by jincherie [hiatus]
hoseok x reader, roommates au, college au
you and hoseok accidentally become roommates. neither of you are very happy about it
90 Days by ttaehyungtrashh [hiatus?]
ot7 x reader
you are a cafe owner who has befriended jimin, who lives on the streets. when winter comes, you ask jimin and his pack if they want to come stay with you. despite his reservations, namjoon says yes.
restitution by cloudteawrites
ot7 x reader
you find out that an uncle you never knew existed was the head of a famous law firm. now that your uncle has passed away, he’s left you everything, including seven hybrids he had only recently adopted. also available on ao3!
Home Calls the Heart by anonnie-in-wonderland
ot7 x reader, grief, magic
both you and the boys are grieving when Taehyung brings you home to his pack.
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streaminn · 1 year
Okok, putting my thoughts here real quick so we have SOME form of legibility on the time line. Everything here is canon, if stated otherwise, ignore that
Streamer Enid au info:
Wenclair are 23-25 smth and they married at 18 right out Nevermore.
Enid or known as Endespair streams horror games to get over her queasiness over gore faster. She's known for being a simp for Wednesday Addams, proudly proclaiming that she is her wife. No one believes her and think she's a stan
She also has some experience being a stunt double and occasional minor actor known by word of mouth as Sin Addams.
Wednesday Addams is an author, director, actor, executive director-basically she's a badass idk what to tell you. Essentially, she's been traveling all over the place and working since she hit 19.
Bc of this, wenclair have been in a ldr bc the have been way too dependent on each other for so long and enid wanted to make sure they could grow as people first before going together.
She also is coming home to Enid the moment she finished writing her final book for a decade or so 'Lycoan Curse' bc she's finally done with projecting/processing all her trauma onto her books.
Wednesday Addams has written a total of six books. First five are known as the Viper series with Viper de la muerte being the Mc and told in first person.
First three is abt Wednesday's life pre Nevermore and the other 3 is the remaining 3 years in Nevermore.
Viper: Hyden truths is literally abt what happened with Tyler in season 1 but glossing over the love triangle. It introduces new characters, like the stunted werewolf roommate Helios
(Enid insisted in the pun in the title.. Also fun fact, if u just say the hel part of helios, it almost sounds like the command 'heel')
Viper: Snake in the grass is abt the stalker teased in the end of Hyden truths. More of Helios' werewolfness/instincts are shown and they grow closer. Viper learns to be more open and Helios showcases more of her culture to Viper. The stalker has made the two more sneakier, making sure to keep close and going through multiple pranks where the two nearly get severely harmed.
(it was around here that people started shipping imperial gold, not really expecting the underlying tension of two roommates taking care of each other's injuries and the intimacy of such actions)
Lunar Ecplise: Lycoan Curse is the first book that skipped the single POV streak Wednesday had. This time, it features a new perspective Helios' and it became a hit. This one was a rather girthy asf book, considering that it was written as either a standalone or a continuation of the Viper series.
It's also the movie/show? Idk tbh, it's still being decided. Its the book being adapted to a film/show that Enid and Wednesday star in.
Nevermore is known as Eden in the book. Despite it's rather heavenly name, it still looks edgy like Nevermore. it's more of an eden for outcasts yknow
Anyways that's it for now, ty for listening
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puuvillaa · 4 months
I started a new game in the sims (old game here). I replaced Peter with Lily, so this is going to contain wolfstar and jily, but focuses on wolfstar
This is copied from twitter, which is why it's formatted the way it is
Remus started the game by sitting down to contemplate the emptiness of life, while the others went to look around the house
Remus and Sirius are getting to know each other. Sirius thinks Remus is really hot, 9/10. Remus thinks Sirius is passable, 5/10. Remus flirted with Sirius, Sirius insulted his mother, and when Remus flirted with him again, he got turned down
Sirius is very excited to be interacting with a werewolf, though! Meanwhile, James is exercising and Lily is reading in bed
Sirius is chatting with someone online, banging his head on the keyboard. Remus is reading in James’s bed
Lily and Sirius are the first ones to make friends. Also at this point I can say I have made the executive decision to pair Remus and Sirius to each other. Good luck to Sirius, though, Remus has commitment issues
Sirius has taken up fishing. He might want to rethink where he goes to do it, though:
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Remus and Sirius’s excessive flirting ended up with them having shower sex. They were each other’s first kiss and first time having sex. They're still only friends, though
In this game, James is a firefighter. He's been working for 4 days, one of which was a day off, and he's already been promoted twice. He must be really good at his job
Sirius and Remus have finally admitted that they like each other as more than friends. They went on their first date, which was a huge success, and ended it with some disappointing sex. They're not in a relationship, though. Just crushing on each other
Remus contemplating the emptiness of life while on a date:
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Meanwhile, James and Lily have started dating. James wooed her with his sexy uniform and biceps
Remus and Sirius went on another date, and at the end of it, Sirius asked Remus to be his boyfriend, and Remus said yes! I did some renovating so that they and jily can have their own bedrooms with double beds. Until now, they've been sleeping in the same room in bunk beds
James is already on level 7 of the firefighting career, and he's only worked for 9 days. He was chatting with a coworker, after which he was creeped out. I'm not surprised, that coworker has seemed to have a bad attitude ever since James started that job
While I wasn't looking, James and Lily had sex for the first time. It was a disappointing experience
Lily was so spooked by Remus howling at the full moon that she walked into the next room and fainted. This is extremely funny because she had to go outside and walk across the veranda to get there (the house's floor plan is a mess because they're too poor for a proper renovation)
Nothing of much interest has happened, except James’s nicer coworker has quit her job at the fire station to become a performer, and during the full moon it turned out that she's also a zombie now. What the hell happened to her?
