#wem as pronouns
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deutschhaven · 10 months ago
When you talk about personal pronouns, it is quite easy to understand and use. After all, they are mostly used for illustration of verb conjugation. But when it comes to interrogative pronouns in German, it often creates a sense of concern even though they are fewer in number. Maybe because they require a certain level of tactics and mastering in order for one to navigate between when they should…
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cringeandproudx3 · 9 months ago
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Hi!! We're the Chrysalis System, and we reblog!! A lot!! Sometimes we post though! We don't make anything, we're just here!! yes we're on mobile dont remind us /j
Basic info:
Collectively we identify as genderqueer, aroaplacespec and mspec.
Some of our sysmates use diff labels
basic criteria, xenicphobes, kinphobes and anti alterhumans, antifurs, exclus, transmed, radqueer, under 12, sysmeds/fdc people, pro/neutral/complex contact for harmful paras,
Interact: Lgbtqia2mx+, xenic/neopronoun users, aspec, mspec, alterhumans, furries, rad inclus, anti radqueer, systems, neurodivergent ppl (especially autism or ADHD!), angelkin
Tags for specific headmates posting (This post and simple rbs are not tagged)
#Pyrite🎇 (HOST) (It/ze/ne/neos)
#F🌑 (HOST) (She/her)
#Eum💤 (It/its)
#Soph💕 (She/plush)
#Vixa🎨 (She/they)
#Sinox💜💚 (It/goo/neos)
#Ares💿 (Any)
#Partyzee🎈 (Neos)
#Bug/Bagu🩹 (No pronouns)
#Mox🌷 (🌱/🌱s)
#Hilite🌈 (He/her)
#Entr0py🎲 (He/glitch)
#Orynge🍊 (She/wem)
#M☢️ (It/them, also posts on @antirqrin)
#Kinitocantfindanemoji ("nah" idfk kinitos words ig no pronouns)
#Rin🎸 (They/them, also runs @antirqrin)
#Maro☁️ (They/hir)
#Mezku🌀 (No pronouns)
#Citrus🍋 (She/vem)
#Kendie🍭 (Ip/ips)
#Freak🪲 (AAAAAAAAA/AAAAAAAAAself, also runs @willogenic-culture-is)
#Mazough🍷(Zhe/him, also runs @willogenic-culture-is and posts on @jayaziel-the-uncanny)
#Kenya🖤 (She/her)
S (he/him, has his own blog @achr0matic)
Kip🎀 (She/it, @lsdspikedcandy)
#Sword🌸 (He/him)
Some tags might not have posts yet :)
Additionally, things related to an ARG our best friend is making that we're trying to solve:
#555stufftofindmaybe for general things related to this
#555nocodes for posts related to the ARG with no encoded messages in them
#555codes for posts related to the ARG with encoded stuff in them
#555possiblecodes for unconfirmed codes or things that could be codes
#555untranslated for ARG posts that have untranslated/partially untranslated content/codes in them
#555translated for ARG posts that have been translated fully
#555lore for lore regarding the ARG
#555ooc for anything out of character from the Creator regarding the ARG
#555hints for hints from the Creator regarding the ARG
@theultimaterewatcher is the original creator of the ARG!! Please follow them they're a great arg maker, artist, friend, person etc :3
@555missing, @4113n-4-411 and @the-coa-vjcvu-pke-network are the main blogs for the ARG
Rentries/carrds related to the ARG:
Important: a lot of the lore for this ARG might not be comprehensible because it's very centered around the creators ocs!! Help decoding things and attention for them if they want it are still appreciated though :3
Headmates working on solving the ARG:
Pyrite/Jas 🎇
Soph 💕
Blix 🌵
Vixa 🎨
Ares 💿
Ryan 🌻
Mazough 🍷
Again PLEASE go support @theultimaterewatcher and their arg it's genuinely so creative from what we know so far about it!!!!! /Vvpos
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jazzy-art-time · 4 months ago
I want to Yap about the Jarble Imps so by god I am going to do so
Part 2 since my previous post got lost in the void due to bad internet connection
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The Imps are a important part of Jarble Lore in the ways of: They are considered to be the keys to unlock the apocalypse.
In order for The 3 Serpents to resurrect, certain things need to be met. One of them being needing the “keys”, these are the imps themselves. Funky little ouroboros keys.
