#well not very salty but u know - it was the theme!
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midnight-mourning · 1 month ago
Love Bites
💘💘Midnight's DCA Valentine's Day 8💘💘
Okay okay okay, back on track now, please enjoy this little diaster i made based on @divinit3a's yeti boys, it was, quite fun >:3c
Prompt: umm letseee... valentines...Typically the Sun is not Out.... (for... Reasons... ahah.) but----loves to hunt, and hunt for the thrill/sport/game of it. And loves to eat & eat & would love a properly cooked meal. preference to high protein meals, very rich, very tasty, salty & fatty. so Im sure if u wanted to tackle him, in particular, could have fun with that..... (Slaps a giant fish on the table. Token of affection. Totally Wont Eat You ) The Moon.......... is a lot quieter and subdued, but actually a far better caretaker. takes care of hurt animals; would probably take care of a hurt human, too. mmm hot cocoa. much pickier eater, he doesnt like much, and he doesnt like to eat meat.... I think overall, a 'meal together' would be the best valentines fhgjsdfghjsdf WITH THESE FREAKS IN PARTICULAR...
Word Count: 2907
Read here if you prefer ao3!
The hall is quiet as you step out from your room. You strain to listen for any sign of life, nothing. Must be out. Good. That gives you more time. 
Your eyes take a moment to adjust to the shadowed hallway, not nearly as bright as your windowed room. Though, you weren't opposed to keeping the lights off. It saved energy for one—which meant warm floor beneath your feet as you pad through the facility—and two, it kept the not as friendly yeti from making an appearance. Which, yourself and Moon were both in agreement about at least. 
When you'd first gotten here, so many months ago now, your first encounter with the yeti, robot, thing—you still haven't quite figured that one out—was less than, pleasant. Though, that may very well have been due to the state he first saw you in. Which was bloodied, bruised, and vulnerable. And as Moon would later explain it to you, that had triggered something in counterpart. Something more instinct than logical. 
Luckily for you, a ragged chase into a darkened cavern had saved you from suffering any further injury, or worse. 
Instead, you got Moon, and he was thankfully much calmer than the other bot. He also wasn't trying to kill you, so you took what you could get. He patched you up, gave you a place to stay, a nice warm bed out of the cold, and plenty of things to do while you recovered. 
When you'd first ventured out into the snow, having heard the rumors of the 'ice devil' you'd be facing, this hadn't been what you'd expected. 
Delivish upon first glance, sure. Those tusks didn't help anything, that's for certain. Not to mention Sun as a whole, the manic energy he radiated, the wild look in his eyes, the raw strength as he'd pinned you down to "Try a bite"—
But still, with Moon at the very least, the rumors didn't match up. 
He was quiet, even a bit stern in certain cases, but polite. He took his directives very seriously, but beyond that, he held a compassion you wouldn't ever have expected of a machine. Though, maybe it was because he was a bit more than that, they both were. 
Regardless, you owed him for not abandoning you out there in the frozen tundra to die. Much less putting in the effort he had to care for you.
As you traverse the hall now, there's only the slightest pain still left in your ankle as you shuffle. You'd left the crutches behind today, as you had been the past several mornings, despite the lunar-themed yeti's insistence for otherwise. 
That was another thing, the care. For a so-called devil, he had the attitude of a saint. Or well, you didn't know any saints, so a good friend then. A very good friend, at that. 
You found yourself in long conversations that would last hours, either listening to that quiet tone regale you with stories of all his travels, or sharing some of your own experiences prior to meeting them. You enjoyed the walks you'd take together through the caverns, or going with him out into the arctic—on the rare trips he would allow you with your injury—to scout for poachers and the likes. 
And those rare moments you could get him to laugh at one of your jokes, it lit something inside you that you couldn't describe. Something that albeit would be a bit more frightening than it already was if not for your situation. 
You think the combination of getting your foot caught in a bear trap, freed and then chased by a rabid yeti-bot, and then saved by the other side of that same yeti-bot, allowed you some freedom when it came to your feelings. 
But that wasn't the point to what you were doing. Rather, you wanted to show your appreciation for Moon, not your feelings. Nevermind the fact that today did just so happen to be Valentine's, having found out by checking the date on your half-dead phone. 
Besides, You didn't even know if it was even possible for him to return such affections. Truthfully, you preferred not knowing if it meant you could keep this peace you've had for so long now. You were almost afraid for when you fully healed. 
Afraid that the moment you could leave, you'd be kicked out, back into the cold to survive to find your own way back to society. That the past few months were nothing but a ruse, set up by Moon and in fact once you were at a good range, your back turned and unaware, Sun would bear down on you and—
You shake your head, no. Despite your initial encounter, Sun had been fine. He wasn't allowed out much, so you didn't speak much, though you also think he would prefer not to. It didn't necessarily have to do with you in particular, you don't think. 
Whereas Moon was more oriented to stay on task, Sun had his own personal drive to fulfill. You'd yet to figure out exactly what that was yet, however. Besides the desire to hunt and kill just for the thrill of it. Whatever it was, with your injury, you simply didn't fit into it. You had no use—for now—so he left you to your own devices. 
For now. 
You flip on the light to the kitchen area as you enter, dimmed lighting now illuminating the space. 
You'd been surprised to find there was indeed working cooking equipment in the research station. Not originally all in the same space, but with a bit of help, you'd dragged everything functional into one space. 
When it came to ingredients, you didn't have much to work with besides what either yeti brought to you. There was some very old canned food you'd found, and several containers of unopened spices, but beyond that it was slim pickings. The crate of hot coco you'd found had been a godsend. Considering the situation though, you weren't going to complain. 
The idea of making a meal had come from the simple fact of the matter that beyond hunting and protecting, Moon nor Sun did much else. So, providing nourishment would have to be your way to pay back their hospitality. Or at least, Moon's hospitality. If Sun enjoyed something you made, you'd consider that in and of itself a victory.
So, you set to work immediately. Opening the fridge, you pulled out one of the the few items in there, a massive bluefin tuna, which took up the majority of the space. You struggle to take it out, much less carry it with wobbling limbs over to the island. When you put it on the counter, you almost swear you hear it creak under the weight. 
You step back and let out a breath, admiring the giant fish for a moment. While the two really only ate for fuel—a fish like this would just simply be devoured as is from what you'd seen—you knew they could taste, and that when presented with chances to try something that was flavored in some regard, they did seem to enjoy it. Especially Sun, having taken one bite of your beef jerky and snatching the rest away for himself when you'd not been paying attention. 
Though you only had the one fish and just a few other ingredients to work with, you had several ideas in mind for how to properly utilize it. Taking the large butcher knife, you cleaned, gutted, and scaled it, and divided it up into proper pieces. 
The loin you'd make steaks out of, pan searing and basting in fats, utilizing the bit of pepper and spices you had available. You set aside three to cook and stored the rest in the freezer. 
The back you would smoke, creating some jerky from the pieces there. Thankfully, Moon kept firewood around in case the power failed entirely, and you doubted he would notice a few pieces going missing. You'd utilized one of the broken freezers for your smokehouse. 
The belly would be raw, sliced thin and served with a bit of the salty roe that you'd discovered inside the fish initially. 
As for the remaining bits of the fish, you'd stew the bones for a broth and fry the collar and cheeks as one final touch to finish off the meal. 
It was a lot, all things considered, and for them it may very well be next to nothing in comparison to their appetites, especially Sun's. But, that wasn't going to deter you from trying your best to make something from your heart. So, you got to work. 
You had no idea when Moon would return, so you tried your best to work both quickly and effectively. Thankfully, since several items were basic prep, they took very little time to come together. You enjoyed it, the process overall. After all the time being spent on you, being able to give back felt gratifying in its own way, exciting even. Again, ignoring your own feelings about the yeti. 
At some point, you even find a small radio, the batteries still good to your delight. Despite your location, you can just barely catch a signal as sappy love songs play from some far away station. You hum and dance and sing to the music as you cook, the time passing by like nothing to you in your focused state. You even are able to make yourself some hot coco, sipping on it throughout the cooking process. 
You're so focused, even, that you don't notice the towering presence hovering around the other side of the counter until you turn directly to face it. You were just setting down the last bit of the meal, ready to sit and wait for Moon's return, so color you shocked when you find yourself face to chest with Sun instead. 
His head cocked to the side as he looks down at you, expression unreadable as he examines you with that calculated stare.
"You've been busy." He states. 
You come out of your daze, shaking your head. "I-yeah. I have."
"Tore up the meat. A pity. I was going to enjoy that." He picks at one of his claws, you see a hint of red stained there before he glances back up to you, grin wide. "Though, it's not nearly as good as when it's fresh, anyhow."
You both know that fresh isn't quite what he's implying. 
You swallow, while you'd been expecting Moon—and would have preferred him, especially in this case—this was technically a gift for the day-themed yeti too.
Deciding you weren't going to let your lingering fear overtake you, you straighten up, and steady your voice. "This is all for you, actually. And Moon, of course. I, wanted to extend my thanks for, allowing me to stay these past few months." This again was technically all for Moon, but you couldn't exactly say that with Sun standing right in front of you. 
"I—Me?" He questions, eyes widening and grin falling. 
You nod. "Yeah, I um, figured that something made with a bit more care might be something you guys liked. I noticed you never really get the chance to... add more flavor to things, and you seemed to like my snacks in the past so, i just—" You stop when you find that he's eye to eye with you now, baring down on you with a serious expression you weren't anticipating. 
"You made us, me, a meal?" The way the words are half-snarled mere inches from your face makes you flinch. 
Sun stares at you for a bit longer, and if you weren't so alarmed you'd move away. But you don't. 
After a few moments more, he huffs, then starts to chuckle, standing straight again. "Aren't you just so interesting, Little Star?" 
You feel confusion knit your brows only for them to shoot up in shock as Sun's hand suddenly grasps your chin, leaning in again. 
His other hand snatches one of the pieces of raw fish from the table, eating it in one bite. "Such an offering from you is, surprising but, despite your, obvious misconceptions about our relationship, I suppose I can consider it." He tilts your head this was and that. "You're not the worst option I've ever been presented with."
"I, huh?" 
He let's you go again, grabbing one of the steaks with his bare hands. His teeth tear through it like it's nothing. You can only watch as you try to understand what he's saying, not entirely comprehending it. 
When he's finished, he wipes his mouth, snickering to himself. "I certainly can't wait to see what he thinks of your proposition. I'm sure it will be entertaining to say the least."
Before you can respond, he walks over to the light switch, dimming the lights as low as possible, thus allowing for Moon to take his place. 
As the switch occurs, Sun makes one final remark, and it all finally clicks to you. "Something you should keep in mind though if I do accept, Sunshine, is that I don't share."
With that, you're left with an embarrassing realization, and Moon. 
You can't make eye contact with him, instead turning around and starting to busy yourself with cleaning up to distract from the burning feeling spread across your cheeks. 
You can't believe you didn't put together that something like this would mean something like that to them. But it's not like you would have known either! How were you supposed to understand the cultural differences between humans and yeti-robots that lived in abandoned research centers? This feels like something that was on them and not you to be honest. 
Your half-delusioned reasonings do nothing to stop the racing in your heart as you clean, and you just hope to finish up quickly, grab a snack for yourself, and get out of there to keep yourself from any further embarrassment. 
"It's very good, Starlight."
You pause for a moment, then hum. "Y-yeah?"
"Yes. The amount of flavor you've packed into each dish is... incredible." Moon says, sounding genuinely a bit in awe. 
It only worsens your state, mumbling back a quiet response. "I'm, I'm glad you like it."
Quiet between the two of you. The radio still plays softly throughout the space, only disrupted by the sound of clinking as you clean things up, or Moon's utensils scraping against each other. 
"So what Sun said—" "You should eat too—"
You both stop, and looking back to him, you laugh softly. 
You nod. "You first."
"Join me." He pats a seat next to him. "It's only fair after the effort you've put in."
"Oh! Okay." 
You try not to make a fool of yourself as you make your way over and sit down. You can only protest as Moon piles you a plate full of food, depositing it in front of you once he's finished. 
He hands you a fork, chuckling at the scowl on your features. "You need your energy too, if you want to stand any chance at getting better."
"You're not wrong." You sigh, taking a bite of the smoked fish. As you'd hoped, it's delicious, and you appreciate your own efforts to make such good food in that moment. 
"So,"—Moon reaches for a bit of the fried collar—"You were saying?"
You almost choke on the bite you just swallowed. You regain your composure to answer. "I, um, Sun mentioned, that um, something like this was very, very, important to you guys in a specific way. Which, honestly I didn't know and I'm so sorry if I've offended you I just wanted to do something nice—"
You're interrupted by a kiss pressed to your forehead. 
"I would say offended is nowhere close to the feelings you've elicited. Honestly." The night-themed yeti states, amusement between the words. "Rather, I find myself rather interested in your proposal, intentional or not."
Your eyes widen ever further. "Pr-proposal?"
"If I'm misreading, then I am sorry, Star. But I—"
"No!" You shake your head, trying again. "No, you're not um, misreading. But again this wasn't my intent at all. I'm definitely all for it. I mean, to a point you know, sorry this isn't something I ever expected to happen but I really do like you, a lot and—"
Instead of a kiss, a piece of tuna is pressed into your mouth, and with how good it is you can't say for sure that you'd prefer the kiss or not. As you chew, a slight scowl on your features, Moon laughs. It makes your heart flutter for a moment. 
"I really like you too. I wasn't sure that you'd feel the same, so I didn't act on those feelings. But, since you've shown that you clearly feel something,"—He snickers as you shoot him another glare—"For me, I'm more than happy to make it clear to you now."
"Gee, thanks." 
Another kiss is pressed to your hair, arm wrapping around you and you welcome it, snuggling into the warm fur next to you. You grab a piece of tuna, munching on it to hide your fluster in that moment. 
"And since he's already said it, I will too." Moon's voice is right next to your ear in that moment, low but lethal. 
"I don't share either."
Thank you for the request @divinit3a!! I had lots and lots of fun with the yetis and i can't wait to see what else you do with them yourself, i may perhaps do a bit more when I find the time hehehehe
My writing Masterpost
DCA Valentine's Masterpost
Tag list (if you would like added, simply say so!):
@scarletcowboy @beemyhuneybee @fishm0ther @deviouscrackers @elsajoyagent8 @luckyyyduckyyy @zenkaiankoku @jogimote @local-shrub @milosmantis @robinette-green @everlightreader @sinister-sincerely @starredeclipse @dangerva @juukai @crystalmagpie447 @mothgutz236 @lizyxml @divinit3a @amarynthian-chronicles @crystalfay @that-one-unknown-artist @rosescarletful @buzzybee3
237 notes · View notes
euphoricdr3ams · 1 month ago
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Y/N and Felix have always been inseparable—best friends who shared everything from gaming marathons to dreams of the future. But as their paths begin to diverge, with Felix chasing his K-pop dreams in Korea and Y/N heading to university in Melbourne, the unspoken feelings between them start to surface. What begins as a playful dare at a high school party turns into a kiss that changes everything, blurring the line between friendship and something deeper. As they navigate the chaos of growing up, long-distance, and their own insecurities, they must decide: is their bond strong enough to survive the changes, or will the weight of their dreams pull them apart? A story of first loves, missed chances, and the bittersweet beauty of growing up.
genres: written, childhood friends to lovers, fluff, angst,unrequited love, senior year (highschool), felix and Y/N are aged up to 17, pre-debut,
Trigger Warning: underaged drinking for now
Word count: 5,000
Authors Note: let me know what u think, I may continue on with this depending on the interest
Circa Late 2017
“How many times are you going to spam the same move?” Y/N complained, her tone a mix of frustration and amusement. She was knee-deep in the world's longest stock-battle stalemate with one of her closest friends.
“I’ll keep at it until you’re as good as dead. I’m not just going to hand you this win,” Felix teased, a smirk on his face as his Pikachu sent her Toon Link flying dangerously close to the edge of the map. 
Both of them were focused, their palms sweaty, eyes locked on the screen. The usual banter and light teasing that typically filled their sleepovers and competitive match nights faded into the background. All that mattered now was winning—something both took very seriously in their shared passion for gaming.
Y/N and Felix could never really pinpoint the exact moment when their friendship had become so close, when they started to latch onto each other like koalas. If you asked, you'd get two different answers, but the overall theme was the same: when they were together, the noise of the world stopped. Nothing mattered outside of each other. 
It had started with casually sparring at the after-school gaming club, but their connection grew far beyond that. She showed up to his Taekwondo competitions whenever she could, cheering him on from the sidelines, and he supported her at her art competitions. Soon, their families knew each other well, and their worlds began to merge without either of them realizing it. 
“YESSSS! I told you!” Y/N practically bounced in her seat after landing the final blow, finally claiming a win after several failed attempts.
Felix rolled his eyes, grabbing a fistful of pretzels from the snack bowl his older sister, Rachel,  had left out for them. The living room table was cluttered with an assortment of junk food—chips, candy, soda—the works for any gaming night.
“Whatever, this game sucks anyway,” he muttered, though his competitive streak was clearly wounded. He dipped deeper into the pretzel bowl, sulking in defeat.
Y/N, still laughing from the high of her victory, nudged him playfully. “Don’t get salty, just get good,” she teased, grabbing her own snack of choice: gummy bears. 
Felix groaned, feigning indifference. “I need a break. My hand hurts.” He switched off the game, pulling up Youtube  instead. The familiar tunes of his favorite group, SHINee, began to fill the room.
Ever since one of his cousins from Korea introduced him to K-pop, Felix had been hooked. The choreography, the passion, the sheer talent—it was mesmerizing. And lately, he’d been practicing more than just his dance moves. His dream of auditioning for JYP was becoming a real possibility. 
“You’ve been practicing your pronunciation, right? Wanna keep going?” Y/N asked, noticing the slight tension in his voice. Felix had seemed more focused, more driven lately, but underneath that ambition was uncertainty—a vulnerability she hadn’t seen before.
Felix hesitated, but before he could answer, Y/N added, “Oh, wait! I need to show you my new painting.” She grabbed her phone, scrolling to the latest photo of her work in progress.
It was a lotus flower, blooming from the depths of a muddy pond. Felix stared at it for a moment, appreciating the symbolism. A flower that represents rebirth, resilience in harsh conditions. 
“I really like this,” he said finally, his voice soft with admiration. “Your brushstrokes are so detailed… it's amazing. I know that competition money is yours.”
Y/N beamed at the compliment, feeling a warmth settle in her chest. “Thanks. Any little bit helps. Trying to get as much free money for college as possible,” she joked, lightening the moment.
Felix chuckled, though the tension from earlier still lingered in his expression. He opened his laptop, playing around with his pronunciation notes. “Honestly, I thought I knew how to speak Korean pretty well, but when I listen to how fast the locals talk, it’s so different. But I have to try… I really want this.”
The uncertainty in his voice was palpable now. His dream of becoming a trainee at JYP was more than just a distant goal—it was an uphill battle, and he knew it. The doubt crept in despite his best efforts to stay confident.
Y/N’s eyes softened as she watched him. “You bring so much to the table, Felix. They’d be insane not to recognize your talent.”
A small smile tugged at his lips, a blush creeping onto his cheeks. He wasn’t used to showing this much vulnerability, but Y/N had always been the one to see past the walls he built. That’s why he cherished her support—it was real, unwavering. 