Sirius and Remus shared a kiss under the mistletoe. It was very cute
Sirius cried because his plants died. Then he cried about it again later. And for some reason he's wearing his formal clothes. Is it related? Only he knows
Remus likes to look out the windows. He'll wander from window to window to look out of them. He did it for hours when I didn’t stop him
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Sirius is awed every time he spends time with Remus because he's excited about spending time with a werewolf. They went on another date. It was a success
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alwaysxlarrie · 2 years
favorite fics of 2021/2022
i love recommending fics & i love appreciating the talented, lovely writers in this fandom, so i wanted to make a list of my fav fics in 2021/2022. there are some longer fics that came out this year that i’ve wanted to read, but haven’t gotten a chance to, so knowing me i’ll make a masterlist of long fics or something bc i simply continue to be a slut for making masterlists & recommending fics idk what to tell u LMAO. anyway, these are in alphabetical order. sorry there’s kind a lot, thank u for ur time xoxo
are you taking clients? by @jaerie / jaerie
“Escaping had been the hardest thing Harry had ever done. They'd stolen his child and nearly stolen his life. Being homeless and pregnant gave Harry few options. It's a last resort to let men fetishize his body, but the luxury of choice is something Harry doesn't have.”
all your mates are here by @londonfoginacup / ladylondonderry
“"The pack is... It's folding, Harry."
Like every werewolf does when they get to a new town, Harry joined one of the many local packs when he started university. Now, three years into his program, he's hit with the news that his pack is giving up, going their separate ways. In the wake of the holidays, the three single wolves from the Majestic pack are pointed in the direction of a new pack to join; one that's got struggles of its own.
A new pack, a new house, and two new roommates with personal space issues... Plus exams, of course.
Happy Christmas, here's to many more.”
babydoll blues by @thedevilinmybrain / devilinmybrain (venomedveins)
“Louis is a high profile, filthy rich label executive who has the world at his feet - a music god.. Harry is the sugar baby trying to make a name for himself singing in shady bars and hanging off the arm of Louis' biggest rival. What Louis wants, Louis gets. But what if the game gets too hot and hits a little too close to the heart?”
boy for sale by @ohpleaselarry / ohpleaselarry
“Three large cushioned chairs face him, each holding a suited man. Mr. Horan, Mr. Payne, and Mr. Malik respectively sit at these chairs, eyes on Harry as he steps up to the middle of the room, lowers fluidly to his knees, hands behind his back, and looks to each man one by one, neck prickling with the eyes all on him, on his nude body.
They’re all going to have him, and yet Harry only really wants one man here, and it’s the man who steps up behind him, sets a hand on the nape of his neck, right over his collar.
“Alright,” Louis says, voice raspy and authoritative, “Mr. Horan, you’re first. Would you like his mouth or his arse?””
between two lungs by @hershelsue / docklands
“Harry and Louis are graduating medical school. There's a big party and everyone has big expectations. All of Harry's are exceeded when Louis remembers him from a long time ago. They fuck.”
boom, boom, don’t you wanna go by anonymous
“It doesn't take much to convince Harry to participate in Lambda Sig's annual ceremony for graduating seniors. She's hooked up with a few of the brothers already anyway, as lackluster as they were. She has to have her legs and bare bottom half on display for the rest of the brothers in the senior class to see, but she's always kind of liked being played with and definitely likes being on display. She's graduating in a few weeks anyway. What's the worst that can happen?