Their relation to the 3 Serpents is unknown. It is believed to be due to whatever had sealed the serpents away to begin with, as the Imps appeared shortly after. Despite being related to the serpents, the Imps do not mimic any of the Serpents “behaviors”. The Imps are not self absorbed, they do not destroy themselves to appease others and they don’t think about the future. They merely… exist.
The Imps are still considered to be “feral creatures” but they do exhibit high intelligence. They cannot speak or do anything of that nature, but they are extremely intelligent. Most of their animalistic behaviors appear to be by choice. The Imps know of their purpose in this world, but they don’t appear to “strive” for it. They aren’t actively trying to resurrect the serpents or anything, again they merely just exist.
The Imps are loosely based on the 3 lake guardians, hence the colorings. But also they are loosely based on Kyubey, not by any malicious intent however. Just that general “magical creature” vibes. The Imps do not have any ill intent even tho I based them on Kyubey, i promise lmaO
The Imps are unable to die, they can feel pain however. They do not age and if damaged they will merely “repair” themselves. The way they repair themselves depends on the Imp. Which will be said below each image. But the point is, they merely cannot die in the slightest. They can appear to feel pain, but it’s not clear as to why they need this if they can’t even die.
Thankfully, they appear to be smart enough to avoid danger for the most part.
The Imps naturally have a instinctual desire to be near the current Ring Leader within each area. This is believed to be due to their association with the 3 Serpents. It’s a instinctual yearning to be near them and close to them. Unfortunately they aren’t always desired, their relationships with the Ring Leader depends. As the Imps have been through multiple Ring Leaders (as they are thousands of years old)
The Imps do not have gender! They are just, tubes…. Their referred to by any pronoun, often changing depending on who is speaking to them. The Imps don’t seem to care or mind on what they are called.
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“GoAway” is the Imp that roams the Shining Ring.
Their name of “Go Away” stems to their bad relationship with the Farefell family. For many generations they have been seen as a nuisance, often being shouted at “GO AWAY!!”. Eventually the Imp took this on as a name. Learning that when someone shouts “GO AWAY” it is referring to them. Although at some point, they once had a kind relationship but once Wem’s Grandfather became a Ring Leader, the relationship soured.
GoAway tends to exhibit more Feline behaviors. This is believed to be due to the Farefell Family being primarily feline for the past few generations. It almost as a appear as a attempt to “fit in” with the family after years of being pushed away.
Wem has a extreme dislike of GoAway, continuing the family tradition of hating it. Wem does not want it in the apartment or to be near it at all. Which is unfortunate due to GoAway yearning to be close to him. This leads to a lot of situations where GoAway is outside their balcony, scratching at the window to be let in.
Alaxia also has a iffy relationship with GoAway, knowing that his father dislikes it so that means he must also dislike it. Due to Alaxia training under Wem to be a successor, GoAway has started to show a interest in him. Their relationship isn’t the best, granted not as bad as the relationship with Wem, but still not great. GoAway tends to freak Alaxia out a fair bit because of their habit of staring or appearing suddenly.
Eden however, is always thrilled to see GoAway, always letting them in the apartment or picking them up outside. Eden loves to dress up GoAway like a little dog and often uses them for content. GoAway has become popular in Eden’s livestreams and videos, featuring in them often. Their relationship is good for Eden as GoAway is treated like a “non commitment pet”. He doesn’t have to house to take care of GoAway, but he can still dress it up for content and pet it once every so often. Without actually having to take care of it. However, GoAway also gains something from this relationship, often being fed Salami and cheese as a trade. GoAway enjoys this greatly, they crave the charcuterie board…
GoAway generally loves to run around balconies on the high up apartments and penthouses. Scrambling around the giant screens in the downtown area. When injured, GoAway seems to crumble as if it is made of sand or glitter. It does not bleed liquid but a weird grainy substance that is iridescent
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“Scruff” is the Imp that roams the Perception Ring.