“Thanks,” he muttered, the tension easing just a bit as they shifted into their joint practice session. Y/N, though adopted, had always wanted to connect more with her Korean heritage, and learning the language alongside Felix had become one of their shared goals. It was a comfort, knowing that no matter what happened next, they were there for each other, even if they didn’t fully realize the depth of their bond just yet.
Felix took a deep breath, glancing at Y/N. There was something about her presence that calmed him, that made him feel like everything might just work out. At least, for now.
You paused for a moment, glancing over at Felix as he focused on his screen, his brows furrowed slightly as he corrected your pronunciation. It felt so easy, so natural, to be in this moment with him. But something about the ease made your chest tighten, a sudden awareness that this might not last forever.
That underlying fear haunted you both in ways you’d rather ignore. Things were bound to change; time would only push those changes forward. It was naive to think otherwise. Like seasons, you and Felix would grow, shaped by new experiences and separate paths. Still, it was a reality you both pretended didn’t exist.
Late-night gaming sessions became your escape. You fantasized about visiting him during the trainee program, imagining he’d somehow find time to indulge in the college life you both knew he’d never get to live. You clung to the delusion, and so did he, until reality began to shift, pressing its weight on your shoulders.
A week later, the shift became real.
“You got into the University of Melbourne!” your aunt screamed from the living room, her voice echoing down the hallway as she rushed to your bedroom doorway.
“That’s great…” you replied, nervous, your voice flat. Your gaze barely lifted from your laptop, where you scrolled through Pinterest, saving inspiration for your next art piece. Watching creative content creators passionately pursue their dreams only made your mind race. Was this the start of something great—or the beginning of a path leading to a bitterly unsatisfying life? Worst-case scenarios flashed through your mind, each more vivid than the last.
“Love, what’s wrong? Your uncle and I are so excited for you, but you don’t seem that way.”
“It’s not that, Auntie. I’m happy. It’s all I’ve been working for. I’m just… thinking about what I have to do to get there.”
“I understand, sweetie, but let’s take a step back and enjoy this moment. This is a huge accomplishment! Sit in it. Celebrate!” She placed a plate of fruit in front of you—her way of showing care, via strawberries. “I’m going to call everyone and tell them how amazing my love is! Going to the best school in the country to become a lawyer—how proud we all are!”
Before you could correct her, tell her you planned to double major in Law and Art Studies, she’d already scurried off. You wanted to shout that you didn’t dream of courtrooms and corporations fighting over copyrights. Your dreams leaned toward helping others, blending the creative skills you’d spent years honing with a career that made a difference.  If you conformed to what your aunt wanted, you’d likely end up defending multimillion-dollar companies that wouldn’t care if you lived or died. Instead, you want to become a public defender—a career that's emotionally satisfying but doesn’t promise a high quality of life.
Instead, you sighed, counting to five as you stared up at the ceiling, willing your nerves to calm before the anxiety could fully take hold.
Lix: Sooooo… Did you hear back?
You: Yeah, I got in.
Lix: This is great! Why are you texting so cold? Lol, you should be proud. What’s on your mind?
You: It’s just so much. My aunt and uncle are great, but I’m thinking about everything I need to get done before I start, and I’m stressed already -_-
Lix: Hey, hey, hey, trust me, I get it. But we can only worry about what’s right in front of us. One day at a time, right? Right? I know I’m right, lol. Why don’t we just hop online and forget about all of this? You can lose again in Smash XD
You: You say that every time, Mr. Lee, and EVERY time I prove you wrong. Lmao. Ok, give me like 10, and I’ll get on Discord.
You smiled, setting your phone down. Felix had a way of pulling you out of your spirals, always knowing what to say to make you laugh—or at least distract you. For a moment, it worked.
But as you stared at your gaming setup, the heaviness crept back. Melbourne was your dream school—not just for its law program but for its vibrant arts community and the chance to live out both sides of your passion. Still, the thought of leaving behind the comfort of your life, and the people in it, especially Felix, was terrifying.
You couldn’t shake the fear of how it would change things. And yet, for now, you clung to the one thing you knew wouldn’t change: Felix would always be there for you.
Two weeks later 
The moments leading up to the audition were some of the most stressful Felix had ever experienced. This opportunity meant everything—a chance to change his life in an instant. Yet, doubts crept in like uninvited shadows. He knew how competitive the entertainment industry was. Thousands auditioned every year. Why would they take a risk on someone like him—a foreigner who doesn’t fit in with the natives?
He let out a heavy sigh as he stood outside the audition venue, his heart pounding against his ribs.
“Felix, listen to me,” Rachel, Felix's older sister, said, her voice steady, offering a small squeeze to his shoulder. “I know you’re nervous, but you’re ready. You’ve been working for this for so long. You’re not just some kid hoping for a shot—you belong here.” She gave him a soft but firm look, as if her words could wrap around him and hold him together. She had always been able to read him, her intuition cutting through his quiet exterior. Even when Felix couldn’t articulate his fears, Rachel could sense them.
Felix ran a hand through his hair, eyes on the building in front of them. “I know. It’s just... There are so many people here, and only a handful get chosen. What if I’m not enough?”
Rachel’s brow furrowed. “Stop overthinking. You’ve got the talent, the drive, and you’ve got yourself—something that no one else can offer. Go in there and show them why you’re our Sunshine.”
Felix tried to nod, but his nerves only seemed to heighten. The choreography he’d practiced relentlessly blurred in his mind. The moves, so ingrained yesterday, felt foreign now, as if his body had forgotten them entirely. He clenched his fists and closed his eyes, exhaling slowly.
This was his dream—his ticket to something greater than the predictable rhythm of Sydney life. He wanted to see the world, to experience everything life had to offer, and to channel that hunger into his newfound passion for dance. But standing here, under the weight of his aspirations, the pressure felt unbearable.
His phone buzzed.
Y/N: Good luck today! Show them the great person I already know you are. Let your light and warmth shine—that’s what will set you apart. I’ll talk to you later when we hop on Steam :D
He stared at the message, reading it twice, then a third time. A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He could almost hear your voice, steady and encouraging, breaking through the storm in his mind. Those words quieted the chaos, grounding him just enough to take a step forward.
The audition itself felt like a blur. The music started, and for a moment, he was paralyzed. Then, like clockwork, the moves came back—sharp, deliberate, and confident. His body knew the choreography better than his mind gave it credit for. By the end, his chest heaved with exertion, but his heart swelled when one of the judges complimented his pronunciation during a short Korean self-introduction.
The waiting afterward was agonizing. Felix paced the holding room, his thoughts looping endlessly. What if he hadn’t done enough? What if this was the end of the road? Yet, there was a quiet reassurance that lingered—the memory of your words. You always seemed to pull him out of the mental traps he built for himself, giving him a clarity he struggled to find alone.
“Congratulations, Lee Felix. Please come to the back room to discuss the details of the trainee program.”
The words hit him like a bolt of lightning. He nearly leaped out of his chair, relief and joy coursing through him in equal measure. He couldn’t believe it—he’d done it. He was in.
Later, in the car, his parents’ cheers filled the air. His mom pulled him into a tight hug, her pride evident even as tears shimmered in her eyes.
“Felix, my son, I’m so proud of you,” she said, her voice choked with emotion. “I’m happy for you, but I’m going to miss you so much….”
Felix could feel the weight of her words in the silence between them. He knew what this meant for both of them—his dream was coming true, but it meant stepping away from everything he knew. His family. You.
He didn’t want to leave, not really. But he had no choice. He had to chase this dream.
When he finally got home, Felix felt the weight of the new reality sink in. He picked up his phone and typed a quick message to you.
Felix: You might as well have been my good luck charm. I got in. Details later :)
For now, Felix chose to live in the moment, holding onto the happiness of his success—and the steady presence of you in his life.
With just four months left before everything changed, there was a sense of urgency in the air, but tonight, the world still belonged to you both. The future was looming, but for now, it was all about enjoying the last moments of freedom before things got complicated.
Felix’s voice crackled through the phone, the tiredness evident in his tone. “I don’t know, Y/N. With everything going on for the trainee program... I don’t have time for this kind of thing.”
You leaned back on your bed, staring at the ceiling as you held your phone to your ear. “Felix, come on. You’re not gonna have many chances left to be irresponsible. This could be the last era of your life to just... let be. You deserve it. Plus, I’ve got leftover liquor from last time. You can pregame with me here.” You smirked to yourself, knowing your words might push him just enough.
Felix sighed, the sound almost exasperated. “I don’t know... I have so much stuff to do for the program. I’m so stressed going out would just add to it”
You rolled your eyes. “Ok. lol. Sounds like another day in your life. No offense. What’s one night? You’ve been working your ass off. Don’t you want to enjoy life while you can? I’m not saying we go crazy, but one night won’t ruin your future. You need to relax.”
There was a long pause on the other end, the only sound being Felix’s deep breath. “Okay, fine,” he finally said, with an almost reluctant chuckle. “You’re right. I need to live in the moment, right? Alright, I’ll come. Let me just check on Liv first, and I’ll be at your place around 10:30.”
“I knew you’d come around,” you teased, your voice light and playful.
A few hours later, after too many shots between the two of you, the night had spiraled into a chaotic, unforgettable high school party at Crystal’s parents’ condo. The place was packed with people, most of them barely legal, all drinking cheap beer and dancing offbeat to Kesha. You and Felix stuck together, navigating the crowd, laughing at the awkwardness of it all.
Felix’s voice came through the phone again, a slight smirk in his tone. “Is this really what we’re going to remember about high school?” he asked, glancing at the crowd.
You grinned, holding your cup up to the phone. “Maybe. But I think it’s the people, not the party. You’re not going to remember every stupid thing that happened, but you’ll remember the faces—the ones that were here for the ride.”
Felix sighed, his voice quieter now, as he watched the madness unfold. “I guess... I just keep thinking about how everything’s about to change. It’s hard to imagine how this will look in a couple months.”
You could hear the shift in his voice, the weight of it. You decided to take a different approach, trying to lighten the mood. “Hey, nothing stays the same. And that’s okay. That’s what makes moments like this so important. You’ve got to soak it all in while you can.”
Felix let out a soft chuckle. “You’re right. Yeah, I guess it’s kind of nice to know that we’ll have this to look back on.” His voice turned a little more serious. “Thanks, Y/N. For getting me to come out tonight.”
You smiled softly, even though he couldn’t see it. “Anytime. We’ve got to enjoy what we’ve got while it lasts.”
Felix’s voice softened. “Yeah, we do.”
The party was in full swing, the music blaring, drinks flowing, and chaos everywhere. You could barely hear anything over the chatter and laughter of your friends, but the tension between you and Felix was palpable. It had always been there, but tonight, it felt different.
Mike, drunker than most, slurred his words as he pushed into Felix. “When are you gonna finally make a move on Y/N?” He laughed, oblivious to the shift in the air, pushing Felix in your direction.
Felix rolled his eyes, but it wasn’t the usual playful response. There was something different in his gaze, something more thoughtful than you were used to seeing. The teasing continued, relentless.
“Sure, sure, I bet you won’t ever make a move at this rate,” Mike teased, turning his attention to you now. The conversation quickly shifted, and you couldn’t help but feel the eyes of everyone on you.
“You should just make the first move at this point. What do you have to lose?” Mike’s words hung in the air, and for a moment, everything seemed to freeze.
You hadn’t really thought about kissing Felix, not like this, not seriously. But in your drunken haze, Mike’s challenge hit something inside you. Maybe you should kiss him. After all, what was the harm?
Felix chuckled nervously, shaking his head. “No way, man,” he muttered, but there was an edge to his voice that told you he was conflicted. The idea of it seemed to hang in the air, pulling at something inside both of you. Something you hadn’t let yourself acknowledge.
Without thinking much further, you blurted out, “I’ll kiss him now. It’s really fine.”
Felix choked on his drink. The words left your mouth before you could stop them. Felix’s eyes widened in shock, his mouth slightly parted as if trying to process what you had just said. “Wait, what? You’re kidding, right?” His voice was tight, but there was an unmistakable flicker of something in his eyes, something that hadn’t been there before.
“You just said it,” Mike teased, a sly grin on his face. “Do it. You’re friends. It’s no big deal, right?”
Felix’s mind was spinning, and for the first time, he saw you in a completely new light. The way your dress hung from your body, the way you’d always laughed around him, but now it felt different, like everything was amplified. Felix blinked, his pulse picking up. He didn’t know what it was—whether it was the alcohol, or the way you’d teased him, or how suddenly everything felt so intimate—but he couldn’t deny it.
Felix shifted uncomfortably, suddenly hyper-aware of the space between you. His eyes flicked to yours, searching, but you were already moving closer. The alcohol dulled his usual caution. His mind raced, his heart pounding as your hand reached up to cup the side of his face. Everything in the room felt like it had stopped moving. His eyes landed on your lips for a split second, and in that instant, it was too late to turn back.
The kiss was soft, tentative at first, but it was enough to send a jolt through both of you. Felix’s hands instinctively found their way to your waist, pulling you closer. Something inside him—something he’d buried deep—flooded to the surface. It wasn’t just a kiss. It was everything you hadn’t admitted to each other. The way he felt about you, the way you’d felt about him for a while now, but never dared to say.
Your lips deepened the kiss, and the world outside of you two seemed to vanish. The other people in the room fell away. You were both lost in the moment, but it wasn’t just the alcohol that made your head spin. It was the way Felix kissed you, the intensity of it. The way your heart raced, not just from the thrill, but from the realization that this meant something more.
As you slowly pulled away, your face was flushed, your head spinning. You didn’t know if it was the alcohol, or if it was the fact that Felix had just crossed the line between friends and something else, something you didn’t know how to name.
“See? No big deal,” you laughed awkwardly, trying to cover the pounding in your chest with casualness.
Felix, still caught in the aftermath of the kiss, looked at you for a long moment. His voice was quieter now, almost hesitant. “Yeah... no big deal,” he echoed, but the way his eyes lingered on you told a different story. He wasn’t sure what had just happened, but he knew it had changed everything.
You both tried to go back to normal, but the tension between you was thick. You couldn’t help but notice the way Felix kept his eyes on you the rest of the night, his gaze occasionally flickering to anyone who seemed to show too much interest in you. You were too drunk to notice the subtle possessiveness in the way he glared at the guys who came too close. Felix assumed you only kissed him because it was him, and that was something he wasn’t ready to share with anyone.
As the night wore on, the games continued—Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros.—but the energy was different. Your competitive banter was laced with something unspoken, the kind of charge that buzzed between you both every time your eyes met. You tried to act like nothing had changed, but you could feel it in the air. So could Felix, though he didn’t dare to bring it up.
Eventually, the night ended, and in a blur of too many drinks and too many moments that felt too real, you ended up at your parents' condo. They were away for the weekend, and there was no way Felix would let you walk home alone—even if you weren’t drunk.
As you stumbled toward the door, Felix’s hand lingered on your back, guiding you with a care that was almost too gentle for the way he had acted earlier. The unspoken words still hung between you, thick with everything that had shifted between you two in a matter of seconds.
And somewhere deep down, you both knew that everything would be different now. You just hadn’t figured out if or how to deal with it yet.
Stumbling into your room, you both lazily kicked off your clothes and changed into your pajamas before slipping into the bed. The room was spinning less now, the alcohol haze from the night lifting, bringing some clarity to the situation. Felix lay beside you, feeling the overwhelming weight of the kiss, his mind spinning with thoughts he couldn’t push away. He felt guilty, especially if you had only kissed him because of peer pressure.
He tried to distract himself by doom scrolling through social media, but his head was still racing, and he just couldn’t shake it. The thought of losing your friendship over a stupid dare seemed like too much to bear.
“Hey…umm…” Felix sighed, turning to face you. “You didn’t have to do that.”
You glanced over at him, noting the distress on his face. “Do what?”
His heart was pounding, his voice tight. “Kiss me. You didn’t have to, you know? I just want to make sure… I don’t want to mess things up.”
You smiled softly, your gaze steady and reassuring. “Lix, if I wasn’t cool with it, I wouldn’t have done it. You know how stubborn I am.”
Felix hesitated, his chest still tight, unsure of how to respond. “I know… I just want to make sure, because I…”
You cut him off gently, your voice quiet but firm. “I hear you. But I enjoyed it.” You paused, your mind replaying the moment that felt frozen in time. “My only complaint? It was too short.”
Felix’s demeanor immediately softened. That magical ease you always had with him worked like a balm for his frayed nerves, the racing thoughts in his head calming at your words. He had been terrified that he might have ruined five years of friendship with a single reckless kiss, but now—now things didn’t seem so impossible.
“Well,” Felix said, a small chuckle escaping his lips, “I guess I owe you a second kiss one of these days.”
You smirked, inched closer to him, and whispered, “Why wait? Let’s make it ‘one of these days’ right now. YOLO, right?”
Felix laughed nervously, his heart doing a strange flip in his chest. His mind was still caught between the confusion of his emotions and the weight of the consequences of crossing this line. What was the point of pushing the envelope? Things were already changing in both of your lives; maybe you should just leave your friendship the way it was.
But all that went out the window the moment your lips met his again.
This time, there was no pressure. Just the two of you, lost in the moment. Your lips danced together, slow and intricate, matching each other’s pace. Before either of you knew it, you had shifted on top of him, straddling his waist, his hands finding their place on your hips, his fingers brushing against your bare skin.
Felix had touched you before, but never like this. The sensation sent electric waves up both of your spines, and the world outside of the two of you seemed to disappear. You pulled away slowly, your breath quiet in the stillness.
“That was nice…” Felix whispered, his voice barely audible as he pulled you back down beside him.
You snuggled closer, your voice soft and sleepy. “Yeah. It was. Can we do that again?”
Felix didn’t answer with words. Instead, he kissed you again, and again, and again, each kiss a little deeper, a little more heated than the last. Slowly, you both relaxed into each other’s embrace, falling asleep tangled together, content and peaceful.
Just two friends, sharing a moment, and nothing more….right?
Just temperature checking if people like this... If this is something that intrigues you. leave me an message in the ask box.
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lilsilly1 · 5 months ago
Daily Luigi!
Inktober 13th, "Horizon"
Today was very VERY busy for me so I didn't get to draw but! I got pics of Weegie plush that could fit the Inktober's theme (or not but idc you'll have the drawing anyway when I'll be able to) >:3
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For some context, I am currently in Poland and we visited the salt mines (idk if u say it like that) but we had to wait for our visit so we went to that place which looks like a sort of castle made with sticks pilled together with very salty water leaking from them (backrounds of the pictures)
And since the atmosphere had that sort of salty humidity whatever, I was covered in tini salt particles and well- weegie plush aswell, but he okai, also you can see the salt on the lamp weegie is standing on
And the salt mines? Wow. it was epic, lots of walk but damn, if someone is really desperate to know more, you can ask me questions on my profile thingy and I'll answer no probleums! :3
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katatonicimpression · 1 year ago
A Walk Through My Year in Media
This isn't necessarily things that came out this year, but rather things that I watched/read this year that I liked or compulsively consumed regardless of whether or not I liked them.
2023 in Films
Most of this post is going to be positivity; a sampling platter of things I've enjoyed this year. But also:
Salty Film Hot Takes:
The French Connection is uncomfortable to watch. I don't care about the racist, antisemitic, misogynist cop. He's objectively bad at his job make him go away.