She doesn't expect contestant number fifteen to blow her mind in the first round. He doesn't let up.”
caught in your gravity by @lululawrence / lululawrence
“It felt like the blood froze in Harry’s veins even as he got a bit lightheaded. He hadn’t even made it two practices, only one of which he was remotely in charge of, without giving it all away and now he and Liam were both absolutely fucked.
“Shit,” Harry breathed out. “Who all have you told? Does everyone know? I thought I covered it better than that…”
“No, no,” Louis said quickly. "They’ll figure it out soon enough, though, because they’ll get used to you changing things up, but you’re only going to trip over your so called Americanisms for so long before they realize it’s because you don’t actually know fuck all about football.”
Harry sighed. “Yeah. I figured. I just need to bullshit for long enough to allow Liam to get the situation figured out from his end.”
“Right, which brings me to my entire point. I think we can find a mutually beneficial arrangement with all of this.” Louis leaned forward. “You need to learn the ins and outs of the sport incredibly fast. I can help you with that.”
“What do you want in exchange?”
Or, an AU inspired by a 30 second trailer of Ted Lasso that doesn't actually have much in common with the show at all.
counterculture by @sadaveniren / sadaveniren
“It all culminated to this: Harry in the middle of a crowded basement, music blasting from the live show on the far side, shirtless amongst alphas and omegas who all weren’t covering their scents. He took a deep breath of the heavy air and he felt alive.”
erva venenosa by @hershelsue / docklands
“Harry goes to his first all-gender party. There, he meets Louis, an eccentric bartender who claims to know more than he does. He turns Harry's world upside down.“
hint: i want to be yours by @greenblueish / bluegreenish
“Thinking back to Harry’s rut, Louis shivers, needing to put effort into keeping other bodily reactions at bay. 
“Are you cold?”
While Niall’s been commenting through the entire film, Harry had stayed mostly quiet, so it’s a surprise when he speaks up, eyes zeroed in on the omega.
“Uh, yeah. It’s a bit chilly, innit?”
Niall shrugs, dressed in a sleeveless t-shirt and seemingly unbothered by the room temperature. Harry doesn’t ask for an explanation though. 
“You can have my hoodie, wait, here.” Before Louis can counter, Harry’s pulling the light grey piece of clothing over his head and handing it to the omega. 
or, the one where Harry unconsciously starts acting like Louis' alpha after they spend his rut together and Louis finds ways to make sure Harry's affection doesn't end.”
hike up your skirt (and show your world to me) by anonymous
“Louis has a very hands on approach to training his new secretary. How else can he make sure Harry realizes his full potential?”
i can’t wait to see what you find by @non-binharry / enbyharry
“"What do you do for work?"
"I, uh, don’t. I don’t work."
"Cuckold’s got you well kept then, yeah?" Harry’s face morphs into a frown, adorable creases forming along his brownbone, and Louis throws up his hands in a placating gesture. "Sorry! Sorry! I’m just taking the piss. You can do whatever you like. I swear I’m not some judgemental prick." Harry’s expression relaxes. He wedges a hand between his crossed legs, looking down at the arm of his chair. "You do like it though, yeah? You know, the whole —" Louis cuts himself off, gesturing broadly to avoid overstepping on a dynamic he doesn’t fully understand.
"Yeah, I um. I do like it. I get off on feeling used for him. I only belong to him and he loves that, no matter how many hands I’m passed through."
"Okay, so what happens if I agree?"
Louis finds himself entering an interesting sexual arrangement with a happy, committed couple.
He gets more than he bargained for.”
i’ll be your new favourite tune by @harrystinyshorts / lsforever
“Louis gulps, all coherent thoughts flying from his brain as he unabashedly stares. There’s just so much to take in, from the silky curls springing out in every direction under some sort of headband/scarf looking thing, to the bright eyes and rosy cheeks and cute dimples that make the man’s - Harry, Louis reads from his nametag - smile so charming. He’s wearing a simple black shirt paired with some short jean shorts that only reach the middle of his thighs, and Louis has to force himself not to stare at those long, beautiful legs.
“You okay there?” Harry sounds amused.
Louis clears his throat.
or, Louis is the Pop Punk King of our dreams, and Harry is the cute associate at the rescue who helps him adopt a cat.”
it’s been ages by @2tiedships2 / 2tiedships2
““We need to talk,” Niall said as he plopped down on Louis’ bed. “It’s you and Harry. You like him, he likes you, it’s a match made in heaven and you will one day be mates,”
Louis shook his head in exasperation. “If you’ve been watching, you would see that Harry is interested in, like, alpha alphas. Not me.”