They gained the current nickname from Goddess’ children! They have had multiple previous names, but since the arrival of Goddess' children, the name "Scruff" has become what everyone calls them. They gained this nickname due to their "scruffy fur" that notably is almost always in specific clumps. If you tassel their hair it will always reform back into the specific clumps. Scruff tends to exhibit a mixture of Canine and Snake like behaviors. It is by far the most playful and energetic of the Imps. It mimics dog like behavior and runs around and plays. However it's tail rattles very much like a snake. Whether or not the rattling noise comes from the tail itself or is just a sound the Imp emits on its own, is unclear. Scruff has notably mimicked many different species throughout the generations, the most recent behavior being more canine. Possibly due to the fact of Goddess' species... or another theory is that it is merely acting playful like a dog because it is now around children more frequently. Unlike GoAway, Scruff does not feel AS intense of a need to be close to their Ring Leader. It still feels the urge and is generally seen on the ranch, but it is far more carefree. It loves to run around the open fields and in nature constantly, usually seen scampering along the countryside. However at night, it usually can be seen near the livestock on the ranch, acting as a sort of "guard dog" for the cattle. It was not asked to do this, but it is accepted. Generally Scruff has a decent relationship with most Hend family members. It's treated more like a friendly critter that is seen from time to him. Goddess doesn't entirely seem to thrilled when it is nearby however, she never elaborates as to why. She doesn't shoo it away, but they seem to keep their distance from one another. The only main issue with Scruff is that of its rattling. When it rattles its tail, it is indistinguishable from that of a actual rattlesnake. Scruff enjoys rattling and suddenly scaring anyone on the ranch into thinking they are a rattlesnake. This is generally not enjoyed by anyone, but Scruff doesn't mean it in a bad way. It is clearly just playing around but it's joke is not appreciated. As well as many worry that Scruff is teaching the children that "rattling from the grass is a good thing" and they are struggling to teach the children to not approach sudden rattling noises. As well as Scruff has been known to "Crash" any family BBQs because it desperately wants the brisket. It wants the potato chips. Give it to them. Just a piece under the table it promises it wont ask for more. When injured, Scruff appears to crumble like stone. Breaking into chunks and having a gritty sound emit from when they crumble. They do not appear to have any sort of blood or blood replacement, only breaking off into pieces like stone.
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"Subject 0" is the Imp that roams the Mending Ring. Except... not really. Subject0 gets its name for the reason one would think. It is a imprisoned test subject for the Mending Ring facilities. It is not allowed to roam around the Mending Ring, it is not allowed to really go near/stalk the Ring Leader. Subject0 is to remain imprisoned in a laboratory for testing. It has been imprisoned for many centuries, once science began to evolve further and further in the ring, they quickly grabbed Subject0 as it is considered the "perfect test subject" as it cannot die and easily regenerates any damage done to itself. It is the test Guinea pig for anything the Mending Ring does. Being nicknamed "Subject0" means that all tests must be done on the imp before it is tested on absolutely anything else. As the Ring DOES do tests on other creatures/people/things, none of it is done until it is first tested on Subject0. Subject0 tends to exhibit more Rodent like behaviors. This is believed to be due to the fact that it has been surrounded by lab rats for many many years. Merely mimicking the creatures that it spends a lot of time around. Despite testing on rodents not being done as much as the old days, Subject0 still tries to mimic rodent behavior, perhaps out of habit. Unlike the other two, Subject0 is unable to get close to its Ring Leader. It has a yearning deep down, but due to its situation, it cannot. The Mayor doesn't seem to keen on the creature anyways, whenever they are around it Mayor begins to "malfunction" and have breakdowns. Causing Mayor to never want to see it. It is believed that Subject0 triggers something within The Mayor that causes these freak outs, unknown as to why. Believed to be a connection to one of the "halves" of The Mayor before they became what they are now. However, Subject0 has recently come under Maddox's care within recent years. Despite Maddox still performing tests on the Imp, the two seem to have a sort of kinship with one another. Maddox doesn't appear to want to perform experiments on the Imp but has to due to his job, but Subject0 seems to understand this. Maddox also breaks the rules by letting Subject0 free roam in his laboratory/basement/home, instead of confining it to a cage like he is supposed to. The only time Subject0 is caged is if Maddox has a Mending Facility Member over and needs to keep up appearances or if Subject0 is being transferred somewhere. Otherwise Maddox lets Subject0 roam freely throughout his area. Subject0 has taken a liking to Maddox quite a bit, often seen hiding within his sleeves or blankets. Maddox also shares a lot of his food with the Imp, making it become mildly addicted to pointless junk food. When injured, Subject0 appears to be made of a more goo/liquid substance. This substance changes in color each time the liquid is extracted/injured. This substance is highly sought after and is taken from Subject0 quite frequently, as it is the primary ingredient in the Mending Ring Vaccine and Modifications. Thankfully since Subject0 cannot technically die, they can take as much as they want. -- -- -- --- THATS ALL 4 NOW I HAVE MORE BUT I WILL REFRAIN FROM YAPPING FURTHER dances away dances im dancing do you see it? do you see my dance? waiiiit... they dont love you like I love you... kind of dance. do you see it do you see.