None of the Next Generation era trek movies are good.
Guardians 4 would have been a better movie if Pratt wasn't in it. And I mean that in a "the script would be better structured" way.
Se7en is a really fun film and I'm not mad to have rewatched it recently but... it's undermined by 1) the writers not realising that John Doe's opinions are bog standard right wing talk radio shit, 2) the fact that they kind of agree with him and 3) they clearly, hilariously, don't know what lawyers do.
The Mummy (2017) is awful. I guess that's not controversial but still.
Robin Hood (2018) is also awful. Like, amazingly so. And, slightly warmer take, so is Prince of Thieves you guys.
I will not be answering questions on any of the above.
Positive Film Hot takes:
I went on a bit of an 80s dark fantasy kick this year. Out of films that I hadn't seen before, The Dark Crystal and The Last Unicorn really stood out. Especially the Dark Crystal. I ended up rewatching the show as well. Just so good. Bring it back. Justice for the gelflings.
I also watched a lot of Terry Gilliam this year - not all of his back catalogue but most of it. Obviously Jabberwocky is almost entirely bad, no one needs to be told, but overall yeah you get why he's beloved. The common vibe from his films is "wow there's so much to love here but it doesn't quite work". Brazil is an obvious standout - it's a classic for a reason. But I want to highlight The Adventures of Baron Munchausen. Behind the scenes disaster and orientalist opening sequence aside, it really is spectatular. The sets, the details. It's so well crafted and just makes you wish they made films like this all the time. Damn you, Terry.
The 1938 Robin Hood film is the best Robin Hood film. Yes, congratulations, you noticed another theme in the shit I've watched this year. But yes, it's great, it's fun and well paced. It holds up staggeringly well. I also watched The Court Jester (1955 - with Danny Kaye and Angela Lansbury) - Also surprisingly great.
Finally, also feeling medieval, I watched Excalibur (1981). This is more "swords and sorcery" than "dark fantasy" (think: Conan the Barbarian vibes), but it's kinda great (most of the genre is not, lbr). It captures the logic of those stories, the vibes of the mythology very well, the mix of pagan and early christian beliefs, and the weird metaphysics that results. It's great. Way better than that dumb clive owen one. My lord that was bad.
2023 in Telly
Live Action Drama:
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It's good. I don't think anyone needs me to tell them that. Still haven't finished it but enjoying it in a peaceful, fandom-free way.
Robin Hood (2006)
This was a terrible show, with an even worse third and final series. Did I rewatch the whole thing anyway? Yes I did. Should I have? No. (I love the first two so much though. Lily Allen's dad as the sheriff of Nottingham as tony blair? sign me up.)
Doctor Who
Am I a basic bitch who only came back to who because RTD did? Yes. But at least I'm not quite as basic as the ones who were only back for Tennant. The first one was good, if a little on the nose, the second was great, the third was good up until they get onto the stupid avengers platform for the showdown, from which point me and everyone in the room just got mad at it. The christmas special was fun though, excited for Gatwa and the new series.
Adult Animation:
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Castlevania: Nocturne
Genuinely so great. It's very clear that they're setting up a whole multi season arc with this first season, and the incompleteness that comes with that is probably its biggest flaw. But overall, fucking fabulous. The animation, fights, character design. Just a gorgeous show. Maybe not to everyone's taste; it's fantasy, but not escapist - its very much rooted in the historical injustices of the setting and has some heavy themes as a result. But if you liked the first Castlevania show, then you'll probably love this.
Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix
You might have noticed that there was a show out that featured "Rayman, but with drugs and cussing!" and, yes, this is that show. You might not have noticed that Rayman is only a small part of it, and it's actually about Dolph - a traumatised gay cyborg - and his no good, horrible, very bad breakup. Dolph is great.
Star Trek: Lower Decks
Do you like Star Trek? Do you like silly cartoons and workplace sitcoms? Then do I have the show for you. Real highlight of the year for me tbh. While the show is built on poking fun at trek canon, and can feel a little overly reliant on nostalgia sometimes, the latest season really pushed for more meaningful character moments in between the laughs. I like it. It's good.
This was the most mixed of mixed bags. Japanese horror with a really striking and confronting art style. At its best, it's got this visceral atmosphere that sucks you in and is genuinely fantastic. At its worst, it's got a whole storyline about "abortion ghosts", and features some art that comes across as racial caricature. Between this, and a few other things that felt uncomfortable in an unintentional way, I don't think I'd really recommend this, but it did stick with me, I'll give them that.
YA Animation:
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The Dragon Prince
If you're into the whole YA fantasy adventure thing, this is an obvious rec. It's biggest flaw is how slow it's been to release, but if you're binging it for the first time, that's not a problem. It's heartfelt, it's pretty, it's clearly a kids show but is well crafted and has appeal beyond its core audience.
Star Trek: Prodigy
S1 actually originally aired like two years ago, but I only watched it this year after finding out that it was cancelled. But it was rescued! S1 is now on netflix, and s2 will air there next year. Genuinely a really fun contribution to the whole trek shebang, fitting into the universe well without ever feeling reliant on nostalgia.
I didn't include the two other treks that aired this year because s3 of Picard sucked balls (still not over it) and Strange New Worlds has stopped appealing to me... but that's a whole thing for the other blog. But the animated series are great! Also Disco. I still like Discovery.
Skull Island
This was better than it had any right to be. One season of a surprisingly funny King Kong show, also on Netflix.
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Rupaul's Drag Race UK Season 5
DRUK is good again, hooray. The dark times are over... for now.
Married at First Sight UK
Do not watch this. It will consume your entire life. Your brain will melt away as you watch someone fake cheat on their fake husband with someone else's fake husband just days into their fake marriage.
It's good. It's been good. It continues to be good.
2023 in Gaming
Lol no. Can you imagine?
I did play the sims a lot. I had my guy cheat on his husband who then died.
2023 in Books
Fun fact: I only finished one of the books I intended to read this year. That's embarrassing. Anyway, it was "From Here to Eternity" by Caitlin Doughty (yes, the Ask a Mortician lady). It's great.
2023 in Comic Books
This has really been Steve Orlando's year for me. I was thinking about what series I would include on a highlight list, and his Scarlet Witch was the only obvious answer for me. Sara Pichelli's art in that series is gorgeous - I love the way she draws Wanda. The writing is solid, compelling, tells a complete story. If I were to recommend any one series from this year, it would be this.
His Astonishing Iceman was also up there for me, and I will also repeat that the Mutant First Strike one shot he wrote was genuinely great. Kudos, Steve.
Kieron Gillen's Immortal X-Men is easily one of the best to come out of the Krakoa era, and this year was no exception. I didn't really care about the Sins of Sinister event, and I care even less about the Fall of X event, so it really means something that I'm still including this series here despite it being dominated by these events. The issue with Piotr's narration has been my favourite, I think. But overall, still strong. I really hope he gets to continue writing these characters (especially Exodus and Sinister) in the future.
Other Positivity
Ewing's Black Panther series is really solid, Avengers (2023) has been pretty good. Dark X-Men was probably my actual favourite of the Fall of X titles.
Lol I already said I didn't like the x-events. I also hated cold war. Such a waste of an opportunity. Speaking of, a lot of my comics-based salt and frustration this year has been about Sam. The way that he gets written out of things, ignored, then he turns up and his written badly and goes straight back to being ignored again. Then Marvel turns to the camera and is like "why would audiences do this?".
Put the fucking effort in and more people would show up for him. It's not that hard.
There's my overall annoyance with Duggan, which is a freebie, but one highlight of that has to be the bizarre direction they went with Kamala. No one wanted this, no one needed it, and certainly nobody needed the weird gleeful "killing" of this character just to launch a pointless plot beat that feels both offensive (see: Emma lecturing Kamala about not understanding real oppression) and is inexplicably happening during a whole massive event that feels like it should be about other characters.
The end...?
I don't want to keep listing things that annoyed me this year, because it'll just get repetative. If you follow me (which, if you don't, why are you reading this?), then you'll see me complaining about random crap all the time anyway.
Have a good NYE everyone!
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ok no no i need to. i need to start at the beginning.
'night of the living dead' (1968) basically codified the whole slow-moving, ppl-eating zombie phenomenon into a Genre. zombie stuff HAD existed before that, buuuut mostly as a......well, a racist misunderstanding of certain cultures and their religious beliefs. for example in 'the white zombie' (1932) a lady gets ~transformed~ into a zombie by an '''''evil voodoo master''''' 👀 and after said master dies, she's ~freed from her trance~ and goes back to normal. so it's not at all like the zombies of 'night'. there were a bunch of other old films like that one but im not an ooooold film guy so. i can't really. rec anything sorry ✌😔
BUT. 'night of the living dead', aside from the slow ppl-eaters, was also a biting social commentary about racism. SPOILER ALERT, but in the film, everyone dies in the end bc nobody wants to listen to ben, who is a black man. and ben himself dies bc a white guy saw him in the window, assumed he was a zombie or didn't CARE, and shot him. (and yes i AM salty about this every time, thanks for asking 😒) the film makes it pretty clear that if everyone had been able to stop arguing, swallow their pride, and work together, they would have all survived the night. (well. MOSTLY all. KAREN'S MUM >:V)
THEN!!! IN 1978!!! 'dawn of the dead' appeared!!! its 1970s swag, comic book feel, and biting social commentary (sensing a theme, right???) made it ALSO quite the show stopper!! some feel it's superior to the original!!! (personally i find 'night' more enjoyable to WATCH, but the first time watching 'dawn' was very affecting!!! i was a changed birb!!!) it's strange to see it from a contemporary perspective, bc that kind of scathing callout for extreme consumerism and hypercapitalism was......pretty rare tbh?? the only other comparable film i can think of is 'shock treatment' (1981) and THAT was LEAGUES ahead of its time, basically PROPHESYING reality television and the changes in the way ppl treated celebrity and fame and---THAT'S A DIFFERENT POST, BIRB!!! STAHP.
ok where was i. scathing social commentary and 70s swag, right!!! (OH AND tom savini's amazing effects. fly high king!!! u did incredible work in maniac as well sadhsohdoashh why am i like thissss) SOCIAL COMMENTARY AND SWAG.
........NEITHER of which are present in this 2004 remake of 'dawn of the dead'. since, as i said, it's in 2004. and i mean.....ANY film can make social commentary about the environment it takes place in. but in this film it was extremely.......lacklustre ;A;
it wasn't.......bad???? not EXACTLY. i've SEEN bad films, ok, and this??? doesn't make the list. the sets and costumes are fine (well.....mostly 👀) the effects are all right, as well. it's.....it's fine. it's not great, it's not terrible, ving rhames is there!!! he puts in a good performance imo!!! i don't recognise anyone else, but that doesn't mean anything, bc i don't know shit about actors, and also im bad at remembering. anything.
but it's just so.......bland. and dull!!! and not fun at all ;A; it tries to be ~edgy~ a few times, but it falls flat bc they either don't go all the way, or they immediately undermine whatever point they're trying to make in the next scene. example!!! once they figure out that zombie bite = certain death, they argue over whether they should kill the member of their group who's been bitten but hasn't turned yet. ok!! so this is a question of morality!! that's fine, films can certainly address that!!!
steve 1 wants to shoot bite man!! steve 2 says no!!! she tells bite man that steve 1 is going to shoot him!!! bite man is sad bc his daughter is there. but he doesn't want to zombie. so actually he goes into a different room, dies, and then steve 1 shoots his corpse so that he does not zombie.
SO. the moral question had no payoff!! it was immediately resolved, and steve 2 wasn't even in the scene, and doesn't mention it again afterward!! but that doesn't even MATTER actually!! bc the AUDIENCE have known from the start that bite = death bc we already watched it happen to steve 1's husband in the opening of the fecking film. so for the audience, the scene is POINTLESS. we already KNOW how this works bc we SAW IT HAPPEN, so now we're just sitting here shouting abuse at the screen in the hopes that these idiots will save themselves!!! AAA. FRUSTRATING ;A;
and as ive said, the rest of the film's production value is too good for it to be a hokey fun campy time. this isn't a baby indie film where i can forgive pointless scenes or shit effects bc it's just normal ppl making a film for fun or bc it means something to THEM and they are putting their whole heart into it. this is a professional film!! a well funded one!!! which doesn't have a tight budget to excuse its mistakes or poor choices!! THEY HAD $26 MILLION. THAT'S. KIND OF A LOT OF MONEY, NO?????
ourhgghgh. i don't like being a hater!! (that is not true. i love it and im having a great time, unfortunately 😔) but there's really!!! NO REASON for the film to be this MEH, considering it's a remake of a GOOD film, and the director should probably have some sort of UNDERSTANDING of a film BEFORE he attempts to remake it!!! right?? is that?? like im not crazy for thinking so, right?????? RIGHT????
the issues of the day had changed from 1978 to 2004, certainly. but they could still make commentary about the issues of the day in 2004. or!! they could have just made a gory splatter-fest for fun!! and NOT called it 'dawn of the dead'!!! since they didn't intend to include BOTH ingredients!! (ie gore and commentary). bc that is. that's what the 'of the dead' series WAS. impressive gore effects and scathing commentary. i didn't necessarily AGREE with every point george romero tried to make in ALL of his films; 'diary of the dead' (2007) was a bit insufferable for me, actually. BUT IT WAS STILL GORE AND COMMENTARY. LIKE THE OTHER ONES.
the thing about the og romero zombies is that they are slow, tireless, and will swarm and overwhelm u. BUT, thru TEAMWORK, u CAN survive!! bc zombies are very dumb!!! u just need to be smarter than zombies!!! unfortunately, some ppl are NOT smarter than zombies, so they end up dead. but others escape in helicopters or on boats and live to fight another day!!
EXCEPT. except in 'dawn' 2004..........the idiots DID learn to work together. they were distrustful at first, but apropos of nothing, they began to work together and care about each other, unlike in 'night'. AND!!! they did not succumb to the mindless consumerism for ages like in 'dawn' 1978!!!!
in other words........they defeated the true enemies of the first and second films. they overcame the societal ills of prejudice and consumerism, and were working together and looking after each other without hoarding all the mall stuff or gorging themselves on sweets and arcade games. there's one scene, ONE MONTAGE, over which they played a swing cover of down with the sickness, where some of the guys are shooting zombies for fun, but like......killing the zombies is ALSO for their own safety?? so???? i feel like making a game of it, while very morbid, is still a rather understandable thing to do, esp if ur trying to stave off the madness from being trapped inside a big scary american shopping mall!!!!!! it really wasn't that bad, compared to that one walking dead thingy where they had dog-fighting rings, but with zombies. that's. that's weirder to me, ok. it just is 👀
SO. DESPITE SYMBOLICALLY OVERCOMING the TRUE threats to humanity (prejudice and consumerism, u recall)..........they still lose most of them in the end.
YEAH. THEY STILL. MOST OF THEM still FUCKING DIE, and most of them were in random moments of absolutely goat-fucking STUPIDITY, as opposed to ~heroic sacrifices~ made for the ~greater good~. (which ALSO counts as overcoming prejudice btw, since hat man had been an asshole at first who only cared for his OWN safety, and in the end, sacrificed himself to save the others......even tho there was someone who was ALREADY BITTEN who probably should have done it INSTEAD but who's COUNTING??? NOT ME >:V)
LIKE. WHO KEEPS A CHAINSAW RUNNING INSIDE A MOVING VEHICLE. once he was done sawing zombies thru the....i assume they were zombie-sawing holes in their armoured bus, WHY WOULD STEVE 5 KEEP THE FUCKING CHAINSAW ON????? U KNOW THOSE THINGS USE PETROL RIGHT???? WHY WERE U WASTING THE PETROL WHEN U WEREN'T USING THE CHAINSAW??? WHY WEREN'T U CONSERVING RESOURCES FOR LATER?????? and then when driver asshole!steve jostles the bus round, WHOOPS!!! the chainsaw went RIGHT INTO slutty!steve's shoulder!!! there goes slutty!steve, she is now dead!!! and steve 5 is dead as well. somehow. idk the bus crashed or something??? whatever. i don't care. im annoyed.
despite crashing the buss, asshole!steve crawls out, leaving the other two behind......only to have a zombie do a lara croft drop-stealth attack from above!!! oh noes!! if only asshole!steve had had several seconds to hear the loud zombie loudly growling loudly, so he could raise the gun that was ALREADY IN HIS HAND AND SHOOT IT BEFORE IT KILLED HIM. IF ONLY, GUYS. IF ONLY.
and then when the rest of the group check on them, asshole!steve is already a zombie. cool. that's fine. there is ZERO consistency for how quickly ppl turn into zombies but that's fine, it's not like i care.
ALSO ALSO??? zombie baby. i've seen it done. MORE than once. it's never been good. it's never, ever been good, or edgy, or even terribly tragic. it's just silly. and occasionally disgusting. let that one die pls. unless ur going all in on a pregnancy horror story, just.....don't. just let that trope die 😔
at least the dog was ok. that is my only comfort in all this. the dog, chips, was all right ;A; (zombies don't eat dogs. in most films, zombies only eat humans, with the notable exception of 'survival of the dead' (2009) where the zombies......learn to eat horses????? idk i. think i blocked most of that film from my memory. there was probably a reason. it was probably for the best. O_O) (notable as in, notable for mainstream zombie films, that is!!! resident evil is ofc its OWN entity, and i dare not try to explain what occurs in the lawless lands of 1980s italian horror films. i don't. i don't want to talk about it. idk if i COULD talk about it. what would i say. what if i accidentally mentioned the sheep guts scene. i don't. i don't want to remember the sheep guts scenE OH GOD IT'S BACK HALP HAAAAALLLLPPP MAKE IT STAAAAAAHP AAAAAAAAAAAAAA ;A;)
im fine. probably.
what was i saying??
OH RIGHT. 'DAWN' REMAKE. yeah it wasn't very good. i was shouting at it but not in the fun way. it was mostly boring, a bit annoying, but not poorly made or with distractingly bad acting. it was just meh. it could have been better tho!!! which is a shame, it's always very sad to see wasted potential like that smh. and it had the fast athletic zombies, which i do not like. i mean to each their own!!! but personally slow, creeping dread will always be more effective on me than jumpscares and flashing lights. one just startles u. the other???is true horror. my fav analogy is like this: terror is what u feel when there's a big scary bear looming over u while growling and frothing at the mouth. horror is what u felt five minutes before that, when u found ur friends' backpacks and shredded clothes, with bloody bones nearby, and realised what that meant. one is immediate, the other builds slowly. they can both be used very effectively in media!!! buuuuut everyone's different, so it won't affect everyone the same way, u know??
....i was a bit cross when i started writing this but i feel much calmer now. why was i angry??? oh well 🤣🤣🤣
ok ok im sorry it's. it's not quite as bad as all that. i just. GRRRRRRRR.