“What the fuck is an alpha alpha?” Niall asked with furrowed brows.
“You know what I mean,” Louis said, giving Niall a pointed look.
“I literally have no idea what you’re talking about.”
i love this feeling (but i hate this part) by @lululawrence / lululawrence
““Stand up.”
Harry stood up from the couch, not a moment’s delay.
“Oh my god, is that what that’s like?” Harry turned to Louis, surprise on his face. “I really thought they were somehow exaggerating, but it really is an automatic response with absolutely no thought from me behind it whatsoever.”
Louis sighed again. “You really wanna keep doing this? Have me use my alpha voice on you so you can work on resisting it?”
“Yup,” Harry said, clapping his hands and smiling. “How else am I going to be able to have any chance at reducing the power an alpha voice has on me?””
keep me closer by @zanniscaramouche / zanni_scaramouche
“Louis expects Harry to react poorly, maybe even file a formal complaint and that’s gonna suck ass but Louis won’t say shit cause he knows he deserves it, so he prepares an apology before Harry’s even turned around.
What he doesn’t expect is Harry to fucking drop.“
know you better. by @wabadabadaba / wabadabadaba
“It didn't help that oftentimes Niall and Zayn's other friend, Louis joined them and from all the stories Marcel has heard about Louis, he was positive they wouldn't get along. From their description, Louis was loud, annoying, and competitive. He liked to tease Niall and Zayn mercilessly and he was creative. Being a tattoo artist, Louis knew things about art that Marcel would simply never understand due to his analytical mindset. He was the complete opposite of Marcel and Marcel didn't think he would ever last in a social setting where he had to be with Louis.
or the one where Marcel and Louis fall in love.”
like air to the fire i need you to breathe by @larrydoinglaundry / cuckootrooke
“Louis is going to do this right. He is going to praise every little effort Harry has made and will still make with his nest, telling him how cozy and well put together it is. And practical, on top of everything. Despite being situated in Louis’ closet. But it has so many blankets, duvets and pillows that Louis will happily make Harry fall apart in that nest when he goes into heat.
… Well. He’ll try.
The thing is, Louis is sort of terrified.
OR Harry is in preheat and Louis is nervous about his upcoming heat, fearing that he might not be able to fulfill his mate's needs. Lucky for him, Harry knows how to push the right buttons to get him relaxed.”
lost in your paradise by @sadaveniren / sadaveniren
““To the alpha I fucked at the Ziam concert, I think this is yours.”
aka Harry and Louis have a one night stand.”
my service, your pleasure by @hershelsue / docklands
“Harry moves in with Louis, his childhood best friend. He had always enjoyed doing things for him, never putting much thought into it. What happens when they're in the same space all the time and Harry can't keep his hands to himself? Surely, his adoration bursts at the seams and a very suspicious Louis tries his best to keep up.”
making my way downtown by @disgruntledkittenface / disgruntledkittenface
““Bye, Harry!”
“See you tomorrow, hon!”
Harry turns in the doorway and waves before he hitches the strap of his backpack over his shoulder and steps out onto the pavement. He tries to ignore the pang of regret after he couldn’t muster a smile, knowing that the middle-aged women he works with love him and won’t hold it against him. The walk from the bakery to his apartment takes almost an hour, which is usually brutal after being on his feet for a full shift, but he decides to skip the bus today. Maybe the sunshine and light breeze will lift the mood that had taken a nosedive when he checked his phone after getting off work.
So Louis didn’t text him back. So what?
So fucking everything.”
milk kinship by @jaerie / jaerie
“Harry had aspired to become a wet nurse since first learning about the honored and respected tradition when he was a teenager. The first documentary he’d seen had been detailed and brutally honest and Harry had still fallen in love with the idea. It’s origins were rooted in highly regarded positions of the royal staff and were credited in playing a role in the lives of some of the most famous children in history. There were medically trained wet nurses and other milk services for mothers unable to feed their babies, but true wet nurse nannies could only be afforded by the rich and famous. The glamorous life appealed to Harry even if his understanding of his role changed to a more realistic view over time. As a starry eyed kid, that was where he wanted to be.
Or Harry is a wet nurse and isn't allowed to have an alpha. He may or may not break his vows.”
my pleasure (to make you mine) by @zanniscaramouche / zanni_scaramouche
““Think about it.” Niall raises an eyebrow at him before amiably leading the interrupting customer to the other side of the store.