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skelpiescool · 4 months ago
We wem ourselves to be here
I pronouned correctly 😎
iam so lost wgat
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tittysuckersworld · 2 years ago
right lil pronoun update thingy, im trying out wee/woo/wem type neopronouns because i saw a transphobe joke using them and thought (oh yeah these slap- such good pronouns yoinking em) so ya!
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lexa-el-amin · 2 years ago
Oh and i'm gonna say please do elaborate, at least a little, on determining cases. I'm definitely not 100% on that. Thank you sm
How to determine cases in german
verbs have the quality to bound nouns, as in certain nouns are necessary when using a certain verb. there are only rare exceptions ("it snows/ rains" - there is no noun needed).
e.g. with "to sleep" it needs to be determined who or what sleeps. "The baby sleeps." this is the nominative and in german you ask for it with "Wer oder was schläft?" - Das Baby."
to love - now you need two nouns. one noun to describe who loves and one noun to describe who is loved. "Der Bär liebt den Tiger." this is the accussative. in german you ask with "Der Bär liebt wen oder was? - Den Tiger." as you might notice immediately, in german the inflexion - the adaption to the different cases - mostly happens in the pronouns, not in the noun itself. so "der Tiger" turns to "den Tiger" in accussative, just as it is "ich liebe dich" and not "ich liebe du".
to give - now you have a person who gives, someone who is given and something that is given. "Der Mann gibt dem Mädchen den Ball." this is dative. in german you ask with "Der Mann gibt wem oder was den Ball? - Dem Mädchen."
the last case - the genitive - becomes more and more rare in every day german use and is mostly replaced with dative. it mostly describes who or what something belongs to. e.g. "Ich bringe den Hund meines Freundes zum Tierarzt." (i take my friend's dog to the vet.). in german you ask "Ich bringe wessen Hund zum Tierarzt? - Des Freundes." the genitive is the only case where in most cases (with male nouns) an "s" is added to the noun.
In conclusion: the pronouns/ articles change depending on the case.
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little tip: as you can notice with (mostly) male nouns there is a pattern: den - n - with accussative, dem - m - with dative and des - s - with genitive.
i hope this was somewhat helpful :)
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doppelnatur · 2 years ago
A guide to iel pronouns in German.
Ihr könnt das natürlich ganz anders machen, das sind nur meine Ideen dazu nachdem ich für nano wrimo ganz viel ausprobiert habe!
Nominativ Wer?
iel. Bsp; iel sitzt auf der Wiese.
Possessiv: m;iels f;ielse n;iels; bsp: Das sind iels Hund, ielse Katze und iels Lama.
Artikel: Del; bsp: Ich bin del Wil
Genitiv Wessen?
ielser. Bsp; Wir gedenken ielser.
Possessiv: m; ielses f;ielser n;ielses; bsp: Das sind die Spielzeuge ielses Hundes, ielser Katze und ieises Lamas.
Artikel: Dels; bsp: Dels Wils wegen fahre ich Zug.
Dativ Wem?
Lui. Bsp; Wir geben lui das Geschenk.
Possessiv: m; ielsem f;ielser n;ielsem; bsp: Ich gebe es ielsem Hund, ielser Katze und ielsem Lama
Artikel: Derl; bsp: Das ist derl Wil iels Video. (Fränkische Grammatik. Mit er Pronomen ist der Satz so richtig: Das ist dem Wil sein Video.)
Akkusativ Wen?
iel. Bsp; Wir fragen iel.
Possessiv: m; ielsen f;ielse n;iels; bsp: Ich streichle ielsen Hund, ielse Katze und iels Lama.
Artikel: Del; bsp: ich mag del Wil
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soltressic · 3 years ago
‘w’ pronouns
hi! so i noticed a stunning lack of nonthemed pronouns that start with ‘w’, and decided to make my own :) will update when i come up with more
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froggykinz · 4 years ago
– Enderman Pronouns –
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♡ En / End / Ender’s / Ender’s / Enderself ♡ ? / ?? / ???’s / ???’s / ???self ♡ Shae / Shade / Shade / Shades / Shadeself ♡ Bite / Bite / Bites / Bites / Biteself ♡ We / Wem / Wer / Wers / Wemself ♡ 👁️ / 👁️ / 👁️’s / 👁️’s / 👁️self ♡ ⛓️ / ⛓️ / ⛓️’s / ⛓️’s / ⛓️self ♡ 💜 / 💜 / 💜’s / 💜’s / 💜self ♡ ⚠️ / ⚠️ / ⚠️’s / ⚠️’s / ⚠️self ♡ ⬛ / ⬛ / ⬛’s / ⬛’s ⬛self
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Requested by Anon
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acaciapines · 4 years ago
Would you be alright with people using your daemon AU pronouns in their own fic if they credit you? And if yes...could you make a pronoun guide lmao
feel free! i know im not the first person to come up with wei (i think people on the daemon forum made it up, tho i didnt know when i made it). but if you want to write a fic with them PLEASE send me said fic i will love it forever.