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abbacchiosbelt · 2 years ago
(Im just gonna slide my opinions here)
Unpopular Opinion (but should be popular) - All your favs and characters from any media that you’re into like chubby people! I’m so tired of seeing hate for chubby reader x character! That super buff dude who could bench press a building? Yeah, he’s into chubby people! That thin dainty woman who is lowkey evil and wants to murder her enemies? Yup! She wants to cuddle up to her chubby partner every night! I’m sick of pretending like these characters wouldn’t want a soft chubby partner to hold and love and give the world to!!! 😤
Something I Like - I love the little pockets and communities within fandoms! Like I’m personally really into Genshin right now and there’s like 20 million characters. But I’m so pleasantly surprised and happy that they all get love! (Well…to varying degrees 😅) But! I’m happy that if I’m thirsting for a character I can just look up “(Character) X Reader”! We have so many talented writers and artists who give so much to our community! (Including you! 💗) I’m so happy that even within such a big fandom we can find people who obsess over “Extra #4” XD
CHUBBY AND FAT READER SUPREMACY. thankfully, i have not seen any hate outside of the occasional anon my writing pals get - but i'm sure it's out there. buff dude holding his chubby boyfriend bridal style. thin dainty gal wrapping a possessive arm around her gf's squishy waist. we love to see it!! you are so right about chubby reader. they will be loved and cherished by ALL our faves.
yeah, i love that there's such a variety of creators in the genshin fandom! it's great to see. (and ty, i enjoy writing for genshin a lot!!) shoutout to these NPCs for being hot: lawrence (mondstadt gate guard), hulwani (aaru village), and chizuru (from the most recent event in inazuma). there are more too, but those just came to the top of my head!
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jeonghannie · 4 years ago
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Jeonghan | Home;Run Fanchant
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goldengoddess · 3 years ago
hey can you please write a holiday crow fic !! love ur work <3
new years with the crows!
authors note: hi this sort of got away from me so i couldn’t include any of the ACTUAL holidays but fuck it let’s make it new years themed! and happy late holidays to all of u mwah mwah
as kaz loves to point out, new years doesn't really mean anything.
he says it's simply a day, just like any other. except that everyone spends the week after new years trying to reinvent themselves. going to the gym. spending less time watching netflix. baking more.
but eventually, these resolutions fall short, like always.
but kaz is the downer of the group and he doesn't know what he's talking about.
you, jesper, and nina on the other hand, see the beauty of new years day.
after all the traditional holidays are over, the phrase new year new me gets uttered at least ten thousand times a day
the three of you force the rest of the crows to make a giant deal out of the thirty first
nina spends the entire day in the kichen, recruiting wylan as her faithful helper of the day
she wears the chefs hat and everything
she even wears a cute little apron matthias gave her for christmas that says "kiss the cook"
matthias uses this as an excuse to come into the kitchen every ten minutes
you and wylan find it very cute and tease her for it everytime
she makes every dish that you can think of
sweet, salty, all of the dishes you and the crows used to have every new years with your families
the process usually makes you cry out of nostaligia but luckily nina and wylan are quick to console you
jesper spends the whole day being as unhelpful as possible
but you know it wouldn't be half as fun if he weren't around
he distracts wylan, adds too much flour to the cookies, proceeds to eat all of the cookie dough despite nina warning him not to at least twenty times
eventually, nina gives you and inej the task of keeping him busy so he doesn't cause even more trouble
the three of you go around the slat asking people to write out their new years resolution so that you can make a fun board out of it
hours later (it took longer because jesper kept being distracting) you all sit in the living room pasting new years resolutions on the board
everyone has them written down
minus kaz of course
but as the three of you are hard at work, a certain dirtyhands walks down the stairs, paper in hand
without saying anything, he takes a seat next to inej and hands her the paper
the grin on inej's face almost makes one apear on kaz's as well
you suspect his change in attitude about new years is thanks to her
at ten on the dot, everyone is sat at the long table
there is food everywhere
and i mean everywhere
nina, as always, totally out did herself
and notably there are a lot more waffles than one would expect at a new years dinner
the entire night is spent laughing, eating, and sharing
as midnight approaches, matthias suggests that everyone share their favorite memory of the year
the thing they're most proud of
you all go around in a circle
kaz sharing his favorite heist
matthias saying that his favorite memory was that one morning nina created fake snow in the backyard just for him
nina smiling and saying that hers was the night of her birthday were everyone attempted to make her waffles
wylan and jesper both having the same fondest memory
the time jesper tried to teach wylan to shoot a gun
"i almost lost my finger but it was the best afternoon ever" wylan confesses
and then finally, it's your turn
looking around the room you know that this day was without a doubt your favorite moment of the year
and when you say so you get a unanimous chorus of "aw's" from everyone at the table
nearing midnight, everyone counts down from ten
screaming at the top of their lungs, "happy new year!" so loud that everyone in ketterdam probably heard yall
you all toasts with the cheap champagne that jesper might have stolen from the store down the street
and it's the best night of the entire year
have a great 2022 everyone <3
@vintagebitc @obiwansjedi @thegirlwiththeimpala @hybrid-in-progress @mrs-brekker15 @mrsbrekkers @simplyluvzuko @ode-to-joy @gallysonegoodlung @sixofshadowandbone @castielcouldbeasecretdentist @amourslover @caaarstairs @the-jess-life @xsamsharons @heavenlymidnights @tinyfwoggie @the-abyss-gazed-back @subjecta13-thefangirl @ughgclden @brekker-andhiswraith @ilovemarvelanne1 @lostinketterdam @anything-forourmoony  @treasureofmy-heart
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ofmermaidstories · 4 years ago
U think bakugo ever gets so angry his mouth misses surrender reader’s when he’s trying to have a passionate heated make out session because I do
Katsuki’s home for once, sleeping off the last few days in the darkness of his room, cocooned.
It’s early evening before he remerges. You’re peeling the potatoes for dinner when you hear him shuffling from the room to the bath, keeping track of him by the running of the taps before he closes the door, the sound cutting off — leaving you alone in the quiet of his large apartment, trying to amuse yourself by carving the perfect spiral of a potato peel; petty, silly.
When he wakes up after a marathon sleep it always takes him a while to come back, to return to the here and now; his mind catching up with the rest of his body as it realises it can finally relax, can take these next few hours to pause and breathe. He can be reticent even on good days: after big missions, after a series of demanding patrols, he’s even more silent, staying that way until something annoys him enough that he comes back into himself — or makes him laugh in his startling way.
The city outside is falling into dusk: the windows opened wide to the pink-twilight city glimmer. You hum along to a song on the television, jiggling the rice you’re rinsing and hear the traceable movement of your Pro Hero as he shuffles back into the living room.
“Hi!” You call out behind you cheerily, rinsing your hands and darting between the sink and the fridge. The door rattles as you open it, looking for the cold water bottle you set aside for him, earlier — but then big arms are slipping around you, enveloping you, and there’s the touch of lips against your neck, the feel of Katsuki’s fine hair against your face. The soapy, minty freshness of him, clean from washing up.
You lean back into the weight of him, the warmth, and he pulls you in tighter; breathing in deeply, like he’s still half-asleep. He very well might be — for a moment you stand together in front of the open refrigerator as you trace the veins of his hands, his arms, nosing into the side of his head where its against you.
“Hi,” You say again: softer, against the fine down of hair by his ear. Everything within you is vibrating that he’s here, that you’re together — your very cells rioting, hyperaware of his closeness. The invasion of space that only belongs to him.
The fridge beeps. You try and tug away from his arms to get his drink, to close the door — he pulls you back and kicks the door shut with a grunt. “No,” He says, and it’s ridiculous enough that you laugh. It’s the jiggling of the rice you were rinsing, the weight against the sieve; your body moves against his and he buries his face in your neck, like he’s trying to osmosis your laughter through your skin.
You breathe in and settle and eventually he lets you turn in his arms, your hands snaking up between you, his bare chest and going to his face, cupping his cheeks. The lines under his eyes are deeper, now, than they have been since you’ve known him — he looks at you, ruby eyes dark and tired, and your heart tightens.
You thumb the shadows of his face, gently. The feather-light touch of handling something so irredeemably precious. In answer he dips into you, a headbutt with no real force; you’re breathing one another in now, and you let your hands slip from the panes of his face to his shoulders, your fingertips mapping the familiar feel of him.
“You need more sleep,” You whisper to him; the tiny space between you gaining all the sanctity of a Library’s quiet.
Katsuki huffs. It’s light against you. “D’wanna.” He says, annoyed, childish. His hands - hands that have destroyed, that have saved, that are now on you - tighten. You wait, tracing the edges of the scar on his shoulder.
“Missed you ‘n shit.” He says at last, even more annoyed, now.
You droop into him, wilting like a flower; you’ve missed him too. He hasn’t been home in almost a week — it’s not the longest of his stints, not lately, and you knew what you were signing up for, when you fell for him — but it doesn’t make it any easier. When he is home the two of you sleep in shifts, almost: only able to be together, both awake and coherent, for a few stolen hours. It means the need to be near him has gotten so persuasive, lately, that sometimes when you’re here and he’s in bed, sleeping off a battle, you crawl in next to him; carefully and lightly, curling into his warmth and forcing yourself into a midday nap, just to be near him, to share his space. You always awake entangled and overheated, afterwards — Katsuki finding you in his sleep and dragging you close, missing you just as much as you do him, even in his dreams. It’s never comfortable — he runs hot, constantly, and it’s like sleeping with a heater but —
It doesn’t matter. It’s just more proof that he’s there. That he’s with you, alive and home safe.
There’s a light touch of lips at your neck once more; leading, ghost-like tracing, kisses, from the dip of your collarbone to just under your jaw bone as you tilt, giving him more access. Everything within you pulses, tightens — he nips at the soft skin just below your ear and you finally turn your face to his, enough to feel the sharp intake of his breath before his lips meet yours, deepening the kiss almost instantly.
His mouth is cool and tastes of mint and aniseed from his toothpaste and mouthwash, respectively — you let him spin you, pressing you into the counter. He pulls away, grunting something, leaving you momentarily bemused — before he presses in close again, mouth on yours, his hands hot even through the fabric of your shirt.
You want to claw your way into this man. He tilts you back — like he’s trying to claw into you, too and you break apart only long enough for the both of you to draw in what breath you need, gasping before you are kissing again, sloppily. Hungry for the need to be close.
Behind you, something begins to vibrate — and then Katsuki’s phone is bursting into life with that ridiculous old All Might cartoon theme, sharp and loud in the apartment. You pull away from your hero with a sharp breath, your disappointment tangible — Katsuki rips himself away from you with a hiss, grabbing for his phone angrily, as he answers, “What the fuck do you want?”
You can hear Kaminari clearly. “Yo! Kacchan! Love hearing from you too, dude. A few of us are meeting up tonight — ”
That’s all poor Kaminari gets a chance to say. Katsuki pulls away from his phone, looking at the screen incredulously — and then hangs up, letting it clatter against the counter.
Despite yourself, you laugh. “Did you have to be such an asshole?”
Katsuki grunts, one hand pushing back his hair, irritated. “They all fucking knew I don’t wanna hear shit unless it’s about the case.” His eyes cut to you — in the kitchen lights, they glimmer, and his mouth softens. “They know I don’t get much… free time, or whatever.” To spend with you, he means.
You’re close enough that you can reach out and touch him, easily, so you do; pressing your fingers into his chest before letting your palm slide against him. Underneath it, you can feel the steady comfort of his heartbeat. He’s here. He’s alive and he’s home safe.
Maybe Katsuki is thinking the same thing. In a lot of ways, he remains a constant mystery to you; he covers your hand with his, pressing it further against him. His hand is warm; he’s warm. You trace the outline of your fingers together and then follow the soft lines of him, his collar bone, his adam’s apple — the motion of his neck as he swallows. And then your eyes are meeting his.
This man, you think. It’s awe and it’s love and it’s disbelief that he’s here. That you’re here, with him.
You lean into him; he catches you in a hug, tight and warm, his arms thick around you. Nosing against him, you breathe in his scent, the salty sweetness, and then say, “I’ve missed you.”
“Yeah,” He grunts. You feel his lips in your hair, and then against the shell of your ear, his breath. “Missed you, too.” He headbutts you again, the heavy thunk of his forehead against the top of yours. You snuffle against him, annoyed.
“I have to make dinner,” You say, like you weren’t the one to bury yourself against him.
“Don’t care,” He says, a large hand slipping to the back of your neck — forcing you to look up at him, to meet his gaze, heated and soft. “Don’t want it,” He adds, his thumb stroking the soft skin behind your ear. “M’ — just wanna crawl back into bed with you and get some fuckin’ rest for once.”
“What rest,” You tease, but his hands tighten against you and you know what he means. It’s the same thing that drives you to nap, just to be close to him. To wait while he sleeps off a hard day, just so you’re there to welcome him back to the living. It’s just — it’s just the need to be together, in whatever way you can.
“I love you,” You say out-loud.
Katsuki headbutts you again, harder this time and you make a small squawk of protest — but he’s keeping his forehead against yours, trying to rub his nose against you, affectionate in the fickle way of a cat.
“Love you, too.” He says. You try and bite his cheek in retaliation — he swears, and tries to bite back and you are laughing, shaking like your sieve of rice — Katsuki holding you close, like he’s trying to osmosis your laughter through your skin.
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robinplayspokemon · 2 years ago
pokemon: the first movie
i saw this movie in theaters, i'm pretty sure on opening day??? you could certainly argue it hasn't aged well. there was some very heavy-handed allegorizing here that is genuinely cringe-worthy, in the most 90s way ever. we Solved Racism by presenting people (well, pokemon & cloned pokemon) with the radical idea that they should be nice to each other & stop punching each other!! who knew it was so simple!!
but it's so dorky and i'm sure there are plenty of other movies lined up to shove it into a locker and take its lunch money but you know what? that's me so i love when a movie is just unabashedly that. and i just hecking love pokemon.
you can debate the merits of the extremely heavy-handed "brother my brother" bit at the end, but otherwise the soundtrack is fantastic. i love the revamped pokemon theme that played over ash's warmup fight/the opening credits. the album itself (which yes of course i had it on cd back in the day) had upbeat, bubbly tracks that i just can't help but sing along to, with the clear standouts being "lullaby" & "catch me if you can." and the music in the movie itself is mostly fantastic, both in terms of feeling true to the anime and in terms of having its own lovely flourish. one scene that really stood out to me was when all the pokemon trainers are trying to cross the stormy seas to get to mewtwo's island.
mew IS THE CUTEST THING EVER OMG i cannot handle it.
mewtwo is very dommy & i definitely want him to step on me.
mewtwo's whole deal about humans being evil & needing to be gotten rid of kinda makes sense from his perspective, but his addendum that pokemon are also unfit to rule because they allow themselves to be used by humans is just so victim blamey. not a fan of that. (bad praxis, mewtwo! what's that? you're a cartoon made for babies & u don't care? y'know what? fair!)
annnnnnnd in the petty complaints department, a sandslash gets referred to as a "sandshrew" and i was salty about it for the rest of the movie. every time it appeared on screen i blurted out "look! it's sandshrew!"
seriously though i love this dumb movie so much.
also, since i'm sure you're keeping track, this is what added minnesota to the list of real-world locations that apparently totally exist in the pokemon world.
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seriouslysnape · 4 years ago
To the Limit
Severus Snape x Fem. Reader
Warnings: Slight smut. Use of safeword. Language.
Request: Hi! Can u make Severus × Reader when the reader use the safe words for the first time because idk maybe it's too much for the reader that day or smth else you like..Thankyouu 💕💕 love ur writings btw ❤❤
A/N: Here we gooooooo. Reminder, everything is consensual.
Word Count: 2,947
“Okay, darling. Whatever you want.”
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Severus has always been flexible in the bedroom. Yes, Severus Snape is versatile in the sheets and has more love making skills than you originally would’ve given him credit for. Sex with Severus can range anywhere from slow and careful where praising your body is his main objective, to fucking you so mercilessly that stars are dotting the back of your eyelids with each hard thrust.
Sometimes, you don’t have to establish what kind of theme your sessions will take on. If Severus comes home angry from a long, obnoxious day then you very well know that a rough fucking will get it out of his system. When you’ve just watched one of your favorite romantic drama Muggle movies that have sent you into tears, he knows that something more unhurried is in order so you are reminded of how much he loves you.
Other times though, there isn’t really anything that determines the kind of sex you’ll be having. If the mood is right for both of you, then you often will just figure it out from there. 
Severus’ return on Friday night from a long week of classes was coated with his desire for you. You could practically feel the hard sexual tension radiating off of his whole being. From the moment he walked in the door, you knew what tonight would hold for the both of you. More than likely, it’d be a whole lot of rutted fucking and orgasms until neither of you had any stamina left to give. Normally, a seed of excitement would be planted and begin to grow in your core at the thought of being touched by him, but you didn’t feel it this time. 
It had been a bad week to put it simply. Work was weighing you down and you had taken more hits than you were used to in a five day time period. Exhaustion had riddled you, and stress has gotten the best of you. Emotional breakdown was the only way you could describe how you were feeling. You really weren’t feeling up to what Severus wanted to do. However, you couldn’t bring yourself to deny him when his hands and lips were on you, moving to all his favorite places on you.
His voice was silky smooth in your ears as he uplifted you with how he had been thinking about you all day, and how he wanted to be with you when you weren’t around. It wasn’t Severus’ fault that you had a bad week, and it surely wasn’t all his fault that he was this turned on. The way he gripped your legs with his strong hands was an indicator that he wanted to go well into the night, which your tired state wasn’t a fan of. But you loved Severus, and you always wanted him to be happy and well pleased. So you figured you could handle a couple of coarse rounds to satisfy him.
Oh, how wrong you were.
Once access was granted, Severus leapt onto you without hesitation. A tornado of clothes being removed whirled around the room, your shirt and pants ended up on complete opposite sides of the room. Hot and unruly kisses were shared, marks were left on your necks, and no part of you went unattended. 
Admittedly, the first orgasm was actually enjoyable. Severus’ fingers were knuckle deep in your needy cunt and pumping vigorously as he found all the best spots. The strenuous activity melted some of the week’s stress from your conscience, your mind being stripped of all your worry as it clouded with ecstasy. Severus thrived off of the moans and noises of delight that he was drawing out of your throat, perfecting his movements to give you an even stronger release. Severus worked you to your finish as you came around his fingers, slicking them with arousal and relief. 
He left lazy kisses over your breasts while you took a moment to recover, preparing yourself for the next round that was undoubtedly on its way. Tiredness had plagued you long before Severus had even walked through the door, and you had suddenly been robbed of even more energy, so you were confident that you might not get a proper orgasm this second time. But the moment Severus slid you onto his dick and stretched your walls the way only he knew how to, you knew that you were going to cum whether you felt like you could handle it or not.
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to. You loved seeing Severus so enraptured in waves of pleasure and gratification, but you were beyond fatigued. Still, you bounced up and down on his lap over and over again, your already sensitive clit throbbing with each rub of his fingers. Severus’ other hand guided your hip movements to meet the way he thrusted up into you, hitting your g-spot just right.
When you came this time, your sound of release was more of a strained cry than a content sound. Severus didn’t seem to notice, since he was too focused on the intoxicating feeling of filling you with his own finish. You popped off of him before he was even emptied out, the rest of his fluids landing on your inner thighs. You fell onto the bed next to him, your breathing much heavier than usual. 
You were totally tuckered out with absolutely no hope of another round. Your muscles ached and your bones were wiped out. Although, you felt a queasy feeling of despair when you saw that familiar look of lust in Severus’ eyes. He spoke lowly, his voice echoing in your ringing ears.