And the thing is, even a day later, Harry's done nothing but think about piercing his nipples.
Harry decides to get his nipples pierced. Louis is the piercing artist with a smile that breaks every rule of the universe.”
no one likes to be alone by @lululawrence / lululawrence
“Harry was a full-on fucking failure.
Letting out a whimper, Harry pressed his hands to his face as he finally allowed himself to cry. After a few sobs, he realized that something soft was pressed to his face, catching his tears instead of his hands. Harry pulled it away to see what it was and saw it was one of his sister’s shirts.
Shaking his head, he turned and placed it very specifically right where he usually tucked himself up against the wall. As he carefully shifted the shirt so he could see the faded image of Britney Spears looking out at him, Harry was overcome with a need he had only ever felt once before.
He needed to nest.”
opulence thrills by @brightgolden / brightgolden
““You know, it’s my first time bidding-”
“Bidding on people?” Harry supplies.
Louis snickers as he shakes his head, a small smile playing on his perfectly shaped lips. “You could say that, yeah.”
Where a well-versed submissive, Harry Styles has spent eighteen months in BDSM abstinence after an irreconcilable difference in kink preferences with his ex-dom, and a random winner for a charity auction might just be the one who brings him back.”
plenty of time by @juliusschmidt / juliusschmidt
“Harry gets into Louis' Uber. He's not in heat. Not fully. Not yet.”
picture this by @kingsofeverything / kingsofeverything
“Part of Harry’s job at the bar includes working the door on Friday nights, checking IDs and asking for proof of vaccination. One night, Louis Tomlinson accidentally shows him something else.”
sweet like candy by @neondiamond / neondiamond
“Louis is an Alpha with an odd obsession for gummy bears. Harry is an Omega who makes friends a little too easily. They meet on the bus.”
scent partner by @daggerandrose / amomentoflove
“The name of the company was horrible: Scent Partner. Whoever was on the marketing team should be fired immediately for green-lighting that name. But the instructions were simple.
Alphas wear a shirt for three days and nights. The shirt gets sent to omegas nearing their heats to pick the alpha who smells the best to them. The company notifies the alpha and gives them the opportunity to say no. If both parties agree, they meet at a heat room for the omega’s heat. Everything is safe and consensual.”
secrets don’t make friends by @thedevilinmybrain / devilinmybrain (venomedveins)
“5 times Louis' crew knew too much, and the 1 time they thought they knew, but didn't really. Not at all.“
single bells ring by @absoloutenonsense / nonsensedarling
“A holiday singles event is not where Louis wants to be tonight, but there he is, helping his best friend find love. Just as Louis is settling in, ready to have a terrible time, he meets the fittest alpha he’s ever come across.“
skip the small talk by @sadaveniren / sadaveniren
“"Your initial Result is that you are a service based submissive.”
Harry froze. James’ eyes were on him, boring into his soul. Harry had never felt so exposed. He wasn’t a submissive. He was an alpha.
“But I’d been so careful,” came out before he stopped himself.
aka Harry is an alpha that's just a little too soft to be a good dom but that's okay because Louis is an omega who is a little too rough to be a good sub.”
the lost art of breeding and (mis)behaviour by @indiaalphawhiskey / indiaalphawhiskey 
““Strip, slave.” His voice was rough – stern, as a proper Master’s voice should be. Harry couldn’t help but feel pleased. “I could have had five of your kind for your price. Best make sure I’ve not been cheated.” -- Or, Harry learns a thing or two about fate and faith.“
the only one (when it’s said and done) by @londonfoginacup / ladylondonderry
“Louis Tomlinson, alpha, twenty nine years old, is head of the Tomlinson pack.
He's unbonded, and happily so. A trip to the neighbouring Arthur pack certainly isn't going to change that.”
there’s always another option by anonymous
“Harry gets all dressed up to go see his boyfriend with one goal: get railed. He doesn't expect his boyfriend's cousin to be staying in his flat, and he definitely doesn't expect his boyfriend to dip out to go cheat on him. Oh well, just because his boyfriend isn't there doesn't mean he can't still get what he wants.“
this is my jam by @disgruntledkittenface / disgruntledkittenface
“The guy’s eyes are so blue that Harry can’t tear his gaze away, even as he moves to the beat. The searing light shade is magnetic; he finds himself leaning in and yelling, “This is my jam!” only to earn a laugh from thin pink lips that Harry’s definitely going to be dreaming about tonight.
“Your jam?”