also my guide is incomplete! bc people have complicated relationships with gender, and like in our world, theres TONS of ways to be nonbinary or otherwise not fit into any category, so if you want to come up with another set literally feel free. also for some of these i am not set on the pronouns and might change them, but it's what i have.
all of these are used in the context of being a human/daemon pair. all pronouns can also be used in a nonbinary way (like, you can use she/her but not be a woman). also im american so im coming at this with a western framework of gender--other cultures would absolutely have different ways of doing things. with all that said my guide is:
wei: similar to we/i. small edit: sometimes also can mean my/me. kinda a catch all for referring to the self. (ex. wei name is isabel-osiris lovelace.)
weiys: similar to mine/our. (ex. that cup is weiys.)
eue/euer: similar to you/your. (ex. eue are a very good singer)
wey/wem/wers/wemself: similar to they/them/theirs/themself. gender-neutral, either as a 'don't know the gender' or if wey picked it for wemself. (ex. wey ran two blocks this morning)
ae/aem/aers/aerself: a female human with a male daemon. (ex. ae settled as a crow.)
ci/cir/cirs/cirself: a male human with a female daemon. (ex. cir notebook is the one with the green cover.)
ni/nim/nims/nimself: a male human with a male daemon. (ex. ni was rather proud of nimself.)
zae/zaer/zaers/zaerself: a female human with a female daemon. (ex. zae got a 84 on zaer test.
all of these can be used in contractions the same way any other pronoun can (so, eue are is eue're, zae are is zae're, etc.)
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baywindowproductions · 5 years ago
Concept: Name Initials Pronouns
So...... I don't know if anyone besides me has thought of this concept before (if someone has already, please tell me who so I can give proper credit)..... But a little while back (in May of 2019), I decided to write down a list of neopronouns for anyone who wants to use one or more of the commonly-known sets (she/he/they) but replace the first letter of each with their initial.
I haven't seen anyone go to the trouble of writing this entire list before, so I will do that for you now (#23 is obviously already a standard set, though)
Note: Pronunciations of these pronouns will depend entirely on the standard set and the selected initial
Hope this helps you at least somewhat ☺️ Enjoy!
If you like any of these pronouns and wanna use them (or know someone who might) - by all means, feel free to reblog this post! ☺️
And if you also want to add these versions of the established sets of neopronouns, go ahead and do so!!!!
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ollies-studyblr · 6 years ago
German II: Interrogative Pronouns and Imperatives
The interrogative pronouns are
wer, was, wo, wann
wie, warum, wieviel
wieviele, wen, wem
Wessen is the interrogative pronoun for whose
Wessen Buch ist das?
Wessen Auto ist kaputt?
Wessen Frau arbeitet hier?
Imperitives are commands that begin with verbs
Mach das nicht! --> Don’t do that! (to a friend)
Macht das nicht! --> Don’t do that! (to a group of friends)
Machen Sie das nicht! --> Don’t do that! (to a formal you)
You can add “bitte” to boss people around more politely
Mach das bitte nicht!
Bitte, macht das nicht!
Bitte, machen Sie das nicht!
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skelpiescool · 4 months ago
my dad made a joke about we/us pronouns when i was explaing neos to him and said "we/wem" but that lowkey goes hard like how "nor/mal" also goes hard.
anyway those are in the pronoun list now (i know nor/mal is tupically used in a homophobic way BUT IT GOES HARD TRUST)
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bludhoard68 · 3 years ago
[Intro post]
My pronouns are rot/void/fraggle/vamp/zoom/grave/sweet/bark/meat/mutt/pup/bun/sweet/kandi/dig/hole/cave/moss/xe/bite/fang/🥩/🍖/decay/🍰/🔪/🍯/spam/web/virus/giggle/wem/dash/ride/🍓/🍍/🍎/🍏/🥞/🎂/star/fluff/blush/love/💌/organ/gore/mew/kitten/dream/🧛🏼‍♂️/🔋/⚰/toxic/☣/☢/🧠
B4 you ask no this isn't satire lawl!!!!!