“I’m not through with you yet, love.” He purred.
Usually that would’ve sent a whole mess of arousal through you, but you were too worn out. But Severus usually didn’t last more than three rounds, so this would for sure be the last one. You thought you could push through so he could at least get his release, but this third go round wasn’t a good feeling for you at all.
With your arms above your head and the pillowcase below your head in your fingers’ death grip, you turned your head to the side to fight through his persistent hard fucking into you. On a better day, you’d be all over this and relishing every moment. But now your eyes were screwed tightly shut in discomfort, for each time you opened them Severus would only be able to see the whites of your eyes. The thumping heartbeat in your ears was deafening and your entire body was stiff and rigid, but not in a good way. You wanted to tough it out so at least Severus could finish, but it was just too much for you tonight. 
You had to tap out.
“Polyjuice!” You squeaked out, your voice raspy.
In an instant, you saw any expression of lust wiped straight from his face. He pulled out the millisecond that the word registered in his head, his face stricken with worry and concern at the first time use of your agreed safe word. Severus’ heart dropped at your whimpers of displeasure, his brain reeling and raking over what had gone wrong. 
“[Y/N], what’s wrong? What happened?” He asked frantically.
“I-I just...”
Shaky breaths and uncomfortable whines were the only noises you could seem to make. You sat up from where you were laying down, bringing your knees to your chest and hiding your face as you began to cry. Your emotions were all over the place, and it didn’t help that you were overstimulated and overworked. Severus went to pull you to him, but withdrew his hand. Upsetting you further would absolutely crush him, but he needed to know that you were okay.
“Can I touch you, darling?” He whispered out.
The yowl of approval was enough for him to feel fine with carefully wrapping his hand under your arm and dragging you across the mattress to where he was kneeling on the middle of the bed. He pulled the covers over your skin to keep you from getting cold from the loss of heat from being active. You buried your head into his bare chest, your tears leaking and falling down his skin. 
“I’m sorry, Sev. I’m really sorry.” You sobbed, your hair sticking to your sweaty skin.
“No, no, no. Don’t ever be sorry for telling me to stop when you’re not comfortable,” He reassured; “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” 
The shake of your head brought relief upon him, but he was still worried. He rocked you in his arms until your sobs died down enough to where you were coherent. Severus was getting ready to ask you once more what was wrong, shifting you so he could see your face. When moving you, his hand accidentally brushed against your swollen, sensitive clit and you wailed out pathetically. Severus’ pale face went even whiter.
“Oh, my love...I worked you too hard, didn’t I?” He queried.
Severus would always admit that sometimes he’d get into the zone and completely drown everything else out. He wouldn’t really be able to tell how hard he was pulling in and out. It was rare, but from time to time you’d have to ask him to soften his thrusts or slow his pace when he got too rowdy. But you had never asked him to stop completely until now. He feared that he had seriously pushed you over the edge this time.
“It’s not just that.” You confessed with a sniff.
Severus had drawn your head back to gaze into your bleary eyes. The tear tracks being swiped away with his thumbs as he cradled your face. 
“What is it then, sweetheart?” He asked with wonder.
A fresh set of salty tears pooled and fell down your cheeks, but for a different reason.
“I’ve had a horrible week. Nothing has gone right,” You explained croakily; “I wanted to make you feel good and I thought it might make me feel better...but I’m just exhausted and I couldn’t handle it tonight.”
You fell apart into another set of choking sobs and gut wrenching cries, prompting Severus to bring you back into his chest. He stroked your skin and left kisses so light that they were ghostly. 
“It’s alright, angel. I wish you had told me before that you weren’t feeling up to it,” He consoled; “You’re worth so much more than sex. I want you to tell me sooner next time if you’re uncomfortable.”
Your nod of understanding offered a wash of comfort over him that you were calming down steadily. He hated that this happened. He knew that was the whole reason for your established safe word for when things went south or things got dicey. He just never thought you’d ever have to use it. He felt absolutely terrible. 
“I’m sorry, Sevvy. I really wanted you to get off, I just-”
“Please don’t apologize for this. This is my fault. I should’ve seen how tired you were and how I was being overly hard,” He said; “I’m the one that should be sorry.”
The sniffles from your nose had increased as you tried to flush down all the drainage from your crying. Your tears had stopped as you sat up from his body, wiping at your cheeks with the back of your hand. The red blotches in your puffy eyes were pinging at Severus’ already guilty conscience. He saw the littered hickeys across your neck and breasts, and how your lips were swollen from his severe kisses. He had rocked your burnt out body to the max.
“I’ll tell you what. How about we go get cleaned up, and then we can get into bed. Then you can tell me about your week if so wish.” He suggested, cautiously guiding you off of the bed.
“I think I just want to get a bath and get some sleep.” You said, barely able to stand on your wobbly legs.
“Okay, darling. Whatever you want.” He smiled softly, hoping it’d offer you some kind of solace. 
Severus ran you a hot bath, filling it with all of your favorite scents and smells. Your stance was still despite your shaking legs, and you seemed to be staring off into an endless trance. You slipped into the tub when it was ready, sinking down just below your nose under the bubbles. Normally, Severus would be sitting across from you or you’d be snuggled up on his lap, but he wanted you to have some space for a bit. You were honestly too tired to object. 
He simply casted a charm to freshen himself up, finding and selecting his favorite pair of sweatpants and soft shirt for you to change into. Your eyes were closed, and you had just begun to drift off to sleep when he re-entered the bathroom, changed into some casual day time wear, despite how late it was.
“Here are some clean clothes for you, pretty girl.” He remarked, setting the folded sweats and shirt on the end of the tub for you to get when you got out.
You only gave a light nod as a response, your eyes following him as he stood awkwardly. He was unsure of what to do for you now. He thought that you might want the bedroom to yourself for the night, which was fine because he wouldn’t be able to sleep knowing he had pushed you so hard anyway. He placed himself on the floor by the tub, sitting with his legs criss crossed over one another. It was quiet in the room, the only sounds were the occasional gentle splash when you moved your leg or arm. His eyes were still full of worry, and he was kicking himself big time now.
“I’m so sorry...” He breathed out, running his fingertips dragging leisurely your damp arm that you had resting on the ledge of the bathtub; “I never meant to hurt you.”
“You didn’t hurt me, Sev. I promise.” You responded, wishing he wouldn’t take this so hard.
When it came to you, Severus took everything to heart. There weren’t many things in the world that made his heart beat with a purpose. You were the single person that allowed him to want to get up in the mornings. The thought of hurting you was enough to break him down. If he could have it his way, you would be indescribably happy with every passing moment of every day. He never wanted you to feel anything other than joy. 
But he knew that life would never allow it.
Your eyebrows dipped when you noticed his attire, wondering why he wasn’t in his own sleepwear. It was much too late for him to go anywhere.
“Where are you going?” You questioned, your voice thick with weary.
“I’m going to go back to the school. I have some grading to do.” He half-lied.
It was true that he did indeed have a stack of papers to be assessed, but that wasn’t the real reason why he felt like he wanted to leave. Severus Snape grading on a Friday night when he had the opportunity to be cuddled up with his lover? He’d choose you every time.
Now you felt bad for causing him to scurry off. You wanted him there with you regardless of what had happened.
“Severus,” You called out tenderly, reaching for his face; “I don’t want you to leave.” 
A genuine look of doubt flashed over his features as his head lulled into your hand.
“I think it would be best if you got some good sleep tonight. I’ll just be in my office so if-”
“Stay with me. Please?” You requested, the thought of sleeping without him was disheartening.
A sigh of awe expelled from his chest. He couldn’t say no to your puppy eyes and slightly pouting lower lip.
“Okay, okay.” He agreed.
“I think that some boyfriend snuggles will make me feel a whole lot better.” You spoke rather cheekily.
He hummed affirmatively. The sound of nestling up with you was impossible to turn down. He took your hand from his face and kissed your palm gingerly, holding the warm skin to his lips for a brief moment. He eventually stood from the floor, but stopped when you held your arms up.
“Help me up?” You asked with the first genuine smile of the evening.
He chuckled, obliging and lifting you effortlessly from the tub. The warm towel was heavenly as you dried off, changing into the clothes that Severus had left for you. Severus went and changed as well, laughing to himself when he exited the closet to see you already curled up. 
The sheets draped over him easily when he laid next to you, waiting for you to nuzzle up to him. He held you close and flush to him, thanking his lucky stars that you were okay.
“My sweet girl...” He hushed out, noting that you were just seconds away from falling asleep; “I love you.” 
You mumbled out a sleepy “I love you” in return before drifting into a deep slumber to snooze off the night’s drama. Severus, as expected, didn’t sleep much that night to ensure that you were sleeping soundly and comfortably. He still felt dreadful, even after you had told him over and over that he didn’t hurt you. The weekend to follow was filled with Severus doting and cherishing over you every chance that he had, trying to make up for what had happened. You were the light of his life after all.
And he prayed that he’d never see that flame go out.
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alltooreid · 4 years ago
Gold Rush
Y/N has been loving Spencer Reid from afar for years, but is held back by the feeling they will never be good enough, special enough, pretty enough, to be with someone as incredible as Spencer. Little do they know, Spencer’s been feeling the exact same way.
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A/N: hey babes!! i wrote this cute lil mutual pining one shot for @meganskane ‘s writing challenge for her 700 celebration :)) (for those of u familar with the song source material, please be aware i changed the themes and ideas of gold rush slightly in order to make it more fluffy instead of ending in angst and sadness. sorry not sorry hehe)
Prompt: ”Quit looking at me like that”
Pairing: Spencer Reid x gn!reader (no pronouns used)
Type: fluff (slight angst)
Word Count: 2.2k
Content Warnings: one swear word, general feelings of negative self worth (happy ending!!)
“I don't like anticipating my face in a red flush I don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch Everybody wants you Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you”
Spencer Reid and his stupid perfect face were simultaneously the best and worst part of your job.
Often you found it difficult to focus, as you were busy admiring his impeccable cheekbones and gorgeous eyes and his hair, hair that looked so soft you wanted to run your fingers through. Hair that was somehow perfectly imperfect, falling into place like a line of tilted dominoes. Hair that you couldn’t help but fantasize about twirling between your fingers as you laid next to him on a sleepy Sunday afternoon, salty air from the coast blowing in from an open window, nowhere to go except closer to each other, until your lips finally met . . .
“Y/N!” Reid shouts, “You okay? It seems like you zoned out for a couple of minutes.”
“Oh, yeah sorry. I’m fine!” you paused, maybe now was your chance to confess everything you had been feeling since the day you had met him. “Do you, maybe wanna go get lunch or something? I feel like we haven’t talked in a while.”
“Oh you know what, I actually already told JJ I would get lunch with her  . . . but you should come with me! We can get a group going, the more the merrier right?”
You held back a sigh. You were pretty sure Spencer had a thing for JJ, and why wouldn’t he? Spencer seemed so perfect, so he could have his pick of whoever he wanted. And why should he choose you?
Maybe it was for the best that you didn’t attempt to pursue it. What good could come from chasing after your silly school girl fantasy. You had pondered a relationship with Spencer so much it was basically a fairy tale at this point, complete and utter folklore, and you were starting to have to constantly remind yourself you truly have no chance with a guy like him.
Maybe it was for the best he didn’t attempt to pursue you, Spencer thought.
Logically, there was no such thing as a perfect person, Spencer knew this. Sure the Fibonacci sequence linked to typical human attraction on a primitive level, and plenty of people had dozens of good qualities, but everyone had flaws, perfection was not real.
Yet you seemed so perfect.
Although he was infatuated with you, Spencer pondered what it could be like to truly love you, to know all of your imperfections and see you as incredible all the same. But you were so captivating he felt that everyone else must be thinking the same, and what kind of chance would someone like him have?
So maybe it was for the best that you didn’t want to go to lunch with him and JJ, because he knew that pursuing you blindly, knowing full well it wouldn’t work out, would crush him.
Spencer considered you a very close friend, and he didn’t want to ruin what you already had by an unrequited love confession, so it was for the best if he just accepted your love could never be.
But the universe seemed to have other ideas.
The next case the BAU received took them to Cannon Beach, Oregon, a tiny town right on the coast of the pacific ocean. With a population of under two thousand people the crime was solved quicker than most, and the team was ready to leave in the morning.
Yet somehow you were finding it too difficult to go to bed and instead found yourself sitting on the beach at one in the morning, just waiting for the sun to rise. A hand on your shoulder startled you, pulling you from your thoughts, when you turned around to see who had come to the shore to join you, you were met with the one person you didn’t want to see.
Spencer Reid.
“Are you okay out here? It’s getting late.”
You sighed, unsure how to answer that question. You were fine, at least in the way that Spencer assumed you weren’t, but your head was whirling. You wished you had the courage to confess to him the rush of emotions that overwhelmed you every time you looked at his stupid, dumb, perfect, beautiful face. You wished you were brave enough to attempt to explain why you always felt so jealous whenever the people you guys came in contact with on cases flirted with him. You wished you were bold enough to brush his hair from his face and kiss him right then and there, to finally admit you were sitting on the beach imagining a life with him in a town similar to this one.
But you just couldn’t, something in your chest stopped you. So instead of risking ruining what you had, (a friendship you loved, but would always slightly resent for not being pure, requited adoration) for the chance of a relationship with the man you had fantasized about for years, you just blurted out the first thing you could think of to divert his attention.
“Quit looking at me like that, I’m fine” you said, slightly taken aback by the seemingly pure, genuine concern he seemed to be exhibiting at that moment.
“I’m worried about you, you’ve been acting strange for a couple days now. What’s going on?”
“Nothing’s going on, I’m fine. It’s just the case I guess,” you lied.
He sighed before sitting down right next to you, “You’ve been behaving oddly even before the case Y/N. Why won’t you talk to me? Did I do something wrong? I promise if I offended you I didn’t mean to, we can talk it out.”
“No Spencer, you did nothing wrong. You’re . . . perfect. I promise if something was wrong I would talk to you about it. I’ll come to you first.”
He smiled, hesitated, and then wrapped his arm around you. “Okay, thanks for talking to me. Maybe I’m just overreacting. I just. . .  I want you to be happy Y/N.”
Your checks were suddenly a shade of rosy pink, you had been imagining moments like these for months, you and Spencer huddled together, having a deep, meaningful conversation on a beach, it seemed like something out of a fairy tale, some complete work of fiction. You had to once again remind yourself that Spencer didn’t want you like that. You had to remember that your “romance” was just a daydream, a fantasy you had been carefully crafting for so long it felt almost like a possibility.
Spencer Reid did not love you.
Spencer Reid would never love you.
Except he did. Spencer Reid’s brain was occupied with the idea of getting to love you, to be awarded even the chance at the privilege. He was slower to recite facts now, preoccupied with sneaking glances at you on the jet without anyone noticing and making fun of him. He was down to only two books a day, and now spent free time wondering how your relationship would change if it developed past being purely platonic.
Yet just as you did, Spencer felt the need to reel it in as well. He knew he wasn’t the only one who was romantically interested in you, he saw the way cops on the cases you traveled for would whisper about you when you were just out of earshot. He was aware that he likely didn’t have a chance.
But he truly cared about you so much, and the two of you were still great friends, and that’s how he found himself confessing a little more than he originally intended on that beach in the early hours of the morning.
“I truly care about you so much, and . . . I feel like I can tell you anything. I want . . .” he stopped himself, scared he was about to go too far, “I want you to know that.”
“I care about you too Spencer,” you replied. “You can always talk to me. I want to be here for you.”
“You’re amazing Y/N. You’re truly one of the greatest people I’ve ever known, even though sometimes I feel like I barely know you at all.”
You wanted to inquire further, but you didn’t get the chance. Spencer took that moment to stand up and leave the beach. You thought about going after him, demanding to know what he meant by saying that, but it almost felt like something was stopping you.
In fact you didn’t see Spencer again until the jet ride later that day, although at first you sat next to him, the air around you was tense. You seemed to have nothing to say to each other. So after 20 minutes you got up, went to the bathroom and when you came back chose to sit with Emily instead.
Still, you snuck glances at Spencer and at one point made direct eye contact (before immediately looking away, only to peek up again a second later to see him still looking at you). The vibe between you and Spencer now was completely different from the experience on the beach together, even if it was just hours prior.
Maybe you were overthinking things again.
Yet, something felt different now. Something was telling you that you needed to address this.
You were the last to leave the jet, pretending to be gathering your things and incapable of finding the book you had brought with you. Emily tried to help you look for it but you told her not to worry about it, leaving you alone with your thoughts for a moment.
You tried to take this time to compose yourself, to think about what you wanted to say to Spencer when you inevitably saw him again tomorrow, but your brainstorm was cut short once again by the subject of your thoughts.
“What are you doing Y/N? You didn’t even bring a book on the plane.”
“Spencer you scared me, and I- um. . . I must be thinking about something else.” Maybe now was the time to say something, anything to him about what you were feeling. “Um, actually I wanted to talk to you. Did I- um Did I say something wrong this morning?”
“No, why would you ask that?”
“You just left without saying anything else. You didn’t even give me the chance to say anything in response. I can’t figure out why.” “I- I said some things this morning that I wasn’t planning on saying.”
“What does that mean Spencer? Did you not mean them? I was doing fine, you didn’t have to lie to me to make me feel better.”
“I didn’t lie, I meant everything I said to you. . . It’s just that I never intended to tell you some of those things, and once I did I didn’t think I was ready to see how you would react.”
“I- I don’t understand. Why weren’t you ready? What did you think was going to happen?”
He sighed, it was now or never. “Y/N I love you, as a friend of course but for a while now I’ve been thinking about what it would be like to be in love with you. When I said those things this morning I wasn’t saying them as your friend, it felt like I had moved past that territory. I was saying them as someone who loves you, someone who is in love with you. I was scared you would catch that and be appalled by it, and I knew I couldn’t handle that. But now I realize that I don’t think I can live another minute without you knowing just how golden I think you are.”
“Spencer I- I’ve been in love with you for what feels like forever now, I just always thought you would never feel that way.”
“How could I not?” He said, seemingly dumbfounded. “You’re incredible.”
You smiled, your heart felt like it was flying. Maybe Spencer was too good for you. Maybe you didn’t deserve someone who everyone else wanted. Maybe you didn’t want to have to worry about being good enough for him, being deserving of him.
But maybe it was time to stop giving a shit, because maybe none of that was true and maybe the fairy tales you had weaved of you and Spencer’s possible romance together weren’t so fictional after all.
Fuck it, you thought to yourself, before you pulled Spencer to you.
“You know,” you spoke in a hushed voice, your intimacy so special you wanted to keep it as close to the two of you for just a while longer, even if no one else was around, “I would love to hold your hand right now, but a little bird-y told me it’s actually quite disgusting. Any ideas for something a little. . . safer?”
He chuckled, “Yeah, I think I have something in mind,” he responded, connecting your lips together.
You were tired of almost kisses and double takes and overthinking his compliments. Now you didn’t dare dream of Spencer Reid.
Why would you when you had the real thing right next to you?