When the guy yells back over the music, his blue eyes sparkling and his lips twisted in a smirk, Harry’s chest literally puffs out with pride at earning his attention. His obvious approval. Tongue-tied, Harry nods and closes his eyes as he lets go, the music reverberating around them. All of the usual inhibitions that keep him in the corner at parties fall away and he bounces around the center of the dance floor, waving his arms above his head. Somehow his towel stays on, even as he starts to think he wouldn’t mind if it fell off. Fuck it. He finally made it here, he’s damn well going to enjoy it.
Harry goes to a gay bathhouse for the first time. 90s AU.”
the money mark by @brightgolden / brightgolden
“Harry's heart beats faster in his chest as the name sinks in. The Tomlinson name is awfully familiar, and he isn’t sure how many rich Tomlinsons are out here in London, but he knew one. Seven years ago.
Like all fine things in the world, Louis Tomlinson ages exceptionally well.
Where Louis is Harry’s first sugar daddy who dumped him over text and their paths cross, seven years later.”
the risen by @creamcoffeelou / creamcoffeelou
“In search of the next breaking story, Harry goes off to do something no one else has been able to do: get the scoop on Louis Tomlinson and his devoted group of followers.“
the flower that blooms in adversity by @hershelsue / docklands
“Harry is twenty-six and he hasn't presented yet. He lives in London with his alpha best friend, Niall, who invites him to a New Year's camping trip with his other alpha mates. Amidst them, there's the always sharp Louis, who has a knack for observation and dirt under his toenails. Harry ends up agreeing on going, unaware he's leaving for the trip of a lifetime.“
venus as a boy by @hershelsue / docklands
“When Harry goes to a friend's movie night, the last thing she expects is to meet an enigmatic and handsome stranger who sweeps her off her feet. Louis might just think she’s the most wonderful thing alive.“
where’s the divide? by @2tiedships2 / 2tiedships2
“Louis brings potato salad to Niall's barbeque.“
wait by the light of the moon by @jaerie / jaerie
“Being a single parent of a newborn was not in Harry's plan. He can barely keep himself together doing everything on his own. He can't explain why he finds comfort in his neighbour next door, but apparently it's mutual.“
you’re shooting stars from the barrel of your eyes by @thedevilinmybrain / devilinmybrain (venomedveins)
“5 times Louis was gross hot and 1 time Harry was.“
you make the world taste better by @loveislarryislove / livelaughlovelarry
“"Nice to meet you," Harry said. "What can I get for you today?”
Louis rattled through the order – a couple loaves of different breads, some pastries, and a dozen cookies. There was a niggling sensation in the back of his mind that he was forgetting something, but he couldn’t think what it might be.
Harry nodded along as Louis spoke, starting to flit around the shop and gather things together. “Is that all?” he asked when Louis finished. “No muffins this week?”
That was it! “Oh yes, a half-dozen of the pumpkin and blueberry,” Louis said. “Almost forgot, thanks.”
“Of course,” Harry said, packing the muffins into a box. “I remember all my regular customers’ favorites. Your mother has good taste.”
Louis smiled. “She usually does,” he says. “I look forward to trying your goods myself, and finding my own favorites.”
Or, a story based on Hans Traxler’s fictional non-fictional text, The Truth About Hansel and Gretel, which is based on the Grimm fairy tale Hansel and Gretel.”
young hearts on the chase by @polaroidlouis / daffodilsforlou
“Before he can question him any further, Harry’s holding out a drink to him, ‘Louis’ written on the side of it with messy, pink letters. Warmth spreads all throughout Louis’ body when he takes it, starting from the tip of his fingers where they brush Harry’s to curl around the cup and settling in his chest.
“I also got us– um,” the omega starts, nervous fingers fumbling to get the paper bag open. “Got you an egg muffin. Or– or a normal muffin if you don’t like egg ones.”
“Who doesn’t like egg muffins?”
The smile that breaks across Harry’s face in response is as bright as the one yesterday. Louis almost expects it to be kissed into his cheek as well. It looks like Harry’s considering it for a moment, too, dreamy gaze gliding all over Louis’ expectant face. He seems to decide against it with a sigh though, and Louis’ not disappointed when they start walking side by side instead (he’s not).
harry’s a hopeless romantic, louis’ oblivious, and it’s going to be Valentine’s Day.”
if you read any of these fics, please don’t forget to leave kudos & a comment!! 
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schoolnerdateen · 1 year
Teen Wolf Movie: Review
*Spoilers please be aware!*
• First of… no Stiles in this movie. We knew that, but I was hoping for a surprise cameo to happen. Unfortunately it didn’t. They mentioned him a few times though.