This blog is for my gender and or pronoun hoard specifically so this is purely a side blog (just so it's more easy to access my labels)
I love fraggle rock and vampyr a lot currently and sometimes my labels will reflect that
Feel free to send asks abt my identity or my pronouns or anything rlly I am a v social person I luv 2 talk!!!!
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hydralisk98 · 4 years ago
Mind dump for personal conlang (Utechuwn V6?)
For personal use (note-taking, personal reflexions, subliminal affirmations, life scriptings, techy creations, artistic projects...)
Base 24 (cycles of 6 so 0-5,6-11,12-17,18-23)
SVO (core) & VSO (just a little bit less used than the former) as main word orders
Head Initial
Four classes of animacy, so (Sapients (Humans), Sentients (Animals), Tools (Dumb machines) and Inanimate (Trees))
Double negatives do amplify the negation
First second and third hand evidentitality
Common/Neuter genders (LGBTQ+ friendly-ness)
Singular/Paucal/Plural grammatical numbers
No possession distinctions?
Mostly analytical but some agglutinative
Adjective before nouns
1 nominal case
1 pronoun case?
Mass/non-count noun as plural
Interrogative verb marking
Possessee before Possessor
Temporal adjectives instead of grammatical tense
Optative verb conjugation
Aspect and tense suppletion
Only first and second person are marked upon the verb
Passive and Anti-Passive
Causative and Applicative(s)?
No vowel harmony
No tones
Should have a custom writing system (From 16 to 24 symbols total Alphabet) but also a Romanization and a Cyrillic port
Distincty forms for inclusive and exclusive?
Base vocabulary:
Bam=Negation/NOT bitwise operator
Und=And conjunction/AND logical operator
Hata=Exclusive OR logical operator
Nay=Inclusive OR logical operator
Faza=Female human
Hex=Male human
Fae=Synthetic being
Naton=Process verb
Karta=Big card (letter or larger like a world map)
=Son/Daugther in the existential tree
=Sibling in the existential tree
=Parent in the existential tree
=Cousin in the existential tree
Nemo=Small card (like Tarot cards, business cards or regular playing cards)
Kelen verbs
=Be verb
=Become verb
=Give verb
=Have verb
Actual dump:
Nil Nu Dis Dre Kwe Kai... = Numbers equivalent to Decimal 0 1 2 3 4 5 (Base 24 by cycles of 6)
Ikata len kleiner bar joi aud dis Maya Makh magel Franglosichet
Dis Faza magel miz vizir aud ke istas alto
Du kachte kalef ker Marta onto di Neue Berlin
Alfa len Machtu bat lel Nemo
Debaki Wer maktel de Olive tred far de Oli
Zaraster bakt den Hebd, Zaraster beel y neue.
Elvich N Boukewehr
Klara Nineveh Ker vom Erde, den Arzepeer
Ikata du y Hex peer? Nim, ke ike a Faza peer.
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gwendolynlerman · 7 years ago
German grammar
Interrogative pronouns
Interrogative pronouns or "question words" are sometimes called W-Wörter in German, since they all start with w-. Most of them have a direct English equivalent:
Warum? — why?
Was? — what?
Wann? — when?
Wie? — how?
But where is a little more complicated:
Wo? — where at?
Woher? — where from?
Wohin? — where to?
And who has a full set of case endings:
Nominative: wer? — who?
Accusative: wen? — who(m)?
Dative: wem? — to who(m)?
Genitive: wessen? — whose?
Wo can also be added to the beginning of many prepositions to make a question word. If the preposition starts with a vowel, and -r- is inserted between them to make the pronunciation easier:
Wofür lebe ich? — what am I living for?
Worüber sprichst du? — what are you talking about?
As you can see, this is done using what in modern English, but there used to be a more direct equivalent — "Romeo, Romeo, wherefore [why, what for] art thou Romeo?".
Which in German is welch — and is fully declined according to gender and case.
As in English, the interrogative pronouns can also sometimes be used as relative pronouns. Unlike the standard relative pronouns, they are not declined:
Der Ort, wo ich zur Schule ging, ist nicht weit von hier.
The place where I went to school is not far from here.
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