“Gleaming, Twinkling Eyes like sinking ships On waters so inviting I almost jump in”
super awesome cool people taglist:  @reidingmelodies @hercleverboy @rigatonireid @muffin-cup @takeyourleap-of-faith @wheelsup @spenxerslut @averyhotchner @widow-cevans @samuel-de-champagne-problems @reidyoulikeabook @ssa-m-187 @willowrose99 @shemarmooresfedora​ @spencerreidat3am @drspencerreidd​ @meganskane​ @mercy-burning​ @reid-me-a-story​ @wifenumberfour​ @drayshadow​ @nomajdetective​ @spencerspuppy​ @moderatelydelusional​ @uwu-queen-420​ @cynbx​
add/remove yourself here!!
please reblog and let me know what you think!! :))
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duskholland · 4 years ago
Mob!Tom is a little mad at you for something n the reader is keep on saying sorry but he's just too hurt to let this go rn. Then reader tries to kiss him but he turns away but she begs him to kiss him n in the end he gives in and kisses her really hard n he's like you do something like that ever again I'll never forgive u n they're both in tears n then they kiss each other n cuddle for hours.
cute! also sfw! contains mob themes and brief references to violence.
— it’s mob monday !! —
“Tom, I’m sorry.”
“Tom? Tom, c’mon. Look at me.”
There’s a frown on your face, and as you reach out to rest your hand on your boyfriend’s shoulder, a soft sigh slips past your lips. Tom’s blanking you - sitting on the edge of the bed, looking straight at the wall. He gives no indication that he’s listening to you - shows in no way that he feels your fingers as you press them to your shoulder. He is, simply, ignoring you.
“Seriously? The silent treatment?” 
You’re frustrated now, tetchy and curt. Pushing back the irritation that simmers in your chest, you release a breath and kneel at the bottom of the bed, shifting your hands to his knees. The material of Tom’s expensive jeans feels nice beneath your fingertips, and for a few moments, you drag your touch over his thighs. 
“Please, baby.” You look at him with as much strength as you can muster. “I’m sorry.”
It’s only when you reach up to touch his face that Tom snaps to action, one of his hands going to wrap around your wrist and keep your palm away from his cheek. His fingers are cold, but his grip is soft, and the pained sigh that slips past his lips makes your heart pang.
“Stop it,” Tom says. He looks at you, eyes cool, lips pulled into a straight line. “I don’t want to hear it.”
You grit your teeth. “I don’t understand why you’re making such a huge deal out of this,” you mutter. “I didn’t do anything that you haven’t done before.”
Tom’s eyes bulge, his eyebrows shooting up his forehead. “Are you being serious?” He drops your hand, standing from the bed. You move out of the way, sitting up on the edge of the mattress and watching as your boyfriend paces the carpet in front of the bed. It’s late - 11pm, the outside world shrouded in darkness. Tom’s in a bright white shirt, bloodstains marring the fabric over his right arm and chest. The stains match the blood on your dress. He’s breathing heavily, running a hand through his hair, Rolex glinting.
“Tom,” you try again. “You’re blowing this out of proportion-”
“Am I?” Tom pauses, turning to face you. He pulls his arms across his chest, looking at you with such an intensity in his gaze that it makes your guilt increase by tenfold. “You- you- went straight in there and tried to take out a fucking dealer, love. You almost got yourself killed.”
You wince. The evening… Well, the evening hadn’t exactly gone as planned. Your fault? No, but neither was it Tom’s. 
You’d gone as his plus-one to a club, and things had been fine until one of Tom’s rivals had come out of nowhere and pulled a knife on him. Forgetting rule number one of dating a mobster - always wait for backup - you’d stalked right after them. You’d swung a very expensive bottle of champagne at the goon’s head, and then spent a terrifying five minutes with Tom as their backup had arrived, and he’d tried to keep you from falling victim to their attempts at retribution.
So maybe it’s fair that he’s angry, but you’d done it for him, out of love and concern. 
“I was trying to protect you,” you say. You look down at your hands and pick at the golden bangle wrapped around your wrist. “I didn’t do it to annoy you.”
Tom sucks in a deep breath, his eyes closing as his jaw twitches. He’s fuming, you can see it. See it in his clenched fists and his deep breathing and his reluctance to look you in the eye. He’s holding it back, but you can see it, burning away, bright beneath the surface. He wants to yell or storm out, but he’s staying. You take that as a sign that he’s open to you.
“Tom.” You stand up from the bed, a little wobbly on your feet as you approach him, softly. He’s still as a statue as you put both of your palms on his shoulders, but you feel him relax a little bit when you touch him. Tom opens his eyes, and you meet those beautiful golden browns, a little softer, now. “I’m sorry, alright? It won’t happen again.” A small smile finds your lips as you shift a palm up to cup his cheek, his face cool to touch but soft and familiar. 
“It can’t happen again,” he mutters, voice clipped. “You can’t be so reckless.”
“I know, I know.” You’re a little distracted by the curves of his mouth, and bite your lower lip as you look up at him, smirking softly. “Kiss and make up?”
Tom frowns, his eyebrows pulling together. “No.” 
“No?” Hurt seeps into your tone, and you step a little closer, puckering your lips. “Don’t you want to kiss me?” You have both of your hands on his face now, and slip one of them back to rest in his curls. Tom smells of faded cologne. 
“Y/N.” Tom’s tone is still tight, and he sighs again. “We’re not finished talking about this, I’m not- We’re not just going to sweep it under the rug, you almost died-”
“But I didn’t.” You lick your lips, looking at him with wide eyes. “C’mon. Kiss me.” You need it. You need the reassurance that you can get through this, that he isn’t really mad, just upset. You feel as though you’re floating in the clouds, your mind left back in the club, caught up in the exhilarated fight. “Tom, Tom, Tom-”
Taking a shot at it, you try to dive in to kiss him, but Tom side-steps, ducking away out of your grasp as he weaves around you, groaning. 
“It’s not that easy!” He says. Tom walks over to the dresser, unclasping his watch and throwing it onto the wooden desk with a clatter. He turns to look at you, fire in his eyes. “We can’t just kiss and make up, love. This is… This is more than just an argument.” Next to go are his cufflinks, shiny and bright as he presses them into the jewellery dish. “This is serious.”
Tears prick at your eyes, and you reach up to massage your temples. You don’t know what else to do. It’s been an hour since you got back from the club, an hour of trying to break him down from every angle. You’re at the end of your tether. 
“Please,” you ask, voice coming out a lot weaker than you’d intended. Your tone cracks and Tom’s head snaps back up in your direction. “Kiss me.”
There’s a pause. The air between you crackles, and you find yourself rubbing at your eyes, trying to push down the nervous tears that threaten to spill down your cheeks. You can’t bear to think about what you’ll do if Tom continues to be so cold and detached, feel horrible even thinking about it. Your heart shakes in your chest. 
Tom walks to you, finally, pushing your hands from your face and replacing them with his own. Two warm palms cup your cheeks, and he kisses you - hard. 
It’s deep, passionate. Salty tears mixing with your mouths, a force behind his kiss so pronounced that it pushes you back a few steps. Your top teeth knock together and you whimper, grabbing onto the back of his head and anchoring yourself in his loose chestnut curls. Your fingers shake, but he continues to keep his lips on yours, his thumbs padding over your face. 
Tom pushes his forehead to yours when he breaks the kiss, staring at you with deep, concerned eyes.
“I love you so much that it terrifies me, Y/N,” he murmurs. He’s speaking so calmly, so deeply, like his words are some kind of sanctified secret. “If anything ever happened to you, I don’t know what I’d do.” 
Your nose presses to his as you nod against his head. “I’m sorry,” you say again. He’s holding your cheeks so tightly that they ache. “I didn’t want to mess things up, I panicked. I didn’t want you to get hurt.”
Tom hums. “I know, I know, darling.” One of his hands goes down to your waist, and he pulls you in closer, winding his touch around your back. “I know.” 
You bury your head in his neck, exhaling a deep breath as Tom strokes over your back. For a few moments he holds you, but then he walks you back towards the bed. You trust him well enough to let him manoeuvre you - even go so far as to let him gently push you down onto the bed and lie opposite you, pulling you in close. It’s a tight hug, a hug with your face pressed into his chest, his arms wrapped around you, and it’s quiet. So quiet you can feel his heartbeat against your ear. 
“Never scare me like that again,” he mumbles, spacing the words with kisses to the top of your head. “I will never forgive you if you get yourself hurt for me.” 
You peer up, tilting your head until you’re looking at him straight on. Tom’s hair lies messily across his forehead, but his eyes are cooler now, softer. They grow warmer too when you lean in and kiss him again, the touch gentler than before. 
“Okay,” you agree. “I won’t be so reckless again. Promise.” You shuffle in a little closer. “But I’m always going to fight for you, Tom. I will never, ever, sit by if you’re in danger.” When he opens his mouth to argue, you cut him off. “No, don’t you dare tell me that I’m wrong for that.” You raise a stern eyebrow. “You can’t lay there and tell me to sit by when you’re in danger because both of us know you’d set the world on fire if anything so much as grazed me.” You run your fingers through his hair. “I love you just as much as you love me, and I will never let you get hurt.”
Tom’s quiet for a moment, but then his mouth sags into a smile. He sighs, looking at you through tired, loving eyes.
“I love you,” he says, “for all your stubbornness and persistence.”
You chuckle, leaning in to kiss him gently. “You wouldn’t have it any other way,” you tease.
“No.” Tom kisses your nose, eyes sparkling. “I wouldn’t.”
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cs300 · 2 years ago
big big Archer Normandy infodump (im insane)
1. What genre of music do they listen to the most? Would people assume they would like that style of music or is it wildly unfitting to their appearance? (ie; cutesy pastel girl likes heavy metal)
hehe he has a playlist JUST for this. but he mostly listens to like... indie/alt stuff..? like guitar n bass heavy. and usually in minor chords.
i think it fits tbh, he looks like an indie kinda guy
2. In terms of power scaling in-universe, are they about as strong as everyone else, stupidly overpowered, extremely weak, etc?
now this kinda depends on which Archer we're talking about.
see, there's actually TWO Archers. from two different universes/stories. like he acts differently enough in each version to be classified as an entirely separate character
so theres Demon Hunter Archer (DH) where he is, you guessed it, a demon hunter.
and there's Spider's Den Archer (SD) where he's kind of a... nosy jack of all trades type with no powers at all nd hes just a regular person
DH Archer? significantly weaker than his peers. doesnt use his abilities properly, can do stuff on his own but its like. nothing spectacular. hes very mid power wise here.
SD Archer is also like, not spectacular. he is lacking in physical strength and stamina and endurance but like. his smarts? insane. i ranked the main cast based on intelligence and Archer was up at the top, tied for first place with two others (a seeeecwwet). but apart from that hes pretty mid too actually. a bit LESS mid than DH Archer but still mid
3. Their playlist. Drop their playlist (or, if it's extremely long, the most fitting songs on it) and include specific lyrics from each song you consider to be the most fitting. Explanation not required but you can if you feel like it! Do not care about cringe. It is fun.
hehe here's this bad boy
as mentioned, most of these are songs that he'd LISTEN to, more than like... songs that describe him. and also theres a mix of DH Archer + SD Archer who are basically like.... two different characters with how they act.
i'm currently fixated on SD Archer BUT. DH Archer actually DOES have a song tht best describes him. "switch it up" by the happy children. and its mostly the chorus (i forgor the lyrics) but about needing to get ur face smashed on a truck, u know. like something about his hopeful nature and that he's willing to get up and try again
SD Archer doesnt have a defined theme like that BUT. out of these... I Wish actually fits pretty well. surprisingly.
5. If their personality has changed drastically over development, what's something that was once true about them that is now absolutely absurd to imagine and false?
i wouldnt call this a personality change since its more like... him being a different character depending on what universe hes in. BUT.
the key difference between the two? DH Archer is more bright eyed and hopeful and is more willing to fight for the future. SD Archer is shit miserable and pessimistic and full of malice and evil (makes pipe bombs in your garage). also SD Archer is more deadpan and aloof at first (like when you meet him before he warms up to you). DH Archer is more... awkward.
6. When it comes to food, are they more into savoury, salty, sweet, sour, spicy etcetc food? Are they picky with their food or will they eat just about anything that isn't spoiled?
he'll eat just about anything, but he prefers savoury stuff the most
7. In your opinion, do you think if they were real you would be friends with them or not?
oh god no he'd think im cringe and annoying and would tell me to kill myself
8. ^ Relating to above question, do they consider themself easy to get along with, and is that actually true?
nope and its kinda true
10. Do you have a voice claim for them?
"bubblegum" by the happy children
11. What's their "theme" color? What color do you associate with them? Is it in their color scheme or just a color that reminds you of them?
red :) its in his DH colour scheme cause thats the colour of his uniform, but you dont see it as often in SD. in SD he's more black n white n monochromey, but sometimes he has a red shirt on
12. Would you consider them well-liked in universe, or are they more an… acquired taste
an acquired taste for SURE. he has a tendency to be aloof and off putting, ESPECIALLY around people he doesn't know/just met. so everyone that doesnt know him just thinks hes an ass
13. ^ What about outside of canon? Are they one of your more well-liked characters?
if i had a fandom, Archer would be. divisive. you either love him or you hate him, for similar reasons as the above question. i love him to bits tho hes my babygirl
15. What would their theme song/leitmotif be titled? What would it sound like, if you have an idea?
HMMM... his theme/leitmotif would be like... bass guitar heavy. thats His Instrument. and it would probably start out all like somber n sad, but then devolve into something... violent and angry? but finish off in a hopeful kinda way..
look its vague but it makes sense in my head okay
and as for a name... Missed Target? why? well. well.
16. Are they a projection of yourself in any way? How similar are they to you?
OH GOD YEAH. yeah. he has all of my mental issues and hes trans n gay and also seems aloof and quiet at first until you get to know him. hes super heavily based off of me but with like... a little touch of his own flavour. he is different from me in his own way
funny thing, Archer's character actually started as a self insert for a demon hunter story. when talking about him, id refer to him as "i" or "me". but he ended up becoming his own thing with time, completely separated from me :]
17. Are they capable of holding their own in a fight or are they laughably easy to beat?
UHHH depends on which one we're talking about again
DH Archer can hold his own against like... weaker, fodder type enemies. but with stronger n a bit more intelligent ones? ehhh not so much. and probably not much against other demon hunters either.
SD Archer isnt one for physical altercations at all. he'd get his ass beat. he'd probably end up getting enraged and try going for low blow fury type attacks, like going for the eyes or just hitting whatever's in the way, but like. he's really easy to deal with
18. Do they swear often? On occasion? At All?
all the time also he says slurs
19. How do they text people? Lots of exclamations? All lowercase? Very Serious And Grammatically Correct? 1 Billion Emojis? Cutesy uwu speak? Etc etc.
he types in all lowercase, doesnt shorten his words (you -> u, tonight -> tonite, etc.) and uses apostrophes. he doesn't use emojis unless its ironic and you rarely see him using punctuation of any kind.
he talks super blunt and just say what he means. no typing quirks, we die like men
20. How easy is it to befriend them? How easy is it to make them hate you?
hard to befriend for sure, mostly because he's so closed off at first. if youre enough of an extrovert or spend a long enough time around him he'll grow to like you tho.
WAYYY easier to make him hate someone though. he holds grudges like a mf
21. How do they prefer to be referred to? First name, last name, nickname, another alias entirely etc?
he does not care at all as long as its a variation of his name. most of the time he doesnt have a reaction to nicknames, but if its someone he likes romantically he'll like... blush a lil but not say anything
22. Compared to the rest of your cast, are they tall or short?
he's average. like super average. the middle of the bunch
23. Are they a dog or cat person? Neutral? Do they prefer another animal entirely?
neutral but has a sliiightly bigger preference for cats. just likes how quiet they are
24. Do they know what a sigma male is. Be honest
yes and he thinks theyre stupid and insults them
25. How do they react to being loved and/or cared for? Similarly, how do they express their love for others?
he's unsure of how to react.. in the moment? he'll blush and get slightly flustered, and later spend time overthinking what happened and if he understood the intentions correctly. he's most likely to brush it off as him just misinterpreting it and it mot meaning anything
when he loves someone he drops the aloof persona, becomes more talkative and actually starts smiling for once. he's more of an.. acts of service guy? im not sure actually because i can picture it clearly but cant put it into words, so just trust me ok
26. How do they react to being disliked? Similarly, how do they express their distaste for others?
depends. if it's someone he doesn't know, he couldnt give any less of a fuck about it. however, if it's someone he knows (and likes) he'll think about offing himself for DAYS, maybe even WEEKS.
the exception is his family he does not care about them he hopes they explode if they dont like him
27. What Pokémon type(s) would they be?
28. Are they the type to be chaotic and reckless or are they more the type to think before they act?
chaotic and impulsive wildcard type for sure
29. Are they an open book or hard to read emotions-wise?
hard to read because his expression rarely changes
30. Can they keep a secret?
yes, absolutely
31. What are some things you associate with them? Certain aesthetics, items, colors, feelings, tastes etc! Anything goes!
the colour red
the feeling of finding out something new/piecing info together
32. What role do they serve in the story? Are they a main character, side character, antagonist, protagonist etc?
main character/protag in both DH and SD. the special boy :]
33. What's the meaning behind their name?
there is none i just picked what sounded cool to me tbh
34. What inspired you to create them?
a dream i had abt a demon hunter world, in which, upon fleshing out the world with me bf, my first self insert was a demon, and his was a demon hunter.
well, with some time nd development, i decided to make a demon hunter self insert of my own and this bad boy was born
35. FREE SPACE! Drop some miscellaneous fun facts, tell us their backstory, do whatever! Go crazy.
he's been obsessed with a certain missing person's case for 5 years
has a knife he got as a gift from someone that he treasures dearly
used to draw nd make stories when he was younger but lost his spark completely and can barely think of a name for a character nowadays
has two fursoneys [deer and a mink/monkey thing]
undiagnosed autism [the "i make bombs" kind]
has lightning powers
comes from a military family
has chain knives he uses for combat
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pretendingboyfriends · 4 years ago
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A/N: holy SHIT u guys the way i absolutely LOVE how this turned out,,,,, i REALLY hope u guys love it as much as i do and pls pls pls don’t be afraid to tell me ur favorite parts or give me suggestions for the next part!! and thank u miss tanya @sunflowers-styles​ for beta reading this part!!! ily mwah<3
Warnings: some explicit language & slight sexual innuendos
Word count: 5.9k+
fic masterlist
You gaze out into the crystal blue ocean as you drive along the beachfront, car window ajar allowing the salty, warm breeze to kiss your skin gently. The sun glimmers brightly in the sky, not a single cloud in sight and you feel as though nothing could possibly go wrong. 
Deidre invited you on this beach trip as a last minute getaway. She knew you’d been having a bit of a hard time with your mental health recently, so she decided to rent a beach house for the two of you to try and help you get out of your “funk” as she called it. Two weeks of relaxation with nothing to worry about. Just lounging around in the warm sun with your best friend for 14 days. You simply couldn’t say no. 
Seeing as Deidre has been your best friend for the majority of your lifetime, trips like these aren’t uncommon in the slightest. In fact, you’ve been on so many vacations with her and her family that you can’t even fathom going somewhere like this without her. 
“Do you wanna stop and grab something to eat before we get to the house?” The sound of her voice draws you from your almost dazed state and you turn to look at her as she drives. Immediately at the mention of food, your stomach gurgles violently, loud enough for both of you to hear which causes you both to burst into a fit of laughter.