• We got Malia and Parrish as a couple, which I did not expect. I don’t like it, I have mixed feelings.
• I wished they had some type of location subtitle in the beginning. You know how some scenes will say “New York” and the next scene it will say “Peru?” That is what I wanted.
• It didnt take place in New York of Peru….or at least not peru that I know of
• The evil fact that we get to keep Allison (I do love her no offense) and not Derek is totally unfair!
• I literally cried at that scene. I will get to said scene soon
• coach saying Scott was Greenberg to win the lacrosse game was a good one. Coach is always funny. We stan coach on this account.
• Allison slowly and then all at once remembering everything from Lydia’s wail.
• The Jeep is still iconic. I love Eli hotwiring the Jeep.
• side note: I always joke about hot writing a car but never done it. I also don’t have the mechanical skills for that. Also cuz the scene in stitch the movie where they hot wire a car or plane thing.
• Sad that Jackson didn’t use his abilities. Would’ve been fun to see them again.
• Mr Harris (the old chemistry teacher that was used as a sacrifice in season 3) as the villian-besides Nogustine of course-was not who I expected.
• I thought it be Kate or Gerard. Or someone at least in the argent line.
• The funeral scene had me in tears. As someone who also lost my dad, I felt that pain. We also got coach at there too.
• Oh! I did not like Scott’s buzzcut/shaved hair. Unpopular opinion, but I hate Stiles’ shaved head in the beginning. Honestly, it’s a terrible look in general.
• We didn’t have Kira, but we had a new girl kitsune, which didn’t do a lot in the movie. Not like lazy, but more “not enough scenes” of her. Not a lot of character or story to her.
• My favorite part of shows moving to streaming is that they can curse. Unlike Criminal minds, they didn’t do it a lot. Oh, someone on here mentioned it felt unnatural and weird for the characters, which I agree. Some moments probably deserved it, but others didn’t feel right.
• Probably not new, but if Argent is scared then you know somethings up.
• Liam is still my favorite beta.
• I’m trying to remember everything in the last 2 hours…
• Edit: I totally forgot about Nogustine being like a werewolf hybrid! Which totally didn’t make sense. Apparently Scott bit him but I personally don’t remember anything of that happening in the movie or show.
• In a way, the ending gives off an actual spin off. I know there’s wolf pack, but that’s not a spin off. It’s just directed by Jeff too. It’s an adaptation of a book series apparently. I hate it when the articles say it’s a spin off where in reality it’s just directed by the same person.
• Edit: speaking of the ending, I didn’t like much of it. There wasn’t a lot of aftermath scenes. I’m not one of time jumps, but I did wish there was a small jumó to see how everyone is doing afterwards. Like 3 months after or something small of that sort.
• I can’t think of anything else right now
• Overall, I did like it, but at the same time, I didn’t. Someone mentioned the plot line was good, but execution wasn’t….at least paraphrasing it. And that’s what it was. Plot line: really great, Execution: not so great. So i can’t say I loved unfortunately, but it was good. But bad at the same time.
• it’s like the percy movies. Adaptation wise: terrible, outside of adaptation: really great. I love the movies. On their own it was so good, but as adaptations, not good. That’s how I feel about the movie.
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ejunkiet · 2 years
your sweet werewolf boyfriend leaves you a voicemail
redacted asmr: asher/babe, rated G for Goodness
I've been travelling for nearly 12 hours and I just needed some fluff okay hehehe. See early days asher/babe!
Baaaabe! It's me, your uh- Asher. Boyfriend. You know. Shit, I'm still really bad at calls like this. It's just so awkward . Or maybe I'm just. Awkward. 
God, it's like I never know when to shut up sometimes, huh?
Anyway. I'm calling to check in. You should be on your lunch break now, if everything went well, which - I have no doubt it did. I'm sure you aced that big presentation. The hard part's over, and now you can just enjoy yourself. Mingle with the other big executive folks. Get your name out there.
I'm proud of you, babe. You're incredible. I know I say it a lot, but I mean it. Smart, talented, and so fucking sexy - yes, I'm saying it, hope you're not listening to this on speaker, and if you are, well, your mistake. But honestly. I don't know how a guy like me got this lucky. 
I miss you. The apartment is not the same without you. David is getting sick of all my house calls, and I swear Milo's blocked my number. I'm socially deprived and woefully understimulated. Bet you're looking forward to THAT when you get back home. 
Only the best for my babe.