 “I guess that answers your question better than anything.” You choke through laughter. 
“Well then,” She giggles, “McDonald’s, here we come!” 
The two of you purchase almost the entire McDonald’s menu and eat approximately 3/4ths of it in the car before you’re finally headed to the beach house with bloated tummies and quenched appetites. 
Eventually, you’re pulling into the driveway of a small, teal beach house facing the ocean. The house is lifted on stilts due to its position near the ocean and the paint is slightly worn, chipping away on the wooden slats most likely due to past tropical storms. There are two sets of steps, both leading to a wrap around porch, one coming from the back of the house (where the pool is) and one leading directly to the front door. It’s quaint and homey and you love it. 
When you’d initially pulled in, you hadn’t noticed the other car parked in the driveway, but now that you’re stepping out of Deidre’s car, your gaze falls directly onto the bright yellow Ferrari parked only a few feet away from you. There is only one person you know that owns that exact car. 
“Oh! I forgot to mention, Harry is staying here too.” 
You whip your head in Deidre’s direction, your jaw nearly dropping from its hinges. “Why didn’t you tell me that earlier??”
She shrugs casually as she swings the drivers door shut and walks around to the back. “I guess I forgot.” She presses a button on her keys and the back door slowly opens in front of her. “Plus, I didn’t think you’d mind, the two of you have always gotten along.”
“Deidre, that’s not why I’m upset-”
“Great, then what’s the problem?” She interrupts, eyebrows raised in question as she stares at you. You definitely aren’t one for violence, but the image of smacking her directly across the face flashes across your mind for a moment and you seriously consider doing it. “He’s just here to relax like us. And he’s paying for the place, so I couldn’t really say no.”
You let out an exasperated groan in response, slamming the passenger door shut and stomping around to the back of the car so that you can retrieve your own bags. 
The truth is, you and Harry had gotten along in the past, which would give you no reason to be panicking right now, but something you hadn’t told Deidre was that for the entirety of your childhood, you were madly in love with him. Yes, he’s older than you by a few years, but that never stopped you from pining over him from the ripe age of six. You had watched the way he treated his two sisters and mother for so long and fell in love with his kindness and care for others. You used to daydream about the day he would realize his love for you, but of course Harry got famous and that day never came. 
It’s been years since you’ve seen him in person. The last time you were in direct contact was nearly 4 years ago, a couple years after he went on The X Factor and was immediately consumed by fame. He was 18 at the time, visiting home during a little break, and you were having a sleepover with Deidre, but the length of your collision wasn’t very long. A few harmless words were exchanged during dinner and then you and Deidre had excused yourselves to continue your evening and that was it. Then, he was undeniably the most attractive boy you had ever seen and now, if it was even possible, he’d blossomed into a beautiful man, even more attractive than he was before.
As you begin to haul your bags out of the trunk, Harry appears at the top of the steps, screen door leading into the house flapping loudly behind him. 
“Need some help with bags?” He calls, swiftly galloping down the wooden steps.
Deidre sighs in relief, “That’d be great, thanks Harry!” 
His long, curly hair is pulled into a tight bun at the top of his head, a few stray curls framing his beautiful face. He smiles at you, dimples sinking deeply into his cheeks as he strides towards you, “Long time, no see,” 
You feel the heat rising in your cheeks and you smile sheepishly, “Hi, Harry, how are you?”
“I’m pretty good! And yourself?” He asks, effortlessly tugging your large bag from the trunk of the car and slinging it over his shoulder. 
You swallow thickly, struggling to keep your eyes off of his straining muscles through his thin t-shirt. “I’m uh- I’m good as well.” 
“Glad to hear it, babe.” He winks and you watch as he takes a few smaller bags from the trunk, heading back up the stairs and through the front door, breathing out a shaky sigh before grabbing your remaining bag. 
Deidre is already halfway up the stairs behind him when she calls back to you, “Can you close the trunk before coming up?” 
You shoot her a quick thumbs up and drop the bags onto the cement driveway, lifting your arms above your head and slamming the large door shut before picking up the bags again and heading towards the stairs. You’re still quite stunned at what just happened and, frankly, you’re a little bit vexed with Deidre’s nonchalant way of sharing that Harry was going to be joining you on what was supposed to be a relaxing trip. Nevertheless, you’re forced to set your feelings aside and keep your mouth shut for fear of Deidre prying the truth out of you. 
As you step into the house, screen door slamming behind you, you take a gander around the living area. It’s small and you can tell it hasn't been redecorated since at least 1985. Every piece of decor has some sort of relation to a beach (quite fitting considering where you are). Even the wallpaper is covered with small seashells and fish and it makes you chuckle. There’s an opening connected to the living area that leads directly to the kitchen, a second doorway that you assume leads to the bedrooms, and a large sliding glass door that leads to the back porch. 
Deidre saunters out of the second doorway, “C’mon, let me show you our room!” 
You frown, “Our room?”
“Yeah, there are only two bedrooms.” 
“Oh,” You take a moment to breathe in, feeling your frustration building with every passing moment as you follow her into the small hallway. You pass the first door on your right, glancing inside to find the bathroom before moving on. The next door you pass is a bedroom decorated identically to the living room, a queen sized bed crammed into the corner with a quilt covered in clownfish and seaweed and the last door is another bedroom. This bedroom is painted a bright coral pink and the theme seems to be seashells due to the seashell print on the bed’s quilt and the framed seashells above the bed. This room, although similar to the first one, is a little bit larger and the bed rests directly in the middle of the room instead of it being crammed into the corner like the first one. 
You step into the room after Deidre and toss your bags onto the floor next to the wall before throwing yourself onto the bed as you kick your shoes off. “I’m so ready to relax,” 
She hums as she unzips her large bag and begins shoveling her clothes into the top drawer of the dresser across from the bed. “Me too,” 
“I think I might go for a swim,” You turn over onto your back, lifting yourself up to sit on the edge of the bed as you look at her. “Wanna join me?” 
“As soon as i finish unpacking, I will.”
You shoot her a quick thumbs up and shove yourself off of the bed and towards your bags. Harry had set your large bag of clothes right beside the door, so you fall to your knees and pull it towards you to search for your bathing suit. 
“Go ask if Harry wants to come, too.” She adds, tossing her own bathing suit onto the bed. 
You hate her. You want to strangle her. It’s like she knows. But of course, she doesn’t. You’d never told anyone about your little crush and you planned to keep it that way. Tucking the valuable information into the very back of your mind for the rest of eternity. 
Without a word, you push yourself onto your feet and pad through the doorway, the thick carpet squishing softly beneath your bare feet. You’re hesitant to call for him at first, quietly wandering through the hallway, peering into the open doorways. Both rooms are empty, but there’s evidence of him sprawled across the bedroom. A large suitcase thrown haphazardly on the bed with clothes and shoes strewn all around it. 
 “Harry?” You continue walking, stepping out into the living room to find him lounging on the couch with the TV on in nothing but a pair of tight, black jeans, tattoos on full display. “Oh, there you are,” He looks up at you, a hint of mischief behind his virescent eyes. “Dee was wondering if you wanted to go for a swim with us.” it’s a statement, of course, but the wavering of your voice makes it sound like a question. 
“I would,” He starts, sitting up a little and reaching for the TV remote to turn down the volume. “But it looks like it’s about to rain.”
You frown, turning to the sliding glass window to find that in the short amount of time it took for you to take your bags from the car and into the house, the sky had filled with dark, fluffy clouds. 
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Thunder rumbles in the distance, droplets of rain mizzling against the windows and roof quietly as the three of you keep yourselves dry inside the beach house.
“Alright, we have Monopoly, Life, Scrabble, Cards Against Humanity, a deck of regular playing cards, Jenga, and a few puzzles.” Deidre lists as she shovels through the large chest beside the couch, labeled ‘Games’. “Which one sounds the most fun right now?” 
You curl your feet underneath you on the couch and shrug, “A puzzle sounds nice.”
She nods, turning to Harry who’s making himself a sandwich in the kitchen. “Harry?” 
“I agree with her on the puzzle.”
“Puzzle it is, then.” She concludes, grabbing the first puzzle her eyes land on and setting it on the wooden coffee table. Another fit of thunder causes the house to shiver and you sigh, silently cursing the rain for trapping you inside on the first day of vacation. 
After Harry comes back into the living room and settles onto the couch beside you, Deidre sits on the other side of the coffee table and dumps the puzzle pieces out onto it. A show you’ve never heard of plays on the TV behind her and you glance up from the puzzle every now and then to watch it as the three of you sit in silence. 
The entire evening Harry sits beside you, his arm gently nudging yours every time he reaches forward to move a puzzle piece. At first, you brush it off as an accident, barely acknowledging his presence, but when he takes it a step further and knocks a puzzle piece out of your hand, you glance in his direction to find him smiling smugly to himself. You shake your head, holding back a small smile as you return to the puzzle, finding a different piece and placing it where it belongs. Two can play at that game. 
As Harry reaches for another piece, you quickly reach over his arm and snatch the piece he was aiming for, mumbling: “Ah, here it is! I was looking for this one.” 
You can feel his gaze burning a hole into the side of your face as you hold back a laugh, a grin tugging at your lips.
“Was that necessary?” He hums thickly, keeping his gaze in your direction. 
You shrug, placing the piece into its home. “I mean, that’s the point of building a puzzle, right? Finding each piece and where it goes...” 
He smirks and shakes his head at you but doesn’t respond.
A few hours pass as the three of you work and soon, it’s dark outside and the rain has calmed to a light drizzle. Deidre yawns and stretches her arms above her head before glance at the time on her phone. 
“I think I’m gonna head to bed, it’s pretty late and long drives always make me tired.” She says through another yawn and you nod.
“Me too,” 
“Alright then, wimps,” Harry replies, “I guess I’ll just have to party by myself.”
Deidre looks at you and rolls her eyes dramatically as Harry chuckles to himself. You push yourself up from the couch, stretching your arms out above your head just like Deidre had done moments ago.
“Goodnight, Harry.” She hums, stepping around the coffee table to smack a quick kiss to his forehead before sauntering off to the bedroom. You glance behind you as you follow her, giving Harry a small wave. 
“G’night,” He mumbles softly in response and you can feel his gaze on you as you step into the hallway. Part of you thinks that maybe, just maybe, he’s checking you out.
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Warm droplets of water cascade down your bare skin as you step out of the shower, wrapping a soft towel around your body. You hum quietly to yourself, patting the towel against your skin to dry off as much as possible.
Just as you’ve finished drying yourself off, you realize you completely forgot to bring a clean change of clothes into the bathroom, so you’re just left with the dirty clothes you’d spent the entire day in. Cringing at the thought of putting the clothes back on, you decide to take your chances and slip out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around your form. 
You gather the pile of clothes into your arms after taking a moment to moisturize and brush your teeth, stepping out into the dark hallway. Suddenly, just as you’re taking another step, Harry appears at the end of the hallway, crunching loudly with a bowl of cereal in hand. He’s clothed in a thin, grey t-shirt and plaid pajama pants, fluffy socks pulled onto his feet. 
“Shit,” You gasp, eyes widening as you press the bundle of clothes to your chest harshly. 
“Oh, hey,” Harry says mid chew.
You pause, “I didn’t think you’d be awake...”
He smiles sheepishly, “Yeah, uh, I got a little hungry.”
“I can see that,” 
“I can make you a bowl if you’d like,” He offers, jutting a thumb behind his shoulder towards the kitchen.
“Harry-” You scoff, “I am quite literally standing naked in front of you right now.” 
He shrugs, chuckling to himself as his eyes flit to the ground and then back up to you. “Was just trying to be polite.” 
“Um- well, thanks, but I think I’m alright for now.” 
“Alright,” He sighs, taking another bite from his spoon, “Goodnight, then.”
“‘Night.” You murmur, watching him strut past you towards his room. You wait until the door is closed before you scurry into your own room, finding Deidre fast asleep on her side of the bed. 
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Morning comes sooner than anticipated and soon, you’re dragging yourself out of bed as Deidre snores. You’re not expecting her to get out of bed anytime soon. 
You trudge out into the kitchen with a yawn, finding Harry leaning against the countertop with his nose buried in a book. He’s in the same clothes from the night before, but instead of his hair being pulled back into a bun
“Good morning,” You smile, wrapping your arms around yourself as you step onto the cold tile. 
He glances up from his book and smiles back, tucking a bookmark between the pages before setting it down on the countertop. “Mornin’. Coffee’s almost ready if you want some. I made enough for all of us.”
“Oh, great, thank you!” 
“I went out to the shops earlier as well and got some of that coffee creamer you and Dee like,” He starts, pushing his large hand through his long, curly hair. “I know it’s been a bit since we last saw each other, but I know that she still likes it, so I assumed you do, too.”
A smile tugs at the corner of your lips as you take a clean mug from the dish rack lying beside the sink, “I actually do still like it, thank you.”
He shakes his head, “S’no problem, really.”
The coffee maker beeps twice to indicate that the coffee is finished brewing and Harry turns, reaching out for your mug. “May I?”
“Oh- yes, please,” You smile, allowing him to take the ceramic mug from your hand and pour the scalding liquid into the mug before gently placing it back into your hand. “Thanks.” 
You walk to the fridge, swinging the door open to scavenge for the creamer he’d mentioned earlier. The carton catches your eye and you snatch it from the shelf, kicking the fridge door shut before setting the mug on the counter. 
“Did I get the right kind?” Harry asks as you unscrew the cap. 
“Yep!” You smile, pouring the cream into the dark coffee, causing the two to swirl together into a thick, hazel colored liquid. You find a small spoon in one of the many drawers lining the countertop and you drop it into the liquid, stirring it momentarily before tapping off the excess liquid and placing the spoon into the sink. Glancing back up at him, you take a careful sip from your mug to test the temperature. 
“Good?” He asks, sipping from his own mug slowly. 
“Great.” You confirm, taking a larger sip as you lean your hip against the counter. 
The two of you sit in comfortable silence for a few long moments, sipping your coffee leisurely before Harry speaks. 
“Do you-” He clears his throat, “Do you want to go sit out on the back deck with our coffee? The weather’s great and the view is phenomenal.” 
He seems slightly more nervous than he had been the day before, most likely due to your brief run in that evening, but you don’t mind. “Yeah, that sounds nice!”
He nods towards the doorway with a smile, waiting for you to take the first step before following behind you through the sliding glass door. There are a few chairs settled around a small, round table, overlooking a breathtaking view of the beach where a few people are getting their morning jog in or just strolling leisurely along the shore. You slide yourself into the furthest chair, careful not to spill the hot coffee in your hand as you do so, watching Harry as he does the same. 
You wonder why, if he was paying for the entire trip, he would choose such a cheap beach house in such a rural part of this particular beach. Seeing as he was a multi millionaire, you’d assume he would choose the most expensive place to stay in the most popular area, but that obviously isn’t the case. Not that you aren’t grateful for staying there for free, because you are, you’re just curious. 
“So,” You begin, sipping your coffee for a moment before continuing. “How’s celebrity life treating you?” 
He chuckles, pushing a hand through his luscious mane, “S’not bad. Been treatin’ me pretty well, I can’t complain.”
You nod, “That’s good, I’m glad to hear it.” Pausing for a moment, you curl your feet beneath you on the chair before speaking again. “Can I ask you something?” 
He glances up from his coffee, raising his eyebrows with a nod, “Sure.” 
You take a breath, aware of the intrusiveness of your question but speaking anyways. “Dee told me you’re paying for all this,” You motion to the house with your hands, “And I’m just wondering why you chose to come here and rent this house when you have the money for something much nicer in a much nicer area.”
He thinks about it for a moment, brows furrowed in thought before he lets out a breathy laugh. “Honestly, there are a few reasons,” He clears his throat and crosses one leg over the other. “The first one is that I’m able to avoid paparazzi, for the most part, because they don’t suspect that I’d ever stay in a place like this,” He explains, using his hands to animate. “And the second one is that I like to make things as normal as possible, especially when I’m spending time with Dee. I know she would absolutely love staying in some bougie mansion with its own private beach, but I just don’t want things to be different from when we were kids, you know? I’d rather her not have the image of me being a rich asshole in her head all the time. I just want her to see me as she always has; her big brother.” 
Your heart flutters in your chest at his sentiment, the reminder of just how much he cares about his family causing certain feelings to come rushing back to you. “I- sorry, I know that was a weird question to ask... but yeah that makes sense. I didn’t really think of it that way.”
Just as you finish speaking, Deidre comes bursting wildly through the sliding glass door in her bathing suit and a large towel draped over her arm. 
“IT’S BEACH TIME, FUCKERS!!” She screams, leaping down the stairs and bolting across the dock leading to the beach. Her bare feet kick up clouds of sand as she runs across the beach, dropping her towel carelessly as she gallops into the water. 
You and Harry look at each other with wide eyes, both of you bursting into a fit of laughter at the same time. You open your mouth to speak, but Deidre beats you to it. 
You look back at Harry again, snickering. “I think we should get out there.”
He hums, “I agree.” 
You both lift yourselves out of the porch chairs, heading into the house to change into your own bathing suits. Harry, of course, offers to take your mug and clean it. 
Around ten minutes pass before you’re finally in your bathing suit stepping out onto the sand with Harry following close behind. Deidre is laying out on the sand with an arm draped over her eyes as she waits for the two of you to arrive. Since it’s still morning, there’s a bit of a nippy breeze to the air, causing goosebumps to litter your skin and shiver to travel down your spine. 
“Finally,” She breathes, pushing herself up from the towel. Harry comes up behind you and drops both of your towels onto the sand beside her along with his book from this morning. 
“S’quite nice out, innit?” He hums, resting his hands against his hips. His hair is pulled back into a bun and he’s wearing the shortest bright yellow swim trunks you’ve ever seen and you can’t help but to giggle a little. 
Deidre rolls her eyes, reaching forward and grasping your arm before dragging you with her towards the water. It’s around 10:00 am and there are a few more people on the beach than there were when you and Harry had first sat on the deck, so when you enter the water, you and Deidre aren’t the only ones there.
Though there are people on the beach, none of them seem to notice that Harry’s there. They’re all caught up in their own vacations, oblivious to the fact that a multi-millionaire celebrity is galloping into the ocean towards you like a child.
You and Deidre screech as he comes toppling into the water head first, cool water splashing around him and onto both of you. The small waves crash into your legs whilst you clamor through the water, Harry surfacing dramatically, completely soaked and absolutely gorgeous. 
“It’s fucking freezing,” You mutter under your breath, wrapping your bare arms around yourself as you trudge deeper into the water. 
“If you get wet, it won’t be as cold.” Harry retorts, adjusting the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose. 
You shake your head at him, “You’re insane,” 
Just as you speak those words, Deidre dunks herself completely under water, splashing you once again as she comes back to the surface. 
 Harry chuckles, “C’mon, you’re gonna get wet eventually.”
You ignore the subtle innuendo. “I have no intention of getting in further than here so if you really want me to go under, it’s gonna have to be done by force.”
He cocks an eyebrow from beneath his sunglasses. “Is that a challenge?”
“Don’t even think about it,” You breathe, glaring at him. 
“You really shouldn’t have said that,” Deidre snickers as Harry begins to creep towards you slowly. His eyes are hidden beneath his sunglasses but you can tell his pupils are narrowed in directly on you. 