(That reminds me, I may have beaten all the high scores on our switch games. Hate to break it to ya, but you're talking to the new reigning champ of Tetris, babe. Yep, I finally did it. Heheh.)
But back on point - I wanted to assure you that despite David's complete lack of faith in me, the house is still standing. It's even clean! Don't roll your eyes at me - I can tell you're doing it, even through the phone. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself. I've done laundry! And dishes! Granted, there weren't THAT many dishes, considering the amount of takeout I've eaten - but hey! That's what a shifter's metabolism is for.
…I know I'm not the best sometimes with life stuff. Like, making awkward phone calls, answering the door… not causing house fires due to improper use of the stove… and I know I like to lean on you to do some of those things for me. So, I want you to know that I'm getting better at it. I'm taking lessons, with the grumpiest, most put-upon teacher ever (yes, I'm talking about David).
I like it when you take care of me. It's a guilty pleasure of mine. But I want to be able to take care of you too. Properly.
I love you, babe. So fucking much. And I want to show that to you, every day, for the rest of our lives.
Anyway. I just wanted to call. I miss you. I miss your smile. The way you laugh at all of my stupid jokes. The way you feel in my arms, as if you were made to fit in them, as if we're two pieces of a whole.
So come back to me soon, so I can wrap you up in them again, and smooch your face off.
Talk to you soon.
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madamefluffnstuff · 2 months
Writing Patterns/First 10 Lines Game
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there’s a pattern! (If you don't have 10, do as many as you have!)
Tagged by my dear @pitiable-arisen. This is a super neat concept, I like this idea! But I'm gonna cheat a little and follow Kuri's example of posting the first paragraph.
Uneasy Revelations - Darien Gautier x Fem!Werewolf!Vestige
Darien took a shaky step back as the adrenaline cleared and he returned to his surroundings. His heart suddenly plummeted to his stomach- he couldn't believe what he was seeing with his own two eyes-
2. Reunions and Confessions - Bastian Hallix x Ebonymist (my Vestige)
Ebonymist lounged on her rented bed at the Cloudy Dregs Inn. The book that had been sitting on the nightstand when she arrived made for decent reading material, but it was more to distract her from the agonizing waiting. Bastian had left a few hours earlier to meet with his long lost sister, Clairene. He had offered his Khajiiti companion to come with him, but she didn't want to intrude- this was for him, and he needed to do it himself, if nothing else to heal his hurt heart.
3. Now We're Stressed Out - Bastian Hallix x Fem!Vestige
"What's that you're reading?"
4. Loving Remedy - Bastian x Fem!Dunmer!Vestige x Darien Request
Bastian and Darien were concerned- Raya hadn't left her room in several days. Normally this wouldn't bother them, but they also hadn't heard from her in that time.
5. Quelling the Beast - Fennorian x Fem!Werewolf!Reader
The Gray Host ambush was just that- an ambush. Masterfully planned and executed, Verandis' protégé and the Vestige were caught completely off guard. House Ravenwatch fought valiantly, and with the Vestige at their side it seemed to be going well. Until Fennorian tried to help Gwendis as a tag team and they both were sent flying back.
6. Night Watch - Fennorian x Fem!Reader
"We're in the Blue Palace," Fennorian said, slightly confused. "There's plenty of guards here. Why would you need me to keep watch?" If it were any other circumstance, Fenn would have been more than happy to stand guard for his friend. The Palace was probably the most secure place he knew of, so the question caught him off guard.
7. A Night Stayed In - Darien Gautier x Fem!Reader
"Hello, love!" a soft voice called from the kitchen in response to the front door opening. "How did the training go?"
8. A New Mother Figure - Maternal figure Caska, Aeliah Remnus
It was a relatively quiet afternoon at the Dragonguard Sanctum. There were no immediate dragon threats to deal with at the moment. This gave the crew of the Perfect Pounce a well deserved rest. Gods knew they needed it.
9. A Fresh Start - Darien Gautier x Fem!Vestige, Platonic Bastian Hallix
Losing Darien Gautier in the battle against Molag Bal was hard. It was nothing like King Dynar, who had been imprisoned for millenia and finally, *finally* had been set free. Even though he gave his life for the cause, his passing released him from Bal's torture and he was free to move on to Aetherius. Bittersweet, sure, but a fitting end for the noble king.
10. Soothing Hands - Bastian Hallix & Fem!Vestige
"How many times have I told you not to let their words get to you, Bastian?"
If it's not tooth-rotting sweetness, it's gut wrenching angst :,D
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