You step back with every step he takes forward, small waves crashing into the backs of your thighs at the movement of the water. He lifts his arms slightly as he stalks toward you and you squeal, nearly stumbling backwards and toppling back into the cold water. 
“Harry, I swear to god-” You start but you’re quickly interrupted by your own shriek as he tackles you into the water. It feels as though you’ve inhaled gallons of water from the impact once you resurface, sputtering and gasping dramatically. He doubles over with laughter and Deidre cackles a few feet away. You feel like a sad, wet dog standing in the ocean as they laugh at you and you cross your arms over your chest with a huff. “I hate both of you so much.”
Harry rolls his eyes, “Oh, come onnnn, it’s not that bad.”
“My nipples could do some serious damage right now,” You growl between chattering teeth and both of them giggle. 
“Well, you’re wet now so there’s no point in not swimming with us.” Deidre shrugs, dipping back under as a wave rolls by.
You stand in silent rage for a few moments, glaring at Harry as he tries in vain not to let his eyes flicker down to your breasts. You don’t notice his eyeline wavering, though, too distracted by the brumal temperature of your body. A particularly nippy breeze attacks your damp skin and you whimper slapping your arms around your chest. 
“I’m going back to the shore. It’s way too cold for this.” You huff, the water sloshing loudly as you begin to traipse back to the shore. 
Harry watches you stumble back onto the soppy sand with a slight smirk on his pink lips and you can hear the low chuckle escape from his chest breathily. You counter his haughty chortle with a middle finger thrown up behind you, eyes trained in front of you to shield your view of him. 
Once you reach the towels you’d set out earlier, you unfold your towel and wrap it around your shoulders before plopping your ass into the sand. The chattering of your teeth subsides after a few moments and you glance to your side to find the book Harry had been reading. Curiosity fills you and you reach over, lifting it from its spot on Harry’s towel and bringing it in front of you to examine it. 
It’s a paperback, the cover an off-white cardstock with a simple design of a bleeding heart, impaled by an arrow on the front. The title reads “The Course of Love, a novel by Alain De Botton” and a smile tugs at the corner of your lips. You never would have assumed that he would be such a romantic.
You turn to the first chapter titled “Infatuations”, scanning it briefly and landing on the small, italicized paragraph in the middle that reads, “A marriage doesn’t begin with a proposal, or even an initial meeting. It begins far earlier, when the idea of love is born, and more specifically the dream of a soul mate.” 
“Insightful.” You mutter to yourself, eyebrows raised in understanding before fanning the pages to scour the book further. 
As you scan the blur of pages, you find that there are words scrawled all over the margins of the paper, words frantically underlined like they’d been scribbled whilst he was in a hurry. Your thumb lands approximately a fourth of the way into the book, a small photograph slipping from the spine and into your lap as you open it. It’s a photo of him, Deidre, Gemma (their older sister) and Anne (their mother) all cuddled up together on Anne’s couch with warm smiles on their faces. Their smiles are almost identical to each other as well as their features and, in a way, it comforts you. 
You glance back up from the photo to the page of the book, your eyes immediately landing on an underlined sentence from the italicized section. It reads, “When two people belong together, there is simply--at long last--a wondrous reciprocal feeling that both parties see the world in precisely the same way.” You suck in a breath at the words for a moment but a sudden droplet of water landing on the page pulls you from your stupor.
“I see you’ve found my book,” Harry’s voice belows above you and you snap your head in his direction as he shakes his dripping wet hair. 
You nestling the photo back into the spine of the book before shutting it and smiling up at him sheepishly. “Sorry, I- it was just sitting there and I got curious.”
“S’alright, I don’t mind,” He shrugs, reaching for his towel and wrapping it around himself. “What’d you think?”
“Oh- I only read a couple sentences,” You mutter, tightening the towel around yourself. “But from what I did read, it seemed quite insightful.” 
“Oh, yeah?” He quirks an amused eyebrow at you.
“Yeah,” You chuckle, “Very elegant and sophisticated.” 
“Mmm.” He hums, nodding his head in agreement. 
Your bottom lip slips between your teeth to hold back a grin as you glance away from him towards the water. Your eyes land on a group of people standing around Deidre in the shallow water directly across from you. You frown, “What’s Dee gotten herself into?” 
He takes a swig from the metal bottle of water he’d brought with him before speaking, “Made herself some new friends, I guess.” 
You study them for a moment, watching her laugh heartily at one of the guys’ jokes and pursing your lips together. Wherever the two of you went, she was always capable of making friends. Her natural charm could sweep anyone off their feet and it endlessly left you feeling like an extra wheel. You know she doesn’t mean to leave you out of things, she never has any sort of malicious intent, but you’re both so different from each other that it constantly feels like you’re left in the dust.
You glance away from the group, looking back in Harry’s direction to distract yourself from the intrusive thoughts filling your mind.
 “So, um, what’re your opinions on it?” You start again, clearing your throat quietly. “The book, I mean.”
He smiles as he skillfully tosses his sopping hair into a messy bun, “I like it. S’actually the second time I’ve read it.”
Your eyebrows quirk at that, “Really?”
He nods, tilting his body closer to you and bending one of his legs up against his chest. “Yeah.”
You laugh, “What do you expect from that?” 
“What, like, do I expect it to change?” You nod silently in response and he shrugs. “I mean- no, it’s just… comforting, in a way.” 
“Comforting,” You repeat to yourself. “I guess that makes sense.”
“It also kind of helps me retain the information better, you know?” He continues, mindlessly digging his fingers into the damp sand. 
“Yeah, I understand,” You reply softly, “Do you do that with all the books you read?”
He nods, “More or less.”
There’s an abrupt screech, followed by a few animated giggles and both of you look up at the sound. Deidre is running towards the two of you happily, a wide smile spread across her face as she skids to a stop in front of you. 
“I’m gonna go get lunch with these guys,” She chokes, out of breath from the short jog over. “Do either of you wanna come?”
You glance behind her at the group as they watch her for a moment and then you turn your head back to her. “You go ahead, I think I’ll just stay back here.”
Her expression falls a little and she sighs, turning to Harry with a hopeful look. He looks at you for a moment and then peers back up at her. 
“Think m’gonna do the same. Have fun, though.” He smiles and you nod along with him. 
She sighs again, reaching down and yanking her towel from the sand. “Alright, well, I’m gonna go change and then I’ll be heading out with them for a couple hours.”
You watch as she calls back to them that she’ll “be right back” before galloping back up to the house with her towel dragging behind her. 
“You could’ve gone with them if you wanted to, you know,” You say quietly. “I’m alright by myself.”
He shakes his head, “No, no, s’not really my scene anyways.”
You stay silent after that, watching the repetitive roll of the waves in a mindless state. Deidre returns in a matter of minutes, a loose dress tossed over her bathing suit, her long, dark hair tied into a high ponytail fluttering behind her as she prances. 
“See ya!” She calls after you. 
“Be careful!” You call in response and then she’s gone, engulfed into the group just like she had been before.
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taglist: @first-one-that-i-see @harryandthatgayvodka @summertimestyles @bopbopstyles @harrysclementines @emsthoughts @theresthingsthatwellneverknow @clorenafila @harries-gayvodka @dmcupcakexo @glitterwhore @harryspinkshoelace @lovemenowseemenever @happydays @sisters-of-the-mo0n @shut-up-and-smile @fallingslowlyforu @slytherinambitious @moonlightmaliksblog @cocoamoonmalfoy @harryspirate @sunflowers-styles @sunflower6why​ @harrys-bitch​
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sugako · 4 years ago
after class
ta!suga x f!reader cw: 18+ mdni, college au, alcohol consumption mention (not during the main plot), dubcon (bc of power imbalance & suga coming on VERY strong), oral (giving), facefucking, public sex (no one sees), teasing (receiving), blink once & u miss it degradation, fingering (receiving), quickie/rough sex, unprotected sex wc: 2.5k+ a/n: here is my wee lit ta suga brainrot ,, boy do i hate academia but wow do i like writing shit in a college setting
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It was just a literature class, an enjoyable one at that. Yet, every time you walked through the door, the dull thump of your heart sped up. Hovering nearby, he was almost always there, not that you really minded. Maybe your mind was clouded with romantic thoughts because of the room - it was in the oldest part of campus and it showed with the cozy wooden walls and a stained chalkboard at the front of the room.
The nostalgia encouraged by the soft, warm light that streamed through the windows only made your longing more intense. He looked like you imagined a tricky mythical being to look, all sweet and inviting on the outside while fierce and feral inwardly. About a week into class he revealed his true self when reviewing - or rather tearing into - everyone's essays.
You noticed his eyes first. They way they lingered on you when he stepped in to lecture, flitted around your face and down your body, lit up when he went on a tangent about a theme he particularly enjoyed. Even though your mind sometimes wandered, everything was still outwardly appropriate. You called him by his last name like he asked, he called on you appropriately, answered your emails and graded your papers just like anyone else's.
One mistake-filled Friday night you made the mistake of following your friends to the nearest bar, and there he was. Face flushed with happy tears in his eyes he stood up at the bar with some of his friends. When his eyes fell on you the gears slowly turning in his head were visible.
He rushed over, chest pressed tightly against his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around you and ushered you up the counter.
“So good to see you!” He whispered, lips brushing against the shell of your ear. You knew it was wrong, you tried so hard to tell yourself it was wrong, but he wasn’t much older than you and you weren’t in class now so what difference did it make, you reasoned. Besides, he was drunk and you had a drink in you already and he smelled so nice… “...too, but don’t tell anyone.”
“Huh?” You barely heard him over the roar of the crowd around you and the music vibrating off the walls.
“Heh, nothing,” he shrugged, “I’m gonna buy you a shot, you deserve it after that last essay. Very well thought out.” Being overly crisp in his words to achieve some kind of comedic affect you assumed. He leaned slightly into the counter, bringing you with him, and quickly ordered. Within minutes the bartender had placed the clear shots before you. “Okay, sweetheart,” he said, clinking his small glass against yours, sending half of his shot onto the floor.
It burned like always, but you held back your reaction, lips barely pursing as you set the glass back down.
“Thanks,” you started, unraveling yourself from his warm body, “I gotta get back to my friends, but it was nice seeing you.” You said softly, some little part not wanting to leave him.
Suga held you out by your waist and nodded once. “Good to know you can take rough things so well, go on then.” He says with a little push.
His words confusingly haunt you for a moment before you realize he’s talking about the ‘rough’ shot you just took, even if the wording was crude. The rest of the night you agonize over what he meant. “Good to know you can take rough things.” But by next Monday, it’s as if it never happened. He carries on in class like normal and so do you, until a week later.
He’s handing back quiz scores at the end of class, conveniently leaving you until last. The way he sped through lecture today, there’s about ten minutes left and, with no professor around this day to stop him, he dismisses everyone early. Except you.
“Can you actually stay behind a few minutes? I just want to talk about your answers.” When fear flashes across your eyes, he chuckles easily just like he was back at the bar and your heartbeat only speeds up. “Nothing bad, I’m just interested in your answers.” In tense silence, the two of you stand, waiting until the last student has made their way out.
“So which question-”
“Actually, I think there’s a better way for you to improve your score.” He grins devilishly, getting up from his spot beside you to fully close the door. Suddenly the room feels very stuffy and you’re very aware of everything around you. It makes your stomach turn, you’re not sure if it’s in a good way or a bad way, but you weather through and take a deep breath.
“I’m not trying to be rude, but I’m comfortable with the score I got.”
“I know, I know, you did very well.” He soothes while he makes his way back over just to lean precariously against the very tiny desk attached beside you. “It’s just… I know you try so hard, you pay attention to me more than anyone in this class. I think you deserve extra credit just for that.”
“Oh, well, thank you.” You struggle out, trying to find the words. Brain racing, you have no clue what to make of the situation. It seems like he has everything planned out, scripted, and you’re just blindly following along like a lost, little lamb.
“You know, I notice how you blush and smile sometimes when I lecture, and you take notes just so well while I’m speaking. I mean it’s very cute, don’t get me wrong, but you pay even better attention to me than you do your own professor.” He scoffs.
The way your chest is rising and falling is visible now, you’re sure he can see it through the thin material of your little sundress. “Sorry, you’re just always so excited I guess I get caught up, but umm… are you sure there isn’t another class coming in, I jus-”
“No,” he says sternly, “there’s not another class in this room for hours. But why be worried about something like that?” Suga asks with a small, knowing smile.
“I-I, uh, well I don’t know, I just thought… just making sure I g-guess.” You sputter out, quivering voice betraying yourself.
“What did you think I meant?” He asks evenly, the smile slipping from his features. Like a fish gasping for air, your mouth bobs open and shut, struggling to find the words or maybe a lie, but he doesn’t let you. He closes the tight space between the two of you with a short kiss that you immediately sigh into.
Pleased with your relaxed reaction, he pulls away almost at once, dropping your quiz from his hands onto the floor in between you. Mind spinning, you’ve barely registered the kiss before you’re crouching down to pick up the paper.
“Oh, thank you. You’re so kind.” He says plainly, placing a hand over your shoulder.
“No problem,” you begin while you start to rise, only to be stopped by his tightening grip on you.
“Sorry, you just look so pretty down there.” He coos, taking his hand away when you relax onto your knees and place the papers back down. You don’t know what to think, especially with his noticeable bulge so directly within eyesight. You want to be here, you can’t stop thinking about how his lips felt in that brief moment or what lies beneath his pants, but you can’t help feeling a little guilty. The sound of a zipper snaps you back to the reality where you’re on your knees in front of your TA.
“I, um…”
“You can do whatever you want right now, sweetheart.” The nickname he gave you at the bar makes heat surge through your veins. “But I want you to know if you chose to stay here and to touch me, I’m not gonna hold back, mmkay?”
Taking a deep, swallowing breath you nod quickly, fingers grappling at the pale blue waistband of his boxer briefs. “I understand,” you whisper out, “I want you.”
“Okay, princess, don’t say I didn’t-” His big talk is cut off when you mouth over him through the soft fabric, licking over the tiny wet stain he’s produced. “Oh,” he chuckles meanly, “so hungry for my cock, huh?”
Nodding deftly, you tug down on the waistband, letting his length slap against his clothed abdomen. He’s pretty, neatly trimmed, and pale but with a pretty, pink tip that makes you clench around nothing. The way his thighs are tensed under his slacks, you know he’s holding back, and you don’t want to make him wait any longer.
At a careful pace, you take him into your hand, pumping gently while you guide him into your mouth. When the salty taste of his precum hits your tongue he snaps. His hands bury into the back of your neck, holding you exactly in place when he shallowly pumps himself into you. Painfully, you relax your jaw, letting him use you while big tears well up in the corners of your eyes from the sting.
Over and over again his cock hits the back of your throat, gliding past the mess of spit that’s built up in your mouth. He feels so right, so good and all you can think about is him. Your nails dig into his legs, trying to find some purchase in the smooth material of his pants.
He watches as you keep your eyes trained up on him, admiring the spit already spattered across your cheeks. “So messy, sweetheart, you’re adorable.” He says just loud enough for you to hear over his unrelenting pace.
It’s hard to understand him with how hard you’re focusing on sucking in his cock while he fucks into you. “Always knew your pretty mouth was good for more than answering stupid questions.” Suga grunts, shuddering when your throat spasms around him, and swiftly pulling out.
Panting for a bit of air, you heave on the floor, upper half only held up by the loose grip you have on his thighs. Before you can catch your breath, he’s dragging you back onto your feet and facing your body away from his. A heavy hand forces your chest down against the tiny desk before you and his feet kick yours apart.
“Wore this cute, little dress for me?” He asks, flipping up the skirt and palming over your ass.
“N-no, I had a, uh, presentation today.” You try to say, the lie evident with how heavy the words weigh on your tongue.
“Oh, shut up,” he laughs, “I know this is the only class you have today, you told me that weeks ago.” He hums, fingers toying with the edge of your underwear, moving them around across your skin this way and that until he finally pulls them down. “And you wore these slutty panties just for me too. Probably thought about touching yourself after class while you thought about me instead. Isn’t this much better though?”
“Yeah, a lot better.” You squeak as his fingers force your thighs farther apart, meeting you aching cunt just to spread your slick around.
“Your panties are ruined, completely soaked. Must have been thinking about me all class I bet.”
“N-no,” but before you can argue he presses two fingers into you, scissoring them inside of you.
“Uh-huh, sure.” He replies and you can hear the eye roll in his tone. Again, his free hand presses between your shoulder blades, squishing you harshly against the desk. With a little sigh, he takes his fingers away from you and uses both hands to perfectly position your hips for himself. “Ready, sweetheart?” He asks sweetly, pressing his tip against your entrance.
“Yes, please, please fuck me!” You cry, finally crumbling before him and burning with need.
He’s so close now you can feel him, the want that’s built up in your brain over the last couple months is nearly unbearable now. You feel his fingers curl into the flesh around your hips just before he eagerly sinks into you. Involuntarily, you let out a shaky gasp, biting the inside of your cheek to keep from crying out.
“Relax for me princess,” he grunts, partially enjoying how tightly you’re clamped around him, “this isn’t an exam.”
It’s impossible to think of a witty retort or even a weak one while you shake around his cock, desperate for him to fill you up. On their own accord, you hips twitch back trying to meet him fully, but he only laughs and keeps you in place.
“I was gonna go easy on you, but since you seem to want me so bad…” he trailed off, slowly dragging himself out, the weight of his cock heavy against your gummy walls, “...you can have me.” His final word is punctuated by a harsh snap of his hips that fills you to the brim.
All you can muster is a broken, little whimper as his thighs continually smack against your backside while he fucks you into the desk. Any regard or concern you had for the world of students or staff outside the thin walls of this room was gone and it appeared his was as well. The wet squelching smacks of your bodies meeting bounced around the walls, the thin carpet failing to dampen much of any noise at all.
Through all of your spasms and twitches his pace was unrelenting. “Go ahead and touch yourself,” he said when he noticed the way your fingers danced around, obviously preoccupied, “wanna feel your pretty, little cunt cum.”
Managing out a little sound of agreement, you quickly wedge your wrist under your body, trying your best to circle your needy clit while he’s ramming you back and forth. It doesn’t take long before your sobbing out, hips rutting against his, feeling the coil deep inside draw you closer and closer to the edge. You keep your fingers in time with his motions, making quick work of your own pleasure, not holding back when you feel the last bit of resistance before your fall.
With a short, choked cry you’re gushing around him, convulsing around his cock while he slows just enough, his own thrusts getting suddenly out of time.
“Good girl.” He groans, a brief surge of pride and energy pushing him to his own finish line, the way you’re still periodically clamping down around him certainly being of some help. “I’m gonna ruin this perfect pussy.” He barely manages to mumble out before he’s holding you deep and close, his cock twitching deep inside of you just before his cum shoots against your walls.
“Feel so good.” You sigh, fully relaxing into his touch, the sleepy haze of your orgasm overtaking your senses. As he comes down from his high, he massages your shoulders, slumping over your own exhausted body and wrapping his arms around your middle. You don’t miss how his fingers cradle just under your breasts, kneading lightly.
“I think,” he starts, still very much out of breath, “we’ll need a couple tutoring sessions, just to clear up everything.”
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